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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Report UFO sighting #199
Report UFO sighting #199
Your UFO reports: 21st March – 28th March 2015
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Argentina – 28-3-2015 20:29 03/28/2015 20: 29 Parallel Training UFO over Buenos Aires About the Southern Cross “(RA: 12.09 DEC: – 60.94) in the zenith is I began to notice a great Flare with high brightness that area in the sky above the star Acrux (Mag 0.9) is Parallel Training saw the strange UFO (UFO Lenticular) began a slow shift toward the south. “already previously observed in Heaven were coming from the capital of Argentina, busy with unusual apparition and posterior displacement at very high speeds, other elements unidentifiable rather than as Foo Fighter (according to Ufology) previous days 27 also were observed and recorded these very fast orbit that “are not very luminous magnitude but If an abnormal behavior of high speed. The Parallel Training documented and reported here are I note in all possible lists of different magnitudes in Heaven Abobe, but was unsuccessful because not appeared Information, and extreme light magnitude of the event, nor were there Iriduim steps, Nor the ISS. At day 29 March abnormal activity, active continuous on end, with dozens of records achieved in just half an hour about “two orbitals at 20:15 very bright, generated displacements on “Orion” and a pointed curve in around “Tres Marias “yet to collate meticulously, only one of them could be identified as the satellite” Lacrose 5 “but the other Orbital that opened high bright could not be identified” apparently the days 27,28 and 29 March 2015 show a peak in UFO activity. The record of achievement Parallel Training infrared Dhi8 with Sony trv310 , here are the first pictures and video. Best gretings friend of L.U.S Ricardo E D’angelo
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Farmingdale, NY. 11735 – 3/29/15 two reflective objects circling in the sky over my backyard at airplane height moving fast coming within close proximity to one another & quickly disappeared.
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Detroit, MI – 3/29/15 Saw a triangle shaped object with lights under it flying lowly over I 75 North near the M 10 exit. It went one direction then backwards and then back north.
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Granbury Tx , pearl st looking N.E. – Saturday March 28th 3:55 ish am At first I thought it might be a falling star but it actually grew in size and intensity ( brighter) then it kind of shattered into pieces of light or fire bits and fell from my sight . It was very, very bright and fiery. Almost like a firework of sorts but definitely not a firework. the whole sighting was about 4 to 7 seconds and I only had a narrow field of sight. So sorry I didn’t get and footage . Just curious if anyone else msaw the same thing.
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Taman Sinar Baru, Damai, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia – 28 March 2015 Today just now at 7:28pm in Malaysia time. I saw a bright light exactly like a star without splashing I mean without flashing & fly very smooth & slowly too without any sound engine right far away above beyond the sky farther than where an aeroplane used to fly on the border & its light was yellow bright like light bulb flew above me at my resident at Taman Sinar Baru from the west to the east flying towards the jesselton apartment. This must be UFO. But I do not have enough GB to capture using my iPhone 5s so sorry for that. This object I saw is only one object. or could it be a fiery flying serpent as read from google?
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Cobourg, Ontario, Canada – march 25 2015 At around 3:30 am I was outside having a smoke and the sky was clear I always watch the stars when I smoke in the middle of the night. I glanced down for a second and I heard a kind of squeaking noise and when I looked back up I saw about 100 feet or less above me a triangular object quite large compared to the stars it was very dark and it had 3 circular very dim lights one on each angle of the object. it moved fast and flew over the house and it was gone. It had to have been moving fast cause I only saw it for 3- 4 seconds. I got up and ran inside to my fiance to tell him and I was in tears , not sure if I was scared or excited that I couldn’t believe my eyes. I always believed in ufos but have always wanted to see one. I sat outside again for half hour and never saw it again. Thanks
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Concord, CA – 3/25/15 3:35 PM. Northbound on Hwy 680 in Concord, CA. Observed silver, oval object to the N.E. About 20 degrees above horizon. Distance unknown. Visibility was about 20 miles. High cirrus clouds. Object was rotating or turning. Thought it was an airplane banking, but don’t know many planes with perfectly oval wings. As the oval appeared to rotate it became thinner and finally disappeared. It did not reappear.
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Cape Girardeau, MO – March 11, 2015 I was out filming objects in the sky with my night vision camera. Something came into my peripheral vision and I looked and saw a bright spherical object. I got it in frame as soon as I could and tracked it for 30 seconds or so. It kept about the same distance away but then it seemed to turn away from me, and after a short time it was gone. I posted it on youtube today. Here’s the link:
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Highway 89 between Red Lake,mn and Bemidji,mn driving north. – 3-20-2015 Weird objects in the sky.My oldest took this picture. But we also have moments to where we see UFO’s go into the lake at night.
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Apice, Italy – 29 th july 2014
At Apice, a little town near Benevento, 29 th july 2014 a family of three people was chatting at the front door. It was a wilde, nice summer evening. Suddenly, on the hill an ufo appare; it was a bright orange oval horizontally flattened. It was completely stationary to a hundred metres in altitude; after a minute it moved, emitting white spokes and then it suddenly disappeared. At the end, while the witnesses were talking about the ufo sighting, they saw a light ball in the garden near the hause; it was moving through the vegetation few metres from the ground. It was an intermittent ball tennis size. The feared witnesses entered home and when they believed the ball had disappeared in the direction of the valley, it suddenly reappeared closer to garden. Was it a probe released by the mother ufo? Nobody knows! The cats that were usually out wish their owners that night weren’t there. Farm animals were all dumb. An unusual silence. The zones of Apice, Benevento, San Nicola Manfredi, San Giorgio del Sannio and all the places around are really frequented by ufos. A sighting investigated by a C.UFO.M. team, arrived there to clear the situation. It has been an important sighting. In a video on youtube on C.UFO.M.TV at the address it has been posted a videotrailer with a lot of photos and images about sightings in that zone reconstructions and investigations in loco.
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Cape Town, South Africa – 01-01-2013 it was just after new year fire works and ppart cloudy,on my way home the driver infront of me lookedup and he forgot to drive and thats wheni looked up, about 50 m above table mountain just above the clouds from the mountain some fire ball hit a force field just like in the movies, the size of the spreading of light gave me the idea that this invisable ufo was big football size big and no,no no it was not a peace a rock hitting the atmosphere 150m above myhead???
A Viewpark man is desperate to know what has caused strange lights to appear in the sky over his house for the last few weeks.
While most people only looked skyward last week to try and see the eclipse James McRobbie, of Windsor Walk, has been fascinated by something else.
He has noticed lights appearing overhead several times at around 10pm for the last three weeks, but has thus far been unable to tell what is causing them.
James showed the Speaker a number of pictures he had taken while watching the lights and while some resemble lightning others are far more twisted and curly.
He said: “I first noticed the lights a few weeks ago and they keep reappearing, but I just can’t work out what they are, I don’t drink so I know I’m not seeing things.
“It’s not lightning and while the lights do sit and hover for several minutes, usually long enough for me to go and get my camera, I don’t think it’s a helicopter as there is no sound of an engine, there is no noise at all.
“I thought at first M&D’s had been putting on some sort of laser show, but the theme park is still closed before the start of the season and actually when it was open for its preview weekend on Saturday and Sunday I didn’t see them.
“The lights are actually too far down from Strathclyde Park to make M&D’s a likely candidate anyway and appear to originate from Uddingston itself
“To me it looks like they are coming from perhaps around where Tunnocks and the cement works are, but I can’t imagine either of them are blasting lasers into the sky unless it’s part of some sort of advertising campaign.
“I am absolutely stumped as to the cause, I expect there is some perfectly simple explanation and hopefully someone will be able to come forward and provide it.
“Who knows maybe they’re extraterrestrial in nature, I am a big fan of War of the Worlds so I know what to do if it is aliens.”
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Milky Way Galaxy Contains BILLIONS of Habitable Planets. We are not alone!
Milky Way Galaxy Contains BILLIONS of Habitable Planets. We are not alone!
March 29, 2015- A new study claims that the Milky Way is home to billions of planets positioned at the ‘habitable zone.’
According to the new study based on 151 multi-planetary systems found by NASA’s Kepler space telescope, a lot more planets than thought before are at the right distance for liquid surface water, which is necessary to harbor life.
Steffen Kjær Jacobsen, co-author of the study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society journal, said:
“We decided to use this method to calculate the potential planetary positions in 151 planetary systems, where the Kepler satellite had found between three and six planets…But we only made calculations for planets where there is a good chance that you can see them with the Kepler satellite.”
If there are billions of habitable planets in the Milky Way, can you imagine how many exist in the Universe that holds billions of Galaxies!
Freedom in the clouds: Russia unveils Flying House project
Freedom in the clouds: Russia unveils Flying House project
March 29, 2015 - Russian designers have presented a visual concept of a state-of-the-art house which they claim will be capable of flying.
A visual concept of a sophisticated new home which will be capable of floating through the air has been showcased by Russian designers, who claim that the house can also be used as a summer cottage and a small airship, media reports said.
The Freedom house, which has first and foremost been designed for so-called citizens of the world, can be installed almost anywhere on our planet — in the woods, at sea, on the coast, in the mountains, and in an urban area, according to Dmitry Ulitin and Anstasiya Taratuta of the design studio
The owner of this house will be able to make him or herself at home while soaring through the clouds, a dream that now may finally come true.
However, 'Freedom' comes at a price: the prospective home, which will take at least four years to perfect, will cost at least six million euros.
Freedom is touted as a house that is not tied to any particular place or time. It provides a unique opportunity for its owners to live in any city without spending money on rent. On the other hand, it will help put an owner in a cheerful frame of mind each time he (or she) feels upset.
The house's aerostatic air power is provided with a container of phlegmatized hydrogen, as well as a thermal volume and vertical-horizontal propeller power. The propellers' engines can run both on hydrogen and petrol, and in the parking mode are used as wind generators.
Such parents have little knowledge about the natural parent-child bond. One should blame the parents, not the child. This is an eternal cycle when...
The days following this dreadful accident the authorities issued a statement that looked as if computer software may have been an issue. They...
Hi, I think the comparison is invalid on several points, particularly with regard to Goebbels: he told the truth. The comparison is not a good one...
In this acrylic painting, University of Utah astrophysicist Ben Bromley envisions the view of a double sunset from an uninhabited Earthlike planet orbiting a pair of binary stars. In a new study, Bromley and Scott Kenyon of the Smithsonian …more
Luke Skywalker's home in "Star Wars" is the desert planet Tatooine, with twin sunsets because it orbits two stars. So far, only uninhabitable gas-giant planets have been identified circling such binary stars, and many researchers believe rocky planets cannot form there. Now, mathematical simulations show that Earthlike, solid planets such as Tatooine likely exist and may be widespread.
"Tatooine sunsets may be common after all," concludes the study by astrophysicists Ben Bromley of the University of Utah and Scott Kenyon of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
"Our main result is that outside a small region near a binary star, [either rocky or gas-giant] planet formation can proceed in much the same was as around a single star," they write. "In our scenario, planets are as prevalent around binaries as around single stars."
The study has been submitted to Astrophysical Journal for review, but as is the custom in the field, the authors have posted the unreviewed paper on the scientific preprint website ArXiv.
With Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens due to hit movie screens Dec. 18, fans of the epic series may be cheered at the possible reality of planets like Tatooine, home planet of both Luke and Anakin Skywalker, meeting place of Obi Wan Kenobi and Han Solo and the domain ruled (until his death in battle) by crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Luke stares at Tatooine's double suns setting in a classic film moment.
The title of the new study is "Planet formation around binary stars: Tatooine made easy," but the paper looks anything but easy: it is filled with mathematical formulas describing how binary stars can be orbited by planetesimals – asteroid-sized rocks that clump together to form planets.
"We took our sweet numerical time to show that the ride around a pair of stars can be just as smooth as around one," when it comes to the early steps of planet formation, Bromley says. "The 'made easy' part is really saying the same recipe that works around the sun will work around Tatooine's host stars."
The study was funded by NASA's Outer Planets Program and was a spinoff of Bromley's and Kenyon's research into how dwarf planet Pluto and its major moon, Charon, act like a binary system. Both are orbited by four other moons.
'Planets form like dust bunnies'
From a swirling disk of gas and dust surrounding a young star, "planets form like dust bunnies under your bed, glomming together to make larger and larger objects," says Kenyon, whose observatory is part of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "When planets form around a binary, the binary scrambles up the dust bunnies unless they are on just the right orbit."
University of Utah astrophysicist Ben Bromley used acrylics to paint this depiction of a double sunset from an inhabited Earthlike planet orbiting a pair of binary stars. To date, only gas giant planets like Saturn have been found orbiting …more
Scientists call that a "most circular orbit," which in reality is a not-quite-circular, oval-shaped orbit in which the entire oval has numerous little waves in it, Bromley says.
"It's an oval with ripples," which are caused by the cyclic tugging of the two central stars, he adds.
"For over a decade, astrophysicists believed that planets like Earth could not form around most binary stars, at least not close enough to support life," he says. "The problem is that planetesimals need to merge gently together to grow. Around a single star, planetesimals tend to follow circular paths – concentric rings that do not cross. If planetesimals do approach each other, they can merge together gently."
But if planetesimals orbit a pair of stars, "their paths get mixed up by the to-and-fro pull of the binary stars," Bromley says. "Their orbits can get so tangled that they cross each other's paths at high speeds, dooming them to destructive collisions, not growth."
Previous research started with circular orbits when pondering planet formation around binary stars, Bromley says, while the new study shows that "planets, when they are small, will naturally seek these oval orbits and never start off on circular ones. … If the planetesimals are in an oval-shaped orbit instead of a circle, their orbits can be nested and they won't bash into each other. They can find orbits where planets can form."
In their study, Bromley and Kenyon showed mathematically and by simple computer simulations that rocky, Earth-sized planets can form around binary stars if they have the oval "most circular" orbit. They didn't conduct their simulations to the point of planet formation, but showed that planetesimals could survive without collisions for tens of thousands of years in concentric, oval-shaped orbits around binary stars.
"We are saying you can set the stage to make these things," Bromley says. "It is just as easy to make an Earthlike planet around a binary star as it is around a single star like our sun. So we think that Tatooines may be common in the universe."
Kepler and worlds discovered
NASA's Kepler space telescope has discovered more than 1,000 planets orbiting other stars, including some rocky planets in the so-called habitable zone neither too near and hot, nor too far and cold from the star they each orbit.
So far, Kepler has found seven planets orbiting within or near the habitable zone around binary stars, but all of them are giant gaseous planets, Bromley says.
"The planets that Kepler has discovered so far around binary stars are larger, Neptune- or Jupiter-sized gas giants," he says. "None of those found so far are small and rocky like our Earth – or like Tatooine in 'Star Wars.'"
Bromley believes Kepler hasn't yet spotted Earthlike planets around binary stars because they are small compared with gas giants, "so it's a hard measurement."
While Kepler has found other gas giants farther from binary stars, there has been debate about how the seven in the habitable zone got where they are.
The new study shows it is possible they formed in place from gas and dust – something "everyone else says is impossible," Bromley says. He also doubts it because there doesn't appear to have been enough gas and dust for gas giants Kepler has spotted near binaries to have formed in place. The study also showed that the gas and dust could have moved in from elsewhere so the gas giants could form where they now are seen.
The prevailing theories contend the gas giants discovered by the Kepler spacecraft must have formed farther out in a cooler, calmer part of space and then migrated closer to the binary stars, either by spiraling inward though a disk of gas surrounding the binary pair, or by being hurled in by the gravity of another more distant gas-giant planet.
But "an Earthlike Tatooine would have no problem forming right where it needs to be to host life," Bromley says.
The field of Ufology is vast. Vast in the sense that there is so much history to understand before you can truly understand where we are now. The UFO is an enigma. The current state of events is built upon all the people who come before us. The study of UFOlogy is the study of the strange, weird, and truly bizarre. It is hard for new people to Ufology to know what to believe and where to start. We must not forget history as it is the ashes in which we climb from today.
There are pivotal events that have occurred over the past 70 years of modern Ufology that need to be known. Our video series (Classic Moments In Ufology) strives to preserve and update the existing media for a new generation of Ufologists.
In this our fifth episode you will hear the legendary Kenneth Arnold interview tape. The Arnold case was arguably the first modern case of a UFO sighting . It launched the modern field of UFology we have today. To truly understand this case you must hear his first hand account of this historic event.
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2 Earth-like planets could be hiding close to our solar system
2 Earth-like planets could be hiding close to our solar system
Two Earth-like planets could be orbiting a star in Alpha Centauri, our closest solar system.
The mystery worlds are thought to be much too hot to support life, with surface temperatures of around 1,500...C.
But astronomers say they could be part of a more extensive solar system containing watery worlds like our own 4.3 light years away.
The first planet, dubbed Alpha Centauri Bb, was discovered in 2012, but quickly dismissed by scientists who believed it had been a false alarm.
Now a team of astronomers, led by Cambridge University, has taken a second look at the evidence.
'If you ask anyone working in exoplanets, they would all have a different opinion about the existence of Alpha Centauri Bb,' Brice-Oliver Demory of the University of Cambridge told the New Scientist.
The original method of looking for the planet was based on measuring tiny wobbles in the motion of Alpha Centauri B caused by a gravitational tug of war with the orbiting planet. The latest study has combined that data with Hubble's technique of looking for a dip in the light from Alpha Centauri B caused by the planet passing in from of the star.
The team observed Alpha Centauri B in 2013 and 2014, for a total of 40 hours.
The 2013 data showed signs of a transit, but they were longer than expected. But the signal disappeared completely in the 2014 data set. According to the New Scientist, the researchers say that doesn't mean the planet isn't there, just that it is difficult to be seen from Earth.
They believe the signal in the 2013 data may be another Earth-sized planet in that solar system with a year lasting around 20.4 days.
This discovery suggests there is a chance of other planets in the same solar system, which may have conditions in which life could thrive.
Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love the ocean
Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love the ocean
The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website.
The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says. Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.
“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs.
Vladimir Kremlev to RT-
“On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed. Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development,” Beketov said.
Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:
“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”
Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.
In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.
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Stanton Friedman Chimes in On Alleged Roswell Alien Slides and His Declination to Participate in Upcoming Show
Stanton Friedman Chimes in On Alleged Roswell Alien Slides and His Declination to Participate in Upcoming Show
By Stanton T. Friedman The UFO Chronicles 3-29-15
"I could find no convincing information that there is any connection between the slides and Roswell."
I keep being asked my views about the so-called “Roswell” Slides. So, let me summarize my position. I have tried to obtain as much information as possible and responded with interest when at the International UFO Congress in Scottsdale, Arizona, in Mid-February, I was interviewed by journalist Jaime Maussan of Mexico City who has arranged for a huge event focused on the slides. I recall the so called Roswell Autopsy which turned out to be a fiasco. I had spoken with Ray Santilli over the phone, checked on a number of his claims which turned out to be false, met with him twice in England and even had some comments distributed at his big press conference.
Jaime invited me to attend the May 5, Mexico City, conference as had Don Schmitt. My expenses would be paid. My first thought was that since I would be asked about my views, as the original civilian investigator of the Roswell crashed saucer event, it would be nice to have first hand information. This being the worst winter in our 35 years in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, it would also be nice to get to some warm weather. So I read as much as I could, positive and negative. I have not held copies of the slides. I could find no convincing information that there is any connection between the slides and Roswell. How would an outsider gain access to the real bodies? I worked under security for 14 years and have been to classified facilities in New Mexico. The barriers are tough. I have seen no specific data to convince me that these are phony. But that doesn’t establish a connection with Roswell events. Yes, I am still convinced that alien spacecraft with bodies on board crashed near Corona, in the Plains of San Augustin, and near Aztec. But I don’t want to appear to add legitimacy by my presence in Mexico City in the absence of serious evidence of the slides being what is being claimed they are. Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence and I have a large “gray” basket.
“It was around four or five in the afternoon on a spring day. I was working, cutting grass at the farm, and my position afforded me a good look of the surroundings, as the house is higher than the rest of the property, being located on a small hill. I looked at the sky and was able to see an object that drew my attention. It was a sort of very large sphere, like the size of an average car, and it appeared to be surrounded by some sort of steam or smoke…”
After much hearsay and a bit of news appearing in the media, members of the Red Nacional de Corresponsales – a UFO research center – visited Alcalá de Guadaira, specifically the area known as “la Lapa” and its surroundings. Repeated questioning led them to get in touch with the ranger of the Rogelio Farm, located in the community.
A small property surrounded by orchards which allow for a dairy farm to be maintained. A flat surface with low vegetation, some eucalyptus trees and pines. Sedimentary rocks are found in the vicinity and chalky, compacted sand. At this location, a fifty-five-year old man, father to a numerous family – three boys and a girl – with no other livelihood than his work and without time to waste on far-fetched scientific notions, recalls how one spring day, while working, he saw an object that caught his eye.
“The object was some 200 meters over the ground and some 300 meters over me. I watched it for about five seconds. I wanted to call my wife and daughter, who were the two ones at home, to come out and see, but the minute they arrived, and I turned my head, the object had vanished. I ran to get a better vantage point, but no use. There wasn't a trace left.”
There is no further information, no exact dates are provided, but there is something strange in the air. The investigation is ongoing, questions are asked here and there – some time having elapsed from the original sighting – but there is an item that begins to clarify things, bolstering the underlying storyline…
Leopoldina Becerra, at five thirty in the afternoon on 19 April 1976, went to purchase milk at the Rogelio Farm. She was accompanied by a cousin. Leopoldina, an uneducated woman, remembers the events…
“My cousin and I went to the Rogelio Farm to buy milk, as we often did. It would have been five thirty in the afternoon. We saw something odd in a bend on the road: something seemed to be on fire on top of a dung heap near the farm wall. At first we thought it might be the dung heap itself, because a lot of smoke seemed to come out of the ground, but it wasn't the case. We saw an egg-shaped object, dark in color, suspended in the air, about a meter from the ground. I alerted my cousin, a much more educated and learned person than myself, and she said that thing could be a UFO. The object was some fifty meters away from us. We broke into a run and were truly scared, thinking that the object would head our way at some point. As we ran, we fell and screamed, since the ground is very rough in that area. One of the ranger's children came out to help us. What happened, he asked. We pointed toward where the object was, telling the boy to look at the sky, that something strange had come out of the dung heap. When he looked, there was nothing to be seen, but I'm sure there was something there.”
There is a close relationship between some statements and others. These are two other direct witnesses to the case, and a long time has elapsed from when the event took place to the investigation. Neither woman wants any publicity. “Because, you know, some people do not believe in these things, and in a village, well, you understand…” and they are completely uninterested in the UFO phenomenon, having never found themselves in a similar situation.
The members of the Red Nacional de Corresponsales managed to contact two more witnesses who appear to be connected, but this pair refuses to make any comment whatsoever, while the ranger at the Rogelio Farm and Leopoldina Becerra remember the event vividly. On that spring afternoon, specifically on 19 April 1976, an unidentified flying object landed in Alcalá. One witness saw it at an altitude of two hundred meters; another witness saw it fifty meters away, suspended a meter off the ground. It was an egg-shaped object that issued smoke, and was dark in color…
(Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Ignacio Darnaude)
[NOTE: In his landmark The Mothman Prophecies (NY: Signet, 1975) John A. Keel mentions the persistent connection between unidentified objects and "dirty" places much like the dung heap on the Rogelio Farm. "In early times," wrote Keel, "fairies, demons and even human witches practicing their Black Sabbath rites, chose gravel pits, garbage dumps, cemeteries and crossroads for their appearances. Modern hairy monsters and UFOs select the same sites..." An aspect to be taken into consideration in this case? -- SC]
The field of Ufology is vast. Vast in the sense that there is so much history to understand before you can truly understand where we are now. The current state of events is built upon all the people who come before us. The study of UFOlogy is the study of the strange, weird, and truly bizarre. It is hard for new people to Ufology to know what to believe and where to start. We must not forget history as it is the ashes in which we climb from today.
There are pivotal events that have occurred over the past 70 years of modern Ufology that need to be known. Our video series (Classic Moments In Ufology) strives to preserve and update the existing media for a new generation of Ufologists.
In this fourth episode you will hear the legendary Barney Hill regression hypnosis tape. The Hill case was the first modern case of alien abduction. It launched the investigation we have today. To truly understand this case you must hear this incident recounted in their own words and in their own terror.
Dear White House: Please Tell Us the Truth About E.T
Bloomberg News
Dear White House: Please Tell Us the Truth About E.T
Petitioners Seek Everything From Boosting Raw Milk Sales to Legalizing Pot
By Laura Meckler
WASHINGTON—When the White House promised to answer citizen petitions on the most pressing problems of the day, it may not have had extraterrestrial life in mind.
More than 10,000 petitions have poured in since the new initiative was announced last month in a bid to bring government closer to the people. And issues like massive federal deficits, two wars and high unemployment don't appear to be on the people's minds.
One petition wants to legalize raw milk sales. Others seek to mandate the spaying and neutering of pets, abolish the Transportation Security Administration and "formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race."
The White House has promised that any petition meeting a threshold for a number of signatures—more than 50 so far have met it—will get an expedited hearing and an official policy response.
The first responses could come as early as Tuesday.
Some of the petitions are somewhat cryptic: "Make Bribing Politicians Illegal" refers to banning corporate campaign contributions. Others are narrow; the second most popular by number of signatures calls for an investigation into the prosecution of Sholom Rubashkin, a former kosher slaughterhouse executive spending 27 years in prison on 86 financial fraud charges. And others could use help with their marketing, such as "Allow Seriously Backlogged EB2/EB3 Beneficiaries with Their I-140 Approved to File I-485 and Apply for EAD & AP." Nonetheless, that last one, which would aid people awaiting employment green cards, has collected more than 7,500 signatories.
Then there's Stephen Bassett, who wants to end the "truth embargo," or what he believes is the government's deliberate decision to withhold what it has long known about the existence of extraterrestrial life.
"The fact is that there is an extraterrestrial presence. I know this because I'm familiar with the research and a couple hundred government witnesses have come forward in the last couple years," he said. "Acknowledging this E.T. presence is about open government."
Mr. Bassett decided to post a petition as soon as he heard about the opportunity and immediately sent a link to his 10,000-person email list. He posted to six Facebook pages and his Twitter account and the petition now has more than 9,500 signatories, making it the 20th most popular.
The "We the People" petition project was proposed a couple of years ago by Macon Phillips, director of digital strategy at the White House. The idea languished until David Plouffe, a major force behind the 2008 Obama campaign's online push, arrived in January to serve as a senior adviser to the president. Mr. Plouffe overrode concerns of others in the White House about increased workload, privacy implications and sticky situations such as requests for clemency for a particular individual, a White House official said.
The petition drive was inspired by a similar project in Britain. The most popular petition there currently calls for convicted London rioters to lose government benefits.
Mr. Phillips allows that some U.S. petitions submitted so far are a bit outside the White House agenda for America. "Some of these issues are going to be inconvenient," he said. He added that all these issues are important to someone and deserve a government response.
Asked which official or agency would tackle the E.T. question, Mr. Phillips said it would be decided at a meeting the next day. Asked after the meeting who drew the assignment, a spokesman said they wouldn't be commenting until the official response is ready.
What about that truth embargo? "You're going to have to wait," Mr. Phillips said.
Of the 202 petitions posted with at least 150 signatures, not one mentions President Barack Obama's jobs plan, something the White House talks about almost every day.
Indeed, the only mention of federal spending is in reference to the TSA's "monstrous budget," which, at $7.7 billion, is 0.2% of the total. Only one petition refers to the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, and that's a call to provide troops with free Internet service.
The White House's initial threshold for consideration was 5,000 electronic signatures in 30 days, but more than 30 petitions met that in the first week, blowing past expectations. Officials then raised the bar to 25,000 names.
Mr. Bassett's E.T. petition quickly surpassed the first threshold and he hopes a "very large number" will force attention to the issue. "We'll never catch up with the legalized marijuana petition, but everyone knows that."
Marijuana legalization is the reigning champion of we'll-take-any-question politics, reaching the top of the heap every time the White House takes suggestions from the public. Indeed, five petitions calling for pot legalization in one form or other are in the top 10. Mr. Obama has said repeatedly he doesn't favor legalization.
Dan Bingham, a 25-year-old software developer from Bloomington, Ind., was having trouble sleeping when he tried his hand at a petition draft and picked the first issue that came to his mind: forcing the patent office to stop issuing software patents, a move he thinks will protect small developers from larger companies. He accidentally submitted his petition before proofreading it and posted the link on a couple of techie websites. The next morning, he found several errors in his text, but the link had already gone viral.
"People were signing it despite my poor writing, though the most frequent comment was something along the lines of, 'Did anyone proof read this?' The answer is 'No. They didn't,' " he said. His petition is now the 12th most popular, with more than 13,800 signatures.
JP Massar, a blogger for the liberal DailyKos website, decided not filing a petition was the better strategy for one of his causes: promoting same-sex marriage. After consulting with like-minded allies, he concluded either Mr. Obama would say he was against it, which would hurt the cause, or he would be for it, which could hurt the president's re-election chances.
That didn't stop others. A similar petition blew past the signature requirement and now has more than 10,000 names.
Corrections & Amplifications The Transportation Security Administration's $7.7 billion budget is 0.2% of the total federal budget. An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated it was 0.002% of the total.
Over fifty years ago, physicist Freeman Dyson proposed an awesome, if slightly insane, idea: That an advanced alien civilization might construct a massive, energy-harvesting sphere around its star, and bunk up inside.
Scientists have never given up on Dyson spheres—we've even conducted a few legitimate searches for their infrared heat signatures. Now, physicists Ibrahim Semiz and Salim Ogur may have an explanation for why we can't seem to find the megastructures. If Dyson spheres exist, they're probably a lot smaller than we thought.
Since Dyson first proposed his massive space habitats, scientists have tried to imagine how such structures could physically work. By and large, researchers have focused on Dyson spheres encircling Sun-like stars. But this scenario poses a few major, and perhaps insurmountable, problems. For starters, such a sphere would have to be built at a distance of roughly 1 AU, the same distance between the Earth and the Sun. That means the structure would be utterly massive, requiring huge volumes of material to construct. What's more, the surface of the sphere would experience only minuscule levels of gravity. To live on it, humans would either need substantial genetic modification, or some sort of advanced artificial gravity system, the likes of which we haven't been able to piece together, even theoretically.
From "Relics," the Star Trek episode that introduced millions to Dyson spheres.
A white dwarf star—the dimmer stellar remnant left over after a Sun-like star swells up and explodes—might be a better option for Dyson spheres. A white dwarf's habitable zone is much closer, so the sphere would end up being significantly smaller. The researchers calculate that a one meter-thick sphere built in the habitable zone of a white dwarf would require 10^23 kilograms of matter, slightly less than the mass of our moon. A Dyson sphere encircling a white dwarf would also have almost Earth-like gravity, according to the researchers' calculations.
There's just one catch: Because white dwarfs are less luminous than Sun-like stars, the infrared heat signatures emitted by a white dwarf Dyson sphere would be much smaller and harder to detect. If intelligent aliens are out there, it may be a while yet before our scopes are powerful enough that we're able spot them from Earth. [arXiv via MIT Technology Review]
Top image via Slawek Wojtowicz
A small footnote:The researchers estimate that a Dyson sphere surrounding a white dwarf would be roughly 10 ^6 kilometers in radius. As pointed out by an astute commentator, this puts the newly proposed Dyson sphere within an order of magnitude of the one featured in Star Trek: The Next Generation. It may be new to science, but it seems Star Trek figured this all out loooong ago.
Contact the author at or follow her on Twitter.
Association Observatory in Voohees, New Jersey. I was taking pictures of my son and because I am a drone flyer I saw an object in the sky moving rather quickly across airport grounds. Because I thought that this object was a security drone I snapped the picture and didn’t really look at it for weeks. After finally looking at it to compare to my drone I noticed that it was not a drone at all. It had 4 dome-like structures and a central structure holding it together. There is no obvious flight surface to provide lift so one would assume a balloon. Unfortunately I had never seen a balloon move this fast and with such purpose… in a straight line and at a level height. Could it be a drone? Possibly… but given the distance and using some simple geometry (and some assumptions) I estimated the craft to be roughly 20-25 feet across. This is my 3rd strange sighting I have had in my life. And the only one made during the day OVER a VERY active airport. In addition I have the RAW. I took this with a 70-200mm f2.8 canon lens… so not cheap glass… and the detail on the raw can be zoomed way in with little loss of resolution. I will try to attach.
VIDEO: Mysterieuze steencirkels gevonden in woestijn China
VIDEO: Mysterieuze steencirkels gevonden in woestijn China
De 200 mysterieuze steencirkels die in 2003 in de Gobiwoestijn in het noordwesten van China zijn ontdekt, stellen experts nog altijd voor een raadsel. Inwoners van de stad Turpan spreken van ‘vreemde steencirkels’.
Volgens één van de experts werden de bouwwerken door primitieve nomaden gebruikt om de zon te aanbidden. Mogelijk werden er ook offers gebracht. Sommigen hebben gezegd dat ze werden gebruikt als begraafplaats.
Er zijn een aantal duidelijke overeenkomsten tussen de Chinese steencirkels en Stonehenge in Engeland. Beide formaties zijn gelinkt aan zonaanbidders, de vorm van de bouwwerken komt overeen en de stenen werden van buitenaf naar het gebied gebracht.
De cirkels zijn gelegen in de buurt van de stad Turpan en strekken zich uit over een gebied van 6,6 vierkante kilometer. Ze zijn van bovenaf gefilmd met een drone om ze beter te kunnen begrijpen. Experts zeggen dat er zeer weinig bekend is over de bouwwerken. Niemand weet precies hoe oud ze zijn.
Er zijn soortgelijke formaties gevonden op de berg Burkhan Khaldun in het noorden van Mongolië. Archeologen hebben gezegd dat ze kunnen helpen bij het lokaliseren van het graf van Genghis Khan.
Dr. Volker Heyd, een archeoloog van de Universiteit van Bristol, schat dat de steencirkels in de Gobiwoestijn mogelijk 4500 jaar oud zijn. Eén van de cirkels staat bekend als de ‘Zonnecirkel’ en bestaat uit vier concentrische cirkels, waarvan de grootste een doorsnee heeft van acht meter.
Three More Witnesses Claim They Also Saw The Same UFOs
Three More Witnesses Claim They Also Saw The Same UFOs
A dog walker, an AA patrol officer and an off-duty police officer all saw the same two flying UFOs. A woman in her early 40s from Earl Shilton first reported about the orbs to a UFO network. She claimed to have spotted two balls of bright, white light hovering in the sky of Barwell on February 3.
The woman, who successfully captured a video footage of the UFOs through her mobile phone, was awakened by a strange sound at 4:50am.
When the woman looked outside through the window, she saw the bright objects for around a minute. She said that they merged into one and made a side to side movement before shooting off at tremendous speed.
Joanne Kavanagh of the Leicestershire UFO Investigation Network (Lufoin) said they ruled out air ambulance, police helicopter or anything low flying man-made object as the possible explanations of the two aerial objects.
Investigators requested other witnesses to come forward. Days later, the group managed to speak with a Hinckley man from the Hollycroft estate. This man said that he also saw two large illuminated spheres crossing his view above the sky when he was walking his dog around 5am along Roston Drive.
He said that the objects were completely silent at approximately a thousand feet from the ground. Just like what the woman witness had claimed, he also saw the object for around a minute and said that they were heading towards Nuneaton.
When he saw the video of the first witness, he said that the ones he saw looked similar of the UFOs in the footage.
Another witness, an AA patrol officer, came forward saying he also spotted the same objects moving from one place to another and back again across the road without a sound. He continued to observe it flying away from his position, towards Earl Shilton.
The last witness to come out was an off-duty police officer who said that the objects did not resemble any known aircraft.
The officer claimed that he observed them for approximately a minute as they floated in silence over the Barwell area.
Joanne said that their investigation was very exciting as they ruled out a lot of possibilities. They’re hoping that more witnesses will come forward so that they can gather more evidence.
Included you will find Stan's comment re the "Roswell Slides" and the upcoming associated May 5 event. Just a matter of putting things somewhat into perspective.
Kind regards.
Van: "Stan"
Onderwerp: Fw: The Roswell Slides
Datum: 21 Mar 2015 17:01:56 GMT+01:00
Aan: André Skondras
Feel free to post these comments. Stan Friedman
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2015 12:48 PM
Subject: The Roswell Slides
For what it is worth, I was invited several weeks ago by Don Schmitt and Jaime Maussan to attend the Mexico City event about "Roswell Slides" on May 5. I accepted and have also been asked to say a few words at the beginning. I presume my attendance was requested because so far as I know, I am the original civilian investigator of the so called Roswell Incident beginning with my discussions with Lydia Sleppy,in the mid 1970s and after that wound down, with my first discussions in 1978 with Major Jesse Marcel,the Intelligence Officer with the 509th Bomb Group stationed at Roswell, my work with William Moore to locate 62 "witnesses" by 1980 and 30 more by the mid eighties, my instigation of the Unsolved Mysteries Roswell TV program , my discovery of Walter Haut, retired General Thomas Jefferson DuBose etc.etc. My book with Don Berliner "Crash at Corona" is still available.I have not yet taken a stand , believing that one should have facts in hand before puting mouth in gear. It should be interesting.
Stan Friedman says "No" to involvement in Roswell slides May 5th circus
Chris Rutkowski posted in our sub rosa Facebook group looking into the "Roswell slides" that he had heard from the dean of pro-ET Roswell researchers Stan Friedman that Stan had been asked to appear at the May 5th event in Mexico City being staged by the slides promoters, and that Stan had declined. I contacted Stan yesterday and asked him to confirm this, and he did. "I can't find a connection between the slides and aliens at Roswell," he replied
Good for Stan. He and I may disagree about Roswell in general, but when it comes to the "slides" we are in accord.
Deux navires extraterrestres effectuant un transfert observés en périphérie du Soleil, mars 2015
Deux navires extraterrestres effectuant un transfert observés en périphérie du Soleil, mars 2015
Date de l'observation: 15 Octobre 2014, 04h06
Lieu de l'observation: Soleil
Streetcap1 de Youtube observe depuis des années des photos du soleil à la recherche d'anomalies quand il a trouvé cette photo avec deux navires extraterrestres. Streetcap1 pense qu'il y a probablement un navire qui effectue une transfert vers un autre navire. En outre, on peut imaginer un faisceau d'énergie ... une sorte de rayon tracteur .. pour effectuer ce transfert .
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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