The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Hunter Shoots Arrows Into Robotic Android Aliens During Ferocious Experience
Hunter Shoots Arrows Into Robotic Android Aliens During Ferocious Experience
Location: Near Cisco Grove California Date: September 4 1964
Time: 2200
Donald Shrum, a bow & arrow deer hunter, was lost and benighted in the hills and had climbed a pine tree when he saw a moving light in the sky not far off. This presently discharged a domed object with a blinking light on top. Then two figures came toward him; they wore silver or whitish coverall uniforms with hoods & gauntlets, and dark goggles. A third being, which had large reddish orange glowing eyes, looked metallic all over & appeared to be a robot; all 3 were about 5 ft tall. The “robot” came to the base of the tree & its mouth emitted a puff of white vapor, which had the effect of causing Shrum to lose consciousness briefly. To keep off the entities, Shrum set fire to everything available, including much of his clothing, and threw it down. But as soon as the blaze died down they would come back to the tree. He also shot his 3 arrows against the robot; they stuck with a flash of light, but did not injure it. Throughout the night, the robot repeatedly emitted the anesthetic vapor (Shrum fastened himself to the tree with his belt so as not to fall) and the other 2 beings kept trying to climb up the tree, which Shrum would shake to make them get down. At some point a second robot joined the besiegers. Finally, just before dawn, the 2 robots exchanged arc-like flashes & emitted a large volume of vapor. When Shrum came to, the entities were gone.
Humcat 1964-21 Source: Paul Cerny for Nicap, & Dr. James Harder for Apro
Around midnight, the witness, Ipat Fedorovich (involved in numerous other encounters) suddenly awoke after hearing a sharp sibilant sound. Looking at the opened window he saw an “object” entered the room and land on the night table. The “object” resembled a small robot-like humanoid or a sophisticated toy. The height of the robotic figure was only about 15 cm and width about 10cm. It seemed… to be multi-layered and emitted a light with all the colors of the rainbow, although blue and greenish predominated. A small glow was also observed briefly at the window. Meanwhile, the night visitor after staying on the table for about 30-40 seconds fell or jumped to the floor, executing this maneuver totally noiselessly. The multicolored glow now dimmed and Fedorovich arose from the bed and immediately looked around the table, but there was no trace of the “little fellow”. After this Fedorovich went immediately to sleep, in the morning he made a sketch of the strange robotic entity. (Above).
Over a period of months a farm in southern France was plagued by the appearance of lights. Balls of light appeared in the evening and surrounded the house of 20-year-old Robert L., who lived with his parents and his grandmother.
Large balls of light moved over the ground, seeming to extinguish and re-light, eventually joining up with a giant bullet-shaped form standing vertically.
They appeared to be intelligent.
One evening the young man, feeling exasperated, attempted to run into a ball of light with his car. A race ensued over 2 miles, and Robert was unable to catch up with the ball. The car broke down. A flying vessel appeared. The temperature rose. A “flying saucer with two domes descended to the ground where Rogert saw two figures on the inside. He lost consciousness.
Over the next days, Robert was overcome with fatigue and had nightmares. He slept twenty hours a day for three months.
Visitations 1967 – 1968
For two years Robert received many visits in his bedroom at night. Extra-terrestrial entities crossed through the walls and surrounded his bed. Robert was paralyzed.
The visitors were tall, blond, and thin with long arms. They were dressed in skin-tight jumpsuits open at the neck and wrists, with a metallic shimmer and a wide belt.
A farmer in the Czech Republic wants reparations from aliens for the damage caused to his corn field by a giant crop circle. That and other space and UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!
Indiase minister van Financiën: Buitenaardse intelligenties bestaan
Indiase minister van Financiën: Buitenaardse intelligenties bestaan
Terwijl veel Indiërs zich druk maken over aanstaande bezuinigingen, had de Indiase minister van Financiën afgelopen woensdag op Facebook vooral aandacht voor minder aardse zaken. Arun Jaitley, een belangrijke vertrouweling van minister-president Narendra Modi, plaatste op Wereld UFO Dag een speciale boodschap op zijn Facebookpagina, die meer dan een miljoen likes heeft.
“Deze dag wordt gevierd om het bewustzijn over het bestaan van UFO’s te vergroten en daarmee het bestaan van intelligente wezens uit de ruimte,” schreef de minister. Het bericht was voorzien van een afbeelding van een vliegende schotel in een graanveld.
Wereld UFO Dag is een feestdag die gewijd is aan het bewijzen van het bestaan van ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten. De feestdag is in 2001 ontstaan, meldt de website
Een staflid van minister Jaitley bevestigde dat zijn team de boodschap had geplaatst en zei dat de pagina niet was gehackt. Het bericht viel niet overal in goede aarde. Na een storm van verontwaardiging werd het bericht na een paar uur weer verwijderd.
“Vandaag vieren wij Indiërs de prijsverhoging in plaats van UFO Dag,” reageerde Facebook-gebruiker V Bhushan Bhushansharma, verwijzende naar de stijgende prijzen van brandstof en het openbaar vervoer in India.
Minister-president Modi verzekerde zich in mei met zijn nationalistische BJP-partij met een verpletterende verkiezingsoverwinning van een absolute meerderheid in het Indiase parlement. Tijdens zijn verkiezingscampagne bleef Modi hameren op economisch herstel. De hindoe-nationalistische partij decimeerde de door corruptieschandalen geteisterde Congrespartij die al bijna een halve eeuw aan de macht was.
Eén van de grote problemen in India, waar 70 procent van de mensen moet rondkomen van nog geen 1,5 euro per dag, is het grote begrotingstekort, dat sinds enige tijd gehalveerd is van ongeveer 5 procent naar rond de 2,5 procent van het bbp.
“U kunt zich beter beperken tot de discussie over de problemen waar de doorsnee Indiër mee te maken heeft,” schreef Facebook-gebruiker Ganesh Choudhary onder het bericht. “Mensen zijn bang voor de ellende waar ze mee te maken gaan krijgen als de maatregelen in werking treden die gericht zijn op het herstel van de fiscale gezondheid van het land.”
Twee planeten waar leven mogelijk zou zijn, blijken helemaal niet te bestaan. Hun 'ontdekking' was in 2010 bekendgemaakt door sterrenkundigen, maar wat ze zagen, was ruis. Collega-wetenschappers hebben hun ster nogmaals onderzocht en komen nu tot die conclusie, die ze vandaag naar buiten hebben gebracht. Het onderzoek verschijnt in het belangrijke wetenschapsblad Science.
Als sterrenkundigen zoeken naar planeten in andere stelsels, kunnen ze niet kijken naar de planeten zelf. Die zijn namelijk te klein. In plaats daarvan meten ze hoe het licht van een ster dimt, als een planeet er voorlangs gaat.
Gliese 581 Bij de ster Gliese 581 zagen wetenschappers een paar jaar geleden dat het licht veranderde. Dat kwam volgens hen door twee planeten. Die zouden rotsachtig zijn, net als de aarde, en ze zouden op de goede afstand van de ster staan zodat er vloeibaar water op het oppervlak zou kunnen zijn. Zulke planeten zijn 'potentieel bewoonbaar'; als ergens in het heelal buitenaards leven is, zal het waarschijnlijk op zo'n planeet zijn.
Maar het waren helemaal niet de planeten waardoor Gliese 581 dimde, zeggen andere wetenschappers nu. Ze keken opnieuw naar de ster en zeggen dat het hoogstwaarschijnlijk kwam door vlekken op het oppervlak van de ster, zoals onze zon die ook heeft.
Teleurgesteld zijn de wetenschappers niet echt. Dat ze in staat zijn om de ruis te ontdekken, betekent dat ze de echte planeten ook beter kunnen vinden. "Het is jammer dat twee veelbelovende planeten niet bestaan, maar we denken dat dit onderzoek uiteindelijk leidt tot de vondst van meer planeten zoals de aarde", schrijven ze.
Rond de ster Gliese 581 waren eerder drie andere planeten ontdekt. Die zijn er wel degelijk, blijkt ook na de nieuwe berekeningen. Ze staan alleen te dicht bij de ster, waardoor leven er onmogelijk is.
Uit de studie van de akoestische trillingen van een honderdtal sterren die jonger zijn dan 10 miljoen jaar en één tot vijfmaal de massa van onze zon hebben, heeft Konstanze Zwintz van het Leuvense Instituut voor Sterrenkunde voor het eerst aangetoond dat jonge sterren andere trillingspatronen vertonen dat ietwat oudere sterren. Dat meldt de KU Leuven in een persbericht.
Sterren worden dikwijls in groep geboren als een deel van hun moleculaire wolk - gas en stof - samentrekt om vervolgens te krimpen door de zwaartekracht. Ze worden volwassen sterren die een hele tijd stabiel blijven na een kernfusie.
De leeftijd van jonge sterren was tot voor kort moeilijk te bepalen. De moleculaire wolk waaruit de sterrenhoop ontstaan is, geeft enkel een ruwe indicatie want er bevinden zich zowel jonge als oudere sterren.
Levensfases Theoretici hadden voor jonge sterren al andere trillingspatronen voorspeld dan voor oudere sterren en dat wordt nu bevestigd door het onderzoek van Zwintz. Uit haar studie blijkt dat de sterren kunnen onderverdeeld worden in verschillende levensfases.
"De allerjongste sterren vertonen tragere trillingen, de sterren die dichter bij volwassenheid staan, trillen sneller", aldus Zwintz, die voor dit onderzoek gegevens verzamelde van sterren uit de sterrenhoop Christmas Tree Clusters afkomstig van de MOST- en CoRot-satelliet.
Wetenschappers hebben dankzij de Amerikaanse Saturnussonde Cassini sterke aanwijzingen gevonden dat de ondergrondse oceaan op de maan Titan mogelijk even zout is als de Dode Zee op Aarde, zo heeft het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbureau NASA meegedeeld.
De Cassini scheerde de voorbije tien jaar herhaaldelijk langs Titan, de grootste maan van Saturnus. Bij die passages stuurde de onbemande sonde data omtrent zwaartekacht en topografie door. Aan de hand hiervan slaagden de onderzoekers erin om een model van Titan te maken.
De ondergrondse oceaan op Titan blijkt daarbij een extreem hoge dichtheid te hebben. Dat betekent dat deze oceaan mogelijk "zware" zouten bevat, zoals zwavelzouten, natriumzouten en kaliumzouten. "Dit is heel erg zout", aldus Giuseppe Mitri van de universiteit van Nantes. "Nu we dit weten, verandert het onze kijk op de oceaan als een potentiële broedplaats van leven."
Bovendien ontdekten de wetenschappers dat de dikke ijskorst boven de oceaan zeer stijf is. Dit verklaart waarom de dikte van de ijskorst van Titan van plek tot plek verschilt. Een minder stijve korst zou zich op een gegeven moment aanpassen aan de vorm van de maan, maar dat is hier niet mogelijk.
Het model verklaart ook hoe het vijf procent methaan in de atmosfeer van Titan wordt aangevuld. Omdat zonlicht methaan afbreekt, is er een proces actief dat het gas aanvult. De onderzoekers vermoeden dat dit plaatselijk gebeurt op zogenoemde hotspots, te vergelijken met vulkanisme op Aarde. Methaan komt dus maar op enkele plekken in de atmosfeer terecht.
Has a pyramid been found on an asteroid? Some UFO researchers believe it is a real possibility.
Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily says, ”When you first look at this asteroid it appears just like a normal rock in space, but with a more careful second glance you will see…it is inhabited. There is a black (flat black color) pyramid on this asteroid.”
“I have said many times…alien structures come in one of three types…grey metallic, flat black color, white ceramic color. Oh…I often find around the flat black are tiny grey metallic structures.” says Waring.
”This is fantastic evidence from scientists in India at the ISRO labs. The detail of this massive pyramid is fantastic and you can see two other rectangle structures on it. The asteroid is probably not for mining as much as used as a tiny space station. An asteroid that size and a structure that size is a bit out of proportion…so this cannot be a mining facility,” says Waring.
Updated on July 3, 2014: Waring says, “I emailed the director of ISRO today and asked him about the video being theirs or not. I also asked them about the building on the asteroid. ISRO is here.“
Date of discovery: June 29, 2014
Location of discovery: our solar system
Source: ISRO, Indian Space Research Organisation.
Photos by: NEOSSat
Asteroid: 1999 RQ36
“This massive structure is meant to be hidden on this small asteroid, so it is probably monitoring planets as it passes them without any primitive life discovering them…however, India was on top of it and caught it quickly. Awesome work India,” says Waring.
Location: 25 km NE of General Pinto Buenos Aires Argentina Date: October 29 1973
Time: 1720
Carlos Argue Balvidares, 43, the manager of a country estate, was drinking tea when his son Manuel, 13, called his attention to the presence of 3 persons floating in the air over the surface of a pond 100 yards away. Balvidares went to the pond and called out to the…m; they “disappeared immediately, only to return to show themselves at the opposite shore of the pond, 300 yards away.” There were two men and a woman. The woman was about 5’3” tall and had long black hair, black clothing, and white boots; the men (both of the same height) were somewhat shorter, and appeared naked and of a “sunburned” color; they may have been wearing tight fitting one-piece suits. They were blond, and their hair appeared “glued on.” All three had white complexions, wide foreheads, and small noses. They floated about with their arms held close to their bodies. On the far side of the pond rested a rectangular object approx. 35 ft in diameter and 7-10 ft high, which was luminous, and emitted a beam of light 15” in diameter which struck Balvidares; it dazzled him and he could feel heat from it. Balvidares took his horse and rode out to the pond, but when he had got halfway to the entities, he encountered an “invisible barrier” and cold not proceed. Meanwhile the beings continued to maneuver over the surface of the pond, communicating by “a kind of shriek, like the sound made by a radio which is poorly tuned.” After an hour and a half, Balvidares mounted his horse to ride around the pond, but at that time the beings returned to the UFO, the men “changing in color to dark green and orange” as they approached it. Then the witness smelt “an odor of sulfur” and became drowsy for a few moments; when he recovered from this, the object and its entities had disappeared. On later investigation, many triangular footprints 4” to 5” long, showing 4 claw marks at the front of the triangle, were found in the vicinity of the UFOs resting place; the object itself left 4 triangular impressions 15” on a side, arranged in a square 13 ft on a side. The horse “exhibited nervousness” after the event, and its hair began to fall out.
Location: Villares Del Saz, Cuenca, Spain Date: about July 2 1953
Time: 1300
Maximo Munoz Hernaiz, a 12-year old local shepherd had gone out to the fields with the grazing cattle. During the early afternoon as Maximo took care that the animals did not go into the crop fields he began to hear a slight humming sound emanating from behind him. Moments later h…e looked and saw what he could only describe as “a large balloon” resembling the ones he had seen at local fairs. However this supposed balloon was not glowing as much as it should have done. He compared the object to a large “bowl” a little bit over half a meter in width, with a yellowish brilliance, similar to that of “iron shining under a hot sun”, and about 1.30 meters in height. Still thinking that it was some type of balloon Maximo approached it, planning to grab the “balloon”. However, suddenly a small door or hatch opened on the front of the balloon and three “little men” exited the object. The little men were only about 65 cm in height, with Oriental features and yellowish skin. The three little men had “jumped” out of the object and approached the now startled Maximo. One stood on each side, while a third directly in front of him. The one standing in front of Maximo spoke to the shepherd in a strange language which he did not understand. The apparent ‘leader’ of the little men who all wore blue uniforms, cap with visor, and a sort of ‘emblem’ on their arms, stared at Maximo’s uncomprehending face and then ‘slapped’ him gently on one of his cheeks. The three little men stood around briefly, apparently contemplating the scenery and then returned to their craft. Grabbing something unseen within the object each one jumped up into the object and entered. The small hatch closed as the object became brighter ascending slowly into the sky and emitting the same humming sound that Maximo had originally heard. Afraid Maximo gathered up the cows and went back home and told his family what he had seen. His father Felipe Muñoz Olivares, accompanied by the local “Guardia Civil” or rural police inspected the apparent landing site and found footprints and four holes 5 centimeters each in depth and 2.5 centimeters in width, and separated by 36 centimeters from each other. These same traces were seen by another local, Fernando Arago and the Reverend Antonio Bulnes, both head administrators of a nearby youth camp, “Cardenal Cisneros”, these men apparently made molds with some of the prints. The same day another rural police officer, Crescencio Atienza Martinez from the nearby village of Honrubia, reported seeing a grayish-white sphere flying towards the Spanish frontier from the direction of Villares del Saz. Maximo Muñoz never spoke about the incident again.
Humcat 1953-7 Source: Antonio Ribera, The Humanoids
Location: NE of Pitanga near Bauru, Sao Paolo, Brazil Date: July 23 1947 µ
Time: daytime
Hearing a whistling sound, Jose C. Higgins, a topographer, saw coming down a lens shaped object with surrounding flange; it landed 150 ft away. It was of gray white metal, about 150 ft in diameter with a 3 foot rim, and 15 ft high, “crossed by tubes in several directions,” the whistling coming from these. Metallic legs, which bent a little, supported the craft. Walking closer, he saw through a black glass window 2 persons watching him; a door opened beneath the rim, and there emerged 3 people enveloped in inflated transparent suits, with metal boxes on their backs. They wore shirts and shorts, which looked as though made of paper rather than cloth. Their heads were almost hairless, their eyes round and large, and their legs relatively long; they were nearly 7 ft tall. All 3 looked identical. They spoke in an unknown language, and he noticed that they kept in the shade except for brief periods. One, pointing a metal tube at him, motioned Higgins to enter the door, through which he could see an inner door and the end of a “pipe.” Using gestures, Higgins asked where they came from. One drew on the ground a dot (the sun, “Alamo” in their language) surrounded by 7 circles, and pointed alternately to the seventh circle (called “Orque” Uranus) and to their craft. Not wishing to go there, Higgins showed them a picture of his wife, indicating that he did not want to leave her, and the allowed him to go. From the forest he looked back to see them “playing like children, jumping in the air and throwing enormous stones.” After half an hour, having “carefully examined their surroundings,” they re-entered and the craft took off.
Humcat 1947-2 Source: Joao Martins, Apro Bulletin May 1961
Type: B High Strangeness Index: 7 Reliability of Source: 8 Comments: classic early Brazilian case. The aliens apparently did not attempt to communicate by using telepathy, apparently some can and some wont or don’t
Many people are saying that the government is not telling the truth about its involvement in the retrieval of a crashed UFO in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965. People who live in Kecksburg wonder what it was that caused the military, police, and local firefighters to respond so quickly to this rural community. Follow the events of December 9th, 1965, with UFOInvestigator Stan Gordon as twenty-one witnesses describe what they saw, the news medias involvement and the military’s mysterious removal of a UFO to an unknown Air Forcebase where all traces of this event disappeared in secrecy.
Form: FI-4 Initial Report Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 05:08:24 -0600 From: Francis Ridge <> Subject: 1973, May, Houston, TX; Cattle Mutilation Cat: 4 To: CE, SHG
Houston,TX 1973. One of the few UFO encounter cases which also involved animal mutilation occurred in May, 1973, and involved four women. Judy Doraty, her daughter Cindy, Judy’s mother and sister-in-law would have the most terrifying experience of their lives. After playing Bingo in Houston, the four women were returning to Judy’s home town of Texas City, but first going by Alto Loma to drop off Judy’s sister and brother-in-law.
After dropping off the two in Alto Loma, the remaining four saw a strange light, which seemed to be hovering in the night sky. The sight was intriguing enough that the four women stopped, and got out of the car to get a clearer look at the source of the light. They watched in awe until the light disappeared. They then resumed their trip to Texas City.
Eventually, Judy began to suffer from extreme headaches and anxiety. After being seen and dismissed by several doctors, she was referred to well-known Ufologist and hypnotist Dr. Leo Sprinkle. Sprinkle’s previous experience with the UFO enigma led him to recommend hypnosis as a way to relieve Judy of her emotional trauma. There can be little doubt that Sprinkle suspected an abduction from the beginning.
Under hypnosis, it was revealed that Judy had apparently been abducted aboard an extra-terrestrial spacecraft. Judy went on in detail, describing how a cow was taken up into the craft and methodically mutilated by two “small entities.” During the hypnotic regression, Judy described the unusual sensation of being in two places at once. She said that she was still standing beside her car after they stopped to watch the strange light in the sky. However, Judy also said that at the same time, she was in a strange chamber watching the gruesome experiment unfolding before her eyes. Footage of this regression was included in Linda Moulton-Howe’s award-winning documentary “Strange Harvests.”
In a 1989 interview on 21st Century Radio, Linda Howe divulged what had been learned from the experience of Judy Doraty:
“Judy described . . . in a pale beam of yellow light, a small brown and white calf being taken up into a craft. Then, in an extraordinary way, [Judy) was inside the craft, and she watches the calf have pieces of it excised: the tongue, the sex organs, the eyes…?”
Some of Sprinkle’s hypnosis session is included below:
Sprinkle asks, “Is there anyone around you?”
There was this long, almost forty-five-second pause, and then she said: “two little men.”
“[The two beings) were about three and a half to four feet tall; grey creatures with large egg-shaped heads.”
“It’s like a spotlight shining down on the back of my car. And it’s like it has substance to it. I can see an animal being taken up in this. I can see it squirming and trying to get free. And it’s like it’s being sucked up.”
She then went on to mention seeing her daughter Cindy on an ‘operating’ table.
She went on:
“They don’t listen, they just ignore me….go about their work as if it’s nothing. They don’t seem to have any emotions. They don’t seem to care. They just take some samples from her…”
It would be a number of years later when Judy’s daughter Cindy would also undergo regressive hypnosis. Her session only corroborated her mother’s.
Statement by Judy Doraty on February 01, 2003 at 19:48:28:
First I must say there is no doubt that abductions exist. My abduction took place in 1973. There were 16 eye witnesses to the craft, though not all remember an abduction. My daughter who was 14 at the time and myself. This was first reported to Ellington airforce base in Texas, who denied anything was on radar at the time. Our abduction was also returning from a bingo game in Houston, to our home in Texas City, first going by Alta Loma to drop off sister and brother in law.
There was another sighting of three people coming from a bingo game in Houston that got burned by the effects of the sighting. Our sighting was almost a year before theirs. So much happened that night I would not attempt to go in detail, we were all changed and have never been the same since. We were first ridiculed so much by others who were not present (family mostly) I did not talk about it for a few years. Then my husband returned home from Viet Nam and we were stationed in Yuma, AZ. I somehow heard about APRO. I called them and told them about my sighting and the very next day, a Mr. Daugherty and his wife and a doctor. who had experience in hypnosis named Rose Tennant came to my house and spent the entire day going over what happened.
Dr. Tenant regressed me and a few details came out or shall I say surfaced. I had been having terrible migraines, and just the amount of surfacing relieved much. I know I remembered a formula that was given to me by the small gray alien. I think that is what caused a lot of problems. I did not say anything to anyone else as I was still gun-shy and afraid of ridicule. A few years later I got a call from a lady Named Linda Howe. We talked a long time her trying to convince me I needed to be regressed again for a TV documentary she was doing called the Strange Harvest.
For some reason I began to trust her as she convinced me she believed what I was saying. And as all abductees know this is one of the most important things to help one get on with their life. In my abduction I witnessed a small calf being transported in a LARGE CRAFT. At that time I somehow was teleported or astroprojected or something, as I was in the craft seeing what was going on as well as standing by my car I had gotten out of to see what the huge light was that had been pacing our car for about twenty miles or so. Anyway I allowed a DR. Leo Sprinkle from the University of Wyoming to do his regression.
It was about a three hour regression, I fulfilled MS. Howe’s agenda she got an Emma for her documentary, but I was left with all the information in my head that still needed syphoning. I asked her to help me write a book to be able to tell the amazing things that I was told and shown. She agreed and then kept putting it off.
Both her and Dr. Sprinkle used my case for their own agenda and had little else to say to me. I guess I am trying to warn all of you to be careful who you trust. My main concern was I always wanted my abduction to be presented in a way that it would not be construed as a crazy woman venting her boredom. So again I pulled myself in a shell and talked to no one. I was contacted by Sightings to do a follow up and I called Linda Howe she told me it would make the story unbelievable to the average person and I should not do it, so I turned them down. Later I learned she a a rift with Mr. Wrinklier and that was the only reason she did not want me to be on the show.
Then about ten years ago I was told by someone in the UFO community who was familiar with my case that Ms. Howe had gone to Kirkland airforce base was warned to keep my mouth shut but Ms. Howe never told this to me. She told a ufologist who called me. In other words the government did not want me to say anything about a formula I was given. I became frightened and this is the first time I have shared anything. I hope some one reads this that will contact me and give me advice or help as the abduction is 30 years old, I am 63 and before I die I would love to know what many already know, and why they do not want my story told…thanks for listening.
Assembled and written by B J Booth Source: “Strange Harvest” Linda Moulton Howe Dr. Leo Sprinkle, University of Wyoming, transcripts 21st Century Radio Judy Doraty statement
Scientists at Liverpool’s John Moore University have successfully cloned a dinosaur, a spokesman from the university said yesterday. The dinosaur, a baby Apatosaurus nicknamed “Spot,” is currently being incubated at the University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The scientists extracted DNA from preserved Apatosaurus fossils, which were on display at the university’s museum of natural science. Once the DNA was harvested, scientists injected it into a fertile ostrich womb.
Scientists at Liverpool’s John Moore University have successfully cloned a dinosaur, a spokesman from the university said yesterday ( = 30/05/2014).
The dinosaur, a baby Apatosaurus nicknamed “Spot,” is currently being incubated at the University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The scientists extracted DNA from preserved Apatosaurus fossils, which were on display at the university’s museum of natural science. Once the DNA was harvested, scientists injected it into a fertile ostrich womb. “Ostriches share a lot of genetic traits with dinosaurs,” said Dr. Gerrard Jones, a biology professor at LJMU and the project’s leading scientist. “Their eggshell microstructures are almost identical to those of the Apatosaurus. That’s why the cloning worked so perfectly.”
Those in the scientific community say the dinosaur cloning – the first ever of its kind – is a milestone for genetic engineering. “I used to think this kind of thing could only happen in the movies,” said Dr. Gemma Sheridan, a LJMU chemistry professor. “But we’re making it happen right here in our lab. It’s astounding.” The cloning attracted the attention of a wide variety of animal rights activists and religious groups. They claim that animal cloning is unethical and immoral. PETA President Craig Farmer criticized the scientists for performing potentially life threatening threats on a new species. “These scientists brought an animal from the Jurassic age back to life – just to watch it suffer!” he said.
But Dr. Sheridan doesn’t seem to be bothered by the activists’ quibbling. She says that the opportunities afforded by dinosaur cloning are endless. Within ten years, we could repopulate the world with dinosaurs,” she said. As of press time, the dinosaur is in stable condition. Scientists plan to run more tests on him today.
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UFO mania: According to a Government Agency, This UFO is Real...
UFO mania: According to a Government Agency, This UFO is Real...
The latest case CEFAA investigated --which has received a lot of attention from the Spanish-speaking media this week-- was a series of photographs taken during the mid of April of 2013 at the Collahuasi mine in the north of Chile, located 4,300 meters above sea level.
The images, taken by a digital Samsung camera model Kenox S860, show a silvery 'flattened disk' of approx. 5 to 10 meters in diameter at an altitude of around 600 meters, which was observed by several witnesses (35 technicians & mine workers) performing a series of aerial maneuvers --vertical & horizontal displacements, showing sometimes the disk as a lenticular object, other times as an ovoid-- for a span of 1 to 2 hours, denoting some sort of intelligent control or predetermined flight.
A meteorologist concluded the object could not have been a lenticular cloud, and after an expert analyzed the photographs using a series of filters, the official conclusion of the agency is that the object is a real UFO --which does NOT mean they're saying the disk is an interstellar alien ship; it simply means they object is not a conventional aeoronautical craft, nor a known meteorological event.
In this age of Photoshop & digital manipulation, photographic evidence is barely evidence of anything. Yet it is still comforting to know there are still researchers out there, committed to apply scientific rigor in the analysis of an image showing what very well may be a truly extraordinary phenomenon. Even more comforting, is knowing there are nations not willing to let the United States dictate them what is or isn't of significance to their national security; and if the USA wishes to retain their position as leaders of the world perhaps they should start by getting their head off the sand and acknowledge that, no matter how much they refuse to look up, the UFOs are not going anywhere.
They should also improve their performance at the World Cup, while they're at it --I mean, srsly guys.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Computer Simulation Confirms the Possibility of Time Travel
Computer Simulation Confirms the Possibility of Time Travel
Learning Mind | Using photons, Australian scientists managed to create a model in which quantum particles can move back in time. As it turned out, the laws of standard quantum mechanics may be violated at the same time.
Physicists from the University of Queensland in Australia set out to simulate a computer experiment, which could prove the possibility of time travel at the quantum level, predicted in 1991. They managed to simulate the behavior of a single photon passing through a wormhole in space-time in the past and engaging with itself. Such a trajectory of a particle is called a closed timelike curve, i.e. a photon returns to the original space-time point and its worldline closes.
The researchers studied two scenarios. In the first, the particle passes through a wormhole, returning to the past, and interacts with itself. In the second scenario, the photon, forever enclosed in a closed timelike curve interacts with another, ordinary particle.
According to the scientists, their work will make an important contribution to the unification of the two great theories in physics, which till this moment had little in common: the Einstein’s general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
“Einstein’s theory describes the world of stars and galaxies, while quantum mechanics studies mainly the properties of elementary particles, atoms and molecules,” said Martin Ringbauer of University of Queensland.
Einstein’s General Relativity allows the possibility of traveling back in time to the object, which gets stuck in a closed timelike curve. However, this possibility can cause a number of paradoxes: a time traveler could, for example, prevent his parents from meeting each other, and thus make his own birth impossible.
In 1991, it was suggested for the first time that time travel in the quantum world can prevent such paradoxes, since the properties of quantum particles are not precisely defined, according to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
Computer simulations of the Australian scientists allowed to study for the first time the behavior of quantum particles in such a scenario. At the same time, new interesting effects were revealed, the occurrence of which is considered impossible according to the standard quantum mechanics.
For example, it turned out that it is possible to accurately identify the various states of a quantum system, which is quite possible if we remain within the framework of the quantum theory.
About The Author
Anna LeMind
Hi, I like learning new things and sharing my knowledge with others! I post science, psychology, self improvement and other related topics. I’m particularly interested in topics concerning consciousness and subconscious, perception, human mind’s potential, as well as the nature of reality and the universe.
Hundreds of UFOs flying over Astana, Kazakhstan on 20th June 2014
Hundreds of UFOs flying over Astana, Kazakhstan on 20th June 2014
New amazing video footage of hundreds of UFOs recorded while hovering in the night sky above Astana, Kazakhstan on 20th June 2014.
Witness said: Photographed by me in the night from 19 to 20 June 2014 on a digital camera Sony HDR-SR11E. Original MTS file format I can send the mail (136,740,864 bytes). To pour on Youtube were converted to Aiseesoft MTS Converter.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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