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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Dit is de knapste foto die NASA in 2013 genomen heeft -
Dit is de knapste foto die NASA in 2013 genomen heeft -
Fotowedstrijd Deze satellietfoto van de Canarische Eilanden is verkozen tot 'Beeld van het jaar 2013' van de NASA.
De afbeelding werd midden vorig jaar door de satelliet Terra vanuit de ruimte op de gevoelige plaat vastgelegd. Op het beeld zijn de zeven Canarische Eilanden erg goed te zien. Door een samenspel van de golven, wind en zon lijkt het alsof de stukken land in de Atlantische Oceaan drijven.
De afbeelding moest het opnemen tegen drie andere topfoto's, maar kwam gisteren als eindwinnaar uit de bus. Van de 50.000 stemmen ging liefst 96 procent naar 'Trailing the Canaries'.
Het is het tweede jaar op rij dat een foto van de Canarische Eilanden de eindmeet haalt. Vorig jaar ging de overwinning naar een satellietbeeld van een vulkaanuitbarsting onder water in de buurt van het eiland El Hierro, ten noordwesten van Afrika.
Whilst watching CCTV, something caught my eye. I saw a dark line very slowly emerge from above, it gradually turned into a dark beam, if one can call it that.
The beam seemed to focus on an area I had previously recorded a UFO using what seemed to be a laser. Ive never seen anything like it before, it was the opposite of a Sun beam.
The next film is of the UFO I recorded in the same are, using what looks like a laser. The film is a close up, and is also sped up.
A UFO research organization in Israel has sent out a report regarding a wall painting in a 14th century church in Romania that may depict a UFO. It is similar to objects seen in paintings and coins ranging from the 4th century to the 17th century. One UFO investigator feels that the objects in the images may have an explanation that is more down to earth.
Gilli Schechter and Hannan Sabat of the Israeli Extraterrestrials and UFOs Research Organization (EURA), say they received a picture of the painting from Catalina Borta. Borta took the picture while visiting the Biserica Manastirii, or Church of the Dominican Monastery, in the town of Sighisoara. Sighisoara is believed to the birthplace of Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for the legend of Dracula.
The Sighisoara wall painting. (Credit: Catalina Borta)
The wall painting depicts a disc-shaped object over a building that is emitting smoke. It also has a caption in German that reads “Israel, hoffe auf den HERRN,” which translated means “Israel, put your hope in the Lord.” EURA explains that this is a quote from Psalms song of ascents, c.130 v.7.
The painting appears to be very old, but it is hard to tell how old. According the Monastery’s website, it was originally built in the 14th century, but was destroyed and rebuilt in the 17th century. The EURA report also notes that they are unsure who painted it and when. However, they point out that the caption in the painting probably dates it to after 1523, when the bible was translated into German.
EURA also notes that the painting is not often referenced in UFO research regarding depictions of UFOs in art. However, the image does look similar to other paintings and coins which are commonly believed by UFO researchers to depict aerial anomalies.
One such image is from the Prodigiorum Liber, which was an account of mysterious occurrence in early Rome written by Julius Obsequens. The image in question is supposed to depict a round object that was seen at sunset with a “large beam of fire” to the right. This sighting is supposed to have taken place in 98 B.C.
Image from the Prodigiorum Liber.
There are also French coins from the 17th century with a similar round object. Some researchers believe these to be depictions of Ezekiel’s wheel. However, Marc Dantonio, Chief Photo/Video Analyst for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), has another explanation. He says the shield-shaped object in these images is just that, a military shield.
Dantonio came to this conclusion by researching France in the late 1600s. He found the shields of that period did appear just like the images depicted in the coins. Furthermore, there was a civil war in France in 1680, in which the territorial aristocracy was replaced by the absolute monarch of Louis XIV. He believes the shields were placed on the coins to illustrate King Louis’ strength.
Coins from France called Jetons. These depict the shield images that are often believed to be UFOs.
He points out that on another coin, arrows can be seen raining down onto the shield as in an archer’s attack. He also notes that in some cases a line can be seen coming from the center of the shield, which is often mistaken for a ray of light coming from the craft. However, Dantonio explains this is actually a piece of metal that is attached to the shield to deflect arrows.
Although, Dantonio says the object is a shield, he admits that it is still a mystery as to why they are in the sky or coming out of the clouds. He writes:
“One story is that this particular coin is showing Jupiter’s Shield falling to Earth to aid Numa Pompilius, the second Roman king. The shield it said led them to victory during desperate times. But even so, it is still interesting that the shield was bestowed from on high. Was there some otherworldly influence rooted in their culture that prompted putting the shield in the sky? Protection or technology from above perhaps? That’s still a mystery.”
Location: Near Tingryd, Smaland, Sweden Date: February 3 1984
Time: 01:50 a.m.
Truck driver Ante Johnson was driving back home on an isolated road when he noticed a huge oblong shaped object hovering silently above a nearby meadow. The craft resembled a submarine with curved ends and a turret in the middle; it was completely black in color. The witness drove quickly home to fetch his camera and returned to the area but the object was now gone. He drove around searching and suddenly spotted something blocking the roadway ahead. He stepped on the brakes and the car skidded making a full circle. It stopped a few feet from a dark object on the roadway. Beneath the object the witness could see three bulge-like protrusions. At this point the witness became frightened and attempted to leave the area but his car got stuck on a snowdrift. He looked behind him but the object was nowhere in sight. The witness got out of the car then suddenly a small four-foot tall humanoid dressed in some type of cowl that covered his face grabbed his arm. The humanoid’s head and body appeared square in shape and it had surprising strength. The witness began screaming and pulling and finally pulled himself free, he ran to some nearby houses but two other similar beings jumped on him and tried to pull him away from the road. While he struggled he noticed another large dark object hovering nearby. A truck now approached on the road ahead and the creatures finally released him. He was later found in his car in a state of shock and taken to an area hospital.
HC addition # 510 Source: Hakan Sterner, Nordic UFO Newsletter, February 1985
Type: C High Strangeness Index: 7 Reliability of Source: 8 Comments: Another sort of crude abduction attempt. The witness was to have later encounters, some are summarized below.
Location: Tingryd, Smaland, Sweden Date: March 6 1984
Time: night
Ante Jonsson (involved in a previous encounter) was awakened by somebody touching his shoulder and he gout from his bed. There was nobody in the room except for his sleeping wife. He felt that somebody was calling him and went to the kitchen, now fully dressed and later out into the street. There he saw a man in a long black coat. He started to walk towards him, but he suddenly disappeared briefly but immediately he is able to see him again. The strange entity appears to have no feet and floats down the street as Ante follows him. The stranger stares at the witness with a very pale and long face. After a short walk Ante finds himself at a nearby meadow where a black craft is hovering. The pale man is standing in front of it and he disappears. Ante then sees the craft moving towards him until is right above him. The craft hovers for a while and then something incredible takes place, he finds himself floating in the air but cannot feel any sensations. A moment later he is back in the garden outside his house.
Location.:Tingryd, Smaland, Sweden Date: April 26 1984
Time: night
Ante Jonsson (involved in other encounters) suddenly finds himself in a room that looks like a large crystal ball. He can feel someone else in the room but he looks around and does not see anybody. Outside the crystal he can see the ground far below. Ante then finds a bench on which he sits down. The bench is soft and feels like he is sitting in a bathtub. After two hours the black garbed man from the previous meeting emerges. Ante estimates his height at about 160cm with a normal physical structure but with long arms, his hair growing all over the face (bearded). Ante can see no ears or chin. Two black eyes, a flat nose and thick, prominent lips make up the face. This “man” gives Ante some grayish looking fluid to drink and turns to a board on the wall where a text, in Swedish emerges. Ante gets to know that their conversation will be made by some kind of magnetic thoughts on the board. During this meeting Ante is tall a very familiar message, that we are not alone in the universe, and that there are other solar systems with inhabitants of higher intelligence that ours. He is also warned of a coming catastrophe if we keep using atomic energy.
Location: Near Tingryd, Smaland, Sweden Date: August 14 1984
Time: night
Ante Jonsson (involved in a previous contact) had gone to bed next to his young daughter when an inner voice suddenly woke him up and instructed him to leave his sleeping daughter behind and to go meet ‘them’. At first he hesitates but eventually leaves and along the same road and on the same meadow he sees a large landed object. This time he goes into the craft through a circular opening and up some stairs and into the same room he had been the first time. Once he entered the room he sees four figures. Three of them are like the short statured man he met last time, and the fourth resembles a person he had seen before on the street. He is taller, had a pale face and longish white hair. He asks Ante to sit down in a self-adjusting bench that nearly ‘sucks’ Ante into place. As he sat he met a fifth entity that enters the room and gives Ante a mug with a drink which he had tasted before. He asks what it is, but the entity says nothing. The tall pale man-like figure tells Ante that he has to drink it otherwise he would not be able to travel with them. The tall entity explains that they must travel to the same ‘level’ as before but he would be back before morning. He wants to show Ante some things which are quite ‘distorted’ on Earth. Ante asks (the eternal question) why he and not others that would be more qualified. The tall entity answers that there are others who have experienced the same things as he and that there will be more. The entity elucidates, “You are one of the many who have different beliefs on what you call Christianity and history”. Ante answers that there are thousands who do not believe in God. The entity says that deep down most humans believe in God but do not show it. He wants to show Ante the truth about God and Jesus and he also wants to show him what would happen if we insist on producing and using nuclear weapons. “You will see evidence of self-destruction. There were people on an almost identical level as those who began to manufacture nuclear weapons to fight each other. It started just like in the earth in a war between different groups of individuals and ended with almost all life wiped out.” The entity added that only some vegetations and stations built by them was that all that remained. “We will show you so you can understand what you are doing to yourselves and your planet. Others have already seen it, and now it’s your turn.” At one point Ante asks about ‘Atlantis’ and was told, “Start looking in your history, but interpreting it the correct way this time, so you can find it”. Soon Ante sees the wall directly in front start to vibrate and an opening becomes visible, he sees outside and recognizes the place as the same one from before. He is allowed to exit the craft as he is told that they must change ‘vehicles’. Once outside the temperature feels like summer, comfortably warm but with much drier air. They go through a tunnel and find themselves in a street with strange buildings lining both sides. Curious he touches a wall and it feels strangely smooth. The entity tells Ante that it is made out of rock and metal, but use a different alloy than humans. They arrived at a different ‘vehicle’ and he is told that he will be shown the planet that was destroyed by the nuclear holocaust. Once inside he was made to lie down on a cot-like object he thinks he went to sleep. Soon he is awoken and told to sit up and look out a large window. He claims he saw ‘terrible things’ cities that appeared to be buried in stone and sand, buildings and forests flooded with water, broken and molten metal everywhere. The whole landscape looked very eerily like Earth’s. Ante is shown further scenes of destruction, collapsed buildings, etc. Later he is fed a completely colorless liquid which tastes just like lemonade and later taken to a nearby forest where he sees numerous strange animals including one that resembled a great lizard about 10 feet long with all the colors of the rainbow, he also sees another animal resembling a cross between an elephant and a musk ox. He also sees numerous ordinary birds and what appeared to be large eagles of different colors. In a nearby lake he sees a huge amphibian resembling a whale and other fish resembling sharks. After a while he is dropped off in his garden and goes to his bedroom looks at the clock and sees that it is half past five.
Location: Valensole Basses Alpes France Date: July 1 1965 µ
Time: 05:30 a.m.
Maurice Masse, 41, had just reached his lavender field, ‘L’Olivol,” when he heard a whistling noise. Walking around a hillock, he saw an oval shaped object with a dull metallic finish about 30 yards away resting on a central column and with four legs splayed out; it reminded him of a big spider. Beside it, examining the lavender plants, was a being the size of a 6-year old child…, dressed in an orange coverall or suit but with bare head and hands. His baldhead was twice the size of a normal human head; his chin was pointed, and the mouth was merely a small hole. Inside the craft was another of these beings; they were talking to one another with a “gurgling” sound. The witness approached to within 15-18 ft, when the little man pointed a tube at him and he found himself paralyzed. The being then re-entered the object through a sliding door and it then took off with a whistling noise, seeming to vanish in mid-air. Where the craft had rested there was later found a central hole 20” deep surrounded by 4 others, and the soil was hardened like cement. Several days later Mr. Masse became inordinately sleepy, a condition which lasted for some days; no lavender plants would grow at the site at least five years later.
Humcat 1965-20 Source: Victor Nathan, Aime Michel & Charles Bowen
When I was nine years old (summer of 1989, I believe) I lived in a small trailer park in Colorado Springs, Colorado with my mother. My mother was dating a man who lived down the street from us. One evening when we were at her boyfriend’s trailer, they had an argument that lasted late into the night, and at around 3am my mother awoke me so that her and I could walk home to our own trailer.
Our place was directly down the street from my mother’s boyfriend’s place. Our trailer park had a few street lights, but not many, and I remember it was extremely dark out. I held my mother’s hand, and my eye focus was on my feet and the street before me.
When we were about four trailers away from our own trailer, the street lit up all around me and my mother. We stopped and looked up, and directly above us was a large, round craft. I have no recollection of seeing it move up to us, it was just there. Because I was a child at the time, and had no sense of measurement, it’s hard for me to now say exactly how far above us the craft was, but I’m going to guess it hovered around 30 feet above us. It was close enough that it literally took up the whole sky; I couldn’t see anything beyond it. It didn’t move, it remained stationary above my mother and myself, and we stood motionless watching it in return–I have no idea for how long.
It was perfectly circular, and in the center were three, round white lights positioned in the shape of a triangle. The craft itself was a lighter gray color. There were rows of square, orange and green lights that curved with the round shape of the craft. I don’t remember exactly how many of the orange and green lights there were, or their exact configuration. It was like six or seven green lights in a row on one side, then a few orange lights in a row on another spot. I saw a lot of (I guess) tubing and mechanical looking stuff–I’m not sure how else to describe it. I’ve drawn a rough picture of the craft, but because I don’t understand all of the mechanics I was looking at, it’s a very basic interpretation of what I saw. There’s no way I’d be able to recreate it exactly; that would almost be like trying to draw a circuit board, or an engine.
As far as my feelings and reactions to the craft; I first want to say that I don’t recall ever feeling any fear. It was more along the lines of fascination and curiosity. I never felt threatened at any time. The first thing I actually remember thinking and acknowledging was that the craft barely made a sound. It was just a slight humming, and the wind didn’t stir or anything. The air was all calm around me. That was something that seemed abnormal to me, as though seeing this thing in the first place wasn’t abnormal enough. It seems like the next thought process I remember was the actual realization of what I was looking at. I vaguely remember thinking something along the lines of, “They really are real”, and somewhere deep down, it’s almost like I remember feeling a form of happiness. Almost like a familiar happiness; something I had felt before, or related to a feeling I had felt before. My memory of the craft itself pretty much ends about this time, so the memory of those last feelings are a bit muddy.
Next thing I knew, me and my mother were walking up the porch steps to our trailer. My recollection comes back as I’m taking the first couple steps up the porch. I remember looking at the steps, my sight turned a bit to watch my mother’s feet go up the steps, then I looked at my hand which was being held in my mother’s hand still. I remember at that point looking up at my mother’s face; she looked straight ahead, and continued to walk to our front door. I remember thinking, “Why isn’t she saying anything? Does she know what just happened?”
We get to the door and she puts the key in the lock, and it was at that point, before she turned the knob to open the door, that she looked down at me and asked if we just saw what she thought we saw. I just remember shaking my head, yes. She said that we shouldn’t tell anyone about it, and not to talk about it ever. We both went straight to bed, and I don’t believe either of us looked at a clock. Because of this last fact, I can’t say whether or not we lost any time, or if I simply lost my memory of the craft leaving and the walk home.
The next day it ended up being all over the local news and radio that somewhere around 200 people (I believe more than that, actually) had been calling in UFO sightings all throughout the night, many of whom lived in our general area of the city. – MUFON CMS
MT. JULIET, Tenn. – The homeowner who found around two dozen animals dead on her property near Old Hickory Lake said more animals have died.
NewsChannel 5 first reported about the animals deaths Monday. Property owner Michelle Desirey said the day before her husband had seen ducks suddenly fly into the rocks and die.
“He saw two wild ducks fly in that never got in the water. They landed on the rocks and immediately had something like a seizure, and then just died right there,” she said. “In five minutes they were all dead. It was heartbreaking.”
Over the next 24 hours they found more than 20 dead ducks. Monday, they even found a dead raccoon and woodpecker in the same area.
Desirey said three more ducks died Tuesday. The family raises domestic ducks and has worried that whatever is killing the wild ones could kill theirs, as well.
Officers from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency have been investigating.
Desirey said they were staying away from the lake until they knew more about what was killing the wildlife.
“We’re not going to fish or eat any fish out of the lake. We’re probably not going to swim in the lake,” she said.
TWRA officials were working to determine if it was something the water, or on someone’s property. While they wait, Desirey said they won’t even be launching their boat until they get an idea of what could be killing so much of what makes living on Old Hickory so special.
“It’s not the same lake that it has been for the last forty years,” she said.
TWRA officials told NewsChannel 5 they were sending the dead ducks to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study at the University of Georgia in Athens for testing.
Lab results may not be available until next month. – NewsChannel5
John Lennon’s murderer was under the control of “dark” aliens determined to eradicate his messages of peace and love, it has been claimed.
The late Beatles legend was assassinated by Mark Chapman outside the Dakota Building in New York City in 1980, with the deranged fan blaming the “devil” for his actions.
Extraterrestrial expert Michael C. Luckman believes Lennon was at the centre of a battle between different species of aliens which resulted in his death.
Luckman – author of Alien Rock: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Extraterrestrial Connection and a forthcoming sequel ‘Rock Stars, Hollywood and Alien Contact: Celebrities’ Inside Secrets’ – claims Lennon was regularly sent messages from intergalactic beings to include in his music with him acting as a vessel for them, something he was able to do because of the way his brain was wired, and at one point Lennon even had a close encounter of the third kind.
The veteran UFO researcher exclusively told BANG Showbiz: “This is what enabled John Lennon to receive musical messages broadcast from space and compose hit songs celebrating peace, love and freedom. John was the ideal candidate for alien contact. “Much later on he had two UFO encounters, one which may have involved a meeting with four little grey aliens at the Dakota Apartments in New York City where he lived with Yoko Ono.”
Luckman claims it was these messages of peace and love which led to Chapman – who is still incarcerated in prison for shooting the musician – being targeted by rival aliens determined to stop the ‘Gimme Some Truth’ singer from spreading his messages of love.
Luckman added: “When Chapman blamed the devil for ordering him to kill Lennon, he may have indeed been operating under the influence of negative entities who were upset with John’s universal message of brotherhood and wanted to stop him dead in his tracks before he could become even more powerful.
“The circumstances that led to Lennon’s death can easily be seen as a classic battle of light and dark forces, in this case a battle for the soul of rock ‘n roll.”
When describing the songwriting process, Lennon himself claimed he often “felt like a hollow temple filled with many spirits, each one passing through me, each one inhabiting me for a little time and then leaving me to be replaced by another”.
While his widow Yoko Ono has previously stated she believes her deceased husband and his Beatles bandmates – Sir Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and the late George Harrison – were musical “mediums”.
She is quoted as saying: “They were like mediums. They weren’t conscious of everything they were saying, but it (the music) was coming through them.” – TheSpec
My great-uncle, Henry McKay, was a pioneer UFOlogist. He was the very first Director of MUFON for Canada. He was also one of the first modern-day UFOlogists to specialize in investigating physical traces associated with UFO landing sites and “close-range” UFO sightings. He was an electrical engineer with the Air Force. He was also on the Board of Directors for the “North American UFO Federation” (headed by Richard Haines), was an associate of CUFOS, and also investigated for NICAP. He was good friends with Dr. J. Allen Hynek. He also gave a briefing at a hearing to the “Royal Commission of Electric Power Planning” in regards to UFO related power disturbances.
I have released rare footage of an interview about reported abductions which features Budd Hopkins, Dorothy Wallace (abductee), and Debbie Tomey (the real name of the woman who the book and movie “Intruders” featured). I uploaded the video here:
Please pass this video on to whomever you feel would benefit from it for their UFO research. You may also add this video to your website if you feel that your readers would get some benefit from it.
Thank you for your time.
All the best, Michelle McKay
I look forward to receiving more archived information in the future…Lon
We’ll look what we’ve got from Susan Swiatek, the “I ran over a 10′ lizard, I did, I really did!” lady:
“This is, once again, complete insanity. If you think a video of a prop tied to a tree in the distance makes for convincing evidence you have rocks in your head. If you implicate me by name in any way, shape or form, as endorsing the Meier case, I will invoke the full thrust of the law against you
Susan Swiatek”
Sweet Sue, these are actually called Reptrillions – cause as everyone knows there are trillions of them running around everywhere, deducting people and impregnifying woman, which accounts for all of the Reptrillion-human hybrid (and lowbrid) babies clogging up the welfare rolls. Of course, in time, they become contributing citizens in society, largely responsible for…keeping the insect population under control.
You can see actual photos of the 10′ Reptrillion (it’s actually 10′ 3″ in stocking clawed feet) “tied to a tree”, as well as of Ms. Swiatek scraping the Repto-slime off of her car and shoes…here:
And this is someone questioning Billy Meier’s still irreproducible, expertly authenticated UFO evidence?
Ms. Swiatek appears to be a wee bit unclear on the concept that when you defame someone, it’s up you to substantiate your claims. And of course when you make claims, well, you get my drift.
So Ms. Swiatek, dalrin’, get ready to invoke and…thrust, ’cause your name’s going to the top of the list.
Hopefully MUFON’s much wiser advisors and representatives are now ready to…straighten things out and get up to speed on the Meier case, which will do a great deal towards making MUFON a relevant and credible voice in a very credibility challenged field.
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce the content on this blog for re-publication without the author/s written permission. Thank you.
Cover of C.R. Clough’s book. (Credit: C.R.Clough, Sr.)
A ninety-six-year-old man from Tennessee recently recalled a UFO encounter he had in 1974.
The Knoxville News Sentinel publishes a monthly profile of East Tennesseans who are at least seventy-years-old. On Wednesday, June 18, the paper profiled C.R. Clough who spent more than twenty years investigating fires and teaching fire prevention. He also spent more than twenty years as a freelance photographer. Clough shares various memories with the paper, including the time he saw a UFO.
Clough describes,
I had bought a Honda motorcycle a few months prior to this incident, and was pleased with its performance. Riding the cycle to work one evening at 10:30 p.m., I noticed a very bright light, and my motorcycle’s engine stopped. I was doing about 50 miles per hour at the time. I depressed the clutch and tried to start the engine several times, to no avail. After about 15 or 20 seconds, the light was no longer visible and the engine started, and I drove on to work.
It is unfortunate that this photographer was not able to photograph the UFO. But, being that the incident occurred while he was driving down the road, it is understandable.
Clough is absolutely convinced that the UFO’s magnetic field affected his motorcycle’s engine. Similar electromagnetic interference has been reported by several UFO witnesses.
This UFO encounter is included in Clough’s 205-page self-published book titled This is it — A lifetime of wondering with and about some wonderful people and things.
Oud-wetenschapper NASA: "Theorie Einstein klopt niet"
Oud-wetenschapper NASA: “Theorie Einstein klopt niet”
Volgens natuurkundige dr. Edward Dowdye jr. zijn de theorieën van Albert Einstein onjuist. Als Einstein nu leefde, zou hij met de hedendaagse technieken en instrumenten zijn eigen theorie weerleggen, aldus dr. Dowdye, die jarenlang in het Goddard Space Flight Center van NASA heeft gewerkt.
Dowdye maakt deel uit van een groep wetenschappers die vraagtekens zetten bij de relativiteitstheorie. Uit waarnemingen maken astronomen op dat het begrip zwaartekrachtlens in de praktijk anders werkt dan de relativiteitstheorie ons leert, zegt Dowdye.
Een zwaartekrachtlens is een zeer sterk zwaartekrachtveld, zoals dat van een sterrenstelsel of een zwart gat, dat het licht van een daarachterliggend voorwerp afbuigt. Dit effect treedt op wanneer waarnemer, zwaartekrachtveld en het achterliggende voorwerp nagenoeg op één lijn staan. Het zwaartekrachtveld van het voorwerp zou de ruimtetijd veranderen waardoor het waargenomen licht in de buurt van het object buigt.
Dowdye stelt echter dat een zwaartekrachtlens meer lijkt op een fata morgana in de woestijn. Door de warmte ontstaat er een laag warme lucht boven het zand. Het grensvlak met de koudere lucht daarboven werkt als spiegel voor licht dat er onder een invalshoek van ongeveer 90 graden op valt.
De hete luchtlaag reflecteert het licht van de heldere lucht naar boven, waardoor het lijkt of er water op het zand ligt. We nemen aan dat licht in rechte lijnen reist, maar het volgt echter het pad dat het minste tijd kost. Dit is waarom in de woestijn rimpels zichtbaar worden, aldus Dowdy.
Een zwaartekrachtlens heeft volgens Dowdye niets te maken met de kromming van ruimtetijd, maar beïnvloedt het plasma rond een zwaartekrachtgradiënt, zegt hij. Dit plasma beïnvloedt op zijn beurt de route die het licht volgt. In de tijd van Einstein was er vrijwel niets bekend over dit plasma.
Als een object zonder plasma wordt beïnvloed door de zwaartekracht moet het licht volgens de relativiteitstheorie nog steeds buigen, maar dat is volgens Dowdye niet het geval. In zijn boek Extinction Shift Principle biedt hij een alternatieve zwaartekrachttheorie op basis van de Galileïsche transformaties. Hij hoopt dat de tekstboeken snel zullen worden aangepast zodat de jeugd een meer nauwkeurige kijk op het universum krijgt.
A Tennessee witness near Highway 33 at Knoxville is curious what the large, meandering red light was moving near her home about 10:20 p.m. on June 17, 2014, according to testimony in Case 57119 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness watched the object move in a controlled manner near her home. Pictured: Knoxville, Tennessee, skyline. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness was swimming in her backyard when she first noticed the light as she looked across her backyard.
“I saw a red light, approximately 15-20 feet in diameter,” the witness stated. “It was moving very slowly behind the tree line. There was absolutely no sound and it was too dark outside to see anything but the light.”
The light seemed to disappear and reappear.
The witness described the object as a large red light that eventually moved away from her home and toward Highway 33 in Knoxville, pictured. (Credit: Google)
“It disappeared behind my house, and reappeared just beyond our property line, changed direction, and crossed the street to the right. And continued slowly, moving between a cemetery and the next street over.”
The witness continued to watch the light.
“It reappeared one more time, and had again changed direction and moved across Highway 33 out of my sight.”
The object eventually crossed Highway 33 in Knoxville, pictured, after meandering near the witnesses’ property on June 17, 2014. (Credit: Google)
Knoxville is the county seat of Knox County, TN, population 178,874. Tennessee MUFON is investigating. Tennessee has a current UFO Alert Rating of 4 with a higher than average number of recent reports nationally. Tennessee had 13 UFO reports in May 2014 – the 16th highest reporting state – while California had 102 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
“Unholy Alliance: Ancient Astronauts and the New World Financial Order”
By Jim Marrs
Throughout history the two most prominent methods for controlling the human population have been religion and finance. Could these well-honed, time-tested control mechanisms be of extraterrestrial origin?
Early humans, seeing the beauty and symmetry in nature, instinctively knew that some guiding force lay behind the order of life and so they developed a reverence for spiritual matters. Over time, however, and with advances in scientific knowledge, the material trappings and theologies of the various religions should have fallen away. But they haven’t. Today, most of the world’s population continues to follow one religion or another, often leading to conflicts, wars, and genocide. Moreover, most large, organized religions are intertwined with the acquisition of money. When did finance become so enmeshed in religion? What is it that has made religion so important in the minds of so many for so long?
One possibility is that religion may be based on a reality that has been lost today. According to the Old Testament, Sumerian tablets, and the accounts of the Greek and later Romans, there was a time when humans experienced face-to-face encounters with their gods. Virtually every ancient culture on this world told of legends of gods who came from the sky and taught them the fundamentals of civilization—language, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, law, architecture, and finance.
Today, a growing number of researchers are taking the concept of Ancient Astronauts, the idea that non-humans visited the Earth millennia ago, more seriously. This concept was popularized in the 1970s by Swiss author Erich von Däniken and continues to find purchase in the popular imagination via the popular TV series. The evidence for such visitation—in sacred sites, ancient art, and anomalous artifacts—is quite compelling, in fact almost overwhelming, as detailed in the 2013 book Our Occulted History.
Our primitive ancestors felt awe and reverence for the technologically advanced visitors who came from the heavens. After all, no human could fly or perform feats that must have seemed like magic. The first humans thought of these visitors merely as Watchers or Messengers (angels) from the heavens. These visitors are referred to in the ancient tablets of Sumer as the Anunnaki, or “those who came to Earth from the heavens.”
Rather than deal directly with the burgeoning human population, the ancient alien-gods ordained an administrative body or priesthood to pass along edicts and instruction as well as interpret policy. Once such clerics got a taste of wealth and power, they were loath to relinquish them. Religion soon evolved into a rigid structure of dogmas, catechisms, tithing, and obedience. Only after the Anunnaki appointed rulers over humanity did the concept of religion come into play.
According to researchers Peter Jiang and Jenny Li,
apparently, these extraterrestrials performed “great feats” in order to be worshipped as “gods.” The reported next step was to provide technology to these Earth humans so that these humans could create impressive looking “rich” structures of religious worship, laid with gold and other mined mineral resources, of religious worship to these extraterrestrial “gods.”1
By the time of the earliest recorded human civilizations, such as Sumer, Assyria, and Babylon, religions were well-established and had merged with the prevailing political structures of the time. These early civilizations firmly established the idea that the clergy could be the only religious authority and that kingship was a divine right. Anointed priests who worshiped one god exhorted their followers to demonize the worshipers of the others. And anyone who failed to offer allegiance to the one true god was castigated as a blasphemer, heathen, devil worshiper, or worse.
But something happened. Either through natural cataclysms or some prehistoric war, the planet, or at least the Near East, was devastated, and the ET gods withdrew from overt human contact. As the gods—the alien visitors—dropped from sight, the religions they created turned metaphysical. The concept of God evolved from a physical being to an omnipresent yet anthropomorphic supernatural entity. The elder conflicts between the ancient astronauts commandeering armies of human subjects were faithfully recorded in the Old Testament. These ancient wars became the metaphorical basis for the struggle between the new monotheistic God and his evil counterpart, Satan.
Baptist minister and author Paul Von Ward wrote about the development of supernatural religion beginning less than 3,000 years ago in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), the cradle of civilization: “Here religions that grew out of absentee-cults that described their gods as immortal, magical beings took the next step toward supernaturalism.”2
Originally the term Satan merely meant any adversary of the gods. Princeton professor of religion Elaine Pagels argues that Satan came to represent human hostility against other humans: “And it’s no accident that the foundational texts of Christian tradition—the gospels of the New Testament, like the Dead Sea Scrolls—all begin with stories of Satan contending against God’s spirit.” Pagels goes on to explain that Christians later “turned the image of Satan against a far wider range of targets—against the Roman empire and its government, which persecuted Christians, and then against other ‘intimate enemies’—other Christians, whom they called ‘heretics.’”3 Von Ward elaborates on Pagels’ idea by writing, “[H]istory makes it clear that the Hebrews had simply followed the example of their patron god. They labeled their opponents, foreign or domestic, Satanic worshipers of Beelzebub, Belial, and the Princes of Darkness. In return, their opponents likely shouted their own epithets of ‘infidel’ (meaning ‘unfaithful to the “true” god’).”4
Various historical events provided the basis for western supernaturalism near the end of the Roman Empire. These events included the development of absentee non-human cult worship in the Middle East; the Hebrew worship of Yahweh, who was believed to be the leader of the gods of old; and the new and compelling reformation cult of Jesus of Nazareth. Von Ward attributes the rise of supernaturalism to the simultaneous rise of powerful institutions—for instance, the development of Roman organizational skills and the creation of a Christ-centered church, the power of Rome to elevate St. Paul’s Christian cult to the status of the state religion, and the Nicean council of bishops that “culled from competing texts a Bible that largely excludes references to the reality of other [Advanced Beings] and Jesus’ humanity.”5
Generations of humans slowly developed a defense mechanism once the ancient gods were no longer visible:
The Anunnaki had apparently decided to go about their own affairs, but humans felt bereft at being deserted. So supernatural theology was the defense mechanism created to help cope with the pain and anxiety of an obvious separation of humans from their gods. One of its purposes was to assure humans that the religious rituals would either bring the departed gods back to Earth or reconnect the humans to them in the supernatural realm.”6
Furthermore, in both early Eastern and Western cultures, rulers gained power and wealth from religion. But, beginning with the Enlightenment and the advent of the printing press, religion waned, especially in highly developed nations. Today, the favored control mechanism is through the lending of money. Author Joseph P. Farrell saw the rapid development of the private issuance of bullion-based monies both in ancient times and in various cultures as suggesting “the evident hand of a hidden international class of bullion-brokers, war merchants, slave traders, and mining operators, for almost invariably, the pattern is the same.”7 This pattern involved blending finance with the prevailing religion, as if money itself were God-ordained. It remains a powerful control mechanism over humanity today.
Farrell has argued that the methodology of aligning religion with money went something like this: Rulers would penetrate and ally with the temple, issue false receipts, substitute bullion for letters of credit as a measure against the false receipts, and thus create a facsimile of money.
Thus, we arrive back at the state of issuing false receipts, only in this instance, these receipts are neither false nor counterfeit, they are simply privately created notes or promises to pay a certain amount of bullion (which they also control). Thus, once again the money supply is not only expanded, but the use of such instruments actually served to allow the bullion brokers to circulate more of such notes than they had actual bullion to redeem. The key, once again, was the sanctifying probity that the temple association gave them. With this step their power and influence over the various states which they penetrated was almost complete, for it gave these ancient bankers, like their modern counterparts, the ability to expand or contract a state’s money supply and to control their economies to create boom or bust.8
The power of exchanging money can be traced back to the Near East where people called money changers were prevalent, exchanging the currencies of the various cities and nations into money acceptable to the temple priests. Money therefore became closely connected to the temples of religion, which also doubled as centers for the study of astronomy and astrology. Recall that it was only in the temple at Jerusalem that Jesus, the “Prince of Peace,” turned violent—and this was against the money changers. The conflict between the money changers and the human population has continued down through the ages.
7. From Joseph P. Farrell, Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion. Port Townsend, WA: Feral House, 2010, p. 295.
Traditional educational systems basically teach us that the history of man only dates back to about 8,000 years ago while religious texts date mankind to approximately 6,000 years ago. It is more than obvious that there a massive push to occlude our true history and origins.
While you may not agree with some of the questions, please try to view them with an open mind. As you’ll see, the history we have been taught has been manipulated and obscured from us.
Ask yourself (or others) the following questions and feel free to comment at the end of the article!
A map drawn on a gazelle skin of an unfrozen Antarctica was found in 1929. The map was drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, who had privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople. Contained within the notes found on the map, Reis stated that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to the 4 BC or earlier. Our history books tell us that Antarctica was discovered by Captain James Cook while crossing the Antarctic Circle on January 17, 1773 with the ships HMS Resolution and Adventure.
1. How did Reis know of Antarctica several hundred years before Captain James Cook ‘discovered’ it?
The last time Antarctica was not frozen was at least 4,000 BC, so…
2. Where did the Imperial Library of Constantinople get THEIR information and who is responsible for the initial drawing of that map?
A tiny figurine made of baked-clay (right) was brought up in amongst the debris churned out by a huge drill bit during the drilling of a well in Nampa Idaho in 1889. The object is a one inch long figure with one leg broken off at the knee.
3. Is it possible that mankind has been here many times LONG BEFORE our recorded past?
4. How many millennia would it take for an object like this to be buried 300 feet into the ground?
According to Darwinism, man evolved from ape.
5. If man evolved from ape, then why are there still apes?
6. There are pyramids on every continent of the world. Who built them and why were they built?
In Ecuador, one large Jade cup and 12 smaller Jade cups were found. Each of the smaller cups are a little bit different in size, but if you were to fill each one and pour them into the larger one, the contents would exactly fill the larger cup. The large cup has a perfect inlaid star constellation, showing Orion and other starrs.
Klaus Dona stated, “inside the big cup it is very, very magnetic and outside the cup nearly nothing. Professional geologists are saying this is impossible because if a stone has metal particles inside the stone, it must be same magnetic from both sides.”
7. If scientists say that it is impossible to have a very magnetic inside of a jade cup with a non-magnetic outside of the same cup, then who created these vessels and where are they from?
In Illoinois a well bit brought up a 200,000 year old bronze coin from a depth of 114 feet just outside Chillicothe, Illinois. According to the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.
8. Long before our state-sponsored recorded history will admit that civilized man was on Earth, what culture made this coin?
More than 350 artifacts were found in Ecuador in an old tunnel system. One artifact in particular shows the same pyramid with an all-seeing eye at the top of it (right). Under a black light, the eye takes on an interesting hue while on the bottom of this artifact (see picture below), you can see a star map of Orion’s Belt along with writing that is older than any known writing on this planet. According to the research of Klaus Dona, the same writing has been found all over the world, proving that there was a pre-existing GLOBAL civilization that is much older than any Sanskrit writings.
9. Why do all history classes exclude this information?
We are seeing a continuing theme involving Orion’s Belt.
The pyramids on the Giza Plateau also reflect the exact same alignment as the “3 Kings” of Orion’s Belt.
10. What visitors came to this planet from Orion’s Belt?
11. What is the significance of the Orion’s Belt constellation?
Professor Kurt Schildmann, former President of the German Linguistic Association, called this writing “pre-Sanskit” (older than 6,000 years old) and was able to translate the writing as follows:
“The son of the creator comes.”
12. What is the true meaning of this pyramid and why is this symbol still being used?
In the pre-religious Anunnaki creation myth, Anu had 2 sons, Enki and Enlil. Enki, also known as Ea (as in EArth) in Sumerian texts, was loving and kind to the genetically modified humans who mined gold for the Anunnaki.
13. Does “The son of the creator comes” refer to Enki?
The Old and New Testament of the Christian bible clearly shows one vengeful god who kills millions of people while an apparently different god who is all loving.
14. Does the bible reflect the story of Enlil (Old Testament, malevolent towards humans) and Enki (New Testament, all-loving toward humans)?
In the Old Testament, Genesis 1:26, it states, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”
15. Who is “us” and “our”?
In 1851 in Dorchester, Massachusetts, a 4-1/2 inch high zinc and silver alloy vase was dynamited out of solid rock 15 feet below the surface. On the sides were figures of flowers in bouquet arrangements, inlaid with pure silver.
The rock out of which it came is estimated to be 100,000 years old.
16. According to academia, what civilization was capable of this type of art 100,000 years ago?
Over 200 metallic spheres have been found in South Africa and areestimated to be 4,500 million years old. There are two types of spheres:
“One of solid bluish metal with white flecks, and another which is a hollow ball filled with a white spongy center” (Jimison, 1982).
17. Our recorded history tells us that civilized man has only been here anywhere between 6-8,000 years, so who made these spheres millions of years beforehand?
With the exception of stone and precious metals, virtually everything we own right now would eventually turn to dirt throughout the millennia, including all of our TV’s, cellphones, cars, planes and everything made of plastic.
If by chance, some major catastrophe were to hit our planet, within 100,000 years, just about every hint of civilization would be buried under years of decay.
18. Is it possible that there are malevolent rulers who have kept us in economic subservience for literally hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years?
All religions seem to share similar stories.
19. Is it possible that this template has been used since the earliest incarnations came to this planet, perhaps billions of years ago?
20. When will we finally learn to live without being economic slaves to the same system of domination and control
19-06-2014 om 00:59
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
On October 11 2013, I had driven to our local grocery store around 10:30 pm to grab some snacks as they were closing at 11 pm. It was storming outside but the trip there and back only took me about 15 minutes in total. As I exited my car to go inside my home I noticed an object hovering in the darkened sky to the South. Although I live not far from the local airport I am very familiar with aircraft flight patterns and this did not look like any aircraft I had ever seen in my entire life. I pulled out my Lumia phone and started the video recording mode. The object looked almost cylindrical and was illuminated from within. It just sat motionless in the sky slowly and randomly pulsating different colors. Even with all the lightning lighting up the whole area, I could still see it sitting there not moving at all. The sky was really flashing with lightning and it started to rain quite hard to I ran into the house to get out of the weather. Inside I started playing around with the phone trying to show my wife the video. As I had not had the phone very long I was unable to get it working to show her. I gave up after about 30 minutes and over the next couple of days it faded from memory.
About 6 months later I discovered that I had cloud service for the phone data and lo and behold I was able to recover the video on my laptop. I was very happy to show my wife and son what I had seen that night, but what I hadn’t expected to see is what appeared in the sky along with what I had originally recorded. I was shocked to see to the right of the hovering object slowly appeared a shimmering cone of tendrils that seemed to sit motionless in the sky as well. It glowed and was bright enough to be seen even with the lightning going on. I had never heard of anything like it being caught on video before, so I hope to see if anyone else has reported a similar incident. KENS NOTE: The amazing part of this case file is that the craft seems to go into stealth mode when the sky is lit up by the lightning. Alien technology at its best. Check out the video below.
Missouri couple drives under hovering triangle UFO
A Missouri couple driving north along Highway A in Long Lane reported moving under a triangle-shaped UFO hovering about 25 feet above the roadway on June 17, 2014, according to testimony in Case 57123 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The couple was driving along a stretch of Highway A near Long Lane, MO, pictured, when they approached and drove under the hovering triangle-shaped object. (Credit: Google)
The husband was driving with the wife in the front passenger seat and their daughter in the back seat when the object was first seen at a distance of about a quarter mile ahead. They quickly began to rule out objects like a tower or a helicopter as the approached it.
“Within a few a seconds we were directly under it in the middle of road,” the wife reported. “We stopped for approximately 10 to 15 seconds – felt like a lot longer. It was about 25 feet above us. I say this because I could see things on the bottom of it and when we drove off it was about 10 to 15 feet above the trees.”
Several other cars drove along this stretch of Highway A near Long Lane, MO, on June 17, 2014, when the reporting witnesses say the object hovered just above the tree tops. (Credit: Google)
The witness described the object.
“It was triangular, dull gray, with darker long shapes on bottom. Brighter light in middle, two smaller lights on both sides of front point, two small lights on both sides of large light, then three lights across wider backend. The light was not normal. Don’t know how to explain it. Bottom was flat and had some sort of bars or legs that the lights kind of reflected off of.”
The husband wanted to get out of the vehicle for a better look, but the wife yelled for him to pull away as she was scared.
“He started to drive away and I grabbed for my phone to take pictures but was too shook up and scared to work my phone. It sat in same spot after we drove away. We could see it until trees started blocking it out. Three or four cars passed as we were driving and it still didn’t move. Later my husband and daughter said they couldn’t stop staring at the strange lights. My husband acted happy and giggly. My daughter was scared also.”
The triangle-shaped UFO hovered about 25 feet off of the ground while traffic moved along Highway A near Long Lane, MO, on June 17, 2014. (Credit: Google)
Long Lane is an unincorporated community in Dallas County, MO. Missouri MUFON is investigating. Missouri has a current UFO Alert Rating of 4 with a higher than average number of recent reports nationally. Missouri had 19 UFO reports in May 2014 – the 12th highest reporting state – while California had 102 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
The following article was sent to me by a member in Illinois. What is intriguing is the mention of MJ12 way before we ever heard of it publicly. This is Part 1 as this is very long.
By Peter A. Bostrom
ABSTRACT: The following is word-for-word as transcribed from a tape interview by myself with a retired military “Special Forces” officer who served in Thailand during the Vietnam War. This is an account of a close encounter with several EBEs and their space vehicle.
Unlike other countless reports of similar “high strangeness” meetings with extraterrestrials this account is maybe even more interesting because it happened in “war time” surroundings in Cambodia, a country out-of-bounds for US troops at the time, plus there is mention of MJ12 as a government entity who was involved with the gathering of information about Unidentified Objects in the air space in and around Thailand and it shows how determined the government is to extract all information it can on the subject. Also there is mention of another strange encounter from the same general area.
I will use the name Joe in place of this gentleman’s real name. I spoke with Joe off and on for several weeks. When he spoke about this encounter he never changed his story and I believe he wants to give the true account as he himself believed it happened. As my conversations continued with Joe he said he had a message that he could freely speak about the subject of his encounter with the extraterrestrials in Cambodia and anything else concerning the subject “since this information will be made public in the near future anyway,” but he was not to specifically indicate the true reason why he was in Cambodia. This “other officer” also talked about the UFO subject in general saying such things as the Roswell crash really happened and described precise methods of how people are taken to see the alien vehicle and bodies using high security procedures in transporting these people who need to go there for various reasons. He also talked about two different alien beings. One name he used was the “Grays” and the other was the “Nordics.”
Joe: Basically I will describe what happened. In September 1971 I was stationed with the Army in Thailand. Originally a routine mission in Cambodia close to an area called Tonle Sap just south of Angkor Wat, where the temples are.
We had gone on a previous mission in answer to some problems and had gone back in on a search and destroy mission. This area we were mainly concerned about was insurgents from the Khmer Rouge – Pol Pot’s people. They were really wreaking havoc at the time with the local indigenous personnel. We were after one group and when going through the jungle we heard some noises coming from a hidden area.
BOSTROM: You heard a noise?
Joe: We heard some noises that sounded like generators or machinery. Something with a hum.
BOSTROM: So that’s what attracted you?
Joe: Yes, we assumed they had some kind of refueling station or something out there. It’s quite common for the Khmer Rouge and Phaphet Lao to use a high clearing in the jungle to make an artificial clearing for refueling helicopters, things like that. They didn’t have too many. Most of them were Russian made – and they could refuel them – and we thought we really struck on a good one this time or thought they were building equipment buildings or bunkers or such.
When we came into the clearing we were quite surprised to find something quite unlike what I’ve ever seen before. At the time I held the rank of Lieutenant. We had with us approximately fourteen Special Forces, of our country, and several dozen Thai arranged with us.
BOSTROM: So you were in Special Forces?
Joe; Yes, I was originally with the 101st Airborne Special Tactical Unit. We were reassigned 506th Air Calvary sent to Thailand. They were with the auspices of a group we won’t discuss for obvious reasons. During this time there had been several reports of some strange instances. We more or less “poo-pooed” them thinking they were people getting scared in combat. You have a few guys taking drugs, we didn’t have anybody in our unit that was. You just don’t really know. Things come out of the jungle. You see them flying through the trees and it looks quite different than it would in broad daylight in an open area.
We entered the clearing. It was almost spherical in shape suspended on four legs. The base of which it looked like it touched the ground. I couldn’t really tell if it was actually on the ground or not and there were a number of – the best description I could say, were humanoids. It’s difficult to remember for a couple of reasons that we’ll get into a little later. There were at least as many of them as there were of us.
BOSTROM: How many do you think”
Joe: I would say there was anywhere between 16 to 21. There was quite a few. There wasn’t just a handful of fellows out there in the jungle.
Their appearance was not that of any human being I’d ever seen on earth. Skin was a grayish whitish color. They were wearing what appeared to be a one piece jump suit which was silver in color. Much like the metalized Mylar like a heat suit. It didn’t appear to be a pressure suit of any kind. We found out later that it was quite a strong material. When we approached they really didn’t notice us at first and when they did they turned toward us. Some of the fellows were carrying items; the only way I can describe it, are some type of instruments.
Didn’t see any weapons anywhere. Made a quick judgment. It didn’t look like any weapon I’d ever seen so I thought it could be safe. We had a young corporal with us. Well, this was his second time in combat and he didn’t react very well. These, well, I’ll call them aliens; one of the aliens turned toward him with something in his hand which he evidently thought was a weapon of some type and he felt threatened and let loose a short burst of fire from a Browning FNFAL which is literally a three way Winchester. It has a 150 grain slug; the same hitting power as the 30-0-6 out to 15 yards. About the shortest burst you could fire on full auto is somewhere between 8 and 12 rounds, which of a distance from 30 to 35 feet where it struck this fellow would devastate a normal human being. The only thing I can justify, we wear flack jackets most of the time. The material, whatever it was, is of the same material as the “second chance” like we had which was a compact, lightweight bullet proof vest. I’ve been struck several times with slugs with those – rib cage broken, you get bruised very badly. You feel like you are going to die, but as a general rule, unless its an armor piercing slug or some type of Teflon siding jacket, they don’t penetrate. I’ve never seen one penetrate. I’ve seen 50 caliber shells go through but nothing much smaller than that. Nothing except for that high caliber and high velocity will pierce it. Occasionally a tracer will burn a pretty good size hole in it. When it struck this fellow he went down – dropped like a stone, like he was dead. We assumed he was dead.
Out of the group most of them were all approximately the same height. I would say some were five foot or less; maybe four foot eight inches – in that range. They were very, very small people. More like dwarfs in nature and perfectly proportioned. The arms didn’t seem to be any longer than they should be. Except for one fellow who was about five-six or five-seven.
He intervened at this point. I pushed the weapon down that George had in his hand. I thought, “God” this guy is going to kill us. At this point I was terror stricken. We didn’t know who these guys were. Something like this happens – all the science fiction movies you’ve ever seen in your life run through your mind. You think “Oh my God” are they going to pull out ray guns? Are they going to atomize us, or are they going to turn us into rabbits or pigs or something like this?
BOSTROM: Did any of them ever say anything?
Joe: Never heard a single word. This fellow turned to me evidently knowing that I was platoon commander. He raised his hand with palm out and fingers up in just a peaceful gesture and stopped and walked over to George and struck him on the cheek and it wasn’t a real heavy blow. It was something like you’d smack your child to get his attention, but the effect was devastating. George went down like a limp rag, just like an electric shock had gone through him. The only thing I could figure is either this fellow is lots stronger than we can imagine he was or he did something else. You’ve seen blows even in martial arts that don’t appear to be very heavy but have a devastating effect. He went down like a stone – just a limp rag. He recovered very quickly. About that time I was trying to pull him up, I didn’t know what we were going to do at that point. I didn’t want anybody else to fire because I figured if we open fire on these guys – we were dead. I was scared. I soiled my pants at that point – a nervous reaction. I didn’t know quite what to do.
With the exception of George, we were all veterans of at least 20 to 15 fire fights. We were relatively well seasoned combat veterans. It could have been George’s third time out, it must have been his first or second, I would say probably second and he was green and he panicked and I thought, well, he just paid the price for it. This fellow just killed him. He recovered. I tried to pull him up and turned around about the time the fellow being shot got up and brushed himself off – and I thought “on shit” these fellows are going to wipe us out. If an FNFAL didn’t take him down in 8 to 12 shots that is one tough little hombre. The only thing I could figure is that the material is tough enough that it acted as a cushion just like a vest. The fellow was visibly shaken. He didn’t seem to be in tip top shape but he obviously wasn’t dead and there weren’t any marks on him
We spent many times picking slugs out of our flack jackets and they’d get too worn and we’d just replace it. It smarts. It will knock you out cold sometimes from the impact. Its like having a very large electric shock run through your body. What takes people out, knocks them out flat, is not the actual impact of the bullet but the nervous reaction of the impact and it will literally lay you out flat before you hit the ground. Every muscle in your body goes rigid. So they have basically the same physiological reaction that we do.
When he turned to me and made a gesture to stop I thought OK, then everything is going to be alright. George recovered and he turned around again and placed his palm up toward me again to stop and I had a feeling that everything was OK. I had a very strong impression. I’m not going to say that it was some kind of telepathic message. It didn’t really seem like anything like that. It seemed like “Hey, it’s cool, he panicked and I understand the situation.”
At this point they packed up all their little instruments, packed themselves back into the craft and left almost soundlessly.There was a little noise. It sat there on the ground as what looked like a quadruped with four legs resting on the ground with pads on them retracted back into the body of the craft which was spheroid and then it just lifted straight up off the ground. I didn’t see any visible means of propulsion. There was a little noise. It was hard to tell if it was just the wind blowing through there or what. It was just like an instantaneous burst of speed.
SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has not found a trace of alien civilizations “out there” anywhere. It is called the Great Silence. The universe, from what we can tell, is empty of intelligent life. The speculation is that we are actually alone in this galaxy, or at least at this moment in time.
I’ll offer my own speculation. Let us assume that physical objects cannot ever exceed the speed of light. Or if it were possible, the expenditure of resources would be beyond reason. Today we have a probe, the Mars Curiosity rover exploring Mars. It is far more practical (i.e. cheaper) to send machines to explore planets then to send biological life. I assume it would be the same for any extraterrestrial civilization. But if so, what about all the radio signals back and forth between the probes and the home planet? It has to be out there somewhere.
I propose an extraterrestrial civilization may have the patience to send probes light years away even if it took hundreds of years. But if a probe were a hundred light years away, it would take a hundred years just to get a signal back. There has to be a better way.
Why not use quantum teleportation using “spooky action at a distance” to communicate instantly with a probe? Quantum entanglement affects linked particles instantly despite distance. If an extraterrestrial civilization understood how “spooky action at a distance” truly worked and were able to manipulate this mysterious force, they could have instantaneous communication with hundreds or thousands of space probes…without radio signals.
One day humanity may have a clear understanding of this spooky action at a distance. Imagine if we could scan the universe for quantum teleportation patterns…intelligent patterns, as we now search the skies for radio waves for intelligence. Would we discover a universe filled with information?
Currently science says information cannot be transmitted using quantum teleportation. Since we don’t understand this “spooky” action (hence its name) can we be sure? I wouldn’t underestimate spooky. We could have probes watching earth right now and communicating back to its source and we’d never detect it.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.