When we think of aliens what generally comes to mind is an image presented to us by Hollywood, for the simple fact that the brain has difficulty identifying with something that could potentially be outside the limits of its given knowledge and imagination, as well as our overall current level of comprehension.

We all know about the popular image that is the alien greys or green alien looking men, or the very scary famous alien monster creature from the “Alien” movie saga. There is also “the Predator”, or the more friendly E.T. from Steven Spielberg’s famous 1982 movie, among countless others, but how many of them are even remotely accurate?

Our comprehension is limited by the Earth’s perceivable atmosphere, and more so by our human sensory limitations. In fact, according to experts, all the stars, planets and galaxies, etc. that can actually be seen today account for just 4 percent of the Universe. The other 96 percent is made of stuff astronomers and scientists can’t even see or even detect.

To put this into deeper perspective, scientists estimate that in our galaxy alone, there are hundreds of billions of earth like planets and, on a larger scale, in the known Universe, there are said to be at least one HUNDRED BILLION galaxies.

This is far FAR beyond the current level of human comprehension available. Not to mention that the belief that there isn’t alien life out there somewhere is incredibly naive. Even the belief that they have not been here, or are not here already, would be a very primitive belief to hold.

There is simply no way of truly knowing what aliens would look like. When we think of the complexity that already already exists on this planet alone, in terms of life, the possibilities are endless. Just look at the octopus, for example. Scientists have stated before that they believe it could potentially be an alien. However, the most alien like creature on this planet, actually seems to be humans, a theory that has been presented by numerous researchers and professionals, including Dr. Ellis Silver,  ProfessorSteven Benner, and Zecharia Sitchin, among others.

To answer the question of what alien life would look like, Popular Mechanics actually asked several “experts” what we could expect which can be read about HERE

Another scientist, Professor Simon Conway Morris, believes humans are not aliens, but aliens will look like us. According to the Independent, Professor Morris believes that “extra-terrestrials that resemble human beings should have evolved on at least some of the many Earth-like planets that have been discovered by astronomers.”

As you can see, there are many different theories but none of which are absolute. The possibility that we are the most evolved species in the Universe, let alone this planet, is highly unlikely. We are currently destroying the very planet we depend on for our livelihood. Not so intelligent.

So what do you think? What will aliens look like? What other life could potentially be out there?

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