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    Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.

    In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!

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    UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld
    In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog. Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch... Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site www.ufowijzer.nl bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels. MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen. MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity... Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder www.mufon.com. Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal. Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP. ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Nibiru – Orbit, Location and Explanation, Ancient Sumerian Mysteries Explained – Zacharia Sitchin – The First Truth Seeker

    Nibiru – Orbit, Location and Explanation, Ancient Sumerian Mysteries Explained – Zacharia Sitchin – The First Truth Seeker

    (Before It's News)

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    Also known as The Twelfth Planet or Planet X, some are warning that the wandering body of Nibiru is quickly nearing the Earth – and could cause global devastation. Should you worry?

    In 1976, the late Zecharia Sitchin stirred up a great deal of controversy with the publication of his book, The Twelfth Planet. In this and subsequent books, Sitchin presented his literal translations of ancient Sumerian texts which told an incredible story about the origins of humankind on planet Earth – a story far different and much more fantastic than what we all learned in school.

    This strange planet has known to be twenty times bigger than Jupiter, with a burning moon which acts like Nibiru’s personal sun. Since Nibiru goes much, much further away from our sun; this theory actually does make sense, and stands out. The Anunnaki who are supposedly the citizens of Nibiru, came to planet earth around 25,000 years ago, and gave a lot of knowledge and detail to the developing humanoids; whom at that time didn’t have the brain capacity or thinking power to comprehend what the Anunnaki were saying. Even the Mayan predicted the existence of Nibiru, or according to them, a certain dark energy in shape of a planet which would be coming near earth in the distant future.

    The ancient cuneiform texts — some of the earliest known writing, dating back some 6,000 years — told the story of a race of beings called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet in our solar system called Nibiru, according to the Sumerians via Sitchin. If you’ve never heard of it, that’s because mainstream science does not recognize Nibiru as one of the planets that revolves around our Sun. Yet it is there, claims Sitchin, and its presence holds great importance not only for humankind’s past, but our future as well.

    Nibiru’s orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, according to Sitchin’s books, taking it out beyond the orbit of Pluto at its farthest point and bringing it as close to the Sun as the far side of the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids that is known to occupy a band of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). It takes Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey, and it was last in this vicinity around 160 B.C.E. As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system, as it is claimed for Nibiru, could wreak havoc on the orbits of other planets, disrupt the asteroid belt and spell big trouble for planet Earth.

    Well, prepare for yet another possible apocalypse because, they say, Nibiru is once again heading this way – and will be here soon.

    The story of the Anunnaki is told in Sitchin’s many books and is digested, augmented and speculated about in dozens of websites. But the tale is essentially this: About 450,000 years ago, Alalu, the deposed ruler of the Anunnaki on Nibiru, escaped the planet on a spaceship and found refuge on Earth. He discovered that Earth had plenty of gold, which Nibiru needed to protect its diminishing atmosphere. They began to mine Earth’s gold, and there were a lot of political battles among the Anunnaki for power.

    Then around 300,000 years or so ago, the Anunnaki decided to create a race of workers by genetically manipulating the primates on the planet. The result was homo sapiens – us. Eventually, rulership of the Earth was handed over to humans and the Anunnaki left, at least for the time being. Sitchin ties all this – and much more – into the stories of the first books of the Bible and the histories of other ancient cultures, especially Egyptian.

    It’s an astonishing story, to say the least. Most historians, anthropologists and archeologists consider it all Sumerian myth, of course. But Sitchin’s work has created a diehard cadre of believers and researchers who take the story at face value. And some of them, whose ideas are getting widespread attention thanks to the Internet, contend that the return of Nibiru is close at hand – possibly as soon as somewhere between now and 2190

    Even mainstream astronomers have long speculated that there may be an unknown planet – a Planet X – somewhere out beyond the orbit of Pluto that would account for the anomalies they were detecting in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Some unseen body seems to be tugging at them. The finding was reported in the June 19, 1982 edition of the New York Times:

    Something out there beyond the furthest reaches of the known solar system is tugging at Uranus and Neptune. A gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object, the long-sought Planet X. Astronomers are so certain of this planet’s existence that they have already named it “Planet X – the 10th Planet.”
    The anomalous body was first spotted in 1983 by IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), according to news stories. The Washington Post reported: “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby ‘protostar’ that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.”

    Nibiru supporters contend that IRAS has, in fact, spotted the wandering planet.

    “A Mystery Revolves Around the Sun,” an article posted by MSNBC on October 7, 1999 said: “Two teams of researchers have proposed the existence of an unseen planet or a failed star circling the sun at a distance of more than 2 trillion miles, far beyond the orbits of the nine known planets… Planetary scientist at Britain’s Open University, speculates that the object could be a planet larger than Jupiter.” And in December, 2000, SpaceDaily reported on “Another Candidate For ‘Planet X’ Spotted.”

    Another article and photo appeared in Discovery News: “Large Object Discovered Orbiting Sun.” The article, published in July, 2001, says, “The discovery of a large reddish chunk of something orbiting in Pluto’s neighborhood has re-ignited the idea that there may be more than nine planets in the solar system.” Naming it 2001 KX76. the discoverers estimate that it is smaller than our Moon and might have an elongated orbit, but they gave no indication that it was heading this way.

    Mark Hazelwood, who has a large website warning about the impending arrival of Nibiru and how we should prepare for it, suggests that all of these news stories lend credence to the existence of the Anunnaki’s Nibiru (although none of the articles said the celestial body was heading toward Earth).

    Andy Lloyd isn’t as pessimistic – or at least his calculations are different. Since he speculates that Nibiru was actually the Star of Bethlehem seen about 2,000 years ago, “the problem faced by humanity as Nibiru again enters the planetary zone will fall to our descendants 50 generations hence.”

    There is even speculation that the Vatican is tracking the position of Niburu. This video quotes Father Malachi Martin being interviewed by Art Bell as saying that the Vatican hierarchy, through research at its astronomical observatory, is monitoring the approach of something that could be “of great import” in the coming years.


    As stated before, the gravitational pull of a planet entering the inner solar system would have profound effects on the other orbiting bodies, including Earth. In fact, the Anunnaki story says that a previous appearance of Nibiru was responsible for the “Great Flood” recorded in Genesis, in which nearly all life on our planet was extinguished (but saved, thanks to Noah). Going even further back, some researchers into this topic suspect that Nibiru once even collided with Earth millions of years ago, creating the asteroid belt and resulting in the enormous gouges in our planet that the oceans now fill.

    Mark Hazelwood and others say that Earth is in for some massive and catastrophic changes as Nibiru approaches. Floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, a pole shift and other natural disasters will be so severe, Hazelwood says, that “only a few hundred million people will survive.” Another site says the gravitational pull of Nibiru might even stop the Earth’s rotation for three days, citing the “three days of darkness” predicted in the Bible.

    Some of the Nibiru researchers also cite the prophecies of Edgar Cayce who predicted that we would soon suffer monumental Earth changes and a pole shift, even though he did not attribute them to anything as specific as a visiting planet. And, of course, the much-analyzed Mayan calendar is said to set the “end of world” in December, 2012.

    Astronomers and other scientists who would seem to be in a position to know such things have made no announcements about the approach of any planet-sized body. Apparently, they have not detected anything of the kind. Those who believe Nibiru is approaching, however, say that scientists do know all about it and are just covering it up.

    As with any such predictions, time will tell.

    20-06-2014 om 10:57 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Best UFOs Spring 2014 Sightings Worldwide NEW Videos Included (Video)

    Best UFOs Spring 2014 Sightings Worldwide NEW Videos Included (Video)

    (Before It's News)

    Best UFOs Spring 2014 Sightings Worldwide NEW Videos Included

    In this Best UFO video compilation, we present a collection of original UFO videos that were featured on, youtube/LookNowTV, in the Spring Season March thru June 2014. In addition, we are also featuring NEW Spring, 2014 UFO sightings that were never released anywhere before in this UFO video. This UFO video features remarkable UFO Sightings from, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Atlantic City, New Jersey to mention a few. In this UFO video we also included exclusive videos from various places throughout the world. In this UFO video we see some of the most amazing UFOs that were made public here on LookNowTV. PLEASE do NOT forget these are NOT your friends!

    20-06-2014 om 10:50 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.HUGH CIGAR SHAPED UFO WITNESSED OVER NORTHERN NEW JERSEY


    (Before It's News)



    It was a Monday, bright Sunshine, approximately 2:00 pm, I was getting ready to go to work in New York as a Consultant to the US Delegate to Greece, when I saw my bedroom window was getting dark. It looked like the windows on a car completely encompassing the whole window. I watched it as it slowly moved away, then becoming completely white. I thought it was a helicopter and quickly ran down the stairs and outside. I looked up and saw nothing. I went back in the house and thought I should go out the front, that maybe the helicopter went to the front of the house. I went out, stood on my porch, looked around and saw nothing. Then I looked in the sky and saw this gigantic, bright silver, cigar shaped aircraft. It must have been 2 blocks long. There were no windows or hatches . It just stood there. There was no noise of any kind. It was the shape of a cigar holder, very bright. I thought this was great, so I sat down on my stoop and watched it for about 20 minutes. Then, all of a sudden it moved very slowly for about 50 yards and stopped as if it was looking for something. I looked at the horizon and saw that bright lights of blue, red and green were forming a circle just at the horizon. When it completely formed into a circle the aircraft moved slowly about 50 again, then in one or two seconds took off and disappeared into the circle. It literally disappeared through the circle. I thought this was a great experience and felt bad that I couldn’t make contact with them. I’ve had other personal experiences I will be glad to send you. 

    NOTE: The above image is a rendering

    This case has been investigated by our Section Director Ed Dobson of MUFON New Jersey.  This case is now classified as  ”unknown ”.  We are not allowed to classify a case as identified alien craft.




    Source: http://worldufophotosandnews.org/?p=7463

    20-06-2014 om 01:30 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Daily 2 Cents: Mummified Child Opens & Closes Eyes! — Unexplained Activity in Bedroom — Beaver Attacks Kayaker

    Daily 2 Cents: Mummified Child Opens & Closes Eyes! — Unexplained Activity in Bedroom — Beaver Attacks Kayaker

    (Before It's News)


    Mummified Child Opens & Closes Eyes!

    Rosalia Lombardo was two when a strong pneumonia ended his life on December 6, 1920 in his native Palermo, Italy. His devastated father made a special request to a renowned Italian physician of the time, Alfredo Salafia.

    Salafia’s mission was to embalm retail Lombardo family. Their studies on mummification techniques used in the Egyptian pharaohs were the best introduction.

    A few years ago the body was discovered in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo. For its perfect state it was called “Sleeping Beauty”.

    Subsequent studies to determine the technique led a group of Italian scientists are installing a camera inside his sarcophagus, able to take pictures every 60 seconds.

    The images collected show a strange phenomenon, small eyes are opened and closed several times a day. In an attempt to explain, the group of scientists said the camera flashes and the humidity generated a photo breakdown in the body, causing the eyes of small generating this effect. – elcomercio

    Click for video – Rosalia Lombardo opening her eyes!


    Unexplained Activity in Bedroom

    Hi everyone. I want to preface this by saying I am pretty level headed and not really afraid of much (seriously). I’m not a huge believer of the paranormal but definitely agree that weird things happen sometimes. My boyfriend and I have been having issues for a few months now with some odd things that happen in his bedroom. It started around this past thanksgiving, and coincidentally I also began having unexplained seizure activity around the same time. I’ve been following up with my Neurologist who can’t quite figure out what is going on. I have a lot of other severe chronic medical problems, so given my past history it’s not terribly weird to add seizures to the list….

    So anyways, around the same time the seizures began, I started experiencing some unexplained noises and shadows and things around his room, but kinda just assumed it was all in my head… except my boyfriend has experienced weird stuff too, even when I’m back at my house for the night. We have both had multiple occasions of being woken up by footsteps in the room, hearing shuffling noises, things being knocked over and bumped around. For reference, this house has been in the family since it was built and there’s no other weird things anyone else has reported until I came along. His bedroom is the 3rd floor, the attic was converted into a large bedroom and he’s been up there since he was a kid. He has 2 dogs and a cat and they always sleep downstairs and our door is closed.

    We have times where we are just sitting in bed reading or watching a movie and both hear/see something freaky and immediately turn to the other. So at least it’s not just me.

    This morning was the final straw. We are getting ready to move out into an apartment soon thankfully because I can’t even go up there ever again. I woke up just before 5 am, as he gets up for work early so I often wake up for a bit to grab a sip of water and say good morning. I rolled over and checked my phone and he still had a bit longer to sleep in… So I kinda was just laying there relaxing and I heads a loud thud come from behind me. I kinda just ignore it… Until a minute later another loud thud right behind me, and I can feel it. Then I hear the familiar shuffling and I’m like awww crap… Then it must have really felt like messing with me because right behind me I hear whispering… Like it’s trying to say something to me. I lose it. I grabbed him so hard and shook him and started freaking out. He wakes up in a panic and looks around and doesn’t see or hear anything, but by this rate I was crying hysterically.

    I have no idea what to do. It’s lucky we are moving out but I don’t know what the hell to think about this. You can go ahead and check my post history and see I have some pretty crazy hobbies and really nothing at all scares me, but this was just too much to handle. I’m freaking out now that whatever this is will follow us to our new place, however, I can’t say I’ve experienced anything like this back at my house(with parents) or anywhere else I’ve lived or stayed. What the hell?!?!



    Beaver Attacks Kayaker

    A beaver jumped out of Irondequoit Creek, in eastern Monroe County, New York, and attacked a man in a kayak, knocking him into the water last Tuesday. The victim, Michael Cavanaugh of Lima, N.Y. is recovering after being treated in the hospital for bite wounds on his back and deep puncture wounds on his arm. He is also being treated for rabies as a precaution.

    BayCreek Paddling Center trainer Nate Reynolds saw part of the attack. “I heard my name called out from the shop and I ran out the door to see a guy getting pulled into the water,” Reynolds said, describing the attack. “It was like watching a horror film.” Reynolds said Cavanaugh was able to get to his feet and approach the dock, but the beaver would not let go of him, so Reynolds hit the beaver with a nearby paddle several times. “The paddle broke and the beaver let go,” he said. “He kind of disappeared for a few seconds but came back up so I hit him again.”

    BayCreek Paddling Center temporarily closed after the incident to try and find the beaver. Eventually the beaver’s carcass was discovered and is now being tested for rabies by animal control. “It’s absolutely first of a kind,” said Ken Altfather, who has owned and operated BayCreek Paddling Center for more than 20 years. “I think the rarity of this is the main thing, the beaver was upset for some reason, we don’t know.” According to New York Department of Environmental Conservation Biologist Art Kirsch, although extremely rare, Beaver attacks on humans do occasionally happen. Kirsch said that beavers generally aren’t aggressive toward humans and are vegetarians.

    Most beaver attacks on humans, he added, come from beavers infected with rabies, or beavers trying to protect their offspring. The recovering victim of the attack, Michael Cavanaugh said: “In general I feel like you do after having surgery. My body is focusing on healing the wounds. I’ve slept quite a bit. Though the event was scary I haven’t felt much in the way of traumatic emotional reactions which I’m thankful for. As a matter of fact I feel a lot of gratitude to God. First, that my injuries were not worse. Second, that the beaver did not attack Terri who would have been severely hurt as she was a great distance from the dock. Third, that I was surrounded by so many helpful people.” – 13WHAM



    Woman Give Birth to Lizard!

    This midwife probably did not expect to find a baby gecko on the birthing table when she started assisting a mother in labour.

    But rather than delivering a healthy newborn baby, she found herself face-to-face with a lizard. Or so she claims.

    Yes, a lizard apparently oozed out of the ‘pregnant’ woman covered in mucus and blood as she was giving birth.

    Woman gives birth to a lizard. Yes, really.

    Seems like a joke or hoax right? Well, the authorities in Indonesia are actually taking this rather seriously even going as far as launching an official investigation into the incident.

    After some probing (sorry) it was suggested that the woman, already a mother of two human children, was suffering from pseudocyesis, or phantom pregnancy, with an empty womb.

    A doctor, the Chief Medical Officer of nearby Kupang City, Indonesia, gave this rather sobering conclusion.

    ‘So the gecko coming out is probably some kind of hoax.

    ‘Childbirth of another species has never been reported in science.’

    Some news organisations have quoted neighbours claiming that Ms Nubatonis and her family apparently practice ‘witchcraft.’

    Maybe people could consider the slightly boring idea that the lizard might have hopped onto the birthing bed at some point unseen…

    Nah, let’s not be boring, she gave birth to a lizard because of a spell backfiring – Forwarded by reader



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    Loch Ness Memoir

    The Story of Pain: from Prayers to Painkillers – A fascinating account of how we have viewed – and treated – pain. The book The Story of Pain: From Prayer to Painkillers

    Remains of ‘end of the world’ epidemic found in ancient Egypt

    Dr. Jeff Meldrum on Killer Russian Yeti

    Were dinosaurs warm-blooded, cold-blooded, or something else?

    Growing Up With Ghosts – highly recommended! Lon

    Civil War Ghost Trails: Stories from America’s Most Haunted Battlefields

    Ghosts and Haunts of the Civil War: Authentic Accounts of the Strange and Unexplained

    Ghostly Encounters: True Stories of America’s Haunted Inns and Hotels


    Source: http://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2014/06/daily-2-cents-mummified-child-opens.html

    20-06-2014 om 01:25 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Encounter Where Witness Learned About UFO Propulsion & Aliens Had A Red Emblem Of A Winged Serpent

    Encounter Where Witness Learned About UFO Propulsion & Aliens Had A Red Emblem Of A Winged Serpent

    (Before It's News)

    For more high strange visit www.churchofmabusradio.com 
    Location: Near Ashland Nebraska
    Date: December 3 1967
    Time: 02:30 a.m.

    As patrolman Herbert Schirmer’s police car approached the junction of Rtes 6 and 6-63, the witness saw a row of blinking red lights, which proved to be on a football shaped object about 25 feet long, with a Saturn-like rim. Almost immediately, the object began to rise with a sound like a pulsating siren. At the police station he made out a report, recording a time lapse of some 20 minutes. A few days later, a Geiger counter showed significant levels of radioactivity at the site. Schirmer took a polygraph test about the same time, which he passed. Under hypnosis, Schirmer disclosed further details; as he drove toward the UFO, his engine stalled and his lights went out; as he reached for his gun, a beam of light from the object paralyzed him, and he saw a white, blurred figure 4-5 feet tall emerge from the object and approach the car, which had been displaced from the highway from up a slight grade well off the road. By telepathy, he was told that the craft was from another galaxy and its occupants were here “to prevent earth people from destroying the earth.” A few months later, under still another hypnotic regression, still more information was forthcoming; he had been conducted inside the object by the figure who approached the car. The details of the occupants were now more detailed; they wore tight fitting pale-gray uniforms, and only their faces were visible; their skin was a pale gray white color, with wide set eyes like a cat’s, a slit like mouth and rudimentary nose. They wore boots and gloves and had an emblem in the shape of a winged serpent on the left side of their chest. Additional information was disclosed to Schirmer onboard the object; the humanoids “borrowed” electricity from our electric lines; they have bases at the poles and on nearby planets; they are able to monitor all our communications systems; they desire their presence to be known, but not clearly or in detail; their vessels are protected by force fields that are erected around the objects; they operate from large “mother ships” based in nearby space.
    Humcat 1967-120
    Source: Dr. Roy Craig, Dr Fred Ahrens, Dr Leo Sprinkle, Ralph &
    Judy Blum, Eric Norman & Loring Williams

    20-06-2014 om 01:16 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.REPTILIANS AND OTHER UNMENTIONABLES – PART II


     (Before It's News) 

    Ed. Note: As more people have gone public with their encounters, we now know they sometimes communicate with their human subjects telepathically.

    If you missed Part I of this article: http://ufodigest.com/article/reptilians-0618


    (1) Height: 6-8 feet tall, upright always

    (2) Features: lizard-like scales, smooth texture

    (3) Color: greenish to brownish

    (4) Hands: four-finger claw with brown webbing

    (5) Face: cross between human and snake

    (6) Head: central ridge coming down from top of head to snout

    (7) Chest: external “ribbing” may be visible

    (8) Eyes: cat-like with vertical slit, gold iris

    (9) Effect: repulsive, grotesque, disgusting

    (10) Manner: intrusive, forceful, insensitive

    (11) Behavior: intrudes and rapes

    [Ed. Note: As more people have come forward with encounters involving reptilian appearing beings, reports of positive encounters involving them have increased.]

    (12) Physical effect: large claw marks photographed

    (13) Communication: none reported

    [Ed. Note: As more people have gone public with their encounters, we now know they sometimes communicate with their human subjects telepathically.]

    More psychological projections? Symbolic confabulations of evil or in – as initially implied in the Biblical account of the Garden of Eden? Cannot anyone imagine a “nice snake?” Is there always a sinister or deceptive manner about these creatures? Why do they seem to occur more frequently in certain geographic areas despite being reported independently? Where would the public have been able to read about these basically unpublished scoundrels? One of my cases sheepishly admits to having an incredible orgasm while being totally repulsed by the intruder's grotesque appearance. Within two months, a second female from the same town reported independently the same type of Reptilian intruder, with the same surprising and embarrassing orgasmic response.

    No crafts are typically seen; no communication [typically] occurs. The same scenario occurs over and over throughout my cases and those of other researchers – especially in Oklahoma and California. And researchers do not like talking about them publically; nobody can even picture how a seven-foot-tall lizard could have sex with a human female! (This weird stuff gets crammed into our gray baskets and buried!) But something is going on here that needs to be boldly studied more openly and publicly – especially among researchers. Patterns of similarity from sane humans are emerging despite our gray basket rituals of stuffing them away.


    Then there is the insectoid/grasshopper/praying mantis type that seems to also oversee or direct activity in a supervisory role. Why would anyone imagine a large bug directing an abduction experience? Is this something we would hope for or desire to see? Subjects sense a higher level of wisdom and functioning in this type of entity. Whatever its purpose or origin, we certainly need further study. I encourage those of you who have either experienced such oddities or have researched these types to begin dumping out your gray baskets and sharing this bizarre data. Only in response to this article can we begin to get a better grasp on these unusual types of beings and how they may fit into the larger puzzle of the abduction phenomenon.

    Image of Reptilian published with permission of The Object Report http://www.objectreport.com

    Image of Blonde Nordic with Greys & Lion compliments of Corey Wolfe Art Studio http://www.coreywolfe.com

    Image of Blonde Hybrid published with permission of The Object Report http://www.objectreport.com

    List of UFO Abduction Related Websites Publishing Valuable Information related to alien types:

    Kathleen Marden’s Research Site  http://www.kathleen-marden.com/

    The Hybrids Project’s Cool ET Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aYcKN0mTeFc

    Denise Stoner’s Research Site  http://www.denisemstoner.com/

    The Hybrids Project Site  http://thehybridsproject.objectreport.com/

    Eve Lorgen, MSW, CH.t. YouTube Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTRw9Y9YjEU

    Hybrids Rising Research Site  http://www.hybridsrising.com/

    If you missed Part I of this article click here: http://www.ufodigest.com/article/

    Jenny Randles  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny_Randles

    Extraterrestrial Contact 2021: Artists & Contactees Sharing https://www.facebook.com/ETContact2021

    Barbara Lamb, MSW, CH.t.  http://www.accetcounselors4experiencers.org/about-us/

    ICAR  http://www.icar1.com/Joe_Montaldo.html

    Ken Bakeman’s Reptilian Encounters




    John Carpenter’s Biography:

    John Carpenter obtained a Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology from DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, and a master’s degree in Social Work, from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. He has had advanced training in Clinical Hypnosis in order to practice as a psychiatric therapist and hypnotherapist in Branson, Missouri. For over 32 years he has counseled people in Southwest Missouri for every kind of emotional problem imaginable.

    His life-long curiosity in UFOs led to his volunteering his services for over 150 cases of possible UFO abduction. Using clever interviewing and thorough hypnotic investigation, he has collected amazing patterns of data which clearly depict a consistent and coherent scenario of extraterrestrial contact. He presented six papers at the prestigious MIT Abduction Study Conference in Boston in 1992. His published papers have brought him international recognition and speaking invitations on five continents. He has presented at conferences from Australia to England, on national and international radio, television, and film documentaries. He has created and produced 10 research DVDs since 1996. Mr. Carpenter also served as MUFON’s Director of Abduction Research from 1991until 2000 and is a founding member of JAR: Journal For Abduction Encounter Research. John Carpenter is currently writing a book titled Invaded: Human Contact With Non-Human Beings and is available for Presentations Worldwide.

    20-06-2014 om 01:11 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Great UFO Idaho Flyover 1967

    The Great UFO Idaho Flyover 1967

    (Before It's News)

    Idaho flyover 1967
    For more high strange visit www.churchofmabusradio.com

    Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho
    Date: December 8 1967

    Time: 1940

    That night 15-year old Marilyn Wilding went out on her front step to look for a friend coming to pick her up. The evening was dark and overcast, cold, with snow on the ground. Miss Wilding’s attention was attracted to a light source reflecting on the snow and glancing upward she saw a large light above, partially obs…cured by the roof of the house. As she stood looking, the object tipped and rotated partly so that she was able to see that it had a domed top. In the dome, which was transparent, she could make out the indistinct outlines of two figures, but she was unable to make out any details because of the glare. She ran into her house and called for her younger sister to come and look, but the youngster was barefoot and did not come out. Miss Wilding then ran back outside in time to see the object begin to rotate, in a clockwise direction as seen from below. It maintained its tilted attitude while rotating, and therefore gave the appearance of wobbling. With this motion it began moving away toward the north. As it receded into the distance, the light dimmed and turned orange in color. The object’s departure was observed from inside the house by her younger brothers and sister, who had been alerted by the witness.

    Humcat 1967-122
    Source: C. Reed Ricks NICAP

    19-06-2014 om 22:44 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Construction begins on a new alien-hunting telescope

    Construction begins on a new alien-hunting telescope

    (Before It's News)

    Workers took the first step in building the world’s largest optical and infrared telescope on Thursday, June 19 by blowing up the top of a mountain. This alien-hunting telescope will be how large? The answer is extremely large.

    As its name describes, the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) will be massive. The telescope’s main mirror will be approximately one hundred twenty eight feet in diameter and composed of seven hundred ninety eight hexagonal six foot mirror segments, each of which can be moved independently. As Wired points out, “The current crop of really big telescopes pale in comparison.” For example, the Keck telescopes in Hawaii have mirrors that are approximately thirty three feet wide. With its massive mirror, the European Southern Observatory explains that the E-ELT will “gather 13 times more light than the largest optical telescopes existing today.”


    Artist’s impression of the European Extremely Large Telescope (Credit: ESO/L. Calçada)

    So what does all of that light-gathering power provide to scientists? Wired describes,

    For one thing, the ability to see back to the beginning of the universe, watching the first stars and galaxies form. Researchers will also use the E-ELT to help them figure out the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy. But the thing that has astronomers more excited about right now is the telescope’s ability to discover and characterize new planets around other stars.

    The E-ELT will be a valuable tool in the search for extraterrestrial life. Its ability to directly image exoplanets and study the atmospheres of planets will help scientists identify worlds that may support life as we know it. Ignas Snellen, an astronomy professor at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands explains, “If there is life on another planet, then it is very far away. We cannot see the life. But we can determine from a distance what types of gases there are in the atmosphere. If you look at the Earth from a long distance, you see oxygen here, because there is life. With this telescope, you can look for oxygen on other planets.” Snellen is part of a group that develops observation and data-reduction techniques for ground-based telescopes, techniques that will be used by the E-ELT.

    The Netherlands is just one of fifteen countries participating in the E-ELT project, which is operated by the European Southern Observatory.

    A tiny blast of explosives occurred at approximately 1:40 p.m. local time on June 19 to clear the way for construction at the top of Cerro Armazones mountain in Chile’s Atacama desert. Eventually more than fifty nine feet will be removed from the mountain’s peak to create a flat surface that will support the 2,700-ton telescope.

    E-ELT on Cerro Armazones

    Artist’s impression of the E-ELT on Cerro Armazones. (Credit: ESO)

    Although the process is now officially underway, it will take a decade to finish building the E-ELT. It is expected to go online in 2024.

    The post Construction begins on a new alien-hunting telescope appeared first on Openminds.tv.

    Source: http://www.openminds.tv/construction-begins-new-alien-hunting-telescope/28379

    19-06-2014 om 22:38 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Two California UFO witnesses 10 miles apart describe strange lights

    Two California UFO witnesses 10 miles apart

    (Before It's News)

    Two Riverside County, CA, witnesses reported watching strange lights in the sky they could not explain three hours and 10 miles apart from each other on June 18, 2014, according to testimony in cases 57165 and 57166 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

    A witness in Murrieta, CA, pictured, saw an object on June 18, 2014, that ‘looked like a tube, white in color with the middle of the object that seemed to have a solar panel.’ (Credit: Google)

    A witness in Murrieta, CA, pictured, saw an object on June 18, 2014, that ‘looked like a tube, white in color with the middle of the object that seemed to have a solar panel.’ (Credit: Google)

    At 7:30 p.m., a witness in Menifee stepped out into her backyard and noticed a cylinder-shaped object in the sky.

    “I observed what looked like a tube, white in color with the middle of the object that seemed to have a solar panel, each 180-degree apart and a silver type center, each 90-degree,” the witness stated.

    The witness said there was movement to the objects.

    “The objects appeared to rotate in a cylindrical spin and then you could see the panel go from black to silver and then black again.”

    The witness thought they could be satellites.

    “I thought of a satellite, but five in a row spaced by five-minute intervals and the last craft appeared to be glowing a reddish haze. They appeared in sets of two and seemed to be about five minutes apart for the second set and then within five minutes the same type craft with reddish haze outline spaced exactly like the previous two pairs. If it were not for the reddish/orange glow of the fifth craft I would like to think they were some type of communications satellites, but five and one colored following the same path exactly and so close together.”

    The witness said the objects were moving slowly.

    “Their speed was slower than any aircraft could maintain lift from. No trails, noise etc. – completely silent.”

    Then three hours later, at 10:30 p.m. just 10 miles southwest in Murrieta, another witness was sitting in her home watching television near a window with a good view.

    A second witness three hours later in Murrieta, CA, pictured, that ‘shape several times – became larger and more web-like, smaller and flattened and surrounded by a halo.’ (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

    A second witness three hours later in Murrieta, CA, pictured, that ‘shape several times – became larger and more web-like, smaller and flattened and surrounded by a halo.’ (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

    I happened to look out the window and noticed a very bright orange light just above the tree line and over the distant hills southwest from my home,” the witness stated. “At first I thought it must be an airplane that was coming directly at me because the light was getting brighter.”

    Then the witness realized that the object was hovering in place.

    “At that point, I jumped up and got my binoculars and began to watch it. What looked like a solid, bright orange light with the naked eye looked like a spider web of orange light when magnified?”

    The witness said that the object began to change shape.

    “It changed shape several times – became larger and more web-like, smaller and flattened and surrounded by a halo. At times, there seemed to be a solid vertical bar of light running down the middle with web-like lighting to the sides of the vertical bar.”

    The object also appeared to disappear and reappear.

    “Twice, it just disappeared – poof, gone – to reappear almost instantly and then it reappeared and there were two, one hovering above the other. During my 30 minutes of observation, two lights appeared twice with one disappearing each time and leaving one. They did not move – dart across the sky; did not appear to be leaving a trail; and made no sound.”

    The witness went outside and continued to watch.

    “Finally, at almost exactly 11 p.m., the last light, poof, disappeared and never returned. I checked periodically until after midnight. Just weird.”

    The witness provided one illustration with the MUFON report.

    The Murrieta witness provided this illustration with Case 57166. (Credit: MUFON)

    The Murrieta witness provided this illustration with Case 57166. (Credit: MUFON)

    Menifee is city centrally located in southwestern Riverside County, CA, population 77,519. Murrieta is a city also in southwestern Riverside County, CA, population 103,466.

    California MUFON is investigating. California has a current UFO Alert Rating of 3 with a high number of recent reports nationally. California had 102 reports in May 2014 and was the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to MUFON.com.

    The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.

    The post Two California UFO witnesses 10 miles apart describe strange lights appeared first on Openminds.tv.

    Source: http://www.openminds.tv/two-california-ufo-witnesses-10-miles-apart-describe-strange-lights/28397

    19-06-2014 om 22:32 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Russian scientist found to be UFO and ancient aliens researcher

    Russian scientist found to be UFO and ancient aliens researcher

    (Before It's News)

    Professor Ludvig in the 70s. (Credit: Sovershenno Sekretno)

    Professor Ludvig in the 70s. (Credit: Sovershenno Sekretno)

    Sovershenno Sekretno, a very popular and respected Russian newspaper, published an article in its October 2011 issue. The author is Vladimir Kucharyants, writer and journalist. The title is (in English) Worlds of Professor Ludvig.

    Professor Genrikh Mavrikiyevich Ludvig was a highly educated Russian scientist, an inmate of Stalin’s concentration camps, a philosopher, a scholar of ancient languages, daring architect, a teacher, a freethinker who lived in the stifling ideological climate of Communism…a person who did not break down under enormous pressure, torture, and betrayal.

    Vladimir Kucharyants was his student in the 1960s, but only in recent years has discovered the scope of Professor’s Ludvig’s knowledge, ideas, and legacy. There is much more that needs to be discovered, and the Russian writer continues his quest. He is still not sure who Genrikh Ludvig really was: a phenomenally educated scientist who possessed encyclopedic knowledge; a mystic; a person who was ordained into secret knowledge.

    Those who research the UFO phenomenon and ancient astronauts hypothesis will learn from the Sovershenno Sekretno article that Professor Ludvig was able to study amazing ancient manuscripts during his sojourn in the Vatican’s library (in the 1920s). There he read about extraterrestrials who had visited the Earth in antiquity; subsequently, he began his research of Maya civilization, and interpreted their symbols to be spaceships and spacesuits. In addition, Professor Ludvig mentioned that the library contained manuscripts about alchemy and ancient codes.

    The Sistine Hall of the Vatican Library. (Credit: Maus-Trauden/Wikimedia Commons)

    The Sistine Hall of the Vatican Library. (Credit: Maus-Trauden/Wikimedia Commons)

    When the NKVD (KGB) arrested him in 1938, Professor Ludvig was accused of being a Vatican (but also Turkish, Polish, German and American) spy. He survived the concentration camps and torture, and carried his incredible knowledge, language skills (he was fluent in 20 languages, including ancient ones), ideas and beliefs with him, through the years full of suffering and ordeals. He was informed on or denounced to the secret police by his wife.

    Professor Ludvig prison picture. (Credit: Sovershenno Sekretno)

    Professor Ludvig prison picture. (Credit: Sovershenno Sekretno)

    Kucharyants mentions that Professor Ludvig showed his students photocopies of the Vatican’s ancient manuscripts ( containing information about extraterrestrials that had visited our planet) with drawings, described to them the hidden essence of ancient myths; he told them of the Fiery Pillar that destroyed an advanced ancient civilization; he showed the students photos of the fortress walls discovered in Babylon, melted with the horrendous temperature and believed that nuclear blasts could cause this.

    Professor Ludvig was very much interested in Sumerian civilization and possessed great knowledge about it; he discussed the esoteric meaning of pyramids in Egypt (he considered them to be sort of “energy machines”); he studied the Etruscan civilization; he knew about Cabbala.

    A Gulag labor camp. (Credit: www.gulag.eu)

    A Gulag labor camp. (Credit: www.gulag.eu)

    Professor Ludvig was also an inventor, and designer of military technology. He helped his country, even during his imprisonment. During his days as an inmate of the GULAG, during World War II, he had at least 17 inventions to his name: such as the construction of military airfields in marshy areas; a noiseless underground station for testing aerial engines; a bomb thrower for close distance tank warfare; and many more. His reward was extension of the prison sentence in 1942 for another ten years, after he was denounced for his criticism of Stalin’s policies inside the concentration camps.

    Professor Ludvig in the 20s. (Credit: Sovershenno Sekretno)

    Professor Ludvig in the 20s. (Credit: Sovershenno Sekretno)

    Ludvig knew the secrets of herbs and their esoteric medicinal properties, and once this knowledge helped him survive, when he had to cure the wife of the concentration camp commander, or face death.

    There is much more information in the Sovershenno Sekretno article (for example, his friendship with another great and highly talented Russian scientist Alexander Chizevsky, whose work I have described in my articles). I urge all those who are interested in the ancient astronauts hypothesis to learn more about Professor Ludvig. I will also try to discover more, although there are few sources available.

    Genrikh Mavrikiyevich Ludvig who passed away in 1973, had fantastic intellect, and made incredible discoveries. I am sure his former student Vladimir Kucharyants, who was able to uncover Professor’s notes and writings from the 1930s, will find more documents and materials.

    The post Russian scientist found to be UFO and ancient aliens researcher appeared first on Openminds.tv.

    Source: http://www.openminds.tv/russian-scientist-found-ufo-ancient-aliens-researcher/28381

    19-06-2014 om 22:21 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Filer’s Files #25 – 2014 – F-86 Shot at UFO - PART I

    Filer’s Files #25 – 2014 – F-86 Shot at UFO - PART I


    ff 25

    In special reports, this week’s files cover: Captain Edward Ruppelt Investigated UFOs,The Battle for Your Soul,New “Cross” formation in Holland, Iraq Invasion, and Alien Base on the Moon.

    Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Nevada, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Texas.

    Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, Taiwan, and England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.

    George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director

    MUFON Eastern Region Director


    The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

    Special Reports

    Captain Edward Ruppelt Investigated UFOs

    Captain Edward Ruppelt

    Captain Edward Ruppelt was head of the US Air Force UFO investigations in the early 1950s and author of The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, the first book by an Air Force officer to explain this strange, new phenomenon.

    Captain Ruppelt, who tried desperately to convince the US Air Force that UFOs were real. It also takes a broad look at the politics of American technology and science within the military culture of the era, sightings of UFOs over Washington in the summer of 1952, Project Grudge and Blue Book and the burgeoning media interest in flying saucers that is now starting to be repeated.

    He wrote on the first page of his book that his free on Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/The-Report-Unidentified-Flying-Objects/dp/146111828X

    F-86 interceptor

    In the summer of 1952 a United States Air Force F-86 interceptor shot at a flying saucer.


    Millions of Planets


    Astronomers now believe our Earth is just one of millions of planets that have life. The universe is thought to be 15 billion years old and humans have only been here for about a million years. It is logical to assume life forms arose on millions of other planets millions of years before life us giving them time to develop space travel, time travel and numerous types of advanced technology. Astronomers now have discovered more than 3,600 planets orbiting other stars. Some are Earth-like with liquid water available and an environment conducive for developing life. We likely have relatives in many parts of the universe and it is possible that the different races on Earth were planted or created by different extraterrestrials colonizing our Earth. We have done a great deal to destroy our environment and we war against each other. Our technology has advanced much quicker than our spiritual awareness.

    The Battle for Your Soul

    Chapter Three

    Paranormal researcher Joshua P. Warren writes, “It sounds silly to think of being literally “battling for our souls.” But this takes on a surprisingly practical twist when you view this in terms of energy consumption. All life can only come from life. Therefore, all spirit is the same substance. This means we are each a particular, individual, temporary, condensation of a collective. Angels and Demons are everlasting energy. Your brain is the current interface between your identity and the whole. This means that, on a spiritual level, demons, humans, and angels are all made of the same thing. However, the particular form one occupies depends on how enlightened one has become to survive. The idea of angels above is a reference to their higher frequencies, and the idea of demons below is a reference to their lower frequencies. Those in the human form occupy a special position between the angels and demons.


    Evil is defined by a complete and absolute self-centered attitude and behavior. An evil being can kill, steal, and violate without any remorse because it has zero consideration for others. Therefore, goodness is just the opposite. Goodness is a pure desire to give and help others. Though it may seem like only an evil attitude will therefore allow you to survive, the irony is that the more you truly give, the more you will be truly rewarded. This is due to a peculiar principle of the universe that seems utterly counter-intuitive, but has been continually reinforced by every major spiritual figure revered throughout human history. Essentially, we all must consume in order to survive. However, there are two ways of doing it. One is to take and take alone. The other is to give, and be rewarded in the long-term by the basic rule that to receive, you must give, and then all will work in harmony. Since we are all made of the same stuff, we can say that demons are humans in lower-frequency form. Because they are takers, their full forms are dense. When glimpsed from time to time, they appear dark because light cannot easily penetrate their forms. They are parasites that will latch onto vulnerable people and drain their energy over time. When this happens, the person becomes agitated, aggressive and illogical, like a scared, wounded animal. The person’s behavior will become self-destructive, and he or she will eventually die by sheer self-neglect or taking unnecessary risks. It is the goal of the demon to feed as long as possible before inevitably killing its victim, just like a deadly, parasitic worm.


    Angels, on the other hand, are higher frequency beings that appear much lighter, and can sometimes radiate luminously when seen. They are here to help you. In fact, the angel has evolved to its state via spiritual natural’s election, by acts of charity and giving. The angel’s energy is provided by the universe in return for helping you. Instead of taking all of an individual’s energy, an angel will help a hundred people, knowing that a portion of each person’s energy will symbiotically go back to the angel, sustaining its long life, and the lives of those helped. Therefore, it is in the angel’s self-interest to help you. Though we cannot fully comprehend their highly-advanced ways, it seems they are almost like filters, happily consuming your negative energies because they are advanced and strong enough to properly digest them. Angels are simply waiting there to help you, and you may enlist their assistance at any time to improve your life’s noble wishes. Isn’t that a wonderful thought? But they can’t force their help on you. You must ask sincerely.

    Humans are in a very special position. Humans have the chance to become angels or demons. If a human takes on a positive, giving attitude, and is charitable, tolerant, and good, his or her frequency will rise. Once you adopt this attitude, you’ll feel better about yourself. You’ll walk more erect and confidently, smiling and interacting with your fellow humans with warmth and compassion. When you finally die, and the material debris of your body falls away, the spiritual frequency you have achieved will determine the realm you are capable of perceiving and entering next. You are therefore creating your next life right now. Hopefully you are making a heaven for yourself, since your current thoughts and attitudes send you onward to the matching place. Angles & Demons beside You / Joshua P. Warren

    New “Cross” formation in Holland


    On the night of May 19-20 Robbert had a “vision” while at home in which he saw a “cross” formation being created by light—he saw the formation already down in the field, but entirely made up of a beautiful “golden light” which he says felt "holy.” Very soon afterward he also “saw” (in his "mind’s eye”) the street name and knew that it was near the city of Roosendaal--although he had never been to the field where he and Roy did find the formation after about a 20-minute drive.



    When they arrived the field was very still and it turns out that the farmer who owns this field is away, so at the moment nobody knows whether it’s OK to go in the formation or not….but Robbert felt this formation can “transport” people.

    Very unusually for Robbert, he felt he must stay in this one for awhile. He thinks he and Roy stayed for 2-3 hours and while sitting in it at one point he saw hundreds of tiny twinkling and sparking lights all throughout the formation. At one point he felt he must go into the center where the two pathways cross and stand with his arms wide open along the directions of the cross arms. He his body was acting like an “acupuncture point” and he could feel energy coming through him into the formation, and then felt as if the formation now had its “full energy.”


    Crop circle was found by: Robbert v/d Broeke

    Diagram: Roy Boschman and Nancy Talbott BLT Research Team Inc.

    Photos: Roy Boschman (ground shots), Yvonne (aerial)

    For more photos see Robbert’s website: http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/home

    For more information about Robbert and the ongoing phenomena go to: http://www.bltresearch.com/robbert.php.

    Iraq Invasion

    The Sunni radicals of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have seized large parts of Iraq. The ISIS is brutal and fundamentalist and many Sunnis in Iraq have rallied to it, because of their severe discontent with the Iraqi government. The Iraqi government is run by Shia or Shiite Muslims believe that the Imam Islamic leader of a mosque or community is sinless by nature, and that his authority is infallible as it comes directly from God. Therefore, Shia Muslims often venerate the Imams as saints and perform pilgrimages to their tombs and shrines in the hopes of divine intercession.


    Sunni Muslims counter that there is no basis in Islam for a hereditary privileged class of spiritual leaders, and certainly no basis for the veneration or intercession of saints. Sunni Muslims contend that leadership of the community is not a birthright, but a trust that is earned and which may be given or taken away by the people themselves.

    ISIS fighters achieved victory after victory in the Sunni north. While this assertion is true, and towns continue to fall to it, it is simplistic. The central government troops, many of them Shiite, in Mosul and in towns of the north, were unpopular because they represented the governments Shiite regime.

    The populace of Mosul, being mostly Sunni and tribes on the city’s outskirts, rose up in conjunction with the ISIS invasion.

    Apparently Iraqi generals ordered a retreat rather than attempting to fight Sunni forces and large Sunni civilian population. Some soldiers and police shed their uniforms and were captured ISIS army units. Videos have appeared showing the ISIS massacring police and Iraqi soldiers severely detracted from the popularity they enjoyed. It has also strengthened the resolve of the Iraqi Army not to surrender since the ISIS will likely kill them when they’re captured.


    President Obama has announced plans to deploy 275 U.S. military forces back to Iraq. In a letter to congressional leaders, Obama wrote, quote, "This force is deployed for the purpose of protecting U.S. citizens and property, if necessary, and is equipped for combat." The White House is also sending ships to help rescue the 5000 embassy personnel and a contingent of Special Forces to train Iraqi troops.

    Once the order came to retreat Iraqi troops left their equipment and uniforms rather than conducting an orderly withdrawal. While the troops did abandon their positions in Mosul and other towns, it isn’t clear why. The Sunni radicals are poised to move on Baghdad.

    While ISIS as a guerrilla group could infiltrate parts of Baghdad and cause trouble, they should face severe difficulty in taking it since the city is mostly Shiite.

    The Iraqi Army is being strengthened by Shiite militias and other volunteers. Reportedly an Iraqi Air Force air strike was successful in killing the leader of the ISIS forces. Iran has ordered some Iranian Shiite forces into Iraq.Shia Iran is open to the possibility of working with the United States to support Baghdad, the senior official said. "We can work with Americans to end the insurgency in the Middle East." The Iranian official said, referring to events in Iraq. "We are very influential in Iraq, Syria and many other countries."

    The Obama administration is said to be considering consultations with Iran about Iraq. President Obama is deciding if the U.S. should intervene with air power against the ISIS.” The Sunni radicals are not a conventional army and there are no clear lines for the US to bomb. There are few convoys or other obvious targets. The ISIS advance is a series of urban revolts against the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

    The Sunnis already have resentments against the US after the occupation which purged Sunnis from their jobs and massive unemployment. For the US to be bombing Sunni towns all these years later on behalf of Mr. al-Maliki would be to invite terrorism against the US. ISIS is a bad actor, but it so far hasn’t behaved like an international terrorist group. It has been oriented to achieving victories in Syria against the Baath government, Christians and the Shiite Alawis. But it could easily morph into an anti-American international terrorist network. The US should avoid actions that would push it in that direction. So far the Baath regime in Syria is winning against the Sunni radicals.

    Iraqis volunteer to fight off ISIS

    The fact is that Sunnis are the majority in 85% of the Moslem world and little would be accomplished by the US bombing. The Iraq, Iran, and Syrian Air Forces could provide any needed air support. Shiite majority in Iraq can’t easily be overwhelmed by them.

    Iraqi security forces battled ISIS forces at Iraq’s main refinery near the Syrian border on June 18, trying to blunt a weeklong offensive by Sunni militants who may have also seized some 100 foreign workers. In a televised address to the nation, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki struck an optimistic tone and vowed to teach the attackers a "lesson" - "We have now started our counteroffensive, regaining the initiative and striking back," al-Maliki said.

    Defeat the Tornados


    Tornados kill and destroy structures costing billions dollars in damage. We could make it rain in Vietnam on enemy roads with three C-130 Hercules aircraft and two F-4C Phantom aircraft based at Udorn Air Force Base Thailand conducting cloud seeding. This knowledge coupled with the study of tornados could lead to calming the tornado threat. The basic plan is to spread silver iodide agents or dry ice to form millions of microscopic ice crystals cooling the warmer air. Aircraft fitted with racks containing fuses can be impregnated with silver iodide. These are ignited lay a plume of silver iodide in front of approaching cumulonimbus clouds (CBs) with noticeable calming effect. Large, active CBs that breed tornados can be reduced to nothing.

    What World Needs Now is Love

    Moon Alien Base in Zeeman Crater


    : Google Earth Map, in moon mode. : http://webmap.lroc.asu.edu/lunaserv.html

    The image shows a possible Moon Base in Zeeman crater. It may also be the entrance to an underground cave or mining operation. It was found a long time ago. Thanks to ufosightingsdaily.com




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    19-06-2014 om 21:57 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en WWW.nationalUFOCenter.com (ENG)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Filer’s Files #25 – 2014 – F-86 Shot at UFO - PART II

    Filer’s Files #25 – 2014 – F-86 Shot at UFO - PART II


    Sightings in the United States

    Arizona Rectangle

    Show Low -- I was out feeding farm animals about 7:30 pm, on june 13, 2014, and heard what sounded like a small engine. I looked up and the noise was coming from in the air where flying so low and was so strange looking craft. I immediately got scared because I never saw anything like this object before and my mind just couldn't figure out what it was. It looked like a large rectangle about 30 feet across and five feet wide. It had two huge white pulsating lights about the size of the old car headlights, being round. The lights were centered about one third up from the ends of the rectangle. I ran to get my camera and I tried to get a picture but was unsuccessful before it departed. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    California Blonde Humanoid


    Dana Howard in June of 1939 was walking through a wooded area when her attention was diverted to a gnarled old tree standing over a cliff. Leaning casually against the grotesque trunk was a woman being of unsurpassed loveliness. Her head was radiant with a crown of fire, strands of golden hair cascading gently over her beautiful slightly olive tinted shoulders. The strange mystic light flooding her dark, prophetic eyes, added a wistful something to all her other charms. Dana seemed to glide on rhythmic feet towards the lovely creature as though she were expecting her. She smiled her welcome. “Have no fear, child of Earth” she intoned, “Let the doors of your mind be opened and we of the faraway planets will speak to you in poetry and song.” It was then that Dana observed for the first time a beautiful rocket-shaped ship suspended in mid-air three hundred feet from the earth. “It was beyond mortal words to describe”. In the main section it seemed to be constructed of some sort of translucent material, but trimmed in gold, and gem-studded. An almost invisible ladder extended from the ship to the ground, and Dana obediently followed the radiant being up the filmy stairs without questioning. Once aboard, her sacrosanct companion vanished, and she never saw her again. Thanks to Rosales www.UFOinfo.com


    Colorado Light


    Loveland -- Two of us had driven up to Carter Lake to eat and stargaze on June 13, 2014, when we noticed some erratically- fluttering red and white lights in a triangle formation. A second triangle appeared but the shapes could not have been unified structures, because several more individual lights quickly appeared, all flickering between red and white. All triangles began to travel south while moving slowly in various geometric formations. We saw people by the lake were gesturing with each other about the objects as well. We all saw an airplane fly at a lower altitude than the other crafts. I noticed a very low-flying light that flickered red and white slowly creeping over nearby foothill. I could see the light from the object reflected on the trees as shown in image. It crept over the hill to the other side and out of view. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Florida Disc


    Flagler Beach -- I shot five frames toward the Atlantic Ocean because I was bracketing for a commercial shoot of a house on June 6, 2014, and the object frame is the second # 136, I am sending you 3 frames, the first does not show any object in the sky, the time of the first frame # 135 time is 11:42:22, the second frame is 11:42:28, the third frame is 11:42:30. I didn't see the object until I edited the photos. The object is only in the second frame.

    How is it possible for the object in the sky to vanish in two seconds? that is the interval between the frame 136 and 137. I have many more sightings that I recorded in the past years all of them at night, never knowing that they were there until I edited them. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Indiana Streaks


    Danville -- I was at home, and around 3:15 AM, on June 15, 2014, the power went out. I heard sirens lasting about 15 minutes. About 3:45 my daughter and I were on the back porch and noticed what we thought was an airplane. We noticed it didn't seem to be moving fast enough to be a plane. We thought it might be a star, but noticed movement. It appeared to be hovering over Indianapolis. We couldn't pinpoint exact movements, but it was moving in a circular pattern with slight changes in altitude. About 4:30 AM, we decided to get a closer look and tried to take a picture of it, but it was too dark. Finally, as dawn's light began to emerge, I was able to get a picture. It looked like the movement we were seeing was some sort of circular movement. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Kentucky Orb


    Pendleton County-- Glenn Pennington writes, ‘Thought I'd send a couple pictures from last night. We are still experiencing nightly UFO Visitation and I have thousands of pictures”

    Glenn lives on his farm and is an outdoorsman who has trouble sleeping and observes UFOs above his home almost every night. He sends images to me periodically and one of these is shown here. He reports his animals are often excited and fearful of the UFOs. Thanks to Glenn Pennington

    Nevada Orb


    Las Vegas – “On June 6, 2014, ewe were on Fremont Street watching a concert looked up saw a object moving in the sky followed it till it disappeared behind building. I was surprised because it did not look like an airplane or helicopter. I was able to get a short video of this white oval shaped orb descending to the left with no sound due to music playing.”

    Thanks to MUFON CMS

    New Jersey Disc


    Carlstadt -- I was sitting on the porch when I noticed this object without lights coming straight towards me on June 7, 2014. at 8:30 Pm. As we live close by an airport, it was odd to see an object flying that fast without any lights. The disc flew over the yard and banked straight up and down and then leveled out and continued over my house.it was gone within a minute. The entire sighting was about 3 minutes..there was no sound and it was moving much faster than any jet or plane that has ever flown over my home. It did not turn like a normal aircraft. Image is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Rhode Island Lights

    RIJune 7, 2014 – Central Falls, – 11 PM EDT

    Central Falls-- I saw 4 at a time at 11 pm on June 7, 2014 last night. The lights were seen over a school.

    Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com

    Tennessee Light


    Knoxville -- My nephew called me around 9 PM on Sunday on June 8, 2014, that he was observing ufos revolving around each other three miles to the east of me. I told him take pictures and I called my wife to come with the binoculars. About ten minutes after he called we saw a white strobing light pass from east to west. It appeared to back up then go down then go up. The first strobing light disappeared and then we noticed many other strobing lights to the east. I got to see one through binoculars and it was not only strobing white but blue and yellow as well. My Iphone 4S then went dead but when I plugged it in it came back to life with 30 percent power. The lights were not bright enough for me to videotape.

    My nephew snapped a couple of pictures of triangular objects, and he said, “There were originally three seperate craft circling around each other very high up and one disappeared before the others.” Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Texas Lights


    San Antonio -- Arriving home about 11:30 PM, on June 3, 2014, I see a thick blue streak from left to right. I didn't see the blue streak again; what I see is a large white dot like object. Am I really witnessing an ET craft? I pull out my phone and begin recording. The object is just above the tree line in my back yard. I've got a clear view at this. Still not sure of what is what I believe it to be I'm a bit excited and track this object for ten minutes as it appears to be making contact with me. The object moving flashes multiple times in short bursts. I'm recording my proof as it comes feet away from me as a glow of light. Next it takes a triangular transparent luminous entity dragging a tail. It zooms in focusing really hard at me. It hides behind a tree, as if it wants to play and then hovers within feet of me, and turns itself into what very clearly appears to be a UFO/ET craft. And then flies away but I got this one. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldufophotos.org



    Kingsland -- Four of us were having a beer in my yard on June 2, 2014, which is in the woods, and my friend said, "Hey look, a satellite! So we all looked up to see it do an "s" curve. It was then we noticed two more coming from the same direction. They all looked alike and all seemed to make their own light. Six objects eventually headed north and disappeared. I've been out here every night since then and my last sighting was 6/15/2014. Same craft same everything but only one. This is my third sighting this month.

    Thanks to MUFON CMS

    Worldwide UFO Reports

    Australia near Collision with UFO

    AUPerth19 March 2014

    Perth Airport -- The Australian Transportation Safety Board is Investigating AO-2014-052 report of a near collision between an unknown object and De Havilland DHC-8.On 19 March 2014, at about 0913 Western Standard Time (WST), a De Havilland DHC-8, registered VH-XFX, was on approach to Perth Airport from Kambalda when about 23 km north-northeast of Perth, at about 3,800 feet. The crew sighted a bright strobe light directly in front of the aircraft that appeared to track towards the aircraft. The crew realized that the light was on an unknown object, possibly an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The pilot took evasive action turning towards the west to avoid a collision with the object. The object passed about 20 meters horizontally and 100 feet vertically from the aircraft.

    The pilot reported that the object was cylindrical in shape and grey in colour. It was at about 3,700 feet and in controlled airspace. The crew did not receive a traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) alert. The airspace below 3,500 ft. AMSL was military restricted airspace. The ATSB was advised that the Australian Defence Force was not operating UAVs and was not aware of any UAV operations in the area. UAVs are increasingly available to recreational operators and pose a significant risk to aviation safety. “The ATSB was not able to identify any UAV in the area at that time. NOTE: The above image is a rendering and special thanks to Henry Paterson. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldufophotos.org

    Aldinga, South Australia -- Driving south along Main South Road, I suddenly noticed a bright/shiny silver elliptical object that was hovering in the bright blue sky on May 17th 2014 at 4:50 pm. I was driving fast (100 km ) so could only look at it for about four seconds before having to glance down quickly at the road. When I looked up again about two seconds later, the object had vanished. The object looked distinctly different to anything I have ever seen in the sky before. Its width was wider in the middle than the ends with a shallow dome. Deer Park, Victoria, Melbourne -- I heard a massive noise about 3 AM, on May 25th 2014, and thought that my water heater would have burst but the noise was not coming from the ground. I looked out of the window and I saw a round shape like a men’s hat that was moving slowly. I assured myself I was looking at something real. Soon a white light turned on the object and I woke up my wife to look at that UFO. I could not see the UFO anymore as it moved ahead, so then I went back to my bed thinking that probably something would be on the news next day, but surprisingly there was no news.

    Caboolture, Queensland -- I was sitting on the patio at 9 PM on May 28th 2014, and looking at the sky northwest, a bright yellow star was shining. I goggled to find out which planet it was, but could not find one. When I went back on the patio, the star was gone. I came back 10 minutes later to find that star was back in the same position north west.

    Krambach, New South Wales – About 7 PM, we saw large orange/yellow strange lights flashing, appearing in different parts of the sky above the mountain ranges on May 28th 2014. My whole family witnessed this lights that would appear and disappear and then appear in a different area. A family friend also witnessed this 15kms away and said they were much larger than any star.

    Wingham, New South Wales -- I work on a dairy farm and was herding cows on the quad bike when a bright orange white light appeared and the light then turned into another light with the previous disappearing on May 28th 2014, at 8:10 PM. Then a third one appears five hundred meters away and drops three bright white orange lights. There were two green lights flying away faster than a jet plane. My work mate saw the same a couple weeks ago. As we were talking another light appeared again. Fifteen seconds later it happened again in a different location.


    Frankston South, Victoria -- Spherical ball of blue lightwas seenJune 9th 2014, on1:26 pm. The spherical ball of vibrant blue light shot down noiselessly from the sky a couple of stories above my neighbor’s house and disappeared from sight. Thanks to John Hayes www.UFOinfo.com

    Bulgaria Lights


    Sofia – A professional photographer, Tommy Lunch took this photo as well as others over the city on June 9, 2014.

    (Zigzag UFO)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzHyXEDXx00&feature=youtube_gdata

    Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com

    Canada Sightings

    Portage la Prairie, Manitoba -- Four orange lights in a chevron formation without the centre light passed at high speed from south to north. They were only visible for about ten seconds on May 24th 2014, at 1:10 am. They were at a very high altitude and did not make any sound.


    Scarborough -- I thought to share my third daylight sighting for 2014. On Monday, June 16, 2014 while on my afternoon work break. I went outside looking southeast at the hazy sky and could see a strange high slow glinting light on and off each second. There appeared to be a white light coming from the object about two hundred yards away at an altitude of 3500 feet. I pulled out my camera taking ten pictures at 3:10 pm. The sighting lasted for about 40 seconds. I yelled at some coworkers but the craft had flown away. Thanks to Paul Shishis.

    Brantford, Ontario -- A friend of mine just told me that onMay 25th 2014, he was walking home with friends when they noticed an unusual very bright reddish white light in the sky about 300 meters high. They observed the craft fly away. Later, they noticed it just above treetops when it started rising higher. The bright white craft headed toward them flying directly over head at 300 meters high. The white circular shaped craft had a bright ray near the bottom center that shone out in a 16 point formation.

    Then he said, “That once they were looking at it from the side, it seemed to go partially invisible, starting from the back side of the craft slowly engulfing the entire ship, apparently in some sort of stealth technology. They saw another possible hexagon shape craft the same night at 10:35 PM, the same night.

    North of Brampton, Ontario -- I saw it from my window a big burning redon ball May 31st 2014,9:50 PM. I went out and it was going north at high speed and in less than two minutes disappeared.

    Truro, Nova Scotia – Four witnesses saw a bright light, moving across the sky much lower than jets fly at 10:33 PM on May 31st 2014: It was lit all over and not a normal aircraft shape. It was, no aircraft noise or sound emitted. Watched it pass silently overhead and disappear in a south westerly direction. We all agreed it was not an aircraft or meteor. As it passed overhead it was still lit the same so we were not seeing an aircraft's landing lights. It was definitely a UFO. Thanks to John Hayes www.UFOinfo.com

    Ireland Pearl

    Dublin -- The object was clearly circular and was clearly visible as glowing with lighton June 7th 2014, at 6.55 PM. The colour was pearl white travelling in a straight line Northeast at a steady speed. It was neither the ISS nor a Chinese lantern as we have also seen these and they have a distinctive appearance and tend to flicker. The object we saw was as bright as a light bulb given that the sky was still bright and sunny. Thanks to John Hayes www.UFOinfo.com


    Mexico Disc


    Cancun -- I was standing on a west facing balcony of the Hard Rock Hotel taking pictures of the sunset on June 7, 2014. I did not notice anything until I got home and started editing and noticed the obvious craft in the pictures.
    I was shooting a Canon 7D camera with a 24-70 mm lens at the time. This process combines three separate images, all with varying exposures; this particular image consisted of 3 shots. The craft appears in all three shots with movement. I hereby attest these images are un-doctored, unedited and 100% the real thing.
    This image is a screen shot taken with my phone and is a close-up of the white dot in the image. It has clear structure with what appear to be 4 domes or lights on it”.
    Thanks to MUFON CMS

    New Zealand Disc


    Coast – A disc shaped Ufo was spotted in the picture after the image was reviewed,

    It was not seen when the picture was taken on June 16, 2014, by a tourist from Singapore.

    Thanks to MUFON CMS


    Pyes Pa, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty -- We had just arrived home at 9.10 PM, got out of the car and then we saw three flying objects cross the sky. They looked spectacular as they flew over the Kaimai Ranges. Each one followed each other about two minutes apart. The three identical orange lights followed exactly the same flight route. Got a picture of one but on the cell phone they are white. Thanks to John Hayes www.UFOinfo.com

    Taiwan Light


    Northern Taipei -- This UFO was recorded here in Taiwan on Sunday night at 9:41 pm on June 8, 2014. The UFO was caught by several car cams and security cams around the Taipei area.

    In the videos we can easily see that this is not a meteorite, because it does not have a tail and it does not burn or have fire fragments breaking off of it. This is a glowing UFO. It light is steady unlike a burning meteor. The UFO was headed into the mountain area behind Taipei. Thanks to ufosightingsdaily.com

    UK/England Cigar Shaped UFOChased By Jets


    Norwich -- My son and I were walking Stella, our dog by the River Yare, overlooking the river south of Bland Road on May 23, 2014, and saw fighter jets roaring above our heads. They looked very small when out of the white clouds. I said, “They were not playing war games, but chasing a UFO radar contact for I knew from previous experiences how to tell the difference.” We watched a fighter plane go into a great fluffy white cloud that was unlike the other clouds and I said to my son to, “Watch for a UFO to come out of the other end of it”.

    There was a short gap between the clouds as we watched a craft of huge size materialize within the gap. It was hovering and was long like a cigar and light metallic green in colour with two bars or rails running along ether side underneath that shone a brighter metallic green. After around ten seconds it dematerialized and a jet fighter came out of the cloud, which was tiny like a fly in comparison to the UFO. We could hear the jets after burners and see them going extremely fast, then slow down and trying to find it.

    I got the impression that the UFO was kind of playing games. The time of the sighting was 14:20 and the craft was almost overhead and slightly to the east. The RAF would just say what they always say, that they were just playing war games or practicing. However, all three times I have seen these happenings it was over built up areas and the flying was frantic. The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldufophotos.org

    Scotland Falkirk Triangle Is the UFO Capital of the World


    Bonnybridge has become the UFO capital of the world with more than 300 sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects reported above the small town in the heart Scotland. But Bonnybridge has earned its place in the unexplained history books. Councilor Billy Buchanan says so many residents come to him with concerns about what is happening in the town’s skies that he has appealed to three Prime Ministers – David Cameron, Tony Blair and John Major – to order an urgent investigation. As yet no official investigation we know of is underway. The Ministry of Defence say they are “satisfied that there is no evidence that the United Kingdom’s airspace might have been compromised by hostile or unauthorized foreign military activity.” But mysterious sightings in the area known as the Falkirk Triangle, which branches from Bonnybridge to Stirling and Fife, continue. Everything from space ships landing to mysterious balls of light has been reported. Some unexplained sightings have even been caught on film. Publicity concerning the sightings started in 1992 when businessman James Walker said he noticed triangle shaped lights in the sky.

    Soon the Sloggett family reported in March at 7 pm saw a circle of light ahead of them. They said the light appeared to land in a nearby field. The family continued walking when they were stopped by a football-sized blue light hovering above the road. Later, Isabella Sloggett said: “My daughter Carole and I saw a UFO land right in front of us. A door opened and there was a howl-like sound. “I screamed and ran off terrified.” Since then, further UFO sightings and filming have come thick and fast. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldufophotos.org

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    19-06-2014 om 21:48 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en WWW.nationalUFOCenter.com (ENG)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Video: Exclusive 2014 : UFO Sightings CIA Contractor Exposes The UFO Cover UP!

    Video: Exclusive 2014 : UFO Sightings CIA Contractor Exposes The UFO Cover UP!

    Video- Exclusive 2014 - UFO Sightings CIA Contractor Exposes The UFO Cover UP!


    (N.Morgan) In an exclusive interview with Revolution Radio, the one and only John Lear, son of William Lear, inventor of the Lear jet, joined Dr. J Andy Ilias and Blake Cousinsto disclose how the CIA has been actively involved in covering up the UFO phenomenon. The CIA has had a long history of cover ups, assassinations, and covert operations. I believe UFOs to be some of our own highly secret military aircrafts which is apart of a bigger space mission that the American public is aware of.

    Video- Exclusive 2014 - UFO Sightings CIA Contractor Exposes The UFO Cover UP!02


    19-06-2014 om 21:26 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Russians Make Major UFO Disclosure Statement, Aliens Are Real

    Russians Make Major UFO Disclosure Statement, Aliens Are Real

    (Before It's News)

    According to this information the Russians have known about alien civilizations for several decades, to many this comes as no surprise, there have been rumors floating around for many years. Well respected military and government scientist have been trying to speak out on this issue for sometime now. In the vast majority of cases the mainstream media either treats this like a non event, or they treat it like the information is coming from very unreliable sources. This information is a big step in disclosure process for mankind. 

    In Soviet times, the Ministry of Defense was working on a secret project aimed at creating a superhuman with paranormal abilities. Under this project, a group of scientists managed to get in touch with a foreign(read alien) civilization. The head of this top-secret project shared some details with reporters for the first time.

    On a regular winter day in Moscow, in the comfort a room with a fireplace, journalists were given a real sensation. A senior retired official of the Ministry of Defense, lieutenant-general in reserve, PhD, a fellow of the Academy of Natural Sciences Alexey Savin said that in the late 1980′s a group of researchers from the Expert Management Unit of General Staff managed to make a contact with representatives of another civilization. 

    Interestingly, none of the journalists were particularly surprised but, rather, relieved with the “confession.

    Vasily Yeremenko, a Major General of FIB in reserve, academician of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement, was the first to speak to the press. In Soviet times he served in the KGB and supervised the Air Force and development of aviation technology. 

    Among his assignments was collection of information by the Air Force of the facts of appearance of unidentified flying objects. According to Vasily Yeremenko, by that time there was an ample amount of such information.

    Missile units were even given a directive in case of detection of UFOs. The main
    task was not to create opportunities for reciprocal aggression. In 1983-1984 at
    the testing grounds of the Academy of Sciences by Vladimirovka, the Ministry of
    Defense and the KGB organized a large-scale study of paranormal phenomena. The
    military training site was not a random choice. Experts have long come to the
    conclusion that UFOs inevitably appear in places where military equipment and
    weapons are tested.

    We can say that we learned to summon UFOs in Vladimirovka. To do this, we dramatically increased the number of military flights and movement of the equipment. If the intensity on our side increased, UFOs appeared with the probability of 100 percent," explained Yeremenko. After six months of tests the authoritative commission came to three main conclusions.
    First, modern science was not yet able to identify such phenomena. Second, it could be reconnaissance equipment of the U.S. or Japan. Third, it could be an impact of an extraterrestrial civilization. "The UFO topic today is ubiquitous. Precisely because of its scandalous nature serious scientists are not willing to identify their position on this issue. Pilots often see such objects, but they have a veto on this topic, so do astronauts. In confidential conversations they talk about their experiences meeting with UFOs, but they are afraid to speak publicly about this," said Vasily Yeremenko.
    He believes that this subject requires a serious approach because it is a security issue. Yet, it is still a closed topic both in the U.S. and in Russia. Lt. Gen. Alexey Savin proceeded to reveal some aspects of the engagement of the Ministry of Defense. He headed the Expert Management Unit of the General Staff, whose task was to examine various unusual phenomena.
    The main project of the unit was a state program on the discovery of intellectual human resources. The goal of the program was to identify ways to make the human brain work in a special regime of super-powers, making a person a superhuman. The Scientific Council of the program was led by an Academician Natalya Bekhtereva, who until her death served as a scientific director of the Institute of Human Brain of RAS.
    Over two hundred highly skilled professionals from across the country participated in the program. "In the process of research, we came to the conclusion that a human was an energy and information system that receives information from outside. This is precisely why a human can manifest paranormal abilities," said Alexey Savin. In order to identify this external source of information, three groups were created. One group was formed from scientists, another - from military, and the third one was composed of women.
    The group of women made the most significant progress in the research. Savin explained that they "wanted to make a contact with representatives of other civilizations. And we did it." According to him, a special method has been developed that allowed the human brain to tune into a contact. "We had to tune energy-contour of the human brain to a particular wave, like a radio," Alexey Savin explained.
    No hypnosis, drugs, or other similar methods were used in the course of the experiment. A special system of testing was also developed to separate the incoming reports from hallucinations and insanity of the experiment participants. The experimental results were impressive: six participants were given a chance of physical contact, and two of them even managed to visit an alien ship. According to Savin, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations revealed themselves gradually, giving away the information as they saw fit.
    In particular, they talked about their government structure and education system. No information on the military could be obtained. The only thing they agreed to share was a scheme of the equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. The head of the experiment explained that humans were like small children to them. "Our civilization is too young to be of interest to them as a subject for a dialogue. Because we are also a part of the universe, we may harm ourselves and other civilizations with our foolish actions, so they are looking out for us. "

    The program of communication with extraterrestrial intelligence had been developed for several years until politics intervened. In 1993, the study was stopped and the unit disbanded. According to Savin, he was able to retain only a small number of documents, most of them, including photo reports, are still in the archives of the Ministry of Defense. Incidentally, the unique method for the development of the phenomenal abilities of an individual, until recently, was used in the Academy named after Gagarin until it was disbanded by the former Defense Minister Serdyukov. Yet, the core of the research team was preserved.
    "Four years ago we tried to repeat the experiment, and we were successful," said Alexey Savin. According to him, today this work continues, and the "brains and talented people are still present in the defense industry." Answering the question of Pravda.Ru why it was decided to announce it to the media Savin replied: "Why hide something from people? Instead, they need to prepare for new challenges."

    He believes that there are two global challenges today: climate change and shortage of drinking water. Russia has a special role in this process. "When we pass the point of bifurcation, people from all over will run to us. How will we meet them, with weapons? Of course, we will have to negotiate." Maybe all this is a puzzle from the "textbook" for young civilizations? Perhaps, aliens have arranged an experiment to see how we would handle it.

    Read more here:


    19-06-2014 om 21:20 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.UFO mania: (VIDEO) UFO Over Tokyo, Japan Found On Google Earth Map

    UFO mania: (VIDEO) UFO Over Tokyo, Japan Found On Google Earth Map

    Date of sighting: May 28, 2014
    Location of sighting: Tokyo, Japan
    Coordinates: 35°40'20.64"N 139°46'36.21"E
    2 UFOs at:  35°40'18.88"N 139°46'44.60"E

    Here is another Google Earth UFO that was recently found by someone in Japan. It moves above the buildings and is following the Google car. There is two dark UFOs. One closer and one further away. It is difficult to make it out but the UFOs do disappear after a while of moving down the road. Remember you have to enter Google street view by picking up the small orange person on the far right of the screen and drop him on the blue lines at the coordinate above. To find the UFO, just copy past the coordinates into the Google search box.


    19-06-2014 om 20:59 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite’s UFO Encounter in the South Pacific ~ 1950′s

    CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite’s UFO Encounter in the South Pacific ~ 1950′s

    (Before It's News)


    Walter Cronkite.  Walter Cronkite, anchorman for  The CBS Evening News for 19 years (1962–81).  He was often cited in  viewer opinion polls as “the most trusted man in America”

    Walter Cronkite


    Source: Bill Knell, UFO researcher
            Walter Cronkite’s UFO Encounter   By Bill Knell (UFO Researcher) 4-6-2006   
    He’s the Newsperson that was there during some of the most history-  making events of this century. From the JFK assassination to the first  steps of human beings on the Moon. Walter Cronkite was the Reporter who  covered those and so many other important events.    
    As CBS Evening News Anchor for many years, Cronkite became a part of  many American families as he brought us the news in a straight-forward  and fair manner. No matter how he felt personally, you never saw that  during his broadcast. He did this all before cable TV became such a big  part of viewing, so for many he was more then just a Reporter. Walter  Cronkite became a trusted friend of almost all who viewed his work.    
    Despite the fact that he electronically-entered millions of American  homes almost every night of the week for so many years, Cronkite was  and is a very private person. We know little about his private life and  most things you read in that regard are merely guesses or here say. The  fact that he managed to work in the Network News business for so many  years without being involved in any scandals speaks volumes about his  character.    
    CBS was making a special documentary about the UFO Phenomenon in  1973. By the early 1970s, the UFO topic had reached a high point in  popularity that had been building for over 25 years. Bookstores were  filled with UFO books and magazines. CBS decided that the subject  deserved serious consideration and planned to look at it from the  standpoint of witnesses with little or no editorial comment.    
    For CBS to prepare a special program about UFOs during those times  was not a decision made lightly. The Network was at the height of it’s  audience influence and everything they did was watched (literally) by  the whole world. After months of planning, Walter Cronkite was  approached with the idea. Though the program was to be hosted by several  CBS News reporters, Cronkite would do the interviews.    
    By 1973 I had already been investigating UFOs for several years. I  was presenting several seminars a month on the subject and had already  been involved with the media. Although I hadn’t written any books,  several articles I wrote were used by various newspapers and magazines  around the world. As it happened, Walter Cronkite read a small piece  that I wrote for a now-defunct UFO publication. The topic of the article  was the Air Force cover-up of UFO information and a few cases I had  investigated. Chronkite was making a list of people he wanted to  interview for the CBS special and the article interested him.    
    In September of 1973 I received a letter from CBS News indicating  their interest in my work. After a few phone calls, I was able to meet  and speak with the man himself! On a cool New York day in late September  of 1973, I sat down and had an informal lunch with Walter Cronkite. By  then, I had learned not to be star-struck by anyone. Because of my  father’s position as an officer in the Air Force, I had met a lot of  important people. Still, I was in awe of this News Giant! The funny  thing was that his manner was so gentle and laid-back that within a few  minutes I was completely at ease. I guess that was his gift and the  thing that made him such a successful news anchor.    
    As we lunched, Cronkite told me about the TV Special and indicated  that he wanted to interview me. He wanted a younger person’s perspective  on the phenomenon. Most of the UFO researchers in those days were older  and had taken up the topic as a Retirement project.    
    Cronkite was very interested in some of the Air Force stories I had  collected. He was especially interested in the fact that I had grown-up  in an Air Force family as a person interested in researching UFOs. After  about 30 minutes of talking, Cronkite said to me, “Let me tell you my  UFO story.” For the next five minutes I sat in stunned silence as he  told me what had happened.    
    In the 1950s Cronkite was part of a pool of News Reporters brought  out to a small South Pacific island to watch the test of a new Air Force  missile. After a short inspection of the new system by the reporters,  they were lead to an area that was a safe distance from the launch site.  The missile was mounted on a specially-built launcher that was attached  to a cement base. It was obvious that the area had been quickly built  just for the test. The details about the missile were going to be given  to the reporters in he form of hand-out sheets and press releases after  the test.    
    Cronkite mentioned that he and the other reporters had been warned  that photography of the missile test and any audio transmissions or  recordings by the press were forbidden. They would have to give a  written account of the event. Just as the test was ready to proceed,  everyone was writing as fast as they could. As Air Force Security  personnel walked around the perimeter of the test area with guard dogs  and the news reporters watched, the missile was fired-up and about to be  released. Just then, a large disc-type UFO appeared on the scene.    
    Cronkite guessed that the object was about 50-60 feet in diameter, a  dull grey color and had no visible means of propulsion. Because the  noise of activity around him and the missile engine was so loud, he  couldn’t tell whether the disc made any noise. He did not notice any  coming directly from the object.    
    As Air Force guards ran toward the UFO with their dogs, the disc  hovered about 30 feet off of the ground. It suddenly sent out a blue  beam of light which struck the missile, a guard and a dog all at the  same time. The missile was frozen in mid-air about 70 feet from the  launcher as it had taken off. A guard was frozen in mid-step and a dog  frozen in mid-air as it had jumped at the disc. Cronkite reminded me  that this all happened within the space of about five minutes or less.    
    Suddenly, the missile exploded! After that, the disc vanished. The  guard and dog looked alright, but were quickly taken away by medical  personnel always present at tests in case anyone became injured. At the  same time, guards rapidly ushered the reporters into a concrete  observation bunker. After about thirty minutes of sitting in that hot  box, they were brought out into the air again and addressed by an Air  Force Colonel.    
    The officer told them, “It was all part of the test.” Obviously  making it up as he went along, the Colonel said that the event was  “staged” to test media reaction to UFOs. He reinforced the usual line to  the reporters that Flying Saucers were probably not extra-terrestrial,  but what people were actually seeing was secret planes being tested by  the Air Force. This test was designed to show the media how “shocking”  it could be to suddenly view a new technology. Well, Cronkite was  certain that what he viewed was a new technology, but he was also sure  it was not an Earthly one! He didn’t believe the Air Force explanation  then, and he still didn’t believe it at the time when he told me the  story.    
    After the event, reporters were told that since it was a test of  media reaction to new technology, they could not report on it! But, they  would be compensated later with exclusive stories on new Air Force  projects (a promise that was never kept). Being as private as he was,  Cronkite never did share with me his own beliefs about UFOs beyond the  story he told me. I was so happy to have heard the story that I was  afraid to ask anything further!    
    The CBS UFO Special was filmed shortly after my meeting with  Cronkite and I was included in it for just a few minutes. During the  filming, I became aware that Cronkite had not shared his story with most  of the other UFO investigators or witnesses. After the special aired I  called one of Cronkite’s staff members and asked him if he had ever  heard the UFO story. He told me he had. Cronkite had only shared it with  a few key people and it was NOT covered or even mentioned in the  Special.    
    I wondered why Cronkite had chosen to tell me the story without  telling everyone? The staff members told me that most of the others were  so busy telling him about themselves that he just never bothered. I  guess that the greatest lesson the legendary newsman taught me that day  was the art of conversation, knowing when to talk and when to listen!    

    FOLLOW-UP To Cronkite Article (by Bill Knell):    
    This represents a general response to some questions about the  article, Cronkite’s statement and my feelings about his general  credibility:    
    I originally wrote the Cronkite article in 1998 for my website, but I  thought readers at Paranormal News might enjoy it as well. I met  Cronkite in 1973 (as the article indicates) and that’s when he told me  the story.
    I have repeated the story ever since during many of my seminars and  found that a few others had heard the story too. Most of them had heard  it second hand or said that they had read it somewhere. At the time it  happened, some of his staff knew about it, so I assumed it wasn’t really  a big secret. He didn’t tell it to me in confidence, so I felt no  obligation to keep it a secret. Since publications come and go and  people have short memories for news, it’s possible that Cronkite had  once shared it in some long-forgotten interview. But I have never seen  it in print.    
    I feel that Cronkite’s account of what happened is very credible. He  seemed to be telling me the story from an honest memory of the event.  When we conversed, he was very interested in the Air Force cover-up. I  suspect that if he had more control over the 1973 documentary, he would  have angled it in that direction. Instead, it was pretty much a neutral  piece designed for ratings (from my memory). Although I have contacted  CBS many times, they finally told me that any tape or film the UFO  Special was on no longer exists and was probably lost in the shuffle of  the news craziness surrounding Watergate (which broke big around that  time).    
    Like many important stories, this one has been around awhile, but I  think alot of people in the UFO and Paranormal research community  probably were too busy chasing false starts created by government  disinformation to cover it. I recall that when everyone was running to  Gulf Breeze in the late 80′s and early 90′s, I revealed a story  regarding a trip by former general Doolittle (the leader of the famous  bombing raid on Japan during the early part of WWII) to Spitzbergen and  his possible connection to the recovery of a UFO. He was there in 1946  and may have obtained a UFO that crashed on the island during the war. I  had met some sailors from the USS Alabama in the late 80′s who said the  object was brought back to the USA on the battleship Alabama. I started  telling this story in my seminars as early as 1990, but noticed that  the ABOUT.com UFO page attributes it to some 1950s or 60′s article by  someone I had never heard of?    
    I also noticed that some of the MUFON people credited my original  recording of the first radio interview given by Kenneth Arnold less then  12 hours after his 1947 sighting to some guy named Mike. I received  that recording from a radio guy who had the original interview in the  70′s and have been playing it in my seminars ever since. I assume that  Mike lifted it off one of my audio or video sets and sent it to whoever  at MUFON. No problem, just an illustration of how stuff is out there is  you take some time to look at some of us little guys who aren’t Richard,  Budd or Whitley.    
    Here’s one more. In 1987 I met a guy that had worked with Jesse  Marcel. He told me that some of the material shown in texas that was  supposed to be from the weather balloon wreckage was actually from the  real object. It was some of the lighter colored, small pieces laying on  top of the balloon wreckage at the bottom of the press conference  photos. I told that story to Friedman and others who laughed at it. Now I  see that photo examination has revealed it to be true. But that didn’t  surprise me. I was amused to find out that most people in the UFO  community didn’t know that when THE ROSWELL INCIDENT was first  published, Bill Moore still had never actually visited or set foot in  Roswell! He wrote the book from all of Friedman’s notes and by witness  interviews over the phone. Moore finally went to the place later.    
    Finally, I doubt that Cronkite kept the story a secret. Some of his  staff knew about it and a few others I’ve met through the years. When he  told it to me, he did it as calmly as someone reporting the weather. I  think he just likes being in the driver’s seat when it comes to his own  life and experiences and might have even been a bit embarrassed by it  all. Maybe he was just caught up in the moment and felt like getting it  off his chest.    
    Actually, I was the only UFO researcher there who didn’t have  anything to promote. I was a teen with a mimeographed UFO newsletter who  got invited to speak at local libraries and Kiwanis Clubs. I think he  might have told the story to the others as well, but most of them were  very busy blowing their own horns and promoting their stuff. Look at the  depths to which I’ve sunk since then. Now I’m blowing MY own horn!    

    In case you’re wondering about it, I tried getting a few more  details out of Cronkite regarding the actual location of the test, but  he told me that the reporters were brought to the location without being  told exactly where it was. Secrecy regarding the actual location was a  part of the conditions for being able to witness the test. I decided not  to push the point or question him further.  

    Case ID: 1178                  edit: 1178                    

    Source: http://www.ascensionearth2012.org/2014/06/cbs-news-anchor-walter-cronkites-ufo.html

    19-06-2014 om 20:41 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Close encounter with huge object, 20-30 occupants seen inside

    Close encounter with huge object, 20-30 occupants seen inside

    (Before It's News)

       Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 2 (May 1984)        
    The following case is the result of a lead furnished to APRO by Bob  Gribble of Phenomena Research Hot Line, and follow-up and investigation  was completed by Field Investigator Ed O. Brown. The name of the witness  and some identifying names of the exact location have been changed to  protect the principal, as requested.
    Mrs. Pat Norris, 28, lives with her husband, Carl, and three  children in a suburb of Mobile, Alabama. On the evening of February 3,  1983, she had visited a friend in Mobile and when the friend’s husband  arrived from work, Mrs. Norris left and headed home on Highway 90. She  had turned off the Highway and when about 90 minutes’ ride from her home  she heard an explosion. At this point, her car began to vibrate and  continued to do so, making it difficult for her to steer. She negotiated  another turn off the road she was on, brought the car to a halt, opened  the car door and leaned out and down and looked to ascertain if the  transmission could have been causing the trouble. It had not.
    Mrs. N. continued driving and the vibrating stopped. She executed  another turn onto another road and saw that the woods ahead were  brilliantly illuminated. At first she thought that there was a  helicopter search in progress because of the lights and was very  frightened. She again stopped the car, and at this point sighted a huge  object about l/2 mile west of her. She now feels the explosion she had  heard earlier was the object coming down over a clay and gravel pit in  the vicinity.
    The thing was huge — later estimated to be 7 to 8 stories (70 to 80  feet) high and “six telephone poles” (210 feet) wide, and appeared to be  moving toward her at 4-5 miles per hour. The evening had been clear and  cool and she had driven with the car windows closed. After the  explosion, she noted a “chopping wind, a high-pitched sound and a  roaring sound” as well as the vibration. She particularly noted the  “whipping of the wind — like a tornado.”
    When the object reached a point fairly close it stopped and all of  the noise stopped. It was completely silent and Mrs. Norris lost all of  the fear she had felt before. She then got out of the car to get a  better look. She strained to take in every detail — feeling like a child  with “unbelievable happiness.”
    Mr. Norris said that although Pat told him of her sighting after it  happened, he didn ‘t realize how important it was to her until she  started checking books out of the local library pertaining to UFOs and  “related subjects.”
    She estimates the time duration of the sighting as five minutes. As  the craft appeared Mrs. Norris’ attention was drawn to a top deck with a  long window which she estimates 53 feet and through which she viewed 20  to 30 persons, apparently oblivious of her presence, walking about as  if they were changing shift. The wall behind them was curved and white.  There were no instruments. The people did not give the appearance of  looking out. The beings were pale skinned, dressed in white one piece  suits. She judged them to be about our height, five feet 10″, quite  slender but with chests larger than ours, the top of the head more  prominent, no hair, and having the lower half only of ears similar to  our own. She noted nothing out of the ordinary about the eyes. What did  draw her attention was the great grace of their movements. The  atmosphere seemed “sterile.”
    Below this top deck window was an opaque window. The area around it  was all white. This window was in sections and was inset. The glass was  tinted.
    Below the center of the craft a door was closing from right to left.  (See drawing). And she looked onto a street that was dark as if made of  asphalt or possible concrete. Off to the side of this street was  tubular rectangular equipment. All across the craft she saw rivets and  portholes. She said she could see the portholes “inside out” as she  peered into the craft. She saw some construction that included “huge I  beams like they put ships together with and beams holding the glass in  there.” The bottom side was tiered upwards. The construction reminds her  of a ship or submarine. She said it seemed possible, very likely, it  could have been constructed here on Earth.
    The very bottom of the craft was formed into a cross made with one  foot square mirrors and an observation deck hung down and around the  bottom with beings in it. In this case, unlike the top deck, the people  were peering out, while overhead she heard a very low pitched but  clearly audible (almost like a growl) “announcing” coming from the area  of the observation deck now closest to her.
    Mrs. Norris said she believes they didn’t realize she was there until directly over her position.
    As drawn, she saw four pipes projecting six to eight feet out from  the craft set in three or four foot square boxes. They had a hollow  flange on the end like a tank cannon and she believes “it looked like a  weapon.”
    The craft took a southerly turn as it went on from where she was  parked. She said it was staying in the wooded area and did not cross  Highway 90 again. Possible it was doubling back towards Irvington and  Pascagoula. It lit up the wooded area, and all beneath it as it moved on  off. It had white spotlights and to the side blue and red lights that  intermingled, pointing up to the clouds and then down to Earth.
    She told Mr. Brown she had prayed she might have such a sighting.  She had extensive dream material both prior to and after the February 4  incident. The late dreams contain a detailed physical examination and  scan of her emotions, which we expect to present later, when prepared.
    After the object was out of sight, Pat continued on home, arriving at 1:10 a.m. 
    Case ID: 267                  edit: 267                    

    19-06-2014 om 20:33 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Mysterious Loud Boom, Power Cut In Over 5000 Homes

    Mysterious Loud Boom, Power Cut In Over 5000 Homes

    (Before It's News)

    Breaking News:

    Over 5,000 customers without power in Castro Valley near San Miguel & Somerset Ave.

    A loud boom was reported in the area, according to ABC 7 News.

    Castro Valley is a census-designated place in Alameda County, California. As of the 2000 census, it is the fifth most populous unincorporated area in California, and the twenty-third in the United States.

    There have  been no updates at the time of this writing.

    In 2010, heat caused a blackout in Castro Valley. Last year, high winds were to blame for power outages of over 3000 homes there.

    19-06-2014 om 20:28 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.HUMAN SOUL PRINCIPALS ON UFOS


    (Before It's News)

    I want to know and not just believe. I however have learned to use the word believe and not just think to describe that which may become what I know in the future. Knowing is experiencing and yet believing may be what we think we may experience in the future as what we call real world versus virtual reality.

    Is it possible that everything we think we know will change in this lifetime? I believe we may know human soul principals on UFOS or unidentified flying objects. I know that we are separate spirits from our bodies which are separate from our souls. I know our minds are separate from our brains which are separate from our physical bodies. Now will science prove we have a spirit and soul?

    Sharing thoughts that make us think that we are not alone in the universe are what we are now about in the UFO community and we now share that “Alien

    civilizations exist!” I have the ACE and ACO as acronyms now to share with others who desire to be friends with me and share my work on this planet and in space. Look for the future with ACE and ACO as acronyms of which I am using to connect beings of our future. ACO is for agents, consultants, organizers of a sociations, companies, organizations which are working with me on the planet. We work in art, culture, education, science, technology, history, and folklife. We work in cyberspace in a cyberculture which we are expanding as a community online practicing skills group. I am forming an association of associates and would like to know more of you.

    I personally am making it known that I know we are not alone in the universe. I expect others to soon know that too based on the many sightings of what we still call UFOS. I am asking those who have had Alien ET UFO or Divine Encounters to join me as colleagues, peers, and associates.

    The phrase “spiritual, but not religious” is often vague and makes more questions than it begins to answer.

    Philosopher George Santayana on the phenomenon contrasting “spirituality” and “piety.”

    Exploration, innovation, and risk-taking, versus guarding, convention, and submissiveness.

    While we are about our sincerest regards for another’s belief system or inner core spiritual path, we have to recognize that we are all allowed our free will to explore humanity and free choice inside our own brains.  I consider myself one of all who are considered intelligent spiritual sentient beings as immortal souls. Immortality and spirituality are two sides of the same coin in this world of which we learned to “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s.” We also would like to think that the human species will get to know the philosophy of “Do unto others what you will desire to be done unto you.”  Ancient Scriptures and New Thought Teachings is what I first learned about what we could co-create together as a team. We first met in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii as a team while I was working to define my new business which would be able to define me as a separate working woman from that which I had joined as the military in the USA.  I worked for the U.S. Navy and yet knew I had a purpose far greater for myself on a spiritual path. I looked towards the spiritual versus the non-spiritual, religious, and scientific approach to life. I soon learned that the spiritual and scientific did not have to be at odds inside my soul or outside in the world.

    My extraordinary experiences in life were dealing with synchronicity and love.  I soon learned spirit and soul science were not that abnormal or normal…

    I had UFO and ET contact.

    So did other people on this planet we called earth as our home planet. However, when I said, “Home Planet” I never thought of earth as my home planet. I recognized emotions and feelings that did not ring true to my inner voice and source of self-inside my conscious mind. I also learned that I did not believe my conscious mind was all there was that worked with my nervous system to animate my physical body.

    We share a body-mind-spirit sharing the birth-life-death process while we are in human form.

    We are called the sentient intelligent being species.

    We in the Alien ET Community which explore consciousness of mind and spirit are about sharing that which is scientific in the manner of speaking of what drives our energy and thoughts. However, we desire to know the truth about our human origin as the humanoids of which we are classified in space.

    There have been cosmic wars for as long as we have been alive in the space race to revolutionize our vehicles with our DNA/RNA chains of particle descriptions. We now know we are more than stuff and material.

    We desire to know the theory of everything inside our own selves which is what we are now debating as conscious versus soul or spirit. Is spirit the direct line to source?

    While we may want to share the ancient scriptures and new thought teachings, each of us has our own way of being-doing-having.

    Some of us believe in the God or Gods and some of us do not. Regardless of what we call the source, the force, the human connection to something outside of us that created or co-created the universe in which we reside, this is what is now being discussed among our ACO members.

    ACO is for associates, consultants, organizers, as well as associations, companies, organizations.

    We of the Divine Expo – Divine Encounters Groups are coming together in an alliance with those who may be using the topics and categories of spirituality and the paranormal.

    Bringing together into one annual conference those who desire to share in the health and wellness category of well-being among our inhabitants on this planet in a growing global community of sustainability.

    Cyberspace has a cyberculture which we in the ACO call our community online practicing skills. People of kindred spirits are coming together into an unincorporated association in the Americas.

    We are working to form a bond between the North and South American Continents first, and Indo-European continents and Australia and Africa.

    Global Tectonics will be shared because the plates are shown to move on a cover of liquid that we are all now aware of on this planet.

    What do we believe about science and theosophy coming together in the academic working world with the arts and sciences?

    We are working inside the internet now with business, entertainment, economics, and political and social justice for all. Communications is


    The quality of the interior experience of human beings vs prioritizing more quantitative, acquisitive, status-oriented, and external assessments of

    human beings and the worth of human lives.

    Motivations define and direct our lives.

    Narrative mythic structure connects and contextualizes human beings in the world.

    Religions and authoritarian and restrictive aspects toward the kind of exploration, innovation, and risk-taking of humanists, philosophical naturalists, and nontheists are now being considered as common talk among the common humans at the grass roots levels of political thinking.

    Frustrating in the use of the phrase and the vagueness and confusion expressed in these titles is now a part of our future research in our various communities online and in person.

    Empathize with and assist those who are leaving religions and searching for connections, community, and senses of purpose.

    Humans want answers to their being and meaning and they will fight with all their might to be right.

    Motivation for health and happiness seems to be the well-meaning of us all as a species. Health and Abundance seems to be two working words we can all gravitate towards.

    Resonating with feeling of emotions towards our wellbeing we may well find among us if we are gracious enough to be inviting and welcoming, rather than judgmental and dismissive.

    Affirming and welcoming are words we use in a humanitarian way now in our spiritual but not religious spiritual centers.

    *Theresa J Morris*
    *ACO LLC*
    *tj@tjmorrisaco.com < tj@tjmorrisaco.com>*
    *TJMorrisACO@gmail.com < TJMorrisACO@gmail.com>*
    *TJ MorrisET.com*
    *TJMorrisET@gmail.com < TJMorrisET@gmail.com>*

    19-06-2014 om 20:23 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Daily UFO Headlines 6/19/14

    Daily UFO Headlines 6/19/14

    (Before It's News)

    The post Daily UFO Headlines 6/19/14 appeared first on Openminds.tv.

    Source: http://www.openminds.tv/daily-ufo-headlines-61914/28360

    19-06-2014 om 20:18 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)

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