The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
De geheime schaduwregering: complottheorie of griezelige realiteit? De geheime schaduwregering: complottheorie of griezelige realiteit?
De geheime schaduwregering: complottheorie of griezelige realiteit?
De meeste onderzoekers durven hun vingers niet te branden aan complottheorieën. Toch trekken ze vaak veel aandacht. Er zijn een aantal wetenschappers die stellen dat samenzweringstheorieën serieus moeten worden genomen.
De meest populaire theorie gaat over de schaduwregering. Volgens deze theorie hebben de democratisch gekozen volksvertegenwoordigers geen enkele politieke macht. Die behoort toe aan een kleine elite die achter de schermen opereert. De officiële overheden moeten aan deze elite verantwoording afleggen.
De Bilderberggroep
Vaak wordt in deze context verwezen naar de Bilderberggroep of –club, een privéorganisatie die in 1954 is opgericht. De groep brengt ieder jaar zo’n 150 politieke leiders en experts op het gebied van financiën, media en industrie bijeen om te spreken over politieke en economische vraagstukken. Alles wat wordt besproken blijft geheim en mag niet naar buiten worden gebracht.
Onderzoeksjournalist Daniel Estulin, woonachtig in Madrid, doet al geruime tijd onderzoek naar deze geheime groep. In zijn boek ‘De Ware Geschiedenis van de Bilderberggroep’ doet hij de missie van de organisatie uit de doeken.
Volgens Estulin streeft de Bilderberggroep een wereldregering (wereldbedrijf) na die wordt beveiligd door een wereldleger en gereguleerd door een wereldbank. Men betaalt er met een wereldmunt.
Estulin meent dat de groep tot doel heeft om een Nieuwe Wereldorde op te richten zonder middenklasse (alleen heersers en slaven); de wereldbevolking door ‘mind control’ onder de duim te houden en de NAVO het leger van de wereld te maken; crises te creëren en oneindig oorlog te voeren.
De auteur wijst erop dat de Bilderbergclub niet alleen handelt. De groep heeft geheime invloedrijke partners: de Amerikaanse Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) en de Trilaterale Commissie, die in 1973 is opgericht door David Rockefeller, tevens prominent Bilderberger en emeritus voorzitter van de CFR.
“Stel je een privéclub voor waar presidenten, premiers, internationale bankiers en generaals onderonsjes hebben en waar de mensen die de oorlogen plannen en Europa en Amerika besturen zeggen wat ze nooit in het openbaar zouden durven te zeggen,” zei Estulin.
Er zijn ook onderzoekers die zeggen dat de Bilderbergclub onterecht wordt gedemoniseerd en dat de Bilderberggroep, noch de CFR en de Trilaterale Commissie over de middelen beschikken om over de wereld te heersen.
Le Cercle
Er zijn ook analisten die geloven dat Bilderberg slechts het topje van de ijsberg is. Zij verwijzen naar een andere geheime invloedrijke groep – Le Cercle – die in de Koude Oorlog is opgericht. Volgens onderzoeksjournalist David Teacher gebruikte Le Cercle (of Pinay Cercle) propagandisten en inlichtingenofficiers voor lastercampagnes tegen progressieve Europese en Amerikaanse politici. De groep speelde een cruciale rol bij de val van het IJzeren Gordijn en de vorming van de Europese Unie.
Agenten die voor Le Cercle werken waren eerder in dienst van de Amerikaanse CIA, DIA en INR, Britse MI5, MI6 en IRD, Franse SDECE, Duitse BND, BfV en MAD, Nederlandse BVD, Belgische Surete de l’Etat, SDRA en PIO, Zuid-Afrikaanse BOSS en de Zwitserse en Saoedische inlichtingendiensten. Le Cercle is verweven met onder meer de Bilderberggroep en het genootschap Opus Dei. Prominente figuren binnen de organisatie waren Konrad Adenauer, de Oostenrijkse kroonprins Otto von Habsburg, Franz Jozef Strauss, Margaret Thatcher en Ronald Reagan.
Le Cercle zorgde ervoor dat de NAVO in de jaren zeventig kernwapens plaatste in Groot-Brittannië, België en Nederland, gericht op de Sovjet-Unie. De groep bracht de Europese vredesbeweging in diskrediet door middel van agressieve contraspionage, provocatie en desinformatie.
Volgens de Russische historicus Andrei Fursov is er niet zoiets als een ‘schaduwregering’ die over de wereld heerst. Hij spreekt van een financiële en politieke elite die al honderden jaren met elkaar samenwerkt en gelinkt is aan de opkomst van het kapitalisme. In de 17e en 18e eeuw gebruikten de Europese financiële magnaten bijvoorbeeld de netwerken van de vrijmetselaars om hun macht te vergroten. Denk jij dat een geheime schaduwregering over de wereld heerst? Deel dit artikel dan op Facebook.
Buitenaardse Reptilian maakt South-Carolina, USA onveilig.( Video )
Buitenaardse Reptilian maakt South-Carolina, USA onveilig.( Video )
Al sinds 1988 wordt een bepaalde streek van de Amerikaanse staat South Carolina geteisterd door een wezen dat eruit ziet als een hagedis.
Ook vorige week zondag was het weer raak toen een vrouw nietsvermoedend na de kerkdienst naar buiten stapte.
Het wezen dat de mensen waarnemen heeft de naam Lizard (Hagedis) Man gekregen.
De eerste keer dat iemand de Lizard Man zag, was in de zomer van 1988. Die dag, op 19 juni 1988, reed Christopher Davis, een 17-jarige jongeman, middenin de nacht met zijn auto naar huis van zijn werk toen hij een lekke band kreeg.
Het was 2 uur ’s nachts en Davis bevond zich aan de rand van het Scape Ore moeras. Toen hij klaar was met het verwisselen van zijn band hoorde hij een vreemd geluid achter zich. Toen hij zich omdraaide, zag hij een vreemd wezen op zich af komen.
Volgens Davis probeerde het de auto te grijpen en sprong op het dak toen hij probeerde weg te rijden. Terwijl hij wegvluchtte, slingerde Davis van de ene kant van de weg naar de andere om zo het wezen van het dak af te schudden. Uiteindelijk lukte dit en ging hij naar huis.
Later bleek dat zijn achteruitkijkspiegel ernstig was beschadigd en er krassen werden aangetroffen op het dak van de auto, alhoewel er geen ander fysiek bewijs van de ontmoeting was.
Sinds die tijd zijn er ontelbare incidenten geweest waarbij mensen zo zijn geschrokken en auto’s beschadigd. Er zijn zoveel meldingen binnen gekomen van betrouwbare mensen dat zelfs de autoriteiten geloven dat er “iets” moet zijn.
De Lizard wordt omschreven als groot, meer dan twee meter hoog, met rode ogen en drie vingers aan iedere hand.
In de volgende video oude opnames waar Christopher Davis zijn verhaal doet en ook de sheriff, Liston Truesdale, aan wie hij het verhaal in eerste instantie vertelde. Daarnaast een aantal meer recente getuigen.
En afgelopen week was er weer een waarneming van de Lizard Man.
Afgelopen zondag ging een vrouw uit Sumter, Sara, met haar vriend naar de plaatselijke kerkdienst. Toen ze weer buiten waren, zagen ze de Lizard Man langs de rand van de bomenrij rennen.
Zij deed wat ieder ander zou doen, ze nam een foto met haar mobiel.
Alhoewel het eruit ziet als een man met een carnavalspak aan, bezweert Sara bij hoog en bij laag dat de foto echt is en ze haalt zelfs God erbij. “Ik heb dit niet verzonnen”.
Volgens Sara was de lokatie waar ze foto heeft genomen enkele kilometers verwijderd van het Scape Ore moeras, dezelfde plek waar Christopher Davis in 1988 het wezen tegenkwam.
Het verhaal van Sara verscheen in het plaatselijke nieuws en als gevolg daarvan stuurde iemand de volgende korte video. Een opname van een vreemd wezen wat hij eerder dit jaar, in mei, op dezelfde plek had gemaakt.
Voor ufoloog Scott C. Waring is het verhaal duidelijk:
“Ze worden Reptilians genoemd en ze zijn een buitenaards reptielenras. Ze wandelen rechtop en kunnen beter worden vermeden. Alles wat we weten uit eerdere verslagen is dat ze heel erg agressief zijn en een kort lontje hebben (snel boos).
De Reptilian wordt al meer dan twintig jaar lang in Bishopville waargenomen. Alle getuigen komen met dezelfde beschrijving: Rode ogen, drie lange vingers aan de handen. Het is een teken dat er waarschijnlijk een ondergrondse basis is in dat gebied. Een moeras is een ideale plek om een basis onder te verbergen”.
This is fantastic. A 15 ton pillar of limestone with holes mechanically drilled though it is awesome proof that intelligent beings were here on Earth long ago. This is before humans had the ability to create complex tools. Even today, moving and carving a 15 ton block of limestone would be extremely difficult if done without electrical or gas machinery. Perhaps this is close to the lost island of Atlantis, which was an alien city. Scott C. Waring
News states: At least 9,300 years ago, Stone Age hunter-gatherers in a now-submerged area of the Mediterranean Sea accomplished a feat that even most modern humans could not do: They apparently cut a 15-ton limestone pillar with precision, drilled holes in it and transported it nearly 300 meters (984 feet). The monolith is 12 meters (39 feet) long. Oceanographers studying the Mediterranean sea floor in the Sicilian Channel between Tunisia and Sicily in 2012 found the monolith 40 meters (131 feet) deep. In a new paper in the Journal of Archaeological Science, the researchers say this area became submerged about 9,350 years ago, give or take 200 years. Before that, the area was shallow sea with an archipelago of several islands about halfway between the island of Sicily and the North African coast. The researchers say the discovery of this submerged pillar may require scholars to rethink the idea of “technological primitivism” among hunter-gatherers. Researchers were able to date the monolith by extracting shell fragments from it. The dating showed the pillar has the same composition and age as nearby limestone. Seawater covered the area when the last Ice Age ended around 9,350 years ago, so the pillar is assumed to have been fashioned at least that long ago.
2,000 Years Old Conehead Skeleton in Ukraine: A UFO Proof?
2,000 Years Old Conehead Skeleton in Ukraine: A UFO Proof?
You may live comfortably in your everyday un-anomalous world, but rest assured, that un-anomalous world is in itself an anomaly in a quite anomalous universe, all brought to you either by natural or man-made phenomenon.
Ukraine’s Archaeologists made a surprising discovery this week. The first one is the skeleton that was pronounced Conehead. According to the before its news, the remains are roughly two thousand years old. The skeleton with a strangely shaped head was uncovered in Russia’s Stonehenge. The elongated shaped skull drew interest among enthusiasts, who believe that the remains are proof to alien’s existence thousands years ago. Unfortunately, archaeologists refuse the extraterrestrial theory. The skilled specialists denied the presumptions that the skeleton belonged to alien species. They even claimed that the bones belonged to a woman 2,000 years ago. The skull was strangely misshapen, as per accordance on her tribe, called ancient Samarti tribe. According to Maria Makurova, the remains are a form of extra-terrestrial beings. The explanation behind the skull is because of the nature of her tribe to tie the heads of the children with rope.
Also, technology continually advanced through the years, and several individuals possess utilized this to be able to devise all the more hoaxes. Photo Store and video clip editing continues to be highly developed to your point where virtually all ordinary individuals are unable to discern hype from fact. Sceptics connected with extraterrestrial employ these hoaxes to fuel their conviction that aliens will not exist. However, there are bad media for these types of cynics mainly because creating bogus pictures as well as videos do not mean that UFOs cease to exist if they already accomplish. Sightings involving UFOs have been reported for many decades. An amount of them possess even declared that that evidence can be acquired regarding activities with extraterrestrial lifestyle throughout substantial periods of history.
Filer’s Files #32 – 2015 – Astronomer Spots UFO PART I
Object captured at Arizona Kitt Peak Observatory on August 1, 2015
Filer’s Files #32 – 2015 – Astronomer Spots UFO PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: French Minister of Defense says UFOs Exist, Arizona Kitt Peak Observatory Disc, The Forgotten Promise, Argentina Crushed Corn and Alien Landings, Search for Life in the Universe gets a $100 million boost, Rise of the Machines, Letter from Bill Sells and 2000 UFO Reports in July
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Monitor your thoughts
We are multi demensional beings
Special Reports
French Minister of Defense UFOs Exist
Robert Galley, French Minister of Defense states, “I must say that if listeners could see for themselves the mass of reports coming in from the airborne gendarmerie, from the mobile gendarmerie, and from the gendarmerie charged with the job of conducting investigations, all of which reports are forwarded by us to the National Center for Space Studies, then they would see that it is all pretty disturbing. I believe that the attitude of spirit that we must vis-a-vis this phenomenon is an open one, that is to say that it doesn’t consist in denying a priori, as our ancestors of previous centuries did deny many things that seem nowadays perfectly elementary.” M. Robert Galley, French Minister of Defense, interviewed on radio by Jean-Claude Bourret, February 21, 1974.
Arizona Kitt Peak Observatory Disc
This image was discovered by a PROFESSIONAL ASTRONOMER
How did I find this observation? As a professional astronomer and the associate telescope scientist for the WINY 0.9 Meter Telescope Consortium that maintains the Kitt Peak 0.9 meter telescope located just west of the 2.1 meter telescope, I have set the default page for each of my browsers to, a web page that normally shows both a north-facing and south-facing view of Kitt Peak. The south-facing camera is currently off-line as KPNO personnel complete extensive work on the 4.0 meter telescope. Using this website, I keep track of the KPNO weather on a daily basis in order to anticipate what the weather will be for the following night of observations.
So I came upon the observation of the UAP entirely accidentally yesterday afternoon when opening up a browser window. Recognizing its significance, I immediately downloaded the frame containing the object. I took several minutes to examine this picture carefully to eliminate the possibility this was a buzzard or a military aircraft.
I will not spend time attempting to analyze the object in the 14:28:13 MST data set because I want to present this observation to our community as quickly as possible. Except for examining the pictures immediately before and after the frame in question, I have not attempted to search the data set from all of August 1st to see if a similar object can be found. Hopefully, one or more of our group will undertake such an examination over the next few days while these unique sets of data are readily available on-line at the first URL given above. Thanks to William Puckett, Director UFOsnw
Sherry Wilde’s — The Forgotten Promise tells the story of my lifelong interaction with beings of another dimension….or world. The memories of these encounters were buried deep within my subconscious mind until 1988.
It was then that a UFO flap occurred in my community bringing investigators from the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies to look into what was happening.
Like many people, she could not accept that such a thing as alien abduction was even plausible. Now, after having many years to adjust, grow and learn about this phenomenon, she asks how is it possible to not believe that there is life “out there”.
The universe is infinite. And it is mathematically impossible for us to be alone in the cosmos. From there it is only a short step to recognizing that superior life forms are bound to exist and those life forms would have an interest in studying other life forms, just as we, do. Our species just reached Pluto and his headed to other solar systems. Sherry has had an extraordinary life and is learning from beings that exist in a realm quite different from the one we live in.
I am now able to say that I am extremely grateful for these experiences, although it was not always so. The lessons they taught me, the things they showed me, the profound teachings & the high level of peace that is prevalent when in their company gives me hope for our planet. Knowing we are not alone and that we live in a universe governed by love is comforting.
Sherry Wilde was living an idyllic life as a wife, mother and real estate business owner until 1987 when her community experienced a UFO flap that was considered one of the most active in the world. No one could have ever guessed the unbelievable turn of events that would occur over the next 18-24 months as Sherry was forced to accept her involvement in a phenomenon that was totally unknown to her. Faced with the indisputable evidence that she was experiencing contact with extra-terrestrial beings was astonishing to this pragmatic and levelheaded woman of 37, but to learn her contact had been ongoing for her entire life almost pushed her over the edge.
Sherry spent the next several years of her life trying to exonerate the experiences from her mind and did her best to return to a normal life, but when heavy contact started again in late 2009, after several years of relative peace, she could no longer ignore it. Inexplicably she found herself writing a book about the encounters as her memory opened up to the past events and the teachings these beings had imparted to her. Overcoming her fear and learning the truth of her involvement with these ultra-dimensional beings became her life goal. She now accepts the truth of these encounters and has cooperative contact on a regular basis with the beings she affectionately refers to as “her guys.” Website
Argentina Crushed Corn and Alien Landings
Pujanto — The website reported an Argentine farmer filed a complaint with the local cops about a UFO (OVNI) that landed in his cornfield leaving behind a 600 meter by 6-feet. swath of crushed corn plants. (Six hundred meters equals 1968 feet.) Along with the damage, other witnesses claimed they saw “a ship with strange lights and colors flying over the areain April 2012.” The location of the alleged UFO landing was Pujanto, 42 kilometers west of Rosario. Raul, a farmer aged 62, appeared before the Commissioner of the town of Santa Fe to report a complaint of damage to his corn field.
The strange thing is that it is not clear who or what caused this strange happening. In fact, there was no theft of the crop or vehicle tracks in place; only the patch of flattened corn. Neighbors said the area brought out witnesses who claimed to see a ship with strange lights and colors flying over the area, according to the journalist who told Radio 2 Hector Lopez. These are people who were at the entrance of the town on Route 33 aound 3:00 AM. The commissioner, Walter Freniche, confirmed the complaint and told Radio 2 that the 600 meter crushed area was verified. He noted that there was no theft, or vehicle tracks. Freniche noted that “neighbors reported seeing lights, it’s a difficult case.” NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ worldUFOphotos
Search for Life in the Universe gets a $100 Million Boost
PBS July 20, 2015: Are we alone in the universe? A new project called the Breakthrough Initiative may help scientists like Stephen Hawking get closer to the answer.
Tech investor Russian Yuri Milner (shown) pledged $100 million to help survey one million of the closest stars to Earth for signals from other forms of intelligent life. We have been searching radio waves for 55 years with little luck. Yet I know ten people who claim to be in contact with extraterrestrials. Of course no one listens to them. SETI, the famed program for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, was effectively killed in 1994 when Senator Richard Bryan (D) of Nevada added an amendment to the 1994 federal budget that cancelled of the High Resolution Microwave Survey and terminated NASA’s SETI efforts.
The initiative was announced by Milner July 20 in London at The Royal Society, where he was joined by physicist Stephen Hawking,
“It’s going to dramatically expand our capabilities,” Siemions says. “We’re going to have new instrumentation at the largest telescopes in the world and it’s going to be 10 times more powerful than anything we’ve ever had.”
The Breakthrough Prize Foundation has already contracted with two of the world’s largest radio telescopes –
the 100-meter Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the 64-meter Parkes Telescope in New South Wales, Australia – to devote between 20 and 25 percent of their telescope time to searching for signals from other civilizations. The funding will also allow the Automated Planet Finder at the Lick Observatory near San Jose to search for optical laser signals from other planets.
Siemion says his team will be listening for “weak signals” coming from the nearest 1000 star systems. Thanks to BBC
Rise of the Machines
From self-driving cars to sex bots, more and more of humanity’s fundamental tasks are being taken over by robots. The inevitable march of the machines has spurred both utopian and apocalyptic visions of the future. Rogue AI that threatens humanity has featured prominently in science fiction movies such as “The Matrix” and “2001: A Space Odyssey.”
But increasingly, these fears aren’t just being played out on the silver screen. In fact, artificial-intelligence researchers themselves have voiced concerns over how innovations in the field are being developed. With autonomous AI weapons — such as drone planes that could seek and kill people using a face-recognition algorithm — the technology could be here in a matter of years, the writers of the letter argue. And while drone fighters could limit battlefield casualties, these autonomous bots could also lower the threshold for initiating conflicts in the first place, the letter states.
In addition, such automatic weapons could conceivably be in the hands of almost every military power on Earth, because AI-based killing machines wouldn’t require costly or hard-to-obtain materials. It wouldn’t be long before assassins and terrorists could purchase them and use them for nefarious purposes.
“Autonomous weapons are ideal for tasks such as assassinations, destabilizing nations, subduing populations and selectively killing a particular ethnic group. We therefore believe that a military AI arms race would not be beneficial for humanity,” the letter states.
warrior cats scourge
This isn’t the first time the science and tech luminaries have warned against the dangers of AI. In 2014, Hawking said the development of full artificial intelligence holds great dangers that could spell the end of the human race.
Letter from Bill Sells
Bill Sells writes, “I think governments are totally afraid of a mass panic in America. This would explain Prime Minister Thatcher’s remarks on informing the public would be detrimental to UK government. These craft invade our airspace at will and I believe thru electro-magnetic shielding are invisible to the human naked eye. They pass thru our radar defenses during thunderstorm clutter on screens and are apparently completely evasive now to our jet fighters. We have a problem that the government will not publicly address for fear of panic.”Thanks to Bill Sells
2000 UFO Reports in July
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In July 2015 there were 1353 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries; United States 1048, Canada 125, United Kingdom 49, Australia 11, Brazil 10, India 9, Sweden 7, and Portugal 7.
The following states had the most reports: California 122, New York 77, Florida 58, Texas 57, Pennsylvania, 51, Colorado 40
National UFO Reporting Center had 631 reports posted thus far for July.
09-08-2015 om 00:35
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #32 – 2015 – Astronomer Spots UFO - PART II
Filer’s Files #32 – 2015 – Astronomer Spots UFO - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
California Strange Lights
Salton City — It was Wednesday July 29, 2015, around 10:30 pm and I was in my kitchen putting dinner away after getting my kids to bed when I heard my dogs who are usually very quite start to bark and howl. I opened my sliding glass door to see why they were barking and witnessed them looking southeast at the sky and when I looked to see what they were looking at I witnessed 4 very large bright glowing red/orange balls of lights hovering high up in the sky. I watched them as the slowly shifted positions randomly. I ran to get my husband who thought they were very large balls of fire in the sky. We continued to watch them for about 5 minutes as they continued to move randomly. I ran inside to get my camera and when I returned there was only three left and they had formed a straight line with each other. I felt a sense of fear and depression like something was very wrong. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Sightings
Aurora — I was sitting outside with my boyfriend looking up on August 2, 2015, what stunned me was it slowed down time specifically so I could see it. It was only in the sky for 10 seconds and was extremely fast and almost fell out of the sky in a swooping down motion. It abruptly turned straight up and disappeared. My boyfriend saw the last part. Time slowed down when I was watching it and I felt I was being selected. I could see the bottom with equally spaced pulsating white lights. I saw this for only a second that felt like two minutes. It changed direction and completely disappeared. I am positive this was a ufo and it wanted me to see it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Estas Park — I was on a trip with family into the Roosevelt National Forest on July 17, 2015, and took many pictures. When I got home I looked over them and saw an object with four glowing lights on the bottom and it seemed to be flying near the tip of the mountain.
I did not notice it at the time of the picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Light
Cape Canaveral — I was watching TV and noticed the sunset looked pretty so I took pictures on July 1, 2015.
. It was raining but the clouds near the sunset were interesting. I only noticed the objects when I was looking at the pictures a few weeks later. When I noticed the first object I thought it was a palm tree trunk flying and when I looked closer I noticed several objects in the same picture. Each picture had a different amount of objects. I didn’t know who to send the photos to until I was watched Hanger 1. I would like to know if it’s UFO’s. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Alachua — I was taking pictures of the cloud formations that evening, they were very colorful on June 14, 2014. I didn’t see the bright disc objects until a few weeks later when I was erasing pictures from my phone at my leisure and noticed a very bright spot on a picture, thought maybe it was a crack on the lens, until I expanded the picture….wow. So then I found two other pictures taken within seconds of each other. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Chicago— I was at the Godfrey Hotel rooftop nightclub bar on August 1, 2015, and took three photos of this skyline, that show strange lights. Nothing was heard, nor was anything spotted at the time that the photos were taken with an IPhone 6 camera. The lights are in an organized and geometric pattern. Granted, there were plenty of helicopters and airplanes in the sky. I don’t think the photos are of conventional aircraft. The pattern of lights in the photo reminds me of the “Phoenix lights” event. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Edinburgh – Pam Stark writes, “Its 2:10 am, and I just had the @$!# scared out of me. I turned my light and tv off at 2 am on July 27, 2015. I closed my eyes for a few minutes, I had a strange feeling that something or someone was watching me. I opened my eyes; I could see someone standing by the chair in my room. It was grey colored and had big eyes. I won’t forget it. I turned on my light it was gone.” I was yelling for my son, Brandon who rushed into my room. He was sitting on the porch having a cigarette with the porch light off because of the mosquitoes. I’m still shaking. I won’t be going to sleep until daylight gets here. Believe me I’m tired. Thanks to Pam
Missouri Object
Valles Mines — I live in the country on four acres and was at home and took 9 pictures during my morning meditation on August 2, 2015. When I looked at my pictures I noticed this weird shape in it. I didn’t witness it but, my iPhone picked up something that could be an orb, angel, drone or spaceship. The object appears to be hovering and has a glowing white shape. I noticed it in the middle of my photo my pictures, but not all of them. I showed my girlfriend, and my son, and they were tripping out. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary but, felt like I was being watched. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Lights
Las Vegas — My wife and I were on the freeway about 9 pm on July 1, 2015 and were following GPS directions when my GoPro cam mounted on dashboard caught this big bright light. GoPro saw it way before us as the bright light came to earth from space. It was falling fast in a straight vertical line but not breaking up like a meteor. I got excited because I know it is not from this world. I even told my wife that is coming from Heaven. All is recorded in the video of numerous lights in the sky. The Big Bright Light starts to slow down and it turned off at about 1000 feet from the ground and about less than a mile straight in front of us. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey UFO
Belle Mead— I was driving home and then a huge flash surprised me on JULY 24, 2015 at 7:00 PM, and I saw 20 objects at least 6 or 7 times bigger than a 747. I thought it was a ufo. It moved slowly in a path of nine- saw, and I reacted to it. I was freaked out. I lost sight because it flashed and it was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Disc
New York City – I shot this picture in October of 2014 while taking the ferry. Three helicopters with ranging in colors of red, black and white were in the area doing their typical tourist ventures. After the trip I was re-examining the pictures and noticed this weird shaped object did not show up on any other shot after. In the next picture the object is no longer visible but there are some exhaust fumes that could be from the craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Binghamton – I was taking pictures of a hot air balloon launch at a balloon rally on July 31, 2015.
Later, when looking at my pictures I noticed an object in the sky that I didn’t see while taking the photo. No one else noticed it that I know of at the time.
I showed the picture to my son and he recommended that I send the photo to you. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Lights
Thought you might like to see these lights taken on July 27, 2015. I have a wildlife camera set up on my property and when I unloaded the SD card these guys showed up. I have no idea what it is, but for sure it is not bugs. The camera is set up using infrared photos at night and color in the day. I never gave any thought to UFO’s, but these lights could be a case for small ones. What do you think?
Note: It is difficult to determine the source of these lights. I agree with the witness that they are not bugs. The photo sequence starts at 10:55 PM and goes through 12:02 AM. The lights appear, disappear and later reappear. Whatever was photographed was on or in front of the trees. Thanks to William Puckett, DirectorUFOsnw
Ohio Lights
Dayton — My Mom and I were sitting on my front porch talking on July 31, 2015, when we noticed two round objects thru the trees. They made no sound and were glowing a reddish color. I grabbed my phone to get this photo. They were traveling fast in a linear pattern, fairly close to each other. There were no other aircraft in the sky. I watched the objects for as long as I could. Some neighbors have also witnessed these objects. I do reside near Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I am a nurse and a Mom and never have seen anything like this. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Blue Lights
Springville — I was walking on the track at the high school around 8:45 pm and decided to take a photo of the moon on July 30, 2015. The blue spheres are clear and obvious. I was unaware of the objects at the time I took the photo, but the bottoms of my feet began burning and I found it difficult to walk home and the pain continued for almost two days. I don’t know why or if it was connected, but it has never happened before. I didn’t notice the objects at the time so I don’t know how long the objects were in the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Disc
Skyway — I wasn’t there at the time, but my friend was taking pictures on August 1, 2015, when out of nowhere an object appeared. Seafair was during this time, but the Blue Angeles weren’t in the sky. My friend the said the object moved at impossible speeds and in weird directions, and since I watch the MUFON TV show I thought it would be right to talk about it here. My friend also said the object went up into the clouds and it didn’t come down for a minute. It appeared right where it went up, the object continued to move around when it flew into the distance disappearing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
West Virginia Lights
Morgantown— We were sightseeing and took this picture of two objects in the sky on July 29, 2015. We didn’t actually see them in the sky. It wasn’t until we got home and looked at our pics and realized we had captured something. We also saw one two summers ago doing crazy zigzagging. A few years before that we saw an orangish boomerang hovering. My husband and I asked, “What is that”? That’s when it shot into outer space. We both agreed we saw a ufo. The third one, so we weren’t really surprised. This is becoming such a common thing. We know others who have seen them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Argentina Green Fireball
Buenos Aires — This object has all the signs of being a UFO. If you jump to 50seconds into the July 2015 video and pause and start every second, you will see some small white UFOs come out of the object and fly in circular patters around the UFO. This object was going much to slow to be a meteor only 30% of the speed. So…why did an alien species try to fake a meteor entering earth’s atmosphere to come to Earth? Probably so they wouldn’t scare people. It’s a big ship for sure. Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
News states: Bright green fireball lights up night sky but is it a UFO or meteor? – Weird green fireball burns through sky at night that turned the sky green as it shot through the air, caught in this footage. Some observers say the huge green luminous sphere gave the sky was otherworldly and could have been a UFO. It flew above the area of Caseros.
On Twitter, the Green Sky quickly became one of the most hotly debated subjects. Astronomer Jorge Coghlan in an interview described the possible meteor as space junk. News source:
Australia Disc
Carrara — I was observing the north sky on August 2, 2015, as I usually do when I noticed moving lights heading towards me. I then sat on the balcony and continued watching thru the lens at the show before me. It was quite orderly, darting and chasing popping things from themselves lasting an hour and half. I knew what I was seeing and even grabbed my partner to check out the random objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nimmitabel— John Ravallion writes, “I would like to report a ufo sighting from 1969, of an amazing large ufo which my neighbor and I watched for 10 minutes.” I have never reported this event before, but I have had an interest in subject ever since and only seen one other sighting on tv a few years ago of a similar twin light UFO. i would like to record a drawing of some sort if possible are you interested and can you advise me how to properly record this very clear sighting. Thank you John Ravallion
Canada Huge UFO
Calgary — I got undressed to shower and saw 5 red circles on my body on July 29, 2015. They looked like when a dice rolls 5. They’re not bumps, they don’t hurt, itch or anything like that. I had no idea what it was, so I Googled it. UFO marking was all that came up that looked identical to what I had on me. I didn’t see it appear, and just found it. I started feeling paranoid, shocked, and scared. I then googled “signs that you’ve encountered aliens” and met many of the signs. I was almost too scared to go to bed, worried I’d wake up somewhere strange. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Toronto— The two of us observed a shooting star overhead on the rooftop of my building on August 2, 2015. It moved across the sky for about 6-inches at 12:08 am, tracking east. We noticed a round, thick white light turning on and off. I flashed on my green starlight laser that appeared to hit it and bounce off. It immediately reacted to my laser when I flashed at 12:24 AM; it seemed to fly faster traveling towards the moon in a SE direction. It was a cylinder shaped object tumbling or spinning in a clock-wise direction similar to this attached online photo.
The size of the light was bigger than a commercial jet’s landing lights the cylinder disappeared from view as it got closer to the full moon’s brightness. It was a very electric energy that awakened and excited us. This is my 3rd unknown flying object sighting in a week. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Japan Blue Light
On July 17, 2015, in my YouTube video in the first 7 seconds you will see a static image, then after 17 seconds, the blue flash appears in the top-left area in the sky. You can also see a small white light beside the blue light that seems like a reflection of the blue light on the ship body. It does not look like natural phenomenon. It was not airplane’s lights and too high for a drone.
“Recently, I had been investigating if there is UFO with royal blue color because a lady witnessed a blue UFO. I telepathically asked, if there is UFO with royal blue color, please let me videotape that craft”. Then I started to videotape the night sky hoping that something might happen, and then the blue flash appeared in the sky. Camera: Sony HDR-CX390
Mexico Sightings
Guadalajara — I’ve had a telescope for years and charted the stars and observed of the moon on August 2, 2015. I saw something that could only be observed through my telescope. It was either very small or very far away. It was a round shaped object. The center was completely dark and the edges were visible too. Around the object there were lights that formed a ring, and around that ring there was another set of lights that formed a half ring. At first I thought it was the reflection from the light of neighboring houses, but then one of my companions saw it too with his telescope. He described the lights as forming a three-point star outline rather than two rings. The object was moving very slow giving me enough time to make the difficult change from one lens to another. It was not moving from north to south and turned east and disappeared behind some clouds.
Boomerang— I heard an police helicopter flying and went to my rooftop on November 6, 2006, and saw a helicopter when a ufo also appeared. I thought I was going to see aliens as this dark boomerang object followed me.
The flying was controlled with changes of direction and the center of the object had one light and exit energy at the sides. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Sightings
Nelson and New Plymouth — First sighting was reported to NZ police and air traffic control. A second sighting was witnessed by my family a security guard, and me. There were two separate sightings of orange orbs in different towns, with no sound, moving then accelerating. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wellington — This UFO tried to sneak past cloaked in its lenticular cloud, but the guy was onto it and got a photo. If you see one, get a photo! Please, and share it with us. Put a link in any comments of any post taking us to it.
Stuff News states: “A flying saucer made of clouds was sighted over Wellington’s Lyall Bay on July 31, 2015. When Alex Greig headed to the beach to enjoy an early morning Milo about 7.50 am, he was stunned to see the giant orb looming in the sky above him.
“It was phenomenal,” he said. “Just absolutely amazing, I’ve never seen one like that, so perfectly formed that looks like there should be a UFO inside it – a big steel disc, like in the movies.” Unfortunately the stunning formation was soon obscured by surrounding clouds, he said. MetService meteorologist Emma Blades said it was a lenticular cloud, which is common in New Zealand as they are caused by waves generated by air rushing over mountains. “This is a stunning example though,” she said. In Texas in June, there were 56 reported sightings to the Mutual UFO network when the clouds appeared after a spate of severe weather. UFO enthusiasts believe that lenticular clouds are actually flying saucers in “disguise”. Thanks to Scott C. Waring ufosightingsdaily. News Source:
Spain Disc
Cartagena – I saw a disc shaped object flying at low altitude while driving my car at sunset on May 17, 2015, so I asked my son to take some pictures with my iPhone. The object was moving but the road had some curves so I couldn’t see its movements well.
However, it disappeared quickly because after the curve shown in the last picture, we couldn’t see it anymore. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Switzerland Light
Lausanne– I am hoping MUFON may be able to help with something I managed to photograph on July 21, 2015 around 11 pm. Sitting in my lounge I noticed a strange orange light that I thought was a plane as we can often see them heading to Geneva. I saw a single point of orange light similar to the headlight on a commercial airplane. Next to it, I saw an orange streak which appeared quite quickly. After probably 30 seconds, the orange streak went away and the single point of light persisted and then also faded out. I thought it might be a plane on fire. Several minutes later, I notice the light again this time larger and more of a streak than a point of light.
I called my wife to have a look and she commented it may be a Chinese lantern. I snapped a photo using a Canon EOS 650D with a 55 to 250mm lens towards Vallee du Joux. You can see that it is definitely not a plane as it was just much too low, too large and too strange to be a plane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Light
Bewdley — Whilst I stood in my back yard on July 30, 2015, I saw two objects flying erratically in the sky. I got my camera and took a couple of photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Venezuela Lights
Caracas — Walking I saw in the sky two figures on July 3, 2015, and took a photo with my telephone.
When lowering my glance and reestablishing it the object was missing. I did not see its trajectory, when it departed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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Video: Lost Papyrus Reveals Extraterrestrials Visited A,ncient Egypt
Lost Papyrus Reveals Extraterrestrials Visited Ancient Egypt
Video: Lost Papyrus Reveals Extraterrestrials Visited Ancient Egypt
One of the most intriguing ancient texts, the Tulli Papyrus chronicles one of the earliest mass UFO sightings.
It also has an interesting backstory. In 1933, Alberto Tulli, director of the Egyptology section of the Vatican Museum, discovered a unique papyrus in one of Cairo’s antique shops.
Unfortunately, it was priced too high—even for the Vatican—so Tulli resorted to copying down its contents.
When he later returned, the papyrus was gone. Two decades later, Italian Egyptologist Prince Boris de Rachewiltz announced that he had located the original papyrus, “untranslated and unpublished.”
While incomplete, the papyrus painted a pretty clear picture:
“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day […] among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor.
Its body was one rod (172 feet or approximately 50 meters) in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They [went] to the King to report it. His Majesty [ordered that] the scrolls [located] in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on.
A copy of the Tulli Papyrus
A copy of the Tulli Papyrus Continue Reading after this brake: After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven[…] Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks.
The army of the King looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky, a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country.
And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was [ordered] that the event [be recorded for] His Majesty in the Annals of the House of Life [to be remembered] for ever.”
The pharaoh in question is Thutmose III, and the event happened in the first years of his reign, somewhere around 1480 BC. As evidenced by the existence of this text, this event was one of great importance. The scribes’ reactions of fear and bewilderment are consistent with the unprecedented apparition of an enormous flying object.
It is described as being silent while its exhaust emitted toxic gasses. Its shape is described as a disk with “no head”, possibly metallic due to its high reflectiveness. A few days after being visited by this scout, the entire UFO armada reveals itself.
The fleet’s departure is marked by a strange, unprecedented event: fish and “other volatiles” raining down from the sky. Did the UFOs refuel using water from the Nile and then dump the extra passengers scooped up? Could be.
The Tulli Papyrus does not mention whether a contact was established with the visitors, but it’s interesting to see that a decidedly alien civilization was interested in the Egyptian Empire while it was at its height.
Nobody knows where the original papyrus is today. When researcher Samuel Rosenberg wrote to the Vatican Museum to get the chance to examine the ancient text, he got the following reply: “Papyrus Tulli not property of Vatican Museum. Now it is dispersed and no more traceable.”
Ian Paxton - Locklip
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08-08-2015 om 23:57
geschreven door peter
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Giant Mystery Ring of Galaxies Should Not Exist
Giant Mystery Ring of Galaxies Should Not Exist
An image of the distribution of GRBs on the sky at a distance of 7 billion light years, centred on the newly discovered ring. The positions of the GRBs are marked by blue dots and the Milky Way is indicated for reference, running from left to right across the image. Credit: L. BALAZS
Astronomers are constantly uncovering the "most distant," "most massive" or "most energetic" objects in our universe, but today, researchers have announced the discovery of a truly monstrous structure consisting of a ring of galaxies around 5 billion light-years across.
The galactic ring, which was revealed by 9 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), is located 7 billion light-years away and spans an area of the sky more than 70 times the diameter of a full moon.
GRBs are thought to be detonated when a massive star reaches the end of its life. As the star implodes after running out of fuel, a black hole is formed and vast quantities of energy are blasted in collimated beams. Should Earth be aligned with these beams, an incredibly luminous signal can be observed and these beacons can be used to precisely gauge the distance to the GRB and the location of the galaxy that hosts it.
The GRBs are all cataloged in the Gamma Ray Burst Online Index, which precisely records each GRB distance and location, like pins on a cosmic map.
Astronomers believe these GRBs (and therefore the galaxies they inhabit) are somehow associated as all 9 are located at a similar distance from Earth. According to its discoverers, there's a 1-in-20,000 probability of the GRBs being in this distribution by chance — in other words, they are very likely associated with the same structure, a structure that, according to cosmological models, should not exist.
"If the ring represents a real spatial structure, then it has to be seen nearly face-on because of the small variations of GRB distances around the object's center," said Lajos Balazs, of Konkoly Observatory in Budapest, Hungary, and lead author of a paper published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "The ring could though instead be a projection of a sphere, where the GRBs all occurred within a 250 million year period, a short timescale compared with the age of the universe."
But what could possibly be creating a sphere an unprescedented 5 billion light-years across?
According to most cosmological models, the universe should have a roughly uniform distribution of matter over the largest scales. This is known as the "Cosmological Principal" and observations by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and Europe's Planck space telescope, which both studied the distribution of the universe's ancient cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, seem to agree. However, other results have recently challenged this idea hinting that structures as large as 1.2 billion light-years may exist. But a growing list of discoveries in the cosmic abyss seem to contradict even the 1.2 billion light-year "limit."
The GRB ring is 5 times larger than the 1.2 billion light-year limit; a pretty huge anomaly by anyone's standard. And this latest discovery isn't even the biggest. In 2013, another distribution of GRBs revealed a 10 billion light-year structure. Other large structures also defy this theoretical limit.
So what could be causing this particular ring of GRBs? One idea focuses around the large-scale structure of the universe where clusters of galaxies amass together in a web-like structure, thought to be clumped around concentrations of dark matter. The "holes" in this web are referred to as voids — regions of the cosmos that are conspicuously near-empty of any matter. The largest voids are called, unsurprisingly, "super-voids."
"If we are right, this structure contradicts the current models of the universe. It was a huge surprise to find something this big — and we still don't quite understand how it came to exist at all," added Balazs.
So is the Cosmological Principal flawed? It's certainly looking that way.
Alienjagers zijn nog maar net aan het bekomen van de vermeende krab die uit een grot op de rode planeet kwam gekropen of ze hebben alweer iets merkwaardigs gespot: een mysterieuze, deels gesluierde minivrouw. "Dit lijkt écht en het zou elk land in de wereld moeten bezorgd maken", klinkt het in de niet-wetenschappelijke middens. Een echt vrouwtje, dus?
Marsjeep Curiosity blijft foto's spuwen vanop de rode planeet, tot groot jolijt van een hele schare geïnteresseerden op het internet. Die lijken alsmaar meer bewijs van buitenaards leven te zien in de beelden. We hebben hier al aangehaald dat het brein van sommige medemensen nu eenmaal dingen ziet die het WIL zien.
Nu hebben ze het weer over het bestaan van "complex leven op Mars". Wat dat precies betekent, lijken ze zelf niet te weten. Maar in de foto hierboven ontwaren sommigen een geklede vrouw van 8 tot 10 centimeter lang. "De vrouw lijkt borsten te hebben, zo suggereert de schaduw op haar borstkas. We zien ook twee armen die lichter van kleur zijn en iets wat op een hoofd met lang haar lijkt. Moeilijk te zeggen of het om een levend wezen gaat of om een beeldje van een wezen van lang geleden", aldus Scott C. Waring op UFO Sightings Daily.
Op dezelfde site wordt gewag gemaakt van het donkere, vierkante beeld links op de foto. Dat zou een gebouw of een alien-woning kunnen zijn. Of ook niet. Oordeelt u vooral zelf: hier is de originele foto van NASA.
De wilde speculaties draaien duidelijk overuren, maar het internet is er dol op. Gelukkig worden er ook grapjes over gemaakt op Twitter: "Het is gewoon een aardse vrouw die nog niet ver genoeg van Donald Trump kon gaan lopen."
Marsjeep Curiosity heeft een bizar beeld geschoten op de bodem van de rode planeet. Wie inzoomt, lijkt wel een alien-krab te zien, die uit een grot komt gekropen. Ruimtefanaten likken weer duimen en vingers af op sociale media.
Bewijs van leven ginder boven, luidt de vraag daar. Nee, toch niet. Het is optisch bedrog, geven wetenschappers aan. Het gaat om een geval van pareidolia, het psychische verschijnsel waarbij het menselijk brein een interpretatie geeft aan een onduidelijke waarneming die niet overeenkomt met de werkelijkheid. We zien dus eigenlijk gewoon wat we WILLEN zien. Net zoals we soms herkenbare vormen in wolkenformaties menen te ontwaren.
Seth Shostak, astronoom bij het Centre for SETI Research, reageerde in The Mirror: "Wie mij dit soort foto's laat zien, is meestal nogal opgewonden, omdat zoiets lijkt op iets dat je niet zou verwachten op de roestige, stoffige bodem van de rode planeet. Meestal is het een of ander dier, maar soms ook vreemdere voorwerpen als auto-onderdelen. Denken ze dan dat er auto's op Mars zijn?" Die buitenaardse krab is dus nog niet voor vandaag...
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08-08-2015 om 23:11
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
First, I must apologize. I wish me and my subordinate had a specialized camera to have a close-up of this object. At the moment, we are on guard duty and noticed the object for a duration of 75 minutes. We witnessed this object appear within an approximate 16-20 miles from our location: 31 degrees 8 minutes 38.328 seconds N 97 degrees 47 minutes 5.82 seconds W. Throughout the 75 minutes, we have guessed that the object is spinning, zig zagging across the sky, changing its color and traveling in a WNW direction slowly away from the Fort Hood Military Reservation. By the naked eye, we conclude with the fact that this object has gone far as Lampasas County (and still going). At one point during the 75 minutes, we thought that the object was heading toward our direction but did not. The lights were impressive as it was very bright. Too bright to be an aircraft. The angle of our observation was at 35-45 degrees and at the end, it was a lot lower given the distance. This observation is a continuing trend of sightings that has been going on this whole summer.
With several governments around the world openly admitting to the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), the United States government has received a large push from its citizens to disclose the truth about their knowledge of this bizarre yet fascinating phenomenon.
As a result, in late 2014 Barack Obama’s right hand man, (Councillor) Jon Podesta, who was also the Chief of Staff under the Clinton administration, tweeted that one of his biggest regrets of 2014 was his inability to “secure the disclosure of UFO files” and that “the time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources, those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” (You can read more about Podesta and UFOs here.)
Despite these recent public omissions, the White House still maintains that it does not have any such information. The thing is, it’s probably true, as the secrecy surrounding this subject most likely goes far beyond the government, extending into the world of private contractors and a tightly knit group of powerful international elites who control what Eisenhower called, “the military industrial complex.” He warned that this area carried the potential for a “misplaced power” to “exist and persist,” and that this was a “disaster.” (source)
What we do know is that dozens of governments have declassified thousands of pages of “UFO” files which prove that they’ve had a keen interest in the subject for decades. Some of these documents are quite startling, you can see examples of what I am talking about in an article we published about what happens when the military tracks a “UFO” on radar. Read that HERE.
It’s not only international governments; the FBI, CIA, and NSA have all declassified some of the secret files, which again demonstrates a high level of interest in the phenomenon:
“Behind the scenes, high ranking air force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” – Former Head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
Although many pages of documents have been released, Podesta’s statement (a few paragraphs above) clearly indicates that they represent only the tip of the iceberg.
The Document & Why It’s Important
The document referred to in the title of this article can be found here (pages 21 & 22), in the FBI’s vault of declassified documents.
Although there are already many startling documents to consider (as shown in the article linked in the above paragraphs about military radar tracking of UFOs), the FBI always seems to brush off their importance, despite keeping detailed records and maintaining a high level of interest since their inception.
This particular document was addressed to “certain scientists of distinction,” to “aeronautical and military authorities,” and to “a number of public officials.”
The document is a letter that was sent to the director of FBI in Washington from the San Fransisco office, on a matter pertaining to UFOs & extraterrestrials:
“Lt. Colonel (name redacted) of G2 [G2 means army intelligence], San Francisco advised today he has no further information, and that our Seattle office is in possession of all information known by him and is handling the matter at Tacoma, Washington.”
The document goes on to provide a copy of a letter written by someone with “several university degrees” and a former “university department head.”
The memorandum also states that “the mere fact that the data herein were obtained by so-called ‘supernormal’ means is probably sufficient to insure its disregard by nearly all persons addressed.”
Key words above – the fact that they would like to “insure its disregard” by “nearly” everyone addressed.Does this mean that ‘some’ of the people addressed should not disregard it?
The letter goes on to outline and state that: (pages 21 & 22)
Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control.
Their mission is peaceful, the visitors contemplate settling on this planet.
These visitors are human-like but much larger in size.
They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world
The disks posses some type of radiant energy.
They do not come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter.
They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace.
The region they come from is NOT the astral plane, but corresponds to the Lakas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
Remember, this is just one document out of many others that are just as startling, many of which do not attempt to undermine the import of their own contents. Here is an example.
Why have these agencies maintained such a high level of interest in this phenomenon for decades? What else are they aware of? Is this document referring to one specific instance? Is there more than one race? Are some of them “physical?” Are some “extra dimensional?” Do you think these agencies have asked the same questions? Do you think they’ve been trying to find out?
I’ll leave you with some of the best quotes we have out there on the subject, quotes that compliment all the documents that have been released. This isn’t a movie, it’s the real thing, and it’s pretty important.
Maybe knowing that we are not alone will help us to remember who we are?
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source) (source) – Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects about which both Congress and the Commander in Chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.” (source)
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.” (source) – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
For more articles on this subject from CE please click HERE.
Mysterious Black Knight Satellite Is REAL! Alien Coverup Uncovered. Secureteam10 is your source for the best in new UFO sighting videos, information on the government coverup and alien activity caught on tape. Disclosure is coming
It happened in the summer, in the town of Madison NJ, the town in which I lived at the time. I was 17-18 years old. I and a friend were waiting in my car for another friend to come out of his house so we could start the evening. Just driving around town and stuff (we were teenagers). We were parked on the side of the road facing east, in front of a small field next to the towns YMCA. The street is shaped like an ell making a 90 deg turn 500 to 1000 ft ahead of us. From where we were parked you could see thru the backyards through the ell shape to the road farther up at a 45 degree angle. As we were talking, I was parked on the wrong side of the road, so I could see through the yards, and I saw what appeared to be a cars headlights pulling into a driveway of a house and the lights were reflecting off the windows. But something seemed strange about it, and as we talked I noticed my friend glancing in the same direction taking double takes or looks, and I could tell he thought something was off too.
Finally I said, do you see that? And he said yea, what is that? Then I said, isn’t that that the second floor? By that time I had realized the reflection of the lights, which were unusually bright were reflecting directly off the houses 2nd floor windows. By that time my interest had peaked and I started the car and raced up the street turned right at the ell and preceded to the house were we saw the lights. At that point the object or craft was hovering above the house. I pulled up in front and I saw a large craft, about the size of a large house, just hovering. It was completely silent. It had four or more lights evenly spaced around the bottom. I was really excited and really scared at the same time. I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted to get out of the car but was too scared. I was very close, about 100 ft give or take a few feet, away. Even though I had a clear line of sight the craft was very difficult to see. I could see the lights on the bottom and could only make out the shape by the amount of sky it blacked out. I feel like I saw more, being I was so close but its really fuzzy in my mind for some reason. This has always bothered me because it seemed to get fuzzy right after the event. I know this is something I would never forget. I had better than average eyesight at the time.
Anyway the craft started move up the street just above the houses and treetops. I chased it in my car and then it stopped. At that point it was farther away from me so I got out of my car to get a better view. As soon as I got out, I was just in time to see it shoot straight up at an incredible rate of speed. I followed it with my eyes till it appeared to look like a small star in the sky and then it shot off to the north in a right angle and disappeared making no sound at all during the whole time I witnessed the event. I thought it was very strange it made no sound at all, no engine sound or movement of air.I was so excited I couldn’t wait to tell people about what we saw. My friend was too, but he didn’t see as much as I did because he stayed in the car. Some people were very receptive about our story, most weren’t. I soon learned not to talk about it because of looks I would get from people. I could see it in their eyes. I only discuss the incident now with close friends and my kids, or people I deem open minded to such a thing. I have an intense interest in cars, aircraft, motorcycles, boats, ships, computers or anything mechanical. I have taken flying lessons and have flown several different types of airplanes. I have a very good working knowledge of aircraft and there flight characteristics. This was not any type of aircraft I have ever seen in my life and I am 50 years old.
I have studied all aircraft types, just because I am very interested in them. Have been to countless air shows. This thing was not from here! It did not behave like any known air craft I have ever seen. The way it accelerated and turned would have killed anyone on board. This was a life changing event for me. Thirty two years later I still think about it almost every day. Occasionally I will run into my friend who was in the car that knight and will ask him about what his thoughts were about that night and he acts very weird. Doesn’t say much. That’s out of character for him. Just another puzzling detail about this whole experience.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
Onderwater ‘Stonehenge': Mysterieuze 10.000 jaar oude monoliet gevonden voor de kust van Sicilië
Onderwater ‘Stonehenge': Mysterieuze 10.000 jaar oude monoliet gevonden voor de kust van Sicilië
Voor de kust van Sicilië is een mysterieuze Stonehenge-achtige monoliet ontdekt. De drie meter hoge steen geeft inzicht in oude beschavingen die zijn verzwolgen door de golven.
De monoliet, die is ontdekt door wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Tel Aviv, bevat drie gaten met ongeveer dezelfde diameter. De onderzoekers denken dat het object 10.000 jaar geleden is gemaakt door mensen.
“Er zijn geen natuurlijke processen bekend die deze elementen kunnen produceren,” schreef Zvi Ben-Avraham van de Universiteit van Tel Aviv. De monoliet is gevonden op 40 meter diepte op een zandplaat die Pantelleria Vecchia wordt genoemd. Het gebied werd gekoloniseerd door een oude beschaving, die 9500 jaar geleden werd opgeslokt door de golven.
Volgens sommigen zijn er veel overeenkomsten tussen de verhalen van filosoof Plato over het legendarische ‘verloren’ eiland Atlantis en Sicilië.
“Het Kanaal van Sicilië is één van de gebieden waar de gevolgen van de veranderende zeespiegel het meest dramatisch en intens waren,” schrijven de onderzoekers. “Deze ontdekking laat zien dat de mesolithische bewoners van het gebied rond het Kanaal van Sicilië een hoge mate van technologische innovatie en ontwikkeling hadden bereikt.”
De onderzoekers denken dat de monoliet onderdeel is geweest van een soort vuurtoren of werd gebruikt om iets te verankeren. Het onderzoek is verschenen in het Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. Vind je dit een interessante ontdekking? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
'UFO' gezien bij ruimtestation ISS: Worden astronauten in de gaten gehouden door aliens? ‘UFO’ gezien bij ruimtestation ISS: Worden astronauten in de gaten gehouden door aliens?
‘UFO’ gezien bij ruimtestation ISS: Worden astronauten in de gaten gehouden door aliens?
Op internet is een filmpje verschenen waarin wordt geclaimd dat er een UFO bij het internationale ruimtestation ISS is gezien. De waarnemingen wijzen er volgens sommigen op dat astronauten aan boord van het ruimtestation ‘in de gaten worden gehouden door aliens’.
De nieuwste video bevat NASA-beelden die zijn gemaakt door één van de camera’s van het ISS. Het object, dat een lichte kleur en een roze staart heeft, komt korte tijd in beeld. De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie voedt complottheorieën door te weigeren een verklaring te geven voor de herkomst van de vreemde objecten die zo af en toe in beeld verschijnen bij het ruimtestation.
Geheim ruimteprogramma
Hoewel het publiek toegang heeft tot de opnames, claimen ufologen dat NASA doelbewust informatie over UFO’s achterhoudt. In de beschrijving van de video staat dat NASA een roze- en goudkleurig object oppikt op het moment dat de camera twee minuten lang beweegt. De beelden dateren van 3 augustus jongstleden.
Eén van de reageerders vraagt zich af of het object onderdeel is van ‘ons geheime ruimteprogramma’. Iemand anders zei dat het de staart van een meteoriet kon zijn geweest of een lens flare. Denk je dat dit een UFO is? Deel dit artikel dan met je vrienden op Facebook.
Veroorzaakte UFO onweersbui boven Moskou, Rusland ( Video )
Veroorzaakte UFO onweersbui boven Moskou, Rusland ( Video )
Verschillende mensen in de Russische hoofdstad Moskou maakten eind juli mooie opnames van een UFO die door het luchtruim schoot.
Die als het ware ronddartelde en plezier leek te hebben en door sommigen verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden voor de onweersbui die even later losbarstte.
Op 27 juli vond er een vreemde gebeurtenis plaats boven de Russische hoofdstad Moskou.
Diverse mensen wisten opnames te maken van een soort vliegende orb, een kleine ronde UFO.
Wanneer je de opnames bekijkt dan zie je heel duidelijk dat je hier te maken hebt met intelligent bestuurde objecten.
De UFO was zichtbaar voor ongeveer een kwartier en enkele minuten nadat deze was verdwenen begon het te stormen en te regenen. Degenen die deze UFO gezien hebben vragen zich dan ook af of de storm is veroorzaakt door de UFO.
Ufoloog Scott Waring zegt er het volgende over:
Deze gloeiende orb vloog stilletjes over de boomtoppen in de buurt van wat gebouwen in Moskou. De getuige gelooft dat het bolbliksem is, maar bolbliksem is veel kleiner dat dit object. Bolbliksem is nooit groter dan enkele centimeters in doorsnee. Deze UFO was ongeveer zo groot als een motorfiets.
Bolbliksem duurt altijd minder dan een minuut en deze UFO was tenminste een kwartier lang zichtbaar.
Wanneer je naar de twee hiernavolgende screenshots kijkt dan zie je twee verschillende versies van de orbs vanwege het toepassen van bepaalde filters. Je ziet een tweede lichtcirkel rondom het centrum van de UFO.
De twee video’s hieronder zijn gemaakt door verschillende mensen onafhankelijk van elkaar en we kunnen er dus van uitgaan dat de opnames echt zijn.
Scott Waring:
De UFO vliegt rond alsof het leeft en nieuwsgierig is. Je hoort ergens in de achtergrond een meisje schreeuwen en op hetzelfde moment schiet de UFO naar boven alsof het bang werd van het geschreeuw. De UFO heeft bewustzijn.
Ik vraag mij af of de UFO inderdaad de storm veroorzaakte die enkele minuten later losbarstte. Ik denk het wel.
NASA and the European Space Agency Finally Prep Public for Alien Disclosure
NASA and the European Space Agency Finally Prep Public for Alien Disclosure
First NASA chief scientist, Ellen Stofan openly admitted that alien life is ‘imminent’ and just last Tuesday, Dr. John Grunsfeld of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate announced that the agency was ‘on the verge’ of discovering life on planets other than earth.
Stofan and Grunsfeld hide the fact that NASA has been lying to the public about known extraterrestrial life for decades now, and that ETs have likely have been visiting earth for centuries.
“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years. We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”
Her declaration is synchronized with the agency’s recent discovery of water of five of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons. We were also told by NASA recently, that their Kepler mission found another ‘earth’ in the ‘habitable zone’ in our Universe circulating around a star that resembles our sun. NASA defines ‘habitable’ based on the ability of a planet to pool water ostensibly to support life as we know it.
And then there’s the Guardian article titled “Is Kepler 425b humanity’s best chance to find alien life?” that discusses how earth’s twin – an exoplanet more similar to our own than has ever before been known is a likely case for alien life – never mind the 12 other hospitable planets that theSeti Institute is researching, and the fact that we’ve assumed all life would require the same things as ourselves, without considering that other sentient beings might not even have physical form.
Russia has even threatened the US, essentially saying, “tell the world about aliens or we will.”
But there is more to the story – as usual – than NASA and the European Space Agency, or even Seti are revealing.
Beginning in early March 2015, there was an alleged meeting on the moon involving up to 70 private individuals along with about 120 officials representing different secret space programs and national governments who heard plans about disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Dr. Michael Salla and David Wilcock have been giving ‘air time’ or you could say ‘Internet real estate’ to a whistleblower named Corey Goode. He is also known as GoodETxSG. He has his own Facebook page titled after the Sphere Being Alliance, a life-form(s) he has been working with to help disclose the massive extent of our corporate military industrial complex into space.
Whether you believe his wild testimony of secret space programs and bases on the moon or not, the very fact that thousands of people are signing up to see him be interviewed by Wilcock on Gaiam TV is a testament to just how ready people are to be told the truth about extra terrestrial life.
When you pontificate the facts, GoodETxSG is showing up precisely when the largest space-related military industrial complex arm is admitting openly that alien life exists after decades of cover-ups and numerous possible murders, or the defaming of military personal, astronauts, and scientists who have been trying to tell us the same thing for some time now.
While it may be difficult to swallow the facts as Goode tells us – particularly that dozens of extra terrestrials have been manipulating our genetic code, and that the military industrial complex is even more bloated in space as it is here on earth – his testimony is at least worth hearing, and then deciding upon for yourself.
You can catch up rather quickly on what Goode has already ‘disclosed’ via Divine Cosmos, David Wilcock’s website, or you can go directly to Gaiam to watch his interviews. Coupled with NASA’s recent statements, and Russia’s threats, it seems something is brewing – perhaps the pressure is truly immense enough finally, that these agencies will now have to tell the truth.
Scientists now think we could find alien life in our lifetimes. Here's how.
Scientists now think we could find alien life in our lifetimes. Here's how.
Astronomers have dreamed about finding alien life for centuries. It's just always been considered a far-fetched possibility — the stuff of science fiction. That's why it's so surprising that in recent years, many scientists have started taking the search for life on other planets much, much more seriously.
That's partly due to new astronomical discoveries. A generation ago, we didn't even have evidence that there were any planets orbiting other stars. But in the past few decades, scientists have found thousands of distant "exoplanets," including several that seem like they might have the right conditions for life. At the same time, scientists have discovered several moons right in our own solar system that appear to have liquid oceans underneath their icy surfaces and perhaps other ingredients necessary for life.
It's all extremely promising. So astronomers have decided to double down on the search for extraterrestrials. They've moved beyond the traditional methods, which involved simply hoping that intelligent aliens might contact us via radio signals, à la the SETI Institute. Instead, they're now planning missions to nearby ocean worlds and finding new ways to peer at distant planets.
Some astronomers— including NASA's chief scientist — even believe we could find alien life within our lifetimes. "With new telescopes coming online within the next five or 10 years, we'll really have a chance to figure out whether we're alone in the universe," Lisa Kaltenegger, the director of Cornell's new Carl Sagan Institute, told me last year. "For the first time in human history, we might have the capability to do this."
Granted, if life does exist on any of these planets or moons — either in our solar system or outside it — it's far more likely to be in the form of simple, single-celled organisms rather than little green men. These microscopic aliens would be extremely hard to definitively detect, especially if they're orbiting other stars. But it would be a monumental discovery, a sign at last that we're not alone.
Here's a step-by-step guide to how we'll actually go looking for alien life.
It'd be a lot easier to find definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life within our own solar system than it would be to explore other stars. So the first step is to identify and explore all the ocean worlds orbiting our sun.
Ocean worlds are planets or moons that are icy on the surface but harbor a warmer liquid ocean underneath. They're promising for a simple reason: temperature. Most of the other planets in our solar system (i.e., those besides Earth) seem to be either too hot or too cold for life to survive, too close or too far from the sun. But a planet with an ocean might be able to get around this constraint — because there are lots of possible ways an ocean on a distant icy world could have the right temperature for life to occur.
For instance, scientists have recently found evidence of water oceans on at least three moons: Jupiter's Europa and Ganymede and Saturn's Enceladus. (Saturn's moon Titan also has an ocean of liquid methane.) Even though these moons are frigid on the surface, their insides appear to be warmed by various mechanisms.
Europa gets squeezed continually back and forth by Jupiter's immense gravity. "That results in friction, which generates heat, which is part of what we think helps maintain that liquid water ocean beneath the icy shell," NASA scientist Kevin Hand told me in May. These oceans could theoretically be home to life — and there might be similar oceans on other icy moons and space objects.(NASA/JPL-Caltech)
So far, we don't know a ton about these oceans. Most of the evidence for them is indirect, like the geysers of water vapor we've spotted erupting from Enceladus. To know more, we have to send initial probes to them. Which is what we're doing.
The first mission will likely be NASA's Europa Clipper, tentatively scheduled to launch sometime in the mid-2020s. Current plans call for it to enter Jupiter's orbit, then fly by Europa an estimated 45 times over the course of three or so years, gathering data on composition and temperature of the ocean, plumes, and icy surface. (There aren't any planned missions to Enceladus or Ganymede yet.)
Step 2: Explore nearby ocean worlds with follow-up probes
The Europa Clipper probably might not be able to determine for sure whether there's life there. That's because it'd be too expensive to give the probe every possible tool for exploration, such as a lander with the capacity to drill through the ice and collect water. After all, we're still not certain what life would look like on such a world and don't know exactly what we'd measure to test for it.
Instead, the initial probe will focus on understanding the size, composition, and temperature of Europa's ocean and creating high-resolution maps of its surface, so that afuture mission might land and directly study the moon's ice and water. The Clipper might also sample plumes shooting out of Europa's surface, to look for indirect evidence of hydrothermal activity in the ocean, which could be fuel for life.
Then the follow-up probes could conceivably search for life, although there's still much debate about what they'd look like. Some scientists have proposed submarines that could explore Europa's oceans after drilling through the ice. Similar missions, in theory, could someday be executed on Enceladus and Ganymede.
These missions could collect all sorts of data on activity within the oceans, perhaps providing stronger evidence for conditions that could be right for life. And if the oceans do have hydrothermal vents, then a submarine mission could even more fruitful. On Earth, these vents emit heated water and dissolved chemicals, which feedchemosynthetic bacteria, which in turn feed diverse groups of animals. It's a long shot, but similar ecosystems could have evolved on Europa and on other moons' sea floors.
Of course, the technology needed to carry out these sorts of missions is still years away. These follow-up probes would also be far more expensive than NASA's Clipper, in part because the extra equipment for a lander requires more fuel to launch into space. And that will undoubtedly prove a tough sell, given NASA's dwindling budget for planetary exploration.
Step 3: Bring ocean samples back to Earth
An artist's impression of Europa's subsurface ocean. (NASA/JPL-Caltech)
If these ocean worlds did contain any life, they'd most likely harbor exotic microscopic organisms (rather than more complex ecosystems). If that's the case, we'd probably want hard proof that life actually existed — and it'd be extremely hard to provide that remotely. That would entail bringing a water sample back to Earth.
This would be yet another monumental engineering challenge. To date, we've only managed to return rock samples from the moon and dust from a comet and an asteroid relatively nearby Earth. Bringing back a sample from Europa or another icy moon would require some sort of spacecraft that's light enough to launch with our rockets, but big enough (and able to carry enough fuel) to escape its destination's gravity when it's time to return home. At the moment, that technology doesn't exist.
There would also be another problem to worry about: how to avoid contaminating Earth with any life forms that we might bring back. This risk seems small — if there were alien life forms, they probably wouldn't have evolved to survive on Earth — but the potential damage could be devastating, as no Earth organisms have evolved any sort of resistance to the threats these aliens might pose. Consequently, scientists have come up with aseries of recommendations to prevent this sort of threat, mostly involving thorough quarantine of returning spacecraft and samples.
These technical challenges mean that finding (and verifying) life in our own solar system probably wouldn't occur for decades, at the earliest. So in the meantime, we'll also want to look much farther away: to planets in other solar systems. Paradoxically, that search might end up yielding results even sooner, though they wouldn't be as definitive.
Step 4: Find planets in other solar systems
An illustration of Kepler-452b, the most Earth-like exoplanet discovered so far. (NASA)
The first step toward doing so is finding a planet alien life might reside on. We've already found thousands of exoplanets (and counting), mostly using NASA's Kepler space telescope and something called the transit method.
Here's how the method works. Imagine staring at a star far away. If there is a planet orbiting that star, it might occasionally pass between us and the star, briefly blocking it from view. Scientists can't actually see the planets doing this blocking, but they can indirectly detect their presence.
"We measure the brightness of a star, and when a planet passes in front of it, it blocks out some of the starlight for a period of a few hours," Thomas Barclay, an exoplanet researcher, told me in April. If scientists observe a star dimming by a consistent amount on a predictable schedule, they can infer the size of an exoplanet that's orbiting around it.
(Sean Raymond)
There are a few other methods for detecting exoplanets, but the transit method is the most straightforward, and it has led to the most discoveries to date.
Step 5: Narrow down the list to planets suitable for life
Now that we've found exoplanets, we need to whittle down the list to the most promising ones.
Scientists are still working on this step. Most of the thousands of planets in other solar systems that we've found are too big, too gaseous, or too hot to be capable of supporting life as we know it. (Unfortunately, these planets are also easier to detect.) So for now, they're crossing these off the list.
Based on what we know about life on Earth, we'd expect life to be more likely to evolve on a rocky planet that orbits within its star's habitable zone — an area where there's enough warmth for liquid water, but not too much heat. (It's possible that a planet even farther off than this could evolve life, perhaps due to a heat-trapping layer of ice like Europa, but it'd be extremely difficult — maybe impossible — to detect signs of life in an icy world in another star system.)
The good news is that there are definitely some exoplanets out there that meet these criteria. Scientists have already spotted about a dozen planets that are relatively close in size to Earth and which may lie in their stars' habitable zones. In July, for instance, astronomers discovered Kepler-452b, which is just 60 percent bigger than our planet and considered Earth's closest twin yet.
The catch is that our current telescopes aren't optimized to analyze these planets and look for signs of life. (Ironically, the Kepler telescope scientists currently use is toopowerful — it was built to observe distant portions of the Milky Way, not to look for planets relatively close by.)So scientists are building more suitable telescopes. NASA'sTransiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), set to launch in 2017, will be the first space telescope specifically designed to analyze exoplanets
Step 6: Scrutinize the atmospheres of the most promising exoplanets
Most exoplanets are probably too far off for us to ever visit — even with uncrewed probes. So the best way to learn more about them is by analyzing the light spectra that pass through their atmospheres. That lets us know what gases are present — and, if we're lucky, may give us clues as to whether there's life, as well.
So far, scientists have been able to directly analyze the spectrum of light passing through the atmospheres of a dozen or so exoplanets. However, these have all been large, gaseous planets with thicker atmospheres. Again, we want to analyze rocky planets in the habitable zone of stars.
This, too, will require better telescopes — and those are on the way. The James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled to launch in 2018, will help analyze the atmospheres of smaller, Earth-like planets that have been spotted by NASA's TESS. Meanwhile, theEuropean Extremely Large Telescope, a ground-based telescope to be built in Chile in 2024, may also be used for this purpose.
Step 7: Search for signs of life in these atmospheres
An illustration of the exoplanet Gliese 832c, one of the closest potentially habitable exoplanets. (Radialvelocity)
The reason we'd want to analyze atmospheres is to look for biosignatures — gases that could be signs of alien life. "We can't go to these planets," Kaltenegger told me. "So we're trying to figure out what a planet that has life might look like from far away, in ways that would be detectable by our telescopes."
At the moment, we only know of one planet with life — Earth — so scientists are using that as a model to determine what gases might support life. Kaltenegger and colleagues, for instance, have used our knowledge of Earth's history to generate what they call analien ID chart — a series of snapshots of Earth's atmospheric composition over the last few billion years, as it's evolved due to the presence of life.
Meanwhile, other researchers are modeling how various life forms might alter the atmospheres of planets with geologic compositions that differ from Earth's. As far as we know, there are some gases (like oxygen and methane) that are abundantly produced by life but can also be produced by geologic processes. On the other hand, there are some rare gases (like dimethyl sulfide) that are produced only by life forms — as far as we know — but in much smaller quantities.
In either case, though, any potential biosignatures we find will be somewhat uncertain. It'd be impossible to say that the makeup of an atmosphere hundreds of light-years away is definitive evidence of life, even if it were chock-full of dimethyl sulfide. We might find strong suggestions of life, but when looking at planets so far away — rather than oceans in our own solar system — it'll be hard to know for sure.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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