The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Researchers conclude: Our DNA is more ‘Alien’ than we thought
Researchers conclude: Our DNA is more ‘Alien’ than we thought
If you ever believed that your DNA is all human… think again. Researchers have just discovered that a total of 19 ‘new’ pieces of NON-HUMAN DNA have been found lurking among our genes, taking up the total to 36.
Scientists believe that the new pieces of NON-HUMAN DNA were left by viruses that first infected our ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Using a set of highly sophisticated techniques which allowed them to compare key areas of each person’s genome to the ‘reference’ human genome, the team of researchers was able to conclude there is a total of 19 ‘new’ pieces of NON-HUMAN DNA.
Researchers were able to conclude that as much as eight percent of what we consider as our ‘Human’ DNA actually comes from ‘viruses’.
According to the, “The findings build on previous studies about human endogenous retroviruses, known as ‘Hervs’ – ancient infectious viruses that inserted a DNA-based copy of their own RNA genetic material into our ancestors’ genomes.”
According to scientists, the new pieces of non-human DNA were left by ‘viruses’ that infected our ancestors in the distant past. Scientists state that one section of DNA even contained an entire ‘recipe for an entire virus, something that has caused confusion among researchers.
Scientists discovered that 50 out of 2,500 subjects carry a recipe for a mysterious virus that affected our ancestors thousands of years ago. However, it is not known whether the virus can replicate or reproduce. Other previous studies have demonstrated that the ancient Virus can affect human subjects carrying it.
Researchers concluded that the virus-generated DNA has been copying itself from generation to generation, ending up in our DNA today.
In the new study, in addition to discovering the new stretches of the virus, scientists from the University of Michigan Medical School and Tufts University, were able to confirm the existence of 17 pieces of virus DNA found in human genomes researchers in the past couple of years, leading to a better understanding of our DNA in general.
Scientists looked at the entire genome span, comparing people from around the world, including a large number of people native to Africa, where researchers believe the ancestors of modern humans originated.
The new study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Genetics researcher Dr Jeffrey Kidd said: ‘These are remnants of ancient events that have not been fixed in the population as a whole, but rather happened in the ancestors of some people alive today.
‘There have been a number of examples of other Hervs that insert themselves next to human genes or near them and have an impact on their expression.
‘We’re interested in applying these methods to find other types of viral or mobile element insertions.’
Research like this has helped us understand in a never-before-seen depth the composition and details of human DNA.
Alien Mysteries: Is The Sealand Skull Proof Of Alien Life?
Alien Mysteries: Is The Sealand Skull Proof Of Alien Life?
Gepubliceerd op 22 mrt. 2016
The Sealand Skull that was found in Olstykke, Denmark back in 2007 has been the topic of debate in the ancient alien theorist community. Is it fact, or fiction?
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Nearly 40 years ago, the CIA declassified a mountain of documents related to UFO sightings.
Now that "The X-Files" has been revived as a miniseries, the CIA decided to resurface those files. Many of them trace back to the early 1950s, at a time when political tensions were still frozen over and flying objects were seen as national security threats.
Here are some of the most interesting.
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A memo on national security and the 'vulnerability to air attack' from flying saucers
On October 2, 1952, the Assistant Director in the Office of Scientific Intelligence sent a memo to the Director of the entire CIA with the subject "Flying Saucers."
As the AD wrote, "'Flying saucers' pose two elements of danger which have national security implications. The first involves mass psychological considerations and the second concerns the vulnerability of the United States to air attack."
The AD recommended more research be conducted to explore the "implications of the 'flying saucer' problem
(If you listen closely enough, you can almost hear them typing the word "drones" decades ahead of time.)
Uzbekistan's mysterious light show
The late 1940s in the Uzbekistan capital city of Tashkent saw more unidentified light shows than it could count.
"From May to September 1947," a CIA information report reads, "three light phenomena happening at intervals of about 15 minutes were seen almost every night between 9 and 10 p.m. local time." At its highest point, the light seemed to be roughly a fifth the diameter of a full moon.
As the report details, the light always began as a bright red ball. Within seconds it would grow a fiery tail and then morph into a green, then white, mass.
"Smoke trails, noises, or detonations were not noticed."
Fiery disks looming over Belgian uranium mines
A daily newspaper in Vienna, of all publications, reported on a peculiar sighting of "two fiery disks" hovering over uranium mines in mid-August, 1952.
As the report explains, the two objects supposedly tore through the airspace in a highly erratic fashion. At one point they would be soaring vertically away from the onlookers, and the next they'd be diving down "to within 20 meters of the tree tops."
Commander Pierre of the local airfield took off in his own fighter plane to wrangle the unknown aircraft. However, "Pierre had to give up pursuit after 15 minutes since both disks, with a loud whistling sound which he heard despite the noise of his own plane, disappeared in a straight line toward Lake Tanganyika."
Pierre later estimated the disks were traveling more than 900 miles per hour.
The East German flying saucers of 1952
The CIA published this internal document reporting on one German man's fantastic account of a 45-foot-wide disk he spotted in a forest when his motorcycle broke down.
Accompanied by his 11-year-old daughter, the man approached the strange-looking object to find two men in "shiny metallic clothing" kneeling over the disk, which had a cone-shaped capsule on top.
Once the two men realized they were being watched, the man says, they hopped into the capsule and the disk began to leave the ground. Eventually, it rose high above the trees and took off. "
I had never heard of the term 'flying saucer' before I escaped from the Soviet Union into West Berlin," the man later said. "When I saw this object, I immediately thought it was a new Soviet military machine."
Flying objects passing over Casablanca
In early September 1952, multiple sightings were reported of various UFOs over Casablanca, Morocco. The town made famous in the 1942 film of the same name saw two flying saucers that were "elongated in shape" and "followed by a trail of white light."
On a separate occasion in July, two other people reported seeing a "blue-green, ball-shaped object" just before midnight "moving at a high rate of speed." The mysterious object disappeared after only three or four seconds, however, "as though it had literally melted into the sky."
The very next morning, another couple observed a mysterious object around 9 a.m. for roughly 30 seconds. Several more accounts, all with differing details, emerged that summer.
Three Norwegian guys walk into a forest...
In mid-November 1952, three men working in a forest in Kirkenes, Norway spotted a flat, round object just hovering roughly 1,500 feet in the air.
"The object appeared to have a diameter of 15-20 meters (50-65 feet)," the CIA report stated. "After the workers had observed the object for a while, it suddenly flew away at great speed in a northwesternly direction."
They were the only people who reported seeing the object, unfortunately for them. "They swear, however, that their report is true."
The CIA begins to have its doubts
With all these reports coming in, it didn't take long for the CIA to get suspicious. In August 1952 (keep in mind, still two months ahead of its memo on those two national security concerns), the Deputy Assistant Director of the Scientific Intelligence office released a memo discounting the threat posed by UFOs.
"Of 1000 to 2000 such reports received by ATIC (Air Technical Intelligence Center), a large percentage are clearly 'phoney,'" the report reads. In fact, many of the reported flights were easily explained as known missions using US equipment, the report went on.
Owing to the agency's uncertainty, however, the Deputy AD recommended CIA surveillance continue on the mysterious "flying saucers" under the cover of darkness.
"It is strongly urged ... that no indication of CIA interest or concern reach the press or public," the report read, "in view of their probable alarmist tendencies to accept such interest as 'confirmatory' of the soundness of 'unpublished facts' in the hands of the U.S. government."
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(VIDEO) The 13 Alien-Like Skulls Found in Mexico
(VIDEO) The 13 Alien-Like Skulls Found in Mexico
Archaeologists made a shocking discovery excavating the antique burial site “El Cementerio,” near the Mexican village of Onavas. 25 skulls were unearthed, 13 of which were sharp at the back and did not look completely human and stretched.
The pre-Hispanic cemetery was found 1,000 years ago in the northern Mexican state. Out of the 25 unknown individuals unearthed, 17 of them were children and they had no symptoms of trauma or disease marking a cause of death.
Brien Foerster, author and expert on stretched skulls, has given a few of the most stunning analysis on the subject. He has established that while a few skulls present clear proof of conscious cranial deformation, there’s a calculation of skulls – those found in Paracus, Peru – which are different and can’t be told by practices of head flattening.
These skulls, he said, have a cranial volume that is 25% larger than typical human skulls (cranial deformation does not increase volume), and which weigh 60% more. Brien Foerster outlines further differences: “they contain two small holes in the back of the skull, perpendicular to the cranial suture present in the parietal plate of the skull.
Every normal human skull is composed of 3 major bone plates; the frontal plate, which ends at the upper part of the forehead, and the 2 parietal plates which lie behind this, intersecting the frontal plate making a “T” shape.
The holes are thought by Lloyd to be natural; every human jaw has a small hole on either side which is for nerves and blood vessels to exit and feed the tissue there; these 2 holes at the back of the skull may perform the same function for the elongated skull. The other factor is that there is only one parietal plate, where there should be two.”
These discoveries are absolutely thrilling, yet curiously unreported in media reports and mainstream publications.
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Pyramids and Alien Structures on the Moon May be Why We Don’t Go There Anymore
Pyramids and Alien Structures on the Moon May be Why We Don’t Go There Anymore
When humans first set foot on the Moon, a new age dawned upon us. We were no longer limited by our planet and at the same time, everything felt so small compared to the scale of the universe. But there are many who believe the moon landing never happened.
So, has our species really made it to the Moon, or could this be a hoax of lunar proportions? Both theories have gathered numerous supporters. On one side, there are hundreds of hours of footage proving the Apollo flights were real, while on the other, conspiracy theorists have brought different arguments showing the landing might had been staged. But what if both theories are correct? And, could the lunar surface hide more than just rocks and craters?
Discovering pre-existing moon structures would be a good reason not to reveal their existence to the general public. If an official report admitted that such buildings were found on the Moon, then our faith would probably take a twisted turn, and we don’t want such brisk change, don’t we?
Those who claim the Moon landings were faked in a studio believe there is little authentic color footage from the missions. Although NASA recently made public high-resolution photos from the Apollo missions, skeptics still stick to their part of the story since the anomalous designs found on the Moon are nowhere to be found in official photos nor videos.
Many photos are altered, edited or blurred in order to hide crucial information. Likewise, the famous case of the Apollo 11 missing tapes does little to calm the storm of criticism. An investigation conducted approximately 20 years ago found that NASA had erased and reused the tapes containing the raw, unprocessed Apollo 11 video signal.
Although the lunar mission audio log had been heavily altered, it still reveals an intriguing piece of dialogue which occurs near the end of the first extravehicular action of the Apollo 17 mission, the last official mission to Earth;s natural satellite. While returning to the Lunar module, astronaut Eugen Ceman witnessed something incredible that can be interpreted from his dialogue and not only:
Hey, what are those things going over? What is that, Jack? Hey! Something just hit here!
The image above shows one of the most famous photos, taken in the Taurus-Littrow Valley, during Apollo 17. It’s called the Geophone rock and it strongly resembles a pyramid.
For 30 years, NASA classified the image as a blank frame from the Apollo 17 film magazine 136-Hotel. NASA made no mention of this image and did not include it in the online Apollo Image Atlas. After applying noise reduction and increasing contrast, here’s what the image looks like:
So, could this shadowy pyramid be a lens flare or some other inexplicable space phenomenon, or is it part of a more complex alien overview? Note that this image is only one from a long string of anomalous pictures originating from the Moon.
Another controversial subject is the Apollo 17 mission insignia. It was designed by concept artist Robert McCall and it represents the Greek god Apollo encrusted inside a drawing of an American eagle.
However, what most people don’t know is that before it reached this final design, two others sketches were submitted by Apollo 17 Lunar module pilot Harrison H. Schmitt, but their explicit and symbolic imagery forced NASA to pick another design.
UFOlogists consider the crew of Apollo 17 knew about the existence of foreign structures on the lunar surface, and it’s also a known fact that numerous astronauts believe in intelligent life forms. Do they know more than they’re letting us know, or is this just a conspiracy theory?
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Bodemscans onthullen ‘piramides’ uit de tijd van Stonehenge in Polen
Bodemscans onthullen ‘piramides’ uit de tijd van Stonehenge in Polen
In het Poolse woiwodschap West-Pommeren zijn een aantal megalithische tombes ontdekt. Vanwege hun enorme omvang worden ze ook wel ‘Poolse piramides’ genoemd.
Volgens Radio Szczecin zijn door de Universiteit van Szczecin minstens 18 reusachtige megalithische tombes gevonden. De bouwwerken zijn driehoekig van vorm en omgeven door stenen blokken. Ze zijn ontdekt met behulp van geografische informatiesystemen en lasertechnologie.
De structuren waren oorspronkelijk drie meter hoog, 150 meter lang en zes tot 15 meter breed. Ze waren lastig te vinden omdat ze zich in een oud bos bevinden. Archeologen hebben bij de bouwwerken stukken aardewerk en andere voorwerpen gevonden.
Nieuwe tombes
De tombes zijn waarschijnlijk gebouwd door mensen van de trechterbekercultuur, die tussen het vijfde en de derde millennium voor Christus in Europa leefden.
Met behulp van moderne technologie werden niet alleen objecten gevonden die al bekend waren, maar ook nieuwe tombes. De megalithische structuren in Polen zijn alleen in bosrijke gebieden bewaard gebleven. Op andere plekken hebben ze plaats moeten maken voor landbouwgrond.
De monumenten worden net als Stonehenge omgeven door mysterie. Er zijn overeenkomsten tussen tombes in Polen en West-Europa. De structuren zijn daarnaast even oud als Stonehenge.
Archeologen werden voorheen gedwongen propaganda te verspreiden over het verleden. De voorouders van de Poolse christenen moesten worden omschreven als een Slavisch volk. Duitse archeologen bewezen echter dat de megalithische tombes konden worden gelinkt aan de Germanen. Er is ook een theorie die stelt dat ze zijn gebouwd door de Kelten.
VIDEO: Mexicaanse boer bouwt 6,7 meter hoge piramide ‘in opdracht van alien’
VIDEO: Mexicaanse boer bouwt 6,7 meter hoge piramide ‘in opdracht van alien’
Raymundo Corona is op het eerste gezicht een doodgewone man. De 66-jarige Mexicaanse boer beweert in 1984 te zijn bezocht door een alien die eerst in zijn dromen verscheen en later bij hem voor de deur stond. Dat meldt nieuwssite
Het buitenaardse wezen had volgens Corona een belangrijke boodschap. “Hij vertelde me dat ik een tempel in de vorm van een piramide moest bouwen,” zei hij.
Raymundo Corona (La Vanguardia)
“Hij zei verder dat hij uit het sterrenbeeld Orion kwam, van een wereld die Nefilin werd genoemd,” ging hij verder. “Die is 20 keer zo groot als de aarde en de bewoners lijken erg op mensen. Hij was lang, had honingkleurige ogen en wit haar dat tot de grond reikte. Hij liep op blote voeten en droeg een tuniek met een touw.”
De boer willigde het verzoek in en bouwde een 6,7 meter hoge Azteekse piramide in de woestijn, vlak bij Monclova, op 74 kilometer van de grens met de Verenigde Staten.
Voor Corona was het geen eenvoudig project. Hij heeft alleen de basisschool afgemaakt en moest tijdens de bouw verschillende ingewikkelde berekeningen maken. Hij zegt geen idee te hebben hoe hij er in is geslaagd het bouwwerk af te krijgen. De kennis moet in mijn ‘genetische systeem’ hebben gezeten, aldus de boer.
Tegenover de Mexicaanse krant La Vanguardia zei Corona dat de alien hem al waarschuwde dat hij waarschijnlijk belachelijk zou worden gemaakt. “Veel mensen zullen je uitlachen, zwartmaken of zeggen dat dit het werk is van een gek of een drugsverslaafde.”
Flying saucer stolen from Roswell UFO museum, Roswell PD on the Case, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Flying saucer stolen from Roswell UFO museum, Roswell PD on the Case, March 2016, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: March 2016 Location of sighting: Roswell, New Mexico, USA News source: The recent theft of a UFO that was on display at a museum seems a bit like a publicity stunt, but it gave me a good laugh. I'm not sure in NORAD really needs to know, but I am sure NORAD really has nothing to do all day, day after day, monitoring nothing but UFOs buzzing here and there. Scott C. Waring News states: The UFO Museum had a mock-up of a flying saucer embedded in an outside corner of the building. A snowstorm this past winter knocked it off, so the staff took it out back and stored it under an awning behind the museum. It is now mysteriously missing. The Roswell Police Department sent out a plea on Facebook on Monday with the title "Be on the lookout: Missing spaceship." Thieves apparently made off with the craft overnight during the weekend. Surveillance footage showed three suspects with a red pickup truck carrying the saucer off, according to the police. It should be hard to hide the UFO. It's made from fiberglass, metal and stainless steel and is wider than the truck bed it was spirited away in. It had been repaired after its winter storm adventure and was just waiting to be reinstalled on the corner of the building. Facebook commenters have given the police some helpful suggestions. One person recommends contacting NORAD, the organization tasked with the "detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles." Another Facebook fan suggested the aliens from the 1947 crash may have come back for their spaceship. One person insists the missing prop is not a flying saucer, but actually a weather balloon. Hopefully, this is one X-File that will come to a speedy resolution with the return of the beloved UFO.
Location:Newton Abbot Devon UK Date:10 March 2016 Submitted by John
Witness report: I spotted a UFO far off in the distance with my binoculars. The UFO was hamburger Shaped and had round windows. The sun light was reflecting off the surface of the metallic craft. I only managed to take one photograph of this amazing Alien Craft. Unfortunately I was unable to get a close up of the craft as it moved off at an incredible speed. The photograph was taken on the 10th of march at 2:24 PM GMT PM at Newton Abbot Devon UK.
Location:On Highway 71 near Bastrop, Texas Date:03/11/2016 Submitted by Angela
Witness report: I was taking photos of the clouds around 3:30 pm and later when I was looking through them I saw the first two pics attached. My friend later told me she was taking photos a couple hours earlier that day in South Austin and when she was looking through her photos she saw something (hers are the last 2).
Though not as famous as the Nazca Lines and geoglyphs, those at nearby Palpa are as intriguing.
No one knows exactly what Nazca lines are. The only indisputable fact is that they are located in South America, at the Nazca Desert plateau in the southern part of Peru.
Scattered around the plateau, the lines are gigantic geoglyphs representing geometrical and nature objects. They are carved about 135 cm wide and 40-50 cm deep in the ground.
Made by the Paracas culture possibly as much as 1000 years before Nazca Lines, there are more than 1600 Palpa Lines and geoglyphs.
Location:Beverley east Yorkshire Date:20 March 2016 Submitted by Karen
Witness report: Hi there i was driving through Beverley east yorkshire 745pm last night 20th March when i noticed a triangular shaped object above me to the left. I was horrified at first but decided to take these pictures. The triangular shape had a light at each point of the triangle with a light directly underneath . Hope you find some interest
Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for the exciting return of Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter and star of the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series Linda Moulton Howe! In Part 1 of this fascinating episode, Linda, in a rare and controversial prediction, reveals that she has received inside information from trusted sources that 2016 will be the year that at long last the reality of life beyond the Earth will be acknowledged officially by the political leadership and the UFO question and alien presence will be announced!
First half guest Christian von Lahr works as a seer and clairvoyant. For this St, Patrick’s Day, he joined George to talk about leprechauns, fairies, pixies, and other beings he calls the “Nature Spirits.” Through his seminars and consultations, he says he tries to “give people the experience of seeing in other realms.” Von Lahr believes that the Nature Spirits are all around us and will help us with anything we need, as long as we are able to ask and to recognize that they are assisting. He claims that they inhabit a realm that is closer to our world than to life on the “other side,” and there are many people in parts of Europe, and especially Iceland, that consider them real and a part of daily life.
Von Lahr says that these spirits are by nature good, because they do not have the ego issues to which humans are susceptible. He says they can manipulate things to bring about what we experience as “miracles,” and that they know what we did in our past lives and have a vested interest in helping us because it earns them merit towards eventually attaining human form, which is their goal. He believes that they are “earning karma just as we do.” He also discussed another aspect of his clairvoyance as a “medical intuitive” and expanded on his ability to see disease in the body as vibrational levels of color which he uses to help diagnose medical conditions.
In the second half, Chase Kloetzke and Melanie Young joined the show to talk about new developments in the “starchild skull” saga. In the mid-1990s, one of Young’s employees had a friend who brought her a box containing a normal-looking human skull and one that appeared to be either very deformed or not human at all. Soon after, she met UFO researcher Lloyd Pye, who began a rocky adventure to try and determine if the anomalous skull was human or not. Young says that her life “has never been the same” since encountering the artifact, and she was content to let Pye become the public face of the investigation until his death in December of 2013 without a definitive solution to the mystery. As of February 2016, she has joined forces with Kloetzke to begin a new effort to test the skull for DNA, although Young says that previous tests indicated that it actually had “very little” human DNA.
In the last hour, Kloetzke described her work with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and how many of her latest cases are coming from outside the U.S. Although she says her first love is the UFO subject, when asked, she described an apparent haunting case that she helped to solve when it was determined that a strong electromagnetic field was causing unease in the witness, not a ghost. In answer to a question from George, she expressed the opinion that if aliens were going to invade, “they could have done it already.” Kloetzke feels that ufology proved that UFOs are real “10 years ago,” and that aliens are visiting Earth. She thinks that the job of UFO researchers now is to prove this to the rest of the world with well-supported studies.
I, myself, am a UFO skeptic. Pere Cheney and Grayling are next to a US Army National Guard installment, so seeing aircraft was normal…even for the middle of the night. However, these were not military aircraft. At least, none that I’ve ever seen before. The other two witnesses wish to remain anonymous, and wish to not be bothered about the sighting ever again. It was the last summer my friends and I had together. I was leaving to the Army in September. We decided to have one last adventure together. My parents would always tell horror stories about hauntings in Pere Cheney, and we thought we were the bravest punks around, so we decided that would be the ideal place to camp for 3 days.
Once we arrived at our site- a place off in the middle of the woods not too far from the cemetery of Pere Cheney (one of the only pieces left of the abandoned settlement)- we immediately began our investigation of the area surrounding and set up camp. The first day went fine, but come the first night, strange things started happening. We woke to a flash in the sky- a very quick one. The other two went back to sleep, but out of curiosity I remained awake, fearing that a storm was coming on. To my relief, there was no thunder. I had just started to doze off when I heard some branches cracking around the tent, and I began to remember my parents horror stories about “Dogman” and Barewalk”- old Native American tales. Fearing the worst, I curled into my sleeping bag and closed my eyes. Eventually, the movement stopped. Another flash of light occurred. Sleep eventually found me, the next thing I knew I was waking up to the sun light.
The next day, my other two friends seemed to have no recollection of the light, nor did they remember hearing anything moving about. Because such things seemed crazy, I wrote it off as an “all in my head” situation. We decided to explore a little that day; the previous day one of my friends had discovered a small marsh-like area. After a few moments of snooping around the area my other friend called our attention to something in the tall grass. It was a deer, but it had its throat slit as if by a surgical tool, and it had no guts. There was no blood around the carcass, and it didn’t smell decomposed at all. Now unsettled, we returned to our camp to finish the second day- we spent the rest of it playing guitar around the campfire and just in general having a good time; we had forgotten all about the deer, and I had almost forgotten the light. Later that night, at about 2:30 am, I want to say, a light, cool breeze blew through the forest, and the fire dimmed to a low glow. At that moment, we got our cell phones out to check the time- and realized we didn’t have signal like we had before. I raised my phone to the sky to try and find signal…and that’s when I realized that some of the stars in the sky had started to fall- multiple, between 5 and 7 (I never counted them) started descending, glowing and pulsating, but still quite a ways away. I thought they were flares, but they stopped descending, and began to pulsate.
At this instance we were very weary, confused, and frightened. The “stars” began to float over toward us, slowly moving directly over our heads without making a sound. Then they ascended after passing the camp for a moment- very quickly, though…not slowly, almost like they teleported. They hovered over a field not too far from the small opening we had made our camp in. The lights came closer, producing a light green aura in a circle. From the forest came three low glowing blue orbs, at that instance is when a low humming could be heard, and they came together and sat still. Then they ascended in between the “stars”, which had now come together in a solid object, and they ascended even more; slowly at first, but then began to speed up, ascending at an angle. About half a minute later two military jets passed over, very rapidly. The rest of our night was quiet, and awe filled.
The next day, instead of sticking around to find out what might happen the next night, we decided to bail. We weren’t the tough little punks we thought we were.
UFO video filmed over Hanover, Germany 21-Mar-2016
UFO video filmed over Hanover, Germany 21-Mar-2016
Here’s a new video of a bright object/ORB that was hovering in the night sky above Hanover on the River Leine, the capital of the federal state of Lower Saxony. This happened on 21st March 2016.
Mass UFO sighting over Manhattan, New York 25-Feb-2016
Mass UFO sighting over Manhattan, New York 25-Feb-2016
Here’s a new video of a multiple orbs flying across the night sky above Manhattan, NYC. This was taken on 25th February 2016.
What is your opinion about this footage? Please leave a comment below!
Witness report:9 to 10 orbs lights flying from the west toward east and stopped on location above On Febraury 25th 2016 I went up to my friend’s apartment building on the 20th floor. We had had few days prior to the event of a lot of rain. On that night the rain had stopped so I went out up there. As I was gazing at the cloudy night of NYC at 11:39 pm I noticed these lights approaching East 57th Street, midtown Manhattan and started hovering and all over sudden they flew back and forth as you will see on the video. I tried to look for beam of lights that could explain the lights but I could find any. On top of that, since then I’ve been asking around for a lighting technology that could give out lights like in he video, so far I have found any, I am still working on it. I did not lose sight of the objects but I got tiered of taping in so I stopped taping and went back to the apartment.
Cigar-shaped Strange Object Spotted Hovering in International Space Station
Cigar-shaped Strange Object Spotted Hovering in International Space Station
Bizarre objects have been a constant part of the UFO phenomenon from the very beginning. Some believe that these sightings date to prehistory. In fact, many sightings have occurred in the 1800s. At that time, most witnesses assumed they were experimental objects of some sort. Then, all the unexplained sightings took place in the 1950s, with and without lights. Two of the most famous involved the U.S. and British Military. Unidentified Flying Object is anything that flies, regardless of the shape and dimension. It does not necessarily relate to the alien, but due to its uniqueness, it cannot also be connected to the man-made phenomenon. This is where the debate comes in.
A cigar-shaped image trailing behind the International Space Station captured the attention of the world’s press as the citizens saw them. A UFO Hunter has enjoyed watching the live footage of the space station on the internet. While watching, he noticed a long cylindrical flying object hovering alongside and beneath the space station. As compared to the ISS, its speed matches. However, it appears semi-transparent. The screen went blue as it comes into focus. The change of color is said to have been the result when NASA catches a strange object hovering over the area. The object reminded him of some extraterritorial object of cylinder shape as seen on worldwide CNN a way back in 2006 nearby the space shuttle.
Speaking, thousands of people around this world claimed to have encountered an alien. Many people find the subject worth time, energy and attention. So, do not be amazed to see that there are many online communities and many sites specialized in this type of information. The only question at this point, when so many people claim to know genuine alien stories is how to make a difference between fake and authentic.
UFO observers have recalled the mysterious case of a strange formation of UFOs observed in a NASA picture (ID: STS100-708A-48) from the Space Shuttle Endeavor Mission to the ISS in April 2001 (STS-100).
After the discovery of the fleet of UFOs travelling in a perfectly straight line formation, UFO hunters accused NASA of deleting the image from its website quietly and conspiratorially.
The supposed action resulted in a massive uproar in the UFO community. Many UFO enthusiasts got angry about what was happening, saying that NASA tried to hide the discovery of a fleet of UFOs in orbit around Earth.
When the image later reappeared on NASA’s website at a different location, some UFO hunters declared victory, saying that NASA did not sustain the pressure from the members of the UFO community.
The interest in the old photo got high again recently after several online UFO forums deliberated the importance of the pictures to the UFO disclosure movement.
The Black Vault takes a second close look at the famous image and new observations about it have raised new questions in online UFO forums.
According to The Black Vault, UFO observers were right about the formation of UFOs in the STS-100 image and they were right to call on NASA to offer an explanation of the observed anomaly. It argues the space agency was caught pants down with trying to cover up the discovery.
The Black Vault also draws the attention of the viewers to other anomalies in the picture that were not observed when the formation of UFOs was first found. It noted that the newly discovered anomalies could be satellites, space debris or photographic artifacts.
However, their presence could disprove claims that the fleet of UFOs is a space debris or satellite that only appears to be multiple UFOs because of prolonged exposure. It explains that prolonged exposure to a moving object could result in a long streak of light and not multiple and distinct objects in a straight line.
The Black Vault also ruled out the idea that the UFO formation is a result of multiple photos laid on each other to bring out details because the result would make additional anomalies appear as several objects and not several single objects.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.