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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Latest drone footage captures 'sophisticated' UFOs interacting with each other over New Jersey
The latest footage of bizarre drones in New Jersey captured several craft orbiting each other over Somerset County, while at least 12 counties have reported sightings.
The video, released this week, shows three 'mystery drones in the air' as two move extremely close as if they are interacting with each other and the third hovered for 'about 15 minutes.'
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said Monday night that the drones are 'very sophisticated, explaining: 'The minute we get eyes on them [the drones], they go dark.'
'I don't blame people for being frustrated,' Gov Murphy continued, adding that he had spent most of Sunday coordinating on the issue with both the White House and the US Department of Homeland Security in the hope of getting answers.
On Monday, Picatinny Arsenal, the Army facility in Morris County, confirmed it has had 11 sightings of 'UFOs' over in its airspace in recent weeks.
The sightings, which began in November, have included reports of multiple craft flying over the same areas each night and reports of 'car-sized' drones, the kind not usually used by hobbyists, over some areas.
New Jersey state senator, Jon Bramnick (R-21), is now calling for a limited 'state of emergency' banning all drone usage authorities can determine who is responsible for the eerie night flights.
The latest footage coming out of New Jersey has only added more questionsl to this bizarre UFO wave. 'What in the world is happening?' the woman taping the display can be heard saying, as a pair of glowing red lights orbits comes close to a white UFO before drifting away
Edits in the 40-second video, which was also posted to Instagram, appear to reflect a montage of the event's most impactful moments. 'Update,' the videographer says in the clip's finale, 'that mystery drone up there is still there. It's been like maybe 10-15 minutes. It's still there'
'Guys, I just found three mystery drones in the air,' the woman filming the scene reports in the clip, posted to social site by the account UAP Reporting Center.
'This is wild,' the woman says, as the two circling white lights disengage in midair, with one seeming to dart quickly to the right. 'That was moving quick.'
Edits in the 40-second video, which was also posted to Instagram via the account @ufo_life_, appear to reflect a montage of the event's most impactful moments.
'Update,' the videographer says in the clip's finale, 'that mystery drone up there is still there. It's been like maybe 10-15 minutes. It's still there.'
UAP Reporting Center is not affiliated with the similarly named nonprofit National UFO Reporting Center, which has coordinated on UFO case reports with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for decades.
Nevertheless, several more new videos taken in northwest NJ near the Pennsylvania border also show multi-color drone-like crafts — including one lit up like a Christmas tree with at least eight lights ranging from green, white, red and orange.
Posted by an auto tech to the Facebook community group 'New Jersey Mystery Drones - let's solve it,' the apparently fixed-wing drone was caught on tape last week above Pohatcong township in Warren County, NJ.
The witness also captured images of a stationary and hovering UFO with four bright green lights above the same northwest Jersey area.
Significantly, the fixed-wing mystery drones with red, white and green lights resemble craft witnessed over sensitive US military bases over the past several years
'I have about 15 minutes worth of different videos before I stopped recording and to my horror have counted AT LEAST 30,' the witness said in a Facebook post. 'in a complete radius approximately 10-15 miles away.'
The witness wrote that he saw at least five coming from Easton, Pennsylvania area to the northeast headed southeast towards the Flemington, NJ area.
One witness, also in the Pohatcong area, could not contain their alarm of what they were seeing late on Sunday, writing to the group: 'From the front and back yard of my house I saw dozens, maybe hundreds from my house through out the night.'
'These are not man made drones. These are huge,' the witness insisted. 'I feel like there’s nothing we can do [...] We are being watched and We are being invaded.'
'My opinion I guess but I know what I’ve been seeing,' this Pohatcong noted.
The witness's more practical description of Sunday's UFO drone swarm, included some craft 'just hovering bright white lights,' others that were 'silent and floating past,' and some that were 'very loud and look like a plane.'
The altitudes also varied, the witness said: 'There [were] lower and higher UFOs.'
Speaking at a bill-signing event in Princeton, NY, Gov Murphy hoped to allay concerns of witnesses fearing the worst from these unexplained sightings.
'Homeland Security, FBI, Secret Service, our State Police, authorities at all levels of government,' the governor said, 'we don't see any concern for public safety.'
'Having said that,' Gov Murphy admitted, 'it's really frustrating that we don't have more answers as to where they are coming from — and why they are doing what they are doing.'
'These are apparently, as I understand it, very sophisticated,' Gov Murphy said of the UFOs. 'The minute we get eyes on them [the drones], they go dark.' According to one NJ local, this above image depicts roughly nine of the drones flying in from the Atlantic Ocean on Dec 5th
Mysterious 'UFOs' spotted over Trump's New Jersey golf course
Significantly, the fixed-wing mystery drones with red, white and green lights resemble craft witnessed over sensitive US military bases over the past several years.
For at least 17 nights in December 2023, for example, swarms of noisy small UFOs were seen 'moving at rapid speeds' and displaying 'flashing red, green, and white lights' within the highly restricted airspace over Virginia's Joint Base Langley–Eustis.
Gov Murphy encouraged citizens to report their sightings to the FBI and expressed concern about the UFO drones potentially probing 'sensitive targets and sensitive critical infrastructure.'
'We've got military assets; we've got utility assets; we've got one of the president-elect's homes here,' he noted.
Murphy also asserted that reports of 'a couple of rumored downings' of the drones were unsubstantiated. One, he said, was a toy and the other was never located.
NJ state senators, the mayors of 21 local towns, and the state's representatives in Washington have been demanding more answers, more quickly.
NJ Congressman Chris Smith said he was on Long Beach Island this week investigating the mystery with Ocean County Sheriff Mike Mastronardy.
'The tepid response from our state and federal agencies so far is totally unacceptable,' Rep Smith said.
'The people of New Jersey deserve swift and bold action on the part of our state and federal agencies to investigate, assess, and address the situation immediately and to alleviate the growing concerns of our community.'
Panic as drone fleet hovers over Morris County, NJ
Mysterious drone sightings spread in New Jersey: "Someone described the drones as large as an SUV"
Mysterious Drones Over New Jersey | What’s Going On?
Police investigating multiple drones flying over N.J. towns at night
FBI investigates mysterious drones spotted over New Jersey
Government Breaks Silence: Strange Encounters | UFO's Investigating the Unknown
Five UFO videos this week, are they alien, ai US drones or Chinese ai drones? UAP Sighting News.
Five UFO videos this week, are they alien, ai US drones or Chinese ai drones? UAP Sighting News.
Here are the top 5 most interesting videos of UFOs this week. Each are different, some with swarms, so watch and decide what is happening and can you predict the future outcomes of this?
I believe I may have discovered the purpose of the swarms of drones, God help us if I'm right. US Drone News.
Now I heard the swarms of drones were seen over Trumps favorite golf course for over three days and nights which makes me think...why? Who hates trump the most outside of the US? Easily one country over all does...the county he promised to put 25% taxes on all goods going out of China to US, and I believe the Chinese are behind these swarms. They must be radar resistant, which means they are plastic or 3d printed with some rubber radar resistant coating to absorb radar. They were seen over England, New York, Michigan, New Jersey and a few other locations. Read the tweet and tell I wrong? Or...worse I right? If I'm right the virus could be waiting for a second drone spraying to become the catalyst of the virus, or the virus could have a built in genetic time to go off in 1 week, 1 month or even 1 years time. By then...everyone will forget about the drones. Because of a genetic timer, we cannot blame the drones, much like HAARP program that manipulates the weather and China uses it making it impossible to blame then on earthquakes (Japan-Chinas worst enemy at Fukushima), tidal waves, tornadoes, hurricanes and more. And China causes tens of billions of dollars in damage on such untraceable attacks. Ask yourself, what are the Chinese up to now?
China's Drone Show Sets Two Guinness World Records | WION
An Interstellar Visitor Helped Shape the Orbits of the Planets.
This artist’s impression illustrates an interstellar object rapidly approaching our Solar System. The object, ejected from its home planetary system long ago, traveled through interstellar space for billions of years before briefly passing through our cosmic neighborhood. Rubin Observatory will reveal many of these previously unknown interstellar visitors. Alt-Text: An artist’s impression of a small, rocky interstellar object hurtling from the upper right toward the inner Solar System. The orbits of the four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) are fully visible, drawn as teal concentric circles around the bright ball of the Sun at the center. We see the orbits from a slightly elevated angle, so that the circular paths appear oval. The black background is sprinkled with points of starlight. The interstellar object looks like an elongated potato above the Sun, streaming toward the Sun from the upper right, with a short tail of gas and dust trailing behind.
An Interstellar Visitor Helped Shape the Orbits of the Planets.
The orbits of the planets around the Sun have been the source for many a scientific debate. Their current orbital properties are well understood but the planetary orbits have evolved and changed since the formation of the Solar System. Planetary migrations have been the most prominent idea of recent decades suggesting that planetary interactions caused the young planets to migrate inwards or outwards from their original positions. Now a new theory suggests 2-50 Jupiter mass object passing through the Solar System could be the cause.
The evolution of the orbits of the planets is a complex process. Initially the planets formed out of a rotating disk of gas and dust around the young hot Sun. The phenomenon of the conservation of angular momentum caused the material to form a plane leading to orbits that were circular and in the same plane.
The latest view of Saturn from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captures exquisite details of the ring system — which looks like a phonograph record with grooves that represent detailed structure within the rings — and atmospheric details that once could only be captured by spacecraft visiting the distant world. Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 observed Saturn on June 20, 2019, as the planet made its closest approach to Earth, at about 845 million miles away. This image is the second in a yearly series of snapshots taken as part of the Outer Planets Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) project. OPAL is helping scientists understand the atmospheric dynamics and evolution of our solar system’s gas giant planets. In Saturn’s case, astronomers will be able to track shifting weather patterns and other changes to identify trends. Credits: NASA, ESA, A. Simon (GSFC), M.H. Wong (University of California, Berkeley) and the OPAL Team
As the planets grew, interactions within the protoplanetary disk led to orbital migrations with planets moving inwards or outwards. There were gravitational interactions too that led to significant changes in the eccentricity and inclination, sometimes causing protoplanets to be ejected out of the solar system. Tidal forces from the Sun could also have altered the orbits.
While protoplanet ejections are thought to have been fairly common as the Solar System was forming, on occasions celestial objects visited us. These objects seem to have been rare and provide a valuable insight into distant planetary systems. Oumuamua, was discovered in 2017 and was the first confirmed interstellar visitor. It exhibited an elongated shape and unusual acceleration, probably caused by outgassing or other non-gravitational forces. A paper recently published has suggested such an interstellar visitor could have driven changes in the orbits of our planetary cousins.
An artist’s depiction of the interstellar comet ‘Oumuamua, as it warmed up in its approach to the sun and outgassed hydrogen (white mist), which slightly altered its orbit. The comet, which is most likely pancake-shaped, is the first known object other than dust grains to visit our solar system from another star. (Image credit: NASA, ESA and Joseph Olmsted and Frank Summers of STScI)
The paper was authored by a team of scientists led by Garett Brown University of Toronto. They explore the nature of the eccentricity of the gas giants suggesting it is unlikely the current theories can explain observations. Instead they demonstrate that an object with between 2 to 50 times the mass of Jupiter passing through the Solar System was a more likely cause. Their paper explains that an object passing through with a perihelion distance (closest distance from Sun) of less than 20 astronomical units and a hyperbolic excess velocity less than 6km/s-1 could explain observations.
Their calculations suggest there is a 1 in 100 chance that an interstellar visitor could produce the orbits we see today, chances that are far better than other theories. Using simulations and approximate values for the properties of the visitor, the team conclude that the theory is the most plausible to date.
Bill Cooper’s 1966 UFO Sighting: A Mind-Blowing Encounter with a Metallic Disc
Bill Cooper’s 1966 UFO Sighting: A Mind-Blowing Encounter with a Metallic Disc
Milton William “Bill” Cooper, a former U.S. Air Force and Navy serviceman, is renowned for his contributions to UFO lore and conspiracy theories. Among his most fascinating claims is his personal encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO) or unidentified submerged object (USO) in 1966. This experience, as Cooper described it, was both life-changing and a pivotal moment in his understanding of extraterrestrial phenomena.
Bill Cooper talks about his sighting of a huge metallic UFO / USO going in & out of the water, 1966
From Skepticism to Belief
Before his encounter, Bill Cooper was a skeptic. During his time in the Air Force, he heard stories from seasoned servicemen about recovering crashed UFOs. However, these accounts were often shared under the influence of alcohol, leading Cooper to dismiss them as tall tales. He viewed the concept of UFOs as too far-fetched to take seriously—until he had his own experience that radically shifted his perspective.
The Sighting: A Metallic Disc Emerges from the Ocean
In 1966, while serving aboard the USS Tiru, a diesel-electric submarine, Cooper was acting as the port lookout during a transit near the Seattle-Portland area. It was during this routine duty that he witnessed an extraordinary event. A massive metallic disc, comparable in size to a Midway-class aircraft carrier, emerged from the ocean. The craft ascended into the air, tumbling on its axis before disappearing into the clouds.
Shortly after, the same craft—or a similar one—descended from the sky, repeated the tumbling maneuver, and re-entered the ocean. To Cooper’s astonishment, the water seemed to part seamlessly, allowing the craft to submerge without the violent splash one would expect. The water then closed behind it, creating a dramatic spray as it returned to normal.
Unbelievable Technology
The encounter left Cooper grappling with questions about the nature of the craft and its advanced technology. He noted its ability to seamlessly transition between air and water, perform high-speed maneuvers, and interact with the ocean in ways that defied known laws of physics. Cooper, who had experience with cutting-edge aviation technology and naval operations, recognized that no human-made craft at the time was capable of such feats.
The sighting was observed by multiple crew members, including the officer of the deck and another lookout. A chief quartermaster on board even took photographs of the event. Despite these corroborations, the nature of the craft remained a mystery.
Official Silence and a Culture of Secrecy
After the incident, the submarine docked at Pearl Harbor, where the crew was immediately debriefed by a commander from Naval Intelligence. Each crew member was instructed to maintain complete silence about what they had witnessed, under penalty of severe legal and financial consequences. They were warned that any discussion of the event could result in imprisonment, fines, and the loss of all pay and allowances.
The photographs taken during the sighting were confiscated, and the crew was not allowed to leave the submarine for shore leave. These measures underscored the seriousness with which the U.S. Navy handled the incident and reinforced Cooper’s belief in an active cover-up regarding UFOs and USOs.
A Turning Point in Belief
For Cooper, this encounter was transformative. It provided him with undeniable evidence of advanced technology that surpassed human capabilities and confirmed the existence of phenomena the military was actively suppressing. He later recounted this event as a key moment in his journey toward understanding the broader implications of extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
Legacy of the 1966 Sighting
Bill Cooper’s 1966 sighting is one of the most detailed and intriguing accounts in the annals of UFO and USO lore. His vivid descriptions of the craft and its movements offer a unique perspective on the capabilities of unidentified objects. Although the event remains shrouded in secrecy, it has fueled ongoing discussions about the possibility of extraterrestrial technology and the lengths governments might go to conceal it.
While skeptics question the validity of Cooper’s claims due to the lack of physical evidence, the story has become a cornerstone of UFO mythology. Cooper’s firsthand account not only highlights the mysteries of our universe but also the potential for human understanding to be challenged by encounters with the unknown.
UFO Investigations : The Cover Up (1989) Rare Documentary
Unbelievable Alien Encounters Caught on Tape | Top 20 Mind Blowing UFO Cases | TU
The family of Morris County locals said they were following one of these seemingly terrestrial UFOs in their vehicle, only to experience the odd effect on their car's electronics as the unexplained craft 'hovered above them.'
'The clock in their car changed time,' according to one Fox News reporter who spoke to the unnamed family. 'They say the clock went back to normal after they drove off.'
While local law enforcement in Morris County has issued a statement asserting that 'there is no known threat to public safety' at this time — the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a ban on drone flights over sensitive areas in state.
Last Tuesday, the FBI described the sightings as only 'possible drones' and 'a possible fixed wing aircraft' in its efforts to get to the bottom of the night flights.
But residents within the eight-and-counting New Jersey counties where the strange craft have been sighted are also taking matters into their own hands with over 17,000 trading notes on the sightings in a dedicated Facebook group.
One local software engineer, who specializes in radio communications, believes the temporary alteration of the car's clock is a clue to the origin of these mystery drones.
'Many newer cars get their clock time from GPS satellites since that's one of the most accurate time signals you're going to get in a vehicle,' the engineer, Rich Dunajewski, posted to the Facebook group.
'If these are using GPS jamming or spoofing,' Dunajewski explained, 'then it's plausible the car would follow the signal and change the clock to match whatever signal is coming from the drone/plane.'
The flying objects are larger than drones used by hobbyists, raising questions about their proximity to specific locations - including to President-elect Donald Trump 's Bedminster golf course, US military research facility Picatinny Arsenal and critical infrastructure, police said
Residents within the eight-and-counting New Jersey counties where the strange craft have been sighted are also taking matters into their own hands with over 17,000 trading notes on the sightings in a dedicated Facebook group
'So don't think aliens,' the engineer continued, 'think foreign actors using electronic warfare methods.'
Dunajewski noted that GPS spoofing onboard these mysterious aircraft would also explain the car clock's return to normal time.
'Once you're out of range of the spoofed GPS signal, the clock will reacquire the real GPS signal with the correct time,' he said in his Facebook post.
While some locals are not buying it, with one saying, 'We need to accept that these are not just "drones," these are UFO/UAP,' other experts did agree with Dunajewski.
A contractor with the FAA's Office of Communications, David Lombardo, cosigned the 'radar jamming or GPS spoofing' theory, writing: 'It's very likely that these drones have some sort of electronic interference capabilities.'
While Lombardo said he did not believe that 'the FBI wouldn't get involved if a bunch of drones were just pissing people off,' the FAA contractor also confessed that he currently saw no evidence actual law-breaking yet.
'Nothing that these drones have done appears to be criminal or really against any rules, so far as I know. I mean, they're being weird... there's no crime in being weird.'
But retired police lieutenant Tim McMillan argued that the drones fit a pattern of Russian psychological warfare operations internationally.
Lt McMillan reported that both the mysterious drone flights over New Jersey mirror a 2022 incident in which drones flew over sensitive sites in Sweden just as the European nation was considering joining NATO.
'This recent drone wave is likely in response to the West green lighting Ukraine to use ATACMS inside Russia,' the retired police investigator posted to X.
One of the UFO drones, whose engines can be heard roaring from the ground, appeared to have a cluster of white lights on its underbelly with red lights blinking at its wingtips and tail (above)
'Seems like they want them to be seen,' NJ native and TikTok creator @_bucky13 commented under his phone footage of the eerie drones (still image above), captioned 'Mysterious drones spotted all over New Jersey.' At least five drone-like UFOs are seen in his 50-second clip
Neither Moscow, nor local amateur drone pilots, nor any other actors terrestrial or extraterrestrial, has claimed credit for the unusual flights over New Jersey, however.
If proven to be a covert invasion of sorts, it would the first in this part of the Garden State since British troops sparred with American colonists over 240 years ago.
'I grew up in Morris County,' one local resident posted on X, 'and this is the most exciting event since the Revolutionary War.'
'Anyone wonder why New Jersey?' another resident asked. 'That in itself is a mystery. Why not another State?'
The anonymous family who reported their car clock's reaction to this eerie and unexplained aircraft were just some of the new witnesses to speak to Fox News about this ongoing wave of UFO sightings.
One eyewitness told the network that they saw a 'parade' of the drones, some as big as compact cars, roaring over the sky in procession.
'The drones just keep coming,' another witness said, 'one after another.'
While the FAA has taken the most direct action suggesting malicious intent, prohibiting drone flights over Trump's golf club until last Friday and above Picatinny Arsenal until December 26, other officials have been more cautious in their language.
According to one NJ local, this image depicts roughly nine of the unidentified drones flying in to the Garden State from the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night, December 5
One UFO or drone in a recent Tik Tok video looks like it might have hovered stationary beyond the tree line, lit up with multiple lights that pulsed bright enough to produce a lens flare effect
Law enforcement officials in Morris and Somerset counties issued a joint statement describing the extent of their collaboration on this ongoing investigation.
'The subject County Prosecutor's, Sheriff's and Emergency Management Offices, our respective municipal police departments, working in close cooperation with the FBI-Newark, the New Jersey State Police and The New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, seek to reassure the public that we will continue to monitor and investigate the drone activity,' the two county's Sheriff's Offices said.
Post to social media site X, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy echoed similar words to calm the public.
'I convened a briefing with [Biden's Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas] @SecMayorkas, senior officials from [the Department of Homeland Security] @DHSgov ... and members of our congressional delegation to discuss reported drone activity over parts of North and Central New Jersey,' he wrote.
'There is no known threat to the public at this time,' the governor said.
Nevertheless, New Jersey residents have been encouraged to report any sightings, videos or photos they may have of the UFO drone flights to the FBI, via phone at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) or online via
Hundreds of Mysterious 'Car-Sized' Drones Are Flying Over New Jersey Every Night, Hovering for HOURS
MYSTERIOUS Drones Flying Over New Jersey FBI INVESTIGATING Something Really Weird IS HAPPENING !!!
FBI investigates mysterious large drones circling over New Jersey
Unidentified 'car-sized' drones seen in night skies of New Jersey
Mysterious drones spotted in skies over NJ; officials, residents continue to have questions
NASA's most powerful telescope has spotted something unexpected which could overturn our basic assumptions about the universe.
Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scientists from Johns Hopkins University have taken extremely accurate measurements of the distances between galaxies.
These observations reveal that the universe is expanding eight to 12 per cent faster than our current best theories predict.
This suggests that there may be some unknown force which explains why the universe is expanding faster now than it was billions of years ago.
First spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1998, it was previously possible that this acceleration was caused by nothing more unusual than a telescope error.
However, using two years of JWST observations, the researchers have now shown that Hubble's shocking findings were not mistaken.
According to lead author and Nobel laureate Professor Adam Riess, this shows that our understanding of the birth of the universe could be totally wrong.
He says: 'It confirms the puzzling finding from the Hubble Space Telescope that we have been wrestling with for a decade - the universe is now expanding faster than our best theories can explain.'
Scientists have used the James Webb Space Telescope to confirm that the Universe really is accelerating up to 12 per cent faster than our best theories would suggest. Illustrated: the expansion of the Universe from the Big Bang (left) to the present day (right)
Scientists measured the distance between distant galaxies containing pulsing stars called Cepheid variables. Since these flash at a rate proportional to their brightness, they are considered the 'gold standard' for measuring interstellar distances. Pictured: NGC 5468, a galaxy located about 130 million light-years from Earth which is the furthest galaxy observed to contain Cepheid variables
Professor Riess initially used the Hubble Space Telescope to measure the distance between a set of different galaxies.
This revealed that the Universe's expansion was accelerating at a rate of 72.8 km per second per megaparsec, a distance equal to 3.26 million light-years.
What made this result so surprising is that the conventional wisdom about the evolution of the Universe suggested this figure should only be 67-68 km/s/Mpc.
This had the shocking implication that the standard model of cosmology might be missing out on something vitally important, creating what astronomers call the 'Hubble tension'.
More than 25 years later, Professor Riess has now used NASA's biggest and highest-performing telescope to prove that his Nobel Prize-winning discovery had not been an error.
Using the JWST Reiss and his co-authors focussed on a set of galaxies containing pulsing stars called Cepheid variables.
These unique stars flash at a rate which is proportional to their brightness, or luminosity, which makes them the 'gold standard' for measuring interstellar distances.
Using the well-studied galaxy NGC 4258 as a reference point, the study covered a third of the Hubble Telescope's original galaxy sample.
The new study covered roughly a third of Hubble's full galaxy sample, using the known distance to a galaxy called NGC 4258 (pictured) as a reference point. This allowed for extremely accurate measurements of the distance between galaxies
The first observations made by Hubble in 1998 showed that the galaxy's expansion was accelerating faster than the standard model would suggest. The standard model is the theory which explains the Big Bang, the cosmic microwave background (pictured), and the early formation of galaxies
What is the standard model of cosmology?
The standard model of cosmology is the conventional wisdom about the underlying physics of the universe.
Often called the Lambda-CDM theory, this suggests the universe has three major components: matter, dark matter, and dark energy.
This explains the existence and pattern of the cosmic microwave background, the lingering echo of the Big Bang, and the distribution of galaxies.
However, it doesn't align with new observations of the Universe's rapidly accelerating expansion.
Although the sample size was smaller, the team managed to take measurements about four times as precise as the previous study.
In addition to Cepheid variables, the researchers also took measurements from carbon-rich stars and the brightest red supergiants across the same galaxies.
This allowed them to further cross-check their results to be absolutely certain their measurements were correct.
Spiral galaxy NGC 628, located 32 million light-years away from Earth, is seen in an undated image from the James Webb Space Telescope. NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Janice Lee (STScI), Thomas Williams (Oxford), and the PHANGS team/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
These new recordings revealed that the galaxies were accelerating away from each other at a rate of 72.6 km/s/Mpc - nearly identical to Hubble's measurements from the very same galaxies.
Professor Riess says: 'The discrepancy between the observed expansion rate of the universe and the predictions of the standard model suggests that our understanding of the universe may be incomplete.
'With two NASA flagship telescopes now confirming each other’s findings, we must take this [Hubble tension] problem very seriously—it’s a challenge but also an incredible opportunity to learn more about our universe.'
This implies that we might be missing something vitally important about the birth of the universe.
Siyang Li, a Johns Hopkins doctoral student and a study co-author says: 'The Webb results can be interpreted to suggest there may be a need to revise our model of the universe, although it is very difficult to pinpoint what this is at the moment.'
By measuring the same set of galaxies as Hubble (illustrated), the scientists confirmed that the universe was accelerating at a rate of 72.6 km per second per megaparsec, a distance equal to 3.26 million light-years. The standard model suggests an acceleration of just 67-68 km/s/Mpc
The standard model explains the evolution of galaxies, the cosmic microwave background from the Big Bang, the abundance of chemical elements in the universe, and many other key observations based on the known laws of physics.
However, nothing that scientists have been able to observe explains why the Universe should be accelerating at such a rapid rate.
Scientists believe the regular matter we can see and interact with makes up just 4 per cent of the total universe.
The remaining 96 per cent of the universe is made up of dark matter, which makes up the missing mass in some galaxies, and dark energy.
Dark energy could make up as much as 69 per cent of the universe and might provide the force responsible for space's expansion.
However, with the nature of dark energy remaining a mystery, scientists are still no closer to resolving the Hubble tension than they were back in 1998.
Professor Reiss says: 'Yes, it appears there is something missing in our understanding of the universe.
'Our understanding of the universe contains a lot of ignorance about two elements - dark matter and dark energy.
By combing observations from the JWST (left) and the Hubble Space Telescope (right), scientists have shown that there may be something missing from our best theories about the universe
'There are many hypotheses that involve dark matter, dark energy, dark radiation - for example, neutrinos (a type of ghostly subatomic particle) - or gravity itself having some exotic properties as possible explanations.'
In the future, Professor Reiss says scientists will need more observations to better understand this vital clue.
Eventually, that might help scientists propose a theory which explains why our predictions and observations about the universe don't line up.
He adds: 'Is the mismatch at the lower end, four to five per cent, or the higher end, 10 to 12 per cent, of what the current data allows? Over what range of cosmic time is it present? These will further inform ideas.'
Dark energy is a phrase used by physicists to describe a mysterious 'something' that is causing unusual things to happen in the universe.
The universe is full of matter and the attractive force of gravity pulls all matter together.
Then came 1998 and the Hubble Space Telescope observations of very distant supernovae that showed that, a long time ago, the universe was actually expanding more slowly than it is today.
The universe is not only expanding, but it is expanding faster and faster as time goes by,' Dr Kathy Romer, scientist at the Dark Energy Survey told MailOnline, as illustrated in this Nasa graphic
So the expansion of the universe has not been slowing due to gravity, as everyone thought, it has been accelerating.
No one expected this, no one knew how to explain it. But something was causing it.
'The universe is not only expanding, but it is expanding faster and faster as time goes by,' Dr Kathy Romer, scientist at the Dark Energy Survey told MailOnline.
'What we'd expect is that the expansion would get slower and slower as time goes by, because it has been nearly 14 billion years since the Big Bang.'
This illustration depicts NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope – the largest, most powerful, and most complex space science telescope ever built – fully unfolded in space.
(Credits: NASA/Adriana Manrique Gutierrez)
Depiction of Hubble Telescope in bright outer space. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.
The black-and-white images show ornately spiked 'cruciform' UFOs, boomerang-shaped flying wings, a floating 'hot' cube, traditional flying saucers and several other craft that look straight out of classic science fiction.
The screengrabs are said to be from infrared and thermal camera footage taken by military 'heads up displays,' but details were redacted to protect both sensitive US national security interests.
These unsettling depictions of highly varied craft were first made public by Nathan Latvaitis, who runs a YouTube channel called 'Strange Mysteries.'
'This person has asked me to redact their email address,' Latvaitis told his followers, 'although I can tell you that there is nothing identifiable in it.'
The sensational images have elicited heated debate among UFO believers and skeptics alike, however, with many on both sides questioning the leaker's story.
A 'creepy e-mail' containing weird, but compelling images allegedly from US military UFO sightings has been leaked by an anonymous source claiming classified access
The UFO stills are said to be screengrabs from infrared and thermal camera footage taken by US military sensors with key 'heads up display' details redacted (as seen above) to protect both sensitive America's national security interests as well as the leaker's identity
Over the course of two weeks of correspondence with the leaker, Latvaitis and his followers given tantalizing, but uncorroborated details on the craft depicted.
'The UAPs observed demonstrate capabilities far beyond conventional aerospace benchmarks,' the leaker said in a third update posted to YouTube on November 30th.
The so-called 'cruciform' (cross-shaped) entities, according to their account, exhibit aggressive maneuvers and high-energy emissions capable of disabling systems such as the EODAS' — a reference to the advanced sensors on the F-35 stealth fighter jet.
Short for 'Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System,' EODAS is a sensor suite that give the F-35's stealth fighter pilots a 360-degree view for a 'quick, high-definition picture of everything around them,' according its manufacturer Raytheon.
Improved 'missile detection' is one key goal in making EODAS, even though it may prove helpless against these purported 'cruciform' UFOs.
'The 'cruciform' entity [shows] distinct behaviors indicating functional differences,' according to the self-described insider to the Immaculate Constellation program.
'Shape-shifting has been observed — possibly due to advanced cloaking or optical refraction — referred to as 'morphogenic behavior,' allowing for adaptation to environments or missions,' the leaker continued.
Details were scarce on some other craft shapes, though the leaker noted nearly all 'these crafts,' like the boomerang UFOs, squares, and classic saucers 'demonstrate trans-medium travel, non-ballistic motion, and localized gravity manipulation.'
Above, an ornately spiked 'cruciform' UFO, allegedly captured by a US military plane
The stunning, unusual images show ornately spiked 'cruciform' UFOs, boomerang-shaped flying wings, a floating 'hot' cube and several craft that looks straight out of science fiction
Above, another cruciform (cross-shaped) UFO from the leaker's email to Strange Mysteries
While many of these UFOs emit electromagnetic 'signatures that disrupt ISR [intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance] systems causing sensor malfunctions' on human-made systems, they said, one broad category was less disruptive.
''Orb'-class UAPs focus on surveillance with minimal EMF [electro-magnetic frequency] interference,' according to the leaker.
Speaking to NASA last year, ex-CIA physicist Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, then head of the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), said: 'We see these ['metallic orbs'] all over the world.'
Dr Kirkpatrick, a career laser and optical physicist, called these orbs the most commonly reported type of UFO to AARO's team.
'And we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers,' he added.
But 'cruciform' UFO shapes were not called out by name in his report to NASA, which did note that seven percent of sightings fell into miscellaneous 'other' shapes.
In his email to Latvaitis, the leaker asserted that he selected the YouTuber over more mainstream journalism outlets specifically to avoid having to verify his own claims.
'Many traditional media outlets would require verification of my identity and credentials,' the leaker told Latvaitis in his email, shown in a Strange Mysteries video.
Dr. Kirkpatrick describes UAP observed in Middle East
Above a boomerang UFO included in the leaker's email to Strange Mysteries
Two cross-shaped UFOs as alleged by the leaker, in the crosshairs of a military aircraft
'This is not feasible due to the risks involved,' the leaked explained. '[Those news media] organizations, despite their best intentions, are not equipped to handle the level of secrecy and potential retaliation associated with this information.'
The leaker described their motives as desire to inform on important information that has been 'classified and intentionally withheld from the public regarding 'unidentified aerial phenomena' [UAP] and the ongoing covert operations surrounding them.'
'I was part of one of the legacy programs,' the leaker wrote. 'I know that's vague, but unfortunately that's all I can offer at this point.'
Multiple UFO 'true believers' on social media expressed doubt over the leakers story, particularly the unknown individuals response to that skepticism.
One UFO has been dubbed the ceiling fan, in part, by skeptics who believe that the image depicts a genuine household ceiling fan - and not a five-bladed advanced aerospace platform
Above, a strange 'hot cube' UFO image included in the leaker's email to Strange Mysteries
The mixed orientation of some images suggested 'they were probably scanned from a print out,' and the images varied in terms of their 'detailed sensor noise' and subtle software response to motion blur.
'In my opinion, this has the variety I would expect to see from a collection of images captured on different platforms over the years,' the user posted to Reddit's r/UFOs.
On the skeptics' forum Metabunk many dismissed the videos as too low information to properly vet or investigate, with some claiming it might have been release as a premeditated disinformation effort.
'Not worth wasting time on unless they can (and do!) back up their story,' one typical comment read.
'It takes seconds to make another picture and hours to try and debunk it.'
The 'Immaculate Constellation' program was discussed at a Congressional hearing about UAPs in mid-November 2024 and shortly after, Representative Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) made the 11-page document available to the public. Above a still from the alleged new leak
Michael Shellenberger, journalist and sworn witness at the hearing, told the House that Immaculate Constellation has thousands of 'high-resolution' images of UFOs (second at right)
But whistleblowers continue to claim that 'Immaculate Constellation' was, in fact, established to 'detect' and 'quarantine' the military's best UFO imagery, as well as its best videos, eyewitness testimonies and electronic sensor evidence.
This high quality, multi-sensor UFO data, according to a US official who confirmed the leak, is so tightly held that 'talking about it will put you in the danger zone.'
The quite literally 'above top secret' program allegedly sprang into action in the wake of the 2017 leak of three, still-as-yet unexplained US Navy infrared UFO videos, although it is still unconfirmed, resting the gray area of speculation.
The program was discussed at a Congressional hearing about UAPs in mid-November and shortly after, Representative Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) made the 11-page document available to the public.
Michael Shellenberger, journalist and sworn witness at the hearing, told the House that Immaculate Constellation has thousands of 'high-resolution' images of UFOs.
Above, two additional alleged UFO images that the leaker to Strange Mysteries said came from Immaculate Constellation
In one stunning case, detailed in the 11-page report, infrared satellites captured a massive saucer-shaped UFO emerging from within a dense cloud formation.
The saucer's circumference was estimated to be between 650 and 1,300 feet, which would place its diameter between roughly 200 and 400 feet.
It also 'displayed symmetrical concavities on the upper surface,' the report reads.
The saucer registered hot in the infrared footage, and created visible 'atmospheric disturbances.'
The object emerged from the cloud formation at a shallow angle and travelled upwards toward the outer atmosphere.
Reuzenkaart van het heelal onthult: Einstein had weer gelijk
Reuzenkaart van het heelal onthult: Einstein had weer gelijk
Door de donkere energie van het heelal in kaart te brengen, hebben astronomen een gigantische kaart gemaakt die een van Einsteins beroemdste theorieën aan de zwaarste test tot nu toe onderwerpt.
Ons heelal is verbonden door draden van donkere materie, sterrenstelsels en clusters van sterrenstelsels met grote tussenruimten. De verstrengeling wordt het kosmische web genoemd, dat vermoedelijk is ontstaan door gravitatie-effecten op donkere materie en gewone materie na de oerknal. Hier weergegeven door een illustrator.
Een van de beroemdste theorieën van Albert Einstein is de algemene relativiteitstheorie uit 1915.
De theorie beschrijft hoe massieve objecten ruimte en tijd om zich heen krommen, wat weer invloed heeft op hoe objecten bewegen. Met andere woorden, ze vertelt ons iets over zwaartekracht.
De theorie wordt echter voortdurend op de proef gesteld.
Astrofysici hebben bijvoorbeeld verklaringen moeten vinden voor het feit dat het heelal steeds sneller uitdijt terwijl massieve objecten samenklonteren door de zwaartekracht.
Nu heeft de zwaartekrachttheorie haar grootste test tot nu toe doorstaan.
Een internationaal team van onderzoekers aan onder andere de Universiteit van Michigan en de Universiteit van Texas in de VS heeft gegevens geanalyseerd van het ruimteobservatorium Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) in Arizona.
Het instrument bestaat uit 5000 robotjes die samen met een reeks lichtmeters terug kunnen kijken in de geschiedenis van het heelal door donkere energie te onderzoeken en de afstand tot miljoenen sterrenstelsels en quasars in kaart te brengen.
Einsteins theorie houdt stand
Met de huidige gegevens heeft het onderzoeksteam de verspreiding, groei en ontwikkeling van meer dan 5,7 miljoen sterrenstelsels in kaart gebracht over een periode van 11 miljard jaar – van de totale ouderdom van het heelal van 13,8 miljard jaar.
Volgens astronomen is het heelal georganiseerd in het zogeheten kosmische web.
Hier zijn sterrenstelsels en clusters van sterrenstelsels verdeeld in een netwerk van lange strengen van donkere materie en sterrenstelsels, zogeheten filamenten, waar bijna geen sterrenstelsels zijn.
Onderzoekers maakten de tot nu toe grootste 3D-kaart van het heelal, die 11 miljard jaar terugkijkt in de tijd.
In het kosmische web vormt donkere materie ongeveer 27 procent van de totale energie van het heelal, terwijl donkere energie, die ervoor zorgt dat het heelal uitdijt en in principe de zwaartekracht tegenwerkt, ongeveer 68 procent vormt.
Het onderzoeksteam gebruikte de algemene relativiteitstheorie om de groei van het kosmische web te voorspellen.
Ze zagen dat de manier waarop de zwaartekracht de sterrenstelsels samenklontert en de manier waarop het kosmische web zich in de loop van de tijd ontwikkelt, consistent is met de theorie van Einstein.
Als er zwaartekracht aan de vergelijking zou worden toegevoegd of eruit zou worden verwijderd, zou het heelal er niet zo uitzien als nu.
Hierbij observeerden wetenschappers dat donkere energie in de loop van de tijd verandert en dat het heelal daarom niet statisch uitdijt.
Er waren zelfs aanwijzingen dat het effect van donkere energie afnam. Dit zou verband kunnen houden met zwaartekracht.
Een extra bevinding
Het huidige onderzoek wierp ook nieuw licht op een ander kosmisch mysterie: het neutrino.
Neutrino’s zijn een soort elementaire deeltjes die nogal ongrijpbaar zijn, omdat ze geen elektrische lading hebben en bijna geen massa. Daarom worden ze ook wel spookdeeltjes genoemd.
Eerder onderzoek heeft een ondergrens gevonden voor de massa van neutrino’s. Met de nieuwe DESI-gegevens konden onderzoekers de bovengrens van de massa van neutrino’s bepalen.
Wetenschappers geven hersenen van 60-plussers een boost met gemakkelijk en goedkoop supplement
Wat goed is voor onze darmen kan ook goed zijn voor een ouder wordend brein. Althans, zo blijkt uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Een recente studie toonde aan dat een dagelijks – makkelijk te verkrijgen – supplement de werking van de hersenen bij mensen ouder dan 60 jaar kan verbeteren. Hoe hebben de wetenschappers dat ontdekt? En belangrijk, om welk supplement gaat het? HLN-wetenschapsexpert Martijn Peters licht toe.
Martijn Peters
Waarom doen wetenschappers hier onderzoek naar?
De invloed van onze darmflora, de haast ontelbare micro-organismen die daar leven, reikt veel verder dan enkel ons spijsverteringsstelsel. Al enkele jaren onderzoeken wetenschappers de link tussen onze darmen en ons brein. Want de samenstelling en gezondheid van ons microbioom kan zowel een positieve als een negatieve impact hebben op de werking van onze hersenen.
Als we verouderen, neemt de weerbaarheid van onze darmflora af. Het microbioom wordt gevoeliger voor ziekte, de impact van geneesmiddelen en veranderingen in onze levensstijl. Ook de samenstelling van onze darmflora verandert. Met andere woorden, als we onze darmen kunnen ondersteunen tijdens het ouder worden, dan kan dit mogelijk ook een invloed hebben op de werking van onze hersenen.
Een manier om je darmen, meer bepaald je microflora, gezond te houden en te ondersteunen, is door ze te voeden. Dat kan door middel van zogenaamde ‘prebiotica’. Bekender voor velen zijn de probiotica, levende bacteriën of gisten die je kunt innemen. Prebiotica zijn bestanddelen in ons eten die wij niet verteerd krijgen, maar die wel als voedsel voor onze microflora kunnen dienen. De hypothese die de wetenschappers daarom opperden was: “Dragen prebiotica via ondersteuning van onze microflora bij aan een betere werking van onze hersenen?”
Er bleek een duidelijk effect op het gemoed wanneer mensen over een langere periode prebiotica innemen, maar voor het prestatievermogen van de hersenen was dit minder duidelijk
Wat is hier tot nu toe al over geweten?
Recent hebben Belgische wetenschappers van UCLouvain nog een overzicht gemaakt van alle studies die tot nu toe op mensen zijn uitgevoerd. Daarbij keken ze naar het effect van prebiotica op ons gemoed, emoties, depressie en angst enerzijds en op geheugen, aandacht, perceptie en uitvoerende taken anderzijds. Het ging daarbij over wetenschappelijk onderzoek op zowel korte als lange termijn.
Daaruit bleek er een duidelijk effect op het gemoed en dergelijke wanneer mensen over een langere periode prebiotica innemen, maar voor het prestatievermogen van de hersenen was dit minder duidelijk. Voornamelijk doordat deze parameter in de wetenschappelijke literatuur weinig getest is. Meer onderzoek, zoals deze recente studie die in Nature Communications is verschenen, was dus nog steeds nodig.
Voor deze studie hebben Britse wetenschappers van King’s College London 36 paren van tweelingen ouder dan 60 jaar onder de loep genomen. Elk paar kreeg 12 weken lang elke dag eiwitpoeder voorgeschoteld. Maar terwijl daar voor de ene helft 7,5 gram prebiotica (Darmocare Pre®, Bonsuvan) aan was toegevoegd, kreeg de andere een placebo van maltodextrine.
Het prebioticum in kwestie was een combinatie van inuline en fructooligosaccharide (FOS). Inuline komt vooral voor in de wortels van planten zoals chicorei, aardpeer en artisjok. FOS vind je van nature dan weer veel in bananen, uien, asperges, prei en tarweproducten. Het ging hier om een zogenaamd ‘dubbelblind’ onderzoek waarbij noch de onderzoeker, noch de testpersoon wist wat er in het poeder zat.
Wie supplementen nam, haalde hogere resultaten op de test die men inzet voor vroege detectie van Alzheimer
Wat kwamen ze precies te weten?
De onderzoekers zagen dat de mensen met prebiotica beter scoorden in de cognitieve testen dan hun tweelingsbroer of -zus met de placebo. Zij haalden ook hogere resultaten op de ‘Paired Associates Learning’ test die men inzet voor vroege detectie van Alzheimer, én hun reactietijd en de snelheid waarmee ze informatie kunnen verwerken was beter. Kortom, het innemen van inuline of FOS leek wel degelijk een impact te hebben op de hersenwerking van ouderen. De onderzoekers geven dan ook aan dat dit nu verder getest moet worden op grotere groepen en om te kijken of deze positieve effecten ook aanhouden op lange termijn.
Daarnaast stelden de wetenschappers ook vast dat de prebiotica een rechtstreekse impact hadden op de samenstelling van de microflora van de deelnemers. Zo zagen ze een significante toename van het aantal goede bacteriën zoals het bifidobacterium.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFOs on the Moon: What NASA and Astronauts Couldn’t Reveal | Dr. Steven Greer’s Shocking Insights
UFOs on the Moon: What NASA and Astronauts Couldn’t Reveal | Dr. Steven Greer’s Shocking Insights
For decades, humanity’s fascination with the Moon has been intertwined with curiosity about extraterrestrial life. Recent discussions, particularly those led by Dr. Steven Greer—a prominent figure in UFO disclosure—have shed new light on the mysteries surrounding UFOs and unexplained phenomena on the Moon. In this article, we delve into Dr. Greer’s insights into what astronauts, government agencies, and historical events suggest about UFOs on the Moon.
Dr. Steven Greer and the UFO Disclosure Movement
Dr. Steven Greer, a physician turned UFO researcher, has spent over 30 years uncovering classified information on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Known for his work with the Disclosure Project, Dr. Greer has briefed world leaders, conducted press conferences, and produced documentaries to educate the public. His goal is to promote peaceful interstellar contact and reveal suppressed truths about UFOs, technology, and extraterrestrial civilizations.
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Alleged Encounters on the Moon
The Apollo 11 Moon landing in 1969 marked a monumental achievement for humanity, but according to Dr. Greer, it also unveiled an unsettling truth: we were not alone on the Moon. Citing sources close to Neil Armstrong, Dr. Greer suggests that the Apollo astronauts encountered UFOs during their mission. These unidentified craft were reportedly observed above the rim of a crater, leading to significant concern among the astronauts.
Armstrong and his crewmate Buzz Aldrin were allegedly warned against revealing what they saw. Armstrong, fearing for the safety of his family, chose to remain silent. Similarly, Aldrin reportedly experienced emotional distress following the mission, and his sister corroborated the account, stating that significant pressure was placed on the astronauts to suppress the truth.
The Covert Footage and Its Implications
To maintain secrecy, Dr. Greer claims that NASA prepared alternate footage to splice into live broadcasts if something unexpected occurred. This pre-recorded footage was allegedly used during the Apollo 11 mission to hide evidence of extraterrestrial activity. One key anomaly often cited is the movement of the American flag, which seems to flutter despite the Moon’s lack of atmosphere. According to Dr. Greer, this was an oversight in NASA’s attempt to cover up evidence of UFOs.
Ancient Structures and Lunar Anomalies
Dr. Greer also highlights evidence of artificial structures on the Moon, some ancient and others relatively new. These structures were reportedly identified during the Lunar Orbiter missions, even before Apollo 11. Images from these missions were sent to a specialized facility where they were analyzed and sequestered from public view. These findings, combined with the Apollo astronauts’ experiences, suggest that the Moon may have been a site of extraterrestrial activity long before human exploration.
Warnings from Extraterrestrial Civilizations
One of the most startling claims from Dr. Greer’s sources is that extraterrestrial civilizations “warned off” humanity from further Moon exploration. According to Neil Armstrong, these civilizations expressed displeasure with humanity’s Cold War mentality and military-driven space exploration. The message was clear: space exploration should be approached with a spirit of peace and cooperation, not competition and militarization.
This could explain why the U.S. discontinued its lunar missions after the Apollo program, despite initial plans for lunar colonies and long-term exploration. While official narratives cite budgetary constraints, Dr. Greer suggests that extraterrestrial warnings played a significant role in halting these efforts.
Marilyn Monroe, JFK, and the UFO Connection
Dr. Greer also connects the secrecy surrounding UFOs to historical figures like President John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. Kennedy’s vision of a cooperative space program and his alleged intention to disclose UFO information may have contributed to his assassination. Similarly, Marilyn Monroe’s reported plans to reveal details about UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters—shared with her during her relationships with JFK and Robert Kennedy—could have led to her untimely death. Dr. Greer cites a CIA document that implicates Monroe’s knowledge of “objects from outer space” as a potential motive for silencing her.
What Does This Mean for Humanity?
The claims surrounding UFOs on the Moon are more than just sensational stories—they challenge our understanding of history, technology, and our place in the cosmos. If true, these revelations suggest that humanity is being monitored by advanced civilizations with a vested interest in our progress. They also raise questions about the extent of government secrecy and the suppression of information that could revolutionize our understanding of the universe.
UFOs on Moon Are Not What You Think | NASA UAP & UFO News by Dr. Steven Greer
Dr. Steven Greer’s insights provide a compelling narrative about UFOs and extraterrestrial activity on the Moon. While skeptics may dismiss these claims, the testimonies of astronauts, whistleblowers, and historical documents suggest there is more to the story than meets the eye. As humanity continues to explore space, perhaps it is time to revisit these accounts with an open mind and a commitment to uncovering the truth.
The Moon, it seems, holds not just the promise of scientific discovery but also the potential to reshape our understanding of our relationship with the cosmos.
Secret Pentagon Program (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
Dr. Steven Greer on Seeing & Studying Aliens, Man-Made v. Alien UFOs, Govt. Secrets (Full Interview)
Metals found in Pacific Ocean ARE 'alien' objects: New study from Harvard physicist Avi Loeb finds up to 10% have compositions from outside our solar system - and 'not coal ash as critics claimed'
Metals found in Pacific Ocean ARE 'alien' objects: New study from Harvard physicist Avi Loeb finds up to 10% have compositions from outside our solar system - and 'not coal ash as critics claimed'
Story by Stacy Liberatore For
A Harvard physicist published a study revealing the fragments are not coal ash
Avi Loeb analyzed 850 fragments, finding 10 percent have 'alien' elements
A Harvard physicist has revealed that up to 10 percent of the fragments recovered from the Pacific Ocean contain 'alien' elements not seen in our solar system.
Avi Loeb told that he and his team completed their analysis of 850 spherules, finding a new class of differentiated elemental composition labeled BeLaU - and 'not coal ash, as claimed by some people.'
The composition included Beryllium, lanthanum and uranium, which are found on Earth, but were arranged in patterns that do not match our planet's alloys.
'We studied more than a dozen BeLaU spherules and showed that they are distinctly different from coal fly ash based on the abundances of 55 elements from the periodic table,' said Loeb.
'Beyond any reasonable doubt, this rules out the coal ash interpretation that was suggested by four people.'
The teams findings have now claimed that the IM1 meteor detected shooting through the skies in 2014 was Earth's first interstellar visitor.
A Harvard physicist has revealed that up to 10 percent of the fragments recovered from the Pacific Ocean contain ' alien ' elements not seen in our solar system. Avi Loeb told that he and his team completed their analysis of 850 spherules, finding a new class of differentiated elemental composition labeled BeLaU - and 'not coal ash, as claimed by some people.' The composition included Beryllium, lanthanum and uranium, which are found on Earth, but were arranged in patterns that do not match our planet's alloys.
The Harvard physicist's latest paper, published in January, breaks down the classification of the spherules.
Loeb told that the samples were studied by three laboratories: University of California, Berkley, Bruker Corporation and Harvard University.
The samples were subdivided into three compositional types: silicate-rich spherules or S-type, the Ferich (Fe) spherules or I-type and glassy spherules or G-type.
Around 78 percent fall along S, G and I-type spherules.
Another group was labeled 'differentiated,' which was found to have higher silicon (Si) and Magnesium (Mg), along with increased ratios of Aluminum (Ai) and Si.
'These spherules are thus called differentiated, meaning they are likely derived from crustal rocks of a differentiated planet; we label them as D-type spherules, characterized by Mg/Si,' reads the study.
'We studied more than a dozen BeLaU spherules and showed that they are distinctly different from coal fly ash based on the abundances of 55 elements from the periodic table,' said Loeb. 'Beyond any reasonable doubt, this rules out the coal ash interpretation that was suggested by four people.' The teams findings have now claimed that the IM1 meteor detected shooting through the skies in 2014 was Earth's first interstellar visitor. The Harvard physicist's latest paper, published in January, breaks down the classification of the spherules.
Loeb told that the samples were studied by three laboratories: University of California, Berkley, Bruker Corporation and Harvard University. The samples were subdivided into three compositional types: silicate-rich spherules or S-type, the Ferich (Fe) spherules or I-type and glassy spherules or G-type. Around 78 percent fall along S, G and I-type spherules. Another group was labeled 'differentiated,' which was found to have higher silicon (Si) and Magnesium (Mg), along with increased ratios of Aluminum (Ai) and Si. 'These spherules are thus called differentiated, meaning they are likely derived from crustal rocks of a differentiated planet; we label them as D-type spherules, characterized by Mg/Si,' reads the study. Another group was labeled 'differentiated,' which was found to have higher silicon (Si) and Magnesium (Mg), along with increased ratios of Aluminum (Ai) and Si. And about 22 percent of the 850 spherules were labeled as differentiated. The team used a different method to identify spherules with enrichments of Be, La and U.
This procedure identifies 10 of D-type spherules as BeLaU with low-Si spherules and two as BeLaU with high-Si spherules. Loeb explained that it is clear the fragments form from a material that split from a rock-like object, but the chemical composition is unlike any known solar system material with a component of the lunar crust being closest. 'The elemental composition of the BeLaU spherules was never reported in the scientific literature and is different from familiar spherules from known solar system meteors,' Loeb told
Another group was labeled 'differentiated,' which was found to have higher silicon (Si) and Magnesium (Mg), along with increased ratios of Aluminum (Ai) and Si.
And about 22 percent of the 850 spherules were labeled as differentiated.
The team used a different method to identify spherules with enrichments of Be, La and U.
This procedure identifies 10 of D-type spherules as BeLaU with low-Si spherules and two as BeLaU with high-Si spherules.
Loeb explained that it is clear the fragments form from a material that split from a rock-like object, but the chemical composition is unlike any known solar system material with a component of the lunar crust being closest.
'The abundance pattern does not resemble natural materials on the Earth, Moon, Mars or solar system asteroids and features enhanced abundances of some elements by up to a factor of a thousand relative to the initial composition of the solar system materials. We interpret it as being from outside the solar system. 'It constitutes the first recognized interstellar meteor, IM1.' Avi shared initial findings in October after analyzing just 57 fragments, stating the samples contained the new patterns of BeLaU, along with low content of elements with high affinity to iron, like Rhenium. However, the claim was met with criticism from other members of the scientific community, with one saying there was a lack of 'conclusive evidence'. Patricio A. Gallardo, a physicist at the University of Chicago, published a counter-study last November. 'The meteoritic origin is disfavored,' Gallardo shared in his paper published in Research Notes of the AAS. 'Few comparisons to contaminants have been conducted to discard the null hypothesis of terrestrial contamination.'
'The elemental composition of the BeLaU spherules was never reported in the scientific literature and is different from familiar spherules from known solar system meteors,' Loeb told
'The abundance pattern does not resemble natural materials on the Earth, Moon, Mars or solar system asteroids and features enhanced abundances of some elements by up to a factor of a thousand relative to the initial composition of the solar system materials. We interpret it as being from outside the solar system.
'It constitutes the first recognized interstellar meteor, IM1.'
Avi shared initial findings in October after analyzing just 57 fragments, stating the samples contained the new patterns of BeLaU, along with low content of elements with high affinity to iron, like Rhenium
However, the claim was met with criticism from other members of the scientific community, with one saying there was a lack of 'conclusive evidence'.
Patricio A. Gallardo, a physicist at the University of Chicago, published a counter-study last November.
'The meteoritic origin is disfavored,' Gallardo shared in his paper published in Research Notes of the AAS.
'Few comparisons to contaminants have been conducted to discard the null hypothesis of terrestrial contamination.'
Gallardo also claimed that there was a consistency between these three elements (as well as nickel) with the beryllium, lanthanum, uranium and nickel that arises in the ash from the burning of coal.
Steve Desch and Alan Jackson from Arizona State University also shared their criticism last year, stating: 'Far from being exotic particles from an extrasolar planet, the spherules collected and analyzed by Loeb et al. appear to be just like those found around the world, with a Solar System origin and compositions modified by tens of thousands of years residence at the ocean bottom.'
A fourth person echoed Gallardo's paper in claiming the spherules are 'coal ash from human activity since the industrial revolution.'
Gallardo also claimed that there was a consistency between these three elements (as well as nickel) with the beryllium, lanthanum, uranium and nickel that arises in the ash from the burning of coal. Steve Desch and Alan Jackson from Arizona State University also shared their criticism last year, stating: 'Far from being exotic particles from an extrasolar planet, the spherules collected and analyzed by Loeb et al. appear to be just like those found around the world, with a Solar System origin and compositions modified by tens of thousands of years residence at the ocean bottom.' A fourth person echoed Gallardo's paper in claiming the spherules are 'coal ash from human activity since the industrial revolution.' 'All four of these critics did not have access to the expedition materials and made loud statements to the science community, the public, and news media without substantive evidence,' Loeb told
'We now show that their 'coal ash' claim is invalid based on a detailed analysis of 55 elements from the periodic table. Their 'coal ash' claim was misinformation.' For years, Loeb has argued that Earth may have been visited by such technology. In 2017, an interstellar object named Oumuamua passed through the solar system, and while most scientists believe it was a natural phenomenon, Loeb famously argued it may have been of alien origin. After the discovery of Oumuamua in 2017, Loeb theorized - despite much criticism - that more interstellar objects had likely whizzed past Earth. He was vindicated in 2019 when a student discovered that a high-speed fireball in 2014, the IM1 meteor, also had interstellar origins and predated Oumuamua.
'All four of these critics did not have access to the expedition materials and made loud statements to the science community, the public, and news media without substantive evidence,' Loeb told
'We now show that their 'coal ash' claim is invalid based on a detailed analysis of 55 elements from the periodic table. Their 'coal ash' claim was misinformation.'
For years, Loeb has argued that Earth may have been visited by such technology.
In 2017, an interstellar object named Oumuamua passed through the solar system, and while most scientists believe it was a natural phenomenon, Loeb famously argued it may have been of alien origin.
He was vindicated in 2019 when a Loeb and his team discovered that a high-speed fireball in 2014, the IM1 meteor, also had interstellar origins and predated Oumuamua.
The Harvard scientists spent years working closely with the US military to pinpoint the impact zone, combing through data to determine if and when the object fell from space. And determined the object crashed off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Air friction burst IM1 into flames in mid-air as it careened towards Earth, leaving a trail of molten iron rain droplets in its wake on January 8, 2014. The discovery that these interstellar metal fragments could be dredged from the Pacific with powerful magnets led to Loeb and his Galileo team's 2023 mission.
Last June, Loeb and his team traveled to a site where the meteor IM1 was believed to have crashed nearly a decade ago. Also known as CNEOS1 2014-01-08, the object had an estimated diameter of 1.5 feet, a mass of 1,014 pounds and a pre-impact velocity of 37.3 miles per second. IM1 withstood four times the pressure that would typically destroy an ordinary iron-metal meteor ¿ as it hurtled through Earth's atmosphere at 100,215 miles per hour. The researchers trawled the seafloor off the coast of New Guinea in June 2023, pulling hundreds of tiny metallic spherules during the expedition.
The Harvard scientists spent years working closely with the US military to pinpoint the impact zone, combing through data to determine if and when the object fell from space.
And determined the object crashed off the coast of Papua New Guinea.
Air friction burst IM1 into flames in mid-air as it careened towards Earth, leaving a trail of molten iron rain droplets in its wake on January 8, 2014.
The discovery that these interstellar metal fragments could be dredged from the Pacific with powerful magnets led to Loeb and his Galileo team's 2023 mission.
Last June, Loeb and his team traveled to a site where the meteor IM1 was believed to have crashed nearly a decade ago.
Also known as CNEOS1 2014-01-08, the object had an estimated diameter of 1.5 feet, a mass of 1,014 pounds and a pre-impact velocity of 37.3 miles per second.
IM1 withstood four times the pressure that would typically destroy an ordinary iron-metal meteor — as it hurtled through Earth's atmosphere at 100,215 miles per hour.
The researchers trawled the seafloor off the coast of New Guinea in June 2023, pulling hundreds of tiny metallic spherules during the expedition.
The True Scale of Ocean Pollution
Harvard professor believes he may have found alien technology
Just two years before his death, William M. Tompkins had written “Selected by Extraterrestrials,” which induced sudden chaos in the UFO community with his incredible testimony about the US Navy’s secret development of space battle groups with the assistance of major aerospace companies beginning with Douglas Aircraft. He can be considered one of the most incredible whistleblowers to step forward and disclose the Secret Space Programs, E.T. Agendas, and hidden governments. He claimed to be part of an operation involving US Navy spies who stole UFO plans and antigravity technological secrets from the Nazis during World War II.
In July 2017, at a press conference, Tompkins made an unprecedented statement. He worked for the Douglas Aircraft Company alongside extraterrestrials (Nordic alien women). It had been 4-7 years before NASA appeared. He claimed about it in his book (mentioned above) that was published in 2015.
William Tompkins of Oceanside, CA displays one of the 307 ships in his fleet. A modeler since age 9, he started in earnest in his teens and built an entire fleet that illustrates naval history throughout America’s history. Image Credit:
Additionally, he revealed that the Nazis had already had operational UFOs during the war, and because of the information that the US spies were able to obtain, the US later developed its fleet of UFOs – which then got siphoned off into the black military sphere under the control of Majestic 12, the ultra-secretive group that controlled and managed the UFO/alien issue in the 1940s.
During the time of World War, there were secret societies such as the Thule Society and the Vril Society. Famous British historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clark wrote a whole chapter about Maria Orsic in his book “Black Sun” published in 2001, where he connected her with Vril society.
The author mentioned that Orsic could communicate with alien civilizations and one of them was from the planet Aldebaran, which is located in the Taurus system.
According to Tompkins, the Nazis were in contact with Extraterrestrial Reptilians at the same time as Orsic was doing her channeling. Hitler found out about Orsic, her abilities, and the fact she was receiving information that detailed how to construct UFOs.
According to Tompkins, Hitler allowed Orsic (and the Nordics with whom she was working) to continue to work on their UFO program because the Nazis were already in contact with the Reptilians, and because Hitler knew he could always take over Orsic’s project at any time.
Robert Wood, who was interviewed alongside William Tompkins by Search4TruthReality (source), claimed that the Nazis’ technology rapidly advanced due to their relationship with the Reptilians so that they got to the far side of the moon before the end of WW2.
William Tompkins and Dr. Robert Wood during an interview in 2016.
Dr. Wood worked in research and development management in Douglas Aircraft and McDonnell Douglas from 1956 to 1993. Later he became a Board member of MUFON. He was given $500,000 to disseminate UFO documents and $250,000 to make a UFO documentary. Later, Robert and his son Ryan scanned hundreds of MJ-12 documents and made them available on their website
According to William Tompkins, he was recruited at a young age by the Navy due to his precocious ability to build highly accurate model ships. After working at North American Aviation and Northrop, he was hired by Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950.
In interviews such as with Project Camelot and in his book “Selected by Extraterrestrials,” Tompkins revealed much of his story. He explained that MJ-12 began in 1942 with the senior Douglas (the man who started the company).
Tompkins stated that right after the Battle of LA in 1942, to handle the implications of UFOs openly showing themselves in the skies, Douglas pulled some key men into a group (or think tank) that later became MJ-12.
Seventeen-year-old Bill Tompkins points out the detail on his models to naval Captain H. C. Gearing, commandant of the 11th Naval District in San Diego. Bill was soon inducted into the navy and is shown in the second photo in his uniform holding one of his aircraft carriers. He went on to help design com on the real ships. Image Credit:
Dr. Wood stated that MJ-12 is mostly associated with the Air Force, not other branches of the US military. He explained that the US Navy started back-engineering Nazi UFO crafts in 1942 before MJ-12 came into existence. It took the Navy around a decade to produce functional UFO craft, but they did so eventually.
Tompkins stated that when the first astronauts went to the moon, they were shocked to discover it had already been occupied by Draco Reptilians. He said that the Reptilians, over 9 feet tall, were standing next to their advanced craft.
Bill Tompkins: They were parked around the side of the crater. Okay. They were not parked on it. They were floating above it. So there were hundreds of these nine-foot reptilian guys standing with their legs. Yeah. They were all the way across underneath their vehicles, standing on the crater.
Interviewer: And what do they look like?
Bill Tompkins: They’re ugly-looking lizard, alligator-type people. They got the same skin as the lizards got. Okay. And terrible-looking faces. But then they have the ability to shift and look like a human. All of them do. Okay.
Interviewer. Do you think Von Braun was a reptilian?
Bill Tompkins: No. Your president. Yes.
Interviewer: Oh, which one?
Bill Tompkins: [George Bush senior] And Bill Clinton and this guy you just got rid. Yeah. They all were. Right. Okay. And they all have this ability to make themselves look like real good-looking people.
Interviewer: And you’re saying Trump isn’t one?
Bill Tompkins: No, he’s not. That’s a relief. And he knows more about this subject than people realize. But trying to get back to your earlier question, these groups of extraterrestrials who work together but are at war with other extraterrestrials, okay, have these vehicles that look like a planet, like our moon is a vehicle. It’s a command center for this arm. The easiest way to look at this is to put your arm out like this, and you be the center of the galaxy. (Source)
According to both Tompkins and Dr. Wood, the Reptilians had already made a deal with the Nazis. Amazingly, Tompkins himself claimed he saw ancient structures on the far side of the moon and that he saw a floating building – 1.5 miles above the lunar surface.
According to Tompkins, many ET species are interacting with humanity currently, including Dracos/Reptilians and Nordics which have a great influence on the world.
In his Project Camelot interview, Tompkins prevented himself from disclosing more information about Reptilians as it was harmful to his credibility. Tompkins also described the US Military’s concerns about UFOs and alien beings and the Military’s rush to create advanced space-based weapons, which could be used to defend the planet Earth against an ET threat to our civilization.
He revealed US Navy has Battle Groups operating outside the Earth. He designed five spaceships and thirty support ships. Using the latest technology, he designed different spaceships for Northrop Aviation Company. Northrop started building the huge craft underground in Utah.
Tompkins claimed we are now building even better Battle Groups. The Apollo moon landings were also designed to build a base on the moon. We have had bases on the moon along with bases on Mars and Jupiter’s moons.
A month after the shocking conference, Tompkins passed away unexpectedly on August 21, 2017, in San Diego, California, at the age of 94.
Bill Tompkins Was In Control Room When Neil Armstrong Met Moon Reptilians! What Really Happened?
Neil Armstrong's Untold Extraterrestrial Encounter on The Moon
The new director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office(AARO) confirmed to lawmakers on Tuesday that the U.S. is investigating what he characterized as “some very anomalous objects,” while providing an update on the Defense Department’s ongoing investigations into unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).
Pentagon UAP office to testify before US Senate, discuss UFO sightings
In his opening statements, Kosloski pledged that his office would continue to share information about AARO’s findings at the unclassified level, discussing several UAP cases his office has investigated, including a series of incidents which AARO says have now been resolved.
One of these, referred to as “The Puerto Rico Object,” involved a video of a purported UAP filmed in April 2013 from a U.S. Customs and Border Protection aircraft near Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. The video has been been a subject of independent public investigation and debate now for many years.
Kosloski told lawmakers the object in the video was assessed with high confidence by his office not to display any evidence of anomalous speeds or flight characteristics, and was “likely a pair of balloons or sky lanterns,” which Kosloski said had been “floating at about seven knots over the airport.”
Examples of AARO’s resolved reports also included a now-famous U.S. Navy video commonly known as “Go Fast” that first came to public knowledge in 2017, which Kosloski says represents an example of parallax.
“Through a very careful geospatial and intelligence analysis using trigonometry, we assess with high confidence that the object is not actually close to the water, but is rather closer to 13,000 feet,” Kosloski said.
“A trick of the eye called parallax makes it look like the object is moving much faster,” Kosloski added, referencing a report on parallax previously uploaded to AARO’s official website.
Another resolved UAP case, filmed in the Mediterranean from a drone observing the eruption of Mount Etna in 2018, appears to show a small object passing through the plume of superheated gas and ash produced by the volcano.
“This was a rather difficult case to resolve,” Kosloski said. “Through very detailed 3D modeling and pixel by pixel analysis of the object as it’s traversing across the clouds, the assess that the object was actually 170 meters away from the plume, and not flying through it.”
However, while many cases have been resolved by AARO, Dr. Kosloski cautioned against any perception that his office does not find at least some of the reports it receives genuinely anomalous.
“To be clear, AARO does not believe that every object is a bird, a balloon, or a UAV,” Kosloski said, adding that “we do have some very anomalous objects.”
Kosloski also said that his office has worked to ensure that U.S. personnel with information related to UAP or alleged U.S. government programs associated with such phenomena feel comfortable coming forward and speaking to AARO.
“We take that responsibility and those authorities very seriously,” Kosloski said, adding that he and his staff “have been reaching out to the broader community, encouraging folks who had talked to AARO personnel in the past, and maybe felt uncomfortable to come back to us.”
Prior to Kosloski’s appointment as AARO Director, the office’s investigations were led by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, who is currently the Chief Technology Officer for Defense and Intelligence Programs within the National Security Sciences Directorate (NSSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
It was unclear during Tuesday’s hearing whether Kosloski’s references to past instances where U.S. personnel may have felt uncomfortable speaking with AARO investigators had occurred during Kirkpatrick’s tenure. However, Kosloski told lawmakers that AARO has recently been “making great progress,” adding that several firsthand witnesses his office had spoken to about their UAP sightings “do feel comfortable coming back to us.”
Asked by Senator Gillibrand about UAP cases that merit further investigation, Kosloski explained that while some cases with insufficient data are placed into an active archive, there are others involving reportedly anomalous objects that AARO deems to be worthy of additional analysis.
AARO's logo in front of the Pentagon. AARO's Latin motto translates roughly as "the universe is changing/our life is what our thoughts make of it."
(Image credit: AARO/Wikimedia Commons)
One particularly intriguing unresolved case that Kosloski described involved a large orange orb or sphere observed floating several hundred feet above the ground by a law enforcement officer in the Western United States. As the officer approached the location believed to be directly beneath the object, he observed another object described as “blacker than black” and roughly the size of an automobile.
“As he got 40 to 60 meters away from the object, it tilted up about 45 degrees and then it shot up vertically,” Kosloski said, “and then it shot up vertically, he says 10 to 100 times faster than any drone he’s ever seen before.
“And it did that without making a sound, as far as he could tell from inside his vehicle,” Kosloski said. The object reportedly emitted very bright red and blue lights as it departed the scene, which illuminated the inside of the officer’s vehicle.
Another unresolved case involved a stationary cylinder that was observed for a short period hovering over a U.S. facility in the American southwest before abruptly disappearing. The object, observed by U.S. government contractors who were leaving the facility at that time, was described as being comparable in size to a commercial airplane, and was accompanied by a very bright white light.
“Obviously, an object that large [and] stationary—unless it’s a blimp—is unusual,” Kosloski said. “But then disappearing, we can’t explain how that would happen.”
In another instance, an aircraft flying parallel to another aircraft while filming it captured imagery of a much smaller object that appears to have passed between them at high speed.
Kosloski said AARO may be nearing a resolution with one of these three cases, but added that there are several others that are still currently under analysis by his office.
Asked by U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) what the U.S. needs to be doing about UAP and what precautions should be taken by U.S. officials, Kosloski warned about stigmas that have long prevailed against the subject, which he said “opens the opportunity for an adversary… to come in and conduct some activity.”
“We need to do that, and we need to have more persistent monitoring,” Kosloski also told lawmakers of the challenges AARO faces with regard to collecting information about UAP, adding that in particular, monitoring at high security facilities should be a main priority.
“Whether it is a UAP, or it is a counter-UAS issue, that we need to have that complete domain awareness around our national security facilities,” Kosloski said.
Next year, Kosloski said AARO plans to roll out a public reporting mechanism at AARO’s website where members of the general public can download a reporting form and submit details about possible UAP sightings, along with attachments such as imagery. This simple reporting interface, Kosloski said, was chosen due to its cost effectiveness, in addition to being a system that he said could ensure the privacy of those members of the public who file reports.
“I think that the authorities that we have are remarkable,” Kosloski said at the conclusion of the short public session, thanking Gillibrand and other lawmakers, and adding that he believes AARO to be “well-resourced as an office.”
“The only ask that I would have is that you continue to champion us, particularly with witnesses,” Kosloski said. “Encourage them to come forward and report to us so we that we can have a more fulsome investigation of the potential historic or ongoing legacy programs,” Kosloski said.
Speaking with members of the media on a call last week following the release of AARO’s new report, Kosloski said that his office currently has “several particularly interesting cases.”
“We’re working on within the office, working with our partners to downgrade several of those cases, so we can talk about them publicly,” Kosloski said during the call.
“But there are interesting cases that I, with my physics and engineering background and time in the IC, I do not understand.”
“And I don’t know anybody else who understands them either,” Kosloski added.
Venus Has Never Been Habitable, New Study Suggests
Venus Has Never Been Habitable, New Study Suggests
Planetary researcher Tereza Constantinou and her colleagues at the University of Cambridge have examined the chemical composition of the Venusian atmosphere and inferred that the planet’s interior is too dry today for there ever to have been enough water for oceans to exist at its surface; instead, Venus has likely been a scorching, inhospitable world for its entire history.
This composite image, taken by JAXA’s Akatsuki spacecraft, shows Venus.
Image credit: JAXA / ISAS / DARTS / Damia Bouic.
From a distance, Venus and Earth look like siblings: it is almost identical in size and is a rocky planet like Earth.
But up close, Venus is more like an evil twin: it is covered with thick clouds of sulfuric acid, and its surface has a mean temperature close to 500 degrees Celsius.
Despite these extreme conditions, for decades, astronomers have been investigating whether Venus once had liquid oceans capable of supporting life, or whether some mysterious form of ‘aerial’ life exists in its thick clouds now.
“We won’t know for sure whether Venus can or did support life until we send probes at the end of this decade,” Constantinou said.
“But given it likely never had oceans, it is hard to imagine Venus ever having supported Earth-like life, which requires liquid water.”
When searching for life elsewhere in our galaxy, astronomers focus on planets orbiting their host stars in the habitable zone, where temperatures are such that liquid water can exist on the planet’s surface.
Venus provides a powerful limit on where this habitable zone lies around a star.
“Even though it’s the closest planet to us, Venus is important for exoplanet science, because it gives us a unique opportunity to explore a planet that evolved very differently to ours, right at the edge of the habitable zone,” Constantinou said.
The dichotomous climate pathways proposed for Venus.
Image credit: Constantinou et al., doi: 10.1038/s41550-024-02414-5.
There are two primary theories on how conditions on Venus may have evolved since its formation 4.6 billion years ago.
The first is that conditions on the surface of Venus were once temperate enough to support liquid water, but a runaway greenhouse effect caused by widespread volcanic activity caused the planet to get hotter and hotter.
The second theory is that Venus was born hot, and liquid water has never been able to condense at the surface.
“Both of those theories are based on climate models, but we wanted to take a different approach based on observations of Venus’ current atmospheric chemistry,” Constantinou said.
“To keep the Venusian atmosphere stable, then any chemicals being removed from the atmosphere should also be getting restored to it, since the planet’s interior and exterior are in constant chemical communication with one another.”
The researchers calculated the present destruction rate of water, carbon dioxide and carbonyl sulfide molecules in Venus’ atmosphere, which must be restored by volcanic gases to keep the atmosphere stable.
Volcanism, through its supply of gases to the atmosphere, provides a window into the interior of rocky planets like Venus.
As magma rises from the mantle to the surface, it releases gases from the deeper portions of the planet.
On Earth, volcanic eruptions are mostly steam, due to our planet’s water-rich interior.
But, based on the composition of the volcanic gases necessary to sustain the Venusian atmosphere, the scientists found that volcanic gases on Venus are at most six percent water.
These dry eruptions suggest that Venus’s interior, the source of the magma that releases volcanic gases, is also dehydrated.
At the end of this decade, NASA’s DAVINCI mission will be able to test and confirm whether Venus has always been a dry, inhospitable planet, with a series of flybys and a probe sent to the surface.
The results could help astronomers narrow their focus when searching for planets that can support life in orbit around other stars in the galaxy.
“If Venus was habitable in the past, it would mean other planets we have already found might also be habitable,” Constantinou said.
“Instruments like the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope are best at studying the atmospheres of planets close to their host star, like Venus.”
“But if Venus was never habitable, then it makes Venus-like planets elsewhere less likely candidates for habitable conditions or life.
“We would have loved to find that Venus was once a planet much closer to our own, so it’s kind of sad in a way to find out that it wasn’t, but ultimately it’s more useful to focus the search on planets that are mostly likely to be able to support life — at least life as we know it.”
The study was published this month in the journal Nature Astronomy.
T. Constantinou et al. A dry Venusian interior constrained by atmospheric chemistry. Nat Astron, published online December 2, 2024; doi: 10.1038/s41550-024-02414-5
This article is based on a press-release provided by the University of Cambridge.
Why Don't Venus And Mars Have Life If They Are Both In The Habitable Zone?
From the time the space rock was spotted by NASAto the time it hit Earth, space agencies around the world had just seven hours to react.
Luckily for Earth, this asteroid was only 70cm across and burned up harmlessly in the air - but for asteroid hunter Franck Marchis, this was too close for comfort.
Dr Marchis, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute and founder of the UNISTELLAR citizen astronomer network, told MailOnline: 'If it had been slightly bigger, that would been a very different story.'
If scientists want to save humanity from a potential 'city killer' asteroid we need years of warning, not a handful of hours.
The solution, according to Dr Marchis, is to enlistamateur astronomers to fill in the gaps left behind by the professionals.
Dr Marchis says: 'Asteroids can come at any moment towards Earth. Having eyes on the sky everywhere in the world allows us to track them.'
Professional asteroid hunter Franck Marchis says that governmental space agencies like NASA and ESA can't protect Earth from an impending asteroid impact alone
Franck Marchis (pictured) senior astronomer at the SETI Institute and founder of UNISTELLAR, told MailOnline that the only way to protect Earth from asteroids is for civilians to spot the threats that NASA misses
What's the risk of an asteroid hitting Earth?
On Christmas Day, 2004, while most of us were busy opening presents and enjoying time with our families, Dr Marchis was facing down a potentially deadly threat.
NASA had spotted a large space rock, known as a Near-Earth Object (NEO), and sent out a call for astronomers to take a closer look.
After taking measurements of the asteroid's course and calculating its orbit, Dr Marchis and other astronomers came to the sobering realisation that it was headed right for Earth.
At around 400m in diameter, the asteroid, known as 2004 MN4, was a true city killer capable of punching through the atmosphere and hitting the planet with devastating force.
To make matters worse, Dr Marchis predicted that there were only four to seven hours before impact.
He says: 'The community was freaked out, for several hours we had no idea if it was going to hit the planet or not.'
Thankfully, it turned out that the initial observations had been wrong and 2004 MN4 merely skimmed by the planet without colliding.
Just like the film 'Don't Look Up', on Christmas Day 2004, Dr Marchis detected an asteroid that was predicted to collide with Earth. However, unlike the film, Dr Marchis spotted the 400m-long space rock when there were only four hours before it was expected to hit
This week an asteroid exploded over Russia. The asteroid was discovered early Tuesday morning by a NASA-funded telescope only seven hours before it hit the atmosphere
How big is the risk of an asteroid impact?
Space rocks approaching Earth's orbit, known as near-earth objects (NEO), are carefully monitored by NASA and the European Space Agency.
There are 36,765 NEOs, 2,442 of which are classified as 'potentially hazardous'.
However, there are currently no asteroids big enough to cause serious damage to Earth on a collision course with the planet in the next 100 years.
The bigger risk is of a smaller, fast-moving asteroid which might hit before it can be detected.
This would only need to be about 20-40m in diameter to cause serious damage.
However, for seven hours on Christmas Day, there were only about 400 people in the world who knew just how close Earth had come to total disaster.
He says: 'I think when you see something like that, you realise that this is possible and you realise the potential impact of it.'
Each day, the Earth is bombarded by an estimated 100 tonnes of material from space, most of which are no larger than a grain of dust and burn up harmlessly in Earth's atmosphere.
However, astronomers have discovered 36,765 NEOs, including more than 11,000 which are over 140m across and 868 larger than a kilometre.
Of those, 1,714 are on the 'risk list' meaning that there is a non-zero chance of a collision with Earth.
With space around Earth so full of potential threats, near misses are not entirely uncommon.
Last year a 130m-wide space rock named 2019 OK travelling at 88,500 kmph (55,000 mph) passed within just 72,500 km (45,000 miles) of Earth - extraordinarily close in astronomical terms.
Nor do asteroids need to be as large as 2003 MN4 to cause absolute devastation.
In 2004, Dr Marchis detected the asteroid 400m-wide 2004 MN4. At the time, calculations suggested it may hit Earth within hours of its discovery
The Chelyabinsk meteor (pictured) which injured over 1,600 and damaged over 7,000 buildings in 2013 was believed to be just 18m in diameter.
The 5 asteroids that could hit Earth
1. Bennu: 1,574 ft
Odds of collision: 1/2,700 on September 24, 2182
2. 1950 DA: 6,561 ft
Odds of collision: 1/34,500 on March 16, 2880
3. 2023 TL4: 1,083 ft
Odds of collision: 1/181,000 on October 10, 2119
4. 2007 FT3: 2,165 ft
Odds of collision: 1/11.5 million on October 5, 2024
5. 2023 DW: 166 ft
Odds of collision: 1/1,584 on February 14, 2046
For instance, the Chelyabinsk meteor which injured over 1,600 and damaged over 7,000 buildings in 2013 was believed to be just 18m in diameter.
Dr Marchis says: 'An asteroid of over 120 metres will impact our planet every 10,000 years on average.
'This shows that, if we want our civilisation to last for a long period of time, we need to look around us and characterise those objects.'
How can we save Earth from a devastating asteroid impact?
After the Christmas Day scare, Dr Marchis says he realised that small groups of professionals simply weren't up to the task of defending the entire planet.
'There are multiple stations around the world, professional telescopes, that detect and characterise objects but most of them are located in the same area,' Dr Marchis says.
The novel solution was that, instead of having a handful of massive advanced systems, you could fill the dark zones with small, cheap telescopes to watch the whole sky at once.
Dr Marchis' initial plan was to place a series of small satellite telescopes in orbit (pictured) to detect incoming asteroids. However, this was deemed too expensive
Dr Marchis says: 'We quickly realised that having an entire worldwide array of telescopes capable of watching all of the sky all of the time would help.'
Back in 2014, Dr Marchis thought that the best way to do this would be to surround the planet with a network of orbiting telescope satellites.
However, before the days of reusable rockets, nobody was interested in funding a vast satellite constellation and Dr Marchis now calls the idea his 'sci-fi' project.
Unable to put his telescopes in space, Dr Marchis ultimately settled on the next best thing: putting them in as many homes around the world as physically possible.
In 2015, he founded UNISTELLAR which makes relatively cheap telescopes 'smart telescopes' which can track objects in space and share their measurements with a network of amateur astronomers.
These observations allow average civilians to light up the world's dark zones and keep a watchful eye on anything that could pose a threat to Earth.
When NASA or ESA's wide-angle telescopes spot something bright and fast moving through the sky they send a notification to a database called the Minor Planets Centre.
Dr Marchis says: 'Based on about five or six observations they tell other people: "Hey, there is an asteroid coming to us and it could be potentially hazardous."
Instead of going to space, Dr Marchis founded Unistellar which sells telescopes (pictured) that automatically share data on the objects they observe with a network of amateur astronomers. This allows scientists to gather lots of observations of potentially hazardous objects
'Amateur astronomers including those inour network get this notification and use our telescopes to refine the observation.
'It's by combining all those eyes together that refines the predicted orbit of the asteroid and confirms whether it is an asteroid rather than a piece of rocket.'
In the case of spotting a dangerous asteroid, the impact will first be confirmed by NASA's Sentry and ESA's Meerkat prediction systems.
Then Dr Marchis and the other members of UNISTELLAR would bring their predictions to the UN's International Asteroid Warning Network to coordinate the response.
The asteroid was spotted by a NASA-funded telescope in Arizona about seven hours prior to impact.
Amateur astronomers in Japan and Australia then used their smaller telescopes to work out exactly where and when it would hit.
This time, it was determined that the space rock would burn up in the atmosphere so the issue was not escalated to the UN but, if it had been bigger, it would have been these citizen scientists' observations which determined the areas to be evacuated.
The Earth frequently faces near misses from hazardous asteroids. This year four 'potentially hazardous' asteroids passed Earth within a 12-hour window. The largest was the 'city killer' asteroid 2002 NV16 which is taller than the Blackpool Tower
The future of planetary defence
However, if humanity is to survive into the future, we need to do more than just know when Earth is about to be hit by an asteroid - we need a way of stopping it.
'The good news is that, two years ago, we made an experiment showing that we can deflect an asteroid if we know well in advance that such an impact will happen,' Dr Marchis says.
'And that's changing a lot about how we think about this problem.'
The experiment Dr Marchis refers to is NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) which slammed a fast-moving satellite into the side of a distant asteroid.
Although the results will be confirmed in 2026 by ESA's Hera mission, the early results show that the asteroid was indeed bumped out of its orbit.
And, as the satellite collided with its target, it was telescopes in the UNISTELLAR network that recorded the impact as it happened.
These observations provided the first images of the plumes of dust and debris caused by the collision which showed that the $324.5 million (£253.5 million) mission had been a success.
NASA's DART mission used a small fast-moving satellite to slam into a massive asteroid. This test showed that it is possible to knock an asteroid out of a collision course with Earth
Dr Marchis says that he wants to expand the amateur astronomer network to detect potential targets for deflection missions. Projects like the DART mission (pictured) could be a vital line of defence against space rocks but only if there is enough prior warning
It was even the hard work of citizen scientists which provided the data thatproved humanity really could push a dangerous asteroid out of the way.
Dr Marchis says that the goal is now to expand the UNISTELLAR network so that amateur astronomers can start to identify any asteroids that could pose a threat.
He says: 'What we need to do is map the entire surroundings of Earth to find all those bodies 120m or larger because, as soon as we know that one of them could impact our planet, we just have to send a spacecraft over to deflect it.
'We do more observations in a year now than we have done over the past 200 years but we could still do better.'
For example, there are still vast dark zones over the developing countries where Earth just can't see what is coming its way.
Dr Marchis says that the only solution is to either 'win the lottery' to fund his satellite telescopes or get more amateur astronomers involved in planetary defence.
He concludes: 'If people like astronomy or if they want to do something more meaningful in their life they should really look at what we do in citizen science.
'This is a movement which is going to change the way we progress as a civilisation and UNISTELLAR is proof that every human can make remarkable discoveries that will one day change humanity.'
Currently, NASA would not be able to deflect an asteroid if it were heading for Earth but it could mitigate the impact and take measures that would protect lives and property.
This would include evacuating the impact area and moving key infrastructure.
Finding out about the orbit trajectory, size, shape, mass, composition and rotational dynamics would help experts determine the severity of a potential impact.
However, the key to mitigating damage is to find any potential threat as early as possible.
NASA and the European Space Agency completed a test which slammed a refrigerator-sized spacecraft into the asteroid Dimorphos.
The test is to see whether small satellites are capable of preventing asteroids from colliding with Earth.
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) used what is known as a kinetic impactor technique—striking the asteroid to shift its orbit.
The impact could change the speed of a threatening asteroid by a small fraction of its total velocity, but by doing so well before the predicted impact, this small nudge will add up over time to a big shift of the asteroid's path away from Earth.
This was the first-ever mission to demonstrate an asteroid deflection technique for planetary defence.
The results of the trial are expected to be confirmed by the Hera mission in December 2026.
A study conducted by US Army Intelligence has suggested that reincarnation is real because consciousness 'never dies.'
Entitled 'Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process,' the 29-page report was drafted by US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M McDonnell in 1983 and declassified by the CIA in 2003.
The research has resurfaced on social media, with Chicago-based comedian Sara Holcomb summarizing the findings, saying: 'We're pretty sure reincarnation is real.'
'Consciousness is energy and it exists outside of our understanding of reality,' Holocomb said, paraphrasing page 19 of McDonnell's Army intel report. 'And energy... never dies.'
The mind-bending official Pentagon study was commissioned to better understand what its Army intel colleagues were doing sending personnel to a small institute in Charlottesville, Virginia that was working on the 'Gateway Experience.'
The then-secretive 'Gateway' project, based to McDonnell's analysis, was 'a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence... to alter consciousness.'
From there, Gateway's ambitious goal was to shift the practitioner's consciousness 'outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space.'
At least according to McDonnell, the Monroe Institute's discoveries that wound up bolstering the case for reincarnation were profound.
'When consciousness returns to the Absolute [Monroe jargon for a realm outside spacetime] it brings with it all the memories it has accumulated through experience in reality,' as he distilled the Institute's finding that memories pass on from life to life via reincarnation.
An eye-popping study conducted by US Army Intelligence and made public by the CIA has shocked social media with its finding that consciousness transcends space and time. Entitled 'Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process,' the 29-page report was drafted in 1983
The recently resurfaced US Army Intelligence report presents an abstract explanation of how consciousness is created through the brain's processing of energy in the physical world - transforming it into what Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonnell compares to a hologram (above)
Or, as Holocomb put it more succinctly in one of many videos by TikTok users fascinated with the metaphysical US Army study: 'You're pretty sure reincarnation is a legit thing? Yup.'
The comedian, who posts as @mad_hatter_news on TikTok, also referenced a vast body of research by the nearby University of Virginia Medical School's Division of Perceptual Studies which has compiled a database of over 2,500 cases of professed reincarnation.
Many of the cases involved children under the age of five who claimed to remember 'memories of a previous life they claim to have lived.'
'Why the kids?' Holocomb continued in her post. 'It seems they're the ones that most easily remember their past lives.'
But the Gateway study explored more than simply heady spiritual questions of reincarnation, the nature of consciousness and the afterlife.
Ltc McDonnell's report as a member of US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) was concerned with psychic spycraft along the astral plane. Psychic spycraft involves the use of alleged paranormal abilities for espionage.
In 1983, INSCOM was headed by Major General Albert Stubblebine III, one of the US military's greatest proponents of psychic warfare.
Joe McMoneagle — who served as Remote Viewer No1. in one of Major General Stubblebine's psychic spy programs — has said his own role was to use remote viewing to spy on Russian military bases and gather intelligence.
He spent more than 20 years as a so-called 'remote viewer' working at Fort Meade in Maryland, which is also home to the National Security Agency (NSA).
'My success rate was around 28 percent,' McMoneagle said. 'That may not sound very good, but we were brought in to deal with the hopeless cases.'
'Our information was then cross-checked with any other available intelligence to build up an overall picture. We proved to be quite useful "spies."'
Joe McMoneagle (pictured) was a Vietnam vet and American 'psychic spy.' His role was to use 'remote viewing' to spy on Russian bases and gather intelligence. He now serves on the Board of Advisors for the Monroe Institute - whose 'Gateway' process was studied in the 1983 report
In 1983, INSCOM was headed by Major General Albert Stubblebine III (portrait above), one of the US military's greatest proponents of psychic warfare
Today in retirement, McMoneagle serves as on the Board of Advisors and as a trainer for the Monroe Institute, the same institute whose 'Gateway' process was studied by US Army INSCOM in their 1983 report.
Ultimately Ltc McDonnell's 'Gateway Experience' report, was an effort to verify the institute's suitability as a defense contractor used in this Army INSCOM program to operationalize 'out of body' experiences for espionage.
In his summary, McDonnell concluded: 'There is a sound and rational basis in terms of physical science parameters for considering Gateway to be plausible in terms of its essential objectives.'
'Intuitional insights of not only personal but of a practical and professional nature would seem to be within the bounds of reasonable expectations,' he continued, in essence validating INSCOM's 'psychic spying' strategy.
But there was a catch, he noted: These experiences were hard to control or direct consistently, which Ltc McDonnell suggested would require long and careful training.
'[A] phased approach for entering the Gateway Experience in an accelerated mode would seem to be required [...] from the standpoint of establishing an organization-wide exploitation of Gateway's potential,' he wrote.
In other words, while the Army intel official found that Gateway was real and possible, more research was needed to get to a place where US intelligence could actually make use it.
Ltc McDonnell then laid out recommendations for how Army INSCOM could go about designing further Gateway studies, though its unclear if more studies were ever launched.
Mysteriously, one page of Ltc McDonnell's report is missing, number 25, in the middle of a section where he was outlining potential practical defense uses of Gateway.
The omission caught the attention of some readers who launched a petition calling for the CIA to release it.
The CIA, however, says that it never had the page to begin with — fueling theories that it has been left it out on purpose due to the powerful techniques that page 25 described.
Researchers say there's evidence that consciousness continues after clinical death
The United States Air Force (USAF) has confirmed to Liberation Times that ‘small unmanned aerial systems’ were observed above three of its UK bases in the East of England over a continuous five-day period.
‘Small unmanned aerial systems were spotted in the vicinity of and over Royal Air Force Lakenheath, RAF Mildenhall and RAF Feltwell between Nov. 20 and Nov. 24.
‘The number of systems fluctuated, and they ranged in sizes and configurations. The sUASs were actively monitored and installation leaders determined that none of the incursions impacted base residents, facilities or assets.’
On Facebook, Colonel Jack R. Arthaud the commander of the 48th Fighter Wing at RAF Lakenheath posted:
‘You are most likely aware that we have experienced several sUAS or small drone sightings across the tri-base area since 20 Nov. They are being actively monitored and have not impacted base residents or infrastructure.
‘If you see anything suspicious, to include sUAS's or drone activity within the tri-base area, please contact either local police or Security Forces. The Liberty Wing is taking all appropriate measures to safeguard RAF Lakenheath, RAF Feltwell and residents.’
Specific details about the drone activities on Saturday 23 November, and Sunday 24 November, are not yet known. However, with wind speeds reaching up to 65 miles per hour in the area over the weekend, operating drones in such conditions would likely have been challenging.
This evening, plane spotters monitoring USAF activities from the affected bases reported ongoing drone incursions and observed Air Force assets deploying apparent countermeasures.
One YouTuber filming from outside RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk stated that he could see lights of apparent drones “skimming the tops of trees” near the base and that F15s had taken off and were going “round and round above us”.
The streamer, whose YouTube channel is named ‘Liberty Wing UK’, witnessed the F15s take off, said “they weren’t hanging around, full afterburner all the way up.”
The streamer appeared to have captured a radio conversation from the base, where one USAF officer can be heard saying:
“We’ve got multiple reports of UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] taking off from fields to the north and south”
Later on, the streamer added:
“I've had this information that it's some sort of test. But I just can't think it is because what I've been told by the base as well.
“They didn’t want me to stream to start with. If it was just an exercise I would have thought they wouldn’t bother saying anything to me.
“But they came over to me and spoke to me and, on purpose, asked me what I was doing. And they've been going around the perimeter, looking at people's cars and stuff as well. To me, I don’t think they would be bothered doing stuff like that if it was just an exercise.”
X user Dr. Andrew O'Malley shared a map of the area surrounding the base, highlighting aircraft activity, including a military refuelling plane.
He added:
‘Stratotanker up. That means fighter jets are up too with their transponders off.’
Liberation Times requested comment from the USAF to confirm whether drone incursions were ongoing as of 25 November 2024 - however no official confirmation has been provided.
One Facebook user and local resident named Hardy Lewis Jhardy witnessed what may have been one of the mysterious drones in the nearby Valbri Motel in the town of Brandon, Suffolk.
Jhardy told Liberation Times that the apparent drone appeared to be moving fast towards RAF Lakenheath and was medium in size.
The video was also posted onto Facebook. In response to it, one commenter suggested that it could be a USAF drone, stating:
‘Could be a drone from the base. I saw a drone once inside the Lakenheath base but owned by the military.’
Another commenter agreed, posting:
‘Is nobody considering that they may be security drones scanning for potential threats or sabotage!!’
On a separate Facebook post commenting on the incidents, one former USAF officer speculated that the apparent drones could belong to an adversary power, writing:
‘I hope the installation security posture is reflecting the threat? Drones will test security, gauge response times, identify vulnerabilities, and distract from another higher priority mission. A Drone swarm could overwhelm security forces in short order.
‘Too many incidents not to be coordinated. Stateside, overseas, getting probed. Very reminiscent of the bad old days, when we had humans poking around.’
The activity affecting the USAF-operated bases took place after the UK and U.S. governments approved the Ukrainian military's use of long-range missiles to strike targets within Russian territory.
So far, neither the UK nor U.S. governments have identified the operators of the apparent drones or specified the types of drones involved, despite their repeated launches on consecutive nights.
A resident of the nearby town of Brandon expressed his frustrations on Facebook, writing:
‘So Lakenheath, Mildenhall & Feltwell RAF American bases, have all had mystery drones flying around them. I have to ask, why were the drones not quickly shot down.’
Another wrote:
‘Little worrying.’
Meanwhile, Brandon’s Town Council told Liberation Times:
‘Our Town Clerk has informed me that we have received no official reports from any of the bases but the Squadron Leader does have a regular report at Full Council, so if there is anything to report on the matter, we will receive it then.’
With locals left concerned about the situation, a spokesperson from the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD) commented to Liberation Times:
“We take threats seriously and maintain robust measures at defence sites. This includes counter drone security capabilities.
“We won’t comment further on security procedures.”
The incursions over the U.S. bases follows other drones incidents reported by Liberation Times above Langley Air Force in December 2023, where logs show that dronebusters used by security forces failed to intercept the objects.
In January this year, it was reported that the U.S. military was set to deploy nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath.
In March 2023, a document, external from the U.S. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense disclosed how $50m had been earmarked to build a facility known as a ‘Surety Dormitory’ at the base.
Unveiling the Mystery: Underwater UFOs and Hidden ET Bases Beneath the Waves
Unveiling the Mystery: Underwater UFOs and Hidden ET Bases Beneath the Waves
The mystery of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has long fascinated humanity, but a less-discussed phenomenon also warrants attention: underwater unidentified submerged objects (USOs). These transmedium crafts exhibit extraordinary abilities to seamlessly transition between air, water, and even space. Recent explorations near California have shed light on compelling evidence of these enigmatic phenomena and the possibility of extraterrestrial (ET) bases hidden beneath the ocean’s surface.
Discoveries by Rory Kremer: Archaeologist and Undersea Explorer
Rory Kremer, a seasoned archaeologist with over 20 years of experience, ventured into the depths near California as part of a Netflix series, Alien Investigation. Tasked with exploring underwater structures and anomalies, Kremer’s findings have captivated UFO researchers and skeptics alike. Using advanced technologies such as side-scan sonar and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), Kremer identified potential evidence of intelligent design beneath the waves.
One of the most notable discoveries was a 60-90 foot fuselage-like structure with an aerodynamic form, unlike anything naturally occurring. Other finds included geometrically precise stone objects and what appeared to be ancient fire rings. These discoveries hint at either long-lost civilizations or something more extraordinary, such as ET activity.
The Transmedium Craft Phenomenon
Eyewitness accounts of transmedium crafts reveal their astonishing ability to traverse multiple environments—air, water, and space—without losing speed or maneuverability. One such encounter, described by Kremer, occurred during a Pacific expedition. He recounted a glowing object that emerged from the ocean, hovered briefly, and vanished into the night sky within seconds. This object, capable of both soundless flight and underwater navigation, challenges conventional understanding of physics and technology.
Footage from Kremer’s expeditions captured what appeared to be playful interactions from such objects, diving and reemerging from the water with remarkable speed. The video evidence, later featured in the Netflix series, showcases an object entering the ocean and glowing beneath the water’s surface, leaving behind an otherworldly phosphorescent trail.
California’s Underwater Hotspot
The waters surrounding California, particularly near Santa Cruz Island and Catalina Island, have been hotspots for USO sightings. The area is known for frequent reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) diving into the ocean, further fueling speculation about underwater ET bases. Native American oral histories also reference mysterious flying entities, which some researchers link to these modern-day sightings.
Underwater UFOs and ET Bases | Alien & UFO Ancient Mystery
Geologically, the region’s underwater caves, lava tubes, and trenches provide ideal hiding places for advanced underwater vehicles or bases. Kremer’s exploration into Painted Cave and Balloon Hanger Cave revealed potential evidence of such activity, with structural anomalies that defy natural explanations.
Military Connections and Speculations
Adding to the intrigue, the area is a known hub for military activity, including testing of advanced technologies. Some speculate that these sightings could involve classified military projects, but the capabilities of these objects far surpass known human technology. Reports of UFOs disabling missile facilities in Montana during the 1970s further link these phenomena to sensitive military zones, suggesting a deeper connection between UFOs, national security, and extraterrestrial involvement.
Historical and Cultural Significance
The region’s rich history also adds layers of mystery. With water levels rising by approximately 200-250 feet over the past 10,000 years, much of California’s ancient coastal archaeology lies submerged. Kremer’s findings suggest that some underwater anomalies may belong to pre-European civilizations. However, the precision of certain artifacts raises questions about whether these structures could be linked to advanced non-human intelligence.
The Road Ahead: What Lies Beneath?
Kremer’s work underscores how little is understood about the depths of our oceans. Advanced tools like LIDAR could revolutionize future investigations, offering a clearer picture of underwater landscapes and the potential presence of ET bases. The Netflix series and accompanying evidence have already sparked widespread interest, though much remains unexplored.
For now, the mystery of underwater UFOs and USOs continues to challenge our understanding of the natural and extraterrestrial world. Are these sightings evidence of ancient civilizations, classified military experiments, or visitors from other worlds? The answers may lie deep beneath the ocean’s surface, waiting for humanity to uncover them.
Evidence Of Underwater UFOs Plagues The California Coast | UFO Witness
Mysterious UFO drones have been spotted flying over New York City - after weeks of being photographed in New Jersey.
Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella confirmed that the peculiar objects had been seen flying above Howland Hook Marine Terminal and the West Shore on Staten Island earlier this week.
In a letter addressed to the FAA and FBI requesting an investigation, Fossella called the situation 'bizarre', according to PIX11.
'It is odd and quite bizarre that nobody can figure out who is flying these drones, where they are coming from, and their purpose.
'It is not just a bizarre situation, but also a concerning one, as it seems these drones can potentially become a danger to personal safety.'
He also stated that he was worried about the drones' ability to impede life-saving care in medical emergencies - especially over the two hospital systems on Staten Island.
'It was recently reported that, during a medical emergency resulting from a crash in Branchburg, New Jersey, the presence of these drones prevented a medevac helicopter from being able to transport a seriously injured patient to the hospital.
'We hope that such an investigation may shed light on what these drones are doing, where they are coming from and how to mitigate the risks they may pose on public safety.'
Mysterious UFO drones have been spotted flying over New York City - days after being photographed in New Jersey
One drone, heard roaring in the skies as it moved through the darkness, appeared to have a cluster of white lights on its underbelly and red lights blinking at the tips of its wings and tail.
Another drone came into frame that resembled a classic 'black triangle' UFO or the triangular TR-3B, which beamed bright white lights from its nose, wingtips and tail.
Since mid-November, a wave of unexplained drone sightings above central Jersey has left both law enforcement and the general public watching the skies, hunting for clues on what these mysterious night flights might be.
Governor Phil Murphy has attempted to calm residents claiming these true UFOs pose 'no known threat to the public at this time,' but FBI and local police are actively investigating.
'Water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments, and military installations' have all had the UFOs roaming above them in recent weeks, according to the chief of police for the New Jersey borough of Florham Park.
'Their presence appears nefarious in nature,' the police chief added.
Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella confirmed that the peculiar objects had been seen flying above Howland Hook Marine Terminal and the West Shore on Staten Island earlier this week
'Seems like they want them to be seen,' NJ native and TikTok creator @_bucky13 commented under his phone footage of the eerie drones (still image above), captioned 'Mysterious drones spotted all over New Jersey.' At least five drone-like UFOs are seen in his 50-second clip
One of the UFO drones, whose engines can be heard roaring from the ground, appeared to have a cluster of white lights on its underbelly with red lights blinking at its wingtips and tail (above)
But the New Jersian who posted the new footage of these drones online maintains the answer lies within America's own classified world of black budget projects.
'Seems like they want them to be seen,' TikTok user @_bucky13 commented under his phone video of the eerie UFOs, captioned
'I think they are trying to scare Russia by demonstrating some secret weapons,' he wrote.
The camera was pointed to the sky when the drones came into view.
'There they are! There are more in New Jersey!,' he can be heard shouting in his handheld video — as an unsettled woman off-camera says, 'We shouldn't be outside.'
'They look like an f***ing triangle! They look like a triangle,' he said in disbelief, as je spotted a triangular-shaped drone cruising into the night.
A later UFO or drone seemed to hover stationary beyond the tree line, lit up with multiple lights that pulsed bright enough to produce a lens flare effect.
'Are you freaking kidding me right now,' one woman can be heard saying of the craft.
Commenters of UFO video joined him in his suspicion that the objects may ultimately prove to be top secret US military craft, even as the TikToker can be heard marveling in his video that 'an F-16 just flew over' in hot pursuit of the unidentified craft.
According to one NJ local, this image depicts roughly nine of the unidentified drones flying in to the Garden State from the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night, December 5
A later UFO or drone in the new video looks like it might have hovered stationary beyond the tree line, lit up with multiple lights that pulsed bright enough to produce a lens flare effect
'Looks like a military drone,' one Tik Tok user said, with another chiming in 'Definitely government made drones.'
Many stated with confidence that the triangle craft was the legendary and still unconfirmed TR-3B 'Black Manta' anti-gravity spy plane, the alleged follow-up to the equally unconfirmed TR-3A, both claimed to have been made by defense contractor Northrop in the early 1990s.
'Those are TR-3B government drones,' one poster said. 'Look them up, they're pretty cool.'
A December 1991 cover story in Popular Mechanics was one of the first mainstream media reports to allege that the TR-3A existed as a highly advanced 'tactical reconnaissance vehicle' eyewitnesses said was 42-feet long with a 60-foot wingspan.
Others have speculated that the UFOs above New Jersey might be an update to US defense contractor Lockheed Martin’s original 'Darkstar' that flew in 1996.
The Artemis moon landings are delayed again due to technical difficulties. This time, the problem is with the Orion spacecraft heat shield. NASA administrator Bill Nelson announced that the new landing dates are in April of 2026 for Artemis II and sometime in 2027 for the first human landing during the Artemis III mission.
The difficulties the Artemis program faces stem from the complexity of the hardware and trajectories needed to take astronauts to the Moon according to Nelson. “The Artemis campaign is the most daring, technically challenging, collaborative, international endeavor humanity has ever set out to do,” said Nelson. He pointed out that the mission has made a lot of progress. However, there’s more work to be done, in particular on the Orion life support systems. Artemis II is next up in early 2026. It will be a test flight to demonstrate the viability of all the systems, said Nelson. “We need to get this next test flight right. That’s how the Artemis campaign succeeds.”
Making a safe return through Earth’s atmosphere is a vital part of the mission. After Orion came back from its Artemis 1 mission in November 2022, engineers noticed issues with the heat shield. They figured out that gases generated inside the heat shield didn’t vent properly. That caused cracks in the shield and triggered an investigation. The decision to delay the Artemis II test flight came after that investigation. This allows NASA engineers to work with the heat shield currently attached to the Orion capsule for the April 2026 flight. In addition, they’re studying the re-entry process to avoid future problems with the shield.
Artemis II to the Moon
As we all know, the Artemis program will allow long-term exploration of the Moon. The April 2026 mission is a test flight that will orbit, but not land, and then return to Earth. The idea is to test all the spacecraft’s systems with astronauts on board.
The Orion spacecraft is the crew’s living quarters and lab, all in one. It’s built to carry four astronauts from Earth to space and ultimately to the Moon. It makes sense that this “home away from home” has to be shielded from pretty much anything that space—and Earth’s atmosphere—can throw at the capsule. This includes the ultrahot trip through our atmosphere on the return trip. At times, Orion experiences temperatures up to 2700 C (5000 F), which could harm the capsule if not for the shielding. So, the shield is a life-saver.
The heat shield retrieved after the Artemis 1 test flight to the Moon. Crews inspected it to understand what caused it to char. Courtesy: NASA.
When Orion first encountered the heat shield problem, engineers determined that heating rates increased during the spaceship’s planned “dips” into the atmosphere. It was performing a skip guidance entry technique. Heat built up inside the heat shield’s material and gases accumulated. Eventually, that cracked areas in the outer layer of the shield and blew some of it off to space. It turns out that if astronauts had been aboard, they would not have been affected. However, now that engineers understand what occurred, they can enhance the heat shield material to make sure it doesn’t happen again. In addition, the mission plan will be altered to change how far the capsule flies between atmospheric re-entry and eventual landing.
Upgrading Mission Plans
The extended time until the April 2026 and mid-2027 Artemis missions will allow improvements to the capsule and launch systems. For example, engineers can give more attention to environmental and life support systems. This is particularly important for the Artemis III mission. It will launch on top of a Space Launch System rocket into Earth orbit. Once there, the mission will perform a translunar injection to send it to lunar space.
Not only will it carry astronauts to the Moon, but they will land in the south polar region using a SpaceX landing system. That 30-day mission will require at least two crew members to spend a week at the pole collecting samples, doing site photography, and measuring conditions there.
This image shows nine candidate landing regions for NASA’s Artemis III mission, with each region containing multiple potential sites for the first crewed landing on the Moon in more than 50 years. The background image of the lunar South Pole terrain within the nine regions is a mosaic of LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) WAC (Wide Angle Camera) images. Credit: NASA
Artemis III will be the first time anyone has set foot on the Moon since the last Apollo mission in December 1972. The entire Artemis program aims at providing long-term habitation and study of Earth’s nearest neighbor in space. To that end, NASA has been studying several interesting landing spots at the pole.
Eventually, there will be an orbiting lunar station, plus habitats on the surface and regular trips between. NASA and other agencies expect that lunar explorers will be spending their time studying the surface and geology of the Moon, plus determining what resources are available for long-term exploration and habitation. However, given the pace of the program, those next developments probably won’t take place until the 2030s.
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