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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Spectaculaire beelden van poollicht boven Lapland (video)
Spectaculaire beelden van poollicht boven Lapland (video)
Zware uitbarstingen op de zon zorgen geregeld voor mooie taferelen. Het noorderlicht is soms zelfs in grote delen van Europa zichtbaar.
Uit Zweden zijn prachtige beelden opgedoken. Begin deze maand werd het poollicht vastgelegd boven nationaal park Abisko in Lapland.
Het komt tijdens zonnestormen voor dat heel wat vluchten die normaal langs de noordpool zouden vliegen, uit voorzorg worden omgeleid. Als een plasmawolk sterk genoeg is, kan die de communicatie en GSP-systemen aan boord ernstig verstoren. Ook kunnen er problemen met satellieten optreden. Werknemers in hoogvliegende vliegtuigen kunnen te maken krijgen met een extra hoge dosis straling.
Volgens ruimteorganisatie NASA moeten we ons opmaken voor grotere zonnestormen. De zon bevindt zich in de meest actieve fase van een elfjarige cyclus, al is de activiteit beperkter dan normaal. In de cyclus komen actieve en minder actieve periodes voor. In actievere periodes is het normaal dat de zon met grote regelmaat zonnevlekken en zonnestormen veroorzaakt.
Op de polen is het effect van de zonnestorm het sterkst, aangezien het magnetische veld van de planeet daar het minst beschermd is.
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Wie houdt Marsrover Curiosity in de gaten?
Wie houdt Marsrover Curiosity in de gaten?
Een robot op Mars heeft een foto gemaakt van een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object. Dat melden Britse media.
Het vreemde object, dat een buitenaards ruimteschip kan zijn, is vastgelegd door Marsrover Curiosity van NASA die aan het werk is op de rode planeet.
Op de foto is een object te zien dat een spoor lijkt achter te laten in de lucht. Ufoloog Streetcap1 trof de afbeelding aan op de servers van NASA. Toen hij het object uitvergrootte zag hij een kegelvormige massa met een staart. “Heeft Mars een eigen ruimtevaartprogramma?”
Diverse internetgebruikers kwamen met mogelijke verklaringen voor het object. “Er zit iets op de lens van de camera,” zei iemand. “Dat is natuurlijk een weerballon,” zei een ander. Anderen dachten aan ijs, stof of een asteroïde.
Eerlijke wetenschappers die buitenaards leven hebben gevonden
Eerlijke wetenschappers die buitenaards leven hebben gevonden
Er is nog niemand geweest die iedereen in de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap ervan heeft overtuigd dat buitenaards leven bestaat.
Toch zijn er sinds het begin van het ruimtetijdperk al onderzoeken verschenen waaruit blijkt dat leven is gevonden op meteorieten of op planeten zoals Mars.
Verschillende astrobiologen van NASA en andere onderzoekers hebben naar eigen zeggen bewijs gevonden voor het bestaan van buitenaards leven.
NASA-wetenschapper Richard Hoover (foto) ontdekte fossiele resten van blauwalgen in meteorieten. In 2007 schreef hij op de website van NASA over zijn bevindingen. Sceptici zetten vraagtekens bij de studie van Hoover aangezien ‘blauwalgen in water leven en zonlicht nodig hebben om te kunnen overleven, omstandigheden die op kometen onwaarschijnlijk zijn’.
In 1996 kondigde hoofdastrobioloog van de NASA David McKay aan dat er microben waren ontdekt op Mars. President Bill Clinton juichte te ontdekking toe en McKay kreeg veel media-aandacht. In 2011 werden de resultaten met behulp van nieuwe technologie nog eens bekrachtigd. “We zijn zekerder dan ooit dat op Mars ooit leven was. Misschien kan er nog steeds leven worden gevonden,” zei hij tijdens een conferentie in 2011.
McKay stelde dat methaan en andere stoffen in een meteoriet waren geproduceerd door micro-organismen. Hij stierf afgelopen jaar op 77-jarige leeftijd.
In 1976 leken de Viking-landers micro-organismen te hebben gevonden op Mars. Astrobioloog Gilbert Levin concludeerde op basis van experimenten dat de bodem van Mars levensvormen bevatte. NASA herhaalde het experiment met een alternatieve methode en kon geen organische verbindingen vinden. Levin bleef er echter van overtuigd dat de landers in 1976 leven hebben gevonden op Mars.
In juli 2013 zeiden Britse wetenschappers in de atmosfeer van onze planeet buitenaards leven te hebben aangetroffen. Een onderzoeksteam stuurde een ballon naar de stratosfeer, waar op 27 kilometer hoogte kleine biologische organismen zijn opgevangen.
Toen de ballon was teruggekeerd op aarde, troffen de wetenschappers microscopische algen aan. De organismen konden volgens het team alleen uit de ruimte komen.
Rode regen
Tussen 25 juli en 23 september 2001 viel in de Indiase deelstaat Kerala vreemde roodgekleurde regen. Natuurkundige Godfrey Louis analyseerde de regendruppels en dacht eerst dat de vreemde kleur werd veroorzaakt door stofdeeltjes. Dat bleek niet het geval.
Onderzoekers van Stintec, een laboratorium in Sri Lanka, zagen dat de cellen zich bleven vermenigvuldigen, zonder ook maar een spoor van DNA achter te laten. Volgens astrobioloog Chandra Wickramasinghe is het goed mogelijk dat we hier te maken hebben met buitenaards regen.
The thought that humankind shares the planet with other sentient species – dolphins and whales – did not become popular until some point in the 1960s or 1970s. Prior to that, we rested comfortably in the thought that no matter where our journeys might take us on the surface of the third planet orbiting the Sun, we would come across fellow humans of various heights and skin tones, but they would always be exactly that: fellow humans.
The notion of exobiology — the branch of biology concerned with the search for life outside the earth and with the effects of extraterrestrial environments on living organisms, as defined by the dictionary – first emerged in 1960 as scientists gave serious thought as to what life might be like on other planetary bodies. Would actual Venusians – not the jungle princesses of pulp fantasy, but the denizens of the Cytheran surface as we know it to be – turn out to be rocklike creatures able to withstand the tremendous heat and pressure of the surface? Could Mars, humanity’s next destination in fiction and fact, harbor willowy entities looking like terrestrial ostriches? What of the balloon-like Jovians Carl Sagan fired our imaginations with, rising like gas bags in the stormy atmosphere of Jupiter, hunted by equally exotic predators?
“The possibilities are almost limitless,” wrote John W. MacVey in his book Interstellar Travel. “Perhaps the only real certainty is that we will never know what to expect until they arrive – and then we will not know what to do!”
A Roadside Encounter
On Saturday, September 24, 1977, traveling salesman Edwin Almenas did not expect that his life would ever be touched by the paranormal, as it indeed was on that fateful evening in Puerto Rico. Driving in his car along the road from Cabo Rojo to Joyuda in the island’s southwestern corner, for generations a hotbed of UFO and paranormal activity, Almenas headed back to his hotel after a strenuous day of transacting business deals. Up ahead in the nearly pitch-blackness of the Caribbean road, he saw a flash of light heading in his direction, causing him to think at first it was an oncoming vehicle. Within seconds he realized it was a pillar of flame, giving off beams of light. “I was able to see some circles – three circles, clearly – emitting dark-golden hued beams that turned orange with bluish tones.”
The electrical and mechanical systems of the car suddenly died, as though unplugged from an imaginary wall socket. Coasting to a halt in his vehicle, Almenas was now facing the unknown, petrified, staring at the incandescent fireball, wanting to scream in terror but unable to do so. After an unspecified period of time, the fireball took to the air and vanished in seconds, leaving the shocked salesman – his car now restored to operation – to make his way back to the hotel, awash in fear and unable to share his experience with anyone.
This was only the opening round of his experiences.
The following evening, on his way back to San Juan on the northern coast of the island, the salesman began hearing “strange voices” in his head, sufficiently distressing to cause him to pull into a police station and request assistance. Continuing his journey, Almenas was now well on his way back to the city when the voices re-emerged and the fireball appeared once more. For a second time, the car’s systems went dead, leaving its driver at the mercy of the unknown. But now there was an added detail: a blinding flash of light preceded the appearance of a three-foot tall humanoid figure. Despite feeling faint, and against any normal judgment, the driver felt compelled to get out of the car and approach the entity, whose body was enveloped in a sort of brilliant halo.
“It’s hard to describe in detail using words,” the experiencer would tell El Vocero newspaper, which made his story public weeks later. “and that’s why I made a drawing of the entity. It impressed me greatly; it held something like two rings in its right hand, and something like a flashlight emitting a potent yellow beam. The entity itself put forth a blue light that turned into gold. The creature pointed at one of the mountain peaks – I think it was El Torito – before merging with the fireball and taking off at a blinding speed. I then felt a pain in my neck, head and shoulder. It seems like a dream, but I know it was true.”
Even more harrowing that the traveling salesman's ordeal is the one that befell a jogger from an outlying district of the Puerto Rican city of Ponce in November 1979. His story appeared in the first issue of the island's Evidencia Ovni, which gives his name as “Hector Maldonado”, although this could be pseudonym, and given the nature of the experience, completely understandable.
According to Maldonado, he had gone for a morning jog on the salt flats near the Caribbean shore of Ponce. It was an average Saturday morning and a routine he had followed regularly. At one point, his run brought him near the mangrove swamp found in the area, where he happened upon a group of tall entities he described as standing between five and six feet tall, with bald heads and slanted eyes that issued a glow from within, rather than reflected by an external source. Their skin was greyish blue – shark like – and he was unsure if he was seeing their skin or clothing.
One of the tall entities, which had been kneeling on the ground, intently focusing on some detail, rose to its full height and pointed at the bemused jogger. Maldonado reportedly felt the non-human figure's “voice” in his head: “And I heard him tell the others, as if mocking me: “See how that one runs,” as the human had not broken stride throughout the sighting. What happened next was even stranger: the creature started to run, covering distances in seconds, as displaying its prowess before rejoining the other creatures.
“I could feel it in my mind when he said to them: “Let's take that one, too.” The others replied something along the lines of: “Leave him alone.” Something like that. I felt panic when I heard that, and it made me run even faster, because the one who had mocked me sort of smiled and I noticed he had big, pointed teeth, like a shark.”
Maldonado was spared from a possible abduction, but never resumed his recreational activities in that area, nor did he share his experience with others for many years. “I didn't stop running until I got out of there. I was terrified. I said nothing to no one, afraid that I wouldn't be believed. People would think I'd gone crazy, and I couldn't take that chance, no sir.”
A Humanoid in Paraguay
On June 14, 1991, Mexico’s Excelsior newspaper – the nation’s newspaper of record – carried a brief but intriguing note on an “extraterrestrial entity” seen in the South American country of Paraguay. The account, originally carried by the ANSA news wire service stated: “A radio station employee in the city of Pilar claims having seen a “humanoid, presumably an extraterrestrial.”
Article continues tomorrow Wednesday February 5, 2014.
A couple traveling down the highway in West Greenwich, Rhode Island spotted a couple of black disks hovering in the air. They took a few pictures, and then turned off of the highway to get a closer look. By the time they reached the area where they saw the UFOs, they were gone.
The couple reports the sighting was around 5:30 p.m. on January 31, 2014.They sent their report and pictures to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the largest UFO investigation organization in the US. Roger Marsh, editor of the MUFON Journal, posted the sighting on a Huffington Post blog.
The report reads:
So me and my Boyfriend were driving down the Highway when I saw two hovering black disks out the passenger window. I told my boyfriend to look and he grabbed a series of pictures showing the objects standing still in the sky (hovering). They were circular and had no lights. We took the next exit and headed towards where we saw them. We had lost them in the trees after taking the exit and by the time we reached the area they were previously above, they were gone. We also saw a helicopter heading in the same direction as we drove closer. This occurred at roughly 5:30pm in Rhode Island.
The photos are in order, the first photo was taken with the windows rolled up which accounts for the huge glare. The following pictures 2-5 were taken with the window rolled down. The last photo is zoomed in.
The forth picture could not be downloaded, but here are the others.
A Conyers, GA, witness reported headaches and odd behavior of her dog after watching a formation of silent lights moving at the tree top level that appeared to be attached to a sphere-shaped object “five times the size” of known airplanes, according to February 3, 2014, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was outside with a dog and talking on a cell phone when the lights were first seen about 8:30 p.m. on January 15, 2014.
“I started getting strange noises on my phone and then the call dropped,” the witness stated. “That's when I looked up to the sky (which I do every night to look at the stars) when I noticed at a very close range (tree top distance) red lights in a formation (in a line) with one white light that did not blink or anything. The white light was consistent.”
The witness first thought of conventional reasons for the lights.
“My first thought was jets flying in formation until I realized there was no sound and also that I could not see the object that the lights were coming from at all. It was as if the whole thing was invisible except for the lights.”
The witness then followed then lights and eventually watched them over a nearby vineyard.
“It was huge, like five times the size of our airplanes today. At a distance over the clearing I could see how it was actually a sphere-shaped object based on how the red-orange lights moved around it. There were six red-orange lights with one white in the center and the way the lights faded in and out was not how any of our planes do today. Plus, the size and color was different.”
The witness also noticed other odd circumstances.
“The other thing that was strange was this event only lasted about 10 minutes, but after it all, I noticed my dog was gone for over an hour which was very strange. He is a well trained dog and never runs off. After this though I have been getting some of the worse headaches ever.”
Conyers is the only city in Rockdale County, GA, population 10,689. Georgia is a current UFO ALERT 4 rating, with a higher than average number of UFO sightings nationally. Georgia had 11 reports in January 2014 - while California had 102 reports - the highest reporting state in the nation.
You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page.
The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or man-made. If Georgia MUFON investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to
In 2009 Northrop Grumman completed its full-scale (non-powered) replica of German Horton 229. RCS measurement tests were conducted at Northrop's remote test facility in Tejon Ranch, northwest of Lancaster, California.
Click here to enlarge top photo.Top photo (courtesy of National Geographic and Northrop Grumman) shows Northrop's Horton 229 replica on the pylon at Northrop's remote Tejon Ranch RCS Test Facility in Southern California
In the late 1930s, Germany produced several prototypes of flying wing aircraft.
In 1943, the Horton Brothers test flew their Ho. 229 in Germany.
Photo #2 (courtesy of Linda Reynolds/Flying Wing Films and Northrop Grumman) shows the full-scale (non-powered) replica of Ho. 229.
Purportedly it had a ram-jet engine and could achieve speeds approaching 600 miles per hour. It was not intended to be stealthy.
Although we cannot over exaggerate the capabilities of Ho. 229,
Photo #3 (courtesy of Arthur Bentley/Flying Wing Films and Northrop Grumman) shows the front portion of replica (non-powered) of Ho. 229 it is not an exaggeration to say that Northrop's B-2 stealth bomber's “predecessor” was basically Horton 229.
In 1949, Northrop itself produced their own version (YB-49) of the flying wing, test flew it but basically it ended up in a rather dismal failure.
Some say that Northrop intentionally produced the ridiculously powered YB-49 as a disinformational “cover” for the real Ho. 229, which, according to some, was test-flown in 1947 near White Sands, New Mexico and crashed somewhere…..although this scenario is highly unlikely.
From Arizona’s Sonoran Desert in the south, to the pine-covered mountains in the central part of the state, and the Navajo and Hopi lands in northeastern Arizona, unusual incidents seem to occur with some regularity.
When the 23rd annual International UFO Congress conference begins near Phoenix in mid-February, locals and visitors alike will certainly have plenty to see, do, experience and think about.
Past incidents, current and ongoing research, and possible future developments seem to provide a rich combination of interesting phenomena to explore and discuss.
The “Phoenix lights” case made headlines around the world when hundreds or maybe thousands of Phoenix-area residents (including the Arizona governor) reported seeing a huge V-shaped or boomerang-shaped object slowly cruise over the metro region at low altitude on the evening of March 13, 1997.
Up in Arizona’s mountains on Nov. 5, 1975, a resident of the small town of Snowflake, Travis Walton, was reportedly involuntarily taken aboard an unusual craft as he and his small work crew were leaving a nearby national forest. He showed up a few days later, apparently disoriented and, naturally, somewhat shocked.
And the town of Sedona and surrounding areas in the high desert have long been associated with unusual uplifting energy, strange phenomena and UFO sightings.
Some of the unusual aspects of the Sedona area are theorized to be associated with the high content of iron oxide in the ground and beautiful red rock outcroppings in combination with substantial deposits of quartz, creating special energies of some kind.
Many people are aware that Arizona is home to several Native American tribes and nations. The Navajo and Hopi lands are up near the “Four Corners.” Apache lands are on the eastern side of the Grand Canyon State. Even the metropolitan Phoenix area is home to several surrounding Native American tribes. And far southern Arizona near Tucson and the border with Mexico also includes Indian tribal lands.
UFO incidents along with other interesting phenomena have been reported on Native American lands in Arizona, including reports by tribal public safety officers and peace officers.
Arizona is also home to four major military installations: Luke Air Force Base on the west side of Phoenix, Davis-Monthan AFB near Tucson, the Fort Huachuca Army post in Sierra Vista south of Tucson and near Tombstone, and the Marine Corps Air Station at Yuma on the border with California at the Colorado River.
Back in the 1800s, Fort Huachuca was a post of African-American “Buffalo Soldiers” cavalry units. They and other Army units fought the Apaches in the region in some of the final major military actions against Native Americans in the Southwest.
When the 1997 Phoenix lights incident occurred, Luke AFB was involved in important ways. Residents, news media and local officials reportedly contacted the base for information about the strange, huge object.
Later that evening, military flares were dropped at the Air Force practice range south of Luke, reportedly part of activities of a visiting Air National Guard unit. Reports that F-16 fighter jets from Luke were scrambled in response to the Phoenix lights object were never confirmed by Luke officials.
The Phoenix lights object had entered Phoenix air space at the northwest corner of the metropolitan area, heading on a diagonal southeasterly course and cruising slowly over the city. When it exited Phoenix, the object was reportedly heading in the direction of Tucson.
Speakers and attendees at the International UFO Congress next month will be in good company in Arizona.
People from around the country and around the world (and maybe from other worlds) visit the state to experience its many wonders such as the Grand Canyon, the central Arizona mountains, the Sedona area and the rugged Sonoran Desert with its unique animal and plant life, including the famous saguaro cactus which grows only in the Sonoran Desert.
College students also come to Arizona from all over to attend one of the three major state universities (Arizona State University in metro Phoenix, University of Arizona in Tucson and Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff) or private higher education institutions.
And several prominent astronomical observatories are located in southern Arizona.
When the snow falls in winter, the state’s mountain ski areas ramp up for an influx of skiers. Meanwhile, even in the winter months, people living in or visiting Arizona’s desert regions can still enjoy warm, sunny weather. That’s why the visitors from the northern areas of the country and Canada (called “snowbirds”) arrive in Arizona at the start of every winter and depart in the spring.
Seeing and experiencing the many fascinating aspects of Arizona draws seasonal visitors as well as people who decide to live in the state full-time.
Enjoying and treasuring the natural beauty of Arizona is an experience shared by millions of people.
Maybe the unusual or metaphysical phenomena reported in the state are integral parts of this natural beauty. From the strange effects of the red earth and red rocks of Sedona to the reports of fascinating objects or spacecraft in Arizona’s skies, maybe we can learn more about these and other mysterious realities of Arizona.
(N.Morgan) A remarkable discovery has been made in Egypt, researchers found a 4,600 year old pyramid in pristine condition. It is believed that the pyramid was either built by pharaoh Huni or Snefru around 2590-2635 BC.
Seven of these ‘provincial’ pyramids have been discovered to date near settlements in Egypt, each exhibiting almost identical dimensions. While their exact purpose is not fully understood, archaeologists believe that they may have held some symbolic significance.
Sadly however it looks as though interest in these structures may have only been short lived, as by the time the Great Pyramid was being built only a few decades later it is thought that the pyramid at Edfu and others like it may have already been abandoned.
The Edfu pyramid is similar to the step pyramid of Djoser (pictured). Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Dennis Jarvis
UFO’s are the ultimate mystery. Many sightings can be explained as natural phenomena or some strange type of aircraft. But there are some incidents that are so perplexing that no explanation holds water. I have been interested in the UFO subject for years and there are some really strange incidents that I will name below.
The Rendlesham Forest encounter from 1980 is very weird. The forest was located between two U.S. air force bases in southern England. Up to 60-70 U.S. air force personnel saw up close very strange craft and lights.
The Washington D.C. UFO flap of 1952 was perhaps one of the most observed UFO phenomena ever. The 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident, also known as the Washington flap or the Washington National Airport Sightings, was a series of unidentified flying object reports from July 12 to July 29, 1952, over Washington, D.C. The most publicized sightings took place on consecutive weekends, July 19–20 and July 26–27. The objects were picked up on radar.
The Stephenville, Texas UFO event of 2008 was very strange indeed. On January 8, 2008, Stephenville gained national media attention when dozens of residents reported observations of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Several residents described the crafts as the size of a football field, while others said they were nearly a mile long, similar to the historic Arizona mass sighting of March 13, 1997. Some observers reported military aircraft pursuing the objects.
boggling. It was a series of widely sighted unidentified flying objects observed in the skies over Arizona, Nevada in the United States, and Sonora, Mexico on Thursday, March 13, 1997.
The Belgian UFO wave of 1990 can’t be explained away easily. The Belgian UFO wave peaked with the events of the night of 30/31 March 1990. On that night unknown objects were tracked on radar, chased by two Belgian Air Force F-16′s, photographed, and were sighted by an estimated 13,500 people on the ground – 2,600 of whom filed written statements describing in detail what they had seen. Following the incident the Belgian air force released a report detailing the events of that night.
Another incident worthy of mention was the Travis Walton incident. There was a movie made about it titled “Fire In The Sky.” Besides Walton himself there were six witnesses. Walton (born February 10, 1953) is an American logger who claims to have been abducted by a UFO on November 5, 1975, while working with a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Walton could not be found, but reappeared after a five-day search. TheWalton case received mainstream publicity and remains one of the best-known instances of alleged alien abduction. UFO historian Jerome Clark writes that “Few abduction reports have generated as much controversy” as the Walton case. It is furthermore one of the very few alien abduction cases with corroborative eyewitnesses, and one of few abduction cases where the time allegedly spent in the custody of aliens plays a rather minor role in the overall account.
I am not including the Roswell Incident here because there was nothing to the incident in terms of Alien Spacecraft. Roswell was the (supersecret) Project Mogul balloon system that crashed in the New Mexico desert. The Mogul project was an extremely secret and sensitive system the U.S. military was developing to spy on Russian nuclear weapons tests. There is no actual evidence of any Aliens or Spaceships at all, it is all hearsay, speculation and conjecture. And for the life of me, the Aliens can travel over billions of light years through space to get to Earth, and then when they get here the spaceship blows a gasket and it crashes, come on believers, that just doesn’t make any bloody sense at all.
The incident below is another enigma, very strange stuff. Video at the bottom.
Daily Mail
Does this surveillance footage really show a UFO visiting a Florida swimming pool?
Condo security officer Debralee Thomas witnessed a strange object by the community pool Monday night
The object was UFO-shaped and pulsed above the pool for 30 minutes
The video has been sent off to a UFO organization in Ohio for analysis
It seems even extra-terrestrials retire to Florida.
Residents of a Naples condo building swear that a UFO came to Earth to check out the swimming pool and stayed for 30 minutes Monday night.
Security guard Debralee Thomas says she was monitoring the surveillance camera feeds when she noticed an unusual pair of lights that appeared to be hovering over the water.
What is it? The video shows a disc-like object hovering over the pool before expanding and dipping into the waters, pulsing for half an hour .
The lights appear to be illuminating a saucer-shaped object in the sky, residents claim .
The strange object stuck around for about 30 minutes and then vanished without explanation .
‘I realized that it was something that wasn’t normal, so I was like “Oh my, what is that,” she told WBBH-TV.
As a security guard who stares at video screens for hours, Thomas said she’s seen some bizarre-looking things on her screens that turn out to be nothing at all.
Bug that fly into the camera lenses, for instance, can offer a frightening spectacle for someone who doesn’t know what they’re looking at.
But this was no bug. When she taped the encounter and showed the footage to her friends, they agreed that it indeed looked like something extraterrestrial.
‘We watched it on tape and to be honest, I was so grateful that it was there so I could say it was real…it really happened,’ Thomas said.
Video evidence: Security officer Debralee Thomas was glad she caught the happening on tape .
What’s the interest? It’s unknown why extra-terrestrials might be interested in this condo swimming pool in Naples .
Thomas sent the video to the Mutual UFO Network, an Ohio-based UFO organization, for analysis. The leaders of the organization said they don’t believe the video is a hoax.
But, they can’t say what the strange lights are.
A wildlife biologist that examined the video for WBBH said the images could not have been an animal.
Residents have been going into the condo’s offices just to watch the video and see the event for themselves.
‘I’ve never seen anything like this,’ said resident Curtis Kate. ‘The electrical charges coming from it, it’s truly unbelievable.’
The mystery of the UFO remains unsolved for now, and Thomas is OK with that just as long as it doesn’t happen under her watch again..
A Florida wildlife biologist examined the tape and concluded that no animal could have made the bizarre shapes seen on the tape
Publisher's Note:I found this tidbit in my Google Alerts and thought to share with our readers. Apparently, a photographer accidently took a photo and to his surprise captured a streaking UFO or fireball. The article authored by WB Graeme and was picked up by the OPENMINDS WEBSITE.TV. Enjoy Dirk
A photographer accidentally captured a fireball UFO in a photo he took in Cornwall, England.
Michael Potter recently photographed Mounts Bay, just off the coast of Cornwall. He did not notice anything out of the ordinary when he shot the photos. But he did detect an anomaly later when he uploaded the photos to his computer. As he explains to local newspaper West Briton, he almost deleted the photo in question because he noticed an “apparent sunspot over part of the image.”
I took Michael Potter's photo and using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 enlarged and enhanced the fireball using the AutoContrast tool. Dirk
Lens flare is definitely visible in Potter’s photo. But what prevented him from deleting the photo is a small object apparently streaking through the sky on the left side of the image. Intrigued, Potter questions, “The photo has not been tampered with or photo-shopped so what is it?”
West Briton suggests, “It is most probably a large lump of 4.3-billion-year-old rock which has slammed into the Earth’s atmosphere at a terrific speed, perhaps as much as 45 miles a second. Heated by friction to a fireball of around 1,500 degrees centigrade, it is just one of an endless cascade of meteors that rain down on us day and night.”
Although fireballs streaking across the sky are usually identified as meteorites or space junk, that may not be the case with the object in Potter’s photo. It is likely that he would have seen a fireball, had it been streaking across the sky. But because he saw nothing in the sky as he was shooting photos, the meteorite explanation is unlikely. But the most probable explanation for the mysterious ball of light and its accompanying light streak is the sun glinting off the camera’s lens. And that likelihood is supported by the fact that there is already visible lens flare in the photo.
But that is only one possibility. As West Briton points out, “Perhaps the correct answer is in itself as incredible as the idea of UFOs.”
Open Minds UFO Radio: For over 15 years, Jason Martell has been one of the leading researchers and lectures specializing in ancient civilization technologies. Martell’s research has been featured worldwide on numerous television and radio networks such as The Discovery Channel, Syfy Channel, and the BBC. He is currently a regular guest on the show “Ancient Aliens” on the History Channel. His latest book “Knowledge Apocalypse” is available on
Martell garnered worldwide attention by recreating a working model of one of science’s most profound mysteries – the “Baghdad Battery”. Residing in the national museum of Iraq, the discovery of this 2,000 year old device suggests the modern day battery was not invented in 1800 by Count Alassandro Volt, but was in use two millennia earlier. Martell’s recreation was instrumental in proving the Baghdad Battery was capable of generating current.
Weather: overcast – dust storm rolling in phoenix haboob
Duration: 20min
Location: North Scottsdale AZ, 85250 – Crossroads: Raintree dr. and northsite blvd.
Direction of craft: East towards State Plat No. 37 Ancala North mountains – above the Vangaurd group building.
Observation: Object – cloaked saucer
Object: was discovered over building – outline of saucer shape identified by east sun rise shinning west and dust storm rolling east.
Shape of Object: Disc
surface of object: Cloaked.
structural features: looks like a dome. Saucer – perfect disk.
apparent size from view: little bigger than a golf ball.
Actual size: unkown
Promanent colors – cloaked. See through to overcast skies
Emission: Cloud/Object
Sound: could not identify sound because I was inside my office building – Although before witnessing the UFO, I was alarmed by jet like fly byes over our office building but did not see them in view. They sounded like they were flying pretty fast and loud. Possibly several jets.
Altitude: As tall as a 5 story building.
Distance from UFO: Unkown – possibly 101-500ft away?
Direction observed: East
Direction last observed: East
Flight Path: Hovering
Landing Site: Unkown UFO was above building or may have possibly been further.
I had just got into work around 7:15am EST, clocked in and began reading emails as I do every morning. The sun began to rise through my 3rd floor office window. I notice a dust storm rolling through as an overcasted day but paid not attention to the weather changing. 5 minutes into working I heard loud military jets fly overhead which is unusual. We do have an airport next to us, but I have never heard jets fly this loud. So I decided to get up from my desk and look out the window to see the jets were there. I did not witness any, that’s when I noticed up ahead a saucer like UFO cloud that was very unusual to see. When I first noticed the UFO saucer, I thought it was a cloud and sat back at my desk. Checking emails and working for about 10 minutes in, I looked out the window a second time and noticed the saucer had still been there and if not more presentable with the sun rising and dust storm rolling in. I took my I-phone out and started taking pictures of it. It seemed to have not moved at all – it was just hovering over this building. I knew after a while of seeing this thing it had to be a UFO. it was a perfect flying saucer. I wanted to call in my neighbor employee friends to my office to take a look, I remember walking out in the hallway to see if anyone had made it to the office yet and there was no one in. By the time I went back to see the UFO, it was gone. Disappeared in plane sight or made itself cloaked and unpresentable again. I have shared the photos with friends and family since. From here on out I’m always looking out my office windows. I did post the picture on instagram that same day and there were other comments by locals that had witnessed this UFO driving north on the 101.
Special thanks to the witness Joseph Gutierrez for his sighting report to World UFO Photos.
Location/Date: Sydney, NSW, Australia – Winter 1970 – 9pm
A 15-year old boy noticed an orange glow at a nearby bush close to his home, he grabbed his dog and went to investigate. The dog became disturbed and immediately ran into the brush. The boy then became confused and had a period of apparent missing time. He remembered an owl fly past him, but lost interest in the orange light and left.
Years later, he went under hypnosis and recalled seeing a bright object hovering close to the ground and the bush was swaying as if a strong wind was hitting it. He became frightened and sensed something coming towards him. He felt claws grasping at him on both arms and was then taken aboard an strange craft. He struggled, but soon found himself lying on his back. He recalled seeing a face looking down on him and a slimy tube being stuck down his throat. He also recalled being submerged in a tub of pink fluid and being taken out by several ‘squat’ bluish beings.
Source: Keith Basterfield, IUR Vol. 17 #5
NOTE: the source later notes that reports of short squat bluish colored beings are apparently frequent and many times connected with abduction reports. The witness reported being submerged in a pink fluid. This has also been reported before and appears to be some kind of transportation medium for humans or maybe some kind of decontamination procedure.
Location/Date: Murwillumbah Highway, near Lismore, NSW, Australia – 1996 – 7:30 am
John, the witness, was driving back from Lismore when his car suddenly stopped. He checked under the hood but could not find anything obvious, so he decided to start walking to get help. John stated that he had a strange feeling like something was touching his spine. He looked up to see 2 bright white lights about 500m above and heard what he described as like the sound of an arc welder.
He noticed that there were trucks driving by on the road. John then hit the ground and rolled down the embankment. He then noticed a “gray” alien, which said to him, “you can’t get away” and grabbed him by the arm and proceeded towards one of the “motherships”. John stated that the craft was shaped like Egyptian “Eye of Osiris”, metallic and gunmetal gray with no apparent openings. He said that both walked straight through the wall.
The alien (who John learned his name was Theoraba) took him inside and observed other aliens working on computers etc. He also noticed what he now calls “baby aliens” in flasks of red, green-orange solution. John asked Theoraba “what are those”? Theoraba replied that they were “baby aliens”. Theoraba then asked him, “Would you like to have something to do with these in the future”? Two aliens then grabbed his arms and legs as he was approached by a female alien who he thought was a half human “hybrid”, with the body of a woman, long arms, 5 fingers and very dark black eyes. He was told that the aliens wanted him to father children for them, and at this point John began to panic.
The female alien then took on a more human appearance as he then became sexually aroused and made love to the female alien. A metal object was later introduced into his anal cavity and a patch of skin from his left palm was taken for “DNA” samples. When he asked about the skin sample he was told that their planet had “blown up” and that in order to continue their species and ensure that genetic inbreeding didn’t occur that hybrids were the only alternative.
That same year on another occasion John was walking along the road at Kingscliffe and saw two “motherships” again, and shouted at them to leave him alone. Apparently he met the now familiar gray alien who told him that they had inserted an implant in his finger.
On another occasion whilst out in the bush John encountered a female alien hybrid, which he assumes was one of his offspring. He communicated with her telepathically. He states that she was quite young and because of this was wearing what he assumed to be breathing apparatus, which went from around her head into her mouth and nostrils. He was told that she was unable to breathe in our atmosphere yet. John claims he has 5 male and 1 female hybrid offspring.
Source: AUFORN Queensland
Location/Date: Mafra, Santa Catarina, Brazil – Summer 1986 – 10:00 pm
After hearing unusual noises coming from outside in the front yard, a family of three including a 5-year old girl. Her mother opened the wooden door and her father armed with a piece of wood peeked outside to see a bizarre creature standing no more than 4 meters from the front door. After seeing the look of terror on her parents the little girl ran to the door and also saw the creature, which years later she described as about 3 meters in height, man-shaped, with a pair of huge wings covering its back, shiny black in color. It had large pointed ears, and brilliant red triangular shaped eyes. It carried in one hand an object resembling a “trident”. She did not remember seeing a mouth or nose.
The little girl screamed and the terrifying humanoid stared at her. Her mother then pulled her back from the door, not before she saw her stepfather fling the piece of wood at the creature….but, before it reached the figure, the piece of wood vanished in plain sight. The creature remained immobile. It then suddenly pulled what appeared to be some kind of cape over its body emitting something that the witness could now only describe as a “magnetic field” and vanished in front of the terrified family.
They never spoke about the matter and her mother always prohibited any discussion about the encounter. Strangely, soon after the encounter, her mother developed a rare type of cancer, which killed her in a very short time. The witness believes there was a connection with the encounter and her mother’s untimely death.
Source: Portal UFO Genesis, Brazil
NOTE:a man from Louisiana had a similar encounter during the same time period:
Location/Date: Metairie, Louisiana – Summer 1986 – late night
The witness was asleep when suddenly he woke shaking and convulsing uncontrollably. After a few minutes, he became calm….he opened his eyes and saw a tall figure standing over him, wearing a dark robe and hood. It was standing in front of the window and the light from the streetlight outside seemed to pass right through the being. It had round very large eyes, at least three times larger than normal and they glowed in a black radiance. Its eyes were totally black, but shone bright. The eyes and face had no expression and stared coldly at the witness. The entity never spoke or touched the witness. The witness was partially paralyzed and was struggled the get free. He was finally able to break free, leap to his feet and throw a punch at the figure….but it had vanished completely.
To this day, the witness experiences violent shaking tremors while sleeping.
Source: MUFON News
Location/Date: near Norton Air Force Base, California – 1973 – unknown time
The witness was employed by the Air Force as a photographer. One day he received unexpected news that his security clearance had been upgraded. A few weeks later, he and another military photographer were flown for a temporary duty assignment to Norton Air Force base.
As they landed they were taken on a two-hour drive inside an Air Force vehicle with blacked out windows. They finally arrived at their destination, which turned out to be inside an underground installation. They were ordered to disrobe and given white smocks to wear. The main witness was taken to a room, which contained a disc shaped craft suspended in a heavy net hanging from a large crane. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter and had a small opening on the side. The witness was lifted up to the opening and put inside.
He was shocked to see that the inside looked to be about 10 times the size of the outside. Disoriented he poked his head back outside to check the size which appeared to be about 35 ft in diameter only. He continued to photograph the inside of the disc and was later taken to photograph 2 actual alien bodies dressed in blue jumpsuits. Very little description of the alien beings was given other than they were of small stature, had smooth bluish skin and large football shaped eyes. One body had deep lacerations and missing tissue and appeared as if it was involved in an horrific accident. At that point, he became ill and the other photographer was called in to complete the assignment.
No further details were provided.
Source: Preston E Dennett, Uncensored UFO Reports
NOTE: what’s most interesting about this report is that it suggests possible, though anecdotal, proof of the space / time continuum theory. The account of an object’s interior being larger than the outside appearance has been documented in several other alien encounter cases…Lon
Location/Date: Boynton Canyon, Arizona – May 1987 – afternoon
Christa Tilton and her friend Barbara had gone walking up a mountain and were resting under the shade of a tree when soon they heard a car engine on the road below. Turning to look, they saw the weirdest black car they had ever seen. It was an old fashioned limo that was ‘so shiny they could see their reflection on it.” Everything about it was black. Suddenly the rear door opened and a man, dressed in all black, peered out and rotated very mechanically as if her were a robot, gesturing to Christa that she should follow.
Screaming to her friend that had kept walking up the hillside, Christa jumped into her car and pursued the limo. It headed off toward what seemed to be a military compound with a guard at the gate. By the time Christa arrived there, the black car had vanished and the guard denied he had seen such a vehicle. Feeling rather scared, Christa drove off back toward her friend, only to find the black limo blocking her path ahead.
From this angle it was possible to see inside the car. There were two men, both in black and wearing sunglasses. Rolling down the window on her car, she heard the man say to her “The time is all wrong,” before mumbling something about the local topography in words she did not fully understand. Christa then followed the strange limo and attempted to take a picture but her camera malfunctioned. The limo was soon lost from sight.
I’ll periodically post a few of my favorite reports. I want to again thank Albert Rosales for his commitment in compiling the database…it is truly an excellent reference. Lon
Huge cigar shaped UFO recorded while hovering over Texas on 19th August 2013
Huge cigar – shaped UFO recorded while hovering over Texas on 19th August 2013
Interesting video footage dated in 2013 of a huge cigar – shaped UFO recorded while hovering in the sky above Texas on 19th August 2013.
Witness said: A motorist records what looks like a large cigar shaped object with side lighting while driving on a highway in western Texas. The object is very odd and does not match that of any known aircraft.
UFO photos taken over Santa Rosa, California on 31st January 2014
UFO photos taken over Santa Rosa, California on 31st January 2014
New amazing UFO photos of a cigar – shaped UFO taken while hovering in the daytime sky above Santa Rosa, California on 31st January 2014.
Witness said: Picture Identification. Help me out! I am uploading a picture I found on my camera. I didn’t see or hear anything until I downloaded my photos from the moon shots I took tonight 1-31-14. Pretty cool!
Human beings came from another planet, not Earth, new book claims
Human beings came from another planet, not Earth, new book claims
Dr Ellis Silver offers arguments, based on humanphysiology, that suggest we may not have evolved alongside other life on Earth – but arrived from elsewhere.
A balloon returned from a high-altitude flight this year covered in microscopic life forms which seemed not to be of this world – and reignited the debate over whether life on Earth actually began here, or somewhere else.
This year, other scientists have argued that life originated on Mars, due to a mineral found in Martian meteorites, thought to be crucial to the genesis of life. Another experiment showed that amino acids could have arrived in impacts with comets – which suggests life might be widespread in the solar system.
But a new bookby American ecologist Dr Ellis Silver argues that humans may well not be from Earth – and may have arrived separately. Silver offers arguments, based on human physiology, that suggest we may not have evolved alongside other life on Earth – but arrived from elsewhere, brought here by aliens as recently as a few tens of thousands of years ago.
Silver, an environmentalist who is currently working with the effort to clean plastic debris from the Pacific, says his book aims to provoke debate – and is based on scientific work on the difference between humans and other animals.
“The Earth approximately meets our needs as a species, but perhaps not as strongly as whoever brought us here initially thought,” Silver said in an interview with Yahoo news.
“Lizards can sunbathe for as long as they like – and many of them do. We can just about get away with it for a week or two. But day after day in the sun? Forget it. You might as well just lie down on the freeway and wait for a bus to hit you.” We are dazzled by the sun, which is also odd, says Silver – most animals are not.
Silver claims that some chronic illnesses that plague the human race – such as bad backs – could be a sign we evolved on a world with lower gravity. Silver points to other unique human traits – such as the fact that babies’ heads are so large that women have trouble giving birth – in earlier eras, this was often fatal for mother, child or both.
“No other truly native species on this planet has this problem,” he says. Silver also points out to the “extra” 223 genes in human beings, which are not found in any other species, and to the lack of a fossil “missing link”.
Silver chose not to publish in a scientific imprint, wanting to inspire open debate. Reviewers have compared Silver to other space-gazing theorists such as Erich von Däniken, while others have said, “it is possible to drive a coach and horses through several of his arguments.”
Silver also claims that the human race has defects that mark us out as being possibly “not of this world”.
“We are all chronically ill,” says Silver. “Indeed, if you can find a single person who is 100% fit and healthy and not suffering from some (perhaps hidden or unstated) condition or disorder (there’s an extensive list in the book) I would be extremely surprised – I have not been able to find anyone.”
“I believe that many of our problems stem from the simple fact that our internal body clocks have evolved to expect a 25 hour day (this has been proven by sleep researchers), but the Earth’s day is only 24 hours. This is not a modern condition – the same factors can be traced all the way back through mankind’s history on Earth.”
Silver does not suggest one answer – but a possibility that early pre-humans such as homo erectus were crossbred with another species. He also suggests several possible origins, including Alpha Centauri.
“Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there’s a prevailing feeling among many people that they don’t belong here or that something “just isn’t right”.
“This suggests (to me at least) that mankind may have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as a highly developed species. One reason for this, discussed in the book, is that the Earth might be a prison planet – since we seem to be a naturally violent species – and we’re here until we learn to behave ourselves.”
“Humans are not from Earth was published mainly to gauge reaction from readers and to provoke thought, particularly among those who might not have considered such a possibility before.”
Ellis hopes that readers will contact him with more evidence for a more extensive follow-up work.
The claim that bacteria are arriving from space has also caused controversy – and revived the idea of “panspermia”, where life from Earth might have “pollinated” other planets nearby..
“There is probably truth to the report that they find curious stuff in the atmosphere,” Chris McKay, an astrobiologist at NASA told in an interview. “The jump to the conclusion that it is alien life is a big jump and would require quite extraordinary proof.”
Professor Wainwright and his colleagues at the University of Sheffield aim to conduct further tests.
“In the absence of a mechanism by which large particles like these can be transported to the stratosphere, we can only conclude that the biological entities originated from space,” Wainwright added.
“Our conclusion then is that life is continually arriving to Earth from space, life is not restricted to this planet and it almost certainly did not originate here.”
Silver’s more radical idea is presented as polemic, intended to inspire argument – “Initial reaction has been positive, although one reviewer thought it was a parody, while another found the writing style heavily dictatorial,” he admits.
The debate over the origin of life looks set to intensify. Simulations on supercomputers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the U.S. have found that amino acids, the building blocks of life, could have arrived on Earth via comets.
This would suggest that life might be found elsewhere in our solar system – or even beyond.
Nir Goldman suggests that the simple molecules found in comets (such as water, ammonia, and carbon dioxide) could have supplied the raw materials, and the impact with early Earth could have “ignited” a prebiotic reaction.
A series of experiments where projectiles were fired into a cometary ice mixtures formed amino acids – the building blocks of life.
“These results confirm our earlier predictions of impact synthesis of prebiotic material, where the impact itself can yield life-building compounds,” Goldman said. “These results present a significant step forward in our understanding of the origin of the building blocks of life. This increases the chances of life originating and being widespread throughout our solar system,” Goldman said.
Silver wants to pose the question of whether humans arrived separately, “Recent scientific reports suggest that life itself might not be from Earth but might have arrived here on meteors or comets. This primitive form of life then evolved over billions of years into what we find on Earth today.
“My thesis proposes that mankind did not evolve from that particular strain of life, but evolved elsewhere and was transported to Earth (as fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago.”
“Little in the book can be proven – it can only be supposed or suspected. But there is more than enough indisputable evidence to make further study worthwhile.”
When such aliens get here, do they hang around Earth and our solar system for a few years before they return to children who now look more like parents after aging 50 years while they age five, for example? If they experience our technology, are they weightless for 40 years, body deteriorated beyond repair?
We are slowly emerging out of the cloud of superstition and ignorance that our forbears experienced. We are beginning to understand – perhaps not visualize – that the context of a truly advanced world is beyond our own context. Our religions create fantasies that fill in the details of a realm our feeble minds cannot imagine in order to explain the unknown.
Rather than embrace and try to understand the unknown, do we scoff at it and scorn those who give it credence.
Is that where we are in our advanced civilization?
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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