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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Belgium in the early 1990's had a massive wave of ufo sightings all over the country, The belgium government finally came out and told the public about the issue and said about an incident where they scrambled belgium air force F16's to intercept one of these objects eventually one aircraft had a lock on to the object and then it zipped off out of sight at thousands of miles an hour, interesting stuff!! Check out my many other videos at
Filer's Files # 11 - 2015 - Humanoid Sighting Reports - PART I
Filer's Files # 11 - 2015 - Humanoid Sighting Reports - PART I
The witness photographed this object in Pennsylvania on March 7, 2015, at 1:30 pm.
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Speaker Says UFOs Data from Unimpeachable Sources, Memphis UFO Incident? President Reagan and Gorbachev, Manned Battle Platforms Defending Earth, Early Humanoid Sighting Reports, Jerry Pippin, Radio Talk Show Host Dies, and Islamic State Jihad Murderer and Family on Charity in UK.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, El Salvador, Mexico, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, and in England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Chuck Warren my webmaster and I send out over 30,000 plus emails each week.
Special Projects
Speaker Says UFOs Data from Unimpeachable Sources
John W. McCormack Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States stated,
“I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available information on the Unidentified Flying Objects. You cannot disregard so many unimpeachable sources.”
In 1928 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts and remained a member of Congress for the next 42 years. He served as speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1962 to 1970. John W. McCormack. January 1965
Memphis UFO Incident?
In the early morning hours of Sunday, February 1st 2015, a group of seven FedEx employees met right after work at a house on Wright Road in Collierville, a small suburb of Memphis, Tennessee. Their purpose there was to celebrate the newly-purchased home of one of their friends and coworkers. Instead, they were subjected to an incident far different than what they intended and expected.
The events experienced by them, coupled with the recorded video and sound data will forever erase any doubts about the existence of extraterrestrial visitors to our home planet. The sheer amount and quality of evidence will settle the decade’s long question once and for all. The incident goes much further than this, as there will be tremendous shifts of direction in how our federal government deals with the issue of unidentifiable flying objects.
The Federal Express employees who experienced this incident are normal everyday people. Their jobs range from pilots to mechanics to lawyers and engineers. The incident changed their lives forever. This is their description of how events happened that morning. Allegedly a large UFO was seen and filmed for over an hour in high definition along with photographs by eight employees including two pilots and the author a lawyer. The craft allegedly landed and the witnesses closely examined the 65 foot craft at close range. The craft emitted heat forcing the witnesses inside their home and melting candles. The author claims to be anonymous to protect the jobs of those evolved; although it could all be fiction to sell books. If anyone has information regarding this sighting please contact me
International Space Station and UFO
This UFO was seen this week on March 4, 2015, at the International Space Station, which its name itself is a contradictory of terms, since the Chinese were not invited, but the USA just hands over 100% controlled to communist Russia.
Streetcap1 of YouTube caught this UFO. The light reflection off of its surface is indication that this is a solid craft that we are looking at. As the suns light diminishes, so does the light reflecting off of this UFO. If I had to make a guess at its distance, I would say 75-150 meters away. If I’m wrong, then it’s bigger than any of us could imagine. Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
President Reagan and Gorbachev
President Reagan revealed December 4, 1985 that his discussions with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev touched not only on “Star Wars,” but the extraterrestrial. In an address to students at Fallston High School here, Reagan departed from his prepared remarks to say that, “In his private discussions with Gorbachev at last month’s Geneva summit, he noted that “we’re all God’s children. I couldn’t help but say to him just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly if there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe.” Reagan said the president went on to say that. “Such an event would force himself and Gorbachev to forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries and they would find out that we really are all human beings here on this earth together. Well, I don’t suppose we can wait for some alien race to come down and threaten us, Reagan added. But I think that between us we can bring about that realization.” The President then ended his remarks, without giving his young audience a clue as to how Gorbachev responded. Later Gorbachev responded as follows,
Mikhail Gorbachev, in a speech at the Kremlin `For a Nuclear Free World and the Survival of Humanity’ in Moscow on Feb 16, 1987 stated,
`In spite of the differences between us, we must all learn to preserve our one big family of humanity. At our Geneva meeting, the US President said that if the earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such an invasion. I shall not dispute the hypothesis, though I think it is early yet to worry about such an intrusion.‘ Soviet Life Supplement May 1987.
Gorbachev was chosen by Time Magazine as one of the most important men of the Twentieth Century. The two most powerful men in the world were talking about extraterrestrials and Star Wars (anti-missile) weapons system that President Reagan offered to share with the Soviets. Not generally known to the American public is that the Soviet military reported UFOs were attacking and destroying Soviet facilities causing great concern. It is my theory that UFOs play a much larger role in the affairs of men than anyone realizes.
Manned Battle Platforms Defending Earth
According to Olav Phillips states, “OK at this point we can see starting in the 1950s, there was an aggressive line of research coming out of the military to build space based weapons. At the same time both the Soviets and Americans embarked on a manned battle platform strategy. …. I think there is a case which can be made that at some level these stations were built and are up there, or maybe they have been superseded by automated defense systems. We do need to remember that DARPA is almost 50 years ahead of us here in the conventional world. So what did they come up with?
The Manned Observation Laboratory (The Mol shown) – the United States Air Force project to build and later deploy a manned battle station equipped with a laser. The two manned crew, both Air Force Astronauts, and yes the USAF does have its own astronaut corps were designated to spend three to six months onboard. Armed with a laser cannon, or possibly a particle cannon, their mission ostensibly was to be ready attack then Soviet space based platforms or space planes (may be even UFOs.)
The Almaz was the Soviet equivalent to the MOL. It was indeed launched and crewed for some time and was armed with 23mm cannon. The cannon was actually a massive engineering feat since the designers actually had to place rockets on the sides of the Almaz to counter act the force of the cannon firing. Cosmonauts who served on the Almaz report it was quite and adventure to fire the canon and it was fired several times. …. There were possibly up to three Alma’s in orbit with advanced weapons. Page 148-149 “The Secret Space Age.”
Note: US Navy insiders and Cosmonauts claim the battle is not going well against UFOs and we need more battle stations.
Humanoid Sighting Reports
Echoes of a dim past prove to be reflections of the future.
Cave of Altamira
The Cave of Altamira is a cave in Spain famous for its Upper Paleolithiccave paintings featuring drawings and polychrome rock paintings of wild mammals and human hands. It was the first cave in which prehistoric cave paintings were discovered.
Archaeological excavations in the cave floor found rich deposits of artifacts from the Upper Solutrean (c. 18,500 years ago) and Lower Magdalenian (between c. 16,500 and 14,000 years ago). A possible UFO was painted on the walls above wild animals. Wikipedia,
Compiled by Albert Rosales
Japan Date: 2357-2258 BC
According to Tau-se from an ancient manuscript called “Sey-to-ki”, during the time of Emperor Ton-Yo, in the year of “Mon-Sham” a “divine man” descended from the sky, using a “monster that was emitting light” (spacecraft??). The people called this man “the master”. He received the name Tan-kun (Sandalwood God) and his country was called Peson.
Source: Space Visitors in Ancient Japan by Mikhail Rosenshpitz in: “Unbelievable World” # 8 August 2004
Illyrian Apollonia Greece (Modern day Albania)
Date: 83 BC
In this year the Roman General Syllas gathered his army to march against Greece. As his army passed the Illyrian Apollonia, a city near today’s city of Dirach in Albania they encountered a strange being.
“Near Apollonia and the surrounding area is Nympaio, a sacred place with a steep and narrow valley and rivers of fire. There the soldiers of Syllas caught a “satyr” as the status and paintings depict. The soldiers brought the strange creature in front of Syllas and he questioned the satyr but it could not speak, only moaned and cried like a goat or a horse”.
Source: quoting Plutarch
Rome Italy
Date: 214 AD
At Hadria a fiery bridge was seen in the sky and next to him the figure of man wearing white clothing.
Source: Henry Durrant, 1970
Cannes, France
Date: 216 AD
Round objects and the shapes of ships with occupants were observed over the region.
Dennis Balthaser writes, “I’m sad to report that I’ve just been informed that long time radio show host Jerry Pippin passed away on Monday, March 2, 2015. Many, if not all of you listed on this email have known Jerry, or in fact been interviewed by him over the years. He was a tremendous supporter of all of us researchers over the years and he will be missed.”
Jerry Pippin, the radio talk show host whose Internet website attracted millions of listeners worldwide, died peacefully on Monday, March 2, 2015, in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Jerry Bertrand Pippin, 75, was born on November 25, 1939, in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Jerry Pippin always wanted to be in broadcasting and started hanging out at the two local radio stations. KBIX gave him a job as one of their youngest announcers. In 1961, he joined the US Army where he was stationed in the San Francisco Bay area where Jerry started doing stand-up comedy.
After the Army, he returned to KBIX in Muskogee, and in 1967 he became part-owner and manager of KMMM-FM. He moved to work in Los Angeles and pursued an acting/comedy career. He continued broadcasting and in 1972 he was named Billboard magazine’s “Disc Jockey of the Year.” Stand-up comedy took center stage in his life in the 1980s.
He played almost every major comedy club venue in the country as part of the comedy team of Pippin and Sessions. He also syndicated the Comedy Minute that was heard on radio stations throughout the country as well as an hour show of comedy cuts and comedian interviews called “The Comedy Radio Network.”
In 1998, Jerry returned to Oklahoma City and did an air stint at KOMA, and later he would also do a show on KOOL-FM (KQLL) in Tulsa. He created a variety radio format for The Jerry Pippin Show and in 1999, he returned to KBIX. In 2000, he added the now highly successful UFO, Paranormal and programming to the mix. In 2001 his show was voted Best Specialty RADIO Program. During that year he became legally blind from complications from diabetes.
His “Memories of the 20th Century” programs received special recognition from the Oklahoma Broadcasters Association. This opened the door to implementing a successful Internet radio project that has grown to reach millions of listeners around the world.
Jerry Pippin will be deeply missed, remembered by his warm smile, witty sense of humor, tremendous generosity. He knew His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and his spirit is at rest now with Him. Jerry is survived by his companion of 31 years, Roberta Scott Hamilton, and three daughters. I was lucky to be interviewed by Jerry and he did a great deal to enhance UFO awareness. We send our deepest sympathy to the family of our friend Jerry Pippin.
14-03-2015 om 15:52
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files # 11 - 2015 - Humanoid Sighting Reports - PART II
Filer's Files # 11 - 2015 - Humanoid Sighting Reports - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
California Lights
Sanger – On March 6, 2015 at 8:45 pm, my wife and mother in law were driving north on Piedra Road and noticed an incredibly bright light behind them. First, thinking it was a vehicle with their high beams on, they realized that this was something different. My wife noticed it was roughly three feet above the road, and traveling pretty fast. This object was circular in shape, but not a perfect circle. This object was only about as big as a beach ball. In the middle of this object was an incredibly brilliant white light, which did not light up any trees or the road below it, which was unusual. She noticed some blinking lights on the bottom. My mother in law said there might have been four bluish lights on the bottom. They said the object was only about 3 or 4 seconds behind them. If her mother would have hit her brakes this thing would have hit them, it was that close!
It followed them the entire time for four miles until they came to a bridge. Both of them were scared and excited about what they had just seen. Once home, they noticed the object returned to a vacant building next store. My wife then got her cell phone and she snapped a couple pictures of the object clearly off the ground. At this point the object was gone. This is not the first time this has happened. Thanks to MUFON CMS
San Jose — While filming with a drone quadcopter equipped with a 1080P HD Video Camera, 60fps, I was flying and filming in and around a Velodrome Bike Race Track at Hellyer Park on March 3, 2015. .I had been flying and filming for about 5 minutes around 4 o’clock in the afternoon at a height of 90 to 100 feet. The video runs just over 5 minutes and although I personally did not see this object at the time it soared past my drones camera view as I stopped a pan from right to left, the camera clearly captured the object as it traveled from west to east at a downward angel from a 90 to 100 foot height down to the ground where it disappeared into the grass field inside the vellodrome. Once I returned home to view the video I shot I immediately noticed the bright white object in the video. I was unaware of this objects existence until I viewed the video for the first time. I then tried to freeze the video at different intervals in an attempt to distinguish what this object was and it was then that I was able to track the trajectory of the object as it traveled to the ground.
It comes into view (2:09) you can follow the object all the way to the ground as it travels in a slightly curved line until it nears the ground and then it turns left and loops around into the grass field where it disappeared. The object appears to be traveling at a very high rate of speed. I was able to track the object to the ground and disappeared into the grass field. The object first appears in the video at apx 2:09-2:10 into the video and lasts for a brief second or two. It comes in from the west in the lower right hand side of the video and travels downward to the ground. I have included the raw video and three stills taken from my monitor , one slightly blown up for a better view and one blown up a bit larger to try and distinguish what the object is and one with a trajectory overlay. I was told it is a classic “Rod” UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Object
Lafayette – I was heading home from work at 8 am driving down State Road 38 east on September 18, 2014, just before the Interstate 65. The object was very bright in the sky and impossible for anyone to miss. When I first saw it my heart jumped because it didn’t look like anything I had ever seen. My first thought without hesitation was that it was a UFO. My second thought was it had to be a plane or something being launched, but it didn’t look at all like a plane and I doubt there would be anything launched from our city. It didn’t appear to be moving but it was very far away.
If it was moving it looked like it was shooting up into space. I wasn’t sure how to react other than to take a picture. I lost sight of it by turning on to 65 N but it didn’t disappear. Thanks to MUFON CMS Note: It may be a contrail
Michigan Lights
Shelbyville – On March 4, 2015, I was checking noises outside, and looked up to see lights in the sky.
I went in got my camera and took pictures and this is what I saw.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mississippi Egg
Mantee – I was going through the pictures on the trail cam I had on a pole to see what kind of action pictures of birds I could get and happened to notice something in the sky on February 28, 2015.
As I went through more pictures I found more. I thought it was birds, but as I watched the buzzards and others for a few days, I have never seen any birds that look like a ball.
I would like to know what it is. In one picture it looks like a shiny spot.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri TV and Discs
High Ridge — On March 6, 2015, I was sitting at a stop light around noon and I saw a large disk about a mile out over the trees definitely round and oddly brown? It came straight down out of the south and I grabbed my phone and got these pictures. It shot straight across the highway, stopped over the north tree line and then shot straight north toward St Louis. There were a total of three objects. Two were silver and one was dark like the 2012 video. I am sending these pictures with direction of travel.
This all happened in the time it took to stop at this light. This big object was as I said quite huge and about a mile away and I am guessing about half the size of a football field. Note: The witness is referring to a previous sighting that he reported that happened in the St. Louis area in 2012.
St. Louis – A UFO shows up on Channel 2, behind the St. Louis weather girl back in 2012. After the third ship passes slowly, more ships come into view. All caught on live TV. I think it was around June or July. She was doing a live feed and I just happened to look up and hit the record.
I am astonished that nobody caught this especially it being a live feed Wow! Also if you go frame by frame after the third one, you will see two other very fast ships go straight across the screen. Watch over the building at the end and you will see a couple more come over the building make an extremely sharp turn. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
New Jersey Object
Cape May— I’ve been a subscriber to your newsletter for more than a few years now. I want to share a photo I took in Cape May in 2011. I was out on the beach metal detecting in the surf and decided to take a photo of my equipment. It was early in the morning.
No people, planes, boats or anything else was around. Take a look at the upper left of the picture. It appears to be a disk. I didn’t notice it for almost a year. It is just above ocean on extreme left.
Maxwell – I saw the object from a train I was taking from Chicago to Los Angeles on September 24, 2014.
The object stayed with the train for 81 miles and seemed to be travelling parallel to us.
It didn’t change height or direction. I eventually lost sight of it behind clouds.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Las Cruces — My kids and I were hiking on Picacho Peak on the afternoon of March 8, 2014.
We continually heard what sounded like fighter jets very high in the sky way above us. None of us were able to spot anything. We never saw these objects until this picture, but we heard sounds above us continually yesterday. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Object
Walkertown – We were going to Kernersville on March 6, 2015, and noticed the smoke and shot a photo. My spouse shot the picture through the windshield while auto was moving and thought that through lens of camera it was a water tower tank. We went on to destination but on the way home I saw ‘something’ go across my ‘line of vision’ that was about tree line and moving very fast as it was gone in a split second. I could not even see the object until the object was on a digital photo. It could be a spot on the windshield. I’m going to try a shot with camera through windshield of car to see if anything looks like what the picture shows. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Light
Hebron– On the night of November 23, 2014, I went out on my back porch to smoke. It was around 9:00 PM. I was facing north and I saw an orange, round, glowing light just above a tree line that was about ½ mile away. I watched the light for about 3 or 4 minutes. It would get so dim that you could barely see it and then it would get real bright. I kept waiting to see the blinking lights or other separate lights because at first I thought it was an airplane landing at the Columbus Airport. As low as it was, I should have been able to see some other green, white or red lights but I didn’t.
I ran inside, grabbed by camera and managed to take 4 pictures. It had rose straight upward in the sky. It finally just dimmed or faded out and was gone. It seemed very odd or weird to me. Note: Similar sighting happened on 10/28/14. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Orb
The witness photographed this object by the sun on March 7, 2015, at 1:30 pm.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
Garland — I was coming home from work at 4:15 am on March 6, 2015, and saw a flashing light that had shot up in the air and then changed course to the left. I got closer to my house when I witnessed the other stationary flashing lights. I was in complete shock.
I saw a white cigar shape moving like a check mark up and down and were flashing lights.
Thanks to MUFON
Claude – We was standing in our driveway on November 8, 2014, saying goodbye to my cousins when my cousin said “What is that in the sky?” We all looked and saw a hovering balloon like object. It was at that point when my husband decided to go get his camera.
Upon its return the object had moved to the east and these are the pictures he captured. We still are unsure of what we might have seen, as balloons do not hover. It moved at a rapid speed across the sky and then seemed to hover again in the east.
Then the object disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Orbs
Spokane— My 20 year old son came home at 8 PM, on February 28, 2015. While driving two miles from our home he sighted three orange, round orbs in the sky flying south. They were traveling fairly slowly and looked like they were “on fire.” (He described how they “glowed”.) Each disappeared into the atmosphere. He said they were obviously NOT planes.
He was able to film the orbs, but it was a cell phone filming. He was looking into the western sky. I also wanted to mention that my son was pretty certain the orbs were not meteorites or satellites either.
Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Orb
Sydney– Just took several consecutive photo’s over my house, deleted all photo’s after viewing quickly did not see anything of interest, reopened the folder a day later and found two images still there on June 21, 2012! Strange as it sounds, but that’s how I discovered them.
Now I carefully check all photos. Seems to have atmospheric compression of some type, possibly indicating speed or transitional state.
Same with the second one on a different date, but semi cloaked or in a transitional state. It was a full circled translucent object beside the main object.
Sunday, at around 5 pm, I returned from Jurumirim Reservoir in the car with my children during a severe very ugly windstorm. I shot photos of the arrival of the tempest. A diagnostics of my cell phone images shows a possible UFO. At one point it looked like a rod. (Portuguese translation?)
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Light
Surrey– I was looking out the window and I guess the color of the object caught my eye on March 3, 2015. When I first saw it I thought it was an airplane. I live under a flight path near Vancouver Airport (YVR) so seeing aircraft is very common. I realized it was unusual as it was moving slower than an airplane.
Most of the planes I’ve ever seen have several lights. Some are steady beams and some blink. This object was pulsing just one color, a red-orange. The pulse was slow, and seemed to range from bright to off. It was low in the sky like a “traffic helicopter. It was probably very visible if people were below it. I couldn’t hear it. I looked away when it was close to going behind a building. My pictures are bad, just an example of color and location.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
El Salvador Disc
San Miguel – It took place at El Salvador, near volcanic activity there was smoke and my sister took a picture. We didn’t notice until we downloaded the image into a PC.
The photo of the disc with two bright lights was taken on December 23, 2013. Note: Aircraft landing lights are usually placed near the center of the aircraft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico UFO
Volcano Popocatepetl — On March 10, 2015 at 07:54:02 CST Streetcap1 of YouTube caught a UFO at a volcano called Popocatepetl, near Mexico City. The UFO was once on live cam, but was found in the archives of that day. The object is a dark disk and tilted to one side.
Karachi— It was night of course and there was no light in our area at that moment. My sister’s fiancé, my father and I were on our three story roof on 24 July 2010. I noticed a star, white like a star but bright like the Sun. I know all of the stars that observable in southern hemisphere, so I knew it was definitely not a star.
I pointed the light out to them since it was 30 to 40 feet above the ground. It started to rise upward very slowly. It stopped at around 100 feet and flew over a mosque which is in front of my home. I was recording it all on my Nokia 6120C. We were amazed about it, so I ran downstairs to tell my sisters about what I saw, by the time I came back, it was gone. I was only 15 then. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Puerto Rico Disc
Las Lajas — Reinaldo Rios spotted the object on March 9, 2015, has asked the local mayor to investigate on whether this is an alien craft. According to information supplied such evidence belongs to a woman who owns a Hacienda in the valley close to the facilities on the Extraterrestrial Route that is located at kilometer 8 of the Costa Bermeja in the coastal town of Lasjas. A new image began to go viral with UFO researchers spreading the image in social networks in the area that could be the ongoing point of UFO landings.
Scholars speculate UFOs are based in the area, but are awaiting official word from the local mayor and researchers that promise to tell the whole truth. Sightings in the town of Las Lajas are a common occurrence and the people of the town want answers about why there are so many UFOs are seen over their forest. Also they say the UFO photos are constantly being deleted off of the Internet. A UFO base may have moved to this new location from another less secure location. Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
South Africa Lights
Durban — Three lights hovering just above the Durban skies on March 6, 2015, around 7:30 PM. There were three of these lights floating above the clouds that were still visible. They were just hovering in circles for around 5 minutes. Everyone on the block saw it, because they were all screaming in excitement when they saw them. There were 50+ witnesses. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
UK Sightings in England
Newtownards – On February 28, 2015 I decided to look at Venus as it was bright that night. I have a Pulsar Recon 550 night scope and I am an active observer of the night sky. I live on a farm and have very little light pollution. I opened the window and looked out and noticed an object beside Venus. I watched the object for a short while and then got my binoculars and recording equipment hooked up to my scope to record the thing. The wind was gusting up to 60 mph and heading in a SW direction, directly towards me. I hung out of my window and filmed it for four minutes. It moved slowly from one side of Venus to the other. Clouds passed and then the object just vanished. I have filmed bright objects like Venus, Jupiter and the Moon and not got lens flare before. I heard a buzzing sound the next day and felt very weird and fuzzy. I had an overwhelming urge to debunk what I had witnessed the previous night. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Morpeth — The incident happened as I was driving north along the A1 in Northumberland, England between Morpeth and Alnwick on 4th March 2015. It was about 3.30 pm, sunny with scattered cloud and good visibility. I noticed a white cylindrical object to the East of me in the vicinity of Acklington. At first I thought it was an aircraft, as it looked like a plane’s fuselage with its wing tipped towards me making it difficult to see, but I quickly realized that it had no windows or tail. I considered that it might be some sort of unusually shaped balloon, but it was a windy day and the object was hovering in place and maintained a stationary position throughout the sighting. I initially found it difficult to judge the height of the object. The cloud was quite low and as a cloud went past it, I expected the object to go into or over the cloud, but it was actually lower than the cloud which passed behind it. There is military air traffic as well as commercial flights in the area, but I ruled out either of these as it was so unusual and anyway, it was far too low for a commercial flight in this area. I watched it for about 15 minutes. Frustratingly, I looked away for a few moments and when I looked back it had gone. It definitely wasn’t receding into the distance at all. It stayed in the same place and then a few moments later it had vanished.
Worcester – Just before I left to go to work at on March 9, 2015, at 7 PM there was a star like light speeding across the sky travelling twice as fast as a plane. Then when I was driving back from work at 10 PM, there was a bright white light beaming down, it was about 100 yards away from me, hovering about 20 feet in the sky. It was so bright it lit up the outline/underneath of the object it was coming from. It was like a 3D triangular metallic ship almost floating above me. I stopped in my car to look at it in the pitch black clear sky and it suddenly turned bright green flame trail (Northan lights green). It zoomed off in opposite direction of the moon in a straight line, and then totally disappeared in thin air leaving a steam trail behind it. When I got home 4 miles down the road I looked up into the sky and there was a steam trail/track just above the house coming from the direction I had left. Then looking up towards the moon there was a steam trail in the shape of a cross (X) glaring in the moonlight, with tornado like clouds spiraling down. When my partner tried to take a photo there was an orb floating in front of his camera. I couldn’t get a photo of the craft/ship so I uploaded a similar looking photo of one off the internet. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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UFO's echt verslaafd aan televisie ( Video )
UFO's echt verslaafd aan televisie ( Video )
Na de diverse televisieuitzendingen waarbij UFO’s door het beeld vliegen in Zuid Amerika, is het nu de beurt aan het noordelijke deel van dit continent.
Dit keer was het raak in Oklahoma City waar tijdens een vroege nieuwsuitzending een sigaarvormige UFO door het beeld vliegt.
Tijdens een vroege nieuwsuitzending van het televisiekanaal KOCO 5 in de Amerikaanse plaats Oklahoma City worden er in de achtergrond beelden getoond van de snelweg I-40 in verband met eventuele verkeersdrukte.
Dan opeens verschijnt er links in beeld een sigaarvormige UFO die naar rechts door het scherm beweegt.
Ook hier hebben de nieuwslezers geen flauw benul dat er achter hun hoofden een grote UFO door het scherm beweegt.
Later plaatste het televisiestation wel een bericht op hun website met de mededeling dat er een UFO was gesignaleerd tijdens de nieuwsuitzending met een korte clip. Daarnaast stelden ze de vraag aan lezers/kijkers of er iemand is die enig idee heeft wat dit vreemde object zou kunnen zijn.
Hier volgt de korte opname zoals die is geplaatst door KOCO 5
En hier nog een andere die in principe hetzelfde is, maar met wat vertraagde beelden zodat het object beter te zien is.
A Video Showing A UFO In A Blazing Speed Above California Creates Online Buzz
A Video Showing A UFO In A Blazing Speed Above California Creates Online Buzz
A short video showing unidentified flying object shot from approximately 80 meters above the ground in Silicon Valley, California has been debated online after it was made available in Reddit and YouTube.
YouTube user 1Darmino posted the video on Saturday, March 7, 2015 with the title “UFO Caught in 4k with Drone.” Another version of the video posted by user gwhiz2k to YouTube features a zoomed-in slow motion version of the original video. It makes the fleeting passage of the UFO more visible than the original footage.
In a slow motion video, a small white object can be seen streaking across the sky at a very high speed over California’s Silicon Valley from the right to the upper left of the video screen.
Even in slow motion, the object appears so fast that one can’t still see it if not vigilant enough.
1Darmino said that he has no idea about the UFO, and he is not sure whether it is a hummingbird, bug, reflection or alien spacecraft. He claimed that he did nothing to deliberately cause a UFO in the video.
Debates have sparked in YouTube and Reddit with suggestions ranging from insect to bullet and CGI hoax to reflection of some sort.
One commenter says that it is like a reflection being cast on the mountainside that causes the UFO image judging from the angle of the sun.
One user argues that it is not a reflection because it increases in size as it gets closer, like an object as we know it.
Another suggestion is saying that it is not a bird or bug because it apparently travels at incredible speed based on the size and distance of the object from the camera.
Another commenter believes that it is a work of a CGI that causes the image of a UFO in the video.
OVNIs : Vidéos 1965 - Aimé Michel et la vague de 1954
OVNIs : Vidéos 1965 - Aimé Michel et la vague de 1954
Aimé Michel
Le 14 février 1965, l’ORTF a diffusé un reportage consacré aux OVNI, sous le titre « Les soucoupes volantes ».
Il traite principalement de la grande vague de l’automne 1954, avec, pour intervenant principal, le célèbre ufologue français Aimé Michel.
Jean Cocteau et son ami Aimé Michel, au sujet des soucoupes volantes (automne 1954; "ceux venus d'ailleurs").
En guise d’introduction, cette première partie expose le sujet du reportage, en montrant des coupures de presse d’époque, et livre quelques considérations sur l’astronomie, l’exobiologie, avec les interviewes de Jean-Jacques Walter et de Lucien Barnier.
Aimé Michel et « Les Soucoupes Volantes » (1965) – (1/5)
Aimé Michel et « Les Soucoupes Volantes » (1965) – (2/5)
Aimé Michel et « Les Soucoupes Volantes » (1965) – (3/5)
Aimé Michel et « Les Soucoupes Volantes » (1965) – (4/5)
Aimé Michel et « Les Soucoupes Volantes » (1965) – (5/5.FIN)
Aimé Michel naît en 1919. Il est originaire de Saint Vincent-les-Forts, un village des Alpes provencales où toute sa famille est née depuis le 17ème siècle et qui ne compte à l'époque qu'une trentaine de maisons. Il vit là jusqu'en 1939 où une épidémie de poliomyélite le rend inapte au travail manuel, et l'oriente vers une licence de philosophie. En 1944 il entre à la RDF en passant le concours des ingénieurs du son du studio d'essai. Il travaille ensuite au service de la recherche.
Michel commence à s'intéresser à l'ufologie dès1946, avec la vague des observations scandinaves. Il pense tout d'abord, comme beaucoup, qu'il s'agit d'engins allemands récupérés que les russes essaient sur la Baltique ou d'une nouvelle arme méricaine.
A partir de 1948 il s'intéresse plus exclusivement aux faits de psychologie exceptionnelle ainsi qu'aux phénomènes mal étudiés par la science. Quand le livre de Donald E. Keyhoe paraît en 1950, Michel est encore moins convaincu de phénomènes extraordinaires, et en arrive même à penser que tout est inventé de A à Z par de mauvais journalistes.
Par la suite, alors qu'il travaille comme ingénieur du son pour une émission de radio sur la météorologie, Roger Clausse, un ingénieur de la Météorologie Nationale, lui montre un dossier d'observations inexplicables transmises par les stations. Michel est alors très étonné de retrouver dans ce dossier des cas en tous points identiques à ceux du livre de Keyhoe. Il revoit alors son jugement, et considère qu'il y a vraiment "quelque chose".
Couverture du 1er livre de Michel, en 1954
Michel approfondit alors son enquête. Travaillant à Paris au service de la recherche de la RTF, il collecte des articles de journaux comme Le Figaro, ou Le Parisien libéré (journal qu'il cite le plus) et fait la connaissance du capitaine Clérouin, qui dirige les services de renseignement de l'Armée de l'Air, sous les ordres du général Lionel Max Chassin." "Il aide beaucoup Michel : "Oui", commentera ce dernier, "Comme vous, je fais une enquête. Mais je vous présente un précurseur : M. Latappy qui, lui, recueille tout depuis le début, depuis l'affaire Kenneth E. Arnold, en 1947. Personne en France n'en sait plus que lui. Il n'est pas militaire. Il est le dessinateur de Forces aériennes françaises, notre revue de l'armée de l'Air. Mais tout ce que j'ai, il l'a" 1 . Ainsi en 1953, pour écrire son 1er livre sur le sujet, Michel se trouve à la tête d'une documentation substantielle 2 . Il y postule l'existence de systèmes de propulsion "électrogravitationnelle" pour les soucoupes, s'inspirant de la théorie du capitaine Jean Plantier, mais sans rien affirmer de catégorique. Il demande à Jean Cocteau, qui s'intéresse au phénomène, d'en écrire la préface. Le livre connaît un certain succès. Dans les semaines qui suivent sa parution, il reçoit des courriers de Cocteau et de Pierre Guérin, avec qui il se lie d'amitié.
En 1954, alors que son livre 3 sort, Michel annonce un pic d'observation à venir en Août 1954, avec l'arrivée de Perseïdes 4 . C'est en fait fin Octobre qu'une vague d'observations sans précédent touche la France. Au terme de celle-ci, il rend visite à Cocteau. Il s'interroge sur la manière de prouver scientifiquement la réalité de ce qu'il appelle les " MOC", au milieu de témoignages incontrôlables et de récits publiés par les journaux. Cocteau lui répond : "Si ce que racontent ces gens est vrai, si ces engins existent et si on les a vus, il est inconcevable qu'un ordre quelconque ne se cache pas sous ce désordre. C'est cela qu'il faut chercher : l'ordre caché sous le désordre.
Un ordre derrière le chaos de 1954, Michel croit en trouver un en 1957, et publie un 2ème livre l'année suivante 5 . Ce livre frappe Jacques Vallée, qui lui écrit et finit par le rencontrer en 1961. Dans les années 1960s, Michel rédige de nombreux articles pour la revue Planète, notamment sur la parapsychologie et sur les phénomènes physiques liés aux extases religieuses. A la même époque, il rédige aussi des articles pour Science & Vie, et se lie d'amitié avec Jacques Bergier.
En 1966, Michel présente Yves Rocard à Jacques Vallée. Par la suite, ceux-ci vont travailler au sein du même "collège invisible".
En 1969, il fait partie du comité de rédaction de LDLN.
A la fin de sa vie, Michel déclare modestement que tout ce dont il est certain à propos des ovnis tiendrait aisément sur un timbre poste. Il meurt en 1992.
Sur le site de l'INA, vous avez aussi une très intéressante et longue interview du 29-10-1966 de Aimé Michel de presque une heure, dont vous pouvez voir un extrait de 5 minutes ici :
After reading Linda Molton Howes’ article 'U.S. Navy flight engineer saw silver discs and entrance to alleged E.t. and Human collaboration in Antartica' (EBE’s ‘Extraterrestrial Biological Entities’ working together with and interacting with Scientists at/around the Beardmore lacier at the South Pole) I started to check this area at the South Pole on Google Earth.
Surprisingly, if it is not a software bug, Google Earth has blurred out the whole area around the Beardmore Glacier.
Despite the whole area is blurred out, I managed to check a small area.
I found several strange objects in this particular area. I’m not saying all objects are real and we need more proof, but no doubt, strange things are happening there at the Beardmore Glacier.
Rode planeetKaartendienst Mapbox heeft twee kaarten online geplaatst die letterlijk niet van deze wereld zijn. Met behulp van gegevens van ruimtevaartorganisaties ESA en NASA is de rode planeet Mars nu slechts een muisklik veraf.
Mars Satellite en Mars Terrain zijn hoge-resolutiekaarten waarop je kan inzoomen. De eerste is samengesteld met zwart-wit foto's afkomstig van een camera op de Mars Observer, een ruimtetuig dat dertien jaar geleden door NASA gelanceerd werd om de rode planeet in detail te bestuderen.
Mars Terrain bevat hoogtelijnen en legt ook de nadruk op interessante plaatsen zoals bergen, kraters en landingsplaatsen. De kaart bevat data van de Mars Observer en van ESA's Mars Express, een onbemande sonde die sinds 2003 rond de rode planeet vliegt.
Zeker het bekijken waard is Olympus Mons, een gigantische uitgedoofde vulkaan op Mars. Met een hoogte van ongeveer 25 kilometer en basisdiameter van circa 624 kilometer is het de grootste bekende vulkaan in ons zonnestelsel.
"We houden van de ruimte en vinden het geweldig dat er al zo veel informatie is verzameld over onze verre buur. We wilden het mogelijk maken om Mars van overal te kunnen verkennen", meldt Mapbox.
Onder het oppervlak van de grootste maan van Jupiter, Ganymedes, bevindt zich een enorme oceaan vol zout water. Waarschijnlijk is er meer water te vinden dan op aarde. Dat heeft de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA bekendgemaakt. Water is belangrijk bij de zoektocht naar mogelijkheden voor buitenaards leven.
Het oppervlak van Ganymedes bestaat uit een dikke laag ijs van ongeveer 150 kilometer. Daaronder zou de oceaan zijn. Die is vermoedelijk tot 100 kilometer diep. Ter vergelijking: het diepste punt in een oceaan op aarde is bijna 11 kilometer onder de zeespiegel.
Eigen magnetisch veld Ganymedes is de grootste maan in ons zonnestelsel en bevindt zich op ongeveer 630 miljoen kilometer van de aarde. Hij is groter dan de planeet Mercurius en bijna 3,5 keer zo groot als onze maan. Ganymedes is zo groot, dat hij een eigen magnetisch veld heeft, net als de zon en de planeten. Dat magnetische veld veroorzaakt poollichten, op Ganymedes net zoals op aarde.
Aurora's De Amerikaans-Europese ruimtetelescoop Hubble - die sinds 1990 in een baan rond de aarde draait - heeft die zogeheten aurora's bestudeerd. "Als je de poollichten op een bepaalde manier bekijkt, leer je iets over het magnetische veld. Als je het magnetische veld kent, weet je iets over het binnenste van de maan", verklaart de Duitse hoofdonderzoeker Joachim Saur.
Ook op Enceladus Wetenschappers denken dat er ook water is op Enceladus, een van de manen van Saturnus. Op Titan, een andere maan van Saturnus, is ook een oceaan. Niet van water, maar van vloeibare ethaan en methaan. Op aarde zijn dat gassen, maar op Titan worden de stoffen vloeibaar door de extreme kou.
Hzuidoosten van de Australische deelstaat moet niet altijd de VS of het VK zijn waar er ufo's worden gespot. Ditmaal is Kalbar eens aan de beurt, in het
Weathercam Network schoot rond de middag beelden van deze ufo die de lucht van Kalbar doorkliefde. "Er gebeurt niet veel op het weerfront in SEQ (Zuid-Oost Queensland, jv) maar het lijkt erop dat er tenminste een toename is in alien-activiteit om ons wakker te houden", schreef een ufospotter op een forum.
1. Where were you and what were you doing at the time? Inside by bay window speaking with family.
2. What made you first notice the object? It was bright enough for us to notice appearing from nothingness.
3. What did you think the object was when you first noticed it? It was too bright to be a star and stationary canceling out a plane or satellite. Binoculars were grabbed immediately and I tried my best to take note, about ten minutes it began heading NW by W.
4. Describe the object and its actions and motions in detail. Clearly spherical, lights on the craft seemed attached to it on multiple layers or close enough distance. White lights were stationed on its horizon giving clear indication of its rotation. Multiple color lights were molding onto different areas spinning around the object and changing colors. It was stationary at first then began a straight path NW by W continuing the previous actions I described at a continuous altitude and speed until it was too far to keep track of. I ran inside and started this report before losing track of it.
5. Describe your feelings, reactions and actions, during and after sighting the object. I was immediately curious until multiple dogs began to bark as well as my own and some were noticeably frightened or on an aggressive stance which made me turn cautious yet still inviting as I could possibly be.
6. How did you lose sight of the object? The object was heading NW by W at a constant speed and altitude until I ran inside to write a report after watching it for 40-45 minutes and lost track of it behind tree line. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer Chief Investigator for MUFON New Jersey.
KENS NOTE: This area of South Jersey of covered with lakes both big and small. Our State Director George Filer had one rise out the lake that his house is on. George lives in Medford New Jersey. I feel these alien craft are hiding in the lakes and rivers in our state and probably throughout the world. Since these alien craft must be pressurized, then this would be perfect for hiding in water just like a submarine would. Simple as that.
Last night President Obama appeared as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and just as he had done with President Clinton, Kimmel asked Obama if he looked into Area 51 and UFOs.
Kimmel broached the topic in the same manner he had with Clinton. He told the President that if he was president the first thing he would do is immediately look into what the government knows about Area 51 and UFOs. Obama told him this is why he will not be president.
Kimmel then asked if Obama had looked into it. Obama replied, “The aliens won’t let it happen. You will reveal all of their secrets. They exercise strict control over us.”
Kimmel warned Obama that people were going to look at his facial expressions and every move as he answered these questions to analyze what he was saying.
Obama then responded, ” I can’t reveal anything.”
Kimmel told the POTUS that Clinton has told him he looked into and didn’t find anything.
To this, Obama responded, “That is what we are instructed to say.”
If you were to read this without watching the video, this conversation would sound somewhat ominous, and I am sure some people will take this as a confirmation that aliens are controlling the government. However, Kimmel and Obama were smiling and laughing the whole time. Kimmel certainly felt the President was joking, and seemed to find his responses very funny.
Jimmy Kimmel and President Obama laughing it up about UFOs and aliens. Video can be seen at the top of the story. (Credit: Jimmy Kimmel Live)
Here is a transcript of the conversation:
Kimmel: This is something I feel like. If I was the President, and it is unlikely that is ever going to happen…
Obama: You never know.
Kimmel: If I was the President…
Obama: It was unlikely that I was going to be President.
Kimmel: The moment I was in inaugurated – my hand would still be hot from touching the bible – I would immediately race to wherever they have the files about Area 51 and UFOs and I would go through everything to find out what happened. Did you do that?
Obama: That is why you will not be President…
Kimmel: One of the reasons.
Obama: Because that is the first thing you would do.
Kimmel: It is at the top of my list.
Obama: The aliens won’t let it happen. You will reveal all of their secrets. They exercise strict control over us.
Kimmel: Now you know there are a lot of people who are going to examine your facial expressions here, every twitch, ever everything and say, of course. Did you look? Did you see? Did you explore?
Obama: I can’t reveal anything.
Kimmel: Oh really? Because President Clinton said he did go right in and he did check and there was nothing.
Obama: You know, that is what we are instructed to say.
The conventional wisdom is that Obama was kidding around with Kimmel and giving silly answers. However, not everyone will feel this way. In fact, Obama’s joking about aliens has been misconstrued and made news before.
A few years ago, Will Smith took his family for a visit to the White House, and while in the Situation Room, Smith’s son, Jaden, asked the POTUS if aliens were real. Jaden told Wonderland Magazine: “I talked to President Obama about extraterrestrials. He said he could neither confirm nor deny the existence of aliens, which means they’re real. If people think we’re the only people that live in this universe, then something is wrong with them.”
This also isn’t the first time a POTUS’ comments about aliens has started a debate as to whether it was a joke or not. In 1982, Steven Spielberg was invited to the White House to screen his movie ET: The Extraterrestrial with President Ronald Reagan. Spielberg says after the screening Reagan stood up and, according to Speilberg, said, “I wanted to thank you for bringing E.T. to the White House. We really enjoyed your movie.” Spielberg says Reagan looked around the room and continued, “And there are a number of people in this room who know that everything on that screen is absolutely true.”
Spielberg says the room erupted in laughter. When asked whether he thought Reagan was joking or not, Speilberg said, “I’m a little bit of a Ufologist. I was hoping that there was something more to the joke than met my eye. I’m sorry to say I think he was simply trying to tell a joke.”
Steven Speilberg talking with Ronald and Nancy Reagan at the ET: The Extraterrestrial Screening event. (Credit: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)
In all of these instances a number of people have argued that the POTUS’ were all telling the truth about an alien cover-up and these were not actual jokes. Kimmel seems to be aware of this fact when he warned Obama that his every movement would be scrutinized.
Indeed, when Clinton appeared on Kimmel’s show and discussed UFOs and aliens, his answers were carefully analyzed.
Ben Hansen, former host of the TV show Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files, has a background in law enforcement. He did a body language analysis of Clinton’s interview. He says he felt there were signs that Clinton was stressed about the line of questions. He admits this does not mean that Clinton was hiding alien secrets, but he feels it may indicate that Clinton know more than he was willing to reveal.
Given Kimmel’s warning, I wonder if he saw Hansen’s analysis? Either way, he is probably 100% correct in his prediction that Obama’s comments will be carefully analyzed.
In the end, Obama has always given every indication that he has no interest in UFOs. During his first campaign for president, during a presidential debate, Dennis Kucinich was asked about a UFO sighting he had that was written about in a book by Shirley MacLaine. After he squeamishly answered, the moderator, Tim Russert, asked Obama if he believed in life on other planets. Obama answered: “You know, I don’t know. And I don’t presume to know. What I know is there is life here on Earth, and that we’re not attending to life here on Earth.”
Although, it should be noted Obama was the first President to use the words “Area 51″ in public. Even though Clinton has said several times he looked into it, he always talked about a secret base in the desert. The name “Area 51″ has been unacknowledged until recently.
In 2013, the CIA finally unredacted the name Area 51 in previously classified documents, which has been taken as an official acknowledgement of the base’s existence.
Later that year, while introducing Shirley MacLaine at the Kennedy Center as a Kennedy Center Honoree, Obama said, “Now, when you first become president, one of the questions that people ask you is, ‘What’s really going on in Area 51?’ When I wanted to know, I called Shirley MacLaine.”
After a moment of laughter by the audience, Obama continued, “I think I just became the first president to ever publicly mention Area 51. How’s that, Shirley?”
Obama’s comments about MacLain begin at the 9:40 mark.
So now the debate in UFO circles can begin. Was Obama really joking? Or is he hiding a nefarious secret in plain sight while getting a few laughs in the process?
Bob Lazar, the man who began the controversy surrounding Area 51 that made it a household name and synonymous with aliens and UFOs, recently address made a rare public appearance at the recent 2015 International UFO Congress:
The witness remembers that it was a clear day when she and her cousin – both 7 years old – entered a small enclosed field along the edge of town and saw the UFO on the ground.
“There were some pieces of metal along the tree line from a tornado and at first I thought it was one of those,” the witness stated.
But then the object moved.
“We approached and it zipped up in a zigzag manner. It was silver and had a little bit of heat wave shimmer. I don’t remember any features as it happened quickly.”s)
The two witnesses first thought the object on the ground was a remnant from a tornado – until the object moved. Pictured: Carson City, MI. (Credit: Google)
The witnesses’ mother recalls the children returned home “wound up” and she went back to the field to investigate their claims.
“She found a flattened, burnt area with holes like a coffee can was shoved in the ground.”
The witnesses does not recall being afraid of the UFO or the experience.
“I don’t remember being afraid, but I was scared of the fuel oil tank on legs after that and kept dreaming about a long, flat chicken coop back there.”
The witness provided one original illustration of the event with the MUFON report, which was filed on March 5, 2015.
The witness provided this illustration of the event from 1966. (Credit: MUFON)
Carson City is a city in Montcalm County, MI, population 1,093.
Michigan is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 0.71 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Michigan received a total of seven UFO reports in February.
Carson City is about 100 miles northeast of Grand Rapids, MI. (Credit: Google)
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
As New York City dwellers, Claudia and her 13 year old son both enjoyed a little star gazing. It was late October 2004, and this night was special: there was going to be a lunar eclipse. So mother and son made an extra effort to see nature’s show. They went to New York’s Central Park in a place near Strawberry Fields.
In the park, mother and son took turns with a set of binoculars looking at the moon as well as other celestial sights. Claudia had just begun her turn with the field glasses when she remarked to her son, “What the hell is that?”
“Up in the sky, about as high as an airplane would fly over Manhattan, at a 45 degree angle to the south away from the eastern-rising moon, were two separate V-shaped solid gray metallic objects, flying side by side, not touching, same speed, apex pointed directly due south.”
Claudia’s son took a confirming look and noted that neither chevron UFO had any visible lights or were making any discernible sound. Claudia tells us that the two chevrons were clearly visible against the black, cloudless sky with the city lights and moonlight reflecting their V shape and grayish color.
“They moved together, silently, steadily across the sky toward midtown. We lost sight of them in the lights over mid-Manhattan. Whole sighting episode couldn’t have lasted longer than two minutes.”
The next day Claudia read a news report that described what her and her son had seen, “I knew that we had seen the same thing.”
A drone captured video of a fast-moving UFO over California’s Silicon Valley. Plus, Lee Speigel and Ben Hansen discuss a UFO that allegedly appeared behind news anchors in Argentina during a live broadcast. These and other space and UFO stories on this episode of Spacing Out!
Developed and Produced by Jason McClellan & Maureen Elsberry Hosted by Maureen Elsberry and Alejandro Rojas Edited by Michael Cline Music by Caleb Hanks
Follow Jason on Twitter @acecentric Follow Maureen on Twitter @maureenelsberry Follow Alejandro on Twitter @astroatr Like Spacing Out! on Facebook:
As if dealing with Photoshopped hoaxes and “Blurfos” wasn't bad enough, a wave of drone aircraft – civilian and military – have entered the picture. This is clearly happening now in Argentina, where managed to find an explanation to the rash of sightings over Rio Cuarto. You guessed it: drones.
The images captured last week by residents of this city, suggesting an alleged UFO that left a green wake in the sky, turned out to be in fact pictures of a drone. “The are no UFOs in Rio Cuarto. There are drones. A group of RC aircraft hobbyists get together to fly their LED-equipped remote control aircraft. My husband flies this drone (the one in the photo), said Soldemar on Telediario's Facebook page.
Our thanks to contributing editor Guillermo Giménez for keeping us informed!
One of the most mysterious UFO sightings in Phoenix happened on March 13, 1997. It involved hovering space balls in perfect formation when it comes to their distance. The incident soon became the Phoenix Lights. Some people accept the explanation that they were just military flares, but many believe they experienced alien encounter and government has spread lies and disinformation.
In years that followed, Phoenix Lights has changed many views about the existence of aliens and even few lives. But one thing still not changed, the mystery remains in the minds of the witnesses and some people who are following the story.
One of the witnesses, Lynne Kitei, ran inside to get her video camera. She claimed to have seen six hovering lights evenly spaced over Phoenix. They were not planes or balloons, according to Kitei. The Phoenix Lights sighting was not her first and wondering if they could be like the amber orbs she had seen in 1995. The orbs also hovered in formation just a hundred yards from the backyard of her Paradise Valley home. Seeing those orbs was not also the first for her as she saw the same aerial things two months ago. She managed to snap photos in her two previous sightings, and she wanted to get a video on the third one.
By the time she was back, only three lights had remained shining. She managed to record the aerial event on video. She never thought that her video will be featured in several news agencies and later in television specials. Several years later, her video was featured in her documentary film.
After the Phoenix Lights, physician Kitei has resigned from her job at the Arizona Heart Institute to become a full-time investigator of the Phoenix Lights. She finished 750 pages of notes from her interviews with experts, witnesses, and UFO researchers. She also investigated similar sightings from different parts of the world.
Kitei had no courage to look for the truth because of fear to be ridiculed. However, her investigations allow her to feel that she has an obligation to reveal the truth to the world. Her notes were then condensed into a 222-page book, where she detailed the Phoenix Lights and revealed her name.
Kitie provides educated speculations as to the meaning of lights in her book. She said that it’s not about her witnessing the UFOs, but it’s all about the data.
The Phoenix Lights started around 10 p.m. on March 13, 1997 in a clear sky. A string of lights made an appearance to the southwest. The orbs appeared like a boomerang, forming a flattened V shape. They seemed to hover or move at a very low speed.
They were seen by approximately thousands of people on the ground as they shimmered for five to ten minutes. On days after the incident, Sky Harbor International Airport told UFO investigators and reporters that their controllers had seen nothing on radar. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson stated no military activities on that night, but later changed their statement saying that the person on duty overlooked the specific details on the logbook.
Former USAF Major Encounters Extraterrestrial Mother Ship, says UFOs “ Prowl our Skies”
Over and over again, trustworthy commercial and military pilots risk their reputation and come forth with descriptions of UFO encounters.Why? Do they seek notoriety and present these stories in exchange for a bit of fame or is there any substance behind their encounters with flying saucers?
Naturally, we can’t answer this question in a way that would satisfy all of our readers so we’ll just portray one pilot’s testimony and let you decide.
Former U.S. Air Force Major George Filer III has amassed over 5,000 flying hours during his career so he’s not a rookie. In 2013, he told his story to former congressmen at a hearing on UFO sightings at the National Press Club.
Filer is a stern believer in the alien presence on Earth and he thinks aliens have been visiting our planet for thousands of years. According to him, UFOs are encountered more often than we’ve been led to think and there is an ongoing effort to conceal their presence.
In January 1962, he was stationed as a pilot at the U.S. Air Force Base at Sculthorpe RAF Base in the U.K. During an aerial refueling mission taking place over the North Sea at an altitude of 30,000 feet, Filer was notified by London Control that their radar had picked up something anomalous.
He had just finished transferring fuel from his tanker aircraft and started heading toward the object. According to London Control, the unknown object was hovering over an area near Stonehenge, at an altitude of around 1,000 feet. The sun had just set and the skies were clear.
When Filer got within 30 miles of the UFO, his APS-23 Radar detected it.
It was an exceptionally large radar return reminding me of a large bridge or ship. This craft was bigger than anything I had seen in the air before. It reminded me of the radar return from the Brooklyn Bridge (6,000 feet) or the Firth of Forth Bridge in Scotland (8,300 feet), over a mile long.
The Return was sharp and solid as compared to the fuzziness of a rain cloud. I felt this craft must be made of steel or strong metal. We were doing around 425 mph as we approached to about 10 miles, when the UFO apparently realized we were intercepting,” Filer said.
Darkness had set so Filer and his copilot could see the spacecraft’s lights ahead of them. As they got closer, the lights turned from dim to bright while the UFO suddenly accelerated. It climbed with an unbelievable speed and was soon gone. Filer asked London Control if any rocket launches had taken place in the area and received a negative response. Since there was nothing more he could do, Filer returned to base, recording the incident in his log.
It seemed Filer was the only one giving importance to the strange encounter but, several weeks later, he and his crew received an invitation to dinner from Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh. As it turns out, Prince Phillip was very interested in hearing Filer’s account. The Duke had been intrigued by UFOs since his uncle, Earl Mountbatten had witnessed flying saucers from up close while in the Navy.
Prince Phillip told Flier he had debriefed aircrews who had encountered UFOs before and revealed that the phenomenon was of greater magnitude than most believe.
The incident turned Filer into a believer. He was especially intrigued by the fact that the large spaceship was hovering above Stonehenge and thinks there might be a connection between ancient megalithic monuments and the unidentified flying objects.
Now a regional director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), Filer continues to study and disclose his findings about the UFO phenomenon.
What do you think about his encounter?
Even better, if you’d like to share your own experience with UFOs or the unexplained you can submit your story here.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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