The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Hebben buitenaardsen iets te maken met de Nederlandse Hortensia's ( Video)
Hebben buitenaardsen iets te maken met de Nederlandse Hortensia's ( Video)
Al bijna tien jaar lang doet er zich een vreemd verschijnsel voor in ons land met betrekking tot een bepaalde plant, de hortensia.
Overal worden ze op onverklaarbare wijze gesnoeid en niemand weet wie het doet en waarom.
We werden hierop opmerkzaam gemaakt door een lezer (dank!):
Ieder jaar rond deze tijd worden in onze tuin de vele hortensia planten op onverklaarbare manier "gesnoeid". De nieuwe scheuten waar volgend jaar de bloemen aan komen zijn zo te zien met een vlijm scherp mes afgesneden.
We werden weer opmerkzaam gemaakt door een bericht in onze regionale krant De Noordoostpolder. Hierin werd melding gemaakt door iemand uit een ander dorp die erg boos was en aangifte heeft gedaan van diefstal bij de politie.
De vraag is echter : heeft wel iemand dit gedaan ??? of is er iets anders aan hand ? In ons hele dorp zijn alle planten gesnoeid, zelfs in een ommuurde tuin waar de deur op slot zit.
Hetzelfde verhaal hoor ik ook van mijn familie uit Friesland. Vorig jaar heeft Omroep Friesland hier aandacht aanbesteed maar kwam niet met een verklaring.
Mijn vraag is, heeft Niburu van dit gebeuren meer meldingen ontvangen ? Je zou haast denken dat het iets buitenaards is, omdat het al jaren gaande is en er nog nooit iemand voor aangehouden is.
Het klopt inderdaad dat dit een verschijnsel is wat zich al jarenlang voordoet zoals ook te zien in de volgende korte reportage van RTV Drenthe uit 2011.
Er zijn ook al de nodige artikelen verschenen over dit onderwerp waar men eigenlijk ook geen steek verder komt richting oplossing, zoals de volgende:
De knoppendieven slaan weer toe: de afgelopen weken ontdekten inwoners van Harskamp, Windesheim en Raalte dat hun hortensia’s ‘s nachts gesnoeid waren. De verdenking wijst telkens in dezelfde richting: de knoppen worden gebruikt als goedkope drug. Maar er is nog nooit een dief betrapt. Hortensiaknoppenroof: een Hollands mysterie, in een land dat te klein is voor Bigfoot en een monster als dat van Loch Ness.
Het verhaal dat de hortensia's gesnoeid zouden worden omdat er een stofje in zou zitten dat hallucinerend werkt, vergelijkbaar met THC in cannabis, is afkomstig uit Noord Frankrijk en een verhaal in de Engelse Guardian.
Volgens de politie zijn er in de afgelopen weken al tientallen hortensia's uit de Franse tuinen weggegapt. Niet alleen de bollen, ook de bladeren zijn doelwit van de struikrovers. Gedroogd zou hortensia prima te roken zijn met wat tabak. Door de hallucinerende werking is het een goedkoop alternatief voor marihuana.
Ook aan dit verhaal kleven weer de nodige bezwaren want zoals in een ander artikel staat:
Als verklaring is vraat door woelmuizen, herten en andere dieren geopperd, maar het populairst blijft het idee dat de gedroogde knoppen een goedkope drug zijn. Volgens het Trimbosinstituut bevat echter alleen een in Nederland zeldzame Aziatische hortensiasoort de gewenste psychoactieve stoffen, en verkopers of gebruikers van het spul zijn even onzichtbaar als de vermeende dieven.
Het mysterie is dus allesbehalve opgelost en er is zelfs een speciale Facebook pagina opgezet om te proberen dit geheim te ontrafelen.
Het is zoals de lezer zegt in een tweede e-mail:
Het is toch onbegrijpelijk, in zo'n korte tijd, op zoveel plaatsen daar heb je een leger aan mensen voor nodig, kan niet! Wat is hier aan de hand ?
De feiten op een rij:
Al tien jaar lang worden overal in ons land op onverklaarbare wijze hortensia's gesnoeid.
In die tien jaar heeft nog nooit iemand gezien wie of wat dit doet en dus is er ook nog nooit iemand aangehouden.
Het snoeien vindt zelfs plaats in volledig afgesloten of ommuurde tuinen en er zijn geen sporen van inbraak of iets dergelijks.
In ieder geval voor ons land kunnen we het drugsverhaal uitsluiten omdat het bepaalde stofje slechts in zeldzame varianten van de plant voorkomt en er is bovendien niets bekend over verkopers of kopers.
De gedachte dat het dan misschien te maken zou kunnen hebben met buitenaardsen is dan ook niet zo vreemd. Wanneer er geen sprake lijkt te zijn van enige menselijke betrokkenheid dan moet het ergens anders vandaan komen want al die hortensia's worden wel degelijk gesnoeid.
Wie weet zit er in de plant wel degelijk een stof die voor een bepaald buitenaards ras belangrijk is. We weten dat iedere dag én nacht het halve Nederlandse luchtruim vol is met kleine witte/oranje UFO's/orbs. Zijn dit misschien de “snoeimachines” die de plant oogsten en naar het moederschip brengen?
Misschien een vergezochte theorie, maar anderzijds heeft nog niemand in die afgelopen tien jaar een andere zinnige verklaring kunnen bedenken.
Eventuele (andere) suggesties om dit mysterie op te lossen, zijn van harte welkom.
Vorige week verongelukte de NASA/Antares raket enkele seconden na de lancering.
Werd hij uit de lucht gehaald door de UFO's die enkele uren voor de lancering naast de lanceerinstallatie werden gesignaleerd?
En zo hangt de wereld weer van toevalligheden aan elkaar.
Naar aanleiding van ons artikel gisteren waarin Nancy Lieder aangaf dat de neergestorte raket niet per ongeluk is geëxplodeerd, ontvingen wij een bericht van een lezer (dank!) dat er voor de lancering UFO's zijn gesignaleerd.
De volgende foto is een door NASA gemaakte opname enkele uren voor de lancering van de Antares raket.
Daarop zie je rechts van de lanceerinstallatie twee “strengen” UFO's.
Wanneer je het beeld iets verder vergroot dan is het volgende te zien.
Dit soort UFO formaties lijkt veel op de volgende. Een opname uit 2001 en gemaakt door NASA astronauten tijdens een missie met de Space Shuttle.
Ook bij het ISS ruimtestation zijn dit soort formaties waargenomen.
Een exploderende NASA raket, UFO's die worden waargenomen vlak voor de lancering en Nancy Lieder die zegt dat deze raket niet zomaar is ontploft, maar is neergehaald als waarschuwing voor de elite.
Exclusief: "Het mysterie van de Belgische UFO-golf blijft onopgelost"
Exclusief: “Het mysterie van de Belgische UFO-golf blijft onopgelost”
Op 29 november 1989 zagen twee Belgische rijkswachters tegen de avond een traagvliegende driehoek met felle lichten op de hoekpunten en een rood flikkerend licht in het midden. De dagen erna getuigden nog honderden mensen een soortgelijk voorwerp gezien te hebben.
Het daaropvolgende jaar werden nog honderden UFO’s gerapporteerd in heel België. De Belgische generaal-majoor Wilfried de Brouwer leidde het onderzoek naar deze UFO’s. Op een opmerkelijke persconferentie gaf hij toe dat in de nacht van 30 op 31 maart zowel met het blote oog als op radar een bizar verschijnsel in de omgeving van Waver vastgesteld kon worden.
Enige tijd geleden gaf de Britse overheid archieven vrij met daarin alle UFO-waarnemingen tussen 1981 en 1996. Ook de Belgische UFO-golf wordt er uitstekend in gedocumenteerd. Uit de Britse archieven blijkt dat het Britse ministerie van Defensie de verklaring van De Brouwer ‘serieus nam’.
Ook de Belgische overheid bevestigde het bestaan van de UFO’s aan de Britten. “De aanwezigheid van onbekende vliegende objecten boven België in 1989 en 1990 kan niet in twijfel getrokken worden. De feiten worden bevestigd door de toenmalige ministers van Defensie Guy Coëme en Leo Delcroix.” Beide ministeries besloten uiteindelijk tot een informatiestop wegens de ‘agressiviteit’ van de media.
Belgische gevechtsvliegtuigen werden er meermaals op uit gestuurd om meldingen van de UFO’s te onderzoeken. De piloten kregen op hun radarscherm wel melding van onbekende tuigen in het luchtruim, maar konden geen fysieke aanwezigheid van mysterieuze objecten vaststellen.
“Het mysterie blijft onopgelost,” aldus De Brouwer. Hij bevestigt dat de piloten ‘iets’ op hun radarscherm zagen, maar niet in staat waren het fenomeen te verklaren. De Brouwer gaat in de video ook in op de controversiële foto die in Petit-Rechain zou zijn genomen. | Grant Cameron & Neil Gould obtain original footage of a relaxed moment during Q&A in Hong Kong 14.9.05; Clinton discusses UFO's, Roswell and Area 51. "I wouldnt be the first President that underlings have lied to". Much speculation about the contents of this speech is on the internet; CLINTONS WORLDVIEW. For the first time, you can now watch it and make up your own mind about his speech...Did he try to find out about UFO'S?.
04-11-2014 om 00:22
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
President Ronald Reagan mentions Alien Threat at Fallston_ UN & National Strategy Forum
President Ronald Reagan mentions Alien Threat at Fallston_ UN & National Strategy Forum
Gepubliceerd op 26 mei 2012 President Ronald Reagan mentions Alien Threat at Fallston, UN & National Strategy Forum
Uploaded by zzapamiga on Oct 4, 2011 12/4/1985 President Reagan remarks to students and faculty. Fallston High School. Fallston, Maryland. 9/21/1987 President Reagan's Address to The General Assembly. General Assembly Hall United Nations. New York. 5/4/1988 President Reagan's Address to Members and Guests of National Strategy Forum. Grand Ballroom Palmer House. Chicago, Illinois.
04-11-2014 om 00:17
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
China derde land dat naar de Maan en terug vliegt -
China derde land dat naar de Maan en terug vliegt -
UPDATEDe Chinese autoriteiten hebben met succes een onbemande ruimtesonde opnieuw aan de grond gezet nadat het naar de Maan en terug was gevlogen. Na de Verenigde Staten en de voormalige Sovjet-Unie is China nog maar het derde land dat daarin slaagt.
Het was het eerste retourtje naar de Maan in veertig jaar. De op 23 oktober gestarte testvlucht moest technologisch een nieuwe vlucht naar de Maan in 2017 voorbereiden, waarbij het de bedoeling is dat deze Chang'e-5 op het Maanoppervlak landt, stalen neemt en naar de Aarde terugkeert.
Volgens het Chinese staatspersagentschap Xinhua landde de, op Chinese sociale netwerken "Kleine Vlucht" genoemde maar officieel naamloze ruimtesonde zaterdagochtend rond 06.15 uur plaatselijke tijd in de noordelijke regio Binnen-Mongolië. De robot dook aan 11,2 km per seconde onze atmosfeer in, om daarna te vertragen en probleemloos in het vooropgestelde landingsgebied tegen de grond te smakken.
Het toestel heeft in acht dagen tijd 840.000 kilometer afgelegd en vloog daarbij met succes rond de natuurlijke satelliet van onze planeet. Volgens Xinhua heeft de sonde "fantastische foto's" van de Aarde en Maan gemaakt. Het verste punt van de sonde tot onze planeet bedroeg zowat 413.000 km.
Peking droomt ervan, wellicht na 2025, het eerste Aziatische land te zijn om een landgenoot op de Maan te laten rondhuppelen.
In december slaagde China erin een robotjeep op de Maan te zetten en die onderzoek te laten doen.
An October spike in U.S. UFO reports occurred in West Virginia, Maine, Delaware and Colorado, according to witness reporting statistics released November 1, 2014, from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
The four states were rated in the National UFO Alert Rating System as a UFO Alert 1 which represents 4.01 or higher reports per million residents during the month of October 2014: West Virginia, 4.85; Maine, 4.51; Delaware, 4.36; and Colorado, 4.24.
Utah, Vermont and New Hampshire were the next highest reporting states showing between 3.03 and 4.0 reports per million residents and listed as a UFO Alert 2: Utah, 3.85; Vermont, 3.19 and New Hampshire, 3.03.
Oregon and Oklahoma earned an Alert 3 rating with reports per million residents between 2.51 and 3.0.
Kansas, South Carolina and Nebraska earned a UFO Alert 4 rating with reports per million residents between 2.01 and 2.5. All other states were listed as a UFO Alert 5 with 2.0 sightings per million residents or lower. These numbers are based on the month when an event occurred, and not the month in which it was reported.
As the highest reporting states per million residents, the actual report numbers are: West Virginia, 9; Maine, 6; Delaware, 4; and Colorado, 22.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
The UFO Alert Rating System has previously only reported on the raw numbers by state to rate each state. Beginning October 2014, the rating will change to rank states by population.
Disregarding populations, the top reporting states for October 2014 with 16 or more reports were: California, 75; Pennsylvania, 25; Florida, 25; New York, 24; Ohio, 24; Texas, 24; Michigan, 19; Arizona, 17; Illinois, 17; Colorado, 16; Missouri, 16; and Utah, 16.
The sphere remains the most-reported UFO shape with 153 October cases; up from 140 September cases, 179 August cases; 216 July cases; 156 June cases; 129 May cases; 150 April cases, 131 March cases, 91 February cases; and 240 January cases. Other shape reports include: Circle, 77; Star-Like, 69; Triangle, 65; Unknown, 57; Disc; 55; Other, 52; Fireball, 37; Oval, 36; Boomerang, 34; N/A, 36; Cylinder, 22; Diamond, 20; Cigar, 17; Teardrop, 10; Chevron, 7; Egg, 7; Flash, 7; Cone, 6; Bullet-Missile, 5; Blimp, 4; Saturn-like, 1; and Cross, 1.
The object’s distance from the witness includes: Less than 100 feet, 82 cases; 101 to 500 feet, 114 cases; 501 feet to one mile, 163 cases; over one mile, 223 cases; unknown, 261; and no value stated, 26.
In addition, there were “17 landings, hoverings, or takeoffs reported and 0 entities observed.”
The most interesting UFO reports do not necessarily come from high reporting states – but those states with higher numbers do account for some of the most interesting evidence to study. While UFO sightings seem to pop up randomly around the country, this list is meant to offer a small insight into where Americans are filing reports.
Infographics for this reporting period were created by and include: Most Witnessed Shapes by State, Sightings By Country, Sightings By State, and Sightings Per Million People.
Roger Marsh is a UFO writer, author, playwright and independent filmmaker. He is editor of the monthly MUFON UFO Journal for the Mutual UFO Network and is the National UFO Examiner at He is the author of Sacred Dialogue, editor of Silent Invasion, and co-editor of Ron Paul Speaks.
In 1957 my father took me to see a movie called Earth VS The Flying Saucers. On the way home he was unusually quiet. Finally he said, “They were too big.” He then told me that 10 years earlier he had been stationed at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, where he was part of a film unit. One day an officer came and told him and another man to grab a couple of 16mm movie cameras and follow him. He took them to a heavily guarded hanger. Inside was a badly damaged circular craft and about an acre of debris placed on a canvas tarp. My father and his friend were instructed to get footage on everything. They did so.They then were taken into a refrigerated unit at the rear of the hanger. Inside the unit was what my father described as a museum case holding the bodies of two small creatures; gray, thin with large eyes but no eyelids. One showed some severe wounds, the other had no visible injuries. They were instructed to get footage of the creatures. When the case was opened to allow a better shot there was a smell similar to dead fish. When they had finished filming the cameras were confiscated instead of being taken back to the lab for processing. My father said he and his friend were literally sworn to secrecy. My father only spoke of this to me that one time and me promise never to tell anyone. Since he recently passed away I feel I am now at liberty to relate his story. My father was very patriotic and very religious and not prone to making things up. Out of respect for his privacy and mine I submit this report anonymously. Thank you to the person for the report.
NECOCHEA –January 2000: The city of Necochea on Argentina’s Atlantic seaboard found its hotels crammed with thousands of foreign tourists who come to enjoy the long beaches known as the “soft slope” which run in excess of 300 meters from the sea to Avenida 2 (Costanera), their fine sand and the purity of its waters, refreshed by constant waves. This is one of the factors which among others ( their width, which makes them unique in Argentina) and Parque Miguel Lillo, covering over 700 hectares and including a million trees, largely pines and firs which provided shelter to the birds living in the area, have aided in keeping temperatures in excess of 30 degrees every day during the month, making Necochea beach a safe and enchanting place for tourists.
Once again, the UFO phenomenon did not delay its appearance.
Geographic image of the city of Necochea, Pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
On January 20th, a wedding feast was held in the ballrooms of the Complejo Nuevo Casino, located on the shore at Avenida 2. The young couple of Maria Paola Murua and Sergio Marcos had married at said location.
After nightfall, while enjoying their wedding dinner, the couple decided to go to the beach in front of the Casino to take video shots of the festivities among the newlyweds and their gests. While standing at the beach belonging to the Automóvil Club Argentino (A.C.A.) at 02.00 hours in the morning (21 January), the guests saw a luminous whitish blue object crossing the skies along the coast. Visibility was good, and the skies were clear and starry with only a few clouds.
The object’s transit lasted less than 40 seconds and was completely silent (at least no sound could be heard in the distance).
One of the female guests noticed the phenomenon and informed profesional cameraman Roberto Nebot, who was shooting the wedding video, and managed to record the object’s transit on a Panasonic 9500 Zoom x 12 / GAIN + 7 camera.
Not all of the guests paid much attention to the event, and even others chose to ignore it. Even the cameraman himself only recorded a few seconds before returning to the wedding celebration.
Incidents on the Atlantic Coast: UFO Sightings at Necochea and Quequén
Some of the witnesses’ names remain anonymous at the request of the parties involved—however, all of the information has been recorded as part of my research.
The images in question show the antics of all the wedding guests on the beach as well as the presence of the UFO being detected by a female guest. The UFO can be clearly seen in the darkness of the coast, flying at low speed and at a great distance toward the south before vanishing in the clouds (according to the main eyewitness).
The UFO is very bright and at times varies its whitish-blue intensity (or as it passes through the clouds).
The film with the images obtained of the object is currently in my files and forms part of a new sighting supported by video evidence, substantiating the local case histories.
Digitized images of the UFO film obtained on January 21 2000 at 02.00 hours on the Necochea coastline and taken by professional cameraman Roberto Nebot.
Another incident also took place in mid-Januray 2000 on the Necochea coast.
The witnesses in this case were several fishing boats commonly knowh as the “Yellow boats.”
The fishing vessels known as “yellow boats” at the port of Quequen-Necochea (Argentina), witnesses to several UFO incidents..
In early hours of the morning, at approximately 02:30 or 03:00 a.m. and under complete darkness, the fishermen—a total of seven—observed a white light approaching their vessels and headed for the Necochea coastline.
At first they all thought it was a helicopter, but were surprised by its strange, completely silent movement, as well as its reasons for such behavior. Furthermore, there are no helicopters patrolling the coast so early in the morning.
Their astonishment was undescribable as they realized that what they were seeing was a large vesse, similar to two soup plates, which placed itself above the fishing boats, emitting a great beam of white light which “lit the night as though it were day.”
The fishermen radioed other vessels in the area; the crews of these other ships also became witnesses of the phenomenon (amounting to a total of over 40 fishermen).
Part II of this series continues tomorrow Tuesday, November 3, 2014!
MJ-12: The Only Fiction is The Majestic 12 Documents, Declares, Randle
I don’t like wasting time on the fictional MJ-12 documents. Clouds of nonsense thrown out, but little in the way of actual documentation. I didn’t mention Dr. Wescott’s impressive academic background because it wasn’t relevant to the discussion… which was that he suggested that he was unable to prove or disprove that Hillenkoetter was the author of the EBD.
We are told that neither the Aztec nor the Plains of San Agustin crash were mentioned because they didn’t get news coverage. What a ridiculous idea, unless we are to believe that the authors of the EBD had to rely on the news media for their leads to these events. But wait, wasn’t there a bestselling book, Behind the Flying Saucers published in 1950 that did cover the Aztec crash, not to mention articles that appeared in the Denver newspapers?…
Or that the El Indio – Guerrero is not mentioned in any news coverage or articles until the late 1960s, but it somehow managed to make it into the EBD.
Or that the El Indio – Guerrero crash is the fatal flaw because it didn’t happen, was conceived in the late 1960s by a man whose military record is also falsified and if that event didn’t take place, then how could it appear in a document for the president in 1952?
Or that the whole date format, that is zero, day, month, comma, year (06 December, 1950) has not been found on any document that is of American creation but that Bill Moore habitually used this format… what an interesting coincidence. Yes, I noticed that Stan did not represent that date as it appeared in the EBD.
And if we wish to talk about writing fiction, which Stan insists on bringing up repeatedly, let’s talk about Gerald Anderson’s “black” sergeant and the validation Stan created for it by inserting that word into an interview of Bill Brazel conducted by Don Schmitt and me and recorded on audio tape… and Bill Brazel’s denial that any of the service members who visited him were black. This was an invention made to corroborate the rapidly failing tales told by Anderson… who did take Dr. Buskirk’s Anthropology class. What did the school officials tell Stan when he spoke with them in 1991? Talk about writing fiction.
And before I forget, I have been to many, many archives, research centers, museums and libraries in my search for the truth. That list is more than 20 such institutions, by the way. Oh, I have held security clearances in both industry and the military and for more than fifteen years held a top secret clearance, but I wonder if these points are relevant when discussing the fraudulent MJ-12 documents.
Please tell us Stan, why you failed to mention Project Aquarius, Bill Moore’s plan to create a Roswell document, or his book written with Bob Pratt and probably Richard Doty called, Majik -12… isn’t that somewhat worrisome? The whole MJ-12 thing laid out in a work of fiction?
As for provenance, those leaking classified material into the mainstream are often identified even if it means prosecution… and with Watergate, Deep Throat was not known to the general public, but Woodward (and I think Ben Bradlee) knew who he was and where he worked or to put a point on it, they knew the provenance of the information. Stan’s ridiculous claim to that the leakers would remain hidden to avoid prosecution is not born out in the history of such actions. They provide the provenance to prove that the documents leaked are authentic… and there is no such verification for the EBD. The trail ends with the fiction created by Bill Moore.
8/24/2014 – During a later-than-normal exercise walk I was prompted to notice a small, glowing, weird rod-shaped object hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground in the flimsy, leafy, outer branches of a large tree behind a house in my tranquil, heavily-wooded suburban neighborhood of Stratford Hills in Richmond, Virginia.
I’m 54 years old and I’ve been walking this route nearly every day for ten years and what I beheld at 11:33 p.m. on a very quiet Sunday night was abnormal and totally out-of-place! Most of my neighbors probably were in bed. I was fortunate to view the mysterious glowing object that seemed to be hiding up in the tree and I partially attribute my good fortune to the fact that it was a new moon – the darknest night of the month!
The silent UFO first was rod-shaped with a glowing blue light on the left end and a pinkish-violet light on the right end. It was hovering horizontally in a place where a human could not be. It was not a new-fangled bug zapper and there are no cable-TV or electric lines running near the tree and definitely not at that height. No logic for the uncanny faintly-glowing lights in the tree.
So I stopped and shot video with my iPhone 4S but with no zoom in vid mode I switched to still-shot so I could peer closer. I took 30 pics spanning about ten minutes and during this time the small anomalous cylindrical UFO/entity? morphed into an orb which sometimes appeared cobalt-blue and other times violet with a freaky purplish core. Then it morphed back into a rod that was more white colored and appeared to be segmented, reminiscent of a bacterial rod under a microscope. This flying object ain’t one of ours – NOT a drone, stealth bomber, planet Venus, or swamp gas.
I did not hear any sounds coming from the object that night but later when I downloaded the video I was surprised to discover that my iPhone had picked up some intriguing clicking noises and when I showed the video to my neighbor S– she said “It sounds like Morse code.”
So far, I have not shared this with the people who live in the house where the sighting took place because I did not want to run the risk of freaking them out, but coincidentally enough, they started leaving their back-porch floodlights on immediately in the wake of me seeing the UFO in their backyard. I did, however, tell one of their male neighbors and B—– agreed with me that maybe his neighbors who live in the house in question saw the object too and it spooked them?
I’ve been watching for the UFO/entity ever since during my exercise walks but no encore yet, and I wasn’t even going to submit a report because I didn’t know whether this clicking, glowing, morphing rod/orb was an “alien/UFO” or spiritual entity, but then some other odd “occurrences” came to my attention that made me change my college-educated mind:
1. My sighting in Richmond was at 11:33 p.m. on August 24, 2014 and just four hours later at 3:30 a.m. on August 25, 2014 a motorist on I-295 N near the Hopewell exit, which is only 22 miles south of Richmond, was followed up the road by a bright UFO orb that was moving a lot faster than manmade highway traffic. Then the orb targeted another car in the southbound lanes and when the sphere made contact with the other vehicle both the orb and car vanished into thin air! Then the driver of the first car saw the orb reappear, and when it started following their car up the highway again they became “terrified,” put the pedal to the metal, and made a hasty retreat off the next exit in sight. I learned of this at the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).
2. Then a few hours later around 9 a.m. on August 25, 2014 a seasoned colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve was killed when his F-15 fighter jet crashed under “mysterious circumstances” in the Blue Ridge Mountains west of Richmond near Deerfield, VA. Coincidentally enough, this was in an area where lots of residents have reported UFOs in the sky and orbs near the ground. They say it took two days to recover the colonel’s body and the official Air Force story was that he was from Massachusetts on a “routine training mission.”
I’m not going to speculate or draw conclusions, but it seems like an awful lot of weirdness for such a small region in ten hours!
Last but not least, a couple of weeks after my “close encounter” in Richmond, Virginia USA I was prompted to discover a seemingly-credible YouTube video of a small blue-pinkish-violet rod-shaped UFO that a man and woman in Ontario Canada videoed while sitting around a campground firepit and the anomalous silent hovering object looks uncannily similar to the UFO that I photographed in Richmond, VA when it was in “rod mode.” The Ontario sighting was on August 20, 2014, only four days before my sighting in Virginia, and the Canadian couple was prompted to upload their video to YouTube on August 24 which synchronistically was the same day as my sighting! – MUFON CMS
Two friends were simply trying to take an innocent selfie recently when they unintentionally included a paranormal extra.
The girls claim they were photobombed by a ‘ghost’ while on a night out in Newcastle last Sunday.
After flashing their best smiles in the ‘virtually empty’ Slug and Lettuce, pals Victoria Greeves, 22, and Kayley Atkinson, 23, were horrified to see the spooky being stood behind them.
‘It is so clear, and it looks like what can only be described as a Victorian woman, laughing behind us,’ said Victoria.
She was so scared of what she saw that she deleted the photo from her phone, but not before sending it to a few friends via Snapchat. – Metro
You won’t want to go to sleep after hearing these stories from baseball’s most haunted hotels
While being a professional baseball player is pretty sweet, there is one drawback: lots of travel. And the worst parts of all those trips are, obviously, the haunted hotels.
For example: Mickey Bradley and Dan Gordon reported in their book, Haunted Baseball: Ghosts, Curses, Legends, And Eerie Events Travis Hafner’s bed shook while staying at the Partridge Inn as a member of the Savannah Sand Gnats. Carlos Pena has said he always had a “tough time” sleeping at Shoney’s Inn in Bozier City, Louisiana.
Then there’s the Renaissance Vinoy in St. Petersburg, Fla. — a hotel so spooky, former reliever Scott Williamson related this story:
“I was asleep on my stomach and all of a sudden it felt like someone was pushing down on my back and I couldn’t breathe. I thought maybe it was a cramp or something but then I rolled over and looked over at the window and there was this guy standing there …
“It was a guy wearing old-fashioned clothes, like something you might see in the 1930s or ’20s. He had a top hat … and he was just looking right at me … I jumped up and turned on the lights but he was gone.”
In last’s month’s column I revealed that although the June 2013 release of MoD UFO files was supposedly the end of a five-year programme to declassify and release the entire archive, an additional 18 UFO files have now been located and will be made public in 2015. A UK national daily newspaper, the Daily Star, broke this story in September, but the full story can now be told for the first time. It links the release of these files to the highly-classified intelligence study on UFOs, codenamed Project Condign, and also links it to the Rendlesham Forest incident.
The story began with the release of Project Condign’s final report, back in May 2006. Bear in mind that unlike the various MJ-12 documents, the provenance of this report isn’t disputed – you can even read it on the UK government’s website. The original document was classified Secret UK Eyes Only and one intriguing passage read as follows:
“The well-reported Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters event is an example where it might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to UAP radiation for longer than normal UAP sighting periods.”
UAP is an abbreviation for Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, a term that some of us at the MoD preferred over UFO, but irrespective of the terminology, it was surprising that the media and the UFO community failed to pick up on this bombshell. One person to whom this part of the document was of great interest was John Burroughs. He and his colleague Jim Penniston were the two United States Air Force witnesses who got closest to the unidentified craft that landed in Rendlesham Forest in December 1980.
Burroughs and Penniston have both had health issues which they attribute to their experience, and had been seeking access to their military medical records so they could obtain the best possible diagnosis and treatment. As revealed in a previous column, it transpired that these documents were held in a little-known classified records section of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Pat Frascogna, a crusading attorney who has done extensive pro-bono work on John and Jim’s behalf, submitted numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to try to move things forward. The responses were unhelpful to say the least. The CIA would neither confirm nor deny that they had any relevant records, while the State Department suggested that Frascogna contact the Air Force! Despite these responses, with a possible federal lawsuit on the horizon, the explosive quotation from Project Condign looks as if it might be the ‘smoking gun’ needed to blow things wide open.
Understandably, John Burroughs wanted to know more. After all, an assessment in a highly-classified intelligence study doesn’t just come from out of the blue. It’s based on analysis of data. So Burroughs started to make FOIA requests not, as Pat Frascogna had done, to US government agencies, but to the UK’s Ministry of Defence. He challenged the decisions that led to the blacking out of parts of Project Condign’s final report, where some information is still being withheld under FOIA exemptions that cover areas such as defence, national security and intelligence. Burroughs also went after some of the supporting documentation that he suspected was out there. Where were the databases, the working papers, the background briefs, the records of meetings, the rough drafts and the handwritten notes that are as much a part of the story as the final report?
Some of the material that Burroughs has requested is unlikely ever to be made public, as it’s probably still classified and/or sensitive. More fundamentally, while Project Condign was commissioned by the MoD’s Defence Intelligence Staff, it was actually undertaken by a defence contractor. This was a deliberate tactic which had the twin advantages of taking the study largely outside the scope of both Parliamentary oversight and of the FOIA. So while documents relating to the commissioning of the study (including some that I wrote!) have been released, that’s because they’re MoD documents. And while a redacted copy of the final report has been released too, that’s because the MoD became the “information owner”. But all the ‘stuff in the middle’, that might show how the conclusions in the final report were arrived at, is information that belongs to the defence contractor, and is not covered by the FOIA. The public can’t be certain what this FOIA-exempt material says, but a careful read of the final report reveals that a key recommendation relates to the “various novel military applications” (particularly the development of a directed-energy weapon) that might result from a better understanding of the UFO phenomenon. Technology-acquisition is almost certainly the reason for the secrecy here. There was – and likely still is – a race going on to weaponize this technology, and Project Condign’s final report puts it almost exactly in those words. Again, the media and the UFO community failed to see what was hidden in plain sight.
Notwithstanding the above, the persistence of John Burroughs has forced the MoD to admit that the June 2013 file release was not, as they had claimed at the time, the last of the UFO files. A further 18 were located, including Defence Intelligence Staff policy files, and files from the Directorate of Air Defence – a headquarters policy division staffed by radar experts. So when, sometime around September 2015, these additional 18 UFO files are released, it would be as well to remember why they were made public. It wasn’t due to the media, or the UFO community, but was thanks to a tenacious retired military cop who got caught up in the most significant UFO event since Roswell, and simply wanted some answers.
Finally, while the UFO community may not yet have a ‘spaceship in a hangar’ smoking gun, let’s take a last look at that bombshell quote from Project Condign’s final report: “Several observers were probably exposed to UAP radiation” – remember that this is a quote from a Secret UK Eyes Only intelligence study on a phenomenon that the MoD told the UK Parliament, the media and the public was of “no defence significance”. Ironically, the release of Project Condign’s final report, in and of itself, nails the lie that UFOs are of “no defence significance”. Why? Because at the time the document was written, “Secret” was defined as information the compromise of which would, for example, “raise international tension”, “damage seriously relations with friendly governments”, “threaten life directly”, or “cause serious damage to the operational effectiveness or security of UK or allied forces or the continuing effectiveness of highly valuable security or intelligence operations”. Self-evidently it’s nonsense to suggest that these sorts of definitions could ever apply to a topic of “no defence significance”. If UFOs were genuinely of “no defence significance”, the MoD wouldn’t have spent over 50 years researching and investigating the phenomenon, wouldn’t have commissioned a highly-classified intelligence study on the subject, and wouldn’t have stamped the study’s final report “Secret UK Eyes Only”.
Nick Pope is a former employee of the UK Ministry of Defence. From 1991 to 1994 he ran the British Government’s UFO project and has recently been the public face of the ongoing initiative to declassify and release the entire archive of these UFO files. Nick Pope held a number of other fascinating posts in the course of his 21-year government career, which culminated in his serving as an acting Deputy Director in the Directorate of Defence Security. He now works as a broadcaster and journalist, covering subjects including space, fringe science, defence and intelligence. Nick Pope’s latest book, Encounter in Rendlesham Forest, co-written with John Burroughs and Jim Penniston, was published by Thomas Dunne Books on 15thApril and is available via Amazon and all good bookstores.
The Barboursville, West Virginia, witnesses said that the lights were in a triangle formation about 1:45 a.m. on October 10, 2014. Pictured: Barboursville, West Virginia. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Four West Virginia witnesses at Barboursville reported watching lights in a rotating triangle formation that they could not identify, according to testimony in Case 61100 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The reporting witness was sitting outside with his wife and two friends about 1:45 a.m. on October 10, 2014, when the lights were first noticed.
“I looked over to the western sky and noticed three objects moving in a sideways triangle fashion,” the witness stated. “They were brighter than stars. I thought they may have been aircraft but the triangle formation began to rotate.”
As the witnesses watched, two lights departed from the formation going in a slow southward direction and disappeared. The remaining light continued moving eastward and then stopped. Pictured: Barboursville, West Virginia. (Credit: Google)
The four witnesses became very interested in watching the lights.
“The formation continued to rotate and change direction, and then began the dull pulsating light emitting from the lights.”
And then the formation broke up.
“The rotating stopped. Two lights departed from the formation going in a slow southward direction and disappeared. The remaining light continued moving eastward and then stopped. It hovered and pulsated and then disappeared with no trace.”
The entire event lasted about 10 minutes.
No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on October 31, 2014. West Virginia MUFON is investigating. Barboursville is a village in Cabell County, West Virginia, population 3,964.
The four witnesses watched the objects for about 10 minutes. Pictured: Barboursville, West Virginia. (Credit: Google)
Please keep in mind that most UFOs can be identified as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Bob Lazar, the famous UFO whistleblower, and KLAS investigative reporter George Knapp will be reunited for a special appearance at the International UFO Congress.
Bob Lazar came forward in 1989 claiming that he had worked at a secret facility in Nevada called S-4 for reverse engineering alien technology. The secret facility Lazar has been claiming was built into a mountainside, near Area 51 facility. George Knapp introduced Area 51 and Bob Lazar to the public when he interviewed Lazar about his claims.
Now, after over 25 years of that momentous interview, Lazar and Knapp will be reuniting once again at the world’s largest annual UFO conference.
Lazar’s assertions have been influential on the awareness of Area 51 down to the ordinary people. He said that he was kicked out from his job in the facility after it was discovered that he shared to his friends about the place where they can watch test flights of advanced alien technology.
While many believe on the claims made by Lazar, skeptics and critics dismiss his claims because of insufficient supporting evidence, such as the absence of education and employment records in which Lazar has been asserting that the government deleted his records.
(N.Morgan) Could it be possible that the secrets the Bermuda Triangle has been hiding be UFOs? Could the triangle be some sort of base for UFOs to dock or to refuel? In the video below, done by Paranormal Crucible, it shows alleged images from the Bermuda Triangle depicting was looks to be a UFO craft.A possible UFO, has been caught on the sun by the Solar Heliospheric Observatory. The massive object, which is about the size of the planet Neptune, was photographed in three frames and by two instruments.
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. According to the US Navy, the triangle does not exist, and the name is not recognized by the US Board on Geographic Names.Popular culture has attributed various disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings. Documented evidence indicates that a significant percentage of the incidents were spurious, inaccurately reported, or embellished by later authors.In a 2013 study, the World Wide Fund for Nature identified the world’s 10 most dangerous waters for shipping, but the Bermuda Triangle was not among them.
He explains that from space there is a special flight path to Area 51.
With their advanced technology they can travel much faster than light.
The aliens who control these ships come from a planet 68 light years from Earth. [and they make the journey of 68 light years in about 45 minutes!!]
The aliens who are working at the base are about 1.5 meters long and up to 230 years old.
They have five fingers, which are 30 percent longer than ours, and five toes, which stuck together.
They have three ribs on each side and three vertebral columns.
The aliens communicate through telepathy.
Finally Bushman reveals that Area 51 is working together with the Russians and the Chinese and their research is mainly focused to anti-gravity.
Bushman also claims that in 1947 a U.S. Air Force pilot shot down a flying saucer over New Mexico, killing several aliens. The military, of course, recovered the craft. Most interesting are all the photos, supposedly of UFOs and aliens that he claims his friend took at Area 51, using a camera he provided. In fact, Bushman claimed that his camera was given to the aliens, who obligingly took photos out the window during a UFO trip, then returned his camera (although it's doubtful that the aliens, traveling so much faster than light, could actually see anything). Weirdest of all is a "spirit photo" that supposedly shows the ghost of an alien that died.
YouTube commenter Eric Oulette provides this photo of a toy alien looking very much like Bushman's.
Another reader submitted this photo of a toy alien purchased at the K-Mart.
YouTube user John Hutchison (JonnOfMars) posted this video showing a toy alien he purchased several years back. However, not everyone was willing to accept that Bushmann's Close Encounter was of the Plastic Kind. Perhaps the plastic aliens are accurate representations of the real ones? Some have even suggested that the toy alien could be intended as a step toward 'disclosure' of real aliens: "Who knows how and to whom these things are revealed?"
Bushman's involvement with Lockheed Martin has, of course, again raised the old canard that Ben Rich, former director of the Lockheed Skunk Works (developers of highly-classified secret aircraft) supposedly said in at least one of his lectures that "We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity... Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." This quote, however, has never been authenticated.
Researcher Curt Collins goes into such claims in great detail in two postings on his Blog Blue Blurry Lines (First. Second).. In brief, it seems that Rich liked to make jokes about ETs in his lectures to entertain his audience, such as "The Skunk Works has been assigned the task of getting E.T. back home." Anyone taking such comments seriously has completely misunderstood their context.
UFO jaagt Canadees stel stuipen op het lijf (Video)
UFO jaagt Canadees stel stuipen op het lijf (Video)
Een Canadese man en zijn vriendin zitten 's avonds thuis op de bank en zien een vreemd licht door het raam.
De man zei later: “Het was alsof dit licht/object wist dat ik het aan het filmen was.
Het is niet alleen boven Friesland waar geheimzinnige dingen gebeuren.
Ook op andere plaatsen in de wereld maken mensen vreemde dingen mee zoals in de Canadese stad Saint John in New Brunswick.
Enkele dagen geleden zit John Edwards samen met zijn vriendin thuis op de bank, wanneer ze buiten een vreemd licht ontdekken.
Ze schrikken en vooral de vriendin is nogal angstig omdat het licht richting hun huis leek te vliegen.
“Ik denk dat het licht ons in de gaten hield”, zei John later. “Ik heb mij achter het gordijn verborgen”.
In de video hieronder hebben ze de gebeurtenis gefilmd en hoor je de stemmen van het stel in de achtergrond.
Wat interessant is, is dat John later opmerkte dat hij het gevoel had dat het licht wist dat hij bezig was om het te filmen. Alsof er een soort telepathische communicatie plaatsvond.
Hoewel beiden in het begin schrokken en doodsbang waren, zijn ze naar buiten gegaan en in de auto gestapt om het vreemde object te zoeken toen het eenmaal was verdwenen. Ze hebben een tijdlang rondgereden, maar zonder succes, het object was en bleef weg.
Aangezien niemand van officiële zijde een verklaring kon bedenken voor dit vreemde licht/UFO is het maar afgedaan als een drone.
Wanneer je de beelden bekijkt dan zie je dat je te maken hebt met een intelligent bestuurd object dat ook regelmatig van kleur verandert, iets dat drones bij ons weten niet doen.
Kijk en oordeel zelf over het vreemde licht dat een stel uit Canada de stuipen op het lijf joeg.
Afgelopen week schreven wij een artikel over de bizarre UFO-activiteit rondom de Popocatépetl vulkaan in Mexico.
Nu, slechts enkele dagen later, zijn er alwéér talloze vreemde vliegende objecten waargenomen.
Wij hebben enkele lezers (dank!) die actief de webcam van de Popocatépetl vulkaan volgen.
De afgelopen dagen hebben zij een aantal bijzondere dingen waargenomen.
Zoals de volgende foto waarop je een aantal witte UFO's/orbs richting krater van de vulkaan ziet gaan.
De volgende foto is heel interessant want je ziet zowel een "lichte" UFO als een donkere met condensspoor:
Op de foto hierna zie je een UFO met een duidelijke schotelvorm de krater naderen:
En nog een andere UFO die de krater van de vulkaan nadert:
Hier zien we vervolgens dezelfde pal boven de krater hangen:
Hier een aantal "vertrekkende" UFO's met daarachter het inmiddels herkenbare condensspoor.
Als laatste een hele bijzonder opname. Vlakbij de grond zie je een vreemdsoortige UFO:
Alle lezers hartelijk dank voor de bijdragen. Deze foto's bewijzen meer dan eens dat er zich wel degelijk een (buitenaardse) basis in deze roemruchte vulkaan bevindt
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.