The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Shocking Official Documents Confirm Aliens Living On Earth? (Video And Photos)
Shocking Official Documents Confirm Aliens Living On Earth? (Video And Photos)
(N.Morgan) An very intriguing report has been uncovered by TercerMilenio revealing government documents confirming the existence of extraterrestrials. There’s also this shocking FBI document from 1947 about the interdimensional beings living on Earth. Translation: The FBI website has a public document on the internet that has the folio number 6751, where it was released to the director of the government agency to Edgar Hover stating that we are being visited by giant interdimensional beings that do not come from a particular planet. See more in the stunning video below.
High Resolution for full screen viewing, proof of Aliens. “While many will not consider this solid Proof, it’s only because of their own blindness and unwillingness to accept the obvious. To them I would ask the following questions, Why would these people leave such documentation? Why such stories in stone? Remember the phrase “It’s not written in stone”? Well, this is, and it was hidden for decades, from their discovery. Why do you suppose that is?”michaelnew1962– There are many intriguing paintings depicting ancient extraterrestrial visitations. Many of these beautiful paintings were made during the Renaissance period.
Some of them were created in medieval times while others are more recent. What they all do have in common is that they offer an exclusive view of stunning alien flying craft that people of that time witnessed over the skies.
In this article, we have selected some of the most astonishing paintings we would like to share with MessageToEagle’s readers.
De Gelder was one of Rembrandt’s pupils who lived in Amsterdam, from 1661 to 1663. He was one of the most talented and devoted of Rembrandt’s students and a highly acclaimed master painter. The Baptism of Christ depicts the scene from the Bible where John the Baptist is baptizing Jesus in the river Jordan. This scene has been illustrated by many artists. However, this scene is particularly interesting because of the flying saucer hovering over the scene with beams of light shining down and illuminating the event.
On May 23, thousands of people from different parts of northwestern China including Ningxia, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia said they witnessed an unidentified flying object in the sky, with many suspecting it to be a new spacecraft or missile, reports state-run GlobalTimes and news site Wantchinatimes.
Many people were curious or puzzled, while others terrified when they saw a light beam flying in the night sky leaving an unusual trail.
Many witnesses speculating that the blazing object might have been a UFO.
Chinese astrologer Hui: “It could be something out of this world, it do usually streak through the sky leaving a straight or slightly curved tail but a curly plasma tail is also possible.”
An experts said it was not a meteorite, while military experts explain that the beam of light was possible created by humans and not related to a natural or unnatural occurrence.
Maybe the spiral of light was created by humans and it could be a new missile or a new spacecraft tested by the Chinese Government, however it does not explain the Orbs in a triangular formation located above the spiral of light and it does not explain another ‘Cloaked’ Orb or UFO located left/below the object. See above image.
10,000 Year Old Statue Contains Coded Message About Human Origins
A 10,000 year old statue believed to be twice as old as the Pyramids of Egypt has been sent to Germany for research. Covered with Mesolithic symbols, archaeologists believe the 2.8 metre high statue is one of the most important discoveries in recent history.
The statue with seven faces has the potential to rewrite our history books and ways of thinking, as researchers say the coded messages on it contain information about the creation of the world and the origins of human beings.
At present, the Shigir Idol is located at the Yekaterinburg History Museum, the lack of funds has prevented researchers from proper testing for age of this historical treasure. The statue represents a unique, live and very complicated example of history, it is a very rare finding, and without a doubt one of Europe’s most important findings in years.
According to experts, this time capsule has coded messages that talk about the creation of the world. It is covered with encrypted information that researchers have not decoded. It will take time and patience to decipher what this statue has to tell.
Svetlana Savchenko the head of the department that studies the idol in the historical museum of Yekaterinburg, concludes that a straight line present on the surface of the Shigr idol actually represents the ground or horizon, the boundary between heaven and earth, water and sky, or boundary between the worlds. Uwe Hoysner, from Berlin Archaeological Institute said: ‘The Idol is carved from larch, which, as we see by the annual rings, was at least 159 years old.
‘There is no such ancient sculpture in the whole of Europe. Studying this Idol is a dream come true’, said Professor Thomas Terberger, of the Department of Cultural Heritage of Lower Saxony.
‘The samples we selected contain important information about the isotopes that correspond to the time when the tree grew.’
Witte vlekken op Ceres nog altijd in mysterie gehuld: wat zijn het?
Witte vlekken op Ceres nog altijd in mysterie gehuld: wat zijn het?
De mysterieuze stippen op Ceres zijn op nieuwe beelden van de NASA van dichtbij te zien. Ruimtesonde Dawn legde de vlekken vast.
Op beelden van 16 en 20 mei zijn een aantal heldere stippen te zien die wetenschappers al enige tijd voor een raadsel stellen. De NASA is nu zelfs een poll gestart over de vlekken. Wat denk jij dat het zijn?
Uit eerdere foto’s, die op 3 en 4 mei zijn gemaakt door Dawn, is gebleken dat de helderste stippen in een krater op het noordelijk halfrond van Ceres bestaan uit een groot aantal kleinere stippen. Hoewel de herkomst van de vlekken niet precies bekend is, denken wetenschappers dat ze worden veroorzaakt door ijs.
Dawn draait elke drie dagen rond Ceres op een afstand van ruim 4300 kilometer. Het ruimteschip zal deze afstand tot 30 juni aanhouden en daarna beginnen aan een daling. Vanaf 9 juni zal het oppervlak van de dwergplaneet in kaart worden gebracht. Dan wordt ook bepaald of Ceres geologisch actief is.
Dawn bevindt zich sinds 6 maart in een baan rond Ceres. Het is voor het eerst dat een ruimteschip succesvol in een baan rond een dwergplaneet is gebracht. Wetenschappers hopen dat het onderzoek meer inzichten geeft in de vorming van het zonnestelsel.
We spreken regelmatig over buitenaardsen, maar hoe zien die er nu eigenlijk uit?
De meesten kennen de bekende Gray Alien wel, maar daar houdt het voor velen dan ook mee op.
In Rusland zijn ze over het algemeen wat verder met betrekking tot het fenomeen buitenaards leven en dat is dan ook het land waar veel nuttige informatie te vinden is.
Zo is er in Rusland sinds 1946-47 een boek bijgehouden over buitenaardse rassen.
Gelukkig is dit boek inmiddels vertaald in het Engels.
Er komen de meer bekende rassen in voor zoals de Pleijadiërs, de Reptilians, de Zeta’s en de Anunnaki.
Ook wordt in het boek de zogenaamde Council of Five genoemd. Die wordt gevormd door vijf buitenaardse rassen die klaarblijkelijk al miljoenen jaren de aarde en haar bewoners beschermen.
Deze Council besefte dat toen de Anunnaki eenmaal begonnen te knoeien met ons DNA, wij uiteindelijk zouden samenkomen met andere goedwillende sterrenfamilies.
Deze Council, of Raad, bestaat uit de vijf volgende buitenaardse rassen: Orela, Egarot, Ginvo, Redan en Emerther.
Het schijnt dat de Emerther één van de meest invloedrijke rassen zijn volgens dit boek. Zij zijn degenen die drie keer een ontmoeting hebben gehad met de Amerikaanse president Dwight Eisenhower en ook drie keer met hooggeplaatste Sovjet autoriteiten.
Klaarblijkelijk waren ze ook geïnteresseerd om de Amerikaanse president Nixon te bezoeken, maar deze wees het verzoek af, omdat hij te bang was dat de buitenaardsen in staat zouden zijn om zijn (mogelijk kwaadwillende) gedachten te lezen.
Je kunt het boek online doorbladeren en lezen. Wil je het liever op een volledig scherm klik dan op het vierkantje in de rechterbovenhoek.
Overal werd de vergelijking met Stonehenge gemaakt, maar een oplettende lezer heeft zichtbaar gemaakt dat er waarschijnlijk een verband is met de piramides van Giza.
Update: 27 mei 2015
Naar aanleiding van onderstaande theorie aangaande de vreemde stenen op de komeet 67P, ontvingen wij de volgende interessante reactie van een andere lezer (dank!):
Bij deze wil ik even reageren op wat de lezer aangeeft in zijn verhaal en jullie stuk.
De lezer kan in principe wel eens gelijk hebben als het een overblijfsel is van een planeet. Als we er van uitgaan zoals de oude overlevingsverhalen stellen is Tiamat in gevecht geweest met Marduk.
Tiamat is een planeet geweest tussen Mars en Jupiter waar nu een asteroïdengordel aanwezig is. Marduk is in feite Planet X / Nibiru.
Tiamat werd bijna compleet versplintert en weggeslingerd naar de hedendaagse Aardse omloopbaan. Uit de grote overblijfselen zou de Aarde zijn ontstaan.
Het zou zomaar kunnen zijn dat comet 67P ook een overblijfsel is van Tiamat. Als je wiki er op naslaat dan klopt er iets niet, namelijk de engelse versie spreekt over afkomstig van de kuiperbelt (?) met een omlooptijd van 6,45 jaar in de kolom rechts 6,44 jaar en de Nederlandse versie vermeld 6,6 jaar omlooptijd. Ook de temperatuur is merkwaardig, de oppervlakte temperatuur zou -93 graden zijn. Gek, want Pluto is al -223 graden en dan zou comet 67P uit de Kuiperbelt komen. Daar waar het nog kouder is. Daar valt dus geen touw aan vast te knopen
De lezer zou wel eens gelijk kunnen hebben in de overblijfselen van een planeet. En ik denk er ook zo over.
Origineel artikel: 25 mei 2015
Afgelopen donderdag publiceerden wij een artikel over de merkwaardige komeet 67P, die bij nader inzien misschien helemaal geen komeet is.
In dat artikel werd de volgende foto gepubliceerd:
Vervolgens ontvingen wij de volgende e-mail van een lezer (dank!):
Op Donderdag, 21 mei 2015 11:02 had u een artikel geplaatst genaamd "Een soort Stonehenge ontdekt op komeet".
Na het bestuderen van de foto met de komeet kan ik u voor 90% verzekeren dat deze stenen geen formatie vormen die met Stonehenge gelinkt dienen te worden.
Als u de foto naar boven spiegelt( zie bijlage) blijken deze stenen verdacht veel in de formatie te liggen als de piramides van Giza.
Ik heb vervolgens met een rode lijn de punten van de piramides met elkaar verbonden.
De zelfde lijn heb ik toen op de stenen van uw foto gelegd en het paste haast exact op elkaar.
We moeten in gedachten houden dat de betreffende stenen ver voordat de piramides van Giza werden gebouwd daar al geplaatst waren, ook dat de standen van de sterren in de Orion gordel met de tijd zijn verschoven zouden kunnen zijn en of vanuit een andere positie in het universum gezien net iets anders te zien waren.
Het zou mij daarom ook niet verbazen als er op de foto restanten van zeer oude piramides te zien zijn die door de zware omstandigheden zonder bescherming van een atmosfeer en door de tand des tijds hun werkelijk vorm verloren zijn. Ik schat dan ook dat deze piramides wel eens 500 duizend tot een miljoen jaar oud zouden kunnen zijn.
We mogen er denk ik wel vanuit gaan dat een beschaving die in staat is om piramides met deze precisie te bouwen deze hoogst waarschijnlijk niet op een komeet zou gaan bouwen en gezien de logica denk ik dat het hier wel eens om een stuk van een planeet zou kunnen gaan. Een planeet die wellicht door ontploffing uit elkaar gespat was.
Het is in ieder geval de moeite waard om bij deze theorie stil te staan en te overwegen of dit weleens bewijs zou kunnen zijn van een beschaving die aan de mensheid gelinkt kan worden.
Ik hoop dat u iets aan mijn informatie heeft en er wat mee kunt.
Er gebeuren vreemde dingen met water in Californië, USA
Er gebeuren vreemde dingen met water in Californië, USA
Er gebeuren hele vreemde dingen rond het water in Californië. Na een aardbeving in Las Vegas zakt het waterpeil in Lake Mead dramatisch, maar volgens de autoriteiten is er niets aan de hand.
Het begon vorige week met een incident dat dan misschien niets te maken heeft met drinkwater, maar een gebroken olieleiding voor de kust van Californië zorgde voor aardig wat consternatie, zodanig dat gouverneur Jerry Brown de noodtoestand uitriep voor Santa Barbara County.
In het weekend kwam het bericht dat vandalen in Fremont in de staat Californië een rubberen dam hadden laten leeglopen, waardoor 50 miljoen gallon (bijna 200 miljoen liter) drinkwater was weggelopen. Genoeg om 500 huishoudens en jaar van water te voorzien.
Daar bovenop natuurlijk nog het verhaal van de UFO die lijkt een meer leeg te zuigen en dan is het al met al niet zo vreemd dat Californië heel snel zonder water komt te zitten.
Afgelopen vrijdag wordt het echter nog vreemder.
Er wordt een aardbeving gemeld van in eerste instantie 5.4 op de schaal van Richter bij de stad Las Vegas. Later wordt deze, zoals gewoonlijk, naar beneden toe bijgesteld en wordt dan officiëel 4.8.
Aangezien er verder weinig schade valt te melden, wordt er in de media verder weinig aandacht aan besteed.
Echter, de aardbeving schijnt wel degelijk gevolgen te hebben gehad voor Lake Mead.
Lake Mead is het grootste kunstmatige meer en reservoir in de Verenigde Staten. Het bevindt zich aan de Colorado River, ongeveer 48 km zuidoost van Las Vegas, Nevada, tussen Nevada en Arizona. Het is gevormd door water dat wordt ingesloten door de Hoover Dam en strekt zich uit tot 180 km achter de dam. Het bevat ongeveer 35 km³ water. Het water uit Lake Mead wordt via aquaducten naar gemeenschappen in zuidelijk Californië en Nevada geleid.
In de 36 uur volgend op de aardbeving bij Las Vegas zijn de waterstanden in Lake Mead alarmerend gezakt.
Natuurlijk hoeft dat geen verband te houden met de aardbeving, maar de factor toeval speelt hier natuurlijk wel weer een grote rol. Een dergelijk enorm waterverlies, net na een aardbeving, is teveel om toeval te kunnen zijn. Zeker omdat er van officiële zijde niets werd meegedeeld omtrent deze plotselinge daling.
Die betrof in luttele uren 8 voet oftewel bijna 2,5 meter. Dat is voor een meer van een dergelijke omvang ontzettend veel.
Bovendien wordt, wanneer het waterpeil beneden de 1075 is gedaald, op 1 januari 2016 een kritische grens overschreden, waarbij een federale noodtoestand wordt uitgeroepen en extra waterrantsoenering, strenger dan de huidige, van kracht wordt.
Nu plots werd er echter wel heel snel gereageerd van officiële zijde en kwam de mededeling dat de extreem lage waterstand te wijten was aan foutieve meterindicaties en dat het probleem inmiddels was hersteld.
Dan gebeurt er iets helemáál miraculeus want volgens de nieuwe stand is het waterpeil in Lake Mead ineens hóger dan voor de aardbeving.
Misschien is er een logische verklaring voor alles, maar voorlopig lijkt het dat er vreemde dingen gebeuren rond het water in Californië. De koffie lijkt er niet zuiver...
There’s a story going around Chile regarding the remarkable UFO video posted on 20th May about the Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon from Chile. The big question behind the video is whether or not UFOs are under intelligent control. The CEFAA is a government agency that investigates unidentified aerial phenomena within the department of civil aeronautics in Chile. Recently, it released meticulous investigation in Academia de Guerra Aérea case (AGA), which is a prestigious Air Force War Academy in Chile that provides training for high-level Air Force officers.
The UFO sighting shows three consecutive formations of unexplained five spinning lights- a straight line, a circle, and a triangle. Three reliable witnesses saw the spectacle at an Air Force Academy, and two videotaped the triangular formation on their phones. Because of some technical problems, the videos cannot be accessed on CEFAA website. When the lights appeared closer, the witnesses have thought where it might land. An experienced and veteran sergeant in the Air Force has claimed to see a “ship” which has a submarine shape and light windows.
The case was investigated thoroughly by the CEFAA, together with its volunteer committee of Air Force technicians, scientists, psychologists, police and other specialists. For every imaginable or believable explanations they can think of, they have already ruled out. Since the “submarine UFO” was seen by the sergeant, but was not seen by the two witnesses, the committee concluded that AGA case involved an anomalous light phenomenon.
To prevent a wider exposure in the story, you need to watch the video and decide for yourself. Does AGA case involve UFOs? Another issue here is to dig deeper how much you understand or interpret the word “UFO” – it is an unexplained object flying or hovering in the sky. The case is incredibly dramatic, and the Chilean government on UFOs has given their productive effort in the world. Take note that all people can benefit as to how the CEFAA staffs contribute to your understanding.
Russia UFO Hotspot Update: Developing Secret Warplanes?
Russia UFO Hotspot Update: Developing Secret Warplanes?
Recently, there have been clear images that show how Russia develops secret high-tech weapons. But the big question is, what for? One of the things that left the villagers baffled is the fact that there have been six red lights that beamed in the clear night sky. As uploaded by Nikolajno on his Instagram account, it shows an unexplained formation of red dots that are found in different locations in Russia, which are attractive areas of UFO sightings.
The former UFO expert has revealed the possibility that the country, Russia is developing the SECRET prototype weaponry. When the Russian Bear bombers were found on the way to British airspace, there were RAF Typhoon jets scrambled. The bombers were not able to penetrate the British airspace. In fact, they were escorted away. According to MoD’s UFO project, the picture is fascinating. It would be fascinating to find out if the Russians continuously tracked this on the radar. It could be a meteor breaking up, a fireball or something in the atmosphere, or it could be an unusual atmospheric plasma phenomenon.
The space concerned was said to be a UFO hotspot. Therefore, it is an added possibility that such space, where the Russians are currently testing their secret weaponry. During the Cold War, the relations between the West and Russia are at their lowest point. For many years, there have been hot discussions over UFOs sighting that were spotted in the region. Pravda, which is the Russian news publication report, has explained how the strange lights glowed in the Siberian city as a result of the space rockets that separates sparsely from the populated areas. The most decisive evidence so far is that aliens exist were uncovered based on the unseen photos, starting from the Roswell UFO crash that happened 1947.
"It would be many years later, in front of the firing squad, when Col. Aureliano Buendía remembered that remote afternoon in which his father took him to see the ice..." ~Excerpt from the novel 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'.
2015 marks the first anniversary of Gabriel García Márquez's death. Without a doubt the most popular Latin American writer of his time, his literary style constitutes one of the best examples of the artistic movement known as 'Magical Realism', which is characterized by the insertion of fantastical events into common circumstances, thus transforming the extraordinary into ordinary and vice versa. It's no wonder the Colombian-born Nobel laureate ended up writing One Hundred Years of Solitude --his most famous novel-- during his stay in Mexico city; a place even more outlandish than Macondo, the fictitious Caribbean town he created as the setting of most of his stories. Salvador Dalí once said of Mexico, that he couldn't stand being in a country that was more surrealist than his own paintings.
I'm sure the eccentric Spanish artist would have felt vindicated, had he been present at the spectacle I attended on the night of May 5th. That evening UFOlogist Jaime Maussan --even though he keeps insisting he's merely a journalist-- invited the Mexican citizens along with the rest of the world to beWITNESS: The event that would "change history" by showing for the very first time "physical evidence" confirming the famous Roswell saucer crash of 1947, and the extraterrestrial presence in our planet. At the National Auditorium no less, the most illustrious public forum in the country with a total capacity of 10,000 seats, during a presentation which ended up being worthy of a García Márquez's novel.
But not for the reasons the organizers intended...
From the onset the whole thing seemed bizarre enough. After a couple of years of rumors concerning the recovery of 2 old Kodachrome slides purportedly showing a genuine corpse of an alien being, allegedly recovered after the Roswell crash --the be-all and end-all of all UFO cases according to American researchers, given their obsession with this particular 68-year-old mystery-- the story finally irrupted into the mainstream in early February of this year through the involvement of Jaime Maussan, the most visible figure in the Mexican UFOlogy scene for the last 25 years or so.
Up until then, the story of the slides had been known only by a handful of UFO buffs following the progress of the 'Roswell Dream Team' formed by researchers Tom Carey, Don Schmitt, Kevin Randle, Chris Rutkowski, David Rudiak and Anthony Bragalia, who had joined forces to conduct the 'definitive investigation' of the famous UFO case, see if new information could be uncovered, and try once and for all to solve the mystery surrounding... whatever it was that crashed near that small town in New Mexico in 1947.
But then the slides cometh and with them a schism within the group: Due to the demands of the slides' owner, non-disclosure agreements were apparently signed by a few members of the team, which impeded them to freely share what they knew with the rest of their colleagues --hardly the ideal method to conduct a proper investigation. When Randle and Rutkowski learned about the slides through separate channels, they were skeptical and pointed out to numerous problems with their 'chain of provenance'. The rest of the 'Dream Team' decided to carry on their own, while focusing their full attention in getting their hands on this piece of evidence.
When he was told about the slides in 2013, Maussan immediately offered his assistance to the remaining members of the seceded team, who eventually welcomed him on board. Doing what he does best, Maussan organized a press conference in Mexico, and with a lot of fanfare announced that at long last the 'smoking gun' of UFOlogy had been recovered. The slides had been analyzed by several film experts, he proclaimed, who confirmed their authenticity; furthermore, the morphological characteristics of the being shown in them proved without a shred of a doubt it was not a human being --ergo, it had to be an extraterrestrial.
All this and more would finally be revealed in front of a live audience and the world at large... provided you purchased a ticket or paid for the live streaming, of course.
Why Mexico? Adam Dew, the man who is friends of the owner of the slides and holds their copyright through his company Slidebox Media, candidly admitted to Open Minds that in the United States he was not able to get the amount of monetary compensation he was expecting:
"There was a major respectable U.S. monthly magazine that wanted to publish the slides years ago, but they weren’t offering any money and we wanted to at least find a way to bring some bit of funding into this project. People talk about these substantial packages and I just roll my eyes and laugh about what people think is the kind of money that’s involved in this. This has been a process that has cost me money out of my pocket, and I would certainly like to tell my wife that we at least broke even on this in the worst case scenario," says Dew
Why the National Auditorium? Again, Dew says it was due to Maussan and his 'big vision' for the event; since then, many people have accused the Mexican UFOlogist --who is no stranger to controversy surrounding dubious cases-- of deliberately organizing a con, even though I personally suspect his motivations were more influenced by his eagerness to embed himself into the Roswell legend than any kind of monetary profit. Perhaps he wanted to go down in history as the only person who was able to fill the auditorium with a UFO-related spectacle; or perhaps he genuinely believed the slides could become "the smoking gun" Carey and Schmitt assured him they were --in this field you can never underestimate "the will to believe."
Right after Maussan's big announcement in February, accompanied by the trailer of the Kodachrome documentary produced independently by Dew, it looked as if the organizers had shot themselves on the foot: They had not counted on the acumen of armchair researchers, who noticed how on the trailer one of the actual slides was briefly shown; it was enough to create a screen grab, and thus the big ace on the sleeve of the Roswell team was leaked into the world wide web months in advance of the May 5th event, free of charge.
Although blurry, the captured image was clear enough to get a good assessment of what the 'alien body' pictured in the slide looked like. And what it looked like was... disappointing to say the least: Instead of showing some kind of secret Air Force base and the alleged extraterrestrial corpse being carefully preserved for future analysis --the kind of things you would expect the Military to do, with what undoubtedly would amount to be the most valuable biological specimen in the entire world!-- what actually could be observed was a small cadaver in very poor conditions, enclosed in some cheap glass showcase.
In short, the 'base' looked more like a small-town museum, and the 'alien' more like a mummified child. Many individuals in the UFO field started to raise their voice in discontent against what they perceived as yet another hoax.
When Maussan learned about the leak, he quickly went into damage control mode: He tried to enroll more 'big names' in UFOlogy for the event, such as Stanton Friedman and Richard Dolan, and added more medical experts to confirm the 'otherworldliness' of the body; he also launched a very aggressive promotional campaign, appearing on radio and TV programs to dismiss the skeptics and naysayers, charging them with 'piracy' and illegally obtaining "that 'grotesque' image" --he even went so far as accusing them of tampering with it to distort the body, making it look like "Tweety" (!).
The slides that would be presented on May, he promised, would be much more nitid and impressive; they would clearly show the 'alien' to have "43 anomalies" detected by experts from the Mexican National Institute of Forensic Medicine. Why were the skeptics attacking them before they had the chance to present the evidences? he complained. How could the debunkers possibly believe Tom Carey and Don Schmitt --who were the first among the Dream Team to learn about the slides' existence-- along with Richard Dolan --who did accept Maussan's invitation, although wasn't necessarily obligated to endorse their authenticity-- and himself, would be willing to risk their careers and reputation over something as mundane as the mummy of a child? he fumed during a radio debate against Spanish researcher José Antonio Caravaca, one of the critics of the slides, all while the poor radio host tried his best to calm him down and moderate the discussion.
My personal goal for attending the event was not so much because I was expecting to see conclusive proof' of extraterrestrial visitation to our planet --for even if the slides turned out to be 'the real deal', in the XXIst century a simple image cannot possibly be considered conclusive proof of ANYTHING-- but because I was curious to see what could have possibly convinced all these notorious personalities in the UFOlogical microcosm to risk their collective reputation in one big show-down.
I had asked my cousin Fernando, who has a lifelong interest in UFOs to come with me, since I wanted to have the honest, independent opinion of a smart person with a genuine interest in UFOs, who would still be 'unstained' by all the innuendo and controversy already surrounding the slides.
The ticket prices ranged from 1300 pesos (US$ 86) to 300 pesos (US $20) not counting the Ticketmaster charge (20 dollars was also the fee for the live streaming). I had purchased 2 seats on the left balcony (US $50) and after we took our seats we both noticed there were quite a few senior citizens all around, which made me wonder if the demographics of UFO conferences in the United States also applied here in Mexico. In any case, However, I suspected the greater bulk of the audience was probably conformed by middle-aged individuals like myself: Those who were in our teens when the Mexican UFO flap of the 1990's was in full swing, and eagerly watched TV to see the videos of weird lights in the sky gathered by a young and energetic Maussan, who was by then starting to build his career as the spokesperson of the phenomenon in Mexico.
You've got to give it to the guy: Despite all those many years, we had all still responded to his calling.
Although beWITNESS wasn't able to fill the National Auditorium to its full capacity, it was by no means an empty hall. Given my own personal estimates, along with the figures published by some newspapers, it's fair to say that between 6500 to 7000 persons attended the event that night. And if there were any skeptics around, their voices were never heard amid all the cheers and clapping welcoming Maussan's presence to the stage at around 7:40 pm. "Finally we have the evidence we've been waiting for all this time," was his way to start his speech. He then went on to say how "skeptics demand physical proof [about extraterrestrial visitation], which is a difficult request because the Military have made sure to conceal the evidence" --a rather convenient excuse, a skeptic would argue-- and he continued with his passionate message by saying how the investigators involved in the event welcomed any criticism and questioning with regards to the 'evidence' they were about to present.
"Be careful what you wish for," amirite?
With that he proceeded to present the 1st speaker of the event: James J. Hurtak PhD, a scientist and futurologist who had also collaborated with the late John Mack with the investigation of the famous Zimbabwe school close encounter of 1994. All well and good, I thought, but why was he asked to join in the Roswell reveal? Maybe Maussan wanted someone with a fancy degree to add 'legitimacy' to the event?
Ditto with the Skype conference with Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian minister of Defense who's now turned into a vocal advocate of UFO disclosure; although I'm sure most of the people in the audience had never heard him talk about how accepting the reality of UFOs could potentially move the world toward a new paradigm of global peace and collaboration, nevertheless his inclusion felt like unnecessary 'foreplay' before the long-awaited 'alien money shot'.
Well, given that I already ousted myself with the porn metaphors, let's just say that from foreplay we moved on to full fellatio with "the two investigators who put Roswell on the map," as Maussan welcomed Tom Carey and Don Schmitt to the stage --really Jaime? What about Stan Friedman and Kevin Randle? Oh, that's right: Since neither of them had accepted to participate in beWITNESS, during the 30 minutes-long general overview of the case provided by the co-authors of Witness to Roswell, they never bothered to mention the man who actually re-discovered Jesse Marcel in the 1970's (Friedman) and Schmitt's former colleague and writing partner (Randle). The two had been scratched out of Roswell's history by the beWITNESS Ministry of Truth.
After Carey and Schmitt rushed through the last Power Point images to finish their presentation, a few recorded interviews of Roswell witnesses were shown --or rather, what passes as 'witness' in a 68-year-old case in which practically all of the 'major players' (Mac Brazel, Jesse Marcel, even Jesse Marcel Jr.) have passed away: Sons and daughters of those who might have actually seen something interesting, telling their stories of how they were threatened into silence by the Military through different intimidatory tactics --like sending them and their families to the few POW camps which were said to be still operating in New Mexico at the time.
9:11 pm. Still no slides, but now the event proceeded to 'full penetration' with the introduction (Heh!) of Adam Dew. The man who was initially responsible for the whole of us sitting there, gave a brief summary of how from running a production company dealing with sports and college football, he ended up getting involved in the Roswell affair. Accompanied by a cinematic recreation and a recorded interview with "Cathy" (later known to be Catherine Beason through independent research), the woman claimed with the serendipitous discovery of the box containing some 400 old Kodachrome slides while she was cleaning a house in Sedona, AZ. in 1998, the 'mythology' of the slides started to unfold: While she kept the box on her kitchen occasionally looking at them a few at a time, eventually she began to recognize some of the people in the slides: celebrities like Clark Gable, Bing Crosby, and even general Dwight D. Eisenhower, before he became president of the United States.
Eisenhower plays a big role in the mythology of the slides, and that's because of who is believed to have originally owned them: Enter Hilda and Bernerd Ray. He was an oil geologist whose zone of activity was the Permian Basin of west Texas and eastern New Mexico; she was an oil attorney in Midland, Texas, and an accomplished pilot who died in 1988. The Rays were a well-connected couple acquainted with the movers and shakers of their time --including the Eisenhowers and even the Bushes seniors. So the case attempted to be established by the promoters was: a) The Rays lived near the 'scene of the crime'; b) They were buddy-buddies with Mamie and Ike Eisenhower; therefore c) They MIGHT have been privy to very sensitive material, like perhaps the retrieval of alien corpses from the Roswell crash.
The argument is sustained by rather tenuous assumptions, which in my opinion were never satisfactorily proven during the presentation. A few people have even pointed out how the story is unsustainable in the first place, given how a man like Eisenhower, who was once in charge of coordinating the entire invasion to Normandy during WWII, was clearly someone who wasn't in the habit to divulge classified information to his buddies. Then again, the idea of an interstellar vessel malfunctioning and crashing in the New Mexico desert seems ludicrous enough to many people both inside and outside the UFO field…
Oh, but the slides had to be special, you see, because they were found (again) by happenstance hidden inside the 2 cardboard pieces of the box's bottom. 'Cathy' was so freaked out by what was shown in the 2 slides, we are told, that she gave them to his brother who was a friend of Dew, and eventually became his partner in Slidebox Media.
Incidentally, by this point came Adam Dew's first mention of the infamous placard next to the alleged alien body, and how "every attempt to read what was written on it was a failure." Initially this didn't set off any alarm bells in my head, but by the time the presentation was over I started to recognize this incongruent claim for what it was: A red herring.
Next the promoters had to prove the slides were not forgeries, and for that they showed the testimony of a few film experts, including professor Rod Slemmons from the Photography department at Columbia College in Chicago, who was recorded saying how due to the slides frame numbers and several other technical features, they were "completely authentic;" meaning they were indeed manufactured and exposed between 1947 and 1949. As we shall see next, the promoters' obsession to fit the slides within the Roswell narrative may have skewed their perspective...
The slides still needed to be connected to Roswell, though; not just chronologically but directly. The promoters did that --or at least tried to-- by invoking the testimony of their 'star witness': Eleazar Benavides, who was a member of the 509th Operations group stationed at the Roswell Army Airfield. Incidentally, Benavidez was the cause of an acrimonious feud between Anthony Bragalia --a remaining member of the former Dream Team-- and one of the skeptic researchers looking into the story, Canadian filmmaker Paul Kimball, who through some detective work was able to recognize Benavides in the Kodachrome trailer, and published his name when it was still not revealed by the slides' promoters; Bragalia lambasted Kimball for 'endangering' the witness, while Kimball simply pointed out that if they wanted to keep his identity a secret, they shouldn't have shown his face on the trailer in the first place --and besides, it's not as if he hadn't publicly spoken about Roswell before…
In a recorded interview, Benavides told the story of how he was ordered to guard one of the alien bodies kept in a base hangar, and regularly taking it to the base's hospital for study, even though he wasn't told by his superiors what he was actually guarding, and was even forbidden to look directly at it. Curiosity got the better of him in the end and finally took a brief glimpse of it, which greatly disturbed him.
"These people appeared quite strange," he said, and when he was asked to explain what he meant by that in the interview, he proceeded to describe the unusual head and other weird physical features of what he saw --or claims he saw-- all those years ago. Finally they showed him the slides --which were off-screen in order to stretch the event's tease-- and what caught my attention was how Benavides' reaction was not one of deep shock or instant recognition. Instead of exclaiming "OMG this is what I saw all those years ago!!" he was more like "weeell... it kinda looks like what I saw." He pointed out how the body kept in the base hangar had "more body" or fat on it --keep in mind how the Roswell promoters' argument is that the slides were taken between 1947 and 1949, so there wasn't really enough time for the bodies to become emaciated through the passage of time.
So, not a 100% confirmation IMO. In fact it looked to me as if the poor old man was pressed into admitting there were some similarities between the slides and the 1947 bodies. Yet this was enough for Maussan to claim: The star witness recognized the body, therefore ALIENS.
10:00 pm: I hadn't expected the event to last that long, and by then even my butt was starting to beg for some Disclosure. But FINALLY the moment we were all waiting for was here: The alien money shot.
The 1st slide was shown on screen. Instead of a collective gasp or people standing in ovation, there was just silence emanating from the audience; I suppose everyone was attentively studying the features of the body, since it was presumably the first time most of them laid eyes on it. That was not the case with myself, so my initial reaction was "oh, so this is what it really looked like" given how I could finally perceive the eyes, mouth and nose (or lack thereof) with sufficient clarity.
But my second reaction was "man, it still looks like a mummy!"
Next came a brief explanation of how Antonio Torres, a CGI artist, had performed a 'forensic reconstruction' based on the body in the slides, supported by the analysis performed by one of the experts consulted by beWITNESS. On the screens appeared the head of the 'being' and everybody was taking pictures with their cell phones. Curious how Maussan decided to give his alien the typical 'black eyes' of the modern stereotype, even though that could clearly not be ascertained from the slide alone.
A brief intermission was announced, and before I rushed to the restrooms I noticed how on the screens appeared the promotion of a documentary prepared by Maussan's company, Tercer Milenio, about the infamous UFO over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, a story that made its run through the web in 2011 --you know, the one which was proven without any doubt to be a hoax? Like always, Maussan must have missed the memo...
The second part of the show started with a major disappointment for me: Maussan announced that due to health issues Dr. Edgar Mitchell, one of the Apollo astronauts and perhaps the most notorious advocate of UFO disclosure, wasn't able to make the trip to Mexico and appear on-stage as promised. Instead, they showed a recorded interview they'd previously filmed from his home in New Mexico --which meant his cancellation had not been made at the last minute-- with Maussan showing him the slides and telling how "the last remaining eye-witness to Roswell had confirmed this is what he saw."
"It looks like what I thought the Grays would look like," said Mitchell, explaining how they are only one of the many groups visiting our planet. Dr. Mitchell has never claimed to have actually seen an alien, though; he's just been informed about their presence through his many contacts in the government and his conversations with the Roswell 'old timers' after he returned from his historical trip to the Moon.
We then proceeded to the 'scientific' aspect of the show, which would be conducted by 2 Mexican experts and one from Canada --remember how prior to the slide's leak there was only going to be one expert-- given how according to Maussan, no one in the United States had accepted to even look at the slides. Miguel Angel Alvarez, a representative of the Mexican Institute of Forensic Sciences (INACIF) appeared on-stage to present Maussan with a copy of the 33-page report elaborated by José de Jesús Zalce Benítez, a medical examiner who among his several specializations and degrees, including forensic anthropology, is also a lieutenant commander in the Mexican Navy. Alvarez made it clear to the public that the INACIF had not asked any money for their work and neither had Zalce, who spent 2 months analyzing the slide. It was not only to avoid 'payola' suspicions but because, as Alvarez stated, they had warned Maussan beforehand that "you might not like what we find."
Well, Maussan certainly liked Zalce Benítez's findings --"that's why I invited you," he joked when he ceded the podium to him-- so the young medical examiner proceeded to enumerate all the 'morphological anomalies' detected in the body which, in his opinion, discounted the possibility that it could be the desiccated mummy of a child; things like how with mummies the ocular globes tend to recede within the eye sockets, whereas it was not the case here; how the clavicle and the elbow were very anomalous, and the length of the femur was much shorted than the tibia and fibula, which is the complete opposite of normal human anatomy; how any pelvic bones were not discernible, as well as an opposable thumb in the hands. Zalce Benítez's conclusion: The specimen doesn't have the characteristics of a primate, and not even a mammal, therefore its morphology is "incompatible with human life."
Not even a mammal? Yes, Zalce Benítez's said, based on the fact that "no mammary glands were discernible" in the body. This obviously ensued a lot of satirical comments among the people viewing the event through the live stream --"ZOMG, aliens with no nipples!"
As for me, 2 things struck me about the young forensic anthropologist: The first one was that he sounded proficient enough when explaining all those anatomical details in technical jargon, which forced me to dust off my High School Anatomy lessons from my mental files; the second one was that he was sweating more than Nixon during the debate with JFK, which I conceded was not necessarily a sign of deception, but likely the kind of nervousness triggered by standing up in front of 7000 pairs of eyes.
"Did you believe in ETs before?", Maussan asked Zalce Benítez after he concluded; "I'd never bothered to look into the matter prior to this", he replied, "but now I am convinced that they do exist and are here" (applause from the audience).
This opens up an interesting question: Did Maussan approach the INACIF and Zalce Benítez from a neutral position, saying something like "can you study this Kodachrome slide and tell me what's your opinion of it?" or did he say right off the bat "we think this body is an extraterrestrial, can you prove us wrong?", thus initiating the study with a biased preconception.
Next came the turn of Richard Doble, an anthropologist with studies in comparative anatomy and the evolution of vertebrates, who was shown on-screen explaining how, even though they don't have a body as a definitive proof, he could nonetheless see a lot of features which made him think the 'creature' "presumably came from outer space in a spaceship". And if that's not an outlandish enough conclusion coming from the analysis of *one* single image, he also said the body was evidence of 'convergent evolution' of a gecko-life like form, which he suspected to be vegetarian and "able to communicate electromagnetically."
To me, the only interesting contribution Doble added to Zalce Benítez's analysis, was how he thought it unlikely that the body was a mannequin or Hollywood prop of some kind; that's because he believed a great deal of anatomical expertise would have been needed to pull off that kind of trick. This is somewhat reminiscent of the decades-old discussion surrounding the famous Shroud of Turin, and how its defenders point out how if it's a hoax, it would have required a sophisticated anatomical knowledge of how the Romans crucified their prisoners; and yet for the skeptic-minded this is not enough to convince him the shroud is nothing more than a Medieval forgery.
The last of the experts was Dr. Luis Antonio De Alva Galindo, a professor of anatomy and physiology, who in my mind was even less credible than Doble. His explanation on how the body was not a child because the bones of its skull were welded together like an adult, reminded me of ATA: The tiny corpse presented by Dr. Steven Greer in his documentary Sirius which was studied by a couple of scientists, only to be later found as nothing more than an aborted fetus buried in the Atacama desert, and yet the heat of the sand had caused anomalies in it which had managed to fool some experts; I wondered if a similar explanation could apply with this specimen.
When Dr. De Alva Galindo claimed that the being might have evolved in a low-gravity, low-atmosphere environment, I once again suspected these 'experts' were extrapolating waaaay too much information from just one simple image, showing the body from just one single angle; giving those kinds of out-there conclusions made the 'forensic report' sound like a bunch of wishful thinking.
The presentation was (mercifully) coming to an end, but not before the holographic 're-animation' of the being as promised by Maussan on his promotional campaign, which to me was the most boring part of the whole event, perhaps because due to the position by which I was viewing the stage --up in the left balcony, as I'd mentioned earlier-- any kind of '3d' effect that was supposed to appear on the rectangular screen they used was completely lost; also, Maussan's assurances on how "the alien would come alive and walk on stage" had made me imagine the little guy would start to dance like Tupac in Coachella; instead, the computerized Gray-like alien was mostly moving in one place, as if it was looking at the audience in confusion. Also, I think that instead of projecting it like a ten-foot-tall giant, they should have shown it on a 'natural' scale for a few seconds, if only to add a bit more realism to the whole thing.
But realism was the last thing on the promoters' mind. The fact that the being was shown covered in a tight, one-piece silver suit underlined the fact that the CGI prop was more based on preconceptions and a desire to fit with the Roswell narrative, than any actual forensic reconstruction. "Keep in mind that this is our interpretation," said Maussan; indeed, I later noticed how his 'computer alien' was somewhat different from the one shown in the Kodachrome trailer, which left me wondering if Dew had relied on any forensic analysis to make his. Given how the trailer had been released since February, I suspect he didn't.
By now I realized the event was about to end, and as Maussan presented UFO researcher and historian Richard Dolan, a question started to nag me: All along they've been talking about 2 slides; so far they've only shown one, so what the hell happened to the 2nd one?
As stated earlier, Maussan hadn't asked Richard --of whom I've always had the highest regard-- to validate the authenticity of the slides; however, his mere presence alone on that stage could be interpreted (or misinterpreted) as a de-facto endorsement. Perhaps Dolan was aware of that, since he started his speech by saying how it took him a while to decide whether to accept Maussan's invitation or not --he finally accepted after talking at length with Schmitt and Carey. Unlike the slides promoters however, he was the only one that night who stated having issues with linking them to the Roswell event; he was also the only one to mention how there were limitations to the 'evidence' presented --this was not the 'home run' the Disclosure advocates were waiting for-- and that questions remained concerning the 'chain of custody'; however, it was his opinion that the slides were compelling enough, and that they would prove to be "difficult to debunk." Later that night he would use the same phrase when interviewed by George Noory on Coast to Coast A.M.
Dolan then went on by suggesting how a possible authentication of the slides by independent investigators, could have a "ripple effect" to help erode the wall of secrecy surrounding the UFO phenomenon, imposed by the highest echelons of power. He pointed out how this cover-up has not only denied citizens of their right to know the truth, but has also harmed our society in many other ways; if clandestine funding was required in order to conduct the reverse-engineering of recovered alien technology, he submitted, then it was not a stretch to consider how narcotraffic --a sensitive topic to the Mexican citizenship-- also played a part in those machinations.
After the wall of secrecy crashes down, what happens next? According to Dolan, the world would enter into a 'post-Disclosure' age; a topic he personally has discussed in length ever since he co-wrote the book A.D. with Bryce Zabel. To Richard's credit, most of the audience in the hall stayed until the very end to listen to his words, despite the fact that the big reveal had already happened and there weren't any more surprises in store.
Or so I thought. Because right after Dolan finished, Maussan approached the podium and instead of announcing the end of the event, he said they were going to project the other slide as promised, which was just as the 1st one (from the same angle) but much darker since it had been taken without a camera flash. Why they waited so long to show it to the audience is a matter of speculation; maybe Maussan's team was checking out the reaction to the event on Twitter, and noticed that many were asking about the 2nd slide, so either they were counting on not having the need to show it or they genuinely thought it wasn't worth the trouble.
Even Maussan himself seemed a bit surprised when he laid eyes on the projected image beside him, claiming to the audience how this was the first time he could see the 2nd. slide with such clarity, since up until then he'd always observed it through a computer monitor. He mentioned the placard next to the body, which now showed that it clearly had some writing on it, and stated how "hopefully one day it could be read."
Again, be careful what you wish for...
The Roswell Reveal was over, and as we walked away toward where my cousin Fernando left his car, I asked him his impressions; Had he been convinced by what he was shown? His answer was that he found everything interesting;unlike me he didn't feel the event had been tiresome --although he too was surprised it had lasted so long-- and above all he hoped Richard Dolan's words would come true, and that the slides' "ripple effect" would force the appearance of more supporting evidence. Like my cousin, I suspected that the bulk of the live audience left the National Auditorium with an overall positive impression.
I couldn't say the same about me. That night, as I was rereading my notes, I felt were still a lot of questions needed to be answered, the writing in the placard being the first among them. I also questioned their provenance, or the fact that even if the story of the 2 slides being found inside an envelope hidden underneath the box was true, why weren't they accompanied by some letter explaining their nature and origin? And what was that thing BEHIND the alleged alien body? Did the Army keep Bigfoot heads in that hangar too?
During the whole event I had tried to perform a 'live-tweeting' coverage, and my final post was how either the slides became a rehash of the infamous Santilli 'alien autopsy video' --i.e. a deliberate hoax-- or as a best case scenario, they would turn into the Roswell version of the Patterson-Gimlin film of 1967 --i.e. inconclusive, since a body was needed to provide definitive proof.
Neither myself nor the slides' promoters were counting on a 3rd alternative, courtesy of the Roswell Slides Research Group (RSRG), a group of independent researchers started after Maussan's February announcement, who got together through the power of social networks to analyze beWITNESS's material. Unlike the slide promoters though, the RSRG employed an open-source format to freely share their information with anyone involved; also unlike the promoters and most UFO groups, this one was eclectically formed by people in both sides of the discussion: From hardcore skeptics to pro-UFO investigators, and a few 'radical centrists'.
Once they got their hands on a post-event image of the 2nd slide the RSRG went diligently to work, and in 48 hours they managed to accomplish what the beWITNESS promoters failed to do in 2 years: Decipher the enigmatic text in the placard next to the body, which read
MUMMIFIED BODY OF TWO YEAR OLD BOY At the time of burial the body was clothed in a xxx-xxx cotton shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of three small cotton blankets. Loaned by the MR. Xxxxxx, San Francisco, California
How could this be, when the slides promoters claimed on-stage that the placard was 'unreadable'? Simple, the RSRG responded, through the use of the computer program SmartDeblur.
Ironically, it was once again Adam Dew the one who provided the final nail in beWITNESS's coffin, by posting a better version of the placard on the Slidebox Media website in an attempt to 'prove' how the skeptics had created a Photoshop hoax. Now the RSRG could also establish a clear provenance when replicating the result. Check, and mate.
Thus endeth the Roswell slides saga, and yet the aftermath has proven to be even more surrealist than the May 5th event. The first of the promoters to cave in was, strangely enough, the one who had distinguished himself for being the most virulent attacker of any criticism towards them: Anthony Bragalia, who conceded the placard deciphering was genuine, and was quick to pinpoint the exact location of the mummy at the Mesa Verde National Park Museum --something which was independently corroborated by Micah Hanks; he also seemed to display more remorse in the exploitation of an indigenous boy, than in his previous libelous insults against people like Paul Kimball, whom he falsely accused of being an alcoholic and of having accosted Dr. Mitchell in order to dissuade him of traveling to Mexico.
At first, Richard Dolan was willing to give some credence to Dew's allegations that the deciphered placard had been photoshopped, and kept urging the promoters to release a translated version of the forensic report so it could be properly analyzed by third parties --which hasn't occurred as of today.
Eventually he was convinced of the soundness of the RSRG work, admitted his mistake in letting his personal opinion of the slides' skeptics cloud his judgment about their arguments, and proceeded to distance himself from beWITNESS. Of all the people involved in the event, he is probably the one who had more to lose in this affair, because his was the only reputation that remained untarnished by scandal; because of this some of his critics are not satisfied with what they perceive as a timid retraction.
I see it differently: Richard shouldn't have let himself be involved with someone like Maussan, yes; he was also too trusting of Schmitt and Carey's assurances that the slides were genuine, while instead he should have demanded to be shown hi-def copies of them BEFORE making up his mind. But taking a stance and supporting something will always be riskier than taking the skeptical approach.
He took a chance, and bet on the wrong horse. That stain will always remain in his trajectory, but UFOlogy will not be able to move forward if it doesn't change its self-destructive nature, and allow its members to make honest mistakes.
Speaking of honest mistakes, can the same be said of Don Schmitt? He was the one in charge of determining whether the placard could be read or not, and allegedly submitted them to several expert -- including employees of the Adobe company and even an analyst in the Pentagon (!)-- who all concluded the placard was 'unreadable'. Had these experts never heard of SmartDeblur before, or were they sent poor copies of the slides? Were they even sent copies of BOTH slides, or just the one taken with a flash?
As for Maussan, he's behaving exactly as I suspected he would: Seeing any kind of attack against beWITNESS and the slides as a disinformation campaign against 'the Truth', perpetrated by the powers that be. Anthony Bragalia's apology? He doesn't even believe the man exists(!). Schmitt's caving in? He was forced to release the apology because of legal pressures. The deciphering of the placard? Completely irrelevant! "The only thing that really matters is the forensic report submitted by the experts."
Oh, yes. So what about these so-called experts? Some skeptics have been able to determine how the Canadian anthropologist Richard Doble, is actually an old schoolmate of Tom Carey. Maussan doesn't seem to think that is a conflict of interest though. I suspect he'd say the same about Dr. Luis Antonio De Alva Galindo, who I was able to watch on May 10th during the Sunday transmission of Maussan's TV show Tercer Milenio, promoting the corrective eye clinic Omnilaser.
As for Zalce Benítez, I admit he remains the one single aspect in this whole kerfuffle that gives me pause, and actually makes me wonder whether there was something truly anomalous about that mummified body in the 1st place --even if it had NOTHING to do with Roswell. Indeed, it seems Maussan himself seems to be moving toward that idea, and is now even offering a $5000-dollar reward to anyone able to provide a second photograph of the body, whether it's actually the mummy once exhibited at the Mesa Verde museum, or at the Texas Million Dollar museum, as suggested by Nick Redfern right after May 5th. If enough evidence is given so that the body is actually found, Maussan will raise the price to $10,000 dollars --let's see if the RSRG takes him on his generous offer.
The problem is that señor Maussan seems to be forgetting how it was HE who deliberately promoted the slides to be directly connected to Roswell to the Mexican public, both on national TV as well as radio and the beWITNESS website. And if he needs to be reminded of that, allow me to share an image taken from the pamphlet I received after I was shown my seat at the National Auditorium.
Like the promotion of a simple chunk of ice as the 8th wonder of the world to the people of Macondo in García Márquez's novel "A Hundred Years of Solitude", the sad spectacle beWITNESS turned out to be was arguably the lowest point in the public perception of UFOlogy; a bombastic embarrassment which could have been easily avoided, had the promoters been more willing to share their information with their peers, instead of keeping them close to their chest. But what it's also true is that with the rise of the RSRG beWITNESS could in a way become a rare blessing, forcing the UFO community to move forward in a very positive way.
The deciphering of the placard showed what small groups, working together through the power of social networks can accomplish, and it could very well prove to be the model for a new UFOlogy in the XXIst century --moving from The Invisible College into The Open Source College.
What we need is find a way to harness that initiative, which was focused on solving a very specific problem, and see if it can be replicated on other cases. For that, new strategies for funding research like the one accomplished by the RSRG as well as other independent studies like Project Core --which was carried out by Jeff Ritzmann, Jeremy Vaeni and a group of scientsts as an attempt to gather data about the 'close encounter experience'-- will have to be explored and applied. One thing is for certain though, and that is those small groups will need to move AWAY from exploiting the UFO phenomenon merely as a source of entertainment for the masses --I'm looking at you, Ancient Aliens and Hangar 1!
UFOlogy as a carnivalesque 'showbiz' industry should be left to die and rot once and for all; a freak curiosity of the XXth and early XXIst centuries, which hopefully will amaze and amuse our future descendants when they learn about it in history books --provided it's explained with legible text, of course...
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The Moon, an artificial base; Who put the moon in a perfect orbit around Earth?
The Moon, an artificial base; Who put the moon in a perfect orbit around Earth?
May 26, 2015 - Apparently the moon is a terraformed, engineered piece of hardware, with a 3 mile thick outer layer of dust and rock, which has, below this layer, a thick solid shell of around 20 miles made of highly resistant materials such as titanium , uranium 236, mica, neptumium 237. Not what you would expect to find “inside” the Moon.
Despite six visits announced by US astronauts between 1969 and 1972, the Moon remains an enigma for scientists in many aspects. The solutions to these riddles may indicate an alien aspect of our familiar Moon. Called “the Rosetta Stone of the planets” by Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first president of NASA’s Commission of Lunar Exploration, scientists hoped to understand the composition and formation of the moon and solve some of the mysteries of how our planet and solar system came into existence. However, six lunar landings later, science writer Earl Ubell said: “… the Moon remains a mystery.
The Moon is more complicated than anyone expected, is not just a frozen billiard ball in space and time, as many scientists had believed. The Moon is far older than imagined, some have ventured out to say that it might well be older than planet Earth. The Moon has at least three distinct layers of rock. Contrary to the idea that heavier objects sink, heavier rocks are found on the surface. And there is a gap defined in the distribution of minerals.
The moon is very dry and it does not seem that it had, at some point, substantial amounts of water. None of lunar rocks, regardless of where they were found contained traces of water or even water molecules bound to minerals. Apollo 16 astronauts found rocks containing pieces of rusty iron Since oxidation requires oxygen and free hydrogen, this rust indicates that water should be somewhere on the moon.
Strangely, instruments left by the Apollo missions sent a signal to Earth on March 7, 1971, indicating that “wind” containing traces of “water” had swept across the lunar surface. Since the water on the surface without air is vaporized, it behaves like wind on Earth, the question was where this water originated.
Ubell asked an interesting question;
If the Earth and the moon were created at the same time, close to one another, how come one body, the Earth has great amounts of Iron, while the other body, the moon, has very little of it. Astrophysicists are unable to explain exactly how the moon became a satellite of Earth.
Magnetized moon rocks were found, not strong enough to pick up a clip but they were nevertheless magnetic in nature. But, there is no magnetic field on the moon, so where did the magnetism come from?
Evidence suggests that the moon may be hollow. Moon rocks studies indicate that the interior of the moon differs from the mantle of the Earth in ways that suggests the presence of a very small core, even though some suggest the Moon might not have a core at all. 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated, “If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon be less dense than the outer parts. Indeed, it would seem that the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere.”
The significance was stated by astronomer Carl Sagan way back in his 1966 work Intelligent Life in the Universe, “A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.”
The most incredible evidence that suggests the moon could be hollow came on November 20, 1969, when the Apollo 12 crew, after returning to their command ship, sent the lunar module ascent stage crashing back onto the moon creating an artificial moonquake.
The LM crashed into the surface about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site where ultra-sensitive seismic equipment recorded something both unexpected and astounding – the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. The vibration wave took almost eight minutes to reach a peak, then decreased in intensity, something no one had expected to occur.
Experts were even more surprised about the moon when lunar rocks were found with traces of bronze, mica, amphibole and almost pure titanium. According to the Argonne National Laboratory, uranium 236 and neptunium 237-elements that were not previously found in nature-were discovered in moon rocks. Scientists were baffled when they discovered the presence of rustproof iron particles in a soil sample from the Sea of Crises.
US Air Force Launches X-37B Space Plane on 4th Mystery Mission
US Air Force Launches X-37B Space Plane on 4th Mystery Mission
May 26, 2015 - The U.S. Air Force's X-37B space plane blasted into Earth orbit today, kicking off the robotic vehicle's clandestine fourth mission — as well as the first flight of a tiny solar-sailing spacecraft.
The robotic X-37B space plane launched atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket today (May 20) at 11:05 a.m. EDT (1505 GMT) from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. You can see a video of the X-37B space plane's launch here.
Most details about the space plane's orbital activities are classified, so it's unclear what exactly the X-37B will be doing as it zooms around Earth, or how long it will remain aloft. But Air Force officials have said that mission number four — known as Orbital Test Vehicle-4 (OTV-4) — will concentrate less on the X-37B itself and more on the gear the spacecraft is carrying to orbit. [X-37B Space Plane's 4th Mystery Mission in Photos]
"We are excited about our fourth X-37B mission," Randy Walden, director of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, said in a statement late last month. "With the demonstrated success of the first three missions, we're able to shift our focus from initial checkouts of the vehicle to testing of experimental payloads."
Also on board the Atlas V were 10 miniscule "cubesats," including the LightSail solar sail that was developed by the nonprofit Planetary Society. LightSail aims to prove out key solar-sailing technology ahead of a more ambitious orbital trial next year.
The Air Force owns two X-37B spacecraft, both of which were built by Boeing's Phantom Works division. Each space plane is just 29 feet long by 9.5 feet tall (8.8 by 2.9 meters), with a wingspan of 15 feet (4.6 m) and a payload bay the size of a pickup-truck bed. To put those dimensions into perspective, both X-37Bs could fit inside the payload bay of NASA's now-retired space shuttle orbiter.
The X-37B launches vertically and lands horizontally, on a runway, as the space shuttle did.
The secrecy surrounding X-37B missions has led to speculation in some quarters that the craft is some sort of space weapon — that it's designed to inspect and/or cripple hostile nations' satellites, for example. But Air Force officials have long refuted that notion, saying the X-37B is simply testing out technologies for reusable vehicles and future spacecraft. [Top 10 Space Weapons]
"OTV missions allow us to examine a payload system or technology in the environment in which it will perform its mission," Capt. Chris Hoyler, an Air Force spokesman, told via email. "The unique aspects of the OTV allow us to mature these new technologies and inspect them following the de-orbit sequence."
Air Force officials have not said how long they expect OTV-4 to last, but the mission will be an extended one if the previous X-37B flights are any guide.
This inflatable plane could explore the clouds of Venus²
This inflatable plane could explore the clouds of Venus
May 26, 2015- Northrop Grumman has a new idea for exploring Venus. Announced earlier this month, the Venus Atmospheric Maneuverability Platform (or VAMP) would let NASA skim Venus's upper atmosphere with an inflatable aircraft, deployed from space.
Since the craft is self-inflated, it would be light enough to stay aloft with little to no energy, but still be maneuverable enough to navigate Venus's significant atmospheric winds and durable enough to withstand the sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. The VAMP is designed for NASA's New Frontiers program, which looks for innovative approaches to space exploration. If NASA likes the craft enough to fund it, the VAMP could be exploring the clouds of Venus in just ten years.
Many in the space industry are already seeing Venus as a more practical alternative to Mars exploration. The planet is typically closer than Mars, thanks to a more convenient orbital cycle, making exploratory missions significantly simpler. The surface of the planet is uninhabitable, hot and dense enough to melt lead, but a settlement floating in Venus's clouds would find temperatures, pressures, and radiation levels remarkably similar to Earth.
The most comprehensive mission to Venus came in 2005, when the European Space Agency launched a scientific probe called the Venus Express. At the end of last year, scientists at NASA's Systems Analysis and Concepts Directorate proposed solar-powered blimps as a way for humans to establish permanent settlements in the Venusian clouds. The system was called the High Altitude Venus Operational Concept, or HAVOC for short.
"The vast majority of people, when they hear the idea of going to Venus and exploring, think of the surface, where it’s hot enough to melt lead and the pressure is the same as if you were almost a mile underneath the ocean," HAVOC engineer Chris Jones told IEEE in December. "I think that not many people have gone and looked at the relatively much more hospitable atmosphere and how you might tackle operating there for a while."
Northrop Grumman's proposed craft would be more like the Venus Express than HAVOC, gathering scientific measurements rather than hosting live humans. But the VAMP would reach deeper into Venus's atmosphere than the Express did, gathering more information and providing crucial practical experience in how to outfit a craft to survive in Venus's unique atmosphere. Still, without NASA support, the VAMP is still only a concept, and we won't know whether agency wants to fund the project until it announces the New Frontiers mission next year.
Sometime in August, 1952 during the major UFO sighting wave of that year, Mrs. Suzanne E. Knight, a young housewife and mother, saw a UFO at close range with what appeared to be an occupant aboard. At about 9:30 p.m. on that hot summer evening, Mrs. Knight was in her kitchen when she heard a peculiar “bzzt” noise, apparently against the screen of the kitchen window. The noise was repeated several times and thinking it was a large insect, she went to the window and looked out. She saw a bright object descending rapidly at a 45 degree angle and thought it was a plane about to crash; instead, the object came to a hovering position at a right angle to her, approximately half a city block away and about 300 feet above the ground. The UFO appeared to Mrs. Knight to resemble the wingless fuselage of a plane and was dull silver in color. Something similar to smoke was coming from the rear. The side of the object facing Mrs. Knight was lined with a number of square windows through which a brilliant yellow light was shining. On top and to the front of the object, to her left, was a small red light, extended somewhat above the body. On the underside of the UFO was an undercarriage similar to the gondola of a dirigible; this also contained a row of smaller, square windows and was brilliantly aglow inside with yellow light. Mrs. Knight thought she observed what appeared to be rows of seats, similar to theatre seats, in this lower portion.
Through the upper windows she was able to see what appeared to be a row of cabinets with slanted tops. “There was a man in front,” Mrs. Knight wrote in her report to NICAP, “looking straight ahead towards the front [to her left]. I couldn’t understand what he was looking at so intently, and not moving either. I expected to see a lot of instruments or dials, etc. similar to instrument panels on airplanes, but there were none that I could see.” She said that the bright yellow glow in the object made everything inside look yellow, “even the man.” This occupant wore a kind of helmet and “around his arm and the side of his helmet, next to his face, there seemed to be a shadow or a dark line.”
After watching for a minute or so, Mrs. Knight left the window to phone the newspaper, but she was unable to get an answer. When she returned to the window, the object was still there but the man had disappeared and the undercarriage was no longer visible. “I thought maybe it had moved up into the fuselage, because not even an outline of the car was visible, but it should have been because the street light would have shown it.” At that point the lights in the object were abruptly extinguished and the UFO turned from a dull silver color to a glowing red, “like the door of an old pot-bellied stove.” It also began to rock toward and away from the witness and gave the appearance of being “wavy, like water running over a rock or like heat waves coming out of an electric toaster.” She then began calling for someone else in the house to come and see the object but while she was looking for her sister the object departed. Altogether, the incident had lasted approximately three minutes, at least two minutes of which Mrs. Knight had the object in clear view. The witness told her sister of what she had seen, omitting the detail about the occupant (she was certain her sister would disbelieve her); the sister displayed disinterest and a certain degree of skepticism, so Mrs. Knight ceased to talk of it. She forgot the incident until a number of years later, when she told her husband and children. The report came to the attention of NICAP and Mrs. Knight made out a full report in September, 1967. Following this, she has been interviewed further by a member of the Capital Area NICAP Subcommittee. Mrs. Knight held a responsible job in Prince Georges County.
Mysterious Lights Seen In Russia Have Sparked a UFO Frenzy. The strange white lights appear to be positioned very close together in the footage, which was filmed by baffled onlookers in the area.
The lights appear to remain almost stationary as they shine brightly against the darkening sky. According to information submitted alongside the YouTube video, the UFO was seen in Russia’s Astrakhan region.
As the camera zooms out, it appears that the filmmaker is standing at the other side of a lake, looking across into the deserted countryside.
Check out this great sighting in Vientam this week. Look carefully at its disk shape. When light is added to it, we can clearly make out a massive disk. Its no plane or helicopter. This thing has been seen all over the world, even in Taiwan a 3 weeks ago. Its very similar to the UFO seen over a radio station during the same time at San Diego, California on May 3rd. Click here to check it out and compare. They are upping their game. They are trying harder than ever this week to get us to notice them, so keep your eyes to the sky and cameras ready. SCW
Vietnam News States (translated): UFO appeared above the Bitexco tower?
While walking on the pedestrian street of Nguyen Hue, Ho Chi Minh City, a group of young people accidentally photographed a strange object flying saucer looks (UFO) just above the Bitexco tower.
Recounting the incident, you Nguyen Nhat Phuong Thy were students of Hoa Sen University, said on the evening of 22/5, while with 3 other friends strolling walk in Nguyen Hue Street. Area under Bitexco tower, one of the group of mobile phone users to capture the image of the towers at night. Shooting is completed, the team pulled together to dinner. To cafes, open the phone when reviewing the photos were taken, the whole group was startled to detect a foreign body like UFOs appear in the left corner, just above helipads Bitexco tower. The team members had heated arguments about this mysterious object, people say the UFOs, who then said that it was a toy or filming equipment flycam.
According to the original photographs by youth groups provide reporters Workers, foreign bodies are round, with lights glowing around like UFOs.
Youth groups on said image was taken at about 20 hours and 30 minutes, while confirming not use any tricks to assemble, edit.
Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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