The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Local UFO investigator: It’s ‘obvious we’re not alone’ (Michigan)
Local UFO investigator: It’s ‘obvious we’re not alone’ (Michigan)
By Diane Gale Andreassi,
Harry Wilnus sits near a wooden figure of an extraterrestrial wooden carving he displays in his Salem Township home. (Photo: Hal Gould | Staff Photographer)(Photo: Hal Gould
Harry Willnus knows all too well that eyebrows will rise when he talks about unidentified flying objects, but that doesn’t stop the retired social studies teacher from continuing his 60-year quest to see the issue become accepted by the mainstream population.
“UFO sightings are reported every day around the world and in every country around the world,” said the Salem resident and former president of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the world’s largest investigative body looking into the UFO phenomena.
Willnus, like other UFO enthusiasts ask, “Are we alone in the universe?”
That question will be the focus of his appearance on the Science Channel’s show “Close Encounters.” Now in its second season, Willnus will appear on an upcoming episode scheduled to air at 10 p.m., March 10. Willnus will share his vast knowledge about the highly publicized March 1966 reported UFO sighting in Dexter,. He’ll be on the show again, at 10 p.m., March 31, talking about a reported sighting in Exeter, N. H.
In the March 20, 1966, Dexter case a group of people, including police officers, reported seeing an object turn from a blue green to a brilliant red to a yellow coloring. It rose 500 feet and returned to the ground, one man said.
Trying to investigate further, the officers said they went out to the far edge of the wooded area and also saw a brilliant light appear and then disappear. The officers said when they returned to their patrol vehicle, a group of people had gathered and reported seeing something similar. These witnesses said the object departed in a western direction at a high rate of speed.
Area reports
A UFO investigator, Willnus sat in the living room of his home and retold other stories of what he believes are extraterrestrial visits. Like a sighting by WJR reporter Marc Avery on Feb. 10, 1978. Avery was on his way to the airport on Interstate 275 when he and his wife saw two lights hovering over their car “for 30, 40, 50 seconds.” He called the radio station and spoke on air, describing the aircraft with Warren Pierce. Willnus has the report recorded on his smart phone.
The citing was never debunked, Willnus said. In fact, two men, who were walking in the Merriman Road and Michigan Avenue area later reported they saw a similar aircraft about five minutes before Avery’s report.
The U.S. Air Force investigated UFO sightings from 1947 to 1969, in Project Blue Book, which consisted of 12,618 accounts spanning nearly 130,000 pages, Willnus said. The project was discontinued, however, after a committee formed at the request of President Gerald Ford concluded UFOs weren’t a threat to national security.
Sightings on the rise
Sightings have doubled in the last couple of years, Willnus said.
“This major increase shows there’s something going on,” he said. “It’s driving the interest in the number one question: ‘Are we alone?’ Are there other intelligences out there?
“After studying UFOs, it becomes obvious we are not alone,” Willnus continued. “I base that on the fact that there are 200 sightings every day around the world. There’s pictures, photos and movies. It’s not a hoax when these crafts can disappear before our eyes. Or fly at over 1,000 miles an hour and make a right angle turn – or, stop on a dime.”
Willnus also refers to a case involving former Novi resident Nancy Tremaine, who had described being abducted by a UFO off Orchard Drive near Meadowbrook Road in the 1960s. Former Novi Police Chief Lee BeGole, who spoke to the Novi News last year at age 93, didn’t see the UFO, but he was on duty at the police station the night the incident occurred.
BeGole said an off duty officer told dispatch he saw a strange object overhead and police dispatch took multiple calls from people who said they also saw a strange object in the sky.
If you ask your 10 best friends if they ever had a UFO experience, Willnus said, 10 percent would say, “yes.”
“But, people get laughed at once they say that,” Willnus said. “And then they say, ‘I’m not going to share that again.'”
Not always out of this world
He does note, however, that 90 percent of reported UFOs can be explained by something other than an extraterrestrial visit. The “UFO” might actually be a blimp, a flock of birds flying at night or even the planet, Venus, because it’s the closest to Earth and moves quickly.
“The other 10 percent, we’re not sure what they are,” Willnus added. “I think a good many of those are that we are being visited by intelligent life off the planet Earth. Look at the evidence. The evidence is, overwhelmingly, there is a UFO phenomenon that we don’t understand at this time.
“I’m getting up there and I want this story to break before I pass,” he said. “Some people in the U.S. government are aware we are being visited. This is a cosmic Watergate where there is a cover-up keeping this from people. The best thing that could happen is if governments, including the United States, would come out and say, ‘The UFO phenomenon is real and don’t panic, because they don’t appear to be here to harm us.'”
Diane Gale Andreassi is a reporter for Contact her at, 734-432-5974 or on Twitter: @HeraldReporter.
Explosions of Jupiter’s aurora linked to extraordinary planet-moon interaction
Explosions of Jupiter’s aurora linked to extraordinary planet-moon interaction
In this artist's rendering, flows of electrically charged ions and electrons accelerate along Jupiter's magnetic field lines (fountain-like blue curves), triggering auroras (blue rings) at the planet's pole. Accelerated particles come from clouds of material (red) spewed from volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io (small orb to right). Recent observations of extreme ultraviolet emissions from Jupiter by satellite Hisaki (left foreground) and the Hubble Space Telescope (right) show episodes of sudden brightening of the planet's auroras. Interactions with the excited particles from Io likely also fuel these auroral explosions, new research shows, not interactions with particles from the Sun. Credit: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
On Earth, bursts of particles spewed by the Sun spark shimmering auroras, like the Northern Lights, that briefly dance at our planet’s poles. But, on Jupiter, there’s an auroral glow all the time, and new observations show that this Jovian display sometimes flares up because of a process having nothing to do with the Sun.
Jupiter watchers have long known that the giant planet’s ever-present polar auroras — thousands of times brighter and many times bigger than Earth — are powered by both electrically charged particles from the Sun colliding with Jupiter’s magnetic field and a separate interaction between Jupiter and one of its many moons, called Io. But there are also auroral explosions on Jupiter, or periods of dazzling brightening, similar to auroral storms on Earth, that no one could definitively trace back to either of those known causes.
In the aurora-making interaction of Jupiter and Io, volcanoes on the small moon blast clouds of electrically charged atoms (ions) and electrons into a region surrounding Jupiter that’s permeated by the planet’s powerful magnetic field, thousands of times stronger than Earth’s. Rotating along with its rapidly spinning planet, the magnetic field drags the material from Io around with it, causing strong electric fields at Jupiter’s poles. The acceleration of the ions and electrons produce intense auroras that shine in almost all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum but most brightly in high-energy bands, like ultraviolet light and X-rays, that are invisible to unaided human eyes.
Now, new observations of the planet’s extreme ultraviolet emissions show that bright explosions of Jupiter’s aurora likely also get kicked off by the planet-moon interaction, not by solar activity. A new scientific paper about these observations by Tomoki Kimura of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), in Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, and his colleagues, was published online today in Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union.
Starting in January 2014, a telescope aboard the JAXA’s Hisaki satellite, which focused on Jupiter for two months, recorded intermittent brightening of the giant planet’s aurora. The telescope detected sudden flare-ups on days when the usual flow of charged particles from the Sun, known as the solar wind, was relatively weak.
Additional space and ground-based telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope, also viewed Jupiter during these lulls in the solar wind. Both Hisaki and Hubble witnessed explosions of the planet’s aurora despite the solar wind’s calm, suggesting that it’s the Jupiter-Io interaction driving these explosions, not charged particles from the Sun, according to the new study. The new research does not address exactly what is happening in the Jovian magnetosphere to cause the temporary brightening of auroral explosions.
T. Kimura, S. V. Badman, C. Tao, K. Yoshioka, G. Murakami, A. Yamazaki, F. Tsuchiya, B. Bonfond, A. J. Steffl, A. Masters, S. Kasahara, H. Hasegawa, I. Yoshikawa, M. Fujimoto, J. T. Clarke. Transient internally-driven aurora at Jupiter discovered by Hisaki and the Hubble Space Telescope. Geophysical Research Letters, 2015; DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063272
Did Mars once have a nitrogen cycle? Scientists find fixed nitrogen in Martian sediments
Did Mars once have a nitrogen cycle? Scientists find fixed nitrogen in Martian sediments
The rover Curiosity on the surface of Mars collects data by means of the instrument SAM (Sample Analysis on Mars). Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
Javier Martín-Torres, Professor of Atmospheric Science at Luleå University of Technology, is one of several researchers who has found fixed forms of nitrogen in Mars. The research findings are now being published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
“This discovery is a new step in assessing whether Mars is and/or was habitable, since nitrogen is a basic requirement for life as we know it,” says Javier Martín-Torres.
It’s the researchers in the Mars Science Laboratory Mission Science Team, in which Javier Martín-Torres is included, who have discovered the solid forms of nitrogen on Mars.
“The presence of nitrogen-bearing compounds in Martian soil means the existence of a source of biochemically accessible nitrogen, and suggest that it could be a nitrogen cycle sometime along the evolution of Mars as a planet,” he says.
Many findings behind the discovery
The detection has been verified through analyses of samples taken at three different points on Mars. Analyses are made by the instrument SAM (Sample Analysis on Mars) on board the unmanned rover Curiosity located on Mars. Two of the samples come from drilling at a place called Sheepbed mudstone and the third sample is generally believed to be representative of the global Martian dust.
“It has been established that the nitrates, which is a form of nitrogen, comes from fixation of atmospheric diatomic nitrogen in the atmosphere during meteorite impacts, which is consistent with the data that we obtained through the SAM analyses, so this may be the main source of fixed nitrogen on Mars,” says Javier Martín-Torres.
Martin-Torres is also co-author of the scientific manuscripts on the first detection of organics on Mars (published in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets) and the first in-situ measurement of methane on the Red Planet, which in 2014 was published in the journal Science.
Jennifer C. Stern, Brad Sutter, Caroline Freissinet, Rafael Navarro-González, Christopher P. McKay, P. Douglas Archer, Arnaud Buch, Anna E. Brunner, Patrice Coll, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Alberto G. Fairen, Heather B. Franz, Daniel P. Glavin, Srishti Kashyap, Amy C. McAdam, Douglas W. Ming, Andrew Steele, Cyril Szopa, James J. Wray, F. Javier Martín-Torres, Maria-Paz Zorzano, Pamela G. Conrad, Paul R. Mahaffy. Evidence for indigenous nitrogen in sedimentary and aeolian deposits from theCuriosityrover investigations at Gale crater, Mars. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015; 201420932 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1420932112
Filer’s Files # 13 – 2015 -Their ships were far superior to ours - PART I
The witness videoed this object in Huntsville, Texas on March 13, 2015
Filer’s Files # 13 – 2015 -Their ships were far superior to ours - PART I
In special reports this week’s files cover: Astronaut Armstrong says, “Their ships were far superior to ours!” ISS Spots Mile Long Cylinder, New York City Cylinder 1950, Humanoid UFO Reports, UFO Crash at St Augustin, and Star-raker Space Craft.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington and Washington DC.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Italy, Mexico, Nigeria, Qatar, Portugal, and in England in Wales, the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Chuck Warren my webmaster and I send out over 30,000 plus emails each week.
Special Projects
Astronaut Armstrong says, “Their ships were far superior to ours!”
Timothy Good reports Astronaut Armstrong at the M16 member secret space conference in Italy stated:
“It was incredible _ of course, we had always known there was a possibility – the fact is we were warned off. There was never any questions then of a space station or a moon city.”
Professor Armstrong: How do you mean we were warned off?
Armstrong: “I can’t go into details, except to say their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology – Boy were they big! – and menacing ___No, there is no question of a space station. From Above Top Secret Page 186 via Pamela Handford
Investigator Robert Morningstar reports about evidence for towers and structures and craft on the moon. He reports, “Some of the lunar structures don’t look human-made, and have more of an insectoid-like architecture.”
The towers on the moon, which resemble spires, were first recorded by the Russians, and some stretch miles in the air, Morningstar reported.
The secret space program, he continued, began as early as the 1950s, with technology compartmentalized into different divisions such as the US Navy. The Navy reverse engineered a UFO retrieved from the ‘Battle of LA’ incident in 1942.
Thanks to UFO Digest and Timothy Good
ISS Spots Mile Long Cylinder
Using the live NASA space station cam on March 18, 2015, I was fortunate enough to capture some video of this long cigar shaped object as the ISS shot past. This UFO was over a mile long and blends in with the surrounding clouds. There is no sound in the video, because there was no sound from the live cam. UFOs are not new to the space station. They are identified in videos every week, so check out the cam sometimes. You may catch the next UFO. SCW Source cam video:
New York City Cylinder 1950
This cylindrical-appearing UFO was photographed over New York City on March 20, 1950.
The photographer’s name was deleted from Project Blue Book’s files — as were most names when the material was finally declassified and released. Upon investigating the report, Project Grudge officially labeled it: “the moon”!
Some UFOlogists have speculated that tubular objects of this sort may be “mother ships,” purportedly capable of taking on and discharging smaller “craft” in stacks, poker-chip fashion. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Humanoid UFO Reports
Compiled by Albert Rosales
Location Tilburg, England
Date: 1207
Tilbury Gervase of Tilbury writes in Otio Imperialia about an aerial ship which caught its anchor on a pile of stones. An occupant came down from the ship and managed to free it, however he was asphyxiated by the atmosphere (?).
During a Sunday mass it is said that the congregation saw an anchor descend and catch on a tombstone in the churchyard. The churchgoers rushed outside to see a strange “ship” in the sky, with people on board. One occupant of the vessel leaped over the side, but did not fall, “as if swimming in water” he made his way through the air toward the anchor. The people on the ground tried to capture him. The man then hurried up to the ship. His companions cut the anchor rope, and the ship then “sailed out of sight”. The local blacksmith made ornaments from the abandoned anchor to decorate the church lectern. Source:
Location Russia
Date: 1319
At night, over Russia, people observed “fiery pillars”; they extended from the ground toward the sky. Some also sighted a “heavenly arc”. Yet others saw horse-like flying entities, equipped with “lanterns”. Source: Phillip Mantle, Paul Stonehill “UFO-USSR” compiled by Albert Rosales
UFO Crash at St Augustin
“Art Campbell has done an incredible job of researching the recovery of a crashed flying saucer in the Plains of San Augustin in New Mexico at about the same time as the Roswell crash. He has an exciting story to tell. I highly recommend him and his program.” Stanton T. Friedman, Nuclear Physicist
The book contains some detail of the metal shard testing found at the crash site. We started finding them at the site in 1995. The chapter goes into some detail by Steve Colbern, our lead scientist. John Rao of the Open Minds organization funded this research. Colbern has determined through a series of sophisticated tests that the six metal shards tested were 1, all with different exotic coatings, and 2, all were not made with known earth technology. The book describes the Arroyo basin when the crash occurred. Also discussed is the erosion that eventually brought strange materials to the surface. Photographs of the site from both air and ground, as well as a mysterious bare area over 100 ft. long, cut through the sagebrush.
“There is no doubt that something crashed at this site…the Plains of San Augustin back in 1947.”Art Bell Show George Noory.
“After an initial review, it seems superbly researched and includes a lot of important new material.” Timothy Good, Noted United Kingdom Author
Chuck and Nancy Wade manning a screen. Below the gap, last track of the UFO before coming to rest.
Rockwell International’s enormous 1979 “Star-raker” was a heavy-lift ramjet/rocket capable of rocket horizontal takeoff/horizontal landing single-stage-to-orbit concept atmospheric cruise and powered landing for maximum operational flexibility. Rockwell studies in the late 1960’s indicated that Mach 6 turbo ramjets would provide significant advantages to horizontal takeoff/horizontal landing (HTHL) two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO) designs provided were only marginal benefits for single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) vehicles. However by the late 1970’s, Rockwell believed that new materials technologies, combined with a wet wing design, would make HTHL SSTO possible. The lower wing loading of the design would make surface temperatures during reentry several hundred degrees lower than the Space Shuttle.
Rockwell investigated the operational issues and requirements for launching 1600 tonnes of payload into low Earth orbit per day to support construction of solar power satellites. The baseline concepts were Boeing’s rocket-powered vertical launched two stage rocket craft (400t payload capability) and the Star-raker turbofan/air-turbo-exchanger/ramjet horizontal launch craft with a100t payload.
The Boeing vehicle would require ten launch pads requiring extensive refurbishment between missions, to meet the launch rate requirement of 4 flights per day from the Kennedy Space Center. Two high-bay Vertical Assembly Buildings would also be required as opposed to two aircraft maintenance type buildings for Star-raker. The Star-raker turnaround time was (1.8 days) would be one-third that for the Boeing’s 5.5 days.
A single-runway air base would support an entire fleet of 30 Star-rakers. Rockwell estimated the cost per kilogram of payload to low earth orbit would be $22-$33 in 1978 dollars. The aircraft was to be compatible with C-5A Galaxy cargo handling facilities and airports. Each of the ten turbo ramjets would have a thrust of 623 KN, and each of the three shuttle SSME-type engines, 4750 kN.
Status: Study 1979. Gross mass: 2,278,800 kg (5,023,800 lb). Payload: 100,000 kg (220,000 lb). Height: 94.50 m (310.00 ft). Span: 110.00 m (360.00 ft). Thrust: 20,480.00 KN (4,604,080 lbf). Apogee: 556 km (345 mi).
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files # 13 – 2015 -Their ships were far superior to ours - PART II
Filer’s Files # 13 – 2015 -Their ships were far superior to ours - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
California Lights
Woodland Hills— I was outside in my patio on March 20, 2015 and caught a bright blue flashing light as it traveled straight down until out of sight behind the mountains. I got out my tablet hoping to see it rise. Instead, another one followed exactly what the first one did. NOTE: Ignore the other lights shown in video. They look odd and flash as well. See blue, flashing object traveling straight down. Only taped a short part of it. Fumbled the camera while amazed looking at it. There is a military base in the direction of this video. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Disc
Merden — I was at home snow blowing when I got a text from my daughter of a UFO taken from our porch. A few seconds later she came around screaming about the ufo and the picture she got before it flew off so fast. She could not stop talking about it. I had her write down in her own words about what happened and what she saw on February 14, 2014. She said, “I was home with my dad and I got my phone to take a picture of the snow and I was wondering what the heck is that?I look at it for about 5 to 10 seconds and it takes off as fast as the speed of light. It was like a boomerang shape; it was very fast and was a grey color. I was stunned of what I saw. I know my dad believes in ufo’s and I was skeptic about them and after I saw it I thought he wasn’t that crazy.” I couldn’t believe it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
On March 4, 2015, coming home with my brother in law, around 9:15 PM, I saw a brilliant moon with some clouds passing by. I took some pictures, but, did not notice any object at that moment. The next day when I was reviewing the pictures, I noticed the greenish sphere in one of them it looks like was passing by when I saw the other three pictures. My brother in law also took a picture at the same time. He was about 15 feet from me but his image did not show the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hernando Beach – Lorry Stargaazer writes, “On February 14, 2015, at 3:17 PM as I grabbed my Canon SX50 to try to capture a green flash from the setting sun, I saw two UFO’s coming down making contrails in the sky.” I zoomed in to find two UFO’s at the end of each contrail, one was all in orange flames and the other was white.
You could see the saucer in both pictures. It was so cold and so windy and I was losing light, so I never saw the crash into the Florida Gulf. No green flash either!! Thanks to Stargaazer
Illinois Cylinder
Springfield – I was on my way to work and driving on Interstate 55 heading south as the sun was coming up at 6:45 am, and storm was brewing south of me with lightning on January 10, 2010. I noticed where the sun was coming up there was a straight line that divided the sun and the storm so I snapped a picture. Out of nowhere this long bright rod came shooting across the sky. I instantly took more photos of the object. We don’t have to worry about aliens visiting us on the planet anymore. And they would say and, “Why’s that?” l then said, “They’re already here.” Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Lights
Weko Beach– “On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, a CME struck Earth producing the largest geomagnetic storm of the current solar cycle. Aurora was visible all the way down to the central US. The Planetary A Index For The Day Was 117, An Incredibly High Number Effecting Short Wave Communications.
Bridgman, Michigan— A ham operator took this photo of the “Northern Lights” with his Nikon D7000 from Weko Beach As a UFO buff, I saw an unidentified string of lights in DSC_7510 that reminded me of the Phoenix Lights. Looking at DSC_7525 I believe there’s a barely visible thin black line in the aurora that I can’t explain. The right in each photo is the DC Cook Nuclear Plant.
BTW, the orange in the foreground seems to be light (perhaps moonlight) as it reflected off of the sand covered ice mounds at the Weko Beach shoreline. —
Nevada Lights
I was in American Airlines Flight 167 from Miami to San Francisco on March 16, 2015, and a Brazilian lady was in the window seat taking pictures. She pulled my shirt and said, “Look there!” pointing downward.
I saw a bright object with show two bright lights, and I took one picture, it looks smaller than the one that I saw a moment earlier. The lady was taking a lot of pictures with a Samsung Phone with a better camera, with better definition. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Object and Triangle
MEDFORD LAKES— I was inside by bay window speaking with my family on March 11, 2015, when the sky lit up from nothingness. It was too bright to be a star and stationary. I grabbed binoculars immediately and watched as after ten minutes it began heading west. It was clearly spherical with lights on the craft that were attached to it on multiple layers. The white lights gave clear indication of its rotation. Multiple color lights were molding onto different areas spinning around the object and changing colors. It flew at a constant altitude and speed until it was too far away to keep track of it. I was immediately curious as multiple dogs began to bark as well as my own; and some were noticeably frightened or on an aggressive stance which made me turn cautious. I watched it for 40-45 minutes and lost track of it behind tree line. . This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer Chief Investigator for MUFON New Jersey.
KEN’S NOTE: This area of South Jersey is covered with lakes both big and small. Our State Director George Filer had one rise out the lake that his house is on in Medford. I feel these alien craft are hiding in the lakes and rivers in our state and probably throughout the world. Since these alien craft must be pressurized, then this would be perfect for hiding in water just like a submarine would; it’s as simple as that. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Montclair — I began watching a television show with my fiancé at 11 PM, on March 8, 2015. Sometime around 11:15-11:30 PM I saw something in the air, so I looked out my window from where I was sitting on my couch. I saw very clearly a nearby shaped aircraft with a light on each corner. I immediately recognized that the aircraft was unique. It was a perfect triangle shape with all three edges straight. I stood on the couch and looked out the window. The aircraft was traveling relatively slowly and at a low altitude. I was able to see the aircraft itself, not just the lights. I called for my fiancé, and she jumped up onto the couch with me and watched it as it flew off.
I believe that the lights on the aircraft were two of the same color and one a different color, but I cannot remember with certainty what colors they were. The craft appeared almost grayish with texture on the bottom. I saw it low and detailed for three seconds. It appeared to be smaller than a commercial airplane between 20 to 50 feet long. Ten seconds later I heard banging sounds coming from the direction the aircraft was flying. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Black Object
I was out on a Sunday afternoon, taking photos of the clouds, as I often do on March 22, 2015. I took several photos of all areas surrounding my house. When I came inside to look at the photos, I noticed a black object hovering close to the clouds in one of my photos.
When I zoomed in, I could see that it looked a lot like a man floating through the clouds surrounded by a bright glow, or aura. I’m still not certain of what it is, but I do know it is not a bird or other flying object that I can recognize. I have seen other strange flying objects in my area. I do believe this to be an area prominent for UFO activity. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Object
On March 18, 2015, we saw orbs one after another moving northeast and going upward from the back yard of our house.
Last year we saw the same thing, but one less orb. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Oval Shaped UFO Craft
Twinsburg– A popular TV show once opined that “the truth is out there.” The evidence may have been in the evening sky over the city February 17, 1969. The case of one local UFO sighting began innocuously enough in the city of 7,000 with TV interference at a Glenwood Drive home. It concluded, abruptly, with a bizarre visit to the Twinsburg Police Department from a United States Air Force lieutenant colonel and his mysterious, diminutive sidekick. According to a report from Project Blue Book, the United States Air Force’s systematic analysis of UFO reports between 1952 and 1969, a woman, 44, and her son, 19, were watching the news when the color contrast went out on their TV — and then the entire signal. The mother walked outside at dusk to check the antennae, and immediately called Twinsburg police to report an “oval-shaped object that had red and white lights around it;we saw the strange object, coming over Glenwood Drive,” said the woman in the March 6, 1969, report. “I never saw anything like this before.” She states, “It proceeded down Idlewood Drive for about a quarter mile … then it just went right up out of sight.”
Sgt. Donald Prange, a former Twinsburg officer and Marine Corps veteran who later served as chief of police in Twinsburg in the late 1970s, responded to the woman’s call around 6:40 p.m. More than 20 calls referencing the UFO were ultimately fielded by Twinsburg dispatch that evening. Prange, now 77, recalled the event “We officers talked amongst ourselves after the sighting,” said Prange, who said he witnessed the object over Chamberlin High School for several minutes with Twinsburg patrolmen Walter Orcutt and Herbert Munn. “I told them I didn’t think we should say anything to anyone … they would think we were crazy.” The USAF was made aware of the event by the woman’s 19-year-old son. In its April 22, 1969, conclusion the USAF determined that the object was actually an “aerial advertizing aircraft.” “A letter was sent to the Twinsburg Police Department requesting information on the sighting, however this office did not receive a reply … the description of the UFO is similar to past reports of Aerial Advertizing aircraft,” states Lt. Col. Hector Quintanilla, chief of the now defunct Aerial Phenomena Branch at Wright-Patterson.
Prange said he doesn’t buy the USAF’s answer in the Twinsburg incident any more than he believes its conclusion from a Portage County case three years earlier, in 1966, when officers were informed that they had just chased the planet Venus for 85 miles, from Ravenna to just outside of Pittsburgh. “It was like nothing I’ve ever seen,” Prange said. “We had three cars respond, and watched it for several minutes over Chamberlin High School, near some power lines there. “It appeared to be stationary, hovering. It made a whirring sound. Then it slowly rose up and disappeared.”
About a month after the sighting, Prange says his department was visited by a USAF lieutenant colonel — believed to be Quintanilla — and a “strange little man… to question us individually,” Prange said. “The smaller man, perhaps 5 feet tall, was not like us … he had strange features, almost like a child who has aged rapidly.
“He wore a hat, gloves, and he never spoke to us, never shook our hands, just observed. I don’t remember [the colonel] ever even saying thank you. When they left, we never heard from the Air Force again.” Thanks to
Oregon Dark Object
Gresham– A UFO was recorded following an airplane on March 18, 2015. The UFO flew through clouds following a jet at a similar speed.
Every time, I have seen them they don’t frighten me, it’s like I know they are peaceful, at least the ones I have seen. Thanks to
Pennsylvania Lights
Mill City — I’ve been noticing chemtrails look like rockets took off straight up into the sky then about 300/500ft they glide across sky as shiny silver disks some whitish on March 24, 2015. They sometimes hover in the clouds and sometimes they disappear. Mostly they don’t but it’s an amazing site but I get a fearful feeling outside at night. Our dogs act weird and one seems like he is afraid to go to bathroom outside. At night there’s blinking moving ones with lights. One came towards my boyfriend’s truck in Mount Pocono. I didn’t report sooner, because my family brushed off, so I tried to also but I can’t deny what’s in front of me anymore. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Lights
Greer – I was at the Home Depot parking lot talking to a friend on March 22, 2015 and we noticed flashing lights in the sky. I took pictures and video of two objects; one was in the west and the other northwest. One light changed to three colors in a strobe like manner; the other pulsed reddish light. The camera picked up two more lights close to that object and they made a triangle of lights. The one to the west slowly faded out. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Dark Object
Huntsville – I observed and videoed an object (UFO) flying straight upwards then making an abrupt 90 degree angle turn on March 13, 2015. The object appeared to produce some kind of emission of light on three sides as it was moving.
It appeared first moving upwards southeast in the sky outside of my home then turned and began maneuvering wildly towards the east. The video is included with my report.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Orbs
Seattle — My husband was in Seattle on business and took this picture of strange lights in the distance and overhead on March 10, 2015. We are not sure what they were, but the triangular formation in the above lights is a little weird at 9:30 AM.
Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Tacoma — Serge Grant writes, “In 1952, I was practicing baseball on a field with my friend and we decided to continue practice while the other players went home. In the direction of McCord Air Base we saw 6 baseball size objects flying in formation and they crossed the horizon in about 30 seconds. The formation was one then two followed by one then two. There was chatter on the radio about this event.”
In Tacoma Washington in 1957, I was returning from a date at 11 PM and noticed a disc flying over downtown with lighted windows around it.
In Galveston, Texas in 2011, while floating in my pool at about 3 PM, I noticed a cylinder craft followed by a military jet flying almost directly over me going east. In 2012, I decided to take my dogs for a walk in Campeche Cove and noticed three lights in the sky to the west. Since they were not blinking, I assumed it was an unusual formation of planets and decided to take a picture of them when I returned. I took pictures which have been sent to you. When I magnified the picture I saw a metal object that the lights were coming from the background of a tree that is actually behind me which implies that the light is reflecting from a force field around the object. Thanks to Serge Grant
Washington D.C.
District of Columbia— It was after the University of Maryland lost in the third round of the NCAA tournament. I was taking my dog out and heard a sound that sounded like an electronic Seagull. I was watching an airplane flying east, that had its lights on and was following the same path as I have seen before. I then noticed what I first thought was maybe a meteor burning up as it came into the atmosphere it was flying. As the orbs passed overhead flying west they flew in a “V” formation. Then each orb started to orbit each other like birds into multiple levels and “V” formations. I started to look around to see if there was anyone else out back to see what was happening. As the orbs continued to move west they started to look like a ribbon. As it moved farther away the Seagull sound stopped. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Lights
Puerto Madero – On March 14, 2015, I was on my balcony taking a picture of the view and didn’t notice the object. It was when I posted to my Face book that I saw the violet cloud with the lights. I went out again and didn’t see anything until I pointed my phone camera to where it was just to see the object moving quickly east and I didn’t catch it again on the camera.
It’s weird because I took three pictures and it appeared on the first, and then moved the camera to the other side and took a second picture and then came back to the same place and it doesn’t appear on the third picture. When I went back to the balcony the object moved quickly to the left. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Orb
Wagga, NSW – This photo was taken of a maneuvering light on March 20, 2015 at 12:30 am. Thanks to MUFON CMS
St Leonard’s — My friend and I were camping on the beach at 2 AM, and I noticed a boat sized rectangular object (not curved like a boat, more like a rectangular block) hovering about two feet above the water. The object was only 15 meters away from me and the water was rough that night but it did not rock with the water and the water under it was completely still. The object had an appendage about 5 feet tall with a strong red light similar to traffic light in size, but brighter. As I spotted the object, the appendage immediately turned to my direction and the light focused on me. I felt very nervous as if it was watching me. It was definitely not a boat as it hovered silently above the water and had an arm protruding from it. Occasionally you will see a fisherman at this time of night. Feeling scared, I went back into the tent, every time I checked it was still there for about an hour. I was awoken three hours later by speed boats searching the area with torches. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Light
Simcoe, Ontario— At about 10:15 PM on March 17, 2015, I witnessed a strange sight while driving on Hillcrest Road. Something low on the horizon caught my attention. At first I wondered if this was a planet but after I pulled the car over to the side of the road and focused harder, it became clear that this object was flashing red, blue, yellow, white one at a time at a high rate.
Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day and sky watchers were made aware of the forecasted Solar Storm that brought Northern Lights much further south than normal. This was not the Northern Lights. I was able to zoom in using the photo feature. Today I used the desharp/enhance/deinterlace feature in Gimp software to get a better look. The colours that I saw vividly and clearly did not show up on the photographs but reveal a shape-shifting object! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ecuador Triangle
Quito – I took these photos during a flight from Miami entering Ecuadorian airspace. In reviewing these photos, I can see what appears to be a black triangle in the sky on June 30, 2013. It’s very hard to see, but is clear if you zoom in the photos. In the first photo the object appears near the engine of the plane and in the second photo which was taken almost immediately after the first, it looks like the object has moved a considerable distance. Also, it appears to me that this object was fairly large given its size in the photo / distance from our plane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Light
Buggiano – I had a friend for dinner who called me to see what was going on in the sky. We saw a sort of orb red/orange orb hovering in the sky the first time in August 2013.
Before I could get my camera to record it; it went away with incredible speed. A few months later I saw it again but I could take a picture of it.
On March 22, 2015, my cat was “shouting” at the sky so I went to check and I saw this object. I’ve had time to get my phone and start recording for 30 seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico UFO
Teotihuacan — Professor Ana Luisa Cid states: (translated from Spanish) “On March 8, 2015 I went to the archaeological site of Teotihuacan. I took many photos, especially when I got to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, where people are ‘energy charged’ by touching a stone, which considered the powerhouse of the basement”.
Some researchers say that non-human entities “feed” off mental energy that we humans produce in altered states of consciousness, for example excitement, and extreme emotion. Such energy is called “Psi”. It is a possible explanation for the appearance of UFOs in mass concentrations. The photos of random UFOs may be because the object passed so fast that was imperceptible to the eye or vibrates in another range of light that our eye does not capture.
Nigeria Spherical Object
Ikeja, Lagos — While staying in Nigeria for business in January 2010, I was standing in front of a building on Ogundana Street around 11 AM, when I looked up to see a spherical object in the sky. It was stationary between two different layers of clouds that were moving with the wind, but this object did not move an inch. Clouds for short moments blocked my view but it stayed in the same place. It was very close to the Lagos International Airport and even on the approach route of landing aircraft. The object was larger than a hot air balloon but perfectly spherical, whereas a balloon would be a bit tapered downwards. This object was a dark brown perfect ball with black rectangular spots like windows. The entire object was sharply defined. The silent object was a mile away not turning or moving in any way. Local people who saw it as well told me they had never seen it before. I observed for 20 minutes when a small cloud passed in front of it, and the object was simply gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Porto– At 9 PM, I went on the terrace facing east on March 22, 2015, and I noticed this bunch of intermittent flying lights high in the sky! I called my friends to show them, and they observed with me for 5 minutes. These lights flew in some kind of formation toward us, then above us. They gradually flew away from us and intermitently desappeared om the western horizon! They were very small and were moving very fast. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Qatar Formation
Doha— We were just entering the state mosque of Doha, Qatar to perform the Maghreb (evening) prayer on March 19, 2015. As it is a beautiful mosque we were taking pictures randomly just outside the mosque.
When I saw the pictures later at home the lights and formation caught my attention. This is a totally unedited picture. hanks to MUFON CMS
UK Sightings in England
West Midlands – Alien activity in the western central English county in March 2015, is apparently keeping police officers there pretty busy. According to the West Midlands Police Department’s website, “As part of its pledge to be as open and transparent as possible, West Midlands Police publishes all FOI requests onto its website as a matter of course.” It continues, “And while the act enables important statistics and information to be published, it has also highlighted some of the force’s more unusual call outs.” One FOI request asks, “Please, under the freedom of information act can you tell me how many alien abductions have been reported in the West Midlands over past three years, breaking it down for each area? Can you also give details on each case and how the report was resolved?” The department says it has received twenty-three alien-related reports during the past four years. How these numbers compare to police departments in other parts of the world is unknown. But it seems like a lot, considering that these aren’t simple calls about strange lights in the sky.
Two calls were from people who were either being attacked by aliens, or were reporting an alien home invasion. Three of the calls were from people seeking police assistance because extraterrestrials were allegedly in the process of abducting them, or coming to abduct them. Four calls were from people who reported that they were either talking to aliens or hearing aliens talking to them. The remaining fourteen calls were from people reporting that they had seen extraterrestrials in West Midlands. The police department points out, “Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from a number of data sources used by forces for police purposes. The detail collected to respond specifically to your request is subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large scale recording system. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when interpreting those data.” The twenty-three reports provided by the West Midlands police resulted from its own system search using the terms “alien” and “alien abduction.” So it’s conceivable that the department has received more than twenty-three extraterrestrial-related reports, which might contain other terms like “extraterrestrial” and/or “E.T.” – West Midland’s police respond to reports of hostile. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Wales Objects
Pontypoo — I was on the way down to meet my friends when I noticed that the Moon, planets and stars were unusually bright and thought that it would make for an interesting photo to upload on February 21, 2015. Later at the pub I checked my photos and zoomed in on my Samsung S3 and the hair stood up on the back of my neck and I felt uncomfortable and anxious. It was flying erratic as it moved between each of the five photo frames. At the time, I thought little of the green, orange and red flickering object; I’d mistaken it for another star or planet. February 20th (the day before) was referred to as ‘The Dance of the Planets’ whereby Uranus, Mars and Venus are positioned close to one another above the western horizon – this is why I thought little of it. The object disappeared without me noticing it had. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey UFO Conference
Dave Stinnett reports the conference will be on April 11th, 2015 at the Hamilton Garden Hilton in Hamilton NJ (our usual spot). Speakers are: Travis Walton, – Shannon Taggart, Frank Staler, Karyn Dolan, and David Rountree. We look forward to seeing you at the conference! You can pay at the door or prepay on our website
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Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
While reading my emails I came across one from a my reader I found very interesting. Her email was short and to the point. She asked me a question that I kept thinking about until I decided to answer her with this article. I wanted to ask you who read the articles of the paranormal what your thoughts may be too? I will tackle Jo's email to the best of my ability . Below find her email:
“Hi Chris, I had a quick question for you. (I'm a huge fan of your site, by the way.) What do think of people who believe that they have an ET soul? In fact what do you think of ETs having souls in the first place? Kind of like what Brad Steiger and Scott Mandelker talked about? Could that be possible? I believe they also call them Star seeds as well as ET Wanderers.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks so much!
Take care. jo “
When Jo sent me that email I had to laugh . If that was one of her quick questions I sure would not want to tackle one of her in depth ones!
I thought a great deal about her question and will do my best to answer her with my opinion of this subject.
It is not the first I have heard or read concerning this topic. It certainly is one however that requires a great deal of thought.
I realize that this topic can be digested by both the emotional view and the logical view.
I believe those with a need for this to have a positive end point will bend to the belief that aliens do walk the earth for the purpose of helping mankind.
I also would think there are those who think aliens are walking this planet for nefarious reasons which include harm or destruction to our species .
The view of logic is a more black and white road. This of course would have a yes or no answer . The one view would be that the idea of non human souls in human bodies is impossible and the other that if it is alien so is the body even if it looks human.
My opinion of this topic is a mesh of some of the views I have encountered as well as a rejection of others. I do believe that aliens walk this earth with us. I do however believe they are not human, do not have human biology and do not take over our souls . I think they have their own souls and I do not think swapping souls is as easy and simple as many people think it to be.
I tend to not believe that aliens try to share our human bodies or inhabit them. I do think that there are aliens that look very much like humans who are walking with us on this planet. I also think aliens can alter their appearance to appear human. I do not think however they move into or come in to our bodies in birth. I think souls are following a design in the universe that is meant to be. I tend to believe souls follow a line of experiences that end in a level of achievement for the soul . It may well be that those living a human experience are on their way to a higher level however we are as humans still low on the ladder- soul and all.
It may be that those far more advanced are far older members of our cosmos. I do not think they would want or need to experience the human soul experience as chances are their souls already have. They may be much further along in their life energy's journey through space , time and dimension.
Aliens surely come in many forms. There is no reason why another species of life could not look very close to us. If they are not exact to us I am sure it would be simple for them to change or adjust what they needed to in order to fit in with us.
I think there are other life forms living with us. They may look very human or be altered to fit in as well as walking among us in alien suits that look human . If a species is advanced enough to traverse space and time it is smart enough to devise a suit or robot covering that looks human for them to wander this earth with ease.
I do not believe it is very likely alien souls replace human souls or take over human bodies.
It may be possible aliens have spliced or integrated with humans creating a hybrid. It could be aliens who abduct humans invade the biology of those taken with increased brain ability as a result. This would explain why many abductee's are extremely bright humans. I also believe it is likely that aliens plant their views of our planet in the minds of those taken.
If hybrid human / aliens do exist I realize the immediate thought would be their souls are part human and part alien. I believe this is unlikely. I think it more likely if this one soul would be the deciding life force making this being more human or alien . I doubt a soul can be split or homogenized . Of course I have no idea of knowing as I am merely a human and we are extremely primitive and low level in our understanding of the universe. We do not understand our own planet very well. To think we could grasp a subject as complex as our life energy, our spirit or soul seems far from our understanding at this point in time.
The only opinion I strongly hold is that alien interference with the human species is for the aliens benefit. If they are here walking with us they are doing so for reasons of their own that have little to do with us. Humans are not overly important to aliens. They are involved with us for alien reasons and should never be thought of as God like or our saviors.
Aliens may be here as a school study or to live among an ongoing experiment . They may be studying ancient civilizations and walk among us as we would if we could return to living thousands of years ago on this planet. For them living with us would be like our living with the cavemen or in Ancient Rome or Egypt.
I do not think we are being visited for the purpose of helping mankind. It is not the job of our visitors to fix our problems or interfere with our development. If aliens were here for the benefit of mankind I believe we would be more advanced in whole as a society and far from the violent killing machines we seem to be, I would think we would be far more civilized if aliens were here to interfere with our development. I do think they have been here for thousands of years and have taught us things along the way however the ways we advanced by way of alien visitation came about clearly due to the face it benefited the aliens while they used or visited our planet. Our evolution as living thinking beings is left to our own devices. Sadly we seem to be slow advancers staying stuck in war like thinking of those living on a unbalanced civilization where some starve and die while others prosper and live in wealth and luxury. Until we stop killing each other and have a more of a basic balance and control of our own planet we will remain the bottom of the ladder as far as our cosmic neighbors are concerned.
I would think that the universe and the experiences of the life forces in all things living in this universe are different and at many levels for many reasons. Knowing life starts in the human species as an unexplainable injection of energy at the moment of human conception makes me believe that the universe, a intelligent massive controlling ultimate force that provides the energy or souls for whatever species or life form is being born in to this universe. In short all beings that live have some kind of soul that is needed for their experience of life in the space of our universe. The souls are most likely as different and varied as is the form of life however all life lives for reasons we are far from being able to fully understand.
The life forms exist in this universe on many levels and degrees of development as well as time alive in this universe making other beings or visitors far more advanced than human beings . Knowing this we can understand why we may seem to those far more advanced more like lab mice and test monkeys are to us. I agree fully with Stanton Friedman who answers when asked why aliens do not talk to us with the response ” Aliens do not talk to us for the same reasons I do not talk to the squirrel's in my back yard!”
As far as souls. I think we have our trip through life as a human with our human level soul . We will move along to another place or existence when our time on this earth ends. There is no reason to not believe that alien life forms are also walking with their souls along whatever point of the journey their souls are meant to travel. It may be likely all our souls will travel many roads. I just think humans are a starting point and mankind a low level form of life in this universe. As far as swapping souls I believe we all keep our own souls and travel our own journeys no matter what species we may be.
Of course I may be wrong about all of this. Until we advance enough to join those who are able to travel the stars we will have to wonder about many of these things.
I hope that adds another view to this topic . If enough of you send me alternate views I will gladly compile and present them in a future article . Remember the topics of the paranormal are simply unknowns we do not yet understand so please keep your thinking clear and reality based. Hollywood and Sci- Fi TV have already done enough damage to all these topics.
For now contemplate the possibilities and pay close attention to the souls who walk among us . Is that a human your talking to or is it an alien in a humans disguise ? Look carefully and decide for yourself!
The witness first observed a solid looking reddish-orange sphere flying above and along power lines. Pictured: Route 131 in Massena, NY. (Credit: Google)
A New York couple at Massena reported watching two orange-red spheres near power lines as they drove eastbound along Route 131 directly behind the Alcoa Plant and parallel to the St. Lawrence Seaway Shipping Canal, according to testimony in Case 64114 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The reporting witness said the day was a high pressure day, no clouds, with no aircraft in sight, and temperature about 60 degrees F. about 8:15 p.m. on May 24, 2014.
“I observed a solid looking reddish-orange sphere flying above and along power lines that lead directly into Alcoa,” the reporting witness stated. “They originate at the Robert Moses Power Dam that lies east-northeast of Alcoa by about five and-one-half miles.”
The witness noticed the object did not have any lights on it as required for aircraft navigation.
The first sphere crossed Route 131 at right angles to the road and at an elevation of approximately 600 feet. Pictured: Route 131 in Massena, NY. (Credit: Google)
“Upon making this observation and bringing it to my wife’s attention I saw the second sphere following the first on the same flight path. I was nearing a section of the highway that didn’t allow any further observation.”
The couple continued moving east along Route 131 for approximately 200 yards when they observed a sphere.
“I assumed it was the first one, cross Route 131 at right angles to the road and at an elevation of approximately 600 feet. The sphere was larger in diameter due, I assume, to our closer proximity to it. I quickly lost sight of the sphere as trees on the north side of the road blocked our view. I had reached the turn to the south for the Dennison Road and took the turn and stopped.”
The couple then saw the second sphere leaving the proximity of the power lines at a right angle and it seemed to follow the same northerly flight path of the first sphere.
“Again, due to trees we lost sight of the object. I brought the vehicle back on Route 131, traveling east and sped up to allow us a better view to the north. When we reached an overgrown meadow with shorter trees we saw the first sighted object in a stationary position over the Seaway Shipping Canal. As the second object neared the position of the first sphere, the hovering sphere moved off to the north very quickly.”
The witness watched as the first object moved away and could no longer be seen.
“The second sphere, upon reaching the recently vacated position of the first object, began hovering, stationary without discernible movement. When the first sighted object was no longer discernible, the second object followed the flight path of the first sighted object until it too was no longer visible.”
Both objects eventually moved away until they were no longer seen. Pictured: Route 131 in Massena, NY. (Credit: Google)
Massena is a town in St. Lawrence County, New York, population 12,883.
New York is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 0.41 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. New York received a total of eight UFO reports in February.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
A family in England claims they observed a Ministry of Defense helicopter chasing four UFOs. And the search for intelligent extraterrestrials gets an upgrade. These and other space and UFO stories on this episode of Spacing Out!
Danish police officer has two close encounters (the Maarup sightings)
Danish police officer has two close encounters (the Maarup sightings)
Date: August 13, 1970 Location: Hadersley, Denmark
Danish police officer Evald Maarup was driving through the countryside near Hadersley, when he encountered a brilliantly lit UFO. Suddenly there was a fierce light beaming down on him, his car engine cut out, and the car lights and his radio stopped working. Above him, Maarup could make out a large circular object which he watched for about five minutes, before it moved away rapidly. Three years later, Maarup had another encounter with the same or a similar object at exactly the same place.
Artist's impression of Maarup's experience. (Henrik Pedersen / UFO Nyt; credit Evans and Stacey)
Maarup's sketch of what he saw when looking out of his car. (credit: FSR)
Another sketch of the close encounter.
Evald Maarup.
Classification & Features
Type of Case/Report: StandardCase Hynek Classification: CE2 Shape of Object(s): Disc # of Witnesses: Single Special Features/Characteristics: Vehicle Encounter, Vehicle Interference, E-M Effects, Police, Light Beam, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo
Kim Hansen, 'UFO Casebook' in Evans and Spencer (1987)
The 1970 sighting by police officer Evald Hansen Maarup near Hadersley, Denmark, during which he was able to take three photographs of the object, was widely reported in the Danish press and in the journals of foreign UFO organisations. His second sighting, almost precisely three years later, is less known but is of interest in view of its almost a duplication of the earlier incident R
Print / Other References
UFO-Nyt No. 5 1970; no. 6 1974. (UFO journal published by Denmark's SUFOI)
Flying Saucer Review Case Histories No. 1
APRO Bulletin, Jan/Feb 1971
Phenomenes Spatiaux No. 26
Full Report / Article
Source: UFOs at Close Sight -
On August 13, 1970, Danish senior police officer Evald Maarup was driving back to his home in Knud, using the patrol vehicle at about 10:30 P.M., on a country road connecting Kabdrup and Flestrup, not far from the border enters Denmark and Germany, when something out of the ordinary happened to him.
At about ten kilometers in the North of the town of Hadersley, the car became bathed in a very powerful bluish light, and the car engine stopped suddenly. The officer tried to communicate with his police station by means of the car's radio, but it did not function at all. It was if if all the electricity had disappeared of the patrol car.
Officer Maarup then realized that the temperature inside the vehicle had increased, and that it continued to increase quickly. In his report, he stated that he had the feeling that one would have during a hot summer sun when it hits a car's windshield.
A short moment later, it was obvious to him that the bluish light seemed to be withdrawing. Maarup realized that the light actually surrounded a flying machine of elliptical shape, metallic appearance, and of a diameter of approximately 10 meters, which was now rising in the sky.
Maarup noticed that actually, the rise of the craft was not the only cause of the withdrawal of the light which surrounded it. He realized that the extent of the light around the craft decreased as if the craft was swallowing the light into its body, from a defined point located at the center of the bottom side of the craft, in which the light was engulfed as if it had been sucked into there. This part of the craft appeared clearly delimited to him, by a dark part of a diameter he estimated at one meter. He also saw some protrusion on the underside of the objects (see drawing on the right).
At this time, he remembered that he had a Fujaxa camera at disposal, as he is the rule, in the police car. He used it, and managed to take three snapshots of the object. Those, developed the following day, did not show much more than a gleam of light, without revealing any details.
After the series of events which Maarup estimated the duration of about five minutes, the craft then flew away at high speed in the sky. During all the events, the craft was totally noiseless.
As soon as the object flew away, the car's engine started again spontaneously, the power went back, so that the lights went back, and the radio functioned again.
Maarup then went out of the patrol car, to look for clues or evidence of the event in the surroundings. He found none, but when he touched the car, he noticed that it had become heated.
Very remarkably, Maarup had a second sighting almost three years to the day after this first encounter. On July 14, 1973, in the same area and at roughly the same time, he saw a similar shaped UFO above the countryside as it passed over the landscape. Once again he was able to take pictures of the object but once again, all the six pictures were disappointing, showing only an indistinct spot of light. He also saw several dome like protrusions on the underside of the object.
Case ID: 734
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27-03-2015 om 16:34
geschreven door peter
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Humans' Extraterrestrial DNA
Humans' Extraterrestrial DNA
Ellen Lloyd - - Did we inherit our genes from an advanced alien race that seeded life on our planet and genetically engineered our species in their image?
Does human DNA contain evidence of extraterrestrial life?
Is there a coded alien message in our DNA?
As you already know from my one of my previous articles Scientists Question the Age and Origins of Man several puzzling ancient discoveries have led archaeologists to believe that our ancient civilizations were much more advanced than previously thought.
The serious flaws in Darwin's theory of evolution challenge our deep-rooted beliefs and urge us to open our minds to new possibilities and explore the ancient world from a different perspective.
The theory that "someone" seeded life on our planet has been promoted for many years by distinguished scientists. Let us mention Sir Francis Crick as a good example.
Sir Francis Crick (1916-2004) who was Nobel Prize Winner, astronomer and co-discoverer of the DNA molecule suggested in the 1980s that an advanced civilization seeded life on Earth in the remote past. This theory is called Directed Panspermia.
Sir Francis Crick was not only an intelligent but also a courageous scientist who was not afraid of facing criticism from those who disliked his unorthodox ideas.
While searching for the origins of life, Crick did not pursue ancient historical mysteries. Instead, he focused on the nature of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic acid) and what at that time was known about how life originated on Earth.
'We shall postulate that on some distant planet some four billion years ago or so, there had evolved a form of higher creature who, like ourselves, had discovered science and technology, developing them far beyond anything we have accomplished.'
The earliest traces of life we can detect at the present time are found associated with rocks dated to about 3.6 billion years ago… but the fossil record, formed by simple animals whose hard parts have been preserved, is only 0.6 billion years old," wrote Sir Francis Crick in his book Life itself
Crick was aware of the astonishing complexity of DNA. He pointed out that it took the simplest single cell organisms 1.4 billion years to evolve. The next crucial step in complexity to multicellular organisms took almost 2 billion years more. However, when mammals suddenly appeared about 200 million years ago, for some reasons complexity took a quantum leap.
The main point is that we expect it should have taken a shorter period of time for the simplest life-forms to evolve and much longer for the most complex organisms.
Yet for mammals it took only a fraction of the time to develop compared to the earliest and simplest life-forms. What happened?
Crick discovered that strong evidence supporting Directed Panspermia came in the fossil record. According to Crick's theory microorganisms should appear suddenly "without any evidence of prebiotic systems or very primitive organisms."
Crick was able to confirm the absence of any fossil evidence for transitional forms of life. According to Crick our planet's absence of transitional forms; transitional forms being the evidence for evolution which, "would only have existed on the sender planet, not on Earth."
Crick came to the conclusion: "Directed Panspermia - postulates that the roots of our form of life go back to another place in the universe, almost certainly another planet; that it had reached a very advanced form there before anything much had started here; and that life here was seeded by microorganisms sent on some form of spaceship by an advanced civilization."
Another scientist who put forward a very interesting theory is Professor Paul Davies from the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Prof. Davies believes that there might be an alien message coded in our DNA.
'Scientists have recently discovered large sequences of "junk" DNA that contain no genes and appears to be very stable. If ET has put a message into terrestrial organisms, this is surely where to look.'
The artifact could easily end up buried or drowned or eroded to scrap. The ideal solution would be to encode the message inside a large number of self-replicating, self-repairing microscopic machines programmed to multiply and adapt to changing conditions.
Fortunately such machines already exist: they are called living cells. The cells in our bodies, for example, contain genetic messages written by Mother Nature billions of years ago, " said Davies.
According to Prof. Davies. the coded message would only be discovered once the human race had the technology to read and understand it.
A message implanted in human DNA could actually survive for a very long time. According to American scientists whole chunks of human and mouse junk DNA can remain virtually unchanged for tens of millions of years.
If we consider the amount of evidence and clues our star gods left for us scattered all over the planet, it sounds logical to assume there might be a coded message in our DNA. Our human cells are a good place to implant a message. If there is an alien message in our DNA strands, there is hope that we will discover and decode it one day in the future.
In the same way extraterrestrials came to Earth and created us through genetic engineering and mixed their genes with existing animals, perhaps humanity will one day go out in space, land on another planet and create new life…
About the author: Ellen Lloyd - is an author who has spent more than 20 years researching ancient mysteries, sacred texts, and the UFO phenomenon. She is the author of Voices From Legendary Times in which she demonstrates that races of men have inhabited Earth for millions of years, but not all of them were human. In addition, Ellen has written several hundreds of articles about prehistoric alien visitations, ancient mysteries and alternative history.
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The Hill UFO Abduction Case
The Hill UFO Abduction Case
On September 19, 1961, married couple Betty and Barney Hill had a close encounter with a craft and its occupants. The Hill's experience became the first widely publicised case of the alien abduction scenario, one that would change perceptions towards our 'space brothers' forever.
A Close Encounter
Betty and Barney Hill
Throughout the 1950's, in the USA, most reported cases of UFOs were restricted to sightings of "strange lights" in the sky, unusual looking aircraft and cases of "Contactees" - people claiming to have had meetings and conversations with the human-like occupants of extraterrestrial crafts. George Adamski first claimed to have taken photographs of, boarding and flying in ships from space with "Nordic" beings in 1952, helping to popularise a perception that if beings were buzzing about, they must be friendly, intelligent and wise. However, in 1961 a couple named Betty and Barney Hill were to change many of the ideas and notions we had of possible inter-planetary beings and their possible motives. The couple lived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and at the time were active in their local community. Betty was a Social Worker and Barney was employed by the US Postal Service. The couple were an inter-racial couple, Barney being an African-American man, and both were popular with friends and family. It was September 19th at around 10:30pm, when the happily married couple were returning home from a vacation to Canada when they encountered what Betty at first thought to be a falling star, only it was moving upward like a plane or satellite. Observing the object through binoculars, it became clear they were seeing a multi-coloured "odd-shaped" craft that they then pursued along the highway. At some point the craft descended and flew in their direction. Having stopped on the highway, the craft sat rotating in front of their 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air, reminding them of a huge pancake.
The craft the Hills witnessed
Stepping out of the car, with a pistol, Barney approached the vehicle and saw through binoculars a number of "humanoid" looking men, who peered at him through windows. One communicated to him to "stay where you are and keep looking!". Barney ran back towards the car and drove away at high speed in a hysterical state, telling his wife to look for the craft, but Betty saw nothing but sky. Arriving home at dawn, they tried to reconstruct their memories of their trip but they were vague, both drawing a picture of a craft in the middle of the road, but found they could not remember much else. Noticing her dress was torn in certain places, Betty went to discard it, but for some reason kept it.
The grey alien beings
On September 21st, Betty made contact with Pease Air Force Base and reported the encounter; although at first she held back some of the details. Major Henderson interviewed the couple a few days later and concluded they had perhaps seen the Planet Jupiter and misidentified it. Ten days after the encounter, and for five nights in succession, Betty would have vivid nightmares, and in November started writing these dreams down, one in which she wrote of being forced from the car by small grey men in military outfits and calling out to Barney who appeared to be in a trance-like state. In February 1962 the Hills' began driving along the highway, during the weekends, trying to find the site of the encounter, hoping to uncover memories of the event, but were not successful. After months of discussing the event amongst themselves and with their church (and the U.S.A.F.), Betty and Barney were referred to a hypnotherapist in Boston by the name of Dr. Benjamin Scott, who met with the couple initially on the 14th of December, 1963. Dr Scott began hypnosis sessions with the couple almost 3 weeks later in January 1964, in separate sessions that would last until June.
The Star Map
Over the months the two gave amazingly near accurate stories of being taken from their car by small beings who separated them in the craft, and both underwent medical examinations. Barney claimed his anus was inserted with a tube-like device. They reported having conversations with these beings via telepathy, and were told not to be afraid of what was occurring. Betty recalled in some sessions seeing a "star map", a hologram of stars described as a 3 dimensional map. She was only able to sketch, after some suggestion, a small portion of it consisting of twelve prominent stars connected by lines and three lesser ones that formed a distinctive triangle. She said she was told the stars connected by solid lines formed "trade routes", whereas dashed lines were to less-travelled stars. They were returned to their car afterwards, and for some reason lost all memory of being on the craft.
Going Public
Betty and Barney Hill with a copy of 'The Interrupted
The couple resumed normal lives up until October 1965 when a Boston newspaper ran a headline story about the encounter; the reporter allegedly having obtained a tape of the Hill’s giving a lecture at a convention the previous year, as well as confidential interviews they had given to UFO investigators. They were rapidly thrust into the international spotlight, and the following year an author, with co-operation from the couple and Dr. Simon, published 'The Interrupted Journey', recalling the case. It was an instant success. In 1968 Marjorie Fish, an elementary teacher and amateur astrologer read the book and concluded that the map was of the star system named Zeta Reticuli. Crop circle enthusiast’s years later concluded that the map actually represents our Solar System.
Betty Hill with her alien bust
Psychiatrists and sceptics have for years argued that the Hills had an hallucination brought on by the stress of being an inter-racial couple in the 1960's, however both Betty and Barney denied this publicly, saying they had a happy, normal marriage free of anxiety. It has also been noted that the hypnosis sessions started months after the initial encounter, with many arguing that they had months to concoct a story.
Barney died of a stroke in February 1969. Betty claimed up until her death in 2004 at age 85 that after her abduction experience she had witnessed UFOs several times and she had become a "celebrity" in the UFO community.
Were Betty and Barney Hill abducted by occupants of a flying saucer in 1961? Had they hallucinated the encounter? Or was it all a down-right fabrication by two people seeking fame and publicity?
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A Hundred Million Stars in 3 Minutes
A Hundred Million Stars in 3 Minutes
In January 2015, NASA released the largest image ever of the Andromeda galaxy, taken by the Hubble telescope. Totaling 1.5 billion pixels and requiring 4.3 gigabytes of disk space, this photo provides a detailed glimpse at the sheer scale of our nearest galactic neighbor. By zooming into the incredible shot, filmmaker Dave Achtemichuk creates an unforgettable interactive experience.
The Short Film Showcase spotlights exceptional short videos created by filmmakers from around the web and selected by National Geographic editors. We look for work that affirms National Geographic's mission of inspiring people to care about the planet. The filmmakers created the content presented, and the opinions expressed are their own, not those of the National Geographic Society.
Know of a great short film that should be part of our Showcase? Email to submit a video for consideration.
* Freedom of Information Act. * Summaries of declassified intelligence agency documents. * CIA and FBI summaries.
Intelligence agency documents span a time period of over fifty years. They are fascinating to study. Just think how much time, money, and energy went into the efforts these memos talk about, and think about the meaning of all this effort for something that supposedly does not exist: flying saucers. The following pages are summaries of some of the most complete letters and memos.
Complete copies of the documents mentioned in the summaries are reprinted in the 'Documents' section of this website. There are several thousand such declassified documents about flying saucers and UFOs that have been released through the Freedom of Information Act.
Patterns Emerge
Following the memos through the years you can see several patterns emerge:
* Concern over "What are these things?"
* Confusion over which military branch is in charge of UFOs.
* Do UFOs pose a national security risk? Later memos indicate the belief that they do not threaten the national security.
* What do we tell the public? And, who tells them?
* UFO events are worldwide, occurring in every country on earth.
Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act was passed by congress in 1974. It is designed to give citizens access to the information and documents they own and pay for with their hard-earned money. The act is often referred to simply as FOIA. Although the idea of information availability is honorable, it is not easy to implement; the government is so large and fragmented that documents are stored in many different archives at different locations under different systems.
You cannot just call up one place and say, "Please, send me all your UFO information." It is a painstaking process. It can take years to try to get a single document, only to be told the document is not available or does not exist. You have to have a pretty good idea of what you are looking for and where it originated. Having said that, check out the documents on the following pages. Also included are some reference guides to tell you how and where to get more copies of declassified top secret documents.
Year: 1949
Declassified Document Summaries
Memo from Special Devices Center, U.S. Navy. Copy sent to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
The memo basically says there are continuous sightings of unidentified flying objects over White Sands Proving Grounds, which was at the time the only nuclear air base in the world. The objects appear to be under intelligent control and the observer was the Navy's foremost expert on weather balloons. Yet, he doesn't know what these objects are.
National Security Council Intelligence Directive to the CIA.
Telling the CIA they are responsible for all research and intelligence gathering on unidentified flying objects. Also, that they (the CIA) are to coordinate their efforts with military researchers.
Time Check * The Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb. * General Mills and Pillsbury begin marketing prepared cake mixes. * Murphy's Law is proclaimed for the first time: "If anything can go wrong, it will," when Captain Edward Murphy sees an accelerometer mounted backwards on a rocket sled.
OSI memo on flying saucers.
Memo contains a graph showing a tremendous increase in UFO sightings during the months of May through August of 1947.
Year: 1952
Declassified Document Summaries
National Security Council memo. Subject: flying saucers.
Directs CIA to research and solve problem of unidentified flying objects.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) memo written by CIA Director. Subject: flying saucers.
1952 CIA memo. Topic: flying saucers. Discusses the following:
"The phenomenal increase in flying saucer reports."
* Includes official CIA version of the first flying saucer sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947.
* Discusses hiding from the public the fact that the CIA is interested in flying saucers.
* Conclusion that flying saucers do not represent a military threat.
Time Check * A polio epidemic hits the U.S., afflicting 47,663 people. Jonas Salk invents polio vaccine. * Jacques Cousteau invents SCUBA gear, becomes first man to use it to explore underwater wreck. * Mr. Potato Head becomes the first children's toy to be advertised on television. * George Jorgenson becomes Christine Jorgenson after the world's first sex change operation.
Memo to Director of CIA from CIA assistant director of scientific intelligence. Subject: unidentified flying objects
The memo states: Sightings of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at high speeds in the vicinity of major U.S. defense installations are of such a nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or known types of aerial vehicles.
Also, the memo establishes UFOs as "a priority project throughout the intelligence and defense research and development community."
Memo to the heads of all military and government intelligence agencies. Subject: flying saucer problem.
In essence, this memo says that flying saucers are a problem that should be attacked by a program of research and development.
Notice that the level of people sending and receiving these memos is the very top! No midlevel personnel involved.
Years: 1953-1958
Declassified Document Summaries
CIA Advisory Panel on unidentified flying objects. 1953.
The top minds from the major areas of science are gathered solely to discuss flying saucers. They concluded that UFOs were not a military threat; however misidentifying an enemy aircraft as a UFOs was a threat.
Time Check * Color television broadcasts begin. 1953. * Elvis records his first record. 1954. * Tractors outnumber horses in the U.S. for the first time. 1955. * James Brown records "Please, Please, Please." 1956. * First transatlantic phone cable put in. (Prior to this all calls to Europe were made on a short-wave radio telephone.) 1956. * Sputnik, the first satellite, is put in space by Russia. 1957. * The first stereo records are sold. 1958. * The first aluminum cans are made by Kaiser Aluminum. 1958.
CIA memo. Subject: Non-conventional air vehicles. 1954.
When addressing the public, the military and the CIA call them "unidentified flying objects;" however, in-house they were known to be an referred to as "non-conventional air vehicles" as this memo shows. The term UFO originally stood for "unconventional" flying object, not "unidentified."
CIA memo 1955.
The CIA is responsible for all non-conventional types of air vehicles, but the project is to be considered inactive (as far as the public goes).
CIA memo from the assistant director. Subject: flying saucers 1956.
"Are we keeping in touch with the Air Force center on these things?"
CIA report from Hungary with diagram. 1956.
Flying saucers sighted flying in formation from Budapest to Moscow. Estimated speed: 12,000 kilometers per hour. Top military planes can travel only about 600 miles per hour.
CIA memo 1958.
The CIA has an interest in keeping track of flying saucers, but public relations and community explanations are the responsibility of the Air Force.
Headline reporting Lonnie Zamora's encounter with an alien craft in 1964 near Soccorro, New Mexico
Years: 1963 - 1969
Declassified Document Summaries
U.S. Air Force memo about Lonnie Zamora UFO sighting. 1964.
This is a famous UFO case in which a local, well-respected sheriff walked up to a UFO that was sitting on the ground with several small beings walking around it. When the beings saw Zamora, they got in the craft and took off. This occurred in the desert in New Mexico. This Air Force memo states: "Information obtained during the investigation revealed that the sighting was legitimate and there was no indication that a hoax was being perpetrated."
Sheriff Lonnie Zamora approaches alien craft
Time Check * Louie Louie is Recorded by The Kingsmen 1963. * Cassius Clay defeats Sonny Liston to become heavyweight boxing champ. 1964. * The Beatles begin their first American tour. 1964. * Astroturf is used for the first time in the Houston Astrodome. 1965. * Jimi Hendrix releases his first single "Hey Joe." 1966. * Apollo 11 lands on the moon. 1969. * Woodstock music festival in upstate New York. 1969. * Elvis is back in the studio for the first time since 1955. 1969.
NICAP memo. Subject: National Investigation Committee on aerial phenomena. 1965.
States that their purpose is to obtain firsthand eyewitness accounts of UFO sightings and send copies of these accounts to various air force bases. The key statement: "We were told that there have been instances where the Air Force has attempted to intimidate witnesses and get them to sign false statements relative to UFO sightings."
Department of Defense memo. Subject: announcing the termination of "Project Blue Book." 1969.
Project Blue Book was the "official" Air Force investigation into UFOs. When asked about UFOs government officials always point to this announcement made in 1969. It says the Air Force has investigated UFOs and is no longer interested. Since the Air Force would seem to be the most logical military branch to carry out this investigation, the implication is that UFOs do not exist and that no government agency is investigating them. Wrong! Forget the Air Force! Continue to read through some of the following documents and you will see that virtually every other military branch and all the intelligence agencies keep track of flying saucers. Cover of Project Blue Book report
Years: 1975 - 1987
Declassified Document Summaries
National Security Council memo. 1975.
States that we still need to study UFOs so they do not "confuse our early warning systems in case of an attack (by Russia)."
CIA memo. 1976.
Discusses the effects of magnetic and electromagnetic fields on the astronauts. Key line: "This in turn is related to the possible propulsion systems of UFOs."
Time Check * The Vietnam War ends. 1975. * VHS VCRs are introduced. 1976. * Apple introduces the first disk drive for personal computers. 1978. * Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi are the "Blues Brothers." 1980. * Compact Disc (CD) players are marketed by Sony. 1982. * Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones combine to make "Thriller." 1982. * The space shuttle Challenger explodes. 1986. * Home computers are still rare. The chief executive of a major computer manufacturing company states there is no need for a home computer. 1987.
Year: 1990
In 1990 there is a dramatic shift in the focus of the intelligence documents now available to the public. The focus becomes the constant UFO sightings occurring in Russia and the rest of Europe, especially Belgium. Here are several CIA and Department of Defense documents that give first-hand accounts of confirmed experiences by Russian military captains.
Declassified Document Summaries
Department of Defense memo and distribution list. Subject: Belgium and the UFO issue.
Remember the memo from 1969 which said the Air Force was no longer interested or involved in UFO investigations? Well, look who IS interested. Start out by reviewing this first document. It is the distribution list for a UFO memo. The subject is UFO sightings in Belgium, a hotbed of UFO activity. Virtually every branch of the military, all the intelligence agencies, the White House, NATO, and various embassies all got a five-page memo about something which supposedly does not exist.
Time Check * Voyager I sends back to earth the first photograph of our solar system taken from space. * Milli Vanilli gets busted for faking it and has to give back their Grammy. * The space probe Magellan, launched one year before, reaches Venus.
Department of Defense memo.Subject: Soviet Colonel General Maltsev's comments.
Rabochaya Tribuna, a leading Soviet newspaper, states: "Colonel General Maltsev's documents are a substantial confirmation that UFOs piloted by intelligent beings of some sort have been visiting the USSR." Colonel General Igor Maltsev is the chief of the main staff of the Soviet Air Defense Forces. In other words, he is the Top Dog, the guy who runs the entire Air Defense system for Russia.
Department of Defense memo. Subject: Japanese expedition to Siberia.
A Russian scientific and industrial journal, Sotsialisticheskkaya Industriyia, describes a Japanese expedition to the site of the Tunguska Meteorite in Siberia. In theory, a great meteorite exploded there in 1908, destroying trees over an area of hundreds of square miles. No meteorite has ever been found. The Japanese research team concluded that the explosion had clearly been caused by the crash of a nuclear-powered spacecraft. The Japanese scientists erected a monument at the site, the first memorial in the USSR to commemorate a UFO. This sounds exciting, but it could have been a meteorite. We now know that meteorites frequently explode just above the earth's surface with the force of an atomic bomb.
Author and science journalist Linda Moulton Howe was told by a military intelligence officer that "Aliens told us (U.S. military) that the explosion at Tunguska was the result of a nuclear-powered engine being accidentally jettisoned from an alien spacecraft."
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UFO sighting recorded on ISS live-cam on 25th March 2015
UFO sighting recorded on ISS live-cam on 25th March 2015
New interesting video footage of a bright UFO sighting recorded on ISS live-cam on 25th March 2015.
Witness said: It’s at the :45 Mark! Just when you think You got something Amazing,.. BOOM! Another Huge UFO Pops In the Frame and then GONE! UNDENIABLE! This goes down as one of the Best i Have ever caught on ISS Live.
Last week, we explored the history of the right triangle. This week, we're going to add an extra side and two extra dimensions as we consider the four dimensional cube!
Or, as would describe it: “A rotating two-dimensional projection of the four-dimensional tesseract. The projection appears to change as it rotates even though the four-dimensional polytope is symmetrical because it is warped by the loss of two dimension[s]. [Image] Credit: Wikimedia Commons.”
Here's hoping we all don't lose two dimensions and become asymmetrically warped this weekend!
Another Unexplained Flash of Light Caught by Russian Dash Cams
Besides providing hours of entertainment related to traffic incidents, Russian dash cams have the added benefit of catching unexplained phenomena that seem to happen with increasing regularity. What’s going on, Russia?
On March 17, residents of the city of Stavropol in southern Russia witnessed a strange event. A little over midnight, a silent flash of light briefly illuminated the night sky. One driver who happened to be in the right place at the right time caught the whole thing and shared it with the rest of the world, prompting a heated discussion.
The blue flash of light was dead silent but caused a few problems. According to witness reports, streetlights went out and apparently the power grid was affected as many people said the light in their homes flickered for some time after the event.
This behavior has led some to believe that the flash could have produced some sort electromagnetic disturbance, creating uneasiness among the residents of Stavropol.
One possible explanation for the flash is the explosion of an electrical system. However, the absence of a boom that would accompany such an explosion meant the cause lies elsewhere. Also, the local authorities made no report of an accident taking place.
Northern Lights were also ruled out due to to the intensity and duration of the flash. It couldn’t have been caused by a meteor either, because 1) none were reported and 2) there was no bang.
The Russian Hydrometeorological center stated that the burst of light could not be“attributed to nature” and that no unusual meteorological phenomena were recorded during the night of March 17. They believe the source of the light was ground-based.
People are clueless about the nature of this flash and multiple explanations have been put forward. Many of them are linked to the military exercises that took place in Stavropol last week. The Russian Ministry of Defense gave no comments.
Other possible explanations include extraterrestrial space crafts, electromagnetic weapons and HAARP experiments. Pick your favorite.
In November of 2014, another Russian dash cam video made the rounds and has since remained unexplained:
In spite of the woman’s sudden and strange appearance out of nowhere, Howard was not frightened. He was instead “overcome by an overwhelming sense of wonderment” that made him freeze in his tracks. He felt a tremendous surge of warmth and love emanating from the woman and he approached her as one would an old friend or loved one.
The woman called him by name and said she had come a long way to see him and speak to him.
“She said she knew where I had come from,” Howard recalled, “and what my purpose would be here on Earth. She and her people had observed me for a long time and in ways I would not quickly understand. When she spoke of her ‘people,’ I still could not understand they were from another planet. I seemed to be encompassed by the very glow, almost visible, that emanated from her presence. I have often tried to describe it as like seeing a Technicolor movie in three dimensions and being a part of the action in the film.”
Again, the mysterious woman called Howard by name and said, “We are contacting our own,” words that Howard said would bring more joy and take on more meaning as he grew older. “It is no fault of yours, Howard, that you cannot understand everything. Do not worry,” she comforted him. Then her face took on an air of sadness, and she spoke of grave changes, destruction and torment that would move as a dark cloud over the country and the world. Before departing, the woman said he would see her again but it might not be for a long time. Howard returned to the same spot again often but the lady never reappeared.
Later, while an adult serving in the army, Howard was on vacation in Mexico when he encountered a man with shoulder-length blond hair sitting in a cab that Howard had just hailed. The blond man spoke to him without moving his lips, telepathically, and told Howard that he had been selected for a series of contacts with the aliens.
The alien warned Howard that his life might be in danger during his military service but it would never be necessary for him to kill anyone. This prophecy later came true when Howard was attacked by a Japanese soldier who came at him with a razor-sharp bayonet, cutting a hole in Howard’s tent in the middle of the night. Howard began firing at the enemy soldier, wounding him, but not mortally.
Howard would bump into his space friends nearly everywhere he went. They looked human enough, but there was just something odd about their appearance – something a bit “off” perhaps – that convinced him these visitors meant what they said when they claimed to be from other planets. They intimated to Howard that he had been selected to become a contactee because he had some of the same benevolent qualities about him that they had.
After the war, Howard returned to New Jersey and his contacts increased. He met them in his home as well as outdoors in several remote rendezvous spots where he had been told to go. On a number of occasions, he carried a camera with him to record some of their aerial activities. He even managed to get some still photos of the beings approaching him, backlit by the brightly illuminated exterior of their ship and creating eerie shadows.
As the years went on, Howard would gain fame as a contactee, perhaps second only to George Adamski, and would write a book called “From Outer Space To You” that remains a classic in its genre. Though controversy continues about whether Howard was part of a government “silence” group intent on muddying the waters regarding the truth about the flying saucer phenomenon, his many photos are still with us, and a goodly selection of those are featured in “UFO Repeaters.”
Coauthor Tim Beckley admits that he is predisposed to believing in Howard's fanciful stories because “he was such a charming individual . . . the type of guy who doesn't seem capable of lying to you.” Beckley says he lived down the road from Howard and often heard chatter from others who had “seen and heard things” on and around Howard’s property, despite the fact that they didn't really hook up with Howard himself. His rural neighbors pretty much kept to themselves but had witnessed enough to be capable of verifying some of the strange happenings said to have transpired in the apple orchard out back of Howard’s Highbridge, New Jersey, home.
Like the legendary Swiss contactee, Billy Meier, Paul Villa was an unassuming gentleman of modest means who happened to capture some striking UFO photos. Paul had no axe to grind and no desire for publicity or fame. As so often happens in the world of UFO encounters, Paul did not find the flying saucer phenomenon; it found him.
Paul told UFO investigators that he would receive a telepathic message telling him to be at a certain location, usually somewhere near his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. When he arrived at the designated place, the aliens would essentially “pose” for him while he took photos with a Japanese-made camera and standard Kodak film.
Paul Villa has taken some remarkable photos of UFOs hovering over his truck as well as a photo of a ship preparing to touch down on tripod landing gears.
The result of those efforts is a beautiful series of full color photos depicting the flying saucers in all their glory. According to UFO researcher Wendelle Stevens, Paul’s photos are quite sharp compared to most photos of that era, which was the 1960s through the 1970s. The image size of the saucers is large enough to show good detail and the fact that Paul’s truck is in the foreground of some of the photos provides a known object with which to compare the size of the saucer and to judge its distance away from the camera.
Paul was born in 1916 of Native American/Spanish descent. He did not complete the tenth grade but had a good working knowledge of mathematics, physics, electricity and mechanics and was particularly gifted at detecting defects in engines and generators.
In 1953, while he was employed by the Department of Water and Power in Los Angeles, Paul encountered a man about seven feet tall who called him by name and could read his mind as well as knowing a great many facts about Paul’s past. The spaceman invited Paul to come aboard a metallic-looking, disc-shaped object floating on the water nearby and Paul agreed to go.
For Paul, the aliens were entirely human-looking, though more uniformly attractive than Earth people and definitely more refined in face and form. They took Paul on a tour of the saucer and said they are here on a friendly mission to help Earth people. As his contact experiences continued through the years, Paul was eventually invited to photograph the ships. The aliens flew their craft slowly and hovered as Paul snapped away. In the mid-1960s, the photos began to draw the interest of flying saucer organizations, who debated the pictures’ authenticity and even at times tried to prove Paul to be a fraud.
The photos Paul took are breathtaking to look at and do appear to show genuine flying saucers set against lovely desert scenery. There are varying types of ships from photo to photo, which is consistent with UFO witness accounts since the 1940s and has led some analysts to think we are being visited by several different alien races and civilizations.
The notoriety that came with being chosen to take the photos did not make life easy for Paul, however. When he stopped at a local tavern one evening on his way home from work and sat sipping a beer, a stranger walked up and drew Paul’s blood with a punch in nose. His assailant called Paul crazy for “talking to spacemen.” On top of that, unwelcome curiosity seekers would descend on his family home and take “souvenirs” with them when they left. All the various forms of harassment necessitated relocating his family on several occasions.
Paul died in 1980 at age 64. Some of his photos were never made public, including a series that was reportedly taken on another planet. We may never know everything the UFO occupants revealed to Paul, but the idea that there is further photographic evidence of his to be seen is certainly a tantalizing one.
“UFO Repeaters” also includes photos by and the personal histories of other people who were selected to photograph flying saucers and, on occasion, their occupants. Ellen Crystall, Ed Walters, Joe Ferriere, Marc Brinkerhoff – the list goes on – were all at one time “brought into the fold,” so to speak, and produced a continual stream of photos that implies that there is some kind of mutual trust and, in some cases, an apparently loving relationship with the beings flying the ships at work here.
Why are these Repeaters granted this kind of privileged status with the UFO occupants? Why do the aliens seem to cancel the “terror factor” in certain cases and instead establish a caring, compassionate bond with some experiencers that continues throughout the mortal’s entire life? The vagaries of how these alien choices are made continue to elude us.
But, in the meantime, Global Communications can offer you this: a book that takes the stories behind these photographs and the people that took them basically at face value. There is no reason to doubt the photos’ authenticity, and many have long ago passed muster with photo analysis experts who were forced to concede that – whether or not there really IS an alien presence – the photos themselves were not the result of tampering or tricks.
The aliens have chosen to reveal their existence in many ways since Kenneth Arnold’s 1947 sighting started the ball rolling in the modern era. If this is so, why would occasional genuine photos not be part of that overall mix? Why would the UFO occupants withhold that kind of verification if they were willing to provide so many other forms of proof and confirmation?
But we are just beginning our tale of cosmic wonderment and will commence forthwith in our next installment to continue revealing the truth about the UFO Repeaters and their sincere efforts to document the reality of the unknown through the eye of the camera.
As the book’s title enthuses: Seeing is believing!
I have long considered our society decadent, deranged, and puritanical all at once. For our purposes, I will not attempt an analysis of the various cultural, economic, and environmental issues that undermine our ability to lead free and happy lives.
It is enough to say that we are in trouble, even if we stand to lose nothing but our hearts, minds, and souls.
Our malaise can be measured by an “ugh factor.” How many times does one say “ugh” when one turns on the radio and hears another bland and monotonous autotune pop song? Or the “ugh” ejected from the diaphragm when one turns on the television to find nothing but a “Storage Wars” marathon?
Enough of my cantankerous bitching. The point is that I, as a young man turned old and semi-dead from trauma, have long dreamed of paradise. Paradise. Like the character Hugh Conway of the book and film “Lost Horizon”, I find myself shell-shocked from the irrecoverable losses suffered in my adult life; the loss of not only loved ones, but of opportunity and innocence. May I spend time in a Himalayan lamasery until my mild but persistent depression (downgraded from severe, like an existential hurricane) dissipates? And then play ball and teach school to nearly immortal Tibetan children? How I dream of recuperating in the safety of kindness and decency (I live on the Jersey Shore, a place that is the antithesis of kind and decent.)
So I spend too much time obsessing over lands with names like Shangri-La, Shambhala, Tir na Nog, Hyperborea, Agartha, and even Atlantis (though Atlantis has become a bit touristy in the escapist department.)
My latest obsession has been the mythical island of Hy Brasil, a land of enchantment off the coast of the green isle.
According to the 17th century navigator Captain John Nesbit, the island is inhabited by giant black rabbits and a solitary wizard who lives in a stone castle. The wizard was said to dispense the gold of wealth as well as the rare gems of arcane knowledge. Imagine having the chance to peruse his library. I'll guarantee you at least some of his grimoires are not available on Amazon.
The island is also connected to the Rendlesham Forest incident. Hy Brasil was one of the coordinates downloaded to Air Force Sergeant Jim Penniston's mind when he touched the UFO that hovered in front of his stunned face. The other locations given as coordinates were Caracol's pyramid in Belize, Montezuma's Castle in Arizona, the Giza pyramids in Egypt, the Nazca lines in Peru, Tai Shin mountain in China, and the portal to the Temple of Apollo in Naxos, Greece. Well, those all sound like cosmically-aligned places despite the profanation of tourist hordes armed with cellphone cameras. The coordinates to the Red Lobster on Queens Boulevard in New York are given in the sequel to the recently decoded binary script (because the occupants of UFOs also crave cheddar biscuits.)
So Hy Brasil has occupied my thoughts as of late. I even wrote a short science fiction story set in Hy Brasil. Faeries (in my story, indistinguishable from the gray aliens on the cover of “Communion”) abduct the main character to the fabled island. Once there, our protagonist marries a Brazilian (as in a citizen of the South American country) alien-human hybrid (the human side of the bride is very exotic and sexy) hermaphrodite (yes, the bride is a hermaphrodite too and he-she as both an alien hybrid and a hermaphrodite represents duality and binary opposition as oneness, an individualized tension as well as a reconciliation of opposites.)
The wizard conducts the ceremony with the faeries and black rabbits as attendants, and then the newlywed couple is whisked away to a honeymoon in Miami, where the union is consummated.
Why not Miami? Miami is Shangri-La with cocaine and Uzis. There you will find bronze gods and golden goddesses, ubermenschen (what are superwomen called in German, Nietzsche?), superior human beings frolicking on pristine beaches and taking their leisure in swimming pools as warm as hot tubs. As with all known locations, the Miami-Dade metro area falls short of a utopia, but it comes close enough. And the Barnes & Noble on Federal Highway has all the scholarly tomes this wizard needs! In the tropics I can stop dreaming and just be. Banish the thought of complete contentment if only to keep my curiosity alive for the unchartered territories.
Why can't a place like Hy Brasil actually exist? I believe it does. Agnostic on most fronts, I feel comfortable living by a quote from Jorge Luis Borges: “Being an agnostic means all things are possible, even God, even the Holy Trinity. This world is so strange that anything may happen, or not happen.” “There is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy…” Maybe instead of Willy the Shake (as some hep-cat 1960s comedian called Shakespeare) I can instead apply Kierkegaard's take on Christianity to our mysterious island:
The tale of Hy Brasil is so absurd that it must – and I mean MUST – be true.
The Amazing Kreskin, world-renowned mentalist, has launched a dating website where people who believe in UFOs, aliens, ghosts, or any other supernatural topic can find like minded people. He is calling it The Amazing Kreskin’s Supernatural Dating Society, and it went live this week.
The website says it is for anyone with “interest in anything that defies a conventional explanation (and I really mean anything).” It notes that many times people keep these sorts of interests secret. It further states, “Makes no difference whether it’s visitations by aliens, haunted houses, extra sensory perception, astrology, mind control, curses, spirit healing, vampires, zombies, prophecy, contacting the dead, mind reading and anything in between.”
Kreskin’s dating website.
Kreskin says on the site that many people do not respect people with strange beliefs, so he is doing his part to get like minded people together.
In an interview with Cosmopolitan, Kreskin went into more detail about the site. He said that many people expressed interest in the paranormal and wanted to meet others to participate in activates such as ghost hunting and UFO spotting. Although he says he does not believe in “alien landings,” he says he has talked to many people about UFOs.
He told Cosmopolitan, “The other area, which is gigantic, is the UFO area. There are people who would like to go to sites — and listen, I don’t happen to believe in alien landings, but some people do. As far as UFOs, I talk to too many pilots that have had planes tracked; they told me stories; they said, ‘Kreskin, if we went back and made this public, we’d probably lose our jobs because the company would say, ‘You’re acting crazy,” or what have you. They want to go with someone they know feels the same way.”
The Amazing Kreskin with the Huffington Post Weird News crew at New York’s City Crab during Kreskin’s 80th birthday celebration. (Credit: Huffington Post Weird News)
Kreskin says he is too busy to date himself. He says he travels the world and has never had time to settle down. He turned 80 recently, but he says if he had settled down, he would have had plenty of children.
Although he might not be on the site dating, he says he will make regular contributions. He says, “I’m going to make some commentary every week or two on what seems to be the dominant thing people are wanting to read about, whether it’s a UFO thing or something else, and then I can give my own experiences and so forth. I like to keep on top of things.”
When asked if there are certain types of people who visit his site that should be careful because they might not make a good match, Kreskin had a warning for people who believe they may have been visited by aliens. He said, “It would not be as good a match if someone felt they had been visited by an alien and then they met someone who is interested in mainly telepathic phenomena, where they’re able to perceive thoughts of people that they know at a distance, because one of the areas, the aliens, is somebody else coming into their mind or life. Whether they’re influencing them or controlling them. The other person is not interested in someone coming into their life and controlling them if they’re interested in someone they can communicate with mentally or telepathically or what have you. So one could be a contradiction to the other and it could cause a conflict. I’m not advising people on who to meet and who not to meet. This is part of the excitement of life. But sometimes, I would maybe give them a warning.”
I am not quite sure what he meant there, but perhaps someone who has had an alien experience would. Either way, his dating site is reasonably priced. It is around $15 (US) a month for a Premium membership and $20 for VIP.
I went on the site to see if there are people registered yet, and there seem to be quite a few. Although, some of the users I suspected are not real and seeded there to get things started. For instance, one lady says she has already met people “sexually and socially” on the site, even though it has only been active for a few days. Either she works really fast, or her profile is meant to inspire supernatural daters, or both.
Incidentally, my profile was rejected. It could be because I listed myself as a writer who was just checking out the site, or there could be some larger conspiracy afoot. Fortunately, I am spoken for. I do my supernatural dating at UFO conferences.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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