The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
I woke up and saw a bright light coming through my bedroom doorway.i felt a desire to check it out I walked out into the dining room and could see it was coming from the kitchen window facing the back yard.I started to panic and was terified but could not stop myself from going to the kitchen window.I then heard in my head to have no fear and to calm down,I felt the presence of a warm and loving being,and was willing to go to the window to see.I could see the glow was coming from a disk,landed in my neighbors back yard.The voice was strong in my head telling me everything is alright.I watched something come out of the side and extend to the outside basement doorway.I could hear them moving around in the basement underneath.
The next thing I remember is being face to face with a tall grey staring very close into my eyes,I felt a very intense love.They showed me my yet to be born kids in the future that I have now.They showed me,me running through some kind of devastating event happening to the planet,chunks of rocks hitting around me.Giant enormous black triangular ships covered the sky.After the rocks stopped,the planet was peaceful and I was looking up at two suns in the sky.
De ISEE-3 is terug tot leven gewekt. Voor het eerst in bijna 20 jaar zijn de stuwmotoren van de ruimtesonde dit weekend gebruikt. Dat schrijft technologiewebsite The Verge.
De ruimtesonde, die ondertussen meer dan 35 jaar oud is, werd terug tot leven gewekt, nadat de NASA een groep burgerwetenschappers daar groen licht toe gaf. Via crowdfunding wist een groep ex-NASA-medewerkers genoeg geld te verzamelen voor het project.
De sonde heette oorspronkelijk ISEE-3, maar kreeg in 1985 de naam International Cometary Explorer. De satelliet moest toen twee kometen, waaronder Halley, onderzoeken.
In 1997 werd de satelliet afgedankt omdat ze zich steeds verder en verder van de aarde verwijderde. In 2008 ontdekten gewezen NASA-medewerkers echter dat de satelliet nog steeds een signaal uitzond.
Bedoeling nu is de sonde haar oorspronkelijke missie opnieuw te laten uitvoeren: het meten van de interactie tussen de zonnewind en het magnetische veld van de aarde. Daarvoor wordt de satelliet in augustus in een positie op 1,5 miljoen kilometer van de aarde gebracht.
Dit weekend werden de eerste stappen gezet: voor het eerst in meer dan 20 jaar werden de stuwmotoren van de satelliet geactiveerd.
Wetenschappers hebben 20 miljoen jaar oude fossielen ontdekt op een bouwwerf in het Californische Silicon Valley. Het gaat om haaientanden, resten van walvissen en een dier, dat nog het meest lijkt op een nijlpaard. Dat berichtte de krant San Jose Mercury maandag. Ze kwamen aan het licht door de bouw van een 66 meter hoge dam in het Calaveras Reservoir.
"We hebben hier eerder al fossielen gevonden, voor de constructiewerken zijn begonnen. Dat was erg opwindend", zei paleontoloog Jim Walker. "We hebben schelpen ontdekt en ik zei 'nu wil ik een walvis', en die hebben we nu ook gevonden." Sinds 2011 werden al meer dan 530 verschillende fossielen uit het Mioceen gevonden. Het Mioceen begon ruim 23 miljoen jaar terug en eindigde ongeveer 5 miljoen jaar geleden.
De vindplaats is gesloten voor alle publiek. De fossielen zullen later in een museum in San Francisco tentoongesteld worden. De dam zal over een drietal jaar opgeleverd worden. Duizenden technologie- en IT-bedrijven, van kleine start-ups tot de grootste ondernemingen in de sector, hebben zich in de regio ten zuiden van San Francisco gevestigd.
Elke sonde die terugkeert van de Rode planeet, brengt telkens wat meer bewijs mee van het waterige verleden van Mars. Onderzoekers van het Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona zijn er nu in geslaagd een stukje van Mars erg gedetailleerd in kaart te brengen. Volgens de wetenschappers toont hun kaart duidelijk aan dat water en ijs de hooglanden van Mars hebben vormgegeven. Dat meldt de wetenschapssite SEN.
Scott Mest en David Crown brachten de zuidelijke hooglanden van Mars in kaart. Het resultaat toont de opeenvolging van geologische processen die zich voltrokken toen de (hoog)vlaktes overspoeld werden met water, dat nadien weer verdween. "De kaart toont hoe het oude, ruige hoogland rond het Hellas Bassin vorm kreeg en bewijst de blijvende effecten van water en ijs op het oppervlak van Mars", zegt Crown.
Het duidelijkste bewijs van de aanwezigheid van water is volgens de onderzoekers te zien in de canyons van Waikato Vallis in het noordelijke deel van de kaart en Reull Vallis in het midden. Van beide kloven wordt gedacht dat ze gevormd werden toen ondergronds water aan het oppervlak kwam, waardoor de grond instortte. De wetenschappers achten het mogelijk dat het water opgeslagen zat in een watervoerende laag in de ondergrond of als ijs, dat smolt door de hitte van nabijgelegen vulkanen.
Ondiep meer Op basis van beelden uit de jaren 70 van de Viking Orbiter gingen wetenschappers ervan uit dat Wailato Vallis en Reull Vallis twee delen waren van één lang canyonsysteem. De nieuwe kaart gebruikt hogeresolutiebeelden van recentere ruimtesondes, die aantonen dat het gaat om twee aparte systemen die van elkaar gescheiden zijn door de vlaktes van Eridania Planitia.
Door voorzichtige schattingen te maken van de ouderdom van de kloven en de vlaktes konden de onderzoekers de volgorde van de geologische processen achterhalen. Alles begon toen er water vrijkwam van Waikato Vallis, dat een tijdlang een ondiep meer vormde in de vlaktes.
Terwijl Reull Vallis, onafhankelijk van Waikato Vallis, ontstond, doorbrak de canyon een kraterrand die het water in het meer hield. Daardoor begon het water langzaam weg te lopen, zoals te zien is aan de smalle kanalen op de bodem van Reull Vallis.
Gletsjers Op de kaart is nog meer bewijs te vinden voor de historische aanwezigheid van water op Mars. Zo worden de vlaktes en hooglanden doorgesneden door kleine kanaaltjes, die vermoedelijk rond dezelfde periode zijn ontstaan door stromend water.
De meest recente wateractiviteit zijn 'rotsgletsjers' nabij de pieken van de hooglanden en de wanden van inslagkraters, waar ijsrijke bezinksels naar beneden gleden. De wetenschappers sluiten niet uit dat deze gletsjers nog steeds actief zijn.
Man suffering from sleep paralysis captures shadow figure on camera while asleep
Man suffering from sleep paralysis captures shadow person on cameraPhoto courtesy of Youtube via Mike Pike
A man suffering from sleep paralysis decided to set up a camera to film what he experienced while asleep. The camera captured something strange hovering over him Altered Dimensions reported on Monday.
Mike Pike often wakes up in the middle of the night and upon waking he experiences a half-waking state where he is unable to move. On several occasions Pike felt like he wasn’t alone and sometimes notices a strange shadowy figure at the foot of his bed watching him.
“I’m a rationalist and a very skeptical person with no previous interest in paranormal activity, but after doing some research it seemed like there was a possibility that this entity is real,” Pike said.
On one evening last week Pike decided to place a camera in his bedroom to document what he was experiencing on his sleepless nights. Pike set up a camera facing the bed and went to sleep with the lights on. The footage that he captured was shocking. In the video, around the 30-second mark, an eerie mist rises to the ceiling from Pike’s bed.
“I have watched the footage over and over trying to figure out some logical explanation for what could have caused the image of what seems to be a ghost, but I haven’t been able to come up with a solution,” Pike said about the video. “I am really starting to believe that I captured the entity I saw during my paralysis on video. This terrifies me so much that I can no longer sleep in my room.”
Scientists claim that a sleep paralysis condition known as hypnogogia is what causes the illusion of shadow people. Hypnogogia is also known as waking-sleep and the person suffering from the condition is in a dreamlike state but they are aware of their environment. During this state people experience a feeling of dread, pressure on their chest, and visual images of shadowy beings.
Some studies have showed that certain drugs such as pseudophedrine can produce hallucinations. Pseudophedrine is found in many over-the-counter allergy and cold medicines. Many people that suffer from pet allergies have had shadow person experiences.
What exactly is the strange mist? Is it a hoax? Could it be a shadow figure?
More Wikileaks Documents Surface Confirming The Existence Of Extraterrestrial Life & UFOs
More Wikileaks Documents Surface Confirming The Existence Of Extraterrestrial Life & UFOs
Julian Assange has grabbed the attention of the entire planet, as both mainstream and alternative media networks have covered Wikileaks in depth. For those who don’t know, Wikileaks is an international, online, non-profit organization that publishes secret (classified) documents, information, news leaks and other classified material from anonymous sources. They are no different from Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. As I’ve mentioned before, they’ve been a tremendous threat to the controlling elite for a number of years and have gained the attention of major mainstream media outlets worldwide, many of whom have bashed Assange, pointing to the idea that the release of classified documents is a threat to national security. Wrong, it’s simply a threat to secrecy, information and truth. America alone classifies over five hundred million pages of documents per year. Think about a historian trying to study history, or technological development, science and more, how can they properly do this if most of this information is constantly kept secret from the general population?
That’s why organizations like Wikileaks are so important, as they shed light on truth that most of the human race knows nothing about, and one of them is the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials.
Wikileaks is a major attention grabber, so it’s a great way to bring more attention to the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon that’s been gaining heavy interest over the last few years.
As far as UFO documents go, the Wikileaks ones are not really significant compared to what’s already available in the public domain. They do however show that these topics are still mentioned in highly classified documents. Again, we already have a number of (more significant and telling) documents that have been released into the public domain, as well as statements from high ranking military and political figures. To see some of these documents and whistle-blowers, you can refer to the last article I wrote on this subject by clicking HERE. For more articles on this subject from Collective Evolution, you can click HERE.
Wikileaks UFO/Extraterrestrial Documents
Prominent Lithuanian politician says that there are a “group of UFOs, who are making influence from the Cosmos.” That “there exists a decreasing group of persons, who are trying to rationally analyze the situation and objectively evaluate what is happening.” (source)
This cable comes from the year 2006 from the American Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania. The statement was made by Albinas Januska, who at the time was appointed adviser to the Lithuanian Prime Minister.
Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan Nobutaka Machimura Says UFOs definitely exist.
This is a cable from Japan that shows how the Chief Cabinet Secretary was unhappy with the governments official view rejecting the existence of UFOs. The document goes on to describe how he stated in a press conference that “I am sure that unidentified flying objects exist, otherwise it is impossible to explain the Nazca Lines (In Peru), isn’t it?” (source)
He also stated that ” the government has offered only a boilerplate response in its formal statement” regarding UFOs.
Tajik Mayor says there is life on other planets, and that peace and unity on Earth is necessary.
On January 13 Ambassador called on Dushanbe Mayor and Chairman of the upper house of Parliament Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev at his parliamentary office. The Mayor began the meeting with a lengthy discourse on Afghanistan, thanking the United States for its contributions and sacrifices there, and saying that U.S. activities there were very important “as we enter the third millennium and the 21st century.” Ubaidulloev thought the main task there was to build a sense of national identity among ethnically disparate groups, and said the United States was an example for this. He noted that “war is very dangerous”, and said “we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first.
In a platitude-ridden meeting, Dushanbe Mayor Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev said upcoming elections would be free and fair, that contributions to the Roghun Dam were voluntary, and that the losses suffered by the United States in Afghanistan were felt by Tajiks as their own. Ubaidulloev asked for help in getting Tajik students admitted to Harvard University, but effectively declined to help find a new location for an American Corner in Dushanbe. He asserted the existence of life on other planets, caveating this by noting that we should focus on solving our problems on Earth. End Summary. (source)
Julian Assange has also said that that a UFO cult called the Raelians were of concern to the U.S. ambassador in Canada. It’s not surprising that the U.S. ambassador in Canada was concerned with this group. Government agencies have been concerned, harassing, monitoring and questioning extraterrestrial abductees and contacts for a number of years. They have been studying this subject for a very long time.
Like I said, Wikileaks seems to garnish a lot of attention, that’s why I chose to cover the topic, even though the documents are not as significant as ones that have already been released from dozens of governments, three letter agencies and more. Not to mention shocking statements from high ranking military and political personnel. I linked an article in the first few paragraphs of this one that provides more examples of these, and below I am going to provide a brief excerpt from it to illustrate what I am talking about.
VERY BRIEF example of other information that’s already out there
Within the past few years, dozens of governments admitted to allocating resources and having programs to study the UFO phenomenon. For instance, in Canada the RCMP, Transport Canada and the Department of National Defence recently admitted to tracking UFOs and investigating them. (source) They’ve been doing it for years, accumulating thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents -many of which have since been officially released.
HERE is the latest batch of UFO files released from the United Kingdom.
Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar. HERE is one example. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail.
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”
You can read more about the radar tracking of UFOs HERE.
HERE is a Wikileak cable that describes how some politicians already know we are not alone in the universe. You can read more about that HERE.
Again the list goes on and on and thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents are now available in the public domain. For a summary of more documents that have been declassified and made available, a video done by UFO expert Richard Dolan does a great job at doing just that in 10 minutes.
Forgive me for using much of the same information in multiple UFO articles. We always have new readers coming to our site and this is always new information for some.
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.” (source) - Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
“In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb.” (source) - Paul Hellyer
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (source) - Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified” – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee (source)
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” (source) - Dr. Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), and 2008 presidential candidate said that there is “an extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.” You can learn more about the citizens hearing here.
I cannot begin to express how much information and evidence is out there to support the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
For more articles on this subject from Collective Evolution, you can click HERE
Sources: All sources are highlighted throughout the article.
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The "Illusion" of "Investigative Journalism" -- Reporter writes on "Why I Left 60 Minutes"
The "Illusion" of "Investigative Journalism" -- Reporter writes on "Why I Left 60 Minutes"
Hi all:
I have a brother (vehemently dismissive, but also very ignorant, of UFOs) who works as a programmer for a Belgian newspaper publishing company. He told me that journalists hardly ever check the stories they get from the various wire services with which the newspaper company has a contract. They just copy paste, translate and slightly redact the stories because there is no time for fact searching as they always have a deadline to catch. And since the newspaper publishing companies have agreements with these news services, they will understandably swallow whole their news reports. British journalist Nick Davies wrote an excellent book "Flat Earth News" (2009) which deals with the lies, the distortions and propaganda in the worldwide media.
What bothers me most about prominent journalists is their arrogance pretending to be in the know of all that is important in the world and thus what is real and what isn't. In June 2007 I attended a farwell lecture by a Belgian believer turned diehard debunker (who, by the way, told me in private that he liked my thoughts and postings re UFOs but said I was in the wrong camp). After the lecture he was interviewed by a female journalist (the press onlypaid attention to this retiring debunker) and after finishing her interview she came and sat next to me. So, I seized the opportunity to asked her if she knew anything about UFOs and she said no. She said that UFOs do not exist and are nothing more than a belief. So, here we have a journalist drawing conclusions about a topic she knows nothing about without ever having studied the relevant data. Journalists should base their statements on facts. She clearly stood out because of her gross ignorance. She said it wasn't her job to report accurately about the UFO phenomenon, she was just there to interview this retiring debunker. In other words, she was just carrying out an assignment from her employer. And an article about UFOs is always an eye-catcher especially in the summer time.
“We don’t do stories about issues, we do stories about people.
In other words, for today's journalists UFO's are an "issue" and thus not a "story." The story is "people" – thus the vast emphasis on colorful UFO kooks and nutballs. In other words, journalism is entertainment not factual investigation and reporting on important issues.
Another way to look at it is that journalists do not regard UFO’s as events – which would imply reality – but as experiences of people – who are then chosen according to sensational or entertainment value.Wackjob people can have experiences they “believe” are real, without society via its journalistic representatives endorsing their reality.It’s tongue-in-cheek reporting.
Since the entire field of journalism in America takes its cues from theNew York Times and Washington Post all it takes is a few well-placed phone calls by key US Government officials to buddies atNYT andWP to derail serious UFO investigative reports forever (note Charles Lewis' story of how that worked so well on a non-UFO subject with60 Minutes producer Don Hewitt who instantly jerked Mike Wallace like a puppet on a string). Do that every decade or so and UFO's are locked out of society because the tone and the agenda have been set by influential people who have been quietly approached. No vast conspiracy. Just a few key people with close friends in the defense and intelligence communities.
Note that this requires virtually no budget.A few phone calls or a couple off-hand conversations in a bar don’t cost a thing to federal agencies and would barely even be worth a memo for the files.Journalists are just conferring with trusted sources “on background” or “deep background” and it does not matter who initiated the contact – the effect is the same.UFO’s are marginalized as a freak, untouchable subject.
The big networks say they care about uncovering the truth. That’s not what I saw.
Ernest Hemingway famously said that “the most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof shit detector. This is the writer’s radar and all great writers have had it.” He was talking about the novelist, I suppose. But his dictum applies to the investigative journalist, in spades. It is the born reporter who insistently, even masochistically, clings to the notion that things are not what they outwardly seem and pursues the hidden truth in any situation even when other people prefer to ignore it. For most people this simply is not normal human activity
Imagine discovering that a paid FBI informant may have actually killed a civil rights worker during one of the most famous civil rights marches in U.S. history? Or that a top county public school official had put 23 of his relatives on the payroll, sexually harassed female employees and separately had informed the parents of handicapped students that their children couldn’t attend school. Or uncovering the fact that the most famous divorce lawyer in America had been literally raping his clients. Or that the (then) biggest savings and loan fraud in the U.S. was actually an inside job, in which a banker had allowed his financial institution to be defrauded as he received millions of dollars from the perpetrators. Or that a presidential campaign co-chairman had helped teach white supremacist groups how to develop a militia capacity. In Washington, D.C., especially in Washington D.C., an investigative reporter’s shit detector must be mighty.
I’ll admit it takes a strange sort of zeal to spend months or years on a single subject, to accept rejection by scores of sources, to weather threats—everything from the very real possibility of being thrown from a second-story window to being stalked outside my hotel room to million-dollar lawsuits and almost universal calumny—all in dogged pursuit of obscured information. Despite having spent a lifetime with this peculiar form of affliction, I’m sure I can’t fully explain it.
But when I embarked on this profession, I was in many ways prepared for all that—for the threats, the lawsuits and the general hostility. That was just the cost of doing business. What I didn’t foresee, what floored me and frustrated me, was that sometimes the biggest obstacles in the pursuit of what Carl Bernstein calls “the best obtainable version of the truth” came from the inside—from my bosses and my bosses’ bosses who, despite their professed support, had no real interest in publishing the hardest-hitting stories.
*******************************************************************************************************IIn October 1977, a few weeks before I turned 24, after a brief make-or-break meeting with the reporting unit’s leader where I pitched half a dozen potential national investigative stories that apparently resonated with him, I was hired as a “reportorial producer” for a fledgling “Special Reporting Unit” at ABC News. This was my dream job.
Over my six-and-a-half years at ABC, I investigated everything from attempted presidential assassinations to unsolved crimes from the civil rights era, from prospective Supreme Court nominees to FBI misconduct, from Washington corruption scandals such as ABSCAM to the 1980 presidential campaign. I remain proud of my work during these years, which provided my continuing education about the United States and the world, about national and local politics and news gathering, about internal corporate machinations and duplicity, about truth and airbrushed truth (and the best techniques for distinguishing the two).
Yet over time, the work was becoming enormously frustrating. The Special Reporting Unit was disbanded after a year, and I was reassigned within the ABC Washington Bureau. Independently, I had begun to conclude that, generally speaking, network television news (in that pre-Internet age) was disconcertingly tethered to the front-page news judgment of the nation’s most respected newspapers. When I would propose exclusive stories up the ladder, for example, I would frequently receive notes back saying, “I haven’t read this in the New York Times” as the rationale for not pursuing them.
It became painfully apparent over time that network television news was not especially interested in investigative reporting, certainly not to the extent or the depth of the best national print outlets. In fact, the most trusted man in America around this time, CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite, had told Time magazine something in 1966 that still rang true more than a decade later: that “the networks, including my own, do a first-rate job of disseminating the news, but all of them have third-rate news-gathering organizations. We are still basically dependent on the wire services. We have barely dipped our toe into investigative reporting.”
Gradually, television’s daily editorial insecurity vis-à-vis the older print world and its own tepid commitment to enterprise journalism caused me to conclude that all three major networks were mostly interested in the illusion of investigative reporting. Breathless, “exclusive” coverage of the latest government report (preferably ahead of the other networks), replete with “revelations” and “findings”—all unabashedly piggybacking on the investigations of others, official reports by inspectors general or congressional committees, criminal or civil court records—could create the aura of an aggressive news organization, for much less money (and fewer libel suits) than actually doing the original reporting. I found it sobering to realize that the news organization I worked for didn’t consider the work of finding the actual truth about a complicated situation economically efficient or even necessary.
The absurdity of this faux-investigative game reached its nadir for me one day when I was asked to follow up on a wire service report about former president Lyndon Johnson. Someone with personal access to Johnson when he was Senate majority leader in the late 1950s had just asserted under oath that he had on more than one occasion given Johnson envelopes of cash. I was explicitly asked to “check it out” for that evening’s news program.
I had only a few hours to confirm the veracity of an allegation of misconduct more than two decades earlier, said to have been committed by a president deceased for more than a decade. Plausible or not, allegations this serious and anecdotal would take months, if not years, of archival research and reporting to investigate, and even then the chances of being able to reach a credible conclusion about what had happened were still very low.
Still, an assignment is an assignment. I gritted my teeth and, at the behest of my superiors, tracked down Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Caro, who was in t have been more gracious, but we both immediately realized that this was a fool’s errand. In his own meticulous reporting, examining every day of Johnson’s adult life, Caro had not yet scrutinized the time period of these sensational allegations. I sheepishly thanked him and handed in some sort of response to the supremely ludicrous challenge I’d been given
I came away from that poignant, teaching moment vividly aware of the vast difference between fluff and noise masquerading as the serious pursuit of the truth and the real thing. I still tried hard to carve out a professional space where my investigative instincts could flourish. But outside of the network and within the profession of journalism, I was virtually unknown, toiling away in what was essentially a dead-end job
It didn’t help matters that I had the temerity to turn down an investigative producer job for correspondent Geraldo Rivera at the prime-time TV newsmagazine 20/20. The offer was made to me in a one-on-one meeting in New York City by ABC News vice president David Burke. Taking that position would have immediately more than doubled my salary, but I nevertheless politely declined on the spot. When Burke pressed me to explain my decision, I said that I didn’t want to work with Rivera—a controversial showman known for breathless, sensational stories such as (years later) the live unsealing of Al Capone’s secret vault (which turned out to be empty).
Burke was flabbergasted and apoplectic with rage; his face turned red, his neck veins popped, he jabbed a finger at me, and he spewed a string of expletives, along with a line I’ve never forgotten: “You people in [the] Washington [Bureau] are so fucking smug and arrogant. The only reporter at this network with any balls is Geraldo Rivera.” What’s more, he made it emphatically clear that I would never be offered another job at ABC News, and I’ve been told that he went out ofhis way to block any promotions or transfers to other bureaus.
At the same time, to my dismay, I discovered that big-time newspaper editors viewed TV news veterans with great suspicion and distrust. In their view, I had begun my professional journalism career by going to work on the dark side. So with considerable frustration, and with no appealing alternatives, I resigned myself to staying at ABC until a better opportunity came along.
In March 1984, it did. Veteran CBS News correspondent Mike Wallace called me to ask if I might be interested in producing investigative segments for him at 60 Minutes. I had never met Wallace or spoken with him, and I was floored by his unexpected call. Of course, I had followed his network career for many years and was fully aware that 60 Minutes was the highest-rated, most honored network news program in the history of television. Wallace had been one of the two original 60 Minutes correspondents in 1968, earning fame for his unflinchingly aggressive interview style and investigative edge. He’d been assaulted on the floor of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and he’d interviewed the Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran during the Iran hostage crisis in 1979—just two highlights from an award-winning, sometimes controversial career. I was excited by the opportunity to work with him. I thought maybe this time would be different.
During my first year at 60 Minutes, I looked into 150 possible stories and wrote memoranda about a couple dozen of them. Yet only three became broadcast segments on the program. I had been hired explicitly to break big, edgy, investigative stories, but I soon discovered that large, original investigations of my own were generally impractical—even at a show famous for its exposés—because of the intense time pressures. So the challenge was to find important, previously investigated subjects that could be told well and further reported on television.
There were other restrictions as well. The dictum at 60 Minutes, as often repeated by founder and executive producer Don Hewitt, was that “we don’t do stories about issues, we do stories about people.” Good “characters” were essential for these morality plays, and without a few of them, there simply would be no 13:30 story—then considered the “ideal” segment length, I had been told
It would be wrong to say that I didn’t find satisfaction in the job. During my roughly five years at the program, I investigated and brought to broadcast numerous segments—most of them of the classic, formulaic, good-versus-evil 60 Minutes genre—about a diverse range of subjects: a corrupt public school superintendent in Appalachia; multimillion-dollar Social Security check fraud by postal employees in San Francisco; art fraud involving Salvador Dali lithographs; and murder inside the worst hospital in America.
But I had also seen things at two networks that had troubled me profoundly: nationally important stories not pursued; well-connected, powerful people and companies with questionable policies and practices that were not investigated precisely because of the connections and the power they boasted.
My last 60 Minutes segment, “Foreign Agent,” featured well-known former U.S. officials and presidential campaign aides from both parties who were cashing in on their political connections by working as lobbyists or investment bankers for foreign entities. One of the latter was former Commerce Secretary Pete Peterson, at the time the CEO of the New York-based investment firm Blackstone and, more important, one of Don Hewitt’s closest personal friends. The two men were so close that Don would often join Peterson on his company helicopter for Friday-night flights to the Hamptons, thereby avoiding the summertime bumper-to-bumper traffic.
The script we’d written included the line, “For Japan and other foreign interests, finding former U.S. officials to do their bidding is not at all difficult,” accompanied by the image of a Japanese newspaper advertisement with five smiling Blackstone officials, extolling their prior U.S. government service and connections. The translation of the ad read, “If you are thinking about developing a new business or an investment strategy … that will be effective in the U.S., by all means, consult us!”
During the production process, when I showed Mike Wallace the photo I’d had shipped from Tokyo, Mike said, “That’s not our story—you’re not filming that.” And I countered, “Mike, what are you talking about? This is the nut of the story—former officials trading on the prestige of their former positions, trying to make a buck with foreign companies and governments.” Wallace and I had a huge expletive-filled shouting match, toe to toe, our faces close; I refused to back down, and he stormed out. We put the picture in the piece.
The first time Don screened the piece, he quipped, “I guess I’m not going to get any more rides on Pete’s helicopter.” But as the days and weeks wore on, with the piece not green-lighted for air—ostensibly because it was “too long”—I realized that I had no choice but to find some sort of editorial compromise, which was offensive to me then and, quite frankly, still is.
One day, while I was on the phone, Don walked into my office and asked whether I’d found a way to “fix” the piece
“Yes,” I said, and I suggested that we remove Peterson’s name from the script and replace it with the name of another well-known Blackstone official, former Reagan budget director David Stockman. It was a nanosecond shorter—two syllables instead of three—and it solved the unstated, real problem that Don had with the story. Don smiled, said “Terrific,” and left the room, which meant the segment had just been approved for air that Sunday.
I picked up the open phone receiver and resumed my conversation with one of the segment interviewees, Pat Choate, the Ph.D. economist and author who later ran for vice president on the Ross Perot ticket in 1996. I asked Pat, “Did you hear all that?” And he replied, “Every word.”
The substitution of Stockman for Peterson didn’t settle all the problems with the piece. In the days leading up to the broadcast, other prominent people mentioned in the story had been applying personal and legal pressure on Don and Mike, as well as the president of CBS News. So instead of being praised for producing a powerful, important story, I was under siege, being blamed for causing problems. I found myself in an inhospitable environment for original investigative reporting and its occasional consequences—pushback from the powerful (which should be a badge of honor for a reporter), but also spinelessness from my employer about what we had just published. Wallace and I had several venomous arguments that week, none more boisterous or invective-filled than some phone calls in the hours before the Sunday broadcast, in which we literally hung up on each other.
The whole noxious ordeal made something inside me snap. The morning after “Foreign Agent” led the broadcast, in the midst of a four-year contract, with a family to support, a mortgage to pay, and virtually no savings, I quit 60 Minutes.
Producers there usually retire, voluntarily or involuntarily, or die on the job—hardly anyone just up and quits. In a brief phone call from my Washington office to the show’s offices in New York City, I matter-of-factly informed Mike Wallace that I had decided to leave. My announcement came moments after Wallace had called me, somewhat giddy, to say that CBS chairman Laurence Tisch had just phoned him with effusive congratulations about our hard-hitting story the previous evening. It was the best thing he had seen on CBS in years, Tisch had told him, a “real public service.”
Later that morning, I faxed Don Hewitt a three-sentence letter of resignation
Wallace and others at the program later asked my friends and colleagues if perhaps I was having a nervous breakdown. Don Hewitt wanted to know if “this” was all about money; he indicated that my contract could be substantially renegotiated upward, and then I could get back to work.
Of course, my departure had nothing to do with either of these factors. Nor was it driven by any personal animus on my part toward Mike Wallace. Mike was certainly not the easiest man to work with, but I respected him and his enormous contribution to broadcast journalism, and appreciated the opportunity he had given me.
It was a matter of principle. It was simply time for me to leave.
Many people, then and since, have asked me what exactly I was thinking—after all, I was walking away from a successful career full of future promise. Certainly, quitting 60 Minutes was the most impetuous thing I have ever done. But looking back, I realize how I’d changed. Beneath my polite, mild-mannered exterior, I’d developed a bullheaded determination not to be denied, misled or manipulated. And more than at any previous time, I had had a jarring epiphany that the obstacles on the way to publishing the unvarnished truth had become more formidable internally than externally. I joked to friends that it had become far easier to investigate the bastards—whoever they are—than to suffer through the reticence, bureaucratic hand-wringing and internal censorship of my employer.
In a highly collaborative medium, I had found myself working with overseers I felt I could no longer trust journalistically or professionally, especially in the face of public criticism or controversy—a common occupational hazard for an investigative reporter. My job was to produce compelling investigative journalism for an audience of 30 million to 40 million Americans. But if my stories generated the slightest heat, it was obvious to me who would be expendable. My sense of isolation and vulnerability was palpable.
The best news about this crossroads moment was that after 11 years in the intense, cutthroat world of network television news, I still had some kind of inner compass. I was still unwilling to succumb completely to the lures of career ambition, financial security, peer pressure or conventional wisdom.
Just weeks after I quit, I decided to begin a nonprofit investigation reporting organization—a place dedicated to digging deep beneath the smarminess of Washington’s daily-access journalism into the documents few reporters seemed to be reading, which I knew from experience would reveal broad patterns of cronyism, favoritism, personal enrichment and outrageous (though mostly legal) corruption. My dream was a journalistic utopia—an investigative milieu in which no one would tell me who or what not to investigate. And so I recruited two trusted journalist friends and founded the Center for Public Integrity. The Center’s first report, “America’s Frontline Trade Officials,” was an expanded version of the 60 Minutes “Foreign Agent” story. Not long after this report was published, President George H.W. Bush signed an executive order banning former trade officials from becoming lobbyists for foreign governments or corporations.
Over the years, the center was the first news organization to analyze and post online all of the available financial disclosure statements for every state legislator in America, revealing numerous apparent conflicts of interest. It broke the Lincoln bedroom scandal first revealing that President Bill Clinton’s top donors had been rewarded with overnight stays in the White House. In February 2003, weeks before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the center posted secret draft “Patriot II” legislation, and in October it posted all of the known U.S. war contracts in Afghanistan. In the past quarter-century, the center’s reporting has won more than 70 national awards, including the Pulitzer Prize, the Goldsmith Prize and the George Polk award for three separate stories in 2014. Meanwhile, I now teach journalism at the American University School of Communication in Washington, and I am the founding executive editor of the Investigative Reporting Workshop, the largest university-based, nonprofit newsroom in the United States.
The center did amazingly well, today even becoming a venerable institution—employing 40 people full-time and it publishing scores of investigative stories a year. But it’s frustrating that it was ever necessary at all. Back in 1989 when I started it, major investigative reporting did not seem to be particularly valued by national news editors, whether in broadcasting or newspapers. Instead, they seemed satisfied merely to reactively report on the systemic abuses of power, trust and the law in Washington—from the Iran-Contra scandal to the savings and loan disaster to the first resignation of a House Speaker since 1800. There was very little proactive, original investigative journalism about these or other vitally important subjects, and, equally galling to me, there was smug arrogance and complacency instead of apologetic humility by those in the national press corps, despite their lackluster pursuit of such abuses of power.
And more than two decades later, it’s no better. With a third fewer commercial journalists than 20 years ago and public relations “spinners” now outnumbering professional reporters and editors by 4 to 1, the Center for Public Integrity and organizations like it are more necessary than ever. Fewer commercial news organizations support investigative journalism now than at any time in recent history, and reporters today—especially those who aggressively seek the truths that government, business and other powerful institutions seek to conceal—are arguably more alone, more exposed and more vulnerable to professional and even physical harm than they ever were.
On the night of the 29th of June, a beautiful crop circle suddenly appeared in of all places Italy. Were our alien overlords on vacation this summer, taking in the sights of ancient Rome, or the heady Renaissance history of Florence? Possibly, but they weren't the authors of this particular glyph: it was designed and created by Taranto Francesco Grassi, claimed as one of the best circlemakers in the world.
Nick Pope Asks: Does the MoD Still Secretly Investigate UFOs?
ExMinistry of Defence UFO project insider examines the facts
Author, journalist and TV personality Nick Pope worked for the Ministry of Defence for 21 years. While best-known for having run the UK government’s UFO project, he writes and broadcasts on a wide range of subjects including the unexplained, conspiracy theories, fringe science, science fiction, space, defence and intelligence.
When the Ministry of Defence axed its UFO project in 2009, as part of a wider round of defence cuts, it ended over fifty years of official research and investigation. But has the Department really lost interest in the subject, or are investigations still going on secretly, behind closed doors? There are some intriguing clues.
One of the reasons why the MoD terminated the UFO project was the huge proportion of sightings that turned out to be Chinese lanterns. Added to that, on many occasions the MoD was getting more Freedom of Information Act requests about UFOs than on any other subject. This led directly to the decision to declassify and release most of the MoD’s UFO files, but also to the UFO project being closed, in view of the excessive workload being generated.
However, it seems unlikely that the powers that be would ignore a situation where a military pilot reports a UFO, or where an air traffic controller tracks one on radar. Self-evidently, the government and the military like to know about any activity in the UK’s airspace, but post-9/11, fears of a hijacked aircraft with its transponder turned off mean that unusual radar returns are a particular cause for concern. Sure enough, we know from the media that there have a number of near-misses between commercial aircraft and UFOs in recent years, with several such incidents taking place after the MoD supposedly stopped investigating UFOs. These disturbing incidents have been investigated by the UK Airprox Board, a joint civil-military body which can also include input from the United States Air Force.
So in one sense, the MoD does still investigate UFO sightings, when civil or military pilots report a near-miss between an aircraft and a UFO. It’s just that it takes place on a case-by-case basis, outside of any formally-constituted UFO project. But could there be a more formal effort going on, over and above the UK Airprox Board investigations? One possibility is that such a research effort exists, but that the phrase “UFO” is carefully avoided, so as to make it difficult for Freedom of Information Act requests. Alternative terms might include UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) – a phrase we used at the MoD – or two other terms that I’ve heard people in the aviation community use, on the basis that talking about UFOs isn’t generally good for one’s career: “unusual aircraft” and “unconventional helicopter”. There are doubtless other variations on this theme, along with terms used by radar operators, such as “uncorrelated target” and “bogey”/”bogie”.
A linguistic sleight of hand is unlikely, by itself, to be enough. While I’m sure the term “UFO” has been deliberately dropped by the MoD, a much safer course of action is to contract the work out to a private company. Defence contractors and aviation corporations often have staff with security clearances higher than most people in the MoD, and with the larger companies, the Boards often contain a number of former defence chiefs and other senior military and MoD retirees. Such a situation is useful, because the truthful answer to the question “Is the MoD investigating UFO sightings” would be “No”. Additionally, private companies are outside the scope of the Freedom of Information Act
Is there any precedent for outsourcing sensitive MoD UFO work in this way? Intriguingly, there is. In the Nineties I was involved in setting up a highly-classified intelligence study into UFOs, codenamed Project Condign. This was tricky, because we’d consistently told Parliament, the media and the public that UFOs were of only very minor interest, and assessed as being of “no defence significance”.
Disclosure of Project Condign would have made our public line on UFOs look like a lie, so while the ultra-secret Defence Intelligence Staff (part of the MoD) commissioned the study, the work itself was undertaken outside the Department. As an added layer of security, instead of placing a new contract, an existing contract was amended, thus minimizing the paper trail. While the final report was declassified some years ago – albeit with the sensitive material blacked out – many of the working papers and other documents generated during the study have yet to be released, and some are unlikely ever to be released, even in redacted form.
Whether one believes UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft, an exotic atmospheric plasma phenomenon that science doesn’t fully understand (a suggestion that came up in Project Condign), a Russian spy plane or drone, or a hijacked aircraft with its transponder turned off, heading for London, we’d be pretty foolish to ignore sound evidence of unusual activity in our airspace, especially if it comes from pilots or radar operators.
So in response to the question of whether the MoD is secretly investigating UFOs, I damn well hope so. Because if they’re not, we’re leaving the UK vulnerable to terrorist attack and espionage … and maybe, just maybe, missing out on making a discovery that could change the world forever.
Witness said: There was object flying in the sky over San Francisco I witnessed this with my cousin…The first one looks like a fiery cross then they just looked like big balls of fire.
The Chilean government, one of the few governments to have an official UFO investigation organization, recently released a report regarding their investigation of two UFO photographs taken by miners in a secluded area of the Andes Mountain range. They ruled out man-made objects and have not come up with an explanation for the object in the images. The object remains unidentified.
The Chilean UFO organization is called the Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA) and is part of their Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), which is similar to our FAA. They seek to identify UFOs in Chilean airspace as a matter of air safety.
Journalist Leslie Kean has a close relationship with CEFAA, and she posted details about the photos taken by the miners in her blog for the Huffington Post. She says the pictures were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine in northern Chile. It is a remote location 14,000 feet above sea level. The air is thin and very clear.
Location of the Collahuasi copper mine. (Credit:
The UFO was spotted by four technicians in April, 2013. They say they saw a disk-shaped object hovering and moving around the sky for more than an hour. They estimated the object to be 2000 feet in the air. It made no sound. They captured two pictures of the object before it finally moved off to the east where they lost sight of it.
Although they captured the images over a year ago, they did not tell anyone for fear of being ridiculed. CEFAA did not become aware of the pictures until February of this year. The technicians had shown one of their supervisors the pictures, and he sent them to CEFAA. The four original witnesses did not want to talk to CEFAA, even though they were told they could do so anonymously. Their supervisor did relay what information he knew, and he did ask to remain anonymous.
CEFAA examined the photos and ruled out weather phenomenon and man-made objects. They noted that drones are used in the area, but did not believe the object in the images to be drone. International Affairs Director Jose Lay said, “People in that zone know about drones… Fishing companies use drones and they make a lot of noise. This was definitely not a drone.”
The first image captured by the miners. (Credit: CEFAA)
The analysis by CEFAA was that it was a solid object reflecting sunlight. They also felt that the object could be emitting its own light. (Credit: CEFAA)
The second image captured by the miners. (Credit: CEFAA)
According to Kean: “The text on this diagram of the enlarged second image indicates lines where very soft rays were reflected from an ‘extremely luminous half sphere.’ The analyst concludes that the object ‘emitted its own energy that does not coincide with the natural sunlight which is also reflected off the object.’ At noon, the brightness underneath could not have been caused by the sun, which was reflected off the top.” (Credit: CEFAA)
CEFAA concluded, “It is an object or phenomenon of great interest, and it can be qualified as a UFO.”
CEFAA would have liked to talk to the witnesses, but Lay told Kean, “We tried to contact them, and we got no reply. So we treated the material just as we have treated several others of the same or similar nature: we file them for future reference or comparison purposes. That’s all we can do in this case.”
Kean also got the input of a well known UFO photo analyst, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, via email. Maccabee was an optical physicist for the U.S. Navy. He told Kean, “In the second image there appears to be a very bright hemispherical shape, convex downward… possibly a UFO enveloped in a cloud of vapor.”
Given the limited data available, he was also able to determine that the object did move some distance between the time the photos were taken. Although, it is unknown how much time passed between photos.
“This is clearly not a normal thing seen in the sky (bird, plane, cloud, etc.),” Maccabee told Kean. “That makes it either the real thing – UFO – or a hoax, and it doesn’t appear to be a hoax. Although the inability to question witnesses does reduce the credibility. Certainly, this case is worthy of further study.
Since Kean’s story in the Huffington Post, many media outlets have picked up on it, including Fox and CNN.
CEFAA has had several cases they could not identify over the years. They post their case files online
Scientists believe that conditions on Mars may be suitable for flourishing present-day life.
Professor Nilton Renno. (Credit: University of Michigan)
Atmospheric, oceanic, and space sciences professor Nilton Renno is one of the scientists who participated in a new study from the University of Michigan, which, as RT explains, claims that “water, near and on the surface of Mars, melts rapidly enough when combined with salt to allow bacterial life to flourish, despite the freezing temperatures on the planet.”
Renno has worked with NASA on a number of projects during his career. And this recent study was sponsored by NASA’s Exobiology Program. Renno noticed droplets of what appeared to be water on the robotic arm of the Phoenix lander when it arrived on Mars in 2008. And, after discovering soft ice in the first trench dug by Phoenix, Renno speculated that the soft ice was frozen saline water or brine.
So, to test his theory, Renno and his research team constructed a cylindrical chamber, two feet high and five feet long, to replicate the atmospheric conditions of the Martian polar region where Phoenix landed.
Water droplets on the Phoenix lander. (Credit: University of Michigan/NASA)
The research team placed a salt particle detected on Mars called calcium perchlorate on an ice layer inside this chamber. Water was created by this interaction. Renno, explains, “Based on the results of our live experiment, we expect soft ice to liquefy a few days per year, perhaps a few hours per day, almost anywhere on Mars.” He explains further, “A small amount of liquid water, for a bacteria that will be a big swimming pool. So a small amount of water is enough for you to create conditions necessary for Mars to be habitable today.”
Findings by the Phoenix lander in 2008, and recent discoveries by the Mars rover Curiosity indicate that perchlorate could be widespread across the planet.
The team’s research has been accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
Missouri witnesses in Joplin reported watching a silent, boxy object “bigger than a house” traveling about 300 feet off of the ground about 9:15 p.m. on July 8, 2014, according to testimony in Case 57853 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The husband and wife reporting witnesses were traveling home when they noticed a man in the street trying to flag them down and pointing to the sky.
“He was walking his dog who was barking wildly at the object and jumping high into the air,” the witness stated. “It had approached from the northeast. As we watched, it crossed directly overhead. It looked to be about 300 feet off of the ground.”
The witness described the object.
Three witnesses in Joplin, MO, watched a silent, boxy-shaped object ‘larger than a house’ move under 300 feet on July 8, 2014. Pictured: A street in Joplin. (Credit: Google)
“It was off-white in color appearing to be illuminated by a yellowish light coming from within it. It was as big or bigger than a house and was completely silent.”
The object’s shape was not aerodynamic.
“It was boxy-shaped with multiple angles kind of like on a stealth airplane. It looked like it had darkened square windows in parts of it. It was flat on the bottom with round orange and red randomly flashing lights all around the bottom edge. The lights were round with a dark center – like donuts. They were the size of stop signs.”
The object moved southwest and then south of their location and appeared to be traveling at about 100 mph. They then noticed a change in the lighting.
“It suddenly turned off its lights. All of them went off like they were quickly dimmed and not just cut off. Two lights on the back, one orange and one red, stayed on slightly longer than the others – about half a second. These lights seemed to have a burnt look to the dark centers as if maybe exhaust or flames had at one time come out of there.”
The object then appeared to be descending like it was going to land or possibly crash.
“It stayed perfectly level as it descended behind the trees on the horizon. It seemed to form a light mist or fog around it as it descended.”
The witnesses also noticed the strange behavior of animals in the area.
“I noticed that along its flight path every dog was going crazy, barking and howling.”
Three witnesses said the object appeared to land or was about to crash. They attempted to follow the UFO across Joplin, MO, and experienced odd disturbances to the vehicle they were driving on July 8, 2014. On May 22, 2011, Joplin was struck by a powerful EF-5 tornado which resulted in at least 158 deaths and more than 900 injuries. Pictured: A street in Joplin. (Credit: Google)
The three witnesses then decided to follow the object in the couple’s vehicle.
“We were using a spotlight that plugs into the cigarette lighter to search the fields next to the roads. After driving about a mile, the spotlight suddenly went very dim and the seat belt warning beeper started sounding repeatedly and quickly. Also the Jeep’s automatic transmission would not change gears. When I tried to go into reverse it would not go into gear without a struggle. All of this continued for about five minutes and then suddenly everything went back to normal. It is a newer model Jeep Wrangler and has never done anything like this before.”
The group then became nervous, but decided to keep looking.
“We continued searching nearby roads and fields but didn’t find anything unusual. On our way back home, as we passed the same location as before, our spotlight again dimmed and the beeping alarms in the Jeep began again.”
Despite the vehicle’s problems they again continued to search for the object.
“Shortly after, we turned around and passed this spot a third time, but this time nothing happened. We finally gave up our search and went home. By then the spotlight was working at full power and the Jeep was working properly and nothing else occurred. The man that flagged us down turned out to be a neighbor who lives about a block away. He is a retired commercial airline pilot from England. He said he had never seen anything like this before.”
No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on July 9, 2014. Missouri MUFON is investigating. Joplin is a city in southern Jasper County and northern Newton County in the southwestern corner of Missouri, population 50,150.
Missouri has a current UFO Alert Rating of 3 with a high number of recent reports nationally. Missouri had 29 UFO reports in June 2014 – the 4th highest reporting state – while California had 107 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
THERE have been sightings of the mysterious beast lurking in the waters of Loch Ness for years. Scotland Now looks at the different creatures that could be Nessie.
The legendary Loch Ness monster Nessie
WE all know that the Loch Ness Monster definitely exists.
There have been sightings of the mysterious creature lurking beneath the dark waters of Loch Ness for hundreds of years.
However, the big question that has never been answered is, just what kind of a monster is Nessie?
Scotland Now takes a look at the different creatures that could have been considered as the Loch Ness Monster over the years.
Is Nessie an Elephant?
A number of experts have suggested sightings of Nessie reported in the 1930s could have been caused by a travelling circus bathing their elephants in the loch.
In 1933, circus owner Bertram Mills offered £20,000 to anyone who could capture the Loch Ness Monster for him.
The Bertram Mills Circus toured the country and travelled past Loch Ness to Inverness.
Is Nessie an overgrown eel?
Many people suggest Nessie could be an overgrown eel.
Eels are known to live in Loch Ness, but cannot raise themselves above the water in the way sightings of Nessie have been reported over the years.
They also swim with a sideways motion.
Could Nessie be a Seal?
Seals are known to follow salmon upstream and into Loch Ness on occassion.
But they do not have long necks, which the monster is usually described as having.
Computer-generated graphic of a Plesiosaur
Plesiosaurs were marine reptiles that became extinct more than 65million years ago.
They lived at the same time as the dinosaurs but are not classed as dinosaurs themselves as the giant marine reptiles were cold-blooded.
But if plesiosaurs survived, there would need to be a enough to have bred over the years. Loch Ness wasn’t formed until the end of the last Ice Age just 10,000 years ago, so where did they live until then?
They would also need to surface frequently for air.
In 2003, a fossilised vertebra of a plesiosaur was found on the shore of Loch Ness.
Most people believed it was placed there as a hoax, as stones in the area are not of the type to bear fossils.
Ancient Human Skull Reveals Our Ancestors Had an Inner Ear Like a Neanderthal [Science Minute]
After re-examining a 100,000-year-old archaic early human skull found 35 years ago in Northern China, researchers have found the presence of an inner-ear formation that was once thought to only occur in Neanderthals. Neanderthal skull on left and early modern human skull on right.
A Russian fishing blog has sent local anglers scrambling for their rods after reporting that giant mutant catfish were growing in the waters that flow through the exclusion zone established around the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
In order to convince people that the claims by local fishermen are true, the blog that has now been quoted on other Russian media even included a picture of one catfish which locals are calling Borka, and which they claim is over two metres long.
Access is limited to the area because of the risk of radiation poisoning and all fishing for food purposes in local waters has stopped. But now there is renewed interest from sporting fishermen keen to land the catch of their life after it was alleged in blog that giant fish were being caught in the Pripyat River.
Prypiat was a city in Ukraine which was closed after the nuclear disaster in 1986 and the Prypiat River which runs over 473 miles and flows through the exclusion zone, also flows through parts of the Ukraine and Belarus that are not in the exclusion zone. According to fishermen brave enough to risk the fact that it has been confirmed the river is polluted with radionuclides, there are reportedly giant fish to be had.
Local fisherman Kondrat Yudin, 38, said: “I have heard a lot of stories about bodies being washed from local cemeteries that were of course no longer maintained after everyone left, and the bodies that were floating free ending up being eaten by the catfish – but as far as I’m concerned it’s just nonsense.
“I suppose radiation could play a role but I reckon radiation is more likely to give them extra eyeballs and two heads rather than simply making them enormous in size.
“I think the reason is a lot more simple, the bottom line is that nobody is fishing these waters – and that has meant with no natural predator, the catfish has been able to grow to an enormous size. For years they haven’t had a problem with fishermen and they are just there for the taking.”
According to the website local scientists have confirmed the increase in the size of the catfish, and tests are reportedly being carried out to see if they might have excessive radiation levels which in turn could be responsible for their large size.
Chernobyl was evacuated in 1986 owing to the Chernobyl disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the worst nuclear power plant accident in history in terms of cost and resulting deaths. The incident is one of only two classified as a level 7 event, the maximum classification on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other incident being the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. – Austrian Times
Is this the summer of the shark — or is it just another case of great white hype?
A swimmer who came face to face with a great white shark this weekend told NBC News that he’s lucky to be alive. But, really, he’s unlucky to have been attacked by a shark in the first place. Steve Robles, 50, was swimming in Southern California, where shark attacks are relatively rare.
“Apparently the shark was very agitated, and I happened to be coming at that exact moment,” Robles said Monday. “I came very close to dying.”
In 2013, the International Shark Attack File, maintained at the University of Florida, recorded 125 incidents around the globe, including 72 “unprovoked attacks” by sharks on humans. That was down from a record 81 unprovoked attacks the year before. Forty-seven of the 2013 attacks occurred in U.S. waters, down from the 2012 record of 54.
So far this year there have been six shark attacks in the U.S., none fatal — but beach season is just beginning. Read more at NBC News
The owners of a 17th century pub were left spooked when a pint mysteriously slid off the bar on its own.
Jenny Heard and Martin McConn hadn’t taken much notice of the spooky tales surrounding Cornwall’s Crow’s Nest Inn when they first took it over, but within the space of only a few days the pair had become convinced that something unusual was going on.
The strangeness began when a pint of beer that had been perched on the bar suddenly slid off the counter and on to the floor seemingly of its own accord.
Rushing over to examine the mess the couple were stunned to discover that the glass had somehow managed to land upright on the floor without spilling a drop.
The Crow’s Nest has long been associated with tales of the paranormal including a bell that supposedly rings on its own, a clock that always remains ten minutes fast and the sighting of four different ghosts thought to haunt the property including that of a woman who was murdered in 1844.
“A house doesn’t get to be this old without retaining a few of its more peculiar features,” said Jenny. “There’s room for all of us here and we’re looking forward to meeting more of our special guests properly.” Read more at Plymouth Herald
The most haunted nightclub in the world loses its ghost hunting tour guide after she calls it quits after a decade of service. Paranormal tour guide Wanda Kay posted her letter of resignation from Bobby Mackey’s Music World on her Facebook page yesterday.
“As of today July 7-2014 I no longer represent Bobby Mackey’s. Due to the dangerous conditions both normal and paranormal I refused to run tours or oversee anymore investigations. I have also quit my 10 year position as DJ for the nightclub. Thank God and Greyhounds I’m done!!!” Wanda Kay said via a status update on her Facebook page.
A video is surfacing on the internet in which a man claims that he saw a UFO flying overhead during a concert in Connecticut this weekend.
Bobby Crash said he spotted an unidentified flying object, which is also known as a UFO, during the So Percussion concert at The Hygienic Art Park in New London on Sunday night.
Crash took a video of the alleged UFO on his iPhone 5s around 8 p.m. That video was uploaded by Crash onto CNN iReport and YouTube.
To see the full video on YouTube, click here. There were more than 130 views as of 1:15 p.m. on Tuesday.
They came from all over the world to see something out of this world.
“The numbers speak for itself,” said Roswell UFO Museum Executive Director Mark Briscoe.
Briscoe said nearly 7,000 people visited the museum this weekend.
“Since I was a child I wanted to come here,” said Roy DeLeon. “I’ve wanted to come here since I was eight years old,” said Norman Huggins.
The festival had its’ highest attendance in 15 years. And they came from all over the world.
“.We had people here from France, we had a lot of people here from Japan, we had them here from Greece,” said Briscoe. “We had them here from Ireland, London. It’s just mind boggling you never know who you’re going to run into or talk to and they’re all from foreign countries.”
According to Briscoe, the world’s fascination with aliens is growing.
“There’s so much more out there now, people are talking about it more, it’s on the news,” said Briscoe.
And the city of Roswell is booming from the fascination.
Big D’s burger joint says it was the busiest weekend they’ve had since opening four years ago.
“Oh yeah from 11 to, I mean we’re pulling 12 hour days here just to keep up, trying to go into grocery stores, buying extra groceries just to handle the business,” said owner Don Nason.
According to organizers of the event, you couldn’t get a hotel room in Roswell.
People were staying in Artesia and Ruidoso and commuting to Roswell.
“It hasn’t gone away, you know it’s very interesting,” said DeLeon. “We don’t know what’s beyond the stars, that’s what’s amazing. Will we ever know, I don’t know.”
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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