The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Water found in stardust suggests life is universal
Water found in stardust suggests life is universal
A sprinkling of stardust is as magical as it sounds. The dust grains that float through our solar system contain tiny pockets of water, which form when they are zapped by a blast of charged wind from the sun.
The chemical reaction causing this to happen had previously been mimicked in laboratories, but this is the first time water has been found trapped inside real stardust.
"The implications are potentially huge," says Hope Ishii of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, one of the researchers behind the study. "It is a particularly thrilling possibility that this influx of dust on the surfaces of solar system bodies has acted as a continuous rainfall of little reaction vessels containing both the water and organics needed for the eventual origin of life."
Dust rain
Solar systems are full of dust – a result of many processes, including the break-up of comets. John Bradley of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and his colleagues inspected the outer layer of interplanetary dust particles extracted from Earth's stratosphere.
Ultra-high-resolution microscopy allowed them to probe the 5- to 25-micrometre specks of dust to reveal small pockets of trapped water just beneath the surface.
Laboratory experiments offer clues to how the water forms. The dust is mostly made of silicates, which contains oxygen. As it travels through space, it encounters the solar wind. This stream of charged particles including high-energy hydrogen ions is ejected from the sun's atmosphere. When the two collide, hydrogen and oxygen combine to make water.
As interplanetary dust is thought to have rained down on early Earth, it is likely that the stuff brought water to our planet, although it is difficult to conceive how it could account for the millions of cubic kilometres of water that cover Earth today. "In no way do we suggest that this was sufficient to form oceans," says Ishii.
Universal water
A more likely origin for the huge volume of water on our planet is wet asteroids that pummelled early Earth. Comets are also a candidate: the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft, due to send a lander to a comet later this year, is tasked with probing their role.
However, the Bradley team's results are relevant to the quest for life on other planets. The water-producing reaction is likely to be universal, and to happen in any corner of the universe with a star, or even a supernova, says Ishii.
What's more, interplanetary dust in our solar system – and in others – contains organic carbon. If stardust contains carbon and water, it means the essentials of life could be present in solar systems anywhere in the universe and raining down on their planets.
"These are the types of processes that we expect to occur in other planetary systems," says Fred Ciesla of the University of Chicago in Illinois, who was not involved in the work. "Water and organics are not uncommon."
Sent by Eisenhower to Meet an ALIEN Amazing Confession of Ex Military
Sent by Eisenhower to Meet an ALIEN – Amazing Confession of Ex Military
This video interview was displayed as part of the Citizen Hearing held April 30 – May 3, 2013, about ET disclosure and the cover up. This hearing was held in Washington, in front of six former US congressmen and congresswomen, as well as a US senator.
'UFO's hebben buitenaardse oorsprong en worden magnetisch aangedreven'
'UFO's hebben buitenaardse oorsprong en worden magnetisch aangedreven'
De Canadese overheid heeft een aantal jaren officieel onderzoek gedaan naar ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten.
Project Magnet was de naam voor het programma dat het Canadese ministerie van Transport tussen 2 december 1950 en 1954 gebruikte voor het onderzoek naar UFO’s.
Directeur Wilbert B. Smith concludeerde na afloop van het project dat UFO’s waarschijnlijk een buitenaardse oorsprong hebben en vrijwel zeker magnetisch worden aangedreven.
Aardmagnetisch veld
Het programma was bedoeld om gegevens over UFO’s te gebruiken voor nieuwe technologieën. Daarnaast wilde men onderzoeken of het mogelijk was om het aardmagnetisch veld te gebruiken voor de aandrijving van vaartuigen. Smith en zijn collega’s geloofden dat UFO’s de sleutel waren tot deze nieuwe energiebron.
In juni 1952 concludeerde Smith in een rapport dat UFO’s waarschijnlijk afkomstig waren van intelligente, buitenaardse bronnen en vrijwel zeker gebruikmaakten van magnetische manipulatie om te kunnen vliegen.
Enkele maanden daarvoor startte de Canadese overheid een tweede UFO-programma, te weten Project Second Storey. Het project bestond uit een groep wetenschappers en legerofficieren, die geregeld bijeenkwamen om te spreken over UFO’s.
Volgens Smith konden UFO’s worden gelinkt aan bovennatuurlijke fenomenen. Hij zei zelf in contact te staan met buitenaardse wezens die op telepathische wijze met hem communiceerden. Hij schreef een aantal artikelen waarin hij zijn contact met de ‘ruimtebroeders’ zoals hij ze noemde uit de doeken deed. In 1954 maakte de overheid bekend dat het programma niet werd verlengd.
Ze bestaan echt, zegt UFO-deskundige Coen Vermeeren. Al tientallen jaren spreken tienduizenden mensen uit mijn vakgebied – astronauten, piloten, luchtverkeersleiders, militairen – serieus over UFO’s.
Volgens Vermeeren is het de hoogste tijd dat wetenschappers de getuigen en ook de talloze waarnemingen eindelijk serieus nemen.
Coen gelooft heilig dat er intelligent buitenaards leven bestaat en dat valt niet goed in het wetenschapswereldje.
Beter kijken
“Zolang ik nog geen kopje koffie of een biertje kan drinken met een alien ben ik nog niet overtuigd,” zegt Hans van der Lande van ruimtevaarttentoonstelling Space Expo.
“Het [de UFO’s] kunnen ook lege rakettrappen zijn, het kan ook ruimteafval zijn, het kunnen ook meteorieten zijn, het kan van alles zijn,” aldus Van der Lande. “Het kan natuurlijk ook heel goed mogelijk zijn dat het wel buitenaards leven is, alleen het is geen bewijs en wij willen graag bewijs zien vanuit de wetenschap.” Volgens Vermeeren is dat gewoon een kwestie van beter kijken.
Positieve reacties
Met zijn boek probeert de eigenzinnige Coen zijn collega’s nu alsnog te overtuigen. “Ik verwacht eigenlijk heel veel positieve reacties,” zegt hij. “Het verhaal is zo duidelijk wat mij betreft en ik denk dat iedereen die het leest denkt: Vroeger dacht ik dat het onzin was en nu twijfel ik.”
“Edgar Mitchell, de zesde man op de maan, zegt dat UFO’s buitenaardse voertuigen zijn,” gaat hij verder. “Dat weten we ook. Onze regeringen weten dat, maar vertellen ons dat niet.”
De 59-jarige Kent Senter lijdt aan de ziekte van Kahler, een kwaadaardige woekering van een bepaald soort witte bloedcellen. Hij had nog één wens: het organiseren en financieren van een internationale UFO-conferentie.
Vandaag en morgen komen 12 sprekers uit de wetenschappelijke en militaire wereld bijeen in Greensboro, North Carolina om te spreken over UFO’s.
Senter raakte geïnteresseerd in UFO’s nadat hij er zelf tot twee keer toe had een aantal had gezien. Op 33-jarige leeftijd zag hij op een dag drie gele bollen in de lucht. Toen hij zijn zaklamp op de objecten richtte verdwenen ze plotseling. Ervoor in de plaats kwam een rechthoekig lichtgevend object, dat kort daarop ook verdween.
Groot taboe
Senter merkte al snel dat er binnen de media en overheidskringen een groot taboe heerst op UFO’s. Het frustreerde hem dat mensen die melding deden van een UFO stelselmatig belachelijk werden gemaakt. Wel kan hij rekenen op de steun van zijn gezin.
Achteraf gezien had Senter graag natuurkunde willen studeren. “Het zijn de wetenschappers die het taboe op UFO’s moeten zien te doorbreken en daarbij niet bang moeten zijn om hun baan te verliezen,” zei hij.
Tijdens het symposium in North Carolina komt ook generaal-majoor b.d. Wilfried de Brouwer aan het woord. Van oktober 1989 tot juni 1991 was er sprake van de zogeheten Belgische ufogolf. Door honderden getuigen, waaronder ook politieagenten, werd toen melding gemaakt van geluidloos vliegende zwarte of donkergrijze driehoeken die op elke punthoek en in het midden een markeringslicht voerden.
De Brouwer zette tevergeefs F-16 gevechtsvliegtuigen in om één of meerdere van deze UFO’s te kunnen onderscheppen. De Belgische luchtmacht heeft in 1990 een officiële verklaring uitgegeven over deze gebeurtenissen, waarin stond dat ze geen idee had wat de aard van deze verschijnselen was.
Officiële agentschappen
In een toenemend aantal landen, waaronder Frankrijk en Chili, zijn officiële agentschappen opgericht om onderzoek te doen naar UFO-meldingen. Xavier Passot is het hoofd van de Franse UFO-onderzoeksgroep GEIPAN, dat onder de Franse ruimtevaartorganisatie CNES valt. Hij zal vertellen wat zijn overheid weet over onbekende vliegende objecten.
Ook de Chileense overheid doet uitgebreid onderzoek naar UFO’s. Naar schatting 85 procent van de Chilenen gelooft dat UFO’s echt zijn.
The feeling of unseen human hands and their undeniable touches on my arms, back and shoulders with concurrent accompanying psychic disturbances increase, but now when I do experience these symptoms of a lost soul/ ghost who jumps on me, an energy connection is felt such that my skin burns where I am touched.
At one time, in order to block these experiences, knowing that some medications did change brain chemistry to the extent as to simply put one beyond the reach of such creatures, I tried antihistamines and did indeed manage to stop it all temporarily.
I had read that on the Internet and just wanting to feel normal, again, tried it on myself. I don't know how it works but it works..... temporarily.
But, one can't live on Benedryll.
Other medications have specifically been developed for people who are troubled by 'seeing things', 'hearing things' and 'feeling things' and these were
pharmacologically designed because modern medicine makes no differentiation, no distinctions between spiritual dysfunctions and psychological dysfunctions.
A modern clinician unarmed and unversed in such spiritual truths, perceives a child patient who experiences these phenomena as more psychotic than more psychic, and not ever as a young 'sensitive' who has not yet learned but must, how to close his energies to such entities...
I was told by others early on that what I was going through was a blessing.
I did not accept that at the time.
It has been a tough learning experience for both me and the unseen world; I once advised a spirit whose hand rested heavily on my right shoulder(I could feel the span of fingers) to "cross over to the other side", of course meaning the other dimension that we all come from and and go to, 'Heaven' , and a few seconds later, it obliged my request by crossing over to my left side and good naturedly resting its hand, THERE.
I deduced that rather than it having a rarefied sense of humor, it had no idea whatsoever what I was referring to...
Of course, when none of this works, or when a demon or non juvenile reptilian cruises in, for what turns out to be an extended visit, an onset of the most awful nightmares unlike any you can imagine, vivid and terrifying ensues.
Such entities refuse rescue and delight in tormenting humans; nothing else except unholy ones could do such violence to mere dreams.
During such sieges, I am in spiritual crises and I have had to neatly discard any pedestrian Freudian or Jungian explanations as simply moot and seek
metaphysical approaches that do, after a fashion, work.
Recently, in self defense for myself as well as in empathy and pathos for a lost soul, I counsel any such spirit who stumbles onto me with love and compassion, as one would a lost traveler.
It could very well be you or I who were so lost.
Rather than dismiss an unseen touch and the ghost as though it were a fly at my mustache, or treat it with the disgust or shock that a ghost often elicits from a random stranger, I openly complain to the spirit that phantoms DO fill the air around us, and add that although we all come from God, one way or the other, we all must have to fight very hard to return to God.
I relay this to the unseen intelligence, touching me, with a newfound lack of fear and with real pathos and as much sympathy as I can muster all the while fully aware that it is likely psychically dangerous and as much disturbed as it was when it was a person, in the body.
An unfortunate wrinkle, a major trouble is, not all negative energies 'out there', earthbound for a sensitive to sense are human; some are reptilian.
If it is still insistently hungry and topical arm and leg burning touches apprise me that connections between my energies and it are continuing and it's still stubbornly in my face, a sprits of incensed holy water from a plant misting bottle clears the attachment feeling and the onset of mild psychic attack; one can feel their angst.
At that point, I tell them that it's so sad and ironic that God has sent them to me for help, as there are no accidents, and that most ironically, they have been sent to me for directions, when I myself am often so helplessly lost.
I go on to tell them that touching people for energy, stealing energy from people further traps them here, in a type of inter dimensional Hell, between worlds where they are subject to bullying from other larger, fiercer predators.
I ask them to try to reach higher into their own dimension by asking for angelic help as I do the same, in mine.
I remind them that they didn't really die when they left their body and that they cannot and won't die if they refrain from doing without stolen human energy; that some humans look just like bright lights to them.
Some do not listen; when advised that they are dead and not in the physical body, the retort I have more than once heard in my skull was,"How do I know that YOU'RE not dead?"
Some listen. I ask my angels to work with their angels to bring a friend, a neighbor, a lover, a child, a former pet, a parent, a friend, a schoolmate, SOMEONE who they can trust, to bring them over to the Other Side.
I try to surround them in a white light and lead them to into it.
I pray FOR them, instead of for myself and my relief from them. It raises their vibrations and moves them out of the darkness and is appreciated by them and by others.
I then also try to goad them into a finer purpose of helping me.
I ask them to leave here as the' goofy Earthbound' spirit that they now are and that after they have traveled to the Christ light, and to Heaven, to help themselves and their Karma and me; that they RETURN to me, as purified cleansed spirits, afterwards, to assist me in rescuing others, just in the same way as they have been rescued.
What usually appeals to the 'holdouts' is my reminding them that nobody has spoken to them or paid attention to them for a long time, except for me.
Rarely, then, do they attack with projected telepathic/psychic attack in nightmares or sinister poltergeist machinations .
I have bought some peace and I have done some service to the Other Side..
Russian space troops are not ready to battle with aliens yet! Should we be worried, not because they are not ready, but because we actually have space troops! – What do the Russians know ?
We are not ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations, says defence official – but we will be soon!
On top of the troubling news this week that the Twitter account of Nasa’s Near-Earth Object Program, which monitors potentially hazardous asteroids and comets, isn’t operational because of the US shutdown, today comes further worrying news from Russia regarding threats from space.
Russia’s Aerospace Defence Troops, or ‘space troops’ as they have become known, are not prepared for an alien invasion, a defence official has said.
Russia Today reported that during a press conference at the Titov Main Test and Space Systems Control Centre near Moscow, the centre’s deputy chief Sergey Berezhnoy was asked about extraterrestrial security.
“So far we are not capable of that. We are unfortunately not ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations,” Berezhnoy replied.
“Our centre was not tasked with it yet. There are too many problems on Earth and near it,” he added.
The Russian Space Forces were established initially in August 10, 1992 after the break-up of the Soviet Union. It was replaced in 2011 by the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces. This branch of the Russian military is responsible for air and missile defence and the operation of military satellites.
One of its tasks is also “monitoring space objects and the identification of potential threats to the Russian Federation in space and from space, prevention of attacks as needed.”
Russia Today reassures readers that despite the inability to defend the country against attacks from outer space the Russians do have “extremely effective and high tech means for dealing with terrestrial issues and threats.”
A novel strategy may help astronomers better target extraterrestrial intelligent life. Dr. Michael Gillon, of the University of Liege in Belgium, proposes an approach that would monitor the regions of nearby stars to search for interstellar communication devices.
The most common method in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (abbreviated as SETI) is the use of giant radio dishes to scan the stars, listening for possible faint signals coming from distant civilizations.
While the SETI institute has been hard at work since 1959 we haven’t chanced upon a signal yet. But that doesn’t mean we’re alone or that we should stop looking.
Even without a confirmed extraterrestrial signal, most astronomers would argue that recent discoveries have strongly reinforced the hypothesis that extraterrestrial life may just be abundant in the Universe. With the help of the Kepler Space Telescope we have learned that planets are plentiful throughout the Milky Way. With most stars harboring at least one planet, it’s conceivable that a few of those planets will have the right conditions for life.
So why haven’t we detected extraterrestrial intelligent life? Why do we have this glaring Fermi Paradox — the apparent contradiction between the high probability of extraterrestrial civilizations’ existence and the lack of contact with such civilizations? One hypotheses to explain the famous Fermi Paradox is that self-replicating probes could have explored the whole Galaxy, including our Solar System, but we just haven’t detected them yet. A self-replicating probe is one sent to a nearby planetary system where it would mine raw materials to create a replica of itself that would then head towards other nearby systems, continuing to replicate itself along the way.
While our own technological civilization is less than two hundred years old, we have already sent robotic probes to a large number of bodies in our Solar System and beyond. Our furthest-reaching probe, Voyager 1, just made it to interstellar space. But it took it over 40 years.
“We are still far from being able to build an actual self-replicating interstellar spaceship, but only because our technology is not mature enough, and not because of an obvious physical limitation,” Dr. Gillon told Universe Today.
The above unknown visitor came from deep space. It passed nearly as close to the Earth as the moon on May 21st. Its spectrum didn’t match any known asteroid. At a feeble absolute magnitude of +28.9, the traveler must have only been about the size of a truck.
The detection is tantalizing, nevertheless, because we can identify space objects down to a few feet across. That’s the scale of what you might expect any alien probe might be, assuming their technology is comparable to ours. (Forget about those huge motherships in the 1996 film “Independence Day,” the fuel costs are astronomical.)
On the hypothesis that we might have been visited long ago, could there be alien artifacts left behind, perhaps abandoned in solar orbit alongside our own space junk?
The fact that we haven’t found anything yet makes it clear that any visiting aliens didn’t do anything obvious to say they came by. But I can make a few cautious extrapolations from how they might have conducted the exploration of our solar system – that is, if they think like we do!
First, we have to assume there is a nearby extraterrestrial civilization that is inquisitive enough to invest the resources into building interstellar probes.
They first identified Earth as inhabited in telescopic surveys, then they wanted to know what lives here. Given the extreme physics of interstellar travel, answering that question is no small expense.
Secondly, these probes are built purely for data collection and beaming findings to their home planet. They are the mechanical equivalent of Lewis & Clark, with the intelligence to self-reprogram their mission depending on what they discover.
A probe’s mission is not to plant the flag of Zork on top of the U.S. Capitol, or make direct contact such as: “Greetings from the Zeta Reticulans. how are you?”
In a paper published in the 1960s, Carl Sagan, using the Drake Equation, statistically estimated that Earth might be visited every few tens of thousands of years by an extraterrestrial civilization.
The unknown visitor came from deep space. It passed nearly as close to the Earth as the moon on May 21st. Its spectrum didn't match any known asteroid. At a feeble absolute magnitude of +28.9, the traveler must have only been about the size of a truck.
The detection is tantalizing, nevertheless, because we can identify space objects down to a few feet across. That's the scale of what you might expect any alien probe might be, assuming their technology is comparable to ours. (Forget about those huge motherships in the 1996 film "Independence Day," the fuel costs are astronomical.)
On the hypothesis that we might have been visited long ago, could there be alien artifacts left behind, perhaps abandoned in solar orbit alongside our own space junk?
The fact that we haven't found anything yet makes it clear that any visiting aliens didn't do anything obvious to say they came by. But I can make a few cautious extrapolations from how they might have conducted the exploration of our solar system – that is, if they think like we do!
First, we have to assume there is a nearby extraterrestrial civilization that is inquisitive enough to invest the resources into building interstellar probes.
They first identified Earth as inhabited in telescopic surveys, then they wanted to know what lives here. Given the extreme physics of interstellar travel, answering that question is no small expense.
Secondly, these probes are built purely for data collection and beaming findings to their home planet. They are the mechanical equivalent of Lewis & Clark, with the intelligence to self-reprogram their mission depending on what they discover.
A probe's mission is not to plant the flag of Zork on top of the U.S. Capitol, or make direct contact such as: "Greetings from the Zeta Reticulans. how are you?"
In a paper published in the 1960s, Carl Sagan, using the Drake Equation, statistically estimated that Earth might be visited every few tens of thousands of years by an extraterrestrial civilization.
If this is a reasonable estimate, then what evidence might have been left behind? (And pull-eeze — it's not the Great Pyramids, not the Nazca lines and not Stonehenge!)
For starters, the probe might self-destruct after reconnoitering the solar system and transmitting its findings back to its builders. It would be “retired” simply for the sake of not polluting our system with evidence of alien technology. For biological quarantine, NASA crashed its Galileo orbiter into Jupiter, and that is the ultimate fate of the Cassini probe at the end of its mission to Saturn.
But could you program an artificially intelligent machine to commit suicide? It simply might change its mind.
Given all the expense to get the probe here, its builders would strive to make it immortal through self-repair, if not replication. This is embodied in the popular idea of a Von Neumann machine.
The probe would have to find a place to park and collect resources for self repair (but not a stop at Radio Shack). It may be instructed to do a re-reconnoiter of our solar system periodically and go into hibernation for long intervals. (No, it wouldn't need to tap into our power grid as alleged in several goofy UFO stories. Who needs energy from a fossil fuel-dependent medieval planet?)
The visitor could park in a solar orbit. If the probe detected artificial electromagnetic transmissions from Earth, it might go into stealth mode to avoid detection and capture. After all, it couldn't collect much data if it were snagged and put on display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.
Even if visitors to our solar system were sloppy, with one or more probes leaving debris on asteroids or even planets, the artifacts would be pretty difficult for us to detect.
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has photographed our lunar artifacts, such as the Surveyor 6, shown here. But we knew what we were looking at. Even the shadow from a black alien monolith on the moon might get overlooked as just another tall boulder.
To get attention, a piece of space junk from an alien probe would have to be big and morphologically peculiar, or have an odd spectral signature or albedo.
I can’t help but wonder if aliens would want to just leave a calling card that one of their robotic explorers passed through our solar system. It could be as simple as a passive artifact with etchings or some indelible feature that would survive micrometeors and radiation exposure over hundreds of millions of years. This is similar in concept to the Pioneer plaque and Voyager record placed on our first probes to escape the solar system.
But where would aliens place such an artifact so that it is easily found? The fact that we haven’t stumbled across anything obvious yet reduces the likelihood of this hypothesis.
If you were an alien visiting the solar system, where would you leave a message? And, what would it say? Maybe something like: "We Came in Peace for All Klattukind."
Many UFO researchers working on their research in the 1970s and 1980s died under mysterious circumstances, and may have been killed. This is the conclusion reached by an amateur astronomer, a former U.S. government adviser Timothy Hood. He made this statement at an international conference in Amsterdam dedicated to search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
This statement is true not so much for the chasers for unidentified flying objects, but the researchers trying to find extraterrestrial life, including professional astrophysics. Hood’s conclusion was prompted by a 30-year study of this topic.
Famous American astronomer Morris K. Jessup, whose books about intelligent life beyond Earth have become bestsellers, committed suicide. He ended his life by opening an exhaust pipe in his car, locking his door and turning on the ignition. Professor James Edward McDonald, who for many years served as head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Earth and studied unidentified aerospace objects, put a bullet in his head.
Edward Ruppelt, who led a project for the study of unidentified objects in the skies over the United States, died of a cardiovascular crisis at the age of 37. On November 5, 2001, William Milton Cooper, a famous UFO researcher who has repeatedly accused the U.S. government of hiding the truth about UFOs, was killed by police in his home. Cooper, who clearly suffered from delusion, lived in Yeager (Arizona). He bought weapons in bulk to create units to fight a secret government led by aliens.
Before the incident the police was told that Cooper threatened harmless residents, believing, apparently, that they were chasing him on the instructions of the authorities. The police surrounded the ranch where he lived. He said that anyone who would dare to cross the threshold of his private property will be killed, but the police ignored him. As a result, one policeman was seriously wounded, and the other one had to shoot the researcher as self-defense.
There is also the famous “Sheldon list.” The famous American writer Sidney Sheldon, working on his novel “The End of the World”, drew attention to a series of mysterious deaths among British specialists developing space weapons.
In October of 1986, Professor Arshad Sharif killed himself by tying one end of the rope to a tree, making a loop at the other end, putting his head through it and driving the car away. A few days later another London professor, Vimal Dazibay, jumped head first from the Bristol Bridge. Both of them worked on the development of electronic weapons for the English government program, similar to the American “Star Wars.”
In January of 1987, another scientist, Avtar Singh-Guide, went missing. He was later declared dead. In February of 1987, Peter Pippel was run over by his car in his garage. In March of 1987, David Sands committed suicide by crashing his car into a building. In April of 1987, four developers of space programs died. Mark Wiesner hung himself, Stuart Gooding fell victim of murder, David Greenhalgh fell off the bridge, and Shani Warren drowned. In May of that year, Michael Baker was killed in a car accident.
In a relatively short time, 25 people who worked in the space field died for various reasons. Sidney Sheldon, who discovered this tragic phenomenon, seriously believed that it had to do with aliens.
According to Timothy Hood, these deaths were not accidental, but rather, were the work of special services that eliminated the experts because they knew too much. In the 1970′s and 1980′s in the United States there were secret UFO research programs such as the “Blue Book”, “Aquarius”, “Area 51″, “Majestic 12″, and GEIPAN. While official data show that most of these projects are now inactive, many conspiracy theorists doubt it. Every now and then “sensational” materials emerge in the media whose purpose is to convince the public that the U.S. government is hiding the truth about human contact with aliens.
Perhaps it has to do not with the aliens but military secrets or falsified facts. In any case, the intrigue remains. The topic of contacts with other civilizations continues to thrill, and the perceived danger makes it even more exciting.
Asteroïdengordel bestaat uit resten van vernietigde planeet
Asteroïdengordel bestaat uit resten van vernietigde planeet
Op een zeer oude rolzegel staat de oudste kaart van sterren en planeten getekend, waarop 4000 jaar voor Copernicus ons zonnestelsel op schaal in beeld is gebracht.
Op de kaart is tussen Mars en Jupiter, daar waar zich tegenwoordig de asteroïdengordel bevindt, nog een planeet te vinden.
Is deze planeet het antwoord op de vraag over de oorsprong van de mens? Lag daar misschien het verloren paradijs uit de Bijbel? Kwam Adam van een andere planeet, zoals in de Koran staat beschreven?
Wet van Titius-Bode
De Duitse wetenschapsonderzoeker dr. Johannes von Buttlar inventariseert in zijn boek ‘De Tiende Planeet’, dat na het verschijnen gelijk een bestseller werd, alle theorieën die zijn gehanteerd over de oorsprong van de mens. Hij betoogt dat deze oorsprong gezocht moet worden op een tot nu toe onbekende planeet, namelijk Phaëton.
Von Buttlar bouwt een lange brug vanaf de aankomst van de mens op aarde tot zijn verre toekomst. Volgens hem slaan afgezanten van hogere beschavingen de ontwikkeling van de mensheid al sinds de oertijd gade.
In 1596 stelde Johannes Kepler dat tussen Mars en Jupiter nog een planeet moest worden gevonden. Johann Daniel Titius en Johann Elert Bode kwamen in 1772 na een aantal berekeningen tot dezelfde conclusie. Hun formule werd later ook wel de wet van Titius-Bode genoemd. Volgens Von Buttlar is de planetoïdengordel het gevolg van een geëxplodeerde planeet. Sinds de ontdekking van Titius en Bode wordt gespeculeerd over de vermeende planeet.
De ruimteschepen van Ezechiël
Von Buttlar wijst op een duizenden jaren oude Sumerische rolzegel met een kaart van ons zonnestelsel. Volgens de nieuwe definitie telt ons zonnestelsel acht planeten, maar de Sumeriërs kenden er 10.
De bewoners van de planeet tussen Mars en Jupiter kwamen met grote ruimteschepen naar de aarde, aldus Von Buttlar. In oude geschriften worden veel verwijzingen aangetroffen naar waarnemingen van ruimteschepen. Zo zou Ezechiël, één van de grote profeten uit de Bijbel, er één hebben gezien. Tijdens het schrijven van het boek 'The Spaceships of Ezekiel' (1974) raakte Josef F. Blumrich, die destijds afdelingshoofd was van het Marshall Space Flight Center van NASA, ervan overtuigd dat Ezechiël daadwerkelijk een ruimteschip had gezien.
Von Buttlar wijst erop dat de geschiedenis van de mensheid heel anders is verlopen dan wij denken. Volgens hem kan het heel goed zijn dat er 60 miljoen jaar geleden al mensen op aarde waren.
In sterrenstof dat door het zonnestelsel zweeft is voor het eerst water aangetroffen. Eerder werden organische stoffen in interplanetair stof gevonden.
Het lijkt erop dat stofkorrels in de ruimte de basisingrediënten bevatten voor leven. Omdat dergelijk stof in alle zonnestelsels in het heelal wordt gevonden, komt leven hoogstwaarschijnlijk overal in de kosmos voor.
Zonnestelsels bevatten veel stof, dat onder meer vrijkomt bij het uiteenvallen van kometen. John Bradley van het Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Californië analyseerde de buitenste laag van interplanetaire stofkorrels die in de stratosfeer waren verzameld. Vlak onder het oppervlak trof hij kleine waterzakjes aan. Het onderzoek is gepubliceerd in tijdschrift PNAS.
Het stof bestaat grotendeels uit silicaten, die zuurstof bevatten. In de ruimte komt het stof in aanraking met de zonnewind. De geladen deeltjes van de zonnewind bevatten waterstofionen die worden gelanceerd vanaf het zonneoppervlak. Samen vormen ze water in de ruimte.
Het is aannemelijk dat interplanetair stof water naar de aarde heeft gebracht. Ook asteroïden brengen doorgaans water met zich mee. Kometen zijn een derde mogelijke kandidaat. Ruimtesonde Rosetta gaat later dit jaar de rol van kometen bestuderen.
De onderzoekers zeggen dat in elke uithoek van het universum met een ster of een supernova water wordt geproduceerd.
Interplanetair stof in ons zonnestelsel - en andere zonnestelsels - bevat bovendien koolstof. Nu we weten dat sterrenstof uit koolstof en water bestaat, kan worden gezegd dat de bouwstenen van leven in elk zonnestelsel in het universum aanwezig zijn en op planeten kunnen neerdalen.
Les astronomes ont découvert, grâce au télescope spatial Kepler, que des systèmes d'étoiles binaires abritent des planètes.
Les couchers de soleil sur Terre sont souvent magnifiques. Alors imaginez un double coucher de soleils avec des étoiles de différentes couleurs tournant l'une autour de l'autre ! Pendant des années, nous nous sommes demandé si les paires d'étoiles, les « binaires », sont accompagnées de planètes. Se pourrait-il qu'il existe des planètes telle Tatooine, imaginée par le cinéaste George Lucas dans le film Star Warsoù le ciel est éclairé par le rougeoiement de deux soleils ?
Certains astrophysiciens doutaient de cette possibilité. L'environnement autour d'une paire d'étoiles, expliquaient-ils, serait trop chaotique pour que des planètes se forment. Contrairement à un corps en orbite autour d'une seule étoile, une planète en orbite autour de deux étoiles serait soumise à deux champs gravitationnels. Et comme les étoiles elles-mêmes sont en orbite l'une autour de l'autre, l'intensité des forces gravitationnelles changerait en permanence. Même si une planète pouvait se former dans un tel environnement, sa stabilité à long terme ne serait pas assurée : la planète risquerait d'être éjectée hors du système stellaire ou de s'écraser sur une des étoiles. Si des observations de systèmes d'étoiles binaires montraient déjà des signes indirects de l'existence de ces planètes « circumbinaires », les preuves directes manquaient.
En 2009, la NASA a mis en orbite le télescope spatial Kepler, dont l'objectif est la recherche d'exoplanètes. Des milliers de « planètes candidates » ont été découvertes par la méthode des transits. Cette technique consiste à rechercher des mini-éclipses résultant du passage devant l'étoile d'une planète en orbite : la planète bloque alors une partie de la lumière émise par l'étoile, de sorte que son éclat est modifié de façon périodique. Après deux ans d'observations, aucune planète circumbinaire n'avait été détectée par le télescope. Nous commencions à croire que cette configuration était impossible.
Puis le découragement a laissé la place à l'enthousiasme avec la découverte de Kepler-16b, la première planète circumbinaire à transit. Quelques mois plus tard, nous ajoutions deux autres planètes (Kepler-34b et Kepler-35b). Tout en étant exotiques, ces systèmes ne sont pas si rares. Sept planètes circumbinaires ont été dévoilées par Kepler, d'autres devront être confirmées. Les calculs suggèrent qu'il en existe vraisemblablement des dizaines de millions dans la Voie lactée.
La quête des planètes circumbinaires a commencé avant même les premières preuves de l'existence d'« exoplanètes » en dehors du Système solaire. Cependant, nous savions que les transits pour une planète circumbinaire seraient complexes à détecter. Nous nous sommes donc concentrés sur la configuration particulière des étoiles binaires à éclipses. Observées de la Terre, ces binaires à éclipses se déplacent l'une autour de l'autre dans un plan tel qu'elles passent régulièrement devant leur partenaire. Si une planète est présente dans le système, elle devrait perturber la date des éclipses des étoiles. Nous avons même commencé par étudier une configuration encore plus spécifique. Nous avons cherché des planètes situées dans le même plan que leurs étoiles, qui produiraient un transit lors du passage de la planète devant les...
Daytime UFO over Edinburgh, Scotland on 16th January 2014
Daytime UFO over Edinburgh, Scotland on 16th January 2014
New interesting video footage of a bright UFO or orb recorded in the daytime sky above Edinburgh, Scotland on 16th January 2014.
Witness said: I saw two strange flying objects when I was traveling on the train from Edinburgh to London Kings Cross. The train left Edinburgh at 2.00pm on 16.01.14 and I spotted the two objects at approximately 2.10pm. The objects seemed to be tube / disc shaped. At first I only saw one object, then a second object came into view – it was some distance behind the first but caught up with it very quickly.
It was a clear day – there were no wings to be seen on the objects. I tried my best to video them and eventually managed to do a close up shot of one of them – very tricky on a moving train. I watched them for approximately 3 minutes and then they both rose up into the cloud and disappeared from view. I have used slow motion, close ups and an ‘x-ray’ on the video – as well as highlighting where to look at the start of the video with two ‘red rings’. This was a really puzzling but amazing experience – please leave a comment if you saw these objects on 16.01.14. Thanks for looking.
UFO Conference, educating all, one at a time. Ther definitely IS an alien invasion on the horoizon. DO NOT believe anything they have to communicate to us!!
Matthew 24:25 tellus that He has told us ahead of time. Please listen.
Are you prepared?
CERTAIN CHANGES ARE COMING OUR WAY. ARE YOU READY, ARE YOU PREPARED?PLEASE DO NOT STAY STUCK IN DENIAL! Our time truly is limited. Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. Please just take a quick glance at the news headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs, the “labor pains” and symptoms any longer. And labor pains progress, they do not diminish.
Are you prepared? Are you protected?
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3, 4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here: God, Please remove any deception that I may have listened to, believed or embraced that is hindering me from knowing the truth. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Holy, Sinless Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn away from (repent) my sins. I invite You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God the Messiah to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
The content in the video(s) do not necessarily reflect my personal viewpoint or opinion. FBI WARNING: Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE… and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.