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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
10 Most Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth
10 Most Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth
They’ve snuck into our bedrooms as thieves in the night and taken our children, our parents, our wives and loved ones, with absolute impunity and with zero regard for our wellbeing.
ERIC DRAPER/AP/Press Association Images
The UFO phenomenon, whether for believers or survivors, tends to be relegated to small town hicks, paranoid university stoners and their dropout brethren. The simple truth is, critical thinking in the information age has refined our suspension of disbelief into a sharply honed skepticism and natural scoff. The very notion that we’ve been visited by intelligent lifeforms from another world is, along with myths of Norse Gods and witchcraft, consigned to Hollywood films and teen fan fiction, and that’s okay, right?
Spoiler alert: If you think you’re safe at home, behind locked doors, think again. The next time you open your eyes, you might find yourself naked in the woods, missing three weeks of memories and carrying a whole new set of nightmares.
10. Drawings, Paintings, Carvings, & Other Records Of Ancient Times
20th Century Fox
With humans having walked the earth for an estimated 200,000 years, some might call the following a little short sighted. And yet here we are. I will take everything that came before the advent of television (1939) and stuff it in the first section. I do so with the utmost pride and sincerity.
Sure, a lot happened during the first 199 thousand, 926 years, but sources being what they were, let’s just sum it up to one thing; drawings. A ton of them. All over the world, and throughout the ages, drawings, paintings, carvings, quilts and markings. They may each tell a different story, but in the end they all say the same thing, “we are not alone”.
Cave Painting (Top Left Corner of Image Above)
First there’s this 15 thousand year old French cave painting. It is what it is, let’s not dilly-dally.
The Lolladoff Plate (Top Right Corner of Image Above)
Followed closely by the Lolladoff Plate. This 12 thousand year old stone dish was found in Nepal. Note the central disc and spiral out of which there seems to appear a reptile, followed by a ship (space vagina?) followed by bacteria or atoms and then another reptile and in the outer edge, at the center of it all? That’s right. A mother-flippin’ Alien.
Sanscrit Scroll (Second Image Down on the Left Hand Side of Image Above)
Another example, one of literally thousands which we will not explore here, is this ancient Indian scroll. It depicts Vimanas. A Vimanas is a temple. It also means “flying palace” and they’re described in many of the Sanskrit epics, which are some of the oldest written texts of the known world. I could spend all day talking about these alone, so let’s move on to thousands of years later and across the globe.
Sigiburg France Sighting (Second Image Down on the Right Hand Side of the Image Above)
In 776, Sigiburg castle in France, the Saxons had surrounded the French. They were going to storm the castle and in so doing they would win the war and stop Emperor Charlemagne from turning them into Christians. Suddenly there appeared before them giant “Flaming shields” floating in the sky. They burned red, orange, yellow, blue and white light. Upon seeing these strange flaming discs, the Saxons took it as a sign from the Gods, and they fell back… This battle united Rome under Christianity. A 12th century manuscript, the ” Annales Laurissenses”, depicts the events which took place.
Madonna and Saint Giovannino (Bottom Left Corner of the Image Above)
The 15th century saw a plethora of alien doodles all over Europe. The Palazzo Vecchio in Florence has the now infamous painting of the Madonna and Saint Giovannino. Also known to us classless North Americans as Madonna and Saint-James. The original is depicted above, but what really blows one’s mind is the detail work. Zooming in we clearly see a bright disk like object in the daytime sky. It’s being watched by a man and his dog.
Notre-Dame Basilica Tapestry (Center of Bottom Row in the Image Above)
This next one from the same period still hangs at the Notre-Dame Basilica in Burgandy. Though it’s title is unknown we can see what appear to be… flying hats? For centuries scholars just assumed these were artists depictions of disk shaped “angel clouds”. Whether you believe these sightings to be “angel clouds” or aliens, I’ll leave to you, because everybody is entitled to chose their own brand of nonsense.
(Not Pictured Above)
On April 4th, 1561, above Nuremberg Germany another strange sighting occurred. This one can be seen in a famous 16th century woodcut by Hans Glaser. It was described as “A very frightful spectacle.” The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes emerged. Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared whereupon the objects promptly “began to fight one another.” It is known as The Battle Over Nuremberg or the 1561 Celestial Phenomena over Nuremberg.
Baptism of Christ (Bottom Right Corner of the Image Above)
Jumping over to 1710, we’ve got the Baptism of Christ by Aert de Gelder. It’s still hanging in Fitzwilliam museum in Cambridge, England and- “What the fudge?!” you ask? Oh, no don’t worry, just an angel cloud… by the way angels have been represented as guys with wings and hippy hair since Theodosius I around (379–395)… why these people 13 hundred years later would represent them as angel clouds, and why they would represent clouds as disks at all, I’ll leave you to answer…
There are literally hundreds of thousands of ancient world representations of what we now call aliens and I would love to go over all of them. There’s something almost soothing about knowing those encounters occurred several centuries before our great ancestors were even conceived. I mean, if they wanted to harvest us for organs or influence our cultures towards some kind of end game, they would’ve done it already right? If they are out there, the damage was done centuries before you or I were ever born, and there’s nothing we can do, so there’s nothing to worry about right?
Wrong again boyo.
Since the dawn of the atomic age these interstellar demon spawn have been stealing us from our beds, conducting horrifying experiments on our unsuspecting populace, kidnapping our children and corrupting our society from the inside. They’ve done so in close consort with various governments and officials. They’ve done so at the expense of our health, our environment, our genetic lineage and our sanity. Thousands know about it and even act as accomplices.
They’ve snuck into our bedrooms as thieves in the night and taken our children, our parents, our wives and loved ones, with absolute impunity and with zero regard for our wellbeing.
Let’s explore some of the best documented cases. We’ve all heard about the 1966, Betty and Barney Hill abduction, we all know about the Roswell crash of 1947, I’m not even going to waste your time on those well worn trails, we’re going deep here people, so strap yourself in.
Okay, I lied. I admit it. I lied. And I don’t feel bad about it either. I promised to jump right up to the second quarter of the 20th century, but I just can’t do it. Because that wouldn’t be fair. It wouldn’t be fair to all you paranoid, conspiracy hungry, culture junkies out there, thirsty for that little bit of mystery and wonder amidst your workaday world. Before getting into the strange events that happened during World War II, or the bizarre phenomena which basically started the modern Ufology movement, I must first address the thing that came before it. The thing that, some say, started it all.
It was an international marvel of the unexplained, and at the height of the industrial revolution, and more than 20 years before the Great War, the world was both shaken and stirred. Reports of mystery airships were popping up everywhere. In the United States the sightings began in the west and spread eastward.
The first major case happened in New Mexico on March 26th 1880 in the skies above a small town called Galisteo Junction, now known as Lamy. Voices were heard, voices which seemed to be coming from the sky above. When the people looked up they saw a circular ship, “monstrous in size”. It’s movements were described as approaching rapidly and then slowed to an elegant waltz across the sky.
It is said that the occupants of these ships were human, but their clothing and behaviour was bizarre. The occupants of these ships, when spoken too, claimed to be from Mars. A few artefacts, a cup and a beautiful flower wrapped in silk-like paper, were said to have fallen from the ship.
The following day, an unknown, well dressed, stranger, identified only as a “collector of curiosities” came into town. He told the local authorities that the artefacts were of Asiatic origin. He offered a large some of money for the finds. So large a sum that the depot agent who had found them couldn’t resist. The collector and the artefacts were never seen again.
On November 18th, 1896, a Californian man by the name of Colonel H.G. Shaw told reporters he had seen what appeared to be a landed space craft. It had a diameter of 25 feet and was around 150 feet in total length. Three slender 7ft tall beings of unknown origin are said to have stepped off the ship. They attempted to kidnap Shaw, and he narrowly escaped. The ship then lifted off the ground and sped off, out of sight.
There are sevbe received with disrespect, not unless you assumed that thousands of Americans had lost their senses, a discomforting notion which some scientists, editors and skeptics seem to embrace.”eral more mystery airship sightings, each one more complex and convoluted then the next. From the members of the secret “Aero Club” to the reported uses of an unknown “N.B. gas”, a substance, people claimed, made objects lighter than air.
An April 24th, 1897 report of Harper’s Weekly sums up the Phantom Airship phenomenon of the 1800’s nicely. It states: “The airship as a practical invention is believed to be so nearly ripe that a story of its appearance in the sky is not necessarily to
8. The Foo Fighters
Most of us are familiar with the band helmed by Dave Grohl, Nirvana’s ex drummer. But many have no idea where they got their name.
During the second world war, the greatest armed conflict the world had ever known, something we did must’ve got their attention.
The sightings officially began in Nuremberg (Aliens love Germany?) in November of 1944, but there had been whispers about them for years prior, only with less frequency. Strange “mystery airships” were popping up everywhere and being seen by both pilots and the men on the ground. The Allied forces believed they were covert weaponry from the Axis powers. Ironically the German and Japanese forces reported the same up their military chain and they assumed they were products of our Allied forces.
They were described as fiery glowing lights, moving fast in the sky or low to the ground. They ranged in colour from red, to yellow, orange and white (sound familiar?). It was said they would toy with our aircrafts, following our every manoeuvre before making impossible manoeuvres of their own and then disappearing into the night. All sides of the war were unanimous, these craft, these, discs, these lights, were under intelligent control. They were not some natural phenomenon. Efforts to out-manoeuvre them failed. Attempts to shoot them down failed. The pilots were scared, and there was nothing anybody could do about it.
The Pacific sightings were different from those in Europe. There, they were described as flaming discs which just hung in the sky. They rarely followed any of the fighters. A TIMES magazine report from 1945 states that B-29 aircraft fire took one of these down. The ball simply broke up into several pieces crashing down, lighting several buildings on fire. No pieces were ever reported to be found.
The Europeans on our side dubbed them Kraut fireballs. In the Pacific Theater of Operations they were just called balls of fire. The North Americans called them Foo Fighters.
The name can be credited to Donald J. Meiers, a radar operator for the 415th Night Fighter Squadron from Chicago. Meiers and another pilot by the name of Ed Schleuter were chased by one of these strange red balls of fire on the afternoon of November 27th, 1944. In their mission debriefing with S-2 Intelligence Officer Fritz Ringwald, Meiers was agitated. When asked what had happened he exclaimed, “… it was another one of those foo fighters!” he stormed out of the debriefing room and history was made.
In January of 1953, as a result of the Project Bluebook investigations, the Robertson Panel met and attempted to explain the sightings. They suggested electromagnetic phenomena of unknown nature, electrostatic phenomena of unknown nature and St. Elmo’s fire. In the end, the report states events remain “unexplained to this day”, but there were two things they did know for sure. These lights in the sky never posed a threat to military aircraft and it was suggested that “If the term “flying saucers” had been popular in 1943–1945, these objects would have certainly been so labeled.”
At the time, everybody took these sightings extremely seriously, scientists from all over the world and both sides of the war were brought together to figure out what they were and who they were fighting for. The answers have yet to come
7. 1947, Kenneth Arnold, The First Flying Saucer & The Dawn Of Ufology
On June 24, 1947, a private Idaho pilot by the name of Kenneth Arnold was flying from Chehalis, to Yakima, Washington, on a business trip. It was during this flight that he spotted a string of nine unidentified, shining, metallic, flying objects. The objects flew past Mount Rainier, moving at supersonic speed. A feat modern aircraft had only recently achieved and up until then, only in nose dives. Arnold clocked the crafts at a minimum of 1,200 miles an hour (1,932 km/hr).
A U.S. Marine Corps C-46 transport airplane had crashed near Mount Rainier. A $5,000 reward was offered for the discovery of the lost plane. The skies were completely clear. He spotted a light coming from behind him, and after pulling all the necessary manoeuvres and even rolling his windows down to make sure it wasn’t simply a reflection, he concluded it was another craft.
30 seconds after seeing the first flash of light, Arnold saw a series of bright flashes in the distance North of Mount Rainier, a total of nine of them were now flying in a straight line to his left. The objects flew in a long chain, had no tail and emitted no contrails. The objects approached him and suddenly flew passed him.
He said they moved, like “saucers skipping on water” and with that, the term “Flying Saucer” was born.
The objects were said to hold a diagonal echelon formation, all lined up like a flock of birds, and they weaved from side to side (“like the tail of a Chinese kite” as he later stated). They darted through the valleys and around the smaller mountain peaks and would occasionally flip or bank on their edges, in unison, as they turned or manoeuvred. Their motion caused bright, mirror-like flashes of light. The encounter gave him an “eerie feeling”. He first thought he was seeing test flights of a new U.S. military aircraft.
When he did the calculation, he estimated their speed at over 1,700 miles per hour (2,700 km/h). This was about three times faster than any manned aircraft in 1947. Not knowing the exact distance where the objects faded from view, he decided to conservatively and arbitrarily round his previous figure down to 1,200 miles (1,900 km) an hour, still faster than any known aircraft of that era.
Army pilots told him that briefings before combat often mentioned seeing “objects of similar shape and design” and they assured him that he “wasn’t dreaming or going crazy.”
In a July 19th interview, Arnold had this to say, “The disks are not from any foreign country. The Army would give the answers if it could — if they don’t have the explanation now, they certainly could do something to find out. If the Army has no explanations the disks must be — ‘and I know this sounds crazy’ — from another planet.”
In an interview in April of the following year he stated, “Since my first observations and report of the so-called ‘flying disks’ I have spent a great deal of money and time thoroughly investigating the subject… There is no doubt in my mind that these objects are aircraft of a strange design, and material that is unknown to the civilisations of this earth.”
Did that at least creep you out a little bit? No? Okay, well, let’s check out the case it lead right into, a case Kenneth Arnold himself spent much time and money investigating.
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New Light on Our Accelerating Universe --"Not as Fast as We Thought"
New Light on Our Accelerating Universe --"Not as Fast as We Thought"
Certain types of supernovae, or exploding stars, are more diverse than previously thought, a University of Arizona-led team of astronomers has discovered. The results, reported in two papers published in the Astrophysical Journal, have implications for big cosmological questions, such as how fast the universe has been expanding since the Big Bang. Most importantly, the findings hint at the possibility that the acceleration of the expansion of the universe might not be quite as fast as textbooks say.
The team, led by UA astronomer Peter A. Milne, discovered that type Ia supernovae, which have been considered so uniform that cosmologists have used them as cosmic "beacons" to plumb the depths of the universe, actually fall into different populations. The findings are analogous to sampling a selection of 100-watt light bulbs at the hardware store and discovering that they vary in brightness.
"We found that the differences are not random, but lead to separating Ia supernovae into two groups, where the group that is in the minority near us are in the majority at large distances -- and thus when the universe was younger," said Milne, an associate astronomer with the UA's Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory. "There are different populations out there, and they have not been recognized. The big assumption has been that as you go from near to far, type Ia supernovae are the same. That doesn't appear to be the case."
The discovery casts new light on the currently accepted view of the universe expanding at a faster and faster rate, pulled apart by a poorly understood force called dark energy. This view is based on observations that resulted in the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to three scientists, including UA alumnus Brian P. Schmidt.
The Nobel laureates discovered independently that many supernovae appeared fainter than predicted because they had moved farther away from Earth than they should have done if the universe expanded at the same rate. This indicated that the rate at which stars and galaxies move away from each other is increasing; in other words, something has been pushing the universe apart faster and faster.
"The idea behind this reasoning," Milne explained, "is that type Ia supernovae happen to be the same brightness -- they all end up pretty similar when they explode. Once people knew why, they started using them as mileposts for the far side of the universe.
"The faraway supernovae should be like the ones nearby because they look like them, but because they're fainter than expected, it led people to conclude they're farther away than expected, and this in turn has led to the conclusion that the universe is expanding faster than it did in the past."
Milne and his co-authors -- Ryan J. Foley of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Peter J. Brown at Texas A&M University and Gautham Narayan of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, or NOAO, in Tucson -- observed a large sample of type Ia supernovae in ultraviolet and visible light. For their study, they combined observations made by the Hubble Space Telescope with those made by NASA's Swift satellite.
The data collected with Swift were crucial because the differences between the populations -- slight shifts toward the red or the blue spectrum -- are subtle in visible light, which had been used to detect type Ia supernovae previously, but became obvious only through Swift's dedicated follow-up observations in the ultraviolet.
A Type Ia supernova, SN1994D, is shown exploding in lower left corner of the image at the top of the page of the galaxy NGC 4526 taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. (High-Z Supernova Search Team, HST, NASA)
"These are great results," said Neil Gehrels, principal investigator of the Swift satellite, who co-authored the first paper. "I am delighted that Swift has provided such important observations, which have been made toward a science goal that is completely independent of the primary mission. It demonstrates the flexibility of our satellite to respond to new phenomena swiftly."
"The realization that there were two groups of type Ia supernovae started with Swift data," Milne said. "Then we went through other datasets to see if we see the same. And we found the trend to be present in all the other datasets.
"As you're going back in time, we see a change in the supernovae population," he added. "The explosion has something different about it, something that doesn't jump out at you when you look at it in optical light, but we see it in the ultraviolet.
"Since nobody realized that before, all these supernovae were thrown in the same barrel. But if you were to look at 10 of them nearby, those 10 are going to be redder on average than a sample of 10 faraway supernovae."
The authors conclude that some of the reported acceleration of the universe can be explained by color differences between the two groups of supernovae, leaving less acceleration than initially reported. This would, in turn, require less dark energy than currently assumed.
That same galaxy in a NASA Swift image below is shown, with bars indicating the location of supernova SN 2011fe. The Swift image is a false-color image with UV emission blue and optical emission red. (NASA/Swift)
"We're proposing that our data suggest there might be less dark energy than textbook knowledge, but we can't put a number on it," Milne said. "Until our paper, the two populations of supernovae were treated as the same population. To get that final answer, you need to do all that work again, separately for the red and for the blue population."
The authors pointed out that more data have to be collected before scientists can understand the impact on current measures of dark energy. Scientists and instruments in Arizona will play important roles in these studies, according to Milne. These include projects led by NOAO; the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, or LSST, whose primary mirror was produced at the UA; and a camera built by the UA's Imaging Technology Lab for the Super-LOTIS telescope on Kitt Peak southwest of Tucson. Super-LOTIS is a robotic telescope that will use the new camera to follow up on gamma-ray bursts -- the "muzzle flash" of a supernova -- detected by Swift.
Why You Can't See the Milky Way in the Spring Night Sky
Why You Can't See the Milky Way in the Spring Night Sky
by Joe Rao, Skywatching Columnist
The Milky Way and Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse at Acadia National Park in Maine, captured in summer 2014 by astrophotographer Ray Yeager. CREDIT: Ray Yeager
Now that the bright moon has moved out of the evening sky, skywatchers have a great chance to view the early-spring stars. And yet, even stargazers who are far from the scourge of light pollution will notice that there is something missing from the current view of the Northern Hemisphere sky.
Even under dark and pristine skies, you would have great difficulty seeing it, as it now appears to run almost completely around the horizon. Normally appearing as a faint, irregular ribbon of light spanning the sky, the Milky Way usually can be seen at most times of the year, provided that the night sky is very clear and moonless. (However, it can never be seen in brilliantly lit big cities, such as New York.) [Best Night Sky Events of April 2015 (Stargazing Maps)]
The best time of the year to see the Milky Way is during the late summer and early fall, when its brightest portions run from the southwest to the northeast parts of the sky and arch nearly overhead.
The queen 'wigged out'
But, at this time of the year, during the evening hours — even with perfect conditions — the Milky Way is invisible as it runs along the horizon, where it is hidden by the denser atmosphere near the ground.
If you look nearly overhead this week at around midnight local time, you won't see the Milky Way, but rather a fine star cluster that appears as a faint shimmering patch of light on clear, moonless nights, best viewed with a good pair of binoculars. This pattern of stars is the constellation that owes its name to a theft: Coma Berenices (also called "Berenice's Hair").
Berenice was an Egyptian queen, the wife of Ptolemy Euergetes, who reigned around 250 B.C. She sacrificed her beautiful amber tresses, the story goes, and placed them in the Temple of Venus at Zephyrium, as she had vowed to do if her husband returned victorious from his war against Babylon. But the queen's hair was stolen from the temple, and she became distraught.
The astronomer Conon eventually convinced the disconsolate queen that Zeus himself had taken the locks and put them up into the sky. Such is the story of how the cluster got its name, though this region of the sky was not generally recognized as the separate constellation of Coma Berenices until the beginning of the 17th century.
Total Lunar Eclipse, Lyrid Meteors And More - April 2015 Skywatching Video
Coma Berenices up, Milky Way down
There is a good reason Coma Berenices is highest in the sky when the Milky Way appears at its lowest.
From our Earthly vantage point, every star that we see in the night sky is part of our galaxy — the Milky Way. The sun and our solar system are situated in one of our galaxy's spiral arms and are located about two-thirds of the way from the center to the far edge of the main part of our galaxy.
The Milky Way is shaped like a disc, and most of its mass and stars lie in the relatively flat "galactic plane." The two points that are farthest from the galactic plane are called the galactic poles. As it turns out, the north galactic pole is located very close to Coma Berenices. So, when Coma Berenices is highest above the horizon, as is the case now, the galactic plane (sometimes also referred to as the galactic equator) runs more or less around the horizon and is usually hidden by low-lying haze.
So that's why the Milky Way runs low when Berenice's Hair rides high.
Or, as the late popularizer of the sky Hans A. Rey wrote in his popular guidebook, "The Stars: A New Way to See Them" (Houghton Mifflin, 1952), "No hair can ever get into the milk, celestially speaking."
Editor's note: If you capture an amazing view of a night-sky sight and would like to share photos with for a story or gallery, send comments and images to managing editor Tariq Malik at
Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for Natural History magazine, the Farmer's Almanac and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on
E.T. file photo from pre-opening preview of Universal Studios Japan in Osaka, Japan March 30, 2001. (U.S. REUTERS/Eriko Sugita)
File photo - an undated Hubble image shows NGC 1566, a galaxy located about 40 million light-years away in the constellation of Dorado (The Dolphinfish). (REUTERS/ESA/Hubble & NASA/Handout via Reuters)
Eleven fast radio bursts from space seem to follow a strange mathematical pattern, according to a new study – and it has researchers scratching their heads.
According to study co–authors Michael Hippke of the Institute of Data Analysis in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany, and John Learned of the University of Hawaii in Manoa, the bursts– which were first detected in 2001 – all had dispersion measures that were integer multiples of the same number: 187.5. “The astronomers that found [the bursts] have not seen such things before and do not understand them,” Learned told
Nobody knows what causes fast radio bursts, known as FRBs. They only last a few milliseconds, and only one so far has been captured live (by the Parkes Telescope in Australia last year). Though the bursts release just as much energy in a few milliseconds as the sun does in a month, their brevity indicates that the source must be small, with estimates being several hundred miles across at most.
Researchers use dispersion measures, which records how much “space gunk” the burst has passed through, to estimate the distance an FRB has travelled. For instance, a low frequency FRB will have more gunk on it, indicating a longer trip, whereas a high frequency FRB will be cleaner, indicating it came from closer to Earth.
The fact that all of the FRBs’ dispersion measures are integer multiples of 187.5 has, according to Hippke and Learned’s team’s calculations, a 5 in 10,000 chance of being coincidental. The dispersion measures also indicate that their origin is relatively close to Earth, but unlikely from within our own galaxy.
There are numerous theories on where these bursts came from, including speculation that the messages are from extraterrestrial intelligence. To the scientific community, however, this theory doesn’t really hold water, and is seen as more of a last resort only after all other avenues have been exhausted.
“We think these are likely from some very energetic process, like a burst from a high magnetic field neutron star or energy released [when] two neutron stars merge,” Professor Maura McLaughlin of the West Virginia University Center for Astrophysics explained. “The thing that made people think they were possibly from ETs was a recent paper that showed that one fundamental property is quantized in a way that wouldn't be expected if the signals were naturally occurring. However, I imagine that correlation will totally go away once more are discovered.”
Learned himself is dubious of an alien source as well, noting that he and Hippke only noted the dispersion measures’ “peculiar” pattern, and that they may even be coming from Earth. “We are now leaning more towards a terrestrial, anthropogenic interpretation,” he said. “At this point I would place my money on some sort of governmental satellite, not a natural phenomena, but I would not bet much. More data, which reportedly [is] being analyzed but which we have no insider information about yet, will be most interesting and refute or confirm our hypotheses.” He also noted that he’d only look to an ETI interpretation once all other possibilities have been eliminated.
As for McLaughlin, she believes there’s no way the FRBs could be messages from aliens, as the signals are very broadband and emitted over a wide range of radio frequencies. “It would take a LOT of energy for an alien civilization to produce these bursts - they'd need to harness the energy of many, many suns - and there's no real advantage for communication to send a signal over such a large bandwidth.”
Unfortunately, most of the claims concerning undersea bases are plain stupid. Nevertheless, some make you go hmm. Hence, let us start with the stupid.
Thanks to Google Earth, some believe 2000 feet beneath the ocean in an area near Point Dume, Malibu, California is an underwater alien base. The vehicles these aliens pilot are called “USOs” (Unidentified Submersible/marine Objects) as opposed to the more familiar UFOs which do not enter or exit from oceans/lakes as these apparently do.
The aforementioned base is a merely a seamount formation. Due to its flat appearance and supposed pillars, kooks are agape. There are problems for Jimmy Church, the crank radio host who has endorsed and publicized this structure, though.
Nature has long created objects that appear man-made and all of them are vastly more impressive and symmetrical than the Point Dume formation. Hell, even a fool like Lee Speigel does not appear to believe this gibberish.
Nevertheless, it is understandable Church is a fool. His guest list includes flakes like Richard Dolan, Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcox, and Jason Martell. In research, you are what you eat; hence, Church has chronic dysentery (1)(2)(3).
George Sauder is perhaps the most popular exponent of underground base theories around. I agree with him there may well be some funky subsea bases around. Johnathan Gray’s interesting “64 Secrets Still Ahead of us” discusses a document Sauder unearthed dating from 1966, detailing the use of underwater bases by the United States going back decades. It is good verifiable documentation. Nonetheless, Sauder should avoid mixing with kooks like Church too often (4)(5).
David Hatcher Childress Lurking Beneath the Waves.
The reason I say this is no matter how interesting the subsea base subject could potentially be, king David Hatcher Childress has leaped on-board. In 2005, he republished Ivan T. Sandersons 1970, book “Invisible Residents: The Reality of Underwater UFO’s.” (6)
The English born Sanderson was a popular Charles Fort inspired biologist, agent, adventurer, and storyteller in the 50s and 60s. Many believe Sanderson to be the person who first coined the term “cryptozoological” for off-beat creatures he wrote about like the “Abominable Snowman.” (7)
Returning to his “Invisible Residents” book, one of Sanderson’s most fascinating and influential claims in it concerns an object noted on sonar circa 1963 travelling at over “150 knots” and went to “28,374 feet below sea level” by the U.S Navy.
He quoted this story from two different articles lacking any sources. The real story appears to have taken place with an incident seen by the Royal Navy off the Norwegian Coast in February of 1963. It was an interesting tale and it contained no stories of objects descending to any such depths (8).
Yet, what struck me once more was how Childress attached himself to Sanderson like a parasite. Because, he is such a schmuck he sucks the fun out of anything Sanderson ever touched. Moreover, he seems to advocate for dubious pseudo-science with white supremacist undertones.
Like Childress, as a kid, I too was fascinated with the idea of advanced underwater/lost civilizations; indeed, the possibility of aliens under the depths fascinated me. Hence, Atlantis was where I wanted to go and from whence most discussions of underwater civilizations/bases start.
Plato described the Atlantean’s way back sometime near 300 BC. It is doubtful any Atlanteans existed as described by Plato who seemed to use it as an allegorical tale. Nevertheless, I am a huge fan of Robert Ballard who pointed out due to volcanoes and rising water levels we have numerous communities from which legends of Atlantis could have sprung (9).
Aryan Antlanteans
What I am not a fan of are the bogus theories about Atlantis advocated by Ignatius Donnelly in the 19th century. He, alongside folks like Helena Blavatsky, helped popularize the idea of the Atlanteans being a technologically superior group of people.
It sounds groovy until one digs a little deeper and the Atlanteans turn out to be white skinned overlords who influenced numerous ancient civilizations. Childress has unquestioningly leaped all over this dubious guff. So much so, he described Atlanteans as a league of races led by blonde haired folk with red turbans (10).
Scott Beekman pointed out the influence of William Pelley on many of Hatcher Childress’ topics, as has arch critic of Childress Jason Colavito (11)(12)(13).
William Hamilton is another ufologist influenced by the Aryan bull spread by 19th Century fools like Blavatsky, and Donnelly, the 20th Centuries own fantasist Pelley.Like Hatcher Childress, he also buys into the rubbish about Mount Shasta and Lemuria (14). Hamilton has dabbled in hidden bases for years and is widely scorned in ufological circles; his dabbling with Dan Burisch killed any little credibility he had (15)(16).
Furthermore, the fact he propagates the claims of Marineland Pacific Park near Palos Verdes being an experimental submersed naval base shows his Childress level of studiousness (17)(18).
Compelling Stories of Bases: AUTEC Facility
In terms of funky undersea bases straight from the imagination of Ian Fleming, a good place to look is the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Centre (AUTEC) facility on Andros Island in the Bahamas. If the aforementioned documents Sauder found are authentic (and they look to be) there are likely some cool human made and inhabited bases out there.
As for alien bases, one imagines if they are capable of living underwater they would be invisible to any earthly scanning equipment and therefore us civilians. If we do see them emerge or dive into the water, one ponders… “Are these turkeys buzzing us for a laugh?”
Who knows, I just hope they are not Gungans. Yet in making jest, I may be shooting myself in the foot. The glut of sightings concerning UFOs emerging/descending into waterways particularly in Latin America indicates some U.S military weirdness is going on.
A prototype multi-purpose surveillance/weapon drone maybe…
The Valentich Case 1978
The above may tie into the Valentich case.
Arguments against UFO involvement in his case focus on Fredrick Valentich’s incompetence. However, even if he was crap one finds it hard to believe he mistook stars for a solid object circling him.
Most of the time, inexperienced pilots jeopardize themselves by missing marks or confusing constellations at night. According to his flight controller, Valentich showed no signs of confusion or disorientation concerning navigation.
Valentich probably screwed up; nevertheless, the object he saw, and the distraction it caused may well have assisted those errors (19).
One witness, Ray Manifold, supposedly photographed an object emerge from the water near where Valentich disappeared. While this sounds somewhat dubious. Manifold, does not come across as a turkey; furthermore, regardless of his comments the Valentich case is a suspicious and worthy of investigation. Therefore, anybody keen on the case should check out Richard F Haines’ work (20).
Some people call them earth lights, others spooklights, and ghost lanterns. Whatever they are called, they have baffled people for hundreds of years when wandering the woods or back roads and finding floating lights not attached to any explainable human creation. The history on some of these lights goes back to being incorporated in Native American legends.
In Missouri, on the Oklahoma border, there is a spooklight referred to by a few names, such as Hornet Spooklight, but most popularly by “Devil's Promenade.”
Since the 19th century, this light has appeared continually. Reportedly, in the 1940s, the Army Corps of Engineers could not find the cause and deemed it an unexplained light.
Source: Aficionados say the best chances for spotting the light occur after dark when parked on Oklahoma East 50 Road, four miles south of the three state junction of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma in Ottawa County, Oklahoma and looking to the west. You must sit very silently. The light has been seen in backyards of the area and has been spotted both near to and far away from sightseers. Its color is also not consistent: some eyewitnesses report a greenish glow while others describe it as orange, red, yellow, or even blue. It is almost always said to be in the shape of a ball, although some say it more resembles a camping lantern travelling a couple of feet off the ground.
There have been lots of attempts at explaining the lights including that they are the car lights from people driving on Rt 66. One of the biggest problems with this concept is, how the heck were the lights there since the 1800s before cars?
Brown Mountain Lights are found on Brown Mountain in North Carolina. The first officially documented report of seeing them was in 1913. Some tried to explain it as car lights or train lights, but following floods that washed away car bridges, and made the trains cease running, the lights were still seen.
TheMarfa Lights are one of the most popularly visited sites in Marfa, Texas. Once again, these lights were longstanding and reported since the 19th Century. In an uninhabited and hard to traverse area outside of town, lights danced above the horizon and were first reported by ranchers in the area.
These mystery lights are sometimes red, sometimes blue, and other times white. They continue to baffle to this day.
Paulding Lightis found in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It's been reported since the 1960s. Some studies of it say that it is likely the lights from a car in the distance. The legends include a railroad brakeman who died trying to prevent a collision and for all eternity carries a lantern to protect from other collisions, the ghost of a murdered mail carrier, and the ghost of an Indian dancing on the power lines. Big Thicket Light is seen in East Texas in Hardin County on Bragg Road and, although some have debunked it as car lights, there is an interesting aside to this. In my years of Bigfoot research, I have repeatedly heard from people about strange lights in the woods. These look like a flashlight or a lantern and when they try to chase them down, they cannot seem to capture the source. The Big Thicket area is one of the most light-active sites I have run across in the research. In fact, I have advised Bigfoot researchers in this region to keep their eyes open for lights in the woods and try some experiments.
Traditionally, these kinds of lights were seen by citizens around the world and called “will-o'-the-wisp.” A true will-o'-the-wisp is seen over bogs, marshes, and swamps. Natural odd lights have been seen for centuries, long before car lights and train lights. Some of the local legends include ghosts with lanterns. (Wikipedia) A peasant traveling home at dusk sees a bright light traveling along ahead of him. Looking closer, he sees that the light is a lantern held by a “dusky little figure”, which he follows for several miles. All of a sudden he finds himself standing on the edge of a vast chasm with a roaring torrent of water rushing below him. At that precise moment the lantern-carrier leaps across the gap, lifts the light high over its head, lets out a malicious laugh and blows out the light, leaving the poor peasant a long way from home, standing in pitch darkness at the edge of a precipice. This is a fairly common cautionary tale concerning the phenomenon; however, the ignis fatuus was not always considered dangerous. There are some tales told about the will-o’-the-wisp being guardians of treasure, much like the Irish leprechaun leading those brave enough to follow them to sure riches. Other stories tell of travelers getting lost in the woodland and coming upon a will-o’-the-wisp, and depending on how they treated the will-o’-the-wisp, the spirit would either get them lost further in the woods or guide them out.
The Maco Light in North Carolina is one of the types of spooklights with legend attached to a haunting. Just west of Wilmington in the Maco Station train tracks area, ghost lights are seen. In fact, President Grover Cleveland saw them in 1889. The legend says that in 1867, a signalman was sleeping in the caboose of a train. He woke up when he felt it jerk. He recognized that the caboose was detaching from the rest of the train. He panicked when he realized that adrift on the track, another train would be arriving and hit it. He needed to signal the oncoming train. He waved a lantern frantically from the back of the caboose, hoping to catch the eye of the oncoming train. Even though the train was able to slow down, it still rear-ended the caboose and decapitated the signalman. His head landed in a swamp, but they buried his body with honors for his bravery. The legend says that the headless signalman walks around with a ghostly lantern looking for his head.
I'll be honest, this doesn't work for me on many levels, but especially that he would need a lantern to find his head which means he would have eyes to spot his head on the ground and would need a light to see his way.…
In my home state of Virginia, we have the Cahoke Lights in West Point, VA along the Cahoke train track crossroads. There are two legends and interestingly one of them is a headless railroad worker. The other legend is about a missing train of injured war soldiers.
What are spooklights? It's hard to make a sweeping statement on that because, like all sounds are not ghosts, all lights are not unexplained. Some of the unexplained lights are written off as car lights, train lights, lights caused by ghosts, lights caused by natural earth occurrences include ignition of gases, airborne minerals being lit by ambient light, electrical disturbances along fault lines, and other assorted swamp gas-related concepts.
Daytime UFO sighting over New Ellenton, South Carolina on 8th April 2015
Daytime UFO sighting over New Ellenton, South Carolina on 8th April 2015
New interesting video footage of a strange donut – shaped UFO sighting recorded over New Ellenton, South Carolina on 8th April 2015.
Witness said: I was photographing clouds with my cell phone. In between layers of cloud was what I thought a star until I went inside and zoomed in. The circle with a hole on the center was clearly not a star. I was in front of my house in New Ellenton, S. C. In Aiken County. I enjoy photographing the sky, stars moon and clouds. But I have never seen this before.
The following is an uncommon alien abduction report:
I live on the ground floor of a condominium building in an Atlanta, GA suburb. I've only lived here about 4 months, but have felt uneasy with my home since I moved in. I live alone and rarely socialize, but I do enjoy having an occasional night out with friends. One night a few weeks ago, my close friend Josie spent the night on my couch since she was in no condition to drive home. This wasn't unusual because I enjoy her company - we are like sisters and have known each other since grade school.
The next morning (Sunday) I found Josie sitting on my leather chaise shaking like a leaf in the wind. She was wrapped in a white bed sheet, which I didn't recognize - all my bedding is colored. There was an odd odor in the living room, which reminded me of an old musty basement. As I walked closer to Josie she looked at me with wide bloodshot eyes with tears streaming down her face. I asked her what was wrong. She didn't answer - but hide her face in her hands.
I sat down on the foot of the chaise watching and consoling Josie. I was frightened, wondering if someone had broken into the condo last night and assaulted Josie. 'Josie - what happened? Where did this white bed sheet come from?' She raised her head from her hands and said 'I was abducted by aliens.'
'What? Did someone break-in and hurt you?' She looked at me and started to cry. 'The aliens took me away.'
I stood up and walked to the front door. All the locks were intact and the alarm was still armed. It hadn't been touched. I walked towards the patio sliding doors - the lock and alarm was intact there as well. Nothing in the condo looked out of place. I walked back to Josie and inquired about the white bed sheet again. She said that they took her clothes and wrapped her in it before they brought her back. I could tell that she was serious - Josie has always been a no-nonsense person. In fact, I didn't remember ever seeing her cry before.
'They know where I am again.' Again? 'What do you mean when you say again?' She asked if she could take a shower - that she would explain to me afterwards. I went in my bedroom in order to find Josie some clothes. When I walked into the bathroom, she dropped the bed sheet - and I noticed a half-dollar sized bruise at the base of her spine. There was also a few patches of greenish colored powder on her legs and on the bed sheet. Josie stepped into the shower. I grabbed the bed sheet and placed it in a large shopping bag I had beside my bed. I then made my way to the kitchen and started brewing coffee.
Josie stayed in the shower for over 45 minutes. I sat at the dining room table wondering what could have possibly transpired during the night. After a while, Josie slowly walked into the dining room and sat down across from me. 'You don't believe me, do you?' I replied 'you said that aliens took you. I don't believe in aliens, honey.'
'This was not the first time they came for me. I've put up with this since I was 5 years old. My Mama also experienced abductions during her life. They never have told us why.' Josie took a sip of coffee, 'it is painful and doesn't get any easier. It killed Mama.' Josie's Mom had committed suicide while Josie was in college. Her Father was never a part of her life.
I didn't know how to respond, but I do know this. If Josie said she was abducted, then she believed that it had happened. She is the most sincere person I know. Her only vice was that she is a heavy drinker - these abductions may be the reason why.
We talked for most of the day. She explained that the encounters always begin with her waking up disrobed on a hard cold table in a brightly lit room. The same aliens would attend to her each time. These aliens were very human-like except for their glistening yellow hair. There were male and female of various sizes and heights. They all wore white full-bodied suits. They didn't walk with their two legs but appeared to float just an inch or two above a black textured floor. There were other aliens present that were small in stature with large heads and eyes. These small beings wore dark blue smocks that reached the floor. Their duties were unknown - though there were always several standing around. Josie also said that she has endured over two dozen abductions and that she was told to expect further encounters during her life. The last abduction was over a year ago and ceased after she moved to another house. She hoped that they may have lost track of her. Now she realized that they always knew where she was.
I suppose that I am most surprised that I never had any idea that Josie has undergone this abuse over the entire time I have known her. Do I believe her? I have no reason not to believe her - and I plan to help her through the continued exploitation by these yellow-haired aliens. H.
NOTE: The submission was referred to me by a UFO investigator, who is an attorney in Atlanta, GA. The report was forwarded by a middle aged woman who has lived in the same general area her entire life. After I received the report, I was asked to redact some of the content after I requested permission to publish. Your comments are welcomed. Lon
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Daily 2 Cents: 24th Annual Bigfoot Conference -- Nice Doormen Finish Last -- Obama's Former Pilot Recalls UFO Encounter
Daily 2 Cents: 24th Annual Bigfoot Conference -- Nice Doormen Finish Last -- Obama's Former Pilot Recalls UFO Encounter
24th Annual Bigfoot Conference
The worlds longest running Bigfoot Conference is set to resume on April 18, 2015 2 to 8 pm at the Salt Fork State Park Lodge. Your Host and Master of Ceremonies Don Keating brings back a tradition to Ohio. On this website you will find information on speakers, accommodations, itinerary, and tickets. Please check back to this page for updates as they become available.
Dr. Jeff Meldrum Carl Johnson Todd Neiss Diane Stocking-Neiss
Meet and Greet … Friday evening in the “Ball Room” from 6-9 p.m. with the speakers whom have already arrived as well as myself. NO ADMISSION CHARGE!!!
Conference from 2 until about 8 p.m. on Saturday. General admission tickets will fly out the door quickly. They are $15 each. Current or former members of the Military will receive $5 off ticket price with proof of Military service (ID Badge, whatever) There will be an auction of items that will have been donated as well as several items from my OWN PERSONAL COLLECTION! If you have an item(s) you’d be willing to donate please contact me ASAP. VIP tickets still available. Contact me directly ( or go here to place your order. They are limited so go, order now!!!
There will be ONE Door Prize winner of $100 at the conference. You MUST be present to win!!!
At this time there is a tentative cookout planned for Sunday!!! I will give you full details during the conference IF it is a go, or not.
Conference t-shirts will be $20 each no matter the size. If you wish to PRE-ORDER a shirt(s) get back to me ASAP. The order goes in for them in the next couple of weeks!
Finally, there will be a moment of silence at the start of the Conference as one of our longtime members has passed away. Veronica Burchette passed away back on February 7th.
The mother of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has furiously bashed Americans and promised that the US “will pay” for convicting her “innocent” son and killing his older brother.
Just moments after learning that her 21-year-old was found guilty of all 30 counts in the Boston Marathon bombing trial Wednesday, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva sent an angry tirade to the technology website Vocativ through the WhatsApp messenger app.
Vocativ had managed to obtain Zubeidat’s phone number by locating pictures of her holding signs with the digits. The images were posted on the Russian social media site VKontakte as part of a previous fundraising effort to support the Tsarnaev family in the wake of the 2013 attack.
The website then requested that she send a selfie with a dated piece of paper which could verify that it was indeed her sending the messages. In the photo, Zubeidat can be seen wearing a black hijab and holding a sign that reads, “Zubeidat mother of two precious brothers Tamarlan Djahar April 9, 2015.”
Zubeidat also sent a note in Russian to a family friend Wednesday, saying she believed Americans were the real “terrorists” and claiming her murderous son is truly “the best of the best.”
“I will never forget it,” the message said. “May God bless those who helped my son.”
Vocativ had also stumbled upon the post in VKontakte.
“The terrorists are the Americans and everyone knows it,” Zubeidat charged. “My son is the best of the best.”
Zubeidat, a Russia native, has always insisted that her son Dzhokhar is innocent — despite the fact that he admitted to the 2013 attack, which left three people dead and 260 others injured.
Ralph Body was booted from a luxe Long Island City apartment building — for being too accommodating to its well-heeled tenants.
Body, 41, said he “gave his life” to the glimmering Queens tower called 27 on 27th ever since it opened two years ago a few blocks from the East River.
He didn’t just hold the door. He did anything and everything residents asked him to do — check on pets, clean litter boxes, water plants, hold packages, even show $4,200 apartments to new tenants if need be, he said.
“Everything I did, somebody asked me to do, or there was a need for it,” Body said.
But the door suddenly slammed shut on the collegial “Melrose Place”-like atmosphere last Sunday, when the staffing company that placed him at the posh building told him “upper management” wanted him out, he said.
“They said, ‘We know you did it for the right reasons, but unfortunately . . . you’re too nice to the tenants.’”
He tried to plead his case: “I told them, ‘When the tenants ask me to do something, I’m going to say yes.’
“But they said, ‘You do things for them which you shouldn’t be doing. And unfortunately, in this case, nice guys finish last,’ ” he continued.
Body said he was “shocked” at being shown the door — and so were tenants who are now rallying to bring him back. “Going above and beyond your work duties shouldn’t be punished — it should be praised,” reads a petition to reinstate Body. “We stand with Ralph.”
It goes on: “Most tenants . . . can attest to Ralph’s kindness and eagerness to make people feel safe and welcome. In a transient city where most people are from other states and countries, 27 on 27th was a unique building that truly felt like ‘home’ from the moment you stepped through the front doors.”
Residents told The Post that Body was one of the main reasons they chose to live at the 27-story building, which boasts dazzling views of Manhattan, a yoga room, gym and game and film rooms — but competes with similarly outfitted towers rising in Queens.
“Ralph made this different than other luxury buildings,” said the tenant who started the petition, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution from building management Heatherwood Communities.
A paper petition that the petition organizer left in the lobby mysteriously disappeared the next day, the tenant noted. “I would definitely have to think twice about my [lease] renewal now,” the resident said.
Tenants blamed Heatherwood for Body’s removal — not staffing company PBS Facility Services, which Body said has promised to find him work at a different building.
But for now, the only door he’s opening is to his apartment in the West Village. “They said I have to sit tight and wait,” Body said.
In an e-mail to tenants obtained by The Post, Heatherwood says there has been “misinformation” about Body’s removal.
“It was recently brought to our attention that Ralph did not follow PBS’s policies and procedures and after being spoken to several times, it was their decision to reassign him to another building,” the letter reads.
One of President Barack Obama’s former pilots not only says he believes in UFOs and tells in great detail about the time he saw one while flying over Iowa.
Andrew Danziger, a 28-year airline veteran who was one of Obama’s pilots during his 2008 presidential campaign, told his story to the New York Daily News.
Danziger says his close encounter happened in 1989 while flying from Kansas City to Waterloo, Iowa. He describes it as a beautiful evening, with clear skies. He says both he, and Bruce, the captain, had noticed a white disc in the sky. For 30 minutes, that disc remained in the sky.
“We got busy with our flying duties and for a short while, maybe for a minute, both of us had looked away from the disc, but when I looked up at it again I saw something that has been burned into my memory,” Danziger writes.
I yelled to Bruce, “Holy s–t.” He immediately looked over from what he was doing. Above the clouds, where the white disc had been, was a now giant red ball. It was big and bright and just sat there above the clouds. It wasn’t intense enough to illuminate us with a red glow but it was still plenty bright. We sat there in stunned silence. We obviously didn’t want to hit it but quickly saw that it was flying parallel to our course. We weren’t on a collision course and we also weren’t gaining on it. Time became a blur as we continued our descent, this giant, red ball holding its course.
As the plane slowly descended to the ground, and was at 13,000 feet, the ball began a descent as well.
In about 30 seconds, like a setting sun but not nearly as bright, it vanished behind the clouds. The instant it fully disappeared, hundreds of lights began flashing from within the clouds.
As I looked on in disbelief, the flashing lights were brighter than ever and I could see that the section of the cloud that the glowing red ball had descended behind was starting to stretch apart like a piece of “Silly Putty,” two halves being pulled slowly apart with the middle getting thinner and thinner. This continued until the halves grew so thin that it tore apart and, pop! Everything was gone. The dimly lit disc, the flashing lights, the thin wispy clouds that we had with us for the last 40 minutes; all of it, gone. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Only the full moon remained off to our left.
He insists they had no idea what they say, they were certain it wasn’t from this earth.
Danziger says that as a pilot, he has lots of company in his belief that UFOs do exist.
I’m not going too far out on a ledge to say that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs. Little green men, “close encounters”, alien kidnappings,… not so much, but with billions of stars and trillions of planets out there, “ya gotta believe”, and almost all of us do.
While former President Bill Clinton has previously said he examined the Roswell and Area 51 files while in office and confirmed we aren’t hiding any extraterrestrial life there, he refuses to rule out the existence of alien life forms. -Obama's former pilot recalls UFO encounter
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Is dit een 300 miljoen jaar oude schroef?
Is dit een 300 miljoen jaar oude schroef?
Een stuk rots met daarin een voorwerp dat op een schroef lijkt, houdt mensen al sinds de jaren negentig bezig. Russische onderzoekers denken dat het ongewone voorwerp 300 miljoen jaar oud is. Volgens sommigen is het mogelijk bewijs voor een hoogontwikkelde beschaving. Anderen zeggen dat het door aliens is gemaakt.
Experts zijn van mening dat de ‘schroef’ een gefossiliseerd zeedier is. De ‘schroef’ werd ontdekt toen in het gebied rond de Russische stad Kaloega onderzoek werd verricht na de inslag van een asteroïde, meldt Ancient Code.
Schroef’ in een stuk steen
De ‘schroef’ is enkele centimeters lang en werd gevonden door de Kosmopoisk Groep, een paranormaal onderzoeksteam. Zij beweren na het maken van röntgenfoto’s dat de steen tussen de 300 en 320 miljoen jaar oud is en dat er nog een tweede verborgen ‘schroef’ in de steen zit.
De Kosmopoisk Groep heeft verder geen gedetailleerde informatie over het voorwerp gegeven, zoals bijvoorbeeld waaruit de ‘schroef’ bestaat. De groep organiseert expedities naar plekken waarvan wordt beweerd dat er buitenaardse activiteit is waargenomen.
Experts die foto’s van de steen hebben bestudeerd, zeggen dat de ‘schroef’ bestaat uit de resten van een zeelelie (foto boven), een stekelhuidig dier dat in de zee leeft. Tot het einde van de 19e eeuw werden ze nog beschouwd als uitgestorven groep. Tijdens de Challenger-expeditie (1873-76) werden de eerste levende zeelelies uit de diepte opgedregd.
Zeelelies komen al bijna 500 miljoen jaar voor en worden wel beschouwd als levend fossiel. Er zijn in totaal zo’n 5000 uitgestorven soorten benoemd. Vandaag de dag zijn er nog 600 soorten in leven.
Volgens sommige theorieën is de ‘schroef’ een restant van een oude technologie, wat erop zou wijzen dat aliens miljoenen jaren geleden op aarde leefden en dat onze voorouders veel verder ontwikkeld waren dan we denken.
UFO zichtbaar direct na vulkaanuitbarsting Mexico.
UFO zichtbaar direct na vulkaanuitbarsting Mexico.
Is er een verband tussen de vele UFO waarnemingen en het weer tot leven komen van de bekende Popocatépetl vulkaan in Mexico en mogelijk zelfs als relatie in algemene zin?
Het aantal UFOs dat rond deze vulkaan wordt waargenomen is zo langzamerhand fenomenaal en nu verschijnen ze enkele minuten na een uitbarsting.
Tientallen jaren langs was deze reus van een vulkaan in een soort slaapmode tot 1994 en 1997, toen er opnieuw uitbarstingen voorvielen, met de grootste uitbarsting in 1.000 jaar in het jaar 2.000.
Deze gigantische vulkaan staat ook wel bekend onder de naam Don Goyo (Mr. Gregory) na een verschijning van een man met een baard die zichzelf Gregorio Chino Popocatépetl noemde, de beschermgeest van de vulkaan.
Velen zeggen dat ze deze geestverschijning hebben gezien en de geest en de vulkaan worden op 12 maart bijzonder geëerd omdat dit de geboortedag is van paus Gregorius de Grote.
Dit soort rituelen waarbij de vulkaan en haar beschermgeest worden geëerd gaan al lang terug in de tijd.
Op 31 maart was er opnieuw een uitbarsting van de Popocatépetl vulkaan, waarbij een grote pluim van as en lava de atmosfeer werd ingestoten.
Via de webcams van Webcams de Mexico en Skyalert werden de beelden van deze uitbarsting al snel wereldwijd verspreid.
Waar niemand echter rekening mee had gehouden, maar wat toch gebeurde, was dat er op de afbeeldingen van deze uitbarstingen duidelijk een UFO te zien was.
Via de Twitter van Webcams werd dan ook het volgende bericht de wereld ingestuurd:
“Skyalert en Webcams de Mexico hebben een vreemd licht opgepikt op de avond van 31 maart. Een licht dat de aswolk passeerde die net drie minuten daarvoor door de Popocatépetl vulkaan was uitgestoten na een enorme explosie in de krater van deze kolos.”
Misschien pakken de UFO's het nu iets slimmer aan omdat normaal gesproken wat ze doen bij deze vulkaan niet opgepikt wordt in het nieuws. Door zich nu te vertonen, vlak na een aanzienlijke vulkaanuitbarsting terwijl miljoenen mensen kijken, wordt dát nu binnenkort anders.
UFO Cover-Up Issue Surrounds the Delay of Releasing Britain’s X-Files
UFO Cover-Up Issue Surrounds the Delay of Releasing Britain’s X-Files
The delay in the release of a cache of documents called as Britain’s X-Files has made UFO spotters to think of a cover-up. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) failed to fulfil its promise to release 18 UFO files at the end of 2014. The MoD admitted that it did not hand the cache over on the scheduled date after Lord Black of Brentwood questioned to the House of Lords about the update.
The defence ministry promised to release the files in late 2015 or 2016 instead. MoD blamed the delay to the additional processing requirements.
Former UFO investigator at the MoD, Nick Pope, said that the massive delay has caused several conspiracy theorists to think of a cover up.
Nick Pope explained that the suspicions about the delay focused on the idea that there’s information in these files that would shock the world that the Ministry doesn’t know how to handle it.
During this incident, radiation exposure reportedly affected much to the health of an American Airman First Class John Burroughs. Pope added that these documents could be called legitimately as Britain’s X-Files and most probably include further reports on the alleged UFO and alien encounter in the Rendlesham Forest.
The UK government admitted that there’s a big possibility that the witnesses at Rendlesham forest were irradiated. Recently, the US government settled an injury claim on the basis of the admission by the UK government. This possibly caused a high-level diplomatic row that resulted in a delay, according to Pope.
Attorney Pat Frascogna recently won a legal bid for Burroughs to force military health chiefs to shoulder the finances of the former US airman. Frascogna said that they knew there was information in MoD files regarding the Rendlesham Forest incident because it was clearly indicated in the MoD files that they obtained through a Freedom of Information request in 2014. According to Frascogna, either the MoD is hesitant to release these secret files or someone ordered to delay their release.
Mars Mystery: Does Flowing Water Cause Red Planet's Dark Streaks?
Mars Mystery: Does Flowing Water Cause Red Planet's Dark Streaks?
April 7, 2015 - Mars' mysterious dark streaks continue to intrigue and puzzle scientists.
Over the past several years, Mars-orbiting spacecraft have spotted dark, fingerlike features that scientists call "recurring slope lineae," or RSL for short. These are dark flows, possibly caused by liquid water, found at many locations throughout low and middle latitudes on Mars. More than 120 candidate and confirmed RSL sites have been discovered, with some sites containing 1,000 or more individual RSL.
Yet another eye-catching manifestation on Mars is the "slope streak," which can propagate down steep slopes on the Red Planet. Slope streaks could be caused by dust avalanches, scientists say, and they differ from RSL in morphology, setting and mode of occurrence. [Photos: The Search for Water on Mars]
But the mechanism of slope streak formation remains up for grabs. Some researchers, for example, invoke a "wet" mode for the features' origin: a percolation of brine (salty water) in the shallow subsurface on Mars.
These active and baffling features garnered their own dedicated session March 18, held here during the 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Leading experts gathered to discuss enigmatic RSL and slope streaks - what causes them and what they may be telling researchers about present-day Mars.
"Some role for water appears required to explain the RSL, but the origin of that water remains puzzling," said Alfred McEwen, principal investigator for the superpowerful High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on board NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which is now circling the Red Planet.
Slope streaks on dusty slopes, McEwen said, "are much easier to understand, as all observations are consistent with relatively high-velocity dust avalanches."
McEwen contributed to research that indicates RSL grow slowly and incrementally, form on warm slopes in warm seasons and annually fade and reoccur.
Different from slope streaks, RSL continue to develop over time scales of weeks and come back in multiple years at the same location.
RSL locations occur on steep crater walls, and typically have only a small number of lineae - often fewer than 10.
These properties strongly suggest that RSL formation is controlled by a volatile substance, and liquid water is a likely candidate, reported Colin Dundas, a planetary scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey's Astrogeology Science Center at Flagstaff, Arizona, along with McEwen and Sarah Sutton, who is also based at the University of Arizona. However, the source of water is unknown and dry processes cannot be entirely ruled out, they noted.
"A major advance in understanding [these features] may require new flight experiments - orbital or surface - that are designed to study RSL and to better understand the present-day water cycle on Mars," McEwen told
Searches to find new RSL locations are ongoing.
"In the near term, we need to extend our high-resolution monitoring of RSL both in space and time, in order to understand the range of places where they exist and how they vary from year to year," Dundas told "In combination with the results of modeling and lab work, this can help us understand the local conditions that allow them to form."
RSL could pose planetary protection concerns, Dundas and McEwen said, so high-resolution monitoring across multiple seasons is needed when steep slopes occur near candidate landing sites.
In other work, David Stillman of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, led a team that analyzed the seasonal water budget of an RSL site in Mars' huge Valles Marineris canyon system. The researchers' findings suggest that the site is recharged by an aquifer on Mars.
In fact, Stillman's team determined that the total amount of water liberated from the area is equivalent to eight to 17 Olympic-sized swimming pools. The only way to annually recharge such a large volume of water is via an aquifer, Stillman said.
This work points to brine reaching the Martian surface via fractures that extend into a regional pressurized aquifer. Furthermore, the water lost from the myriad RSL within Valles Marineris - roughly 50 sites - is likely a significant regional source of atmospheric water vapor for much of each year, researchers said.
Both the briny nature and water loss, due to vaporization, of these RSL suggest that there is a zone of salty regolith within a few centimeters of the surface at these sites, Stillman said.
RSL "are truly fascinating features, and I think the best place to search for extant Martian life," Stillman told
Ice on Mars: Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water
Mars distinct polar ice caps, but Mars also has belts of glaciers at its central latitudes -- between the blue lines, in both the southern and northern hemispheres. A thick layer of dust covers the glaciers, so they appear as the surface of the ground, but radar measurements show that there are glaciers composed of frozen water underneath the dust. Credit: Mars Digital Image Model, NASA/Nanna Karlsson
Ice on Mars: Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water
Mars has distinct polar ice caps, but Mars also has belts of glaciers at its central latitudes in both the southern and northern hemispheres. A thick layer of dust covers the glaciers, so they appear as surface of the ground, but radar measurements show that underneath the dust there are glaciers composed of frozen water. New studies have now calculated the size of the glaciers and thus the amount of water in the glaciers. It is the equivalent of all of Mars being covered by more than one meter of ice. The results are published in the scientific journal, Geophysical Research Letters.
Several satellites orbit Mars and on satellite images, researchers have been able to observe the shape of glaciers just below the surface. For a long time scientists did not know if the ice was made of frozen water (H2O) or of carbon dioxide (CO2) or whether it was mud.
Using radar measurements from the NASA satellite, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers have been able to determine that is water ice. But how thick was the ice and do they resemble glaciers on Earth?
A group of researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute have now calculated this using radar observations combined with ice flow modelling.
Data combined with modelling
“We have looked at radar measurements spanning ten years back in time to see how thick the ice is and how it behaves. A glacier is after all a big chunk of ice and it flows and gets a form that tells us something about how soft it is. We then compared this with how glaciers on Earth behave and from that we have been able to make models for the ice flow,” explains Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson, a postdoc at the Centre for Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.
Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson explains that earlier studies have identified thousands of glacier-like formations on the planet. The glaciers are located in belts around Mars between the latitudes 300-500 — equivalent to just south of Denmark’s location on Earth. The glaiciers are found on both the northern and southern hemispheres.
From some locations on Mars they have good detailed high-resolution data, while they only have more sparse data from other areas. But by supplementing the sparse data with information about the flow and form of the glaciers from the very well studied areas, they have been able to calculate how thick and voluminous the ice is across the glacier belts.
Could cover the entire planet
“We have calculated that the ice in the glaciers is equivalent to over 150 billion cubic meters of ice — that much ice could cover the entire surface of Mars with 1.1 meters of ice. The ice at the mid-latitudes is therefore an important part of Mars’ water reservoir,” explains Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson.
That the ice has not evaporated out into space could actually mean that the thick layer of dust is protecting the ice. The atmospheric pressure on Mars is so low that water ice simply evaporates and becomes water vapour. But the glaciers are well protected under the thick layer of dust.
N. B. Karlsson, L. S. Schmidt, C. S. Hvidberg. Volume of Martian mid-latitude glaciers from radar observations and ice-flow modelling. Geophysical Research Letters, 2015; DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063219
University of Copenhagen – Niels Bohr Institute. “Ice on Mars: Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 April 2015.
This artist's rendering shows the collision of two planetary bodies. A collision like this is believed to have formed the moon within the first 150 million years after our solar system formed. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Violent formation of the moon: New view
Within the first 150 million years after our solar system formed, a giant body roughly the size of Mars struck and merged with Earth, blasting a huge cloud of rock and debris into space. This cloud would eventually coalesce and form the moon.
For almost 30 years, planetary scientists have been quite happy with this explanation–with one major exception. Although this scenario makes sense when you look at the size of the moon and the physics of its orbit around Earth, things start to break down a little when you compare their isotopic compositions–the geological equivalent of a DNA “fingerprint.” Specifically, Earth and the moon are too much alike.
The expectation has long been that the moon should carry the isotopic “fingerprint” of the foreign body, which scientists have named Theia. Because Theia came from elsewhere in the solar system, it probably had a much different isotopic fingerprint than early Earth.
Now, a team of scientists at the University of Maryland has generated a new isotopic fingerprint of the moon that could provide the missing piece of the puzzle. By zeroing in on an isotope of Tungsten present in both the moon and Earth, the UMD team is the first to reconcile the accepted model of the moon’s formation with the unexpectedly similar isotopic fingerprints of both bodies. The results suggest that the impact of Theia into early Earth was so violent, the resulting debris cloud mixed thoroughly before settling down and forming the moon. The findings appear in the April 8, 2015 advance online edition of the journal Nature.
“The problem is that Earth and the moon are very similar with respect to their isotopic fingerprints, suggesting that they are both ultimately formed from the same material that gathered early in the solar system’s history,” said Richard Walker, a professor of geology at UMD and co-author of the study. “This is surprising, because the Mars-sized body that created the moon is expected to have been very different. So the conundrum is that Earth and the moon shouldn’t be as similar as they are.”
Several different theories have emerged over the years to explain the similar fingerprints of Earth and the moon. Perhaps the impact created a huge cloud of debris that mixed thoroughly with the Earth and then later condensed to form the moon. Or Theia could have, coincidentally, been isotopically similar to young Earth. A third possibility is that the moon formed from Earthen materials, rather than from Theia, although this would have been a very unusual type of impact.
To tease out an explanation, Walker and his team looked to another well-documented phenomenon in the early history of the solar system. Evidence suggests that both Earth and the moon gathered additional material after the main impact, and that Earth collected more of this debris and dust. This new material contained a lot of Tungsten, but relatively little of this was of a lighter isotope known as Tungsten-182. Taking these two observations together, one would expect that Earth would have less Tungsten-182 than the moon.
Sure enough, when comparing rocks from the moon and Earth, Walker and his team found that the moon has a slightly higher proportion of Tungsten-182. The key, however, is how much.
“The small, but significant, difference in the Tungsten isotopic composition between Earth and the moon perfectly corresponds to the different amounts of material gathered by Earth and the moon post-impact,” Walker said. “This means that, right after the moon formed, it had exactly the same isotopic composition as Earth’s mantle.”
This finding supports the idea that the mass of material created by the impact, which later formed the moon, must have mixed together thoroughly before the moon coalesced and cooled. This would explain both the overall similarities in isotopic fingerprints and the slight differences in Tungsten-182.
It also largely rules out the idea that the Mars-sized body was of similar composition, or that the moon formed from material contained in the pre-impact Earth. In both cases, it would be highly unlikely to see such a perfect correlation between Tungsten-182 and the amounts of material gathered by the moon and Earth post-impact.
“This result brings us one step closer to understanding the close familial relationship between Earth and the moon,” Walker said. “We still need to work out the details, but it’s clear that our early solar system was a very violent place.”
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by University of Maryland. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
Journal Reference:
Mathieu Touboul, Igor S. Puchtel, Richard J. Walker. Tungsten isotopic evidence for disproportional late accretion to the Earth and Moon. Nature, 2015; DOI: 10.1038/nature14355
Filer’s Files # 15 -2015 – Admiral Byrd’s Warning - PART I
The witness photographed these lights in Taipei District, Taiwan on April 2, 2015.
Filer’s Files # 15 -2015 – Admiral Byrd’s Warning - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Europe’s UFO Crash and Hitler, Operation Highjump and Antarctica Bases, Admiral Byrd Warns of UFO Invasion, Four Thousand Exoplanet Candidates, Are Governments and Media Gearing Up For Disclosure? and UFO Crash at St Augustin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Italy, India, Korea, Portugal, Taiwan, Turkey, and in England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Chuck Warren my webmaster and I send out over 30,000 plus emails each week.
I wanted to share the news that the “Hangar 1” TV Series is being upgraded from H2 to The History Channel for season two! Our new premiere date is Friday, April 10th at 10 pm EST and PST. Be sure to watch me in my flight jacket.
Special Projects
Europe’s UFO Crash and Hitler
The actual events during the 1930s are somewhat obscure as Hitler built a war machine and gained strength in Germany. Many of the reports are speculation based on the few known facts. We know Hitler sent expeditions around the world to find some of world’s ancient artifacts and lost technology. First German Antarctic Expedition was in 1924-27.: Neuschwabenland was German Colony setup in 1938 39 as the war got underway.
William Brophy writes,” On June 13, 1933, a UFO crashed near Magenta, Italy just west of Milano. The occupants were tall blond Nordics with oriental like features on their light blue eyes. The Italians called the UFO la Campania; the Germans called it Die Locked. The Japanese told the Italians and Germans that those tall blonde-haired people were in their legends; this led to the Axis Alliance.
Hitler realized the craft had likely been built on Earth and sent teams out to find the alien intelligence bases. When Adolf Hitler spread his message of hatred, genocide, and oppression, as having been inspired by a blond race of superhuman warriors referred to as Aryans.
The Nazis themselves claimed that an extraterrestrial society was the source of their ideology and the power behind their organization. Nazi mysticism, indeed, was reportedly a direct product of cult worship of the Extraterrestrials. The Nazis referred to their hidden extraterrestrial masters as underground supermen that apparently had a base in Antarctica. Hitler believed in the supermen and claimed that he had once met one of them, as did other members of the Thule leadership.
The Nazis said that their supermen resided beneath the Earth’s surface and were the creators of the Aryan race that suddenly appeared thousands of years ago. Aryans therefore in Adolf Hitler’s reasoning, constituted the world’s only pure race and all other people were viewed as inferior genetic mutations. The Nazis planned to re-purify humanity by committing genocide against anyone who was not an Aryan. Top Nazi leaders believed that the underground supermen would return to the surface of the Earth to rule it as soon as the Nazis began their racial purification program and established the Thousand Year Reich.
The tall blonde-haired people’s craft were the UFO’s over Los Angeles on February 25, 1942, and a large disk with a row of windows was shot down in the Santa Catalina Island area recovered by the ars-1 Viking ship and taken to Moffat Field Navy Base.
Nazi ‘aerial disk’ research became more advanced throughout the Second World War, and reportedly utilized jet-turbine and later electromagnetic propulsions systems. As it became apparent that the Germans were losing the war, they allegedly transferred this technology to a base in Antarctica which had been established years earlier, complete with underground installations, and code-named it the ‘New Berlin’.
Although deliberately obscured by the West today, Nazi German leader Adolph Hitler was obsessed with Neuschwabenland which was the name given to the area of Antarctica located between 20°E and 10°W in Queen Maud Land which he believed would one day be the world capital of his “master race.” Allegedly there were 300 square miles of land without snow and ice.
Throughout the entire duration of the war the Nazis had allegedly shipped scientists, workers, technology and saucer components to this Antarctica base or bases. Some reports also allege that Adolf Hitler escaped capture and escaped to South America. Over one hundred German U Boats disappeared during World War II and were never found. According to German naval archives, months after Germany surrendered to the Allies in April, 1945, the German submarine U-530 arrived at the South Pole from the Port of Kiel. It is felt an unknown alien intelligence occupied parts of Antarctica and gave advanced secrets of UFOs to the Germans.
Antarctica Bases and Operation Highjump
Soviet archives have extensive files claiming that Nazi Germany and the United States forged an alliance prior to the end of World War II allowing Hitler and cohorts to escape to Antarctica in exchange for German technology that included the atomic bomb, an advanced fighter jets, rocket and flying saucer technology. This would also explain the post WW2 global campaign to suppress the information concerning the free energy aspect of this from the public.
There is also being advanced the theory that the extraterrestrials belonged to very ancient civilizations that was here before modern man. The idea that these underwater structures predate the Nazis is further bolstered by anomalies such as
Piri Reis (1513) map of Antarctica at te bottom used by Western explorers to “discover” the New World and showing it to be ice free with flowing rivers and a clean coastline.
We do know Nazi U 977 and U 530 submarines went aground in Argentina after carrying supplies to the Antarctic a few weeks after the end of war. Advanced U boats and supply ships operating out of neutral Spain allegedly carried hundreds of Germans to Antarctica and South America.
The first American expedition to explore Antarctica since 1840 was the Byrd Expedition from 1928-1930. Another US Antarctic Service Expedition 1939-41 visited the continent with Captain R. H. Cruzen in command. I
At the end of war Intelligence reports reported Nazi’ ships were heading south. The Secretary of State, Secretary of War and Secretary of the Navy on August 7, 1946 approved Operation Highjump. A memorandum prepared for the meeting stated that the “Navy proposes to send an expedition to the Antarctic early in 1947. The purpose of this expedition includes training personnel and testing material, consolidating and extending U.S. sovereignty over Antarctic areas, and investigating possible base sites. Rear Admiral Richard .E. Byrd will be designated as Officer-in-Charge of the project. Task Force Commander was Captain R. H. Cruzen”. Both men had visited the area prior to the war and allegedly and located several “oases” now secret areas of the Antarctic.
On December 2, 1946, the task force set sail for the Antarctic continent with a force of 13 ships carrying some 4,700 men The Task Force 68 included multiple aircraft aboard an aircraft carrier the USS Philippine Sea. The Central Group of ships reached the Bay of Whales on January 15, 1947, and planned to stay for six months where they constructed temporary runways along the glaciers, in a base dubbed Little America IV. The ships navigated through an ice pack of several hundred miles before reaching Little America. Icebergs and unpredictable weather were formidable foes during the course of the expedition. Upon arriving at the polar continent they reportedly split into three separate groups and began a massive reconnaissance- like operation taking over 50,000 photographs.
One Navy reconnaissance aircraft was flown by Bunger who flew west with cameras humming. Suddenly the men in the cockpit saw a dark spot come up over the barren white horizon and as they drew closer, they couldn’t believe their eyes. Byrd later described it as a “land of blue and green lakes and brown hills in an otherwise limitless expanse of ice”. Bunger and his men carefully inspected the region and then raced back to the ship to tell the others of their discovery.
Several days later Bunger and his flight crew returned for another look, finding one of the lakes big enough to land his “flying boat” on. The lake was filled with red, blue and green algae which gave the lakes their distinctive color.
Most interesting to note about Admiral Byrd’s Operation Highjump mission was his solo flight towards the South Pole on February 19, 1947 wherein he recorded in his diary the following: “1000 Hours- “We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over ice and snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!” Although not released, an alien intelligence was allegedly located.
Operation Highjump has become a topic among UFO conspiracy theorists, who claim it was a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground alien or Nazi facilities in Antarctica and capture the German Vril flying discs. This has always been denied by the US Military.
Commander Graham Bethune and other Navy personnel claim the task force encountered ‘resistance’ and that there was a battle between American and UFO forces operating there, with losses on both sides.
Reports claim disc shape craft came out of the sea coming through the ice attacking some of the ships and aircraft. A brief clip of this was allegedly caught on film.
Navy official photos show a crashed PBM aircraft stating this aircraft with the call sign of ‘George 1’ mysteriously blew up killing three airmen.
Naval ships and personnel were quickly withdrawn back to the United States in late February 1947, and the expedition was terminated allegedly due to the early approach of winter and worsening weather conditions. Among the discoveries made during the 1946-47 expedition was the sighting of two “oases,” one a region of ice-free lakes and land. More than 300,000 square miles of uncharted territory was charted on aerial mapping operations. Their observations proved that radical changes would have to be made on existing maps of the Antarctic.” Why would warm spots, with warm water exist in the Antarctic? Thanks to
These were not “isolated” remarks… Admiral Byrd later repeated the each of these points of view, resulting from he described as his “personal knowledge” gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service.
The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile. The Navy officially lists four men were killed and many injured during the two month operation.
The US was very upset with Admiral Byrd’s revelations and the alien crashes at St Augustin and Roswell and they established in 1947, The National Security Act creating the National Security Council that was in charge of other intelligence on Earth and the continent of Antarctica.
American Reinhold Schmidt, a man whose father was born in Germany, and who tells in his book “Incident at Kearney”, that he was taken on a ‘flying saucer’ on several occasions. Schmidt states that “the crew spoke German and acted like German soldiers”. He also stated that they took him to the “Polar” region.
Later in 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations that protects Antarctica and any foreign intelligence that occupies this area. The area on the mainland between 90 degrees west and 150 degrees west, combined with the interior of the Norwegian Sector is the only major land on Earth not claimed by any country. Antarctica was not being set aside for protection of commercialism, but was being set aside as a possible asylum for alien, other intelligence, or a Nazi Base. The Treaty states:
Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
Article 2 – Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
Article 3 – Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies;
Article 4 – The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
Article 5 – The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes. Thanks to
Four Thousand Exoplanet Candidates
Scientists have identified eight new exoplanets, including one described as perhaps the “most Earth-like alien world.” The far-away planets were spied by NASA’s Kepler telescope, which has now identified more than 1,000 exoplanets since launching in 2009. Of the eight newly confirmed planets, three are within the so-called “habitable zone” that could hold water. Likely the most Earth-like, known as 438b, is only 12 percent larger than Earth and closer to our home planet’s temperature. It replaces 186f, discovered last year, as the closest Earth twin yet.
“These are the planets we’re looking for.”
According to NASA, 438b is 475 light-years away from Earth and orbits its star every 35.2 days. Another planet within the habitable zone, 442b, is 1,100 light-years away and orbits its star every 112 days. Both are likely rocky, like Earth.
NASA also announced 554 new planet candidates, raising its total to 4,175. More analysis will be needed to determine how many of these are actual planets, and how many may be Earth-like, but the discoveries are encouraging.
“Kepler collected data for four years, finding a thousand planet candidates each year in one small area of space. Via BBC News
Are Governments and Media Gearing Up For Disclosure?
UFO over Milan,Italy September 28, 2006
The amount of mainstream coverage extraterrestrials are getting is increasing, could governments around the world be prepping us for disclosure? This list contains countries that have actually disclosed, those that are in litigation to disclose all or specific files and countries that have released significant aspects of UFO and alien encounters.
Argentina, 2. Australia, 3. Brazil, 4. Canada, 5. Chile, 6. China, 7. Denmark, 8. Finland, 9. France, 10. Germany, 11. India, 12. Ireland, 13. Japan, 14. Mexico, 15. New Zealand, 16. Peru, 17. Russia, 18. Spain, 19. Sweden, 20. Ukraine, 21. United Nations, 22. United Kingdom, 23. Uruguay, and 24. Vatican City,
There was a time when the mainstream press would only cover aliens and UFO’s if it were a satirical piece, after all aliens were relegated to the realm of tin foil hats and science fiction. Recently however more and more publications are talking about the possibility of alien life like it is becoming science fact. The open discussion of these topics in publications such as The Guardian, The Daily Mail, MSNBC, and The Huffington Post discuss the possibilities of alien life and the vastness of space and the likelihood we will find alien life.
Last December, former UK Ministry of Defence employee Nick Pope discussed the possibility that governments are prepping us for alien disclosure through our news and media outlets, by openly discussing these subjects and slowly introducing the concept to the public. Mr. Pope said, “It wasn’t long ago that UFO shows were consigned to networks like Syfy, but there are now only a tiny handful of channels that won’t touch the subject. It’s gone from fringe to mainstream in a matter of a couple of years.”
The concept of alien life is without doubt slowly being introduced to the public consciousness. What do you think, are we being prepped for a big disclosure in 2015? Thanks to Gerald W. Parker Sr.
UFO Crash at St Augustin
“Art Campbell has done an incredible job of researching the recovery of a crashed flying saucer in the Plains of San Augustin in New Mexico at about the same time as the Roswell crash. He has an exciting story to tell. I highly recommend him and his program.” Stanton T. Friedman, Nuclear Physicist
The book contains some detail of the metal shard testing found at the crash site not made with known earth technology.
In 2012, a beam 13 inches long was found at the crash site. See the website
12-04-2015 om 01:02
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files # 15 - 2015 - Admiral Byrd’s Warning - PART II
Filer's Files # 15 - 2015 - Admiral Byrd’s Warning - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
Arizona Disc
Goldfield — My family was visiting the ghost town on March 30, 2015, when my son took this picture on his phone of the backdrop of Superstition Mountain.
Notice the blue disc like object near the top of the mountain. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
South Lake Tahoe– A photo was taken on March 17, 2015 at the beach area during the afternoon with a Samsung 3G Phone of scenery surrounding the lake. Several objects were only noted later when reviewing photos.
Object looks to be either entering or exiting clouds as cloud cover looks to be just covering the tip. When the photo is enlarged, the object appears to have an aura surrounding it. The objects are dark in color.
Shape of object seems to be disk shape, but looks somewhat irregular, maybe due to reflection or clouds. A second object in the distance appears to be a cylinder. Thanks to MUFON CMS #64464
Florida Light
Estero – I was sitting on my couch looking out my patio window I spotted this red ball going up and down on March 29, 2015.
As I walked out onto my patio to observe, it stopped moving and was hovering over my home. It was round and red and I was able to shoot this image. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Idaho Light
Pullman – I noticed three orange lights in the sky perhaps over Moscow, Idaho.
They were far apart in the sky but seemed to be tracking together. I got some crude photos. One of the closest got to be about 1/5th the size of a little finger width at arm’s length. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orb
Roosevelt — I was driving my car, and looking at contrails from the planes that leave O’Hare Airport and I took one picture. Then I saw the glowing object kind of trailing the plane and I took another quick picture. Also it looks like a dove type of aura around the object too. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Edgar County – My stepson was taking pictures of call foliage in rural Edgar county didn’t notice the objects in photos until later that evening when reviewing photos on November 28, 2015.
He sent them to me and I have been baffled since I received them.
I was hoping someone could explain what this object is…notice in one picture it is above a cemetery then lands in the middle of a corn field about 200 yards away.
The objects were not seen when the pictures were taken.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Air Force C-5 Galaxy and UFO
Pineville – A bright white light was seen traveling beside a military transport on March 4, 2015. My youngest daughter, aged 11, was watching the clouds at sunset as we normally do and observed a C5a Galaxy military aircraft flying east to west. I commented how big the contrail was and my daughter thought it was very cool. After it passed overhead, it turned to the northwest. I handed the binoculars to my daughter to watch it. She then stated. “There is something beside the plane.” I asked, “Was it flying beside or was it in different travel path?” She said. “It was beside the aircraft andshe didn’t see any wings on it that it looked like a light”. She then handed the binoculars to back to me and I observed the white light and dropping back behind the C5. The light began a westward track and had no wings or tail and disappeared. The light was similar in size to one of C5 engines. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Maryland White Rectangle
Chestertown — I was driving home from my overnight shift on March 29, 2015, and noticed a large bright white rectangular object in the sky at 9:05 AM. It simply hovered. Both my son and daughter witnessed it as well. By the time I went to grab a camera to take a photo the object was gone. I have never seen anything UFO related before and this was quite impressive. It wasn’t “cloud white,” but brighter and rectangular with a section atop on the left side that appeared to be square with an arched top (sort of a “Lego” block appearance). I went in my home to grab my Canon camera but when I returned it had simply vanished. All three of us witnessed a very large object. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Nebraska UFO Shoots Out of Storm
Alma– This UFO was caught on a car-cam during a storm in Nebraska on April 2, 2015. A dark object shoots past us with a disk-like shape.
UFOs have often been seen in and around storms. It is thought the lighting in the storms is caused by the UFOs or they capture the electrical energy for their propulsion system.
The more ET drones that gather in the cloud, the worst the storm gets…even causing tornados. Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
New Jersey Orbs
Bellmawr— My night security camera is picking up a mass amount of flying objects enough to block out my screen. When I put a camera inside to see when they were flying I see them fly into my garage through concrete block walls and back out again. I had friends set down and watch them. So there’s allot more info but that will have to wait till I find someone with a desire for knowledge. I’m a retired vet with nothing better to do; this has been going on for over a year. My thought it has to do with energy. They fly in orb shape and when I ask other contacts to tell me what can fly through walls they stopped the email. Thanks to Tom
Manchester - – I was in bed with window open on March 24, 2015 a bright moonlight night, when suddenly three headlights on the sky appear outside my window in triangle a formation. They are bright, slow, hovering and gone.
Being skeptic I thought it is a stealth plane, but we have no stealth plane in NJ. If it is a plane I can follow its path and there will be blinking lights, but there is none. I run outside to see above but it is gone. I was confused, but excited Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Lights
Albuquerque— On my way home at about 1: 15 AM heading east on April 1 2015, I noticed three bright white lights in triangle shape in night sky ahead of me. As I approached more circular shaped white lights appeared in a circular shape. It seemed as if the light on top of the disc was brightest of them all. I was blinking my eyes trying to understand what I was seeing it was so close. I kept asking my boyfriend, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” It was hovering silently for 30-45 seconds until I pulled into my yard. It lowered down a little bit and then took off west really fast and changed shape. I was freaking out, but I realized I really was looking at a UFO. I began shaking when it started to hover over my house before it disappears in the distance. Attached is a very similar photo of what I saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Triangle
SW New York— It was mid-March 2015, on a frigid, cold and horrible night. I went outside to smoke to face the elements to do so. Shivering with the phone on my shoulder, I gazed at the beautiful starry sky from our quiet mountain top. Being a Field Investigator for the State of New York, I am constantly looking as an object caught my eye gliding smoothly across the sky. I would estimate its altitude at 1,000 feet. My guess the black triangle size would range from 100 to 150 feet across. This was no plane- civilian or military. This silent triangle glided smoothly across the sky. At all three points, there were white lights, and in the center, a larger red light. I watched this triangle glide behind a small cloud and it never came out. I hopped into my Jeep and drove to a nearby peak but I didn’t see anything. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Ohio Orb
Youngstown – My wife and I were returning from Boardman Ohio to Liberty Township on April 5, 2015 and we were commenting on the strange shapes of the clouds that evening. My wife was insistent on taking pictures of the clouds when we got home and took two pictures. After the pictures were taken my wife was showing them to me and pointed out the strange orb in both pictures.
It was not visible to the naked eye and was noticed only after photos were seen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma Triangle
Quapaw — I was looking for some old pictures that I took the same day and found this one.
I never thought much about it till I noticed the triangular object in the upper right corner taken on May 13, 1975. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
El Paso— My wife, daughter, son and I were on our way home from Dairy Queen on April 1, 2015, when I spotted two bright orange balls of light in the sky. They did not have strobes or other aircraft lighting. I have been a pilot for 12-years and these objects were not airplanes. We drove out in the desert toward them and took pictures and video. They hovered at 500-1,000 feet and would disappear and then reappear in different spots. I saw as many as three orbs flying together. They disappeared and they reappeared many miles away and then sped off together at a very high rate of speed in a blink of an eye. That’s how fast.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Rectangle
Richmond — Had to take my dogs outside when I saw a very large rectangular shape in the sky and that was not moving on March 8, 2015.
It fired flares or something out of the bottom. Then I saw three very small lights streak across the sky and go into the larger aircraft.
I then went inside to grab my phone to take a picture. After taken the picture I watch it for another 5 minutes before it flew away faster than anything I have ever seen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Triangle
Seattle –The witness called to report his sighting a day after it occurred on March 8, 2015. He was waiting at the Green Lake bus stop and saw a stationary object high in the blue sky. He snapped a photo with a high resolution Samsung Galaxy S5 camera. Enlargement revealed an object of “somewhat” triangular shape with rounded edges. He then took a video with his cell phone that revealed an object that moved through the field of view in less than 1/3 second.
Note:I don’t believe that the object is a bird or insect in the video. It is moving too fast and it is in focus. It is a little early in the year for insects to be flying. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Flying Wing
Córdoba — It was 1:38 am on Friday, November 7, 2014 when I spotted a white-violet intense light outlining the clouds. I thought it might be a powerful reflector pointing upwards, when suddenly a “ship” was seen that he could follow with his eyes for 15 seconds until it disappeared into a cloud. I managed to compare this device to a plane in similar circumstances and came to the conclusion that this ship was “much” larger than any aircraft. I felt impressed, yet, “lucky”. Researching I found a similar sighting in Turlock, California on January 7, 2015. The object was “Giant”. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Orb
Eagle Vale NSW— Easter Sunday 5th April 2015, a possible UFO was taken accidentally that I didn’t even notice. I was taking pictures for a screen saver of an overhead passing blimp and the unusual sun at around 11:20 to 11:35 AM. As my smart phone is adjusted to auto screen light I could hardly see the screen from the glare. I had to guess where the blimp was. Fifteen minutes later I check my pictures and I had some strange anomalies on them. After a closer look at all the photos I got curious and wondered if this was an UFO as it appeared like a white circle with a green plasma or energy formation to the right and again another one was a light pink colour.,
I am former military and have done security and investigations for over 20 year. Thanks to Tom Sucic
Belgium White Glowing Items
Ghent– Smoking a cigarette in my garden on April 5, 2015, I was looking at the sky and I thought I saw a small flock of birds. Then I noticed that what I saw was moving too fast and was too big to be birds. It was four or five white glowing items, glowing from behind, as if the center of the glow wasn’t completely turned my way. I felt comfortable, at ease and assured during sighting and slightly excited afterwards as it dissolved. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Longlac – I know I already reported one already, but this time it happened in my hometown and it looked like the same lights that we saw when travelling home from Thunder Bay. But this time on April 1, 2015, it was lower, and moved slower, and it travelled above me going north.
There was this guy yelling down the street from me “Look up there is something above you, look up at that light, it is right above you.” The object was 100 yards from me travelling north. I tried to record it, and I got a little bit of it. This orange reddish light looked like a glowing ball of gas or something travelling in a zigzag motion. An object I saw two weeks ago was travelling at unreal speeds. This silent object was lower and slower and I watched it fly away. We are a remote community without aircraft. My head was buzzing and I had it a fuzzy feeling and I woke up with a huge migraine. Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Lights
Khorlim Canca Mapusa, Goa –The UFO Sighting occurred at 10 PM, on 22nd February 2015 after my Wedding Day with my best friend. To tell you the truth it has been a year that I have been looking for these UFO’s in the sky, and then they showed up near my place on my “Wedding Day.”
It was a great shock to me because I was very busy on that day when the UFO’s showed up. But thanks to my best friend the “Hunter” captured the UFO’s on his new mobile phone.
Note: The video has been brightened and shortened. The video shows varying scenes of airborne lights in a triangular formation. Later two of the lights disappeared. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Italy Orb
Venice – I was returning by car after a football game, when I noticed the “special training” of the clouds and I thought to photograph them.
I have a Samsung S3 and being in motion I thought to enter the multiple shooting, i.e. 20 shots in 2-3 seconds so as to be able to capture the image. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Korea Disk
Busan — I went to ‘Jang’ Mountain in November 19, 2014, that has an elevation of 638 meters. When I arrived on the mountain, I took a picture and I found something that looked like dot, but expanding this picture it looked like UFO! The picture is a panorama shot so I feel sure this object is UFO! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Light Clusters
Lisbon — On March 22, 2015, at 2100 hours an adult male photographed a nearby castle. He lowered the camera and sees two clusters of lights in the nighttime sky. The lights appear in the photo, as well. The witness reports that he was outside, at the time of the sighting, thereby ruling out the possibility of a reflection from the inside of window glass.
NOTE: At the time of this posting, we are considering the possibility that the lights may be lens flares, caused by pointing a camera at a very bright source of light. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Taiwan Lights
New Taipei District –This UFO was taken by a Taiwanese wedding photographer on April 2, 2015, when he was taking some photos of the night sky. He accidentally caught a blue UFO that moved around and spun as it moved. The photo was exposed for 20 seconds to make the detail stand out. During that time this blue object was caught. Although he didn’t see anything, the digital eye did. SCW
Eyewitness states on Facebook: (translated) This is a moving what??? Is it a flying rod or is it an animal in flight? It’s rotating while its moving in flight with wings, but seemingly looks like flying rod waves.
Menemen – I was going to Menemen Izmir, Turkey from Manisa on April4, 2015.
I was looking at the sky and saw that light and took a quick photo. I think there are two objects in the light beam and they are both moving.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom/England
Stretford– I stood on my backdoor step at 2 pm on a sunny afternoon on March 29th 2012 and looked up at an airliner with a vapor trail probably at 30.000 feet and saw something flying higher. It was not leaving a vapor trail and was going in the same trajectory but higher. It was going at least twice the airliner’s speed. I grabbed my binoculars to see an orangey white round sphere with a black grey squiggly through its centre. It was a little larger than the airliner in depth and width. A second craft came into the viewfinder but I decided to keep following the one I had in view. As it became obscured by the house roof, I went to view the other craft but it had gone and I could not find it again. The second large object did not have a black squiggly line. They both had similar shape like human hearts attached to each other. I had a very strong idea that the black squiggly line through the object I followed was not a solid structure like the rest of the craft some kind of wave as it seemed to fade. If the airliner I first saw was doing 500 mph the unidentified craft doing well over a thousand mph. Thanks to
New Jersey UFO Conference
Dave Stinnett reports the conference will be on Saturday, April 11th, 2015 at the Hamilton Garden Hilton in Hamilton, NJ (our usual spot). Speakers are: Travis Walton, Shannon Taggart, Frank Staler, Karyn Dolan, and David Rountree. We look forward to seeing you at the conference! You can pay at the door or prepay on our website
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Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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Navy Engineer: I Saw UFOs, Aliens, And Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica!
Navy Engineer: I Saw UFOs, Aliens, And Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica!
On January 2nd, 2015 the editor of website received a very unexpected letter from an alleged retired U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Flight Engineer.
The letter received recounts experiences where the anonymous Navy officer (refers to himself as “Brian”) recounts his bizarre and extraordinary experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica between the years 1983 to 1997. He claims that a collaboration between humans and aliens exist, and that the Antarctica is a major research ground for these incredible collaborations.
Brian’s high strangeness experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica were in the 1983 to 1997 time period and included several observations of aerial silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains. He and his crew also saw a big hole in the ice only about five to ten miles from the geographic South Pole (pink circle on map) that was supposed to be a No Fly Zone. But during an emergency medevac situation, they entered the No Fly Zone and saw what they were not supposed to see: an alleged entrance to a human and E. T. science research base created under the ice. Then at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, some dozen scientists disappeared for two weeks and when they re-appeared, Brian’s flight crew got the assignment to pick them up. Brian says they would not talk and “their faces looked scared.”
In the strange letter sent to Earth Files the officer states that he experienced things such as:
Silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains
During an emergency they entered a No Fly Zone and saw an entrance to a human and E. T. science research base under the ice
His crew picked up a dozen scientists who had disappeared for two weeks previous. They would not talk and their faces looked scared.
He has decided to share what he experienced between those years in the following letter, reproduced in full below:
To: Subject: Antarctica UFO Date: January 2, 2015
Hi Linda
I am a retired United States Navy LC130 Flight Engineer that retired after 20 years of service in 1997. I have been wanting to write you for a long time about my experience on the Antarctic continent with flying vehicles that I was told not to talk about. I served part of my 20 years in the Navy with a Squadron called Antarctic Development Squadron Six or VXE-6 as it was also known. I served with this squadron from around 1983 till I retired March of 1997. Being a flight engineer and flying more then 4000 hours in that capacity I have seen things that most people have not even imagined on the Continent of Antarctica. The land there seems more alien then earthly. Our deployments to this land started in late September and ended the end of February every year until the Squadron was decommissioned in 1999. This time of year was the summer season when most of the science was done do to warmer temps and 24 hours of daylight.
During my time in the squadron I flew to almost every part of the Antarctic Continent including the South Pole more the 300 times. McMurdo Station which is 3.5 hours of flying time from the South Pole station was the point of squadron operation during our yearly deployments. Between these two stations is a mountain range called the Trans Antarctic’s. With what we called Severe Clear weather from McMurdo to South Pole the Trans Antarctic’s are visible from the altitudes which the aircraft flew approximately 25,000 to 35,000 feet. On several flights to and from South Pole our crew viewed air vehicles darting around the tops of Trans Antarctic’s almost exactly in the same spot every time we would fly by and view them. This is very unusual for air traffic down there due to the fact that the only aircraft flying on the continent were our squadron aircraft. Every aircraft knew where the other aircraft were do to flight schedules being followed.
Another unique issue with South Pole station is that our aircraft was not allowed to fly over a certain area designated 5 miles from the station. The reason stated because of a air sampling camp in that area. This did not make any sense to any of us on the crew because on 2 different occasions we had to fly over this area. One time due to a medical evacuation of the Australian camp called Davis Camp. It was on the opposite side of the continent and we had to refuel at South Pole and a direct course to this Davis Camp was right over the air sampling station. The only thing we saw going over this camp was a very large hole going into the ice. You could fly one of our LC130 into this thing.
It was after this medevac mission we where briefed by some spooks (Intelligence Agents I presumed) from Washington DC and told not to speak of the area we overflew. The other time we got close to “The air sampling Camp” we had navigation and electrical failures on the aircraft and was told to immediately depart the area and report to our squadron commanding officer when we returned to McMurdo. Needless to say our pilot (Aircraft Commander) got his butt chewed and our crew was not on the South Pole supply run for over a month. There were many other times we saw things that was out of the ordinary.
One outlying camp (near Marie Byrd Land) we dropped scientists and their equipment at was out of communication with McMurdo for 2 weeks. Our crew flew back to the camp to find out if the scientists were ok. We found no one there and no sign of any fowl play. The Radio was working fine as we called McMurdo to verify it working properly. We left the camp and flew back to McMurdo as ordered by our CO. A week later the Scientist showed back up to there camp and called McMurdo for someone to come pick them up. Our crew got the flight back there to pick them since we put them into that camp and we knew the terrain and location. None of the scientists would talk to any of the crew on the plane and to me they looked scared.
As soon as we landed back at McMurdo they (Scientists) where put on another of our squadron aircraft and flown to Christchurch New Zealand. We never heard about them again. Their equipment that we brought back from the camp was put in quarantine and shipped back to the United States escorted by the same spooks that debriefed us about our fly over of the air sample camp/ large hole in the ice. I could go on and on about things and situations that I observed during my tour with VXE-6. Talk among the flight crews was that there is a UFO base at South Pole and some of the crew heard talk from some of the scientist working at the Pole of EBEs working with and interacting with the scientists at that air sampling camp/large ice hole.
Locations identified by U. S. Naval Flight Engineer (Ret).
Brian, now 59 years old, graduated from an Iowa college with an associate’s degree in aviation maintenance technology and an aviation certificate. In 1977, he then enlisted in the U. S. Navy and served for twenty years until his retirement in 1997. He provided Earthfiles his DD-214 documents and other certificates of service including this Antarctic Service Medal given to him on November 20, 1984 as proof of his time in service.
An Lockheed LC-130F Hercules ski-equipped Hercules of VXE-6 at the
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station. Image courtesy Brian.
There appears to be many secrets hidden in the Antarctica and we are pretty much hearing different stories every month about military personnel disclosing information about Aliens in that part of the world!
But what a great secluded part of the world for the Aliens to keep out of sight from prying eyes….or so they thought!
"We received reports from one end to another throughout the island, as many observers were able to see it from towns like Rincon, Ponce, San Juan, and even Vieques," said SAC.
The educational agency said the huge meteor showed colors between blue and green, but curiously then changed its color to a shade between orange and yellow. Eddie Irizarry, vice president of the SAC, said that the colors of a meteor allow us to know more about the content of the space rock.
"The blue-green that many noted at the beginning of the sightings suggest that the rock had magnesium, while the color which then later was seen between orange and yellow, is indicative that the meteor also contained sodium, similar to the impressive meteor which entered the skies of Russia in February 2013", Irizarry said.
SAC said the meteor moved from the zenith (highest point in the sky) to the northeast.
"We continue to investigate the sighting of this colorful meteor and are comparing images that we obtained from different parts of the island," said the organization.
Ghostly green filaments lie within galaxy UGC 11185 as seen in this new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, released April 2, 2015.
NASA, ESA, W. Keel (University of Alabama, USA)
View Caption
The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observed these winding green filaments within eight different galaxies. Image released April 2, 2015.
NASA, ESA, Galaxy Zoo Team and W. Keel (University of Alabama, USA)
View Caption
Ghostly green filaments lie within galaxy 2MASX J22014163+1151237, as seen in this new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, released April 2, 2015.
NASA, ESA, W. Keel (University of Alabama, USA)
View Caption
Green clouds of gas tens of thousands of light-years wide blaze in a series of stunning new images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.
The eight eerie objects betray the past presence of quasars, the most luminous objects in the universe, whose powerful beams of radiation lend the clouds their ethereal glow, researchers said.
"In each of these eight images, a quasar beam has caused once-invisible filaments in deep space to glow through a process called photoionization," officials with the European Space Agency (ESA), which partners with NASA on the Hubble project, wrote in a statement. [See photos of the glowing green space clouds]
"Oxygen, helium, nitrogen, sulphur and neon in the filaments absorb light from the quasar and slowly re-emit it over many thousands of years," the officials added. "Their unmistakable emerald hue is caused by ionized oxygen, which glows green."
Quasars are incredibly bright galactic cores powered by supermassive black holes. As gas and dust fall toward the black hole from its surrounding "accretion disk," the material heats up to tremendously high temperatures. This process can result in a quasar, which blasts jets of high-energy radiation and particles out into space.
The quasars that lit up the eight gas clouds spotted by Hubble have since died out; the clouds lie far from the centers of their respective galaxies, so it took many thousands of years for the quasars' beams to reach the clouds.
Violent galactic mergers probably formed the clouds themselves, ESA officials said.
"Galactic mergers do not just alter the forms of the previously serene galaxies involved; they also trigger extreme cosmic phenomena," ESA officials wrote in the statement. "Such a merger could also have caused the birth of a quasar, by pouring material into the galaxies' supermassive black holes."
The first glowing green space cloud was spotted in 2007 by Dutch schoolteacher Hanny van Arkel, and as a result was called "Hanny's Voorwerp" (which means "Hanny's Object" in Dutch). Van Arkel found the cloud while participating in an online Galaxy Zoo project that asked volunteers to classify more than 1 million galaxies catalogued in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).
The eight glowing clouds newly imaged by Hubble were first discovered by citizen scientists as well: A Galaxy Zoo spinoff project tasked 200 people with searching 16,0000 SDSS galaxy images for objects that resemble Hanny's Voorwerp, ESA officials said.
Astronomers went through the volunteers' finds and identified 20 different galaxies that contained quasar-illuminated clouds. The researchers are publishing their results in The Astronomical Journal.
The eight clouds featured in the new Hubble images are found in the following galaxies (clockwise from top left in main image): 2MASX J14302986+1339117, NGC 5972, 2MASX J15100402+0740370, UGC 7342, 2MASX J22014163+1151237, UGC 11185, Mrk 1498 and NGC 5252.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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