The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Niburu neemt initiatief tot bekendmaking buitenaards contact
Niburu neemt initiatief tot bekendmaking buitenaards contact
Als het Witte Huis het niet doet, doen wij het. Niburu maakt officieel bekend dat er buitenaards contact is. Dat doet zij al sinds 2002 en wel op veel verschillende manieren.
Het onomstotelijke bewijsmateriaal en de talloze verklaringen worden grotendeels genegeerd door overheid en media. Brieven en gesprekken met onze regeringsleiders hebben weinig effect gehad.
De publiekelijke bekendmaking van buitenaards contact heeft ondanks de grote bewijslast nog niet plaatsgevonden. Nu is toch het moment aangebroken dat de omvang en de echtheid van het bewijs niet langer genegeerd kan worden.
We bundelen onze krachten en blijven hier mee doorgaan totdat Disclosure een feit is en in het collectieve bewustzijn op Aarde is doorgedrongen. Laten we goed beseffen dat we met grote aantallen inwoners in een relatief klein gebied veel in beweging kunnen brengen en een voorbeeld kunnen zijn voor de rest van de wereld. We nodigen iedereen uit om hier onderdeel van te worden door te praten over dit onderwerp en de informatie via alle mogelijke kanalen te verspreiden.
Honderdduizenden Nederlanders zijn getuige geweest van buitenaardse objecten en duizenden hebben contact gehad met buitenaardse levensvormen. Elke dag melden zich meer mensen. Het gaat om burgers, politici, politieagenten, militairen, wetenschappers en zakenlieden die tegenover Niburu hebben verklaard contact te hebben gehad.
Het is natuurlijk te begrijpen dat er veel mensen zijn die ‘buitenaards contact’ bij voorbaat afwijzen omdat ze weinig of niet in aanraking komen met deze informatie via de massamedia. Het is niet zo dat de meeste mensen denken dat we de enige levensvorm zijn in ons universum. De meesten denken wel dat het al publiekelijk bekend zou zijn wanneer er buitenaardse beschavingen zouden zijn die onze planeet bezoeken.
Op Aarde is de laatste duizenden jaren geen sprake geweest van evolutie. Mensen leven niet in harmonie met elkaar, kunnen de natuur niet beschermen en hebben een gebrek aan gezondheid en geluk. Daar komt bij dat veel mensen niet in hun basisbehoefte kunnen voorzien terwijl er wel geldverslindende projecten zijn om technologische vooruitgang te boeken. Waar ligt de prioriteit? De meeste rijkdom is in handen van één procent van onze wereldbevolking. Vanwege economische belangen wordt voorkomen dat geavanceerde technologieën op basis van antizwaartekracht en vrije energie terechtkomen in het publieke domein. Belangenverstrengeling, machtsposities en cover-ups hebben de ontwikkeling van de mensheid doen stagneren.
Soms nemen we niet waar wat we zien, maar wat ons brein zich herinnert. Toen Columbus Amerika ontdekte konden de indianen zijn schepen waarschijnlijk niet zien omdat hun referentiekader geen afbeelding van een schip kon vinden. Voor andere natuurvolkeren is contact met buitenaardse schepen en bemanning erg gewoon omdat hun waarnemingen niet worden beïnvloed door de programmering van de samenleving.
Zouden buitenaardsen gezien het verleden van de mensheid niet heel zorgvuldig kiezen in welke mate zij zichzelf laten zien en aan wie? Zouden zij zich vanuit mentaal-emotioneel oogpunt dan niet weerhouden van het verspreiden van angst? Zouden zij zich niet ten koste van alles willen houden aan de universele wetten om uit het wiel van karma te blijven?
Volgens het Witte Huis is er geen buitenaards contact op Aarde, maar is de regering wel op zoek. De ambtswoning van de zittende Amerikaanse president noemt het SETI-project, maar dat is erg verrassend. In het begin werd SETI gesteund door NASA, maar later grotendeels genegeerd door de Amerikaanse regering. Sterker nog, de regering was er grotendeels de oorzaak van dat het project in april dit jaar werd stilgelegd. Zonder actrice Jodie Foster zou SETI mogelijk niet langer bestaan.
Er zijn veel aanwijzingen dat de Aarde er zonder hulp van buitenaardse beschavingen niet meer was geweest. Laten we deze hulp met open armen ontvangen en zelf het initiatief nemen. Openheid is de enige manier. Mensen die denken dat we geïsoleerd leven van andere beschavingen in het universum kunnen ter overweging onderstaande video’s bekijken.
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254 onbekende vliegende objecten gespot in België
254 onbekende vliegende objecten gespot in België
Het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt heeft het afgelopen jaar 254 meldingen geregistreerd. Dat zijn er ongeveer 70 minder dan het jaar ervoor.
Dat heeft de organisatie die meldingen van vreemde luchtverschijnselen verzamelt en zoekt naar verklaringen laten weten.
In 2012 kwamen er 326 meldingen binnen. “De daling is grotendeels te verklaren door de extra uitleg die sinds dit jaar bij het meldingsformulier gegeven wordt en waarbij ook gevraagd wordt om bepaalde herkenbare categorieën waarnemingen niet meer te melden,” aldus Frederick Delaere van het UFO-meldpunt. “Daardoor krijgen we weinig tot geen meldingen meer binnen over Thaise wensballonnen.”
De meeste meldingen zijn gedaan door particulieren, maar ook het Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut van België (KMI) en diverse sterrenwachten hebben een duit in het zakje gedaan.
Van alle meldingen is ongeveer 90 procent logisch te verklaren als lampion, meteoor of komeet, maar de rest van de vreemde luchtverschijnselen is niet te verklaren.
Zoals blijkt uit onderstaande video kunnen UFO-waarnemingen een enorme impact hebben op mensen. Hun leven en overtuigingen kunnen er voor altijd door worden veranderd. In de Verenigde Staten werden in het afgelopen jaar de meeste UFO-meldingen geregistreerd: 6457. Mauricio Ruiz uit de staat Texas heeft in zijn leven al meerdere onbekende vliegende objecten mogen zien.
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Mysterieuze orbs zijn voorteken van aardbeving
Mysterieuze orbs zijn voorteken van aardbeving
Er is meer duidelijkheid gekomen over mysterieuze orbs die ook wel ‘aardbevingslichten’ worden genoemd.
De lichten, die vaak zijn gelinkt aan UFO’s en allerlei verschillende vormen aannemen, zijn een indicatie zijn dat er een aardbeving op komst is.
Luttele seconden voor de aardbeving in het Italiaanse L’Aquila in 2009 zagen voetgangers 10 centimeter hoge vlammen van licht in het historische stadscentrum.
In 1988 verscheen in de lucht boven de rivier Saint Lawrence nabij de stad Quebec een paars-roze gloed. Elf dagen later vond een krachtige aardbeving plaats.
In 1906 zag een stel op 100 kilometer ten noordwesten van San Francisco twee dagen voor een verwoestende aardbeving lichtbollen boven de grond.
De zeldzame aardbevingslichten worden meestal gezien nabij een rift, een gebied op het aardoppervlak waar extensie van de aardkorst plaatsvindt. Onder invloed van dit proces wordt een langgerekte depressie in het landschap gevormd.
Rond openingen worden luchtmoleculen geïoniseerd en ontstaat zichtbaar licht. De lichten werden rond het begin van de zeventiende eeuw al omschreven in Amerikaanse en Europese documenten.
Geoloog Robert Thériault van het Canadese ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen zei dat aardbevingslichten op een dag mogelijk kunnen worden gebruikt om een grote aardbeving te voorspellen.
Tijdens de aardbeving met een kracht van 8,0 op de schaal van Richter in de Peruaanse stad Pisco in 2007 zijn door ooggetuigen en veiligheidscamera’s grote aantallen lichtflitsen vastgelegd. De lichtflitsen bleken precies samen te vallen met seismische golven.
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Ancient Aliens 6: Buitenaardsen en mysterieuze bergen (video)
Ancient Aliens 6: Buitenaardsen en mysterieuze bergen (video)
In het verleden werden bergen door verschillende beschavingen gezien als plekken waar de almachtige goden woonden.
De oude Grieken geloofden bijvoorbeeld dat de Olympiërs vanaf de berg Olympus een epische strijd om de heerschappij over het universum voerden.
De ruïnes van een 4000 jaar oude sterrenwacht op een berg in Macedonië laten zien dat oude volkeren de beweging van hemellichamen met grote precisie wisten te volgen. In Peru maken de afstammelingen van de Inca’s traditiegetrouw een pelgrimstocht om te communiceren met berggeesten die bekendstaan als Apu.
Kunnen deze goden buitenaardsen zijn geweest? Gebruikten ze afgelegen bergtoppen om in contact te treden met de mens? Kan dit verklaren waarom mensen zich al duizenden jaren aangetrokken voelen tot bergen?
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation.
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Significant UFO Events, PRG Congressional Hearing Initiative, Gary McKinnon, the English Hacker Wins, Space Force, Mayan Artifacts Reveal Aliens Visited Earth, Alien Pyramids Worldwide, Ancient Gold Alien, China Spacecraft Lands on the Moon, Watchers 7, and Opinions of the future.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, and Texas.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Lithuania, Romania, South Africa, England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video vidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one overEngland while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers
George Filer & Arie Vandenberg MUFON Conference, 2012
Hello Readers,
I've been helping George Filer publish Filer Files for a number of years now and when MUFON held a conference in Covington, Ky., I finally got to meet George in person. I came away feeling that he's one of the nicest, most dedicated people I know. I also know that it's a passion and labor of love for him.
If you enjoy Filer's Files every week, show your love and support to George by donating to the cause. Help us continue bringing you these great reports on UFOs, exopolitics, new books, news and science.
Last year, had many important events that helped the release of information concerning the UFO phenomenon that will likely increase in the coming year. The people have watched in darkness has seen great lights nightly in the skies. Thousands of orbs are witnessed monthly and there are over 2000 reported sightings each a month and interest is growing from the public as websites, Television and radio programs grow in importance.
The PRG Congressional Hearing Initiative
The PRG Congressional Hearing Initiative is tentatively set to launch on January 8, 2014. A full set of DVDs of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure CHD will be sent to each congressional office. The plan is for each DVD set to be accompanied by a letter signed by the CHD witnesses.
Thanks to Stephen Bassett of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG)
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. was both unusual and powerful. It was unusual because the testimony focused on the history of events and evidence pointing toward an extraterrestrial (non-human) intelligence engaging the human race now and in the past. It was powerful because of the transformative impact the testimony had on the sitting committee of six former members of Congress, all of whom held skepticism on the subject matter.
Witnesses included Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, former Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Canada Paul Hellyer, and many former members of the U. S. military such as me who held high security clearances. More information is available at:
Gary McKinnon, the English Hacker Wins
Gary McKinnon, the English hacker facing 70 years in U.S. prison for searching Pentagon sites for UFO evidence, extradition was blocked on November 19, 2013 and also he will not be imprisoned by the U.K..
McKinnon said he was able to access the US’ Space Command network, where he found evidence of an extra terrestrial mission. “I found a list of officers’ names,” he claims, “under the heading ‘Non-Terrestrial Officers’… What I think it means is not earth-based. I found a list of ‘fleet-to-fleet transfers’ and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren’t U.S. Navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet.”
The hacker claimed there were hackers from Denmark, Italy, China, Germany, Turkey, Thailand… every night for the entire five to seven years I was doing this.
McKinnon says the weirdest thing he found was a list of "Non-Terrestrial Officers" and fleet transfers between ships that don't exist in the U.S. Navy.” -
Prime Minister David Cameron has stated, “I do recognize the seriousness of this case, and the Deputy Prime Minister and I actually raised it with President Obama when he visited. I think the point is that it is not so much about the alleged offence, which everyone knows is a very serious offence, and we can understand why the Americans feel so strongly about it.
Note - If Mr. McKinnon's data is correct, it validates the assumption the US Navy may well be operating off-planet via back-engineered ET technology. His data indicates the Navy and probably the Air Force operate a fleet of space craft. Gary McKinnon states, "What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet”
In his interview with the BBC, Gary claimed, "The Disclosure Project" had some very credible people all saying there is UFO technology, there's anti-gravity, there's free energy, and it's extraterrestrial in origin and they've captured spacecraft and reverse engineered it."
He claimed to have viewed a detailed image of "something not man-made and cigar shaped floating above the northern hemisphere. McKinnon stated the image was 256 megabytes in size, yet that the craft's details were still distinct in 4-bit color and low resolution
Space Force
Former Alaska Senator, Mike Gravel, told us during the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure held at the National Press Club, “We have a space force in existence and it has been written about extensively.”
We have confirmation from a Senator the US has a Space Force that apparently is designed to fight off alien intruders? Perhaps the Star Wars program was real and ultimately successful?
You’ll need to go back to the words of President George H.W. Bush in June of 2001 to discover US plans to build a military base on the moon!
Does our President know about the alien presence? According to Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group, he likely does. Bassett claims that John Podesta one of Obama’s advisors was his transition appointee and is now a newly hired Obama consultant is an acknowledged X-Files buff, who encouraged full disclosure of UFO files at the National Press Club.
The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also known as Star Wars, was a program first initiated on March 23, 1983 under President Ronald Reagan. The intent of this program was to develop a sophisticated anti-ballistic missile system in order to prevent missile attacks from other countries, specifically the Soviet Union. The nickname “Star Wars” was attached to the program for some of its abstract and science fiction ideas, many of which included lasers, subatomic particle beams, and computer-guided projectiles fired by electromagnetic rail guns—all under the central control of a supercomputer system.” By using these systems, the United States planned to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles and perhaps UFOs while they still flew high above the Earth. One interesting point was that President Reagan publicly offered the Star Wars system to the Soviet Union and spoke about the nations of Earth joining to fight an extraterrestrial force. It became the most expensive weapons system in the history.
Reagan had lunch with 5 top space scientists and he wrote, “I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.”
Reagan’s comment was revealing since the Space Shuttle held a maximum of eight people and only five were built for space flight. Five times eight is forty, suggesting 260 others could be in space. Was Reagan revealing the existence of a highly classified space program that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit? Thirty years later it likely exists and Russian and American astronauts are in space together.
By the end of SDI, the primary focus of the weapons design group was focused on “land based kinetic energy weapons.” These weapons were essentially guided missile projectiles. At the end of the Strategic Defense Initiative, thirty billion dollars had been invested in the program.
The original Star Wars System as changed according to prime contractor TRW: Working in pairs for stereoscopic viewing, the SMTS is the low earth satellite the SMTS is the low earth satellite orbit component of the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS shown here). Its unique capability to track missiles throughout their trajectory allows the system to effectively cue missile defense systems with accurate targeting data.
The satellites developed precise location, velocity and acceleration data on the enemy vehicles. The planned interceptors can engage threats at ranges beyond the capabilities of their associated radars. Using data generated by SMTS, these interceptors can use that excess capability to negate attacking missiles far from friendly forces and population centers. This shoot-look-shoot option reduces interceptor inventory requirements. Early intercepts made possible by SMTS extend the boundaries of the defended area some three to five times.
SMTS can precisely cue ground radars; allowing them to limit operations until a hostile missile is within their range. This reduces the threat from homing anti-radiation missiles -- likely players on modern battlefields. The constellation provides global surveillance for ballistic missile launches within seconds.
Alien Pyramids Worldwide
Dr. Sam Osmanagich Ph.D., director of Center for Anthropology and Archaeology at the American University in Bosnia has authored 11 books about ancient civilizations. He claims many Pyramids are 10,000 to 25,000 years old and built well before mankind was sophisticated, had agriculture or cities. The question is did ancient civilizations build them or are ancient aliens responsible for a worldwide pyramid construction system? Twenty Chinese Pyramids on Google Earth are shown here. The builders of hundreds of pyramids are thought to have been blonde, blue eyed, light skinned called Nordic aliens whose bodies are often found nearby.
Oldest Chinese and Egyptian pyramids are much superior to those made later, as unsuccessful replicas. Older pyramids are built from granite and sandstone blocks, more recent ones are much smaller built from bricks and mud. Traces of more advanced beings who were likely alien are everywhere around us. In the meantime, mainstream scientists try to fit those monuments into their time coordinates, falsifying the truth. Hundreds of pyramids are being found all over the Earth including under the sea like the three found off the coast of Florida. It is apparent that ancient aliens or a previous sophisticated civilization existed on Earth.
Twenty miles northwest from Sarajevo, thecapital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dr. Osmanagich his attention was caught by two regularly shaped hills, which he later named the Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun and Moon. For thousands of years locals have considered those hills to be natural phenomena because they were covered by soil and vegetation. However, when he first saw their triangular faces, obvious corners and orientation toward the cardinal points, he knew that they had to be constructed by a force other than nature. He states,” Since I had been investigating pyramids for decades I knew that the pyramids found in China, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador had the same type of soil and vegetation coverage.”
The Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation is conducting time the pyramid investigations in Bosnia and has become the world’s largest inter-disciplinary archaeological project.
This discovery is historic and changes the early history of Europe since these are the first pyramids discovered in Europe, and is the largest pyramid structure in the world at 220 meters is much higher than the Great Pyramid of Egypt (147 meters). It has precise orientation towards cosmic north and the soil covering the pyramid is 12,000 years old. There is an extensive underground tunnel network which runs for more than ten miles.
The Bosnian Pyramids contain high quality man-made concrete five times stronger than today’s concrete. (shown at left) Evidence of concrete being used in pyramid construction is shown by the work of professor Michel Barsoum, Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University, who has found scientific evidence that parts of the Great Pyramids of Giza were built using an early form of concrete.
A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology. It seems that the pyramid-builders created a perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this “energy machine” is still working
Mayan Artifacts Reveal Aliens Visited Earth
Newly released Mayan documents, i.e. artifacts, dating back at least 1300-years reveal that the human race is not alone and highly advanced technologies including space travel have likely existed for quite some time. Not only does this documentation released by the Mexican government show the existence of an explorer race, it may also reveal the roots of mankind.The Mexican government is releasing information held for 80-years.
Producer calls it the most important archaeological finding in the history of mankind.
MEXICO CITY -- An underwater Maya city, a millennia-old landing pad once used for spacecraft, and human contact with extraterrestrials. These may sound like the makings of a blockbuster Hollywood film, but they're actually the alleged discoveries behind the documentary “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond.”
"It is the most important archaeological finding in the history of mankind," he says. "It's going to open the eyes of humanity and elevate the consciousness of every human being on the planet. I guarantee it."
Julia-Levy, who is producing alongside Ed Elbert(Paraiso Travel), says the mother of all secrets will be revealed at the Calakmul archaeological site, though he declined to specify what could possibly trump the aforementioned findings.
The documentary also unveils a 3,000-year-old spacecraft landing pad that was allegedly built atop a rock structure capable of holding electromagnetic energy.
The government’s presentation of the information to be a major step forward for humanity as the truth is finally being let out. Hopefully this will prompt other governments around the world to be more forthcoming with such information, turning the tide in the UFO and extraterrestrial research community for good. Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo’s Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond also touches on such technology.
So far, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, Luis Augusto García Rosado, appears to be the highest-ranking government official to go on record confirming the discovery of extraterrestrial life, but he’s not holding back. In a statement, Rosado spoke of contact between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some . In a telephone conversation with the Wrap, he also spoke of “landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old”. Thanks to Intellihub,,,,
Columbian Gold Artifacts.
Pre-Columbian Art shows artifacts of possible alien craft and some of their pilots from Tumaco, Columbia on the Pacific Ocean or the La Tolita Culture. (600 B.C. to 200 A.C.).
Standing figure is thought to be 2000 years old and has a remarkable likeness to the description of grey aliens. Its importance is suggested by its gold construction. It appears to have six fingers. Colombia or Ecuador. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York.
Watchers 7 Film
Researcher L.A. Marzulli has filmed an excellent documentary called Watchers 7. The newest video in the Watchers series, Watchers 7, called “Something is Happening” has wonderful UFO scenes provided by Jaime Maussan in Mexico City. He has the longest running UFO television series around the globe.
Jose Escamilla has exciting footage of a pyramid and other structures on the Moon’s surface as shown here.
Marzulli shows intriguing UFO footage captured in Kumburgaz, Turkey which may show actual ET inhabitants in the craft. There are metal samples taken from a sphere that supposedly fell from space into a field that does not come from Earth.
Regarding alien implants removed by Dr. Roger Leir, they could be a type of highly sophisticated computer. Marzulli claims hybrid beings are being integrated into the population via abduction and breeding programs, and the ETs (who are the "fallen ones" from the Bible) are creating their own army.
The section in the film on the Vatican suggests they are getting ready to reveal an ET connection.
Watchers 7, is chock full of sensational and rare video footage that is 83 minutes in length and loaded with one-on-one interviews with prominent theologians, abduction victims, and UFO researchers like myself.
Dr. David Jacobs, a former professor at Temple University in Philadelphia is interviewed in his home where he shares his 30+ years of abduction encounters from well over 1,000 victims. His conclusion is this breeding program is a “replacement” program.
The Honorable Paul Hellyer, Canada’s former Minister of National Defense states, “UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly overhead.”
ZAOSTROVKA -- Well known Russian UFO investigator Nikolay Subbotin relates an amazing story of a battle of flying saucers. This incident allegedly took place on September 16, 1989, when six circular, silver, flying saucers ganged up and fought a seventh, golden saucer, in full view of the residents of the town. Hundreds of witnesses watched the gang of six chase the golden saucer out of a cloud bank. All of the saucers made unbelievable maneuvers during this dog fight, and at times, the UFOs flew as low as 5,000 feet. The weapon of choice was a strong beam of light or energy fired at and from the escaping golden UFO.
According to the RUFORSInternet newsletter, an account of this event was published in the local newspaper, and a Russian helicopter commander in the Afghan war, the energy emitted during this battle shut down the local power grid. plunging the city into total darkness for a time. The author, named Sichenko, interviewed witnesses of the event, publishing many of their fantastic accounts of the events that day. The witnesses claimed that the outnumbered golden UFO finally was defeated, losing altitude due to the continued hits by the energy beams, losing control, and plunging to the ground. The six assaulting saucers soon disappeared from view.
The lost saucer had crashed into a bog on a military test range that was "off limits" to the general public. A military team descended on the boggy area, and conducted a full search and rescue operation. Russian Ufologist Emil Bachurin was able to see medical files which confirmed details of injuries to military personnel involved in the mission. Security at the crash site was very tight and put under heavy guard. It is very similar to another Russian case, the Shaitan Mazar Crash, which also involved Subbotin and Bachurin.
China has landed its Chang'e 3 first robotic Lander on the moon on December 14, 2013, with color images. The moon rover Yutu, or "Jade Rabbit" landed in the moon’s Bay of Rainbows the Earth’s first landing in 37 years.
Seeking a clean energy solution, China is searching for helium-3 that is a light, non-radioactive isotope of helium that is nearly nonexistent on Earth, yet abundant on the moon. It is considered the missing piece needed to create a fusion power a new source of energy without radiation.
Helium-3 has a higher efficiency of conversion to electricity than fission, at a rate of 60-70%. There is ten times more energy in helium-3 on the moon than in all the natural gas, oil, and coal on the Earth combined. "Forty tons of helium-3 would provide all the electricity for the U.S. in 2014." Thanks to China Aerospace.
Opinions About the Future
My opinion is that the number of UFO reports will continue to rise as will Standard & Poor's 500 Index will advance 11% in 2014, rising to 2,000. That will take the closely watched index up to the highest level in history.
A turbulent period is ahead for the Earth's climate, including more severe storms, and volatility in the weather and seasons. The environment is struggling in part due to actions by the humans and activity on the sun. Volcanic activity over a number of different areas and Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and flooding in places such as the Midwest will continue. The terrorism threat will continue.
More serious effects of the Fukushima disaster will be felt in the Northern Hemisphere and the Pacific Ocean. The dollar is in danger and other currencies may be better to hold.
04-01-2014 om 19:38
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #1 2014 - Pentagon's "Non-Terrestrial Officers", Paradigm Research Group, Watchers 7 Film - PART II
Filer's Files #1 2014 - Pentagon's "Non-Terrestrial Officers", Paradigm Research Group, Watchers 7 Film - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Alabama Stars
Enterprise -- I am a cook supervisor at the Health and Rehabilitation Clinic, at 8:45 PM, on December 27, 2013; I was taking out the trash when I noticed three red stars in a "v" formation moving from my right to my left. Then I witnessed two more formations followed by a single star that moved very silently and casually. When they came to the area above the ESCC Baseball Field, they moved into a circle formation and just as the tenth star approached, they went dark and were gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Light
Sylmar -- From December 23rd through December 25th, 2013, I have seen the same light in the sky. On December 23rd, around 7:00 PM, just after dusk I was walking my dogs when I saw an extremely bright white large light very low on the horizon. I stopped and took a video of the light that stood out because it was so much brighter than anything in the sky. A helicopter started circling it, and after observing for an hour or so I brought the dogs back in the house. When I came back out an hour later the light was gone.
One December 24th, the exact same thing happened and I took pictures this time to record what I saw. I started to assume this had to be a star if it re-appeared the very next night. On December 25th, in the evening the light was gone. Later, on the 118 Freeway around 9 PM, my boyfriend says "Oh my gosh I see the light". Everyone in the car was amazed as the light was so low and bright it was impossible to be a star. Then it was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Lights
NORWALK -- It was about 7:30 PM, on December 24, 2013 and I went out to untie my dog and noticed a light in the sky heading towards me. I realized there were no red or green flashing lights a plane would have. As it got closer I noticed it had a semi-ovalshape and a second identical craft appeared at 11 PM. I knew I was looking at something different so I called my wife to come out quick.
Just as she came out the first one circled around the second and almost merged with it and then float back in line as four more came from the northwest. As they floated overhead silently, I told my wife to grab the camera. I was able to get a picture of two lights. I watched as they flew away in a southwest direction and disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Flying Object
KEY WESTKEY WEST -- Looking out my aircraft window while climbing above the clouds I notice a grey circle below on December 3, 2013. I took two photos as it stayed in the same area. I lost sight as plane continued ahead. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Light
Markleville-- I was in my office in my garage when I picked up an older 3.2 MP, HP 733 Digital Camera and went outside and took shots of the sky. It was late 10 pm to 2 am, and snapped four consecutive pictures one right after the other. I did NOT see the object.
When I loaded the pictures onto my computer on September 2, 2012, I was shocked to see the maneuvering lights. In all four photos the object fly’s around doing acrobatic maneuvers while the background stars are still. I think I have had an unexplainable event take place to myself and possibly my wife. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Lights
PENDLETON COUNTY -- Glenn Pennington reports, “I’m sending a few interesting pictures I took recently. I'm still trying to get help documenting our nightly visits from multiple UFOs.” UFO visitations seem to be increasing. Plenty of people in the county are now seeing them and making local reports. Thanks to Glenn Pennington
Mississippi Lights
Picayune -- On the way back from college I noticed the beautiful sunset so I pulled my phone out and started take multiple pictures on November 19, 2013. I took 100 pictures in 20 minutes, but I’m not really looking at the sky in detail. Later, I came across multiple pictures that had weird glowing objects in the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Montana Red Object near Moon in Several Photos -
EAST HELENA– William Puckett writes, “My girlfriend runs early every morning and around 5 AM she captured this red object near the moon on December 15, 2013.
She didn’t see the red light. It was only noticed in the photo. Note: Initially our impression is that the object is not real and is a reflection of the moon on the camera lens producing a “ghosting” or lens flare.” (Correction) Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Nevada Lights
RENO -- On December 25, 2013, around 7 PM, The witness was letting out the dogs and noticed five reddish orange lights in the southeast sky. I thought it was a little weird for planes in a landing pattern and called my husband to come and look. Then two more appeared and seven objects hovered in a path and then started to move in other directions. Then they returned to the path pattern again. This lasted about 30 minutes, and then they disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Orbs
– Bellemawr – Here are some orbs for taken on December 17, 2013, at 4 AM. You will see that they are coming from every direction, onto the concrete slab.
Do you have any thoughts on what they may be because my research finds nothing that can fly through things?
Note: Snow was falling at nearby Philadelphia Airport at the time of the video clip. The white orbs are most likely snowflakes although it is difficult to see any snow accumulating on the ground. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
TABERNACLE – On December 30, 2013, at 11 PM a large triangular shaped craft with an extremely bright light was seen flying north at about 500 feet altitude. The large size, lights that appeared to be searching, and the low altitude and silent operation suggest this was not a normalaircraft. Thanks to Taylor.
Ohio Triangle of Lights
At around 10 minutes after 10 PM, Tuesday December 24, 2013, I walked my mother and sister outside to their car as they were leaving the Christmas party at my house here in Austintown, Ohio. As my mother turned to get into her driver’s side door, she looked up and exclaimed "Wow look at those". My sister and I turned around, and overhead of the house were three bright orange/red orbs moving west. We had only 35 seconds to observe them before they went into a cloud bank. Thanks to MUFON CMS
They were low, maybe 2,500 feet disappeared into the clouds so I went back inside the house. I waited five minutes and looked up and the rather large cloud bank that they disappeared into had also disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Red Lights
Winston -- Witness and I have observed strange lights in the Riverbend Park during the summer and on October 26, 2013, when I got this photo. Lights are often seen just before it gets dark and between 2 AM and sunrise on clear nights. The lights seen in the park react to a laser pointer by moving closer, and farther away. The lights are between the school and the mountain behind it. They look very solid in appearance and appear under intelligent control. Our animal gets nervous and uneasy at times as do we. I have an android app that tells when electromagnetic interference goes on. When they react to us is when it happens. Police scanner posts a code; ACTIVATE THE HEART OF GOLD that is often heard often during the summer of these occurrences. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
Anthony -- I stepped into my backyard at about 8 PM on December 28. 2013, when I noticed an orange light to the east, I felt it was a really bright star because I knew that Jupiter was elsewhere, within my field of view. Two minutes later, I noticed another similarly colored object was right next to it. The object to the right was very noticeably red so I ran inside to get my camera. The slowly pulsating lights stood in the same spot for 30 minutes above the mountain silhouette. Two airplanes flew "by" the object, as well. After recording video and taking photos, the lights disappeared. I used a Nikon Coolpix P80, Aperture F/5, and ISO 6400. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Ball of Fire
TOWNSVILLE, QUEENSLAND– A bright blue light was seen passing north from our balcony facing the radio towers in Townsville on December 15th 2013. The light performed a sweeping loop near Castle Hill, before travelling fast erratically performing huge dips. It was almost as bright as Venus and was flashing blue. It would occasionally go behind low lying clouds. Six witnesses saw it about 8:30 PM.
It was in view for about three minutes before dipping towards the horizon and behind the ground lights. It almost looked as if it was travelling on the winds and falling through air pockets, but it was fartoo big to be so susceptible to that. Thanks to
Canada Lights
SASKATCHEWAN – Seven of us were traveling home in separate cars and witnessed six orange, star-like objects traveling east on December 21, 2013. They were in a formation of three with three directly below. Two moved closertogether and we realized they were not planes. They burned out one by one. They were not planes. They burned out one by one. The photos were images captured by three different camera phones. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indonesia Cylinder for 1.5 hours
PADANG, WEST SUMATRA-- A cylinder type craft with very bright rotating lights was observed for 1.5 hours on December 19, 2013. It was at the west side of Padang, and lower than its previous position at 18:30 hours.
Like a couple days ago the brightness of the lights changed, I assumed because he object maneuvered in a certain length of time. After 1.5 hours the craft suddenly disappeared leaving no sign at all that it was there before. Is it possible the object just switched the lights off? Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Lithuania Flying Object
I was at home when I spotted a stationary object in the sky on April 11, 2012. I took my camera and went to the balcony. I observed an object for about 1 hour. During whole observation the object hung in the same position. When the object left I didn’t see it.
Note: During 2012 Google photographed our street as a view in Lithuania, maybe it was Google device? Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Lights
AUCKLAND, NORTH ISLAND– The lights appeared to be three then one disappeared, and the other two very bright lights remained on December 16, 2013, at 5.15 PM. I took pictures with my iPad of a kind of light star fish. My hubby opened the curtains and told me there were three lights as one left very quickly. He called me to look but I only seen two. The shape is still in my eye sight so beautiful and clear. The object moved slowly at first then started to disappear as I kept watching. Interesting it’s like they knew I was watching and I noticed the birds were singing louder than usually, really different. An hour later they totally couldn't be seen. Thanks to
Romania Abduction
cluj napoca -- I am working on a farm in my native village at around 2 AM, on November 19, 2009, when a bright light appeared in the sky. After an hour my mother woke up in another part of the farm with a bloody nose and with several scars. When I go to sleep I do not know what happens to me I want you to help me or to see what happens. Thank you for understanding and do not wait to contact me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Fireball Spherde
JEFFREYS BAY – I saw very large orange spherical fireball, with a very prominent dark outline descending from the sky in a diagonal line to the southwest on December 20, 2013. It flew much faster than a Boeing aircraft. I lost sight of it as it descended past the roof of neighbor’s house and headed towards the silently. The sphere phenomenon moved a constant speed with purpose on a set course from our house 1.2 kilometers to the coastline
It was definitely not a meteorite, but I wonder whether the excessive speed of the phenomenon causes friction with the air molecules, hence the fireball appearance? It was definitely an unidentified flying object. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
UK/England Ovaloid
Barnsley, South Yorkshire---Two very large and brightly lit objects underneath were seen on December 14th/15th, 2013 from 11 PM, through to 7 am. One was over the fields seen from our front window and the others were at the back of the house. Smaller orange objects were lit a distance away from these two. They were viewed on the same night at the same times. They switched places and travelled over the house. This is not the first time I have seen ufos here.
Whitstable, Kent -- On December 13, 2013, at 4:25 PM, I observed a an Ovaloid shaped looking UFO with a tremendous white brightness that was hovering over Ashley Drive and the Faversham Road in Whitstable. The object was hovering at an altitude of 200 feet above ground level at 4:32 PM. It seemed to grow brighter and lighter in radiance, with electromagnetic distortion emanating from the hovering object.
It had a steady pulsating rhythm as it slowly flew away from Whitstable and along the coast around 4:47 PM. The UFO vehicle was flying south towards Preston Parade. The photonic luminosity emanating from this object created the impression that the UFO vehicle was crystalline. Finally the object was seen at 4:53 PM, radiating small light sparks and steady ripples of energy before continuing onwards towards the Swale. Thanks to
Scotland Lights -- I was on holid
TYNDRUM may to Scotland on May 15, 2013, and took many images. I only saw what appeared to be two orbs side by side on two pictures when going through pictures on my computer. The orbs can be clearly seen and I have not altered them in any way. The objects are the same ones in each picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
STERLING -- I saw something on December 1, 2013, at around 7:.30 pm I can't explain. I am ex military and a bit of an aviation enthusiast so am quite familiar with most of the aircraft in our skies. On Sunday evening my girlfriend and I were travelling home on M-9 south en route to Glasgow. My friend and I became aware of a large gold light above the Gargunnock Hills. I am familiar with aircraft landing lights and they are seldom gold and don't remain in the same location or shine with the intensity these light were shining with.
We watched these lights for 30 seconds as they blinked out one after another above the silhouette of the hills. Whilst illuminated the lights were in an almost disc configuration although quite flat at the bottom and were angled up. The gold light seemed to twinkle, as if there was more than one and they were shinning in succession before blinking out over a five second period. I have never seen anything like it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
We have had some success in finding missing persons. Contact me at
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04-01-2014 om 19:05
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Let's start 2014 with a newsletter full of interesting reading, To begin, Nick Pope offers an article on UFOlogy and the kids under 20 attending UFO seminars Next, Richard C. Cook asks if JFK could have been the real Flash Gordon? Then, Nick Redfern investigates a break-in by ETs into a British Space Facility! Scott Corrales writes about ghosts, tombstones, and humanoids 'south of the border.' John Foster wonders if UFOs or religious beings accomplish ET Control. Good question. Then Sophie Shevardnadze interviews former Canadian Defense Minister about a possible alien attack! Pat Regan begins the New Year writing about January and in an earlier article pens the 'Dream Alien'. Edward Crabtree remembers Colin Wilson and finally Ron Murdock concludes there must be life out there? Enjoy Dirk
I’ve often spoken at UFO conferences – particularly in America – where you could count on one hand the number of people in the audience under the age of 20. So where are all the young people and how can they be attracted to ufology? To be fair, some people in the UFO community have done some hard thinking about this problem and have come up with some good theories about why comparatively few young people are getting actively involved. These theories include a lack of attractive role models (NB the point in the final paragraph), the failure of the UFO community to adequately ‘police’ its ranks to weed out charlatans and crazies, and the comparative slowness of UFO organizations and authors to engage with new media, social networking sites, etc. More...
Dr. Michael E. Salla is director of the Exopolitics Institute, which studies UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena from the standpoint of how we can penetrate the veil of secrecy drawn by governments over the massive amount of UFO/ET contact that has reportedly taken place worldwide over the past seven decades. The main culprit in this secrecy, of course, is the (secret) U.S government.. More...
DID ET SPIES BREAK-IN TO ENGLISH SPACE FACILITY? by Nick Redfern. Now and again a story comes along that is just about as bizarre as it is fascinating. And the following most definitely falls into both categories. It’s one that many might dismiss out of hand. Others, of a more open mind, however, might ponder on the possibility that the case in question is just the tip of a very big iceberg. And, with that said, read on… More...
Anyone would reasonably suppose that with the proliferation of ghost-and-paranormal shows on television (Ghost Adventures, Dead Files, etc.) the average citizen would be completely inured to stories chronicles of hauntings and proof of survival beyond the grave. However, the ghost story still has the power to petrify the reader of viewer, not only in the United States but around the world. Cemeteries – as a rule – are places to be shunned or at least given a wide berth, despite efforts aimed at making them places where people can go for a quiet afternoon of jogging or even meditation, or just to look at some unusual and imaginative headstones, if nothing else. The fear is nonetheless hard to dispel, and medical science avails itself of the term “coimetrophobia” to describe the overwhelming fear of final resting places. More... Also read: OBSERVATIONS ON THE NECOCHEA BEACH HUMANOID: LUIS BURGOS
From this point forward, I will offer some brief observations that I feel are important in understanding the true nature of life…our reality, our world…including reflections on science, religion, history, philosophy and ethics, etc. The first is included below. “The mysterious intelligences’ ” influence over a child, above his parents control: During the experience at 68th and Garland Streets, in Lincoln…Chapter 7 in the book Eminent Discovery…at the first house in which I lived…the mysterious voice (one of the primary “mysterious intelligences”) levitated a young neighbor boy and I up into “the large object” that hovered about 100 feet above us. More...
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer. More...
Following Yuletide and the Midwinter solstice in December, we rapidly enter the start of another contemporary year with the icy month of January. I emphasise the word ‘contemporary’ because artificial calendars have so recurrently changed over the centuries. The pastoral, pre-Christian, Celtic land dwellers regarded the time we now call Halloween, in October, as the end of summer and beginning of winter. It marked the launch of their New Year. More... Also read: DREAM ALIEN...
Last Year – 2013-the Grim Reaper claimed many people who brought refreshment into our lives. The rock artist and science fantasy author Mick Farren breathed his last. James Herbert, master of supernatural thrillers joined the spectral world and Roy Mackal, the onetime Nessie hunter, will hunt no more. More...
To say that we live on the only inhabited planet in the entire cosmos is pretty vain, arrogant and egotistical on our part. With all the potential planets that could support life similar to ours it is astronomical odds to bet against Earth being the only planet supporting life forms. The numbers must be in the millions if not billions. This is a topic that many have wanted answers to since the dawn of mankind. More...
Subscribers: As regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.
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Gloucestershire police’s calls about aliens revealed
Gloucestershire police are one of 17 forces to have received 999 calls about UFOs and the supernatural.
According to the Daily Mail, 17 police forces in England and Wales have revealed details of 277 cases in which people had requested urgent assistance following ’paranormal’ or ‘extra-terrestrial’ incidents over the past three years.
Most of the calls related to ghosts with some claiming to have been possessed.
The Citizen, Gloucestershire Echo and Stroud Life previously revealed some of the details of calls made to the Gloucestershire Constabulary.
In 2011, we revealed calls to the force had led to this note: “Caller sighted two UFOs last night, and tonight she has seen at least three or four.”
There were nine alien and UFO reports to Gloucestershire Constabulary between 2008 and 2011.
On May 29, 2009, in Gloucester, one emergency call handler took a call and noted: “Caller reports five bright orange objects in the sky moving in a circle then disappeared. Caller never seen anything like this before.”
On December 9, 2010 in Churchdown, this was taken down: “Caller reports he is looking south from his back garden and he can see a bright light to the south, it is not a star or a helicopter, he is convinced it is a UFO, has checked it with binoculars. He is not mad.”
Elsewhere in the county, this report was taken from a caller in the Stroud area on May 22, 2010: “Road obstruction, caller has come home to find an alien’s car parked on his driveway.”
On May 11, 2009, in Cheltenham, one 999 operator received a call and noted: “Saw a UFO travelling from Up Hatherley to Bishop’s Cleeve area.
“Very fast, changing colours from green and red and then possibly orange. Very pleasing to the eye and exciting. Travelling due north or north north-east.”
On October 21, 2009, the following was reported: “Large disc flying in the sky, yellow and pink.
“Darting in and out of the clouds at high speeds. Caller given UFO hotline number.”
Churchdown’s Dave Cosnette, who co-founded UFO and paranormal websiteCosmic Conspiracies, told The Citizen at the time that the New Year was a good time to spot UFOs in Gloucestershire.
He said: “Over New Year there will be plenty of reports I’m sure, but most will turn out to be those Chinese lanterns.
“Gloucester isn’t a bad place to see UFOs actually, we get our fair share. The thing is, knowing who to report a sighting to. The MOD used to take calls, but not anymore.”
Police said they send information to the Ministry of Defence where appropriate, although in some cases people have mistaken aircraft.
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UFOlogy and young people
UFOlogy and young people
I’ve often spoken at UFO conferences – particularly in America – where you could count on one hand the number of people in the audience under the age of 20. So where are all the young people and how can they be attracted to ufology?
To be fair, some people in the UFO community have done some hard thinking about this problem and have come up with some good theories about why comparatively few young people are getting actively involved. These theories include a lack of attractive role models (NB the point in the final paragraph), the failure of the UFO community to adequately ‘police’ its ranks to weed out charlatans and crazies, and the comparative slowness of UFO organizations and authors to engage with new media, social networking sites, etc.
Debunkers love to say that the lack of young people in ufology reflects a wider truth about the subject: “ufology is dead” is a neat and provocative line that has been regularly trotted out in attempts to generate interest in skeptical magazines or conferences. But it’s a lazy soundbite, and worse than that, it’s a lie. Ufology isn’t dead and the easiest proof of this is the steady stream of new UFO stories in the media and new UFO-related shows on TV. News editors and TV network executives know what people find interesting and entertaining (from getting feedback on media stories, studying ratings, conducting market research, etc.), and only continue to push this subject because they know it’s popular – across all age demographics.
There are other indicators that young people are interested in UFOs and extraterrestrials. The popularity of sci-fi movies and video games incorporating these themes is a case in point, and while there’s a debate to be had about the exact nature of the relationship between these subjects, it’s clear that there’s some degree of crossover. So why don’t many of the young people interested in sci-fi and video games get involved in ufology? Perhaps the answer here is to turn the question around, and ask what ufology does to attract them. The answer to this question, I believe, is “not much”. Indeed, there’s a certain aloofness about the UFO community’s stance towards sci-fi and video games. I’ve witnessed this first hand.
Aside from the work I do as an author, journalist and broadcaster who covers UFOs, the unexplained and conspiracy theories, I’m a sci-fi writer and someone who contributes to various TV shows about the sci-fi genre. I’ve also worked with various film companies to promote Hollywood sci-fi movies such as The X-Files: I Want to Believe, and the modern remakes of War of the Worlds and The Day the Earth Stood Still. While many ufologists like sci-fi, the aloofness that I mentioned comes into play too. It’s as if ufologists are saying “science fiction is fine, but it’s just make-believe. This stuff is real”. A fair enough point of view, but it’s the slightly patronizing way that it comes across that’s the problem. It’s a two-way street, of course, and plenty of sci-fi enthusiasts regard ufology with disdain and say things like “we know this is fiction and have fun with it, but you people are crazy to think it’s real, and take yourselves far too seriously”. These ‘quotes’ are made up, but are a fair distillation of things I’ve heard from both ‘sides’.
Few things illustrate the problem more than the UFO community’s reaction to the gaming community. Again, I speak from experience here, having worked on the promotion of some alien invasion-themed video games such as Resistance: Burning Skies, XCOM: Enemy Unknown and – most recently – The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. As part of this, I’ve appeared on cult shows such as IGN’s Up at Noon, hosted by Greg Miller, and have been interviewed by Adam Sessler at Rev3. Those people in the UFO community who aren’t ‘gamers’ have probably never heard of these games, shows and personalities. And that’s the problem. Because there’s a whole bunch of young people out there who love these games and might just take a look at ufology, if the UFO community reached out to them. But again, the aloofness I mentioned kicked in, and when I went on these shows and had genuine opportunities to interest the gaming community in ufology, some people in the UFO community reacted with horror and accused me of trivializing the subject. When I checked what comments these sorts of interviews were generating (from gamers) on YouTube, it was clear that many were fascinated by the UFO phenomenon and wanted to find out more. But instead of regarding what I was doing as an opportunity, some ufologists seemed to take the view that I was ‘sleeping with the enemy’.
Few would disagree that ufology needs to make itself more relevant and attractive to young people, and get more young people actively involved. In the sci-fi and gaming communities, there are many young people who might relatively easily be attracted to the subject. Yet at the moment, it seems to be a case of “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet”.
On a related issue, a disproportionate number of speakers at UFO conferences are white males (usually middle-aged, or older) wearing suits. Ufology is hardly the only field where this is the case, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue that should be looked at. But this, perhaps, is a topic for another day.
Nick Pope is a former employee of the UK Ministry of Defense. From 1991 to 1994 he ran the British Government’s UFO project and has recently been involved in a five-year program to declassify and release the entire archive of these UFO files. Nick Pope held a number of other fascinating posts in the course of his 21-year government career, which culminated in his serving as an acting Deputy Director in the Directorate of Defense Security. He now works as a broadcaster and journalist, covering subjects including space, fringe science, defense and intelligence.
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Could this be the year we make contact with aliens?
Closer encounters: ETs may finally make contact this year
Could this be the year we make contact with aliens?
From near-certainties to the far-fetched, Michael Hanlon looks at some of the science and technology headlines we may see over the next 12 months.
The Jubilee year of 2012 was a vintage one for science – as well as for our athletes and our Queen. This was the year that the Curiosity Rover landed on Mars, and the Higgs boson was finally smoked out. Nothing that happened in 2013 could quite top that, but notable discoveries and accomplishments of the past year included the confirmation that Nasa’s Voyager 1 probe had finally entered interstellar space, the discovery of a new species of carnivorous mammal in South America (the Olinguito), the award of the Nobel Prize to Peter Higgs and his colleagues, and yet more evidence that traits and changes acquired in an animal’s lifetime may be passed on to the next generation (the rehabilitation of the once-heretical doctrine of Lamarckism via the science of epigenetics). In this case, scientists in Atlanta, Georgia, found that mice scared out of their wits could pass on their fears to their young, even their grandchildren.
The year also saw growing evidence for a puzzling slowdown in global warming (almost certainly explained by the function of the world’s oceans as a gigantic heat sink), the suggestion that our galaxy may be home to a billion or more “Earths” (making the continuing non-appearance of ET ever more mysterious), and China’s further advance into space, with a successful landing on the Moon of a wheeled robotic rover. India, too, has entered the space premier league with the launch of the Mars Orbiter spacecraft on November 5.
Finally, 2013 was the year that someone at last managed to make the International Space Station (ISS) interesting, when Commander Chris Hadfield reprised David Bowie’s Space Oddity in an extraordinary video shot aboard the station.
So what might 2014 hold? Here we look at some of the headlines from the world of science, technology and the environment that you may be reading in the next 12 months. Some of what follows is almost certain to happen, some is merely likely – and we have also made a couple of left-field suggestions.
First landing on a comet
Our machines have so far made successful landings on the Moon, the planets Mars and Venus, and Saturn’s moon Titan. Next November a small robotic probe called Philae will detach from the Rosetta spacecraft (a European mission to explore comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko) and land on its surface.
Comets are deeply mysterious objects. Though often called “dirty snowballs” due to their composition of various ices, including water, they are actually lumps of complex chemistry, including organic compounds. It should be stressed here that “organic” in the chemical sense means “contains carbon” rather than “alive”, but that has not stopped some scientists speculating that comets, and objects like them, may act as cosmic dispersal systems for primordial microbes throughout the universe (a hypothesis called panspermia, which sounds crazy yet which has never been entirely discredited). Philae, some of whose components were built in Britain, may answer the question of whether comets supplied the early Earth with the bulk of its oceanic water. And it will provide some spectacular images.
The Large Hadron Collider completes its upgrade
The biggest and most expensive particle accelerator ever built is currently shut down for maintenance and a series of upgrades which will mean that, when it is switched on, it will operate at double the power it had at its disposal when it found the elusive Higgs boson. This will almost certainly not happen until early 2015, but Cern’s scientists will spend this coming year poring over the countless petabytes of data produced by the LHC already, and preparing for the reactivation of a machine that may be able to solve some of the greatest mysteries in science, including the nature of dark matter and even the detection of parallel universes.
Google Glass hits the shops
Google does not work like other companies. Its prototype Google Glass headsets were not released conventionally, but sold to a selected group of “early adopters” and Google employees last year for $1,500 a pop. Google Glass is a type of “augmented reality” wearable computer, of the kind we have been promised for a decade but has conspicuously failed to materialise. The headset, which looks like a geeky version of a pair of spectacles, allows the user to overlay a transparent computer screen on their field of vision. Look at a building and the computer will flash up information about what it is. You can tell the glasses to take a picture or video, and although Google says it has disabled this function, the technology is there for instant face-recognition: you look at someone, and the magic of the web means that you can have a name, address and telephone number in the time it takes to say “stalker”. Google Glass may end up being a game-changer of the like we have not seen since the first iPhone. Or it may be an overhyped dud. Given Google’s record to date, the latter is unlikely.
First three-parent baby given the go-ahead
Parliament is due to vote in 2014 on a proposal to allow IVF clinics to offer treatment to couples where the woman suffers from mitochondrial mutations. Mitochondria are tiny “organelles”, energy-factories that live in the cytoplasm of our cells. Problems with mitochondria can lead to a host of diseases, and faulty mitochondria are passed on down the female line.
Scientists have found a clever way round this. Take an egg cell from a donor whose mitochondria are healthy. Remove its nucleus (the bit with the mother’s main DNA) and replace it with a nucleus taken from the mother. Then fertilise the egg, in vitro, using sperm from the father with conventional IVF.
The “three-parent” tag is a little misleading. The dna that makes you “you” comes entirely from your mother and your father; this will still be the case with the new technique. But, importantly, the mitochondria from the donor do contain their own DNA, and this would be passed on to the resulting child. This would be the first time that assisted-reproduction technology will have been used to alter the fundamental genetics of a subsequent generation (albeit only affecting 0.1 per cent of its total DNA), a move that makes some people uneasy.
The ISS gets even more interesting
Chris Hadfield’s YouTube rendition of Space Oddity made headlines in 2013 and finally made the much-derided ISS cool. But in 2013 the International Space Station may finally have made a scientific discovery of the magnitude that would justify its estimated £100 billion price tag (16 times as much as the LHC and, by most measures, the single most expensive object ever constructed).
In April 2013 an instrument aboard the ISS called the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), a particle detector, picked up an anomaly in the cosmic rays it was analysing – an unexpectedly large number of antimatter particles. This is interesting because one mechanism to explain this involves interaction between high-energy cosmic rays and a good candidate for the “dark matter particle”, the neutralino – a heavy, stable critter that in theory has all the properties needed to explain dark matter.
If the AMS confirms in 2014 that it has indeed found dark matter – a large component of the “missing mass” of the Universe (the other being “dark energy”) – that would be a spectacular triumph for the ISS, and a rebuttal of those critics who have dubbed it the ultimate white elephant. It would also probably mean a second Nobel for the instrument’s lead investigator, MIT’s Samuel Ting.
The internet continues to fragment
What many see as a worrying trend, the fragmentation of the internet into a series of “walled gardens” and more loosely connected networks, is set to continue apace in 2014. So far the internet, as a unitary entity free and open to all, has come under inevitable pressure from commerce. The development of smartphone-friendly apps and attempts to control traffic by content providers (violating the principle of “net neutrality”, which says that the highways of cyberspace must allow all traffic unimpeded) together with the creation of censorship walls, by China and others, have been the greatest challenges to the old idea of the universal world network.
But now the antics of the American National Security Agency pose an even more serious threat. Because so much internet traffic goes through American servers (and thus comprises data that can be subject to NSA snooping) some countries, notably Germany, are talking about constructing their own mini-internets insulated from America’s prying eyes. According to New Scientist, which quoted the Washington think-tank the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, the growing distrust of America’s online spooks could cost US businesses $35 billion in the next two years.
Fracking arrives in a field near you
Earlier this month, the Government announced that it would grant licences for thousands of exploratory wells to be dug in 2014 in the search for shale gas, the “fuel of the 21st century”. Huge swathes of the country could be affected – it would be easier to list the places where geologists say it won’t be found than those it might. The latter include Cornwall, much of Devon, southern East Anglia and some of the East Midlands, the Lake District, the Scottish Borders, most of Wales, and the Scottish Highlands. Shale gas – methane trapped in pore spaces in hard rocks deep underground – can be extracted by a controversial technique known as “fracking”, or hydraulic fracturing. Opposition to fracking has to date centred upon supposed environmental damage and pollution (all unproven) and a slight risk of causing minor earthquakes; but if fracking gets under way in earnest, opposition will start to centre on land ownership and mineral rights issues, noise and traffic disruption. It is worth noting that to date not a single British kettle has been boiled by the energy from shale gas.
Curiosity finds something curious
Nasa’s Mars mega-rover, Curiosity, which landed in Gale Crater in August 2012 and has been trundling around since, has made a number of interesting scientific discoveries. These include finding conglomerate rocks that were probably laid down in an ancient river, and recent confirmation that “life-friendly” conditions (ie, warmish weather and liquid water) pertained on this part of the Red Planet’s surface billions of years ago.
But Curiosity has not found microbial life on Mars, nor evidence of past life. Its critics say it was a mistake not to equip it with a life-detector (such as was fitted to the twin Viking landers of 1976) and that Curiosity represents a missed opportunity. Perhaps, but there is a chance that the nuclear-powered machine could detect something interesting in 2014 as it begins its long ascent up the flanks of 18,000ft Mount Sharp, which lies in the middle of the crater. If Mars was ever home to microbial life, or even something bigger, then Curiosity might – just might – be able to spot the fossil evidence in the rocks. And it is possible – just possible – that it could even spot something alive: a very long shot, perhaps, but Mars is a very strange place and may yet surprise us.
Neutrinos come in from the cold
Only slightly less weird than dark matter, neutrinos are the fast-moving, fundamental particles that bombard the Earth (and you) in their trillions from all directions every second, yet which hardly interact with ordinary matter at all (on average you need about a light year of lead to guarantee stopping one in its tracks). Being nearly massless, neutrinos are too light to account for the “missing mass” of dark matter itself, but cosmologists think that neutrinos, which come in various flavours, comprise a key, and as yet poorly understood, part of what makes the universe tick.
Because they are so hard to catch, neutrino science is in its infancy, but this year scientists using a telescope buried in the Antarctic ice detected high-energy neutrinos formed outside the solar system (the one light year of lead is an average for the amount of stuff you need to stop a neutrino; a very small proportion will be stopped by far less matter, such as several hundred metres of ice).
ET gets in touch
The longest shot of all, and there is no reason to believe that it is any more likely to happen in 2014 than the year after or indeed a thousand years hence. But that said, the more we learn about the universe the more, not less, curious it seems that we are apparently alone. When scientists including Enrico Fermi and Frank Drake first started seriously speculating about the possibility of extraterrestrial civilisations more than half a century ago, astronomers knew of only one solar system in the whole of the cosmos – ours. Now we know of more than a thousand, several containing apparently Earthlike planets, a handful of which may lie in their stars’ “habitable zone”, an orbit in which it is neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist.
All this raises the question: where the heck is everybody? Given that we have the technology today (but not as yet the money) to build telescopes big enough to spot signs of life spectroscopically on nearby “Earth analogues”, if intelligent life is as common as some suspect then it is certain that by now the aliens have used their telescopes to detect us. Maybe a signal is overdue. Or maybe someone is on their way. Or, of course, there is simply no one out there. The wonderful thing is that any of these possibilities is equally awe-inspiring.
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Video: UFO Files of the Italian Air Force 2013
Video: UFO Files of the Italian Air Force 2013
In his testimony, Dr. Pinotti speaks about the 215 inexplicable UFO events in the Italian Air Force files.
He obtained official Italian documents that date back to the 30′s, specifically 1936 where the then Fascist Government was handling and documenting UFO sightings. Mussolini was very concerned about these unexplained craft because of the effect they might have on the Italian Air Force.
The documents talk about elongated craft expelling smaller flying saucer type UFOs. One sighting happened over the skies of Venice. The Air Force attempted to intercept these craft but could not as they were too fast.
Recently the Chief of the Intelligence Office of the Italian Air Force, General Olivero, spoke about this subject saying that the problem of UFO’s exists and that the Air Force has been dealing with it since 1978.
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MARS: HISTORY NASA HIDES + true or fantasie???
by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.),
author, Anunnaki: Gods No More
Overwhelming evidence from a plethora of impeccable witnesses have, IMHO, clearly established the presence of the Greys. They may have a base on Mars’ moon, Phobos.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin reported sighting a huge monolith on Phobos. The monolith seems similar to those the Anunnaki (Homo Sapiens from the planet Nibiru who settled Earth 400,000 years ago) used for the power grid they established on Earth with monoliths like Stonehenge, statues on Rap Nui and in Indonesia’s Bada Valley and diorite stone balls in Costa Rica and Bosnia.
The missile or rocket that brought down the Phobos II probe seems to have come from Phobos (see the shadow of the missile or rocket, recorded just before our probe disappeared). Zecharia Sitchin, in Genesis Revisited, speculated, the Greys still maintain a base on the Phobos, the moon, and that a craft or ICBM from that moon destroyed Phobos II, the probe.
by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
Extracted from Anunnaki: Gods No More and based on works of Zecharia Sitchin 450,000 years ago, Mars “was a planet with pleasant seasons, flowing water, oceans and rivers, cloudy blue skies and simple plant life. It’s now going through an ice age that started 13,000 years ago. When the next Martian warm period (interglacial) arrives, Mars will again flow with water.”
Mars goes greater distance and takes more time to orbit around the sun than distance Earth goes and time Earth takes, since Mars’ orbital path stretches longer over its elliptical circuit than Earth’s also elliptical orbit takes.
Mars’ summers, when Mars passes passes closest to the sun and warms, lasts longer than Earth’s summers. The length of Mars’ winters, when it’s colder and farthest from Solaris lasts longer than Earth’s winters. Mars’ seasons last twice as long as Earth’s. Both Earth and Mars rotate on their own axes in about 24 hours, so they have equivalent cycles of day and night.
Mars also has both longer colder glacial periods and longer warmer interglacial periods than Earth. Mars’ cycle of glacial and interglacial periods is 50,000 years; Earth’s glacial/interglacial cycle’s only 41,000 years long. When the Enki, Anzu and crew first landed on Mars, Mars was in its warm, interglacial phase, when its waters flowed on its surface. [ZS,Genesis: 232 -234] 450,000 YEARS AGO, ANU DEPOSED AND SUCCEEDED ALALU AS KING OF PLANET NIBIRU
“Alalu in combat was defeated; by acclaim Anu was hailed as king. Anu to the palace was escorted.”
“Alalu to the palace did not return. From the crowds he stealthily escaped; of dying like Lahma he was fearful. Unbeknownst to others, to the place of the celestial chariots [rockets] he hurriedly went. Into a missle-throwing chariot Alalu climbed; its hatch behind him he closed. The forepart chamber he entered; the commander’s seat he occupied. In the celestial boat Alalu from Nibiru escaped. To snow-hued Earth, Alalu set his course.” [ZS, Enki: 24 - 39]
Alalu nuked asteroids en-route to Earth and, 440,000 Earth years ago, he landed on marshy land near Basra, on the Persian Gulf and waded ashore. He confirmed gold. He targeted Nibiru with missiles. “The Speaker-of-Words he stirred up; toward Nibiru the words to carry, “On another world I am, the gold of salvation I have found. The fate of Nibiru is in my hands. To my conditions you must give heed! Return my throne“ [ZS, Enki: 60]
On Nibiru, the Council heard Alalu’s demands.
Enki said he’d rocket to Earth and see if it had enough gold to send miners. “If from gold dust of Earth a shield for Nibiru its atmosphere to save,” said Enki, “let Alalu Earth rule as King. For kingship on Nibiru, let him wrestle Anu. Let me in a chariot [rocket] to Earth journey, a path through the Bracelet [Asteroids] with water, not fire I shall fashion. On Earth, from the waters let me the precious gold to obtain; to Nibiru back it will be sent.” So Anu sent son Enki to Earth to mollify Alalu. Enki could mediate between Anu and Alalu, since Alalu was Enki’s father-in-law.
To Earth with Enki, Anu also sent Alalu’s grandson, pilot Anzu (an astro-navigation expert), and fifty men. The name, “Anzu,” means ‘He Who Knows the Heavens’ or astronavigator. Anzu charted the course toward the Sun.
Enki diverted water from the ship’s engine-cooling system to a water cannon. With the cannon, he blasted rocks from his course though the asteroid belt. “Critical Water depleted,” Anzu warned; “engine failure immanent.” Mars’ waters could save them.
Enki and Anzu landed on Mars which had water and air too.
“The water was good for drinking but the air was insufficient for breathing; they needed their Eagle’s helmets to breathe.” On Mars, they drew water from a lake.” [Sumerian clay tablets show water on Mars long before Twenty-First Century scientists found water traces there]. [Tellinger, Slave Species: 432]
Rocket’s water renewed, Enki launched for Earth, “its gold Nibiru’s fate for salvation or doom containing.” [ZS, Enki: 71]
When Anu and his sons divided rule of Nibiru and Earth, “Forward toward Anu Alalu stepped, shouted, ‘Mastery of Earth to me was allotted; that was the promise when the gold finds to Nibiru I announced! Nor have I the claim to Nibiru’s throne forsaken.’“ [ZS, Enki : 93]
Anu wrestled Alalu. They grappled.[ZS, Wars:86] “Anu on the chest of Alalu with his foot pressed down, victory in the wrestling thereby declaring, ‘I am King.”
But when Anu lifted his foot from Alalu, “swiftly he the manhood of Anu bit off, the malehood of Anu Alalu did swallow.” [ZS, Wars: 94]
Enlil subdued and tied Alalu while Enki gave Anu first-aid. Anu groaned, “Maroon Alalu on Mars, I shall. Slowly will he die from my flesh ingested, “His flesh killed anyone who ate it.
So Anu, en-route to Nibiru, left Alalu with food and tools on Mars. On Mars also, Anu left Anzu to tend the ex-King as he died. [Tellinger, Slave Species:438]
On Nibiru, Anu ordered freight rockets to shuttle from Earth and its moon, as well as other planets and satellites between Nibiru and the sun.
The Nibirans much later had Sumerian scribes, identify, for Nibiran pilots, that Mars could give them “water as they passed Saturn and Jupiter.” This inscription shows Sumerians knew Mars had water long before modern probes confirmed this long ridiculed fact. Adding still more credence to the Sumerian recording of Nibirans’ dictates about their route from Nibiru, the scribes made a chart that showed Mars as the “planet where the right course is set, turn right.”
NINMAH SAVED ANZU ON MARS, BUILT MARSBASE The King sent daughter Ninmah with female medical officers to Earth. “On Mars stop,” he said, “If Anzu lives, to him give men to there a base start.”
On the shores of a lake on Mars Ninmah found Alalu Theand Anzu dead but she revived Anzu. To honor Alalu who found the gold that could save Nibiru, “The image of Alalu upon the great rock mountain [Cyndonia] with beams they [Ninmah’s crew and Anzu] carved. They showed Alalu wearing an eagle’s helmet; his face they made uncovered.” Alalu’s head, the Cyndonia statue, climbed a full half mile.
Before she left Mars for Earth, Ninmah, as Anu had ordered, gave Anzu twenty astronauts from her company and told them to build a way-station for the gold freighters.* They, and later shipments of workers built three pyramids, which they used as power stations for the complex they built near Alalu’s statue. * [ZS, Genesis: 232 -271; Enki: 104].
From Marsbase, Anzu ruled 300 Nibirans, a space station that circled Earth and the shuttle service. Either Nibiran space-station personnel or some earlier space travelers had moved two water-bearing asteroids into artificial circular (not elliptical, like non-artificial) orbits around Mars’ equator. These are Mar’s two moons, Deimos and Phobos. Phobos circles Mars 3.5 times each Martian day.The Nibirans or their predecessors on Phobos enlarged caverns on the 17 x 13 x 12 mile large Phobos, a mere 5,800 niles from Mars. The fashioners of this base made a hollowed-out base there on Phobos.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin reported sighting a huge monolith on Phobos–a monolith like those the Anunnaki made for their power grid on Earth with monoliths like Stonehenge, statues on Rap Nui and Indonesia’s Bada Valley and diorite stone balls in Costa Rica and Bosnia. [Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Chapter 6]
The Phobos base was sheltered by miles of rock from radiation and meteorite bombardment.
The Soviet Phobos 2 probe in 1994 was scheduled to shoot Phobos with a laser from a mere 150 feet above the moonlet. Close-up cameras would then record what the laser stirred up. Before Phobos 2 could shoot, a missile or spacecraft destroyed the probe. Phobos had by 1994 become a base for Greys, who took over the base in the hollowed out moon. It was probably they or an automatic defense system that brought the probe down. [ZS, Genesis:293 -298] Back when Anzu ran the base on Mars itself, his men, the Igigi, rocketed to Sippar and loaded gold from submersibles up from Africa. Anzu’s men on Mars took the gold to Nibiru, where scientists powdered and spread it in the air. “Slowly was the breach in the heavens healing.” [ZS, Enki: 117; Time: 232]
From Mars, Anzu and the Igigi demanded Enlil better their work-conditions, issue more elixir and build a recreation center on Earth. Anu, from Nibiru, ordered Anzu to Earth to talk with Enlil. The King told Enlil to show Anzu everything. At Nippur [Iraq], Enlil wouldn’t, at first, show the control room to Anzu. Enlil told Anzu, “I alone rule all Earth operations: You and the Igigi must obey, not challenge, me.”
Enki, however, told Enlil to show the gold mining, refining and transport system to Anzu. “Get Anzu to keep his men on the job.” So Enlil told Anzu, “Let’s cover ourselves with sterile clothes for the restricted area.” But when Enlil stripped, Anzu stole his keys, slipped into the control room and seized the crystals [computers] that ran Sumer’s spaceport and cities.
Anzu forced pilot Abgal to take him to the spaceport,, where Anzu’s men declared Anzu King of Earth and Mars. Anzu turned off vital services at headquarters (Nibru-ki), cut Earth-Nibiru communications, and, from his aircraft, buzzed Enlilite positions.
Ninurta launched his jet and shot Anzu down. Then the Ninurta freed Abgal, retrieved the crystals that controlled the Expedition’s facilities. Finally, the Champ captured Anzu and dragged him before Enlil.
The Seven Who Judge–Enki, Damkina, Marduk, Nannar, Enlil, Ninmah and Ninurta–found Anzu guilty of treason. Ninurta executed him “with a killing ray.” Enlil ordered Marduk to display Anzu’s body on Mars, then bury him there; let the astronauts see Ninurta kills rebels. [ZS, Wars: 95 -102, 124--Drawing of cylinder seal VA/243, Berlin Museum]
In a few thousand years, Adapted Earthlings workers (whom Enki, Ninmah, and Enki’s son Ningishzidda bred with the Nibiran genome, clay, copper and a few proto-Bigfoot [Erectus] genes) proliferated. They worked the African mines and submersible cargo boats that, in just ten days, brought the gold from the mines to Bad-Tibira in Sumer to smelt, refine and form into portable ingots for transshipment to Mars. “The vital gold to Nibiru was coming; steadily. Nibiru’s atmosphere was slowly healing.” Nibirans shuttled to and from Earth and took gold to and from the base on Mars.[ZS, Lost Realms: 232; Enki: 151; Giants: 99]
When Nibiru crossed between Jupiter and Mars, Nibiru’s gravity jounced planets and disrupted Nibiru’s atmosphere. When, 300,000 years ago, Nibiru crossed, hurricanes and “brimstones” hit Earth’s Moon. The crossing agitated atmosphere, ignited volcanoes, and loosed mighty earthquakes on Earth. Nibiru’s crossing battered Mars too then. It ruined the astronaut base, destroyed the smelting plant and wrecked the transshipment warehouses on Mars. Marduk, Mars’ manager, asked Enlil to employ him on Earth. Commander Enlil beamed King Anu on Nibirum who replied: No more gold transshipment from Mars. Rockets had to take gold right from Sumer to Nibiru. So Anu ended gold transfer on Mars and with it, Marduk’s job as Operations Boss. Out of a job, and passed over for command of the Astronauts on Earth–Enlil gave that job to Marduk’s cousin Utu–Marduk proclaimed he’d marry Sarpanit, daughter of his dad’s Adapted Earthling overseer, Erkime.
In 3450 B.C., Enlil let Marduk and Sarpanit wed at Eridu [Basara]. But he ordered the couple, after the ceremony at Eridu, to retire to Egypt (henceforth Marduk’s fief) within Enki’s Africa. “A great multitude of Civilized Earthlings in Eridu assembled. Young Igigi from Lahmu [Mars] in great numbers came.” They captured 200 beautiful Earthlings and forced Enlil to let them settle on Earth and build lineages.
When, 13,000 years ago, the Deluge threatened, Enlil ordered Marduk to shelter on Mars and Marduk’s allies, the lineages the Igigi from Mars had begat, to shelter atop Earth’s peaks till the waters receded.
To Baalbek [Lebanon] Enlil summonsed Nibirans who, on Earth’s peaks, survived the flood and the astronauts in spacecraft that orbited the planet. He also called in Nannar from the Moon and Marduk from Mars.
Marduk reported that Mars, “by the passage of Nibiru was devastated. Its atmosphere was sucked out, its waters evaporated, a place of dust storms it is.”
* Thousands of years later, Marduk’s armies threatened Enlil and his Enlilite lineage. Enlil shifted the Nibiran gold-shipping from southeast Africa to Tianhanaco and Pumapunku atop the Andes.
At Tiahuanaco Ninurta and Adad-Viracocha laid out power-generator and space-marker pyramids. On Mars’ “Inca City” area, Sitchin discerned interlocking huge stone blocks, like those found at Sacsahuaman, Peru. A chunk of these blocks, probably moulded into a cement with the Anunnaki equivalent of our Brown’s gas, buried itself as a meteorite in Antarctica [Mariner 9 photo frame 4212-15].
Anunnaki pyramids on Earth, and probably on Mars too, amplified vibrations from the planet pumping stagnant water beneath them, boosting it with the controlled explosive release of hydrogen gas and further magnified with crystals to meet their power needs. Nibiran-built pyramids on Earth, and probably on Mars too, amplified vibrations from their planets. The pyramids pumped stagnant water under them. The pumped water sent a pulse upward in the pyramids. To boost this ascending pulse, they fed hydrogen chloride and hydrated zinc though stone ducts into an explosion chambers. The HCL and zinc combined in the chambers and sent an ongoing controlled explosive release of hydrogen gas upward through a series of crystal amplifiers. The pulse thus enhanced exited the tops of the pyramids as perpetual microwaves out the pyramids tops to meet their power needs.
Inside Anunnaki pyramids, after the hydrogen gas exploded and amplified the pulse from the pool beneath, crystals, says Christopher Dunn, amplified it’s with crystals, as shown:
Crystals amplified microwave in Giza’s Great Pyramid
Our probe, Mariner 9, registered two pairs of pyramids on Mars. One of the pyramid pairs on Mars measured two miles across and half a mile high [Mariner 9 frames 4205-78, 4296-23; ZS, Genesis: 2462 -246].
The Anunnaki set out Earth’s pyramids in Giza and Tiahuanaco exactly as they’d set out Mars’ pyramids just west of Alalu’s statue at Cyndonia. Near Cyndonia, they raised beds of crops they irrigated from canals that reached the nearby lake [NASA Frame 52-A-35, Plate L].
Giza’s on right; Mars, left.
On both Mars and Giza, the Nibirans marked their pyramids’ entrances with statues. On Mars, the mile-high statue that fronted their big pyramid featured Alalu’s face [Viking photo 76-A-593/17384]. Alalau’s head rose a half-mile above Mars’ plateau.
In Egypt, Anunnaki built the Giza complex around 10,500 B.C.. There they first put the face of Ningishzidda-Thoth, who designed the complex, on the statue of a crouching lion (Sphinx) that marked the pyramids.
In 3100 B.C., Marduk-Ra displaced Ningishzidda from Egypt. Marduk replaced Ningishzidda’s face on the Sphinx with the face of Osiris, Marduk’s murdered son. The face of the Sphinx face gazed at the mile-high stone face of Alalu, Marduk’s mother’s father, on Mars.
The complex of statue and pyramids the Nibirans laid out at Giza (around 10,500 B.C.) served as beacon for incoming rockets. On Earth, incoming rockets could sight a line from Mount Ararat in Turkey–Earth’s most obvious natural marker–to the Sinai Landing Corridor. This mirrored their layout on Mars. The entire Cyndonia plan marked a path in line with Olympus Mars, Mar’s most obvious visible (15 miles high) natural marker for Mar’s Utopian area. The Utopian area on Mars featured “a pentagonal structure [NASA frame 086-A-07] and a runway next to evidence of mining [NASA frame 086-A-08, PlatesI and J]. The runway led “to an elevated structure of geometric design with straight sides and pierlike teeth on one side–a structure now mostly buried under windblown sands–to the shore of what was once a lake.”
Mars also had an airport near the equator, “a circular hub from which loading gates radiated” at longitude 186.4. [ZS, Genesis:280]
Other photos of Mars “show tracks on an escarpment above the great canyon in the Valles Marineris near the Martian Equator.” These tracks, like those at Nazca, crisscross in a way that natural tracks would not.
At Tiahuanaco, canals connected the Nibirans’ structures to Lake Titicaca, just as on Mars, canals connected their structures to an adjacent lake.
At Tiahuanaco, the main buildings were the Kalasasaya, a square hollowed out pyramid they used for astronomical readings, and one called the Akapana, “engineered to process ores.”
The nearing (perigee) of Nibiru to the inner solar system, 11,000B.C., destroyed the Nibiran space facilities in Iraq. The nearing also threw a huge boulder on the north wall of the big pyramid on Mars, just west of Alalu’s statue. The wall of this pyramid on Mars crumbled in the great onslaught. The rain of debris and proximity of Nibiru to Mars also vaporized Mars’ surface water and stripped away its atmosphere. The north corner of the pyramid just west of Alalu’s statue at Cyndonia was crushed by a huge boulder, probably during the same 11,000 B.C. nearing of Nibiru to Earth, the same perigee that caused Earth’s Deluge. The smashed pyramid at Cyndonia was fed water from the nearby lake by “an array of large piers, just as at Pumapunku [ZS, Genesis: 232 -271; Plate H].
Basiago, A.2008, The Discovery of Life on Mars, Mars Anomaly Research Society
Lessin, S.000,
Sereda, D.2012, Breakthrough: Faster Than Light Communication with ET, Open Minds
Sitchin, Z. [ZS in text attributions] 1976, The 12th Planet, Avon1983, The Stairway to Heaven [Stairway], Avon 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men [Wars], Avon 1990, Genesis Revisited Avon 1990, The Lost Realms Avon 1993, When Time Began [Time], Avon 1995, Divine Encounters [Encounters], Avon 1996, Of Heaven and Earth, Book Tree 1998 The Cosmic Code, Avon 2002, The Lost Book of Enki [Enki], Bear 2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions [Expeditions], Bear 2007, The End of Days, HarperCollins 2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past [Journeys], Bear 2009, The Earth Chronicles Handbook [Handbook], Bear 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth [Giants], Bear 2013, The King Who Refused to Die [King], Bear
03-01-2014 om 23:53
geschreven door peter
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Alien Contact - Canadian Defence Minister - Disclosure 2014 ?
Alien Contact - Canadian Defence Minister - Disclosure 2014 ?
UFO - Extraterrestrial Contact Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer Exposing the truth rega...
03-01-2014 om 23:43
geschreven door peter
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UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star
UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star
UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star? Incredible Evidence Dec 8 2013 Incredible Call into Thirdphaseofmoon Radio Via Vince Pounds Captures Shocking Photos of What He Claims is a Mother ship Of L.A. Cloaked as A Star!
On New Year's Eve, many people across the state of California witnessed strange lights and craft in the sky. Witnesses in Auburn, California saw a large egg-shaped object with a bright light slowly cruising across the sky before suddenly accelerating at a high rate of speed. Others witnesses in the Sacramento area saw bright lights in a triangular formation. The same "orb triangle" UFOs were also witnessed in Los Angeles the very same night.
192′ The hidden message in Crop Circle Salinas, California
’192′ The hidden message in Crop Circle Salinas, California
"192' The hidden message in Crop Circle Salinas, California possible explanation of the dot pattern in the middle section of the crop circle. The dot pattern is written in Braille. Braille is a tactile system of raised dots representing letters of the alphabet. Braille is to the person with vision loss what the printed word is to the sighted individual. First row: 192 192 Second row: B 192 1 Third row: 192 192 The backwards ‘L’ is an indicator that numbers are to follow. See Clip and more:
A possible explanation of the dot pattern in the middle section of the crop circle.
The dot pattern is written in Braille.
Braille is a tactile system of raised dots representing letters of the alphabet. Braille is to the person with vision loss what the printed word is to the sighted individual.
The three rows inside and translated in Braille:
First row: 192 192 Second row: B 192 1 Third row: 192 192 The backwards ‘L’ is an indicator that numbers are to follow.
Some suggestions:
The letter B refers to the word Braille 192 – key numbers Outer circle: Imagine it as a clock face The dots would be at: 192
Some meanings of the number 192:
192 – Number of manslaughter 192 – atomic weight of the element Iridum 192 – a unit of time ( SI – System of Units ) 192 – a bit rate in telecommunications and computing
Imagine the number is 129 – around 129 BC the greek astronomer Hipparchus produced the first well known star catalog.( Stellar Magnitude System )
You know, the dates in 1986 and 2014 match up exactly. Jan.1 back then fell on a Wednesday, just like this year, and both years had 28 days in February. Overall, 1986 wasn’t the best of years. The Challenger space shuttle exploded and the Chernobyl power station in Ukraine (then part of the Soviet Union) failed.
A witness in Hamilton describes sighting UFO orbs over Lake Ontario on 7 Dec, 2013 at 2:01 pm. He also alleges that there is an alien base under the lake. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), published on 15 Dec, 2013.
Hamilton is a city southwest of Toronto which is Canada's largest city.
The witness begins the report by describing what he was doing at the time of the sighting.
“Walking home from my shift at work when a tingly sensation came over me.”
He talks about what he saw, when he looked up in the sky.
“I looked up and saw numerous balls or orb like lights in the sky.”
He tells us that he felt sick and was unable to move when he sighted the orbs.
“I then felt sick and faint but kept focus on them. I tried to move but could not.”
The talks about the total number of orbs and their direction.
“There approx 10 orbs hovering above then slightly away from me, before the moved off quietly to the SE.”
He further tells us that he has seen many orbs over the lake in the past.
“I have seen many orbs or spheres out over the lake over the years.”
He then says that the incident was real and he feels that the aliens were trying to communicate with him. He also alleges that he could not account for 11 minutes of his time.
“This was real and I think it was aliens trying to communicate with me as I seem to have missed about eleven minutes of time.”
The witness finally alleges that there is an alien base under the lake.
Lake Ontario has ben referred to as part of the "Great Lakes Triangle" in relation to alleged alien activities. Watch video below concerning the "Great Lakes Triangle".
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Alien Base Inside The Bucegi Mountains
Alien Base Inside The Bucegi Mountains
Before It's News)
I. Short Introduction
In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains, a team from Zero Department (a top secret section of the Romanian Intelligence Service — SRI), had made an epochal discovery, which could had completely change mankind’s destiny.
The United States of America exercised colossal diplomatic pressure on the Romanian Government, which intended to disclose the findings to the entire world.
The implications became far more complex due to the brutal interference of the Order of the Illuminati, which sought to take control of both the location of the discovery, and the joint Romanian – American expedition.
The expert on strange phenomena, and also the leader of operations for the Romanian State, Cezar Brad, is the “hero” of the shocking events that occurred in the Bucegi Mountains. He also had two memorable meetings with a leading representative of the Illuminati, and top Bilderberg member.
The Bucegi Mountains
II. A Strange Visit From The Most Powerful Bilderberg Member
In May 2003, Cezar was visited by a highly important character. The meeting request came through SRI, as a result of the government’s intervention. The person was a foreigner, but spoke the Romanian language very well. He was also familiar with the country. The SRI informed Cezar that the visitor was a high ranking member of a very important Masonic lodge from Italy, he was a noble, and had very strong financial influence in Romania.
His political influence was also very high, since he was able to penetrate the wall of SRI agents and reach the DZ.
Cezar felt a high pressure and a heavy weight around this person. He was surrounded by a cloud of heavy, unpleasant radiation which concealed his true intentions. For this meeting, Cezar prepared thoroughly, isolating himself in a room and falling into a state of deep meditation, to learn more about the person. A SRI helicopter brought this arrogant, tall gentleman, wearing a black suit. He had a cane with ivory handle and gold inlay. His face expressed harshness and his green eyes had a strange effect, radiating unusual coldness. He presented himself as Senior Massini (probably not the real name). He was very confident of his power and created the impression of a person who was used to give orders.
He was the leader of one of the most important Masonic Lodges of Europe and also to one of the most influential Masonic organizations in the world: the Bilderberg Group.
Massini was very direct and stated that humans are of two kinds: those who can be manipulated and ruled (these form the majority), and those who have certain virtues and strong personalities. He said that his group is part of the highest Masonic order and is very interested in the outcome of the discussion.
Mister Massini explained that the Bilderberg Group is not a Masonic lodge, and it means much more than that. He said that the lodges are just facades and the real power is much higher than the thirty-third hierarchical level. Massini invited Cezar to join the group, letting him understand that he will have many advantages.
According to Cezar, Massini was both physically and psychical strong, which contrasted with his age. Unfortunately for him, his power was centered on a huge ego, arrogance and sense of superiority over the rest.
Massini informed Cezar that he requested him personally, using his political influence, because he was impressed by Cezar’s psychic power.
III. The Pentagon Spies With Satellites
A Pentagon satellite used for geodetic espionage, based on bionic technology and shape waves, discovered in 2002 a separate unit in a specific area of the Bucegi Mountains. The empty space inside the mountain had no correspondence with the outside, and looked like it was carved from the inside, by intelligent beings. It was definitely not a cave.
Tunnel and dome inside the Bucegi Mountains
The Romanian Sphinx of Bucegi
The satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energetic blocks. These barriers were made of artificial energy. The first one was like an energetic wall, blocking the access to the tunnel, while the second one was shaped like a dome (or hemisphere), and was located at the opposite end of the tunnel, near the center of the mountain.
Massini was sure that inside the dome they will discover something extremely important.
He had deep knowledge about the origin of this discovery and had knew of the existence of at least one item located inside the great hemispherical hall. The tunnel and dome were strangely aligned with the rock formations from the top of the mountain, known as “Babele” and the “Sphinx of Bucegi”.
IV. A Similar Structure In Iraq
The Pentagon team noted that the hemispherical energy barrier had the same vibrational frequency and the same shape as one other top secret underground structure that they had discovered prior, near Baghdad, Iraq. Shortly after this discovery, the Iraqi war broke out and after a few months, the Americans had access to the biggest secret in the area — which the Iraqis knew nothing of. Massini explained Cezar that the content of that discovery had to do with Earth’s mysterious past and the history of their secret organizations. When the Pentagon investigation noted the similarities between the underground structure of Baghdad and the one from the Bucegi Mountains, Massini and his masonic lodge became extremely agitated. Initially, they’ve almost panicked. The panic was due to the fact that this structure – much larger and more complex than the one from Iraq – is on Romania’s territory.
(Apparently, Romania is probable to play an important role in the downfall of the secret societies that control the world and enslave mankind. It was also suggested that somewhere above the Bucegi Mountains, an energetic pyramid is located, which is invisible to the naked eye, and contains the real history of our planet. One can imagine their panic).
Massini brought to the drilling site an ultra sophisticated, hard rock drilling machine, used by the US military. The device used a strong plasma jet and a sort of rotating magnetic field, literally melting the rock with no visible effort.
V. The Secrets Of The Bucegi Mountains — Year 2003
They were able to achieve penetration about 60-70 meters away from the first energetic barrier, and reached the first gallery, which looked like a subway tunnel. Its walls were perfectly polished. At the end of the tunnel there was a massive stone gate, which was protected by an invisible energetic barrier. Three members of the first special intervention team tried to touch the door, and immediately died of cardiac arrest.
Any object (rock, plastic, metal or wood) threw at the barrier, immediately turned into fine dust. Two generals from the Pentagon and the U.S. presidential adviser arrived on the spot.
VI. The Grand Gallery
Beyond the formidable energy barrier, which caused the deaths of three people, there was also the solid rock gate. On the tunnel’s wall, just in front of the gate, there was an area of 20 square cm, on which there was precisely drawn an equilateral triangle pointing up. The square was located between the huge grinding stone gate and the invisible energy barrier.
Cezar felt that there is some kind of compatibility between the energetic barrier and himself, something like a mutual “sympathy”. His hand lightly touched the surface of the energetic barrier and he felt a tingling on the skin. The shield was completely harmless to him, so he stepped forward, passing right through it. The U.S. officials were absolutely stunned.
Cezar estimated the barrier to be no more than an inch thick.
He touched the triangle drawing located in the center of the square, and the gigantic stone door silently slid to the left, into the wall. That command also cancelled the energetic barrier, giving them access to a huge room, which was later named “The Grand Gallery”.
Even though there was no visible light source, the Grand Gallery was perfectly lit.
After turning off the first energetic barrier, the huge hemispherical shield at the other end of the room, suddenly tuned to a higher vibration and started emitting higher radiations.
On a closer analysis, the wall inside the Grand Gallery seemed synthetic but also felt like something organic was part of it. It had the color of oil, but the reflections were green and blue.
Later tests revealed that the wall’s material was somewhat rough to the touch, but it could not be scratched or bent. It withstood any attempt of breaking, piercing or cutting it. Later, the scientists tried to burn the material, but in a mysterious way, the flames were somehow absorbed within it, leaving it untouched.
The American scientists agreed that the material is a mysterious combination of organic and inorganic matter. After 280 feet, the gallery suddenly turned to the right in a sharp angle. Further ahead a blue, sparkly, light could be seen. The blue light at the end of the gallery was the reflection of the protective shield of energy.
VII. A Similar Base In Iraq
The U.S. adviser on national security issues received a call and he was notified that the energetic shield from Baghdad, Iraq, had been suddenly activated, and it was also pulsating at a higher frequency. In front of the shield from Baghdad, a hologram of our planet appeared, which sequentially and progressively depicted the European Continent, then moved to the south-east, then it showed the Bucegi Mountains from Romania and, finally, it showed their own location within the structure’s corridor. It was obvious that the two hemispherical energy shields were in a direct connection.
Basically, the Iraqi base had been notified about the presence of people inside the Romanian base.
The bad news was that the U.S. presidency was notified and it contacted the Romanian diplomacy. In just a few minutes, the whole operation had been disclosed, and Lord Massini’s plan went down the drain.
The U.S. presidency demanded to take control over the secret base and the entire operation. The Romanian politicians, who knew nothing of the undergoing secret operation, panicked.
The Pentagon’s generals present at the scene, had been informed that Washington demanded an urgent meeting. VIII. CSAT (Supreme Defense Council) Emergency Meeting
An emergency session of the Supreme Defense Council (CSAT) had created a huge wave of sympathy for the Zero Department. Most were shaken by the news they’ve received. The CSAT’s decision was to continue the research, but under Zero Department’s complete control. They’ve had also demanded an inventory of everything found in the Great Room.
From Bucharest (Romania’s capital), the orders came in waves, canceling each other. Some were very vehement and strict, while others were elusive — denoting the huge tension.
CSAT’s members were in continuous session, keeping in touch with the Bucegi Mountains team. After discussing everything for hours, they had decided to make the discovery public. The Romanian government was to make a formal statement to the entire world. Some CSAT members vehemently opposed the decision.
IX. Romania’s Official Statement
When the U.S. diplomacy had been informed that Romania will disclose the discoveries, everything tuned into chaos. The President was called for a direct phone conversation with the White House. Within hours, the U.S. blocked all financial transactions with Romania and its access to all other financial institutions. Romania was about to declare “State of emergency” in the Bucegi Mountains and the capital.
The talks between the U.S. officials arrived in Bucharest and the Romanian Emergency Department took place without a translator. The U.S. officials were verbally violent, constantly shouting and uttering threats to Romania and its officials.
Romania’s official disclosure to the world would have provided photographic evidence and anything else essential for a complete clarification. Leading scientists and researchers from all over the planet were to be invited for in depth studies. But most importantly, it would have revealed the truth about mankind’s distant past and the real history — which according to what Cezar witnessed inside the Grand Gallery, is almost entirely counterfeit.
The reaction of the U.S. government was so brutal because that disclosure would have shattered their global influence and power, in a instant.
The official reason cited by the U.S., was not to create panic in the world, but they had omitted to acknowledge that the current state of global anguish is a direct result of deliberate deceit and manipulation conducted by the Freemasonry and other secret societies, for millenia.
There was also an intervention from the Vatican (if you wonder how did the Vatican found out about this discovery, then you should know that they are at the very top of the world’s control pyramid, and their religious piety is merely a facade — read: The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican), in which the Pope (!) called for moderation before this great, fundamental, step for mankind.
The Pope promised to make certain documents available to the Romanian state from the ancient papal secret archives, which were of great importance for Romania. The documents were backing up the discoveries (yes, that’s how powerful a Pope is).
After 24 hours of negotiations, a final agreement occurred between Romania and the USA. The Romanian state was to postpone the disclosure, and gradually present everything to the people.
X. The Projection Room
The Projection Room (click to enlarge)
The Grand Gallery ended abruptly with a giant auditorium, 30 meters in height (98,5 feet) and a length of 100 meters (328 feet). The Projection Room was smaller in size and it was protected by an energetic shield. Advancing towards the shield, a portion of it disappeared, in the shape of a door, allowing access inside it. The shield protected the room by any outside influences. Once inside the room, the shield became compact and looked like a white-golden wall.
Basically, the shield formed this dome-shaped room, with curved walls and ceiling. At the back of the room, at a height of a about 10-12 meters (33-39,5 feet), the shield ended where it touched the room’s stone wall. In this wall there were three enormous tunnel holes: one located straight ahead, and the other two were symmetrical on both sides. They were lit by a diffuse light in a greenish tint. Both sides decided to prohibit the access to these tunnels and a protocol was signed between them.
XI. Tables For Giants A series of huge stone tables were arranged along the right and left walls (five on each side), following their curvature. The tables were about 2 meters in height (6,6 feet).
The table tops had precision cut-in reliefs, different signs of an unknown writing and characters that resembled ancient cuneiform. The writing also contained more general symbols, such as triangles and circles. Although the signs were not painted, they’ve had a fluorescent light radiating in various colors, different for each table.
On some of the tables there were different objects, which appeared to be technical tools. From many of these tools, translucent-white wires descended to the floor, and entered inside shiny, silver-like, rectangular boxes. These boxes were placed directly on the floor.
At a closer inspection, the cables were extremely flexible and lightweight, and light pulses could be seen circulating along their length.
Each time someone approached the tables, a holographic projection was automatically activated, presenting aspects of a particular scientific field. The three dimensional images were perfect and had height of almost two and a half meters (8,2 ft).
The projections were automated and ran by themselves, but at the same time they were interactive, and changed according to the signs touched on the tables’ surface.
XII. A Great Discovery: Holographic DNA Combinations Between Extraterrestrial Species
Because of the great height of the tables, the scientists used special tripods to climb at a comfortable height. At a closer investigation they’ve observed a dark-glassy material covering the table tops. The material was divided into several large squares, bounded by straight lines, which formed some kind of a grid.
One of the tables contained information from the field of biology, and it projected images of plants and animals, some of which were completely unknown to the scientists. After touching one of the squares, a hologram presenting the structure of the human body was activated. The hologram was constantly rotating, highlighting various areas of the human body.
Touching other squares activated holographic projections of extraterrestrial beings, from other planetary systems. Simultaneously touching two different squares, a complex scientific analysis was projected, showing the DNA of both species, and compatibility possibilities between the two.
On the sides, in vertical lines, there were written explanations in the same, alien alphabet. At the end of the simulation, a crossbreed between the two species was displayed.
XIII. Real Giants
Judging by the size of all the objects within the Projection Room, the creators of the edifice were probably very tall beings.
A confirmation of giant humanoid skeletons found in Romania could be found in a newspaper called “The Newspaper”:
“The team from the newspaper is accompanied by researcher Vasile Rudan, who noted that the people of the Bozioru village have concrete evidence: a cemetery with skeletons of giants. It was discovered by chance over 20 years ago, when the authorities decided to plant apple trees in the village of Scaieni. Digging on a hill, the villagers discovered huge skeletons, measuring more than 2,40 m (7 ft 10 in).
Dragoi Ilie, one of those who worked in the apple orchard, takes us to the spot. Mister Ilie shows us around the orchard: ‘Everywhere are tombs of giants. We were making holes, to plant saplings, when we found a human head as big as a pumpkin. Neither one of us had ever seen anything like that. We were all amazed. Digging further, we’ve found some bones of the feet, as big as the vineyard poles. The dead one must have been very big.‘”
XIV. The Library Of The Universe
The Projection Room contained detailed information from fields like: physics, cosmology, astronomy, architecture, technology, biology, genetics, and even religion. Because it contained so much information, the room was compared to a library.
In the middle of the room, there was a podium-like area which contained an interesting device. The scientists speculated that it might have been a device to enhance various cerebral functions.
XV. Romania’s Control Panel
Next to it there was a command panel, covered with various geometric symbols, in different colors. There were also two sliding levers and a red button, in the center of the panel, above all other commands. A holographic simulation explained the purpose of the button. It showed an image of the Carpathian Mountains as seen from 25 km (15,5 miles) above them and next, an enormous quantity of water flooded the lowlands and plains.
Next, from the territories of Romania, Hungary and Ukraine, more streams of water appear, heading towards the Transylvanian plateau, in the form of huge rivers. The image focused on Romania’s territory and showed most of its surface covered by the waters of a great sea. Some of the tallest mountain peaks could now be seen as small, floating islands.
Next, the waters begun to withdraw, as soon as the leavers found on the panel were activated, leaving sunk only a small area near the Retezat Godeanu mountain. A true manual.
XVI. A Mysterious Amphora
Behind the control panel there was a square pedestal, of about three meters (9 ft 10 in) per side, on which a mysterious amphora was resting. Lord Massini had knowledge of its existence and, for him and his Masonic elite, this was the most important discovery.
The amphora contained a very fine white powder. The researchers were dismayed to find that the powder was a high purity formula of monatomic gold, with an unknown crystalline structure.
The gold powder in its pure form greatly stimulates certain waves and energy exchanges at cellular and neural level. This causes an accelerated process of rejuvenation. Theoretically, a man can live in the same physical body for several thousand years, provided they consume from time to time, a well-defined quantity of monatomic gold powder. This explains many puzzling aspects about the incredible longevity of some important figures and uncovers part of the hidden intentions of the global elite.
XVII. The Real History Of Our Planet
Behind the amphora, in the middle of the square, there was a huge dome that projected holograms. It displayed the main aspects of humanity’s most distant past, from its very beginning. Cezar explained that according to the images projected by the hologram, about 90% of mankind’s official history is false and counterfeit. Darwin’s evolutionary theory is also incorrect.
In the middle of the square is a huge dome which projects a hologram of moving parts. It contains the main aspects of the very distant past of humanity, from its very beginning. Cezar explained that according to the images projected by the hologram, Darwin’s evolutionary theory is completely false. The true origin of man is depicted in a condensed holographic form. After these lessons of truth, we can say that 90% of the official history of mankind is false and counterfeit. Unbelievable, but what is now considered to have really happened in our history, never did, while the so called “myths” and “legends” are almost entirely true.
Also, most archaeological theories are false. For example, the dinosaurs did not went extinct 65 million years ago, and the old continents of Lemuria and Atlantis existed.
This strange inversion caused many problems and conflicts between people in our past.
For a correct dating of the presented events, a star map corresponding to that period was projected on the background.
Although the time period covered by the projections was very large (several hundred thousand years), and the procession cycle of the Earth is 25,920 years, by observing the number of “Platonic years” (the 25,920-year cycle) the exact dating of the events was possible. The Bucegi Mountains are 50-55 thousand years old.
XVIII. Shocking Revelations
Cezar saw what happened during the so called Great Flood and where the human civilization originated, but he decided not to reveal this, as the revelations are too shocking for the mentality, ideas and knowledge of the contemporary man.
Personally, I think people like him are also responsible for the current state of unawareness and latency of the human species. We have been lied and manipulated for millenia, and as soon as we are close to the truth, someone decides that we are not yet ready to hear it. This is an arrogant and selfish approach! The people are as ready today as they will ever be, and the sooner the truth will be released, the better. Having more pieces of the puzzle will make them accept the truth easier and, more importantly, will make convince them to take action against the manipulators and enslavers.
In a disturbing display of images, the existence of Jesus and his crucifixion was also presented. The projections revealed that many of those who witnessed the crucifixion came there from other historical periods.
They were wearing the same kind of clothing as the rest of the people, but their facial features were different, hence they were constantly covering their faces.
The hologram also presented fragments from the spiritual lives of other exceptional characters of mankind’s distant past, including people that we know nothing of.
In those times, the social and population distribution were completely different from what is known today, so the archaeologists and anthropologists should review their theories from scratch.
XIX. The Three Mysterious Tunnels
The discovered tunnels are thousands of miles in length and lead to three different areas of the planet. The one in the left connected the Romanian base to a yet to be discovered underground base somewhere in Egypt (which was definitely discovered and explored by now).
The right tunnel led to a similar but smaller structure, in the “Tibetan Plateau”. This tunnel had three secondary ramifications. One led to an underground area near the Romanian city of Buzaru (close to the “Carpathian Bend”). Another one led to the already mentioned Iraqi base, while the final ramification led to an underground base in the “Gobi Desert”, in Mongolia.
XX. The Third Tunnel — A Secret World
The middle tunnel was the most important to both Lord Massini and the U.S. Government, which strongly requested to be kept secret to the public. This tunnel descended to extreme depths towards a veritable underground world, located near the center of our planet.
Those of you who are not familiar to the hollow earth theory, please note that there are important figures who support the theory that all planets are probably hollow on the inside, and bring interesting scientific arguments to support their claims.
Also, there are some very interesting and beautiful stories about people who allegedly traveled to this world. The realm is commonly known as Agartha, and the third tunnel was probably leading straight to it. It only makes sense that the shadow elite were not interested to make the discovery known to the people.
Intense preparations begun for expeditions inside all 3 tunnels, as following: the first one to Egypt, the second to Tibet, and the third one to Earth’s core.
(Summary of events from the book: “Viitor cu cap de mort”, by “Radu Cinamar” — the pen name for an undisclosed writer, which in my opinion, is none other than ex-General Emil Strainu. I base my statement on the extremely similar writing style and the fact that the author had direct access to this above-Top Secret alien base — something that couldn’t have happened unless the person was an insider.)
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We zien minder ufos (want we melden geen wensballonnen meer) -
We zien minder ufo’s (want we melden geen wensballonnen meer)
BRUSSEL - Bij het Belgisch Ufo-meldpunt zijn vorig jaar 254 waarnemingen binnengekomen. Dat zijn er ruim 70 minder dan het jaar daarvoor.
In 2012 waren er nog 326 waarnemingen. ‘De daling is grotendeels te verklaren door de extra uitleg die nu bij het meldingsformulier gegeven wordt. Daarbij wordt ook gevraagd bepaalde herkenbare categorieën waarnemingen niet meer te melden’, zegt Frederick Delaere. ‘Daardoor krijgen we weinig tot geen meldingen meer binnen van Thaise wensballonnen.’
Vrijwel alle meldingen komen van particulieren, maar bijvoorbeeld ook van het KMI en sommige sterrenwachten. Van de onderzochte meldingen is negen op de tien logisch te verklaren. Het merendeel van de vreemde verschijnselen blijken lampionnen, meteoren of kometen. Een kleine minderheid is niet te verklaren.
03-01-2014 om 11:04
geschreven door peter
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Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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