The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
President Barack Obama wants to hear immediately from NASA if its Curiosity rover discovers life on Mars. In an 8-minute telephone call today to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which built and operates the $2.5 billion rover, the president told lab Director Charles Elachi that such a discovery would go to the top of the list of things on his agenda. "Even if they're just microbes, it will be pretty exciting."
Obama used the conversation to tout his Administrations regard for science education. "They're telling their moms and dads they want to be part of a Mars missionmaybe even the first person to walk on Mars. And that kind of inspiration is the byproduct of work of the sort that you guys have done, he told the JPL team, which is part of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. He also extended a personal commitment to protect these critical investments in science and technology."
The presidents sweeping endorsement of research, however, carefully avoids the fact that his 2013 budget would cut funding for NASAs Mars exploration program by nearly one-third and end the countrys role in two Mars missions planned jointly with the European Space Agency for later in the decade. Both the House of Representatives and a Senate spending panel have added back money for Mars exploration, although Congress is unlikely to settle on a final budget for the agency until next spring.
President Barack Obama wants to hear immediately from NASA if its Curiosity rover discovers life on Mars. In an 8-minute telephone call today to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which built and operates the $2.5 billion rover, the president told lab Director Charles Elachi that such a discovery would go to the top of the list of things on his agenda. "Even if they're just microbes, it will be pretty exciting."
Obama used the conversation to tout his Administrations regard for science education. "They're telling their moms and dads they want to be part of a Mars missionmaybe even the first person to walk on Mars. And that kind of inspiration is the byproduct of work of the sort that you guys have done, he told the JPL team, which is part of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. He also extended a personal commitment to protect these critical investments in science and technology."
The presidents sweeping endorsement of research, however, carefully avoids the fact that his 2013 budget would cut funding for NASAs Mars exploration program by nearly one-third and end the countrys role in two Mars missions planned jointly with the European Space Agency for later in the decade. Both the House of Representatives and a Senate spending panel have added back money for Mars exploration, although Congress is unlikely to settle on a final budget for the agency until next spring.
Insect expert: UFOs over Denver not bugs; images on video remain a mystery
DENVER Its a story thats captured worldwide attention. UFOs caught on camera that appear to be launching and landing in the Denver metro area.
An aviation expert could not identify it but weve heard from hundreds of viewers who think they can.
So we talked to more experts, and asked an entomologist to analyze the video, but the answer is still anything but clear.
We first told you about the strange sightings in the mile high skies, after a Denver man, who does not want to be identified, brought us his home video.
Aviation expert Steve Cowell could not identify it. That is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are not birds I cant identify it, he said.
The images were captured on camera from a hilltop in Federal Heights, looking south toward downtown Denver.
That location just off of 84th Ave. and Federal Blvd. has now become a popular place for UFO sightseers, I wanted to come out and get some footage for myself, Jon Gardner of Broomfield told us.
And we have been inundated with phone calls and emails from across the country and as far away as Greece, Croatia, Japan and Korea.
Many people have sent us pictures of similar looking objects.
Others believe they have solved our mystery.
The top 3 answers we have received are: remote controlled aircraft, military drones or insects.
A remote controlled aircraft seems like a possible explanation, but the man who shot the video has spent several days in the area near 56th Ave. and Clay St. where the UFOs appear to be launching and landing.
He hasnt seen anyone flying a remote controlled toy, nor have any of the neighbors.
Aviation expert Steve Cowell also suspected we had captured military drones until he watched the video, I dont think its a drone, he said. He has never seen an unmanned aircraft that flies so erratically.
In order to fly drones, the FAA must issue a certificate of authorization. The FAA has issued hundreds of COAs to the University of Colorado to fly drones north of Boulder, but it says no drones are authorized to fly over the Denver metro area.
But by far the most popular theory is bugs. Many of you wrote to tell us the object in our video is most likely a fly.
We showed the footage to entomologist, or insect expert, Mart Ann Hamilton. This is a toughie. Ive never seen anything like this, she said.
Hamilton watched the video over and over again, then she gave us her professional opinion. After watching the various shots, I do not believe its an insect. The shape is inconsistent with an insect, she said.
But that wont convince skeptics, like Bret Dallas. The UFOs arent UFOs anymore, weve identified them as insects, he said.
The Scandals Of Kevin Randle exposes the claims or Major Kevin Randle, who claims that the U.S. Government has "threatened to kill" Roswell eyewitnesses. In this blistering episode, Kal Korff EASILY PROVES that Randle's imaginary "star witness" (Frankie Rowe) is a hoaxer and that her claim is false. The Scandals Of Kevin Randle is part of the UFO WatchCat family of shows, designed to protect consumers from the claims of Royce Myers III.
From military reports and radar readings to pilot accounts and eyewitness testimony, sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects have captured the public's fascination for decades. Despite hundreds of photos and videos of purported UFOs, we still have no scientific proof we're being visited by extraterrestrials Do UFO sightings deserve scientific study? Or can the phenomenon be explained.
During the first hour, Charles Halt, former USAF base commander, shared his eyewitness account of the 1980 Rendlesham Forest sightings, and his personal investigation of the UFO landing site. During the morning of December 26th 1980, he learned that two officers had been chasing UFOs the night before in the woods. Two nights later, he heard from a lieutenant that the UFO was back in the forest, so he went out to the site. He saw indentation marks in the ground, and tested the area with a Geiger counter and found that it had higher than normal radiation levels. Then, they saw a glowing red object in a farmer's field that moved into the forest, avoiding the trees.
Later, the object silently exploded sort of like fireworks, and they saw multiple aerial objects moving nearby, Halt detailed. One of the objects sent down the equivalent of a laser beam that illuminated the ground; another of the objects moved above the weapons storage area of the Bentwaters base, he reported. Halt pointed out that the Rendlesham Forest area is known as a location for high strangeness, and he theorized that it could be a type of portal between dimensions or places.
Appearing during the latter 3 hours of the show, ufologist Robert Hastings discussed his research into the phenomenal Rendlesham case, as well as other incidents involving UFOs at nuclear bases. He interviewed two air traffic controllers on duty during the Rendlesham sightings who told him that they tracked a UFO on radar, and it was definitely not a conventional craft of any kind. "They picked up an object that covered 120 miles in some 8-12 seconds," and observed it making an instantaneous 90 degree turn, which no earthly aircraft can do," Hastings recounted. One of the air traffic controllers looked out the window of the control tower, and described seeing a spherical-shaped object, bright orange in color, that appeared to be hovering just above the Bentwaters water tower. "It instantaneously went from a hover to a rate of speed he'd never seen any aircraft perform," the controller told Hastings.
Hastings has documented many cases in which UFOs have appeared over nuclear weapon sites and sometimes tampered with or shutdown the nuclear capability. During a 1989 incident at the Kapustin Yar army missile base in the Soviet Union, a dome-shaped craft seen by multiple witnesses sent down laser-like beams into the weapons storage area. He also spoke about a September 2012 incident near the Malmstrom AFB in Montana in which two V-shaped objects were spotted flying low in the sky. Malmstrom is known for a 1967 episode in which a UFO was seen hovering, just as ICBMs malfunctioned.
Filers Files are now being emailed to 12,800 addresses each week plus 500 copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends and neighbors.
In special reports, this weeks files cover: Happy Thanksgiving, Soviet Union Had Many UFO Encounters, Phenomenon of Orange and Red "fireballs" Increase,Sun Is Erupting and Earthquakes Likely, the Earth's Anomalous Light forms, Space Fence, and NASA Fast Movers.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Do YOU have contact with other worldly intelligence and wish to tell the world about it? Your experiences are important. Full byline or anonymous - it's your choice.
Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving was a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest and thanks to the Holy One.
A Native American Indian Squanto, who spoke English, is credited with teaching the settlers how to survive in Plymouth Plantation, in Massachusetts a new colony after they nearly starved to death in 1621. There is strong evidence for earlier celebrations in Canada (1578) and by Spanish explorers in Florida (1565).
Soviet Union Had Many UFO Encounters
Voronezh -- The Soviet daily, Tass on Monday October 10, 1989 detailed an account of an alleged landing of a UFO in a park in the Soviet city of Voronezh. Unusual looking humanoids exited the craft and apparently interacted with several local children which were apparently the main witnesses of the event. Later research by Russian researchers Genrih Silanov, Fyedor Kiselyov, Yuriy Lozotsev and Alexander Mosolov proved that there had been dozens of other close encounters and incidents in an around Voronezh starting in August through January 1990, the results were published in a book called "UFOs in Voronezh."
Before these events both leaders, President Reagan, and Premier Gorbachev spoke about the possibility of an alien invasion of earth and pointed out that if that happened all the nations of the earth would unite and do away with their petty political and geographical differences. Already in the spring of 1989 Hungary had begun to dismantle its fortified border with Austria, a clear signal that the division of postwar Europe was coming to an end. And before the astounded eyes of the world by the end of the year, on December 22, 1989 the Brandenburg Gate in East Berlin is opened.
After the unprecedented wave of close encounters with humanoids and UFOs during the decade of the 70s, 1980 signaled a clear slowdown of reports or encounters. They had not completely gone away but there were fewer reports of UFOs and their occupants. This trend appeared to last until the end of 1988 and the beginning of 1989 when reports of humanoid encounters exploded in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. In my files alone I have over 500 high strangeness and humanoid encounters for 1989, more than half from the former Soviet Union, and for 1990 I have over 600 reports, again more than half from the former Soviet Union. As the wall crumbled interest in UFOs and aliens appeared to increase on a daily basis with many accounts of bizarre encounters being published by local government controlled newspapers. The wave of encounters, of all types, began in the former Soviet Union at the end of 1988 and lasted well into late 1997. NOTE: The above craft image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Phenomenon of Orange and Red "fireballs" Increase
For almost two years, Peter Davenport the Director of the National UFO Reporting Center has attempted to call to the attention of the public the fact that frequent sightings of clusters of red, orange, and yellow "fireballs" are occurring, for which there appears to be no adequate explanation. The objects clearly are not aircraft, meteors, satellites, weather balloons, swamp gasall objects that frequently are cited by UFO skeptics in attempt to explain the UFO phenomenon in pedestrian terms.
On the evening of Saturday, November 10th, 2012, NUFORC began to receive a "pulse" of reports of sightings all over the US of these peculiar "fireballs," and that trend appears to continue.
The reports come from all over the US like the one below.
Castle Rock A current airline pilot (ATP pilots license), encountered three of the orange objects on a remote stretch of highway in Washington State. The witness reported to us via telephone that the objects appeared so low that he thought they were going to land on the highway in front of his vehicle. Also see California report below. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Sun Is Erupting and Earthquakes Likely
Two huge 'arms' of hot plasma erupted from the surface of the sun - searingly hot streaks of plasma many times the size of Earth.
The eruptions were captured on video on November 16 between 1am and 5am EST. by the orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory. NASA scientists say that the blasts are not 'Earth-directed' - they point away from us into space. When such 'prominences' erupt towards Earth, they can disrupt radio communications, GPS signals electrical power and may even contribute to Earthquakes.
The red-glowing looped material is plasma, a hot gas made of electrically charged hydrogen and helium. The prominence plasma flows along a tangled and twisted structure of magnetic fields on the surface of the sun. An erupting prominence occurs when such a structure becomes unstable and bursts outward, releasing the plasma.
Strong Solar Activity Can Trigger Large Earthquakes
Stephen A. Reynolds writes, "Analysis of data from GOES and HAARP magnetometers suggests that a positive statistical correlation exists between strong solar activity and the triggering of high-magnitude earthquakes."
Strong solar activity creates a ring current around the Earth, caused by the particles trapped in the magnetic field. Ring current is known to interfere with the Earths ground level magnetic field. If the ring current is strong enough, it will cause swift and large variations/movements in the Earths magnetic field. The majority of 7.0 plus magnitude earthquakes (41.8%) occurred on the same day as magnetic variation of 50 nT followed the day after by (24.8%).
Any conducting material within this movement will therefore have the potential to gain an increase in voltage, called geomagnetic-induced current. Power outages can then occur to transformers and other equipment. On a large scale, a fault line in the Earth is a potentially large conductor containing water and conducting compounds such as metals and quartz within the rocks. Any fluctuation of reasonable size can be enough to increase ground currents and induce energy into a fault line.
The data proves electrical currents and geomagnetic currents exist within the Earth. In addition
lightning a massive electrostatic discharge caused by unbalanced electric charge in the atmosphere, either inside clouds, cloud to cloud or cloud to ground.
There is a strong indication that alien UFOs have the capability to use these strong electrical and magnetic currents. A typical cloud to ground lightning strike can be over 3 miles (5 km) long. A typical thunderstorm may have three or more strikes per minute at its peak. Lightning is usually produced by cumulonimbus clouds up to 10 miles (15 km high) high. Lightning is caused by the circulation of warm moisture-filled air through fields. When the local electric field exceeds the dielectric strength of damp air (about 3 million Volts/m), electrical discharge results, often followed by more discharges along the same path. Cloud-to-ground is the best known and it poses the greatest threat to life and property since it strikes the ground.
Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning is a lightning discharge between a cloud and the ground. It is initiated by a leader stroke moving down from the cloud. When a stepped leader approaches the ground, the presence of opposite charges on the ground enhances the strength of the electric. The electric field is strongest on ground-connected objects whose tops are closest to the base of the thundercloud, such as trees and tall structures. If the electric field is strong enough, a conductive discharge (called a positive streamer) can develop from these points.
The Earth's Anomalous Light forms
This web site has a collection of articles regarding anomalous luminous phenomena that can be mistaken for UFOs.
Earth Lights balls of light that appear to issue directly from the earth, and often appear repeatedly in specific locations. The term was coined by Paul Devereux in 1982; but prior to that they had been known as spooklights.
Will-o'-the-Wisps lambent flames that flicker over marsh and fen. Though often explained as marsh gas ignited by phosphene, there is evidence to question this, and the associated folklore is interesting.
Earthquake Lights startling light forms associated with earthquakes, acknowledged by science since a series of famous photographs taken of the Matsushiro earthquake between 1965 and 1967.
St. Elmo's Fire - a discharge phenomenon associated with masts and spires
Foxfire - luminescent fungi that light travelers' ways in the forest.
Painting of Ball lightning near St. Petersburg, Russia. (July 1888),
Space Fence Bids In: Lockheed Martin and Raytheon submitted their respective proposals to win the rights to build the Air Force's Space Fence, announced both companies.The Air Force envisions the fence as an S-band radar system capable of monitor objects in low Earth orbit, even items just the size of a softball. "With decades of experience developing powerful S-band radar systems, Lockheed Martin has proposed a scalable and affordable Space Fence solution for the Air Force that will transform space situational awareness," said Steve Bruce, the company's vice president for space surveillance systems.
Meanwhile, David Gulla, Raytheon's vice president for global integrated sensors, stated in a Nov. 14 release: "Raytheon's decades of expertise building large-scale radars in remote locations, our investment in key technologies, and the proven success of our working Space Fence prototype enable us to offer the US Air Force a low-risk solution at an affordable price." The winner is expected to commence construction of the first Space Fence siteon Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islandsaround September 2013 to enable operations to commence in 2017, Air Force officials have said. A second sitein Australiais under consideration. The Space Fence could track fast movers in our skies. Thanks to AFA
MontanaCraft at Air Force Global Strike Command
MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE -- Unidentified Flying Objects continue to be reported over the 341st Missile Wing of the Air Force Global Strike Command at Great Falls on September 21, 2012. Two separate reports were filed with NUFORC. At 6:30 PM, a witness from nearby Moccasin reports watching a "yellow-orange, elongated bar shape converted to three individual dots." The witness stated, "It appeared as a bright light, yellow-orange, elongated bar shape that changed to three individual lights." The event lasted 20 seconds and then disappeared.
At 8 PM, a witness from Valentine states, "There was an orange light similar to a fireball, and then another appeared next to it, then a third, and a fourth," the witness stated. "Once the fourth appeared, the first disappeared, followed by the second, and the third. Then the third reappeared, followed by the second and first. Then one at a time the lights went away."The diameter of the objects was one-third the diameter of a full moon,"
Incidents of UFOs at Malmstrom Air Force Base have been chronicled by Researcher Robert Hastings who reported on the March 16, 1967, I was heading toward Artesia that was low and looked like a flying fire place yet it moved like it was under intelligence where ten Minuteman-I nuclear missiles malfunctioned soon after a "large, round object" was reported hovering directly over the base. Hastings said, "These events were reported by now retired USAF Col. Walter Figel, one of the two launch officers on duty at the time." Other base witnesses have come forward, according to Hastings, reporting that UFOs were observed over the base on several occasions prior to and following that incident. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
NOTE: Ken Pfeifer says I spoke to John Hastings about his research into UFO sightings over nuclear bases. My son was stationed at F. E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming for six years. He was part of the Security Forces and guarded the nuclear sites within a three state area. My son did experience some strange things at F. E. Warren Air Force Base but could not reveal any events due to military non-disclosure. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ and Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
NASA Fast Movers
NASA footage of extremely Fast Objects
Leaked video of NASA where it is possible to see objects entering and leaving the earth's atmosphere. Some incidents are in doubt, since they behave like meteors, but some pictures of shiny objects flying out of the atmosphere had totally surprised the scientists
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #47 2012 - Happy Thanksgiving, AF Global S.C. Buzzed (again), Earth's Anomalous Light forms - DEEL 2
DEEL 2 Sightings in the United States
Arizona Boomerang
CASA GRANDE On November 18, 2012, at 9 PM, I was in my front yard looking on a clear night and the stars were so bright when I saw a very large boomerang shape block out the stars. It made no sound and was black against the sky and it seems to slightly reflect light towards the tips of the boomerang shape. It passed over low about the speed of a plane heading southeast. I watched it till it was out if my sight. I drew this picture of it and contacted my aero space engineer brother who thought I should report my sighting. It was so large and made NO sound. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arkansas Lights
WASILLA -- I was taking my kids to a haunted house when I saw two bright orange oval shaped objects coming through the trees and going straight up on October 27, 2012. My first reaction was to scream and point. I knew it wasnt a plane because planes dont go straight up. I took a picture and tried to get a video. I watched it till I could no longer see it and was scared out of my mind. I know this was a UFO sighting. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Several Orange Spheres
Davis -- My dog was kind of acting upon October 2, 2012, and seemed anxious and seemed to want me to take her out. When I went outside I remember hearing a loud sound, of what seemed like horns at 2 AM, and thinking, why isnt anyone else waking to this sound? The same thing happened a couple days before. I looked overhead and saw a triangle of lights, with what appeared to be randomly moving lights running between each of the triangle points. It was very large and was darker within the confines of the lights on the corners. It flew south away from me, as I filmed 31 seconds of video before my battery died. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
BELLFLOWER-- I was walking on South Street going north and looked up and saw a bright orange sphere on October 11, 2012, followed by three more flying in a triangle shape. The one at the bottom seemed to go a bit faster than the other two and was going up and down almost out of formation. Then I saw four flying in a triangle shape with the fourth one in the middle again. They speeded up and slowed flying up and down out of formation.
I saw one flying solo after a couple seemed to disappear and reappear. I tried to take a video but my phone was dead. One seemed lower and looked like a fire. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
SAN BERNARDINO I was in my backyard stargazing the moon on October 29, 2012, and I noticed two objects slowly approaching the top edge of the moon. I could see two white objects one larger than the other that were moving slowly so I took out my galaxy phone and took a picture. A week later I transferred the picture to my computer and enhanced it and to my amazement you can see a saucer shaped object to the upper left of the moon. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Lewes-- On November 1, 2012, we observed dim horizontal lights in an isosceles triangle flying west from the Atlantic Ocean. It flew between the moon and Earth with three or four horizontal rows of lights. Each row was 1.5 to two times the width of a normal aircraft. It could have been illuminated by moon. I caught a moving object while gazing up and took a second for my sight to lock in on it. I was then able to track it for about four seconds. I would assume it was a low-flying object due its speed at which it traversed my line of sight. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Florida Lights
OCEAN I was standing on my 15th floor balcony and saw an object hovering with bright flashing/pulsating lights on horizon over ocean on November 13, 2012. At first I thought it was a pretty large star and grabbed my DSLR with a 300mm lens. Thats when I was able to clearly see the multi-colored flashing lights and the object which was hovering. The lights were multicolored and were not flashing in any particular sequence. I took 35 photos most were different colored light blurs.
ORLANDO -- Walking my dog I saw a jet land and something moving in the sky on November 13, 2012. I thought it strange that it was orange and had no blinking lights like a plane. When I saw them come into the atmosphere, I thought they moved together like bubbles but in a line. I stood there dumbfounded until I thought to go get my camera, then while trying to get pictures, my heart was pounding and I forgot all about how to ISO my camera!! After, when I calmed down, I thought how beautiful the orbs were!
I followed them as they headed west. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Multi-Colored Objects
Chillicothe-- Over the past few weeks I have noticed these flashing, multi-colored objects in the sky over Peoria County. On November 17, 2012, I saw dozens just circling the train bridge over the river around town, then coming back to the island, then back to the train bridge.
They move at a leisurely pace, but change direction and circle a small area. Some hover and are very easy to spot, the colors flash quickly but you can see red, green, purple, white, yellow, orange, pink, blue, all changing lightning fast. Two hover near my driveway around 10 pm every night for the past four nights.
They sometimes disappear after a few hours but one stayed until 6 am. There is one in the video and its colors change quickly and it appears to be burning. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Orbs
Peru On November 15, 2012, I was walking through the backyard with my husband, Jess who yelled "Wait! Look!" and pointed up and to the north." Bright stars were hanging in the clear night sky - which was.
Two dark glowing golden orange balls hovered in the sky. After almost 15 seconds of observation, the bottom one disappeared, then the top one seconds after. We did not know what they were.
The objects no longer glowed and disappeared. My husband had mentioned flares, but there were no jets in sight at the time and the skies were clear. He even admitted "Those things did not look like flares." A large jet flew over us and headed north to where we saw the orbs. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Dome Shaped Object
FlushingOn November 19, 2012, I was outside on my deck when I noticed allot of jets streaking across the sky leaving trails. I noticed that to the left of the sun, there appeared to be a "rainbow-type" spot in the sky and to the left of that appeared to be a shrouded, dome-shaped object that the jets were flying toward. I grabbed my camera, and snapped this picture of the jets approaching the object. I know the small blue dots are "flare" from the sunlight, but the orb is NOT.
New Hampshire Light
Antrim -- I was walking my dog on the night of November 16, 2012, with my binoculars, that I always take with me, and was hoping to catch a glimpse of the scheduled meteor shower and took video.
For some reason the video part refused to work so I took consecutive pictures and got it changing color and powering up as shown. I had just charged the battery to my camera just two days before but, the cameras battery died. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Triangle
Colonia On November 14, 2012, I noticed a stationary light in the southern sky. I took several pictures with my phone camera that looked like a spot until I enlarged the picture.
It had the shape of a triangle with lights on the two opposing edges. I will enclose one picture and have four other photos if needed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Pyramid
SCOTIA -- I was sitting in my car with my husband in a nice secluded place near the Mohawk River on October 1, 2012. As we sat in my car in a large field, I pointed out this strange bright light in the sky. Of course my husband didnt believe me, but stopped talking when the light began to move away from the clouds and it got extremely bright.
We both looked through our binoculars and saw a bright white light that hovered and then changed directions. It was shaped like a triangle, or a pyramid. Behind the craft there was almost like a sail on it. It had a rainbow of colors with its white main light "searching" around. I knew it was a UFO. He started shining his LED red laser pointer at the object. We caught our breath, and regrouped.
My husband shined the light on it again in a rapid side to side motion and started saying "maybe we can get it to move closer." The craft flew ten times closer. As he continued to flash the laser light the object came closer and lower and I got frightened. We sprinted towards our car that was parked on the other side of the field and jumped in. We caught our breath, and reassured each other we had seen a UFO. We were about to leave when the object moved out of the dark cloud again that it was "hiding" behind and disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina 'Brown Mountain Lights'
Brown Mountain -- No one knows the answer to the Brown Mountains mystery, including C.W. Smith, who has probably spent as much time around the fabled North Carolina Mountain as anyone alive. Smith, 67, spent 33 years with the U.S. Forest Service, patrolling the Pisgah National Forest as a federal law enforcement agent beginning in 1966. He is familiar with the so-called Brown Mountain l and while working one night, he saw a bonfire on the mountain, where there were no trails.
"It started going up the mountain to the ridge line, too fast for someone to be using mountain-climbing equipment and disappeared." With that, Smith became a believer. "If you ever see them, youll never forget it because youve never seen anything like it before."
Brown Mountain, a rugged lump in the wrinkles of the Blue Ridge has attracted attention since antiquity because of the lights. Folklore holds that Cherokee Indians thought they were torches held by ghosts of grieving maidens. A 1916 study concluded the glow was the result of "sulfurated hydrogen vapors" better known as swamp gas. In 1922, another geologist spent a week in the mountains and declared the lights were auto headlights and optical illusions.
Dan Caton, a physics and astronomy professor at Appalachian State believes most sightings are bogus people are seeing campfires, headlights, or aircraft. He favors a theory that the lights are ball lighting, a little-understood but long-observed phenomenon. Some people describe fireworks about as big as a beach ball floating up the mountainside. Caton and a team from the university are setting up a camera pointed toward Brown Mountain that will feed to the website
One of the best pictures taken of the lights was taken by Charles Braswell Jr., a professional photographer in 2001, who shot a video of lights rising above the North Ridge Mountain, the light flared and ebbed, crept to left, paused and drifted to the right, a streak painting its path three miles long. Braswell thought it was mountain bikes or off-road vehicles.
Les Burril a career Forest Service officer had a close encounter, "Something just illuminated a few feet away that looked like a candle thatbrightened for a few seconds and just sat there. Another one lit up a little farther away." I always looked at it as some kind of physical phenomenon. Burril, 56, retired and living in Georgia, said, "He has no idea what they are." Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Pennsylvania Three Balls SHELOCTA -- I was driving west on Interstate 422 when I witnessed a two glowing balls moving in the same direction as me about 4:50 PM, on November 16, 2012. These two balls converged and were joined by a third.
They stayed in a triangular formation and hovered a few miles in front of me for six to ten minutes over a nuclear power plant. I got some pictures but nothing showed on the video. While the objects were hovering flame came out of the bottoms. They resembled jellyfish. After ten minutes, they faded from site.
WILLOW GROVE On November 16, 2012, I drove over the PA Turnpike on Davisville Road, around 5:30 PM, and noticed three unusual lights. Two more sets of these lights were flying southwest right behind it. There were no blinking lights and these lights were flying close together. I shot several images with my cell phone.
Others saw strange lights near my sighting. Luckily someone else got a picture that looked exactly like what I saw earlier in the day right before dark. There were 8 UFO sightings in 5 states in 11 hours." Thanks to MUFON CMS
Rhode Island Lights
Providence-- Driving west on 95, I spotted a few lights moving very slowly on November 15, 2012. They flew closer and directly over my car. As I pass underneath I look up and see that there are two sets of lights. There were three bright white lights with two blue lights offsetting the white ones.
Ive never seen any light formations like this that move so slowly and silently. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Interesting UFO Photo
GILBERT -- This evening before dark I went to an open field to photograph a UFO on October 31, 2012, I have seen several during the last week. The object appeared again with lights pulsating in different colors. It moved in all directions and would hover low in the sky.
I also witnessed a bright white star like object and a lot higher that moved from side to side and up and down. When I returned home the object was very close to my home and low. Its shape looked like a boomerang and it had bright white separated lights. It would move down at an angle and then move straight across then stop.
While watching this object, another one appeared moving the same with reddish and white light pulsating and flashing. They are somewhat distant from each other. When planes fly by the object, it does not move. A fourth object has appeared and is flashing different colors and moving all directions and hovering. It is to the right in the sky to the third object. It moves at a fast pace then stops. The last two objects appeared in the last two hours. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Utah Trucker Report
CEDAR Hills I was driving at mile marker #80 on Route 15 when I spotted a triangle shaped object at 7:30 AM, on October 30, 2012. I took photos of the black triangle that a groove in the belly center of the craft. There were no lights on the craft that flew silently. Thanks to Lance Brown
Washington Disc
SEATTLE-- My 8 year old granddaughter was taking pictures as the family traveled down Interstate 5 southbound and snapped a shot of the sky on April 21, 2012. No one saw anything when she took the photo. Later we saw the object in the picture. I called the camera manufacturer and they said they do not have any software that would do that and it was definitely a photograph of something.
VANCOUVEROn November 7, 2012, on 6:30 PM,I shared it with some close friends and then sat on it for a while because most of the people I showed it to thought it were a fake photo. So I just decided not to share it with anyone else. Then I saw a story on TV in Denver about UFOs flying so fast that they could not be seen with the eye but were showing up when slowed down on tape.
We would just like to know what it is so Im submitting the original photo from the camera. I noticed a pinkish hue around the object after blowing it up. The object was floating just over the freeway wall over a quiet neighborhood.
The lights moved from western sky to the north and stayed the same distance apart. Then they disappeared one at a time. I sent it to my local news but received no response at all. I know we are not alone.
Note: The winds in the lower 10,000 feet of the atmosphere were from the northwest to the west. Therefore these objects WERE NOT drifting with the wind. There were a few clouds at 5,000 feet and scattered clouds at 8,000 feet. Visibility was 10 miles. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Algeria Sphere
Setif -- My friend and I woke up at 5:00 AM, and I was drinking water and looked up to see a very bright star that shined abnormally on October 3, 2012. One very bright and a big sphere was standing alone when another big sphere approached it and mixed in it. There was another one suspended underneath it. I took a couple photos with my Samsung and my friend saw another abnormal bright star -around 10 degrees west from first star that moved slowly toward the first star, but in seconds. It was at high altitude flying as fast as a jet and reached the first star. The two stars combined into one. We left them both in the same position and went back to sleep. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Australia Activity
Central QUEENSLAND-- Mary Rodwell writes, "I get many strange anomalous lights in Agnes Water. I believe it is a hotspot for UFO activity and there are many locals having encounters." This latest picture is one of the strangest taken last night on November 18, 2012, during a electrical storm due south from my location. I have heard that craft use electrical storms to recharge. I also get perfectly symmetrical, solid looking red and green orbs in most evening photos. Thanks to Mary Rodwell ACERN
This was recorded on the same day as the 'armada fleets' footage. 11.11.2012
Canada Star Light
FENWICK, NS I saw an object moving northwest, the exact same size of a star, and then noticed that several other star sized lights were moving in the same direction, There was too many to count there was over 40 on October 3, 2012, at 3:00 PM.
After I noticed the number of moving lights I realized they were not planes nor shooting stars. While lifting my hand to the sky they were at 70 degrees moving northwest
moving in clusters with about 7 to 10 per cluster. Some were travelling alone, but all of them for sure were travelling northwest. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Japan Light
Kobe -- At 11:40 PM, on October 21, 2012, I was watching the sky and saw a very fast silver bright object going east direction and west down to the mountains. I thought of an asteroid, due to the trajectory in a speed about the speed of a falling star without any "tail." Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Mexico Has Turned into a Hotbed for UFO Activity in October
Tijuana-- An orb, described by the YouTube video poster as 'not higher than an airplane hovered and flew across the skies on October 17, 2012, and captured by video at around 7:00 pm.
These round bright light objects have been seen throughout Mexico numerous times in the last few weeks, causing an Internet buzz on a Mexican UFO wave.
It seems that anything that flies is a potential attention getter for any UFO. In this April 2012, video we see a Russian Antonov AN-225 plane, the world's biggest transport plane with a cargo capacity that can haul three or four military tanks. This is a possible alien drone.
South Africa Disk
CAROLINA -- We captured a UFO on video during my amateur rocket launch at 10:25 AM, on November 2, 2012. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
UK/England Light
CheshireA strange yellow ball of light was moving high and fast in a clear night sky on November 4, 2012, at 7:10 PM. Then the ball of light suddenly disappeared near Stockport. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
LONDON On November 5, 2012, at 8:30 PM, I filmed this one with my iPhone. It looked like a ball of lights and wasnt flashing or anything. It didnt look like an airplane or helicopter. I see hundreds of airplanes every day, but this one definitely wasnt one of them. It was moving fast. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
December 13 for Major George Filer, NJ MUFON State Director. Live in Radnor Township? Residents can view a new series from Main Line MUFON at Radnor Studio 21- public access TV. Easy Text on your phone 22828 to be automatically enrolled for an E-mail reminder of upcoming events. Visit for more details.
Recognize these folks? Director of Main Line MUFON Jennifer Stein and friend Veronica Verdes met History Channel2 "Ancient Aliens" personalities, Erich von Daniken and Giorgio A.Tsoukalos.
Jennifer, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Veronica in Philadelphia, October 8
UFO Conferences
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
23-11-2012 om 18:08
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Wetenschappers denken een historische ontdekking op de planeet Mars te hebben gedaan. De verkenner Curiosity heeft onlangs de bodem omgewoeld en "die gegevens gaan de geschiedenisboeken in. Het ziet er erg goed uit'', zegt hoofdonderzoeker John Grotzinger.
Grotzinger mag nog niet zeggen wat de ontdekking is. Over enkele weken hoopt hij meer bekend te kunnen maken.
De Curiosity is naar Mars gestuurd om uit te zoeken of er ooit leven mogelijk was op Mars. In augustus landde het karretje. Op de rode planeet gaat het zeker 2 jaar lang de bodem, de rotsen en de lucht meten. Ook maakt de Curiosity foto's. In september vond de verkenner sporen van een oud beekje.
Your Paracast Newsletter -- Non-Scheduled Edition: November 19, 2012 - In Memoriam: James W. Moseley -- 1931-2012
THE PARACAST NEWSLETTER Non-Scheduled Edition: November 19, 2012
In Memoriam: James W. Moseley -- 1931-2012 By Gene Steinberg
I suppose Jim Moseley was my big brother. Yes, I did have a real brother, Wally, whod be a little younger than Jim had he survived (he died suddenly, unexpectedly, in 1995). But Wally and I never talked much. Early on, he became a creature of the corporate world and lived in a different place.
But Jim and I talked all the time. I also helped him package and mail Saucer News (the forerunner of Saucer Smear), and assisted at his monthly lecture series in New York City. He became my first employer, as I worked for a time as the magazines Managing Editor, while juggling college-level studies. I remember it well, those weird working hours, since Jim didnt come to the office until after noon, and we didnt finish until the evening.
I left that little home in 1966, off to seek my fortune as a radio broadcaster, and to spend time with my lady. But Jim and I seldom stayed out of touch. When I started a new UFO/paranormal magazine in 1969, Jim was one of my first regular writers. In 2006, when The Paracast debuted, Jim was featured on the very first episode. He was always a special part of the show -- and a special part of my life.
Over the years, I watched Jim live his amazing life on his terms. He was fun to talk to, fun to argue with, and he faced everything with a twinkle in his eye, even the possibility that the end was near.
On Friday, Jim lost his battle with cancer and died at a Key West, FL hospital. Some say he is in a better place now, perhaps concocting yet more outrageous hoaxes with his pal Gray Barker on the other side.
Friday, I lost a brother, and the world grew colder.
Note: Please stay tuned for news of a special episode of The Paracast as we honor the memory of Jim Moseley.
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About The Paracast: The Paracast covers a world beyond science, where UFOs, poltergeists and strange phenomena of all kinds have been reported by millions across the planet.
Set Up: The Paracast is a paranormal radio show that takes you on a journey to a world beyond science, where UFOs, poltergeists and strange phenomena of all kinds have been reported by millions. The Paracast seeks to shed light on the mysteries and complexities of our Universe and the secrets that surround us in our everyday lives.
Join long-time paranormal researcher Gene Steinberg, co-host and acclaimed field investigator Christopher O'Brien, and a panel of special guest experts and experiencers, as they explore the realms of the known and unknown. Listen each week to the great stories of the history of the paranormal field in the 20th and 21st centuries.
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Fox News TV in Denver Video Published November 9, 2012
In special reports, this weeks files cover: Xian, China the Emperor's Tomb, Silk: An Extraterrestrial Import, NBA Star Deron Williams: I saw a UFO during Sandy, Mars Newton Crater, Global Warming, NASA Wants to Send Astronauts beyond the Moon, Fox UFO News Reports, and UFO Connect App for Your IPhone.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Rumania, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Filers Files are now being emailed to 12,750 addresses each week plus 500 copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends and neighbors. Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was Be Happy and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who drowned. Special Reports
Xian, China the Emperor's Tomb
Through eleven dynasties and a time-span of 1,080 years, Xian was the capital city of Imperial China. The capital city of Shaanxi Province today, Xian is a veritable treasure trove of priceless objects including this Mausoleum Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi (259- 210 B.C.) built in the shape of a pyramid. The mausoleum is larger than the Great pyramid in Egypt.
At the tender age of 17, the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty had already decided what form his burial mausoleum would take. He seems to have begun his life as ruler more concerned about the end of his days than about what his years on earth would be like. He claimed to be a son of the extraterrestrials who had come thousands a years ago. On completion of his many conquests, he ordered 720,000 conscript laborers to build his royal tomb. To protect the holy silence of his tomb, he ordered his subjects to fabricate an enormous army of terra cotta soldiers, horses and wagons, which they then had to distribute over a wide area around his grave site.
Accidentally discovered in 1974, these splendid figures - 8,000 of which have been unearthed so far, with archaeologists still counting - are only a small part of the treasures waiting to be uncovered at the grave site of the emperor. Qin Shi Huangdi holds a central place in Chinese history for being the first emperor who united the country. He is also well known for his part in the construction of the spectacular Great Wall of China and developing standards for weights and measures. Legend claims the mausoleum has rivers of mercury and a depiction of ancient China.
Recently, Guo Zhikun, a specialist in the Chinese dynasties, gave a press conference in Xi'an, disclosing his academic research results focusing on the Mausoleum, making bold guesses about the mysterious tomb complex that fascinates the whole world.
Chinese ancient parchment documents show flying saucers as shown on the bottom right side of the Parchment. In 1938, Chinese archaeologists stumbled upon a cave containing small skeletal remains. Alongside the bodies they found stone discs that tell of an extraterrestrial craft that had crash-landed in the mountain range of Baian-Kara-Ula 12,000 years ago.
Silk: An Extraterrestrial Import?
The Ancient Chinese are not the only ones to say that silk came from outer space. This is what ancient Khmer (of Cambodia) oral traditions say about the origins of silk: Five female super humans flew down from the sky to earth for no other purpose than to have fun. One of them Sota Chan cannot resist the Temptation and steals six good smelling twigs from a poor Chinese Peasant Loem-Sang. After the girls return home to the heavens
God Indra is enraged by the ladies interference in human affairs and, as punishment, orders Sota Chan to spend six years on earth as Loem-Sangs wife! Sota chan reluctantly (without hope in her heart) returned to earth. Surprisingly Loem-Sang is not willing to marry her so she has to persuade him to. She promises to teach him skills and arts that nobody else here knows. So he marries her and she teaches him how to weave and process a type of silk not seen on earth before and that silk is admired by all. After a year she gets pregnant and gives birth to a child which is half human, half Demi-God. The first years of his life he spends eagerly drawing and painting. By the time he is five Sota Chans exile on earth is over and she flies back to the heavens. Source: Khmer Mythology Article written by SkyFloating a member of ATS
NBA Star Deron Williams: I saw a UFO during 'Sandy'
Another celebrity becomes a UFO witness as Brooklyn Nets basketball superstar Deron Williams tell GQ Magazine of a sighting he was witness to during super storm 'Sandy'.
The night sky of Manhattan were completely dark as the city had no power for days, the only thing that lit the skies were the occasional thunder storm lightnings.
Williams was looking outside his home balcony and was amazed to see a flashing green UFO. Out of nowhere, I saw this big green flash across the sky. It wasn't lightning. It looked... It looked like a UFO. He told the reporter.
Thanks to November 10, 2012, 23:22
Mars Newton Crater
Discovery on Mars by Ken Pfeifer writes, I have been very interested in Mars for many years. When the face on Mars first appeared in the News Media in 1976, it was impossible to ignore. This discovery by the Viking Orbiter sparked an interest throughout the world. Much has been hidden by NASA because the truth would probably throw the world into turmoil. Could our government be trying to milk us for more money to explore and land a man on Mars? I think they are. The taxpaying citizens are paying for these adventures into space at the tune of billions of dollars.
Do we have any proof that they are using our money for what they say they are using it for? I am a big fan of Google Earth that includes views of the Moon and Mars. It takes much patience to view the photo images but its pays off when you find something that is man- made or alien made on the surface of Mars. My most recent discovery was made on 11-23-11 at 7.49 Pm. The Newton Crater area reminds me of a crash site. Strange things scattered all over the large area. The location is at 41 degrees 15'35.10 S --157 degrees 55.29.74 W. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Global Warming
Over the past decade scientists thought they had figured out how to protect humanity from the worst dangers of climate change. Keeping planetary warming below two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) would, it was thought, avoid such perils as catastrophic sea-level rise and searing droughts. Staying below two degrees C would require limiting the level of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 450 parts per million (ppm), up from today's 395 ppm and the preindustrial era's 280 ppm. Now it appears that the assessment was too optimistic.
The latest data from across the globe show that the planet is changing faster than expected. More sea ice around the Arctic Ocean is disappearing than had been forecast. Regions of permafrost across Alaska and Siberia are spewing out more methane, the potent greenhouse gas, than models had predicted. Ice shelves in West Antarctica are breaking up more quickly than once thought possible, and the glaciers they held back on adjacent land are sliding faster into the sea. Extreme weather events, such as floods, hurricanes, and the heat wave that gripped much of the U.S. in the summer of 2012 are on the rise, too. The conclusion? As scientists, we cannot say that if we stay below two degrees of warming everything will be fine, says Stefan Rahmstorf, a professor of physics of the oceans at the University of Potsdam in Germany.
Fox UFO News Reports
Fox News States: A video has been leaked showing footage captured by an American amateur astronomer of an Unidentified Flying Object. Apparently this footage will be released to the general public in late November 2012. Thank you to someone for recording the Fox News report because otherwise it would be gone. It seems that Fox News posted the story early, because it is dated November 22, 2012. Also I checked the Fox News Air and Space section and the story was taken down for unknown reasons, which also makes me believe someone is editing the media. Copy these videos because someone is trying to keep you from seeing them and they may disappear soon. (Use Firefox browser to do that). SCW.
In addition Nick Pope on Fox News claims UK Military tried to shoot down UFO's on January 27, 2009.
Rumors suggest NASA has an acclimatization program preparing the world for confirmation of the existence of extra-terrestrials. It has also been hinted that an exciting revelation will be forthcoming regarding NASAs Mars Curiosity mission. It is believed proof that the Red Planet was once populated by an advanced civilization will be revealed.
NASA Wants to Send Astronauts beyond the Moon Exclusive
Mark K. Matthew of the Orlando Sentinel writes, Top NASA officials have picked a leading candidate for the agency's next major mission: construction of a new outpost that would send astronauts farther from Earth than at any time in history. The so-called "gateway spacecraft" would hover in orbit on the far side of the moon, support a small astronaut crew and function as a staging area for future missions to the moon and Mars.
NASA Chief Charlie Bolden briefed the White House earlier this month on details of the proposal, but it's unclear whether it has the administration's support.
Documents show that NASA wants to build a small outpost likely with parts left over from the $100 billion International Space Station at what's known as the Earth-Moon Lagrange Point 2, a spot about 38,000 miles from the moon and 277,000 miles from Earth. The outpost would be far more remote than the current space station, which orbits a little more than 200 miles above Earth. The distance raises complex questions of how to protect astronauts from the radiation of deep space and rescue them if something goes wrong At that location, the combined gravities of the Earth and moon reach equilibrium, making it possible to "stick" an outpost there with minimal power required to keep it in place.
To get there, NASA would use the massive rocket and space capsule that it is developing as a successor to the retired space shuttle. A first flight of that rocket is planned for 2017, and construction of the outpost would begin two years later, according to NASA planning documents. Potential missions include the study of nearby asteroids or dispatching robotic trips to the moon that would gather moon rocks and bring them back to astronauts at the outpost. The outpost also would lay the groundwork for more-ambitious trips to Mars' moons and even Mars itself, about 140 million miles away on average.
It gives purpose to the Orion space capsule and the Space Launch System rocket, which are being developed at a cost of about $3 billion annually. It involves NASA's international partners, as blueprints for the outpost suggest using a Russian-built module and components from Italy. And the outpost would represent a step toward NASA's ultimate goal: human footprints on Mars. But how the idea and cost play with President Obama, Congress and the public remains a major question. Spending is being slashed across the federal government in the name of deficit reduction; it's unlikely that NASA in coming years can get more than its current budget of $17.7 billion. Of critical importance is the price tag, which would certainly run into the billions of dollars. , Boeing proposed essentially the same thing to NASA, suggesting the development of what it called an "Exploration Gateway Platform architecture that not only returns man to the lunar surfacevia the use of only one SLS launch to a reusable Lunar Landerbut provides a baseline for pathfinders towards an eventual crewed mission to Mars."
UFO Connect App for Your IPhone
Morgan Beall the Florida MUFON State Director writes, After a lot of blood, sweat and tears the app is now finished. We had some development issues and some programming challenges but we came through with a simplified yet functional and useful App for IPhones. Show your support by buying the app and sending an Alert. In the comment option of the Alert menu say " Name, MUFON Rank, Checking In" Send the Alert and let the world know we are here.
Get the Iphone and IPod app here. Next will be a droid version.
ORANGE BEACH -- Sunday afternoon dolphin cruise on November 6, 2012, trying out my new camera. Before seeing any dolphins, as we were leaving Bear Point Marina in Orange Beach. I took this one photo from the back of the boat of the wake. Not until viewing on my computer did I see this very clear object out over the water. There was nothing in the air, no balloons, planes, etc. When taking the picture I saw nothing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Triangle
SANTA BARBARA A friend and I were driving on Highway 101 on October 2, 2012, and saw a large triangular object flying about 300 feet above ground. The object moved west about 200 MPH, but sped up and disappeared over a mountain ridge. The object had no markings and was camouflaged in green and brown. Thanks to MUFON CMS and William Puckett, Director
WESTLAKE VILLAGE -- On November 11, 2012, my Mom pointed out lights in the distance that were orangish, goldish lights ascending. We immediately thought they were helicopters, but helicopters dont have a bright orange light on them. At one time there were as many as six lights. They ascended, descended, hovered, changed directions, split up, regrouped, and before the lights disappeared they began to get dim, bright, dim, bright. We were very confused as we have never seen anything of this type before. All the lights eventually disappeared after about ten minutes. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Disc
DENVER -- This is David from Malta, Europe. Im sending you a link to a recent TV news report on Fox News about UFOs published by xclucifer in the Denver skies on Nov 9, 2012.
I and many others found it quite good. I'll let you judge for yourself. Here's the link: I also wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the great e-mails which I'm always anxious to read. Keep it up! God bless, take care David xclucifer
Delaware Pennsylvania Cigars
BOOTHWYN --- Four amber cigar shaped lights were seen hovering in sky during rush hour commute on I-95, at 5:02 PM on November 5, 2012. I was driving home from work when I noticed a light in the sky. I was heading south at about the Chichester Avenue Exit and thought I was seeing an optical illusion. It was cigar shaped bright amber light. I blinked to refocus my eyes, and when I looked up again I saw three more objects. They were all angled in the same orientation, all stationary, and with a consistent and constant light. I continued to watch the sky as I was driving and they did not appear to move. Three were off to the right with the closest one at about the treeline and the other appearing further off in the distance. The forth cigar was off to the left in the direction of the Delaware River.
I continued to keep my eyes on the objects as I continued on I-95 south. When I forked off onto 495 south, I began to lose sight of the objects due to my shift in direction. I thought I had lost sight of them, when I realized that there was one in the far distance. By 5:12 PM, I had lost sight of all of the objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Investigation
Mary Margaret Zimmer writes, Regarding the Miami Beach picture of the light over the water that was featured on Filer's Files #45 2012; I was a MUFON investigator for this case and found that the light was a reflection from the Ladenburg Thalmann Building at 4400 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami. The building is seen in the last photo taken by the witness and submitted by her husband. Note also that the shape of the "UFO" in the picture follows the curve of the building. The position of the sun at 1:10 P.M. accounts for the reflection which was not repeated on subsequent days due to the changing position of the light from the sun. Regards, Mary Margaret Zimmer
SUNNY ISLES BEACH I was standing on the 15th floor balcony and saw an object hovering with bright flashing lights on horizon over the water on November 8, 2012. At first I thought it was a pretty large star and grabbed my DSLR with a 300mm lens. Thats when I was able to clearly see the multi- colored flashing lights and the object which was hovering that was not an aircraft. The lights were multicolored and were not flashing in any particular sequence. One photo shows something similar to how it actually looked. The rest of the photos came out with a light blur in the background. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Cylinder
MCDONOUGH -- I was taking pictures for work in the area of intersection of Lake Dow Road and SR -81, next to the existing Saxbys Restaurant on October 19, 2012. I noticed the object later in my office. The pictures taken a few second before and after the two shots do not have the object in them, so it was not something on the lens. Im not sure what it is but it sure looks interesting. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hawaii Orb
MAUI An orange fireball like orb was moving sporadic from the north and directly descended below the tree line before disappearing at the world famous Jaws Beach, in Peahi, Maui. I convinced myself it was a plane coming from the big island on October 26, 2012; at 4 PM. However, this morning, the same orange orb shaped twinkling object was flying on the shore line between Oili and Jaws. It bounced around sporadically with a flight pattern only a few hundred feet above the cliff the whole time. It seemed like a really tiny green orb popped in there for a minute then disappeared.
Surprisingly, it looked as if it was diving down into the water at Jaws Beach because it descended below the tree line and disappeared. This definitely is not the first sighting here and seems to happen very regularly in the evenings coming from the north. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Illinois White Light
RIVER GROVE -- I was home when my son called me to go look at this object him and his friend had been tracking for a couple of miles on November 10, 2012. It was long with bright white lights that were moving west. The lights which were changing in some kind of sequence. The object looked triangular and at other times it looked like a cross and traveled for about 45 minutes. While looking at that thing move I started checking out the rest of the sky and noticed a big yellow bright light hovering over a house about 100+ meters away. I turned back around and at that point this object began ascending over the house. I urged my son and his friend to turn around and look and we saw this thing ascend, stop and take a very quick flight over us going northwest! It was big and it had multiple lights underneath with a dull whooshing sound as it past above us and it just disappeared. We went back to observing the other one which was now a bit off the path and I noticed this row of lights appear out of nowhere.
It was traveling in the same direction at a slower speed, and it was flashing red and white lights. Both objects kept going and after a while we realized there were four more of these rows of lights in the sky in different positions. All had white lights blinking in some sort of sequence that looked like they were communicating SOS style. One had green/white/red lights and it was round in shape and the other one was kind of triangular or roundish. This is my third time seeing UFOs. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iowa Lights
EVANSDALE -- Around 8:35 PM, on November 5. 2012. I was traveling south on the interstate near Evansdale. Stars and the moon were not visible due to the storm clouds. As I traveled south a bright colorful mostly green and blue began to flash within the clouds making the surrounding clouds light up with different colors. I thought this very strange and kept watching as suddenly I could clearly make out several round lights begin to take form from within the clouds.
The bright lights seemed to be the same size, giving the illusion that it was no higher up than a water tower, but I knew from the foggy mist overlapping the lights that the object was higher up. The lights were now solid and the pulsing flash had stopped. Theses lights were perfectly spaced suggesting that it was one solid object but I could not make out a shape. The object was moving about the same speed as you would see a flock of geese travel. I pulled over and tried to video tape as the object moved slowly and silently over me heading west with bright white lights and were round in shape. My camera phone could not focus on the lights as it disappeared in some thicker clouds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
SALINA A witness states he was abducted at Midnight on October 29, 2012. "I was lying in bed looking out my window when I notice a little red star for some reason I found pretty. I propped myself up hoping to get a better look when I suddenly fell and everything went black and I couldnt move." There was no light from window no matter how much I blinked. On a side note I have suffered from sleep paralysis since I was a kid. I am used to it and it does not scare me anymore "I have never seen aliens or UFOs no matter how much I wished during s.p. This time I was awake, and couldnt see and was terrified. Before this I was obsessed with UFO, aliens, abductions. I had bought a book on how to contact aliens but couldnt read thru it do to boredom. I hadnt read it in a month."I was paralyzed and I couldnt talk and I felt I was floating but am not sure if I went anywhere." I felt myself back on the couch and able to see a few seconds later move. I was still panicked and go t up for the day around four."No clue if I went anywhere or if I am missing time but I am suddenly scared of UFOs and aliens, and pictures of them. "I didnt have any strange marks or anything but it has left me terrified. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Silver Triangle
MARSHALL -- My husband and I were coming home from Firekeepers Casino around 4:20 AM on October 24, 2012, when I happened to notice a bright light just over the trees on the north side of Mi Avenue. I asked my husband if the city put up some kind of tower? He did not think so. The closer we got to it you could see it was silver triangle with rows of bright lights. There were three lights on the first row, four on the next row of lights and maybe four lights on the next row.
The lights were very bright but funny looking. The light didnt seem to shine down like it was a spot light. We watched as it hovered over the trees for about 40 seconds and started to move very slowly and as we got closer, it started to move faster and was gone. We had never seen anything like it before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
STERLING HEIGHTS -- For the last three Thursdays between 7 and 9 PM, my son and his neighbors have observed two UFOs in the sky. They have bright orange lights which go from very bright to non-existent. They make no sound and either hover in one spot or move across the sky, sometimes slowly and sometimes very fast.
They are in the shape of a "V" from what he can tell. He called me November 8, 2012, about 7 PM, and said, They were back again. This time I drove to his house and observed them myself and they what he claimed. His neighbors also saw them. I took this picture and when I uploaded the photo to my computer they definitely appeared to have a "V" shape. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Montana Orb
BUTTE -- I was just taking pictures of the clouds, as I often do, and did not see anything when I took pictures. I only noticed the light after the pictures were taken on November 6, 2012.
A few were taken consecutively...and no other light in other pictures.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Light
BRIGANTINE -- At 04:15 AM, on September 18, 2012, I stepped out on the porch to smoke a cigarette, and noticed an out-of-place, twinkling "star." I noticed it because there are usually no stars in that area at that time of the morning, and it was twinkling too much and too still to be an airplane. Also, airplanes often fly along the coast, but straight out to sea is not a normal flight path.
After watching it for several minutes, I decided to get my Nikon Coolpix camera and zoomed in as much as it would let me and then turned it to film to see what I could capture. To my surprise, even viewing it on the camera I could see that there is more color than I could see with the naked eye. I finally downloaded it onto the computer, and realized you can see its a circle, with various colors. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Lighted Orb
GROVE CITY -- My wife had just washed our drapes and we looked out the window towards the southeast sky and saw this weird flickering color hanging lighted orb November 1, 2012 at 11PM. It was not a star, planet, satellite or the Space Station according to my phone app. I hopped out of bed to fire up my video camera and took a three minute video. I shot a weird lighted object in the sky and it morphed into weird shapes and disappeared and reappeared.
This went on for a couple hours it always stayed in the same general area, but it did jump around making it tricky to video tape. At times it reminds me of those electrified glass globs at radio shack that when you touch them an electrical splash of lighting hits the glass where you fingers our touching. This video is compressed for the internet but the quality is still good and I have the untouched original. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Light and Flying Wing
CORPUS CHRISTI On November 7, 2012, at 12:05 AM, I was playing Xbox when my cousin and his girlfriend told me to come outside. We saw what looks like stars, but they were giving off a more green blue tinted light. They were the size of a normal star flickering oddly and they were moving slowly up. The camera picked up the light when it faced our direction, so I ruled out a star. It was not a helicopter or Harrier jet. Note: The photos were taken with a SAMSUNG SPH-M930 cell phone camera.
KILLEEN -- On November 3, 2012 around 8:30 PM my dad spotted a strange floating blue glowing orb in the sky. Hes former military and knows jets and helicopters and knew this was not that. We hopped into the Ford Escape shoeless and chased the light in the sky down Jason Street. There were two of them and there seemed to be a blue one and a light green/whitish one though they would sometimes go red or white and start to strobe or blink out all together. I tried to get video recording as Stephen called his Mom, but the cell phone cut out several times. Two street lamps went out as we drove past them. I stuck my head out the car window and it was right above me flying silently. It looked like a black Flying Wing UFO and the lights were red with a series of lights underneath. The object swooped down into an unlit street. We met couple who thought it was a remote control plane. We then watched two UFOs dance and the light displays were not so much showy as seemingly communicating with each other? The duration was roughly an hour and we touched the unknown. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Disc
NIAGARA PARK I went into the backyard with my Canon SLR EOS 1000D, and was trying to capture UFO's, and I was lucky and got an image of one on October 31, 2012, at 1:20 PM! I was shooting randomly into the sky towards Gosford, and I didnt notice anything at all in the sky when taking these shots, it is a perfect day not really any clouds, I only noticed when connecting to the TV that I could see it.
About five minutes later a black helicopter came over and went in the direction of the disc that was on my picture. ((NUFORC Note: Image of a hummingbird, we believe. PD)) Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Bangladesh Rectangle
DHAKA -- I was on the roof just staring into space with my whole family when I saw a faintly glowing rectangular object moving across the sky on October 24, 2012, at 6:30 PM. It was not exactly rectangular as it did not have four sides. It had a rectangular extension from one side, and I could clearly see four circles (either slightly brighter or darker) on the object. Three were on the main body and one on the extension.
It seemed to go as fast as a bird seems to go 10 meters above the ground, and it went SSW. I know for sure it wasn't a bird as it went at a steady pace, and I saw it was angular. It was pretty big about the size of a passenger jet. It was obviously in the Earth's atmosphere or else it has to be huge in size. It moved absolutely silently. This is not all that I saw that night.
The same night I saw four white lights go in pairs of two. They went pretty fast and disappeared near the moon going south. Some are become very bright like a fireball then disappear or fade back to its original brightness. Some are even red/orange. They are not airplanes, move at different speeds some faster than jet planes. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Bulgaria Pulsating Red/Yellow Light
CHIRPAN -- A pulsating light from yellow to reddish moved across the night sky and ended its movement over the city of Asenovgrad, Bulgaria. The object was near Chirpan on October 30, 2012, at 7:15 PM. Ten minutes prior to the event the light was stationary as if a star in the northwest part of the night sky. I noticed that a pulsating star had to my left. I stopped and observed the star was moving faster than any star and slower than any plane.
I rushed to call my wife to observe it as well. By the time I fetched her and showed her the object. It has stopped over Asenovgrad. She said it's a plane...but it was too close to the city and hovering. It was moving in its regular direction but it was not a plane. I had noticed that star (light) many times in that same place and an hour later it was gone. Thanks to Director National UFO Reporting Center
Canada Whitish Object
ST JOHN -- My husband and I pulled over to take a picture of the sun and trees with my IPhone on October 13, 2012. After -looking at picture later that day I noticed a whitish object just above the trees. I did not notice anything when I took the photo. The witness felt perplexed when she stopped to take a random picture, and even more so when she looked at it and saw the object. She felt a surge of energy while taking picture. Not sure if there was sound, no heat, no smell. It was a clear day, no clouds, and minimal breeze from the sea. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Germany Flashes
BERLIN Im about to take my bike when I saw about 45 degrees above the aerial metro line a floating in the black sky on October 27, 2012, at10:42 AM. It was sort of a black cloth, floating weightless, and changing. It was lit from below by pale mini-flash intermittent. It was not a bird.
After a few brief moments, I tried to indentify something "possible" like a plastic bag, tissue, balloons. It reminds me of a video I saw about two years ago on the internet where you saw something similar but white or clear, not far from a cloud.
Being rather amazed, I asked confirmation to a man behind me. I did not know what it was and watched for ten 10 minutes without finding an explanation. There was too much light at the bottom of the UFO. It was illuminated from below by small intermittent yellow and orange-red, and white light flashes. It was still daylight and I felt I didnt see direct light but object was illuminated from below. It seemed to me to be something electrical in any case. The UFO flew away little by little and going east and I resumed my bike ride and it gradually disappeared in ten minutes. It was sort of black cloth, torn to shreds and floating as if weightless, and constantly evolving. The flaps were vaguely pointed in length and I have never seen anything like it. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Malaysia Bright Spot
KLANG -- Mysterious bright spot in pictures of solar hola from different persons, cameras, locations and nearly same timing on October 2, 2012 at 1 PM. I took three pictures of the sun when the solar hola was happening at that time. I saw a same bright spot near the sun in all three pictures but at the different location within just a few seconds.
Later in the day, I saw a picture of the solar hola that my friend posted on Facebook and the same bright spot was captured in the picture but at the different location near the sun.
The next day, October 3, 2012, I saw on the reporting of the solar hola in a local Chinese newspaper with the similar bright spot appeared in the picture as well. How would three different cameras at three solar hola different locations in a same city and almost same timing captured a similar bright spot near the sun during the solar hola? Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Romania Orange Reddish Lights Seen
SLOBOZIA -- First there was one orange reddish light moving in straight line, no sounds (not even a bird I didn't hear anything, eerie silence), above my apartment block, the sky was cloudy, the clouds low, then the light disappeared on October 29, 2012. A few moments later, 1 km further from my apartment block appeared 2 lights, identical with the first one (orange reddish, bigger than a usual star), moving in formation, about 20 meters apart, same speed, slowly moving towards my apartment block, when it got in the place where the first light appeared, they both disappeared, one at the time. Very anxious I tried to film them, no success. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
UK Sphere
On November 1, 2012, about 11 PM, I noticed a bright orange light approaching from the SW with absence flashing wing lights triggered my curiosity. It crossed the sky silently in a dead straight line in ten seconds. It had identical brightness viewed from front and rear (certainly not aircraft landing lights). Having witnessed two similar events two years ago my hairs on the back of my neck started to tingle. Within a minute of this sighting I notice an identical orangey light ball approaching from exactly the same point in the sky. It seemed to be flying exactly on the same track at the same speed. This time I reached for a pair of Carl Zeiss binoculars. (8x30) giving me a very clear view of the perfect sphere orangey ball emitting a constant bright orange glow. I am still unsure if these balls are solid or gaseous? They fly between 500 to 1000 feet, and are 1 to 2 meters or 3 to 6 feet in diameter assuming my altitude is correct. It appears these sightings have been going on since WW2. (Check Foo Fighters see Wikipedia). I am 53 years old with a degree in physics and have good eye sight and questioning mind. Thanks to MUFON CMS
I could use your help. I have put together a DVD of the last fifteen years of Filer's Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritters exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe, Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports, articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here
Two New Reports on the Chilean Videos Produce Conflicting Results
Two new studies on the controversial video tapes from the El Bosque case in Chile have just been released. Richard Haines, chief scientist for the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP) and Bruce Maccabee, retired Navy physicist, performed independent, meticulous analyses of the tapes.
For necessary background on this case, please see my previous articles: March 2012 with Ralph Blumenthal, and April 2012. I will not be repeating information here from these two posts but will assume everyone has read them.
Last June, I went to Santiago partly to seek further resolution on this case. General Ricardo Bermúdez, Director of the CEFAA, told me that the objects did not appear to be bugs, "but we can't be 100 percent sure; it's still under investigation." During my second visit to the CEFAA office in September, the general informed me that the case is now being put to rest, but it remains unsolved.
In June, the Director General of Chile's DGAC invited me to make a presentation at a closed meeting for military brass, foreign attachés and scientists. (Photo Courtesy of DGAC)
With CEFAA staff: (from left) Gustavo Rodriguez, General Ricardo Bermúdez, Jose Lay (DGAC)
Haines and Maccabee worked with the two best videos for their studies. I learned during my first meeting with CEFAA staff that due to circumstances beyond their control, the other five videos are no longer in the CEFAA's possession. Therefore I was not able to view them nor can they be made available to others, as the CEFAA would have preferred. However, the two tapes which have been analyzed are by far the clearest tapes; the others were on cell phones and of poor quality.
It is both intriguing and puzzling that the two scientists disagreed about the most crucial question in this case: Did the same unidentified aerial phenomenon, or UAP, appear on two separate cameras? If the exact same UAP was filmed by the two cameras 20 to 30 feet apart simultaneously, then we would know the object was large, distant and not a bug. Haines concluded that the two cameras captured the same UAP in one sequence, while Maccabee concluded they did not.
"This investigation was carried out with the hope that at least two videos would provide image data that would allow for a triangulation and subsequent calculation of distance and size," Maccabee states in "Analysis of 'UAP' Images in two Videos Obtained During the El Bosque Air Show of November 5, 2010." Triangulation requires that the same object be filmed at the same time by observers at separate locations; without this, the distance to the object cannot be estimated and therefore its actual size cannot be determined. "Unfortunately, the two most promising videos did not show the same object at the same time from two locations," Maccabee concludes.
He analyzed only the UAP images that appeared during the Halcones fly by, the first planes to take off during the event at the Air Force base. These included footage of the approach of the Halcones, and their departure into the distance, which is where Haines discovered a "temporal coincidence" (the same UAP in two videos at the same time) and Maccabee determined that the images were different. "My analysis does not preclude the possibility that there might have been a temporal coincidence at some other time but I am unaware of such a coincidence," he says.
Maccabee's sometimes technical report includes section headings such as "Relative sizes and distances of the UFO if there were no motion blur," "Apparent motion of the object," and "Estimate of the distance traveled during the time between frames." His analysis of frames from one section includes calculations of possible distance-size-speed relationships "ranging from insect size and speed to "saucer" size and (great) speed."
He points out that some of the dark on the bottom of the two best images of the object may be due to the camera's electronics reacting to the presence of a bright top portion. "Video cameras often create a dark 'reaction' to a very bright, small object in the field of view," he explained in an email.
Maccabee concludes that the objects are not anomalies. "Without further information that would show the objects were distant and hence large, it must be considered most likely that the objects were small and nearby such as insects." In a recent email he explained that "Since I could not accomplish a triangulation of any of the objects I analyzed, I have to accept the scientifically conservative conclusion that the objects I studied could have been small and nearby."
The object(s) from the El Bosque video in two different sequences taken by the same camera. The second camera did not capture images as distinct as these so no triangulation was possible for these images. ( Photo courtesy of CEFAA)
Haines takes a different position, as shown in his 108 page report titled "The El Bosque Video Case: A Preliminary Study of Anomalous Objects in Active Airspace." His analyses consisted of plotting the trajectories of as many different UAP as he could find as well as enlarging and enhancing the UAP images from selected frames. "That at least one of these UAP was not a flying insect near the cameras is supported by analysis of video images of the same UAP recorded by two separated cameras," he writes.
And further, he explains that "the relatively short 'flight' durations, high angular velocities and high-speed changes in direction and small angular size of the UAP, recorded during seven of the ten airplane formation fly-overs, help explain why no one saw them at the time; these characteristics would appear to qualify these UAP as anomalous; they cannot be explained in prosaic terms."
Haines states that "NARCAP's interest in this case lay mainly in aviation safety" and it is for this reason that he conducted the study. He suggests that these UAP could have presented a risk to flight operations, but acknowledges that without knowing for sure whether they possessed finite mass it is not possible to say.
Many provocative questions are posed at the end of his paper: Why were there more UAP appearances associated with the fly-overs of certain types of airplanes than others? What are their energistic characteristics? What mechanism(s) guided their movements? What caused their changes in shape within very short periods of time?
The contradictory element of these two new studies, and the questions they raise about the nature of the UAP depicted in the videos, adds to the increasing complexity of this case. This material has proven itself worthy of scientific scrutiny, initially in Chile and now in the United States, and as been given a great deal of attention. And how encouraging it is to see high-ranking military officers, scientists and aeronautic specialists in Chile recognizing the existence of the "UFO phenomenon" and taking it seriously! I have observed this firsthand and talked to many of these officials in person.
It is in the well-established tradition of science that research results differ sometimes, and debate follows. The issues usually get ironed out over time - although with this case, that may not happen.
The controversy surrounding this case has centered around whether the object(s) could simply be bugs. It seems that if they are not some kind of anomaly, or "UFO," they are likely bugs. There are not many other realistic alternatives.
Maccabee has deduced that these objects most likely are bugs. "Lacking conclusive proof that a flying insect could not make an image such as recorded on the video, one may conclude that the 'anomalous phenomena' images were, in fact, images of insects," he writes. Others have put forward the same position on various internet blogs.
As I mentioned in my previous article, entomologists in the U.S. with knowledge of Chilean insects stated fairly uniformly that it is impossible to determine whether the objects were bugs; there was nothing in particular that would lead them to conclude that they were. Most thought it was unlikely. While in Chile, I talked to two independent scientists who believed the object(s) may be insects, but who also said we can't know for sure. And of course, none of them were photo experts.
I was curious: If indeed this were a bug, which species would it most likely be? Perhaps by observing the candidate in flight, we could see if it resembled the objects in question, particularly the two still images that show a consistent shape in two different parts of one video. This would not be a "scientific" process...but it could be interesting.
Last month, the CEFAA contacted Mario Elgueta, a leading Chilean entomologist with over 30 years of experience and Chief of the Entomology Department of the National Museum of Natural History in Santiago. When first looking at the images, Elgueta said "there is no noticeable detail in them to make me think on an insect right away" and that the images were too distorted for him to be of help.
With the assistance of the CEFAA, I followed up and asked him: If this were a bug, which species would it most likely be? After consulting with his colleague Fresia Rojas, Elgueta said that "by the rounded shape and convex back" the images suggest a species of Coleoptera from the Coccinellidae family. "Several of these species are frequent in spring [when the videos were taken] appearing even in very populated areas.," he replied. This family consists of the small dome-shaped beetles we call "ladybugs."
Elgueta sent this photo of a species of ladybug common in Santiago. (Photo courtesy of Guillermo González)
In his paper, Maccabee calculated various speeds of a potential bug in relationship to its distance from the camera. A ladybug is approximately a quarter of an inch, or smaller. "A quarter-inch sized insect could have been about two feet from the camera and traveling at about 12 mph," he told me in a recent email.
The size of a ladybug relative to a paperclip. (Graphic courtesy of National Geographic)
When a ladybug flies, its tiny wings flap, while it separates it's otherwise convex shell into stationary wing sheathes and raises them up like two umbrellas that never come down. Thus, it's clear that the domed shape of this insect at rest is not sustained when in fight. In fact, it looks entirely different because of the way its shell is split and suspended up above.
When a ladybug flies, it no longer has a uniform convex back because its shell is raised above its wings like two small umbrellas. (Photo courtesy of Guillermo González)
Here's what ladybugs look like when they fly.
The clearest images of our dome-shaped UAP in the El Bosque videos show no such wing sheathes. Would the sheathes show up in a video of this bug two feet from the camera moving at 12 mph? Perhaps the tiny wings would be moving too quickly to show up...but the sheathes do not move at all. Should they be visible?
Furthermore, if you look at the body of the ladybug in flight, it looks elliptical and rather soft, since it has no shell covering it. It doesn't look much like the dome-shaped bug that we see sitting on a leaf or crawling.
Could this be a quarter-inch ladybug, flying two feet from the camera at 12 mph?
I sent Elgueta the links to some videos of ladybugs in flight, and asked him to comment on the fact that the flying bug does not look like the domed "thing" in our video. First he reiterated that it is impossible to say if they are bugs or not. "We estimate that no experienced entomologist regardless of what country can give a definite answer about these images."
Regarding specifically the videos of the flying ladybugs, he made the astute observation that these videos, "made with short focus in centimeters scale, cannot be compared with others made in a different scale. Perhaps, you can make new technical studies with videos that can be equivalent concerning speed, focus, lighting and distance." Maybe this is the next step if anyone wants to continue this exploration.
Haines makes some interesting observations as to why he believes at least some of the El Bosque objects are not bugs, even beyond his conclusion that the same UAP appears on two cameras 20 to 30 feet apart. He includes an image of an actual insect, dark and blurred, taken from one of the El Bosque videos. I recall quite a few bugs on this footage near the camera that looked like blurred, black blobs.) "Virtually all of the UAP images reviewed in this report were in sharper focus than was this alleged insect suggesting that they were all at a distance greater than the hyperfocal distances of these cameras!" Haines writes.
On the question of whether all the UAP could have been insects, Haines states that "on balance, the answer is very likely no." He offers a host of reasons why: "Because of the linearity of their flight, their high angular velocity, their occasional spontaneous and unexpected appearance within a video frame, their apparent trajectories relative to the different airplane formations, their almost consistent oval shape and nearly horizontal orientation, their lack of any color other than gray and white and perhaps most importantly, for one UAP at least found in Figures 8 and 11, its relatively large distance from the two cameras."
"Nevertheless," he concludes, "this hypothesis must be left unanswered at this time."
And after all this, what is the final position of the CEFAA on this case? I received this official response to that question: "After hearing from the entomologists who have looked at the images, we at the CEFAA agree that these photos do not show anything which allows for the conclusion that they are bugs. But since we are unable to identify the objects in the videos, the case remains unsolved. We are posting on our web page diverse analysis and opinions on this case, to allow each interested person to draw his/her own conclusions."
Along with the two new American reports, the CEFAA web page includes four Spanish studies which also provide conflicting results. Marcelo Moya, a Chilean photo analyst, affirms that "the object that caused a commotion because of its brightness would with a high probability correspond to the flight of an insect, the hypothesis being it is a fly or a botfly (the latter being a bigger size) that passed by the focus of the camera."
However, Carlos González Sasso, a photo expert from the DGAC Air and Space Museum in Santiago, states that the image of the same object shows something metallic, "a defined geometry, not being an object of biological origin, with an inclination that suggests ascending forward movement, this being reinforced by a flash of clear light at the base."
I commend the CEFAA for working so hard on this case with experts from many branches of the Chilean government, and for making whatever information they could available to these scientists. It's not clear what these videos show. At this point, each of us can form our own opinions about something that science cannot determine, or we can simply accept that we will likely never know.
Robert Hastings will be on Coast to Coast this Sunday
UFOs and Nukes" Researcher Robert Hastings to Appear on Coast to Coast AM This Sunday
Noted UFO researcher Robert Hastings will be interviewed by award-winning journalist George Knapp on the Coast To Coast AM radio program this Sunday, November 18, 2012.
During the programs first hour, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Charles Halt, former Deputy Base Commander of the RAF Bentwaters airbase in England, will discuss his involvement in the famous UFO-related incidents which occurred there in December 1980, including an appearance by one of the mysterious craft at the bases nuclear Weapons Storage Area (WSA).
Halt overheard radio chatter from Security Police guards at the depot, saying that laser-like beams of light were being directed by the UFO down into or near the weapons bunker complex. This is the colonels first appearance on Coast to Coast.
During the programs remaining three hours, Hastings will provide an overview of the UFO-Nukes Connection, which has been convincingly established by declassified U.S. government documents and the testimony of 130 military veterans interviewed by the researcher over the past 39 years.
Hastings is best known for his September 27, 2010 UFOs and Nukes press conference in Washington D.C., at which six former or retired U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man discussed UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites during the Cold War era.
According to two of the participantsa former ICBM launch officer, Captain Robert Salas, and a former targeting officer, Captain Robert JamisonUFOs caused ten Minuteman missiles to malfunction at Malmstrom AFBs Oscar Flight on March 24, 1967...
Peter Khoury and the "Hair of the Alien" - 20 years on
The past week marked a fascinating anniversary of an extraordinary experience which drew me into a groundbreaking investigation and a potential breakthrough research direction.
Peter Khoury had a bizarre experience on July 23, 1992, in Sydney, Australia. He had a shattering experience on July 12, 1988, which he was ultimately able to understand as an alien abduction. It changed his life. He would go on to help others who had similar experiences by establishing the UFO Experience Support Association (UFOESA). But nothing prepared him for the July 1992 episode. It was so shocking that Peter would only share the experience with his wife and a few close associates.
The July 1992 incident had yielded a remarkable piece of evidence - a hair sample apparently from a blonde "nordic" entity. I was able to work with a biochemistry team which would provide the world's first DNA analysis of a biological sample implicated in an alien abduction experience. The team wanted to see if the sample provided forensic DNA evidence that might support the extraordinary story. It did far more than that.
The biochemistry team leader Dr. Horace Drew a leading DNA expert & co-author of "Understanding DNA"
The evidence secured by Peter Khoury with his July 1992 experience enabled breakthrough research which has led to a focus on research into the hypothesis of intelligent alien intervention in the evolution of human DNA - the Alien DNA paradigm. An image based tour through this extraordinary case, its investigation, and its amazing implications is provided here to mark the 20 year anniversary of Peter Khoury's shocking, controversial and unprecedented experience. (The following article appeared in the 2011 special issue of New Dawn Magazine)
An Alien DNA paradigm? by Bill Chalker
A remarkable clue supporting the enduring idea that UFOs and alien abduction claims might represent credible evidence for alien intervention into human affairs, at an extraordinary and deep level, may have been found in the UFO haunted southern Chinese province of Yunnan. As part of a developing hypothesis I call the alien DNA paradigm, a form of intelligent alien intervention may have occurred in us as humans on planet Earth. We are very primitively tinkering with modifying life forms through transgenics and the like, therefore the idea that someone out there might already have been doing it elsewhere, maybe even here, may not seem so far out. Evidence for this may also be found in human DNA signatures, particularly among those indigenous cultures that have potent claims of "sky being" lore and land rich in long historical focuses of UFO activity. An extraordinary breakthrough alien abduction case from the other side of the world right here in the middle of Sydney had me to pursuing some very strange clues through Asia to Yunnan, China, leading to the hypothesis of the alien DNA paradigm through a long and complex 4 phase investigation. Phase 1: STRANGE EVIDENCE - 1999 Phase 1 centred on an alien abduction experience by a Sydney man Peter Khoury in 1992. This was not his first experience. On July 12, 1988 he experienced a frightening and life changing alien abduction experience. Khoury had lay on a bed and was overwhelmed by paralysis. A number of beings became apparent around him. One of them, a tall thin golden yellow coloured being, with large black eyes, inserted a long needle like object into the side of his head. Khoury blacked out. He regained consciousness with a start and rushed into the adjoining room where he found other family members in a "switched-off" state. Rousing them, Khoury found that while they thought only some 10 minutes had passed, in reality it seemed between 1 to 2 hours had passed. An injury to his head was verified. At that time Peter Khoury had no real context to anchor his disturbing experience. Eventually he became aware of the alien abduction controversy and tried to understand what was happening. Strange experiences continued, the most striking, and ultimately the most revealing, occurred on July 23, 1992. At about 7 am, having returned to his Sydney suburban home from a train station, after dropping off his wife, Khoury felt unwell and lay down on the bed to sleep. He awoke with a start sometime later, becoming aware of something alighting on the bed. He was shocked to see two strange women kneeling on the end of his bed.Both were naked.One appeared Nordic and the other Asian. Aspects of theirappearance were quite odd. The Nordic female had a very elongated face and a sharply point chin. Her eyes appeared to be blue and 2 to 3 times larger than normal. She had very fine wispy blonde hair that seemed to be oddly blown up. Her skin colour was quite light. The dark brown skinned Asian looking woman seemed to have almost completely black eyes. Her hair was black and set in a firm page-boy style. Although no normal communication occurred, the Nordic woman seemed to be in charge and Khoury got the impression she was giving the Asian looking woman some sort of instruction. What followed was quite disorientating for Khoury. The Nordic woman, who seemed to be over 6 feet tall and apparently very strong, reached forward and pulled Khoury's head to her breast. He resisted, trying to pull away.She did this 3 times. Finally Khoury, trying to cope with the shock and disorientating nature of this experience, bit on her nipple apparently swallowing a piece from it. Although seemingly confused, she did not react with any pain and nor was there any sign of blood. She seemed to convey to the other woman, seemingly through a form of telepathy, that this was not the way things were supposed to happen. Khoury was overcome with a coughing fit. Moments later, looking up again, he found that both women had vanished. The coughing caused Khoury to go to the bathroom to get a drink of water. When he went to urinate he found it very painful to do so, due to, it turned out, some very fine blonde hair wrapped tightly under his foreskin. Khoury removed the hair and had the foresight to place it in a plastic sachet bag with a seal. He did that because he felt there was no way it should have been there. It was unlike his wife's hair. Khoury concluded that something extraordinarily bizarre had just occurred and linked the blonde thin hair to the strange tall, blonde haired Nordic looking woman. I undertook a very detailed investigation. Born in 1964, in Lebanon, Peter Khoury migrated to Australia in 1973. He met his future wife, Vivian in 1981, marrying in 1990. They have 2 children. What might be Peter's first encounter with a UFO occurred in Lebanon in the summer of 1971 at age 7. He and seven other children had gone up onto the flat rooftop of his neighbour's house to play. Peter was the last to walked through a heavy door that leads onto the roof. He then saw all his friends "frozen" like statues in front of him, while a silent egg-shaped craft hovered above. All eight children later found themselves on the ground floor after some time had elapsed, with no memory of the intervening period. By 1998, I began an investigation into the hair sample, when biochemical colleagues agreed to undertake what was the world's first PCR (polymerase Chain Reaction) DNA profiling of biological material implicated in an alien abduction experience. The analysis confirmed the hair came from someone who was biologically close to normal human genetics, but of an unusual racial type - a rare Chinese Mongoloid type - one of the rarest human lineages known, that lies further from the human mainstream than any other except for African pygmies and aboriginals. There was the strange anomaly of it being blonde to clear instead of black, as would be expected from the Asian type mitochondrial DNA. The study concluded, "The most probable donor of the hair must therefore be as (Khoury) claims: a tall blonde female who does not need much colour in her hair or skin, as a form of protection against the sun, perhaps because she does not require it." The detailed results were published in 1999 in an article entitled Strange Evidence in the International UFO Reporter, a publication of the Chicago based Center for UFO Studies, which was originally formed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek. The investigation at that point was limited to the shaft of the hair sample, and led us to important Chinese connections.
Phase 2: "HAIR of the ALIEN" - 2005 Phase 2 was focused on replication of the shaft result and on the root of the Khoury hair sample. This work revealed the breakthrough complexity that supported the apparent hybrid nature of the DNA profile of the alien donor the blonde Nordic female namely that we had a donor with very unusual hybrid DNA profiles the rare Asian mongoloid (Chinese) DNA in the hair shaft and the rare Basque/Gaelic type DNA in the hair root, along with the indications of the provocative CCR5 gene deletion factor which would allow such beings to carry out intrusive activities amongst humans without concern for diseases such as HIV & smallpox. This phase gave us real insights into the possible nature of these beings and their activities. These aspects, along with the Phase 1 work, were reported in detail in my 2005 book Hair of the Alien published in New York by Paraview Pocket Books, a division of Simon and Schuster.
Phase 3: The Lahu connection (Thailand/China) - 2005/2006 Phase 3 allowed a focus on the genetic connections at a very specific and detailed level, because of the unusual nature of the rare Asian mongoloid sequence, revealed in the Khoury sample. We found they occurred in the DNA signatures of an isolated group of people the Lahu who are limited to the region of the southern Chinese province of Yunnan, and the immediate regions bordering that locality northern Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), and Laos. The areas of Yunnan and northern Thailand yielded considerable data and research, particularly with fascinating UFO and unusual light phenomena connections in both regions. Strange light phenomena and possible UFO connections are found in the shamanic type elements of Lahu society. Dr. Anthony Walkers 907 page Lahu study Merit and the Millenium Routine and Crisis in the Ritual Lives of the Lahu People, revealsone of the more fascinating Lahu shaman-like contact experiences involving a leading Lahu figure Ca Nu who claimed the Sky beings/spirits visited him and gave him a mysterious glowing stone with inscriptions. He also reported seeing strange hole shapes crossing the sun, along with anomalous stars. Ca Nu connects his experiences with spiritual prophecy, a dynamic revealed on numerous occasions in not only shaman lore but in many contact and abduction situations.
(Centre: Poster for the Thai film "FullMoon Mekong Party"; right: some of the Lahu "shaman" material (ex Anthony Walker); lower left: my Thai guide Noi)
A ball of light was encountered by dissident Chinese writer Ma Jian in 1986 in Lahu territory in southern Yunnan China. Escaping from custody, he was trying to find his way through dangerous terrain. Suddenlya light appeared in the darkness. It was neither a torch nor a candle, nor a glow-worm shaking in the breeze. It seemed to come from another realm. It rose from a stream and floated through the trees then stopped by some branches ten meters away and slowly dropped to my eye level I walked forward and the ball of fire followed me through the branches, guiding my way for twenty kilometers until the sky turned white. He described the encounter in his book Red Dust. I met Ma Jian during the 2003 Sydney Writers Festival. He confirmed to me that his account was not a literary metaphor for his sense of alienation with contemporary China. It was a real experience with a ball of light about the size of a rockmelon. This Lahu region phenomena near the Lancang (the Mekong) River echoes the intriguing Naga light phenomena that most prominently plays out near Nong Khai, Thailand, on the Mekong. I witnessed and filmed the Naga light balls coming out of the Mekong in 2006. My investigations resisted the easy explanation of hoaxing for tourism purposes. Yang Zheng of the Kunming UFO Research Association indicated his most dramatic case occurred in November 2006 (the month after my visit to Yunnan) when thousands of villagers in Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County of Yunnan Province witnessed 7 white hemispherical shaped objects hovering directly above the property of a local CPC (Chinese Communist Party) cadre for nearly two hours. The objects appeared to keep changing shape. As it was a small village word soon spread and many villagers arrived to witness the sighting. They started pursuing the objects but the UFOs soon disappeared. I had been in the Lahu territory a few weeks earlier. This seemed a compelling confirmation of the potential breakthrough research focus. The Lahu people, via the DNA clue from the Khoury hair sample, may be connected with the apparent Nordic hybrid being, both through their DNA and their locality, which we found to be rich in UFO and unusual light phenomena. These investigations dramatically consolidated valuable UFO data from China, particularly in the province of Yunnan.
Phase 4: the global alien DNA nexus This phase focuses on evidence for alien genetic intelligent intervention in various cultures (particularly indigenous cultures) around the world, and has been driven by: Locations with high strangeness/breakthrough activities with UFOs, light phenomena, alien abductions cultures that feature sky being claims, diverse UFO phenomena possible unusual DNA markers within these cultures or present selectively or generically in human DNA locations or regions which bring together each of these factors (UFO haunted location, alien mediated culture, DNA aspects). The preliminary focus on the Lahu addressed in Phase 3 suggested that the alien DNA paradigm hypothesis could be evaluated and tested in terms of a long term focus on groups of people like the Lahu in Thailand & China, the Kayapo and their Bep Kororoti tradition in Brazil, the Zulu connection (per Credo Mutwa) in Africa and other peoples whose traditions and localities seem steeped in alien lore. Should all of the highlighted factors, particularly possible unusual DNA markers, become well established, we will have compelling evidence for the possibility of intelligent intervention by possible aliens.
THE YUNNAN UFO CONNECTION Yunnan has a rich legacy of UFO reports. One of the strangest occurred in the autumn of 1975, when two soldiers of a Chinese Peoples Liberation Army unit stationed in Jian-Shui County in the Province of Yunnan encountered a huge saucer-shaped flying object. It circled around above their heads and emitted beams of soft orange-colored light. One of the men raced to the nearby army camp. Within minutes the Camp Commandant and about a dozen armed men raced to the location of the encounter. The soldier, who had stayed behind, could not be found. Four soldiers took over sentry duty. After a few hours they heard a moaning sound behind them. There they found the missing man in an unconscious state. His facial hair had grown extremely long. When he had recovered consciousness the soldier found his memory was totally gone. His wristwatch indicated it had been stopped for a considerable time. The soldiers weapons and watch were found to be slightly magnetized. During 2009 and 2010 China experienced a large wave of UFO sightings many supported by photographs and videos, much of it in Yunnan province. Professor Zhang Yifang of the Yunnan University physics department and president of the Kunming UFO Research Association spoke out publicly on the reality of UFOs and aliens in China., convinced that extraterrestrials exist, adding, I am convinced, because I am a physicist and an astronomer. He reported that UFO sightings are mostly in Yunnan, Xinjiang, and Heilongjiang. The history of UFOs in Kunming (the capital of Yunnan) is great. Sightings are commonplace. Professor Zhangs statements were reported widely in China. I met him in Kunming in Yunnan in 2006 and made a detailed presentation to university faculty members and Yunnan UFO researchers.
MAINSTREAM SCIENCE DANCES WITH ALIENS Mainstream science has regularly rejected the idea of possible intelligent intervention by aliens. However some interesting cracks in the wall of science have appeared. One of the pillars of biochemistry, Francis Crick, who won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for his part in unravelling the double helix structure of DNA, argued for a radical form of the panspermia idea we were seeded naturally from space namely that we were the results of directed panspermia that life on Earth was the result of intelligent intervention by a superior alien intelligence out there millions of years ago. Professor Paul Davies, has speculated that some sort of alien pattern might be encoded in our "junk DNA". While this sounds like science fiction, particularly if mathematical or symbolic codes are being sort, the idea is not as wild as it sounds. I briefly discussed this speculation with Paul Davies during a Macquarie University post graduate open day on campus on April 12 2005. He indicated his "junk DNA - ET evidence" speculations were meant to be serious. He felt the idea was no less serious than the idea of seeking out ET "radio signals," so why not try something that is far easier to do and is potentially well within our current technological reach - searching for coded clues within our own DNA. Part of my alien DNA paradigm approach involves examining DNA for evidence of "non-Darwinian patterns", which might reflect extraterrestrial or intelligent influence - a sign of artificial evolution or intervention. My specialist group, the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group (APEG), have been examining this intriguing area focusing in part on unusual mutations, polymorphisms, our "junk" DNA (or perhaps more appropriately "regulatory" DNA) and other aspects. Some intriguing areas are being looked at. January 25-26 2010 London, UK an extraordinary discussion meeting takes place. Its subject? The detection of extra-terrestrial life and the consequences for science and society the first organised by the Royal Society in its 350th anniversary year. To many, including me, it is one of the most important subjects in mankinds history. Are we alone? And more specifically are we being visited? The former question was the focus of the Royal Society meeting, but there were some winks and nudges at the more interesting question Are we being visited? Or have we been visited? While people like Simon Conway Morris and Paul Davies were participants in the discussion, as expected, there were no really dramatic revelations, but there were plenty of fascinating signposts of a degree of expanding horizons. SETI or the search for Extraterrestrial Life was a focus. Previous conservatism gave way to some intriguing directions of future science. Paul Davies lectured on The eerie silence: are we alone in the universe? arguing for a new approach to SETI, one that made room for even an inward approach, looking for evidence of alien life here on Earth. Davies wasnt referring to aliens as we research them in the UFO question; instead he is arguing we look for evidence of a shadow biosphere, a completely separate tree of life. If we could establish this he argues, even if it was probably going to be microbial in nature, turning up in isolated and adverse ecological niches on Earth, then it would powerfully endorse the idea that life is everywhere in the Universe. Conway Morris, one of the worlds leading evolutionary paleobiologists, argued intelligent extraterrestrial life, if it existed at all, would most likely look like us, that is human in appearance, and that it would possibly share our propensity for exploitation of other life, for violence and greed. He still thinks it is awfully quite out there, that ETs should have been evident by now, and wasnt bringing UFO aliens into the discussion. Mainstream science examining if ETs are here on Earth! Aliens likely to look human! Both points are against the traditional positions of science. But things are clearly changing. I could argue I told you so. In my 2005 book HAIR of the ALIEN"I focused on a DNA forensic approach to alien abduction evidence. While prominence is given to the Peter Khoury "alien hair" case from Sydney Australia, other cases and experiences from around the world are also examined. Myprimary focus was to promote a forensic scientific approach to examining the alien abduction controversy, concentrating on the DNA approach where compelling biological evidence was available. I also wrote::
... Simon Conway Morris ... in (his book) Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe (using) our best evidence for life, our own on planet Earth, (argues) against the prevailing scientific evolutionary paradigm, he states that because of the ubiquity of evolutionary convergence, not only does life have an extraordinary propensity for navigating multiple pathways to precise biological solutions, but that it repeatedly reprises the same evolutionary solution, mediated powerfully by "the weirdest molecule in the Universe" - DNA. In short, Morris contends that on suitable planets out there the genetic tape of life will play out into more "inevitable humans." But, contends Morris, the rarity of Earth-like planets means that we are most likely living in a lonely universe. Others argue, however, that life is everywhere, driven by a "life principle" that favors the spread of life through the universe. The Fermi Paradox looms large here. If aliens exist where are they! The simplest answer is they are already here, have been here, still are, and the ultimate answer awaits mainstream sciences serious open minded embrace with the UFO question rather than the litany of lost opportunities the sorry history of UFOs and science has revealed up till now. A potent and well funded serious science of ufology which focuses on UFOs, alien encounters and alien abduction accounts would be a powerful change to the unscientific approach that has been the way of mainstream sciences nervous dance with the subject up till now. The DNA found in the strange hair sample implicated in the alien abduction experience of Peter Khoury had a striking array of DNA anomalies. Until the Hair of the Alien evidence came along the claims that alien abductions might involve hybrid beings was just unsubstantiated speculation. Now evidence had been revealed that may support such a bizarre scenario. Its not conclusive evidence, but it is enough of a potent breakthrough to argue that the research direction it inspired is a very worthwhile hypothesis to pursue. I have created a blog site that focuses on this fascinating area. I have put an introductory essay up on the site The Alien DNA Paradigm an introduction at You can assist this long term effort with information and material that may support the work. It may just help define our place in the universe. During 2010 Peter Khoury was subject to a lie detector test, despite my efforts to advise him that polygraph testing was scientifically unreliable. Since such testing has popular kudos I have also included the context of that testing, which Peter passed: polygraph examiner Gavin Wilson, on camera, reported to Mary Rodwell, Chris Rodwell, and Peter Khoury (I was at the same table out of camera shot), Peter passed the test. Peter laconically responded, Great, Im happy. Gavin added, So far as Im concerned, what he witnessed, there has to be some merit in that. from my UFO History Keys column in the Australian magazine "Ufologist"
Belief, Polygraphs and alien abductions
the SBS My Mum Talks to Aliens documentary examined. by Bill Chalker On November 30 2010 the documentary My Mum talks to Aliens was aired on the SBS TV network. It has been repeated a number of times since then. While the lurid title may have seemed off putting, the content was interesting and made a contribution to the debate about UFOs and alien abductions. The primary and most engaging aspect of the documentary was the relationship between alien abduction counselor Mary Rodwell and her son Chris, a veterinarian. A kind of road trip through the alien landscape was played out, with Chris looking for credible scientific evidence that his mothers obsession with matters alien are not an indication she has lost her marbles. Mary sets about showing him a range of things that might persuade him that the UFO and alien abduction field is a serious area of enquiry and that she has a credible approach within it. While some apparently intriguing areas were touched on by the documentary, each had their own devil in the detail aspects issues and problems which were not addressed, in part due to the limitations of the format of the programme. It seemed to be up to Mary to present the case for each item and for Chris to see if it resonated well with his scientific sensibilities. The credibility of each segment really depended on how engaged and well informed Mary and Chris were with them. This varied a lot through the programme. For example, some interesting elements described in the abduction narrative of Greg Le Noel, one of Mary Rodwells clients, was overshadowed by issues associated with polygraph testing. In a Gosford UFO meeting Chris feels completely done with the strange world of UFO belief, which in the piece aired in the documentary seemed dominated by alien language. The Australian Academy of Sciences debate between Mary Rodwell and Dr. Charlie Lineweaver, with an audience weighted heavily with his students, was never going to take seriously Marys Exopolitics mediated litany of uncritical claims about the strange nature of UFO reality. Confusing Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defence minister for Colonel Corso was a stumble for Mary, and not having an appropriate response for Lineweavers slander of Dr. Brian Josephenson was disappointing. Lineweaver was apparently hung up on a physics Nobel laureate lurching into non-scientific mainstream areas such as telepathy, an aspect that could have been soundly argued against, given Lineweavers close mind about such matters. Lineweaver got some free hits, but his arrogance worked against him, in the context of the documentary. It also understandably raised the ire of Marys son, Chris, who saw it as a personalised attack on his mother. The photo evidence Mary presented to Chris impressed him, but that was because he was inexperienced with the video anomalies that occur with night time filming of distant light sources. He even went as far to suggest Mary should have led with this Silbury Hill footage in the science debate. Luckily that didnt occur, as I suspect Dr. Lineweaver may have jumped on what Chris saw as crystal clarity, with the exotic looking diamond shapes being nothing more than the defocused images a lens effect - of distant point light sources. An examination of the full footage on the SBS web site confirms this and supports the idea these light sources were probably prosaic sources, such as possible flares. While such analysis can be debated the idea that they represented compelling alien UFO imagery was not sustained by the facts. Marys ace card, abductee Peter Khoury, was filmed in a very limited way focusing on an all too brief recounting of only part of the DNA evidence related to his 1992 experience and then filming an unguarded moment which Peter would have wished wasnt used. It was pretty clear than both, Mary and Chris, were not well aware of the totality of the DNA evidence in Peter Khourys case, and if they were, they didnt understand it or its implications. Despite Marys preoccupations with matters DNA related in her claims of new humans she seems to prefer poorly documented evidence rather than well presented and detailed evidence such as in the Khoury Hair of the Alien case. Neither, Peter or I, are aware of any occasion, other than the documentary, where she has highlighted the case in any significant way in her lectures or publications. Indeed I was advised it was the producers that led Mary into choosing Peter Khourys case as her belated ace card, as stronger and more compelling material was needed, than the material she had already presented. Some other ace cards had fallen along the way and were not used. The interview with a Woomera witness, who seemed to change her mind at the last minute, saying her observation and filming during a rocket test probably wasnt an alien UFO, was not used. The detour to Wycliffe Well was possibly not used because of the way it was filmed, with the segment seemingly more about UFO theatre rather than solid facts. The visit to the National Archives did not focus on compelling material and so was cut out of the documentary. A more detailed examination of the files would have revealed more compelling data. My own last minute reluctant agreement to be filmed talking very briefly about the DNA work, despite laboring with flu recovery, did not give a coherent or detailed account of that work, which had already been briefly covered by Peter talking about part of the research. As I had been something of a pest re the polygraph testing I wasnt surprised to see my brief DNA piece cut out of the documentary. Beside it required a much more detailed presentation to present this evidence in a serious and acceptable way. Later, Chris seemed hung up on the idea that it seemed to him unscientific to have part of the remaining hair sample on a broken slide, giving me no opportunity to highlight that the sample was secure and that it would have been scientifically irresponsible to risk another sample transfer just for the sake of a TV documentary. In any event there is another segment of the hair sample held in a secure manner. Once again it was a mellowed form of polygraph testing entrapment that overshadowed the very limited and skewed presentation of this case, and the polygraph testing was limited to his 1988 experience rather than the 1992 experience, in which evidence led to DNA testing. The programme had not engaged with this 1988 experience, so it was probably confusing for the viewer. The polygraph was used, almost without question, as a way of discriminating between fact and fiction. There was a brief narration comment that Mary had some issues about the use of lie detection, while in the background I had been waging a campaign against its use in general and more specifically in Peter Khourys case. It was a campaign I waged with the producers and Peter, and my arguments were based on science, not vague popular perceptions of the utility of polygraph testing. There was a huge debate that could be had here, but it was left unstated in the documentary, despite the history of the controversial use of polygraphs in both the wider community and its rather sorry history of use in the UFO controversy. I will limit my further comments here to where the documentary addressed alien abductions. It did this by examining two different abductees, Greg Le Noel, the client of Marys ACERN practice, and Peter Khoury, who had not been a client of Mary, nor had she been involved in any of the research about his abduction experiences. In both cases Chris organised polygraph testing via Gavin Wilson, forensic polygraph examiner for Australian Polygraph Services. Greg failed his test, while Peter Khoury passed his. Mary Rodwell attempted to rationalise Gregs failure as being due to his abduction memories being recovered via subconscious or trance recall, in other words, his abduction narrative came from the hypnotic regressions Mary carried out with Greg. Peter Khourys abduction memories are clearly anchored in conscious recollection. So the documentarys smoking gun was Peter Khourys successful lie detector test, which had focused on his conscious recollection of witnessing 5 aliens in 1988. Peter Khoury has always wanted to have a lie detector test, to help validate his claims of alien abductions. Of course Peter was pleased to have passed the polygraph test, but the documentary failed to reveal the background drama on this particular aspect of the programme. Nor did it engage with the deeper issue of the use of hypnosis in validating alien abduction stories. There is a rich and potent debate to be had there. But it was not going to happen in this context, perhaps in part because so much of Marys evidence has been gained through the extensive use of hypnosis. I was a direct participant in this part of the story. When Peter Khoury told me he had agreed to do a polygraph test I did my best to try to get him not to do it. Why? The answer was simple. While popular perceptions and polygraph providers argue that lie detector tests are strong evidence of proving or disproving deception, there is no scientific evidence to back this claim up. Indeed there is plenty of evidence which shows that such tests are unreliable and can give both false positive and negative results. For example read about the sorry case of Wen Ho Lee, described in the book A Convenient Spy Wen Ho Lee and the politics of Nuclear Espionage by Dan Stober and Ian Hoffman. Contradictory FBI interpretations of the same polygraph results overwhelmed this affair. It was not an isolated case. Further, I had previously on a number of occasions reviewed the scientific evidence for polygraph testing, to see if they should be utilised as a research tool in the investigation of alien abduction claims. I had concluded on each of these occasions that there was not sufficient evidence to support polygraph testing as an appropriate tool in researching alien abduction reports. In fact there was compelling evidence arguing that such testing should be avoided as it potentially put abductees in the hands of an unreliable tool for determining truth about such matters. See also New Scientist, 25 June 2011, The truth about lies Easy to tell, hard to detect for a recent assessment of the issue. Polygraphs remain in their scientific limbo, as unproven devices for the assessment of truth. If the evidence for polygraph accuracy had been strong and scientifically validated, I would not have hesitated in encouraging Peter Khoury to do polygraph testing. Instead my own research meant I would not be protecting Peter Khourys best interests if I remained silent about his decision to eagerly embrace such testing. In fact I became a thorn in the side of the documentary producers, who were intent on using the polygraph testing as a dramatic element in the show. I was asked by Peter Khoury to be present when the documentary team, Gavin Wilson, the Polygraph examiner, and Mary & Chris Rodwell visited Peters home for the test on September 1st, 2010. As I was getting over a bout of the flu this was a draining experience, but a necessary one. I had a debate with Gavin about the validity of polygraph testing. He accepted that I had compelling evidence, but obviously stood by his profession. I was also alarmed when I overheard the producer trying to encourage the polygraph examiner to ask Peter Khoury questions about whether he had had sex with aliens. As Peter himself was not even certain about this, such a question was not appropriate to ask in a polygraph setting. Gavin Wilson was a professional in his approach. After questioning Peter at length he had decided not to address this, but rather focus on the 1988 experience. Still, I was surprised, that despite all my arguments against the validity of polygraph testing, and potential risks to his career, Peter Khoury ultimately did the test. I think that says a lot about his sense of truth and his integrity. He was willing to put everything on the line. A line though I felt was not a good line to cross, given it was defined by an unreliable tool. Despite all this, polygraph examiner Gavin Wilson, on camera, reported to Mary Rodwell, Chris Rodwell, and Peter Khoury (I was at the same table out of camera shot), Peter passed the test. Peter laconically responded, Great, Im happy. Gavin added, So far as Im concerned, what he witnessed, there has to be some merit in that. Despite Chris Rodwell being impressed that Peter had originally promptly agreed to his request to do the polygraph testing, and that he also passed it, Chris was less than forthright in his acknowledgement of this. Instead we got from him, Im open-minded with Peters story. Further he said referring to the material he found most credible, A guy who says he was abducted by aliens and he passed a lie detector test. You cant deny that. It swayed me, but Im not a believer. Moving goal posts, it seemed to me.
Polygraph examiner Gavin Wilson assessing Peter Khoury
Had Chris actually deeply engaged with the UFO data, rather than the light touch provided by this road trip down the UFO highway, he may have more deeply understood the intensity of his mothers troubling UFO obsession. Despite this, Chris had at least walked some distance into his mothers alien world, and had developed some respect for her efforts, even if they didnt always sit well with his scientific sensibilities. The process had the benefit of deepening the bonds between a mother and a son. Mary often says she honors all realities. Personally I dont agree with such an approach, since some realities turn out to be false. Everyone is entitled to hold their own UFO beliefs, but I for one, prefer to anchor my beliefs in verifiable UFO realities. In areas, were certainty is not possible, I am open to such matters, without incorporating them as matters of belief, but rather as matters for consideration and deep thought, and serious investigation where possible. UFO belief, often intense belief, is shared by many people, in many different ways. We can all learn from examining other peoples beliefs and experienced realities. I have an enduring UFO obsession of sorts, but it is anchored in scientific perspectives, with an open mind to other approaches. There are many paths to engage with the UFO reality, not just with UFO belief - the devil in the detail.
IT is perhaps Scotlands most famous close encounter and one which has fascinated scientists, investigators and UFO hunters from around the world.
The mystery of what happened to a forestry worker called Robert Taylor on a chilly November evening more than 30 years ago is one that has baffled all who have examined the case including the police, who keep the file open and consider it unexplained.
The fact that the police were not able to come up with some rational explanation is one of the enduring elements of a story which Mr Taylor continued to insist was true up until his death in 2007.
And now it is the subject of more scrutiny, thanks to a new show being produced by the National Geographic channel.
UFOs: The Untold Story aims to take a look at some of the most famous and supported UFO encounters from around the world, and it seems only fitting that Mr Taylors story should be among those told.
It started for him on November 9, 1979, when he worked for the Livingston Development Corporation ensuring that no cattle or sheep wandered into Dechmont Woods. It was a job hed done for a long time with no unusual incidents something that was about to change.
He arrived for work as normal in his company-owned pick-up truck with his Irish red setter Larah and started to walk down the path into the woods. But as he rounded the path into a clearing he was absolutely astonished to see what he later described as a large dome-shaped object of about 20-30ft circumference hovering 15ft above the surface of the grass.
He said that parts of it seemed to disappear around the edges it would seem to dematerialise so he could see the trees behind it, then solidify again.
As he watched it, what resembled two WWII sea mines dropped from beneath the object and rolled towards him. Just before they reached him a burning smell, like burning brake lines, flooded the area and he heard a loud swishing noise. The mines rolled across the grass and rods came out of them, which attached themselves to his hips and began to pull him towards the object.
At this point he lost consciousness. He didnt know for how long but thought it could only have been for one or two minutes. When he came to the objects were gone and there were marks and holes on the ground, more than 20 circular or triangular indentations in the grass. Robert also had a nasty graze on his forehead and another one on his chin, and an incredible thirst.
He stumbled back to his truck and tried to drive off, but he was so shocked and disorientated he reversed it into a ditch and couldnt get it out. He then tried to radio his base to tell them what had happened but found he had lost his voice.
He staggered back to his home in Deans near Livingston. When his wife saw him she thought he had been attacked because of the injuries to his face and the fact that his trousers were torn and his clothes were muddy. She asked him what had happened and he said he had been attacked by a spaceship.
His wife called his boss Malcolm Drummond who came to the house. He knew Robert and knew he wasnt the type of man to make up stories and that if he said that was what he saw, then that was what he saw.
That was when the police were contacted. Because Robert had been injured it was deemed to be an assault and they took him back to look at the scene and saw the marks on the grass for themselves. They fenced off the area and Roberts torn trousers were sent for forensic testing at Bathgate Police Station.
The scientists who examined them said they had been ripped upwards in a manner consistent with pulling by a mechanical device and that the rips hadnt been made by forest debris.
Malcolm Robinson, below, a founder member of Strange Phenomena Investigations (SPI) and a prolific author, was among those to speak to Robert immediately after the event and to this day believes it could be one of the few genuine cases of a UFO encounter.
About 95 per cent of UFO sightings have a natural solution but its the five per cent minority that we are trying to provide answers for, he says.
I was there the following day. I saw the marks and I met Bob, who struck me as a very sane and rational gentleman who didnt want any of the publicity he had been thrust into. He never changed his story. To his dying day, which unfortunately came in 2007, he said: Until the end of time I will say that I saw what I saw.
Im so pleased National Geographic are re-examining the case so that a new generation of Scottish people, and others around the world, can hear about it.
The programme also spoke to Nick Pope, a leading authority on UFOs who worked on the Ministry of Defence UFO Project and has examined reports of alien abductions, crop circles and animal mutilations. He too believes the Dechmont case merits closer study.
This case is truly bizarre and remains unexplained to this day, he says.
The MoD had a file on the incident, which would have been investigated by one of my predecessors. Its a significant case because of the physical evidence.
Robert Taylor seemed to be an honest man who had little to gain and much to lose by coming forward with this story. MoD should have used metal detectors and a Geiger counter at the site of the encounter, but it was difficult, once the police got involved, as word would have got out and it was always MoD policy to downplay the extent of our interest.
Theres not much middle ground with this case: either some practical joke got out of hand, or Robert Taylor genuinely encountered something bizarre.
UFOs: The Untold Story is on National Geographic on Tuesday, November 20, at 8pm.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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