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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
UFOs allegedly hover and merge in Leicestershire (VIDEO)
UFOs allegedly hover and merge in Leicestershire (VIDEO)
A women in Leicestershire, England awoke on February 3 to find two UFOs hovering in the sky near her home in the town of Earl Shilton.
The witness claims she got out of bed at approximately 4:50 a.m. that morning to investigate strange noises. She ventured downstairs, but, after finding nothing, she decided to return to bed. And that is when she noticed two bright lights through the window that appeared to be floating in the sky over nearby Barwell.
(Credit: Lufoin/Hinckley Times)
She managed to record twenty seconds of video showing the two UFOs that reportedly “kept merging into one and moving side to side.” The lights allegedly shot off together at an incredible speed.
The sighting is being investigated by the Leicestershire UFO Investigation Network (Lufoin). “We don’t have a clue at the minute,” says investigator Joanne Kavanagh. “We are trying to rule out whether it was an aircraft – we know it wasn’t anything to do with a police helicopter and we are still waiting to hear from the air ambulance.”
The two UFOs allegedly merging. (Credit: Lufoin/Hinckley Times)
She explains to the Hinckley Times, “A lot of incidents can be linked to Chinese lanterns or drones but I don’t believe the orbs moved in the same way.”
In Logansport Indiana on a partly cloudy day the colorful object appeared in the blue part of the cloudless sky around 3:00 on February 4, 2015. We didn’t notice the additional objects until the pictures were developed.
First noticed it at 3rd & Market intersection while stopped at a stoplight heading east. My wife took the pictures, from out the side door (The window was rolled down).
My wife and I seen the objects several blocks ahead. The best view of it was when drove east a couple blocks from the right lane. I was shocked and fascinated at the same time. I drove under the approximate sighting area and that’s when I lost sight of it. Mufon case 63671.
An unusually gigantic UFO-like object was spotted near the sun on NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) This isn’t the first UFO seen orbiting the Sun but it’s certainly one of the most remarkable Unidentified Flying Objects.
As always, there is much debate whether it is a UFO or not. I came across an article published by NASA in 2003/1/17.
According to NASA “Most commonly, UFO claims are due to perfectly natural flaws or artifacts in our publicly available data and images, having gone through a strikingly similar “enhancement” used to “prove” the existence of UFOs.”
NASA: “Ever since launch, there’s been a number of people who’ve claimed to have seen flying saucers and other esoteric objects in SOHO images. Although some of these supposed pictures of UFOs can seem quite intriguing, they have always turned out to have a quite ordinary cause when examined by experienced SOHO scientists.”
“In recent days, we’ve been receiving so many questions and claims that we’d like to set the record straight: We’ve never seen anything that even suggests that there are UFOs “out there”.
“In the past we’ve been accused of “covering up” UFO evidence when we present our explanations, and of “refusing to comment” (or “clamming up”) when we give up on somebody who won’t accept our explanations.”
NASA continues: “Yes, this was a picture from SOHO, but didn’t show any UFO! We believe similar “enhancements”, possibly starting with other types of image artifacts (see below for details), are behind all of the recently published “UFO proof” claims. Claims without the time and date of the picture(s) are close to worthless, because the data processing cannot be verified by others.”
Despite NASA’s explanation and their attempt to damage the credibility of the UFO community the object, as shown on the SOHO LASCO C3 image of 2015/03/01 see first image and video below, is not enhanced or manipulated, it is not related or connected to a solar event or CME, it is a stand-alone object, even, it has a solid structure which makes me believe that this object is more than just a natural flaw or artifact.
Once again strange objects falling out of the sky after a mysterious fireball explodes over Kerala in India.
The sighting of suspected fireball-like phenomenon, reportedly accompanied with booming sound in some cases, triggered panic across the city and its suburbs on Friday night.
As news spread like wildfire, people came out of their homes in droves in many places with their eyes cast towards the sky. Similar sightings were reported from many parts of the city such as Vyttila, Kakkanad, Vypeen, Palarivattom, and Kathrikkadavu and even from suburbs such as Paravur, Kizhakkambalam, Mazhuvannoor, Kolancherry and Fort Kochi.
According to TheHindu, Aneesha and Sumesh who were at a restaurant at Fort Kochi claimed to have sighted a lit-up sky reminiscent of fireworks at around 10 p.m. “The sky soon turned blue as it happens just before rain. We felt as if it happened very close to us.
Fire units were dispatched from the Gandhi Nagar unit following panic-stricken calls from residents at Vyttila. However, their officials could not trace any visible evidence of a drop of fireball to the earth.
There are also reports that people found strange-looking stones from Kuruppampadi near Perumbavur and Akkampara near Kolancherry, writesManoramaOnline.
And a metallic strip looking like a part an aluminum pot was recovered from Poochakkal near Cherthala.
Samples have been collected from two sites–one each in Mazhuvannur and Karumaloor villages from where reports of objects falling out of the sky, district collector M.G. Rajamanickam told The Hindu.
Prof. Joe Jacob, faculty member, Department of Physics, Newman College, Thodupuzha, pointed towards the involvement of a meteor. “However, that conclusion is purely going by the witness accounts and cannot be scientifically confirmed,” he said.
Original video of the fireball.
Video of strange metallic strip found on impact site.
A video, titled “Now here’s a real UFO,” recently posted online has become the subject of debate in the online UFO community as enthusiasts struggle to determine the origin of the footage and the nature of the UFO captured in the video.
YouTube user Thisthingsirecord uploaded the mysterious footage to his YouTube channel on February 26, 2015.
He explained that he saved the footage from YouTube in May 2012 after it was uploaded by an unidentified user under the same title, “Now here’s a real UFO.” But the original uploader appeared to have taken down the video, and now Thisthingsirecord says he has “no further information regarding the origin of the video.”
“Personally, I’ve never been able to settle on whether these are even ‘flying objects,’ or an unusual but interesting atmospheric effect being created by someone/something… I don’t believe it’s CGI, but I’m no expert on that. I’ve sure as hell never seen anything like it, even online. I’m all ears for explanations, but I’ll admit that I tend to lean more toward it being an atmospheric phenomenon. What do you think?”
Humans have always been fascinated and terrified by the ocean. Stories of sea-monsters can even be found in places that have been landlocked for ages. One of the creatures these stories bring up is the mermaid – half-human and half-fish, it was said to inhabit the mysterious blue depths. Sometimes they were benevolent and aided men who were lost at sea. Other instances have them actually cause the shipwrecks and drag the unlucky humans down to their watery graves.
The earliest recorded tales come from Assyria and date back to around 1000 BC, but there are depictions of mermaids that could possibly be older. The Karoo Desert in South Africa is home to a series of caves that were inhabited by humans thousands of years ago. Paintings on the walls record strange fish-tailed humanoids and the legends of local bushmen called Khoi San tell of strange and evil water spirits that make their home in the mountain pools nearby. These spirits sometimes take the form of beautiful women, luring and drowning anyone who dares tread their territory.
The legends are interesting and date back thousands of years, but are they anything more than just tales? Are mermaids just the product of fertile imagination, spurred on by something we could never achieve – dominion both on land and below the waves?
Taking into account the possibility of alien species visiting Earth for thousands and thousands of years, it stands to reason that some of these extraterrestrials could have been aquatic creatures. After all, life tends to colonize all environments.
We know very little about what our oceans hold. Recent advances in satellite imagery have shown undersea mountain ranges that we had no idea were there. In fact, more people have visited outer space than the Mariana Trench, the deepest point in the Pacific. Every deep-sea expedition discovers previously unknown species of animals. Many more are yet to be discovered.
Not all UFOs are restricted to air travel. When an unidentified object continues its journey underwater it becomes an unidentified submerged object or USO. They are not as well-known as UFOs but there are plenty reports about massive spacecraft disappearing into and taking off from the oceans.
If the frequency of UFO reports is to be taken as a measurement of the aliens’ interest in our planet and if we can consider their little or no contact policy evidence of their secrecy, then it seems logical that their bases of operation would be located somewhere we couldn’t easily reach. This theory is about as accepted by mainstream science as any other involving alien lifeforms on Earth.
Although sightings have been reported in recent years, many of them tend to be disproved and as always, officials dismiss the possibility of mermaids being real. Following a 2012 fiction documentary made by Animal Planet, the National Ocean Service ( a branch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) made an unusual statement, saying that “no evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found.” Issues that belong entirely in the realm of sci-fi are not usually addressed by state agencies but let’s not grasp at straws here.
Although the subject of mermaids captures the attention of many of us, hard evidence is hard to come by. But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Sunken Pyramids and Sphinxes: Was Atlantis Discovered in the Bermuda Triangle?
Scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki have discovered some unusual structures while working off the coast of Cuba. The structures were found with the aid of sonar and robot submersibles at a depth of about 2,200 feet (670 meters), smack in the middle of the infamous Bermuda Triangle.
Samples that we recovered from the ocean bottom have justified our structures that we call megalithic structures. The samples are granite stone, completely polished, with some incrustations of fossils. Fossils of organic creatures that normally live on the surface, not on the ocean bottom. This is very interesting because this is evidence that the whole surface sank to the depth of 700 meters (2,297 feet, or about a half mile down),”Zalitzki was quoted as saying.
Among the sunken ruins, the researchers identified several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids, all of them larger than the ones in the Giza plateau.
Their report indicates the ancient city was flooded by rising waters while the land was sinking into the sea. These events most likely happened at the end of the last Ice Age, around 12,000 years ago. At the moment, this theory supports the legend of Atlantis.
3-D rendering of the sonar data
So why haven’t we heard about it? Why are there no documentaries, expeditions to the area and museum exhibits showcasing the findings?
Well, according to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez, the city had been discovered decades ago and access to the site was cut off during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties. Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him [sic] and the objects, in order that it will not come to Russians hands.”
Using a remotely operated underwater vehicle, Weinzweig and Zalitzki discovered huge pyramid structures that were similar, albeit much larger than Egyptian ones.
Sonar images of the underwater structures
They believe the stones used in the construction of these megalithic monuments had to be very large, perhaps weighing several hundred tons. However, mainstream science does not admit to the existence of advanced technology in prehistoric times. Something is amiss here.
“It has been confirmed that the stones were cut, carved and polished to make them fit together and thus form larger structures. On the strange inscriptions, some of them similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics, very little is known, except that they are very abundant and found in almost all parts of the field. There have also appeared symbols and drawings whose meaning is unknown,” writes Fernandez.
Zalitzki has found similar symbols on the island of Cuba and she believes they are identical to those found engraved on the underwater structures. Interestingly enough, legends of the primitive cultures (such as the Olmecs) in the northern part of Central America tell how their ancestors came from Atlanticú, an island that sank during a cataclysm.
Several archaeologists have stated that the Olmecs might have devolved from the Atlantean survivors, the remnants of their superior culture fading during the course of thousands of years. Atlantis only survived in their mythology and through a passing reference made by Plato.
It is worth noting that many unconventional historians believe there is a strong connection between the Atlanteans and the ancient Egyptians. They believe the Egyptian culture was influenced, even guided by the survivors of the Atlantis catastrophe.
Their claims appear to be supported by the discovery of pyramids and sphinxes off the coast of Cuba and corroborated by legends from all around the world.
However, until complete evidence (re)surfaces, we are left to speculate, as we always have.
On Wednesday, January 05, 2000, the National UFO Reporting Center received two telephone messages (at 0316 and 0351 hrs. Pacific Standard Time) from Officer Thomas “Ed” Barton, employed by the Lebanon, IL, Police Department. The messages apprised our Center that a UFO sighting had occurred in St. Clair County, Illinois, and in surrounding areas, at approximately 0410 hrs. (Central) earlier that morning. Later the same morning, we were able to talk to Officer Barton, who reported to us the following: At approximately 0410 hrs. (Central) on that morning, he overheard an announcement by the St. Clair (IL) Emergency Dispatch operator that a citizen had entered the Highland, IL, police station, and requested that an officer go outside and view a very peculiar object that was hovering nearby in the sky. The citizen had witnessed the bizarre looking object on his way to work, and he apparently refused to leave the station until a police officer had viewed the object with him. Having heard the announcement about the incident over his radio, Officer Barton looked to the southeast from his location in Lebanon, and noticed two extremely bright white lights suspended in the sky, close to the horizon. The two lights were radiating so much light that the spectacle reminded Officer Barton of the Japanese “Rising Sun” symbol, used on the Japanese battle flag. A very short period of time later, the two large lights appeared to merge into one, and the illumination the object was radiating appeared to increase dramatically. Officer Barton began driving south and east in attempt to approach the object. He turned his overhead flashers on, and at times was driving at 75-80 m.p.h. toward the object, which was still generally to the southeast of his position. After a short period of time, Officer Barton realized that the object appeared to be traveling toward him. He stopped his vehicle, extinguished his overhead flashers, and rolled down the window on the passenger side of his vehicle. The object approached his location, and passed overhead at an estimated altitude of 1,000 to 1,500 feet, and within an estimated 100 feet lateral distance of his position on the ground. It was headed generally to the west, or northwest, at this time. The object was distinctly triangular in shape, with three white lights on the apices of the triangle, and it exhibited a “galaxy” of peculiar lights on its aft end, including white, hues of red or pink, and perhaps other colors, as well.
After passing overhead Officer Barton, the object suddenly turned to its left, without either banking or yawing apparently, it suddenly accelerated quite dramatically, and seemed to “streak” to the west, covering approximately 8 miles, the officer estimated, in approximately 3 seconds. (Note: Officer Barton, in multiple telephone conversations with our organization, and during at least one radio broadcast, has emphasized how almost unbelievably quickly the object accelerated and moved a considerable distance to the southwest in just a few seconds. Its velocity was almost unimaginable, he reports. This is one aspect of the case that strongly suggest to us that the object almost certainly was not of human manufacture.) He radioed St. Clair County Emergency Dispatch, apprising them that he had the object in sight, and advising them as to the direction it had moved, generally to the southwest. He recommended that dispatch contact units to the south and west of his position, e.g. Shiloh, Millstadt and Dupo, to have the officers there attempt to spot the object from their vantage points. Apparently at least one officer from Shiloh, IL, witnessed the object next, and two other officers, who have not come forward and who apparently do not wish to be identified, witnessed the object while they were standing in the cemetery of their town, as well. An officer from the Millstadt Police Department, Officer Craig Stevens, with whom NUFORC also spoke, overheard the broadcast, and moved his cruiser to a dark part of that town to see if he could spot the object in the night sky. He quickly spotted the object to the west of his location, at approximately 45 degrees above the horizontal plane, and gauged its size as “huge.” He estimated that it was “one or two stories” tall, and perhaps three stories long.” It had several very bright lights on it. St. Clair Dispatch requested that someone, if possible, attempt to get a photograph of the object. In response to that request, Officer Stevens removed polaroid-type camera stored in the trunk of his cruiser and quickly photographed the object. Because the outside temperature was low, approximately 18-20 degrees (F), neither the camera, nor the film functioned well, so the resolution of the photograph is not good. After Officer Stevens had taken the photograph, the object appeared to move further to the west, moving toward Dupo, IL, Cahokia, IL, and St. Louis, MO. A Dupo police officer may have witnessed the object at that time. In the final analysis, the police departments and communities involved in the incident include the following: Highland, Summerfield, Lebanon, Shiloh, Mascoutah, Millstadt, Dupo, and Cahokia, Illinois. The object was observed by officers from at least the following communities (in chronological sequence): Lebanon, Shiloh, Millstadt, Dupo, and Cahokia. Notes and Addenda: 1) 1. Scott Air Force Base: At one point during the sighting, we estimate, the object was within 2-3 statute miles of Scott Air Force Base. However, an official spokesman for that base reportedly made an official statement to the effect that A) their tower was closed for approximately one hour during the time of the sighting; B) their base radar had been turned off for unspecified reasons during the same hour; and 3) none of their personnel was aware of the sighting, and none had seen the object. 2) 2. NUFORC has received several unconfirmed reports that shortly after the incident, several of the police departments involved in the sighting, and several of the actual eyewitnesses to the incident, received visits from two, or more, individuals, who are active employees from the federal government. They requested that the parties involved in the incident curtail all their statements to the press. We are unable to confirm these reports at the time this Summary Statement is being prepared. 3) 3. Alleged intercept by military aircraft: NUFORC has an unconfirmed report from a highly reliable source that jet fighters from a nearby Air National Guard unit may have been “scrambled” to take a look at the object. The nearest ANG unit we are aware of is the Missouri Air National Guard, which flies F-15’s out of Lambert Field/St. Louis Airport. We have a second hand report that personnel at the airport witnessed a take-off of F-15’s at approximately 0420 hrs. that morning. We have a second report from an individual who remembers having been awakened at approximately the time of the sighting by the sound of military jets taking off from Lambert Field. 4) 4. Other witnesses: NUFORC has received a report from a woman who was driving to work that morning and allegedly witnessed the object. We are awaiting her written report. Other witnessed have asserted that they may have seen the object earlier to the north, near Lake Michigan. We have received no written reports of such sightings. We also have an unconfirmed report that the object was video taped during the early part of the sighting. This fact, too, is yet to be confirmed.
Project Serpo, the Exchange Program Between Humans and Aliens
In 2005, an anonymous source sent a series of emails to a UFO discussion group led by former US government employee Victor Martinez. The emails detailed the existence of an exchange program between the US government and the Ebens, alien beings from Serpo, a planet from the Zeta Reticuli star system. The program was thus called Project Serpo.
The source identified himself as a retired employee of the government, claiming he had participated in a special program.
The program’s origins lay with the two UFO crashes in New Mexico in 1947, the famous Roswell incident and another one in Corona. He claimed one extraterrestrial survived the crash and was transferred to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The other six deceased extraterrestrials were placed in a freezing facility in the same laboratory.
Establishing communications with the scientists and military personnel, the survivor provided them with the location of its home planet and continued to cooperate until its death in 1952. The alien provided information regarding the items found inside the crashed UFOs. One of the items was a communication device that it was allowed to use, contacting its home planet.
A meeting was set for April 1964, when an alien craft landed near Alamogordo, New Mexico. Upon retrieving the bodies of their dead comrades, the extraterrestrials engaged in an information exchange that was carried out in English, thanks to the aliens’ translation device.
One thing led to another and in 1965, the aliens accepted to take a group of humans back to their planet as part of the exchange program. Twelve military personnel were carefully selected for a ten year stay on Serpo. The ten men and two women were specialists in various fields and their task was to gather as much information as possible, regarding all aspects of life, society and technology on the alien planet.
They were three years late and four people short when they finally returned in 1978. Two men had died on the alien planet. One man and one woman had decided to stay. The journey to Serpo, located 37 light years from Earth, took only nine months aboard the alien craft.
They had learned that Serpo was a planet similar to our own, albeit smaller. It orbited around a binary star system and had an atmosphere similar in composition to the one on Earth. However, the two suns meant there were higher levels of radiation and the twelve humans had to resort to protection at all times. Two of them died from complications. The heat was extreme and it took the remaining humans several years to adjust.
Another problem was the food. The crew had taken enough food to last them for two and a half years but eventually had to resort to eating native Eben food. Anyone who’s traveled abroad knows about the serious gastrointestinal implications posed by eating local food but the human crew eventually adjusted.
Another problem was the length of the day on Serpo, which was 43 Earth hours long. Also, it never got fully dark as their night skies were dimly lit by the smaller sun.
The crew had complete freedom to explore the alien planet and they were not hindered in any way.
The geology of the alien world was different; there were few mountains and no oceans. Several types of plant-like life existed but mostly near the polar area, where it was cooler. There were also types of animal life and some of the larger ones were used by the Ebens for work and other tasks but never as food sources. They produced their food through industrial processes, of which they had more than a few.
The inhabitants of Serpo lived in small communities led by a large city. They lacked a central government but seemed to be doing fine without it. The Ebens had leadership and an army but the Earth team noticed they never used weapons of any type and violence was virtually unheard of. They had no concept of money or commerce. Every Eben was issued items in accordance with their needs.
The planet’s population was about 650,000 individuals. The human crew noted the Ebens were disciplined in all aspects of their lives, working on schedules based on the movements of their suns. There were no other civilizations on Serpo except the Ebens.
Their method of reproduction was similar to our own but it had a much lower success rate. Therefore, their children were highly isolated. In fact, the only problem the human crew had was when they intended to photograph Eben children. They were escorted away by the army and asked not to attempt that again.
Upon returning to Earth, the remaining eight members of the expedition were quarantined for a year. During this period, they were debriefed and the complete account amassed around 3,000 pages. All members of the expedition have since died from various complications due to radiation exposure. The fate of the two people who chose to remain on Serpo is unknown. The Ebens have not contacted Earth since 1985.
The authenticity of this account has been up for debate since it first surfaced. However, it is one of the most interesting alien case out there. That we know of, that is.
It all began in late 1978 as two Air Force intelligence officer began an in depth study of the Project Blue Book files. The now defunct records of a 23 year investigation by the US Air Force of unknown aerial phenomena yielded some interesting and controversial conclusions by the two airmen. As time went on not just the Christian clergy, who saw UFO's as the Devil's work or debunkers who refused to look at the convincing evidence of UFO existence could comprehend the disturbing findings of many dedicated researchers who had delved into the perplexing reality of the unknown.
An illuminating text
A well known book was written and published in the 1970's by a pastor who well referenced his argument using scripture that corroborated UFO type events within the pages of the Bible. Many were impressed with the content and thoroughness of this book, but it has gone out of publication and is very hard to find. I have talked to many people who read it and marveled at the data within it, but sadly cannot no longer find this rare and ethereal work.
The common disguise
Ask Mark E. Laughlin, an evangelical performer and student of the Bible who invariably agrees that in ancient times as well as today that indeed entities from another world, dimension, or realm have come to earth and have interacted with humans. Under the aegis of fallen angels, demonic entities, beings of light, spiritual guides, Tulpas, fairies, elementals, these bizarre beings possessing incredible powers all seem to have one purpose, and that is to inflict confusion, fear, and false beliefs among those they appear before.
From where?
Even though few of us that have an objective view of science and faith would concede that extraterrestrials do not exist at all we should acknowledge that there is another mysterious force manifesting itself here on earth. That force has been with us since the beginning of time and has sought to mislead us from finding the truth and perhaps even being able to know the will of God as we are plunged into a twilight world of strange beings who misinform us, and use false guidance to lead us anywhere but in the right direction.
John Keel's findings
The late author and journalist John A. Keel determined that UFO's came from the same realm as spirits, ghosts, hauntings, ectoplasmic phenomenon, and other related super natural manifestations that have puzzled researchers for a long time. According to Keele the same old “Broken Record in the Sky” was responsible for misleading many a desperate leader into oblivion. Take for example two well known religious leaders in human history also deceived and led to destruction by a close encounter with a mystical being.
All roads leading to death
Joseph Smith, originator of the Mormon's was visited by an angel of light who when he encountered this entity collapsed, became paralyzed, and had no choice but to listen to a message supposedly delivered by God from the luminous entity. Joseph Smith would recover from his vision and begin an obsessive journey into the transformation of a messiah who would later be killed in a riot in Chicago!
Prophets of doom
Mohamed, who would later form the Muslim religion was illuminated just as Joseph Smith when a blinding entity appeared unto him, rendering him helpless as the being of light directed him to form a new religion that would have an impact on the world in many controversial ways. Mohamed created a religion that has handed mankind a global wave of terrorism implemented by extremists. One must ask why would an extraterrestrial race want to interject this kind of aberration into the psyche of mankind? It does not seem to serve a practical purpose for someone from another world.
From outer space-really?
Yet, here we have a question posed by many scientists who have pondered UFO's, abductions, and the psychological effects suffered by witnesses. It seems there can be no definitive link that proves that UFO's come from anywhere else but here. They are usually not observed by astronomers as entering into our solar system from beyond. They generally manifest themselves on earth or above the us in the atmosphere. They have been reported for thousands of years as opposed to the sudden emergence in the 20th Century. It appears that they have been with us since the beginning!
Unsettling prognostication
Consider long time scientific researchers J. Allen Hynek, astrophysicist and Blue Book advisor for the USAF as well as well known scientific researcher Jacques Vallee. These two men after decades of studying the UFO mystery came to a startling conclusion! They had determined that UFO's were indeed demonic in origin! Both of these dedicated investigators had considered the nuts and bolts aspects of flying machines that out performed the most advanced military aircraft of all nations with incredible maneuvers that would have destroyed the fuselage of the craft or killed the pilot of a UFO undergoing excessive G forces. Making right angle turns at thousands of miles per hour without even causing a sonic boom was not just an example of technical superiority, it pointed ominously to something else!
Odd materializations
When supposed extraterrestrial entities could walk through walls as had been suspected by Paul Bennewitz who later died, driven crazy by the unknown and by the counter intelligence efforts of the US Air Force, when aerial balls of light could plunge to earth and pass through the ground without an explosion, these were not necessarily mechanical or electronic events from another world! What these bizarre manifestations pointed to was super natural. Something penetrating our reality from another dimension or parallel universe, not a high performance piece of hardware manufactured by a foreign civilization, was suspected.
Why not pick up the phone?
It was considered that if these otherworldly entities were so much smarter than us, and possessed technology so much more advanced than anything we had invented, then why hadn't they simply taken the planet from us a long time ago? Italian physicist, Enrico Fermi, one of the leading influences in the invention of the atomic bomb wondered why if ET had been here for so long, hadn't he picked up the phone, so to speak, and contacted us? After all, by the 1940's the first television and radio transmissions were well on their way into space traveling at light speed and capable of being picked by our closest extra solar neighbors.
Yet, in all this, what we seem to have established for certain without knowing a motive, without a technical explanation of their method of propulsion, without knowing their supposed planets of origin, we do know that they are mysterious, secretive, unwilling to make open diplomatic contact, and have caused many negative psychological and physical effects upon those who have encountered their presence. Hence, we can make the determination that they are indeed hostile. They are not benevolent as some people have theorized. These actions perpetrated on the part of these so called entities usually is disturbing and potentially dangerous, or at the very least, mischievous.
In Part II we will come to some very disturbing conclusions as who or what UFO's are or who is responsible for their appearance in our space time continuum.
Extra information about the article:
Are UFO's really extraterrestrial or is there another more ominous explanation?
Het volgende verhaal dat zich enkele dagen geleden in Amerika afspeelde, bevat een paar interessante aspecten.
Niet alleen ging het om een enorme UFO, maar ook hier weer was volgens de getuige sprake van kleinere UFO’s die de grote verlieten.
Het betreft een waarneming van paranormale onderzoekster Angela Ashton. Nu hebben we onlangs geschreven dat het misschien niet zo vreemd is dat sommige mensen overal UFO’s waarnemen en anderen niet.
Dat dit misschien te maken zou kunnen hebben met een bepaalde gevoeligheid die de één wel bezit en de ander niet. Daarom is het bijzonder dat deze waarneming afkomstig is van iemand die zich al dagelijks bezighoudt in de paranormale wereld.
In ieder geval, Angela lag ’s avonds in bed in Lewisburg in de Amerikaanse staat Mississippi, heeft een groot raam zonder gordijnen en werd wakker doordat ze het volgende waarnam:
Volgens haar was de UFO of UFO’s enorm en had de grootte van een voetbalveld. Zij is er heilig van overtuigd dat we hier niet te maken hebben met een aards object, maar dat de oorsprong absoluut buitenaards is.
Ze licht het één en ander verder toe in een interview met de lokale televisiezender.
Daarin zegt ze nog iets wat deze zaak interessant maakt. Dat is dat ze dacht dat de grote UFO kleinere losliet, maar dat ze daar niet honderd procent zeker van is. Ook dit is iets wat de laatste tijd steeds meer voor lijkt te komen bij waarnemingen.
Ook hier was het schip volkomen geluidloos, hing een tijd stil, had pulserende lichten en verdween vervolgens. Het was trouwens niet de eerste keer dat Angela daar die lichten waarnam, maar wel dat ze zo duidelijk waren.
Aangezien Angela in bed lag toen ze de lichten voor het eerst zag die bewuste avond is ze in haar opwinding zo de sneeuw ingelopen om het te kunnen filmen. Dat is de reden dat ze dit dan ook niet zo lang vol heeft kunnen houden en het filmpje helaas betrekkelijk kort is, maar boeiend om te zien..
Each year at the International UFO Congress Open Minds presents UFO researcher awards. This year the researcher of the year winner was a UFO witness, John Burroughs. Watch the video to find out about Burroughs important research, and to see his acceptance speech.
Your UFO reports: 21th February – 28th February 2015
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Atlanta Braves spring training Lake Buena Vista Fla – March 2014 After arriving home and viewing pics from visit, I noticed something in the middle of the picture. It’s located between two clouds. Looks to be a circular metallic object.
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Cochin, Kerala, India – 27-02-2015 At around 10 pm a glowing ball of fire was witnessed by many in cochin and other locations in the state. News channels are reporting it as a meteor falling but nobody’s confirming on the same. I am forwarding one of the photographs of the glowing object. Please do introspect if it’s not a meteor as because it vanished in seconds once seen in the sky…
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Yakima, Washington – 2-26-2015 3:40am At 3:30am I went out to walk my dogs, something I usually do on my days off as I work nights. At ten minutes in to the walk my dogs started to whine a little and stopped and looked around, then I noticed what I can only describe as a thrumming sound, right at the edge of my hearing. I happen to glance towards my right, I was walking South so that would have been towards the West and while I did not see any visible objects, I saw that a whole section sky were the stars had been visible before were no longer visible. The thrumming was still barely audible to me, but my dogs could hear it as they were still whining. I saw the stars slowly become visible on the Western horizon as stars were eclipsed closer to the location were I was at. This went on for several more minutes, then it suddenly thrumming sound stopped and all the stars in the sky were suddenly visible again. I really never saw any visible object, but whatever was blocking the stars was huge, as it was a fairly large section of the sky that was blocked.
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Meridian Id – 2-23-2015 Meteor? Crash Debris? At 10:55 pm mst As I was driving east on The I-84 in Meridian Idaho. I spotted what I at first thought was a shooting star. But as I focused on it. It continued from the South to the North until Hundreds of miles away. A duration of more than a minute. Changing colors and dropping debris through the whole journey. Changing colors as well from white to yellow back to white. With a very long tail and many multiple streaks. I first thought and still am leaning on a meteor like the one in Russia. But it did also remind me of what the space shuttle did across from California to Texas. So That has my curiosity up on to WHAT WAS IT? Unidentified by me anyways. By the time my friend got her camera out. It was too late to catch a pic.
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USTREAM live view ISS – 21/02/15 I was watching USTREAM live feed of ISS When this image came into view then lit up as you can see from image. Object didn’t stay in shot for long but I did manage a screenshot. What do you think? Please share on your site, I’m very excited over my find.
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Jackhead, Canada – Feb 19, 2015 (Video Description) As you might be aware about the latest UFO crash on Feb 19, 2015 in Jackhead, Canada. Canadian military is trying hard to cover it up but, they’re forgetting one thing this is year 2015, so unlike 1947 roswell crash this event have solid proof. Thanks to the same advance technology, we humans stolen from aliens, is helping uncovering the mystery and government cover ups. This video was sent to us on Feb 25, by a middle aged women, who we can’t name as you guys might be aware, how serious this event is. As you can see in the video a Space ship breaking apart, which then crashed into snow covered area which is now restricted by Canadian military, but this video is proof there is some sort of small rescue craft detached from crashing ship, which then pauses for few milliseconds maybe to see where main space ship might crash, which then quickly flown away into opposite direction. Video Link :
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Newton-le-Willows,Merseyside. – sun.1.feb.2015. This is a Celestial Starship,hovering 1.25mls.,to E,under 1,000ft.alt.,just beyond the M6 Motorway,and A49.See vid.on,youtube,my channel,Robert Newton,MVI_5845. ,or if censored,scroll to url.Or try,Robert Newton@astralaeos,on Twitter,or,Google,Robert Newton ufo.I now have 245 vid’s.,some multiple,and have lot’s more film.19MLS.,E,of Liverpool.
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Qorvehm, Kordestan – 17/12/2014 Very strange round like a big metal ball Silver
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Madrid, Spain – 27 october 2014 Madrid, Spain, objects over north suburbs, 27 October 2014, about 5.25pm. I have no idea what they were. Best guess, they were 6kms above me. Perhaps 8kms altitude. All I saw to the naked eye was the tiniest pin-pricks of light, performing the most astounding acrobatics. I was hoping my $150 camera would have enough coruscation-suppression in its chip, so that if I did get them in focus, I could see what was containing the lights. When I did the crop pull-in, two minutes later, I was just amazed to see the objects. They were in view for some 75 seconds. I knew that if I set the camera to video mode, there’d be zero chance of my hand being steady enough, and the zoom motor quick enough, to distinguish between the roof-tops and the entities 6kms away. I’d have ended up with ‘filmed on a toaster, as usual’, howls of derision, with zero in focus except a lovely azure sky. So, I put the camera on a smart button, set it to 26x max zoom at 16.2mp, held my breath, and hoped for the best. Two experienced news photographers, Jerry Kennelly (Stockbyte/Tweak{.com}), and Crispin Rodwell (Sunday Times, Reuters) whom I met with personally, and looked at the original photo from the kingston-chip/micro SD cards, in the camera, and on-camera view-screen, pronounced themselves mystified. Nothing in these photos is photoshopped or edited. I know next to zero about photo editing (except for the crop function on my idiot-proof no-manual-focus camera), but am vaguely aware that there are ways to ‘clarify’ or clean up distant objects in digital images. I have done none such functions, on the images. If you look at the original wide-shot of 8 objects, which I will send as an attachment, you will notice that three of the objects, are flipped on their backs (from my view point, on the ground), presenting their dorsal sides to the sun. There is no sun glint off the topside of those craft…but you can see copious, effulgent splay-of-light coming from what I think is the ventral side of the crafts, emitting from both left underside, and right underside…which are AWAY from the sun. This, to me, is proof that there is powerful, rocket-like light-power internally, within each craft. So powerful, that a bleached blue sky is eclipsed and out-illuminated by them. If Madrid Air Traffic Control didn’t register them flying over the northern suburbs of Madrid, then there must be an Achilles heel in their system. That very day, there was news of Russian military aircraft making incursions into other nations’ airspaces. I don’t know if the objects I photographed were Spanish military drones, or what. I am also aware, vaguely, of a news-story from about 18 – 20 October (one week before I took my photos), regarding ‘drones’ seen hovering over a Nuclear Energy plant, in France. Aerodynamically, they were able to do things I’d only seen before in a Spielberg movie. Attached, here is the main shot of 13 of the craft.
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Brentwood, Tn – September 28 1976 Hi, I was wondering if anyone else had reported that on September 28 1976 saw a dark ufo cylinder cross the midnight sky? . I know the exact date because we were coming back from the 3rd. “Mohamed Ali – Ken Norton Fight” that was shown at the Municipal Auditorium that night in Nashville, TN. We were about two miles outside of Brentwood, TN going south on Hwy 41 toward Franklin, TN when we saw this GIANT cigar shaped object the size of a football field slowly make its way across a clear, purple sky. We pulled over and watched it for several minutes when suddenly two fighter jets zoomed toward it causing at least three stories of colored lights to light up! Then it vanished! If I remember right it had been reported the next day in the newspaper, The Nashville Tennessean. I reported it in a letter to J. Allen Hynek, with CUFOS. But I have not been able to find anything about my sighting listed anywhere, though someone did say they saw my letter in one of Hynek’s book of which I have yet to locate. I have been searching the Internet for years trying to find anyone else that might have seen the object we saw on this date and this listing on your site is the closest I have found.
The memo that ‘proves aliens landed at Roswell’… released online by the FBI
The memo that ‘proves aliens landed at Roswell’… released online by the FBI
A bizarre memo that appears to prove that aliens did land in New Mexico prior to 1950 has been published by the FBI.
The bureau has made thousands of files available in a new online resource called The Vault.
Among them is a memo to the director from Guy Hottel, the special agent in charge of the Washington field office in 1950.
Proof of (alien) life? A copy of the 1950 memo that recounts the discovery of flying saucers and aliens in New Mexico. The memo has been published on the FBI website.
In the memo, whose subject line is ‘Flying Saucers’, Agent Hottel reveals that an Air Force investigator had stated that ‘three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico’.
The investigator gave the information to a special agent, he said. The FBI has censored both the agent and the investigator’s identity.
Agent Hottel went on to write: ‘They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter.
‘Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall,’ he stated.
The bodies were ‘dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.’
Was it true? An image, later disproved a hoax, showing one of the aliens that were autopsied at Roswell in 1947.
He said that the informant, whose identity was censored in the memo, claimed the saucers had been found in New Mexico ‘due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanism of the saucers’.
He then stated that the special agent did not attempt to investigate further.
The release of the secret memo is likely to fuel conspiracy theorists’ claims of a government cover-up.
The town of Roswell in New Mexico became infamous after reports that a flying saucer had crashed in the desert near a military base there on or around July 2, 1947.
The bodies of aliens were said to have been recovered and autopsied by the U.S. military, but American authorities allegedly covered the incident up.
Roswell: Secret memo released online is written to the FBI Director and could confirm the 1947 Roswell UFO incident.
Military authorities issued a press release, which began: ‘The many rumours regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc.’
The headlines screamed: ‘Flying Disc captured by Air Force.’ Yet, just 24 hours later, the military changed their story and claimed the object they’d first thought was a ‘flying disc’ was a weather balloon that had crashed on a nearby ranch.
Amazingly, the media and the public accepted the explanation without question. Roswell disappeared from the news until the late Seventies, when some of the military involved began to speak out.
Another memo published in The Vault from 1947 claimed that an object ‘purporting to be a flying disc’ had been recovered near Roswell.
The disc was ‘hexagonal in shape’ and ‘suspended from a balloon by a cable’, according to the memo, marked as ‘Urgent’, to the FBI director.
Autopsy: A dead alien is allegedly examined following the landing at Roswell. The photo was later shown to be a hoax.
The memo noted that the disc resembled a weather balloon – but claimed that a telephone conversation between the Air Force and the field office ‘had not [word censored] borne out this belief’.
The disc and balloon were being transported to Wright Field for further inspection, the memo noted.
It added that the information was being flagged up because of ‘national interest’ in the episode, and noting that both NBC and the AP were set to break the story that day.
Carlsbad, California– Dr. Stan Schatt's new book Extraterrestrial First Contact: Past, Present, and Future is now available in paperback and electronic format from Amazon. It examines how much credence should be paid to tales of ancient astronauts, stories of treaties between the U.S. and aliens, and photos showing alien bases on the Moon. It describes the difficulty of developing a message that an alien race could understand as well as the cultural, psychological, moral, cultural, and ethical differences that must be spanned and cites the work of leading exobiologists, archeologists, and others.
“Well-respected figures such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have argued strongly against a new policy by the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) that would result in broadcasting messages rather than just passively listening for alien messages,” Dr. Schatt pointed out. “In fact, it is much like beating a drum in the jungle without knowing who might hear you.”
Schatt discusses the possibility that the first alien visitors could be missionaries and how many of the major religions would likely react. He points to a global political nightmare as well as a mass media feeding frenzy that might make negotiations between races very difficult. In addition to describing the latest research by scientists working in this discipline, Schatt also cites some of the world's most famous science fiction writers who have thought long and hard about this topic.
Dr. Schatt holds a PhD from the University of Southern California as well as advanced degrees from Arizona State University and the Thunderbird School of Global Management. He spent many years as a futurist and consultant for a number of Fortune 500 companies during which time he forecasted future technology products and trends. Schatt also taught as a Fulbright Professor at Tokyo University as well as stints at the University of Houston and the University of Southern California. He also served as Chair of the Telecommunications Management department at DeVry Institute of Technology. He currently lives in Carlsbad, California. Schatt blogs at and his Twitter handle is @stanschatt.
Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea's (1924-2001) collection of remarkable stones in his office in Ica, Peru, ranged in size from fist-sized rocks to rather hefty boulders--and they were all covered with weird petroglyphs. Many of the largest of the stones appeared to depict bizarre looking, five-fingered, pointy¬-nosed people fighting off giant reptiles with what appear to be Viking-styled battleaxes.
When we called on Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea in September 1990, he met us in a most gracious manner. He seemed at first somewhat cautious in explaining his theories. However, once we had made it understood through our broken Spanish and the efforts of our interpreter Sara Lazo that we would be the last to condemn him for his speculations about a world before our own, we received numerous provocative concepts.
Picture: Cabrera stone
Dr. Cabrera, a medical doctor who specialized in circulatory ailments by day and conducted archaeological digs by night, claimed that he first became interested in the controversial engraved stones of Ica when, in May, 1966, a childhood friend, Felix Llosa Romero, presented him with a small specimen that might be used as a paperweight.
Intrigued by the notion of what the stone might represent, Dr. Cabrera began to search for the mysterious rocks near Ica on land that his father owned in Sallas. Fortuitously for his excavations, an earthquake provoked a landslide which exposed a large deposit of the picture rocks.
Many of his most severe detractors insist that Dr. Cabrera hired Indians to carve the petroglyphs; and to the frustration of his defenders, he refused to divulge the exact location of the perplexing cache of stones so that impartial experts might examine the site for themselves.
Dr. Cabrera held fast to his theory that the petroglyphs were fashioned by proto-humans who lived near what is now present-day Ica over 230 million years ago, during the Mesozoic Era.
Furthermore, he believed that those prehistoric humanoids were genetically engineered by extraterrestrials who first visited Earth as long ago as 400 million years.
In response to questions about supportive data regarding the incredible antiquity that he claims for the stones, Dr. Cabrera produced documents from various geologists and petrologists declaring the stones to be derived from lava flows dating from the Mesozoic Era, characteristic of the zone where they were found.
On April 29, 1975, Josef F. Blumrich, the NASA scientist who developed the design of the Saturn V and participated in the design of Skylab, expressed his opinion about Dr. Cabrera's discoveries in these words: “I am deeply impressed by what I have seen here, and I am happy to have found so much direct evidence of what I began to feel and to understand before. There is no doubt in my mind about the authenticity of these stones.”
Several of Dr. Cabrera's most cherished stones that we saw that day portrayed the otherworldly genetic engineers seeking to perfect a progenitor of Homo sapiens, using first the amphibians, then the reptiles, and finally early mammalian life forms to arrive eventually somewhere near the step on the evolutionary ladder where we stand today.
Dr. Cabrera agreed that the stones’ existence may stretch the scientific imagination--but he tirelessly and consistently argued with his critics that the stones are genuine, not the products of an elaborate hoax.
“We know that Mesozoic rocks date from around 230 million years ago,” he told us, smiling as he tapped one of the engraved stones with a metallic pointer. “And although this date of roughly 250,000 years ago is far removed from the accepted date of the appearance of man on Earth, I believe that it is not scientific to dismiss the evidence of these engraved stones which demonstrate the existence of humans in a previous, unknown past.”
Some of the most remarkable petroglyphs in Dr. Cabrera's museum appeared to depict the five-fingered proto-humans conducting brain surgeries, heart transplants, liver operations, and other medical procedures which have no known counterparts. Others portrayed the proto-humans riding horses and pulling wheeled carts and other vehicles.
Strangely enough, the great majority of the petroglyphs depicted the proto-humans as possessing no opposing thumbs.
Because even the most primitive apes have opposing thumbs--both in the fossil record and in the modern worId--Dr. Cabrera seized upon this anomaly as additional proof that his proto-humans predated the apes. “These entities without opposing thumbs were designed to be as intellectual as their genetic creators,” he explained. “They were genetically engineered to be reflective people--scientists, philosophers, artists of the highest order. Those entities who have opposing thumbs were genetically engineered to be the workers, to be assigned to common labor tasks.”
It was Dr. Cabrera's further contention that great numbers of the prehistoric humanoids were destroyed by a cataclysmic disaster shortly after they had accomplished many important contributions to posterity, including the pyramids of Egypt.
The superscience of the extraterrestrially spawned and programmed “reflective humans” enabled them to recognize the signs of approaching cataclysms and to make preparations to return to their ancestral planetary home.
“All that remained on Earth,” he explained, “were the majority of the people of lower intellectual capabilities than the reflective, scientific types. The workers and laborers with opposing thumbs were left behind.
“After the great cataclysm, which gave final form to the continents of Earth, a few of these prototypical humans survived; and those few, after a long and difficult path through time and across continents, became the remote, but direct, ancestors of modern humans,” Dr. Cabrera commented.
“I think that the fossilized bones, skulls, and skeletons that anthropologists have and continue to find, are, if not these same men, then their descendants, which explains why every day older and older human fossils are being found.”
What is happening in France is very interesting: Many nuclear sites have been visited by drones, but the info now from testimonials is changing into UFO sightings.
The French government is on high alert due to a large amount of UFO sightings over nuclear power plants since October, 2014. Most media outlets suspect that the objects are drones, but not all of the witnesses are convinced. If they are drones, the authorities say they do not know who they belong to. Read more at Openmindstv.
(The following article is published by and translated with Google Translate).
Plants are not the only ones affected by these disturbing aerial inspection tours: on the night of January 26 and 27 unknown objects flew over the military site Long Island in the harbor of Brest and a French nuclear ballistic missile was also visited in the evening of October 31, 2014.
Also other sites were visited: the central of Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux (Loir-et Cher), Dampierre en Burly (Loiret), Belleville-sur-Loire (Cher), Fessenheim (Haut-Rhin), Flamanville (Manche) and Penly (Seine-Maritime).X Drones flew over Paris on two consecutive nights, hovering over sensitive or tourist areas including the Eiffel Tower and the US Embassy.
On January 20, another vehicle was spotted above the Élysée palace. This mini wave of drones on the capital comes after the more worrying flights over the French nuclear plant by a fleet of unidentified devices.
The overview of nuclear power plants is prohibited within a radius of five kilometers and 1,000 meters above sea level around the sites. The airspace above a nuclear power plant is monitored by the air force, as part of an agreement with EDF, “says AFP.
Authorities have suspected the objects were drones flown by anti-nuclear activists to demonstrate that the plants were open to terrorist attacks via drones. However, the drones are of such a high level of sophistication that the authorities have not been able to track them. They have been reported as unidentified drones, but a director at one of the plants in France says, unequivocally, that these were not drones, they were UFOs.
But after three months of overflights who question the safety of the French nuclear fleet, no arrests have been made, no drone was shot down and no serious track is considered, at least publicly. They do not even know what kind of equipment is used.
Witness reports:
Case 1:
We saw a big bright spot of white (colorless) on the horizon heading North East to Donzac (above Donzac to be precise) at around 4-5 kilometers from us, and at an altitude of about 200 meters (not much higher than the towers of the plant itself).
Then the vehicle began to move slowly at very low speed. While pivoting on itself as to initiate a turn. At that time, I could see with binoculars (and my friend to the naked eye) a second type flash light.
Then it began to move more quickly, at the speed of a small Cessna airplane, heading more towards St Loup, after it made a fairly tight while pointing in our direction. As it moved closer to us, I could see a red dot with binoculars clearly enough, bright enough too.
At about 300 meters from us, from the front, still with it’s big white spot, it remains nearly stationary about 15 to 20 seconds. I then had the time, my friend, too, to see the shape. It has a form of a “plane.” There was no noise … nothing. I could see two wings. Its wingspan was good 6-7 m.
Case 2:
Using my binoculars, I observed a black triangular UFO with three flashing lights about 500 meters from me
I was very surprised because I had good view as the UFO was not moving very fast. Despite I could not see the whole contours of the UFO, I saw wings, but it was a bit the effect of a mirage in the dessert.
To sum up: a large object from six to seven meters wide, flashing lights, blurred shape “like a mirage,” a variable speed ranging from on-site to that of a private plane, no noise, “flashes strobe “the witness interpreted as the flashes of a camera … It is clear that this type of” drone “is not found at the local supermarket.
Case 3:
We spotted an unknown object passing very close two nuclear reactors.
It made no noise (engine, whistling etc.) there was no breath, no smell. The object continued his journey in silence and then about thirty yards away to my left, it pivoted on his right and left still slowly gaining altitude heading towards a hill.
The object was so low that for us it was not above the center of the plant and about 150/200 meters from the plant. The object passed the two nuclear reactors very close. It flew over the aisle, the Security Building Site without causing an alarm to our surprise.
The two witnesses, Pascal and Sofiane, aged 44 and 20 years old at the time, contacted the GEIPAN but they were in complete disagreement and were told that it was likely a plane.
And the UFO mystery goes on. On February 27, 2015, a witness captured another unknown object next to the Eiffel Tower. See the video below:
Solar Warden: The Secret Space Program Built with Alien Technology
We now have the technology to take ET home.” - Ben Rich, CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works, 1993
The story behind this quote is an interesting one. At a lecture held in 1993 at the UCLA alumni center, Ben Rich, the former CEO of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works held a speech about the advancements in space engineering during the previous 40 years. He concluded with the quote about taking ET home while the final image in his slide presentation showed a “black disk zipping out into outer space.”
Was this merely a joke or was he hinting at something?
Over the years, the Skunk Works division of Lockheed has designed and built a number of high-tech aircraft such as the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-22 Raptor and the F-117 Nighthawk. Taking this into account, some have drawn the conclusion that Rich alluded to advanced technology being secretly developed and it might be responsible for some of the flying disks we see today.
Seems too far-fetched? We’re on the same page but wait, it gets better.
In 2001, British systems administrator Gary McKinnon hacked his way into 97 U.S. military and NASA computers. He intended to find top-secret files regarding free energy but stumbled upon something bigger. McKinnon claimed to have uncovered a spreadsheet containing names and information about “non-terrestrial officers” and transfers between fleets. He cross referenced these names with a database of all U.S. Navy and military personnel but was unable to find any of the officers. McKinnon therefore concluded they were not of this world and labeled them as “Space Marines”.
In an interview with the BBC, he said he had been motivated by The Disclosure Project because “they are some very credible, relied-upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there’s anti-gravity, there’s free energy, and it’s extraterrestrial in origin and they’ve captured spacecraft and reverse engineered them.”
McKinnon was discovered just as he was examining the image of a UFO stored in a NASA computer in Johnson Space Center’s Building 8. Caught in 2002, he was facing up to 70 years in prison and several million dollars in fines. However, the U.K. never extradited him to the U.S. and McKinnon managed to avoid prison. Some say that he was able to do so because he had amassed sensitive information that he used as leverage.
He maintains his claim that extraterrestrial spacecraft have been captured and reverse-engineered and now the alien technology is being used by entities in our own figurative backyard.
This brings us to Solar Warden. According to conspiracy theorists, Solar Warden is an ultra-secret project that maintains a fleet (or several fleets) of spaceships that are operating within our solar system. Some say they’re defending us against alien threats. Others say they’re involved in the covert colonization of space.
Shh, nobody on Earth has to know!
Such a fleet would require technology way ahead of what we’ve currently got. In order to send manned missions into the far reaches of our solar system we’d need exotic materials and propulsion systems. But there are some who claim we already do.
I suspect that in the last 60 years or so, that there has been some back-engineering and the creation of this type of equipment, that is not nearly as sophisticated yet as what the apparent visitors have.” -Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the Moon
Even so, who would have the coin required to fund such a venture?
The United States’ black budget for 2014 amounted to some $52.6 billion and they plan on spending around $58.7 B this year. But even this astronomical sum isn’t enough to fund or maintain a secret space fleet. And that’s when conspiracy voices start mentioning the deep black budgets. Whether these programs are myth or reality is hard to tell.
As it turns out, there might be UFOs that were built on Earth, based on technology that originated elsewhere in the universe. And we might have a space fleet without knowing it. Leave a comment telling us what you think about this idea.
The tiny fishing village of Shag Harbor wasn’t destined to remain anonymous. On the night of October 4, 1967, its residents were awaken from their slumber by an event that would find its place within the pages of ufology books — the Shag Harbor UFO crash.
Like all similar incidents, this one began when several of the 400 residents noticed strange lights in the sky. Most witnesses recalled a number of four orange lights trailing through the sky in an apparently intelligent and controlled manner. They also heard a whistling sound followed by a loud bang. Five teenagers reported the lights had been flashing in sequence before diving towards the water. Whatever those lights were, they didn’t dive below the surface but rather appeared to float.
I was with Norm Smith and we were driving in Shag Harbor from Cape Island,” said Dave Kendricks, one of the witnesses. “When we got to Bear Point we saw a bright light in the sky, sort of reddish orange,”
Believing they had just watched a plane crash, several of the townspeople notified the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Unbeknownst to them, RCMP Constable Ron Pound had also witnessed the strange lights as he was patrolling on Highway 3 between Shag Harbor and Barrington Passage. Intrigued, he was already heading towards the crash site.
Pound believed the four lights were part of the same structure which he estimated to have measured around 60 feet across. He kept an eye on the object as it appeared to settle on the surface of the water, half a mile out at sea.
As he reached the shore, he was joined by two more policemen, Corporal Victor Werbieki and Constable Ron O’Brien as well as several residents of Shag Harbor.
After it hit the water we were called to the scene,” said Constable Ron O’Brien. “I saw a light floating on the water about a half mile offshore. It was being carried out to sea by the tide and disappeared before we could get a boat to it.”
Ten more officers arrived and as they were all observing the object, it disappeared. The witnesses surmised it had either moved beyond their field of view or sank into the frigid waters.
Several local boats and a Coast Guard vessel initiated a search but when they arrived at the spot where the object was last seen, they found nothing but a large patch of strange, yellow foam bubbling on the surface of the water. Whatever object had splashed down in the harbor, it was most likely resting on the seabed. Lacking resources, they called off the search for the night.
The first step in identifying the unknown object was to call air traffic control. The RCMP contacted the NORAD radar in Nova Scotia, inquiring about any missing aircraft. They received a negative answer as all military and civilian aircraft were accounted for.
The following morning, a report was filed with the Canadian Forces HQ in Ottawa. The report made mention of an object of “unknown origin” crashing into Shag Harbor. The bottom of the ocean was searched for several days by a team of military divers. Despite their best efforts, the search results returned nothing.
Due to a lack of answers, the incident would fade into obscurity.
Fortunately, it would be brought back up into attention through the efforts of two MUFON investigators, Chris Styles and Doug Ledger. In 1993, Styles and Ledger began a series of interviews that managed to uncover strange and interesting new evidence. Employing some old-style reporter work, they sifted through newspaper clippings, identifying the original witnesses.
As they would find out, it had been rumored the object that crashed into the harbor was actually a Soviet spacecraft and there were reports of a Soviet submarine in the area shortly after the incident.
Intrigued, the MUFON investigators decided to dig deeper and managed to interview some of the divers that had participated in the search operation. According to their testimony, the underwater object had left the area in the days following its crash, heading north for 25 miles, until it reached a submarine detection base called Government Point. After its presence was detected by sonar, several Navy vessels were stationed above it. When the vessels were dispatched to a salvage operation a few days later, a second unidentified object arrived.
As the Navy kept an eye on the intruders, an alarm was raised as a Soviet submarine entered the Canadian waters. Once again, the vessels were dispatched and the two objects took advantage of the situation, making their escape through the Gulf of Maine. Once they had distanced themselves, the objects took off into the skies and disappeared for good.
Although this last part is unsubstantiated, it makes for an interesting addition to the case.
Although not particularly famous, this episode remains one of the most interesting incidents and the large number of witnesses lends credibility to the event. Although unexplained, one thing is certain: there is something mysterious behind the Shag Harbor UFO crash.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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