The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Seconde partie de l'étude sur les Mystérieux Triangles Célestes.
Seconde partie de l'étude sur les Mystérieux Triangles Célestes.
Bonjours à tous
J’ai plaisir de vous informer que la seconde partie de mon étude sur les ovnis de forme triangulaire est désormais disponible
(téléchargeable gratuitement au format PDF) aux adresses suivantes :
DOSSIER N°73 : ............ MYSTERIEUX TRIANGLES partie 2( fichier pdf 13,5 Mo )
DOSSIER N°73 : ............ MYSTERIEUX TRIANGLES partie 2 ( fichier pdf 2,40 Mo )
La première partie de l’étude (téléchargeable gratuitement au format PDF) est disponible à l’adresse suivante :
Depuis que l'ère UFO moderne a débuté en 1947, les enquêteurs en sont toujours à se demander ce qui se cache derrière ce phénomène et à quelles fins il se manifeste. On a déjà trouvé un semblant de réponse en 1957, lorsque le fermier Villas Boas fut enlevé à bord d'un OVNI et eut un "intermezzo" sexuel avec une extraterrestre. Cependant, ce cas tellement étrange ne fut publié qu'en 1966, en même temps que le cas des époux Hill.
Le sondage Roper de 1991
En1991, l'institut de sondage américain Roper- fondé par Budd Hopkins et Robert Bigelow [aujourd'hui NIDS], a mené une enquête auprès de 5947 personnes afin de savoir si elles avaient été confrontées à des expériences RR4. Il est intéressant de constater que 18% des personnes interrogées s'étaient déjà réveillées paralysées et avaient aperçu des silhouettes près d'elles, 15% ont répondu avoir vu des créatures étrangères ! Le résultat de ce sondage a montré que, statistiquement, 2% de la population américaine montrerait des symptômes d'enlèvements extraterrestres. Un fait très intéressant également est que la plupart des personnes interrogées étaient cultivées, aisées et actives dans la société!
La menace :
L'historien, enquêteur et auteur David M. Jacobs présente peut-être dans son livre "The Threat" ["La Menace" Simon & Schuster, New York 1999] la solution du mystère UFO et des abductions. Il a, ces dernières années, questionné et hypnotisé près de 700 abductés et a obtenu de nombreux récits et informations semblables qui nous permettent de jeter un œil dans cet "agenda alien". Les résultats qu'il a obtenus correspondent à ceux qu'ont obtenus d'autres enquêteurs.
Jacobs a dû avant tout se battre contre diverses réactions car ce phénomène n'a pas seulement fait sourire le public mais également les collègues enquêteurs, tout comme le défunt astronome et ancien conseiller scientifique de la commission d’enquêtes "Bluebook", J. Allen Hynek, qui ne voyaient pas l'utilité d'une étude à long terme de ce phénomène bizarre.
Cela semblait ne jouer aucun rôle que dans 20% des cas étudiés par Jacobs, plus d'une victime soit impliquée durant un seul enlèvement et que nous n'avions plus à faire à des expériences subjectives mais à une réalité objective concernant plusieurs personnes en même temps!
Le scepticisme initial est compréhensible lorsqu'on constate les interventions "quasi médicales", le prélèvement d'ovules et de sperme, la confrontation avec des créatures hybrides, des bébés "éprouvette" extraterrestres -auxquels les abductés doivent enseigner des choses, ou bien jouer avec eux, ou bien encore doivent les toucher- qui sont le noyau sexuel et reproductif du phénomène. De plus, le thème tabou du sexe vient s'ajouter à cette liste et ce mélange rend une enquête objective très difficile.
Une curieuse complicité lie certains abductés entre eux, beaucoup affirment s'être rencontrés, ou vus, à bord d'OVNIs. Des amitiés et des amours se tissent, c'est pourquoi on peut se demander si les abductés sont vraiment libres de leurs choix?! Avons-nous à faire à des individus qui ont été "sélectionnés" et "réunis" par les aliens? De plus, il est très curieux que d'anciens enlevés aient un rôle à jouer lors d'enlèvements, doivent calmer d'autres ravis ou bien même participer à la série de tests que ceux-ci doivent subir.
Au cours de ses enquêtes, David Jacobs a même été témoin auditif d'un enlèvement ; alors qu'il menait une conversation téléphonique avec l'une de ses patientes, celle-ci lui fit remarquer qu'elle entendait, dans la pièce où elle se trouvait, un étrange son qu'elle connaissait bien puisqu'elle l'avait déjà entendu plusieurs fois avant qu'on ne l'emmène. Ce bruit a également été entendu par David Jacobs.! A peine avaient-ils raccrochés que la femme recevait la visite des créatures et fut enlevée! D'autres témoins lui ont rapporté que les abductés sont effectivement physiquement absents durant leurs enlèvements et qu'ils réapparaissent d'un coup, bien souvent dans des pièces où on les avait cherché peu de temps avant. La moyenne des enlèvements chez une seule personne est dramatiquement élevée : Jacobs rapporte que la fréquence des enlèvements chez une seule et même personne peut varier entre 9 et 100 fois par an et que depuis un certain temps, elle a tendance à augmenter!
Dans de nombreux cas, les créatures se "camouflent" lors de leurs "missions : elles apparaissent en prenant l'apparence de personnages religieux ou de proches décédés. La mise en scène joue un grand rôle lors des abductions et est apparemment insinuée afin de détourner l'attention sur le véritable objectif des créatures. David Jacobs a cependant fait un tri parmi tous ces témoignages et ne s'est concentré que sur le matériel analogue rapporté par tous les abductés, du moins, par une grande partie d'entre eux.
Les preuves solides au sujet de ces rencontres sont rares surtout parce qu'elles ne sont pas reconnues immédiatement comme telles par les abductés. Comme par exemple, cette femme ayant trouvé après un enlèvement, un petit objet jaune, ressemblant à du plastique dans son vagin. Elle s'est empressée de le jeter dans les toilettes et de tirer la chasse d'eau. On a bien souvent l'impression qu'inconsciemment, les personnes concernées trouvant de tels objets sur eux ressentent un certain malaise et se sentent obligés de s'en débarrasser au plus vite.
L'anatomie des "autres".
Que sont-Ils et d'où viennent-Ils? David Jacobs répond, en partie, à cette question grâce à ses nombreuses données.
Si l'on en croit certains abductés, ces créatures viennent d'une planète étrangère. Il n'y a aucun indice sur des mondes parallèles, des voyages temporels et autres sources exotiques du phénomène. Certains enlevés, qui apparemment étaient sur les lieux, décrivent une planète désertique. Une femme dit avoir vu, près de gros nuages, trois soleils et que le sol ressemblait à du sable cuit et durcit. Elle "lévitait" avec les créatures vers un bâtiment aux grandes baies vitrées. Apparemment, les aliens vivent autre part que dans leurs OVNIs.
Plusieurs sortes de "races" ont été observées à l'intérieur des OVNIs: tout d'abord, le "petit Gris" classique qui semble être responsable des tâches les plus simples, comme kidnapper, déshabiller les abductés, etc. Puis viennent des créatures leur ressemblant physiquement mais plus grandes et qui elles, semblent être responsables des tâches plus complexes, des examens médicaux, et communiquent parfois avec les ravis. En arrière-plan, se tiennent des entités insectoides, le plus souvent portant des robes ou des capes et semblent avoir le commandement. Ces créatures sont, la plupart du temps, décrites comme des "Pray Mantis", "mantes religieuses".
Des créatures de type "hybride" qui ne se différencient plus des humains, sont également observées. Physiquement, il sont humains et intérieurement "Gris", du moins, en ce qui concerne leurs facultés. Ces créatures se trouveraient entre temps parmi nous, dans nos villes et y rencontreraient des abductés, elles auraient le rôle de "personne de confiance" ou de "directeurs de projet". Ces informations sur les insectoïdes et les hybrides sont captivantes. Les Gris sont, d'après ce qu'on aurait raconté aux abductés, eux-mêmes un mélange génétique. Ils ont été, en partie, lors du "premier programme", créés avec du matériel génétique humain. En outre, l'autre partie génétique reste inconnue. Nous ne savons pas non plus qui fut le créateur de ces êtres, on nous parle d'une "intelligence supérieure" sans qu'elle soit nommée.
Le premier essai n'a pas été concluant puisque les Gris ne peuvent se reproduire. C'est pourquoi le "deuxième programme" (se déroulant actuellement) a été mis en route, afin que leur espèce artificielle reste en vie et soit capable de se reproduire. Nous, les humains, nous avons été choisis car nos gênes correspondent le mieux aux leurs et qu'ils peuvent facilement se croiser. Cependant, les Gris ont été également "mélangés" à d'autres racesextraterrestres, ce qui pourrait expliquer les différents aspects physiques de ceux-ci. Les Gris absorberaient leur nourriture par la peau. Une enlevée a été menée par un hybride dans une pièce où se trouvaient des réservoirs emplis de liquide. Une créature est sortie de l'un de ces réservoirs au travers de la paroi et s'était apparemment offert un petit goûter! Par contre, nous ne savons pas ce que pourrait être ce liquide absorbé par les créatures extraterrestres. Le même genre de pratique a été observé chez d'anciens hybrides, d'apparence alien, tandis que les hybrides actuels, d'apparence humaine, semblent pouvoir se nourrir normalement. La technique alien ne semble pas parfaite, certains enlevés auraient vu des hybrides avec de graves déformations, les hybrides femelles seraient, en grande partie, incapables de procréer. Ces informations ont été rapportées aux enlevés par des hybrides d'apparence humaine. On aurait montré à une abductée, à l'intérieur d'un OVNI, un "musée" bizarre où étaient "exposées", sous forme d'hologrammes, les différentes étapes de leurs travaux d'hybridation. Jacobs a pu, d'après les témoignages, recenser trois sortes d'hybrides qui prendraient de plus en plus l'apparence humaine. Ceux-ci seraient conservés à l'état embryonnaire dans des réservoirs remplis de liquide et y grandiraient. Des abductés auraient vu des salles remplies de milliers de réservoirs de ce genre. Les hybrides semblent remplacer peu à peu les Gris et sont, dans certains cas, les seuls occupants à bord des OVNIs. Il est possible que le type d'aliens que nous connaissons actuellement disparaisse bientôt pour faire place à des créatures d'apparence humaine. Cela pourrait expliquer le phénomène connu des "MIB" car les hybrides sont souvent décrits comme maladroits, bizarres et semblent étrangers dans notre environnement. Le sang des enlevés semble important et leur serait aspiré en grande quantité car l'hémoglobine serait utilisée pour les hybrides. Les victimes d'enlèvements en sont finalement réduites à l'état de machines reproductives et de pièces de rechange ambulantes. Peut-être est-ce la vraie raison des mutilations humaines?
Positif – Négatif :
On retrouve, au sein de la petite communauté des abductions américaine, une polémique en cours depuis des années, à savoir, comment traiter les expériences et de quelle façon les mettre en valeur. Les chercheurs Leo Sprinkle, Hunter Gray (et oui, c'est son véritable nom!) et Richard Boylan (tous trois convaincus d'être des abductés) défendent le côté positif et les bonnes intentions des aliens. Les personnes concernées, d'après eux, disent avoir grandi spirituellement et se verraient elles-mêmes comme actives dans le "grand plan" des aliens. Le tout devrait être interprété comme "un rite d'initiation cosmique" qui se répercuterait sur l'état de conscience de l'humanité entière. Tout comme ces alliances de contacts positifs classiques [space Brothers] qui prétendaient dans les années 50 et 60 communiquer avec des extraterrestres se préoccupant de l'avenir de notre planète surtout en rapport avec l'holocauste atomique. Joseph Nyman et John Mack ont hypnotisé des abductés et ont remarqué que certains d'entre eux se souvenaient d'une vie antérieure durant laquelle ils étaient eux-mêmes des aliens. Ainsi, on ne parle plus d'abductés, mais d' « Experiencers » et les abductions deviennent des « Encounters ». Tout cela ne change rien au fait que plus de la moitié des abductés souffrent du syndrome de stress post-traumatique, qu'ils sont enlevés contre leur gré afin de subir des examens extrêmement pénibles et qu'ils doivent également supporter, impuissants, de voir leurs enfants et leurs proches subir le même sort! Si les ravisseurs avaient vraiment une motivation positive, ils demanderaient leur accord aux victimes ou bien, feraient en sorte que ces personnes testées involontairement restent en bonne santé - un deal à l’amiable en fait, ce qui n'est absolument pas le cas. Des abutés meurent de maladies qui seraient certainement facilement curables pour une civilisation de haute technologie. Le fait qu'elles ne soient pas aidées montre en fin de compte que les victimes sont, aux "grands yeux" des Gris, comme des rats de laboratoire et dans ce cas, les relations génétiques ne nous aident pas vraiment! Il est toutefois humainement compréhensible que, afin de s'auto protéger, face aux expériences traumatisantes et effrayantes auxquelles ils sont confrontés, les abductés s'imaginent ne pas être les victimes des aliens mais leurs partenaires.
Les abductions peuvent-elles être évitées?...
Le phénomène des enlèvements extraterrestres est examiné depuis de nombreuses années et des projets ont été établis afin de mettre à jour d'éventuelles preuves scientifiques. Il y a quelques années, trois groupes ufologiques américains proposaient leur aide au projet "Ambient Monitoring Project": Le MUFON [Mutual UFO Network], le CUFOS [Center for UFO Studies] et le FUFOR [Fund for UFO Research] ont, sous la direction de Tom Deuley [membre du MUFON et créateur du projet], élaboré un appareil placé chez de potentiels abductés afin de mesurer des interactions et phénomènes secondaires physiques possibles lors d'un éventuel enlèvement.
Nous n'avons pas pu apprendre plus de détails à l'époque, mais apparemment, ces expériences ont été planifiées en 1998 et le projet a débuté en l'an 2000. L'appareil a été placé chez des abductés pour une période d'essai de 4 à 6 mois afin de rassembler des données.
Comme on peut le constater, cet essai s'est avéré être un échec - aucune anomalie n'a pu être notée. En fait, les abductés n'ont pas été visités durant cette période d'essai. Les aliens semblaient éviter cette technique. Donc, par hasard et involontairement, on est arrivé à trouver une possible méthode pour repousser les aliens : [Quelle: Bill Chalker, Hair of the Alien, Paraview Pocket Books, ISBN 978-0-7434-9286-7, New York 2oo5]
Jacobs en est arrivé également à une telle constatation : chez de nombreux abductés, les enlèvements ont diminué de manière tangible lorsqu'une technique de surveillance était utilisée. Il y a eu quelques petits incidents, des abductés ont par exemple, comme télécommandés, éteint les appareils ou d'étranges pannes d'électricité sont survenues mais il semblerait que cela soit un bon moyen de dissuasion. En fin de compte chaque technique doit être évité et manipulée par les aliens afin de pouvoir la contourner et le risque d'erreurs est possible. Pour une intelligence opérant en cachette cela peut poser des problèmes !...
Que pouvons-nous penser de la théorie de David Jacobs? L'avantage de ses réflexions est qu'elles sont basées sur les déclarations des témoins - naturellement si les Aliens ne nous ont pas livré de fausses informations. Jacobs n'explique pas seulement le phénomène OVNI mais également les abductions, la présence d'ufonautes d'apparence humaine, des MIBs et, indirectement, le phénomène des mutilations. Ses conclusions sont également approuvées par d'autres enquêteurs tels que Fowler, Carpenter et Hopkins. Cette théorie est solide. Ainsi nous avons à faire à des extraterrestres qui possèderaient une haute technologie, qui seraient en relation avec la Terre et pour cette raison seraient toujours présents puisqu'ils disparaîtraient sans nous. Cela semble plus logique que l'hypothèse de "contrôle de système" de Jacques Vallée qui, justement, échoue aux abductions et aux mutilations et qui finalement n'est qu'une interprétation de simples observations d'OVNIs [et c'est certainement la raison pour laquelle Jacques Vallée a si souvent critiqué le phénomène des RR4].
Jacobs explique pourquoi les aliens n'ont aucun problème avec nos conditions atmosphériques et la gravitation de notre planète puisqu'ils sont constitués de matériel génétique humain et disposent apparemment de certains dons paranormaux qui ne nous sont pas inconnus, comme par exemple, leurs facultés télépathiques.
Les insectoïdes et les reptoïdes sont également un point intéressant, ces créatures ont effectivement des ressemblances frappantes avec notre faune terrienne, ils auraient éventuellement aussi été créés par cette "intelligence supérieure" - la même qui créa les Gris. Apparemment, la Terre leur sert de marché génétique.
La "pré-astronautique" est également confirmée indirectement par Jacobs, car les Gris auraient été créés lors du premier projet des aliens, ce qui signifie que nous aurions eu au moins deux sortes de " visiteurs "différents sur notre planète : Les Gris et leurs "partisans" et l'autre "intelligence", sur laquelle, en fin de compte, nous ne pouvons que spéculer puisque nous ne savons rien d'elle. Est-ce que cette intelligence nous aurait aussi manipulés? Cela ne peut être exclu complètement.
Peut-être étaient-Ils vraiment les "Dieux" d'antan qui nous ont créé à leur image et qui, de plus étaient les créateurs d'une [?...] autre espèce ?...
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Nasa finds water in atmosphere of five distant planets
Nasa finds water in atmosphere of five distant planets.
WASHINGTON: In an encouraging sign of life beyond earth, NASA scientists have found faint signatures of water in the atmospheres of five distant planets.
Though the presence of atmospheric water was reported previously on a few exoplanets orbiting stars beyond the solar system, but this is the first study to conclusively measure and compare the profiles and intensities of these signatures on multiple worlds, NASA said.
The five planets - WASP-17b, HD209458b, WASP-12b, WASP-19b and XO-1b - orbit nearby stars, a NASA report said adding that this was based on the research done through the Hubble telescope.
The strengths of their water signatures varied, it said. WASP-17b, a planet with an especially puffed-up atmosphere, and HD209458b had the strongest signals. The signatures for the other three planets, WASP-12b, WASP-19b and XO-1b, also are consistent with water, NASA said.
"We're very confident that we see a water signature for multiple planets," said Avi Mandell, a planetary scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland., and lead author of an Astrophysical Journal paper, published yesterday, describing the findings for WASP-12b, WASP-17b and WASP-19b.
"This work really opens the door for comparing how much water is present in atmospheres on different kinds of exoplanets, for example hotter versus cooler ones," Mandell said.
NASA said the five planets are hot Jupiters, massive worlds that orbit close to their host stars. The researchers were initially surprised that all five appeared to be hazy.
"These studies, combined with other Hubble observations, are showing us that there are a surprisingly large number of systems for which the signal of water is either attenuated or completely absent," said Heather Knutson of the California Institute of Technology, a co-author.
"This suggests that cloudy or hazy atmospheres may in fact be rather common for hot Jupiters," he added.
04-12-2013 om 20:31
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
As most people in the UFO community will be aware, Jesse Marcel Jr died in August. Jesse had been 10 in 1947, when his father, the intelligence officer at the military base at Roswell, woke him to show him pieces he said had come from the crash of a flying saucer. Whatever one believes crashed, with Jesse Jr’s passing, the last witness with a direct and undisputed link to the Roswell story is gone. The time is right, therefore, to ask what many ufologists might regard as a heretical question – is it time to give up on Roswell?
Any police officer will tell you that your best chance of solving a crime comes very early in the investigation, often within 48 hours. Witnesses can easily be located and their memories are fresh. The crime scene is uncontaminated and evidence can be quickly secured and analysed. As I know from my government work, UFO investigations are similar, in that if you don’t solve a case quickly, your chances of doing so diminish rapidly, for pretty much the same reasons as I cited in relation to police investigations.
Once a police investigation has run for a certain time, with no successful outcome, the situation is reviewed. Resources are finite, new crime reports are coming in all the time and officers ask whether it’s worth continuing to investigate a case that seems unlikely to be solved, or whether resources might better be targeted at the new investigations. That’s not to say that the unsolved cases are closed; rather, they’re put on hold, until some new witness comes forward, a new piece of evidence emerges, or some new scientific technique (e.g. DNA testing) is developed which allows old cases to be successfully revisited. Is it time for the UFO community to do the same in relation to Roswell? I think the answer is yes, for two reasons.
The first reason is the obvious one. If it’s unlikely that a UFO incident that took place over 65 years ago is suddenly going to be solved, why waste the time and resources on it anymore? Imagine what might be achieved if the effort currently put into solving Roswell was focused on more recent cases, or onto more general UFO-related projects such as trend analysis of past cases, looking for patterns that have previously been missed, that might tell us something genuinely new and useful about the phenomenon.
The second reason is rather more subtle, but perhaps no less important. What message does it send politicians and the mainstream media if ufology’s so-called “Best Case” happened over 65 years ago? I suggest it sends the message that ufology is stuck in the past, looking at something that is as much history as mystery. Has nothing more interesting happened since 1947?
In Neuro-linguistic programming (and in the business community) there’s a saying that “If what you’re doing isn’t working, try something else”. Similarly, there’s the military concept of “reinforcing failure”, which is something to be avoided. And yet, I ask myself, isn’t this precisely what ufologists are doing with their endless attempts to investigate and re-investigate something that happened long before most of us were born?
Nobody can (or should) stop anyone investigating Roswell if that’s what they want to do. But those who do so should go in with their eyes open, realise they’re unlikely to succeed, and consider whether they might better target their efforts elsewhere.
Put bluntly, if we haven’t solved Roswell by now, the chances are that we never will. Continuing the police analogy, Roswell has become the ufological equivalent of the hunt for Jimmy Hoffa or the search for the identity of Jack the Ripper. It’s hugely interesting from a historical perspective, and there are lots of TV shows about it, but you don’t see cops working the case.
Another relevant point here is that the case has so polarised views in the UFO community that it’s become little more than the battleground for an ugly skeptic versus believer dogfight. Many people on both sides of the belief spectrum regard the case as already having been conclusively proven, either as an alien spacecraft, or as Project Mogul. And when a serious, mainstream journalist – Annie Jacobsen – tackles the subject, what do we get? A story about a Soviet plot to cause mass hysteria in America with a remote-controlled circular craft and grotesque children who are the result of experiments from Nazi scientists. And we mustn’t forget the alien autopsy fiasco, or “Anonymous”, the supposed CIA whistleblower whose ‘deathbed testimony’ about Roswell and UFOs is ufological buzzword bingo at its cheesiest. Roswell has come a long way, but it’s a dead end, part pop culture, part parody.
s time to realise that the Holy Grail is illusory and that some sacred cows should be slaughtered before they become mad and infect the rest of the herd.
The UFO community should face the facts. Roswell is dead. It’s time to move on.
Nick Pope is a former employee of the UK Ministry of Defense. From 1991 to 1994 he ran the British Government's UFO project and has recently been involved in a five-year program to declassify and release the entire archive of these UFO files. Nick Pope held a number of other fascinating posts in the course of his 21-year government career, which culminated in his serving as an acting Deputy Director in the Directorate of Defense Security. He now works as a broadcaster and journalist, covering subjects including space, fringe science, defense and intelligence.
Nick's next article will be published on January 1, 2014!
Huis van Afgevaardigden houdt hoorzitting over buitenaardsen
Huis van Afgevaardigden houdt hoorzitting over buitenaardsen
De Republikein Lamar Smith, voorzitter van de commissie voor Wetenschap, Ruimte en Technologie van het Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden, gaat vandaag een hoorzitting houden over buitenaards leven.
De commissie zal zich woensdag twee uur lang buigen over de methoden die worden gebruikt om te kijken of andere planeten leven kunnen herbergen.
De hoorzitting is getiteld ‘Astrobiology: Search for Biosignatures in our Solar System and Beyond’. De commissie heeft verschillende experts uitgenodigd om over het onderwerp te komen spreken, waaronder dr. Sara Seager van het Massachusetts Institute of Technology, dr. Mary Voytek van de afdeling planeetwetenschappen van NASA en dr. Steven Dick van het John W. Kluge Center.
Geheime wetenschap
Nu buiten ons zonnestelsel steeds meer aardachtige planeten worden ontdekt, wil de commissie onderzoeken hoe het beste kan worden vastgesteld of er al dan niet leven aanwezig is op deze exoplaneten.
Smith, die tijdens zijn campagne meer dan 500.000 dollar aan donaties heeft ontvangen van de olie- en gasindustrie, is fel gekant tegen het idee dat klimaatverandering wordt veroorzaakt door de mens. Al in 2009 zei hij dat de pers zich iedere keer achter de alarmisten schaarde.
Afgelopen maand beschuldigde hij de Amerikaanse milieubeschermingsdienst EPA van het toepassen van ‘geheime wetenschap’ bij het opstellen van nieuwe richtlijnen voor de luchtkwaliteit. Ook andere Republikeinse leden van de commissie noemen klimaatverandering een grote zwendel.
In de afgelopen decennia zijn twee routekaarten gepubliceerd over astrobiologie. Elke routekaart richt zich op drie specifieke vragen: Hoe begint het leven in het universum? Bestaat elders in het universum leven? En hoe ziet de toekomst eruit voor leven op aarde en daarbuiten?
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Marilyn Monroe Murdered Over UFO Secrecy
Marilyn Monroe Murdered Over UFO Secrecy
Donald Burleson, Ph.D.has been fascinated with the death of Marilyn Monroe for many years. In fact, as a certified UFO field investigator, research consultant, and New Mexico State Director for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), he had heard rumors of a UFO connection with Marilyn’s death.
One of the linchpin’s of Dr. Burleson’s hypothesis is a CIA document, that has come to be known as the Marilyn Monroe document, which mysteriously surfaced in 1994.
The document has a subject line “Marilyn Monroe” and a project line “Moon Dust”. According to Burleson, “Project Moon Dust” had existed since 1953 and whose purpose was the recovering of debris from fallen space vehicles, certainly to include UFO crash depris.
According to “UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe”, the document has an apparent reference, in the routing data at the bottom of the page to MJ-12.
This reference to MJ-12 further associates the Marilyn Monroe document with the whole question of governmental secrecy about unindentified flying objects.
Dr. Burleson’s work involves computer image enhancement. He is a director of a computer lab at Eastern New Mexico University. One day, when the Marilyn Monroe document was being displayed, a student noticed “a sort of smudge or shadow” to the left of the TOP SECRET stamp.
When enhanced the imprint contained the name “Schulgen”. This proved to be another invaluable piece of UFO evidence. Brigadier General George Schulgen was the Chief of the Air Intelligence Requirements Division of Army Air Corps Intelligence. His job basically was to investigate UFOs! How did his name get on the document?
Marilyn was murdered on a Saturday night, she was prepared and had told friends, that she planned to hold a news conference on the following Monday. Several months before her death Marilyn had met Jose Bolanos, a Mexican film director and screenwriter.
In fact Jose accompanied Marilyn to the 1962 Golden Globe Awards. Jose phoned and spoke to Marilyn around 10:00pm the night of her death and according to Jose she would tell the media something that “will one day shock the whole world”.
One can only speculate as to what the something was. We can be confident it didn’t concern her affairs with Bobby or John Kennedy. Both of their wives were aware of their infidelity.
She also probably knew of the plot to kill Fidel Castro and the Bay of Pigs, but would this be reason enough to silence her?
Dr. Burleson believes that there is undisputed proof that Bobby Kennedy was at the scene of Marilyn’s death.
Norman Jeffries who worked with Marilyn’s housekeeper Eunice Murray and helped around the house, said that some men came to Marilyn’s house around 10:00 pm the night of her death.
One man recognized by Mr. Jeffries was Robert Kennedy, who was accompanied by two men he didn’t know. Elizabeth Pllard, who lived right next door to Marilyn and held bridge parties every Saturday night states that she saw Bobby Kennedy and two other men walk right past the window, headed for Marilyn’s house, and one of the men was carrying a small black bag of the sort that a doctor would carry.
According to Norman Jeffries, Bobby and the two mystery men entered the house and ordered Norman and Eunice to leave. Marilyn Munroe biographer Donald Wolfe quotes Norman as saying,
“I mean they made it clear we were to be gone.” This was the second time in one day that Bobby Kennedy had ordered them out of Marilyn’s house.
Norman was waiting at a neighbor’s until Kennedy and the others left the house, which he says was about 10:30 pm. Eunice and Norman, feeling the “coast was clear”, returned to the house and discovered Marilyn sprawled face down, nude, across the day bed in the guest cottage. She was alive, but she was dying.
Dr. Burleson believes that “between the time Bobby Kennedy and his two cohorts entered Marilyn Monroe’s house around 10:00 pm. and the time they left it around 10:30 p.m., a loathsome crime was committed. Marilyn was clearly not expected to survive.
If you believe in the UFO conspiracy or not, it is apparent that Marilyn Munroe’s death was due in part to information she knew about the Kennedy brothers and tragically recorded in her “little red” diary!
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) audio recordings taped Bobby Kennedy and Marilyn Munroe having a violent argument which went something like this:
“Where is it? Where the f___ is it? and things to that effect, “My family must have it,” and “We’ll make any arrangements you want,” and “We’ll pay you for it.”
In retrospect, it’s obvious that Bobby was looking for Marilyn’s diary.
Marilyn had been a diary-keeper all her life, and her most recent one was a little red book in which she was known to have scribbled, among other things, notes on things she and Bobby Kennedy had talked about, including political matters and foreign affairs.
Jeanne Carmen has recalled seeing Bobby grab up Marilyn’s red diary in her living room one day and hurl it across the room, shouting “Get rid of this!”
Dr. Steven Greer came into possession of a CIA document that dealt with Marilyn and Bobby Kennedy.
A synopsis of the document stated that: The subject (Marilyn) would hold a press conference and would tell all; and the subject (Marilyn) made reference to her “diary of secrets” and what the newspapers would do with such disclosures.
Lionel Grandison, from the Los Angles County Coroner’s Office, was the last person recorded to have seen and examined Marilyn’s red diary.
He had sent his driver to Marilyn’s house in the hopes of recovering an address book so that relatives could be notified of Marilyn’s death. Marilyn’s housekeeper Eunice Murray gave the driver an address book and a little red diary!
He stated that the diary contained interesting references to the Kennedys and other people (notably Fidel Castro), (but) it contained no addresses.
Grandison before leaving his office for the day locked the diary away in the Coroner’s office safe.
When he returned to work on Tuesday, August 7, the safe was still locked but the little red diary was gone. Marilyn’s diary was never seen again.
This is a CIA document that appeared sometime in the early 1990s and has been (unwittingly) authenticated by the CIA itself, in that when Dr. Donald R. Burleson, author of UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe, filed his appeal of the CIA's refusal to release transcripts of government wiretaps on Marilyn Monroe's telephones, the appeal, which was based largely on the 3 August 1962 document in question, was accepted; ultimately no transcripts were released, but the acceptance-of-appeal process did demonstrate that the document is of authentic CIA provenance. The CIA could have denied the authenticity of the document and could thus have turned the appeal down, but they did not. It is contrary to Agency policy to accept any Freedom of Information Act request or appeal based on documents which the CIA does not acknowledge to be authentic; so, tacitly, they acknowledged that the document is genuine.
Not only does the Freedom of Information Act appeal-acceptance show that the "Marilyn memo" is of authentic CIA provenance-- it also proves that the transcripts of wiretaps on Marilyn's phones do exist. When an appeal is accepted and the requester is told that the matter has gone to the CIA's Agency Release Panel, that means that a debate is under way as to whether to release existing documents, documents in possession of the Agency. It's nonsense for the CIA to debate with itself over releasing nonexistent documents! The wiretap transcripts undeniably do exist, and given what is now known about Marilyn's death, they must be extraordinarily revealing.
The 3 August 1962 CIA document, written only a day before Marilyn Monroe's death, reveals that some high government officials were in a state of extreme anxiety over the fact that the Kennedy brothers (Jack and Bobby) had been imparting sensitive information to Marilyn, and that she was writing a lot of it down in her little red "diary of secrets." Of special interest is the CIA document's mention of the fact that one of the secrets everyone was afraid Marilyn might have written down had to do with "the visit by the President at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space." The obvious inference is that JFK had told Marilyn about the Roswell UFO crash and the retrieval, in 1947, of debris and alien bodies. (John Kennedy was notorious for having a difficult time separating his hormonal life from his political career. It got him into trouble more than once. Marilyn wasn't the first such instance, nor the last.)
When the Kennedys started distancing themselves from Marilyn, she grew angry and (mentioning it on the telephone, unfortunately) started planning to hold a news conference and "tell all." According to the hypothesis set forth in Dr. Burleson's book, Attorney General Robert Kennedy then became so fearful that "tell all" meant telling the big secret-- the government retrieval and coverup of UFO crash debris and bodies-- that he simply could not afford to let her live long enough to hold such a press conference as she was threatening to hold. Dr. Burleson's book explores the likelihood that had Marilyn indeed told the world the "secret of secrets," the President would have been indicted for disclosing highly classified information to an unauthorized recipient, an offense quite possibly to be construed as treason. The Kennedys couldn't risk the potential political disaster, and Marilyn became the victim of their fears.
For easier reference, here is a transcription of the text of the CIA document: Wiretape of telephone conversation between reporter Dorothy Kilgallen and her close friend, Howard Rothberg (A); from wiretap of telephone conversation of Marilyn Monroe and Attorney General Robert Kennedy (B). Appraisal of Content: [A portion redacted.]
1. Rothberg discussed the apparent comeback of subject with Kilgallen and the break up with the Kennedys. Rothberg told Kilgallen that she was attending Hollywood parties hosted by the "inner circle" among Hollywood's elite and was becoming the talk of the town again. Rothberg indicated in so many words, that she had secrets to tell, no doubt arising from her trists [sic] with the President and the Attorney General. One such "secret" mentions the visit by the President at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space. Kilgallen replied that she knew what might be the source of visit. In the mid-fifties Kilgallen learned of secret effort by US and UK governments to identify the origins of crashed spacecraft and dead bodies, from a British government official. Kilgallen believed the story may have come from the New Mexico story in the late forties. Kilgallen said that if the story is true, it would cause terrible embarrassment for Jack and his plans to have NASA put men on the moon.
2. Subject repeatedly called the Attorney General and complained about the way she was being ignored by the President and his brother.
3. Subject threatened to hold a press conference and would tell all.
4. Subject made reference to "bases" in Cuba and knew of the President's plan to kill Castro.
5. Subject made reference to her "diary of secrets" and what the newspapers would do with such disclosures.
[An indented block of text is redacted near the bottom of the page, and the document is signed JAMES ANGLETON, who at the time was the Chief of Counterintelligence for the CIA.]
The UFO connection becomes all the more compelling with the discovery, described in Burleson's UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe, of an imprint to the left of the "TOP SECRET" stamp near the top of the document; the imprint, when Burleson enhanced it by computer imaging techniques, turns out to contain the name of Brigadier General George Shulgen, who was formerly the chief UFO investigation-coordinator for the U.S. Air Force. (The imprint also refers to General Schulgen's Intelligence Collection Memorandum, a document known to have existed.) This imprint or "bleed-in," however it came to be on a CIA document about Marilyn Monroe, makes a clear connection between her murder and the question of UFO secrecy, as someone, somewhere at some time, evidently thought it logical to archive the documents together. When all the evidence is considered, the case becomes very strong that government people murdered Marilyn because of what she knew about the UFO coverup.
Confirmed UFO Spotted Flying Over Devon England (Amazing Photos & VIDEO)
Confirmed UFO Spotted Flying Over Devon England (Amazing Photos & VIDEO)
Take a look at these photos of a bizarre shape hovering in the sky in broad daylight over the lush green fields of a wind farm in Devon.
The images show what appears to be a UFO floating above turbines at Fullabrook wind farm.
The mysterious object – which is grey in colour, quite large and oval-shaped – was unintentionally captured by a professional photographer.
He had been taking pictures of the wind farm, which lies between Barnstaple and Ilfracombe, last Saturday.
However, when he later examined his footage, he realised he had captured the unidentified shape hovering in the sky. µ
The photographer zoomed in on the object – but was still unable to identify what it could be.
Chivenor Search and Rescue told the North Devon Journal that it had not received any reports of UFO sightings in the area.
It also pointed out that rescue workers had been on a training exercise on Saturday, so the mysterious object may have been one of its aircraft.
However, since the photos were published by the newspaper, people across the southwest of the country have spoken out about their own spooky aerial sightings in the past week.
Matt Naughton, from Devon, said: ‘Driving to Torrington on Thursday night, I saw strange bright lights in the sky and the car had flashes of blue in it. Very creepy!’
Erica Whiteley reported her husband had spotted something ‘unusually bright’ above Fullabrook – adding: ‘He was joking around saying he had seen a UFO’.
Jacqueline Leighton Boyce, from West Somerset, even managed to capture what appears to be a UFO on video.
‘I too saw a strange very large bright thing in the sky on Saturday about dusk time,’ she said.
Her footage shows a bright object hovering in the dark sky in Dulverton, which is situated near the border of Devon.source – Daily Mail UK
04-12-2013 om 19:55
geschreven door peter
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Mayan UFO Alien Connection (UFOs, Sightings, Ancient Mayans)
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Was there CONTACT? The Ancient Mayan UFO and Alien Connection, 2012. Short Educational Film by Jason...
04-12-2013 om 10:48
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Grey Alien spotted by hikers in Bulgaria forest on 8th November 2013? Is this true or an hoax?
Grey Alien spotted by hikers in Bulgaria forest on 8th November 2013? Is this trua or an hoax?
News said: A group of young hikers insist they have photographed an extraterrestrial creature in a dense forest near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The group were hiking in Yundola, a large meadow between the mountains of Rila and Rhodoppe, when they came across the mysterious visitor. One of the hikers managed to snap a picture of the creature before it vanished, an grey Alien perhaps?
Paranormal Witness, Season 3Episode 20, The Rendlesham Files
Paranormal Witness, Season 3 Episode 20, The Rendlesham Files Synopsis/Description: Paranormal Witness, Season 3 Episode 20, The Rendlesham Files Several senior American airmen, including a lieutenant colonel, describe seeing what they believe were UFOs near a nuclear weapons base in Suffolk, England, in the third-season finale.
Hey, Paranormal Witness, Season 3 Episode 20, The Rendlesham Files fans, we did the best to help you to watch Paranormal Witness, Season 3 Episode 20, The Rendlesham Files. Directly in this page you can watch for free the full episode streaming of Paranormal Witness, Season 3 Episode 20, The Rendlesham Files or download (faster than torrent!) the video into your computer, then you can watch it later. Furthermore, we also provide some alternate links to watch Paranormal Witness, Season 3 Episode 20, The Rendlesham Files video streaming, in case that the videos available doesn’t work.
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Video: Underwater Extraterrestrial Bases Discovered in Florida
The Gulf BreezeUFO incident is a famous series of UFO sightings which occurred beginning on November 11, 1987.
Gulf Breeze was a small city in Florida of approximately 6,000 at the time of a wave of UFO sightings that began in late 1987. News of high-quality UFO photos spread rapidly and worldwide and became the subject of newspaper and magazine articles, television talk shows and feature programs.
The “Gulf BreezeUFO Incident” most definitive evidence is a series of photographs and contact claims made by Ed Walters that began, for him, on November 11, 1987. Walters reported and documented a series of UFO sightings over a period of three weeks. The photographs of the craft were unusually clear and initially Walters’ claims generated great excitement. Research by Jerry Black in the early 1990s revealed a trail of suspicious money leading to Walters, giving the initial indications that the case was a hoax.[1]
Over subsequent years, new evidence including the discovery of a model in a house once owned by Walters, similar to the UFOs in his photographs, shifted majority opinion to believe that Walters’ photos of the 1987 sightings were faked. The model was found by Robert Menzer, who was quoted stating, “The model was 9 inches long across the top and 5 inches deep. Made of “two nine-inch foam plates attached to two six-inch foam plates; a six inch square blue-color gel (plastic film) and on six inch round orange paper ring, a 3.5 inch long tube, and a 2 inch wide paper ring between the 2 nine-inch plates. There were windows drawn on the model which was covered with drafting paper.”[2]
Although Ed Walters was the nexus of the Gulf Breeze sightings, he was not the only person to claim a sighting. According to, an estimated 200+ others came forward with sightings, videos and/or photographs during a three-year period.[citation needed]. On December 2, 2010, the Syfy series Fact or Faked investigated another UFO video shot in 2009 where the object in the video is similar to the one(s) Ed Walters caught on camera.
UFO Hunters is an American television series that premiered on January 30, 2008 on The History Channel, produced by Motion Picture Production Inc., and ran for three seasons.
Jon Alon Walz was the Executive Producer of the show and was responsible for selling the series to History Channel after a bidding war for the rights to the show broke out between History Channel and Sci-Fi Channel (now Syfy).[citation needed]
The concept for the show was tested in a segment of History Channel’s 2006 UFO special entitled “Deep Sea UFOs”, produced by Motion Picture Production Inc, which featured two of the final four cast members. “UFO Hunters” was not a spin-off from a 2005 History Channel special with the same title.[citation needed]
The tagline of the show is: Hoax or History?
The series should not be confused with a similarly themed and titled UFO Hunters, a special that debuted the same day and time on the Sci-Fi Channel, (now SyFy), and created by the producers of Ghost Hunters, but which only aired one episode.
In the US, History Channel only released the first two seasons on DVD in the correct airdate order. However, the format was only released in full screen (1:33:1) instead of wide screen. In the UK, History Channel released the third and final season on DVD however, the episodes were released in the incorrect airdate order.
In a 2011 interview with Jim Harold, William J. Birnes claimed that after the Dulce Base episode aired, the show was canceled by top level executives at History Channel.
03-12-2013 om 23:32
geschreven door peter
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Unexplained Object On Mars
Unexplained Object On Mars
NASA leaked photos,unexplained object on Mars
I borrowed this video from you tube as it intrigued me. Is it real? I really don’t know as there are many of these videos floating around but we have always looked towards Mars for answers. Since the dawn of time any Alien invasion would have been Martians so I think it’s great that we can finally get close to the planet and find out what it is all about………. or will we? Will NASA let us in on the secrets and even better is it NASA or someone else? Unfortunately with all the cover ups in the past we can no longer determine what is real and what is fake or even if there is a bigger plan.
The video here shows an interesting object seemingly a NASA video and if it is real it would almost look like somebody was there at some time in the past or present. This is a theory that has been going around for a while now that we are the Martians, that we actually came to Earth from Mars. There are a lot of pictures also seemingly from NASA showing objects or even something that looks like an animal on Mars but could anything survive on Mars at this time. My answer to that is of course every life form including humans adapts to their surroundings over time, so if you were a life form created in acid that would be the least hostile environment to you.
Just a short post today I hope you enjoy the video and it gives you a little food for thought.
If these pictures are from Mars we are in for an interesting future if they let us all in on the information gathered.
03-12-2013 om 23:25
geschreven door peter
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Mexican Government Releases Proof of E.T.s and Ancient Space Travel
Mexican Government Releases Proof of E.T.’s and Ancient Space Travel
In what will soon be considered as the Holy Grail of extraterrestrial research, the Mexican government has released ancient documents proving the existence of E.T.’s once and for all.
[1] The two circles near the center of the artifact appear to be earth. [2] This appears to be a spacecraft of some type. [3] This appears to be a massive comet or asteroid headed toward earth. [4] Appears to be a specially designed spacecraft capable of deflecting a large comet or meteor, such as NASA “Deep Impact”. [5] Appears to be an astronaut in control of a craft. [6] What appears to be an intelligently controlled spacecraft.
CALAKMUL, MEXICO (INTELLIHUB) — Newly released Mayan documents, i.e. artifacts, dating back at least 1300-years reveal that the human race is not alone and highly advanced technologies including space travel have likely existed for quite some time.
Not only does this documentation released by the Mexican government show the existence of an explorer race, it may also reveal the roots of mankind.
Some consider the government’s presentation of the information to be a major step forward for humanity as the truth is finally being slowly let out. Hopefully this will prompt other governments around the world to be more forthcoming with such information, turning the tide in the UFO and extraterrestrial research community for good.
Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo’s Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond also touches on such technology. “Producer Raul Julia-Levy said the documentary-makers were working in cooperation with the Mexican government for what he said was “the good of mankind”. He said the order to collaborate had come directly from the country’s president, Álvaro Colom Caballeros.
“Mexico will release codices, artefacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact, and all of their information will be corroborated by archaeologists,” he said. “The Mexican government is not making this statement on their own – everything we say, we’re going to back it up.”
Caballeros himself was conspicuous by his absence from the statement released by Julia-Levy. So far, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, Luis Augusto García Rosado, appears to be the highest-ranking government official to go on record confirming the discovery of extraterrestrial life, but he’s not holding back.
In a statement, Rosado spoke of contact “between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time”. In a telephone conversation with the Wrap, he also spoke of “landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old”.[2]
These secrets have been said to be “protected” by the mexican government for as long as 80-years.
[1] The Mexican government reveals Mayan documents proving extraterrestrial contacts -
[2] Mayan documentary to show ‘evidence’ of alien contact in ancient Mexico -
[3] Aliens and UFOs Depicted In Mayan Artifacts Released By Mexican Government -
03-12-2013 om 23:20
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Mexican Government Releases Proof of E.T.s and Ancient Space Travel
Mexican Government Releases Proof of E.T.’s and Ancient Space Travel
In what will soon be considered as the Holy Grail of extraterrestrial research, the Mexican government has released ancient documents proving the existence of E.T.’s once and for all.
[1] The two circles near the center of the artifact appear to be earth. [2] This appears to be a spacecraft of some type. [3] This appears to be a massive comet or asteroid headed toward earth. [4] Appears to be a specially designed spacecraft capable of deflecting a large comet or meteor, such as NASA “Deep Impact”. [5] Appears to be an astronaut in control of a craft. [6] What appears to be an intelligently controlled spacecraft.
CALAKMUL, MEXICO (INTELLIHUB) — Newly released Mayan documents, i.e. artifacts, dating back at least 1300-years reveal that the human race is not alone and highly advanced technologies including space travel have likely existed for quite some time.
Not only does this documentation released by the Mexican government show the existence of an explorer race, it may also reveal the roots of mankind.
Some consider the government’s presentation of the information to be a major step forward for humanity as the truth is finally being slowly let out. Hopefully this will prompt other governments around the world to be more forthcoming with such information, turning the tide in the UFO and extraterrestrial research community for good.
Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo’s Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond also touches on such technology. “Producer Raul Julia-Levy said the documentary-makers were working in cooperation with the Mexican government for what he said was “the good of mankind”. He said the order to collaborate had come directly from the country’s president, Álvaro Colom Caballeros.
“Mexico will release codices, artefacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact, and all of their information will be corroborated by archaeologists,” he said. “The Mexican government is not making this statement on their own – everything we say, we’re going to back it up.”
Caballeros himself was conspicuous by his absence from the statement released by Julia-Levy. So far, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, Luis Augusto García Rosado, appears to be the highest-ranking government official to go on record confirming the discovery of extraterrestrial life, but he’s not holding back.
In a statement, Rosado spoke of contact “between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time”. In a telephone conversation with the Wrap, he also spoke of “landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old”.[2]
These secrets have been said to be “protected” by the mexican government for as long as 80-years.
[1] The Mexican government reveals Mayan documents proving extraterrestrial contacts -
[2] Mayan documentary to show ‘evidence’ of alien contact in ancient Mexico -
[3] Aliens and UFOs Depicted In Mayan Artifacts Released By Mexican Government -
03-12-2013 om 23:20
geschreven door peter
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X-Files: Ufos Are Artificial Objects Under Intelligent Control - Says Physicist
X-Files: Ufos Are Artificial Objects Under Intelligent Control - Says Physicist
The UFO phenomenon has been a controversial topic among scientists for years.
True UFO believers have tried to convince men of science that the possibility of extraterrestrial presence in the vicinity of Earth should be closer investigated.
Still, few scientists have bothered to deal with the issue and most have remained skeptics.
There are several reasons why scientists are uninterested in Unidentified Flying Objects.
Most scientists think that unless there is any hard evidence there is nothing really to investigate.
However, Dr. Davis is of an entirely different opinion. Dr. Eric Davis is a research physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin. He has noticed that this negative UFO attitude is shifting as more scientists are now openly discussing UFO investigation.
"UFOs are real phenomena. They are artificial objects under intelligent control.
They're definitely the craft of a supremely advanced technology," says physicist Eric Davis.
Dr. Davis says there are many scientists who investigate the UFO phenomena privately.
"There are scientists who are aware of evidence and observational data that is not refutable.
It is absolutely corroborated, using forensic techniques and methodology. But they won't come out and publicize that because they fear it.
Not the subject - they fear the backlash from their professional colleagues.
The impact on their career might be detrimental and they'd get bad publicity.
"It's not an acceptable, funded line of research. The National Science Foundation does not accept UFOs as a subject for scientific study, " says Dr. Davis.
He also point out the UFO subject is closely associated with fear and ridicule. He sees many of his colleagues as cowards.
"They're wrong, naive, stubborn, narrow-minded, afraid and fearful. It's a dirty word and a forbidden topic. Science is about open-minded inquiry. You shouldn't be laughing off people. You should show more deference and respect to them … Scientists need to get back to using the scientific method to study things that are unknown and unusual, and the UFO subject is one of them," says Dr. Davis.
Photo: ALAMY
UFOs is more a military than scientific subject.
"It's the domain of military intelligence," proposes Dr. Davis.
"The fact that [unknown] craft are flying around Earth is not a subject for science - it's a subject for intelligence-gathering, collection and analysis. That's because UFOs are not a natural phenomenon, and that's what science studies."
In addition to being the Senior Research Physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Eric Davis is the Chief Scientist of Warp Drive Metrics. His past experience includes the NASA institute for Advanced Concepts and a technical contributor and consultant to the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program.
Dr. Davis is studying propulsion physics. He hopes his contribution to the research may enable humans to travel with ease and speed through space. Who knows, maybe will then get all the answers we are looking for and we will finally learn the truth who or what is really out there.
Extraterrestrial Life Is A Censored Subject Says Famous Professor
Extraterrestrial Life Is A Censored Subject Says Famous Professor
It is not often scientists are willing to openly discuss the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
According to a famous astronomy professor there is a reason why a majority of scientists avoid the subject - it is censored!
Even though the general public embraces ideas of extraterrestrial life, science is expected to shun this subject no matter how strong the evidence, albeit through a conspiracy of silence.
It is an unwritten doctrine of science that extraterrestrial life could not exist in our immediate vicinity, or, that if such life did exist, it could not have a connection with Earth.
Professor N. Chandra Wickramasinghe was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on January 20, 1939.
He studied astrophysics at Cambridge, where he was a student of Hoyle's.
He received his Ph.D. in 1963 and an Sc.D. in 1973, and served on the faculty at Cambridge. He is now a Professor of Applied Mathematics and Astronomy at the University College, Cardiff, Wales. He is an expert in the use of infrared astronomy to study interstellar matter.
"My own personal involvement in this matter dates back to the 1970's when, together with the late Fred Hoyle, I was investigating the nature of interstellar dust.
At this time evidence for organic molecules in interstellar clouds was accumulating at a rapid pace, and the interstellar dust grains that were hitherto believed to be comprised of inorganic ices were shown by us to contain complex organic polymers of possible biological provenance.
These discoveries came as a surprise to astronomers, and for a long time the conclusion was resisted that such molecules might have a relevance to life on the Earth," says professor Wickramasinghe.
Hoyle and Wickramasinghe were among the first scientists to make a connection between complex organic molecules in interstellar clouds and life on Earth.
"My first inkling of any censorship relating to extraterrestrial life came when we made the intellectual leap from prebiology in space to fully-fledged biology outside the Earth.
In setting out to explore the hypothesis that interstellar grains were not just abiotic organic polymers but bacterial cells in various stages of degradation, we made a prediction that interstellar dust in the infrared spectral region must have the signature of bacteria.
Infrared sources near the galactic centre were a prime target for this investigation and on our instigation approaches were made to the Anglo-Australian telescope committees to provide time on the AAT to test our seemingly wild hypothesis.
An application for observing time for this project made by my brother Dayal T. Wickramasinghe at ANU and David Allen was duly refused as "having no scientific value," explains professor Wickramasinghe. "After 1982, when evidence for cosmic life and panspermia acquired a status close to irrefutable, publication avenues that were hitherto readily available became suddenly closed.
With the unexpected discovery that comets had an organic composition, with comet dust possessing infrared spectra consistent with attitudes hardened to a point that panspermia and related issues were decreed taboo by all respectable journals and institutions."
Wickramasinghe believes that this campaign of explicit denials and censorship may have started between 1962 and 1965 when microorganisms were actually recovered from the stratosphere using balloons flown to heights between 20 and 43km.
"This important pioneering work, carried out by NASA at the dawn of the Space Age, probably rang alarm bells to which the authorities had to react, and react they surely did.
I was told by Leslie Hale, an atmospheric scientist at Penn State University that this exciting programme of work was suddenly halted by funds being withdrawn. Nothing more was said," says professor Wickramasinghe.
When Hans Dieter Pflug, a colleague of professor Wickramasinghe investigated the Murchison meteorite, he discovered a wide range of organic structures uncannily similar to terrestrial microorganisms
Hans Pflug was invited to Cardiff and gave a lecture, introduced by Fred Hoyle, that left the audience speechless. Pflug was not attacked on grounds of contamination or artifacts, but he was given what could be described as the "silent treatment".
Richard B Hoover's recent reexamination of Murchison meteorite microfossils confirms Hans Pflug's discoveries.
"Using state of the art technology Hoover concludes that microbial fossils unambiguously exist in great profusion. The furore that greeted this new publication, with vocal condemnation from Science journals and from NASA chiefs, shows that earlier tactics of rejection by silence have now been replaced by strident ranting and even personal insults.
Had we lived in the Middle Ages there is no doubt that Richard B Hoover, and possibly Fred Hoyle, Pflug, and I too, would have come to a bad end - suffering the fate of Giordano Bruno in 1600!", says professor Wickramasinghe
Is there life on other planets? People would like to know, but scientists are not talking.
"Even though the general public revelled in ideas of extraterrestrial life, science was expected to shun this subject no matter how strong the evidence, albeit through a conspiracy of silence.
It was an unwritten doctrine of science that extraterrestrial life could not exist in our immediate vicinity, or, that if such life did exist, it could not have a connection with Earth, continues professor Wickramasinghe.
Professor Wickramasinghe's was recently dismissed from his post and criticized for his support of Hoover's alien life claim.
It should be added that professor Wickramasinghe's research dealt only with extraterrestrial microbial life. One can imagine what would happen if scientists suddenly started to debate in public issues concerning the existence of advanced, intelligent extraterrestrial life.
Resisting the facts and imposing censorship will in the long run turn out to be futile.
The Universe will always have its last say. based on material provided by
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Alien Abductions - part 1.
Alien Abductions - part 1
"The Monitors"
The Case for Alien Abductions
The Most Common Areas Examined by the Aliens
Biological Specimens, Samples usually taken for Abductees and/or Witnesses
Our Genetic Code is under Siege
The Metagene Factor
"The Monitors" - Abductions
In the fifties, the EBEs, (Greys) began taking large numbers of humans for experiments.
By the sixties, the rate was speeded up and they began getting careless. By the seventies, their true colors were very obvious, but the special group of the U.S. Government still kept covering up for them. By the eighties, the Government realized that it was too late and there was no defense against the Greys.
So programs, (media, sine, TV, comics, commercials, books, magazines, cartoons, etc.), were enacted to prepare the public for open contact with non-human Alien beings. Now at the beginning of the 90's, (1991) these programs are continuing, and working well too.
The Greys and the reptoids are in league with each other, but their relationship is in a state of tension. The Greys only know the Nordics and the Reptilian Race as their Enemy, (don't confuse the difference between the Reptilian Race and the Reptoids or Reptiloids, because they are completely different races). We will talk more about the Reptilian Race later.
Some forces in the Government, want the public to be aware of what is happening, while other forces, (collaborators) want to continue making what ever deals necessary for an elite few to survive the coming conflicts.
The future could bring a fascist "New World Order" or a transformation of human consciousness, (awareness).
The struggle is "NOW", when any active assistance is needed. PREPARE I WE MUST PRESERVE HUMANITY ON EARTH !
The Case For Alien Abductions
GREY types and some NORDICs are on the top of an Alien Force who are bent on abducting millions of people (along our History) against their will, subjecting them to intense medical probing and committing other invasive acts.
These determined Alien species are here, using Earth as a gigantic Breeding Ground. Their accumulated data show's that we're well past the phase where mythic or academic explanations alone will suffice.
Up from the strange, chaotic depths of abduction lore packed into a growing research files and journals, a central theme is emerging.
The bottom line evidence of certain Aliens methodical, ultra-intimate program with Earthlings refutes the cosmic altruism found in traditional contactee literature, and counters the New Age trend of unrealistic idealism that concentrates exclusively on benevolent, spiritual motivations of presumed ET visitations. Scientists are beginning work on the Alien front, even the term "Extra-Terrestrial" stretches the data far beyond its reasonable limits.
This unknown agency exhibiting strictly cold and clinical attitudes toward human beings is unquestionably "Alien"; it's certainly been witnessed often enough in conjunction with UFOs or UFO occupants.
But even lengthy witness accounts that go into great detail about this or that Alien home planet or star cluster fail to factor out the elements of wishful thinking, deception and disinformation to the field of study.
The potential for misleading data attaches itself to abduction research as readily as memories of blindingly bright lights and "missing time" recur as acknowledgements of the experiment itself.
The bottom line cannot be discerned beyond the facts at hand. Researchers admit to being stuck in the very earliest stages of divisiveness and confusion, more than anyone else. The abductees themselves have to feel the pain-terrifying literal pain that comes from being at the mercy of an Alien Force whose bottom line agenda largely ignores the fundamentals of human dignity and well being. But the Aliens do fully comprehend and seem to manipulate the requirements of organic reproductive creation. In this, they are much like us.
We are dealing in a realm that overrides long standing cultural habits of thought and behavior. All we have to work with are the reports that have been allowed to break through the rigid veil that hides UFO information.
The bottom line is babies!!!
Time after time, abductees recall the same sequence of events and observations, their mechanisms of conscious control softened under hypnosis. Many come in "Clean", that is, with little or no previous interest in UFOs and having never heard of or much less read the several books that are introducing the topic to the masses: INTRUDERS and COMMUNION.
The proscribed order of abduction events reveals an industrial sized operation with across the board demographics.
People of all races, most ages and both sexes have had the experience. It's fairly obvious, the researchers maintain, the manufacture of hybrid babies dominates the Alien Agenda It's very extremely structured; they may do a "Million" different things, but they're really interested in one thing alone.
The generic sequence of events as recorded and documented, is as follows:
Egg Harvesting or Sperm Sampling
Baby Presentations (Only for Females, rare for Males)
Machine Examinations
Media Presentations of Idyllic Environments - The abduction sequence is not exact in every instance, but enough leading indicators must be present to qualify the case as one deserving further investigation
Other Worldly Journeys
Theophany - The delivery of some sort of quasi-religious message or experience
This hasn't happened in that many cases, but still deserves particular mention at the moment A significant number of abductee's tend to retain special, almost spiritual feelings about their experiences, even if they were treated roughly or hurt.
Also, recent investigative efforts are hinting that various sources in the intelligence community exhibit an odd preoccupation with the religious angle.
These sources claim they can furnish an "inside track" to greater levels of truth about the UFO Phenomenon, and some investigators consider them trustworthy. They're inexplicable, "Fascinated" with religious side of the things. For some "nasty Alien Races" religion means the better way of mass manipulation and psychologic/sociologic control that they can get, and it works very well!
Researchers feel they are getting closer to having more definitive answers about abductions. A body of evidence that once emphasized matching details, lie-detection and the relative psychology of witnesses is giving way to one yardstick that never fails to command scientific respect. Similarities in form and content are important to know, but ultimate answers demand exterior evidence to bridge the gap between report and reality.
After a close encounter of the 2nd Kind. We have documented the physical and chemical evidence such as soil samples and performed full analysis on these samples. The affected soil was packed in hard, desiccated chunks. To duplicate the effects, analysts had to heat normal soil at 800 degrees Fahrenheit for six (6) hours. This is one kind of physical evidence.
Body scars and other medical trauma left in the wake of Alien examinations are perhaps the most incontrovertible evidence we found available. But other developments add more fully to the case for Alien reality. One example is an examination of stained clothing retrieved from an abductee just after her experience. The clothing awaits spectrograph^ analysis. The results of this analysis can tell us what kind of residual stains can appear, this again is additional physical evidence.
If large numbers of doctors in conventional gynecological practice were to be exposed to abduction data, a whole new sub-specialty would be inevitable. Many women abductees indicate that the Aliens tampered with their reproductive organs, if not actually committing a form of technological RAPE. Some women abductees are plagued with stark memories of strange wispy haired offspring whose presence sometimes evokes revulsion and the paradoxical feeling, "That's MY CHILD".
Additionally, we have to talk about the disappearing pregnancies. Abductees as far removed from one another as Brazil to New Hampshire tell nearly identical stories of pregnancies that suddenly appear and disappear and, later, reveal memories of repeated meetings with small, not-quite human infants they are asked to hold or touch.
One theory holds that the Aliens are attempting to learn by proxy the skills of nurturing to aid in the replenishment of their race. I think it's purely physiological. In some way we don't understand the baby is aided and/or helped by the physical touch.
One of the abductees said she felt like a "Human Battery Charger". Elaborate rituals that present babies to parents and attempt to institute some sort of ongoing parent-to-child relationships have been documented, along with descriptions of high-tech nurseries and what looks like unusual incubation apparatuses.
The realm of UFOs is a place where paradox is the norm. It's assumed the Aliens use technology that far outpaces what we have on Earth, yet some of their methods seem low-tech by comparison. According to some data collected about abductions, the Aliens, like humans, have to confront the "World of E.r.r.o.r." in their experiments.
For many years, the "World of Er.r.o.r." appeared primarily as a crashed saucer, recovered pieces, and occupants... what we're finding in the abduction phenomenon is that the factor of error is quite different.
What it boils down to now is someone "sneezing out" something, or an odd metallic object in one's body that no one can make heads nor tails or. Several people have in fact sneezed out objects which may be Alien implants, through so far most of the objects have been lost or thrown away, but a few implants were recovered (which will be discussed later in this document).
The unfolding drama of abduction wouldn't be complete without a token note of "Big Brother" Government paranoia.
Even earthly high tech includes sophisticated mind control techniques and the capabilities to project sights and sounds at a distance. Perhaps not probable, but it's possible that what most researchers consider an Alien orchestrated abduction sequence is actually a carefully scripted, electronically induced perception.
That means big news to Earth:
If certain areas of the human brain can be remotely stimulated, then it is possible to develop a technology that broadcast over large territories, literally saturating the area with a flood of symbols.
Such a device would be a major tool of social change.
The buzz that human witnesses often hearcould be produced by microwave radiation, known to be in the arsenals of governments darker programs.
A mind control hypothesis could also explain the relative lack of physical evidence, through only an irrational stretch of the imagination might link mind control techniques with what evidence has been documented, i.e. physical traces, unusual metal garments and scarring.
Worth noting, however, is the fact that some researchers pursuing this trail of investigation, have been summarily and sometimes harshly thrown off.
Sporadic accounts of humans assisting with abductions add a chilling note. What we inevitably face, even with the growing evidence, is a mountain of unanswered questions. If and when the mainstream quits denying the presence of UFOs, a well supported program of tactical research may ensue. Until then, abduction remains a mystery and the abductees the outsiders whose physical and emotional well being hinges on its solution.
The data we have about abductions, as derived by conversations with the abductees, that during the abduction process all abductees were scanned with a very sensitive and powerful mental probe which retrieved all personal and private data (name, address, age, profession, psychological pattern, etc..) from the abductees and was readily available to the Aliens for their data bank.
Just a few of these names and addresses go to our government per the Alien/Government agreement. During the process of abduction a directional subliminal mental command, kept away any other non-interesting witnesses around the area of the Alien craft.
After an abduction occurs, and if we can maintain synchronicity of finding the abductees within 12-24 hours after the abduction, (really not an easy job), we recommend (in the case of a female abduction) a complete Gynecological procedure common to abductions.
In succeeding generations of family exposure to recurrent abductions, we are observing areas of the human body that are consistently and quite visibly affected. This evidence is related to the skin (dermatology) and muscles (musculo-skeletal system).
During their experiences, many abductees and/or witnesses will feel a tingling, prickling, or static electric shock type of paresthesia sensation over the skin, followed by paralysis (involving the musculo-skeletal system) of the entire body, with the exception of an abductees heart and lungs where minor or no effects may be found.
The body marks may remain permanently or become transitory in nature over a short duration, healing or disappearing all together.
In dealing with the skin we find the following evidence:
A thin, straight, hairline cut, linear, and about 1 to 3 inches in length.
A circular or scoop like depression, about one eighth to three quarters of an inch in diameter and maybe as much as a quarter of an inch deep.
Rashes are seen on the body, most appearing on the upper thorax (chest) area and lower extremities (thighs and legs). Many are geometrical in shape, triangular or circular. Other rashes, similar to chronic inflammations such as localized psoriasis, may be found on other body areas.
First and second degree burns have been sustained in a number of cases and in some cases questionable tumors (Lipomas) have been noticed just beneath the skin.
The Most Common Areas Examined by the Aliens
Other medically determined patterns of consistency are as follows:
The nasal cavity
The umbilical (naval) Region on Females only.
These areas appear to be the physical areas of greatest interest to the abducting Aliens.
Many abductees have described a thin probe with a tiny ball on its end being inserted into each nostril, usually on the right side. The abductees are able to hear a crushing type sound as the bone in this area is apparently being penetrated. We believe this is when they insert a device for tracking and communicating with the abductee in the future is inserted.
Many abductees will have nosebleeds following these examinations.
AS A PRECAUTIONARY NOTE: We recommend that known or suspected abductees, who are parents, watch their children for any evidence of recurrent nose bleeds that can't be explained. I recommend immediately taking the child to a pediatrician to discover the nature of the nosebleeds.
Diagram of Female Areas Examined
Note: These are just a few of the locations, shapes, and types of Marks left by an abduction.
Many researchers believe that the Alien technology is being used to insert an implant (we talk about implants in other parts of this document) into this area for future tracking of the individual.
It is interesting to note that many of the individuals subjected to nasal probing now have a future history of chronic sinusitis.
Documented evidence has also shown that some abductees have been probed in their eyes and ears with a similar instrument. With eyes being involved, abductees may experience temporary blindness, blurred vision, swollen, watery and painful eyes (photophthalmia), acute conjunctivitis (red and irritated, inflamed eyes that is called "Pink Eye" in lay terms).
There's also some questionable history of these individuals developing cataracts.
Scars have been observed on the calf (including just over the tibia, or shin bone), thigh, hip, shoulder, knee, spinal column and on the right sides of the back and forehead.
Biological Specimens, Samples Usually Taken from Abductees and/or Witnesses
Evidence indicates that Aliens have taken blood, oocytes (ova) from females and spermatozoa from males, and tissue scrapings from their subjects ears, eyes, noses, calves, thighs and hips, when abductees and/or witnesses are asleep or possibly under some form of Alien anesthetic.
There is also some circumstantial evidence to suggest that specimens might have been taken from the following; saliva, aqueous-vitreous humor (eye fluids), cerebrospinal fluid, urine, stool, hair and nails.
We feel that all abductees are given some type of preparation prior to their examinations. Some witnesses have reported receiving "Oral Liquid" medication, others an application of a liquid solution similar to a pre-operative "prep" over various parts of their bodies; some report a tranquilizing effect "telepathically" transmitted from the acting Alien examiner, and/or application of an instrument to the head which renders deep relaxation or unconsciousness.
Next we will outline that what we think are the three (3) stages of examinations which abductees are subjected to (through some type of pre-operative anesthesia):
First Stage - Pre-operative Abductees are subjected to some type of twilight sleep state, where they're in a definite trance or daze. This twilight sleep state could be induced by several different things, from the liquid application over the body, a specific conscious suggestions by the Aliens, the Aliens using some form of our hormones or enzymes to stimulate a neurochemical response, or some type of yet unknown technology.
One odd note, in connection with this stage, that prompts a lot of questions, is why is it that so few abductees remember removing their clothes? Because during the process of light sleep state" they receive a subliminal command to erase the more traumatic moments of the abduction. Some commands are so strong that just a few of the abductees are able to remember clearly their experiences, even when placed under hypnosis to remember.
Second Stage - Procedures Physical examinations take place; such as probing, insertion, exploration of the body, taking of biopsies, blood or skin samples.
During this phase, the abductees may be semi-conscious as the procedures are carried out. Some actually experience pain. Despite objections, the Aliens appear to be indifferent to their victim's pain and suffering; on the other hand, some abductees at this stage are given heavier sedation to quiet their fears and apprehension and do not recall any pain with these procedures.
Third Stage - Post Operative Afterwards, the abductees and/or witnesses say their bodies feel sore or exhausted as if having been involved in strenuous activity; some explain that it feels they've been tossed around or "hit by a Mack Truck".
This is similar to the known effects of "Curare" a drug originating in South America that induces therapeutic muscular paralysis. There are specific blood enzyme studies, that if performed within 12-24 hours of exposure, can be used to detect any abnormalities of muscular activity.
Several documented physical traces of the abductee experience correlate fairly well with some of our recognized medical procedures.
Most outstanding is one called "Laparoscope, which is a cylindrical, tube like instrument with special optic attachments are placed through a females umbilical (naval) region for exploration of female organs.
With this particular instrument, a physician is able to observe all female organs to determine if any abnormalities are present, as well as obtain OVA-EGGS from the ovaries. Most women abductees have felt they were being "blown up" inside, feeling tremendous pressures in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the vaginal area During the Laparoscopy procedure, approximately two liters of carbon dioxide is instilled into the abdominal cavity. This causes distension of the abdomen, thus allowing better visibility of female organs.
A few women may have residual scarring from the long, needle like instruments placed through the umbilical area
In correlation with the Laparoscopy procedure is a new treatment for infertility called Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer (GIFT), which treats infertility by placing sperm and pocytes directly into the infertile women fallopian tubes for in vivo fertilization.
In contrast with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), GIFT facilitates natural physiological processes to achieve pregnancy.
Male abductees report having a tube like device attached to the penis which causes ejaculation for sperm sampling; this is highly uncomfortable to the individual Most have said they sustain transitory small lesions that disappear shortly afterwards. Others claim to have experienced direct sexual intercourse with an Alien Hybrid Female, ostensibly for the purpose of sperm retrieval as well.
A substantial amount of evidence has been accumulated that female abductees undergo gynecological insemination. These events have resulted in pregnancies, most documented by a positive pregnancy test by gynecologists. In cases of spotting of bleeding with these pregnancies, the physician normally performs a pelvic Ultra Sound scan (Ultrasound test to check pregnancy within the uterus) to rule out a threatened miscarriage or missed abortion (failure of the pregnancy to grow).
The test can detect a pregnancy as early as five (5) weeks.
Thus, pregnancy can be confirmed with two different gynecological tests. It should be noted that the government uses the abductees normal doctors to collect most of above and following data, without the patient knowing anything, and in most cases the doctors knowing very little, and threatened that if they ever talk, they will have the licenses revoked "permanently".
In cases we have seen, this is followed up by a subsequent Alien abduction, usually when the pregnancy is approximately 8 to 10 weeks along. During this time, there is a retrieval and/or removal of the pregnancy by the Aliens. The female may or may not experience spotting or bleeding during this time. What's baffling is how such a pregnancy can be removed intact, without causing death or injury to the extracted embryo by the Aliens.
In order for a particular to continue, several methods would have to be available immediately to sustain life in the extracted embryo.
We suspect that some type of simulated intrauterine growth incubator is used to maintain the pregnancy; or perhaps an Alien Hybrid Female is used, whose role is to act as a surrogate type mother. Techniques for re-implanting the embryo are very difficult for our medical technologies of today.
Several alternative combinations can be speculated with the artificial insemination of female abductees:
Alien sperm plus female eggs
Male sperm plus female eggs, (in this case the Aliens choose a special type of Male).
Male Hybrid sperm, (combination of both A and B) plus female eggs.
NOTE: Female human eggs are apparently needed in all cases.
Hybridization - They claim that RH O- (O negative) blood is the proof of hybridization and our own science tends to bear out their claim.
We know that this group of Aliens has a tendency to lie. Since this is a "device" (referred to above) of their invention, they are probably able to manipulate it just like Hollywood technicians manipulate equipment to produce the "Special Effects" or trick hologram photography.
Our Genetic Code is Under Siege
In focusing on the gynecological and reproductive procedures that have been performed on abductees, we have to come to firmly believe there is some type of ongoing genetic manipulation that is occurring within various family generations.
For purposes of clarification, it is essential for us to use some medical terminology to explain specific facts. The way to genetic manipulation lies within the Deoxyribon Nucleic Acid (DNA) molecules of the human gene cells.
These genes control the reproduction and day to day functions of all cells. It has been estimated that there are probably 30,000 to 400,000 essential genes in the human cells, assembled in lengthy linear arrays that together with certain proteins form rod-shaped structures known as chromosomes. Chromosomes from certain individuals, through certain altering techniques, form a customary arrangement or "Standardized Format" known as Karyotype.
We believe it is the manipulations of the genetic codes on the Karyotype of individual chromosomes that the Aliens are researching, specifically looking for Mutation Patterns. Mutation patterns would allow them to re-arrange the genetic coding on certain LOCI Lin Genetic terminology, the specific site of a gene in a chromosome.
In this manner, they would be able to experiment with a multitude of LOCI in the various chromosomes, thus bringing about new genotype individuals in proceeding generations. Perhaps each succeeding generation of families is subjected to a different comparable type of experimentation by the Aliens.
It is interesting to note, just where the residual scars are located on abductee bodies. Now I would like to pose a new interpretation of the evidence found in our ongoing research of abductees. Many scars are found over the shin bone (tibia) and the hip bone (iliae crest), which are common areas for obtaining bone marrow samples and/or aspirations.
Simply speaking, bone marrow produces the red blood cells in our bodies, and it is significant, in our opinion, that it is through a humans bone marrow and blood that it is possible to study their individual chromosomal pattern.
The timing of abductees first experiences also correlates to the hypothesis. The marrow of essentially all the bones in the human skeletal structure produces red blood cells until a person is 5 to 6 years old. The marrow of the long bones, except for the proximal portions of the humor, (upper arm bones) and tibiae, becomes quite fatty and produces no more red blood cells after the age of twenty.
Beyond that age, most red blood cells are produced in the marrow of such areas as the vertebrae (Spinal Column) and sternum (Chest Bone), ribs and hip bone (ilia), and as we get older, these bones become less productive.
Most initial abduction experiences occur when the abductee is between the ages of five (5) and twenty (20) years old.
Based on these observations, we are probably dealing with two very important phases of an abductees life as it relates to this apparent Alien exploitation:
Pre-Adolescent/Teen-age Phase Initial blood samples, bone marrow aspirations and tissue samples are taken between ages five (5) and twenty (20) years of age. This would be the time frame for specific and early genetic studies on the chromosomes of abductees as a follow-up from another generation with studies performed to see if a certain pattern is consistent within the particular family.
During this time, some type of implants are inserted so that the individual can be followed and found at some future date, after further analysis of samples have been obtained by the Alien researcher. Some of these individuals may be abducted again, possibly due to a failed implant or for re-confirmation on certain genetic information.
Adult Phase The pattern we are seeing at the present seems to reveal abductees are undergoing some form of ongoing genetic exploitation, implementation or manipulation, such as genetic coding.
This is where we see the most consistent, most documented procedures of the abduction phenomenon, such as artificial insemination techniques, which are continued on some abductees throughout their reproductive years.
Perhaps in their own way, if you believe in the "Space Brother" theory the Alien scientists are meticulously, methodically and clinically re-structuring the human race through procedures of genetic manipulation, so that we will be "designed better" for resolving our own problems, rather than requiring their more direct intervention into our petty world affairs.
Maybe there is a double-blind study on the human race ongoing, for reasons known only to the Aliens, who are running the program.
Or consider the possibility of this being an Alien scientific research mission, where studies are being performed on technologically less advanced planets.
All of this is pure speculation and wide open to other theories or hypotheses.
A new eugenics movement has recently sprung up in Southern California. Eugenics is the science dealing with improvement, by control of human mating, of the hereditary qualities of a race or breed.
These issues that bear on the eugenics movement can be argued both pro and con. However, we feel that overall it is a very emotional issue with implications that could correlate with the Alien agenda, and either certain problems that could very well rival our nation's controversial abortion decisions.
The techniques of selective breeding which seem to be utilized by the Aliens are beginning to appear in our own culture. For example, Dr. Robert Graham, who founded an organization called Repository for Germinal Choice, has come under heavy attack by his adversaries. Essentially, Dr. Graham's program allows women to "shop" in his repository (Sperm Bank) for a specific type of donor sperm that they can retain for later use in artificial insemination procedures.
In other words, a woman could select the sperm of a Nobel Prize Winner, an Astrophysicist, or an extraordinary professional such as an Astronaut, Physician, or a Mathematician, etc. It appears that this organization is out to create a new generation of super-intelligent children who will be eventually adults, through the techniques of selective artificial insemination. The socio-economic, political, psychological and theological implications of this controversial new technique, whether put to use by Aliens or humans, go beyond the scope of this document.
Exactly what are these implications, you might ask?
Only time will tell!
03-12-2013 om 23:02
geschreven door peter
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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