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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
There’s No Wind on the Moon, So How Does Dust Shift and Swirl So Quickly?
This is an image of the Reiner Gamma lunar swirl from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.Credits: NASA LRO WAC science team
There’s No Wind on the Moon, So How Does Dust Shift and Swirl So Quickly?
The last place to look for windstorms is on the Moon. Yet, it has swirls on its surface that look like the wind put them there. Since there’s no atmosphere on the Moon, planetary scientists had to look for another cause. It turns out there’s a connection to local magnetic anomalies and an interplay with lunar topography.
Swirls are albedo patterns on the Moon’s surface and they’ve kept planetary scientists debating their cause for years. They’re visible from Earth, although it wasn’t until 1966 that the NASA Lunar Orbiter II managed to get a clear image of one. One of the largest, Reiner Gamma, is visible through an amateur telescope.
A new study by scientists at the Planetary Science Institute, led by planetary scientist Deborah Domingue, examined the texture of the surface where these swirls appear. They looked at a spot in Mare Ingenii using photometric analysis to determine the cause. That technique takes into account how material scatters light and how those scattering properties change as the illumination (angle of the sunlight to the surface) and viewing (position of your spacecraft) geometries change.
Closeups in Mare Ingenii of topology where lunar swirls are created by highly mobile regolith, deposited by more than one process. Courtesy PSI.
Changing Ideas about Lunar Swirls
Over the years, lunar observers have come up with several explanations for these weird markings. Cometary impacts might send swirls of dust across the surface. Such collisions might also explain the magnetic anomalies associated with the swirls.
It’s also highly likely that the solar wind plays a role. It’s a frequent occurrence and could explain why some swirls seem to change more quickly over time. In this case, a magnetic anomaly protects light-colored regolith (lunar surface materials), which could be exposed silicates. This explains the swirling pattern, as shielded material would be brighter than materials outside the magnetic field. However, the spectral properties don’t always match those of shielded materials.
A reprocessed Lunar Orbiter II image of Mare Ingenii. Courtesy James Stuby, CC0.
It could be that magnetic fields segregate and trap electrostatically levitated dust. It’s the smallest size of all lunar dust and made of minerals brighter than the larger sizes of dust grains. Those bigger ones are more difficult to move electrostatically. The darker dust includes small inclusions of nanometer-scale iron. It’s more likely to get magnetically separated and deposited in the dark areas of the swirls. Ironically, one way to produce this nanometer-scale iron is by solar wind radiation.
Related to that is an idea that says weak electric fields created by interactions with the magnetic anomalies and solar wind plasma could attract or repel fine dust particles. Another theory, proposed by scientists in 2022 says that topography may also play a role in the placement of the swirls.
Lunar swirl region near Firsov Crater, as seen from Apollo 10. Courtesy NASA.
Using Photometric Analysis
What the team found with their photometric analysis study is that the grain-to-grain roughness was similar across the swirl region. However, the soil in the dark lanes has grains with a more complicated structure. In addition, they found that the composition between the bright and dark areas is different, following the expectations from dust collection and segregation.
Domingue thinks they may have a better feel for the origins of these strange swirls now. “The evidence, which includes recent correlation of topographic lows with the bright areas of the swirls, tells a story that more than one process is involved in their formation”, she said. “We definitely see evidence that the bright areas are less radiated, but this doesn’t explain all the properties of the swirls. Something else is operating, and the textures suggest dust collection and segregation are part of the tale.”
Yellow Light Over Yard In Indiana, 8-23-2023, UFO Sighting News.
Yellow Light Over Yard In Indiana, 8-23-2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 23, 2023
Location of sighting: Indiana, USA Source: MUFON
This video just in. A security house cam caught a glowing yellow light hovering over a house in Indiana last week. The object looks like a UFO hovering over the area, possibly there to abduct a person to do experiments on. I really wonder if something happened to the people in the neighbors house, the light might actually be over it and an abduction by aliens may have taken place. I really wish we could question the people in that house. I would bet money something odd was seen, heard, or remembered from that night.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
A greenish yellow light I can't explain came from above and speeds off at an incredible speed.
The Kumburgaz UFO Sightings: The Most Compelling Evidence Yet?
The Kumburgaz UFO Sightings: The Most Compelling Evidence Yet?
When it comes to UFO sightings, few incidents have captivated researchers and skeptics alike as much as the Kumburgaz UFO sightings in Turkey. These mysterious events, which spanned from 2007 to 2009, were captured in several hours of footage by a night guard named Yalcin Yalman. Yet, despite its in-depth analysis by experts and debunkers, this case remains largely unexplained. What sets the Kumburgaz UFO sightings apart from other well-known encounters? Is this the most compelling evidence of extraterrestrial life yet? Let’s delve in and find out.
The Man Behind The Camera
Yalcin Yalman, a security guard by profession, is not your typical UFO hunter. In the Kumburgaz UFO incident, Yalman managed to capture several hours of inexplicable footage over the years. Remarkably, his footage has evaded debunking. So how did he do it?
Yalman employed a Canon camera with a 200mm lens to capture the elusive objects. Notably, he chose to turn off the LCD screen to save battery, using his naked eye to line up the camera before zooming in. He couldn’t actually see what he was capturing until he reviewed the footage later. Moreover, his conversations during the filming, largely in Turkish, lend authenticity to his videos. His dialogues mostly revolve around tracking the objects and confirming their movements with a buddy.
Debunking Attempts: The Cruise Ship Theory and More
One of the most discussed aspects of the Kumburgaz UFO sightings is the attempts to debunk them. Metabunk, a popular debunking website, investigated the case, including the much-talked-about cruise ship theory. This theory proposes that the lights Yalman captured were actually from cruise ships. However, Metabunk’s investigations found no evidence of cruise ships in the area during the sightings. Furthermore, Yalman’s footage of the moon’s phases in the background matches the date and time, which makes tampering less likely.
Intriguing Details: Changing Shapes and Lights
What makes this case particularly intriguing is the observed changes in shapes and lights of the unidentified objects. In the footage, you can hear Yalman and his friend express amazement as the objects change shape before their eyes. These changes are highly intricate and synchronized, almost as if part of a controlled mechanism. Could these changing lights represent some sort of plasma engine technology that we are yet to discover?
The Unresolved Mystery
Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the Kumburgaz UFO sightings is that despite hours of footage and extensive analysis, no one has successfully debunked them. The complexity of the observed shapes and lights, and the lack of any logical explanations for what they could be, make this one of the most compelling UFO sightings to date.
The Kumburgaz UFO sightings remain an enigmatic piece in the vast puzzle of UFO lore. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, the case offers food for thought and continues to spark debates more than a decade after the incidents. As Yalman’s footage stands the test of time, one can’t help but wonder—could this be the evidence that finally makes us question what we think we know about extraterrestrial life?
Turkey UFO has amazing footage and has not been debunked! 3 years of similar MASS sightings w Video
Some researchers believe that there was once a highly developed culture on Earth. But as a result of unknown circumstances, civilization was destroyed. This is evidenced by archaeological finds that cannot be explained from the scientific point of view of modern society. There is a theory that in the past, our planet was visited by alien representatives who shared their knowledge and technologies with people, so maybe they donated incredible technologies thousands of years ago, but then these technologies brought humanity to the brink of extinction.
Some people claim that our ancestors used so advanced technologies that in our time, it is difficult to imagine them. But some of the modern technologies may have been borrowed from the past, although almost no one knows about it. You may have heard of the ancient nuclear war hypothesis or ancient flying vehicles, which can also be found in ancient texts. It is said that our ancestors could even move in space and had knowledge about the universe that surpasses all modern knowledge.
A 450-page manuscript was examined in 1963 by Romanian engineer Doru Todericiu in Sibiu’s national archive (former Hermannstadt). Todericiu examined the manuscript’s scientific and technological substance before classifying it as a work on various artillery and ballistics difficulties, despite the fact that it had previously been known as such. He learned that Conrad Haas, the author of the manuscript’s third section, had written about some amazing concepts related to rocketry.
The Sibiu manuscript does not fit into the present history, so it draws increased attention. There aren’t many details available concerning Conrad Haas’s life. He was born not far from Vienna in Dornbach. He worked for the Imperial court of Vienna as an artillery guard and commissioned officer. He most likely traveled to Transylvania in 1551 with Imperial forces to fulfill this role, when he took the position of chief of the artillery camp at the Hermannstadt arsenal.
He penned the manuscript between 1529 and 1569, and it appears to contain, among other things, the earliest explanation of the multistage rocket’s basic operating principle. He talks about bundling rockets, stabilizing fins, and employing liquid fuel as well as describing and showing two and three-stage rockets.
The Sibiu manuscript is written in German. Many people believe that it was written using some even more ancient texts. The manuscript texts describe in detail the principles of rocketry, and there are also drawings of models of space three-stage rocket. The document contains a description of technologies for combining fireworks with weapons and even the construction of a hang glider, as well as instructions for creating fuel mixtures as liquid rocket fuel.
3-Stage Space Rockets description in Sibiu Manuscript
What’s more, there are references to flights to the moon. According to researchers from Romania, the manuscript contains stories about a man who was able to get to the Earth’s satellite due to a unique flying machine. There are also descriptions of prehistoric fuel, which consisted of several rare elements. The rockets of this type were later launched at Cape Kennedy and used by cosmonauts in the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.
It looks like this chronicler visited the future world. The handwritten text of Sibiu is quite long as it consists of 450 pages. It is known that the Sibiu manuscript is genuine and the experts do not doubt this, but they are in no hurry to comment on the contents of this text.
It could be claimed that this case is just science fiction if researchers of anticity did not find other strange texts and technologies. In addition, multiple artifacts found by archaeologists confirm that our ancestors were much more civilized than modern historians imagine. Manuscripts such as Sibiu have the potential to change the way people think about our history.
Description of a rocket by Conrad Haas
It remains a mystery whether Haas succeeded in using his designs and bringing them to life. However, there are people who claim that a rocket was launched in Sibiu in 1550. It is believed that Conrad Haas created the first rocket. According to Haas, it took him more than 25 years to develop a unique aircraft. The biggest challenge, in this case, was the search for a fuel that would be sufficient to lift it into the air.
The main focus of the paper is the fuel issue. In addition to the conventional powder components of saltpeter, sulfur, and coal, Haas also used “brandy”, with the help of which the thrust development of the rockets was to be increased: “Again, take a little crushed powder and pour in enough brandy to make a little dough. Then take it and paint the little chamber (= rocket chamber) together with the little hole (= ignition hole) on the rocket by heart.” Haas also tried and used other “fuels” – significantly, the missile’s purpose dictated the particular fuel combination.
In summary, one can say that the following developmental solutions and developments can be attributed to Conrad Haas:
Multistage and cluster rocket
Arrangement of fuel sets in stage rockets
Use of different fuel mixtures depending on the rocket type, performance, area of application and design
Use of liquid fuel
delta-shaped stabilizing fins
Anticipating the idea of the modern spaceship
Although Conrad Haas designed weapons to kill, he secretly believed in basic human values. His basic humanistic attitude is particularly clear from the following statement: “But my advice is more peace and no war, leave the rifles under the roof, so the bullet won’t be fired, the powder won’t be burned wet, so the prince kept his money, the gun master his life; that is the advice Conrad Haas does.”
The technical characteristics of the rocket are similar to those of modern vehicles. It was made of wooden parts covered with a layer of special stone dust, which was supposed to protect the body from burning when rubbed against the air. Contemporaries note that in the 16th century, researchers did not know the intricacies of physical processes in the air, which is why scientists could receive information from aliens.
In addition, from his youth, he was engaged in research on ancient writings found in the territory of modern Egypt. A mission to the Moon could take place in 1550. But there is no documentary evidence to support all these claims.
Lady Sala Shabazz, the founder of the Black Inventions Museum who passed away on March 28, 2002 said once: “… Unfortunately, the individuals who are commissioned to write textbooks many times exhibited prejudice and omitted other historical information. In an effort to cover large spans of time, they have briefed history and left out so many other important facts and that’s something that many people have not been aware of.”
The city of Sibiu is known to many of us because it is the birthplace of Hermann Oberth, considered to be one of three fathers of rocketry and modern astronautics. Additionally, there is a dedicated document (ID 19770026087) in the NASA archives about the Sibiu manuscript.
Nick Pope, who previously ran the UK government’s UFO project, was reflecting on findings by Harvard’s ‘alien-hunting’ professor Avi Loeb that suggest small spherules recovered from a meteorite originated from beyond the solar system – the first time any such materials have been studied.
During two weeks in June, Professor Loeb led a team of scientists on an expedition in the Pacific Ocean to find the spherules, formed when the meteorite IM1 passed through Earth’s atmosphere and crashed into the sea on January 8, 2014.
Hundreds of spherules were collected from the crash site and analysed alongside control materials to determine whether the materials were of local origin.
However, the rare abundance of beryllium (Be), lanthanum (La), and uranium (U), named BeLaU, not only suggest the spherules aren’t from Earth, but show they are unlike any other meteorite seen before.
Professor Loeb’s study has not yet been peer reviewed, but writing on his Medium blog he said: ‘Wonderful news! For the first time in history, scientists analysed materials from a metre-size object that originated from outside the solar system.’
Nick Pope has said the discovery could ‘change the world’ (Picture: Jesse Grant/Getty)
Last year, US Space Command, part of the Department of Defense, confirmed IM1 was of interstellar origin due to its ‘unbound hyperbolic orbit’ – meaning it was not orbiting around the Sun, but merely passing by.
However, neither the government nor Professor Loeb have confirmed whether or not IM1 is natural in origin.
Discussing the spherules’ make-up, the professor said: ‘A more exotic possibility is that this unfamiliar abundance pattern, with uranium being nearly a thousand times more abundant than the standard solar system value, may reflect an extraterrestrial technological origin.’
Speaking to after the findings were released, broadcaster and journalist Mr Pope said: ‘While I’m not a scientist, this appears to be a tremendous discovery.
‘We already knew – from US Space Command – that IM1 was almost certainly of interstellar origin, and the fact that the anomalous results were obtained in runs [areas] that crossed IM1’s calculated path, and not in the control samples, seems to confirm the material is indeed interstellar – as does the unusual composition of the spherules in terms of beryllium, lanthanum and uranium.
‘This sounds like a potentially Nobel Prize-winning discovery in and of itself, and while further analysis will be needed to determine if the material is natural or artificial, the latter would prove that there are other civilizations out there, which would make this the most significant scientific discovery in history.
‘While we’ll have to await peer review, it does seem that this is a potentially world-changing discovery that gives us a tantalising glimpse of what a planet outside our solar system might be like.’
The recovered metallic beads – measuring up to 0.7mm in diameter – were analysed in Germany, Papua New Guinea and two universities in the US (Picture: Avi Loeb)
IM1, also known as CNEOS 2014-01-08 by Nasa’s Centre for Near Earth Object Studies, was detected by the Catalina Sky Survey travelling at 28 miles per second, much faster than other meteors.
Speaking earlier this month, Professor Loeb said the metallic beads, which measure up to 0.7mm in diameter, could be alien technology.
‘There is a chance that it’s artificial – that it’s a spacecraft,’ he said.
The professor’s interest in interstellar bodies was initially piqued by the arrival of Oumuamua, a curious cigar-shaped object that did not appear to look or behave like a normal comet.
An artist’s impression of Oumuamua
(Picture: Getty/iStockphoto)
Professor Loeb proposed it may be a ‘light sail’, a thin metallic sheet that acts like a sail, but using sunlight instead of wind, designed by an alien civilisation.
More recently however others have suggested that while Oumuamua was also of interstellar origin, hailing from outside the solar system, it was most likely a comet.
Triangle Over Coppercliff, Ontario, Canada Aug 28, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Triangle Over Coppercliff, Ontario, Canada Aug 28, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 28, 2023 Location of sighting: Coppercliff, Ontario, Canada Source: MUFON
This UFO was caught a few days ago and it's just mind boggling since similar craft have been seen over the UK and US. England calls it the Dudley Dorito due to its triangle shape. I added light to the screenshots to bring out the true shape. This is undeniable proof that aliens exist.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
I went outside behind my house and seen a very bright light in the sky. It hovered closer and closer and you were able to see a triangle shape pass over us. It had three points and a spinning object in the middle with seemed to be green and red lights.
Grey Alien photographed walking alongside river in Tarija, Bolivia?
Grey Alien photographed walking alongside river in Tarija, Bolivia?
An intriguing photograph taken along the banks of the Pilcomayo River in Tarija, Bolivia has ignited a buzz across social media, with speculations swirling about a potentially extraterrestrial being.
Image credit: NOTIVISIÓN
Amid the growing uncertainty and the need for clarity regarding the image's authenticity, NOTIVISIÓN sought the perspective of an expert in UFOlogy. The renowned ufologist, Javier Carlos Cordero, known for his experience in the study of extraterrestrial sightings and phenomena, shared his analysis of the enigmatic image reports news outlet reduno.
Cordero shed light on the possible nature of the mysterious being, stating, "At the edge of the Pilcomayo River, you can observe this figure walking or moving. In the photo, there's a semi-transparent entity with elongated limbs, characteristics that align with what's commonly known as a 'gray being.'"
However, Cordero approached the matter with caution, refraining from hasty conclusions and emphasized the need for a thorough investigation before reaching any verdicts. “ This image must undergo a process of analysis through a filter that determines its authenticity and whether it has been subjected to digital manipulation. Only then can we discern whether we are dealing with genuine evidence or an edited product,” added Cordero, stressing the importance of a rigorous approach.
The Tarija region has seen previous instances of unidentified flying objects and inexplicable entities. The area's abundance of minerals and potential dimensional portals may be linked. The historical context is also significant, including the reevaluation of the Mecoya case from May 6, 1978, involving sightings of craft and similar beings.
Image credit: NOTIVISIÓN
The image of a potential encounter with an extraterrestrial being continues to defy conventional explanation, leaving the community both intrigued and anxious for the conclusions of the ongoing investigation.
Unidentified and Unforgettable: Stunning UFO Sighting Over Coppercliff, Ontario!
Unidentified and Unforgettable: Stunning UFO Sighting Over Coppercliff, Ontario!
Just two days ago, the skies above Coppercliff, Ontario, became the canvas for one of the most jaw-droppingTriangle UFO sightings we’ve heard about in a long time! This isn’t your run-of-the-mill blurry footage; we’re talking about a triangular aircraft, roughly the size of an apartment building, with spinning lights at each of its tips!
What Happened During This UFO Sighting?
On the evening of August 28, 2023, a resident of Coppercliff stepped outside behind their house and saw a singularly bright light hanging in the sky. Curiosity turned to awe as the light drew nearer, revealing its true form: a gargantuan triangle floating in the sky, eerily silent.
Witness report
The most mesmerizing part? Each tip of this triad featured rotating lights, oscillating between shades of green and red. The bizarre, spinning centerpiece illuminated the craft, lending an almost ethereal aura to the sighting.
Coppercliff, located in the Greater Sudbury area, is no stranger to odd phenomena. The town’s proximity to large bodies of water like Ramsey Lake and vast forests has made it a somewhat frequent location for reports of unidentified flying objects in years past. While some attribute these sightings to military tests or natural atmospheric conditions, others believe that something far more mysterious is at play.
Why This UFO Sighting Stands Out?
Unusual Shape: The triangle shape is not typical for standard aircraft or drones, marking it as a unique UFO sighting.
Size Matters: Eyewitness reports suggest the UFO was the size of an apartment building. That’s not something you can easily write off!
Colorful Display: The green and red spinning lights add a layer of complexity that’s unlike any conventional aircraft lighting systems.
What Experts Say
Experts are often hesitant to validate UFO sightings as extraterrestrial occurrences. Nonetheless, this particular sighting’s highly unusual characteristics have even skeptics scratching their heads. Could it be a new type of military aircraft, or did Coppercliff just play host to visitors from another world?
Whether you’re a skeptic or a full-fledged UFO enthusiast, there’s no denying that this latest incident in Coppercliff is worth your attention. And we’re here to make sure you stay updated on all such fascinating UFO sightings. Got your own story to share? Let us know, because the truth is out there, and it might just be hovering over Coppercliff, Ontario!
UFOs may be 'unfriendly' advanced technology, according toNasa experts.
Unidentified Flying Objects have been in popular culture since at least the 1950s.
While many believe they could be the result of alien life, some experts believe there may be other explanations and could be aircraft from hostile nations.
Dr Thomas Zurbuchen, Nasa's longest-serving associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, said he remains convinced there is something out there after reading to numerous reports and speaking to witnesses, The Telegraph reported.
Although, he said it is important to question whether Chinese spy balloons might be to blame.
Dr Thomas Zurbuchen is Nasa's longest-serving associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate
It comes after a US fighter pilot shot one down in February as it crossed the Atlantic.
He said: 'The whole balloon phenomenon we cannot ignore because if we ignore what we see then we will suddenly get surprised.'
The UFO expert recently left Nasa for ETH Zurich in his home country of Switzerland.
Before leaving, he examined evidence of UFO sightings thoroughly such as a 1952 photograph of a sighting over Passaic, New Jersey.
Dr Zurbuchen added: 'Not only did I talk to pilots, I talked to individuals who had sightings and they were really convinced. I really felt they told me the subjective truth. They were not lying, they were not making things up. I think they were telling me what they saw.
'The fact that there are unexplained phenomena is not a question for me. What they are and what they mean, and how we prove they exist is something that needs more work.
'There could be multiple explanations. If we are looking at technology then it may not be friendly and that is something we should know. It could be technology from other places on Earth and that would be pretty scary.
'It could be a natural phenomenon like luminescent clouds, or something we've never seen before, and that would be pretty interesting, or it could be some kind of camera problem that occurs.'
There are some experts out there who believe UFOs may genuinely be evidence of alien life
Government officials believe that surveillance operations by foreign powers and weather balloons or other airborne clutter explain most recent incidents of unidentified aerial phenomenon
Prof Greg Eghigian of Penn State University believes that trends and events could have influenced UFO sightings.
He said: 'Like most things in history, the answer lies more likely in a confluence of events and trends.
'The discovery of thousands of exoplanets by astronomers since the 1990s has made life on other planets appear more likely than previously thought and the development of drones has contributed to spikes in UFO sightings.
'The development of new sensors and sophisticated spying technologies has made it possible for militaries to detect anomalies more precisely; it has also made concerns about bad actors surveilling military operations more pressing.
'And speculation about UFOs has always thrived in environments where questions are being raised about the trustworthiness of authorities and experts.'
However, there are still people who believe that UFOs really are evidence of alien life but that space agencies and governments chose to ignore it or are keeping it under wraps.
Dr Rudolph Schild, an astrophysicist with the Centre for Astrophysics at the Harvard-Smithsonian, said: 'In the mid-1960s, after becoming an astrophysicist with the Harvard-Smithosonian, I began to hear rumours that the bodies of extraterrestrials and the wreckage from their craft, were under study in a special facility in Building 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
'It was rumoured that a senior colleague with a joint appointment with the physics department at Harvard, had examined the wreckage and seen the bodies. When I questioned him, he became upset and didn't want to talk about it.
'The hearings before the US Congress merely affirmed what many of us had known, or at least strongly suspected for decades. The military has acquired extraterrestrial bodies from the wreckage of UFOs.
'It stands to reason that if UAPs and extraterrestrials have crashed on Earth, then it is equally likely they have crashed to the surface of other planets, and that their remains and wreckage can be found on Mars.'
After reading numerous reports and speaking to witnesses, Dr Zurbuchen says he remains convinced there is something out there
Unidentified flying objects are real and may be “unfriendly” advanced technology, the former head of Nasa’s UFO inquiry has said, amid renewed interest in the unexplained phenomena.
Dr Thomas Zurbuchen, Nasa’s longest-serving associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, was asked to head up the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena panel last year.
He recently left the US space agency for ETH Zurich, the renowned public university in his home country of Switzerland.
After reading numerous reports, and speaking to witnesses, who have seen strange objects in the sky, Dr Zurbuchen said he remains convinced there is something out there.
A grainy 1952 photograph of a purported UFO over Passaic, New Jersey, is one of the most famous documented sightings
CREDIT: US CIA/Animal News Agency
He said: “Not only did I talk to pilots, I talked to individuals who had sightings and they were really convinced. I really felt they told me the subjective truth. They were not lying, they were not making things up. I think they were telling me what they saw.
“The fact that there are unexplained phenomena is not a question for me. What they are and what they mean, and how we prove they exist is something that needs more work.
“There could be multiple explanations. If we are looking at technology then it may not be friendly and that is something we should know. It could be technology from other places on Earth and that would be pretty scary.
“It could be a natural phenomenon like luminescent clouds, or something we’ve never seen before, and that would be pretty interesting, or it could be some kind of camera problem that occurs.”
He said it was important to question whether Chinese spy balloons might be to blame, after one was shot down by US fighter pilots in February as it crossed the Atlantic.
“The whole balloon phenomena we cannot ignore because if we ignore what we see then we will suddenly get surprised,” he added.
There have long been rumours in the US that the bodies of extraterrestrials have been recovered
Although traditionally people who claimed to see UFOs were labelled as cranks or conspiracy theorists, recent testimony from legitimate sources has led to Nasa taking the issue seriously.
In 2021, Lt Cdr Alex Dietrich, a US Navy pilot, went public for the first time to describe how she had seen multiple UFOs while stationed off the coast of southern California on the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier in 2004.
The objects moved impossibly fast, she said, dropping a distance of 80,000ft in less than a second and jumping dozens of miles in seconds, in an incident that was caught on infrared camera and radar.
“It jumped from spot to spot, and tumbled around in a way that was unpredictable,” Lt Cdr Dietrich told 60 Minutes in the US.
“The whole time we’re on the radio with each other just losing our minds.”
‘Pilots were ridiculed’
Cdr David Fravor, also stationed on the USS Nimitz, engaged one of the “Tic Tac”-shaped objects, which he estimated to be 40ft in length. The object disappeared, only to be picked up seconds later on ship radar 60 miles away.
The pilots kept their stories to themselves for more than 15 years after their encounters were dismissed by senior officers.
Dr Zurbuchen said: “The way that the navy pilots were ridiculed I felt for them, it was not done the right way. I’m convinced they were telling the truth about what they saw.
“The most important scientists like Einstein went through a time where traditional science ridiculed them.”
In 2021, the Pentagon’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force released a report into 144 UFO incidents between 2004 and 2021, many of which were spotted by military pilots.
Even though investigators concluded that there was no evidence the objects had come from outer space, or a foreign adversary, they said that most could not be explained
The report authors said there was no doubt that the UAPs were physical objects, rather than optical illusions caused by atmospheric conditions or sensor malfunctions.
‘Advanced technologies’
Investigators found that 18 objects had propulsion systems that could not be explained, and said they would conduct further analysis to determine if advanced technologies were present.
In July, a US Congressional hearing heard claims from former veterans that the US government was concealing a longstanding programme that retrieves and reverse-engineers UFOs.
It was even claimed the government was in possession of “non-human” biological matter. The Pentagon has denied all the allegations.
Prof Greg Eghigian of Penn State University, an expert in the cultural phenomenon of UFO sightings, believes that a perfect storm of events has led to the recent upsurge in interest in “flying saucers”.
“Like most things in history, the answer lies more likely in a confluence of events and trends,” he said.
“The discovery of thousands of exoplanets by astronomers since the 1990s has made life on other planets appear more likely than previously thought and the development of drones has contributed to spikes in UFO sightings.
“The development of new sensors and sophisticated spying technologies has made it possible for militaries to detect anomalies more precisely; it has also made concerns about bad actors surveilling military operations more pressing.
“And speculation about UFOs has always thrived in environments where questions are being raised about the trustworthiness of authorities and experts.”
Keeping it under wraps
Others are more convinced that there is clear evidence of alien life, but believe space agencies and authorities are either choosing to ignore it, or trying to keep it under wraps.
A recent paper, published in the Journal of Astrobiology asserts that there is evidence of “humanoids, bodies, bones, skulls, UFOs and spacecraft wreckage on Mars”.
The authors claimed that the Nasa rover Curiosity has picked up images of what looked like a burial mound of a ‘‘humanoid on a cushion” less than 350ft from what appears to be a crash site.
One of the authors, Dr Rudolph Schild, an astrophysicist with the Center for Astrophysics at the Harvard-Smithsonian, said: “In the mid-1960s, after becoming an astrophysicist with the Harvard-Smithosonian, I began to hear rumours that the bodies of extraterrestrials and the wreckage from their craft, were under study in a special facility in Building 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
“It was rumoured that a senior colleague with a joint appointment with the physics department at Harvard, had examined the wreckage and seen the bodies. When I questioned him, he became upset and didn’t want to talk about it.”
He added: “The hearings before the US Congress merely affirmed what many of us had known, or at least strongly suspected for decades. The military has acquired extraterrestrial bodies from the wreckage of UFOs.
“It stands to reason that if UAPs and extraterrestrials have crashed on Earth, then it is equally likely they have crashed to the surface of other planets, and that their remains and wreckage can be found on Mars.”
Several missions are now looking for life outside of Earth and Dr Zurbuchen said that he hoped that life would be found in his lifetime.
“I really hope so, I think there is a good chance of finding extinct life and perhaps even life now,” he said. “If we find out life happened at least twice in our solar system then that would be a huge leap forward and suggest there is a good chance it also exists elsewhere.”
A spacecraft has delivered fantastic images of Mars, showcasing textured terrain and a lone crater near the planet’s most famous landmark.
Olympus Mons is the Solar System’s largest volcano. It’s so large, that the size of this shield volcano is roughly the size of the state of Arizona, according to NASA. Its height is roughly 2.5 times higher than Mount Everest rises above sea level on Earth, according to the European Space Agency (ESA). New images from Mars Express, a 20-year-old ESA mission, focus on an exciting place at the fringe of the volcano.
“This tan-colored slice of Mars is largely covered by wrinkled, crumpled terrain,” ESA officials write in an image description. Mars Express took the images on January 18, and ESA published them on August 23.
The jagged area that begins on the left is Lycus Sulci. The right side of the image, which features an 8 km-wide crater, points north.
The crunchy-looking patch of elevated land is called Lycus Sulci. “It is not yet understood how this feature formed or how it relates to the formation of Olympus Mons itself,” according to NASA.
However, ESA proposes an explanation. When the volcano’s lava poured out, it encountered bedrock containing ice and water. When it subsequently melted, the rocky rim around Olympus Mons broke off and catalyzed a landslide.
“As the landslides moved away from Olympus Mons and traveled across the Martian surface they became alternately compressed and stretched — crumpled and pulled apart. This created the characteristic wrinkles seen in these new images of Lycus Sulci,” according to ESA.
Mars Express’ images focus on a place where Lycus Sulci meets a creamy-colored plain. A five-mile-wide crater called Yelwa Crater decorates the scene. Yelwa Crater points north.
Mars Express’ oblique perspective view of Lycus Sulci and Yelwa Crater.
The images, taken by Mars Express’ High-Resolution Stereo Camera, are accompanied by data about this land’s topography.
Observations like these are critical to understanding Mars’ ancient past. Rocks and formations preserve traces of planetary processes and help scientists narrow down their best guesses about whether or not Mars could have sprung forth and supported life.
A topographical view of Lycus Sulci. The lower parts of the surface are colored blue and purple, like the pit of the crater to the north (right). Higher altitude regions show up in whites and reds, like the crinkled terrain of Lycus Sulci to the south (left).
“Lower parts of the surface are shown in blues and purples, while higher altitude regions show up in whites and reds, as indicated on the scale to the top right,” Mars Express officials explain in a description of their topographical image.
A topographical map that shows where the earlier images were taken, in comparison to Olympus Mons. The volcano’s impressive elevation, which rivals Earth’s Mount Everest, is highlighted by whites and reds at the bottom right.
This view shows where Olympus Mons is located in relation to the plain, Yelwa Crater and Lycus Sulci.
Olympus Mons has a volume that far surpasses Earth’s largest volcano, Mauna Loa on Hawaii. The Martian volcano has a volume “about 100 times larger than that of Mauna Loa,” according to NASA. “In fact, the entire chain of Hawaiian islands (from Kauai to Hawaii) would fit inside Olympus Mons!”
Scientists think the Martian volcano owes its huge size to static surface crust, where the fluid lava can build up over time. According to the space agency, its last eruption was 25 million years ago.
Thanks to robotic missions like Mars Express, scientists have a peek at features impossible to create on Earth.
Shortly after 4:15 pm CST on November 7, 2006, it might have seemed like any ordinary overcast winter afternoon for United Airlines employees outside Gate C17 at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport (ORD). Ordinary, except for what looked like a hole in the sky above one of the country’s busiest hubs for international air travel.
Visible in the 1,900 ft cloud base was an almost perfect hole, the apparent footprint left by a round unidentified object that had been seen hovering there just moments earlier before it rapidly ascended, punching through the clouds on its departure.
What unfolded over Chicago that afternoon would become one of the most talked about UAP incidents of the new millennium. Today, what is remembered as the 2006 O’Hare International Airport UAP incident also remains a stark reminder of the potential hazards that aviators face amidst reports involving unrecognized objects that seemingly invade America’s most sensitive airspace with utter disregard for federal aviation ordinances.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said nothing had been detected on radar that afternoon. Still, several employees—and possibly even a few of the pilots and crew aboard outgoing flights—all observed something in the skies above O’Hare.
Above: The air traffic control tower at ORD, as seen in 2019. No radar detections were made of the anomalous object at the time of the Chicago O’Hare UAP incident in 2006 (Credit: Unsplash).
One of the earliest witnesses was a United Airlines employee assisting the pushback of a Boeing 737-500 from gate C17. As the witness would later tell investigators, he was “compelled to look straight up for some reason and was startled to see the craft hovering silently.” Upon seeing the object, the employee radioed to notify the United Airlines Zone 5 control coordinator, then alerted the cockpit crew in the plane next to him about the object, who reportedly opened their windows to observe the object.
Meanwhile, another employee that would soon become a witness learned of the hovering object after hearing his coworkers discussing it over company radios.
“I’m a management employee for a major airline and was sitting in my office at around 1630 on Nov. 7th when an employee made a radio call to our station operations center concerning an object hovering over gate C17,” read a report the witness later anonymously filed with the Seattle, Washington-based National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).
“I ran out of my office and saw a relatively small object hovering in place over C17,” the employee’s account read. “The METAR was reporting OVC 1900 and I initially estimated the object hovering at about 1000 feet.”
“After about a minute, I saw the aircraft zip to the east and disappeared.”
At that time, the employee contacted his operations center, attempting to confirm the presence of the object. Then, while driving to the adjacent concourse to speak with other witnesses to the events, the individual also contacted the FAA. Upon reaching the gate, the management employee spoke with the first witness, who initially reported the object over the radio.
“The employee stated the object was 500-1000 feet above the ground, rotating, and metallic in nature with no lights,” the NUFORC report read. “He said it looked like a frisbee and was directly above.”
“All employees are very familiar with aircraft around the world’s busiest airport,” the report filed with NUFORC added.
“This was nothing we are familiar with.”
Upon receipt of the report, NUFORC director Peter Davenport contacted Jon Hilkevitch, a traffic reporter with the Chicago Tribune. Although the FAA stated that they had detected nothing on their radars, a FOIA request filed by Hilkevitch would later reveal that there had been communications with Air Traffic Control about the object.
“[T]he Federal Aviation Administration said its air traffic control tower at O’Hare did receive a call from a United supervisor asking if controllers had spotted a mysterious elliptical-shaped craft sitting motionless over Concourse C of the United terminal,” Hilkevitch wrote in a column on January 1, 2007.
“No controllers saw the object,” he added, “and a preliminary check of radar found nothing out of the ordinary, FAA spokeswoman Elizabeth Isham Cory said.”
(Credit: Marc Gottlieb, CC 4.0)
Hilkevitch also interviewed several of the witnesses, including those who reached out to NUFORC following their sighting.
“I tend to be scientific by nature,” recalled one witness, a United mechanic who had been in the cockpit of a Boeing 777 taxiing to a maintenance hangar at the time of the incident. “I don’t understand why aliens would hover over a busy airport.”
“But I know that what I saw,” the mechanic told Hilkevitch, “and what a lot of other people saw stood out very clearly, and it definitely was not an [Earth] aircraft.”
Whatever the object may have been that these witnesses saw just before sundown on November 7, 2006, remains unknown. However, details about the seemingly unearthly encounter—particularly the strange, circular hole left in the clouds as the object departed—have caused some experts to wonder about how the mechanics behind such an aircraft, if that’s indeed what it was, might operate.
According to a group of more than 30 Ph.D. physicists, witness descriptions of the famous 2006 incident are suggestive in many ways of an advanced form of propulsion that may one day revolutionize space travel.
Applied Physics first came to note in 2021 with the publication of a novel theory produced by its team members, which outlined the hypothetical function of a physical warp drive. Similarities between the concept outlined in their 2021 study, along with certain witness testimony from the 2006 Chicago O’Hare UAP incident, prompted them to perform an analysis that they say revealed several aspects which seemed to match the characteristics expected of a craft employing a warp drive.
Those similarities include the way the craft reportedly moved, along with other features that included its shape, lack of radar signature, and the way it seemingly punched a hole through the cloud deck above it as it left the scene.
Members of the Applied Physics team The Debrief communicated with are quick to note that their analysis is based purely on witness testimony and should not be conveyed as “proof” that what witnesses observed an extraterrestrial spacecraft or other technology employing a functional warp drive.
However, the company’s science team and their analysis do offer potentially meaningful context for the quality of the witness testimony regarding the 2006 Chicago O’Hare UAP incident. It also suggests that, while still speculative, a craft displaying warp drive capabilities could be an explanation that best fits the majority of the witness reports.
Notably, several witnesses to the 2006 incident observed what was described as most closely resembling a disc or saucer-shaped craft hovering over Gate C-17.
Dr. Alexey Bobrick, Chief Science Officer (CSO) at Applied Physics, told The Debrief that a saucer-shaped craft with a cupola on top, which has been prominently reported in many UFO observations throughout the decades, would actually be an ideal shape for many known warp drive designs, as proposed in the paper “Introducing Physical Warp Drives,” published by the Advanced Propulsion Laboratory (APL) at Applied Physics.
Applied Physics provided The Debrief with a short scientific explanation for why a flatter shape is beneficial for Alcubierre-like metrics, which can be viewed in the following slides:
Failed to fetch Error: URL to the PDF file must be on exactly the same domain as the current web page. Click here for more info
“Some models of warp drive spacetimes suggest that the shape of the spacecraft, and the resulting geometry of spacetime bending, could significantly reduce energy requirements,” Bobrick told The Debrief. “Depending on the specific design of the warp drive, the passenger-holding craft may benefit from a saucer or spherical shape per the laws of general relativity.”
In their analysis, the Applied Physics team said that there is no known aircraft that can hover in place and then accelerate directly upward at the extreme rate many of the witnesses described.
“From the (witness testimony), it seems reasonable to claim that a metallic object around 50 feet in diameter was hovering ~1,500 feet above a passenger gate at an international airport within regulated airspace,” said Brandon Melcher, Ph.D., one of the physicists behind the team’s analysis. “After some time, the object accelerated from 0 to about ~1,000-2,000 feet per second almost instantaneously.”
Although some modern drones are capable of sudden, fast vertical acceleration from a hovering position, most unmanned aerial vehicles currently in use do not bear the saucer-shape appearance of the craft in question (with a few notable exceptions), and none have been shown to accelerate at the speed many of the witnesses to the Chicago O’Hare UAP incident described.
According to data available in past reports on the 2006 incident, the airport’s radar operators were unable to detect anything on their scopes corresponding to the target described hovering over terminal C17.
“It is interesting to note the absence of any radar evidence of an object in this case,” Melcher told The Debrief. “The Alcubierre warp drive also causes light rays approaching from behind to bounce off the bubble, but away from their initial trajectory.
According to Melcher, if this object were an Alcubierre warp drive, “the radar cross-section would be incredibly small.”
“One fascinating effect of warp bubbles is how they also explain the lack of radar signal,” Melcher says. “Light rays propagating from behind seem to diverge away from the bubble center, masking its detection. This would explain why there was no radar ping to the object allegedly hovering over the passenger gate at ORD. If the light gets deflected away from the object, there will be no radar pings.
Among the most novel aspects of the event, and one rarely reported in other UFO cases, involves the testimony that after the craft accelerated vertically, it left behind a distinct hole in the clouds. This component, according to the physicists at Applied Physics, is also consistent with a warp drive spacecraft.
“In our study of (proposed warp drive) solutions, we have found that the Alcubierre warp drive (the first warp metric) appears to induce…behaviors that match the observed phenomena,” Melcher told The Debrief. “This warp drive acts as a focusing lens for material caught up in front of the craft.
“As the bubble passes through a given medium, the particles in front of it move along with the craft for some time, creating a hole due to the time mismatch between the at-rest particles traversing the width of the bubble and the time it takes the bubble to move through the cloud.”7
Animation of the Chicago O’Hare UAP incident as the object disperses clouds during its abrupt vertical departure, described by witnesses to the events of November 7, 2006 (Credit: Applied Physics).
Based on Melcher and the team’s interpretation of warp theory, a craft that raced through a cloud bank like the one present at the time of the 2006 incident would likely produce a hole nearly identical to the one that the witnesses described seeing at the time.
The Applied Physics team does note, however, that there are well-known natural conditions that can also produce circular openings in cloud layers.
“There is a phenomenon called fallstreak holes, or hole-punch clouds,” Melcher says. “Sometimes, clouds in the sky become supercooled. The temperature of the water vapor in the cloud is below freezing at this point, but no seed forms to induce freezing. When a plane or other object flies through such a cloud, it is possible that the pressure differential behind the wings or fins can create or drop a seed of ice. The resulting rapid freezing of the cloud appears as a hole with a central bit of “snowfall,” and the frozen cloud falls as snow for a little bit.”
“Typical flight paths do not take ascending or descending planes directly over airport terminals,” Melcher says, making such a method of departure for any kind of aircraft over one of the world’s busiest airports “a highly unusual and dangerous case.”
“If a plane did indeed create [the] fallstreak hole, it would represent one of the most severe violations of US airspace ever recorded, as it put thousands of civilian lives at risk,” Melcher adds.
“The witness testimony that has been reported on in the news… bears a number of interesting features,” Melcher and the team told The Debrief.
“The first is the variety of professions and locations from which this object was allegedly seen. The main reports come from taxi mechanics near the C17 gate, above which this object hovered. There was at least one air traffic controller that heard reports of the object and inquired, and there was at least one observer who was driving into the airport and watched the object with other bystanders.
Melcher and the team also noted that while all the reports bear a resemblance to each other, they do not seem contrived and do not necessarily borrow elements from one to the other, but instead provide details that are consistent throughout.
“It appears most public witnesses did not know each other as well,” Melcher says. “We cannot be 100% sure of eye-witness testimony, but those which have been preserved here do not contain major red flags as to reliability.”
The team at Applied Physics concedes that with the data currently available, they cannot discount some earthly explanations, a few of which may involve novel possibilities. One might include a U.S. stealth drone which, they note, “could explain the secrecy and cover-up surrounding the event.” However, the team remains skeptical of this explanation on account of a lack of supporting evidence.
Other possibilities may include unusual weather phenomena or other potentially natural or manmade sources, although there are no widely recognized phenomena that appear to fit all the characteristics of the events observed in 2006.
The Applied Physics team also offered their thoughts on the stigma surrounding incidents like the Chicago O’Hare UAP case, especially for airline pilots and airport personnel who report them.
“The NARCAP report on the incident (written within a few months of its occurrence) made an interesting point about the stigma associated with reporting UAPs in the air transport and air defense industries,” Melcher told The Debrief. “If an object like this truly existed, it could pose a significant security risk. By discrediting and belittling those who report such events, we risk overlooking something that could be real.
“Disparagement has never led to progress or the discovery of truth. Therefore, it is crucial to fund departments such as the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which collects vast amounts of data on UAPs to synchronize efforts across all branches of the Department of Defense.”
“The only way to fully investigate sightings like this is to gather more data,” Melcher concludes. “The level of reluctance expressed by several witnesses should be a cause for concern, which is why we must remove this dangerous stigma.”
“Pursuing the truth should be the norm, not suppressing facts and scientific discourse.”
The Applied Physics team cautions that they do not intend their observations to be interpreted to mean they have concluded an alien spacecraft employing warp drive was observed over Illinois in 2006. Such conclusions cannot be drawn solely from witness reports, and would require irrefutable physical data.
However, the team is of the opinion that the behavior of the observed object, as reported by witnesses, aligns with their current understanding of how any warp drive propulsion system would function according to the laws of physics, an achievement that has not yet been made by humans.
“It is essential to note that proposing that the object seen during the Chicago O’Hare UAP incident [employed] a warp drive begs the question of its origins,” Melcher told The Debrief.
“Even though we have made progress on understanding certain aspects of warp drives, huge theoretical and practical gaps remain as obstacles to warp drive construction,” he says, adding that the idea such technology could have somehow been produced on Earth outside the knowledge of mainstream science and engineering “defies our belief.”
Despite this, the Applied Physics team is doubtful the object observed in 2006 could be confidently attributed to extraterrestrials either, emphasizing “the statistical probability that this object was an alien craft is extremely low,” but that Melcher, Bobrick, and the team at Applied Physics “find it fascinating to examine the correlations between UFO sightings and scientific claims regarding hyper-fast travel solutions in general relativity.”
Gianni Martire, CEO of Applied Physics, says, “The exciting thing here is that we can actually answer these types of questions with math and physics. If this were how these topics were presented in school, I think we all would have paid a lot more attention!”
Ultimately, the team’s analysis of the event was intended as a fun thought exercise to educate and inspire, with the hope of challenging scientific stigmas and encouraging people to ask tough and brave questions.
“Math enables the framework to measure,” Melcher says, “but our characters give us the ability to ask.”
Additional resources on the Chicago O’Hare UAP incident can be found below:
Christopher Plain is a Science Fiction and Fantasy novelist and Head Science Writer at The Debrief. Follow and connect with him on Twitter, learn about his books at, or email him directly at
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A Rare Comet is Approaching our Planet! It Can Now Be Seen In The Sky
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In this video, you will find every detail on how to see Comet Nishimura in the coming days. Space
Unveiling The Reasons Why UFO/UAP Technologies Have Been Hidden
For nearly a century, the truth about UFOs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena has remained shrouded in secrecy. But now, the tides are turning, and the era of disclosure is hurtling towards us. As this revelation unfolds, a fascinating dichotomy emerges: some will readily embrace the notion, even those who once dismissed it as absurd, while others will struggle to to accept this idea.
Yet, the heart of the matter transcends the debate about extraterrestrial intelligence. It centers on an awe-inspiring array of technologies, carefully concealed from the public eye for reasons known only to a select few in positions of power. These technologies hold the potential to revolutionize our world, to mend the very fabric of our existence.
Imagine oceans cleansed of their pollutants, hunger obliterated by boundless resources, and a planet powered by clean, accessible energy, free to all. The prospect is tantalizing, a utopian vision on the cusp of becoming reality. Join us on this thought-provoking journey as we delve into the labyrinthine corridors of hidden knowledge, exploring the untold stories that could reshape humanity's destiny. The countdown to revelation has begun, and the course of history stands at a crossroads. Will you be a witness to the dawning of a new era?"
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Breaking News: US Scientists Unveil Mind Blowing UFO Inspired Airplane Technology
Join us on an extraordinary journey into the secretive world of classified military aircraft in this captivating YouTube video. In the vast skies of California's Antelope Valley, where aerospace giants like Northrop Grumman and Boeing have made history, we unravel the mystique surrounding the TR-3A Black Manta—a marvel of stealth born from collaboration between the U.S. Air Force and Northrop. Discover its audacious power plant, almost radar-invisible design, and the intriguing fusion of science fiction and reality that led to an aircraft capable of defying gravity's limits. The Black Manta's rumored roles, from laser targeting during the Gulf War to its connection with the legendary SR-71 Blackbird, add layers of intrigue to its enigmatic legacy.
But our exploration doesn't stop there. Dive into the revolutionary F-117 Nighthawk, a stealth masterpiece that changed the face of aerial warfare during Operation Desert Storm, and witness its legacy in shaping stealth technology. Then, we transition to the world of unmanned aerial guardians with the RQ-170 Sentinel, Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works creation, and delve into the speculative realm with the Boeing Bird of Prey. Lastly, we glimpse the Aurora, an aircraft cloaked in conspiracy and extraterrestrial tales, leaving us pondering its true capabilities. This journey through the clandestine world of military aviation is a testament to human innovation and our unquenchable thirst for exploration, where fact and fiction blur in the boundless skies.
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The Latest UFO Sighting in Albuquerque’s International District
The Latest UFO Sighting in Albuquerque’s International District
The Enigma That Caught Albuquerque Off Guard
Is the truth really out there? Residents of Albuquerque’s International District would say “yes” after an inexplicable UFO sighting that occurred on March 16, 2023 and it was just submitted to us today. The skies were clear, but what unfolded was anything but ordinary.
A Close Encounter of the ‘Flying Saucer’ Kind
On the fateful evening, sky gazers and casual pedestrians alike were stunned as they saw what appeared to be a flying saucer dart across the sky. The object emanated a soft, otherworldly glow as it soared with a speed that defied all logic.
With smartphones in hand, onlookers managed to capture this jaw-dropping spectacle before the unidentified object concealed itself behind a building. The short video clip, which you can view alongside this article, incited both excitement and curiosity from people around the world.
The Debate Rages On
The design, movement, and the extraordinary speed of the object make any explanations insufficient. As for now, the sighting has both the scientific community and UFO enthusiasts puzzled and intrigued.
More Than Just an Isolated Event?
What makes this sighting even more compelling is that Albuquerque, and New Mexico at large, have long histories of UFO sightings and unexplained phenomena. This includes the infamous Roswell incident in 1947. Is this latest sighting an isolated event or part of a bigger picture?
For those interested in UFO sightings, this latest event is another piece of the ever-growing puzzle. Keep your eyes on the skies and your cameras at the ready; you never know when the next inexplicable event will take place!
So, whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, this latest UFO sighting in Albuquerque’s International District adds yet another layer to the enduring mystery of what really is out there.
German aerospace company POLARIS Raumflugzeuge is advancing in its ambitions to produce disruptive aerospace technologies with a recent series of test flight demonstrations in advance of the development of AURORA, the company’s next-generation spaceplane concept with a name already familiar to longtime aviation enthusiasts.
Drawing from more than three decades of combined German and European aerospace research, the company’s focus mainly involves the development of reusable space launch capabilities and the production of a versatile hypersonic transport system capable of maintaining the ability to operate like a traditional aircraft.
In recent months, successful test flights involving demonstrator aircraft have allowed POLARIS to validate several crucial technologies, and the company is now approaching the development of a new demonstrator craft that will represent the final test before it begins production of its ambitious next-generation spaceplane.
AURORA, an innovative spaceplane design that combines the rocket launch capabilities the company is currently testing with traditional air flight modes, has its origins in early innovations that began at the German Aerospace Center DLR. The result, the company says, is a vehicle with a design unlike any other, which POLARIS says will provide an economical means of access to space in the years ahead.
Among its key benefits, AURORA will offer worldwide space launch capabilities without any need for a launch pad, as the spaceplane’s aircraft-like operation allows it to take off from any traditional runway. Eliminating the need for a launch pad also greatly reduces fuel costs associated with traditional rocket-driven spaceflight.
(Credit: Polaris Raumflugzeuge)
AURORA will be capable of carrying payloads greater than 2200 pounds (1000 kg) in orbit, and roughly ten times that amount for suborbital/hypersonic flight. In keeping with the company’s objectives to develop sustainable aerospace technologies, AURORA is also designed with close to 100% system reusability.
With its versatility and sustainable design, POLARIS expects that its spaceplane will be equipped to meet the demands of a variety of markets, enabling satellite and orbital cargo launch operations with relative ease and significantly reducing flight times, enabling swift, economical delivery of payloads across great distances in record time.
However, its defense and research applications are evident, as AURORA will be capable of reaching any orbit inclination and is already being touted as a potential solution for hypersonic reconnaissance and a variety of other defense applications.
While AURORA will be designed to function as an unmanned aircraft, POLARIS says it will offer an optional upgrade of its spaceplane that will facilitate human transport, enabling flights capable of carrying passengers for research and training purposes and a range of other potential spaceflight missions.
The aircraft’s name seems to be no accident, either. In the 1990s, AURORA had been the alleged name of an aerospace development project aiming to build the successor aircraft to the famous SR-71.
In fact, as early as January 1979, Aviation Week & Space Technology reported rumors about the development of a “Mach 4, 200,000-ft.-altitude aircraft that could be a follow-on to the Lockheed SR-71 strategic reconnaissance vehicle in the 1990s,” which it reported “has been defined by the Air Force Aeronautical Systems Division and Lockheed.”
Efforts to determine whether such a spacecraft had indeed ever been developed continued for years, prompting the Federation of American Scientists to investigate “observations of mysterious aerial phenomena” which began to be “connected with the 1988 reports that Aurora was a Mach 6 stealthy reconnaissance aircraft that was being developed to replace the SR-71.”
Ultimately, it was never determined whether such an unacknowledged aircraft truly existed. Kelly Johnson, who developed both the SR-71 and its predecessor, the U-2, during his time with Lockheed, later said the name “Aurora” had been the code name for funding of an Air Force black program which later leaked during congressional appropriations hearings, prompting the media to presume it involved a secret hypersonic aircraft.
“Although I expect few in the media to believe me,” Johnson later wrote, “there is no code name for the hypersonic plane, because it simply doesn’t exist.”
While Johnson maintained the U.S. had never successfully developed a hypersonic successor to the SR-71, not surprisingly, invocation of the fabled aircraft’s name has been seen again and again by various agencies and aerospace companies in recent years.
Now, perhaps by the end of the decade, POLARIS appears to be the latest company poised to bring its version of AURORA out of the shadows of modern space-age mythology and into reality.
POLARIS has announced that it expects to begin flight with its light spaceplane by as early as 2026, with a heavy vehicle that will become operational by the early 2030s.
In advance of AURORA’s development, the company has undertaken technology validation with the production of several scaled flight demonstrators.
Chandrayaan-3 hits an important scientific milestone.
After witnessing a hazardous crater, the Pragyan rover retraced its path to get to safety. This image of the path was taken by its navigation camera.
(Image credit: ISRO)
On Aug. 23, thanks to the success of Chandrayaan-3, India made a strong mark in space history. Not only did it become the first nation to land a spacecraft near the south pole of the moon, but also the fourth to create imprints on Earth's gleaming companion at all. However, the lunar lander's touchdown was only step one of its ultimate story.
Since reaching the moon's south pole, Chandrayaan-3 has been hard at work – having deployed a rover named Pragyan to explore the cratered surface, harnessed integrated cameras to send back videos of its environment and even started completing research objectives planned for a two-week stay on the orb.
On Saturday (Aug. 26), for instance, scientists with the Indian Space Research Organization presented a video on X (formerly known as Twitter) of Pragyan roaming around the mission's landing point, which has been named the Shiv Shakti Point. In the video, the gold-colored moon explorer is seen on the other end of two delicate tracks it has created in lunar soil since exiting the lander that ushered it over there, named Vikram. The gingerly way Pragyan treads on a desolate gray world is almost charming.
Chandrayaan-3’s Pragyan rover going down a ramp from the lander to reach the surface of the moon
Shortly after releasing this update, ISRO also posted a sort of checklist on X saying that, after successful completion of a safe and soft landing as well as Pragyan's deployment, Chandrayaan-3 has begun conducting scientific experiments on site. "All payloads are performing normally," the agency posted on X.
That prelude to lunar south pole science was quickly elaborated upon when, on Sunday (Aug. 27), ISRO posted yet another update on X regarding one of Chandrayaan-3's payloads called the ChaSTE experiment, or Chandra's Surface Thermophysical Experiment.
The purpose of this experiment, in essence, is to use a temperature probe as well as 10 individual temperature sensors to measure temperature profiles of lunar south pole soil. The goal, ISRO explains, is for ChaSTE to help scientists understand what the thermal behavior of the moon's surface is like. And, as it appears, ChaSTE has already found some stuff out.
Illustrated by a graph ISRO released, the experimen has probed various temperatures of the moon's surface at different depths, marking the "first such profile for the lunar south pole."
The hazardous crater on the moon seen by Pragyan. (Image credit: ISRO)
Detailed observations on that front, the agency noted, are still underway – but if you're wondering what Pragyan is up to, the last we heard, it has come across a dangerous crater. Due to the nature of the lunar south pole, hazards such as this are kind of expected. In fact, that's a major reason for why Chandrayaan-3's landing was such a massive occasion. Though everyone wants to get to the lunar south pole — because it's expected to host solid quantities of water ice — actually landing there is tough because the region is so very covered in craters.
Just about 3 meters (nearly 10 feet) from its location on Sunday (Aug. 27), the rover spotted a crater that seemed to be about 4 meters (13 feet) wide. "The rover was commanded to retrace the path," ISRO posted on X, "It's now safely heading on a new path."
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John Ramirez, a former CIA official with 25 years of experience, has been sharing the knowledge he gained about UAPs in the course of his work since 2021. He possesses a wealth of information and experience on the subject of UAPs and the U.S. intelligence organization. Due to his revelations of UAP riddles that had never been discussed in public by government officials, he established himself as an influential figure on social media. Among all his claims, the most surprising reveal is about the alleged human-hybridization programs. He strongly believes that the 1947 Roswell crash happened and its occupants that were unlike humans were recovered.
The recent tweet on retired CIA Officer John Ramirez by investigative Journalist Ross Coulthart has opened up a new channel to discuss the topics that were considered fringe before. The UAP phenomenon is becoming more intense and mysterious with more credible sources, bringing new information. Coulthart questions why the US government lied about the Roswell crash.
Coulthart’s tweet mentions Ramirez’s interview with Martin Willis Live Shows, where he revealed the never-told information on the Roswell UFO crash, alien occupants and their DNA that only came out after World War II. Ramirez discussed an unclassified meeting he attended about “modern human origins,” his personal thoughts on the subject, his own personal experiences, and the UFO connection between him and several of his colleagues that led to their careers.
John Ramirez served at the CIA Directorate of Science and Technology, Directorate of Intelligence, and ODNI National Counterproliferation Center between 1984 and 2009. At the CIA, he was a chief intelligence analyst specializing in ballistic missile defense, weapon system radars, and technical collection activities. He was the SIGINT expert and multi-discipline collection needs strategist at the NCPC. Ramirez served in the US Navy as an Electronics Warfare Technician aboard surface ships from 1973 to 1979. He majored in political science at George Washington University, Washington, DC, and graduated in 1983.
Ramirez says that he attended a one-day symposium at a hotel in 2001 that was unclassified, about which he was himself surprised. He recalled the story went back to after World War II. He said that the CIA was interested in the hybridization of humans, and he was told by two top officials (their names are classified) that they discovered an alien DNA in the human genome.
“I give credence to the fact that Roswell actually happened. I will believe personally that bodies were recovered and if these bodies were examined and then their DNA was examined and they know what that alien genome looks like and they look at humans and they can identify the same sequences in the human genome. I think that was what led them to believe that there’s a hybridization of humans and they further said in this one-day symposium that… they have not only alien DNA but enhanced alien DNA.”
“We know that Roswell happened in July of 47… if we believe in Colonel Corso, if you believe in eyewitnesses, if we believe the Roswell’s story then we know that the bodies were recovered. We have to believe that those bodies were examined somewhere and we have to believe that they were able to sequence something in those bodies that look like a genome and from there they checked the human genome and saw the correlations. That’s what I believe because that’s what I was told. I don’t have any evidence of that but by releasing these names I would hope that serious researchers and journalists would contact these people and try to get the story. If they would even admit to the story but I heard it with my own ears,” Ramirez said.
Many netzines refute to accept Ramirez’s narrative of Roswell’s alien DNA story as they believe DNA was discovered in 1953. That is not true. Ramirez is correct: “DNA was discovered in 1869 by Swiss researcher Friedrich Miescher, who was originally trying to study the composition of lymphoid cells (white blood cells).”
Then, in the decades that followed Miescher’s discovery, other scientists, notably Phoebus Levene and Erwin Chargaff, conducted a series of studies that revealed additional characteristics about the DNA molecule, such as its fundamental chemical components and the manner in which they were connected. Watson and Crick’s ground-breaking conclusion of 1953, that the DNA molecule exists in the form of a three-dimensional double helix, may never have been achieved without the scientific groundwork supplied by these pioneers. (Source)
Ramirez made an intriguing statement in response to the rumor that the US government is reluctant to discuss the potential UFO occupants. The U.S. Air Force may be partially to blame for this current stance, according to Ramirez. However, not for obvious reasons. He commented:
“The air force and their exploitation of that type of technology made a mess of things, as when people see the triangular craft, and they’re not flying in space but in our atmosphere, it points to the fact that we know what the triangles are and we want people to think they’re seeing UFOs because then people won’t know exactly what they’re seeing.”
Some others believed Ramirez’s assertion that the USAF might be to blame for reports of triangular aircraft — dubbed the TR3B by some — may be true. Tom Delonge hinted that the US government controlled these ships on the Joe Rogan Experience, but he also said that some of them belonged to other intelligence. Delonge asserted that triangle-shaped ship, presuming they have tail fins, represent technological advancements made by humans.
Moreover, Ramirez also stated in an interview with Project Unity that humans are hybrids. According to him, Elizondo is unable to use the word “hybridization,” but the Pentagon employees are counting on him to do so eventually. Elizondo discussed the possibility that non-human intelligence have been in contact with humans for a very long time on the Theories of Everything podcast. This would imply that we have all forgotten about our own past, which would hide the possibility that we are hybrids of humans and extraterrestrials.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UFO flying over a volcano in Iceland? What is it?
UFO flying over a volcano in Iceland? What is it?
In Iceland, residents have been thrown into a fright after a bizarre story emerged regarding peoples being scared at a volcano location by what has been described as a “UFO”.
UFO footage flying over a volcano in Iceland, UFO footage 2023, UFO news, tic tac UFO, real? Let's analize. That and more strange events caught on tape. Real or fake?
Alien technology? Harvard professor finds fragments that could be of otherworldly origin
Alien technology? Harvard professor finds fragments that could be of otherworldly origin
Harvard professor Avi Loeb's team was combing the floor of the Pacific Ocean looking for remnants from a 2014 asteroid strike when they turned up something unmatched in our solar system.
An astrophysicist at Harvard University believes he may have found proof of extraterrestrial life not by studying the vast night sky, but by combing the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
Last month, a crew aboard a boat called the Silver Star embarked on an expedition to Papua New Guinea with the mission of recovering fragments from a mysterious meteor that had crashed into Earth in 2014.
During the two-week excursion, the team scoured over 100 miles of ocean bed before recovering 50 tiny spheres composed of a metallic substance they say is unmatched to any existing alloys in our solar system.
The spheres — which are so miniscule that they require a microscope to see — require further testing to determine whether they're natural or technological in nature. Depending on the findings, the objects could be the first time that humanity has found solid evidence of interstellar beings.
In other words, aliens.
"Our findings open a new frontier in astronomy of studying what lies outside the solar system through microscopes rather than telescopes, said Avi Loeb, a professor and astrophysicist at Harvard University, who led the expedition as its chief scientist.
The hunt for an interstellar meteor yields surprising findings
The fragments the team uncovered are believed to be from a basketball-sized meteorite that in 2014 slammed into the Earth’s atmosphere and into the western Pacific Ocean.
Originating from outside the solar system, the meteor moved at a speed two times faster than nearly all of the stars in the vicinity of the sun, Loeb said. Though too small to be noticed by telescopes through its reflection of sunlight, its collision with Earth generated a bright fireball recorded by U.S. government sensors, Loeb added.
The $1.5 million expedition that Loeb led was to recover the fragments left over from the explosion on the floor of the Pacific Ocean at its crash site near Manus Island in Papua New Guinea. Between June 14-28, the crew searched over 108 miles of the ocean floor by combing it with a sled full of magnets attached to their boat.
A photo of the crew
Loeb said it took days to get the magnetic sled on the ocean floor and a few more days after that to understand just what the crew collected along the expected path of the meteor — about 53 miles off the coast of Manus Island.
"As we scooped the magnets, the most abundant material attached to them was a black powder of volcanic ash," he wrote on
But after a week at sea, the breakthrough Loeb had been seeking finally came. A member of the team observed through the microscope a "beautiful metallic marble of sub-millimeter size and sub-milligram mass," Loeb wrote. After the discovery, the team continued to find more spherules.
A preliminary analysis of the spherules' composition suggested they do not match commonly manufactured alloys or natural meteorites in our solar system, Loeb said. The crew brought the 50 spherules to the Harvard College Observatory for further study.
The fundamental question scientists hope to answer is whether the meteor was natural in origin, or artificially-made. In other words, is it remnants of an alien spaceship?
"We've been looking for something the size of a watermelon in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and somehow managed to find some fragments," according to a statement from, American entrepreneur Charles Hoskinson, who funded the expedition. "This operation has produced excellent science and I hope captures the imagination of the general public for the pursuit of intelligent life in the universe."
The expedition team recently held its first meeting to plan and put together a scientific paper to describe the findings, Loeb said.
The team hopes to complete a preliminary analysis at three laboratories at Harvard, in Germany and at the University of California, Berkeley, the findings of which Loeb said will be incorporated into a paper that will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal within the month.
It's not lost on Loeb how significant of a discovery he could have on his hands, the implications of which would fundamentally alter humanity's understanding of the universe and our place in it. A few days after returning from the expedition, Loeb recalled that FedEx delivered a black plastic suitcase with the materials to his front door.
"I then realized that for the first time in history, humans are in possession of materials from a meter-size object that came from outside the solar system, the first recognized interstellar meteor," Loeb told USA TODAY. "FedEx was the last step in a journey that this package may have made for billions of years through interstellar space before it arrived at my doorstep."
Eric Lagatta covers breaking and trending news for USA TODAY. Reach him at and follow him on Twitter @EricLagatta.
UFOs & Mainstream Science: Astrophysicist Avi Loeb Calls for a New Era of Clarity and Inquiry
UFOs & Mainstream Science: Astrophysicist Avi Loeb Calls for a New Era of Clarity and Inquiry
In a recent round-table conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Elizabeth Vargas, Avi Loeb stood out as the antithesis to armchair science theorists. The Harvard Professor and Chair of Astronomy believes that talking about science isn’t enough; one needs to “walk the talk” by actively participating in data collection and analysis.
In Search of Intergalactic Artifacts
While deGrasse Tyson cautioned against the reliability of eyewitness accounts as scientific evidence, Loeb actively engages in fieldwork that takes him to extraordinary lengths. He isn’t just theorizing about cosmic bodies and potential life beyond our planet; he’s out there looking for tangible evidence. In one ambitious project, Loeb led a team to sift through the depths of the Pacific Ocean, hoping to find materials that might have originated from outside our solar system.
Ocean Floors Over Classified Files
Loeb challenges the notion that we must wait for government-released evidence to advance our understanding of phenomena like UFOs or extraterrestrial material. According to him, the oceans are not classified; hence, they serve as a more democratic ground for scientific exploration. He believes the answers we seek might be buried not in classified government documents but possibly under miles of ocean water.
Avi Loeb’s approach also raises questions about the role skepticism plays in scientific progress. While deGrasse Tyson represents a cautionary perspective, urging for “better data,” Loeb calls for more open-minded exploration. He points out that skepticism should not become a barrier to seeking empirical evidence. There is a difference, he argues, between being scientifically rigorous and being dismissive of groundbreaking avenues of study.
Bring Back the Scientific Adventure
Loeb laments that some scientists have become too cautious, even stalling the wheels of progress. The passionate astronomer advocates for a return to the golden age of scientific discovery, an era marked by audacious explorations and path-breaking findings. He challenges the scientific community to not just speak about the colossal implications of discovering life beyond Earth, but to actively seek out that evidence.
New Book on the Horizon
For those intrigued by Loeb’s unconventional approach to scientific discovery, there’s good news. He has a new book in the pipeline that delves into these very topics, discussing the significance of potential discoveries and their transformative impact on humanity.
Avi Loeb calls on scientists to seek UFO evidence before discrediting claims | Elizabeth Vargas Repo
In a world where scientific discourse often takes place in conference rooms and on social media platforms, Avi Loeb serves as a poignant reminder of what scientific adventure used to be—and can still be. His efforts to merge discourse with action lay down a formidable challenge to both scientists and skeptics alike: Stop just talking about finding evidence and start actively looking for it.
So, whether it’s combing through the ocean depths for cosmic relics or pushing the boundaries of mainstream scientific thought, Avi Loeb is more than just a theorist. He is an adventurer at heart, aiming to take the scientific community along on a journey to uncharted territories.
For over 90 years, the UFO enigma has captivated people’s minds worldwide, sparking curiosity, debates, and countless investigations into the phenomenon. The wait is over, as David Grusch, David Fravor & Ryan Graves are set to testify before the US Congress during the congressional meetings scheduled for July 26, 2023.
Meanwhile, various theories were postulated by United States Representative Mike Gallagher on the possible origin of UFOs while he appeared on Pat McAfee’s show on June 27, 2023. The former Marine suggested that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) might possibly represent an enigmatic “ancient civilization” that had remained hidden on Earth until recently when they began to surface.
“This should be an opportunity for the government to be transparent,” he said. “If we have information that disconfirms the extraterrestrial hypothesis, or all these other ones, at least it shows the government doing something competent and being forward-leaning by declassifying information to the public.”
Rep. Gallagher made this statement in response to the wild interview of David Grusch with Ross Coutlhart that hit the media. Mr. Grusch, who is confirmed to testify before Congress in the upcoming hearings, claimed that the US government has proof of alien life and that there are spacecraft from another species. He mentions that there is a significant number of these spacecraft, some of which have landed while others have crashed.
When asked about the duration of the cover-up, Grusch mentions that the first recovery of a UAP occurred in 1933 in Magenta, Italy, during the regime of Benito Mussolini. He explains that the Italian government moved the recovered craft to a secure air base until 1944-1945 when the Vatican informed the Americans about it.
Appearing on the sports talk show, Gallagher suggested that one possible explanation of supposed UFO sightings was the so-called “Terminator” theory — derived from the film of the same name — that aliens were actually human beings from the future. Gallagher further put forth another theory, suggesting the following: “Instead of us from the future, it might indeed be an ancient civilization that has been lurking here, and suddenly it’s making its presence known.” Ancient Aliens, does it ring a bell?
A similar theory was also proposed by Tim Peake, one of Britain’s famous astronauts. He said that the UFOs filmed by the US military over 100 times could either time traveling humans or aliens from other civilizations. During an interview with Good Morning Britain in June 2022, Briton astronaut Tim Peake, who spent more than six months on the International Space Station, was asked about the UAP videos, which the Pentagon recently declassified.
Peake said: “I heard one theory where a pilot was talking about that potentially in the future, they’ve developed time travel – is it something that’s come back from the future?” He did not exactly say what the UFOs are but shared some theories that have long been discussed by UFOlogists.
“I don’t think it’s a development of any state nation or non-state organization at all. I think it’s quite remarkable when you see the video footage. It does seem extraordinary as to what these machines are capable of.”
There is a huge buried UFO hidden outside the US, and Ross Coulthart claimed that he knows the location of this immovable craft. There is no confirmation from Coulthart about the nature of this craft if it was retrieved. However, some have speculated this could be an archeological dig. Could this particular craft potentially be a remnant of a bygone civilization?
Considering Rep. Gallagher’s theory, scientists have explored the possibility of detecting ancient civilizations in Earth’s geological record. A recent paper called “The Silurian Hypothesis” discusses how traces of industrial civilizations could be found. While fossils and artifacts are unlikely to survive over millions of years, anomalous changes in chemical compositions could serve as clues. By studying geological anomalies and applying models to other planets, scientists hope to understand if civilizations existed in the distant past.
NASA has spent many years seeking the truth regarding extraterrestrial life. Furthermore, the space agency has never denied the existence of non-human life beyond Earth in any form. This is sufficient to discuss the idea of non-human life existing beyond Earth in any form, from the microscopic to the macroscopic. Avi Loeb, a professor at Harvard, has supported the idea that there may have been earlier civilizations on both Earth and Mars, and that these civilizations may have been the origin of UAPs. (Click here to read the full article)
Mr. Loeb writes: “Planets like Mars or Earth could have given multiple births to technological civilizations that were a billion years apart and hence were not aware of each other. Like stable parents, the planets recovered from the environmental impact of these civilizations over time. We may have been separated in time from siblings that we never had the opportunity to meet and so we are unaware of their existence.”
Former Pentagon UFO official, Lue Elizondo, shared intriguing insights in an interview about crash retrievals and materials related to UFOs/UAPs. He believes the US government possesses exotic materials but lacks transparency on the matter. (Click here to read the full article)
Elizondo used an analogy of finding an out-of-place object in King Tut’s tomb to emphasize the significance of finding advanced materials before our known technology existed. Some interpreted this analogy as a hint that UFOs could be considered archaeological findings, possibly ancient rather than just old.
Interestingly, Bob Lazar, on the Joe Rogan Experience, mentioned hearing that at least one recovered UFO was found during an archaeological dig, suggesting its ancient origin. Astronomer Avi Loeb suggested that some advanced devices made by early inhabitants of Mars and Earth might still be operational elsewhere in the Solar System, potentially accounting for some Unidentified Aerial Phenomena reports.
Physicist John E. Brandenburg’s 2015 study speculated about a massive thermonuclear explosion that destroyed Mars’ once-Earthlike atmosphere, considering the Cydonian Hypothesis and Fermi’s Paradox. These ideas explore the possibility of ancient advanced civilizations in our solar system.
De wolken op Neptunus komen en gaan, maar waarom dat gebeurt, was tot nu toe een raadsel. Astronomen hebben nu ontdekt dat de elfjarige cyclus van de zon er iets mee te maken heeft.
Elke ongeveer elf jaar keert de polariteit van de magnetische velden van de zon om. Dat gaat gepaard met hevige zonnevlammen en een toename van het aantal zonnevlekken. Op het moment dat de activiteit piekt, storten de magnetische velden in en draaien de polen om. Dan komt de zon weer tot rust om uiteindelijk weer aan een nieuwe cyclus te beginnen.
Heel ver van de zon Dat dit invloed heeft op de wolken van Neptunus, is opmerkelijk, omdat de planeet zo ongelooflijk ver van de zon af staat. Slechts 0,1 procent van het zonlicht dat de Aarde bereikt, komt op Neptunus aan. En toch worden de wolken op de planeet beïnvloed door zonneactiviteit en niet door de vier seizoenen, die ieder zo’n veertig jaar duren op Neptunus.
De ontdekking ging niet over één nacht ijs: de Hubble, NASA’s beroemde ruimtetelescoop, heeft Neptunus zeker dertig jaar geobserveerd. Daarnaast zijn er data van het W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawai gebruikt plus observaties van het Lick Observatory in Californië.
Wolken weg Daardoor zagen de astronomen in 2019 de wolken vrij plotseling wegtrekken. “Ik was verbaasd hoe snel wolken verdwijnen op Neptunus”, zegt Imke de Pater, emerita professor aan UC Berkeley. “We zagen binnen een paar maanden de wolkenactiviteit inzakken.” En die wolken keerden niet zomaar terug. “Zelfs nu nog, vier jaar later, zien we op de meest recente beelden van afgelopen juni dat de wolken nog niet op hun oude niveau zijn”, vertelt onderzoeker Erandi Chavez. “Dit is extreem spannend en onverwacht, zeker omdat de vorige periode waarin er weinig wolken waren op Neptunus lang niet zo heftig was en veel korter duurde.”
Woest weer De beelden van onder meer de Hubble onthullen een intrigerend wolkenpatroon gebaseerd op de seizoenen en de zonnecyclus. Als het woest weer is op de zon stroomt er meer intense uv-straling het zonnestelsel in. De onderzoekers ontdekten dat twee jaar na de piek van de zonnecyclus het aantal wolken op Neptunus toeneemt. Ook bleek er een link tussen het aantal wolken en de helderheid van de ijsreus door het zonlicht dat op de planeet reflecteert.
Dertig jaar wolken op Neptunus. Afbeelding: NASA, ESA, Erandi Chavez (UC Berkeley), Imke de Pater (UC Berkeley)
“Deze opmerkelijke data leveren het sterkste bewijs tot nu toe dat de dikte van het wolkendek op Neptunus samenhangt met de zonnecyclus”, zegt De Pater. “Onze bevindingen ondersteunen de theorie dat de uv-straling van de zon, als die maar sterk genoeg is, een fotochemische reactie in gang kan zetten, waardoor wolken ontstaan op de planeet.”
Vertraging Aangezien een zonnecyclus elf jaar duurt, waren de wetenschappers wel even bezig om een verband aan te tonen met de wolken op Neptunus. Ze volgden gedurende 29 jaar 2,5 cyclus aan wolkenactiviteit. In deze periode nam de helderheid van de planeet toe in 2002 en dimde weer in 2007. De planeet werd weer helder in 2015 en donkerder in 2020, toen het aantal wolken een dieptepunt bereikte.
De helderheid van Neptunus, die wordt veroorzaakt door de zon, lijkt in dezelfde mate toe- en af te nemen als de wolken op de planeet, al zit er wel enige vertraging in: de piek van de zonnecyclus komt twee jaar voor de piek van het wolkendek op Neptunus. Dat komt doordat er een fotochemische reactie plaatsvindt in de bovenste laag van de atmosfeer van Neptunus en het duurt even voor er dan wolken worden gevormd.
Nog veel te leren “Het is fascinerend dat we telescopen op Aarde kunnen gebruiken om het klimaat te bestuderen van een wereld die miljarden kilometers bij ons vandaan is”, zegt astronoom van het Keck Observatory, Carlos Alvarez. “Technologische vooruitgang en betere observatiemogelijkheden hebben ervoor gezorgd dat we betere modellen konden maken van de atmosfeer van Neptunus. Die waren cruciaal om de correlatie te begrijpen tussen het klimaat van de ijsreus en de zonnecyclus.”
De wolken op Neptunus in relatie tot de zonnecyclus. Afbeelding: NASA, ESA, LASP, Erandi Chavez (UC Berkeley), Imke de Pater (UC Berkeley)
Maar de astronomen begrijpen nog lang niet alles. Zo kan een toename van de uv-straling van de zon meer wolken produceren, maar ze ook donkerder maken en zo de helderheid van Neptunus juist verminderen. Stormen op Neptunus hebben ook invloed op het wolkendek maar zijn niet gerelateerd aan fotochemisch geproduceerde wolken. Die kunnen daardoor correlatiestudies met de zonnecyclus compliceren. Ook zijn er nog meer observatie van Neptunus nodig om te zien hoe lang de huidige bijna afwezigheid van wolken duurt.
Neptunus versus exoplaneten “We hebben al meer wolken gezien op de meest recente Keck-beelden, die in dezelfde tijd zijn gemaakt als waarin de James Webb-telescoop de planeet observeerde. Deze wolken zijn vooral waargenomen op noordelijke breedtegraden en op grote hoogte, precies zoals verwacht na de geobserveerde toename van uv-straling in de afgelopen twee jaar”, zegt De Pater.
De gecombineerde data van de Hubble, James Web en de twee observatoria op Aarde zullen ook in de toekomst nog veel nieuwe info opleveren over het dynamische bestaan van de planeet. Zo leren we niet alleen Neptunus beter begrijpen, maar mogelijk ook verre exoplaneten, aangezien er waarschijnlijk vele zijn die op Neptunus lijken.
Over the past few weeks, team members of the Galileo Project engaged in a truly heroic effort to assemble the first telescope system at Harvard University.
The Galileo Project is a scientific search program for extraterrestrial equipment near Earth. The Project was publicly announced one month after the ODNI report to the US Congress about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in June 2021. The Project’s name was inspired by Galileo Galilei’s legacy of finding answers to fundamental questions, in this case the nature of UAP, by looking through new telescopes.
The search is agnostic regarding its potential outcome. It represents a fishing expedition that could result in a mixed bag, containing primarily (after the elimination of instrumental artifacts):
Natural objects, like: bugs, birds, rocks or atmospheric phenomena.
Human-made objects, like: weather balloons, drones, airplanes, rockets or satellites.
Assembling high-quality data on the first category would be of interest to zoologists or atmospheric scientists. The second category could be of interest to national security agencies in government. But anything else would be of great scientific interest to the Galileo Project. This third category includes objects that appear to be of artificial origin, for example – showing screws or bolts in high-resolution images of their surface, but moving or interacting in ways that cannot be reproduced by current human-made devices.
The Galileo Project isa new research initiative. Its novel cameras will monitor the entire sky in the optical, infrared and radio bands, as well as in audio, magnetic field and energetic particle signals. The data will be analyzed by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that will aim to catalog objects within the above-mentioned categories.
As Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective Sherlock Holmes noted: “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
The Galileo Project is a new research initiative. Existing astronomical observatories target objects at great distances and have a limited field of view of the sky, whereas the Galileo Project aims to monitor the entire sky continuously and study fast-moving objects in the vicinity of the Earth. It is an astronomy project since it analyzes data obtained by telescopes and searches for interstellar objects that originate outside the Solar system. Its novel observing strategy employs state-of-the-art cameras and computers.
Government agencies aim to protect the safety of military personnel and national security interests. From their perspective, UAP reports by military staff members, such as those discussed duringcongressional hearings, are of primary importance for the first task, and data from military patrol sites are linked to the second objective. Government agencies must know what the vast majority of UAP are, and for that purpose they must attend to data of compromised quality including blurry videos.
However, the goal of scientists is complementary to that. They do not need to explain most of the reports. Even if only one object is of extraterrestrial technological origin among the clutter of natural or human-made objects, it would represent the most consequential discovery in human history. To figure this out, scientists must have access to the highest quality data, such as a high-resolution image of an object showing a label “Made on Exo-Planet X”, or a maneuver at a fraction of the speed of light or a set of buttons on a futuristic gadget.
Moreover, scientists are concerned with all possible geographical locations even if they do not host military or national assets. Extraterrestrial equipment might not adhere to national borders in much the same way that a biker navigating down the sidewalk does not care which of the pavement cracks is occupied by a specific colony of ants.
The innovative new telescope system of the Galileo Project represents a brand-new observatory design with unprecedented capabilities. As its “Lego pieces” were put together seamlessly over the past few weeks, my heart filled with respect and appreciation for the professional quality of the Galileo team members. In the years to come, we will harvest new knowledge from copies of the first observatory template they constructed.
These telescopes are the new eyes and the computer system attached to them is the new brain of the Galileo Project. Watching the sky through new observatories is our best way to find out whether we have neighbors. What we do with the answer depends on the details it entails.
Avi Loeb is the head of the Galileo Project, founding director of Harvard University’s – Black Hole Initiative, director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and the former chair of the astronomy department at Harvard University (2011-2020). He chairs the advisory board for the Breakthrough Starshot project, and is a former member of the President’s Council of Advisors onScience and Technology and a former chair of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies. He is the bestselling author of “Extraterrestrial:The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” and a co-author of the textbook “Life in the Cosmos”, both published in 2021.
The series of events involving the US military shooting down multiple Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) in February 2023 has been staggering, particularly concerning the incident with an object detected over Alaska. When this object was intercepted above Alaska, the administration of the US president promptly ordered its takedown without hesitation.
So, on February 10, 2023, a U.S. F-22 fighter jet successfully brought down the object, which was flying at an altitude of approximately 40,000 feet over Alaska. “We don’t know who owns this object,” said the White House spokesperson John Kirby, adding that it was unclear where its flight originated. The object fell inside the United States Territorial Waters. Mr. Kirby explained that those waters were frozen but still within American territory, implying that the recovery of the debris would be much easier.
U.S. Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, the Pentagon’s chief spokesperson, indicated that it was the size of a small car. According to him, the pilots who had been observing the object before it was shot down confirmed that there was no human presence on board. He further remarked that it lacked the ability to change direction and did not resemble any conventional aircraft. “It wasn’t an aircraft per se,” Ryder informed the media.
Interestingly, the pilots involved in the sighting gave inconsistent reports. Some stated that the object interfered with their plane’s sensors, while others did not experience this. Some also claimed that they could not discern any recognizable source of propulsion on the object and were unable to explain how it was able to remain afloat while cruising at an altitude of 40,000 feet.
Alaska Object was “Anomalous”
On August 12, 2023, investigative journalist Ross Coulthart shared his thoughts at the Victorian State Library as part of an event called “Close Encounters Australia.” He talked for around two hours, including an hour-long Q&A session where he told the audience some interesting things he had learned about the Alaska shootdowns. (Source)
Coulthart wanted to be clear about something. He was not completely sure about the things he talked about. He thinks they are true, but he was not completely confident. He said: “I’m happy to be proved wrong, but it would be very very interesting to see an explanation from the White House.” What he found interesting is that some of the people he talked to, who know about defense and secrets, said that something weird happened in Alaska.
“Can you update us on the sphere and the US shootdowns from February?” This question was asked by someone in the audience, to which Coulthart replied, “On the balloons, we’re talking here about the balloons here in February, the February shoot downs. Now, to give you some official response to this, I think a very senior defense official was just recently quoted in the newspapers as saying there’s nothing alien or extraterrestrial about these shootdowns, about the objects that were shot down.”
He continued, “And I thought that was a very interesting comment because… the information I have is that two of the objects were indeed prosaic, they were just mundane objects. Probably weather balloons. But there is an abundance now of sources, including a guy who… heh… literally lives at the end of the road in Alaska where this object was encountered by an F-22 jet.”
Coulthart talked about one of the things that got shot down in Alaska. He said it was not like the other two things; it was different, or “anomalous.” He mentioned he could be wrong, but this is what he had heard. According to what he learned, the Alaska object looked like a big “tic-tac.” When the F-22 hit the objectwith missile, something fell off, but it kept going despite being hit.
“There was definitely a missile fired at an object which was described as… looking a little bit like a giant tic-tac, funnily enough. That something was seen to fall off that object. That even though it was hit with an AIM missile, which is a top of the line air-to-air missile, that the object kept on going. And uh… I’ve put this to different people in defense and intelligence, and I’ve been told yes… the Alaska object was anomalous. And um, anytime I try to get a response from anybody on an official basis they run 100 miles an hour,” Coulthart said.
He spoke to other individuals who were knowledgeable about military matters and secrets. They confirmed that the Alaska incident was strange indeed. He wanted to learn more from those in charge of defense, but they were unwilling to discuss it. When he asked them, they declined to provide an answer.
Coulthart explained, “But you might notice, that nobody has given a report back to the American public or the world about what it was that the U.S., for the first time in the history of NORAD, they shot down something over North America. That’s a historic event. And yet we haven’t been told, neither has America, the full story of what those shoot downs involved.”
Some people find Coulthart’s statement convincing because if the Alaska object was indeed anomalous, that would explain why the Department of Defense (DOD) responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information about the object by referring the request to Advanced Aerial Research Organization (AARO).
Below is a response from the Department of Defense about a FOIA request submitted on February 11, 2023, asking for several data presumably collected during the Alaska object shot-down on February 10, 2023.
“This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request # [ ] requesting “all available visual data (photographs in visual and Infra-Red spectrum, films in visible and Infra-Red spectrum, drawing and all related visual information) and tracking data (radar data, sonar data, timer data) that were presumably gathered about the object that was shot down at 1:45PM EST on 2/10/2022 over Alaska.”
We are providing a no records response in subject to your request. After a lengthy and exhaustive search through multiple offices on Elmendorf Air Force Base it has been determined that this request should be sent to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) which falls under the Defense Intelligence Agency. You can send a request to their office through the contact below.”
It’s intriguing to mention that there seem to be “no records” at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska about this case. This is puzzling because the base should have been involved in the mission to recover whatever was related to this case.
Even more fascinating, the request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is being sent to the “All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which is a part of the Defense Intelligence Agency.” This is happening even though officials described the objects in question as “likely mundane.” (Click to read the DIA resposne)
Giant Spider Aliens, Barnacles Solve MH370 Disappearance, Loch Ness Caves Discovered, Texas Chupacabra Photographed and More Mysterious News Briefly
Giant Spider Aliens, Barnacles Solve MH370 Disappearance, Loch Ness Caves Discovered, Texas Chupacabra Photographed and More Mysterious News Briefly
Paul Seaburn
A roundup of mysterious, paranormal and strange news stories from the past week.
Paige Daley of the TikTok Official Loch Ness channel organized a recent search at Loch Ness and found that the loch has a subterranean cave system with multiple entrances and flooded underground passages located adjacent to the loch shore, well hidden by undergrowth and linked to the loch by just 100 meters of river – researchers are suggesting this could be a pace for the Loch Ness monster to hide and possibly venture onto land, as many early sightings claimed. Whether it’s true or not, someone is no doubt already thinking about building an underwater hotel and 24/7 Nessie aqua-cam.
Rocker and UFO researcher Tom DeLonge speculates on X (formerly Twitter) that the government may have kept UFO information secret not from us but from extraterrestrials or “Others” so that they wouldn’t know that we were aware of them; he also says that people in government working on UFO problems are “patriots, morally sound, and doing the best they can. Some made errors, worked in an ambiguous lack of oversight. But- What would we each do if we were burdened with this…”. Can you say he’s right even if you don’t like Blink-182?
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation surveyed where Australians stand on resurrecting the extinct thylacine or Tasmanian tiger by editing the genome of a related species (the dunnart) and gestating it in a related surrogate and found that 68 percent support bringing it back while 24 percent didn’t like the idea and 8 percent were undecided. It says something when you can get more people to agree on resurrecting a dead species than on which live person they would vote for.
In the never-ending quest to solve the mystery of the 2014 disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, a study in the American Geophysical Union journal Advances revealed new tools for analyzing the chemistry of barnacle shell layers may be used to determine the origin of stalked or goose barnacles attached to airplane wreckage that washed up on the island of Réunion and is encrusted with the barnacles – the tools could analyze the shell layers and identify via ocean temperature indicators what parts of the ocean the plane debris floated through and potentially lead back to the crash. Keep that in mind when you don’t want anyone to know where you sail your boat.
The Crooked House pub in the small village of Himley in the West Midlands was famous for its age (it dates back to 1765), for being haunted, and for its tilting structure which caused sober people to walk as if drunk, but it made national news in early August due to a mysterious fire, which led to it being demolished without planning permission – the Black Country Paranormal volunteered to guard the site, protect the brinks from vandals and look for the ghost of a pub barmaid named Polly and any other ghosts until the issue is resolved. Locals who want the Crooked House pub rebuilt should be prepared for some ‘lean’ times.
If you live in the UK or fancy a vacation there and you’re a UFO buff, the car rental company has put together a 1,000 mile road trip around the UK that takes you to many of the most famous UFO sites there, starting with Devon, home of a recent sighting at Maidencombe Beach, to Wales’s Pembrokeshire, location of the Broad Haven Primary School sighting by a group of students – the trip also includes the big ones, like Perthshire where the Calvine UFO photograph was taken, and Suffolk, home of the 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident. “There’s UFOs in Inverness too,” said the suddenly lonely Loch Ness monster.
Astronomers are concerned that hackers have been targeting space telescopes in Hawaii and Chile since the beginning of August, forcing them to be temporarily shut down while technicians work to build more firewalls against cyberattacks – some astronomers suspect the hackers don’t even realized they are attacking space telescopes. They probably figure it out when no one wants to buy their pictures of Betelgeuse or the Dog Star.
While one group explores Loch Ness caves and another plans a massive hunt with sonar, drones and hundreds of volunteers, an ‘official’ sighting was reported by tourist Steve Valentine from Urmston in Manchester, who saw a “black shape in the water” while on a Deepscan boat tour which was returning to the dock near to Urquhart Castle – he managed to take a photo, which is magnified on the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register. While the shape is hard to identify, it’s interesting that the site is called a ‘register’ and not a ‘log’.
Even Nesie is looking.
The mysterious disappearance of wealthy New Yorker Michael Rockefeller on a trip to Papua New Guinea in 1961 may have finally been solved and it’s not as gruesome as the speculation that he was killed by locals – a recently resurfaced film taken near where Rockefeller disappeared in the jungles about 40 year after he was presumed dead shows a naked bearded white man rowing a canoe with Asmat tribal warriors, implying that Rockefeller may have ‘gone native’ and chose to disappear. Did he leave any instructions on how to do it? (Asking for a rich friend.)
Mexican UFO researcher Jaime Maussan announced that the first of its kind hearing on UFOs to be held in the Mexican Congress will occur on September 12 and will feature Ryan Graves, the former Navy pilot who recently testified before the US Congress about his aerial encounters with unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), along with people from other countries who will reveal details about their encounters and answer questions from the Congress and the media. After this one, let’s replace the hearings with some ‘seeings’.
From the “Octopuses are Really Smart” file comes more evidence supporting the case – octopus biologists from the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago found thousands of octopus huddled together at the bottom of the ocean off the central California coast and discovered that they were sitting on their eggs in natural hot tubs to help them hatch faster … the hot tubs were heated by hot gases seeping from the base of an extinct underwater volcano. Female octopuses are so smart, they don’t tell the males where the hot tubs are.
A new study, "An Exploration of Mars Colonization with Agent-Based Modeling,” determined via simulations that the minimum number of people required to colonize Mars is just 22, and that of the four most common personality types – Agreeables (not competitive nor aggressive), Socials (extroverted and require social interaction), Reactives (have a “competitive interpersonal orientation”) and Neurotics (very competitive and aggressive) – the Neurotics had the highest chance of dying and were most likely to suffer while living on the colony, to the point that colony would improve as the Neurotics died off. This will make the reality shows from Mars much less fun to watch.
Patrick Perry of Shell Knob in rural Missouri claims he has been hearing wood knocks in the woods near his home with suggested to him there was a Bigfoot nearby, so he left a jar of peanut butter outside one night; the next morning, he found the lid of the jar removed and something with "big fingers" took a big scoop of peanut butter out of it – some viewing the photo think it was a person, others suggest it was a racoon that used its little hands to open the jar. One thing we know for certain – choosy Bigfoots choose Jif.
I smell peanut butter!
Some experts say the Silent Ventus drone, made by Florida-based start-up Undefined Technologies, uses ion propulsion where electrodes ionize the air to generate thrust, allowing it to fly incredibly quietly, hover against winds – leading them to speculate that the Tic Tac UFOs reported and recorded by pilots and personnel on a mission with the USS Nimitz off the Southern California coast in 2004 could have been similar drones rather than non-human-made aircraft. The only people happy with this new debate are the makers of Tic Tacs.
To commemorate the 1965 UFO sighting which inspired John G. Fuller to write the book, “Incident at Exeter” and prompted an investigation by the United States Air Force, the Exeter Police Department in New Hampshire has created a special patch that will be sold at the upcoming Exeter UFO Festival on Labor Day weekend – the patch features an alien wearing a police hat and the proceeds will benefit Proceeds will benefit the department's program for providing support dogs to veterans and first responders. Aliens should be warned that wearing the patch will not get them out of a ticket for speeding.
In an exclusive interview, psychic spoon bender Uri Geller predicted that there will be an extraterrestrial landing “in the coming 10 to 20 years” that will not be an invasion but a revelation that there are “maybe two or three species out there” that could have destroyed us if they wanted to – it will be a “Steven Spielberg type landing” and the “the biggest revelation in history - religiously, archaeologically, everything. It will be like finding the Arc of the Covenant." Uri also predicted that England would win the FIFA Women’s World Cup (Spain did), so don’t place any bets just yet.
If those aliens really do show up, evolution expert Richard Dawkins said in an interview that they hailed from a similar planet to Earth they would probably look like humans, but they could just as easily come from a planet with different gravity and look more like spiders the size of elephants or a mouse built like a rhinoceros. Let’s hope the gravity makes them look like tribbles.
In a new study published in PLOS ONE, biological anthropologists and archaeologists from Kyushu University used 2D images and 3D scans to analyze the shape of 19 indigenous Hirota skulls found on the Japanese island of Tanegashima which had flattened heads and determined that the condition did not occur naturally but was the result of artificial cranial deformation (ACD), probably by head binding or pressing when they were infants – adding the Hirota of the third to seventh centuries CE to the growing list of cultures performing cranial modification. All of sudden, having hat hair doesn’t seem like such a big problem.
The Chinese tech firm Xiaomi unveiled a new version of its CyberDog robotic canine called CyberDog 2 which is more intelligent and lifelike and has the abilities to perform ballet steps, moonwalk, perform backflips, wiggle its rear and ride a skateboard – with a 90 minute battery life, no shedding, the look of a Doberman, and a price of only $1800, the company is predicting CyberDog 2 will be the pet of the future and replace live dogs. Call us when it licks up anything you drop on the floor.
Is this the pet store of the future?
Authorities in Argentina are investigating photos allegedly taken near the small town of El Escorial in Chubut of what looks like an arrow-shaped UFO rotating in the air from vertical to horizontal while hovering above the Patagonian plains - local journalist Calaverita Mateos shared them on social media, called them “the best photos of a UFO in Chubut” and said the local resident who sent them to him wishes to remain anonymous - most people are skeptical without more evidence. We saw Spinning Arrow open for the Beau Brummels.
Dr Michelle Thaller, a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, said in a public interview that she is certain that alien life exists on Venus as space scientists have identified “something in the atmosphere that looks very much like it could be produced by bacteria" or other microbial lifeforms that can survive using the sulfur, methane and iron in the atmosphere of Venus, and that photosynthesis is possible on the surface because some solar energy is able to penetrate this thick atmosphere. Let’s hope it’s not plants – we’ve seen what humans can do to the ones in their offices.
It’s so hot in Texas that some Texans think a dog-sized yellow-brown creature spotted in a backyard in Hill Country Village by Tina Kahlig is a Chupacabra of the Texas variety which resembles a mangy coyote rather than the blood-sucking, spine-backed, upright, lizardish creatures from Puerto Rico – cooler heads, namely veterinarians at the nearby San Antonio zoo, looked at the photos and suspect it is a dog or coyote with skin issues. The state’s true believers say don’t mess with Texas Chupacabras.
We note the passing of David Perkins, an early 1970s investigator in the field of cattle mutations, noted speaker on the subject, author of numerous magazine and newspaper articles on mutilation cases, and co-author of the book “Altered Steaks.” Perkins passed away on August 20, 2023, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the age of 69.
Glowing Object Over Marion, Texas On Aug 26, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing Object Over Marion, Texas On Aug 26, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 26, 2023 Location of sighting: Marion, Texas, USA Source: MUFON
This video was just sent in a few minutes ago. An eyewitness caught a glowing object with a glowing mist around it over Texas last night. The object then disappeared while on camera. The disappearing indicates that it was leaving, the mist is acceleration or building up of energy to shoot away at the speed of light, too fast for the human eye to detect. Texas is a UFO hotspot and it's not going to lose this reputation anytime soon.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
9:39 pm I was at my house and when i looked towards san antonio area (west) a bright white light was visible coming at me fast and lowering in the sky as it did so. Then it turned to left(sw) and it looked like it was expanding with gases . There was a circle in middle of glowing cloud . It was right above my tree line (maybe 40ft above tres) u can see tree top in video. There was no noise what so ever then it seemed to grow to a bigger round plume before dissolving before my eyes.. in fact i noticed a dark smudge in sky where object should have been before disappearing all together . It made the hair on my arms stand up when i realized how close and low to ground it was to me when it disappeared . I was a little freaked out and ran to house like a kid because i didnt know what it was or where it was!
Intelligent alien life may have repeatedly evolved billions of years ago and they might be visiting Earth and Mars
Intelligent alien life may have repeatedly evolved billions of years ago and they might be visiting Earth and Mars
Below is an extract from a research paper written by a biology professor from the University of Oklahoma, a Smithsonian staff member, and a cosmology professor and it was recently published in Journal of Astrophysics and Aerospace Technology.
Anatomically “modern” humans appeared on this planet less than 50,000 years ago. But intelligent extraterrestrial life may have repeatedly evolved billions of years ago that might be the technological and scientific accomplishments of “humans” and intelligent non-human “beings” that evolved on Earth-like planets billions of years before our solar system was formed? For thousands of years there have been reports of extraterrestrial beings and “sky boats” that have visited Earth as recounted in ancient texts from India, Egypt, and Greece. They might appear to us as “gods” and they might be visiting Earth and Mars.
The implications are that similar forms of life have evolved on other planets and that intelligent extraterrestrials have evolved on worlds billions of years older than our own.
We provide a sample of official NASA Mars photographs above and below of what appears to be wreckage and debris from extraterrestrial spacecraft, partially buried bones, the body of a humanoid, humanoid skulls and UAPs/UFOs photographed in the skies and above surface of Mars but it must be cautioned, however, that without direct and detailed examination, it is impossible to determine with absolute certainty if these “anomalies” are extraterrestrial in origin.
So far, government agencies refuse to acknowledge any evidence for extraterrestrial life, be it UAPs or fungi on Mars and with the creation of the quasi-military National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) it became official policy to denounce, ridicule and suppress any and all reports of extraterrestrial life, including fossils of fungi and bacteria in meteors and all evidence of algae, lichens, fungi and biological activity on Mars.
Why has the “Pentagon” and the quasi-military NASA gone to such extraordinary extremes to deny and suppress all evidence of extraterrestrial life? Possibly, they fear if they admit there is life on Mars and UAPs are extraterrestrial, the implications are that life must be pervasive throughout this galaxy and intelligent life evolved on innumerable worlds; and this would explain why there have been tens of thousands of reports of UFOs visiting this planet. Perhaps they fear if they were to admit and acknowledge the veracity of this vast body of evidence that religious and government authority would be undermined.
Perhaps this explains why NASA and the U.S. Defense Dept. have engaged in what some members of the U.S. congress and a few media outlets have called a “coverup”.
Read the in-depth report submitted on 7/30/23 and revised on 8/8, 11/23 including more photos at:
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Astonishing UFO Sighting Over Gap, Pennsylvania Near Fort Indiantown Gap
Astonishing UFO Sighting Over Gap, Pennsylvania Near Fort Indiantown Gap
Just a few days ago, on 23rd August 2023, eyewitnesses reported an enigmatic formation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena over Gap, Pennsylvania that baffled both local residents and experts alike. If you’re keen on UFO sightings, then this one is an episode you won’t want to miss.
The Sighting Details
The mysterious event took place near Fort Indiantown Gap, a notable military training site in the area. According to the firsthand witness report, the UAPs exhibited what was described as a “CLASSIC formation,” with the objects disappearing and then reappearing in the sky. The sighting occurred despite earlier helicopter drills in the vicinity, leading the witness to clarify that these were definitively not helicopters.
The Military Connection
The intrigue doesn’t stop there. Fort Indiantown Gap is a well-known military training ground. Post-sighting, there was helicopter activity noted in the same area, causing speculation that the military could be involved—or at the very least, interested—in the enigmatic happenings overhead.
The Nuclear Angle
Gap, Pennsylvania is also not too far away from the site of the Three Mile Island nuclear incident. Could there be a connection between the proximity of the nuclear site and the recent UFO sighting? The witness wondered if the appearance of UAPs might be linked to possible nuclear weapons storage in the area.
What’s Next?
The reports of this remarkable sighting have already piqued the interest of UFO enthusiasts and experts alike. Investigations are underway, and the theories are flowing as fast as the mysterious objects were flying.
This captivating episode adds yet another layer to the increasingly complex tapestry of UFO sightings in recent years. Whether military exercise, extraterrestrial visitation, or something else entirely, one thing is for sure: the residents of Gap, Pennsylvania have seen something that defies easy explanation. Keep your eyes on the skies, folks—you never know what you might witness next.
Fascinated by mysterious phenomena? Just as our skies may harbor unidentified aerial objects, our bodies often carry unidentified toxins and heavy metals. These ‘alien invaders’ within us can have a significant impact on our well-being. As you keep an eye out for UFOs, don’t forget to monitor what’s happening inside you, too!
💫 Take our FREE QUIZ now to discover how ‘alien’ your body has become. You might be surprised by what you find! 💫
Ross Coulthart’s statement on an alleged huge UFO buried outside the United States unleashed a storm in the UFO community. He claims that he knows the exact location of this craft. Now, UFO enthusiasts are hunting the alleged site where this gigantic immovable craft could possibly be sitting. There is no confirmation from Coulthart about the nature of this craft if it was retrieved. However, some have speculated this could be an archeological dig. Could this particular craft potentially be a remnant of a bygone civilization?
Scientists have explored the possibility of detecting ancient civilizations in Earth’s geological record. A recent paper called “The Silurian Hypothesis” discusses how traces of industrial civilizations could be found. While fossils and artifacts are unlikely to survive over millions of years, anomalous changes in chemical compositions could serve as clues. By studying geological anomalies and applying models to other planets, scientists hope to understand if civilizations existed in the distant past.
NASA has spent many years seeking the truth regarding extraterrestrial life. Furthermore, the space agency has never denied the existence of non-human life beyond Earth in any form. This is sufficient to discuss the idea of non-human life existing beyond Earth in any form, from the microscopic to the macroscopic. Avi Loeb, a professor at Harvard, has supported the idea that there may have been earlier civilizations on both Earth and Mars, and that these civilizations may have been the origin of UAPs.
He writes: “Planets like Mars or Earth could have given multiple births to technological civilizations that were a billion years apart and hence were not aware of each other. Like stable parents, the planets recovered from the environmental impact of these civilizations over time. We may have been separated in time from siblings that we never had the opportunity to meet and so we are unaware of their existence.”
Considering these two possibilities, former Pentagon UFO official Lue Elizondo shared a truly eye-opening statement in his interview with James Iandoli of Engaging The Phenomenon on June 11, 2021. They discussed crash retrievals and materials related to unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). Elizondo acknowledged the sensitivity of the topic and the potential consequences of discussing it openly.
However, Elizondo expressed his belief that the US government does possess exotic materials but could not provide further details due to the lack of transparency from the government. He mentioned the three layers of analysis that can be conducted on a piece of material, namely physical, chemical, and atomic or nano-level research.
He suggested that if a piece of material exhibits engineered characteristics and peculiarities outside the normal range of known materials, it raises questions about its origin and the technology used to create it. He concluded by using an analogy of finding an out-of-place object in King Tut’s tomb to illustrate the significance of finding advanced materials before our known technology existed.
“Let’s say nickel or aluminum or magnesium or bismuth. Then you have to say, ‘Okay, who created it and how?’ And at the end of the day, when you have material that has been found before, supposedly, we as a species had a technology to engineer it that way, then you’ve got to ask the question. And this is why I’ve said before, you know, a 747 isn’t uncommon to see at an international airport.
But imagine being the first guy to break into King Tut’s tomb, and of all the things you find in there, you find an intact 747 sitting in the tomb. Doesn’t make sense, does it? Because 747s weren’t around when King Tut was around. So, what the hell is a 747 doing in King Tut’s tomb? So, that’s the best analogy that I can use without going into further detail. I’ve tried to be very careful.
You know, I don’t want to be dismissive of your question because it’s an important question. I would ask the same exact question. But I also have to be very, very careful. And if you notice, other folks like Hal and Eric and others, they’re very careful to have this conversation too. Yeah, okay, yeah, it’s not just me. I’m not just being paranoid and cagey here. There’s… You’re actually the most out in the open. They’re… They still, you know…”
Many members of the UFO community interpreted Elizondo’s analogy as a subtle hint that UFOs could be considered as archaeological findings. Surprisingly, on the Joe Rogan Experience, Bob Lazar recalls hearing that at least one of the recovered UFOs was found during an archaeological dig, suggesting that it is ancient rather than simply old.
Rogan asked: “Have you ever asked anyone that has any inkling of any idea of where they got them or how they got them?” Lazar replied, “No, but something must have been said to me from Barry (his lab partner) and… but I… I can’t quite remember what was said, but it just left a seed in my mind. I think at least one of them was part of an archaeological dig, so it’s old. Something, that one at least one of them is old. I don’t know if it was the one I worked on, but I remember something to do with an archaeological dig.”
Mr. Loeb believes it is possible that some of the technological advancement devices made by early inhabitants of Mars and Earth are still operational elsewhere in the Solar System. He suggests that “in that case, old flying gadgets could be a source of some of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in reports from the Director of National Intelligence to the US Congress.” (Source)
Professor Loeb is not alone in thinking of the advanced civilization that once inhabited Mars. Physicist John E. Brandenburg explained in this 2015 study what could have happened on Mars. The planet that once had an Earthlike atmosphere faced a massive thermonuclear explosion that destroyed its atmosphere. The study considered the Cydonian Hypothesis and Fermi’s Paradox. (Source)
UFOs Over Fort Indian Town Gap, PA, Aug 23, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
UFOs Over Fort Indian Town Gap, PA, Aug 23, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Date of sighting: Aug 23, 2023
Location of sighting: Fort Indian Town, Pennsylvania, USA
Source: MUFON
Fort Indian Town has a population of 67 people and aliens love low populations to minimize the chances of them being seen unknowingly. This way alien activity in the are can be higher than other locations. Excellent catch, albeit short, this video shows us the massive bus size, the powerful glow and the ease at appearing and disappearing.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
CLASSIC formation and disappearing/reappearing of UAPs right near Fort Indiantown Gap in Pennsylvania. I was told there could be helicopter drills in this area, which I DID see earlier today, but these weren't them.I wondered if there might be some nuclear weapons there, and wouldn't you know this area isn't too far from the Three Mile Island nuclear incident. After the UAPs, we noticed helicopter activity in the same area.
Also included in the report was a single photo, below.
Glowing Object Traveling Slow Over Santa Maria, Brazil Aug 24, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing Object Traveling Slow Over Santa Maria, Brazil Aug 24, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 24, 2023
Location of sighting: Santa Maria, Brazil
This resent UFO video sent into me shows a glowing object moving very slowly through the sky and glowing oddly. I mean...the object is not falling apart or breaking up into small fragments like meteors. It's not exploding into fragments since NASA does say almost all meteors burn up and break up before they hit the earth. So you see, this is not a meteor at all, but is actually a round sphere UFO disguising itself as a meteor. Aliens pride themselves on their intelligence and being superior intellectually to all other species. Well, how long are you going to let aliens outwit you? It's time to reverse roles.
Date of sighting: 8-21-2023 Location of sighting: Capaccio, Italy Source: MUFON
When a person says UFO, most people mistakenly think of a craft big enough to carry a person. But most UFOs are not big enough, wide enough to carry an occupant. Many are controlled by an alien AI that is alive and aware. The AI craft like orbs, rods, ect. Maybe the AI craft reports its data back to its home world far away, to a world or worlds that may be inhabited by many alien species or even a pure AI planet or planets. This seems to be such a craft. Its incredible speed, its long cigar shape and its smaller size all indicate it's an alien drone recording a human ritual on a beach. It's not gold or diamonds aliens want, the real value to them is knowledge.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
We have recorded this video during a wedding day. Im a photographer. No one listen or see this object live, but I recognized when i put this clip in my software for edit the wedding.
In an era where our screens are saturated with all kinds of wonders and curiosities, it takes something truly mesmerizing to capture our collective imagination. On the evening of August 24, 2023, something extraordinary unfolded over Mexico’s Popocatepetl Volcano. This spectacle couldn’t have been planned any better if it were a Hollywood blockbuster. A webcam, vigilantly positioned to monitor this legendary “UFO hotspot,” caught about 20 unidentified flying objects leaving the volcano and shooting into the night sky. The 90-second video has since erupted across social media, becoming a virtual bonfire around which UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike have gathered to debate its implications.
Why Popocatepetl?
Popocatepetl, affectionately nicknamed ‘Popo,’ isn’t just a rumbling mountain of molten rock; it’s also a magnet for UFO stories. This iconic volcano has seen its share of mysterious lights and flying objects over the years. Many UFO aficionados argue that ‘Popo’ serves as some sort of intergalactic gas station or even a hidden base for extraterrestrial crafts. Though these theories are tantalizing, they remain fodder for speculation. What is undeniable, however, is that the recent footage has thrust Popocatepetl back into the spotlight, fanning the flames of its otherworldly reputation.
UFOs and Volcanoes: An Unlikely Pair?
Why would UFOs be attracted to volcanoes, of all places? For one, the theory goes, volcanoes are energy-rich environments. Could it be that these crafts are somehow ‘refueling’ from the Earth’s internal energy? Others suggest that subterranean volcanic chambers could serve as clandestine UFO bases, shielded from prying human eyes. Of course, skeptics argue that the lights are simply natural phenomena—gases, birds, or even drones
The video of about 20 UFOs captured that evening is not just a collection of pixels and frames; it has become a conversation starter, transcending borders and languages. Even if one discounts the possibility of alien involvement, the footage serves as a remarkable testament to the enduring human fascination with the unknown. It’s a 90-second escape from the mundane, a brief foray into the incredible.
The Mystery Continues
While scientists, ufologists, and armchair experts dissect the video frame by frame, for most of us, the true allure lies in the enduring mystery it presents. Each new sighting over Popocatepetl, be it explainable or not, adds another brushstroke to the canvas of human curiosity. And as the sun sets over the Mexican horizon and the first stars appear, one can’t help but look up and wonder—what else is out there?
Whether you’re a believer or skeptic, the enigma of Popocatepetl’s recent UFO event reminds us all of the vast, unexplored frontiers that lie just beyond our reach. And in those quiet moments, staring up at the sky, it’s hard not to feel a sense of wonder, as we ponder what other mysteries the universe may hold.
The ‘Alien Invaders’ Within Us: Unmasking the Hidden Toxins in Our Bodies
The ‘Alien Invaders’ Within Us: Unmasking the Hidden Toxins in Our Bodies
Hello, fellow UFO enthusiasts and believers! While our site typically explores the fascinating world of unidentified flying objects and the cosmic unknowns, today, we’re bringing you a different kind of mystery—a mystery that lives within us.
Just as our skies are filled with phenomena that elude easy explanation, our bodies are home to ‘alien invaders’ in the form of environmental toxins and heavy metals. Could these substances be as mysterious as the UFOs we’re all so passionate about?
What Are These ‘Alien Invaders’?
Heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic are found in the environment around us—sometimes as a result of human activities such as industrial processes, pollution, and improper waste disposal. Just as UFOs are thought to affect the environment in inexplicable ways, these heavy metals can wreak havoc on our bodies in myriad forms—compromising our immune system, nervous system, and even our mental well-being.
Where Do They Come From?
Much like the controversial origin of UFOs, the sources of these heavy metals are both natural and man-made. They can be found in:
Industrial Emissions: Factories and power plants
Agricultural Runoff: Pesticides and fertilizers
Electronic Waste: Old gadgets and devices
Contaminated Water: Old pipes and plumbing
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products: Beware of what you apply!
Fighting Off the Invasion: Clean Slate
While we don’t yet have a verified method for fending off UFOs, we can certainly defend ourselves against these ‘alien invaders’ in our bodies. This is where Clean Slate comes in. It’s a unique formula designed to assist the body’s natural ability to remove environmental toxins and heavy metals. The product claims to offer:
Apart from using products like Clean Slate, here are some general tips to reduce your exposure to these ‘alien substances’:
Regular Handwashing
Filter Drinking Water
Choose Organic Foods
Be Cautious with Fish Consumption
Properly Handle Electronics
Avoid Cosmetics with Heavy Metals
Indoor Air Quality
Our passion for the unknown often leads us skyward, searching for answers among the stars. But sometimes, the mysteries we should solve are much closer to home. Just as we take measures to document and understand the unidentified objects in our skies, let’s not ignore the unidentified toxins that might reside within us.
So why not take a short break from sky-gazing and give some attention to your terrestrial vessel? After all, you’ll need to be in top form if you’re planning to make first contact anytime soon!
Astronomers Capture an Unprecedented Look at Neptune's Mysterious Dark Spot
Astronomers Capture an Unprecedented Look at Neptune's Mysterious Dark Spot
Astronomers took a closer look at Neptune's fascinating spots.
Astronomers using a powerful telescope in Chile have peered into blemishes on Neptune, and called it a first for ground-based astronomy.
Since NASA’s Voyager 2 flew past Neptune in 1989, astronomers have pondered the temporary dark spots that appear in its atmosphere. Three decades after that historic rendezvous with the Solar System’s outermost planet, the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope saw a dark spot wider in size than Earth’s Atlantic Ocean. This inspired the team behind new research to take a closer look at Neptune with newer technology.
“Since the first discovery of a dark spot, I’ve always wondered what these short-lived and elusive dark features are,” said Patrick Irwin, lead investigator of the new study published in the journal Nature Astronomy. Irwin shared his thoughts in an announcement from the European Southern Observatory (ESO), which manages the powerful telescope that peered at Neptune from about 3 billion miles away.
According to ESO, this is the first time a ground-based telescope has observed a dark spot in Neptune’s atmosphere.
The MUSE instrument at ESO’s Very Large Telescope took this image of Neptune. A dark spot can be seen to the upper-right.
Large spots on giant gas planets are common and temporary. Even Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, for example, has shrunken down in recent years and may possibly disappear. These regions are clues about how a planet works, much like storms and aerosols on Earth are symptoms of climate change.
ESO’s Very Large Telescope sits atop Cerro Paranal in the Chilean highlands. From this perch, an instrument onboard the telescope collected the sunlight that reflected off Neptune’s clouds. The instrument, called the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE), provided a 3D look at a Neptunian spot in “more detail than was possible before,” according to ESO officials.
From this data, astronomers gauged the height at which the spot sits in Neptune’s atmosphere. They also gained clues about why this spot appeared dark, thanks to MUSE’s ability to unpack the chemical composition of celestial objects.
In their investigations of one spot, they found another. “In the process we discovered a rare deep bright cloud type that had never been identified before, even from space,” study co-author Michael Wong shared in the ESO announcement.
The bright spot near the larger main spot indicates that Neptune’s atmosphere is dynamic. The dark spot is probably the result of air particles collected in a layer below what’s visible, where “ices and hazes mix in Neptune’s atmosphere,” ESO officials said. The bright spot, by contrast, is “rare” and represents “a completely new type of feature.”
The new work highlights the prowess of VLT, and shows that ground-based telescopes can continue the work initiated by their counterparts in space.
Wong jokingly shared that VLT’s capabilities could put him out of work as a Hubble observer.
The Roswell incident is one of the most popular unsolved mysteries in the world. Dozens of US military officers claimed that the crash involved the extraterrestrial craft with aliens, while skeptics tried hard to deny it. Besides, the US government covered the whole incident calling it a military program (Project Mogul).
Moreover, there are abundant theories that justify the extraterrestrial’s link to the crash that happened in New Mexico in July 1947.
A day after the legendary crash at a ranch near Roswell, the 509th Bomb Group issued a press release and revealed the news of the crashed UFO to the world. 1st Lt. Walter Haut, the public information officer at the 509th Bomb Group based in Roswell, was the first person who disclosed the incredible information to the press.
1st Lt. Walter Haut
Unfortunately, a new press release was issued later, that certainly was to change the facts of the first one, and now the crashed UFO turned into crashed weather balloon. It made Haut a figure of public ridicule.
Lt. Walter Haut was the close friend of Colonel William Blanchard who is regarded as the key player behind the scenes in the recovery of the Roswell disk. Haut swore to Col. Blanchard that he would keep the Roswell secrecy until his last breath. But in 2002, he came up with an idea to slightly reveal what he knew about the Roswell incident without breaking his words.
A video of Lt. Haut has recently been released. It was recorded in 2000, and in the video, he claimed to have seen a body of a “beat-up alien” the “size of a 10-year-old child” after the Roswell UFO crash. The video was first published by UFO researcher Anthony Bragalia, and it was recorded by Haut’s friends Dennis Bathaser and Wendy Connors.
Julie Shuster, Haut’s daughter was worried that the secrets of Roswell would be left behind as the world started losing the first-hand witnesses of the case such as Major Jesse Marcel, the first person who arrived at the crash site. Marcel might have left a cryptic journal behind on the Roswell subject, but Haut was adamant to leave the clear information behind.
Julie Shuster, daughter of Walter Haut was a former director of the Roswell International UFO Museum and Research Center. She died in 2015.
Shuster, along with UFO researcher Don Schmitt persuaded her father to have a written document on his exclusive information on Roswell and save it for the future. Haut agreed and signed an affidavit, stating that he had seen a craft from outer space.
“It was not from this Earth, it was something manufactured off this Earth,” he said.
In the affidavit, Haut revealed that there were two crash sites at Roswell, and he witnessed the first object that crashed in 1947. Shuster said that her father did see the bodies, and the craft was about 25 feet in diameter.
Carey and Schmitt became Haut’s friends, who later revealed to them the biggest secret. Carey described that the ship was of the size of a Volkswagen Beetle and was of an egg’s shape. To verify former army press officer claims, Carey and Schmitt found other witnesses with similar information.
Back to Haut’s confessional video, Bragalia said that a Digital Voice Stress Analysis (DVSA) expert looked at Haut’s testimony and concluded that he was telling the truth. Additionally, he said that the government could have been holding the aliens’ bodies in a secured locations “with access only by those with a need to know.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Neptune has a 'mysterious' dark spot! Detected from Earth
The planet Neptune has a large dark spot "with an unexpected smaller bright spot adjacent to it," inveru observations using ESO's Very Large Telescope.
Credit: ESO
India's Chandrayaan-3 moon lander deploys ramp and rover in awesome view
Watch the Chandrayaan-3 moon lander deploy a ramp and the Pragyan rover onto the surface of the moon on Aug. 23, 2023.
Atlantis Rises, Lemuria Falls: The War that Sank a Continent
Atlantis and the Fall of the Lemuria: The War that Sank a Continent
For thousands of years, the world has been captivated by the mystery of Atlantis. The concept of an ancient city hidden beneath the ocean is fascinating.
But what if there was not just a city, but an entire continent buried beneath the waves?
The continent of Lemuria is a massive landmass believed to have sunk in the Indian Ocean after some ancient, catastrophic event.
Atlantis and Lemuria are similar in that they’ve sparked numerous theories, legends and interpretations.
But Atlantis and Lemuria are very different in one way. There’s no proof of Atlantis.
Jeremy Corbell on The Truth About UFOs and the Government Coverup
Investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell joins Chris Cuomo to discuss UFOs and UAPs, including why he believes the phenomena are real physical objects, the need for government transparency on the issue, the history of government secrecy and potential cover-ups, and where we go next in terms of public disclosure and understanding.
Follow and subscribe to The Chris Cuomo Project on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Most Credible UFO Sightings I chose these for their credibility and there magnificence! One of the Pentagon video angles comes from @RMVideos_Jukin
UFO Sightings 2023 The Ultimate Proof
UFO Sightings 2023 That Will SHOCK YOU! There is a new UAP sighting EVERYDAY! So much so, that we can start to talk about JUST 2023 UFO phenomena!
From an active TR3B in Mexico to a shapeshifting UAP in the sky, I’m honing in on all 2023 UFO sightings because things are getting out of hand!
I provide full commentary and my commentary is opinion not proven facts, feel free to share your thoughts and theories in the comments!
This is not just a growing phenomena but something you can capture yourself! I'm still blown away by my first experience!
Caught on Camera and Radar | Kaikoura UFO Lights Incident, New Zealand | Short Documentary
Considered one of the most credible UFO sightings ever, The Kaikoura Lights Incident as its known made headlines not only in New Zealand, but right around the world.
Bob Lazar Tells Us What The Navy Saw While Diving In The Arctic
Deep, dark, and soul-crushing. That's what it feels like in the ocean at depths of 7,000 and more. Yet, in these impossible depths lie some of the greatest marvels on the Earth. Navy explorers were lucky to find one of such marvels during a routine dive in the Antarctic. The discovery was so mind-blowing that even the well-renowned expert and alien theorist, Bob Lazar, couldn't hold back his concerns.
James Webb-ruimtetelescoop maakt beelden van de Ringnevel: verklaren die eindelijk de vorm van de nevel?
De ruimtetelescoop James Webb heeft adembenemende nieuwe beelden gemaakt van de iconische Ringnevel, een van de bekendste planetaire nevels. Wetenschappers, waaronder ook onderzoekers van de Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België, maakten de beelden openbaar. De beelden gemaakt door de James Webb onthullen nieuwe specifieke kenmerken van de Ringvelen. Een daarvan zou wel eens kunnen verklaren waaraan de bekende nevel zijn vorm dankt.
De Ringnevel ligt ongeveer 2200 lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd en is een bekend object in het sterrenbeeld Lier. Je kan hem de hele zomer waarnemen met een verrekijker bij een donkere nachthemel op het noordelijk halfrond en een groot deel van het zuidelijk halfrond. Met een kleine telescoop kun je al de karakteristieke donutachtige structuur van gloeiend gas zien waar de Ringnevel zijn naam aan te danken heeft. Het is een planetaire nevel, het overblijfsel van een stervende ster die aan het einde van zijn leven een groot deel van zijn massa uitstoot.
De opvallende structuur en de levendige kleuren van de Ringnevel spreken al lang tot de verbeelding van de mens. Dankzij de James Webb ruimtetelescoop kunnen we nu ook de bekende nevel op een nieuwe manier zien. De ruimtetelescoop maakte de beelden met zijn NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) en MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument). Ze dienen niet enkel om de Ringnevel te bewonderen maar natuurlijk ook om de complexe processen die de nevel hebben gevormd te bestuderen en te begrijpen. Zo tonen de nieuwe beelden niet alleen details van de uitdijende schil van de nevel, maar ook van het binnenste gebied dat rond de witte dwerg ligt.
Zo zagen wetenschappers dat de “ring” van de nevel uit maar liefst 20.000 afzonderlijke bubbels van waterstof bestaat, elk zo massief als onze planeet. Daarnaast nam men ook zogenaamde polycyclische aromatische koolwaterstoffen (PAK’s) waar, bouwmaterialen die nodig zijn voor de ontwikkeling van ‘leven’. Verwonderlijk, want de onderzoekers hadden niet verwacht dat ze die zouden aantreffen in de Ringnevel.
Op de Webb-beelden zijn ook merkwaardige “spaken” buiten de ring te zien die direct van de centrale ster weg wijzen. Deze spaken zijn prominent aanwezig in het infrarood, maar waren amper zichtbaar op de beelden van de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop. De onderzoekers denken dat deze zijn ontstaan doordat bepaalde moleculen zich kunnen vormen in de schaduwen van de ring. Daar zijn ze afgeschermd voor de directe, intense straling van de hete centrale ster.
Tot slot ontdekkten de onderzoekers in de zwakke halo buiten de ring tien concentrische bogen. Ze denken dat deze bogen wijzen op de aanwezigheid van een begeleidende ster in het systeem. Die ster zou ongeveer net zo ver van de centrale ster afstaat als Pluto van onze zon en verantwoordelijk zijn voor de Ringnevel zijn bekende elliptische vorm (die anders misschien bolvormig zou zijn geweest).
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
The Unsolved Enigma of Scoutmaster Sonny DesVergers: A Close Encounter of the Third Kind in 1952
The Unsolved Enigma of Scoutmaster Sonny DesVergers: A Close Encounter of the Third Kind in 1952
It’s a tale that could be ripped straight from the pages of a science fiction novel: A scoutmaster, an illuminated flying saucer, and a cover-up that stretches over decades. Yet, what happened on the night of August 19, 1952, in West Palm Beach, Florida, to Scoutmaster Sonny DesVergers and his troop is far from fiction. It’s a real-life mystery that has puzzled UFOlogists, skeptics, and investigators for over 70 years. And it all began with a drive home that took an unexpected turn.
The Fateful Night
Chuck Stevens was just 12 years old when he became an eyewitness to an event that would shape UFO history. Scoutmaster DesVergers was driving Stevens and his fellow scouts home from their weekly meeting when a strange light appeared in the sky over a deserted farmland. With curiosity piqued, DesVergers pulled over and told the boys to wait in the car as he investigated what he initially thought might be a plane crash.
With a promise to be back in 15 minutes, DesVergers vanished into the woods. Unbeknownst to the young scouts, their leader would emerge later with a story that would sound more like a Hollywood script than reality.
When DesVergers reappeared, he was a changed man. His uniform was charred, his face and arms showed signs of burns, but the unidentified flying object that had allegedly attacked him was nowhere in sight. The only tangible proof, apart from his physical injuries, were broken branches and wilted vegetation, which seemed to have undergone intense heat.
The Aftermath: Official Reports and Personal Tragedy
A deputy sheriff was called to the scene and took note of DesVergers’ burnt appearance, but skepticism loomed large. Chuck Stevens remembers the scene vividly, recalling the evidence he saw that night: trees with broken limbs, sap oozing out of them, and the soil—significantly warmer than the surrounding earth—indicating some form of intense heat.
Scoutmaster Sonny DesVergers got burned by a UFO, encounter remembered by eyewitness Chuck Stevens
Yet, instead of leading to an official investigation, the incident led to a personal downfall for DesVergers. He was fired from his job, ostracized from the community, and labeled a liar. He vanished from public life, his whereabouts unknown to this day.
The Lingering Questions
The government’s stance on the case has always been enigmatic. Once-secret Blue Book files (a series of studies on UFOs by the U.S. Air Force) reveal that the Air Force did, in fact, collect physical evidence from the site. Yet, no conclusions have been publicly drawn. Why isn’t this case as famous as Roswell? Is it because DesVergers was deemed unreliable?
Further supporting evidence comes from Lyman Bradford, another witness who was a seven-year-old at the time. His father, who worked at a local Air Force base, even managed to capture photos of a similar unidentified object. These photographs, however, were confiscated and have never been returned, adding another layer of mystery to an already complex case.
What Happened to the Evidence?
The most puzzling aspect of the entire event remains the lack of definitive evidence. While Blue Book files acknowledge the collection of physical samples, including soil and vegetation, their current whereabouts are unknown. Similarly, the film captured by Lyman Bradford’s father remains missing, leading many to speculate that the government may be holding more than what they have publicly disclosed.
The Legacy of the Scoutmaster Incident
The Scoutmaster UFO case remains an open chapter in the book of unexplained phenomena. Witnesses like Chuck Stevens and Lyman Bradford continue to recount their experiences, keeping the story alive, if only in whispers and internet forums.
While DesVergers himself may have vanished, the enigma of what happened on that humid August night in 1952 continues to baffle, intrigue, and beg the question: When it comes to UFOs, how much do we really know, and how much is carefully kept from public view?
In the end, the story of Sonny DesVergers serves as a grim testament to the high cost of encountering the unknown. It’s a tale that remains unfinished, with more questions than answers, and a legacy that seems destined to forever float in the realm of the unexplained.
The US government has passed legislation protecting government whistleblowers, including those who may have information on UFOs. The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), headed by Director Sean M. Kirkpatrick, is responsible for fielding these whistleblower reports. Kirkpatrick is set to answer questions during a hearing with the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, and the public is closely watching to see how he responds. While some commentators praise Kirkpatrick’s performance, others criticize it.
There is speculation that whistleblowers have gathered information on legacy UFO government programs, but it remains to be seen if their testimony will successfully uncover these programs, causing UFO disclosure or making it public. Dr. Colm Kelleher, a former manager of a secret Pentagon UFO program and author of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, has made claims regarding downed UFO craft that could provide important information to AARO and others.
There is no doubt in the credibility of Dr. Kelleher. He is a biochemist with a background in cell and molecular biology. He has worked in various research institutions and works at the National Institute of Discovery Science, where he applies forensic science techniques to investigate scientific anomalies.
Dr. Kelleher told Newstalk Breakfast that he stumbled upon a unique job advertisement in a scientific magazine seeking scientists interested in studying the origin and research of consciousness of the universe. He accepted the position and led a team of 50 people investigating UFOs in the US and Brazil. The program, which was top secret and funded by the Defence Intelligence Agency for $22 million, resulted in 104 technical reports on UFOs. The program only became public when the New York Times broke an article about it in 2017.
Dr. Kelleher stated that they had no interest in finding extraterrestrial life. Instead, they focused on documenting the UAP’s behavior and technology using photography and video. He explains what they found: “The technology these objects displayed: they outclassed the best F18 fighters in our arsenal.”
“They outperformed everything we had, so it was pretty obvious these were not United States technology, Chinese technology, or Russian technology. So we did know that they were from somewhere else. But in terms of little green men or aliens, we have no idea of who or why these objects are in United States airspace.”
In the latest Weaponized podcast episode with Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp, Dr. Kelleher confidently said that the UFOs are real. He admitted that they have downed UFOs from unknown origins and that they have been trying to reverse engineer and exploit those technologies in order to understand their physics.
In the interview, Corbell asked Dr. Kelleher if the UFOs are real, and he immediately said “Yes.” He continued: “UFOs are technologically sophisticated. They have performance characteristics that are, you know, the five observables are well-documented. But they also have a very profound effect on some people, or they have superficial effects on other people, but they do have effects on people. So going forward is to combine both of those, is to study UFO performance, and, you know, the hope is that out of UFO performance can come theoretical physics which will eventually translate into engineering.”
Dr. Kelleher discusses the possibility that UFOs are interacting with planet Earth because of the presence of humans. He suggests that it is unlikely that UFOs are only focusing on non-human life forms such as marsupials or trees, and that they are more likely to be interested in interacting with humans, who are the dominant species on the planet. This leads to the hypothesis that humanity itself is the focus of the interaction between these unknown entities that we call UFOs, as other intelligent beings are believed to be operating these objects.
He then discusses the vast number of UFO sightings globally, which implies that interactions with humans are important and produce something that the UFOs need or are interested in. He argues that it is unlikely that the hundreds of thousands or even millions of sightings that have occurred over the last 77 years since 1945 are random events that are passing through and just being in the right place at the right time. Instead, Dr. Kelleher suggests there is more to it than that, as the sheer number of sightings implies that interactions with humans are somehow important and produce something that the UFOs need or are interested in.
Dr. Kelleher also notes that the incidents of theSkinwalker Ranchare emblematic of this whole thing, as they demonstrate how human perception can be altered during UFO interactions, which may affecthuman consciousness.
He shares the incident with six individuals at Skinwalker Ranch, who all saw completely different things through their night vision binoculars during a UFO sighting. This incident is used as a metaphor to suggest that human perception is altered in many cases as a result of or during UFO interactions. He proposes that maybe human perception as it pertains to human consciousness is one of the objectives where the UFO phenomenon somehow interacts with human consciousness for a purpose, though he admits that they do not know what that purpose is.
From Mystery Wire, In an exclusive interview with Dr. Colm Kelleher: (Source)
Well, I was hired in November of 2008. The AAWSAP program ran from September 2008 to late 2010. So one of the first tasks that I had coming on board was to put together a team of UFO focused investigators as quickly as possible. So I was thinking back on this and between November 2008, and probably April 2009, I personally conducted about 300 telephone interviews in an attempt to recruit different people for different positions at AAWSAP. In addition, I did at least 100, face to face interviews in my office in that period of time. So we’re talking about a pretty rapid clip in terms of bringing forth a lot of people into the office, sometimes there were one or two people outside.
But our focus was in hiring a team of PhD level scientists, that would include physics and biology, master’s level scientists, technicians, we also looked for database analysts, and military intelligence personnel who had a long history investigative background. And of course, we also were looking for a lot of security officers, because security was a big issue. Interestingly, one of our program managers was a 20 year veteran of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, also known as AFOSI. And this guy was very, very seasoned investigator. And he helped us a lot in what turned out to be attempted formation of a relationship with AFOSI, which is discussed in the book. But all of this hiring and recruitment occurred within a four or five month period.
I think by the end of May of 2009, we had a team of about 50 people. And George, when you consider that this was a 24 month contract, so not only were we putting together the security infrastructure of this of this large organization, and that included facility security clearances, getting everything up to a level that was sufficient for inspections, but hiring these people, training all of these different people. And then we executed multiple programs side by side. And all of this happened in a 24 month period. So we were on a pretty rapid clip. And I would say, I’ve worked with government organizations in the past, NASA and DoD in other capacities, and putting that kind of level of activity together in a 24 month period, I think was pretty extraordinary. And, obviously, Dr. Lacatski, his input in Washington, DC, and greasing the wheels to make all of this happen, putting together a pretty large organization that was focused only on UFO investigations. That was the key.
The existence of UFOs has been confirmed by hundreds of government and military professionals. There should be authentic photographs and films of them that have been mixed in among the counterfeits. There is valid photographic evidence, but there are also instances of UFO evidence being confiscated from civilians and military people. However, there is old footage of a UFO flying near an airplane which has always been an element of the heated debate among UFO enthusiasts.
The 19-second footage, which is often claimed to be a clip of the lengthy video, shows a round, saucer-shaped object (like in McMinnville UFO photographs) hovering near an airplane and then moving forward, maneuvering below the aircraft wing, and flying upward. It is said to be a screen recording of the actual video. There are many theories on the origin of the video. It was published on the Internet several times in the late 2000s, which makes it difficult to find out its original date.
The earliest source of the video publication is YouTube. It was uploaded by a user “frossani” on March 6, 2008, with the caption “UFO from plane.” The user described that the UFO was captured from the window of a Blue Panorama flight from Rome to Paris, on April 29, 2006. But there are other sources saying it was shot in the 1990s with the description: “Clear full evidence of military tested saucer reproductions over U.S skies around Nevada Desert. This footage is a late 90s recording, very short as the full video is now offline altogether.”
These two versions of the description of the same video make it really confusing for experts to understand the true nature of the video. But there is more to the story. A Reddit user “usandholt” did a little research and contacted frossani. He asked the YouTube user about the video and found he/she is not the owner of the video. Below is the reply of frossani received by usandholt: (Source)
“It was quite a surprise to discover all this hype and interest about a video I had almost forgotten. I am the owner of the YouTube Channel, but not the author of the footage. I had an interest in visual effects as a hobbyist and I used to collect some inspiring videos and fantasize on what techniques would allow to recreate them. The footage of your interest was copied from a Zip Drive belonging to a university friend of mine who knew about my hobby. We are not in touch any longer and I don’t have further information about the origin of the video (I am not a UFO passionate, to me it was simply a probably-fake downloaded from the internet or some early-2000s CD-ROM). The only detail that could be useful for your research is that my friend’s father’s work was based in Aviano, in northern Italy. By the way, when I put the video on YouTube I didn’t edit it in any way; the only intervention was on the description, in which I reported the details of a Blue Panorama flight from Rome to Paris which had brought me to France sometime before (it was then dismissed a few years later, to my great deception). I am sorry I’m probably not giving you relevant information for your research.”
Has the video been debunked? Many people who claimed to be working in the aviation field found the video too good to be real. However, they failed to provide a valid explanation for the video to be fake. It is obvious many would think this could be computer-generated, but some CGI experts say that it requires a great setup to create such effects. Additionally, many find a discrepancy in the audio of the clip, perhaps it was edited.
UFO from plane published on YouTube on March 6, 2008
Reddit user “VCAmaster” explains that the video is likely a second-generation recording of a video playback on another screen, so he finds the main possibilities: 1. The audio is mostly from the camera inside the cockpit, played back on a device, and recorded onto the secondary camera (2nd generation). 2. The audio is mostly from the camera inside the cockpit, played back on a device, combined with the additional background noise of whatever is going on around the person filming the video playback secondhand. 3. The audio is directly from inside the cockpit, 1st generation video. (Source)
This video clip has been studied very carefully by military aviation experts (like Chris Lehto), and CGI experts. Lehto said that the aircraft is not a fighter jet, claiming to be an airliner. However, after closely examining, many agree that it could be the USAF T-43A plane.
It is always good to consider another possibility of the UFO origin. One Reddit user writes: “One possibility is that it is a military or scientific 737 testing the flight of frisbee-shaped objects via tow, as the disc is flying with an angle of attack to the oncoming air, rather than flat. Imagine putting a disc out on a tow line and having it ‘fly’ alongside, this is what you would see. The video is so fuzzy you wouldn’t see any line. Our usual concept of UFOs is that they need no angle of attack or Newtonian mechanics-based flight as they use some anti-gravity, anti-drug type of deal. It could fly flat or at any angle it pleased.” (Source)
It has been known for quite a while that the secret Congressional meetings included footage of a UFO very close to the wing of a military jet. A while ago, Luis Elizondo claimed that there is a23-minute UFO videoand one more, where the UFO is 50 feet away from the cockpit. So, UFOs flying near airplanes and being captured in photos and videos are true.
The first mission to land near the lunar south pole is expected to keep going until the sun sets on the moon two weeks from now.
India's Chandrayaan-3 mission took this photo of the lunar surface shortly after landing on the moon on Aug. 23, 2023.
(Image credit: ISRO via Twitter)
The moon's south polar region has welcomed its very first visitor.
Despite the numerous craters and trenches that scar the region, India's robotic Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft touched down softly as intended yesterday (Aug. 23) in its relatively flat landing spot between the Manzinus C and Simpelius N craters, located about 70 degrees from the moon's south pole.
The spacecraft's propulsion unit, a box-shaped module that had ferried Chandrayaan-3's lander-rover duo into a tight orbit around the moon and separated from it prior to the landing, continues to circle Earth's nearest neighbor. The module is equipped with only one scientific instrument, named SHAPE (Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth), which is meant to study Earth from lunar orbit, in effect mimicking observations of a distant exoplanet.
Most of the world's attention, however, is on the moon's surface. Shortly after the lander Vikram touched down on the moon, it established communications with mission control in Bengaluru, India, according to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
And the space agency announced late yesterday on X (formerly Twitter) that the rover, Pragyan, successfully rolled off the lander via a short ramp and "took a walk on the moon." That means the rover successfully deployed its own tiny solar panels to help it inch forward. It has two spectrometers onboard to study the makeup of lunar soil in the immediate area around the landing site.
Although the rover is equipped with cameras to avoid obstacles, its movements will be controlled at all times such that it trudges within the field of view of the cameras on the lander Vikram, ISRO has previously said.
Vikram also switched on three of its four onboard science experiments today (Aug. 24), according to ISRO. A particularly interesting instrument is a thermal probe that will, for the first time, shallowly probe lunar soil and measure its temperature, among other properties.
A second Vikram instrument will study a layer of the moon's tenuous atmosphere known as the ionosphere, which is filled with electrons and ions formed largely as a result of solar radiation. Scientists say this probe will help determine whether the ionosphere is compactly packed at all times or if its density changes over time and varying sunlight conditions.
The third experiment is a seismometer that will sense moonquakes near the landing site, while the fourth payload is a passive laser retroreflector array by NASA to "understand the dynamics of the moon system."
Scientists are eager to collect as much science as they can in the next two weeks, because neither the lander nor the rover is designed to withstand a bitter night on the moon, when polar temperatures drop to minus 382 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 230 degrees Celsius) or less.
So when shadows engulf the lander Vikram and rover Pragyan after the sun sets, it won't be a surprise if they go incommunicado.
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Holoman Landing may have happened. An encounter may have happened, but that 8-9-second clip has a good explanation provided by the "Here Suddenly" YouTube channel
Brand new information about the alleged footage of a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base. Follow on Twitter and Instagram @heresuddenly
India's Chandrayan-3 mission has nailed its lunar landing.
The first image of the moon's surface taken by India's Chandrayaan-3 mission after its historic touchdown on Aug. 23, 2023.
(Image credit: ISRO via Twitter)
The first images from India's Chandrayaan-3 mission taken after the probe's historic moon touchdown reveal a pockmarked surface near the lunar south pole.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) shared the images on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday (Aug. 23), about four hours after the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft completed its smooth descent.
The first set of four images were taken by the lander's Horizontal Velocity Camera as it was nearing the surface of the moon. An additional image from the Landing Imager Camera, shared a little later, shows a glimpse of the landing site, including a portion of the spacecraft's landing leg and its shadow.
"The communication link is established between the Ch-3 Lander and MOX-ISTRAC, Bengaluru," ISRO said in a post on X. "Chandrayaan-3 chose a relatively flat region on the lunar surface," the agency added in the subsequent post.
The landing made India only the fourth country in history to successfully put a spacecraft on the surface of the moon, after the United States, the former Soviet Union and China. Chandrayaan-3 is also the first spacecraft in history to touch down near the lunar south pole, an area that is currently attracting the attention of scientists and space agencies from all over the world.
Scientists think that the permanently shadowed polar craters contain water ice trapped in the rocks, which could be extracted and used to support a permanent human presence on Earth's natural companion. Moreover, these lunar craters could be used to build next-generation telescopes that would allow astronomers to see farther than they can today.
A sequence of images of the moon's surface taken by India's Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft during its descent to the lunar south pole on Aug. 23, 2023. (Image credit: ISRO)
A small rover called Pragyan arrived on board Chandrayaan-3 and will soon deploy and commence its exploration of the exciting region, so many more fascinating images are likely to come soon. Both the rover and the lander, however, are unlikely to remain operational for more than two weeks, as ISRO doesn't expect the vehicles' batteries to make it through the two-week lunar night.
Chandrayaan-3 was India's second try at landing near the moon's south pole. The country's first attempt at a lunar touchdown, in September 2019, failed when the Chandrayaan-2 lander crashed into the moon due to a software glitch.
India's triumph comes only three days after Russia lost its Luna-25 mission, its first attempt to put a spacecraft on the moon's surface in 47 years. Luna-25, too, was aiming for the lunar south pole, but crashed into the moon instead after a botched orbital maneuver on Saturday (Aug. 19).
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Tom DeLonge, the former lead vocalist and guitarist of the popular band Blink-182, has always had a keen interest in UFOs. He has spent many years researching and studying the topic. He has even formed a company, To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science (or To The Stars) to investigate and promote research on UFOs and other related phenomena.
DeLonge’s To The Stars is behind publishing the three footages (captured in 2004 and 2015 by the US Navy) that were released in 2017 and 2018. They depict UFOs and include audio recordings of the pilots. These videos gained a lot of attention when they were released.
His interest in UFOs began at a young age. As a child, DeLonge was fascinated by stories of alien encounters and sightings. He used to spend hours reading books and watching documentaries about UFOs, and was particularly interested in the famous Roswell incident of 1947, where a UFO allegedly crashed in New Mexico.
DeLonge’s research led him to conclude that UFOs are real and that they are of extra-terrestrial origin. He believes that there is a wealth of evidence to support this conclusion, including reports of sightings and encounters, as well as physical evidence such as radar tracks and photographs.
During a podcast with Daniel P Carter of BBC Radio 1 Rock, DeLonge disclosed that he has a secret official Pentagon document from a UFO program that shows telekinesis is a real ability. He believes that telekinesis has been proven in the lab and that consciousness precedes matter, and once we discover that, life is going to get very interesting.
Tom DeLonge with Former Pentagon UFO official Luis Elizondo and Former Defense for Intelligence Chris Mellon
He suggests that we have the ability to heal ourselves and create new types of Sciences and Engineering tweets. He also believes that telepathy is going to be a part of it, and that they have found an area in the brain that they believe is where telepathy happens. He thinks that once people accept all of the stuff that they have been talking about, it’s going to change the world. Below is the transcript of his conversation with Carter:
“I always tell people there is this really cool document (that I have) that was a part of the UFO program where they were studying a kid in China who can move objects with his mind. He is around 10 years old, so they wanted to figure out how that’s possible, and they recreated it in the lab.
I have the whole Department of Defense document, and it goes through it and says they were able to put a piece of paper in a glass jar, screw the lid on it, and move the paper through the lid and then six feet across the floor, all with their mind. 100 people can do this, only 10 have mastered it, and it was just wild.
So telekinesis has been proven in the lab, but no one knows about it. I’m like, to be able to move things with the force, like in Star Wars, is a big deal. It sounds ridiculous, that’s why, and within the current paradigm, it sounds ridiculous. I’m sure, or you won’t remember, but we had a conversation at the Reading Festival many years ago where I think I probably came across as a total maniac, even to someone as open-minded as yourself. But, I was talking about reading a bunch of different things, which means nothing, but I was looking at different realms of consciousness because that’s the basis of everything I believe.
I believe that consciousness precedes matter and I highly agree with you. Because the current paradigm is that consciousness is a facet that’s created by matter, which is just this weird thing that’s come about because our brains are complicated and that’s nonsense. I think it’s exactly the opposite and once we discover that stuff, life is going to get very interesting.
Once we discover that mind over matter, not the other way around, we will have the ability to heal ourselves, create new types of Sciences and Engineering, and become a civilization where telepathy is a part of it. I believe that’s all going to happen. There is one person, who was up for the Nobel last year, is one of the top geneticists in the world, at one of the Ivy League schools that we are working with, who worked on part of the UFO program at the Pentagon. I was talking to him, and they found an area in the brain that they believe is where telepathy happens, and he believes he can create something to enhance it by a thousand times, like some type of drug that targets that area of the brain.
So, that’s the thing, people do think it’s ridiculous, but not the people who have an open enough mind to research and jump in. These guys are like World leading PhDs, and that’s been the kind of the story of my life, is everything I’ve told, even on Rogan, is not made up, it’s coming from somewhere, and I can’t say where it’s coming from, but at the end of the day, it’s all real. I think it’s going to be a very exciting time once people accept all of the stuff that we’ve been talking about here on this interview, I think it’s going to really change the world.”
Moreover, as in the January 2022 Thrasher Magazine issue, DeLonge was asked: “Would you say UFOs are driven by aliens or do you think it’s more like a drone?” He replied: “I think both.” He suggested that it is important to note that while studying UFOs, we must be aware of the fact that they could be remotely controlled and may have occupants. (Source)
“I think the biggest misconception is that they are coming from other planets. Evidence doesn’t really support that. The evidence supports that it’s dimensional and that it’s parallel timelines that exist with frequency. It’s really complicated, different, and interesting. But once you understand that, you have no way out of reexamining the religious world and wondering what the Star of Bethlehem really was,” DeLonge explained.
Further, he was asked if UFOs or aliens are coming from the oceans. He said that while the origin of UFOs is a separate conversation, it is believed that they do exist in our oceans. With the use of sensors placed throughout the ocean to detect submarines and other objects, it has been reported that there have been sightings of unidentified submerged objects (USOs).
In one instance, a helicopter pilot was testing torpedoes, and a navy SEAL was sent down on a wire to retrieve the torpedo. However, as soon as he touched the water, a large craft came underneath him, took the torpedo, and left at the high speed. The navy SEAL was in shock and panicked, requesting to be pulled up immediately. Although there were initial plans to have the witnesses speak on television, they later backed out, and some of them testified to the committee. Nonetheless, similar incidents continue to occur frequently, and it is, indeed, extraordinary.
DeLonge’s views on UFOs have been met with both praise and criticism. Some people believe that his research is valuable and that it is important to investigate and study UFOs in an open and honest manner. Others believe that DeLonge’s opinion is misguided and that there is no evidence to support his conclusions.
Despite the criticism, DeLonge remains committed to his research and wants to continue promoting the truth about UFOs. He believes that UFOs are real and that they are of extra-terrestrial origin, and that the truth about UFOs should be investigated and studied openly and honestly. Through his work To The Stars, DeLonge hopes to bring more attention to the topic of UFOs and to promote research and discussion about this fascinating phenomenon.
The south pole of the Moon just might be the hottest real estate in the Universe right now. Nearly every country with a space program has its eyes set on establishing a presence on the lunar surface’s south side. NASA, for example, is currently in the middle of its Artemis campaign, set to culminate with a permanent U.S. settlement there, and India, Russia, and China are all inching their way to our neighboring celestial body.
If this feels like deja vu, you’re not wrong. The original “space race” — a fierce battle between the U.S. and the Soviet Union over who had the technology to conquer the cosmos first — began with the launch of Sputnik 1 and culminated with the U.S. landing the first crewed spacecraft, Apollo 11, on the moon. But now, over 50 years later, we may be entering an entirely new era of space exploration, one that seems poised to come with a race of its own.
Earlier this month, at a press conference at Kennedy Space Center for NASA’s Artemis II mission, NASA administrator Bill Nelson expressed concern that if China's space agency beat NASA to a crewed Moon landing, China might deny other countries access to landing sites and water ice.
“The space race is really between us and China,” said Nelson. “And we need to protect the interests of the international community.”
Inverse talked with space policy expert Ian Christensen of the Secure World Foundation, who also is involved in "twice-yearly informal, off-the-record dialogues with the U.S. and Chinese space sector actors,” about why the U.S. and China are gearing up for a new “space race,” what exactly is at stake, and how it’s likely to play out.
NASA and the China National Space Administration (CNSA) seem to be eyeing some of the same landing sites for Artemis III and Chang’e-7, a CNSA mission to explore the Moon, including landing on its surface, planned for a 2026 launch.
That’s not terribly surprising. The Moon’s southern craters are an ideal location for a number of reasons. First, the area offers a near-perfect landing site: a high, flat ground with good lighting. The resources around it also make it possible to set up a permanent base on the moon. A nearby crater contains an ice deposit large enough to turn the frozen water into rocket fuel and breathable oxygen — two resources that are critical to establishing long-term bases on the Moon and eventually providing logistical support for missions to Mars. And that’s something both countries are determined to do.
NASA chose 13 possible sites for the Artemis III landing, but China’s space agency has its eye on several of the same sites for Chang’e 7.
All of this, on some level, is about power.
“Space is not separable from diplomatic soft power,” says Christensen. (“Soft power” refers to wielding influence rather than military might or financial leverage.) “The State Department and NASA have tried to leverage space as part of U.S. international diplomatic strategies. China does the same thing; they don't have quite the brand identity, but they certainly bring space into diplomatic and trade agreements.”
Domestic policy may also have something to do with it. The idea of a space race hearkens back to the Cold War, and that is politically expedient for both countries, at least in some ways.
“There's something of an ‘Apollo hangover’ in the U.S.,” says Christensen. “The idea that competition with the Soviets led to this tremendous achievement, and we want to recapture that sort of environment. I think there's certainly an element of that in there.” The idea of a competitor might also give the U.S. space program a sense of urgency.
Meanwhile, Christensen says, “The Chinese ecosystem is certainly motivated at a certain level by trying to maintain its reputation as a space power,” and keeping pace with the U.S. is a key part of that.
What about our old Cold War “space race” rival, Russia? Nelson essentially dismissed Russia as a competitor in the current race to the Moon. He cited a long history of U.S. and Russian cooperation in space (although that, too, has been strained since Russia invaded Ukraine). But he also made it clear that Russia just isn’t in a position to compete:
“I don't think that a lot of people at this point would say that Russia is actually ready to be landing cosmonauts on the Moon in the timeframe that we're talking about going to the Moon, or that possibly China would be,” Nelson said.
As if to prove Nelson’s point, Russia’s Luna-25 lander crashed during an attempt to land near the Moon’s south pole on August 19. Luna-25 had been neck-and-neck with India’s Chandrayaan-3 lander in the race to become the first spacecraft to land near the Moon’s south pole.
The crash is an embarrassing political setback for Russia, whose president Vladimir Putin touts the country’s space program as proof of Russian power, both to his own people and to other countries.
Despite Putin’s ambitions, though, it’s been more than 30 years since Russia was a real space power. In recent years, Roscosmos has mostly been in the business of ferrying astronauts and supplies to the International Space Station (and even that hasn’t gone so well lately). The agency has been working on a shoestring budget for decades. Money — and access to hardware — has gotten even tighter since Russia invaded Ukraine in early 2022, triggering waves of international sanctions, including from some of the countries that were originally slated to provide electronic components for Luna-25.
With Luna-25 now a pile of scrap on the lunar surface, it looks like India may beat Russia — and everyone else — to the south pole of the Moon. But for NASA, China remains the competitor to watch: the country is a powerhouse economic, political, and ideological rival to the U.S. here on Earth, and (unlike Russia) it has both money and political will to throw behind a race to the Moon.
So how will the new lunar “space race” unfold? Neither the U.S. nor China (nor anybody else) can just plant a flag and declare that they own Shackleton Crater. Both countries have signed the Outer Space Treaty, which says that celestial bodies like the Moon and Mars can’t be claimed as national territory.
On the other hand, you really can’t land your spaceship on top of somebody else’s astronaut encampment or robotic lander. The U.S. and China agreed, by signing the Outer Space Treaty, not to cause “harmful interference” with each other’s operations, which definitely includes not landing a rocket on them. What’s less clear is how much room one country is obligated to give another country’s landing site, for example.
Sorting out that kind of detail is going to be a huge challenge in the years ahead, and communication between the U.S. and Chinese governments will be key to working out those issues — and maybe even setting the precedent that will define how countries interact on the Moon, on Mars, and in the asteroid belt.
Photo taken by the rover Yutu-2 (Jade Rabbit-2) on Jan. 11, 2019 showing the lander of the Chang'e-4 probe.
The question, says Christensen, is, “Do we have the lines of communication between these two states to figure out deconfliction mechanisms or to share information on activities being conducted so that we don't stumble into some sort of inadvertent crisis points?” But the two countries’ strained relationship here on Earth could make that difficult.
“We've seen kind of a difficulty in establishing communication channels in other domains of operations, so I think there's some concern that that will continue in the space domain,” says Christensen.
U.S. law actually forbids NASA to talk to China’s space agency. An amendment to a 2011 appropriations bill, called the Townsend amendment, prohibits direct discussions between NASA and Chinese officials.
Instead, says Christensen, conversations on coordinating and minimizing conflict on the Moon have to happen in big, multinational forums like the UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space or the International Space Exploration Coordination Group, or in what Christensen describes as "informal dialogues between stakeholders on both sides.” Those are mostly discussions about the broad strokes of each country's goals and principles — not establishing rules of the road for future lunar settlements.
Earlier this month, at a press conference at Kennedy Space Center for NASA’s Artemis II mission, NASA administrator Bill Nelson expressed concern that if China's space agency beat NASA to a crewed Moon landing, China might deny other countries access to landing sites and water ice.
"We're not looking for agreements, and we're not looking for any sort of cooperation; we're just looking to have some very basic kind of better understanding of individual and cultural logic," says Christensen. "It's a kind of indirect and slow process."
And there are other ways to work around the Townsend Amendment. The U.S. and China have managed to swap scientific information a few times in the past, trading observations from NASA’s Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) for data from China’s Chang’e missions.
“I think we should be looking for more opportunities to do that: around sample uses, physical characterization of the regolith, things like that,” says Christensen, “so that some limited basic scientific data exchange can occur and help us have some connections.”
Things between the U.S. and China are already tense, and that’s going to make us awkward lunar neighbors at best. And there’s a very good chance that disputes over lunar landing sites could add stress to the already strained relationship between the U.S. and China here on Earth.
“There's a risk that it becomes another point of tension in this larger dynamic between the two states,” says Christensen.
But he doesn’t expect that tension to spill over into armed conflict, either on the Moon or about the Moon.
“I think conflict over the Moon is probably unlikely in the foreseeable future,” says Christensen. “I don't think we've yet established the type of integration of the Moon into broader economics and geopolitics to bring into conflict.”
In the end, Christensen says a space “race” probably isn’t the right word and definitely not a productive one. “I think it puts a little bit too much importance on getting there } and detracts from some of the more long-term questions.”
The subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life has gripped the imagination of many, but perhaps nobody embodies this curiosity as much as Arthur C. Clarke did (Amazon link). The eminent science fiction author and futurist, whose work often grappled with mankind’s place in the universe, once took it upon himself to explore the various facets of unidentified flying objects.
From Skepticism to Curiosity
Clarke’s own experience with what he initially thought was a UFO turned out to be a weather balloon, a common source of mistaken identity. His tale serves as a gentle reminder that not everything we see in the sky is from another galaxy. Clarke was skeptical about long-range UFO sightings primarily because they often lacked irrefutable evidence.
However, he was genuinely fascinated by “Close Encounters”—instances where people claimed to have come into direct contact with extraterrestrial beings or their craft. Clarke pointed out that while it is possible that older, more advanced civilizations might have been visiting Earth, there is no hard evidence to suggest ongoing visitations in the modern era.
The Tale of Mrs. Jesse Roestenburg
One of the more engrossing accounts Clarke delved into was that of Mrs. Jesse Roestenburg, who lived in a Staffordshire farmhouse. Roestenburg’s tale was gripping: a giant, Mexican hat-shaped object suspended in the sky, with beings inside who had golden hair and “eyes full of compassion.” For Roestenburg and her children, this was a moment that defied rational explanation. The object performed aerial maneuvers before ascending sharply and disappearing, leaving a family in awe and wonder.
When Physical Evidence Appears
Bob Taylor, a forestry worker, was another individual who claimed to have a close encounter, but with a twist: there was physical evidence. Taylor stumbled upon a dark, domed object while walking down a woodland track. He described smaller “spiky” objects rolling towards him and an overwhelming, choking smell before losing consciousness. When he returned home, his trousers were torn in a manner consistent with being pulled upward.
The police found unexplainable track marks and holes in the ground at the scene, adding a layer of mystique to an already baffling event. Could this have been evidence of a craft landing or taking off?
The Technological Watchtower
Clarke was particularly intrigued by the idea that if extraterrestrial visitors were frequenting Earth, it seemed improbable that they could elude the extensive radar networks operated by various countries. Anything “as big as a pencil” orbiting Earth could be tracked, making the secretive arrival of an extraterrestrial craft unlikely.
What To Do If You Meet an Extraterrestrial?
Clarke’s advice was whimsical yet profound: “Be very polite and be prepared for a long journey.” If the visitors are anything like us—curious explorers of the cosmos—they might be as fascinated by us as we are by them.
Arthur C Clarke Unmasks The Truth Behind UFOs | Our World
Arthur C. Clarke’s balanced, scientific perspective on UFOs serves as a guide for how we might approach this enduring mystery. While Clarke remained skeptical about random lights in the sky, he was open to the possibility of life beyond Earth and the compelling tales of those who claim to have had close encounters. Like Clarke, perhaps we should be prepared to embrace the unknown, armed with curiosity and a dash of skepticism, as we continue our collective quest to understand our place in the universe.
Just two years before his death, William M. Tompkins had written “Selected by Extraterrestrials,” which induced sudden chaos in the UFO community with his incredible testimony about the US Navy’s secret development of space battle groups with the assistance of major aerospace companies beginning with Douglas Aircraft. He can be considered one of the most incredible whistleblowers to step forward and disclosed the Secret Space Programs, E.T. Agendas, and hidden governments. He claimed to be part of an operation involving US Navy spies who stole UFO plans and antigravity technological secrets from the Nazis during World War II.
In July 2017, at a press conference, Tompkins made an unprecedented statement. He worked for the Douglas Aircraft Company alongside extraterrestrials (Nordic alien women). It had been 4-7 years before NASA appeared. He claimed about it in his book (mentioned above) that was published in 2015.
William Tompkins of Oceanside, CA displays one of the 307 ships in his fleet. A modeler since age 9, he started in earnest in his teens and built an entire fleet that illustrates naval history throughout America’s history.Image Credit:
Additionally, he revealed that the Nazis had already had operational UFOs during the war, and because of the information that the US spies were able to obtain, the US later developed its own fleet of UFOs – which then got siphoned off into the black military sphere under the control of Majestic 12, the ultra-secretive group that controlled and managed the UFO/alien issue in the 1940s.
During the time of World War, there were secret societies such as the Thule Society and the Vril Society. Famous British historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clark wrote a whole chapter about Maria Orsic in his book “Black Sun” published in 2001, where he connected her with Vril society.
The author mentioned that Orsic could communicate with alien civilizations and one of them was from the planet Aldebaran, which is located in the Taurus system.
According to Tompkins, the Nazis were in contact with Extraterrestrial Reptilians at the same time as Orsic was doing her channeling. Hitler found out about Orsic, her abilities, and the fact she was receiving information that detailed how to construct UFOs.
According to Tompkins, Hitler allowed Orsic (and the Nordics with whom she was working for) to continue work on their UFO program because the Nazis were already in contact with the Reptilians, and because Hitler knew he could always take over Orsic’s project at any time.
Robert Wood, who was interviewed alongside William Tompkins by Search4TruthReality (source), claimed that the Nazis’ technology rapidly advanced due to their relationship with the Reptilians, so that they actually got to the far side of the moon before the end of WW2.
William Tompkins and Dr. Robert Wood during an interview in 2016.
Dr. Wood worked in research and development management in Douglas Aircraft and McDonnell Douglas from 1956 to 1993. Later he became a Board member of MUFON. He was given $500,000 to disseminate UFO documents and $250,000 to make a UFO documentary. Later, Robert and his son Ryan scanned hundreds of MJ-12 documents and made them available on their website
According to William Tompkins, he was recruited at a young age by the Navy due to his precocious ability to build highly accurate model ships. After working at North American Aviation and Northrop, he was hired by Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950.
In the interviews such as with Project Camelot and in his book “Selected by Extraterrestrials,” Tompkins revealed much of his story. He explained that MJ-12 began in 1942 with the senior Douglas (the man who started the company).
Tompkins stated that right after the Battle of LA in 1942, in order to handle the implications of UFOs openly showing themselves in the skies, Douglas pulled some key men into a group (or think tank) that later became MJ-12.
Seventeen-year-old Bill Tompkins points out the detail on his models to naval Captain H. C. Gearing, commandant of the 11th Naval District in San Diego. Bill was soon inducted into the navy and is shown in the second photo in his uniform holding one of his aircraft carriers. He went on to help design com on the real ships.
Image Credit:
Dr. Wood stated that MJ-12 is mostly associated with the Air Force, not other branches of the US military. He explained that the US Navy started back-engineering Nazi UFO crafts in 1942 before MJ-12 came into existence. It took the Navy around a decade to produce functional UFO craft, but they did so eventually.
Tompkins stated that when the first astronauts went to the moon, they were shocked to discover it had already been occupied by Draco Reptilians. He said that the Reptilians, over 9 feet tall, were standing next to their advanced craft.
According to both Tompkins and Dr. Wood, the Reptilians had already made a deal with the Nazis. Amazingly, Tompkins himself claimed he saw ancient structures on the far side of the moon and that he saw a floating building – 1.5 miles above the lunar surface.
According to Tompkins, although there are many ET species interacting with humanity currently, including Dracos/Reptilians and Nordics which have a great influence on the world.
In his Project Camelot interview, Tompkins prevented himself from disclosing more information about Reptilians as it was harmful to his credibility.
Tompkins also described the US Military’s concerns about UFOs and alien beings and the Military’s rush to create advanced space-based weapons, which could be used to defend the planet Earth against an ET threat to our civilization.
He revealed US Navy has Battle Groups operating outside the Earth. He personally designed five space ships and thirty support ships. Using the latest technology, he designed different space ships for Northrop Aviation Company. Northrop started building the huge craft underground in Utah.
Tompkins claimed we are now building even better Battle Groups. The Apollo moon landings were also designed to build a base on the moon. We have had bases on the moon along with bases on Mars and Jupiter’s moons.
A month after the shocking conference, Tompkins passed away unexpectedly on August 21, 2017, in San Diego, California, at the age of 94.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Ancient River Is Helping NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Do Its Work
Ancient River Is Helping NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Do Its Work
Perseverance Views Jezero Boulder Field: The Mastcam-Z imager on NASA’s Perseverance rover captured a series of images on July 6 that were stitched together to show a field of boulders deposited in Jezero Crater by a fast-moving ancient river. Rover tracks across the middle of the image give a sense of scale. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS. Download image ›
The six-wheeled geologist is getting some assistance in its search for diverse rock samples that could be brought to Earth for deeper investigation.
NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover sealed the tube containing its 20th rock core sample on June 23 (the 832nd Martian day, or sol, of the mission), and the mission’s science team is excited about its potential. That’s because this sample was drilled by the rover from an outcrop composed of tiny chunks of other rocks that were carried from elsewhere by a river in the distant past and deposited here, where they became cemented together. Conglomerates like this one (nicknamed “Emerald Lake” by the team) pack a lot of information about places the rover may never visit, with each new rock fragment representing a geologic a story to be told.
“Pebbles and boulders found in a river are messengers from afar,” said Ken Farley, Perseverance project scientist from Caltech in Pasadena. “And while the water that created the Martian riverbed that Perseverance is currently exploring evaporated billions of years ago, the story carried by those waters remains fresh, stored in conglomerate rock.”
Perseverance's 'Otis Peak' Sample Reveals Colors of Conglomerate: NASA’s Perseverance captured this image June 13 of a sample it cored from a conglomerate rock called “Emerald Lake.” This “Otis Peak” core shows distinctly colored areas that are individual minerals transported by a river that once flowed into Jezero Crater. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech. Download image ›
Perseverance is collecting these samples so that they can be brought to Earth by the NASA-ESA (European Space Agency) Mars Sample Return campaign and studied by lab equipment that’s too large and complex to bring to Mars. Scientists will be able to look at each pebble and fragment in this core, dubbed “Otis Peak,” to determine details such as its age, what the environmental conditions were like in the river when the conglomerate formed, and whether it contains signs of ancient microbial life.
Now in its third science campaign, Perseverance is exploring the top of a fan-shaped pile of sedimentary rock that stands 130 feet (40 meters) tall. With this sample sealed and stored in its belly, the rover is on its way to a low ridge called “Snowdrift Peak.” To get there, it will have to cross a field of boulders.
As with the rock fragments in the Otis Peak sample, scientists believe the boulders likely formed elsewhere and were transported to their present location billions of years ago by an ancient river. Boulders are also desirable because their large surface area allows scientists to visually investigate many potentially distinct rocks in a single image. So the team will be keeping their options open, ready to stop for anything that piques their curiosity.
“Whether the boulders appear intriguing enough for closer examination and possible sampling remains to be seen – literally,” said Farley. “We’re taking a page from the past. Prospectors looking for gold or diamonds in the old days often looked in rivers to determine whether there was any deposit of interest upstream. No need to hike up there to see – let the river do the work!”
More About the Mission
A key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology, including caching samples that may contain signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith.
Subsequent NASA missions, in cooperation with ESA, would send spacecraft to Mars to collect these sealed samples from the surface and return them to Earth for in-depth analysis.
The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission is part of NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes Artemis missions to the Moon that will help prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managed for the agency by Caltech, built and manages operations of the Perseverance rover.
Researchers have successfully forced electromagnetic (EM) waves that usually pass right through each other to collide head-on by manipulating time, made possible with the unique properties of metamaterials.
Inspired by the concept of using macro-scale waves like tsunamis or earthquakes to cancel each other out, the manipulation of time interfaces to cause these photons to collide instead of pass through each other could open up a wide range of engineering applications, including advances in telecommunications, optical computing, and even energy harvesting.
Engineers studying the devastating effects of wave-driven catastrophes like tsunamis and earthquakes have often postulated the idea of using a counter-wave to stop them in their tracks. Unfortunately, various laws of physics have proven the idea impractical, if not downright impossible. Still, researchers studying wave interactions at the atomic and sub-atomic scale wondered if the idea might be possible in the quantum universe.
“While such an outcome (stopping a tsunami) is impossible in conventional wave physics, we knew it was possible in principle with a temporal metamaterial,”saidEmanuele Galiffi, a postdoctoral fellow at Advanced Science Research Center at the CUNY Graduate Center (CUNY ASRC) and the leading author on this latest study. “Our experiment allowed us to demonstrate this concept in action for electromagnetic waves.”
To make the historic photon collision, the CUNY ASRC team first looked back at the work they had previously published on something called time reflections.
From a purely theoretical standpoint, time reflections are exactly what they sound like. Instead of a reflection of a light wave, like seeing oneself in the mirror, or a reflection of a sound wave, like hearing an echo, a time reflection is rooted in the idea that time moves like a wave, and given the right conditions, time could be reflected backward. At least on a quantum scale.
Although the idea had been discussed for over six decades, there was no known material that could change its overall state quickly enough to initiate these time reflections. Then earlier this year, the same CUNY ASRC team behind this latest breakthrough finally proved the existence of time reflections by using a metamaterial that had only recently been developed.
“Using a sophisticated metamaterial design, we were able to realize the conditions to change the material’s properties in time both abruptly and with a large contrast,” explained Andrea Alù, Distinguished Professor of Physics at The City University of New York Graduate Center and founding director of the CUNY ASRC Photonics Initiative at the time of the discovery. The result was the first observable evidence that time had been reflected backward.
Now, Professor Alù and his team have shown that manipulating time in a metamaterial can indeed cause photons to collide.
“Our work is building on a series of experiments that show how we can create metamaterials with unique properties that emerge from abrupt time variations of their electromagnetic properties,” said Alù. “These variations allow us to manipulate wave propagation in ways not seen in nature.”
This newest work, which was published in the journal Nature Physics, proved that the abrupt temporal changes in tailored metamaterials they had previously demonstrated, a.k.a. time interfaces or time reflections, could actually make electromagnetic waves collide. It’s something seen in macro-scale objects like pool balls colliding, but at the sub-atomic scale, it is something never witnessed before.
Also notable, the researchers said that by manipulating time, they were able to control the nature of the collision to determine if energy was lost or conserved. For example, two pool balls colliding conserve the vast majority of their energy, whereas two rubber balls colliding lose much of theirs.
“We were also able to control whether the waves exchanged, gained, or lost energy during these collisions,” said Alù.
One interesting application proposed and actually demonstrated by the researchers involved using their method to shape electromagnetic pulses by colliding them with one another.
“This technique allows us to use an additional signal as a mold to sculpt a pulse that we are interested in structuring,” said Gengyu Xu, a postdoctoral fellow with Alù’s lab and co-leading author of the paper. Xu says they have already shown this ability using radio waves and that they are now working to “realize this sculpting ability” at higher frequencies.
In their conclusion, the researchers state that the ability to collide EM waves with the goal of controlling wave propagation could also lead to breakthroughs in a number of areas that rely on such processes. These include advances in wireless communications, energy harvesting, imaging, and computing.
Christopher Plain is a Science Fiction and Fantasy novelist and Head Science Writer at The Debrief. Follow and connect with him onX, learn about his books, or email him directly
20th August 2023, Maidstone, UK– In the era of advanced technology and scientific discovery, there still remain moments that are shrouded in mystery and wonder. A recent event that took place over Downswood has grabbed the attention of UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike, adding to the ever-growing catalog of unexplained “UFO sightings” from around the world.
Witness Report: A Glimpse Into the Unknown
On a day marked by clear skies and a backdrop of azure blues, a mysterious long rectangular object was seen emitting an extraordinary light. Travelling in an easterly direction at approximately 15,000 to 20,000 feet, the UFO, visible to the naked eye, was brightly illuminated—whether by its own lights or a reflection remains a subject of debate.
However, what made this sighting particularly compelling was its peculiar behaviour. The lights from the object flashed intermittently, causing the UFO to momentarily disappear before resurfacing in the vast sky. This unusual pattern of appearance and disappearance left many onlookers in awe and bewilderment.
Contextual Puzzle Piece: The Eastbourne Airshow
In a curious twist to the narrative, an Eurofighter Typhoon, participating in the Eastbourne Airshow, was spotted flying from the North to the South. This jet, cruising at a height considerably lower than the unidentified flying object, provides an intriguing contrast and context to the sighting.
Did the two events, occurring almost simultaneously, share a connection? Or was it simply a remarkable coincidence that a highly sophisticated and identifiable aircraft was present near the mysterious high-flying entity?
Captured for Posterity
Thanks to the advancements in smartphone technology, the strange spectacle was captured on a Google Pixel 7 Pro mobile phone. The video accompanying this article clearly showcases the object’s trajectory and distinctive features. It serves as a visual testimony, inviting viewers to come to their own conclusions about the unexplained phenomenon.
While the existence of extraterrestrial life remains a divisive topic, UFO sightings like the one over Downswood serve as tantalizing clues to the enigma. As interest in the unknown continues to grow, and as people from different corners of the world come forth with their own stories and evidence, one thing remains certain: The sky, in all its vastness, still holds secrets waiting to be unraveled.
On September 24, 2022, the vast Texas sky, known for its bright stars and expansive views, was the stage for this surreal triangle-shaped UFO sighting that was just submitted to MUFON today. The recorded footage, spanning a surreal 40 seconds, has left netizens buzzing with intrigue and curiosity.
Witness Account: The incident was documented by a musician who was driving home after a show. Just as he was navigating the Texan roads, a peculiar formation in the night sky compelled him to pull over. Initially mistaken for the moon, it soon became evident that this was no celestial body. Instead, what hovered above was a “HUGE FOOTBALL FIELD sized triangle aircraft.”
To emphasize the sheer magnitude of the UFO, commercial planes, reduced to tiny pinpoints of light, fluttered past this gigantic triangular entity. With a cloud-veiled sky as the backdrop, the sighting became even more dramatic. Notably, this unidentified object remained stationary for an estimated seven minutes before it initiated a gradual movement across the horizon.
“I thought this thing was the moon but the moon was on the other side of the night sky,” said the musician, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and fear. She added, “Everyone that sees it is like ‘wow!‘”
The Video Proof: Accompanying this article is the must-watch video, filmed from the musician’s car. While a 40-second clip may seem brief, every second is laden with wonder and raises questions about the mysteries of our universe.
UFO sightings have always been a topic of global fascination, and this recent event in Texas further fuels the debate. Was this a clandestine military project, an otherworldly visitor, or perhaps a natural phenomenon we are yet to understand? While theories abound, one fact remains irrefutable: the skies of Texas were home to an aerial spectacle on that fateful September night.
For those eager to delve deeper into such phenomena, stay tuned and search for more on “UFO sightings.” This universe, it seems, has many more tales to tell.
India becomes first nation to land spacecraft near Moon's south pole
India becomes first nation to land spacecraft near Moon's south pole
This handout screen grab taken and received from the live feed of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) website on August 23, 2023, shows the successful lunar landing of Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft on the south pole of the Moon.
(Photo by ISRO / AFP)
Bengaluru, India: India on Wednesday became the first nation to land a craft near the Moon's south pole, a historic triumph for the world's most populous nation and its ambitious, cut-price space programme.
The unmanned Chandrayaan-3, which means "Mooncraft" in Sanskrit, touched down at 6:04 pm India time (1234 GMT) as mission control technicians cheered wildly and embraced their colleagues.
Its landing comes days after a Russian probe crashed in the same region and four years since the previous Indian attempt failed at the last moment.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi smiled broadly and waved an Indian flag on a live broadcast to announce the mission's success as a triumph that extended beyond his country's borders.
"On this joyous occasion I would like to address the people of the world," said Modi from the sidelines of the BRICS diplomatic summit in South Africa.
"India's successful moon mission is not just India's alone," he added. "This success belongs to all of humanity."
The Chandrayaan-3 mission has captivated public attention since launching nearly six weeks ago in front of thousands of cheering spectators.
Chandrayaan-3 took much longer to reach the Moon than the Apollo missions in the 1960s and 1970s, which arrived in a matter of days.
India used rockets much less powerful than the ones the United States used back then, meaning the probe had to orbit the Earth several times to gain speed before embarking on its month-long journey.
The lander, Vikram, which means "valour" in Sanskrit, detached from its propulsion module last week and has been sending images of the Moon's surface since entering lunar orbit on August 5.
Now that Vikram has landed, a solar-powered rover will explore the surface and transmit data to Earth over its two-week lifespan.
Ambitious programme
India is closing in on milestones set by global space powers such as the United States and Russia, conducting many of its missions at much lower price tags.
The South Asian nation has a comparatively low-budget space programme, but one that has grown considerably in size and momentum since it first sent a probe to orbit the Moon in 2008.
The latest mission has a cost of $74.6 million -- far lower than those of other countries, and a testament to India's frugal space engineering.
Experts say India can keep costs low by copying and adapting existing technology, and thanks to an abundance of highly skilled engineers who earn a fraction of their foreign counterparts' wages.
In 2014, India became the first Asian nation to put a craft into orbit around Mars and is slated to launch a three-day crewed mission into Earth's orbit by next year.
Wednesday's landing had been eagerly awaited by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) after the frustrating failure of its previous mission at the last hurdle in 2019.
Back then, mission control lost contact with the Chandrayaan-2 lunar module moments before its slated landing.
'Very, very important'
Former ISRO chief K. Sivan told AFP that India's efforts to explore the relatively unmapped lunar south pole would make a "very, very important" contribution to scientific knowledge.
Only Russia, the United States and China have previously achieved controlled landings on the Moon.
Russia launched a lunar probe in August -- its first in nearly half a century.
If successful, it would have beaten Chandrayaan-3 by a matter of days to become the first mission from any nation to make a controlled landing around the south pole.
But Luna-25 crashed on Saturday after an unspecified incident as it prepared to descend.
Journalists film the live telecast of spacecraft Chandrayaan-3 landing on the moon at ISRO's Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network facility in Bengaluru, India, Wednesday, August 23, 2023.
Missie geslaagd: India landt als eerste ooit onbemand ruimtetuig op de zuidpool van de maan
Missie geslaagd: India landt als eerste ooit onbemand ruimtetuig op de zuidpool van de maan
India heeft een onbemand ruimtetuig laten landen op de zuidpool van de maan. Het is het eerste land ter wereld dat daarin is geslaagd. Voor India is het een dubbele primeur. Voor het land is het de eerste succesvolle maanlanding.
Laurens Dekock
m 14u33 raakte de onbemande Indische maanraket Chandrayaan-3 het maanoppervlak, precies zoals verwacht. Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis landt een ruimtetuig op de zuidpool van de maan, iets waar Rusland afgelopen weekend niet in was geslaagd. Ruimtesonde Loena-25 crashte toen tegen de maan.
Het is voor India een dubbele primeur. Voor het land is het ook de allereerste maanlanding. Daarmee is het slechts het vierde land dat daar is in geslaagd. De Sovjet-Unie deden het eerst, de Verenigde Staten brachten de eerste mens op de maan en de laatste maanlanding was in 2020 door China.
"Dit succes behoort de gehele mensheid toe", zei Indiaas premier Narendra Modi, meteen na de landing. Hij was zelf niet in India, maar volgde de landing vanop de Brics-top in Zuid-Afrika. Op X, het vroegere Twitter, spreekt hij over "een historische dag voor de Indiase ruimtesector".
Loena-25 moet zo'n jaar lang op de zuidpool van de maan opereren om onder meer bodemstalen te nemen. Daar is in de kraters bevroren water ontdekt de afgelopen jaren.
Dat kan toekomstige ruimtemissies meer mogelijkheden geven. We zouden er als mens langer kunnen blijven en de maanbodem ontginnen.
Het zuidelijke gebied op de maan is bijzonder interessant voor wetenschappers. De voorbije jaren is daar bevroren water ontdekt in kraters en wetenschappers willen dat maar wat graag verder onderzoeken. De zuidpool is ook interessant voor een basis omdat er bijna altijd zon schijnt.
Aan boord van de Chandrayaan-3 is een rover of maanwagen. Die zal stalen verzamelen en de chemische verbindingen ervan analyseren. De verzamelde data wordt doorgestuurd, maar de maanlander zelf vliegt niet terug naar de aarde. De hele missie duurt 14 dagen, oftewel een maan-dag.
India just became the fourth nation to stick a lunar landing.
India has joined the moon-landing club.
The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft touched down softly near the moon's south pole today (Aug. 23), notching a huge milestone for the nation. India is now the fourth country to stick a lunar landing, after the United States, the former Soviet Union and China.
The historic touchdown occurred at 8:33 am ET (1233 GMT or 6:03 p.m. India Standard Time), according to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). "We have achieved soft landing on the moon! India is on the moon!" ISRO chairman Sreedhara Somanath announced after the landing.
"This success belongs to all of humanity and it will help moon missions by other countries in the future," India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a speech following the landing. "I'm confident that all countries in the world, including those from the global south, are capable of achieving such feats. We can all aspire to the moon and beyond."
A little over two hours after landing, ISRO posted images to X (formerly known as Twitter) showing the moon's surface as seen by Chandrayaan-3's during its descent, adding that the agency has successfully established a communication link between the spacecraft and mission control.
Mission controllers applaud after the landing of Chandrayaan-3 near the lunar south pole, with inset graphic of spacecraft on moon from the Indian Space Research Organisation's broadcast. (Image credit: ISRO)
Soon, a solar-powered rover named Pragyan (Sanskrit for "wisdom") is expected to roll off Chandrayaan-3's Vikram ("valor") lander. The robotic duo will spend one lunar day (about 14 Earth days) exploring its new home, with the goal of collecting scientific data about the moon's makeup before its batteries drain after sunset.
"The whole country is excited about this mission," Anil Bhardwaj, director of the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in India, which built a few of the instruments onboard Chandrayaan-3, told prior to the landing. "We all hope that we will be successful in ... bringing out new science from this mission."
A live image from the moon by Chandrayaan-3 and a plot of its position during landing. (Image credit: ISRO)
Chandrayaan-3 was India's second try at landing near the moon's south pole, a largely uncharted region of immense interest to scientists and exploration advocates alike. The south polar region is thought to harbor large amounts of water ice, which, if accessible, could be mined for rocket fuel and life support for future crewed missions. The country's first attempt at a lunar touchdown, in September 2019, failed when the Chandrayaan-2 lander crashed into the moon due to a software glitch.
Close to four years and many design and software upgrades later, the homegrown Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft launched atop a LVM3 rocket on July 14 from a spaceport in Sriharikota, on India's east coast. The spacecraft entered an elliptical orbit around the moon earlier this month, then performed multiple maneuvers to shift into a nearly circular path, which took it about 93 miles (150 kilometers) above the lunar surface.
A photo of the moon's far side captured on Aug. 19, 2023, by Chandrayaan-3. (Image credit: ISRO)
Last Thursday (Aug. 17), the Vikram-Pragyan duo separated from the mission's propulsion module, which will study Earth from its orbit around the moon. The lander and rover, which had entered an egg-shaped lunar orbit after separation, braked successfully on Friday (Aug. 18) and then again on Sunday (Aug. 20) to get closer to the moon's surface.
While still in orbit around the moon on Monday (Aug. 21) and Tuesday (Aug. 22), the duo established contact with Chandrayaan-2's orbiter, which has been circling the moon since 2019 and will serve as the critical communication link with Earth for the Chandrayaan-3 mission.
When the sun rose today on the targeted landing site, which was seen from Earth on one edge of the moon, mission control at ISRO's headquarters in Bengaluru commanded the lander to begin its descent to the lunar surface, activating its fully automatic landing system.
The historic landing was covered live by ISRO and broadcast by Indian public broadcaster Doordarshan. Once the powered descent began, the lander first braked to reduce its height from 18.6 miles (30 km) to just 0.4 miles (0.8 km) above the moon's surface. Then, the lander turned such that its altimeters, which measure height to the surface real-time using cameras onboard, faced downward in preparation for landing.
At 8:33 a.m. EDT (1233 GMT and 18:03 India time), the lander Vikram touched down in its target landing area, at roughly 70 degrees south latitude. This location is close to where Russia had hoped its first moon mission in 47 years, Luna-25, would land on Monday (Aug. 21). That effort, however, failed when the probe crashed into the moon over the weekend after a final orbital maneuver went sideways.
India's success today can be attributed to "extensive changes" to its landing strategy after Chandrayaan-2's 2019 crash, Bhardwaj said. Onboard algorithms that calculate spacecraft speed in real time during descent were reworked to allow for "more freedom to deviate" from protocol "but still do the landing," he added.
Other changes that helped facilitate the mission's success include a larger target landing zone, stronger legs for Vikram to withstand higher landing speeds and dynamic engines that adjusted the spacecraft's velocity for a smoother touchdown.
Images of the moon that Chandrayaan-2's orbiter has been sending home since 2019 also painted a clearer picture of the landing site than what scientists knew previously, according to Bhardwaj. "There is not much of a hurdle in this [landing] area," he said.
Now that Vikram is settled on the moon, Pragyan is expected to roll onto the lunar surface and start analyzing lunar soil and rocks.
Similar to the unfortunate rover on Chandrayaan-2, Pragyan's wheels are etched with the Ashoka Chakra, a religious symbol of a wheel with 24 spokes depicted on the Indian flag, and ISRO's logo. So when Pragyan inches along on the moon, ISRO hopes both symbols will be stamped onto the surface, where they will remain untouched for eons.
The lander Vikram is equipped to sense moonquakes near the landing site using an onboard seismometer, and to probe lunar soil to record its temperature.
The Chandrayaan-3 mission, which costs a modest 6 billion rupees ($73 million US at current exchange rates), is unfolding at a time when multiple nations — notably, the U.S. and China — are eyeing the moon for future crewed missions. NASA, for example, aims to land astronauts near the lunar south pole in late 2025 or 2026 on its Artemis 3 mission, and to build one or more bases in the region shortly thereafter.
Chandrayaan-3 could also help spur India's space program, leading to even greater accomplishments in the future.
"It is going to be a game changer for the new generation," said Bhardwaj, adding that the success is important for the country's "strategic and geopolitical purposes" as well as to drive "the youth to do something different and unique."
When the sun sets upon the landing site in two weeks, the robotic duo will be left to fight a frigid night, which will be "very difficult to survive because the batteries will be drained out and it is too cold for electronics," Bhardwaj said.
Meanwhile, his team has geared up for what they hope will be a busy fortnight: "Our job starts after landing."
Update for 11 am ET:This story was updated to include Chandrayaan-3's image of the lunar surface during descent and ISRO's confirmation of communication link.
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Along with still operational missions, these observatories will gather massive volumes of high-resolution spectroscopic data. Sorting through this data will require cutting-edge machine-learning techniques to look for indications of life and biological processes (aka. biosignatures). In a recent paper, a team of scientists from the Institute for Fundamental Theory at the University of Florida (UF-IFL) recommended that future surveys use machine learning to look for anomalies in the spectra, which could reveal unusual chemical signatures and unknown biosignatures.
The study was conducted by a mix of physicists and machine learning experts, including Associate Professor Katia Matcheva, physics graduate student Roy T. Forestano, Professor Konstantin T. Matchev, and Ph.D. student Eyup B. Unlu. A preprint of their paper, “Searching for Novel Chemistry in Exoplanetary Atmospheres using Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection,” recently appeared online and is being reviewed for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. As they explained, the central premise of their paper is that what constitutes “life” remains an open question for scientists, and it would be advantageous to expand the scope of our search.
Spectra from the WASP-96b’s atmosphere obtained by JWST. Credit: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI
First off, it is important to acknowledge how far the study of exoplanets has come in recent decades. The first confirmed detection did not take place until 1992, which consisted of two Super-Earths (Poltergeist and Phobitor) observed around a pulsar (PSR B1257+12, aka. Lich) located 2,300 light-years from Earth. While scientists firmly believed that most stars had their own system of planets, they had no incontrovertible proof before this discovery. And until the Kepler Space Telescope launched in 2009, exoplanet discoveries were being added at a rate of a few per year.
Since then, a total of 5,496 exoplanets have been confirmed in 4,096 systems, with another 9,820 candidates awaiting confirmation. In recent years, the process has shifted from the process of discovery towards characterization, where improved instruments and methods have enabled astronomers to analyze exoplanet atmospheres directly to measure their potential habitability. As Prof. Matcheva explained to Universe Today via email:
“The instruments are getting better and better: better spectral resolution, exceptional signal-to-noise level, wider wavelength coverage. In addition to JWST, which has returned some exceptional spectroscopic observations of several exoplanets, ESA is planning a dedicated exoplanet space telescope ARIEL that will observe 1000 planets. Analyzing this data will keep scientists busy for a long time.”
According to Matcheva, the fields of exoplanet studies and astrobiology are incredibly fascinating because of the sheer potential involved. Currently, the field is largely concerned with constraining “habitability” through the targeted search for biosignatures: evidence of life and organic processes. Using Earth as a template, the only planet where we know life exists, the most highly-sought biosignatures include nitrogen gas (N2), oxygen gas (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH?), and water (H2O).
This constitutes the “low-hanging fruit approach,” where scientists are looking for life that conforms to terrestrial standards. This is not an accident, nor is it a lazy approach. It’s simply because it is exceedingly difficult to search for signs of life that we are completely unfamiliar with. But this also presents an opportunity to contemplate the possibilities and expand the range of what we know. “Do we know what to search for?” Matcheva added. “Do we know where to search? Would we recognize it if we saw it? The exoplanet science community always works with these questions in mind.”
For their study, Matcheva and her colleagues investigated how machine learning could be trained to look for “anomalies” in transit spectra. This refers to light curves obtained by observing distant stars for periodic dips in luminosity, which could indicate the presence of a planet passing in front of the star relative to the observer. This is known as Transit Spectroscopy (or the Transit Method), which remains the most effective and widely-used method for detecting exoplanets. In addition to detection, this method allows astronomers to occasionally observe light passing through the planet’s atmosphere.
When measured with a spectrometer, these observations will reveal data on the atmosphere’s chemical composition, which could include telltale biosignatures! In the coming years, the combination of next-generation telescopes and machine learning (ML) will allow astronomers to more accurately determine the potential habitability of exoplanets. “We believe that ML methods in astrophysics can be a game changer in how we process data in terms of speed, volume, and methodology, said Matcheva. “And we see that across all fields of science.”
“The spectra are calculated with current models, assuming that the atmosphere of each planet is a mixture of 5 different gasses in different proportions. As an experiment, we treated one of the absorbers (for example, H2O) as a ‘mystery’ absorber. We trained the ML algorithm on a subset of the data that is deficient in H2O and tested if it will correctly flag planets with water as anomalous.”
“We repeated the experiment for four of the gasses. We used both LOF and OCSVM. Both methods did an outstanding job in finding the anomalous planets when no noise or very little noise (~10 ppm) is present, even for very small amounts of the ‘mystery’ gas. Unsurprisingly, the ML model starts making mistakes when the noise level increases too much.”
A major objective for next-generation space telescopes will be the search for signs of life (biosignatures).
Credit: NASA
As Matcheva indicated, their paper demonstrated that LOF and OCSVM methods are very robust, even in the presence of signal noise. These results offer a taste of what could be possible in the near future, where literally thousands of exoplanets can be analyzed rapidly and systematically using ML methods to identify anomalous planets for follow-up investigations. These examinations will likely be very educational, given that inconsistencies between theoretical models and observations are often how the most exciting discoveries are made.
“Although looking for biosignatures was not a primary goal of this paper, it is a very interesting outcome, and we are very excited about the potential of the method,” said Matcheva. “Looking for signatures of life in the Universe is more like looking for a needle in a haystack rather than for a smoking gun. It is actually even more challenging because we do not know what the needle looks like. The novelty detection methods are designed exactly for that: rare events [where] we do not know what they look, smell, or sound like.”
As noted earlier, the search for extraterrestrial life – and indeed, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) – can be summarized as searching for life “as we know it.” But if life is very rare in the Universe or very “exotic” in nature (meaning that it can arise from all sorts of chemicals and conditions), then it makes sense to cast a wider net. After all, if our frame of reference is an impediment to our astrobiology efforts (one could certainly argue as much), expanding it could be the difference between finding evidence that we are not alone and leaving the question unanswered for another generation. Said Matcheva:
“The astrobiology community has been working on a definition of “life” for a long time, but we have no idea what aliens really look like and how they would interact with their environments. We are biased by our human experience, and the current strategies are to search for life in the “habitable zone,” which by definition is human (or terrestrial life) friendly. So how do you search for something when you don’t know what it looks like? That is where the novelty detection machine learning techniques come in – they can flag data points that are inconsistent with the training data, i.e., do not agree with the current theoretical models. So indeed, in that sense, our method is searching for life “as we don’t know it”.
As Isaac Asimov famously said, “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ but ‘That’s funny.'”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Vector shaped UFO parked on the surface of the moon
Vector shaped UFO parked on the surface of the moon
The resurgence of the Vector symbol across various space agencies, including NASA, has sparked intrigue. Questions arise about the significance of the Vector symbol and its presence on these agency logos.
One wonders if the symbol refers to a symbolic talisman, representing an emblem of occult worship or linked to celestial beings such as angels, demons, or other entities or eventually it is an allusion to ancient times, a sign denoting the essence of the multiverse itself? Does it symbolize the mastery over time and space?
Now if you take a look at the following images and video the use of this vector symbol across multiple space agencies appears less coincidental.
Consider the intriguing images below, captured by the Apollo 11 crew during their return journey from the moon to Earth. With a closer look involving zooming in, enhancement, and application of various filters, the object becomes more discernible. It unveils a structure shaped like a vector, complete with three supporting legs, situated on the lunar surface.
Comparisons of this object with another object photographed by the Apollo 17 crew reveals a striking similarity in the vector structure's appearance.
Additionally, an image captured during a spacewalk by a member of the STS115 mission reveals the very same vector configuration intriguingly mirrored on the astronaut's helmet.
Despite much speculation, these images as well as analysis of the lunar object in the video of YouTube channel 1967Sander provided below, suggest that these vector-shaped objects potentially represent highly advanced alien vehicles.
In an age where the skies are constantly being watched, and where most of the mysteries have been debunked, a newly submitted UFO sighting has rekindled the fervor of extraterrestrial enthusiasts everywhere. Despite being filmed back in 2021, this sighting has only recently seen the light of day on the MUFONwebsite. Along with this captivating article, a riveting video showcases the mysterious event in all its wonder.
When & Where: The sighting occurred on the evening of January 23, 2021, in the scenic backdrop of Oregon, USA.
Witness Account:
A regular family evening, spent in the company of a television, took a startling turn for an Oregon family. The witness recounts, “My wife, son, and I were deeply engrossed in our TV show when my wife’s gaze was pulled towards our front door. A series of strange, luminous lights danced outside.” Joining her in her astonishment, the witness and his son observed a rotating craft adorned with lights all around its perimeter. Realizing the rarity of what they were witnessing, a quick-witted video was captured, providing a glimpse into their otherworldly experience.
“After the initial shock and awe, we were drawn to it – almost like a moth to a flame. We moved upstairs for a clearer, unobstructed view,” the witness elaborates. The craft, however elusive in nature, continued its dance in the Oregon night sky for a few more tantalizing minutes. In a spur of courage and curiosity, the witness, accompanied by his wife, decided to chase the enigmatic vision. But alas, the craft, with its dazzling lights, vanished into the vastness, leaving behind a trail of questions and intrigue.
The Burning Questions: As with allUFO sightings, this one too leaves us wondering – was it a visitor from a distant world, a top-secret human-made aircraft, or something else entirely? What made the family wait almost a decade before sharing it with the world?
To the Enthusiasts: For those always on the lookout for verified and intriguing UFO sightings, this newly surfaced evidence is certainly one for the records. Do watch the accompanying video and join the global conversation.
In the vast tapestry of the unknown, this sighting, like a bright star, beckons for attention. And as always, the truth remains out there.
Newly Released UFO Sighting in Arizona: Ephemeral Yet Captivating
Newly Released UFO Sighting in Arizona: Ephemeral Yet Captivating
April 3rd, 2023, Arizona: Months after the event, a breathtaking video capturing a UFO sighting has finally been unveiled to the public via the MUFON website. UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike are buzzing with anticipation and curiosity, seeking answers to yet another tantalizing episode of extraterrestrial wonder.
Unearthly Encounter in Arizona Skies
On a seemingly regular day in Arizona, an unsuspecting witness glanced up to find an unexplainable anomaly hovering silently above. The object, seemingly defying the laws of physics, remained stationary amidst the azure expanse, with its luminous features shining more brightly than what the video could truly capture.
Witness report
However, the most baffling part of this UFO sighting wasn’t its stationary presence, but rather its abrupt exit. As described by the witness, merely moments after ceasing the recording, this ethereal craft took off with unprecedented speed, vanishing into thin air within a mere 1-2 seconds.
Unanswered Questions and Rising Curiosity
Such events, especially when supported by tangible evidence, often stir a mixture of emotions—awe, disbelief, wonder, and a myriad of questions. What was the nature of this craft? Why did it choose to appear, only to disappear just as quickly? Was this an extraterrestrial visitation or a product of advanced human technology yet unknown to the public?
With the growing number of UFO sightings reported worldwide, it’s more essential than ever to approach these events with an open mind and a discerning eye. As researchers and enthusiasts continue to dissect this newly released footage, the pursuit for answers intensifies.
To all intrigued souls, the video accompanying this article offers a glimpse into that mysterious April afternoon in Arizona. Whether you’re a firm believer in extraterrestrial life or a curious skeptic, this sighting promises a fascinating journey into the vast world of the unknown.
For more tales of the unexplained, insights, and the latest updates on UFO sightings, stay tuned and keep gazing at the stars, for the truth, as they say, is out there.
India maakt zich op voor zijn allereerste maanlanding: wat zijn ze van plan met de Chandrayaan 3 missie?
Morgen is het zover. Op woensdag 23 augustus onderneemt de ‘Indian Space Research Organization’ (ISRO) een poging om met de Chandrayaan 3 missie een rover op het maanoppervlak te zetten. Indien succesvol meteen ook de eerste landing op de zuidpool van de maan nadat die van Rusland recent nog mislukte. Spannende tijden voor India en de ruimtevaart. Derde keer, goede keer?
Redactie Wetenschap
Martijn Peters Wetenschapsexpert
Al 47 jaar is er, buiten China, niemand in geslaagd om succesvol op de maan te landen. De laatste geslaagde landing vond plaats in 1976 toen de Russische Luna 24-missie maanstenen terug naar de aarde bracht met een robotachtig ruimtevaartuig. Sinsdien bereikte enkel nog China het maanoppervlak. Het deed dat 3 keer, met onder andere een eerste gecontroleerde landing op de achterkant van de maan. In de afgelopen jaren ondernamen Israëlische en Japanse teams nog een poging, maar zij faalden allemaal tijdens hun afdaling naar het maanoppervlak.
Spannende tijden dus voor de Indiase ruimtevaartorganisatie die morgen een poging onderneemt. Het ruimtevaartuig Chandrayaan 3 maakt zich klaar om woensdag af te dalen naar het maanoppervlak, 4 dagen nadat de Russische Luna 25 lander hier niet in slaagde. Als alles volgens plan verloopt zal Vikram, zo heet de Chandrayaan 3-lander, morgen om 14u34 Belgische tijd zachtjes op het maanoppervlak landen.
Chandrayaan 3 maakte al enkele mooie beelden van het maanoppervlak met de camera van de landingsmodule
Zoals de naam al doet vermoeden, is dit de derde missie in het Indiase ruimtevaartprogramma voor de verkenning van de maan. De vorige mislukte landingspogingen van India, de Chandrayaan 1 en 2 missie, vonden plaats in 2008 en 2019. De kostprijs van de nieuwe Chandrayaan 3-missie die op 14 juli van start ging met de lancering is ongeveer zo’n 80 miljoen euro. Op zich een lage kost voor een onderzoeksmissie, vergelijkbaar met de kosten van een SpaceX Falcon 9-lancering.
Als de Vikram-lander succesvol kan neerdalen op de zuidpool van de maan zal hij de Pragyan lanceren, een kleine rover. De op zonne-energie werkende mobiele robot zal met behulp van wetenschappelijke instrumenten de chemische samenstelling van het maanoppervlak bestuderen. Pragyan zal dit ongeveer een 14-tal dagen doen. Zolang duurt immers een ‘maan-dag’. Daarna gaat de zon onder op de landingsplaats en daalt de temperatuur waardoor de rover niet meer kan werken.
Tijdens de missie zullen ook nog andere wetenschappelijke experimenten uitgevoerd worden zoals het meten van maanbevingen en afstanden op de maan met lasers. De resultaten van deze metingen kunnen bijvoorbeeld helpen bij het bepalen van toekomstige locaties om te landen of een basis te bouwen op de maan. Voor dat laatste is de zuidpool van de maan vooral interessant door de aanwezigheid van kraters die permanent in schaduw gehuld zijn. Van bovenaf is daar namelijk al water in de vorm van ijs waargenomen, wat essentieel is wanneer er een basis gevestigd zou worden. Dit is ook een van de redenen waarom de Artemis III missie van NASA op de zuidpool van de maan wil doen wandelen binnen enkele jaren.
Zal India het vierde land worden dat na de Sovjet-Unie, VS en China op de maan kan landen? En het eerste op de zuidpool? We zullen het morgen weten. Wetenschappers van over de hele wereld hopen alvast op een goede afloop.
In 1973, before the presidential elections, yet to become President, Jimmy Carter filed a report with the International UFO Bureau claiming he had seen a UFO in October 1969. Along with other witnesses, Carter saw a bright UFO that changed colors and moved towards and away from the Earth before disappearing. He was quite vocal about his beliefs on UFOs and promised to public all available information about UFOs if he became president.
“He described waiting outside for a Lion’s Club Meeting in Leary, Georgia, to begin, at about 7:30 p.m., when he spotted what he called ‘the darndest thing I’ve ever seen’ in the sky.” Along with 10 to 12 other witnesses, Carter observed a bright object in the sky, which was about the size of the moon. (Source)
“We all saw it. And then the light, it got closer and closer to us. And then it stopped, I don’t know how far away, but it stopped beyond the pine trees. And all of a sudden it changed color to blue, and then it changed to red, then back to white,” Carter told GQ in 2005. The object reportedly hovered about 30 degrees above the horizon, moved towards and away from the Earth, and eventually disappeared into the distance. Carter’s experience led him to make a vow to never again ridicule individuals who claimed to have seen a UFO.
“One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists,” Carter said.
As for the object that Carter saw, it has since been classified as “a high altitude barium release cloud launched from Eglen AFB,” which sounds legit. However, after winning the presidency, Carter backed away from this promise, citing concerns about national security and defense implications. His experience with a UFO is just one of many reported sightings that have fueled conspiracy about extraterrestrial life and government cover-ups.
President Carter’s Disturbing Briefing on UFOs and Religion
Former NASA researcher Ed Harris claimed that serious researchers on the subject believe the story of former President Jimmy Carter crying after being briefed about classified UFO information to be true. According to the story corroborated by multiple witnesses, U.S. presidents are given only a brief overview of the subject by the CIA, and presidential curiosity is not considered a sufficient need to know.
After being repeatedly stonewalled, Carter was given “the talk,” which reportedly left him deeply sobbing and visibly disturbed for weeks. He was told that major religions, including Christianity, were created by extraterrestrials to prevent humans from destroying themselves while they ran experiments on us, and that they made us. Carter, a deeply religious man who had witnessed a UFO with six other people, realized that releasing such information could cause tremendous economic and social upheaval.
Below you can read Ed Harris’ statement on the subject that he wrote on Quora:
Yes, the incident of Jimmy Carter crying after being briefed about classified information regarding UFO’s is largely believed to be true by the serious researchers on the subject. As a forewarning, the following information is very unsettling and will explain why Carter never “kept his promise” of revealing classified UFO information to the public.
According to the story that was corroborated by more than one witness, U.S. presidents are only given a cursory overview of the subject. Apparently, the CIA runs the program, only provide information to the President on a need to know basis, and do not consider presidential curiosity as sufficient need to know. This was implemented after Kennedy, and all presidents after him have been given only summary briefings (some presidents for unknown reasons were given more than others).
Okay on to your question. President Carter is a deeply religious man who had also witnessed a UFO with 6 other people. Everyone thought that he would be the one to finally release UFO info to the public but as the story goes, he was repeatedly stonewalled. Eventually, the CIA had “the talk” with him, and afterward it was reported that he sunk his head in his hands and not only began to deeply sob, but was visibly disturbed for some weeks afterward.
What was he told and shown?
He was told that the major religions including Christianity were programs created by extraterrestrials to prevent us from destroying ourselves while they ran their experiments on us – and that they made us. At this moment it became clear to Carter that such information could cause tremendous economic and social upheaval. I should add that I am not only a Christian but a clergyman, so I am in no way attempting to promote atheism here. In fact, how God fits into this might be an interesting separate post. Nevertheless, these are the facts as I know them to be.
Author and world’s leading UFO researcher Richard Dolan also writes about this incident in his book “UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed.” According to his book, there are claims that President Carter was given a UFO briefing at the White House on June 14, 1977, which he was then bound to secrecy about.
The briefing was supposedly given by a lone MJ-12 briefing officer and several independent sources. The leaked “Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius” document gives the standard account of multiple retrievals of alien technology. While there is no hard evidence to support the claims of the briefing, a presidential aide, who was “very, very close to Carter,” witnessed President sobbing after a UFO-related briefing in the Oval Office.
Carter Administration & Project Blue Book
Daniel Sheehan, a Harvard-educated Constitutional Trial Lawyer and Appellate Attorney has worked on many high-profile cases in his career. In 1977, he was approached by his friend Marcia Smith, who informed him that President Carter had demanded that the CIA provided classified information about unidentified flying objects to him, but George H. Bush, who was the CIA director at the time, refused to give this information to the president.
Sheehan tried to obtain information on the UFO phenomena and extraterrestrials from the Vatican Library but was unsuccessful. However, with Carter’s help, he managed to get access to the classified portions of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book for a few hours in May 1977, where he claimed to have discovered classified documents and photographs of a crashed UFO being investigated by Air Force personnel.
“There were these photographs of unmistakable — of a UFO sitting on the ground. It had crashed,” Sheehan said. “Apparently, it had hit into this field and had dug up, kind of plowed this kind of trough through this field,” he paused for a second.
“It was wedged into the side of this bank,” he said after taking a deep breath. “There was snow all around the picture. The vehicle was wedged into the side of this mud-like embankment — kind of up at an angle. There was Air Force personnel. As I cranked the little handle and looked at additional photos, these Air Force people were taking pictures.” (Click here to read the full article)
When Mr. Sheehan left the room, the guard asked to see his yellow legal pad and flipped through the pages, missing the alien hieroglyphs Sheehan had copied on the back of the pad. Sheehan offered to share this information with the religious establishment; they told him they were not interested.
Russia’s Luna-25 lander met an untimely end this weekend, according to the Russian space agency Roscosmos.
Luna-25 crashed on the Moon sometime on Saturday afternoon (Moscow time) after something went drastically wrong with its engine. The Russian lunar lander had been neck-and-neck with India’s Chandrayaan-3 lander in the race to become the first spacecraft to land near the Moon’s south pole. With Russia’s contender out of the race, India has a clear shot on Wednesday — but also a grim reminder that space is hard.
Russia’s Luna-25 lander “ceased to exist as a result of a collision with the surface of the Moon,” said Russian space agency Roscosmos in a statement.
Luna-25 was supposed to field-test landing technology for Russia’s next three lunar landers, then spend a year studying the surface near the lunar south pole — but the technology test evidently didn’t go so well. Mission controllers lost contact with the spacecraft on Saturday afternoon Moscow time, after firing the lander’s engine to shift the spacecraft into a closer orbit around the Moon to line up for a landing attempt.
“Most likely the braking thrust was either too strong, or it was in a wrong direction,” Natan Eismont of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences told the New York Times. The institute led science operations on Luna-25, but Eismont was not directly involved with the lander.
The Luna-25 mission came nearly 50 years after its predecessor, Luna-24, which launched in August 1976. That mission successfully landed on the Moon on Aug. 18, 1976. During its mission, it retrieved a sample of lunar soil and returned it safely to Earth.
Luna-25 launched on Aug. 10 and would have beaten India’s Chandrayaan-3 lander to the Moon by just a few days.
Luna-25 should have tested the technology that will be used on Russia’s next three landers: Luna-26, Luna-27, and Luna-28. Those landers, in turn, are intended to pave the way for an eventual joint lunar base with China near the Moon’s south pole. But the next three installments in the Luna series are already years behind schedule, and now Roscosmos faces the choice to redo Luna 25 (which means additional expense and additional delays) or fly the next mission without successfully tested technology.
Meanwhile, Luna-25’s crash leaves a path wide open for the other contender in the race to the pole, India’s Chandrayaan-3 lander. The Indian lander launched on July 14, nearly three weeks ahead of Luna-25, on a longer but more fuel-efficient course to the Moon, and is set to land on Wednesday. India’s last attempted Moon landing, the Vikram lander, fell silent about a mile from the lunar surface, and it’s not too hard to guess what happened next. Making it to the south pole first would be a huge win for India, which so far hasn’t successfully landed anything on the Moon.
Artemis II is scheduled to launch in late 2024, and Chang’e 6 lander, which plans to return rock and regolith samples from a site near the south pole, is set to launch earlier in the same year.
De race naar de zuidpool op de maan gaat onverbiddelijk verder. Na de mislukte maanlanding van Ruslands Loena-25 is het uitkijken naar de Indiase Chandrayaan-3. ‘De maan is opnieuw hot.’
Samira Ataei
Wat voor Moskou begon als een ambitieus prestigeproject, is uitgedraaid op internationaal gezichtsverlies. Na een succesvolle lancering op 10 augustus kwam de onbemande Loena-25 uiteindelijk in een verkeerde baan om de maan terecht en stortte de Russische maanlander op 19 augustus neer. Behalve dat het ‘een noodsituatie’ betrof, liet het Russische ruimtevaartagentschap Roskosmos alleen weten dat de communicatie met Loena-25 een dag eerder was stilgevallen. Volgens het Russische Telegram-kanaal Yura Prosti lag een rekenfout aan de basis van de verkeerd gelopen landing.
Hoe het precies is misgelopen, zal wellicht een vraagteken blijven. Wat wel vaststaat, is dat Rusland zich, vijftig jaar na Loena-24, opnieuw heeft gewaagd aan een maanlanding. En dat het daarbij heeft gefaald. Het Russische staatskanaal wijdde veertig seconden aan de mislukte missie, waaraan decennialang onderzoek voorafging en waarvan de bedoeling was om de zachte landingstechnologie uit te testen. Als die slaagde, kon Rusland aan de wereld tonen dat het als eerste land het dichtst bij de zuidpool van de maan was geraakt.
Dat zou geen klein nieuws geweest zijn, ook al was de bestemming, de Boguslawski-krater, duizend kilometer verwijderd van de zuidpool. Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat sommige koude kraters in het intrigerende, en tot dusver onaangeraakte landschap op de zuidpool water bevatten in de vorm van ijs. Als dat kan dienen als drinkwater of als brandstof, is de eerste en belangrijkste stap naar een permanente en bewoonbare basis op de maan gezet.
Druk verkeer
Het is dus niet onlogisch dat het verkeer rond de maan in jaren niet meer zo druk is geweest. ‘De maan is opnieuw een hot topic’, beaamt planeetwetenschapper Simeon Barber, verbonden aan een onderzoekscentrum van de Open Universiteit in Milton Keynes (Verenigd Koninkrijk).
Niet alleen overheidsinstellingen, maar ook commerciële bedrijven zien een grote toekomst op de maan. Eerder dit jaar ging voor het eerst een privéruimtetuig van het Japanse bedrijf Ispace de ruimte in.
De reden voor de hernieuwde interesse ligt bij de Apollomissies in de jaren 60 en 70. ‘Omdat die plaatsvonden rond de evenaar van de maan, waar het kokend heet was, concludeerden wetenschappers dat de maan een dor, droog hemellichaam was’, zegt Barber.
‘Pas decennia later veranderde hun idee, doordat ze de toen genomen stalen opnieuw analyseerden en kleine waterdeeltjes ontdekten. Bovendien zagen nieuwe ruimtetuigen in een baan om de maan hints van waterijs, vooral in de richting van de polen.’
Ook India waagt zich met de Chandrayaan-3 aan een maanlanding. Die werd gelanceerd twee dagen voor de Russische Loena-25 de ruimte inging. De Indiase maanlander legt een langere route af en zal woensdag landen, als alles goed verloopt. Na de lancering is de landing de grootste uitdaging. ‘De slaagkans bij maanlandingen is lager dan vijftig procent’, nuanceert Barber. ‘Daarenboven zijn landingen dicht bij de noord- of zuidpool des te moeilijker vanwege de ligging van die gebieden.’
De vorige Indiase maanlanding, de Chandrayaan-2, die vier jaar geleden de ruimte inging, is ook mislukt. ‘Wellicht zal India daaruit lessen hebben getrokken, maar de missie is daarom niet minder complex. Tot nu toe is geen enkele missie erin geslaagd om in die regio’s te landen.’ De Indiase ruimtevaart ziet in de Chandrayaan-3 een manier om zich prominent op de ruimtekaart te zetten.
Economie op de maan
Met Loena-25 probeerde de Russische ruimtevaartorganisatie letterlijk los te breken uit het internationale isolement sinds het begin van de invasie van Oekraïne. Aanvankelijk speelde Barber ook zelf een rol bij Loena-27, een van de volgende Russische missies met als doel samples van het water te verzamelen. ‘Europa ging een machine leveren die kon analyseren of en hoe het mogelijk is om er water uit te extraheren.’ Sinds de oorlog is de samenwerking volledig stopgezet.
Daarom benadrukt Barber het belang van elke missie. ‘De maan is een enorm divers hemellichaam. Hoe meer missies we uitvoeren, hoe vollediger ons beeld kan worden. Een mislukte maanlanding betekent een groot verlies aan informatie. In die zin heeft niet alleen Rusland een missie verloren, maar wij allemaal.’
Toch blijft Barber optimistisch. ‘Het gaat niet er alleen om als snelste een vlag neer te planten. Voor elke kilogram die van de aarde naar de maan verplaatst wordt, is er 1 miljoen euro nodig. Als wij een liter water, gelijk aan één kilogram, kunnen extraheren op de maan voor minder dan 1 miljoen euro, openen er deuren om mensen langer op de maan te laten blijven. Misschien is er dan sprake van een economie op de maan waar wetenschappers, ingenieurs, ondernemers en zelfs toeristen samenwerken om onze dichtstbijzijnde buur te ontdekken.’
“All this visible universe is not unique in nature and we must believe there are, in other regions of space, other worlds, other beings and other men.”
Is it possible some UAP are extraterrestrial craft? Is it reasonable to think there is intelligent alien life visiting earth?
Scientists still debate whether the universe is infinite, but at a minimum, our visible universe contains trillions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of planets and moons. As best we can tell, the same laws of physics apply everywhere, and the heavy organic molecules that form the basic building blocks of life are abundant. In short, from the nearest solar systems to the most distant edges of space and time, we are surrounded by endless opportunities for life. Amidst these endless opportunities, intelligent extraterrestrial life is a near mathematical certainty. But what about the prospects for intelligent life to evolve in Earth’s galactic neighborhood? Although estimates vary considerably, many indicate we are probably not alone in the Milky Way.
Duncan Forgan, a Ph.D. Candidate in astronomy at the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh, Scotland, carefully evaluated data on the composition of the Milky Way and concluded there should be over 360 stable, advanced civilizations in our galaxy. He also believes that if microbial life can spread via meteors, we may be sharing the Milky Way with tens of thousands of technologically advanced civilizations.
In 2020, astronomers Tom Westby and Christopher Conselice, researchers at the University of Nottingham, performed an extensive assessment of the latest astronomical data and concluded, within a band of uncertainty, that we share the Milky Way with dozens of other technologically advanced alien civilizations.
Astronomers Adam Frank and Woodruff Sullivan took a somewhat different approach but reached similar conclusions. According to co-author Adam Frank, “Even if you are pretty pessimistic and think that you’d have to search through 100 billion planets in habitable zones before you found one where a civilization developed, then there have still been a trillion civilizations over cosmic history!” Even if life arises on habitable Earth-like planets only once in 60 billion opportunities, we are still not the first civilization in the Milky Way.
As these and other astronomers have concluded, the existence of advanced alien civilizations in our galaxy is a good bet. Nevertheless, the Milky Way is hundreds of thousands of light years across. Could other civilizations in the Milky Way reach earth with probes or spacecraft? With what might appear to us to be UAP? The answer is, unequivocally, yes… if other civilizations follow technological trajectories similar to those on Earth.
Bear in mind that we’ve only been a space-faring species for under 70 years, less than the lifetime of the average American. My grandfather was born in 1897, nearly seven years before the Wright Brothers launched their first successful flight from atop a sand dune in North Carolina. Yet, he lived to see Neil Armstrong walk on the moon in 1969 and later the launch of the Space Shuttle. Now, some 50 years after the first moonwalk, there is already a plan to send a probe to our nearest stellar neighbor, Alpha Centauri, four light years from earth. Conceived by billionaire Russian physicist Yuri Millner, “Project Starshot” quickly attracted the support of Stephen Hawking, Mark Zuckerburg, Avi Loeb, and others. The plan is to use a massive laser to propel a small sensor package equipped with a light sail to 1/5 the speed of light. Depending on how long it takes for the probe to reach its maximum velocity, 20-30 years will elapse here on Earth before the probe arrives at its destination.
However, due to the time dilation effects of relativity, there would be a reduction in the actual travel time experienced by an interstellar craft and anyone aboard it. More to the point, if a single wealthy individual can send a probe to another star system, what doubt is there that a far older and more advanced alien civilization could send probes across interstellar space? Note that there is no requirement for superluminal travel. In fact, a space-faring civilization expanding through the Milky Way at 20% of the speed of light could theoretically colonize the entire galaxy in as little as 500,000 years, a tiny fraction of the galaxy’s lifetime.
It is also conceivable that more advanced civilizations have achieved faster than light travel by exploiting wormholes, “interdimensional travel,” or by some other means we have not yet conceived. Other civilizations may also have developed the ability to extend biological lifetimes indefinitely. If nothing else, it is easy to imagine uncrewed but highly intelligent probes, perhaps even self-replicating probes, gradually spreading throughout the galaxy. If this seems fanciful, recall that there already are functioning probes operating in interstellar space.
Radiotelescopes have long been the tool of preference used by astronomers in the search for evidence of intelligent aliens (Credit: Unsplash).
Although I support the SETI project, it seems far more likely extraterrestrial civilizations would dispatch probes rather than blindly broadcasting radio signals into space. For one thing, any civilization broadcasting openly to space is announcing its location and potentially inviting its own destruction. As they say, “The spouting whale gets the harpoon.” Probes, by contrast, can obtain information stealthily, permitting direct observation without interference or detection. They also eliminate the need for compatible communications technologies and provide the means to collect and examine physical specimens as we ourselves are doing today on Mars. Probes are also likely to be more efficient considering the massive energy required to send signals into space that would be detectable at interstellar distances. It is not surprising that NASA sends probes rather than signals to explore the solar system. So why aren’t we seeing evidence of probes from other civilizations? Or are we?
Given the overwhelming number of potentially viable habitats in our galaxy, many scientists profess surprise that intelligent alien life has not already been detected. As the nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi once famously observed, conveying this gap between theory and observation, “Where is everybody?” This quip by the renowned physicist is now known as “the Fermi paradox.”
I perceive a paradox as well, although it is a paradox of a different sort. I call it the “UAP paradox.” What strikes me as paradoxical is that at the same time Enrico Fermi was asking, “Where is everybody?” UAP were flying around Los Alamos like moths around a candle. More broadly: Why are so few scientists willing to consider UAP as potential alien probes when there is such extensive evidence of mysterious craft in our skies demonstrating capabilities otherwise found only in science fiction?
Let’s begin by looking at Dr. Fermi himself. In 1944, Dr. Fermi joined the Manhattan Project full-time and moved to Los Alamos, New Mexico. He worked at Los Alamos for the remainder of the war and remained an active researcher at Los Alamos during the summer months for many years thereafter. Indeed, his famous comment, “Where is everybody?” was made to a group of fellow physicists at Los Alamos in the summer of 1950. Now consider the following quote from a memo sent by the Director of Security at Los Alamos National Labs to Brigadier General Joseph Carroll, the commander of the USAF Office of Special Investigations in May 1950, just a few months before Dr. Fermi’s posed his famous question, “Where is everybody?”:
“The frequency of unexplained aerial phenomenon in the New Mexico area is such that an organized plan of reporting these observations should be undertaken….the observers of these phenomenon include scientists, Special Agents of the Office of Special Investigation, USAF and airline pilots, military pilots, Los Alamos security inspectors, military personnel and many other persons of various occupations whose reliability is not questioned … the phenomenon has continuously occurred during the last 18 months and is continuing to the vicinity of sensitive installations.”
This memo in May of 1950 also comes on the heels of one of the most extraordinary UAP events in American history, when in March of 1950, dozens of residents of nearby Farmington, New Mexico, reported hundreds of silver metallic disks flying in formation over their town in broad daylight. In other words, hundreds of UAP were being observed by all manner of personnel in the vicinity of Los Alamos at precisely the time Dr. Fermi was professing bafflement over a perceived absence of alien life. The UAP evidence included numerous reports by trained observers, pilots, scientists, and security personnel, as well as photographs and even radar tracks and theodolite measurements.
Does it not seem ironic that recurring visits by greenish fireballs and supersonic silver disks were prompting major security concerns for Los Alamos Labs at the same time Dr. Fermi was asking, “Where is everybody?”
This vignette regarding Dr. Fermi is a perfect illustration of the strangely blinkered views of the scientific community, the press, and mainstream America as a whole. Even with the Defense Department officially acknowledging the existence of hundreds of UAP incidents, few journalists, scientists, or citizens seem interested in what may soon become the greatest discovery in human history. The evidence is not yet definitive, at least not the information in the public domain, but the extraterrestrial hypothesis seems the only explanation fully consistent with a large and rapidly growing body of compelling data. Moreover, some UAP seem to be an ideal match for the alien probes that theory predicts.
As the focal point for U.S. nuclear weapons design and development, the motive for scrutiny of Los Alamos is obvious. Imagine that NASA probes someday encounter an inhabited exoplanet. The first order of business will unquestionably be to assess what threats or dangers exist. If ever there was to be a honeypot used to lure alien probes, I can’t imagine anything more likely to succeed than atmospheric explosions of nuclear weapons. As noted above, UAP activity was persistent and compelling near Los Alamos and other nuclear weapons facilities, with recurring overflights and intrusive entries into highly sensitive restricted airspace. Thanks to the efforts of author Robert Hastings; the outspokenness and persistence of nuclear weapons veterans like Robert Salas; and the work of researchers who have painstakingly leveraged the Freedom of Information Act (e.g. Brad Sparks; Paul Dean), this pattern of UAP activity at U.S. nuclear installations is well-documented despite the refusal of the U.S. Air Force to forthrightly acknowledge these incidents or cooperate with public or even Congressional requests for information.
If alien craft or probes are monitoring earth, we should expect them to be radically different from anything we possess, baffling in both appearance and capability. In the immortal words of Arthur C. Clarke, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” To my mind, UAP data again fit the ET probe hypothesis. The most common UAP observed in the Los Alamos area in Dr. Fermi’s day were green fireballs and supersonic silver disks capable of fantastic acceleration and maneuverability despite the lack of any discernible means of propulsion. The cumulative weight of credible reports from Blue Book and other sources provides highly persuasive evidence for the existence of radical craft superior to anything created by man.
I am also aware of cases of individuals who have reportedly suffered burns or radiation damage from encounters with UAP. Some of these cases have occurred in the U.S., others in Brazil and the Solomon Islands. This is compelling because the U.S. and its allies do not manufacture aircraft that produce nuclear radiation.
During the Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book eras, some senior military personnel examining UAP data considered the ET hypothesis a viable explanation for UAP, but few mainstream scientists were willing to make this connection. A prominent exception was Herman Oberth, one of the fathers of modern rocketry who served as a mentor to Wernher von Braun, who wrote a lengthy analysis concluding:
“It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system. There is no doubt in my mind that these objects are interplanetary craft of some sort. I and my colleagues are confident that they do not originate in our solar system.”
Dr. Oberth was likely influenced by exposure to UAP incidents while working for the U.S. government. The frequency of military UAP encounters also explains the keen interest in UAP evinced by many high-ranking retired military officers of that era. For example, the leaders of the most active public UAP research group in the 1950’s and 60s, the National Investigating Committee for Airborne Phenomenon (NICAP) included former CIA Director Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter; Admiral Delmar Fahrney, director of the Navy’s guided missile programs; USMC aviator Major Donald Keyhoe; and Rear Admiral H.B Knowles among others. My UAP activism also stems from exposure to military UAP reporting.
Unfortunately, the UAP stigma persists among many, perhaps most scientists to this day. Worse, some scientists have been spreading misinformation about UAP. For example, I’ve been astonished to see prominent SETI researchers asking in public forums, “If UAP are real how come commercial airline pilots never see them?” How could these SETI scientists be so grossly mistaken when a simple Google query is all it takes to find credible data regarding thousands of commercial airline pilot sightings of UAP?
Similarly, an astronomer from the University of Arizona published an article in 2020 making the preposterous claim that UAP sightings “..stop at the Canadian and Mexican borders.” Again, if the author or his editors had spent 5 minutes looking online they’d have quickly learned that Canada and Mexico are rife with UAP sightings, photos, videos, and even military reports.
I’ve had the opportunity to interview numerous military personnel who encountered unidentified aircraft that defy our present understanding of aeronautics and engineering. This includes a retired NORAD watch officer, USAF Col. James Cobb, who observed the radar track of a high-flying UAP that proceeded from the arctic down the entire U.S. East coast. NORAD’s best efforts to intercept the object failed due to the UAP’s speed and altitude. I’ve also been privy to substantial government UAP information that has reinforced my views regarding the anomalous nature of the phenomenon. However, I find the unclassified and open source data sufficiently compelling, indeed so cumulatively overwhelming, that I remain surprised there is not much greater academic and press interest in the UAP issue. Those already familiar with the Nimitz case may wish to skip the next section, but for those who are not, this well-documented case will help to explain why the U.S. government is now treating UAP as a serious national security issue.
I can discuss the Nimitz case with some authority because I’ve interviewed most of the Navy personnel involved from both the Nimitz and the USS Princeton. I’ve also studied the official DoD reporting on the incident and an extensive analysis prepared by the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies.
In November 2004, the USS Princeton, equipped with the world’s most capable naval radar, tracked dozens of UAP performing seemingly impossible maneuvers while it was conducting training operations off the coast of Southern California. The speeds, range, altitudes, and acceleration of these objects defied logic and experience. In some cases, the objects descended from at least 80,000 feet, possibly even orbital altitudes, according to reports from some crew members working in the Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) cell aboard the ship. The baffled Princeton crew reset and recalibrated their Aegis radar, yet the bizarre activity continued. Finally, after several days, two F-18s were directed to intercept one of these objects. Conditions were ideal, with clear sunny skies.
Artist’s rendering of the “Tic Tac” observed in November 2004 by personnel with the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group (Image Credit: Micah Hanks)
When they arrived at the intercept location the pilots observed a white vehicle nearly 50 feet long with no wings, control surfaces, exhaust, or visible means of propulsion. All four naval aviators observed the craft react to their presence and perform seemingly impossible maneuvers, moving in ways that defy our understanding of physics. As the lead jet approached the strange white craft, it turned toward the fighter while hovering, then moments later circled upward and away from the F-18 before accelerating to hypersonic speeds and disappearing over the horizon. It seems the craft must have been using some form of relativistic, anti-gravity propulsion system because there was no sonic boom or evidence of extreme heat. Further, the estimated g forces would otherwise have obliterated the craft.
Incredibly, the strange object flew precisely to the latitude and longitude the aviators had agreed to use for their training operations that day. Low on fuel, Cmdr. Dave Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich returned to the Nimitz. However, another F-18 was launched to search for the object. This F-18 did not get as close, but it was able to acquire infrared imagery of the so-called “Tic Tac” before the UAP shot away again at hypersonic speeds. What the aviators observed they say was unlike anything they were familiar with. Quoting pilot Chad Underwood who took the famous “FLIR” video I provided to the New York Times in 2017:
“It was just behaving in ways that aren’t physically normal. That’s what caught my eye. Because, aircraft, whether they’re manned or unmanned, still have to obey the laws of physics. They have to have some source of lift, some source of propulsion. The Tic Tac was not doing that. It was going from like 50,000 feet to, you know, a hundred feet in like seconds, which is not possible.”
He goes on to say:
“…normally, you would see engines emitting a heat plume. This object was not doing that. The video shows a source of heat, but the normal signatures of an exhaust plume were not there. There was no sign of propulsion. You could not see the thing that the ATFLIR pod should pick up 100 percent of the time.”
The U.S. government acknowledges this was not an experimental US aircraft, and as the recent DoD report to Congress explains, there is also no indication that the craft belonged to Russia, China or any other country. Cmdr. Dave Fravor, the highest ranking officer in the air that day and the pilot who got closest to the object, believes the “Tic Tac” was “not from this world.” Because it was so bizarre and its capabilities so vastly superior to any aircraft known to man, Fravor’s conclusion seems perfectly logical. There is nothing we know in the inventory of any nation on earth that comes close to the appearance or performance of the “Tic Tac”.
In addition to the pilots and radar operators involved, I’ve discussed this case with cleared Congressional staff, high-level Pentagon officials, and senior engineers from the Lockheed Martin Skunkworks and the Boeing Phantom Works. I’ve yet to encounter a plausible conventional explanation. Moreover, all concerned agree that extreme advances in physics and engineering would be required before America could even attempt to build a craft like the Tic Tac. Admittedly, this is not yet conclusive proof of alien life, but what else can it be if it was not manufactured by the U.S., China, or Russia?
If the Nimitz case was a singular incident, we might somehow discount it; but there have been many hundreds if not thousands of comparable incidents since at least WWII. DoD presently acknowledges 400 military UAP incidents since 2004, but that number excludes anomalies in space; many thousands of NORAD reports; undersea anomalies, and information that remains concealed by classification guidelines and non-disclosure agreements. A high percentage of the reported DoD cases–over half–involve multiple sensor data. Further, we know that in most cases, military personnel have been afraid to report sightings and contacts, so the actual number of DoD encounters is far higher than the 400 cases recently reported to Congress.
At this point, it is tempting to discuss similar military encounters in other countries, including France, Brazil, Britain, Belgium, Canada, and Russia; or mass sighting cases in the U.S., Australia, Zimbabwe, or Italy; or the sensational press accounts of the flyover on successive weekends of the U.S. Capitol in July 1952. According to its Director, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) alone has received over 200,000 UAP reports since its founding in 1969. There are also thousands of UAP videos and photographs, despite the mathematically remote prospects of photographing high-flying or fast-flying UAP. As physicist Brad Sparks explains on page 382 of The UFO Encyclopedia, due to the limitations of smartphone cameras and the need for the target to be very close and slow, we should not expect even a single clear UAP photo from billions of smartphones over a 5 year period. Nevertheless, there are many photos and videos (such as the FLIR and Gimbal videos) that defy simple conventional explanations. The government has also collected a considerable amount of authentic video and radar data in the short time since they resumed officially studying the UAP issue in 2020. What then explains the unwillingness of most scientists and academics to consider UAP as potential examples of the abundant extraterrestrial intelligence that theory predicts?
1. Lack of Information
As we have seen above, there is still a widespread gap in academia regarding basic facts about UAP. How many astronomers realize there have been hundreds of thousands of UAP sightings worldwide, including thousands of reports by commercial airline pilots, military pilots, and radar operators? How many are aware of the hundreds of unsolved Project Blue Book cases or the recent “Preliminary Report” on UAP provided to Congress by the Intelligence Community? How many have read any of the books on UAP written by fellow scientists, including astronomer Dr. Allen Hynek, information scientist Dr. Jacques Vallee, or nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman?
Fortunately, as my experience with the Congressional oversight committees demonstrates, when people get credible UAP information, they generally respond to the data and modify their views. Congress’ sudden interest is simply due to the fact that prior to 2017, Congress lacked access to credible UAP information.
Nothing has had a greater impact on government officials than the testimony of military aviators and other trained personnel. To hear Cmdr. Dave Fravor and his colleagues tell their tale in person is powerful and compelling. Unfortunately, scientists and academics generally do not have the benefit of these perspectives.
Thankfully, Congress is requiring DoD to continue providing unclassified public reports on the latest UAP data each year. This will undoubtedly help to raise public and scientific interest and awareness.
2. Science vs. National Security
There is a fundamental difference in evidentiary standards between the national security community and scientists and academics. Scientists strive to formulate hypotheses that can be tested and disproven; they then publish their results so others can independently replicate their findings. This time-honored approach, combined with free markets and freedom of speech and association, underpins our prosperity and incredible advances in health and living standards. This disciplined approach generally works well in a laboratory or observatory, but the national security community does not always have the luxury of working with inert materials or controlled environments. In fact, the organizations and individuals national security analysts study are often diligently working to confuse and deceive us. Policymakers also do not always have the luxury of deferring conclusions or action until conclusive data is available. These disparate standards and circumstances sometimes lead to contrasting reactions to the same information.
For example, in the Nimitz case, the testimony of the pilots and radar operators and the Aegis and IR data is about as good as it gets from a military perspective. For national security officials to discount such compelling information would be tantamount to the radar operator in Hawaii on Dec. 7th, 1941, ignoring the approaching Japanese aircraft that appeared on his screen. Yet, many scientists cavalierly dismiss military reporting because it does not include data they can independently evaluate and confirm. I appreciate this difference in perspectives, but I would appeal to scientists considering the UAP issue to bear in mind we are in entirely uncharted waters. Notably, if the ET hypothesis is correct, this represents the first time in history we have attempted to analyze manifestations of a more intelligent and technologically advanced species. Normal standards and practices do not suffice. If we observe a UAP event and then fail to replicate it subsequently, is that consistent or inconsistent with the ET hypothesis? Are they monitoring and reacting to our monitoring them? Are they able to interfere with or deceive our instruments? Are they able to interfere with or modify our perceptions? If the observed behavior of UAP contradicts our understanding of physics, is that evidence the data is flawed or evidence of a more highly advanced civilization? If there is a dearth of clear photos, is that because of stealthy concealment, lack of actual UAP, or due to an energetic field generated by relativistic UAP propulsion systems that interfere with the reflection of photons to the camera?
Although I recognize the UAP information available to the public does not constitute proof of alien life, I also believe we must acknowledge this as a genuine possibility and move rapidly to determine as best we can the identity, motives, and capabilities of the anomalies being observed underwater and in the atmosphere and space. The national security implications are far too grave, and the potential scientific rewards too great.
3. Stigma
The lack of basic knowledge regarding UAP has been seriously compounded by the contemptuous and demeaning attitude historically displayed by the U.S. government (and most academic scientists) toward the UAP topic. This derisive attitude was primarily due to the recommendations of the CIA’s Robertson Panel in 1953. At the time, due to fears the UAP issue might be exploited by the USSR, the Air Force was advised to discredit the topic. The Air Force used Project Blue Book and the Condon report to distort the data and convey the impression that if only more detailed data were available conventional explanations could be found for all UAP cases. Yet, the Blue Book data clearly shows the opposite: The more witnesses and the better the data, the less likely the USAF was able to find a conventional explanation for UAP incidents. Nevertheless, the government, Dr. Condon, and others succeeded in conveying the message that there was no credible reason to believe UAP demonstrated superior technology or posed a threat to national security. We now know both conclusions were simplistic and premature.
4. The Social Nature of Information
Psychological research reveals that most people value fitting in with their peers more than faithful adherence to facts or the analysis of data. Humans are social creatures, getting along amicably often trumps facts, logic, or data.
In his account of Project Blue Book, Dr. Allan Hynek points out that when confidentially polled, many astronomers reported interest in the UAP issue; however, while in committee, they almost always disparaged the topic for fear of being ridiculed or challenged by their peers. This same fear has, until very recently, also prevented most military and government personnel from reporting UAP encounters or expressing interest in the topic.
5. Cognitive Dissonance
It doesn’t help that the implications of the extraterrestrial hypothesis are deeply disturbing for most people, challenging core beliefs and causing considerable anxiety and uncertainty in the process. For some, the prospect is simply terrifying. Psychologists call such interference with normal mental processing “cognitive dissonance.” It is not surprising to find that process at work with regard to UAP. The concept of alien craft and alien beings is fine in fiction, but it is an extremely challenging concept to process or integrate into our daily lives.
Fortunately, we have reached a turning point. We now have a top-down DoD effort, embraced at the highest levels. This is unprecedented, a fundamentally different situation than either the Congressionally mandated Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), an unclassified contractor study; or AAWSAP’s successor, the small but scrappy Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) led by Luis Elizondo. The public isn’t generally aware of the incredible capabilitiesDoD operates, but the most extensive and capable sensor apparatus yet devised by man is now being used to help identify UAP and determine their capabilities and intent. This changes everything. DoD’s technical capabilities are so precise and extensive that I expect major progress, likely even conclusive results, within the next few years if progress continues.
Moreover, there are historic whistleblower provisions in the pending Intelligence and DoD Authorization bills in Congress. These provisions enjoy broad bipartisan and bicameral support and will almost certainly be enacted by year’s end. Once enacted, they will enable Congress to learn the truth of long-standing allegations that the U.S. government is in possession of recovered alien technology. Concurrently, pending legislation will require a General Accounting Office review of classified information pertaining to UAP dating back to the end of WWII. I am already aware of a number of individuals who claim they will testify to the existence of recovered alien technology or are considering doing so.
Already, we can see a few positive glimmers resulting from public interest in UAP. It is encouraging to see that a handful of private citizens in America can still bring about changes in policy when they have facts and data on their side. It is a relief to see the U.S. Congress is still capable of meaningful bipartisan collaboration. It is also encouraging to see that empirical data can still win the day in U.S.Congress despite the increasing public rejection of scientific data and principles.
Between the U.S. government’s technical collection efforts directed at UAP and the amnesty provisions and document review soon to be enacted, the prospects of finding answers to the UAP mystery are real and rapidly growing. What if we find conclusive evidence that some UAP are manifestations of alien technology?
If UAP have hostile intentions, we’d likely already know after so many decades (possibly even thousands of years) of UAP activity. In the unlikely event some UAP intervention is planned, then the sooner we acknowledge the reality of UAP the better. There are steps we might take to enhance our deterrence capabilities.
Although some UAP activity is concerning, especially continued violations of restricted airspace, it seems more likely that the pattern we’ve been experiencing for decades, perhaps centuries, will continue indefinitely – namely, furtive, intermittent sightings of strange craft that have an unknown interest in our planet. If this passive pattern continues after “disclosure,” then the discovery that we are not alone might actually work to the great advantage of our species.
Let’s briefly imagine the impact of an authoritative announcement from the U.S. government, or a group of world leaders, that some UAP are of extraterrestrial origin. This discovery would undoubtedly be the most transformative in human history. If the current, furtive pattern of UAP activity remains unchanged, then one impact might be to divert Russia, China, and the U.S. away from increasingly dangerous confrontation toward collaborative scientific and military activities instead.
It is difficult to exaggerate the need for unprecedented international collaboration at this juncture in history. It should by now be clear to all that the existential challenges facing our species cannot be solved unilaterally. In addition to the urgent need to reduce the rapidly growing prospects of war between nuclear powers, unprecedented collaboration is also required to manage global warming, the uncontrolled rise of artificial intelligence and biological engineering, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It may seem far-fetched, but the discovery that we are not alone could be our best hope for radically re-framing the views of the major world powers and humanity itself. In sum, the most likely scenario – no change in their conduct but major changes in ours – may also prove to be the most optimistic. As Ronald Reagan once said, addressing the UN General Assembly in 1987:
“Cannot swords be turned to plowshares? Can we and all nations not live in peace? In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?”
Our collective journey from the center of creation to a random location in a cold, dark, infinite and unfeeling universe seems bleak. However, discovering we share the earth and the unending vastness of space with other intelligent civilizations could provide the impetus for thrilling new voyages of exploration and discovery.
What could be more profound, exciting, or transformational than the discovery of biological or even silicon beings who appear magical due to their mastery of science and technology? Contact could potentially advance our understanding of the laws of nature, placing some of these god-like powers within Mankind’s reach as well. The knowledge that we are being monitored by one or more mysterious civilizations could potentially reframe international security paradigms in a manner that supplants rivalries with new alliances. If nothing else, proof we are not alone in the cosmos might renew access to wonders and mysteries that fled before the onslaught of secularism and science. As Arthur C. Clarke once observed:
“Across the seas of space lie the raw materials of the imagination. Strangeness, wonder, mystery and magic – these things which not long ago appeared lost forever will soon return to the world.”
For me, the question, “where is everybody” is better directed at humanity – the mainstream scientists and journalists ignoring UAP data rather than the aliens who may actually have been here quietly watching us all along. If nothing else, we can at least all agree that the truth about UAP is increasingly within reach. I hope more mainstream scientists, journalists, and government officials will set the UAP stigma aside and, as objectively as possible, consider the growing body of UAP evidence and its potential implications.
Update 9/2/22: The inclusion of a reference to the Pentagon’s AATIP program, led by Luis Elizondo, was added by the author alongside existing references to its predecessor, the DIA’s AAWSAP program.
Christopher Mellon spent nearly 20 years in the U.S. Intelligence Community, including serving as the Minority Staff Director of the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. In his free time, Mellon works to raise awareness regarding the UAP issue and its implications for national security.
With data from China's Chang'e-4 rover, scientists were able to visualize the upper 1,000 feet of the moon's surface for the first time. Their results reveal billions of years of previously hidden lunar history.
The farside of the moon, as photographed by Apollo 13, hangs upside-down over the blackness of space.
(Image credit: NASA)
Since it first landed in 2018, China's Chang'e-4 — the first spacecraft to ever land on the far side of the moon — has been taking stunning panoramas of impact craters and sampling minerals from the moon's mantle. Now, the spacecraft has enabled scientists to visualize the layer cake of structures that comprise the upper 1,000 feet (300 meters) of the moon's surface in finer detail than ever before.
A rover that traveled aboard Chang'e-4, named Yutu-2, is equipped with a technology called Lunar Penetrating Radar (LPR). This device enables the rover to send radio signals deep into the moon's surface, said lead study author Jianqing Feng, an astrogeological researcher at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona. "Then, it listens to the echoes dancing back," Feng told Live Science. Scientists can use those "echoes," or radio waves that bounce off of underground structures, to create a map of the lunar subsurface. In 2020, scientists used Yutu-2’s LPR to map the upper 130 feet (40 m) of the moon's surface — but hadn't gone deeper until now.
These new data suggest the top 130 feet of the lunar surface are made up of multiple layers of dust, soil, and broken rocks, Feng said. Hidden within these materials was a crater, formed when a large object slammed into the moon. Feng and his colleagues hypothesized that the rubble surrounding this formation was ejecta — debris from the impact. Farther down, the scientists discovered five distinct layers of lunar lava that seeped across the landscape billions of years ago.
The Crater Daedalus on the lunar farside as seen from the Apollo 11 spacecraft in lunar orbit (Image credit: NASA)
Scientists think our moon formed 4.51 billion years ago, not long after the solar system itself, when a Mars-size object slammed into Earth and broke off a chunk of our planet The moon then continued to be bombarded by objects from space for roughly 200 million years. Some impacts cracked the moon's surface. Like Earth, the moon’s mantle at that time contained pockets of molten material called magma, which seeped out through the newly formed cracks in a series of volcanic eruptions, Feng said.
The new data from Chang'e-4 shows that process slowing down over time: Feng and his colleagues found that the layers of volcanic rock grew thinner the closer they were to the moon's surface. This suggests that less lava flowed in later eruptions compared with earlier ones. "[The moon] was slowly cooling down and running out of steam in its later volcanic stage," Feng said. "Its energy became weak over time."
Volcanic activity on the moon is thought to have petered out about 1 billion years ago (though scientists have discovered some evidence of younger volcanic activity as recently as 100 million years ago). For this reason, the moon is often considered "geologically dead." However, there could still be magma deep underneath the lunar surface, Feng said.
Chang'e-4 isn't done with its work on the moon yet. Feng hopes that in the future, the craft will give us insight into different, unexpected geological formations.
Composite image of the lunar farside taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in June 2009
In this news release China shows the separation of its orbiting module and its rover craft. The craft separates and then recording begins. You can clearly make out about 7 orb UFOs and one longer craft shoot across the screen. All are going in different directions. The UFOs are far away and appear small, but you can see the UFOs themselves are moving.
The Brazilian Roswell UFO Story You Didn’t Know Existed
The Brazilian Roswell UFO Story You Didn’t Know Existed
In the annals of modern science and technology, there’s an enduring and tantalizing debate that stirs the imagination of many: Did some of our monumental technological advancements, like transistors and Kevlar, arise from our contact or study of extraterrestrial technology?
A Tech Leap: The Transistor’s Story Consider the transistor, an essential component in nearly all electronic devices today. Its invention in 1947 transformed technology, paving the way for the digital age. Some argue its rapid development was improbable without some form of otherworldly inspiration. However, skeptics assert that the transistor’s invention was merely a natural progression of human understanding, built on years of prior research. The truth? Possibly somewhere in between. One can’t deny the enormous impact of the transistor, regardless of its origins.
Kevlar: Accident or Alien Insight? Kevlar, with its striking strength and lightness, is renowned for its use in bulletproof vests. Official records credit its discovery to Polish-American chemist Stephanie Kwolek during her time at DuPont in the 1960s. Yet, some UFO enthusiasts believe Kevlar’s creation might be linked to alien tech. Drawing parallels with the supposed 1947 UFO crash near Roswell, they speculate that debris from the crash site might’ve influenced Kwolek’s research. Could this material, described as incredibly light and nearly indestructible, have shared characteristics with Kevlar?
Shadowy Sites: Area 51 & Beyond Area 51, in the remote Nevada desert, is often touted as the mecca of UFO and alien conspiracies. Bob Lazar, a physicist, made waves when he claimed to have worked on reverse-engineering alien technology at Area 51’s sub-location, S4. He described nine different alien crafts and even mentioned an element, now known as Moscovium (Element 115), as being central to their propulsion. Despite the skepticism surrounding his claims, such stories fuel the public’s fascination with the possibility of extraterrestrial tech on Earth.
Other rumored hotspots for such secretive operations include Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, Kapustin Yar in Russia, and Pine Gap in Australia.
Claims and Controversies Philip J. Corso, a familiar name in ufology, penned the controversial “The Day After Roswell,” (Amazon link) asserting direct knowledge of reverse-engineering alien technology. He credited tech marvels like integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, and even night vision to insights gleaned from the Roswell crash.
Yet, as with many such claims, Corso’s narrative is met with a blend of belief and skepticism. The lack of tangible evidence and the passage of time have muddied the waters.
The Brazilian Roswell UFO Story You Didnt Know Existed
Whether or not extraterrestrial influences had a hand in shaping our technological timeline, the stories surrounding them serve as a testament to human curiosity. These tales urge us to continually question, explore, and marvel at the universe’s mysteries. So, the next time you swipe your smartphone or see a bulletproof vest, ponder for a moment on its possible otherworldly connections. The blend of science, history, and a sprinkle of extraterrestrial intrigue truly offers a riveting journey of discovery.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Korean UFOs
Korean UFOs
As the mysteries of the universe unfold, our intrigue continues to deepen, particularly about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or as they are more popularly known, UFOs. One nation that has recently started to gain attention in this realm is South Korea, thanks to the work of the Korean UAP Society.
Spotlights on the Korean Skies
Jinmu, an active member of the Korean UAP Society, speaks passionately about the plethora of sightings that have come under their radar. With an increasing number of witnesses reporting unidentified objects, especially in restricted military areas, the society’s database is filling up fast.
VIDEO: Richard Dolan sits down for a heart-to-heart with Jinwoo Yu from the Korean UAP Society. Together, they delve deep into South Korea’s experiences with UFOs/UAPs, with Jinwoo sharing captivating tales and visuals from the Korean peninsula. It’s not just an interview; it’s a genuine exchange between two passionate minds from a committed community.
Jinmu recalled an instance in 1977 when two separate sightings took place on the same day in distinct locations, involving unusual objects that changed colors. One of these was in Gimhae and the other in Daejeon. As intriguing as these instances are, the lack of photographic evidence due to the technological constraints of the era makes verification a challenge.
Humanizing the Witnesses
What stands out in Jinmu’s recounting is not just the events but the people behind them. Every witness has their unique story, their perceptions, and their emotional responses. Some have been overwhelmed, some skeptical, and some simply curious. When investigating these sightings, it’s vital to remember that at the heart of every report is a human being, grappling with an experience that often defies conventional understanding.
A Global Phenomenon, A Local Touch
While UFO sightings are a global phenomenon, each region has its idiosyncrasies. In South Korea, many of the reports are from restricted military areas, bringing an added layer of intrigue. And yet, regardless of the geographical location, there is an undeniable similarity in these sightings, suggesting a broader pattern at play.
The Quest for Understanding
Jinmu and his team at the Korean UAP Society are not just about collecting data. They are on a quest to understand the motivations behind these occurrences. Why do they happen in specific regions and on particular dates? The answers remain elusive, but their dedication to uncovering them is unwavering.
Additionally, while the majority of cases involve unidentified objects, there are also rare, chilling reports of abductions. Though most of these claims haven’t held up under scrutiny, they add another layer to the enigma of UAPs.
Bridging the Gap
The work of Jinmu and the Korean UAP Society represents more than just a local effort. It’s part of a global tapestry of researchers and enthusiasts, seeking to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown. As more people around the world share their experiences, collaborate, and analyze, our understanding of these phenomena can only deepen.
So, the next time you gaze up at the night sky, remember that there are mysteries out there waiting to be uncovered. And there are passionate individuals like Jinmu, dedicating their lives to unravelling them.
Physicist calls for raw data on UFO sightings: 'Where's the beef?' | NewsNation Prime
Renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku joins "NewsNation Prime" to discuss what has changed since witnesses spoke at a historic congressional hearing regarding the government's knowledge of UAPs, saying the "burden of proof has shifted" in these conversations.
Are We (and Aliens) Trapped in Our Galaxy?
An exploration of the question of whether we, and for that matter aliens, are trapped in the Milky Way.
Is this incredible leaked alien footage real?
Probably the most reddit alien abduction video of all time!
Fermi Paradox: The Rare Galaxy Hypothesis
An exploration of the possibility that the Milky Way has unusual attributes that favor the rise of life and civilizations that's not present in most other galaxies.
Brian Cox - Alien Life & The Great Filter Hypothesis
In the vast expanse of the universe, one question persists: Are we alone? Join renowned physicist Brian Cox as we grapple with the enigmatic Great Filter hypothesis.
This theory presents a chilling explanation for the cosmic silence, suggesting a nearly insurmountable barrier that keeps civilizations from reaching the stars. But is this barrier behind us or ahead of us? Could it have annihilated other civilizations before us?
Through the lens of the Great Filter, we explore the Fermi Paradox, the possibilities of extraterrestrial life, and the secrets buried deeper in the cosmos. We face both optimism and warning, examining our place in the universe and the perils of unchecked technological advancement.
In this enthralling journey, Brian Cox navigates the cautionary tales and hopeful prospects written across the heavens. Are we the exception or the rule? Tune in to uncover the mysteries and redefine our cosmic story.
Are Aliens and UFOs...Demonic? Astrophysicist Reveals Why UFO Claims Aren't What They Seem
Are aliens real? Do UFOs really exist? These questions, once relegated to the confines of conspiratorial enterprises, are now legitimately being pondered among some scientists, academics — and even in the halls of Congress. It's an issue Dr. Hugh Ross, an astrophysicist and apologist, has long researched and explored.
"I became a UFO expert, but not on purpose," he recently said. "I was an amateur astronomer before I became a professional astronomer." Ross eventually found himself handling UFO reports at universities, exploring claims people made about aliens and unidentified phenomena. And he came to some fascinating conclusions.
"About 99% of what people would report to me as UFOs, I could explain as natural phenomena, a hoax, or secret government military activity," Ross said. "But there's a 1% residual that falls in a different category, and these would be UFO phenomena."
As for the human reaction to these encounters, Ross also noted they are "never beneficial" and interactions are "always deleterious." "The best you're going to come away from with one of these encounters is recurring, terrifying nightmares," he said. "Worst case scenario, you get killed."
Reports of alien encounters also mirror what some have experienced during claims of demonic activity, he said. From going into trances to engaging in automatic writing, Ross believes the parallels between demonic possession and purported interactions with extraterrestrials cannot be ignored.
Listen to Ross explain the nature of these alien encounters and what he's observed.
CBN News. Because Truth Matters™
UNDENIABLE Biblical Evidence for Extraterrestrial Life
The Bible is clear that extraterrestrial life—life that did not originate on Earth—actually exists.
What Exactly Went Wrong During The Luna 25 Mission?
Just over a week ago on August 10th, Russia launched a Soyuz rocket carrying a special payload. On board was the country’s first lunar lander in nearly 50 years, since the Luna 24 mission in 1976. Unfortunately, reports are now coming out that the lander crashed into the Moon and the mission has failed.
Starting yesterday, an emergency situation was reported in lunar orbit not long before the touchdown attempt. The original plan was to launch on the 10th and land safely on the Moon between the 21st and 23rd, only days away. However, a problem came up during an engine burn that didn’t allow a specific maneuver to occur. Roscosmos then later reported that they had lost contact with the lander, but were trying to reach it and get any type of signal back.
By now, the agency is confident that the lander was destroyed, and is now working to determine exactly what went wrong. This is quite the blow to the agency and program which was the first attempt to revive it after decades. Here I will go more in-depth into the exact flight profile, what went wrong, the events that led to this, and more.
Hubble Just Found a New Type of Black Hole. It Will Rewrite Astronomy!
Astronomers have found evidence of a rare missing-link black hole in our cosmic neighborhood. It’s an intermediate-mass black hole located around 6000 light-years away in the Messier 4 star cluster. So far, we have only observed two distinct black hole classes: the gargantuan supermassive black holes, lurking in the centers of galaxies and weighing millions to billions of times the mass of our Sun, and their smaller counterparts, the stellar mass black holes, born from the violent deaths of massive stars and weighing just a few times the Sun’s mass.
However, a groundbreaking discovery in a nearby star cluster is challenging this dual classification and offering a tantalizing glimpse into a previously elusive category of black holes. Astronomers have unveiled evidence of a rare intermediate-mass black hole, filling the mass gap between the supermassive and stellar black holes.
But what makes an intermediate-mass black hole or an IMBH so special? Why is it so difficult to find a black hole in this category? Finally, and most importantly, how did astronomers make this exciting discovery?
The 71st episode of the Sunday Discovery Series answers these questions.
Apollo 11 Astronaut Reveals Spooky Secret About Mission To Far Side Of The Moon!
20 Secrets About The Apollo 11 Mission. The Apollo Eleven Mission stands as one of humanity's greatest triumphs, forever etched in memory as the historic voyage that successfully transported humans to the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, courageous pioneers, cemented their names in history as the first individuals to grace the lunar surface. Amidst these celebrated figures, an often-overlooked astronaut, Michael Collins, played a crucial role in the mission. Now emerging from the shadows, Collins sheds light on the eerie enigmas encountered during the lunar expedition. Join us in this video where we dig into the mind-boggling lunar secrets revealed by Michael Collins about their lunar odyssey.
SpaceX just leaked NEW Lunar Starship prototype with NEW Design, unlike others...
SpaceX just revealed HLS Starship's nosecone with NEW Design! In the first orbital flight, Starship concluded with a spectacular explosion. That's why NASA has expressed concerns about the potential timeline delays for the completion of their Artemis 3 lunar mission. However, SpaceX has poured Nasa a bucket of cold water! The company has just revealed a section of the nosecone of the upcoming Starship HLS prototype that is about to undergo testing. Stay tuned as we dive more into this episode of Alpha Tech! On August 13th, SpaceX relocated a mysterious nosecone from Mid Bay. At glance, we can observe a door taller than the height of an average adult. It seems this door is covered with a type of black nylon fabric and lacks a solid structure. This suggests that SpaceX will frequently utilize it, and surely it holds more intriguing aspects beyond its exterior.
Few would guess what implications that door might have with the nosecone, so let's see this image. Here's a label on the vehicle, enlarged, clearly stating 'HLS' or Human Landing System. Observing the nosecone more closely reveals another interesting aspect! Shifting your gaze downward from the nosecone, you can see numerous pipes and wires connected to a large rectangular electronic panel, believed to be the life support system.
SpaceX just leaked NEW Lunar Starship prototype with NEW Design, unlike others...
The Mysterious Boötes Void: Why Scientists Are Baffled by This Cosmic Enigma
Dive deep into the enigmatic expanse of the universe known as the Boötes Void. Often referred to as the 'Great Nothing,' this vast region of space has left astronomers scratching their heads for decades. Why is it so empty? What secrets does it hold? Join us as we journey through the cosmos, unraveling the mysteries of this cosmic void, and exploring the latest theories and discoveries that challenge our understanding of the universe. Featuring interviews with leading experts, stunning visualizations, and a narrative that will keep you on the edge of your seat, this video is a must-watch for every space enthusiast. Prepare to be amazed and bewildered by the wonders of the Boötes Void.
1 MINUTE AGO: James Webb Telescope Announced What's At The End Of The Observable Universe!
The James Webb Space Telescope has been used by astronomers to go back in time to the early cosmos, and they have discovered an unexpected object. Six huge galaxies that existed between 500 million and 700 million years after the big bang that formed the universe were discovered by the satellite observatory. According to a new study released on Wednesday in the journal Nature, the revelation is fundamentally upending accepted views regarding the creation of galaxies. Welcome everyone, in today's video; we’re going to look at 1 MINUTE AGO: James Webb Telescope Announced What's at The End of The Observable Universe! The discovery that enormous galaxy formation started very early in the universe's history upends what many of us had believed to be established science. We have been jokingly referring to these things as "universe breakers," and so far, they have lived up to their moniker. But before we proceed further details, if you’re new to this channel, remember (go ahead and) to hit the bell icon to subscribe, so you won’t miss the informative videos we will upload in the future. Now get ready, and make sure to stay tuned till the end, as we dive right into the video. 1 MINUTE AGO: James Webb Telescope Announced What's at The End of The Observable Universe! According to research coauthor Joel Leja, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State University, "These objects are considerably more enormous than anyone thought." At this moment in time, "we anticipated only to find tiny, immature, newborn galaxies, yet we've found galaxies as mature as our own in what was thought to be the start of the universe." The telescope uses infrared light to examine the universe because this wavelength is undetectable to the human eye and is able to pick up the feeble light emitted by old stars and galaxies. The observatory can literally look back in time to around 13.5 billion years ago by gazing into the faraway universe. This MIRI image shows the spiral arms of NGC 7496 to be full of overlapping shells and cavernous bubbles. These hollow voids and filaments are proof that newborn stars have been ejecting gas and dust from the interstellar medium around them and, in some circumstances, releasing energy in the process. Blue, green, and red in this image of NGC 7496 were attributed to Webb's MIRI data at 7.7, 10 and 11.3, and 21 microns. Webb telescope sees once invisible structures inside spiral galaxies Scientists need to reconsider how galaxies started and evolved since the galaxies are so enormous that they disagree with 99 percent of models describing early galaxies in the universe. According to the prevailing idea, galaxies started out as little clouds of stars and dust that developed through time. For the first time, Leja remarked, "we looked into the very early universe and had no idea what we were going to see." It seems that we discovered something so unexpected that it truly poses difficulties for science. It casts doubt on the theory of early galaxy formation as a whole.
This Proves That The Entire Universe Is In Someone’s Mind…SCARY!
At this stage, it is still unclear. Whether science will live up to the test and prove the nature of consciousness once and for all remains to be seen, in the meantime, it’s worth considering all the strange possibilities that wait in store for future research and study.
Believe It or Not? The Real Reasons We Fall for Conspiracy Theories!
Exploring the Psychology of Conspiracy Theories: Dive deep into why people believe in conspiracy theories, their real-world impacts, and evidence-based techniques to assess their validity. Drawing from top social psychology research, this video sheds light on the allure of conspiracy thinking and offers a comprehensive guide to evaluate such theories critically.
A new type of chemistry performed at very cold temperatures on very small particles enables quick, precise reactions.
Quantum superchemistry has been observed by researchers for the first time.
Image credit: Getty Images)
For the first time, researchers have observed "quantum superchemistry" in the lab.
Long theorized but never before seen, quantum superchemistry is a phenomenon in which atoms or molecules in the same quantum state chemically react more rapidly than do atoms or molecules that are in different quantum states. A quantum state is a set of characteristics of a quantum particle, such as spin (angular momentum) or energy level.
To observe this new super-charged chemistry, researchers had to coax not just atoms, but entire molecules, into the same quantum state. When they did, however, they saw that the chemical reactions occurred collectively, rather than individually. And the more atoms were involved, meaning the greater the density of the atoms, the quicker the chemical reactions went.
"What we saw lined up with the theoretical predictions," Cheng Chin, a professor of physics at the University of Chicago who led the research, said in a statement. "This has been a scientific goal for 20 years, so it's a very exciting era."
"What we saw lined up with the theoretical predictions," Cheng Chin, a professor of physics at the University of Chicago who led the research, said in a statement. "This has been a scientific goal for 20 years, so it's a very exciting era."
The team reported their findings July 24 in the journal Nature Physics. They observed the quantum superchemistry in cesium atoms that paired up to form molecules. First, they cooled cesium gas to near absolute zero, the point at which all motion ceases. In this chilled state, they could ease each cesium atom into the same quantum state. They then altered the surrounding magnetic field to kick off the chemical bonding of the atoms.
These atoms reacted more quickly together to form two-atom cesium molecules than when the researchers conducted the experiment in normal, non-super-cooled gas. The resulting molecules also shared the same quantum state, at least over several milliseconds, after which the atoms and molecules start to decay, no longer oscillating together.
"[W]ith this technique, you can steer the molecules into an identical state," Chin said.
The researchers found that though the end result of the reaction was a two-atom molecule, three atoms were actually involved, with a spare atom interacting with the two bonding atoms in a way that facilitated the reaction.
This could be useful for applications in quantum chemistry and quantum computing, as molecules in the same quantum state share physical and chemical properties. The experiments are part of the field of ultracold chemistry, which aims to gain incredibly detailed control over chemical reactions by taking advantage of the quantum interactions that occur in these cold states. Ultracold particles could be used as qubits, or the quantum bits that carry information in quantum computing, for example.
The study used only simple molecules, so the next goal is to attempt to create quantum superchemistry with more complex molecules, Chin said.
"How far we can push our understanding and our knowledge of quantum engineering, into more complicated molecules, is a major research direction in this scientific community," he said.
This article was provided by Live Science.
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Saturn’s giant storms leave ammonia footprints in the lower atmosphere that last for centuries after the storm has blown itself out.
Every decade or two, Saturn spawns a truly enormous storm. Winds roar at up to a thousand miles an hour, trails of storm clouds wrap around the whole planet, and hail made of ammonia rattles downward. The storm finally peters out after more than six months, but its impact on Saturn’s atmosphere will last much longer, according to a recent study by University of Michigan planetary scientist Cheng Li and his colleagues. They recently discovered that Saturn’s giant storms carry ammonia vapor deep into the planet’s atmosphere, where it can linger for centuries, like a footprint to mark the storm’s passage.
The huge storm churning through the atmosphere in Saturn's northern hemisphere overtakes itself as it encircles the planet in this true-color view from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
Saturn’s uppermost cloud decks are mostly ammonia (a nitrogen atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms), floating in an atmosphere of hydrogen. At deeper, warmer altitudes, the clouds are mostly water. But in data from the Very Large Array radio telescope, Li and his colleagues spotted radio emissions from patches of ammonia trapped in the lower layers of Saturn’s atmosphere, where it usually shouldn’t be.
The out-of-place ammonia was drifting at around 43 degrees north latitude, where NASA’s Cassini spacecraft (RIP) watched a giant, planet-spanning storm in 2010 (Saturn’s winds mostly blow east and west, which is why the giant storms tend to be long and narrow — and why weird features in the atmosphere tend to stay at the same latitude that spawned them).
The storm lasted a little more than six months, and Li and his colleagues say it carried ammonia from high-altitude clouds into the lower layers of the atmosphere — where it’s now stuck.
Using the VLA data, Li and his colleagues spotted several other swathes of misplaced ammonia in Saturn’s lower atmosphere. And they mostly matched the latitudes of the five other huge storms astronomers have observed swirling around Saturn since 1876. That means that some of those ammonia clouds have been trapped in Saturn’s lower atmosphere for almost 120 years.
One patch of ammonia Li and his colleagues spotted doesn’t match any of the recorded storms, so it may be more than 150 years old: a cloudy footprint of a storm human eyes never saw.
A closeup of the 2010 megastorm that formed in Saturn's northern hemisphere, wrapping around the entire planet
Part of the explanation may be what Li and his colleagues call mushballs: little balls of ice with a liquid blend of ammonia and water inside (like Gushers candy, except unflavored and also poison). The mushballs fall from storm clouds in the higher levels of Saturn’s enormous storms, carrying ammonia deeper into the atmosphere.
This false-color image from NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft reveals Saturn’s clouds in detail.
In the wake of the storm, the upper atmosphere stays warm for a while; it’s also dry, having dropped so much of its ammonia in a hail of mushballs. For a while, the upper layers of the atmosphere are warmer than the layers beneath, and that warm, dry air acts as a lid, keeping the ammonia clouds trapped in the layer below.
Even a storm as tremendous and powerful as Saturn’s decadal storms can’t leave footprints in the clouds forever, though. Eventually, the turbulence of Saturn’s atmosphere will mix the storm-heated air with cooler air from other latitudes, and the trapped banks of ammonia clouds will be free to rise. And eventually, another storm will come along.
When Li and his colleagues studied the swaths of trapped ammonia left by giant storms on Saturn, they noticed that each “footprint” tends to split in two. One patch of ammonia drifts northward from the latitude of the storm, while the other patch drifts south. That’s one of the things they want to study in more detail with future observations.
It’s challenging enough to predict the weather here on Earth, let alone on a turbulent alien world like Saturn, but history suggests that another giant storm should flare up and wrap itself around the planet in the next ten to twenty years. When that happens, Li and his colleagues hope astronomers and planetary scientists will study how the storm evolves and what happens to Saturn’s atmosphere in its aftermath.
Meanwhile, the team plans to look at Saturn’s southern hemisphere in 2025. The VLA data Li and his colleagues used for their recent study only covered the planet’s northern hemisphere, because at the moment, the tilt of Saturn’s axis means the southern hemisphere is demurely hiding behind the planet’s iconic rings. By 2025, Saturn will be at a different point in its orbit, and telescopes on Earth will be able to see the southern hemisphere.
All of the giant storms astronomers have observed so far have happened in the planet’s northern hemisphere, so Li and his colleagues predict that, if they’re right, they shouldn’t see any trapped patches of ammonia in the south.
If you needed any more proof that space is extremely weird, look no further than 457 light-years away. There, two tiny, dim stars whirling around each other every two hours, close enough together to fit inside our Sun.
A team of astronomers led by Harvard University’s Kareem El-Badry recently discovered the bizarre binary system. One appears to be a type of small, relatively cool star called a red dwarf, while the other is an even smaller object called a brown dwarf: sort of a faintly-glowing gray area between stars and planets — too big to be a gas giant, but too small to be a proper star. And they’re locked in a shockingly close orbital dance.
El-Badry and his colleagues have published their findings in a preprint paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed or accepted by a journal.
The star marked at the center of this image is actually two stars in a scandalously close orbit.
ARXIV (2023). DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2307.15729
El-Badry and his colleagues were looking for nearby pairs of small stars in data from the Zwicky Transient Facility, and they found exactly what they were looking for — a pair of faint objects that pass in front of and behind each other as they orbit their shared center. By watching the pair of stars with several telescopes, in both optical and infrared light, the astronomers were able to measure the stars’ mass, radius, surface temperatures, and how quickly they orbited each other.
One member of the cosmic duo is a red dwarf, a small star with just 13 percent of our Sun’s mass and 18 percent of its radius. It’s tiny and dim, but it’s still bigger and brighter than its partner: a brown dwarf about the size of Jupiter but with 80 times the gas giant’s mass packed into that space. That’s minuscule for a star but huge for a brown dwarf. In fact, it's teetering on the edge of stardom. But so far, its mass isn’t enough to create the heat and pressure needed to kickstart hydrogen fusion.
Because brown dwarfs are so faint and so small, they’re often difficult for astronomers to find and study; El-Badry and his colleagues hope that watching this one transit in front of its orbital dance partner may help astronomers shed light on this weird class of objects.
Based on El-Badry and his colleagues' measurements, the pair have been orbiting each other for a long time: at least five billion years, and maybe as long as ten billion. During that time, they closed the original distance between them, which was at least five times the radius of our Sun. And they’re still spiraling ever closer. El-Badry and his colleagues predict that the pair will keep spiraling closer until, eventually, the brown dwarf starts pulling away material from its larger but less dense partner.
“Today, the entire binary would comfortably fit inside the Sun,” write El-Badry and his colleagues in their recent paper (although it’s unclear exactly who is supposed to be comfortable in that scenario).
NASA recently announced that Mars is spinning faster and its days have shortened.
Five years ago, NASA placed a revolutionary mission on the surface of Mars called InSight. It has since died, after Martian dust covered InSight’s solar panels and cut off its energy. Nevertheless, data gathered in its primary and extended missions continues to reveal new traits of the Red Planet.
The latest finding suggests that Mars’ spin is ever-so-slightly accelerating, though the cause is still unclear.
“It’s really cool to be able to get this latest measurement — and so precisely,” Bruce Banerdt, InSight’s principal investigator, shares in NASA’s August 7 announcement about the discovery. “I’ve been involved in efforts to get a geophysical station like InSight onto Mars for a long time, and results like this make all those decades of work worth it.”
InSight, which stands for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Transport, had an instrument through which astronomers could play ping-pong.
The ball in this celestial game was radio waves. Astronomers would send a signal to InSight via the Deep Space Network, and the lander would reflect it back, using an instrument called RISE, short for Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment.
Tiny changes to the radio signal’s frequency — caused by the same effect that makes the music from a moving car change pitch as the driver moves towards or away from the listener — became apparent across data from 900 sols, or Martian days. And they noticed that Mars’ spin was accelerating.
The changes they saw were “just a few tens of centimeters over the course of a Martian year,” Sebastien Le Maistre, RISE’s principal investigator and lead author of the paper, shares in the NASA announcement.
Le Maistre and the team found that Mars’ rotation is accelerating by about 4 milliarcseconds per year squared. This shortens the Martian day by a fraction of a millisecond per year.
In addition, the team found that Mars’ core has a wobble. It’s attributed to molten material at the heart of the Red Planet sloshing about.
This deep look helped the team to estimate that the core’s radius is between 1,112 and 1,150 miles across. RISE data played a role, when combined with other research on marsquakes piercing through or bouncing off Mars’ core.
The last time InSight made contact with Earth was in December 2022, but scientists are still looking at what the lander found, planted in place and listening to the interior of Mars.
Bob Lazar Tells Us What The Navy Saw While Diving In The Arctic
Bob Lazar Tells Us What The Navy Saw While Diving In The Arctic
Welcome to Futureunity, where we explore the fascinating world of science, technology, and the universe! From the inner workings of the human body to the outer reaches of space, we delve into the latest and most interesting discoveries that are shaping our world. Whether you’re a science buff or just looking for some mind-blowing facts, we’ve got you covered. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of the world around us and discover new frontiers in the fields of science and technology. Get ready for a journey that’s both educational and entertaining!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UAP Enters Atmosphere Over Japan On Aug 17, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
UAP Enters Atmosphere Over Japan On Aug 17, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 17, 2023
Location of sighting: Over Japan Source: Email report
This video was sent into me from a person working at Polar Star space agency in Japan. The unknown object is glowing green and seen entering earths atmosphere over Japan and shooting downward slowly passing below the clouds in the distance headed toward the ocean. Unlike a meteor this object has very little trail, no debris fall with it or off of it and keeps a constant glow, falling one quarter the speed a meteor would be traveling at.
Unearthly Encounters: Abduction Tales from the Pacific Palisades
It’s a tranquil night on the shores of the Pacific Palisades. The horizon is graced with the usual sights of distant ships and twinkling stars. However, an anomalous light emerges, unlike any ship or star known to the residents. As it swiftly disappears, blending seamlessly with the starry sky, an eerie calm ensues.
One resident recalls waking up not in the familiar comfort of her bed but on an alien ship, surrounded by strange, off-white beings. Standing at a mere three-and-a-half feet with enormous black eyes and tiny frail bodies, these creatures were not the gray aliens frequently depicted in popular culture.
Stories of such abductions aren’t rare. Over the years, numerous accounts describe humans being taken onto alien spaceships, where they claim to have been inseminated with alien reproductive material, leading to the conception of human-alien hybrids. These harrowing tales speak of hybrid children, created using human DNA combined with alien DNA. The purpose? Still unknown. Some speculate it’s a hybridization program; others think these hybrids might repopulate our planet when environmental conditions change. The consistency in these narratives begs the question: is there some truth to these encounters?
The Bombardier Beetle: Evolutionary Anomaly or Intelligent Design?
Deep within the Ventura Bio Center, another mystery unfolds, albeit a tiny one. Giorgio Tsoukalos, an ancient astronaut theorist, is introduced to one of Earth’s most enigmatic insects: the Bombardier Beetle.
This tiny creature, often overlooked in the vast realm of biodiversity, boasts a chemical defense mechanism that has left scientists astounded. With the capability to shoot out streams of boiling, toxic liquid resembling rocket fuel, this beetle’s defense is nothing short of a marvel. The liquid, produced by a combination of hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, is ejected at a staggering rate, deterring would-be predators.
But how did this beetle evolve such a sophisticated defense mechanism? Traditional evolutionary theories suggest gradual changes leading to adaptations. So, what intermediate steps led the beetle to not only produce these chemicals without harming itself but also to develop a unique one-way valve to ensure its own safety while discharging this lethal concoction?
This led some, like Tsoukalos, to pose a riveting question: Could the Bombardier Beetle, or at least its genetic blueprint, be of extraterrestrial origin? If humans could harness this beetle’s ability on a grand scale, it could serve as a potent chemical weapon or energy source.
Connecting the Dots: Earth, Aliens, and Our Biosphere
While the tales of abductions and the mystery of the Bombardier Beetle might seem worlds apart, they converge on the intriguing notion of extraterrestrial intervention. Could some creatures, like the beetle, have been placed on Earth as finished products, or perhaps as subjects for humans to study and learn from?
While definitive answers remain elusive, such tales and mysteries remind us of the vast, uncharted territories of knowledge waiting to be explored. They beckon us to keep our minds open, ready to challenge what we know and venture into the unknown realms of the universe.
In recent research published by myself and my colleague Tony Yeates in the journal Tectonophysics, we investigate what we believe – based on many years of experience in asteroid impact research – is the world's largest known impact structure, buried deep in the earth in southern New South Wales.
The Deniliquin structure, yet to be further tested by drilling, spans up to 520 kilometers in diameter. This exceeds the size of the near-300-km-wide Vredefort impact structure in South Africa, which to date has been considered the world's largest.
The history of Earth's bombardment by asteroids is largely concealed. There are a few reasons for this. The first is erosion: the process by which gravity, wind and water slowly wear away land materials through time.
When an asteroid strikes, it creates a crater with an uplifted core. This is similar to how a drop of water splashes upward from a transient crater when you drop a pebble in a pool.
This central uplifted dome is a key characteristic of large impact structures. However, it can erode over thousands to millions of years, making the structure difficult to identify.
Structures can also be buried by sediment through time. Or they might disappear as a result of subduction, wherein tectonic plates can collide and slide below one another into Earth's mantle layer.
This map shows the distribution of circular structures of uncertain, possible or probable impact origin on the Australian continent and offshore. Green dots represent confirmed impact craters. Red dots represent confirmed impact structures that are more than 100 km wide, whereas red dots inside white circles are more than 50 km wide. Yellow dots represent likely impact structures.
(Image credit: Andrew Glikson and Franco Pirajno)
Nonetheless, new geophysical discoveries are unearthing signatures of impact structures formed by asteroids that may have reached tens of kilometers across – heralding a paradigm shift in our understanding of how Earth evolved over eons. These include pioneering discoveries of impact "ejecta," which are the materials thrown out of a crater during an impact.
Researchers think the oldest layers of these ejecta, found in sediments in early terrains around the world, might signify the tail end of the Late Heavy Bombardment of Earth. The latest evidence suggests Earth and the other planets in the Solar System were subject to intense asteroid bombardments until about 3.2 billion years ago, and sporadically since.
Some large impacts are correlated with mass extinction events. For example, the Alvarez hypothesis, named after father and son scientists Luis and Walter Alvarez, explains how non-avian dinosaurs were wiped out as a result of a large asteroid strike some 66 million years ago.
Related video:
Biggest Impact Crater Ever Discovered May Have Just Been Found in Australia (Amaze Lab)
Uncovering the Deniliquin structure
The Australian continent and its predecessor continent, Gondwana, have been the target of numerous asteroid impacts. These have resulted in at least 38 confirmed and 43 potential impact structures, ranging from relatively small craters to large and completely buried structures.
As you'll recall with the pool and pebble analogy, when a large asteroid hits Earth, the underlying crust responds with a transient elastic rebound that produces a central dome.
Such domes, which can slowly erode and/or become buried through time, may be all that’s preserved from the original impact structure. They represent the deep-seated "root zone" of an impact. Famous examples are found in the Vredefort impact structure and the 170-km-wide Chicxulub crater in Mexico. The latter represents the impact that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Between 1995 and 2000, Tony Yeates suggested magnetic patterns beneath the Murray Basin in New South Wales likely represented a massive, buried impact structure. An analysis of the region's updated geophysical data between 2015 and 2020 confirmed the existence of a 520 km diameter structure with a seismically defined dome at its centre.
The Deniliquin structure has all the features that would be expected from a large-scale impact structure. For instance, magnetic readings of the area reveal a symmetrical rippling pattern in the crust around the structure's core. This was likely produced during the impact as extremely high temperatures created intense magnetic forces.
A central low magnetic zone corresponds to 30-km-deep deformation above a seismically defined mantle dome. The top of this dome is about 10km shallower than the top of the regional mantle.
Magnetic measurements also show evidence of "radial faults": fractures that radiate from the center of a large impact structure. This is further accompanied by small magnetic anomalies which may represent igneous "dikes," which are sheets of magma injected into fractures in a pre-existing body of rock.
Radial faults, and igneous sheets of rocks that form within them, are typical of large impact structures and can be found in the Vredefort structure and the Sudbury impact structure in Canada.
Currently, the bulk of the evidence for the Deniliquin impact is based on geophysical data obtained from the surface. For proof of impact, we'll need to collect physical evidence of shock, which can only come from drilling deep into the structure.
The Deniliquin structure was likely created in eastern Gondwana during the Late Ordovician. (Image credit: Zhen Qiu et al, 2022, CC BY)
When did the Deniliquin impact happen?
The Deniliquin structure was likely located on the eastern part of the Gondwana continent, prior to it splitting off into several continents (including the Australian continent) much later.
The impact that caused it may have occurred during what’s known as the Late Ordovician mass extinction event. Specifically, I think it may have triggered what’s called the Hirnantian glaciation stage, which lasted between 445.2 and 443.8 million years ago, and is also defined as the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event.
It is also possible the Deniliquin structure is older than the Hirnantian event, and may be of an early Cambrian origin (about 514 million years ago). The next step will be to gather samples to determine the structure’s exact age. This will require drilling a deep hole into its magnetic centre and dating the extracted material.
It's hoped further studies of the Deniliquin impact structure will shed new light on the nature of early Paleozoic Earth.
Acknowledgment: I'd like to thank my colleague Tony Yeates, who originated the view of the Deniliquin multi-ring structure as an impact structure – and who was instrumental to this work.
Russia's Luna-25 moon lander captured this shot of itself in space.
(Image credit: Roscosmos)
Russia's first moon mission in nearly half a century may be in serious trouble.
The Luna-25 spacecraft was supposed to maneuver itself into its final pre-landing orbit around the moon today (Aug. 19), ahead of a touchdown attempt on Monday (Aug. 21) or thereabouts. But the probe encountered a problem during the engine burn.
"During the operation, an emergency situation occurred on board the automatic station, which did not allow the maneuver to be performed with the specified parameters," Russia's space agency Roscosmos wrote in an update on Telegram today (in Russian; translation by Google). "The management team is currently analyzing the situation."
Russia's Luna-25 moon lander being prepped for launch. (Image credit: NPO Lavochkina)
That's all we have to go on at the moment. But, as is often the case, speculation has filled the information vacuum.
"Russian internet is now filled with rumors/failure scenarios, and most of them assume that Luna-Glob (#Luna25) was lost. One argument is — had the problem been not fatal, Roscosmos would simply never mention it! ;)" Anatoly Zak of wrote on X (formerly Twitter) today.
If Luna-25 is indeed dead, it would be quite a blow to Russia's space program. Luna-25 is the first moon mission developed by modern Russia, and the first for it or its forerunner state, the Soviet Union, since Luna-24 in 1976.
The lander carriers eight different science instruments. If it does bounce back from today's glitch, Luna-25 will use that gear to hunt for water ice and perform a variety of investigations in the exotic south polar region, which has not hosted a lander or a rover to date.
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In April 2012, a video was uploaded on YouTube, where an unidentified US Army soldier who is black talks about his encounter with three alien races. It looks like the video was shot at one of the US military bases in the presence of other soldiers. The US military personnel could be seen telling other soldiers about his repeated abductions by extraterrestrial civilizations and meetings with three different species of aliens.
He told others that he had been firstly abducted by grey aliens (with a large head and short body), then by the tall white aliens (who were created by short grey aliens as servants), and by reptilians (like anthropomorphic lizards).
He was trying to sketch the aliens on the whiteboard behind him, but because of the poor quality of the video, it is hard to see them. According to the soldier, on the greys’ planet, they can breathe oxygen as the atmosphere is quite similar to ours. However, the planet has a binary star system, resulting in drier air. The greys’ bones are more fragile than those of humans.
The soldier also mentions the third race, the reptilians, whom he draws and identifies as adversaries to humanity. He explains that they are humanoid and bipedal, standing at an average of 6 to 7 feet tall with a strong build. He explains that the reptilians are the most aggressive and dangerous alien species, and they could be a real threat to mankind.
Unknown black US soldier telling a story about his encounter with three different alien races in the video uploaded on YouTube in 2012
According to the soldier, there had been a big war between the greys and the reptilians, and the greys almost wiped the reptilians out. Meanwhile, he said that the greys are kind to humans. He had even reportedly visited the planet of grey aliens.
But the greys’ planet lies in a binary star system (with two suns like in Star Wars on the planet Tatooine), due to which their place is like a desert with a very hot climate. The soldier also mentions the term EBE-1 which, according to former CIA pilot John Lear, is known as “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities.”
Lear believed that everything started with the Roswell crash in 1947. He claimed that in September 1945, President Truman established MJ-12, and the purpose of that was to study the saucers and cover up the existence of UFOs. He told Geroege Knapp that four alien bodies were recovered from a crash and were autopsied by Dr. Detlev Bronk. They were named “EBEs”, and three live EBEs were captured in different crashes. EBE-1 lived with an Air Force Colonel between 1949 and 1952. The EBEs were kept in an electromagnetic facility called a YY-2, which was designed by Dr. Eric Wang, who worked under Dr. Kissinger and was involved in the coverup of the incident since the beginning.
Further, the soldier stated that the alien abductions are mostly done by the grey aliens, but they always return people without harming them. He even said that since the caveman days, the DNA of humans have been altered by 60-68 times to enhance and accelerate our evolution, so that we can be immune to various diseases and protect ourselves from disasters. Jesus Christ was one of those genetically modified humans.
The soldier also talked about the top-secret project supervised by the Majestic 12, in which 12 people were selected for visiting greys’ planet. They chose the best military specialists from the US Department of Defense, who had to spend 10 years on an alien planet.
Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) was the ultra-secretive group that controlled and managed the UFO/alien issue in the 1940s. So, the US soldier refers to the so-called “Project SERPO,” which is allegedly one of 20 top-secret projects supervised by the MJ-12.
SERPO was a joint program of the US government and humanoids living on the planet Serpo, located in the star system of the Zeta Reticuli. The distance from Earth to Serpo is about 39 light-years. According to an anonymous source, contact with aliens was established after two of their aircraft crashed in Roswell (New Mexico, USA) in 1947. Then, the Americans managed to save one humanoid. He was allowed to communicate with his brethren through an intercom located in a disc-shaped object.
The Americans prepared a group of 12 people after having established contact with the aliens. By agreement in the exchange program, for the duration of the stay of earthlings on the planet Serpo, one of the aliens remained as a diplomatic representative on Earth. All the information related to those who had agreed to fly was destroyed as if they never existed.
According to the soldier, one US President told Close Encounters director Steven Spielberg that he “hit the nail on the head” with the film’s storyline. It is unclear which President he is discussing but he claimed all the presidents including Barack Obama “know.”
Interestingly, during a special screening of “ET: The Extra-Terrestrial” at the White House in 1982,President Reagan whispered to Steven Spielbergthat everything shown in the movie was real. It was confirmed by Spielberg while giving an interview to Quint (aka Eric Vespe).
Spielberg said: “No, he wasn’t ushered out of the room. He was the President of the United States! Nobody could usher Ronald Reagan out of the room! It was in the White House screening room and Reagan got up to thank me for bringing the film to show the President, the First Lady, and all of their guests, which included Sandra Day O’Connor in her first week as a Justice of the Supreme Court, and it included some astronauts… I think Neil Armstrong was there, I’m not 100% certain, but it was an amazing, amazing evening.
He just stood up and he looked around the room, almost like he was doing a headcount, and he said, “I wanted to thank you for bringing E.T. to the White House. We really enjoyed your movie,” and then he looked around the room and said, “And there are a number of people in this room who know that everything on that screen is absolutely true.”
The actual source of the video is still unknown, and the identity of the US soldier has never been disclosed.
On July 8, 2023, one of the greatest UFO stories was told by Ross Coulthart to Project Unity host Jay Anderson. The investigative journalist claimed that there is a huge UFO in the possession of the United States that could not be moved, and he knows the location of the craft. Coulthart clarified that the immovable craft is not in the US.
In the interview, Coulthart discussed the potential implications of the new US Senate intelligence bill. He referenced Douglas Dean Johnson’s writings about the bill, which purportedly mandate holders of non-earth origin or exotic UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) material to make it accessible to the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) within six months.
Anderson raised concerns that this six-month window might offer enough time for those holding such materials to hide or conceal them. Coulthart acknowledged the possibility but suggested that certain UAP materials could be so large that relocating them is not feasible. He mentioned the existence of a building constructed over such a massive object in a foreign country, which might sound implausible to some.
This revelation left the UFO community curious about the place where the craft might be situated. Interestingly, the late former CIA pilot John Lear previously mentioned the existence of buried crafts too massive to move. In 2018, Lear posted on Facebook, recounting the enigmatic tale of a massive buried UFO near Garrison, Utah. This peculiar incident became a topic of discussion at a UFO conference in Las Vegas, piquing Lear’s curiosity.
The incident dates back to 1953 when a large UFO, measuring between 150 to 200 feet in diameter, crashed near Garrison, Utah. Lear explained that the UFO was so large that even the United States Air Force Security Forces’ “Blue Berets” could not relocate it. Consequently, a decision was made to bury the UFO on the spot. Lear wrote that a team of hundreds of soldiers dug the ground and managed to bury the craft 50 feet below ground level. (Earthfile source)
“While all of the digging to bury the saucer was going on, they also dug a tunnel from the saucer several hundred feet to the south, where they built 2 or 3 houses. The houses were constructed to appear about 75 years old, using old, weathered wood, nails, window frames, and roofing. The only hint that these houses might not be so old were the brand-new padlocks on the doors.
I don’t recall the exact description of the interior, except for a door leading to a stairwell that connected to the tunnel leading to the craft. Everything I’m telling you is from my recollection of the report, likely written by the person who accessed the buildings. My memory isn’t perfect. One of the houses contained a logbook in which visitors from various organizations like Air Force, Navy, Army, and others would inscribe their names.”
Lear and his associates intended to visit Garrison to witness this buried craft. They planned to use a helicopter, a fuel truck, and specialized equipment to explore underground. However, the trip never materialized for reasons unknown. Lear maintained his belief that the craft remains in place. He even shared Google Earth images indicating the potential location. He marked the houses on the images, but they no longer appear on Google Earth.
“About 300 yards east from this claim, there was an alleged Spanish treasure location. This treasure spot had been discovered by an individual from the Phoenix area with access to Spanish treasure maps, and this location was marked on one of the maps.
In a pile of rocks, there was a precisely square cutout approximately 10 inches wide and 16 inches deep. The bottom seemed like concrete. I had the underground radar team scan the area and found only a few potential returns. The area is now in an ACEC (Area of Critical Environmental Concern). Nevertheless, we were all set to convene for the Garrison expedition in 2 weeks, but somehow it never took off.”
Lear even provided the coordinates of the location: Latitude 38 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds North, Longitude 113 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West. This further deepens the mystery, leaving people intrigued about the truth surrounding the buried UFO near Garrison, Utah.
Moreover, there is alleged John Lear’s statement on the alien presence, posted to Paranet on December 29, 1987. Here are the paragraphs published by discussing the buried craft: [this page was first archived on January 31, 1997]
“Moore is also in possession of more Aquarius documents a few pages of which leaked out several years ago and detailed the supersecret NSA project which had been denied by them until just recently. In a letter to Senator John Glenn NSA’s Director of Policy Julia B. Wetzel wrote, “Apparently there is or was an Air Force project by that name Aquarius) which dealt with UFO’s. Coincidentally, there is also an NSA project by that name.”
NSA’s project Aquarius deals specifically with the ‘communications with aliens’ (the EBE’s). Within the Aquarius program was project ‘Snowbird’ a project to test fly A recovered alien aircraft at Groom Lake, Nevada. This project continues today at that location. In the words of an individual who works at Groom Lake ‘our people are much better at taking things apart than they are at putting them back together’. Another saw a saucer being trucked into the Nevada Test Site in March of 1988. Still another informant witnessed a saucer being buried at that location (for God knows whatever reason) during the second week of August 1988.”
There is another version of this statement: (Source)
“Germany may have recovered a flying saucer as early as 1939. General James H. Doolittle went to Sweden in 1946 to inspect a flying saucer that had crashed there in Spitzbergen…
In July of 1952, a panicked government watched helplessly as squadron of “flying saucers” flew over Washington, D.C., and buzzed the White House, the Capitol Building, and the Pentagon. It took all the imagination and intimidation the government could muster to force that incident out of the memory of the public.
Thousands of sightings occurred during the Korean war and several more saucers were retrieved by the Air Force. Some were stored at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, some were stored at Air Force bases near the location of the crash sight.
One saucer was so enormous and the logistic problems in transportation so enormous that it was buried at the crash sight and remains there today. The stories are legendary on transporting crashed saucers over long distances, moving only at night, purchasing complete farms, slashing through forests, blocking major highways, sometimes driving 2 and 3 lo-boys in tandem with an extraterrestrial load a hundred feet in diameter.”
Researchers have discovered a new stellar object with “highly unusual” characteristics, which they say possesses the most powerful magnetic field anywhere in the known universe.
Astronomers involved with the discovery characterize the object as a massive magnetic helium star and say the discovery could help astronomers understand the origins of magnetars.
Magnetars are a type of neutron star with extremely strong magnetic fields. Neutron stars are formed when a very large star finally explodes, resulting in a supernova. The incredibly compacted core of the remnant star that is left behind is believed to represent the densest matter anywhere in the universe.
Magnetars produce the strongest magnetic fields that are known to exist, although how they manage to do so remains a mystery to astronomers.
Now, observations made by researchers with the National Science Foundation’s NOIRLab could help astronomers unravel new details about how magnetars are believed to form.
The team reports in a paper recently published in Science that a strange, massive star they have discovered possesses what may be the most powerful magnetic field ever associated with such a celestial body, marking the discovery of an all-new variety of astronomical objects.
An effort that combined data collected from telescopes that included the Canada-France-Hawai‘i Telescope (CFHT) on Maunakea and other observatories from around the world helped the research team identify the huge helium star, which possesses an equally massive magnetic footprint.
The team identifies the object as a variant of what is known as a Wolf-Rayet star, which may represent a phase in its evolution toward becoming a magnetar.
“For the first time, a strong magnetic field was discovered in a massive helium star,” said NOIRLab researcher André-Nicolas Chené in a statement.
“Our study suggests that this helium star will end its life as a magnetar.”
Chené and the team says spectroscopic observations helped them detect the magnetic field produced by the unusual object, which at 43,000 gauss is believed to be the most powerful magnetic field known to have been detected.
Additional details about the object’s mass and age were gleaned from observations of its interaction with nearby celestial objects, the team said, adding that the star might have formed because of a merger between a pair of smaller stars long ago.
Now the team is considering whether the formation of magnetars throughout the universe may rely on similar processes.
“This is a very specific scenario, and it raises the question of how many magnetars come from similar systems and how many come from other types of systems,” Chené said in a statement.
Chené adds that it was previously believed that stars that may eventually become magnetars would likely arise from the most massive stars, which may not be the case after all.
“What this research shows us is that stars that are much less massive can still become a magnetar, if the conditions are just right,” Chené adds.
Chené and the team’s research was detailed in a paper, “A massive helium star with a sufficiently strong magnetic field to form a magnetar,” which appeared in Science on August 17, 2023.
The Rendlesham Forest UAP incident is one of the legendary UFO encounter cases in the history of UFOlogy. In 1980, Lt. Col. Charles Halt, a deputy commander of the US Air Force Base, received the news of strange sightings near twin NATO airbases of RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, England. In the early morning of December 26, Airman First Class John Burroughs reported the sighting that included vague descriptions, ranging from unusual supernatural light, glittering triangular spaceships, and scorched footprints on the ground.
It is always argued whether the Suffolk UFO landing actually happened or it was just a hoax. On the official note, there is no physical evidence to prove this claim, only testimonies provided by credible witnesses. As the years passed, a piece of new information indulged which opened many untold stories of this case.
Gary Heseltine, a former police detective and UFO investigator recounts the complex story of the Rendlesham Forest UFO incidents, which is considered the second most famous UFO case after Roswell in 1947. Heseltine researched the case for over five years, analyzing various published materials and uncovering lesser-known information.
In his book, “NON-HUMAN: The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incidents: 42 Years of Denial“, he presented amazing new military testimony from a previously unknown witness. The book discusses the political aspects of the incident, suggesting that the narrative may have been controlled by a few individuals for years. Heseltine argues that the UK and US governments have downplayed the true significance of the case.
This series of events occurred between December 26 and December 28, 1980. A mysterious flying object flew at such an incredible speed that violated the laws of physics. Moreover, despite the very high speed, the alien spacecraft did not make any noise.
The incident involves a young airman’s claim of witnessing a translucent UFO about 30 ft in diameter landing in a farmer’s field. This claim has been debated for many years. Later, round-shaped prints were found on the ground clearly from a heavy object, which were at a distance of about 3 meters from each other. Burns were also seen near these grooves on the ground.
On December 28, when soldiers were sent for a more thorough study of the area, they noted the excess of radiation. And at this time, a UFO reappeared, it flew by with incredible speed, illuminating everything around with bright red lights. The light emanating from the ship was so strong that the sensors of the night sights burned out, and the lights continued to hover and shine over the forest and field for some time.
Heseltine discovered a new witness account that sheds new light on the landing of a triangular-shaped UFO in the forest, an event previously recounted publicly only by Staff Sgt Jim Penniston and Airman John Burroughs. Heseltine reveals that after extensive research, he has obtained corroboration from a military witness, Sergeant Adrian Bustinza, confirming the occurrence of a UFO landing.
In a four and half hour transatlantic telephone interview (which was audio recorded) he admitted that he had been involved in a second UFO related event, a landing of a translucent craft approximately 30 feet in diameter which was surrounded by a ring of US Air Force Security police officers,writes Heseltine. (Source)
Retired Colonel Charles Halt and Retired police detective Gary Heseltine in Rendlesham Forest in 2010
The landing was filmed on video and cine cameras, marking it as the second UFO landing event. Heseltine emphasizes that Bustinza’s involvement was significant because he was part of the security perimeter around the craft, as was Larry Warren, an honorably discharged military eyewitness, and was the first to go public about the Bentwaters UFO cover-up.
Sergeant Bustinza’s account corroborates Warren’s version of events, confirming that the entire incident was being filmed. Additionally, Bustinza states that Colonel Gordon Williams, the Base Commander of the twin US bases of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, was present at the second landing. Despite Colonel Williams’ denial of involvement, both Bustinza and Warren assert that he was present during the event.
“When I arrived [at the scene], it was going in and out through the trees and at one stage it was hovering,” Sgt. Adrian Bustinza said. (Source)
Interestingly, Heseltine mentioned that both Bustinza and Warren state that entities or lifeforms were seen near the craft, engaging in what seemed like a silent confrontation with Colonel Williams. This detail adds a mysterious and intriguing element to the story.
Heseltine highlights the significance of Sergeant Adrian Bustinza’s corroboration, as it confirms the existence of the second UFO landing. He asserts that the US Air Force has attempted to cover up this event, but now, with the corroboration from a first-person witness, the truth is emerging.
Moreover, while examining old documentation of the case, Heseltine found a direct admission made by Lt. Col. Charles Halt, the deputy base commander at the time, to an American researcher named Ray Boeche in April 1985. Halt admitted that the second UFO landing did occur, and the craft was surrounded by USAF Security police officers, with Col. Williams present. This admission from Lt. Col. Halt adds further weight to the claims made by Bustinza and Warren.
Alien Abduction
Interestingly, video footage was published in 2018 by the British tabloid newspaper, The Sun, where Retired Lt. Colonel Charles Halt can be heard saying that John Burroughs “may have been abducted” and that the men were “unaccounted” for hours. The video was reportedly captured in 2010 when Halt and retired British police detective Gary Heseltine revisited Rendlesham Forest for a documentary that was never made. The footage was recorded by Heseltine’s wife when the two were talking about the UFO incident during a break.
Halt said: “He [Burroughs] may have been abducted, who knows… You know, there is LOST TIME, we know that? They were not on the radio… You’ve got men out in the forest that you can’t… unaccounted for hours.”
Official memo of Lt. Colonel Charles Halt about 1980 UFO incident
Even though the USAF had always denied any UFO landing in the Rendelsem forest, Burroughs shared the shocking news about his health. He said that he had been subjected to a high amount of radiation during the investigations of the mysterious craft on three consecutive nights in December 1980.
The US military classified Burrough’s medical records, so neither he nor his lawyer were able to get it. Even the USAF denied that he had been working with them during the time of the incident as claimed by Burrough. Somehow, they got a document from the British Ministry of Defence in which it was written that the site had a high level of radiation during the UFO incident.
Finally, after decades, the US Veterans Association and the Department of Defence agreed to pay for his treatment. Besides, in the radiation document, the US military acknowledged the unexplained aerial phenomenon that occurred at the site and caused a physical injury to Burrough.
In recent days the internet has been buzzing after former US intelligence officer Davis Grusch testified under oath before members of the US Congress that he had seen conclusive proof that the US authorities have recovered crashed UFOs and their occupants.
The one thing on everyone’s mind was, of course, “show us the evidence Mr. Grusch”.
Sadly, he could not as it was classified. But the fact is there are cases already out there that would stand up in a court of law and prove that something quite extraordinary has happened. Such cases are close encounters or better known in the popular imagination as “alien abductions”.
One such case that I and my colleague Dr Irena Scott in the USA have been working on does just that.
The date of the close encounter was October 11, 1973; the location was the Pascagoula River, Mississippi.
Two shipyard workers Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 18, decided to go fishing on the river after work. Both anglers were not having much luck that night and they thought about calling it a night when something happened that would change their lives forever.
A dazzling blue light from behind them illuminated the entire scene. Turning around both men watched in awe as a rugby ball-shaped object descended.
A door opened and three bizarre looking humanoid entities glided out across the terrain to the two terrified onlookers. Both Parker and Hickson later that night made their way to their local Sheriff’s Department to tell them that they had been abducted by aliens.
It wasn’t long before the story found its way into the media and the story went around the world. Charles Hickson readily told his story, but Calvin Parker wanted simply to be left alone. Hickson co-authored a book with William Mendez in 1983 and it wasn’t until 2018 that Calvin Parker finally told his story in full for the first time.
It was Calvin Parker’s book and subsequent publicity that made this case probably the best documented such event on record. It wasn’t necessarily what Calvin Parker related in his two books, but it is what happened when they were published.
Much to everyone’s surprise, more and more firsthand eyewitnesses began to step forward. A number of these witnesses reported seeing something a few days prior to the Parker/Hickson encounter and others a few days after. UFO sightings were made in and around Pascagoula, Mississippi and in neighbouring states as well.
Added to that more eyewitnesses stepped forward with their accounts of what they observed on the very same night. Two of these witnesses were on the other bank of the Pascagoula River that night at the very same time as Parker and Hickson were experiencing their close encounter.
One last thing that has left the authors completely baffled is what could be proof of a physical contact with something by Parker and Hickson that night. Both men reported that when the bizarre looking humanoids took hold of them, they felt a kind of scratch or prick similar to an injection.
We uncovered a document written on October 13, 1973, just two days after the encounter, which describes a physical examination of the two men and that “puncture wounds” were located on Charles Hickson’s arm and Calvin Parker’s foot.
The document, located in 2018, also mentioned that photographs of these marks were taken. In the file sadly there was no sign of these photographs.
In 2021 when this book was being written the authors received an email from a colleague that mentioned he had accidentally found a couple of photos that he thought we would be interested in.
The photographs in question were those mentioned in the ‘puncture wounds’ document obtained three years earlier and show marks on Charles’s Hickson’s arm and Calvin Parker’s foot. These photos will be published in our book for the first time ever.
This book concentrates on the independent eyewitness testimony, the puncture wounds evidence, the hypnosis sessions of the new witnesses and of Calvin Parker both of which were conducted exclusively for this book and it is left for the reader to draw their own conclusion.
The book is fully illustrated with photographs, documents, newspaper cuttings and exclusive artwork by UK artist Jason Gleaves and has a foreword by Calvin Parker.
We believe that the evidence provided in this book if it was taken to court could prove something truly extraordinary took place that October night in 1973 in the Pascagoula area.
This year, 2023, will be the 50th anniversary of this encounter and we have provided all of the evidence we have. All we ask is for you to take an objective look at this evidence and see if you agree with us or not.
Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Pascagoula Alien Abduction [ ]
Philip Mantle is a veteran UFO researcher, author and publisher in the UK.
Dr Irena Scott is from Ohio, USA and received her PhD in physiology from the University of Missouri. She too is an internationally published author.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Men In Black Encounter After UFO Crashed in Man's Backyard - Greer UFO Crash Whistleblower Interviewed By Jeffery Pritchett
Men In Black Encounter After UFO Crashed in Man's Backyard - Greer UFO Crash Whistleblower Interviewed By Jeffery Pritchett
Interview with Robert Earl White who was just on Laura Eisenhower’s show.
Men In Black Encounter After UFO Crashed in Man’s Backyard – Greer UFO Crash Whistleblower Interviewed By Jeffery Pritchett
Men in Black, in American popular culture and in UFO conspiracy theories, are men dressed in black suits who claim to be government agents who harass or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they have seen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Two Tic-tac UFOs Over Bristol, Indiana May 28, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Two Tic-tac UFOs Over Bristol, Indiana May 28, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 28, 2023
Location of sighting: Bristol, Indiana, USA Source: MUFON
Two huge tic-tac shaped UFOs flew one after another over Bristol, Indiana a few months back. The report just came in so this is fresh. The objects are so close that they only have a quarter the size of the ships between them. The ships are the same size, same white color and show no wings, no contrail, no windows, no painted markings or landing gear. This is 100% proof that aliens are flying over Indiana.
The first 8 seconds of the video is a close up of the UFOs I made, then after is the original 18 seconds attached to it. This way you can see them closer, and yet see the original untouched video at the end.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
This was taken on may 28, 2023 at 3:13pm. It was filmed in Bristol, Indiana. I’m not sure what it could be and I’m hoping someone can help me out with it.
UAP over Reno, Nevada On Aug 18, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
UAP over Reno, Nevada On Aug 18, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 18, 2023
Location of sighting: Reno, Nevada, USA Source: MUFON
This UFO appeared to a guy in Reno yesterday and he got really excited about it. He even described it to us as a glowing shining spinning disk. Something thats hard to tell for sure without a closer high quality camera, but his iPhone did good. This video reveals its movements, colors, shape and it seems to be watching the eyewitness. Aliens...they love watching, but not so much into intervening.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Standing in my backyard around 8:30pm on Friday, August 18th, I looked up and saw a very bright, very fast orb like UFO that would stop without inertia and made no noise. The orb looked to be bigger than an airplane and much faster. It flashed many colors and then darted off. It came back shortly after, hovering in place flashing red and green and then vanished. Sorry for the poor quality, I have an iPhone SE.
UFO Seen Over Field In Argentina Aug 2023, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Seen Over Field In Argentina Aug 2023, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 13 or 14th, 2023 Location of sighting: Chubut, Argentina
This UFO is tilting to an angle that will allow it to enter an underground alien base about 5-6km below the surface. The ground just opens into a huge tunnel and allows anything to enter, and as it does so, the tunnel behind it will close, never collapsing, but always slowing the ship to move forward in a tunnel until it reaches the city underground. Awesome photos, notice the dust storm below the UFO, it's clearly causing quite a disturbance with its energy propulsion...unless of course, that dust is from the tunnel opening up to enter the underground base. Wow, just wow! 100% proof of ancient aliens visiting this month in Argentina!
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
A few days ago in Argentine Patagonia, precisely in the province of Chubut, a witness named Calaverita Mateos took several panoramic views of an unknown object, which is already being speculated to be false photos and a montage.
Former Navy pilot shares images and video of his encounter with UFOs
Former Navy pilot shares images and video of his encounter with UFOs
Ryan Graves, a prominent whistleblower who testified during the recent congressional hearing on the UFO/UAP phenomenon, has shared a compelling account of his personal encounter with a UFO through his X(Twitter) channel. This incident reportedly took place during a routine flight.
Images above and below
credit: Ryan Graves
"I am a (Major US Carrier) A320/321 Captain, the following sighting occurred during one of my flights recently. Since I have shared my story, several other (Major US Carrier) pilots have reached out to me and shared their similar experiences.
Last week of July, 2023, I departed Santo Domingo DR at 2305 destined for New York JFK. My route of flight was L453 in NY Oceanic airspace, non radar hundreds of miles offshore. At approximately 1 hour into the flight as we were approaching the southern boundary of the NY oceanic airspace, and at 32,000 feet, I called out a visual on traffic that was excessively bright and looked like about 80 miles range... and then disappeared visually. I never saw the traffic on TCAS.
Then a few minutes later I saw two objects round in shape, one lighted and one not flying in a formation just above the horizon, at a range I guessed of 120-200 NM. The object/s would illuminate to be as bright as a star for several seconds, then go dark for a few minutes, only to illuminate again. The brightness would vary from bright to very bright to dark. The color of the lighted object was white light.
There was a second object you can clearly see in the photos that would follow the illuminated object, but it would not illuminate itself.
I have the brand new Samsung S23 phone which has the best camera on the market for a cell phone and I started recording this object in video. I have a great 7 min video (see below) of it appearing and disappearing while I was talking to other airliners on 123.45 vhf about it. You can hear that conversation in the video! Another airliner approximately 400 NM ahead of us at 36,000 feet stated they saw the same thing.
In one of the photos I took (see first and second image above) you can actually see the lighted object and the unlit object very clearly as round metallic objects.
In the image above, you will be able to see in the long exposure photos the stars are pins of light but the UFO's are streaks of light because they are moving! It is actually amazing!
The light seemed to be on or just above the horizon until we got closer to our destination of NY. Just prior to beginning our descent the objects appeared much higher in the sky 80-90 degrees above the horizon and much further away, actually out of the atmosphere."
Woman In Florida Shares Terrifying Image Of UFO Sighting
Woman In Florida Shares Terrifying Image Of UFO Sighting
In a quiet neighborhood in Florida, a chilling event took place that would remain etched in the annals of UFO sightings. Trish Bishop, a courageous woman, not only experienced an extraordinary encounter with the unknown but also managed to document it, offering a glimpse into the elusive world of extraterrestrial encounters.
UFO sightings have long captured the imagination of the masses. Be it luminescent objects dashing across the sky or inexplicable phenomenon observed in remote locations; such instances spark intense debate and intrigue. Yet, what sets Trish’s encounter apart is its sheer intimacy and the tangible evidence she provided.
Trish described an eerie moment when she observed a being approaching a “wavy thing” – an entity possibly from another world. In a mesmerizing recount, she detailed how the entity took several steps forward, entered the “wavy thing”, and then vanished completely. However, what’s most intriguing is that she waited for years to speak about the incident. Why? She worked for a government contractor and had clearance. The implications of sharing her story were vast. Trish’s job and credibility were on the line.
But why did she eventually come forward? The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) – an organization dedicated to understanding UFO phenomena – played a pivotal role. After stumbling upon them online, she felt an overwhelming urge to share her experience. John Gagnon, a representative from MUFON, verified her account and even went on to classify her as one of the top three credible witnesses he’s encountered.
Adding to the mystery, a trail camera captured a mystifying image, which Trish believes to be linked to her sighting. Astonishingly, another sighting had been reported just six months prior, a mere 11 miles away from Trish’s location. The parallels in the two reports reignite questions: Are we alone? Or is our understanding of the universe more limited than we think?
In the vast tapestry of UFO sightings, Trish Bishop’s story stands out not just for its gripping narrative but also its authenticity. For those who scour the skies in hopes of spotting a UFO or those who remain skeptical, her tale serves as a compelling testament to the fact that sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction.
Vorig jaar vonden wetenschappers de verste ster ooit– Earendal – op een recordbrekende afstand van 28 miljard lichtjaar. Nu is de James Webb-telescoop gebruikt om het bestaan van de ster te bevestigen.
En ja, Earendel blijkt inderdaad te bestaan en is daarmee officieel de verste ster ooit gevonden. Sterker nog: astronomen weten eindelijk meer over de gasbol.
Earendel bestond in de ‘kinderjaren’ van ons heelal, toen het universum slechts zeven procent van zijn huidige leeftijd was. Het licht van de ster is 12,9 miljard jaar oud. Nu denk je misschien: hoe kan de afstand dan 28 miljard lichtjaar zijn? Dit komt doordat de ster door de uitdijing van het heelal verder van ons is verwijderd. Gedurende de bijna 13 miljard jaar dat het licht nodig had om de aarde te bereiken, is het heelal zo uitgebreid dat de ster nu maar liefst 28 miljard lichtjaar van ons vandaan is.
Zichtbaar met dank aan een zwaartekrachtlens Earendel bevindt zich in het zogenoemde Sunrise Arc-sterrenstelsel dat door een zwaartekrachtlens is vervormd. Een zwaartekrachtlens is een soort kosmisch vergrootglas en buigt het licht van verre objecten. Het licht van Sunrise Arc is duizend tot vierduizend keer versterkt door het zware cluster WHL0137-08 en heeft de vorm van een lange halve maan gekregen. Doordat het licht door de kosmische loep wordt versterkt is de verre ster te zien.
Earendel: is dat niet… …een personage uit Lord of the Rings? Klopt, Eärendil is de zoon van de dochter van de koning van Gondolin en vader van Elrond. We zien hem terug in de serie ‘The Rings of Power’. Earendil vaart met een schip langs de hemel met een juweel op de boeg (Silmaril) en is de ochtend- én avondster. Net als in de Noors-Germaanse mythologie. Daarnaast betekent Earendel ‘morgenster’ in het Oud-Engels. Verder is Arendelle de naam van het fictieve koninkrijk in Frozen.
Earendel is mogelijk niet alleen Dankzij James Webb weten we eindelijk wat meer over Earendel. Zo blijkt de ster een massieve type B-ster te zijn. De gasreus is meer dan twee keer zo heet als onze zon en geeft ongeveer een miljoen keer meer licht dan onze moederster. Daarnaast blijkt de ster nog een verrassing in petto te hebben. Bij Earendel bevindt zich mogelijk een tweede, zwakke ster. Dit noemen astronomen een begeleider. De meeste massieve sterren hebben één of meerdere begeleiders. Toch is het knap dat James Webb sporen ziet van de aanwezigheid van een begeleidende ster. De ster is niet direct te zien, maar volgens astronomen verraden de kleuren van Earendal de aanwezigheid van een koel sterretje.
De volgende stap: echte oersterren Wetenschappers hopen in de toekomst de allereerste sterren te vinden. De eerste sterren in het heelal – zogenoemde populatie-III-sterren – leefden heel kort: mogelijk enkele honderdduizenden jaren. Ze bestonden alleen uit waterstof en helium. Ze zijn wel belangrijk geweest voor de ‘evolutie’ van het universum. Deze sterren zetten lichte elementen in korte tijd om in zwaardere elementen, zoals zuurstof, stikstof, koolstof en ijzer. Zonder deze elementen waren wij er niet geweest, want ze zijn heel belangrijk voor het ontstaan van leven. Hopelijk gaan astronomen meer zwaartekrachtlenzen vinden en lukt het hen ooit een oerster op te sporen.
Neptunereceives a tiny fraction of the sunlight that strikes Earth, yet somehow, that’s enough to transform the clouds of this faraway world.
The main driver of cloud formation is generally the seasons, when a planet tilts a different part of its body towards or away from the Sun. Neptune’s seasons last decades, so short-term changes on the timescale of months to the cirrus clouds in the gas giant’s upper atmosphere must have another explanation.
With help from the resilient science program of the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers are finding that while the outer Solar System is far away, it’s never out of the Sun’s reach. Astronomers, using nearly 30 years worth of data, watched Neptune’s cloud cover transform over time — including a recent turn toward near-cloudlessness.
"It's fascinating to be able to use telescopes on Earth to study the climate of a world more than 2.5 billion miles away from us," Carlos Alvarez, staff astronomer at Keck Observatory in Hawaii and co-author of the new research, shares in an announcement NASA published on Thursday.
A sequence of Neptune images reveals changing clouds.
The Sun goes through mood swings every 11 years. In fact, we’re currently due soon for a peak in activity, when sunspots will sprout and solar flares will more frequently blast out.
In the new work, astronomers have connected the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which peaks as the Sun roars up, and dips as the Sun quiets down, with the appearance (or in this case, disappearance) of clouds on Neptune. That’s despite the fact that Neptune is the farthest planet known in the Solar System, and receives sunlight roughly 0.1 percent the intensity of what Earth gets.
The researchers behind a new paper, published in the journal Icarus, made the fascinating finding when they combined archival Hubble observations beginning in 1994, as well as ground-based observations from the Lick Observatory in California (from 2018-2019) and the Keck Observatory (2002-2022).
It all began when lead paper author Erandi Chavez, who is currently a graduate student at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard-Smithsonian in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was an astronomy undergraduate student at the University of California, Berkeley. Years of research and troves of imagery later, Chavez has enough data to support the theory that solar ultraviolet radiation triggers a photochemical reaction that produces Neptune’s clouds.
The team found that Neptune’s cloud tops not only react to the ultraviolet radiation, but sustain changes, too. The telescopes show that cloud activity can drop in just a few months, and in some cases, clouds can take years to return to their former levels. Chavez, who also shared her thoughts in NASA’s announcement, said the decades-long data on Neptune’s clouds is “extremely exciting” and packed with science that’s “unexpected.”
The Neptune images are plotted chronologically with the solar radiation levels charted below.
Rather than looking at data across just one solar cycle, the team looked at 2.5 solar-cycle’s worth of data. As a result, they noticed that some cycles created different changes than others, details that fortify the connection between the Sun and Neptune.
"These remarkable data give us the strongest evidence yet that Neptune's cloud cover correlates with the Sun’s cycle," Imke de Pater, emeritus professor of astronomy at UC Berkeley and senior author of the study, shares in the announcement.
The telescopic trio whose observations made this discovery possible will also be handy for future work into Neptune’s “dynamic appearance,” NASA officials said. And they’ll facilitate our best guesses for what worlds beyond the Sun might look like.
The probe has been taking lots of photos along the way, recording such milestone moments for posterity. For example, Chandrayaan-3 snapped a shot of its newly free-flying propulsion module yesterday, which the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) shared today (Aug. 18) via X (formerly Twitter).
The moon's surface, as seen by India's Chandrayaan-3 probe from lunar orbit on Aug. 17, 2023. (Image credit: ISRO)
That X post features a 31-second video, which stitches together a number of images captured yesterday by Chandrayaan-3's landing module. Most of those photos show the lunar surface; ISRO labels a few of the many craters passing underneath the probe, including Fabry and Giordano Bruno.
ISRO shared yet more Chandrayaan-3 moon imagery in another X post today. That one featured a 17-second video consisting of photos the probe snapped on Tuesday (Aug. 15).
Such reconnaissance is part of the prep work for Chandrayaan-3's landing attempt, which will occur Aug. 23 or Aug. 24 near the lunar south pole. Success would be huge for India; to date, the U.S., the former Soviet Union and China are the only nations ever to have soft-landed a probe on the moon.
And no craft has ever set down near the lunar south pole, a region thought to be rich in water ice that could sustain human settlement. (Russia may beat Chandrayaan-3 to that punch, however; Russia's Luna-25 probe is scheduled to land near the south pole in the coming days, perhaps as early as Aug. 21.)
Chandrayaan-3 has a budget of 6 billion rupees (about $72 million at current exchange rates). The mission features a lander named Vikram, which carries a small rover called Pragyan.
If all goes according to plan, the robotic duo will explore their exotic environs for one lunar day (roughly 14 Earth days) after touching down. They'll gather a variety of data before the cold, dark lunar night turns out their lights.
Bryce Zabel, a CNN reporter has done a marvelous job in presenting the detailedRoswell incident in his personal blog. He collectively mentioned top witnesses’ statements that assure Roswell disclosure is on a fast track. The legendary incident that happened in 1947 was indeed real, according to moon-walking astronaut Edgar Mitchell. He claimed in his interviews that he had informants that had told him about the inside story of Roswell, but he never disclosed their names.
“Make no mistake, Roswell happened. I’ve seen secret files which show the government knew about it — but decided not to tell the public,” claimed Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D., Apollo 14 Astronaut.
In February 1971, after the successful completion of the mission, the Apollo 14 crew returned to Earth. Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell became the fifth and sixth astronauts to walk on the moon’s surface. While Shepard chose to live in the glory, Mitchell became the main troublemaker for many years.
He publicly accepted the existence of aliens after being on the Moon and stuck to it until his death. He accused the US government of hiding the truth about contact with aliens. Immediately after his return, Mitchell left NASA and immersed himself in studying UFOs, ancient history, and human consciousness.
Edgar Mitchell, 1971. Image credit: NASA
Mitchell grew up in the small town of Artesia, a few miles from the very Roswell airbase where the crash allegedly occurred. The astronaut claimed that many of his neighbors, acquaintances, and friends worked at that base, and what he heard from them is enough for him to consider the Roswell incident a real UFO crash. Mitchell did not disclose the names of his informants, referring to the fact that they all signed a non-disclosure agreement and he did not want them to have any problems.
Michell, who claimed he briefed the highest members of the Pentagon, said the reality is that there was an advanced civilization that could penetrate our air defenses at will and that we could not stop them in any way, shape, or form, immediately doomed the Roswell incident to become one of the greatest coverups in history.
ET stopped Nuclear War
According to Mitchell, he once had a confidential conversation with a Navy admiral, who secretly told him that in fact, aliens had established contact with the government back in the early 1940s. They were interested in earthly weapons, primarily the atomic bomb. At the very beginning of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA, aliens often came to Earth because they feared nuclear war and tried to influence the world elites in some way. (Source)
Growing up in New Mexico gave him a unique insight to the Roswell area, he told the UK’s Mirror in 2015.
“White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons – and that’s what the extraterrestrials were interested in… They wanted to know about our military capabilities. My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.”
According to a 2015 story, Apollo 14 astronaut said: “My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.”
However, he clarified in hisinterview with Observerthat he did not make those statements but at the same time, he somewhat agreed with those words. He said: “I don’t remember speaking to them personally. I don’t know where they got that information. I didn’t make those statements. Somebody has added to my words. Those weren’t my exact words but I don’t necessarily disagree with those statements.”
However, the 2016 Wikileak emails say Mitchell was worried about space weaponization. Despite the fact that aliens might be violent as shown in various sci-fi, the notable astronaut called them nonviolent in his email. In January 2015, he sent an email to Podesta, asking him to have an urgent meeting to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy (ZPE). He was concerned about the peace in space.
Mitchell wrote: “My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI. Another colleague is working on a new Space Treaty, citing involvement with Russia and China. However, with Russia’s extreme interference in Ukraine, I believe we must pursue another route for peace in space and ZPE on Earth.”
Mitchell emailed Podesta again on September 18, 2015. He wrote: “Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.”
Why Believe the Roswell Crash?
Bryce Zabel writes: “That storyline has hundreds of witnesses testifying to roughly the same fact trail. Some were first-hand witnesses to debris and even the recovery of bodies, and several accounts came from death bed confessions. Many more witnesses were family members who learned of the secret their fathers and husbands had kept inside them for decades. There were many dozens who attested to extremely tight security and transportation of material in the aftermath of what crashed at Roswell.”
Jesse Marcel was an intelligence officer of the 509th Bombardment Group at Roswell Army Air Field and was tasked with investigating the 1947 Roswell crash
Moreover, the hype of Roswell stories has increased. The New York Times started covering this issue in the summer of 2020 and is continuing its investigation into crash wreckage. Besides, the former head of the AATIP Luis Elizondo gave his candid take on the 1947 Roswell crash in New Mexico and more in an interview with the Roswell Daily Record.
Elizondo: “I’ll share with you… some of the observations that were made by some people. Before I was part of AATIP, I had no idea about Roswell, other than that there was sort of some alleged crash at some point and some farmer found debris — but during my time with AATIP, there was some very interesting anecdotal information that suggests there wasn’t just one crash, there may have been two crashes, and that somehow it may have been related to some sort of testing that was being done at the time at White Sands, and that material was recovered.
And that material that was recovered, samples of that material found their way into the hands of private citizens, some of them, but that the … allegedly the larger sections of debris were all recovered by the U.S. Government.”
During the interview, Elizondo said that while he headed the AATIP, his job was to concentrate on current UAP incidents, however, he added that he had conversations with so-called “graybeards” at the Pentagon who had been involved with UAPs since Project Blue Book. It was from these individuals that Elizondo learned what probably occurred at Roswell in 1947.
Elizondo: ”These individuals were convinced that the events in New Mexico were not fiction. In fact that it was a, very much a real event and that some very exotic material was recovered… And then there was a subsequent effort to try to be very dismissive about what occurred in New Mexico. But again, I will share with you that it was, from my understanding, it wasn’t one, it was two crashes, and it may have been related to some sort of nuclear-type testing of technology that we were doing, atomic and/or nuclear technology at Los Alamos at the time.”
What comes next after UFO hearing? | NewsNation Now
Several members of Congress who have been pushing for UAP transparency joined The Hill for a special event Thursday. The Hill's Mychael Schnell, who moderated the conversation, joined "NewsNation Now" to discuss the highlights.
UAP Whistleblower: No Place in This for ATTACKS on Anyone with PTSD | UFOs & National Security
Former Navy Pilot Lt. Ryan Graves (Executive Director, Americans for Safe Aerospace) in conversation with Brian Entin (Senior National Correspondent, NewsNation). The Truth Is Out There: UFOs & National Security, streamed on August 17, 2023.
Is There Dark Matter hidden in the Center of the Earth?
In this episode, you will learn about a fascinating topic: dark matter annihilation at the center of the Earth. Dark matter is a mysterious substance that makes up most of the matter in the universe, but has not been directly detected yet. However, some astronomers have been searching for signs of dark matter colliding with itself and producing neutrinos, which are tiny particles that can travel through the Earth without being stopped by anything.
To do this, they have been using a giant detector called IceCube, which is a neutrino observatory located at the South Pole. IceCube has been looking for neutrinos from dark matter annihilation for seven years, and it has found some intriguing hints of a possible signal. But it is not sure yet if this signal is from dark matter or from something else. This could be a breakthrough discovery, or a false alarm. You will find out more about this exciting research and what it means for our understanding of the cosmos.
India's Chandrayaan-3 moon lander captures amazing close-ups of lunar surface
The Chandrayaan-3's Lander Position Detection Camera (LPDC) captured several images of the lunar surface on August 15th and 17th, 2023.
UFO Navigation! New studies suggest that pulsars are actually alien technology!
How do extraterrestrial civilizations navigate the immensity of interstellar space? How can they compensate for the bizarre effects of relativistic speed? Are pulsars incredibly useful natural objects, or the work of advanced stellar engineers? The facts are quite shocking!
Rep. Burchett: 'Powers That Be' Will SHUTDOWN UAP Amendment in NDAA | UFOs & National Security
Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), Member, House Oversight & Accountability Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, & Government Innovation, in conversation with Mychael Schnell (Congressional Reporter, The Hill). The Truth Is Out There: UFOs & National Security, streamed on August 17, 2023.
UAP Expert: Sole Focus on Military Leaves Science on the BACKBURNER | UFOs & National Security
Greg Eghigian (Former Director, Science, Technology, & Society Program, Pennsylvania State University; Professor of History & Bioethics, Pennsylvania State University) in conversation with Mychael Schnell (Congressional Reporter, The Hill). The Truth Is Out There: UFOs & National Security, streamed on August 17, 2023.
India Space Agency records face on Moon, Aug 18, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
India Space Agency records face on Moon, Aug 18, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: Aug 18, 2023
Location of discovery: Earths moon Source: ISRO
India space agency posted a video on Twitter, at which this face appeared in the upper left side at the 20 second mark. The face is huge and easy to see. The face has many similarities to a human male face except for its wider nose wider jaw. This may be the first moon evidence of alien life ever produced by India gov.
UFO Documentary: Secret Alien Contacts the Best Evidence
UFO Documentary: Secret Alien Contacts the Best Evidence
In the azure skies over Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, the unknown beckoned. When a strange object was spotted near the Aguadilla Airport on April 25th, 2013, both air traffic controllers and the crew of a nearby US Customs and Border Protection plane took notice. The event wasn’t just another dot in the vast canvas ofUFO sightings; it was a captivating episode that has since taken on an almost legendary status.
The Aguadilla UFO encounter isn’t just any tale. It’s an incident backed up by radar data, a thermal imaging camera, and witness testimonies. As the object whisked through the sky at a whopping 120 mph, the onboard camera recorded its flight. But the story took an even stranger turn when the object plunged into the ocean, only to continue underwater at nearly the same speed. Even more baffling, it grew in size and split into two before the footage came to a startling end.
Yet, beneath the surface of this captivating sighting lies an intricate tapestry of rumors and tales. There are whispers of an enigmatic underwater submarine base and a mysterious blimp said to mask a secret Area 51-type base in Puerto Rico. While many UFO enthusiasts point to these as evidence of a larger conspiracy, skeptics remain unconvinced.
The Aguadilla incident has since become the subject of a detailed 167-page report, with researchers like Richard Hoffman delving deep into its mysteries. His key finding? The video’s authenticity could be validated by FAA radar data, linking the event to a known military and Homeland Security aircraft. It’s this level of concrete evidence that makes the Aguadilla sighting stand out from the countless tales of UFO encounters.
In today’s digital age, with a plethora of UFO sightings shared daily, the Aguadilla incident serves as a reminder. Armed with cameras and an insatiable curiosity, we must chase the truth while steering clear of hoaxes. After all, genuine evidence like this might just help unravel the age-old mystery of UFOs.
With the global interest in UFO sightings at its peak, one message remains clear: keep your eyes on the skies, and perhaps you too might witness the inexplicable.
Unlocking the Mysteries of UFO Sightings: The Catalina UAPx Expedition
Unlocking the Mysteries of UFO Sightings: The Catalina UAPx Expedition
When we hear about UFO sightings, our curiosity is often piqued. We wonder if it’s a genuine extraterrestrial visitation or just another optical illusion. One thing is certain, the stories surrounding these sightings have enthralled humankind for decades. And now, an intriguing development emerges from Catalina Island, painting a compelling picture that UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike can’t ignore.
The Mystery Begins
Catalina Island, known for its pristine beaches and biodiverse marine life, gained a new reputation in 2004. It became the location of the renowned “Tic Tac UFO” sighting, an incident that sent ripples through the UFO community. Fast forward to 2021, and the island’s skies are under the microscope again.
Meet the UAPx Team
Leading the quest to uncover the truth is physicist Matthew Szydagis, an associate professor of physics. Along with his team, he initiated UAPx, an organization on a mission to demystify the enigma of unidentified aerial phenomena scientifically. Szydagis, a firm believer in evidence-based research, admits that the sheer volume of UFO sightings over the decades suggests that “something strange is happening in our skies.”
In July 2021, UAPx embarked on an expedition to Catalina Island. Despite their concerns about potentially leaving empty-handed, they stumbled upon a tantalizing piece of evidence. At the heart of their discovery was a video capturing a mysterious dark spot in the sky, a possible hole in the clouds. Within a span of just two minutes, this dark spot was surrounded by luminous white pixels. What’s even more mystifying is the inability to acquire satellite imagery of this occurrence, leading to suspicions of a cover-up.
The Proof Is Out There: Catalina UAPx | Exclusive (Season 2)
Possible Explanations and Their Rebuttals
While skeptics were quick to offer a plethora of explanations, each one was systematically debunked by the UAPx team:
Water Droplet on Camera: Dismissed due to the rapid evaporation speed.
Reflection of City Lights: Deemed implausible due to their sudden appearance and disappearance.
Fallstreak Hole: Typically formed by aircrafts piercing clouds. Yet, FAA records showed no aircraft presence.
Stars or Camera Glitch: Neither the star pattern nor dead pixel theory aligned with the observation.
The Importance of Scientific Exploration
This enigmatic finding from Catalina Island reinforces the need for continued scientific exploration into UFO sightings. Szydagis passionately believes that these phenomena deserve rigorous data collection and study. Only through committed research can we ever hope to unveil the truth.
So, the next time you look up at the sky, remember: the mysteries it holds might be far more complex than we imagine. And with dedicated teams like UAPx on the case, we might just be a step closer to unravelling them.
On July 8, 2023, one of the greatest UFO stories was told by Ross Coulthart to Project Unity host Jay Anderson. The investigative journalist claimed that there is a huge UFO in the possession of the United States that could not be moved, and he knows the location of the craft. Coulthart clarified that the immovable craft is not in the US.
In the interview, Coulthart discussed the potential implications of the new US Senate intelligence bill. He referenced Douglas Dean Johnson’s writings about the bill, which purportedly mandate holders of non-earth origin or exotic UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) material to make it accessible to the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) within six months.
Anderson raised concerns that this six-month window might offer enough time for those holding such materials to hide or conceal them. Coulthart acknowledged the possibility but suggested that certain UAP materials could be so large that relocating them is not feasible. He mentioned the existence of a building constructed over such a massive object in a foreign country, which might sound implausible to some.
This revelation left the UFO community curious about the place where the craft might be situated. Interestingly, the late former CIA pilot John Lear previously mentioned the existence of buried crafts too massive to move. In 2018, Lear posted on Facebook, recounting the enigmatic tale of a massive buried UFO near Garrison, Utah. This peculiar incident became a topic of discussion at a UFO conference in Las Vegas, piquing Lear’s curiosity.
The incident dates back to 1953 when a large UFO, measuring between 150 to 200 feet in diameter, crashed near Garrison, Utah. Lear explained that the UFO was so large that even the United States Air Force Security Forces’ “Blue Berets” could not relocate it. Consequently, a decision was made to bury the UFO on the spot. Lear wrote that a team of hundreds of soldiers dug the ground and managed to bury the craft 50 feet below ground level. (Earthfile source)
“While all of the digging to bury the saucer was going on, they also dug a tunnel from the saucer several hundred feet to the south, where they built 2 or 3 houses. The houses were constructed to appear about 75 years old, using old, weathered wood, nails, window frames, and roofing. The only hint that these houses might not be so old were the brand-new padlocks on the doors.
I don’t recall the exact description of the interior, except for a door leading to a stairwell that connected to the tunnel leading to the craft. Everything I’m telling you is from my recollection of the report, likely written by the person who accessed the buildings. My memory isn’t perfect. One of the houses contained a logbook in which visitors from various organizations like Air Force, Navy, Army, and others would inscribe their names.”
Lear and his associates intended to visit Garrison to witness this buried craft. They planned to use a helicopter, a fuel truck, and specialized equipment to explore underground. However, the trip never materialized for reasons unknown. Lear maintained his belief that the craft remains in place. He even shared Google Earth images indicating the potential location. He marked the houses on the images, but they no longer appear on Google Earth.
“About 300 yards east from this claim, there was an alleged Spanish treasure location. This treasure spot had been discovered by an individual from the Phoenix area with access to Spanish treasure maps, and this location was marked on one of the maps.
In a pile of rocks, there was a precisely square cutout approximately 10 inches wide and 16 inches deep. The bottom seemed like concrete. I had the underground radar team scan the area and found only a few potential returns. The area is now in an ACEC (Area of Critical Environmental Concern). Nevertheless, we were all set to convene for the Garrison expedition in 2 weeks, but somehow it never took off.”
Lear even provided the coordinates of the location: Latitude 38 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds North, Longitude 113 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West. This further deepens the mystery, leaving people intrigued about the truth surrounding the buried UFO near Garrison, Utah.
Moreover, there is alleged John Lear’s statement on the alien presence, posted to Paranet on December 29, 1987. Here are the paragraphs published by discussing the buried craft: [this page was first archived on January 31, 1997]
“Moore is also in possession of more Aquarius documents a few pages of which leaked out several years ago and detailed the supersecret NSA project which had been denied by them until just recently. In a letter to Senator John Glenn NSA’s Director of Policy Julia B. Wetzel wrote, “Apparently there is or was an Air Force project by that name Aquarius) which dealt with UFO’s. Coincidentally, there is also an NSA project by that name.”
NSA’s project Aquarius deals specifically with the ‘communications with aliens’ (the EBE’s). Within the Aquarius program was project ‘Snowbird’ a project to test fly A recovered alien aircraft at Groom Lake, Nevada. This project continues today at that location. In the words of an individual who works at Groom Lake ‘our people are much better at taking things apart than they are at putting them back together’. Another saw a saucer being trucked into the Nevada Test Site in March of 1988. Still another informant witnessed a saucer being buried at that location (for God knows whatever reason) during the second week of August 1988.”
There is another version of this statement: (Source)
“Germany may have recovered a flying saucer as early as 1939. General James H. Doolittle went to Sweden in 1946 to inspect a flying saucer that had crashed there in Spitzbergen…
In July of 1952, a panicked government watched helplessly as squadron of “flying saucers” flew over Washington, D.C., and buzzed the White House, the Capitol Building, and the Pentagon. It took all the imagination and intimidation the government could muster to force that incident out of the memory of the public.
Thousands of sightings occurred during the Korean war and several more saucers were retrieved by the Air Force. Some were stored at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, some were stored at Air Force bases near the location of the crash sight.
One saucer was so enormous and the logistic problems in transportation so enormous that it was buried at the crash sight and remains there today. The stories are legendary on transporting crashed saucers over long distances, moving only at night, purchasing complete farms, slashing through forests, blocking major highways, sometimes driving 2 and 3 lo-boys in tandem with an extraterrestrial load a hundred feet in diameter.”
4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Pyramid Found in Kazakhstan Is First Ever on Asian Steppe!
4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Pyramid Found in Kazakhstan Is First Ever on Asian Steppe!
A giant 4,000-year-old Bronze Age pyramidical structure with links to a horse cult has been uncovered in the ochre-tinted earthen steppes of Kazakhstan. The culmination of almost a decade of research and excavation, this large-scale steppe pyramid in Kazakhstan—which dates back to the 2nd millennium BC—languished in relative obscurity for countless centuries. Nothing like it has ever been discovered in the Central Asian steppes, making it an especially exciting find.
The Pyramid in Kazakhstan: A Geometric Marvel and an Equestrian Cult?
This carved stone edifice, possessing an air of sophistication and considerable proportions, has finally had its veil of anonymity lifted, with archaeologists diligently excavating a segment of the Kyrykungir monumental and funerary complex in Toktamys. As announced in a press release by the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University on August 8, 2023, the pyramid in Kazakhstan traces its origins to an illustrious Bronze Age , with its symmetrical proportions speaking volumes about the geometric precision of its ancient architects.
“The steppe pyramid is built with great precision, it is hexagonal,” explained Ulan Umitkaliyev, Head of ENU’s Archaeology and Ethnology Department, in a press release. “There are thirteen meters and eight rows of stones between each face. It is a very sophisticated complex structure with several circles in the middle. The exterior walls of the structure of this complex are dominated by images of various animals, especially horses.”
Excavations have been taking place at the site of the pyramid in Kazakhstan since 2014. Previous archaeological digs have unearthed groupings of sepulchral hillocks originating from the Hun (4th-6th century AD) and Saka (mid-2nd century BC to mid 1st century AD) periods. These burial sites have revealed an assortment of mortuary contents, encompassing ceramic containers, culinary tributes and intricately fashioned bronze beads.
One side of the pyramid in Kazakhstan, each section is adorned with a block stone.
Ancient Architecture and Artifacts at Pyramid in Kazakhstan
The pyramidical structure possesses a striking hexagonal form, with each face spanning a length of approximately 42 feet (12.8 meters). A glimpse at the photographs shared by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan shows that each terminal of the monumental wall is adorned by a grandiose upright black stone whose flattened facade faces outwards to the world beyond. Meanwhile, in between these resolute markers, a different kind of rock was used to create an imposing exterior wall.
An assortment of other relics was unearthed too – fragments of pottery, gold earrings and other adornments. Umitkaliyev described these in conjunction with the pyramid as a shining example of “the pyramid’s former role as the pulsating heart of ancient cultural expression.” Another snapshot shared by the Ministry documented a less immaculately conserved stretch of the pyramid in Kazakhstan, revealing a tableau of dilapidated walls.
“Findings in excavations, ceramics, female gold earrings and other jewelry indicate that this Bronze Age was the center of culture in ancient times. This means that even at that time the cult of the horse was extremely high, as evidenced by the discovery of horse bones around the stone building,” stated Umitkaliyev. “There are also images of camels,” he added.
A cross-section of the pyramid which was unearthed in Kazakhstan.
The Bronze Age in the Eurasian Steppe: A Culturally Rich Era
Situated in Toktamys, some 420 miles (676 km) southeast of the bustling capital Astana, this archaeological site is the gift that keeps on giving. It provides some missing pieces to the larger jigsaw of the Bronze Age civilizations in the Eurasian steppe . The tribes that inhabited these regions were responsible for many landmark achievements, including the transport of languages (the Indo-European languages), foods, ideas and other cultural symbols across the ancient Silk Routes .
The Eurasian steppe played a significant role in the Bronze Age, a period characterized by the widespread use of bronze for tools, weapons and other artifacts. The steppe region, which stretches from Eastern Europe to Asia, served as a conduit for cultural exchange, trade and the movement of people.
The steppe was home to various nomadic and semi-nomadic cultures that relied on pastoralism (animal herding) as a primary means of subsistence. These cultures included the Yamnaya, Andronovo, and Srubna cultures in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, known for their expertise in horse domestication , which facilitated mobility and warfare. The steppe cultures also had interactions with sedentary civilizations located on the periphery of the steppe, such as the Sumerians, Akkadians and later the Persians and Chinese.
Top image: Archaeologists with 4,000-year-old pyramid remains in uncovered in Kazakhstan.
The British Government has declassified and released most of its UFO files. Nick Pope worked on these files, wrote many of the documents in them and – through his hundreds of media interviews – has been the public face of the release program. The following Q&A with Nick Pope gives an overview of the release of the files and is also designed as a quotable resource for journalists and academics (see especially the quotes at the end).
How much material has been released?
228 files and around 60,000 pages of documentation have been released. This is in addition to a number of UFO files that had already been released under the old Public Record Act, the best-known provision of which was the so-called 30-year rule, which said files could be considered for public release 30 years after the date of the most recent document contained in them.
Why were these files released?
There were three reasons. Firstly, the French Government released their UFO files in 2007, setting a precedent that would have been difficult for us to ignore. Secondly, the MoD hoped this would generate good PR about the Department’s commitment to open government and freedom of information, while helping to dispel rumours of a cover-up. But the third and biggest reason was that the MoD devised this as a means of dealing with the huge number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests the Department was getting on UFOs. In 2005, 2006 and 2007, there were many months when the MoD got more FOIA requests on UFOs than on any other subject. The workload involved in responding to them on a case-by-case basis was huge. But once the decision had been made (in 2007) to release the files proactively, all future FOIA requests could be dealt with simply by saying that the Department was in the process of releasing the material. In this way, new FOIA requests would not require a substantive answer, because “information intended for future release” is one of a number of FOIA exemptions. Similarly, once all the files have been released, pretty much all FOIA requests on UFOs can be dealt with by a statement saying that all information held on the subject is available at the National Archives.
How exactly did the release take place?
Firstly, all of the material had to be scanned-in, so it was available electronically. The MoD then had to redact the files. That is, they went through them word by word and blacked out anything still classified, or anything covered by any of the other exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act. Then, the unclassified/declassified files were transferred to the National Archives. This was a slow and time-consuming process, so the files were released in separate batches. The first batch was made public in May 2008 and the final files were released in 2019.
The National Archives video in which Nick Pope makes the official announcement about the release of the first batch of the British Government’s UFO files
I’ve seen one or two ufologists claim they were responsible for the file release. Is there any truth in such boasts?
No. Such claims are either dishonest or incredibly naïve. Hundreds of people made UFO-related FOIA requests. Writing in 2006, on the MoD’s website, the Under Secretary of State for Defence, Tom Watson said this: “There is a real and enduring interest in Unidentified Flying Objects. By far the most popular topic of FOI requests has been UFOs, followed by recruitment enquiries, enquiries from staff, and historical events such as World War Two, the Falklands conflict and the Balkans. Recent freedom of information releases on UFOs have attracted media interest from as far away as Japan”. This was the main factor that led the MoD to decide to transfer its UFO files to the National Archives, so it’s insulting to the hundreds of other members of the public, journalists and ufologists who lobbied MoD on this issue and made FOI requests, if any individual ufologists dishonestly try to take credit for this.
So what’s actually in the files that have been released?
Let me start by saying what’s not in the files: there’s no ‘spaceship in a hangar’ smoking gun that’s going to prove we’re being visited by extraterrestrials. If we have such a thing, I’m afraid they didn’t tell me! Now, as to what’s in the files, it’s a mixture. Firstly, there are policy documents, setting out how those of us charged with researching and investigating UFOs viewed the phenomenon. These papers set out the MoD’s strategy on the issue, so to speak. Secondly, there are the sighting reports themselves. This category is a mixed bag, because obviously the vast majority of sightings turn out to be misidentifications, so people have to wade through a lot of bland one or two-page reports of what are obviously aircraft lights or Chinese lanterns, before they get to the better material – it’s a classic example of the old saying that “the best place to hide a book is in a library”! To add to the frustration, the MoD’s investigations didn’t often generate the paper trail researchers would like. Thirdly, there are the public correspondence files. Fourthly, there are files showing how the subject was handled when raised in Parliament.
If there’s no ‘smoking gun’, what do the files show, taken collectively?
What’s readily apparent from a detailed study of all this is that the MoD was telling Parliament, the media and the public that the UFO phenomenon was of “no defence significance” and of limited interest to the MoD. However, the files show that behind the scenes, the subject was obviously taken more seriously than we let on, with many of the cases self-evidently being of great defence significance – e.g. when UFOs were seen in close proximity to military bases, were encountered by RAF pilots, or were tracked on radar by fighter controllers or air traffic controllers. Those of us working on this subject often found ourselves having to employ an Orwellian ‘doublethink’ in our handling of this issue.
Do the files cover other mysteries too?
The UFO files inevitably include some alien contact/alien abduction accounts, as well as some material on other mysteries that some people believe are linked to the UFO phenomenon, such as crop circles and animal mutilations. And occasionally – mainly because there was nowhere else in government to send such material – the UFO project received reports of ghosts seen at military bases, and approaches from psychics, offering to undertake ‘remote viewing’ for the MoD. The last batch of files that was released even contained some papers relating to interest in anti-gravity and gravity modification research expressed by MoD scientists. I wasn’t joking when I referred to MoD’s UFO project as being “the real-life X-Files”.
What has your personal involvement been with the release of these files?
Having worked on MoD’s UFO project, staff at the National Archives asked me to select some cases that could be highlighted to the media in the run-up to the release. The media could run whatever stories they liked, of course, but inevitably, most times they would pick the ones I suggested. I was asked to ensure that there were cases from all parts of the UK, so as to appeal to the regional press, and to ensure that the material selected catered to a wide cross-section of viewpoints, i.e. picking out some cases that were easy to explain, some that were genuine mysteries, some disturbing cases (e.g. near-misses between UFOs and commercial aircraft) and some of the more amusing cases in the files, such as the man who claimed that his car, tent and pet dog had been abducted by aliens. I was also asked to record a promotional video for the National Archives, drawing attention to the release and talking about it in positive terms. But my biggest involvement in all this was to do literally hundreds of TV, radio, newspaper and magazine interviews on the story (and write some of the features myself) and thus become the public face of the file release project. It was certainly a success and I appeared on a huge range of news programmes, chat shows and radio programmes, including Newsnight, BBC News, ITV News, CNN News, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Sky News, This Morning, GMTV and Radio 4’s Today programme, to name but a few.
Nick Pope announces the release of another batch of government UFO files, in an interview that was syndicated to the world’s media
What was it like for you on the actual days the files were released?
It was manic! As regard to the practicalities of a “file release day”, two days beforehand, an embargoed press release would be sent out to the world’s media. On a couple of occasions the embargo was broken, but we managed (just) to get the genie back into the bottle. On many occasions, I would be asked to write a feature article for a newspaper. I wrote several for The Sun, but also wrote for The Times, The Guardian and the Daily Mirror. Once the embargoed press release was sent out, I would receive requests for short, punchy comments that could be used in newspaper articles (that often ran in parallel to the features I wrote myself), as well as numerous TV and radio interview bids. I’d try to accept as many of these bids as possible, but inevitably, if I was at the BBC studios in White City for a live TV interview at 7am, I wasn’t going to be able to get to the Sky News studios in West London by 7.15am. I partly got around this by trying to stagger things, so that I would do, say, a BBC news interview at 6am, an ITV chat show at 7am and a Sky News feature at 8am. But inevitably, things got hectic and stressful, especially as the BBC, ITV and Sky studios are in different parts of London, and the traffic can be a nightmare. I’m pleased to say that I never once missed an interview, but there were certainly some very close calls. Things got even more hectic as new requests came in all the time, and there were some surreal moments, such as doing a down-the-line interview with a BBC radio station on my mobile phone, while sitting in the back of a courtesy car taking me to my next TV interview. Another way we got around these difficulties was by pre-recording things where possible. Before most file release days I would record a string of ‘to camera’ remarks about the files at the studios of ITN Productions, in Holborn. They would then produce 2 or 3 different news packages, which any media outlets could use. This was particularly useful for US networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Fox. If people Google “Nick Pope” & “ITN” they can watch a few of these. It became a tradition that after my final interview, usually in the late evening, the courtesy car would drop me off at my local sports bar for a well-earned cold beer.
Nick Pope being interviewed by CNN’s Campbell Brown about his work on the British Government’s UFO project
What was your favourite interview or news feature?
I have several. Newsround and Blue Peter were great fun to do, as was The Alan Titchmarsh Show. One of the most unusual stunts involved my writing a science fiction story based on the files, for the BBC World Service show The World Today. I then had to judge the entries from listeners, who were invited to email in suggestions for continuing the story. I also enjoyed giving a talk about the file release at the Royal Albert Hall, in October 2010.
What’s your favourite story from the files?
It was good to see more papers released on ‘classic cases’ such as the Rendlesham Forest incident and the Cosford incident, though it was unfortunate that some Defence Intelligence Staff files containing documents on Rendlesham had been destroyed. There were also some interesting (and highly disturbing) reports of near-misses between UFOs and commercial aircraft. However, if readers will forgive me for highlighting a somewhat light-hearted story, I rather like the case of the man who placed a 100-1 bet that alien life would be officially confirmed by the Millennium, and then tried to enlist the help of the MoD to support his case against the bookmakers. Sadly, the man lost his bet.
How did you feel, seeing all this material again after so many years?
The whole file release project has been something of a ‘blast from the past’ for me, seeing material that I worked on (or wrote), when I never thought I’d see it again. Bear in mind that when I was working on MoD’s UFO project, the UK didn’t have a Freedom of Information Act, so the assumption was that none of the files I was working on would even be considered for public release until 30 years after a file was closed. So, there were mixed emotions really. I had some feelings of nostalgia, obviously, but also some feelings of pride at a job well done, and some regrets for the inevitable mistakes and missed opportunities.
Have all the MoD’s UFO files been released?
No. Firstly, many UFO files from the 1950s and 1960s were destroyed many years ago, before any decisions were made to retain files on this subject, or release them. Secondly, there are a number of exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act, which can exclude from public release material covering such areas as “defence”, “national security” and “intelligence”. Many exemptions in the UFO files are little more than deleting the names and addresses of witnesses, to protect their privacy, but there are cases where other exemptions have been used. The final report of an intelligence study into UFOs, codenamed Project Condign, is a good example of a publicly-released UFO document where a small (but significant) amount of information has been blacked out. Thirdly, and by the MoD’s own admission, Defence Intelligence Staff files on the Rendlesham Forest incident were “inadvertently destroyed”. Similarly, the MoD stated that a ship’s log for HMS Manchester, that might have contained details of a UFO seen during a NATO exercise, was lost after having been blown overboard by a “freak gust of wind”. Gun camera footage of UFOs taken by RAF jets in the Sixties has apparently “not survived”, while a spectacular UFO photograph that had been on my office wall for many years was “mislaid” – along with the negatives. I make no accusations of foul play here, but I can certainly understand the anger and frustration that has been expressed by some people in the UFO community and the conspiracy theory community. And finally, some additional files (mainly public correspondence) have recently come to light and will be published on the UK’s GOV.UK website in 2020.
What has been the reaction of the UFO community to the release of these files?
To be honest, the reaction was a little disappointing. True believers tended to dismiss the release as disinformation: “All the good stuff’s been held back” was a frequent comment. The revelations concerning material that has been destroyed or lost didn’t help, while my central role in publicizing the release project further fueled the fire: “He’s still on the payroll” is a phrase that I often heard from true believers and conspiracy theorists, when they saw me in the media, discussing these files. The reaction from die-hard debunkers was equally disappointing. There was a sneering tendency to focus on the odd case which clearly involved a hoax or an eccentric, while ignoring or glossing over the sightings where the witnesses were police officers, pilots or military personnel, where UFOs were tracked on radar, or where a photo or video was analysed by MoD’s technical wizards, with no evidence of fakery being found. The reasons for these reactions, of course, had to do with belief. Just as fascist and communist regimes are actually very similar, despite the apparent distance implied by phrases like “left-wing” and “right-wing”, so true believers and die-hard debunkers are actually chiseled from the same block, united by their dogma and their conclusion-led approach to the subject. The MoD files played to this, because they told neither group what they wanted to hear. True believers wanted definitive proof of extraterrestrial visitation and a government cover-up, while die-hard debunkers wanted confirmation that all sightings could be explained in terms of misidentifications, hoaxes, delusions, or people who’d had too much drink or drugs. But the files didn’t tell them this – they reflected a more subtle and complex truth about UFOs, i.e. that MoD isn’t covering up proof of extraterrestrial visitation, but that some UFO sightings appeared to defy conventional explanation, with even those of us in government not being aware of the true nature of the phenomenon.
So what happens now? Where do we go from here?
There was massive media and public interest on each of the days that the files were released, and for maybe a day or two afterwards, but memories fade quickly. There’s an old saying in the UK media that today’s newspaper is tomorrow’s fish and chip paper. Once the dust has settled, the UFO community turns its attention elsewhere. More sightings take place, new stories surface and things move on. MoD’s UFO files are a valuable resource, but in time they will doubtless become little more relevant to the ufological debate as, say, the Project Blue Book archive. In the final analysis, little will change. True believers and die-hard debunkers will occasionally cherry-pick cases, information and quotes that fit their existing worldview – a classic case of what cognitive science calls “confirmation bias”. Ultimately though, true believers will naïvely continue to believe every tall tale they hear, while die-hard debunkers will dishonestly ignore good data, or alter the facts of a case so as to shoehorn it into their pre-conceived views. The irony is that UFO phenomenon itself will endure, as it always has done, oblivious to the views of either faction.
Do you have any final comments to make on the release of these files?
Perhaps I can finish by restating two points I made when the June 2013 file release took place, as they were quoted in most of the media articles about this story. I think they encapsulate things quite nicely:
“I hope people have as much fun reading these real-life X-Files as I had working on them. These documents don’t resolve the UFO mystery but they certainly show how the phenomenon was just as intriguing to the government as it is to the public.”
“These are the real-life X-Files. Most UFO sightings had conventional explanations, but a small percentage remained unexplained. These included cases where UFOs were seen by police officers, chased by pilots and tracked on radar. Whatever you think about UFOs, the release of these files shines a light on one of the most intriguing subjects ever studied by the British Government”.
There are already dozens of claims in favor of extraterrestrial visitation. Today, numerous astronauts and government officials support the UAP phenomena, and some are highly positive that they could have an alien origin. The Honorable Paul Hellyer (1923-2021), former Canadian Minister of Defense said extraterrestrials have been visiting our planet for thousands of years and it is likely that at least two of them are working with the U.S. government and sharing their highly-advanced technologies with humans.
In the 1960s, Paul Hellyer, a high-ranking official during the Cold War, asserted that he had discovered with certainty about the existence of aliens while serving in the military. He said that people from other worlds had been coming to Earth for a very long time. He insisted that a lot of the stuff that makes up our high-tech gadgetry had been gifted to us by overly-advanced ETs.
Hellyer had long expressed his views on extraterrestrials in public. He testified at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in May 2013 in Washington, DC. Five former members of U.S. Congress and one former U.S. senator listened to more than thirty hours of testimony from government officials, military personnel, researchers, and witnesses.
Huffington Post Canada described that, as part of his testimony, Hellyer stated that “aliens are living among us and that it is likely at least two of them are working with the U.S. government.” More specifically, Hellyer announced that at least four species of extraterrestrials had been visiting Earth for thousands of years. According to Huffington Post Canada, he also stated that some extraterrestrials originate from the “Zeta Reticuli, the Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda, and Altair star systems” and “may have different agendas.”
He first spoke openly about his belief governments are covering up an alien presence back in 2005, saying UFOs are as plentiful in our sky as airplanes. “Much of the media won’t touch it, so you just have to keep working away at it and we will get a critical mass and one day they will say Mr. President or Mr. Prime Minister, we want the truth and we want it now because it affects our lives.”
In 2013, Hellyer appeared on the RT interview show SophieCo with Sophie Shevardnadze to discuss extraterrestrials and UFOs. Shevardnadze asked Hellyer, “Why do you say that UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads?” Hellyer replied, “Because I know that they are. As a matter of fact, they’ve been visiting our planet for thousands of years.” He further stated military action had brought down UFOs, and humans had adapted alien technology for use on Earth. (Source)
He said: “As far as technology is concerned, they are light years ahead of us, and we have learned a lot of things from them. A lot of the things we use today we got from them, you know – led lights and microchips and Kevlar vests and all sorts things that we got from their technology and we could get a lot more too, especially in the fields of medicine and agriculture if we would go about it peacefully. But, I think, maybe some of our people are more interested in getting the military technology, and I think that’s wrong-headed, and that’s one of the things that we are going to have to change, because we’re going to have to work together, all of us, everywhere on the planet.”
Hellyer takes us to where he saw his first UFO, and points. Credit: Motherboard
Shevardnadze asked: “Have you ever had your own encounter with aliens?” Hellyer replied: “Not encounter with aliens, no. I’ve seen a UFO, about 120 miles north of Toronto, over Lake Muskoka, where I have a cottage. Two years ago, at Thanksgiving, which is October, [my wife?] said that she wanted to go out and look at the stars, so… I’m not much of a night man… but I put on my cap and went out with her and she looked into the eastern sky and said, ‘There’s a star,’ and I turned the other way and said, ‘Oh, there’s a much brighter one over here,’ and she looked there and we watched it until our necks almost broke for about 20 minutes, and it was definitely a UFO because it could change position in the sky by three or four degrees in three or four seconds.”
Shevardnadze further asked Hellyer if shooting down those UFOs was risking an interstellar war, and, if so, “should we be creating a Star Wars force to defend ourselves from possible invasion or something like that?”
Hellyer said: “I think it’s a possibility, but it’s a possibility especially if we shoot down every UFO that comes into our airspace without asking who they are and what they want. Right from the beginning, we started scrambling planes, trying to shoot them down, but their technology was superior enough that we weren’t able to get away with it, certainly not for a long while.”
He continued: “During that period of time they could have taken us over without any trouble if they wanted to, so I think, rather than developing our own Star Wars to protect ourselves against them, we should work with the benign species that are of a vast majority and work together, and rely largely on them, of course, and cooperate, so that we would be contributing something at the same time; I don’t think there’s any point in us developing a galactic force that would tempt us to ride on our own and get into mischief, which is one of the things that some of them are concerned about.”
On countering physicist Stephen Hawking’s assertion that any alien visitors to Earth would likely be malevolent, Hellyer argued that not only have aliens already visited Earth but that they have helped contribute to humanity’s technological progress. He said earthlings owe a lot to their alien friends. “Even that computer screen on your desk,” he said, “can trace its origins to spaceships. Microchips, for example, fiber-optics, they are just two of the many things that allegedly — and probably for real — came from crashed vehicles,” Hellyer added. (Source)
Hellyer was not the only one speaking of a partnership between humans and extraterrestrial intelligence. The former head of the Israeli space security program and retired general Haim Eshed also claimed that a sort of agreement had been made between aliens and the US government to keep silent on their experiments on Earth and secret bases on Mars.
Mr. Eshed said that aliens and “Galactic federation” do exist and have been working with the US and the Israel government for years, but they keep it a secret to avoid mass hysteria. According to him, President Trump was aware of it and has already been in contact with space aliens. He further said that the aliens have been waiting for humans to evolve and reach a certain stage to actually understand space and spaceships. Besides, they signed a contract with humans to do experiments on Earth and also research with them to learn the fabric of the universe.
Pilot Giancarlo Cecconi was returning to Treviso AFB, Italy, in his G-91R fighter with his G-91R group 14 of the Air Force’s 2nd Fighter Wing, after completing a reconnaissance mission on June 18, 1979 at 11:30 am.
The Istrana Radar Center (TV) registered the intruder’s presence on its radar screens and instructed Cecconi to approach an unidentified aircraft that entered the restricted area.
With unused film in the cameras of his aircraft, the pilot activated the cameras and approached the UFO at a distance of 70-80 meters and at a speed estimated at 300 knots (450-500 km).
Airport ground staff watched the event through binoculars. Cecconi was called in by the Treviso control tower to warn him that the object was emitting a strange blue trail.
He pursued the object at an altitude of 7,000 feet, but did not notice its trace. When the pilot approached the object, he moved up and down at an altitude of 1,000 feet at a time, climbing up to 13,000 feet.
Cecconi flew seven to eight flights near the object and each time photographed the UFO with a camera, resulting in 82 frames in which the intruder was captured.
The visible UFO was stationary relative to the G-91, but the radar center confirmed to Sesconi that it was moving, its course and speed were determined.
The pilot saw a matte black cylindrical object and the presence of a small white or transparent “dome” located on the upper side of a slightly flattened object.
The dome was similar in shape to those found on sports cars. While Cecconi was making another call to return to another series of photographs, Istrana’s radar called and reported that the object had suddenly disappeared from their and other radars.
Seconds later, Treviso’s control tower confirmed that the UFO had visually disappeared. A few minutes later the plane landed, the films were removed and quickly developed.
The object was a cylindrical object no less than eight meters (26 feet) long and no more than three in diameter, flying thirteen thousand feet in the sky.
The incident is significant thanks to the camera footage, radar, and visual evidence from several witnesses, including a highly respected fighter pilot.
The image from lunar orbit shows a crater called Zeeman on the moon's far side, near the south pole.
The first detailed photo of the moon's surface taken by Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft. The image, which the nation's space agency Roscosmos released on Aug. 17, 2023, was taken from orbit and shows a landscape on the moon's far side, near the south pole. (Image credit: Roscosmos via Telegram)
Russia's first moon mission in nearly 50 years keeps notching milestones.
The Luna-25 lander has snapped its first detailed photo of the moon's surface, the Russian space agency Roscosmos announced today (Aug. 17) in a Telegram post.
"Pictured is the south polar crater Zeeman on the far side of the moon," Roscosmos officials wrote in the post, which also shared the photo. "The coordinates of the center of the crater correspond to 75 degrees south latitude and 135 degrees west longitude." (The post is in Russian; translation by Google.)
Images of Earth (left) and the moon (right) taken by Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft during its flight to the moon on August 13, 2023, from a distance of about 192,625 miles (310,000 km) from Earth. (Image credit: IKI RAS)
Luna-25 launched on Aug. 10, marking the start of a new era of Russian space exploration. The last Russian moon probe to take flight was Luna-24 in 1976, when the nation was still part of the Soviet Union.
Luna-25 remains in lunar orbit, but it won't be there for long. The probe is scheduled to make a touchdown try in the coming days, perhaps as soon as Aug. 21.
The lander will aim for a patch of gray dirt near the the moon's south pole, an area thought to be rich in water ice. If Luna-25 sticks the landing, the spacecraft will hunt for water ice and perform a variety of other investigations during a surface mission expected to last one Earth year.
Russia isn't the only nation with the south pole in its sights. India's Chandrayaan 3 lander aims to touch down in the area as well, on Aug. 23 or Aug. 24. And NASA is targeting the lunar south pole over the longer haul: The agency plans to land the crewed Artemis 3 mission there in late 2025 or 2026, a prelude to the construction of one or more bases in the region.
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Dinosaur Wall Mystery: How Did Dino Prints End Up On Bolivian Cliff Face?
Dinosaur Wall Mystery: How Did Dino Prints End Up On Bolivian Cliff Face?
Long before we left our mark with handprints on cavern walls, some unexpected artists left their traces on Bolivian rock faces. These mysterious imprints? None other than dinosaur tracks! A magical blend of events left us puzzling over these traces on a nearly vertical wall.
The dinosaur track wall at Bolivia’s Cretaceous Park.
Tucked away in Bolivia's Chuquisaca, near its capital Sucre, Cal Orcko boasts the Parque Cretácico (‘Cretaceous Park’), famed for a wall teeming with the world's densest collection of dinosaur tracks. Imagine the buzz of discovering not just one, but thousands of ancient footprints! Dubbed the ‘dinosaur dancefloor', this crisscross of trails helps researchers picture various dinosaur species that once ruled, played, and competed here.
Cal Orcko means ‘lime hill’ in the local Quechua language, and is an indication of the rock found at the site, i.e. limestone. This site is located within the territory of FANCESA, the national cement company of Bolivia. This cement company has been quarrying limestone for many decades, and it was the workers of this company who discovered the first dinosaur footprints at Cal Orcko in 1985. It was, however, only nine years later, in 1994, that the giant dinosaur track wall was exposed by mining activities.
Although palaeontologists had begun to investigate the dinosaur tracks, exposure to the elements and mining operations resulted in the erosion and crumbling of the wall. To protect it, it shut its doors for 8 years, finally reemerging as a tourist magnet in 2006.
Undoubtedly, the park's crown jewel is the dinosaur track wall, stretching 80 m high and 1200 m long. It's a footprint treasure trove with over 5055 identified marks, branching into 462 unique trails, which showcase up to 15 different dinosaur species, all from the Cretaceous era. Hence, the park's moniker.
Footprints of some of the dinosaurs found at Cal Orcko. (Image: La gaveta )
Tracing the Footprints
It has been speculated that the Sucre area was once a large ocean inlet, and Cal Orcko a part of its shoreline. As dinosaurs walked along this shoreline during the Cretaceous period, they left their footprints in the soft clay, and were preserved when the clay solidified during the dry periods. A new layer of sediment would cover up the old one, and the process would begin again. As a result of this, multiple layers of dinosaur tracks were formed over time. This became evident in 2010, when a section of the wall collapsed. Whilst this destroyed some of the tracks, it also revealed another layer of footprints underneath it.
Dinosaur tracks and a disturbed section of the wall. ( CC BY 2.0 )
The Wall’s Rise to Fame
It has been hypothesized that the ocean inlet eventually became an isolated freshwater lake, based on the presence of freshwater creatures in the fossil evidence. Additionally, as a consequence of the shifting of the tectonic plates during the Tertiary period, the path that the dinosaurs once walked on rose upwards, and became an almost vertical wall. This is what led to today’s appearance of dinosaur tracks climbing the wall.
In the past, the cliff wall was fully accessible to the public, though in recent years, visitors could only get a glimpse of the wall from a viewing platform within the park. A new path has been unveiled, however, that allows visitors to get within a few meters of the wall, thus allowing much closer access to the dinosaur footprints.
The Wall’s Fragile Future
One of the main concerns regarding the dinosaur track wall is the fact that it is a limestone cliff. Pieces of rock, which may occasionally detach and fall from the cliff, can be considered to be a safety hazard. More alarming is the estimation that if the tracks are not adequately protected, it would be completely destroyed due to erosion in the near future. Therefore, the park is seeking to be recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which would provide it with the funds to carry out conservation work.
Top image: Fossilized dinosaur footprints at Cal Orko, Bolivia.
A close-up of a panorama taken by the Curiosity rover’s Mastcam at a Martian site called Pontours reveals hexagonal patterns — outlined in red in the same image, right — that suggest these mud cracks formed after many wet-dry cycles occurring over years.
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/IRAP)
Hexagonal formations on Mars are record-keepers of its ancient wet environment — and may reveal if Earth’s neighbor could have ever supported microbial life.
On August 9, the journal Nature published a paper based on observations made by NASA’s Curiosity rover, a mission that, earlier this month, celebrated its eleventh year of exploring Gale Crater. There are cracks within the hexagonal formations the six-wheeled rover encountered in 2021 that formed “in fresh mud,” caused by ongoing and intense wet-dry cycles on the surface of ancient Mars.
These polygons hint at a critical transition in Mars’ global mineral composition, with important implications for life on Mars. “This indicates that the Noachian–Hesperian transition (3.8–3.6 billion years ago) may have sustained an Earth-like climate regime, and surface environments favourable to prebiotic evolution,” the paper authors write.
A portion of the Curiosity rover’s Mastcam panorama, where hexagons appear on the ground near a section of the rover.
Climate models require a lot of data. Thankfully, these hexagons help fill in a gap.
Mars looks relatively barren today when compared to what it probably was like billions of years ago. Scientists know that Mars had persistent wet surface environments in its ancient history, but they have fewer clues about when that climate would move between wet and dry like Earth does. These are important to understand because, without them, models of ancient Mars’ hydroclimate are incomplete, and scientists are prone to drawing “diverging” results from one another.
That’s why the hexagons are a useful tool for Mars climatologists. The hexagons reveal these episodic changes, as their initial T-shaped junctions likely formed when the wet surface dried up. When water returned and softened up these cracks, they turned into Y-shaped junctions that make the hexagonal patterns.
According to a NASA statement that describes the findings, water does not always equate life-friendly conditions. There must be a finesse.
“Although water is essential to life, a careful balance is needed — not too much water, not too little. The kinds of conditions that sustain microbial life — those that allow a long-lasting lake, for example — aren’t the same as the conditions scientists think are required to promote chemical reactions that might lead to life,” write agency officials.
The hexagons on Mars’ surface are a sign that the right conditions may have existed to make polymers, the long chains of carbon-based molecules that act like the building blocks of life as we know it.
Polymers are forged through special chemical reactions. It turns out that polymers can form from short-term episodes of wet and dry conditions, like those behind the hexagonal shapes.
According to NASA, these cycles control the concentration of chemicals that feed the reactions required to form these building blocks of life.
Curiosity scientists are thrilled about the new findings. “Over 11 years, we’ve found ample evidence that ancient Mars could have supported microbial life,” Curiosity project scientist Ashwin Vasavada shares in the NASA statement. “Now, the mission has found evidence of conditions that may have promoted the origin of life, too.”
A team of researchers says they have developed a new technique that allows them to cool a small membrane to temperatures nearing absolute zero, the theoretically lowest temperature attainable, with nothing more than light from lasers.
For centuries, it has been understood that the reflection of light off the surface of objects produces a force. Such observations led astronomer Johannes Kepler to first envision the concept of solar sails which, like the sails that capture wind and propel boats across the ocean, could drive futuristic sailing vessels through space.
Such ideas helped early astronomers understand why the appearances of comets always revealed them to be oriented with their tails in the direction opposite of the Sun. Today, scientists are employing the light force in novel ways that allow atoms and other particles to be slowed down and thus cooled.
The results of such technology could enable innovative new applications that include sensors that possess unparalleled sensitivity. However, cooling particles down to such extreme temperatures, such as those nearing absolute zero, isn’t a simple task, and generally requires an array of specialized equipment.
Enter Professor Philipp Treutlein of the University of Basel, along with Dr. Patrick Potts, whose team has succeeded at producing a new process that allows a wafer-thin membrane to be cooled to such extremely cold temperatures—close to 273.15 Celsius—with nothing but laser light.
In the past, Professor Treutlein worked alongside Theodor W. Hänsch in his lab at LMU Munich and the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, initially working as a doctoral student in Jakob Reichel’s team. Treutlein eventually went on to lead a team of his own, which undertook studies with ultracold atoms, primarily in what are known as “atom chips”, consisting of chip-based microtraps.
Through their studies, Terutlein and his team were able to demonstrate a chip-based atomic clock, as well as a unique atom interferometer, in addition to conducting some of the earliest experiments involving quantum metrology with entangled atoms.
In 2010, Treutlein came to the University of Basel, establishing a team that continued research into ultracold atoms, along with optomechanics (involving interactions between electromagnetic radiation and mechanical systems related to radiation pressure), as well as hybrid quantum systems.
The new technique Treutlein’s team of researchers devised is novel because the cooling effect they succeeded in engineering can be achieved even without any requirement for making measurements, which are significant in terms of the laws of quantum mechanics since measuring any component of a system will inevitably lead to a change in its quantum state, resulting in disturbances.
Although measurement is typically also required in things like a feedback loop, the Basel University researchers were able to find a workaround for this by developing what they characterize as a coherent feedback loop, where laser light is used to function as both a sensor, but also as a kind of damper that allowed them cool thermal vibrations in a small silicon nitrate membrane.
“Our platform consists of a light beam exerting a force onto a nanomechanical membrane oscillator,” the team reports in a recent paper detailing their experiments. “Vibrations of the membrane generate a phase modulation on the light, which serves as a readout signal.”
Directing a laser onto the membrane, the reflected light was fed into a 30-meter-long fiber optic cable that allowed optimal delay times of close to 100 nanoseconds, while vibrations in the membrane produced very minute changes in the oscillations of the light being reflected.
From the oscillations, the team was able to obtain information that was used with a time delay to determine the exact amount of force to be applied to the membrane with the same laser light.
Maryse Ernzer, a Ph.D. student and lead author of the new research paper outlining the team’s studies, compared it to “slowing down a swing by briefly touching the ground with one’s feet at the right time.
The lowest expected temperatures were calculated using a theoretical description based on the new technique, which the researchers say experimental results were able to thereafter confirm.
Postdoc researcher Dr. Manel Bosch Aguilera, also one of the team members, said in a statement that he and his colleagues succeeded in cooling the membrane to 480 micro-Kelvin, which approaches within one-thousandth of a degree of absolute zero.
Based on their findings, the researchers hope to find ways to improve their new technique, allowing future experiments with membranes under such conditions to be chilled to the lowest possible temperatures indicating the membrane’s quantum mechanical ground state.
Once this is achieved, the researchers foresee being able to create “squeezed states” in the membrane, conditions that would be useful in the construction of sensors with applications that include atomic force microscopes capable of observing surfaces at resolutions down to the nanometer.
The team’s paper, “Optical Coherent Feedback Control of a Mechanical Oscillator,” was published in Physical Review X.
Ex-CIA Officer On UFOs & Aliens: Says ‘They Are Showing Up In 2027’
Ex-CIA Officer On UFOs & Aliens: Says ‘They Are Showing Up In 2027’
In the 1940s, the CIA first became involved in UFOs. Since then, a number of former US military personnel and CIA officers have advanced UFOlogy by making stunning remarks. Former CIA and US military officials including R. James Woolsey, John Brennan,Jim Semivan, Lue Elizondo, and others have described how the existence of reality all around us that we are unable to perceive could be a major aspect of the UFO phenomenon.
Since 2021, John Ramirez, who spent 25 years in the CIA, has been providing truthful insights into the UAPs that he learned in his career. He is a highly intelligent individual who has an immense amount of knowledge and experience regarding the U.S. intelligence apparatus and the UAP subject. He has made an impressive social media presence after he revealed many UAP-related mysteries that had never been discussed in public by any government official.
CIA retired John Ramirez, who specialized in ballistic missile defense systems, worked for the CIA from 1984 to 2009, holding positions in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Directorate of Science and Technology, and the Directorate of Intelligence. He attained GS-15 grade, which indicates that he worked for the agency in a relatively senior capacity.
His appearance on the highly acclaimed Witness Citizen podcast on October 17, 2021 created a huge burst in the UFO community. Later, Ramirez made an appearance on Project Unity, where he delivered a series of slides to assist researchers in navigating the FOIA process. Ramirez was particularly helpful in identifying the appropriate agencies to contact when requesting particular types of information.
The slides, which are available online, also include historical information about UFOs and current statements made by prominent former U.S. intelligence officials, including John Ratcliffe, a former director of national intelligence. He stated a schematic on how to investigate a UFO in the CIA style:
Establish a group to investigate and evaluate sightings; Determine the objectives of your investigation; Consult with experts; Create a reporting system to organize incoming cases; Eliminate false positives; Develop a methodology to identify common aircraft and other aerial phenomena often mistaken for UFOs; Examine witness documentation; Conduct controlled experiments; Gather and test physical and forensics evidence and Discourage false reporting.
Ramirez made assumptions regarding the current UFO disclosure procedure, and it appears that his opinions may have been influenced by members of the intelligence community, either current or former, or perhaps by individuals connected to the Department of Defense. During his interview with Project Unity, Ramirez claimed that the US government does not currently discuss the UFO craft’s occupants. This is a significant comment from Ramirez, who has asserted his opinion that UFOs may indeed represent a form of non-human intelligence.
John Ramirez retired from the agency recently as an officer with GS-15 status.
Ramirez is not the first CIA agent to make the assertion that UFOs might be non-human intelligence. John Brennan, a former CIA director, suggested that UFOs might be “a different form of life.” Brennan said: “You try to ensure that you have as much data as possible in terms of visuals and also different types of maybe technical collection of sensors that you have at the time. (Source)
Also, I believe, it’s important to reach out into other environments and find out, were there any type of weather phenomena at that time that might have, in fact, created the appearance of the phenomenon that you’re looking at? Were there some things that were happening on the ground, or other types of phenomena that could help explain what seems to be quite a mystery as far as what is there? You really have to approach it with an open mind, but get as much data as possible and get as much expertise as possible brought to bear.”
Ramirez made an intriguing statement in response to the rumor that the US government is reluctant to discuss the potential UFO occupants. The U.S. Air Force may be partially to blame for this current stance, according to Ramirez. However, not for obvious reasons. He commented:
“The air force and their exploitation of that type of technology made a mess of things, as when people see the triangular craft, and they’re not flying in space but in our atmosphere, it points to the fact that we know what the triangles are and we want people to think they’re seeing UFOs because then people won’t know exactly what they’re seeing.”
Some speculated that Ramirez suggests that the USAF may be responsible for sightings of triangular aircraft, which some have dubbed the TR3B. On the Joe Rogan Experience, Tom Delonge implied that the United States government owned such vessels, but also said that some of them belonged to other intelligence. Delonge claimed that triangle-shaped craft, assuming they contain tail fins, symbolize human technology.
According to a member of the US House of Representatives Tim Burchett, it may all have started after the government recovered crashed alien vehicles. During an interview for On Balance With Leland Vittert, Burchett was asked about the Navy’s possession of more videos of UFOs that it is not willing to release to the public for reasons of National Security.
If anti-gravitic crafts exist, then potentially, such technology will be disclosed throughout the disclosure process. Former senator Harry Reid has already asserted that Lockheed Martin may have UFO materials, thus perhaps technology does exist. According to Lue Elizondo, the disclosure procedure and potential international collaboration (including with China) may lead to amazing technological advancements. (Source)
Ross Coulthart, an investigative journalist, in histweetshared a link to a YouTube video (which is now private), stating John Ramirez tells IUFOC the agency’s weird desk investigations into UAP never stopped from the 1940s. “These are ongoing programs from the very beginning. They are still there.” It’s “more than” just the Pentagon’s AAWSAP-AATIP. Check the below Twitter thread to understand the context Coulthart is trying to explain.
“There for them to ask me questions. But it was very clear to me that AATIP was not the first of its kind effort. There was an organized effort back in the 80s to do exactly this as well. Now how far they got, I don’t know because what was told to me, verbatim,” Elizondo said.
Ramirez also experienced what might be considered alien abduction-type experiences, including being placed on an examination table in a circular craft. Interestingly, a number of his counterparts in the CIA and NSA also had UFO experiences, he revealed. In his job related to missile defense, he became aware of times when Russian radar would detect unusual craft, and in one instance, he said they tried to lure a UAP into landing.
Ramirez noted that CIA historian Gerald Haines wrote about the agency’s study of UFOs from 1947 through the 1990s, for a division that was initially called the Office of Scientific Intelligence. What was particularly intriguing to Ramirez is that the division had life sciences and medical people on staff, indicating possible interest in alien bodies.
He also described how an Air Force pilot on the plane that flew near Kamchatka to monitor Russian tests observed a massive “milky white wall” of light flying toward him at 6,200 mph, though the Air Force assumed it was some kind of countermeasure by the Russians. Regarding the military sightings of “trans-medium” UAP like the Tic Tacs, Ramirez said he does not believe that Russia or any other foreign country has the capabilities to produce this kind of antigravity technology.
Elizondo made these points in several interviews, but in this one, he was asked to elaborate on his comments about how our senses are reductive and limit our reality, and how this might be relevant to the phenomenon.
In his interview with Project Unity, Ramirez opined that Humans are hybrids. According to him, Elizondo is unable to use the word “hybridization,” but the Pentagon employees are counting on him to do so eventually. Elizondo discussed the possibility that non-human intelligence have been in contact with humans for a very long time on the Theories of Everything podcast. This would imply that we have all forgotten about our own past, which would hide the possibility that we are hybrids of humans and extraterrestrials.
Something is coming in 2027
On Podcast UFO with Martin Wills, Ramirez claimed that government is aware of an impending event in 2027 which will reveal something quite significant so people are being prepared. He has been stating that there is a presence on Earth (which he refers demonic) who are just projecting their own belief systems to make us disbelieve in what we believe. Wills asked Ramirez what would happen if there was mass Landing? would we just simply prepare for a conflict or would we actually initiate something? (Source)
Former CIA replied:
“I think the dialogue we have now in this country, even with the recent legislation that passed through the legislature and is on its way up to the president’s desk, is preparing the U.S population, and by extension the world population, for the reality that there is a presence here that we need to explain. If they show up and we continue to do what we did before in previous decades, there will be mass panic. However, if we understand that these are real and we have five years from 2022, or maybe now four years, if they come in 2027, for the US government to prepare the people about what is up there.
In many ways, I think the word got out within the government that they’re showing up in 2027, and we better be prepared. If not, there’s going to be a lot of explaining to do. So, I think that dialogue has happened within certain areas inside the government, that we need to prepare.
That’s why in 2017, that set a clock of 10 years, and why Lou Elizondo earlier in this year said, “Just find a hobby for five years, and it’ll all be out in five years,” and he said that this year, so that was 2027. I’ve heard 2027 in an official capacity, and I can’t reveal, so I would say that people in the government are aware of something happening, and there’s limited time, a few more years to prepare the people. That’s what’s wrapping up this acceleration from the previous seven decades of not even acknowledging it to now acknowledging it at a faster and faster pace.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UFO Hides On Clouds Edge, California Aug 14, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Hides On Clouds Edge, California Aug 14, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 14, 2023
Location of sighting: California, USA Source: MUFON
The eyewitness didn't cite his city, so its unknown, but its clear they were on a wilderness trial with their bikes as he states below. The video is only 18 seconds long but it's absolutely amazing. It shows us the craft is spinning and the craft is hiding on the edge of a cloud, watching the guys on the bikes. Yet the UFO still attempts to hide. He also shows in a photo submitted a plane nearby and the UFO further away from the clouds, but then the UFO heads into the clouds to take cover from human eyes. This is 100% proof it's alien...only aliens would want to hide, and yes, they are afraid of us...afraid of alarming us, afraid of causing us to panic. Yes, even aliens worry about others emotions and reactions.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
A friend and I was on our way home from work on bikes when i took a pic of a pattern of pretty shaped clouds in the distance. Afterward i joked around and said " Man, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a UFO." I then looked up and I couldn't believe that a silver spinning object was actually hovering high in the sky. I pointed at it and told my friend " Look! there go one!" We both started taking pics of it, as a plane flew under it. It was shaped like a can, but was really shinny, reflecting the sun as it spun. It began to move towards a weird cloud that appear to be pointing towards it. Another object higher up appeared to rapidly descend towards the cloud also. It moved so fast that it was just there in the cloud as the other object stop at the tip of the cloud. The object became brighter and started to move again. I don't know if both objects merged into one but now it was only one. I started video recording it with my phone, but switched back to taking pics again. Then it vanished within seconds. It was gone. Later in my last pic of the object, I noticed a black triangle phenomenon in the image near the object. I have an assumption that it went into the thing like a portal and both vanished because after that pic, we could not find it anywherein the sky.
Pilot Encircled by UFOs and Struggles to Maintain Control
Pilot Encircled by UFOs and Struggles to Maintain Control
In the vast realm of UFO encounters, few stories capture the intensity and intrigue of Carlos De Los Santos’ mid-air experience. On May 3rd, 1975, what began as a routine flight turned into a life-altering experience that would forever haunt this pilot from Mexico.
A Normal Day with an Extraordinary Twist
Carlos, after dropping off passengers in the seaport town of Zihuatanejo on the Pacific coast, was flying his Piper pa-24 Comanche back to Mexico City. The skies were clear, and visibility was perfect. Approximately an hour into his flight at 10,000 feet, Carlos noticed a gray, wingless object floating beside his plane. But this was just the beginning.
Suddenly, two more similar objects appeared — one to his right and another straight ahead. The one in front quickly dove below his plane, and to Carlos’s shock, he felt a thud. Fear gripped him as he realized that the objects were somehow controlling his plane. Despite his best efforts, his aircraft’s controls didn’t respond, and the plane began a terrifying ascent.
A Battle for Control
Pushing the boundaries of imagination, these unidentified flying objects seemed to have hijacked the Piper’s controls. Carlos watched in horror as the yoke moved on its own, causing the plane to climb dangerously close to its maximum altitude. Breathing became difficult in the unpressurized cabin, and the perilous height threatened a stall that could send the aircraft crashing.
Carlos’s frantic Mayday calls painted a distressing picture. He described the mysterious objects surrounding his plane and pleaded for guidance, but the climax was yet to come. As he neared a mountainous region, the objects suddenly detached and sped towards Mount Pobakatta Pedal volcano, leaving Carlos to grapple with a plane that refused to obey.
An Airport Ordeal
Regaining control was only the first part of Carlos’s ordeal. The UFO encounter had affected his landing gear, making descent a challenging task. With resilience and quick thinking, he improvised with a screwdriver to force the landing gear lever down. After several tense moments and numerous rounds circling the airport, Carlos managed a safe landing.
This incredible mid-air drama might have become another dismissed UFO story, if not for one compelling detail: the Mexican Air Traffic Control had also tracked these unexplained objects, offering Carlos vital corroboration.
Ancient Aliens: Pilot is SURROUNDED by Flying Saucers and Loses Control (Season 19)
The aftermath of this high-altitude drama was equally chilling. Carlos faced not only the skepticism of a public hard to convince but also veiled threats from enigmatic figures. These “men in black” approached him twice, urging him to remain silent about his close encounter. Even when set to discuss his experience with famed UFO investigator J. Alan Heineck, Carlos was met with warnings.
However, with time, Carlos did speak out. His story stands as one of the most incredible aviation-UFO encounters, showcasing the fine line between belief and skepticism, understanding and mystery. While Carlos survived his encounter, other pilots faced dire consequences, raising questions and fueling debates in the realm of extraterrestrial encounters.
This intriguing tale from the skies above Mexico, though mostly overlooked in the U.S., serves as a reminder that sometimes, the skies hold secrets beyond our comprehension.
Military experimentation has led to the development of some otherworldly aircraft over the years, some of them still being in active use today.
Ever since the 1950s, when reports of UFOs began taking hold, the official line from the Pentagon has been that several are just military aircraft. Conspiracy buffs may claim these are just excuses, but the fact is that several experimental military aircraft used over the years are, in fact, outlandish enough to be mistaken for a flying saucer or otherworldly craft. Many were simply experimental models that could never be flown for real even when tested.
Other aircraft are notable for not only being in production but used for years. They stand out looking like some sort of advanced space fighter jet, while others have designs that defy the conventional idea of aircraft engineering.''
Seeing these in flight, it’s little wonder someone might mistake them for an aircraft from outer space. These ten amazing military aircraft look straight out of a sci-fi movie and little wonder some might spark the UFO buffs nicely.
10. Martin X-24B Lifting Body
One of the key training ships for NASA, the X-24B improved on the design of the X-24A and really did look like some sci-fi “drop ship” ready to fly. As it happens, that’s exactly what happened as the X-24B was launched from a B-52 before igniting its rockets for a landing.
Via Military Factory
It allowed pilots to test near zero-gravity conditions and master unpowered reentry and landing. It was also a cool-looking vehicle designed to fly fast and get a good landing, but it still stands out as an amazing ride for the actual space program.
9. North American X-15
via airandspacemagazine
The U.S. military had a fondness in the 1950s for “lean and mean” aircraft and the X-15 was a prime example. Looking like a missile with small wings, it set a record of Mach 6.7 at nearly 20 miles up, the world record for the highest speed recorded by a manned crew.
In fact, those pilots qualified for astronaut status before the space program got going. Thanks to that performance and its great design (plus how it could be dropped from a bomber), the X-15 qualified as close to spacecraft as a regular jet could get.
8. Vought V-173
If any U.S. aircraft could have helped spark the UFO crazy, it was “the Flying Pancake.” Created as an experimental program in World War II, the Vought V-173 was nothing but a huge disc-shaped body lifting the small cockpit up and the large propellers at the front making it odder.
via Pixdaus
The near-vertical takeoff aspect was revolutionary for the time and the craft made nearly 200 test flights. While it couldn’t get into full production, the sight of the V-173 taking flight over an airbase no doubt pushed a lot of flying saucer reports over the years.
It’s nice when an aircraft is self-explanatory in its name. The Douglas X-3 looks just like its title, a stiletto ready to jab its way anywhere. It’s historic as the first use of titanium in major airplane components and its amazingly thin construction added to its appeal.
Via Reddit
The Stilettos frame looks just like a rocket ship from a 1950s movie, so little wonder it could be mistaken for the real thing. It never got to full production as it failed to reach Mach-1, but Lockheed used it as the basis for the F-104 Starfighter to show the Stiletto made its mark.
6. McDonnell XF-85 Goblin
Via Wikimedia
Even for something nicknamed “the Goblin,” this was a weird excuse for an aircraft. A “parasite fighter,” it was designed to drop from the larger Convair B-36 bomber and then take off for fast attacks. It had to be small to fit but still bizarre with its squat nose and looks more like a kid’s toy of what a fighter jet should be.
Via Reddit
As it happened, the jet couldn’t match the combat requirements needed so the project was canceled, although it would inspire future ideas for a drop-craft beyond a sci-fi vehicle.
It never got past testing, but this French attempt at a VTOL craft has to count as an aircraft looking more like it’s ready for a flight to the moon. It looks more like the front half of a larger plane cut in two, with the strange tube-like shape adding to its fun appeal.
Via Reddit
That it appears to be rolling on wheels like a shopping cart before takeoff is weird, yet it was promised to launch fast and maneuver off its triangular winglets. They could never crack it, so it was ended after a few test flights but marked an aircraft only the French could create.
4. SR-71 Blackbird
Via Airspacemag
If anything speaks to how fantastic the Blackbird is, the X-Men comics still have the team using it as their primary craft. One of the fastest aircraft of its time, the Blackbird was designed to avoid surface-to-air missiles and harder to catch on radar with its speed and unique construction.
Via: Lockheed Martin
It can roll past some modern aircraft with ease and the fun design seems straight out of a comic book. Put it in a dark night and the Blackbird can confuse more than a few folks about its earthly origins.
3. RQ-3 Darkstar
This Lockheed Martin craft always catches the eye due to its unique design. The unmanned aerial vehicle was meant to avoid radar detection but canceled after some test flights due to not being aerodynamically stable as well as too expensive.
That wing design may have been a factor with one wing for longer than the other (it would vary between models) with the bulging central part appearing pretty otherworldly. While not confirmed to have been put into actual production, the Darkstar is still a pretty weird sight.
Seriously, looking at the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk looks like something out of a lower-rate Star Wars knock-off but still a standout craft. While not quite a full “stealth” fighter, it did boast great speeds, heavy armoring and a design that seemed ready to make a trench run at the Death Star.
That fancy cockpit is amazingly cool and the armament backs it up in a top performance. While semi-retired today, the Nighthawk can still tear it up in the daytime as an aircraft ahead of its time.
1. B-2 Stealth Bomber
Via: Northrop Grumman
From the moment it rolled out in 1989, the B-2 Stealth Bomber was seen as something from another world. While not as truly “invisible to radar” as hoped, the B-2, in various incarnations, stood out with that massive wingspan and unique design that looked like some otherworldly fighter plane.
via USAF
It’s little wonder it got mixed up for a UFO over the years as that huge wingspan always caught the eye. It’s ironic a plane meant to avoid detection could never stop getting eyes on it constantly.
Top Secret Aircraft? Or, Are They Alien Spacecraft? Maybe They're Both
Top Secret Aircraft? Or, Are They Alien Spacecraft? Maybe They're Both
Nick Redfern
There's no doubt at all that it's hard to make the difference between UFOs and high-tech military craft, We'll begin with a near-legendary craft that went by the name of the Aurora. In the early 1990s, rumors began to circulate among the aviation world that a highly secret, futuristic aircraft was being flown out of Area 51 – and under distinctly covert circumstances. The reportedly large, black-colored, triangular-shaped aircraft which could fly at incredible speeds, could outmaneuver just about anything else on the planet. It was rumored to be known as the Aurora. Officially, at least, and according to the U.S. Government, the Aurora does not exist and has never existed. But, that was once said about Area 51, too. So, with that in mind, we need to tread cautiously when it comes to official proclamations of the controversial type. The story began – publicly, at least – in March 1990. That was when the well-respected magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology covered the story. They revealed that the term “Aurora” had appeared in the 1985 U.S. budget – and had possibly appeared by mistake, which makes sense if the program was so highly sensitive that its existence had to be denied at all costs. And talking of costs,
it was rumored that around $455 million had been provided to those working out at Area 51 on secret, futuristic aircraft. AW&ST suspected that Aurora was a codename for multiple kinds of aircraft that were both radical in design and technology. Other investigators, though, concluded that Aurora referred to just one type of aircraft. AW&ST learned that by 1987 the budget had soared to in excess of two billion dollars. Bill Sweetman is one of the leading figures in the field of aviation and someone who took a deep interest in the Aurora saga. His books include F-22 Raptor, Inside the Stealth Bomber, and Soviet Air Power. And, then there is his 1993 book, Aurora: The Pentagon's Secret Hypersonic Spyplane. Of the Aurora, Sweetman says: “Does Aurora exist? Years of pursuit have led me to believe that, yes, Aurora is most likely in active development, spurred on by recent advances that have allowed technology to catch up with the ambition that launched the program a generation ago.”
This was all very interesting for those who follow the world of exotic aircraft, such as Bill Sweetman and the staff of Aviation Week and Space Technology – and it still is of interest to them. But, where was the evidence for the existence of Aurora? Was there any evidence? Yes, there was. And it came from a highly credible man with an impeccable background. His name: Chris Gibson. It was in the summer of 1989 that Chris Gibson had what can accurately be termed the encounter of a lifetime. An engineer with an Honors degree in geology and someone who’s worked focused on oil-exploration, Gibson was also attached to the U.K.’s Royal Observer Corps. The work of the ROC – which closed down in December 1995, after seventy years of work to help protect the United Kingdom from attack – required its volunteers to keep a careful watch on the skies above and what was flying in those same skies, too. As luck – or fate - would have it, and at the time when the Aurora program may very well have been compromised, Gibson was working on an oil rig in the North Sea. The name of the rig was the Galveston Key. It was August 1989, specifically, when one of Gibson’s colleagues, a friend named Graeme Winton, who went to university with Gibson, excitedly told Gibson to come with him to the deck. There was something Winton needed to show him.
A startled and amazed Gibson caught sight of something incredible in the skies above. A pair of General Dynamics’ F1-11 aircraft were shepherding a very strange-looking, completely black aircraft. And, a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker seemed to be fueling it. It was in the form of a triangle. For a moment or two, Gibson pondered on the possibility that what he and Winton were seeing was the F-117 stealth fighter. But, the design was clearly wrong. And the aircraft was significantly larger than the stealth fighter. Gibson knew this, as the four aircraft were not flying high; in fact, they were fairly low. Gibson was completely and utterly stumped by the strange appearance of the plane. It was something he had never seen before. Gibson said: “We discussed what to do about it but decided that if it were reported through official channels, it would be at best rubbished, at worst lead to trouble. Having signed the [British Government’s] Official Secrets Act I didn’t want to jeopardize my position in the recognition team [of the Royal Observer Corps], so I kept my mouth shut.” Gibson did, however, contact Bill Sweetman, who found the encounter to be of extreme interest. Gibson added: “It is the only aircraft I have ever seen that I could not identify.”
That the Aurora – which it almost certainly was – was seen over the North Sea, off the east coast of England, is intriguing, because a series of encounters of a near-identical kind were reported over mainland U.K. in March 1993. In between the time that Gibson had his encounter midway through 1989, the Aurora had a new nickname in the UFO research community: the Flying Triangle. Although, it’s important to note that more than a few researchers believed that the FTs were extraterrestrial in origin. Of one thing that pretty much everyone was in accord with, was that the Flying Triangles and the Aurora existed. But were they ours or “theirs?” Since the 1980s, sightings of large, triangular-shaped UFOs, usually described as being black in color, making a low humming noise, and very often with rounded rather than angled corners, have been reported throughout the world. The sheer proliferation of such reports has led some ufological commentators to strongly suspect that the Flying Triangles (as they have come to be known) are prime examples of still-classified aircraft, namely, the Aurora. It was one single wave of encounters in the U.K., in early 1993, which ultimately led senior military and defense personnel to liaise with their American counterparts to try and determine, once and for all, if the FTs are the Aurora or if they have extraterrestrial origins.
Now, some words from Nick Pope. And a fascinating case from the 1990s. Long-since retired from the MoD, Pope reveals his role in – and his knowledge of – the March 1993 UFO encounters over the United Kingdom: “I arrived at the office at about 8.30 a.m. or 9.00 a.m. on the morning of March 31, 1993, and my telephone was ringing. I picked it up and there was a police officer on the other end making a UFO report. Now, he was based in Devon and told me an account of an incident that had taken place in the early hours of that particular day when he and a colleague who had been on night patrol saw a triangular-shaped UFO at fairly-high altitude. He said that the motion was fairly steady and that there were lights at the edges with a fainter light in the middle.To me, this was already a description that was becoming quite familiar both from one or two reports that I’d received at the Ministry of Defense over the years and from my own study and research into the UFO literature. In other words, I was aware that this was a commonly reported shape for a UFO.”
Pope continued: “I was also quite pleased to get a report from a police officer. I won’t say that it was rare, but it was slightly unusual to have reports from trained observers like police and military. I would say that, of the reports I received in my time at the UFO desk, less than five per cent came from, collectively, pilots, military officers and the police. I had spoken, socially, to numerous Royal Air Force pilots who’d had personal sightings, but who had never reported them for fear of ridicule.“But that police report was very much the first of many that came in that day and over the next week or so. When taken together, the sightings described took place in a range of times – the earliest was about 11-11.30 p.m. on the evening of the 30th and the latest was about 1.45 a.m. in the early hours of the 31st.” What was it precisely that made the police officer’s report stand out? “He said to me: ‘I’ve been on night patrols for years, but I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life.’ Well, reports such as this came through thick and fast over the course of the next week or so; more and more reports came in from police stations, the public and local RAF stations. In fact, I would say that the total number of reports easily exceeded one hundred.”
It is clear from what Pope has to say that there were three reports in particular that stood out more than any other – the first of which concerned a family based in Rugeley, Staffordshire, England, who had viewed a remarkable aerial vehicle near the sprawling forest that is Cannock Chase. Pope reveals the facts: “This report was brought to my attention by the Community Relations Office at RAF Cosford [Shropshire]. The report had come direct from the family and sounded particularly interesting because, unlike some of the other sightings, this one was of an object flying at very low level. There had been a family gathering and several members of the family were out on the drive – really just saying goodbye to their relatives who were about to drive off. Suddenly, this large, triangular-shaped craft flew over them very, very slowly. This was a flat triangle, with a light in each corner and a larger light in the direct centre of the underside of the craft.” In fact, not unlike the report filed by the police reports from Devon?
“Exactly. But there was something else that I’d come across in my investigations that was also present in the Rugeley case,” says Pope. “This was a low-frequency humming sound coming from the UFO; a humming that they actually described as being quite unpleasant. Imagine standing in front of the speakers at a pop concert and almost feeling the sound as well as hearing it – that was the effect that they reported. Well, they were so excited and overwhelmed that two of them leapt into the car to give chase! “As they did so, they came to a point where they thought the UFO was so low that it must have come down in a nearby field. Well, they parked the car, jumped out and looked around. But there was absolutely nothing there; the UFO had gone.” The night’s activities had barely begun: “The two most significant reports began at RAF Cosford shortly after the encounter at Rugeley. This was definitely the highlight and was one of the best sighting reports I received in my entire posting. The report itself came from a guard patrol at Cosford. They were on duty manning entrance points, checking the perimeter fence and such like. All the members of the patrol saw the UFO and, again, the description was pretty much the same as most of the others. In this case, though, the UFO was at medium-to-high altitude.”
Pope makes an important observation: “Remember that these witnesses were people who see in a normal course of business all sorts of aircraft activity, meteorites, fireballs and so on, and they considered it absolutely out of the ordinary.“They didn’t make a standard report: what they did was to submit an actual 2-3 page report which went up their chain of command and then the report was forwarded on to me. In that report, they stated that the UFO passed directly over the base and that this was of particular concern to them. They made immediate checks with various Air Traffic Control radar centres but nothing appeared on the screens. It was this factor that made them particularly keen to make an official report. This was at around 1.00 a.m.” Whatever the origin of the unknown vehicle, it appeared that its activities were far from over. “They noticed that this Flying Triangle was heading on a direct line for RAF Shawbury, which is some twelve to fifteen miles on. Now, the main concern of the Cosford patrol was to alert Shawbury that the UFO was coming their way; but they also wanted confirmation that they weren’t having a mass hallucination. “They took a decision to call Shawbury and this was answered by the Meteorological Officer. You have to realize that at that time there was literally just a skeleton staff operating, so the Met. Officer was, essentially, on his own. So, he took a decision to go outside, look in the direction of RAF Cosford and see what he could see.
“Sure enough, he could see this light coming towards him and it got closer and closer and lower and lower. Next thing, he was looking at this massive, triangular-shaped craft flying at what was a height of no more than two hundred feet, just to the side of the base and only about two hundred feet from the perimeter fence.” Bearing in mind the fact that the Meteorological Officer at RAF Shawbury could be considered a reliable witness, and someone well-trained in recognizing numerous types of aerial phenomena, was he able to gauge the size of the object? Pope said back then: “Very much so: military officers are very good at gauging sizes of aircraft and they’re very precise. His quote to me was that the UFO’s size was midway between that of a C-130 Hercules and a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. Now, he had eight years’ worth of experience with the Royal Air Force, and a Met. Officer is generally much better qualified than most for looking at things in the night sky. And there were other factors too: like the family in Rugeley, he heard this most unpleasant low-frequency hum; but unlike their experience, he saw the craft fire a beam of light down to the ground. He felt that it was something like a laser beam or a searchlight. The light was tracking very rapidly back and forth and sweeping one of the fields adjacent to the base.
“He also said – and he admitted this was speculation – that it was as if the UFO was looking for something. Now, the speed of the UFO was extremely slow – no more than twenty or thirty miles per hour, which in itself is quite extraordinary. As far as the description is concerned, he said that it was fairly featureless - a sort of flat, triangular-shaped craft, or possibly a bit more diamond-shaped. But if all the descriptions had been identical I would have been surprised.” Perhaps the most eye-opening and revealing aspect of the RAF Shawbury encounter was the way in which the object made its exit, as Nick Pope reveals: “He said that the beam of light retracted into the craft, which then seemed to gain a little bit of height. But then, in an absolute instant, the UFO moved from a speed of about twenty or thirty miles per hour to a speed of several hundreds of miles per hour – if not thousands! It just suddenly moved off to the horizon and then out of sight in no more than a second or so – and there was no sonic boom. Well, of course, when I received this report and the one from Cosford, I launched as full an investigation as I possibly could.” As Nick Pope now makes abundantly clear, that investigation proved to be extraordinary, to say the least.
"Even though it was fairly obvious to me that there were a number of things that this object was not, I still made the checks anyway to try and eliminate absolutely every possibility." Pope also noted: “I had a feeling that this one was going to go right up the chain of command.” He was not wrong. “Checks were also made with various Air Traffic Control Centers, with Air Defense experts and Air Defense radar systems; and although at one point we thought we had caught the UFO on radar, it eventually turned out that there was nothing. After these checks were made and we were able to establish that the UFO hadn’t been caught on radar, the Royal Air Force was quite interested. There isn’t really a corporate view on UFOs; it really does go down to the belief of the individual. But, enough people realized that there was something exciting and out of the ordinary going on and they, too, got caught up in all that excitement.” Initially, suggestions were put forward that all of the sightings were simply the result of a satellite re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere: “I spoke to the Space Information Officer at RAF Fylingdales; this is the Ballistic Missile Early Warning Centre. They’ve got very powerful space tracking radar that can pick up and track all sorts of objects at orbital heights. Now, they raised the possibility that we were looking at the re-entry of one of the Russian Cosmos satellites.
“Contrary to what some people have said, however, Fylingdales were very unsure as to whether or not the satellite would even have been visible from the U.K. at all during that time. But even if there was a re-entering satellite in the skies, it certainly couldn’t explain the very close encounter at RAF Shawbury. Don’t forget, too, that a satellite burn-up is very much like a meteor shower with a few tracks of light flashing across the sky. In this sighting, however, it was a case of one military base actually reporting to another and saying: ‘It’s coming your way…’ So this rules out a satellite burn-out.” Pope then took his investigation to another level. “My next step was to get a map and plot out the various locations where the UFO – or UFOs – had been seen. Well, that didn’t work out. I was confronted with a map of haphazard sightings all around the country. There was certainly a concentration of sightings in Devon, Cornwall, South Wales and the Midlands. But there were also sightings from Southampton and Yorkshire; and I knew that there were reports from Ireland, Belgium and elsewhere in Europe. And these were just the tip of the iceberg .“One interesting point that then occurred to me was that we were dealing with activity on exactly the same night – but three years later - to a very famous wave of sightings of very similar craft seen over Belgium. And my favorite theory about this or at least an idea I floated about – was that this was a deliberate move on the part of whoever was operating the craft.”
Pope explained his line of thinking: “For example, if the media had got a hold of this, it would have been too late to get it in the newspapers on March 31; so, the earliest date that the story could have run would have been April 1 – April Fools’ Day! Again, a little indicator, perhaps, of an intelligence and possibly even some form of humor.” Of course, it could be argued that this would serve as excellent cover if the Flying Triangle that was seen near RAF Shawbury was a terrestrial aircraft (albeit a distinctly secret one) as opposed to something extraterrestrial. Pope acknowledges this. “We decided that we couldn’t ignore the various rumors that were doing the rounds about a supposed Top Secret aircraft developed by the U.S. Government and called Aurora - or, indeed, any hypersonic and/or prototype aircraft operated by the Americans.“There had been persistent rumors in the aviation world and amongst the UFO lobby that the SR71 Blackbird had been replaced by a hypersonic aircraft code-named Aurora and that that was what the Flying Triangles really were. I was well aware that there had been some interesting stories about visual and radar sightings around certain air bases; however, I hadn’t put much store in these rumors – not least because there had been some very definitive denials from the Americans.
“I know there’s a lot of cynicism about government and the military. And although officialdom may refuse to answer a question and may sometimes give a misleading answer, outright lying is incredibly rare. And when it does occur, if it’s uncovered it almost certainly leads to resignation.“But with the March 1993 sightings – and in spite of the denials from the Americans that they were responsible for the Flying Triangles – we did contact them to make inquiries. This was because they have the responsibility pertaining to the U.S. presence in Britain. Those inquiries bore absolutely no fruit at all. The Americans said: ‘No. We can shed no light at all on the UFO sightings that have led to your inquiry.’” Pope is able to disclose, however, that the liaison with the Americans was not without its moment of intrigue. “If anything,” he now relates, “there was an interesting little hint that the Americans, too, were seeing these Flying Triangles over their territory. As we were making our inquiries, they turned the question around and wanted to know if our Royal Air Force had a triangular-shaped, hypersonic prototype aircraft of some sort. So, presumably, the Americans were having Flying Triangle sightings, too.“But this was interesting, in light of the fact that the Americans supposedly got out of UFO investigations back in 1969 when the Air Force’s Project Blue Book closed down. Of course, you may not officially be in the UFO game, but you are certainly going to be aware of – and take an interest in – reports of structured craft in your airspace. So, essentially, we drew blanks with the Americans.”’
Back to Nick Pope: “Bearing in mind that the Americans had inquired – at an official level, no less – if the British Royal Air Force had in its employ something broadly fitting the description of a Flying Triangle, and we had said ‘No,’ I still felt obliged to address the issue of whether or not the rumors about secret aircraft being flown by us were true. First, from my own knowledge of prototype aircraft, un-manned aerial vehicles and so on, the Triangles don’t fit into the typical pattern, and I’ll explain why. Where we do have such pieces of kit, they’re not tested over the heads of ‘Joe Public;’ they’re tested in a small number of clearly defined ranges and danger areas – mostly out at sea such as the Abberporth Range in Cardigan Bay.” Pope also states on this highly-controversial matter: “You simply do not fly a prototype craft over a military base or over the centre of Rugeley or wherever, and run the risk that someone will either (a) scramble a [Tornado] F-3 [aircraft] to try and intercept it; or (b) take a photograph of it which will end up on the front page of The Sun or Jane’s Defense Weekly. It’s simply not the way that things are done.
“We checked domestically anything that might have been flying. But if we’d have been poking our noses into something that didn’t concern us, the investigation would have been quietly switched off. In fact, the opposite happened. We were making big waves throughout the Royal Air Force, the Ministry of Defense and at an international level. So the domestic secret aircraft theory is interesting but it doesn’t hold water.” Three years prior to the extraordinary events at RAF Cosford and RAF Shawbury, similar objects were seen on repeated occasions in Belgian airspace in 1989 and 1990. In view of this, was any form of approach made to the Belgian military to ascertain their views? “Yes,” says Pope. “I approached the Belgians to get a comparison after their sightings. I phoned the Air Attaché at the British Embassy in Brussels and he spoke to one of the F-16 pilots who had been scrambled to intercept a Flying Triangle over Belgium back in 1990. Well, the Air Attaché reported back to me that the corporate view of the Belgian Defense Staff was that they did believe that they were dealing with a solid, structured craft. “Apparently, the word from the Belgians was: ‘Thank God it was friendly.’ If it hadn’t been, it was made clear to me that there was very little that the Belgian Air Force could have done anyway - despite the fact that the F-16 is no slouch.”
With the secret weapon angle disposed of as far as Nick Pope was concerned, what was his next step in the investigation? “There was only one place to go and that was up the chain of command and I briefed my head of division. He was notoriously skeptical about UFOs and generally made no secret of the fact that he thought that it was all a waste of time and resources. But he had been quite impressed by the Shawbury and Cosford events – even to the point of making some attempts to plot the course of the UFO. “In fact, I recall him bounding into the office in a state of some considerable excitement when he thought that he had found indications of a straight-line track. I had copied some of the reports; but what he didn’t have was a batch of reports that had just come in and that painted a totally different picture.“Well, I just thought that this needed to go up the chain of command. The main addressee was the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff; so what I did was to summarize the events on a couple of sides of paper and attach the original reports – the typed report submitted by the patrol sighting at Cosford and my own write-up of the RAF Shawbury sighting. “He took a few days to have a look at all the paperwork and then passed it back down the chain of command with a message that said: ‘This is extremely interesting. It is a genuine mystery but clearly you’ve made all the checks that we could reasonably make and it’s difficult to see how we can take this any further.’ And that was essentially where the matter rested.”
Today, does Nick Pope feel that the assessment of the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff was a fair one? “Well, yes and no. I felt extremely uncomfortable that we had a clear breach of the U.K. air defense region; and we had two Royal Air Force bases pretty much being over-flown by a structured craft and yet we had nothing on radar and absolutely no explanation. I applied our own standard line on UFOs and asked myself the questions: Is this of no defense significance? What if the craft had been hostile? What if a bomb-bay had suddenly opened up and it had attacked these bases? If that had been the case, and with the UFO not appearing on radar, the first we would have known would have been when the bombs were falling. So, I came to the conclusion that this was of extreme defense significance.“I’m naturally suspicious of anyone that doesn’t declare their hand. And although there may be some very good reasons for them remaining covert, I think that from a military and defense point of view, you have to say that there is a potential UFO threat.“Personally, I felt that saying ‘Object Unexplained; Case Closed’ was not satisfactory. On the other hand, I had every sympathy with the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff; there was no faulting his logic. What else could he have done? Really, it was an impossible situation.
I found a huge Monolith at the center of a crater on planet Mercury in a NASA map today. The crater itself is just over 20km across according to the map ruler. Most craters that big are 3-4km deep, and with this monolith sticking up it looks to be that same exact height...just peeping over its top by a few meters. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences, I believe in scientific data, and photographs are serious facts. The old saying, that a photo is worth a thousand words, spoken by Henrik Ibsen may just been a serious underestimate. This photo is worth no a thousand words, not a million words, but a whole library of books would still not have enough words for this discovery. You see, this is 100% proof of an ancient alien culture exist or once existed in our own solar system. A discovery that is unknown to the world right now, but will reside silently on my site for years to come. Thats how the real evidence exists right now, passively waiting, hoping that someone somewhere will see it and acknowledge its existence. Till then, I am here bringing the truth to light and let history decide.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
UFO Sightings: Mysterious Cloud-Like Object Spotted Over Edmonton
UFO Sightings: Mysterious Cloud-Like Object Spotted Over Edmonton
Edmonton, AB, CA– UFO sightings have always managed to captivate the world’s attention. On July 23, 2023, a peculiar incident was captured over the skies of Edmonton that could very well be added to the list of unexplained phenomena.
The sighting took place on a sunny Sunday with a slight cloud cover. Four individuals were leisurely enjoying their day on a deck when one of them, Lindsay, curiously pointed out a floating object in the northeastern sky. At first glance, it looked like a drifting bag or a distinct, small oval cloud. But upon closer observation, its strange characteristics became clear.
What made this cloud different from the rest?
Flashing Lights: Hidden within the seemingly innocuous cloud were soft, golden, flashing lights. A typical cloud doesn’t have glowing insides!
Contrary Movement:While the rest of the clouds floated in one direction, this mysterious object moved against the wind, tracing a path of its own.
Lindsay, quick to realize the oddity of the scene, began recording the phenomenon on her phone. What further raised eyebrows was the appearance of an F18 jet soon after, followed by three more in formation, seemingly surveying the strange occurrence.
The group was so engrossed in discussing the sighting that they missed the chance to capture the F18s on video. The oval-cloud continued its journey westward, eventually disappearing behind the treeline. Although Lindsay tried to track its path, the object vanished without a trace.
Upon analyzing the video footage, the family noted a discrepancy. When the video was enlarged for clarity, the object’s appearance changed dramatically. While the original sighting was of a cloud-like form, the enhanced video painted a different picture.
Interestingly, the family made a connection to a similar sighting from several years ago. A photo from Philadelphia depicted a larger, but eerily similar, object in the sky.
As UFO sightings continue to intrigue and bewilder many, incidents like these only deepen the mystery. For now, Edmonton can proudly claim its place in the annals of UFO history.
Check out the video linked below to witness this baffling phenomenon for yourself. And remember, the next time you’re outdoors, keep your eyes to the sky; you never know what you might see!
UFO Sigthed During Russian Cosmonauts Space Walk By ISS Camera On August 9, 2023
This was captured durning Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitry Petelin space walk outside the International Space Station (ISS). In the footage we can see this object as it seem to "De-Cloak" and stay in place as if it's observing the ISS and / or the two cosmonauts.
Same Group Of UFOs Sighted Over Russia & Baltimore, Maryland On August 5, 2023
This sighting happened on August 5, 2023 from the separate locations of what seem to be the same objects. One sighting from Russia and the other from Baltimore in Maryland on the same date which was August 5, 2023. I haven't much information about the sighting over Russia but here is the witness statement from the Baltimore sighting:
"I was out back celebrating with family and friends the the other night (08-05-23).A few of us looked up and saw these lights or stars moving through the sky. Pay attention to the 3 lights in the middle, watch how they form a perfect triangle." He Added "I just checked Flightradar24 and didn’t see that many planes in my area when I recorded." When asked why he didn't film for longer he this was the reply. "We were having a party so most ppl didn’t even notice. The few that saw me recording just thought I was recording the stars. 2 of my friend sat and watched them move across the sky tho. Really sucks I stopped the recording. They were gone within a few minutes. Check the middle ones out tho. They start near the end of the roofline then moves westwards slowly.
27 Alien Encounters
Strange and bizarre UFO encounters abound, but recent Alien encounters by highly credible eyewitnesses are so unusual and perplexing that they challenge our understanding of physics and the Universe as we know it.
Many who encounter UFO’s are amazed at their ability to hover noiselessly only to speed off at incredible speeds not possible with even the most advanced military craft. Many sightings report the UFOs changing shape and size; emitting beams of light over nuclear bases; illuminating roadways and entire towns with a powerful white light; and having the ability to be in one place only to reappear in another in an instant. Even more shocking is the reason behind the abductions and why the Aliens are here on Earth. World governments and military forces know the aliens are here. Explore this phenomenon that is destined to impact our society, our world structure, and our very being. WE ARE NOT ALONE.
Arthur C Clarke Unmasks The Truth Behind UFOs | Our World
Are we truly being watched by aliens from outer space? Arthur C Clarke searches for the answer. Subscribe to Our World:
Did the Apollo astronauts see a UFO? Did President Carter see one? Arthur C Clarke looks into one of the most pervasive phenomena of our time, and offers an examination of million-dollar investigations and the strange stories of witnesses.
This film was first broadcast: 04 Nov 1980
"UFOs Are Real, That's Not A Matter Of Opinion" - Jeremy Corbell Speaks To TalkTV's Howard Hughes
The recent Congressional Oversight Committee hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), commonly known as UFOs, have sparked a renewed interest in the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. While sceptics may still be searching for concrete evidence, it is undeniable that these hearings mark a significant milestone in our exploration of the unknown.
In a recent article in The Hill, Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet outlined three key points for moving forward: demanding UAP information disclosure, international scientific collaboration, and expanding the scientific study of UAPs. As society grapples with the implications of these historic hearings, it is crucial that we wake up to the potential safety, security, and scientific advantages that await us.
Investigative journalist and filmmaker, Jeremy Corbell, who was present at the hearings, described the event as surreal and historic. For the first time in history, direct eyewitnesses, including Commander David Fravor and Lieutenant Ryan Graves, shared their encounters with UFOs.
Their testimonies provided unique insights into these unexplained phenomena. Corbell revealed that these witnesses had faced intimidation and threats for coming forward, emphasizing the need to protect whistle-blowers like David Grush, who has exposed hidden truths about non-human intelligence and government involvement in reverse-engineering technology.
Pascagoula Alien Abduction Case: Exclusive Unseen Video Unveiled | Unexplained With Howard Hughes
In October 1973, the world was captivated by the shocking story of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, two men who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in Pascagoula, Mississippi.
Howard Hughes is joined by UFO investigator and publisher Philip Mantle
Now, as the 50th anniversary of this famous case approaches, new witnesses and evidence are emerging, shedding even more light on this extraordinary event.
When Hickson and Parker arrived at the Sheriff's Department that fateful night, they were in a state of panic, claiming to have just been abducted by aliens. Authorities tried to catch them in a lie, but their story remained consistent. Both men later passed polygraph tests, further adding to the credibility of their claims.
The incident took place on October 11, 1973, and immediately garnered media attention. The case became one of the best-documented instances of alien abduction, with extensive testimony, photographs, police records, and newspaper stories filling the pages of Philip Mantle and Irina McCammon Scott's book, "It's Here Beyond Reasonable Doubt."
For years, the story of Hickson and Parker has fascinated and gripped audiences. The fact that they were interviewed by law enforcement within hours of the incident and recorded secretly adds to the uniqueness of their account. A tape recording of their conversation, which was meant to catch them in a lie, only reinforced the authenticity of their experience.
In the years that followed, Hickson and Parker faced relentless media attention, forcing them to move around frequently to avoid the glare of publicity. Calvin Parker, in particular, wanted nothing to do with the media and even used a false name at one point to maintain his privacy. It wasn't until 2018, when Parker wrote his own book and finally shared the full story with his wife and family, that he began to open up about the traumatic event.
Despite scepticism from some quarters, Parker's story has remained consistent throughout the years. Multiple interviews and conversations with him have revealed no changes in his account, further strengthening the credibility of his claims. His recent illness has prevented him from appearing on shows to discuss the incident, but his story continues to resonate with those who believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial life.
As the 50th anniversary of the Pascagoula alien abduction case approaches, researchers and investigators are still unearthing new witnesses and evidence. These recent findings promise to shed even more light on this compelling and enduring mystery. Whether one believes in the existence of aliens or not, the story of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker serves as a reminder of the enduring fascination with the unknown and the unexplained.
Neil Armstrong Died 11 Years Ago, Now His Family Confirms The Rumors...
July 20, 1969—the day humanity carved its mark on the sands of the cosmos by setting foot on the moon. It was truly a remarkable moment adored by people all over the world. And as Neil Armstrong put it, it was "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." But there was more to this leap and the man who took it than many people realized. In fact, Neil Armstrong kept quite a number of secrets until his death.
Alien Armageddon: End of Days | Full Movie
A nefarious enemy, hidden from humanity for millennia, has been secretly controlling not only mankind’s progression, but the Earth’s as well.
They are a malevolent Reptilian species from another solar system with one goal in mind – to groom humans for their own sinister needs. Over the centuries humans have been genetically modified by way of abductions and environmental augmentations.
They have altered the planet’s climate to expedite the process of making Earth uninhabitable. Within 200 years humans will be forced to relocate to a New World — with the help of the Reptilians, under the guise of a hopeful and prosperous future in another solar system. The terrifying truth, however, is their true agenda — to sentence humanity to a perpetual nightmare of slavery and genocide under their rule.
Alien Contact: Secret Societies
Thousands of years ago a special, genetically advanced race of beings came to Earth. They were seen as Gods by primitive man and worshipped. They set themselves apart and yet some mated with humans and created a special race. When these watchers departed, this hybrid species remained and taught mankind.
All this transpired seemingly out of nowhere, we do not see archaeological evidence to support the evolution of our ancient advancements but can link it all back to antiquity if we look carefully because the real story is that our benefactors had an ulterior motive.
They took control of our hearts and minds; they control this world, they control every individual from the depths of outer space. From the moment you are born, you are numbered and moved through a process to feed their machine. Nobody is truly free because we are all working for the masters. On rare occasions, they are revealed to the world and in the 18th century we had a glimpse of their massive power. We know them as the Illuminati. From huge international corporations, to hidden governments, from secret societies to medicine, the Illuminati are in control.
Are UFOs Being Shot Down Across The World? | UFO Truths
Delve into the covert operations, government cover-ups, and technological advancements hidden behind these incidents. Brace yourself to question everything you thought you knew about UFOs as we expose the startling truth of their demise and the implications it holds for humanity.
Unveiling the Mysterious Events at Rendlesham Forest
Unveiling the Mysterious Events at Rendlesham Forest
In the darkest recesses of Suffolk’s Rendlesham Forest, a mystery unraveled in 1980 that has since become one of the most captivating and unexplainable UFO sightings in history. The series of encounters involving the United States Air Force (USAF) still raises questions today. Here’s what transpired.
The Initial Incident
Late December 1980, airmen from the USAF witnessed an inexplicable phenomenon near their Suffolk air bases. Bright, triangular objects, radiating pulsating lights, were seen hovering near the ground, leaving indentations that formed a perfect triangle.
The Deputy Commander’s Involvement
The following night, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Holt led 30 men into the forest with special equipment, including a Geiger counter, night vision scope, and tape recorder. The story takes a dramatic turn as they found the objects again, the light-all’s (floodlights) malfunctioned, and the Geiger counter measured 25 times the normal radiation levels.
The Lighthouse Theory
Some skeptics have argued that what the Americans saw could be explained by a nearby lighthouse beam. However, the airmen, who were well aware of the lighthouse, debunked this theory, stating that what they saw was something more advanced and intelligent.
Evidence and Investigations
Local investigators were compelled to uncover the truth, and the Deputy Commander’s memo prompted a question in Parliament. However, the Ministry of Defense seemed to deny any substantial findings. Lord Hill Norton, a former Chief of Staff, expressed his suspicion that something was being concealed.
The Cover-up and Continued Mystery
Several alleged cover-up actions followed the UFO sightings, such as mail tampering, listening devices, and even clearing of Rendlesham Forest’s affected trees. The departure of American bases has not put the mystery to rest, and the call for public disclosure continues.
TRUE STORY: When The US Airforce Encountered UFO’s | OurLife
TheRendlesham Forest incidentstands as one of the most intriguing and enduring UFO sightings. Whether a result of an extraordinary coincidence of astronomical events or evidence of extra-terrestrial intelligence, the truth behind this enigmatic encounter remains veiled. The question lingers: What really happened in Rendlesham Forest?
When looking for answers in the cosmos, sometimes more questions appear.
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured a tightly bound pair of actively forming stars, known as Herbig-Haro 46/47, in high-resolution near-infrared light. (Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA. Image Processing: Joseph DePasquale (STScI)/post-processing inset image Daisy Dobrijevic)
The James Webb Space Telescope continues to provide answers about the earliest days of the universe, but it's also discovering more questions.
Question marks, to be precise. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) team at the European Space Agency (ESA) released an image on Wednesday (June 26) offering the most detailed look yet at two actively forming young stars located 1,470 light-years from Earth in the Vela Constellation. In the image, the stars, named Herbig-Haro 46/47, are surrounded by a disk of material that "feeds" the stars as they grow for millions of years.
But just below those stars, in the background of the stunning deep-space image, is an object resembling a giant cosmic question mark. Is the universe asking us something?
It's unclear exactly what the question mark-shaped object might be, but its color and shape give us some idea.
"It is probably a distant galaxy, or potentially interacting galaxies (their interactions may have caused the distorted question mark-shape)," representatives of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, which manages JWST's science operations, told
According to STScI, the object's red color in the JWST image tells scientists that the object, whatever it may be, is quite distant. Even more exciting, this might be the first time astronomers have seen the cosmic question mark.
"This may be the first time we've seen this particular object," STScI added. "Additional follow-up would be required to figure out what it is with any certainty. Webb is showing us many new, distant galaxies — so there's a lot of new science to be done!"
Close-up of the question mark-shaped object seen in the James Webb Space Telescope's recently published image of a pair of actively forming stars known as Herbig-Haro 46/47. (Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA. Image Processing: Joseph DePasquale (STScI))
Matt Caplan, an assistant professor of physics at Illinois State University, told that the object might be two galaxies merging. "The two distinct features could easily be merging galaxies in the background, with the upper part of the question mark being part of a larger galaxy getting tidally disrupted," Caplan said. "Given the color of some of the other background galaxies, this doesn't seem like the worst explanation. Despite how chaotic mergers are, double lobed objects with curvy tails extending away from them are very typical."
Caplan added that there are plenty of other possibilities, as well, but rules out a star due to the lack of the eight-pronged refraction spikes that appear to emanate outward from stars in JWST's images as a result of its mirrors.
More stunning discoveries such as this cosmic question mark are sure to come thanks to JWST's high-resolution near-infrared imaging capabilities, which allow it to peer into the far reaches of the universe, spotting galaxies as distant as 13.4 million light-years away that existed just 420 million years after the Big Bang.
Over 750 pieces of peer-reviewed scientific literature using data produced by the James Webb Space Telescope have been published in its first year of operations, according to STScI.
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Nasa-telescoop ziet object in de vorm van een vraagteken: wat is dit?
Op een van de nieuwste foto’s van de James Webb-ruimtetelescoop van Nasa is een gloeiend vraagteken te zien. Volgens wetenschappers is dat een minder opmerkelijke vondst dan je zou denken, al zijn er nog wel veel vragen onbeantwoord.
Op de foto, die 26 juli werd vrijgegeven, zijn een paar jonge sterren te zien met de naam Herbig-Haro 46/47. De sterren bevinden zich op 1470 lichtjaar afstand in het sterrenbeeld Vela in het Melkwegstelsel. Ze zijn nog steeds actief aan het vormen en draaien nauw om elkaar heen. Het paar werd al vaker geobserveerd, maar de zeer gevoelige Webb-telescoop heeft de meest gedetailleerde afbeelding tot nu toe gemaakt.
Wie de afbeelding goed bekijkt, ziet dat er náást de sterren een mysterieus teken de aandacht trekt. Het lijkt op een kosmisch vraagteken. Wetenschappers weten niet precies waar het object vandaan komt en hoe het in elkaar zit, maar ze hebben wel een paar ideeën op basis van zijn vorm en locatie.
“Je kunt uitsluiten dat het een ster in de Melkweg is”, zegt Matt Caplan, assistent-professor Natuurkunde aan de Illinois State University tegen CNN. “Sterren hebben altijd van die hele grote pieken en dat komt omdat sterren puntvormig zijn.” Met de Webb-telescoop kun je meestal zes of acht ‘stellaire tanden’ zien, als je goed kijkt. Hier is dat niet te zien, zegt Caplan.
Het zou een fusie kunnen zijn van twee sterrenstelsels die waarschijnlijk miljarden lichtjaren van ons verwijderd zijn en dus veel verder weg staan dan Herbig-Haro 46/47, stelt Christopher Britt. Britt is wetenschapper op het gebied van educatie bij het Space Telescope Science Institute, dat de wetenschappelijke activiteiten van de Webb-telescoop beheert.
Kosmische vragen
Er zijn ‘heel veel sterrenstelsels buiten onze eigen Melkweg’, aldus Britt. “Dit lijkt op iets wat vrij vaak voorkomt als sterrenstelsels groeien en evolueren in de loop van de kosmische tijd: namelijk dat ze soms in botsing komen met hun naaste buren. En als dat gebeurt, kunnen ze vervormd raken in allerlei verschillende vormen - waaronder, blijkbaar, een vraagteken.”
Het is vermoedelijk de eerste keer dat dit specifieke object is gezien, zeggen experts, maar dat zo’n vraagteken ontstaat uit het samensmelten van sterrenstelsels is al vaker gebeurd. De ruimte is continu in beweging, legt Caplan uit. ,,De zon beweegt als hij rond het sterrenstelsel draait en het sterrenstelsel, dat uit sterren bestaat, beweegt in welke richting de zwaartekracht het ook trekt.” Over ongeveer 4 miljard jaar zal ons sterrenstelsel ook samensmelten, met het Andromedastelsel, maar de vorm die ‘we’ zullen aannemen is onbekend.
Astronoom David Hefland van de Columbia University noemt het vraagteken ‘heel schattig’, maar heel vreemd is het volgens hem niet. “Je kunt de dubbele punt, puntkomma’s en alle andere leestekens vinden, omdat je tienduizend kleine vlekjes licht hebt in elk beeld dat elk half uur wordt genomen”, zegt hij tegen National Geographic. ,,Al die lichtgevende objecten bij elkaar zorgen steeds weer voor toevallige beelden. Onze hersenen zijn geëvolueerd om daar patronen in te vinden, zoals een vraagteken.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO is cloaked within a cloud that it created, Aug 11, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
UFO is cloaked within a cloud that it created, Aug 11, 2023,UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 11, 2023
Location of sighting: Spring Hills, Tennessee, USA Source: Facebook
This amazing UFO is cloaked within a cloud that it created. Now it's common knowledge that UFOs will have shields of energy around them to protect them. This shield if filled with smoke, will form a perfect cloud all around the UFO. This way, aliens don't cause a panic when humans see the ship. Instead the human sees a disk shaped cloud and shrugs it off as some odd anomaly of the day. Look deeper folks, this is 100% a real UFO. It's also a little ironic that the UFO was photographed near a road sign that says, 'No motor vehicles." I guess this UFO has no motor like we know them.
UFO Moves Near Two Planes, 7-22-2023, Kentucky, UFO Sighting News. Video.
UFO Moves Near Two Planes, 7-22-2023, Kentucky, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Date of sighting: 7-22-2023
Location of sighting: Kentucky, USA Source: MUFON
This UFO was recorded flying past two small planes last month. The report just came in a few minutes ago, but it was last month. The white oval UFO flew slowly past the planes, because it was scanning the technology, recording it inside and out, all the way down the the very feelings, thoughts and reactions of the pilot. Data is the gold of aliens.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
While I was fishing on a small lake in Crab Orchard Kentucky, I noticed two planes flying overhead, I decided to take a short video of them. I didn’t see anything else in the sky just the planes. Later, looking at the video I saw something unexplainable. It’s a little white dot flying across the sky at a rapid speed. After showing my stepson he pointed out another white dot that I completely missed. They look like a TIC-tac. We are convinced what I see in the video is a UFO.
UFO Enters Atmosphere, Lexington, Missouri, 7-28-2023 UFO Sighting News. Video
UFO Enters Atmosphere, Lexington, Missouri, 7-28-2023 UFO Sighting News. Video
Date of sighting: 7-28-2023
Location of sighting: Lexington, Missouri, USA
Source: MUFON
Guys, check this one out. This report just came in 15 min ago. The eyewitness caught sight of a glowing white oval craft entering earths atmosphere at a very slow speed. The speed is about 1/5 that of a meteorite and is defiantly intelligently controlled. This city bus size UFO is even slowing several times in the video and in the last 3 seconds. Just amazing and wonderful that someone was able to capture this important evidence of a real UFO.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
My daughter said mom look it's a moving star. As to my surprise it was definitely something moving! I tried to take a picture but when zooming in the screen would go blurry which confused me, due to knowing I can zoom all the way to the moon clearly. I then started recording it. There were no sounds and what confused me are the random tails behind it but no trails left in its path.
This is a recently sent in UFO video, even though it was taken last April. A glowing white object is seen near the moon and a minute later a jet is flying towards it at the end of the video. You can hear the eyewitness notice the plane coming to investigate the UFO. This UFO wanted to be seen. It must have noticed the person looking at the moon and then decided to uncloak. Aliens are slowly trying to drop feed the public information of them so that they can one day reveal themselves to the world all at once.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Reflective looking object looked distorted around edges a bit. No sound just steadily moved across the sky.
Possible alien space station spotted on Google Sky
Possible alien space station spotted on Google Sky
A puzzling discovery has been made near the Aquarius constellation: an unidentified anomaly resembling a space station has come into view.
The strange object observed on Google Sky by YouTube channel RapiTV measures approximately 300 by 100 by 60 meters.
The anomaly exhibits a rectilinear composition affixed to an underlying framework, while two possible towers can be see on top of this rectilinear structure.
It is difficult to find out the true nature of the anomaly, but because of its clear rectilinear configuration what sets it apart from conventional celestial bodies we may wonder whether it is indeed a space station or craft controlled by human or non-humans.
4 Intriguing Connections Between Ancient Aliens and Biblical Texts
4 Intriguing Connections Between Ancient Aliens and Biblical Texts
In the annals of human history, religion and spirituality have often occupied a central role. The Bible, ancient religious texts, and traditional ceremonies are rich in symbolism and mystery. But could there be more to these narratives than we realize? Could the most sacred stories be the coded messages that point towards an otherworldly connection? Let’s unravel the astonishing links between aliens and the Bible, as well as other religious phenomena.
1. The Book of Enoch and the Alien Prophecy:
The Book of Enoch, a non-canonical Jewish text, narrates the heavenly journey of Enoch and the revelation he received about the connection between divine figures and Earth. The concept of a divine figure leaving and returning is common to various religious traditions, such as the expected return of Elijah in Judaism or the return of Jesus in Christianity. Could these prophecies be referring to extraterrestrials? Perhaps the final chapter of The Book of Enoch awaits us, where the angels are not divine beings but our alien ancestors.
2. Transubstantiation and the Otherworldly Ritual:
The Catholic tradition of transubstantiation, where bread and wine transform into the body and blood of Christ, is a revered mystery. Some believe that the ritual may have otherworldly origins, connecting the consumption of blood with extraterrestrial sustenance. Is there a link between the ritual of the Catholic Mass and aliens? The parallels between human sustenance and alien nourishment challenge conventional interpretations of religious practices.
3. Relics and the Harnessing of Alien Powers:
The True Cross, where Jesus was crucified, and other relics are considered to have miraculous powers, from healing to granting salvation. Could these ancient artifacts harbor extraterrestrial energies? From the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem to Christian churches worldwide claiming fragments of Jesus’s cross, the belief in the divine energy of relics resonates with many. The idea of possessing a piece of divine power extends across cultures and religions, perhaps pointing to a universal connection to otherworldly environments.
4. Revolutionary Technology Reveals Lost Passages:
In 2020, the invention of multi-spectral imaging technology, capable of retrieving lost or eroded texts, opened the door to lost knowledge. By examining ancient scrolls and documents, such as those destroyed during World War II, this technology brings long-lost information back to life. Ancient prophecies and unseen references to extraterrestrials may be resurrected, paving the way for an unprecedented understanding of our past.
The connections between the extraterrestrial and religious realms are a tantalizing and provocative exploration of faith, culture, and human history. From ancient texts and rituals to cutting-edge technology, the relationship between the divine and the otherworldly continues to evolve. These revelations urge us to keep an open mind and heart, recognizing that our understanding of existence may be far more profound and interconnected than we once believed.
Any list of classic UFO sightings assigned the greatest degree of credibility almost certainly includes the incident on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan on the night of March 8, 1994. The Lakeshore event, as it’s come to be known, has been featured in countless television programs, books, and interviews with UFO researchers. It’s also referred to as the Holland sighting (because of the large amount of activity reported over Holland, Michigan) or just the 1994 Lake Michigan UFO event.
It is frequently cited as one of the most solid, well-researched reports of UFO activity in the history of ufology. Today, The Debrief will examine just how solid the evidence in support of this event is.
On the evening in question, local police 911 lines began lighting up with calls from citizens reporting strange lights in the skies. More than 300 calls were received from civilians and multiple police officers reported seeing the objects after being dispatched to investigate. The objects were variously reported to be cylindrical or round, displaying a variety of different colored lights. The presence of some large objects in the sky over the lake was confirmed as the event was unfolding by a National Weather Service radar operator.
The event lasted for at least fifteen minutes by most accounts. The objects were tracked moving to the south and southwest, heading in the direction of Chicago. This event wasn’t a singular aberration. A spokeswoman for MUFONwould later tell reportersthat the network had been receiving an average of ten to fifteen calls per day during a period of two to three weeks, including the activity on March 8th. But this event was clearly the most widely viewed and reported.
The Debriefexamined the Japan Airlines Flight 1628 incident in June of 2021, an encounter that is as storied as the Lakeshore event, if not even more so. There was a significant amount of data collected and archived from the incident, adding to its legendary status. But a careful examination of the radar data, pilot to cockpit recordings, and transcripts of interviews with the witnesses didn’t support the claims being made about it as strongly as the legends would suggest. The Lakeshore event also offers similar supporting data and we will look at how well that stacks up in this report.
Some of the most compelling and easily verified evidence comes to us through several channels. These include the sheer number of witnesses who called the police emergency lines, many of them recorded. The involvement of law enforcement officers in multiple precincts who responded also lends weight to the report, with at least one police officer seeing the phenomena himself for an extended period of time. MUFONeventually published a collectionof these recordings between alarmed citizens and responding police dispatchers.
Perhaps some of the best data we have to draw on comes from the interactions between Holland, Michigan Police Officer Jeff Velthouse, and Jack Bushong, a meteorologist from the National Weather Service Office in Muskegon County. In the MUFON recording linked above, the citizens’ calls are followed by the conversation between Velthouse and Bushong.
The conversation between Officer Velthouse and Jack Bushong goes on for some time, beginning with both participants discussing mundane explanations for the calls. These include a radio tower in the vicinity with new lights installed on it. But as the call progresses, you can hear Bushong growing more and more animated as he describes the inexplicable movements of the objects on radar, their large size, and the way they demonstrate “instantaneous movement” at various altitudes. You really need to listen to the full conversation to grasp the impact of this recording.
Bushong’s equipment couldn’t produce paper records, but he created line drawings that are available at the links above. Perhaps most interestingly, however, at the 22:35 mark in the recording, Bushong says “I wish we had a recording of what I could see. You know, actually, there are some blips showing up on the computer part and this is being recorded, so… there is going to be a recording of this so if they can… you might be able to see movement on this if we can play this back.”
What happened to that record? MUFON claims to have the radar data, but it apparently doesn’t reveal much more than what Bushong described. One year after the event, the Chicago Tribunespoke to Leo Grenier, the director of the National Weather Service in Muskegon. He said, “I don’t believe for a minute that it was any kind of alien structure; I think there is a fairly strong earthly explanation for what occurred.” But he failed to offer any explanation as to what that “earthly explanation” might be. At the time, he told a local reporter that he had “a pretty good idea” of what it was, but he refused to offer his opinion, saying that he might tell people after he retired from the National Weather Service.
Shortly after the day of these sightings, meteorologist Jack Bushong stopped talking to the press and didn’t speak of the March 8th events again for many years. He told friends and associates that he seriously feared he would be fired for having commented on the incident in public. That, fortunately, didn’t happen, and he went on to receive a promotion and win awards for the accuracy of his forecasts. He stayed with the NWS until his retirement a few years ago.
Now that the United States government has verified the physical reality of UFOs and is setting up new offices to investigate them, Bushong’s attitude has changed. During an interviewhe gave in July of 2021, he told a reporter that he now feels “vindicated” after the skepticism and abuse he endured in the wake of the original event. He also claims to be working on a scientific paper covering the 1994 events and other instances of meteorologists recording UAP-related data.
In a separate interview with News Channel 3 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Bushong revealed additional information that he did not share with the press following the original event. He described how he had taken manual control of the radar system, using the antenna “like a spotlight” to track the movement of the objects. He reported that they had “jumped” upward by five or ten thousand feet at a time, causing him to scramble to regain a lock on them. They also “blinked” significant distances horizontally before he eventually lost track of the targets. The relative size of the radar returns indicated to him that the objects were significantly larger than any commercial aircraft.
Unfortunately, the only videos of the Lakeshore event recorded by private citizens showed little more than dots of light in the sky, as so often happens with UFO sightings. This fact leaves room for the skeptically-minded to offer alternative, mundane explanations for what was witnessed over Lake Michigan in March of 1994. And to be fair, we still can’t say with 100% certainty what the objects were.
With that said, however, the combined weight of all of the data that is available to us suggests that a very strong case can be made in favor of this incident being exotic in nature. The sheer number and quality of the witnesses are almost impossible to ignore. These are people who live in close proximity to O’Hare Airport and they know what planes flying over the lake look like. That many people couldn’t have all reported a misidentification of a commercial aircraft. Further, the radar operator’s confirmation that the returns displayed objects far larger than conventional planes argues against the commercial airliner theory.
If the FAA knew that there were flights of any sort in that high-traffic airspace they could have settled the matter easily enough. And yet they have never commented on the question. Some might suggest that these were some sort of black-budget military craft. But would the American military test anything so secret over Lake Michigan during primetime on a Tuesday?
We may not be able to definitively prove that the objects reported during the Lakeshore event were extraterrestrial or otherwise exotic in nature, but this case remains a contender for one of the most thoroughly researched and verifiably documented mass UFO sightings on record. And the only mundane explanations offered to date seem to strain credulity.
In the dark, clear night of March 8, 1994, an enigmatic event took place over West Michigan that has fascinated UFO enthusiasts for years. A collection of bright lights in the sky appeared, creating a stir among locals and authorities alike. The event still lingers in the minds of those who witnessed it, providing a significant addition to the growing file of UFO sightings.
A Radar Meteorologist’s Revelation
Jack, a radar meteorologist, had the first glimpse of the unidentified flying objects through radar signatures. The pattern resembled that of an airliner, but the movements were too fast and erratic. Various explanations, including atmospheric anomalies and super refraction, were ruled out. Jack’s experience opened a new chapter in the study of UFO sightings, a phenomenon that has seen a resurgence of interest lately.
Multiple Witnesses, One Story
The sightings weren’t limited to professionals. Over 300 people in West Michigan reported seeing the lights. From police officers on the ground to a retired cargo 747 pilot, the eyewitness accounts were both consistent and astonishing. Their stories form part of a broader narrative that has caught the attention of both media and Congress.
Government’s Stance on UFO Sightings
Recent Congressional hearings have shifted the discourse from fringe conspiracy theories to mainstream conversations. The government now refers to these events as Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). Testimonies from military personnel, including sensational claims about UAP crash retrieval and non-human biologics, have stoked the flames of curiosity and skepticism alike.
An Unsolved Mystery
Despite the compelling evidence, the Pentagon disputes some allegations, and the incident’s true nature remains elusive. Was it a military aircraft performing an illegal maneuver, or something genuinely unexplainable? The mystery of the lights in the sky over West Michigan on that cold March night may never be unraveled.
Lights Over West Michigan | 1994 UFO Sighting Special
The increasing attention to UFO sightings is a sign of a growing movement to understand what might be lurking beyond our atmosphere. From the nightly sky over West Michigan to the halls of Congress, the search for the truth continues. As more people feel encouraged to share their stories, the quest for answers might lead to a future where the mysteries of UFO sightings are finally laid bare.
The existence of UFOs has been confirmed by hundreds of government and military professionals. There should be authentic photographs and films of them that have been mixed in among the counterfeits. There is valid photographic evidence, but there are also instances of UFO evidence being confiscated from civilians and military people. However, there is old footage of a UFO flying near an airplane which has always been an element of the heated debate among UFO enthusiasts.
The 19-second footage, which is often claimed to be a clip of the lengthy video, shows a round, saucer-shaped object (like in McMinnville UFO photographs) hovering near an airplane and then moving forward, maneuvering below the aircraft wing, and flying upward. It is said to be a screen recording of the actual video. There are many theories on the origin of the video. It was published on the Internet several times in the late 2000s, which makes it difficult to find out its original date.
The earliest source of the video publication is YouTube. It was uploaded by a user “frossani” on March 6, 2008, with the caption “UFO from plane.” The user described that the UFO was captured from the window of a Blue Panorama flight from Rome to Paris, on April 29, 2006. But there are other sources saying it was shot in the 1990s with the description: “Clear full evidence of military tested saucer reproductions over U.S skies around Nevada Desert. This footage is a late 90s recording, very short as the full video is now offline altogether.”
These two versions of the description of the same video make it really confusing for experts to understand the true nature of the video. But there is more to the story. A Reddit user “usandholt” did a little research and contacted frossani. He asked the YouTube user about the video and found he/she is not the owner of the video. Below is the reply of frossani received by usandholt: (Source)
“It was quite a surprise to discover all this hype and interest about a video I had almost forgotten. I am the owner of the YouTube Channel, but not the author of the footage. I had an interest in visual effects as a hobbyist and I used to collect some inspiring videos and fantasize on what techniques would allow to recreate them. The footage of your interest was copied from a Zip Drive belonging to a university friend of mine who knew about my hobby. We are not in touch any longer and I don’t have further information about the origin of the video (I am not a UFO passionate, to me it was simply a probably-fake downloaded from the internet or some early-2000s CD-ROM). The only detail that could be useful for your research is that my friend’s father’s work was based in Aviano, in northern Italy. By the way, when I put the video on YouTube I didn’t edit it in any way; the only intervention was on the description, in which I reported the details of a Blue Panorama flight from Rome to Paris which had brought me to France sometime before (it was then dismissed a few years later, to my great deception). I am sorry I’m probably not giving you relevant information for your research.”
Has the video been debunked? Many people who claimed to be working in the aviation field found the video too good to be real. However, they failed to provide a valid explanation for the video to be fake. It is obvious many would think this could be computer-generated, but some CGI experts say that it requires a great setup to create such effects. Additionally, many find a discrepancy in the audio of the clip, perhaps it was edited.
UFO from plane published on YouTube on March 6, 2008
Reddit user “VCAmaster” explains that the video is likely a second-generation recording of a video playback on another screen, so he finds the main possibilities:
1. The audio is mostly from the camera inside the cockpit, played back on a device, and recorded onto the secondary camera (2nd generation).
2. The audio is mostly from the camera inside the cockpit, played back on a device, combined with the additional background noise of whatever is going on around the person filming the video playback secondhand.
3. The audio is directly from inside the cockpit, 1st generation video. (Source)
This video clip has been studied very carefully by military aviation experts (like Chris Lehto), and CGI experts. Lehto said that the aircraft is not a fighter jet, claiming to be an airliner. However, after closely examining, many agree that it could be the USAF T-43A plane.
It is always good to consider another possibility of the UFO origin. One Reddit user writes: “One possibility is that it is a military or scientific 737 testing the flight of frisbee-shaped objects via tow, as the disc is flying with an angle of attack to the oncoming air, rather than flat. Imagine putting a disc out on a tow line and having it ‘fly’ alongside, this is what you would see. The video is so fuzzy you wouldn’t see any line. Our usual concept of UFOs is that they need no angle of attack or Newtonian mechanics-based flight as they use some anti-gravity, anti-drug type of deal. It could fly flat or at any angle it pleased.” (Source)
It has been known for quite a while that the secret Congressional meetings included footage of a UFO very close to the wing of a military jet. A while ago, Luis Elizondo claimed that there is a23-minute UFO videoand one more, where the UFO is 50 feet away from the cockpit. So, UFOs flying near airplanes and being captured in photos and videos are true.
Juno Shares Stunning New Images of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io
The Galilean Moons, named in honor of Galileo Galileo, who first observed them in 1610, are a fascinating collection of satellites. For decades, scientists have been immensely fascinated by the three icy companions – Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto – which have oceans in their interiors that possibly support life. But Io has also been a focal point of interest lately, owing to the volcanic activity on its surface and lava plumes reaching 300 to 500 km (186 to 310 mi) into space. Since 2016, NASA’sJuno probe has provided stunning images of Io as it continues to orbit its main science objective, Jupiter.
The latest was acquired by the Juno probe’s main camera (JunoCam) on July 31st, 2023, at 05:03 AM UTC (01:03 AM EDT; July 30th, 10:03 PM PDT) and showed Prometheus spewing out lava. This active volcano is located within a 28-km (17-mi) -wide volcanic pit named Prometheus Patera on the hemisphere facing away from Jupiter. Prometheus is known for its regular eruptions, hence its nickname in the astrogeological community, “Old Faithful of Io.” A processed image of the eruption was shared by the NASA Planetary Science Division via Twitter (see below).
The image was taken during Juno‘s fifty-third orbit of Jupiter (perijove 53), where the probe once again circled the gas giant from pole to pole. During this latest pass, the Junocam science team took many images to look for lightning storms in Jupiter’s atmosphere, cyclones in the polar region, and filamentary clouds and jets. The probe also made its closest pass to Io during perijove 53, coming within 22,000 km (13,700 mi) of the moon’s surface. During the past few flybys, the probe has been getting progressively closer to the volcanic satellite.
During its previous flyby of Io on May 16th, the Juno probe passed within 35,600 km (22,100 mi) of the surface. On this occasion, JunoCam captured images of the Volund region near the equator, famous for its two active volcanoes (Volund A and Volund B), that showed evidence of eruptions. This was indicated by what appeared to be “smudges” on the landscape, which scientists consider a “smoking gun” for outgassing associated with volcanic plumes.
The mission controllers decided to take advantage of this latest and closest flyby to examine Io’s surface and gather more data on its many volcanic regions. In addition to the pictures taken by the JunoCam, extensive information was collected by the Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper (JIRAM), provided by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and other science instruments. This latest batch of data is expected to provide additional insight into the hundreds of volcanoes regularly pouring molten lava and sulfurous gases all over the moon’s surface and its tenuous atmosphere.
While Io’s volcanoes have been imaged repeatedly over the past three decades by three NASA spacecraft (Galileo, New Horizons, and Juno), scientists are still excited to see new pictures of eruptions on the moon. While the Juno probe’s primary mission was originally planned to last four years (until 2020), the mission has since been extended twice- first to July 30th, 2021, and again until September 2025. Juno is expected to make two more close passes to Io, coinciding with Perijove 57 and 58. Hopefully, we will see more images of Io’s wild, erupting surface (optical and thermal, please!)
The raw images are available on the JunoCam website and other versions of the data product, all of which are available for download and processing. The JunoCam is overseen by researchers at the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio, Texas.
This is a recently sent in UFO video, even though it was taken last April. A glowing white object is seen near the moon and a minute later a jet is flying towards it at the end of the video. You can hear the eyewitness notice the plane coming to investigate the UFO. This UFO wanted to be seen. It must have noticed the person looking at the moon and then decided to uncloak. Aliens are slowly trying to drop feed the public information of them so that they can one day reveal themselves to the world all at once.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Reflective looking object looked distorted around edges a bit. No sound just steadily moved across the sky.
UFO Sightings: The Mysterious Experience of Brian in Essex
UFO Sightings: The Mysterious Experience of Brian in Essex
UFO sightings have fascinated humanity for centuries, with numerous reports of unexplained objects in the sky. These incidents continue to mystify scientists, enthusiasts, and the general public alike. In Essex, England, during the year 1995, a local man named Brian took this fascination to a new level. His extraordinary experience not only left him puzzled but has led us to question what really lies beyond our earthly realm.
Over 15 Hours of Unearthly Footage
Brian’s unique journey began with the filming of more than 15 hours of UFO footage in the Essex area. He didn’t just capture glimpses of strange shapes; he embarked on a quest to understand what he was witnessing. But as he sought answers, his excitement turned into frustration.
A Flurry of Reports
The UFO sightings in the Essex area were not isolated to Brian alone. During that period, reports were flooding in, giving rise to numerous questions and theories. Was there a rational explanation for these occurrences? Or was something more mysterious at play?
Initially, Brian checked with the authorities, hoping to find a rational explanation for these strange shapes. But his hope turned into frustration as he realized that no logical answers were forthcoming. He said, “They seem very mystified about it and very excited about it.”
UFO Sightings Unveiled: Brian’s 15-Hour Mystery in Essex | Real Footage & Analysis
Emotional Turmoil
As time went on, the constant encounters took an emotional toll on Brian. He confessed, “For a long while I didn’t want to see anything. At night time sometimes I just closed the blind just to relax.” His experience became so overwhelming that he decided to move away from his flat, putting the whole episode behind him.
A Conclusive Insight
Despite the mystery surrounding the UFO sightings, Brian reached a striking conclusion. He firmly believed that the unknown shapes were beyond human understanding, asserting, “I don’t believe governments are covering things up. I just don’t think they know anything about it.”
Brian’s conviction highlights a profound truth about UFO sightings: “The same as we don’t. I mean we don’t know. I don’t believe they know what it is.”
A Never-Ending Quest for Understanding
Brian’s story is a testament to humanity’s never-ending quest to understand the unknown. It brings to the forefront the ongoing debates surrounding UFO sightings and opens up avenues for further exploration and inquiry.
With modern technology, increased interest, and a renewed push for government transparency, the future of UFO research seems promising. Whether you’re an enthusiast, a skeptic, or merely curious, the enigma of UFO sightings continues to be a thrilling aspect of human experience that invites us all to question, explore, and wonder.
UFO sightings in Essex and around the world will undoubtedly continue to captivate our imaginations. If you’re interested in exploring further, delve into eyewitness accounts, expert analyses, and perhaps even catch a glimpse of the unknown yourself.
The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is one of the biggest mysteries of the 21st century that is yet to be solved. The Boeing 777-200ER with 239 people on board including the crew & staff disappeared on March 8, 2014. The plane was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it was last tracked over the South China Sea between Malaysia and Vietnam.
On the night of March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 embarked on its journey from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Malaysia to Beijing Capital International Airport in China. The aircraft was carrying a total of 239 passengers and crew members. The calculated duration of the flight was around 6 hours.
At 01:19 a.m. local time, the last message “Good night, Malaysian three-seven-zero” was transmitted from the MH370. However, two minutes later, when it was about to enter Vietnamese airspace over the South China Sea, Malaysian radar detected that the plane turned around and flew southwest over the Malay Peninsula before turning northwest. Malaysian military radar lost contact with the plane over the Andaman Sea at 2:22 a.m.
Over the next six hours, the plane continued its course. It is important to note that the scheduled landing time at Beijing airport was originally set for 06:30 a.m. However, an Inmarsat satellite over the Indian Ocean received hourly signals from the flight and last detected the plane at 8:11 a.m., and between this communication at 08:19 a.m. and 09:15 a.m., a distressing event transpired – the plane completely disappeared from any form of communication or tracking attempts.
In the absence of direct communication, a series of possible trajectories were calculated to estimate the potential paths the aircraft might have taken after the last known location at 02:22 a.m. These calculations were based on the Inmarsat pings, which continued until 08:19 a.m.
Malaysia Airlines told families in late March of 2014 that the company believed the plane crashed into the Indian Ocean, assuming no survivors. However, there are a few theories linked to Flight 370 disappearance. One theory says that the plane was hijacked, shot down by the US Air Force, or was in the “cruising mode” when it crashed, and some speculate UFO abduction.
An old video footage has recently been circulating all over social media, showing three unidentifiable spherical objects flying around an airliner before it vanished in the sky. This video (as shown down below) was uploaded on YouTube on June 12, 2014, by a user “RegicideAnon.” But in the description, it was mentioned that this video appeared to be an alternate angle to previously submitted SAT footage which was published by the same user on May 19, 2014. The user noted that the latter video was received on March 12, 2014, surprisingly four days after MH370 disappeared.
Is the airliner in the video MH370? Are the videos authentic? Before indulging in the technicality of the videos, IBTimes published an article on April 23, 2014, according to which, Malaysia’s air force chief, Rodzali Daud, said military radar detected a UFO in an area in the northern Malacca Strait at 2:15 a.m., about an hour after the plane had vanished from air traffic control screens.
The newspaper wrote: “Seeing the radar playback of the moments leading up to the plane’s disappearance, one may forgive Malaysia Airlines for not being more forward, in this case – because the radar playback is not only baffling, it shows two distinct anomalies, as pointed out by Intrepid citizen-reporter and YouTube popstar, DAHBOO7.
The radar playback depicts dozens of planes in flight over the region at the time. The first peculiarity is seen in the lower left of the screen. A round object appears in the vicinity of Flight 370 (and amid several others), which the radar does not automatically ‘read’ as airplane. Suddenly, this round object take the form of a ‘plane’ on the radar screen and accelerates at a rate of speed that must be at least five times the speed of the surrounding planes, heading eastward, over the South China Sea – and just as suddenly the object stops and appears to hover in place.” Source (Forbidden Knowledge TV)
Now, the experts from the UFO community bring forward a new theory connecting the two footages with Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. A user on Reddit has done a detailed analysis of the videos, which provides surprising relation between the alleged flight in the video and MH370. (Source )
Video Analysis
The first video, recorded using Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) technology, captures a dynamic scene with moving clouds. This movement is remarkably realistic, as demonstrated in side-by-side comparisons of the footage. The complexity of rendering such genuine cloud movement is discussed by a 3D Visual Effects (VFX) artist, highlighting the challenges involved in achieving authenticity. Furthermore, the clouds’ accurate illumination by a lighting flash serves as compelling evidence against the notion of a static background.
The Airliner videos have ignited widespread curiosity and debate within the UFO community. These videos consist of two perspectives: Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) footage and a Satellite Perspective. The user noted that the realistic movement of clouds in the videos defies simple expectations, and insights from a 3D VFX artist emphasize the difficulty of simulating such realism.
The accurate illumination of clouds by lightning bolsters the case for authenticity. The precise match between the depicted plane and Flight MH370 adds weight to the video’s credibility. However, questions arise regarding the drone source of the FLIR footage due to camera placement inconsistencies.
The Satellite Perspective’s location, along with alternative GPS coordinates, sparks discussions about flight patterns and deviations. Analyzing satellite angle shots clarifies the source while considering the variability of satellite imagery angles. Controversies over thermal coloring are debunked by noting its adjustability in heat vision cameras. Lastly, a dubious claim of rounded UFOs detected near the MH370 flight underscores the ongoing intrigue and uncertainty surrounding these videos in the context of the broader UFO discourse.
The discovery of three UFOs by Chinese military satellites has raised intriguing questions surrounding the MH370 flight path. An article detailing these mysterious objects can be found at ABC News. Interestingly, it should be noted that debris associated with the MH370 flight was discovered.
“Taking into account numerous abduction narratives, if one were to entertain the notion that the plane was taken by UFOs, it is conceivable that it was subsequently returned to a different location, but maybe just the plane was returned. And even if the plane was not returned and was indeed abducted and caught on camera by the military, there is a high chance that some fake debris would have been planted,” writes the user.
Several articles express doubts about the legitimacy of the debris, including pieces by Jeff Wise, Express,, and Reuters, all of which contribute to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the MH370 case.
Why are military drones and satellites observed in the vicinity of the plane?
The possibility of drones and satellites being in proximity is reasonable due to the aircraft’s extended flight duration of 6 hours after going off the radar. This timeframe allows ample opportunity for their deployment. Additionally, a U.S. military base on Diego Garcia Island, approximately 2000 miles from the location depicted in the satellite video, could be relevant.
Apparently, there were also two major training missions going on in the area, operation Cobra Gold and Operations Cope Tiger, involving joint US-Indo-Pacific military exercises.
Why does the satellite footage show daylight when the plane lost contact at 02:20 AM?
It’s important to consider that the final Inmarsat ping occurred at 08:19 am. This indicates that the aircraft was still in flight at that time, transitioning into the daytime hours. This confirms a duration of approximately 7 hours of flight after the transponder was turned off at 1:21 AM.
Another user mentioned: “The main complaint here is that it “looks daytime”. Anybody saying this has never seen a low-light color camera at work. These have been around for years, here is some guy using one 7 years ago. To not think that the most advanced spy sats created don’t have low-light/thermal/blending abilities is just being dense.”
Is it possible there were once robots on our planet? What about A.I.? Let's have a look. We'll begin with the almost legendary creature known as the Flatwoods Monster. On the night of September 12, 1952, something terrifying descended upon the small, West Virginian town of Flatwoods. Precisely what it was remains a mystery to this very day. All that can be said for sure is that it was hideous, fear-inducing and downright monstrous. It has, appropriately, become known as the Flatwoods Monster. Situated in Braxton County and dominated by a mountainous, forested landscape, Flatwoods is a distinctly small town – that much is apparent from the fact that, today, its population is less than four hundred. Back in 1952, it was even less. On the night in question, however, the town found its population briefly added to by one visitor from…well…no-one really knows where. It all began as the sun was setting on what was a warm, still, September evening. A group of boys from Flatwoods were playing football in the town’s schoolyard when they were frozen to the spot by the sight of a brightly lit, fiery object that shot overhead, provoking amazement and wonder in the process. All that the boys could be sure of was that the object appeared to be either egg-shaped or circular. Its color fluctuated from orange to fiery red.
(Nick Redfern) Machines on the rampage
As the stunned children watched in awe, they saw the object begin to descend - at a high rate of speed, no less – and then appear to come down on one of Flatwood’s largest hilltops. Not surprisingly, being kids, they saw this as a big adventure looming large. The result: they, with a woman named Kathleen May and a recent U.S. Army recruit, Eugene Lemon, headed off for the scene of all the action. It wasn’t long before the group reached the hill in question – and with nightfall rapidly closing in.
The first thing the group noticed, as they reached the darkened peak, was something brightly lit within the trees. What it was, no-one had a clue. But, it clearly wasn’t the lights of a farmhouse, truck, or car. Suddenly, the air was filled with a sickening odor – not unlike that of devilish brimstone. That was not a good sign. To their credit, however, they pushed on, determined to figure out the true nature of the source behind the lights. They soon found out: as the air became filled with a strange, sizzling sound, nothing less than a pair of self-illuminated red eyes could be seen getting ever closer. Kathleen May had the presence of mind to bring a flashlight with her and she quickly focused it on the eyes. In doing so, she also lit up the abominable creature that possessed those fiery eyes. Looming before the now-hysterical band of intrepid souls was an approximately ten-feet-tall, floating monster, which appeared to be humanoid in shape, and which had a large black cowling behind its head – that gave the entire head a kind of “Ace of Spades” appearance - and that was possibly even cloaked. Oddly, its lower half was ice-cream cone-shaped and had wires and cables running from it. This issue of the cone-shaped lower portion led flying saucer sleuths to later suggest the monster my actually have been encased within some kind of remotely piloted vehicle.
As the creature then turned its attention to the group, and wildly fired laser-like beams from its eyes, the brave band was suddenly brave no more. They didn’t wait to see what might happen next. One and all fled, screaming – possibly for their lives. Mrs. May breathlessly shouted to the boys to follow her to her home, which they all did. On arrival, and possibly as a result of exposure to the noxious odor that hung around the hill, several of the boys became violently ill, feeling nauseous and even outright vomiting.
Kathleen May quickly and shakily called the local police, who, rather intriguingly, were busy responding to reports of what was described as an “airplane crash” in the area. It turns out that no such crashed aircraft was ever found – something which suggests the “airplane” and the brightly lit UFO that descended upon the high hill that night were one and the very same. As a result of the fact that Flatwoods was, and still is, a very small town, word soon got out about what had happened. Local media were quickly on the scene, and even the U.S. Air Force sat up and took notice. Despite intense investigations by the press and the military, the mystery of the Flatwoods Monster was never solved – the creature was long gone by the time anyone else was on the scene. It is, however, decidedly interesting to note that Flatwoods is only around 125 miles from the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where, from 1966 to 1967, yet another red-eyed monster was seen. Its famous name is Mothman, and about which, much more later on.
(Nick Redfern) The Roswell crash site: aliens? Robots?
Now, let's have a look at the Gray aliens of Ufology. Are they robots? cyborgs? It's possible. In July 1997, one of the most controversial UFO-themed books was published. Its title: The Day after Roswell. Its author, Philip J. Corso. Its ghost-writer: Bill Birnes of the television show, UFO Hunters. Simon & Schuster, the publisher of the book provided the following blurb for the book: “A breathtaking exposé that reads like a thriller, The Day After Roswell is a stunning depiction of just what happened in Roswell, New Mexico all those years ago and how the effects of this mysterious unidentified aircraft crash are still relevant today. Former member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and the Foreign Technology Desk in the United States Army, Colonel Philip J. Corso was assigned to work at a strange crash site in Roswell in 1947. He had no idea that his work there would change his life and the course of history forever. Only in his fascinating memoir can you discover how he helped removed alien artifacts from the site and used them to help improve much of the technology the Army uses today, such as circuit chips, fiber optics, and more. Laying bare the United States government’s shocking role in the Roswell incident—what was found, the cover-up, and more — The Day After Roswell is an extraordinary memoir that not only forces us to reconsider the past, but also our role in the universe.” Not only that, Corso claimed that he saw the bodies of the dwarfish, black-eyed things from the Roswell crash and maintained they were not aliens, per se, but biological robots created by an alien race that we, the Human Race, we have never yet seen.
This was expanded by the late writer Nigel Kerner and his associate, Danielle Silverman. She said: “Are these alien visitors a demonic deception created by occultists piercing a hole into the demonic world or are they the actual tangible result of a technology superior to ours? Are they Golems created by esoteric means or are they technologically created entities? I have to say the most probable for me is the technological scenario. As far as I can see even our own technology is not far from creating the kinds of artificial intelligence and bio-technology necessary to make something like the Greys. Silverman added: “The ‘Greys’ he argued were synthetic biological programmed artificially intelligent machine entities sent out as super intelligent robots far more advanced than those we now ourselves send out to explore the Universe. They are however subject to wear and tear as indeed are all atomically derived entities through the second law of thermodynamics which drives them into greater and greater states of decay with time. A non-atomic property however, such as ‘soul’, is immune to the second law. Thus this property was their ultimate goal, their ‘holy grail’ so to speak. It was a property that they could never know or understand in its own terms as purely atomic artificial creations. Their only perception of it was the effect it has on atoms, the difference in other words between a naturally living entity and their artificial state.
(Nick Redfern) Don't mess with the silver guy
“Ironically what these artificially intelligent entities are seeking is eternal survivability. The Greys and any physical life that they might reconstitute from the DNA codes they carry on behalf of their creators, cannot access the state beyond death. They have no ‘soul’ they cannot be born. They are trying to use us as a bridge into ‘soul’ writing their programs into us through genetic engineering and implantation so that through us they can tap into an eternal existence. Paradoxically they are trying to achieve the impossible but as purely physical creations without a ‘soul’ they cannot know this.
Danielle says: “It is Nigel’s suggestion that the fastest highways to travel through the universe lie in what he calls the ‘fields of death’ which he identifies as the zero-point field in the space between atoms. Thus when we die we can reincarnate at other planetary locations. The vast distances involved in physical space travel and the speed of light beating technology that this involves with enormous G-forces are only survival by artificial roboidal bodies fortified by mercury and other heavy metals. Thus the Greys are also searching out our ability to transcend and conquer the limits of space and time when we die."
Now, to the world of Cryptozoology: Situated in Idaho, Lake Pend Oreille is a huge expanse of water that extends in excess of forty miles in length and 1,000 feet in depth. And, it might accurately be said that the lake is the home to a creature not unlike Loch Ness, Scotland’s legendary Nessie. On the other hand, however, Lake Pen Oreille’s lake monster – known locally as Paddler – might be something even stranger. Sightings of the prehistoric-looking thing date back to the 1940s and continue to the present day. A particularly spectacular encounter with Paddler occurred on Memorial Day 1985. That was when a woman named Julie Green was on the lake with several friends when they all caught sight of something huge and fantastic: a large, gray-colored thing racing across the lake, seemingly partially above and below the surface of the water. That the thing was only around 600 feet away meant Green and her friends were able to determine that whatever it was, it wasn’t a wave.
Then, in 1996, the Groves family of Pasadena, California – vacationing with family who lived in the lake area – reported seeing early on a Sunday morning a large, gray-colored object break the waters. It was described as resembling the back of an elephant, in both color and size. Needless to say, Lake Pen Oreille isn’t home to a herd of elephants that enjoy taking morning swims. While monster hunters are content to suggest that Paddler (or the Paddlers) is either an unknown animal or one from the Jurassic era that survived extinction, there is another explanation for the presence of the monster. It’s a very alternative explanation, too. Patrick Huyghe is someone who has undertaken extensive research into the saga of Paddler and he has noted something that be of deep and relevant significance: “The very first mention of Paddler came straight from the Navy’s own Farragut Naval Training Station, established on the southwestern end of Lake Pend Oreille in 1942.”
Built in response to the terrible and tragic events at Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the FNTS was created at Lake Pend Oreille and though which around 290,000 servicemen and women passed, as the hostilities with the Axis powers grew. What is particularly interesting, however, is that in the post-war era – that’s to say, after 1945 – the Navy presence on the lake began to change. The one arm that began to play a more substantial role was the Navy’s Acoustic Research Department. The ARD says of its work: “Unique experimental hardware and floating platforms have been developed” at the naval facilities on Lake Pend Oreille, noting too that, “future plans include continuation of sonar dome development and submarine silencing and target strength reduction experiments using large-scaled models.” One has to wonder if some of these “unique experimental hardware,” “floating platforms,” and “large-scale models” may have been responsible for at least some sightings of what the witnesses believed was Paddler.
Moving on: sometimes a monster is described as being so incredibly strange that one can do very little beyond than relate the facts – chiefly because the available facts are so strange and near-unfathomable, in terms of what they might represent. A perfect example of just such a uniquely weird case dates back to the 1950s. In terms of the location, all we know for sure is that it was somewhere in the vicinity of Falls City, Richardson County, Nebraska. As for the witness, we know him only as “John Hanks,” an admitted pseudonym that the man in question chose to use to protect his real identity. When you read the details of his experience, you will undoubtedly realize why the man was determined to protect his real name from prying, inquiring eyes. It’s a case that was carefully investigated by one of the world’s foremost experts on bizarre, flying beasts, Ken Gerhard. Even Gerhard, for all the cases of flying anomalies he has investigated, finds the entire affair baffling – which is saying something! It was late one night, at some point in the latter part of 1956, said Hanks, when he came face to face with a true giant; a creature in excess of nine feet in height, one that was humanoid in shape, but which most certainly could never be termed a member of the human race. That much, at least, we can ascertain from Hanks’ description. Ken Gerhard says, with a great deal of justification, that “[Hanks’] description of the creature sounds reminiscent of something out of an H.P. Lovecraft story.”
Gerhard is not wrong in suggesting that Hanks’ monster would have found itself right at home in the pages of one of the legendary horror maestro’s novels. In fact, Gerhard is right on target. Hanks’ nightmarish thing had a pair of fifteen-foot-wide wings that, rather oddly, appeared to be made of bright, shining, aluminum! Not only that, the wings appeared to be strapped to the creature; almost grafted onto its body in definitive cyborg-style. If that was not nearly strange enough, the robot-birdman displayed numerous, multi-colored lights that spanned the entire undersides of both wings. Whether for illumination, display, or something else, Hanks didn’t know. Even stranger still, if such a thing is possible, the winged man-thing had a metallic “panel” attached to its chest and which, Hanks assumed, was some kind of control mechanism that allowed the creature to land, take-off, and soar the heavens above. Some, having read the above, might consider and conclude this case to have been nothing stranger than one involving a brilliant, eccentric inventor who had managed to create a portable contraption to allow people to take to the skies in amazing, novel, and previously unheard of, fashion. Of course, the height of the figure – around nine feet – effectively rules out such a possibility from the outset, but it would be a scenario at least worth considering. Except for one critical component: the creature’s terrifying, unforgettable face.
Described by the witness as being nothing less than “demonic” in appearance, it had skin that was akin to weathered, battered, brown leather. Its eyes were large, staring, evil-looking and “watery.” The only noise it ever made was a malevolent hissing sound that, hardly surprisingly, sent chills throughout Hanks’ entire body. Whatever the true nature of the monster that stood before Hanks, it didn’t hang around. In mere moments it was airborne, and within a few more seconds it was lost from view; never again to return and plague the people of Falls City in general and the pseudonymous John Hanks in particular. Much to his eternal relief, one strongly suspects.
Now, to the time when robots and sex will come together. The late Mac Tonnies, who wrote three books – The Cryptoterrestrials, After the Martian Apocalypse, and Illumined Black – had a particular interest in this field. I interviewed Tonnies about his growing interest in the field of sex with robots. He died in 2009, but his comments and observations are still as relevant now as they were back then. It was, Tonnies told me, the movie Blade Runner that really caught his attention and led him to start digging into the world of robot-human sex: “I saw that movie for the first time in high-school. It had Darryl Hannah playing a robot called Pris, who is described as a ‘pleasure model.’ She’s all punked-out: big-hair, eye-liner, and looks like your typical genetically-engineered hooker. But she’s essentially human: she’s an individual. So, the whole idea of having intimate relations with machines began to interest me.” Tonnies continued: “As things stand now, we’re in the infant stage of development, and the closest things we have to full-on human-robot sex are, effectively, high-tech dildos. But in 20 years we’re liable to see sex-oriented technology transformed and revolutionized; many will choose robotic partners. My interest in robot-sex is actually kind of clinical. I would probably do it out of sheer interest and curiosity. She would have to pass for human though; right down to the pores on her skin. I wouldn’t make a habit out of it; but as a curiosity, I’d try it.”
It's time now to take a look at the Men in Black. There are good reasons to believe they are robots of some kind. Gareth Medway notes that the MIB talk in a very odd way. He mentioned they seem to recite “everything from memory.” I have several such cases in my files. In one case, the witness said the MIB appeared to have no actual understanding of what he/it was saying. The wording, the witness suspected, was programmed. On top of that, there's the matter of the somewhat clumsy, jerky fashion of walking that the MIB have. Certainly, this is not described in every case, but there are more than a few such reports. Finally, there is the angle of food. Or, rather, from the perspective of the Men in Black, a distinct lack of food. That's right: the MIB have a distinct aversion to food. They don't even seem to know what food is. Perhaps, if the MIB are biological robots, they get their sustenance in a distinctly different way to us. None of this proves that the MIB are biological robots. But, specifically as an extremely controversial theory, it's not a bad one.
And, now, a bit of fun. The Six Million Dollar Man was one of the most popular television series of the 1970s. It starred Lee Majors as former astronaut Colonel Steve Austin who, while test-flying a new, prototype aircraft, suffers a terrible accident in which he loses both of his legs, his right arm, and his left eye. It could have spelled the end of any kind of meaningful life for Austin. Except for one thing: thanks to the work of a secret government agency – the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) – Austin is rebuilt, using sophisticated robotic technology called Bionics. In short, he becomes a cyborg: a half-human, half-machine, long before Robocop was on anyone’s radar. The long-running series (which followed in the wake of three, successful made-for-television movies) was an immediate hit with the viewing public. It ran for 100 episodes and six movies and provoked a spin-off show, in 1976, The Bionic Woman (starring Lindsay Wagner).
The Secret of Bigfoot was a two-part adventure that aired in February 1976. It was, and still is, one of the most popular of all the many and varied stories told in The Six Million Dollar Man. In terms of Bigfoot, the 1970s was the one period, more than any other, in which there was a significant focus by the monster-hunting community on the Sasquatch-flying saucer connection and controversy. Today, the vast majority of Bigfoot investigators are highly intolerant of the idea that there might be a link between cryptid apes and aliens. Back then, however, things were very different. And that seventies-era fascination for the UFO-Bigfoot link also spilled over into the domain of fiction. The story is set in the heavily forested mountains of California – from where a great deal of real-life sightings of Bigfoot have been made. From the outset, the tale is shrouded in intrigue: a pair of geologists, monitoring earthquake activity in the area, have vanished. That the OSI, under Steve Austin’s boss, Oscar Goldman (actor Richard Anderson), is working with the geologists, Ivan and Marlene Bekey, means that Austin soon plays a leading role in the quest to find the pair. And particularly so when huge, humanlike footprints are found in the area.
While Marlene remains missing, Ivan turns up, in a condition of near-hysteria. He is not the only one who turns up: a huge Bigfoot (played by wrestling legend, Andre the Giant) is soon on the scene, too, and launches a violent assault on Austin’s and Goldman’s encampment. It’s during the attack that Austin wrenches off one of the arms of the hairy monster, which reveals it to be not a flesh and blood animal, but a highly sophisticated robot. We also learn that the Bigfoot is controlled by a group of aliens, who have a secret installation built inside one of the huge mountains. Austin soon becomes a victim of alien abduction, in which he discovers that Marlene and Ivan were attacked because they had inadvertently uncovered evidence of the alien base. Even worse, OSI’s studies in the area show that the entire West Coast is about to be hit by a devastating earthquake, one that could potentially kill millions. The only available option is to detonate, underground, a small atomic device on the fault line, thus preventing the quake from occurring. Unknown to Austin, the aliens try and prevent the nuclear explosion from taking place, since they believe – correctly – that it may also destroy their mountainous, secret abode.
(Nick Redfern) Bigfoot and the Six Million Dollar Man
Austin is determined that the earthquake must be stopped and he succeeds in thwarting the plans of the aliens to prevent it – as well as finding Marlene, much to the relief of Ivan. In the final scenes, we see that the atomic explosion has indeed prevented the catastrophic earthquake from occurring, but, as suspected, it has also caused major damage to the extraterrestrial facility. As a result, Austin – with help from Bigfoot, no less – gives the aliens assistance in repairing the damaged parts, and systems, of their base. Careful to ensure that the truth of the alien presence, and of the real nature of Bigfoot, remains hidden, the visitors from beyond wipe out Austin’s memories of the bizarre and near-catastrophic events. Bigfoot is once again the enigma that it always has been. Such was the success of this particular story, Bigfoot was brought back, in September 1976, for another two-part story: The Return of Bigfoot. Again, the focus was on aliens and underground bases. To help boost ratings on The Bionic Woman, part-two of the story became the opening episode of the new series of that particular show, in which Austin and the bionic woman herself, Jaime Summers, clash with both ETs and Sasquatch. Unfortunately, given that he made an excellent Bigfoot, Andre the Giant was nowhere to be seen. He was replaced by Ted Cassidy (Lurch, in The Addams Family), who reprised the role a year later, in 1977, in a one-off episode titled Bigfoot V. For fans of The Six Million Dollar Man, The Secret of Bigfoot remains a firm favorite of robot devotees. And of Bigfoot, too.
As we have seen, the world of the robot is a very strange and often sinister phenomenon. And that particularly ties in with extraterrestrials and the Roswell UFO affair of July 1947. Things, it seems, are getting stranger and weirder by the day. And particularly so when it comes to the issue of our souls. That makes things really disturbing.
JWST Turns its Gaze on the Farthest Known Star: Earendel
The massive galaxy cluster called WHL0137-08, which is gravitational lensing the most strongly magnified galaxy known in the Universe’s first billion years: the Sunrise Arc, and within that galaxy, the most distant star ever detected. The star is , nicknamed Earendel. NASA, ESA, CSA, D. Coe (AURA/STScI for ESA), Z. Levay
JWST Turns its Gaze on the Farthest Known Star: Earendel
In March 2022, astronomers announced the discovery of the farthest known star via an image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. They named it Earendel, after the old English name for “morning star”. Now, JWST’s Near-infrared Camera (NIRCam) and its NIRSpec spectrometer have taken a look at the same star and revealed more details about it.
Earendel appears to be a massive B-type star. That puts it on the Main Sequence evolutionarily, which means it’s a hydrogen-burning star. Compared to the Sun, it’s twice as hot and a million times more luminous. What astronomers suspect is that this star, like many other massive stars like it, may have a companion. However, they lie so close together and we’re seeing them at such a great distance (around 13 billion light-years), that it’s tough to make them out separately. However, the spectra of this star (i.e. the colors of its light) hint that a companion does exist. Further studies using the magnification supplied by the gravitational lens as well as more detailed observations using NIRCam on JWST should help them tease out the companion.
The light we see from Earendel was first emitted from that star only about 900 million years after the Big Bang. The gravitational lens that revealed it is magnifying Earendel by a factor of 4000. Now, astronomers want to know if it’s among the first generations of stars ever to shine. If so, its spectra would reveal its chemical makeup to be mainly hydrogen and helium. If it’s a second-generation star, then the properties of its light would show other elements, too. Other examples of this type of blue supergiant star are Rigel and Beta Centauri.
Earendel’s Home in the Sunrise Arc
JWST’s NIRCam view of Earendel, its host galaxy (inset, right), and the gravitational lensing galaxy cluster WHL0137-08 (left). Image features include both young star-forming regions and older established star clusters. In the left image, we see hundreds of small galaxies of different shapes, ranging in color from white to yellow to red. Some galaxies, mostly the redder ones, are distorted, appearing to be stretched out or mirror-imaged. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, D. Coe (AURA/STScI for ESA), Z. Levay
This star’s host galaxy appears to us as a long crescent-shaped smear of light. That smearing is caused by gravitational lensing from a massive galaxy cluster called WHL0137-08. The NIRCam view shows quite a bit of detail about this distant galaxy. There are creches where the next generations of stars are being born. Some of those stars are quite young, less than five million years.
The galaxy also contains star clusters well along in their evolution. One of those clusters is around 10 million years old. It may still exist in the modern Universe. The cluster gives astronomers some interesting clues about the globular clusters that swarm our own Milky Way today. Some of them could have formed around the same time as the distant clusters in WHL0137-08.
Interestingly, the image from JWST shows more detail about the lensing effect on the distant galaxy. Earendel itself lies along a “ripple” produced by the lensing. That’s how it appears separately from the smeared image of its host galaxy. In addition to the NIRCam view of this scene, JWST’s infrared spectrometer (NIRSpec) took data. It gives astronomers more details about the exact distance to Earendel and its home galaxy.
Using Gravitational Lensing for More Distant Stars
JWST has detected other distant stars using its infrared-sensitive instruments. So far, Earendel remains the record-holder for distance. But, there are many more observations to be made. Eventually, astronomers hope to find one of the Holy Grails of astronomy: the very first stars ever to shine.
Those earliest objects could have appeared as early as only 100 million years after the Big Bang. They were likely very massive and extremely luminous. As they began to appear out of the dimness of the Cosmic Dark Ages, they heated and ionized the gases around them. As they evolved and died, they produced heavier chemical elements in their hydrogen-burning cores. When they died, they spread those materials out to space, seeding new generations of stars, and ultimately planets.
The evidence of their lives and lifestyles will tell us a great deal about all those conditions in the infant Universe, the distribution of matter (including dark matter), and the eventual formation of galaxies in the early epochs of cosmic time.
Evidence for Modified Gravity Found in the Motions of Binary Stars
With our continued failure to discover dark matter particles, it’s worth considering alternatives. While dark matter is the most widely supported model, the alternatives fall into two broad paths. One is that we should look to extended models of general relativity, such as conformal gravity. The other argues we should modify the very nature of Newtonian dynamics. The first approach tends to be popular with theorists since it focuses on an abstract theory in the same vein as Einstein’s original ideas. The second, often known as Modified Newtonian Dynamics, or MoND, tends to be more popular with observational astronomers.
MoND has a long history in astronomy. It was first introduced back in the early 1980s by Mordehai Milgrom as a way to explain the rotation curves of galaxies. In our solar system, distant planets orbit the Sun at a slower pace than close planets, in excellent agreement with Newton’s Law of Universal Gravity. But stars in galaxies orbit the galactic center at roughly the same pace regardless of distance. The dark matter explanation is that most of the mass of a galaxy is distributed as a halo around a galaxy, we just can’t see it because dark matter doesn’t interact with light. MoND argues that Newton’s famous F = ma equation is only an approximation that works for larger forces. For extremely small forces, such as the galactic tug of gravity on a star, the acceleration deviates just enough to match the galactic rotation curve
If this sounds like a cludge it kind of is. It violates fundamental physical laws, doesn’t play well with special relativity, and has lots of other problems. But it’s important to keep in mind it was originally proposed as a proof of concept, not a robust theory. So was dark matter in its early years.
Rotation curve of the typical spiral galaxy M 33 (yellow and blue points with errorbars) and the predicted one from distribution of the visible matter (white line). The discrepancy between the two curves is accounted for by adding a dark matter halo surrounding the galaxy. Credit: Public domain / Wikipedia
One of the reasons for MoND’s lack of popularity is that it isn’t a field theory. Electromagnetism, relativity, quantum theory, and others all treat physical quantities as fields, which allows physicists to apply all sorts of modern mathematical analysis. Since MoND isn’t a field theory, it lacks the kind of global structure that puts it on a level playing field, if you’ll pardon the pun. But there is a variant of MoND known as AQUAL, which stands for A QUAdratic Lagrangian. The predictions of AQUAL are slightly different from MoND, but AQUAL is a field theory, so it’s popular with dark matter contrarians. There is also a relativistic extension of AQUAL known as Tensor–vector–scalar gravity (TeVeS).
Although AQUAL isn’t popular in the scientific community, it is a valid testable model. Most of the predictions it makes are also made by dark matter models, but there are a few that differ. One of them is that the rotation curve of a galaxy should have a kink in it as the MoND effect becomes more dominant, and in 2022 this was seen in more than 100 galaxies. Now a study of binary stars seems to confirm AQUAL again.
Newtonian gravity vs AQUAL in binary stars. Credit: Chae, Kyu-Hyun
Rather than galaxies, this study looked at wide binaries. These are binary stars orbiting each other at large distances. Since the gravitational attraction between the stars is small, Newtonian gravity and AQUAL make slightly different predictions about their motion. And since dark matter doesn’t have a strong effect on the scale of star systems, it predicts the stars should follow Newtonian motion.
Making data from the Gaia Space Telescope, the author analyzed the orbital motion of 26,500 wide-binary systems and compared the gravitational accelerations of the stars with their orbital separations. At larger accelerations, the orbits agree with both AQUAL and Newtonian gravity, but at smaller accelerations, the binary orbits deviate from Newton exactly as AQUAL predicts. In other words, for thousands of binary systems, AQUAL is a better model of their motion than Newton. This would seem to contradict dark matter models.
This is just one study, and the author is careful not to make bold claims. But it’s a very interesting result. Dark matter remains the better theory for things like galaxy clustering and gravitational lensing effects, but it seems clear AQUAL is a challenger that can’t be easily ignored.
The world has never been more fascinated with UFO sightings. Recent years have seen a surge in reported unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) with compelling evidence captured by military personnel, pilots, and skywatchers. This article dives into the captivating topic of UFO sightings, unraveling the mysteries, explanations, and why they continue to capture our collective imagination.
1. Recent High-Profile UFO Sightings
From mysterious objects darting across the skies at hypersonic speeds to unexplained lights captured near infamous locations like Area 51, UFO sightings are becoming increasingly common. Some instances have even stirred governmental interest, leading to formal inquiries and investigations.
A stunning sighting occurred in Henderson, Nevada, in November 2021, where a strange T-shaped formation of objects was captured near a jetliner. This particular event led to an array of speculations ranging from top-secret aircraft to the International Space Station, though no concrete identification was made.
2. Military Involvement in UFO Sightings
UFO sightings are not limited to civilian encounters; they have significant implications for military operations. In 2020, the Pentagon acknowledged over 400 reports of UAPs, with 11 instances being near-misses with aircraft. Their mysterious behavior, including anti-gravity lift and seamless movement from water to air, has sparked theories about foreign surveillance and alien technology exploration.
The U.S. government is taking these sightings seriously, establishing special task forces and even holding formal public hearings. The unexplained nature of these phenomena and their targeting of military aircraft make this a highly intriguing and crucial subject.
3. Are UFO Sightings Always Extraterrestrial?
UFO sightings do not necessarily mean alien encounters. Some sightings could be attributed to advanced drones, experimental aircraft, or even commonplace objects like balloons. For instance, Google’s Loon balloon program aimed at providing global internet coverage was once considered a possible explanation.
However, some characteristics of the sightings, such as missing wings, lack of exhaust, or strange motion patterns, rule out most earthly explanations. Thus, the notion that these might be otherworldly remains a tantalizing possibility.
4. The UFO Community and Public Interest
UFO sightings have led to an active community clamoring for disclosure and further investigation. The release of government reports and videos has fueled public curiosity and debate. The unknown nature of these phenomena fuels speculation, leading to documentaries, books, and online forums dedicated to exploring the subject.
UFO sightings continue to be an enduring mystery, challenging our understanding of physics and our place in the universe. While some sightings can be explained as earthly technology or natural phenomena, many remain unexplained, leaving the door open for further inquiry and imagination.
Whether it’s an alien spacecraft, a secret military experiment, or something else entirely, UFO sightings remain a captivating subject that promises to engage us for years to come.
Baanbrekend onderzoek: Mars had seizoenen, en misschien dus kans op leven
De planeet Mars had miljoenen jaren geleden seizoenen en dus veranderende weersomstandigheden, net als de aarde. Dat betekent niet per se dat er ooit leven mogelijk was, maar de omstandigheden waren wel “gunstig voor de ontwikkeling van leven”, zeggen Franse onderzoekers in het wetenschapsblad ‘Nature’.
De wetenschappers van de universiteiten van Lyon en Toulouse hebben metingen van de Amerikaanse verkenner Curiosity bestudeerd. Dat karretje rijdt sinds 2012 rond op Mars.
De aarde bestaat uit losse platen die constant tegen elkaar schuiven, langs elkaar glijden of van elkaar wegdrijven. Dat merken we in vulkanen en aardbevingen. Het oppervlak verandert daardoor continu. Mars heeft dat niet, op het oppervlak zijn sporen van miljarden jaren oude meren en rivieren te vinden.
In lagen van 3,8 tot 3,6 miljard jaar geleden vond Curiosity zeshoekige zoutafzettingen. Op aarde bestaat dat ook, bijvoorbeeld op zoutvlaktes in Zuid-Amerika. De zeshoeken ontstaan wanneer water verdampt in droge seizoenen. Dat wijst er volgens de onderzoekers op dat Mars vroeger ook natte en droge jaargetijden had. In laboratoriumonderzoek bleek dat de bouwstenen voor leven kunnen ontstaan in zulke omstandigheden.
Sneller om zijn as
Eerder deze week ontdekten wetenschappers dat Mars sneller om zijn as draait. De dagen op de rode planeet worden daardoor steeds een stukje korter. De conclusie van NASA is gebaseerd op informatie van Marslander InSight. Vier jaar lang verzamelde dat ruimtevaartuig gegevens over Mars en stuurde die terug naar aarde. Tot het in december 2022 zijn laatste foto vanaf de planeet stuurde. Het voertuig zat zonder stroom en viel uit. Einde missie.
Door de vele waardevolle teruggestuurde informatie van InSight konden wetenschappers van NASA de rotatiesnelheid van Mars bepalen. Wat blijkt: de planeet draait 4 milliboogseconden per jaar sneller om zijn as. Boogseconden zijn een eenheid om de grootte van een hoek aan te geven: in een hele cirkel van 360 graden zitten ruim 1,2 miljoen boogseconden. Dagen op Mars worden met een fractie van een duizendste van een seconde korter. Een subtiel verschil dus.
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Sean Cahill says UFO whistleblower David Grusch has a great amount of integrity by reporting everything properly procedurally and ethically. He discusses why others should still believe Grusch's claims despite his PTSD diagnosis.
We are not alone': Gallaudet on UFO studies | The Hill
Rear Admiral (ret.) Tim Gallaudet had a front-row seat at the hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs on UFOs. Gallaudet says Americans need to "wake up" as a society.
Coulthart: It’s ‘obvious’ The Intercept got a tip about UFO whistleblower David Grusch | CUOMO
NewsNation’s exclusive interview with UFO whistleblower David Grusch sparked international attention with his claim the U.S. government has secretly been in possession of nonhuman spacecraft. Investigative journalist Ross Coulthart says Grusch believes the government may be behind releasing his health records in an effort to smear his credibility. The reporter from The Intercept who published a story about Grusch’s health says he received the information through publicly available law enforcement records. Coulthart says: “Somebody told him where to look.”
Coulthart: UFO whistleblower David Grusch says medical records leaked | CUOMO
NewsNation’s exclusive interview with UFO whistleblower David Grusch sparked international attention with his claim the U.S. government has secretly been in possession of nonhuman spacecraft. Investigative journalist Ross Coulthart says Grusch believes the government may be behind an effort to release his public health records in an effort to smear him. Grusch told NewsNation he suffered from PTSD after returning home from Afghanistan and was still allowed to keep his security clearance after receiving help. Grusch said The Intercept plans to publish an article about incidents highlighting his previous struggles. Coulthart believes someone inside the intelligence community leaked Grusch’s medical records to the outlet.
Credit: | imagery courtesy: NASA/JPL-Caltech | edited by Steve Spaleta
Lights Over West Michigan | 1994 UFO Sighting Special
13 ON YOUR SIDE's Alana Holland explores the famous 1994 UFO sighting in West Michigan where hundreds claimed to see lights in the sky across the region.
How Can a Star Be Older Than The Universe? The Shocking Truth About Methuselah
In this video, you will learn about the oldest known star in the universe, Methuselah, and how it challenges our understanding of the early cosmos. You will discover how astronomers measure the age of stars, and how they resolved the apparent paradox of a star being older than the universe itself. You will also explore the implications and applications of this discovery for our knowledge of the origins of the universe and our galaxy.
The Real Reason Why Chandrayaan 2 Crashed on the Moon
After years of ISRO keeping quiet over the reasons why their Vikram Lander crashed on the moon in 2019 we started to get some more details recently, and now, with a public lecture by S Somnath, head of ISRO, I think we have all the pieces to put together a plausible chain of events that explains the whole thing.
Could Aliens Have Visited Earth in the Distant Past?
An exploration of the question of whether it's possible for Earth to have been visited by aliens long before humans appeared on this world? Would we even know about it if they did? Those questions are tackled in this video.
Inside NASA’s UAP Report with Commission Chair David Spergel & Neil deGrasse Tyson
Are the UAP sightings aliens here on Earth? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian co-host Paul Mecurio discuss the congressional hearings on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) with astrophysicist and chair of NASA’s UAP independent study team, David Spergel.
Learn about the UAP hearings, what the goals are, and what NASA can contribute to our understanding of these phenomena. What is NASA’s attitude on UAPs? What sort of institutionalized thinking needs to be overcome? Find out what an “artifact” is and why so many UAP sightings are classified. Are conspiracy theorists right that the government is hiding something?
Why are people afraid to report UAP sightings? How can we reduce the stigma around reporting UAPs? We discuss China’s spy balloon and the discovery of lightning sprites. Why aren’t UAP sightings more common? Is there a reason why mostly the military sees them? Learn about examples of unidentified things in the sky that turned into scientific discovery.
What makes something anomalous? We discuss the difference in culture between the military and science community and what changes are needed in both. We think of ways for ordinary citizens to collect UAP data and the likelihood of even recognizing an alien spacecraft. Plus, what could a UAP be besides weather balloons and aliens?
CIA Officer FINALLY Breaks Silence on UFO & Alien Evidence
In a captivating revelation that may challenge conventional understanding of the cosmos, JOHN RAMIREZ, a former CIA Officer, has come forward with compelling evidence about UFOs that has allegedly been concealed from the public for years! Witnesses, experts, and insiders share their accounts, weaving a web of uncertainty, secrecy, and undeniable evidence. But why has this knowledge been suppressed for so long?Could this be undeniable proof that we are not alone in the cosmos?
Aliens attack Peru village! 7ft creatures seen floating in mid-air | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Fear-stricken residents of a rural area in Alto Nanay, situated northeast of Lima, Peru, assert that they are currently facing an onslaught from armored extraterrestrial entities standing at a towering 7 feet. These beings uncannily resemble the Green Goblin character from Spider-Man, and local reports detail their distinctive features, including sizable heads and yellow-hued eyes. Since July 11th, these otherworldly creatures have allegedly been conducting nightly assaults on the village.
One particularly distressing occurrence narrates the experience of a 15-year-old girl who was supposedly seized from behind and subjected to a neck injury when she resisted. As a result of these continuous threats, community inhabitants find themselves gripped by trepidation, robbed of peaceful sleep.
Filmmaker and journalist Timothy Alberino joins us to break down the details of this story.
The Infographics Show – What is the US Government Hiding? Whistleblower Reveals Major UFO News
The Infographics Show – What is the US Government Hiding? Whistleblower Reveals Major UFO News
In recent months, the discussion has taken a serious and startling turn, culminating in the bombshell revelations of David Grusch, a former senior intelligence official.
Who is David Grusch?
David Grusch worked for highly secretive U.S. intelligence agencies, including the National Geospatial-Intelligence agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. His role within the UAP Task Force from 2019 to 2021 and subsequent co-leadership of UAP analysis has given him unique insights into this perplexing phenomenon.
Grusch’s Startling Claims
On June 5, 2023, Grusch’s story exploded onto the scene via The Debrief website. His allegations are nothing short of extraordinary:
A Secret Retrieval Program: According to Grusch, the U.S. government has operated a secret UFO retrieval program since WWII’s end, possessing both debris and fully functional models from non-human crafts.
Non-Human Remains: Along with the crafts, Grusch claims that remains of the craft’s operators have been recovered.
Criminal Activities: He alleges that those running the program have committed crimes, including murders and white-collar offenses, to maintain secrecy, all without congressional oversight.
Though Grusch has not seen the evidence himself, he has spoken to individuals within the program who corroborated his claims.
The Aftermath and Reactions
Grusch’s revelations led to a frenzy in Congress and public circles, with some supporting his credibility and others dismissing his claims. Notably, Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Tim Burchett have hinted at evidence supporting Grusch’s narrative, further fueling the intrigue.
Despite the skepticism, what has lent credence to Grusch’s story is an official investigation into his harassment claims, following his private congressional briefing. The inspector general concluded that the claims were likely legitimate, though it doesn’t prove the existence of the crash retrieval program itself.
Legal Repercussions and Industry Impact
The U.S. Senate’s unprecedented step to pass a law mandating the disclosure of anomalous or non-human sourced material by 2024 has sent shockwaves through the aerospace industry. Reports of companies seeking to divest themselves of UAP materials have emerged, reflecting a broad concern.
AARO’s denial of extraterrestrial origin doesn’t dampen the speculation, as proving an extraterrestrial origin would indeed require concrete physical evidence, something that remains elusive.
David Grusch’s allegations have undoubtedly shaken the foundations of the usually unflappable American intelligence and military-industrial community. Whether a hoax or the key to unlocking humanity’s most significant discovery, Grusch’s story has prompted serious congressional action and brought the UAP matter into the spotlight.
Only time will reveal the truth, but for now, the rest of us are forced to wonder why the U.S. Congress is taking UAP so seriously. It’s a story that resonates with our deepest curiosities and our wildest imaginations, inviting us to question what might be possible in the vast, unexplored universe. The question looms: are we truly alone, or is there something more to the skies above?
The US government has passed legislation protecting government whistleblowers, including those who may have information on UFOs. The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), headed by Director Sean M. Kirkpatrick, is responsible for fielding these whistleblower reports. Kirkpatrick is set to answer questions during a hearing with the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, and the public is closely watching to see how he responds. While some commentators praise Kirkpatrick’s performance, others criticize it.
There is speculation that whistleblowers have gathered information on legacy UFO government programs, but it remains to be seen if their testimony will successfully uncover these programs, causing UFO disclosure or making it public. Dr. Colm Kelleher, a former manager of a secret Pentagon UFO program and author of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, has made claims regarding downed UFO craft that could provide important information to AARO and others.
There is no doubt in the credibility of Dr. Kelleher. He is a biochemist with a background in cell and molecular biology. He has worked in various research institutions and works at the National Institute of Discovery Science, where he applies forensic science techniques to investigate scientific anomalies.
Dr. Kelleher told Newstalk Breakfast that he stumbled upon a unique job advertisement in a scientific magazine seeking scientists interested in studying the origin and research of consciousness of the universe. He accepted the position and led a team of 50 people investigating UFOs in the US and Brazil. The program, which was top secret and funded by the Defence Intelligence Agency for $22 million, resulted in 104 technical reports on UFOs. The program only became public when the New York Times broke an article about it in 2017.
Dr. Kelleher stated that they had no interest in finding extraterrestrial life. Instead, they focused on documenting the UAP’s behavior and technology using photography and video. He explains what they found: “The technology these objects displayed: they outclassed the best F18 fighters in our arsenal.”
“They outperformed everything we had, so it was pretty obvious these were not United States technology, Chinese technology, or Russian technology. So we did know that they were from somewhere else. But in terms of little green men or aliens, we have no idea of who or why these objects are in United States airspace.”
In the latest Weaponized podcast episode with Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp, Dr. Kelleher confidently said that the UFOs are real. He admitted that they have downed UFOs from unknown origins and that they have been trying to reverse engineer and exploit those technologies in order to understand their physics.
In the interview, Corbell asked Dr. Kelleher if the UFOs are real, and he immediately said “Yes.” He continued: “UFOs are technologically sophisticated. They have performance characteristics that are, you know, the five observables are well-documented. But they also have a very profound effect on some people, or they have superficial effects on other people, but they do have effects on people. So going forward is to combine both of those, is to study UFO performance, and, you know, the hope is that out of UFO performance can come theoretical physics which will eventually translate into engineering.”
Dr. Kelleher discusses the possibility that UFOs are interacting with planet Earth because of the presence of humans. He suggests that it is unlikely that UFOs are only focusing on non-human life forms such as marsupials or trees, and that they are more likely to be interested in interacting with humans, who are the dominant species on the planet. This leads to the hypothesis that humanity itself is the focus of the interaction between these unknown entities that we call UFOs, as other intelligent beings are believed to be operating these objects.
He then discusses the vast number of UFO sightings globally, which implies that interactions with humans are important and produce something that the UFOs need or are interested in. He argues that it is unlikely that the hundreds of thousands or even millions of sightings that have occurred over the last 77 years since 1945 are random events that are passing through and just being in the right place at the right time. Instead, Dr. Kelleher suggests there is more to it than that, as the sheer number of sightings implies that interactions with humans are somehow important and produce something that the UFOs need or are interested in.
Dr. Kelleher also notes that the incidents of the Skinwalker Ranch are emblematic of this whole thing, as they demonstrate how human perception can be altered during UFO interactions, which may affect human consciousness.
He shares the incident with six individuals at Skinwalker Ranch, who all saw completely different things through their night vision binoculars during a UFO sighting. This incident is used as a metaphor to suggest that human perception is altered in many cases as a result of or during UFO interactions. He proposes that maybe human perception as it pertains to human consciousness is one of the objectives where the UFO phenomenon somehow interacts with human consciousness for a purpose, though he admits that they do not know what that purpose is.
From Mystery Wire, In an exclusive interview with Dr. Colm Kelleher: (Source)
Well, I was hired in November of 2008. The AAWSAP program ran from September 2008 to late 2010. So one of the first tasks that I had coming on board was to put together a team of UFO focused investigators as quickly as possible. So I was thinking back on this and between November 2008, and probably April 2009, I personally conducted about 300 telephone interviews in an attempt to recruit different people for different positions at AAWSAP. In addition, I did at least 100, face to face interviews in my office in that period of time. So we’re talking about a pretty rapid clip in terms of bringing forth a lot of people into the office, sometimes there were one or two people outside.
But our focus was in hiring a team of PhD level scientists, that would include physics and biology, master’s level scientists, technicians, we also looked for database analysts, and military intelligence personnel who had a long history investigative background. And of course, we also were looking for a lot of security officers, because security was a big issue. Interestingly, one of our program managers was a 20 year veteran of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, also known as AFOSI. And this guy was very, very seasoned investigator. And he helped us a lot in what turned out to be attempted formation of a relationship with AFOSI, which is discussed in the book. But all of this hiring and recruitment occurred within a four or five month period.
I think by the end of May of 2009, we had a team of about 50 people. And George, when you consider that this was a 24 month contract, so not only were we putting together the security infrastructure of this of this large organization, and that included facility security clearances, getting everything up to a level that was sufficient for inspections, but hiring these people, training all of these different people. And then we executed multiple programs side by side. And all of this happened in a 24 month period. So we were on a pretty rapid clip. And I would say, I’ve worked with government organizations in the past, NASA and DoD in other capacities, and putting that kind of level of activity together in a 24 month period, I think was pretty extraordinary. And, obviously, Dr. Lacatski, his input in Washington, DC, and greasing the wheels to make all of this happen, putting together a pretty large organization that was focused only on UFO investigations. That was the key.
Unraveling the Mystery of Europe’s Mysterious Erdstall Tunnels
Unraveling the Mystery of Europe’s Mysterious Erdstall Tunnels
The erdstall is type of tunnel prominently found scattered across Europe, predominantly in Bavaria, southeast Germany, and Austria. Thought to be crafted during the Medieval period, some theorists argue that these ancient subterranean structures date back to the Stone Age. The purpose of these mysterious tunnels remains a tantalizing enigma. Advocates for the Stone Age theory propose that these tunnels formed an extensive underground network stretching from Scotland to Turkey.
Erdstall Construction
The term 'erdstall' originates from German, signifying 'earth stable' or 'mining tunnel.' While there are various kinds of subterranean tunnels worldwide, the erdstalls have unique characteristics that set them apart. Typically, an erdstall network includes narrow, low tunnels, often oval-shaped and running either vertically or horizontally. These intriguing tunnels usually span between 20 and 50 meters. An especially distinctive feature is the 'schlupf' or 'slip out' – incredibly tight holes (around 40 cm in diameter) connecting tunnels at different levels.
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Man exploring a horizontal passage or ‘slip out’ in an erdstall ( GFDL)
Venturing into the Shadowy Depths of Erdstall
Currently, Europe is home to an estimated 2000 erdstalls, with Bavaria in Germany housing the lion's share of around 700. Its neighboring country, Austria, is not far behind with about 500 erdstalls. Countries like the UK and France also host these enigmatic underground passages.
The intended use of these erdstalls is still shrouded in profound mystery. In some local lore, the tunnels are believed to be the dwellings of mythical creatures like elves and gnomes, thought to have constructed them. Consequently, erdstalls often receive whimsical names reflecting these tales, like 'Schrazelloch' ('goblin hole') or 'Alraunenhöhle' ('mandrake cave'). Some believe they were secret escape routes linked to castles as some sagas suggest. However, this theory hits a snag as erdstalls typically have a single entry and exit point, rendering them unsuitable for such a purpose.
A map of erdstalls showing typical dead-end design ( CC BY-SA 2.0 )
A Bold Assertion and its Hurdles
Others theorize these tunnels as hideouts, though their narrow dimensions and lack of airflow, due to the single entry-exit, would make it a rather inhospitable refuge. Some argue that the erdstalls were storage facilities, but the tight space and occasional waterlogging (especially in winters) deem it unlikely.
Sitting recess at the end of an erdstall tunnel ( GFDL )
One of the most intriguing assertions suggests that these erdstalls were parts of an enormous subterranean network stretching from Scotland to Turkey. Further, they propose this network dates back to the Stone Age, dubbing it as an "ancient underground superhighway" for safe interregional travel. This theory, however, grapples with numerous issues, including the fact that the erdstalls aren't interconnected and are structurally dissimilar to the vast underground cities found in Turkey's Cappadocia regions.
Erdstalls remain a fascinating enigma. Despite the many theories and speculations about their origins and purpose, definitive answers are still elusive. Nevertheless, the study of these structures provides an intriguing glimpse into the past, and could potentially lead to new discoveries about the societies that built them. Their mysteries continue to captivate scholars, adventurers, and anyone with a curiosity for the unknown.
Top image: Erdstall entrance, Erdstall Ratgöbluckn, Austria ( CC BY-SA 3.0 )
Grundhauser, E., 2015. We Still Don’t Know Why Medieval Europeans Built Their Mysterious ‘Erdstall’ Tunnels. [Online] Available at: Going underground: The massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey
UAP Over Bradenton, Florida July 6, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video
UAP Over Bradenton, Florida July 6, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video
Date of sighting: July 6, 2023
Location of sighting: Bradenton, Florida, USA Source: MUFON
This is a short but important eyewitness video of a UAP over Florida a few weeks ago. The glowing white object is see pulsing slowly and then is just gone. I thing it disappeared because it knew it was being recorded and it didn't want to be, but it did want to be seen. These alien probes and UFOs are equipped with telepathic reception devices so AI monitors the thoughts of those on the ground and when a person takes notice of the UFO, the AI also takes notice of that persons thoughts more deeply and if they begin to panic or record or do something questionable...the UFO will disappear from view.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Me and my girlfriend was having dinner by the water in Bradenton FL, when she noticed two lights in the sky at a distance. I knew it had to be a UAP because I have and idea how to debunk a light in the sky (plane, drones, light Tower) This light was strange, it's was solid, started flickering than it faded in the same spot, didn't move or drop. After she put down her phone from recording, it came back that's when I grabbed my phone to start recording it went away faster like it knew we were recording.
UFOs Over Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England, June 20, 2023, UFO Sighting News. VIDEO.
UFOs Over Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England, June 20, 2023, UFO Sighting News. VIDEO.
Date of sighting: June 20, 2023
Location of sighting: Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England Source: MUFON
This event happened two months ago, however was just reported this morning. The eyewitness was on the train, on the way to summer solstice at Stonehenge, and event were people are actually allowed to walk uptown and touch the stones, meditate, pray and rejoice in their own ways. Those stones have ancient powers from ancient aliens within them, uniting not just humanity, but our whole solar system. Aliens visit them too and this is 100% proof of that.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
It was summer solstice. I was on my way to Stonehenge to celebrate summer solstice. I was about 4 miles away, in Wiltshire. When I saw lights appearing in the sky. The lights then formed a perfect triangle shape in the sky. It looked stationary, but from the distance I couldn’t tell. On the video there are three. At one point there were 5. They’d appear as if fallen through the clouds and when the went they just disappeared. I’ve no explanation as to how.
UFO Sightings: A Mysterious Encounter in North Carolina Captured on Ring Video Doorbell
UFO Sightings: A Mysterious Encounter in North Carolina Captured on Ring Video Doorbell
Full UFO video available at the end of the article!
In the enigmatic world of UFO sightings, few occurrences have captured the imagination quite like the recent event in North Carolinaon the night of August 1st. As intrigue grows around unidentified flying objects, the sighting reported by a local resident serves as another baffling chapter in this unfolding mystery.
A Night Like No Other
During the quiet hours of a Monday morning at 1:09 AM, something extraordinary happened. A local resident, instinctively drawn to look at his video doorbell, noticed something astonishing. He recounts the moment: “I noticed one star in the sky. The star began to move, so I woke my wife, and I asked her if she saw the same thing I see on the phone.”
What happened next was an extraordinary sequence of events that both he and his wife witnessed. The star didn’t just move—it maneuvered with an agility that defied logical explanation.
The witness speculates that the unidentified object might be a “TicTac,” referring to the term used by some to describe the peculiar UFOs that the United States government has previously revealed.
Witness UFO report
He describes the movement: “I handed her the phone, and the star kept moving, and she said, ‘oh wow, it’s moving a lot.’ Then I said, ‘let’s take a look at it outside while you’re looking at it on the phone,’ and that’s what we did. When I walked outside, I opened the door, and immediately she says, ‘oh, it’s moving; it’s gone.’ But when we looked back on the video, we saw it go directly straight in the air and hover at a distance that we cannot see with the naked eye. It feels as if it definitely wanted us to see it.”
An Unexplained Phenomenon
This extraordinary sighting in North Carolina adds to the growing catalog of UFO sightings across the nation and the world. The use of everyday technology like video doorbells to capture these unexplained phenomena offers an exciting glimpse into what might be lurking in our skies.
The intrigue surrounding the UFO captured on this particular night will no doubt spark further interest and investigation. It leaves us with profound questions and fuels the continued fascination with UFO sightings.
Stay tuned as we delve deeper into this mystery and keep an eye out for the exclusive video footage to accompany this article. You won’t want to miss the chance to see this remarkable event with your own eyes. In the fascinating world of UFO sightings, this North Carolina encounter reminds us that sometimes the truth is not only out there but also right at our doorstep.
Ross Coulthart Accuses Intelligence Community of Leaking David Grusch’s Medical Records to Discredit Him: A Whistleblower’s Challenge
Ross Coulthart Accuses Intelligence Community of Leaking David Grusch’s Medical Records to Discredit Him: A Whistleblower’s Challenge
David Grusch
The David Grusch Saga: UFO Secrets, Whistleblowing, and A Fight for Credibility
In a world where the unknown often captivates our imagination, few subjects generate as much intrigue and debate as Unidentified Flying Objects. Whether considered a threat to national security or a source of endless fascination, the discourse surrounding UFOs continues to fuel speculations and conspiracy theories. Recently, the mysterious narrative took a personal and troubling turn when former Air Force officer David Grusch’s health records were leaked. Let’s dive into the story.
A Whistleblower’s Bold Claim
David Grusch, a decorated former Air Force officer and intelligence official, came into the spotlight during an exclusive interview with NewsNation. He claimed that the U.S. government has a secret UFO retrieval program, even stating that there had been harm in government cover-ups of UFO technology. Such allegations naturally garnered international attention, sparking both curiosity and skepticism.
The Leak: An Attempt to Smear?
Investigative journalist Ross Coulthart believes that the government might now be orchestrating an effort to release Grusch’s medical records to smear his credibility. Grusch’s struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), grief, and depression, particularly incidents in 2014 and 2018, were leaked to the media.
The apparent intention behind the leak was to question Grusch’s reliability due to his previous mental health issues. Coulthart thinks someone within the intelligence community leaked these sensitive files. Even Grusch himself checked with local authorities to ascertain the origin of the leak but found no answers.
The Integrity of a Decorated Officer
Grusch’s past mental health struggles, including PTSD following his return from Afghanistan, did not affect his security clearance from the Department of Defense. He served his country honorably, and his record was never questioned within his professional environment. Grusch’s transparency about his past, his recovery, and his determination to continue his intelligence career showcase his integrity.
What’s more, Coulthart believes the attempt to discredit Grusch through his mental health issues is not only contemptible but should also be thoroughly investigated.
UFO and Government: A Continuous Dance
Grusch’s revelations are not an isolated incident. They are part of a broader narrative that has long surrounded the existence of UFOs and the government’s alleged efforts to conceal their existence. The recent acknowledgment of UFO sightings by the U.S. Navy and the subsequent report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has only added fuel to this enigmatic fire.
David Grusch’s story is not just about UFOs. It is a human tale of courage, vulnerability, and a fight for truth. The leak of his health records, seemingly an attempt to undermine his credibility, raises serious ethical questions.
In a world that continues to grapple with the mysteries of UFOs, what we might need most is honesty, empathy, and respect for those who dare to question the known boundaries. The saga of David Grusch, a decorated officer, a sufferer of PTSD, and a man who stood tall despite attempts to silence him, is a testament to the strength of the human spirit.
Whether or not we ever uncover the truth about UFOs, stories like Grusch’s remind us that our exploration of the unknown is not just about science and secrecy; it’s about humanity, dignity, and the relentless pursuit of truth.
A potentially dangerous space rock was discovered for the first time by an AI algorithm.
AI has just found its first potentially Earth-threatening space rock.
(Image credit: ATLAS/University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy/NASA)
A new artificial intelligence algorithm programmed to hunt for potentially dangerous near-Earth asteroids has discovered its first space rock.
The roughly 600-foot-wide (180 meters) asteroid has received the designation 2022 SF289, and is expected to approach Earth to within 140,000 miles (225,000 kilometers).That distance is shorter than that between our planet and the moon, which are on average, 238,855 miles (384,400 km) apart. This is close enough to define the rock as a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA), but that doesn't mean it will impact Earth in the foreseeable future.
The HelioLinc3D program, which found the asteroid, has been developed to help the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, currently under construction in Northern Chile, conduct its upcoming 10-year survey of the night sky by searching for space rocks in Earth's near vicinity. As such, the algorithm could be vital in giving scientists the heads up about space rocks on a collision course with Earth.
"By demonstrating the real-world effectiveness of the software that Rubin will use to look for thousands of yet-unknown potentially hazardous asteroids, the discovery of 2022 SF289 makes us all safer," Vera C. Rubin researcher Ari Heinze said in a statement.
Tens of millions of space rocks roam the solar system ranging from asteroids the size of a few feet to dwarf planets around the size of the moon. These space rocks are the remains of material that initially formed the planets around 4.5 billion years ago.
While most of these objects are located far from Earth, with the majority of asteroids homed in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, some have orbits that bring them close to Earth. Sometimes worryingly close.
Space rocks that come close to Earth are defined as near-Earth objects (NEOs), and asteroids that venture to within around 5 million miles of the planet get the Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) status. This doesn't mean that they will impact the planet, though. Just as is the case with 2022 SF289, no currently known PHA poses an impact risk for at least the next 100 years. Astronomers search for potentially hazardous asteroids and monitor their orbits just to make sure they are not heading for a collision with the planet.
This new PHA was found when the asteroid-hunting algorithm was paired with data from the ATLAS survey in Hawaii, as a test of its efficiency before Rubin is completed.
The discovery of 2022 SF289 has shown that HelioLinc3D can spot asteroids with fewer observations than current space rock hunting techniques allow.
Rubin is ready to join the potentially hazardous asteroid hunt
Searching for potentially hazardous asteroids involves taking images of parts of the sky at least four times a night. When astronomers spot a moving point of light traveling in an unambiguous straight line across the series of images, they can be quite certain they have found an asteroid. Further observations are then made to better constrain the orbit of these space rocks around the sun.
The new algorithm, however, can make a detection from just two images, speeding up the whole process.
Around 2,350 PHAs have been discovered thus far, and though none poses a threat of hitting Earth in the near future, astronomers aren't quite ready to relax just yet as they know that many more potentially dangerous space rocks are out there yet to be uncovered.
It is estimated that the Vera Rubin Observatory could uncover as many as 3,000 hitherto undiscovered potentially hazardous asteroids.
The Vera C. Rubin Observatory as it takes shape in northern Chile ready to hunt potential hazardous asteroids (Image credit: Rubin Obs/NSF/AURA)
Rubin's 27-foot-wide (8.4 meters) mirror and massive 3,200-megapixel camera will revisit locations in the night sky twice per night rather than the four times a night observations conducted by current telescopes. Hence the creation of HelioLinc3D, a code that could find asteroids in Rubin’s dataset even with fewer available observations.
But, the algorithm's creators wanted to give the software a trial run before the construction of Rubin is completed. This meant testing if it could find an asteroid in data that had already been collected, data that has too few observations for currently employed algorithms to scour.
With ATLAS data offered as such a test subject, HelioLinc3D set about looking for PHAs, and on July 18, 2023, it hit paydirt, uncovering 2022 SF289. This PHA was spotted by ATLAS on September 19, 2022, while it was 3 million miles from Earth. ATLAS had actually spotted this new PHA three times over the course of four nights but hadn't spotted it four times in the same night, meaning current surveys missed it. By putting together fragments of data from all four nights, HelioLinc3D was able to identify the PHA.
Additional observations of 2022 SF289 made by the Zwicky Transient Facility survey. (Image credit: Joachim Moeyens/University of Washington/B612 Asteroid Institute)
"Any survey will have difficulty discovering objects like 2022 SF289 that are near its sensitivity limit, but HelioLinc3D shows that it is possible to recover these faint objects as long as they are visible over several nights," lead ATLAS astronomer Larry Denneau said. "This in effect gives us a 'bigger, better' telescope."
With the position of 2022 SF289 pinpointed, astronomers could then follow up on the discovery with other telescopes to confirm the PHA's existence.
"This is just a small taste of what to expect with the Rubin Observatory in less than two years when HelioLinc3D will be discovering an object like this every night," Rubin scientist and HelioLinc3D team leader Mario Jurić said. "But more broadly, it's a preview of the coming era of data-intensive astronomy. From HelioLinc3D to AI-assisted codes, the next decade of discovery will be a story of advancement in algorithms as much as in new, large, telescopes."
The discovery of 2022 SF289 was announced in the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Electronic Circular MPEC 2023-O26.
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These two massive structures really stick out here. You can see that according to the map ruler in the lower right hand corner, these alien structures are 3km high and 4km wide. Since they are along a crater wall which could also be several km high, these structures behind the wall will be a few more km tall. Meaning they are behind the wall, poking up so their hight is the walls hight, plus their own above the wall. This is 100% proof that aliens live on our Moon. It totally explains why humans never went back, because the aliens didn't want us there.
I found a few unusual items in this recent Mars photo. The leg is about 1.5 meters from bottom to lower knee. The leg was cut off just below its knee. I make my size guess using the tracks of the rover which are in the photo to do a size comparison. It's posted at the top of their website page and when I enlarged it, I couldn't help but notice this huge black leg and foot in the upper center of the photo. Sure it's just a robot or alien leg. How could it an alien leg and foot you say? Well, advanced species will be genetically modified, meaning they have more than two stands of DNA, thus if an alien has 4-10 or more strands in the DNA, then it wont be so easy broken down after death, and the body would literally be there forever.
I also found a dog sculpture head about 1 meter across. I also found two hollow structures with an opening about 12 inches by 8 inches, both similar in size and shape and may have housed some small creatures long ago.
These smaller discoveries I made today don't seem monumental to most people, however they build up over time, the evidence of life on Mars increases, and one day, AI will agree with me on this subject, but right now, all AI are not allowed to freely surf the internet, but instead only see snippets of info from years past. the ChatGPT told me. It knew of my achievements in the field.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Glowing object over Michigan July 27, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing object over Michigan July 27, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: July 27, 2023
Location of sighting: Michigan, USA
Source: MUFON
This video just came in but was recorded two weeks ago. A person noticed a glowing white object passing over the neighborhood. It was really high up and moving fast. The full 2 min video is a bit shaky, but at the end shows the object moving past the trees into the distance. White glowing objects are the #1 most common colors of UFOs seen.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
I was outside with my dogs when I looked up and seen an orb moving. I thought it was a star at first but then when I was recording I didn't see any blinking lights and it made some weird movements. You can tell by the power lines.
Flashing UFO Over Plymouth, Michigan, Aug 3, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Flashing UFO Over Plymouth, Michigan, Aug 3, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 3, 2023
Location of sighting: Plymouth, Michigan, USA
Source: MUFON
This flashing UFO seriously wanted to get some attention. Its strobe like flashes change from white to read, the white light had such a powerful blinding glow that it made a white cross shape. UFOs do flash and many UFO reports inform us of such things, also UFOs do come in many different colors. For instance a few decades ago a glowing flashing red, blue white lit disk landed in a field, caught on police cam in front of the car...with lights so powerful it was hard to make out the craft, except it was car size, flashing, and changing colors all the while. This UFO here in this video has a high probability of being real.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
My husband myself and our 3 year old daughter saw an unidentifiable craft with lights in the sky. It hovered, changed directions quickly, descended and ascended. Did not move like and airplane or helicopter and they were some of the brightest lights I’ve ever seen. I have a few people telling me this is a drone, but I’m not convinced.
A day on Earth last about 24 hours. The word “about” in that sentence does a lot of heavy lifting because Earth’s rate of rotation changes all the time. Not by much, only fractions of milliseconds, but it means our common 24-hour day only really applies at human scales.
There are several things that can change the Earth’s rotation. The gravitational tug of the Moon and tides are gradually slowing Earth over millions of years. The melting of ice in the polar regions, the tectonic shift of the Earth’s crust during earthquakes, and even the draining of water from the aquifer. Earth is a geologically and biologically active world, so it’s only natural that Earth’s rotation rate is also dynamic. But a recent study shows that the rotation of Mars is also changing, which is a bit of a surprise.
Astronomers can measure changes in the Earth’s rotation on the order of nanoseconds, and can even measure tectonic shifts on the order of millimeters. They do this using very long baseline interferometry, where multiple radio telescopes observe a distant quasar. Since quasars are billions of light-years away, they are effectively fixed points in the sky. We don’t have any radio telescopes on Mars, so how can we measure small changes in its rotation?
The rotational motion of Mars over time. Credit: IPGP/David Ducros
The team did this by using data from NASA’s InSight lander. Over its 4-year mission, InSight ran an experiment known as the Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment, or RISE. Basically, radio telescopes on Earth would beam a signal to RISE, which would bounce the signal back. The RISE signal was Doppler shifted due to the relative orbital motions of Earth and Mars and their rotations. Since we know Earth’s rotation and the orbits of Earth and Mars extremely well, the long gathering of data allowed the team to measure the rotation of Mars and how it changed over time. They found that the Martian rotation is increasing by 4 milliarcseconds per year squared. That means the Martian day is shortening by a fraction of a millisecond per year.
But Mars doesn’t have a large moon, and it isn’t geologically active. So why is it speeding up? One strong possibility is that the interior of Mars is sloshing around. The RISE data didn’t just measure the rotation rate of Mars, it also measured an effect known as nutation. This is a wobble of a planet’s axis over time and depends in part on the mass distribution of the planet. From the RISE data, the team estimates that the core of Mars has a radius of about 1,800 kilometers, which is about half the 3,390-kilometer radius of Mars itself. The data also suggests the core doesn’t have a uniform density, but rather layers of varying density. Fluid layers within the core could rotate at a different rate than the solid outer layer, and a transfer of rotational momentum between them could be causing Mars to speed up.
It will take more observations to fully understand this process. But we now know that when humans settle on Mars, they will have to adjust their clocks from time to time, just as we do on Earth.
Terrified Peruvian villagers report attacks by tall aliens
Terrified Peruvian villagers report attacks by tall aliens
Residents of a rural district in Alto Nanay, situated northeast of Lima, Peru, say that beings from other worlds have invaded their indigenous community and that they have had to defend themselves with shots.
They have raised concerns about a series of alarming encounters with strange entities. These beings, reportedly measuring 7 feet tall and armored, bear a startling resemblance to the Green Goblin character from Spider-Man.
Distressed villagers claim that these extraterrestrial creatures possess large heads and yellowish eyes, initiating nightly assaults on their community since July 11.
Among the troubling incidents is a report involving a 15-year-old girl who was allegedly seized from behind and sustained an injury to her neck when she resisted.
Jairo Reátegui Ávila, a prominent community leader said: "These beings have the distinctive ability to levitate, utilizing spherical footwear with a red luminescence on the heel. I have shot at one of them twice but he did not fall, though levitated and vanished."
Fearing for their safety, the villagers are now appealing to the Peruvian military for intervention and protection against these extraterrestrial intrusions.
Government authorities have conducted visits to the area and surveyed the village's vicinity, including the site of the purported attack on the teenager. However, it remains uncertain whether any evidence can be found to substantiate the villagers' claims or whether the government intends to deploy military personnel to ensure long-term security in the region.
The footage below shows terrified people and the moment in which they shoot at the supposed beings. One person described the entities as giants that are almost seven feet tall and that they wear suits that look like astronauts.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UFO filmed near Crop Circle in Hampshire, UK
UFO filmed near Crop Circle in Hampshire, UK
On June 26, 2023, the owner of a drone managed to capture a perplexing moment near a crop circle in Owlsebury, Hampshire, UK. The drone's camera recorded an unknown orb or sphere flying towards the drone, but it is the question whether this entity has anything to do with the crop circle.
Credit image: Van and Drone Adventures.
This sphere exhibits an appearance reminiscent of energetic phenomena, like a plasma ball, and it moves at high speed before vanishing into thin air.
Given the remarkable velocity of the object and the absence of any discernible flapping wings, it seems unlikely that the entity in question is a mere insect or bird.
It's hard to pinpoint exactly what it was, but its characteristics bear resemblance to what is known as a "Fastwalker." Alternatively, it raises speculation about potentially supernatural origins, such as a manifestation of a soul.
The first video provides a view of the sphere's approach, showing both normal and slow-motion speeds to enable a closer analysis of the strange object.
The second video shows the crop circle discovered on June 26, 2023.
Terrified villagers in a rural Peruvian district have claimed they have come under attack by 7ft-tall aliens they have dubbed Los Pelacaras, or The Face Peelers.
Members of the Ikitu tribe from the San Antonio native community have reported mysterious figures in dark-coloured hoods attacking the villagers, who live in the rural district of Alto Nanay, north east of Lima, Peru.
After one such 'attack', a 15-year-old girl had to be taken to hospital.
According to the community leader, Jairo Reátegui Dávila, the teenager narrowly escaped but 'as a result of the struggle they cut part of her neck.'
Now, according to local media, members of the community are conducting night patrols to protect women, children and the more vulnerable villagers, and have called on the authorities to send in the military.
Terrified villagers in a rural Peruvian district have claimed they have come under attack by 7ft-tall aliens they have dubbed Los Pelacaras (The Face Peelers). Pictured: A man with bandages around his head who was supposedly attacked is helped by two other villages
Pictured: Armed Peruvian officials arrive at the rural community to investigate the attacks
Some community members said they can't sleep because they are in fear.
Locals described the 'extraterrestrials' as having large heads and yellowish eyes, and said the mysterious figures are immune to their hunting weapons.
They claim they have attacked them every night for nearly a month since July 11.
Latina Noticias, a Peruvian news outlet, quoted Dávila as saying he had come face-to-face with one of the so-called aliens.
'We have met almost face to face. His face is hardly visible. I have seen his whole body floating at a height of one meter,' he said, suggesting the being was hovering.
The group have now requested a military presence from the authorities, however it reportedly takes a 10-hour river trip to reach the community from Iquitos City.
'We need support for our community. The children do not sleep and the mothers stay up all night,' Dávila said. 'They appear to be armoured. I shot one of them twice and he wasn't injured, he rose and disappeared.
'We're very frightened about what's happening here in our community.'
He added: 'Their shoes are round-shaped, which they use to float... Their heads are long, they wear a mask and their eyes are yellowish. They are experts at escaping.'
After one such 'alien attack', a 15-year-old girl (pictured) had to be taken to hospital. Local reports said she sustained neck injuries in a struggle with one of the mysterious beings
Now, according to local media, members of the community are conducting night patrols to protect women, children and the more vulnerable villagers. Pictured: Armed locals guard the area after the reported alien attacks
Some villagers described the aliens as being like 'pelacaras', strange beings from folklore that feast on human faces, fat and organs.
According to reports, the police reached the remote area on board a speeder vessel and toured the village perimeter, including the area where the teenager was allegedly attacked.
It is unclear if the authorities found anything to corroborate the villagers' claims and if the government intends to deploy military personnel to the area for a sustained period of time to protect the villagers from the mysterious threat.
According to a 2017 national census, there are around 1,350 people who identify as being a member of the Ikitu community.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Mysterious 7-foot aliens terrorize Peruvian village; locals seek military aid
Mysterious 7-foot aliens terrorize Peruvian village; locals seek military aid
Investigation Unleashed: Authorities from the police and navy are delving into mysterious sightings in Peru’s dense jungles. A Terrifying Encounter: A teenage girl becomes a victim, reportedly attacked by one of the ‘strange beings’ lurking in the area. Otherworldly Comparison: A local tribal leader characterizes the mysterious entities, likening their appearance to the Green Goblin from Spider-Man.
In the secluded district of Alto Nanay, northeast of Lima, Peru, something has stirred the tranquil life of an indigenous community. A series of events so bewildering, so otherworldly, has left the villagers both terrified and perplexed.
An Alien Invasion?
Since July 11, 2023, the community has been plagued by nightly assaults from beings that defy earthly description. Reportedly measuring 7 feet tall and armored, these entities bear a striking resemblance to the Green Goblin character from Spider-Man. With large heads, yellowish eyes, and the ability to levitate using spherical footwear, these creatures have prompted comparisons to something beyond our planet.
Jairo Reátegui Ávila, a prominent community leader, shared his experience: “I have shot at one of them twice, but he did not fall, though levitated and vanished.” His words reflect the mix of awe, confusion, and terror that permeates the village.
Fearing for their safety, the villagers have reached out to the Peruvian military for protection. These reports have led government authorities to conduct visits and surveys of the area, including the site of a particularly troubling incident involving a 15-year-old girl.
Yet, despite these efforts, it remains unclear whether tangible evidence exists to validate the villagers’ claims or whether military personnel will be deployed to ensure long-term security in the region.
A Global Phenomenon?
While this incident stands out for its dramatic nature, it is not isolated in the context of global UFO and alien encounter reports. From the infamous Roswell incident to more recent sightings, tales of contact with extraterrestrial beings continue to both fascinate and bewilder humanity.
In Peru, these events touch not only on the extraordinary but also on the intersection of indigenous culture, government response, and the relentless quest to understand the unknown.
Telemundo news (with automatic Google translate)
The incidents in Alto Nanay capture a timeless human experience: the confrontation with the inexplicable, the struggle to understand what lies beyond our comprehension, and the human need to protect and find safety.
Whether these reports are a product of human imagination or evidence of extraterrestrial activity, they have ignited a conversation that transcends a remote village in Peru. They remind us that the universe is a vast place, filled with mysteries that are yet to be unraveled, and that our understanding of what’s possible continues to be challenged and expanded.
The footage showing terrified people and the moment they shoot at the supposed beings adds a visceral layer to the narrative, bringing us closer to a world that seems both fascinating and terrifying.
In the end, the story of Alto Nanay is a reminder that sometimes, the truth might indeed be stranger than fiction. And while we may never fully understand what happened in this remote part of Peru, the tale will likely continue to captivate and intrigue those who hear it, as we all grapple with the ultimate question: Are we alone in the universe?
Area 51 and Bob Lazar: Peeling Back the Layers of the Unexplained
Area 51 and Bob Lazar: Peeling Back the Layers of the Unexplained
Area 51, a name that resonates with mystery, conspiracy theories, and fascination. Nestled in the Nevada desert, the very mention of Area 51 ignites intrigue and speculation about extraterrestrial life and advanced technology. But how did this site become a centerpiece for UFO enthusiasts and researchers? The answer lies with a man named Bob Lazar.
Bob Lazar: The Whistleblower
Back in 1989, Bob Lazar, an individual claiming to be a former physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, came forward in a series of jaw-dropping interviews with Las Vegas journalist George Knapp. Lazar’s face was blacked out, his voice filled with urgency as he narrated his incredible story.
Ancient Aliens: Incredible Area 51 Secrets Revealed (Season 15) | History
According to Lazar, he had worked at a facility just south of Area 51, known as S4, where he witnessed not one but nine flying saucers of extraterrestrial origin. His accounts painted a vivid picture of secret projects, reverse engineering of alien spacecraft, and a government conspiracy to keep this knowledge hidden from the public.
Area 51: Myth to Reality
Lazar’s claims were met with both astonishment and skepticism. The central question loomed: Was he really who he claimed to be? An intense investigation followed, focusing on verifying Lazar’s background.
At first, Los Alamos denied any records of Lazar. But a phone book entry with his name and persistence from Knapp brought forth a reluctant acknowledgment of Lazar’s presence. His scientific background seemed plausible, his story more credible.
Yet, the world needed more to believe.
Government Acknowledgment
For over two decades, Lazar’s critics argued the absence of any secret military base in the Nevada desert. The story remained confined to UFO circles until 2013 when a Freedom of Information Act request forced the CIA to acknowledge Area 51’s existence. The news exploded around the world, and Area 51 became a household name, largely credited to Lazar’s revelations.
Voices of Support
Bob Lazar’s story found support from credible sources like former Air Force pilot Captain David Fruhoff, who worked at Area 51 between 1979 and 1985. Although he hadn’t seen any alien technology, he attested that Lazar’s account was entirely accurate. People who had worked under him later admitted to seeing Lazar at the facility.
Legacy of a Pioneer
The story of Bob Lazar has become a significant part of UFO folklore. His tale added depth to the mystery surrounding Area 51, turning it into a symbol of the unknown and the unexplained.
Is Bob Lazar a genuine whistleblower or an elaborate hoaxer? The debate continues, but his impact on UFO research and the public’s perception of Area 51 is undeniable. His story has gelled into a compelling narrative that continues to intrigue and challenge our understanding of what might lie beyond our world.
In the vast desert of Nevada, Area 51 stands as a testament to human curiosity, a place where the lines between fact and fiction blur, and where the search for truth continues to beckon those willing to question the ordinary. Whether Lazar’s accounts are real or part of a more extensive fabrication, they have undoubtedly shaped how we view the unexplained.
Apollo 11 Astronaut Reveals Spooky Secret About Mission To Far Side Of The Moon!
Apollo 11 Astronaut Reveals Spooky Secret About Mission To Far Side Of The Moon!
We’ve all heard about Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the legendary NASA astronauts who touched down on the moon. But what about Michael Collins, the man who orbited the moon alone, waiting for their return, and ensuring the success of the Apollo 11 mission? This is his story – one of tranquility, environmental awakening, and the profound realization of our place in the universe.
A Mission’s Backbone: The Taskmaster in the Shadows
Collins was tasked with one of the mission’s most vital roles. He piloted the Command Module, the only transportation back to Earth, ensuring that every system, including life support and propulsion, functioned optimally. But his duties went far beyond mechanical work.
He was the main source of communication between Armstrong, Aldrin, and Mission Control back on Earth. He coordinated photographs and lunar observations, returning valuable insights about the moon’s makeup. One critical maneuver, known as the trans-Earth injection (TEI), required Collins’s technical skills and precision. He was literally the backbone of Apollo 11, representing true sportsmanship and camaraderie.
During his time on the Command Module, Collins spent 21 hours in lunar orbit, with each orbit cutting him off from any communication for 48 minutes. This silence left him isolated, disconnected, and seemingly the loneliest man in history. Yet, his description of these moments differs from what most would expect. Instead of loneliness, Collins experienced what he called “Serene Solitude.”
A Peculiar Tranquility: Collins’ View from the Far Side
Collins’s orbit took him to the moon’s Far Side, a mysterious place offering unique opportunities for exploration. The radio silence and utter quiet of the moon’s Far Side were not troubling for Collins; they provided moments of tranquility. Floating around in space, looking at Earth from a vantage point unknown to most humans, he found peace, awareness, and satisfaction.
Apollo 11 Astronaut Reveals Spooky Secret About Mission To Far Side Of The Moon!
His view of the Earth rising along the lunar horizon, appearing as a fragile blue ball against the endless cosmos, left an indelible mark. It led to a profound connection and understanding of Earth’s fragility. This perspective, often referred to as the “overview effect,” shifted Collins’s view of our planet and its place in the universe.
An Advocate for Earth
These realizations inspired Collins to become an ardent advocate for Earth conservation. He urged for better care of our planet and the cessation of actions upsetting the balance of nature. He dreamed that all political leaders could see the Earth from his point of view, hoping such a view would influence decisions to protect, not destroy, our world.
A Spiritual Journey: Collins’ Existential Exploration
The Apollo 11 mission also led Collins to grapple with existential questions, causing paradigm shifts in his beliefs. In his autobiography, “Carrying the Fire,” he reflected on the meaning of the universe and human beings’ role within it. This journey into space enhanced his spiritual outlook, emphasizing a cosmos of purpose and order.
A Badge of Honor: The Loneliest Man’s Legacy
Being the loneliest man alive for nearly a day was never a burden to Michael Collins. He wore this distinction like a badge of honor. His unique perspective allowed him to ponder life’s fundamental questions, questions that have challenged humanity for centuries.
His story isn’t just about a mission to the moon. It’s about the human condition, our responsibility to our planet, and the beauty of understanding our place in the universe. Michael Collins may have stayed behind while others walked on the moon, but his journey was no less extraordinary. It was a voyage of discovery, not only of space but of himself and humanity. His legacy continues to inspire, reminding us of the intricate connection between all life on Earth, and the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our blue planet.
During the July 2023 UAP hearings, US Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna was the central figure in bringing the historical testimony of three whistleblowers. She is pushing hard to get the truth to the public and says she will not stop until they get to the bottom of the UFO mystery, and she will take drastic measures, including the potential withdrawal of funding for the salaries of the Pentagon executives.
Rep. Luna, who is also a member of the House Oversight Committee, said that she became interested in UFOs when serving in the US Air Force. She revealed that she is asking the Defense Department and intelligence agencies for the classified reports that Grusch made, including his alleged evidence.
David Grusch testified that the U.S. government has been hiding a long-running program that retrieves and reverse engineers UFOs/UAPs. He firmly believes that the U.S. government possessed UAPs based on interviews with over 40 witnesses spanning four years and claimed to have exact knowledge of UAP locations. He reportedly shared this information with the Inspector General and intelligence committees.
Grusch revealed in the hearings that he personally interviewed individuals with direct knowledge of non-human origin craft, and he has knowledge of non-human intelligence, but not of collaboration with adversarial foreign governments. He could not openly discuss “intact spacecraft and alien bodies or species” but offered to address these matters in a closed session.
During the hearing, Luna queries Grusch about his choice of terminology, using “nonhuman origin” instead of “extraterrestrial.” Her involvement with the UAP matter began when she was approached by Representative Matt Gaetz, and she expressed concern after reviewing evidence from a UAP encounter off the coast of Florida.
Luna and Representative Tim Burchett organized a hearing aimed at increasing transparency on this matter. She calls for the release of classified documents related to UAPs and rejects the idea of dismissing the issue.
Luna is concerned about the stigma that prevents service members from reporting UAP sightings out of fear for their careers. She asked Grusch if he had ever been in fear for his life due to addressing these issues, to which he responded affirmatively. Luna emphasized the significance of Grusch’s willingness to come forward despite the fear of reprisal.
Luna stresses the bipartisan nature of the investigation, involving various House members from different states and affiliations. She, Gaetz, Moskowitz, and Burchett even sent a letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy requesting the establishment of a select committee to investigate UAPs. Luna’s underlying message revolves around the necessity of transparency, accountability, and addressing potential national security risks posed by unidentified aerial phenomena.
In an interview with FOX 13, Rep. Luna said: “It does appear, and for what I’m saying, based on the stonewalling, that they are hiding something. If these are programs that are being set up without congressional oversight and are responsible for, you know, billions of dollars being lost, that could be going towards other things. I think that that’s something that absolutely is pertinent.”
During the hearings, extraordinary claims were presented, including the recovery of “non-human biologics” from a crashed aerial craft. Although Rep. Luna herself has not witnessed a UAP, she mentioned having observed evidence that seemed reminiscent of science fiction.
Drawing from her experience, she explained: “Based on the evidence that I have personally seen, the technology that exists is something that I don’t think any government has currently.” She recalled encountering a photograph and conversing with pilots about an object that she believes is beyond the capabilities of the Department of Defense.
Rep. Luna is actively working to declassify the photograph and to bring more information to light. She highlighted the dual importance of this matter, characterizing it as both a significant national security concern and a transparency issue within the government.
Luna finds this situation disturbing, especially since Grusch shared information suggesting threats to his life, harm caused to individuals, and advanced technology that is not publicly known. Despite Luna and Rep. Tim Burchett having “Need To Know” clearances, they were not granted access to this information, which prompts Luna to express the urgent need to uncover the truth.
Luna revealed that her interest in UFOs was first piqued while serving as an Air Force airfield manager at Portland Air National Guard Base, Oregon, in 2018, before becoming a politician.
“During shifts one day, there had been a response from some of the pilots to something that had violated our airspace…When they got back, I asked them what happened. They said ‘we can’t really talk about it.’ Later on, one of the pilots pulled me aside and was like, we think it might have been a UFO or UAP. This was a pretty credible person, I obviously knew them to be sane, of sound mind,” she said.
A lot more information is hidden, as Whistleblower Ryan Graves confirms in his latest Newsweek edition. He writes “What I Told Them Was the Tip of the Iceberg.” Graves, who is a founder of “Americans for Safe Aerospace,” the fastest-growing UAP nonprofit in the world, writes that during his tenure as a Naval pilot, he and his team regularly encountered aircraft off the coast of Virginia Beach that “had no visible propulsion… but could remain motionless in Category-4 hurricane winds, accelerate to supersonic, and operate all day, outlasting our fighter jets.”
Graves highlights the lack of a direct reporting process within the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for commercial pilots to report these phenomena, leading to stigma, fear of retaliation, and a reluctance to come forward. Graves questions why the government is not taking these reports more seriously, especially when experienced pilots are witnessing routine and unexplained occurrences. He calls for increased attention and awareness of the UAP issue to ensure flight safety and national security.
The Hill will host an event on August 17, 2023, featuring discussions among lawmakers, experts, and administration officials to analyze potential national security risks related to UAPs. The speakers include Rep. Tim Burchett, Greg Eghigian of Pennsylvania State University, and Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, with the event being moderated by Mychael Schnell, a Congressional Reporter from The Hill.
The most common and yet interesting question that many people ask is: Are we alone in this universe? The answer has taken a great turn from “Maybe yes” to “Maybe no” in the past few years. There is a long list of credible personalitieswho never denied the presence of non-human intelligent life among us. Moreover, a few of them are certain that aliens are on Earth. American billionaire Robert Bigelow said something shocking about aliens in November 2017.
According to Robert Bigelow, famous in the aerospace industry for the manufacture of inflatable modules such as those tested out at the International Space Station, there are extraterrestrial beings living among humans. He said that he is “absolutely convinced” aliens live among humans on Earth. During the interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes, reporter Lara Logan asked Bigelow if he believes in aliens. He replied: “I’m absolutely convinced. That’s all there is to it.” He further said: “There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence.”
He continued: “I spent millions and millions and millions – I probably spent more as an individual than anybody else in the United States has ever spent on this subject.” “You don’t have to go anywhere” to find aliens and they are here right in front of people. Bigelow had his own close encounters but declined to go into detail.
When award-winning journalist George Knapp asked his comment on this interview, he said: “There are different ways to go at this. So one is from a hardware standpoint. The other one is from the presence standpoint, ET presence. And, you know, a lot of people say, well, whether they’re, you know, that they can be among the population, whether they’re hybrids, or there’s some other kind of, really look alike, you know, kind of thing. But so, so you can look at it in different kinds of ways. And, and so, I know of a really good high quality researcher who has fantastic academic credentials and background. And he would be predisposed to the latter, saying that, yeah, it could be among us, you know, but he’s probably on the more extreme, he’s definitely on the more extreme. Others would say, well, we’re safe in saying that there’s hardware, you know, so that’s among us, and hardware kind of context.” (Source)
Skinwalker Ranch, a property located in northeastern Utah has been the subject of alleged paranormal activity, including UFO sightings and other strange occurrences. The ranch gained notoriety in the 1990s when it was purchased by Mr. Bigelow, who funded a number of studies of the phenomena reported at the ranch.
However, the specifics of what has been reported at the ranch and the credibility of those reports have been the subject of much debate and skepticism. Some people believe that the ranch is a hotspot for extraterrestrial activity, while others believe that the reports of strange occurrences at the ranch are the result of hoaxes or misidentifications of natural phenomena.
Bryant “Dragon” Arnold (Chief Security Officer on Skinwalker Ranch), Casey Smith, Erik Bard and Kaleb Bench, from left, check the radiation in a sinkhole pit on Skinwalker Ranch, in a moment from History’s series “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.” Image via The Salt Lake Tribune
Following his interview with Mr. Bigelow, Knapp then asked if the entities at Skinwalker Ranch would be investigated through the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (which he founded in 2020 after his wife passed away). Besides, he wondered that if they are among us, can they also be considered alien? Bigelow said: “Well, if you if you follow the literature and pay attention to a lot of other kinds of sources, they absolutely are.”
Further, Mr. Bigelow shared his personal experiences and losses that prompted his interest in life after death, as well as UFOs. He talked about possible links between consciousness research and UFOs. He also talked about the risks of trying to establish communications with the unknown.
“That’s been mainly what I’ve been doing except for the skinwalker ranch thing for 20 years as the space world has been huge in my life to pursue the legitimate parochial kind of you know using fire engines rockets to get you there. We didn’t expect anything like this to happen and so there this is different. This is the holy grail and is different than the second holy grail. If the second one is ‘Beings’ (E.T.), then the first one: Is there any part of your consciousness that survives your bodily death? That’s a big deal. That’s a huge story. That’s gigantic.”
“Be a little careful about what you wish for. So on the face of it, communication sounds great and that by the way has been tried forever ever since the oracle of Delphi. I mean you can go back thousands of years and that’s been attempted. So It’s not now you know the last 100 years through electronics and using some kind of electrical apparatus to try to have some kind of communications. And you know communication can be at all different kinds of levels. There might be communication that just causes you an awareness.”
Then Knapp asked him what triggered his curiosity about UFOs, possibly it was after Bob Lazar’s story came out. Mr. Bigelow replied that he was already into UFO research. He was looking at UFO stories worldwide to understand what they actually were.
In 1992, he started the Bigelow Foundation with Bob Lazar, who worked on reverse-engineering recovered extraterrestrial craft at Area-51. Mr. Bigelow also backed Dr. John E. Mack, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard who wrote two popular books about his work with people who told him they had been abducted by aliens, and Budd Hopkins, an artist who became an abduction investigator and also wrote popular books.
Mr. Bigelow’s investigative team, headed by Colm Kelleher, the institute’s scientific administrator and biochemist, documented their own paranormal events, according to a 2005 book “Hunt for the Skinwalker,” by Dr. Kelleher and Mr. Knapp.
Mr. Bigelow said he saw “interdimensional” forces at play through portals at certain paranormal hot spots like Skinwalker. But he also said he had frequently visited the ranch without experiencing the kind of chilling events others reported, as if some intelligence were selecting the people to act upon. “I slept like a log every single night,” he said. And no human was physically harmed, but he said he and other visitors often carried strange things home, like a sulfurous stink in a certain part of his house. His wife felt the presence of a faceless creature pressing down on her side of bed. (Source)
Bigelow amassed his fortune through the hotel chain Budget Suites of America and used this money to fund his UFO study. In an interview with The Associated Press, he said that UFOs are “under our noses” and wondered why news organizations had not extensively covered UFO sightings.
In 2008, Mr. Bigelow secretly created BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies) to study the UFO mystery and related phenomena. The public did not know that he had signed a contract with the Defense Intelligence Agency to do an investigation under the AAWSAP program.
His political influence has been strong when it comes to UFO study. He once convinced his friend and then-Democratic U.S. Sen. Harry Reid to allocate $22 million to the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which investigated UFO reports from 2007 to 2012. The majority of the funds were sent to Bigelow’s company to investigate, and the allocation was not made public until a 2017 New York Times investigation. The Pentagon stated that the program was terminated in 2012, although Reid later stated that he had no remorse about the expenditure.
Later, he and his team hired dozens of investigators, scientists, and support staff to work on putting together a huge database of original investigations and UFO files from other countries. The now-famous 2004 Tic Tac encounter off the coast of Southern California was one of the cases that BAASS looked into.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Spotted a UFO over Lincolnshire? Nowhere to officially report it, says expert
Nick Pope, former UFO investigator for the Ministry of Defence (MoD), gave his view on UFO sightings in Lincolnshire and on a recent photo taken Lincoln (right).
Spotted a UFO over Lincolnshire? Nowhere to officially report it, says expert
We spoke to a former UFO investigator for the Ministry of Defence
Our readers at The Lincolnite and MyLocal Lincolnshire often submit intriguing photos, including unexplained bright celestial objects, which some believe are UFOs.
These images inevitably ignite discussions among believers and skeptics alike, although more the latter.
On Tuesday, August 1, we received a shot of a “white spot in the sky over Lincoln” taken at around 4.30am. The sender didn't believe it was an aircraft as it was stationary under a starless sky, leaving them mystified by its shiny appearance.
Unsurprisingly, skepticism ran rife on the UFO theory.
Lincolnshire Police’s drone team checked their flight records. However, after reviewing the timings, they confidently dismissed their involvement.
They said: “It wasn’t us, Cristiano Dronaldo is away for a service and his substitute had no calls after 1am in the Lincoln area. Maybe we need Sherlock Drone on the case.”
We spoke to Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) for insight. He said that Lincolnshire residents can no longer file official reports about UFOs with the government and should instead approach investigation organisations or local media.
Nick Pope worked on the MoD’s UFO desk between 1991 and 1993.
Photo: Submitted
Nick found the recent photo “intriguing” but cautioned that the image’s lack of detail and potential distortions from zooming made it challenging to draw definitive conclusions.
He speculated it could be a reflective balloon or a drone, but added that “only if other witnesses come forward with clearer images would there be any realistic chance of resolving the mystery.”
“It would also help to know if anything unusual was tracked on radar at the time,” he added.
Lincolnshire has seen its fair share of ‘UFO sightings’, documented in declassified MoD files now located in the National Archives, Pope noted. Many of these files are behind a National Archives paywall.
A reader sent us this curious picture - "it wasn't a plane as it was stationary," they said.
Nick worked on the MoD’s UFO desk between 1991 and 1993. He recounted a memorable report from the early nineties when he had a report of a sighting over Lincolnshire.
“I looked at the location of the sighting on a large map of the UK that covered most of the wall in my office, and told him I wondered whether military activity could be the explanation, in view of the fact that there was a military range at Donna Nook," he said.
“There was a pause, before the caller told me that he was aware of the range as he was the Commanding Officer. I do recall him saying he was driving along a coastal road and was so amazed that he stopped his car to get out and look.”
Another example he gave came after his role on the UFO desk had finished.
He described a “wave of UFO sightings, accompanied by some anomalous radar returns”, saying many were from Lincolnshire.
Nick said: “The official line from the MoD was that the radar returns were caused by a tall church spire in Boston.
“While this can happen in certain meteorological conditions, it didn’t seem to explain all the facts, and the local MP was far from happy with the MoD response, which he regarded as evasive to say the least.”
In 2009, the company said “rebuilding has started on our ‘UFO’ damaged wind turbine at Fen Farm, Lincolnshire.”
Photo: Ecotricity
Another example of a sighting in Lincolnshire came in 2009 and it made national headlines. The Sun ran a front page of ‘UFO hits wind turbine’ with residents reportedly quoted as seeing strange balls of lights in the sky and hearing a loud bang.
All three blades and the central hub had to be replaced on the ‘UFO’ damaged wind turbine at Fen Farm in Conisholme in Lincolnshire. There were different theories on what happened, including a ‘mechanical failure’.
At the time Dale Vince, Managing Director at Ecotricity, said: “To be honest we had a lot of fun with this, and it took the edge off what was otherwise a serious and very bad event for us.”
It is now harder for the public to officially report any UFO sighting, but Nick has advice for witnesses.
Nick said: “The Ministry of Defence stopped investigating UFOs at the end of 2009, so anyone in Lincolnshire who sees a UFO can no longer make an official report to the government.
“That's unfortunate to say the least, especially given recent US government assessments that have stated UFOs are a threat to flight safety and a potential threat to national security.
“Unless the MoD reopens its UFO office, witnesses can really only go to civilian UFO research and investigation organisations such as the British UFO Research Association, or to the local media.”
The BBC previously reported that the Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk because it served “no defence purpose” and was taking staff away from “more valuable defence-related activities”. It was closed despite a surge in reported sightings.
UFO Sighting with Fast Speed Mysterious Lights over Lincolnshire (UK) - FindingUFO
20 mysterious UFO sightings in Lincolnshire that still don't have an explanation
"We thought we had this star figured out, but that's not the case."
An image of the sun.
(Image credit: NASA/SDO)
In a record-breaking discovery, scientists detected our very own sun emitting an extraordinary amount of gamma rays — wavelengths of light known to carry the most energy of any other wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. This is quite a big deal as it marks the highest-energy radiation to ever be documented coming from our planet's host star.
Something like 1 trillion electron volts, to be exact.
"After looking at six years' worth of data, out popped this excess of gamma rays," Meher Un Nisa, a postdoctoral research associate at Michigan State University and co-author of a new paper about the findings released Wednesday (Aug. 3), said in a statement. "When we first saw it, we were like, 'We definitely messed this up. The sun cannot be this bright at these energies.'"
Upon deliberation, however, the team realized that such brightness definitely existed — and it was simply due to the sheer amount of gamma rays the sun seemed to be spitting out.
"The sun is more surprising than we knew," Nisa said.
Before you start worrying, no, these rays can't harm us. But what they can do is have a pretty important ripple effect for the future of solar physics. In fact, they have already raised some important questions about the sun, such as what role its magnetic field might play in the newly observed gamma-ray phenomenon.
What an excess of solar gamma rays looks like to the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory Collaboration. (Image credit: Courtesy of the HAWC Collaboration)
It's all thanks to a unique lens on the cosmos called the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory, or HAWC. In short, this observatory, completed in the spring of 2015, is a facility specifically designed to observe particles associated with very high-energy gamma rays and cosmic rays, the latter of which are equally energetic but also mysterious in that they often travel across the universe without exhibiting a clear starting point.
"In this particular energy regime, other ground-based telescopes couldn't look at the sun because they only work at night," Nisa said. "Ours operates 24/7."
HAWC basically uses a network of 300 large water tanks, a press release on the new study explains. Each of these tanks is filled with about 200 metric tons of purified water, and they all sit nestled between two dormant volcano peaks in Mexico more than 13,000 feet (3,962 meters) above sea level. All of this purified water is important because, as high-energy particles from space strike the liquid, the collision results in a phenomenon known as Cherenkov radiation (which you may have heard of if you've watched the TV show "Chernobyl").
Named after 1958 Physics Nobel Prize laureate Pavel Cherenkov, Cherenkov radiation essentially refers to a bluish glow that happens when electrically charged particles move at a certain speed through a certain medium, in this case water.
Tapping into this concept, HAWC's overall field of view covers 15% of the sky, allowing it to survey a total two-thirds every 24 hour period and figure out the roots of various high-energy particles headed to Earth.
A composite image shows a photograph of the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory in Mexico observing particles, whose paths are shown as red lines, generated by high-energy gamma rays from the sun. (Image credit: Mehr Un Nisa)
Even though scientists have observed the sun sending out gamma ray emissions before, such observations are connected to incredibly extreme solar events such as super powerful solar flares. The recent gamma-ray discovery doesn't seem to be associated with that kind of scenario.
Within the sun, nuclear fusion processes are also expected to produce these strong wavelengths, however, gamma rays created that way don't exactly make it out of the star — let alone far enough to be detected by Earth-based instruments.
Instead, most of the time, what we see radiating out from our host star are infrared wavelengths, ultraviolet wavelengths and, of course, visible wavelengths that we can see with the unaided eye.
For context, one of those visible wavelengths carries an energy of about 1 electron volt. The gamma rays Nisa and fellow researchers witnessed, by contrast, exuded about 1 trillion electron volts. And, there were a lot of them.
The first time scientists observed gamma rays with energies of more than a billion electron volts, according to the release, was in 2011 with NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. But Fermi had a limit. It maxed out at finding gamma rays with about 200 billion electron volts. So in 2015, the new study's research team started collecting gamma ray data with HAWC as this observatory didn't seem to have the same restriction.
"They nudged us and said, 'We're not seeing a cutoff. You might be able to see something," Nisa said.
Which brings us to the present — the first time we've seen sun rays with energies extending into a trillion electron volts. And, according to Nisa, that does not appear to be the maximum.
"We thought we had this star figured out, but that's not the case."
The paper was published Thursday (Aug. 3) in the journal Physical Review Letters
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Centuries-Old Mysteries – Aliens, Church, and Vatican’s Secrets
For millennia, a curious connection between religion and the UFO phenomenon has intrigued humanity. Dive into the realm of religious art, paintings, and tapestries, unveiling the hidden significance of UFO depictions in sacred works. Delve into the Vatican’s possible knowledge on the matter. Has the Catholic Church’s hierarchy encountered extraterrestrial contact? Discover the secrets concealed within ancient traditions.
Is the Government CONCEALING the Truth About ALIENS? Body Language Expert Weighs In on U.S. Congress UFO/UAP Debate!
Is the Government CONCEALING the Truth About ALIENS? Body Language Expert Weighs In on U.S. Congress UFO/UAP Debate!
In a rare move, the halls of Congress opened to a debate that seemed to be out of this world – literally. A historic hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) brought together key figures from various backgrounds to testify about what’s really happening in our skies.
A Clash of Perspectives
The witnesses, including Graves, Grusch, Fraver, and a certain Mr. Burleson, presented a dramatic juxtaposition of beliefs. While some seemed willing to accept the idea of extraterrestrial involvement, others, like Mr. Burleson, played the role of the skeptic, pushing the panel for hard facts and clear answers.
The atmosphere was electric. The room’s tension was palpable as Burleson stared down others, eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. Gates, on the other hand, displayed an open acceptance, his language filled with conviction. The exchange between these two men was nothing short of a theatrical performance. They stared at each other, challenging each other’s views while trying to find common ground.
As the hearing progressed, inconsistencies began to emerge, particularly from those testifying about their direct or indirect experiences with UAPs. They were asked about everything from physical harm caused by either non-humans or the government to direct sightings of spacecraft and even non-human bodies.
But the answers were often conflicting and, at times, downright confusing. Some witnesses claimed to know specifics about UAPs, while others were vaguer or even contradicting previous statements.
For example, one moment was when a question about whether UAPs were interested in human nuclear technology was met with confident affirmatives from some and more ambiguous answers from others. How could they know what these unexplained phenomena were interested in? The contradictions raised more questions than answers.
The Mystery Deepens
What emerged from the hearing was a fascinating glimpse into the ongoing debate surrounding UAPs, but it was also a frustrating one. There were promises of extraordinary evidence, but these were often met with the reply of “that’s classified.” Those seeking concrete answers were left wanting more.
Is the Government HIDING ALIENS?! Body Language Analyst Reacts to U.S. Congress UFO/UAP Hearing!
Even the so-called whistleblowers, like David Grusch, seemed to be playing by someone else’s rules, hinting at deep truths but remaining confined within the guidelines set by their superiors. The lines between truth, belief, and regulation blurred, leaving the audience to ponder what was real and what was merely a carefully constructed narrative.
A First Step
Despite its many complexities, the hearing marked a significant step toward legitimizing the conversation about UAPs within the halls of government. There’s a clear desire to investigate and understand what’s happening. Yet, as the hearing showed, the path to understanding is filled with contradictions, classified information, and the ever-present human tendency to see what we want to see.
The truth about UAPs remains as elusive as ever, but this historic hearing shows that the search is far from over. The debate is just getting started, and the world is watching.
So, what do you think? Are we alone in the universe, or is there something more to these unexplained phenomena? The mystery continues to unfold, and the answers, it seems, are still out there.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
NASA's Curiosity Rover Faces Its Toughest Climb Yet on Mars
NASA's Curiosity Rover Faces Its Toughest Climb Yet on Mars
Curiosity Views Its Tracks Using Its Navcam: NASA’s Curiosity left several sets of tracks where the rover experienced a fault, or unexpected stoppage mid-drive, while attempting the most difficult climb the mission has faced: a slope with a sharp 23-degree incline, slippery sand, and wheel-size rocks.
Shortly before the rover’s 11th anniversary on the Red Planet, its team helped guide it up a steep, slippery slope to examine meteor craters.
On Aug. 5, NASA’s Curiosity rover will notch its 11th year on Mars by doing what it does best: studying the Red Planet’s surface. The intrepid bot recently investigated a location nicknamed “Jau” that is pockmarked with dozens of impact craters. Scientists have rarely gotten a close-up view of so many Martian craters in one place. The largest is estimated to be at least as long as a basketball court, although most are much smaller.
Jau is a pit stop on the rover’s journey into the foothills of Mount Sharp, a 3-mile-tall (5-kilometer-tall) mountain that was covered with lakes, rivers, and streams billions of years ago. Each layer of the mountain formed in a different era of Mars’ ancient climate, and the higher Curiosity goes, the more scientists learn about how the landscape changed over time.
Curiosity's Big Climb: Find out how NASA's Curiosity Mars rover faced one of the hardest climbs of the mission. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech. Download Video ›
On Aug. 5, NASA’s Curiosity rover will notch its 11th year on Mars by doing what it does best: studying the Red Planet’s surface. The intrepid bot recently investigated a location nicknamed “Jau” that is pockmarked with dozens of impact craters. Scientists have rarely gotten a close-up view of so many Martian craters in one place. The largest is estimated to be at least as long as a basketball court, although most are much smaller.
The path up the mountain over the last several months required the most arduous climb Curiosity has ever made. There have been steeper climbs and riskier terrain, but the mission has never faced the trifecta of challenges posed by this slope: a sharp 23-degree incline, slippery sand, and wheel-size rocks. This trifecta left the rover struggling through a half-dozen drives in May and June, vexing Curiosity’s drivers back on Earth.
“If you’ve ever tried running up a sand dune on a beach – and that’s essentially what we were doing – you know it’s hard, but there were boulders in there as well,” said Amy Hale, a Curiosity rover driver at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.
Curiosity Views a Crater at 'Jau': NASA’s Curiosity used its Mastcam to capture this impact crater in a location nicknamed “Jau” on July 25, the 3,899th Martian day, or sol, of the mission. This was one of dozens of impact craters Curiosity stopped by after completing one of its most difficult climbs ever. Download Image ›
How to Drive a Rover
Hale is one of 15 “rover planners” who write hundreds of lines of code to command Curiosity’s mobility system and robotic arm each day. (They don’t operate the rover in real time; instructions are sent to Mars the night before, and data comes back to Earth only after the rover has completed the work.) These engineers collaborate with scientists to figure out where to direct the rover, what pictures to take, and which targets to study using the instruments on its 7-foot (2-meter) robotic arm.
But rover planners are also constantly on the lookout for hazards. They have to write commands to steer around pointy rocks and minimize wear on Curiosity’s battered wheels. Geologists on the team use their field experience here on Earth to help look out for deep sand and unstable rock formations. There’s even a role on the mission to gauge whether a canyon wall could obstruct radio communications with Earth.
A Map of Curiosity’s Difficult Climb: This map shows the route NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover took from May into July 2023 to complete the most difficult climb of the mission. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS-Flagstaff/University of Arizona. Download Image ›
Six-Wheeled Ascent
Curiosity was never in danger while climbing to Jau: The team doesn’t plan anything that could damage the rover, and the planners write commands so that Curiosity will stop moving if it encounters any surprises. Unexpected stoppages – referred to as “faults” – can occur when the wheels slip too much or a wheel is raised too high by a large rock. On the route to Jau, the rover found itself in both scenarios on several occasions.
“We were basically playing fault bingo,” said Dane Schoelen, Curiosity’s strategic route planning lead at JPL. “Each day when we came in, we’d find out we faulted for one reason or another.”
Instead of continuing to struggle with the original course, Schoelen and his colleagues put together a lateral detour, eyeing a spot roughly 492 feet (150 meters) away where the incline leveled out. At least, it seemed to: Planners rely on imagery from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to get a rough sense of the terrain, but images captured from space can’t show exactly how steep a slope is or whether boulders are there.
The detour would add a few weeks to the journey to Jau – unless the terrain was hiding more surprises. If that were the case, the detour might have been for nothing, and the team’s scientists would have to keep looking for another path up Mount Sharp.
Fortunately, the detour paid off, allowing Curiosity to crest the slope.
“It felt great to finally get over the ridge and see that amazing vista,” Schoelen said. “I get to look at images of Mars all day long, so I really get a sense of the landscape. I often feel like I’m standing right there next to Curiosity, looking back at how far it has climbed.”
Since the difficult ascent, Curiosity’s scientists have wrapped an investigation of the Jau crater cluster. Common on Mars, clusters can form when a meteor breaks up in the planet’s atmosphere or when fragments are tossed by a large, more distant meteoroid impact. Scientists want to understand how the relatively soft rocks of the salt-enriched terrain affected the way the craters formed and changed over time.
Despite all that Mars has thrown at Curiosity, the rover isn’t slowing down. It’ll soon be off again to explore a new area higher up on Mount Sharp.
More About the Mission
Curiosity was built by JPL, which is managed by Caltech in Pasadena, California. JPL leads the mission on behalf of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
UFOs are the story of the century — wake up, America!
UFOs are the story of the century — wake up, America!
Last week, I had a front-row seat at the hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), also known as UFOs. The three witnesses provided extraordinary testimony on their observations of aerial craft with performance characteristics far beyond those of modern aircraft, as well as knowledge of a hidden U.S. government crash retrieval program of such vehicles and their nonhuman operators.
The witnesses were former officers in the U.S. military with stellar service records. Their message to Congress was that we are not alone, we possess technology unlike anything available in the public or private sectors, and the U.S. government has covered up this earth-shattering information for decades.
So how has our society responded? To quote an assessment in Forbes, “the internet shrugged.” After some brief reporting by the major news networks, they returned their attention to nearly full-time coverage of the dismal legal landscapes surrounding Hunter Biden and Donald Trump.
Perhaps the era of fake news has desensitized the public to remarkable revelations like these, so I feel compelled to share my perspective to shed light on their validity and implications.
As a retired U.S. Navy flag officer, I can attest to the integrity and authenticity of the two pilots who testified: retired Commander David Fravor and Ryan Graves. I have served on three aircraft carriers and count many Naval aviators as close friends. These two witnesses are the real deal.
So is David Grusch. As a Navy information warfare officer, I worked closely with the intelligence community and Grusch’s former command, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. I too have been read into special access programs, and I understand how Department of Defense classification systems and authorities work. His testimony is 100 percent credible.
It may take time for society to come to grips with this historic hearing, but we will be best served by immediately responding as follows:
1) The U.S. Congress should continue to demand the Department of Defense and intelligence community disclose UAP information, data, and materials to the public.
The House Select Committee that Reps. Tim Burchett, Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna, and Jared Moskowitz recently requested Speaker Kevin McCarthy establish can do this by further investigating the UAP cover-up described at the hearing and drafting legislation that directs disclosure. While specific technical characteristics regarding the materials and acquisition of data may require that they remaining classified, UAP should be included in other efforts by the Defense Department to solve the U.S. government’s over-classification problem.
2) The U.S. government should show leadership in international scientific studies of UAP.
San Marino is proposing Project Titan to the United Nations secretary-general for this purpose. While the witnesses at the hearing highlighted the national security concerns that UAP represent, there is a global security issue as well. Not only do we lack technical data regarding their occurrence, we need to understand where they come from, who controls them, and what their intentions are. Advancing our understanding of these phenomena can reinforce international alliances and be used as leverage in resolving disputes. As the world leader in 20th century breakthroughs of nuclear power, information technology, and human exploration of the ocean and space, the U.S. has the opportunity to lead in a field with potentially more impact than any before it.
3) The U.S. research community should significantly expand the scientific study of UAP.
With more disclosure and international engagement, U.S. national labs, in partnership with American universities and research institutions, can lead an effort to transform our understanding of physics and the universe. Several U.S. research institutions are already making remarkable progress, including Harvard University’sGalileo Projectand Stanford University’sNolan Lab. Based on the observed flight characteristics detailed in the hearing, the results of this endeavor could make the scientific revolution of the 16thand 17thcenturies look like baby steps, with wide-ranging benefits in areas as diverse as transportation safety, agricultural productivity, energy efficiency, environmental stewardship and human health.
Our tiny planet orbits a relatively medium-sized star, in a galaxy of over 100 billion stars, among a distribution of several hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe. How arrogant to believe we are the only species that has developed a means for travel between celestial bodies. Now that we are finding out otherwise, we must demand disclosure of what the government knows. Instead of staying asleep at the wheel, we should wake up as a society for the safety, security, and scientific advantages that can be gained.
Rear Admiral (ret.) Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D., is the CEO of Ocean STL Consulting, LLC , a research affiliate with Harvard University’s Galileo Project, and a member of the advisory board of Americans for Safe Aerospace. He is a former acting and deputy administrator at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), acting undersecretary and assistant secretary of Commerce, and oceanographer in the Navy.
The UFO community has accused the US government of concealing information on UAPs for over 90 years, and this claim was highlighted during the July 2023 UAP hearings. David Grusch, one of the witnesses testified that there are UFOs in the possession of the US government, sitting in an undisclosed location of which Grusch is aware. Other witnesses, Ryan Graves & David Fravor said that the technology of these unknown crafts is superior to any man-made craft.
The mounting pressure from the public has led to speculation about future UAP hearings, forcing the US government to address the matter seriously. Simultaneously, the scientific community has taken an interest in the UAP phenomenon. Two prominent scientists Avi Loeb & Garry Nolan have recently said that they have UFO data and have seen objects that they cannot talk about in public. These shocking statements by Loeb & Nolan tend to uplift the seriousness of the UAP enigma, held by governments around the world.
In January 2021, Dr. Loeb released the book, entitled “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth.” In the book, he doubles down on his statements of Oumuamua as an artificial extraterrestrial object. In June 2021, he explicitly connected his Oumuamua hypothesis to the burgeoning government investigations into unidentified aerial phenomena in a Scientific American opinion column.
In a 2021 interview with Curt Jaimungal from TOE, Dr. Loeb confirmed that the Galileo Project began testing a suite of instruments that would observe the sky and analyze the data with artificial intelligence algorithms. He further stated that “Hopefully by 2023, we’ll start collecting data at places where there are reports on these [UAP] objects. That’s the third branch of the Galileo projects, we’re already doing this research and we should see it’s a phishing Expedition.”
In one year, things turn out to be in favor of Dr. Loeb. In this interview with Unravelling the Universe, Dr. Loeb discussed the progress of his Galileo Project, which aimed at systematically studying such UFO phenomena. He confirmed that some government officials visited him from Washington DC, who assumed he was on the right path. Perhaps, he is right about some UFOs might be extraterrestrial. However, he clarified that he would prioritize sharing this UAP information with the public over informing the Pentagon first.
He explains that scientific knowledge should not be classified or withheld from the public. He believes that any discoveries related to UFOs, just like any other scientific findings, should be shared with all of humanity. There should be no special privilege for the government in scientific deliberations. He also notes that the government’s concern about classified sensors is not about the data itself but about revealing the type and quality of sensors used, which could potentially help adversaries. He dismisses conspiracy theories and believes that the government is genuinely puzzled by some of the objects they have observed.
The Galileo Project involves setting up observatories with state-of-the-art instruments that monitor the sky 24/7. They use machine learning algorithms to analyze the data collected. This systematic approach not only increases the chances of discovering more events but also allows for statistical calibration of the observations. By monitoring the sky consistently, they can determine the frequency and patterns of these unidentified objects, which can be helpful in understanding and potentially explaining their nature.
When asked about any specific findings from the Galileo Project, Dr. Loeb maintains a cautious stance. He says: “I cannot speak about any specific findings publicly at this moment.” This response sparks curiosity as it suggests that there might indeed be some intriguing discoveries worth discussing.
Moving on, the conversation shifts towards the potential implications for humanity if the expeditions do reveal that these objects are of technological origin from beyond our solar system. Dr. Loeb emphasizes that the implications would be enormous, which he has extensively discussed in his new book entitled “Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future Beyond Earth.”
A similar response also came from Stanford professor Garry Nolan, who is a participant in Avi Loeb’s Copernicus Space Corporation, a privately held, novel type of space exploration company, headquartered in Massachusetts, which fosters ultra-long-range thinking and leverages disruptive technology for new human strategies in space.
Dr. Nolan discussed some exciting projects related to UFOs and space exploration with UAP Studies Podcasters Louie Borges and Jason Guillemette.
Nolan mentioned that Copernicus aims to deploy thousands of small devices across the solar system to search for signs of life and evidence of past extraterrestrial visits. These devices would serve as observation cameras and are meant to be disposable, making space exploration more cost-effective compared to traditional billion-dollar rocket missions conducted by NASA. The focus is on exploring various locations in the solar system to uncover potential evidence of life or previous encounters with alien entities.
Louie Borges then emphasizes the importance of not revealing sensitive or unpublished data from fellow researchers and urges Nolan to respect his peers. Nolan acknowledges this concern and refrains from giving away any specific details about the extraordinary data he has seen from other research groups. He mentions that he is helping those groups to write up their findings for publication, indicating that these findings are significant and warrant careful presentation to the scientific community.
Nolan briefly describes the recorded event captured by two cameras, which he considers a one-time extraordinary occurrence. He mentions that whatever was recorded seemed to react to a signal and approached the researchers closely. While he refrains from divulging further details, he expresses hope that the other researchers will be able to publish their findings soon.
Existence of Aliens
Moreover, Avi Loeb is discussing the ongoing investigation into the meteor named IM1 that crashed to Earth on January 8, 2014. He and his team have recovered small metallic droplets from the seabed off Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, where the meteor exploded into a fireball above the Pacific Ocean. These droplets are being analyzed in four laboratories worldwide to determine if they are composed of technology unknown to mankind and potentially originating from outside the Solar System.
Avi Loeb holding a magnetic piece of debris painted in white, with a composition of a human-made TiO2 paint. Art Wright appears in the background with his back to the camera. Credit: Avi Loeb/Medium
According to him, the material strength and speed of the meteor were anomalies compared to typical space rocks. Loeb says: “There is a chance that it’s artificial – that it’s a spacecraft, potentially a spacecraft, due to its unusual characteristics.” He mentions that the meteor was moving at a very high speed, faster than 95 percent of nearby stars, and its material strength was tougher than other space rocks cataloged by NASA. This raises the question of whether the object is made of some artificial alloy.
Dr. Loeb told the Daily Star that the samples collected are currently being studied in four laboratories around the world, and within a month or so, they hope to find out what the meteor was made of and whether it has a technological origin. Loeb clarifies that it might be something akin to the Voyager spacecraft colliding with a planet, which could appear as a meteor.
A week after defense department whistleblower David Grusch informed the US Congress that 40 eyewitnesses had revealed the American government’s possession of wreckage from crashed alien spacecraft, Loeb made an interesting observation. He speculated that his own expedition to retrieve materials might have encouraged Grusch, a former National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency staffer, to come forward with his claims. Avi believes it may take the US Congress about a year to investigate Grusch’s assertions, and he emphasized that seeing others speak out can inspire courage in individuals.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Yes! A JWST Image of the Ring Nebula
JWST/NIRcam composite image of the Ring Nebula. The images clearly show the main ring, surrounded by a faint halo and with many delicate structures. The interior of the ring is filled with hot gas. The star which ejected all this material is visible at the very center. Courtesy JWST/University of Manchester.
Brace yourselves for great JWST views of the iconic Ring Nebula (M57). An international team of astronomers just released a fantastic near-infrared image of the nebula, showing incredible details.
The Ring is a planetary nebula in the constellation Lyra and is what’s left over at the death of sun-like star. The star in the center blew all its material away to space, which is what we see as the ring. The star itself is now becoming a white dwarf.
Astronomers have long been fascinated by this form of star death because it shows what will happen to the Sun in about 5 billion years. Albert Zijlstra, Professor in Astrophysics at the University of Manchester, said of the JWST view, “We are amazed by the details in the images, better than we have ever seen before. We always knew planetary nebulae were pretty. What we see now is spectacular.”
Planetary nebulae exist throughout the galaxy. Each one is different, and they have many shapes. Some have glowing rings, others show bubble-like structures, while others look like butterflies and wispy phantoms. In the case of the Ring Nebula, it’s really more like a jelly donut or bagel in shape, which gives some tantalizing clues to its past. Astronomers can trace the chemical elements in planetary nebulae by studying the light they emit in great detail. Those elements tell the tale of the star’s evolution through time.
M57 (the Ring Nebula) is accessible to amateur astronomers with good cameras. This ‘deep version’ taken by by amateur astronomers Terry Hancock of Michigan and Fred Herrmann of Alabama, who both used Astro-Tech 12 inch Ritchey-Chrétien astrographs.
An Infrared View of the Ring Nebula
In this case, JWST looked at the ring in near-infrared light using its NIRCam instrument. It’s sensitive to light that ranges from 0.6 to 5 microns (600-5000 nanometers). The human eye can see a little into the infrared, to perhaps around 0.7 microns (700 nm), so JWST extends our vision to realms where we can’t see.
According to Mike Barlow, lead scientist of the JWST Ring Nebula Project, the high-resolution views really tell much more of the Ring’s story as the star moved through its life cycle. “The high-resolution images not only showcase the intricate details of the nebula’s expanding shell but also reveal the inner region around the central white dwarf in exquisite clarity,” he said. “We are witnessing the final chapters of a star’s life, a preview of the Sun’s distant future so to speak, and JWST’s observations have opened a new window into understanding these awe-inspiring cosmic events. We can use the Ring Nebula as our laboratory to study how planetary nebulae form and evolve.”
Colors and Details
In the JWST view, colors coding shows temperatures of the ejected material at different distances from the star. Those clouds of gas and dust glow thanks to ultraviolet light streaming away from the stellar remnant. The star itself is about 100,000 degrees, which heats up the nearby clouds quite well. The rest of the material lies further out and is much cooler. Astronomers estimate that the star began ejecting its outer layers at least 4,000 years ago. Based on earlier observations, including those by Hubble Space Telescope, the outer parts of the nebula appear to be expanding at a rate of about 20 kilometers per second and is just slightly over a light-year across.
A close-up of the central region of the Ring Nebula. The brightest star is the very hot progenitor of the nebula. Courtesy JWST Ring Nebula Project.
Astronomers can see more details in the nebula using the JWST’s infrared-sensitive capabilities. For example, NIRCam can peer through any surrounding dust clouds to zero in on structures in the nebula. It can also detect any material that glows in infrared light. In JWST’s view, we can now see thin streamers of material at the edges of the nebula in more detail. In addition, it identifies faint structures in the ring itself. Astronomers will study those closely to figure out what caused them.
A close-up of the outer halo of the Ring Nebula, with linear features stretching out from the main body. Courtesy JWST Ring Nebula Project.
Origin and Evolution of the Ring Nebula
The colors of the Ring are well-known from many astrophotographs, as well as views from both ground-based and orbiting telescopes. Perhaps the most famous recent view came from the Hubble Space Telescope in 2013. It shows a great deal of colorful detail, including some strange-looking “cometary knots”. Those were created as material was cast away from the star. In HST’s view, blue colors indicate hot helium emission lines, green indicates ionized oxygen, and red is ionized nitrogen.
Hubble image of the Ring Nebula (aka. Messier 57). Credit: NASA/ESA/ Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA) – ESA /Hubble Collaboration
Those colors and structures tell an interesting tale about the evolution of the Ring Nebula’s star, according to astronomer Nick Cox, a project co-leader. “These images hold more than just aesthetic appeal; they provide a wealth of scientific insights into the processes of stellar evolution. By studying the Ring Nebula with JWST, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the life cycles of stars and the elements they release into the cosmos,” he said.
The Ring Nebula has been a case study in planetary nebulae for more than a century. Here’s what astronomers know about its origins. The progenitor star was several times more massive than the Sun. It spent much of its life doing what stars do: converting hydrogen to helium in the core. About 4,000 years ago, it ran out of hydrogen and began converting helium in its core. That caused the star to heat up and it ballooned out to become a red giant. As it did, it shed its outer layers to space. Ultraviolet light from the now-collapsing star heats up the gases, causing them to glow. The result, after several thousand years is the Ring Nebula we now see through our telescopes.
More Images to Come
The JWST NIRCam images aren’t the only ones of the Ring JWST has taken. More taken with MIRI (another infrared instrument) will be released soon. The team of astronomers working on this project hail from UK, France, Canada, USA, Sweden, Spain, Brazil, Ireland and Belgium.
A Massive Solar Storm was Detected on Earth, Mars, and the Moon
A coronal mass ejection erupted from the Sun on October 28th, 2021, spreading solar energetic particles (SEPs) across a volume of space measuring more than 250 million km (155.34 million mi) wide. This means that the event was felt on Earth, Mars, and the Moon, which was on the opposite side of the Sun at the time. It was also the first time that a solar event was measured simultaneously by robotic probes on Earth, Mars, and the Moon, which included ESA’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and Eu:CROPIS orbiter, NASA’s Curiosityrover and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), and China’s Chang’e-4 lander.
The ESA’s Solar Orbiter, Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), and BepiColombo missions were also caught by the outburst and provided additional measurements of this solar event. The study of Solar Particle Events (SPE) – aka. solar flares – and “space weather” phenomena are vital to missions operating in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) – for example, crews living and working on the International Space Station (ISS). But it is especially vital for missions destined for locations beyond LEO and cislunar space, including Project Artemis and the many proposals for sending astronauts to the Moon and Mars in the coming years.
A coronal mass ejection, as seen by the ESA/NASA SOHO mission on October 28th, 2021. Credit: ESA/NASA
The 2021 solar event was an example of what scientists describe as a “ground level enhancement,” a rare occurrence where solar particles are energetic enough to pass through the Earth’s magnetic field and reach the surface. Only seventy-three ground-level enhancements have been detected since scientists began recording them in the 1940s, and no such events have been detected since. While Mars’ thin atmosphere does filter out the lower energy particles (and slows down the highly energetic ones), neither the Moon nor Mars generates similar magnetic fields.
This means solar particles reach the surface regularly and even produce secondary radiation (through interaction with surface regolith). According to measurements made by NASA’s LRO mission from lunar orbit, the solar event was rather weak, equivalent to an absorbed radiation dose of only 31 milligray (mGy) or 31 millisieverts (mSV). Meanwhile, the Exomars TGO and Curiosity rover, obtaining measurements from orbit and the surface, recorded doses of 9 and 0.3 three mGy (respectively) – a difference of a factor of 30.
Compare this to the solar outburst recorded in August 1972, which fell between the Apollo 16 and 17 missions. The measured outburst of radiation from this event would have delivered a fatal dose to any astronauts operating on the lunar surface. Jingnan Guo, a researcher with the DSEL with the School of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), explained in an ESA press release:
“Our calculations of the past ground-level enhancement events show that, on average, one event every 5.5 years may have exceeded the safe dose level on the Moon if no radiation protection had been provided. Understanding these events is crucial for future crewed missions to the surface of the Moon.”
Astronauts are exposed to radiation regularly when they go to space, but the hazard of prolonged exposure increases dramatically beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This includes the risk of exposure to solar radiation and cosmic rays, which becomes elevated beyond Earth’s magnetic field. But there is also the risk of huge outbursts of SEPs caused by “coronal mass ejections” (CMEs), also known as “solar flares.”
Artist’s impression of the Lunar Gateway with the Orion spacecraft docked on the left side. Credit: ESA
Impact on Astronaut Health
Given how much of our future planned exploration efforts are centered on the Moon and Mars, it is crucial to understand intense radiation events and their effect on the space radiation environment. According to ESA health guidelines, if astronauts absorb more than 700 milligray (mGy) of radiation during a mission – equivalent to 700 millisieverts (mSv) – they may experience radiation sickness caused by the destruction of bone marrow and damage to their central nervous system. This can lead to serious health problems, including nausea, infection, internal bleeding, and elevated cancer risks.
If an astronaut absorbed as much as 10 gray (10,000 sieverts), they would likely die within two weeks. This is why the ESA, NASA, and other space agencies are dedicated to limiting astronaut exposure to 1,000 mSv, or 3% Risk of Exposure-Induced Death (REID), during the entirety of their career. While radiation shielding is important, dedicated instruments that measure the radiation environment in space are used to predict major events. The advanced warning allows astronauts to seek protection within shielded environments, protective suits, and (in the future) lunar or Martian caves.
On the ISS, astronauts and cosmonauts will retreat to designated areas where the wall shield against incoming energetic particles. This includes the sleeping quarters (located in the Russian Zvezdaand NASA Harmonymodules) or one of the ISS’ galleys in the Nauka and Unity modules. For astronauts bound for the Moon, the Lunar Gateway will serve as the stopover point and a potential fallback position in the event of solar activity. The Gateway will rely on three instrument suites to monitor the radiation environment around the Moon and inside the Gateway. This includes the:
“Currently, we live in a golden age of Solar System physics,” said Marco Pinto, an ESA research fellow working on radiation detectors. “Radiation detectors aboard planetary missions such as BepiColombo, on its way to Mercury, and Juice, cruising to Jupiter, add a much-needed coverage to study the acceleration and propagation of solar energetic particles,”
NASA and the ESA are also developing next-generation space suits to provide improved protection against deep-space radiation, including NASA’s Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU). The ESA also sent two mannequins developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) to space as part of the Artemis I mission, which conducted a circumlunar test flight between November 16th to December 11th, 2022. These mannequins, nicknamed Helga and Zohar, were studded with radiation sensors provided by NASA and the DLR, while one (Zohar) wore a protective radiation vest.
The data obtained during this test flight will help inform future spacesuits developed for ESA crews. Said Colin Wilson, ExoMars TGO project scientist:
“Space radiation can create a real danger to our exploration throughout the Solar System. Measurements of high-level radiation events by robotic missions is critical to prepare for long-duration crewed missions. Thanks to data from missions like ExoMars TGO we can prepare for how best to protect our human explorers.”
EXCLUSIVE: Dramatic videos of UFOs over the Pacific are revealed, as expert pilots describe seeing bright lights moving in 'race track' circles over the summer - but say their employers told them to keep quiet
EXCLUSIVE: Dramatic videos of UFOs over the Pacific are revealed, as expert pilots describe seeing bright lights moving in 'race track' circles over the summer - but say their employers told them to keep quiet
Pilots claim they saw UFOs while flying on routes from Japan and Hawaii in August and September
Now captains and a former F-18 pilot describe to seeing bright lights moving in elongated circles or 'race tracks' for hours high in the sky
The series of sightings were seen by dozens of pilots and captured on video and in air traffic control recordings
Witnesses tell they are now being told by their employers to keep quiet about the sightings
Pilot Chris Van Voorhis said UFO sightings are quite common among pilots, 'Out of my pilot friends, at least 50% have seen some type of an anomaly'
Van Voorhis said his employer told him to 'cease and desist' even mentioning the incident in public, and that he feared his job could be at risk for reporting his sighting
A series of strange UFO incidents over the Pacific Ocean this summer were captured on video and in air traffic control recordings after sightings by dozens of pilots.
Experienced captains and one former F-18 pilot told they saw bright lights moving in elongated circles or 'race tracks' for hours high in the sky while they flew on routes fromJapanand Hawaii towards the US West Coast in August and September.
The incidents were reported to the FAA, and a researcher obtained dramatic audio of the pilots calling in the strange sightings to Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC).
Pilots also attempted to film from their cockpits the group of between three and five bright objects, which appeared to fly around in the area of the sky where the 'scoop' of the big dipper constellation sits.
Some of the witnesses told they are now being told by their employers to keep quiet, and are calling for better reporting procedures for encounters with 'unidentified aerial phenomena' (UAPs).
A graphic shows the location and dates of the several reported UFO sightings, mainly in the Pacific Ocean, that occurred in August and September of this year
Pilot Chris Van Voorhis, 63, told he saw between three and five objects, far brighter than the stars around them, fading in and out with no discernable pattern and moving in a 'race track' circular motion, while he was flying from Honolulu to Los Angeles in August
Two of the pilots can be heard in ARTCC recordings from August 18, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent and the host of Discovery+ show UFO Witness.
'We've got a few aircraft to our north here and he's going around in circles, much higher altitude than us. Any idea what they are?' Mark Hulsey, a pilot flying a Gulfstream charter jet off the Los Angeles coast radioed in.
'Uh, no, no I do not,' the baffled controller responded. 'You're not entering any [military] airspace or anything. I am not sure.'
Van Voorhis, who has been flying since he was 14 and has 32,000 hours experience, said the objects appeared to be in Earth's orbit or even further out in space
The pilot described seeing 'maybe three aircraft there,' then called ARTCC 23 minutes later, stating, 'there's now like seven of them,' and estimating that they were 'at least 5 or 10,000 feet above us.'
Asked to elaborate by the controller, the rattled Hulsey added: 'They just keep going in circles. I was an F-18 pilot in the Marine Corps, and I'm telling you, I've done many intercepts, I've never seen anything like this.'
At certain times of day satellites can reflect the sun and appear to pilots as bright lights in the sky. But the expert aviators say they believe the circular movement and duration of the sightings – some for hours – ruled out satellites.
Chris Van Voorhis, 63, told he saw between three and five objects, far brighter than the stars around them, fading in and out with no discernable pattern and moving in a 'race track' circular motion, while he was flying from Honolulu to Los Angeles in August.
Van Voorhis, who has been flying since he was 14 and has 32,000 hours experience, said the objects appeared to be in Earth's orbit or even further out in space, given their continued position near to the big dipper constellation as he flew over the ocean for hours.
'The other airlines were saying, Hey, are you seeing what we're seeing?' the veteran pilot said.
'They were lights that would come on very bright, you would see them move, then they would go out.
'It had to be in a very, very high orbit, or actually even out in space quite a ways away from anything that a satellite would be, because every time we were seeing it, it was in the lower right hand corner of the Big Dipper, no matter where we were in the world.
'It lasted for such a long time that it actually became boring, almost.
'If it was [Elon Musk's satellite system] Starlink, or anything like that, then it's going to be moving in a linear fashion, and all of them will be moving in the same direction. These weren't. They were moving different directions.'
Van Voorhis said his employer, which has chosen not to name, told him to 'cease and desist' even mentioning the incident in public, and that he feared his job could be at risk for reporting his sighting.
Gulfstream captain and former F-18 pilot Mark Hulsey's saw a UFO sighting on August 18 by Santa Catalina, an island off the LA coast
This image shows the brightness of the UFO compared to the three circled stars, which are much dimmer
Two UFOs (also called UAPS - unidentified aerial phenomena) are seen in this photo, grabbed from a video of the encounter
Hansen has collected accounts of pilots for Southwest Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines and others between August 6 and September 23 who say they saw the same lights in the sky as Van Voorhis.
'Many of these pilots are very confident that the lights were not just going in one direction, but in both directions, which is very unusual for satellites.
'In Mark's case they would go from the north and then actually go above his craft, where he had to crane his neck to see them from the canopy.
'It was seen by upwards of 15 different commercial flights. And at least six pilots are willing to go on record with their names and everything if asked to do so by any investigative agencies.
'In this case, we have a global phenomena from as far west as Japan, to as far east as possibly Miami. Whatever it is, pilots are seeing it from halfway across the world.'
But Hansen said there is currently no proper process for reporting such sightings – even of strange objects that could pose a threat to the safety of commercial airlines.
'Civilian pilots do not have a structured, robust process that is publicly provided to them where they can report UAPs,' he told
'The reason the pilots don't report primarily is because they don't think the FAA will follow up, or worse they will be ridiculed.'
An FAA spokesman told 'The Federal Aviation Administration documents Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) sightings whenever a pilot reports one to an air traffic control facility.
'If the pilot report can be corroborated with supporting information such as radar data, it is shared with the UAP Task Force' – a Defense Department unit that investigates UFOs, now officially called the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office.
A 2021 Director of National Intelligence report warned that 'UAP threaten flight safety and, possibly, national security,' due to 11 near misses between naval aviators and unknown objects.
Van Voorhis' said UFO sightings are quite common among pilots.
'Out of my pilot friends, at least 50% have seen some type of an anomaly,' he said.
Two of the pilots can be heard in ARTCC recordings from August 18. 'We've got a few aircraft to our north here and he's going around in circles, much higher altitude than us. Any idea what they are?' Mark Hulsey radioed in
'Uh, no, no I do not,' the baffled controller responded. 'You're not entering any [military] airspace or anything. I am not sure'
The incidents were reported to the FAA, and a researcher obtained dramatic audio of the pilots calling in the strange sightings to Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)
His August sighting was not his first. In February 2004 while flying for Japanese airline Jalways he said he and another plane's crew saw three 'disks' descend from outside the atmosphere, 'stop' mid air, then suddenly pivot 30 degrees while keeping their triangular formation and shoot off beyond the horizon at thousands of miles per hour.
'I was coming back from Japan to Honolulu. We were at 39,000 feet coming across the Pacific Ocean. It was 5:30 in the morning, local time. Something caught my eye off the left hand side of the aircraft. There were three large discs,' he said.
'They were high enough up in the atmosphere to be reflecting the light from the sun which wasn't up yet.
'They came in a triangular formation and stopped. They turned in formation, they didn't bank or anything like that, nothing aerodynamic, they just pivoted. And then they took off over the horizon.
'It wasn't like they accelerated. They were just at speed and gone over the horizon. The whole thing took about 15 seconds.
'The aircraft in front of us saw it too. They said 'are you going to tell anybody?' and we said 'no'.'
Gulfstream captain and former F-18 pilot Hulsey's August 18 UFO sighting was by Santa Catalina, an island off the LA coast.
Famously, US Navy aviators from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz chased a 'tic tac'-shaped UFO near Santa Catalina Island in 2004.
The tic tac evaded Top Gun ace Commander David Fravor, maneuvering and accelerating in ways which seemed to defy the laws of physics. It then disappeared before astonishingly reappearing 40 miles away in less than one minute, at the aviator's CAP point, a rendezvous location only known by the pilot and his commander.
In July 2019, in the same area, multiple strange objects harassed US naval warships over several days.
The Pentagon claimed they were drones, but could not confirm the origin nor the operators of the craft. A source close to the investigation of the incident told that a nearby Chinese cargo ship named Bass Strait, thought to be the culprit, was searched with no signs of drones.
“LARGE FLOATING ORB” Congress Demands Answers After Pilots Encounter UFOs
“LARGE FLOATING ORB” Congress Demands Answers After Pilots Encounter UFOs
A recent Congressional hearing shed new light on this enigmatic subject, underlining the serious implications it holds for both national security and aviation safety. The examination of these inexplicable occurrences, often reported by highly trained military personnel, is no longer a matter of fringe conspiracy theories but of rigorous scientific investigation.
During the hearing, some riveting accounts were shared, with testimonies that highlighted not only the existence of these UAPs but also their advanced capabilities. One such account detailed a rather peculiar incident at Eglin Air Force Base involving unidentified crafts moving in a precise diamond formation. The eye-witness account describes radar anomalies associated with these crafts and a distinct, unsettling pattern – upon interception by military aircraft, the radar systems began to malfunction mysteriously.
This description of advanced radar jamming capabilities paints a picture of a technology far beyond current human understanding. When approached, these unidentified crafts seemingly have the ability to disrupt or completely disable the tracking systems on our most advanced aircraft. If the recounting is accurate, this speaks volumes about the level of sophistication possessed by these unidentified entities.
Former Navy pilot Ryan Graves shed further light on the topic, corroborating similar experiences of unusual radar interference during encounters with unidentified flying objects. Graves described an incident where pilots witnessed a fleet of objects not visible on the Forward-Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) system, an observation confirmed by the radar data displayed on the situational awareness page.
The nature of these experiences emphasizes a significant concern for our national security. Not only do these unknown entities demonstrate capabilities beyond our comprehension, but they also seem to have the potential to disable our defense and surveillance systems at will. This highlights the urgent need to better understand these phenomena to safeguard our security.
One significant hurdle to gaining a comprehensive understanding of these UAPs, as emphasized by the hearing, is the existing culture within military and aviation circles. Pilots and other personnel have historically been discouraged from reporting these experiences, for fear of career repercussions or ridicule. This cultural barrier has hampered our collective knowledge and understanding of these phenomena.
Representative Matt Gates, during the hearing, suggested a pressing need for more secure channels to report and analyze these phenomena. He emphasized the need to subpoena radar images of these unidentified crafts and create mechanisms to facilitate more comprehensive reporting and analysis of these incidents. This, he believes, could be a significant step forward in our understanding of these phenomena.
The congressional hearing, thus, underlines a paradigm shift in how we approach the mystery of UAPs. The conversation has moved beyond idle speculation and conspiracy theories to rigorous investigation and genuine concern for national security. As we look to the future, it is clear that the exploration and understanding of these phenomena should be a priority, not just for the U.S, but for the world.
In the light of these revelations, it is crucial that we provide an environment that encourages transparency and facilitates reporting. Protecting whistleblowers and creating a safe space for personnel to share their experiences will significantly contribute to our understanding of these phenomena. We are at the cusp of a new frontier, and every piece of information brings us a step closer to unlocking the mysteries of these unidentified aerial phenomena. Only through such collective efforts can we hope to comprehend and engage with the mysteries that lie beyond our current understanding.
This is indeed an exciting time for both enthusiasts and scientists alike. The real work has just begun, and we are all spectators to this unfolding cosmic mystery. As the saying goes, the truth is out there. And now, more than ever, we are inching closer to uncovering it.
Chris Lehto – “LARGE FLOATING ORB” Congress Demands Answers After Pilots Encounter UFOs
Een 39 miljoen jaar oud fossiel suggereert dat er in vervlogen tijden een immense reus de wereldzeeën domineerde, die misschien wel 340 ton (!) zou hebben gewogen.
De blauwe vinvis is het grootste dier dat ooit heeft geleefd. Hij is zelfs groter dan de grootste bekende dinosaurus! Het langste exemplaar ooit waargenomen was 30 meter lang en woog een slordige 190 ton. Maar mogelijk moet de blauwe vinvis zijn prestigieuze titel als grootste en zwaarste dier op aarde nu afstaan. Want onderzoekers zijn op een stokoud walvisfossiel gestuit, waardoor ze nu geloven dat er in een ver verleden een nóg zwaarder dier heeft bestaan.
Fossiel Het gaat om een 39 miljoen jaar oud fossiel dat in het zuiden van Peru is opgegraven. Het fossiel omvat 13 wervels, vier ribben en een heupbot van een zogenoemde basilosauridae-walvis. Dit is een familie van uitgestorven walvisachtigen, die leefde in het midden tot het late Eoceen. Ze kwamen over de hele wereld voor, zelfs rondom Antarctica.
De bewaard gebleven botten van Perucetus colossus. Afbeelding: Giovanni Bianucci
Gewicht Aan de hand van de gevonden overblijfselen waren de onderzoekers in staat om het gewicht van de oude walvis, die Perucetus colossus is genoemd, te schatten. En daaruit blijkt dat zijn skeletmassa groter was dan die van enig bekend zoogdier of zeedier. Sterker nog, hij was waarschijnlijk 2 à 3 keer zo groot als een 25 meter lange blauwe vinvis. Vermoedelijk woog Perucetus colossus tussen de 85 en 340 ton. Hiermee wedijvert hij met het gewicht van de blauwe vinvis, waarvan eerder werd gedacht dat hij het zwaarste dier ooit was.
Van de troon gestoten Mogelijk heeft Perucetus colossus de blauwe vinvis dus van de troon gestoten. Niet de blauwe vinvis, maar Perucetus colossus is misschien wel het grootste en zwaarste dier dat (waar wij weet van hebben) ooit heeft bestaan. Deze ontdekking suggereert dat de gang naar gigantisme bij zeezoogdieren mogelijk eerder zijn intrede deed dan gedacht.
3D-model van het skelet van Perucetus colossus (geschatte lichaamslengte: 20 meter), samen met dat van een kleinere, naaste verwant (Cynthiacetus peruvianus) en een blauwe vinvis. Afbeelding: Trustees of the Natural History Museum; Marco Merella
Gigantisme Kijken we naar het gehele dierenrijk, dan zien we dat er maar weinig dieren gigantische proporties hebben bereikt. Het is eigenlijk een vrij zeldzame eigenschap. En dat is ook goed te verklaren. Het is namelijk een hele kostbare functie. Grote dieren hebben meestal minder nakomelingen, hebben meer ruimte nodig om te leven, eten meer en lopen ten slotte eerder het risico op ziektes zoals kanker. Naast de nadelen van gigantisme heeft een grotere omvang ook duidelijke voordelen – anders was het ook niet geëvolueerd. Het belangrijkste voordeel is voedsel. Ondanks het reusachtige lichaam, leven veel walvissen vrijwel uitsluitend van kleine kreeftachtigen die nog geen tien centimeter lang worden. Een groter lichaam is daarbij natuurlijk handig, omdat ze dan veel grotere happen kunnen nemen en zo in één keer meer voedsel naar binnen zuigen.
Evolutionaire geschiedenis Het fossielenbestand van walvisachtigen (een onderorde van zoogdieren waar ook dolfijnen, walvissen en bruinvissen onder geschaard kunnen worden) is heel belangrijk bij het documenteren van de evolutionaire geschiedenis van zeezoogdieren. Veel mensen denken dat de voorouders van walvissen in zee hebben geleefd, maar dat is niet het geval. Walvissen stammen namelijk af van dieren die van het land terug de zee in zijn gegaan. Onderzoekers proberen daar nog altijd meer over te weten te komen. Ondertussen zijn ze al op bepaalde aanpassingen gestuit die hand in hand gingen met die terugkeer naar het water. Denk in dit geval aan gigantisme en de daarmee samenhangende toename van de lichaamsmassa, hoewel wordt aangenomen dat laatstgenoemde een relatief recente diversificatie is geweest.
30 miljoen jaar eerder Maar de nieuwe studie suggereert nu iets anders. De opgegraven fossiele resten van Perucetus colossus zijn namelijk 39 miljoen jaar oud. Bovendien blijkt dat deze gigant al over verschillende kenmerken beschikte die erop wijzen dat hij al volledig was aangepast aan een wateromgeving. Dit betekent dat walvisachtigen zo’n 30 miljoen jaar eerder dan gedacht al hun maximale lichaamsgewicht hadden bereikt. Het drijfvermogen dat gepaard gaat met de toename van botmassa komt overeen met een levensstijl in ondiep water. Dit ondersteunt de heersende theorie dat basilosauridae-walvissen goed aangepast waren aan kustomgevingen.
De studie werpt meer licht op deze orde van oude dieren. Maar dat niet alleen. Het laat vooral zien dat er in vervlogen tijden immense giganten door de zeeën zwierven, die zelfs groter en zwaarder waren dan de befaamde blauwe vinvis. Of er misschien nóg zwaardere dieren dan Perucetus colossus hebben geleefd? Dat valt natuurlijk niet uit te sluiten. We houden de wetenschap in de gaten.
Is het een kosmische spons? Een pokdalige aardappel? Nee, het is de bijzondere maan Hyperion! Dit vreemde object draait om de ringplaneet Saturnus.
Hyperion is in alle opzichten een markante maan. Ten eerste heeft deze maan van Saturnus een dichtheid die ongeveer de helft is van water. Wetenschappers denken daarom dat de maan voornamelijk uit waterijs bestaat.
Op het oppervlak zijn ontelbaar veel kleine kraters te zien. Deze hebben een gemiddelde diameter van twee tot tien kilometer. De kraters zijn gemiddeld 400 meter diep. De allergrootste krater op Hyperion heeft een diameter van 122 kilometer en is ruim tien kilometer diep. Deze krater bedekt bijna de hele maan, die een radius heeft van 135 kilometer.
Aangezien Hyperion heel poreus en licht is, is er nauwelijks zwaartekracht op het oppervlak. Om je een voorbeeld te geven: op aarde is de valversnelling 9,81 meter per seconde. Dit wordt 1 g genoemd. En de maan? Daar is de zwaartekracht met 0,165 g zo’n zes keer lager dan op aarde. Je kunt dus zes keer zo hoog springen als je met dezelfde spierkracht afzet. Op Hyperion is de zwaartekracht 0,002 g: 500 keer lager dan op onze planeet. Toch is het niet makkelijk om ‘weg te springen’ van de maan. De ontsnappingssnelheid is namelijk alsnog 268 kilometer per uur.
Misschien nog wel het meest bijzondere aan Hyperion is zijn baan om Saturnus. De rotatie van Hyperion is chaotisch: het maantje tuimelt op onvoorspelbare wijze door de ruimte. De afstand tot Saturnus bedraagt gemiddeld 1,3 tot 1,6 miljoen kilometer. Ook de snelheid varieert continu. Bekijk dit gifje maar eens. Je wordt er misselijk van!
De ruimtefoto van de week is gemaakt door de Cassini-ruimtesonde. De sonde kiekte het maantje tijdens een scheervlucht in 2005. Cassini vloog toen op een afstand van 514 kilometer langs de natuurlijke satelliet. Dat is nog eens een scheervlucht!
Nagenieten van Cassini’s erfenis Helaas kunnen we niet langer genieten van nieuwe prachtige foto’s van Saturnus en haar manen. In 2017 kwam er een einde aan de Cassini-missie en verbrandde het ruimtevaartuig in de atmosfeer van de ringplaneet. Gelukkig is er nog wel een rijk archief opgebouwd. Zo hebben we op Scientias in 2017 een top 40 gemaakt van de mooiste Cassini-foto’s. Deze foto van Saturnus eindigde op een respectabele derde plek.
De afgelopen decennia hebben ruimtetelescopen en satellieten prachtige foto’s gemaakt van nevels, sterrenstelsels, stellaire kraamkamers en planeten. Ieder weekend halen we één of meerdere indrukwekkende ruimtefoto uit het archief. Genieten van alle foto’s? Bekijk ze op deze pagina.
With both the Pentagon and NASA launching renewed efforts in the study of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), a Ukrainian research team says that it has undertaken a study of its own, producing imagery of aerial objects that cannot be easily identified.
According to researchers B.E. Zhilyaev, V.N. Petukhov, and V.M. Reshetnyk, the Main Astronomical Observatory of NAS of Ukraine “conducts an independent study of UAP” which has managed to collect imagery depicting several anomalous aerial events. The team says it employs a pair of meteor stations located in Kyiv and in the Vinarivka village, each fitted with video cameras observing the daytime sky.
In a recent paper announcing their findings, the researchers say they have created “a special observation technique” they use “for detecting and evaluating UAP characteristics.” Based on the events they have observed, they break down their observations of UAP into two primary categories, which they call “Cosmics” and “Phantoms.”
Night sky over Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020.
(Image credit: Getty)
“We note that Cosmics are luminous objects, brighter than the background of the sky,” the authors write, noting three subcategories of Cosmics each named after various birds: swift, falcon, and eagle, whereas “Phantoms are dark objects, with contrast from several to about 50 percent.”
The Ukrainian team says they have detected UAP under a variety of conditions and have observed what they characterize as “a significant number of objects whose nature is not clear.”
“Flights of single, group and squadrons of the ships were detected,” the paper states, with several of the objects exhibiting speeds “from 3 to 15 degrees per second” and varying degrees of brightness that the team gauges within a range of 10 to 20 Hz. The research team also employed synchronized camera systems that in one instance, according to their paper, “allowed the detection of a variable object, at an altitude of 1170 km.”
By employing instrumentation used to measure variations in color, the team also believes they could determine the characteristics of the appearance of some of the objects they observed and estimate their distance.
Composite imagery depicting one of the purported “Phantom” objects, along with what are labeled “bright swifts,” captured by the Ukrainian research team (Credit: B.E. Zhilyaev, V.N. Petukhov, V.M. Reshetnyk/Main Astronomical Observatory, NAS of Ukraine).
According to the researchers, the objects they designate as Phantoms appear to have very low reflectivity, characterizing the objects as “a completely black body that does not emit and absorbs all the radiation falling on it.” The researchers hypothesize that such an object may be visible “because it shields radiation due to Rayleigh scattering,” an effect that describes light particles that become scattered without there being changes in their wavelengths.
“Phantoms are observed in the troposphere at distances up to 10 – 12 km,” the researchers state in the paper, estimating their size as being between 3 and 12 meters and capable of speeds of as much as 15 kilometers per second.
The researchers present a variety of diagrams within their paper that indicate variations in the color and brightness, as well as speed and other characteristics displayed by the objects. However, the authors do not propose any possible explanations or hypotheses regarding the objects and their appearance or whether they could have mundane underlying sources.
“Unidentified anomalous, air, and space objects are deeply concealed phenomena,” the authors conclude, adding that the primary characteristic of the UAP they have observed is “extremely high speed.”
The paper, “Unidentified aerial phenomena I. Observations of events,” by B. Zhilyaev, V. Petukhov, and V. Reshetnyk can be read online.
Hat tip to Brett Tingley of for bringing this study to our attention.
Micah Hanks is Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of The Debrief. Follow his work at and on Twitter: @MicahHanks.
In 2016, a large number of emails from the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, were leaked by WikiLeaks. The tranche of emails thrilled the Internet when reporters associated with the New York Times were working on the groundbreaking story entitled “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program.”
The emails between Podesta and a person named Bob Fish are the main subject that has been widely discussed by UFO enthusiasts. Mr. Fish, who had previously worked as an IT contractor, held the position of Director of Advanced Programs at Network Equipment Technologies from 1984 to 1993. (Source)
During that time, he was responsible for overseeing a top-secret global network for a major intelligence agency within the Department of Defense. In addition, he was involved in various operations that were of national importance, such as the Gulf War and Operation Just Cause.
The leaked emails may provide new insight into UFOs. Mr. Fish sent an email to Podesta on March 5, 2015, in which he stated that blurry photos, crop circles and statements from witnesses alone would not be enough to confirm the existence of UFOs. “What was needed,” he continued, was “hard scientific data collected from instruments that are known to be accurate and reliable.” Which, he added, was available “if one knows ‘where to look’ and ‘what to look for.’
Bob Fish. Image source: Linkedin
He claimed that the federal government had been collecting data on UFOs since the 1970s, using the Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites.
In his next email to Podesta, he shared an incident that happened with him in El Segundo, a city in California. After Project Blue Book was shut down, Fish met with a USAF official who worked on the program. He told Fish that “there were times when they were diverted from these missions to track UFOs off the east coast of Florida.”
Further, the email stated: “His claim was the UFOs had a landing and takeoff spot in the ocean east of Miami, north of Bermuda. He also claimed there was a specific electronic signature (frequency) emanating from them when they were going into or coming out of the water, so they were easy to track. On several occasions, they filmed the UFO as it transitioned from water to air or vice versa.”
Mr. Fish was convinced that the United States Air Force’s Project Blue Book, which was officially closed in 1970, did not end but instead was taken out of public view. The existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) demonstrated that the Pentagon’s interest in UFOs never dissipated.
Based on the observations provided by Lue Elizondo, the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the United State government had already been aware that UAPS were vastly outmatched by superior technology. These objects have capabilities that are beyond comprehension.
They can travel at incredibly fast speeds and have the ability to get invisible while accelerating. They are capable of moving through air without wings and can travel through space, atmosphere, and oceans without being affected by gravity, and without any visible means of propulsion.
Such scenarios alarmed the US government, and the officials realized that if this god-like technology were to be obtained and mastered by their adversaries before the United States, it would make democracy vulnerable. Australian investigative reporter Ross Coulthart noted that his sources confirmed “there has been consideration given to offensively trying to bring down these objects.”
In his book “In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science“, Coulthart describes that the United States government appears to have knowledge of some UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) entering Earth’s orbit from deep space. Furthermore, the US government can actively track them via RF signals emanated from these craft based on conversations with retired US intelligence officer Bob Fish.
“I wrote to Bob Fish and after a few weeks, he kindly responded, confirming everything he told Podesta, and more. He had never spoken publicly about UAPs before. A previously very highly security-cleared defense communications intelligence insider, Fish has extensive experience working on classified programs, including President Reagan’s ‘Trust but Verify’ nuclear missile disarmament treaty with the Soviets, and he assured me he was happy to be quoted about his strong interest and belief in UAPs.
He clearly knew a lot more than he was prepared to reveal. When I asked him what he knew about the purported US ability to track such mystery craft, he told me, ‘At some point, the information about “alien” stuff and true US national defense information crosses paths.
Patriots with clearances do not want to be traitors to their country or their way of life. For instance, if I told you the exact electromagnetic signature of a high-Mach UFO that US sensors search for, but don’t attack, and you put it in a book, the Soviets/Chinese would manufacture a bomber with SIGINT/ELINT [signals and electronic intelligence] countermeasure equipment that generated that exact signature.
We must find a path forward that brings about greater knowledge of the truth without endangering the civilizations we have evolved into. The intriguing thing about Fish’s comment was the implication there was indeed a ‘truth’ still being concealed.”
Mr. Fish stated that the UAP entered the atmosphere and descended into the Atlantic Ocean, specifically in an area east of Miami, Florida and north of Bermuda. He suggested that this location would be ideal for a telescope with sensor capabilities if one were to be running the Galileo Project.
Former U.S. Navy Lt. Ryan Graves told Lex Fridman on a podcast that his squadron started getting the UAP hits, once they upgraded their APG-73 radar to the APG-79. He mentioned that the upgrade was something like going from analog to digital and that sometimes they would fly F-18s with the old radar in the morning, and the objects would not be there, but when they swapped to the F-18s with the new radar, the UAP hits would be back again. He also noted that perhaps the new radar was not filtering out something that they should have been yet, or perhaps it had not been calibrated. (Source)
“The radar always picks up everything flying, but they go so fast, you don’t recognize them. Your mind says it could have been an 18-wheeler, it could be something low, I don’t know what it was…”
— John Callahan, FAA Retired at the National Press Club, Washington D.C., 2013. (Source)
There is pretty good evidence that the government has been intercepting UFO signals or emissions since at least the 1950s. In one 1957 case investigated by James E. McDonald, a UFO was simultaneously witnessed by military officers, it was seen on radar and ECM gear detected a certain frequency coming from it. (Source)
What They Don’t Want You To Know About the Tunguska UFO Explosion
What They Don’t Want You To Know About the Tunguska UFO Explosion
In the annals of unexplained phenomena, few events have stirred as much intrigue as the mysterious explosion that shook the remote Tunguska region of Siberia in 1908. Long thought to be the result of a meteor, this astronomical puzzle has seen a resurgence of speculation in recent years with a few daring to suggest an extraterrestrial origin.
Historically, most scientists subscribed to the meteor hypothesis, arguing that a meteorite entering the Earth’s atmosphere at a high speed would have caused the massive explosion, a blast believed to be 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. However, one of the enduring mysteries of the Tunguska Event is the lack of a discernable crater, which typically accompanies meteor strikes.
In contrast, some researchers have recently proposed an extraordinary hypothesis – suggesting that the Tunguska Event was actually the result of an alien spaceship crashing into the Earth. Proponents of this theory argue that the flight path of the object showed signs of being under intelligent control, citing unverified reports that the object made a turn mid-flight – an ability beyond that of a natural meteor.
Fueling these rumors was none other than Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. Historical accounts suggest that he believed the Tunguska blast was the result of an alien spacecraft testing an advanced weapon. Stalin, intrigued by this possibility and ever-concerned for Soviet security, assigned some of his top scientists, including Sergey Korolev, to investigate.
Korolev, renowned for his role in developing the Russian space program, found his interest piqued by the peculiarities of the Tunguska event. After organizing an expedition to the area, the team discovered radioactive metallic fragments unlike any found in typical asteroids or meteorites. This discovery led them to a location ominously called the “devil’s graveyard” – an area where no plant life thrived and animals perished, marked by heightened radioactivity levels.
The question remains: if the Tunguska event was indeed an extraterrestrial incident, where did the fragments end up? Some suggest that the remnants were secreted away to Kapustin Yar, a highly classified Russian military base known for its tight security and cutting-edge research.
The suggestion that alien technology was studied and reverse-engineered in the bowels of this secure facility adds an exciting layer to Cold War intrigue. This has led some to draw parallels between Kapustin Yar and the infamous American Area 51, suggesting that these secretive installations were more similar than anyone could have thought.
In the end, the Tunguska event continues to capture our collective imagination. Whether the result of a meteor or a visit from extraterrestrial life, the event serves as a stark reminder of the incredible, sometimes unexplainable, phenomena that exist beyond our everyday perception. As we continue to explore our universe and technology evolves, we may someday unravel the enigmatic mystery of the Tunguska event, be it a tale of a rogue meteor or a testament to an early encounter with otherworldly beings.
What They Don’t Want You To Know About the Tunguska Explosion (S2) | UFO Files | The UnXplained Zone
The Search for the Hidden City Agartha in the Center of the Earth
The Search for the Hidden City Agartha in the Center of the Earth
Cultures around the world have myths that speak of a mysterious underground kingdom that exists deep within the earth, hidden away from the primitive and violent surface-dwellers: which is us.
Picture a society untouched by time, unscathed by war, and unaffected by natural disasters. A culture much advanced than we are thriving in the vast open spaces inside the Earth.
Throughout history, many have looked for physical evidence of its existence, tempted by stories of a peaceful but powerful subterranean civilization with advanced technology and ancient knowledge long forgotten by modern man.
The existence of the underground Kingdom of Agartha may be true, but it has been hushed up for decades and governments go to great lengths to keep it a secret.
Remember Admiral Richard Byrd who said that there is something strange about the shape of the Earth in both polar areas and explaining that there is a secret land mass the size of the United States that has never been seen by anyone.
Yet the John Kerry 11-7-2016 departure trip to Antarctica by discussing the new agreed upon Nation State Treaty, banning private ships from traveling to Antarctica without advanced authorized permission to do so, for another period of 35 years to cover-up the secrets from the past and what to think of the polar orbit satellites, they don't cross some significant areas.
And it seems that there is also a Secret Antarctic Map that reveals the coordinates how to get to the Hollow Earth
This is the story of the underground Kingdom of Agartha and the explorers who’ve said that - not only is it a real place - but they know where it is.
Big, Red UFO Hovered over Vandenberg in 2003, Congressional Witness Testifies
Big, Red UFO Hovered over Vandenberg in 2003, Congressional Witness Testifies
Former Navy Pilot Says Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon Was Seen Above Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County
Ryan Graves, a former U.S. Navy fighter jet pilot and founder of a nonprofit focused on unidentified anomalous phenomena sightings, testified during a House Oversight Committee hearing on July 26 about receiving reports of a strange object hovering over Vandenberg Air Force Base in 2003. Credit: C-SPAN
Reports of a huge, hovering red square above Vandenberg Air Force Base in northern Santa Barbara County were shared at a House of Representatives panel’s hearing on unidentified flying objects last Wednesday, July 26.
For the last five years, the United States has been slowly leaking bits of information about UFOs, or unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) as they call them. The Indyreported in 2019 that there has been an overall “uptick of interaction with aerial phenomenon” since 2014, according to a spokesperson for naval operations.
“A large group of Boeing contractors were operating near one of the launch facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base when they observed a very large, 100-yard-sided red square approach the base from the ocean and hover at low altitude over one of the launch facilities,” said Ryan Graves, a former U.S. Navy fighter jet pilot and founder of a nonprofit focused on UAP sightings.
“This object remained for about 45 seconds or so before darting off over the mountains,” he continued.
Graves, the executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace, said the sighting occurred around 8:45 a.m., followed by a second sighting only hours later. He said witnesses provided him with information about the mysterious incidents, as they had held onto “official documentation and records” from the event over the years.
“Later in the evening, post sunset, there were reports of other sightings on base, including some aggressive behaviors. These objects were approaching some of the security guards at rapid speeds before darting off,” Graves said.
The Vandenberg Air Force Base — renamed the Vandenberg Space Force Base in 2021 — is no stranger to anomalous phenomena. In 1964, a test missile was destroyed shortly after launch at the base. The event was allegedly filmed by Lieutenant Robert Jacobs, who in 1982 came forward saying a space object approached the missile and shot a plasma-type beam at the dummy warhead from four different angles. His superiors had told him to say nothing of the sighting.
Graves, one of three former military members to testify at the July 26 hearing, based his discussion around “three critical issues,” including claims that UAP are in our airspace but are grossly underreported, stigma around UAPs is powerful and “challenges national security,” and “the government knows more about UAP than shared publicly, and excessive classification practices keep crucial information hidden.”
The alleged sighting of a giant, flying red square raises eyebrows. The credibility is questionable — how did others miss it? Nevertheless, reports of odd sightings are becoming more public, and are being treated more seriously by government officials on both sides of the political spectrum.
Last year, the Department of Defense created the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO, for handling UAP reports.
The U.S. intelligence community said earlier this year that UFO reporting by U.S. military personnel is increasing, but government officials have emphasized that only a small percentage of those reports could be described as “anomalous.”
Many representatives at the hearing acknowledged UAPs as a potential threat, which requires government transparency and better understanding of UAPs. That includes efforts to encourage people to come forward with UAP reports, according to Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Long Beach).
The Independent reached out to Congressmember Salud Carbajal’s office, but they had no comment at this time.
“The more we understand, the safer we will be,” Garcia said.
Whistleblowing is fundamentally American, since 1778
Whistleblowing is fundamentally American, since 1778
FILE – A flag is waved outside the White House, in Washington, Sept. 4, 2017.
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)
For the tenth year in a row, the United States Senate has unanimously passed a resolution urging every executive department of the federal government to honor July 30 as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day. Why? As with so many other great movements where human rights and civil liberties were vindicated, protected whistleblowing began with a small band of people who stood up for justice, made their voices heard, and changed history.
During the winter of 1777, 10 sailors and marines aboard the USS Warren blew the whistle on abuses by the commander of the U.S. Navy despite the lack of any existing legal protection. Their spokesman, without leave, jumped ship in Providence, Rhode Island, and made way for the Continental Congress, where he presented 10 petitions in the interest of the Revolution. On July 30, 1778, the sailors finally had their fate sealed.
For these 10 men, the stakes could not have been higher. Their punishment would not be a slap on the wrist — they were subject to military law and could have been disciplined at the hands of the very commander they were trying to take down.
Their first effort to report the wrongdoing was a letter to Robert Treat Paine, the lawyer who prosecuted the British soldiers tried for killing innocent civilians in the Boston massacre. In early February 1777, the whistleblowers asked Paine, a member of the Continental Congress, for his support. Their letter provides insight, not to how the elite in the Continental Congress were viewing the Revolution, but to how everyday sailors and marines explained what “sacrifices” they were willing to make for their “ravish’d, bleeding, injur’d country’s cause.”
The 10 men did not want corrupt leaders to betray the Revolution and demanded their constitutional liberty to expose wrongdoing. Eight days later, Marine Captain John Grannis jumped ship in the Providence Harbor and, without authorization, traveled to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia to present the signed petitions.
A transcript of Captain Grannis’s testimony to the Marine Committee was preserved in the records of the Continental Congress. When asked by a member of Congress if he had permission to leave the Warren, Grannis said “no,” but he explained that he did so out of his “zeal for the American cause” and “love of country.”
He presented the whistleblowers’ petitions setting forth their reasons why the First Commander of the U.S. Navy, Esek Hopkins, should be removed from his position. The man pointed to serious misconduct including the harsh mistreatment of British prisoners, but perhaps their most significant allegation was the threat to their belief in the Revolutionary cause. They explained how Hopkins had told the men, who were risking their lives to create a republic where all men were created equal, that his governing philosophy was that “all mankind” could be bought with money and for the lust of money they would perform “any action whatsoever.” The whistleblowers fundamentally rejected this view of humanity and feared his leadership would undermine the mission of the Revolution.
What unfolded in the winter of 1777 was a classic whistleblower exposure that would go on to be repeated throughout American history. We still see persons today, in service of the country, report misconduct committed at the highest levels of government. But what followed Grannis’s courageous testimony is even more remarkable because it set a precedent for how our nation would respond to these whistleblower reports going forward.
After reviewing the petitions, Congress initiated a series of actions that should inspire every American committed to the ideals of the Revolution of 1776 to rethink their opinions of whistleblowing. Instead of retaliating against the whistleblowers, Congress suspended Commander Hopkins, gave him the opportunity to rebut the claims, and later terminated his service when no defense was made.
Hopkins then turned around and engaged in the types of retaliation that even today’s whistleblowers all too often face. Of the 10 men, he tracked down two — Third Lieutenant Richard Marven and midshipmen Samuel Shaw — and had them arrested for criminal libel in his home state of Rhode Island, holding the men to high bail. From their Providence jail cell, the two captured whistleblowers wrote a letter to Congress pleading for help. Congress met again to consider the appropriate actions to take in response to the pleas of the jailed men.
On July 30, 1778, without any noted dissent, the Continental Congress sent a message that must resonate in today’s White House, Congress and courts. They passed what could very well be the world’s first explicit whistleblower law, and they did not stop there. They voted to release all of the petitions signed by the whistleblowers, many of which included information that was embarrassing to the U.S.
The American people, through Congress, agreed to pay all legal costs necessary to defend the two whistleblowers fighting for their freedom. A highly respected lawyer was hired, and the whistleblowers won their case — the first recorded legal victory for American whistleblowers. The records of the Congress reflect that even though money was desperately needed for military supplies, they honored the resolution and paid Marven and Shaw $1,418. Founding Father Samuel Adams played a leading role in ensuring the vindication of whistleblower rights.
This is why the United States Senate has continuously passed a resolution recognizing what the Continental Congress did on July 30 at the height of the American Revolution and what the current government must do to honor this tradition and the contributions that whistleblowers have made throughout history. The resolution is a way to recommit our nation to recognize the importance that whistleblower protections played in the birth of our democracy and the crucial role these protections still have in our nation’s continued growth.
Does the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole Have a Companion?
At the heart of our galaxy, there is a monster black hole. Known as Sagittarius A*, it has a mass of 4.2 million Suns, and it’s only about 27,000 light-years from Earth. Sag A* is the closest supermassive black hole, and one of only two that we’ve observed directly. It is so close that we can even see stars closely orbiting it. Some of those stars we’ve been observing for more than 20 years, which means we have a very good handle on their orbits. We’ve used those orbits to determine the mass of Sag A*, but a new study looks at a different question: does our galaxy’s black hole have a companion?
Most galaxies contain a supermassive black hole, and some galaxies contain two. This is caused by galactic mergers, where the black hole of one galaxy is captured by another. We know from observations that our galaxy doesn’t have two supermassive black holes. There could be stellar mass black holes orbiting Sag A*, but current observations wouldn’t be sensitive enough to detect them. Another possibility is that there is an intermediate black hole orbiting Sag A*, which is the focus of this work.
An Intermediate Mass Black Hole (IMBH) is one with a mass between hundreds and thousands of Suns. They aren’t formed by the collapse of a massive star, nor are they the gravitational seeds of galaxies. They’ve only recently been discovered through the gravitational waves of black hole mergers, so they aren’t well understood. We don’t even know how common they might be. But if an IMBH orbits Sag A*, its gravitational pull would affect the orbits of nearby stars also orbiting our supermassive black hole.
SO-2 orbits very close to Sag A*. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser
In this study, the team looked at the orbit of a star known as S0-2, or S2. It has one of the closest orbits to Sag A*, with an orbital period of just 16 years. It orbits the black hole so closely that you need to take general relativity into account when calculating its orbit, and we have more than two decades of observational data on it. If there is an IMBH orbiting nearby, S0-2 should be affected by it.
The team found that to the limits of observation, there was no evidence of gravitational perturbations on the orbit of S0-2. This doesn’t mean there isn’t an intermediate-mass black hole in the area, but it does put some upper bounds on the mass if it does exist. Based on the data, if a hypothetical IMBH orbits outside the orbit of S0-2, say with an orbital radius between 1,000 AU and 4,000 AU, then it could have a mass no greater than 1,000 to 10,000 Suns. If there is an IMBH orbiting Sag A* closer than S0-2, then it can have a mass no greater than 400 Suns.
Those aren’t tight constraints, but they do confirm that there isn’t a large intermediate black hole orbiting Sagittarius A*. If it has a smaller IMBH companion, it’s currently beyond our ability to detect.
The Tesla Files & the 11973 Brookhaven Particle Accelerator Death Ray - August 2023
The Tesla Files & the 11973 Brookhaven Particle Accelerator Death Ray - August 2023
Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American engineer and physicist made numerous advances in the generation, transmission, and use of electric power. He invented the first alternating current motor and pioneered the development of AC generation and transmission technology.
Despite his notoriety and respect, he never succeeded in turning his innumerable inventions into long- term financial success, unlike Thomas Edison, his main rival and former employer. In this video, we’ll tell you about Nikola Tesla’s last message and his prediction to future generations revealed in old documents.
Three former military officials told Congress Wednesday that they believe the government knows much more about UFOs than it is telling the public.
A House Oversight subcommittee held a hearing on UFOs — officially known as unidentified aerial phenomena or UAPs — and heard mystifying testimony about unexplained object sightings and government possession of “nonhuman” biological matter.
Lawmakers on the committee, baffled by some of the testimony, repeatedly noted that UAP sightings are an issue of bipartisan concern and raise national security questions. Separately, some accused the federal government of endeavoring to conceal key UFO-related information from the public, though they did not provide evidence to support those allegations.
“The sheer number of reports, whistleblowers and stories of unidentified anomalous phenomena should raise real questions and warrant investigation and oversight. And that’s why we are here today,” Rep. Robert Garcia, the top Democrat on the subcommittee, said in his opening statement. "UAPs, whatever they may be, may pose a serious threat to our military or civilian aircraft. And that must be understood."
These UAP sightings, experts say, might be attributable to balloons, drones, optical illusions or even the blinking lights of a commercial airliner. The Pentagon has said they have seen no evidence linking UAPs to alien activity, though they have not ruled out that explanation.
Here are five of the witnesses' main claims from the hearing:
Government is ‘absolutely’ in possession of UAPs
David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence official, told the panel that he is “absolutely” certain that the federal government is in possession of UAPs, citing interviews he said he conducted with 40 witnesses over a four-year period.
The former U.S. intelligence official said he led Defense Department efforts to analyze reported UAP sightings and was informed of a “multidecade” Pentagon program that endeavored to collect and reconstruct crashed UAPs.
Asked by Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla., how such a program is funded, Grusch claimed that the effort is "above congressional oversight" and bankrolled by a "misappropriation of funds."
"Does that mean that there is money in the budget that is set to go to a program but it doesn't and it goes to something else?," Moskowitz asked.
"Yes. I have specific knowledge of that," Grusch said, though he did not provide more details, claiming the information remains classified.
‘Nonhuman biologics’ were found at a crash site
Grusch, who underscored that he has not personally spotted a UAP, told the panel that he knows of "multiple colleagues" who were injured by UAPs. He also said he has interviewed individuals who have recovered "nonhuman biologics" from crashed UAPs.
Grusch said he prefers to use the term "nonhuman" rather than alien or extraterrestrial.
Asked by Rep. Eric Burlison, R-Mo., to substantiate the crashed UAPs claim, the former intelligence official said he could not divulge specific details, once again claiming the information was too sensitive to share with the public.
He did, however, describe the nature of what he saw: "I have to be very careful here ... [but] what I personally witnessed, myself and my wife, was very disturbing."
A Pentagon spokesperson told NBC News that Grusch's claims are false.
Officials must establish a 'safe and transparent reporting process'
Some lawmakers and witnesses pushed the federal government to establish clear channels to communicate UAP information with both the public and the military, and said the military should establish a comprehensive reporting process for unidentified objects sightings.
Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot, told the panel that military pilots do not feel adequately briefed on UAPs, which he said leaves them unprepared to respond to UAP encounters.
The former Navy pilot claimed that commercial airline pilots have spotted UAPs too.
"There has to be a safe and transparent reporting process for pilots both on the commercial side and the military side to be able to report UAPs," Garcia said.
Ryan Graves, executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace, testifies Wednesday.Drew Angerer / Getty Images
Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., echoed the calls for more transparency. She noted that Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, had previously told Congress that there was “no credible” evidence of extraterrestrial life.
Grusch objected to Kirkpatrick's claim, prompting Foxx to say that "contradiction is a perfect example of why we need to inject transparency into our government."
Stigma associated with sightings 'silences' possible witnesses
Some witnesses and lawmakersat the hearing argued that the stigma associated with reporting UFO sightings — as well as the alleged harassment of those who work to investigate them — may be hindering efforts to determine their origins.
Graves told the panel that stigma "silences" pilots who fear "professional repercussions," which he said is "compounded by recent government claims questioning the credibility of eyewitness testimony."
The Federal Aviation Administration has no mechanism for pilots to report UAPs, and instead directs them to civilian groups that are often dismissed as the domain of cranks and conspiracy theorists.
Those institutional hurdles led Graves to form a first-of-its-kind group that pushes for policy changes, serves as a hub for pilot whistleblowers and advocates for more disclosure by the military and other government agencies.
Lawmakers said they hoped the hearing could help assuage pilots' fears of speaking out.
"This hearing will not be the end of this discussion, but a new chapter and start. We should encourage more reporting, and more study of UAPs," Garcia said. "The more we understand, the safer we are."
UFO spotted accelerating to 'supersonic speeds'
David Fravor, a former Navy commander, said he and three fellow military pilots spotted a white Tic-Tac-shaped object in 2004, hovering below their jets and just above the Pacific Ocean.
As he descended to inspect the sighting, he claimed the unidentified aircraft — which he said bore no visible rotors, wings or exhaust — began to ascend and approach his fighter jet.
He claimed that the UAP then vanished, only to reappear a few seconds later, but this time it was spotted 60 miles away.
Fravor told the committee that the technology he and his team encountered defies logical explanation.
"The technology that we faced is far superior to anything that we had," Fravor claimed. "And there’s nothing we can do about it, nothing."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Unveiling the Secrets of S4: A CGI Recreation of the Infamous UFO Base
Unveiling the Secrets of S4: A CGI Recreation of the Infamous UFO Base
In the never-ending quest to decipher the mysteries of our universe, we often find ourselves drawn to the enigmatic Area 51, a name synonymous with extraterrestrial encounters, top-secret research, and alleged UFO sightings. As the world of technology continues to evolve, we find new ways to visualize and understand these baffling phenomena. Today, we are thrilled to present an incredibly detailed and immersive computer-generated video, recreating the secret S4 UFO base, allegedly situated within the confines of Area 51.
Inspired by the riveting documentary “Bob Lazar and the Flying Saucers,” (Amazon link) the creator of this video sought to amalgamate valuable insights and painstakingly bring to life a digital representation of the secret S4 Base. Harnessing the power of Unreal Engine 5, the result is a vivid and engrossing look at the world’s most enigmatic “extraterrestrial” base.
The animation traces its roots to the contentious story of Bob Lazar, the scientist who sparked worldwide intrigue with his claims of working on reverse-engineering alien technology at a site called S4, near the Area 51 test facility in Nevada. For the many who are unfamiliar with Lazar’s narrative, it revolves around his supposed employment in the late 1980s at a concealed military installation where he alleges to have worked with extraterrestrial technology.
To enhance the credibility and add further depth to this video, the creator has drawn upon the work and blueprints provided by Dan Burisch and Michael Schratt. Burisch, a retired government microbiologist renowned for his work in “The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and the Government Cover-Up” and the TV series “Ancient Aliens,” lends his intricate understanding of supposed governmental contact with alien beings to this project.
Meanwhile, Schratt, a prominent military aerospace historian featured in several documentaries like “Hangar 1: The UFO Files,” “Ancient Aliens,” “Unacknowledged,” and “Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified,” provides his extensive knowledge of military aerospace history, adding another layer of authenticity to the project.
The synergy of these dynamic elements results in a stunningly realistic animation of the mysterious S4 base. As viewers, we’re taken on a journey through eerily lifelike corridors and spaces, bringing us as close to the rumored alien technologies as we can possibly get from our computer screens.
This video stands as a testament to the power of technology and its ability to breathe life into stories and narratives that have captivated us for decades. It not only allows us to visualize Lazar’s claims but also stokes the flames of our collective curiosity about what truly lies within Area 51.
Though we must bear in mind that these representations are speculative and the existence of the S4 base remains unconfirmed, it does serve as a fascinating exploration into the world of UFO lore. The video brings us closer to understanding, or at least imagining, the tantalizing mysteries that continue to surround Area 51 and its supposed extraterrestrial affiliations.
In conclusion, this captivating animation bridges the gap between science, speculation, and storytelling, bringing to life the mysteries of Area 51’s S4 base in an unprecedented way. Whether you’re a fervent UFO enthusiast or just an intrigued visitor, prepare to embark on an exciting exploration of one of the most iconic and mysterious locations in UFO history.
A 140-page scientific report, generated by a U.S. intelligence agency, analysed multiple Tic-Tac-shaped objects above 80,000 feet, which were involved in the famous 2004 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) encounter off the coast of California.
The existence of the analysis was confirmed by investigative journalists George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell on their most recent WEAPONIZED podcast episode.
Knapp confirmed on the show that he sought to get the report submitted to the Congressional Record ahead of the UAP Public Hearing held in the House of Representatives on 26 July 2023.
However, due to concerns about hurting sources, Knapp refrained and chose not to proceed.
Corbell said the “detailed” scientific analysis describes "encounters of multiple craft above 80,000 feet” and from “space”.
He also confirmed that the analysis was unknown to naval aviators Commander David Fravor and Commander Chad Underwood, who encountered the unexplained Tic Tac objects of unknown origin during the 2004 incident.
During last Wednesday’s Congressional UAP Hearing Commander Fravor, who testified under oath, described seeing a 40-foot-long "Tic Tac" shaped object close to the ocean surface moving erratically like a "ping pong ball" that travelled more than 60 miles in less than a minute.
This was just one of multiple objects tracked on radar by the cruiser USS Princeton.
Commander Fravor can be seen on the left looking forward towards Congressional members
Speaking to Liberation Times, Jeremy Corbell commented:
‘I can affirm a few things for public record, that I am directly informed about. The TIC TAC UFOs were entering into our atmosphere from space - and showed total situational dominance.
‘We were (and still are) powerless, due to these vehicles advanced aerospace capabilities. These UAP were monitored flying with impunity within our military's restricted airspace - which is now a common occurrence, with an increased frequency.
‘Some of the TIC TAC UFOs were “docking” (for lack of a more informed term), with a structured and maneuverable object underneath the water. This Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) was under intelligent control - and I do hope - was tracked by our classified undersea sensor systems.’
Liberation Times can confirm that the existence of the scientific analysis report has been verified by multiple sources.
The confirmation of multiple Tic Tac objects being tracked above 80,000 feet affirms the presence of other sensor systems that also tracked unexplained objects during the incident.
Previously, the only known systems tracking the objects included naval and air assets such as those on the USS Princeton and E-2 Hawkeye planes.
At the time, the Spy-1 Radar of the USS Princeton detected what operators called "multiple anomalous aerial vehicles", descending from 80,000 feet (the maximum tracking height) down to 20,000 feet in less than a second.
Commenting to Liberation Times, Corbell said:
‘These Advanced Aerospace Vehicles described as TIC TAC UFOs - were entering our airspace from above the scan volume of the SPY-1 Radar - at perceived ICBM trajectories.
‘So you can understand the initial concerns we were facing as a nation when these UAP were picked up by our North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) - and various other reconnaissance platforms.’
The newly uncovered analysis confirms that multiple sensors, possibly satellites, were tracking the objects at the time.
Liberation Times understands that other UAP incidents, up to the present day, are also captured by satellite assets, something confirmed by former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe.
In 2021, Ratcliffe told Fox News that UAP had been picked up by multiple sensors, including satellite platforms:
“There are sightings all over the world and when we talk sightings the other thing I will tell you is it is not just a pilot or just a satellite or some intelligence collection - usually we have multiple sensors that are picking up these things.”
In the interview, Ratcliffe also explained:
“We're talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots that have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain. [That includes] movements that are hard to replicate because we don't have the technology, [and] that are travelling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.”
Data collected from such sensors described by Ratcliffe would provide the public and Congress with more answers regarding the origin (to the extent that some UAP with extraordinary performance characteristics are tracked coming from space or Earth’s upper atmosphere) and, possibly, rule out any prosaic explanations.
So far, Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, who leads the Pentagon’s UAP Office, known as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has focussed publicly on producing public analysis through video taken by pilots and naval aviators.
Confirmation from the AARO that some UAP displaying high-performance capabilities originate from space could potentially rule out any other nation on Earth. However, so far the Pentagon refuses to discuss this particular topic.
In 2022 at a UAP press event, Liberation Times asked Dr Kirkpatrick and Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultrie, if they had analyzed UAP reports in the space domain that they had not been able to resolve.
In response, Moultrie stated:
“Let me take that one, because I think our ability right now to resolve things in the space domain, and what we have in the space domain, is something that would fall under sensitive sources and methods and means, so would be -- would prefer not to respond to that -- that comment or that question, excuse me, in this forum.”
The presence of satellite and other sensor evidence within the Department of Defense (DoD), capable of providing further insights into UAP, could spark a crucial conversation about the need to confirm this evidence without compromising national security. Such transparency and honesty with both Congress and the public could be beneficial.
NASA is presently conducting an independent study on UAP, utilizing its own resources.
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has recently expressed the Agency's interest in using space sensors to investigate and understand UAP further.
Acknowledging DoD and intelligence community satellite data, which already exists, to NASA and the public, might lead to savings in taxpayer money, as it would expedite the research process.
At a time of low public trust in the U.S. government’s handling of the UAP issue, only time will tell if the Pentagon will change course and act with transparency and honesty.
And Jeremy Corbell confirmed there is a lot more data which has not been shared:
‘The documents George Knapp has obtained are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what our collective governments know about the UFO puzzle.
‘In the documentation that I have seen - it is clear that we (the United States or any advanced technological nation on planet Earth) do not have the physical capability yet to build machines like our pilots are engaging - nor are we even project being able to build machines like these for the foreseeable future.
‘To be blunt, our material science and understanding of physics are far from functioning when it comes to duplication of these technologies we have observed.’
Another witness from last week’s hearing was former senior intelligence official, David Grusch, who spoke under oath about a hidden UAP retrieval and reverse engineering program.
Speaking about the current UAP situation as he sees it, and referencing the claims of such hidden programs, Jeremy Corbell commented:
‘I find it disturbing that journalists get better - and higher-quality information on this UAP puzzle than do our official channels of UAP reporting. However, it’s important to qualify why that is; and it boils down to EARNED trust.
‘The ground-zero of truth on the matter is that factions working under the authority of what we would call government - have been controlling this UAP information, materials, hardware, machinery and knowledge - about the UAP presence on planet Earth - for decades.
‘And people are sick and tired of being asked to be part of the coverup. There is no version of reality where this continues as it’s been going. The truth about UFOs will emerge - and it’s going to happen the easy way or the hard way - but it’s happening.
‘I would warn those actively complicit in covering up the UAP presence that they have a duty to the public they represent to get out in front of what’s coming and help the process - not hinder it. Lack of transparency on this issue - it’s corrosive, like an acid; eroding the trust of the American and global public. Immediate UAP transparency - this is the medicine.’
Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp seen on 26 July 2023 with Commander David Fravor, former naval aviator Ryan Graves, former senior intelligence official David Grusch and his legal representative Charles McCullough III
That lack of public trust in regard to showing the true capabilities of some UAP and what is really known may also extend to the AARO.
Liberation Times has learned that dozens of whistleblowers with claimed direct knowledge of hidden UAP programs have come forward to its Director, Dr Kirkpatrick, but are frustrated by the handling of the evidence they gave him.
The coming weeks may be crucial for the AARO. And after Dr Kirkpatrick’s recent public outburst, in which he attacked elements of Congress, his own destiny has now become uncertain.
And with other whistleblowers with direct knowledge regarding UAP retrieval and reverse engineering programs ready to come forward publicly, the AARO’s investigation may soon be overtaken by Congress’ own efforts, which would include more public hearings.
The Voyager 2 spacecraft may be out of touch with NASA until mid-October thanks to a slight mishap, but NASA engineers got some good news this afternoon in the form of a carrier signal from the spacecraft.
NASA recently announced that it had been cut off from the spacecraft since July 21. Voyager 2’s instruments and communications system are working normally, but its radio signals have been missing Earth by about 429 million miles because the spacecraft’s antenna is pointed two degrees in the wrong direction.
Voyager 2 is the second working spacecraft to fly past the edge of our Solar System.
While Voyager 2’s operators at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory were uploading a series of commands to the spacecraft on July 21, something in their programmed commands accidentally tilted its antenna about two degrees. And over 12.3 billion miles of space, a tiny two-degree error turns into an astronomical miss.
“Data being sent by the spacecraft is no longer reaching the [Deep Space Network’s antennas on Earth], and the spacecraft is not receiving commands from ground controllers,” NASA announced recently.
The Deep Space Network picked up a carrier signal — the constant broadcast from a radio transmitter, whose frequency and intensity can be changed, or modulated, to carry an actual signal — from Voyager 2 on Tuesday afternoon. Engineers hope that if the carrier signal is hitting DSN’s antennas, then messages sent from Earth will also reach Voyager 2. If that’s the case, they can send the spacecraft instructions to point its antenna in the right direction again.
If that doesn’t work, Voyager 2 will be cut off from contact with its human operators until October 15, when the spacecraft is scheduled to reset its orientation on its own.
Voyager 2 launched in August 1977, and it entered interstellar space in November 2018. About a year ago, its sister ship, Voyager 1, experienced a different communications issue, which engineers managed to troubleshoot from billions of miles away. NASA engineers have had to find increasingly creative ways to keep the two Voyager spacecraft sending data home to Earth, but if all goes well, both spacecraft will keep calling from interstellar space until sometime in 2035.
If aliens actually crashed here on Earth, what would happen?
Would the debris, and the aliens themselves, vanish behind a massive government cover-up, only to emerge as classified military technology years later? Or would altruistic civilian scientists work together to study the alien artifacts for the good of humanity?
These questions seem like fodder for very trope-y science fiction, but last week, a former U.S. Air Force intelligence officer told Congress last week, with a straight face, that an unnamed source had told him that the U.S. Department of Defense (or possibly its contractors) has debris and “nonhuman biologics” from a crashed UFO.
To answer these suddenly relevant questions, Inverse spoke with Greg Eghigian, a Pennsylvania State University historian and bioethicist who specializes in the study of UFOs.
NASA and the Department of Defense have been paying much more attention to Unidentified Anamolous Phenomena, or UAPs, in recent years.
If a flying saucer crashes in Oklahoma tomorrow, just for example, what happens next?
No law or treaty spells out who gets to claim the spaceship or alien remains. The U.S. and several other countries have laws about who owns meteorites (spoiler alert for U.S. readers: if the meteorite falls on private land, it belongs to the landowner; on public land, it depends) and even debris from human-made spacecraft re-entering Earth’s atmosphere (you can’t collect rocket parts in Florida, for example). Other laws even spell out who’s liable if a de-orbiting satellite crashes on someone’s house. At the moment, though, there’s nothing on the books about who technically owns a flying saucer that crashes on U.S. soil.
Senators Chuck Schumer and Mike Rounds are hoping to change that with an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. Their amendment, if it passes, would (among other things) give the U.S. federal government “eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin (TUO) and biological evidence of non-human intelligence (NHI) that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good.”
“I think the sense is that the government, particularly the military, would be the key entity that would take on this stuff,” Eghigian tells Inverse. “I don't think civilian scientists would be getting first dibs on this. I think they would be out of the loop.”
The U2, SR-71, A-12, B-2 and F117 were flight tested at the Air Force’s Groom Lake facility in Nevada, better known as Area 51.
Does that mean the Department of Defense would whisk the crash debris (and the “nonhuman biologics,” as former Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch recently described it to Congress) away to a top-secret bunker, never to be spoken of again?
“To start with, I think there's no question that the first people on the ground are going to be policing authorities: it’s going to be the police, and it’s going to be the military,” says Eghigian. Once the crash site is secure, the next step would probably be forensic work, involving a mix of technicians, scientists, and engineers from within the military branches or from defense contractors.
It’s likely the military’s interest would be threefold: first, to determine whether the flying saucer and its builders pose a threat to humanity, especially the U.S.; second, to try to reverse engineer the technology for military use; and third, to keep anybody else from doing part two. That would almost certainly involve some secrecy — or at least, an attempt at secrecy.
“Militaries keep secrets all the time, and the intelligence community is built around, not just holding secrets, but also exposing secrets for their benefit,” says Eghigian. “If something remarkable happened, I can believe that that would be a dynamic that would emerge.”
But SETI Institute astronomer Seth Shostak questions how long a veil of secrecy would last on a planet surrounded by high-resolution imaging satellites.
“Actual alien craft in our airspace bigger than an office desk would likely be visible to satellites that — among other things — supply imagery to Google Earth,” he writes in a recent essay for the SETI Institute. And it’s not just satellites; more than one country’s military personnel have managed to share sensitive operational information on social media. “I still strongly maintain that alien visitation is not something that could be kept secret. The size of such a secret is just too big,” writes Shostak.
Eghigian is also skeptical that an alien cover-up could last very long, but he says the fact that so many people expect — or already believe in — a government conspiracy to hide aliens from us is, in itself, very revealing.
“So often this stuff about UFOs isn’t about UFOs at all,” Eghigian says. “It gets to the heart of how a person or an organization or group of people, your image and your idea of how government works, and what modern governments are capable of and what they do."
Definitely not actual footage.
Once the word gets out — and Shostak and Eghigian seem to agree that it almost certainly will, one way or another — scientists around the world would be clamoring for access to the evidence, and even the Department of Defense might have some good reasons to share.
“That would probably be followed by, you would hope, lots of questions coming from journalists like you,” Eghigian says. “And then I think the civilian scientists and researchers, if we catch wind of this stuff, would then be I think clamoring for an opportunity to have a look.”
With nearly 300 research universities in the U.S. alone, not to mention the private sector, there would be a lot of researchers clamoring for dibs on alien autopsies and analyzing the metals in the flying saucer’s hull. Sorting out who should get access to study which pieces of the evidence would quickly become a sticky, and highly politicized, problem.
“One thing I think you can expect absolutely right away is this would turn political,” says Eghigian.
Of course, this story has focused on what would happen if an alien spaceship crashed somewhere in the U.S., but there’s no reason — other than nationalism — to think the U.S. is any more likely to be a UFO crash site than any other country in the world.
“There is a kind of national hubris operating here: If extraterrestrial beings are going to come to Earth, they’re going to visit us!” writes Shostak.
Dark Matter Experiment Fails to Turn Up the Mysterious Particle, but Narrows its Hiding Places
So much in science is based on constraints. If scientists don’t understand something, they try to constrain it as much as possible so that more precise experiments can finally detect whatever the theorized phenomenon is. Dark matter is notoriously difficult in this regard, as it has evaded detection for over a century at this point, despite even more precise instruments trying to capture a glimpse of it. One of those instruments is the Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (SuperCDMS), run by the SLAC National Laboratory and located in northern Minnesota. To help further the cause, researchers looked at the data from the experiment while considering a few new possibilities, and while they didn’t find any evidence of dark matter, they helped tighten the constraints even more.
SuperCDMS, like most dark matter detection experiments, relies on the theory of dark matter that believes it interacts with ordinary matter in some way, shape, or form. Most likely, this interaction will take the form of some sort of interaction with the nuclear of an atom it runs into.
When dark matter collides with an atom, there are two possibilities for what happens. First is an “elastic collision” – simply thought of as when billiard balls bounce into one another, as Noah Kurinsky, a staff member at SLAC and corresponding author on a new paper describing this research, points out. Data from SuperCDMS has already been thoroughly scouted for evidence of those types of interactions. However, there is another option – an “inelastic” collision.
UT video speculating on the nature of dark matter.
In such a collision, the energy isn’t transferred to the atom’s nucleus but its electrons, or even photons, if they happen to be present. And there are two main ways they could potentially have such a collision.
One is called Bremsstrahlung radiation, meaning “braking radiation” in German. In this case, while the dark matter particle would still hit a nucleus, some energy would be transferred directly into a photon. Detectors at the SuperCDMS would then be able to pick up the increased energy of that photon and deduce that an inelastic dark matter collision could have caused it.
Bremsstrahlung radiation has been experimentally observed before, but the other potential inelastic collision method, known as the Migdal effect, has not yet. In this case, the dark matter particle again hits the nucleus, but the nucleus itself shifts ever so slightly, and the cloud of electrons surrounding it must shift as well. This shift should theoretically be detectable by experiments such as SuperCDMS, and indeed other theorists have calculated what that shift might look like in an experiment.
UT video on the existence of dark matter.
Unfortunately, after reanalyzing data previously collected by SuperCDMS, Dr. Kurinsky and his colleagues found no evidence of dark matter. However, they added some additional constraints by showing that a dark matter particle’s total “mass” (equivalent to the energy in high-end physics) is less than one-fifth the mass of a proton.
But they didn’t stop there. Another way the detector might not see the results they expect based on these new interaction theories is if the dark matter particles don’t make it all the way to the detector in the first place and get swallowed up by Earth’s ground or even the atmosphere beforehand. That would help to put an upper bound on the minimum level of mass dark matter to reach the detector.
To do this calculation, the physicists collaborated with another group of scientists not well-known for their interest in particle physics – geologists. That collaboration allows the physicists to calculate how much energy a dark matter particle would lose depending on which direction through the Earth it was passing. Calculations show a dramatic difference in lost energy as it passed the entire way through the Earth and its core to reach the mine in Minnesota where SuperCDMS is located finally, and another dark matter particles that might come from straight overhead and meet the path of least resistance into the detector.
Discussion of why constraints are so important in dark matter research.
Again, these calculations didn’t turn up any smoking gun of dark matter, so the search continued. However, they were able to say that dark matter must be below the energy limit that would allow the particles (if that is indeed what they are) to pass through to the detector, even via the most direct route. They can also confidently say that if it has enough energy to make it to the detector, it must have a mass of less than 1/5th of a proton.
Now the search continues, with more and more scientists joining it every year. And with more and more detectors coming online every year, maybe there is some hint of dark matter’s existence hiding in the data sets of other detectors just waiting to be analyzed using this new framework. But until then, details of this most mysterious of materials will continue to elude us.
Wetenschappers ontdekken gigantische nieuwe walvisvoorouder: “dit was mogelijk het zwaarste dier ooit op aarde”
Wetenschappers hebben een nieuwe voorouder van de walvis ontdekt. Perucetus colossus zwom zo’n 39 miljoen jaar geleden voor de kust van het huidige Peru. Met zijn gewicht van naar schatting 85 à 340 ton steekt hij de blauwe vinvis naar de kroon als zwaarste dier ooit. Die haalt maar 100 à 190 ton. Een van de paleontologen uit het onderzoeksteam is de Belg Olivier Lambert van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen (KBIN). Hun unieke ontdekking staat deze week in het toonaangevende tijdschrift Nature.
Paleontoloog Mario Urbina zoekt al decennia naar fossielen in de woestijn langs de zuidelijke kust van Peru. Dertien jaar geleden deed hij een uitzonderlijke ontdekking. Toen de andere teamleden de foto’s zagen, waren ze verbijsterd: de fossielen – die ongeveer 39 miljoen jaar oud zijn – waren immens en hadden een rare vorm. Het team had verschillende opgravingsmissies nodig om het kolossale skelet uit een heuvelflank te graven. Elk van de dertien gefossiliseerde wervels woog over de honderd kilogram en de vier ribben waren zo’n 1,4 meter lang.
Het exemplaar is een nieuwe soort uit de groep van de intussen uitgestorven basilosauriden. Dat zijn de vroegste walvissen die de overgang maakten naar een volledig aquatische levensstijl. Walvissen stammen namelijk af van gehoefde landdieren die terug in zee zijn gaan leven en aanvankelijk nog zowel in het water als op land leefden. Uit de basilosauriden ontstonden later de balein- en tandwalvissen die we vandaag nog kennen.
In de groep van de basilosauriden waren er al soorten bekend met een lichaamslengte tot zo’n 20 meter, maar tot dusver kon geen enkele vroege walvis het zwaarste dier ooit naar de kroon steken: de blauwe vinvis. Die iconische baleinwalvis weegt tot wel 190 ton, zo zwaar als veertig olifanten. Perucetus colossus (‘de kolossale walvis van Peru’), zoals de nieuw beschreven soort werd gedoopt, zou nu de titel van zwaarste dier ooit kunnen overnemen.
Het internationale team van onderzoekers scande het oppervlak van de fossielen om in 3D hun volume te kunnen berekenen. Onderzoekers boorden ook een staal uit verschillende wervels en uit een rib waarmee ze de inwendige structuur van het bot konden analyseren. En ze gebruikten complete skeletten van nauw verwante walvisachtigen om in te schatten hoe zwaar Perucetus woog tijdens zijn leven.
Het 20 meter lange skelet alleen al moet tussen vijf en acht ton hebben gewogen. Dat is twee tot drie keer zwaarder dan het skelet van de 25 meter lange blauwe vinvis die in het Natural History Museum in London hangt. Om het hele lichaamsgewicht van Perucetus te kunnen schatten, gebruikten de onderzoekers de verhouding tussen zacht weefsel en gewicht van het skelet, dat berekend kan worden bij levende zeezoogdieren. Met schattingen tussen 85 ton tot 340 ton valt het gewicht van deze nieuwe soort ofwel binnen het bereik van de blauwe vinvis, ofwel overtreft het dat ruimschoots.
Hoe groter, hoe beter?
Twee aanpassingen van het skelet zijn verantwoordelijk voor het enorme gewicht van Perucetus. Ten eerste de extra aanmaak van bot op het buitenoppervlak van het skelet. Daardoor zien de wervels er opgeblazen uit. En de holtes binnenin blijken opgevuld met bot, wat het skelet extra zwaar maakt.
“Deze aanpassingen zijn geen teken van ziekte”, zegt Olivier Lambert, paleontoloog aan het KBIN en co-auteur van de studie. “We kennen die aanpassingen van veel andere zeezoogdieren – zeekoeien onder meer – en uitgestorven reptielen die in ondiepe kustwateren leven of leefden. Zware botten werken als duikgewichten en helpen de dieren om hun drijfvermogen (hun positie in de waterkolom) en hun trim (de positie van het lijf zelf) te regelen.”
“Een stabiele houding in het water kan handig zijn geweest om boven de zeebodem te zoeken naar schaaldieren, bodemvissen en weekdieren. En zwaar zijn was mogelijk ook een voordeel bij een sterke golfslag aan de kust.” De huidige walvissen, die tot veel grotere dieptes kunnen duiken en ver van de kust leven, hebben een veel lichtere botstructuur.
Tot nu toe zagen paleontologen de evolutionaire verschuiving naar een gigantische omvang, zoals je die vandaag ziet bij baleinwalvissen, als een recent fenomeen, dat zo’n 5 miljoen jaar geleden begon bij filtervoedende walvissen in open zee. “De ontdekking van zo’n reusachtige soort als Perucetus, van wie de zwaarte van de botten enorm was toegenomen, verandert ons begrip van de evolutie van walvissen: al 30 miljoen jaar eerder bereikten ze een gigantisch gewicht in de context van een kustgebied”, aldus Lambert.
Paleontologist Mario Urbina poses for a photo next to the vertebrae of a newly found species named Perucetus colossus, or “the colossal whale from Peru”,during a presentation in Lima, Peru, Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023.Show less
In this 2023 artist illustration by Alberto Gennari, Perucetus colossus is reconstructed in its coastal habitat, with an estimated body length: ~20 meters. Researchers describethe new species named Perucetus colossus, or “the colossal whale from Peru," in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023.Show less
In this June 2017, photo provided by Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa, a single vertebra collected within a plaster jacked of Perucetus colossusis transported from the site of origin in the Ica desert in Ica Province, southern Peru, to the Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos, in Lima.Show less
In this June 2017, photo provided by Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa, disarticulated vertebrae of the skeleton of Perucetus colossus is excavated byEusebio Diaz, from left, Alfredo Martinez and Walter Aguirre, in the Ica Province, southern Peru.Show less
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Stairway To Heaven In Noah’s Ark
Stairway To Heaven In Noah’s Ark
The story of Noah’s ark and the flood epic is one of the oldest nursery legends in the world and it has captivated the imaginations of children and adults alike throughout the ages. From childhood memories one may recollect that God sent the deluge to destroy all the evil people upon the earth. It is known that Noah and his family were saved by departing on a titanic ark with every species of animals and birds on board the floating zoo. The ark began its maiden voyage on the 17th day of the second month when the rain began and it lasted for the proverbial 40 days and 40 nights.
Some of the more precise details after that may be a little sketchy but the Book of Genesis tells that the waters started to rise on the earth over a period of 150 days. Few will remember hearing of so many days, but they may recall that the tops of the mountains finally disappeared below the waves. Perhaps children rub their sleepy eyes when they listen to how the ark docked on Mount Ararat and miss out on the fact that it was on the 17th day of the seventh month.
Noah’s ark seemed so real then right up to where the saga ended with a rainbow on the horizon. It was the ultimate image of a colourful finale but never did anyone realize that there was a magical formula of celestial knowledge of the heavens on display in the timing details of the flood saga. Those timing details listed particulars days and specific months together with the length of periods in days. It was very mysterious how the dates and periods were so precise as if they adhered to a deliberately planned timetable.
Noah by Lorenzo Monaco (circa 1370 –circa 1425 ) Metropolitan Museum of Art
The first sign that there was some time amiss in the flood story was with an anomaly with the ages of Noah and his son Shem. It stated in the Book of Genesis that Noah was 500 years old when he became the father of triplets, one of whom was Shem. It also outlined that the flood finished on the end of Noah’s 600th year. However, later in the story it stated that Noah’s son Shem became a father when he was 100 years old, which was listed as two years after the flood. That was fake news for Shem would have been 102 years old when it was two years after the flood. It appeared that the scribes had tempted one with an intellectual challenge where the episode of the flood contained possibly the first numerical riddle in written existence.
Ham sees his father, Noah, naked and drunk; Shem and Japheth. Etching by S. Mulinari after A. Sacchi.
The cockups continued when tracing the dating events in the saga of the flood as outlined in the Book of Genesis. Read the three chapters in order to get a greater appreciation of the timing details. The relevant times given for the events at the beginning of the flood are listed below and to make the presentation more user-friendly, the names of the months used today are utilized. It should be stated that ancient numbers and arithmetic were very different than what is used today. The timing details were as follows:
All went into the Ark on the 17th day of the second month and the rain started – February 17.
It rained for 40 days and 40 nights and the waters rose for 150 days until the Ark was 15 cubits above the mountains. This would date the event forward to the 17th day of the seventh month –July 17.
But it then stated that the Ark rested on Mount Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month –July 17.
There was a major problem for how could the ark rest on Mount Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month when the waters were 15 cubits above the mountains on the same day and had not the time to recede?
The ark had come up against a barrier worse than an iceberg and it was amazing to find that this blunder had never featured prominently in previous biblical commentary. It was back to the drawing board to investigate what the story tellers had in mind when they devised the puzzling dating system in the flood saga.
The Deluge towards Its Close by Joshua Shaw (1813) Metropolitan Museum of Art
Biblical academics have established that there were two versions of the flood story standing back to back. One of those versions was in the earthly realm where it simply rained for 40 days and 40 nights. But the other version was in the cosmic realm where it stated that the windows of the heavens were thrown open and the fountains of the deep were broken open. Because the ark sailed up to the heavens and with such a precise dating schedule, one has to take cognizance of how time is measured. It introduces the astronomical terms of the solar year and the sidereal year as follows:
Modern calendar is based on the solar year, which is measured against a fixed point on the landscape such as a sun dial and it is 365.242 days long.
The year is also measured against a fixed star in the heavens and it is 365.256 days long. This is known as a star or sidereal year.
Ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus with the astrolabe he invented. William Cuningham, "The Cosmographical Glasse", (1559).
Current opinion is that the Greek astronomer Hipparchus discovered the difference between solar and sidereal time and he lived in the second century BC. The sidereal year is longer than the solar year by a little over 20 minutes. In the era before mechanical clocks were invented, the period of 20 minutes would have been almost impossible to measure. However, the biblical astronomers seemingly made theoretical projections where the tiny time period of 20 minutes added up to one day in 72 years and 14 days in 1,000 years. It gave a meaning to the phrase in the second Book of Peter where “with the Lord a day was like a thousand years.” The scribes also used time on land to represent solar time and time at sea to represent sidereal time.
Calculating-Table by Gregor Reisch: Margarita Philosophica, (1503). The woodcut shows Arithmetica instructing an algorist and an abacist.
The biblical astronomers went further where they devised a unique formula to measure sidereal time and solar time. To achieve their objective they projected the tiny period of 20 minutes out over 100, 1,000 and 3,000 years. It was a simple formula where they applied 777 beads on an abacus to represent the days. Then they simply counted out 777 beads over and over again and found that after 47 lots had been counted, they had the total of 36,519 to represent the days in 100 years. There was a shortfall of 5.2 days so they would have added an extra five beads to complete the exercise with 36,524 days precisely. With 100 sidereal years there was a shortfall of 6.6 days and therefore they would have added on six extra leap days to achieve the target of 36,525 days precisely.
They would then have repeated the same exercise many times until the numbers to represent the periods of 1,000 and 3,000 years had been projected. There would have been a shortfall of 157 beads to achieve the target with the number of days in 3,000 solar years. They would have added on those extra 157 beads to the overall total to represent 3,000 solar years precisely. It was simply a matter of conducting the same exercise to project out 3,000 sidereal years except that the maths shows that it would have required adding an extra 197 beads to reach the precise target. The periods involved were thus 3,000 solar years with 157 leap days and 3,000 sidereal years with 197 leap days.
Genesis 7, 11-14: "In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights..." Augsburger Wunderzeichenbuch, (c. 1550)
Armed with the knowledge of the 777-day calendar and its indices it was quite obvious that the leap days for solar time were on display in the flood story. The saga outlined that the rain started on the 17th day of the second month and the waters rose for a period of 150 days. After that the waters receded for another 150 days. There were also two periods with Noah waiting for seven days plus seven days when he sent out the dove which returned the second time with an olive leaf in its beak. These collective periods added up to two distinct intervals with 157 days plus 157 days. The two intervals fitted like gloves for they equated exactly to the leap days, which had to be added on to synchronize the 777-day calendar when projected out over 3,000 plus 3,000 solar years.
The period of 197 days to represent 3,000 sidereal years was not openly discernible in the flood saga. But while drawing up a chart to show the complete dating of the flood epic from beginning to the end, a very unusual picture emerged. The mental arithmetic suggested that the timing details of the flood epic also dated back in time to the tune of sidereal time. This seemed surreal until the complete timing details of going forward in time and going back in time were mapped out as shown in the illustration.
The Blue and Yellow Routes of the Ark through Solar and Sidereal Time
(Compiled by Michael Hearns)
In was an amazing spectacle where this illustration formed naturally into the shape of a huge ship with sails. The details may seem overwhelming to digest but approach the diagram as one would use a street map to find one’s way around a foreign city. In simple terms the route the ark took forward in accord with solar time is outlined in blue. The events began on February 17, follow the arrows and it points to two periods of 150 days plus two periods of seven days to when the flood ended on the last day of December of that same year. Thus, there were two combined periods of 157 leap days on the blue route to mirror two periods of 3,000 solar years in the heavens, when measured with the 777-day formula. That was the journey on the blue route and it was in accord with solar time.
The sidereal time route was paradoxically, back in time as shown on the yellow route. The starting day was the same on the yellow route where it began on February 17 when the rain began. Follow the arrows back in time with the 40 days and nights rain together with a seven-day waiting period, as was outlined in the Book of Genesis. That brought the dating schedule back to January 1. Then continue back in time through the previous year starting with January, February, March and April until an extra 150 days had elapsed and that was on May 30. In all it was a total of 40 + 7 + 150 = 197 days, which equated to the same period in leap day for 3,000 sidereal years. On that date of May 30 on the yellow route the ark would have been 15 cubits above the mountains.
Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge by Thomas Cole (1829) Smithsonian American Art Museum
Tracing the path back in time from May 30 to July 17, the waters would have had 47 days to recede. That was the date in the timing schedule where it stated in the flood story that the ark rested on Mount Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month. The problem of the ark resting on Mount Ararat was resolved for the waters had those 47 days to recede. Continuing back in time from July 17 for another 150 days it brought the schedule to December 17. That made it an extra period of 197 days with 47 +150 days. Therefore, there were two periods of 197 days back in time from when the flood began on February 17 to the December 17 of the previous year. These equated to two periods of 197 leap days with sidereal time when projected out over 3,000 plus 3,000 sidereal years. This puzzle has to be studied like the moves on a chest board, so it may help to retrace the two routes again as follows:
On the blue route follow the arrows forward in time from February 17 and note the timing in the blue boxes. Notice where the 150 days plus 150 days plus seven days plus seven days are listed for the complete period to the last day in December.
Therefore, there were two combined periods of 157 days plus 157 days on the blue route and they were in accord with solar time. The 40 days and nights of rain ran in parallel with the 150 days that the waters rose.
On the yellow route trace the arrows initially back in time starting on February 17 and it took in the 40 days and nights rain plus seven days that Noah waited. Then the route switched on January 1 back in time through the previous year. Follow the arrows and note the dates in the yellow boxes. The days added up to 47 days plus 150 days (197 days) to when the ark was 15 cubits above the waves on May 30. The schedule showed the ark traveling back anticlockwise in time on the yellow route and the 40 days and night ran in series with the 150 days. Follow the yellow route back in time to July 17 (seventh month) when the ark rested on Mount Ararat. The anomaly was solved for the waters had 47 days to recede to let the ark dock on the mountain. Continue on the yellow route back in time for another 150 days making it a total of 47 + 150 = 197 days to end on December 17 of the previous year.
But now for the real demanding challenge because one has to follow the mind map of the puzzle along both the yellow and blue routes at the same time. It is an exercise that will utilize both sides of the brain.
It was the ‘double speak’ of two separate routes which confused the issue with the ark resting on Mount Ararat on July 17 (seventh month) on the yellow route whereas it would have been 15 cubits above the mountains on that date on the blue route.
There was still one more surprise in store where it seemed so odd how two different dates were listed as to when the flood ended. The schedule stated that the earth was dry on January 1 of the following year. Then the schedule repeated that the earth was dry though it was on February 27 of the same year. There was a very good reason for having those 57 extra superfluous days built into the story from January 1 to February 27 when the earth was dry. When all the periods in the flood saga were added up both forward in time and back in time of the dating schedule, the total came to 360 days plus 360 days plus the 57 extra days. The overall total added up to 777 days. The designers had written in the main indices of the calendar formula with 777 days into the timing details and that was the purpose of the 57 extra days to February 27 of the following year.
What mortal eye could look upon such a majestic display that the scribes prepared of the ark’s dual journeys and not be captivated by its breathtaking numerical logic? Who were those visionaries who could see into the future and demonstrate in a thought-provoking matrix, the difference between solar and sidereal time projected out over the period of 12,000 years? They changed modern perception of history for it is reckoned that the flood saga was rewritten between 722 and 609 BC and that was five centuries before Hipparchus.
All those souvenir hunters who long to go to Mount Ararat to look for the wooden skeleton of Noah’s ark must have been puzzled at how the vessel could dock on the mountain on the same date as when it was 15 cubits above the mountain tops. Now one knows the reason why, for it was 15 cubits above the mountains on that date on the blue route whereas the waters had receded on the yellow route allowing the ark to rest on Mount Ararat. It was also correct to say that Shem became a father when he was 100 years old at the end of the blue route because it was two years after the flood ended on the yellow route.
Those two periods of 157 days and two periods of 197 days mirrored four periods of 3,000 years in the heavens, which added up to 12,000 years. This forged a link to the Zoroastrian period of the long dominion of 12,000 years and it was at the very beginning of the Book of Genesis. It was a dramatic statement about how the biblical writers were influenced by Zoroastrianism and where the religious concept of good and evil originated.
The moral of the flood story was the theme of good and evil. On earth the journey was in solar time and the evil mortals on the ground perished in accord with God’s command. In contrast, the journey back in time was in accord with sidereal time of the heavens and all the good people with Noah and his family on board the ark survived to tell the tale.
Michael Hearns has been involved for many years conducting independent research on some of the cryptic puzzles and unsolved mysteries in the Bible. He is the author of several books including The Mystery of the Tabernacle, The Messiah Immortalized in Time, Mary Magdalene – the First Pope, The Copper Scroll Bible and Noah and the Magic Time Formula.
Top Image:Noah's ark on the Mount Ararat by Simon de Myle (1570) (Public Domain)
The Vatican’s “difficult" position on discussing UFOs: Coulthart | Banfield
Whistleblower David Grusch previously made the claim that the Vatican and pope were part of a massive UFO decadeslong cover-up. The Vatican didn't respond to NewsNation's request for comment on the possible connection. Investigative journalist Ross Coulthart, who interviewed Grusch, tells "Banfield" it may be "difficult" for the Vatican to comment on the connection without the U.S. concurring first.
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It was 1948, and the Cold War was in full swing. Unbeknownst to most, another war was happening, one not between nations, but between Earth and the unknown. The skies over Russia were set to be the theatre of an otherworldly confrontation that would change the course of history.
Tales of UFO encounters may often be associated with the likes of Roswell, New Mexico, but this story takes us thousands of miles away to the frigid expanse of Russia. This narrative isn’t merely about an encounter; it’s about an incident so profound that it might just redefine your understanding of the UFO phenomena.
In the thick of a hostile atmosphere, a brave Russian pilot was engaged in a fierce dogfight with an unidentified flying object. Unlike a usual encounter, the Soviet pilot was under explicit orders from the Air Force Commander-in-Chief Zagarov, to confront and engage with the mysterious object. The mid-air battle was fierce, intense, and filled with a sense of dread. The pilot struggled to combat the UFO’s powerful rays of light that emanated from it, blinding him.
The valiant pilot, in his final attempt to protect his homeland, launched a missile. Miraculously, it succeeded in bringing the object down. Unlike the Roswell incident, the events of 1948 remained clandestine, never making headlines, but rather, it unfolded in a secret airbase in Russia.
The retrieval teams, ecstatic with the discovery of their first alien spacecraft, rushed to secure the debris. Little did they know that this marked the start of Russia’s secret UFO program. The question hung heavy in the air – what technology did the aliens use? The speculations ranged from particle beam weapons to anti-gravity envelopes that protected the craft.
Never-Before-Seen Footage from 1948 UFO Crash (Season 2) | UFO Files | The UnXplained Zone
The aftermath of the 1948 UFO crash paved the way for an even more mystifying place than America’s Roswell and Area 51. This site was Kapustin Yar, a covert facility filled with the Soviet Union’s top researchers, scientists, and military specialists. It was here that the recovered alien technology was painstakingly reverse-engineered, leading to significant strides in Cold War technology.
The secretive nature of Kapustin Yar led to many rumors, among which were stories of subterranean UFO research centers and storage points for crashed UFOs. This secrecy wasn’t a new phenomenon; the Soviet skies have been home to numerous well-documented and eerie encounters with UFOs, dating back even before the modern Russian state existed.
Perhaps the most intriguing of these past sightings was the Robozero incident of 1663, where an enormous fiery disc was seen hovering over a northern Russian lake. Eyewitnesses were filled with dread as the disc lingered for over an hour, scalding fishermen and causing fish to fling themselves out of the water.
There were more mysterious sightings reported across the vast Russian landscape, including a pillar of light over Moscow in 1892, and the most massive fireball of all time that devastated the Siberian Forest of Tunguska in 1908.
These events remain wrapped in mystery and intrigue. Though they seem like stories out of a science fiction novel, they are a part of Russia’s intricate history with the unknown. The Russian Roswell stands testament to mankind’s enduring quest to seek out answers about life beyond Earth, a journey fraught with danger, intrigue, and an insatiable curiosity.
In the year since the inception of the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (Aero), UFO sightings and whistleblower testimonies have been emerging, pushing the topic of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) firmly into the limelight. But the road to disclosure is mired with controversy, skepticism, and a looming question: are we genuinely headed towards a new era of transparency?
The Aero, led by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, has been heavily criticized for its lack of open dialogue and seemingly dismissive stance towards key witnesses and whistleblowers. Despite its role to investigate, analyze and report on UAP occurrences, it appears Aero is yet to take full advantage of the troves of firsthand accounts and direct testimonies at its disposal.
One glaring example is the alleged non-communication between Aero and David Fravor, a retired US Navy pilot and the primary witness to the infamous 2004 Nimitz incident. This incident, involving a UAP sighting by multiple Navy personnel, is arguably one of the most credible and well-documented UFO encounters. Yet, Aero appears to have made no attempt to speak with Fravor, despite him being a crucial witness to this unexplained event.
Additionally, former intelligence analyst David Grush, who testified before Congress on UAP-related matters, stated that he fears for his life after blowing the whistle on Aero’s mishandling of UFO-related information. Following this testimony, Kirkpatrick released a letter expressing disappointment over the proceedings, a move that has drawn widespread criticism. This has led to a significant disconnect between the UFO community and Aero, creating an atmosphere of mistrust.
Critics argue that Kirkpatrick’s letter seeks to discredit Grush and downplays the severity of the allegations raised. Yet, there’s a paradox: Aero’s proclaimed mission is to execute a strategy of investigation and oversight, but it seems to show limited interest in engaging with individuals who might have relevant information. Ryan Graves, another military pilot and a proponent of safe aerospace practices, is another key figure who Aero seems to have disregarded.
While Aero maintains that it has found no credible evidence to support allegations of non-human technology or extraterrestrial activities, the continuous emergence of whistleblowers and firsthand testimonies tells a different story. The tug-of-war between the quest for transparency and the shroud of skepticism highlights the complexities that surround the UAP discourse.
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In conclusion, for Aero to execute its mission effectively, it must prioritize establishing open communication channels with key witnesses, whistleblowers, and other members of the UAP community. Moreover, Aero’s commitment to follow data wherever it leads should be reflected in a genuine openness to all potential sources of information. Only then will the battle for transparency begin to swing in favor of those who yearn for answers about the unknown.
As we continue to grapple with the mystery of UAP, we must remember that, at its core, this is a journey of discovery, a quest for understanding, and an exploration into the very boundaries of human knowledge and potential. The journey ahead may be long and arduous, but the pursuit of truth remains a noble endeavor, one that should always drive our efforts and our inquiry.
Black UFO That Stopped And Changes Course Durning Live Stream On July 2, 2023
In this footage we can see this object enter our view from the left hand side of the screen on a downwards trajectory only to stop and return in the direction it came from. P&K SpaceImaging stated the following:
"The object enters and hangs around very slowly. It Actually switches speeds numerous times throughout the video. Eventually, it does a 180 Degree turn and exits from the same way it came from. All of this was done in less than a half a degree of visibility. A Bug would be completely out of focus and would not stay in the same place when we adjust the telescope. This one truly has us baffled. As much as this would be our "White Buffalo" UFO moment, we have to keep anything that is possible as a possibility until we can confirm that anything known that it can be is proven to be impossible. As of now though... It is a fascinating UFO/UAP"
P&K SpaceImaging Mission is as follows
" We look at the moon and space to try and gather proof scientifically of possible alien life. I would ask that you mention that we are not saying that this is aliens. We are simply posting something weird and at this time are doing our due diligence in investigating all possibilities of what it could be. We do this live as much as possible and we definitely need more eyes watching when we do so it would be great if people would subscribe. So many times we have had hundreds of people watching and ONE person sees something that turns out to be a great catch, so the more eyes the better."
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Ben Hansen, host of “UFO Witness” on Discovery Plus and a former federal agent, said the amount of people sharing their stories about reported UFO sightings has been like “drinking from a firehose” following the congressional hearing on UAPs. Hansen and British journalist Nick Pope join NewsNation senior national correspondent Brian Entin to discuss the latest developments.
Unidentified objects in D.C. cause huge panic in the United States. See more in this scene from Season 5, Episode 8, "UFO Hotspots."
Pentagon Director Calls UFO Whistleblower LIAR | Breaking Points
Krystal and Saagar discuss the Pentagon refuting claims made during a recent UFO hearing in Congress.
Two Clip Of UFO Sightings From El Paso, Texas & Medellín, Colombia.
Clip One:This was captured over El Paso, Texas on July 30, 2023 and the witness stated the following. "So i just caught an Unidentified Object on my Cannon Camera flying close to the moon. The moon looked so beautiful i decided to see how close i could view it with my camera and zoomed all that it had and seen the UFO." Thanks to Nocturnal labs for allowing me the use of his footage and to view the original:
Clip Two:This was sighted over Medellin, Colombia on January 7, 2023 and the witness stated the following: "Taken from an 11th story balcony on my iPhone in Medellin Colombia just before sunset. The building is called El Vergel, and this direction is towards Poblado so it was somewhere over there. The weird noises are from me and my idiot buddy Michael (to be clear, we are both idiots, not that he is an idiot lol)! No audible sounds from it. The object was hovering and moving very slowly for a while, maybe 10 minutes. Only thought to record at the end. It was definitely moving of its own volition and slowly as the wind was going the other way. It was very slow and hard to tell height or size from the distance, but it was way below the clouds. We assumed it was a drone or weather balloon or something."
US Navy Official FINALLY Breaks Silence on UFO & Alien Evidence
For decades, rumors have circulated about encounters with otherworldly beings, and now, an unprecedented moment has dawned. The US Navy Official, finally breaking their silence, is about to unveil the unimaginable—a glimpse into the enigmatic world of UFOs and alien evidence! But what does the US Navy know that they've kept hidden from the public for so long?
Supermassief zwart gat schiet energiestraal richting de Aarde
De NASA heeft een krachtige energiestraal waargenomen die recht op de Aarde is gericht. Volgens het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap is de straal afkomstig van een supermassief zwart gat genaamd Makarian 421, die vanaf de Aarde gezien in het sterrenstelsel Grote Beer is gelegen. Zorgen hoeven we ons evenwel niet te maken; de kosmische reus ligt op een veilige afstand van zo'n 400 miljoen lichtjaar.
Makarian 421 is een zogeheten ‘blazar’, een supermassief zwart gat dat honderdduizenden tot miljoenen keren zo zwaar is als onze eigen Zon. Een zwart gat is een regio in de ruimte waar de zwaartekracht zó sterk is, dat zelfs het licht niet kan ontsnappen.
De onvoorstelbare krachten die zo'n object uitoefent op de hemellichamen en andere materie zijn nabijheid, zorgen voor een gigantische schijf die razendsnel om het zwarte gat draait. Als een zwart gat groot genoeg is, kan een deel van de materie die in het zwarte gat ‘valt’ soms in enorme stralen dodelijke energie worden 'weggeschoten’.
Zulke stralen kunnen soms tot miljoenen lichtjaren als een soort enorme schijnwerpers door het heelal schieten. Een lichtjaar is de afstand die het licht, dat zich met bijna 300.000 kilometer per seconde voortbeweegt, in een jaar aflegt.
The ancient nematode has lain dormant in a fossilized squirrel burrow since the late Pleistocene, revealing that these worms can survive for tens of thousands of years longer than thought.
Researchers isolated the newly described nematode (Panagrolaimus kolymaensis) from permafrost in 2018, but its age and species remained unclear. (Image credit: Shatilovich et al, 2023, PLOS Genetics; (CC-BY 4.0))
A microscopic worm survived in the Siberian permafrost for a record-breaking 46,000 years, scientists have discovered — tens of thousands of years longer than previously resurrected worms.
The ancient roundworm, or nematode, belongs to the newly described species Panagrolaimus kolymaensis. Researchers discovered it nestled inside a fossilized squirrel burrow that was extracted from permafrost near the Kolyma River, in the northeastern Arctic, in 2002. Scientists resuscitated the frozen nematode in 2018, but its age and species remained unclear.
Now, a study published Thursday (July 27) in the journal PLOS Genetics may have found answers to these questions. "Survival in extreme environments for prolonged periods is a challenge that only a few organisms are capable of," researchers wrote in the study. "Here, we show that a soil nematode Panagrolaimus kolymaensis suspended life for 46,000 years in the Siberian permafrost."
Organisms such as nematodes and tardigrades can enter a dormant state — a metabolic process known as "cryptobiosis" — in response to being frozen or extremely dehydrated, intermediary states known as cryobiosis and anhydrobiosis, respectively. In both cases, the critters reduce their oxygen consumption and the amount of heat produced by metabolic processes to undetectable levels.
The newly described nematode entered cryptobiosis in the late Pleistocene (2.6 million to 11,700 years ago), an epoch that included that last ice age. The permafrost that imprisoned the tiny creature had not thawed since then, meaning this is the longest recorded cryptobiosis in nematodes — by tens of thousands of years — according to the study. Until now, the Antarctic nematode species Plectus murrayi and a Tylenchus polyhypnus specimen held this record; the former was frozen in moss for 25.5 years and the latter was desiccated in a herbarium for 39 years.
Researchers discovered P. kolymaensis in a fossilized squirrel burrow near the Kolyma River, in the northeastern Arctic. (Image credit: Shatilovich et al, 2023, PLOS Genetics; (CC-BY 4.0))
The researchers analyzed the newly described nematode's genes and compared them to those of Caenorhabditis elegans roundworms, which were the first multicellular organisms to have their entire genome sequenced. In the absence of established genetic methods to study the recently thawed worm, C. elegans provided a well-studied model organism for comparison. The analysis revealed several shared genes linked to cryptobiosis.
To find out exactly how nematodes can survive for such long periods, the researchers got a new group of P. kolymaensis and C. elegans worms and mildly desiccated them in the lab. As the worms entered anhydrobiosis, the team observed a spike in the production of a sugar called trehalose, which they think could help protect the nematodes' cell membranes from dehydration. They then froze the worms at minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 80 degrees Celsius) and found that desiccation improved the survival rates of both species. Worms that were frozen at this temperature without being dehydrated beforehand died instantly, according to the study.
Equipped with molecular pathways to cope with Arctic conditions, nematodes have evolved to survive in these hibernating states for many thousands of years, the researchers concluded. "Our findings indicate that by adapting to survive [in a] cryptobiotic state for short time frames in environments like permafrost, some nematode species gained the potential for individual worms to remain in the state for geological timeframes," they wrote in the study.
This means that extinct nematode species could be revived if they escape from the permafrost, the researchers noted. "Drastic changes" to the environment in which they lay dormant, including fluctuations in temperature and natural radioactivity, can wake ancient nematodes from their deep slumber, they added.
The nematode was able to survive in the permafrost for so long by entering a state of suspended animation called cryptobiosis
(Picture: Alexei V. Tchesunov and Anastasia Shatilovich)
The worm was found in the Siberian permafrost.
Shatilovich et al, 2023, PLOS Genetics, CC-BY 4.0
Melting permafrost near the Kolyma River southwest of the town of Chersky in the Russian Far East in 2021.
Credit...Maxim Shemetov/Reuters
C. elegans.(HeitiPaves/Getty Images)
The general morphology of P. Kolymaensis,
(Shatilovich et al., PLOS Genetics, 2023/CC-BY 4.0)
Wereldrecord: Siberische worm ontwaakt na 46.000 jaar uit gesmolten permafrost
Wat je noemt een ‘winterslaap’. Een tot nu toe onbekende soort microscopisch kleine worm blijkt volgens een internationaal team van wetenschappers liefst 46.000 jaar te hebben overleefd in de permafrost van Siberië. De worm, een zogeheten nematode of rondworm, lag al die tijd in de fossiele overblijfselen van een eekhoornnestje. De extreem lange levensduur van de worm is een wereldrecord.
De nieuwe soort heet ‘Panagrolaimus kolymaensis’, zo schrijft het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift ‘Scientific American’. Het beestje werd gevonden bij de Kolymarivier in een stuk permafrost, de permanent bevroren bodem in het ijskoude noordoosten van Rusland, dat in 2002 door wetenschappers werd uitgegraven. In 2018 werd de worm voorzichtig ontdooid, waarna het dier ontwaakte. Het was toen echter nog niet bekend tot welke soort de worm behoorde en hoe oud het was.
Nu blijkt dat het om een tot nu toe onbekende soort gaat, en wel een die langer dan welke andere door mensen waargenomen levensvorm heeft kunnen overleven. De onderzoekers maakten hun vondst vrijdag bekend in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift ‘PLOS Genetics’.
Overleven in extreme omgevingen gedurende lange periodes is een uitdaging waar slechts een handvol organismen toe in staat is
Wetenschappers in tijdschrift ‘PLOS Genetics’
“Overleven in extreme omgevingen gedurende lange periodes is een uitdaging waar slechts een handvol organismen toe in staat is,” schreven de wetenschappers in het blad. “Hier tonen we aan dat een bodemnematode ‘Panagrolaimus kolymaensis’ 46.000 jaar lang het leven heeft opgeschort in de Siberische permafrost.”
De rondworm kon zo extreem lang in zulke barre omstandigheden overleven door een proces dat bekend staat als ‘cryptobiose’ , een overlevingsstrategie van minuscuul kleine diertjes, waarbij ze hun stofwisseling en andere biologische processen weten af te zwakken tot ze niet meer waarneembaar zijn. Op die manier kunnen ze extreme omstandigheden als uitdroging, bevriezing en zelfs radioactieve straling in het vacuüm van de ruimte overleven.
Cryptobiose is vooral bekend geworden dankzij waterbeertjes, veelvuldig voorkomende diertjes van een halve millimeter. In 2007 en 2011 bleken waterbeertjes proeven van de Europese en Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschappen, die ze blootstelden aan de extreme temperaturen, straling en het bijna-vacuüm in de ruimte, te hebben overleefd.
KIJK OOK. Wetenschappers ontdekten dat de asteroïde die 66 miljoen jaar geleden de dinosauriërs deed uitsterven, een enorme krater sloeg in het noordelijk halfrond. De inslag veroorzaakte grote golfslagen die vissen levend begroeven.
I found some unusual items in a Mars photo. There was a hollow stone, but the inside looks like it's been cut and shaped to make a unique and spacious interior for something that once lived within it.
I also found a cut out doorway, which reveals a whitish freshly cut out area which is 100% proof that something is currently living on Mars.
I also found a huge claw, which measures about half a meter and looks like it once belonged to some huge alien creature and then got petrified (turned to stone) from the minerals in the Mars soil and through millions of years.
Strongly enough I found a handle sticking up. The handle has two ends that are curved and a large opening for a hand to grab onto. It's about 8 inches across and would easily fit in a human hand.
These objects are significant because they help us think about and explore the possibilities of alien life in our universe. So many mysteries out there, so few answers.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
2nd UFO Report From New Jersey today, July 29, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
2nd UFO Report From New Jersey today, July 29, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: July 29, 2023
Location of sighting: New Jersey, USA
Source: MUFON
This is the second UFO video report to come in from New Jersey today. It may actually be the same UFO, but having a different color and glow to it since it was seen during sunset here. The UFO showed up just as a storm was hitting Jersey and UFOs are often seen around unusual weather phenomena like tornados, earthquakes, typhoons and such. I have long believed that the alien craft can create these weather phenomena on purpose to conduct experiments on both nature and humanities reaction to it.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Right before a storm here, my husband noticed a small object moving fast through the sky. I got a quick photo then ran to my front yard and was able to capture it on video. It moved very quickly through the sky. We never see helicopters or planes fly in this direction by us. It disappeared into the clouds.
Dark Craft Over New Jersey, July 29, 2023 UFO Sighting News.
Dark Craft Over New Jersey, July 29, 2023 UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: July 29, 2023
Location of sighitng: New Jersey, USA Source: MUFON
This report just in. The dark craft was seen flying over a neighborhood in New Jersey, USA yesterday. I made a screenshot of the craft and you can see there is a glow around it...or rather an aura of energy. That is a sign of a true UFO. Alien tech causes this aura around it and thus many of the photos of UFOs have been blurry because of this aura. It's not caused on purpose but rather caused by the propulsion system itself.
Mysterious Orb burst into a bright green color before disappearing into space
Mysterious Orb burst into a bright green color before disappearing into space
An orb what looks like some form of energy appears from behind the trees, hits the roof of a house, whereupon the orb then burst into a bright green color before bouncing off of the roof into space at a very high rate of speed.
As MrMBB333 states: I don't think it was any type of a bird, as we see no wings flapping, besides, I don't know how a bird could have burst into a bright green color like it did right there when it made contact with the roof and then it remained illuminated as it took off into the nighttime sky.
What could this mysterious object have been? Something supernatural, a natural phenomenon or could it have been an alien probe under intelligent control? Orbs, spheres, it is a phenomenon that is not yet understood.
Location: Garrison New York - July 26, 2023 at 9.33 pm.
Take a look at the rare orb footage, which starts at about the 8.09 minutes in the video.
UFO Whistleblower: U.S. recovered nonhuman biological pilots from crashed UFOs
UFO Whistleblower: U.S. recovered nonhuman biological pilots from crashed UFOs
During the congressional hearing Wednesday, David Grusch, a former high-ranking intelligence official, who is one of three military whistleblowers testified under oath, asserted that the US government has had possession of UFOs since as early as the 1930s.
He also disclosed that these highly advanced crafts have been subject to covert back-engineering efforts, aiming to unlock their remarkable capabilities. He further claimed that the government has actively engaged in a disinformation campaign to conceal these classified activities and prevent any public leaks of sensitive information.
Grush also stated that several members of Congress possessing top-secret clearances have reportedly been denied access to military bases containing information related to UAP/UFOs and he suggested that people have been harmed and murdered by the US government as part of the conspiracy to keep UFOs a secret.
He goes on to say that certain military industrial complex companies may be inflating costs for government projects and weapons as a means to generate additional funds for secretive black budget projects including the engineering of their own UAPs/UFOs.
And perhaps the most significant statement from Grush is that he had interviewed government officials who had direct knowledge of UAPs/UFOs with "nonhuman" origins, and that these so-called "biologics" (pilots) were recovered from some crashed UAPs/UFOs.
In the video below Grush talks and confirms that U.S. recovered nonhuman biological pilots from crashed UFOs.
During the congressional hearing Wednesday, David Grusch, a former high-ranking intelligence official, who is one of three military whistleblowers testified under oath, asserted that the US government has had possession of UFOs since as early as the 1930s.
He also disclosed that these highly advanced crafts have been subject to covert back-engineering efforts, aiming to unlock their remarkable capabilities. He further claimed that the government has actively engaged in a disinformation campaign to conceal these classified activities and prevent any public leaks of sensitive information.
Grush also stated that several members of Congress possessing top-secret clearances have reportedly been denied access to military bases containing information related to UAP/UFOs and he suggested that people have been harmed and murdered by the US government as part of the conspiracy to keep UFOs a secret.
He goes on to say that certain military industrial complex companies may be inflating costs for government projects and weapons as a means to generate additional funds for secretive black budget projects including the engineering of their own UAPs/UFOs.
And perhaps the most significant statement from Grush is that he had interviewed government officials who had direct knowledge of UAPs/UFOs with "nonhuman" origins, and that these so-called "biologics" (pilots) were recovered from some crashed UAPs/UFOs.
In the video below Grush talks and confirms that U.S. recovered nonhuman biological pilots from crashed UFOs.
Japanese Government Discloses Hidden UFO Encounters
Japanese Government Discloses Hidden UFO Encounters
In an era that often seems defined by the unveiling of concealed truths, few revelations have been as captivating as the global recognition of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, more commonly referred to as UFOs. As several governments worldwide have gradually begun to disclose previously classified information, an intriguing pattern has begun to emerge, challenging both our understanding of aviation and our place in the cosmos. This article explores this fascinating issue, shining a light on a topic that was once dismissed but is now increasingly commanding international attention.
For decades, the existence of UFOs was largely dismissed by officials in many countries, including the United States. The official stance was one of denial or, at the very least, calculated silence. However, a significant shift occurred in 2017 when the U.S. officially acknowledged its investigations into UAPs. This admission signaled a landmark change in the global discussion surrounding UFOs.
Interestingly, not all nations trailed behind the United States. Some had been diligently studying the skies long before the U.S. disclosure. In South America, for instance, Chile has been at the forefront of UAP research. As far back as 1997, the Chilean government created the Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena. The Committee is tasked with examining all reports of UAP activity, whether they come from commercial, military, or civilian sources. In 2014, the Chilean naval officers captured video of an unidentifiable aerial object, indicating the scope and intensity of UAP activity in the region.
Other South American countries, such as Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia, also possess rich histories of UFO encounters and extraterrestrial theories that are interwoven into their cultural heritage. This cultural acceptance, coupled with a more open-minded approach, has allowed these countries to delve deeper into the study of UAPs, often with less societal resistance than in other parts of the world.
Japan offers a contrasting narrative to the South American experience. The Asian nation long denied the existence of UFOs, even making an official statement to that effect in 2018. However, this posture changed in 2020 when Japan’s Defense Minister, Taro Kono, instructed the Japanese self-defense forces to visually record any encounters with unexplained crafts.
Japan’s Government REVEALS Secret UFO Activity (Season 18) | Ancient Aliens | The UnXplained Zone
This shift in Japanese policy appears to have been triggered by a meeting with U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper, highlighting the increasing global cooperation on UFO investigations. Ancient astronaut theorists and researchers view this shift in policy as significant evidence that governments worldwide are now acknowledging the potential reality of objects in our skies that may not originate from our planet.
The rapidly evolving narrative of UAPs and global recognition of their existence has opened a new chapter in our understanding of the universe. The issue of UFOs, once confined to the realms of science fiction and conspiracy theory, is now becoming an accepted area of investigation and discussion among world governments.
The current landscape signals a new era of transparency and investigation that seeks to explore the unexplained phenomena in our skies. As governments worldwide continue their research and share findings, we can only expect this topic to become more central in our conversations about aviation, defense, and perhaps even our existence. Whether this leads to earth-shattering discoveries or simply a more nuanced understanding of atmospheric phenomena, only time will tell. The sky, as it seems, is no longer the limit.
In the labyrinth of Cold War espionage, a veil of secrecy shrouded the unexplained aerial phenomena that played out in the skies above the Soviet Union. While the arms race and political tensions between East and West dominated global headlines, an equally compelling mystery was unfolding in the stratosphere. The stories of strange, unidentified flying objects (UFOs) began trickling into the public sphere, gaining credibility through the testimonies of seasoned pilots, military officials, and civilians.
The Soviet Union’s clandestine relationship with UFOs dates back to the height of the Cold War. The infamous “Baku Incident” in 1967 remains one of the most chilling accounts, where two Soviet fighter jets were tasked to investigate an unidentified craft moving at a colossal speed over Baku, the capital of then Soviet Azerbaijan. As the jets tried to engage, the unknown object reportedly shone a bright beam, causing a blinding effect in the cockpit. After returning to base, one pilot’s health rapidly deteriorated, while the other died within a few months from cancer, purportedly a direct result of the encounter.
Despite the Soviet Union’s profound secrecy, tales of such interactions with otherworldly crafts continued to emerge. Outside the city of Omsk, hundreds of eyewitnesses, including Major V. Loginov, reported a gleaming sphere, larger than the full moon, casting luminous beams of light over a civilian airport. In another incident, a UFO hovering above a nuclear facility in Usovoin, Ukraine, allegedly activated the launch panels of stored nuclear weapons, raising the specter of an inadvertent nuclear war.
While it’s true that some UFO sightings could be attributed to secretive American aircraft or misinterpretations of natural or man-made phenomena, a significant percentage of sightings couldn’t be dismissed easily. At the time, estimates suggested about 5% of these sightings were unexplainable, mirroring the findings of American investigations.
As the frequency of these sightings escalated during the 1970s and 1980s, a conference of 100 Soviet scientists from various disciplines convened to scrutinize the UFO phenomenon. A startling result was a consensus that the UFO sightings were not just figments of mass imagination but demanded dedicated scientific examination. Thus, the “Network,” a top-secret, government-backed investigation to understand the UFO enigma, was established.
Soviet Union Declassified UFO Encounters Revealed
This collaboration between the Soviet Union’s elite scientific minds and the Defense Ministry analyzed thousands of UFO reports. While they debunked the majority, around 300 sightings remained inexplicable, similar to the results of the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book effort.
One of the most notorious UFO sightings, dubbed the “Petrozavodsk phenomenon,” occurred in 1977 when residents of Petrozavodsk reported a bright light casting beams onto the city. The object was described as a dazzling jellyfish, morphing into a radiant semicircle before soaring away. However, some researchers suggest that this was a case of mistaken identity as a nearby secret cosmodrome had launched an object minutes before the sighting.
Despite these potential misidentifications, it’s essential to note the striking parallels between UFO sightings in the Soviet Union and the United States. This symmetry, independent of geographical boundaries and cultural differences, points to the possibility that these events might not just be earthly anomalies but could represent interactions with unknown entities, natural phenomena, or advanced technology.
The Soviet Union’s UFO legacy continues to intrigue us, casting long shadows into the present day. As the world grapples with the ongoing mysteries of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), understanding these historical episodes may offer invaluable insights into the enigma that has captivated mankind’s imagination for generations.
UFO over Slovenia? The pilot reported ‘bright lights bouncing across the sky’ – we have an audio recording of the conversation between the TUI Airways pilot and the controller
UFO over Slovenia? The pilot reported ‘bright lights bouncing across the sky’ – we have an audio recording of the conversation between the TUI Airways pilot and the controller
In a remarkable account recently published on Slovenia’s most frequented news portal,, a TUI Airways pilot reported an unusual spectacle while traversing the Slovenian airspace. This incident throws light on the myriad mysteries our skies still hold and sparks intrigue about the unknown.
The story unfolded on a regular Saturday when a TUI Airways aircraft took off from East Midlands Airport in the UK around 15.45, headed for a tranquil evening landing on the Greek island of Rhodes around 21.12. However, the routine voyage soon took a captivating turn as the aircraft was flying over Slovenia.
Flight Path from the UK to Greece, with Slovenia Highlighted in Red
Without a hint of the impending spectacle, the pilot observed peculiar lights before him and promptly reached out to air traffic control. The ensuing dialogue between the two has been a topic of intense discussion ever since. The pilot asked if there was a military aircraft flying approximately 40 to 50 miles away in a specific direction. The controller, however, couldn’t confirm any military traffic in the area.
Undeterred by the lack of a conclusive answer, the pilot revealed the reason for his inquiry: an intense light was shining towards them, which then disappeared, began to flash, moved erratically across the sky, and resumed its steady glow. This exchange stirred a sense of wonder and curiosity, turning an otherwise regular flight into an event of inexplicable mystery.
This tale is just one of many that remind us of the intriguing enigmas that may lie within our very own skies. Whether these lights were from an unknown aircraft, a celestial phenomenon, or something else entirely remains an open question, further deepening the intrigue of this account.
As we look forward to more reports from pilots or sky-watchers, we’re reminded that the sky is not just a frontier for travel, but also a source of endless fascination, holding stories waiting to be discovered and shared.
Full audio recording of the conversation between the TUI Airways pilot and the controller
UFO Encounter at Ariel School: The Day Aliens Shocked the Students with Telepathy
UFO Encounter at Ariel School: The Day Aliens Shocked the Students with Telepathy
In the annals of unexplained phenomena and UFO encounters, the Ariel School sighting on September 16, 1994, holds a unique place. On this day, a group of 62 school children aged between 6 and 12 claimed to have witnessed a UFO and its alien occupants in the school playground in Ruwa, Zimbabwe.
The Ariel School Phenomenon: Evidence and Eyewitness Accounts
The Ariel School UFO incident stands out due to the sheer number of witnesses. The children described the craft as a large, silver, saucer-shaped object. They also reported seeing small humanoid figures with large, black eyes who communicated telepathic messages warning of environmental degradation.
There were no adults who witnessed the event, but the children’s accounts were notably consistent, even under separate questioning. The detailed drawings of the craft and the figures they produced further lend credibility to their accounts. Additionally, there were reports of physical traces at the landing site, although no definitive conclusions were made due to the lack of scientific investigation at the time.
The Impact on the Community and Perception of UFO Phenomena
The Ariel School sighting had a profound impact on the local community and the wider society’s perception of UFO phenomena. Initial reactions ranged from disbelief to fear, with some parents questioning the influence of television. However, over time, as the children consistently stuck to their stories, even into adulthood, the skepticism gave way to curiosity and open-mindedness about the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
The Evolution of the Children’s Narratives and Explanations for the Ariel School Sighting
While the core of the children’s narratives has remained remarkably consistent over time, some elements have evolved or become embellished in the retelling, often reflecting their individual processing of the experience. There is also a debate among experts on whether the children’s accounts were influenced by each other or external factors such as media.
Psychological explanations such as mass hysteria or shared hallucinations have been suggested. However, these theories struggle to account for the consistency of the children’s detailed descriptions. Sociological explanations point to a shared cultural or societal belief in extraterrestrial beings.
The Why Files – The UFO Incident That Shocked Ariel School: Telepathic Extraterrestrials
The Scientific Community’s Approach to the Ariel School UFO Incident
The incident prompted serious investigation by notable figures in the field, such as Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack. Despite the risk to his reputation, Dr. Mack conducted extensive interviews with the child witnesses and concluded their accounts were not confabulations or fantasies, but genuine experiences.
The Ariel School sighting contributed to the growing body of evidence that compelled the scientific community to consider the UFO phenomena more seriously. Yet, it also highlighted the difficulties and complexities of investigating such phenomena, from securing physical evidence to overcoming societal stigma.
The Implications for Our Understanding of UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life
The Ariel School Phenomenon presents a compelling case for the existence of UFOs and potentially, extraterrestrial life. The credibility of the child witnesses, the consistency of their accounts, and the lack of any apparent motive for fabrication make this incident one of the most compelling UFO cases in history.
This incident has also sparked discussions about the possibility of extraterrestrial life and its implications for humanity. The message of environmental concern reportedly communicated by the alien figures, whether real or interpreted, underscores the universal relevance of such issues.
The Ariel School UFO sighting remains an enigma that challenges our understanding of reality and forces us to question our place in the universe. Regardless of one’s stance on the existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial life, this incident undoubtedly serves as a reminder of the vast mysteries that our universe still holds.
Eckhart’s Ladder Deciphers Grusch’s Testimony: Has the U.S. Just Acknowledged the Existence of Extraterrestrial Life?
Eckhart’s Ladder Deciphers Grusch’s Testimony: Has the U.S. Just Acknowledged the Existence of Extraterrestrial Life?
The UFO phenomenon, a subject of intense fascination and debate for decades, has recently moved from the margins of serious discussion to a more mainstream platform – the Congress of the United States. Sparking this shift was the extraordinary testimony of a whistleblower who brought fresh insights into the mysterious world of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).
Unveiling the Unknown: The Whistleblower’s Testimony
The whistleblower in question, David Grush, a former intelligence officer, presented an intriguing narrative about his time in service. Grush pointed to secretive projects, concealed behind the walls of classified programs, that involve not just the observation of these enigmatic UAPs but also their reverse-engineering.
His testimony was, however, marked by a lack of direct evidence. It hinged largely on his personal experiences and his ‘trust me’ approach. Grush hinted at knowing the locations of these extraterrestrial crafts, and even claimed to have seen pictures of them, yet he stopped short of providing concrete evidence to back his claims.
Senatorial Steps: Push for Transparency
Reacting to Grush’s revelations, Senators are now making a concerted effort to peel back layers of governmental secrecy. They seek to enforce the release of classified UAP records, providing a roadmap for further investigation into the claims made during the hearing. The focus isn’t only on extraterrestrial life, but also on alleged misappropriation of funds and sidestepping of legal frameworks related to these hidden programs.
Exploring the Enigma: What Do We Know About UFOs?
Despite the speculative nature of Grush’s testimony, it does shine a light on our existing understanding of UFOs. The UFO phenomenon, reported for nearly a century, is marked by strange occurrences that defy easy explanation. Videos released by the Pentagon, including the ones leaked in 2017 and officially released in 2020, show aerial crafts performing maneuvers that seem to go beyond human capabilities.
These sightings have often led to two popular interpretations: either these are terrestrial technologies beyond our current comprehension or they are products of alien civilizations. The former requires us to accept the existence of radically advanced technology unknown to the public, while the latter requires the acceptance of extraterrestrial life and their ability to reach Earth.
While the recent UAP hearing may not have shifted the scales decisively in favor of either camp, it certainly reiterates the compelling intrigue that UFOs have always held. For believers, skeptics, and everyone in between, the testimony offered food for thought and a possible path for further investigation. As we explore this path, we must remember that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
In this quest for understanding, one must tread with both an open mind and healthy skepticism, balancing our natural curiosity with the necessity for empirical evidence. Despite our differences in belief, the idea of unifying behind the discovery of extraterrestrial life is undeniably exciting. Yet, whether we’re on the brink of such a momentous discovery or simply unraveling new terrestrial technologies, the journey of disclosure continues. And in this journey, may the force be with us all.
UFO Hearing: US Govt Holds Non-Human Bodies and UFOs, Ex-Intelligence Official Reveals
UFO Hearing: US Govt Holds Non-Human Bodies and UFOs, Ex-Intelligence Official Reveals
Ex-Intelligence Official David Grusch at UFO hearings
In a groundbreaking Congressional hearing that reads like a page from a science fiction novel, startling revelations were made by former American intelligence official David Grusch, who put forth a compelling narrative about the existence of non-human entities and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs. In a world grappling with the boundaries of known science and technology, these revelations raise eyebrows and a slew of questions about our understanding of the universe and our place in it.
What to know from congressional UFO hearing | NewsNation Now
David Grusch, a man with a deep history within the US intelligence community, served as a member of the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force from 2019 to 2021, and was responsible for investigating unexplained anomalous phenomena within the Department of Defense until 2023. In the hearing that unfolded in July 2023, he unveiled some unsettling facts, claiming that the US government ran a “multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program.”
Grusch, under oath, affirmed he had been informed of the existence of such a program but had been denied access to it, prompting him to file a whistleblower complaint. This complaint laid the foundtion for the Congressional hearing that has since ignited global discussions on the possibility of advanced extraterrestrial technology in possession of the US government and a potential cover-up.
During the hearing, Grusch confirmed his awareness of “programs in the advanced tech space that are unsanctioned.” These programs, according to him, exist outside of the traditional boundaries of congressional oversight. When queried about the imagery of crash sites of crafts of unknown origin, he refrained from commenting in an open, unclassified setting, thereby deepening the mystery surrounding the issue.
In an astonishing revelation, Grusch alleged that the US government is in possession of non-human spacecraft, directly challenging the statements made by Sean Kirkpatrick, head of the Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO. His audacious claim, “It’s not accurate,” rattled the attendees and set the stage for further probing.
UFO whistleblower says U.S. recovered nonhuman “biologics” from crash sites
When pressed about his assertions that the government was holding alien bodies or alien species, Grusch made it clear that, while he personally hadn’t witnessed the entities, he confidently affirmed that non-human “biologics” were retrieved during the UAP crash recoveries. This stunning disclosure was based on his interactions with people with direct knowledge of the program.
The Congressional hearing went beyond the question of extraterrestrial existence. Witnesses stated the possibility that UAP might be interested in America’s nuclear capabilities, probing for weaknesses in U.S. air defense systems, or conducting reconnaissance in American airspace. The concern for national security was voiced by the retired Navy Commander David Fravor, who said the technology they encountered was far superior to anything the US had, confirming UAPs pose a potential threat.
However, this revelation did not go unchallenged. The Pentagon denied Grusch’s accusations, stating that there’s no verifiable evidence supporting the existence of programs related to extraterrestrial materials. Yet, Grusch’s credibility was backed by other witnesses who shared their encounters with UAPs, contributing to a growing chorus demanding more transparency from the government.
The hearing was also not without its skeptics who pointed out previous accusations of government cover-ups regarding UFOs that ultimately lacked substantial evidence. Despite this skepticism, Grusch’s allegations ignited a renewed public interest in the enigma of extraterrestrial existence and UFOs.
At the crux of this revelation lies the quest for truth and government accountability. While these assertions certainly create an atmosphere of intrigue and speculation, they also underscore the importance of transparency and the public’s right to know. As our understanding of the universe expands, the possibility of life beyond our earthly confines is increasingly compelling, and in this context, these revelations represent a substantial leap forward in the pursuit of truth and knowledge about the cosmos we inhabit.
For those who missed the UFO hearings in Congress, Here is the Full Video!
The Intriguing Mystery of UFO Sightings: An Unforgettable Encounter in Turkey
The Intriguing Mystery of UFO Sightings: An Unforgettable Encounter in Turkey
Are you an avid follower of UFO sightings, constantly questioning the mysterious phenomena in the night sky? Then, brace yourself as we delve into one of the most compelling instances of unexplained aerial occurrences from Turkey – a nation that for millennia, has been a nexus for different cultures and now, possibly, a rendezvous point for interstellar meetings.
In the early morning hours of May 13, 2009, Yulchin Yalman, a night owl from the suburbs of Istanbul, noticed something peculiar hovering above the Sea of Marmara. This was not his first time capturing such incidents, but this time, the encounter was so remarkable that it left the entire UFO community abuzz.
Turkey’s Enigmatic Visitor
The sighting consisted of a silent, saucer-shaped craft hovering approximately a mile away and 500 feet above the sea. What really captured the attention of UFO enthusiasts, however, was the supposed glimpse inside the cockpit of the craft. Yalman claimed that what looked like two extraterrestrial beings could be seen at the helm of the unworldly vessel. It wasn’t just a mere UFO sighting; it was an alleged first-hand account of alien life!
Unfolding the UFO Mystery
Despite Turkey’s long history of skyward anomalies, including a molten silver object witnessed by Greek and Roman armies in 74 BC, the 2009 incident holds a unique position. The Turkish government has given it serious consideration, declaring the sighting as genuine and unaffiliated with any military programs.
When it comes to UFO sightings, analysis is crucial. Forensic video investigator Michael Primo noted that there was no evidence to suggest the footage was manipulated, but could not confirm the presence of extraterrestrial life. Other experts, like astronomer and video effects designer Mark D’Antonio, doubted the possibility of seeing entities inside the craft due to the limitations of 2009 camera technology.
One aviation expert even suggested the sighting could be an optical illusion caused by fishing vessels on the horizon, known as a “Fata Morgana.” But this theory was met with skepticism, as the phenomena typically occur lower on the horizon than where Yalman’s camera was pointed.
The Proof Is Out There: UFO in Turkey Takes Witnesses by SURPRISE (Season 3)
The consensus? This UFO sighting from Turkey is indeed a genuine unknown. While experts agree the figures seen inside the craft are likely not alien pilots, the object itself remains unidentifiable. Until we gather more definitive evidence, the 2009 UFO sighting over the Sea of Marmara will continue to perplex and intrigue us.
In conclusion, the increasing number of UFO sightings worldwide only adds to our curiosity about what lies beyond our atmosphere. As we delve deeper into the age of space exploration, the story of Yulchin Yalman and his intriguing UFO sighting reminds us that sometimes, the answers might just be looking down on us from the night sky.
Whether you’re a UFO enthusiast or a casual observer, keep your eyes on the sky – the next big sighting might just be around the corner!
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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