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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
The Ancient Giants of Nevada and the Mystery of Lovelock Cave
Was North America once inhabited by a race of giants? According to an old legend supported by several challenging archaeological finds, it is possible. Many Native American tribes tell stories about the long-forgotten existence of a race of humans that were much taller and stronger than ordinary men. These giants are described as both brave and barbaric and legends often mention their cruelty towards whomever they pleased. The Paiute, a tribe that settled in the Nevada region thousands of years ago, have an outstanding legend about a race of red-haired giants called the Si-Te-Cah. The ancestors of the Paiute described them as savage and inhospitable cannibals. In the Northern Paiute language, ‘Si-Te-Cah’ literally means ‘tule-eaters.’ Legend has it that the giants came from a distant island by crossing the ocean on rafts built using the fibrous tule plant. As odd as it may sound, this legend repeats itself all over the Americas, suggesting it might be an incomplete chronicle of a real event that happened long ago.
In Crónicas del Perú, sixteenth century Spanish conquistador Pedro Cieza de León recorded an ancient Peruvian tale about the origin of the South American giants. According to legend, they “came by sea in rafts of reeds after the manner of large boats; some of the men were so tall that from the knee down they were as big as the length of an ordinary fair-sized man.”
Could the giants of Peru and the Si-Te-Cah have been survivors of a massive cataclysm who took refuge on the American continent?
Legend tells that the Si-Te-Cah waged war on the Paiute and all other neighboring tribes, spreading terror and devastation. Finally, after years of conflict, the tribes united against the common enemy and began to decimate them. The last remaining red-haired giants were chased off and sought shelter inside a cave. The tribes started a fire at the cave entrance, suffocating and burning alive the Si-Te-Cah. Those driven out by the smoke were also killed.
The tribes then sealed off the mouth of the cave so that no one might set eyes on those who had once plagued their land. They were all but forgotten until a random event brought them back to light.
In 1886, a mining engineer named John T. Reid happened to hear the legend from a group of Paiutes while prospecting near Lovelock, Nevada. The Indians told him that the legend was real and the cave was located nearby. When he saw the cave for himself, Reid knew he was onto something.
Reid was unable to begin digging himself but news spread and soon, Lovelock cave was attracting attention. Unfortunately, the attention was profit-driven as guano deposits were discovered inside. A company started by miners David Pugh and James Hart began excavating the precious resource in 1911 and had soon shipped more than 250 tons to a fertilizer company in San Francisco. Any artifacts that might have been discovered were probably neglected or lost.
After the surface layer of guano had been mined, strange objects started to surface. This led to an official excavation being performed in 1912 by the University of California and another one took place in 1924. Reports told about thousands of artifacts being recovered, some of them being truly unusual.
Although their claims have not been verified (it comes as no surprise), sources said the mummified remains of several red-haired ancient giants were found buried in the cave. Measuring between 8 to 10 feet in height, these mummies have since been referred to as the Lovelock Giants.
Another intriguing find was a pair of 15 inch-long sandals that showed signs of having been worn. Allegedly, other unusually large items were recovered but have since been locked away in museum warehouses and private collection.
A piece of evidence that remains on-site until this day is a giant hand print, embedded on a boulder inside Lovelock Cave. We won’t go into further debate pertaining to this aspect and its implications.
Needless to say, this discovery has led many into believing the Paiute legend of the Si-Te-Cah might be more than just folklore.
Around the same time as the second Lovelock Cave excavation, another dig revealed a set of equally-disturbing finds. According to a 1931 article published in the Nevada Review-Miner, two giant skeletons had been found buried in a dry lake bed close to Lovelock, Nevada. The over-sized remains measured 8.5, respectively 10 feet in height and were mummified in a manner similar to the one employed by ancient Egyptians.
Another common trait between these mummified giant remains and the ones discovered as far south as Lake Titicaca is the presence of red hair. While some scientists believe the reddish color is a result of the interaction with the environment in which they were buried, the mummies verify the legends, which described the Si-Te-Cah and their kin as red-haired giants.
Proponents of alternative history believe these violent giants were none other than the biblical Nephilim, the forsworn offspring of the ‘Sons of God’ with the ‘daughters of men.’
If this is true, there’s little chance we might get to see any of the giant mummies. Those interested in keeping history secret will never disclose their location.
Mysterious Green Light Phenomenon appears above the Netherlands
Mysterious Green Light Phenomenon appears above the Netherlands
On Tuesday, Blogger Harry Clipperton a resident of the City Groningen in the Netherlands made some pictures of the nature which he wanted to post it on his blog.
After returning home, he noticed something strange in one of his pictures what looks like a strange green light phenomenon in the sky.
Harry writes on his blog Groninganus ”At first I thought it is a camera error, dirt or water speck on the lens but it is clearly not. I remember there was a kind of flash at the moment I took the pictures so I decided it must have been lightning or maybe it’s a UFO.”
We may wonder whether it is a natural phenomenon, a man-made secret laser or beam project, like the Norway Spiral or is it something supernatural.
There have been plenty of UFO sightings in the Grimsby area over the years.
A SURVEY revealing UFO hotspots across Britain has been unveiled – and surprisingly doesn’t include anywhere in Lincolnshire.
Falkirk, in Scotland, topped the bill in the list, which was created by property experts Rightmove from a survey of 30,000 people.
Meanwhile, Torquay in Devon was deemed to have the highest rate of ghost sightings while the London borough of Hackney is where, bizarrely, most people have unwittingly seen their neighbours naked.
Lincoln appears in 7th place on the ghost sightings list while nearby Hull managed 4th position in the top ten towns for nude neighbours.
To prove our area has had its fair share of strange lights in the sky, check out our interactive map of notable UFO incidents that have occurred over the years.
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The Night Doctors: the terror behind the abduction phenomenon
The Night Doctors: the terror behind the abduction phenomenon
Do the roots of how we have come to perceive the UFO abduction phenomenon lie elsewhere, not between the stars but buried in the folklore and superstition of a suppressed people? If so, what does it tell us? Is the abduction phenomenon older than we think, does it manifest itself amongst the various cultures on earth in a different way? A hundred years ago you’d be having a very good chance that an African American, no matter where he might live in the United States, might mutter in agreement to all these questions, before hurrying off in utter fear.
Not too long ago large parts of the American population were the victim of a virulent racism, and, although the sharpest edges have been removed, it has never totally gone away. What this racism also brought with it was a unique divergence of the folkloric beliefs and superstitions of the various racial populations that made up America. African Americans, ultimately having their roots in Africa, inherited the religious beliefs, traditions and folklore of their overseas ancestors who were brought to the continent as slaves. The same went for, say, the poor Irish, Dutch or Swedish colonists. Each racial, cultural or national group brought with it its own set of folkloric traditions from the old countries, and with these mythologies came their own brand of demons, fairies, monsters, witches and things that go bump in the night. These old tales were stronger than the American melting pot that didn’t work for black slaves anyway, so they survived the process of assimilation in the new country. And since there was a communications gap, to put it mildly, between the black slaves and their white masters, the beliefs and superstitions of the former could linger on and mature in relative seclusion.
Not that their white masters didn’t have an inkling. The 19th century black American populations held in slavery were also kept in check by a system of the exploitation of these folkloric fears by their white masters. One has but to think of the sinister garb of the Ku Klux Klan, or the infamous Ghost Riders or Night Riders. It was, as Gladys-Marie Fry notes in her book Night Riders In Black Folk History: ‘a system of psychological control.’ In return, the African American communities, powerless to effectively defend themselves, fell back on and found solace in a new and unique mythology to explain the wanton cruelty that befell them. With it came the warnings embedded in folklore, assembled by astute and smart black forteans before Charles Fort even began his seminal work; the most well-known piece of advice that you should be very weary of what you might encounter at the crossroads, and never, ever accept any gifts from strangers there.
Black forteans you say? Yes, there were a few. But they’d best be called demonologists and exorcists. Since that is what the life of an African American consisted of anyway: to fight off their demon slave owners, the white devil-man, and exorcise the deep injustice that came with it. Black urban legends difer from white urban legends, as Patricia Turner demonstrates in her book I Heard It Through The Grapevine. And black forteana is different from white forteana. Amongst others, its marked difference lies in the social status of the experiencer. A suppressed people living in poverty and their fate decided by the unpredictable whim of their cruel masters formulates a different set of tales to explain and fathom a careless, nihilistic and dark world; a free people entertains a different outlook on life, the universe and everything. There was a time when poor Irish peasants lived in dread of the Good Folk and their children snatching antics. In contrast, well to do 19th century Victorians gravitated towards a totally false idea of the Fairies as cute little darling creatures with butterfly wings. It may also mean that, the better off a folk will become over time, the more they drift away from their dark and atavistic folkloric fears. In due time, folklore may even be seen as superstition, a mental aberration of more primitive times, which is the wrong road to take, of course. There are things that go bump in the night, and there are manifestations for which there is no answer. How does this relate to the UFO-phenomenon? We’ll come to that in a moment.
Rootwork! Hoodoo! Conjuration, the alternative worldview of the old African Americans was strong and mesmerizing. And none more frightening than the Night Doctors, those terrible, mysterious non-human abductors that resembled, as one African American put it in 1887:
…a supernatural being, formed like a man, having long, hook-like fingers and a poisonous breath… wherever he turns and breathes upon a house where a child lies sick the child is doomed to death before another night… Always after the death of a child the negroes get together and ask who of them heard the night doctor pass by. Some one is sure to assert that he or she heard the low, moaning, rushing sound made by the night doctor’s quick flight. But it is regarded as a surely fatal sign if any one sees the night doctor.
When the stories of the Night Doctors began to surface in early 19th century America, one thing that became apparent was that ‘the myth’, as one newspaper named it, was traceable to Africa (which part of that large continent it didn’t say). Another newspaper offered as solution to the origin of this fear:
Where did this belief originate? Perhaps in darker Africa, in days when ancestors of the race in this country were changed from Africans to Americans through the medium of the slave ship, manacle and lash…
Reading these 19th century accounts in the cramped columns of crumbling newspapers, okay, their 21st century equivalent in the form of fuzzy lowres pdf files digitized from badly scratched and well-worn microfilm rolls, one has to wade through a sea of racist context. Stripped of that utterly unpleasant jargon and framework, a fascinating body of stories emerges. The Night Doctors, we learn, abducted black people by pouring wax in their nostrils and mouths, incapacitating them, hurrying them into black carriages, and hurtle them off to secret laboratories and wings of foreboding hospitals for the gruesome purposes of vivisection and weird, ungodly experiments. Or instead of wax they used ‘a peculiar plaster’ which they clap over the face of the intended victim: “this stifles their cries and ultimately suffocates them. Their bodies are then carried to the medical college, where they are dissected and a valuable extract is made from the coloring matter, which makes the ‘darkey’ browner than the white person…” In 1879 Little Rock, Arkansas, was in the grip of a Night Doctors scare:
The idea has been taken up that every night the doctors go out, catch colored people, drag them into the institution, kill and dissect them…
An 1889 newspaper article reads:
The Negroes of Clarendon, Williamsburg and Sumter counties have for several weeks past been in a state of fear and trembling. They claim that there is a white man, a doctor, who at will can make himself invisible, and who then approaches some unsuspecting darkey, and, having rendered him or her insensible with chloroform, proceeds to fill up a bucket with the victim’s blood, for the purpose of making medicine…
The fears of these Night Doctors were not unfounded; the practice of dissection was widely spread in 19th century America, and the graves of African Americans were the main source of corpses. It was, after all, less risky to dissect a black cadaver instead of a white one. Writes Sheena Morrison in Body Snatchers: Tales from the Crypt and Beyond:
In as early as March of 1827, Freedom’s Journal, an African American newspaper, instructed its readers on how to create a cheap mortsafe, a complex contraption of rods and plates that protected the coffin. According to the journal, family members should, “as soon as the corpse is deposited in the grave, let a truss of long wheaten straw be opened and distributed in layers, as equally as may be with every layer of earth, until the whole is filled up. By this method the corpse will be effectually secured.” This contraption ensured that “the longest night will not afford time to empty the grave
Then there is the disturbing story of Madame LaLaurie, a socialite and sadistic serial killer from Louisiana. On April 10, 1834, a fire broke out in her residence on Royal Street, New Orleans. Police and fire marshals found in the slave quarters “seven slaves, more or less horribly mutilated … suspended by the neck, with their limbs apparently stretched and torn from one extremity to the other”. It is said that eyewitnesses looked aghast at a scene from the deepest pit of hell: “There were women chained to beds with their stomachs cut open, and their intestines wrapped about their waists. There were men with their eyeballs poked out and their private parts mutilated, all while being chained to a wall. Some slaves’ intestines were nailed to the floor. One firefighter described a woman with her arms cut off, with patterns of her skin dug out. One person even had animal feces in their mouth, which was sewn shut….”
Sadly, her case was not an isolated one. There were many more and this formed an integral part of a terrible reality that an African American slave faced in 19th century America and elsewhere in the western world where slavery was widely practiced. Those sinister tales of the Night Doctors, abducting African Americans to perform gruesome experiments, are reminiscent of the nefarious Tuskegee experiment that ran from 1932 all the way to 1972. But was there something more lurking behind the Night Doctors scare, something else, that is perhaps not entirely of this world?
Flash forward to a fateful night in September 1961. A beautiful, vivacious couple of mixed race marriage – he is black, she white, is driving in their car to Portsmouth from Niagara Falls, and, as unique as their mixed race marriage is at that time, they are on the verge of having an equally groundbreaking experience. It will become so influential, that it will forever mark the very beginning of what has since been known as ‘the abduction phenomenon’. As they are driving in the vicinity of Twin Mountain (there’s a Twin Peaks for you) they see an odd craft with flashing lights, but worse, the odd craft notices them. One mile off Indian Head, the object descends causing the couple to halt their car in the middle of the highway. In front of them hovers a huge, silent object, filling the entire field of the windshield. Grabbing his gun, the man leaves the car. Behind the windows of the craft he sees:
…about 8 to 11 humanoid figures who were peering out of the craft’s windows, seeming to look at him. … Barney had a conscious, continuous recollection of observing the humanoid forms wearing glossy black uniforms and black caps… Beings that were somehow not human…
The couple is Betty and Barney Hill, and their unbelievably weird encounter would essentially mark the recorded beginning of the abduction phenomenon. There were a few claims to earlier abductions, that of Antonio Vilas Boas in October 1957 for instance, but it was not properly recorded until a year after the Hills. Yet another pre-Hills claim was found in a French newspaper from 1954, where a letter writer recalled a certain childhood incident from 1921. The anonymous writer claimed that he was snatched away by two tall men wearing diver suits and helmets, taking him to an ‘oddly shaped tank’. But let’s return to Barney Hill. British ufologist Peter Rogerson observes:
…Anyone who reads Barney’s encounter in the field with the light must suspect that his extreme reaction was more likely to have been a symptom of preexisting post-traumatic stress than something new. His description of the alien as having a Mongolian-type face, wearing a sort of leather jacket and a scarf is curiously reminiscent of a kamikaze pilot. This figure is also seen as an evil Nazi officer and an Irishman (Boston Irish, traditionally hostile to Blacks). In other words, reflected in the unknown light, Barney sees images of evil authority, intolerance and threat…
There are some that say that the “night doctors” are a myth belonging solely to black folklore, a story used to frighten and manipulate. There is no doubt that is indeed what the lore achieved but the night doctors, aka “sack-em-up boys” aka “resurrectionists” aka night riders, did indeed live in more than just whispered stories. The night doctors were a real force that made a lasting impression on history and the repercussions of their horror story can still be felt in African American communities today.
Did Barney Hill, an African American who also was active in the Civil Rights movement, in this extremely stressful moment, relive that atavistic fear of the Night Doctors, which once terrorized scores of African Americans and is even felt today? Was it that why Barney Hill reacted much more frightened and in much greater panic compared to Betty? It can be argued then that this deeply felt fear of the Night Doctors stood at the base of how the abduction phenomenon in its earliest stage was shaped in our collective psyche. After all, UFO historian Jerome Clarke ponders in his The Ufo Book how, until the mid 1960s before Betty and Barney Hill’s experience became known “…ufologists knew nothing of an ‘abduction phenomenon’. Indeed the Hills’ account of being taken against their will into a UFO by humanoids and forced to undergo physical examinations seemed unique to some ufologists…”
An African American citizen though might have known exactly where to look for similarities: he or she might even have recalled those old stories told by grandmother, of the strange disappearances, the inexplicable abductions and the weird experiments of the terrible Night Doctors. They mirror the medical procedures, the physical examination ritual in the UFO abduction phenomenon – that surfaced for the first time with the experience of Betty and Barney Hill on a deserted stretch of road, one September night in 1961. At that time, the infamous Tuskegee experiment was still business as (un)usual.
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Exclusive: New Video of Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon From Chile
Exclusive: New Video of Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon From Chile
The CEFAA, a government agency investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) within the department of civil aeronautics (DGAC) in Chile, has released a summary of its meticulous investigation into the relatively recent "AGA case." The acronym "AGA" refers to the prestigious Air Force War Academy (Academia de Guerra Aérea) in Santiago, Chile, which provides training for high level Air Force officers.
The sighting of unexplained lights in formation at the Academy was video taped on two cell phones. Due to technical problems, the videos are not accessible on the CEFAA website. I have been given exclusive access to the full case file, and permission to publish the videos for the first time.
Here is what happened: At about 7:45 pm on September 3, 2012, a paramedic and an emergency medical technician (EMT) stopped to fill up an ambulance from the Air Force Hospital at the fuel pump on the Academy grounds. A sergeant, responsible for overseeing the security of the facility, was assisting with the refueling.
The entrance to the Air Force War Academy in Santiago, Chile (photo CEFAA)
Suddenly, they observed five lights coming over the Andes mountains from the Northeast, creating a horizontal formation and moving towards the Academy. At first, they thought this must be helicopters rehearsing for an annual military parade to take place later that month. However, as the lights drew nearer, the sergeant, who had spent 27 years in the Air Force, realized they were not helicopters. They made no sound and were clearly something highly unusual.
Startled, he ran towards the guard post at the main entrance and shouted the name of the guard who was inside. The ambulance driver and the EMT each pulled out their cell phones and began making videos of the strange formations.
The lights then descended even closer to the Academy grounds, and all three watched them change from a straight line into first a triangle, and then a circle, as they hovered nearby. The phenomenon then withdrew back towards the mountains and disappeared from view. The cameras were running for most of the display, until the batteries ran out. It lasted a few minutes.
A daylight photo of the location of the sighting. The UAP came in below the tall tree to the left and were very close, according to the three witnesses. (photo CEFAA)
The following drawings illustrate the three formations -- a horizontal line, a triangle and a circle -- that the witnesses saw:
(courtesy CEFAA)
Right after the sighting, two high-ranking officers observed how shaken the men were by this event.
A retired Air Force general, who happened to stop briefly at the Academy within five minutes of the incident, encountered a very agitated sergeant. The general reported in writing that the sergeant asked him: "'Did you see the lights, General?' 'We had them right here on top of the Academy...five UFO's, red in, right on top of us... General, I thought one of them was going to land here!'"
First thing the next morning, the Director of the Academy called General Ricardo Bermúdez, director of the CEFAA. He said he had received an urgent call from the men on duty the previous night and had arrived at the scene about fifteen minutes later. "The sergeant acted like someone who's seen something very strange," he told Bermúdez. "He also said he hadn't believed in those things [UFOs] until after what had just happened."
All three witnesses and others involved wish to remain anonymous to protect their privacy.
The Air Force and Army each assigned a psychologist to evaluate the witnesses the day after the event. Both concluded they were normal, reliable men who had clearly been subjected to a situation that caused them great stress. One report states that the sergeant was reserved in character, completely coherent and rational, and declared he had never had a similar experience to this before.
Shortly thereafter, General Bermúdez learned why the sergeant was so strongly affected.
Yes, he was worried that the UAP would land on the grounds, because it appeared to be very close. But there was more to his fear than this proximity. The sergeant told Bermúdez that after seeing the five lights approaching in a horizontal formation, he saw "a ship." It was not an airplane or a helicopter; it had no wings, blades or turbines to sustain it in the air, he said.
"I saw an oval shape, like a submarine. The upper part had windows with lights coming out and was shaped like a submarine, with a dome or something like it."
He went on. "It took me about ten seconds to shout to the people with me. The three of us started running, both men recording with their cell phones as I went towards the guard house to warn the man on duty." He saw the lights change into the other formations "right on top of the Academy. I went past, running right beneath them." He said the lights were red and spinning.
The corporal in the guard house, who just missed seeing the lights, reported that the sergeant told him on the spot that he had seen a ship. The sergeant appeared to be in shock. "He's dark-skinned, but that day he looked pale white," said the corporal. "His reaction was like something very serious had happened." And, he told Bermúdez, "the sergeant has a strong character, strict, military. Not the nervous type." It was understood by all involved that it would take something very alarming to evoke such an intense reaction from this professional Air Force veteran.
However, the ambulance driver and EMT did not see a ship, so this aspect of the case has no corroboration. And it remains unclear whether the lights on display were five independent entities or were part of one larger object.
The driver reported that the lights looked yellow at first, but then changed to orange and then red. When they got closer, he too could see them spinning. "They were round and they looked as big as the lights of a car and they were spinning on their own axis," he said.
He said they looked as close as the pine trees, and he was afraid. "It was like standing right beneath a street neon lamp. The only difference was that it was spinning."
The EMT supplied a similar report. "I guess they were some 50 meters away only. Either they were very big or very could see the pine trees almost right beneath."
Before viewing the AGA video, I have to warn you that a simple cell phone does not do very well in capturing lights at night, and what the eyes see can look very different. Here, the videos don't come close. "While I watched the cell phone screen, there was very little that I could see, almost nothing," the ambulance driver said. "But, when I looked directly at them, they were very clear."
The cell phone makes the UAP appear smaller and further away than it appeared to the naked eye. Yet the videos also recorded the reactions and descriptions of the witnesses in real time, which is extremely important.
Here is much of the EMT's spontaneous narrative from his video, rendered with great excitement, and with pauses between each phrase:
They're UFOs! Damn I can't capture them in my camera! Look at the formation they have now! I am seeing a formation of five luminous objects, that my cell phone doesn't seem to catch. But if you were here you would see them perfectly!
Oh my God, look! They are coming down! I can't see anything in my camera. Over here look! Before they looked super big. Now they are getting dimmer. Wow, this is amazing!
A series of stills were extracted and enhanced by the laboratory of the Chilean criminal police department, the equivalent of our FBI. The triangular formation was the clearest on both videos.
(courtesy CEFAA)
The phenomenon clearly demonstrates intelligence. How do you best form a triangle out of five lights? If you look at the closeup of the triangle on the far right above, you can see that the left and upper points of the triangle are composed of two lights that have moved close enough together to form one point. I find this quite an astonishing solution to the problem.
Below is an excerpt from the EMT's video, the longest and the clearest of the two. The triangle is visible during the earlier part, but it is harder to see the phenomenon in the second half. Note also the shouts of the sergeant calling for the guard. The two bright lights at the bottom of the tree (as seen in the still above) are houses. Click "full screen" to see it better, and tilt the screen to maximize the contrast.
The CEFAA has left no stone unturned in trying to identify the source of this UAP. The Santiago Radar Control Center provided all primary radar recordings of aircraft flying in the area at the time. No known traffic could account for the lights in formation. In addition, officials from the nearest airfield stated they had no air traffic that evening.
Since the phenomenon was seen below the peak of the mountain, it was too low to have been airplanes. And the minimum vertical distance allowed between adjacent airplanes is 2,000 feet; the horizontal minimum is two miles.
Mauricio Blanco, chief radar controller in Santiago, submitted all relevant radar data to the CEFAA (photo Leslie Kean)
The Meteorological office contributed a full report of conditions at the time and ruled out anything related to weather. The Air Force photogrammetric service mapped the area and determined that there were no existing roads or tracks behind the location that would allow for any possibility of car lights, lanterns or hunters signals. The uniformed police combed the area looking for additional witnesses, but none were found. They ruled out any sort of laser or light displays; in any case, these anomalous lights had no beams.
The phenomenon remains a mystery despite the CEFAA's lengthy investigation, involving a host of experts. All known possible explanations have been eliminated.
What was it that flew in silently over the Andes, displayed three distinct formations from five spinning lights while hovering over the grounds of an Air Force Academy, and then dimmed, retreating back over the mountains? The CEFAA Scientific Committee concluded by consensus that this was an "anomalous luminous phenomenon" of unknown origin.
One of many committee meetings at the CEFAA office to discuss the AGA investigation. To the left is General Ricardo Bermúdez (in the white sweater) and Jose Lay, CEFAA international affairs director, who appear enthusiastic. Across from them, stunned and stoney-faced, are a police representative, a university astronomer, and a DGAC meteorologist. Also present were an Air Force colonel and a nuclear chemist. (photo CEFAA)
The case illustrates the remarkable cooperation that occurs in Chile among all government and military departments, technical experts, and scientists of various specialties in the investigation of UAP cases. None of them question the validity of the process or the reality of the phenomenon under study. They give freely of their time and resources, so the agency does not cost much to run. And the law mandates that all information be made public.
If only the U.S. would follow suit, we could be on our way towards solving the UFO question once and for all, in cooperation with many countries around the globe.
Recently news site interviewed the officer of the Russian army Eugene Gavrikov.
He tells about his personal experience in Antarctica and argues that there really is a pyramid hidden in the midst of cold icy mountains and there are traces of military infrastructure left by the Third Reich and there are signs of activity from the past.
Furthermore, Gavrikov states that the United States is aware of what actually happens in Antarctica where satellites showed the Ozon hole which could not be attributed to human activities but is generated by something more mysterious.
Below the complete raw version of the interview with Eugene Gavrikov.
Note: to listen the interview in the language of your country, go to the YouTube setting of the video and select Settings> CC>Subtitles>Translate captions>click on translate captions and select your language.
US military’s plans for flying saucers explained in declassified documents
Newly released diagrams show scale of the future that never was after air force cancelled funding for wobbly disc-shaped craft
A US military illustration from Project 1794 strongly resembles a flying saucer. Photograph: national archives
These days, flying saucers are most commonly associated with sci-fi films and conspiracy theories, but in the 1950s, some saw them as the future of aviation.
Details of the proposed craft have been around for years. But the declassified papers include new diagrams and documents that demonstrate the scale of the project’s ambition.
The US air force contracted the work to a now-defunct Canadian company, Avro. In one document, Avro envisaged a “top speed potential between Mach 3 and Mach 4, a ceiling of over 100,000ft and a maximum range with allowances of about 1,000 nautical miles”. That would have sent the flying saucer spinning into the Earth’s stratosphere.
Language in a report labelled “final development summary” was optimistic: “It is concluded that the stabilization and control of the aircraft in the manner proposed – the propulsive jets are used to control the aircraft – is feasible and the aircraft can be designed to have satisfactory handling through the whole flight range from ground cushion take-off to supersonic flight at very high altitude.”
Such lofty ambitions were never achieved; video footage of other disc-shaped crafts constructed by Avro show a machine wobbling uncertainly around 3ft off the ground.
The cost for the endeavour is listed as $3,168,000, which Wired estimates at $26.6m in today’s money.
Sadly, the project was cancelled and the craft were never built.
Hurrah! Stick some wings on your tank and watch it fly. Apparently “initial tests were successful“, but clearly flying tanks did not become the ‘terrible machine of destruction’ envisaged in the 1930s. More robust aeroplanes meant tanks were placed inside aircraft, rather than strapped underneath.
Massive ‘gas-shooting’ riot car
Apparently this vehicle was designed to control crowds ”and put a stop to riots at any cost”. The concept, which was patented by a Brooklyn based-company, would have spurted poisonous gas at any ne’er-do-wells, or alternatively soaked them with water. Or just shot them with machine guns. Options.
Bell rocket belt
After it was built for the US army in the 1960s, John F Kennedy was treated to a rocket-belt display in October 1961. The device used hydrogen peroxide as fuel – the belt-wearer was advised to wear insulating trousers – and could carry a man over 9m high obstacles at speeds of up to 10mph. Unfortunately it could only do so for about 20 seconds, and it was not put into widespread use by the military.
Unidentified submerged objects (USOs) are not as famous as UFOs although they are often encountered, according to declassified Russian Navy records. The common trait of all USO phenomena is that they involve unexplained and technologically advanced objects, far superior to anything we’ve ever built.
The recently declassified documents contain Soviet era reports detailing many cases of possible USO encounters. Former naval officer and Russian UFO researcher Vladimir Azhazha believes these documents are of great value. One of the most interesting cases he examined involved a nuclear submarine on a combat mission in the Southern Pacific. During the routine operation, the submarine detected six unknown objects traveling in formation at speeds in excess of 230 knots (265+ mph). In comparison, the fastest submarine was the Soviet K-222, which reached about 44 knots (51 mph).
The submarine’s sonar determined the objects were heading straight for it so the captain gave the order to surface. The USOs followed them to the surface then flew away. Similar instances have been reported in the region of the Bermuda Triangle, as retired submarine commander Yuri Beketov recalls. On-board instruments often malfunctioned, indicating the presence of strong interference. Many believe this is a clear sign of USO/UFO presence.
A still image taken from YouTube shows a mysterious bright object flying over the Calbuco volcano near Chile
An unidentified flying object was spotted hovering near the erupting Calbuco volcano of Chile sparking UFO sighting rumours all over again.
The suspected UFO was captured by a woman on her camera when she was trying to videograph the volcano that erupted on 22 April after more than 42 years.
The supposed alien craft with flashing twin lights was spotted in the sky amidst the clouds of dust and ash. However, moments later the flying object disappeared into the thick fiery sky.
After the video was uploaded on YouTube on 23 April by a user named Ana Luisa Cid, it has gone viral and has garnered more than 288,000 views.
Open Mind UFO says that the video uploader Ana Luisa has pointed out that some have suggested the bright object might be a drone or helicopter which is trying to capture the aerial footage of the volcano.
However, she points out, “What is striking, in my opinion, is that the object remained static, then vanished. Optical illusion?”
Nearly 4,000 local residents were forced to evacuate as ash and smoke engulfed the sky.
Meanwhile, TVN, Chile’s state-owned television network, has posted an aerial shot of the volcano eruption and there are chances that the supposed UFO is nothing but a helicopter.
Watch the video below.
Chile news channel T13 has also posted a story on 23 April about a “pilot who was mistaken for a UFO.” They have also interviewed the pilot who was allegedly flying over the Calbuco volcano trying to take aerial shots.
At 4:00 am my dog woke me up at this unusual time for her to go outside. I went out and looked up to notice a flying saucer object with moving red and white lights. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief looked up again to see that it was there. I watched as it was approximately 100 feet above the tree lines moving about 25 mph NW for about 5 minutes before it was out of my view. There were red lights underneath on the outside then next to it were white lights; the lights were moving slowly in a pattern. The dog did not bark as she was looking around the ground sniffing. The craft was making a loud but soft humming noise that almost sounded like a loud fan from an aircraft. The sound got louder and hummed fast for a few seconds, then went to a soft hum and slowly for a few seconds.
It did this the whole time. The craft itself seemed to be about 100 ft. circumference. It was a clear night with lots of beautiful stars. I had never seen anything like this before and I was not afraid, but just mesmerized. I will NEVER forget the noise or the visual observation of this craft.
Forbes Magazine heeft NASA-gegevens gepubliceerd waaruit blijkt dat het poolijs, in tegenstelling tot wat veel alarmisten zeggen, niet smelt. James Taylor onthult dat er in vergelijking met het jaar 1979, toen de metingen begonnen, meer poolijs is.
Taylor merkt op dat de media nagenoeg geen aandacht hebben besteed aan de nieuwste gegevens. De ijskappen zijn niet gekrompen; sinds het eind van 2012 ligt de hoeveelheid poolijs grotendeels boven het gemiddelde na 1979. De gegevens staan haaks op één van de meest gehoorde claims van klimaatalarmisten, namelijk dat global warming ervoor zorgt dat het poolijs smelt.
Satellietgegevens van de NASA laten zien dat de poolkappen tot halverwege het vorige decennium net zo groot bleven als rond het jaar 1979. Begin 2005 nam de hoeveelheid ijs enkele jaren af. Tegen 2012 was er in vergelijking met 1979 ongeveer 10 procent minder zeeijs. De totale hoeveelheid poolijs was echter veel minder afgenomen, maar voor alarmisten is de afname van zeeijs hét bewijs voor een op handen zijnde klimaatcrisis.
Een afname van 10 procent is niet vreemd omdat het jaar 1979, toen de metingen begonnen, het einde markeerde van een koelere periode. Toch blijven klimaatalarmisten en de volgzame nieuwsmedia erop hameren dat er een catastrofe dreigt, schrijft Taylor. Al Gore voorspelde zelfs dat de Noordpool in 2014 geheel ijsvrij zou zijn.
De nieuwste gegevens laten zien dat er ongeveer vijf procent meer poolijs is in vergelijking met het gemiddelde van na 1979. Tijdens de lichte afname tussen 2005 en 2012 werden we door de media gebombardeerd met berichten over smeltende ijskappen, aldus Taylor. Hoor je ze nu net zo hard roepen dat het poolijs zich weer herstelt?
Wat gaan de Chinezen aantreffen op de achterkant van de maan?
Wat gaan de Chinezen aantreffen op de achterkant van de maan?
Het ambitieuze Chinese ruimtevaartprogramma aast op een wereldwijde primeur: de eerste landing op de achterkant van de maan. Dat meldt het Russische persbureau Sputnik (Ria Novosti) op gezag van de Chinese staatstelevisie (CCTV).
Het gaat om de missie Chang’e-4, waarbij een robotjeep op de achterkant van de maan moet landen. “We praten nu over de landingsplaats voor Chang’e-4,” zei hoofdingenieur Wu Weiren van het Chinese maanprogramma tegen CCTV. “We zullen waarschijnlijk een plaats kiezen die moeilijker is om er te landen en die technisch uitdagender is. Andere landen hebben ervoor gekozen op deze [naar de aarde gerichte] kant van de maan te landen. Onze stap zal waarschijnlijk zijn een ruimtetuig aan de andere kant van de maan te landen.”
De missie is een vervolg op de in 2013 gelanceerde Chang’e-3, waarbij een Chinese robotjeep op het maanoppervlak is geland en daar heeft gewerkt. De Chang’e-4 staat voor het jaar 2020 gepland. In 2017 wil China de Chang’e-5 naar de maan sturen om bodemmonsters te verzamelen.
Foto’s van de achterkant van de maan, die door de Britse rockband Pink Floyd bekendstaat als de ‘Dark Side of the Moon’, zijn er wel, maar er is voor de rest nog vrij weinig over bekend.
VIDEO: Bizarre 'trompetgeluiden' uit de lucht overal ter wereld waargenomen
VIDEO: Bizarre ‘trompetgeluiden’ uit de lucht overal ter wereld waargenomen
Mensen van over de hele wereld zeggen vreemde trompetgeluiden te horen die uit de lucht lijken te komen. Niemand kan met zekerheid zeggen wat de bron van de geluiden is. Op YouTube staan filmpjes met de ‘apocalyptische’ geluiden. Een aantal van deze filmpjes komen uit Canada, Australië, Duitsland en de Verenigde Staten.
In een filmpje uit Duitsland van afgelopen maand staat een kind aan de grond genageld door het onheilspellende geluid uit de lucht.
Kimberley Wookey uit Canada schreef op de filmpjessite: “Dit is al de tweede keer dat ik deze geluiden zelf heb gehoord hier in Terrace, British Columbia. De eerste keer was op 19 juni 2013 rond 09.00-09.30 uur. Maar die keer was minder heftig.” Ze voegde toe dat de geluiden volgens haar niets te maken hebben met religie, aliens, treinverkeer of bouwwerkzaamheden. Ze neigt meer in de richting van een geofysisch fenomeen.
Volgens de NASA gaat het om achtergrondgeluiden van de aarde. “Als mensen antennes zouden hebben in plaats van oren, zouden we een opzienbarende symfonie van vreemde geluiden afkomstig van onze eigen planeet horen,” aldus een woordvoerder. “Ze doen denken aan de achtergrondmuziek van een sciencefictionfilm, maar het is geen sciencefiction. De natuurlijke radiogolven van de aarde bestaan echt en zijn constant rondom ons aanwezig, ook al zijn we ons er meestal niet van bewust.”
Een komeet die er niet uitziet als een komeet, waarop vreemde constructies te zien zijn én een UFO en waar ESA miljarden aan spendeert om hem van dichtbij te kunnen bekijken.
Dan gaat het over object 67P waar nu nóg iets heel merkwaardigs op is ontdekt.
We hebben eerder al uitgebreid geschreven over de vreemde komeet waarop dingen te zien zijn die er eigenlijk niet thuishoren. Althans, niet via de reguliere kennis die erover wordt vrijgegeven.
Niet alleen zijn er zo’n twintig jaar geleden klaarblijkelijk radiosignalen opgevangen die werden uitgezonden vanaf deze komeet, maar ook is er een soort vreemde toren zichtbaar en worden er duidelijk UFO’s gesignaleerd.
Bovendien schijnt hij van koers veranderd te zijn.
“Rosetta is een ruimtesonde die wordt gefinancierd door de ESA. Zij zal zich in 2014 in een baan om de komeet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko plaatsen en deze bestuderen.
De sonde Rosetta kwam op 6 augustus aan bij de komeet 67P. Zij aan zij vliegen ze richting de zon. Dat is nooit eerder gedaan. De verkenner Philae moet het komende jaar onder meer gaan boren in het oppervlak, om vast te stellen waaruit de komeet bestaat.”
Nu is er een bericht dat de Rosetta opnames heeft gemaakt van een heel vreemd uitziende formatie stenen:
Eén van de stenen, een enorme rots met een diameter van zo’n 30 meter lijkt op een vreemde manier te balanceren op de komeet.
De wetenschappers van ESA hebben geen flauw benul hoe die grote stenen daar terechtgekomen zijn. Net zo min als dat ze een verklaring hebben voor de vreemde toren, de UFO’s en de radiosignalen.
We hadden uiteraard niet anders verwacht dan deze voorspelbare reactie.
Na de fel gekleurde UFO’s in Rio de Janeiro zijn er door een trouwe lezer (dank!) ook meerkleurige UFO’s gefotografeerd boven België.
In Nederland ineens allemaal mainstream aandacht voor een onbekend object boven Groningen. Iets dat uit een donkere wolk lijkt te komen.
Patrick van de website Above our Heads blijft ons verbazen met bijzondere opnames. Hij is ongetwijfeld één van die mensen die het voorrecht heeft dat waar hij ook kijkt in de lucht er wel iets merkwaardigs te zien is.
Zo ook nu, hij schreef het volgende:
Beste Niburu,
Gisteren, dinsdag 19 mei publiceerden jullie over de opzienbarende “Massale UFO invasie boven Rio de Janeiro”.
Zondagnamiddag stond een prachtige zon met een Parhelium (regenboogformaties) boven het Provinciale domein - Het Leen - nabij Eeklo te schitteren. Dit kon ik niet nalaten in- en uitzoomend te fotograferen. Maandag, bij het bekijken van de beelden ontdekte ik op één van de ingezoomde foto’s drie mooi gevormde kleurenbollen tussen de wolken.
Deze waarneming doet zich voor op één van twee opeenvolgend gemaakte opnames. Ik onderzocht het gebeuren op ballonnen en lensflare maar kan deze hier niet aan relateren.
Ook bekeek ik de drie bollen naar hun kleurenspectrum en zie in volgorde geen ROGGBIV (regenboogkleuren) of RGB (CCD - kleurmodel) reeks. De bollen gaan in volgorde GRB, groen- rood- blauw!
Weliswaar gaat het hier niet om een lightshow als boven Rio de Janeiro, maar wel om een stille en uitnodigende aanwezigheid.
In eigen land schreef gisteren alles en iedereen over een bijzondere foto die iemand in Groningen had genomen.
Zelfs de Telegraaf kwam met de kop Ufo boven Groningen. Eigenlijk is dat wel merkwaardig want er worden ongeveer iedere dag UFO’s waargenomen door mensen en bijna nooit of zelden wordt daar iets over gepubliceerd.
Het gaat hier om een foto gemaakt door de Groninger Harry Perton.
Een merkwaardig uitziend object, dat zo op het eerste gezicht geen bekende gelijkenis vertoont met andere UFO waarnemingen.
Wat wel interessant is, is dat het uit een donkere wolk lijkt te komen. Enigszins vergelijkbaar met de dimensieportalen waar wij eerder over hebben geschreven.
Zeker ook gezien de reactie van een lezer (dank!) naar aanleiding van de berichten uit Groningen:
Ik las net dit berichtje en moest gelijk aan vorig week denken. Ik zat met mijn man in de auto en kijk dan vrij vaak richting lucht en dit keer links van de zon.
Een normale lucht met wolken en ineens zag ik in een deel lucht een lichtflits, kort en fel.
Ik kon het niet plaatsen, zei het ook tegen mijn man en verder waren er geen gaten in de wolken waar even een lichtstraal door heen kon piepen. verder heb ik hier geen aandacht aan geschonken wel nog goed opgelet maar we waren al weer bijna thuis. maar ik kreeg dus net dit bericht hierboven onder ogen, en dit lijkt er toch wel wat op.. ik heb alleen geen foto gemaakt en hij dus wel.
Er staat helaas geen datum bij zijn bericht, ik ben zelf in mijn geheugen aan het graven wanneer we daar hebben gereden .. maar het was vorige week.
Wereldwijd lijkt er ook geen einde te komen aan meer of minder spectaculaire vertoningen van vreemde objecten in de lucht.
Hieronder een tweetal samenvattingen van een aantal van die waarnemingen de afgelopen weken.
Former Obama Pilot Says Virtually All Pilots Believe In UFOs
Former Obama Pilot Says Virtually All Pilots Believe In UFOs
Original article air date: April 13, 2015
Veteran pilot Andrew Danziger, who have 28 years of experience in the cockpit, claims to have spotted unidentified white disc hovering in the sky while on a routine flight across America. Danziger, who flew US Barack Obama in 2008 campaign tour, further asserts that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs.
The American pilot says he encountered a white disc floating through the sky during his flight in April 1989 between Kansas and Iowa. He reportedly saw the mysterious aerial disc transformed into a giant red ball and glowed for approximately 30 seconds before completely disappeared into the clouds.
Danziger says that the captain also witnessed the UFO for around 40 minutes before it started to change colour and vanished.
According to Danziger, the UFO looked the same to the moon faintly visible through the thin fog. He says that they had no idea about what they had saw, but certain it was not from here.
When Danziger shared their sighting to other pilots, he was amazed to know that many pilots often saw UFOs while traversing the skies.
Danziger reveals that they were not supposed to talk about UFOs, so they swore the station agent on duty to secrecy and agreed to remain silent about their incident to any of their co-workers.
But the veteran pilot is confident that he is not the only one in his profession to have witnessed an unexplained flying object in the skies. He reiterates that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs.
21st May 2015 Update:
Obama pilot details UFO sighting in interview with Fox News
Does life exist beyond earth? It remains one of space's greatest unsolved mysteries. Photo: ABC file
It remains one of space's greatest unsolved mysteries; does intelligent life exist beyond Earth?
While there have been numerous UFO sightings to suggest the existence of aliens, we are yet to find any conclusive proof that we are not alone in this vast universe.
If you're skeptical of extra-terrestrial life and need further convincing evidence, we suggest you check out the following videos of some bizarre UFO encounters.
An airline passenger recently captured footage of strange UFO orbs over Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
An apparent triangular UFO was caught on camera over York, England. What do you think it could possibly be? Something real, or was editing work involved?
A passenger aboard a commercial airliner recorded footage of an apparent unidentified flying object over Iran. Have you ever witnessed any strange sights from the window of an aircraft?
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.