The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Real UFO Crashes Caught On Tape. Footage 2013
Real UFO Crashes Caught On Tape. Footage 2013
An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most general definition, is any apparent anomaly in the sky (or near or on the ground, but observed hovering, landing, or departing into the sky) that is not readily identifiable as any known object or phenomenon by visual observation and/or use of associated instrumentation such as radar. These anomalies were referred to popularly as "flying saucers" or "flying discs" during the late 1940s and early 1950s. The term "UFO" (or "UFOB") was officially created in 1953 by the U.S. Air Force to replace the more popular terms because of the variety of shapes described other than "discs" or "saucers". It was stated that a "UFOB" was "any airborne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusual features, does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type, or which cannot be positively identified as a familiar object." As originally defined, the term was restricted to those fraction of cases which remained unidentified after investigation, with A.F. interest being for potential national security reasons and/or "technical aspects". (See A.F. Regulation 200-2) The term UFO became more widespread during the 1950s, at first in professional literature, but later in popular use. UFOs garnered considerable interest during the Cold War, an era associated with a heightened concern for national security Various studies, both governmental and civilian, have reached widely varying conclusions, some concluding that the phenomenon does not represent a threat to national security nor does it contain anything worthy of scientific pursuit (see, e.g., 1953 CIA Robertson Panel, USAF Project Blue Book, Condon Committee), while others have reached the exact opposite conclusions (see, e.g., 1999 French COMETA study, 1948 USAF Estimate of the Situation, Sturrock Panel). A number of military personnel and others have given statements about having witnessed UFOs themselves or having been privy to information about them. Culturally, the phenomenon has often been associated with extraterrestrial life or government-related conspiracy theories, and thus has become a popular theme in fiction. UFO Hunters is an American television series that premiered on January 30, 2008 on The History Channel, produced by Motion Picture Production Inc., and ran for three seasons.
Jon Alon Walz was the Executive Producer of the show and was responsible for selling the series to History Channel after a bidding war for the rights to the show broke out between History Channel and Sci-Fi Channel (now Syfy).
Massive Montana Fireball Shoots Straight Down From The Sky (Video)
By Susan Duclos
In the video below there is an excellent shot of the massive fireball that came down over Montana on Friday morning, straight down and is explained by Nicholas Wethington from the Western Montana Astronomical Society, who says “The most interesting about the ones you showed me was that the trajectory of the meteor was pretty much straight down.”
Wethington continues on to say “I’m somewhat doubtful it’s part of the Geminids; a falling satellite might have looked different, and those make really fantastic, like, almost firework levels of colors when they break up, so they’ll break up, and they’re also not as solid as a piece of rock.”
Wethington points out that there are other reports from the midwest and it is mostly likely that “something” broke up that “we are not aware of.”
Texas, Iowa fireballs have been in the news recently, and as shown in the second video below, meteors and fireballs are coming down over Earth, specifically a high number of them over the US, with increasing frequency.
Meteor Fireballs Increase Dramatically – Something Wicked This Way Comes
Joe Quinn, who writes for on occasion, put together this video and described it like this: “In case you haven’t noticed, over the past 10 years or so, our planet and its inhabitants have been experiencing a veritable ‘invasion’ of space rocks of all types. What does this mean for humanity?”
Essentially, this is the same hypothesis I hold – that the increase in meteor fireballs and bolides are cyclical. They are related to an influx of comet debris from the Oort Cloud and the regular perturbations of the cloud that causes this influx are related to a binary partner to our Sun that has gone unnoticed – until now.
What if the Earth’s 25,771 year axial precession cycle is not related to the wobble of the Earth on its axis but is related to the solar system moving around a common center of gravity with another Star? What if that star passed close to our Oort Cloud of comets and stirred them up in the geologically recent past, and a whole storm of them are about to crash into the inner solar system? In fact, the first vanguard of smaller comets are already here and are breaking up and filling the inner solar system with debris that we are now seeing as an increased fireball flux:
If this has been going on since at least 2008 when the uptick became noticeable on the graph above, why did we not hear about this until now? What is it about this data that obviously scares some people into not talking about it?
Is it because the Powers That Be (PTB) do not want us to know? They tell us the comets are coming from someplace beyond the orbits of the planets but they are totally random in their behavior. The Oort Cloud was theorized as the place they come from. I agree with that theory. But, it has to have something that kick starts the influx, in my opinion.
They claim it is just random stuff and there is no pattern. But, there are patterns all over the place in the geologic record. There are patterns in the climatic record. We are finding out now that in the recent geologic past, a huge cooling event took place and it was probably caused by a comet impact. Was that the last time the influx from the Oort Cloud was in progress? All questions that as of yet, I do not have answers for. But, I’m working on it.
In the meantime, here’s another video on precession and it gives you a better idea on exactly what physical processes are happening and why:
The precession of the equinox caused by our solar system being part of a binary star system has so much predictive power and answers questions about the ancient past that until now, we were totally unaware of. Ancient societies apparently knew about this and their writings and monuments all contain evidence of it. In fact, their main goal was to leave behind data that would indicate to future generations what this pattern was and how to calculate and track it. Most of the ancient monuments that we’ve found are calendar and astronomical event tracking systems. The ancients obviously considered it VITAL that we know this information. Why?
There are lots of scientists who claim that the binary model of precession is poppycock and pseudo-science. The guardians of the current paradigm do not want anyone to upset their applecart, so to speak. They have a vested interest to keep the funding flowing for their brand of science. They also keep everyone ignorant of the true realities of our existence. This is by design. The PTB have long since decided that only they can be privy to the secrets of the Universe since they are the masters of us all. That’s how they keep their power.
It is time we shatter this illusion that the PTB have created for us and view the true reality that has been there all along. Look behind the curtain, people! The illusion only has so much time left before it is gone and the true reality sets in. They won’t be able to hide it anymore once the comet impacts start happening.
Glowing UFO Below Cloud Cover At German Scientific Station, Dec 28, 2013
The Neumayer Station is a South Pole German scientific research facility that has a lot of UFO activity over the last year. This still close up came from the live cam…which actually shows live photos every few minutes. In the above photo we can see a glowing disk like craft below the cloud cover.UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY
Unprecedented New Archaeological Evidence That A Highly Advanced “Lost Civilization” Flourished In A Remote Age Older Than Recorded Time
Did the world’s first cultures inherit the same high wisdom from the same more ancient but now-vanished Mother Culture? The ancient pyramid cultures all built these Triptych (Three-Door) Temples. Does this mean they shared the same religion?
Like the pyramids, the presence of these Triptych Temples worldwide throws enormous weight behind the “Atlantis” theory—the idea that civilization has much older roots than presently accepted by science; that there is a major forgotten episode in human history; that an advanced ancient culture once flourished but was destroyed in a cataclysm; and that history’s first known cultures were inheritors of its legacy.
There are two different versions of history
We already know the mainstream version found in history books. But there’s another, more mysterious hidden history that’s not so widely known. This little-known history describes the world’s first cultures as having inherited vast knowledge and ability from an older, more sophisticated but now-vanished Mother Culture, a great kingdom named Atlantis, once home to an advanced and spiritually sophisticated people. This hidden history was proposed and maintained by Victorian-era scholars and archaeologists in the 1800s, after they discovered a series of mysterious ancient cultural parallels worldwide:
Above: No records exist of any contact between these civilizations. How, then, can we explain parallels like pyramid construction, corbel arches, and mummification?
ALIENS? All at once, three small blue - grey entities stood at the door inside watching me.
The leader intruded into my psyche or mind, usurping, taking control and causing anxiety, the soul's natural intuitive approach signal to an intrusion, a nervousness that I now recognized.
I ordered them out, using the name of Christ, putting the guitar down, shutting off the stereo and amp and mentally ordered them; "Out!! Out!! Out !! Out!! "
I was swept with their raw surprise; two left, evaporated; one, amazed and reluctant, lingered.
I reached into my spiritual self and defensively recited the Lord's prayer and struggled inwardly to resist, ordering him out even as I strongly felt that he hesitated, repeatedly.
It took five long minutes, minutes that seemed longer than mere minutes before the anxiety, that is the mental intrusion ended and I felt alone.
But I wasn't.
I went into the kitchen to boil water for tea, left the room and turned my back, my mind, away from the feelings in the living room when a word in my mind, emblazoned, loomed in letters large and capital. "BEREAVEMENT".
With my eyes open the words hung in space as an afterimage.
Were they sad that I had resisted?
Tough, I thought.
Would they make me grieve in nightmares, cry heartbreaking tears?
What did it mean? Bad dreams?
In four days I was on a plane booked at a hotel to attend my father - in - law's funeral in Florida.
Both the airfare and hotel rates were listed as "BEREAVEMENT" rates on both receipts.
So, it seems that as well as being invisible they can see into the future and tell us, warn us of it, as it suits them.
But it seemed as if it were a slap, a rebuke to have been so told, flippantly shown that illuminated neon sign of "BEREAVEMENT", in such a cryptic, stilted and intrusively off-handed way.
The sight of that glowing psychic word was as much a response to my rejection of them as it was almost mean-spirited information.
And most importantly it, the word 'BEREAVEMENT" strongly confirmed, clearly that sudden or slow creeping anxiety IS a symptom that intuitively alerts me that psychic intrusion, mental interference is happening.
If the word hadn't appeared, even though thin blue beings had appeared in my mind's-eye, I would not have been sure that a wave of free-floating anxiety most certainly means that they're already HERE and INSIDE!
I was never really sure before.
The word "BEREAVEMENT" confirmed to me that I was right and underlined the difficulty non-psychic people have, who wrestle with panic attacks, completely uninformed, left to suffer in the dark.
What clinician wouldn't throw pills at the symptom?
If I can fight them in the first initial stages then perhaps I can resist more completely. But how can you fight something that you can't see?
They change tactics, redouble their efforts and make one pay heavily for resistance.
They're addicted to abduction and also have access to demonic creatures, who do their bidding. Fight? Resist?
My analogy is one of cows grazing in a world - wide pasture.
They are simply cows who eat grass under God's blue sky and don't acknowledge or analyze too much because they're only cows.
But they love life and God and His skies and His grasses.
Occasionally, something odd, bizarre, an experience of high strangeness occurs; the farmer comes and milks the cows.
Most cows pay no attention as they are just cows who eat grass and the experience happens when they are asleep or dully unaware.
The few (smart) cows who do resent the episodic intrusion, who are aware of the subtle meddling, kick over the pail and spill the milk.
They may even threaten the farmer himself.
For these cows, the farmer does not return; instead, he sends in the 'butcher', for these cows.
The 'butcher' is an evil, punishing entity, demonic and also interdimensional who "MEDVED", "comes in the night", to give illnesses, infections, pains, organ disease, death, herniated discs.
Moreover, sudden contrived bad luck looms everywhere, in bidding retribution for the abducting, but now thwarted entities, who resent resistance in any form.
I often wonder, when at air terminals, awash in crowds, or at a ballgame surrounded by many tens of thousands, how many seemingly unaware human bovines are being "milked" by interdimensionals; and I also wonder how many unsuspecting people are truly troubled and aware as I am, of these negative-thought nighttime 'visitors'?
How many people, thronged in diverse pursuits know?
How many may merely suspect?
The accumulated, slowly built subtle evidence suddenly looms as obvious as a trout in the milk.
But would cows recognize a trout in the milk?
No, most would go on to chew grass under God's blue skies and deny the subtle spiritual interference as a 'bad dream' or their imagination.
There is electrical interference with the T.V., bands of static and white noise every few seconds on all the channels, like someone is broadcasting nearby, on all frequencies!
Ticks and knocks are heard in the walls; laying in bed in the darkness, I hear a patter of soft but clear footfalls in the attic and on the roof, more paddling.
The floorboards red and termite- ridden creak and pop as unseen entities walk by my footboard as I toss anxiously; I try hard to ignore the sounds, asking myself; "How can they just walk unseen through walls and doors yet still have enough seeming weight, enough specific gravity to make the floor creak?!"
I begin to pray trying to mentally resist, calmly now, over and over telling them to go: "Be gone, unclean, evil spirits.
Leave me alone; the power of Christ, himself, the Blood of the Martyrs and God, himself, orders you to leave."
-over and over - I close my eyes, aware that anger, fear, all negative emotions, are food to them. My repulse must be totally positive.
I try to think of them as marauding intrusive raccoons who stumble, motives unclear, into a trespass situation.
There are some who say that the entities forfeit their rights to not being attacked physically when they intrude, but they never materialize even when I know that they're PRESENT; physically, I cannot see them.
Sometimes a quick moving shadow or a flash of lights occurs in the room, as though traffic could reverberate lights into a room with the blinds shut.
They can either "cloak" the area of their presence or because they are at a higher intelligence and vibrational level of reality (not higher morals) they are simply invisible.
But they're THERE.
I just keep my eyes closed tightly and that perhaps explains the general blackness surrounding vivid abduction memories, dreamlike in quality.
A hooded grey stands tall, by the bed: "GO BACK TO SLEEP - DO NOT AWAKEN" forces my mind to resume dreaming. I am in blackness.
When I awaken, bereft of memories and tired, I swing my legs over the bedside to reach the floor and open my eyes.
A voice in my head, not my own, but much like my own says:
"Time to activate"
That stops me cold as I rise. "Time to activate"?!
That's hardly my jargon, my word-salad, my own choice of words to describe starting another day!
"Time to activate" chills me as, (forgive me) EGO - ALIEN to my thought processes.
Here again, I'm left to wander, to wonder; What does it mean?
I wonder if an alien "walk - in" has occurred into my mind's psyche, an alien interloper - possessing - entity.
I refuse the thought; I don't feel any differently.
But that sentence is so strange that it haunts me days, later.
"Time to activate"
Am I being monitored? Controlled? It surely feels like "Time to activate"
could be their alien,stilted jargon relating to the stoppage of oversleep pattern into consciousness.
Or is it replete with psychic or bodily conscious monitoring?
"Time to activate"
Activate what?!
What does it mean?!
I feel as though my inviolate rights, rights over my body and spirit have been repeatedly violated.
Just before going to bed I hear footfalls creaking the floorboards by the closet door.
Closets are used as portals.
I close my eyes and mentally recite the Lord's prayer.
A vivid vision of a naked woman is flashed into my mind; she is heavy - set, voluptuous.
As I examine it, eyes closed, I begin to realize that the image is imposed onto me for mental intrusion and to relax me, distract me towards sleep.
I reject the image and try to see and visually project back to them, Jesus' peaceful face and the 'Sacred Heart' of love that God has for mankind.
As though in answer, a white macabre mask of "Scream", the phantom mask mouth agape, eyes grimacing looms into my mind.
I recognize that it too has been imposed, forced onto my mind to possibly scare me or at least to answer my thoughts.
Astonished but resolute, I turn over in bed, eyes closed and I reject with pity and with contempt the image's attempt to startle me; I hold a scornful, condescending, judgmental disapproval of the entities' efforts and
I drift into sleep confidently holding those thoughts against the entities while I trust to God, Christ and my spirit guides and angels to protect me while I sleep.
""St. Michael, Archangel of all angels, who defended God in Heaven against the Devil, I humbly call upon you now to defend me in battle against the wiles and snares of the Devil, whom I rebuke, and with God's help, send him back to Hell, along with dark spirits, who walk the Earth, seeking to destroy men's souls.
""God, although I am not worthy, send me a guardian angel to protect me from evil; I ask God to surround me, wrap me, in a bubble of divine grace and light to protect my soul and body from being tampered with. "
""I ask that this white light of God's Grace and protection come into my soul to cleanse and purify it.
I I send out all my negativity through this white light, like so much dark smoke hurting no one.
And I ask that God protects me in this white light all day and especially when I sleep at night.
Please God, protect me this day and every night.
"St. Lucy, patron saint of blindness, give me vision to sense the invisible, to see into the darkness, to raise both my arms in defense against the darkness and to have the light, divine light, protect me against inter dimensional invisible beings who mean me ill."
I drift off, into an uneasy sleep. . If you BELIEVE strongly that you are protected, somehow, they'll leave you alone.
Presence of mind is our greatest weapon; the ridicule factor, is their best 'defense'.
Who, in one's 'right mind' can one even discuss these things with?
Paper is, indeed, much more patient than people.
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
30-12-2013 om 11:07
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Dark cigar shaped UFO recorded over Brazil on 18th December 2013
Dark cigar – shaped UFO recorded over Brazil on 18th December 2013
Amazing vide footage of a dark cigar – shaped UFO recorded in the daytime sky above Brazil on 18th December 2013.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO over Boise, Idaho on 24th December 2013
UFO over Boise, Idaho on 24th December 2013
New video footage of a bright UFO or orb recorded in the night sky above Boise, Idaho on 24th December 2013.
Witness said: The second year in a row we’ve seen the same red light in the sky, “dripping” light. Then, it vanishes! We saw it last year, so we specifically went out looking for it this year. 9pm 12/24 above the North End. We’ll be there next year as well. This one was dropping red balls of light, unfortunately you can’t really even see it until I zoomed in and then it vanishes. Now I know how the people who try to capture Big Foot on video feel. Haha.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Exciting UFO news from the 2013 MUFON symposium
Exciting UFO news from the 2013 MUFON symposium
The 2013 MUFON Symposium was held in Las Vegas, Nevada and Open Minds was there. The theme was Science, UFOs, and the Search for ET. Alejandro Rojas interviewed many of the speakers and MUFON personnel. Two big stories from the conference was the announcement of a new International Director for MUFON, and the partnership between MUFON and France’s GEIPAN. GEIPAN is France’s official UFO investigation organization. It is a part of the CNES, France’s space organization, similar to NASA here in the US.
Witness said: December-22-2013 multiple U.F.Os Orbs were captured on video traveling high in altitude over San Antonio,Texas.*** EQUIPMENT USED: JVC GZ-HD3U 200XZOOM It was a clear day with no clouds in sight..As i was Skywatching facing west,i notice this glowing object traveling high in altitude…I grabbed my camcorder for a closer observation..When zooming in a two rotating Orbs traveling high in altitude came into view…You can clearly see them rotating as they traveled overhead..They were traveling at high altitude.Used the top of the roof as reference point(giving the altitude it was traveling)…On the video stills you can clearly see these U.F.O Orbs..I tried to keep them in frame as they traveled overhead..This U.F.O Orbs were traveling at a high altitude right above my house. I did not hear any noise coming from this U.F.O…I followed until it was out of sight….In my opinion this glowing object was clearly no aircraft,weather-balloon or satellite…..
I am sitting up on a table, feeling gentle taps on my back, watching a series of images, myriad tables receding into infinity, like two mirrors facing each other.
Farmers milking cows; on each table, a person sits up and is examined by a small, slim, white, intent, fragile, large eyed creature.
Their fingers probe lightly, gently, purposely, like playing a piano.
They are milking Chakras or Kundalini nerve centers, seven along each person’s spine.
Their touches stimulate hidden DNA sequences as well as retrieve and store data and information along the length of the spinal chord, along a library of nerves.
Like ants milking aphids they spend careful time and effort, gently, delicately, fingering each spine in a long sequence of tables, like marionettes playing human harpsichords.
These manipulations of spinal nerves initiate secret, as yet unbidden DNA sequences, which dangerously age and disease and trouble the somatic body and mind of an abductee.
(After an incident my finger and toe nails had to be trimmed twice every day; early sequences causes acceleration of aging and growth of certain cells.)
There are horrible psychic and emotional results from activation of these spinal sequences too quickly, as well.
Inter dimensional leaking occurs and one senses other unworldly creatures and flirts with the beast of madness, itself.
Are we being programmed?
What is subtly being programmed, stored and retrieved In our spinal chords?
We are Manchurian candidates of stellar proportions.
Inter dimensional bleeding through into our dimension? Pranks predominate. Objects disappear to return days later in strange places, and there's always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.
On a Tuesday afternoon in late June, I entered the back of the house, passed by enormous four foot wide, four foot tall flower pots, each weighing as much as a man, containing ten foot tall Canna plants, looking tropical in nature and in full bloom.
I opened the back door and entered the vestibule into the kitchen; I could not take another step.
Glancing backwards, over my shoulder, I saw that both enormous pots had been turned over.
The wide elephant, ear-like leaves and tall orange-red flower tops now bloomed sideways, sprawled to the ground, in a fraction of a second.
I became suddenly aware of a very untoward realization.
I would likely need entity removal and aura cleaning and protection, as in addition to this poltergeist nonsense, I was besieged with elements of telepathic attack: nightly evil nightmares, a sense of pervading anxiety and a confluence of accidents and surgeries.
And all these experiences AFTER my sightings of UFOs and recalling some abductions.
Presence of mind is our greatest weapon, the ridicule factor, is their best defense.
Who, in one's 'right mind' can one even discuss these things with?
Paper, is indeed, much more patient, than people.
Why did things get worse?
In deep
despair and confusion, (the plants overturned, overwhelmed me with poltergeist shock that was so sudden and so profound), I stopped and prayed aloud for a spiritual sign.
Asks for a sign from God
“God, if there is a spirit world and it is real, and I can ask for protection, send me a sign: God, send me a white bird, up close and personal, in my face, on my window, as a sign.”
I put my whole heart and soul and angst into this prayer and minutes later, busy else where, I forgot it, as it promptly receded into the recesses of my mind.
The next day, on route to work, following the same path I always drive, I made a right turn, and high over the street of cars, I saw a cloud of some one hundred gulls, hovering, wheeling, circling overhead, as if attracted by garbage or a dumpster, although none was in evidence.
As I glanced up at the raucous flock, one white gull swerved to within an inch of my windshield, glossed passed and made eye contact with me.
Preoccupied with driving and having totally forgotten my fervent spiritual request from the night before, I drove on, momentarily startled, but dully unaware of it’s significance.
After a strenuous day at work I returned home, lit a prayer candle and began to voice again my special request for a sign when I remembered the morning gull.
I HAD asked for a white bird on my window, up close and personal.
Had I been given that sign the very next morning?
I decided to be skeptical but not cynical.
What would be a critical test?
I decided that If I saw any gulls in the area anywhere while in transit on the way to work for the next two weeks, I would know that it was a coincidence or a quirk of fate, not a sign that I asked for.
Repeatedly, in my minds-eye, I was haunted with an odd afterimage, a close up of the birds black beadlike eye.
Why was the black eye of that bird, which whizzed passed so fast, so fixed in my mind?
For two weeks, each day, I scanned the horizon and landscape for a sign of gulls hovering, as I believed a flock so large would certainly reappear somewhere.
I never saw one bird.
I decided that I had been given a wonderful sign and it has given me the courage and the confidence to feel protected in this fight against the unseen harassing entities.
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
29-12-2013 om 22:06
geschreven door peter
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Humanzee :Stalin's Experimentation to Create an Army of Ape-Men
Humanzee :Stalin's Experimentation to Create an Army of Ape-Men
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Mexican Government Releases Ancient Space Explorer and Extra-terrestrial Evidences
Mexican Government Releases Ancient Space Explorer and Extra-terrestrial Evidences
Was there CONTACT? The Ancient Mayan UFO and Alien Connection, 2012. Short Educational Film by Jason Kirby. The Mayans used to construct one pyramid over another. In the site at Calakmul, workers for INAH have discovered rooms inside the pyramid that have never been seen or explored before. Featured in this film are some of the finds found in these newly discovered rooms, plus some finds that have been held by the Mexico Government. These items clearly depict UFO's and Alien Life Forms. Was there CONTACT?
"This is very important for humanity, not just for Mexico," said Julia-Levy. "This information has been protected for 80 years,
William C. Treurniet and Paul Hamden, December, 2013
For many years now, certain people all over the world have seen things moving in the sky that they and others cannot explain. We appropriately call them unidentified flying objects or UFOs. A typical shape of these objects is like a saucer and an inverted saucer attached together at the rims, and these have also been called flying saucers. The flight characteristics of the objects often exceed those of human-designed aircraft, so they are thought by many to have an extraterrestrial origin.
Some light has been shed on the properties of such craft in conversations with extraterrestrials we call the Zeta race. Several beings of this race have communicated much information to us via the medium, Paul Hamden. Most of the information specific to craft was published in a book authored by the medium (Hamden, 2010, p. 23). The nature of the craft and its propulsion system is addressed in this article.
The Zetas are physical beings who live in physical environments, but they also have the ability to extend their activities to a non-physical, energetic environment where different laws of nature apply. The energetic realm holds templates, also known as etheric bodies, that define the properties of associated forms in the physical universe. In these non-physical realms, consciousness has the ability to create with thoughts. A model of how this is done is outlined in the book, “A primer of the Zeta race” (Treurniet & Hamden, 2013) in the chapter “Creation and consciousness”. Understanding this chapter is highly recommended, since the creation process is used by the craft's propulsion system described below.
A Zeta offered the following responses to general questions about their craft and the method of propulsion. Words in italics are direct quotes, and unless otherwise indicated, those in the normal font are the author's observations and interpretations aided by knowledge of the Zeta cosmology.
The nature of the craft
Our craft are of a nature that are able to support our biological framework. These craft are living entities. Much like a bacteria, they live, breathe, function and create. Each craft is a singular cell, as we are part of the integrated cell (we are keeping this simple). We are able to interact with the craft as "one whole cellular being". This is why there are no doors to the craft, and why there are no windows.
The craft behaves like a single-celled organism so that it is without doors or windows. A bacterium has transporter mechanisms to import and export material across the cell wall. By analogy, the craft may also have a mechanism for moving beings and materials into and out of its interior. Once inside, beings become one with the craft order to interact with it.
They (the craft) are grown from what was initially a hybrid framework designed by our best technical and scientific beings, so this explains why we have craft who can also "self-heal". The craft are generic, genetically modified structures. Not all craft have individual operators, but as there are certain parts of our DNA replicated, there is one standard craft for beings to use. There are specific craft for specific beings. These beings are utilized to move in different dimensional aspects of the non-physicality of this physical universe.
This statement says that the craft are designed to respond to operators with Zeta DNA. There is a standard craft that can be used by any Zeta because the craft responds to certain segments of DNA shared by all Zetas. There are also specific craft that respond to unique sequences of DNA possessed by particular Zetas. The latter craft and operators are used to move to and from non-physical dimensions of the universe.
The Zeta adds that the craft, like all living things, needs sustenance or a source of energy to survive. He says, “There is a basic life force woven into the fabric of the universe. This energetic form, waveform, feeds and nourishes these cellular craft.” For the Zeta, the basic life force of the universe is the energy of consciousness. Everything that is and can be experienced is constructed from this fundamental substrate. Clearly, this is the source of the energy required by the craft to function.
Communication with the craft can be telepathic. We are told, “An astral form is needed or thought projection, but realize this, the thought must be of a very specific nature. And there are biological barriers around craft to stop certain energies from penetrating through the 'craft' which we class as a 'being'.”
But not all operations require telepathic communication. “If we wish to see outside, not via telepathic methods, we simply compel the side of the cellular structure of the craft to move to a different state. This allows us to see through to a physical dimensional state.” Further, Paul Hamden has had the opportunity to view the interior of a craft and the means for communicating with it. He says, “The craft which are biological entities have symbols placed in strategic positions, the biological structure of the internals of the craft facilitate the actions of the symbols, the symbols provide the functionality and mechanism for interaction with the sentience of the craft.”
In the interdimensional areas where the physical rules of this universe do not relate, we are able to assimilate to that state by changing cellular form, as a chameleon would change colours; this is how we "physically" move from one place to another. When a craft dematerializes, the occupants “are part of the process, but shielded by the actual craft as well.”
The Zeta tells us that the craft's physical movement can involve entering and leaving an interdimensional state, and this process is analogous to the colour change of a chameleon. In several other conversations with the Zetas, a change in colour was an analogy for moving to a different state of consciousness. If that was intended here as well, a craft would enter and leave an interdimensional state by recreating itself each time using appropriate states of consciousness.
The propulsion system
The Zeta craft can access the energetic realm to change its location in the physical realm. A Zeta introduces this method of travel using an analogy.
Imagine if you will a single sheet of fabric. Each thread in the fabric is closely related, this is a linear version of a magnetic grid. Now place many layers of fabric together, you now have a three dimensional block of fabric. The threads are interwoven, directional. How does one move from within the vertical structure to the horizontal levels?
In this scenario, the fabric is of a physical nature, but if the fabric is of an energetic nature, then there is a strong matrix of threads between all layers. This means, in a physical universe, a craft can manoeuvre forwards, backwards, diagonally and sideways. The craft are moving on “etheric rails”. They are drawn into the craft and used as a “matter of state” propulsion process. These “rails” are of a nature that the craft can move in any direction as it is using the matrix, like a tractor beam. The craft is taken, “pulled”, in the direction it wishes to go. Imagine a container of water in a cube form; can a fish swim in any direction? This is the same process. The matrix is a living field.
In the analogy, the matrix is described as a physical object. However, it becomes clear that the matrix also exists as an etheric body in the energetic realm. Etheric threads connecting the matrix nodes are described as rails that guide the direction of movement of the craft. As the craft's etheric body is pulled along the vertical and horizontal rails of the etheric matrix, the physical body of the craft follows and moves through the space containing the physical matrix.
The “threads” of the etheric matrix are drawn into the craft and acted upon by a “matter of state” process. The Zeta's use of the word “state” usually refers to “state of existence”, or the “level of consciousness” available to the creation process. Thus, the “matter of state” process implies that the consciousness of the craft uses the creative process to alter the position of the craft's etheric body relative to the frame of reference provided by the matrix. The craft's form in the physical realm would follow.
As an aside, a Zeta was asked to explain the teleportation sometimes seen in physical mediumship séances. For example, a ping pong ball was moved to the inside of a sealed glass aquarium. The Zeta responded, “The etheric body was moved to the other physical location, and matter then followed.” This corresponds well to the description of craft propulsion in the matrix.
Further support for this interpretation was given when the Zeta said, “Separation of matter at its finite form allows for the process of wave shifting. These waveforms allow a level of interaction with the energetic field that 'is and always is'.” The etheric body, separated from its matter counterpart, is said to consist of waveforms. The movement of these waveforms along a matrix thread is called “wave shifting”. The process of wave shifting involves interaction with the field that 'is and always is'; that is, the energy of source consciousness. So the craft's intention to move invokes the creative process at a particular level of this consciousness field to relocate its etheric body in the matrix.
Part II of this article continues tomorrow Saturday, December 28, 2013.
William C. Treurniet and Paul Hamden, December, 2013
The Zeta also described another method of travel that can cover arbitrary distances almost instantaneously. The method requires an ability to manipulate the shape of the etheric matrix fabric itself.
When the fabric is folded upon itself, it acts cylindrically. A craft is able to manoeuvre back to its original point by simply “hopping” from one state to the next.
The etheric body of the matrix is rolled up into a higher-dimensional cylinder shape so that the current position in the matrix is adjacent to a starting position in the matrix, even though these positions are far apart in the physical universe. Then, a short displacement of the etheric body of a craft across the “seam” of the cylinder causes a displacement in physical space equal to the circumference of the cylinder. This description reveals an important limitation of the method. It can only take the craft back to a position where it has already been.
This now brings into play,“states of existence”. Is this craft of a physical nature or a dematerialized construct?
This comment concerning “states of existence” is again an allusion to the creation process. The consciousness of the craft creates by using a state of consciousness that does not exceed its highest possible state. Normally, the etheric form is created so that it can be a template for the formation of the physical craft. Could the etheric body of the craft be placed in a state where the physical craft would fail to form? This might require that the etheric body be recreated using a state of consciousness higher than that used to create etheric templates. Then the craft would exist in a state of dematerialization for human beings who are unable to realize such higher states of consciousness.
In a dematerialized state, the craft is able to move between subatomic structures. This “non-matter” allows the craft to move from one reference point to another in an instant. As there is a folding process taking place, interdimensional or physical travel is a “simple” movement from one state to the next.
The Zeta emphasizes that the craft in the dematerialized state is not impeded at all by physical matter. The dematerialized craft is non-matter and, when using the cylinder method, it can move instantly from one position in physical space to another. The craft moves to the destination state as easily as it moves along any other thread in the matrix.
Craft Safety
During discussions with the Zetas, it became clear that there were safety concerns that inhibited physical contact with humans. This was addressed in the following transcript of an interview segment.
Interviewer: There is a question about your ability to visit us in physical form. The medium has said that you do not allow your craft to readily appear to humans because there is an issue of safety that concerns you. If safety is an issue, is it our safety or the safety of the craft and crew that concerns you?
Zeta: Both. Of course I am concerned about what happens to the occupants of the craft. I am also concerned about the safety of the being which is the craft. I am also concerned with the environment in which the craft lives. I am also concerned with what may happen to a human if they were to approach a craft. Many humans would become instantly unwell, and then they suffer because the frequency would change their body's ability to understand how to repair itself.
Interviewer: There would be a minimum distance then, I suppose, that humans should approach?
Zeta: Yes, of course, you would never get, unless there was an accident, within 30 meters to 50 meters from the craft. The physical body is unable to cope with the changes.
The Zeta was concerned about the safety of both the beings on the craft and the humans who may be in the vicinity of the craft. We know that the Zetas breath carbon monoxide rather than oxygen, so they need to use a breathing device when they are physically present on earth. He does not explain what other dangers might threaten the safety of the craft occupants. Perhaps there are concerns that humans themselves are a threat given our nature.
He is clear, however, that a landed craft would have a negative effect on the immediate environment. There would be a danger to humans as well were they to approach too near a craft. Such effects would arise from exposure to emissions from the craft. To avoid negative effects on the human body, we are advised to stay more than 30-50 meters away from a craft.
The axioms that underlie extraterrestrial science and human science are so different that the sciences are unlikely to correspond in a meaningful way. The main difference is the role of consciousness. It is an epiphenomenon for most human scientists, but is fundamental to the extraterrestrial science. This means that the propulsion technology employed by the Zetas is out of our reach. Human science does not recognize the existence of major elements of this technology, such as etheric bodies, the energetic realm, and creation by intent using the energy of consciousness.
Even if we were able to develop a complete intellectual understanding of these concepts, we would still lack the level of consciousness needed to perform the operations necessary to propel a craft with that technology. The ability to create with higher states of consciousness is required, and this cannot be achieved without a parallel increase in the ability to love. Few members of the human race are at the level of consciousness where unconditional love for others is possible.
In 2012 at the Wallacia Development Center in Australia, a group of people followed a meditation protocol under the stars and experienced a visit by a craft and its occupants. The craft did not materialize completely, but people sensed its presence a short distance away and heard footsteps of the invisible extraterrestrials walking on the gravel around them. The next day, a circular imprint was evident on the ground at the perceived location of the craft. The experience was direct evidence to the people involved that dematerialization is possible, and supports the existence of the technology described above.
We may have possible evidence of the cylinder method of travel discussed above where the etheric body of the matrix is rolled up in 4D space. Such an object is called a duocylinder, “an object bounded by two mutually perpendicular 3-manifolds with torus-like surfaces”. When the duocylinder is projected onto a 3D surface at a suitable angle, a toroidal shape appears. A toroidal optical distortion has been seen next to a UFO in various photographs taken over the years. This suggests that the etheric 4D cylinder has a toroidal organizing influence on the physical environment next to the craft. The effect is discussed in this article by one of the authors (WCT) that includes a number of examples in a picture gallery. The relatively small sizes of these tori suggest that the cylinder method can be employed to make short hops in space.
Hamden, P. Alien interaction: Next generation, Copyright Paul Hamden, 2010.
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The Worlds Highest Ranking Alien Believer
The World’s Highest Ranking Alien Believer
Paul Hellyer recently stirred up global controversy when he testified before a half-dozen former US representatives that aliens exist. As Canada’s former Minister of Defence, Hellyer is the first and only cabinet-ranking official from a G8 nation to publicly state a belief in extraterrestrials.
MOTHERBOARD visits Paul Hellyer at his cottage in the sleepy and scenic woods of Ontario to find out more about his extraterrestrial claims. This is Paul Hellyer in real life.
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Documentary Alien & UFO Abduction Cases
Documentary – Alien & UFO Abduction Cases
Popular British UFO author, Timothy Good, has a new book titled Earth: An Alien Enterprise: The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-Up in Human History, coming out on November 13, 2013. It is about alleged extraterrestrial contacts dating back to 1932 from all over the world. Good’s subject matter is highly controversial, even among people who follow the UFO topic. However, in the past, Good’s books have shed light on some of the most credible and interesting UFO cases. He has also garnered the respect and attention of high-level officials in the UK. At a recent UFO conference in North Carolina we were able to talk to Good about his new book.
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Huldufolk of Iceland Remote Viewed
Huldufolk of Iceland Remote Viewed
“Icelandic Huldufolk, Open Search"
Overview of Remote Viewing Results
Respectfully, the hallucinogenic experiences of many Icelandic persons living near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge [C] are valid. The target [X] represents an astounding match for which Stage 10* is in part known; observation, influence, and control of information that is deeply hidden from access. Auditory (Stage 7) experiences may also be involved. Undetermined frequencies are revealed [B] that is shown in blue as [A] reveals the somewhat ethereal auspices of a projected homunculus.
Conclusion: 1. Partially amorphous cortical homunculi (sensory). 2. Anthropomorphous projection influenced by cultural acceptance, experience, and belief. 3. Altered state secondary to geological location, possible activity, and especially magnetic influences upon the human brain. 4. An experiential phenomenon not yet fully explained.
Strangely, the predominant analytical overlay in this data involved “mass extinction” and “lingering death”, etc. This is an irrational repetitive clue at best and without further evidence, it should be considered at this time to be irrelevant. A change in search terminology can also be used to effectively rule this out.
*There are 11 Stages of Remote Viewing and 6 are commonly known to exist. Stage 7 is rarely experienced with success and beyond this, I know of less than six men on this planet that might suspect a possible relation to Stage 11. Anything beyond Stage 9 is extremely difficult to achieve.
28-12-2013 om 22:38
geschreven door peter
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3 NASA Astronauts Who May Have Seen UFOs
3 NASA Astronauts Who May Have Seen UFOs
Edwin "BUZZ" Aldrin
In a 2005 interview with ScienceChannel, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin seemed to say he saw an unidentified flying object (UFO) that followed Apollo 11 on its 1969 moon mission and may have contained aliens.
In a recording of the video uploaded to YouTube, Aldrin recalls his experience and his conversation with mission control: “[There was] something out there that was close enough to be observed, and what could it be?
“Mike [Collins] decided he thought he could see it in the telescope and he was able to do that. When it was in one position, it has a series of ellipses. But when you made it real sharp, it was sort of L-shaped. That didn’t tell us very much.
“Obviously the three of us were not going to blurt out, ‘Hey Houston, we’ve got something moving alongside of us and we don’t know what it is; can you tell us what it is? We weren’t about to do that, because we know that those transmissions would be heard by all sorts of people and who knows what somebody would have demanded? That we turn back because of aliens, or whatever the reason.”
Thinking the object might have been the S-IVB rocket stage, the crew asked Houston how far away it was. The S-IVB was 6,000 nautical miles away. “We really didn’t think we were looking at something that far away,” Aldrin told the Science Channel. He said the crew decided they wouldn’t talk about it anymore until debriefing.
In a posting on the NASA website, astrophysicist David Morrison reported that he spoke with Aldrin after this interview.
Aldrin told Morrison the quotes were taken out of context. Aldrin told Morrison, and also said on Larry King Live in 2007, that what they saw was likely a panel separated from the spacecraft as various stages dropped off—a normal procedure.
Edgar Mitchell
Edgar Mitchell flew in Apollo 14 to the moon in 1971, and is known as the sixth person to walk on the moon. He told WPTV he is certain aliens have been watching us and that the government is aware.
“I don’t know how many or where or how they’re doing it, but they’ve been observing us and here for quite some time. We see these craft all the time,” he said.
“I believe what I’m saying and I cite the evidence that I know,” Mitchell said.
Many websites and blogs interested in extraterrestrial life have cited a transcript said to have been leaked by a NASA employee after the Apollo 11 lunar landing.
The conversation takes place between the Apollo 11 crew, mission control, and an unnamed professor.
The name of the NASA employee is given as Otto Binder, a famous science fiction author, casting doubt on the transcript.
“Apollo 11” is quoted: “These babies are huge … You wouldn’t believe it. I’m telling you there are other spacecraft out there … lined up on the far side of the crater edge.
“They’re on the moon watching us.”
Astronaut Neil Armstrong is quoted as saying, “We were warned off.”
When questioned further, Armstrong said, according to the transcript: “I can’t go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology—Boy, were they big … and menacing. … No, there is no question of a space station.”
Morrison again answered a query on the NASA website, stating: “There were no aliens on the moon. Armstrong and other Apollo astronauts saw no evidence of aliens either on the near-side or the far-side of the moon.”
Gordon Cooper
Gordon Cooper was one of the Original Seven NASA astronauts. He piloted the last Project Mercury space mission in 1963.
In 1951, he was flying with the U.S. Air Force in Germany when he saw many UFOs in formation at high altitude. The UFOs were flying higher and faster than human-built aircraft could at the time, he said in an interview with Yolanda Gaskins in 1996 on Paranormal Borderline.
“We couldn’t get anywhere near their altitude,” he said. After filing a report, he explained, “the answer that finally came back months later is they were probably high-flying seed pods, which didn’t sound very logical.”
Then, in 1957, his military film crew recorded footage of a saucer-shaped UFO landing on a dry lake bed. It had three landing legs. They approached it and it took off. The film was sent to his superiors and never mentioned to him again.
He also said friends of his who were commercial pilots have told him they have seen UFOs.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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