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In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Brains, Minds, AI, God: Marvin Minsky Thought Like No One Else (Tribute)
Brains, Minds, AI, God: Marvin Minsky Thought Like No One Else (Tribute)
By Robert Lawrence Kuhn
Credit: jimmi | Shutterstock
Robert Lawrence Kuhn is the creator, writer and host of "Closer to Truth," a public television series and online resource that features the world's leading thinkers exploring humanity's deepest questions (Peter Getzels, producer/director). Kuhn contributed this article to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.
Artificial intelligence (AI) pervades people's lives today, from smartphones and search engines to transportation systems and medical diagnoses. One of AI's legendary pioneers, Marvin Minsky, co-founder of what is now the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and considered to be the "father of AI," died on Jan. 24, 2016, at age 88.
Polymathic in capacity, protean in vision, Minksy spent his life figuring out how to make machines that are intelligent, "whatever that means," as he liked to say. He developed AI's two principle schools of thought: the "symbolic school" of abstract manipulations and the "connectionist school" of unstructured self-organization. He built the first learning machine based on neural networks, simulating how the brain works through practice and trial and error, a progenitor of today's "deep learning."
Smart people said Marvin was the "smartest person I ever met." Those closest to Marvin said he was "childlike." This, they meant as a supreme compliment, because he was ever eager to explore new ideas and never too proud to jump into the middle of things. Minsky won the A.M. Turing Award, the most prestigious award in computer science. Moreover, he mentored a generation of leaders in AI and related fields, including inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, who called Minsky "my only mentor."
Meeting Minsky
Minsky was voluminous in his production of ideas, covering great swaths of intellectual terrain. Part of his charm was his iconoclastic stream of consciousness, generating a gusher of provocative and sometimes outrageous ideas that, agree with them or not, always made you think.
I met Marvin in 1999 during the inaugural season of "Closer to Truth." He personified what we aspired to be on the show: inventive, insightful, irreverent, fearless, rigorous, tough-minded, iconoclastic, daring, whimsical. I wanted to do what Marvin did: challenge conventional belief, taking our topics seriously, but not ourselves.
Timorously, I invited Marvin to participate in our first taping session at KOCE, a small PBS station in Orange County, California. In retrospect, I realize I was asking an international superstar, whom I had never met and who certainly did not know me, to fly across the country to appear with an unknown host on a not-yet-broadcast television show — and be a co-equal on an opaque panel with four others whose identities I couldn't even suggest, much less confirm. I prepared myself for rejection, more likely for no response at all.
Marvin accepted immediately. Of course he'd do it — that was Martin — and do it he did. He provided incisive insights. Combative arguments. Effervescent style. No airs or pretensions.
I asked him about his book, "The Society of Mind" (Simon & Schuster, 1988), which combined ideas from artificial intelligence and developmental psychology to develop his thesis that human minds are composed of hundreds of mini-mind modules (Marvin estimated about 400 of them), each of which evolved to execute highly specific tasks. And when integrated together, they generate a constructed sense of conscious unity. (All Minsky quotes in this essay are from his multiple appearances on "Closer to Truth.") [Scientists Closing in on Theory of Consciousness]
"It's trying to figure out how the mind works," Minsky told me, "without the commonsense belief that somewhere inside the mind there's a 'self' that's sort of in control and commanding everything. So the question is, how do you get mindlike behavior from a brain really made of roughly 400 different computers? They do different things. They don't agree on everything. How do you get reasonable, commonsense behavior out of such a system?"
Minsky's concept of a "society" is that all these separate "mind computers" are working together in the brain. But "it's not like human society," he clarifies, "where each person works pretty well independently."
When producer/director Peter Getzels and I restructured "Closer to Truth," Minsky was again among our first, most-desired interviews — this time, one-on-one at MIT (2007). Marvin was penetrating and fiery; even on the edges of knowledge, he never hesitated, offering his scintillating, idiosyncratic and often radical takes on the nature of the cosmos, the inner workings of minds and consciousness, and how human beings might achieve immortality. It was a treat; we were swept up by his passion, engulfed by his intellect.
An AI pioneer explores consciousness
In that interview, I focused on the mystery of consciousness, but to Marvin there was no mystery. "A whole society of scientists is trying to find the place in the brain where consciousness is," Minsky explained to me. "But if it's just a word for many different processes, they're wasting their time. … For everyday purposes, the idea of 'self' is important. But from a cognitive point of view, it's a very stupid idea and it's an obstacle to understanding how our minds work."
The common belief in a nonphysical (perhaps immortal) soul was a related topic that I figured, a bit mischievously, could "stimulate" Marvin's way of thinking — and I braced for fireworks. I had no doubt that Marvin would reject the idea of a soul, of course, but I was curious to find out just how he would dismiss it.
"The idea that there's a central 'I' who has the experience is taking a commonsense concept and not realizing that it has no good technical counterpart," Minsky said. "Rather, it [our 'I'] has 20 or 30 different meanings, and you keep switching from one to the other without knowing it. So it all seems like one thing [when it's not]. … I studied mathematics for many years and finally proved some theorems no one else had. It was wonderful, and it was hard work. Now, if somebody comes along and says some 'creator' gave you this ability [via a 'soul'], well, that's very demeaning. [History of A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (Infographic)]
"I don't want to be dissed by saying my virtues come from a 'soul'. The idea of a soul seems to me very demeaning. It's saying nothing we do has any consequence. There's someone else just dropping these little gifts on us. A soul is a terrible idea. … The people who talk about a soul are just people who are too ignorant or unambitious or lazy — I don't know what insults to hurl at them."
To Minsky, if you couldn't explain how something works, you haven't explained anything at all. Worse, to him, the assumption that some kind of ethereal soul explains the human mind undermines the hard work required to really explain it.
I asked Marvin about the claim made by many philosophers that the mind cannot be "reduced" to the brain, meaning that it is impossible to account fully for mental function in terms of fundamental physics.
"I don't think we need a separate mental world," Minsky countered, to no one's surprise. "Many philosophers say if some process takes more than three steps, it must be 'irreducible.' Nothing is irreducible. It's just that we're not [yet] smart enough [to know how] to reduce it. … Think of the hubris, the preposterousness of a person who says, 'I know this question can't be answered.' … To say no one can answer it is to say, 'I am so smart that I can predict that nobody else will ever develop a better theory.'"
I'm not that smart, but still I don't agree. I myself am not a reductionist. I do not expect that, even in the fullness of time, mind can ever be reduced completely to brain. Yet I would rather listen to Marvin argue against my view than to almost anyone else arguing for my view. From Marvin, I learn more.
Is feeling also thinking?
In that same interview, I also asked Minsky to describe the relationship between thinking and feeling, the topic of his next book, "The Emotion Machine" (Simon & Schuster, 2006).
"The ordinary words of popular psychology — like emotion and cognition, feeling and thinking, and so forth — are hundreds of years old," Minsky said, "and each of them is a clever way society has developed to not think about what's going on. … This distinction between thinking and emotion has wasted a century of psychologists' time, because they don't understand that each emotion is a particular way to think."
I then transitioned our conversation from one megacategory to another, from brain/mind to physics/universe, by asking about quantum mechanics and its strangeness. Minsky's concise explanation was as discerning as it was counterintuitive.
"Philosophers like to talk about the [Heisenberg] 'uncertainty principle' where quantum mechanics makes things unpredictable," he said. "It's exactly the opposite. … All these philosophers have missed the point that a deterministic universe is not good. It's chaotic. And the quantum universe is stable."
Here's the deep idea that Minsky so breezily explained. In classical physics, which is deterministic, the naive "solar system" model of negatively charged electrons flying around a positively charged nucleus cannot be stable — if elections "orbited" in that way, they would emit electromagnetic radiation, lose energy, and the negative-positive attraction would cause the election to crash into the nucleus, destroying the atom. In quantum mechanics, which is probabilistic, the electron has wavelike features, cannot have both a definite position and a definite velocity (momentum), and therefore cannot be confined in an arbitrarily small space (without adding increasingly huge amounts of energy). This means that the atom cannot collapse, and the quantum universe, as Minsky said simply, is stable. [Why Can't Quantum Mechanics Explain Gravity? (Op-Ed)]
Delving into speculation, I asked whether this universe could be a fake.
"We might be a program running on a computer," he responded seriously. "What we know about computational processes is that it's easy to make a simple process that produces infinite complexity [ultimately] — it doesn't take a 'God,' because we can make a little computer program that can successively write all possible computer programs just by enumerating them and making small changes."
Could human beings ever know whether this universe is really a simulation?
"It could be that in some simulated worlds there are enough defects or slight irregularities that you could figure out what computer is simulating you," Marvin mused. "Ultimately, you might find something for which the best explanation was that we're not real, we're just a program on an 'IBM 68 billion' or an [Intel] 86 billion or whatever." [Is Our Universe a Fake?]
The trouble with religion
I was now ready to explore a Minsky favorite foil: religion.
"The trouble with religion is that it picks particular things, like 'why are we here?' or 'what created the world?' or 'what should we do in various conditions?'" he began. "But these can be studied and understood by thinking more. … If a lot of people believe something and it's complicated [like religion], then it's unlikely that they thought of it themselves. So it's probably an infectious mental disease, a little network of ideas like a virus that knows how to jump from brain to brain and spread."
Far-reaching for some, but not for Marvin. As many of his admirers know, he had strong opinions.
On a changing society
Reflecting on news of his death brought me back to 1999. It was not long after we had come to realize that the "WorldWideWeb" (as it was called) would be changing humanity, but how, we weren't quite sure.
"We're under pressure to decide faster," he said in an episode entitled "How does Technology Transform Thinking?" He explained that because facts are more quickly at people's disposal, and everyone expects fast answers, people are forced to be less reflective. "One of the most dangerous things," he stressed, "is rapid communication in political affairs, where a TV network can ask, 'What does the public think?' and in minutes they say 70 percent of the people think this or that."
Reflecting on the Internet as an "amplifier of evil," Minsky said, "There's a serious problem, because people don't understand the difference between popular democracy and representative democracy. The idea of taking a poll 5 minutes after something happens and publicizing it is very dangerous."
How prescient! More than 15 years ago, while many pundits were predicting that the democratization of information would improve the quality of political discourse, Minsky foresaw the reverse. Instant, mass communication, he warned, could yield instant, mass manipulation.
Marvin also worried about today's role models. "With the power of media, who are the mentors being built into the minds of our citizens," he asked me rhetorically? "It's 98 percent sports idiots, actresses, actors."
While many critics decry actors as role models, Minsky's insight focuses on the nature of the profession.
"Why are actors 'heroes'?" Minsky continued. "Because they're good liars. That's what it takes to be an actor, getting you to trust him when he's playing a role. We have this strange celebrity thing, and instead of children getting values from the right people, they get it from people who have the gift of pretending. Celebrities are celebrities because they somehow make people trust them."
Instead, Marvin promoted critical thinking. "To understand things well," Marvin said, "is to think critically. Somebody tells you something, you say, 'What's the evidence for that?' In most religions, there are certain questions we can't decide that way, so it's important, [religions say], to have faith. And if you're very good at having faith, then it means you're not very good at critical thinking."
And, "To stress believing a set of rules that comes from an authority figure," Marvin said, can lead to "terrible dangers."
Minsky railed against overarching organizations, institutions and cultures that imposed their belief systems or parochial values without, in his opinion, evidence or logic. He encouraged individuals to take personal responsibility and stand their mental ground in resisting the imposition of absolute ideas.
Marvin asserted that "faith and critical thinking" are mutually exclusive. But a co-panelist on an original "Closer to Truth" round table (in 1999) challenged him, asking, "Can critical thinking help you with death and bad things?" The questioner was implying that restricting "truths" to only those concepts that are accessible via critical thinking may limit access to deeper truths, such as those that may be provided by religion or morality.
"Well, I disagree," Marvin declared unapologetically. "Death has a rational explanation. If it weren't for 2,000 years of religion — when science [hadn't yet developed] — we might have already conquered death. Belief in the afterlife is why we don't live forever. The fundamental paradox is that we have been deprived of our immortality by religion."
As the discussion shifted to personal responsibility, Minsky said, "We're going to need a new theory, because current theories are clearly unsound. We see people committing a crime and people argue, 'Is the cause social?' Or religious people say, 'The devil got into him.' But when we understand the brain, we'll have real decisions to make, like what level of violence do we want in our children?"
Minsky, prescient again, was musing about how neuroscience alters the commonplace understanding of "free will" and the impact of that on moral responsibility, with huge implications for the judicial system and civil society. What happens, people now ask with concern, when advancing neuroscience, through genetic engineering and brain interventions, gains the capacity to change human behaviors? It is a real-world prospect, fraught with the tensions, risks and dangers of competing values.
I pressed Minsky about if he was advocating "social engineering," manipulating citizens through science to create, and enforce, a majority-determined society.
Society "already does it [manipulates people] by pumping beliefs into us," Minsky shot back at me. "We have to figure out some way to get enough variety so that even if there's a culture with a billion people who all think the same way, and if it turns out to be a bad way, there are other ways of thinking. We don't know how to solve this problem."
Reminding himself of humanity's perilous position on this one fragile planet, Minsky advised that we should do whatever it takes "to get three or four colonies off the Earth, on asteroids, some other places — as life insurance."
"I don't like cultures," was a Minsky theme, and I heard it several times. "Cultures are a waste of the human mind," he said. "A person becomes a kind of robot because he's this nationality or that race or he's a whatever-it-is. Everybody says we should respect these cultures, but why should we?"
Lamenting that most people find learning painful, Minsky posited that most cultures exist "because they've taught their people to reject new ideas. It's not 'human nature.' It's 'culture nature.' I regard cultures as huge parasites. I think each person has a lot of potential, and I find it painful when I'm introduced to people who didn't choose their belief system. Their culture chose it. And to me, that culture is an evil, mindless force that first teaches its values and then instills fear of other values. So, of course, it looks like human nature, but it's 'meme nature' — ideas that get into the brain, and the ones that stick best are the ones that kill other ideas best.
"I have many cultures," Minsky continued. "Every week, I find a new culture. The other day, because a little girl asked me, I found on the Net a group of people who collect the whiskers of cats. They're all over the world — only about 50 people. And they spend a lot of time at it, sending little emails to each other about how they find the whiskers. So, on a long-haired cat, whiskers can float around … oh, well, forget it … the point is that I'm in many cultures."
That's Marvin personified! Ever curious, unpretentious to his core, Marvin had a preternatural capacity for extracting insights from the most mundane situations.
On the same "Closer to Truth" panel, political scientist Francis Fukuyama (then at George Mason University in Virginia, now at Stanford University in California) suggested that Marvin was "not really part of that [cat whisker] culture. You're just a visitor," he said.
"What do you mean, 'part,'" Minsky responded? "You mean it doesn't eat up my whole brain? Thank God, if you'll pardon the expression, no! I don't want 90 percent of my mind eaten up by a bunch of rules that were written thousands of years ago and don't reflect anything good."
When we discussed "tolerance," Marvin became, well, militant. "What's so great about 'tolerance,' he asked? "Do you mean we should teach our kids that all ideas are equally good? I don't think that we should tolerate ideas in the sense that, 'It's OK to let that poor person have his brain eaten by that set of ideas.' It offends me. I'm not tolerant. … In a culture, people relate to each other to the extent that they think the same thoughts and don't think for themselves. I don't regard that as a virtue. Maybe lazy humans like it, but I would teach them not to be lazy."
Asked about "enhancing happiness" in the future, Marvin was his acerbic, contrarian self. "I want people to be very unhappy that they don't understand things, like cosmic string theory. I hate happiness because that means that you're not interested in anything more."
To Marvin, commonplace "happiness" was mindless contentment, and he eschewed it. He envisioned the ideal human experience as striving to understand and struggling to learn, a restless pursuit of knowledge in order to advance humanity's collective wisdom. Self-satisfaction, unambitious comfort, sluggish tranquility — these were the enemy.
The Internet as divider?
Marvin offered profound and predictive observations about the then freshly burgeoning Internet, including how circles of friends would be more likely to cluster and less likely to expand, and how rigidity could overpower tolerance because those of like minds would seek self-reinforcement.
"Keeping contact with people on the Net is going to be a very strange thing," Minsky forecasted in 1999. "We have a mobile society, and we learn to make new friends. What will happen in the future? When you're 7 years old, you make a dozen friends, and they move away, but with the Net you still have them. We may get people who don't bother to form new friendships, because you can spend your whole life with people that you already know. That might change society.
"I don't like civility," Marvin offered without apology. "The trouble with insulting somebody in their presence is that they'll hit you. And you can't express yourself very well. I have made many friends on Internet newsgroups whom I've never met, and in many cases I don't hope to meet. These 'flame wars' are wonderful: People tell you what they really think, or else they lie — it doesn't matter. But you learn more per hour this way, by getting right to the heart of the matter. The polite people are a waste of time. They write all these words, and I usually turn to another screen."
Minsky was no troll. Trolls go for the "lulz" (the "joy" or "achievement" of causing emotional distress); Minsky went for the truth.
"Face-to-face contact is almost impossible to penetrate," Minsky said. "When you meet people, they have certain postures and you're dominated by stereotypes. When you talk to people on the Net, you're dominated by whatever ideas they have."
I asked Minsky for his grand prediction of the future of the Internet. He said,
"One-hundred years from now, people will say, 'Well, the Internet was really important until the development of [true] artificial intelligence in 2073.' The second bump was the big one."
I wondered whether he had ever been intimidated. "Well, I don't care very much what other people think about me," Marvin said, staying in character. "So it's hard to intimidate me, unless it's [physicist] Richard Feynman."
When I suggested that Feynman couldn't intimidate anyone because he was, well, dead, Marvin said he didn't care. "It doesn't matter that he's dead," Marvin said with a straight face. "I have a very good [mental] copy of him, and if I say something too speculative, I can hear Feynman say, 'What would be the experiment for that?'"
The Minsky way of thinking
How to distinguish Minsky's way of thinking? I'd start with two organizing principles. First, "How does it work?" He applied this, for starters, to brains, minds, computers, natural intelligence, artificial intelligence, information, society, religion and God. Second, "Don't be sure!" As Minsky asserted, "The word 'sure' is when a cognitive process has turned off all other processes that can cast doubt on a particular statement. 'Being sure' is not 'being sure.' Being sure is a process saying, 'I'm not going to change my mind.'"
It's no secret that Marvin was a strong atheist, and irrespective of one's beliefs, one can appreciate — dare I say "enjoy" — his bluntness. "If you want real meaning, and you can't find one, it's all very well to make one up," he told me. "But I don't see how that [God] solves any problems. Unless you say how God works, saying that God exists doesn't explain anything."
If there is a God, I'd be disappointed if Marvin isn't one of God's favorites. (Actually, I'd be shocked.)
In the 17 years of "Closer to Truth," whether in discourse with atheists or with theists, I've tried to elicit best thinking and tease out clear arguments, which we question and challenge equally. We think critically with an ever-open mind. We reject only sloppy, specious arguments — and often, I ask myself, "What would Marvin think?"
Follow all of the Expert Voices issues and debates — and become part of the discussion — on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This version of the article was originally published on
Amazing Disc-shaped UFO spotted over Highway Zürich-Bern, Switzerland
Amazing Disc-shaped UFO spotted over Highway Zürich-Bern, Switzerland
The next images show a disc-shaped UFO hovering in the sky above the Highway Zürich-Bern in Switzerland on Saturday night, March 5, 2016.
Witness states: My son went with his grandmother from Burgdorf to Bern. He saw a floating object on the highway. Because he always has his Iphone in his hands, he made the picture of the UFO. UFO left side up. Mufon case 74979.
If the photograph is genuine and not altered or manipulated then it is without doubt one of the best UFO evidence captured on camera.
Yellowstone Park is een bijzondere plek en niet in de laatste plaats omdat het park zich bovenop een enorme vulkaan bevindt.
Wanneer dan een UFO vertrekt uit Yellowstone Park past dat precies in het gedrag wat eerdere UFO’s vertoonden in de buurt van vulkanen.
We weten nog steeds niet met zekerheid wat UFO’s eigenlijk te zoeken hebben in en rond vulkanen.
Er zijn ondertussen talloze opnames beschikbaar van exemplaren die in kraters van vulkanen verdwijnen of daaruit tevoorschijn komen. De reden zou kunnen zijn dat er zich onder die vulkanen buitenaardse bases bevinden en/of misschien heeft het iets te maken met energie.
Net zoals er vaak UFO’s worden waargenomen in de buurt van onweersbuien, zo komen er ook steeds meer berichten over dat ze bij de zon zijn waargenomen en het lijkt alsof die daar een soort energie tanken. De zon kan ook fungeren als dimensieportaal. Duidelijk lijkt in ieder geval dat het fenomeen hitte in het leven van deze UFO's een hele andere functie/uitwerking heeft dan op ons aardse zielen.
Enkele dagen geleden werd er op een webcam van het Yellowstone Park toen het donker was een merkwaardige groenachtige lichtflits waargenomen.
Deze is door Scott C. Waring van Ufo Sightings Daily geanalyseerd waaruit blijkt dat we hier te maken hebben met een object dat vanaf de grond omhoog schoot.
In de video hieronder zijn de webcam beelden te zien en na ongeveer 32 seconden verschijnt het vreemde licht.
De reden dat de UFO naar boven schiet, wordt verklaard volgens Scott doordat de lichtstraal aan de onderkant plat is, wat aangeeft dat dit het vertrekpunt is.
Verder stelt Scott dat hij de Amerikaanse overheid er al langer van verdenkt dat ze grote parken en dergelijke ter beschikking hebben gesteld aan buitenaardsen om daaronder hun bases te bouwen.
De reden daarvoor is volgens hem eenvoudig: Weinig mensen, weinig verkeer en dus ook weinig pottenkijkers, waardoor de kans dat aankomende en vertrekkende UFO's worden waargenomen klein(er) is.
Niet alleen worden er wereldwijd vreemde geluiden gehoord, er vallen op sommige plaatsen ook vreemde dingen uit de lucht.
Zo regende het teer in een Amerikaanse stad en werd een strand in Argentinië bedekt door miljoenen kevers waardoor het leek op een scene uit een horrorfilm.
We leven in bijzondere tijden met dito gebeurtenissen.
Dingen waarvoor geen verklaringen zijn, tenminste niet de standaard wetenschappelijke. Denk daarbij bijvoorbeeld aan het wereldwijde fenomeen van vreemde geluiden in de lucht.
Onlangs viel er in het Amerikaanse plaatsje Harrison, vlakbij Detroit in de staat Michigan, een vreemde substantie uit de lucht.
Het zag eruit als stukjes teer die als het ware uit de lucht naar beneden regenden. Niemand heeft enige verklaring voor wat dit zou kunnen zijn.
In eerste instantie keek men naar de luchtmachtbasis in de buurt als mogelijke oorzaak, maar daar schijnt het ook niet vandaan te komen.
Iemand die wel een verklaring heeft voor deze vreemde stof is Nancy Lieder van de website Zetatalk. Zij zegt dat het elementen zijn die afkomstig zijn uit de “staart” die achter de planeet X, of Nibiru zoals wij hem noemen, aan zweven.
Het materiaal is volgens haar dan ook niet meer brandbaar omdat dit in feite al gebeurd is en we hier spreken over een soort as wat daar nog van over is.
Volgens haar kunnen we dit soort dingen vaker verwachten omdat tijdens de nadering van Nibiru de staart als het ware richting aarde is gekeerd en dus zullen we vaker elementen uit die staart op aarde aantreffen.
In Argentinië kwam er ook iets uit de lucht vallen, waarbij, als je een hekel hebt aan insecten, je ergste nachtmerrie waarheid werd.
Mensen die voor een dagje zon en zand naar de stranden gingen van Mar de Ajo en San Bernardo in de buurt van de hoofdstad Buenos Aires kwamen van een koude kermis thuis.
Van het ene moment op het andere waren de stranden volledig bedekt met een enorme hoeveelheid kevers.
Wat de mensen zagen waren scenes regelrecht afkomstig uit een Hollywood horrorfilm en velen moesten onwillekeurig denken aan de plagen uit de bijbel.
Daarop richtte Mozes zijn staf in de lucht. Er ontstond een wind die talloze sprinkhanen meevoerde. De sprinkhanen aten alle bomen, struiken, planten, ... kaal en verwoestten de voedselvoorraden.
Veel mensen in Argentinië zagen de plaag van de kevers dan ook als een slecht voorteken en bovendien een dat het einde der tijden nabij is.
Volgens wetenschappers hebben we hier te maken met een natuurlijk fenomeen. Zij zeggen dat dit type kever twee jaar lang onder de grond leeft en dan enkele dagen boven de grond komt om zich voort te kunnen planten.
Ufoloog Scott Waring echter heeft weer een andere verklaring voor dit fenomeen: Hij zegt dat deze miljoenen kevers wel eens door een UFO gedumpt kunnen zijn.
Volgens hem is het heel goed mogelijk dat buitenaardsen deze kevers hebben gebruikt voor experimenten en dat toen ze klaar waren, ze deze gewoon ergens hebben gedumpt.
Kortom, allerlei vreemde dingen en allerlei verklaringen.
These meteorite hunters found several of a fallen meteorite a while back. A very cool discovery. Its really not as impossible as it sounds. Some of these meteorites predate the Earth, going back many billions of years. Its my belief that some meteorites might have alien nano technology in junk of aliens if you will. To hold one in your hand feels amazing. Collecting meteorites is a hobby of mine. I recently purchased one from Russia that fell in 2013. Its in the mail and will be here in a few weeks. I will post photos of it when I get it. I bought it from Ebay last week. Its a lot easier than finding them, but the adventure to try, is exciting. Scott C. Waring
News states: The last time a meteorite was found in Florida was in 1983. While it is rare for meteorites to be found in the state, six of them were recently found near Lake City. The meteorites are believed to be a result of a daytime fireball — a space debris randomly meeting the Earth’s atmosphere and producing an intense light — that travelled across the skies of northern Florida on Jan. 24 around 10:25 a.m., according to Vincent Perlerin, community manager for the American Meteor Society. Perlerin said the Society received about 120 eyewitness reports of this one. “Thanks to the reports we received about this event, we calculated a rough trajectory of the fireball and an estimated impact point,” Perlerin said. “We were very lucky this time. The first meteorite had been found less than 500 yards from our estimated impact point.” Mike Hankey, AMS operational manager, along with Larry Atkins, Laura Atkins, Josh Adkins and Brendan Fallon went hunting for the space rocks for several days in the dense swampland just north of the Osceola National Forest, located between Lake City and Sanderson. After tracking down the first four meteorites, it took the meteorite hunters two weeks to find the two remaining pieces, Hankey said. “The hardest part of the search is probably fatigue that sets in after walking around for eight-plus hours a day, multiple days in a row,” Hankey said. “Your body starts to hurt after awhile.”
UFOs often want to observe humans in their normal day to day behavior and to do this they must come close. To watch a monkey in the jungle using a drone camera is one thing. To see it with your own eyes...thats a whole new experience. Thats why sometimes they bring a ship closer to the ground and make clouds around them. To gain this experience and if they communicate thought telepathy, they might even link to the minds, thoughts and desires of the humans below. That is why they need to move slowly, to make this link. Scott C. Waring
News states: The weather phenomenon was seen and reported in the Gard, Lozère and the Bouches-du-Rhône. According to our colleagues Weather Languedoc , lenticular usually form above reliefs in stable airflow and especially during strong wind events, as was the case Monday and Tuesday.
Glowing Entities In Storm Cloud Over Castle, Scotland, March 5, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing Entities In Storm Cloud Over Castle, Scotland, March 5, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 5, 2016 Location of sighting:Linlithgow, Scotland Source:MUFON #74981 I have seen this before, a few years ago. UFOs often appear in storm clouds, and when they do, their speed is incredibly fast. So fast, the human eye usually wont see it. The digital eye however will often catch it, depending on the shutter speed. It is thought that some energy entities feed off of the static electricity in these storm clouds and that is why they gather. When they feed, its alway in groups, so there has to be at least a dozen more around that the camera didn't see. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Visiting Blackness Castle near Linlithgow in Scotland on the 5th March 2016. Taking many photos with the sun setting behind me. The shutter rate on my camera was very high 2500th of a second on F9 stop. On one of my photos i noticed 2 glowing objects taken at 17:25 Greenwich Mean Time. These objects only showed in one of my photos. Blackness Castle is near Bonnybridge and the Falkirk Triangle a hot spot for UfO sightings.
Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life In North Of England
Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life In North Of England
Mutual UFO Network UK has logged 18 incidents of UFO sightings in North East since January 2015. They range from white glowing object to silent rocket and teleporting man. UFO Investigative Researcher in Hartlepool, Glen Richardson, is very much convinced these sightings prove we’re not alone.
Richardson claimed that he received approximately five messages and pictures about UFOs from the North East and UK weekly while investigating incidents for around 20 years already. While he admitted that nine out of ten reported sightings have a scientific explanation, he said that some things just can’t be explained.
Richardson firmly believes that there’s life out there and sightings such as these back that up. Many of the sightings are supported with videos and pictures. On June 27, a circle-shaped bright orange light was caught on the video above County Durham. The witness first spotted the mysterious object from their living room window. He ran through their backdoor to get a video footage before it vanished.
Another encounter happened on December 1 in Sunderland, and the witness documented it on video. The object apparently has defined lights within a square.
On May 14, snapped a picture of a plane from A1. When the witness reviewed the image and zoomed it, a strange object above the aircraft can be seen.
Mr Richardson said that some people fear to be ridiculed, but it is important for them to report incidents. He believed more investigations and more evidence would give people encouragement to report their UFO encounters. listed 476 sightings across the UK between January 1, 2015, and the middle of February 2016.
Mr Richardson concluded there are substantial proofs for extraterrestrial life and predicted that there will be a known fact in the next 30 years.
All across the world, we can find many amazing monuments, some gigantic, some a bit smaller, but many of them have one thing in common: “They have been carved using cutting edge technology”! A technology which we cannot replicate today.
The Great Sphinx
It has no inscriptions and there are tunnels and passages leading into this ancient monument which according to many researchers predates the ancient Egyptian Civilization.
This extraordinary ancient structure which measures 20 meters in height and 57 meters in length stands as the proud ‘guardian’ of the Great Pyramid and its companions in the Giza Plateau.
The enigmas surrounding the Sphinx are many, researchers have no idea who built the Sphinx, what for, how long it took to complete, and one of the most mysterious characteristics regarding the Sphinx is its original face and the unusual size of the head compared to the body.
According to a study presented at the International Conference of Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy held in Sofia, authors Manichev Vjacheslav I. (Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and Alexander G.
Parkhomenko (Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) propose that the great sphinx is in fact around 800000 years old. Yes, 800000 years old!!!
Puma Punku
Situated 45 miles west of La Paz high in the Andes Mountains, lay the mysterious ancient ruins of Puma Punku. The megalithic stones found here are among the largest on the planet, measuring up to 26 feet long and weighing more than 100 tons each.
Puma Punku is a large temple complex or monument group that is part of the Tiwanaku Site in Bolivia.
The stones of Baalbek
This is one of the most amazing sights in the ancient world – the three 800-ton blocks of the mighty Trilithon, situated in a wall of the great acropolis of Baalbek in Lebanon. Michel Alouf, the former curator of the ruins, once wrote of the Trilithon: “in spite of their immense size, they [the Trilithon stones] are so accurately placed in position and so carefully joined, that it is almost impossible to insert a needle between them. No description will give an exact idea of the bewildering and stupefying effect of these tremendous blocks on the spectator”
So just how does current archaeology explain the existence of such immense artefacts? Officially Baalbek was built by the Romans in 27 BC, but folklore, from the indigenous inhabitants; speak of ancient giants in the area. The giants, called Titans by some, not the Romans, it was said, were responsible for the original construction. After all, the largest weights that the Romans could effectively manage were nowhere near the size of the Baalbek monoliths. To put it in perspective, the relatively light, 323-ton Laterano obelisk caused a decades-long transportation project from Egypt to Rome. The largest stone at Stonehenge weighs around 45 tons. Baalbek stones are over 36 times as heavy…
Archaeologists typically overlook the fact that experiments with stones much lighter than 800 tons have crushed the wooden rollers. And even if such a method was feasible, it would, by one estimate, have required the combined pulling power of 40,000 men to move the Stone of the South. Incredible indeed!!
Easter Island
The world was shocked to discover the famous Easter Island heads actually had bodies attached. Pictures have emerged showing their previously hidden torsos are also covered with intricate “tattoos”. These include crescents carved on the backs of the towering monoliths, which academics say represent the canoes of the Polynesians who made them..
Early European explorers received the impression that the Easter Island statues were idols, but no Moai is known to have borne the name of a divine personality, such as the creator god Makemake. All were known by the general name of aringa ora, the ‘living faces’ of the past. Captain Cook’s party heard the term ariki (chief) applied to some, while others had nicknames such as ‘Twisted Neck’, ‘Tattooed One’, and even ‘Bad Smell’ (due to the upturned nostrils).
The islanders have a legend that the statues were moved to the platforms and raised upright by the use of Mana, or mind power. Either the god Makemake, or priests or chiefs commanded them to walk or to float through the air, and according to one legend, use was made of a finely crafted stone sphere, 75 cm (2.5 ft) in diameter, called Te Pito Kura (‘the golden navel’ or ‘the navel of light’), to focus the Mana.
Legends about the use of levitation in the construction of megalithic monuments are found all over the world.
We could go on for much longer showing you many evidence of ancient technology, there are so many all around us! The power of levitation using vibration does exist and has been used for centuries; obviously the elite will not share that secret with the people. Our science still can’t cut, move and fit huge rocks as well as the 12-foot ETs who came to Earth for gold 400,000 years ago from the planet Nibiru. The Nibirans cut stones as large as 10 tons with huge cutting tools run on power pulled from the earth. Yet you may ask who built the Sphinx 800000 years ago? My wildest guess would be a different race of aliens. There are very powerful ancient alien secrets hidden in 4 countries on this planet: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Iran…No wonder the powers that be (Controlled by another race of aliens) have used phony excuses to invade and destroy 3 of them, apart from in Afghanistan, they have been unsuccessful to find anything yet.
Filer’s Files #10 -2016 Biggest Discovery in Science - PART I
Costa Rica Irazu Volcano National Park on February 24, 2016.
Filer’s Files #10 -2016 Biggest Discovery in Science - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: President Clinton Biggest Discovery in the History of Science, National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena NARCAP, Captain Mantell Crash Chasing a UFO, F-89 Disappearance, Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee, Washington Implant
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Costa Rica Japan, Mexico, Norway, and England in the United Kingdom, and Uruguay.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Those Who Dare Drive the World Forward
Special Projects
Biggest Discovery in the History of Science
Part of President Clinton’s Statement Regarding Mars Meteorite Discovery on August 7, 1996
This is the product of years of exploration and months of intensive study by some of the world’s most distinguished scientists. Like all discoveries, this one will and should continue to be reviewed, examined and scrutinized. I am determined that the American space program will put its full intellectual power and technological prowess behind the search for further evidence of life on Mars.
We are committed to the aggressive plan we have put in place for robotic exploration of Mars. America’s next unmanned mission to Mars is scheduled to lift off from the Kennedy Space Center in November. It will be followed by a second mission in December. I should tell you that the first mission is scheduled to land on Mars on July the 4th, 1997 — Independence Day.
Today, rock 84001 speaks to us across all those billions of years and millions of miles. It speaks of the possibility of life. If this discovery is confirmed, it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered. Its implications are as far-reaching and awe-inspiring as can be imagined. Even as it promises answers to some of our oldest questions, it poses still others even more fundamental. (CNN) — NASA announced August 7, 1996 that a primitive form of microscopic life might have existed on Mars millions of years ago. The announcement was made in Washington at a news conference to discuss the findings, made by researchers from NASA and various universities.
Little has been announced since then although many scientists feel it is the “Arguably the biggest discovery in the history of science.”
NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin said, the research is based on a sophisticated examination of an ancient Martian meteorite, labeled Allan Hills or ALH 84001, that landed on Earth about 13,000 years ago. The meteorite was found in Antarctica in 1984. Researchers examining the Mars rock say it contains organic compounds that are unmistakable evidence that life once existed on Mars. Astronomer Richard Berendzen of American University says, “It means a long-lost discovery, a thing that astronomers have been looking for decades.” “The chance of independently arriving at the same kind of life on two independent planets is very small. Scientists believe the meteorite was blasted away from Mars by the impact of asteroids, and eventually landed on Earth.
Scientists who have studied the meteorite say it bears chemical markers that may be evidence of biological activity. A source at NASA told CNN the meteorite shows a bacterial form which he described as “looking like little maggots.”
NASA scientists doubt that anything is currently alive on Mars, but they are not dismissing the idea that Martian life forms may still exist. There is evidence of water and volcanoes on Mars — and that combination means at some point there probably were organisms living underground in hydrothermal vents. Scientists say. “If life can exist under the ground on Earth, maybe it can exist under the ground on Mars, too even now,”
National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP)
For over eighty years pilots and aviation professionals have reported observations and encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena, (UAP) usually called UFOs. Throughout the history of powered flight, aircrews and air traffic controllers have reported seeing very unusual lights and objects, sometimes at close range. An October 2000 study by a retired aerospace scientist from NASA-Ames Research Center, Dr. Richard F. Haines reports that similar incidents have occurred in American skies over the last 50 years. “-NARCAP presents more than 100 pilot and crew reports of encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) that appear to have compromised aviation safety. The data include 56 near misses. Impulsive responses by pilots to an approaching high-speed object can be hazardous; in a few cases, such violent evasive reactions injured passengers and flight attendants.
“Aviation Safety in America” does not attempt to explain the origin of these mysterious objects. But, Dr.Haines writes that hundreds of reports, some dating back to the 1940s, “suggest that they [UAPs] are associated with a very high degree of intelligence, deliberate flight control, and advanced energy management.”
Author Dr. Richard F. Haines, formerly NASA’s chief of the Space Human Factors Office is chief scientist for the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP), a research organization where aviation reports are collected and studied. In stunning detail, pilots and crew describe a range of geometric forms and lights inconsistent with known aircraft or natural phenomena. Bizarre objects paced aircraft at relatively near distances, sometimes disabling cockpit instruments, interrupting ground communications, or distracting the crew.
In the 1950s, pilots and crews reported seeing flying discs, cigar-shaped craft with portholes, and gyrating lights, all with extraordinary technical capabilities. Documents show the unexplained objects were considered a national security concern. By order of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, commercial and military pilots were required to report sightings and the unauthorized release of a UFO report could cost them 10 years in prison or a $10,000 fine.
In 1997, a Swissair Boeing 747 over Long Island just missed a glowing, white, cylindrical object speeding toward the plane. According to an FAA Civil Aviation Security Office memorandum, pilot Philip Bobet said, “If the object was any lower, it may have hit the right wing.”
The official aviation organizations of the US have taken no interest in these incidents. NARCAP was founded in 2000 specifically to serve as a reporting point for aviation. In contrast, other countries are openly investigating the impact of UAP on aviation safety.
A 1999 French study by retired generals from the French Institute of Higher Studies for National Defense and a government agency with the National Center for Space Studies examined hundreds of well-documented pilot reports from around the world. The study could not explain a 1994 Air France viewing of a UFO that instantaneously disappeared as confirmed by radar and a 1995,
Aerolineas Argentinas Boeing 727 encounter with a luminous object that extinguished airport lights as the plane attempted to land.” To keep this information from the public, officials ridiculed and debunked legitimate sightings, angering some pilots. According to the Newark Star Ledger in 1958, more than 50 commercial pilots who had reported sightings, each with at least 15 years of major airline experience, blasted the policy of censorship and denial as “bordering on the absolutely ridiculous.”
NARCAP claims many of these incidents that reduced aviation safety seems to have been lost in the larger discussion, pushed out of sight by events that were given higher priority. But these in-flight sightings continue to occur around the world even though they are not being reported as consistently as they should be. Identifying the potential safety impact of the so-called “other traffic” in these cases is what NARCAP is attempting to do. Until we know much more about UAP no one can guarantee your safety in flight. There is no way to reliably determine that a UAP on an apparent collision heading will always avoid your aircraft.
The high rate of closure in many cases represents a threat that cannot be ignored. Indeed, there is no reason for aircrews to expect that the UAP will simply avoid the aircraft on its own. Given the low survival rate of aircrews involved in midair collisions it cannot be said with certainty that UAP have not been a primary factor in past catastrophic air crashes. If you do not report your sighting, you do the safety community a disservice because you have prevented vital information from reaching investigators who are trying to discover the influence of UAP on flight safety. Aeronautic personnel must “accept the possibility of the presence of extraterrestrial craft in our sky.” Then, “it is necessary to overcome the fear of ridicule and we urge you to report your encounter. Usually ground radar observers are instructed to deny they are painting the phenomenon, so do not expect radar confirmation. They are only instructed to keep you separated.. Thanks to Leslie Kean Follow on Facebook and Twitter. Report your sightings to NARCAP or MUFON
Captain Mantell Crash Chasing a UFO
One of the earliest encounters with a UFO was on 7 January 1948, when Captain Thomas F Mantell an experienced pilot with 2,167 hours in flight, and had been honored for his heroic actions World War II.
At 1:45 PM, Sergeant Quinton Blackwell and two other witnesses saw a westbound circular object, 250–300 feet (80–90 m) in diameter from the control tower at Godman Field Fort Knox, Kentucky. Colonel Guy Hix, the base commander, reported a very white object about one-fourth the size of the full moon with a red border. It remained stationary for one and a half hours.
Observers at Clinton County Army Air Field in Ohio described the object for 35 minutes “as having the appearance of a flaming red cone trailing a gaseous green mist and observed the object.” Another observer at Lockbourne Army Air Field in Ohio noted, “Just before leaving it came to very near the ground, staying down for about ten seconds, and then climbed at a very fast rate back to its original altitude, 10,000 feet, leveling off and disappearing into the overcast heading 120 degrees. Its speed was greater than 500 mph (800 km/h) in level flight.”
Four P-51 Mustangs of C Flight, 165th Fighter SquadronKentucky Air National Guard[] already in the air—one piloted by Mantell—were told to approach the object. Blackwell was in radio communication with the pilots throughout the event. One pilot’s Mustang was low on fuel, and he quickly abandoned his efforts. Air traffic controllers claim Mantell reported metallic object of tremendous size. The other two pilots accompanied Mantell in steep pursuit of the object. They later reported they saw a small and indistinct object. Only one of Mantell’s wingmen, Lt. Albert Clemmons, had an oxygen mask, but his oxygen was in low supply so Clemmons and the third pilot, Lt. Hammond, called off their pursuit at 22,500 feet (6,900 m). Mantell continued to climb, above 25,000 feet when he may of blacked out from the lack of oxygen (hypoxia), and his plane began spiraling back towards the ground. A witness later reported Mantell’s Mustang in a circling descent. His plane crashed on a farm south in Franklin, Kentucky.
Firefighters later pulled Mantell’s body from the Mustang’s wreckage. His seat belt was shredded, and his wristwatch had stopped at 3:18 p.m., the time of his crash. Meanwhile, by 3:50 PM, the UFO was no longer visible to observers at Godman Field. The Mantell incident was front-page news around the nation. Parts of the aircraft were scattered with some found six-tenths of a mile from the central wreckage. The left wing came off while in the air and landed 100 feet from the central wreckage and it crashed straight down in a horizontal position. Sensational rumors circulated about Mantell’s crash that the alien spacecraft destroyed Mantell’s fighter when it got too close. The Air Force investigation refuted these claims that Mantell plane was not full of holes or radioactive, although the plane did disintegrate which was unusual.
Mantell was born in a hospital in Franklin, only a few miles from where he was killed.” Mantell crash made headlines and was primary UFO case in 1948, and dramatically increased public concern about the phenomenon.
F-89 Interceptor Disappears
Two F 89 aircraft from the 433 Fighter Interceptor Squadron was lost the same day on 23 November of 1953. Shortly after noon an F-89 Scorpion, from Truax Air Base in Madison, Wisconsin with Lt. John Schmidt and Capt. Glenn Collins aboard, took off, witnesses below reported hearing an explosion, and then the jet crashed into a marsh in the Arboretum, killing the crew. Less than six hours later radar operators on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula spotted a UFO in restricted air space over the Soo Locks at Sault Ste-Marie. An F-89c flown by
Lt. Felix Moncla was the pilot and 2Lt. Robert Wilson was the Radar Intercept Officer was scrambled from Kinross AFB to intercept a large UFO that headed west over Lake Superior… Lt. Moncla’s last words from the cockpit were, “I’m going in for another look.” The radar operator claims “The F-89 jet was followed on the radar screen until its image merged with the UFO blip, – then it was lost. The odd radar image seemed to show the UFO swallow the F-89, and then they both disappeared from the screen.
This has fueled theories that the UFO destroyed the F-89. Radar operators watched as the “blips” of the UFO and the F-89 merged on their scopes, in an apparent collision, and disappeared. No trace of the plane was ever found. The U.S. Air Force claimed the F-89 was launched to intercept a Royal Canadian Air Force C-47, and the fighter jet had collided with the Canadian transport plane. The Canadians deny any of their planes was over the lake on that date. Thanks to Kevin Randle
Note : The vast majority of sightings by American pilots are still not reported. The media perpetuate the censorship and ridicule, handicapping the collection of valuable data.
Virginia Intercept
Langley Air Force Base, Hampton — I was in the Air Force in the 48th Fighter Interceptor Squadron when late one night in March of 1972, at about 8:00 PM, a blip appeared on radar that caused our two armed F-106 aircraft to be scrambled. The planes were out about an hour, when one of the pilots began screaming over the radio that they were confronting a UFO. It was an orb and seemingly clear. The ranking officer ordered to fire missiles at the UFO. The squadron was put on immediate lock down! The armed Security Police immediately escorted the operator who developed the gun camera film.
When the two aircraft returned to base, the pilots came inside. One was clearly in shock, and just kept repeating, over and over, “A dam flying saucer! We fired at it, but they just went right through it”. Several men in AF long coats, entered the building and immediately began debriefing both pilots in the command post. A man in glasses came into my shop and asked me, if I had spoken to either pilot. My response was, “No.” The next morning both pilots had been transferred during the night. One went to the Pentagon the other was assigned out west. I never saw either pilot again, and film from the nosecones of their aircraft was confiscated. My immediate NCOIC, told me to keep my mouth shut if I didn’t want to be reassigned. So, I kept quiet. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Alaska UFO Encounter
Veteran Japan Airlines 747 Capt. Kenju Terauchi reported a spectacular prolonged encounter over Alaska in 1986. “Most unexpectedly, two space ships stopped in front of our face, shooting off lights,” he said. “The inside cockpit shined brightly and I felt warm in the face.” Despite the Federal Aviation Administration’s determination, that he and his crew were stable, competent and professional, he was grounded for speaking out.
John Callahan, former division chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA, reported on FAA documentation and subsequent CIA suppression of the Terauchi encounter over Alaska. I and 20 other government and military witnesses at a National Press Club briefing to challenge official secrecy about this subject joined Callahan.
Captain Terauchi the pilot of the JAL 747 was featured on numerous radio and TV programs and in People Magazine. Within a few months of these events, he was grounded, apparently for his indiscretion of reporting a UFO, even though he was a senior captain with an excellent flying record.
John Callahan states, “I was the Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA in Washington DC for six years. This particular incident started with a phone call from the people in Alaska who said, “Well, it’s that UFO. That was bouncing around the 747 here”…FAA Administrator, Admiral Engen, told me to attend a briefing the next day where the FBI, CIA, President Reagan’s Scientific Study Team, as well as others attended. When we gave the presentation to the Reagan staff, they had all those people swear that this never happened. I have been involved in many cover-ups with the FAA, but they never had me swear it never happened….
For those people who say that if these UFOs existed, they would someday be on radar and that there’d be professionals who would see it, then I can tell them that back in 1986, there were enough professional people that saw it. I’ve got a videotape. I have the voice tape. And, I have the reports that were filed that will confirm what I’ve been telling you. In 1986, a huge UFO followed Japanese Airlines 747 flight for 31 minutes over the Alaskan skies. The UFO also trailed a United Airlines flight until the flight landed. There was visual confirmation as well as airborne and ground-based radar confirmation.” Thanks to the Disclosure Project
Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee
Byron W. Lacy has written an excellent book that should be read by everyone, because if you suspect you are an abductee this is the book you should read. Lacy, a civil servant, musician, artist, and poet was born in Texas. The young Byron was not expected to survive a childhood case of sarcoma cancer. Yet he did, miraculously. In 1961, he witnessed a flying submarine like thing at close range over his entire elementary school class as they exercised in the yard. Other uncanny events include repeated narrow escapes from deadly car accidents. Only in 2009, after seeing a couple of “stargates” materialize in the sky was Lacy convinced by his conspiracy-occult buff friends that he—and most likely his family—had been alien plagued and abducted for generation. His imaginary playmate “pirates” Byron saw, as a little boy were the enigmatic intruders, messing with human perception. Byron believes he and fellow “abductees” endured many strange experiences: missing time, bodily implants and mysterious scarring, and “little gray” humanoids. For Byron, it is obvious; skeptics be damned, aliens are everywhere, countless folks are being abducted, and some extraterrestrials look like giant insects and reptiles. He also contends that the U.S. government covered up that our moon is filled with machinery feeding on human torment. A far-out, disconcertingly readable memoir that flatly declares everything about aliens you read online or see dramatized on TV is true. _Kirkus Reviews
Byron W. Lacy wrote, “More than once I wrote to Derrel Sims about something that had happened and he would ask me if I had photographed the marks; I had to admit that I had not and that for some reason I could not. He told me that was common for abductees. Even now, it is sometimes difficult to photograph evidence. I find myself putting it off until tomorrow. However, sometimes tomorrow, it is even too difficult, the next day also and when I am finally up to the task the wound or bruise is gone. Some of these marks heal very quickly. Derrel informed me that the fear I was having most likely stemmed from hypnotic suggestions made by the aliens to forget everything that happened to me and not to talk about it. Page19 Chosen
A woman with a history of close encounters and an “experiencer” found a strange object (possible implant) in her hand a couple of years ago.
The object was originally in her finger, but has shifted downwards in the back of her hand.
The photo collage above shows a recent photo of her hand along with observed movement in the past two years. Some black white and colored enhancements are also included in the collage.
The witness writes, “Here are the pictures of the unknown object in my hand.”
I drew a line to where the item was for 2 years to where it moved a couple of weeks ago.
I also circled the object in one picture to show size. It moves around up down and side to side.”
Note: I know this witness and she has shared many of her encounters with strange beings and missing time episodes.
The witness may have the object removed an analyzed for elemental composition. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
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Filer’s Files #10 -2016 Biggest Discovery in Science - PART II
Filer’s Files #10 -2016 Biggest Discovery in Science - PART II
Sightings in the United States
California Disc
Santa Clarita — While watching TV I noticed a large object hovering over the top of the mounts in the LA National Forrest. The morning sky was just starting to light up behind the object so; I took a couple photos when 7 minutes later the object moved a bit. It had other objects hovering below. I realized it was a UFO when the object came together as one again and started to move east. After the UFO left, the sky filled with a dozen fighter jets. About 1 hour later around 07:30, the object reappeared as a large cloud. Two jets flew over our house and headed east toward the UFO. As the jets approached, the UFO flew east away. The first jet plummeted down as was shot down. The UFO mother ship was enormous and the jets in comparison were tiny. It was a floating city that dropped down behind the mountain ridge as they flew in that direction. Further, I saw a radar plane with the large circle dome on the top of it. There was a lot of activity and I called the news and Ranger Station, but no one followed back up with me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
San Juan Capostrano — I was driving on 74 Ortega Highway to Lake Elsinore, at 9:30 PM on March 17, 2015, and saw a small man like creature. It was raining and I turned my bright lights on because I thought there was debris on the road. “It” was 1-2 feet tall, muscular, dark colored, shiny wet and not hairy. It was in the middle of the road and when I turned my headlights brighter. “It” turned it’s body in my direction, but I couldn’t see any eyes. “It” then ran into the forest as I passed. There was nowhere for me to pull over and my phone had no reception so I couldn’t tell anyone until I got home. Since then I have purchased a dash cam. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Disc
Englewood — I was driving on Arapahoe Road, both times, heading east towards Parker Road, taking pictures of clouds with my phone on April 2, 2015. The clear day was in ’15, the other cloudy day 5 months earlier. The clear shot has at least two, the big one in the center, and one visible at 8 o’clock by the pole, with maybe more in the clouds.
It was mid afternoon, 2:00 PM, on both pictures. The cloudy one has a detail, the clear needs none. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orb
Silver Springs — I was at my house getting ready for my school field trip and decided to test my disposable camera out.
I took a few pictures of the sky and a week later I found the UFO unexpectedly in the picture. I thought it was project Aurora when I first saw it. I did not see it when I was taking the picture, though I estimate the object was going at least faster than sound since I did not see or hear it. I felt amazed that I caught a UFO in my picture. It only showed up on film. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orb
Edinburg — The only visitor in the sky on February 27, 2016 at 6:21 PM was this light. There were no stars visible and he followed me to Taylorville, Illinois ten miles from my home. My husband and I went to the ATM Bank and he was there in the sky. We stopped and ate in a restaurant for about an hour came out to leave he was there. He followed us all the way back home so,. I guess he is my body guard. I really wish he was closer, so I can get a better look. Who knows maybe he’s the one that flew right over us and disappeared within a matter of seconds last year. Thanks to Pam from Edinburg
New Jersey Craft
Waretown — While looking out my sliding door window I saw a very bright UFO hovering strobe in the dark sky northeast over the ocean on February 3, 2016. It was stationary for ten minutes at 10:15 PM, with two moving objects darker in color nearby as if they were checking the object out. My son saw it also and said, “It didn’t look like a plane it was suspicious and flying near the Nuclear Plant nearby.”There was a white sparkling bright light coming from object. I have seen orbs glowing following planes going in and out of the chem trails in the same area vicinity. There is lots of activity in our area. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Statue of Liberty
Webcam of statue of Liberty showed an object on March 2, 2016, very long and thin, shining with unknown lighting, just hovering above the water and the buildings. It did not look like any aircraft I have ever seen. I was a flight attendant and my Dad was a pilot for a major airline.
This object had lights on top that appeared to be red/orange and blueish green. It was seen at 6:50 am, and reported by a You tuber who videoed the webcam capture live. I then went to the actual live webcam site and saw this exact footage with this object hovering near the Statue of Liberty. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Triangle
Rockingham –I was with my Aunt and noticed a red lights on a craft shaped like a B-2 Bomber flying slowly in our direction. It flew very low and very slow on February26, 2016.
It flew towards Camp Mackall -US Army Special Forces School. It made a slow 180 degree turn and revealed one white light far off on each corner and one static red light in the center. It made only a very slight noise as it appeared to be flying away from us. An AC-130 came through the area 15 minutes later from Pope AFB. I’m a former Air Force SSgt with a secret security clearance and have circled the globe seeing virtually all types of aircraft and it blew me away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Light
Toledo — On February 27, 2016, my husband sat outside to watch the changes to the moon, until quite late.
I took several pictures with my iPhone, marveling at the beauty of the red, blood moon. We went in about midnight. About 2 AM, I woke abruptly and decided to see what the moon looked like. I took several more photos before the clouds quickly moved in. clearly apparent in the photos, I was amazed to see a small orb circling the moon. I woke my husband to show him the photos. He told me then I should contact you. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Alien in Mirror
Bethel Park — I was sitting on the floor of my basement watching TV when I happened to glance into a mirror (beside the TV) opposite the large window behind me that looked out into my backyard on February 22, 2016. There, I saw a large head with two huge, angular black eyes. When I looked behind me, I could see a reflection of the face in the window when I looked at it through the mirror.
At first, I thought it was a trick of the light, but when it tilted its head slightly, I knew it was real. I was so terrified, all I could do was sit and stare at it. The eyes blinked several times as I watched for 30 seconds. I was having a fight or flight response and worked up the courage to run upstairs. I have never been that scared in my life, so I did not see it leave. I am sitting in the same place where I saw it a couple nights ago, nothing has changed, and I see absolutely nothing in the corner of my window. I found the being was about 4 feet tall. Oddly, our motion sensor light did not come on that night saw the entity. For the past several weeks, I would hear strange noises outside like tapping on the window. Until I saw this entity, I never really took notice of these sounds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Orb
Renton— I was walking my dog. The sky looked strange. So I thought it would be cool to get some pictures on February 28, 2016. I didn’t even see it when I was taking the pictures. But obviously it was able to be seen with my camera phone. I noticed them at dinner while looking at them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Lights
Melbourne — I was standing in my backyard with my son looking at the night sky with my infrared on ocular on February 16, 2016, and was following the path of an object travelling west. It had a blinking pattern, but this object could not be seen with the naked eye.
A second sphere shaped solid object flew south crossing the path of the blinking object. It crossed the path, swerved in the direction of the blinking object, and changed direction southwest before disappearing. I have not seen any object that can change direction as quickly as this second object was able to do. The object also seems to have paused in flight as well.
I also saw a craft a few years ago, that was 300 feet high with a Bell like shape with a light purple colored ring around the bottom and a crystal like window at the top. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Melbourne — An aircraft engineer, a pilot and a scientist are together New Year’s Eve and the Scientist looks up and points out a very bright light that stands out from the stars in the North. We all look up, and as we do, the “satellite” begins moving faster and then stops dead in the sky above us but continued to move, stop and flash; which was a continued pattern for 1/3 of the sighting.
We kept watching it, somewhat flabbergasted. We followed it for 23 minutes as it continued to move at ridiculous breakneck speeds. The light it was emitting was blurred behind it as it flew. We did the math at the time, and estimated moves were made at least at Mach 3-4, but with not a single sound. It flew NE making impossible stops, right angle turns, and maneuvers! (Like playing a game of snake) The last time we saw the light, it literally faded away. We continued to look diligently for it but to no avail.
It seemed intelligent and almost playful. We saw a plane that gave us a good reference point. I will never forget and what it was doing defies everything I know of physics. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Orb
British Columbia — My wife took this photo on October-5, 2015, coming down a large hill at 7 pm, she seen three glowing orbs. She used her iPhone 6 but by this point only one orb was left. She reviewed the photo with the orb in it.
We noticed a disc like object floating above the orb. I don’t know what it could be. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Costa Rica Volcano UFO
Cartago — I was with my girlfriend visiting Irazu Volcano National Park on February 24, 2016. This Volcano is 3400 meters above sea level and above the clouds.
The sky was clear so at 11:00 AM, so we were taking pictures of the volcano and the landscape. I noticed close to one of the mountains some clouds with different forms and took pictures. While I was checking the pictures, I noticed one black circle above the mountains that looked like a circular saucer with two little antennas. While taking the pictures, I did not see it. On one picture, you can see the object completely clear on the next one it vanished in seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Japan Cylinder
Tokyo — I was coming home at 8:30 pm, when I got to my house and looked up I noticed these orbs east of Kodaira on February 9, 2016. I watched them for about 20 minutes before I went inside. My wife said they were stars and when I finally zoomed into the pictures I noticed the shapes were not round and seemed to have changed shape and direction.
The one on the lower left blinked on and off and moved down slightly. Another one to the left was lower and moving. The one on the top right has a strange shape. When I was looking at them they seemed round. Note:
There are two big streetlights on the lower left that may have caused lens glare. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Object
San Miguel de Allende — On August 15th, 2001 a good friend and I were staring up at the stars around midnight on a rooftop when suddenly a dark silent shape caught our eyes directly overhead. It was discernible because it had blotted out the stars behind it, revealing a clear cut parallelogram shape along with two glowing red stripes on either end.
The object appeared to coast over us at a slow constant speed, and evoked a strange motion as if locked onto a magnetic path. There was no wind and incident lasted under a minute, until the object coasted away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Norway Light
Bjoneroa — I was driving to pick up my friend and noticed something like a Meteor. I realized it wasn’t moving, then two seconds later it flew straight up with a U-turn towards the ground. When it was half way to ground it just disappeared in a milli-second. It was so big, the closest thing I can compare it with is a large road light with an orange light bulb seen from 30 meters.
My ham radio was talking fast for 7 seconds after it went away, and really loud. I have never heard any radio make that sound. The picture is taken in day light at the exact location but at night. Ii was unique to anything I have ever seen in my whole life. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Light and Disc
Kirkcaldy — I went out to my car to go to work on February 23, 2016, a frosty morning and was defrosting my car windows.
I noticed the object out of the passenger window. I looked at it for a few minutes without the object moving position. I then got out my car and took a picture.
A minute or two later it gradually faded away. I felt excitement at the thought of capturing a solid UFO sighting. Thanks to MUFON CMS
London — UFO and jet plane were sighted together on February 23, 2016. The UFO was not noticed at the bottom of the picture until it was examined later. The picture was sent to me from a very close friend.
She has concerns about geo-engineering and Chemtrails and decided to take a picture of the jet over Brockley, South East London.
She didn’t actually notice the object until she checked the picture later.
She took on her mobile phone handset. She is too frightened to report it to anybody. She is a very honest and genuine person and I have no reason to not believe her. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Uruguay Light
Paso De Los Toros – On February 10, 2016
The object was tiny and was far away, and was like a light going in one
direction without sound. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
The glowing, symmetrical wings of the Hen 2-437 nebula shine in luminescent blue in a new image obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Hen 2-437 is in a faint northern constellation called Vulpecula (the fox), which is located near Cygnus and Pegasus. The object was first found in 1946 by Rudolph Minkowski, who later discovered the more famous M2-9 Twin Jet Nebula.
"As shown by its remarkably beautiful appearance, Hen 2-437 is a bipolar nebula — the material ejected by the dying star has streamed out into space to create the two icy-blue lobes pictured here," European Space Agency officials said in a statement.
Hen 2-437 is known as a planetary nebula, which is one of the late stages in the lifetime of low-mass stars similar in size to the sun. When a star is in that stage, it grows into a red giant star and then sheds its outer layers into space. As fusion in the core ceases, the star remnants slowly cool as a white dwarf.
Hubble - Do You Know the Famous Space Telescope?
Hubble has revolutionized astronomers' understanding of the universe since its April 1990 launch. Test your knowledge of the telescope in this quiz.
Although "planetary" is in the term "planetary nebula," the nebula is a collection of gas and dust and does not have anything to do with planet formation. The name is a misnomer based on observations by astronomer William Herschel, who discovered Uranus in 1781. He thought the blue-green tint of planetary nebulas he observed resembled the planet's hue.
Roughly 3,000 planetary nebulas have been discovered so far. Some of the more famous examples of these nebulas include the Ring Nebula (NGC 6720) in the constellation Lyra, and the Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543) in the constellation Draco. Both of these nebulas were also imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope over the years.
Alien Planet May Have Kicked Its Neighbor Into the Sticks
Alien Planet May Have Kicked Its Neighbor Into the Sticks
By Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor
An artist's depiction of a young planet trapped in a distant orbit around its star.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
A planet found at an extreme distance from its parent star may have been kicked out by a fellow planet.
Planet HD 106906b orbits 16 times as far from its parent star as Pluto lies from the sun. A new study of the far-flung alien planet reveals what appears to be a lopsided comet belt surrounding its parent star — a finding scientists say indicates a history of violence in the early planetary system.
"Since HD 106906b is very massive, the most likely culprit is another massive planet in the system that gravitationally jostled HD 106906b from its original orbit," Paul Kalas, an adjunct professor of astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley, told by email. [The Strangest Alien Planets (Gallery)]
Kalas and his team used the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) in Chile and NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to identify the comet belt. He presented the results earlier this month at the American Astronomical Society's Extreme Solar Systems III conference in Hawaii.
Other possible explanations for HD 106906b's distant orbit include a disruptive interaction with a passing star, according to Kalas.
"If we find another planet, HD 106906c, then we could be more specific about the history of the system," Kalas said.
Kicked out
After a star collapses, planets form from the remaining disk of gas and dust around it. But the distant location of the enormous planet, which is about 11 times as massive as Jupiter, led to speculation that a different process could be responsible. When the planet was discovered last year, some scientists suggested that it might have formed like a star, from its own disk of debris.
Intrigued by the strange system, Kalas and his team decided to search for other large planets in the area, using GPI. Instead, they found a massive disk of dust and rocks roughly the width of the solar system's cometary reservoir, the Kuiper Belt, orbiting the star. According to Kalas, the clean-swept interior of the disk suggests that planets formed within it.
The team searched for another large planet near the parent star, but found nothing outside of a Uranus-size orbit.
Hubble telescope images of the star taken previously revealed that the disk of material is even wider than shown by GPI, the new study shows. Rather than being uniform, the belt is lopsided, suggesting that something stirred things up around the star.
Study co-author Ruth Murray-Clay, an assistant professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, told that the planet itself is too small to produce such a pronounced flaring without disrupting the thin disk along the way.
"That sort of structure could have been produced by another star that passed by the system in the past," she said.
A passing star also could have played a role in stretching the planet's distant orbit, the study said.
When the planet was booted out of the system, it may have grabbed up material as it passed through the cometary belt, picking up its own disk of debris, the researchers said. Follow-up studies of the system should reveal the presence of such a ring around the planet, they said.
But whether the planet will continue to circle its sun is still uncertain.
"These results are so new, we do not know if the planet is on a bound orbit," Kalas said.
The original discovery of the objects showed that the planet is moving in the same direction, and at the same speed, as the parent star, proving that it is not a background object. If scientists can confirm that the planet still orbits its parent star, it would have the most distant orbit of any known exoplanet.
"Now that we've shown the system is quite interesting because of the disturbed dust disk, there will be a renewed motivation to measure the position of the planet and star over time, and thereby estimate the orbit," Kalas said.
Direct imaging shows the cometary belt surrounding the star HD 106906, which is stretched out on one side. A distant planet sits more than 650 times the distance from the Earth to the sun. Hubble's image is shown in blue, with GPI zoomed in.
Credit: Paul Kalas, UC Berkeley
A tight-knit pair
During the question-and-answer session at the conference, Anne-Marie Lagrange, Senior Astronomer of France's National Center for Scientific Research, revealed another surprise about the system: that the host star is not one but two stars orbiting each other at less than half of Earth's distance from the sun. The pair of stars may have influenced the planet's journey in a way that a single star could not, said Lagrange, who is not part of Kalas' team. Her research has been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
"There is a slight possibility that the planet formed closer to the star, beyond the ice line, and then moved down to within the chaotic zone of the binary, and was then ejected by one of the two binary components, after one or several close encounters," Lagrange said.
Murray-Clay agreed that the binary system could have played a role in kicking out the planet.
"Massive planets like HD 106906b are more easily ejected from a binary star system than from single star systems," she said. "Though we don't have direct evidence that the binary star helped eject this particular planet, it's a reasonable guess."
At the same time, the binary system does not discount the potential for another planet orbiting the two stars. Murray-Clay pointed out that the tight binary stars are too close to generate the inner hole in the ring structure identified by GPI.
"An additional massive body like another planet is required to explain the system," she said.
Alien Planet Quiz: Are You an Exoplanet Expert?
Astronomers have confirmed more than 800 planets beyond our own solar system, and the discoveries keep rolling in. How much do you know about these exotic worlds?
Dynamical upheaval in action
HD 106906b is a young planet, only about 13 million years old (compared to the Earth's 4.5-billion-year age). Because of its youth, astronomers were able to capture a near-infrared image of the planet by direct imaging.
"Direct imaging of exoplanets is accomplished in the near-infrared because young planets are still quite warm," Kalas said. "What we see in direct images is the heat emitted from such planets, not reflected light."
The more massive a planet is, the longer it takes to cool off. Kalas said the giant world may continue to radiate heat into space for billions of years.
The GPI Exoplanet Survey is targeting 600 young stars, all less than 100 million years old, to get a glimpse of how planetary systems evolve over time and to provide hints about how Earth's solar system evolved.
"The wonderful thing about direct imaging is that we can image exoplanets when they are young — we can find out where they were born and how they evolve," Kalas said.
With HD 106906b, the team can understand some of the dynamics that the early solar system may have gone through.
"I am excited about this system — we're seeing dynamic upheaval in action," Murray-Clay said.
Dr. Steven M. Greer was the head ER doctor (chairman of emergency medicine) at Caldwell Memorial Hospital for 10 years and once had a 3 year old die in his arms. The ET/UFO experiences he's having now, while coming forward with full-on disclosure is actually "harder"
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Zero G Flight - Parabolic Flight With The Airbus A300 Of Novespace
Zero G Flight - Parabolic Flight With The Airbus A300 Of Novespace
Published on Dec 13, 2012
Because of Novespace's (owner of the Airbus Zero G) decision to reorganize the commercial flights after June 17, 2015 - we will not been able to offer the European zeroG flights at the moment. The flight with our customers (already booked) will be happen on June 17, 2015 with Novespace's new Airbus A-310 "Zero G". But no of the sellers will be able to offer new upcoming flights after April 29. Sorry about this and thanks for your understanding.
Beginning with 2013 also Europe has now its own possibillity that you will feel the awesome feeling of weightlessness: from two destinations, Bordeaux and Paris (Le Bourget) the Airbus A300 of "Novespace" will take you to weightlessness conditions! You will feel during the 2 hours flight 15 parabolas, 2 Mars G (1/3 G Earth gravity), 2 Moon G (1/6 G Earth gravity) and 11 Zero G (0G). The special flight maneuvres of the Airbus will make this parabolic flight very comfortable for you. You are seated during ascent and descent, and you will have a lot of space still around you! All flights will be attend from Jean-François Clervoy, European Space Agency astronaut, Novespace Chairman.
Deep rumbles, unearthly moans, high pitched screeching: these are but a few elements of the alien soundscape researchers have now recorded for the first time at Challenger Deep, the deepest known valley on the seafloor.
One might expect Challenger Deep—which sits at the bottom of the Mariana trench some 36,000 feet beneath the ocean surface—to be a quiet place. But in reality, we know very little about what life is like down there: as with most places where the sun never shines, the Mariana trench is shrouded in mystery.
“Light does not propagate underwater very far,” oceanographer Bob Dziak of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) told Gizmodo. “But sound waves travel long distances through the Earth’s oceans. Acoustics is really the best way to get a good picture of deep ocean environments.”
Dziak would know. He’s the guy who led the recent effort to capture audio recordings from Challenger Deep. First, Dizak and his team had to design and build an instrument that could withstand the crushing 16,000 pounds-per-square-inch worth of pressure felt seven miles beneath the surface. Next, they developed a mooring system that would lower their audio gear—a titanium-encased hydrophone—at a slow, controlled speed, so that it could acclimate to the dramatic pressure buildup during its journey.
And after successfully planting a hydrophone in Challenger Deep, and making recordings for 23 straight days, Dziak’s team had to wait until November for the weather and ship traffic to clear so they could haul it back up. It was a major effort, but now, we’ve got the first soundbites from the deepest spot on the Earth’s surface to show for it.
They’re as haunting and otherworldly as you might imagine
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Mysterious UFO flying over London filmed by man after it repeatedly appeared above his house
Mysterious UFO flying over London filmed by man after it repeatedly appeared above his house
Mysterious UFO spotted over London caught on camera
A COUPLE were left stunned after they spotted what they believe was a UFO while in bed.
Terence MacDonell, 31, was with his girlfriend Natasha Samuels, 27, when they sighted the mysterious flying object over their home in Enfield, North London.
“When we looked closer, we realised it was actually a UFO,” said Terence, who works as a chef.
Chef Terence MacDonell spent months trying to capture the UFO on camera above his house in Enfield, North London
At first Terence dismissed the UFO as a bright light
Terence claims he first saw the UFO around a year ago but dismissed it as a bright star.
But he noticed the bright light in the sky kept appearing at night and on closer inspection he has come to the conclusion that it's actually a UFO.
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This week, Coast to Coast radio “live” featured two mind bending but “credible” shows worth tuning into between the endless stream of mind numbing commercials – Deflation and Space Aliens.
We need to be prepared for the ‘demographic cliff’, says Harry Dent and the “great deflation” coming in 2014 and beyond. A large portion of the population is entering retirement.The Baby Boomers, are downsizing and spending less. This will weaken the economy and cause deflation to occur between 2014 and 2019, he forecasts. Expect to see Europe particularly hard hit.
Specifically, Dent sees the stock market rising in May 2014 to a new high between 17,000 to 17,200, but then it will crash down to a Dow of 5,000 to 5,500 in the next 2-3 years. He advises getting out of the market when it’s at its peak, and then using your cash to buy stocks, real estate or precious metals after the crash when prices will be cheap.
He believes stocks and other assets will be valued even lower when the cycle bottoms out in 2019-2020, before we begin to see a gradual uptick in the economy.
Documents that were leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden prove that the United States has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
A Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the nearly two million highly classified top-secret documents obtained from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) run National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) by the American ex-patriot Edward Snowden states that this information is providing “incontrovertible proof” that an “alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda” is driving US domestic and international policy.
Snowden, who has been given asylum in Russia, leaked documents that a race of extraterestrial “tall whites” arrived on Earth, helped Nazi Germany build a fleet of advanced submarines in the 1930s, and then met in 1954 with President Dwight Eisenhower “where the ‘secret regime’ currently ruling over America was established.
This FSB report warns that the ‘Tall White’ agenda being implemented by the ‘secret regime’ ruling the United States calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth as they enter into what one of Snowden’s documents calls the ‘final phase’ of their end plan for total assimilation and world rule.”
The report further says that the U.S. government is embroiled in a “cataclysmic” power struggle between President Obama, who heads the alien shadow government, and some unknown force that opposed the U.S.-alien alliance.
“Most to be feared by Russian policy makers and authorities, this [FSB] report concludes, is if those opposing the ‘Tall White’ ‘secret regime’ ruled over by Obama have themselves aligned with another alien-extraterrestrial power themselves.”
Any good conspiracy theory needs a patina of truth, a bit of intellectual cover to camouflage the craziness. Paul Hellyer, the 1960s Canadian defense minister is now a fervent UFO activist. Hellyer allegedly has confirmed the accuracy of Snowden’s UFO leaks.
Do you buy this alien shadow government nonsense? Is Snowden an info shill?
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Scientists trace mystery ‘ alien signals ’ to distant galaxy
Scientists trace mystery ‘ alien signals ’ to distant galaxy
It seems that for the first time ever, astronomers have managed to successfully trace mysterious ‘fast radios bursts’, which are considered among the best contenders of signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, to a galaxy located ‘just’ six billion light years away
From 2007 until today, 17 of these anomalous radio signals have been discovered by astronomers who remain perplexed by the origin of the signals.
Each one of the FRBs (Fast radio bursts) comes from space lasting a few milliseconds at most, but emitting as much energy as our sun does in 10,000 years.
While ‘Alien civilizations’ are among the favorite explications of the mysterious radio signals among many, scientists have no idea what causes these mysterious bursts. In order to establish their exact origin, scientists had to estimate the distance to the ‘object’ where the FRBs originated from.
Together with a team of astronomers, Evan Keane from the UK’s Jodrell Bank Observatory the lead scientists in the group who published their findings in the Journal Nature, the most recent radio burst called FRB 150418 on April 18, 2015 were detected using the Parkes radio telescope in Australia, lasting less than one millisecond, and being the shortest of all discovered to date.
In order to pinpoint where the ‘Alien’ signal originated from, scientists needed a lot of time. The first step was locating the radio signal. Australia’s telescope located the radio afterglow in space after which a second telescope, stationed in Hawaii, helped trace the origin of the radio wave to an elliptical galaxy, believed to be relatively old, located six billion light years away.
However, Intelligent Alien civilizations aren’t the number one cause of the radio signals according to Evan Keane.
While not everyone wants to rule out ET calling Earth, Keane suggests that the anomalous radio waves most likely came from two colliding neutron stars, which according to the Jodrell Bank Observatory astronomer were orbiting each other before merging into one.
However, these radio signals have become more frequent throughout the years. Not long ago, the Parkes radio Telescope in Australia detected five radio bursts that could potentially indicate intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos. According to reports from, an unprecedented double burst has recently shown up together with four more of the anomalous flashes. According to statements from the team of scientists, the double burst FRB (called 121002) discovered last year, had a “clear two-component profile”. Interestingly, the five signals detected follow the same pattern as its predecessors with one SMALL exception: one of them flashed twice, this little fact is extremely important since there has never, until now, been a double blast.
The twin-blast signal was separated by 2.4 milliseconds coming out of some sort of ‘eruption’ that happened, according to studies, 9 BILLION years ago in the Constellation Octans.
A Mathematical pattern behind the radio bursts
Last year, Michael Hippke of Germany’s Institute for Data Analysis set out to measure 11 radio bursts finding something extremely odd: The dispersion measures seem to follow a mathematical pattern. Hippke found that he dispersion measures are integer multiples of the same number, 187.5. The team calculated a 5 in 10,000 chance of the pattern being pure coincidence.
What is even more odd is the fact that NO ASTROPHYSICAL SYSTEMS that we know of can produce a similar stepwise distribution of dispersion measures.
VIDEODrie sterrenkundigen uit Leiden hebben waarschijnlijk het oudste sterrenstelsel ooit gevonden. Ze zagen een licht van vlak na de oerknal, uit de beginjaren van het heelal. Het licht heeft er 13,4 miljard jaar over gedaan om de aarde te bereiken. Toen het licht werd uitgezonden, was het heelal pas 400 miljoen jaar oud, of drie procent van zijn huidige leeftijd.
We kenden het stelsel al wel, maar niemand had er ooit goed naar gekeken. Niemand dacht dat het zo ver weg kon staan. Juist omdat het zo helder was
Marijn Vranx
Het nieuw gevonden sterrenstelsel kreeg de welluidde naam GN-z11, bevindt zich nog 200 miljoen lichtjaar verder dan de vorige recordhouder (EGSY8p7), en is opvallend helder. "Het is jonge sterren aan het vormen, veel meer dan we hadden verwacht. Een grote verrassing. We kenden het stelsel al wel, maar niemand had er ooit goed naar gekeken. Niemand dacht dat het zo ver weg kon staan. Juist omdat het zo helder was, werd het over het hoofd gezien", zegt onderzoeker Marijn Franx van de Sterrenwacht in Leiden (Nederland) die met twee collega's bij de waarneming was betrokken.
Het heelal was nog piepjong toen het stelsel zijn licht uitzond. Franx: "Als het universum nu een mens van gemiddelde leeftijd is, een 45-jarige, was het bij dit stelsel anderhalf jaar oud. Een dreumes. Het loopt net en kan nog niet praten."
GN-z11 is 25 keer kleiner dan onze Melkweg, en bezit maar één procent van de sterren in ons eigen stelsel. Maar het groeit snel aan met een sterrenproductie die twintig keer zo hoog is als in de Melkweg.
Het is opmerkelijk dat zo'n helder stelsel in het vroege heelal blijkt te bestaan
Marijn Vranx
Franx is "nog steeds in verbazing" over de ontdekking. "Het is een dubbele verrassing. Dit is helderder dan verwacht en verder weg dan gedacht. Het is opmerkelijk dat zo'n helder stelsel in het vroege heelal blijkt te bestaan. We weten nog niet precies wat we hiermee moeten en hoe ver we nog terug kunnen. We moeten misschien de theorie aanpassen om te kijken hoe dit kan bestaan. Dat doet me bijzonder veel deugd, het maakt ons werk veel spannender."
De ontdekking staat volgende week in het belangrijke wetenschapsblad Astrophysical Journal.
De nieuwe recordhouder werd ontdekt met de ruimtetelescoop Hubble. Die wordt over een paar jaar vervangen door de James Webb, die nog scherper kijkt. Met die telescoop is het misschien mogelijk nog oudere stelsels te zien, van nog korter na de oerknal.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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