The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Rock singer Annie Haslam is baffled over two gold discs. These weren't awarded her for record sales but appeared mysteriously on aphotograph she took at her garden in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Now a team of experts is putting the photo under complex analysis in a bid to discover if the dual UFOs pictured - each bearing a V like symbol - are real or an optical anomaly. Ufologists are impressed by the clarity of the digital shot and lawyers for Annie, formerly of the classical rock group Renaissance, arefiling for copyright and have ruled against any public viewing of it until it is shown at the International UFO Congress in Phoenix on February 25. Showing the picture as part of his conference presentation will be researcher Colin Andrews, a friend of Annie who called him to tell him she had photographed the golden discs. Colin, who first revealed news of the photo on his website here:, is said to be "very excited" about the picture which he hopes might help lead to fresh knowledge about the nature of UFOs. He said : "I have never before seen a UFO photograph quite like this. I am 100 per cent certain there is no dishonesty involved. This is definitely not a publicity stunt. I know Annie very well and trust her completely. She is simply baffled about this photo and called me wanting answers." Annie took the 1/30th of a second exposure shot at the end of October last year while trying to capture heavy rain just turning to snow which produced the heaviest October snowfall on record and cut power to her home for three days.
She did NOT see the objects as she took the photo but noticed them when she reviewed the camera pictures three weeks ago. The photo - one of eight in that sequence which are mostly snow scenes - shows the two large golden ovoid or disc shapes, one slightly obliquely behind the other apparently flying very low with the green garden as a backdrop. Each orb is marked with a V symbol, with one leg of the Vs slightly curved, covering half the visible surface. The team Colin has asked to investigate the case includes Dr Steven Greer (C.S.E.T.I and Orion Project), retired US Navy optical physicist Dr Bruce Maccabee, remote viewer at the Institute of Resonance Dr Simeon Hein and ProfessorJ.J. Hurtak of the Academy for Future Science. Colin said: "So far Bruce is fairly confident that these discs are not some artefact of window reflections. The focus is bang on with where the objects appear to be, i.e. in the garden. He also has calculated that the closest disc moved 2.5 inches in 1/30th of a sec and so we have yet another indicator that they were actually out there."
He added: "Annie is deeply spiritual and has had shared UFO sightings on tour with the band. She has provided total access to anything needed to learn as much as possible about this."
Meningen over New Rendlesham Theorie Het web is met controverse zoemen na mijn circulatie van de theorie van Sacha Christie's op wat er gebeurde op Rendlesham zoals beschreven in haar blog hier: ik stuurde het rond, omdat het leek misschien een beetje less gek dan sommige van de uitleg die we hebben gehoord, maar was zich terdege bewust van het gebrek aan bewijsmateriaal verbinding tussen de documenten dat ze gemarkeerd en Rendlesham. Hier is een link naar de documenten: Het is verbazingwekkend hoeveel mensen gaan ervan uit dat alleen maar omdat u op de hoogte anderen van het onderzoek van iemand, noodzakelijkerwijs gaat u ermee akkoord en goedkeuren. Ik heb voor het eerst een interview met Sasha hier bekijken: Ze komt op vier of vijf minuten in denk ik Ze lijkt redelijk coherant ondanks haar paranormale ervaringen bij Rendlesham wat natuurlijk vreemd, vliegen in het gezicht van haar eenmalige test experiment theorie, heeft gezien weird stuff is gaan de in dat gebied voor vele jaren. Ik wil graag hier presenteren een ronde van een aantal meningen die ik heb ontvangen van verschillende bekende onderzoekers, en ik moet zeggen, rubbishingSasha's theorie als verklaring voor Rendlesham. Ten eerste is Jim Penniston die was er, dus Hij moet tellen. Hij reageerde in de Outpost forum, het beantwoorden van een poster, hier:
Jim Penniston schreef: "Hier is het plaatsen heb ik op de website Justitie gisteravond Ze werd met behulp van deze 244 pagina Defense Nuclear Agency programma document aan de RFI uit te leggen Ik dacht dat ik een van haar supporters recht te zetten met deze heb ik nu eenmaal... zeer familure met het document en het programma werd ze probeert te gebruiken. Posting hieronder van Justice site. @ Daniel. Dan, ik ben blij dat je van dit document. Dit document maakt deel uit van een testprogramma door het Defense Nuclear Agency. Het is ontworpen om te testen en te begrijpen effecten van interieur alarmen in wapens opslag structuren, en de MAID MILES (Magnetic Anti-Intrusion Detection Sensor Line) magnetische lijn sensoren rondom WSAs, waarin ook FDS (Fence Verstoring System), die werd naar de buitenste ketting hekken bevestigd op WSAs .. De opleiding was tweeledig, een had een concentratie van verlengen effecten van fysiologische effecten, zoals mentale vermoeidheid Verder werd gekeken naar de lijn sensoren;. de Maid Miles kan leiden tot een aantal andere minder belangrijke voorwaarden als je blootgesteld aan de magnetische veld van de lijn sensor.
Verleng de blootstelling zou moeten worden veroorzaakt door direct staan in de zeer kleine oppervlakte van invloed. (De werkelijke afstand zou worden ingedeeld, maar buiten de onmiddellijke omgeving van het WSA die is geïnstalleerd in zou bepalen bereik. Maar wees gerust het zou minder dan zes meter ... En twee, de studie en testen ook waargenomen en geëvalueerd reacties van SRTs (Security Alert Teams) en door Arts (Alarm Response Teams), back-up tijden, en de effectiviteit onder vermoeidheid situaties werd ook geëvalueerd op grond van deze studie was ik een gekwalificeerde SPCDS Operator en is gecertificeerd in die positie, ik schreef verder en ontwikkeld alle Beveiliging OPLANS, en veiligheid richtlijnen voor de twee bases. Het is belangrijk om te weten, dat deze testen werd stateside op Nellis AFB gedaan in de vroege jaren 1980 voor de Sandia Labs. Het testen van deze soort werd volledig uitgevoerd in de Verenigde Staten is voor normalisatie. De USAF nooit voert testen buiten de continentale Verenigde Staten. Door
veiligheidsredenen. Ook studeerde tijd de reacties en een back-up van veiligheid teams en SPCDS Operator alarm Aankondigingen in de Shelter als dit alarm actief was.
Dit programma dat jij en Ronnie te verwijzen, een keer in zijn geheel gelezen vindt u, antwoorden NIETS ik ben bang, omdat mensen proberen om opnieuw te schrijven was het voor bedoeld is. Het is gewoon een standaardisering en evaluatie van een grotere veiligheid beeld met betrekking tot de aard van de gebruikte systemen en de reactie initiatieven. In beide gevallen, om een medische of fysiologisch effect, dat zou je moeten leven in een
structuur voor ongeveer vijf jaar moet geschieden of worden buiten kampeerden al jaren proberen om een medische effect te krijgen van dit bijproduct van deze alarmsystemen. Een interessant feit is het onderzoek bepaald in 0,001 procent van de gevallen in verband met proeven, maar alleen gemaakt lichte aandoening. Zeer zelden en op afstand. Dus ik ben niet kloppen theorieën Dan ben ik alleen maar te vertellen dat dit programma / studie niet iets te maken met een Air Force Base die in het buitenland is gevestigd te hebben. Ik begrijp dat valse informatie, zoals dit afbreuk doet aan en kan misleiden mensen, en ontsporen ze van wat er werkelijk gebeurde op RAF Bentwaters / Woodbridge. De antwoorden zijn zeer eenvoudig, en we zullen zien in juni. " . Next up John Alexander gepensioneerde Amerikaanse leger kolonel en een vooraanstaand voorstander voorde ontwikkeling van niet-dodelijke wapens Hij schreef me: "Onzin. Uw uitleg past niet in de feiten - vier decennia van hen.
Dat is nauwelijks een DNA-experiment. Dit is ergofusion, typisch van het veld. Er is niets in het document dat u gezonden die op enigerlei wijze betrekking op de Bentwaters geval. Zoals aangegeven in mijn eerdere e-mail, ongewone gebeurtenissen in Bentwaters ging vooraf aan de inmiddels beroemde twee tot drie dagen, en zijn doorgegaan tot voor kort, lang nadat de basis werd gesloten. Het maken van een geval dat het een psychologisch experiment (die anderen hebben als het goed gedaan) gewoon niet geschikt voor de feiten. Sterker nog, ik betwijfel dat we op dit moment de mogelijkheid om het incident opnieuw net als beschreven door het grote aantal getuigen te zijn ". Hier is wat Nick Pope te zeggen heeft: "Ik ben sceptisch dat een proces van de soort hier gesuggereerd (met personeel op Bentwaters / Woodbridge wordt gebruikt als 'proefkonijnen' in een poging om te zien hoe het beveiligingspersoneel zou reageren op de verschillende - misschien exotisch - events) heeft plaatsgevonden of had kunnen verklaren van de Rendlesham Forest incident. Op bladzijde 7 van het document dat wordt geciteerd, bijvoorbeeld, vindt u het citaat: "... iedereen in het begin van het spel weet dat het een oefening ... wat je niet kan doen voor zover ik kan zien op het huidige tijd is om daadwerkelijk te starten een gebeurtenis die zal leiden tot de roep uit van een brand team, bijvoorbeeld, zonder het hele systeem te weten dat het een oefening. Dat is nu eenmaal buiten de reikwijdte van wat we zouden kunnen doen ". "Zelfs als er iets als dit was gebeurd, zou Defensie hebben ontvangen voorschot mededeling of, op zijn minst, retrospectieve bericht, en ik zou dit herinneren van Mod-bestanden. In ieder geval, het uitvoeren van een dergelijke test in het Verenigd Koninkrijk zou zijn geweest een extra en onnodige complicatie - een dergelijke test zou zeer waarschijnlijk zijn uitgevoerd in de continentale Verenigde Staten. "Meer in het algemeen, waar de hele theorie naar beneden valt is op het idee dat je zou een UFO-ontmoeting verzinnen als dekmantel verhaal. Er zou niet nodig zijn geweest. Je zou gewoon vertellen die betrokken personeel dat ze waren betrokken bij een oefening, dat de details werden geclassificeerd en dat ze niet over te praten. De meeste, zo niet alle, zou hebben voldaan. " Nu UFO's en Nukes onderzoeker Robert Hastings opvatting die hij heeft mij gezonden en schreef op blog Sacha's:
Sacha, Ik onderzoek nucleaire wapens gerelateerde UFO-incidenten gebruik te maken van vrijgegeven Amerikaanse overheidsdocumenten en het getuigenis van ex-militairen. Sinds 1973 heb ik meer dan 130 van die veteranen, waaronder de zeven die hebben deelgenomen aan mijn 27 september geïnterviewd, 2010 persconferentie in Washington DC CNN gestreamd dat geval leven en de volledige lengte van de video kan worden bekeken op http://www / watch? v = 3jUU4Z8QdHI . Terwijl uw scenario is interessant, het gewoon niet zal werken. In feite, vrijgegeven documenten en het ondersteunen van getuigenverklaringen bevestigen dat UFO-invallen op nucleaire wapens Storage Areas (WSAs), zoals de een op RAF Bentwaters het eerst plaatsvond in de late jaren 1940, in Killeen Base, in Texas, en Manzano Base, in Nieuw- Mexico. Inderdaad, zoals invallen goed gedocumenteerd in het tijdperk van nucleaire wapens testen, implementatie en storage-lang voordat het experiment voorgesteld in het DNA-document dat u heeft gebruikt als basis voor uw speculatie. Re: Bentwaters incident in het bijzonder, zal ik gewoon noemen hier dat in 2006 interviewde ik, op band, de twee USAF luchtverkeersleiders die in dienst bij de RAF Bentwaters toren waren tijdens de week van UFO-activiteit in december 1980. Geen van beide was gegaan on-the-record eerder. Beide bevestigen dat het bijhouden van een bona fide onbekende "target", dat 120 mijl in 8-12 seconden (dat is, twee tot drie sweeps op hun radar scherm) reisde en volgens een van hen, maakte een draai van 90 graden op een punt. Het doel blijkbaar zweefde even niet ver van de toren en werd beschreven door een van de controllers als een oranje-gekleurde bol met lampjes rond de evenaar.
Kortom, radar gegevens, die zijn empirisch niet anekdotisch, ondersteunen de aanwezigheid van ten minste een onbekende, high performance luchtvaartuig is tijdens de periode van de gerapporteerde UFO-activiteit op de twee bases in eind december 1980. De controllers 'letterlijk getuigenis en andere informatie met betrekking op de gebeurtenissen van die week is te vinden op
Ik zal, om zonder kosten, overvloedige passages uit mijn boek UFO's en Nukes aan iedereen die me e-mails . De vrijgegeven informatie over de Killeen Base incidenten, in het bijzonder, aangezien ze betrekking hebben op de Bentwaters incidenten zo'n 30 jaar later, zijn met name opmerkenswaardig ". Nu, Fortean auteur Colin Bennett van de Combat Diaries, reageert: Er zijn veel lutherse contra- aanvallen zoals deze. Ze maakt de fundamentele fout te veronderstellen dat de documenten die zij noemt als "bewijs" verwijzen naar Rendlesham waarop zij kunnen ook verwijzen naar andere gebeurtenissen, of zelfs louter een theoretische papier voor een puur theoretische oefening, die waarschijnlijk was de oorsprong van de beruchte MJ-12 documenten.
Ze lijkt niet te beseffen dat het niet nodig is voor een actie om daadwerkelijk te volgen of voor alle gebeurtenissen op "eigenlijk" hebben voorgedaan met het oog op een reeks van geloof en "verklaringen" voldoende om een geloofssysteem te maken te starten. Gelet op Web Power en massa media-werkelijkheid is niet langer nodig zijn voor Orwelliaanse Control. Een gecontroleerde toevoer van beelden naar archetypische eetlust is alles wat nodig is. Daarom zijn de documenten verwijst ze naar zou kunnen worden genoemd inspiratie arrays meer dan wat dan ook "echt" in de pre-postmoderne zin. We zouden gek om te veronderstellen dat Inlichtingendiensten niet in dit soort dingen in een grote weg. Media is Cool Control. Uiteindelijk tanks, kanonnen en concentratiekampen is misschien niet nodig
De manier waarop het werkt is als die methode beschreven door Borges in zijn verhaal:. Tlon Uqbar Orbis Tertius Stel dat de heer X beweert dat hij twee hoofden heeft op zijn schouders, maar slechts een zichtbaar is. Een stortvloed van vorderingen die de onzichtbare hoofd is gezien zal zeker volgen. Clusters beelden zal zwermen zoals in het proces van kristallisatie. Schetsen en screen-shots van de onzichtbare hoofd zal ongetwijfeld verschijnen, alleen worden ontkend door de oorspronkelijke heer X, die zou kunnen volhouden dat deze pogingen tot afbeelding van zijn onzichtbare hoofd niet zijn "accuraat zijn." Deze situatie wordt gecreëerd niet door feiten maar door beelden . Anderen zullen beweren dat een soortgelijke onzichtbare hoofd zelf, en een hele virale meme zal zijn gecreëerd. De vele pseudo-heads zullen kruisen, zal de heer X worden geïnterviewd door Project Camelot, Jerry Springer ufologen en Folie-Hat, Radio, waarin (in de meeste gevallen) pseudo-bewijs van een bepaald pseudo-event zullen worden geproduceerd. Hieruit volgt dat de geliefde wetenschappers
commissaris / Gauleiter het beheer van de Gij zult niet controlesysteem zal wegen in met talloze ontkenningen van alles en nog wat verder dan de zon en de maan. Mocht iemand geloof er geen woord van een van deze dan laat ze een kijkje nemen op de volgende New Yorker artikel van Jeannie Vanasco Waarom is DARPA geïnteresseerd in het verhaal te vertellen? Nu voor de openhartige mening van lange tijd UFO en afwijkingen onderzoeker George Wingfield: "Bullshit Oh, jee, oh jee, Dave ben ik bang! dat eens te meer je hebt te luisteren naar een van die Krazy konspiracy kooks en vooral dus in dit geval, aangezien deze ook beschrijft zichzelf als een infomaniac huisvrouw en par-abnormale onderzoeker die produceert zinloos gebazel. Mocht je echt dat iemand als dit? Het antwoord is simpelweg NEE. "Vijftien jaar geleden ging ik naar een UFO-conferentie waar Larry Warren was het geven van een presentatie gebaseerd op zijn boek" Left at East Gate ', die hij schreef met Peter Robbins. Peter is een eerlijke vent en geloofde duidelijk al wat Larry hem had verteld, maar in mijn oordeel Larry is niet, en ik kreeg de zeer sterk de indruk dat veel van wat hij zei was verzonnen. Ik ben zelden verkeerd over deze dingen. "In de loop der jaren andere onderzoekers hebben in toenemende mate vraagtekens bij Larry Warren's getuigenis over de Bentwaters / Rendlesham Forest geval en het is bijna zeker dat hij niet was eigenlijk zijn er in december 1980, toen deze gebeurtenissen plaatsgevonden, hoewel hij werd naar de basis op een bepaald moment. Als je leest uitstekende boek Georgina Bruni's "Je kunt niet zeggen het Volk" op Rendlesham zul je zien dat was haar te nemen over de kwestie. Er waren vele andere Amerikaanse luchtmacht militairen die UFO-gebeurtenissen meegemaakt in Rendlesham Forest en meer dan RAF
Bentwaters op het moment en ik heb veel meer vertrouwen in wat ze zeggen dan dat ik heb in Larry Warren. Charles Halt, John Burroughs, Jim Penniston, Adrian Bustinza, Edward Cabansag, en anderen zijn veel geloofwaardiger dan Larry Warren en ik twijfel er niet aan ze zouden allemaal deze buitengewone nieuwe niet-ondersteunde vordering van de gekke huisvrouw in Leeds te weigeren.
"Ik heb geen bijl te slijpen met betrekking tot de vraag of de Rendlesham Forest gebeurtenissen betrokken ET vliegende schotels, tijdreizigers, of een psychologische oorlogsvoering experiment van de Defense Nuclear Agency. Ik zou heel graag de waarheid weten, maar ik geloof niet dat deze verklaring is geldig in een of andere manier. Jacques Vallee is voorstander van een oplossing van dit soort, maar ik betwijfel ten zeerste of hij dit soort bewijs te ondersteunen. "Ik zal alleen aan toevoegen dat de UFO-conferentie, die ik ontmoette Larry Warren was ook een waar Ik ontmoette en leerde Whitley Strieber weten. Ik hou van Whitley enorm en hij was altijd het leven en de ziel van de partij, maar ik werd al snel van bewust dat zijn buitenaardse ontmoetingen zoals beschreven in "Communie-A True Story" waren alleen horror fictie. Ik zag heel wat Whitley in een keer en ook sprak met zijn vrouw en andere vrienden van hem en ik ben nu 100% zeker dat zijn ontvoering en anale verkrachting door buitenaardse wezens was iets dat gebeurde alleen in zijn zeer vruchtbare verbeelding en niet in onze consensus realiteit. "En voor wat de waarheid van het Rendlesham Forest geval is, Zoals ik betwijfel ten zeerste of u vindt het in de zinloze ramblings van deze Leeds huisvrouw, gebruikten ze om te zeggen in de X-Files:.! niemand vertrouwen Zeker niet . de wil van haar Geef deze brief van mij aan anderen op uw mailinglijst voor het geval ook zij zijn misleid. " Dus daar heb je mensen gaan - ik heb andere reacties hadden meestal in dezelfde geest, maar dit zal doen voor een dag ...... Dave Haith
Filer's Files #6 2012 - Star Child Born after Abductions
Disc UFO photographed over Lake Cote, Costa Rica in 1971
George A. Filer III.
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Regional Director
February 8, 2012
Filer's Files are now being emailed to 9950 each week plus 700 copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends and neighbors.
In special reports, this week's files cover: Mars Strange Structures, Nanny Claims She's Being Abducted, Star Child Born after Abductions, Obama freezes Iranian assets in US as Iran begins new military exercises, Costa Rica Disc, High Security Threats Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Australian Prime Minister Correction, and Norman Oliver writes about Lucius Farish
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alaska, California, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Eire, Mexico, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
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Special Reports
Dumbbell Nebula - NASA Hubble photos
Mars Strange Structures
Tube like structures are about 400 feet in diameter and cross over and split similar to roadways of an intelligent designed transport system. It seems logical that an alien intelligence on Mars would live underground or inside buildings and tubes.
Thanks to Norman Bryden ID IMAGE - R09-00681 4.35W 72.46S
Nanny Claims She's being Abducted
The nanny from Flushing, Fran Drescher, may in fact be the nanny from outer space. That's if you believe the actress' dramatic story about being abducted by aliens -- something she truly believes happened to her.
"You know, it's funny because Peter (Fran's ex-husband) and I both saw [aliens] before we knew each other, doing the same thing, driving on the road with our dads," Fran tells me, in all seriousness. "We were both in junior high, and met a few years later, and realized we had the same experience. I think that somehow we were programmed to meet. We both have this scar. It's the exact same scar at the exact same spot."
But ex-husband Peter Jacobson wasn't so convinced, and says Fran got the small scar on her hand from a drill bit or burning herself holding a hot cup of water. But Fran says, "No way; I told him, that's what the aliens programmed us to think," Fran explains. "But really, that's where the chip is."
The Reed's truly believe their alien encounters involved gene manipulation, and why the amplification of insight documented was so apparent in the children. Much has been witnessed by others outside an academic and testing environment, with academic and medical testing supporting something vastly elevated.
With regard to this heightened ability Thomas shares a thought regarding another possible level or plan within ourselves, an understanding that 99.99% of us can't access, this insight is fueled by his son. He suggests that perhaps we are not ready to access or even understand this, or is it something that has just yet to fully develop. We cannot access more than a fraction of our brain to begin with, so why have it? Even those with 140 - 170 IQ's that suddenly become a member of Mensa, are not using any addition part of the brain, just using it a tad more proficiently. It's safe to say we're barbaric in nature, would it not be used for the wrong reasons. Even In its mildest examples in or around the Reed's home it has lasting impressions, and at times troublesome realizations.
Thomas with his Tiger friend.
With that said many whom they have spoken with that have also had a similar abduction encounter, were exceedingly intelligent, most were adolescents with high IQ's, healthy and were primarily RH Negative. All by chance? (Healthy and advanced in multiply ways already, w/ immaculate blood cells, no coatings)
They share a theory that we will one day find that the RH Negative factor may have many variations as blood types themselves. Leading Tom to feel because the rh. negative factor or cell is flawlessly clean and in its pure form, it's also key to something much larger. Such as having traits to something other than prehistoric man, and having some relevance in the stimulating of regions within our brain. Combined with other factors, promoting an elevated consciousness, or a better word, wakefulness.
This elevated awareness and heighten ability is quite evident in Tom's brother's youngest child and his son, the abilities are also medically documented, support by their school records, to include IQ testing and epidemic placement. He has yet to find any other link or association that would support or have contributed to the level in which these two can almost flaunt this wakefulness at times. Per the boy's school records, Chance is a remarkable boy testing well in the superior rang and classified at 127% in the country, per the Gifted Matrix, the Exceptional Student Evaluation, a KABC-11, and The Kaufman Achievement. Chance has also experienced surprisingly accurate foresight in relation to seemingly ominous but deceptive or harmful situations. He predicted a considerably detailed event, weeks prior to the actual occurrence, involving a woman, a white automobile, and several occupants. It's recorded that the boy normally achieves, more than twice the national standard of coincidental accuracy when selecting numbers and or Zener cards. Chance has routinely exercised a much greater then chance ratio, when tested for Coordinate, Outbound, Beacon, and Associative categories of remote viewing. His blood type is A Rh Negative' and his nick name is Chance. Thanks to Tomas Reed.
Obama Freezes Iranian Assets in US as Iran Begins Military Exercises
I do not like the idea of a war with Iran as I have visited there numerous times and like the people. However, leaders often move us into war that our military must fight. Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard began military exercises Saturday in the country's south, the latest show of force after threats to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz in retaliation for tough Western sanctions. State media announced new maneuvers in southern Iran involving ground forces and rocket firing units.
On Thursday, Israel's defense minister, Ehud Barak, suggested the world is ready to consider a military strike if sanctions fail to rein in the Islamic Republic's nuclear program... Iran's leader Ayatollah Ali Khomeini replied with a hard line threatening to stop 40% of the seaborne oil that passes through the Strait. Ships from the UK, France the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln recently moved into the Persian Gulf to protect the 17 oil tankers that leave the Persian Gulf each day. U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said sanctions remain the best approach to pressure Iran. But he told U.S. airmen Friday that Washington keeps "all options on the table and would be prepared to respond if we have to."
Editor's Note: The politicians can easily get us into another losing war. A colonel friend told me each time we kill a Taliban fighter in Afghanistan, his brothers and cousins join the fight against us. Despite what you are told in the news we are losing.
Costa Rican Disc
Lake Cote -- In a letter sent to a group called Main Karinya Directory in Costa Rica, an extremely compelling account was revealed of the taking of a photograph of a silver disc-shaped UFO in 1971 in Costa Rica. The UFO, tapered upward to a dome or central control unit, was photographed over Lake Cote as part of a Costa Rican mapping program. A state-of-the-art camera was used, pointing downward and snapping photographs every 17 seconds.
The UFO appears to be entering the water, as no water splash is seen, and one small side of the disc is hidden from view. Allegedly, the UFO was moving from right to left, at about a 30 degree angle. As the photo is rotated for display purposes, this would be from top to bottom.
The photograph itself reveals a very detailed view of water, the shoreline, and trees. It is one of the very few photographs taken of a UFO entering or exiting water. It is rare that a photograph of a UFO receives such a clear cut validation by well known investigators. The UFO is exceptionally large. Locals claim the area leads to an immense city containing over 500 buildings built many years ago by extraterrestrial visitors.
In 1989, noted researchers Richard Haines and Jacques Vallee examined the photograph and released the following Photo Analysis statement:
"In summary, our analyses have suggested that an unidentified, opaque, aerial object was captured on film at a maximum distance of 10,000 feet. There are no visible means of lift or propulsion and no surface markings other than dark regions that appear to be nonrandom... There is no indication that the image is the product of a double exposure or a deliberate fabrication" - [Haines, and Vallee, 1989].
Australian Prime Minister (Correction)
Last week I quoted Prime Minister Julia Gillard as making inflammatory statements stating Moslems need to adapt to Australian customs. Correction she did not make those statements, most were made by the previous Prime Minister John Howard who told the media that immigrants should adapt to Australian culture, language and beliefs or leave the country. Apparently some of his statements were changed to make the article more inflammatory. I goofed in repeating the article. I was sent the article by a friend who was also fooled.
Norman Oliver writes about Lucius Farish
Lincolnshire, U.K. -- Norman Oliver writes, "Having read of the death of Lucius Farish last weeks Filer's Files #5-2012, I would like to tell of my Appreciation' for Lucius. From the late 1960s, I was a Council member of BUFORA - The British UFO Research Association, and edited its Journal for many issues. "I was saddened to learn of the death of Lucius Farish. Back in 1967 Lou and I commenced a monthly tape correspondence about UFO research and events in each of our countries that lasted several decades. In 1987, Lou took over the role of organizing the UFO Conferences held each April in beautiful Eureka Springs, Arkansas and invited me to be the first British speaker there. I was invited back on seven occasions. I always felt that Lou was, a 'hub' of UFO information, not just in the U.S.A., but worldwide and he will be sadly missed by Ufologists everywhere. He was both a gentleman and a gentle man and I feel his loss deeply as, I am sure, do many others worldwide. Goodbye, Lou - it was an honor to have known you "Norman Oliver, 'Stepping Stones'.
Yahweh (God) and His Flying Machines
Bill Bean writes the Bible tells of UFOs and the glory of God's craft. In Hebrew chariots, the glory of the Lord and clouds refer to anything that flies like UFOs.
The Hovering Vehicle Glory and Light in
Exodus 40:34-38
Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle... And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys: But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up. For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys. The flying object remained in the presence of the nation wherever it went.
Spinning Chariots of Fire Take Elijah Up
2 Kings 2:11-12
And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried my father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.
Elijah and Elisha are talking and suddenly a bright cavalry of glowing vehicles appears and Elijah ascends into the sky in a spinning-flying vehicle. The word translated into horses, 'cuwc', means rapid flight. This is most likely the army spoken of where hosts appears.
UFO Christianity Connection
I am trying to let UFO enthusiasts know about this new book. Please let your UFO friends and colleagues know about this new excellent book. The book's web site is I think you will enjoy the book. Thanks to Dr. Fred David
Sightings in the United States
Alaska Red lights in line formation
Anchorage -- We were waiting in the parking lot at 7:30 pm on January 23, 2012, and I looked at these red lights coming over the mountains in line formation. I thought it was military parachuting or exercises or something until the red spheres spread apart hovered and then went straight up slowly at the same pace and then disappeared. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
California Cylinder
CHINO -- I was at the Children's Museum at a birthday party around 4 pm, talking to my wife's cousin when a bright light flickered just over the two story building. He was taking pictures of the party so I asked him to take some pictures of the UFO. He took six pictures within thirty seconds as the object moved away and up till we finally lost it. He then shows me the pictures on the cameras screen that looked very small till he zoomed in close and wow; I was very excited about the whole event. Here is one of the zoomed in pictures. I'm always looking up and was in the marines and know that wasn't a plane or a helicopter even though the Ontario airport is only five miles away. I have lots more photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Whittier -- We saw more orbs moving and dancing on February 3, 2012! Looking around like a humming birds. Sometimes small as a baseball, others large like a plane. They changed color from white to orange. G.A. Whittier. More to come! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
ORLANDO -- I was headed to Disney on February 6, 2012, waiting for the bus at 6:38 am, when I saw lights and took video and pictures that show three lights. There is nothing to indicate any mass or structure. It had grown to about half dollar size by then. The video has strange distorted noise. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Object
PATHFORK -- I was outside late that evening when I noticed a strange 50 foot in diameter black cloud came up over a low ridge line on September 5, 2009. This cloud was traveling south and following five very large black birds that never moved their wings and just glided along. The birds had a wing span of about 16 feet with slender long bodies for their size.
This black cloud was about 60 feet above the black birds trailing behind them and flying toward us descending. I told my wife to grab the camera to take pictures of this strange cloud. I lost sight of the black birds as my wife took the picture. The flash of the camera caused the black cloud to immediately changed direction and speed off at an incredible speed. We were shocked that exactly where the black cloud is was this strange craft with another even larger craft higher up not visible to us. In the pictures I estimate the craft was 12 feet in diameter, 16 feet high bell shaped craft with a dome shape bottom. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maryland Lights
Clear Spring -- Driving down Draper Road I noticed lights high in the sky on February 1, 2012. I thought they were from a tower but realized there is no tower where I saw the lights. As I got closer they flew in front of the car at tree level. I stopped the car at Draper and Harvey Road and rolled down the window to take a picture. I listened but there was no sound. I followed as it flew over the ridge behind our house and disappeared leaving me in awe. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Lights
ALBION -- On January 29, 2012, about midnight my two friends and I witnessed the most amazing orange lights in the eastern sky. We could see it move behind tree limbs. We watched for an hour and realized it was not what we see all the time. I got my camera and tripod and started to film something through my viewfinder I cannot explain as it maneuvers and changes shape. We were freezing and when we came back outside it was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Minnesota Orb
MINNEAPOLIS -- I was waiting on my front porch for a delivery on February 3, 2012, when I noticed a very large bright object moving slowly in the sky.
It stopped suddenly and did not move for several minutes as two commercial airplanes flew past it. When it moved again I ran into my house and retrieved my video camera and filmed it moving closer and descending. It stopped and hovered for 18 minutes above the house across the street. I took screen captures from the video and blew them up and saturated them with color. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Lights
RAYTOWN -- I was outside taking pictures and noticed a bright light in the sky, so I took a picture of it and this is how it turned out. This is not the first time I've found something really strange going on in the photo. I wanted to attribute the weirdness to a low battery or improper settings but my battery tested fine and it was set on normal nighttime setting built into the camera. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Abduction
Wood Ridge -- On February 1, 2012, I was sleeping from 11:15 PM to 4 AM when I had to use the bathroom. I was restless and finally fell back to sleep when I had the feeling of being held down. It was around 5:45 am which is 15 minutes earlier than I usually wake up. I was trying to wake up but I couldn't, I started kicking slowly and tried opening my eyes. I tried screaming, but could not make any noise.
After kicking harder I started opening my eyes and saw that my hands were being held against my chest by a being that was standing on the left of my bed. I kicked on last time and then was able to speak and said, "Get off of me! It started awkwardly running towards my window where it disappeared. The lights were off but I could tell the being was short around four feet tall and slender like a child, completely naked with no body hair, and dark grey in color. I did not see any facial features. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North CarolinaTriangle
STATESVILLE -- Around 6:45 pm on January 19, 2012, I was and driving home from work and noticed 20 plus round flickering bluish orbs flying across the sky. They almost looked like fireworks. I heard no sound. I called my wife to come outside and she observed them also. They gradually spread apart and began moving around in small circles and disappeared slowly. This event took around five minutes before they all vanished. Later, my wife and I were eating at the dinner table and heard a low humming or rumbling outside. She stated, "What is that?"We went outside and saw an object flying fairly low and slow for an aircraft. It was just above tree top level. It appeared to hover and was in the shape of a triangle making a low hum. As it came closer, the body of the craft appeared to be very dark, almost transparent with a bright red blinking light on the bottom, with three white lights on each end of the triangle tip.
It appeared to be in a turn and moved over toward us as it seemed to notice us. It was pretty big. Making a complete circle around our area as we noticed an identical craft descend heading north toward the first craft. We became very scared and ran back toward the house until the second craft passed on. The craft met up with the other craft and they began to fly off toward Highway 40 toward the north with those red blinking lights seen for over a mile away. I immediately contacted MUFON NC. My wife and I are still frightened. Thanks to MUFON CMS and Thanks to Ken Pfeifer
New York Buzzing
QUEENS -- I was listening to music until about 5 am, on January 31, 2012, Tuesday morning when I heard a loud buzz coming from behind my house. I looked east out of my bedroom window to see what was making that strange buzzing sound. I saw a flat, slow moving object, with reddish strobing lights traveling south a few hundred feet behind the neighborhood trees. At first I thought it might be a conventional aircraft because I live near JFK, but realized it was not anything I had ever seen. It was a silvery gun metal color when it suddenly blinked off. I immediately felt a headache and went to bed. A few seconds later I heard the buzzing sound again and observed it again further south. It slowly drifted away casing the buzzing sound.. Thanks to MUFON CMS and Thanks to Ken Pfeifer
Weird Objects over Pennsylvania
GROVE CITY -- For some reason the thought of UFOs jumped into my head on my way home from the grocery store on January 7, 2012, at about 9:45 pm. As I turned onto my road in the distance I saw them. This orange orb broke into three similar size orange orbs. The primary one did not move and the other two shot away at 45 degree angles. The orbs then leveled off and travel south one behind the other parallel to the ground. So I sped up my car almost wrecking it as I pulled into my driveway.
I ran inside to tell my wife. She said, "The thought of UFOs had entered her mind too before I arrived and she didn't know why. At the same moment of her strange thoughts she said, "I heard a scratching noise at the window and had just let the dog out minutes before I got home to see what it was. The thirty orange orbs unfortunately had gone before she could see them. They were traveling just above the tree line in a snake like motion glowing orange for fifteen minutes. I took photos with my Nikon D300. Thanks to MUFON CMS and Thanks to Ken Pfeifer
Tennessee Flying Object
Pauline Petsel writes, "About January 12, 2012, I looked outside to see if there were any more flashing lights in the sky which I'd been photographing off and on for three years. I found several others watching this stuff and a group called Sky watchers formed. We keep in contact through Face book.
One woman who lives five miles closer to the Viking Mountain range takes pictures similar to mine. We have both been seeing things every night the last three months from 8:45 to 9:15 PM.
Washington Pinkish/Grayish Saucer and Disc
BREMERTON -- On February 3, 2012, about 8 PM, I was exercising in my TV room and looked out the window and I noticed a disc shaped white object traveling at a rapid speed in a SW direction paralleling the Olympic Mountains. After about 10 second it zigzagged then disappeared from sight. I live near an airport and know aircraft; this did not act at all like an airplane. Attached is a picture of the view from the position of the window. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Lake Chelan -- I was taking my dog outside on January 24, 2012, to go to the bathroom and was looking up in the sky admiring how beautiful the night sky is and I spotted a saucer shaped object that was grayish/pinkish in color gliding through the air. It was huge, from where I was on the ground and judging how high it was in the sky I would say it was maybe the size of 3 city blocks big. It had no lights or anything that would normally draw your attention to it; it was more like a silhouette against the night sky. It made no noise and simply glided through overhead. I would never have noticed had I not been looking up right at it. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Worldwide Sightings
Aquasol -- The January 25, 2012, Mr. Moreno was Along with a work colleague in the neighborhood 1500 villas located. In front of the recreation complex Aquasol ( Mar del Plata).
At the time that I was testing a Motorola cellular MB525. His companion warns about the presence of an UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Lights
Noosa River -- I had just pulled up in my car at the Mouth Car Park, at 8:05 am on February 1, 2012, when a Sea Eagle/Kite landed in a Pandanus Palm directly in front of me. I thought cool and grabbed my 4 megapixels camera, and proceeded to take a series of six photo`s of the creature. It is quite unusual that one should land in this area as they are shy and I never seen one before in 30 years of going there. When I got home and copied photo`s to my computer I noticed on the third photo of the six had two lights in the background. They weren't there when I took the photo`s. The objects only appear on the one photo, taken only seconds apart. Thanks to MUFON CMS
A newly found Paleozoic predator looked like a cross between a tiger and a Komodo dragon. He was large, dino-era carnivores that hunted their prey with quick, opportunistic strikes.
Brazil 260 million years ago was the stomping ground of the recently discovered Pampaphoneus biccai, aka the "Pampas Killer, according to new research.
This formidable predator was at the top of the food chain and looked like a creature from a science fiction novel. Project leader Juan Carlos Cisneros told Discovery News that gazing at this animal "would be like looking at a mixture between a tiger and a Komodo dragon. The new species is described in the latest Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Canada Power Plant
PICKERING POWER PLANT -- I can't believe your last post about Lake Ontario sightings. I and a friend witnessed something strange near the Pickering Power Plant over Lake Ontario, after 12:30 AM, on June 14, 2007. There is video footage, and he has a better quality camera than what I have. He phoned me two days later telling me his camera has captured this UFO. What I had witnessed with the aid of binoculars was about 5 or 6 lights-orange in color.
They were blinking on and off along a straight bottom row of the craft. Light sequence from right to left-on and off. The object was in fact stationary, as we both viewed for about a minute with binoculars. Then both of us began filming this thing at less than two miles away. Altitude was 1500 feet high and after about two minutes, the craft vanished as a low flying Cessna came in right where the object was sighted apparently to investigate the UFO. Civilian aircraft are restricted from flying near the nuclear power plant.
Eire Triangle
Prospecthill -- Sittting on my balcony during a clear summer day I looked out as I always do and saw down the road there were two people walking towards me. I noticed a whirlwind a little further away, across from the park there were two black dots at first. Thinking someone was flying a kite I watched closer. To my amazement they were not kites, not birds, not planes, and nothing I have ever seen.
They were shaped like boomerangs as there were two of them. One was a little smaller and seemed to be looking at something. The other was larger in shape and was ascending up into the sky. The other smaller ship was hovering, then it turned or flipped and the sunlight reflected off its solid black shape. They were following what looked like a pattern and kept rising up, hovering as they ascended up, the smaller one following slowly behind. I watched this for about 15 minutes and they just disappeared up out of view into the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexican Police Engage in UFO Chase
By Juan Galvan - Mexicali, Baja California "A UFO with white lights, blue and yellow flashes" -- The first report was received from the airport area, and [the object] was even seen by C-4 operators manning the safety cameras that appear to have recorded it on January 24, 2012.. The sighting prompted the mobilization of police officials. Martin Ruelas, supervisor of the western sector, was able to see it with his own eyes, but it was too fast and it was impossible to follow. An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) prompted an intense mobilization by elements of the Public Safety Forces of the City of Mexicali, arising from citizen reports about the presence of a strange device in the air. Alejandro Monreal Noriega, general commander of Patrols in the Direccin de Seguridad Pblica Municipal (DSPM) reported that the first news item was received from people living in the vicinity of the airport.
Even C-4 operators, responsible for urban security cameras, saw the object in their systems and it appears to have been recorded. Furthermore, hundreds of phone calls were received at the "066" number, reporting the flying object's presence. It was seen around the airport and subsequently flying at dizzying speeds toward the new guard post after citizens reported seeing it over the Marn Industrial Park, and subsequently in the Rivera Campestre district and related areas.
Martin Ruelas, supervisor of the DSPM's western region, saw it and stated that it was a sizeable round white object with visible blue and yellow flashes. He added that the object was seen high in the sky and moved up, down and sideways at very high speeds, vanishing from sight after heading south from the valley of Mexicali. Deputy Commander Medina, from the valley's southern area, also saw it and said it was too fast and impossible to follow, as it changed direction suddenly. A "chase" by patrolmen ensued, but since the object changed position within seconds, they simply relayed its location in order to have the nearest unit continue the report. Unfortunately, it was impossible to obtain an answer. Monreal Noriega stated that consultations were made with airport authorities and SEDENA, as well as their U.S. counterparts. (Translation (c) 2012, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana Luisa Cid)
North Kent -- Rachel Hovenden writes, People have reported seeing UFOs in the sky after hearing fighter jets flying above north Kent at the weekend. People across Gravesend and Dartford reported hearing the low-flying fighter jets on January 27, 2012, apparently chasing UFOs with bright lights. Adrian and Jessica, from Istead Rise, posted on the site: -- It was moving in an unusual pattern (unlike conventional aircraft) and did a tight abrupt circle before shooting off in such a fast fashion that the two jets that appeared were too late to catch up with it." Matt, from Dartford, also posted, saying: "I see LOTS around 50 [sic.] What appeared to be bright lights / stars, at first glance in the sky? "We looked out on the patio toward the sky and saw a reddy orange shaped object (which was very low in the sky) and was an oval shape but quite large. An as yet unconfirmed is that it was an RAF training exercise.
Barnard Castle -- On January 26, 2012, two pensioners Bruce and Priscilla Wetherill, both 84, say a flying saucer hovered inches from their car as they drove home at night. They described a "frightening brief encounter, which happened between Gainford and Barnard Castle. They pair say they saw something strange in the sky as they drove past a wooded area near Arlaw Banks. Mrs. Wetherill said: "We saw this thing heading towards us -- it was coming right at us and was as low as the car and huge. It was very frightening. "Bruce kept driving but we both ducked down, expecting it to hit us. I thought, This is it, we've had it'. The Wetherills said the UFO, which was shaped like a flying saucer, was dark on top but glowed underneath and made no sound. At the last moment, it lifted up and narrowly missed the car, they said. Mr. Wetherill said: "It was an amazing thing -- it came so close to us that I thought it was going to crash on us. -- We were waiting for an explosion, but then it disappeared. The 84-year-old said the UFO disappeared into the sky. "I'm a realist, but I know what I saw and it was unbelievable". If I lived to 200 I would never see anything like it again, Mr. Wetherill said. Mrs. Wetherill, said the UFO had steel-like tentacles hanging down. The couple said the flying saucer came so close that they expected to see scratches on the roof of their vehicle. But when they investigated, there were none.,3874.html
Four Black Stallion Mutilations Occurred in January
The owner of the Stallion Sammy was interviewed and claims three animals in just over two weeks have had exactly the same injuries. I'm scared as the RSPCA and the Police, may be covering it up. We have rang the Police and they have said look it is a mutilation. But the Police are saying to other people it's not a mutilation, and the RSPCA are saying it's not. How do they justify the removal of the genitals if it's not a mutilation?
A butcher who helped to move the horse said there were all clean cuts. I'm really worried, I know it's nothing natural and nothing done by wild life, he (Sammy) had a mare in the field with him, and she was perfectly fine?
The police took pictures but the public cannot see them. On 18th of January a pregnant mare was discovered mutilated in Dartmoor. Its owner was told by the police not to make it public and told to keep quiet about it. A pony named Barney was killed in Carmarthenshire. Some of the attacks were on pregnant mares from January through June when the next generation of animals would be born.
The number of attacks in such a short time is puzzling given the party line by the authorities that the perpetrators of the mutilations were satanic cult members. The equine community is on their guard and vigilant to further attacks and some owners were now sleeping with their animals.
The latest attacks on three sheep and goats occurred on a farm near Bodmin. Also three goats on another farm have been killed in the same sort of way. Police have drawn a blank so far in their investigation of a stallion, called Erik who was badly mutilated in a Cornwall field.
An Update of the pony mutilation in Devon is that the case has been closed, and blamed on natural causes, like Barney the pony in Wales a few weeks ago. However owners are very adamant his injuries were not that of an animal and are now taking this public. The vet who did the post mortem disposed of the body without the owner's consent and worked for the RSPCA. The area around the mutilated animals are without foot prints or vehicle tracks and point to the perpetrators coming by air. Numerous farmers claim they have seen unconventional aircraft for 50 years.
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
09-02-2012 om 20:48
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Alien Abduction or Sleep Paralysis?
Alien Abduction or Sleep Paralysis?
(c) Kathleen Marden 2012
I have personally been embroiled in the UFO abduction debate for 46 years and professionally involved for the past 21 years. As the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first abductees to gain public recognition in the United States, I find this unsolved mystery fascinating. On February 22, 1966, I observed an unconventional flying object hovering approximately less than 1000 feet above me. There were five other witnesses. I have observed additional anomalies that have been linked (by some researchers), to alien abduction phenomena. I have, however, never experienced sleep paralysis. I wish that I had so that I could describe it from a personal perspective. Without firsthand knowledge of this psycho-physiological process, I must rely upon information from those who study it professionally and the testimony of those who have experienced it.
Several skeptical scientists have suggested that sleep paralysis is the best explanation for nocturnal bedroom abductions. Nearly all abductees/ experiencers (depending upon ones emotional response to the event), disagree. Those who were initially taken from an external environment (car, campsite, forest, field), after having a close encounter with an unconventional flying object and/or observing non-human entities, and experiencing approximately two hours lost time, are not convinced that that their subsequent bedroom abductions are sleep related anomalies.
Many abductees/experiencers have no memory of being taken from an external environment. They have only vivid memories of being taken from their beds during the night by humanoid figures and later returned with new, unexplainable marks on their bodies. Others wonder if they might have been abducted because they have observed strange lights in their bedrooms at night or observed the floating face of an alien figure above their beds.
Skeptics and scientific ufologists remind us that in the absence of substantial evidence, we cannot accept anecdotal abduction accounts as real. Our perception of the events that occur during the night, while we are sleeping or partially awake, could possibly be distorted by our sleeping minds. REM sleep, visual imagery, and sleep hallucinations can be confusing.
One thing is clear. All of us experience paralysis as a function of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. More dreaming occurs during REM sleep than in another stage of sleep. The paralysis prevents us from acting out our dreams and harming ourselves or others. It is most frequently reported to occur when we are falling asleep. But it can also occur upon waking. Some people have a sleep disorder that that interferes with normal REM sleep, causing them to act out their dreams. This condition requires medical treatment because REM sleep disorder sufferers have injured themselves or family members while in acting out in REM sleep.
Sleep paralysis is related to REM but is a different entity. It can occur just before falling asleep or waking up. You will have conscious awareness of your surroundings but not be able to move anything except your eyes. You might observe shadowy figures in your bedroom and your heart might pound, as a sense of fear jars you into wakefulness. About 30-40% of those queried by sleep study scientists report that they have experienced sleep paralysis. It is simply a sign that their bodies are not moving smoothly through the stages of sleep.
People with narcolepsy, a condition characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and REM activity within ten minutes of falling asleep, are more likely to experience sleep paralysis accompanied by hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations than the general population. Sleep paralysis alone is characteristically different than the colorful imagery described by people who have experienced H/H hallucinations.
There is conflicting information about H/H hallucinations and I have not been able to find conclusive answers with regard to its prevalence among human populations. HH ahllucinations can last up to several minutes and affect an estimated 5% to over 12% of the normal population. However, David J. Hufford wrote in The Terror That Comes in the Night, that 50% or more of Yasuo Hishikawas narcoleptic subjects reported that they had experienced H/H hallucinations.
Hypnagogic (between waking and sleeping) and hypnopompic (between sleeping and waking) hallucinations occur when factors such as stress, extreme fatigue, medications, and mental illness cause the part of the brain that distinguishes between conscious perceptions and internally generated perceptions to misfire. This results in internally generated visions, sounds, feelings, smells or tastes. H/H hallucination experiencers often see colored geometric shapes or parts of objects. Others might observe the full image of a person, monster or animal. Sometimes lines or the outlines of figures are observed. Sensations of floating or flying are common, along with hallucinated buzzing sounds. H/H hallucinations can be frightening. The hallucinations can last from seconds to minutes and are usually accompanied by a brief period of sleep paralysis. They are experienced as being as real as real.
I once personally experienced a hypnopompic hallucination, without sleep paralysis. My husband and I were sleeping soundly when the telephone jarred me into partial wakefulness in the middle of the night. I didnt answer the phone because I saw my husband walk toward it, as if he were going to answer it. Even though the room was dark I perceived that he was clothed in a brightly colored red and black plaid flannel shirt. The almost fluorescent colors were brighter than what can be observed in natural sunlight. I was perplexed because the phone continued to ring even though I saw my husband lift the receiver from the cradle. Almost immediately I was startled by the awareness of his presence in the bed next to me. My hallucination vanished and I answered the phone. It is the only hypnopompic hallucination that I have ever had, but as a lifelong student of human perception, I found it interesting and informative.
Some sleep scientists contend that an experiencers perception of alien abduction while sleeping or awake in bed is most likely attributable to sleep paralysis, perhaps with hypnopompic hallucinations. They suspect that extraterrestrial entities are generated in hypnagogic and hypnopompic sleep states. Sleep hallucinations might be related to dreams because they are more elaborate and enduring than sleep paralysis alone. Hypothetically, we might be sleeping and perhaps dreaming about alien entities. When we start to move up out of REM sleep we might experience a hypnopompic hallucination and see nonhuman entities in our bedroom that we perceive as real. After a few seconds or minutes, we become fully awake but remember the onset of an abduction/contact as if it were real.
If we experience a combination of sleep paralysis and H/H hallucinations, we will suffer intense fear and wake up paralyzed, unable to move anything except our eyes. We might observe shadowy figures standing beside our beds or hovering overhead. If we attempt to cry out we find that we cant utter more than a nondescript sound. Were locked inside paralyzed bodies, unable to speak or move, except for our eyes. Our hearts pound and we strain to breathe as if there is a weight upon our chests. We are acutely aware of surroundings. Shadows transform into frightening shadowy images and sounds intensify. We struggle to break free from our dreadful predicament, and within seconds we are fully awake. This occurs to some of us when we emerge from REM sleep and our natural paralysis continues for a few seconds. I have never met an abductee/experiencer who believes that their ET contact experience was sleep related.
I have, however, spoken with individuals who have experienced HH hallucinations throughout their lifetime. Most report the observation of geometric shapes or disconnected body parts. One observed the upper torso and face of a monster. Two have observed alien heads that were not connected to bodies.These details are not consistent with the reports that I have received from abductees/experiencers.
Many abductees/ experiencers have described distinctly different demarcations between sleep paralysis, H/H hallucinations and real abduction experiences. They insist that they were fully awake at the onset of an alien abduction or visitation. They might even have received a telepathic message earlier in the day that they would be visited. They did not wake up paralyzed. It was only after they cried out or attempted to fight or flee that they became paralyzed. Some might even remember being transported through solid objects, such as a wall, roof or window, to a craft. Most have observed non-human entities and might even retain a complex memory of being examined on the craft and/or being taught a lesson. They are later returned to their beds. Prior to their experience some witnesses report that they were nervously glancing at their alarm clocks, unable to sleep due to their anxiety about an impending abduction. Having noted the time on their alarm clocks prior to and after their experience, they can think of no prosaic explanation for the lost time. Sometimes bed partners and family members sleeping in the house recall identical experiences on the same night.
Sleep paralysis and HH hallucinations are not an acceptable explanation for Jennie Hendersons experiences. At age 16, she and a companion were in route to a high school basketball game when they were stopped and immobilized by an unconventional craft and lost two hours time. At first the craft resembled a helicopter in rapid pursuit of their vehicle. The silent teardrop shaped object hovered directly overhead and the engine of the Volkswagen died. As if only a moment had passed the car restarted and the teens were once again on their way to their destination. Jennie anticipated meeting her younger brother there and transporting him home at the end of the school event. Upon their arrival, they discovered that the event had ended nearly two hours earlier. There was no prosaic explanation for their lost time, and the family decided not to make a formal report of the event.
Years later, Jennie sought help after she experienced a series of frightening nocturnal bedroom visitations. Occasionally, she would awaken during the night and observe nonhuman entities in her bedroom.Shortly thereafter, a wave of paralysis crept up her body. Several times, she was fully awake when an unseen force suddenly and unexpectedly ripped her body from her bed. Her next conscious memory was of finding herself in a holding area aboard a strange craft accompanied by short non-human entities with grayish skin and large eyes. As time passed, she was able to recall many of the details of her visits with extraterrestrial entities, without hypnosis. Her husband and childrens memories of the events added support to Jennies suspicion that she had not experienced a sleep anomaly or vivid dream. On two occasions, her neighbors observed a silent disk-shaped craft hovering over her rural home.
Many abductees believe that their experiences are real because they and others in their homes retain the same experiential memories. When there is unusual physical evidence attached to these memories, it is difficult to find an adequate prosaic explanation such as sleep paralysis and H/H hallucinations. Abductees are often awakened by a rushing sound and activity in their bedrooms. At the onset of their experience they are not paralyzed, and often cry out, attempt to escape, or even throw objects at the intruders. Small entities, often with glistening eyes, move about their bedrooms. The abductees partners sometimes attempt to fight back, but are quickly immobilized and returned to their beds in a seemingly deep sleep.
Some abductees/experiencers are returned to their beds, but others end up locked outside of their homes. Some awaken on their roofs, in their vehicles, or even in someone elses home. Sometimes they find mud and vegetative matter in their beds. Others find they are no longer dressed in their own clothing, but in a strangers nightshirt. Sometimes experiencers find landing trace evidence on their property.
Most academic psychologists ignore these unique characteristics associated with nocturnal bedroom abductions. Instead they attempt to squeeze reports made by abductees/experiencers into sleep paralysis and HH hallucination categories, despite the evidence to the contrary. There are several reasons for this. One is that HH hallucinations and sleep paralysis are often experienced as real as real and can contain complex imagery and physiological responses. Another is that when Occams razor, the principle that among competing hypotheses, the simplest explanation within accepted scientific paradigms is the most plausible, HHHs and SP are the scientifically acceptable explanations. Political agendas have relegated UFO and alien abduction to the fringe science category. Officially, ufology is a pseudoscience lacking the respectability required for serious scientific study. A few courageous scientists have stepped outside politically acceptable constraints and have advanced our scientific knowledge of UFO related phenomena. However, some have experienced the professional consequences of thinking outside the box. Young scientists who wish to advance their professional careers are fearful of investigating these taboo subjects. To do so might lead to professional suicide.
Blackmore, Susan. Abduction by Aliens or Sleep Paralysis? Skeptical Inquirer Magazine.
Van Donald Keyhoe (L) naar Stephen Greer (R), heeft ufologie hield de diepgewortelde overtuiging dat de Amerikaanse regering wordt geheimen over UFO's te onthouden.
De mens is een lichtgelovig dier, en moet geloven iets, in de afwezigheid van goede gronden voor het geloof, dan zal hij tevreden zijn met slechte . - Bertrand Russell
Al meer dan vijftig jaar heeft ufologie is het nastreven van de idee dat de Amerikaanse regering geheim het feit dat het heeft gekend vreemdelingen zijn de Aarde bezoekt sinds 1947 te houden. Ufologen geloven dat het bewijs voor deze overweldigende is en ze hebben herhaaldelijk geprobeerd om de Amerikaanse regering onder druk te laten zien dat ze met betrekking tot dit wereldschokkend nieuws.
Keyhoe en het ultieme geheim
Als mensen al de verschillende personen die zich in de UFO-gemeenschap bestond de afgelopen zestig-plus jaren te beschrijven, ze altijd beginnen met Donald Keyhoe. Donald Keyhoe werd een deel van de moderne ufologie, want hij was een schrijver die voor diverse pulp bladen schreef in de jaren 1930 en '40. Kort na de UFO-gebeurtenissen begon in 1947, werd hij benaderd door True tijdschriftredacteur Ken Purdy, die stuurde hem een telegram dat aangegeven was er meer aan de UFO-verhaal dan wat de regering publiekelijk zei:
Hebben onderzoek verricht naar vliegende schotel MYSTERY. EERSTE TIP doorschemeren GIGANTISCHE HOAX te verdoezelen OFFICIËLE SECRET. BELIEVE IT KAN ZIJN geplant om echt antwoord Verberg. LOOKS LIKE GEWELDIG VERHAAL. Kun je OVER WASHINGTON EINDE? (Peebles 43)
Keyhoe verdiepte zich in het onderwerp en uiteindelijk geconcludeerd dat wat Purdy had gezegd juist was. Er was een cover-up en de bron van de UFO's was iets zo buitengewoon dat de regering had om het te verbergen van het grote publiek tot een algemene paniek te voorkomen. In de geest Keyhoe's, kan dit alleen maar betekenen dat de aarde werd bezocht door buitenaardse wezens uit andere werelden.
In januari 1950, True tijdschrift gedrukt eerste werk Keyhoe's over het onderwerp "De vliegende schotels zijn echt". In dit artikel Keyhoe verklaarde dat de aarde werd bezocht voor bijna twee eeuwen, en dat met het verschijnen van de UFO's in 1947, werd het tarief te verhogen tot het punt dat ze zouden gaan maken, of gemaakt had, contact.Keyhoe stelde ook dat als contact was gemaakt, was het slechts een kwestie van tijd voordat de overheid zou de wereld van deze gedenkwaardige gebeurtenis te vertellen. Toen hij zijn boek met dezelfde titel als het artikel vrijgegeven , hij dat de bekendmaking bijna gebeurd, maar de USAF / overheid schreef besloten om uit-en weer op het laatste moment, omdat zijn originele artikel veroorzaakt een reactie die de USAF de war als hysterie. Keyhoe vervolgens aangegeven dat uiteindelijk de overheid zou de waarheid te onthullen zodra ze vond dat de bevolking zou het nieuws te verwerken. Deze belofte dat de overheid uiteindelijk zou blijken dat buitenaardse wezens de aarde bezoeken in ruimteschepen aan het grote publiek zou uitgroeien tot een van de hoekstenen van ufologische filosofie die er bestaat tot op de dag.
NICAP: Veel rook maar geen vuur
In de vroege jaren 1950, had de USAF geworden overbelast door het onderzoeken van alle UFO-rapport dat werd gepubliceerd in de pers of gemeld aan hun hoofdkwartier. Project Bluebook was geworden van de focus van veel ufologische klachten, omdat de inspanning was om de oorzaken voor de UFO-waarnemingen, die zij deden om het beste van hun kunnen vinden. In sommige gevallen de antwoorden niet bevredigend en in andere juist. Het is echt deed er niet toe, omdat de meeste UFO-voorstanders was begonnen aan een uitleg van de USAF te twijfelen. Voor hen is het enige mogelijke antwoord was dat deze UFO-meldingen waren waarnemingen van buitenaardse ruimteschepen. Duidelijke onbekwaamheid Project Bluebook of betrokkenheid bij de cover-up zou de focus van de zoektocht van Donald Keyhoe te worden.
Aan het eind van de jaren 1950, had Keyhoe schreef verschillende boeken over het onderwerp van het UFO-cover-up. Een van hen was 'de vliegende schotel samenzwering ", waar Keyhoe de USAF nam om taak en openlijk beschuldigde hen van censuur / veranderen van UFO-meldingen. Hij heeft ook gespeculeerd dat er een geheime groep die werkt achter de regering die werd preventie van de onthulling van de waarheid. Om u te helpen bloot dat de waarheid, richtte hij een UFO-organisatie die de nationale onderzoeken Comite voor de Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). NICAP geprobeerd om het Congres om actie te ondernemen op dit gebied en Keyhoe nagestreefd leidt tot openbare hoorzittingen over het onderwerp te krijgen. Helaas, elke keer NICAP kwamen dicht bij dit doel te bereiken, zou er iets gebeuren dat tegenhouden. Voor het grootste deel was het de USAF dat de dader was door aan te tonen aan congresleden en senatoren dat hun inspanningen waren te goeder trouw en er was geen cover-up. Om het af, Keyhoe was zijn eigen ergste vijand. Hij verscheen aan een vijandige confrontatie met de Amerikaanse luchtmacht in de zalen van het Congres willen. Die het toezicht op een dergelijke hoorzitting zou niets te maken met dat soort spektakel en Keyhoe de kansen voor open hoorzittingen niet van de grond op de wijze die hij wenst.
Ondanks deze moeilijkheden, NICAP haar inspanningen voortgezet. Ze brachten een boek over de UFO-bewijs, dat hun zaak uiteengezet, om politici en ambtenaren dat hun theorie juist was te overtuigen. Zij stelden voor de USAF werd dingen te verbergen door een van de twee redenen:
1) Dat de luchtmacht heeft verkregen significant bewijs van de realiteit van UFO's, en is onthouden zijn bewijs tot het publiek een psychologisch worden opgesteld op basis van een programma geleid door een hogere instantie.
2) Dat het achterhouden van informatie is niet omdat van enige speciale kennis over het onderwerp, maar de resultaten min of meer onbewust worden door bureaucratie, gebrek aan continuïteit aan het UFO-project, verschil van mening binnen de luchtmacht, etc . (Hal 105)
De eerste optie was de complottheorie wordt ontwikkeld door Keyhoe en zijn naaste medewerkers. De tweede optie is waarschijnlijk toegevoegd door enkele leden van NICAP, die niet deelde Keyhoe de samenzweringstheorie. Ze bleken te zijn in de minderheid en het was de samenzwering mantra dat werd aangegrepen door de meeste ufologen in en uit NICAP.
Ondanks de samenzwering ufologie de hoek, Keyhoe was optimistisch dat de waarheid zou binnenkort worden onthuld. Hij verklaarde openlijk de volgende in het begin van 1965,
Congres hoorzittingen zijn bijna verplicht om uiteindelijk te worden gehouden - waarschijnlijk in de komende jaren. De basis vondst van deze hoorzittingen - dat we inderdaad onder toezicht van een soort door bezoekers uit het heelal - zal ongetwijfeld schrikken en schrikken veel mensen over de hele wereld. (Peebles 185)
Keyhoe had gelijk dat de hoorzittingen snel zou gebeuren, maar het had weinig te maken met zijn inspanningen of openbaring dat UFO's waren buitenaardse ruimteschepen de aarde bezoeken.
Congress reageert, maar niet aan NICAP
In 1966, een serie van UFO-gebeurtenissen in Michigan gevraagd Dr Hynek, dan is werkzaam als adviseur van de USAF, naar het "moeras gas 'verklaring voor te stellen aan de pers voor een reeks van waarnemingen daar. Door de reactie van het publiek uit de toelichting en de negatieve publiciteit, het Congres weer nam de UFO vraag met de USAF. De USAF probeerden om hun zaak uit te leggen en dat ze niet ontdekt iets belangrijks in de UFO-gegevens. Het hoofd van het project Bluebook op het moment, majoor Hector Quintanilla, schreef de hoorzittingen waren redelijk goed te gaan totdat Dr Hynek werd gevraagd of hij iets toe te voegen. Volgens Quintanilla, was Hynek is voorafgaand aan deze vroeg of hij een verklaring af te leggen tijdens de hoorzitting en Hynek vertelde Algemene Corbin van de wetgevende en liaison afdeling van het Pentagon dat hij het niet zou doen. Echter, in het midden van de hoorzitting, Hynek haalde een geschreven document en begon een verklaring over UFO's aan de commissie te maken. Hynek had gelogen aan de Algemene zodat hij kon openlijk congres aan te pakken, zonder enige inmenging van de USAF. Hynek blijkbaar was geïnteresseerd geraakt in het idee van een door de overheid gefinancierde wetenschappelijke studie van UFO's in de toekomst en dit was een stap om zich te vestigen als de vermoedelijke hoofd van een dergelijke organisatie. Zijn poging om te lobbyen voor deze positie zou uiteindelijk falen en zijn stunt in de voorkant van het Congres zou niet geliefd hem Major Quintanilla. Het resultaat van deze hoorzittingen, en diverse andere evenementen, zou zijn om de USAF van zijn verantwoordelijkheid te verlichten en om een groep wetenschappers toe te wijzen aan het probleem te bestuderen. Dit werd bekend als de Colorado-project, meestal aangeduid als de Condon studie.
De Colorado project was een poging om UFO's in een wetenschappelijke omgeving te bestuderen door een universiteit buiten de invloed van de USAF en zonder vooropgezette ideeën over het onderwerp. Dr Edward Condon hoofd van de studie. Vanaf het begin, werd het een politieke nachtmerrie. Dr James McDonald en Hynek zich zorgen over de studie toen Dr Condon onthuld dat hij was uiterst sceptisch over het onderwerp in een aantal van zijn toespraken. Uiteindelijk zou een memo worden gelekt naar de pers dat de studie zou werpen in een negatief daglicht. De inspanningen van NICAP en anderen om de studie te helpen verdampt omdat duidelijk werd dat de dingen niet zijn de UFO-voorstanders weg te gaan.
Terwijl de Condon onderzoek plaatsvond, heeft het Congres krijgen de kans om de UFO-verdediger kant van het verhaal te horen. Kort na de gelekte memo, Congreslid J. Edward Roush een symposium / hoorzitting over het onderwerp UFO's. Volgens Quintanilla:
Het symposium werd gehouden in de Rayburn Building op 29 juli, 1968. Congreslid Roush was de voorzitter en de lijst van sprekers lezen als een who's who van buitenaardse hypothese voorstanders. Ik heb nog nooit zo'n gestapeld dek in mijn hele leven en de verklaringen en documenten die door deze geleerde heren van de wetenschap bewees het punt. Niet een van hen gepresenteerde iets belangrijks, of een plan dat de moeite waard was in het nastreven van. Deze high-brow artsen met al hun universitaire retoriek viel plat op hun ezels en al hun hoge klinkende woordenstroom nauwelijks leiden tot een rimpel. De krant exemplaar dat werd gegeven aan het symposium was praktisch nihil, echter, moet de blootstelling aan deze geleerde heren, voordat een dergelijk onderscheiden Congres groep zijn zeer zelf-bevredigend. Ik vraag echter, die betaald voor deze waardeloze symposium waar de afwezigheid van Air Force personeel was zo opvallend? (Quintanilla 63-64)
Dit symposium bood niets in de manier van conclusies of "openbaarmaking" van alles wat. Als Quintanilla schreef, was het allemaal om het krijgen van publiciteit en tijd met het Congres. Sommige (Hynek en McDonald) zijn nog steeds bezig om gebruik te maken te krijgen om eventueel het hoofd een toekomstige regering organisatie die de Colorado project zou kunnen volgen. Dr Condon zou eindigen die lijn van denken in een snelle slag.
Condon steelt de portemonnee
In zijn conclusies van de studie, zou Condon eigenlijk schrijven dat er niets van de wetenschappelijke waarde is geleerd over UFO's en niets zal waarschijnlijk nooit worden geleerd. Hij wordt aanbevolen om bij de overheid de financiering van het UFO-onderzoek moet worden gestopt en, indien wetenschappers wilden UFO's te bestuderen, ze moet voorstellen hun eigen studies om de financiering te verwerven via de normale methoden. Het was al de USAF en het Congres wilde horen. Dr Hynek verloor zijn regering salaris, Keyhoe verloor een kans voor de overheid hoorzittingen over de zaak, en er zou geen verdere overheidsfinanciering voor een project onder leiding van UFO-voorstanders zoals McDonald of Hynek zijn. Dit is een van de redenen dat UFO-voorstanders hebben Condon en de Colorado-project belasterd. Voor hen was het einde van een tijdperk waarin UFO's serieus werden genomen door het Congres. Nu zou niemand geïnteresseerd zijn in UFO's buiten het kleine schotel clubs die nu bevolkt het landschap.
Beloften ... beloften ...
Met de Condon studie snijden de knip, de USAF al snel stapte uit de UFO-zaken en ging op weg doen wat het best is. Alle Bluebook records zou uiteindelijk worden vrijgelaten en ze snel zien dat Bluebook niet betrokken was bij een cover-up. In het ergste geval kunnen ze worden beschouwd als onbekwaam op het nemen van een bijna onmogelijke taak. De Bluebook records zou blijken dat er sprake was een poging om te proberen en onderzoekt alle verslagen die zij ontvangen als ze konden. Echter, naarmate de jaren verstreken, begonnen zij de mankracht en financiën om daadwerkelijk te kijken in elk geval missen. Hun verlangen om te onderzoeken net verdween toen het duidelijk werd dat de meeste van hen misvattingen van gewone gebeurtenissen betrokken.
Ondertussen werden NICAP en andere UFO-groepen plotseling vertrokken zonder dat iemand de schuld geven. Ze namen potshots op de Condon studie en Dr Hynek schreef een boek denigrerend de studie als onwetenschappelijk, maar dat was het. Zonder de USAF de schuld, konden alle UFO-groepen werd te proberen om particuliere financiering te krijgen voor hun "hobby". Omdat de USAF niet langer "in de weg staan", werd het veld wijd open voor deze groepen om wat vooruitgang te boeken in het wetenschappelijk bestuderen van UFO's. In plaats van proberen te profiteren van deze kans, een aantal van de clubs gewoon verdween in de vergetelheid. Anderen groeide en vulde de leegte achtergelaten, maar ze deden niets ook. Veel ging in de "postzegels verzamelen"-modus van UFO-onderzoek. Ze verzamelden UFO-rapporten die zij voelden trotseerde redelijke verklaring. Dit heeft niets oplossen maar het kwam dat het lijkt het UFO-groepen werden iets wetenschappelijk doen.
Als het geheugen van de vervaagde Condon studie, een aantal UFO-groepen het gevoel dat het Congres nog steeds zou kunnen zien dingen op hun manier. Nogmaals, ze had het gevoel dat "openbaarmaking" was net om de hoek. Met de verkiezing van president Carter, werd ervan uitgegaan dingen anders zou zijn, omdat de president beloofde een open bestuur. Sterker nog, had hij melding van een UFO-waarneming jaar voor en werd beschouwd als sympathiek tegenover de UFO-gemeenschap. In het voorjaar van 1977, zou US News and World Report schrijven:
Voordat het jaar om is, de regering - misschien wel de president - naar verwachting te maken wat wordt beschreven als een 'verontrustende onthullingen' over UFO's - ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten. Een dergelijke openbaringen, gebaseerd op informatie van de CIA, zou een omkering van het officiële beleid dat in het verleden heeft UFO-incidenten gedegradeerd zijn. (Sheaffer UFO 165)
Ondanks deze aanvankelijke optimisme, werd niets bijzonders onthuld. Carter probeerde NASA betrokken zijn, maar NASA wist wel beter. Zij zagen wat er gebeurde met de USAF en wilde geen enkel deel van het bestuderen van UFO's. Carter deed verwijder enkele geheimhouding over het onderwerp, maar ondanks zijn inspanningen om open, de last van het zijn president vereist enige geheimhouding en er waren voortdurende vorderingen van cover-up ook tijdens de Carter jaar.
Als een record gebroken, werd Keyhoe nog steeds over de buitenaardse wezens en het in de late jaren 1970. Hij vertelde de National Enquirer in het begin van 1979 dat "de recente golf van UFO-waarnemingen zou kunnen betekenen dat de buitenaardse wezens zijn klaar om zich te identificeren met ons dit jaar" (Sheaffer UFO- 164). Nogmaals, deze belofte van openbaarmaking door de buitenaardse wezens of de overheid ging onvervuld. Niet achter te blijven, zou Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) regisseur Walt Andrus verkondigen in 1983 dat een boek geschreven door Larry Fawcett en Barry Greenwood zou het deksel eraf de klep omhoog en zou "dwingen het Pentagon en onze regering geheime diensten te onthullen waarom zij hebben uitgevoerd een 'Kosmisch Watergate' of bedekken met betrekking tot hun betrokkenheid bij UFO's " (Sheaffer UFO- 164). Zoals verwacht door sceptici, deze openbaringen nooit gebleken, maar de 'Cosmic Watergate' hoek zouden worden genomen door een een van de beste promotors ufologie's, Stanton Friedman.
Het creëren van een Cosmic Watergate
Stanton Friedman was al ufologie sinds de jaren 1960 en zich graag presenteren als een wetenschapper, die bestudeert UFO's. Hij heeft een masters degree in de kernfysica, maar nooit promoveerde. Ondanks zijn vorderingen, heeft Friedman nooit echt in praktijk de wetenschap als het gaat om UFO's. Ik ben niet bewust van enige artikelen die hij geschreven heeft in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften over gedetailleerde wetenschappelijke studies van UFO's. Men zou kunnen vinden zijn oproep dat "UFO's zijn echt" in een aantal tijdschriften, of eventueel tijdschriften, maar niets dat zou kunnen worden gepresenteerd als een gedetailleerde studie van de verschijnselen. Het meeste van wat Friedman heeft geschreven is te vinden in boeken of tijdschriften in het paranormale gedeelte van de plaatselijke bibliotheek of boekhandel.
Friedman stopte met de nucleaire sector bij de financiering ging naar buiten en leerde dat hij kon geld verdienen schrijven en praten over UFO's. Hij was een zeer grote hit en de mensen hielden om hem te horen praten. Sterker nog, Friedman commentaar in een van zijn boeken, "Zoals ik gaf meer lezingen, vond ik dat ik spreek hebben genoten en dat mensen geloofden me, ONGEACHT wat ik gezegd heb (mijn cursivering) " (Friedman 9). Blijkbaar Friedman realiseerde zich dat hij iets kon zeggen, in redelijkheid, en het UFO-gelovigen zou accepteren. Als gevolg daarvan begon hij aan het idee dat de regeringen van de wereld werden een van de grootste geheimen aller tijden verbergen en de Amerikaanse overheid de controle had van dit alles te bevorderen.
In de late jaren 1970, was Friedman ontdekt Jesse Marcel Sr Hij had Friedman verteld dat hij hielp terug te herstellen van een gecrashte vliegende schotel in 1947, toen hij was gestationeerd in Roswell, New Mexico.This was de geboorte van het Roswell-legende en Stanton Friedman was daar op de begane grond. Het duurde niet lang voor Friedman om de verbinding dat dit een grote samenzwering en cover-up door de Amerikaanse overheid te maken. Ondanks het feit dat er geen documentatie om het te staven, Friedman begon te schrijven over de crash en in films over het onderwerp verschijnen. Alle het zou duren voor een of andere vorm van documentatie blijken dat steunde zijn theorie van een "Kosmisch Watergate '.
Door de late jaren 1980, Friedman betrokken raakte bij een bewijsstuk voelde hij bewees zijn zaak. Dat bewijs was de beruchte MJ-12 documenten, die waren een medewerker van Friedman gemaild onder verdachte omstandigheden . Friedman zijn goedkeuring gehecht aan de documenten als authentiek totdat het tegendeel bewezen en heeft spande zijn naam op de documenten in verschillende boeken. Zijn steun voor de authenticiteit van de documentatie in de UFO-gemeenschap wordt beschouwd als lauw in het beste geval zo snel tegenstrijdigheden verscheen in hen. Sommige ufologen zijn zo ver dat de documenten vervalsingen verklaren gegaan . In de loop der jaren meer van deze documenten beschikbaar gekomen en elke leek niet realistisch is dan het vorige document. Zelfs in 2008, meer dan 20 jaar na de MJ-12 documenten werden "vrijgelaten", Friedman en anderen verklaren deze authentieke documenten ondanks een aantal goede aanwijzingen dat dat veel, zo niet alle, zijn vervalsingen laat zien.
Door zijn associatie met Roswell en MJ-12, Friedman was een van de belangrijkste onderzoekers die in het openbaar verkondigen dat er een neergestorte schotel cover-up en het Congres moet de zaak te onderzoeken. Ufologie nogmaals, klonk de kreet van "openbaarmaking".
Resurrecting de zondebok
Het Roswell verhaal is er een die klaar was gemaakt voor samenzwering gelijkgestemde ufologen. Wat werd oorspronkelijk beschouwd als een verkeerde identificatie van een radar doel en weerballon in 1947 groeide uit tot een grote samenzwering van de Amerikaanse regering het bewijs van een neergestort buitenaards ruimteschip te verbergen en haar bemanning in de late jaren 1980. In het centrum van deze samenzwering was het favoriete doelwit ufologie, de United States Air Force. De USAF was niet geïnteresseerd in deze of enige andere UFO-geval gewoon omdat ze beter wisten dan weer betrokken bij het bedrijf. Het maakt niet uit wat ze deden, zouden ze komen de verliezer, dus ze deed niets. Ondertussen, mensen van alle lagen van de bevolking die leefde in de buurt van of in Roswell, New Mexico begon te vertellen van allerlei exotische verhalen. Uiteindelijk zou het te bereiken Congres, waar Congreslid Stephen Schiff, van New Mexico, geprobeerd om een onderzoek gestart door een beroep op de General Accounting Office (GAO) te krijgen. Hierdoor zou de USAF nu verplicht om te kijken naar hun administratie en wat ze wisten te onthullen.
Conspiracy theorie weerlegd
De GAO onderzoek kwam naar voren heel weinig in de weg van 'smoking guns "in verband met Roswell. Sommige UFO-groepen zou zijn dat enkele ontbrekende Roswell berichten belangrijk zou zijn in wat wijst op een samenzwering, maar dit werd later bleek normaal te zijn en de records zijn waarschijnlijk gewoon verloren / vernietigd in de normale uitoefening van het handhaven ervan. Het was de USAF te kijken naar hun records, die een grote klap zou slaan naar de gecrashte schotel samenzweringstheoretici. Ongeveer in dezelfde tijd de USAF werd onderzoek van de zaak, had ufologen Karl Pflock en Robert Todd struikelde over een top secret project met de naam MOGUL die waren met behulp van enkele van de radar doelstellingen zien in de foto's die op het moment. De USAF zal gaan door middel van haar administratie en blijkt dat de meest waarschijnlijke bron van het afval was afkomstig van een ballon project actief is in New Mexico op het moment dat werd aangesloten op MOGUL projecteren. Bovendien zou de USAF verklaren de MJ-12 documenten vervalsingen, dat niet hebben gedaan geliefd ze aan Stanton Friedman. Wat gepland was, door ufologen als een kans voor de bekendmaking veranderde in een ontmaskering van een van de prijs ufologie's gevallen. Echter, omdat het werd ontmaskerd door de USAF, ufologen nog won de reclamecampagne door te verklaren dat de USAF het rapport slechts een voortzetting van de UFO cover-up. UFO-groepen kreeg een deel van wat ze wilden, gratis publiciteit voor hun zaak en het vermogen om de beschuldiging van een cover-up verder met de snode mensen in de regering.
Stanton Friedman en een van de NSA documenten
Het bevorderen van de UFO cover-up
Terwijl Roswell was de focus van veel ufologen, anderen probeerden meer "smoking guns" voor een cover-up te vinden door het uitvoeren van Freedom of Information Act verzoeken aan de verschillende instanties die mogelijk een verbinding met de vermeende samenzwering of een UFO-zaak. Dit leverde een aantal interessante resultaten opgeleverd, maar geen smoking gun. Aangezien er geen smoking gun te vinden, ufologen besloten om een voor verkeerd voor bezorgdheid over de veiligheid in verband met een aantal van deze documenten te maken.
In 1979, ufologen probeerde te verkrijgen, via de Freedom of Information Act verzoek, alle documenten die de National Security Agency (NSA) had over UFO's. Er was een grote rechtszaak. waar een rechter niet toeliet de documenten die worden vrijgegeven. Echter, een beëdigde verklaring ingediend door de NSA met opgave van redenen waarom zij moeten worden geheim gehouden werd uitgebracht. Het grootste deel van de vrijgekomen document werd verduisterd out.UFOlogists, Stanton Friedman onder hen, sprong op en neer te verklaren was er een "Cosmic Watergate" hier en was de evidence.Friedman zou nog een stap verder te poseren voor tv-camera's houden de documenten en waarbij de overheid UFO-informatie af te houden van het publiek. Echter, Friedman vertelt alleen iedereen een deel van het verhaal als Phil Klass notes:
Friedman onthoudt willens en wetens uit zijn publiek het feit dat de zwaar gecensureerde versie van de NSA de 21-pagina gerechtelijk stuk bekendgemaakt dat het grootste deel van de documenten die worden achtergehouden waren "communicatie-inlichtingen (COMINT) rapporten." Friedman onthoudt ook van zijn publiek de verdere NSA uitleg dat deze Communications Intelligence rapporten "zijn gebaseerd op [geheim] onderschepte communicatie van buitenlandse regeringen." In de verklaring, ondertekend door een top NSA ambtenaar, Eugene F. Yates, zei hij: "Ik verklaar dat de openbaarmaking van verleden en heden buitenlandse inlichtingen-communicatie-activiteiten van de NSA geopenbaard in de administratie van de eiser [CAUS] zoekt in gevaar zou brengen zeer waardevolle bronnen van buitenlandse inlichtingendienst. " Friedman VERMELDINGEN nog nooit zo als een mogelijke verklaring of rechtvaardiging voor de acties van NSA. (Klass Friedman )
Het werd duidelijk dat Friedman niet echt geïnteresseerd in de hele waarheid komt uit, omdat hij bezig was met behulp van de documenten naar zijn idee van een "kosmische Watergate" te promoten.
Na de koude oorlog werd min of meer afgesloten, Phil Klass was in staat om de NSA te overtuigen om al haar documenten met betrekking tot UFO's vrij te geven. De vrijgegeven documenten, ook al zijn sommige delen nog werden verduisterd door wit / zwart uit, bloot waarom er zorg voor geheimhouding rond deze documenten in de jaren 1980 . De NSA had kunnen Sovjet-communicatie en de documenten beschreven Sovjet radaroperators proberen om niet-geïdentificeerde doelstellingen net zo Klass uitgelegd te volgen te controleren. Sommige gedroeg zich als ballonnen maar geen enkele bleek een buitenaardse ruimteschepen. De documenten kunnen toonde de mogelijkheden van de NSA, dat is waarom ze werden ingedeeld in de eerste plaats. Volgens Patrick Huyghe, had Klass 'aangetoond dat de gelovigen "smoking gun" vuur van welke aard dan ook miste. Het nauwelijks zelfs een spuit vol " (Huyghe). Deze stopte niet Friedman. Hij bleef de black-out documenten golf rond toen hij voor een camera of doceerde aan UFO-verdragen, ook al de documenten bevatten heel weinig of niets te maken met een "kosmische Watergate".
Er zijn honderden, zo niet duizenden, documenten vrijgegeven door de FOIA over UFO's in de afgelopen veertig-plus jaren en niet een controleerbare document (er zijn vervalsingen zijn) in staat is geweest om aan te tonen dat de Amerikaanse regering iets meer weet over UFO's dan is reeds. Ufologen blijven verkondigen dat dit document iets geeft of dat document toont er was een poging om verborg de waarheid over UFO's. Meestal is er een redelijke verklaring, maar ufologen zijn vaak te dicht-minded op een antwoord dat niet gepaard gaat met een cover-up te accepteren. De verhalen rond een complot zal verkopen boeken en vul UFO congreszalen, maar weinig anders is voltooid. Het zou niet lang duren voor, iemand nieuw naar voren en de vraag stap, maar nogmaals, dat de Amerikaanse overheid laten zien wat het weet over UFO's.
Popping de openbaarmaking ballon
De "belofte" van UFO onthulling is een mythe wordt gepresenteerd door mensen die jagen op degenen die willen geloven dat de overheid slecht is. Helaas zijn ufologen nooit bedacht dat als er een samenzwering die kan worden geheim gehouden voor meer dan zestig jaar, wat maakt ze denken dat elke poging gaat om de waarheid te onthullen? Zou een dergelijke groep, dat is zo krachtig dat het kan zijn bestaan te verbergen voor Congresleden. Voorzitters en de media erg veel last van een pulp fiction schrijver, een aangespoeld kernfysicus, een heerlijkheid op zoek naar spoedeisende hulp arts, of een andere persona in verband met ufologie?
Het is belangrijk op te merken dat ufologie gaat niet over het echte wetenschappelijke onderzoek naar UFO's. Het gaat om persoonlijkheden die hebben gevonden een niche in de samenleving die hen in staat stelt om hun ego tevreden te stellen en belangrijk voor degenen die willen deze verhalen geloven verschijnen. Door het bevorderen van de mythe dat de Amerikaanse regering wordt buitenaardse wezens of informatie over UFO's te verbergen, kunnen ze doorgaan met boeken te schrijven, op "Larry King" verschijnen, en om geld te vragen van goedgelovige mensen die hen willen geloven. Met dat soort sensatiezucht wordt verkocht, is er geen reden voor veel ufologen om echt te willen "openbaarmaking". Dit is waarom "openbaarmaking", in die zin dat velen in ufologie te beschrijven, zal nooit gebeuren en waarom het is niets meer dan een mythe.
Werken aangehaald
. Friedman, Stanton Top Secret: MAJIC . New York: Marlowe & Company, 1997
Hall, Richard uitg. Het UFO-bewijs. 1964. New York: Nationaal Onderzoek Comite voor de Aerial Phenomena / Barnes & Nobles Inc 1997.
Uruguay Air Force openly researches UFOs for more than three decades
Interview with Colonel Ariel Sanchez, chairman of the Commission for the Reception and Investigation of UFO Reports (Cridovni)
"One of the smallest countries in South America, Uruguay is also the place where the military are more open-minded towards the UFO Phenomenon. UFO occurrences are investigated by the Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) as part of their routine activities. This interview was published in two parts in the Brazilian UFO Magazine editions 185 and 186, February and March 2012".
Few people know that a small country in South America has an official office for flying saucer research as part of its Air Force. The office is continuously operating since 1979 when it was established by the president of the Republic himself. Thats right: it has been more than three decades since the Committee for the Reception and Investigation of UFO Reports (Cridovni) operates in Uruguay. Only three other similar institutions are known in the continent. These are the Center for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA), established in Chile in 1997 and working within the countrys General Civil Aviation Office; the Office for the Investigation of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (OIFAA), in the Peruvian Air Force (FAP); and an Argentine committee created last year but still under development.
All of the examples above are generally ignored by the worldwide UFO community. Those nations have official bodies openly exploring the possible extraterrestrial origin of UFOs. The same has happened in Brazil in the 50s and the 60s, and something similar in the 70s. To uncover these initiatives and to try to make Brazilian authorities engage again in official investigations of the UFO Phenomena was some of the purposes of the campaign UFOs: Freedom of Information Now, released in 2004 by the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU). Its goals were the declassification of official UFO files already achieved as well as establishing an official body for UFO investigation in the country. Although Brazil had openly acknowledged the issue and released documents dated from 1950 to 2010, the country still misses an institution like Cridovni, CEFAA or OIFAA. In fact, it was promised back in May 2005 by Brigadier Luis Carlos da Silva Bueno, former Brazilian Air Force (FAB) commander. We still wait for the fulfillment of that promise.
A skillful researcher
In 2010 I was in Montevideo to make a presentation on the Brazilian process of UFO disclosure. I took that opportunity to better understand the work of an official UFO research institution, since they include civilians in their ranks. That time I interviewed the chair of Cridovni, a FAU officer who is also an ufologist and a gifted speaker. He was many times in Brazil presenting the works of the body he runs yes, he is also a common presence in international conferences.
The opportunity of interviewing Coronel Ariel Sanchez at the headquarters of his Committee at the Boiso Lanza Air Base, 30km from Montevideo, was a great one. We had a long talk just like the ones I had with other military in Brazil and abroad, a kind of talk which is significant to increase transparency on UFO issues. The interview was actually a three-hour friendly chat followed by a lunch in the air base and a tour around its facilities. We keep no secrets and it is a pleasure to show UFO Magazine everything we do, said Sanchez on the way to his countrys air traffic control center also located at Boiso Lanza.
Ariel Sanchez has been international correspondent of the Brazilian UFO Magazine for over a decade and holds a reputable background in UFO experiences. His post as the chair of the Uruguayan Committee makes him a unique person. Our files contain any kind of UFO cases you would see in the X-Files, he says. It is very much true as you will see below. He and his team including Lt. Daniel Silveira, also a consultant to UFO Magazine , are like Mulders and Scullys, as thorough researchers as those could be.
Professional ufologists
It was interesting seeing how Cridovni works. Its members are professional ufologists, since they are paid by FAU. In fact, they are regular Air Force staff dedicating part of their time to UFO research and standing by for any call. When reported any occurrence they go after it in uniforms and official vehicles. They interview witnesses, collect samples, gather data, and then start a thorough investigation following strict methodological standards. Uruguay is a model to be reproduced by every country in her continent.
Another good example to be taken is their I International Congress on Investigation of Aerospace and Terrestrial Phenomena, organized by Cridovni, in Montevideo, in November 2010. That was the first Ufological event in the world known to be supported by a military branch the Air Force in this case. The audience was filled with military garments. There is yet another thing: in order to extend the outreach with-in its little country, Cridovni established a civilian section the Regional Center for Investigation of Aero-space and Terrestrial Phenomena (Crifat) is operating for 10 years now. We still got no answers regarding the UFO phenomenon, what these vehicles and their origin are, but we keep on researching with the utmost disposition, says Sanchez before adding, As men at the service of Uruguay we must be impartial. We dont encourage or discourage any particular point of view.
An open mind towards new ideas
Regarding the Congress held in Montevideo, Coronel Ariel Sanchez says I wanted it to be as open as possible. The event attracted big names of South-American Ufology. Although Cridovni adopts a scientific approach towards the UFO phenomenon, its members keep an open mind and agree to discuss Ufology with representatives of many other lines of interpretation. Sanchez confirms they have received over 2200 re-ports so far including photos and videos that reach the office every day through letters, e-mails and phone calls. However, we still havent found any evidence of direct contacts with ETs.
Also an air traffic controller, Sanchez narrates intriguing cases in his country. Some of which involve military and civilian aircraft in events that endangered flight security. We had to report the facts immediately to the Air Force commander who contacted the Defense minister who, in turn, contacted the President, he says regarding a case involving a Lufthansa aircraft in 2007. Coronel Sanchez reveals that Cridovni works in partnership with civilian research groups and official institutions in other countries. In summary, he tells of how an official UFO research institution should be just in case other military abroad need an example. Below we share his interview.
Uruguay has a unique approach towards UFO research by officially responding to occurrences as soon as possible and applying a military methodology to it. We could call you the real X-Files. Tell us, Coronel Sanchez, how does it feel to be an official ufologist, a person to whom Ufology is also a military mission? Despite the responsibilities as representatives of the Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) we have a normal life. We are the State of Uruguay when issuing reports on our findings. The Committee must adopt a certain approach towards witnesses and media. Most of all, we must be impartial and objective when handling the UFO issue. This is meant to not encourage or discourage investigations. Also, we release information collected in the field in the most serious manner. As representatives of FAU we should not rush into conclusive reports when more investigation is needed. We must be unbiased in our work and this is not meant to withhold information. Instead, this is in order to better inform the people as they deserve our respect.
Shoot Them Down! - The Flying Saucer Air Wars Of 1952
In just June and July of 1952, the U.S. lost NINETY-FOUR fighter jets Worldwide and 51 men confirmed killed. Planes were falling to the ground two and three at a time in some cases. The entire month of September records are missing. According to the NY timesONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWOaircraft vanished or were destroyed between the years 1951 and 1956.
- Donald Keyhoe, 1955... "In 1949 the Air Force told me they had been ordered to 'get' a flying saucer by any possible means. This was admitted by an intelligence officer at the Pentagon ...Major Jere Boggs. In front of General Sory Smith, Boggs told me that one Air Force pilot had fired at a saucer over New Jersey."
- The San Francisco Examiner. July 29 1952... "The Air Force revealed today that jet pilots have been placed on twenty-four-hour nationwide 'alert' against 'flying saucers' with orders to 'shoot them down' if they refuse to land."
- The Louisville Courier-Journal. July 30, 1952... "Maj. Gen. Roger Ramey, deputy Chief of the Air Force Staff for Operations, told the news conference [July 29] that interceptor planes have raced aloft several hundred times as a result of reported sighting of unidentified objects. He said that was just standard procedure."
- Robert Farnsworth, President of the U.S. Rocket Society...Telegram to President Harry Truman, July 29, 1952: "I respectfully suggest that no offensive action be taken against the objects reported as unidentified which have been sighted over our nation. Should they be extraterrestrial - such action might result in the gravest consequences, as well as possibly alienating us from beings of superior powers. Friendly contact should be sought as long as possible." 4
- Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, 1956... "Other assorted historians point out that normally the 'UFOs' are peaceful, [fighter pilots] Gorman and Mantell just got too inquisitive, 'they just weren't ready to be observed. If the Air Force hadn't slapped down the security lid these writers might not have reached this conclusion. There have been other and more lurid 'duels of death.'"
- Leonard Stringfield, 1977... "Back in the early 1950s, when I knew of the jet scrambles that sometimes led to disaster, I agreed wirh Major Keyhoe's writings that in these we may know the intent of the UFO. I also agreed that 'losing our aircraft to the UFO' may have been the reason for official secrecy, fearing that the public would panic if they knew the truth."
- General Benjamin Chidlaw, Head of Air Defense Command...
- Uncontested quote, as told to investigative writer Robert Gardner in February of 1953. "We have stacks of reports about flying saucers. We take them seriously when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them."
- CIA memorandum - "Subject: Flying Saucers." Dated Sept. 24, 1952... H. Marshall Chadwell, Asst. Director of Scientific Intelligence: "A world-wide reporting system has been instituted and major Air Force Bases have been ordered to make interceptions of unidentified flying objects."
- The Fullerton News-Tribune, CA July 26, 1956... "The United States Navy will not publicly admit that it believes in flying saucers, but it has officially ordered combat-ready pilots to 'shoot to kill' if saucers are encountered, OCNS [Orange County News Service] has learned. The information was first learned when Navy pilots navigating trans-Pacific routes from the United States to Hawaii were ordered in a briefing session to engage and identify ' any unidentified flying objects.' If the UFOs (saucers) appeared hostile the briefing officer told the pilots of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station reserve squadron VP 771, they are to be engaged in combat... It was found that the orders are not unusual."
- Donald Keyhoe, 1973... "In the late 1950s, as a number of futile US chases mounted, some pilots were convinced that the UFOs were immune to gunfire and rockets. Several Intelligence analysts believed the aliens might be using some negative force linked with gravity control to repel or deflect bullets and missiles. But the top control group disagreed. In a special evaluation of US. and foreign reports they found evidence that UFOs were not invulnerable. Some had been temporarily crippled, apparently from power or control failures, and a few others had been completely destroyed by strange explosions. In one or two cases, it appeared that missiles or rocket fire could have been the cause."
On the "Strange Days Indeed" radio program with Errol Bruce-Knapp one Saturday night I heard Stanton Friedman say that Frank Feschino's book on the Flatwoods monster would likely never win a Pulitzer. I suspect he's, right-likely, right.
...Only... hold On. You'd be taking Mr. Friedman well out of contest if you left it, altogether, there, reader. Endeavor not to leave it there. It's likely never there, anyway!
Perhaps that Pulitzer denial would not then come as a result of reasons most immediately thought of, you know? You know what I mean.
I refer to those reasons concerning conjectured (if judgmental) mainstream assessments that Feschino's book wasn't good enough. Gifted enough. Polished enough. Detailed enough. Cited enough...
...Appropriate enough. Pertinent enough...
...Important enough? Right?
I am betting that's not Mr. Friedman's thinking! Plainly, he seems to have a key understanding just how important Feschino's book actually may be.
Perhaps arguably, a close look at Mr. Feschino's work and detailed research begs the question. Is it good enough? Is it gifted, polished, cited, appropriate, pertinent, and important... ...enough?
Consider, the aforementioned Mr. Friedman is willing to put his name on the book and write within it fore and aft! Reader!
It's been a long string of decades illustrating the issue that that honorable gentleman has failed... my friends, only with regard to disgracing himself professionally, or in any other way! Eh? I suggest Friedman's studied endorsement is compellingly invested, and a ready tell-tale for your attention, reader.
Yes! The reader discovers one doesn't have to squint ones eyes very much, if at all, to begin to wonder that the preceding might indeed be so. That's right! Feschino's book might be good enough, after all... Consider further.
What's a Pulitzer? What did Mr. Pulitzer extort the intrepid aspirates of his prize to do, anyway, but:
<a> Unflinchingly study the social, political, and moral realities of fellow human beings.
<b> Make accurate records of the expressions regarding the character displayed by these fellow
individuals, and...
<c> Report, equally unflinchingly, on the principles of the aggregate world condition as it is, and has
been, reflected by the persons employing these principles.
Unabashedly, I submit the case could be made that Mr. Feschino has abundantly addressed each of the preceding points in turn... in spades, and in extremis. That's right, too.
...But he'll never win a Pulitzer. No, reader! He can't! How does that work?
To recognize Frank Feschino for a Pulitzer is to knock a supporting cornerstone from the
edifice of a stagnant, authoritarian, officious, and largely illegitimate and irrelevant "status quo" we all continue to endure at peril to ourselves! Feschino can't get a Pulitzer, flatly, because the *establishment* lacks the righteous sack it needs to cut its own throat to give him one!
I won't pretend that this is enough justification for an *establishment's* reluctance to take its own life. Some throats, very likely, should be cut, I suspect, but I digress...
Be much of that as it may, Frank Feschino took more than 15 years of his life to rationally actualize on one startling set of very unsettling conclusions! How unsettling? Well... pretend it's something like... "humanity-in-pitched-battle-with-aliens-from-beyond-the-stars...with-a-twist, reader, and get close!
I won't apologize for that. Having looked into it myself, I can't be ashamed that I said it.
See, reader? These aforementioned conclusions themselves were all sensibly kindled by a chance serendipitous interview Feschino had made, in Flatwoods West Virginia, near the start of his remarkable 15 year quest! This interview was startling ...even during a first investigative wash when he didn't know what he had! Ufologically? Keys to a big part of the kingdom!
After that propitious interview the data would accumulate steeply over the next decade and change what began as a garden variety project in college, patient reader... into a life's work and consuming occupation! The interest is abundantly understandable.
See further! Thoughouhly investigating all aspects of an accident-site which was the result of a UFO forced down in aerial combat operations with the United States...(read that again please) ...can provoke that kind of "provoked obsession." No shame, reader, knowing how "B"-movie nuts that sounds.
I'm not making this up! Neither is Mr. Feschino. Relax. Everybody's cheese is squarely on its cracker. That's what should provoke your interest, actually.
Recapping: This reviewed book is the result of an investigative effort employed where Feschino was, again, unflinchingly steadfast in a study of the sociopolitical realities revealed to him! He was made aware of moral and ethical sub-realities that these *larger* realities further implied! Heady stuff, reader, forgetting Feschino's kept his, Stanton Friedman confirms, and I so report!
Indeed 'Reality' was revealed, considered, and then assiduously chronicled by Frank Feschino. In the final analysis (and we'd have never heard about it otherwise, good reader!), Feschino came, he saw, and he wrote it down. "Veni, vidi, scripsi," it could be said!
The data are revealing, reader! Feschino reports them to us in detail. Indeed, we weren't in 'Kansas' any more after 1952... and may not, I submit (remembering a wealth of old history scribed in old ink and stone... ...epic poetry indicating same?), have ever been in 'Kansas'! Roll that and smoke it!
Call the Ayahauscaroes, alert the Shamans, and get Dr. Strassman on the line! The kingdom is at hand. The mundane plane is pierced! Let's move on!
We're not in 'Kansas'... now, reader! Got it?
Moreover, get used to it, even as it is more good news, really, is my suspicion. The future looms.
Back to the discussion at hand, the aforementioned and tumultuous "interview", an interview with the ranking military person peculiarly involved with the Flatwoods affair (...a vetted hard as nails hero of WWII...) ...occurred in a moment of idle interest born of a distracted and tentative conjecture on the part of an unassuming and non-presupposing Mr. Feschino! At the start? Feschino didn't give a tinker's damn about UFOs!
Mr. Feschino's initial interest, actually, in the beginning, was with regard to a little throw-away film documentary he might put together, about the Flatwoods "myth," satisfy a course-requirement for school, remember! What it turned into would be a taproot into the most important events of our (...and any other!) time, or... yes...
Even more compelling evidence that we are not alone in billions of years of space, time, and surface area... a googolplex of alien surface areas and maybe even a googolplex of aliens to inhabit them!
More, anyway, than the reader can imagine is stealthily hidden behind a grain of sand held at arms length into a night's starry sky, sir or madam! True enough! Be humbled.
The warm breath of an un-guessed infinity of potentiality is only the beginning of the beginning for all of us. More good news, if inexorable in its approach! Feschino writes the preamble of all that.
We are not alone, folks. An antithesis is ludicrous. Moreover, all the major propeller heads, a few of the high-domes, and a smattering of leading-edge, vetted, and credentialed intelligentsia think it's ludicrous, too. I digress, again. Sorry, not.
Something occurred in Flatwoods of Braxton County, West Virginia September 12,
1952 that was just the tip of an iceberg, reader! The data are beyond convincing! See if that isn't so!
Something occurred (is occurring?) as surely as flying saucers came close to landing on the White House lawn in July of that same year... and they did come close to landing on the lawn, reader. Believe that, too!
In the town of Flatwoods, Braxton county West Virginia... on a warm Indian Summer evening and interrupting playing children and relaxing adults at the end of their working day... begins the strangest story never told. Multiple objects interacted with multiple witnesses, people were made ill... ...and a dog ran home in gibbering fright... then subsequently died! None of the participants involved in this eerie affair were ever the same again.
Justifying that aforementioned Pulitzer, Mr. Feschino makes a durable record of the expressions of character displayed by dozens of individuals concerned with, and material to, this matter... people both guilty and innocent in the matter... by persons both truth telling and glibly lying regarding the matter... by folks both brave and cowardly, warm and cold... by persons encountered on a foggy 'audit trail' Feschino was driven to plod... ...a trail rife with dead ends, detours, and official double-dealings...
Feel the outrage with regard to the systemic disrespect with which YOU are treated, reader, by a jealous and corrupted culture of needless secrecy! Feel the burn!
It's quite a ride. Mr. Toad is efficaciously eclipsed Mr. Feschino! Moreover, in truth, the satisfied requirements for Mr. Feschino's Pulitzer seem to steadily resolve! I spit in the mainstream eye!
More coal to Newcastle, but Mr. Feschino risked bodily harm on numerous occasions during his investigation. This threat would come, ironically, as a result of the very persons from which he'd have to draw his story. Consider.
In fourteen years Mr. Feschino was too often mistaken for the same kind of glib cheap-shot-artist reporter or faux-journalist *investigator* who'd glutted the area since that fateful night... ax-grinding skepti-bunkers coyly generating the disdain, the derision, and the patent disrespect stalwart Flatwoods witnesses had had to endure for half a century ... an unwarranted contempt and ridicule officiously imposed that innocent people unjustly suffered... punished by their own society for having the temerity to stand up and report the highly strange account they had all had on that warm if bizarre September night!
I suspect Feschino had his shirt-front grabbed more that a few times by this angry group of betrayed citizenry. He was so threatened on more than one occasion...
Again, with regard to Pulitzer, the questions remain begged! Has not Mr. Feschino reported on the principles of the aggregate world and the condition reflected by them? Has he not spent many years tirelessly trying to ferret out important details that would have gone undiscovered and unreported but for his painstaking research, tedious dot connecting, and unflinching perseverance?
Has he not validated a couple of generations of innocent persons trying to come to grips with the inexplicable thrust upon them? Has he not vindicated these people to some extent and alleviated some of their suffering as a result of his work? Such a person may have earned more than a mere Pulitzer at the denouement. Verily!
Does 'Nobel' have a category that applies? Unabashed to the last, remember!
All things equal? Feschino earns his Pulitzer. He has more sack than many who've aspired to that prize, I suspect. Moreover, I'll bet Mr. Friedman agrees with me. Feschino wins my award, at any rate.
Along those same lines, Mr. Feschino can not be faulted for his brave attempt to fill the societally imposed "information void" (he suffers with the rest of us) by starting at the end of an incredible story rife with suspicious details and curious facts... and then working arduously -- modeling, graphing, and plotting backwards on that stark and hostile trail... trying, thoughtfully, to connect those aforementioned ephemeral dots... flesh out one more 'official' story that won't add up from the 'official' account... This is a key concept, folks!
Indeed, his admitted *conjecturing* and clearly identified personal (if provoked!) *belief* may actually add up, ironically, to the astonishing story he reports in his book!
It just may be, reader, that given the clear evidentiary audit trail of same...(read again please)...that there was an aerial battle with ET out in the Atlantic that night in 1952. It may be that 8 to 10 American jets were destroyed in that struggle, alone, their crews lost. Perhaps one Lt. Jones and crew, valiantly sacrificing themselves, even rammed one of the UFOs, bravely, with his plane in the one-sided fight Humanity likely provoked... and lost!
Also consider... given that a postwar American military was aggressively over-touchy and otherwise spring-loaded on the balls of their very twitchy feet... especially after the repeated UFO over-flights of prohibited airspace in Washington D.C. the previous July... it's not that much of a stretch that it would react decisively to multiple UFO's and heir blithe transgressions over an imaginary fighting line on the coastal ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone)... ...with folding-fin aerial rockets and exploding 50 caliber machine gun fire! Yes!
Further, Feschino's speculation is not remotely unreasonable given the statement by Benjamin Chidlaw, a four star general commanding the very high-profile "Air Defense Command", to wit: that many "planes and crews" had been "lost" trying to "intercept UFOs"... these are his words, it is reported. This is forgetting, reader, the "many lurid duels of death," reported by Edward Ruppelt, Air Force UFO point-man vis a vis "Project Bluebook."
Mr. Feschino is not making the story up, at any rate, I'm confident. Mr. Feschino is trying to make sense of the very real story that is already there, I do believe. Extant is a sincerity in his book, as a result, that this writer can relate to and find some substance in, I not so humbly report.
Additionally, I don't believe, especially after having spoken with him for many hours (where I asked some pretty pointed questions), that Mr. Feschino has it in him to write a sociopathic fiction, fobbed off to the credulous as fact to crab their dollars... then smirk at that betrayed reader's "nose-bubble credulity" as he orders up goth-hookers and greasy-cheeseburgers...
No, Feschino's only telling you the credible story he knows, or... he is otherwise hanging some 'substance' on the astonishing facts that he has, undeniably, uncovered! Veni, vidi, scripsi, friends and neighbors. Verily, Feschino is the very best, shocked and truly concerned with what the hell happened to 100's of likely terrified aviators who flew right into the teeth of pretty strange stuff following orders to "Shoot Them Down"!
There is more there, more to the story, than you get in the published book, reader... witnesses you don't hear from... alluded to are the unsolicited and credible reports about other involvements, other sightings in the area, and still other startling corroborations of fact and circumstance attendant to the whole astonishing affair! It's breathtaking, actually.
Also, it's all very hard to discount intellectually. Increasingly so. Try!
An extraterrestrial being (or artifact of ET intelligence) arrived Earth-side in a damaged craft... rightly or wrongly terrorized an entire town of good, sober, and horse-sensed people in September of 1952, and then the government worked furiously to cover it all up... impugning the honor of the aforementioned soldiers and citizenry (and ourselves!) in the process... the very tip of the obligatory iceberg. Feschino tells the whole story!
Tragic, needless, andsuspicious madness, reader. You'll be amazed!
As Feschino wrote to me in the inscription of the review copy he sent:
"The questions and answers I have provided in this book are only the beginning..." Buckle-up, folks. Extinguish your smokes. Prepare for take-off!
See, I suspect that quote comes up as a bit of an understatement from Mr. Feschino. But that's only my feeling. I'm comfortable going with it. I submit you can too.
Get more info about Mr. Feschino's book: "Shoot Them Down -- The Flying Saucer Air Wars Of 1952" at,
Filer's Files are now being emailed to 9950 each week plus 600 copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends and neighbors.
Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was "Be Happy and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who drowned
In special reports, this week's files cover: Dave MacDonald Is New Director of MUFON, Is there a Space War? Is UFO Laying on the Bottom of the Baltic Sea?, Ukraine Hot line, Moon Opening, Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard Threatens, Those Strange Sounds, Witness Handles Roswell Wreckage, Iranian Submarines, A Ring-Shaped Aircraft Carrier, Howard Menger's Electro-gravatic Craft, Yahweh (God) and His Flying Machines, and Lucius O. Farish, age 74, Passes Away.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, California, Florida, Kentucky, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Columbia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Philippines, Spain, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
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Special Reports
Dave MacDonald Is New Director of MUFON
The Captain is the new International Director of MUFON. He runs his own airline and training center and we are in good hands with Dave. He has a great personality and smile.
I will miss Clifford Clift and the great leadership he provided. I expect MUFON to grow because more people are seeing UFOs daily. MUFON recorded 758 sightings in January, and people are calling me almost every day with sightings. It won't be long before the news media starts to realize the reality of the phenomenon.
Is there a Space War?
Harry Allen Jordan MFA writes, "Dr. John Kasher is a physics professor at the University of Nebraska in Omaha, and State Director for the Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network of Nebraska. He was a consultant at Lawrence Livermore Labs in California and presently a summer consultant on plasma physics at Huntsville for NASA.
Dr. Kasher and I have personally investigated over 50 cases related to UFO's. These cases involve people from age 5 to 70's. We have video tapes of private interviews, physical trace cases, and lab reports. Some of these cases involved events which occurred on the ground simultaneous with STS-NASA missions. There are uncut, unenhanced video tapes produced by live-real-time NASA select 6 camera shots taken aboard the space shuttle. Cameras aboard the shuttle are monitored, the video signals are delayed several seconds and sometimes minutes before being fed to public video feed networks. Immediately after the STS-48 mission UFO mission flap in which Dr Kasher and I were involved, NASA began to delay the live feed. Their premise for altering the video coverage of each mission was that they didn't want the world privy to the medical condition of the astronauts. This is pure hogwash as never has the medical condition of the astronauts been public knowledge through video monitoring to public channels. We have a copy of the original NASA directive which went out from NASA to all ground facilities the day after STS-48 the UFO flap.
The UFO's which currently fly on station when the shuttle is up are being fired upon by high performance craft using state of the art particle beam weapons. The very character of a particle beam does not need an atmosphere to be seen it imparts its own coherence upon the vacuum of space. We have video tapes of STS-missions as recent as STS-80 during the month of March 1997, wherein one can clearly see these beams coming up from the earth through the cloud cover below the space shuttle. What concerns us most here from our personal field experience is that out of all our private interviews with eye witnesses not one instance of a negative or sordid nature has been told to us. Virtually all close encounters on the ground have been very passive, bizarre and extraordinary to ordinary people. It is with great concern for our fellow Americans and citizens of the world at large we question the reasons for why UFO's are being fired upon.
What the federal government of the United States of America knows about UFO's is not being shared. I question the current status of this posture and reasoning behind it. These matters might well be beyond knowledge of the Senate, Congress and perhaps even the President of the United States. If public hearings were held regarding these scenario's there will be some red faces at the Pentagon and NASA regarding the issues of UFO's and the reality of their occupants. Many decent law abiding Americans have had real experiences and are prepared to come forward to share proofs. The truth needs to be brought forward without further hesitation.
Thanks to Harry Allen Jordan MFABFA USN Service Number 589-92-03
Daily Mall -- United Kingdom Sonar Image of Object Submerged in Baltic Sea. The Unidentified Object Resembles The Star Wars Ship The Millennium Falcon and appears to be damaged.
A Swedish Shipwreck surveyors company named Ocean Explorer have discovered an unidentified object using their sonar technology in a secret location in the Baltic Sea. Because of a lack of funding and bad timing, they have not been able to pull a team together to see for themselves. Their sonar pictures show that the object is a massive cylinder with a 60 metre diameter and a 400 metre-long tail.
A similar disk-shaped object was also found about 200 metres away. The sonar picture of the unidentified object resembles the famed Star Wars ship the Millennium Falcon. We've heard lots of different kinds of explanations, from George Lucas's spaceship to it's some kind of plug to the inner world,' like it should be hell down there or something,' said Peter Lindberg, a diver on the team. While the Ocean Explorer team is understandably excited about their potentially earth-shattering find, others are slightly more skeptical and are questioning the accuracy of the sonar technology. In the past, such technology has confused foreign objects with unusual- but natural- rock formations.
For now, Ocean Explorers have to wait to find out until chaotic water conditions calm down in order to allow a manned expedition. Additionally, they are looking for financial backers to help aid the cost of the discovery process. The Star Wars Ship Millennium Falcon
Part of the trouble they face, however, is that they have no way of telling what is inside the supposed cylinder, whether it is filled with gold and riches or simply aged sediment particles. They're hoping for the former, and history seems to be in their favor. The Baltic Sea is a treasure trove for shipwreck hunters, as an estimated 100,000 objects lining the cold sea's floor. The company has created a submarine that they hope will appeal to tourists and shipwreck hunters who will pay to take a trip down to the bottom of the Baltic Sea to see for themselves.
Dr. Richard Buchli writes, I found this moon opening 500 feet wide with machinery like object inside at
9 45 51 N
27 20 29 E Thanks to Dr. Richard Buchli
Ukraine Hot Line
A new UFO reporting hotline has opened in Kiev, Ukraine. The UFO reporting hotline is staffed by amateur UFO researchers who will field questions and take reports about unexplained flying objects and other phenomena.
The website of Radio Ukraine International, reported that the staff of the new UFO reporting hotline decides which of the reported UFO sightings will be investigated by researchers. Investigations will be handled by the Zond Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, which is also located in Ukraine.
A recent caller to this new hotline reported a metallic UFO as well as crop circles in the fields near the capital of Ukraine. The metallic UFO was described as having a cubic form.
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques teaching hate. Quote: "IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. 'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.' 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!' 'Most Australians believe in God.
This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' 'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.' 'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'
Those Strange Sounds?
Yes, I think the critters are doing it. Fear mongering which is what they do with Abductees and me. They instill fear first by using harassment, and then they come in for the attack trying to grab you. Not a pleasant thought...You can't see the source of the sounds, but they are sitting up there completely stealthy...Rmc
Witness Handles Roswell Wreckage
WRIGHT PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE -- June Crain called detective Sergeant James Clarkson in 1997, to share her firsthand account of working at Wright Patterson AFB from 1942 to 1952. June claims to have handled unusual metal parts of a flying saucer, taken dictation from Werner Von Braun, and been told of three UFO crashes. She claims to have held a Top Secret Q clearance and been asked to sign a "TOO HOT" memo as a result of a careless Master Sergeant announcing he had just flown in from New Mexico with alien bodies and wreckage.
According to Dr. Bob and Ryan Woods, "Her story continues to validate the contents of the Majestic documents in both powerful overt and subtle ways. June was the only known surviving member of the parachute group of Wright Field. The documents clearly show that June worked at Headquarters Air Materiel Command (AMC), Area A, Supply Division Equipment Section, Materials Branch, photographic unit in 1948. She passed away on August 23, 1998, yet she left plenty of evidence behind that is available at
Iranian Submarines
Filer's Files # 4 stated, The Islamic Republic of Iran has a small naval fleet that includes: destroyers, frigates, Kaman class missile boats, three Russian Kilo class submarines, and seventeen midget submarines with Hoot torpedoes designed to operate in the Persian Gulf.
Carl Leonard states, "The original order was for five of the ww II diesel class Russian subs, back in 1991, they were out fitted with surface to air missiles in Gdansk ship yard in 1992. This was in Dacorsy news, (now owned by Janes), and also on CNN. According to the CNN report it was stated the Pentagon assured CIA concerns that this represented no threat to the U.S. July 17, 1996. TWA flight 800 went down by missile fire from a surface craft, Countless witnesses verified a signature from a Soviet built surface fired missile. Now five were delivered yet they only have three. Hmmmm! Someone lost count? . Thanks to Carl Leonard. Editors' Note: A US Carrier Task Force is now patrolling off Iran.
A Ring-Shaped Aircraft Carrier
A New Hampshire reader suggests anyone sighting an orange fireball UFO should use binoculars. My daughter's husband saw four orange fireballs in Anchorage, Alaska on January 23, 2012. He probably will not report it, but this inspires me to tell you what I found out.
Two years ago I saw one of those orange fireballs that I reported to MUFON. If you look at one of those through binoculars, you can see that they are a ring-shaped aircraft carrier. At least the one I saw was that. Apparently the fireball look is some kind of mask to hide their identity. The one I saw was carrying over a dozen smaller craft inside the ring. It released one of them which appeared as a bright silver star, moving in the opposite direction. If these fireball things are all what I saw, there must be some huge operation afoot for so many people to be seeing them. A reader in NH
Editor's Note: Nasa is installing a network of surveillance cameras called the All-Sky Fireball Network to track meteorites as they enter the Earth's atmosphere. Each of the cameras has a special lens that can view the entire sky above it and a black and white video recorder that documents any meteors that are brighter than Venus nightly. The cameras have overlapping fields of view to ensure that the same meteorite can be detected by more than one camera. Nasa can triangulate the fireball to assess where the meteorites came from and where they will land to help scientists recover space rock and help inform spacecraft designers striving to design meteor-proof shuttles. They may be aware some may be space craft.
Howard Menger's Electro-gravatic Craft
Lance Winkler writes, "Another man who actually created a working model of an "electro- gravatic craft would be Howard Menger of Vero Beach, Florida. He was the last of the 1950's contactees and passed away recently but told me quite a story both humorous and edifying.
In the early 50's, his ET contacts spoon-fed him enough information for him to make a 4-foot diameter "electro-gravitic" saucer-shaped craft he dubbed the X-01. He personally told me this tale about how he spent a large amount of money (darn near his life's savings) on building the thing and took it out to a field at High Bridge, New Jersey in the early 50's for its maiden test flight.
Operated by a primitive hand-held remote control panel, he sent the ship up to hovering about five hundred feet above the ground. He then sent the model skittering off to the east and stopped it about a thousand feet away; then he brought it back the other way but hit the power button too hard and the thing went accelerating off to the west at a high rate of speed and he was unable to stop it.
He felt totally dejected as the model saucer had no "If found, return to" label on it. About three weeks later, the FBI came knocking at his door with the still-intact model in their van, asking him if it was his? He replied in the affirmative and they returned the model to him.
The model apparently was found by a farmer in his field near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border and who called the local police who in-turn called the FBI. The FBI traced it back to him thru a special-order high-voltage discharge battery purchased by Howard Menger. Needless to say, he was very glad to have it back.
He also attracted the attention of the U.S. Air Force, who supposedly dragooned him into service helping to build a larger prototype at Colorado Springs, Co. in later years. Thanks to Lance Winkler Dayton, Ohio
Yahweh (God) and His Flying Machines
Bill Bean writes the Bible tells of UFOs and glory of God's craft.
Splendor Appears in the Craft
16:10 "And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud. Glory is directly associated with the flying craft. The thundercloud-like object flies into the encampment of the Israelis from the desert.
Moses Entered the Vehicle
24:18 And Moses went into the midst of the cloud, and went up into the mount: and Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights.
Moses goes up to the craft that is covering the mountain and enters it. Though not the only instance of men entering this craft, it is the first, thus lending more credence to the physical aspects of the craft since it will accommodate humans.
YAHWEH Descends and Hovers
34:5 And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. YAHWEH descends and places himself there.
Respected Ufologist Lou Farish Passes Away at 74
Morrilton, Arkansas -- Lou Farish was born April 27, 1937, Died January 26, 2012 and was known and respected for his intelligence and integrity by friends around the world. He retired from both the U. S. Postal Service and the Arkansas National Guard with twenty years of service. Early in life he developed a curiosity about UFOs and for twenty years edited the UFO Newsclipping Service, a monthly compilation of articles about UFOs and directed the Ozark UFO Conference.
A memorial service will be held at the Harris Funeral Home in Morrilton at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 4. See
Sightings in the United States
Alabama Two Cylinders
Hackneyville -- Mike F writes, "About noon on January 18, 2012, I was driving south on Alabama Highway 63 where it crosses 9, there is really nothing out there other than thick woods. A quarter a mile ahead of me, and flying very low about 200 feet above the trees, were two cylinder objects, one trailing the other. My first thought was why were ICBM missiles or an Apollo Saturn 5 type rocket here?
Then I noticed the white/silvery color of each without markings of any kind, and they had no fins like you see on missiles. There was no one else on the road. They made no sound, had no vapor trail or flames. They were each a 100 feet long moving at a fair speed, and disappeared quickly. A drawing enclosed is what I observed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
HUNTSVILLE -- Carol and Leo LaPlante write, "On January 19, 2012, at 10:56 PM, last night I saw a real ufo bright up very bright in the sky and flew over at high speed. It then flew lower with a long flare in back of the ship. They are really out there when they say ufos are watching earth ... they are here. "Tonight January 28, 2012 6:21 PM, its a good time for ufos as I was outside looking near the moon and I saw a bright light that got brighter and shot off to black. After that I saw a bright object, that made no sound, no blinkers, and not to hghi up near the moon. It disappeared in the darkness after going left of the moon. It was weird. Thanks to Carol and Leo LaPlante
California Light
WINDSOR -- I was in my sunroom on January 29, 2011, and noticed these objects around 6:40 to 10:30 pm. These objects slowly hover above the city, not following the sideral path of the stars. These objects flicker and change shape, but amazingly, no one takes a look at them. These objects disappear around 10:30 PM, but sometimes show up again in the morning. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Sightings
OCALA -- I saw UFOs for three days going in the same way every time trying to get a better video of it, but I don't have a night vision camera. I was standing in my back yard looking for a UFO and then for some reason I turned around then there it was. I tried to get it on video but I it was going too fast. The second night it came at the same time between 7-9 pm, and I got it on the second night and the third night which is January 28, 2012. It was flying at the same direction and speed but I couldn't get to the camera in time's hope you can clarify the video better. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Two Objects
RICHMOND -- I was taking my trash can to the curb when this pulsating star like light caught my eye on January 27, 2012. I watched thinking it could be a plane when I saw there were two objects, one atop the other. I went and got some binoculars and could see the objects were pulsating with several color of lights. I went inside got my wife and she saw the same objects.
New Jersey Triangular Craft
CAMDEN -- Albert Eriggins called, "I saw ten UFOs on January 27, 2012, around noon on Market Street that were high up in the sky coming from the direction of South Philadelphia going northeast. The craft were triangles that looked like flying arrowheads flying in formation. I saw two triangular shape objects, then four, two, and then two closer and lower. The first eight shined like the sun on chromium and the last two were darker. They made no noise unlike any of the planes landing at Philadelphia Airport a few miles away. Last two were about the size of airliners and gaining altitude. Thanks to Albert Eriggins
Ohio Bright OrbSightings
LIMA -- At around 7:30 pm, on January 25, 2012, I went outside for a breath of fresh air and a smoke; and, saw a high flying red/orange oblong O moving south. I got my maglight and lit it up by strobing SOS; they seem to like that or at least respond to it. After a few minutes another one showed up so I lit it up too... It dropped out of the sky like a rock, with a bright red light strobe all the way down. But before it hit the ground it pulled up and wondered off southwest. When it dropped out of the sky I could hear a jet hit it's after burner and take off from the base and make a bee line straight to where I live and chase the second O.
It caught up with the second disabled O that was wondering off and flashing to the southwest of me. I must have accidently hit the one that was on station [watching me???], close to the 1st O that was in high orbit; and confused it so it had to be recalibrated back at the base. I must have accidently hit it right off the bat :) the skies are full again George and all is well.
I just hope they don't send a the bill for screwing up their spy O!. My maglight is not bright just an old dim 3D cell light. They must be real sensitive and be able to hover on station for weeks at a time, without any nav lights on them at all; and I accidently hit it dead on! People have no idea what's going on over their heads! Thanks to JS
Oregon Strange Object Photographed and Light Filled Room
SISTERS -- We received a sighting report, and several interesting photographs, from a very experienced airline pilot, who inadvertently captured a very strange, high-speed, object with his camera, as he was flying his Grumman "Albatross from Seattle to Los Angeles on September 16, 2011,. Orange Dart-like craft passes our aircraft at close proximity in flight
I am an airline transport pilot with over 14,000 flight hours in unique aircraft such as the HU16b that I am flying in these pictures. I am also a certified A&P mechanic and an IA or inspector. The Albatross we have is used as a test bed for Satellite broadband internet. We are one of the few companies in the world that has airborne satellite systems for high-speed internet my plane is full of sophisticated equipment+.
I have better than 20/20 vision and I usually can spot any balloon from a great distance and I am trained to do so. I see them all the time. The object was literally a blur and I didn't see it as it was moving in the same direction as my plane. I took three pictures with my iphone as I was just trying to get a shot of "Sisters" and Mount Jefferson. The plane cannot be a balloon cluster as this thing passed us. In our opinion, the object appears to be reminiscent of an SR-71, but they are not painted orange. If anyone can identify let us know?
Coos Bay -- On January 22, 2012, at 2:15 am, my boy friend, and i woke up to a strange high pitched hum noise. I sat up in bed and look at my window when all of a sudden a flash of green and white light filled our entire room. I quickly pulled the curtains back and saw something in the sky. It only lasted a second when I hear an extremely loud thud like the sound a plane breaking sound barrier along with another small flash of light and it zoomed off to the left. The aircraft was small and football shaped with the bright green and white lights on the back of it.
Then last night one of my good friends saw almost the same exact thing. Thanks to Billie Moon
Puerto Rico Lights
SALINAS -- I was alone with my 11 year old daughter, and looked out the window on January 23, 2012, to see this white light. I kept starring at it as the lights were flashing intermittent, red, white, and blue colors. The object was still for a couple of minutes and asked my daughter to bring me the camera phone and I recorded for two minutes of maneuvering lights. I showed my husband the video and his co workers the video. We have seen the lights many times. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Lights
Pauline Petsel writes, "A couple weeks ago about January 15, 2012, I looked outside to see if there were any more flashing lights in the sky which I'd been photographing off and on for three years. In fact by word of mouth I found several others watching this stuff and a group called Sky Watchers formed. We keep in contact through Facebook.
One woman who lives five miles closer than I to the mountain range has taken pictures similar to mine. We have both been seeing things every night the last three months at 8:45-9:15 PM, I did get a chance once to see what she was getting and hers looked just like mine but a different angle.
About two weeks ago I looked out and saw a couple flashing lights but was amazed to see what I thought was a faded colored orange blimp looking thing lazily crossing just above the Viking Mountain range. I didn't see any lights, just the image. I have my Nikon D 300 on a vibration controlled tripod and use a shutter release cord. I set the ISO to 3200. The thing moved so slow that I got four pictures in the same view finder. I never saw the 'blimp looking object' do anything at all. However while I was looking elsewhere and still clicking, my camera seemed to pick up weird motion. At church I mentioned what I saw to a retired military pilot who claim that he and his wife had watched the same object themselves, but 'they' saw it moving and jumping all over the place.
The six mile area we see clearly of the Mt. range took the object 4 minutes 44 seconds to move across going 45-48 miles an hour. We saw it between 8:45-9:15 PM. Another couple from church who saw it live 20 miles away from us saw it at 12:45 PM. They watched its slow progression for 28 minutes and then they said it turned and shot upward into the sky!
The pictures that I got are unbelievable enough with the twists and turns. One picture looks like a signature! But it isn't. It's just more of its reforming. I have four people that also saw it. Editor's Note: Advertising Blimps can be mistaken for UFO.
Texas bright Lights
Sierra Blanca -- My girlfriend and I were taking Route I10 at 7:24 am, on January 17, 2012, about 50 miles east of El Paso, and I observe a bright white light to the north. The sun had been up for about an hour. After ten seconds it blinks out, leaving an empty blue sky. My girlfriend is sound asleep and I see another bright white light to the east at the same altitude and intensity as the first. I watch for several seconds before the light begins to fade in a circular motion, as if the light were rotating around the object - from a bright white to dullish silver, to a dark grey, to a faint egg-on-its-side silhouette before completely vanishing again.
For the next several minutes, I searched the skies in vain as the lights did not make reappearance. I am truly dumbfounded. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Video over Downtown
RICHMOND -- Bill Bean writes, "The five objects I saw were very close together in Maryland like the objects I just found in this video shot on January 20, 2012. It looks like the videographer was filming from an office high off the ground, over downtown Richmond, probably from the Federal Reserve building? Lights fade and return in video. Thanks to Bill Bean
Worldwide UFO Reports
Argentina Lights
LUGANO -- I was on the terrace in my home in Lugano on January 26, 2011, when suddenly a strong wind started to blow, so went to lock the door and saw three lights up high in the sky. The lights got away so fast to the west and suddenly they change their form. First they were in lineal form, and then changed to a triangular one that disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Gigantic Light
SOUTH -- My partner was in the backyard looking up at the stars at 10:20 pm, on January 27, 2011, and yelled out for me to come and see this huge light. I grabbed our camera and ran outside and it was three times bigger than Sirius. I started videotaping, and the stars are pin pricks, and moving in between them is a gigantic light. It moved relatively slow at first, you can see it pass the stars so you can tell the speed!
My partner shouts out that there's another smaller star coming up behind it. Both lights seem to be single and unwavering. I zoomed in on the big light that was cut off at the top. The second dimmer light comes up behind the first huge light and within a couple of seconds it seems like the brightest object has noticed the smaller one and decides to take off and speed away!
On the video you can see the huge light pass by the much smaller stars, so it's easy to see that it increased its speed by triple or more. As the huge object disappeared it very quickly gets smaller and redder and then it's just gone. The first object was scared away by the second. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Lights
STANLEY MISSION, SK -- My wife had gone outside to have a cigarette and she had come back inside all excited saying something was in the sky. I don't know what the object is but I have seen it on two separate occasions this summer. The object resembles a star but is much too low on the horizon and much brighter than the rest. It stayed in one spot for about ten minutes then slowly faded out the same as previous two sightings. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Columbia Ovni
CURICO -- It was just like two seconds when I was taking pictures on January 28, 2012, of the dark of the night.
I then see a light that was there and see the Ovni (UFO) in the picture.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Costa Rica Flashing Lights near Arenal Volcano
El Tanque de La Fortuna -- On January 21, 2012, at 3 AM, I got up and noticed a flashing light through a frosted glass window. I went into the living room and saw alternating red, blue, and white lights. The white light was very bright. The lights seemed to be to the north (right) of the Arenal Volcano or perhaps between me and the volcano. I watched for about five minutes and then went back to bed. I live near the Arenal airport, but it's a daylight only strip. I am a retired Registered Nurse (Masters Degree). Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Mexico Plane Stops
Cuernava -- We were having dinner on January 16, 2012, when my neighbor saw a red light that seemed bigger than a plane and was moving faster. At first we thought it was an airplane as the light was at first moving fast and suddenly stopped for a few seconds and then just kept moving. My uncle was scared, and we tried to film it but it was too far away. The object gained altitude and flew out of sight. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Philippines Red Orbs
I saw two red like orbs around 9:40 pm here in the Philippines on January 30, 2012. I thought it was just a couple of planes but I saw them collide and then they were gone like jet stream like manner. Thanks to dolf and
SpainUFO chasing birds on Highway
Medina -- The UFO was chasing birds at around 300 feet altitude on January 19, 2012, at 3 PM. It changed its shape and color, and it would glow 'coldly'. No other emissions seen or noticed. The photograph was taken from inside the car. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
South Africa "V" Shape Ball With Two Trails Like The Peace Sign
Potchefstroom -- On January 1, 2012, a ball with two trails in the shape of a "V", like the peace sign with your fingers disappearing from high in the sky to the horizon. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
United Kingdom, England
MID LOTHIAN -- From November through December there seemed to be a lot of activity over East-Mid Lothian. The first thing I saw was a blue ball streak fly across my house then climb into the clouds and vanish. It left a sparkle trail behind it. The next sighting was a gold colored ball moving toward the Pentland Hills. It appeared to land then takeoff and returns the way it had come, moving south. The next incident was a cream glow like a pearl light bulb which floated in a random pattern across the roof of my house. My friend witnessed this with me, as I was very excited about this third sighting. I waved at it and shouted come back. Another friend turned up and I told her about my encounters, when suddenly I heard a voice in my head, say come outside, we're back. I was awestruck.
The next one is a star that moves far quicker across the horizon than the rest of the stars, moving about 20 degrees in half an hour. I got the telescope out and saw a red, blue, and green plasma ball. I thought maybe mercury looked like this, but it appeared to drop molten silver looking tears that then flew off. A few weeks later, about 7:30 PM, a bright light appeared moving with excessive speed then vanished. Later that night I asked out loud, "If you are alien show me something. At that moment, a light appeared and got really big and bright, and then it faded as I saw a grey rectangular shaped object that vanished. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Cornwall horse mutilation inquiry draws blank
Police have drawn a blank so far in their investigation into the death of a horse which was found badly mutilated in a Cornwall field. The stallion, called Erik, suffered severe injuries to its head and body at Stithians. The two-and-a-half-year-old horse was attacked between 8 and 9 January. Police are waiting for the results of toxicology tests on the horse and say they are still hopeful of catching the attacker. Investigating officer Insp. Chris Strickland said: "We are no further forward; we've followed up almost all lines of inquiry and have drawn a blank. "We are taking the investigation very seriously. It would be great to catch whoever did this." He said investigations suggested more than one person was involved in the attack on the horse, which had been sedated. Insp Strickland said: "The horse did struggle at some point. Whether it was before or after they sedated it, we do not know." He said that he had received more calls from the public about the case than any other in his 24 years as a policeman. "We know how concerned people are about this case," he said."For anyone to attack an animal like this is quite shocking." He said the force was keeping an open mind about the reason for the attack, including ritual killing "but it could just be a nutcase". Devon and Cornwall Police have been advising horse owners to improve their security. Note: It could be space aliens?
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
02-02-2012 om 16:45
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
So, Thomas, Is Mars Too "Primitive" For Us Then? Let's Start By Adjusting The "Radio's [Cosmic] Frequency"! Maybe That Will Help!
If E.T. exists, he's avoiding us, scientists say - Technology & science - Space - -
Mathematically speaking, E.T. would have found us by now if he exists so were being consciously avoided for some reason, a new study concludes.
Were either alone, or theyre out there and leave us alone, mathematician Thomas Hair, with Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, told Discovery News.
Hair, who presented his research at the Mathematical Association of America in Boston earlier this month, based his approximation of what he considered to be extremely conservative estimates for how long it would take a society to muster up the resources and technological know-how to leave its home world and travel to another star.
Even at the relatively sedate pace of 1 percent of light-speed, the aliens would arrive at their nearest neighbor star in about 500 years. (Light travels at about 186,000 miles per second.)
Figure another 500 years to build new ships, set out again, and so on and so on, and the calculations show that civilizations starting out from the oldest stars in our galaxy would have had epochs of time to reach us by now. So where are they?
"They've either passed us by, or they stay around their home star systems and contemplate their navels," Hair said.
There could be several reasons why were not listed in intergalactic Yelp. Perhaps most important is that we don't have anything aliens need.
Any ancient civilization is probably not biological. They dont need a place like Earth. They dont need to come here and steal our water. Theres plenty of it out in the outer solar system where the gravity is not so great and they can just take all they want, Hair said.
Or perhaps modern-day extraterrestrials are following routes laid out long ago, all of which bypass Earth, he added.
Whatever the reason we're being ignored, there is no chance E.T., if he exists, does not know we are here, Hair said, pointing to telescopes, such as NASA's Kepler observatory, which can detect planets around other stars.
If humans living on a planet that is roughly 5 billion years old have technology like Kepler, an alien civilization with another 10 million years of experience under its belt would have advanced much further, Hair maintains.
Im sure theyd be able to detect if this planet had life on it. Just the CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in our atmosphere would give us away, he said.
CFCs are compounds typically found in refrigerants and aerosol products that release chlorine atoms when exposed to ultraviolet light and erode Earth's ozone layer.
University of Minnesota physicist Woods Halley, who just published a book about the prospects of extraterrestrial life, says we dont know enough about how life got started on Earth to be able to recognize alien life, even if it were staring us in the face.
"I think there are three options," Halley told Discovery News. "Life is rare, which I think has a reasonable probability of being correct. Life is weird every time you run into it, it's extremely different from the last time you saw it. Life is dull, meaning you will find something that looks a lot like life on Earth and our problems (in detecting life) are technical.
"I've come to the view that theyre all possible, but the preponderance of evidence most likely fits the first we are rare, Halley said.
During the pre-dawn hours of October 24, 1968, a UFO was tracked at Minot AFBby the bases weather radar as well as onboard a B-52 Stratofortress bomber preparing to land at the base. Significantly, this simultaneous tracking occurred during the same period of time when USAF missile security teams and missile maintenance teams were reporting UFOs maneuvering near Minuteman missile Launch Facilities (LFs) O-6 and N-7.
Over a five year-period, researchers Tom Tulien and Jim Klotz painstakingly investigated the events which occurred at Minot that early morning in 1968, interviewing many eyewitnesses and reviewing numerous declassified USAF files and radarscope photographs. In fact, this case is so spectacular and so well-documented, ABC Television chose to include a detailed discussion of it in its February 2005 two-hour special, UFOs: Seeing is Believing, hosted by the late Peter Jennings.
Tulien notes for the record, The contents of the National Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) USAF Project Blue Book microfilm file regarding the Minot incident (case number 12,548), consists of over 130 pages dated from 24 October 1968 to 14 November 1968. The final report on the Tulien/Klotz investigation is now online and incorporates those declassified Project Blue Book files as well as additional witness testimony.1
On 24 October 1968, at 2:15 a.m., 14 miles east-northeast of N-7, a missile security camper team posted at LF O-6 notified the Flight Security Controller (FSC) at the Oscar Flight Launch Control Facility that they were observing a UFO near their position. The camper team reported that, from their vantage point, the UFO had disappeared behind some trees. At the time, a missile targeting team was at work at O-6. Immediately after being notified of the situation by the FSC, the Combat Targeting Commander ordered his team to abort their work, secure the LF, and return to base.
At 2:30 a.m., two missile technicians assigned to the 91st Missile Maintenance Squadron (MIMS), Airmen 1st Class Lloyd Isley and Robert OConnor, reported observing a strange light in the eastern sky while traveling to Minuteman Launch Facility N-7 for a routine procedure. Based on the documentation it appears as though it was the same UFO sighted earlier at O-6. Based on reports he was receiving from the maintenance team, the Base Operations dispatcher noted this in his log at 3:00 a.m.: object S/E of N-7 moving toward site with brilliant light like the sun. Lights flashing on and off. Its too brilliant and big for an aircraft now moving south and hovered over N-7 [my emphasis], turned green, amber off and on. OConnor later reported that the UFO appeared self-luminous like a big ball of white light that seemed to change to a dim green light then later to a dim amber color.2
The maintenance team notified Transportation Control and Base Operations, then radioed the FSC upon entering the site, at which point they reported the UFO to him. Eventually, both the FSC and his two-man Security Alert Team observed the UFO from their positions at the November Launch Control Facility. All of the observers, both maintenance and security personnel, reported that the UFO was extremely bright and had the ability to hover, as well as to move abruptly at great velocity.
Sgt. Bond hastily dispatched the SAT team to N-7. While en route, both men reported that a second UFO had appeared east of their position and then flew toward the first object, which was still located near the LF. After maneuvering near each other in the sky for a brief period, one of the UFOs suddenly disappeared.
In his report, researcher Tulien states, During the period [that the November Flight SAT team was] on the road, the Wing Security Controller noted in his summary that between 3:20 and 3:25 a.m. SSgt Smith at Oscar-1 saw the object separate in two parts and go in opposite directions and return and pass under each other. At this time Juliet Flight and Mike Flight Team observed the same things and described it in the same way.3
While these startling events were unfolding, the pilot of a B-52 returning to Minot after a 10-hour training mission received a radio call from the bases Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) center, asking him to look for any unusual orange glows from his position. According to the declassified transcript of the radio conversation, the RAPCON controller told the bombers pilot and co-pilot, Someone is seeing flying saucers again.4 He then told them where to look. Shortly thereafter, RAPCON was informed that the bases weather radar was tracking the object near Bowbells, ND, about 38 nautical miles northwest of the base.
Suddenly, that UFO flew toward the B-52, and began pacing it at a distance of one mile. The aircrafts own radar was already tracking the object and recorded these maneuvers. The navigator, Major Patrick McCaslin, said that the UFOs radar return was as big or bigger than a KC-135 [tanker].5
Radar Navigator Major Chuck Ritchey quickly activated the aircrafts radarscope camera and the objects radar return was captured on film. Later that morning, the images were evaluated by one of the 5th Bombardment Wings intelligence officers, Richard Clark, who recalls that he computed the UFOs mean velocity at 3900 mph. This estimate was based on the fact that the UFO had covered two miles during one, three-second sweep of the radar. He told Tulien, It had to be something other than what we were aware of, you know, and I didnt think our technology had anything like that as far as capabilityso its got to be a UFO.6
As the UFO began to pace the B-52, the aircrafts two UHF radios were apparently impacted by its presence, and normal outgoing radio transmissions were temporarily interrupted. However, the aircrafts UHF receiver was unaffected and the crew continued to hear instructions from the RAPCON controller. The UFO paced the aircraft for approximately 20 miles, at which point it broke-off and moved away. As soon as it did so, and disappeared from the bombers radar, the aircrafts transmitters resumed normal functioning.
As the B-52 began its final approach to Minot, it was unexpectedly diverted, on the orders of an unidentified general officer. RAPCON provided the pilot vectors for the UFOwhich was by then on, or hovering near, the groundand told to turn the aircraft and fly directly over it.
Tulien and Klotz have interviewed the aircrafts co-pilot, Captain Bradford Runyon, and the Instructor Pilot, Major James Partin, both of whom provided detailed accounts regarding the UFOs appearance.
Partin noted that he first saw an orange object on or just above the ground and stated that it appeared like a miniature sun placed on the ground below the aircraft. As the aircraft closed on the UFO, the objects shape became more visible. Partin said, It was sort of oblong, there werelooked like windows around it that were lit, and it was just hovering there.7
Captain Runyon later drew a picture of the UFO, showing an oval-shaped object with a tubular limb extending from one end. Beyond the other end of the tube was a crescent-shaped spray of illumination. He stated, My first impression was that the orange [oval] portion was bigger than a large barn and the tubular section reminded me of a large grain silo lying on its side. The crescent-shaped part did not become clear until we rolled into the first 90-degree turn...Im not good at estimating dimensions, especially 32 years after the fact, but to my best guess, I would say it was at least 200 ft in length and 100 ft in width and 50 ft. in height.8
Navigator Patrick McCaslin, who did not see the object himself, added, The description [given] to me [by one of the pilots] was that it was an elliptical shapekind of a cough drop-shaped thing, glowing orange with a boomerang exhaust, or boomerang-shaped exhaust or whatevera florescence off one end.9
As the B-52 neared the UFO, its UHF transmitters were impacted once again. Upon landing, one of the crew was debriefed about the incident, but there was no further discussion among the crew until years later.
What was the Air Forces official verdict on these events? On November 13, 1968, three weeks after the UFO incidents, Project Blue Book chief Major Hector Quintanilla issued an official statement about them. He wrote, The following conclusions have been reached after a thorough study of the data submitted to Foreign Technology Division. The ground visual sightings appear to be of the star Sirius and the B-52, which was flying in the area. The B-52 radar contact and the temporary loss of the UHF transmission could be attributed to a plasma similar to ball lightning. The air visual from the B-52 could be the star Vega, which was on the horizon at the time, or it could be a light on the ground, or possibly a plasma. No further investigation by the Foreign Technology Division is contemplated.10
This highly implausible official explanation for the UFO incidents at Minot AFB was reminiscent of Quinanillas earlier verdict on the August 1, 1965 UFO sightings at F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming. In that case, several Air Force SAT teams had independently observed, over a three hour-period, as many as nine UFOs at a time maneuvering near and hovering over various Minuteman missile sites. The Blue Book chief concluded that the teams had not seen UFOs, but twinkling stars.
1. Tulien, Thomas. A Narrative of UFO Events at Minot AFB, 24 OCTOBER 1968,
2. National Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) USAF Project Blue Book microfilm file (case number 12,548)
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for January 2012 - deel 1
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for January 2012: part 1
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In January 2012 there were 759 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for January 2012 -- deel 2
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for January 2012 - deel 2
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on and direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness, saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on "ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone. Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily added your NEW report to CMS.
Other interesting data points in CMS during January 2012 are the shape of the UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 18 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 0 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System. For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan Harzan at
When it comes to UFOs and insider sources willing to impart apparently extraordinary and secret information on UFOs, we hear a great deal. The alleged revelations of the notorious Falcon in the affair of MJ12 and Roswell is a perfect case in point. And, of course, its just one of many! But, what we dont often get is insight into how, why and if the Government takes note of what these saucer-themed Deep Throats are saying to those of us within the the UFO research community. But, just occasionally, we do get to see a bit of what goes behind the scenes, and how the official world keeps watch on certain people determined to leak classified UFO data.
And the case Im referring to here has to do with NASAs Gemini program
As far as the Gemini program is concerned, NASA states: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced December 7, 1961, a plan to extend the existing manned space flight program by development of a two-man spacecraft. The program was officially designated Gemini on January 3, 1962.
And now: onto the Gemini/UFO connection; an admittedly very strange story that surfaced in the pages of a report prepared by what became known as the Condon Committee a wholly informal title for the University of Colorados UFO project that ran from 1966 to 1968, under the direction and control of a physicist named Edward U. Condon.
As prime evidence of the link between NASAs Gemini project and the mystery of unidentified flying objects, take careful note of the following, particular section of the official documentation generated during the course of the work of the Condon Committee, which focused upon three NASA/UFO events that the committee came to believe had not been resolved to a wholly satisfactory degree.
Those particular events were recorded by the committee in the following fashion:
Gemini 4, astronaut McDivitt, observation of a cylindrical object with a protuberance. Gemini 4, astronaut McDivitt, observation of a moving bright light at a higher level than the Gemini spacecraft. Gemini 7, astronaut Borman saw what he referred to as a bogey flying in formation with the spacecraft. Gemini 4, cylindrical object with protuberance. Astronaut McDivitt described seeing at 3:00 CST, on 4 June 1965, a cylindrical object that appeared to have arms sticking out, a description suggesting a spacecraft with an antenna. I had a conversation with astronaut McDivitt on 3 October 1967, about this sighting McDivitt saw a cylindrical shaped object with an antenna like extension It was not possible to estimate its distance but it did have angular extension; that is it did not appear as a point.
We may never really know if McDivitts sighting was of a genuine UFO, or, as some later concluded, of the second stage booster of his very own Titan II rocket. There is, however, a very conspiratorial footnote to this potentially important affair.
A heavily censored, formerly classified FBI document of September 2, 1965 gives every indication that a source within NASA had access to incredible UFO data and it was data that had a direct and distinct bearing upon the Gemini 4 mission, no less. And, furthermore, recorded the FBI, this very same individual was reportedly intent on covertly forwarding the data on to persons without any form of official clearance, or ties to NASA, whatsoever.
According to the presently available FBI memorandum, the source, whose name to this very day remains fully removed from the official record, had informed special agents at the FBI office at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that two people one of whom was described by the FBI as being a graduate student at Pittsburgh University were acquainted with a NASA employee [name wholly censored by the FBI], and have stated that he furnishes them information by mail about unidentified flying objects (UFO) which he obtains from NASA files. The source believes that the information may be classified.
The FBI documentation on this matter continued in remarkable tones: The source said, for example, that [censored] had seen a motion picture film showing a missile separation and an UFO appearing on the screen. Prior to the flight of Gemini 4 [censored said] to watch out for something interesting because the space ship had devices aboard to detect UFOs.
Solid proof that the information divulged by the NASA employee was considered to be somewhat sensitive in both its nature and its content is clearly demonstrated by a further extract from the document that is still contained in the FBIs archives to this very day:
[The NASA source] posts his letters in a mail box away from NASA and puts hairs in the glue of the envelope so that the addressee can determine if the envelope was opened. This source stated he had no reason to believe that the information was going to any foreign power.
Although heavily redacted by the FBI prior to its declassification, the content of this particularly eye opening document raises a number of important issues, such as who, precisely, was the NASA whistleblower? From where, exactly, was he securing his seemingly classified UFO information? And: what of the allegations of the NASA Deep Throat to the effect that Gemini 4 was equipped with certain, unspecified devices to monitor for UFO activity while in space?
Whatever the truth of the Gemini 4 UFO story, these particularly curious revelations that originated with none other than the FBI, can only leave us with a very nagging and strong suspicion that we may not have heard the last of UFOs, NASAs Gemini program, and its mysterious whistleblower not by a long shot.
What does the United States government truly know about UFOs and alien visitors on Earth? Evidence exists today that some military officials may know more than we realize. One example is the MJ-12 documents which are signed by United States presidential order and describe strict official protocols and procedures on how military personal are to handle and investigate real alien and UFO encounters.
After years of painstaking research many UFO researchers believe the MJ-12 documents are authentic and prove that the Earth has been visited by aliens from another world. Includes the shocking facts behind this amazing story and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers and the best known, most credible UFO authorities in the world today.
I received dozens of queries about this relative to him being a possible alien-human hybrid, like the Starchild Skull. Apparently I have not made it clear enough that we no longer think the Starchild was a human-alien hybrid. That idea, which we did support after a DNA test in 2003, has been overridden by the better genetic testing done in 2010 and 2011. Now we think it was alien, period, with significant amouts of human-LIKE DNA in its genome, the same way most mammals have significant amounts of human-LIKE DNA in their genomes (gorillas 95% the same, rats 70%, mice 65 %, etc.)
As for possible explanations for this boy's amazing abilities, we first have to touch on the mainstream position, which is that he could be the result of a mutation in one of the "master" genes that control huge amounts of physical development. One mutation in one of those genes can cause many physical variations, which would be required for a human's eyes to differ so radically from the norm. So that's one possibility.
Another is that he is a genetic "throwback," which is also possible if his seeing-at-night ability was present in an ancestor on either side of his family. But of course we then have to ask, "A throwback to WHAT???" What kind of human would have that ability? Well, as it happens, China is the home of the extremely mysterious, little-understood Dropa, who were supposedly aliens who crash-landed and were stranded in China, who were small and white, and who had powers and abilities far different from everyone around them.
The Dropa remain so mysterious because the Chinese government seems to be very unwilling to allow detailed analysis of their history and background, for reasons that can only be guessed at. However, if we presume that this boy has a bit of Dropa genetics in his genome, that might account for the "throwback" to night vision on Earth, and poor resistance to bright sunlight. Perhaps the Dropa came from a planet that had much weaker light than we have here.
Another explanation is that this is not the only case of humans with amazing abilities like this. A man in Australia named Scott Russell Hill claims to be able to see the "auras" of human footprints in a dark room up to ten minutes after someone has walked there. I'm told by a good friend of his, Denise Blazek, that he can see the auras of vehicles parked at a crowded airport parking lot, seeing the empty spaces and driving right to one. He is considered one of the top pyschics in the world, and seems to have gained his abilities after a near-death experience when he was a child. Such things do seem possible.
However we care to approach explaining the boy's amazing abilities, what is clear is that he can do what he says he can do. Scott Hill is able to do what he says he can do. These things force us to acknowledge that we actually know very little about the reality we live in, and if these things are possible, then who knows what else might be? It's all part of the same puzzle, and it is to this complex puzzle that the Starchild should provide a great deal of solution.
Another subject of great interest this week has been....
......the alleged finding of a UFO under the Baltic Sea by a Swedish salvage team of underwater explorers. This is above my pay grade, as the saying now goes, but if true, obviously, it is as historic, in its own way, as the recovery of the Starchild's genome will be, so we must pay attention to it. Personally, I think much needs to be done to verify it, but it is certainly worth all of the attention that is being paid to it at this point. I hope they are able to get down there to confirm it, one way or the other, very soon, because if they can confirm it, it would boost the Starchild case tremendously.
.....caught my attention because of the seemingly haphazard yet apparently precise layout of these stones, and because it is so reminiscent in many ways of the Adam's Calendar site I was fortunate enough to visit late last year in South Africa with Michael Tellinger and his able group of assistants.
Again, such places consistently tell us that we actually know very little about the reality we find ourselves in, and the obstinate refusal of mainstream science to confront these mysteries and puzzles with nothing more than lame "Because we say so!" explanations does nothing to move us forward to where we need to be. I wish it were not so, but it undeniably is.
Sgt. Jim Penniston's 1994 Hypnosis: "They are time travelers. They are Us."
The Rendlesham Forest Incident
The Rendlesham Forest Incident, also known as 'Britain's Roswell', is undoubtedly one of the best documented and most significant military encounters with a UFO. It is also a case that involved very credible witnesses, trained (USAF) United States Air Force observers. The incident spanned four days in 1980. Rendlesham Forest is a large pine forest, east of Ipswich, in Suffolk, England. Nearby are the twin NATO air bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge; at the time both bases were being leased to the United States Air Force. Several UFO incidents, including multiple-witness sightings by military personnel, ground traces, and radioactive anomalies were reported from Rendlesham forest. According to USAF security patrolmen on duty, "the object was described as being metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, approx. 2-3 meters across the base... it illuminated the entire forest with a white light, and had a pulsing red light on top and a bank(s) of blue lights underneath." In November, 2002, the British Ministry of Defense released the "Rendlesham File" of documents related to and confirming the Rendlesham Forest incident.
This website is dedicated to preserving information regarding this historic incident and encounter, with a Craft of Unknown Origin. The mission is to educate future generations worldwide of the extreme importance of 'The Rendlesham Forest Incident'.
Filer's Files #4 2012 - Secrets to Making Alien Saucers Work, Chilean General at UFO Congress
UFO photographed over Greenville, Tennessee on January 18, 2012,
George A. Filer III. New Jersey State Director MUFON Eastern Region Director January 25, 2012
Filer's Files are now being emailed to 9850 each week plus 600 copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends and neighbors.
In special reports, this week's files cover: Flying Triangles, Chilean General to Speak at UFO Congress, Moon Structures, US Carrier Enters Persian Gulf despite Iranian Warnings, Excerpts from an Interview Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr, Mars Rocks Found on Earth, Strange Groaning Sounds Heard Around Earth!
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Oregon, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Australia, Bosnia, Brazil, Canada, India, Portugal, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
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Special Reports
Flying Triangles
Director of Air Force's Project Blue Book Edward Ruppelt writes, "On July 24, 1952, two Air Force Colonels flying a B-25 took off from San Francisco to Colorado Springs without a cloud in the sky. The Colonels had crossed the Sierra Nevada flying east at 11,000 feet on the Green 3 aerial highway to Salt Lake City. At 3:40 PM, they were over the Carson Sink Area of Nevada, when one the colonels noticed three objects ahead of them and a little to the right. The three objects looked like three F-86s. In a matter of seconds the three craft were close enough to the B -25 to be clearly seen. They were not F-86s. They were bright silver, delta wing aircraft with no tails and no pilot canopies. The only thing that broke the sharply defined, clean upper surface of the triangle wing was a definite ridge that ran from the nose to the tail.
In another second the three deltas made a slight left blank and shot by the B-25 at terrific speed. The colonels estimate the speed at three times the speed of the F-86s. (2000 mph) They got a good look at the three deltas as the unusual craft passed within 400 to 800 yards of the B-25. When they landed at Colorado Springs the colonels called the intelligence people at Air Defense Command Headquarters to make a UFO report. Air Defense Command relayed the report to Project Blue Book and an investigation was started at once. Report written by Captain Edward Ruppelt in his book. "Unidentified Flying Objects Page 19, who also states, "More than 20% of UFO sightings are unknowns.
Chilean General to Speak at UFO Congress
TEMPE, ARIZONA -- Air Forces around the world are researching UFOs. It has been announced that retired Chilean Air Force General Ricardo Bermdez (Ret.) will speak at the annual conference of the International UFO Congress. The aim of the organization is the "dissemination of information related to many areas in Ufology. Retired General Ricardo Bermdez became head of Committee for the Study of Aerial Anomalous Phenomena (CEFFA) in 1997. He also offered a course at Universidad de Santiago teaching scientific research and critical thinking in regards to UFOs.
Maureen Elsberry, says, "This is the first time in the U.S. that such a high-ranking government official has spoken to the public about an official government sponsored UFO project. It shows how serious other countries take the subject of UFOs. It's something they feel is worthy of official investigation.
There have been many claims of UFO sightings or unexplained noises throughout Chile, with a high concentration in the north of the country. Many of the claims of unexplained sightings occur before, during or after significant natural events such as a sighting in Copiap in 1864. Both the February 2010 earthquake and Pueyhue volcanic eruption were followed by UFO sightings and other mysteries.
Two weeks before the Chile Earthquake in 2010, there were reports of mysterious sounds, "like thunder, but much louder and with no lightning or other signs of storms. After the quake, passengers on a bus traveling to Iquique saw "a humanoid of over three meters tall.
The CEFFA investigates sightings of UFOs, mainly seen by commercial and military pilots "but only if there is an indication that the safety of the aircraft might have been at risk. General Bermdez said, "The CEFAA's official position has always been to recognize that something is happening in our skies, but we, as yet, do not know what it is.
The conference will take place on February 25th in Fountain Hills, Arizona. While not a UFO, the failed Russian probe Phobus Grunt fell into the ocean off the coast of Chile earlier this week. Thanks to www.OpenMinds.TV
Moon Structures
Gary Prowant sent this photo of the Highlands of Mare Moscovienese on the backside of the moon showing possible structures.
On January 23, 2012 credit huge solar flares were observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (aia) ot nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory at 0327, 0342, and 0412 gmt on January 23 (10:27 p.m., 10:42 p.m. and 11:12 p.m. est on jan. 22).
The solar storm hit Earth on January 24, 2012, at 9 PM EST causing huge Northern Lights.
Thanks to NASA
Mars Rocks Found on Earth
During a meteorite shower last July, rocks fell on Morocco that came from Mars. Scientists are confirming that 15 pounds of rock collected recently in fell to Earth from Mars. This is only the fifth time in history scientists have chemically confirmed Martian meteorites that people witnessed falling. This is an important and unique opportunity for scientists trying to learn about Mars' potential for past life. So far, no spacecraft has returned bits of Mars, so the only samples scientists can examine are those that come here in a meteorite shower. "Astronomers think in the past huge meteors smashed into Mars and sent rocks hurtling into space and after thousands of years they reached Earth. The rocks will be tested to see if there is indication of life on Mars.
Excerpts from an Interview Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr
Ralph Ring is a brilliant innovative technician who as a young man in the late 1950s and early 1960s worked closely with Otis T. Carr. With the aid of his small team, Carr, who was himself a protege of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, built a number of flying disks, which worked.... prior to their experimentation allegedly being forcibly terminated by government agents.
In a dramatic experiment, Ring co-piloted a 45 foot disk a distance of ten miles, arriving at their destination instantaneously. Ring, now aged 71, tells his story.
"You must always work with Mother Nature. Force is never necessary. The laws of the physical universe are really very simple. Ralph Ring, interviewed by Kerry Cassidy, August 2006
Ralph Ring describes Otis Carr thus: "He was an unquestioned genius. Tesla had recognized his quality immediately and had taught him everything he knew. He was inspired, and -- like Tesla -- seemed to know exactly what to do to get something to work. I think the fact that he was not formally trained in physics helped him. He was not constrained by any preconceived ideas. As crazy as it sounds now, he was determined to fly to the moon and really believed it could be done. I believed it. We all did."
Ralph Ring stresses that resonance is the key to working with nature: "Resonance. You have to work with nature, not against her." According to Ring, when the model Utron's craft was powered up to operational speed, "...the metal turned to Jell-o. You could push your finger right into it. It ceased to be solid. It turned into another form of matter, which was as if it was not entirely here in this reality. That's the only way I can attempt to describe it. It was uncanny, one of the weirdest sensations I've ever felt."
Ring described his "flight" in the Utron craft, saying that "Fly is not the right word. It traversed distance. It seemed to take no time. I was with two other engineers when we piloted the 45' craft about ten miles. I thought it hadn't moved --- I thought it had failed. I was completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with samples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramatic success. It was more like a kind of teleportation. "What's more, time was distorted somehow. We felt we were in the craft about fifteen or twenty minutes. We were told afterwards that we'd been carefully timed as having been in the craft no longer than three or four minutes. I still have no complete idea how it worked. We just built it exactly according to Carr's instructions. Everything had to be perfect... it all had to be just so, or it he said it would not work: a kind of symbiotic state between man and machine.
"The Utron was the key to it all. Carr said it accumulated energy because of its shape, and focused it, and also responded to our conscious intentions. When we operated the machine, we didn't work any controls. We went into a kind of meditative state and all three of us focused our intentions on the effect we wanted to achieve. It sounds ridiculous, I know. But that's what we did, and that's what worked. Carr had tapped into some principle which is not understood, in which consciousness melds with engineering to create an effect. You can't write that into equations.
"...There are two secrets to making the alien saucers work. One is their advanced engineering, and the other is their mental ability." "I've lost count of the number of people who have refused to believe what happened. I no longer talk about it. It's no fun being laughed at and ridiculed. One day someone will build the disk just as we did and they'll have the same experience. All his blueprints still exist. Nowadays, it would all be done with digital and solid state circuitry --- no moving parts would be necessary.
"I've heard that the aliens use the same principle to operate their craft. Their physics seems to work in harness with their consciousness. The craft amplifies the power of their minds. Their craft won't operate without the pilots. I've heard that's why we can't operate their craft --- or, at any rate, we can't operate them the way they do. We're just not adept enough mentally and spiritually. So there are two secrets to making the saucers work. One is the advanced engineering, and the other is the mental and spiritual ability. We may have duplicated some of the first, but we may be a long way from the second yet."
US Carrier Enters Persian Gulf despite Iranian Warnings
Brussels -- The European Union set up a punishing oil embargo in an attempt to stop Iran's development of nuclear weapons. The 27 European nations have placed an embargo on Iranian oil and shutting off Iran's second largest market. Iranian lawmakers have stated that Islamic Republic warships may block the Persian Gulf's oil tanker traffic. Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi stated, The strategic Strait of Hormuz is completely under Iran's control, and all activities in the waterway are monitored by the Islamic republic. We plan to hold a large-scale military maneuver in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz in February. Seventeen oil tankers pass through the Strait of Hormuz each day carrying up to 40 percent of the world's seaborne oil,
In December Iranian officials had warned the U.S. not to return after the carrier USS John Stennis departed the Gulf. Showing US resolve the Aircraft Carrier USS Abraham Lincoln task force entered the Persian Gulf through Strait of Hormuz, on Sunday, January 22, with two British and French warships to conduct maritime security operations, replacing the USS Stennis, which is now headed home. U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Group Nine typically consists of the aircraft carrier Lincoln an embarked carrier air wing, and the USS Cape St. George (CG-71) Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser, and a destroyer squadron. The Persian Gulf is a comparatively small body of water limiting the maneuver room for the carrier task force. Iran has aircraft, missiles, and submarines that could sink these ships. If Iran decides to stop some 20% of the World's oil (40% of seaborne oil) from moving through the Straits of Hormuz. The situation is worsening and military units may accidently or intentionally create an incident.
US and Israel are looking for a way to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons development. Iran's threatening statements and the need to make it look like Iran is starting hostilities in order to make it politically more difficult for Russia and China to continue to support Iran.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has a small naval fleet that includes: destroyers, frigates, Kaman class missile boats, three Russian Kilo class submarines, and seventeen midget submarines with Hoot torpedoes designed to operate in the Persian Gulf.
The most recent threat by Iran to block the Strait of Hormuz and choke off the flow of the world's oil supply, while frightening to some, really represents an opportunity. The nations of the West and Asia seem to be divided into two camps; the advocates for diplomacy and negotiation, or, the proponents of bombing Iran's nuclear sites.
Iran has provided a gift to the West with their threat to stop oil from flowing to world markets. Iran claims it will attack the global economy and greatly increase oil prices. If Iran closes the strait the world economy can hardly be held hostage to Iran's whims and U.S. leaders will be left with the responsibility of unblocking the Strait of Hormuz using force. When Iran's mines hit the water to block the Strait of Hormuz to stop oil flows, Iran would have committed an act of war against the world economy. The international community and the United States would have great latitude for military action to free the Strait. The world may be looking at another war unless those involved can negotiate. No sane person wants a war. As long as the pressure on Iran is real and mounting, diplomacy will likely have a much better chance of succeeding.
This may be the best way today to end the threat and, to finally end Iran's rogue nuclear weapon adventure.
Strange Groaning Sounds Heard Around Earth!
Jeff Rense writes, "I am pushing this and have a large Featured story box full of them and more being added. This is a real phenomenon. These sounds creep me out. Takes something very unusual to do that. We have heard about the Illuminati fake 'ET invasion' or project Blue Beam for many years. Let me suggest this. If they can make sound like this over large areas...and I think they can...they could drive millions into mass fear and hysteria just by making the sounds...and then broadcasting the SILENT frequency for FEAR via cell towers to back up the natural fear response. They could broadcast the silent 'fear' emf via cell towers easily. Then, spread some ET reports one of their discs right over major cities in broad daylight...and you'd have a massive panic.
On January 22, 2012, a man from New Decade Production claims the strange UFO sounds being reported from around the world were low tones being played on an obscure musical instrument called a waterphone.'
Seems that it is either: HAARP or some kind of Tesla technology to scare the masses. It really is ET or, the earth groaning.
GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich wants to continue President John Kennedy's vision of going to the moon fifty years ago. Gingrich is expected to outline his vision for America in space following the loss of the shuttle program and Constellation program -- to return to the moon.. Florida's economy has been severely hurt by the space and job cutbacks. Newt wants to set up prizes to get Florida Space Coast literally to hum with activity to achieve the prizes for going back to the moon permanently, support for future lunar mining colonies, getting to Mars as rapidly as possible, building a series of space stations and developing commercial space,
At a GOP debate last summer, Gingrich accused NASA's bureaucracy of wasting hundreds of billions of dollars since the 1969 moon landing. Without the waste, he said the U.S. "would probably today have a permanent station on the moon and stations in space, and a new generation of lift vehicles."
Mitt Romney was talking about a "centralized, space program bringing in the military and commercial sectors to help select priorities and to help fund those programs. GOP candidates Rick Santorum and Ron Paul have been virtually silent on space issues.
UFO Sightings in US Heat map all time
Red, yellow, green most sightings. ( MUFON Google)
Sightings in the United States
Arizona Lights
Glendale -- I was driving home on January 19, 2012, when I saw a big red dot in the sky. I got my telescope out and it looked like a diamond UFO, it then came down. Then I felt real good with a feeling down my spine. Now I can't sleep and just know that it was special. I lost it when it went down somewhere?
Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Sighting
LOS ANGELES -- My friend's girlfriend took the picture and uploaded it to facebook. I saved the picture and now sending it to you. 100% real picture not sure about the object but the photo was not tampered with. I can get more info if you guys think it's relevant. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Editor's Note: Photo may be a reflection of light in window.
San Mateo -- I was just filming a contrail on January 11, 2012, while waiting for a friend. I didn't see the orb until the video was played back.
What is it?
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Light
Lakewood -- Driving home from work on January 19, 2012, driving north on Sheridan I stopped at the light at 6th Avenue and observed a bright light above the horizon. It was long enough to take a picture towards the west. As the traffic started to move I looked over to see if it was there, but there was no sign of it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida UFO Landing
Deerfield Beach -- I was driving north on Powerline Road and was passing Sample Road on January 19, 2012, when an object in the sky grabbed my attention. At 7:40 pm, I saw what looked like a missile going up into the sky. It caught my attention because it had just emitted an orange-yellow like emission leaving a trail behind it as it was ascending. It was far too high and large to be any flare. I saw it change its flight pattern and leveled off and gave off a faint yellowish-whitish glow afterwards and I no longer saw the object. There are no active military bases anywhere near where I live. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Possible Crash-
Brunswick -- On January 11, 2012, a Thursday morning news article on the front page stated that an object was spotted in North Florida over St. Simons Island heading north. It was seen by many people from Florida to the island, where it finally made a turn and went down into the marsh. The Coast guard and Civil Air Patrol searched, but couldn't find anything! Witnesses said when it went down there was an explosion like an airplane. Air traffic said there was no traffic in that area at the time of the incident. Law enforcement officials saw the object and thought it was a meteorite. The only problem with that is it wasn't traveling very fast and witnesses said it had blinking light on the tail. It was traveling horizontal for fifty miles and when it got over ST Simons Island it turned and went down in an area where there are miles of marsh and creeks. I don't know what it was, but it was unidentified, that's for sure. Call Camden County, Georgia sheriff's office if you saw it crash.
Illinois Light
OSWEGO -- My 12 year old and I witnessed stationary lights in the sky on January 3, 2012. It was the same place and time of day as our November 10, 2011 sighting. We noticed them both days at 3:25 pm, in the western sky. The sun was getting lower in the sky, and two lights were at the lower cloud level and seemed to be attempting to blend in with the clouds. One light appeared to the lower right of the sun and the other was farther to northwest. When I got to our home, I got out our Sony Handycam and caught at least one light on it at about 4:00 pm. The lights were lower and bigger than the airplanes in the area. I focused in on one light and it appeared almost a triangular shape with fuzzy edges and it was a glowing reddish-pink on the top in the center and green on the bottom two points.
These lights were stationary, not airplanes, as I was also watching and comparing them to airplanes higher in the atmosphere with their contrails. The lights are not VENUS or conventional aircraft or the space station or weather balloons. They are stationary and fairly close to the ground. Right after the events our Wii froze and wouldn't turn off, has never happened before, and our cell phone wasn't responding when we wanted to play songs, which also hasn't happened before.
My 12 year old, who spotted the lights, wants to forget that it happened. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Photographs
Blanford -- I want to mail you copies of ufo photos that took the nights of January 6 to 10. I also have over an hour of vhs video of them. All were taken from my house on January 11, in the early morning hours one buzzed my house making a strange sound. I saw it but didn't get a photo. I have over two dozen still photos and some I have to pick up yet as well as some still in my cameras. What they show is amazing. I've waited 30 years for this since May of 1982, when I saw a ufo in clear daylight and close up, but did not get any photos. This time I've got them. Thanks to Richard Bondira.
MarylandGlowing White UFO's
Baltimore -- I just had an incredible UFO sighting at 6:15 PM, while heading home from the store when I was stunned to see five glowing white UFO's hovering in the eastern sky. They were very close together and two of them blinked out, leaving the other three which formed a triangle! I watched in amazement for over five minutes before the remaining three objects blinked out. My wife shared with me that around the same time last week, she witnessed 15 of the same type of objects in the southwest part of the sky in Annapolis, MD. GOD bless! Thanks to Bill Bean
Massachusetts Triangle
Granby -- Driving northeast on Truby Street on January 10, 2012, I saw three bright lights in the back woods. There were two dimmer lights on the side, and one central one. My first thoughts were that is must have been a C-5 from Westover AFB. When I got closer I realized the craft wasn't moving and was about 100 feet in the air. I saw a dark tail on it that was clearly more massive than the craft. When I pulled over, that's when it started to slowly creep away and finally out of my view. It was massive. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Mississippi Loud Noise
Gulfport -- My girlfriend and I were watching television on January 18, 2012, when we heard a loud low rumble at night like fighter planes. I jumped off the couch and ran out to our 3rd story balcony, but the sound was incredibly loud. I was scared we were being bombed or something. After five minutes we began searching for a non-conventional plane departing from the airport within five miles of our house. It was a moan or scream like jet planes were hovering above our apartment. I called Kessler Air Force Base at exactly 11:10 PM, and informed them that there was a loud aircraft like noise hovering over our house. He confirmed there was nothing unusual going on. The guy at the radar center said that he didn't show anything. We are not the only people who heard it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Triangle
BROOKINGS -- At 10:21 PM, on January 15, 2012, and noticed motion nearly directly above me. I stopped and focused my eyes and could make out a definite V' shape outline of a craft against the black sky. The V' had a faint bluish-white light on the tip of each arm and one mid-length of each arm for a total of five light sources. It had a hazy, wavy, distorted appearance like a Predator, or a Romulan Warbird looks as it de-cloaks. The light sources were rather distinct but I only saw it for six seconds and quickly lost sight of it. It had a "wingspan of 1.5 to 2.0 inches, so I can only speculate as to its actual size.
Note: The witness was contacted to verify the direction of flight. Conflicting statements were made and witness clarified it was moving north. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Puerto Rico Triangle
SAN JUAN -- It was between 8:40 - 8:45 PM, on January 18, 2011, when I was in my apartment with my wife looking outside and saw three huge gold/copper lights in the distance with two blinking pulsating red lights. One was on top and one under the ship. My wife confirmed that the lights were very different and speed was slower than other planes. I kept watching and the triangle object turn that was bigger than a 787 aircraft but flying much slower. The three huge lights formed a triangular shape with a big red pulsating lights on top and bottom center pulsating at the same time. A building blocked my view. It was the biggest ship I have ever seen flying. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Cigar
A firefighter responding to a call at 1:23 AM, on January 12, 2012, reports, "I watched a very large, slow moving, silent cigar-shaped craft just above the treetops and less than 400 feet away; so when I grabbed my night vision gen3 monocle it was hard to see the craft clearly, but I could see no wings - only the fuselage," the witness stated. "The body of the craft or fuselage was abnormally long and appeared to be at least twice the length of any aircraft I've ever seen. I've dealt with many different aircraft as I was once in the USAF's Crash Rescue Team."
"It did not have standard aircraft light markings. Its lights seemed backwards. The red blinking/pulsating light was on the front and it had two white, dimmer lights on the rear. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Flap Photos
Greenville -- Pauline Petsel writes, "I have some of the same pictures taken in Greeneville that people all over the country have posted in your January 12, Filer's Files.
This one above I'll add here matches the one from Georgia. I talked to Pauline who is part of a Skywatchers Group who are almost all getting similar photos.
Recent photos taken in Greenville,Tennessee. Thanks to Pauline Petsel
Vermont Triangle
NORWICH -- While traveling south in the slow lane on Interstate 91, at 4:50 am, on January 5, 2012, and I looked in my driver's side mirror and noticed a black triangular object with large yellow lights 50 feet above and directly over the roof of a car. After about five seconds I refocused my driving to the road in front of me as I was headed towards the breakdown lane. I maneuvered my vehicle back into the slow lane and once again looked into the driver's side mirror and the object was gone. The vehicle behind me continued proceeding south behind me. The entire event lasted about ten seconds. As I proceeded south, still looking through my driver's side window, it didn't reappear! Thanks to MUFON CMS and Ken Pfeifer
Virginia Light
37.4368834 N 78.6487942 W -- I was out smoking a cigarette on January 5, 2011, with my camera taking shots of the weird clouds that day. Above one cloud diagonally to the left of the sun - a spot of bright light appeared. It seemed to shine brighter than an airplane and did not move for the five minutes I observed it. My camera could not focus on it particularly well. The object eventually blinked out and it started to snow. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Star
Noosa, Ridgewood -- I was living in a shed in the hills and went outside and almost immediately saw a star' that was directly overhead and was flashing in multiple colors. I was drawn to this object and continued to watch it as it was behaving very weird as it divided into two objects. They were there for the remainder of the night but were gone the next evening.
A few days later, while watching a spectacular sunset, I was standing outside with my sister when a strange cloud came from the other side of the ridge and just settled right in front of us. It was the size of a cabin and was pulsing with light and color of all descriptions. This cloud' hovered right in front of us for several minutes. My sister asked, "Are you seeing this?" I had and this cloud hovered 20 feet away, pulsing and alive with power color light. I could have touched it. My sister became scared and went inside, and I laughed at her saying it is just a highly charged cloud as it began to move away. It got about 50 meters away when I said to my sister, "See it's just a cloud! The cloud did a reverse and came marching back at me and was flashing even more intensely. It stopped 15 feet away and was rumbling at me, so I retreated back inside the cabin as the strange cloud moved off again.
A couple of weeks later I developed swelling in the roof of my mouth and after an x-ray they found a large cyst in my sinus cavity that was growing around an "impacted eye tooth. I saw the x-ray and it looked nothing like a tooth, but was about 1/2 inch long and 2 millimeters wide, like a slither. The doctor immediately booked me for surgery at the Royal Brisbane Hospital, and within days later a team of surgeons removed the tooth' and cyst. The nurse told me that I got the most unusual cyst of the year award and I still have a huge scar in the roof of my mouth.WTF
Bosnia Photos
Mostar -- I'm 36, still live with my parents due to our economic situation and virtually non-functioning legal state. I have associate's degree in business management and pursuing bachelor's degree. I speak English and German. I plan to go to Australia to find work and come back in a couple of years. I have been shooting photos of UFOs as proof of what I feel I can build. I communicate with aliens and they communicate with me. The beings are those balls of light, serpents in the sky, and cigar shaped UFOs. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Disc
Guanabara Lake --The witness was taking some pictures of a coming storm on January 18, 2012, over the lake in Lambari, a spa town, 163 miles above So Paulo. He took a set of three or so pictures with his cell phone camera didn't look the images right away, and only later did he look at the pictures. He was surprised to see the object in the last picture. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Maneuvering Lights
Trenton, Ontario -- My family was heading home from a movie on Hamilton Road on January 18, 2012. Then my wife and I noticed a strange light high in the sky sharply changing directions. I stopped the car to get a better look and the object had very bright pulsing white and red light, maneuvering sharply. We then proceeded down the road to get a better vantage point and observed its sharpest movement straight down and then ascend slightly. Once at a better vantage point, we witnessed the bright pulsing object drop closer to the horizon and eventually dropped below the horizon and never appeared again. Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Disk
Vellore -- A seemingly stationary object, white in color resembling a twin star was noticed at about 12 midnight on January 7, 2012. It is 12:36 AM, on January 8, now it's still visible over the western sky in South India. It does not twinkle and is certainly not a star. It sometimes looks like a disc with red lights under it. Three of us have been following it for more than 30 minutes. It sways side to side and bobs up and down ever so slightly. It still continues to be seen. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Portugal Disc
ELVAS -- I was in a trance festival in, Portugal, I became aware of the UFO in the photo after reviewing the picture on the screen. At the end of the year when I was at a gathering of friends, one friend said he saw lights in one.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Spheres
Johannesburg -- It was evening New Year's Day and I was suddenly compelled to climb up onto my roof to watch the fireworks. I soon noticed over a nearby mountain four bright orange orbs floating just above the horizon. They were flying in a wave like pattern. The second one from the front of the group dropped two smaller orbs that descended behind the mountain soon followed by three bigger orbs from which they were dropped. One of them flew southeast over a period of 15 minutes. Three more separate orbs flew separately several minutes apart diving behind the mountain. During the minutes that followed I saw a multitude of orbs one by one coming from the southeast. A little while later a triangular shaped object flew east turning on its axis. On each corner was an orange orb. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Gordon's Bay, Western Cape -- Around 1 am, on January 22, 2012, my friend Ann Orton and I were laying down in my garden while we were talking. We both saw an object was flying very fast at 2-3000 km/h south, at quite a low altitude and in absolute silence. It seemed to be a disc shape with 5 or 6 reactors turned downwards showing a blue color like a gas stove. There was also a comet tail at least twice the size of the object and with more red/orange/yellow color added to the blue. Thanks to, Paul Goddard,
UK/England Lights
Shropshire -- On January 19, 2012, I was on a path which I walk everyday on with my friend and dog. My friend is pretty much skeptic on things like this, However he is in no means close minded, we were up an empty farm, Chinese lanterns are seen a lot, so I did take that into account, however this Object did not flicker or move, it simply stayed still for the 10 minute mark, in which it was seen. When I first saw this UFO, I thought it could be a planet. The object stayed still for ten minutes, as we got to a woody part of the field a feeling of terror overcame us. I almost felt as if I was being warned, I felt this terror almost like it was coming from within these woods. I ignored this feeling and walked half way through the woods and felt happy rather like my typical self again. My friend turned to look back up to the sky to see where the object had gone, but there was a lot of cloud cover, but it still didn't appear. The feeling of dread or terror was not a nice thing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hastings, East Sussex -- On September 14, 2010, around 10 pm, I had just parked and noticed four really bright lights stationery in the sky. A chap pulled alongside me in the road as i was taking the picture. "What the hell is that"? He asked. My response was UFO's without a doubt. I remember thinking; here we go, this is it!? I watched the lights stay for ten minutes that looked like planes coming into land, except they were NOT planes. Gatwick and Heathrow are too far away, plus the lights were far too low and disappeared in sync. It was great to watch. Thanks to Steve from Hastings.
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
26-01-2012 om 16:28
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB:
UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB:
The Commanders Control Panel Lit Up Indicating Missiles Away!
I have spent 39 years investigating the UFO-Nukes Connection. During that period, a number of former or retired U.S. Air Force officers have confirmed their involvement in incidents where UFOs had hovered over their Minuteman missile launch control facilities, sometimes shutting down or even temporarily activating the missiles. A few of those individuals participated in my September 27, 2010 press conference in Washington D.C., which CNN streamed live. The full-length video of that event may be viewed below:
In 2005, I posted a series of messages on the Yahoo missile_talk groups bulletin board, summarizing my research. My hope was that some of the groups members, largely made up of U.S. Air Force missileers, would be encouraged to come forth and discuss their own experiences. A few of them, including Larry Manross, did just that. He wrote, in two emails combined here:
Robert, you are right on. As a launch crew commander at Minot AFB from 1966-1970, I will tell you that there were UFO incidents. In one [during which I was present] the security team upstairs went into a defensive posture with lights turned out. They had called in a UFO sighting to the base and radar was tracking it. All of a sudden it buzzed the launch control center and that was when they cut the lights and took a defensive position.
The details are fairly slim on the incident [but it occurred sometime during] 1967 or 68. It was treated by the Air Force as a non-incident. In other words, no report was asked for from the missile crew. I am not certain if the security team made a report, but the whole thing made you feel somewhat uneasy.
At the time, I was a 1st Lieutenant and was the junior officer in the capsule. The security team kept us informed of their concerns. Especially the buzzing of the launch control center. Sitting downstairs you obviously didnt see a thing. I wish I had been upstairs when the incident took place, but as you know the launch crews were down in the capsules for 24 hour uninterrupted stretches. But base ops did confirm that they were tracking an unidentified object on radar.
I later asked Manross to elaborate on these statements. He responded:
I was in the 742nd [Strategic Missile Squadron]. The capsules we manned were Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, and Oscar. I was primarily assigned to Kilo or Lima. I do not remember the name of the senior officer during that [alert] assignment; he was not the usual commander I was assigned with. He was several years older than I and was a career officer, I believe. I was never assigned with him again and don't remember much about him. He may have been in a different squadron. Sometimes they mixed and matched us when they were having scheduling problems. The commanders I worked with while the junior officer were Capt. John Deresky and later Capt. Charles Brickley. Neither of them was with me that night.
The year was 67 or 68, before I moved up to the commander role. I was attempting to sleep while the commander was dealing with security upstairs and the base headquarters regarding some unidentified [flying] object. It was when his board lit-up like a Christmas tree for a moment that he got scared and asked for back-up. The lit-up board signals that the missiles have launched. It was a false signal but correlated with the incident taking place upstairs. It all happened quite fast. Then things returned to normal.
[Anyway,] that was when I became engaged. The commander was rattled and so was the security team upstairs. They reported that something had buzzed the LCF and that they had gone into a defensive posture, turning out the lights and drawing their weapons. They indicated it was very bright and traveling at a high rate of speed. They did not describe any shape, etc., other than it was bright. [Then] base headquarters reported that the unidentified object was no longer on radar and that was the last we heard of it.
There was no debriefingnada. Just another day pulling an alert at Minot. I do remember the senior officer saying something about how I should not talk about the incident without getting authorization. [In spite of that,] all the officers talked about UFOs and what was going on. As you can imagine, there was quite a range of opinions. The common assumption among many [launch officers] was that the objects were somehow drawing power from the missile warheads.
The stories [we subsequently heard] were rampant. [One] concerned a security team stationed at one of the missile launchers because the radar surveillance was out. If the surveillance went down they always stationed a team on the site 24/7. As the story goes, there was an object that scared them to death, as it hovered over the launch pad. They discharged their weapons and claim they heard plinks as the bullets hit the object. As you know, discharging a weapon in the military is considered serious and requires reports, etc. Every security team I worked with said it was a true story and had taken place at Minot AFB. They even named the missile launcher where it took place and those who took part in it.
The number of UFO incidents at the time, during 1966-70, were so frequent that in the summer the security team sometimes would put chairs in front of the building, or on the roof of the building, to watch for UFOs. Can you believe it?
Regarding this last statement, I told Manross that I had heard nearly identical stories from other former or retired USAF personnel who had been stationed at Ellsworth, F.E. Warren, and Malmstrom AFBs during that era. This particular side show is almost humorous: Nuclear missile security guards sitting outside Minuteman Launch Control Facilities at night looking for UFOs because the objects appeared above the missile field so frequently! If only the American media had been given that story at the time. But, of course, like everything else relating to these classified incidents, almost no information leaked out to the press or public.
Another former launch officer at Minot in the late 1960s, David Schuur, has independently told me of an incident involving a UFO actually activating nuclear missiles. His account is even more dramatic than the one provided by Larry Manross.
As is my custom, I have secured Manross and Schuurs DD214 files, which confirm their presence at Minot AFB in the mid-to-late 1960s, as well as their roles as Minuteman launch officers in the squadrons theyve indicated.
Now that this article has been posted, UFO debunker James Carlson will, predictably, post his usual nonsense about my being a liar and a fraud and how Manross and Schuurs testimony is worthless.
To learn more about Carlsons many falsehoods and delusions, please see my last article at The UFO Chronicles.
As pilots are sitting up there for hours, often late at night, or above the cloud level, have you ever seen anything really weird or fantastic?
Weird or fantastic? I know what youre thinking. I know what youre thinking and the answer is no.
A reader once asked me about a supposed tacit agreement between pilots in which we will not openly discuss UFO sightings out of fear of embarrassment and, as the reader put it, possible career suicide. I had to laugh at the notion of there being a tacit agreement among pilots over anything, let alone UFO sightings. And although plenty of things in aviation are tantamount to career suicide, withholding information about UFOs isnt one of them.
For the record, I have never met a pilot who claims to have had a UFO sighting. Honestly, the topic is one that almost never comes up, even during those long, dark flights across the ocean. Musings about the vastness of the universe are one thing, but I cannot recall ever having had a conversation with another pilot about UFOs specifically. Neither have I ever seen the topic discussed in any industry journal or trade publication.
Which isnt to say there arent plenty of spectacular views to behold through the cockpit windows. Some of my personal favorites:
Shooting stars. Especially during the annual, late-summer Perseids meteor shower. Most impressive are the ones that linger on the horizon for several seconds, changing color as they burrow into the atmosphere. Ive seen shooting stars so bright they were visible even in daylight. (Who knows how many Ive missed? At night we often turn the ambient cockpit lighting to full bright, which makes it difficult to see outside.)
The northern lights. At its most vivid, the aurora borealis really has to be seen to be believed a quivering, horizon-wide curtain of fluorescence. And you neednt traipse to the Yukon or Siberia; the most dazzling display Ive ever witnessed was on a flight between Detroit and New York. The heavens had come alive with immense, wavering sheets of color, like Gods laundry flapping in the night sky.
The eerie, flickering orange glow of the Venezuelan oil fields an apocalyptic vista that makes you feel like a B-17 pilot in 1945.
Similar, but more thoroughly depressing, are the thousands of slash-and-burn fires youll see burning throughout the Amazon. Some of the fire fronts are literally miles long walls of red flame chewing through the forests.
Somewhat compensating for the above are the vast, for now untouched forests of northeastern South America. Over Guyana in particular the view is like nothing else in the world an expanse of primeval green as far as the eye can see. No towns, no roads, no people, no clear-cutting or fires. Yet.
Climbing out over the tablecloth the cloud deck that routinely drapes itself over Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa.
The frozen, midwinter oblivion of northeastern Canada. I love passing over the jaggedy, end-of-the-world remoteness of Newfoundland, Labrador and northern Quebec this gale-thrashed nether-region of boulders, forests and frozen black rivers.
The majestic, primordial nothingness of Greenland. The great circle routes between the United States and Europe often take us over Greenland. Sometimes its merely a brush of the southern tip; other times its 45 minutes across the meatier vistas of the interior. If youve got a window seat and your seat-back progress screen is headed this way, do not miss the opportunity to steal a peek, even if it means splashing your fast-asleep seatmate with sunshine. Set an alarm if you have to. Its worth it.
Other views arent spectacle so much as just peculiar.
One afternoon we were coasting in from Europe, about 200 miles east of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Gander Center, I called in. Got time for a question?
Sure, go ahead.
Do you have any idea what the name of that strange little island is that we just passed over?
Sure do, said the man in Gander. Thats Sable Island.
Sable Island is one of the oddest places Ive ever seen from aloft. The oceans are full of remote islands, but Sables precarious isolation makes it especially peculiar. Its a tiny, ribbony crescent of sand, almost Bahamian in shape and texture, all alone against the relentless North Atlantic. Its like the fragment of a submerged archipelago a miniature island that has lost its friends.
Id flown over Sable many times and had been meaning to ask about it. Only later did I learn that the place has been the subject of extensive scientific research, according to one website, and of numerous documentary films, books and magazine articles. Most famously, its the home of 250 or so wild horses. Horses have been on Sable since the late 18th century, surviving on grass and freshwater ponds. Transient visitors include grey seals and up to 300 species of birds. Human access is tightly restricted. The only permanent dwelling is a scientific research station staffed by a handful of people.
Island, maybe, is being generous. Sable is really nothing more than a sand bar, a sinewy splinter of dunes and grass 26 miles long and only a mile wide lashed and scraped by surf and wind. How staggeringly vulnerable it appears from 38,000 feet.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.