The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Yoda, Take Shelter [Under The North Pole]!
Dedicated to revelations of the mayans 2012 and
"If extraterrestrials influenced human history, can
evidence of their existence be found in hidden tunnels and caverns around the
world? Could a cave in Ecuador contain metallic books inscribed with secrets of
alien technology? Was an ancient underground city in Turkey built with alien
help... or as a refuge from an alien attack? Rumors of the U.S. military working
alongside aliens in a secret base inside a mesa in New Mexico continue to swirl,
Native American legends mention strange inner-Earth beings, and recent
archaeological discoveries in the Yucatan may point to an extraterrestrial
reality behind."
"The possibility of ancient space visitations was
explored by Dr. Carl Sagan (19341996) as early as the 1966 convention of the
American Astronautical Society. "Our tiny corner of the universe may have been
visited thousands of times in the past few billions of years," Sagan stated
inIntelligent Life in the Universe(1966), coauthored with I. S. Shklovski. "At least one of
these visits may have occurred in historical times." Sagan, both an exobiologist
and an astronomer, theorized that Earth may have been visited by various
galactic civilizations many times during prehistoric times and that it is not
out of the question that artifacts of such extraterrestrial visits might still
exist, or even that some kind of alien base is maintained within our solar
system to provide continuity for successive expeditions."
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for September 2011 - deel 1
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for September 2011: deel 1
CMS continues
to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In September 2011 there were
785 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Number of Reports
New York
North Carolina
New Jersey
New Mexico
South Carolina
North Dakota
New Hampshire
South Dakota
West Virginia
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to
enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your
local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on and
direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their
own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness,
saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to
YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone
to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to
enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on
"ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank
sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone.
Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily
added your NEW report to CMS.
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for September 2011 -deel 2
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for September 2011: deel 2
Other interesting data points in CMS during September 2011 are the shape of
the UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 24 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and
2 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case
Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized
search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even
more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System.
For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your
CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan
Harzan at
In special reports, this week's files cover: Sightings
triple, General Mac Arthur Warns of Interplanetary War, Shoot Them Down, We Have
Lost Many Men and Planes, Astronaut Mitchell's Testimony, Dead Sea War Scroll,
Quietly Star Wars is being Built, Bruce Springsteen Record "Mars Red Dust, and
Boeing 787 Enters Service
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over
Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey,
Nevada, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Argentina,
Australia, Brazil, Canada, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of
the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in
ever-increasing numbers.
Special Reports
I spoke with Peter Davenport, who told
me, "Sightings Tripled Over the Summer for National UFO Reporting
General Mac Arthur Warns of Interplanetary War
nations of the world will have to unite for the next war will be an
interplanetary war. The nations of Earth must someday make a common
front against attack by people from other planets."
Shoot Them Down -Frank
Feschino's work and detailed research records some of the estimated 200 aircraft
lost to UFOs during intercepts.
White House concern may possibly have resulted in an order to shoot down the
UFOs, reported in various International
News Service (INS) stories on July 29, 1952. E.g., one such story reported
that "jet pilots have been placed on a 24-hour nationwide 'alert against the
flying saucers' with orders to 'shoot them down' if they ignore orders to land."
An Air Force public information officer, Lt. Col. Moncel Monte, confirmed the
directive stating, "The jet pilots are, and have been, under orders to
investigate unidentified objects and to shoot them down if they can't talk them
down." It was further stated that no pilot had been able to get close enough to
take a shot at a "flying saucer, as the objects would disappear or speed away as
soon as an interceptor approached, sometimes outflying their pilots by "as much
as a thousand miles an hour."
In just June and July of 1952, the U.S. lost NINETY-FOUR fighter jets
Worldwide and 51 men confirmed killed. Planes were falling to the ground two and three at a time in some
cases. The entire month of September records are missing. According to the NY
times ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO aircraft vanished or were destroyed between the
years 1951 and 1956.
The San Francisco Examiner. July 29 1952... "The Air Force
revealed today that jet pilots have been placed on twenty-four-hour nationwide
'alert' against 'flying saucers' with orders to 'shoot them down' if they refuse
to land."
The Louisville Courier-Journal. July 30, 1952... "Maj. Gen.
Roger Ramey, deputy Chief of the Air Force Staff for Operations, told the news
conference that interceptor planes have raced aloft several hundred times as a
result of reported sighting of unidentified objects. He said that was just
standard procedure."
The Fullerton News-Tribune, CA July 26, 1956... "The United
States Navy will not publicly admit that it believes in flying saucers, but it
has officially ordered combat-ready pilots to 'shoot to kill' if saucers are
encountered, OCNS [Orange County News Service] has learned. The information was
first learned when Navy pilots navigating trans-Pacific routes from the United
States to Hawaii were ordered in a briefing session to engage and identify ' any
unidentified flying objects.' If the UFOs (saucers) appeared hostile the
briefing officer told the pilots of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station reserve
squadron VP 771, they are to be engaged in combat... It was found that the
orders are not unusual."
We Have Lost Many Men and
General Benjamin Chidlaw, Head of Air
Defense Command...
Uncontested quote, as told to investigative writer Robert Gardner in February
of 1953. "We have stacks of reports about flying saucers. We take them seriously
when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them."
Air Force General Benjamin Wiley Chidlaw, test pilot and engineer who
directed development of the first U.S. jets, got another pioneer assignment:
create the machines and the organization to defend the U.S. against air attack.
CIA memorandum - "Subject: Flying Saucers." Dated Sept.
24, 1952... H. Marshall Chadwell, Asst. Director of Scientific Intelligence: "A
world-wide reporting system has been instituted and major Air Force Bases have
been ordered to make interceptions of unidentified flying objects."
Donald Keyhoe, 1973... "In the late 1950s, as a number of
futile US chases mounted, some pilots were convinced that the UFOs were immune
to gunfire and rockets. Several Intelligence analysts believed the aliens might
be using some negative force linked with gravity control to repel or deflect
bullets and missiles. But the top control group disagreed. In a special
evaluation of US and foreign reports they found evidence that UFOs were not
invulnerable. Some had been temporarily crippled, apparently from power or
control failures, and a few others had been completely destroyed by strange
explosions. In one or two cases, it appeared that missiles or rocket fire could
have been the cause."
Astronaut Mitchell's Testimony
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, was the sixth man
to walk on the Moon. He has spoken out on the subject of UFOs and how the
extraterrestrial issue is handled in some circles of the government: "I have met
with credible professionals within two governments who have testified to their
own firsthand experiences with close encounters. They include members of
military intelligence and government whose official duties involved the
extraterrestrial presence. As is expected, they were all bound by strict
security oath agreements which prevented them from disclosing any of this.
Thanks to Fate Magazine Aug
Editor's Note: During a Television program with the
Disclosure Project, I was introduced by Astronaut Edgar Mitchell who told the
audience to listen to what I had to say about UFOs. After the show we were
talking and he said other astronauts and contacts had seen UFOs and evidence of
alien life. He told me to read the Dead Sea Scrolls that they explained what was
going on. I said, was referring to the Wars between the Sons of Light and
Darkness. He shook his head and smiled and said, "Yes."
Dead Sea War Scroll
The War Scroll describes the final battle in gory detail as
righteousness are victorious and evil is destroyed forever. This vivid account
gives us insight into how, at about the time of Jesus, some Jews conceived of
Armageddon. The first lines of the scroll lay the framework for a three-stage
conflict between the Sons of Light-and the Sons of Darkness.
Although this war is said to extend over forty years, the writer of the
scroll was particularly concerned with the details of the very final day of
battle. After six bloody engagements during this last battle, the Sons of Light
and Sons of Darkness are deadlocked in a 3-3 tie. In the seventh and final
confrontation "the great hand of God shall overcome Belial and all the angels of
his dominion, and all the men of his forces shall be destroyed forever" Finally,
the seven savage engagements of the final day of battle are detailed,
culminating in a ceremony of thanksgiving on the day following the victory. Good
or Light alien forces joined with humans, versus alien forces of darkness joined
with certain countries battle for supremacy on Earth.
Quietly Star Wars is being Built
The largest and most expensive weapons program in the US defense budget
costing 8.5 Billion dollars is the National Missile Defense (NMD) program. It is
designed to develop and deploy an operationally effective weapons system to
protect the United States against limited ballistic missile threats, including
accidental or launches from rogue nations like North Korea or Iran. The NMD
program may also be designed to be used against UFOs?
This above photograph was shown with various NMD photographs and the cruiser
USS Lake Erie that detected, tracked, and destroyed a mock two-stage ballistic
missile within two minutes of the ballistic missile launch. Shown above I
speculate is part of the system intercepting objects in space. Part of this NMD
system is the Aegis
Ballistic Missile Defense System, that includes US Naval space and ground
forces that include other countries such as Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria. The
US and Romania signed a ballistic missile defense agreement on September 3,
2011, for the deployment of SM-3 interceptors (also referred to as the "Aegis
Ashore System.")
Turkey has agreed to have a radar site and interceptor
missiles are expected to be placed in Bulgaria and Romania as an extension of
the Pentagon's European and international missile shield.
The Pentagon has acquired the use of seven military bases in Bulgaria and
Romania, immediately after both countries were formally inducted into NATO.
Washington has also transformed Georgia on the eastern shore of the Black Sea
into a military outpost on Russia's southern border and has similar designs on
Bruce Springsteen Record "Mars Red Dust"
RUMSON, NJ -- After more than a year of writing and
recording, Bruce Springsteen released his 18th studio album Tuesday, a concept
record titled Red Dust that explores the everyday lives and struggles of
immigrant workers scraping by in the 23rd-century carbonate mines on Mars.
According to the 61-year-old songwriter, the new tracks depict rugged Martian
colonists as they come to question what's happened to their lives, finding
themselves saddled with unpayable debts and hard-pressed to put food on the
table for their embryonically harvested juvenile-clones.
"These are songs about growing up on a tough planet," said Springsteen,
telling reporters that when the idea of humans and aliens working side by side
in an extraterrestrial labor colony first occurred to him, he immediately knew
he "had to tell their story." "The Martians aren't trying to run away from their
lives or make excuses. They're proud of what they do and where they're from,
even if the high-impact ion-compression carbonate mining industry isn't what it
used to be."
Springsteen says the album taps into the real feelings of
blue-collar Martians, humans, and humanoids alike.
"I try to write about universal feelings and desires," Springsteen continued.
"There's tragedy, grief, redemption. But there's also nostalgia for one's
carefree younger days of racing souped-up hyper-thrust cruisers through the
Valles Marineris canyon, and for nights spent chasing Martian girls along the
crater-side spaceport."
Springsteen explained that in addition to its stark, poignant portrait of a
decaying futuristic mining colony, the album serves as a cautionary tale about
the extinction of the galactic middle-class and functions, in itself, as a
protest against the policies of a corrupt Planetary Federation that willfully
neglects its poorest and neediest organisms.
The album's first single, a swaggering radio-ready stadium anthem called
"Dead Man's Home," tells the tale of a construction worker drafted to fight in
an unjust interstellar war, only to return disillusioned to his Martian
Rolling Stone editor David Fricke, have hailed the effort as "another
well-executed and stirring tribute to working-class heroes by the Boss and Red
Dust lyrics are arguably Springsteen's finest work.
"We drill our way through thick
Beneath a distant sun.
The two moons rise and nothing's
But red dust in our lungs"
The album is currently available for purchase in stores and
online, with 10 percent of all proceeds going to the Red Dust Fund to help poor
Martian miners should they ever come into existence. This is a High Resolution
Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA's Mars Express spacecraft, that shows the
depression of Juventae Chasma and the mine with an apparent sign, cut into the
plains of Lunae Planum.
Note: I would appreciate help in reaching Bruce Springsteen.
Brophy writes, "Col Ed Black mentions the 1943 meeting at Guantanamo Navy
Base in Cuba with the Delta Alien group, this has to do with the Feb 25, 1942
shoot down of a Scoutship on South Vermont Ave in Los Angeles which killed two
tall blond Nordics which were recovered by Col Joseph Davidson from March Army
Air Force Base. These Nordics operate on the Moon and El Yunque, Puerto Rico.,
Boeing 787 Enters Service
On September 27, 2011, pilots from All Nippon Airways (ANA)
pushed the power levers forward on the first Boeing 787 to enter service.
Moments later, the eighth 787 off of the assembly line was rolling down the
runway at Paine Field near Seattle where the airplane was assembled. With a
number of VIPs on board, including ANA's CEO Shinichiro Ito, the Dreamliner
departed for a nine-plus hour flight to Japan. Ito expressed his happiness at
taking delivery of the company's first 787, even if it is three years behind
schedule. He cited the company's plan to expand beyond Japan to other
"We are delighted to be taking delivery finally of our first 787, that will
enable us to offer unrivalled standards of service and comfort to our passengers
and will play a key part in ANA's plans for international expansion.
The airline will have four 787s in service by the end of the year and 12 of
the Dreamliners based in Japan by early 2012.
Sightings in the United
Arizona Sightings
BARRY GOLDWATER RANGE -- On September 9, 2011, at the Barry
M. Goldwater Air Force Range my wife was dropping me off at work and I noticed
something shiny in the sky. When I had looked again it was blinking. There were
four objects in the sky plus disc shaped objects that were glowing. These
objects were disappearing and reappearing almost in a slanted line from about
500 feet to almost where the sun was located. When the objects disappeared they
left a shadow and appeared almost directly on top of their previous location,
like blinking Christmas lights. Barry M. Goldwater Air force Range is south of
the location where the sighting had occurred. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maricopa -- on September 9, 2011, at 12
AM, an object caught my eye pulsing a little and moving SSW with white and
green/light blue. I immediately focused my binoculars on it and to my surprise,
it was changing shapes from a tetrahedral shape to a more oval shape and back
and forth again. I am 47 years old, and have seen plenty of craft, meteors and
lunar eclipses etc. and this was NOT anything like that. The object was a
shape-shifting phenomenon that shot out two beams of a "laser" light and was
spinning slowly in the tetrahedral form it took then. Thanks to John Wolanin and
California Disc
SAN FRANCISCO -- While waiting for a tran
at the airport on September 9, 2011, I noticed an object that appeared to be
glowing in the distance and using my phone, I took the first picture. The object
appeared to be hovering.
As soon as I took the first picture, the object darted to the second
position. I snapped the second picture one second later as soon as the camera
would allow. The object then appeared to vanish! The time was about 9:15 PM.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Fortuna -- William Mobley Writes, "Mr. Filer, I wrote to you
before but now there are other things happening here each night with at least
seven craft hovering and flying everywhere. Some try to look like planes with
the red and white lights and one that shows a big star light each night and
flies over my place headed west towards the ocean. I think it's a giant ship for
every now and then I see an outline with two lights behind the ship. Last week,
this thing that looked like a giant bird or dragon flew over our head about as
high as a telephone pole with a hazy look and mostly invisible. Three of us saw
this thing and I freaked out it was so low. Thanks to William Mobley
Dulzura -- On September 7, 2011, about 2:30 PM, I didn't see
this object when I was taking the picture of the bird at lower left of the
picture. When I shot the picture the sun was so bright, I didn't see anything on
the right side of the bird.
Note: The pink colored anomaly to the right side of the photo is likely a
lens flare due to the reflection of the sun on the camera lens and not a real
object. The reflection could be the reflection of the sun from another object.
Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Florida Abduction
Gulf Breeze -- I fell asleep in my recliner about 9 PM, with
both of my dogs sleeping on both sides of my chair with my boyfriend on the
couch next to me asleep also. At 3 AM, I awoke to a horrific jabbing pain in my
mid-lower back right on my spinal column. Upon awakening I can vividly remember
sitting up and grabbing my back at the same I turned to sit all the
way up I saw a "large human like figure" turn away from me and proceeded to walk
toward my front door with some sort of very large clear syringe he placed on his
right hip like a gun. I remember trying to scream out and pointed at the same
time but "nothing" would come out and I could not produce even a whisper. It was
as if he possessed some sort of immortal power over my actions. He never once
turned around where I could see his face but he was all "black" and on a mission
he needed to complete?"..."very muscular and strong in appearance".
I remember immediately grabbing my arms and saying to myself, "Oh my God...I
am not dreaming...this really did happen and this alien creature just inserted
something into my back...or took something out."...I had no further pain from
that episode and could not bring myself to tell my boyfriend for six months.
Both my dogs never even budged and my boyfriend didn't wake up during the
incident. I wasn't scared perhaps because he never showed his face. I don't know
if he possibly abducted me and had just finished bringing me back. I "do know"
he had just finished using that large syringe on me and placing that syringe to
his hip "holster". I saw him walking towards the front door and veered to the
vent as if he had come from "it".
I then faded out for thirty minutes and awoke with a very clear vivid
remembrance of this event. I never believed or even thought something like this
could be true but I now KNOW they are out there and in OUR homes! They are
"quiet", "meticulous", "strong", "unafraid", and I think "curious" in nature.
They seem to be in different time zone and quietly appear as they want to.
Things are still happening here in Gulf Breeze and now in my new residence as
"glowing type" foot prints are appearing continually everywhere on my carpet
during the night! Why do full grown aliens walk around in our homes? I really am
not scared because I have never lost faith in my God. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Idaho Disc
BOISE -- I just got this accidentally, I was recording the
sun and when I played it back I saw the thing fly by. I loaded it and blew it up
and it is weird to say the least. It was shot straight upwards. The tip of the
tree is about 30 feet up and below is the video of the object. The object was
shooting straight up not sideways. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orange Orb Lights
Lake in the Hills -- I witnessed for ten minutes large
orange orb lights in Northwest Illinois and took this photo on September 17,
2011, at 8:45 PM. The first ones started out in a triangle formation, then
single orbs. They flew by pretty fast but I heard no noise and there were no
trails. There were lightning type flashes in the beginning.
Raytown -- I live in a ten miles square
wooded area between two cities with a nice unobstructed view of the sky. On July
12, 2011, at 8:30 PM, I was taking pictures of the clouds and noticed a
perfectly straight anomaly line hiding the altocumulus clouds. I was immediately
calling it a cloaking device of a UFO.
I took seven photos and four
showed objects at the front of the cloaking device. I did not notice the
object/reflections until I down loaded the photos. There appeared to be an
object with the front reflecting the sun off a window or metallic material. The
UFO became more apparent as the clouds moved. The object was stationary based on
the sequence of photos I took.
I ran inside to show my boyfriend the
pictures. I live seven miles from a nuclear power plant. Kansas City Star had
UFO reports on September 4th, 2011. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Montana Fireball
Missoula -- We went for a walk downtown by the Missoula
Heart Institute on September 25, 2011, and saw a big ball of fire moving very
slowly across the sky. I took photos at 8:28, 8:29 and 8:30 PM. The photos have
not been altered. I used a Fuji A230 camera. I told my daughter to turn and look
and told her to make a wish. This all took a while and the extremely large ball
of fire with a tale was visible the whole time. We went back to the room
provided by the hospital and told my wife what we had seen. My daughter had
heart surgery the next day. I checked all the newspapers and thought everyone
would be talking about it, but no one reported it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Disc and Cylinder
LUMBERTON -- On Saturday July 30, 2011, I
was out walking my dogs shortly before 9 pm, in dark area so I took a powerful
spotlight with me, and observed a very bright brilliant red-orange "fireball,"
comparable to four times the size of Venus. It flew directly over top of me
about 2000 feet and vanished. Within ten seconds a second similar object was
visible in the northern horizon. At this point I asked my wife to bring her
Nikon D5000 camera and our daughter to come out and look at the object. I
grabbed my spotlight (15 million candlepower) and began to shine it on the
object as wife took pictures. After three bursts of the spotlight, the bright
red-orange light on the object ceased.
I was able to observe the object was solid, had a round circular shape, was
rotating counter-clockwise. It was 50-60% the size of the full moon with a
silver color that reflected the spotlight beam. The object continued on a
southerly course with no sound, and no visible light, until we could no longer
see it.
I am an avid amateur astronomer with many years of experience. I am most
puzzled by the way the object immediately cut out its light when I focused a
spotlight on it. What we saw was certainly extraordinary. Thanks to Peter
Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
CHERRY HILL -- I stepped outside my front door with my dog
and between my house and my neighbors was a 30 x 15 foot cigar shaped object in
the late afternoon of June or July of 1968. It was light grey metal, silently
hovering between our two houses, about ten feet above roof lines in the
Scarborough Farms housing area. It had four very large square windows positioned
left to right, one each-pink, yellow, green, and blue. All were opaque so I
could not see inside. It was totally silent, and motionless. I quickly called my
five year old son and we both watched and he remembers it to this day. We both
had time to watch it together, I waved as there was clearly no harm intended to
us. Within a few seconds of my waving, it made a silent and extraordinarily
rapid ascent at about a 50 degree angle up into the sky. It quickly made an
abrupt turn and ascent to its left and disappeared from view in seconds. The
entire experience lasted about 10 minutes.
I called the Cherry Hill
police department to report the sighting. The officer who answered my call was
very impatient, and told me to "...get off the phone, lady. We've already had
over 200 calls reporting it..." My son, who saw the UFO, is now 48, a lawyer and
still affirms that he saw the UFO.
I report it now because some years
later, in 1989, I had an abduction experience in Dayton, Ohio and not easily
fooled by sensationalist thinking. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Square Object
LAS VEGAS -- Woke up at 4:30 am to use the restroom on
September 23, 2011, to see a square object about 500 feet away in the eastern
sky. The lights that illuminated it were in a square shape. The four lights were
solid with other lights in the middle of the box that blinked underneath it. It
flew very fast and was heading east, then turned south and headed towards the
airport. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Triangle
Islip -- I was taking my dog out for a walk on August 18,
2011, and noticed three bright orange lights in a triangle formation to my left
in the sky between some tree branches. We ran back into the house so I could
grab my cell phone. My dog would not go back outside so I went out alone and now
there were four orange lights in a staggered formation moving slowly NE as I
videotaped them on my I-phone. Two lights just "blinked out". Then from the west
a 5th light traveling extremely fast came to a complete stop and hovered. Then
it followed in the direction of the first four lights. They all eventually
"blinked out." My dog refused to go outside until the next morning. Thanks to
Oregon Disc
SWEET HOME -- This photo was taken on September 20, 2011,
near Foster Lake. Thanks to Mufon Cms
Pennsylvania Orbs
GETTYSBURG -- I have a habit of looking up at the sky an
noticed two orange orbs flying in formation. I said "Mom what the heck is that?"
She said, "Probably a plane honey." She gots up off the steps and sees them and hollers for my husband
and his friend to come outside. The whole family watches these orbs including my
six year old daughter who is very scared. These two orbs were flying wobbly next
to each other with no sound or lights. They look like a miniature sun with a
tint of red that moved in a circled motion around the object. Eventually I lost
sight of them.
I look up again and see another object with the same swaying/wobbly motion
and size as the others.
After flying a good distance it stopped and hovered as my mother in law took
pictures before it dimmed out. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Vandergrift -- Dave Writes, "I'm 29 years old over the past
three months I have seen four ufos ranging from cigar shaped balls of light, to
a huge disc the size of two football fields. The greatest thing about what I
witnessed was that it was in daylight. There was no noise coming from any of the
ufos I saw, the cigar and ball of light move along slowly then took off at a
fast speed. The huge disc came across the sky, slightly turned upward and
disappeared; it was like it went through some kind of worm hole. A bunch of
people witnessed the huge disc around 7:30 pm in mid may.
I witnessed my first ufo at 16, and know our government is hiding et's from
us. It's arrogant and stupid to think we're alone in this universe. I believe
this is the greatest discovery of our lives knowing that there are intelligent
beings out there and that we could possibly be friends and travel the universe
with them. I think the government fears the fact that we could leave earth and
go where ever we want. Why stay here on earth when we could go live peacefully
and equally with another race of beings. I hope that we, the people, will be
able to leave this planet freely whenever we want sometime soon so we can truly
evolve and explore this blackness we live in. beliefs, hopes, and my life
changing experiences with ufos. Thanks to Dave
Cedar Run -- I took this photo of fireball orbs over Cedar
Run, on September 17, 2011, at 10:08 PM.
AUSTIN -- On September 19, 2011, around 9:50 PM, I just
happened to be sitting outside in a chair looking at the stars for a moment when
from the north about ten triangular objects flew south over my house and out of
my view. The objects had no lights but I could see them because they were tan or
gray color and lighter than the background sky.
I am an amateur astronomer, and I have a decent telescope, and I do look at
the sky quite often, and have never seen anything like this. The objects looked
quite similar to a Stealth bomber with triangular long wings, but had no lights.
I could see them very easily and they made no sound. I noticed someone in Dallas
saw similar objects last night. Thanks to MUFON CMS
My daughter texted me with this message, "Dad I just saw a
UFO and got this picture on September 22, 2011, just after looking at UFO
pictures. I called and she was very upset telling me she was scared cause she
went outside to walk baby when she felt she was being watched, as she looked up
between trees above small trailer in backyard she saw a hovering craft that
didn't look like a plane. She took a picture and grabbed the baby and headed
back to house, then looking back at the object it was gone. She was really
upset. She said, "Look between the trees to see an object that looks odd in the
picnic I sent. This is a great picture as good as any. My daughter saw what I
saw 40 years ago in same area. I'm 53 now and have been a truck driver who has
seen numerous ufos on my trips to LA driving west on Interstate 10 and 40. This
picture needs to be seen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Creature
Roanoke -- I was driving and began to slow
down when the car in front of me slammed on their brakes at 2 PM on August 7,
2011. Half way through shouting at the woman in the car in front of me, I saw
why she had made such a quick stop. There was a grey figure, about 6'5" with
very long fingers, no eyes, mouth or nose that I could see. The grey color of it
was lighter on the bottom, and faded into a darker shade towards its chest. And
its fingers were at least 10" long. Traffic was at a standstill as there seven
cars stopped as we watched the creature walk up a hill into the forest.
Eventually the Roanoke County Police came and one went into the woods only to
come out pale and shaking about half a mile from Tanglewood Shopping Center. I
found nothing in the local news about the grey creature.
Note: Whew if this is true, one has to wonder what this creature would be.
Perhaps someone playing a joke in a costume? I believe that the witness is
recounting a true experience because he provided full contact information and he
recalls the exact location of the sighting. Anyone with information about this
sighting is urged to file
a report.
Update: September 18, 2011 - The Unsolved Mysteries & Paranormal Society
of Virginia captured a photo of an unknown entity on the same day as the above
sighting. This group will be interviewing the witness who reported this
sighting. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Sequence UFO Photos
BUENOS AIRES -- A sequence of three photographs was taken
this afternoon at 16:28 hours under a clear sky on September 21, 2011, with a
Panasonic FZ 28 18 x optical zoom and 10 megapixels. This is the middle one of
three photos showing the UFO overtaking the commercial aircraft. Thanks to MUFON
Buenos Aires -- On Monday, September 26, 2011, 43-years-old Silvina Espinoza
was killed when a UFO fell from the sky and caused an explosion at 2 AM.
Multiple witnesses described a red and blue "ball of fire" that descended from
the heavens prior to the incident. Thanks to the Buenos
Aires Herald
Australia Films
MELBOURNE -- The photographer took a
series of images taken over various dates going back to May 2010. For video or
more photos, email me.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Eagle Vale NSW -- The bright object made no sound travelling
from Picton Narrelan to across Eagle Vale NSW headed towards Hoxton Park at 5:45
pm, on September 21, 2011. The Object was relatively slow for an airplane
compared to the planes that fly overhead. Some footage was taped using an
older style camcorder that will need some hardware to convert the beta tapes to
digital so it can be uploaded. Thanks to
Brazil Creature
On September 21, 2011, I think I have some of the most exciting evidence ever
that is very real that changed my life. I want to say here that aliens exist! I
also have a picture which I took of the video which I will send for you to
preview. The creature heard me and something amazing happens in this video that
has to be shown to you in person. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Chemtrails
Scarborough-- Three planes showed up early on September 16,
2011, as I stepped out for a quick smoke. I looked south and noticed two dark
black things moving across the sky. I ran into my work and grabbed my camera and
thirty 30 seconds later, I'm back out and start shooting them. I took six
pictures as they slowly moved westward way up there. I really wondered what they
were considering their altitude and movement. Thanks to Paul Shishis
KELOWNA -- I was at work on the car sales
lot and noticed there were a number of Jet contrails overhead on September 23,
2011, so I decided to take a few photos. I downloaded the photographs to my
computer and saw a small object out in front and above the jet. There was also a
very tiny dot behind and above the jet. When you zoom in on the photo you can
clearly see a huge disc shaped object above and in front of the jet and a
smaller disc shaped object flying on an angle behind and above the jet, almost
in line with the disc out front. I was totally shocked and surprised to see
these two objects in the photograph and all my coworkers were just as surprised
as I was.
They fly along with an unmarked jet spewing contrails or Chemtrails? I went
outside again about a half hour later to phtograph another one of these jets and
to my amazement there is an unidentified object behind and above that jet as
well. It's a different shape almost looks wedge or arrow shaped but about the
same size as the jet in the photo. Don't know what's going on here but it is
pretty curious! These jet pilots had to have known these objects were there,
especially the first one as the disc out front and above is as big if not bigger
than the jet itself! I get the distinct feeling that we are being lied to and
not in any small way either!
The government knows a heck of a lot more than they are saying! These objects
seem to me to be working in unison with these jets. And just what exactly is in
those contrails? There were at least twenty of these flights over yesterday at
about the same altitude with different flight paths all spewing these large
contrails. It seems to be happening on a daily basis lately. I will definitely
be taking more photos to see how common the UFO s are with them! When I
downloaded the images to my computer I could see the objects. One had a disc
shape with a shadow on the bottom and is sunlit on the top. The back disc of the
disc is lit from the sun on the front edge while the back is in shadow. These
jets have no external markings of any kind. Just plain white jets spewing plain
white contrails. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note: Similar observations are becoming common indicating alarming
UK/ England Disc
Honiton in Devon -- I was out taking photos on March 7,
2011, and didn't see the disc at the time, until I got the film developed. You
can see in the top right is what I seem to have captured on film, any ideas?
Imaged scanned in. Thanks to MUFON CMS
HONITON -- On August 18, 2011, another photo of unidentified
object was taken. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UFO Conferences
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
29-09-2011 om 13:33
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
No saucers in this Hoover: J. Edgar biopic will side-step UFO
A historical epic based on the life of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover is
headed for the big screen this November. Directed by Oscar winner Clint Eastwood
and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, the movie will chronicle the rise to power and
time in office of the legendary lawman and will also explore his closeted
What the movie - entitled J. Edgar - will
surely not explore, however, is Hoovers longstanding and well-documented
interest in the UFO phenomenon. Documents released through the Freedom of
Information Act show that the flying saucer fever that swept America during the
summer of 1947 also reached as far as the Bureaus headquarters and had Hoover
himself in a sweat. He was particularly frustrated at his inability to get
straight answers on the subject from the US Air Force, which he was convinced
was keeping crucial UFO-related information from him.
In an FBI document dated 10 July, 1947, in response to a request from
the Air Force that the Bureau assist in its flying saucer investigations, a
hand-written note from Hoover reads:
I would do it but before agreeing to it we must insist upon full
access to discs recovered. For instance in the la. case the Army grabbed it and
would not let us have it for cursory examination.
A remarkable statement indeed in its unambiguous acknowledgement that
in the opinion of the FBI director at least the US Army was already in
possession of a flying disc.
Debate has raged for years in the UFO research community about the
meaning of Hoovers la. reference. The Roswell incident had occurred just days
earlier in New Mexico could this be what he was referring to? If so, why say
la.? Some speculate that la. might be short for Los Alamos as in Los
Alamos laboratories where wreckage from the Roswell crash(es) allegedly was
sent for testing. It is also possible that Hoover was referring to an older and
less well-known UFO incident: the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles, in which one or
more saucer-shaped objects hovered silently over LA for several hours, drawing
heavy artillery fire from the US Army. Witnesses described the objects as being
impervious to the Armys shelling, but perhaps they were not quite so impervious
as they appeared.
Whatever the precise meaning of Hoovers note, his interest in the
UFO issue was clear. A wealth of UFO documentation from the FBIs own files is
now freely
available for the public to examine; it shows that the Bureaus
monitoring of the UFO phenomenon continued throughout Hoovers four-decade reign
as FBI head honcho. The full complexity of the FBI/UFO interplay is crisply
elucidated by Nick Redfern in his book The
FBI Files.
History may come to regard the aforementioned flying disc document as
one of the most significant Hoover ever signed. But will this or any reference
whatsoever to the UFO phenomenon feature in Eastwoods forthcoming movie? I
wouldnt hold your breath. Why? Because the UFO subject is missing from the
pages of history as officially written. UFOs have been excised entirely from our
official historical meta-narrative. It follows, then, that UFOs are also absent
from Hollywoods historical dramas. For the cinema-going UFOlogist, this absence
is noticeable no more so than in movies dealing with heavyweight political
figures, such as John F. Kennedy (JFK), Richard Nixon
(Nixon), George W. Bush
(W.), James Jesus Angleton (The Good
Shepherd) even Howard Hughes (The
This December will see the release of the Margaret Thatcher biopic The
Iron Lady,which also will
undoubtedly give the UFO topic a wide berth. Thatcher, of course, was in office
at the time of the famous Bentwaters UFO incidents, which involved the apparent
landing on British soil of a structured craft of unknown origin and resulted in
a large-scale cover-up involving the UK and US governments. On May 21, 1997,
Thatcher told British researcher Georgina Bruni that, when it comes to UFOs,
You cant tell the people. She might have added: And certainly not in an
Oscar-worthy drama.
To add the UFO element to fact-based political biopics in a
pre-disclosure world would be to turn historical drama into sci-fi. But in a
post-disclosure world, the inclusion of UFOlogical detail will seem only natural
to filmmakers. Right now, the most significant chapter in modern history has yet
to be explored by Hollywood creatives outside of the generic trappings of
science-fiction. When disclosure finally comes, Tinseltown will have a field
Now available for download are the latest FOIA releases from the Clinton
Library Archive.
Currently weighing in at a somewhat hefty 349.47 MB, you can get Grant's
photographs of FOIA
2006-0474-F. This includes Dr. Steven Greer's CSETI / Project Starlight
Executive Briefing Document.
Clinton's (UFO) Speech in Hong Kong 14 Sep
Grant Cameron & Neil Gould obtain original footage of
a relaxed moment during Q&A in Hong Kong 14.9.05; Clinton discusses UFO's,
Roswell and Area 51. "I wouldnt be the first President that underlings have lied
to". Much speculation about the contents of this speech is on the internet;
CLINTONS WORLDVIEW. For the first time, you can now watch it and make up your
own mind about his speech...Did he try to find out about
The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel
Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers
1971--Daniel Ellsberg, a top-level Vietnam War
strategist, concludes the war is based on a decade of lies. He leaks 7,000 pages
of top-secret documents to the The New York Times, a daring act of conscience
that leads directly to Watergate, President Nixon's resignation and the end of
the Vietnam War.
Ontdekking CERN kan aardverschuiving in natuurkunde betekenen
Ontdekking CERN kan aardverschuiving in natuurkunde betekenen
Als er deeltjes bestaan die sneller dan het licht reizen dan heeft dat immense implicaties
Zat Einstein fout? Wetenschappers komen vandaag met details over het verbazingwekkende nieuws dat in er een deeltje is gevonden dat zich beweegt aan een snelheid die groter is dan die van het licht. Iets wat tot nu onmogelijk werd geacht. Als hun metingen kloppen, dan zijn de gevolgen immens. In principe zou dat betekenen dat we informatie terug in de tijd kunnen sturen, dat de lijn tussen het verleden en het heden vervaagt en maakt de ontdekking brandhout met het (tot nu dus) fundamentele principe van oorzakelijkheid. In 2007 werd in Chicago al eens dezelfde vaststelling gedaan, maar omdat de metingen toen vielen binnen de foutmarge, en het experiment nog niet herhaald kon worden, werd ervan uitgegaan dat dat een missing was. Tot nu?
Als de ontdekking van de wetenschappers van het CERN klopt, ondermijnt dat de relativiteitstheorie van Albert Einstein. Die ging ervan uit dat niets sneller kan reizen dan het licht. Daarop is heel ons begrip van tijd en ruimte en oorzakelijkheid gestoeld. Zo is het voor ons een evidentie dat dat gebeurtenissen plaatsvinden als gevolg van bepaalde andere gebeurtenissen die daaraan vooraf gegaan zijn (een oorzaak gaat vooraf aan een gevolg). De ontdekking van het CERN en de wetenschappers in Gran Sasso zou daar komaf mee maken.
Opera Een internationaal team van wetenschappers maakte de onwaarschijnlijke vondst gisteren bekend en komt straks met details. De ontdekking is gedaan door wetenschappers van het Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus (kortweg Opera) in het Italiaanse Gran Sasso. Daar krijgen ze neutrinos aan die verstuurd worden 730 kilometer verder, in het CERN.
Daar wordt met een deeltjesversneller onderzoek gedaan naar de kleinste bouwstenen van het heelal. Het zou een aardverschuiving in de natuurkunde betekenen. "Het gevoel dat de meeste mensen hebben is dat dit niet kan kloppen, dat dit niet waar kan zijn", zei James Gillies, woordvoerder van het CERN. De verblufte wetenschappers hebben collega's gevraagd hun metingen onafhankelijk te verifiëren of theorieën aan te dragen die de gemeten snelheden kunnen verklaren.
De snelheden werden waargenomen in een neutronenstraal die vanuit een deeltjesversneller in Genève op een laboratorium in Italië, 730 kilometer verderop, werd afgevuurd. De neutroninos zouden hierbij zestig nanoseconden sneller zijn gegaan dan de lichtsnelheid van ongeveer driehonderdduizend kilometer per seconde.
60 miljardste van een seconde Voor de trip tussen het CERN en Gran Sasso zou een lichtstraal 2,4 milliseconden nodig hebben. Drie jaar lang maten de wetenschappers hoe lang 15.000 neutrinos er over deden en ze stelden vast dat de neutrinos 60 nanoseconden te snel aankwamen. De "error margin" is 10 nanoseconden. Of: 20 op één miljoen neutrinos reizen niet aan 299.792.458 meter per seconde maar aan 299.798.454 meter per seconde.
De onderzoekers stelden de foutenmarge op tien nanoseconden, waardoor de afwijking op zijn minst opmerkelijk is. Vanwege de omvang van de eventuele ontdekking zijn ze maandenlang bezig geweest met het controleren en hercontroleren van de resultaten om er zeker van te zijn dat er geen fouten zijn gemaakt.
Chicago In een laboratorium in Chicago kan de test worden nagedaan, zei Stavros Katsanevas, onderdirecteur van het Franse Nationale Instituut voor Nucleair en Deeltjesfysica-onderzoek. In 2007 werden daar ook snelheden hoger dan de lichtsnelheid gemeten, maar die vielen binnen de foutmarge, waardoor het wetenschappelijke belang werd ondermijnd.
Ook in Japan kan de test worden nagedaan, hoewel met vertraging, omdat het land nog steeds kampt met de naweeën van de ramp met een kerncentrale in maart. "Massive, massive event" Subir Sarkar, hoofd Particle Theory aan Oxford University noemt de ontdekking een "massive, massive event. Something nobody was expecting".
Dat er neutrinos zouden bestaan die sneller dan het licht reizen werd in 1985 al voorspeld door Alan Kostelecky van de Indiana University. Volgens de regeltjes kunnen de wetenschappers wel degelijk van een ontdekking spreken. Statistisch zitten ze aan zes standaardafwijkingen, terwijl er maar vijf deviaties nodig zijn. Het is trouwens iets wat nogal wat wetenschappers opmerken: het ziet er naar uit dat het team statistisch sterke cijfers kan voorleggen. (mvl)
23/09/11 09u07 Opm Peter - Ik heb dit en het vorige artikel uit Het Laatste Nieuws integraal op deze blog gezet, gezien het belangvan dit resultaat. De wetenschap dacht altijd dat sneller reizen dan het licht onmogelijk was, maar blijkbaar bestaan er "deeltjes", die dat wsel kunnen! Kan het theoretisch mogelijk zijn dat een buitenaardse intelligente beschaving, die honderden, duuizenden, ... jaren verder geëvolueerd zijn dan wij, nog andere dingen ontdenkt hebben om sneller dna het licht te reizen? Hebben zij een manier ontdekt om de voor ons "onoverbrugbare" afstanden in het heelal toch te verkleinen?
Fysici meten elementaire deeltjes sneller dan licht
Fysici meten elementaire deeltjes sneller dan licht
Er zijn neutrino's gemeten aan een snelheid net boven die van het licht. De lichtsnelheid werd nochtans gezien als "een niet te overschrijden limiet", melden fysici van het CNRS (Centre Nationale de la recherche scientifique).
Neutrino's zijn ongeladen elementaire deeltjes. Volgens de wetenschappers leverden hun experiment, dat zes maanden lang door specialisten werd geverifieerd, een "totaal onverwacht" resultaat op. Andere tests moeten het resultaat definitief bekrachtigen. (belga/vsv)
HLN UPDATEEr zijn brokstukken van de Amerikaanse satelliet UARS op aarde gevallen zegt Nasa. Maar waar die neerkwamen is niet duidelijk. Inwoners van Hawaii zeggen dat ze twee rookpluimen door de lucht zagen trekken. Vermoedelijk zijn de brokstukken dus in de Stille Oceaan terechtgekomen.
Rond het verwachte tijdstip van ondergang vloog de UARS boven Afrika, Australië en Noord-Amerika. De satelliet is grotendeels verbrand in de dampkring, maar enkele grote onderdelen, een stuk of 26, zouden als brokstukken neerkomen. Die wegen bij elkaar meer dan 500 kilo.
De UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite) is een afgedankte Amerikaanse onderzoekssatelliet. Ze werd in september 1991 in een baan rond de aarde gebracht en sinds 2005 buiten gebruik. De ondergang van de UARS wordt de grootste satellietcrash sinds 1979.
Toen stortten onderdelen van het ruimtestation Skylab neer in het westen van Australië. Daarbij raakte niemand gewond. In 2001 werd het Russische ruimtestation Mir gecontroleerd teruggebracht in de dampkring. (mvl)
Leslie Kean Coalition for Freedom of Information September
Petit-Rechain UFO Photo - The Current
The photographer Patrick Marechal (PM) says he hoaxed it by making a Styrofoam
model. One friend of his from the factory has been interviewed by one
investigator, who stated that he helped make the model. He was not present when
the picture was taken. This corroborating witness is the only evidence PM has
produced to back up his claim of a hoax.
Working against him are the
following points:
He refuses to give investigators the name and contact info of his
girlfriend, now his ex-wife, who was there when he took the photo.
PM is trying to get money from the person he sold the copyright to, and is
taking him to court to claim it. That person, Guy Mossay, a well-known
journalist who worked for a leading Belgian press agency, states they had a
written agreement giving him ownership of the photo, as was standard; PM claims
there was no agreement. There are other contradictions in interviews with both
of them. Mossay, who since moved to France, is trying to find the agreement.
This battle could give PM a motive for claiming the photo is a hoax to get
back at Mossay but this is pure speculation.
PM says he has 12 photos of the original model hanging from a wire, and that
he would look for them, but he hasnt produced them.
PM said he would recreate the model and the photo. When he presented his
recreated photo to investigator Patrick Ferryn, it did not look like the Petit
Rechain photo. PM says its because they no longer make the same bulbs he used
at the time.
How was the halo effect as documented by Prof. Marion created by a
Styrofoam model? Marion died a year ago, but this question needs to be posed to
other scientists. Also, could the unique characteristics of the corner lights
and their rotations, with a very different central light, have been created with
light bulbs? If PM cant recreate it, can someone else? The other scientists who
analyzed the Petit Rechain photo need to be approached for a new look at the
picture. And other analysts who have never seen it before could provide
additional insights.
For now, we have to operate under the assumption
that the photo was faked.
However, this is not a simple situation, and
there are still unanswered questions. Greater proof is needed.
Marechal is a liar either then or now so his evidence must be discarded. But
this does not impact all the hundreds of sightings that were reported during the
Belgian wave, and this possible hoax must not be used to undermine the strength
of the Belgian wave as an historic, well-documented event.
Speed-of-light experiments give baffling result at
22 September 2011Last updated at
17:28 GMTBy
Jason PalmerScience and technology reporter, BBC News
The neutrinos are fired deep
under the Italian Alps at Gran Sasso
Puzzling results from Cern, home of the LHC, have
confounded physicists - because it appears subatomic particles have exceeded the
speed of light.
Neutrinos sent through the ground from Cern toward the Gran Sasso laboratory
732km away seemed to show up a tiny fraction of a second early.
The result - which threatens to upend a century of physics - will be put
online for scrutiny by other scientists.
In the meantime, the group says it is being very cautious about its
"We tried to find all possible explanations for this," said report author
Antonio Ereditato of the
Opera collaboration.
"We wanted to find a mistake - trivial mistakes, more complicated mistakes,
or nasty effects - and we didn't," he told BBC News.
"When you don't find anything, then you say 'Well, now I'm forced to go out
and ask the community to scrutinise this.'"
Caught speeding?
The speed of light is the Universe's ultimate speed limit, and much of modern
physics - as laid out in part by Albert Einstein in his special theory of
relativity - depends on the idea that nothing can exceed it.
Thousands of experiments have been undertaken to measure it ever more
precisely, and no result has ever spotted a particle breaking the limit.
But Dr Ereditato and his colleagues have been carrying out an experiment for
the last three years that seems to suggest neutrinos have done just that.
Neutrinos come in a number of types, and have recently been seen to switch
spontaneously from one type to another.
The team prepares a beam of just one type, muon neutrinos, sending them from
Cern to an underground laboratory at Gran Sasso in Italy to see how many show up
as a different type, tau neutrinos.
In the course of doing the experiments, the researchers noticed that the
particles showed up a few billionths of a second sooner than light would over
the same distance.
The team measured the travel times of neutrino bunches some 15,000 times, and
have reached a level of statistical significance that in scientific circles
would count as a formal discovery.
But the group understands that what are known as "systematic errors" could
easily make an erroneous result look like a breaking of the ultimate speed
limit, and that has motivated them to publish their measurements.
"My dream would be that another, independent experiment finds the same thing
- then I would be relieved," Dr Ereditato said.
But for now, he explained, "we are not claiming things, we want just to be
helped by the community in understanding our crazy result - because it is
"And of course the consequences can be very serious."
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama,
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, , Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New
York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah,
Washington and Wisconsin.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Argentina,
Bulgaria, Canada, China, Greece, Spain, England and Scotland in the
United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of
the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in
ever-increasing numbers. "For we are not fighting against
people made of flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness
in high places. Ephesians 6
Special Reports
Sightings Increase
UFO reports during August increased across the country for MUFON with over a
thousand sightings. The National UFO Reporting Center, the National UFO Center,
and UFOs Northwest, etc also had increased sightings. The rise in UFO reports
may be the result of summer weather or an increased interest of the public in
reporting sightings. Each week I send out 8,500 emails containing Filer's Files.
Since August 1st, five hundred new subscribers have requested these
files. A big, warm welcome to all our new readers! Much of the increase is due
to the excellent MUFON Conference in Irvine, California, and the MUFON website
and greater interest by the public. I welcome our new readers who will start to
understand the real truth and worldwide intelligence situation.
Debris of US satellite to fall down on
Earth Friday
The debris of a defunct US satellite will fall down on
earth earlier than was originally expected. The Upper Atmosphere Research
Satellite (UARS) is an orbital observatory whose mission was to study the
Earth's atmosphere, particularly the protective ozone layer. The fragments of
the UARS spacecraft will reach the surface of our planet this Friday.
Scientists are still uncertain about the place where the debris may fall. It
goes about 26 components weighing 532 kg in total. The designated territory,
where the pieces of the spacecraft may fall, currently exceeds 800 km in
Specialists say that there is no reason for panic. The fall of the debris is
highly unlikely to cause injuries among civilians in the USA. Most likely, the
debris will fall into the ocean, Rosbalt reports. It was previously thought the
fragments might fall on Russia. The 5,900 kg (13,000 lb) satellite was deployed
in 1991 from Space Shuttle Discovery mission STS-48. Thanks to NASA
Colonel Ed Black Writes about Deltas?
Colonel Black sent this unconfirmed report,
"During the 1920's and 1930's astronomers all over the world were
reporting strange flashes and blinking lights on the surface of the Moon, that
was dismissed as being impacts of meteorites. An alien
race known as "The Delta" has exploited our Moon for hundreds of years, they
have conducted mining operations on a massive scale and there is not a 50 mile
square area on the surface of the Moon that does not show evidence of this. As
you know, we only see the near side of the Moon while the far is always facing
away and is the current focus of Delta mining activity. During the 1920's, and
30's Delta knew that we were well into our scientific age and that it would be
but a matter of years before we would be intensely studying the Moon, and thus
they greatly expanded their operations on the visible side, and got all they
could get out of it before having to withdraw to the hidden
The Delta are not full of good will towards us, they consider us to be
slightly more important than a nuisance, but they do have a strong moral code
and have often shown a great deal of restraint where it concerns us. By and
large they respect that the Earth is our planet, our rightful place, they come
and go from Earth as they please, whenever they have a need to do so, for
example, we do know that they have removed water from our oceans and taken it to
the Moon, they have conducted mining on Earth as well but in a much more
conservative manner. They have a much different point of view when it concerns
the Moon; they do not view it as being ours. They have blasted huge craters into
the Moon's crust in order to expedite mining and have robbed the Moon of
millions of tons of precious crystals that one day we might very well need
There was an extensive initial meeting in Cuba between The
Delta and The Project Utopia Committee, Codename Crown, in the early spring of
1943. A measured amount of scientific technology was provided by The Delta in
return for a solemn agreement that The Delta would remain unknown by the general
population, that they had exclusive rights to the Moon and would not be
interfered with at any time in the future and that Army Project Echo, that
bounced radio signals off the Moon, would be canceled. Among the technology that
was provided by the Delta was transistor technology and aerodynamic
technology that eventually led to jet propulsion.
Spacecraft Sees Solar Storm Engulf
August 18, 2011: For the first time, a spacecraft far from
Earth has turned and watched a solar storm engulf our planet. The movie,
released today during a NASA press conference, has galvanized solar physicists,
who say it could lead to important advances in space weather forecasting.
"The movie sent chills down my spine, says Craig
DeForest of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado.
"It shows a CME swelling into an enormous wall of plasma and then
washing over the tiny blue speck of Earth where we live at far left. I felt very
small. NASA is warning the solar storms in 2012 may be quite
severe and effect satellites and electrical distribution on Earth. NASA
Editor's Note: The Sun's solar increasing solar activity affects
the Earth's magnetic field causing a dramatic affect on the Earth's weather,
floods, hurricanes; earthquakes, volcanoes, so does this wave of electrical
currents affect the human body's magnetic field. My dermatologist warned me to
stay out of the sun; skin cancer is growing among the population at an alarming
Not just science fiction: Planet orbits two Suns
Astronomers say a bit of science fiction is now reality. They've spotted a
planet orbiting two suns. The discovery was made by NASA's planet-hunting
telescope Kepler. Scientists describe the find in Friday's issue of the journal
Science. They are calling the new planet Tatooine (tah-too-WEEN') after the
fictional body in the "Star Wars" films that boasts a double sunset.
The alien world, about the size of Saturn, is frigid and inhospitable. It
orbits two stars 200 light-years from Earth. This image provided by NASA shows
an artist's depiction. (AP photo/NASA)
(Reuters) - Pascagoula --
Charles Hickson, the Mississippi man who claimed he was abducted and probed by
aliens while he was fishing with a friend and never backed off the story despite
the ridicule he endured, has died. Hickson, 80, died last Friday of a heart
attack. Hickson, then 42, was fishing with 19-year-old Calvin Parker Jr. on a
pier near Pascagoula, Mississippi in October 1973 when they said, "A
cigar-shaped UFO with flashing blue lights suddenly appeared above us and its
door opened up and we were pulled into the craft by aliens, who paralyzed us
examined us and then let us go.
Although Hickson was reluctant to share the story -- he said all he and
Parker wanted to do "was go fishing" and he feared people would
"laugh me out of Jackson County" -- he and Parker
eventually went to local police and reported the incident. "They
weren't lying," the chief investigator for the Jackson County
Sheriff's Department told reporters at the time. "Whatever it was,
it was real to them."As word of their claims leaked out, Hickson
and Parker became minor celebrities, celebrated by believers in extraterrestrial
In 1974, after wire services picked up the story, Hickson
appeared on a number of national TV programs, including The Dick Cavett Show. In
1983, Hickson wrote a book about the incident called "UFO Contact at
Pascagoula" with William Mendez. On the night of October 10, 1973,
there was a UFO sighting by fifteen different witnesses who saw a strange,
unknown object fly over a housing project in New Orleans, Louisiana. Two of the
witnesses were policeman. This sighting would only be the beginning of what was
to occur the next night on the nearby Pascagoula River. Two fishermen,
nineteen-year-old Calvin Parker, and forty-two-year-old Charles Hickson were
about to have an experience that would forever change their lives. Hickson and
Calvin Parker (shown here) were good friends, and often fished together in the
waters of the Pascagoula River. When they heard a strange buzzing sound, they
turned to see an egg-shaped object with bluish front lighting. The object was
only a few feet above the water, and about ten yards from the two frightened
While they sat stunned, looking at the weird flying machine, a door opened in
the UFO, and to their utter amazement, three beings of unknown origin began to
float toward the two. The beings were"... about five feet tall, had
bullet-shaped heads without necks, slits for mouths, and where their noses or
ears would be, they had thin, conical objects sticking out, like carrots from a
snowman's head."
Suddenly, two of the odd-looking beings grabbed Hickson, while the third
being snatched Parker, who immediately fainted from fear. The beings supported
Hickson by literally holding up his body. As they did, he felt numbness over his
entire body. By some power he could not see, he was floated into the bowels of
the waiting object to a brightly-lit room. The room had no gravity. He floated
with a strange eye-like device. This device would go over his entire body as if
it was scanning him. After the eye-like device was finished with Hickson, he was
left floating in the room alone. The beings had probably left to examine Parker.
Twenty minutes after the ordeal had begun, it was over. Hickson was now floated
back out of the craft. Back on the river bank, he could see Parker, who was
crying and praying on the ground. Shortly, the strange flying object rose
straight into the night sky, and flew away.
After some time to regain their senses and strength, they
began to talk about what action they should take. At first they were afraid to
report their experience, but they felt obligated to tell someone. What if these
beings were taking other people in the area? Fighting fears of public ridicule,
they called Kessler Air Force Base in Biloxi. They were instructed to report
their incident to the local sheriff's department.
They decided instead to go to their local newspaper office, but it was
closed. Their only one recourse was the sheriff, who thought their story was a
hoax or trick. Trying to get to the bottom of their story, the two fishermen
were placed in a room wired for sound. It was thought that they would discuss
the joke between themselves, and their story would be found out. This was not to
be. Soon law enforcement personnel knew that something had certainly frightened
Hickson and Parker, and that this was no joke.
It would be no time until details of the alleged abduction began to leak out
to the public. First, the account of the incident was published in local
newspapers, soon followed by the wire services. In a matter of a couple of days,
the Pascagoula, Mississippi, abduction was a big news item over the entire
United States. Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) sent University of
California professor James Harder to investigate the story. Dr. J. Allen Hynek,
who represented the U.S. Air Force, also, would research the case.
Harder and Hynek interviewed the two fishermen together. Harder tried to do
regressive hypnosis on Hickson, but the abductee was so frightened, that the
hypnosis was stopped. To get things off on solid ground, both of the witnesses
took polygraph tests, and both passed without a problem. They both believed that
the two tormented men were telling the truth.
Esteemed UFO researcher J. Allen Hynek would proclaim that "...
there was definitely something here that was not
terrestrial."Even after thirty-plus years, both Calvin Parker and
Charles Hickson still testify to the same story, and have never wavered in their
account of what happened that October night on the Pascagoula River.
There have been many articles, magazine reports, and television documentaries
done on the case, and the two men have given numerous interviews about their
experience. Their account, although bizarre, is one of the best researched and
documented alien abduction cases in UFO history.
Mars New Evidence of Tubes
Joseph Skipper writes: As in
the previous Report The
Real Tubes on Mars, you can see in the image of additional
evidence drawn from MOC strip E 12-03186, in this new image from a different
location is additional giant tube evidence. The top or northern most tube is
again the most fully formed. All these images demonstrate that the northern most
fully formed tubes border on natural adjacent terrain to the immediate north.
You can more clearly see the sunlight reflections gleaming off of the top
surface of the main top tube system.
Notice the clear at least semi-translucent
equality of the main tube and that the cohesive mass to the immediate south of
the tube has many parallel wrinkles in it. The light gleam and reflection
reveals the edges of a narrow band of depression indentation that runs the
entire longitudinal length axis of the main tube top surface and note it is
fairly uniform in its width. This looks very much like something due to fairly
recent expansion stress. To exist in such a massive elevated rounded unsupported
form, the most obvious explanation is that they are lighter and less massive
because they are hollow and their dome like semi-translucent quality and rounded
dome like shape and very glassy smooth outer surface clearly supports such a
The tubes probably carry water. The most obvious
conclusion is that the fully blown tubes are artificial constructs of some
higher intelligent life form based on a super elongated dome principle forming a
protective shielded habitat of some kind.
Astrophysicist Claims Giant Spaceships are Orbiting Mars
Vander Ploeg writes, "Astrophysicist Dr. Iosif
Samuilovich Shklovsky calculated the orbital motion of Martian satellite Phobos
and came to the jaw-dropping conclusion that the moon is artificial, hollow, and
basically a titanic spaceship.
Phobos is spaceship says famous scientist Dr. Iosif Samuilovich
The scientist is world-renown for penning the
classic science book, "Intelligent Life
in the Universe with famous Cornell University
professor, the late Carl Sagan of PBS and Voyager space probe
Mars' two moons, Phobos and Deimos, translate into
"fear and "horror, as Mars is named after the god of war. Both satellites were
discovered in 1877 by U.S. astronomer Asaph Hall.
Both moons are extremely odd, especially the
tumbling moon of fear: Phobos. Two facts deeply troubled Shklovsky. First, both
moons are too small. No other planet in the
solar system has moons as tiny as the Martian moons. Second, their origin
bothered him. Were they captured asteroids as others assumed? No, they could not
be! Their orbital plane was all wrong. And they're much too close to Mars. Even
more amazing"Phobos changes its speed from time to time.
Phobos is shaped like interstellar spaceship.
Russian astronomer Dr. Cherman Struve spent months calculating the Martian
moons' orbits
with extreme accuracy early in the 20th Century. Yet, Shklovsky astutely noted,
as the years progressed into decades the mystery moon's orbital
velocity and position no longer matched its mathematically predicted
After lengthy study of
the tidal, gravitic, and magnetic forces, Shklovsky came to the inescapable
conclusion that no natural causes could account
for the origins of the two odd moons or their bizarre behavior,
particularly that exhibited by Phobos.
The orbit
of that fantastic moon was so peculiar, so bizarre, that Phobos had to be a
gigantic spaceship. Every other possible cause was carefully considered and
resignedly rejected. Either alternate explanations had no supporting proof or
the math was wildly off.
Phobos had to be accelerating as it lost altitude,
yet could the outer fringes of the thin Martian atmosphere cause a braking
action? During an interview about the peculiarities surrounding Phobos,
Shklovsky said, "In order to make this braking action so
significant, and taking into account the extremely rarefied Martian atmosphere
at this altitude, Phobos should have very small mass, that is, very low average
density, approximately one thousand times smaller than the density of
A density that low, less than an Earth cloud, would
have dispersed Phobos eons ago. That could not be the solution. "But
can a continuous solid have such low density, probably smaller than that of air?
Of course not! There's only one way in which the requirements of coherence,
constancy of shape of Phobos, and it's extremely small average density can be
reconciled. We must assume that Phobos is a hollow, empty body, resembling an
empty tin can.
Like a spaceship is a tin can in the cosmos. For
all intents and purposes, the Apollo Lunar Excursion Module was a tin can
exceedingly smaller than Phobos, of course."Well, can a natural
celestial body be hollow? Never! Therefore, Phobos must have an
artificial origin and be an artificial Martian satellite. The peculiar
properties of Deimos, though less pronounced than those of Phobos, also point
toward an artificial origin.
Are alien spaceships the size of small moons orbiting
Mars? That makes the so-called "Face on Mars look ridiculously
feeble by comparison! Yet, no less than the United States Naval
Observatory stated: "Dr. Shklovsky quite correctly calculated that
if the acceleration of Phobos is true, the Martian moon must be hollow, since it
cannot have the weight
of a natural body and behave in the prescribed
Thus, even that august American institution
conceded that mysterious alien ships might be orbiting
monolith on surface of Phobos
Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin revealed during an
interviewon CSPAN's Washington Journal, "We should go boldly where man
has not gone before. Fly by the comets, visit asteroids, visit the moon of Mars.
There's a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this potato shaped object
that goes around Mars once in seven hours. When people find out about that
they're going to say who put that there?' The universe put it there. If you
choose, God put it there Speculations over what the giant
artificial spaceships might be have ranged from massive Martian space
observatories, to half-completed generational interstellar spaceships. NASA/JPL
image. Thanks to
UFO Sightings in the United
Alabama Orb
Cherokee County-- My wife and I were on
our deck when I took these photos around 8:29 PM, on August 13, 2011. The object
moved across the sky within one minute moving east slowly and then quickly
disappeared. It made different shapes in each photo. Thanks to William Puckett
Director UFOs Northwest
Arizona Double Objects and Five V' Shaped Crafts
PHOENIX -- ABC15 TV reports dozens of
sightings of horizontal moving lights in the sky over the city and surrounding
states on September 14, 2011 about 8 PM. Many amateur photographers and the TV
station captured video of two different flying objects. Calls to government
authorities did not identify the objects. But an
expert told the Los Angeles Times there was a more natural explanation:
It was a likely "near-Earth asteroid," no bigger than a
Thousands of people from Phoenix to Los Angeles
reported seeing the bright streak of light.
"It's sort of Mother Nature's shot
across the bow," said Don Yeomans, a Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Fellow who manages NASA's Near Earth Object Program. "It's an
impressive light show, one of Mother Nature's best."Yeoman's said any object
smaller than 30 meters isn't going to cause damage on the ground."No one should
be concerned," he said. "We basically ran it over." Thanks to
Bullhead City -- About 7:15 PM, on September 13, 2011, I was
returning home on Highway 95, I was just passing the entrance to Home Depot when
I noticed five V' shaped crafts flying in formation coming down the Colorado
River from the north. They were flying very slow and only 50 feet from the river
as they approached. I stopped the car and watched them stop in mid air and
hover. Then they started moving again in the same direction. They continued for
another 200 yards then all of a sudden a blue white light flashed and they flew
out of sight so fast I couldn't believe it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Four Saucers
La Jolla -- My then girlfriend (wife now) were walking along
the edge of the beach only a block from our apartment on October 17, 1965, at 7:
15 PM, when we saw four flying saucers going south at less than 1/2 mile in
height. I am an engineer having worked for companies involved in the design of
aircraft, missiles, and outer space vehicles. They were flying in a diagonal
line formation, and were definitely piloted. They were moving and separately
undulating up and down as though slightly buffeted by the wind. They emitted no
lights and made not a single perceptible sound. No engine sound was perceptible.
These vehicles were not birds, not airplanes, not anything but saucer shaped
vehicles and close to us.
I concentrated on the dark brown under rim of the saucers of perhaps two feet
in width. The vehicles were the color of aluminum with three hemispheric
undercarriages spaced circularly at 120 degrees apart. My girlfriend's viewed
the top most portions with yellow light in the portholes. They flew past us at
350 miles per hour, less than 1/2 mile from us at the closest point. They were
about 150 feet in diameter each and 20 feet in height. They flew in the
direction of San Diego. I phoned the San Diego Airport, the Miramar Naval
Station and police who told me they had not received any calls.
Note: This witness should know the difference between a conventional aircraft
and a UFO. I believe him. The sighting must be "thoroughly etched" in his memory
given that he remembers the date of an event that occurred nearly 46 years ago.
Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Colorado Orbs
Denver -- This is a direct response to the
posting of a UFO on September 12, 2011 at 8 PM! I too witnessed this event and I
must say I was awestruck, however upon further examination it is my conclusion
that the UFO's or orbs were not out of the world visitors. Instead they were
four F-16's doing a flyover from the Buckley Air National Guard for the opening
Monday Night Football game of the Denver Broncos shortly after 8 pm. There was
7000 feet cloud coverage and the F-16's were flying formation with their
navigation lights on, which may have given the illusion of bright white yellow
orbs. I wish this was a true UFO sighting, but I am sorry to say it was a
natural man made event! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Sightings
Lake Harris -- I decided to file this
of a September 16, 2011, as this particular sighting was one of many
sightings of erratic overhead lights moving at very high altitude, as if the
overhead lights and lights on the lake were working together. The extremely
bright star like objects appear on the western shore near Yalaha where
development is very scarce. Sightings occur mostly after 10 Pm, almost every
night. The objects pulsate like a strobe light, hovering, and then maneuvering.
The object hummed like electricity. During a late August sighting the light
instantly deadened into laser-like, non directional bright red light and
disappeared for the night.
When the light gets excited, the nearby dock lights and street lights on the
mainland began to pulse and flicker, as if a magnetic field is being disturbed.
The luminosity of the light is too dammed bright sharp and clear, changing many
colors and mesmerizing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Light
Canton -- I was at my apartment and walked out to my car
with my girlfriend to go to the store at 9 pm, on September 17, 2011. We noticed
an object that also looked like a moving star that was directly over top of us
moving southeast when it became an extremely bright pulsating light. It was like
a meteor when it skips off the atmosphere, and flew on its way and dimmed down
to its original light intensity. It continued southeast towards the Metro
Airport where it suddenly disappeared. CMS
New Jersey Large Hovering Triangle and
Hoboken --After seeing an all white jumbo
jet without any markings pass above me on September 18, 2011, I noticed high
above a small white object sitting motionless. It did not move for at least four
minutes and I ran inside and returned with my Canon Camera and took about ten
shots. I called my neighbor Mike to witness the object. He could not figure out
what it could be as it flew slowly west. I took 24 in all. Then it stopped and
started moving backward. When I downloaded the images, I was surprised to find
it changing shape in every shot. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Very Bright Light
Las Cruces -- On
September 18, 2011, while taking a walk at sunset I noticed a very bright star
like object in the northern sky, far enough away that it was obscured by the few
clouds. I returned home and got my binoculars and viewed the object which was
clearly the shape of a hot air balloon or triangle. I then looked at it through
a telescope and affirmed that it was reflecting the sunlight as it slowly
changed from bright silver to orange to deep red and moved very slowly west. My
husband and I think it was some sort of weather balloon, but it was puzzling
nevertheless, so I thought I would report it. CMS
New York Cylindrical Objects
Montauk -- My wife and I were spending the weekend at a
motel in Montauk on September 9, 2011, my wife called me to see something in the
sky as she had no idea as to what it could be. I stepped onto the terrace to see
a cylindrical or disc shaped object with a bright yellow to orange color
radiating above below the full length of the object at 8:15 PM, above the
Atlantic Ocean. It was travelling east at a speed greater than a passenger jet
and disappeared.
To our amazement fifteen minutes later another identical object appeared from
the northwest sky, continuing south and then turning towards the east. It was
travelling at the same rate of speed and again disappeared in the eastern sky.
At 8:50 PM, for the third time I observed another object travelling from the
northern sky heading south and turning east. When it was almost directly in
front of me this object made a sudden stop, or right turn to the south, and flew
upward in steep climb, at a tremendous rate of speed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Triangle
33.836081N 81.1637245 W --Got up to use the bathroom which
like most guys do outside look up and see five lights on September18, 2011. It
had a triangle shape and was moving fast toward the north. It kind of spooked
me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Flying Object Cylinder
Hellertown -- At 11:15 PM on September
15th, 2011, my wife and I pulled over on I-78 spotting an odd plane whose
lighting did not match anything we have seen. It had strange yellow-gold
oscillating lights mounted on its metallic hull. We observed the object for ten
minutes that glided effortlessly over the top of us proceeding past the nearby
tree line. The object seemed to be metallic in nature, with three couplings to
house three large yellow-gold lights. It flew on making movements overtop of the
city of Allentown close by. We witnessed several more of the same type of yellow
gold lights in the distance making oscillating light patterns. The included
Microsoft paint doodle is a rendition of the craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
MORISVILLE -- I was taking photos of clouds, and when I
viewed the images I noticed a strange object in the second of a series of three
on August 15, 2011. These were taken one after another, seconds apart. This is
how I know it is not a cloud formation or conventional craft.
There was not enough time between photos for it to have been either. The
first photo was taken at 3:02 pm the 2nd at 3:03 pm and the 3rd at 3:03 pm.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas UFO near Contrails
Austin -- I caught one of those balls of light up in the
clouds/contrails on video moving right to left. It is next to middle contrails.
I saw one so I went and grabbed my camera. The contrails were very visible and
they were not that far away. Maybe this one was just too close following the
clouds/ contrails. I see these things every so often. Where I am at is not that
far from the Austin Bergstrom Airport. What are they? I can tell you for sure
that it was not a plane.
I used a Sony DCR-SR68 video camera. Thanks to MUFON
Utah Dot
WENDOVER -- My friend and I were driving
west on I-80 through Utah between 4 to 4:30 pm. I saw a small black dot against
the sky cover and thought it might be a blimp or a hot air balloon. I took a
picture of it as a joke saying we found a UFO on our way out to California.
After a few minutes driving it was no longer black and was white, almost as if
it was reflecting the sunlight. My friend thought it appeared to be in the shape
of a fish, and I thought it had looked like a space shuttle. There was wind
blowing so we found it bizarre that this object didn't seem to sway back and
forth or indicate some sort of movement. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington 50 Witnesses Watch Flying Orbs
Seattle -- Over 50 witnesses watched as seven flying orange
orbs or fireballs flew in formation over South Seattle, on September 10, 2011 at
around 1030 PM. The witnesses described possibly Chinese lanterns
flying in formation as the red orange fireball like orbs fly south for over two
minutes and then disappear
Note: It is not clear if the witness knows that the orbs
were Chinese Lanterns or if he is comparing them to Chinese Lanterns. Questions
have been posed to the witness. Updates will be posted. Thanks to William
Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Snohomish -- The witness was taking
sequential photos automatically every five seconds of hot air balloons on
September 4, 2011; at 7:25 PM. Suddenly a white object appears that is flying in
the opposite direction of the balloons. The witness thought that the object
could have been a satellite until it turned around (reversing direction) and
then vanished!
Note: The witness has made a strong case that this light is
unexplained and unidentified. I agree. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs
Wisconsin Lights and V Shaped Object
New Berlin -- My wife pulled into driveway and noticed four bright red/orange
lights in sky in close formation. She called me to come outside and I saw two
ufos. One was V' shaped with four red/orange lights; the other object was a
single red/orange light. The V' shaped one's four lights hovered then shifted
and moved and became one red light. It was rather large, quite spectacular
really. They eventually flew off beyond sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Argentina Sphere
Bah-a Blanca -- There was static sphere
lighting all over the place and I can watch as the UFOs structures form. We
could see them without flashing in our eyes. It was very clear with the surface
changing like the sun. I went for my binoculars, and I watched with my neighbor
for ten minutes.
The sphere flew fast into the sky in one second without any noise. The sphere
appeared static over the street, and cars did not move in the street for those
ten minutes in June 1992.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Flashing Light
ADELAIDE -- Benz writes, "I
looked up to the clear sky on September 19, 2011, when I saw a flashing light
that was making maneuvers so I raced inside to get my camera. In the first clip
you can see a passenger plane and see the UFO that mainly flashes white and
blue, flickering rapidly then blinking on and off. There was
several times when I could see a flash of red and a strange reflection as if the
light was glowing against a cloud, but there were no clouds. I had trouble
focusing on the object and pulled over on a quiet street and continued to film.
Eventually it shot out of sight.,
- Thanks to Benz1980I
Bulgaria Red Lights
Bourgas -- We saw two red stationary lights close together
in a diamond or rectangle shape flashing together in fluttery ways on July 31,
2011. Then they separated into small white lights moving across the sky in
opposite directions miles apart until fading into nothing. Thanks to MUFON
Canada Pulsating Colors
HAMILTON, ONTARIO -- My friend and I were on her balcony on
the 12th floor, having a cigarette on September 17, 2011, when she noticed an
object hovering over the city much higher than the rest of the skyscrapers. It
was large and looked far away. It pulsated many colors quickly. I tried to take
photos of the object, but it did not show up. I think this is because it was
pulsating so quickly. It was round and not well defined and its edges were
blurry. It was hard to keep track of the colors because of the fast pulsating. I
believe it was blue, yellow and red. It was hovering in the same spot for over
an hour. Thanks to MUFON CMS
China TV
Chinese TV captured this object
that might be a kite or a UFO. Several possible UFOs were shown.
51 29 N' 14 80 E. -- We saw a bluish grey V' shaped craft, with a bit of a
haze surrounding it on September 3, 2011. It seemed large in size. Thanks to
Spain Orange Light
Barcelona -- I saw an orange light on June 23, 2011, that at
first I thought was a plane but it grew larger and flew faster than a plane. I
thought it was going to crash but it leveled off at 200 meters high shining in
red and orange. It flew parallel, slowly, and then started a steady climbed into
the sky like a rocket. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/ England
Scotland 55.37805 N 3.435973 W -- On
September 20, 2011, I was out walking my dog and heard a buzzing sound and
looked to see what it was. I thought it was a cloud that sort of hovered then
glided forward. It was there one second then it blended with the clouds and came
back and looked reflective. The longest it was clearly visible was about ten
seconds which is the time I got the photo. It gave me goose bumps and made the
hair go static as it blended and never reappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Honiton in Devon -- What can I say I was
out taking photos on March 7, 2011, didn't see it at the time I got the film
You can see in the top right is what I seem to have captured on film, any
ideas? Imaged scanned in.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UFO Conferences
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
22-09-2011 om 18:37
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
We Are Toddlers [In Gradual Development] Playing With Dangerous Matches [Unlike The Lower Lifeforms]! Keeping Close Tabs Is Wise!
UFOs, Panspermia, & Extra-terrestrial
Intelligent Life
Neil deGrasse Tyson bespreekt kort, op een
speculatieve maar gemotiveerde manier, enkele marginale gebieden van
onze wetenschappelijke kennis, zoals de oorsprong van het leven op aarde en het
bestaan van - en de mogelijkheid tot interactie met - buitenaardse intelligente
levensvormen. Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson is een Amerikaans astrofysicus en de
Frederick P. Roos directeur van het Hayden Planetarium aan het American Museum
of Natural History in New York City. Een volleerd wetenschapper heeft hij
eveneens een uitgesproken rationalistische en sceptische kijk op de wereld. HIj
werd geëerd met de 2009 Isaac Asimov award van de American Humanist
GAUTIER -- Charles Hickson never stopped believing in UFOs.
He became a Coast celebrity in 1973 after his claims of alien abduction were
made public. In the 38 years after, he appeared on TV, spoke at UFO conferences,
gave countless interviews, co-wrote a book, UFO Contact in Pascagoula, and
watched the night skies.
He believed that one day they would come back. He wanted them to come back,
said his daughter, Tisha Hurd.
Hickson died Friday at the age of 80.
He had been diagnosed with lung cancer three weeks ago, but died from heart
problems, she said.
Hickson became famous for his encounter with a UFO and its occupants.
He told law enforcement on Oct. 11, 1973, he and coworker Calvin Parker saw a
spaceship with pulsing blue lights while angling for catfish off a barge
dry-dock at the abandoned Schaupeters Shipyard on the East Pascagoula
Hickson told authorities it was just after dark when the two men were floated
into the craft and a levitating eyeball-shaped probe scanned his body.
After the examination, the men were floated back to the wharf. They tried to
report the event to Keesler Air Force Base, but were directed to the Jackson
County Sheriffs Department.
Hickson told a reporter in 1998 he never minded the persecution that came
with his celebrity.
When something happens to me, I dont give a damn who laughs at me, Im
going to tell the truth, you know, he said in an Associated Press article.
Hickson said then this wasnt his first encounter with aliens or his
His daughter grew up believing. She was just a baby during one of his
encounters, traveling by car through Jones County with her family. It was only
lights following them that time, though Hickson said a spaceship was spotted by
neighbors another time hovering over his house in Gautier.
Growing up with a father who looked forward to alien visits was surprisingly
not difficult.
It was pretty cool, you know, she said. She never doubted what her father
said was true.
I totally believed him, she said. Theres not one time in all the times
since this happened that his story ever changed. Its always been consistent and
to go through what he went through with the psychiatrists and the lie-detector
tests and all the police and stuff, thats hard to make up and keep straight if
its not true, all these years, 38 years later.
When Hickson wasnt talking about alien abductions, he was rooting for his
beloved New Orleans Saints and fishing. He was also proud of his military
achievement, earning five major battle stars while serving in the U.S. Army
during the Korean War.
Visitation for Hickson will be 6-8 p.m. tonight at OBryant-OKeefe Funeral
Home in Gautier.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.