The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Mystery of Google Earth BLACKOUT and the secret sites they don't want you to see
Mystery of Google Earth BLACKOUT and the secret sites they don't want you to see
It's easy to click on Google Earth and zoom in on your own home but a number of sites have mysteriously been blacked out
Blackout: Hundreds of sites around the world are blurred out or can't be seen on Google Earth
There's absolutely no doubt that Google Earth satellites are the ultimate spying tool.
With the aid of a computer anyone can simply key in an address and have a nosy around getting up close to some of the most famous places on earth.
Conspiracy theorists have uncovered a host of sites online that are obscured through pixelation, blurring or have a case of total wipe out.
We've picked some of those sites and gone behind the scenes to find out why they are so taboo.
Anthrax Island - Gruinard, Scotland
Anthrax island: Gruinard in Scotland is a no man's land after testing was conducted
This small, oval-shaped Scottish island is just over a mile long and less than a mile wide, but if you try to hone in you won't find much.
Located in Gruinard Bay, about halfway between Gairloch and Ullapool, it has been uninhabited for decades after British scientists exploded a series of anthrax bombs there during the Second World War.
Google Maps
Close up: this is as close to Gruinard Island as you will get on Google Maps
They tested the chemical weapons on 60 sheep all of whom died within days.
While it was "decontaminated" in 1990 - it was shut for five decades before this and to this day remains a Google Earth mystery - not to mention a no go zone.
Crash site: the Roswell UFO Museum Sign is there for all to see
Roswell is one of the most notable UFO sights in the world but try and take a peak at what it looks like from the sky on Google Earth and you'll find difficulty.
This world-famous New Mexico community became notorious in 1947 when a United States Air Force 'surveillance balloon' crashed at a ranch close by.
Google Maps
Blackout: try and zoom into Roswell and you will have difficulty on Google Earth
Back then there were many reports that an "extraterrestrial spaceship" had crashed - and the military were quickly accused of being involved in a cover-up after claiming the incident involved a weather balloon.
Later in the 1970's there was more claims an alien spacecraft had crash-landed and that the aliens were taken to a secret facility.
Beautiful: the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem as it looks from the ground
Gethsemane or גת שמנים in Hebrew is one of the most sacred Christian pilgrimage sites on the planet.
Mentioned in both the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark it is said to be the garden where Jesus spent the night before he was crucified.
Covered in olive trees, some of which are 900 years old, it is situated at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel.
Google Maps
Obscured: the garden of Gethsemane where Jesus is said to have spent his last night is a blur
Its exact location has been disputed over the years with some historians claiming it's a few hundred yards north of its current site.
As well as being the place Jesus is thought to have settled the night before he died, it's also said the Virgin Mary was buried there before being assumed to heaven.
But while millions of pilgrims have made it to the site to see for themselves - onGoogle Earth it's all a bit of a blur.
Artic circle: while it's a draw for explorers some parts of Greenland are blurred out on Google Earth
The 1968 Thule Air Base crash was one of the most shocking in history and was probably one of the most contaminated.
A B-52 aircraft carrying four hydrogen bombs came down after a fire started and forced the crew to abandon the plane over Baffin Bay near Narssarssuk.
While six crew of the members ejected safely one did not have an ejection seat and was killed trying to bail out.
Google Maps
Out of focus: Narsaarsuk cannot be seen clearly from the Google Earth posting
The nuclear weapon carrying bomber crashed onto sea ice in the North Star Baycausing its on-board explosives to detonate, which in turn caused the nuclear material to rupture and disperse making the entire site contaminated with plutonium.
Nowadays you'd be hard pushed to see what it looks like using satellite imagery.
Coloured in: Volkel Air Force base looks like someone took crayons to it
Volker is one site which has been digitally obscured from viewable satellite map services. According to reports the site was outed by WikiLeaks as having nuclear weapons on site.
And while it's quite often used for air shows and by the Dutch Royal Air Force it's presence is somewhat controversial.
Ground base: a military helicopter is pictured at Volkel Air Base
It's well known that it has 22 tactical nuclear bombs which are said to be owned by its ally the USA, it was a strategic centre during the cold war, but in latter years has been described by the country's former Prime Minister as "absolutely pointless".
It is home to two F-16 Fighting Falcon squadrons, 312 and 313 as well as a traumahelicopter operated by ANWB Medical Air Assistance.
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Don't Blame 'Planet Nine' for Earth's Mass Extinctions
Don't Blame 'Planet Nine' for Earth's Mass Extinctions
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Artist’s illustration of “Planet Nine,” a hypothesized world about 10 times more massive than Earth that may orbit far beyond Pluto.
Credit: Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)
Life on Earth has little to fear from the hypothesized Planet Nine, astronomers say.
Some scientists have suggested that a big undiscovered body lying on the far outer reaches of the solar system could be responsible for many of the mass extinction events throughout Earth's history, by shaking up the distant comet repository known as the Oort Cloud and sending some its denizens screaming toward our planet.
"I suspect it has something like zero effect on us," said Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena.
Brown and lead author Konstantin Batygin, also of Caltech, suggested the existence of Planet Nine in a paper that was published last week. They infer the planet's presence based on indirect evidence: Computer models suggest that a distant, unseen world has shaped the strange orbits of a number of small objects in the Kuiper Belt, the ring of icy bodies beyond Neptune.
Here's what we know of this potential "Planet Nine."" data-options-closecontrol="true" data-options-fullsize="true" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="261" height="536" />
Planet Nine likely has an elliptical orbit, coming within 200 to 300 astronomical units (AU) of the sun at its closest approach and getting as far away as 600 to 1,200 AU, Brown said. (One AU is the distance from Earth to the sun — about 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers).
Neptune orbits about 30 AU from the sun, and Pluto never gets farther than 49 AU from our star. So Planet Nine, if it exists, is very distant indeed — but not distant enough, Brown said, to stir up any of the trillions of comets in the Oort Cloud, which begins perhaps 5,000 AU from the sun.
The existence of such a "perturber" has been hypothesized as a way to explain the mysterious periodicity of big extinction events on Earth, which have recurred roughly every 27 million years over the last quarter-billion years or so.
"Really big planets really far away could do that," Brown told "Planet Nine is smaller than all these things that people have called 'Planet X' — that's always been sort of Jupiter-sized, or even brown dwarf-sized, or something. This is a good bit smaller, and a good bit closer; it's not in the realm of the comets."
The putative Planet Nine also completes one orbit every 10,000 years or so, he added.
"That sounds like a long time, but it's a pretty short orbit," Brown said. "If it were doing this thing every time it went around the sun, it would've been doing a lot of it, and I don't think there's anything going on like that."
Astronomer Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., who is not part of the Batygin/Brown team, voiced similar sentiments. (Sheppard is conducting a hunt for undiscovered objects in the outer solar system; he co-discovered 2012 VP113 — one of the "trans-Neptunian objects," or TNOs, whose orbital characteristics hint at the existence of Planet Nine.)
If Planet Nine exists, it could conceivably dislodge some TNOs (not Oort Cloud comets) and send them toward the inner solar system, Sheppard said.
"But most likely, the unknown massive object has been out there a very long time and thus cleared most objects near it long ago," Sheppard told via email.
"I do think it could throw a few small objects into the inner solar system every so often, but I don’t think it would significantly increase the odds for a mass extinction event," he added.
Major Daylight Fireball Over Southeastern US - American Meteor Society The American Meteor Society (AMS) has received over 50 reports of an extremely bright daylight fireball on Sunday, January 24th, 2016.
Finland Fireball Meteor 23JAN2016 The bright fireball blazed above southern Finland, There were many of reports of a large, bright fireball that lit up skies over towns across southern Finland at about 8 pm on Saturday. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot...)
Fleet of UFOs Seen During Sunset Over Maryland, Jan 20, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Fleet of UFOs Seen During Sunset Over Maryland, Jan 20, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 20, 2016 Location of sighting: Reisterown, Maryland, USA Source: MUFON #74077 UFOs are often seen during sunset. This person was lucky enough to catch a bunch of them. The UFOs appear dark because of the angle of the setting sun. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: At my house shoveling out my truck with neighbors. Noticed a beautiful cloud formation. Started making photos 1 after another. Later when admiring features of strange looking clouds started to see orbs. Cone shaped pyrimids that looked black. Then hundreds of them. With otherobjects in cloud. Please evaluate photos is there another explanation for these strange clouds and objects. Thank you.
Collision with giant ice planet thought to lurk on the edge of our solar system 'will wipe out Earth in 2016'
Collision with giant ice planet thought to lurk on the edge of our solar system 'will wipe out Earth in 2016'
Ominous 'Planet Nine' may collide with earth, according to some theorists AP
CONSPIRACY theorists have claimed a giant planet lurking on the edge of our Solar System will wipe out humanity in a collision with Earth this year.
Keen conspiracy theorists have long believed in the existence of a distant 9th planet in our Solar System, but were ridiculed by the scientific community for years.
However, the claims of these theorists were lent weight after space experts at the California Institute of Technology revealed they had found evidence for a giant ice planet just beyond Pluto.
The frosty world, known as ‘Planet 9’, was recently found to be on a 20,000-year orbit of the Sun, with a mass 10 times that of Earth.
It is claimed humanity will be wiped out by a collision with giant Planet Nine Getty
Worryingly, the same group who turned out to be right about Planet 9’s existence also had an apocalyptic warning that a massive hidden planet with a very long orbit will crash into Earth in 2016.
Rogue scientists had speculated about the existence of another planet since the 1800s, but their theories were rubbished and the search for what they termed ‘Planet X’ was called off.
They also claimed to have found a description of a huge planet among the work of the ancient Babylonian civilisation, a society well known for being pioneers of astronomy.
These maverick theorists now believe Planet 9 was the planet we were being warned about by the Babylonians, with theories emerging to suggest this planet will smash into Earth this year.
NASA has, however, warned it is too early to confirm the existence of Planet 9 for sure but pledged “if it's there, we'll find it.”
HOOPER, Colo. -- As part of the new series "Colorado’s Unexplained Stories," we’re taking a trip four hours south of Denver to the San Luis Valley. The area is nicknamed "The UFO Hot Spot of America."
Apparently, there are more UFO sightings there than anywhere else in America.
Locals refer to Highway 17, which cuts through the valley, as "The Cosmic Highway."
If you take the highway into Hooper, you’ll eventually pass by an oddly shaped dome-like structure known as "The UFO Watch Tower." It was created by Judy Messoline 15 years ago.
“What I find is we get people here because they need a place to talk about it and especially ones that have had experiences. Especially abductees,” Messoline said.
Ask anyone who lives in the Hooper area if they’ve ever seen anything weird in the sky and chances are each one of them will tell you "Yes."
Their experiences inspired Messoline to create the tower. It features plenty of things, including a log book where people can write their run-ins with the unknown.
“I had an air traffic controller from DIA come in who said they get six to eight UFO reports from pilots every month. Now figure that one out,” Messoline said with a chuckle.
Hooper, Colo., is nicknamed the UFO Hot Spot of America
Without a doubt, what’s inside the tower is neat. But what’s outside is really out of this world.
“The meteor showers are just awesome from up here,” Messoline said as she stood on the tower.
From high atop the tower, people come to experience something different.
“About 40 psychics have been by and they’ve all said the same thing -- that there are two large vortexes in front of the tower,” Messoline said with a serious tone.
It might sound weird, but Messoline said there’s something special about the land the UFO Watch Tower sits on.
So much so, she created a "UFO Garden." The garden is scattered with all sorts of trinkets, left behind by visitors from our world.
“When you walk through the garden you should pay attention to your body so you can feel the energy from the vortexes,” Messoline said.
Vortexes are defined as being a portal between our world and other worlds. Almost like a gateway to a different universe, Messoline said.
“And I thought that’s kind of special, ya know? Doggone,” Messoline said.
For some, this sort of stuff is hard to believe. But in Hooper, the supernatural just comes naturally.
“Lots of things happen here and they can keep on happening because I’m having fun with it,” Messoline said with a laugh.
Our paranormal series "Colorado’s Unexplained Stories" will continue through this season of "The X-Files." If you have a supernatural story you’d like us to investigate, contact FOX31 Denver’s Kevin Torres at kevin.torres@kdvr.comor on hisFacebook page.
25-01-2016 om 23:53
geschreven door peter
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Sorry, UFO Hunters: Area 51 Just Banned Hobby Drones.
Sorry, UFO Hunters: Area 51 Just Banned Hobby Drones.
A map of Area 51, the secretive U.S. Air Force base that's the subject of countless conspiracy theories and a new ban on drones.PHOTO: WIKICOMMONS
There's some bad news for anyone trying to use their drone to find out what the U.S. government is up to at Area 51. Unmanned aerial vehicles are now banned from flying near the facility.
That's according to a new batch of warning signs posted around the U.S. Air Force base in Nevada. The exact purpose of Area 51 remains classified, though it's believed to be the military's primary development and testing facilities for aircraft and new weapons. The landscape surrounding Area 51 is patrolled by trucks and is dotted with stern signs warning visitors they're subject to search and possible arrest if they cross a boundary.
The new drone policy shouldn't come as a surprise. Not only has Area 51 remained one of the U.S. military's most closely guarded secrets for decades, security teams also patrol the restricted air space with low-flying HH 60G Pave Hawk helicopters. A collision with even a small drone could be enough tto cause one of those helicopters to crash.
The Federal Aviation Administration has also sought to reduce unsafe and illegal drone activity by asking all pilots flying a drone that weighs more than .55 pounds to register with the government. That way, the FAA says, officials will know who's responsible when a drone flies too close to an airport, interrupting normal flights operations.
More than 250,000 people have signed up their UAV in the first 30 days since registration began, the FAA reported.
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Hinckley UFO: reader says "I knew instantly it was not of this earth"
Hinckley UFO: reader says "I knew instantly it was not of this earth"
Colin Saunders has contacted us having read Michael Roberts’ article on a UFO sighting. He tells the story of his own close encounter with the unknown
It was with great interest that I read Michael Roberts account of his UFO sighting in The Hinckley Times and felt compelled to write and tell you of our experience along with some further information regarding Mr Roberts sighting.
I became interested in the subject of UFOs after my own “close encounter” back in 1999.
This occurred with my family and took place on the old Fosse Way close to the turning for Monks Kirby.
Our encounter has been described as one of the closest and most detailed ever in the UK.
We had been out for a family birthday meal at Pailton and were driving back towards Hinckley on the Fosse Way when we saw some very bright red lights hovering very low close to the side of the road.
We drove excitedly towards the lights which were now only approximately 100ft from our car, as we stared at the lights an object materialised around the lights, de-cloaking to reveal a triangular (delta) shaped metallic craft now hovering in front of us.
As an ex aerospace engineer I knew instantly that this was not an earthly object.
The craft was so close I could have hit it with a cricket ball.
At this point the nose of the triangle rose in the air or rather “floated” up in the air to reveal a liquid like surface with white girder box sections sitting on top.
My wife, who was driving at the time, pulled the car off the road into a gateway so we could all four of us get out for a better look but by the time we got out of the car the UFO had unfortunately disappeared.
Given the chance, two of us would have got on board!
The experience really was earth shattering for me and totally “out of this world” but not at all frightening.
I decided to build a model of the craft we saw that night and armed with this I appeared on TV several times and made many presentations around the UK.
My own research into UFOs brought me into contact with a Hinckley man who we shall call Keith X.
I took a witness report from Keith in 2001, and his description of the UFO he encountered was identical to Mr Roberts.
Back in 1978, Keith was riding home from Nuneaton to Hinckley when his motorbike stopped working outside the old gas works (now Transco). This was approximnately 11.30pm.
Keith looked up and to his amazement there was a huge black triangle, which he described as the size of one-and-a-half football pitches at an extremely low altitude (approximately 100ft), gliding silently overhead at 15 to 20mph towards the town centre.
Underneath the UFO he described a glass dome structure like a cockpit. After the triangle was out of sight he managed to start his motorbike and continue his journey.
On arriving home he discovered the time was now after 1am, he woke his parents to confirm the time and realised he had lost approximately one-and-a-half hours.
I tried at the time to find other witnesses to this triangle but was unsuccessful until now.
It would seem logical that this has to be the same craft seen by Mr Roberts.
The only difference is the time slot, the latest report says the craft (with a glass cockpit) was seen by several witnesses over the old gas works at 6.35pm. Keith had his encounter outside the old gas works at 11.30pm.
I personally believe that this was a genuine UFO. What was it doing? Who knows?
Perhaps it was more interested in the goings on at Transco than the latest production showing at the Concordia Theatre that night.
More details of our encounter can be seen at
Underneath the UFO he described a glass dome structure like a cockpit. After the triangle was out of sight he managed to start his motorbike and continue his journey. Anyone wishing to contact me with their own sighting can do so by email to
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The truth is out there? Irish UFO spotters hoping return of 'X-Files' revives interest
The truth is out there? Irish UFO spotters hoping return of 'X-Files' revives interest
Jane O'Faherty
Cast members Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny pose at a premiere for "The X-Files" at California Science Center in Los Angeles, California. Photo: Reuters
While Ireland might be well known for leprechauns, another variety of little green men have also captured the imagination of many across the country.
A cloudy and rainy island on the edge of Europe may not seem like the best place for flying saucers, but UFO spotters (or Ufologists) believe Ireland has not been exempt from encounters with beings from other planets.
And believers hope the return of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in a brand new season of 'The X-Files' could rekindle interest in visiting spacecraft.
Yvonne McConnell, a member of the Northern Ireland UFO Society, said she hopes the return of the iconic American series will draw more attention to otherworldly phenomena.
"You had Mulder and Scully, and the amount of coverage it got was huge," she said.
"We think anything that brings people into it and creates awareness is great.
"We are very serious about Ufology, but we are hoping 'The X-Files' gets more people in to it - or even gets them looking up at the sky," she said.
She told the Irish Independent that the society has been holding UFO-watching tours, but is now trying to get a database to collate all sighting reports in once place.
"There's no cross-referencing of data - so, in that case, it's very hard to place anything that's reported," she added.
"It should be treated like all investigations - and this is an investigation."
While Yvonne acknowledges that sightings have been scarce recently, numerous reports of close encounters exist online.
In 1997, UK newspaper 'The People' reported that a group of British SAS troops allegedly met some extra terrestrials while on an assignment in south Armagh some years earlier.
The soldiers were planning to ambush IRA gunmen on a hillside at night, but their mission was said to be thwarted by "up to four small grey figures" who appeared in front of them.
The article says the figures approached the undercover soldiers on a hillside in 1993, stood facing them for one minute, and then disappeared.
In 2008, a senior garda said he filmed unusual light formations in the sky above Dunboyne, Co Meath.
Meanwhile, received nine reports of sightings in Ireland in 2014. According to the international website's statistics, 2009 and 2010 were the biggest years for sightings, with 40 and 70 reports respectively.
However, the UK's National Archive, which stores some correspondence of UFO activity in the UK, notes a similar spike in British sightings in 2009 could have been due to a Chinese lantern fad at the time.
It comes as the UK's Ministry of Defence said it planned to release confidential UFO files by March this year.
Meanwhile, the German government was ordered by a court to release its files on extra-terrestrial incidents last year.
In Ireland, however, the Department of Defence said it did not maintain a file on UFO sightings and has not done so since 1984.
Just five Freedom of Information requests have been sent to the department on the topic, but all have been refused. The reason given for all five refusals was that "records do not exist".
Meanwhile, the Irish Aviation Authority stated it had never received any reports relating to unidentified objects spotted in Irish airspace.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (WKBN) – According to a recent entry on the Central Intelligence Agency’s website,hundreds of documents that were declassified in 1978 detailing the Agency’s investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been categorized into the top five most compelling.
The documents date primarily from the late 1940s and 1950s.To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in the Freedom of Information Act UFO Collection, a few documents have been highlighted that both skeptics and believers will find interesting.
Top CIA Documents of reports and investigative outcomes pertaining to UFO sightings and investigations: Reports:
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La NSA répond avoir perdu des documents originaux sur les ovnis
La NSA répond avoir perdu des documents originaux sur les ovnis
Le chercheur sur les ovnis John Greenewald a déposé une pétition pour obtenir la déclassification par la National Security Agency (NSA) des fichiers liés aux ovnis. Cela concerne des publications en date des années 90. Suite à leur déclassification après une bataille juridique, la plupart des informations furent modifiées. Beaucoup d’entre elles ont été noircies ou marquées de blanc. La NSA a néanmoins récemment fait savoir à Greenewald qu'ils ne retrouvaient pas un seul des cent originaux au sujet des ovnis. Greenewald a reçu cette information en réponse à une « demande de révision d'une déclassification obligatoire » (MDR) des dossiers d'ovnis de la NSA.
La « demande de révision de déclassification obligatoire » exige que l'agence réexamine les documents retouchés et précédemment publiés. Ce même processus a été utilisé pour révéler l’an dernier la mention de « zone 51 » dans les documents de la CIA. La MDR a été réalisé sur la base de « l’affidavit Yeates » lié à une demande en date de 1980 auprès de la NSA, au sujet de la déclassification de documents liés aux ovnis. Voici la réponse de la NSA : « À l'exception du document ci-joint, nous ne retrouvons ni les copies non retouchées, ni les documents originaux, sauf ceux qui ont été précédemment examinés et accessibles au public. »
Rappelons qu’à la fin des années 70, la Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), dirigée par l'avocat Peter Gersten, a cherché à obtenir des fichiers sur les ovnis, de plusieurs organismes gouvernementaux, rendus publics grâce au Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Suite au refus de la NSA de rendre publics leurs fichiers, la CAUS les a poursuivis en justice. La NSA possédait une quantité importante de fichiers sur les ovnis, non pas du fait qu’ils enquêtaient sur ce sujet, mais parce qu'ils surveillaient les communications dans le monde entier. Ces fichiers sont appelés « COMINT » ou en français « renseignements d'origine électromagnétiques ».
Parmi cette grande quantité de données, il existait des centaines de fichiers faisant référence aux ovnis. L'affidavit « Yeates » a été initialement déposé par la National Security Agency (NSA) en 1980 lors d’un procès. Le document est en grande partie déclassifié et certaines parties furent découpées, sous prétexte de protéger les noms des employés et de préserver des technologies sensibles de la NSA… Une lecture du document donne un aperçu de la façon dont une agence telle que la NSA s'est emparée du phénomène OVNI. Rappelons que le document de 1980 explique qu'un total de 239 documents liés aux ovnis se trouvaient dans les archives de la NSA, et que 79 d’entre eux émanaient d'autres organismes gouvernementaux. Finalement, en 1997, en raison des lois rendant plus difficile la classification des fichiers durant plus de 25 ans, la NSA a publié « l’affidavit Yeates » avec moins de termes expurgés, et 156 documents au sujet des ovnis.
In a recent interview by Michael Parker from Antidote, award-winning author Graham Hancock talked about the deepest mysteries of Earth’s ancient civilizations, which mysteriously vanished from history, leaving behind only clues that could help researchers today, uncover the lost pieces of ancient man’s history.
There is a huge puzzle scattered across the globe, where numerous civilizations from different parts of Earth, left hundreds and thousands of clues behind which could help us ‘remember’ the lost episodes in mankind’s ancient history.
Graham Hancock thoroughly described what we discovered about incredible megalithic constructions such as those of Göbekli Tepe and Gunung Padang, the numerous hidden power sources used by numerous ancient cultures around the globe, the various periods of mass extinctions that could even follow a mysterious pattern and much more. Graham Hancock has helped piece together the countless possibilities in order to solve the gigantic puzzle that has been left behind by ancient civilizations across the globe.
Graham Hancock has written numerous books which made him a best-selling author around the world. His books include “Magicians of the Gods,” “Fingerprints of the Gods,” “The Message of the Sphinx,” “Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization,” and the “War God” series.
In Graham Hancock’s newest book “Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization – The Sequel to Fingerprints of the Gods“ which can be acquired here, the author argues that in the next twenty years, it is very likely that a comet big enough to end life on Earth could hit our planet. Graham Hancock believes that there are over 200 myths around the world which speak of a human civilization brought to end by “fire.”
According to Hancock, there is enough evidence which suggests that between 10800 and 9600 BC, a tsunami of epic proportions swept across the planet due to the impact of a comet. In the Temple of Horus in the ancient Egyptian town of Edfu, inscriptions known as the Edfu Texts describe god-like beings who were refugees from a sacred island that was destroyed by flood and fire.
The best-selling author claims that an ancient extinction event that wiped out Atlantis and advanced societies 12,000 years ago. From the megalithic structures at Göbekli Tepe and Gunung Padang, to the buried ancient power centers that are hiding a history that archeologists are unwilling to acknowledge–the MAGICIANS OF THE GODS author fills in a blank space in human understanding. The Younger Dryas climate change catastrophe that was caused by meteoric impacts and the lost golden age of man is explored on this uncensored Antidote interview which you can see in the video posted below:
Find out more about Graham Hancock and his books by visiting the following links:
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A Photo Seems To Provide Evidence That A UFO Once Landed On Mars
A Photo Seems To Provide Evidence That A UFO Once Landed On Mars
An incredible UFO sighting story came out during the holiday week last month. A new photo of the Martian surface seems to show a UFO crash site. That’s according to many UFO researchers online who are interested in sifting through thousands of photos on UFO-related incidents on the Red Planet, our moon, and any other places in the galaxy.
A video from YouTube user UFOvni2012 tries to dissect the crash site using an imaging software.
The alleged UFO’s path is 1,500 meters wide, which may involve nearly a mile wide object to create such huge impression. It appears, according to observers, that whatever large object that made a landing on this particular surface took off from the landing area eventually.
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Strange spheres falling from the sky in North Atlanta (Video)
Strange spheres falling from the sky in North Atlanta (Video)
On January 20, 2016 at approximately 1:24 pm in North Atlanta, strange bb size spheres fell from the sky.
Witness states: What I thought was sleet turned out to be a clear salty hard unknown matter. I still have them and plan to send them somewhere to be tested for what in the world it is!
Could the atmosphere of earth have been propagated by wave frequencies just prior to one of the most historic storms in US history?
Image left:Massive wave burst extending over North and South America prior to historic storm in US.
And the strange ‘salty’ spheres have been sprayed into the atmosphere at high altitudes in order to make it snowing sooner and heavier than it might have done?
We have seen it before that Governments have the ability to cause massive floods, droughts, earthquakes and other severe weather patterns by using technologies to devastating effects – even on their own people, indeed.
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CIA maakt tijdens nieuwe seizoen The X-Files honderden UFO-documenten openbaar
CIA maakt tijdens nieuwe seizoen The X-Files honderden UFO-documenten openbaar
Afgelopen weekend werd in de Verenigde Staten de aftrap gegeven voor zes nieuwe afleveringen van de iconische tv-reeks The X-Files. De Amerikaanse spionagedienst CIA besloot op hetzelfde moment honderden documenten vrij te geven over het onderzoek naar UFO’s.
Op de website van de CIA staat dat de stukken vooral afkomstig zijn uit de jaren veertig en vijftig. “We hebben besloten om een aantal documenten onder de aandacht te brengen die zowel sceptici als believers interessant zullen vinden,” meldt de spionagedienst.
De CIA kondigde de openbaring van de stukken aan op Twitter:
De documenten hebben onder meer betrekking op vliegende schotels die zijn gezien boven Oost-Duitsland, vliegende schotels boven uraniummijnen in Belgisch-Congo en de bevindingen van het wetenschappelijke adviespanel over ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten.
De CIA verwees rechtstreeks naar de hitserie. De spionagedienst droeg vijf documenten aan die ‘Fox Mulder goed kan gebruiken om anderen te overtuigen van het bestaan van buitenaardse activiteit’. Er zijn ook vijf documenten openbaar gemaakt die ‘Dana Scully kan gebruiken om te bewijzen dat er een wetenschappelijke verklaring is voor UFO-waarnemingen’.
Er is afgelopen week nogal wat opwinding ontstaan doordat enkele astronomen de ontdekking van een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel aankondigden.
De hele wereld deed uiterst verbaasd want niemand had dit verwacht. Complete onzin natuurlijk want de planeet waar deze twee astronomen over spreken, is al heel lang bekend.
De wereld heeft meestal een kort en vaak ook een nogal selectief geheugen. Zo kan het gebeuren dat alles en iedereen afgelopen week in staat van opwinding verkeerde vanwege de ontdekking of liever gezegd de berekening van een nieuwe planeet in ons zonnestelsel.
In 1983 verscheen het volgende artikel in The Washington Post:
Het grote verschil met het verhaal van astronomen nu en het verhaal toen is dat het in 1983 wel degelijk werd waargenomen.
Wat niet in het gedrukte artikel stond, maar nog wel steeds online staat bij de Washington Post, is het volgende stukje:
The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the supercold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of the constellation Orion in that time.
Zoals we inmiddels weten, verdwijnt na 1983 de onbekende planeet plotsklaps uit beeld en is nu ineens weer terug.
Waar we dus over praten is een grote planeet die niet of nauwelijks schijnt te bewegen:
Planeetonderzoekster Daphne Stam van de TU Delft noemt de ontdekking een verrassing. Er zijn de afgelopen jaren wel veel dwergplaneetjes gespot in de buitengebieden van het zonnestelsel, 'maar dit is echt een joekel'.
Waar we hier dan ook over praten is niet de planeet X of Nibiru, maar de zusterplaneet van onze zon. Een planeet die door Nancy Lieder en de Zeta’s al zo'n twintig jaar geleden werd omschreven als de planeet Nemesis.
De planeet Nibiru en de bijbehorende planeten en manen draaien zowel om deze planeet als om onze zon en verschijnen ook uit de richting van Nemesis en verdwijnen na de passage ook weer die kant op.
De voornaamste reden dat deze zogenaamde binaire tweeling van onze zon nooit wordt waargenomen, is omdat het altijd een donkere ster is gebleven en geen licht uitstraalt zoals onze zon. Het geeft daarom ook nauwelijks enige warmte af en is derhalve bijna niet op te merken, behalve door telescopen zoals de infrarode IRAS in 1983.
Daarmee is dan ook de reden verklaard dat toen IRAS na zes maanden voor de tweede keer deze onbekende planeet vastlegde, deze ogenschijnlijk niet van positie was veranderd. Net zoals in ons zonnestelsel voor ons de zon niet van positie veranderd, zo gaat dit ook op voor de zusterplaneet van de zon.
De planeet Nibiru en de andere planeten bewegen echter wel degelijk in de bekende ovale omloopbaan om hun zon, de net opnieuw ontdekte zusterplaneet van onze zon.
De reden dat men het bestaan van deze planeet en de om haar heen bewegende planeten zoals Nibiru tot nu altijd geheim heeft gehouden, is om de elite de kans te geven de nodige voorbereidingen te treffen zoals gigantische ondergrondse schuilplaatsen en soms zelfs complete steden. De tweede reden is dat men de wereld zolang mogelijk normaal wil laten doordraaien.
Nu komen we langzamerhand in een periode waarbij zich zoveel vreemde verschijnselen voordoen dat men er toch niet aan zal ontkomen om op een gegeven moment het bestaan van een aantal onbekende planeten toe te moeten geven. WE hebben altijd voorspeld dat het scenario zich zo zou ontvouwen.
Je ziet nu hoe het gaat in de praktijk. Ondanks dat er gewoon aan te tonen is dat men al heel lang op de hoogte is van een grote onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel reageert de hele mainstream-wereld, als op commando, heel verbaasd.
Mensen die nog steeds moeite hebben met het concept van een aantal planeten waarvan ze nooit het bestaan vermoedden, willen wij aanraden om zich eens te verdiepen in wat er gebeurde na 1983.
Waarom zijn ongeveer vanaf die datum enorme ondergrondse projecten opgestart?
Waarom wordt vlakbij de Amerikaanse stad Denver niet lang daarna begonnen met de bouw van het meest enge vliegveld ooit? De werkelijke reden is niet omdat er zo nodig een nieuw vliegveld moest komen, maar wel omdat er een excuus moest zijn om te beginnen met de bouw van een ondergrondse stad.
Een vliegveld dat landingsbanen heeft in de vorm van een hakenkruis.... maar hey, dat is toeval.
Het vermoeden van een ondergrondse stad onder dit vliegveld bestond al veel langer, maar kon nooit echt bewezen worden totdat ook hierover klokkenluiders begonnen te praten.
Nu is de tijd dat ongeveer alle ondergrondse faciliteiten klaar zijn en belangrijke instanties zijn verkast.
Zo vind je in de al eerder geciteerde Washington Post al vanaf 2005 verhalen over hoe de CIA bepaalde afdelingen heeft verhuisd naar Denver omdat dit efficiënter zou zijn. Naast de CIA duiken er nog veel meer veiligheidsinstanties op in Denver. Niemand begrijpt trouwens dat dit de efficiëntie zou bevorderen.
It is unclear how a move to Denver would increase the effectiveness of the domestic division's operations, said several former intelligence officials.
Colorado has become a major intelligence hub since Sept. 11, 2001.
Bovenstaande is slechts een kleine greep uit over hoe men wel degelijk weet van het bestaan van onbekende planeten in ons zonnestelsel en hoe men zich al tientallen jaren bezighoudt met het voorbereiden hun komst.
Het enige dat eigenlijk nu nog rest is om te kunnen vaststellen wanneer deze passage van Nibiru met bijbehorende satellietplaneten zal plaatsvinden.
De meningen daarover zijn enorm verdeeld en het enige correcte antwoord is dat helemaal niemand (of bijna niemand) dat weet.
Niemand van de huidige mensheid heeft ooit zoiets meegemaakt en ook onze voorvaderen niet, dus van de geschiedenisboeken worden we ook al niet veel wijzer.
We zitten op dit moment in een fase waarin duidelijk wordt dat er “iets” is en dat er bepaalde ongewone gebeurtenissen plaatsvinden zoals de vreemde geluiden en de vreemde lichten zowel op in ieder geval aarde alsook op Mars.
In de komende jaren zullen waarschijnlijk bepaalde verschijnselen heftiger worden en zullen er misschien nog meer “vreemde” dingen voorvallen.
Een goede manier om te ontdekken of er werkelijk wat staat te gebeuren, is om de agenda’s van de elite te controleren. Op het moment dat zij zo ongeveer allemaal een periode hebben met “lege agenda’s” kun je er gevoegelijk vanuit gaan dat er iets staat te gebeuren.
Gezien de manier waarop ze zich op dit moment gedragen, lijkt daar op dit moment vooralsnog geen sprake van.
Harvard is trying to build an AI as fast as the human brain
Harvard is trying to build an AI as fast as the human brain
A reconstruction of cortical connectivity
Lichtman Lab/Harvard
Harvard University has been awarded $28 million (£19m) to investigate why brains are so much better at learning and retaining information than artificial intelligence. The award, from the Intelligence Advanced Projects Activity (IARPA), could help make AI systems faster, smarter and more like human brains.
While many computers have a comparable storage capacity, their ability to recognise patterns and learn information does not match the human brain. But a better understanding of how neurons are connected could help develop more complex artificial intelligence.
Most neuroscientists estimate that the 'storage capacity' for the human brain ranges between 10 and 100 terabytes, with some evaluations putting the number at close to 2.5 petabytes. In terms of functionality, the human brain has a huge range -- data analysis, pattern recognition and an ability to learn and retain information are just a few processes the brain goes through on a daily basis.
A human being only need look at a car a few times to recognise one, but an AI system may need to process hundreds or even thousands of samples before it's able to retain the information. Conversely, while functionality may be more complex and varied, the human brain is unable to process the same volume of data as a computer.
Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), Centre for Brain Studies (CBS) and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biologies will work together to record activity inside the visual cortex. This, they hope, will help us understand how neurons are connected to each other with the end goal of creating a more accurate and complex artificial intelligence system. These learnings could allow the creation of the first computer systems that can interpret, analyse and learn information as quickly and successfully as human beings.
The systems could be used to detect network invasions, read MRIs, drive cars, or complete just about any task normally reserved for human brains. The project will generate over a petabyte of data, which will be analysed by a series of complex algorithms to create a detailed 3D neural map.
"The pattern-recognition and learning abilities of machines still pale in comparison to even the simplest mammalian brains," said Hanspeter Pfister, professor of computer science at Harvard.
"The project is not only pushing the boundaries of brain science, it is also pushing the boundaries of what is possible in computer science. We will reconstruct neural circuits at an unprecedented level from petabytes of structural and functional data. It requires us to make new advances in data management, high-performance computing, computer vision and network analysis".
Once the detailed neural map has been collated, the teams will try to understand exactly how connections between neurons allows the system to process information. These 'biologically-inspired' algorithms will far outperform current AI capabilities, and could see major improvements in computer vision, navigation and recognition.
"This is a moonshot challenge," said project leader David Cox, assistant professor of molecular and cellular biology and computer science. "The scientific value of recording the activity of so many neurons and mapping their connections alone is enormous, but that is only the first half of the project.
"As we figure out the fundamental principles governing how the brain learns, it's not hard to imagine that we'll eventually be able to design computer systems that can match, or even outperform, humans."
“We have a huge task ahead of us in this project, but at the end of the day, this research will help us understand what is special about our brains," he added. "One of the most exciting things about this project is that we are working on one of the great remaining achievements for human knowledge -- understanding how the brain works at a fundamental level."
A Russian scientists injected himself with a 3.5 million year old ‘bacteria’ found in Siberia and the results are staggering
A Russian scientists injected himself with a 3.5 million year old ‘bacteria’ found in Siberia and the results are staggering
Controversial ‘Mad Scientists’ Anatoli Brouchkov has injected himself with a 3.5 million year old bacteria said to be the key to ‘eternal life’. Broushkov found the revolutionary cells in the Siberian permafrost and says that ever since he injected himself with the bacteria, he feels stronger and healthier than ever.
The cells discovered in the Siberian permafrost have an incredible level of vitality and high resistance to environmental factors. Tests on animals showed that these cells substantially increased physical activity and strengthened the immune system.
Prof Anatoli Broushkov is the head of the Geocryology Department at Moscow State University and according to Russian media, he has not gotten sick in two years, ever since he started experimenting on himself.
The 3.5 million year old Bacillus F is believed to be a key component in improving the longevity of humans. Researchers from Russia have managed to unlock the DNA of the bacteria and have been testing it on Mice and human cells. Broushkov however decided to test it out on himself, the results? A healthy and strong body resisting time better than ever.
What makes this bacteria so special? Well Bacillus F as it has been dubbed by scientists has managed to survive for millions of years in Siberia, one of the most extreme places on Earth.
‘I started to work longer, I’ve never had a flu for the last two years,’ he told The Siberian Times
‘After successful experiments on mice and fruit flies, I thought it would be interesting to try the inactivated bacterial culture.’
Prof Broushkov believes that there are trace amounts of the bacteria in the water supplies of the region.
‘The permafrost is thawing, and I guess these bacteria get into the environment, into the water, so the local population, the Yakut people, in fact, for a long time are getting these cells with water, and even seem to live longer than some other nations. So there was no danger for me.’
At first it was difficult to understand what the bacteria was doing with inside the body said Broushkov.
‘But we do not know yet exactly how it works. In fact, we do not know exactly how aspirin works, for example, but it does. ‘The same is true here: we cannot understand the mechanism, but we see the impact.’
‘Perhaps there were some side-effects, but there should be some special medical equipment to spot them.’
‘Of course, such experiments need to be conducted in clinic, with the special equipment and statistics.’
‘Then we could say clearly about all the effects.’
‘If we can find how the bacteria stays alive we probably would be able to find a tool to extend our own lives,’ he told RT in an interview.
The 3.5 million year old bacteria could not only be the key to human longevity but it can be a key factor to fertility say scientists. Once injected into mice, Bacillus F allowed older female mice to reproduce after they stopped being able to. The bacteria has the ability to heal plants as well.
Dr Viktor Chernyavsky, an epidemiologist from Yakutsk described the discovery as a ‘scientific sensation’ and as an ‘elixir of life,’ saying ‘The bacteria gives out biologically active substances throughout its life, which activates the immune status of experimental animals.’
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Colonel Halt addresses nation on the rendlesham UFO
Colonel Halt addresses nation on the rendlesham UFO
Published on May 30, 2015
Halt tells his story (covered on CNN, date/year unknown) on what happened over a 3 night period in and around bentwaters/woodbridge bases in DEC 1980. he confirms what was seen as either from another dimension or extraterrestrial !!! this is a MUST watch as this IS real and DID happen and people really need to start learning the truth, and see that UFO's of an alien nature are real and not to be laughed at or ridiculed.
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A Doctor Claims To Have Proved Aliens Exist
A Doctor Claims To Have Proved Aliens Exist
Dr Richard O’Connor locked two motion detector cameras in the sky at his home in Helena, Montana in the U.S., which allowed him to snap nearly 280,000 photos.
But only on his recent photos he believes he’s able to capture the long-sought proof of alien-flown UFOs. Dr O’Connor, a semi-retired anesthesiologist at Helena’s St. Peter’s Hospital, claims he captures an object flying through the skies in a series of five pictures.
He says that even a hardened sceptic would say “wow!” as this is what he expects of a UFO would look. He adds that it appears to be a light source, and the photographs are evidence that UFOs are real.
After Dr O’Connor had posted those pictures online, a frenzy of debate flared among the UFO community, with some suggested they were not conclusive proof, and other said they were fake. Now, he is enlisting more experts to check and examine the photos.
Dr O’Connor set up two Reconyx Hyperfire PC 900 Trail cameras, 30 feet above the ground on the south-east corner of his house, in hopes to get some evidence of UFOs once they set off the motion detector.
The cameras shoot 20 photos at about a second intervals when triggered by motion. They had captured several squirrels, birds, and windblown treetops, but Dr O’Connor believed he finally snapped proof of UFOs this winter.
He said: “Basically what you see is a very symmetrical, smooth and reflective surface that appears to have its light source.”
He further claims that he has no knowledge about image manipulation. His photos were sent to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), which keeps and investigates a database of UFO sightings.
Head of NUFORC, Peter Davenport, sent the pictures to a photo-analyst for further investigation. According to the unnamed analyst, the images are real, but still a mystery. The analyst suspects the lights in the first and last photos are sun reflections of something rather than any propulsion system. In conclusion, the analyst says it’s a puzzle to solve rather than a fake.
However, another analyst who also examined them suggested they were completely fake, which angered Dr O’Connor, who promised to take a polygraph test about the authenticity of his photos. Dr O’Connor said that what people saw in there was what came off that camera. He added that they were deserving to be studied in a well-funded, unbiased scientific study to determine if we were being visited.
A third analyst said that the photo was an interesting one. The colours of the object resembled the surrounding clouds and blue sky. It would occur naturally with highly reflective silver objects. The fact that it was 1/20 second frame could rule out balloons or other terrestrial objects. It also indicated the objects decelerated and accelerated and held the position for just one frame, as no elongated motion line would have occurred if the velocity was constant, explained the third analyst.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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