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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Staat vlucht MH370 veilig aan de grond op topgeheime basis?
Staat vlucht MH370 veilig aan de grond op topgeheime basis?
Satellieten hebben twee objecten waargenomen die ‘eventueel verband houden’ met vlucht MH370 en de vermiste Boeing 777. Dat heeft de Australische premier Tony Abbott donderdag in het parlement verklaard. Eén van de objecten is 24 meter lang. De Maleisische minister van Transport verklaarde dat het om geloofwaardige informatie gaat, maar hij weet niet of de objecten gelinkt kunnen worden aan de vermiste vlucht van Malaysia Airlines.
De FBI wordt ingezet bij het terugvinden van gewiste data van de piloot Zaharie Ahmad Shah. Bij een huiszoeking in zijn woning in Kuala Lumpur werd duidelijk dat hij begin februari allerlei gegevens wiste uit een vluchtsimulator. Familieden van vermiste passagiers werden met harde hand uit een persconferentie gezet. Gefrustreerd door gebrek aan vorderingen in de zoekactie en betrouwbare informatie wilden ze Chinese journalisten spreken. Ze ontvouwden ook spandoeken. De veiligheidsdiensten sleepten hen letterlijk weg naar een aparte ruimte en de media kregen het verbod om met hen te spreken.
In het hotel in Peking waar familieleden van de inzittenden van het verdwenen vliegtuig verblijven heerst een sombere stemming. De familieleden klagen al 13 dagen over chaotische communicatie en gebrek aan geloofwaardigheid. “Ik geloof hier juist niks van,” reageert de moeder van een passagier op het nieuws dat mogelijk twee brokstukken gevonden zijn. “Ik geloof niks meer wat ze zeggen.”
Mensen die zich films als Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) en E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) kunnen herinneren, zullen bevestigen dat verhalen over buitenaards contact in die tijd een rage waren. Mensen tuurden massaal de hemel af in de hoop een vliegende schotel te zien.
Velen stonden versteld van het verhaal over de Bermudadriehoek en de bestseller The Bermuda Triangle (1974) door Charles Berlitz. Volgens één theorie werden schepen en vliegtuigen die door het mysterieuze gebied vliegen meegenomen door buitenaardsen in UFO’s. Deze theorie is ook dit keer al diverse keren genoemd. Wellicht is er een meer aardse verklaring voor de verdwijning van de Boeing.
Er waren mogelijk kapers aan boord van het toestel die de bemanning opdracht gaven om laag te vliegen en op deze manier van de radar te verdwijnen. Als dit waar blijkt te zijn is de eerste logische vraag welk motief de kapers hebben. Er zijn twee mogelijke verklaringen waarom het toestel niet meer op de radar is verschenen. De systemen aan boord van het vliegtuig kunnen enerzijds zijn uitgeschakeld, waarna het toestel een nieuwe koers is gevlogen. Anderzijds is het mogelijk dat het vliegtuig is overgebracht naar een topgeheime locatie die wordt omgeven door een digitaal schild, een beschermende koepel die uitgaande en binnenkomende signalen blokkeert.
Als het vliegtuig op een dergelijke locatie is geland kan het signalen ontvangen noch versturen. We hebben hier te maken met een Boeing 777-220ER van enkele verdiepingen hoog, 64 meter lang en een spanwijdte van 61 meter. Er is dus een brede landingsbaan nodig. Te denken valt aan een grote militaire basis. Het lijkt in ieder geval te gaan om een goed gecoördineerde actie.
Hoe dan ook is de verdwijning van vlucht MH370 waarschijnlijk één van de meest mysterieuze incidenten in de luchtvaartgeschiedenis. De huizen van de piloten zijn doorzocht, terroristische banden onderzocht en achtergronden van passagiers en hun mogelijke motieven op tafel gelegd. Onderzoekers staan echter nog altijd voor een raadsel.
Er is inmiddels een top 10 samengesteld van mogelijke oorzaken voor de verdwijning van de Boeing 777:
1. Het vliegtuig landde op de Andamaneilanden
Op een bepaald ogenblik vloog het vliegtuig in de richting van de Andamaneilanden. Volgens CNN is het goed mogelijk dat het vliegtuig daar ook geland is. Er zijn vier luchthavens op de eilanden. De landing van een Boeing 777 zou echter zeker opgemerkt zijn.
2. Het vliegtuig landde in Kazachstan
Een vliegtuigkaping met als eindbestemming Kazachstan behoort volgens de BBC tot de mogelijkheden, vooral omdat er gespeculeerd wordt dat er miljardairs aan boord van het vliegtuig zaten. De luchtvaartautoriteiten in Kazachstan verwijzen de hypothese naar de prullenmand. Het vliegtuig zou eerst door het luchtruim van India, Pakistan en Afghanistan gevlogen zijn, dat doe je niet onopgemerkt.
3. Het vliegtuig landde op de Malediven
In de vluchtsimulator die in beslag is genomen tijdens de huiszoeking in de woning van piloot Zaharie Ahmad Shah zouden gegevens zijn gevonden die wijzen in de richting van de Malediven. De Haaveru Online meldt dat mensen op de grond een Boeing zagen overvliegen op extreem lage hoogte.
4. Het vliegtuig vloog zuidelijk naar de Indische Oceaan of Australië
Nadat de Boeing 777 van de radar verdween, heeft het toestel nog 7 uur gevlogen. Experts zeggen dan ook dat er gezocht moet worden in de extremen van het afgebakende zoekgebied. In dit scenario wordt het enorm moeilijk om het vliegtuig terug te vinden.
5. Piloot kaapte vliegtuig uit politieke overwegingen
Piloot Zaharie Ahmad Shah had sterke politieke banden met PKR, de grootste oppositiepartij van Maleisië. De leider van die partij, Anwar Ibrahim, werd enkele uren voor de Boeing spooloos van de radar verdween, veroordeeld tot vijf jaar cel wegens sodomie. Anwar heeft in de media toegegeven dat de schoonfamilie van zijn zoon banden had met de piloot.
6. Het vliegtuig is gekaapt door Oeigoeren
Nog een mogelijkheid: het vliegtuig is gekaapt door Oeigoerse moslimseparatisten uit China. Ze zouden het toestel geland hebben in de Taklamakan in China. In totaal waren 153 van de 239 inzittenden Chinees. Enkele dagen geleden meldden bronnen binnen het onderzoek aan de BBC dat de grens tussen Kirgizië en China de meest voor de hand liggende locatie voor een landing is. Ook hier zou het toestel het luchtruim van meerdere landen moeten doorkruisen om China te bereiken.
7. Het vliegtuig leed aan een mechanisch defect
Gelijktijdig met de verdwijning van het vliegtuig zouden inwoners van het Maleisische kustdorp Marang geluiden hebben gehoord die deden denken aan een vliegtuig in moeilijkheden. De vraag is dan wel waarom het toestel niet in de omgeving is teruggevonden.
8. Er gebeurde opnieuw wat er met vlucht 447 van Air France gebeurde
In juni 2009 verdween vlucht 447 van Rio de Janeiro naar Parijs plots van de radar. Na vijf dagen werden wrakstukken gevonden die van het toestel zouden zijn. Bijna twee jaar later werden het vliegtuig en de lichamen van de inzittenden gevonden op de bodem van de Atlantische Oceaan.
9. Alle passagiers zijn om het leven gekomen als gevolg van decompressie
Onderzoekers vragen zich af waarom het toestel eerst op veel grotere hoogte vloog dan gebruikelijk is voor een commerciële vlucht om daarna onder de radar te duiken. Volgens voormalig RAF-piloot Sean Maffett kan het de bedoeling zijn geweest om de passagiers te doden door de decompressie. Dat zou verklaren waarom de passagiers hun telefoon niet opnamen.
10. Het vliegtuig zal worden gebruikt voor een terroristische aanslag
Er gaan geruchten dat het vliegtuig ergens aan de grond is gezet om voorbereidingen te treffen voor een terroristische aanslag. Het vliegtuig zou ergens gecamoufleerd aan de grond staan en worden uitgerust met een nieuwe transponder. Het zou erg moeilijk maar niet onmogelijk zijn om zoiets te doen, aldus Maffett.
Dan zijn er nog de nodige luchtvaartbloggers die zo hun eigen theorie hebben opgesteld. Volgens Keith Ledgerwood vloog het vermiste vliegtuig bewust in de radarschaduw van een ander toestel, Singapore Airlines SIA68, dat naar Spanje vloog. Daardoor was het toestel van Malaysia Airlines niet meer traceerbaar door radarapparatuur en was vliegen door het luchtruim van India en Afghanistan geen probleem meer, aldus Ledgerwood.
Brightly-Coloured UFO Spotted on Australia's Gold Coast
Brightly-Coloured UFO Spotted on Australia's Gold Coast
UFO spotted on Australia's Goldcoast.YouTube
A brightly-lit UFO has been spotted on the Gold Coast in Australia.
Chevron Island local, Jack Purcell , caught the red and green flashing 'alien-looking spaceship' on camera hovering above the sea.
"We were all just sitting out the front and my mum pointed to the sky and said 'look at that colourful plane flying over'," Purcell said.
"Then it came to a sudden stop and was just hovering there. So I ran inside and grabbed my video camera."
Purcell said when the police tried to 'call it in' with a police helicopter the unidentified object would turn its lights off and disappear.
"It was really strange. I was quite sceptical of these things but it just blew my mind."
He denies it could be a remote control drone helicopter as some people have suggested on YouTube and said: "I've seen drone choppers and they're not that big whereas this thing was huge.
"It was really high in the sky too, I don't think this one was somebody mucking around.
"I have no idea what it was but my guess I think it's a UFO despite how crazy that might sound."
Gold Coast Police said it was notified about the object but believes it was a radio controlled device.
A spokesman added: "If it was anything larger it would have been picked up by the air control radars."
Boyle has been known for years as a popular place to spot UFOs and now the town is hoping to set up a dedicated Space Centre.
Boyle has been known for years as a popular place to spot UFOs and now the town is hoping to set up a dedicated Space Centre.
A proposal to establish a Boyle Space and UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) Centre has been backed by Boyle Town Council.
A presentation was made to the town council this month in which Eamonn Ansbor estimated the cost of such a centre would be €176,000 if an existing facility was used.
The centre which would bring jobs and tourists to Boyle would be focused on local and Irish heritage and education.
The exhibits would embrace large time spaces of Irish history to modern day events.
Astronomer, Mr Ansbor estimated the centre could attract up to 150,000 visitors a year including school tours, Irish and international tourists.
For the past 20 years Ansbro, from the town of Boyle, has been carrying out research on extraterrestrial intelligence.
Ansboro has previously set up an all sky camera to monitor the whole sky hemisphere around the clock. The camera comprised of 11 cameras to record anything that moves or is unusual. Betty Myler who died in 2010, made Boyle famous for UFO sightings, she was President of the UFO Society of Ireland.
Many locals have spotted “sightings” around Boyle over the past two decades.
This new initiative could be an alternative place of interest for tourists who visit the town for it’s connection to the Sky TV comedy Moone Boy.
Chris O’Dowd has made a point of mentioning his hometown of Boyle in almost all major interviews, which has brought a new focus to the North Roscommon town.
Doctor Roger Leir passed away on March 14th, 2014. Leir was a pioneer one of the worlds most important leaders in physical evidence research involving the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena.
He, and his surgical team, performed 17 surgeries on alleged abductees, resulting in the removal of thirteen separate and distinct objects suspected of being “implants”. These objects have been scientifically investigated by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world including Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech, and the University of California at San Diego. Their findings have been baffling and some comparisons have been made to Meteorite Samples. In addition, some of the tests show isotopic ratios not of this world.
Dr. Leir has also been involved in investigations of other areas involving physical evidence. He has traveled to Brazil and performed exhaustive research into the Varginha, Brazil case. In 2003, Dr. Leir, the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) and other world scientists completed a DNA study pertaining to evidence collected in a famous California Abduction Case.
He had been interested in the subject of extraterrestrial related phenomena since his early childhood and had several sightings of unknown flying objects.
He also had two Near-Death Experiences. Because of this, his cousin Kenneth Ring Ph.D., eminent author of numerous books, including The Omega Project, relinquished all of his personal research pertinent to the subject of Ufology to Dr. Leir. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Leir pursued a quest for knowledge within this field with great intensity.
As a result he served as a medical consultant to MUFON as well as holding the office of State Section Director for Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
This week Robert D Morningstar examines the Dyatlov UFO incident where mass murder occurred in the Ural Mountains. Next, Ed Komarek explains what understanding Exopolitics if important. Next, Sean Casteel writes about prophecies from space. Then, Pat Regan reports on Mars, past, present and future. Jenalyn Villamarin informs us of a large cigar-shaped UFO over the Ukraine. Next, Scott Corrales is back with missing planes and strange UFOs. Then, Roger Marsh reports on three new MUFON cases. Next, Carolyn Shield reports on travel bans including the space Station. Paul Schroeder wonders who really cares about UFO disclosure. Then, Chris Holly writes about Mike Wooley and his Bigfoot sightings. For St. Patrick's Day, Brad Steiger, gives us good reasons why not to grab a leprechaun!Tony Elliott rebuts Chris Caesar and Jack Pickell concerning the MH370 disappearance. Click here for additional articles. Also see new videos at the bottom of these articles. Enjoy Dirk
This article presents the story of the Dyatlov Ural Mountain Expedition of 1959 during which all 9 members of the expedition died under the most mysterious of circumstances, with of the 9 victims suffering harrowing injuries that could not be explained satisfactorily or attributable to natural causes. Based on the video linked below ("The Dyatlov Inceidend - Mountain of the Dead", compiled by D. Romahlko), this article will detail the very compelling story of the tragic loss of the Dyatlov Expedition to Kholat Syaskhl, a region called "The Mountain of the Dead".More...
It does not matter if we are know something or not about the impact extraterrestrial reality and cover-up is having on our individual or collective lives. The fact is we are being seriously and substantially impacted regardless of our knowledge or ignorance. A local farmer is fundamentally impacted by national and international politics, from the price he gets for his crops, to the price he has to pay for fertilizer and fuel. A good farmer understands national and international realities in which he is embedded, and makes personal decisions that improve his lot in life based on that understanding, while a poor farmer does not.More...
We currently face a continual danger from outer space, a kind of asteroid called an “Apollo” asteroid. The term is used for a “class of Earth-crossing objects that pose a potential threat of impact,” says an article posted on Whitley Strieber’s “Unknown Country” website on March 5, 2014. “Scientists are currently aware,” the article continues, “of 240 Apollo asteroids, but it is thought that there could be at least 2,000 Earth-crossers with diameters of 1 km or larger. If one of these giants hit Earth, it could carve out a crater about 10-20 times its own size.”More... Also read: OUT OF THE DARKNESS - PROPHECIES FROM SPACE - PART II
My attention was recently draw to suggestions within a video that the Mars Rover has given us images showing a cross-like structure on that planet, which may have been fashioned by intelligent beings. I for one have always been fascinated by ancient rock. This stems from my personal observations of fossil deposits in the northwest part of Britain, whilst fly-fishing alone in the remotest of places. The essence of Mother Earth resides within these ancient structures and can teach us much on a spiritual level. More...
A large cigar-shaped UFO was spotted over the city of Korosten in Ukraine. The captured video on March 6 has surfaced on the Internet. The video got published on March 7, in the YouTube channel O7TV showing the UFO sighting of a large, elongated object gliding in the sky.More...
An article from Diario de Los Andes, Mendoza on 15 March 1965. It presents a curious parallel between the missing Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines and the Douglas DC4 – TC48- of the Argentinean Air Force that went down in the jungle region of Costa Rica in 1965, and whose remains have not been located despite intense combing of the area. The Air Force has given up on the search; not so the relatives of the missing. Among other items, the article states: “The case involving the Douglas DC-4 TC-48 of the Argentinean Air Force remains one of aviation’s great mysteries, an impenetrable one, very nearly approaching a half century of unsuccessful searching.More...Also read: A MYSTERIOUS SIGHTING IN VUEVA HELVECIA, URAGUAY Also read: UNUSUAL OBJECT IN ARGENTINEAN AIR FORCE DISPLAY
A Charlotte County, FL, witness is wondering what the "rocket-like" object was that moved over his home about 9:55 p.m. on March 14, 2014, according to testimony in Case 54707 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was outside in a front yard walking a dog when the object was first noticed. The case was reported to MUFON on March 15, 2014, and is currently under investigation by Florida MUFON.More...Also read: WITNESS BELIEVES ALL UFO SIGHTINGS ARE OURS! Also read: WITNESS REPORTS 'GLOWING VERTICAL CYLINDER' OVER ARIZONA
Travel Bans and sanctions announced by EU and US causes tensions on the Space Station. Today, it was announced by US and EU that sanctions have been placed on Russia. One wonders if the travel bans include scientists who travel to the ISS. The Russian crew and international crew members are placed in a difficult situation. Sanctions are a first step to declaring war on a nation. Russian’s assets are being confiscated by the EU and US. More...
Rather than pontificate about my personal experiences during abductions, I herein submit what already long exists in the public record: According to Dr. Gregory Little, a psychologist and UFO researcher/author, Steiger, [cited in] Blue Book Files Released in Canadian UFO Report, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1977, p. 20. "We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us."More...
I have not been one to find much interest in the Big Foot issue for many reasons. I think the biggest reason was that up until now I have not come across an encounter that I felt was strong enough for me to believe that something that strange or unusual was happening. I needed more than tree knocks and rock throwing to become really interested and concerned about what was happening with the Big Foot subject. I did think something odd was going on but until now did not comprehend the danger or true strangeness of the Big Foot scenario that is being seen and reported all over the world. My interest became peeked considerably once I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Mike Wooley. More...
The Leprechaun, dressed in bright green clothing with a red cap and a leather apron, was originally known as the cheerful cobbler, a wee person who takes delight in repairing humans’ shoes for a reward of a bowl of porridge. The classic folk tale of the Leprechaun is that of a loutish human catching one of the wee folk and demanding to be given the little cobbler’s pot of gold. More...Also read:A SOME VERY GOOD REASONS NOT TO GRAB A LEPRECHAUN ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY - PART II
On March 12, 2014, Chris Caesar wrote an article that Jack Pickell, a news producer for "Boston Globe" posted mentioning two points I made in my UFO Digest article "THE IRANIAN CONNECTION: THE DISAPPEARANCE OF MALAYSIAN FLIGHT MH370". In his article, "9 crazy conspiracy theories about Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370" he mentions my suspicions of the two Iranian nationals with stolen passports as being the prime suspects in hijacking the airliner and the fact that I believe they may have taken the plane to East Timor. Mr. Pickell believes these points were simply crazy conspiracies. What he conveniently forgot to mention was just how right my article was in calling it a hijacking so early on.More...
Subscribers: As regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.
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Russia Found Alien Life On Moon
Luna 16: A silicated fossil found in lunar regolith similar to modern spiral filamentous microorganisms such as Phormidium frigidum At same
Russia Found Alien Life On Moon
The Soviet Union‘s “Luna 16″ and “Luna 20″ spacecrafts has found Microorganisms into Moon regolith in 1970.
On 24 September 1970, for the first time, an unmanned spacecraft delivered a lunar “soil” sample to Earth. The Soviet Union‘s Luna 16 spacecraft returned from the moon’s Sea of Fertility with 101 grams of lunar regolith in a hermetically sealed container. In February 1972, only 120 kilometers from the Luna 16 site, Luna 20 used a drill with a ten-inch, hollow-core bit to collect another regolith sample that was also hermetically sealed on the moon. Back in the USSR, the sealed containers from the Luna missions would be promptly delivered to the laboratory for the contents to be examined and photographed. But even after hundreds of the pictures were published in an atlas in 979, the biological nature of some of the particles was not noticed.
Further study of the photographs was later undertaken by two biologists at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Stanislav I. Zhmur, Institute of the Lithosphere of Marginal Seas, and Lyudmila M. Gerasimenko, Institute of Biology. They noticed that a few of the particles in the photographs were virtually identical to fossils of known biological species. Specifically, some spherical particles from the Luna 20 regolith plainly resemble fossils of modern coccoidal bacteria like Siderococcus or Sulfolobus in their scale, distribution, form, and the distortion of the spheres that occurs during fossilization. The Luna 16 regolith containeda fossil whose striking morphology was not overlooked by the editors of the 979 atlas. Because of its concentric circular form with strong spokes, they guessed it was a tiny meteorite crater. But Zhmur and Gerasimenko saw the fossil’s unmistakable resemblance to modern spiral filamentous microorganisms like Phormidium frigidum, found in growing stromatolites in Shark Bay, Australia, and to spiral filamentous microorganisms from early Proterozoic shiungites of Karelia. Their new analysis of these particles was announced at an astrobiology conference in Denver, 20-22 July 1999, and published in the conference proceedings in December 1999
At same Denver conference, Zhmur and Gerasimenko had also announced the finding of biological microfossils in several carbonaceous meteorites from far beyond the moon.
In March 2002, at the Lunar and Planetary ScienceConference held in Houston, evidence of contamination was reported in all carbonaceous and Mars meteorites that were examined for it. Because germs on the ground and on people’s hands can easily colonize meteorites before they are examined, and because fossilization can happen in only days, fossilized microorganisms in meteorites are now widely suspected to be the remains of recent, earthly contaminants.
The microfossils from the moon are different. Each Luna sample was encapsulated on the moon and opened only in a laboratory where examination commenced immediately. These fossils are solid evidence for ancient life elsewhere in space.
20-03-2014 om 13:17
geschreven door peter
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36 Tribes of Giants: In the Bible and Around the World
36 Tribes of Giants: In the Bible and Around the World
36 Tribes of Giants: In the Bible and Around the World
One only needs to do a cursory study of the Bible to verify the definite existence of giants, throughout the biblical narrative. The earliest appearance of giants occurs just before the flood of Noah’s documentation. Considering the detail added by Enoch in his accounting of the pre-flood giants, we learn that the flood was caused to rid the Earth of these giant hybrids spawned by devious angels, who were driven by cross-species sexual lust. But, for some unknown reason some, if not many, of the giants survived that flood or a genetic mutation was present in the normal-sized survivors.
Christian-centered belief accepts that only Noah and his kin survived the flood, but the ancient record, and anthropological and historical facts, challenge this narrow view. There are hundreds of Noah’s and Noah-like flood legends in the histories and legends of most ancient peoples around the world. And, how did African, Asian, Mesoamerican, and the other great cultures of the world exist, on a much grander scale than the Adamic-related culture of the Bible, both before, and after, the great flood they record? Only more survivors could explain this.
The recognition of Bible related giants is high, even outside of mainstream Christian influence, with the famous and oft-repeated encounter of David and the giant, Goliath. Some are aware of other accounts of giants, the king with a 16-foot bed. Deeply buried in the biblical record, several “tribes” or groups of giants are named. Many of these are mentioned in the verses we present on giants in the Bible, but it would take an exhaustive project to do make an entire presentation on these giant tribes.
We always encourage our readers to do independent research on all subjects found in the entirety of this work. In this case anyone interested in these giant tribes can do an internet search using the words “giant” or “giants” in conjunction with any of names of giant tribes or groups listed below. Many others have done several research projects that are available online.
There are 36 of Tribes of Giants mentioned in the Bible:
Nephilim *
* The Nephilim: The wordNephilim does not appear in the Bible, nor any Hebrew pronunciation of any words translated in the Bible. But the word Nĕphiyl, pronounced Nepheel does in the first mention of Giants in Genesis 6:4, and in Numbers 13:33 when describing the Giants of the promised land, Cannan. These giants were apparently the original giants spawned by the Gregori, the giant angels who mated with human females.
There are also 22 individual Giants mentioned, by name, in the Bible:
Adonizedec – King of Jerusalem
Agag – King of the Amalakites
Gog and Magog
Hoham – King of Hebron
Horam – King of Gezer
Jabin – King of Hazor
Jobab – King of Madon
Og of Bashan
Ogias – Og’s father
Sihon – King of the Amorites
Here is an intriguing verse showing this biblicalreality: ► “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” (Numbers 13:33)
To put this in perspective we will show how the men making that statement came to this revelation.
♦ God decides that the tribes of Israel should settle in the land called Canaan and orders Moses to send men to explore it: ► “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel:” and “And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan…” (Numbers 13:1&17)
♦ The men return and a report that it is a beautiful and abundant land, but with great walled cities and a “strong” people that were the sons of Anak living there: ► “And they returned from searching of the land after forty days….And they told him, and said, We came unto the land whither thou sentest us, and surely it floweth with milk and honey; and this is the fruit of it. Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak there. “(Numbers 13:25-28)
♦ There is a call to conquer the land but the men give a warning about the strength of the inhabitants: ► “And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.”(Numbers 13:30-32)
♦ The cause for this great strength of these people is revealed when we find out how big the “children of Anak” really are: ► “And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”(Numbers 13:32-33)
There can be no doubt that the people living in Canaan were either an organized tribe or group of giants living in great walled cities. This no legend found scrawled on some obscure buried tablet, but absolute biblical proof that the Nation of Israel confronted a giant race in the land of Canaan. Descriptions of encounters with other giants and giant tribes or groups are found in the Bible as well. This being true, is not logical to assume that there may have been other giant clans in other parts of the world gathered together to protect themselves from other humans, or more likely, from other giant tribes?
Could this be the reason why large groupings of giant bones are found together in caves and burial grounds all over the world? Consider the ones found only in Ohio, just in 19th Century: Conneaut 1800, Chesterville 1829, Vermillion 1858, Brush Creek Township 1870, Seneca Township 1872, Ashtabula County 1878, Zanesville 1880, Medina County 1881, Marion County 1883, Brown County 1883, Toledo 1888 and 1895, Proctorville 1892, Jackson 1897, and the Lake Erie Islands 1898.
This should give an indication that giants were not solitary beings and only found in biblical lands, but probably all over the world in great numbers. If that many groups were found in only one century in one location less than 1/1400th of the land mass of the planet, then how many more places were they located but never discovered?
20-03-2014 om 13:12
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 1/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
I’ve been involved in paranormal and UFOs for over 17 years. From running a forum at first to evolving into a radio show The Church of Mabus. Always free. When it comes to research be a lone wolf and avoid any organizations with suit and tie monkey hoodlums demanding membership fees. I would be weary of anyone providing platforms for them to speak as well. They have all been infiltrated and sold themselves out to big brother and turned into data collecting agencies long ago. I have enough evidence that has convinced me entirely of this. Also in all my time I have never seen so many back stabbing two faced viper posh twa@* masquerading and telling everyone they are professionals. When they are anything but that. Be weary and on guard always but don’t give up because of them. I only share this status because I know I’m not alone in having them lie about me and have heard many other stories. Either way. Screw em all and walk your own road.
I was recently slandered by Race Hobbs of KGRA radio. An article I wrote involving Steve Pierce who was with Travis Walton during the Fire in the Sky incident. Some of you might have seen it on here. Pierce said Travis never got out of the truck at first and then changed his story multiple times like a drunk madman on the phone. He read the article and he wanted it changed so I edited it to fit his needs to be nice. Next thing you know hes on KGRA trashing talking me and so is Hobbs attacking my entire body of work. Pierce said the article was good to post. Walton read it and grumbled about it mostly saying Pierce is a douche. Then Walton sent me another article to post. Anyway I called out Race Hobbs because I knew someone he ripped off after canceling a convention. The whole affair got nasty. Race Hobbs finally paid her after I got up on his case. Pointing out that I’m unprofessional with my article about Pierce that Pierce said was okay to post. So I called out Hobbs’s unprofessionalism. When I tried to approach Hobbs to talk about this. He responded with “Blow Me Hard” in my inbox. Is that professional? KGRA has an entire show dedicated to MUFON. You do the math. Case closed. I’m not going to sit back and let people lie about me.
Just my two cents on some issues I’ve been dealing with.
Location: Monte San Antonio, Sardinia Italy Date: April 26 1984
Time: 10:45 a.m.
During a school outing-picnic, teacher Federico V was preparing lunch, when he suddenly noticed a strange figure standing behind some nearby bushes. He described the figure as short, & strongly built. Only the area from the waist up was visible, because of the foliage. On its head it wore a gray metallic helmet, similar to those worn by “Roman soldiers.” On the helmet were a number of “spike like” metallic protrusions, about 4-5 cm in length. Where the eyes would have been, were two round holes, no nose or mouth was visible. The helmet was connected to a gray colored coverall resembling an asbestos suit. Another witness, Aldo, now arrived and attempted to use a camera. At that point the figure made a strange gesture with its hands, making a peculiar “writing” motion with one hand on the palm of the other. The witness then felt lightheaded and if he was rising from the ground. Scared he was not able to take any photos, when he regained his composure the strange figure was gone. Moments later the witnesses heard a whistling sound coming from the sky. Looking up they saw a disc-shaped object disappearing at great speed towards the northeast.
Location: Guaiuba, Sao Paolo, Brazil Date: March 23 1978
TIME: 1800
67-year old Joao Inacio Ribeiro was walking along the oceanfront when he saw a circular object about 10 meters in diameter approach from the sea. It had brilliant blue, yellow, green, and lilac colored lights. On its upper section it had a sort of cabin or cupola with 3 circular windows. The craft approached, stopped, and hovered above the waters, causing the area directly below the object to become agitated and choppy. Ribeiro then saw two short humanoids appear on top of the craft. The figures were about 1 meter in height, and wore gray colored tight fitting outfits. The beings were baldheaded, with small noses and mouths and huge black eyes. One carried something resembling a walking cane; the other had what appeared to be a vacuum cleaner like object. Both beings then began operating the vacuum like object seemingly extracting water from the ocean. After 10 minutes they re-entered the object. Moments later the object descended to 10 meters above the waters causing them to become even more turbulent, creating large waves and foam. Afraid Ribeiro ran home.
HC addendum Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
On the 24th day of April 1950, 42 year old factory worker Bruno Facchini was working the late shift, and stepped outside to get some fresh air on his break. His home city of Varese in Italy had just had a severe thunderstorm. The last distant streaks of lightning were still visible as Bruno decided to see if the electrical system had popped a circuit breaker. He was taken completely aback at what he saw not far from the factory doors. Investigating a bright glowing light which he thought was part of a factory transformer problem, he was shocked to see a circular shaped, glowing object with a ladder descended from its bottom. At the top of the UFO was a greenish glow which partially obscured a light-skinned being. The unusual being appeared to be welding something on the craft. Bruno’s first impression of the craft was that it was a type of experimental craft from a nearby air base. His impression was quickly altered by the sight of several other small alien creatures which emerged from the craft. In a moment or two, the ladder began to be drawn up into the mysterious craft, and the beings began to re-enter the craft through an invisible door of some kind. The full realisation of what he was witnessing sent Bruno into a full run away from the frightening encounter. As he fled, he heard a sound like that of a large beehive. One of the remaining creatures pointed a type of weapon at the scared worker, and a beam of force knocked him to the ground. Although in pain, he was able to watch the last activities of the strange aliens as they prepared the craft to take off. The beehive like sound increased as the object made its way into the skies and vanished from view. The next day, Bruno made a full report of his encounter to the police force. There were signs still visible of the activities of the night before. Police found burned patches on the ground, and indentation marks of an extremely heavy object. Also found were some odd, green pieces of a metal-like substance. Bruno recounted the welding operation, and suggested that the green pieces of debris were refuse of the process. The fragments were analysed. The results of this test concluded that the fragments were an “anti-friction” material, containing several types of metal along with a lubricant. In September 1953, UFO investigators had their own tests conducted on the green substance. A scientific institute specializing in metallurgy assessed that the fragments were 74% copper, 19% tin, and other trace elements. The substance, under heavy magnification was a yellow-white colour, but did not contain any metals which could not be found on Earth. These conclusions did not entirely rule out the possibility of an extraterrestrial connection in the case of Bruno Facchini. There is no way to conclude that the metal composition could not be made on another planet. Facchini’s accept was taken very seriously by all who knew him. He was a respectable man, well liked, and considered to be reliable and trustworthy. He gained nothing from his tale of the strange object and occupants he described on the night of April 24, 1950.
Location: Near Dzierzavinsk, Turgay region, Kazakhstan Date: late June 1979
Time: afternoon
A group of scouts from the “Bierozka” camp went on a trip to the nearby Lysaia Volcano. There were about 20 children ages ranging from 10 to 14 years. As they played on a field they suddenly noticed a bright flash of light and saw what appeared to be “installations” resembling tents at the edge of the volcano. They also saw some “people” approaching the installations. The scouts then began calling the “people” but immediately realized that the people were quite unusual in appearance. They were almost gigantic in nature, very slim and black in color. Only the belts around their waist were white in color. A female supervisor who was with the group yelled to the kids to run back to the camp immediately. The strange humanoids now appeared to be climbing very quickly and rounding the volcano. The road back to the camp led through a birch forest and when the scouts were running down the path they heard the sound of crackling twigs. It appeared that the giants were approaching them from both sides. On the steppe the scouts saw three figures approaching them very quickly. The beings were about 3.5m in height, and had round, glowing pinkish eyes. They walked in stiff movements; no other facial features were visible. The scouts ran the 3km to the camp. As they neared the camp they saw 2 creatures behind them and then only one. The scouts reached the camp and stopped, the creature stopped also looking visibly confused. Seeing this the kids yelled out, “Come here, come visit us!” But the creature turned around and went away and then disappeared in plain sight. Very excited the scouts were unable to sleep that night. In the evening another occurrence was reported. A group of the children were on their way from the canteen to the sleeping tents and were again walking through the birch forest. On their right side was a chair on which usually sat an accordionist during the time of the morning exercises. An 8-year old girl walked ahead and a woman/teacher behind. Suddenly the girl screamed and ran forward; the woman then noticed that a strange figure was sitting on the chair staring at them. The woman also screamed and ran away. The chair was later found deeply sunk into the ground. Also tracks 0.5m in length were found in the area. The area was searched without any results. A boy who was on duty in the kitchen reported seeing a gigantic figure when he was carrying a bucket of water outside. The night before the incidents a UFO was seen in the area.
HC addition # 577 Source: Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of The Soviet Union, UFOZONE Russia, also Vladimir Azazha NLO Magazine
The Kyshtym dwarf, prequel to the Atacama humanoid?
Location: Kaolinovy, near Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region, Russia Date: August 13 1996
Time: evening Aged pensioner, Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina had gone to the village cemetery. Tamara had suffered from psychiatric problems for years and used to gather flowers from the local graves to decorate her bedroom. That evening after returning from the cemetery she had supper and went to bed. Suddenly she heard a strange “voice” in her brain. It requested Vasilievna to return to the cemetery. She got dressed, grabbed a flashlight and went out. At the cemetery she saw huge eyes staring at her from behind the closest grave mound. The pensioner approached the grave and saw a strange creature about 25cm in height. It was obviously not a human being. It had a tiny onion-shaped head that appeared to be composed of five “petals”. The little creature had no ears, huge slanted cat-like eyes, which cover most of its face. The creature could not talk but it began to whistle quietly to attract Tamara’s attention. It probably communicated in this manner in his “home world”. The pensioner took the creature to her home and there began examining the “alien”. The body of “Aleshenka” (the name given by Tamara to the creature) was plump and soft like jelly. The skin was gray and it had dark brown spots on its head. It had no hair, small holes instead of ears and a small flat nose enabled to creature to breathe. The eyes were dark gray without eyelids. The vertical pupils in the eyes constantly narrowed and expanded. It had long fingers with small sharp claws. There was no indication of any genitals that would reveal its gender. Interestingly the creature had no navel, which all mammals must have. The woman could not figure out how to feed Aleshenka. Its mouth resembled a tiny hole and had no lips, but it could stretch it widely revealing a complete set of teeth, but a very small lower jaw and a huge scarlet tongue occupied most of its mouth cavity, which disturbed any chewing process. Tamara inserted a caramel candy on the creature’s mouth and it began to suck on it, she also fed it some milk and water with a small spoon. Soon moist sweat appeared on the alien’s body after eating. The sweat gave off a sweet smell that completely soaked the clothes and furniture. From time to time Tamara would wipe the sweat off with a rag from Aleshenka. The creature remained still most of the time, hardly moving. At times it would seem to stretch its legs. The next day Tamara told all the villagers that she now had a “child” called Aleshenka. At first most people thought it was just Tamara hallucinating. However one day the pensioner’s daughter in law (also named Tamara) came to visit her. After sitting and talking in the kitchen for a while, the old lady mentioned that it was time to feed the child. Her daughter in law followed her into another room and saw the strange creature wrapped in a swaddling band. Later both the daughter in law and her mother saw the creature but did not report it to the police. They thought if it had been a “human child” they would have reported it to the police. They thought it was some type of animal and therefore Tamara’s pet. However, a neighbor reported Tamara to her psychiatrists and one day an ambulance came and took her to the psychiatric hospital. Concerned, Tamara tried to explain that she had left a child alone in the house, but the doctors did not take her seriously. No one knew Tamara had been taken to the hospital and no one took care or fed the creature and it soon died. After the alien’s death its body began to dry up and become mummified. One man, Vladimir Nurdinov remembered the creature, he used to visit Tamara and reported seeing Aleshenka and after hearing that Tamara had been taken to the hospital went to her house to pick up Aleshenka. But he was too late; the alien was dead, mummified and lying on the bed. Nurdinov took the dead body to his place not knowing what to do with it. Soon the police came to the man’s apartment—he had been suspected of stealing electricity in Novogorny. The police found the body and suspected it was the body of a mummified child and took it for further study. However doctors confirmed that the mummified creature had 20 features distinguishing it from a human being and medical experts rejected the idea that Aleshenka could have been a mutated child. During a second examination other experts theorized that the town of Kyshtym was situated in an area that had been contaminated after the crash of a strange object in 1957. After the crash it was reported that possibly as a result of radiation several human mutations were born in the area. Soon the head of UFO Organization from the town of Kamensk-Uralsky in the Sverdlovsk region, Galina Semenkova took the mummified body to conduct her “research”. She soon dropped from sight and efforts to reach her and the mummified body proved fruitless. But recently Semenkova surfaced at a UFO seminar in Tokyo and explained what occurred to Aleshenka’s remains. According to Semenkova when she was carrying the corpse from Kyshtym to her town a UFO appeared in the sky. Her vehicle engine stopped and aliens (not described) from the UFO demanded the body of their dead comrade and she immediately obliged.
HC addendum Source: Galina Semenkova “Star Academy UFO-Contact Through the Zolotov Method” Type: H
Comments:However, other sources claimed that government agents had actually taken control of the body and had threatened Semenkova.
Suicide by UFO? A little graphic but it illustrates some of the dangers of apparent close contact with an unknown intelligence:
Location: Mexico City, Mexico Date: March 17 1977
Time: 8:00 a.m.
On this cold early morning day, the mother of 13-year old Sergio Bayardi Porta after having called him twice to prepare for school heard a gunshot inside his bedroom. Rushing in, she found her 13-year old lying on his bed in the middle of a puddle of blood. On the other bed his two younger siblings, Juan and Veronica were watching horror stricken. Soon everything descended into a chaos in this house located in Avenida 647, # 31, of the Unidad San Juan de Aragon, on the northern suburbs or Mexico City. While his brother and sister cried hysterically, his mother attempted fruitlessly to wake up her son yelling hysterically, while a crowd of panicked neighbors gathered outside not knowing what had occurred. Soon the Red Cross arrived, followed by the police and judicial agents. The paramedics could not do anything for Sergio, he had apparently died instantly. The judicial agents did find a letter written by Sergio and addressed to his mother. In the letter he explained his motives that made him take such a drastic decision and pull the trigger, shooting himself in the heart. According to reports, Sergio was not a good student, but did not seem to have any personal problems. Like all the boys his age he was interested in sports. His mother has not known him to have had any girlfriends, but suspected that there was a young girl in school that liked her son. Apparently Sergio was fascinated with the subject of the paranormal. He avidly read the magazines that his father brought home, “Duda & Contactos Extraterrestres” both dealing with UFOs and other paranormal subjects, and were his favorites. Recently there had been a press announcement announcing the first international UFO Congress which was being held in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico from April 17 to the 21st. It is unknown how much influence this “UFO ambience” had on the young man, but it is suspected that it might have something to do with his premature death. Unfortunately no one investigated this angle. The afternoon newspapers the next day, March 18, included reports about the young suicide victim. The newspaper “Ovaciones” on March 18 published a photograph of the letter left by Sergio to his mother, which among other things stated that he had taken the fatal decision of ending his life after having seen a ‘cloud or ship’ (nave or nave) (his handwriting is not clear at that point). He added that his parents and other family members should not suffer his departure, since “I will be happy among these beings”. Finally he signed the letter and added his two initials. Following is the translated letter of Sergio Bayardi:
“Don’t think is my imagination or that I have gone crazy, dearest mom, they have already come to tell me. Yes, a small cloud (or ship) has come to tell me that they urgently need me in the planet “Sonolcucld” which is located at 3 “gloides” from this galaxy. When the little ship or (cloud) told me that they needed me in the planet Sonolcucld, it actually did not tell me in words it was made from atop, and me standing under it asked if in that planet all communications was made by sounds, just like the ones we use, but I asked it if it could tell me in my own language, and it then began to dictate to me, letter by letter, but it told me not to divulge the secret that I discovered of life and death for anything in this world, since if I did make the secret public, people would lose their religion, and their faith on themselves and would begin to kill each other off, thinking that it will be the only way to correct all their errors, since once they cross over everything that has been lived in this ‘dammed planet’ would be erased and only miniscule sparks of memory would remain behind, like the ones I had fondly for you mother, now be good with Juan and Veronica try to understand them as much as possible, treat them with kindness and do not ever judge appearances, like you always judged me, maybe not always, but there were many times that you judged me, so like I say, try to understand them and their likes and needs of children so they could be called soon to another planet like me. Burn this letter after you read it.
[Excerpted from their book Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. Visible Ink Press, 2011]
The annals of UFOlogy have always been frighteningly filled with the deaths of UFOlogists from unusual cancers, heart attacks, questionable suicides and all manner of strange happenings. Professor G. Cope Schellhorn has observed that mysterious and suspicious deaths among UFO investigators are almost as old as the phenomenon itself.
In 1971, the well-known author and researcher Otto Binder wrote an article for Saga magazine's Special UFO Report titled “Liquidation of the UFO Investigators.” Binder had researched the deaths of “no less than 137 flying saucer researchers, writers, scientists, and witnesses” who had died in the previous 10 years, “many under the most mysterious circumstances. ” The cases Binder offered were loaded with a plethora of alleged heart attacks, suspicious cancers and what appears to be outright examples of murder.
Phil Schneider
Phil Schneider was a self-taught geologist and explosive expert. Of the 129 deep underground facilities Schneider believed that the U.S. government had constructed since World War II, he claimed to have worked in thirteen of them. Schneider maintained that Gray humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians at the bioengineering facility at Dulce, New Mexico. In 1979, a misunderstanding arose between the aliens and the earthlings. In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed, along with an unspecified number of Grays. It was during the violent encounter that Schneider received a beam-weapon blast to the chest, which later caused his cancer.
Schneider died Januarv 17, 1996, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck. If the circumstances of his death seem highly controversial, they are matched by the controversy over his public statements uttered recently before his death.
If Schneider was telling the truth, he obviously broke the code of imposed silence to which all major black-budget personnel are subjected. The penalty for that misstep is presumably termination. Schneider maintained that numerous previous attempts had been made on his life, including the removal of lug nuts from one of the front wheels of his automobile to encourage a fatal automobile accident. He had stated publicly that he was a marked man and did not expect to live long.
Some of Schneider's major accusations are worthy of attention:
(1) The American government concluded a treaty with Gray aliens in 1954. This mutual cooperation pack is called the Grenada Treaty.
(2) The space shuttle has been functioning with special metals provided by the aliens. A vacuum atmosphere is needed for the rending of these special alloys, thus the push for a large space station.
(3) Much of our stealth aircraft technology was developed by back-engineering crashed alien craft.
(4) AIDS was a population control virus invented by the National Ordinance Laboratory, Chicago, Illinois.
(5) Unbeknownst to just about everyone, our government has an earthquake device: The Kobe quake had no pulse wave; the 1989 San Francisco quake had no pulse wave.
(6) The World Trade Center bomb blast and the Oklahoma City blast were achieved using small nuclear devices. The melting and pitting of the concrete and the extrusion of metal supporting rods indicated this. (Remember, Schneider's forte, he claimed, was explosives. )
Finally, Phil Schneider lamented that the democracy he loved no longer existed. We had become instead a technocracy ruled by a shadow government intent on imposing their own view of things on all of us, whether we like it or not. He believed many of his best friends had been murdered in the last 22 years, eight of whom had been officially disposed of as suicides.
Whatever we think of Phil Schneider's claims, there is no denying that he was of peculiar interest to the FBI and CIA. According to his widow, intelligence agents thoroughly searched the premises shortly after his death and made off with at least a third of the family photographs.
Ron Rummel
Another disturbing case is the death of Ron Rummel, ex-Air Force intelligence agent and publisher of the Alien Digest, on August 6, 1993. Rummel allegedly shot himself in the mouth with a pistol. Friends say, however, that no blood was found on the pistol barrel and the handle of the weapon was free of fingerprints. Also, according to information now circulating, the suicide note left by the deceased was written by a left-handed person. Rummel was right-handed. Perspiration on the body smelled like sodium pentothal–or so it is alleged.
The Alien Digest ran to seven limited issues, all now almost impossible to acquire. Ron Rummel's magazine was touching on sensitive issues such as the predator/prey aspect of the alien-human relationship and the use of humans as food and recyclable body parts. Did Rummel cross a forbidden line? It would seem so. But which line, and where? Interestingly enough, one of Rummel's friends was Phil Schneider, and the two had been collaborating.
Ron Johnson
An equally disturbing death is that of Ron (Jerrold) Johnson, at the time MUFON's Deputy Director of Investigations. Johnson was 43 years old and, it would seem, in excellent health. He had just passed a recent physical examination with the proverbial flying colors.
However, on June 9, 1994, while attending a Society of Scientific Exploration meeting in Austin, Texas, Johnson died quickly and amid very strange circumstances. During a slide show, several people sitting close to him heard a gasp. When the lights were turned back on, Johnson was slumped over in his chair, his face purple, blood oozing from his nose. A soda can, from which he had been sipping, was sitting on the chair next to him.
Did Ron Johnson die of a stroke? Possibly. An allergic reaction? Another possibility.
Some of the more outstanding facts of Ron Johnson's life might easily lead a more skeptical-minded person to a tentative conclusion that his death was probably neither accidental nor natural. For instance, his most recent job was with the Institute of Advanced Studies, purportedly working on UFO propulsion systems. He had been formerly employed by Earth Tech, Inc., a private Austin, Texas, think tank headed by Harold Puthoff. It would appear that he held high security clearances, traveled frequently between San Antonio and White Sands, and had attended two secret NATO meetings in the last year or so. One of those meetings, it is rumored dealt with ET communications. Although advanced in years, there are some who believe that Dr. J. Allen Hynek's death was because of “strange circumstances,” due to the high number of researchers who have died of brain tumors or cancer. If all or most of the facts offered above are accurate, one thing seems obvious: Johnson was walking both sides of the street. This in itself was highly dangerous, and he may have paid the ultimate price in an attempt to serve more than one master.
As for exactly what killed Ron Johnson, a number of possibilities beyond natural ones present themselves. It is quite easy in this day and age to induce strokes through chemicals or pulsed radiation. It is just as easy, and has been for some time, to induce heart attacks and other physical debilitations, such as fast-acting cancers. The best bet is that Ron Johnson was eliminated by a quick-acting toxin, perhaps a nerve agent. As for exactly why he was killed, we will probably never know. The autopsy has been officially classified as inconclusive.
Ann Livingston
Another death involving elements of high strangeness is that of Ann Livingston, who died in early 1994 of a fast form of ovarian cancer. Livingston made her living as an accountant, but she was also a MUFON investigator and had in fact published an article entitled “Electronic Harassment and Alien Abductions” in the November 1993 MUFON Journal.
Some facts which seem relevant to the case stand out. At 7:15 A.M., December 29, 1992, Livingston's apartment, which was close to O'Hare airport in Chicago, was lit up brightly by a silver-white flash. She was accosted later in the day while in her apartment parking lot by five MIBs (Men in Black) ,which she described as being almost faceless and carrying long, flashlight-like black objects. She was rendered unconscious.
What, we must ask, assuming her story is true, was done to her at this time, and why? And did it have anything to do with her later rapidly-advancing ovarian cancer?
It is not a well-known fact that Ann Livingston had been previously abducted. Could genital intrusions from past UFO abductions have poisoned in some way Ann Livingston's system? That is exactly the suspicion that Karla Turner (author of Masquerade of Angels, Taken, and Into the Fringe) had about the breast cancer that preceded her own death during the summer of 1996. Both publicly and privately, Karla Turner held up the specter of alien retaliation for statements that she had made in print, especially in Masquerade of Angels. How much her suspicions were founded in reality we will probably never know.
Danny Casolaro
Danny Casolaro, an investigative reporter looking into the theft of Project Promise software, a program capable of tracking down anyone anywhere in the world, died in 1991, a reported suicide.
Casolaro was also investigating several UFO cases: Pine Gap, Area 51, and governmental bioengineering.
Brian Lynch
Brian Lynch, young psychic and contactee, died in 1985, purportedly of a drug overdose. According to Lynch's sister, Geraldine, Brian was approached approximately a year before his death by an intelligence operative working for an Austin, Texas, PSI-tech company. Geraldine said they told Brian they were experimenting on psychic warfare techniques. After his death, a note in his personal effects was found with the words “Five million from Pentagon for Project Scanate.”
Capt. Don Elkin
In the 1980s Eastern Airlines pilot Capt. Don Elkin committed suicide. He had been investigating the UFO cover-up for over 10 years and, at the time, was deep into the study of the Ra Material wit Carla Rucker. There are reports of negative psychological interferences having developed during this latter investigation.
Dean Stonier
Dean was the organizer and promoter of the Global Sciences Congress that over the years hosted many top researchers including Phil Schneider and Al Bielek, who claims to be the sole survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment. Dean died of a heart attack in August 2001, just a few months after a Denver Global Sciences Congress.
PART II in this series continues tomorrow: Thursday, March 20, 2014!
Extra information about the article:
Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds
New interesting video footage of multiple UFO lights recorded in the night sky above Florida on 18th March 2014.
Witness said: Two stationary UFOS, with helicopter to the right (observing most likely) I was on my way home from walking my girlfriend to her bus stop (about three blocks away from my house). On my walk back, I started hearing helicopters, and I looked up and saw two stationary orb-type lights in the sky, with a helicopter flying to the right of them. Having no idea what the hell the lights were, I ran the rest of the way home to grab my cellphone to record them (“my girlfriend won’t believe me” were my thoughts at the time). When I got home I got my cellphone and ran out to my balcony and started filming. At first there was only one helicopter, then eventually two. The two objects in the sky were stationary for about 10 minutes total, I barely saw any movement. I had finished recording (3 clips in total and one picture) and decided to text my girlfriend one of the pictures. By the time I sent the text, the objects were pretty much out of view, they had traveled farther north, past my field of view.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.