The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
I have received lots of
feedback relating to my latest article:
I just scratched the surface in the
piece. I have had lots of telephone and email problems over the
One related story: The
late Phil Klass wrote nasty letters to me, repeatedly, for two years (1986-88).
Finally, I had had enough and contacted the American Civil Liberties Union, in
May 1988, but didn't tell Klass that I had done so.
Long story short, my
calls to Kate Martin (the group's National Security specialist at the time) kept
being interrupted in mid-stream when I tried to leave messages for her, or when
she tried to leave messages for me, as recorded on my answering machine.
When we finally talked,
the phone call was again cut off. When I called Kate back, I told her about
Klass' harassment of me and the rumors about his association with the CIA. Kate
said the ACLU would be potentially interested in pursuing the matter and asked
me to update her as appropriate.
Neither she nor I
contacted Klass and yet, from that day forward, I never received another
harassing letter from him.
Those who continue to believe that Klass was merely a
grumpy, biased debunker have their heads in the sand.
The U.S. Intelligence Community Monitors UFO Researchers
Activities: First Implemented by the CIA in 1953, the Practice Continues
In 1973, when I began interviewing former/retired U.S.
military personnel regarding their UFO experiences at nuclear weapons
facilities, I didnt give much thought to the possibility that the intelligence
community would take an interest in my activities.
At that point, the
CIAs Robertson Panel Reportwhich recommended surveillance of American
UFO-research advocacy groupswas still classified. Indeed, as far as the public
knew, the only component of the U.S. government responsible for UFO-related
matters was the Air Force.
However, that myth slowly faded away as
classified documents began to be pried loose for public inspection via the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). By the early-1980s, the involvement of the
FBI, the CIA, and the NSA in the collection of UFO-related data had been firmly
My own naiveté regarding what I considered to be the remote
possibility of covert surveillance of my own activities was shattered in early
1982, shortly after I first went out on the American college lecture circuit to
report my findings. Those public programs resulted in media coverage by numerous
newspapers, including the New York Times, as well as the Associated Press and
United Press International.
Apparently, FBI also took notice.
2012, veteran UFO researcher and Freedom of Information requestor Larry W.
Bryant sent me a letter he had received from the FBIin response to an FOIA
request on my behalfin which the bureau acknowledged that their records
indicated the existence of files on my UFO-related activities. However,
according the letter, a search for those files was unsuccessful because they
were supposedly missing. Neither Bryant nor I believe that to be the
The first indication I had that someone was monitoring my research
activities came within months of my first national publicity. It was/is my
practice to tape record my interviews with the military veteranswho have
described observing UFOs maneuvering near or hovering over ICBM sites, nuclear
weapons storage areas, or similar locations. Beginning in February 1982, after
each and every telephone conversation with one of those individuals, recorded
with their permission, it became clear that someone was tapping my
After each interview, only moments after hanging-up, I received a
mysterious call from someone who said nothing, even though I could hear
background noises, who then hung-up after 30 seconds or so. I stress that this
odd pattern only occurred after I had spoken with this or that veteran, who was
divulging dramatic information about one nukes-related UFO incident or another.
It never happened after one of my calls to my family or friends, or at any other
time. The pattern continued for several months.
Obviously, someone was
attempting to intimidate me or, at the very least, was just letting me know that
they were aware of who I was talking to. As I have repeatedly said over the
years, I guess I was too stupid to be scared because I continued with my efforts
to learn what the U.S. government was hiding from the public, relating to UFO
activity at nuclear weapons sites.
I now have more than 140 U.S.
military veterans on-the-recordI just spoke with a new source earlier today, a
former Minuteman missile Electro-Mechanical Technician who sighted a UFO at
Minot AFB in 1968and I am happy to report that the FBI has never contacted any
of those guys. In other words, regardless of who was tapping my phone, there
were no repercussions for the persons who had agreed to speak with me. And, to
date, no one has ever shown up at my door either.
That said, in one
recent case,someone did learn about my telephone and email communications with a
retired Air Force missile targeting technician who had made a few inquiries on
my behalf, relating to a widely-publicized missile communications-disruption
incident at F.E. Warren AFB, in Wyoming, on October 23, 2010.
individual was in touch with a few of the active duty missile maintenance
personnel who had responded to the problem, during which 50 ICBMs became
temporarily unavailable because the base could not communicate with the launch
officers who controlled them. Officially, the disruption had lasted 59 minutes
and was caused by an improperly-replaced computer card in a weapons-control
However, what my retired Air Force contact learned about the
incident, from the missile maintenance techs who had responded to it, was much
different: The event involved an intermittent communications disruption that
actually lasted more than a day, not a mere 59 minutes, as the Air Force claims.
More importantly, several independent maintenance teams returned to the
base reporting their sighting of a huge, cigar-shaped object in the sky above
the missile field. My contact was told that the entire missile maintenance
squadron had been unexpectedly assembled and admonished by its commander not to
speak about the things they may or may not have seen in the sky. Clearly, the
aerial object was not a blimp.
Unfortunately, I was later informed by my
contact that two of those missile technicians, upon retiring in June 2011, were
informed by their superiors that a flag had been placed in their Air Force
service records, relating to their unauthorized disclosures about the incident.
Obviously, someone had been monitoring their emailed conversations with
my go-between, who later forwarded their comments to me. This development meant
that the two men would have difficulty finding work in the aerospace field after
leaving the service.
I of course felt very badly about this development,
even though my contact has said that the two individuals had been fully informed
that he was passing information on to me about an apparent UFO maneuvering above
F.E. Warrens nuclear missiles during the communications-disruption incident.
In this type of situationwhere active duty Air Force personnel leak
information about UFOs near nuclear weapons sites to outsidersthe Pentagon
becomes trapped by its own deceptive policy of claiming that UFOs pose no threat
to U.S. national security. (It was this official stanceUFOs, even if they
exist, are not a threatthat was used to justify the closure of the Air Forces
UFO study, Project Blue Book, in 1969.)
The two individuals who reported
multiple sightings of the huge cigar-shaped craft by missile maintenance teams
at F.E. Warren AFB in October 2010at a time when 50 ICBMs were effectively
offlinecannot be prosecuted for divulging classified information because, among
other repercussions, the Air Force higher-ups would have to openly admit that
they took the UFO reports seriously and went so far as to admonish an entire
missile squadron not to talk about the incident.
In short, any open
prosecution of the two men would risk turning a media spotlight on the whole
affair, thereby raising public awareness about the true nature of the
eventsomething the Pentagon definitely does not want to happen.
And so
the game goes on. The Air Force continues to claim that UFOs pose no risk to
U.S. national security. Meanwhile, veterans slowly but surely come forward to
report UFOs at various nuclear missile basesas far back as 1962 and as recently
as 2010which often appeared just as some of Americas nuclear missiles
mysteriously malfunctioned. Maybe, someday, the public will be let in on the
Last week, Larry Bryant sent me a letter he had composed on my
behalf, directed to the National Security Agency (NSA), asking that any and all
NSA files containing information regarding my UFO-related activities to be
released to me, pursuant to requirements stipulated in the federal law known as
the Privacy Act. That missive has been inserted below:
- click on image to enlarge -
suspect that, after a lengthy runaround, I will be told by NSA that no such
files exist. Or, perhaps, those files will be discovered to be missing just
like the FBI files on my research activities. Regardless, the agency certainly
will not be candid with me, no matter what the facts are.
fusion thermonucléaire, l'énergie totale d'une étoile, c'est le but que s'est
fixé] la National Ignition Facility (NIF) [du Laboratoire National
Livermore,] (1) grâce à 192 lasers géants formant une structure grande comme 3
terrains de football (américain). Tirés simultanément, les faisceaux laser
frappent une cible d'hydrogène solide de la taille d'un grain de poivre en
suspension dans une chambre de 10 m de diamètre. La puissance des faisceaux
atteint 500 TW (500.000 milliards de Watts) -- l'équivalent de 1000 fois la
quantité d'énergie utilisée par tous les États-Unis pendant la même période de
quelques trillionièmes de seconde. (...) L'hydrogène, contracté à moins d'un
millième de son volume original, atteint une densité 100 fois supérieure à celle
du plomb et la température du centre d'une étoile ; ainsi les noyaux
fusionnent avec
libération d'énergie. D'après les simulations informatiques du NIF, la fusion
de l'hydrogène devrait générer plus d'énergie que les lasers eux-mêmes -- un
processus appelé "allumage". Malheureusement la Nature a obstinément refusé de
coopérer : l'allumage n'a pas eu lieu."
Les travaux continuent.
Personnellement je fais confiance au NIF. Ils finiront par y arriver. Ce qui,
normalement, devrait nous faire sauter l'étape du Type I de Kardashev pour
passer directement au Type II : une civilisation capable d'utiliser l'énergie
totale de son étoile, soit 10^26 W. Vous en connaissez, vous, dans
l'environnement galactique immédiat, capables de faire ça ? C'est à voir.
Fusion Energy Quest Faces Boundaries of Budget, Science
Part of our weekly "In Focus" seriesstepping back, looking
A large banner hangs from the front of the stadium-size building that
houses the world's most powerful array of lasers: "Bringing Star Power To
For the past four years, physicists at the National Ignition
Facility, or NIF, in Livermore,
California, have been trying to harness nuclear fusion, the same reaction that
powers the sun and the stars. Supporters of the $3.5 billion facility believe
that a successful outcome to the experiments could help usher in an era of
nearly limitless energy. But the ambitious fusion research program at NIF now
faces an uncertain future, both politically and scientifically.
On the political side, President Obama's proposed budget
for fiscal year 2014 would reduce funding for fusion experiments at NIF by more
than $60 million, putting it nearly 14 percent below the 2013 level. Key
committees in both the House
and Senate favor restoring
part of NIF's funding, and a compromise will eventually emerge, but budget
constraints aren't the only challenge facing NIF. Physicists working on the
project expected to have succeeded in their quest for fusion energy by now.
They're currently struggling to figure out what went wrong.
Tiny Stars, Big Lasers
There's an old joke about fusion: It's the energy source of the future, and
always will be. Physicists have been pursuing the dream of controlling fusion
energy for some 60 years now. Unlike nuclear fission, which releases
energy when the nucleus of a heavy atom like uranium splits into two lighter
nuclei, fusion generates energy when two separate light nuclei smash
together to form a single, heavier nucleus. In fission, the energy comes from
breaking the bonds of force that held the original heavy atom together; with
fusion, the energy source is more esotericsome of the mass from each of the two
light nuclei is converted directly into energy when they fuse, in accordance
with Einstein's iconic law, E=mc2.
Both fission and fusion release tremendous amounts of energy. One pound of
enriched uranium used in a conventional nuclear power plant contains about as
much energy as a million gallons of gasoline. Fusion yields even more
energyabout three to four times as much as fission reactions. And while fission
reactions generate waste that remains radioactive for millennia,
fusion's byproducts become harmless within decades. Moreover, the world
possesses a nearly infinite source of fusion fuelthe hydrogen atoms found in
Unfortunately for the world's energy needs, fusion presents far greater
technical challenges than fission, which physicists mastered in the 1940s. It
takes relatively little energy to split a nucleusfission can even happen
spontaneously. But for fusion to occurthat is, to force two nuclei to
joinphysicists must replicate the hellish temperatures and pressures found
inside stars.
Scientists access the NIF target chamber using a service
system lift. "I've dedicated my life to this," says Ed Moses, principal
associate director. "I'm committed to understanding it."
Photograph courtesy Philip Saltonstall, LLNL
NIF seeks to do that with 192 giant lasers, which occupy a space as large as
three football fields. Fired simultaneously, the laser beams blast a
peppercorn-size speck of frozen hydrogen suspended in a 30-foot-wide target
chamber with about 500 trillion watts of powerabout 1,000 times the amount
of energy used by the entire United States during that same few trillionths of a
second. (Because the lasers fire so briefly, NIF uses only about $20 of
electricity for each burst.) Crushed to less than a thousandth of its original
volume, the hydrogen becomes 100 times denser than lead and hotter than the
center of a star; the nuclei fuse and release bursts of energy.
According to NIF's computer simulations, the fused hydrogen should generate
more energy than the lasers put ina process called ignition. Nature,
unfortunately, has stubbornly refused to cooperate. There has been no ignition
at the National Ignition Facility.
When physicists first turned on all the lasers at NIF in February 2009, they
set a goal of reaching ignition by October 1, 2012. NIF's lasers routinely cause
fusion, but the energy pumped in by the lasers still exceeds the energy created
by the fusing hydrogen. The failure to meet that ignition deadline is the main
reason the President, with the support of at least some in Congress, decided to
cut NIF's budget.
"From a back-of-the-envelope calculation, the lasers do deposit enough energy
onto the hydrogen pellet to do the job," said Robert Rosner, a
physicist at the University of Chicago and the former director of Argonne
National Laboratory. "The $64,000 questionactually a lot more than $64,000is,
why is the actual energy captured by the pellet in its implosion so much lower
than that, by close to a factor of ten?"
Like a Leaky Piston
Ed Moses, the photon science principal associate director at NIF, says the
researchers there are focusing on solving two critical problems. For ignition to
occur, the hydrogen pellet must remain perfectly spherical as the lasers
compress it. Using X-ray cameras to track the imploding hydrogen, physicists
have found that the pellet deforms just as fusion starts. It assumes a lumpy,
clover shape, a sign that the hydrogen is losing heat and pressure during its
compression. "It's like a leaky piston, and the pressure doesn't keep going up,"
says Moses. The other problem concerns the thin plastic shell that encases the
hydrogen fuel. Bits of it might be mixing with the hot imploding hydrogen,
cooling it and squashing ignition.
The laser beams blast a peppercorn-size speck of frozen
hydrogen with about 500 trillion watts of power1,000 times the amount of energy
used by the entire United States during that same few trillionths of a
Photograph courtesy LLNL
"We have shown our ability to compress the diameter of the fuel to where it
would ignite if it were round, which is something people would have found
unbelievable a few years ago," says Moses. "What we haven't shown yet is that we
can get the shape we need as we go in, and that we can prevent mixing."
A recent report
by the National Research Council recommended that NIF be given three more years
to solve its problems and determine whether the facility is even capable of
achieving ignition. Some critics argue that NIF needs to adopt a fundamentally
different research strategy, a critique endorsed by the report. David Hammer, a
physicist at Cornell University, says the NIF team treated their fusion
experiments like an engineering project, and assumed that they could achieve
ignition if they tweaked the lasers just right from one "shot" to the next.
"It was misplaced confidence," said Hammer. "They would not accept that the
different stages of the experiments were not well understood, and they went on
to the next step anyway." The NIF researchers should have been more systematic,
he said, starting at lower energies to make sure the computer predictions
matched reality. "If they didn't get it right at some low level, then figure out
what's wrong, because it's a lot easier to figure things out when you're not
driving an experiment to its limits. And once you've understood it at say,
half-energy, then you gradually build up and see how the experiment moves away
from predictions of the computer code. I think if they had started a more
science-oriented program in 2009, when the lasers were finished, they'd be a lot
closer to ignition now."
NIF isn't the only fusion project competing for federal dollars. The United
States is also investing in an international collaboration that plans to harness
fusion using a completely different strategy from NIF's. Now under construction
in France, ITER, short for International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, will use powerful magnetic fields to
compress a plasmaessentially hydrogen gas heated to such high temperatures that
the electrons and protons in the hydrogen fly apartuntil the protons fuse. The
$20 billion project, which is scheduled to begin its first experiments in
November 2020, aims to produce ten times the amount of energy needed to run it.
But that 2020 deadline is likely to recede, given that President Obama's budget
would cap future United States contributions to ITER at $225 million. The budget
would also cut funds for a fusion laboratory at MIT, one of the three American
projects conducting experiments related to ITER.
A final decision on NIF's funding is months away, as budget wrangling
continues on Capitol Hill.
"Right now we're in the era of incremental government," said Representative
Eric Swalwell, a Democrat, whose district includes the facility at Livermore.
"We govern by crisis these days, which is really unfortunate, because while
science is very unpredictable, when it comes to funding, scientists need
Nuclear Weapons and Getting to the World Series
Even with the proposed budget cuts, NIF will continue to operate for decades.
Achieving ignition is only one aspect of the lab's mission. Its primary
purposeone that will most likely overshadow fusion research in the years
aheadis to enable the United States to maintain its stockpile of nuclear
weapons. The country has observed a ban on explosive testing since
1992, and classified work at NIF tests components of nuclear weapons without the
need to blow anything up. That aspect of NIF's research has broad bipartisan
support, and the President's budget for 2014 would increase funding for the
lab's weapons-testing program.
But ignition is the game-changing research that inspires most of the
physicists who work at NIF.
"I've dedicated my life to this," said Moses. "I'm committed to understanding
it. I think it's likely we'll work through all these issues. We have this
three-year time line we've agreed to. If we're funded and can do our
experiments, we think we can explore this phenomenon pretty completely in that
time period. In sports, over a long season, some things go well, sometimes you
boot the ball. The question is, how do you get to the World Series? And that's
what we're trying to do."
Redfern a bien écrit un scénario extravagant de ce genre (essais
d'irradiation en vol sur des prisonniers japonais !) mais il n'a pas été
poursuvi en justice pour ça. Et pourquoi ? Peut-être parce qu'il faisait de la
désinformation amplifiante, en service commandé ?
Voir mon article sur mon blog :
2005 Le livre de Nick Redfern « Body
Snatchers in the Desert »
Merci cependant à Xavier Delamare pour ces réflexions. Mais il y a une
critique à vous faire qui me saute aux yeux : les anciens militaires qui se sont
décidés peu à peu à témoigner, ne l'ont pas davantage fait "en service
commandé", sauf ceux qui ont témoigné pour démolir Roswell ! Ils n'ont pas été
ds pions dans un incroyable coup monté de scénario bidon de soucoupe écrasée
pour cacher ds expétenencs à la Menguélé. Le mieux, d'ailleurs aurait été de
ne pas parler de soucoupe du tout. N'allons pas trop loin dans la
"conspirationnite" à la David Icke et Cie.
Cela dit, Il n'est pas mauvais de réfléchir encore une fois à tout cela,
car ça va continuer à mijoter, sans doute encore quelques années.
Au fait, je connais un journaliste d'aviation qui m'a confié en 1999 que
des officiers USAF à Edward AFB lui avaient confirmé le crash de Roswell, mais
c'était bien sûr, en privé. Et il a ensuite nié publiquement qu'il y ait des
secrets ovni aux Etats-Unis !
Le moment n'est pas encore venu, n'est-ce pas, de tout déballer.
G. B.
Réaction de X. D.:
On na pas les détails. Des essais de radiation sur les prisonniers de
guerre par exemple ou nimporte quoi dautre. Ce qui est sûr cest quil y a un
truc qui sest crashé. Apparemment avec du monde dedans. Mais était-ce bien des
extra-terrestres. La spéculation nest pas plus folle que lautre.
Et il ny a pas que MKUltra, il y a aussi Artichoke et quelques autres
programmes. Peut être un essai dengin assez instable ou a propulsion nocive
quon teste avec des humains et qui a eu la mauvaise idée de séloigner de sa
trajectoire. Il faut masquer tout ça vite et la rumeur soucoupique fait le
Excursus sans rapport avec Roswell :
je recommande chaudement un livre que vient de publier Ch. Seval au titre
étrange : 0,001% par Marc Auburn (pseudo)
Un véritable Robert Monroe français qui raconte ses expériences de sortie
hors du corps sans fioritures. Il a vu pas mal dextraterrestres lui aussi et ce
quil dit recoupe souvent ce que dit Swann, McMoneagle et quelques autres.
Lecture de vacances.
Réaction de X.D:
Voilà ce quon trouve chez Grant Cameron sur Richard Farley :
Juste un point. Vous dites : "1978, l'année de la naissance de la théorie du
complot". Qu'est-ce qui vous amène à une datation aussi précise ?
l'année où Friedman rencontre et interroge Marcel:
"Then, in 1978, UFO
researcher Stanton Friedman happened to meet Marcel. Because Marcel dredged up
his recovered-saucer story, and Friedman thought he had at last found a "star"
witness who could blow open the U.S. government's alleged coverup of crashed
saucers and pickled aliens, the Roswell myth began anew, with Friedman as its
most vocal (and visible) champion. "
happens after the government finally admits that at least some of those things
flying around in our skies are from some place that isn't here, flown by some
body that isn't us?
Ovni : «Il est peu probable de croiser des extraterrestres»
Ovni : «Il est peu probable de croiser des
A Toulouse comme ailleurs des milliers de personnes scrutent les mystères du
ciel./Photo DDM, Thierry Bordas
La queue de baleine lumineuse observée début juin, dans le ciel toulousain ?
«Nous navons pas pu recouper le témoignage. Il ny a que lobservateur qui la
vue», regrette Jacques Patenet. Cet ancien directeur du très sérieux Geipan, le
groupe détudes et dinformations sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non
identifiés, dépendant du Cnes, le centre national des études spatiales de
Toulouse, na pas lâché sa passion depuis quil est parti à la retraite. Au mois
de mars, il est devenu le responsable national de Mufon France, un réseau
mutualisé de collectes de données, très influent aux États-Unis, qui compte des
dizaines de milliers de membres dans le monde. Les yeux tournés vers le ciel,
ces enquêteurs de létrange traquent tout ce qui sort de lordinaire au-dessus
de nos têtes.
«Nous leur proposons une méthodologie, via des grilles dinterprétation des
phénomènes observés. Nous les guidons dans leur recherche».
Car Jacques Patenet est dabord un scientifique rationaliste. Pas question de
délirer sur les petits hommes verts. «Quil y ait des formes de vies
extraterrestres dans lunivers, cest probable. Mais que des civilisations
identiques à la nôtre, même à quelques milliers dannées près, se croisent,
cest plus compliqué».
Alors comment interpréter les anomalies et les phénomènes non identifiés
aperçus dans le ciel ?
«Ces observations restent mystérieuses jusquau jour où on peut les
expliquer, tempère Jacques Patenet. Pendant longtemps, des pilotes davions ont
décrit des grandes traînées lumineuses intenses. Des sprites. Il a fallu prendre
de la hauteur avec les astronautes pour comprendre quil sagissait dorages à
très hautes altitudes» La science finirait donc par tout expliquer ?
«Attention, je ne dis pas quil ne peut pas se produire des choses étranges. Je
nexclus rien», souligne le directeur de Mufon France. Il remarque quand même
que les histoires les plus extraordinaires sont aussi les plus anciennes. Quand
on connaissait moins bien notre environnement. Comme à Cussac, en Ardèche, en
1954, où des enfants ont vu des «Martiens» débarquer dune soucoupe volante Il
ny a pas eu de suite à cette prise de contact. «Peut-être quun jour, on
tombera sur un truc incroyable», veut croire Jacques Patenet. Seule certitude,
depuis le début de lannée, les ufologues de la région nont rien eu à se mettre
sous la dent. Ce qui nest pas une raison pour arrêter de scruter le ciel. Et
ses mystères.
Deux sites internet incontournables avec celui du Geipan : et
Ancien directeur du Geipan, le groupe détudes et dinformations sur les
phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés, Jacques Patenet consacre sa retraite aux
mystères du ciel. of de website van BUFON (Belgisch Ufo-Netwerk)
Dear colleagues,
I can annonce YOU with great pleasure that the site of BUFON ( Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) is online again after months of searching for a solution for the hacking-problem. This site was the first projet of BUFON, befor that this blog of Peter2011 was created in Juin, 2011. Now both sites will stay on line to serve you, our visitors, for the most...
Bring thus a visit to!!! Kindly regards
Pieter, alias Peter2011
General Director of BUFON Nationaal Directeur MUFON voor Vlaanderen en Nederland
Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for
"fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,
scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that
might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the
balance in favor of fair use. All copyrighted materials contained herein belong
to their respective copyright holders, I do not claim ownership over any of
these materials. I realize no profit, monetary or otherwise, from the exhibition
of these videos.
This video is S02E03 of my continuing tribute to the
late Carl Sagan.
Vocal excerpts
were taken from Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in
Space and Carl Sagan's Cosmos. I edited together the vocals, and added the video
- Armageddon: The Second World War - BBC's Horizon - BBC's
Space - Carl Sagan's Cosmos - Contact (film) - Discovery's Curiosity
- Discovery's Into The Universe with Stephen Hawking - ESO Time Lapse by
José Francisco Salgado - History's The Universe - IMAX Cosmic Voyage -
Trinity and Beyond
The soundtrack is a combination of four songs by
Michael Giacchino from the Lost Season 6 soundtrack: Lax, Helen of Joy, My Orca,
and Locke at it this way.
The Carl Sagan Tribute Series will continue,
please subscribe to my channel if you wish to be among the first to see my
newest videos.
spoke as planned with a screen writer on Thursday and we are to work together on
a screenplay based on my book 'ROSWELL ALIEN AUTOPSY'. The story will be based
around my hunt for the facts surrounding this film.
nouvelles du jour comme vous le constaterez nous apportent diverses informations
sur les modifications et nominations diverses liées à l'organisation du Mufon
France, dont l'extension se confirme de jour en jour, pour le bonheur de
projets sont nombreux, nous souhaitons la contribution de personnes compétentes
pour y participer, tout comme le projet Licorne 2 dans le domaine informatique,
ou que notre nouveau service : "La Direction Nationale des Enquêtes" qui a été
pourvu par un directeur, dont les compétences dans ce domaine ainsi que dans la
formation ne peuvent pas être mise en doute.
rappellerai que le Mufon France à une totale indépendance, et qu'il a pour
objectif, sans aucune contrepartie, de fédérer dans une indépendance d'action
totale, les associations, structures diverses et personnes individuelles qui
souhaitent participer à l'étude de ce phénomène ou à l'information du public,
tout en bénéficiant d'une structure apte à les aider.
information est largement diffusée sur le net, de jour en jour sa visibilité
augmente et nous touchons donc, au bénéfice de toutes les personnes, toutes les
associations, ou structures diverses qui participent à cet effort commun,
plusieurs centaines de personnes chaque jour.
travaillons à développer encore plus les moyens de vous faire connaître de faire
connaître vos réunions, vos conférences, vos sites internet, mais aussi et
surtout dans le cadre fédératif du Mufon France, de la FFU, tous les projets et
recherches en cours sur le dossier ovni afin de vous aider à trouver encore plus
de personnes compétentes, actives et les informations dont vous avez
est en marche, et si vous disposez de quelques heures de temps libre, que vous
souhaitez vous investir dans ce formidable dossier et ainsi contribuer à le
faire évoluer, contacter la direction du Mufon France qui peut vous intéresser,
aussi bien au niveau régional, que nationale ou même internationale
encore, pour les informations que vous nous faites redescendre, chaque jour
grâce à votre contribution, votre soutien, votre participation active, des
informations nouvelles sont mises en ligne.
à tous et à la prochaine note d'informations journalières.
The Rendlesham Forest Incident - Official Website "I've gone on
record saying Rendlesham might be the turning point in history that leads to the
explanation of the UFO phenomenon" -Nick Pope, Directorate of Defence Security,
Ministry of Defence
, also known as 'Britain's Roswell', is undoubtedly one
of the best documented and most significant military encounters with a Craft of
Unknown Origin or UFO. It is also a case that involved very credible witnesses,
trained (USAF) United States Air Force observers and security
The incident spanned three days in 1980. Rendlesham
Forest is a large pine forest, east of Ipswich, in Suffolk, England. Nearby are
the twin NATO air bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge; at the time both
bases were being leased to the United States Air Force. Several UFO incidents,
including multiple-witness sightings by military personnel, ground traces, and
radioactive anomalies were reported from Rendlesham forest.
According to
USAF security patrolmen on duty, "the object was described as being metallic in
appearance and triangular in shape, approx. 2-3 meters across the base... it
illuminated the entire forest with a white light, and had a pulsing red light on
top and a bank(s) of blue lights underneath." In November, 2002, the British
Ministry of Defense released the "Rendlesham File" of documents related to and
confirming the Rendlesham Forest incident.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the
benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence
report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that
you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now provides advanced
research and consultation on a wide range of subjects and help for CEOs to
successfully run their companies.
In special reports, this weeks files cover: New Royal Baby is
Prince George, Prince Phillip Has Interest in UFOs,
Helen Thomas UFO Advocate Dies, Astronaut Mitchell
UFOs are Real, UFO from International Space Station,
Oceans and Structures on Mars, Advanced Space
Research, At UFO symposium, participants urge open-mindedness, and Listen to
Craig Campobasso on the Stargate Roundtable Thursday Night at 10 PM EST hosted
by Marietta Pickett
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California,
Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Columbia,
Kazakhstan, Mexico, Romania, Singapore, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video
evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files
assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis
is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically
advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became
interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England
while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal
interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years
under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the
God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting
us in ever-increasing numbers.
Filers Files are now being emailed to 20,000 + addresses each week plus 500
copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends
and neighbors.
Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was Be Happy and Eddie
Pedrick my grandsons who drowned and my two beautiful daughters Elizabeth Lynn
died March 8, 2013 and Dr. Victoria Anne Filer died April 27, 2013.
Special Reports
New Royal Baby is Named Prince
Prince William and Kate Middleton
officially announced the name of their newborn son, who is now third in line to
the throne.
An official statement said the baby, born
Monday, would be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge. His
full name is George Alexander Louis.
His family will undoubtedly teach him
about the UFO phenomena...
Prince Phillip Has Interest in
While stationed in England in the US Air Force after intercepting a
UFO, I had the privilege of dining with Prince Phillip, the husband of the
Queen, and the Duke of Edinburgh at Sculthorpe RAF Base. He told five of us
officers about his keen interest in UFOs and that some of his relatives had seen
them. He reiterated what he had stated much earlier in the press,
`There are many reasons to believe that they (UFOs) do exist. There
is so much evidence from reliable witnesses.' Sunday Dispatch,
London. March 28, 1954. He was promoted to Admiral of the Fleet, Field Marshal
of the Army, and Marshal of the Royal Air Force. Prince Philip achieved 5,986
hours in 59 types of aircraft. He was interested in our intercept of a large UFO
over the United Kingdom. Prince Philip was a long time subscriber to
Flying Saucer Review magazine.
In his fascinating autobiography, "Sounds From
Another Room", Sir Peter Horsley who was equerry (advisor) to Her
Majesty the Queen and Prince Phillip for seven years devotes a lengthy chapter
to the subject of UFOs, including details of his investigations into sightings
reported by pilots; details which he relayed to Prince Phillip. Horsley claims
he met with an extraterrestrial humanoid who wanted to meet with Prince Philip.
Air Marshal Sir Peter Horsley, former Deputy Commander in Chief of Strike
Command, a war hero who flew Mosquitoes against the Germans, who has held one of
the highest ranks in the RAF. The top RAF generals such as General Martin
believed that flying saucers were extraterrestrial vehicles from another planet
whose inhabitants were trying to warn us of the perils of nuclear war.
Although it may seem surprising that a member of the royal family would have
an interest in UFOs, Prince Philip is not the first. In fact his uncle, Lord
Mountbatten, had similar interests.
Prince Philip told us that, his uncle who raised him, Admiral Earl
Mountbatten who became First Sea Lord Admiral of the British Fleet the
highest rank in the Royal Navy from 1954 until 1959 was Commander of the
Mediterranean Fleet in the 50s had personally seen UFOs up close.
Mountbatten shown here with President Kennedy was one of the three Supreme
Allied Commanders of World War II (the others were Eisenhower and MacArthur)
with a quarter million personnel under his direct command. Later he was the last
Viceroy of India, who orchestrated its independence from England. Mountbatten
had a keen interest in UFOs and likely discussed UFOs with the President.
In a biography by Philip Ziegler in 1985, he wrote [We were] both
convinced that they come from another planet but we mutually and independently
came to the conclusion that they were not 'aeroplanes' with silly little almost
human pilots but are themselves the actual inhabitants: Martians, Venusians,
Jupiterians or what have you. Why should life in another planet with entirely
different conditions in any way resemble life on our planet?
In 1955 Lord Mountbatten investigated a UFO incident in his own back yard,
literally, that put his theory to the test.
In Timothy Good's great book, Above
Top Secret, there is a report written by Mountbatten on his
investigation of a sighting on the grounds of his Broadlands Estates. Frederick
Briggs, a retired British Army Sergeant, was working on the grounds, when he
says he saw a large craft that looked like a child's top hovering over a field.
He says a column came down from the center of the craft, and there appeared to
be a humanoid figure descending with the pillar. Mountbatten states he
personally interviewed Mr. Briggs and "hedid not give the
impression of being the sort of man who would be subject to hallucinations, or
would in any way invent such a story." Thanks to Open
Helen Thomas UFO Advocate Dies
Legendary Trailblazing White House journalist Helen Thomas has died at age 92
years of age. She sat in the front row center at White House press conferences
and covered ten presidents over nearly half a century. She became a legend in
the industry and often exasperated government spokesmen and presidents with her
pointed questions.
I had long talks with her on several occasions about UFOs and told me she
would do everything she could to get the true story about UFOs and our visitors
out to the public. She confided she wrote stories but her editors cut them
before they are published.
Thomas began covering the White House for United Press
International when John F. Kennedy became president in 1961 and was a fixture
there until her retirement in 2010. She was the longest-serving White House
journalist.NASA Astronaut Scott Carpenter had
"At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone:
there was a constant surveillance by
UFOs." A great and kind lady passed
away after a long illness. She told me she was working behind the scene s to get
others in her field to acknowledge UFOs exist. Read
President Barack Obama said that it was "not just the length of
her tenure, but her fierce belief that our democracy works best when we ask
tough questions and hold our leaders to account," that put her in high
esteem. In a written statement, Obama called Thomas a
"truepioneer" and said she kept the
presidents she covered -- including himself -- on their toes.
UFO enthusiasts have received a lot of encouragement in recent evidence of an
ancient UFO
sighting reported by Chinese medieval scientist Shen Kuo, as well as an
affirming interview with moonwalker Edgar Mitchell that attests to his beliefs
in extraterrestrial life.
And to this day, the topic of alien life and UFO sightings
are on the tip of people's minds, including Edgar Mitchell, who spoke of his
convictions in the belief of alien life as well as UFOs, citing the Roswell
incident as a prime example.
"After my space flight, I was contacted by descendants of the
original Roswell observers, including the person who delivered the child-sized
coffins to the Air Force to contain alien bodies. Another was one of the
children of the deputy sheriff who was patrolling traffic around the
site," said Mitchell during a Bloomberg interview.
"They all seemed credible with their stories that the bodies
found were alien."
And what does the Apollo 14 pilot think are the reasons behind a
potential cover-up?
"Think of what that could mean in terms of space travel with
control of UFO machinery, technology. There's a lot of money
UFO from International
Space Station
Location of sighting: International Space Station, Earths Orbit
This amazing catch was caught on live NASA web cam this week. The cam has
literally caught hundreds maybe a thousand or more UFOs over the years. This is
a very strange yellow craft. Around the craft we see the typical blur like mist
that UFOs are famous for. This mist is believed to be caused by the crafts
propulsion system. If you want to check out the NASA cam, the link is below, you
might get lucky.
International Space Station, Earths Orbit July 18, 2013
Thanks to Scott Waring who edits UFO Sightings Daily
Scientists have spotted more evidence that an
enormous ocean on Mars covered much of the planet's surface billions of years
ago. The latest clues were found in photos from NASA's Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter circling the planet. The images show what appears to be
an ancient river delta, which may have emptied into a vast
Martian ocean that inundated up to one-third of the Red
Planet long ago, a new study reports.
"Scientists have long hypothesized that the northern lowlands of Mars
are a dried-up ocean bottom, but no one yet has found the smoking gun," study
co-author Mike Lamb, an assistant professor of geology at the California
Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, said in a statement. The
small section of Aeolis Dorsa features many ridges called inverted channels,
which form in river bottoms over time when gravel is deposited by flowing water.
Inverted channels can linger long after the rivers that created them have
evaporated, helping researchers trace the past activity of liquid water
on Mars. [Photos:
The Search for Water on Mars] Thanks to David Twichell and
- This picture appears to be a factory or some type of base
on Mars. It was originally posted on a NASA site but it's been scrubbed.
It clearly shows six vents on a building spewing atmosphere or smoke from all
vents. Several huge spheres may be used for mining or drawing in dark matter to
be processed into an atmosphere on Mars.
Thanks to NASA
Advanced Space Research
Mr. Tompkins has extensive experience in advanced space
research* involved in spacecraft and space missions. This has led to his
membership in the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and he has done extensive research
into extraterrestrials and unidentified flying objects. He is preparing a
six-volume autobiographical study on the subject to be released soon to be
entitled Selected by Extraterrestrials. Regardless of your opinion of
the UFO phenomenon, Mr. Tompkins has attacked this subject with the same energy
and detail he put into building his fleet of model ships, so this highly
technical document should make for a very interesting read. Bill has also spent
47 years in the Navy League of California and Oregon.
*Mr. Tompkins technical experience is extensive. It includes four years
in naval intelligence studying extraterrestrial threats, twelve years as
engineering section chief at the Douglas Missile and Space Division, four years
as corporate director of North American Advanced Space Research, founder and
chairman of the Advanced Space Concept Staff at the think tank within the TRW
Space Systems, four years as program director of the 2020 advanced Anti-Sub
Warfare program and was a member of the corporate headquarters Red Team at
General Dynamics Corporation. He built this model of a spaceship.
UFO art on display at the annual Mutual UFO Network Symposium at the
JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort on Sunday morning. The green sculpture in the
foreground, entitled "Power", was created by amateur artist Michael Harley, who
said the work took several months to complete. Harley said the piece, which was
priced at $600, came from his imagination and was created out of porcelain
plates and LED lighting. The conference featured art from 10 different artists,
each with a unique spin on alien-inspired artwork.
It's easy to stereotype the sort of people who attended the
annual Mutual UFO Network Symposium in Las Vegas this weekend. After all, it
takes a special kind of person to travel to Las Vegas, fork over close to $250
and sit through dozens of speeches about faster-than-light travel, alien DNA
analysis, and 'new' information about 70-year-old alleged alien encounters.
But even though the topic matter seems a bit fantastical, and despite a
handful of alien-encounter zealots, a large number of conference attendees were
not the type of tinfoil-hat wearing crackpot conspiracy theorists that are often
associated with the field of ufology, the study of unidentified flying
In fact, many attendees, such as retired military medic Marc Johns, said the
reason for attending the conference and studying ufology stems from a desire to
use scientific methods and research to tie the subject to respected fields such
as astronomy and physics.
"There's an awful lot of people out there who aren't kooks who
are interested in this topic," Johns said. Johns, who traveled
from Chester, England, to attend the conference, said he was more attracted to
the open-mindedness of the symposium, and strongly disagreed with the sort of
blind faith found in straight-up alien believers and deniers. Johns said he was
much more interested in using science collecting hard data before making any
fantastical or otherworldly postulations.
Johns wasn't among the majority of conference attendees, however. Utah woman
Sandra Wood claimed that demonic beings traveling in flying discs had been
stalking her family and young daughter for several years, and that she was often
followed by government vehicles due to her husband's work in "exposing" UFO
Don Donderi, a retired university professor and conference speaker, gave an
hour long speech Sunday morning much along the same lines, partially skipping
over hard evidence on the actuality of alien existence, and jumping straight to
alien policy decisions. How, he asked, should aliens respect and follow Earth
But jumping to such conclusions didn't sit well with 32-year old Sam Rux, an
elementary school teacher from New York City and first-time attendee. Rux, who
became interested in ufology as a child after seeing a friend's reaction to a
UFO at a summer camp, said he wanted to keep his mind open for any unexplained
phenomena whether it's strange weather patterns, government vehicles or actual
alien crafts.
Though Rux isn't as zealous about the existence of aliens as other attendees,
he said he enjoyed going to the conference because it provided a rare
opportunity to have open discussions and meet ufology authors. Again, he said
being open-minded helps when confronted with the wide range of theories and
speculation about UFOs. After all, Rux pointed out, it's a little
ridiculous to assume Earth is the only planet in the universe supporting
"I think people should keep an open mind; there's a lot of things
about space we don't know," he said. "We're not that
MUFON, the nonprofit organization that organized the conference, is also
invested in keeping the study of ufology as scientific as possible. The group
has trained hundreds of volunteers on how to interview witnesses and file
reports for possible UFOs, requiring a test on a 300-page manual, according to
group's website. Open-mindedness plays a major role for attendees like Johns
and Rux, who both indicated the importance of remaining skeptical yet open to
discovering and understanding UFOs. "Don't be swayed by the media and
science-fiction and blind faith," Johns said. "Do your own
research. Thanks to the Las Vegas Sun.
Listen to Craig Campobasso on the Stargate Roundtable Thursday
Night at 10 PM EST hosted by Marietta Pickett
Emmy nominated casting director Craig Campobasso is
writing, producing, and directing his short film, Stranger at the
Pentagon based on the popular UFO book about created being
Valiant Thor (from Venus) who lived at the Pentagon under the Eisenhower
Administration. His first book The Autobiography of an
Extraterrestrial Saga: I AM Thyron is
about the star seed program currently underway on Earth from Melchizedek. At age
26, Craig had a spiritual awakening and began receiving communications. His
universally awake training is still active now, 27 years after
initial contact. Craig met Dr. Stranges in 2002.
Thursday, July 25th at 10PM EST - 7PM PST as this fascinating
story/interview unfolds. There will be an opportunity to call in and ask
Sightings of UFOs in the United
California Light
Alcatraz Island-- While Touring I snapped a photo of the light house tower and
captured the exact anomaly seen in the Big Bear City, CA photo. The details are
exact and the image is identical.
Note: The witness is referring to a photo taken in Bear
City, CA on Sept 7, 2011. Click
here to read this report.The anomaly in this photo is quite likely a lens
flare. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Helendale A
streak was seen in the sky on June 16, 2013, as fighter aircraft moved through
the sky with contrails that would dissolve, then would reappear higher in the
sky and would then dissolve again.
Being familiar with all matter of aircraft it was unusual and simply
dissolved and was lost. Thanks to MUFON CMS
IndianaRed Fireball
Decatur -- I was sitting
on my porch watching my son and nephew when a red fireball, glowing orb suddenly
ascended from the horizon about a mile away on July 18, 2013. It stopped about
half way between the moon and the ground. A red, glowing ball hovered for a
little a bit and then sped up, heading southeast. Now it looks white and
cylindrical and gliding or floating. We continued to watch until disappeared. I
called my youngest son and nephew to look and they saw it. I ran to get my other
two sons and husband to see it.
My oldest son said it looks like a fireworks. My two sons and nephew
watched and started taking pictures with their cell phones. Although the
pictures does not quite show what we were witnessing, the iPhone showed white
bright streaks and the LG showed bright red and yellow lights in a saucer shape.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Sightings
Glenn writes, I am contacting you in the hope you come to visit
my farm and witness for yourself what we have been observing nightly since
February 16, 2013. We were going to bed at around 1:30 am, and observed a very
low, extremely bright, twinkling star that started moving and came within 200
yards of our house. We observed it though a small pair of binoculars and noticed
it had red, blue, green, and yellow lights that blinked
I became frightened for my family's safety and called 911,
naturally we were met with a scoffing skepticism. I never contacted any
Government agency or local Law enforcement again for fear of ridicule. Over the
following months our nightly sightings went from one UFO to four to 12, to as
many as 50-100 in and around our farm appearing just before dusk, and leaving
just before or right after dawn.
I bought an inexpensive Sony Digital Camcorder that has worked just fine;
most pictures are taken at night, but some during daylight hours. I currently
have over 14,000 pictures and videos. I found I could get better look at what
was behind the multi-colored lights with pictures instead of the several dozen
videos I have. We have documented at least four Motherships in our area nightly
that come down looking like a mass of green, yellow, and pinkish-red light.
These Motherships unload 100's of smaller flying saucer type craft. I have
pictures of them unloading the smaller craft and have observed them reloading in
the pre-dawn hour.
I have documented at least four types of saucer type craft, a triangular type
craft, a cylinder type craft, a batwing type craft, orbs, a rounded nose winged
type craft, and one that kind of looks like a pretzel. I have so many pictures
that I'm two months behind in cataloging them. Most people have a sighting or
two, if they are lucky, we have had nightly infestations of these UFOs for six
months and counting, if you want proof of UFO's you only need come here to get
Ive pointed these UFO's out to several dozen important people. I see
pictures and craft sketches in your Filers Files that match what I see.
That's why I'm asking your help in documenting this live event and showing
the world that they do exist, I have many photos that show what appear to be
Extra-Terrestrials on some of these craft as well. Please help me Mr. Filer. The
case is under investigation by MUFON,
Idyllwild -- My 23 year old son went to
Idyllwild this weekend on July 15, 2013.
He sent this picture to me and I noticed this object that cannot be the sun
because the shadows of the sun do not face towards the viewer of the picture. I
thought I should send it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
HOLYOKE -- I was talking to my husband on
the telephone when I noticed anoblong objectapproaching and crossing the Connecticut River. The shape was different
from a plane and it made no sound and flew very slowly and hovered at times. I
ran out on our deck as it disappeared crossing silently over my house. The next
morning I noticed lots of dark burn marks on our new stone patio and shingles on
the roof. Someone in the Belchertown and Amherst reported seeing the object
earlier than my sighting. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken
Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Michigan Lights
Westland-- At 1:13 AM, on July 17, 2013
while out photographing stars in the southeast, I noticed on one photo an
unknown object.
I used my Canon EOS Rebel T3 Camera with an Aperture
of F/5.6 with a two seconds shutter speed.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Light
Lees Summit I saw a bright
object in the sky at 10 PM, on July 12, 2013, that pulsated across the sky
heading north where I lost it in cloud cover after a minute. The object covered
a very long distance in a very short amount of time. I recorded this event and
have video as well as two pictures.
This object was so bright it shocked me. Next to the moon, it was the
brightest shiny fireball in the sky. It was like a. Thanks to MUFON
New Jersey Lights
Richard DeTaranto writes, I used to be a field investigator with
MUFON, now just a subscriber. I have a friend that had an experience and took a
picture at 1:30 AM, on July 15, 2013. She says that she went outside, and the
power went off, and she saw this. The location was in, NJ on County Line Road
near Lakehurst Naval Air Station and McGuire Air Force Base. They may have had
it on radar at that time? Thanks to DeTaranto,
Vernon, Sussex
-- On Canister Road there is Canister Reservoir with numerous
sightings of craft leaving the water and entering airline flight paths, then
speeding off into space from June 12, 2013 thru July. It looks like a large
pyramid shaped object with rough dark black outer surface coming out of the
water. Gray Ford F150's trucks with blacked out windows and no license plates
park alongside the road to watch. There seems to be an underwater base for the
craft located close to the Picatinny Arsenal. Note: There have been similar
reports from New Jersey reservoirs for fifty years.
Ohio Triangle Lights
Grove City-- We and some partygoers saw over one hundred lights on July 6, 2013
over Interstate 270. They were flying toward my position in Obetz. A triangle
moving in the same area looked like the Phoenix lights sighting. Many took
videos and reported what they had seen. I am very fresh in the sighting. I grew
up very close to an Air Force base and never saw anything this size. It was like
one giant piece of glass. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Pennsylvania Red
JEANNETTE I was on the 11-7 shift at work on July 21,
2013, about 1:10 am we were sitting outside on break when I noticed a red sphere
appear over one of the buildings. This object was a solid red color that
appeared to be brighter. I got up to get a closer look as it traveled west to
northeast on a steady rise about tree level and disappeared in 30 seconds.
Then another red sphere appeared and one of the ladies on break saw this one
and said, What the hell is that? I said,
Thats why I got up to get a better look
at! We watched as it did the same thing. Thanks to MUFON
Texas Orb
grandma and I were driving at night and saw a glowing object hovering over trees
on July 17, 2013. It looked like a star but it then glowed brighter and very
slowing moved in a straight path over the trees and then disappeared. I knew it
wasnt a star it seemed brighter and bigger. Even my grandma thought it was
unusual that it actually moved and disappeared over treetops. Thanks to
Virginia Disk
CHESAPEAKE Bay Bridge Tunnel -- While crossing the bridge
towards Norfolk, VA, I took this picture of a storm that was over the bay. We
entered the first tunnel and when we emerged; my husband noticed a black spot in
the sky. We took a couple pictures, but none turned out too well.
argued whether or not we thought it was getting smaller or not. We entered the
second tunnel and when we emerged it was gone. It wasn't until three nights
later while going through pictures that we noticed the object in the storm.
Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Washington Red
Bellingham -- At
about 10 PM, I was driving down a road towards the I-5 on-ramp when I saw a red
orb light that was five times bigger than a star in the southern sky on June 15,
2013. I immediately pulled off the road and grabbed my binoculars and viewed the
red orb light. There was a medium gray colored looking craft where the light had
been. It silently descended to 80 feet in front of me. It slowed at this point
to rotate around. I had a great view of its textured metal with a large rounded
front and a square rear area where two exhaust engine holes were (see sketch).
It was about the size of a large tall SUV. I didnt see any windows,
lights, or insignia. I felt some concern we might be its target, but then it
flew east into a parking area and then north as it dropped below the tree line.
With extreme precision it maneuvered itself down and executed perfect turns
avoiding electrical poles, wires and street lights.
We drove around
searching but could not find it. I went back four days later and discovered some
woods where the UFO appeared to land in a small clearing where the grass was
mashed down. I talked to neighbors who claimed their tv reception was
interrupted a bit that night. Thanks to MUFON CMS
waukesha -- I was outside grilling with
friends when I saw a rainbow on July 20, 2013. I took a photo and captured this
I took several photos but only this one caught a photo of a UFO. All
photos have the same time stamp but only one has the ufo
in it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note: May Be A Bird.
Disc Dayton-- On July 19, 2013, I caught this UFO while
reviewing vacation pictures. Zoom in directly above the road. Note: This
object does not appear to be a bird, airplane or insect. It bears the
resemblance to a classic flying saucer with a slight protrusion on top. Analysis
indicates that the photo is authentic and not fabricated.
Murgon -- As we left the house of a friend I noticed
an unusual light in the sky that appeared to be hovering over on the other side
of a nearby hill on June 21, 2013. I showed my children and said
"There's a UFO" and they searched until locating it and agreed it
was an unidentified flying object. We watched for about two
minutes as the object appeared to hover, but may have been moving directly
toward us and was getting larger. I took three photos on my iPhone, but it was
so far away it was not visible on the screen. When I downloaded the photos to my
computer I saw alight two centimeters across and a few millimeters high. It was
at least a couple of kilometers away when it disappeared.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Glenroy, Victoria --
Inoticed a glowing light in the sky so I got
my binoculars to have a look on July 16, 2013. I saw a glowing white UFO and two
orbs flying around it. They joined up together, and after 15 minutes a plane
flew by the UFO. The UFO flew near the plane very fast for 30 seconds and then
returned to the same spot near my house. I was trying to take some photos as the
UFO flew in and out of the clouds, I felt it was playing with me I would wave it
to come out and it did. When I tried to take a photo it would go back in the
clouds, but I eventually got some photos and video. Thanks to MUFON
Canada Bright
Scarborough, Oshawa, Cobourg Paul Shishis writes
--.There is certainly a wide spread UFO presence here in southern Ontario near
Lake Ontario. I have been able to capture slow moving bright white lights
repeatedly. This light was captured on film Sunday early morning on June 30,
2013, at a friends house at 12:48 am.
I met another Experiencer who has similar sightings and we observed a LARGE
white -amber meteor coming down on an angle from northwest. Thanks to Paul
BOGOTA -- I was in the balcony of my apartment in the north of the
city when I went out to get some air on June 7, 2013.and see the view of the
city before I go to bed when I saw on the west of the city lights that swayed in
a pulsed on a disc that is bulging oval height of the structure of the ship was
wide and remained static for about 7 minutes and then disappeared. Ten oval
windows almost round fingertips. Registering to appreciate about 4 windows and
lights emit pulsed white, green, blue and red. The color of the light was
dazzling white ship. Thanks to MUFON CMS
KazakhstanBlinking Light
Astana -- We were watching TV when we saw
though the window some lights blinking on June 22, 2013, that at first we
thought was fireworks. But there was no noise and it did not stop blinking. It
was the shape of a big dark cloud with a blinking light. The blinking was random
inside the cloud and the cloud was moving steadily south. We noticed a second
cloud following and doing the same thing.
We took some pictures in the cell phone and videos with the tablet, but
nothing can be seen. The second cloud flew off and we noticed a third one
following the others. This time we got a green laser and pointed at it. Suddenly
the random lights stopped blinking as it flew off to the south.
These were big dark clouds with blinking random stars on them. Thanks to
Mexico Reddish
Cabo San Lucas -- There is a yellowish, slightly reddish
star like object flashing in the clear sky filled with an array of stars on July
13, 2013 at 11 PM. The object is flying rather erratically in a small geographic
area: up, then down, to the left, to the left again, to the right, back down,
etc. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Vaslui -- Anca was in bed and saw flashing
very bright red lights on the night of June 30th 2013. Their light was stable as
at first these ships were hovering and then, they started to move slowly in
groups of three or four while some remained in place. The ships seemed to be
red. I clearly saw one of the ships fly above my building silently and I tried
to take pictures.
They didn't make any sound. I don't know exactly at what distance was
the ship, but it was enough to see clearly the ship's shape. It was ovoid and
had a light color. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Singapore Craft
Singapore -- On 10 July 2013, at
about 6:53 pm, an unknown object was spotted floating at a rather high attitude
on a relatively clear day. The object seemed to reflect sunlight on its surface.
There was a smaller object around the bigger one but the smaller object could
not be seen with naked eyes. I found the object after reviewing the video file.
Video was shot with full optical zoom at 70 xs. The object disappears into a
cloud I waited five minutes, but the object did not re-appear. However, an
unknown craft was seen around the same area of the sky where the object was
earlier but my batteries were flat at that time. I could not see the
shape/color/structure of the craft (with my naked eyes) as it was a long
distance away. The craft disappeared after about 10 seconds. Thanks to
UK/England Sightings
LEEDS -- I had just returned home from a road trip with a
friend on July 15, 2013, and noticed a strange partial ring around the evening
sun. I took my wife up to the top floor of our home and looked out of the window
at the phenomenon and proceeded to take photos on my mobile phone (Samsung
Galaxy S2). Looking at the photos there appears to be two objects that looked to
be metallic and spherical. One looked to be a disk shaped solid metallic object.
We did not see or hear anything at the time and there is nothing on any of the
other pictures taken. Thanks to MUFON CMS
BARNETBY -- I have recorded some really good footage of a
UFO flying past on the M180 on July 9, 2013. I was videoing some flashing orbs
and when I viewed the video slower there was a UFO shooting past. It is really
good footage.
I slowed the video down but the objects speed and sheer oddness I cannot
explain. Also in the video are three tidy dots which made out to a giant
triangle. I took the photo at 12:35 PM, Tuesday afternoon driving towards
Immingham from Barnetby Top on Highway M180. In the first 10 seconds after the
blue lorry has gone past it flies past from left to right. Just let me know what
you think as Im quite bugged that it was broad daylight too.
Note: A bright object appears and then disappears in a few
frames of the video. I did not find the dots in the form of a triangle
referenced by the witness in his report. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Stonehenge Jeff Rense
recommended I send you this photo taken on July 19, 2013, at 14:01:35. It was
only when I downloaded the pictures that I noticed this object in the sky. The
shots taken seconds before and after are clear of anomalies. Birds are clearly
discernible in other shots. The picture was taken with a Canon 550d Kiss X4 with
Sigma 28-300 lens set to 1/200 exposure and 7.1 f/stop. Regards,
Listen to Jeff Rense and me the first Tuesday night of each month at 10 PM
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects
deemed too difficult by other firms. We could use your help in getting more
results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last fifteen years
of Filer's Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes
George Ritters exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster
David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of
only $50 that includes next years subscription and our book. Please include
your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant CD you sent recently. As a relatively
recent joiner, I was unaware of the years worth of consistent reports of the
same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to
thank you for all youve done.
Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most
important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a
few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a
donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my
production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the few people who
have sent $25.00 and more for donations to Filers Files for this year. When you
send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss
the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and
Sign me up right now for Filers Files. In addition, I can
keep all the reports I have received and receive a pro-rated refund on the
unused portion of my subscription.
Send check or money order t
George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055.
I am offering fifteen years of Filer's Files on a DVD with thousands of
photographs and sightings for a donation of $50 that includes this year's
subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
This week, Doc Vega reports on more unsettling
military UFO encounters. Then, Diane
Tessman discusses
Deja Vu and reality glitches. Next, Pat
Regan explores the
curse of the vampire and Christianity. Chris
Holly reports on a
mysterious orange creature spotted off Long Island. A UFO is spotted in my
hometo wn, Hamilton, Ontario. AJ reviews the
new book, The Kendall Stone! New contributor Warren
Aston reveals
details of alien propulsion. Tony Elliott
writes about
medical science and its connection to spiritual and et experiences.
Great Mystery
Tours is offering a
great trip to Ireland. R.W.
Sanders explains why
MATH is a four letter word. Finally, Paul Shishis
reports and
photographs more UFOs. Enjoy Dirk
More unsettling military
UFO encountersby Doc Vega. There are many interconnecting
testimonies and documented incidents that tend to corroborate claims that an
actual deep underground military base (DUMB) is located near Dulce, New Mexico.
Aside for the decades long saga of cattle mutilations that forced ranchers like
the Gomez family to leave the business due to excessive losses of cattle, the
purported underground firefight between humans and alien entities reported by
Phil Schneider, a government geological expert, and numerous sightings made by
Native Americans living in the immediate area, more evidence continues to pour
in. More... Also read: More
unsettling events at Dulce Part II
Déjà vu, Reality Glitches,
What Are the Possibilities?by Diane Tessman. Weve all had
deju vu moments, a term which means re-seeing or already seen. This
experience is an anomaly in reality itself, and yet we just stop for a second
and say to ourselves, Huh? and then go on about our daily lives. In fact, an
enormous event has happened, an ad lib moment in quantum reality of which
Schrodinger and his cat, would be proud.More...
The Curse of the Vampire; Or
the Truth about Christian Fundamentalist Inspired Genocideby Pat
Regan . Most of us are familiar with the dark and sinister figure of the
vampire made popular by Bram Stoker and actors like Christopher Lee. We all know
that the undead are deterred by garlic and the sign of the holy crucifix. This
latter point is quite interesting, yet its symbolism is really nothing to do
with any sacred conflict between good and evil. More...
Mysterious Orange Creature
Spotted off Long Islandby Chris Holly. I found this email
waiting for me today and thought it was worth asking if anyone else has seen or
had an experience along the ocean coast like the one this couple had. I live
along the shore and I have not seen anything like this but will start to ask
around my community. If anyone knows what this creature may be please contact me
at my site or through UFO Digest with the information. Below find the email and
report of the ocean creature spotted off the Atlantic Ocean coast of Long
Island, New York. : More...
White Orb/UFO flies over
Hamilton, Ontarioby Dirk Vander Ploeg. A Hamilton, Ontario
witness reported the following sighting at 9:36 PM on 12 July 2012 to the MUFON
database. I was driving down Main and had just made a left onto Spadina Avenue.
As I was pulling up to the first set of stop signs at the first intersection on
Spadina and Dunsmure Road, there was a car going to park in his/her driveway and
another one coming through the intersection. More... Also
read: UFO Digest
Reader-Possible Abductee-Needs Your Help And:
Astrophysicists Explain UFO Mystery?
Review of The Kendall Stoneby
Due to the nature of my own research, one of the aspects of The Kendall Stone
this reviewer found most interesting is; nearly everything about the story
contained within its pages has been documented as having already occurred, is
happening at the present moment, or is forecast by different people across our
World to occur; and most likely, in our own lifetimes. We can therefore
categorize this book not as a simple novel, but as faction: a cross between
fiction and nonfiction. More...
Alien propulsion details
revealedby Warren Aston. Learning how ET travels to Earth from
the stars has always been one of Ufologys biggest mysteries. And since
extra-terrestrial craft began crashing - at least by the 1930s - discovering
these secrets has been a prime motive behind the military-industrial recovery of
crashed craft and attempts to back-engineer them. Most UFO researchers are
convinced that substantial progress has been made covertly in replicating these
craft, as famously indicated by Lockheed scientist Ben Richs 1993 comments to
the effect that the US now has the means to take ET home. More...
Medical Science Labeling
Spiritual and ET Experiencesby Tony Elliott. Our current level
of medical knowledge is still at the infantile stage, simply because of their
failure to recognize the spiritual and subconscious level of the science. More...
Magic of Celtic Ireland Tour
2013 from Great Mystery Tours. There is a magic about Ireland which is
recognized by people worldwide, maybe because its name means Land of the Goddess
Eriu. Be open to magic and it will happen! - our Celtic ancestors knew this and
they are inviting you to do the same The varied landscape of lush green
meadows, mountain ranges and spectacular coastline certainly lead one to believe
that this land is blessed and stories of fairy folk and leprechauns also reflect
the belief that the land has guardians. More...
A Four Letter Word,
Mathby R.W. Sanders. I read an article today, published at
Mail Online, that covered a paper recently published by two scientists from the
University of Edinburgh. These two professors actually did some math. Now for
many the word math is indeed, a four letter word. Most folks just hate math.
They hated it in grade school, high school and avoided it in college. This group
is very large. I understand the impulse to avoid doing math. It is very similar
to avoiding the dentist. Eventually you have to use both. More...
UFO High Above Daycare Center!by Paul
Shishis. On July
13,2013 while visiting my Mother in a Daycare home in Scarborough I went outside
to have a cigarette. After about three four minutes I noticed a strange white
object glinting on and off. This thing was extremely high. More...
Subscribers: As regular readers of the UFO
Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you
believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important
element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks
STUFF You are receiving this once-weekly e-mail newsletter because
you signed up for it at UFODIGEST.COM.
FEEDBACK: Send your
comments and suggestions to me. Feel free to forward this
newsletter to your friends. Keep your eyes to the skies. See you next time.
Hunt for alien spacecraft begins, as planet-spotting scientist
Geoff Marcy gets funding
Artist rendering of alien spaceship Photo: Ray Edgar
In the field of planet hunting, Geoff Marcy is a star. After all, the
astronomer at the University of California at Berkeley found nearly
three-quarters of the first 100 planets discovered outside our solar system. But
with the hobbled planet-hunting Kepler telescope having just about reached the
end of its useful life and reams of data from the mission still left
uninvestigated, Marcy began looking in June for more than just new planets. He's
sifting through the data to find alien spacecraft passing in front of distant
He's not kidding - and now he has the funding to do it.
If intelligent life is common in the galaxy,
"where is everybody?"
Last fall, the Templeton Foundation, a philanthropic organisation dedicated
to investigating what it calls the "big questions" - which, unsurprisingly,
include "Are we alone?" - awarded Marcy $US200,000 to pursue his search for
alien civilisations.
What astronomer Geoff Marcy doesn't hope to find: A Death Star Photo:
As far as Marcy, an official NASA researcher for the Kepler mission, is
concerned, that question has a clear answer: "The universe is simply too large
for there not to be another intelligent civilisation out there. Really, the
proper question is: 'How far away is our nearest intelligent neighbour?' They
could be 10 light-years, 100 light-years, a million light-years or more. We have
no idea."
To answer that question Marcy has begun to sift through the Kepler data and
to search the heavens for a galactic laser Internet that might be in use
somewhere out there. (More on that in a bit.)
Launched in 2009, Kepler was designed as a four-year mission to detect
planets - habitable or otherwise - around distant stars by measuring the dimming
of those stars as orbiting bodies pass in front of them. In May, a component of
the spacecraft designed to keep it pointing precisely failed, dealing a crushing
blow to Marcy and his colleagues who last year convinced NASA to extend funding
for the mission into 2016, which Marcy says would have allowed researchers to
further refine the number of known Earthlike planets in our galactic
"It's a heartbreaker," he says. "People are reacting a little bit as if a
close family member died. There's this combination of severe depression and
confusion, coupled with denial."
Successful so far
Kepler has been wildly successful in its four years. To date, it has found
132 exoplanets - that is, planets outside our solar system - and possibly 3216
more that await confirmation. Researchers have extrapolated from Kepler data
that our Milky Way galaxy alone contains at least 100 billion exoplanets, as
many planets as there are stars. Still, with the telescope - which is 40 million
miles from Earth - having collected data on 150,000 star systems, researchers
are only beginning to pick through all the information.
Marcy hopes that hiding within it will be hints about intelligent life
abroad. What if, say, the dimming of a star that Kepler observes is caused by
something even more fanciful than the passage of extrasolar planets? Something
synthetic, perhaps? Marcy admits that even he's not certain what he's looking
"I do know that if I saw a star that winked out, then at some point it winked
back on again, then winked out for a long, long time and then blinked on again,
that that would be so weird," he says. "Obviously that wouldn't constitute the
detection of an advanced civilisation yet, but it would at least alert us that
follow-up observations are warranted."
Such an irregular pattern might signal the leisurely and unpredictable
passage of massive spacecraft in front of the star. But, perhaps more likely, it
might indicate the presence of a Dyson sphere, a mainstay of science fiction
first proposed by physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960.
The concept is simple. The energy needs of a civilisation a thousand or a
million years more advanced than our own would probably be vastly greater than
those of even the most profligate earthlings. The greatest source of energy in a
solar system is its star, and that energy could be captured by building a
massive structure tiled with solar panels enveloping the star - the ultimate
green jobs initiative.
Under the second law of thermodynamics, the structure would produce
incredible amounts of waste heat in the form of infrared radiation. In
September, a Penn State team led by astrophysics professor Jason Wright began
searching the sky for just that by combing through data from NASA's Wide-field
Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. The Penn State work is also being funded by
If Dyson spheres pop up in the data, Marcy thinks they would more likely
appear as a patchwork of solar panels rather than a solid sphere. Perhaps the
dimming of a star would be erratic or quasi-periodic, unlike the regular transit
of planets.
To detect such aberrant dimming patterns, Marcy's Templeton grant is funding
the salary of a Berkeley student to write software that will chew through the
Kepler data."Writing the computer code is not easy," Marcy says. "There's no
prescription in any computer science book about how to search for aliens."
Galactic laser internet
The rest of the $200,000 grant is buying Marcy time on the Keck Observatory
in Hawaii, the largest telescope in the world, to search for - what else? - a
galactic laser internet.
While the movie Contact, based on Carl Sagan's book of the same
name, popularised the idea of aliens dozens of light-years away picking up an
old telecast of the 1936 Berlin Olympics that was unintentionally transmitted
into space, our civilisation has become quieter to any outside observers in
recent decades. As our civilisation makes the jump from analog to digital,
communication is increasingly carried by fibre-optic cables and relatively weak
mobile phone repeaters rather than powerful broadcast transmitters. Rather than
spilling out messy radio transmissions, Marcy posits that alien civilisations
would use something much more precise and efficient than radio waves to stay
connected, and lasers fit the bill. At the Keck Observatory, he hopes to spy an
errant beam flashing from a distant star system, an observation that would be
strikingly obvious on a spectrum.
This shift to new ways for finding E.T. is in part due to the failure of
traditional SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) to pick up radio
signals from deep space. Federal funding for SETI projects ended in 1995, but
private benefactors have stepped up to support the search for alien radio
transmissions, including Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, who has sunk more than
$US30 million into a giant radio telescope array now under construction
northeast of San Francisco.
Nevertheless, the silence underscores the question once posed by Nobel
prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi: If intelligent life is common in the
galaxy, "where is everybody?"
Marcy admits that this so-called "Fermi paradox" poses a powerful
counterargument to the prospect of success for any search for extraterrestrial
intelligence. But what if, even if the chances are vanishingly remote, he is
successful? More disturbingly, what if (as some respected physicists fear) he
finds a Death Star?
"The first thing we do is transmit a message to them that says, 'We taste
bad.' "
BBC Documentary exploring Uri Geller's covert life as a 'psychic spy', working without recognition for nearly 30 years for military and intelligence agencies on three continents. - What if someone
told you your own thoughts possess the immense power to change your reality?
Is it really possible to alter the present and the future with certain
techniques that allow you to re-program your thinking?
There are some scientists, like Dr. Joe Dispenza, D.C who claim that your
mind can actually change your reality.
The brain is not static, rigid and fixed. Brain cells are constantly and
continually remolded and reorganized by our thoughts and experiences.
Is it really possible to alter the present and the future with certain
techniques that allow you to re-program your thinking?
There are some scientists, like Dr. Joe Dispenza, D.C who claim that your
mind can actually change your reality.
The brain is not static, rigid and fixed. Brain cells are constantly and
continually remolded and reorganized by our thoughts and experiences.
"Recent studies in neuroscience have shown we can change our
brain just by thinking.
The question lies here: What exactly do "you" spend most of your time
mentally rehearsing, thinking about and finally demonstrating?
Be it the conscious or unconscious fabrication of your thoughts and actions,
you are always affirming and reaffirming your neurological self as "you".
According to neuroscience, bear in mind that whatever you
mentally attend to, without any doubt it is what you are and what you will
become," Dr. Joe Dispenza says.
The book explores "the biology of change." That is, when we truly change our
mind, there is a physical evidence of change in the brain.
Ever wonder why you repeat the same negative thoughts in your head? Why
you keep coming back for more from hurtful familie members, friends, or
significant others? Why you keep falling into the same detrimental habits or
limiting attitudeseven when you know that they are going to make you feel bad?
Dr. Joe Dispenza has spent decades studying the human mindhow it works, how
it stores information, and why it perpetuates the same behavioral patterns over
and over. In the acclaimed film What the Bleep Do We Know!? he began to explain
how the brain evolvesby learning new skills, developing the ability to
concentrate in the midst of chaos, and even healing the body and the psyche.
"What if just by thinking, we cause our internal chemistry to be bumped out
of normal range so often that the body's self-regulation system eventually
redefines these abnormal states as regular states?" asks Dispenza in his book,
Evolve Your Brain, The Science of Changing Your Mind. "It's a subtle process,
but maybe we just never gave it that much attention until now."
During his research into spontaneous remissions, Dr. Dispenza has found, and
continually sees, similarities in people who have experienced so-called
miraculous healings - showing that they have actually changed their mind, which
then changed their health. In other words, what you think can affect your
In his newly released and second bestselling book Breaking
the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One,
Dr Dispenza explains that you are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a
certain way for the rest of your life. A new science is emerging that empowers
all human beings to create the reality they choose, he says.
You are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the
rest of your life. A new science is emerging that empowers all human beings to
create the reality they choose.
Dr. Dispenza noticed that humans possess an unconscious addiction to
certain emotions, that are either negative or positive. Through his research he
learned that emotions condemn a person to repetitive behavior, developing an
"addiction" to the combination of specific chemical substances for each emotion
that flood the brain with a certain frequency.
"As human beings, we have the natural ability to place our awareness on
anything. Where we place our attention, what we place our attention on and for
how long, ultimately defines us on a neurological level. If our awareness is so
mobile, then why is it so hard to keep our attention on thoughts that might
serve us?
Can our thoughts change reality?
Right now, as you continue to concentrate and read this page, you might
have forgotten about the pain in your back, the disagreement you had with your
boss earlier today, and even what gender you are. It is where we place our
attention and what we place our attention on that maps the course of our very
state of being.
For example, we can in any given moment, think about a past bitter memory
that really is only tattooed in our intimidate folds of our gray matter and like
magic, it comes to life. We also have the privilege of attending to future
anxieties and worries that do not readily exist except conjured up by our wit
but to us, they are real. Our attention brings everything to life and makes real
what was essentially unnoticed or unreal," Dr. Dispenza explains.
Les nouvelles du jour - Mufon France et Les Rencontres Ufologiques
Encore quelques nouvelles, mais aussi nos amis de Mendoza, des cafés
Ufologiques en Argentine qui nous rejoignent sur le site, l'annonce de nombreux
nouveaux collaborateurs qui ont rejoint le Mufon etc....
Harold G. White, a NASA physicist, is
working on the concept of warp drive, like on "Star Trek." Some of the original
series' ideas fit into the new warp field theories, like the round shape of the
engines in the rendering.
Harold G. White,
a physicist and advanced propulsion engineer at NASA, beckoned toward a table
full of equipment there on a recent afternoon: a laser, a camera, some small
mirrors, a ring made of ceramic capacitors and a few other objects.
He and other NASA engineers have been designing and
redesigning these instruments, with the goal of using them to slightly warp the
trajectory of a photon, changing the distance it travels in a certain area, and
then observing the change with a device called an interferometer. So sensitive
is their measuring equipment that it was picking up myriad earthly vibrations,
including people walking nearby. So they recently moved into this lab, which
floats atop a system of underground pneumatic piers, freeing it from seismic
The team is trying to determine whether
faster-than-light travel warp drive might someday be possible.
Warp drive. Like on Star Trek.
Space has been expanding since the Big Bang 13.7
billion years ago, said Dr. White, 43, who runs the research project. And we
know that when you look at some of the cosmology models, there were early
periods of the universe where there was explosive inflation, where two points
wouldve went receding away from each other at very rapid speeds.
Nature can do it, he said. So the question is, can
we do it?
Einstein famously postulated that, as Dr. White put
it, thou shalt not exceed the speed of light, essentially setting a galactic
speed limit. But in 1994, a Mexican physicist, Miguel Alcubierre, theorized
that faster-than-light speeds were possible in a way that did not contradict
Einstein, though Dr. Alcubierre did not suggest anyone could actually construct
the engine that could accomplish that.
His theory involved harnessing the expansion and contraction
of space itself. Under Dr. Alcubierres
hypothesis, a ship still couldnt exceed light speed in a local region of
space. But a theoretical propulsion system he sketched out manipulated space-time
by generating a so-called warp bubble that would expand space on one side of a
spacecraft and contract it on another.
In this way, the spaceship will be pushed away from
the Earth and pulled towards a distant star by space-time itself, Dr.
Alcubierre wrote. Dr. White has likened it to stepping onto a moving walkway at
an airport.
But Dr. Alcubierres paper was purely theoretical, and
suggested insurmountable hurdles. Among other things, it depended on large
amounts of a little understood or observed type of exotic matter that violates
typical physical laws.
Dr. White believes that advances he and others have
made render warp speed less implausible. Among other things, he has redesigned
the theoretical warp-traveling spacecraft and in particular a ring around it
that is key to its propulsion system in a way that he believes will greatly
reduce the energy requirements.
He is quick to offer up his own caveats, however,
saying his warp research is akin to a university science project that is just
trying to prove that a microscopic warp bubble can be detected in a lab. Were
not bolting this to a spacecraft, he said of the warp technology.
Dr. White was an engineer with a background in the
aerospace industry when he came to NASA in 2000, starting his career at the
agency by operating the arms of space shuttles. He got his doctorate in physics
from Rice University in 2008, and now works on a range of projects aimed at
taking NASA beyond the fiery rockets that have long characterized space travel.
For NASA, Dr. Whites warp speed experiments represent
a rounding error in its budget, with about $50,000 spent on equipment in an
agency that spends nearly $18 billion annually. The agency is far more focused
on more achievable projects building the next generation Orion series
spacecraft, working on the International Space Station and preparing for a
planned future mission to capture an asteroid.
But it has made internal resources available for the
project and freed up other engineers to assist Dr. White. It has also restored
the pneumatic system in the laboratory Dr. White is using, to allow it to float.
The lab was once used to test equipment for Apollo missions and has control
panels underneath it that look like they belong in a fallout shelter that time
Steve Stich, the deputy director of engineering at the
Johnson Space Center, said, You always have to be looking towards the future.
He held up his iPhone.
Forty years ago, this was Star Trek, Captain Kirk
talking on a communicator whenever he wanted to, he said. But today it exists
because people made the battery technology that allows this device to exist,
worked on the software technology, worked on the computational technology, the
touch screen..
Michael Stravato for The New York Times
Dr. Harold White at Johnson Space Center, in Houston, Texas,
with a low thrust torsion pendulum.
Theoretically, a warp drive could cut the travel time
between stars from tens of thousands of years to weeks or months. But we should
probably not book reservations anytime soon.
My personal opinion is that the idea is crazy for
now, said Edwin F.
Taylor, a former editor of The American Journal of Physics and senior
research scientist at M.I.T. Check with me in a hundred years.
But Richard Obousy, a physicist who is president of Icarus Interstellar, a nonprofit
group composed of volunteers collaborating on starship design, said it is not
airy-fairy, pie in the sky.
We tend to overestimate what we can do on short time
scales, but I think we massively underestimate what we can do on longer time
scales, he said of the work of Dr. White, who is a friend and Icarus
Dr. White likened his experiments to the early stages
of the Manhattan Project, which were aimed at creating a very small nuclear
reaction merely as proof that it could be done.
They tried to go through and demonstrate a nuclear
reactor and generate half a watt, he said. Thats not something youre going
to market. Nobodys going to buy that. Its just making sure they understood the
physics and science.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, the well-known astrophysicist at
the American Museum of Natural History, said some leap beyond our current
technology would be needed to make interstellar travel feasible.
Routine travel among the stars is impossible without
new discoveries regarding the fabric of space and time, or capability to
manipulate it for our needs, he said, adding, By my read, the idea of a
functioning warp drive remains far-fetched, but the real take-away is that
people are thinking about it reminding us all that the urge to explore
continues to run deep in our species.
Still, one of the most dubious is Dr. Alcubierre
himself. He listed a number of concerns, starting with the vast amounts of
exotic matter that would be needed.
The warp drive on this ground alone is impossible,
he said.
And he posed a more fundamental question: How would
you turn it on?
At speeds larger than the speed of light, the front
of the warp bubble cannot be reached by any signal from within the ship, he
said. This does not just mean we cant turn it off; it is much worse. It means
we cant even turn it on in the first place.
Dr. White, who has never spoken to Dr. Alcubierre,
said I appreciate his thoughts. I dont know whether I agree with all of his
observations, based on some work Ive done.
He and I could certainly debate for a very long
time, he added.
Eric Davis, Physicist, Explains Why Scientists Won't Discuss
Their UFO Interests
For a very long time, the scientific community has been wary of studying
UFOs, and the scientists themselves hesitate to talk about their beliefs of
unexplained aerial phenomena.
But that attitude is changing, and many scientists are joining the discussion
without fear of ridicule.
"UFOs are real phenomena. They are artificial objects under intelligent
control. They're definitely the craft of a supremely advanced technology," says
physicist Eric Davis, a
researcher of light-speed travel.
Davis, a research physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin,
studies propulsion
physics, which he hopes will one day allow humans to travel easily and
quickly through our galactic neighborhood.
VIDEO: Eric Davis explains how humans will be able to travel through
space at faster-than-light speed.
He's aware of the public perception -- mostly from skeptics and debunkers --
that no legitimate scientists would ever touch the subject of UFOs.
"They're wrong, naive, stubborn, narrow-minded, afraid and fearful. It's a
dirty word and a forbidden topic. Science is about open-minded inquiry. You
shouldn't be laughing off people. You should show more deference and respect to
them ... Scientists need to get back to using the scientific method to study
things that are unknown and unusual, and the UFO subject is one of them."
Davis is one of several scientists who are
presenting their views this weekend on a variety of UFO-related topics at the 2013
MUFON Symposium in Las Vegas.
The physicist, who recently won an award from the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics for his study, "Faster-Than-Light Space Warps,
Status and Next Steps," knows many colleagues who quietly study UFOs.
"There are scientists who are aware of evidence and observational data that
is not refutable. It is absolutely corroborated, using forensic techniques and
methodology. But they won't come out and publicize that because they fear it.
Not the subject -- they fear the backlash from their professional colleagues.
The impact on their career might be detrimental and they'd get bad
"It's not an acceptable, funded line of research. The National Science
Foundation does not accept UFOs as a subject for scientific study."
It may come as a surprise that many scientists have been interested in UFOs
for decades.
For 20 years, astronomer J. Allen Hynek was the U.S. Air Force scientific
consultant on UFOs during its famous Project Blue Book UFO study
that ended in 1969.
Watch this 1977 video of Hynek talking about astronomers and UFOs.
Davis believes that the domain for UFO investigations doesn't really belong
in the hands of scientists.
"It's the domain of military intelligence," he suggests. "The fact that
[unknown] craft are flying around Earth is not a subject for science -- it's a
subject for intelligence-gathering, collection and analysis. That's because UFOs
are not a natural phenomenon, and that's what science studies.
Le temps est une sorte d'arbre aux multiples branches, où les
événements futurs ne sont que des possibilités. Mais nous sommes en train de
finir de couper la branche sur laquelle nous nous croyions assis et installés à
jamais. Cest ce qui ressort du témoignage dArthur Newman, plus connu sous le
pseudonyme dHenry Deacon.
Henry Deacon est un physicien, haut fonctionnaire américain
impliqué dans la question des relations du gouvernement des États-Unis avec les
extraterrestres. À plusieurs reprises, il a pris des risques pour dénoncer les
méfaits de l'incroyable technologie développée dans l'ombre par les "black
programs" américains : voyages spatio-temporels, portes des étoiles,
colonisation de Mars, armes climatiques et contrôle
La réalité va bien au-delà des fictions les plus audacieuses,
puisqu'il s'avère que ces technologies ont déjà provoqué des fissures au niveau
de notre trame spatio-temporelle. Le problème de ces ruptures dans notre
espace-temps est qu'elles ouvrent la voie à des choses et même à des êtres
"indésirables" qui risquent de nous compliquer la tâche au cours de notre
transition vers l'Ère Nouvelle.
par J.P.
Réaction par Gildas Bourdais - écrivain / ufologue
D'où viennent les "révélation de Henri Deacon ?
Voici la réponse dans un extrait de mon livre de 2010 "OVNIs vers la fin du secret ? , que peu de gens ont lu, semble-t-il, sur Dan Burisch et Henri Deacon (pages 328, 329). Il est vrai que les bouqins, c'est dépassé.
Dan Burisch, et Henry Deacon : encore des hommes venus de notre futur
Dan Burisch, apparu en 1999, sest présenté comme un témoin de lintérieur américain, un whistleblower. Il a vite fait quelques vagues dans le milieu conspirationniste, en dévoilant des études ultra secrètes et des contacts avec des hommes venus de notre futur. Décidément, le voyage temporel est en vogue : plus récemment, un autre témoin supposé, Henry Deacon, a raconté une histoire analogue, mais voyons dabord le cas Burisch. Celui-ci a raconté, en 2002 sur la radio Coast to Coast de George Noory et Art Bell, quil était titulaire dun doctorat de microbiologie de luniversité de létat de New York, qui avait été effacé par le gouvernement. Mauvaise entrée en matière ! Il a dit avoir travaillé à S4, le laboratoire secret de la Zone 51 où Bob Lazar disait avoir étudié une soucoupe. Burisch, pour sa part, prétend avoir fait des expériences biologiques avec un extraterrestre du nom de J-Rod, un nom déjà connu dans le milieu". Selon Burisch, J-Rod était un rescapé du crash de Kingman, en Arizona, en 1953, et il était un humain de notre :futur lointain. Il était revenu à notre époque pour tenter de régénérer des gènes défaillants, un thème lui aussi asez populaire. Le dessin que Burisch a fait du malheureux ressemble à un Petit Gris à bout de souffle ! Abrégeons cette nouvelle histoire à dormir debout. Dabord soutenu par des enquêteurs connus comme Bill Hamilton et Linda Moulton Howe, il na pas tardé à susciter une vive polémique et à être rejeté par beaucoup. Son témoignage a des points communs, on le voit, avec celui de Bob Lazar, lancé puis mis en doute par le journaliste George Knapp, de Las Vegas. Or cest le même George Knapp qui a violemment dénoncé Burisch comme un imposteur, le traitant même de couillon intégral (a complete goofball), dans les colonnes du UFO Magazine américain (août-septembre 2004). En bon journaliste, Knapp a fait son enquête et a découvert que Burisch avait travaillé en réalité comme garde de sécurité au Sahara Hotel de Las Vegas !
Henry Deacon, autre whistleblower américain supposé, a été lancé en 2006 par une équipe denquêteurs, Bill Ryan et Kerry Cassidy, qui ont interviewé beaucoup de monde ces dernières années pour leur Project Camelot. Deacon leur a décrit la technologie très avancée des black programs américains : voyages spatio-temporels, portes des étoiles, colonisation de mars, armes climatiques et contrôle démographique, etc. Un script pour nouvelle série de télévision du genre Stargate ! Il a fait des révélations sur Roswell. Et voici qui me met la puce à loreille, une fois de plus : Les aliens de Roswell nétaient pas des aliens. Cétaient des hommes du futur, revenus à notre époque pour rectifier notre avenir, et déméler les fils dun imbroglio chronologique compliqué. Malheureusemnt lexpédition a mal tourné, comme nous le savons. Leur accident a été provoqué par un puissant radar militaire, et Deacon avoue lui-même être surpris quils naient pas prévu ce danger avant dopérer leur retour dans le temps. En effet. Remarquons que ces révélations tombaient au bon moment pour semer la pagaille dans le dossier de Roswell, qui était justement relancé à ce moment là, comme nous lavons vu. Ryan et Cassidy ont dit que, à partir de mars 2007,« lhomme a mystérieusement rompu toute communication » (60). Mais il a refait surface, à une conférence organisée en Espagne par le groupe Exopolitics en septembre 2009, où il a parlé sous son vrai nom, Arthur Neuman...
Lévitation par le son, 'Le Temps', Genève, 20.7.2013 - MAGONIE
Transporté par le son
Lévitation Des chercheurs de lEPFZ sont parvenus à déplacer des objets à
travers les airs grâce à des ondes acoustiques * Le dispositif pourrait être
utile pour manipuler des produits biologiques, chimiques ou
Lucia Sillig
Il ny a pas que les saints,
bonzes et super-héros américains païens qui sy connaissent en lévitation. Les
physiciens aussi font voler toutes sortes de choses: y compris des insectes, des
poissons et des grenouilles. Des chercheurs de lEcole polytechnique fédérale de
Zurich (EPFZ) viennent de franchir une nouvelle étape. Grâce à des ondes
sonores, ils arrivent à déplacer des objets à travers les airs. Des gouttelettes
de liquide, mais aussi des particules solides, des petites boules dacier et
même un cure-dent. Leur dispositif permet de manipuler plusieurs éléments à la
fois, voire de les mélanger, sans les toucher. Plusieurs applications sont déjà
envisagées. Ces travaux ont été publiés cette semaine dans Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
La lévitation nest pas une
branche récente de la physique. Il y a plus dun siècle, Lord Rayleigh posait
les bases de la méthode acoustique. Dautres techniques, comme la lévitation
magnétique ou optique, ont déjà fait leurs preuves. «Mais lapproche magnétique
est limitée à des matériaux ayant des propriétés particulières, commente Dimos
Poulikakos, un des auteurs de létude parue dans PNAS. Quant à la méthode
optique, elle ne fonctionne que pour des objets extrêmement petits.» En
septembre dernier, des chercheurs de lArgonne National Laboratory, près de
Chicago, avaient fait sensation avec leur système acoustique permettant de faire
léviter plusieurs gouttes de liquide.
Les ondes sonores sont des
variations de pression. Elles exercent une force sur les surfaces quelles
rencontrent. Si leur intensité est assez élevée, elles peuvent contrebalancer la
gravité. Le dispositif classique comprend une plaque vibrante, à laquelle on
oppose une autre plaque, qui fait office de réflecteur, explique Dimos
Poulikakos. Londe sonore émise par la partie vibrante et sa réflexion se
superposent pour créer une onde stationnaire, cest-à-dire une onde dont
certains éléments appelés nuds restent fixes dans le temps. «Sur ces nuds,
la force due à la pression acoustique compense la gravitation. De plus, la
pression locale est nulle, alors que ça nest pas le cas juste en dessous ou en
dessus.» Cest ce qui stabilise le système: lobjet se trouvant à cet endroit
est comme pris au piège.
«Mais cela fait plus de cent ans quon en est à
ce point, poursuit le chercheur. Cest impressionnant, un peu magique, mais pas
très utile. Pour la première fois, nous sommes capables de manipuler de manière
contrôlée des particules, et de les déplacer à lintérieur dun plan.» Au lieu
dune seule plaque vibrante, le système mis au point par les Zurichois comprend
un assemblage de petites plaques de la taille dun timbre, disposées en damier.
Chacune peut être activée et contrôlée séparément. En variant les paramètres de
deux plaques voisines, on arrive à faire glisser horizontalement le «piège
acoustique» de lune à lautre. Et ainsi déplacer lobjet en
Les chercheurs travaillent à environ 160 décibels soit bien
au-delà de ce qui est supportable par loreille humaine , mais dans les
ultrasons, à une fréquence inaudible pour nous. Grâce à leur dispositif, ils ont
notamment mélangé «en apesanteur» de leau et du sodium, provoquant la brutale
réaction qui libère de lhydrogène. Ils ont aussi inséré de lADN dans des
cellules. Ou encore préparé de minuscules portions de café
Dans le Washington Post, Rick Weber, de lArgonne
National Laboratory, qui avait fait léviter les gouttelettes, salue lapproche
«hautement innovative» des chercheurs de lEPFZ. Il ajoute que la méthode ouvre
beaucoup de nouvelles perspectives pour la lévitation acoustique. Dimos
Poulikakos est déjà en discussion avec lindustrie pharmaceutique suisse. Il
souligne que le dispositif peut être utile pour la manipulation de toutes sortes
déchantillons, chimiques ou biologiques, en particulier. Notamment lorsque lon
souhaite éviter quils ne soient contaminés par un récipient. Ou alors, pour
manier des produits dangereux, chimiques ou radioactifs, par exemple.
pourrait penser que le problème majeur est le poids, relève Dimos Poulikakos,
mais nous sommes parvenus à faire léviter des petites boules dacier, qui sont
dix fois plus denses que leau. Il est beaucoup plus difficile de manipuler des
liquides. Si la pression acoustique est trop forte, ils sévaporent.» Il ne faut
pas que la pression dépasse la tension superficielle, cette tendance contractive
due à la cohésion des molécules, qui fait que la surface dun verre deau est
bombée ou que des insectes peuvent courir sur une marre. Mais le réglage est
subtil car, si la pression est trop faible, la goutte tombe.
Hormis le
cure-dent, les éléments que les chercheurs zurichois ont déplacé en lair
mesuraient jusquà quelques millimètres. Peut-on imaginer passer à des objets
plus grands? Voire expérimenter nous-même un jour les joies de la lévitation
acoustique? «En théorie, il ny a pas de raison quon ne puisse pas aller plus
loin, estime Dimos Poulikakos. Mais, dans la pratique, il risque dy avoir des
problèmes techniques.»
Le temps est une sorte d'arbre aux multiples branches, où
les événements futurs ne sont que des possibilités. Mais nous sommes en train de
finir de couper la branche sur laquelle nous nous croyions assis et installés à
jamais. Cest ce qui ressort du témoignage dArthur Newman, plus connu sous le
pseudonyme dHenry Deacon.
Henry Deacon est un physicien, haut fonctionnaire américain
impliqué dans la question des relations du gouvernement des États-Unis avec les
extraterrestres. À plusieurs reprises, il a pris des risques pour dénoncer les
méfaits de l'incroyable technologie développée dans l'ombre par les "black
programs" américains : voyages spatio-temporels, portes des étoiles,
colonisation de Mars, armes climatiques et contrôle
La réalité va bien au-delà des fictions les plus audacieuses,
puisqu'il s'avère que ces technologies ont déjà provoqué des fissures au niveau
de notre trame spatio-temporelle. Le problème de ces ruptures dans notre
espace-temps est qu'elles ouvrent la voie à des choses et même à des êtres
"indésirables" qui risquent de nous compliquer la tâche au cours de notre
transition vers l'Ère Nouvelle.
Réaction de G.B. Un morceau de bravoure mais j'aurais bien aimé avoir la source (le témoignage de
Deacon en anglais sans commentaire) car dans cet article il y a des phrases qui
n'ont aucun sens. "Fissures au niveau de notre trame spatio-temporelle", ça veut
dire quoi ? Que les équations de champ ne fonctionnent plus localement ? Et
qu'est-ce diable que "notre transition vers l'Ere Nouvelle" ? Les fantasmes sur
l'ère du Verseau qui traversent le monde de l'ésotérisme et le new age depuis un
bon siècle ? La traduction donnée du témoignage de Deacon : "Pour commencer par l'essentiel, je pense
être un "walk-in", c'est-à-dire une âme ayant remplacé au début de son
incarnation celle d'un jeune collégien." Doctrine ésotérique ultra-minoritaire,
qui ouvre la porte à tous les délires. Et ce qui suit pourrait biern en faire
partie : "J'ai des souvenirs
d'une autre planète qui se mélangent dans un certain désordre avec mes
souvenirs d'enfance. Ce que je ressens est bizarre et difficile à expliquer.
J'ai toujours eu, intuitivement, la capacité de pénétrer des informations
scientifiques complexes et de comprendre des systèmes savants sans avoir reçu de
formation préalable. Je travaille principalement sur ces systèmes. En toute
modestie, je dois vous dire que je suis en possession d'une grande masse
d'informations scientifiques avancées ; mais je ne peux rien révéler à ce
sujet pour le moment." Ben voyons.
Le reste est un joli roman. Cela
ferait un superbe film de space opera. La seule question à se poser sur ce tissu
de rêves, c'est de savoir si l'auteur parle de lui-même ou s'il est mandaté pour
nous farcir la tête d'un mélange de vrai et de faux, comme l'a bien remarqué
Gildas pour d'autres "révélations". Vrai : les simulations d'armes
nucléaires par laser. Faux : Montauk, à mon avis et les portes menant sur Mars
ou Alpha du Centaure.
Cela dit, les véritables avancées sont encore plus
passionnantes. Contre-poison
Voyager plus vite que la lumière a toujours été attribuée à la
science-fiction, mais tout a changé lorsque Harold White et son équipe de la
NASA ont commencé à travailler et peaufiner le moteur Alcubierre. - See more at:
» Voyager plus vite que la lumière a toujours été attribuée à la
science-fiction, mais tout a changé lorsque Harold White et son équipe de la
NASA ont commencé à travailler et peaufiner le moteur Alcubierre. La relativité
restreinte peut être vraie, mais pour aller plus vite ou à la vitesse de la
lumière, nous pourrions ne pas avoir besoin dun engin qui peut se déplacer à
cette vitesse. La solution pourrait être de placer un engin dans un espace qui
se déplace plus vite que la vitesse de la lumière ! Par conséquent, lengin
lui-même na pas à se déplacer à la vitesse de la lumière à partir de son propre
type de système de propulsion. - See more at:
» Voyager plus vite que la lumière a toujours été attribuée à la
science-fiction, mais tout a changé lorsque Harold White et son équipe de la
NASA ont commencé à travailler et peaufiner le moteur Alcubierre. La relativité
restreinte peut être vraie, mais pour aller plus vite ou à la vitesse de la
lumière, nous pourrions ne pas avoir besoin dun engin qui peut se déplacer à
cette vitesse. La solution pourrait être de placer un engin dans un espace qui
se déplace plus vite que la vitesse de la lumière ! Par conséquent, lengin
lui-même na pas à se déplacer à la vitesse de la lumière à partir de son propre
type de système de propulsion. - See more at:
The Vault is Slate's new history blog. Like us on Facebook, follow us on
Twitter @slatevault, and find us on Tumblr. Find out more about what this
space is all about here.
In September, a National Archives blog devoted to recently declassified
documents published
a post about an intriguing set of records from the aeronautical systems
division of the U.S. Air Force. During the 1950s, according to these documents,
the Air Force had contracted with a Canadian firm, Avro Aircraft Limited, to
produce what can only be described as a flying saucer.
While the National Archives provided a few images from Project 1794 last
year, the entire report is now available
The report summarizes Avros work on its initial contract with the Air Force,
which financed a feasibility study to test the systems and principles that would
be necessary to create what Avro called a flat vertical take-off and landing
aircraft. The ship was to reach a top speed between Mach 3 and Mach 4 and be
capable of flying at 100,000 feet and ranging 1,000 nautical miles.
The document contains several schematics detailing alternative solutions to
some of the engineering problems that the flying saucer posed. Avro described
500 hours of wind-tunnel tests done with a scale model and included photos of
that process, graphs of their results, and assessments of remaining
At the conclusion of the report, Avro asked for more than $3 million to
complete testing and development. As Wireds Benjamin Plackett pointed out
when the first saucer images were released last year, that wasnt so much money
by military standards. (It would translate to about $26.6 million
But the government decided to fund work on a smaller and less grand saucer
prototype, the Avrocar,
instead. Like a helicopter (not yet available for combat use), this aircraft
could hover near the ground, access tight spots, and help troops in need of
reinforcement or resupply.
Plackett points to video of
tests of the Avrocar in which the vehicle doesnt get more than a few feet
off the ground. Pilots found it rocky and unstable in motion, even once it
managed to rise further into the air.
In the end, the vision of a U.S. government flying saucer on any scale was
scrapped. Avro closed
its doors in 1962.
This week Diane
Tessman is interviewed about her new book UFO Agenda
and also wonders if aliens are part of God's domain? Next, Scott
Corrales has two unusual sightings about water-sampling and camping. I
discovered articles about alien entitles, a pig-man, and a woman who knows
what's really out there. Sean Casteel writes about a
Dweller on Two Planets, giant lemurians and underground UFO
bases. Jon Kelly reports on advanced ufo night vision. Next,
Pat Regan writes the global warming scam and reports on the
Nelson Mountain UFO. Doc Vega noticed that UFO
sightings increased prior to Roswell. Finally, UFOs have been spotted over New
York's Central Park. See this weeks videos below. Enjoy
UFO AGENDA: So You Want to
Know the Truth?by Diane Tessman. The following interview with
Diane Tessman, author of the brand new book UFO AGENDA, was conducted by the
editor of QUANTUM SHAMAN website and periodical. Question from QUANTUM SHAMAN
editor: Diane, what is your main goal in writing this book? Dianes Answer: I
have been a UFO researcher, writer, and experiencer, for over thirty years,
having had several childhood encounters with UFO occupants. I have written five
books over the years, several of which are very popular, but I wanted this time
to put it all together and by doing so, reveal something new and astounding
the answers! I have concluded with certainty that there is not just one answer,
but many answers to this ancient and enormous mystery. More...
Also read: Are Aliens Part of
Gods Domain?
Jujuy Worker Claims Having
Stood 20 Meters from Water-Sampling UFOby Scott Corrales.
JUJUY, Argentina I never told anyone, only my family, and I want people to
know that this is something Ill never forget in my life. Im 72, and this is
something that exists, said Roberto Moreira, a retiree who took the decision to
retell in detail his close encounter with a UFO following a series of very
strange episodes in Jujuy, all of them linked to sightings of unidentified
flying objects. More... Also
read: "We Were Camping
When My Nephew Suddenly Shouted: A UFO!"
Alien-like entity hovers over
Spainby Dirk Vander Ploeg. This is a very fairy like glowing
orb that is moving through the neighborhood that was originally reported in June
2013. We can see several important things about it. For instance, it does not
flap which tells us is not an insect or bird. Its mostly oval in shape, but its
shape seems to change. More... Also
read: The Truth
About The Pig-Man! And: Are
UFOs really out there? Ask Cheryl-Lee Martin
Mount Shasta And A Dweller On
Two Planets -- One of Americas Most Mystical Sites: From Giant Lemurians To
Underground UFO Basesby Sean Casteel . It is a given that many
of the beliefs currently held by the New Age movement have their origins in
ancient times. Nevertheless, the modern incarnation of the New Age community of
belief, which often dovetails quite neatly with the UFO phenomenon and its
attendant benevolent aliens, can be said to have begun much more recently, in
the late 1800s, long before Kenneth Arnolds sighting and the Roswell crash of
1947. More...
Advanced UFO night vision
video recording for beginnersby Jon Kelly . 12 Survivors
Trace: Advanced UFO night vision video recording for beginners. An exclusive
video posted to YouTube on July 12, 2013, offers never-before-seen ECETI Ranch
UFO power-up images recorded with the new 12 Survivors Trace 5x50 digital night
vision camera. The entry-level sports optic used in production of this online
demonstration offers advanced starlight viewing with built-in 800x600 video
recording to convenient Secure Digital (SD) card memory. More...
Man-Made Global Warming Scam.
Wholesale Global Indoctrination On A Massive Scaleby Pat Regan
. Pat Regan explains how the Scientific Community has fooled the peoples of
the world: The question of alleged Man-Made Global Warming (MMGW) is highly
divisive to say the least. Like a vicious civil war, it regrettably sets good
friends and family against each other. In the following article I shall try to
dispel a few popular misconceptions in the sincere hope that greater
understanding will develop. More... Also
read: The Nelson
Mountain UFO Account
Straddling the Worlds: The
Paranormality of Being Normal?by Hope Bradford.The same is
true for dreams and visions. We tend to only recall those dream and visionary
events that are the most vivid and spectacular. However, paying attention to
seemingly insignificant dream symbols could prove beneficial. Indeed, who can
claim with certainty that only waking reality defines one's complete history? More...
UFO Sightings intensify just
prior to Roswell in 1947by Doc Vega. Many people by now are
well aware that 1947 was a pivotal year in the history of mankind in as much as
proof of extraterrestrial contact was made. As a result of that contact an
inflexion in human events occurred as an entire security state emerged with the
government being forced to conceal and mitigate a forbidden truth that could
have caused conventional institutions in our society to collapse. The
preservation of basic human beliefs was at stake as far as authorities were
concerned. More...
Spotted Over Central Park!from
(SBWIRE). Flying above
the lush lawns and gentle hills of New York's Central Park lies an out of this
world enigma...or rather a NYC UFO enigma. Are they man-made or are they
extraterrestrial? Have they been here in the past or are they just stopping by?
These are just a few of the perplexing questions that will be uncovered in New
York's exclusive "UFO Phenomena Tours" hosted by Pete and Stew Kandel (known as
Dr. Pete and Dr. Stew) paranormal investigators and licensed NYC tour guides aka
New York's own "Ghost Doctors." More...
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The Filer Research Institute (FRI) feels the scientific study of UFOs
is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly
intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and
UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now
provides advanced research and consultation on a wide range of subjects and help
for CEOs to successfully run their companies.Ourinitiative is dedicated to
educating people about what we feel are the most significant issues facing
humanity. We are dedicated to solving solutions to the most difficult problems
based on advanced technology. Thank God its FRIday
In special reports, this weeks files cover: New Blue Planet, A
New View of the Dumbbell Nebula, CIA Director UFOs Are Real,Russian UFO Movie,
Austin Fitts Claims Extraterrestrials Exist, Moon
Base, Vatican Official Declares On National Television: Extraterrestrial Contact
Is Real, Scaler Technology Letter, First-Ever Carrier Landing with Unmanned
Autonomous Aircraft, and The Trickster.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California,
Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon,
and Texas.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Egypt, Italy,
Portugal, Tunisia, England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research.
believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's
are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
New Blue Planet
Hubble space telescope has identified the true color of a planet 63 light years
away from Earth, a distant blue marble that, unlike our own planet, has
torrential rainstorms of glass. HD 189733b, orbiting star HD 189733, would be
seen by human eyes as a striking cobalt blue, the Hubble
team says, ostensibly similar to Earth when viewed from space. However, in
actual fact the exoplanet is one of a bizarre collection of hot Jupiters
where temperatures can reach almost 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (over 1,000 degrees
Its that extreme temperature caused by the planets very close orbit to
the star that gives HD 189733b whats perhaps its most unusual feature: its
storms of glass. The atmosphere is filled with silicate particles, NASA
explains, and when they condense in the tremendously furious heat, they could
rain down as tiny droplets of glass. Its the silicate that gives the planet its
distinctive color, with the droplets scattering more blue light than red in the
visible spectrum.
A New View of the Dumbbell Nebula
The one minute astronomer writes, Heres an astonishing new view
of M27, the famous Dumbbell Nebula in the constellation Vulpecula. This image is
the result of an international collaboration between Andre van der Hoeven, Fred
Herrmann, and Terry Hancock who combined the light from three telescopes and
three cameras into one image.
A new image of the planetary nebula M27 which combines light from ionized
hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. This image uses nearly 40 hours of data collected
with three different telescopes and CCD cameras in Michigan, Alabama and
Holland. The images were later combined into one final image. The outer hydrogen
and oxygen shell of M27 are not normally visible in amateur images, along with
emission from ionized sulfur. These elements are present in the outer layers of
the central star of this nebula, a star which is blowing off its atmosphere and
leaving the hot stellar core behind. - See more at
CIA Director UFOs Are Real
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, was the third Director of
Central Intelligence (DCI) from 1947 to 1950, and the first Director of the CIA,
which was established in September 1947.
Hillenkoetter was one of the first intelligence chiefs to make public his
conviction that UFO's were real." On August 22, 1960, he stated,
"I am aware that hundreds of military and airline pilots, airport
personnel, astronomers, missile trackers and other competent observers have
reported sightings . . . These UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically
observing the earth, either manned or under remote control, or both."
It is time for the truth to be brought out... Behind the scenes
high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But
through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the
unknown flying objects are nonsense. I urge immediate Congressional action to
reduce the dangers from secrecy about unidentified flying objects.
Former CIA Director Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, in a signed
statement to Congress, August 22, 1960.
Russian UFO Movie
Frank Chilli writes, This is an excellent video with much info
disclosed for the first time by the Russian Government, Military and Researches
as well as some remarkable
UFO footage. You should view in full screen to best read the
English translation.
The crashed UFO was a gift from advanced civilizations.
A Russian UFO movie makes some interesting comments from researchers. Nikolai Antoshkin test pilot and Hero of the USSR, states,
It appears a much more advanced civilization is controlling us.
Apparently the aliens are controlling that we dont do anything bad on Earth. We
conclude this by their appearance on areas where our nuclear and chemical bases
are located and large hydro technical facilities and regions where the situation
is unstable.
What might have happened on other planets they want to prevent
happening here.
Note: Apparently, Earth is one of the finest planets in this part of the
universe and the aliens are already here or plan on coming here, and wish to
preserve the planet. They may also be from the future and desire to prevent us
from destroying Earth.
Austin Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD), released a document supporting her claims that the US
Navy initiated a plan in 1998 to adjust its operations for a future where
extraterrestrials exist and live among us.
She claims the plan was commissioned by the Undersecretary of the US Navy and
was undertaken by the Arlington Institute, an NGO located near the Pentagon with
many military clients, where Fitts served on the Board of Directors. She was
asked to assist with the plan and claims she was given an opportunity to meet a
live alien, but declined. Two members of the Board of Directors have repudiated
Fitts claims.
With the publication of Galactic Diplomacy, the contradiction of her version
of events by other Arlington Institute Board members was now part of the public
record. Consequently, Fitts felt free to release documentation supporting her
version of events Minutes of the March 26, 1999 Board of Directors meeting.
The Minutes
of the meeting below is the significant statement.
Joe Firmage who is a Board Member of the Arlington Institute is also
Chairman of The International Space Sciences Organization (ISSO), an, advanced
science research and education institute that was launched in July 1999, to
provide a platform for research and education in view of breakthroughs likely in
21st Century physics.
So it is quite likely some type of discussion occurred has Catherine Fitts
The Pickford and Lindemann study mentioned in the minutes involve eight alien
contact scenarios they developed for a workshop on extraterrestrial contact as
recalled by one of the participants: Called the second Contact Planning
meeting and held in Denver, Colorado, this workshop was sponsored by Joe
Firmages International Space Sciences Organization and organized by Kyle
Pickford and Michael Lindemann. The meeting was divided into five groups:
business, religion, science, government, and media/public. Each group
role-played its behavior for each of eight scenarios. The meeting apparently
showed contact behavior by each of the people in each of these categories. How
can people prepare. A large number of these ideas clearly fit into two clusters
that I find very encouraging: (a) tell the general public the truth right away
and (b) prepare to communicate and negotiate with ET in a friendly and
cooperative manner, even if its behavior seems unfriendly.
The minutes of the meeting confirm that the Arlington Institute was
discussing the subject of life outside earth. According to Ms Fitts, one of
these clients was the US Navy.
Editors Note: I have heard similar claims that the Navy wishes to release
data on alien visitation. Lt. Col. Corso claimed he provided industry with
advanced ET products that were distributed to industry. These products such as
alien clothing, and advanced technology were rapidly copied and brought into
production that may include UFOs themselves.
Three factors support the assumption that other civilizations in our galaxy
are probably much older than our own human civilization. First, the vast
majority of stars in our galaxy are much millions of years older than our Sun.
It follows, then, that any civilizations on planets revolving around those stars
likely arose much earlier than our own civilization did. Second, it seems quite
possible that some civilizations survive for a million years or even longer. Our
civilization is ten thousand years old, where others in our galaxy range in age
from a few thousand years up to a million years old. We are one of the youngest.
Third, we are observing alien craft that most likely come here from these other
Moon Base
In 1994, the US Navy sent a satellite called Clementine to the moon to image
it for two months. During that time, the satellite took 1.8 million images. Out
of those images, 170,000 images were made available to the public. The rest were
classified, Yes, classified moon craters and straight lines like this?
My friend the late Ingo Swann remote viewed key locations on the Moon and
found about ten different locations that indicated an unearthly extraterrestrial
presence. Swann 'saw' with his mind's eye craters in darkness, and
trails of tractor-tread marks. Confusion set in until Swann realized that he was
'seeing' intelligent activity and structures on the moon.
In the depths of a crater he viewed a green, dusty haze lit by
banks of artificial lights mounted on very large, tall towers. He was apparently
observing extraterrestrials building a base on the moon. Ingo sensed that he had
been psychically 'spotted' by two of the humanoid-looking inhabitants of the
moon base. The aliens appeared to be conducting mining operations on the
Vide Vatican Official Declares On National Television:
Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real
John Jaeger, Director PUFOIN writes, Videos on
April 29, 2013, show some things simply cannot be debunked as much as people
would like to do it, no matter how hard the debunkers try sometimes the truth
just keeps coming to the surface and this is one of those times. The late
Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia, the
governing body, and highly placed Vatican official who is close to the Pope has
been on Italian Television, no less than five times stating that
extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomena. Balducci provided an analysis of
extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Churchs
understanding of theology.
Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters
are not demonic, they are not due to
psychological impairment, they are not a case of entity attachment, but these
encounters deserve to be studied carefully.
Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the
Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new
phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not
censure these encounters is all the more remarkable. The bottom line is that the
Vatican has moved quickly on the extremely difficult issue of extraterrestrials
and religion. They allegedly attended secret meeting at the UN on this subject
and obtain numerous reports from their clergy spread around the world..
The question becomes, are we paying attention or are we asleep at the
switch! We are all in for a Galileo Moment and those only come along every
200-300 years. Are you ready?
Todd writes, I wouldn't worry about a failed
anti-missile defense system. It's a joke actually. No nuke would be allowed to
go off in the first place and we have scaler technology now. Nukes are obsolete
and can 100% eliminated with the new technologies. The primitive devices are
just for show and for someone to make money developing that which is no longer
needed. This reminds me of the Mars mission. We've been there for many years now
and they pretend we are still working to achieve a Mars landing.
The following seems like science fiction, but scalar beam weapons were
invented in 1904 by a American immigrant genius called Nicola Tesla (1856 or 57
-1943) from Yugoslavia. Since he died in 1943, many nations have secretly
developed his beam weapons which now further refined are so powerful that just
by satellite one can: make a nuclear like destruction; earthquake; hurricane;
tidal wave; cause instant freezing - killing every living thing instantly over
many miles. It can cause intense heat like a burning fireball over a wide area;
induce hypnotic mind control over a whole population; or even read anyone on the
planet's mind by remote.
It can paralyze and or/kill everyone instantaneously in a 50 mile radius and
lastly remove something right out of its place in time and space faster than the
speed of light, without any detectable warning by crossing two or more beams
with each other and any target can be aimed at even right through to the
opposite side of the earth.
If either of the major scalar weapon armed countries e.g. U.S. or Russia were
to fire a nuclear missile to attack each other this may possibly not even reach
the target, because the missile could be destroyed with scalar technology. The
knowledge via radio waves that it was about to be fired could be eavesdropped
and the target could be destroyed in the bunker, fired at from space by
Very neat things can be done if one "nests" several Tesla
shields say three or fourconcentrically, one inside the other. In that case
even the nuclear radiation (such as gamma rays) from a defense-suppressive high
altitude nuclear burst can be handled. For example, suppose three such
concentric shields are placed over a large vital area. Further, suppose a high
altitude nuclear burst is placed above the outer shield. Gamma radiation almost
instantly strikes the plasma in the outer shell, where it is absorbed,
scattered, and re-radiated at a lower temperature. (That after all is what
plasmas do.) Inside the first shell, the scattered radiation is now in the x-ray
and ultra violet region. Let us track the most lethal component, the
The scattered x-rays then strike the second plasma shell, and are absorbed
scattered and re-radiated at a lower temperature. Inside the second shell the
scattered radiation is now in the visible and infrared region, with a little
This optical radiation in turn strikes the third plasma shell, and is
absorbed scattered and re-radiated at still lower temperature. Inside the third
shell, most of the energy is now in the form of radio frequency (RF) energy,
with a little IR and visible band spectral energy content.
At this point, ordinary electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding of
electronic equipment on the ground inside the third shield can take care of any
RF interference resulting from the emergent RF noise protecting the city. Thanks
to Todd.
First-Ever Carrier Landing with Unmanned Autonomous
The Northrop Grumman-built X-47B Unmanned Combat Air
System demonstrator aircraft on Wednesday completed its first carrier-based
arrested landing on the USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) off the coast of
Virginia, announced
the Navy. This marked "the first time a tailless, unmanned autonomous aircraft
landed on a modern aircraft carrier," states the sea service's July 10 release.
"Naval aviators have always been at the forefront of operational and tactical
innovation, and today was no exception," said Navy Secretary Ray Mabus. The
X-47B completed a 35-minute transit from NAS Patuxent River, Md., to the carrier
that was under way and then executed the landing, states the release. Sailors
then launched the X-47B using the carrier's catapult. "Today's
historic carrier landing and our operations aboard USS George H.W. Bush show,
beyond a shadow of a doubt, that tailless unmanned aircraft can integrate
seamlessly and operate safely from an aircraft carrier at sea,"
said Capt. Jaime Engdahl, the Navy's UCAS program manager. (See also Northrop
Grumman release.)
The Trickster
George P. Hansen, author of The Trickster
and the Paranormal, was employed in parapsychology laboratories for
eight years-three at the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina, and
five at Psychophysical Research Laboratories in Princeton, New Jersey. His
research included remote viewing, ESP, psychokinesis on electronic random number
generators, séance phenomena, and ghosts. His papers in professional journals
also cover mathematical statistics, deception, skepticism, conjurors in
parapsychology, and methodological criticisms. presented two lectures
that are now on YouTube.
The first lecture, "History of Parapsychology," discusses the rise of
psychical research from 1882 to the laboratory research of the 1980s. Some
ganzfeld telepathy experiments are presented.
The first lecture, "History of Parapsychology," discusses
the rise of psychical research from 1882 to the laboratory research of the
1980s. Some ganzfeld telepathy experiments are presented.
The second lecture, "The Decline of Parapsychology,"
focuses on 1989 to the present day. The decline is discussed in the context of
history, sociology of religion, and secularization theory. Briefly, two
thousand years ago cultural elites displayed strong antagonism to the
paranormal, and they continue to do so today. The implications for the
scientific acceptance of the field are considered. Although parapsychology is
doing poorly, Hansen indicates promising areas for growth.
Hansen's The Trickster and the Paranormal includes considerable
discussion of UFOs, with particular attention to government disinformation. Ben
Rich stated the aliens us ESP to operate
Sightings of UFOs in the
United States
NUFORC has posted approximately 780 new, and amended, reports, as of Friday,
July 5th. Peter Davenport has received a large number of reports of red and
orange orbs or fireballs in his reports. Peter states, Our
strong impression is that most of the reports submitted for that date this year
are not the result of firework displays. Since June 2012, NUFORC has been
inundated with reports of clusters of red, orange, or yellow fireballs, for
absence of a better term. We are very interested in this continuing phenomenon,
even though we have absolutely no idea what the objects are. We recognize that
in some cases, the luminous objects may be so-called Chinese lanterns.
However, some characteristics of the objects strongly militate against that
One of the telephoned reports of orange fireballs we have received for July
4th was submitted by a former U. S. astronaut and Space Shuttle crew member. We
are awaiting follow-up written reports from the three members of his family who
observed the object(s), and we will post those reports as quickly as we can. The
witness has stated that he is prepared to be identified publicly, and he
probably will appear as a guest on a radio program, to describe his
Editors Note: We strongly suspect these fireballs represent a new
presence in our skies. MUFON and UFOs Northwest have also received large numbers
of similar reports.
San Leandro -- While sitting in my
kitchen at 11:30 pm, I saw a bright light hovering over the Half Moon Bay
Mountains for about 30 minutes +
on July 12, 2013. Then as I watched I noticed it was coming closer so I
pulled out my camera and started to tape it. I zoomed in on it and tell me what
you think a large rectangle shaped vessel with orbs floating through, it looks
like small space ships. Then it pulled back and changed shape and started
traveling SE till out of sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
SAN BRUNO -- I was at home when I first noticed the object. It was a dim
light in the sky and as I watched it on February 2, 2013. It started to glow
brighter then dim out off and on. At first I thought it was a plane until it
started brightening and dimming. After a while it started slowly moving to the
left after hovering for about 30 minutes. So we jumped in the car and drove
towards it. As we got closer we were able to get a better shot of it and were
shocked at what we saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orb
Palm Bay -- I was at my friends house in
Palm Bay watching the fireworks on July 4th, 2013. We were talking
about UFOs, aliens, and life on other planets. All of the sudden I look over to
see a yellowish/reddish orange orb! I first noticed the object because of its
unusual size, glow, and the way it moved across the sky. I quickly busted out my
Droid Razr phone, and took a video of the orb as it moved to the NW, low and
The object slowly seemed to hover/move silently. After about 30-40 seconds of
viewing, the orb began to radiate a specific BLUE color. It wasnt like anything
Id ever seen from common aircraft like planes, helicopters, or whatever else is
up there. I walked away from this experience believing I had witnessed, and
video recorded a possible UFO or a real UFO of an extraterrestrial nature.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orbs
Belleville-- I saw four
consecutive red lights in the sky near the border of Freeburg, IL. They were in
an Orions Belt kind of formation. It was about 9:09 PM, on July 4, 2013. Two of
the most northern lights moved with incredible speed went from their frozen
state in the sky to the west about two miles and came back to the same spot.
I was in my truck at the time heading down Mascoutah Roa d and I know that it
wasnt fireworks, because the fireworks dimmed away. These stayed in place for
minutes, moved around and then vanished. The two glowing dots in the photo on
the bottom and middle of the photo are part of the formation of the UFO. Thanks
to William Puckett, Director
Indiana Lights
South Bend -- I live about four miles
north of downtown and at 10:15 pm on July 13 2013, I looked out of my living
room window to the south and saw a red/orange object going to west. It was twice
the size of the brightest star. I saw two of them and filmed them until they
went behind my neighbors trees. I saw that there were three more coming into
view and I filmed them as well. When I zoomed into the last one it changed
colors rapidly. They were all traveling at the same speed in a minute to a
minute and a half. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Clinton -- The evening of July 3, 2013, at
10:30 pm, I took the following photos. I was able to follow the UFO, observe it,
and take these photos all at the same time. I first saw the UFO while I was in
the parking lot at Wal-Mart which is six miles east of Blanford where I live.
The object moved east and changed color from white to orange. The sky had grown
darker that might account for the color change. The thing kept going east until
out of sight. The last three photos are blurry from being enlarged. Take care.
St. Louis On July 4,
2013, I was watching the fireworks at the Arch Grounds and took two pictures of
the Arch. The first picture was normal, but the second had a grey line in the
middle. I zoomed in a noticed it looked like a UFO.
Note: The time of the photo seems a little early to be
watching fireworks as it was daylight. The witness has been contacted to verify
the time of the photo. Updates will be posted. Thanks to William Puckett,
New Jersey15 Bright Orbs
moorestown -- I was traveling with my fiancé down Westfield
Road when we spotted a police officer make a sharp turn and park down a street
and observing a bunch of glowing red orbs in the sky. At first we thought it
could have been a flyover for the last day of fireworks, but as time went on
this scenario seemed less likely to be. They were all traveling in close
proximity to one another. There must have been over 15 of them.
The red lights were flashing sequentially bright then dull bright then dull.
The objects didnt flutter or change direction suddenly. There were over 500
lights moving fast, and helicopters in the air but not close to them, but you
can tell the difference. There were also planes flying above to. Im curious as
to what the cop saw or why there were over six cars pulled to the side of the
road. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina
MEBANE --Sitting out back on the deck I was looking up when I noticed
a bright white cylinder travelling very fast SE on July 7, 2013. We heard
nothing and it had no contrail in the clear blue sky. My daughter and I remarked
that it seemed to be going way faster than commercial aircraft. It also was not
on normal flight path that the commercial jets take. It was just a bright white
light. If it was a military jet it was flying faster than sound, but we heard
nothing. It crossed the sky in about three seconds.. Thanks to MUFON
Ohio Orbs
MOUNT ORAB -- I was outside doing yard work on July 12,
2013, when a helicopter approached from the south at 1 pm-. It was a military
Blackhawk with no observable markings, traveling at high elevation and speed.
Despite the altitude, the engine noise was very loud, which led me to believe it
was at full throttle and traveling behind it were three dark objects. I first
thought they were birds due to their small size and erratic movements but it
became apparent they were at similar elevation and speed.
The objects were tiny, almost invisible unless silhouetted against a cloud.
They were some kind of plate shape (wide and thin) and spent most of the
observed time banking, leaving only the slim profile to observe. They were
black, and very small. As far as I could tell, they changed elevation easily. In
the first 60 seconds of my observation, they trailed behind the helicopter,
flying in a loose triangle formation. The three individual objects were banking
in and out of formation. In the last 60 seconds, they broke formation and gained
altitude and one got ahead of the helicopter twisting in an S maneuver out of my
line of sight. The other two climbed above the clouds only visible briefly in
breaks of the cloud. The helicopter never deviated course as the objects flew
above it at all times. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Ken Pfeifer MUFON
Oregon Ball
SEASIDE --I saw a big orange ball
floating up then stopping and heading east on July 4, 2013, at 11 PM. My friend
got a very up close and personal video.
The video I have is from Salem Oregon! The ball moved very slow at first on
its way up, then started east slowly for about 30 seconds and then flew across
the sky at tremendous speed! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Orbs
Leander I was visiting my sons grave
and took a photo of white and black objects in the sky over the Bagdad Cemetery.
I was focusing on the interesting cloud formation and dont recall seeing
these objects. I took more pictures through the car window a few days later, but
the white object did not appear in these pictures. Someone suggested that my
windshield could have been dirty
Note: The white area is a rain shaft. The dark objects
could be windblown debris ahead of the thunderstorm. A review of weather
conditions near the sighting showed that winds were gusting to 25 MPH. It is
doubtful that the objects are due to spots on the car window because the objects
only appear in one photo.
Brisbane-- I'm a very keen aviation
photographer and on 1st of July 2007, I went out to Airport to take photos of
aircraft from 10 am till 6 pm. I would usually take my Canon EOS 350D with
70-200 mm lens. Somewhere around 4 pm, a Qantas 767 aircraft departed for
Melbourne flying about 450 feet altitude when I shot this climbing jet and a
possible UFO at the bottom right of the photo.
Looking at the image the plane is climbing out over runway 19 south, and I
was looking east towards Fisherman Island. I was firing a whole series of
photo's, usually at birds but was not aware of this. I reviewed all my photo's
and saw that spot. I just thought I'd share with you and see what your opinion
maybe. Cheers, Norbert Vari. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Victoria A weird light was seen in the sky on June
29, 2013, at 7 pm. It was pulsating and changing color and the object had NO
sound. There were no other lights near it.
The video footage has been
circulated via internet, you tube, and Facebook, but as of yet there has been no
explanation for this object, so it remains unidentified. It also set the dogs in
the neighborhood off, barking, and my German Shepherds clearly did not want me
outside. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia On June5, 2013,
I was taking pictures of a bird and noticed first orb like glow but while going
through the rest of the photos I noticed something different color and shape
than what I had seen. I am now submitting both photos together and zoomed in so
you can decide what they are. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Notre-Dame-du-Nord -- My friend
took and sent me that digital photo of the moon from Quebec and we can see an
object near the moon. We would like to know what you think of it, because in her
area and also in mine lots of thing happening in the sky. She noticed after she
took the photo on June 26, 2013, and she kept watching it after for a while.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Egypt Disc
Cairo I was at my vacation at the Giza Pyramids on May 20,
2013. I was on the camel heading away from the pyramids, when doing this; I was
taking lots of photos with my galaxy S3, with the frontal camera.
I did
not realize the UFO until I got home, when I started to look at the photos. I
thought immediately that it is a UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Triangle
Villaggio Mosè -- The flying object had a strange movement
on June 24, 2013. It would accelerate, then stop, start immediately and shooting
away. The lights were astern chasing each other and constantly changing color.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Camacha A super bright light crossed the sky at
medium speed and slowly rose up until it disappeared in the night sky on June
25, 2013, at 11:25 PM. A super bright light crossed the sky from west to east
over the island of Madeira, Portugal. No light strobes where seen or sounds
where heard. The light crossed the sky at medium speed and slowly rose up until
it disappeared in the night sky in 90 seconds. Thanks to Peter Davenport,
Director National UFO Reporting Center
Spain UFO
A Coruña -- We are walking on the beach when a UFO
appears in one of the photos on June 14, 2013. Thanks to MUFON Thanks
Taiwan Disk
East, ã -- My sister drove home next to the bridge on June
24, 1013, and saw a beautiful sunrise and took pictures. The first image was
strange so immediately pressed the second shutter. I checked the photos and
found the first photo was of a disc that turned out to be a very clear UFO. I
immediately checked the second photo which does not have any UFO. The whole
family is shocked in disbelief. I have twice in the same place seen flying
objects that I suspect are UFOs as well as points of light hovering in the
vicinity. I hope to keep this place quiet. We are willing to provide photos to
our users agree, but we will retain the photo's copyright. Thanks to Peter
Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Tunisia Light
Sayada -- When I was taking photographs of the super moon on
June 23, 2013, I saw in the sky a light moving very fast. It wasn't a plane I am
sure. The light disappeared after about 40 seconds! Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Orange Orb
Sutton Coldfield -- Orange rhomboid shape moving across
night sky at 11:35 PM. A large, orange, rhomboidal shape was moving across the
night sky in an approximately south to north direction on June 29, 2013. It
moved slower than an airplane, kept to a consistent height and made no sound
that I could hear. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting
LIVERPOOL -- Have just tried to share
this video mine, of six alien craft, going west past me, very close and
silently. I wanted to share with Filers Files a UFO site run by an ex-USAF
Major. To see go to Robert Newton, scroll to SDV_0187. MP4, on Robert
Newton@astralaeos, on Twitter, with 117 more videos. uncensored, or Google.
Robert Newton, 19 miles east of Liverpool.
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
19-07-2013 om 18:53
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
ONCE UPON A MISSING TIME A novel of alien abduction Philip
ONCE UPON A MISSING TIME is a powerful and emotional journey
involving married couple Alan and Pamela Morrison and their teenage daughter
Wendy. Alan is a teacher at the local High School and his wife Pamela is a
social worker for the local authority. One night whilst driving back from their
in-laws home near the rural North Yorkshire village of East Yardsley, the
Morrison family encounter something that would change their lives and world view
forever. The Morrisons have a close encounter, a close encounter with something
quite extraordinary. On arriving home they discover nearly four hours of their
lives MISSING. Plagued by nightmarish shared dreams the Morrisons look for
answers for their MISSING TIME. Their search for answers threatens to tear the
family apart, leaving them with lives that will never be the same again. Set in
rural England in 1990 this was an era before the internet and the digital age.
The Morrison family search for answers that eventually ends in frustration and
betrayal. This is not a story about alien visitation but rather how a family try
desperately to cope with a phenomenon that no one seems to understand.
Although a work of fiction ONCE UPON A MISSING TIME is based on real
life Close Encounter cases from the UK. All of the characters in this drama
are based on people who have either experienced this phenomena first hand or
have been UFO investigators. The names, locations and professions of all have
been changed to protect the individuals concerned. Once you have read ONCE UPON
A MISSING TIME you will realise that the phrase Close Encounter was not just
a figment of Steven Spielbergs imagination.
Philip Mantle is an
international UFO researcher, lecturer and broadcaster. His books have been
published in six different languages around the world. He is the former Director
of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association and former MUFON
representative for England. Philip has written articles and features for
numerous publications around the world and has been both editor and assistant
editor of high street UFO publications. He lives in Pontefract, West Yorkshire,
Philip can be contacted via email at:
Once Upon A Missing Time: A Novel of Abduction by Philip Mantle
$14.95 US (paperback) $7.99 US (eboo...
A novel of alien
TIME is a
powerful and emotional journey involving married couple Alan and Pamela Morrison
and their teenage daughter Wendy. Alan is a teacher at the local High School and
his wife Pamela is a social worker for the local authority. One night whilst
driving back from their in-laws home near the rural North
Yorkshirevillage of
Yardsley, the Morrison family
encounter something that would change their lives and world view forever. The
Morrisons have a close encounter, a close encounter with something quite
extraordinary. On arriving home they discover nearly four hours of their lives
MISSING. Plagued by nightmarish shared dreams the Morrisons look for answers
for their MISSING TIME. Their search for answers threatens to tear the family
apart, leaving them with lives that will never be the same again. Set in rural
England in 1990 this was an era
before the internet and the digital age. The Morrison family search for answers
that eventually ends in frustration and betrayal. This is not a story about
alien visitation but rather how a family try desperately to cope with a
phenomenon that no one seems to understand.
Although a work of fiction ONCE UPON A MISSING TIME is based on
real life Close Encounter cases from the
UK. All of the characters in
this drama are based on people who have either experienced this phenomena first
hand or have been UFO investigators. The names, locations and professions of all
have been changed to protect the individuals concerned. Once you have read ONCE UPON A MISSINGTIME you will realise that the phrase
Close Encounter was not just a figment of Steven Spielbergs
Philip Mantle is an International UFO researcher,
lecturer and broadcaster. His books have been published in six different
languages around the world. He is the former Director of Investigations for the
British UFO Research Association and former MUFON representative for
England. Philip has written articles and features
for numerous publications around the world and has been both editor and
assistant editor of high street UFO publications. He lives in Pontefract, West
Yorkshire, England.
I had a read through again and IMHO, I found it a lovely
read, taking into accounts genuine experiences and putting them in a way readers
could understand without making it too dark or heavy and yet keeping that
balance of light-heartedness without mocking or patronising those who have had
experiences. This was a refreshing change for me personally as someone who has
had first hand experience of UFO encounters.
Rosalind Reynolds,
close encounter witness.
"Philip Mantle is
probably one of the major unsung heroes of the British UFO scene, having been
eclipsed by the likes of Timothy Good and Nick Pope. In this, his first fiction
book, he tackles the thorny subject of the "abduction" and "Close Encounter"
scenario. Although the book is a work of fiction, it draws from many well
documented cases from the never-ending enigma that is the UFO subject. This book
will provide a thought provoking read, if you are skeptic or believer in the
Kevin Goodman,
author of "UFO Warminster: Cradle of contact",
"A not to be missed
fiction from one of the leading authorities on UFO's. Has to be worth a
Philip Gardiner,
Author/filmmaker, UK.
"Philip Mantle is
extremely knowledgeable about the abduction phenomenon, and it shows. In this
graphic novel his real-life expertise translates dramatically into the lives of
the characters. Once Upon a Missing Time should not be missed".
"Scrupulously well thought-out, Once Upon a Missing Time provides a
gripping insight into one of the greatest enigmas of our era. Although a work of
fiction, it carries a disturbing aura of reality on every page".
say time is a great healer - and it is, until it goes missing. Philip Mantle's
novel takes us on a dark tour through the oft-misunderstood abduction phenomenon
- and the angst it can cause in the lives of its victims. A thought-provoking
read". Mike Hallowell, Freelance journalist &
author, UK.
"Philip Mantle's
long career as an established UFO researcher translates into the gripping story
of a family besieged by the inexplicable - a realistic and credible account of
the alien abduction phenomenon."
Lee Paqui - Editor, UFO Encounter', or 'Lee Paqui - UFO
The work of Philip Mantle is
never a surprise, because we know how good it is. In this book, although a work
of fiction, I know that Philip has used all of his experience to bring the close
encounter experience to life.
Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, UFO researcher and author,
Mantle has put the trauma of the alien abduction into perspective for all of us
in his story that sucks us in on the first page. It is a tale, not of aliens,
but of the results of those who have been abducted and what they experience as a
result of something that is beyond their control. Mantle has provided a story
that draws to in and keeps you entertained from the first page to the last. It
is a story that causes you to keep turning the pages."
Kevin Randle, UFO author, lecturer and broadcaster,
In a classic example of
poacher turned gamekeeper, Philip Mantle has dug deep into his long established
background as a world renowned investigator of the UFO phenomenon to produce a
first class novel based on his years of experience in the field and a damn fine
job he makes of it too. This book bears all the hallmarks of a homage to a well
loved and understood subject and it is told in a surprisingly matter of fact
manner that belies the central premise of alien abduction and how it can badly
affect those involved.
Allan:Author, speaker and researcher
specialising in paranormal phenomena.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:NIEUWS VAN JAN ( NL)
Nouvelles du jour. - Les REPAS UFOLOGIQUES
En annexe au format PDF, les nouvelles du jour, afin de vous tenir informé de ce
qui se fait, la publication des nouvelles que vous me transmettez etc... Merci
à tous.. J'opte pour la version PDF, car je prépare tout cela sur word, version
2010 qui ne pose que des soucis pour être copié dans un mail et qui d'autre part
n'est pas déchiffrable par tout le monde si je vous joints le fichier...... Si
des soucis m'en informer.
A chat with Nick Pope, XCOMs real-life UFO
investigator (interview)
Sebastian Haley/GamesBeat
Nick Pope was an UFO investigator for the British
for 21 years. He now serves as a consultant for all kinds of alien-related
entertainment projects, including the new The Bureau: XCOM Declassified game.
July 17, 2013 10:00 AM
Depending on your disposition to the idea of a real-life X-Files
program, the name Nick Pope may have one of a variety of effects on you. Pope
has long been a staple of the ufology scene thanks to his role as a UFO
investigator during the 21 years he worked for the the United Kingdoms Ministry
of Defense. Naturally, hes now involved in the new XCOM game.
GamesBeat met with Pope at a private The Bureau: XCOM Declassified event held
by developer 2K Marin and publisher 2K Games. You can read our thoughts on the
game itself, along with developer interviews, in our hands-on
GamesBeat: Can you start off with the general overview of your
responsibilities as a UFO investigator?
Nick Pope: I had to basically investigate UFO sightings and
see if they were any potential threat or, more generally, if they were of any
defense interest. We didnt take a view on what they might or might not be. We
just said, Look, people have seen things. Particularly, as its often alleged,
these were solid-structured things in our airspace. That made it a defense
issue. That made it a national security issue.
But like I say, we didnt take a view on whether we were dealing with aliens
or whether we were dealing, as was the original thinking, with maybe the next
generation of Soviet spy planes or drones, something like that. That was
basically the job. Through that, anything else weird or wonderful that there
wasnt a place for in government kind of came our way by default, particularly
if it was perceived that there was a link with UFOs. Alien abductions, crop
circles. We found ourselves getting all the weird stuff, like people who had
seen ghosts at military bases. Thats why it has been called the real-life
GamesBeat: What do you do now?
Pope: Basically, I work as a freelance writer and
broadcaster. Ive written a couple of sci-fi books. I do a lot of TV work on
shows like Ancient Aliens. Ive worked with some of the Hollywood film
companies on some of the PR for movie launches, if theres an alien theme. I
guess people come to me and say, Well, were doing this as fiction, but theres
very often an interesting tie-in. Is any of this actually true?
The alien threat from The Bureau: XCOM
GamesBeat: Some of your findings over the past couple of decades have
been declassified recently, is that correct?
Pope: Yeah, almost literally just two weeks ago, three weeks
ago. The British government finished what had been a five-year program to
declassify and release the entire archive. That was round about 52,000 pages of
documents. A lot of it was just fire lanterns and weather balloons and things
like that. But there were some more interesting cases in there too.
GamesBeat: Can you share some of the highlights?
Pope: Sure. The most famous case in there and I think its
a better case than Roswell is something called the Rendelsham Forest
This was December 1980. A UFO was actually seen to land in a forest between
two military bases. This was in the U.K., but they were American Air Force
bases. This small triangular craft of some sort came down in a small clearing,
and a patrol of security police, who had originally thought a plane had crashed,
went out and encountered this weird thing. They saw strange symbols on the side
of it that looked a bit like Egyptian hieroglyphs. Then it rose up above the
ground very slowly, cleared the treetops, and shot away to the horizon in an
instant. Two days later it came back. It didnt land that time, but it was
flying around in the area.
The witnesses included the deputy base commander. They went back to the
clearing where this thing had landed on the first night and they found
indentations, showing that something heavy had been there. They took a Geiger
counter out there and found that the radiation levels seemed to be significantly
higher than background. Its a phenomenal story. Some of the guys now have
health issues. Theres talk of a federal lawsuit.
Theres a whole bunch of former congresspeople that just wrote, at the
beginning of May, a letter to the secretary of the Veterans Affairs department
and to the president saying, The two guys who got close to this cant get their
medical records out of the system. Please help them. Its a really good case,
because its not just anecdotal. Like you said in your question, there is a
declassified and released audit trail of government documents to show that this
GamesBeat: Its interesting that you worked on not only your own
fiction but also Hollywood and now games. Do you feel like the surplus of
fiction surrounding this topic colors peoples opinion as to whether something
like this could ever be real?
Pope: Theres a whole bunch of conspiracy theories about
this. Science fiction and the whole idea of aliens, in movies and computer
games, is so embedded now in the public consciousness that its difficult to
separate the fact and the fiction. Some people think that Hollywood movies and
computer games are one of the ways in which governments slowly acclimatize
people to this. There used to be this old theory that you couldnt say this was
real, because there would be panic in the streets.
But what if you slipped it out generally, slowly, over the years, in all
these movies, so that people were so used to the idea? I think the opinion polls
now show that round about 50 percent of people think theres visitation by
aliens. A much higher percentage believes that theres life out there in the
universe, but around 50 percent, I think, think theyre coming here. A sizable
number of those people think that governments know more about it than theyre
letting on. I dont know. Its odd, because if that was the case, its a
slightly mixed message. You get good aliens like E.T. and then you get
the whole Independence Day, War of the Worlds, XCOM thing,
which is more about full-on violence and invasion.
I suppose its a point about films more generally, that its more likely that
movies and computer games will show aliens hostile, because it gives you that
whole dynamic of a struggle to deal with. With a movie like E.T., its
just getting home, and thats it.
GamesBeat: And feed him Reeses Pieces. So what has been your
contribution to the XCOM project?
Pope: Its basically just helping, maybe, to start a
conversation with the people that play the game, to ask the sort of questions
that were getting to. Could any of this be based in reality? Did something
like Roswell, for example, really happen? And if it did, questions like, Would
the government keep it secret? and Could you keep a thing like this a secret?
Which I think are two different questions. I think, on the first answer, its
probably, Yes, you would keep it secret.
I think technology acquisition gets to the heart of it. Hopefully this is the
sort of thing that I can contribute to a conversation about this. The country
or corporation, maybe that first gets its hands on alien technology, if such a
thing exists, is going to have such a huge advantage that the stakes are high
enough to justify secrecy. Youd want it for yourself. So, going back in time,
if Roswell really happened, you could understand that some overenthusiastic base
PR person said, Oh, weve got one of these flying disks, and then high command
stepped in and said, No, its a weather balloon and took it away to hangar and
worked on that.
You wouldnt want to share that with the Soviets, particularly with the Cold
War just starting.
Whats your alien apocalypse survival
GamesBeat: What do you think of the game so far?
Pope: Oh, I love it. Im not just saying that. I meanI
guess I was brought up, maybe, in an era where games were just a few pixels
moving clumsily across the screen. I cant even remember what they were called.
What was that one where you just bounced it around?
GamesBeat: Pong?
Pope: Pong! Im probably showing my age there. But you look
at something like The Bureau, and its just, My God. The other thing is, I
love that whole style of the 60s, whether its the cars or the shops, the
signs. Its got a nice feel to it as well. Like I say, I dont play these games,
so I cant, Im afraid, give any sort of technical-insight clever answer to
that. But Ive obviously sat in on some meetings; Ive looked at it, and Ive
thought, Wow, thats impressive.
GamesBeat: In all your decades of work that youve done and your
hypothesizing and discussion and so on, if you turned on the news and saw that
aliens were arriving lights in the sky and that kind of stuff would you be
excited, or would you be worried?
Pope: Both. Id see it as almost a validation or a
culmination of a quest that I guess Ive been on. But alsoI guess,
self-evidently, if aliens get here, given that we can only just about slowly
send a few space probes out to the edge of our solar system, if somebody has
cracked viable interstellar travel, theyve got technology orders of magnitude
above and beyond anything weve got. So I couldnt help but be worried.
I think Stephen Hawking said this it would be like the European explorers
meeting the Native Americans, only were the Native Americans. Wed have to hope
that alien visitors are explorers, ambassadors, adventurers, and not the sort of
cynical exploiters that, sadly, in human history weve tended to be when we
encounter new territories. So were going to have to hope that theyre friendly
and altruistic, because if theyre not, were in trouble.
GamesBeat: We can hope that it doesnt come back on us, all the
terrible things that weve done to other civilizations.
Pope: Yes. It would be a kind of cosmic karma, I suppose, if
it did. Our only hope would be that great staple of sci-fi, to use the aliens
own technology against them.
GamesBeat: Or water and air, in the case of Signs and
War of the Worlds.
Pope: [Laughs] Yeah, or Independence Day:
Just plug your laptop in and take down the entire alien defense system.
GamesBeat: I think the secret is just to have Randy Quaid on speed dial
and to keep his crop-duster fueled.
When it comes to UFO reports, people often witness helicopters in close
proximity to unidentified flying objects. While there are several examples of
this, none are more well-known than the Cash-Landrum
incident. The sighting occurred on December 29, 1980 and is one of the few cases
in which the witnesses experienced adverse health issues as a result of it. In
addition, it would later lead to a civil suit against the US government for
On that fateful night, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and her grandson Colby were
driving home to Dayton, Texas. As they traveled down Farm-To-Market Rd 1485, a
desolate stretch of road in Piney Woods northeast of Houston, Colby noticed a
light ahead of them just over the tree line. Initially their first thought was
it's an airplane or helicopter from one of the nearby airfields. However, once
it got closer they realized this was no ordinary aircraft.
The UFO, which now hovered over the road directly in front of them, was
shaped like a diamond with the top and bottom cutoff. At regular intervals it
was shooting out an intense stream of reddish-orange flames from the bottom.
They described it as something akin to a rocket blast. Betty had brought the car
to an immediate stop to avoid driving underneath it.
The cars heater had been on to fight the cold chill of that late December
night. Yet Betty had to turn it off as the vehicle became extremely hot inside.
The three occupants soon exited the car because of it. Once outside they could
hear a roaring sound coming from the UFO. As well, they also heard a constant
beeping sound being emitted from the craft. They also felt an immense amount of
heat radiating from the craft. Their faces felt as if they were burning.
Scared, Colby Landrum and his grandmother went back into the car in search of
safety. Betty, fascinated by what see was seeing, had decided to stay outside.
Not a believer in UFOs or ET, she felt this was the return of Christ and the end
of the world. As they all watched this spectacle, the sky was soon filled with
helicopters. According to the witnesses, they observed around 23 of them which
they later identified as both Chinook and Huey copters.
Betty soon returned to the vehicle, but burned herself while trying to open
the door. The car had become extremely hot to the touch. Using her leather coat,
she opened the door and entered the vehicle. Soon thereafter, the UFO slowly
ascended with the helicopters in tow as it disappeared off into the
In short, this is the just of what happened that night.
Fast-forward almost 19 years to the day, a then secret military aircraft
would soon make headlines as the result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request by the magazine Popular Mechanics. The craft, named the Lenticular
Reentry Vehicle (LVR), was a nuclear flying saucer designed by the Los Angeles
Division of North American Aviation under contract with the U.S. Air Force.
Until then, this flying saucer had been hidden away for years under the
Pentagons cloak of black budget secrets. The project was classified from 1962
until December 28, 1999 when it was cleared for public release.
The LVR held a crew of four and would have operated at an orbital altitude of
300 nautical miles, a distance equal to that of the Earth's atmosphere. It was
designed for missions of a six-week duration. The propulsion on this saucer was
accomplished through its dual nuclear rocket engines and onboard nuclear
powerplants. The craft was built to rain hell down on any enemy at a moments
notice with its arsenal of nuclear missiles.
Dr. Brian McClelland, Betty Cash's personal physician, later stated that the
witnesses suffered radiation exposure on a level felt three to five miles from
ground zero of Hiroshima or 2-3 grays of radiation. A full-body exposure at one
time to 5 gray or more from high-energy radiation leads to death within 14 days.
The victims encounter only lasted for approximately 15 minutes. All three had
classic symptoms of exposure from nausea, vomiting and burns, to hair loss,
swelling and diarrhea. Their health issues were immediate, starting only a few
hours after the sighting.
Keep in mind it was Dr. McClelland who also stated an inside source informed
him this UFO was an experimental nuclear craft called the WASP II.
They reported that the UFO appeared to be in trouble and was having
difficulties. As mentioned, it was emitting a loud pitched beep a regular
intervals. Might this beep have been an emergency warning system triggered as a
result of a failing nuclear reactor onboard this experimental aircraft? Or could
it be this craft was equipped with a nuclear rocket propulsion system and the
described rocket blasts coming out the bottom were producing a radioactive
Given the degree to which they suffered as a result of their exposure, is it
a reasonable assumption that the pilot and crew of this troubled UFO possibly
received a lethal dose of radiation. The diamond craft was a substantial size
and would have warranted a crew larger than just a single pilot. Sadly, if the
cockpit and crew were not protected, they likely died within weeks after the
In the LVR example, the aircraft was not equipped with any protective layer
between the occupants and nuclear reactors. Instead, it was designed for the
emergency ejection of a smaller craft that separated from the saucer and
returned its crew safely to Earth. Considering the Cash-Landrum UFO was under
intelligent control throughout their encounter, it would seem apparent that this
crew stayed with it until the very end.
Why would they put civilians at risk by hovering this nuclear disaster over a
public road for such an extended length of time? Knowing they were making their
last flight before certain death, did they hope to expose this experimental
aircraft before resigning to their death beds? In essence, making a death bed
confession. The area surrounding their encounter had a number of open fields the
craft could have used as opposed to a public road. These are questions that may
never be answered.
In regards to the Chinook and Huey helicopters escorting it, they were likely
dispatched to assist in the recovery of this craft should it crash or the crew
fail. Never have so many copters been witnessed around a UFO at one time. This
was probably due to the severe nature of the incident. Essentially, the military
was dealing with a potential nuclear disaster over a populated area on a scale
seldom seen in history. They would have been tasked with securing the crash site
as well as the immediate evacuation of the public surrounding it.
That said, it's doesn't take a large leap of faith to believe this UFO was
man-made. Clearly the evidence points more to that being the case as opposed to
extraterrestrials. While it's probable that humanity has been visited on
multiple occasions, this is not one such example. Instead, Betty Cash, Vickie
Landrum and grandson Colby were the victims of an experimental nuclear aircraft
that went awry. One in which officialdom still denies...
5 scientific theories about what aliens might look like - The
We've seen them portrayed in a vast variety of Hollywood films, from the
nasty, slimy suckers shown in Independence Day to the precious,
teddy-bear-esque creature that charmed us in E.T. But which is closer
to the truth? As our understanding of the universe grows and the outlook on our
existence is in turn humbled, scientists are beginning to theorize what these
extraterrestrials might look like. While opinions can certainly vary (we all
have them, no doubt), scientists are forming theirs on the basis of
environmental and biological clues rather than science fiction. Does that mean
we're closer to the answer? Of course not! Read on below to see the various
forms of life scientists are predicting.
1. JELLYFISH Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, who works for space
firm Astrium, believes
that aliens would be marine-type animals with "pulses of light for
communication with other aliens, mouth type openings to scope chemicals from
atmosphere for growth and reproduction, bodies that enlarge in sunlight,
metallic surfaces for absorbing light, lenses for detailed viewing of their
surroundings, orange undersides for camouflage, buoyancy sacks to maintain
altitude." She bases this on her theory of how life began in the ocean here on
earth and draws the conclusion that creatures could interact with a foreign
atmosphere the same way organisms in our oceans interact with water.
2. BUGS Cockroaches are among our planet's most
indestructible creatures thanks to their thick exoskeleton, able to survive a
very large range of intense conditions (including, some
say, nuclear war). This makes a bug-style life form (intelligent or not)
with strong armor a
good bet when it comes to the myriad of environments which our universe
Conway Morris, professor of evolutionary paleobiology at Cambridge
University, thinks that aliens would be "just like humans," not only in
appearance and biology but in weaknesses, such as "greed, violence and a
tendency to exploit others' resources."
"My view is that Darwinian evolution is really quite predictable," Morris
says, "and when you have a biosphere and evolution takes over, then common
themes emerge and the same is true for intelligence."
Whether aliens being "just like us" would be a good thing or a bad thing is
up for debate!
4. NON-CARBON LIFE Based on what we know about life as it
exists on Earth, it's understandable why many scientists, including Morris,
would subscribe to the idea that aliens will look like humans. But while most of
the life found on planet Earth is composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur, scientists found multicellular organisms that do
not need oxygen back in 2010 (only bacteria were thought to have this trait
prior). This obviously opened up a few questions about the way we view life and
how it can exist. Scientific hypotheses exist today that suggest non-carbon
based life could exist in the universe the
trendy pick is now silicon-based life forms and if this turns out to be
true, chances are that it would look nothing like that found on our planet.
example, in the Discovery Canada show Aliens: The Definitive Guide, Dr.
Lewis Dartnell, an astrobiologist at University College London, laid
out a few possibilities for aliens that might come from planets unlike our
own. Creatures from "water worlds" might develop along the lines of the
organisms we find in the bowels of our oceans, and a planet with a heavy gravity
could support bigger, larger, and more powerful "flying creatures" that take
advantage of the thick and dense atmosphere.
Have any ideas of your own about what E.T. might look like? Feel free to
leave them in the comments below.
Een mooie "vliegende schotel',... gewoon een drone?
Bekijk dit filmpje van een mooie "vliegende schotel", maar het is volgens mij gewoon een "drone". De techniek staat niet stil en van afstand besturen valt mee, zelfs voor militaire tussenkomsten.
Als het filmpje gedaan, kan je nog een aantal, andere interessante items aanklikken.
In honor of US Independence
Day, Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), released a document supporting her claims
that the US Navy initiated a plan in 1998 to adjust its operations for a future
where extraterrestrials exist and live among us. She claims the plan was
commissioned by the Undersecretary of the US Navy and was undertaken by the
Arlington Institute, an NGO located near the Pentagon with many military
clients, where Fitts served on the Board of Directors. She was asked to assist
with the plan and claims she was given an opportunity to meet a live alien, but
declined. When I contacted the Arlington Institute in 2008, two members of the
Board of Directors repudiated Fitts claims. The document released on her website
is the official minutes of a Board of Directors meeting held at the Arlington
Institute in 2000. The document confirms key elements in her version of events,
especially that Arlington Institute was actively discussing plans for how to
best prepare the general public for disclosing the existence of, and contact
with, extraterrestrial life.
Catherine Fitts claims that in 1998 the Undersecretary of the
U.S. Navy had commissioned a high level strategic plan to prepare the American
public for an official announcement that extraterrestrials exist and live among
us. She
In 1998, I was approached by John Peterson, head of the Arlington
Institute, a small high quality military think tank in Washington, DC. I had
gotten to know John through Global Business Network and had been impressed by
his intelligence, effectiveness and compassion. John asked me to help him with a
high level strategic plan Arlington was planning to undertake for the
Undersecretary of the Navy. At the time I was the target of an intense smear
campaign that would lead the normal person to assume that I would be in jail
shortly or worse. John explained that the Navy understood that it was all
politics - they did not care. I met with a group of high level people in the
military in the process including the Undersecretary. According to John, the
purpose of the plan discussed in front of several military or retired military
officers and former government officials was to help the Navy adjust their
operations for a world in which it was commonly known that aliens exist and live
among us. When John explained this purpose to me, I explained that I did not
know that aliens existed and lived among us. John asked me if I would like to
meet some aliens. For the only time in my life, I declined an opportunity to
learn about something important.
In March 2008 I was planning to
write an article about Ms Fitts claims, and began my investigation by first
contacting her to elaborate or clarify her earlier recollection. Fitts said she
had nothing to add to what had already been released to the public. I then
contacted John Petersen, President of the Arlington Institute. He flatly denied
Ms Fitts claims and offered to put me in communication with other members of the
Board of Directors to get independent confirmation. In subsequent email
communications with Joe Firmage, another Board member, he also denied Ms
Fitts version of events, and did not recall any meetings where she was also
present where the issue of extraterrestrial life was discussed. I was
unsuccessful in reaching Jerry
MacArthur Hultin, who served as Undersecretary of the Navy during the period
mentioned by Fitts.
To varying degrees, Petersen and Firmage both claimed there was
no substance to Fitts story. Petersen was especially insistent that Fitts had
contrived the entire scenario. Given that two members of the Arlington Institute
Board of Directors directly contradicted her version of events, and I was not
able to find any other witnesses to support her claims, I decided to postpone
writing an article on the incident until independent confirmation could be
Almost five years later, in my recently published book, Galactic
Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET, I included the incident described by
Catherine Fitts along with the denial by John Petersen and Joe Firmage. I wrote:
I have been able to confirm that Fitts served on the Board of
Directors of the Arlington Institute during the period in question, and that
extraterrestrial life was discussed at some of its closed door meetings as a
hypothetical wildcard event. However, Fitts specific claim of there being a
strategic plan sponsored by the U.S. Navy to prepare the public for disclosure
of extraterrestrial life, or of a possible meeting an extraterrestrial, was not
supported by other Board members.414
In the footnote 414,
I gave some details of my communications with Petersen and Firmage. On July 4,
2013 I received a short email by Ms Fitts with a subject header referencing
footnote 414 in my Galactic Diplomacy book where I elaborated on the repudiation
of her claims by Arlington Institute Board members. The content of her email
directed me to a new page on her Solari website which was just
uploaded. She wrote:
In the spirit of Independence Day, I am publishing the minutes of
the board meeting of the Arlington Institute on April 10th, 2000. I have
repeatedly stated that I would do so if my description of this meeting was
contradicted by any of the members.
With the publication of Galactic
Diplomacy, the contradiction of her version of events by other Arlington
Institute Board members was now part of the public record. Consequently, Fitts
felt free to release documentation supporting her version of events Minutes of
the March 26, 1999 Board of Directors meeting. The Minutes
of the meeting state:
Mr. Petersen then reported that the Institute had been approached to
determine if it was interested in publishing a study by Pickford and Lindemann
on the subject of life outside of the earth. After discussion, there was general
agreement that publication of the study would be a good idea and would be
consistent with the work otherwise being done by the Institute with respect to
wild cards.
While the study mentioned by Pickford and Lindemann is
not identified, here is an online account
of eight alien contact scenarios they developed for a workshop on
extraterrestrial contact as recalled by one of the participants:
Called the second Contact Planning meeting and held in Denver,
Colorado, this workshop was sponsored by the International Space Sciences
Organization and organized by Kyle Pickford and Michael Lindemann . We spent one
afternoon in five groups: business, religion, science, government, and
media/public. Each group role-played its behavior for each of eight scenarios.
Although I have read lots of literature on post-contact behavior, this was the
first time that I deeply grasped just how people in each of those categories may
actually behave right after contact . What can we do now to prepare? We spent
the last few hours of the meeting generating and clustering various strategic
planning possibilities. A large number of these ideas clearly fit into two
clusters that I find very encouraging: (a) tell the general public the truth
right away and (b) prepare to communicate and negotiate with ETI in a friendly
and cooperative manner, even if its behavior seems unfriendly.
minutes of the meeting confirm that the Arlington Institute was discussing
extraterrestrial contact scenarios in at least one Board of Directors meeting as
Fitts claimed. Importantly, the minutes confirm that the Arlington Institute was
doing work for clients that involved extraterrestrial contact as a wild card
issue. According to Ms Fitts, one of these clients was the US Navy.
In private email communications, Petersen confirmed that Fitts
did participate in a Navy Project conducted by the Arlington Institute, and that
the extraterrestrial contact issue did come up as a wild card future scenario
event. However, he pointed out that there was no strategic plan commissioned by
the US Navy to prepare the public for extraterrestrial contact as claimed by
remains substantial differences between Catherine Fitts and John Petersen over
the extent to which the US Navy interest in extraterrestrial contact issues was
part of a strategic study as Fitts claims, or simply part of ad hoc discussions
as Petersen contends. Nevertheless, the official Board minutes released by Fitts
does lend support to her main claim that the US Navy commissioned a project with
the Arlington Institute for its expertise on wild card future scenarios
involving extraterrestrial contact. It can therefore be concluded with some
confidence that official efforts began in 1998 by the US Navy to prepare for a
world where extraterrestrials exist and are living among the human population.
Important article from
Billy Cox. GEIPAN and CEFAA finally started with formal cooperation and this
could be the prototype of official international UFO
General Bermudez shared
with me similar plans back in 2000. when I interviewed him (SEPRA was
predecessor of GEIPAN at the time with Jean Jacques Velasco as head of SEPRA): -
excerpt in red from my interview:
year was held in Chile from march 27 to april 2, the International Air and Space
Fair (FIDAE 2000). It is one of the worlds largest aeronautical shows,
organized every two year by the Chilean Air Force (FACH) at Santiagos LosC
errillos Airport. A series of ufo events took place during four consecutives
days at FIDAE, including a press conference, a closed worshop, and two-day
symposium titled UFO: Analysis, Investigations and Perspectives for the New
Millenium, open to all attendees of the expo. . . . . The group finally makes
an energetic call to international cooperation at the level of governments and
institutions to contribute in the exchange of data and experiences, to strenght
significantly the possibility of finding answers to the unknowns currently
presented by the phenomenon. On the other hand, CEFAA is processing an
agreement protocol with SEPRA, of France and compromise of mutual cooperation
with NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) of
It seems it is now
finally implemented. Here is the link of the
Another milestone
occurred off the MSM whiteboards last week when two foreign governments formally
agreed to collaborate on UFO/UAP research. Representatives from GEIPAN and
CEFAA, the agencies charged with collecting UFO data for France and Chile,
respectively, met for the first time at a conference in Greensboro, N.C., last
month and discovered a wealth of common ground in their approach to the
Réaction of Bernard L. Thouanel; I was particularly aware of the early contacts as I met General Bermudez and his
from CEFAA end of the year 1999 in Chile, after having published the Cometa Report in July
Jean-Jacques Velasco whom I knew very well at this time came into a similar
when he visited Chile one year after my "first contact". It never
So, why it should better work today ?
French want to get the info from South America, but they will not give much
back in return.
For one simple reason: they don't want to study the phenomenon but apply
the technology for their own, and I know it better than anybody
because the Cometa Group key members told me many times this was their goal. And I recall that I was the only one journalist who
witnessed one of their meetings.
On the other hand, I really doubt the french will give access to all UFO
reports to Chile especially when they are concerning nuclear plants and military facilities or units.
These are National Security items in France and automatically classified.
Those who believe this so-called mutual gentle agreement of cooperation
will work and open the way to an international UFO Research Office are dreaming, or are using this announcement for the
purpose of their own advertising. Period.
I have the experience of more than 20 years as a military aerospace
journalist with full credential with the french Ministry of Defense. UFO question is a highly sensitive question in France with
highly military involvement. What do you expect in this matter ? A Miracle ?
Sorry, to be so straight and destroy this fairy tale.
Bernard L. Thouanel
Aerospace Journalist &
Photographer U.S. West Coast Correspondent
Second reaction of Bozidar Kemic: Of
course, the ex French military auditors are certainly not the ´angels´. There
are priorities and there are interests... Maybe the awareness of critical
planetary issues will bring those people together. In the first place there
are issues of nuclear security (not only the military one but primarily the
problem of nuclear plants and potential planetary nuclear polution in the case
of worst scenario like the impact of a metheor) and sustainability of living
on this planet. In great measure
the UFO-phenomenon is linked to such issues. We need sustainable technologies
for energy generation and there is a need for cooperation of all the relevant
Thanks both Bernard
and Bozidar for their opinions. Bernard's inside knowledge is particulary
interesting especialy details how the first attempts of cooperation were going
in the early days and that is was a one-way stream of data. Thanks Bernard. It
will be interesesting to see what will came out of this latest
Besides famous VSD
issue on COMETA I would also like to recommend Bernard's special special VSD
issue OVNIS, nouvelles évidences from July 2000 that I
On pages 10-19 there is
a big reportage on CEFAA with general Bermudez and Gustavo Rodriguez. I think
this was the first big expose on CEFAA that I ever saw in western
Hickson is the only Abductee that Johnny Carson ever booked on The Tonight Show.
Like many people in America, he was shocked by the story of the Pascagoula Alien
Abductions and the unbelievable aftermath. Dr J. Allen Hynek and investigated
this case which began in 1973 when Charlie Hickson and Calvin Parker were taken
aboard a UFO by robotic creatures. After the story was reported to a local law
enforcement official, the U.S. Military got involved and their response was as
bizarre and troubling as the actual event. Here is your opportunity to view this
case through the eyes of those involved as we examine most baffling Alien
Abduction ever investigated. This presentation includes an exclusive interview
with Charlie Hickson, Charlie's own presentation about the event and interviews
with his children, a documentary about the case, an extremely rare interview
with Calvin Parker, interviews with Stanton Friedman (UFO Researcher), Leonard
Stringfield (UFO Crash Retrieval Researcher), Dr James Harder (Alien Abductions
Researcher), Donald Schmitt (Author and CUFOS Spokesperson), Bill Clendenin
(U.S. Navy Ship Identification and Classification), Betty Hill (Abductee), Dr
Ted Peters (UFOs and Religion Researcher), and much more! 95 minutes of stunning
Informations du jour des Rencontres Ufologiques
Vous recevez ces informations, vous pouvez les reproduire
Recherche Ufologique
Le projet Licorne 2 est basé sur la création dun outil scientifique innovant, à la disposition de tous, qui permettra une avancée dans létude du phénomène.
Ce projet, cest tout simplement la réalisation dune base de donnée, la plus universelle possible, élaborée en
corrélation avec des groupes de recherche en France et des échanges dinformations avec des structures
détudes du phénomène situées aux Etats-Unis ou dans dautres pays. Elle devra contenir un grand nombre
dinformations, mettre à disposition un maximum de cas détaillés ou enquêtés.
Il existe un certain nombre de projets relatifsà des bases de données, mais soit ils nont pas abouti, soit ils
stagnent et ne répondent pas aux exigences actuelles.
Licorne 2 est la poursuite dun projet élaboréen 1989 par le groupe Magonia, sous le nom de « Licorne »
bien étudié, très approfondi ;mais qui na pu aboutir à lépoque faute de moyens financiers. Ce projet va donc
être à nouveau étudié et mis aux normes actuelles et devra répondre aux critères exigés par les groupes et
chercheurs associés. Nous sommes en face dun phénomène qui présente dextrêmes disparités face aux
diverses situations et il est indispensable de mettre en place un système souple, évolutif et facile demploi
capable de prendre en considération cette diversité sans laltérer. Outre un travail de recherche, qui associe
déjà plusieurs chercheurs etgroupes détudes, il y aura dans un second temps un travail important pour
rentrer les données.
Si vous souhaitez contribuer à lélaboration de cette base de données, si vous avez des compétences dans
ce domaine, nous vous invitons à contacter le Mufon France, gestionnaire du projet, qui concentre depuis
quelques mois toute la matière grise utile à la mise en place de « Licorne 2 ».Informations sur la page
23 NOVEMBRE 2013
« 1942-1954, la genèse dun secret dEtat »,
vient couronner en quelque sorte le travail considérable qui avait déjà été
accompli et qui avait abouti à la publication de deux ouvrages majeurs pour la
compréhension de cette période charnière dans lhistoire de lhumanité : «
Extraterrestres : secret dEtat », et «Documents interdits, la fin dun
ce dernier opus, le commandant Greslé est allé aussi loin quil est possible
daller en se basant exclusivement sur létude minutieuse de documents
officiels. Il a montré que la question des ovnis pouvait être un sujet d'étude
sérieux pour les historiens, comme la guerre de 100 ans ou la chute de Rome par
exemple. Rien n'empêchait de l'examiner sous cet angle et d'en tirer des
résultats significatifs. Lensemble des trois livres forme un tout dune
cohérence irréprochable, et cest ce qui importe le plus en définitive. La
cohérence de lensemble rend acceptable le fait quil puisse y avoir des
éléments dont lorigine est incertaine. La rigueur méthodologique nest jamais
prise en défaut et lanalyse des documents montre une grande connaissance de la
façon dont fonctionnent les services de renseignements et la hiérarchie
pari initial était risqué : introduire dans la démonstration des documents dont
lauthenticité nétait pas établie à 100%. Cest un exercice à haut risque qui
demande de maintenir constamment en alerte son sens critique et de toujours
envisager les choses sous plusieurs angles à la fois. Le pari a été tenu, et
lauteur a su rester en équilibre sur la « corde raide » jusquau bout si je
puis dire.
piège à éviter était de considérer ces documents soit comme totalement faux ou,
au contraire, comme totalement vrais. Sils sont totalement faux, ils ne sont
daucune utilité pour la démonstration, mais dun autre côté, un doute ne cesse
de planer sur lorigine réelle de ces documents. Alors comment faire ? La seule
solution est dévaluer le degré de fiabilité de chaque document pris séparément.
Au terme de ce fastidieux travail, la conclusion qui simpose est quune partie
seulement des documents est douteuse et que le reste peut être considérée comme
fiable. A partir de là, la démonstration se déroulait delle-même et les
conclusions se déduisaient sans difficulté.
conclusions qui simposent sont énormes et dérangeantes, mais Jean-Gabriel
Greslé fait preuve dune grande lucidité vis-à-vis de la question dune présence
extraterrestre dans notre environnement. Il va au fond des choses et il ne
craint pas dévoquer certains aspects du problème ovni qui pourraient perturber
nos institutions. Comme, par exemple, la présence parmi nous dêtre humanoïdes
extraterrestres qui pourraient sinfiltrer dans tous les rouages de notre
société sans que nous le sachions.
les questions que nous devons aborder sont celles qui se rapportent à
lévaluation de lécart technologique entre eux et nous. Si nous considérons le
fait que plusieurs ethnies sont déjà présentes dans le système solaire la
question de lécart technologique devient complexe. Pour certaines ethnies,
lécart nest peut-être pas aussi considérable que cela. Il pourrait être que de
quelques centaines où milliers dannées. Les disques volants récupérés
pourraient faire partie de cette catégorie. Pour des ethnies supérieures,
lécart pourrait se chiffrer en dizaines ou en centaines de milliers dannées.
Le comportement de certains « vaisseaux » laissent penser que des ethnies de ce
niveau se manifestent aussi dans notre environnement. Enfin, en ce qui concerne
les ethnies dont lécart pourrait atteindre des millions dannées, je ne pense
pas que nous ayons la moindre chance de les apercevoir et despérer le moindre
contact avec elles.
ce qui me concerne, dautres paramètres entre en jeux : lécart psycho-spirituel
entre eux et nous par exemple. Comme pour lécart technologique il dépend des
ethnies considérées.
Daniel Robin.
Rencontres d'OVNI LYON se déroulent pratiquement chaque mois, à 20 h 00 (merci
d'arriver 15 à 30 minutes avant). Pas de réservation vous venez directement sur
Cours Charlemagne 75002 LYON
Conférences se déroulent dans le salon " caravelle"situé à droite en entrant.
document pour vos archives relatant une observation étrange faite en 1743.
: G-G. CASANOVA DE SEINGALT Mémoires éditions de La Pléiade Gallimard
Paris, 1958 pages 177 178
scène se déroule dans la nuit du 31 août au 1er septembre 1743,
durant le voyage qui mène le jeune CASANOVA vers Rome où il doit rencontrer un
évêque influent.
De Terni jallai à pied à Cirocoli, où je marrêtai le temps nécessaire pour
examiner à mon aise lancien beau pont, et de là un voiturier me mena pour
quatre paoli à Castel-Nuovo, doù je me rendis à Rome. Jarrivai dans cette
ville célèbre le premier de septembre à neuf heures du
ne dois point taire ici une circonstance particulière qui plaira à plus dun
lecteur, quelque ridicule quelle soit au fond.
heure après Castel-Nuovo, lair étant calme et le ciel serein, japerçus à ma
droite et à dix pas de moi une flamme pyramidale de la hauteur dune coudée et
élevée de quatre à cinq pieds au-dessus du niveau du terrain. Cette apparition
me frappa, car elle semblait maccompagner. Voulant létudier, je cherchai à
men approcher, mais, plus jallais de son côté, et plus elle séloignait de
moi. Elle sarrêtait dès que je marrêtais et, lorsque la partie du chemin que
je traversais se trouvait bordée darbres, je cessais de la voir, mais je la
retrouvais dès que le bord du chemin redevenait libre. Jessayai aussi de
retourner sur mes pas, mais chaque fois elle disparaissait et ne se remontrait
que lorsque je me dirigeais de nouveau vers Rome. Ce singulier fanal ne me
quitta que lorsque la lumière du jour eut chassé les
champ merveilleux pour la superstition ignorante si, ayant eu des témoins de ce
fait, il métait arrivé de faire une brillante carrière à Rome ! Lhistoire est
remplie de bagatelles de cette importance et le monde est plein de gens qui en
font encore grand cas, malgré les prétendues lumières que les sciences procurent
à lesprit humain. Je dois avouer en toute vérité quen dépit de mes
connaissances en physique, la vue de ce petit météore na pas laissé de me
donner des idées singulières. Jeus la prudence de nen rien dire à personne
peut se demander ce qua vu CASANOVA cette nuit-là. Que pouvait bien être cette
« flamme pyramidale » de 50 cm de hauteur qui se déplaçait à un peu plus dun
mètre du sol ?
par M.T.
On peut
trouver ces mémoires sur EBay, mais à des prix élevés!
Le vendredi 21 juin 2013, au siège de
lassociation LE SCEAU (Sauvegarde
et Conservation des Études et Archives Ufologiques ») cétait le début dun week-end particulièrement studieux,
consacré comme cest lhabitude à un travail actif. Il sagissait de préparer
une nouvelle livraison de nombreux cartons de livres qui devaient partir le
lendemain pour Metz. Tout est fait en respectant les réglés les plus
draconiennes en matière darchivage. Il convenait donc de vérifier une ultime
fois que tous les ouvrages déposés étaient bien inventoriés dans la base de
données des livres francophones et livres en langues étrangères, dapposer
lesmarques du Sceau (tampon) qui en cas
de volpermettraient une identification
des origines des documents, terminer la mise en carton etc . Un travail actif,
assuré ce jour là par Gilles Durand qui avait au préalable apporté les cartons
nécessaires, par Didier Charnay de passage sur Paris, et Jacques Scornaux le
président du Sceau.
lendemain 22 juin 2013 dès 8 h 30 précise, Raoul Robé et Lionel Robé sont venus
prendre le précieux chargement, le 8éme dépôt du Sceau dans cette bibliothèque
(Bibliothèque du Pontiffroy à Metz.) Tout avait été préparé pour le chargement
par Jacques Scornaux et Thierry Rocher, qui le matin de bonheur, étaient déjà à
luvre. Mission accomplie, un SSM de Raoul Robé a averti le « gros « de la
troupe restée sur place pour assurer une journée dinventaire des archives
confiées. (entre autre, les archives de SOS Ovni). Notons la présence ce
jour-là, pour vérifier comment le SCEAU travaille, de Jean Pierre Rospars,
ingénieur agronome et directeur de recherches à lInra. Jean Piere Rospart
sintéresse depuis bien longtemps aux phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés,
mais curieux, il souhaitait se rendre compte de la façon dont le SCEAU
travaillait. Une preuve de lintérêt que les chercheurs les plus compétents
portent au travail du Sceau.
SCEAU, ce ne sont pas des amateurs, il existe ettravaille activement depuis 1990, léquipe
comporte des membres actifs de grande qualité, reconnus dans le monde ufologique
pour leur sérieux et leurs compétences. Cest la garantie dun travail bien
fait, de laccomplissement dune uvre bénéfique pour tous.
que les fonds récupérés par le SCEAU sont répartis dans les lieux de
dépôts en fonction de leur nature. Après classement et inventaire, (dont le
SCEAU détient tous les éléments, documents à votre disposition) les archives
et périodiques sont déposées auprès des Archives de France (Archives
Nationales ou Départementales) tandis que les livres, statutairement
refusés par les Archives (livres et revues figurant au dépôt légal)sont
déposés dans des bibliothèques publiques. Tous ces dépôts font l'objet d'un
contrat visant à assurer leur pérennité et définissant les conditions de
À ce
jour, cest plus de 40 fonds darchives issus de particuliers, associations ou
organismes divers qui sont sauvegardés dans des établissements spécialisés,
disséminés aux quatre coins de la France et en Suisse. Une formidable collection
comportant des dizaines de milliers de documents accessibles à tous et qui
nécessiteraient si on ouvrait un établissement spécialisé (mais qui
financerait ?) de nombreuses pièces ou de grands volumes. On sait ou et quoi est
archivé, on peut facilement en prendre connaissance, cest ouvert au public, de
plus, tout nest pas concentré en un seul endroit, mais réparti sur le
territoire national en fonction de lorigine des
Si vous
avez connaissance darchives touchant à lufologie ou à des questions connexes
qui sont menacées de disparition, nous vous remercions davance de prendre
contact avec le SCEAU dans les meilleurs délais, afin déviter que se
reproduisent les cas dramatiques observés par le passé et encore récemment. Si
vous disposez darchives sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés, y
compris si elles ne sont pas conséquentes, prenez dès aujourdhui vos
dispositions afin que votre documentation ne soit pas détruite en établissant un
contrat avec le SCEAU, que vous adapterez selon votre volonté. Cest la garantie
que votre précieuse documentation ne soit pas détruite et quelle soit archivée,
disponible pour tous en fonction de vos désirs pour la postérité ; Le SCEAU à
déjà enregistrés de très nombreux contrats de cession, il dispose de plusieurs
milliers de nom de personnes susceptibles de détenir des documents, ils ont été
contactés, nombreux sont ceux ou celles qui ont pris leurs disposition. Faites
de même, sans tarder .
participons à la sauvegarde de nos archives, le site fait régulièrement lobjet
de sauvegardes destinées à un futur archivage par le SCEAU.
On peut
contacter le SCEAU qui détient tous les registres utiles, les informations que
vous souhaitez obtenir sur le contenu des fonds, les bases de données de ce qui
est répertorié au sceau au niveau des livres etc en envoyant un mail à : ou
encore par courrieren écrivant à :
/ Archives OVNI
BP 19, 91805 Brunoy Cedex.
surtout, si vous habitezParis, la
région Parisienne ou que vous pouvez venir de temps à autre sur Paris,
participez activement au travail du SCEAU en donnant de votre temps, de vos
compétences pour inventorier les fonds qui arrivent en nombre au siège du SCEAU.
Des journées sont organisées pour faire ce travail, généralement le samedi, il
faut beaucoup de main duvre, il y a des tonnes darchives à mettre en ordre, à
référencer, avant quelles soient dirigées vers les bibliothèques ou les
archives nationales ou départementales qui ont déjà un contrat avec le SCEAU.
buts de lassociation :
le patrimoine ufologique privé.
cette documentation d'origine publique ou privée.
ce fonds documentaire, ouvert à tous, en le protégeant et en l'organisant de
façon structurée en liaison directe avec les Archives Nationales et
une démarche préventive facilitant une sauvegarde systématique de ce patrimoine
Antonio Aguirre, Andres Salvador, José Andrés Gómez y Carlos Coria (der. de
pie) Juan Sebastián Verón,Pablo Omastott, Margarita Rotela y Marcelo Juan
Gainza (der. sentados)
la tarde del miércoles 3 de julio se realizó en la librería Capitulo 1 [Mendoza
750 -Corrientes], la 13º Reunión del Café Ufológico de
misma comenzó a las 19 hs. con la presencia de Franco Antonio Aguirre, Fernando
Martín Benítez, Carlos Coria, Marcelo Juan Gainza, José Andrés Gómez, Pablo
Omastott, Margarita Rotela, Juan Sebastián Verón y quien esto suscribe.
una reunión no apta para quienes padecen de tetradecafobia, los temas abordados
fueron muy variados. Así se comentó como conseguir libros y otras publicaciones
sobre el fenómeno, recomendándose la consulta de sitios de internet como Mercado
Libre o el sitio de Ediciones Halbrane.
comentó sobre el llamado Experimento Filadelfia, nombre que recibió un supuesto
experimento secreto llevado a cabo por la marina estadounidense en los
astilleros navales de Filadelfia, en el estado de Pensilvania, durante o antes
del 28 de octubre de 1943 y en el que un destructor de escolta, el USS Eldridge
(DE-173), se habría vuelto totalmente invisible a la vista, al mismo tiempo, en
la base naval estadounidense en Norfolk, Virginia, a 600 km de distancia, un
tripulante en sus costas declaró haber visto al navío durante 15 minutos, que
nuevamente desaparece para volver a aparecer en Filadelfia.
posible presencia de tecnología humana detrás de muchos de los casos de
observación de OVNIS llevo a recordar los avistamientos masivos de objetos
triangulares en el cielo de Bélgica entre 1989 y 1990. Esta tipo de artefacto se
conoce también por el nombre de "Big Black Deltas" (BBDs) o "Flying Triangles".
La serie de TV The X-Files presenta en el episodio titulado "Deep Throat" una
nave de forma triangular que sería conforme a la opinión de Fox Mulder un
vehículo experimental de la fuerza aérea estadounidense que usa tecnología
posible origen humano se planteó también en relación a los Círculos en las
cosechas (en inglés Crop circle) también llamados agrogramas, fenómeno que
comienza a ser conocido partir de del año 1976, cuando aparecieron los primeros
de ellos en Winchester (Reino Unido) si bien existen registros
explico que ALF nombre de la popular serie de televisión estadounidense, emitida
por la NBC entre 1986 y 1990 es un acrónimo en inglés para Alien Life
Form con el que se designaba a un amigable extraterrestre llamado Gordon
Shumway proveniente del planeta Melmac.
se destacó la La importancia de los conceptos elaborados por Thomas Kuhn que
distingue en la ciencia dos momentos que denomina [I] ciencia normal, y
[2] ciencia extraordinaria en relación a los cuales propone los conceptos
deparadigma, crisis en el paradigma dominante y revolución
científica, y donde el concepto de ciencia normal está ligado al de:
Crisis en el paradigma dominante que se presenta cuando la profesión no
puede pasar por alto las anomalías que subvierten la tradición existente de
prácticas científicas, llamándose la atención sobre el interés de pensar en el
fenómeno OVNI en términos de una Anomalía.
este sentido se sostuvo que frente a sus propios fenómenos anómalos, la
parapsicología fue reconocida en 1969 como una verdadera ciencia por la Sociedad
de mayor autoridad en el mundo en materia de ciencia, la AAAS (American
Association for the Advancement of Science) por haber dado una respuesta
conforme al método científico y en esto, el estudio de los OVNIS puede encontrar
una pauta a seguir.
recordó a Hombre mirando al sudeste, película argentina escrita y dirigida por
Eliseo Subiela en 1986 y su controvertida
en la coproducción estadounidense alemana K-PAXdel 2001 dirigida por Iain
comentario hecho sobre la observación de Humanoides en Paso Lovera (Corrientes)
en enero 2002 dio lugar a que se recuerde la explicación propuesta por Scott
Corrales en su artículo Holograms and High Strangeness publicado en la revista
de marzo de 2003.
recomendó por la calidad de los documentos presentados, ver en la serie
que es emitida por The
History Channel,
el abordaje del Caso Polanco o Caso Bariloche ocurrido el 31 de julio de 1995.
final de la reunión se obsequió a Franco Antonio Aguirre con un ejemplar del
libro del Dr. Roberto Banchs, Guía Biográfica de la Ufología Argentina - Los
primeros veinticinco años(1947-1972), ed. Cefai, Buenos Aires, 2000,
128 pp. que fuera donado oportunamente por su autor para ser distribuido por el
tantoFranco Antonio Aguirre, como Juan Sebastián Verón adhirieron a la petición
dirigida a la Sra. Presidenta de la Nación que impulsa la Comisión
de Estudios Fenómeno OVNI República Argentina - CEFORA
a fin de que se proceda a la desclasificación de los expedientes OVNI de los
organismos oficiales.
14º Reunión del Café Ufológico de Corrientes quedó fijada para el próximo 7 de
agosto en el mismo lugar y hora. (Fotografías: Pablo
Les Rencontres Ufologiques, un site fédérateur, créé pour vous, qui se met à votre
disposition pour la diffusion de vos idées, de vos informations, de vos
réunions, de vos articles etc
de communiquer directement à la rédaction du site vos informations et tout ce
que vous souhaitez mettre en ligne, pour le profit de tous (Notre émail :
Informations du jour des Rencontres Ufologiques
Vous recevez ces informations, vous pouvez les reproduire
Recherche Ufologique
Le projet Licorne 2 est basé sur la création dun outil scientifique innovant, à la disposition de tous, qui permettra une avancée dans létude du phénomène.
Ce projet, cest tout simplement la réalisation dune base de donnée, la plus universelle possible, élaborée en
corrélation avec des groupes de recherche en France et des échanges dinformations avec des structures
détudes du phénomène situées aux Etats-Unis ou dans dautres pays. Elle devra contenir un grand nombre
dinformations, mettre à disposition un maximum de cas détaillés ou enquêtés.
Il existe un certain nombre de projets relatifsà des bases de données, mais soit ils nont pas abouti, soit ils
stagnent et ne répondent pas aux exigences actuelles.
Licorne 2 est la poursuite dun projet élaboréen 1989 par le groupe Magonia, sous le nom de « Licorne »
bien étudié, très approfondi ;mais qui na pu aboutir à lépoque faute de moyens financiers. Ce projet va donc
être à nouveau étudié et mis aux normes actuelles et devra répondre aux critères exigés par les groupes et
chercheurs associés. Nous sommes en face dun phénomène qui présente dextrêmes disparités face aux
diverses situations et il est indispensable de mettre en place un système souple, évolutif et facile demploi
capable de prendre en considération cette diversité sans laltérer. Outre un travail de recherche, qui associe
déjà plusieurs chercheurs etgroupes détudes, il y aura dans un second temps un travail important pour
rentrer les données.
Si vous souhaitez contribuer à lélaboration de cette base de données, si vous avez des compétences dans
ce domaine, nous vous invitons à contacter le Mufon France, gestionnaire du projet, qui concentre depuis
quelques mois toute la matière grise utile à la mise en place de « Licorne 2 ».Informations sur la page
23 NOVEMBRE 2013
« 1942-1954, la genèse dun secret dEtat »,
vient couronner en quelque sorte le travail considérable qui avait déjà été
accompli et qui avait abouti à la publication de deux ouvrages majeurs pour la
compréhension de cette période charnière dans lhistoire de lhumanité : «
Extraterrestres : secret dEtat », et «Documents interdits, la fin dun
ce dernier opus, le commandant Greslé est allé aussi loin quil est possible
daller en se basant exclusivement sur létude minutieuse de documents
officiels. Il a montré que la question des ovnis pouvait être un sujet d'étude
sérieux pour les historiens, comme la guerre de 100 ans ou la chute de Rome par
exemple. Rien n'empêchait de l'examiner sous cet angle et d'en tirer des
résultats significatifs. Lensemble des trois livres forme un tout dune
cohérence irréprochable, et cest ce qui importe le plus en définitive. La
cohérence de lensemble rend acceptable le fait quil puisse y avoir des
éléments dont lorigine est incertaine. La rigueur méthodologique nest jamais
prise en défaut et lanalyse des documents montre une grande connaissance de la
façon dont fonctionnent les services de renseignements et la hiérarchie
pari initial était risqué : introduire dans la démonstration des documents dont
lauthenticité nétait pas établie à 100%. Cest un exercice à haut risque qui
demande de maintenir constamment en alerte son sens critique et de toujours
envisager les choses sous plusieurs angles à la fois. Le pari a été tenu, et
lauteur a su rester en équilibre sur la « corde raide » jusquau bout si je
puis dire.
piège à éviter était de considérer ces documents soit comme totalement faux ou,
au contraire, comme totalement vrais. Sils sont totalement faux, ils ne sont
daucune utilité pour la démonstration, mais dun autre côté, un doute ne cesse
de planer sur lorigine réelle de ces documents. Alors comment faire ? La seule
solution est dévaluer le degré de fiabilité de chaque document pris séparément.
Au terme de ce fastidieux travail, la conclusion qui simpose est quune partie
seulement des documents est douteuse et que le reste peut être considérée comme
fiable. A partir de là, la démonstration se déroulait delle-même et les
conclusions se déduisaient sans difficulté.
conclusions qui simposent sont énormes et dérangeantes, mais Jean-Gabriel
Greslé fait preuve dune grande lucidité vis-à-vis de la question dune présence
extraterrestre dans notre environnement. Il va au fond des choses et il ne
craint pas dévoquer certains aspects du problème ovni qui pourraient perturber
nos institutions. Comme, par exemple, la présence parmi nous dêtre humanoïdes
extraterrestres qui pourraient sinfiltrer dans tous les rouages de notre
société sans que nous le sachions.
les questions que nous devons aborder sont celles qui se rapportent à
lévaluation de lécart technologique entre eux et nous. Si nous considérons le
fait que plusieurs ethnies sont déjà présentes dans le système solaire la
question de lécart technologique devient complexe. Pour certaines ethnies,
lécart nest peut-être pas aussi considérable que cela. Il pourrait être que de
quelques centaines où milliers dannées. Les disques volants récupérés
pourraient faire partie de cette catégorie. Pour des ethnies supérieures,
lécart pourrait se chiffrer en dizaines ou en centaines de milliers dannées.
Le comportement de certains « vaisseaux » laissent penser que des ethnies de ce
niveau se manifestent aussi dans notre environnement. Enfin, en ce qui concerne
les ethnies dont lécart pourrait atteindre des millions dannées, je ne pense
pas que nous ayons la moindre chance de les apercevoir et despérer le moindre
contact avec elles.
ce qui me concerne, dautres paramètres entre en jeux : lécart psycho-spirituel
entre eux et nous par exemple. Comme pour lécart technologique il dépend des
ethnies considérées.
Daniel Robin.
Rencontres d'OVNI LYON se déroulent pratiquement chaque mois, à 20 h 00 (merci
d'arriver 15 à 30 minutes avant). Pas de réservation vous venez directement sur
Cours Charlemagne 75002 LYON
Conférences se déroulent dans le salon " caravelle"situé à droite en entrant.
document pour vos archives relatant une observation étrange faite en 1743.
: G-G. CASANOVA DE SEINGALT Mémoires éditions de La Pléiade Gallimard
Paris, 1958 pages 177 178
scène se déroule dans la nuit du 31 août au 1er septembre 1743,
durant le voyage qui mène le jeune CASANOVA vers Rome où il doit rencontrer un
évêque influent.
De Terni jallai à pied à Cirocoli, où je marrêtai le temps nécessaire pour
examiner à mon aise lancien beau pont, et de là un voiturier me mena pour
quatre paoli à Castel-Nuovo, doù je me rendis à Rome. Jarrivai dans cette
ville célèbre le premier de septembre à neuf heures du
ne dois point taire ici une circonstance particulière qui plaira à plus dun
lecteur, quelque ridicule quelle soit au fond.
heure après Castel-Nuovo, lair étant calme et le ciel serein, japerçus à ma
droite et à dix pas de moi une flamme pyramidale de la hauteur dune coudée et
élevée de quatre à cinq pieds au-dessus du niveau du terrain. Cette apparition
me frappa, car elle semblait maccompagner. Voulant létudier, je cherchai à
men approcher, mais, plus jallais de son côté, et plus elle séloignait de
moi. Elle sarrêtait dès que je marrêtais et, lorsque la partie du chemin que
je traversais se trouvait bordée darbres, je cessais de la voir, mais je la
retrouvais dès que le bord du chemin redevenait libre. Jessayai aussi de
retourner sur mes pas, mais chaque fois elle disparaissait et ne se remontrait
que lorsque je me dirigeais de nouveau vers Rome. Ce singulier fanal ne me
quitta que lorsque la lumière du jour eut chassé les
champ merveilleux pour la superstition ignorante si, ayant eu des témoins de ce
fait, il métait arrivé de faire une brillante carrière à Rome ! Lhistoire est
remplie de bagatelles de cette importance et le monde est plein de gens qui en
font encore grand cas, malgré les prétendues lumières que les sciences procurent
à lesprit humain. Je dois avouer en toute vérité quen dépit de mes
connaissances en physique, la vue de ce petit météore na pas laissé de me
donner des idées singulières. Jeus la prudence de nen rien dire à personne
peut se demander ce qua vu CASANOVA cette nuit-là. Que pouvait bien être cette
« flamme pyramidale » de 50 cm de hauteur qui se déplaçait à un peu plus dun
mètre du sol ?
par M.T.
On peut
trouver ces mémoires sur EBay, mais à des prix élevés!
Le vendredi 21 juin 2013, au siège de
lassociation LE SCEAU (Sauvegarde
et Conservation des Études et Archives Ufologiques ») cétait le début dun week-end particulièrement studieux,
consacré comme cest lhabitude à un travail actif. Il sagissait de préparer
une nouvelle livraison de nombreux cartons de livres qui devaient partir le
lendemain pour Metz. Tout est fait en respectant les réglés les plus
draconiennes en matière darchivage. Il convenait donc de vérifier une ultime
fois que tous les ouvrages déposés étaient bien inventoriés dans la base de
données des livres francophones et livres en langues étrangères, dapposer
lesmarques du Sceau (tampon) qui en cas
de volpermettraient une identification
des origines des documents, terminer la mise en carton etc . Un travail actif,
assuré ce jour là par Gilles Durand qui avait au préalable apporté les cartons
nécessaires, par Didier Charnay de passage sur Paris, et Jacques Scornaux le
président du Sceau.
lendemain 22 juin 2013 dès 8 h 30 précise, Raoul Robé et Lionel Robé sont venus
prendre le précieux chargement, le 8éme dépôt du Sceau dans cette bibliothèque
(Bibliothèque du Pontiffroy à Metz.) Tout avait été préparé pour le chargement
par Jacques Scornaux et Thierry Rocher, qui le matin de bonheur, étaient déjà à
luvre. Mission accomplie, un SSM de Raoul Robé a averti le « gros « de la
troupe restée sur place pour assurer une journée dinventaire des archives
confiées. (entre autre, les archives de SOS Ovni). Notons la présence ce
jour-là, pour vérifier comment le SCEAU travaille, de Jean Pierre Rospars,
ingénieur agronome et directeur de recherches à lInra. Jean Piere Rospart
sintéresse depuis bien longtemps aux phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés,
mais curieux, il souhaitait se rendre compte de la façon dont le SCEAU
travaillait. Une preuve de lintérêt que les chercheurs les plus compétents
portent au travail du Sceau.
SCEAU, ce ne sont pas des amateurs, il existe ettravaille activement depuis 1990, léquipe
comporte des membres actifs de grande qualité, reconnus dans le monde ufologique
pour leur sérieux et leurs compétences. Cest la garantie dun travail bien
fait, de laccomplissement dune uvre bénéfique pour tous.
que les fonds récupérés par le SCEAU sont répartis dans les lieux de
dépôts en fonction de leur nature. Après classement et inventaire, (dont le
SCEAU détient tous les éléments, documents à votre disposition) les archives
et périodiques sont déposées auprès des Archives de France (Archives
Nationales ou Départementales) tandis que les livres, statutairement
refusés par les Archives (livres et revues figurant au dépôt légal)sont
déposés dans des bibliothèques publiques. Tous ces dépôts font l'objet d'un
contrat visant à assurer leur pérennité et définissant les conditions de
À ce
jour, cest plus de 40 fonds darchives issus de particuliers, associations ou
organismes divers qui sont sauvegardés dans des établissements spécialisés,
disséminés aux quatre coins de la France et en Suisse. Une formidable collection
comportant des dizaines de milliers de documents accessibles à tous et qui
nécessiteraient si on ouvrait un établissement spécialisé (mais qui
financerait ?) de nombreuses pièces ou de grands volumes. On sait ou et quoi est
archivé, on peut facilement en prendre connaissance, cest ouvert au public, de
plus, tout nest pas concentré en un seul endroit, mais réparti sur le
territoire national en fonction de lorigine des
Si vous
avez connaissance darchives touchant à lufologie ou à des questions connexes
qui sont menacées de disparition, nous vous remercions davance de prendre
contact avec le SCEAU dans les meilleurs délais, afin déviter que se
reproduisent les cas dramatiques observés par le passé et encore récemment. Si
vous disposez darchives sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés, y
compris si elles ne sont pas conséquentes, prenez dès aujourdhui vos
dispositions afin que votre documentation ne soit pas détruite en établissant un
contrat avec le SCEAU, que vous adapterez selon votre volonté. Cest la garantie
que votre précieuse documentation ne soit pas détruite et quelle soit archivée,
disponible pour tous en fonction de vos désirs pour la postérité ; Le SCEAU à
déjà enregistrés de très nombreux contrats de cession, il dispose de plusieurs
milliers de nom de personnes susceptibles de détenir des documents, ils ont été
contactés, nombreux sont ceux ou celles qui ont pris leurs disposition. Faites
de même, sans tarder .
participons à la sauvegarde de nos archives, le site fait régulièrement lobjet
de sauvegardes destinées à un futur archivage par le SCEAU.
On peut
contacter le SCEAU qui détient tous les registres utiles, les informations que
vous souhaitez obtenir sur le contenu des fonds, les bases de données de ce qui
est répertorié au sceau au niveau des livres etc en envoyant un mail à : ou
encore par courrieren écrivant à :
/ Archives OVNI
BP 19, 91805 Brunoy Cedex.
surtout, si vous habitezParis, la
région Parisienne ou que vous pouvez venir de temps à autre sur Paris,
participez activement au travail du SCEAU en donnant de votre temps, de vos
compétences pour inventorier les fonds qui arrivent en nombre au siège du SCEAU.
Des journées sont organisées pour faire ce travail, généralement le samedi, il
faut beaucoup de main duvre, il y a des tonnes darchives à mettre en ordre, à
référencer, avant quelles soient dirigées vers les bibliothèques ou les
archives nationales ou départementales qui ont déjà un contrat avec le SCEAU.
buts de lassociation :
le patrimoine ufologique privé.
cette documentation d'origine publique ou privée.
ce fonds documentaire, ouvert à tous, en le protégeant et en l'organisant de
façon structurée en liaison directe avec les Archives Nationales et
une démarche préventive facilitant une sauvegarde systématique de ce patrimoine
Antonio Aguirre, Andres Salvador, José Andrés Gómez y Carlos Coria (der. de
pie) Juan Sebastián Verón,Pablo Omastott, Margarita Rotela y Marcelo Juan
Gainza (der. sentados)
la tarde del miércoles 3 de julio se realizó en la librería Capitulo 1 [Mendoza
750 -Corrientes], la 13º Reunión del Café Ufológico de
misma comenzó a las 19 hs. con la presencia de Franco Antonio Aguirre, Fernando
Martín Benítez, Carlos Coria, Marcelo Juan Gainza, José Andrés Gómez, Pablo
Omastott, Margarita Rotela, Juan Sebastián Verón y quien esto suscribe.
una reunión no apta para quienes padecen de tetradecafobia, los temas abordados
fueron muy variados. Así se comentó como conseguir libros y otras publicaciones
sobre el fenómeno, recomendándose la consulta de sitios de internet como Mercado
Libre o el sitio de Ediciones Halbrane.
comentó sobre el llamado Experimento Filadelfia, nombre que recibió un supuesto
experimento secreto llevado a cabo por la marina estadounidense en los
astilleros navales de Filadelfia, en el estado de Pensilvania, durante o antes
del 28 de octubre de 1943 y en el que un destructor de escolta, el USS Eldridge
(DE-173), se habría vuelto totalmente invisible a la vista, al mismo tiempo, en
la base naval estadounidense en Norfolk, Virginia, a 600 km de distancia, un
tripulante en sus costas declaró haber visto al navío durante 15 minutos, que
nuevamente desaparece para volver a aparecer en Filadelfia.
posible presencia de tecnología humana detrás de muchos de los casos de
observación de OVNIS llevo a recordar los avistamientos masivos de objetos
triangulares en el cielo de Bélgica entre 1989 y 1990. Esta tipo de artefacto se
conoce también por el nombre de "Big Black Deltas" (BBDs) o "Flying Triangles".
La serie de TV The X-Files presenta en el episodio titulado "Deep Throat" una
nave de forma triangular que sería conforme a la opinión de Fox Mulder un
vehículo experimental de la fuerza aérea estadounidense que usa tecnología
posible origen humano se planteó también en relación a los Círculos en las
cosechas (en inglés Crop circle) también llamados agrogramas, fenómeno que
comienza a ser conocido partir de del año 1976, cuando aparecieron los primeros
de ellos en Winchester (Reino Unido) si bien existen registros
explico que ALF nombre de la popular serie de televisión estadounidense, emitida
por la NBC entre 1986 y 1990 es un acrónimo en inglés para Alien Life
Form con el que se designaba a un amigable extraterrestre llamado Gordon
Shumway proveniente del planeta Melmac.
se destacó la La importancia de los conceptos elaborados por Thomas Kuhn que
distingue en la ciencia dos momentos que denomina [I] ciencia normal, y
[2] ciencia extraordinaria en relación a los cuales propone los conceptos
deparadigma, crisis en el paradigma dominante y revolución
científica, y donde el concepto de ciencia normal está ligado al de:
Crisis en el paradigma dominante que se presenta cuando la profesión no
puede pasar por alto las anomalías que subvierten la tradición existente de
prácticas científicas, llamándose la atención sobre el interés de pensar en el
fenómeno OVNI en términos de una Anomalía.
este sentido se sostuvo que frente a sus propios fenómenos anómalos, la
parapsicología fue reconocida en 1969 como una verdadera ciencia por la Sociedad
de mayor autoridad en el mundo en materia de ciencia, la AAAS (American
Association for the Advancement of Science) por haber dado una respuesta
conforme al método científico y en esto, el estudio de los OVNIS puede encontrar
una pauta a seguir.
recordó a Hombre mirando al sudeste, película argentina escrita y dirigida por
Eliseo Subiela en 1986 y su controvertida
en la coproducción estadounidense alemana K-PAXdel 2001 dirigida por Iain
comentario hecho sobre la observación de Humanoides en Paso Lovera (Corrientes)
en enero 2002 dio lugar a que se recuerde la explicación propuesta por Scott
Corrales en su artículo Holograms and High Strangeness publicado en la revista
de marzo de 2003.
recomendó por la calidad de los documentos presentados, ver en la serie
que es emitida por The
History Channel,
el abordaje del Caso Polanco o Caso Bariloche ocurrido el 31 de julio de 1995.
final de la reunión se obsequió a Franco Antonio Aguirre con un ejemplar del
libro del Dr. Roberto Banchs, Guía Biográfica de la Ufología Argentina - Los
primeros veinticinco años(1947-1972), ed. Cefai, Buenos Aires, 2000,
128 pp. que fuera donado oportunamente por su autor para ser distribuido por el
tantoFranco Antonio Aguirre, como Juan Sebastián Verón adhirieron a la petición
dirigida a la Sra. Presidenta de la Nación que impulsa la Comisión
de Estudios Fenómeno OVNI República Argentina - CEFORA
a fin de que se proceda a la desclasificación de los expedientes OVNI de los
organismos oficiales.
14º Reunión del Café Ufológico de Corrientes quedó fijada para el próximo 7 de
agosto en el mismo lugar y hora. (Fotografías: Pablo
Les Rencontres Ufologiques, un site fédérateur, créé pour vous, qui se met à votre
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de communiquer directement à la rédaction du site vos informations et tout ce
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Information, especially for our friends in South America...
El jueves 1 de agosto a las
18:30 nos reuniremos nuevamente en el Café Ufológico
de Izq a Der:Juan J. Castelli, Horacio Sorbaro, Javier Bertolotto,
Alejandro Merel, Alberto Portalet, Javier Stagnaro, Mario Lupo, Alex Gómez,
Daniel Postizzi, Roberto Marino, Claudia Molina, Ana Serrano, Pablo Auero,
Ricardo Quinteros, Luis Alberto Baynham, Rubén Morales, Horacio Pistoni, Mario
Coen, Pablo Cardozo, Alejandro De la Barra, Roberto Banchs, Anabella Veja,
Verónica Suárez, Andrea Pérez Simondini y Sebastián Haraya. Estuvieron presentes, pero no aparecen en la
foto: Iván Orenstein y Rubén
RIO54, el primer Café
Ufológico argentino, demuestra en cada reunión que el tema ovni moviliza el
interés de hombres y mujeres de todas las edades y formación, dispuestos a
encontrarse una vez por mes en el Café de la Subasta para conversar
amigablemente sobre el tema de sus amores. En el encuentro del pasado 4 de julio
hubo dos nuevos participantes que fueron bienvenidos a la larga mesa, Roberto
Marino y Javier Bertolotto.
Roberto Marino, originario de Gaiman, Pcia.
de Chubut, contó diversas experiencias personales vividas en lugares
emblemáticos de la ufología, como la estancia La Aurora en Salto (Uruguay) donde
observó extrañas luces y también observó un cigarro sobre los cerros "Las
Gemelas" en Capilla del Monte (Pcia. de Córdoba, Argentina). También sorprendió
su relato sobre una emanación de energía luminosa que se veía salir del suelo en
San Marcos Sierras, pueblo muy cercano a Capilla del Monte. La anécdota derivó
en la posibilidad de que existan bases o ciudades subterráneas, ante lo cual
Sebastián Haraya comentó que eran de interés los libros publicados por Robert
Teske (en inglés) acerca la llamada "Base Dulce" en Estados Unidos, a la que ese
autor describe como una gran instalación subterránea excavada en distintos
niveles de profundidad, con experimentos más secretos a medida que se desciende,
lo que incluiría desde manipulaciones genéticas hasta coacción hacia
alienígenas. Sebastián reflexionó que ese modelo de estructura se parece a los
inframundos sucesivos de la mitología maya según su libro sagrado, el Popul Vuh.
Explicó que Teske abunda en datos que relacionan la milicia, la NSA y los
extraterrestres. También la Dra. Karla Turner en su diario sobre visitantes de
dormitorio se refiere a las denominadas "Blacks Ops" (Operaciones
Luis Baynham habló entonces de los ovnis
vistos en proximidad de volcanes, en particular el recientemente conocido caso
del Popocatepetl en México, sobre lo cual circularon en la mesa diversas
interpretaciones, y Horacio Pistoni amplió diciendo que la fumarola dejó de
emitir gases luego de ese episodio.
Alejandro De la Barra recordó el avistaje
del comandante de Aerolíneas Argentinas Jorge Polanco, poco antes de aterrizar
en Bariloche con el Boeing 727 que pilotaba. Morales aportó algunos detalles
sobre ese caso de 1995, por ejemplo que la Fuerza Aérea difundió la
investigación que hizo, investigación que llegaba hasta un punto y se truncaba
alegando que la Aeronáutica no tenía una comisión específica para estudiar los
El Ing. De La Barra expresó su deseo de que
una persona como el comandante Polanco pudiera venir un día a RIO54, para poder
hablar de casos como ese, con diversos testigos, observación desde dos aviones y
torre de control.
La charla se animó con diferentes puntos de
vista, aportados entre otros por Mario Lupo, Javier Stagnaro, Sebastián Haraya y
Mario Coen, acerca de cuales son los datos duros para decir que algo es un
"ovni", un "plato volador", ¿que características debe básicamente tener?
-preguntó Mario. De la Barra hizo hincapié en los parámetros físicos, por
ejemplo que un tal objeto debería tener un comportamiento absurdo como ser
aceleraciones o velocidades extremas. Morales añadió que para que el fenómeno
sea absurdo, no es indispensable pensar en violaciones a las leyes de la física,
porque absurda era la piedra voladora que vio Guillermo Girotti junto a su
hermano, según lo relató en nuestra reunión anterior. Era absurdo ver una roca
por el cielo, pero no necesariamente una violación de las leyes físicas.
Sebastián fue por más, al decir que toda observación sucede en un esquema de
creencias, como decía John Keel, y se interrogó si una aparición mariana podría
considerarse como un evento ovni.
En la misma línea, Coen afirmó que el
fenómeno importa porque el hombre existe, y que las interpretaciones dependen de
las personas. Mencionó por caso la oleada de 1897 en Estados Unidos cuando se
vieron objetos voladores parecidos a dirigibles o aeroplanos, antes de que
estuvieran inventados. Javier Stagnaro indicó que era una fecha muy cercana a la
invención de estos aparatos y que bien pudo haber prototipos que estuvieran
probándose en 1897 aunque no aparecieran en la prensa. Luis Baynham evocó uno de
estos casos de 1897, citado por el autor Anglada Font: Un grupo familiar que
participaba de una fiesta nocturna se sorprendió al oir gritos de auxilio que
provenían del cielo, sin poder establecer de donde. Los gritos se alejaron
hasta hacerse inaudibles.
Rubén Romano, inspirado en el pensamiento de
Jacques Vallée, siguió los argumentos de Coen al generalizar que se tiende a ver
al fenómeno como algo ajeno, externo al ser humano, y que esa "ajenidad" -como
tal- ha estado presente en las creencias humanas desde los albores de la
cultura. Son aspectos que se internan en el campo de lo subjetivo. Mencionó como
ejemplo que en casos de abducción se ha relatado el ascenso al ovni por una
escalerilla convencional, lo cual siembra una contradicción, eso no parece
compatible con una supertecnología.
Casi sin darnos cuenta, la charla nos había
internado en temas conceptuales y hasta filosóficos, en el sentido de
cuestionarnos, de hacernos preguntas, de profundizar, mucho más allá de las
noticias que se publican en internet y en la prensa. Eso causó cierta inquietud,
porque claro, cuestionarse, preguntarse, hace revisar lo que se piensa y eso
genera ansiedad, es la angustia previa a la obtención de un
Morales refirió que hay un estereotipo
mental del "plato volador" que no deja verlo como un fenómeno más amplio: "Yo
mismo, si viera un ovni y éste no tuviera forma de plato, me sentiría
defraudado" -bromeó. Y también planteó la posibilidad de ser visitados por
una civilización que de ninguna manera desee tomar contacto con los terrestres.
Aimé Michel, pionero de la investigación ovni en Francia, planteaba que si el
abismo cultural entre los visitantes y nosotros fuera tan amplio como el que
existe entre el entomólogo y la hormiga, no habría comunicación posible. La
hormiga siente que le pasan cosas pero no entiende, cuando la ponen en un
microscopio por ejemplo, y el científico que la observa no tiene en sus planes
comunicarse con ella.
Juan Castelli, nacido en Rawson, originario
de la Patagonia Argentina al igual que Roberto Marino, trajo a la mesa el caso
citado en otras reuniones de los submarinos fantasmas vistos en el Atlántico
Sur.Halló información en la excelente web de Historia y Arqueología Marítima de
la Fundación Histarmar sobre la Operación Golfo
Nuevo, cuando buques y aviones de la Armada atacaron a un sumergible sin
identificar el 21 de mayo de 1958.
Javier Stagnaro añadió que entre los
participantes del ataque había un joven oficial de Infantería de Marina que era
Daniel Perissé, el que luego en 1965 sería mundialmente conocido por las
observaciones de ovnis en la Antártida. Perissé le había contado a Javier
algunas rarezas sucedidas en esa Operación Golfo Nuevo del año '58. Una de ellas
es que luego de toda esa estresante jornada rastreando al sumergible por sonar y
lanzándole cargas de profundidad, llegó la noche y con ella se inició una
intensa vigilia desde los barcos. Entonces se vio, en la lejanía, media docena
de esferas luminosas que emergían del mar. Y al día siguiente los marinos
recorrieron la playa y allí encontraron dos novedades: huellas de patas de rana
(o similares) que provenían del mar y una gran marca en forma de cuña hundida en
la arena, como si un objeto pesado hubiera estado apoyado en ese lugar, sin que
se observen en las cercanías huellas de ruedas o de otro tipo, lo que
significaría que, cualquier cosa que haya sido, debió irse por el
Stagnaro remarcó que ningún país reclamó la
propiedad de ese submarino furtivo y que hasta podría pensarse en un U-boot
alemán que permaneció oculto luego de la segunda guerra.
Daniel Postizzi sumó otra anécdota naval,
que le fue contada por un radarista ya retirado. En un viaje de la Fragata
Libertad, el buque insignia de la Armada Argentina, se realizaba una práctica de
navegación nocturna a oscuras, con los sistemas eléctricos desconectados, lo que
es una práctica habitual para el entrenamiento de la tripulación en situaciones
extremas. Solamente el radar permanecía encendido por seguridad, y su pantalla
era la única fuente de luz en la sala. De pronto el radarista escuchó un fuerte
griterío en cubierta. Había aparecido sobre el buque una bola de luz roja que se
movía rápido y azarosamente, "como un buscapiés". La luz entró a la fragata
atravesando el casco, llegó a la sala de máquinas, de ahí a la de radar, salió
por la cubierta hacia proa y se perdió en el horizonte.
Por su parte, Andrea Pérez Simondini expresó
su alegría de haber localizado y entrevistado a Roberto Wilkinson, piloto de la
Armada que el 22 de mayo de 1962 observó desde su avión varios objetos no
identificados cerca de la Base Aeronaval Comandante Espora, Prov. de Buenos
Rubén Morales finalmente expresó su
satisfacción porque además de la Red Argentina de Cafés Ufológicos que está
plena de actividades en cada ciudad, se ha producido la segunda reunión del Café
Ovni de Valencia, España, coordinado por Luis Pisu, a quien deseamos el mayor de
los éxitos y esperamos que surjan más cafés ufológicos en el país y en el
Así transcurrió la reunión del Café
Ufológico de Julio, entre informaciones, investigaciones, anécdotas y
reflexiones. Los variados temas fueron tratados con profundidad e interés, lo
que demuestra la importancia, la necesidad, de abrir espacios de diálogo como
los cafés ufológicos para que afloren contenidos tan enriquecedores para el
conocimiento y gratificantes para el espíritu.
Como siempre se sortearon gratuitamente
entre los presentes revistas aportadas por Javier Stagnaro y Verónica Suárez,
libros donados (y, por estar presente, en esta ocasión también rubricados) por
Roberto Banchs, un DVD con buena bibliografía ufológica en formato digital que
aportó Sebastián Haraya y un curso en DVD donado por Mario Lupo. Gracias a todos
los que colaboran con aportes para el esperado momento del sorteo.
La próxima reunión del Café Ufológico
RIO54 será el jueves 1 de agosto, como siempre a las 18,30 en el Café de la
Subasta, Río de Janeiro 54, Buenos Aires.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the
benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence
report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that
you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now provides advanced
research and consultation on a wide range of subjects.
In special reports, this weeks files cover: Life on Super
Underground Water Earths, Tired of Abductions, Time is Created by Us , Three
Humongous Triangular UFOs, Space Center Letter, Anti Ballistic Missile Fails,
Crop Circles, and UFO/UAP Greensboro Symposius
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California,
Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Nebraska, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, China, France,
Germany,Israel, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, and England in the United
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research.
believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's
are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was Be Happy and Eddie Pedrick my
grandsons who drowned and my two beautiful daughters Elizabeth Lynn died March
8, 2013 and Dr. Victoria Anne Filer died April 27, 2013.
You Live on a Wonderful World
Life on Super Underground Water Earths
A new super-Earth has been discovered that could have a
life-supporting climate and water. The planet, called HD 40307g, was discovered
in a multi-world solar system 42 light years from the Sun and lies at exactly
the right distance from its star to allow liquid surface water. It orbits well
within the star's habitable or Goldilocks zone - the region where
temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold to sustain life.
Professor Hugh Jones, from the University of Hertfordshire said:
The longer orbit of the new planet means that its climate and
atmosphere may be just right to support life.
Just as Goldilocks liked her porridge to be
neither too hot nor too cold but just right, this planet or indeed any moons
that is has lie in an orbit comparable to Earth, increasing the probability of
it being habitable.
The super earth is one of six planets believed to circle the dwarf star HD
40307 in the constellation Pictor. The planet turns on its axis, giving it a
regular day and night cycle and making its environment even more Earth-like.
Underground water could greatly increase the chances of
planets harboring extraterrestrial life. Taking into account sub-surface
habitats broadens the range of places life-sustaining planets can occupy, a
study has found. It means there could be around seven times
more billions of life-bearing planets than is currently believed.
Potentially habitable rocky planets are said to lie in the "Goldilocks zone"
able to support surface liquid water. Several such worlds have already been
discovered. But including the possibility of life below the ground means the
Goldilocks zone can be wider, thereby increasing the number of planets on which
organisms could dwell.
Mars may be the closest planet where life exists below the
surface as shown by finger-like water streaks five yards wide on crater
On Earth, living microbes are found at depths of up to around five
kilometers. How far below the surface organisms can survive depends on warmth
both from a planet's star, and interior geothermal heating. "We have
developed a new model to show how Goldilocks zones can be calculated for
underground water and hence life," said lead researcher Sean
McMahon, from the University of Aberdeen's School of
Geosciences."Billions more habitable planets exist if you are
prepared to take into account sub-surface life." Mr. McMahon, a
Ph.D. University of Aberdeen student reports, If the planets are
large enough their interiors could be warmed by geothermal forces
From Barbara Wade Quoting: "Alexandra Petri, Published: May
3, 2013 in Washington Post stated in part, 'The activist Stephen
Bassett observed that the UFO subject is a third rail for media and public
officials. You can be gay and have five wives and you can do anything and get
out of the closet on it and itll be no problem but this watch out, your
careers on the line. The social opprobrium attached to this issue
was launched in 1953 little green men ha ha.' "
AND people like me (abductee/contactee) are so mixed up that
they can't even keep appointments accurately. My eye doctor had to call me
yesterday, because I was late for my appointment. I was ABDUCTED and the ETs
didn't get me back home in time. Fortunately, I live near the doctor's office,
so I was only 20 minutes late. It raises ***LL with anything I want to do
I hope the government has full disclosure soon. I have gotten so that I tell
my doctors about it, whether they want to hear it or not.
To show what my life is like at home: Once I shut off my PC at
1:00 AM, and walked straight across the living room to the bedroom. I didn't
stop for anything. When I got to the bedroom DAYLIGHT WAS COMING THROUGH THE
BLINDS, and the clock on the bed table said 6:00AM! The ETs just picked me up
and put me back without me knowing it.
Another time, my car was zigzagged across highway I-17 here in AZ, coming
from a UFO Conference in 2012. It was out of my control and even locked itself
in reverse and went backwards.
There must be thousands of us abductees, yet governments won't admit it. Now
that I am older, it is beginning to affect my health. I don't bounce back from
those "flights" as well as I used to
Barbara Wade (one of my cartoons above)
Time is Created by Us
Professor Dr. Wubbo J. Ockels is
a Dutch physicist, and also the Netherlands original astronaut. He is a
Professor of Aerospace Sustainable Engineering and Technology at the University
of Delft, and tries to stimulate a mentality change among Dutch citizens. In his
mind-bending TEDxAmsterdam talk, Ockels explains how, Time is
created by human beings, as a way our brains can make sense of gravity. The
speed of light is constant, because it is made by us: its the clock by which we
have calibrated our existence. Based on this premise, Ockels proposes a new way
to explore life in our galaxy.
With a different gravity the aliens have a different time and we
dont see each other.
Earth is unique since most of the universe is space.
Note: It appears the astronaut is aware of time travel by
extraterrestrials. Our measurement of the speed of light is based on our time.
It may be different in alien time.
Three Humongous
Meadowlands, NJ -- Rosalba Emmanuel-King writes, Dear
George thank you sooo much for your web site I love it and look forward to
reading it every time u send it.
Having seen three humongous triangular UFOs myself I look forward to your
emails for years now. It was in 1994, that I witnessed three tremendous UFOs
appearing thru a clear blue July sky. A part of the triangle showed then the
entire thing appeared three times. All three triangles showed up in formation
then suddenly turned on an angle and disappeared from site. I was at the
Meadowlands horse stables in the middle of the afternoon rollerblading. I
couldn't believe what I was seeing. They were larger that the stadiums there
grey with a light on each corner red yellow green. They had a grid underneath
them like Star Wars. I havent been the same since. I know theyre out there.
I also had an out of body experience in 1979. I must have died and came out
of my body as a ghost like transparent version of myself. I could still see and
hear only I was transparent. I know your daughters are still living only in a
different form. They must be sooo proud of you.
One time in 1993, I flat lined on an operating table. I woke up and the nurse
told me they thought they lost me. I told her I had seen Jesus in a dream. We
were in a cold climate like Himalayas with mountains. He put His arm beckoning
me to come to him. He was in front of what looked to me like a crowd of people
from that area. There was a river he wanted me to cross but that's when I woke
up and was revived. I'm not crazy I'm a college professor for 30 years. I just
wanted you to know that there is much more to this life than we know. Keep the
faith and you will see your family again guaranteed. God Bless you.
Much love Rosalba Emmanuel-King.
Dear George;
Thank you for the ufo information, it is very interesting to me
since I worked on space programs @ Astro space Center & NASA.
I have been very interested in space & ufo's, they are out
there, and I am always looking out there for them. Happy 4th
of July to you also.
Thanks to Norm
Anti Ballistic Missile Fails
Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (Reuters / Gene
A $214-million test launch of the only US defense against long-range
ballistic missile attacks failed to hit its target over the Pacific Ocean,
according to the Missile Defense Agency. There have been no successful
interceptor tests since 2008.
In Friday's test, a ground-based interceptor missile was launched from
Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and was expected to hit its target a
missile launched 4,000 miles away from the Kwajalein Atoll.
Its the third consecutive failure involving the interceptor system managed
by Boeing Co.
The military has tested the so-called ground-based midcourse defense system
sixteen times. It has succeeded eight times, with the last intercept in December
The recent failure comes several months after the Pentagon announced plans to
spend $1 billion to add 14 new interceptors along the West Coast in response to
threats from North Korea.
The US currently has 26 interceptors deployed at Fort Greely in Alaska and
four at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The Obama administration plans 44
interceptors by 2017.
An intercept was not achieved, the Defense
Department said, we will conduct anextensive review to
determine the cause of any anomalies which may have prevented a successful
Crop Circles
There are few mysteries more accessible than crop circles.
Each spring and summer these enigmatic patterns appear overnight in crop fields,
particularly around the Avebury landscape temple in Wiltshire, England. We have
access to the information network that provides breaking news on the latest
formations and where possible we enter these beautiful creations within hours of
their forming, when the energy of a genuine formation is at its strongest.
Cosmic works of art, ET communications in sacred geometric
format, or a warning voice from Gaia, whatever your opinion crop
circles are fascinating and truly remarkable.
This part of England is also home to some of the worlds most powerful
ancient sacred sites including Stonehenge, Avebury and Glastonbury. We will take
time to truly experience these places of power including private access
to Stonehenge. Being based close to the World Heritage Site of
Avebury Landscape Temple we have daily access to such sites as
Silbury Hill, West Kennet Long Barrow and the Sanctuary. In
historic Glastonbury we will visit the Abbey, Chalice
Well and Tor.
Were also offering a pre-tour extension to the prestigious Summer
Crop Circle Lectures where you will hear fascinating presentations and
meet the presenters as well as all the other ardent croppies. A great time is
had by all!. Thanks to
UFO/UAP Symposium Was Held in Greensboro, North
The 2013 UFO/UAP Symposium was held in Greensboro, North
Carolina on June 29th and 30th. Kent Senter, co-founder
of MUFON-North Carolina, and Journalist and UFO Researcher, Leslie Kean,
arranged the symposium. They provided attendees with a guest speaker list
comprised of various experts and government officials from the USA, France,
England, Belgium and Chile who provided an academic approach to the longstanding
problem of what the human race needs to do about the UFO problem and its current
and future impact on Earth. The symposium included discussions on the need to
set up a government agency designed to study UFOs and devise a method for
detecting them on a large scale and making their findings available to the
public. It was noted that other countries have set up official agencies to
study the problem. The tone of the meeting was serious. No vendors were in
attendance and media were asked to give due respect to the symposium and not
minimize the seriousness of the symposium in their reports to the public.
The guest speakers included General Wilfried de Brouwer, Dr. Richard Haines,
Leslie Kean, Jose Lay, Dr. Alexander Wendt, Colonel Charles Halt, Xavier Passot,
Dr. Ron Westrum, Timothy Good, Nancy Talbot and Dr. Jeffrey Bennet. Among this
group were scientists, professors, pilots, a journalist, writers, field
investigators and high-ranking military officials. The symposium was recorded
and DVDs are expected to be made available through the Center for UFO Research
Thanks to Alan Caviness
Sightings in the United States
California Orb
DANA POINT -- My girlfriend and I were sitting on my deck
chatting 500 feet from the Pacific Ocean on July 5, 2013 when we saw a very
bright gold light. It was an overcast night. We knew immediately it was not a
commercial aircraft. The light was extremely bright and after several seconds
over viewing it, a second light of the same color appeared to the right of it.
The two lights appeared to come closer to our location but it would stop and
hover. There was no sound. The two lights then turned into a row of several
angled lights (4-6). It appeared to us the object was banking and flying in a
higher altitude. It was soundless and the lights began blinking until it simply
went dark. We both took pictures with our cell phones. Thanks to MUFON CMS
San Leandro -- The bright light was coming over the
horizon from Half Moon Bay Mountains. The light hovered there for 30 minutes.
Then reduced in size and started floating to the left very slowly then
disappeared. I watch planes take off and land every day. The next day I saw
another one but it floated closer to where I was and I was able to show my son
and it was huge I sent the footage and I have a lot more doing some crazy
things. The objects seem to disappear into thin air after a while.
Illinois Orange Orb
FRANKFORT -- Sitting on front porch, facing east on July 2,
2013, I saw a very bright object. There were no other objects or clouds in
the sky.
The object moved SE to NE, passing behind trees.
Elapsed time from first sight until disappearance was two minutes. It
traveled horizontally and got progressively smaller and appeared to vanish in NE
sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana White
Blanford Richard Bondira writes, On the evening of July 3, 2013, at
10:30 PM, I took the following photos. What is good is that I was able to follow
the UFO, observe it, and take these photos all at the same time. There are also
buildings and telephone poles, etc. by which size and distance might be judged.
I first saw the UFO while I was in the parking lot at the local Wal-Mart on the
west side of Clinton, Indiana which is six miles east of Blanford, where I
The object moved from west to east. By the time it got to the east end of
town it changed color from white to orange. The sky had grown darker with the
last of the twilight's last gleaming. That might account for the color change.
The photos showing the UFO orange in color were taken when I was in the parking
lot for the Chateau Apartments on the east end of town. The thing kept going
east until out of sight. The last three photos are blurry from being enlarged.
Take care. Richard Bondira
Jasonville On July 6th, 2013 during the
annual local fireworks display I noticed a yellowish glowing object coming in
from the West of the fireworks display. I had thought it was fireworks but it
was descending then leveling off.
I didnt say anything about it at the time, but upon reviewing the video
clips I was surprises to have captured it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kansas Odd
Coffeville On July8, 2013, at 8:55 pm, I was taking out garbage when a large
grey object caught my eyes. I thought it was a balloon but there was a dead
calm, just a steady straight flight path. I ran back into my house and grabbed a
camera to take this photo.
Flight was straight north ran to back of house to get more pictures. Thanks
City -- Was watching Town Fireworks Display
at 9 PM and noticed this very bright object that was definitely not Fireworks
related. It had a flight path and came in from the west and circled the area, then flew back
and I observed it until it was out of sight. It was circular in shape, although
not a perfect circle. It glowed a very bright orange which pulsated to a very
bright red aura around it. I did not mention it to anyone else because I was
afraid that they would think I saw Fireworks and was mistaken. Thanks to MUFON
Maine Bullet
west paris -- I walked outside and looked
up in the sky and noticed this bullet shape object flying in the clouds. I went
in to get my camera, took a picture and it disappeared. I came back inside and
then went back outside and in the same spot I saw the other one. This one was
way bigger and I knew I could get some pictures of it.
So I ran inside got my camera and this is what I saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ellicot City -- Earlier in May, my mother
heard about the Balloon Glow and suggested that we go check it out. On the 17th,
we drove out to Howard Co and I took my photographs at 9-10 PM. I was working on
my last set: a hot-air balloon was floating up into the night sky, when I saw a
rotating, flashing light. It reminded me of one of those light up toys you can
buy at the circus where lights flash off and on, spinning quickly in a circle.-I
had no idea what it was, but I fired a few photographs off. The balloon sailed
down and landed, but the lit object in the sky was gone.
In the next few days, I set up Adobe Photoshop and began fixing up a few
photographs. I brightened the one in question, a shape became visible. The
object has a definite shape, the classical UFO look. I brought my Mom over to
check the files and she seemed as stunned as I am. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nebraska Moving
OMAHA -- Watching fireworks on July 4,
2013, I noticed strange objects appearing over another apartment complex. They
were appearing and then wouldnt for a couple of minutes. I was able to record a
video of the objects moving fast left to right and shoot a couple of pictures,
but it was just weird. At one point a small does appear near them. Thanks to
New Jersey Black
Rumson -- On July 3, 2013, I had my
second sighting in four days just a few miles near the Atlantic Highlands.
While driving in a car talking to my friend about the first sighting, they
appeared again. This time a dark object was photographed.
Should have stopped car but we were in shock.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Reddish Orange Fog
Elizabeth city
-- My wife and I were outside on the deck watching the thunderstorm
approach on June 29, 2013. Out of nowhere a reddish orange fog or cloud
appeared. It started out dull in brightness but soon got brighter and brighter
and was in my opinion roughly 10 to 15 miles away. As it was becoming brighter
it was making its way towards our direction from the southwest. It was roughly
1/4 of a mile from us.
This event lasted roughly 10 minutes and it gave my wife and I a strong
feeling of eeriness as it was making progress towards us and becoming bigger and
bigger. The weird thing is we never saw a distinct detailed craft, we only saw a
glowing fog or cloud that seemed to have intelligent control. This dense fog or
cloud just dissipated after getting that close to us and it took roughly 2-3
seconds for it to disappear. If anything has any idea what this was please add
on your opinion. Also there was no noise only a creepy feeling. Thanks to MUFON
Raleigh Moving orange
lights were observed around 10:00 pm EST on July 4th.
Thanks to Frank Chilli
Ohio Cylinder
Strongsville -- Julie Semon writes,
Here are some pictures taken this week by my step-daughter just
before a 4th of July celebration.
Best regards, Julie Semon
Pennsylvania Orange
Lights and Disk
Pittsburgh I was
downtown on "South Shore" for fireworks of July 4th and were leaving
Station Square on the waterfront when the lights came into view. The lights were
over the hills to the east/southeast while the fireworks had been set off in the
West. I observed a "string" of yellow/orange/red lights with a cluster of lights
at one end. I took many pictures with the camera in my phone and told my family
to look up. They also saw the moving lights descend behind the hills except a
few as I walked and stopped.
The cluster disappeared and only a couple remained and seemed smaller. The
last observation I made was of a triangle shape of three lights moving north.
The triangle passed overhead with three lights moving slow as if attached to a
structure. I could not see any body of a craft, just dark between the lights. No
stars were visible lights were enlarged. Thanks to MUFON CMS
WEST LAWN -- I was outside in my backyard and was engaged
cooking on my grill. Sitting down on my swing facing South I noticed a small
silver dot flying at high altitude from the South at not a greater speed than an
aircraft but on a course not noticed on normal flight path of general jet
aircraft routinely flying at that altitude. As the unknown was heading toward my
position it slowed and hovered. I let my wife know and got a camera. I was able
to get photos of the object, some are impressive by any standard, and I cropped
the image and got a shape of what was witnessed but not close enough for true
detail. Approximately 3 minutes after 33 photos were taken the object went west
slowly at first then gained speed faster than any conventional aircraft I have
ever witnessed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Lights
BEACH -- While working as a private security
contractor at an apartment complex along Burcale Road on July 3, 2013, I was
talking to a colleague when I observed four brilliantly lit objects moving
northwest. I asked my colleague if he was seeing the same objects and he stated
yes he saw them also.
The objects appeared orb like and had a brilliant
white light that appeared to turn amber along the very outer edge of the light
then would go back to white light.
There was no sound associated with the objects and they moved much slower
than an aircraft. Their track took them through, what I know to be the flight
path for incoming aircraft into Myrtle Beach International airport. My first
thought was they were aircraft, flying dangerously close to each other, with
very bright landing lights. But their path was towards Conway, SC and away from
the airport.
My colleague and I moved closer and tried to take a picture. I could see that
there were now only three objects. I snapped the picture. It fell straight down
and was trailing what he called "sparks." My colleague and I are both veterans
and both stated that the objects resembled a star cluster flare, used by U. S.
military aircraft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Green Orbs
At 9:13 PM, I noticed a flashing white and blue orb for
about 32 seconds on July 4, 2013, then kept seeing two green orbs flying
somewhat side by side for about four minutes. I was watching the orchestra
perform and spotted them overhead.
Since I have had two other UFO sightings, I immediately knew there were UFOs.
The green orbs were moving very randomly everywhere until they disappeared. The
blue and white flashing orb was flashing very rapidly and was not flashing in
any sequence. Since I have seen UFOs before I was not frightened or disturbed in
any way. I lost the green orbs as they departed west into the treetops. I lost
the orb when it disappeared into the trees Thanks to MUFON CMS
Vermont Cylinders
BENNINGTON I was at Somerset National
Forest sitting in a chair watching the sun come up on June 31, 2013, when over a
river I noticed the objects. They were hovering over the river just a stones
throw away. They would move up and down, sideways, and sat there for about a
half hour until I realized I should take some pictures. I reached in the camper
and grabbed my camera and sat back down in my chair and started to take
pictures. I took 20 pictures and then got up and walked to the edge of the river
and took more pictures. I have zoomed on my camera and many pictures are of when
I zoomed.
At one point one of them raised up a little and came in my direction. I got
the feeling it was looking me over but I heard no noise and saw no emissions. I
was not scared at all just curious. I am 68 years old and took about 38
pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO
Three Triangles
Port Macquarie --After leaving Coles
convenience store at 18:30 on June 4, 2013, with two of my roommates in their
car, my female roommate saw two red lights and one brighter white light in a
triangular formation hovering in the dark near the airport and Hastings River
Drive. I then looked as it moved up and over until it was upside down. We then entered the roundabout and lost
sight of the lights.
Heading up Widerson Street I spotted the triangle
lights lower and closer to us, almost as if following behind us. Panic kicked in
so my female roommate and I stopped looking.
We arrived home and ten
minutes later my female roommate peered out the curtain of a window facing west
and again the triangle lights hovering low were 75 meters away. The three of us
saw it. I got out my phone to capture the UFO on camera it had
All three of us have spiritual beliefs close to spiritualist.
The night before we witnessed the UFO I had an extremely lucid dream with white
light pouring from the windows and a tall and 'lanky' grey being entered my
room. I felt no fear just excitement and curiosity as it approached. It seemed
to communicate without sound. I conversed with it for what seemed like hours
before it left.
The dream then speed forwards to the next night. My mother was now also in
the house with me as the light poured in the windows. My mother was scared for
my safety as I walked outside into the light and conversed with the same entity
outside and introduced my mother to my friend.
SHAW -- I took shots of the rainbow, and
then noticed there were odd orbs hovering around on August 2008. The first shot
has two orbs above the rainbow; the second has one down by the lower left as
always, silent.
I didn't notice them till I looked at the wasn't raining or
anything, so they're not water, and I doubt their planets.
Thanks to Dana Fitzgerald
COBOURG -- This is quite interesting confirming a couple
points There is certainly a wide spread presence here in southern Ontario near
Lake Ontario. These have been only night time sightings of slow bright white
lights. Most have been captured with the aid of photographic evidence. While at
some friends visiting in Cobourg, I met another Experiencer and we noticed a
strange slow light heading east. I pulled out my camera as it stopped then
instantly moved on. This light was captured on June 30, 2013, at 12:48 am. We
observed a LARGE breath taking white -amber meteor coming down on an angle from
northwest and a clicking sound near the house.
It just keeps coming showing no signs in slowing down. Enjoy Paul Shishis
China Orbs and
Am I the only person who looks into the sky in China? I know what a planes
Chinese lantern looks like......I should do, I live in China. In the last
six months I have seen 3 red orbs 1 cigar shaped UFO and a silvery grey orb that
was quite low. Tonight, Tuesday at 9pm I saw a light going over Shanghai
although this one seemed to be very high and I know it was not a shooting star
as it moved quite slowly. I think the only thing I can do is spend a bit of time
with my video camera in the evenings and record some of these things.
Best regards, Paul Clemit
France Egg
Puget-Theniers -- Ufo behind my camera on solar halo on June
2, 2013, at 12:55 PM Today, I have a lunch with my family. Suddenly, I saw a
huge halo around the sun, inside the halo, the sky was gray, but around the
halo, the sky was perfect blue. And the halo was perfectly in circle around the
In front of this spectacle, I took my camera and I took two photos.
One at 12:54 pm, and the second at 12:55 pm. At first, I did not see it, but
when I looked at the photography, I can SEE what seems like an UFO. Thanks to
Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Germany Light
Berlin On June 14. 2013, at 11 pm, I saw
an object that looked like a satellite in the sky moving south / southeast. I
made a few steps from of my car to follow its way across the horizon, then the
light made two little moves on its way to the east and I had to change my
viewpoint to follow its way to the horizon. Then it made a little curve
correction to the west and then again to the east and I had to make a step more
to follow it until it reached the horizon above some roofs.
This light
was looking bright like a satellite in a really dark sky. The sky above Berlin
was gray at this time. I realized that it changed in a second. This wasn't a
satellite or a plane and was silent. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director
National UFO Reporting Center
Israel Light
Hebron -- My friend and I were going to
from Kiryat Araba to deliver pizza like usual on June 3, 2013. I was in the
passenger seat when we saw the orange and red light in the sky above us to the
left. There were twenty orange red lights in the sky. We saw it for about 15
minutes then it was gone! Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO
Reporting Center
New Zealand Worms
L Pinfold South Pacific Research writes, For those who are following
the Worm phenomena on this excellent site: view the clip on YouTube .titled
Cloaked UFO, Italy, from street view you are looking at part of what this
gigantic entity repeats each time it manifests itself to the human eye In this
screen capture, you are only seeing one quarter of what is happening namely the
gigantic extremely fat warty marshmallow contrail-like arched column They are
in fact the culmination of snail eye stalk-like object that erupts from the
main body They start off thin, and then over about 30 seconds, swell to
enormous thickness. Then hang statically for a further amount of time, before
the total object suddenly relocates in my observation, 20 ms in two seconds .
These are NOT contrails, but remnants of the original vision. Look closely at
where the ends terminate and you will detect a foggy/misty boundary, this is
where the main Body is hidden Cant define it here, but I stood right under
its leading edge, looking up its side Richard L Pinfold, New
Romania Orange Orbs
Vaslui-- I want to share with you an
experience I had on 29th to 30th June 2013, at 2 am. I saw on the wall a glow
and got out of my bed and went to the window to see where the light was coming
from. There were two ambulances across the street. I looked up to the sky and I
saw a lot of bright lights, too bright to be stars. I clearly saw 15 bright
globes standing next to each other with no precise disposal.
I took the camera quickly and started to shoot. My hands were shaking. They
started to move slowly in groups of 3 to 4 silently while the others remained in
place. Some moved parallel to my building; others went above it and disappeared.
I saw clearly one that was clearly an ovoid ship's shape in a light color.
They were so beautiful, so bright! Unfortunately, my shooting wasnt very
precise for about 15 minutes. When I downloaded the movie to my computer I
noticed they were red and flashing, but in reality their light was very bright
and stable. Heres the video link:
That morning I was astonished to find out that my boyfriend had heard
a whizzing sound, in his head that was a way for extraterrestrial beings to
Thanks Campanu Anca and FrankChilli
UK England Triangle
Hull On July 2, 2013, at 1.32 AM, July
2 2013 I was in my garden waiting for my dog to go about its business before
bedtime. So while I waited I looked up towards the stars and noticed what I
believed was a satellite moving North when all of a sudden I saw a large black
triangle with three fuzzy red lights on each corner pass over my house
silently. Even my dog didnt raise his head. The triangle was transparent
and the stars could be seen through it. If I was to guess the objects size I
would probably be wrong, but it was close enough and large enough to see its
shape and lights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louange, Ph.D MUFONs Keynote Speaker was born in Versailles in 1945.
After scientific studies in Grenoble, he qualified as a Doctor-Engineer
(Ph.D.) in signal processing, in 1968. He joined the European Space Agency,
where he worked on satellite data processing. In 1977, the French Space Agency
created a department in charge of collecting and analyzing data about
Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena. After a few promising years, its resources
decreased. In 2001, under pressure to stop this borderline activity. Dr.
Louange was brought in to audit
the research and that resulted in the creation of a new department in 2005.
The GEIPAN is now working under control of a Steering Committee and with support
from several external groups. Most data are collected through official channels
and, after analysis; cases are sorted into categories and published on the
Internet. As a consultant to GEIPAN, Dr. Louange built up an analysis
methodology through the development of a dedicated software (,
derived from an established image intelligence operational tool.
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
14-07-2013 om 01:08
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
John, You Have Preliminarily Concluded That They Are Not Built by Or Under Control Of Any Human Beings. - I Would Agree With That, Daniel.
Nuclear Physicist, Lecturer Stanton Friedman vs
Retired Colonel Dr John Alexander Phd
This week with begin with an article
and video by Jose Escamilla the discoverer of Rods. Next,
Diane Tessman wonders if Earth had two moons in ancient times
and if aliens are part of God's domain? Then, Scott Corrales
reports on witnesses to a 1997 sighting in Argentina. Chris
Holly writes about Flying Buildings as UFOs and reports that Orbs have
returned to Long Island. Steve Erdmann publishes part II of the
Octopus from Hell. Next, Sean Casteel interviews Dr. Barry
Taff, a veteran of the Psychic Wars. Doc Vega contributes Parts
IV and V of his UFOs, Vikings and Bigfoot series. Roger Marsh
reports on a UFO with possible appendages. John Foster comments
on his upcoming talk at the Psychic Studies Institute. Tony
Elliott sets the record straight on ET Abductio ns and so on.
Vinodprasad Petwal writes about UFO-aliens and ancient gods.
Brad Steiger is back with a review of his Real Aliens, Space
Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. Shy Brown continues
with her series From the Journal of Cheetah
and Jane. I discovered
3 great articles I believe you will like. Enjoy Dirk
Jose Escamilla's Rods vs
Monster Questby Jose Escamilla. Exposing the injustice imposed
on the RODS phenomena by Monsterquest and The History Channel. More...
Earth: Did We Have Binary
Moons?by Diane Tessman. Did Earth have two moons in ancient
times? Mars has two mysterious moons, Phobos and Diemos, both of which seem to
be mostly hollow; there has been much speculation that one or both of these
Martian moons is artificially made by an alien race. There have been similar
theories stating that our moon is hollow and rings (reverberates) when
impacted. Now there is new information about our moon: It might have had a
companion moon millions of years ago. More... Also
read: Are Aliens Part of
Gods Domain?
Witness Discusses 1997
Sighting in Argentinaby Scott Corrales. When I read Mrs.
Angela de Ponces letter to El Tribuno on 27 June, I decided to tell my own
story, said Roberto Moreira, a retired carbonated beverages worker who lives in
the town of Mariano Moreno. Its true. When people hear the story, they laugh
or dont think its true. But I would be willing to place my hand on the Bible
for what Im going to tell you. I am not going to lie to God. More...
Are Flying Buildings the New
UFOs?by Chris Holly. A few years ago I wrote about the reports
I was being sent from people all over the world telling me that they had the
strangest of strange sightings. The people were reporting large floating or
flying buildings. The reports I was receiving were similar in the fact that the
craft or structure they were seeing were rectangle in shape, slow in movement
and silent as they made their way across the sky. More... Also
read: The
UFOs Have Returned Long Island NY
The Octopus from Hell Part
IIby Steve Erdmann . Chemical magnate Al Holbert was a former
Israeli intelligence officer who gave special education classes to law
enforcement agencies in the U.S. His address was Fort Mead, home of the
Intelligence Security Comand and Delta Force. Holbert exported cryptic
substances out of his mail-order chemical outfit. Danny Casolaro carted about
a transcript of Octopus connections and Riconosciuto interviews at the DOJ: a
month before his death. More...
Dr. Barry Taff: A Veteran Of
The Psychic Warsby Sean Casteel. Dr. Barry Taff has been on
the forefront of the academic study of psychic phenomena for decades and has
long documented the connection between psi events and UFOs. His own psychic
experiences began in childhood, and he has no doubt of the reality of some form
of coupling between human consciousness and a field of energy that we do not as
yet understand. More...
UFOs, Vikings and BigFoots
Part Vby Doc Vega. The Ibn Fadian manuscript has been the
subject of much study, the tracing of its authenticity through history, and
careful scrutiny by scholars of universities in many countries make it a
precious record. It survives the ages as one of the most compelling first hand
accounts of ancient civilizations and even very good evidence that the
Neanderthal supposedly cousins of man still survived in a tribe in 928 A.D.
Despite the widespread dominance of modern man this manuscript holds evidence
that one particular holdout of Neanderthals not only existed in a war-like
society, but actually raided human beings much like the Vikings raided our
ancestors on the coasts of Great Britain. More... Also
read: UFOs,
Vikings and Bigfoots? Part IV
Weird Object with Possible
Appendages Photographed in Flushing, Queens, New Yorkby Roger
Marsh. A New York family walking through Flushing, Queens, reported
watching and photographing a "strange organic-type UFO with appendages" about
5:40 p.m. on June 5, 2013, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network
(MUFON) witness reporting database. More...
Comments posted concerning
John Foster's upcoming talk to the Psychic Studies Instituteby John
Foster. Just thought you might be interested in the opinion of a former UFO
investigator, author, editor for the Human Potential Foundation which was
founded by Senator Scott Jones and financed by Lawrence Rockefeller to keep
President Clinton informed of new and developing new science and UFO activity in
the United States. His opinion of my story, so-called UFO encounters and my
upcoming talk to the Psychic Studies Institute in Kansas City are on the link
below. He is a very knowledgeable man, an accomplished investigator/researcher
and has a little different take on UFO encounters. More...
Setting The Record Straight,
The Misconceptions Of ET Abductions And Religious Superstitionsby
Tony Elliott . I have been a UFO, paranormal, strange phenomena researcher
and investigator for decades, having had many experiences in this genre from
sightings of many strange objects; a Sasquatch sighting, aura visions, and a
vast array of paranormal encounters of my own. As far as the extraterrestrial
experience in general and abductions as they are called in particular goes, I
find that many in this business are misguided. They make fantastic claims for
personal monitory gains, come to the table with preordained ideas which are
clouded by their personal belief systems, and above all a lack of understanding
of the visitor phenomena. More...
UFO-Aliens and Ancient
Godsby Vinodprasad Petwal. I am a citizen of INDIA and I had
contacted with the aliens [ancient gods] in USA in Missouri near Kansas city in
2008 by spiritual power [consciousness of mind that is opening of 3rd eye]. More...
Real Aliens, Space Beings, and
Creatures from Other Worlds: Reviewby Brad Steiger. The July
2013 issue of Fortean Times' Book Review section contains a very nice review of
Brad and Sherry Steigers' Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other
Worlds entitled, "A taxonomy of aliens: A good starting point for folklorists
and others who can't tell their blonde Nordics from their inter-dimensional
beings. More...
From the Journal of Cheetah
and Jane: Staring Death in the Face part oneby Shy Brown. I
was about five years old when Mother had to leave to see her older sister,
Gladys, for the last time. It would be a long trip traveling by bus from Plant
City, Florida to Montreal, Canada. Mother decided to take me with her rather
than leave me with my three brothers. Since Father was the owner of a
construction company and this required long hours, Mother had hired a woman to
take care of my three brothers. More...
Ireland Claims UFO Sighting 5
Days After Roswell - Blarney!by Dirk Vander Ploeg. An
interesting piece of Irish curio was unearthed by the Irish blog Broadsheet this
week in the shape of an Irish Times clipping from July 12, 1947. The clippings
headline reads: Flying Saucer Seen in County Kerry More... Also
read: Google
Celebrates Roswell 66th Anniversary with Google Doodle! And: Snowden
reveals UFO Documents
Subscribers: As
regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to
friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The
newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to
increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.
LEGAL STUFF You are receiving this
once-weekly e-mail newsletter because you signed up for it at
your comments and suggestions to me. Feel free to forward this
newsletter to your friends. Keep your eyes to the skies. See you next time.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:UFO DIGEST / a Weekly Newsletter - thanks that I may publish this on my blog (ENG)
Dr. Clarke, I Neither Confirm Nor Deny!
The quote about the number of FOI
requests on UFOs came from the Under Secretary of State for Defence, who is
certainly a better source on this issue than any
I'm happy for you to share my comments
with interested parties. I don't normally have time to read (let alone respond
to) what ufologists write about me in the blogosphere, but given that I worked
on MoD's UFO project, wrote many of the files that have recently been released
and have been involved in release program, people look to me to correct any
dishonest or mistaken claims that are being made on the subject. It's pretty
insulting to the hundreds of other members of the public, journalists and
ufologists who lobbied MoD on this issue and made FOI requests, if one ufologist
tries to take credit for MoD releasing its UFO files!
Further details
about the background to the MoD UFO file release program can be found
======================================== Message Received: Jul 05 2013,
06:02 PM From: "André Skondras" To: "Nick Pope" Cc: Subject: Re:
Dr. Clarke, I Neither Confirm Nor Den Hi Nick:
for your additional comments. However, I heard from a source that the number one
category of FOIA request was actually personnel
records requests.
suppose the info you provided can't be share with other interested
05 Jul 2013, om 09:24 heeft Nick Pope het volgende geschreven:
A couple of factual corrections to
Billy Cox's article:
1. Dave Clarke is most certainly not a
professor. He's what Americans would call a lecturer at a Community College (UK
"polytechnics" like the one where he teaches won the right to call themselves
universities many years ago).
2. Clarke was one of literally hundreds of
people making FOI requests to the MoD about UFOs in the run-up to the decision
to release the files. Writing in 2006, Under
Secretary of State for Defense Tom Watson said: There is a real and enduring interest in
Unidentified Flying Objects. By far the most popular topic of FOI requests has
been UFOs, followed by recruitment enquiries, enquiries from staff, and
historical events such as World War Two, the Falklands conflict and the
Balkans. Recent freedom of information releases on UFOs have attracted media
interest from as far away as Japan.
This is what led the MoD to decide to transfer
its UFO files to the National Archives and if Clarke is claiming the credit for
this, he's either being dishonest or incredibly naïve.
Best wishes,
Nick Pope
======================================== Subject: Dr. Clarke, I Neither Confirm
Nor Deny!
David Clarke, the tireless Sheffield Hallam University professor whose
decade-long quest in getting his countrys National Archives to release UFO
files compiled by the British Ministry of Defence, reached the end of the road
on June 23 with a final data-dump into the public domain. And he signed off on
that last batch with I-told-you-so relish. There were no smoking guns amid the
52,000 pages released since the incremental undertaking began in 2009, and even
veteran British researcher Jenny Randles lauded Clarkes persistence.
To much fanfare, the British Ministry of Defence finally ended the public
distribution of its largely banal and pedestrian UFO case files last
I may not agree with everything that he says on the subject but I do with
much of it and respect all of his views about the remainder, she wrotein an
addendum to Clarkes parting shots. I certainly know that he is nobodys
puppet. And I, for one, say thank you for his efforts.
Based solely on the evidence presented by UK authorities and the MoDs
ostensible exculpatory transparency Clarkes obituary on that nations ufology
would appear well sourced. But by pulling in some American Skeptical Inquirer
types to fortify his position, Clarke clearly overreaches in his alacrity to
settle the worldwide UFO problem once and for all. No room, of course, for the testimony of former Belgian Air
Force general Wilfried de Brouwerconcerning the F-16 scrambles during 1989-90
European wave, orflight-safety issues raised by
former NASA scientist Richard Haines, both of whom presented their evidence
at a symposium just last weekend in Greensboro, N.C. Truth is, you could spend
all night listing Clarke's points of omission and it wouldnt make a dime's
worth of difference here. Not when you forsake good data and credible witnesses
for shopworn cliches, as Clarke chose to.
... My favourite quote of the whole two day media event, he wrote of the
reception to the final MoD document delivery, came from the New York Times as
follows: Dr. Clarke, who has approached the UFO phenomenon from a sociological
perspective, noted that many UFO sightings came from the Scottish city of
Glasgow between 10 p.m. and midnight around the time the pubs are
Wow. Drunk eyewitnesses again. Fascinating. Zzzz.
Clarke also took a few shots at fellow British ufologists Nick Pope and
Timothy Good for holding preconceived beliefs in their failure to trust The
Official Story because it is in their interest [as UFO authors] to keep the
mystery alive and kicking.
Clarke draws a particularly critical bead on Pope, who anchored the MoDs UFO
desk from 1991-94. He charges Pope with hypocrisy for requesting that his own
UFO-related records remain exempt from disclosure.
The reason these papers are being with-held, Clarke alleges, is because
they contain information about Nick Popes conversion to UFO believer that
followed his alien abduction experience in Florida in 1991. This happened
shortly before he joined the UFO desk when he claims he had little or no
interest in the subject.
Now thats actually interesting.
In denying the abduction story in an email to De Void I've never even seen
a UFO! Pope sought to clarify the record. To wit:
Some UK-based ufologists took exception to the fact that I used some
pseudonymous cases in my book on alien abductions, The Uninvited. I replied
that witness confidentiality applied without exception and added even if it was
me as a joke. The joke spread and I replied that I could "neither confirm nor
deny" (NCND) the rumor. NCND is a Ministry of Defense in-joke, just as I could
tell you but then I'd have to kill you is an in-joke in the intelligence
The only documents that I requested the MoD withhold are ones relating to my
work as a freelance journalist, broadcaster and PR consultant. Clarke is one of
a small group of UK ufologists who are absolutely obsessed with me, in view of
my government work on UFOs. This bizarre groups of oddballs which includes a
deeply unpleasant individual who runs an anti-Semitic blog have submitted
multiple FOI requests to MoD about me and poison the blogosphere with incessant
hate-filled rantings about my government work in many people's eyes I still
work for the government and am personally responsible for the UFO cover-up! I
took the view and the MoD agreed that documents relating to my business
activities were private and should certainly not be passed to some of the more
unpleasant characters who lurk on the fringes of ufology.
Hypocrisy? Well, at the very least, it tells us the MoD still has stuff
tucked away in its UFO files. Pope also reminded De Void as indeed, Clarke
reminded his readers that Clarke never possessed a security clearance during
his UFO research and has reviewed only declassified, or unclassified,
I suspect there's some sour grapes here, Pope went on, because one of the
documents in MoD's UFO files referred to Clarke and a couple of his fellow
ufologists as the UFO spotters - a pejorative UK term meaning someone with an
obsessive, nerdish and naïve perspective on the subject. It was one of my
successors who wrote that, but as I'm the 'public face' of MoD's UFO project,
ufologists tend to blame me for just about everything!
Then theres this caveat from prolific British researcher and author Good,
who greeted the MODs glasnost with a shrug: That was done in a civilian desk
within the MoD which Nick headed ... The real work is done behind the scenes
(e.g. military intelligence). You may recall that in Above Top Secret I
exposed for the first time the Top Secret UFO research unit then at RAF Rudloe
Manor (now elsewhere).
This is running long for a little blog, so lets wrap it up on a word from
Jenny Randles, who discovered something from these MoD crumbs that we Yanks
regrettably picked up on from the Pentagon decades ago, after it was far too
late: ... The MoD was never and is not now the correct body to collate such
data and spend precious resources on a subject that really needs to be
demystified and placed into the realms of scientific study.
OK, so who wants to pony up and start from scratch?
Robert Wood, qui a joué (et joue
encore) un rôle clé dans l'évaluation et la publication de ces documents, a
consacré un ouvrage à la question des virus étrangers, se basant sur le corpus
qu'il a rassemblé ces dernières années:
pas encore le livre de Wood (il vient de paraître ce 4 juillet !) je n'en dirai
pas plus (cependant on peut en lire des extraits sur le site d'Amazon).
D'ailleurs seules des personnes connaissant bien le sujet (comme James !) sont à
même d'émettre une opinion autorisée. Enfin, comme cet épineux problème de
virus aliens a été évoqué sur cette liste, j'ai pensé utile de signaler
cette parution...
Réaction de T.C.: Redfern a travaillé su les MIB et sur la NASA notamment. Sa théorie
échevelée sur Roswell l'a temporairement fait basculer du coté des sceptiques.
Le problème n'est pas tant les doutes qu'il peut formuler sur ce qui s'est passé
à Roswell en 47 mais la théorie qu'il developpe et qui est pour le moins
"L'auteur fortéen Nick Redfern, qui écrit sur les OVNIS, les fées, les
diablotins et tout autres choses extraordinaires ou supposées telles, nous
apporte une nouvelle théorie au sujet de ce qui se serait vraiment passé lors de
l'incident de 1947 à Roswell, se basant sur des entrevues avec des gens qui lui
ont affirmé être dans le secret. Il dit que l'incident à Roswell n'avait rien à
voir avec des extraterrestres et leur engin, ni avec des restes de ballons
utilisés par le projet Mogul, mais que les militaires américains avaient
effectué secrètement des essais aériens avec des nacelles et planeurs japonais
d'inspiration allemande de la deuxième guerre mondiale, attachés sous des
ballons. Il dit que des prisonniers de guerre des japonais qui étaient des nains
atteints de maladies issus d'expérimentations diabolique peu différentes ce
celles auxquelles s'étaient livré Mengele en Allemagne, et également des
victimes de la progéria et de radiations, étaient emprisonnés à bord de ces
gondoles et nacelles, puis lâchés pour une descente fatale vers le sol. Il dit
que comme ils ont ressemblé à des extraterrestres pour des gens qui les ont vu
après la chute, ces gens ont rapporté pour avoir vu des
Redfern n'a aucune excuse pour avoir commis ce livre grotesque. Il a avoué
à mon ami le Dr Leir, qui le connaît et qui me l'a raconté en 2006, qu'il savait
bien que c'était de la m---
Il a aussi écrit depuis un autre livre, "Final Events", qui raconte que les
ovnis sont diaboliques et qu'ils annoncent l'apocalypse.
Il y a cité notamment le pasteur Ray Boeche, celui qui avait recomandé
Vallée à Linda Howe. Vous voyez comme le monde est petit...
Voir mes articles sur mon blog :
Mon article sur Body Snatchers est la VF de mon article paru dans le
MufoUFO Journal de novembre 2005 (écrit à la demande du directeur du
2005 Le livre de Nick Redfern « Body
Snatchers in the Desert »
Malgré toute mon estime et mon amitié pour Jean-Gabriel Greslé, je me sens
obligé d'attirer l'attention sur les violentes controverses qui ont agité
l'ufologie américaine et internationale sur les documents "Majescic 12", en
particulier le gros paquet divulgué à partir de 1998 par l'ufologue californien
Timothy Cooper, largement repris par JG Greslé dans son nouveau livre
"1942-1954. La genèse d'un secret d'état".
Cooper a dit qu'ils lui avaient été fournis par un informateur anonyme,
surnommé "Cantwheel", et on ne sait pas vraiment d'où ils viennent, en fait.
Voir à ce sujet un extrait, ci-joint, de mon livre OVNIS vers la fin du
secret ? L'analyse de ces documents suggère fortement qu' ils ont été
manipulés, ce qui amène à suspecter une dose de "désinformation amplifiante",
selon le principe : mélanger des vérités avec des mensonges qui seront vite
dénoncés. Je signale que l'auteur du livre Clear Intent, justement
cité par Greslé p. 9 (Greenwood et non pas Randle, mais Randle aussi !) est de
ceux qui ont totalement rejeté les documents de Cooper... Il y a deux
documents nouveaux, signés Roosevelt, au début du livre, qui n'échappent pas à
cette critique. Un élément qui me paraît particulièrement suspect est la
découverte supposée d'un "moteur atomique" et de matières fissiles (U 235,
plutonium) à bord d'une soucoupe en1941 ou 1942, qui aurait aidé les Américains
à fabriquer leurs premières bombres atomiques... Là, ça "craint" énormément
Quand j'aurai fini la traduction du livre de Leslie Kean, j'espère fin
juillet, je me propose de revenir là-dessus plus en détail dans un nouvel
Cordialement G.B.
de mon livre OVNIS. Vers la fin du secret ? (JMG,2010)
7 Révélations spectaculaires et désinformationn pages 266 à 270
1998-1999 : une avalanche de nouveaux de documents
Les critiques virulentes contre le document
SOM1-01 sonnaient-elles le glas de laffaire Majestic-12 ? Pas du tout, car une
nouvelle vague, plus importante, ne tarde pas à arriver : un premier lot de 125
pages en 1998, puis un paquet plus important encore en 1999, le total
atteignant alors près de 2 000 pages. Depuis lors, dautres documents ont
encore fait leur apparition, mais en moins grand nombre, semble-t-il, et de
moindre intérêt.Le contenu du premier
lot, de 1998, porte toujours sur la découverte et létude secrète des ovnis
accidentés, à partir de 1947. Ce sont le Dr Robert Wood et son fils Ryan qui en
dévoilent lexistence à une conférence à New Haven le 11 octobre 1998. Le Dr
Wood est lun des chercheurs les plus réputés en ufologie. Docteur en physique
de luniversité Cornell, il a fait toute sa carrière à des postes de
responsabilités dans lindustrie aérospatiale américaine, notamment la société
McDonnell-Douglas. Son fils Ryan est un ingénieur en informatique qui a
travaillé dans de grandes entreprises : Intel, Digital, Toshiba.
Les Wood étudiaient depuis un certain temps
ces documents qui leur avaient été fournis par le chercheur californien Timothy
Cooper. Celui-ci dit les avoir reçus dun agent des services secrets quil
appelle Cantwheel, mais dont il ne donne pas lidentité véritable. Ces
documents sont rendus disponibles en novembre sur internet, sur le site de
Joseph Firmage, un jeune homme daffaires qui a fait fortune dans
linformatique à la Silicon Valley, et qui sest reconverti de manière
spectaculaire dans la recherche sur les ovnis (11). Signalons quil sen est
maitenant retiré et na ainsi fait quune brève carrière ufologique. Pour sa
part, le Dr Wood les publie sous forme dune brochure de 190 pages de grand
format, The Majestic Documents,
reprenant également les documents précédents (12).
Une fois de plus, les critiques pleuvent.
Certaines sont graves et il devient vite évident que ces documents sont pour la
plupart, sinon en totalité, des fabrications, en dépit des arguments de Wood
père et fils. Il serait beaucoup trop long de les détailler, mais donnons quand
même ici une idée de ce débat, ainsi que du contenu des documents, qui nest
pas non plus sans intérêt. Le premier document est une curieuse étude, datée de
juin 1947 et signée par les deux grands physiciens Robert Oppenheimer et Albert
Einstein, intitulée Relations avec les habitants de corps célestes. Le texte
est intéressant, mais comporte des fautes bizarres, dès le titre. Le mot
céleste est écrit en anglais celestrial
au lieu de celestial, ce qui fait
douter. Dans une analyse convaincante, le physicien Bruce Maccabee déclare le
document faux. A cela Wood répond quEinstein, le véritable auteur, ne
maîtrisait pas bien langlais, et sa secrétaire non plus !
Les documents suivants tournent autour de la
découverte dun ou plusieurs véhicules accidentés en juillet 1947. Il y est
question, bien sûr, du crash de Roswell, mais les choses se compliquent un peu.
Ce sont :
instruction (Field Order) donnée
début juillet à une unité spécialisée, la Interplanetary
Phenomenon Unit (IPU) de se rendre immédiatement sur les lieux ;
résumé de lIPU, document de sept pages daté du 22 juillet. Celui-ci décrit
sommairement la découverte de deux objets volants entre le 4 et le 6 juillet,
lun près de Corona, site LZ-1 (LZ, pour Landing
Zone) on reconnaît là le ranch de Brazel - et lautre à environ 30 km au
sud-ouest de Socorro, près dOscura Peak, proche du site de lexplosion de la
première bombe atomique. Sur ce deuxième site, on a trouvé cinq cadavres,
denviron 1,50 m de haut, la peau gris rose, pas de cheveux, le corps mince,
vêtus dune combinaison ajustée, à lépreuve du feu. Ils sont sexués mais de
manière peu visible. Dautres corps ont été trouvés près du site LZ-1, ainsi
que des parties de corps danimaux à lintérieur de lappareil à LZ-2. Peu
après la découverte, quatre techniciens sont tombé gravement malades et trois
sont morts dhémorragie ;
instruction donnée le 8 juillet au général Twining de se rendre à White Sands
pour faire une évaluation des ovnis qui y sont conservés ;
rapport de Twining du 16 juillet, de trois pages, intitulé Air Accident Report, qui décrit la
soucoupe trouvée près de Victorio Peak (site absent de la carte routière du
Nouveau-Mexique : faut-il comprendre Oscura Peak ?), en forme de beignet
denviron 10 m de diamètre (35 pieds). A lintérieur, un compartiment suggère
la présence possible dun moteur atomique. Les scientifiques allemands de
Fort Bliss et White Sands (cest là quétait notamment von Braun) nont pu
identifier cet appareil comme un engin secret humain. Selon Oppenheimer et von
Karman, cest le corps même de lappareil qui pourrait faire partie du système
de propulsion (une idée qui figurait déjà dans le livre du colonel Corso :
lappareil pourrait se charger électriquement ) ;
mémorandum du CIG ( Central Intelligence
Group, précédant la CIA qui va être mise en place le 18 septembre, le même
jour que lUS Air Force). Daté du 19 septembre, et signé Hillenkoetter
(Directeur du CIG puis de la CIA dans la foulée), ce texte dune seule page
dévoile lexistence dun troisième site, à 50 km (30 miles) à lest du terrain
daviation dAlamogordo (plus tard Holloman), découvert le 5 juillet !
ensuite un Mission Assessment, de
19 pages, daté du 19 septembre, qui inaugure le sigle ULAT pour désigner les
ovnis ( Unidentified Lenticular ShapedAerodyne ). Là, il y a un petit
problème : les deux zones de crash sont inversées. LZ-1 est placée près de
Socorro ;
une pièce importante, non datée mais écrite daprès le contexte en 1952, le
Premier rapport annuel du Groupe Majestic-12. De nouvelles précisions sont
apportées, sans toutefois clarifier complètement ce scénario daccidents en
série. On y évoque léjection à haute altitude dun cylindre de sauvetage (escape cylinder) à la suite dune
collision entre deux soucoupes dorigine interplanétaire. Des cinq corps
retrouvés, deux étaient dans le cylindre. Mais la suite nest pas claire,
envisageant lhypothèse assez incroyable dune collision avec un appareil
expérimental (on a observé la fusion de trois spots radar). Mais après tout,
quen savons-nous ?
Ces pages ont été, bien entendu, passées au
crible par les sceptiques et, dès les premiers jours a éclaté une première
grenade, le mot retro-virus qui apparaît dans le document de 1952. Or le mot
nexistait pas encore à cette date. Le physicien Jack Sarfatti, qui se situe
sur laile avancée de lufologie américaine (il a eu une rencontre rapprochée
impressionnante dans son enfance) a recommandé aux Wood dadmettre lerreur,
mais ils nont pas voulu reculer, même sur ce point. Un autre gros pépin a été
la mention dune vieille légende ufologique, la disparition dun régiment
Néo-Zélandais à Gallipoli, dans les Dardanelles en 1915. Or il a été prouvé que
cette histoire était fausse. Erreur fatale, proclame alors Barry Greenwood,
de plus en plus sceptique, dans son bulletin Just Cause !
Pour couronner le tout, Timothy Cooper finit
par être soupçonné de les avoir fabriqués, y compris le document SOM1-01. Le
Britannique Timothy Good dévoile en septembre 1999 que certains défauts
typographiques apparaissent à lidentique sur des lettres quil a reçues de
Cooper. Est-ce le coup de grâce ? Certains lannoncent déjà, comme Jan Aldrich,
ancien militaire très hostile à toutes ces histoires (Roswell compris), qui
sexclame sur internet : Clouons tous ces dindons ! (Lets nail these turkeys!). Cela dit, sur cette question des
défauts typographiques notés par Timothy Good, le Dr Wood réplique quil a fait
étudier le problème par un expert, or celui-ci na pas jugé largument décisif,
car ce type de défaut peut être commun à de nombreuses machines.
Si ces documents sont faux, vient alors la
question : qui les a donc fabriqués et dans quel but ? La plupart des
sceptiques ne poussent pas très loin la réflexion : pour eux, ce sont des faux
fabriqués par des escrocs qui veulent faire croire à toutes ces calembredaines
! Qui croire ? En réalité, cette énorme quantité de documents apparus de
manière mystérieuse ces dernières années pourrait bien illustrer ce processus
de divulgation progressive de linformation, déjà évoqué plus haut, qui serait
poursuivi par certains services secrets désireux de débloquer à terme le verrou
du secret, mais sans provoquer une explosion médiatique. Le jeu consisterait à
toujours maintenir le doute en fabriquant des documents délibérément entachés
derreurs. Ainsi, de linformation est mise en circulation mais on empêche
lopinion de semballer. On pourrait comparer cela aux barres de contrôle dune
pile atomique qui lempêchent dexploser (si tout va bien). Au congrès
international de Laughlin, de mars 2000 au Nevada, les Wood père et fils ont
encore défendu avec une belle énergie leur point de vue radical, à savoir que
ces documents sont essentiellement authentiques. Ils sont dailleurs attelés à
une lourde tâche, lanalyse de plus de mille pages de nouveaux documents quils
ont reçues de Timothy Cooper en 1999, et quils ont lintention de divulguer
progressivement sur internet. Jai soumis à Ryan Wood cette idée de divulgation
progressive avec des erreurs délibérées, mais je ne lai visiblement pas
ébranlé. Il ne semble pas que la question ait beaucoup avancé depuis lors.
Lautre hypothèse, plus brutale, reste bien sûr celle de la désinformation amplifiante,
pour discréditer lufologie. Celle-ci semble être pertinente dans dautres cas,
comme laffaire Bennewitz, et quelques autres épisodes de révélations trop
sensationnelles, quil faut rappeler maintenant, en revenant en arrière au
début des années quatre-vingts.
next episode in our series is titled Canada's Official UFO Studies. We will
explore two of Canada's UFO reporting agencies: Project Magnet and Second Story,
both established in the early 1950's. Also we will examine some details of the
infamous Shag Harbor UFO incident. This case is one of the very few where a
government agency formally acknowledges an unidentified flying object. It was
determined that no known aircraft was involved in the incident, so the source
remains unknown to this day.
lecture by William Cooper A detailed research into government corruption, secret
societies, conspiracies, and the UFO phenomenon. book: 'Behold a
pal... If you have enough time, you can listen to this lecture!
GEN. RAMEY ROSWELL MESSAGE. Researcher for the International UFO Museum and
Research Center. He is also head of the computer department of the Eastern NM
University in Roswell and spent time in the Army as a criptographer. Through
computer enhancement and his experience in deciphering code, Don has been able
to read much of the text on the letter in the photo.
The photograph was
taken on July 8, 1947 by a news photographer, Bond Johnson. The glossy print
Donald used was taken directly from the original negative.
The letter was
typed on a teletype which has a fixed width for each letter. This realization
helped Don in his task. The deciphered text is below. I have used italics where
Don was uncertain about the letter and asterisks where a letter or word is
missing. The translation is broken by the lines on the original letter. Some
words are missing due to the position of the letter in Ramey's hand and the fold
in the letter.
So, here it is:
Now, lets see
what we can learn from this. The letter obviously mentions a disk at Roswell but
we all knew it had crashed there. It mentions Denver crews. The Lowrey Army Air
Fore Base in Denver was the mortuary for the Army in 1947. So that fits. The
Army normally calls people, civilians or military, who are killed in a crash
"casualties" rather than "victims". The word "victims" externalizes the issue.
"They're not OUR people."
The "TEMPLE" in the signature line was a secret
CIA classification, like paging Dr. Blue or Dr. Red in a hospital. But there was
a Major Temple on the staff of General Dolittle in 1947. Dolittle was sent to
Sweden in 1946 to investigate UFO's sighted there. So there is a connection
The most interesting revelation is the mention of Carlsbad. There
has never been a mention of Carlsbad as a possible site of a UFO crash. Louis
Rickett was assigned to Carlsbad in 1947. Don has done some preliminary research
into the possibility of a crash there. He has discovered that a military group
from White Sands Missle Range visited Carlsbad the week before the Roswell
crash. And, several Civil Air Patrol groups from California visited Carlsbad
arriving on C-64 transports and Army planes. That's a lot of military "field
trips" to the Caverns. Don is now pursuing a review of the visitor's logs of
Carlsbad Caverns for that period to see if these soldiers signed in. I'll keep
you posted!
ne les ai pas tous lu mais il semble que certains articles soient plus
Voir par exemple l'article ci-dessous :
OVNI ou pas OVNI ?
D'une certaine manière, Google relance le débat autour du 66ème
anniversaire de l'affaire Roswell, l'une des plus retentissantes et des plus
étranges affaires autour de la présence ou non de débris provenant d'une
soucoupe volante extra-terrestre sur le sol terrien. Le 4 juillet 1947, le fermier William "Mac" Brazel et son fils
découvrent "une large zone de débris brillants, bandes de caoutchouc, feuilles
d'étain, un papier plutôt dur et des barres", comme ils l'ont expliqué au
journal Roswell Daily Record. Partageant leur découverte avec leur plus proche
voisins, ces derniers conseillent au fermier de s'adresser au représentant de
l'ordre le plus proche. Au shérif, ils seront plus expéditifs en disant qu'ils
pensent avoir assisté à un crash d'une soucoupe volante, d'un objet volant non
identifié, ou OVNI.
Le 8 juillet, le lieutenant Walter Haut,
représentant du Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF), fait un premier communiqué de
presse à la demande du colonel William Blanchard commandant de la base de
Roswell. Il y annonce qu'ils ont récupéré une soucoupe volante écrasée près d'un
ranch à Roswell. Cette annonce, qui déclenchera les passions des médias à
l'époque, se succédera un autre communiqué expliquant qu'il ne s'agissait que
d'un ballon sonde. Tentative d'étouffement de l'affaire ou bonne foi de l'Air
Force ? Le débat reste ouvert, l'affaire sagrémentant régulièrement d'éléments
venant confirmer ou infirmer chacun des bords.
C'est ce premier
communiqué qui est célébré par Google en ce 8 juillet, à travers un Doodle
interactif prenant la forme d'un mini-jeu où l'utilisateur dirigera un
extra-terrestre qui devra utiliser certain objets sur des éléments terriens afin
de récupérer les trois parties de son véhicule pour repartir vers sa
OVNI ou pas OVNI ? D'une certaine manière, Google relance le débat autour
du 66ème anniversaire de l'affaire Roswell, l'une des plus retentissantes et des
plus étranges affaires autour de la présence ou non de débris provenant d'une
soucoupe volante extra-terrestre sur le sol terrien. Le 4 juillet 1947, le
fermier William "Mac" Brazel et son fils découvrent "une large zone de débris
brillants, bandes de caoutchouc, feuilles d'étain, un papier plutôt dur et des
barres", comme ils l'ont expliqué au journal Roswell Daily Record. Partageant
leur découverte avec leur plus proche voisins, ces derniers conseillent au
fermier de s'adresser au représentant de l'ordre le plus proche. Au shérif, ils
seront plus expéditifs en disant qu'ils pensent avoir assisté à un crash d'une
soucoupe volante, d'un objet volant non identifié, ou OVNI. Le 8 juillet, le
lieutenant Walter Haut, représentant du Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF), fait un
premier communiqué de presse à la demande du colonel William Blanchard
commandant de la base de Roswell. Il y annonce qu'ils ont récupéré une soucoupe
volante écrasée près d'un ranch à Roswell. Cette annonce, qui déclenchera les
passions des médias à l'époque, se succédera un autre communiqué expliquant
qu'il ne s'agissait que d'un ballon sonde. Tentative d'étouffement de l'affaire
ou bonne foi de l'Air Force ? Le débat reste ouvert, l'affaire sagrémentant
régulièrement d'éléments venant confirmer ou infirmer chacun des bords. C'est ce
premier communiqué qui est célébré par Google en ce 8 juillet, à travers un
Doodle interactif prenant la forme d'un mini-jeu où l'utilisateur dirigera un
extra-terrestre qui devra utiliser certain objets sur des éléments terriens afin
de récupérer les trois parties de son véhicule pour repartir vers sa planète.
Cette page, plus qu'approximative, est typique de la presse et du web.
J'ai regardé rapidement les liens cités par Google sur Roswell, et j'ai
arrêté au bout de dix pages, ayant vu défiler un bric à brac de sites et de
blogs plus ou moins sérieux, mais pas un seul livre (à moins d'avoir mal
regardé), et en tout cas pas les miens. Moralité : écrivez tant que vous voulez
un bon livre et faites en même plusieurs rééditions, soigneusement mises à jour,
plus des chapitres dans d'autres livres, des articles et des conférences qui
vous donnent le statut de "spécialiste " en France, eh bien ça ne vaut pas un
site web ou un clip vidéo mal torché, mais bien référencé, qui vous a
éventuellement copié, sans permission (j'ai remarqué ça). Même mon blog, avec
quelques articles sur le sujet, n'apparaît pas : trop petit, sans doute,
mon ami !
Voilà : le monde de l'internet grand public est arrivé. Les bouquins, on
peut les brûler dans les chaudières des centrales électriques (et alimenter
Internet, très gourmand !).
Vivez longtemps et prospérez !
Et oubliez ce mouvement d'humeur, et d'humour.
Deuxième Réaction de A.S.: Oui, G., et les professionnels de la désinformation vont se retrouver au
chômage: le travail se fait tout seul !
Mais ne vous désespérez pas: dès
qu'on se spécialise un peu, dans quelque domaine que ce soit, on mesure bien
vite le fossé qui sépare "l'initié" du grand public. Ce n'est pas particulier à
l'ufologie: le même phénomène existe dans le développement des sciences, les
infos financières, les ficelles de la politique... Ce qui paraît dans la presse
doit être "accessible" au premier venu - c'est-à-dire avoir un contenu minimum
et très approximatif (sans parler de l'inévitable orientation idéologique qui
s'y superpose).
Restons philosophes, et faisons bien la différence entre
cette bouillaque de grande diffusion et le vrai travail qui ne peut intéresser
qu'un petit nombre. On peut au moi! ns s'y livrer en paix !
Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more
with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water, he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the
Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave
behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The
objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls
retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned
with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer
says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs. Vladimir
Kremlev for RT. Click to enlarge
On several occasions the
instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed.
Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a
challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like
the objects defied the laws of physics. Theres only one explanation: the
creatures who built them far surpass us in development, Beketov said.
Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:
Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATOs fleets concentrate. Near
Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of
the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in
the Caribbean Sea.
Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russias Lake
Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful
lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.
In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a
group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at
a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the
seven men died, while four others were severely injured.
I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be
discarded, says Vladimir Azhazha. Skepticism is the easiest way:
believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So its very
important to analyze what they encounter there.
Meanwhile Russian Navy officials have denied the collection of UFO-related
encounters exists. A source in the Navys service staff said the story may have
its roots in the reports of vessel commanders, which describe locating objects
of unclear but Earthly origin.
An illusion of a UFO encounter can result from large fish shoals,
floating garbage or natural phenomena, ITAR-TASS news agency cites the
UK astronomers join hunt for alien life, new level of code-breaking may be
London: Are we alone in the universe? We could be closer to finding
British astronomers are joining forces to hunt for ET or at least for signs
of his existence.
In a move that comes only weeks after the UK Government closed its UFO
hotline, scientists from 11 institutions, including the Jodrell Bank
observatory, have formed a network to help those working in different fields of
research to share their expertise.
Telescopes will listen for radio and light broadcasts beamed by TVs,
radios, satellites, radar and lasers from other worlds.
And should a message from little green men be intercepted, we might even be
ready to reply. Communications experts more used to working on the intelligence
of chimpanzees and dolphins are trying to devise ways of decoding any messages
and framing a response.
The network, coordinated by Dr Alan Penny of the University of St Andrews,
was officially launched on Monday at the National Astronomy Meeting, organised
by the Royal Astronomical Society, at St Andrews, Scotland.
The UK SETI Research Network will bolster Britains long-running involvement
in the US-based Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, or SETI,
Dr Penny said the interception of light and radio signals that were wholly
artificial and could not be made by nature would be proof that we are not alone.
If ET fired a powerful laser through a big optical telescope to send a
signal or announce their existence, those pulses could be detected over many
thousands of light years, he said.
We need to get more time on telescopes for the project and then well get a
flood of data. At the moment if we detected a signal that was unambiguously
artificial that would be it.
You wouldnt need to understand the message its nature would tell us that
we are not alone. Then once youve found it you can look more closely to see if
there is a message. If it looks as though there is, [intelligence agency] GCHQ
can get going and try to decode it.
Others believe that a new level of code-breaking will be required.
Dr John Elliott, an expert in human and animal communication from Leeds
Metropolitan University, said: Standard decipherment and decryption techniques
used by the military and security agencies are not going to help much.
To put the challenge into context, we still have scripts from antiquity that
have remained undeciphered over hundreds of years, despite many serious
However, some scientists say that if we alert hostile aliens to our existence
we risk an invasion that could lead to the end of life on Earth.
They argue that if ET has the technology to cross space to reach us then any
defences we have will be all but useless.
And physicist Stephen Hawking has warned that aliens may plunder Earth for
its resources.
But Professor Ian Crawford, of Birkbeck, University of London, told the
conference that any aliens would have made themselves known by now.
Dr Robert Massey, of the Royal Astronomical Society, said: If we found even
one civilisation elsewhere, it would be an entirely sensational result.
l'animation n'existe pas sur Google Suisse (
Réaction 1 de JF.S: Un article du figaro sur le sujet :
Ainsi j'apprends que le fait de
douter d'une explication officielle concernant Roswell me range inéluctablement
la catégorie suivante :
"passionné de petits hommes verts" ET "des
théories conspirationniste".
On appréciera également le raccourci
"Affaire Roswell/Autopsie d'un Alien"
66 ans de l'affaire Roswell célébrés par Google
Ce 8 juillet,
le moteur de recherche revient avec un jeu animé vintage sur ce crash
emblématique et controversé d'un objet volant non-identifié dans le sud-ouest
des États-Unis.
Google transporte les internautes dans une autre
dimension ce 8 juillet, avec un mini-jeu consacré aux 66 ans de l'affaire
Roswell en guise de doodle. Cette célèbre affaire est née du crash supposé d'un
vaisseau spatial dans une zone désertique près de la ville de Roswell, au
Nouveau-Mexique, dans le sud-ouest des États-Unis, où le cadavre d'un alien
aurait été découvert. Ce dernier est le personnage principal du jeu. L'idée est
simple: il se balade aux alentours d'une ferme, en pleine nuit, et récupère des
objets pouvant l'aider à survivre.
En 1947, ce crash a créé des émois
dans le monde entier, et est depuis considéré comme l'un des événements
ufologues (spécialistes des ovni, ndlr) les plus célèbres. En cause: des débris
retrouvés par le propriétaire du ranch situé près du point de chute de
l'appareil, et dont les clichés ont fait la Une des médias à l'époque. En 1992,
un mini-documentaire stipule même, images d'autopsie à l'appui, que le cadavre
d'un extraterrestre aurait été retrouvé à bord de l'engin.
en série
Une controverse en a résulté, le gouvernement américain assurant
qu'il ne s'agissait que d'un ballon-sonde top-secret destiné à espionner les
expériences nucléaires militaires soviétiques. En pleine Guerre Froide,
l'argument aurait pu faire mouche, mais les passionnés de petits hommes verts et
des théories conspirationnistes sont restés persuadés du contraire.
histoire est devenue un phénomène de culture populaire, et Roswell un quasi lieu
de pélerinage ufologique. Les séries Roswell, racontant le quotidien étrange
d'adolescents dans cette ville, et X-Files, où deux agents du FBI enquêtent sur
des phénomènes paranormaux, sont notamment inspirées de cette
«Mon Dieu, c'est vraiment arrivé!»
En juillet 2012, un
ex-agent de la CIA a relancé les soupçons. Il a affirmé avoir découvert des
preuves, dans les archives de l'agence de renseignement, prouvant que le
gouvernement américain avait menti. «Une boîte a principalement attiré mon
attention et notamment ce mot: Roswell. J'ai fouillé à l'intérieur, mis la boîte
sur une étagère et dit: mon Dieu, c'est vraiment arrivé!'». Il y aurait trouvé
des «écrits et centaines de photos» validant la thèse pro-alien. Preuve que
«l'affaire Roswell» n'a pas fini de semer le trouble.
and Barney Hill had an abduction experience that occurred on September 19,1961
in the White Mountains area of New Hampshire.This is the original hypnosis
session tape of Barney Hill who is being questioned by Dr.
Benjamin Simon.
Let There Be Light 1946 US Army Hospital Documentary
Directed by John Huston [technical advisor was Dr. Benjamin Simon who appears
prominently throughout this film]
"The final entry in a trilogy of films produced for the U.S. government by
John Huston. This documentary film follows 75 U.S. soldiers who have sustained
debilitating emotional trauma and depression. A series of scenes chronicle their
entry into a psychiatric hospital, their treatment and eventual recovery."
Schermer, a Mars rock discovery harbouring possible past microbial life is a
totally different matter than highly intelligent life coming here, wouldn't you
Les fiches Wikipédia les plus souvent modifiées, '24 Heures', Lausanne, 4.7.2013 - MAGONIE
C'est la plus révisée Selon une étude menée
par quatre chercheurs américains, Ségolène Royal est le sujet le plus contesté,
remis en question et révisé parmi les pages françaises de l'encyclopédie en
ligne Wikipédia. La socialiste fait jeu égal avec George W. Bush aux Etats-Unis.
Outre sa page, d'autres sont fréquemment l'objet de nombreuses modifications par
les internautes, comme les fiches des ovnis, des Témoins de Jéhovah, de Jésus ou
de Freud. je [Jean Ellgass]
originale (
: Yasseri T., Spoerri A., Graham M., and Kertész J., The most controversial
topics in Wikipedia: A multilingual and geographical analysis. In: Fichman P.,
Hara N., editors, Global Wikipedia: International and cross-cultural issues
in online collaboration. Scarecrow Press (2014).
lecteurs, Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Lucien Clerebaut,
mercredi, suite à des complications liées à une opération
chirurgicale. Lucien était le cofondateur de la SOBEPS et son moteur.
Perpétuellement présent, actif et efficace, il a beaucoup apporté à l'ufologie
belge. Plus largement, son intelligence et sa gestion de la vague belge en ont
fait une personnalité bien connue des Belges. Nous saluons ce grand homme et
sommes en empathie avec ses proches.
The Center for UFO Research held the 2013 Symposium on Official and
Scientific Investigation of UAP (UFOs) this weekend in Greensboro, North
Carolina. Open Minds was there to cover the event and got exclusive interviews
with the scientists and government officials who were there to discuss their
research and investigations.
The event was financed and organized by Kent Senter, who has researched the
UFO phenomena for over 25 years. He was one of the founding members of the North
Carolina chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Senter is battling an
incurable cancer, and wanted to put together a credible conference as part of
his bucket list. Early on his cancer was misdiagnosed, and with some of the
money he was awarded in a settlement, he was able to bring in the best people
from all over the world to accomplish his goal of elevating the credibility of
UFO research.
From left: Leslie Kean, Kent Senter and his wife Patty. (Credit: Alejandro
In order to help him gather the most credible international group, he
enlisted the help of Leslie Kean. Her book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots and
Government Officials Go On the Record, was a New York Times best-seller, and
has garnered positive attention from mainstream media and scientists.
Included among the international speakers were two representatives from
official government UFO research organizations. One of those is Xavier Passot,
the head of GEIPAN, a UFO investigative group that is part of Frances CNES
(National Centre for Space Studies), which is the equivalent to NASA here in the
US. The other official was Jose Lay, the international affairs director of
Chiles Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA). This
organization is a branch of the General Administration of Civil Aeronautics,
which is similar to our FAA.
Xavier Passot of GEIPAN (left) and Jose Lay of CEFAA. (Credit: Alejandro
Other international speakers included retired Major General Wilfried De
Brouwer of the Belgium Air Force. He presided over the official investigation of
2000 reports of triangular shaped UFOs over Belgium from 1989 to 1991. He says
the witnesses included highly credible individuals including pilots and police
An incredible case involving the Unites States military was presented by
retired Colonel Charles Halt, who in 1980 was the deputy base commander at RAF
Bentwaters in England when he and other Air Force personnel witnessed UFO
activity over the period of a few nights. Bentwaters was being leased by the US
from the UK government, and the files on this case were included in the UK
governments recent release of UFO files.
Representatives from academia also spoke, such as Alexander Wendt, professor
of International Security, who spoke on the UFO taboo. Similarly, emeritus
professor of sociology, Ron Westrum spoke on how society deals with
controversial discoveries. Astronomer and author, Jeffrey Bennett, presented on
the scientific search for extraterrestrial life, and Dr. Richard Haines
presented UFO investigations of reports from pilots.
Major General Wilfried De Brouwer (Credit: Alejandro Rojas)
Finally, Nancy Talbott spoke on the science of crop circles, and Timothy
Good, UK author and researcher, spoke on the history of UFO research.
The gathering was a once in a lifetime chance to visit with officials,
military personnel, professors, and other credible researchers from around the
world. We got a lot of great interviews and besides this video, will be posting
several others focused on the work of some of these incredible people.
Happy 4th of July
America! This week's newsletter begins with The Octopus from Hell by
Steve Erdmann. Then Sean Casteel profiles Dr.
Barry Taff and the psychic wars. Next, Diane Tessman asks are
aliens part of God's domain. This article was prompted by an article by
Nigel Grogan who writes did God create the universe.
Scott Corrales reports on a UFO in Argentina. Then,
Kathy Marden and Denise Stoner on why we
should take alien abductions seriously. Roger Marsh reports on
a chevron UFO. Next, Doc Vega publishes a 3-part sereis on
UFOs, Vikings and Bigfoots. Nick Pope highlights the secrets
contained in the MoD UFO files. Then I interview a witness to several bizarre
sightings and report on a UFO sighting on Presque Isle.Carolyn
Shield updates
us on the great Bee kill off. Charles Moulton writes about ghosts and hauntings
and finally Shy Brown continues with Rotten to the Core.
Enjoy Dirk
The Octopus from Hellby Steve Erdmann .
Seymour started with mystery deaths and drug dealings in Mariposa County,
California and recounted comments by Vivian L. Wagner of DIG (Decency in
Government) and her letter to President Reagan about the missteps DIG
encountered in the court system. Her frank opinion was rewarded by a prospective
meeting, but her husband, attorney Chuck Wagner decided to close shop, desert
his practice and disappear. Seymour never found out why. More...
Dr. Barry Taff: A Veteran Of The Psychic Warsby
Sean Casteel. Dr. Barry Taff has been on the forefront of the academic
study of psychic phenomena for decades and has long documented the connection
between psi events and UFOs. His own psychic experiences began in childhood, and
he has no doubt of the reality of some form of coupling between human
consciousness and a field of energy that we do not as yet understand. More...
Are Aliens Part of Gods Domain?by Diane
Tessman. If you believe in God, you have to ask yourself, Did God create
aliens too? If you do not believe in God, you have to wonder how life managed
to pop up on far distant planets which have environments that seem hostile to
life. If aliens are from other dimensions, is our God in their dimension too? If
aliens are future human time travelers, did God make it to the future? More...
Did God Create The
Universe?by Nigel Grogan. I am an avid reader of UFO Digest
articles and am continually amazed at the wide variety of theories and
explanations for the existence of UFOs, covering all aspects of the phenomena,
from their origins to their ultimate intentions. More...
UFO Photographed in the River Islands of Victoria in
Argentinaby Scott Corrales. A member of a photo club based in
the city of Victoria was shooting the landscape when an unidentified flying
object turned up in one of the pictures. The image was submitted to experts on
the subject, who will know whether the object is a UFO or not. More...
Why Take Alien Abduction Seriously?by Kathy
Marden . You and your spouse are en route to your weekend camping enclave
near Buena Vista, Colorado. Family and friends await your arrival. You have
descended Kenosha Pass, a 10,000 foot high cut that leads toward Jefferson and
the South Park Valley, when suddenly your eyes were drawn to a lighted object in
freefall. You begin to shift sideward toward the desert floor, under someone
elses control. As if only a moment has passed you find yourself miles away, on
a different stretch of road, with no memory of how you arrived there. Fifty-five
miles has simply vanished. More...
California mom-daughter encounter chevron UFOby
Roger Marsh. A California mom and daughter northbound along Highway 88 in
Alpine County reported a "chevron-shaped object just above the tall tree line"
that hovered and slowly moved south about 8 p.m. on January 8, 2013, according
to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. More...
UFOs, Vikings and
Bigfoots?by Doc Vega. Let me preface this article with an
interesting story that came from a tabloid I had read back in the mid 1990s. It
pertains to the following article and attests to the nature of the mighty
Vikings. According to the account an ancient record that was handed down
describes a UFO encounter from the distant past experienced by the Leif
Ericksons crew who were on their way to North America. I am not sure about what
medium that this historic account was recorded in as the Vikings did not
supposedly have a written language. Even though the Norsemen were considered
incredible craftsman, weapon makers, and accomplished artists, there was no
written word. Perhaps these accounts came as a result of pictograms or engraved
images. More... Also
read: UFOs,
Vikings and Bigfoots? Part II and UFOs,
Vikings and Bigfoots? Part III
National Archives
UFO Filesby Nick Pope. In my first column for UFO Digest, back
in April, I gave an overview of the five-year program to declassify and release
the entire archive of British Government UFO files, sending them from the
Ministry of Defense to the National Archives. What I couldnt reveal at the time
(as the story was under strict media embargo) was that the final batch of files
was soon to be released. Now that this has occurred, I can write the final
chapter in whats been one of the biggest UFO-related stories in recent years
and answer the questions Im most often asked about all this. More...
Floating Orb Playing With Planes and More!by
Dirk Vander Ploeg.I had the opportunity to interview Carolyn, who now lives
in Petrolia, Ontario, which is approximately 25-miles from Sarnia, Ontario. She
is a 38-year old woman who has worked as an actor, model and in film production.
She has experienced several strange events over the past few years. More... Also
read: UFO Sighting on
Presque Isle
The Haunting Ground
Of Aristocratsby Charles Moulton. The greatest summers of my
childhood were spent in what now is one of East Swedens top tourist
attractions: Kalmar. The inner city today is the home of around 25 trendy
restaurants, museums, boat trip rides, beaches and a marvelous castle. Visiting
my grandmother, hearing my mother Gun Kronzell sing in concerts, playing with my
best friend on Swedens sunniest island Öland, visiting what my father Herbert
Moulton described as: A magic tree that drops presents from its branches!,
falling in love with the local girl: those were all memories concieved to adore.
More... Also
read: The Eyre
Family Hauntings Part II
Massive Bee deaths over 36 million found in Elmwood
Canadaby Carolyn Shield. Canadian beekeepers have lost over
600 hives with the estimation of over 36 million honeybee deaths in Elmwood
Canada. The beekeepers noticed the bees deaths after GMO corn crops were
introduced to the farms. The European Union has placed a ban on GMO seeds due to
studies indicating they are responsible with pesticides for massive bees
deaths. More...
From the Journal of Cheetah and Jane: Rotten to the
Coreby Shy Brown. I had a strong intuition about people,
things and events. I mostly kept it to myself, since I was not a very vocal
child. After my near-death experience, I went back in the hospital three more
times before the age of six. I had three surgeries to correct my problem with
being wall-eyed. For those of you who do not know what wall-eyed means, this
condition is the exact opposite of being cross-eyed. More...
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David Clarke, the tireless Sheffield Hallam University professor whose
decade-long quest in getting his countrys National Archives to release UFO
files compiled by the British Ministry of Defence, reached the end of the road
on June 23 with a final data-dump into the public domain. And he signed off on
that last batch with I-told-you-so relish. There were no smoking guns amid the
52,000 pages released since the incremental undertaking began in 2009, and even
veteran British researcher Jenny Randles lauded Clarkes persistence.
To much fanfare, the British Ministry of Defence finally ended the public
distribution of its largely banal and pedestrian UFO case files last
I may not agree with everything that he says on the subject but I do with
much of it and respect all of his views about the remainder, she wrote in an
addendum to Clarkes parting shots. I certainly know that he is nobodys
puppet. And I, for one, say thank you for his efforts.
Based solely on the evidence presented by UK authorities and the MoDs
ostensible exculpatory transparency Clarkes obituary on that nations ufology
would appear well sourced. But by pulling in some American Skeptical Inquirer
types to fortify his position, Clarke clearly overreaches in his alacrity to
settle the worldwide UFO problem once and for all. No room, of course, for the testimony of former Belgian Air
Force general Wilfried de Brouwer concerning the F-16 scrambles during
1989-90 European wave, or flight-safety issues raised by
former NASA scientist Richard Haines, both of whom presented their evidence
at a symposium just last weekend in Greensboro, N.C. Truth is, you could spend
all night listing Clarke's points of omission and it wouldnt make a dime's
worth of difference here. Not when you forsake good data and credible witnesses
for shopworn cliches, as Clarke chose to.
... My favourite quote of the whole two day media event, he wrote of the
reception to the final MoD document delivery, came from the New York Times as
follows: Dr. Clarke, who has approached the UFO phenomenon from a sociological
perspective, noted that many UFO sightings came from the Scottish city of
Glasgow between 10 p.m. and midnight around the time the pubs are
Wow. Drunk eyewitnesses again. Fascinating. Zzzz.
Clarke also took a few shots at fellow British ufologists Nick Pope and
Timothy Good for holding preconceived beliefs in their failure to trust The
Official Story because it is in their interest [as UFO authors] to keep the
mystery alive and kicking.
Clarke draws a particularly critical bead on Pope, who anchored the MoDs UFO
desk from 1991-94. He charges Pope with hypocrisy for requesting that his own
UFO-related records remain exempt from disclosure.
The reason these papers are being with-held, Clarke alleges, is because
they contain information about Nick Popes conversion to UFO believer that
followed his alien abduction experience in Florida in 1991. This happened
shortly before he joined the UFO desk when he claims he had little or no
interest in the subject.
Now thats actually interesting.
In denying the abduction story in an email to De Void I've never even seen
a UFO! Pope sought to clarify the record. To wit:
Some UK-based ufologists took exception to the fact that I used some
pseudonymous cases in my book on alien abductions, The Uninvited. I replied
that witness confidentiality applied without exception and added even if it was
me as a joke. The joke spread and I replied that I could "neither confirm nor
deny" (NCND) the rumor. NCND is a Ministry of Defense in-joke, just as I could
tell you but then I'd have to kill you is an in-joke in the intelligence
The only documents that I requested the MoD withhold are ones relating to my
work as a freelance journalist, broadcaster and PR consultant. Clarke is one of
a small group of UK ufologists who are absolutely obsessed with me, in view of
my government work on UFOs. This bizarre groups of oddballs which includes a
deeply unpleasant individual who runs an anti-Semitic blog have submitted
multiple FOI requests to MoD about me and poison the blogosphere with incessant
hate-filled rantings about my government work in many people's eyes I still
work for the government and am personally responsible for the UFO cover-up! I
took the view and the MoD agreed that documents relating to my business
activities were private and should certainly not be passed to some of the more
unpleasant characters who lurk on the fringes of ufology.
Hypocrisy? Well, at the very least, it tells us the MoD still has stuff
tucked away in its UFO files. Pope also reminded De Void as indeed, Clarke
reminded his readers that Clarke never possessed a security clearance during
his UFO research and has reviewed only declassified, or unclassified,
I suspect there's some sour grapes here, Pope went on, because one of the
documents in MoD's UFO files referred to Clarke and a couple of his fellow
ufologists as the UFO spotters - a pejorative UK term meaning someone with an
obsessive, nerdish and naïve perspective on the subject. It was one of my
successors who wrote that, but as I'm the 'public face' of MoD's UFO project,
ufologists tend to blame me for just about everything!
Then theres this caveat from prolific British researcher and author Good,
who greeted the MODs glasnost with a shrug: That was done in a civilian desk
within the MoD which Nick headed ... The real work is done behind the scenes
(e.g. military intelligence). You may recall that in Above Top Secret I
exposed for the first time the Top Secret UFO research unit then at RAF Rudloe
Manor (now elsewhere).
This is running long for a little blog, so lets wrap it up on a word from
Jenny Randles, who discovered something from these MoD crumbs that we Yanks
regrettably picked up on from the Pentagon decades ago, after it was far too
late: ... The MoD was never and is not now the correct body to collate such
data and spend precious resources on a subject that really needs to be
demystified and placed into the realms of scientific study.
OK, so who wants to pony up and start from scratch?
British UFO Document Release is Really a Coverup, says UFO
Abductee Nick Pope
UFO Abductee Nick Pope, formerly of the MoD UFO
Nick Pope is a major UFO celebrity, originally from the U.K. but now living
in the U.S. He claims that he was skeptical of UFOs prior to his work at the MoD
UFO desk (there never was such a thing as a "UFO Project"), but in fact Pope
believes he was abducted by aliens during a trip to Florida in 1991, before he
began working for the MoD. The Sunday Times of London reported on February 7, 1999
The Ministry of Defence official who once headed investigations into
unidentified flying objects believes he was abducted by aliens. Nick Pope, who
ran the ministry's top secret Airstaff Secretariat office during the early
1990s, believes that he, his girlfriend and their car were abducted from a
deserted toll road in Florida. He has described how he was lifted aboard an
alien spacecraft and then wandered around its corridors - without, however,
meeting any aliens.
The next speaker was Nick Pope, who supposedly ran "the British
Government's UFO Project," although in reality he didn't run anything, and
worked part-time on the UFO Project from 1991 to 1994. He began his talk on the
defensive, emphasizing that he did not actually predict an alien invasion, as
many news stories and blogs reported last summer. I was, he said, merely
promoting a space war type of video game, and reporters took my comments out of
context. I
wrote a Blog entry about this last August 22. Comments like, "The government
must - and has planned - for the worst-case scenario: alien attack and alien
invasion. Space shuttles, lasers and directed-energy weapons are all committed
via the Alien Invasion War Plan to defence against any alien ships in orbit."
Sorry Nick, that excuse doesn't work, as anyone can tell if they Google "Nick
Pope Alien Invasion," which also brings up a story from October 12, 2012, "Britain
has alien-war weapons, says former government adviser," and even "Aliens
Could Attack at Any Time" from 2006. Stop trying to fool us, Nick, and admit
you said these things.
One reason that UFOlogists are upset is that the newly-released UFO files
contain nothing whatsoever of any real interest, and are in fact rather
embarrassing to the pro-UFO side. As reported by the BBC,
Carl Mantell of the RAF's Air Command, suggested the MoD should try to
significantly reduce the UFO work. He said it was "consuming increasing
resource, but produces no valuable defence output". He told Mr Ainsworth that in
more than 50 years, "no UFO sighting reported to [the MoD] has ever revealed
anything to suggest an extra-terrestrial presence or military threat to the
UK"... Among the 4,400 pages of documents released are:
A letter from a school child in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, to the MoD,
dated January 2009, asking if aliens exist after she had seen some strange
lights, and including a drawing of an alien in a UFO waving
A report received via the UFO hotline by someone who had been "living with
an alien" in Carlisle for some time
A report from a man from Cardiff who claimed a UFO abducted his dog, and
took his car and tent, while he was camping with friends in 2007
One of the UFO documents recently released by the UK MoD. When my name was
included on a list prepared by NASA of people who might have information on UFOs
(since they did not), I used to receive dozens of letters like this from school
children requesting information. I would usually reply with just a page or two
of skeptical materials, but I suppose that was not what they wanted to
Dr David Clarke, according
to The Telegraph, "has been the National Archives 'UFO consultant' for five
year project, during which it has made public more than 52,000 pages of official
government files relating to mysterious sightings." Clarke is a former reporter
and currently course leader and senior lecturer in journalism at Sheffield
Hallam University teaching media law and investigation skills. His Ph.D is in
Folklore from the National Centre for English Cultural Tradition, University of
Sheffield. Since 2008 he has been working with The National Archives (TNA) as
their consultant for the ongoing release of the UFO files created by Britain's
Ministry of Defence.
from 2000 onwards my FOI campaign made me a thorn in the side of the MoD
to the extent that after seven years of constant pressure they relented and
decided to transfer all surviving UFO papers to The National Archives. But
instead of hailing the disclosure as a breakthrough, conspiracy nuts have
portrayed it as a cover-up because the documents do not provide any support for
their beliefs.
A claim by the British Ministry of Defence that UFOs have no defense
significance is "designed solely to keep Parliament, the media and the public
off our backs," according to former MoD UFO Desk administrator Nick Pope....
Official MoD spokesmen and one self-styled UFO expert, David Clarke, claim that
the MoD found no evidence of a UFO threat to the UK and, therefore, closed its
UFO Desk....Regarding David Clarke, Pope says, "Some people would probably use
the term 'useful idiot' to describe his parroting the MoD 'no defense
significance' sound bite."
Robert Hastings
Robert Hastings, famous for his "UFOs and Nukes" claims, jumped into the
fray. Last August I wrote about Hastings'
absurd charges about CSI(COP), such as the following:
Highly relevant to this discussion is my research into Sheaffers
affiliation with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) which was previously
named The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
(CSICOP). As journalist Terry Hansen has argued in The Missing Times, the
historical role of CSICOP (now CSI) strongly suggests it has been performing as
an intelligence community front organizationpumping anti-UFO propaganda into
the media without revealing its true source or motivation.
Well-known skeptic Robert Sheaffers performance in Secret History of
UFOs, the National Geographic networks latest
debunking-disguised-as-documentary, begs the question: At what point does the
systematic presentation of half-truths and outright falsehoods about the UFO
phenomenon cross the line from incompetent scholarship to intentional
As I noted in my last article, given the extremely
biased and propagandistic treatment of the UFO subject one consistently finds on
Nat Geo, it might reasonably be argued that the network has been working behind
the scenes with the CIA to debunk the phenomenon.
it appears that what the MoD has been engaging in is the selective
declassification of UFO-related files, whereby low-level, generally mundane
documents are released with much media fanfare, while very sensitive files
continue to be withheld from public view. The practice is commonly called
spin. The purpose of this propaganda tactic is to alter the actual story of
official interest in the UFO phenomenon, so that it appears as if there exists
only minimal concern or none at all.
Within the next 18 months the Ministry of Defence will complete their
disclosure programme of UFO-related documents. But some UFOlogists continue to
demand they come clean on all levels. They believe there are more secret
documents being held back that contain evidence of alien visitations. I can
reveal the only documents MoD intends to permanently conceal from the public
concern their secret dealings not with aliens, but with a former member of their
own staff Nick Pope.
Clarke had made a Freedom of Information request of
the MOD for copies of MoD papers, records or other information relating to
internal discussion, policy and/or briefings in response to public statements
made to the media and via the release of Open Skies, Closed Minds by Nick
Pope during the period 1995-96. As Clarke explained to Pope at the time, "my
request was specifically for internal comment on your Press interviews in 1996
and MoDs discussion of what line to take and not for access to his private
correspondence with his employers over the clearance of his manuscript (with one
exception that concerns a specific letter which he had quoted from in the public
domain)." Clarke's request was not granted, and it turns out that the reason was
that Pope has written to the MoD and asked for the information not to be
released into the public domain.
So much for "full disclosure!" Probably
the reason that Pope opposes the release of such documents is that they
undoubtedly would contain more comments like these:
far from accurately representing the Departments position
[on UFOs], he [Nick Pope] has sought to embellish the truth at almost every
turn. (from a document prepared by one of Pope's line managers in 2000-2001,
DEFE 24/2019, released into the National Archives in 2011).
"A great pity that a more permanent abduction by aliens cannot be arranged.
I'm not surprised that they did not want to keep him." (one of Pope's managers
scribbled this comment in a margin of one of the redacted documents released by
the MoD and dated 10 October 1995)
End the UFO Coverup, Nick, and
release the files!
There is a very interesting 2009 article in Tim
Printy's Sun-Lite about Pope by someone calling himself "Col. Arnold
Moulder" (but is probably Colonel Mustard, with the candlestick, in the
library). It describes Pope's efforts to hide these documents, and gives
numerous other examples of Pope playing fast and loose with facts.
Informations du jour des Rencontres Ufologiques
Commentaires des
« Rencontres Ufologiques » sur les
déclarations de Nick Pope.
.Nick Pope nous apprend
que le gouvernement Britannique a mis en place un programme sur cinq ans pour
libérer et déclassifier lensemble des archives relatives aux OVNIs, détenues
par le gouvernement. Ces documents quittent donc, par vagues successives,le ministère de la Défense pour le
département des archives nationales.
Voilà pourquoi chaque
année nous avons droit à des commentaires, souvent nébuleux et tendancieux, dans
la presse mondiale, diffusés par quelques agences de presse parfaitement
choisies. Certains documents y sont mentionnés et on peut accéder sur internet à
une sélection de ces informations jusqualors
Selon Nick Pope, il
connaissait depuis plusieurs mois lexistence de ce dernier lot de
fichiers,maintenant libéré, mais il ne
pouvait le révéler car linformation était confidentielle. Pour lui, cest une
des plus importantes décisions liés au dossier ovni de ces dernières années.
Rappelons que Nick Pope est Britannique, quil a été le responsable du MOD, le
service qui au sein du Ministère de la Défense sest occupé durant plusieurs
décennies du dossier ovni.
Nick Pope se pose la
question de savoir si tous les documents ont bien été
Bien évidemment pour lui,
cest NON !Il met en avant que dans la
loi Informatique et Liberté qui est en vigueur en Grande Bretagne,de larges catégories de motifs exonèrent
létat de son obligation de rendre public les documents demandés. Ces catégories
sont entre autre la Défense, la Sécurité nationale et le Renseignement.Nick Pope a la conviction que le gouvernement
et ses services, ont donc conservé le « black- out » sur un certain nombre de
documents. Ila travaillé pour le
Ministère de a Décence, il sait comment cela se passe.
Nick Pope est surpris par
le fait que le Gouvernement Britannique et ses services reconnaissent
publiquement que certains documents, parmi les meilleurs,aient été « égarés »ou « détruits » accidentellement. Parmi ces
dossiers,des fichiers relatifs à
lincident de la forêt de Randlesham, des photos parmi les plus intéressantes
communiquées au Ministère de la Défense, le journal de bord dun navire qui
contiendrait des informations sur un OVNI vu lors dun exercice militaire de
lOtan, un film pris par des militaires qui ont été envoyé avec leur avion de
chasse, pour intercepter un ovni etc .. Ona connaissance de certaines traces dobservations qui ne sont pas
divulguées car il en est fait mention, par exemple,dans les journaux internes de certaines bases
de la RAF.On sait aussi que les pilotes
évitent dutiliser le terme ovni et parlentde quasi accident avec un avion inhabituel ou un hélicoptère non
conventionnel.Il y a donc en
conséquence selon Nick Pope, de nombreuses traces relatives à des affaires qui
ne sont pas rendues publiques dans les documents libérés ces dernières
Nick Pope, bien informé,
dément catégoriquement que ces informations rendues publiques soient un prélude
à la divulgation. En Angleterre des centaines de personnes ont demandé la
libération dinformations précisesà
propos du dossier ovni. (Nous nen sommes
pas encore là en France !) Le Ministère plutôt que de passer son temps à
rechercher, jour après jour, lettre après lettre, les informations demandées, a
décidé tout simplement de rechercher tout ce qui a trait au phénomène et de le
diffuser par « lot » selon un programme étalé sur5 années. Aucun rapport avec un acte délibéré
destiné à dénigrer le phénomène ou à préparer le grand public à une hypothétique
Nick Pope rappel que la
position officielle américaine est que depuis la clôture du Projet Blue Book,
ils ne font plus aucune enquête sur les ovnis. Donc, si les britanniques
libèrentdes documents, au niveau des
états Unis, il ne faut pas sattendre à ce quils fassent de même. Pour les
américains, officiellement, ils nont donc plus rien à révéler. Par contre, on
peut avoir des doutes sur cette position car les U.S.Aont bien enquêté sur des affaires comme
Rendlesham (après 1969 !) ou en 1976 dans laffaire du pilote militaire qui en
Iran a été envoyé avec son avion de chasse, en direction dun
ovni !
Nick Pope estime quen Grande Bretagne
la libération de ces archives à fondamentalement changé la façon dont les médias
considèrent aujourdhui le sujet ovni. Il y a évidemment toujours des émissions
qui préfèrent rire de ce phénomène en espérant ainsi une plus large audience, en
faisant appel « aux petits hommes verts » ou aux thèmes de « The X-Files ».
Mais, en général, les médias et les
journalistes qui ont découverts à travers tous ces documents la réalité du
phénomène ovni ; des descriptions précises de la part de centaines de témoins,
ont une toute autre opinion. Le travail fait durant plusieurs décennies par le
Ministère de la Défense prouve aussi que ces objets étaient vraiment pris en
considération et que des enquêtes approfondies ont été faites sur de nombreux
cas, qui ne sont toujours pas expliqués. La présence dOvni, suivi sur des
milliers de kms par les radars militaires Britanniques, tout en effectuant des
manuvres impossibles selon notre technologie et ceci à des vitesses
extraordinaires ou encore les communications objet dun brouillage lors de
tentative dinterception dovnisont
autant dindices qui laissent perplexe la presse. A lévidence elle se rend
compte que le phénomène est loin dêtre aussi inoffensif que le gouvernement
voudrait le faire croire.
Photo 2 : Nick Pope à son
arrivée à Paris, en 2007 - photos Gérard Lebat
Billet de Nick Pope
publié par UFO Digest : ici de notre
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is
for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly
intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and
UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now
provides advanced research and consultation on a wide range of
In special reports, this weeks files cover: Abductee Letter, Is God Angry or is China
Controlling Our Weather, Apollo 17 Films Craft,Mars Has Boron, Oxygen and
Domes, Peru Winged Beings,John Jaeger, Director PUFOIN Alien
Threat,Orb Outside My Bedroom and British UFO
Document Release
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona,
California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, New York,
North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Eire,
Germany, Italy, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research.
believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's
are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Note to readers: Next Filer's Filers will be out over the
weekend on July 13th.
In June 2013 there were 744 sightings
reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries; 638 in the US, 43 in
Canada, 17 in the UK, and 7 in Australia, 5 in Argentina.
Abductee Letter
Susan writes, I just wanted to send you a quick thank you
for faithfully sending out the Filers Files on a regular basis. I've had ET
encounters for several years now, starting with an abduction in 1995. Back then
I had a difficult time accepting what happened. It hasn't been until recently
that I've "come out" so to speak with my experiences. I started
posting a few of my sightings, including my abduction case on MUFON.
The experiences I have had beyond sightings would be a
difficult thing to explain to someone unless they were very open minded. Luckily
my fiancée has an open mind and I can discuss these things with him. You might
find this interesting: My most recent experiences with the grays happened last
fall at my parent's house. Theres something that has helped me accept these
encounters as a reality.
Because of the nature of the way the grays have interacted with me, it is
difficult to pinpoint it to an actual entity encounter. What made me feel less
crazy is that when we last visited my parents house; my partner actually saw
one of the entities that were previously interacting with me. He was packing up
our things downstairs getting ready for us to go back home and saw a tall grey
being emerge from the wall of the room. This grey had on a typical suit, like a
dress suit that humans would wear. He didn't see a physical 3D being in the room
but definitely saw this grey guy come through the wall. When my partner
described him to me, the personality of this grey exactly matched the
personality of the guy that interacted with me that fall. This guy had kind of
an ego, like he was "cool" or whatever!
He then told my partner something along the lines of being
part of a "ground crew", whatever that means. He said that they were taking on
more human qualities in order to interact with us better or something of that
nature. I had extensive "discussions" with this guy the previous fall and became
well acquainted with his ego personality type. Maybe the ego/macho kind of
thing just stands out more than the other ones.
The Filers Files emails you send are tremendous encouragement. They help me
feel like I'm not alone in this, that there are others out there who experience
these amazing and unusual encounters as well. Thanks to Susan
Is God Angry or is China
Controlling Our Weather
The history of the world is often written that when a nation chooses not to
follow Gods commandments and that nation suffers his wrath. The jet streams are
setting up patterns that are very unusual in the spring and summer causing
excessive heat and precipitation in many parts of the world. The US West is
having monster hot high pressure with many Western weather stations reaching
all-time record high temperatures while the South and East of the US have record
rainfalls and flooding.
During the Olympics the Chinese controlled the weather preventing rain and
have been conducting significant weather modification. Allegedly HARRP and
similar projects can disrupt the worlds weather patterns. The US has been
suffering from massive tornadoes and the hot weather is setting up for a
disastrous hurricane season. Thunderstorms with numerous lightning strikes and
high winds are causing fire storms and the recent of hundreds of homes and the
loss of 19 fire fighters in Prescott, Arizona. The news claims Mother Nature is
angry. There is something strange happening causing the drastic changes in the
weather. On top of the heat there are lightning strikes creating fires. The East
and South is receiving record rain fall and flooding.
3 July 2013 Shows a hot monster ridge of high pressure over Nevada/Idaho
with a northerly jet stream arching from the Canadian NWT down to the Texas Gulf
Coast Typical for January, but not July. Not ever during the summer months is
this pattern normal.
The weather patterns are abnormal with a highly anomalous flow that leads to
scorching heat in the west and days of cloudbursts in the east. Philadelphia has
had cloudbursts on nine out of ten days and another seven days are predicted
with flooding. Meanwhile the West is suffering with
triple-digit daily maximum temperatures, with some locations exceeding
all-time highs. The duration of the string of triple-digit days in normally hot
places like the central valley of California, the great basin, and the deserts
of the southwest may even outdo themselves, with new all-time records.
The Mountain
Pine Beetle is flourishing and thereby decimating our precious Western
National Forests making them vulnerable to fires. The rains in the East are
causing unusually heavy mosquito population. The Earth is in trouble as a living
entity and is fighting for its survival. If internal or external events begin to
throw Earth out of balance i.e. orbital, tilt, or magnetic alignment - it begins
to correct itself. We are in trouble with If my people who are called by name
will turn from their wicked ways, will humble themselves and pray I will heal
their land.
Apollo 17 Films
Photo of UFO taken from Apollo 17
This is one of numerous Apollo image anomalies that I have cataloged
over my years of researching this incredible subject matter. Hope you enjoy!
Peru Winged Beings
A rare, undisturbed royal tomb has been unearthed in Peru, revealing the
graves of three Wari queens buried alongside gold and silver riches and possible
human sacrifices. Though the surrounding site has been looted many times, this
mausoleum has managed to evade grave robbers for hundreds of years,
archaeologists say. The Wari Empire flourished between A.D. 700 and 1000
throughout much of present-day Peru. At a time when Paris had just 25,000
residents, the Wari capital Huari was home to 40,000 people at its height, according to National
Geographic, which reported the find.
But a team led by Polish and Peruvian archaeologists discovered an
underground mausoleum sealed for centuries under 30 tons (27 metric tons) of
loose stone fill is being billed as the first unlooted Wari
imperial tomb. View
The 1,200-year-old chamber was found in El Castillo de Huarmey, north of
Lima. Milosz Giersz, an archaeologist at the University of Warsaw in Poland,
told National Geographic that he first saw a faint outline of the mausoleum in
aerial photographs of the site. In digging through to the "temple of the dead,"
the team reportedly discovered rows of human bodies buried in a seated position.
They also found three Wari queens in small side chambers among valuable grave
goods, such as gold tools for weaving, brilliantly painted ceramic vessels and a
drinking cup carved from alabaster. Over months of digging, the team
unearthed more than a thousand artifacts from the site, including semi-precious
stone beads, carved wooden artifacts, bronze axes and jewelry made from gold and
silver. Peru's Minister of Culture announced the discovery on June 27.
Martian clay may have harbored boron a key component for one of the lifes
molecular building blocks at a time when life was just starting on the Earth,
scientists say.
Researchers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa NASA Astrobiology
Institute (UHNAI) have discovered high concentrations of boron in a Martian
meteorite. When present in its oxidized form (borate), boron may have played a
key role in the formation of RNA, one of the building blocks for life.
Researchers found the Martian meteorite used in this study in Antarctica during
2010. The minerals it contains, clearly show that it is of Martian origin.
Using the ion microprobe in the WM Keck Cosmochemistry Laboratory at UH, the
team was able to analyze veins of Martian clay in the meteorite. They determined
boron abundances in these clays are over ten times higher than in any previously
measured meteorite.
On Earth, borate-enriched salt, sediment and clay deposits are relatively
common, but such deposits had never previously been found on an
extra-terrestrial body. The study was published in journal PLOS One.
Mars had an oxygen-rich atmosphere 4,000
million years ago more than a billion years before Earth and may
still have some. Mars Spirit rover examined surface rocks in the Gusev crater.
What we have shown is that both meteorites
and surface volcanic rocks are consistent with similar origins in the deep
interior of Mars but that the surface rocks come from a more oxygen-rich
environment, probably caused by recycling of oxygen-rich materials into the
interior, said Professor Bernard Wood, of Oxford Universitys
Department of Earth Sciences.
Note: The Dome between the two black arrows
and a large tunnel like opening with light streaming out next to the white
arrow. These structures and lights indicate intelligent creatures living on Mars
at Longitude 296.42 W. Latitude 19.88 N image M0305715.
John Jaeger writes, I have
to say that I dont at all agree with Dr. David Jacobs perspective in his book,
The Threat, the Secret Agenda. If we are being visited and IF we have aliens
among us I believe they would need to be benevolent because frankly, what would
be the purpose of creating hybrids to take over our planet? They could have done
that all on their own without all of the middle-men involved. It simply isnt
My moms family witnessed a cigar shaped UFO over a lake in upstate NY in the 50s. My grandmother told
me there were multiple objects while my mom and grandfather only saw the one.
They were out on the lake and my grandfather decided to quickly row back to the
shore. My grandmother and my moms sisters were on the shore. No one ever knew
what the objects were but my grandfather wasnt one to become unsettled
Who knows what these objects
are. We know the government is at least 50 years ahead of our current level of
technology on the market. A lot of what we see may be man-made.
Thanks to John Jaeger,
Director PUFOIN
Orb Outside My
Jeannette writes, I went to bed very early on June 11, 2013,
and woke up at 11:03 PM. due to persistent feelings of arousal. The dreams I was
having had nothing to do with my physical sensation. I noticed the lattes on
the bedroom window. Two were flat nearly 7 below my view level and the
remaining were nearly at 35 degree angle. I fixed these two lattes to match the
rest and went back to bed. Still feeling as I had I rolled over to look at the
window and saw that one of the lattes returned to its original position. I got
up again to match it against the others. Because of my physical feelings I took
pictures of the room. I recently charged my camera battery but it held little
charge after taking five previous pictures. This is highly unusual as it has
never happened before. I went out in the backyard and looked where my instincts
told me toward the S.E. and saw an orange orb.
The more
intensity I directed toward the orb the brighter it glowed. When I diminished
my glance or looked away then back again its glow diminished. The orb had a
hard edge to it and there was no soft light haze around it. I experimented with
my looking at it and as I consistently altered the intensity of my gaze it
responded in kind either increasing or decreasing its light intensity. When my
feelings of arousal had gone the orb turned white. I was pretty tired and was
losing interest. The orb was fading and it seemed to blink off and on until
only part of the rim remained before finally disappearing from my view. I tried
again to take pictures but the camera failed probably due to its diminished
capacity. I have often thought that orbs either gather to or provoke energy so
that they can collect it. Thanks to
British UFO Document Release
Designed to Deflect Public and Media Interest
Former Ministry of Defence UFO Specialist
PR Newswire
WASHINGTON On June 26, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A claim by the
British Ministry of Defence that UFOs have no defense significance is
"designed solely to keep
Parliament, the media and the public off our backs," according to
former MoD UFO Desk administrator Nick Pope.
Pope's startling statement was in response to the MoD's release last week of
what it says is its final batch of UFO documents. Official MoD spokesmen and one
self-styled UFO expert, David Clarke, claim that the MoD found no evidence of a
UFO threat to the UK and, therefore, closed its UFO Desk. The subsequent,
widely-publicized declassification of its UFO documentsthe implication being
that nothing remained hiddenwas intended to demonstrate the MoD's public
transparency on the UFO issue.
In reality, Pope says, "the
UK's Freedom of Information Act contains wide-ranging exemptions covering areas
such as defense, security and intelligence" and the newly-available documents
had already been "judged to be unclassified" before their
Regarding David Clarke, Pope says, "Some people would probably use the term
'useful idiot' to describe his parroting the MoD 'no defense significance' sound
These and other provocative comments by Pope have just been published in an
article by
UFOs and Nukes researcher Robert Hastings, who discovered a credible UFO
involvement in the famous Rendlesham Forest/RAF Bentwaters case, which occurred
in Suffolk, England.
Hastings interviewed the two U.S. Air Force air traffic controllers on duty
at Bentwaters during a week of UFO activity there, and the nearby forest,
in December 1980, who say they tracked a bona fide UFO on radar and saw the
object hoverit appeared as an orange-colored spherebefore it raced away.
Hastings says that the UFO later hovered near the USAF's Weapons Storage Area
(WSA), containing tactical nuclear bombs, and directed laser-like beams down
into the facility. Bentwaters' former deputy base commander, now-retired
Col. Charles Halt, first acknowledged the dramatic incident in 1991, saying that
he had heard frantic radio chatter from Security Policemen at the WSA,
describing the UFO and the beams, while he was investigating reports of strange
lights in nearby Rendlesham Forest. Hastings says, "If the incident at the WSA actually
occurred, and it appears that it did, then UFOs do indeed pose a defense threat
to the UK."
Thanks to Robert Hastings
In June 2013 there were 744
sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries; 638 in the
US, 43 in Canada, 17 in the UK, and 7 in Australia, 5 in Argentina. Below are a
few of the interesting ones.
Sightings in the United
Arizona Colored
CHANDLER -- On June 18, 2013, I was on my
balcony looking west when I saw a very bright light, hovering. It was west of
the Chandler Mall. It has to be within 10-20 miles from me. It would move
extremely slow in different directions, right to left, but mainly stayed
hovering or stationary. It would start flickering with colored lights, rapidly,
then go back to just a bright white light. The flickering lights kept the same
distance and pattern. It has been back to the same location for 5 nights since
June 18th. Sometimes its stays 2 1/2 hours or so and other times Ive seen it,
it stays maybe not 2 hours. It will either just disappear or seem to fade
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Petaluma -- On July 1, 2013 at 10:35 PM, I was driving
northbound on Highway 101 between Novato, Ca and Petaluma, CA when I witnessed
two enormous spacecraft on the east side of Highway 101 hovering for 15 minutes.
The spacecraft closest to the highway was 300 yards east of the highway and 500
feet high was outlined in white lights with rotating circular colored lights
near the front of the aircraft. They were not helicopters or airplanes. Thanks
Lone Tree -- I saw two aircraft creating zigzag pattern in
the sky with their contrail/exhaust on July 2, 2013. When I was observing the
crossing flight pattern I drew notice to a rod shaped/aligned light sources/orbs
floating against the contrail wake from the two jets at 11:14 AM MST. The orbs
drifted north along the contrail wake in the brilliant blue sky. At 11:30 AM,
the orbs continued in aligned rod shape and drifted west until 12:50MST when the
Orbs faded away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
District of Columbia
Washington -- On June 25th 2013 approx.
7:30 pm, I took pictures of my car. While downloading the pix to PC, I noticed a
strange object in the sky. After noticing the object I went outside to take more
pictures of that area of the western sky. That object did not show, but other
objects showed in the photos. Strange objects were not detected in some of the
pictures. I also, zoomed in on the object by using pc software and was able to
capture a close-up.
The following day on the 26th, after a thunderstorm,
approx. 6:30 pm, I decided to take pictures of the same area of the sky. I could
not see any objects with my naked eye, but did see an object showing in the
photos. Some of the specs are from raindrops on the window, because I took those
pictures through the glass on the porch, but there is a distinct object directly
in front of the sun breaking through the clouds.
Today 6/27/13 at
approx. 9:00 am I once an again took pictures of the western sky. At first I
thought there was nothing. However, as I looked harder I see approx. 4 objects
in the clouds at a distance.
There seems to be a lot of UFO activity
going on in the western skies. One cannot detect this with their naked eye, but
my Aiptek mpvr 2k6 camcorder can detect the objects.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Light
keystone HEIGHTS -- I took my dog out about 12:30 pm, on May
28, 2013 and noticed a light coming in over the lake.
I went back in the house and grabbed my phone thinking it might be a cool
picture and took photos of it coming in hovering over the lake and then
I have photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Bonner Springs -- I was grilling
last night, it was very HOT out, and I remember thinking to myself, why did I
even suggest I do this. I heard a BOOM sound, not like an explosion, almost like
a sonic boom but softer Looking around the area, I see nothing. I look up into
the sky and I see a jet with obvious contrails behind it, chasing a UFO? It left
no trace of contrails and it seemed to really be moving. I grab my cell phone
and take some photos, of what best photos I can. Then a second jet appears from
the opposite direction, heading for the object head on. The Object seems to slow
and move out of the way and the jets fly by and the object takes off again - I
remember thinking to myself, what am I seeing here. That has to be a jet. But
where are the contrails, and why does it slow down and take off so erratic, Oh
my food was burning too. - Unfortunately I was the only one around that seen it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Independence -- Shortly after 10 PM, on June 26, 2013, from
my porch, I witnessed a very strange object in the sky about a half mile away
and screamed for my wife to bring a camera. She took three photos with her
Iphone5. Initially, the object was close enough to see the periphery, which was
clearly rectangular with a giant yellow-orange-white flame inside that filled
most of the rectangle shape. There was a bright light inside the rectangle with
a halo of light around it. I heard what I thought was the sound of propane fuel
burning, a low steady dull rumble sound. The rectangle object moved slowly and
then faster than a jet airplane ascending rapidly and southeast.
The rectangular borders seemed black and very thin while the flame inside
took up most of the object. I thought hot air balloons just moved at the same
speed as the wind. On a side note, I have also seen once a few months back a
huge black triangle at night with at least seven or eight lights around it
moving east with some of the lights blinking. This object moved faster than any
other I have ever seen in the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York
manhattan -- i was on a trip with a group of people I know
and bought tickets for a double decker bus tour around the city on June
5th, 2013. It was around 6 PM, and we were on the bus tour and we
were taking pictures. I had taken pictures of the New York Times building.
I never went through the pictures until today June 30th, 2013, when I saw a
dark blimp like structure in the sky next to the New York Times building. I
never actually saw it in real life but it showed up in my pictures. Thanks to
NEW YORK CITY -- It seems some craft were seen "drinking"
from the river. I hope they have a stalwart constitution.
Yuck! Perhaps they were members of the environmental crew Dr. Boylan spoke of
and they were taking water samples for analysis.
There are at least two different kinds of craft in this video, including the
cigar-shaped ship.
NEW ENGLAND -- I was taking pictures with a disposable 35mm
camera of our house exterior admiring the siding in our small town. I came
around to the east side of the house and snapped the picture of my husband
filling a bird feeder on July 11, 2006, about 7 PM. It was only after the prints
were returned that we noticed a strange large box-kite looking thing in the sky.
Roughly NE from our house two crafts are visible in the photo. I didnt even
notice the second one until I got the photo onto my computer. As best we could
tell, the second, more distant object looked very much like the closest object.
We did not see the objects but I can tell you that there were no kids out in
the field behind us flying box kites. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Lebanon -- I was at work as a staff member at a group home
on June 21, 2013, at 11:45 PM. I
was summoned outside to look at what he thought was an airplane on fire. Upon
going outside with five others, I saw the object moving straight at a low
altitude. It was pulsing a fiery orange color which gave the illusion of an
object on fire, but it had no tail or trace of light in its wake. I took a
photo/video of the object that only shows as a small light in the sky.
When the object was overhead it smelled like a skunk and took a minute for
the object to disappear north of us. The skunk smell was gone by the time it
passed out of sight. We remained outside long after the sighting, but witnessed
nothing further. Thanks to MUFON CMS
East Livdrpoo -- My daughters and I were
sitting on my front porch around 9 PM, on June 29, 2013, when we saw a brilliant
red , yellow and orange light.
It appears toward the west of us as it got closer to us, it turned a
greenish-yellow and shot straight up into the ski.
Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Blinking Light
Mt. Rainer -- On June 14, 2013,
about 9:10 PM, I was cooking steaks and had my camera set up with a 1500 MM
electronic lens near Mt. Rainer. I was imaging the mountain and I noticed an
object looking like it just entered the atmosphere. It was trailing black smoke
unlike vapor contrails from an aircraft. Maybe it was a meteor? It suddenly made
a 90 degree turn toward the north unlike any meteor. Then another object
identical object appeared. I took many images as
the second object intersected the firsts trail. Thanks to
Pennsylvania Orbs
Glenolden -- I
was visiting my Mom at her house on June 19, 2013 and we looked up and noticed
what looked like a moving star. At first, I thought it was probably a bundle of
Mylar balloons. I ran and got my camera and snapped away. I took five photos and
a short video clip using my Nikon Coolpix P500. I dont really think this is
anything alien, probably a satellite.
It appears to be turning but has no visible propulsion. Would I be
able to take photos of a craft in orbit in broad daylight using 36X zoom?
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Cambria -- On June 9,
2013, I was taking pictures while driving through the mountains of Pennsylvania
on Route 219 near N. Cambria, PA.
I was on the back of a motorcycle. I did not see the UFO until I downloaded
the pictures. The 1st picture is the original photo. The 2nd photo is cropped
and zoomed in.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
GALVESTON -- About 5 minutes
after 10 pm, on June30, 2013, I let the dog out but he came right back in and
called for me to come look at something in the sky. It was a UFO. Then there was
a second one, and then a third one.
After I saw the first one, I ran
back in the house and got my mobile phone and came back outside and took one
short video and one photo. The UFOs looked like hot air balloons might look with
bright, flame-like, flickering, intensely red lights in the center, but they did
not move like hot air balloons would move. The clouds were moving south toward
the ocean, but these UFOs were not moving that direction. The first one moved
quickly inland and became blurry and larger and dimmer as it went, and moved
faster and faster. Before the first one disappeared, the second one appeared and
it was very bright and red and flickering like fire in the center. It was up
really high, like they all were, and it also moved inland and became smaller and
smaller and disappeared. The third one appeared, all bright and red and
flickering and distinct, but it soon started moving up higher and moving away
upwards and to the South/Southwest.
The next morning I called the local
Air National Guard and Coast Guard but they denied any military exercises last
night. Thanks to MUFON CMS
June 29, 2013 Sighting Wave
of Fireballs and Orbs Seen in Night Sky.
MURGAN --As we left the house of a
friend, I noticed an unusual light in the sky that appeared to be hovering over
a nearby hill on June 21, 2013. I told my children who took a short while to
locate it. I said "Theres a UFO" and they saw it
and agreed it was an unidentified flying object. We watched for two minutes as
it hovered, but may have been moving closer directly toward us as it did appear
to get slightly larger. I took three photos on my iPhone, but it was so far away
it was not visible on the screen of the phone. When I downloaded
the photos to my computer, I could see a single light, but in the sky it
looked about two centimeters across I estimate it was a couple of kilometers
away when it disappeared behind the cloud cover. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Brilliant White
Scarborough I was at work outside on my morning break June
21, 2013. The sky was relatively clear and noticed a high flying Airliner. The
direction of the Airliner came from the northwest and was heading southeast
towards Lake Ontario so I took four zoomed in pictures. One photo appears to
have captured a brilliant white UFO above the Airliner at 10:03 AM. This unknown
white anomaly was not seen with the naked eye yet my camera picked up something
strange near the Airliner. It would appear there is a constant activity in our
skies even near our conventional aircraft.
PS I have actually witnessed two white UFOs follow an Airliner back August,
2003 in southern Oshawa. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mullingar During the month of May and
June every night my partner and I have seen the same lights appeared and then
more appear and form a triangular shape of three lights on June 2, 2013. More
appear out of this triangle and start to move, disappear and reappear in
different parts of the sky. They also seem to take turns being in the triangle.
One seems to dominate and doesnt move but gets different levels of brightness.
At one point it gets so bright its like a huge fireball with flares.
It is not outside our atmosphere. They must be miles away from where we were
viewing them because I zoomed in on my camera. Everything looked closer apart
from the lights. I also noticed that when I photographed it, it reflected a
light on the lens of my camera. The same events happened almost every night and
had very similar patterns. These are not lights from plane or Chinese lanterns.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ballincollig -- I was
letting my dogs out last Saturday, June 1, 2013, around 11:20 PM, and was going
to show my boyfriend the North Star. I started to admire a bright star that
stood out from the others when to my surprise I saw it just fade away. I was
shocked, when the 'star-like' sphere lit up in another area of the sky before
slowly fading away once again. A perfect almost controlled dimming, as if
someone was purposely dimming the light. It did this for a few more seconds,
fading before moving somewhere else.
I called my boyfriend, but like me he was skeptical, until the star like
sphere descended a good bit and it increased to a tenth of its previous size and
brightened up to a beautiful blue-white like color. It moved in a determined
direction, with controlled dimming and had no sound descending and ascended,
hovered and changed in size. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Daaden I was looking up the sky at night
on June 17, /2013, and starting a CE5 contact. It worked. After a few minutes I
saw three different Ufos in a five-minute-tact. I do this every night. It's an
amazing feeling to have contact with extraterrestrial beings. Thanks to MUFON
Italy Flying
Villaggio Mosè, SICILY -- The
flying object had a strange movements, it would accelerate, then stop, make a
shooting start immediately. The lights were chasing each other and constantly
changing color. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Merseyside, England
Top-secret Documents Reveal UFO Sightings
A Merseyside family begged the Government for help,
claiming they were being terrorized by aliens. Their sightings of lights above
their home are among the UFO files revealed this week. The Ministry of Defence
released thousands of reports of extra-terrestrial objects made to its UFO desk.
Among the previously top-secret documents was the tale of a Kirkby family
desperate for help after a string of UFO sightings near their home. Turning to
the Government for help, the family revealed: We saw three bright objects flying in the
same direction near our home. They hovered for around five minutes before
ascending straight up into the sky. Bright orange and strangely shaped, changing
colours as we zoomed in, green, yellow, white, orange etc.
The apparent visit occurred three times on October 26, 2009, leaving the
family desperate for help. They pleaded: Can you please tell us what these things are
as my children are terrified that they are aliens; my son has seen these on two
other occasions and is very worried. I have video footage if you require
it. The MoD responded to the request by saying they only
investigate sightings where
there is evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom from an external
source, and to date no UFO report has revealed such evidence. The
reports released by the MoD yesterday were the last batch of sightings sent to
its UFO Desk before it closed in 2009, and cover the period from late 2007 to
the departments closure. It was closed after the MoD decided investigations into UFO sightings, even from
more reliable sources, serve no useful purpose and merely divert air defence
specialists from their primary tasks.
But Merseyside UFO expert Pat Regan argued the UFO Desks closure was a
decision that left British airspace vulnerable to attack and witnesses forced to
rely on the media and other experts to investigate their fears. He said:
I think it leaves us wide open.
I have always said 95% of sightings can be passed off with mundane explanations
fair enough. But theres possibly 5% that remain
unexplained. It is something going through our sovereign airspace and the MoD
are washing their hands of it. Mr. Regan, from Southport, added:
A few years back Liverpool was
a bit of a hotspot, it was buzzing. We noticed that large bodies of water such
as the Mersey and Ribble Estuary always seem to attract UFO interest for
whatever reason. There are all sorts of outlandish theories some they are
fuelling up, other people are saying they are testing drones. The
Kirkby sighting was one of many in Merseyside that year. Back in May 2009 dozens
of people reported lights moving across the Merseyside sky, with sightings from
Mossley Hill to Southport. In 2008 reports of an alien spacecraft over Wallasey
and UFOs over Liverpool were included in Government UFO files. NOTE: the above
image is a rendering. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Liverpool -- Robert
Newton shared publicly a main craft in an alien fleet, going past
me, very close, and silently, on April 7, 2010. It is morphing and tumbling. See
the video at: ,
or try, Robert Newton on Twitter, with 115 more videos uncensored or Google
Robert Newton,19 miles east of Liverpool.
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
04-07-2013 om 12:50
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
UFO-ONDERZOEK, een kwestie van geloven of niet
UFO-ONDERZOEK, een kwestie
van geloven of niet
Het raadselachtig
UFO-verschijnsel is opmerkelijk, eigenaardig en volhardend, blijkbaar het meest
unieke evenement in de moderne geschiedenis van de mensheid. Al meer dan 50
jaar rapporteren tienduizenden burgers over gans de aarde gespreid vreemde,
onverklaarbare fenomenen in het luchtruim of op de grond... Deze rapporten gaan
van eenvoudige, abnormale lichtverschijnselen tot onverklaarbare objecten in de
lucht of op de grond. Misschien zag je zelf al eens iets vreemds... Bijkomende
vreemde aanverwante verschijnselen, zoals de cattle mutilations en de
graancirkels, stellen ons nog voor meer vragen. Veroorzaken de Ufos deze
vreemde, maar bizarre tekenen? Een angstwekkender, maar toch relatief nieuw
elementin de Ufologie gaat over de
ontvoeringen door aliëns. Een aantal personen verklaren dat UFOs en hun
inzittenden hen ontvoerden, meenamen tot in het ruimtetuig. Hier ondergingen ze
meestal pijnlijke, medische onderzoeken; worden bloed, huid- of spermastalen
genomen en soms planten de aliëns een implantaat in bij de ontvoerde...
Bizarre, ongeloofwaardige
verhalen circuleren zo in het UFO-milieu. Bepaalde sceptici verwerpen het
UFO-probleem gewoon zonder onderzoek. Ze geloven niet (meer) in de
gerapporteerde UFO-meldingen. Volgens hen komen deze verhalen toch maar van
gekken, aandachtzoekers, mediageile of fantasierijke personen of zijn het toch
maar gewoon vervalsingen of trucages. Uit ons onderzoek blijkt dat dit bij de
meeste UFO-meldingen niet het geval is. Inderdaad, het zijn meestal eerlijke,
intelligente en wel opgevoede burgers, waaronder rechters, wetenschappers,
politiemensen, militairen en zelfs ervaren piloten met hun bemanning, die
UFO-waarnemingen rapporteren. Deze burgers als gek, idioot of belachelijk
verklaren is laag bij de grond en getuigt van weinig wetenschappelijk inzicht.
Zelfs al ben je scepticus, toch mag je niet verrast zijn te leren dat zelfs een
aantal invloedrijke wetenschapsmensen met belangrijke diplomas, naam en
papieren, er stellig van overtuigd zijn dat UFOs buitenaards zijn. Volgens hen
zijn UFOs het resultaat van buitenaardse ruimtetuigen, die onze planeet
bezoeken. Indien deze buitenaardse hypothese inderdaad correct blijkt, dan is
het UFO-verschijnsel de belangrijkste, wetenschappelijke gebeurtenis in het
bestaan van het mensdom. En ... het gebeurt allemaal voor onze neus!
Vanzelfsprekend aanvaardt
de huidige, georganiseerde wetenschappelijke gemeenschap en het overgrote
deelvanzijn wetenschappers deze stelling niet.Waarom?De meeste wetenschappers
lopen gewoon mee met het ideeëngoed van de grote massa. De vooruitgang van de
wetenschap is niet het resultaat van deze wetenschappers. Het is het werk van
enkelingen, die het aandurven de bestaande wetenschappelijke stellingen en
axiomas in vraag te stellen en grenzen te verleggen... Is het mogelijk dat in
een tijdperk, waarin de wetenschappers ruimteschepen naar Mars zenden in hun
onderzoek naar buitenaardse levensvormen; dat ze met reusachtige
radiotelescopen het heelal afspeuren naar radiosignalen van verre beschavingen,
dat het bewijs van het bestaan van buitenaards, intelligent leven doodgewoon op
aarde in grote hoeveelheid kan gevonden worden?
De believers, die geloven
dat sommige UFO-rapporten buitenaardse bezoekers vertegenwoordigen, wachten vol
ongeduld op die ene waarneming die alle twijfels wegneemt en het ultieme bewijs
levert... De non-believers en sceptici proberen op allerlei wijzen de Ufologie
te kelderen, soms verklaren ze gewoon één specifieke UFO-waarneming en stellen
dan al de andere meldingen in vraag en eveneens als verklaarbaar...
Simplistische denkpiste, denk je ook niet? In plaats van op een positieve
manier SAMEN op onderzoek te gaan, maken ze elkaar het leven zuur door een
afbraakpolitiek te volgen.Maar tot het
vinden van dat ene, onweerlegbaar bewijs voor UFOs (buitenaardse theorie),
vind ik dat wij objectieve en neutrale onderzoekers dienen te blijven, met
beide voeten op de grond. De welles nietes polemiek van wie het bewijs dient
te leveren, is prietpraat.Degenen die
na 50 jaar nog steeds niet aannemen dat UFOs bestaan, zijn ongelovige
thomassen...Wel is het een feit dat
ondanks de vele duizenden UFO-meldingen, slechts een fractie voldoet aan de
verklaring van UFO, onbekend vliegen objekt... Meer dan 90 % van alle meldingen
kunnen wij verklaren als optische illusies, hallucinaties, vreemde
natuurverschijnselen, testvluchten van geheime toestellen en zelfs trucages en
vervalsingen ....
Dus bij het onderzoek van
een UFO-waarneming dienen wij vooral neutraal, objectief en zelfs sceptisch te
blijven. Onze gepaste achterdocht leidt ons naar het zoeken van een aardse
oplossing voor de melding. Slechts als alle mogelijke wetenschappelijke en
aardse denkpistes uitgeput zijn, kunnen, mogen, durven wij van een UFO spreken.
Bij de minste twijfel over een mogelijke oplossing, dienen wij deze laatste als
verklaring te aanvaarden, tot het tegendeel bewezen is.Even verduidelijken wat ik onder de term UFO
versta. Voor mij is een UFO een onbekend, onverklaarbaar (na alle mogelijke
oplossingen te checken) licht of object in de lucht of op de grond, die wij met
onze huidige kennis niet kunnen verklaren. Een UFO is voor mij dus geen
buitenaardse, vliegende schotel met inzittenden! Als je deze laatste stelling
of verklaring van de term UFO zelf aanneemt, kan je geen objectief, neutraal
onderzoek doen of dien je uitermate voorzichtig te werk te gaan bij je
UFO-onderzoek...Daarom vind ik dat wij
tijdens ons onderzoek een aantal principes dienen na te leven of er ten minste
rekening mee te houden. Deze stellingen kan je uitgebreid terugvinden in het
boek van Philip J. Klass UFOs EXPLAINED... Ondanks de jaren kwam er geen
sleet op deze principes. Het kan geen kwaad om deze principes van de
meester-scepticus in ons achterhoofd te houden...
PRINCIPE 1:Normale
eerlijke en intelligente personen, die plots blootgesteld worden aan een korte,
onverwachte gebeurtenis, vooral één die een ongewoon object betreft, zullen
meestal onjuist en onvolledig zijn in het nauwkeurig beschrijven van wat ze
echt zagen. De reden is dat wat een persoon gelooft dat hij zag, sterk
beïnvloed wordt door de vroeger reeds ervaren en opgeslagen informatie, misschien
onbewust in de hersenen...
PRINCIPE 2:Ondanks
de strikte beperkingen van de menselijk waarneming, wanneer ze blootgesteld
wordt aan korte, onverwachte en ongewone gebeurtenissen, zullen sommige
details, gerapporteerd door de waarnemer bijzonder correct en juist zijn. Het
grote probleem voor de UFO-onderzoeker is uit te zoeken welke details correct
werden weergegeven en welke onjuist en onvolledig zijn. Dit terugvinden of achterhalen van de correcte en alle details
van een melding lijkt ons onmogelijk tot de ware identiteit van de UFO
achterhaalt wordt, wat niet altijd het geval is... het gevaar schuilt er
eveneens in dat de waarnemer een aantal details onbewust aanvult om zijn
waarneming geloofwaardiger te maken. Niemand wordt graag belachelijk gemaakt,
vandaar dit onbewuste proces...
PRINCIPE 3:Als een
persoon, die een ongewoon en vreemd object waarneemt, besluit dat hij
waarschijnlijk een ruimteschip van een andere planeet zag, kan hij echt
aannemen dat het object reageert op zijn aaanwezigheid
of acties ondernam, terwijl in realiteit er absoluut geen oorzaak-gevolg effect
of interactie plaatsvindt...
media, die een grote aandacht besteden bij het eerst ontvangen van een
UFO-melding, besteden weinig of geen aandacht, tijd of plaats om een
aanvaardbare verklaring voor de waarneming te geven, wanneer al feiten ontdekt
en verklaard zijn... Inderdaad voor de eerste melding durven ze de frontpagina
te gebruiken, terwijl de verklaring meestal een gering, klein artikeltje
inhoudt, ergens op een binnen blad.
enkele menselijke waarnemer, inbegrepen ervaren vliegtuigbemanningen, kunnen
correctde stand / de hoogte of de
grootte van een ongewoon objectin de
lucht schatten, tenzij het zeer sterk overeenkomt met een gekend voorwerp,
waarvan ze de grootte of hoogte wel kennen en er dus mee kunnen vergelijken...
dat de nieuwsmedia uitgebreid vermelden dat ze geloven dat er Ufos in de buurt
zijn, zijn er een aantal natuurlijke en door mensen gemaakte tuigen, vooral al
ze bij nacht gezien worden, die ongewone karakteristieken vertonen in het brein
van de hoopvolle waarnemers. Hun UFO rapporten voegen zich op hun beurt tot de
opgewonden massa, waardoor nog meer waarnemers aangemoedigd worden om naar UFOs
te speuren. Deze situatie voedt zich net zolang tot dat de media hun
belangstelling verliezen voor het onderwerp, waarna de UFO-flap snel alle
stoom aflaat en stilvalt...
poging vast te stellen of een UFO een vervalsing (hoax) is, dient de
onderzoeker zich te baseren op het fysisch bewijs, of het gebrek eraan, wanneer
het in een specifiek geval zou moeten bestaan. Hij mag niet enkel en alleen
afhangen van karakterbevestingen van de belangrijkste betrokkenen of
waarnemers. Mensen, die gewoon eerlijk zijn/lijken en zich aan de wet houden,
kunnen evenzeer betrokken worden bij een vervalsing.
onvermogen van zelfs ervaren onderzoekers om volledig en positief een
UFO-melding te verklaren bij gebrek aan voldoende gegevens, zelfs na een harde
en lange inspanning, impliceert niet echt het bewijs van de theorie dat
ruimtetuigen van een andere planeet onze aarde bezoeken. Vaak brengt de
toekomst raad en worden bepaalde meldingen achteraf toch op een aardse manier
PRINCIPE 9 :Wanneer
een lichtverschijnsel snachts in de lucht waargenomen wordt en de waarnemer
gelooft dat hij een UFO ziet en hij meldt dit aan een radaroperator met de
vraagom op zijn scherm te zoeken naar
een onbekend doel, zal er meestal onveranderlijkeen onbekend doel gevonden worden op het
scherm. Tegengesteld, wanneer een ongewoon punt op het radarscherm snachts
waargenomen wordt, waarvan de operator aanneemt of verdenkt dat het een UFO is,
en een waarnemer wordt gevraagd om te zoeken naar een licht aan de nachtelijke
hemel, zal er onveranderlijk een visuele waarneming gebeuren... In de
opgewondenheid van het ogenblik, lijkt het niet belangrijk dat het radarpunt
zich in het westen bevindt, terwijl de visuele waarneming aan de oostelijke,
noordelijke of zuidelijke hemel zichtbaar twee waarnemingen lijken
elkaar gewoon te bevestigen. Zelfs wanneer er tussen de 2 waarnemingen (radar /
waarnemer) minuten of uren liggen, gaat men er vanuit dat de waarneming door
twee onafhankelijke bronnen bevestigd werden..
UFO-meldingen lijken raadselachtig en onverklaarbaar, gewoon omdat de
onderzoekers faalden om een voldoende inspanning te leveren om de melding te
verklaren, ofwel door gebrek aan tijd, ofwel door gebrek aan kennis, ofwel door
een specifiek geloof... Het is niet verrassend dat een aantal onderzoekers
personen zijn die ervan overtuigd zijn dat UFOs buitenaardse bezoekers zijn,
bewust of onbewust. Hoe hoger het aantal onverklaarbare UFO-meldingen, hoe
sterker de buitenaardse theorie wordt...
Ondanks het feit dat Philip
Klass deze principes een 30 jaar terug aanhaalde, vind ik ze nog steeds brandend
actueel. Om ons onderzoek een positieve en onweerlegbare basis te geven, zijn
deze raadgevingen van levensbelang. Zijn doel was om alle UFOs als
verklaarbaar en aards te maken. Willen wij één of andere theorie bewijzen,
zoals de buitenaardse of de meerdere dimensietheorie, dan dienen onze rapporten
voldoende gestructureerd te zijn en de bewijzen onweerlegbaar... Geen eenvoudige
zaak noch voor de believers, noch voor de non-believers of sceptici om hun
stellingen hard te maken. Het belangrijkste is wel dat wij vaak door de
welles-niets polemiek ons hoofddoel of bestaansreden als onderzoeker uit het
oog verliezen, namelijk het zoeken naar de waarheid achter het UFO-fenomeen...
Zijn deze principes het
evangelie? Verre van maar je kan altijd van een tegenstander / scepticus leren.
Schakel zijn opmerkingen uit en je maakt je studie een stuk geloofwaardiger en
krachtiger. Vanzelfsprekend heb ik Klass niet letterlijk verwoord, maar heb ik
mijn persoonlijke opinie aan zijn principes gevoegd. Over het
ontvoeringssyndroom wordt in deze principes niet gepraat, maar ook daar had
zijn persoonlijke visie over. Jawel, negatief, maar van een scepticus kan je
niet meer verwachten. Desalniettemin dien je wel rekening te houden met de
visie en opmerkingen van de meester-scepticus in het zoeken naar de
60 Billion Alien Planets Could Support Life, Study
Though only about dozen potentially habitable exoplanets have been detected
so far, scientists say the universe should be teeming with alien worlds that
could support life. The Milky Way alone may host 60 billion such planets around
faint red dwarf stars, a new estimate suggests.
Based on data from NASA's planet-hunting Kepler
spacecraft, scientists have predicted that there should be one Earth-size
planet in the habitable zone of each red dwarf, the most common type of star.
But a group of researchers has now doubled that estimate after considering how
cloud cover might help an alien planet support life.
"Clouds cause warming, and they cause cooling on Earth," study researcher
Dorian Abbot, an assistant professor in geophysical sciences at the University
of Chicago, said in a statement. "They reflect sunlight to cool things off, and
they absorb infrared radiation from the surface to make a greenhouse effect.
That's part of what keeps the planet warm enough to sustain life." [9
Alien Planets That Could Support Life]
The habitable zone is defined as the region where a planet has the right
temperature to keep liquid water on its surface, thought to be a requirement for
life as we know it. If a planet is too far from its star, its water freezes; too
close, water vaporizes. Since red dwarfs are dimmer and cooler than our sun,
their habitable zone is much cozier than our solar system's.
"If you're orbiting around a low-mass or dwarf star, you have to orbit about
once a month, once every two months to receive the same amount of sunlight that
we receive from the sun," explained another study author, Nicolas Cowan, a
postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University.
With such a snug orbit, a habitable
planet around a red dwarf would become tidally locked, meaning it would
always have one side facing its star, much like the moon faces Earth. This side
would see eternal daylight.
In the new study, the researchers used 3D simulations to model the way air
and moisture would move over a planet tidally locked around a red dwarf. The
team found that any surface water would result in water clouds. What's more,
highly reflective clouds would build at the point of the star-facing side where
it's always high noon. This would have a cooling effect in the inner ring of the
habitable zone, meaning the planets there would be able to sustain water on
their surfaces much closer to their star, the researchers say.
The findings could give scientists a new way to confirm the presence of
liquid water on the surface of alien planets with the James Webb
Space Telescope (JWST), a new space-based observatory scheduled for launch
in 2018, the researchers say.
"If you look at Brazil or Indonesia with an infrared telescope from space, it
can look cold, and that's because you're seeing the cloud deck," Cowan said.
"The cloud deck is at high altitude, and it's extremely cold up there."
The same could be true of a habitable exoplanet with a highly
reflective cloud cover, the researchers say. If JWST detects a similar cold
signal over the dayside of an alien world, Abbot said, "it's almost definitely
from clouds, and it's a confirmation that you do have surface liquid water."
The research was detailed June 27 in the journal Astrophysical Journal
An Army officer has reportedly captured a UFO (unidentified flying object) on
his cell phone at Kannur, Kerala.
Divya Sebastian, wife of Major Sebastian Zachariah, an Army officer now on an
international assignment, said that her husband has indeed captured the image
while on an outing on a beach in Kannur.
My husband had a new mobile (HTC-1) and he was checking the features by
clicking photos randomly. It was around 4.30-5 pm and suddenly he screamed
saying that he got a UFO image. We couldnt believe it first and thought he was
playing a prank, Divya who hails from Kannur told Express over phone.
She said Major Sebastian did not see the UFO with his naked eye. We checked
every frame carefully and only one had a flying saucer on it. We looked in the
sky to spot something unusual. We came back home and did a thorough search on
the internet and even scanned the NASA website, said Divya.
Out of curiosity and to rule out any technical snag, the customer service
centre of the mobile phone firm was contacted to know if an already-stored image
got merged with the photo.
We were told that no UFO images were stored on the mobile library and it is
then we were forced to believe that we might have captured something special. We
have seen UFOs in movies, but well this one has literally floored us, she
said.Divya said that out of absolute curiosity and surprise they chose to hand
over the photo to the media.We do not want to get into any publicity nor want
to debate over whether UFOs exist or not. We are just sharing what we saw. My
husband is a serving officer and he cant interact with the media, either, she
When the news of the UFO was brought to the notice of Professor Jayant
Murthy, of Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore, he out-rightly
rejected such claims.
Due to reflections of some optics there could have been illusions. People
sometimes experience camera illusions and they are not UFOs. These are nothing
real, he said.
De 10 bekendste ufo-meldingen - Ondertussen - Nieuws -
De 10 bekendste ufo-meldingen
dinsdag 02 juli 2013 om 05u00
Een overzicht van de 10 beste ufo-meldingen uit de geschiedenis op deze
Wereld Ufo Dag.
Op Wereld Ufo Dag op dinsdag 2
juli wordt het bestaan van Ongeïdentificeerde Vliegende Objecten of ufos
gevierd. De Wereld Ufo Dag Organisatie wil op deze dag de bewustwording over het
bestaan van Ufos verhogen. Volgens haar bestaan Ufos ongetwijfeld. De
organisatie moedigt regeringen op deze dag ook aan om hun kennis over
ufo-waarnemingen bekend te maken.
Er worden tijdens Wereld Ufo Dag
talrijke ufo-activiteiten georganiseerd. Zo kijken mensen op Wereld Ufo Dag
samen naar de hemel om ufos te spotten. Er wordt ook gekeken naar films over
ufos zoals E.T. en Men in Black.
De bekendste ufo-melding gebeurde in juli 1947 in de Verenigde
Staten in Roswell in de staat New Mexico. Op een boerderij dichtbij Roswell zou
er een vliegende schotel, een ufo, neergestort zijn. Talrijke getuigen beweerden
dat het om een buitenaards ruimtevaartuig met buitenaardse lijken ging. De
gebeurtenis werd heel snel wereldnieuws.
Volgens de Amerikaanse
luchtmacht ging het echter om een neergestorte weerballon. Later kwamen er
evenwel nieuwe verklaringen van de luchtmacht. De nieuwe verklaringen en de
gewijzigde uitleg van de overheid heeft de geruchten over een werkelijke
neerstorting van een ufo alleen maar gevoed.
2.De Belgische ufo-golf
Tussen eind 1989 en begin 1991 waren er in België een reeks
waarnemingen van driehoekige ufos. Deze waarnemingen staan bekend als de
Belgische ufo-golf. In de nacht van 30 op 31 maart bereikte de Belgische
ufo-golf een hoogtepunt. In die nacht werden onbekende voorwerpen waargenomen
door naar schatting 13.500 mensen op de grond.
Mensen namen ook fotos
van de vermeende buitenaardse ruimtevaartuigen. De bekendste foto werd genomen
in de Luikse gemeente Petit-Rechain. De wereldberoemde foto van een driehoekige
ufo met verlichte hoeken bleek in 2011 een vervalsing te zijn. De fotograaf gaf
toe aan de Franstalige televisiezender RTL-TVI dat het in werkelijkheid een
maquette in piepschuim was.
3.De waarneming in Westall
Op 6 april 1966 zagen meer dan 200 studenten en leraars in twee
Australische scholen in Melbourne een vliegende schotel. Volgens de getuigen
daalde de ufo neer in een grasveld en steeg het daarna terug op over een
buitenwijk. Er zijn evenwel geen fotos van de vliegende schotel. De getuigen
komen nog wel steeds samen om de waarneming te herdenken. In 2010 zond de
Australische televisie een documentaire uit over het ufo-mysterie.
4.De Kenneth Arnold case
De Amerikaanse
privépiloot Kenneth Arnold beweerde op 24 juni 1947 dat hij negen ufos zag
voorbijvliegen aan een supersonische snelheid van bijna 2000 kilometer per uur.
De ufos vlogen volgens Arnold over de berg Mount Rainier in Washington. Arnolds
getuigenis werd uitvoerig opgepikt in de Amerikaanse pers. Het was de eerste
keer dat in de pers de term vliegende schotel werd gebruikt.
5.Ufos in Bracknell
Begin juni 2013 werden er twee lichtgevende vliegende schotels
gefotografeerd in de Britse stad Bracknell. De ufos zouden boven een bar in de
lucht gevlogen hebben. De getuige Steve Lambert verklaarde aan The Telegraph dat
hij de ufo slechts vijf seconden zag en dat hij snel een foto kon nemen met zijn
mobiele telefoon.
6. Jimmy Carterincident
De Amerikaanse voormalige president Jimmy Carter gaf in 1973
toe dat hij een mysterieus vliegend object had gezien in 1969 in de staat
Georgia. Volgens Carter gaf het object licht en veranderde het van kleur. Hij
dacht niet dat het een ruimteschip van aliens was.
7.Levelland incident
In het stadje Levelland in de Amerikaanse staat Texas werd er
door vijftien verschillende getuigen een lichtgevend eivormig vliegend voorwerp
in de lucht opgemerkt. Er waren vanaf elf uur s avonds op 2 november 1957 tot
kwart voor 2 s nachts waarnemingen van de ufo. Volgens de Amerikaanse
luchtmacht en ufo-sceptici was het een bol bliksem of een zwaar onweer.
8. De lichten boven Phoenix
Boven Phoenix
werden op 13 maart 1997 een aantal ufos waargenomen in het Amerikaanse
luchtruim. Tussen half 8 en half 11 s avonds merkten honderden burgers in de
staat Arizona en in het Mexicaanse Sonora verschillende lichtverschijnselen. Ze
zagen een driehoekige formatie van lichten voorbijvliegen en daarna een reeks
stilstaande lichten boven de stad Phoenix.
9. Ufos in São Paulo
In de Braziliaanse staat São Paulo werden er in 1986 een
twintigtal ufos opgemerkt. De ufos verdwenen plotseling toen militaire
vliegtuigen gestuurd werden om ze te onderscheppen.
10. Teheran
Juist na middernacht op 19 september 1976 zou er een
ufo over de Iraanse hoofdstad Teheran gevlogen zijn. Iraanse generaals geloofden
dat het een buitenaards object was. Volgens sceptici zagen getuigen geen ufo
maar een astronomisch lichaam, waarschijnlijk Jupiter. (WK)
Wie op een heldere nacht op een Grieks
eiland de letterlijk ontèlbare planeten en sterren waarneemt kan zich niet
serieus voorstellen dat onze planeet aarde als enige "intelligent" leven in dat
universum behelst. Dat UFO's waargenomen zijn in verschillende vormen, die plots
stil bleven hangen op één punt, behendig kunnen draaien om een groot gebouw enz.
en dan opeens zó snel weer verdwenen dat het oog het nauwelijks kon bijhouden is
ook gweten. Wij 'aardlingen' zijn bij lange na technisch niet zo ver en onze
zware, logge vliegmachines maken bovendien de lucht totaal vuil en ontichelijk
veel kabaal, terwijl UFOs zich bijna geluidloos bewegen of stil blijven hangen,
hooguit hoort men een zacht "bijen"- gezoem. Het kan heel goed zijn dat een UFO
een 1000 x gesophisticeerdere soort van "drone" is, onbemand door een levend
wezen. Het heelal brùist letterlijk van leven en ook bestaan er 'dode' planeten
(dood geworden?) Alles kan en wij weten waanzinnig weinig van wat er te weten
valt en hebben slechts het gissen naar de oorsprong, het begin van het heelal en
wat dan een einde ervan is want achter dat einde moet immers wéér een einde zijn
?!. Maar onze eigen aarde, om dié levend en leefbaar te houden voor een ieder,
flora, èn fauna waartoe wij mensen behoren, moest het belangrijkste zijn, meer
dan het verlangen naar een voor ons dode planeet Mars te gaan of kennis te maken
met wezens die mogelijk nooit onze "menselijke" emoties kunnen benaderen. Zij
zouden ons kunnen behandelen als "dingen" en allerlei, voor òns gruwelijke
proeven, zonder énige emotie te ervaren, zoals de mens dat al eeuwenlang doet
door o.a. vivisectie op dieren uit te proberen terwijl dat allang pijnloos zou
kunnen gebeuren met het klonen van mens en dier maar zonder een hoofd eraan dus
zonder emoties van geluk, pijn, eenzaamheid, @c.. Eidoch! de hypocrisie van de
door ons zogenaamd "gekozenen" alsook de clerus verbieden dat, voor hun is het
"menselijk" leven 'heilig' want dat levert (verkiezings)-steun op; dat van
dieren niet, dat is dus banaal...ondergeschikt, ze zijn maar nutsdieren voor ons
om te verzwelgen hap slok & weer uit te poepen of dienen voor 1000 + 1
andere nuttige dingen: bont, knoopjes, sierstukken, opgezette dieren om mee te
pronken, op te sluiten in zoos, veren op hoedjes, waakhonden, opsporingshonden,
gleidehonden, dons voor onze beddekken (levend dons en veren geplukt van
ganzen), eieren en als de kip de "leg" uit heeft als dank kòp d'r af en
opsmikkelen en in de soep, een koe die 1000en liters melk, botermelk, boter en
kaas heeft verschaft maar eenmaal opdroogt, die gaat weg van de vertrouwde stal
in een lompe vrachtwagen opgestapeld naar dat beangstigende slachthuis dat
stinkt naar darmen, poep en weeïg bloed... Begeleid hun jarenlang begunstigde
eigenaar hen wel naar hun eenzame dood ? Néé toch zeg! je wordt toch niet debiel
! je beurt nog gauw effe een handjevol centen voor de slacht, leuk meegenomen...
Ja, met die UFOs, voor mij mogen we en lesje krijgen uit het heelal hoe het niét
langer moet!. "Mènsen" ?!? De meeste zijn vulgaire gehaktballen op twee pootjes
met een grote bek.
canon à positrons ultrarelativistes qui tient sur une table"
Une équipe
américano-européenne réussit à reproduire les jets de leptons à haute énergie
éjectés par l'effondrement des étoiles supermassives, c'est-à-dire par des trous
noirs en formation. On voit immédiatement (façon de parler) les connaissances et
applications potentielles que l'on peut tirer de ce type d'expérience. Entre
autres, j'imagine, de futurs systèmes de propulsion pour des vaisseaux spatiaux
relativistes et des armes d'une puissance inégalée à ce jour. De quoi faire
réfléchir tout visiteur animé de mauvaises intentions...
et astrophysiciens à Montpellier : bientôt une planète habitée
astronomes et astrophysiciens étaient cette semaine à Montpellier pour évoquer
un domaine que les satellites et les télescopes ont
parce que plusieurs siècles dhistoire les contemplaient ? Toujours est-il que
le gotha de lastrophysique
sest laissé aller à la confidence, il y a quelques jours, dans la salle du
Conseil de la faculté de médecine de Montpellier. Là où, fortuitement, trône le
portrait dun confident célèbre, François Gigot de
On a trouvé beaucoup de planètes habitables. On va bientôt trouver une planète
habitée. »
propos de Xavier Delfosse, astronome à Grenoble, maintes fois entendu depuis que
la science est aussi fiction, aurait pu passer inaperçu. Mais le mot bientôt
change tout.
lheure où lastrophysique et lastronomie font leur révolution, grâce à des
outils - satellites, télescopes - toujours plus performants, ce qui nétait hier
quun doux rêve flirte aujourdhui avec la réalité.
Deux mille candidates... » Aurélien Crida, astrophysicien
Aurélien Crida, enseignant-chercheur à lUniversité de Nice, le passage « à
léchelle industrielle » des observations va accélérer les découvertes majeures
: « Il y a dix ans, on ne connaissait quune vingtaine détoiles autour
desquelles pouvaient tourner en orbite des exoplanètes
nous avons plus de deux milles candidates... Au rythme où vont les techniques,
ce nest plus seulement des planètes telluriques habitables que nous allons
découvrir mais des planètes habitées. Je pense que dans les dix prochaines
années, on dénombrera plusieurs planètes au sol solide et à la bonne distance de
son étoile pour accueillir la vie. Et dici vingt ans, on pourra analyser leur
atmosphère, détecter lozone... » La vie, en somme.
luciole sur un phare
ces avancées ne sobservent pas à lil nu ou avec une simple lunette
astronomique. Le satellite
lancé en mars 2009 par la Nasa,
scrute la galaxie avec une précision qui étonne même les chercheurs : « Cest
comme si je voyais, de Montpellier, une luciole posée sur un phare à New York.
cest pour lobservation directe. Mais les scientifiques utilisent aussi des
spectrographes si « fins » quils parviennent, indirectement, à mesurer le
mouvement de planètes, même sil est beaucoup faible que le mouvement de son
étoile : « Aujourdhui, on trouve des planètes de moins en moins massives, dont
la vitesse nexcède pas 10 cm/seconde (moins d1 km/h). »
terre nest donc plus une exception.
« conditions initiales » de la vie, au moins unicellulaire, se sont répandues
dans notre galaxie. Reste à découvrir une forme complexe. Ce nest plus quune
question de temps.
Une exoplanète est une planète en orbite autour dune autre étoile que notre
nouveau site du Mufon France est en ligne. Il est aujourdhui placé sous la
direction de Jacques Patenet, directeur du Mufon France, ancien responsable du
Geipan et il a totalement été refondu.
Le site
du Mufon France obéit à une orientation scientifique, il se concentre sur la
publication des enquêtes,
de documents méthodologiques et dela
publication dinformations importantes du monde ufologique. Le Mufon organise un réseau denquêteurs,
lance et suit divers projets à létude sur le phénomène.Il
est donc complémentaire au site des Rencontres Ufologiques, qui lui à une
orientationgrand public avec une forte
implication dans le monde ufologique Français, les associations et structures
diverses qui uvrent dans ce domaine. Il est dédié uniquement à linformation,
ne fait pas de recherche ou détudes (domaine du Mufon France).
site est nouveau, il va donc senrichir au fil des mois de nouvelles rubriques,
de documents sérieux et analysés permettant de travailler dans notre domaine. Si
vous avez des idées, si vous envisagez de lancer individuellement une étude
particulière sur le phénomène ou si vous avez des connaissances pointues dans
les domaines pouvant intéresser lanalyse du phénomène ovni, nhésitez pas à
contacterle Mufon France. Il sappuie
déjà sur un réseau de chercheurs ou de personnes compétentes dans le domaine.
Certains poursuivent des études précises, il vous mettra en rapport avec ces
chercheurs si vos projets sont susceptibles de les intéresser ou avec votre
concours de les compléter.
au nouveau site du Mufon France et nhésitez pas à faire part de vos
Le Mufon
France étend sa couverture nationale de jour en jour. Grâce aux actions
dynamiques de lorganisation, ses directions régionales, le Mufon France étend
aujourdhuisa couverture à deux
nouvelles régions en France : Le Centre France et la
Nous leur
souhaitons la bienvenue parmi nous.
direction régionale du Mufon France pour la région Centre a été confiée à Pascal
Issoulet, un enquêteur chevronné qui dautre part est aussi un ancien dans le
domaine ufologique avec plusieurs décennies dancienneté. Ila commencé à sintéresser aux Phénomènes
Aérospatiaux Non Identifiés (PAN)en
1978 et il aanimé régionalement
diverses associations sur ce thème.Membres de la plupart des associations nationales au fil des décennies,
il a acquis par un travail continu dinformation du public et denquêtes sur le
terrain auprès des témoins, des compétences non négligeables. Sa documentation
réunie en plus de 30 années est une source unique dinformation.
direction Régionale du Mufon France pour la région Picardie a été quant à elle
confiée à Patrice Gouez, qui organise aussiles Rencontres Ufologiques dOVNI Beauvais.41 ans, il a des compétences dans le domaine
informatique qui est son travail quotidien etil commence son « apprentissage » dans le domaine des PAN actuellement,
avec assiduité, souhaitant maitriser rapidement les bases du travail denquête
sur le terrain et de la communication
vis-à-vis dugrand public. Il sest
dernièrement illustré par la publication dans un média de la région de Beauvais,
dune interview très consistante et sérieuse, opération quil a menée de concert
avecun journaliste qui a bien compris
le soucis de présenter la réelle problématique de ce phénomène et non pas de
réaliser un article basé uniquement sur le sensationnel.
Le Mufon
France via son site grand public Les Rencontres Ufologiques, enregistre presque
journellement la participation active de nouveaux auteurs etdans le cadre de la Fédération Francophone
dUfologie ( FFU) laffiliation de nouveaux organismes ou associations qui
uvres pour une meilleure connaissance du phénomène ovni, un travail denquête
ou de communication.
La «
machine » Mufon France est donc lancée, déjà près dune centaine de participants
dans de nombreux domaines. Vous qui avez des idées dans le domaine des PAN, vous
qui souhaitez entreprendre des actions les plus diverses soit-elles ou vousqui managez déjà une structure sintéressant
au dossier ovni, vous avez votre place au sein de lorganisation Mufon France et
nous vous invitons à la rejoindre. Lobjectif :fédérer un maximum dorganismes et de
chercheurs sintéressant à ce sujet (qui gardent une entière indépendance) dans
lobjectif dorganiser de futurs évènements nationaux, des travaux détudes ou
de recherches communs etc .
donc pas à contacter le Mufon France, de poser toutes les questions qui vous
viennent à lesprit et ainsi que nous en avons lobjectif, de faire partie, en
toute liberté et indépendance, dune structure fédérative nationale ou
Francophone reconnue.
bien que ce ne soit peu connu, diverses actions ont déjà permi, grâce au Mufon
France, de faire participer à des congrès internationaux aux usa, des acteurs
Français, tels François Louange, Xavier Passot et de représenter ainsi notre
nation en dehors de nos frontières.
Informations :
Le site
du Mufon France, placé sous la direction de Jacques Patenet, directeur du Mufon
France :
eu loccasion dêtre confronté à un enquêteur qui avait relevé un cas, un ovni
signalé dans la presse, affaire qui sétait soldée par lidentification de
lanternes Thaïlandaises. Les auteurs du lancement de ces lanternes ont été
identifiés. Les points de chute également, situés non loin de « meules » de
paille, le fruit du travail de nombreux mois dun exploitant agricole du
lanternes, contenant en général des bougies aptes à communiquer le « feu », sont
tombées à quelques mètres de ces meules de paille, se consumant alors sur place
sans causer de soucis. Mais il en aurait été autrement si ces lanternes étaient
tombées sur une meule de paille : Imaginez la perte financière pour
lagriculteur, qui dautre part naurait jamais pu deviner qui était lauteur de
l'incendie, ni les causes de cet incendie. À la limite, on aurait même accusé
les « rodeurs » patentésdu
secteur !
lanternes Thaïlandaises, qui nous causent tant de problèmes au niveau
ufologiques,sont dangereuses etil est anormal que la ventede ces produits soit libre et quelle
seffectue dans les conditions actuelles.Comme à lhabitude, on attend une catastrophe pour interdire ce type de
distraction qui ne devrait pouvoir se faire que dans des conditions draconiennes
de sécurité, sans faire porter à autrui un risque important quant à un éventuel
Infamous and completely unsubstantiated theory about Frederick Valentich incident by Phil Klass
Don Ecker, former
Director of Research for US UFO Magazine, digitized and made available important
audio of the 1992 debate in Denver between him and Phil Klass which was
organized by Michael Corbin at the time. During that historical debate, Klass
made infamous comment about Valentich incident suggesting that there is reason to suspect that Valentich who was a
very young and inexperienced pilot, may have been on a drug-running
Audio of the debate
with that completely unsubstantiated Klass claim was broadcast within Dons
show Dark Matters Radio and you can download it here from this
debate itself became very infamous because of something Phil Klass alleged. We
were discussing several then well known UFO events and the case of Fredrick
Valentich was raised. Klass claimed that Valentich was smuggling drugs because
he had 4 life preservers on board his aircraft. I landed on Klass Hard in the
debate. This totally unsubstantiated claim by Klass was eventually discovered by
Valentichs family who were rightly
the late 1960s, Klass quietly abandoned his plasma theory and afterwards argued
that all UFO sightings could be explained as misidentification of normal
phenomena (such as clouds, stars, comets, or airplanes) and/or as
hoaxes. Clark
that Klass argued in favor of hoaxes more than almost any other UFO skeptic, but
that Klass rarely had evidence in favor of his accusations; this position was
echoed by Don Ecker,[22]
who asserted that during a 1992 debate, Klass made unsubstantiated charges of
"drug smuggling" against
Australian pilot Frederick Valentich,
who disappeared in 1978 after claiming a strange UFO was flying near his
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for June 2013 - DEEL 1
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for June 2013: DEEL 1
CMS continues to
amass sighting reports from around the globe. In June 2013 there were 744
sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for June 2013 - DEEL 2
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for June 2013 - DEEL 2
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to
enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your
local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on and
direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their
own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness,
saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to
YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone
to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to
enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on
"ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank
sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone.
Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily
added your NEW report to CMS.
Other interesting data points in CMS during June 2013 are the shape of the
UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 16 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and
1 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case
Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized
search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even
more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System.
For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your
CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan
Harzan at
bestaan UFO-onderzoekers, die geloven dat alle Ufomeldingen het resultaat
zijn van het creatieve brein of de verbeelding van de waarnemers. Dit zijn de
sceptici of nonbelievers. Als zij over ufos praten, dan denken ze bij voorbaat
dat alle ufos hallucinaties, zinsbegoochelingen, misinterpretaties, trucages,
vervalsingen, ed. van doodgewone, aardse origine zijn. Andere onderzoekers
daarentegen geloven dat alle ufos nuts and bolts- toestellen zijn; namelijk
buitenaardse ruimtetuigen, bestuurd door aliën wezens. Dit zijn dan weer de
waarheid ligt ergens in het midden. Waarschijnlijk gelden beide theorieën juist
voor een deel van alle meldingen, maar geen van beide geldt voor de totaliteit
van het fenomeen. Wat mij betreft, ik ben er van overtuigd dat wat de vele verklaringen
voor het gehele ufo-verschijnsel ook mogen zijn, het heel belangrijk is hoe
onze geest omgaat met de echte, onverklaarbare ufos Je mag er hoedanook zeker
van zijn dat er meerdere oplossingen voor het complexe ufofenomeen bestaan, zo
dat elk zijn waarheid heeft. Iedereen probeert immers dit vreemd verschijnsel
in te bouwen in zijn eigen referentiekader, zijn eigen ervarings- en
leefwereld. Op deze wijze probeert hij/zij een voor hun aanvaardbare en
logische verklaring te vinden, zonder dat hun eigen visie en
levensingesteldheid in gevaar komt.
blijf ik als kritisch, neutraal en objectief onderzoeker ervan overtuigd dat
een aantal, specifieke ufomeldingen het resultaat zijn van een extern gebeuren
buiten de wil van de mensheid om, zeker niet altijd een product van de geest,
maar iets dat je werkelijk kan aanraken, kan voelen, dus iets tastbaars Hoe we
deze gebeurtenissen interpreteren bepaalt de verscheidenheid aan voorgedragen
verklaringen. Zo geloof ik dat je het ufo-verschijnsel beter kan plaatsen bij
de paranormale wetenschappen en andere esoterische, aanverwanten fenomenen; het
is ook beter om ze op deze wijze bestuderen los van de experimentele methodologie,
die gebruikt wordt voor de exacte wetenschappen. Ufologie is verre van een
exacte wetenschap; volgens de sceptici is het zelfs geen wetenschap!
vraag mij af of wij, ufo-onderzoekers, ongeacht onze visie, wel weten wat we juist
doen, wat we onderzoeken en waar we bezig mee zijn en vooral welk resultaat wij
willen bekomen. Beeld je even volgende situatie in, waar een getuige een
onderzoeker zijn waarneming van iets vreemds beschrijft. Enkel door die
waarneming concreet en eenvoudig voor te stellen, en enkel om die redenen
alleen, nemen sommigen van ons aan dat ufos ruimteschepen van andere werelden
zijn. Ik zoek een gemakkelijkere manier om een buitengewone herkomst van ufos
te beschrijven en dat vooral om mijn gedachtengang beter te kunnen stroomlijnen
je even voor dat de ufoloog die deze melding onderzoekt en na analyse van de
karakteristieken van deze vreemde melding besluit dat deze waarneming naar de
buitenaardse of misschien wel de paranormale oorsprong van ufos verwijst. Wat
hebben we dan? Gewoon maar één persoon meer, die in een buitengewone herkomst
van ufos gelooft! Met een wereldbevolking van 6 miljard aardbewoners, blijft
het nog een hele klus om meer mensen op een efficiënte wijze te overtuigen van
jouw waarheid over ufos. We hebben gewoon meer nodig dan een concrete beschrijving
om andere mensen van het bestaan van ufos te overtuigen! Wat? We hebben
concrete, tastbare bewijzen nodig om aan iedereen op een succesvolle wijze te
presenteren en hen zo te overtuigen van de echtheid van het ufoverschijnsel.
even een tweede situatie, waarin een getuige jou een waarneming meldt, waarbij
hij een ruimteschip zag en aliën wezens ontmoette. Laat ons even overdrijven en
onszelf het beste bewijsmateriaal geven dat mogelijk is. Je beschikt over een
video-opname van 10 uur van deze ontmoeting: visuele beelden en een
audio-opname van een gesprek tussen de getuige en de aliëns en jezelf. De
aliëns gaven informatie vrij, die nagecheckt en geverifieerdkan worden in de vele archieven in de musea,
verspreid over de wereld. Verder beschik je ook nog over een reeks fotos van
de aliëns en hun ruimteschip. In de videobeelden vind je fragmenten terug
waaruit op ondubbelzinnige wijze blijkt dat deze niet-aardse wezens
niet-menselijke activiteiten verrichtten Je beschikt tevens over
magnetometingen, die duidelijk aantonen dat op het tijdstip van de ufomelding
(= het verschijnen van het buitenaardse ruimteschip) zich sterke storingen
voordeden in het magnetisch veld. Positieve signalen op een draagbare radar,
film en warmte invloeden bevestigen eveneens deze gebeurtenis. En last but not
least beschik je nog over een paar nog werkende onderdelen van het
aandrijvingsmechanisme van het ruimteschip; de getuige als gift aangeboden door
de aliëns!
En wat nu! Deze melding klinkt als muziek in de oren; dat is het soort bewijs,
waarvan elke onderzoeker believer, neutrale onderzoeker en nonbeliever
droomt Dit is het ideaal bewijsmateriaal dat we nodig hebben on op onweerlegbare
manier de echtheid van ufos aan te tonen, in de betekenis van buitenaardse
ruimteschepen dan. Als je zon bewijzen kon verzamelen, dan is je broodje gebakken,
niet alleen binnen de ufowereld, maar ook ver daar buiten. Je collegas zouden
naar jou opkijken en je prijzen voor jouw groot werk. Zelfs de wetenschap zou
je roemen met het resultaat van jouw onderzoek, omdat je één van de grootste
mysteries op aarde oploste. Je kan boeken schrijven, lezingen geven,
uitnodigingen voor tv-optreden en zelfs filmvoorstellen verwachten en
aanvaarden Vergeet het, want denk je echt dat alles zo een sneltreinvaart zou
volgen? Denk je echt dat actueel dergelijke positieve reacties zouden volgen op
jouw uniek onderzoeksresultaat, indien je dergelijk bewijsmateriaal aan de
wereld zou leveren? Utopia, ja..
3.Wordt bewijs zomaar aanvaard?
en vooral dien je op te tornen tegen de eindeloze tweestrijd tussen de
verschillende onderzoekers en hun tegengestelde standpunten onderling, of het
nu de conventionele, seculiere onderzoekers zijn of de onderzoekers van
esoterische wetenschappen. Ze zouden onmiddellijk jouw methodologie, jouw
werkwijze, jouw integriteit en tevens jouw eerlijkheid in vraag stellen. Zoek
jij geen media-aandacht, mannetje? Of erkenning? Of misschien we financieel
winstbejag? Ten tweede, eens je het bewijsmateriaal verspreidde over een groter
publiek, mag je je eraan verwachten dat je de rest van je leven jezelf zou
moeten verdedigen tegen beschuldigingen van vervalsingen, van fraude, van
trucages, van leugens. Opgepast, deze beschuldigingen zouden niet alleen geuit
worden door het wetenschappelijk, materialistisch establishment, wiens
instituten actueel een strijdbare houding aannemen tegen alle uitdagingen, die
de actuele wetenschappelijke axiomas en dogmas in gevaar brengen, te
bestempelen als larie en apekool Ze zouden er alles aandoen om jou te
verhinderen om jouw bevindingen te publiceren in hun wetenschappelijke
tijdschriften. Ook de media zouden onder impuls van het establishment hun uiterste
best doen om jouw te breken; om jou als ongeloofwaardig en onbetrouwbaar af te
schilderen en zelfs belachelijk te maken
zou jij als onderzoeker zeker geconfronteerd worden met de expertises van de
zogenaamde collega-onderzoekers, die wel artikels, boeken schrijven; uren voor
hun PC zitten om het internet af te schuimen, maar veldonderzoek laat hen koud
of géén tijd daarvoor Samen met bepaalde wetenschappers zoeken ze naar een
drogreden, een minuscuul detailtje in de getuigenis om jouw onderzoek om jouw
bewijskracht onder uit te halen. Fel overdreven vind je? Zo zouden ze zeggen
gezien de getuige toevallig een paar pintjes gedronken had op een feestje of dat hij een bepaald medicijn
slikte voor een griepje, dat hij niet helder van geest was en hallucineerde. De
videobeelden en de fotos waren maar trucages en vervalsingen Ze zouden
verklaren dat je deze getuige, verslaafd aan alcohol, een alcoholist dus of een
verslaafde aan medicijnen, toch niet ernstig kan nemen, gezien zijn waarnemingsvermogen
niet 100% was, misschien waren het wel waanbeelden. Stel je slechts één
vraagje, zou een rechter indien deze persoon getuige was van een moord of een
auto-ongeluk zijn getuigenis ernstig nemen en geloven?
redenering om aan te tonen op welk niveau de ufologie en de andere esoterische
wetenschappen zich bevinden en tegen welke hypocrisie van de gevestigde,
dogmatische waarden ze dienen op te boksen. Je kan er behoorlijk zeker van zijn
dat voor hen alle actueel onderzochte en opgeslagen informatie over
ufomeldingen onvoldoende bewijskracht bezitten om hen, of om een groot deel van
het publiek en of de media te overtuigen van de echtheid van het ufofenomeen.
Hun acties om de ufologie en aanverwante wetenschappen belachelijk te maken,
heeft zijn doel wel bereikt ten opzichte van de grote massa Bestaan er dan
niet genoeg authentieke, echte en betrouwbare radarbeelden, fotos, film- en
video-opnames van ufowaarnemingen? Wat doe je met de eindconclusies van de vele
internationale, officiële werkgropen, zoals GEPAN? BLUE BOOK, CONDON, MOD, ed.?
Ondanks de actueel massa opgeslagen data over ufosslagen de ufologen er niet in om het
scepticisme bij een aantal onderzoekers (= nonbelievers) en bij een aantal
wetenschappers weg te nemen. Het ontkenningsproces evolueert gewoon verder Het
seculier, wetenschappelijk establishment zet zijn strijd tegen alle items, die
hun belief in hun axiomas, leerstellingen en dogmas in gevaar brengen. Het gezegde Wat baat den uil een bril, als
hij niet zien en wil is hier zeker van toepassing
4.Wat verstaan we onder wetenschap?
is wetenschap eigenlijk? Wetenschap is niet meer of niet minder dan een manier
om dingen, activiteiten, gebeurtenissen, ed. te meten en door een vooraf
opgezette filter te jagen om de echtheid te testen en te bevestigen. Stel dat
je een man vol zand- en rots korrels van verschillende dikte hebt. Op de bodem
van die mand bevindt zich een filter, die sommige korrels doorlaat en anderen
tegenhoudt. In analogie met de wetenschap manier van denken enhun methodologie, bepaal je vooraf dat
korrels groter dan 1 mm vals zijn en dat al diegenen, die kleiner zijn, echt
zijn. Ze zetten dus een filter in van 1 mm, laten de echte zand- en
rotskorrels door en schakelen de valse en de frauduleuze uit. Maar wij hadden
toch ALLEMAAL zand- en rotskorrels, niet? Een te eenvoudige manier van denken?
probleem is dat de wetenschap bepaalt dat er geen aangepaste filter voor de
omschrijving, deafmeting vanufos bestaat. De sceptici en nonbelievers
volgen dezelfde filter, hetzelfde denkpatroon. De filter is totaal gesloten en
dus kunnen volgens hen ufos niet echt bestaan! In vroegere en naïeve dagen van
de ufologie en nog steeds bij bepaalde believers, zetten deze ufo-onderzoekers
de filter totaal open: ALLE UFOMELDINGEN WAREN (ZIJN) ECHT! Als bleek dat een
aantal ufomeldingen trucages, vervalsingen, misinterpretaties en illusies
bleken te zijn, was de hilariteit groot in de media om zon lichtgelovigheid en
amateurisme Door deze onkunde was het een gemakkelijke klus om alle
onderzoek onderuit te halen en de studie van ufos in het belachelijke te
trekken. Gevolg was / is dat het wetenschappelijk establishment nog meer
afstand nam / neemt van de ufologie uit angst om eveneens belachelijk en
onprofessioneel over te komen. Laat ons niet vergeten dat het wetenschappelijk
onderzoek vaak afhangt van financiële sponsering en dat een goede naam en faam
héél belangrijk is om die fondsen te verwerven.
5.Een oplossing?
oplossing zou volgens mij kunnen zijn dat we een soort filter uitbouwen,
waardoor we alle fraudes, vervalsingen, vergissingen, misinterpretaties, ed.
kunnen uitsluiten bij een melding. Hoe? Ik denk dat wij om een goede, zuivere
en correcte filter te bouwen, nauwer samen dienen te werken met de getuigen
zelf en dit op een open-minded basis. We kunnen enkel de waarheid achterhalen
als wij de getuige de kans geven om te bewijzen wat echt is in zijn eigen
woorden. Dit vertrouwen dat wij aan de getuige schenken, impliceert dat hij
ons iets teruggeeft. Hij geeft ons het recht om zijn bevindingen, zijn
verklaringen te onderzoeken, te toetsen aan soortgelijke cases en te analyseren
om zo aan te tonen wat echt is, wat foutief is en wat confabulatie (= Het vertellen van
verzonnen gebeurtenissen of overdrijving van echte gebeurtenissen. Een risico
bij mensen die door een noodsituatie in paniek zijn geraakt) of
zelf frauduleus of vals is. Het laat ons toe om alle mogelijke karakteristieken
en parameters van een ufomelding terug te vinden en te reconstrueren. Hier
verschilt de werkwijze van ons onderzoek grondig met de wetenschappelijke
methodologie. De wetenschap zegt Ik zet hier een slagboom, ik bepaal de grens
en indien je er door geraakt, dan pas zal ik jou geloven. Als het over ufos
gaat, bepalen ze testen zonder rekening te houden met de redelijkheid en de
haalbaarheid. Zo vragen ze bijvoorbeeld het recht, de mogelijkheid om de
gerapporteerd ufomeldingen vooraf te voorspellen en te reproduceren in
experimentele vorm Voor spontane paranormale verschijnselen, zoals
klopgeesten, ed en zoals ufos, is deze situatie niet realiseerbaar. Dat is één
van de hoofdredenen, waarom de wetenschap ufos en andere esoterische
verschijnselen formeel verwerpt en ontkent.
Dezebenadering gebruik ik om aan te tonen dathet seculier en materialistisch
wetenschappelijk establishment actueel faalt om alle aspecten van de ons
omringende wereld te verklaren met al hun axiomas, hun dogmas en hun
terminologie Door het vooraf verwerpen, negeren en ontkennen van degelijke data
en / of bewijs uit de para-wetenschappen, het bestaan van de echtheid van
dergelijke vreemde fenomenen, onthoudt de wetenschap zich van de mogelijk om
vitale kennis te verwerven.
6.Onze opdracht?
Wat kunnen wij, ufo-onderzoekers, hier
verder aan verhelpen? Wij dienen bewijsmateriaal van alle ufomeldingen te
verzamelen, niet alleen wat er gebeurde, maar ook onder welke omstandigheden ze
zich manifesteerden. We dienen zoveel mogelijke factoren en karakteristieken
van de waarneming te verzamelen en op te slaan. Dit proces kan evenzeer
inhouden dat wij de getuige de mogelijkheid bieden om bepaalde aspecten van
zijn waarneming te bewijzen, indien het fenomeen zo werkt. Daarna zoeken we
relaties of overeenkomsten met zoveel mogelijk ander bewijsmateriaal of soortgelijke
gebeurtenissen. Door gelijkenissen of raakvlakken met andere vreemde
waarnemingen of paranormale fenomenen of natuurverschijnselen te zoeken, kan je
al snel specifieke oplossingen en/of verklaringen vinden of uitsluiten. Door
deze methode van deductie kom je uiteindelijk bij een plausibele, aanvaardbare
verklaring, eventueel dat het om een echte ufo gaat. Voor specifieke cases
kan je het scheermes van OCKHAM gebruiken om een verklaring te vinden.Het scheermes van Ockham is een term die je vaak terugvindt bij
de wetenschap. Het gaat erom dat wanneer een bepaald iets, zoals een fenomeen,
eenverschijnsel of een ufo, moet worden
verklaard, dat je steeds moet trachten de meest economische of zuinige
verklaring te vinden. Dit is meestal de verklaring die het dichts aansluit bij
de reeds bestaande wetenschappelijke kennis, bijvoorbeeld uit de natuurkunde,
de scheikunde, de evolutietheorie, de meteorologie, ed.
Je hoort het ook wel eens het spaarzaamheidsbeginsel noemen. Dit betekent
echter niet dat een eenvoudige verklaring beter is dan een meer complexe. Dan
zou je immers aanvaarden dat het creationisme voor het ontstaan van de aarde
een eenvoudiger en dus betere verklaring zou zijn dan de mechanismen zoals
bekend uit de evolutietheorie van Darwin. Het gaat erom dat je de meeste
geloofwaardige (op basis van de kennis die we nu hebben) verkiest bovenop een
buitenissige, die vaak heel wat veronderstellingen vergt. De term is gebaseerd
op de uitspraak Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate (Men hoeft geen
zaken toe te voegen zonder noodzaak) van de Engelse filosoof (en Franciscaan)
William of Ockham.
Het is evident dat ufologen
enkel in hun opzet kunnen slagen om alle data en factoren van een melding te
indien de getuigen bereid zijnom in
volle vertrouwen en in partnership samen te werken met de onderzoeker(s). De
getuigen brengen ons een bron van gegevens bij; wij de bereidheid om deze
gegevens na analyse in een wereldwijde databank (vb MUFON-databank) op te
slaan. Het vergelijken van deze data kan ons toelaten om de puzzel van het
ufofenomeen uiteindelijk op te lossen. De conventionele wetenschap heeft de
moeilijke opdracht om een aantal compromissen te sluiten. Eén van hun wetten,
dat elk experiment door iedereen met dezelfde uitrusting onder dezelfde
omstandigheden dient te kunnen nagebootst te worden met hetzelfde vooraf
bepaald resultaat, kan je noch op de parawetenschappen, noch op ufologie of
andere esoterische items toepassen. Zo tonen studies van de parawetenschappen
aan dat de geestestoestand van de onderzoeker en de getuige een onvervalste
parameter vormt voor het spontaan optreden van specifieke verschijnselen. Om
deze bewering een kans te geven zichzelf te bevestigen, daar we alle factoren
van deze specifieke verschijnselen nog niet kennen, verplichten ons om
open-minded te werken. Indien je als onderzoeker dergelijke openheid en
vertrouwen schenkt aan de getuigen, mag je je aan de nodige kritiek verwachten
van de media, van bepaalde ufo-onderzoekers en zeker van de wetenschappelijke
besef dat deze denkpiste een stap is op glad ijs, maar na meer dan 60 jaar
staan we nog niet verder in het zoeken naar een degelijke oplossing voor het
ufo-raadsel. De te volgen procedure en methodologie hangt volledig af van het
wederzijds begrip en vertrouwen tussen onderzoeker(s) en getuigen. Begin je aan
je onderzoek met een voorafgaande ontkenning en negering van de echtheid van
sommige ufomeldingen, dan werk je in de optiek ALLE MELDINGEN ZIJN
VERKLAARBAAR. Je staat niet meer open voor de wereld rondom jou, maar staart
je blind op axiomas, definities, dogmas Niet alle meldingen zijn ufos, maar
niet alle ufos zijn natuurverschijnselen, illusies, trucages, hoaxes, ed.
er volgens jou, net zoals bij de visie van de seculiere, materialistischewetenschap en de sceptici, echt niets meer
tussen aarde en hemel dan we zien,dan
we denken? Vaak is het een kwestie van ergens in te geloven, ergens op te
hopen, om tot een positief resultaat te komen. SEEING IS BELIEVING, deze
uitdrukking is perfect van toepassing op de ufologie en andere esoterische en
aanverwante fenomenen. In afwachting kan enkel een gezonde en positieve
samenwerking met de getuigen van ufos en andere vreemde verschijnselen ons op
de weg naar de waarheid leiden..
Nazi-testen met "Vliegende Schotel"
een "vliegende schotel met gezegde"
Foo-Fighters tijdens Wereldoorlog II
Barney en Betty Hill, de eerste ontvoerden door Aliëns?
woedt er regelmatig een op hol geslagen woordenstrijd tussen een aantal objectieve,
kritische UFO-onderzoekers, believers, nonbelievers en sceptici, via email op
het internet over het nu wel of niet bestaan van UFOs. Deze polemiek kan soms
weken durven en er vallen steeds hardere woorden en verwijten, want actie en
reactie blijven nooit lang weg.
is niets nieuws onder de zon, hoor Dezelfde felle discussies woeden al
decennia lang tussen de verschillende partijen met tegenovergestelde
overtuigingen over UFOs en andere esoterische wetenschappen. Ditgebeurt niet alleen in ons Vlaamse land, maar
ook in vele andere westerse landen. Om toch hun gelijk te halen, brengen deze
onderzoekers een aantal verklaringen, axiomas, principes, methodes van diverse
wetenschappers in stelling en zelfs ideeën van filosofen komen in hun betoog
aan bod. Je kan in elk betoog wel een aantal logische en positieve argumenten
terugvinden, maar veelal ligt de eindconclusie al vast in de overtuiging van de
opsteller. Volgens zijn standpunten heeft hij immers altijd gelijk en veelal
zullen zijn zielsgenoten zijn uitlatingen en argumentatie altijd kritiekloos
Gewoon omdat ze zo zelf gelijk krijgen in hun denken en eigendunk
studie van progressieve of esoterische wetenschappen, zoals de parapsychologie
en de Ufologie, laten zich niet vangen door de aan experimenten gebonden exacte
wetenschappen De Ufologie is altijd al een controversieel studieonderwerp
geweest en zal altijd wel stof geven voor heftige discussies. Zolang dit debat
zich beperkt tot het weerleggen van elkaars stellingen door het uiten van
gezonde en plausibele tegenargumenten met respect en begrip voor elkaars
persoon leiden deze discussies zelfs tot een betere en gezonde
verstandhouding binnen de UFO-wereld. Ze zijn zelfs leerrijk en complementair
voor elkaars ideeëngoed en houden elkaars werkwijze in evenwicht. Zolang de
discussies zich beperken tot het weerleggen van elkaars verklaringen en / of
hypothesen, blijven de verschillende partijen alert en kritisch in hun
onderzoek van en hun denken over dit vreemd en complex UFO-fenomeen.
het ogenblik dat deze woordenstrijd escaleert tot persoonlijke aanvallen en
kritiek; als de emoties het winnen van het gezond verstand, dan blijft er niets
positief meer over en wordt het zinloos het debat verder te zetten via
email!Vermijd dus om een debat te
voeren in dergelijke boze en emotievolle geestestoestand via email of
chatten. Je kan net als je opponent boze en negatieve taal gebruiken en een
woordenkeuze, die niemand in een gesprek van man tot man zou gebruiken. Je kan
ook de reacties op je woorden niet correct inschatten en / of zien bij je
opponent. Misschien interpreteert hij jouw woorden totaal anders dan jij in
werkelijkheid bedoelde. Als je debatteert via email of chatbox, kan je niet
anticiperen op de lichaamstaal van je opponent, veroorzaakt door jouw
woordenkeuze en zijn interpretatie. Het is een feit dat je het impact van jouw
woorden niet vooraf kan inschatten energer nog, je kan tijdens je emaillen of chatten weinig van jouw woorden
terugnemen of verduidelijken. Het ideale middel om een probleem op te lossen of
twistpunt uit te praten, blijft dus de dialoog van man tot man!
meeste onderzoekers, of het nubelievers
of sceptici zijn, proberen hun gelijk te halen uit de stellingen en de
resultaten van de huidige wetenschap. Ik hoor regelmatig over de moderne,
seculiere wetenschap en het aanverwant materialisme praten
de stand van studie van de actuele wetenschap kunnen UFOs, in de betekenis van
buitenaardse toestellen, niet bestaan. Indien ik het correct zie, is
materialisme een stroming, waarin mens en wereld als grondstoffelijke materie
wordt gezien, in feite dus een degeneratie van het menselijk ras ten opzichte
van de begrippen van de religies. De dag van vandaag besteedt niemand nog veel
aandacht aan het geestelijke Als er zich in de geest iets afspeelt, dan
reduceert de wetenschap dit tot een aantal fysische processen, die zich in de
hersenen afspelen (cf. de nabije doodervaringen; paranormale verschijnselen,
zoals telekinese; geesten; ed. kunnen niet bestaan!) Volgens dezelfde
wetenschappelijke tendens bestaat er niets tussen hemel en aarde. Het zijn
allemaal maar sprookjes, hallucinaties, illusies of verzinsels en ALLES kan
volgens hen op een aardse manier verklaard worden. Ik hoef je niet te
vertellen dat de nonbelievers en sceptici deze trend kritiekloos volgen wat het
studieonderwerp ook mag wezen. Zo heb ik zelf onlangs het boek A tot Z - Het
woordenboek van de scepticus met ruim 400 definities, argumenten en kritische
artikels, gaande van acupunctuur tot zombies aangekocht, gewoon op eens te
kijken op welke wijze de scepticus elkaar munitie verschaffen om allerhande
onderwerpen af te breken en om zich verbaal te kunnen verdedigen tegen de
believers. Moet er nog zand zijn?
bestaan er een aantal personen, die wel blijven vasthouden aan hun religie
(opgelet, dit moet je in een ruimere visie en context zien en niet enkel bij de
believers van de Ufologie zoeken) los van alle materialistische aanvallen van
de seculiere wetenschappen en lachwekkende kritieken en zonder rekening te
houden met een aantal vergezochte tegenargumenten. Waarom denk je dat de
religies en bepaalde progressieve wetenschappen, zoals de Ufologie en de
parapsychologie zo onder druk staan? Denk ook maar even aan de kritiek op het gebruik
van homeopathie en je weet wat ik bedoel! Ben jij al geholpen door het gebruik
van homeopathie of acupunctuur dan is dat gewoon het placebo-effect, want
volgens hen werkt dat gewoon niet Gewoon omdat ze de wereldse vrijdenkers als
sceptici te veel beperken in hun denkwijze, in hun vrijheid, in hun gelijkheid
en in de arrogantie dat de mens het intelligentste wezen van de kosmos is,
beknotten. Het is deze seculiere, wetenschappelijke denkwijze om alles op
aardse, materialistische wijze te verklaren, die ook bij de meeste sceptici
en non-believers van de Ufologie leeft. Volgens mij is dit eerder een enge en
eenzijdige denkpiste, die weinig ruimte laat in vrijheid van ideeën. In wat
geloven deze egocentrische personen dan wel? Enkel is de intelligentie en beter
weten van hun persoontje? Dit louter subjectief denken remt het zoeken naar een
logische verklaring voor diverse fenomenen af. En al diegenen, die hun visies
niet kritiekloos volgen, worden genadeloos in hun tijdschriften of op hun sites
afgemaakt. Ze worden buiten hun geloofskring gesloten en ze gaan zelfs zo ver
dat ze proberen de geldkraan dicht te draaien voor het onderzoek, van al diegenen,
die er andere ideeën en stellingen durven op na te houden dan hun axiomas, hun
dogmas Overdreven vind je? Ik kan je zo een aantal voorbeelden geven! Het is
ook om die reden dat de meeste wetenschappers en onderzoekers in onze contreien
niet tegen het wetenschappelijk establishment durven in te gaan. Ze durven
zelden openlijk toe te geven dat zich met UFOs en / of andere esoterische
wetenschappen bezighouden Heeft de wetenschap het dan altijd bij het rechte
eind gehad? Het verleden wijst uit dat de wetenschap vaak kortzichtig te werk
ging met oogkleppen op en het waren de wetenschappelijke pioniers, die open
minded werkten, die de wetenschappelijke grenzen verlegden, net omdat ze de
grenzen van de algemeen aanvaarde, wetenschappelijk kennis durfden in vraag te
stellen Was het niet het vroeger wetenschappelijk establishment, dat beweerde
dat stenen (= meteorieten) niet uit de lucht konden vallen; dat de mens nooit
door de lucht zou kunnen reizen, laat staan ruimtereizen ondernemen; dat de
mens volgens Einstein niet sneller dan het licht zal kunnen reizen;
Ufologen, dienen grootmoedig toe te geven dat een aantal argumenten, soms
sneller kunnen weerlegd worden dan we dachten. Het vaak spreekwoordelijk
percentage van 90 à 95 % verklaarbare UFO-meldingen, dat door veel
onderzoekers, en dan vooral door sceptici en nonbelievers, aangehaald wordt, is
zo een argument. Dit percentage evolueert in functie van de studie, die je bij
je betoog betrekt. Of is het niet correct dat het percentage onverklaarbare
UFO-waarnemingen bij de Amerikaanse, officiële UFO-studie Project Blue Book ruim
25% bedraagt? Ook bij het Amerikaans Condon-rapport bedroeg het percentage
onverklaarbare meldingen meer dan 20%. Je kan enkel besluiten dat deze 90% een
gemiddelde raming is van alle verklaarbare meldingen van alle studies samen is.
In realiteit kan het percentage van onverklaarbare meldingen dus gevoelig hoger
liggen, want dit cijfer houdt ook geen rekening met de categorieën
Insufficient data onvoldoende gegevens en met Probably a waarschijnlijk
een Gebruik je het cijfer uit Project Blue Book of het Condon Rapport, dan
mag je direct opmerkingen verwachten van de sceptici en nonbelievers dat je
percentage van onverklaarbare meldingen veel te hoog ligt. Gebruik je het
algemeen gemiddelde van 90 à 95%, dan nog zullen de sceptici dit percentage te
laag vinden Want volgens hen is 100% verklaarbaar, niet?
wel of niet bestaan van een hard bewijs voor het bestaan van UFOs- in de context van
ruimtetuigen is nog zo een vaak terugkerend argument in de discussies. De
sceptici en nonbelievers verklaren dat er actueel nog geen enkel hard bewijs
voor het bestaan van UFOs voor handen is en zeker niet dat ze buitenaardse
oorsprong zijn. Deze stellingname kan ik nog enigszins begrijpen, maar voor een
objectieve, kritische onderzoeker, zoals ik meen te zijn, is de term UFO geen
synoniem voor een buitenaardse vliegende schotel met groene mannetjes, zoals
dat beeld bij velen door de media ingeplant werd! In feite heeft het geen enkel
zin om met deze ongelovige Thomassen een sereen debat te willen voeren, wat
ze zijn veel te seculier en dogmatisch ingesteld. Een paar voorbeelden toont
hun close-minded denken aan als het over UFOs gaat. Zo heb ik persoonlijk geen
hard bewijs voor het bestaan van de planeet Jupiter of van zwarte gaten in het
heelal, dus zouden die volgens het sceptisch denken niet bestaan. Maar ik kan s
avonds met een sterrenkijker wel het lichtpuntje terugvinden, dat algemeen
aanvaard wordt als zijnde de planeet Jupiter Het blindelings vertrouwen
stellen in de wetenschap maakt hier een collectief geloof van, maar harde
bewijzen het ik toch niet in handen. Fotos ga je zeggen, maar kunnen die ook
niet getrukeerd worden als bij UFOs? Opgelet, ik geloof dus wel in Jupiter en
die zwarte gaten, maar dit voorbeeld was even om aan te tonen hoe de sceptici
denken Ben ik een scepticus dan ga ik alleen voort op mijn eigen ervaringen,
waarnemingen en vaststellingen of die van sommige wetenschappers, namelijk van alleen
diegenen die mijn visie en standpunten delen. Ik weiger als scepticus de
waarnemingen van anderen en hun beeldmateriaal te aanvaarden en zeg luid op dat
er geen enkel bewijs bestaat voor UFOs Zielig, niet?
zie je dat je als scepticus (= twijfelaar) alles in vraag kan stellen wat je
maar wilt. Lees maar eens het boek van A tot Z- het woordenboek voor de
scepticus op na... En opgelet, wie de hond wilt slaan, vindt snel een stok!
Argumenten verzamelen, die mijn stelling bewijzen is enkel een kwestie van
tijd. Zijn er geen personen (= sceptici?), die beweren dat de Amerikaanse
maanlandingen nooit plaatsvonden en dat de beelden vervalst werden in de
Hollywood-studios? Zijn er geen personen, die beweren dat de door de
wetenschap algemeen, aanvaarde evolutietheorie van Darwin niet correct is en
dat ze eerder geloven in het creationisme? Ik wil met de logica enkel aantonen
dat zelfs als je geen hard bewijs hebt, iets wel kan bestaan en algemeen
aanvaard wordt correct te zijn; dat er sceptici bestaan, die ALLES in vraag
durven te stellen. Het is niet omdat jij persoonlijk het verschijnsel niet hebt
waargenomen, dat het niet bestaat, dat de getuigen onbekwaam zijn of liegen
Het komt er enkel op aan om het aantal volledige getuigenissen en het duidelijk
en betrouwbaar beeldmateriaal van een specifiek verschijnsel ernstig te nemen,
of het nu gaat om aardbevingen, tornados of UFOs. En opgelet, meestal is
het zo dat als de scepticus of nonbeliever een UFO-melding niet kunnen
verklaren ze of wel te weinig gegevens hebben; ofwel proberen ze de waarnemer
(s) ongeloofwaardig of onbetrouwbaar voor te stellen; ofwel proberen ze
hetzelfde met een collega-onderzoeker, die een andere mening over een
specifieke melding durft te uiten Dit alles gewoon om hun gelijk te halen!
ik ook niet begrijp, is dat niet elke onderzoeker kritisch blijft over het
Roswell Incident van juni 1947 in de USA. Hoe kan je blijven geloven in de
oprechtheid en eerlijkheid van de USA-overheid, aannemen dat ze niets verbergen
(= debunken), als je ziet hoe ze door de jaren heen stelselmatig hun officiële
verklaringen overde neergestorte UFO
laten evolueren in functie van het tijdsbeeld en in functie van de gevonden
resultaten van Ufologen over deze gebeurtenis? Ik beweer niet dat er een
vliegende schotel neerstortte in Roswell, ondanks het feit dat dit de eerste
officiële versie was die de Amerikaanse luchtmacht vrijgaf. Maar het
kritiekloos aanvaarden een slikken van de periodiek aangepaste verklaringen
voor het Roswell-incident door de Amerikaanse overheid doe ik niet! Indien de
burgers moesten weten wat de militaire en andere overheden voor hen verborgen
houden of veroorzaken, ik denk dat er direct een wereldrevolutie zou
losbarsten Het is enkel en alleen maar voor de sceptici en nonbelievers een
argument om hun eigen gelijk-gevoel kracht bij te zetten Zie je wel dat UFOs
niet bestaan, zelfs de overheid deelt onze mening.
de website van BUFON kan elke
waarnemer van een vreemd verschijnsel zijn waarneming melden. Deze site met de
meldingsmogelijkheid was uniek voor Vlaanderen, maar niet IEDEREEN is het eens
met deze meldingssite. Heeft niet iedereen het recht om zijn waarneming te kunnen
melden bij een bestaande organisatie? Na screening en analyse van een aantal
factoren zoals vreemdheid, aantal getuigen, afstand van waarnemen, ed. van de
melding, oordelen wij of het de moeite waard is om een verder onderzoek te doen
of dat we nu al een aanvaardbare verklaring kunnen geven. Indien nodig, nemen
we contact op met de melder om bijkomende informatie en / of beeldmateriaal te
vragen. Indien wij een echte interessante waarneming met eventueel
beeldmateriaal ontvangen, aarzelen we niet om dit onderzoeksmateriaal door te
sturen aan een aantal neutrale, kritische Ufologen, soms zelfs aan sceptici,
voor bijkomende analyse en advies. Dat was in het verleden zo, want één van de
leden van BUFON richtte plots het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt op en ging in
concurrentie met de onderzoekers van BUFON. Je kan je waarneming eveneens
melden bij hen, maar weet dat ze eerder de sceptische visie aanhangen en alles
op een aardse wijze proberen te verklaren. Ik heb niets tegen kritisch en
objectief onderzoek. Integendeel het is onze plicht als onderzoeker om bij een
melding het ganse gamma van mogelijke aardse verklaringen af te lopen in het
zoeken naar een oplossing. Door deductie en uitsluiten van alle logische,
aardse verklaringen, kom je dan uiteindelijk aan onverklaarbaar. Het is een
UFO, maar dit impliceert niet dat hij buitenaards is, wel dat er op het
ogenblik van onderzoek geen gekende verklaring voor handen is. Maar je mag in
je onderzoek er niet direct vanuit gaan dat het wel een misinterpretatie van
een aards object of verschijnsel was. Dat is subjectief denken met oogkleppen
verschil in denken en het gebrek aan open minded veroorzaakten een zekere
wrijving tussen de diverse verenigingen met verschillende visies binnen BUFON, vooral
omdat er geen consensus kon gevonden worden over specifieke waarnemingen, zoals
de Belgische Driehoeken, zoals het SKW-case, waar een BUFON-bestuurslid Jan met
zelfgebouwde apparatuur een afwijking vaststelde in het elektromagnetisch veld
op het tijdstip van waarneming van een vreemd ovaalvormig object. Hierdoor is
het vertrouwen zoek en verloopt een mogelijke samenwerking stroever. De
samenwerking is op sterven na dood!
is zeker geen believersclubje, zoals sommige sceptici beweren. Iedere
onderzoeker, ongeacht zijn overtuiging, visie en standpunten, is / blijft
welkom bij BUFON op voorwaarde dat ze een aantal regels naleven, zoals
wederzijds respect en begrip. Maar één woord is primordiaal, namelijk
vertrouwen! Onderschrijf je het manifest van BUFON en aanvaard je de
basisprincipes, zoals wederzijds begrip, respect voor elkaars standpunten, open
minded denken en heb je voldoende maturiteit en belangstelling voor UFOs, dan
ben je altijd welkom bij BUFON.
je geen vertrouwen in de Vlaamse UFO-groeperingen, dan kan je via internet je
vreemde waarneming ook direct melden bij MUFON(Mutual UFO- netwerk) via
Deze Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging zal er alles aan doen om je waarneming op en
professionele wijze te onderzoeken. Maar je dient wel te beseffen dat de
Vlaamse Ufologen over meer mogelijkheden beschikken op een aanvaardbare
verklaring te vinden voor jouw vreemde waarneming. Wij zijn immers ter plaatse,
terwijl de Amerikaanse onderzoekers van op afstand dienen te oordelen
is een spijtige zaak voor het zoeken naar een oplossing voor het UFO-fenomeen
dat er verdeeldheid heerst tussen de diverse groeperingen; tussen de
verschillende onderzoekers. Ondanks het streven naar een objectief forum, dat
BUFON moest worden, haken sommige verenigingen en onderzoekers uit eigenbelang
fenomenen dien je toch op wereldvlak te bestuderen om een globaal en correct
beeld te krijgen van het verschijnsel. Doe je dit niet dan werk je met
oogkleppen op! Neem nu verschijnselen zoals aardbevingen, vulkaanuitbarstingen,
tornados, orkanen, ed. Kan je deze enkel in België bestuderen? Komen ze voor
in ons land? Zijn deze fenomenen dezelfde bij ons als in het buitenland? Neen, gewoon
omdat in ons land andere meteorologische en geologische parameters en
omstandigheden heersen dan in de andere streken. Antwoord je volmondig ja, dan
moet je besluiten, ondanks het bestaand beeldmateriaal, dat deze verschijnselen
niet kunnen bestaan. Ze komen immers niet voor in ons Vlaanderenland. En toch,
geloven wij wel degelijk het actueel beeldmateriaal! Ik bezocht zelf al eens
Sicilië en was er getuige van een kleine uitbarsting van de vulkaan, de Etna.
Dus ik ben er wel van overtuigd dat vulkaanuitbarstingen een reëel,
natuurkundig fenomeen zijn. De vraag, die je je kan stellen is, als ET ons
Belgenland zou bezoeken, wat kan hij hier aan buitengewoons vinden? Heeft hij
hier nog voldoende vrije ruimte om te landen en zijn ding te doen?De vaststelling is dat er in andere streken
nog uitgebreide, ongerepte vlakten, bossen, bergen, woestijnen en uitgestrekte,
onbewoonde gebieden bestaan. Er bestaan nog altijd plaatsen op aarde waar nog
nooit een mens geweest is. Weet je dat we amper 10% kennen van alles wat leeft
in onze oceanen, toch ruim 75% van onze aardoppervlakte? Wat weten wij al van
de diverse sferen, zoals de ionosfeer en of daar mogelijk leven is?
wij zo bitterweinig van onze eigen
planeet afweten, is het dan ondenkbaar om de mogelijkheid van het bestaan van
intelligent, buitenaards leven aan te nemen? En wat verstaan we onder de term
Leven? Moet dit intelligent leven een kopie zijn van ons of kan het één of
andere energievorm of lichtwezen zijn? Opgepast, als je de mogelijkheid van het
bestaan van intelligent, buitenaards leven reëel acht, dan dien je rekening te
houden met het logisch gevolg dat vroeg of laat - verleden, heden en toekomst -
een intelligente beschaving onze aarde bezocht / bezoekt / zal bezoeken .Het waarom doet er niet toe, want wij proberen
toch ook al de planeten uit ons zonnestelsel te bezoeken om misschien later te
exploiteren, zoals er plannen bestaan om een bemande reis naar Mars te maken.
Dat de afstanden tussen de diverse leefbare planeten onoverbrugbaar zijn,
zoals de actuele wetenschappelijke doctrine stelt, dien je overboord te gooien.
Immers een intelligente, buitenaardse beschaving, die ons in evolutie duizenden
jaren voorbij is, kan dergelijke hinderpalen opgelost hebben. Beschikken wij
actueel wel over een technologie om met dergelijke intelligenties te
communiceren of hangen wij voor contact af van hun goodwill? Besef dat de
indianen in het Amazonegebied onze radio- en Tv-signalen ook niet kunnen
opvangen, toch bestaan die signalen, niet? Echte sciencefiction hoor ik de
sceptici al zeggen; open minded denken noemen de neutrale, objectieve
onderzoekers deze denkpiste en de believers wel, die verklaren dat ET ons al
bezocht en nog steeds bezoekt Of hoe meningen kunnen verschillen. Zoek het
zelf maar uit bij welke categorie jij thuishoort!
streeft neutraliteit, objectiviteit en kritisch onderzoek na. Elke
UFO-onderzoeker, wat zijn overtuigingen ook wezen, blijft altijd welkom bij
BUFON. Als je een aantal basisdoelstellingen en regels onderschrijft; als je
voldoende maturiteit, wederzijds begrip en respect toont en op een serene wijze
van man tot man kan debatteren in onze vergaderingen om je standpunten te
verduidelijken en te verdedigen, dan kan je rekenen op vertrouwen bij BUFON en
ben je welkom. Kan je je echter niet neutraal en objectief opstellen ten
opzichte van andere collegas; kan je het niet nalaten om collegas aan te
vallen omdat ze het niet eens zijn met jouw ideeën, dan heb je niets te zoeken
bij BUFON. Wij hebben geen behoefte aan mediageile egotrippers of
onverantwoorde criticasters. Bij BUFON mag iedereen zijn mening over UFOs en
aanverwante items vrij uiten en publicerenop onze site. Maar opgelet, hij / zij of zijn vereniging blijven ALTIJD
juridisch aansprakelijk voor de inhoud van hun artikels, voor hun verklaringen
en voor hun uitspraken
is een vaststaand feit dat het geen sinecure is om tegengestelde overtuigingen
met elkaar te verzoenen en op een volwassen manier te laten samenwerken. BUFON
weet dat het bloot staat aan kritiek. Kritiek kan opbouwend en leerrijk zijn,
zolang de kritiek handelt over de inhoud van een artikel, een uitspraak of een
hypothese. Wat niet tolerant is en totaal onaanvaardbaar is zijn de reacties op
de persoonlijke overtuiging van de schrijver of als de persoon bekritiseert
wordt los van de Ufologie. Door rekening te houden met opbouwende en positieve
kritiek, kan je als individu, als vereniging, enkel en alleen maar groeien en
beter gaan functioneren. Negatieve kritiek is zinloos en maakt enkel vijanden
en heeft geen toegevoegde waarde voor de studie van het UFO-verschijnsel.
beschouw ik dan persoonlijk als een positief, kritisch artikel? Je weerlegt op
logische wijze en met degelijk gefundeerde argumenten de stellingen van je
opponent; je valt nooit de persoon zelf aan! Niemand kan dergelijke kritiek
negatief vinden, zolang je argumenten betrekking hebben op de inhoud van het
artikel van je collega-onderzoeker; zolang je argumenteert op een volwassen
wijze blijf je op het goede pad. Maak je opponent niet uit ; kleineer hem niet
en gebruik geen ironische nicknames (zoals pipo) in je betoog, want dan speel
je de man in plaats van de bal en verdien je een rode kaart Dergelijke handelswijze
heeft totaal niets te maken met kritisch en objectief UFO-onderzoek.
andere woorden, in een echt kritisch artikel weerleg je de verklaringen, de
uitspraken van je collega zonder de persoon zelf af te breken of zwart te
maken. Lanceer je en nieuw idee of een hypothese over een bepaald item in de
UFOLOGIE, dan moet je tegen goed uitgebalanceerde kritiek kunnen. Wapen je
vooraf tegen kritiek door je uitspraken zo grondig mogelijk te analyseren en je
woorden te wikken en te wegen. Door te proberen de gepaste woordenkeuze te
gebruiken en door rekening te houden met al je lezerspubliek kan je een groot
deel van de kritiek voorkomen. Voorkomen is beter dan genezen! Wees dus steeds
100% zeker van de gebruikte argumenten of voorbeelden, check en dubbelcheck
deze op betrouwbaarheid en echtheid. Krijg je dan toch nog kritiek, bekijk dan
vooreerst de tegenargumenten. Reageer niet vol emoties, maar hou rekening met
valabele en gezonde argumenten en zoek eerst gepaste tegenargumenten om jou
standpunt te blijven verdedigen. Durf jou ongelijk toe te geven, maar hou
vooraf wel rekening welke persoon jouw artikel of uitspraak bekritiseert of
afbreekt. Niet alle kritiek is de moeite van een tegenreactie waard en soms
spelen persoonlijke vetes en rivaliteit een te grote rol..
zaak is zeker, in een controversieel, professioneel studieonderwerp als de
Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen, hou je vooraf best rekening me de
kritiek als je een artikel schrijft, een theorie lanceert, een bijzondere
uitspraak doet , wat veel sceptici liggen op de loer om jouw visie direct af te
breken. Als ik het van A tot Z het Woordenboek van een scepticus doorneem,
dan speelt hetgeen je schrijft of zegt totaal geen rol. Je gaat in tegen hun
dogmatisch, seculier denkpatroon en je moet aangevallen en weerlegd worden.
Als je vooraf een voorzichtige houding aanneemt, word je zeker niet ontgoocheld
door specifieke kritiek van bepaalde collegas, zelfs als die plots uit
onverwachte hoek komt.. Komt de kritiek van een scepticus, gebruik dan de nodige
dosis zout! Wees alert en altijd op jouw hoede, maar laat jouw creativiteit
niet doden. Je hebt een eigen mening, een eigen visie, waar je best mag voor
uit komen!
de ogen van de sceptici ben je al een believer, als je de mogelijkheid van
het bestaan van een buitenaardse intelligentie openlaat als mogelijke
verklaring voor een aantal UFO-meldingen. Hoor ik thuis bij de believers omdat
ik de kans, de mogelijkheid dat ET ons bezoekt hoe miniem die kans ook is
aanvaard? Dat een hoog percentage van UFO-meldingen verklaarbaar zijn, maar dat
een zeker percentage ons nog steeds voor raadsels stelt? Neen, maar ik weiger
gewoon met oogkleppen te werken en wil met een open geest aan onderzoek doen.
Hoe noem jij een onderzoekstrekking, die vooraf beweert dat alle UFO-meldingen
verklaarbaar zijn en van aardse makelij? Hoe kan je van jezelf beweren dat je
aan objectief en kritisch UFO-onderzoek doet, als je vooraf al je antwoord of
je oplossing voor ogen hebt? Je vertrekt in je analyse en je onderzoek van de
ontvangen, vreemde waarneming, vooraf al met het idee, dat je iets aards moet
vinden om die melding te verklaren, ongeacht wat de getuigen rapporteren; ongeacht
eventueel foto- of ander bewijsmateriaal
ik een believer omdat ik mij niet kan terugvinden in dergelijke subjectieve
werkwijze? So be it! Maar wie is in feite de echte believer ? Hij, die
gelooft dat alle vreemde verschijnselen op seculiere, wetenschappelijke wijze
te verklaren zijn; of hij, die gelooft dat we de grenzen van ons
wetenschappelijk denken nog niet bereikt hebben en dat er meer is tussen hemel
en aarde is dan de wetenschap beweert? Moet er nog moerasgas zijn
richting je ook kiest, welk standpunt je ook aanneemt, de waarnemer en de
karakteristieken van de UFO-melding dienen centraal te staan in je benadering,
niet Jij of jouw standpunten
en objectiviteit zijn ijdele begrippen in een controversiële wereld van de
Ufologie vol frustraties. Verdraagzaamheid, wederzijds respect en volwassenheid
zijn veelal ver te zoeken in het streven naar een aanvaardbare waarheid voor
het toch zo complexe UFO-fenomeen. Misschien denk jij dat ik door mijn
schrijven dezelfde fout maak, omdat ik over de sceptici zo neergaand en
negatief bericht? Maar als je als scepticus een boek schrijft van A tot Z
het woordenboek voor de scepticus met meer dan 400 items, dan dien je toch toe
te geven dat deze enkel het doel hebben om alles wat niet in hun kraam past af
te breken. ZE willen de mensen, die in een hoger bewustzijnsniveau geloven, alle
hoop ontnemen. Ze pakken de ziel van de mensheid af! Neem nu acupunctuur. Hoeveel
mensen werden al niet geholpen door het gebruik van deze therapie? Laat ons
niet vergeten, dat de Chinezen al duizenden jaren ervaring hebben met dat
middel en dat acupunctuur al veel langer bestaat dan de westerse geneeskunde en
ja, ik heb het inderdaad zeer moeilijk met een seculiere, materialistische
zienswijze die alle fantasie en creativiteit doodt Laat me dan toch maar
liever een believer zijn, als de sceptici niet willen aanvaarden dat een
objectieve, kritische en open minded-denkende onderzoeker bestaat!
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
Druk op onderstaande knop om je bestand , jouw artikel naar mij te verzenden. INDIEN HET DE MOEITE WAARD IS, PLAATS IK HET OP DE BLOG ONDER DIVERSEN MET JOUW NAAM...
Druk op onderstaande knop om een berichtje achter te laten in mijn gastenboek
Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.