The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Information, especially for our friends in South America...
El jueves 1 de agosto a las
18:30 nos reuniremos nuevamente en el Café Ufológico
de Izq a Der:Juan J. Castelli, Horacio Sorbaro, Javier Bertolotto,
Alejandro Merel, Alberto Portalet, Javier Stagnaro, Mario Lupo, Alex Gómez,
Daniel Postizzi, Roberto Marino, Claudia Molina, Ana Serrano, Pablo Auero,
Ricardo Quinteros, Luis Alberto Baynham, Rubén Morales, Horacio Pistoni, Mario
Coen, Pablo Cardozo, Alejandro De la Barra, Roberto Banchs, Anabella Veja,
Verónica Suárez, Andrea Pérez Simondini y Sebastián Haraya. Estuvieron presentes, pero no aparecen en la
foto: Iván Orenstein y Rubén
RIO54, el primer Café
Ufológico argentino, demuestra en cada reunión que el tema ovni moviliza el
interés de hombres y mujeres de todas las edades y formación, dispuestos a
encontrarse una vez por mes en el Café de la Subasta para conversar
amigablemente sobre el tema de sus amores. En el encuentro del pasado 4 de julio
hubo dos nuevos participantes que fueron bienvenidos a la larga mesa, Roberto
Marino y Javier Bertolotto.
Roberto Marino, originario de Gaiman, Pcia.
de Chubut, contó diversas experiencias personales vividas en lugares
emblemáticos de la ufología, como la estancia La Aurora en Salto (Uruguay) donde
observó extrañas luces y también observó un cigarro sobre los cerros "Las
Gemelas" en Capilla del Monte (Pcia. de Córdoba, Argentina). También sorprendió
su relato sobre una emanación de energía luminosa que se veía salir del suelo en
San Marcos Sierras, pueblo muy cercano a Capilla del Monte. La anécdota derivó
en la posibilidad de que existan bases o ciudades subterráneas, ante lo cual
Sebastián Haraya comentó que eran de interés los libros publicados por Robert
Teske (en inglés) acerca la llamada "Base Dulce" en Estados Unidos, a la que ese
autor describe como una gran instalación subterránea excavada en distintos
niveles de profundidad, con experimentos más secretos a medida que se desciende,
lo que incluiría desde manipulaciones genéticas hasta coacción hacia
alienígenas. Sebastián reflexionó que ese modelo de estructura se parece a los
inframundos sucesivos de la mitología maya según su libro sagrado, el Popul Vuh.
Explicó que Teske abunda en datos que relacionan la milicia, la NSA y los
extraterrestres. También la Dra. Karla Turner en su diario sobre visitantes de
dormitorio se refiere a las denominadas "Blacks Ops" (Operaciones
Luis Baynham habló entonces de los ovnis
vistos en proximidad de volcanes, en particular el recientemente conocido caso
del Popocatepetl en México, sobre lo cual circularon en la mesa diversas
interpretaciones, y Horacio Pistoni amplió diciendo que la fumarola dejó de
emitir gases luego de ese episodio.
Alejandro De la Barra recordó el avistaje
del comandante de Aerolíneas Argentinas Jorge Polanco, poco antes de aterrizar
en Bariloche con el Boeing 727 que pilotaba. Morales aportó algunos detalles
sobre ese caso de 1995, por ejemplo que la Fuerza Aérea difundió la
investigación que hizo, investigación que llegaba hasta un punto y se truncaba
alegando que la Aeronáutica no tenía una comisión específica para estudiar los
El Ing. De La Barra expresó su deseo de que
una persona como el comandante Polanco pudiera venir un día a RIO54, para poder
hablar de casos como ese, con diversos testigos, observación desde dos aviones y
torre de control.
La charla se animó con diferentes puntos de
vista, aportados entre otros por Mario Lupo, Javier Stagnaro, Sebastián Haraya y
Mario Coen, acerca de cuales son los datos duros para decir que algo es un
"ovni", un "plato volador", ¿que características debe básicamente tener?
-preguntó Mario. De la Barra hizo hincapié en los parámetros físicos, por
ejemplo que un tal objeto debería tener un comportamiento absurdo como ser
aceleraciones o velocidades extremas. Morales añadió que para que el fenómeno
sea absurdo, no es indispensable pensar en violaciones a las leyes de la física,
porque absurda era la piedra voladora que vio Guillermo Girotti junto a su
hermano, según lo relató en nuestra reunión anterior. Era absurdo ver una roca
por el cielo, pero no necesariamente una violación de las leyes físicas.
Sebastián fue por más, al decir que toda observación sucede en un esquema de
creencias, como decía John Keel, y se interrogó si una aparición mariana podría
considerarse como un evento ovni.
En la misma línea, Coen afirmó que el
fenómeno importa porque el hombre existe, y que las interpretaciones dependen de
las personas. Mencionó por caso la oleada de 1897 en Estados Unidos cuando se
vieron objetos voladores parecidos a dirigibles o aeroplanos, antes de que
estuvieran inventados. Javier Stagnaro indicó que era una fecha muy cercana a la
invención de estos aparatos y que bien pudo haber prototipos que estuvieran
probándose en 1897 aunque no aparecieran en la prensa. Luis Baynham evocó uno de
estos casos de 1897, citado por el autor Anglada Font: Un grupo familiar que
participaba de una fiesta nocturna se sorprendió al oir gritos de auxilio que
provenían del cielo, sin poder establecer de donde. Los gritos se alejaron
hasta hacerse inaudibles.
Rubén Romano, inspirado en el pensamiento de
Jacques Vallée, siguió los argumentos de Coen al generalizar que se tiende a ver
al fenómeno como algo ajeno, externo al ser humano, y que esa "ajenidad" -como
tal- ha estado presente en las creencias humanas desde los albores de la
cultura. Son aspectos que se internan en el campo de lo subjetivo. Mencionó como
ejemplo que en casos de abducción se ha relatado el ascenso al ovni por una
escalerilla convencional, lo cual siembra una contradicción, eso no parece
compatible con una supertecnología.
Casi sin darnos cuenta, la charla nos había
internado en temas conceptuales y hasta filosóficos, en el sentido de
cuestionarnos, de hacernos preguntas, de profundizar, mucho más allá de las
noticias que se publican en internet y en la prensa. Eso causó cierta inquietud,
porque claro, cuestionarse, preguntarse, hace revisar lo que se piensa y eso
genera ansiedad, es la angustia previa a la obtención de un
Morales refirió que hay un estereotipo
mental del "plato volador" que no deja verlo como un fenómeno más amplio: "Yo
mismo, si viera un ovni y éste no tuviera forma de plato, me sentiría
defraudado" -bromeó. Y también planteó la posibilidad de ser visitados por
una civilización que de ninguna manera desee tomar contacto con los terrestres.
Aimé Michel, pionero de la investigación ovni en Francia, planteaba que si el
abismo cultural entre los visitantes y nosotros fuera tan amplio como el que
existe entre el entomólogo y la hormiga, no habría comunicación posible. La
hormiga siente que le pasan cosas pero no entiende, cuando la ponen en un
microscopio por ejemplo, y el científico que la observa no tiene en sus planes
comunicarse con ella.
Juan Castelli, nacido en Rawson, originario
de la Patagonia Argentina al igual que Roberto Marino, trajo a la mesa el caso
citado en otras reuniones de los submarinos fantasmas vistos en el Atlántico
Sur.Halló información en la excelente web de Historia y Arqueología Marítima de
la Fundación Histarmar sobre la Operación Golfo
Nuevo, cuando buques y aviones de la Armada atacaron a un sumergible sin
identificar el 21 de mayo de 1958.
Javier Stagnaro añadió que entre los
participantes del ataque había un joven oficial de Infantería de Marina que era
Daniel Perissé, el que luego en 1965 sería mundialmente conocido por las
observaciones de ovnis en la Antártida. Perissé le había contado a Javier
algunas rarezas sucedidas en esa Operación Golfo Nuevo del año '58. Una de ellas
es que luego de toda esa estresante jornada rastreando al sumergible por sonar y
lanzándole cargas de profundidad, llegó la noche y con ella se inició una
intensa vigilia desde los barcos. Entonces se vio, en la lejanía, media docena
de esferas luminosas que emergían del mar. Y al día siguiente los marinos
recorrieron la playa y allí encontraron dos novedades: huellas de patas de rana
(o similares) que provenían del mar y una gran marca en forma de cuña hundida en
la arena, como si un objeto pesado hubiera estado apoyado en ese lugar, sin que
se observen en las cercanías huellas de ruedas o de otro tipo, lo que
significaría que, cualquier cosa que haya sido, debió irse por el
Stagnaro remarcó que ningún país reclamó la
propiedad de ese submarino furtivo y que hasta podría pensarse en un U-boot
alemán que permaneció oculto luego de la segunda guerra.
Daniel Postizzi sumó otra anécdota naval,
que le fue contada por un radarista ya retirado. En un viaje de la Fragata
Libertad, el buque insignia de la Armada Argentina, se realizaba una práctica de
navegación nocturna a oscuras, con los sistemas eléctricos desconectados, lo que
es una práctica habitual para el entrenamiento de la tripulación en situaciones
extremas. Solamente el radar permanecía encendido por seguridad, y su pantalla
era la única fuente de luz en la sala. De pronto el radarista escuchó un fuerte
griterío en cubierta. Había aparecido sobre el buque una bola de luz roja que se
movía rápido y azarosamente, "como un buscapiés". La luz entró a la fragata
atravesando el casco, llegó a la sala de máquinas, de ahí a la de radar, salió
por la cubierta hacia proa y se perdió en el horizonte.
Por su parte, Andrea Pérez Simondini expresó
su alegría de haber localizado y entrevistado a Roberto Wilkinson, piloto de la
Armada que el 22 de mayo de 1962 observó desde su avión varios objetos no
identificados cerca de la Base Aeronaval Comandante Espora, Prov. de Buenos
Rubén Morales finalmente expresó su
satisfacción porque además de la Red Argentina de Cafés Ufológicos que está
plena de actividades en cada ciudad, se ha producido la segunda reunión del Café
Ovni de Valencia, España, coordinado por Luis Pisu, a quien deseamos el mayor de
los éxitos y esperamos que surjan más cafés ufológicos en el país y en el
Así transcurrió la reunión del Café
Ufológico de Julio, entre informaciones, investigaciones, anécdotas y
reflexiones. Los variados temas fueron tratados con profundidad e interés, lo
que demuestra la importancia, la necesidad, de abrir espacios de diálogo como
los cafés ufológicos para que afloren contenidos tan enriquecedores para el
conocimiento y gratificantes para el espíritu.
Como siempre se sortearon gratuitamente
entre los presentes revistas aportadas por Javier Stagnaro y Verónica Suárez,
libros donados (y, por estar presente, en esta ocasión también rubricados) por
Roberto Banchs, un DVD con buena bibliografía ufológica en formato digital que
aportó Sebastián Haraya y un curso en DVD donado por Mario Lupo. Gracias a todos
los que colaboran con aportes para el esperado momento del sorteo.
La próxima reunión del Café Ufológico
RIO54 será el jueves 1 de agosto, como siempre a las 18,30 en el Café de la
Subasta, Río de Janeiro 54, Buenos Aires.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the
benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence
report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that
you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now provides advanced
research and consultation on a wide range of subjects.
In special reports, this weeks files cover: Life on Super
Underground Water Earths, Tired of Abductions, Time is Created by Us , Three
Humongous Triangular UFOs, Space Center Letter, Anti Ballistic Missile Fails,
Crop Circles, and UFO/UAP Greensboro Symposius
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California,
Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Nebraska, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, China, France,
Germany,Israel, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, and England in the United
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research.
believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's
are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was Be Happy and Eddie Pedrick my
grandsons who drowned and my two beautiful daughters Elizabeth Lynn died March
8, 2013 and Dr. Victoria Anne Filer died April 27, 2013.
You Live on a Wonderful World
Life on Super Underground Water Earths
A new super-Earth has been discovered that could have a
life-supporting climate and water. The planet, called HD 40307g, was discovered
in a multi-world solar system 42 light years from the Sun and lies at exactly
the right distance from its star to allow liquid surface water. It orbits well
within the star's habitable or Goldilocks zone - the region where
temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold to sustain life.
Professor Hugh Jones, from the University of Hertfordshire said:
The longer orbit of the new planet means that its climate and
atmosphere may be just right to support life.
Just as Goldilocks liked her porridge to be
neither too hot nor too cold but just right, this planet or indeed any moons
that is has lie in an orbit comparable to Earth, increasing the probability of
it being habitable.
The super earth is one of six planets believed to circle the dwarf star HD
40307 in the constellation Pictor. The planet turns on its axis, giving it a
regular day and night cycle and making its environment even more Earth-like.
Underground water could greatly increase the chances of
planets harboring extraterrestrial life. Taking into account sub-surface
habitats broadens the range of places life-sustaining planets can occupy, a
study has found. It means there could be around seven times
more billions of life-bearing planets than is currently believed.
Potentially habitable rocky planets are said to lie in the "Goldilocks zone"
able to support surface liquid water. Several such worlds have already been
discovered. But including the possibility of life below the ground means the
Goldilocks zone can be wider, thereby increasing the number of planets on which
organisms could dwell.
Mars may be the closest planet where life exists below the
surface as shown by finger-like water streaks five yards wide on crater
On Earth, living microbes are found at depths of up to around five
kilometers. How far below the surface organisms can survive depends on warmth
both from a planet's star, and interior geothermal heating. "We have
developed a new model to show how Goldilocks zones can be calculated for
underground water and hence life," said lead researcher Sean
McMahon, from the University of Aberdeen's School of
Geosciences."Billions more habitable planets exist if you are
prepared to take into account sub-surface life." Mr. McMahon, a
Ph.D. University of Aberdeen student reports, If the planets are
large enough their interiors could be warmed by geothermal forces
From Barbara Wade Quoting: "Alexandra Petri, Published: May
3, 2013 in Washington Post stated in part, 'The activist Stephen
Bassett observed that the UFO subject is a third rail for media and public
officials. You can be gay and have five wives and you can do anything and get
out of the closet on it and itll be no problem but this watch out, your
careers on the line. The social opprobrium attached to this issue
was launched in 1953 little green men ha ha.' "
AND people like me (abductee/contactee) are so mixed up that
they can't even keep appointments accurately. My eye doctor had to call me
yesterday, because I was late for my appointment. I was ABDUCTED and the ETs
didn't get me back home in time. Fortunately, I live near the doctor's office,
so I was only 20 minutes late. It raises ***LL with anything I want to do
I hope the government has full disclosure soon. I have gotten so that I tell
my doctors about it, whether they want to hear it or not.
To show what my life is like at home: Once I shut off my PC at
1:00 AM, and walked straight across the living room to the bedroom. I didn't
stop for anything. When I got to the bedroom DAYLIGHT WAS COMING THROUGH THE
BLINDS, and the clock on the bed table said 6:00AM! The ETs just picked me up
and put me back without me knowing it.
Another time, my car was zigzagged across highway I-17 here in AZ, coming
from a UFO Conference in 2012. It was out of my control and even locked itself
in reverse and went backwards.
There must be thousands of us abductees, yet governments won't admit it. Now
that I am older, it is beginning to affect my health. I don't bounce back from
those "flights" as well as I used to
Barbara Wade (one of my cartoons above)
Time is Created by Us
Professor Dr. Wubbo J. Ockels is
a Dutch physicist, and also the Netherlands original astronaut. He is a
Professor of Aerospace Sustainable Engineering and Technology at the University
of Delft, and tries to stimulate a mentality change among Dutch citizens. In his
mind-bending TEDxAmsterdam talk, Ockels explains how, Time is
created by human beings, as a way our brains can make sense of gravity. The
speed of light is constant, because it is made by us: its the clock by which we
have calibrated our existence. Based on this premise, Ockels proposes a new way
to explore life in our galaxy.
With a different gravity the aliens have a different time and we
dont see each other.
Earth is unique since most of the universe is space.
Note: It appears the astronaut is aware of time travel by
extraterrestrials. Our measurement of the speed of light is based on our time.
It may be different in alien time.
Three Humongous
Meadowlands, NJ -- Rosalba Emmanuel-King writes, Dear
George thank you sooo much for your web site I love it and look forward to
reading it every time u send it.
Having seen three humongous triangular UFOs myself I look forward to your
emails for years now. It was in 1994, that I witnessed three tremendous UFOs
appearing thru a clear blue July sky. A part of the triangle showed then the
entire thing appeared three times. All three triangles showed up in formation
then suddenly turned on an angle and disappeared from site. I was at the
Meadowlands horse stables in the middle of the afternoon rollerblading. I
couldn't believe what I was seeing. They were larger that the stadiums there
grey with a light on each corner red yellow green. They had a grid underneath
them like Star Wars. I havent been the same since. I know theyre out there.
I also had an out of body experience in 1979. I must have died and came out
of my body as a ghost like transparent version of myself. I could still see and
hear only I was transparent. I know your daughters are still living only in a
different form. They must be sooo proud of you.
One time in 1993, I flat lined on an operating table. I woke up and the nurse
told me they thought they lost me. I told her I had seen Jesus in a dream. We
were in a cold climate like Himalayas with mountains. He put His arm beckoning
me to come to him. He was in front of what looked to me like a crowd of people
from that area. There was a river he wanted me to cross but that's when I woke
up and was revived. I'm not crazy I'm a college professor for 30 years. I just
wanted you to know that there is much more to this life than we know. Keep the
faith and you will see your family again guaranteed. God Bless you.
Much love Rosalba Emmanuel-King.
Dear George;
Thank you for the ufo information, it is very interesting to me
since I worked on space programs @ Astro space Center & NASA.
I have been very interested in space & ufo's, they are out
there, and I am always looking out there for them. Happy 4th
of July to you also.
Thanks to Norm
Anti Ballistic Missile Fails
Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (Reuters / Gene
A $214-million test launch of the only US defense against long-range
ballistic missile attacks failed to hit its target over the Pacific Ocean,
according to the Missile Defense Agency. There have been no successful
interceptor tests since 2008.
In Friday's test, a ground-based interceptor missile was launched from
Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and was expected to hit its target a
missile launched 4,000 miles away from the Kwajalein Atoll.
Its the third consecutive failure involving the interceptor system managed
by Boeing Co.
The military has tested the so-called ground-based midcourse defense system
sixteen times. It has succeeded eight times, with the last intercept in December
The recent failure comes several months after the Pentagon announced plans to
spend $1 billion to add 14 new interceptors along the West Coast in response to
threats from North Korea.
The US currently has 26 interceptors deployed at Fort Greely in Alaska and
four at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The Obama administration plans 44
interceptors by 2017.
An intercept was not achieved, the Defense
Department said, we will conduct anextensive review to
determine the cause of any anomalies which may have prevented a successful
Crop Circles
There are few mysteries more accessible than crop circles.
Each spring and summer these enigmatic patterns appear overnight in crop fields,
particularly around the Avebury landscape temple in Wiltshire, England. We have
access to the information network that provides breaking news on the latest
formations and where possible we enter these beautiful creations within hours of
their forming, when the energy of a genuine formation is at its strongest.
Cosmic works of art, ET communications in sacred geometric
format, or a warning voice from Gaia, whatever your opinion crop
circles are fascinating and truly remarkable.
This part of England is also home to some of the worlds most powerful
ancient sacred sites including Stonehenge, Avebury and Glastonbury. We will take
time to truly experience these places of power including private access
to Stonehenge. Being based close to the World Heritage Site of
Avebury Landscape Temple we have daily access to such sites as
Silbury Hill, West Kennet Long Barrow and the Sanctuary. In
historic Glastonbury we will visit the Abbey, Chalice
Well and Tor.
Were also offering a pre-tour extension to the prestigious Summer
Crop Circle Lectures where you will hear fascinating presentations and
meet the presenters as well as all the other ardent croppies. A great time is
had by all!. Thanks to
UFO/UAP Symposium Was Held in Greensboro, North
The 2013 UFO/UAP Symposium was held in Greensboro, North
Carolina on June 29th and 30th. Kent Senter, co-founder
of MUFON-North Carolina, and Journalist and UFO Researcher, Leslie Kean,
arranged the symposium. They provided attendees with a guest speaker list
comprised of various experts and government officials from the USA, France,
England, Belgium and Chile who provided an academic approach to the longstanding
problem of what the human race needs to do about the UFO problem and its current
and future impact on Earth. The symposium included discussions on the need to
set up a government agency designed to study UFOs and devise a method for
detecting them on a large scale and making their findings available to the
public. It was noted that other countries have set up official agencies to
study the problem. The tone of the meeting was serious. No vendors were in
attendance and media were asked to give due respect to the symposium and not
minimize the seriousness of the symposium in their reports to the public.
The guest speakers included General Wilfried de Brouwer, Dr. Richard Haines,
Leslie Kean, Jose Lay, Dr. Alexander Wendt, Colonel Charles Halt, Xavier Passot,
Dr. Ron Westrum, Timothy Good, Nancy Talbot and Dr. Jeffrey Bennet. Among this
group were scientists, professors, pilots, a journalist, writers, field
investigators and high-ranking military officials. The symposium was recorded
and DVDs are expected to be made available through the Center for UFO Research
Thanks to Alan Caviness
Sightings in the United States
California Orb
DANA POINT -- My girlfriend and I were sitting on my deck
chatting 500 feet from the Pacific Ocean on July 5, 2013 when we saw a very
bright gold light. It was an overcast night. We knew immediately it was not a
commercial aircraft. The light was extremely bright and after several seconds
over viewing it, a second light of the same color appeared to the right of it.
The two lights appeared to come closer to our location but it would stop and
hover. There was no sound. The two lights then turned into a row of several
angled lights (4-6). It appeared to us the object was banking and flying in a
higher altitude. It was soundless and the lights began blinking until it simply
went dark. We both took pictures with our cell phones. Thanks to MUFON CMS
San Leandro -- The bright light was coming over the
horizon from Half Moon Bay Mountains. The light hovered there for 30 minutes.
Then reduced in size and started floating to the left very slowly then
disappeared. I watch planes take off and land every day. The next day I saw
another one but it floated closer to where I was and I was able to show my son
and it was huge I sent the footage and I have a lot more doing some crazy
things. The objects seem to disappear into thin air after a while.
Illinois Orange Orb
FRANKFORT -- Sitting on front porch, facing east on July 2,
2013, I saw a very bright object. There were no other objects or clouds in
the sky.
The object moved SE to NE, passing behind trees.
Elapsed time from first sight until disappearance was two minutes. It
traveled horizontally and got progressively smaller and appeared to vanish in NE
sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana White
Blanford Richard Bondira writes, On the evening of July 3, 2013, at
10:30 PM, I took the following photos. What is good is that I was able to follow
the UFO, observe it, and take these photos all at the same time. There are also
buildings and telephone poles, etc. by which size and distance might be judged.
I first saw the UFO while I was in the parking lot at the local Wal-Mart on the
west side of Clinton, Indiana which is six miles east of Blanford, where I
The object moved from west to east. By the time it got to the east end of
town it changed color from white to orange. The sky had grown darker with the
last of the twilight's last gleaming. That might account for the color change.
The photos showing the UFO orange in color were taken when I was in the parking
lot for the Chateau Apartments on the east end of town. The thing kept going
east until out of sight. The last three photos are blurry from being enlarged.
Take care. Richard Bondira
Jasonville On July 6th, 2013 during the
annual local fireworks display I noticed a yellowish glowing object coming in
from the West of the fireworks display. I had thought it was fireworks but it
was descending then leveling off.
I didnt say anything about it at the time, but upon reviewing the video
clips I was surprises to have captured it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kansas Odd
Coffeville On July8, 2013, at 8:55 pm, I was taking out garbage when a large
grey object caught my eyes. I thought it was a balloon but there was a dead
calm, just a steady straight flight path. I ran back into my house and grabbed a
camera to take this photo.
Flight was straight north ran to back of house to get more pictures. Thanks
City -- Was watching Town Fireworks Display
at 9 PM and noticed this very bright object that was definitely not Fireworks
related. It had a flight path and came in from the west and circled the area, then flew back
and I observed it until it was out of sight. It was circular in shape, although
not a perfect circle. It glowed a very bright orange which pulsated to a very
bright red aura around it. I did not mention it to anyone else because I was
afraid that they would think I saw Fireworks and was mistaken. Thanks to MUFON
Maine Bullet
west paris -- I walked outside and looked
up in the sky and noticed this bullet shape object flying in the clouds. I went
in to get my camera, took a picture and it disappeared. I came back inside and
then went back outside and in the same spot I saw the other one. This one was
way bigger and I knew I could get some pictures of it.
So I ran inside got my camera and this is what I saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ellicot City -- Earlier in May, my mother
heard about the Balloon Glow and suggested that we go check it out. On the 17th,
we drove out to Howard Co and I took my photographs at 9-10 PM. I was working on
my last set: a hot-air balloon was floating up into the night sky, when I saw a
rotating, flashing light. It reminded me of one of those light up toys you can
buy at the circus where lights flash off and on, spinning quickly in a circle.-I
had no idea what it was, but I fired a few photographs off. The balloon sailed
down and landed, but the lit object in the sky was gone.
In the next few days, I set up Adobe Photoshop and began fixing up a few
photographs. I brightened the one in question, a shape became visible. The
object has a definite shape, the classical UFO look. I brought my Mom over to
check the files and she seemed as stunned as I am. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nebraska Moving
OMAHA -- Watching fireworks on July 4,
2013, I noticed strange objects appearing over another apartment complex. They
were appearing and then wouldnt for a couple of minutes. I was able to record a
video of the objects moving fast left to right and shoot a couple of pictures,
but it was just weird. At one point a small does appear near them. Thanks to
New Jersey Black
Rumson -- On July 3, 2013, I had my
second sighting in four days just a few miles near the Atlantic Highlands.
While driving in a car talking to my friend about the first sighting, they
appeared again. This time a dark object was photographed.
Should have stopped car but we were in shock.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Reddish Orange Fog
Elizabeth city
-- My wife and I were outside on the deck watching the thunderstorm
approach on June 29, 2013. Out of nowhere a reddish orange fog or cloud
appeared. It started out dull in brightness but soon got brighter and brighter
and was in my opinion roughly 10 to 15 miles away. As it was becoming brighter
it was making its way towards our direction from the southwest. It was roughly
1/4 of a mile from us.
This event lasted roughly 10 minutes and it gave my wife and I a strong
feeling of eeriness as it was making progress towards us and becoming bigger and
bigger. The weird thing is we never saw a distinct detailed craft, we only saw a
glowing fog or cloud that seemed to have intelligent control. This dense fog or
cloud just dissipated after getting that close to us and it took roughly 2-3
seconds for it to disappear. If anything has any idea what this was please add
on your opinion. Also there was no noise only a creepy feeling. Thanks to MUFON
Raleigh Moving orange
lights were observed around 10:00 pm EST on July 4th.
Thanks to Frank Chilli
Ohio Cylinder
Strongsville -- Julie Semon writes,
Here are some pictures taken this week by my step-daughter just
before a 4th of July celebration.
Best regards, Julie Semon
Pennsylvania Orange
Lights and Disk
Pittsburgh I was
downtown on "South Shore" for fireworks of July 4th and were leaving
Station Square on the waterfront when the lights came into view. The lights were
over the hills to the east/southeast while the fireworks had been set off in the
West. I observed a "string" of yellow/orange/red lights with a cluster of lights
at one end. I took many pictures with the camera in my phone and told my family
to look up. They also saw the moving lights descend behind the hills except a
few as I walked and stopped.
The cluster disappeared and only a couple remained and seemed smaller. The
last observation I made was of a triangle shape of three lights moving north.
The triangle passed overhead with three lights moving slow as if attached to a
structure. I could not see any body of a craft, just dark between the lights. No
stars were visible lights were enlarged. Thanks to MUFON CMS
WEST LAWN -- I was outside in my backyard and was engaged
cooking on my grill. Sitting down on my swing facing South I noticed a small
silver dot flying at high altitude from the South at not a greater speed than an
aircraft but on a course not noticed on normal flight path of general jet
aircraft routinely flying at that altitude. As the unknown was heading toward my
position it slowed and hovered. I let my wife know and got a camera. I was able
to get photos of the object, some are impressive by any standard, and I cropped
the image and got a shape of what was witnessed but not close enough for true
detail. Approximately 3 minutes after 33 photos were taken the object went west
slowly at first then gained speed faster than any conventional aircraft I have
ever witnessed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Lights
BEACH -- While working as a private security
contractor at an apartment complex along Burcale Road on July 3, 2013, I was
talking to a colleague when I observed four brilliantly lit objects moving
northwest. I asked my colleague if he was seeing the same objects and he stated
yes he saw them also.
The objects appeared orb like and had a brilliant
white light that appeared to turn amber along the very outer edge of the light
then would go back to white light.
There was no sound associated with the objects and they moved much slower
than an aircraft. Their track took them through, what I know to be the flight
path for incoming aircraft into Myrtle Beach International airport. My first
thought was they were aircraft, flying dangerously close to each other, with
very bright landing lights. But their path was towards Conway, SC and away from
the airport.
My colleague and I moved closer and tried to take a picture. I could see that
there were now only three objects. I snapped the picture. It fell straight down
and was trailing what he called "sparks." My colleague and I are both veterans
and both stated that the objects resembled a star cluster flare, used by U. S.
military aircraft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Green Orbs
At 9:13 PM, I noticed a flashing white and blue orb for
about 32 seconds on July 4, 2013, then kept seeing two green orbs flying
somewhat side by side for about four minutes. I was watching the orchestra
perform and spotted them overhead.
Since I have had two other UFO sightings, I immediately knew there were UFOs.
The green orbs were moving very randomly everywhere until they disappeared. The
blue and white flashing orb was flashing very rapidly and was not flashing in
any sequence. Since I have seen UFOs before I was not frightened or disturbed in
any way. I lost the green orbs as they departed west into the treetops. I lost
the orb when it disappeared into the trees Thanks to MUFON CMS
Vermont Cylinders
BENNINGTON I was at Somerset National
Forest sitting in a chair watching the sun come up on June 31, 2013, when over a
river I noticed the objects. They were hovering over the river just a stones
throw away. They would move up and down, sideways, and sat there for about a
half hour until I realized I should take some pictures. I reached in the camper
and grabbed my camera and sat back down in my chair and started to take
pictures. I took 20 pictures and then got up and walked to the edge of the river
and took more pictures. I have zoomed on my camera and many pictures are of when
I zoomed.
At one point one of them raised up a little and came in my direction. I got
the feeling it was looking me over but I heard no noise and saw no emissions. I
was not scared at all just curious. I am 68 years old and took about 38
pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO
Three Triangles
Port Macquarie --After leaving Coles
convenience store at 18:30 on June 4, 2013, with two of my roommates in their
car, my female roommate saw two red lights and one brighter white light in a
triangular formation hovering in the dark near the airport and Hastings River
Drive. I then looked as it moved up and over until it was upside down. We then entered the roundabout and lost
sight of the lights.
Heading up Widerson Street I spotted the triangle
lights lower and closer to us, almost as if following behind us. Panic kicked in
so my female roommate and I stopped looking.
We arrived home and ten
minutes later my female roommate peered out the curtain of a window facing west
and again the triangle lights hovering low were 75 meters away. The three of us
saw it. I got out my phone to capture the UFO on camera it had
All three of us have spiritual beliefs close to spiritualist.
The night before we witnessed the UFO I had an extremely lucid dream with white
light pouring from the windows and a tall and 'lanky' grey being entered my
room. I felt no fear just excitement and curiosity as it approached. It seemed
to communicate without sound. I conversed with it for what seemed like hours
before it left.
The dream then speed forwards to the next night. My mother was now also in
the house with me as the light poured in the windows. My mother was scared for
my safety as I walked outside into the light and conversed with the same entity
outside and introduced my mother to my friend.
SHAW -- I took shots of the rainbow, and
then noticed there were odd orbs hovering around on August 2008. The first shot
has two orbs above the rainbow; the second has one down by the lower left as
always, silent.
I didn't notice them till I looked at the wasn't raining or
anything, so they're not water, and I doubt their planets.
Thanks to Dana Fitzgerald
COBOURG -- This is quite interesting confirming a couple
points There is certainly a wide spread presence here in southern Ontario near
Lake Ontario. These have been only night time sightings of slow bright white
lights. Most have been captured with the aid of photographic evidence. While at
some friends visiting in Cobourg, I met another Experiencer and we noticed a
strange slow light heading east. I pulled out my camera as it stopped then
instantly moved on. This light was captured on June 30, 2013, at 12:48 am. We
observed a LARGE breath taking white -amber meteor coming down on an angle from
northwest and a clicking sound near the house.
It just keeps coming showing no signs in slowing down. Enjoy Paul Shishis
China Orbs and
Am I the only person who looks into the sky in China? I know what a planes
Chinese lantern looks like......I should do, I live in China. In the last
six months I have seen 3 red orbs 1 cigar shaped UFO and a silvery grey orb that
was quite low. Tonight, Tuesday at 9pm I saw a light going over Shanghai
although this one seemed to be very high and I know it was not a shooting star
as it moved quite slowly. I think the only thing I can do is spend a bit of time
with my video camera in the evenings and record some of these things.
Best regards, Paul Clemit
France Egg
Puget-Theniers -- Ufo behind my camera on solar halo on June
2, 2013, at 12:55 PM Today, I have a lunch with my family. Suddenly, I saw a
huge halo around the sun, inside the halo, the sky was gray, but around the
halo, the sky was perfect blue. And the halo was perfectly in circle around the
In front of this spectacle, I took my camera and I took two photos.
One at 12:54 pm, and the second at 12:55 pm. At first, I did not see it, but
when I looked at the photography, I can SEE what seems like an UFO. Thanks to
Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Germany Light
Berlin On June 14. 2013, at 11 pm, I saw
an object that looked like a satellite in the sky moving south / southeast. I
made a few steps from of my car to follow its way across the horizon, then the
light made two little moves on its way to the east and I had to change my
viewpoint to follow its way to the horizon. Then it made a little curve
correction to the west and then again to the east and I had to make a step more
to follow it until it reached the horizon above some roofs.
This light
was looking bright like a satellite in a really dark sky. The sky above Berlin
was gray at this time. I realized that it changed in a second. This wasn't a
satellite or a plane and was silent. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director
National UFO Reporting Center
Israel Light
Hebron -- My friend and I were going to
from Kiryat Araba to deliver pizza like usual on June 3, 2013. I was in the
passenger seat when we saw the orange and red light in the sky above us to the
left. There were twenty orange red lights in the sky. We saw it for about 15
minutes then it was gone! Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO
Reporting Center
New Zealand Worms
L Pinfold South Pacific Research writes, For those who are following
the Worm phenomena on this excellent site: view the clip on YouTube .titled
Cloaked UFO, Italy, from street view you are looking at part of what this
gigantic entity repeats each time it manifests itself to the human eye In this
screen capture, you are only seeing one quarter of what is happening namely the
gigantic extremely fat warty marshmallow contrail-like arched column They are
in fact the culmination of snail eye stalk-like object that erupts from the
main body They start off thin, and then over about 30 seconds, swell to
enormous thickness. Then hang statically for a further amount of time, before
the total object suddenly relocates in my observation, 20 ms in two seconds .
These are NOT contrails, but remnants of the original vision. Look closely at
where the ends terminate and you will detect a foggy/misty boundary, this is
where the main Body is hidden Cant define it here, but I stood right under
its leading edge, looking up its side Richard L Pinfold, New
Romania Orange Orbs
Vaslui-- I want to share with you an
experience I had on 29th to 30th June 2013, at 2 am. I saw on the wall a glow
and got out of my bed and went to the window to see where the light was coming
from. There were two ambulances across the street. I looked up to the sky and I
saw a lot of bright lights, too bright to be stars. I clearly saw 15 bright
globes standing next to each other with no precise disposal.
I took the camera quickly and started to shoot. My hands were shaking. They
started to move slowly in groups of 3 to 4 silently while the others remained in
place. Some moved parallel to my building; others went above it and disappeared.
I saw clearly one that was clearly an ovoid ship's shape in a light color.
They were so beautiful, so bright! Unfortunately, my shooting wasnt very
precise for about 15 minutes. When I downloaded the movie to my computer I
noticed they were red and flashing, but in reality their light was very bright
and stable. Heres the video link:
That morning I was astonished to find out that my boyfriend had heard
a whizzing sound, in his head that was a way for extraterrestrial beings to
Thanks Campanu Anca and FrankChilli
UK England Triangle
Hull On July 2, 2013, at 1.32 AM, July
2 2013 I was in my garden waiting for my dog to go about its business before
bedtime. So while I waited I looked up towards the stars and noticed what I
believed was a satellite moving North when all of a sudden I saw a large black
triangle with three fuzzy red lights on each corner pass over my house
silently. Even my dog didnt raise his head. The triangle was transparent
and the stars could be seen through it. If I was to guess the objects size I
would probably be wrong, but it was close enough and large enough to see its
shape and lights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louange, Ph.D MUFONs Keynote Speaker was born in Versailles in 1945.
After scientific studies in Grenoble, he qualified as a Doctor-Engineer
(Ph.D.) in signal processing, in 1968. He joined the European Space Agency,
where he worked on satellite data processing. In 1977, the French Space Agency
created a department in charge of collecting and analyzing data about
Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena. After a few promising years, its resources
decreased. In 2001, under pressure to stop this borderline activity. Dr.
Louange was brought in to audit
the research and that resulted in the creation of a new department in 2005.
The GEIPAN is now working under control of a Steering Committee and with support
from several external groups. Most data are collected through official channels
and, after analysis; cases are sorted into categories and published on the
Internet. As a consultant to GEIPAN, Dr. Louange built up an analysis
methodology through the development of a dedicated software (,
derived from an established image intelligence operational tool.
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
14-07-2013 om 01:08
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
John, You Have Preliminarily Concluded That They Are Not Built by Or Under Control Of Any Human Beings. - I Would Agree With That, Daniel.
Nuclear Physicist, Lecturer Stanton Friedman vs
Retired Colonel Dr John Alexander Phd
This week with begin with an article
and video by Jose Escamilla the discoverer of Rods. Next,
Diane Tessman wonders if Earth had two moons in ancient times
and if aliens are part of God's domain? Then, Scott Corrales
reports on witnesses to a 1997 sighting in Argentina. Chris
Holly writes about Flying Buildings as UFOs and reports that Orbs have
returned to Long Island. Steve Erdmann publishes part II of the
Octopus from Hell. Next, Sean Casteel interviews Dr. Barry
Taff, a veteran of the Psychic Wars. Doc Vega contributes Parts
IV and V of his UFOs, Vikings and Bigfoot series. Roger Marsh
reports on a UFO with possible appendages. John Foster comments
on his upcoming talk at the Psychic Studies Institute. Tony
Elliott sets the record straight on ET Abductio ns and so on.
Vinodprasad Petwal writes about UFO-aliens and ancient gods.
Brad Steiger is back with a review of his Real Aliens, Space
Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. Shy Brown continues
with her series From the Journal of Cheetah
and Jane. I discovered
3 great articles I believe you will like. Enjoy Dirk
Jose Escamilla's Rods vs
Monster Questby Jose Escamilla. Exposing the injustice imposed
on the RODS phenomena by Monsterquest and The History Channel. More...
Earth: Did We Have Binary
Moons?by Diane Tessman. Did Earth have two moons in ancient
times? Mars has two mysterious moons, Phobos and Diemos, both of which seem to
be mostly hollow; there has been much speculation that one or both of these
Martian moons is artificially made by an alien race. There have been similar
theories stating that our moon is hollow and rings (reverberates) when
impacted. Now there is new information about our moon: It might have had a
companion moon millions of years ago. More... Also
read: Are Aliens Part of
Gods Domain?
Witness Discusses 1997
Sighting in Argentinaby Scott Corrales. When I read Mrs.
Angela de Ponces letter to El Tribuno on 27 June, I decided to tell my own
story, said Roberto Moreira, a retired carbonated beverages worker who lives in
the town of Mariano Moreno. Its true. When people hear the story, they laugh
or dont think its true. But I would be willing to place my hand on the Bible
for what Im going to tell you. I am not going to lie to God. More...
Are Flying Buildings the New
UFOs?by Chris Holly. A few years ago I wrote about the reports
I was being sent from people all over the world telling me that they had the
strangest of strange sightings. The people were reporting large floating or
flying buildings. The reports I was receiving were similar in the fact that the
craft or structure they were seeing were rectangle in shape, slow in movement
and silent as they made their way across the sky. More... Also
read: The
UFOs Have Returned Long Island NY
The Octopus from Hell Part
IIby Steve Erdmann . Chemical magnate Al Holbert was a former
Israeli intelligence officer who gave special education classes to law
enforcement agencies in the U.S. His address was Fort Mead, home of the
Intelligence Security Comand and Delta Force. Holbert exported cryptic
substances out of his mail-order chemical outfit. Danny Casolaro carted about
a transcript of Octopus connections and Riconosciuto interviews at the DOJ: a
month before his death. More...
Dr. Barry Taff: A Veteran Of
The Psychic Warsby Sean Casteel. Dr. Barry Taff has been on
the forefront of the academic study of psychic phenomena for decades and has
long documented the connection between psi events and UFOs. His own psychic
experiences began in childhood, and he has no doubt of the reality of some form
of coupling between human consciousness and a field of energy that we do not as
yet understand. More...
UFOs, Vikings and BigFoots
Part Vby Doc Vega. The Ibn Fadian manuscript has been the
subject of much study, the tracing of its authenticity through history, and
careful scrutiny by scholars of universities in many countries make it a
precious record. It survives the ages as one of the most compelling first hand
accounts of ancient civilizations and even very good evidence that the
Neanderthal supposedly cousins of man still survived in a tribe in 928 A.D.
Despite the widespread dominance of modern man this manuscript holds evidence
that one particular holdout of Neanderthals not only existed in a war-like
society, but actually raided human beings much like the Vikings raided our
ancestors on the coasts of Great Britain. More... Also
read: UFOs,
Vikings and Bigfoots? Part IV
Weird Object with Possible
Appendages Photographed in Flushing, Queens, New Yorkby Roger
Marsh. A New York family walking through Flushing, Queens, reported
watching and photographing a "strange organic-type UFO with appendages" about
5:40 p.m. on June 5, 2013, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network
(MUFON) witness reporting database. More...
Comments posted concerning
John Foster's upcoming talk to the Psychic Studies Instituteby John
Foster. Just thought you might be interested in the opinion of a former UFO
investigator, author, editor for the Human Potential Foundation which was
founded by Senator Scott Jones and financed by Lawrence Rockefeller to keep
President Clinton informed of new and developing new science and UFO activity in
the United States. His opinion of my story, so-called UFO encounters and my
upcoming talk to the Psychic Studies Institute in Kansas City are on the link
below. He is a very knowledgeable man, an accomplished investigator/researcher
and has a little different take on UFO encounters. More...
Setting The Record Straight,
The Misconceptions Of ET Abductions And Religious Superstitionsby
Tony Elliott . I have been a UFO, paranormal, strange phenomena researcher
and investigator for decades, having had many experiences in this genre from
sightings of many strange objects; a Sasquatch sighting, aura visions, and a
vast array of paranormal encounters of my own. As far as the extraterrestrial
experience in general and abductions as they are called in particular goes, I
find that many in this business are misguided. They make fantastic claims for
personal monitory gains, come to the table with preordained ideas which are
clouded by their personal belief systems, and above all a lack of understanding
of the visitor phenomena. More...
UFO-Aliens and Ancient
Godsby Vinodprasad Petwal. I am a citizen of INDIA and I had
contacted with the aliens [ancient gods] in USA in Missouri near Kansas city in
2008 by spiritual power [consciousness of mind that is opening of 3rd eye]. More...
Real Aliens, Space Beings, and
Creatures from Other Worlds: Reviewby Brad Steiger. The July
2013 issue of Fortean Times' Book Review section contains a very nice review of
Brad and Sherry Steigers' Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other
Worlds entitled, "A taxonomy of aliens: A good starting point for folklorists
and others who can't tell their blonde Nordics from their inter-dimensional
beings. More...
From the Journal of Cheetah
and Jane: Staring Death in the Face part oneby Shy Brown. I
was about five years old when Mother had to leave to see her older sister,
Gladys, for the last time. It would be a long trip traveling by bus from Plant
City, Florida to Montreal, Canada. Mother decided to take me with her rather
than leave me with my three brothers. Since Father was the owner of a
construction company and this required long hours, Mother had hired a woman to
take care of my three brothers. More...
Ireland Claims UFO Sighting 5
Days After Roswell - Blarney!by Dirk Vander Ploeg. An
interesting piece of Irish curio was unearthed by the Irish blog Broadsheet this
week in the shape of an Irish Times clipping from July 12, 1947. The clippings
headline reads: Flying Saucer Seen in County Kerry More... Also
read: Google
Celebrates Roswell 66th Anniversary with Google Doodle! And: Snowden
reveals UFO Documents
Subscribers: As
regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to
friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The
newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to
increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.
LEGAL STUFF You are receiving this
once-weekly e-mail newsletter because you signed up for it at
your comments and suggestions to me. Feel free to forward this
newsletter to your friends. Keep your eyes to the skies. See you next time.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:UFO DIGEST / a Weekly Newsletter - thanks that I may publish this on my blog (ENG)
Dr. Clarke, I Neither Confirm Nor Deny!
The quote about the number of FOI
requests on UFOs came from the Under Secretary of State for Defence, who is
certainly a better source on this issue than any
I'm happy for you to share my comments
with interested parties. I don't normally have time to read (let alone respond
to) what ufologists write about me in the blogosphere, but given that I worked
on MoD's UFO project, wrote many of the files that have recently been released
and have been involved in release program, people look to me to correct any
dishonest or mistaken claims that are being made on the subject. It's pretty
insulting to the hundreds of other members of the public, journalists and
ufologists who lobbied MoD on this issue and made FOI requests, if one ufologist
tries to take credit for MoD releasing its UFO files!
Further details
about the background to the MoD UFO file release program can be found
======================================== Message Received: Jul 05 2013,
06:02 PM From: "André Skondras" To: "Nick Pope" Cc: Subject: Re:
Dr. Clarke, I Neither Confirm Nor Den Hi Nick:
for your additional comments. However, I heard from a source that the number one
category of FOIA request was actually personnel
records requests.
suppose the info you provided can't be share with other interested
05 Jul 2013, om 09:24 heeft Nick Pope het volgende geschreven:
A couple of factual corrections to
Billy Cox's article:
1. Dave Clarke is most certainly not a
professor. He's what Americans would call a lecturer at a Community College (UK
"polytechnics" like the one where he teaches won the right to call themselves
universities many years ago).
2. Clarke was one of literally hundreds of
people making FOI requests to the MoD about UFOs in the run-up to the decision
to release the files. Writing in 2006, Under
Secretary of State for Defense Tom Watson said: There is a real and enduring interest in
Unidentified Flying Objects. By far the most popular topic of FOI requests has
been UFOs, followed by recruitment enquiries, enquiries from staff, and
historical events such as World War Two, the Falklands conflict and the
Balkans. Recent freedom of information releases on UFOs have attracted media
interest from as far away as Japan.
This is what led the MoD to decide to transfer
its UFO files to the National Archives and if Clarke is claiming the credit for
this, he's either being dishonest or incredibly naïve.
Best wishes,
Nick Pope
======================================== Subject: Dr. Clarke, I Neither Confirm
Nor Deny!
David Clarke, the tireless Sheffield Hallam University professor whose
decade-long quest in getting his countrys National Archives to release UFO
files compiled by the British Ministry of Defence, reached the end of the road
on June 23 with a final data-dump into the public domain. And he signed off on
that last batch with I-told-you-so relish. There were no smoking guns amid the
52,000 pages released since the incremental undertaking began in 2009, and even
veteran British researcher Jenny Randles lauded Clarkes persistence.
To much fanfare, the British Ministry of Defence finally ended the public
distribution of its largely banal and pedestrian UFO case files last
I may not agree with everything that he says on the subject but I do with
much of it and respect all of his views about the remainder, she wrotein an
addendum to Clarkes parting shots. I certainly know that he is nobodys
puppet. And I, for one, say thank you for his efforts.
Based solely on the evidence presented by UK authorities and the MoDs
ostensible exculpatory transparency Clarkes obituary on that nations ufology
would appear well sourced. But by pulling in some American Skeptical Inquirer
types to fortify his position, Clarke clearly overreaches in his alacrity to
settle the worldwide UFO problem once and for all. No room, of course, for the testimony of former Belgian Air
Force general Wilfried de Brouwerconcerning the F-16 scrambles during 1989-90
European wave, orflight-safety issues raised by
former NASA scientist Richard Haines, both of whom presented their evidence
at a symposium just last weekend in Greensboro, N.C. Truth is, you could spend
all night listing Clarke's points of omission and it wouldnt make a dime's
worth of difference here. Not when you forsake good data and credible witnesses
for shopworn cliches, as Clarke chose to.
... My favourite quote of the whole two day media event, he wrote of the
reception to the final MoD document delivery, came from the New York Times as
follows: Dr. Clarke, who has approached the UFO phenomenon from a sociological
perspective, noted that many UFO sightings came from the Scottish city of
Glasgow between 10 p.m. and midnight around the time the pubs are
Wow. Drunk eyewitnesses again. Fascinating. Zzzz.
Clarke also took a few shots at fellow British ufologists Nick Pope and
Timothy Good for holding preconceived beliefs in their failure to trust The
Official Story because it is in their interest [as UFO authors] to keep the
mystery alive and kicking.
Clarke draws a particularly critical bead on Pope, who anchored the MoDs UFO
desk from 1991-94. He charges Pope with hypocrisy for requesting that his own
UFO-related records remain exempt from disclosure.
The reason these papers are being with-held, Clarke alleges, is because
they contain information about Nick Popes conversion to UFO believer that
followed his alien abduction experience in Florida in 1991. This happened
shortly before he joined the UFO desk when he claims he had little or no
interest in the subject.
Now thats actually interesting.
In denying the abduction story in an email to De Void I've never even seen
a UFO! Pope sought to clarify the record. To wit:
Some UK-based ufologists took exception to the fact that I used some
pseudonymous cases in my book on alien abductions, The Uninvited. I replied
that witness confidentiality applied without exception and added even if it was
me as a joke. The joke spread and I replied that I could "neither confirm nor
deny" (NCND) the rumor. NCND is a Ministry of Defense in-joke, just as I could
tell you but then I'd have to kill you is an in-joke in the intelligence
The only documents that I requested the MoD withhold are ones relating to my
work as a freelance journalist, broadcaster and PR consultant. Clarke is one of
a small group of UK ufologists who are absolutely obsessed with me, in view of
my government work on UFOs. This bizarre groups of oddballs which includes a
deeply unpleasant individual who runs an anti-Semitic blog have submitted
multiple FOI requests to MoD about me and poison the blogosphere with incessant
hate-filled rantings about my government work in many people's eyes I still
work for the government and am personally responsible for the UFO cover-up! I
took the view and the MoD agreed that documents relating to my business
activities were private and should certainly not be passed to some of the more
unpleasant characters who lurk on the fringes of ufology.
Hypocrisy? Well, at the very least, it tells us the MoD still has stuff
tucked away in its UFO files. Pope also reminded De Void as indeed, Clarke
reminded his readers that Clarke never possessed a security clearance during
his UFO research and has reviewed only declassified, or unclassified,
I suspect there's some sour grapes here, Pope went on, because one of the
documents in MoD's UFO files referred to Clarke and a couple of his fellow
ufologists as the UFO spotters - a pejorative UK term meaning someone with an
obsessive, nerdish and naïve perspective on the subject. It was one of my
successors who wrote that, but as I'm the 'public face' of MoD's UFO project,
ufologists tend to blame me for just about everything!
Then theres this caveat from prolific British researcher and author Good,
who greeted the MODs glasnost with a shrug: That was done in a civilian desk
within the MoD which Nick headed ... The real work is done behind the scenes
(e.g. military intelligence). You may recall that in Above Top Secret I
exposed for the first time the Top Secret UFO research unit then at RAF Rudloe
Manor (now elsewhere).
This is running long for a little blog, so lets wrap it up on a word from
Jenny Randles, who discovered something from these MoD crumbs that we Yanks
regrettably picked up on from the Pentagon decades ago, after it was far too
late: ... The MoD was never and is not now the correct body to collate such
data and spend precious resources on a subject that really needs to be
demystified and placed into the realms of scientific study.
OK, so who wants to pony up and start from scratch?
Robert Wood, qui a joué (et joue
encore) un rôle clé dans l'évaluation et la publication de ces documents, a
consacré un ouvrage à la question des virus étrangers, se basant sur le corpus
qu'il a rassemblé ces dernières années:
pas encore le livre de Wood (il vient de paraître ce 4 juillet !) je n'en dirai
pas plus (cependant on peut en lire des extraits sur le site d'Amazon).
D'ailleurs seules des personnes connaissant bien le sujet (comme James !) sont à
même d'émettre une opinion autorisée. Enfin, comme cet épineux problème de
virus aliens a été évoqué sur cette liste, j'ai pensé utile de signaler
cette parution...
Réaction de T.C.: Redfern a travaillé su les MIB et sur la NASA notamment. Sa théorie
échevelée sur Roswell l'a temporairement fait basculer du coté des sceptiques.
Le problème n'est pas tant les doutes qu'il peut formuler sur ce qui s'est passé
à Roswell en 47 mais la théorie qu'il developpe et qui est pour le moins
"L'auteur fortéen Nick Redfern, qui écrit sur les OVNIS, les fées, les
diablotins et tout autres choses extraordinaires ou supposées telles, nous
apporte une nouvelle théorie au sujet de ce qui se serait vraiment passé lors de
l'incident de 1947 à Roswell, se basant sur des entrevues avec des gens qui lui
ont affirmé être dans le secret. Il dit que l'incident à Roswell n'avait rien à
voir avec des extraterrestres et leur engin, ni avec des restes de ballons
utilisés par le projet Mogul, mais que les militaires américains avaient
effectué secrètement des essais aériens avec des nacelles et planeurs japonais
d'inspiration allemande de la deuxième guerre mondiale, attachés sous des
ballons. Il dit que des prisonniers de guerre des japonais qui étaient des nains
atteints de maladies issus d'expérimentations diabolique peu différentes ce
celles auxquelles s'étaient livré Mengele en Allemagne, et également des
victimes de la progéria et de radiations, étaient emprisonnés à bord de ces
gondoles et nacelles, puis lâchés pour une descente fatale vers le sol. Il dit
que comme ils ont ressemblé à des extraterrestres pour des gens qui les ont vu
après la chute, ces gens ont rapporté pour avoir vu des
Redfern n'a aucune excuse pour avoir commis ce livre grotesque. Il a avoué
à mon ami le Dr Leir, qui le connaît et qui me l'a raconté en 2006, qu'il savait
bien que c'était de la m---
Il a aussi écrit depuis un autre livre, "Final Events", qui raconte que les
ovnis sont diaboliques et qu'ils annoncent l'apocalypse.
Il y a cité notamment le pasteur Ray Boeche, celui qui avait recomandé
Vallée à Linda Howe. Vous voyez comme le monde est petit...
Voir mes articles sur mon blog :
Mon article sur Body Snatchers est la VF de mon article paru dans le
MufoUFO Journal de novembre 2005 (écrit à la demande du directeur du
2005 Le livre de Nick Redfern « Body
Snatchers in the Desert »
Malgré toute mon estime et mon amitié pour Jean-Gabriel Greslé, je me sens
obligé d'attirer l'attention sur les violentes controverses qui ont agité
l'ufologie américaine et internationale sur les documents "Majescic 12", en
particulier le gros paquet divulgué à partir de 1998 par l'ufologue californien
Timothy Cooper, largement repris par JG Greslé dans son nouveau livre
"1942-1954. La genèse d'un secret d'état".
Cooper a dit qu'ils lui avaient été fournis par un informateur anonyme,
surnommé "Cantwheel", et on ne sait pas vraiment d'où ils viennent, en fait.
Voir à ce sujet un extrait, ci-joint, de mon livre OVNIS vers la fin du
secret ? L'analyse de ces documents suggère fortement qu' ils ont été
manipulés, ce qui amène à suspecter une dose de "désinformation amplifiante",
selon le principe : mélanger des vérités avec des mensonges qui seront vite
dénoncés. Je signale que l'auteur du livre Clear Intent, justement
cité par Greslé p. 9 (Greenwood et non pas Randle, mais Randle aussi !) est de
ceux qui ont totalement rejeté les documents de Cooper... Il y a deux
documents nouveaux, signés Roosevelt, au début du livre, qui n'échappent pas à
cette critique. Un élément qui me paraît particulièrement suspect est la
découverte supposée d'un "moteur atomique" et de matières fissiles (U 235,
plutonium) à bord d'une soucoupe en1941 ou 1942, qui aurait aidé les Américains
à fabriquer leurs premières bombres atomiques... Là, ça "craint" énormément
Quand j'aurai fini la traduction du livre de Leslie Kean, j'espère fin
juillet, je me propose de revenir là-dessus plus en détail dans un nouvel
Cordialement G.B.
de mon livre OVNIS. Vers la fin du secret ? (JMG,2010)
7 Révélations spectaculaires et désinformationn pages 266 à 270
1998-1999 : une avalanche de nouveaux de documents
Les critiques virulentes contre le document
SOM1-01 sonnaient-elles le glas de laffaire Majestic-12 ? Pas du tout, car une
nouvelle vague, plus importante, ne tarde pas à arriver : un premier lot de 125
pages en 1998, puis un paquet plus important encore en 1999, le total
atteignant alors près de 2 000 pages. Depuis lors, dautres documents ont
encore fait leur apparition, mais en moins grand nombre, semble-t-il, et de
moindre intérêt.Le contenu du premier
lot, de 1998, porte toujours sur la découverte et létude secrète des ovnis
accidentés, à partir de 1947. Ce sont le Dr Robert Wood et son fils Ryan qui en
dévoilent lexistence à une conférence à New Haven le 11 octobre 1998. Le Dr
Wood est lun des chercheurs les plus réputés en ufologie. Docteur en physique
de luniversité Cornell, il a fait toute sa carrière à des postes de
responsabilités dans lindustrie aérospatiale américaine, notamment la société
McDonnell-Douglas. Son fils Ryan est un ingénieur en informatique qui a
travaillé dans de grandes entreprises : Intel, Digital, Toshiba.
Les Wood étudiaient depuis un certain temps
ces documents qui leur avaient été fournis par le chercheur californien Timothy
Cooper. Celui-ci dit les avoir reçus dun agent des services secrets quil
appelle Cantwheel, mais dont il ne donne pas lidentité véritable. Ces
documents sont rendus disponibles en novembre sur internet, sur le site de
Joseph Firmage, un jeune homme daffaires qui a fait fortune dans
linformatique à la Silicon Valley, et qui sest reconverti de manière
spectaculaire dans la recherche sur les ovnis (11). Signalons quil sen est
maitenant retiré et na ainsi fait quune brève carrière ufologique. Pour sa
part, le Dr Wood les publie sous forme dune brochure de 190 pages de grand
format, The Majestic Documents,
reprenant également les documents précédents (12).
Une fois de plus, les critiques pleuvent.
Certaines sont graves et il devient vite évident que ces documents sont pour la
plupart, sinon en totalité, des fabrications, en dépit des arguments de Wood
père et fils. Il serait beaucoup trop long de les détailler, mais donnons quand
même ici une idée de ce débat, ainsi que du contenu des documents, qui nest
pas non plus sans intérêt. Le premier document est une curieuse étude, datée de
juin 1947 et signée par les deux grands physiciens Robert Oppenheimer et Albert
Einstein, intitulée Relations avec les habitants de corps célestes. Le texte
est intéressant, mais comporte des fautes bizarres, dès le titre. Le mot
céleste est écrit en anglais celestrial
au lieu de celestial, ce qui fait
douter. Dans une analyse convaincante, le physicien Bruce Maccabee déclare le
document faux. A cela Wood répond quEinstein, le véritable auteur, ne
maîtrisait pas bien langlais, et sa secrétaire non plus !
Les documents suivants tournent autour de la
découverte dun ou plusieurs véhicules accidentés en juillet 1947. Il y est
question, bien sûr, du crash de Roswell, mais les choses se compliquent un peu.
Ce sont :
instruction (Field Order) donnée
début juillet à une unité spécialisée, la Interplanetary
Phenomenon Unit (IPU) de se rendre immédiatement sur les lieux ;
résumé de lIPU, document de sept pages daté du 22 juillet. Celui-ci décrit
sommairement la découverte de deux objets volants entre le 4 et le 6 juillet,
lun près de Corona, site LZ-1 (LZ, pour Landing
Zone) on reconnaît là le ranch de Brazel - et lautre à environ 30 km au
sud-ouest de Socorro, près dOscura Peak, proche du site de lexplosion de la
première bombe atomique. Sur ce deuxième site, on a trouvé cinq cadavres,
denviron 1,50 m de haut, la peau gris rose, pas de cheveux, le corps mince,
vêtus dune combinaison ajustée, à lépreuve du feu. Ils sont sexués mais de
manière peu visible. Dautres corps ont été trouvés près du site LZ-1, ainsi
que des parties de corps danimaux à lintérieur de lappareil à LZ-2. Peu
après la découverte, quatre techniciens sont tombé gravement malades et trois
sont morts dhémorragie ;
instruction donnée le 8 juillet au général Twining de se rendre à White Sands
pour faire une évaluation des ovnis qui y sont conservés ;
rapport de Twining du 16 juillet, de trois pages, intitulé Air Accident Report, qui décrit la
soucoupe trouvée près de Victorio Peak (site absent de la carte routière du
Nouveau-Mexique : faut-il comprendre Oscura Peak ?), en forme de beignet
denviron 10 m de diamètre (35 pieds). A lintérieur, un compartiment suggère
la présence possible dun moteur atomique. Les scientifiques allemands de
Fort Bliss et White Sands (cest là quétait notamment von Braun) nont pu
identifier cet appareil comme un engin secret humain. Selon Oppenheimer et von
Karman, cest le corps même de lappareil qui pourrait faire partie du système
de propulsion (une idée qui figurait déjà dans le livre du colonel Corso :
lappareil pourrait se charger électriquement ) ;
mémorandum du CIG ( Central Intelligence
Group, précédant la CIA qui va être mise en place le 18 septembre, le même
jour que lUS Air Force). Daté du 19 septembre, et signé Hillenkoetter
(Directeur du CIG puis de la CIA dans la foulée), ce texte dune seule page
dévoile lexistence dun troisième site, à 50 km (30 miles) à lest du terrain
daviation dAlamogordo (plus tard Holloman), découvert le 5 juillet !
ensuite un Mission Assessment, de
19 pages, daté du 19 septembre, qui inaugure le sigle ULAT pour désigner les
ovnis ( Unidentified Lenticular ShapedAerodyne ). Là, il y a un petit
problème : les deux zones de crash sont inversées. LZ-1 est placée près de
Socorro ;
une pièce importante, non datée mais écrite daprès le contexte en 1952, le
Premier rapport annuel du Groupe Majestic-12. De nouvelles précisions sont
apportées, sans toutefois clarifier complètement ce scénario daccidents en
série. On y évoque léjection à haute altitude dun cylindre de sauvetage (escape cylinder) à la suite dune
collision entre deux soucoupes dorigine interplanétaire. Des cinq corps
retrouvés, deux étaient dans le cylindre. Mais la suite nest pas claire,
envisageant lhypothèse assez incroyable dune collision avec un appareil
expérimental (on a observé la fusion de trois spots radar). Mais après tout,
quen savons-nous ?
Ces pages ont été, bien entendu, passées au
crible par les sceptiques et, dès les premiers jours a éclaté une première
grenade, le mot retro-virus qui apparaît dans le document de 1952. Or le mot
nexistait pas encore à cette date. Le physicien Jack Sarfatti, qui se situe
sur laile avancée de lufologie américaine (il a eu une rencontre rapprochée
impressionnante dans son enfance) a recommandé aux Wood dadmettre lerreur,
mais ils nont pas voulu reculer, même sur ce point. Un autre gros pépin a été
la mention dune vieille légende ufologique, la disparition dun régiment
Néo-Zélandais à Gallipoli, dans les Dardanelles en 1915. Or il a été prouvé que
cette histoire était fausse. Erreur fatale, proclame alors Barry Greenwood,
de plus en plus sceptique, dans son bulletin Just Cause !
Pour couronner le tout, Timothy Cooper finit
par être soupçonné de les avoir fabriqués, y compris le document SOM1-01. Le
Britannique Timothy Good dévoile en septembre 1999 que certains défauts
typographiques apparaissent à lidentique sur des lettres quil a reçues de
Cooper. Est-ce le coup de grâce ? Certains lannoncent déjà, comme Jan Aldrich,
ancien militaire très hostile à toutes ces histoires (Roswell compris), qui
sexclame sur internet : Clouons tous ces dindons ! (Lets nail these turkeys!). Cela dit, sur cette question des
défauts typographiques notés par Timothy Good, le Dr Wood réplique quil a fait
étudier le problème par un expert, or celui-ci na pas jugé largument décisif,
car ce type de défaut peut être commun à de nombreuses machines.
Si ces documents sont faux, vient alors la
question : qui les a donc fabriqués et dans quel but ? La plupart des
sceptiques ne poussent pas très loin la réflexion : pour eux, ce sont des faux
fabriqués par des escrocs qui veulent faire croire à toutes ces calembredaines
! Qui croire ? En réalité, cette énorme quantité de documents apparus de
manière mystérieuse ces dernières années pourrait bien illustrer ce processus
de divulgation progressive de linformation, déjà évoqué plus haut, qui serait
poursuivi par certains services secrets désireux de débloquer à terme le verrou
du secret, mais sans provoquer une explosion médiatique. Le jeu consisterait à
toujours maintenir le doute en fabriquant des documents délibérément entachés
derreurs. Ainsi, de linformation est mise en circulation mais on empêche
lopinion de semballer. On pourrait comparer cela aux barres de contrôle dune
pile atomique qui lempêchent dexploser (si tout va bien). Au congrès
international de Laughlin, de mars 2000 au Nevada, les Wood père et fils ont
encore défendu avec une belle énergie leur point de vue radical, à savoir que
ces documents sont essentiellement authentiques. Ils sont dailleurs attelés à
une lourde tâche, lanalyse de plus de mille pages de nouveaux documents quils
ont reçues de Timothy Cooper en 1999, et quils ont lintention de divulguer
progressivement sur internet. Jai soumis à Ryan Wood cette idée de divulgation
progressive avec des erreurs délibérées, mais je ne lai visiblement pas
ébranlé. Il ne semble pas que la question ait beaucoup avancé depuis lors.
Lautre hypothèse, plus brutale, reste bien sûr celle de la désinformation amplifiante,
pour discréditer lufologie. Celle-ci semble être pertinente dans dautres cas,
comme laffaire Bennewitz, et quelques autres épisodes de révélations trop
sensationnelles, quil faut rappeler maintenant, en revenant en arrière au
début des années quatre-vingts.
next episode in our series is titled Canada's Official UFO Studies. We will
explore two of Canada's UFO reporting agencies: Project Magnet and Second Story,
both established in the early 1950's. Also we will examine some details of the
infamous Shag Harbor UFO incident. This case is one of the very few where a
government agency formally acknowledges an unidentified flying object. It was
determined that no known aircraft was involved in the incident, so the source
remains unknown to this day.
lecture by William Cooper A detailed research into government corruption, secret
societies, conspiracies, and the UFO phenomenon. book: 'Behold a
pal... If you have enough time, you can listen to this lecture!
GEN. RAMEY ROSWELL MESSAGE. Researcher for the International UFO Museum and
Research Center. He is also head of the computer department of the Eastern NM
University in Roswell and spent time in the Army as a criptographer. Through
computer enhancement and his experience in deciphering code, Don has been able
to read much of the text on the letter in the photo.
The photograph was
taken on July 8, 1947 by a news photographer, Bond Johnson. The glossy print
Donald used was taken directly from the original negative.
The letter was
typed on a teletype which has a fixed width for each letter. This realization
helped Don in his task. The deciphered text is below. I have used italics where
Don was uncertain about the letter and asterisks where a letter or word is
missing. The translation is broken by the lines on the original letter. Some
words are missing due to the position of the letter in Ramey's hand and the fold
in the letter.
So, here it is:
Now, lets see
what we can learn from this. The letter obviously mentions a disk at Roswell but
we all knew it had crashed there. It mentions Denver crews. The Lowrey Army Air
Fore Base in Denver was the mortuary for the Army in 1947. So that fits. The
Army normally calls people, civilians or military, who are killed in a crash
"casualties" rather than "victims". The word "victims" externalizes the issue.
"They're not OUR people."
The "TEMPLE" in the signature line was a secret
CIA classification, like paging Dr. Blue or Dr. Red in a hospital. But there was
a Major Temple on the staff of General Dolittle in 1947. Dolittle was sent to
Sweden in 1946 to investigate UFO's sighted there. So there is a connection
The most interesting revelation is the mention of Carlsbad. There
has never been a mention of Carlsbad as a possible site of a UFO crash. Louis
Rickett was assigned to Carlsbad in 1947. Don has done some preliminary research
into the possibility of a crash there. He has discovered that a military group
from White Sands Missle Range visited Carlsbad the week before the Roswell
crash. And, several Civil Air Patrol groups from California visited Carlsbad
arriving on C-64 transports and Army planes. That's a lot of military "field
trips" to the Caverns. Don is now pursuing a review of the visitor's logs of
Carlsbad Caverns for that period to see if these soldiers signed in. I'll keep
you posted!
ne les ai pas tous lu mais il semble que certains articles soient plus
Voir par exemple l'article ci-dessous :
OVNI ou pas OVNI ?
D'une certaine manière, Google relance le débat autour du 66ème
anniversaire de l'affaire Roswell, l'une des plus retentissantes et des plus
étranges affaires autour de la présence ou non de débris provenant d'une
soucoupe volante extra-terrestre sur le sol terrien. Le 4 juillet 1947, le fermier William "Mac" Brazel et son fils
découvrent "une large zone de débris brillants, bandes de caoutchouc, feuilles
d'étain, un papier plutôt dur et des barres", comme ils l'ont expliqué au
journal Roswell Daily Record. Partageant leur découverte avec leur plus proche
voisins, ces derniers conseillent au fermier de s'adresser au représentant de
l'ordre le plus proche. Au shérif, ils seront plus expéditifs en disant qu'ils
pensent avoir assisté à un crash d'une soucoupe volante, d'un objet volant non
identifié, ou OVNI.
Le 8 juillet, le lieutenant Walter Haut,
représentant du Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF), fait un premier communiqué de
presse à la demande du colonel William Blanchard commandant de la base de
Roswell. Il y annonce qu'ils ont récupéré une soucoupe volante écrasée près d'un
ranch à Roswell. Cette annonce, qui déclenchera les passions des médias à
l'époque, se succédera un autre communiqué expliquant qu'il ne s'agissait que
d'un ballon sonde. Tentative d'étouffement de l'affaire ou bonne foi de l'Air
Force ? Le débat reste ouvert, l'affaire sagrémentant régulièrement d'éléments
venant confirmer ou infirmer chacun des bords.
C'est ce premier
communiqué qui est célébré par Google en ce 8 juillet, à travers un Doodle
interactif prenant la forme d'un mini-jeu où l'utilisateur dirigera un
extra-terrestre qui devra utiliser certain objets sur des éléments terriens afin
de récupérer les trois parties de son véhicule pour repartir vers sa
OVNI ou pas OVNI ? D'une certaine manière, Google relance le débat autour
du 66ème anniversaire de l'affaire Roswell, l'une des plus retentissantes et des
plus étranges affaires autour de la présence ou non de débris provenant d'une
soucoupe volante extra-terrestre sur le sol terrien. Le 4 juillet 1947, le
fermier William "Mac" Brazel et son fils découvrent "une large zone de débris
brillants, bandes de caoutchouc, feuilles d'étain, un papier plutôt dur et des
barres", comme ils l'ont expliqué au journal Roswell Daily Record. Partageant
leur découverte avec leur plus proche voisins, ces derniers conseillent au
fermier de s'adresser au représentant de l'ordre le plus proche. Au shérif, ils
seront plus expéditifs en disant qu'ils pensent avoir assisté à un crash d'une
soucoupe volante, d'un objet volant non identifié, ou OVNI. Le 8 juillet, le
lieutenant Walter Haut, représentant du Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF), fait un
premier communiqué de presse à la demande du colonel William Blanchard
commandant de la base de Roswell. Il y annonce qu'ils ont récupéré une soucoupe
volante écrasée près d'un ranch à Roswell. Cette annonce, qui déclenchera les
passions des médias à l'époque, se succédera un autre communiqué expliquant
qu'il ne s'agissait que d'un ballon sonde. Tentative d'étouffement de l'affaire
ou bonne foi de l'Air Force ? Le débat reste ouvert, l'affaire sagrémentant
régulièrement d'éléments venant confirmer ou infirmer chacun des bords. C'est ce
premier communiqué qui est célébré par Google en ce 8 juillet, à travers un
Doodle interactif prenant la forme d'un mini-jeu où l'utilisateur dirigera un
extra-terrestre qui devra utiliser certain objets sur des éléments terriens afin
de récupérer les trois parties de son véhicule pour repartir vers sa planète.
Cette page, plus qu'approximative, est typique de la presse et du web.
J'ai regardé rapidement les liens cités par Google sur Roswell, et j'ai
arrêté au bout de dix pages, ayant vu défiler un bric à brac de sites et de
blogs plus ou moins sérieux, mais pas un seul livre (à moins d'avoir mal
regardé), et en tout cas pas les miens. Moralité : écrivez tant que vous voulez
un bon livre et faites en même plusieurs rééditions, soigneusement mises à jour,
plus des chapitres dans d'autres livres, des articles et des conférences qui
vous donnent le statut de "spécialiste " en France, eh bien ça ne vaut pas un
site web ou un clip vidéo mal torché, mais bien référencé, qui vous a
éventuellement copié, sans permission (j'ai remarqué ça). Même mon blog, avec
quelques articles sur le sujet, n'apparaît pas : trop petit, sans doute,
mon ami !
Voilà : le monde de l'internet grand public est arrivé. Les bouquins, on
peut les brûler dans les chaudières des centrales électriques (et alimenter
Internet, très gourmand !).
Vivez longtemps et prospérez !
Et oubliez ce mouvement d'humeur, et d'humour.
Deuxième Réaction de A.S.: Oui, G., et les professionnels de la désinformation vont se retrouver au
chômage: le travail se fait tout seul !
Mais ne vous désespérez pas: dès
qu'on se spécialise un peu, dans quelque domaine que ce soit, on mesure bien
vite le fossé qui sépare "l'initié" du grand public. Ce n'est pas particulier à
l'ufologie: le même phénomène existe dans le développement des sciences, les
infos financières, les ficelles de la politique... Ce qui paraît dans la presse
doit être "accessible" au premier venu - c'est-à-dire avoir un contenu minimum
et très approximatif (sans parler de l'inévitable orientation idéologique qui
s'y superpose).
Restons philosophes, et faisons bien la différence entre
cette bouillaque de grande diffusion et le vrai travail qui ne peut intéresser
qu'un petit nombre. On peut au moi! ns s'y livrer en paix !
Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more
with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water, he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the
Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave
behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The
objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls
retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned
with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer
says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs. Vladimir
Kremlev for RT. Click to enlarge
On several occasions the
instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed.
Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a
challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like
the objects defied the laws of physics. Theres only one explanation: the
creatures who built them far surpass us in development, Beketov said.
Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:
Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATOs fleets concentrate. Near
Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of
the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in
the Caribbean Sea.
Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russias Lake
Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful
lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.
In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a
group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at
a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the
seven men died, while four others were severely injured.
I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be
discarded, says Vladimir Azhazha. Skepticism is the easiest way:
believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So its very
important to analyze what they encounter there.
Meanwhile Russian Navy officials have denied the collection of UFO-related
encounters exists. A source in the Navys service staff said the story may have
its roots in the reports of vessel commanders, which describe locating objects
of unclear but Earthly origin.
An illusion of a UFO encounter can result from large fish shoals,
floating garbage or natural phenomena, ITAR-TASS news agency cites the
UK astronomers join hunt for alien life, new level of code-breaking may be
London: Are we alone in the universe? We could be closer to finding
British astronomers are joining forces to hunt for ET or at least for signs
of his existence.
In a move that comes only weeks after the UK Government closed its UFO
hotline, scientists from 11 institutions, including the Jodrell Bank
observatory, have formed a network to help those working in different fields of
research to share their expertise.
Telescopes will listen for radio and light broadcasts beamed by TVs,
radios, satellites, radar and lasers from other worlds.
And should a message from little green men be intercepted, we might even be
ready to reply. Communications experts more used to working on the intelligence
of chimpanzees and dolphins are trying to devise ways of decoding any messages
and framing a response.
The network, coordinated by Dr Alan Penny of the University of St Andrews,
was officially launched on Monday at the National Astronomy Meeting, organised
by the Royal Astronomical Society, at St Andrews, Scotland.
The UK SETI Research Network will bolster Britains long-running involvement
in the US-based Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, or SETI,
Dr Penny said the interception of light and radio signals that were wholly
artificial and could not be made by nature would be proof that we are not alone.
If ET fired a powerful laser through a big optical telescope to send a
signal or announce their existence, those pulses could be detected over many
thousands of light years, he said.
We need to get more time on telescopes for the project and then well get a
flood of data. At the moment if we detected a signal that was unambiguously
artificial that would be it.
You wouldnt need to understand the message its nature would tell us that
we are not alone. Then once youve found it you can look more closely to see if
there is a message. If it looks as though there is, [intelligence agency] GCHQ
can get going and try to decode it.
Others believe that a new level of code-breaking will be required.
Dr John Elliott, an expert in human and animal communication from Leeds
Metropolitan University, said: Standard decipherment and decryption techniques
used by the military and security agencies are not going to help much.
To put the challenge into context, we still have scripts from antiquity that
have remained undeciphered over hundreds of years, despite many serious
However, some scientists say that if we alert hostile aliens to our existence
we risk an invasion that could lead to the end of life on Earth.
They argue that if ET has the technology to cross space to reach us then any
defences we have will be all but useless.
And physicist Stephen Hawking has warned that aliens may plunder Earth for
its resources.
But Professor Ian Crawford, of Birkbeck, University of London, told the
conference that any aliens would have made themselves known by now.
Dr Robert Massey, of the Royal Astronomical Society, said: If we found even
one civilisation elsewhere, it would be an entirely sensational result.
l'animation n'existe pas sur Google Suisse (
Réaction 1 de JF.S: Un article du figaro sur le sujet :
Ainsi j'apprends que le fait de
douter d'une explication officielle concernant Roswell me range inéluctablement
la catégorie suivante :
"passionné de petits hommes verts" ET "des
théories conspirationniste".
On appréciera également le raccourci
"Affaire Roswell/Autopsie d'un Alien"
66 ans de l'affaire Roswell célébrés par Google
Ce 8 juillet,
le moteur de recherche revient avec un jeu animé vintage sur ce crash
emblématique et controversé d'un objet volant non-identifié dans le sud-ouest
des États-Unis.
Google transporte les internautes dans une autre
dimension ce 8 juillet, avec un mini-jeu consacré aux 66 ans de l'affaire
Roswell en guise de doodle. Cette célèbre affaire est née du crash supposé d'un
vaisseau spatial dans une zone désertique près de la ville de Roswell, au
Nouveau-Mexique, dans le sud-ouest des États-Unis, où le cadavre d'un alien
aurait été découvert. Ce dernier est le personnage principal du jeu. L'idée est
simple: il se balade aux alentours d'une ferme, en pleine nuit, et récupère des
objets pouvant l'aider à survivre.
En 1947, ce crash a créé des émois
dans le monde entier, et est depuis considéré comme l'un des événements
ufologues (spécialistes des ovni, ndlr) les plus célèbres. En cause: des débris
retrouvés par le propriétaire du ranch situé près du point de chute de
l'appareil, et dont les clichés ont fait la Une des médias à l'époque. En 1992,
un mini-documentaire stipule même, images d'autopsie à l'appui, que le cadavre
d'un extraterrestre aurait été retrouvé à bord de l'engin.
en série
Une controverse en a résulté, le gouvernement américain assurant
qu'il ne s'agissait que d'un ballon-sonde top-secret destiné à espionner les
expériences nucléaires militaires soviétiques. En pleine Guerre Froide,
l'argument aurait pu faire mouche, mais les passionnés de petits hommes verts et
des théories conspirationnistes sont restés persuadés du contraire.
histoire est devenue un phénomène de culture populaire, et Roswell un quasi lieu
de pélerinage ufologique. Les séries Roswell, racontant le quotidien étrange
d'adolescents dans cette ville, et X-Files, où deux agents du FBI enquêtent sur
des phénomènes paranormaux, sont notamment inspirées de cette
«Mon Dieu, c'est vraiment arrivé!»
En juillet 2012, un
ex-agent de la CIA a relancé les soupçons. Il a affirmé avoir découvert des
preuves, dans les archives de l'agence de renseignement, prouvant que le
gouvernement américain avait menti. «Une boîte a principalement attiré mon
attention et notamment ce mot: Roswell. J'ai fouillé à l'intérieur, mis la boîte
sur une étagère et dit: mon Dieu, c'est vraiment arrivé!'». Il y aurait trouvé
des «écrits et centaines de photos» validant la thèse pro-alien. Preuve que
«l'affaire Roswell» n'a pas fini de semer le trouble.
and Barney Hill had an abduction experience that occurred on September 19,1961
in the White Mountains area of New Hampshire.This is the original hypnosis
session tape of Barney Hill who is being questioned by Dr.
Benjamin Simon.
Let There Be Light 1946 US Army Hospital Documentary
Directed by John Huston [technical advisor was Dr. Benjamin Simon who appears
prominently throughout this film]
"The final entry in a trilogy of films produced for the U.S. government by
John Huston. This documentary film follows 75 U.S. soldiers who have sustained
debilitating emotional trauma and depression. A series of scenes chronicle their
entry into a psychiatric hospital, their treatment and eventual recovery."
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.