The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
NASA Plans Sending Humans To Mars In A Giant Flying Saucer
NASA Plans Sending Humans To Mars In A Giant Flying Saucer
Spacecraft of giant proportions is going to take the first humans on Mars by 2035 as NASA has big plans to send spacecraft larger than anything it has ever sent to the planet before.
The low-density supersonic decelerator (LDSD) project includes a flying saucer that could take astronauts to the surface of the red planet for the first time in the near future.
To ensure that the spacecraft will be ready for the critical task, the space agency scheduled a test fly off the coast of the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility between 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm on June 2 in Kauai, Hawaii.
The test flight involved transporting the spacecraft above Earth’s atmosphere with the use of a balloon. The NASA technology used to land the Curiosity rover on Mars in 2012 won’t be enough to heavier payloads, such as manned missions.
So, the U.S.-based space agency is pushing the boundaries of the current spacecraft technology with their LDSD project. It plans to design the safest, most cost-effective way of slowing a spacecraft down once it has entered the Mars’ atmosphere.
To slow down a tremendous flying saucer moving at incredible speeds, the technology includes two major components:
A saucer-shaped body
An enormous blow-up tube called the Supersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (SIAD), wrapped around the body.
The June 2 test flight was the second time that the LDSD team put this amazing flying saucer to the test. About a year ago, June 28, 2014, the first flight test happened. In last year’s test flight, NASA splashed down the spacecraft successfully off the Hawaiian coast in the Pacific, and it was retrieved completely intact.
UFO activity in the sky above Sebring, Florida 8-Jun-2015 UPDATE
UFO activity in the sky above Sebring, Florida 8-Jun-2015 UPDATE
Check out this amazing footage of a two separate UFO formations withing 15 minutes of each other. This happened over Sebring in Florida on Monday, 8th June 2015 at 9:45 pm.
Here’s the second footage from a different person:
Witness report: I was watching the hockey game and observed three lights in the sky towards the NE. They were orangeish in color, they remained at the same brightness for several minutes and then faded out one at a time. I went back into the house to get the dogs for there walk and when I went back outside two lights were visible. I called for my wife to come outside as she had done on the first sighting. Again they sustained their glow for a few minutes and faded away. I thought I observed smoke trails above lights but they were not descending, as if held aloft by something. I first thought they were fireworks but they hung in the air too long. Maybe military flares?
NASA Forced To Address Claim A Massive Asteroid Will Hit Earth In September
NASA Forced To Address Claim A Massive Asteroid Will Hit Earth In September
June 9, 2015 - A massive asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, and it is large enough to spell the end of humanity.
This is the radical claim of an online community of biblical theorists who say that life as we know it will be wiped out between 22 to 28 September this year.
Despite their lack of credentials, the popularity of the prediction has now forced Nasa to speak up, dismissing the theory as unfounded.
'Nasa knows of no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth, so the probability of a major collision is quite small,' a Nasa spokesperson said.
'In fact, as best as we can tell, no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years.'
According to the theorists, governments of the world's leading nations are aware of what will happen.
They believe they are keeping the information secret to prevent mass panic and allow the rich and famous time to prepare for the event.
The Inquisitr reports that self-proclaimed prophet Rev Efrain Rodriguez made the original prediction after getting a message from God.
According to the 'message', Rodriguez says the asteroid would strike near Puerto Rico triggering earthquakes and tsunamis.
This, he adds, will devastate the east coast of the US, Mexico, central and southern America.
He warned that Nasa should issue an alert 'so people can be relocated from the areas that are to be affected.'
Other accounts of the apocalypse theory being shared online agree that the event will be a climate catastrophe.
Some cite a meeting between French foreign minister Laurent Fabius and US Secretary of State John Kerry in May 2014 is further evidence the Rapture is approaching, according to the Huffington Post.
Others have even predicted the events will be started by Cern's Large Hadron Collider.
One blogger, said: 'The Cern logo is 666, the sign of the beast in a circle. The Cern collider looks like the all seeing eye or stargate we see so much of.'
Giant New Galaxy Revealed on the Edge of the Universe
Giant New Galaxy Revealed on the Edge of the Universe Images taken from the world's highest observatory, in the Chilean Andes, show the galaxy in extraordinary detail, 11.7 billion light years away from Earth.
Astronomers at the European Southern Observatory [ESO] in Chile have used the technique of gravitational lensing and a virtual telescope to produce unprecedented images of a monstrous galaxy 11.7 billion light years away from Earth.
The images of the galaxy, named SDP.81, were modeled using equipment at the European Southern Observatory [ESO], located on the remote Chajnantor Plateau in the Chilean Andes. The observatory's Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array [ALMA] is a telescope consisting of 66 high-precision antennas, spread over distances of up to 16 kilometers.
The telescope, also known as an interferometer, is equipped with antennas which work together to collect light from near and distant objects in the universe. They act as a huge virtual telescope which is able to take images at a resolution up to six times higher than those taken in infrared with the Hubble Space Telescope.
Using ALMA, the astronomers at the observatory used the technique of gravitational lensing to study the galaxy, which is 11.7 billion light years from Earth.
A large galaxy located between SDP.81 and Earth was used by the astronomers as a lens to study the more distant body; this smaller galaxy magnified the light of its more distant relation and warped it. This effect is an example of "Einstein's Ring," a type of gravitational lens which bends the light from the object behind it.
"The ALMA image of the reconstructed galaxy is spectacular," said Rob Ivison, the ESO's Director for Science.
The resulting reconstructed image of the distant galaxy using sophisticated models of the magnifying gravitational lens, reveal fine structures within the ring that have never been seen before: Several dust clouds within the galaxy, which are thought to be giant cold molecular clouds, the birthplaces of stars and planets.
The images produced reveal giant dusty clouds in SDP.81, thought to be made up of cold molecular gas, from which stars and planets are formed.
Alma was not able to detect the center of SDP.81; the astronomers suspect this is due to the presence of "a supermassive black hole more than 200–300 million times the mass of the Sun" in the smaller, closer galaxy which allowed SDP.81 to be reconstructed.
"ALMA's huge collecting area, the large separation of its antennas, and the stable atmosphere above the Atacama Desert all lead to exquisite detail in both images and spectra. That means that we get very sensitive observations, as well as information about how the different parts of the galaxy are moving. We can study galaxies at the other end of the Universe as they merge and create huge numbers of stars," explains Ivison.
The ALMA telescope is the most complex astronomical observatory ever built on Earth, construction of which was completed in 2014. The facility enables research into the physics of the cold Universe, the first stars and galaxies, and directly images the formation of planets.
The image shows the foreground lensing galaxy (observed with Hubble), and the gravitationally lensed galaxy SDP.81, which forms an almost perfect Einstein Ring, is hardly visible.
"The more distant the galaxy, the further back in time one is looking, so by measuring their distances we can piece together a timeline of how vigorously the Universe was making new stars at different stages of its 13.7 billion year history," explained Joaquin Vieira of the California Institute of Technology, a member of the team studying the universe from ALMA.
Galaxy SDP.81 is seen by ALMA just 2.4 billion years after the Big Bang, when the Universe was only 15 percent of its current age. The smaller, closer galaxy which helped ALMA to model SDP.81 is four billion light years away from Earth; the light from SDP.81 took 11.4 billion years to reach Earth, more than twice the age of our planet.
This past weekend I spoke (on the Men in Black controversy) at the annual MUFON Ohio conference, along with James Fox on the topic of UFOs and the media, and Terry Ray who spoke on the subject of mysterious orbs. At the end of the gig, a couple of people approached me on the matter of “UFO disclosure” and asked me for my thoughts on the controversy.
The disclosure issue continued to be debated after the conference was over and everyone was hanging out and having a good time. There is, clearly, a great deal of frustration in Ufology about the lack of disclosure on the part of whoever may be sitting on sensational, controversial, secret data on UFOs. For the record – and as I noted at the conference – I don’t think, at all, that the U.S. Government is hiding the data.
Far more likely, in my opinion, the entire issue is overseen by some deeply-buried, black-budgeted body that is answerable to no-one. And, based on more than a few things, I think it’s highly likely that the overwhelming majority of people in government, the military, and the intelligence community know absolutely zero about it.
Whatever your or my thoughts on the matter, and despite years of demands that “the government tells us what they know,” the fact is the disclosure movement has not got anywhere. The only thing that has been achieved is a 100 percent failure to deliver. And that’s nothing to be proud of. Inevitably, this provokes people in the disclosure movement to scream and shout even more and insist that we are told the truth. But, there’s another aspect to this which we should not forget.
Non-disclosure is not just the approach taken by whatever this “shadow agency” really is. It’s also the approach taken by the intelligences behind the UFO phenomenon itself. Time and again I have heard accounts to the effect that “the aliens are here to help us.” Well, maybe they are alien and maybe they are here to help us. But, on the other hand, where’s the evidence?
I get sick and tired of the “love and light” brigade (in their brightly-colored robes and hippie sandals, and with their crappy New Age names) telling us that, instead of openly showing themselves to us, benevolent aliens are working wonders behind the scenes to make a better world for us. Really? Again, where’s the evidence? The fact is, the world is in a terrible state and things are not getting any better.
Pretty much everyone in Ufology knows that well-worn question: why don’t aliens land on the White House lawn and do a bit of disclosing themselves? Some might consider it a logical question, but I think it’s an absolutely pointless question, for one specific reason. There is nothing in the history of the UFO phenomenon that suggests such a possibility has ever been on the cards. That imagery, of aliens landing in gleaming ships and speaking to the president and the people, is ours. Not theirs. It’s right out of popular-culture, the world of sci-fi, and our own assumptions concerning how real ETs might act.
If the UFO phenomenon is not just alien, but really alien – as in near-incomprehensible – then there is no reason to think or assume that their thought processes, goals or approaches to communication, would mirror our own. It’s like those ridiculous stories of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, in the 1950s, signing a treaty with aliens to allow them to do what they want on our planet, in return for our access to ET technology.
What a pile of crap! Does anyone really think that an all-powerful race of beings from some faraway solar-system/galaxy would even, or ever, need to enter a pact to achieve its goals? Of course not! They would do whatever the hell they wanted to do, and we would have no means at all to stop them or influence them.
So, what we actually have – instead of treaties, landings in front of the president, and disclosure – is a phenomenon that is so appropriately alien it follows a path that is practically unfathomable to us, and which I will come to in the next paragraph. There are – in my view – two reasons why we don’t have, and won’t have, UFO disclosure.
It’s clear that whatever is behind the UFO phenomenon (extraterrestrials, inter-dimensional entities, cryptoterrestrials, or something completely beyond our present understanding), it takes a decidedly unique approach to its contact with the Human Race. There is no The Day The Earth Stood Still-style agenda for the others. Their approach is to interact with people, to an astonishingly intimate degree, on an individual level.
Close encounters of a deeply personal kind, endless synchronicities, and lives that in some cases are rapidly and radically changed overnight are staple parts of exposure to the UFO phenomenon.
Make no mistake, there is a real UFO phenomenon and there is a real agenda at work. But, it’s an agenda that eludes us. And it’s one in which a worldwide revealing of the nature and intent of the UFO intelligences will not occur, because it’s not meant to. Its stealthy approach of changing lives at an individual level will continue – just as it has since the days when the phenomenon manifested in the guises of gods, angels, demons, fairies, goblins and who knows what else.
Precisely what all of this achieves or is meant to achieve is, of course, a mystery. But, I see no sign of change on the horizon. People will continue to have remarkable, paradigm-shifting experiences on lonely stretches of road late at night, or while camping in the woods, or even in their own home in the dead of night. But ET ain’t gonna sit down with the Prez over coffee and bagels.
As for why that aforementioned “shadow agency” won’t disclose, it’s all very simple. They know, and are petrified by the fact, that the UFO phenomenon has, as I noted above, the ability to potentially interact with each and every one us directly, at any given moment, and to alter our individual perceptions, mindsets, and entire futures. Not by aggressive warfare or worldwide disclosure, but by striding into our personal environment as they see fit. And they cannot be stopped.
Military agencies – all across the planet – are accustomed to dealing with potential enemies in ways they can understand. If the UFO phenomenon threatened to operate in an Independence Day/War of the Worlds-style, it would be worrying for those keeping the secrets, but at least they would understand the concepts of what they were dealing with. Knowing that there is something out there that is so alien, so profoundly baffling, and which – practically at the wave of a hand – can select each and every one of us and transform us, terrifies the keepers of the secret.
That’s why disclosure won’t occur: (A) the phenomenon operates in a fashion, and to an agenda, that doesn’t require disclosure; and (B) the people whose job it is to keep all of this from us are, frankly, frightened to disclose what they know and suspect.
The UFO Disclosure movement needs a good, solid punch in the face to make it wake up and realize this is not just about trying to get “the government to tell us the truth.” It’s way, way more controversial than that. And I will be more than happy to deliver that punch. Or punches.
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Duizenden mensen Bevestigden UFO Crash in Bolivia
Duizenden mensen Bevestigden UFO Crash in Bolivia
Een van de redenen waarom mensen niet geloven in Unidentified Flying Objects is vanwege het gezegde “wat je ziet is wat je gelooft.” Hoewel dit niet altijd van toepassing is, lijkt het in de meeste gevallen de reden te zijn waarom UFO’s zo veel extreem negatieve kritieken ontvangen. Onder de vele UFO-meldingen, is het Bolivia incident een van de vreemdste verhalen die in de media zijn verspreid. In tegenstelling tot alle andere rapporten, waren de getuigen van dit evenement er niet één of twee, maar duizenden mensen.
Het verhaal
Om ongeveer 4:15 op 6 mei 1978, stortte een vreemd object neer op de berg in de buurt van El taire, specifiek op de Bermejo rivier. Dit is de grens tussen Argentinië en Boliviaanse provincie. Er zijn duizenden mensen die het incident zagen. Aanvankelijk was het object moeilijk te beschrijven omdat het niet duidelijk was. Later werd het voorwerp beschreven als een cilindrische vorm met een lichtgevende staart. Het was vlammend en veroorzaakte een supersonische knal die op ongeveer 150 mijl afstand nog werd gehoord. Op de volgende dag waren er kranten die speculeerden over het incident in deze gelabeld “godverlaten” plek.
De verklaringen
Zelfs als duizenden mensen er waren, doken er nog verklaringen op die variëren van UFO’s naar meteorieten tot de Apollo capsule. Het leger was er echter van overtuigd dat de gecrashte object een UFO was. Als bewijs, verklaarden zij dat hun mannen het gecrashte object hebben ontdekt en geïnspecteerd. Het leek een 12 ft doffe metalen cilinder uitgebreid met een paar deuken. Helaas, weet niemand wat erin zat.
Juan Hurtado, de politieagent, had het incident ook gezien en het beschreef het object als een enorme wijn container die een spoor van witte rook uitzendt. Hij beweerde dat hij het duidelijk zag.
De ooggetuigen verzamelden deze verklaringen en wachten op de komst van de technische commissies. Ze zijn ook wachten ook op de NASA deskundigen…
Based on data from the National UFO Reporting Center, the map below displays over 90,000 reports of UFO sightings dating back to 1905. Each circle corresponds to a reported UFO, with the size representing the number of reports received. Thanks also to the Mutual UFO Network for allowing me to reproduce images and videos from their website.
Check out the interactive UFO map to read the details of each UFO report, and in some cases view the photo / video evidence
The most reported UFO sightings
Assuming more reported sightings = more credible, these are the 10 most credible UFO sightings in recent history in the U.S.
1) Tinley Park Lights, Tinley Park, IL (10/2004) – 77 reports
3)Tinley Park Lights, Tinley Park, IL (10/2005) – 72 reports
4) Phoenix Lights, Phoenix, AZ (3/1997) – 65 reports
5) Blue-Green Fireball, the Midwest (7/1997) – 63 reports
6)Tinley Park Lights, Tinley Park, IL (8/2004) – 45 reports
7)Blue-Green Fireball, the Midwest (11/1999) – 43 reports
8)Washginton Fireball, Renton, WA (7/2012) – 40 reports
9)Rockford Lights, Rockford, IL (1/2001) – 25 reports
10)Lights Over NJ Turnpike, Carteret, NJ (7/2001) – 25 reports
Some possible explanations
Illinois is involved in 6 of the 10 UFO sightings listed above, as well as several other mass UFO sightings further down the list.
I thought that was interesting because when you look at the total UFO reports per capita, IL actually ranks pretty low compared with other states.
Hover over the map to see how the states measure up
My initial thought was that it must have something to do with O’Hare Airport, the busiest airport in the U.S. through most of this period.
Are there many UFO sightings around other busy airports?
The blue markers are the five busiest airports in the U.S.
Aside from Chicago, it does not appear there is much correlation between mass UFO sightings and big airports.
The five busiest airports in the U.S.
One pattern I did notice was that many of the mass UFO sightings occur particular dates.
Here is what you get if you plot the number of UFO sightings for each day of the year.
UFOs seem to have a penchant for firework displays.
Both #5 and #8 in the list above occurred on the Fourth of July. And in both cases, the UFOs were described as “fireballs.”
Aside from the obvious explanation, it could just be that more people are looking up at the sky on those nights.
Take a look at these three videos of the “Washington Fireball” UFO sighting and see whether you think they are actually fireworks.
Some of the bigger UFO sightings also coincide with large meteor showers or space craft launches. Though when I looked into it, the effect did not come out very strong.
If you have any other suggestions, please let me know, and I will add them here.
Update: A few people asked about seeing a comparison of UFO sightings vs military bases.
And here is the trend of reported sightings over time. For the past 20 years, it has been growing at a pretty steady rate of about 350 additional reports each year.
Attribution and methods:
Thanks to NUFORC for making their data available, and to MUFON for allowing me to use the images and videos from their website.
To get the coordinates of the reports, I used Open Geocode and the Google Maps API to geocode each one by city and state.
To group the reports together by UFO, I used a very simple clustering algorithm, which looked at coordinates and the dates.
The videos and images were added manually from MUFON’s database and from Youtube.
For the map, I created the base tiles using Mapbox Studio, and used the Mapbox API for the features.
Engineers said the US Air Force is getting closer to testing a hypersonic weapon. They are developing a hypersonic weapon based on an experimental scramjet program. What is a scramjet? NASA said in a "scramjet," or Supersonic Combustion Ramjet, the oxygen needed by the engine to combust is taken from the atmosphere passing through the vehicle rather than from an onboard tank. "Researchers predict scramjet speeds could reach 15 times the speed of sound. An 18-hour trip to Tokyo from New York City becomes a 2-hour flight," said NASA. said this refers to a "supersonic combusting ramjet, has very few moving parts and relies on an air-breathing propulsion system to travel faster than the speed of sound."
Back in 2013, Defense Tech reported that the "Air Force Sees Hypersonic Weapons in 2025"—these would be unmanned super-fast weapons. That same year, The X-51 WaveRider, an experimental "scramjet" made by Boeing, had reached up to five times the speed of sound for a record three and a half minutes. It was called the longest air-breathing hypersonic flight ever. Efforts continue and have reached a point where scientists with the Air Force Research Laboratory and DARPA, the Pentagon's research arm, are working on a hypersonic air vehicle that can travel at speeds up to Mach 5 while carrying g
(Today's cruise missiles travel at speeds up to 600 miles per hour; hypersonic weapons will be able to reach speeds of Mach 5 to Mach 10, according to Air Force officials.) said the WaveRider experimental scramjet was first propelled by a solid rocket booster, a surface-to-surface missile (MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System) A weaponized version of the vehicle would use another missile, not a ground system design.
"Certainly, the U.S. is not the only country involved in developing hypersonic weapons," Mica Endsley, the Air Force's chief scientist, said in an interview with "The advantage of hypersonics is not just that something goes very fast but that it can go great distances at those speeds.
As an example, she said, to get from NY to LA "is a five hour flight in a commercial aircraft. With a hypersonic weapon, you could do that same thing in about 30 minutes."
Endsley said in Defense Tech that the Air Force and DARPA, plan to have a new and improved hypersonic air vehicle by 2023.
For the follow-on weapons program, the Air Force is teaming up with DARPA to shrink the technology into a hypersonic weapon that could fit on most of the bomber fleet, according to Kenneth Davidson, manager of the hypersonic materials development at the Air Force Research Laboratory.
The X-51 size was too big to put it on current bombers; it was made as a demonstrator. Davidson explained in "There's no weapon in it. There are no sensors on board for controlling the guidance. So we're looking at making it more durable, getting the guidance control developed so that it can become a weapon system, developing the ordnance."
Other demonstration projects being developed by DARPA include the Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept and Tactical Boost Glide. Their test flights are scheduled for 2018 or 2019.
Davidson said the goal was to make sure the Air Force "has the knowledge in 2020 or over the next five years to be able to make acquisition decisions using this technology."
The basic ULTRA module, designated ULTRA-C1, comprises a single AESA cluster. The ULTRA C-22 packs 11 stacks of two modules each, measuring 10 by 30 meters. It is a strategic system for the detection and tracking of ballistic missiles and space objects at very long ranges.
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is unveiling an advanced, UHF, Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar at the Paris Air Show. It is designed to search, detect and track ‘air breathing targets,’ including low-observable (stealth) aircraft, missiles, UAVs and ballistic missile targets at very long range, providing operating early warning. The new radar, which has already become operational with an unspecified customer, is part of the new ULTRA family of UHF radars developed by IAI’s ELTA Systems Group and subsidiary.
“Ballistic missiles present a significant global threat to nations,” explained Mr. Nissim Hadas, IAI Executive VP & ELTA President. “We note increasing requirements world-wide for early warning radars, in order to extend the currently available Air Situation Picture and allow commanders and decision makers the valuable extra time for making informed and educated decisions concerning necessary defensive measures.”
The ULTRA (ELM2090) often operates as an early warning asset, supplementing other radars, such as the Super Green Pine (ELM2080S) and the Multi-Mission Radar (ELM2084), providing increased early warning of all types of threats, including stealth aircraft and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) well beyond the range of existing sensors. Once such targets are detected, tracks can be transferred to other assets providing target acquisition and fire control.
The basic module, designated ULTRA-C1, comprises a single AESA cluster measuring 3×3 meters. It is mounted on a rotating pedestal covering 360 degrees. ULTRA C-1 is configured as a relocateable system designed to provide an autonomous search and detection capability at a range of up to 500km for a typical fighter aircraft.
Another variant is ULTRA-C6, which comprises six clusters (three stacks of two units). It is designed to provide early warning, at long ranges, of satellites, ballistic missiles and other airborne targets, while the ULTRA C-22 (a 22-cluster configuration packing 11 stacks of two modules and measuring 10 by 30 meters) is a strategic system for the detection and tracking of ballistic missiles and space objects at very long ranges.
Both C-6 and C-22 are based in fixed sites but can be aimed at specific sectors, using trainable mounts to point the entire array toward an area with coverage of 320 degrees. These radars are employed primarily for long-range early warning against missile attacks, or for space debris monitoring and surveillance. Other cluster configurations are possible to meet specific customer requirements.
The ULTRA radars, already operationally proven, use a modular, common UHF-band cluster architecture capable of wide-angle electronic scanning in both elevation and azimuth. They can be used as autonomous search radars, supporting all defence layers: Air Defence Surveillance for medium ranges, Early Warning for long ranges, and strategic coverage for very long ranges.
Galaxy collisions cause 'starbursts'
It may be a big universe, but it's not big enough for those galaxies that bump into one another. Such interactions can trigger the birth of new stars, creating a so-called starburst; M82 (shown) is the best-known starburst galaxy. Now, as astronomers report online before print in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, they have analyzed 1478 nearby galaxies to compile some statistics: Eighteen percent of starburst galaxies are interacting with other galaxies versus only 9% of normal galaxies. The researchers therefore conclude that galactic interactions do cause starbursts, yet most starburst galaxies are not involved in interactions. That may be because starbursts can arise in other ways, such as when a large cloud of gas falls into a galaxy. A starburst is probably in our distant future: Billions of years from now, the Andromeda galaxy will smash into the Milky Way, stimulating a rash of new star birth as gas clouds in the two giant galaxies crash together.
NASA/WetenschapDe Marssonde heeft op het oppervlak van de rode planeet glasafzettingen ontdekt, zo meldt de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA.
De 'Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter', die al sinds 2006 op de planeet rondrijdt, deed de ontdekkingen in verschillende kraters. Het glas werd daar volgens de NASA gevormd door hitte bij een botsing, bijvoorbeeld door meteorieten.
Het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap NASA werkt aan milieuvriendelijke en stillere supersonische passagiersvliegtuigen. De universiteit van Massachusettes (MIT) ontving daartoe fondsen van NASA.
Supersonisch reizen kwam tot een einde toen de Concorde in 2003 zijn laatste vlucht maakte. NASA besteedt ruim 6 miljoen euro aan onderzoek naar groener en goedkoper supersonisch reizen. MIT onderzoekt de milieueffecten van commercieel supersonisch reizen en bestudeert hoe dergelijke vliegtuigen stiller kunnen worden wanneer ze de geluidsmuur doorbreken.
NASA maakt zich ook zorgen over de milieuimpact. Supersonische vliegtuigen vliegen dichter bij de stratosfeer en verbruiken meer brandstof om hoge snelheden te halen. Dat betekent dat ze gassen uitstoten die schadelijk zijn voor de ozonlaag.
Er zou een enorme asteroïde op ramkoers liggen met de Aarde en ze is groot genoeg om een einde te maken aan de mensheid. Dat is de radicale claim van een online community van bijbelse theoretici die zeggen dat tussen 22 en 28 september het leven zoals wij het kennen, weggevaagd zal worden. Ondanks hun gebrek aan referenties en geloofwaardigheid, is de theorie populair geworden. Zo populair dat NASA zich gedwongen voelde om de theorie tegen te spreken en af te doen als onzin.
“NASA heeft geen weet van een asteroïde of komeet die momenteel op ramkoers zou liggen met onze planeet. De kans op een grote botsing lijkt dus vrij klein,” zei een woordvoerder van NASA. “In feit kunnen we zo goed als zeker zeggen dat er geen grote blok ruimtepuin op de Aarde zal inslaan in de komende 100 jaar.
Volgens de theoretici zijn de regeringen van ‘s werelds meest toonaangevende landen al op de hoogte van de situatie. Ze geloven dat de informatie geheim gehouden wordt zodat er geen massale paniek ontstaat.
De zelfverklaarde profeet Rev Efrain Rodriguez kreeg de oorspronkelijke voorspelling van God zelf te horen. Volgens de boodschap zou de asteroïde inslaan in de buurt van Puerto Rico met een reeks aardbevingen en tsunami’s als gevolg. Daardoor zal de oostkust van de Verenigde Staten, Mexico, Midden-en Zuid-Amerika volledig verwoest worden.
Volgens de profeet moet NASA een waarschuwing geven zodat mensen zich kunnen redden en wegtrekken uit gebieden die rechtstreeks getroffen worden.
Mocht de profeet toch gelijk krijgen, kunnen we altijd een team van olieboorders naar de asteroïde sturen om een gat te boren en haar op te blazen met een kernbom…
My family and I were on the lake; we had been out there all day. We threw out some floats for catfish around 8 pm and headed back to the docks slowly cruising on the pontoon boat. As we came around the bend of one of the bays we could see the lights from the docks. Just above all the lights there was a small very shiny “star.” I said to my son “Hey, look at that star.” We all looked, and then it got bigger and bigger. The light was so bright, but didn’t have a beam as any other light would when shining at night. Then as it came closer to the boat we stopped and shut the boat off. The light started to dim; then it came about 30 ft. from the boat or less, and hovered for a minute or two. Then it went to the left as it hovered over the water. There were pulsating lights of a silver tint. It wasn’t a huge craft but it was big. The light was so bright at the beginning of the sighting it was unreal. It was so close to us, and it was transparent or black at the same time. I think I could see through it, but it was black at the same time. This could have been from the sky, but I am not sure. The whole thing was pretty incredible.
Mayan documentary to show ‘evidence’ of alien contact in ancient Mexico
Guatemala and Mexico release secret documents and artefacts for forthcoming film Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond
Starstruck … a Mayan astronomical frieze in Belize. Photograph: Alamy
The ancient Mayans had contact with alien visitors who left behind evidence of their existence, according to a new Mexican documentary.
Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo’s Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond is currently in production for release next year to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar, reports the Wrap.
Producer Raul Julia-Levy said the documentary-makers were working in cooperation with the Mexican government for what he said was “the good of mankind”. He said the order to collaborate had come directly from the country’s president, Álvaro Colom Caballeros.
“Mexico will release codices, artefacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact, and all of their information will be corroborated by archaeologists,” he said. “The Mexican government is not making this statement on their own – everything we say, we’re going to back it up.”
Caballeros himself was conspicuous by his absence from the statement released by Julia-Levy. So far, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, Luis Augusto García Rosado, appears to be the highest-ranking government official to go on record confirming the discovery of extraterrestrial life, but he’s not holding back.
In a statement, Rosado spoke of contact “between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time”. In a telephone conversation with the Wrap, he also spoke of “landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old”.
The documentary is believed to focus in part on previously unexplored sections of a Mayan site at Calakmul, Mexico, as well as a number of sites in Guatemala, where officials are also backing the documentary.
“Guatemala, like Mexico, home to the ancient-yet-advanced Mayan civilisation … has also kept certain provocative archeological discoveries classified, and now believes that it is time to bring forth this information in the new documentary,” Guatemala’s minister of tourism, Guillermo Novielli Quezada, said in a statement.
The Mayan calendar ends on 21 December 2012, a fact which conspiracy theorists have used to predict imminent apocalypse. However, according to Mayanist scholars there is no evidence that the Mayans themselves expected cataclysmic events to occur once the calendar had reached its denouement. More likely, it would simply mark the beginning of another 5,125-year-long cycle.
US Congress has close encounter over extraterrestrial life
Witnesses from Nasa and MIT suggest to House committee that scientists may be on verge of breakthrough in search for aliens
Congress … phone home. Photograph: Allstar/Cinetext/Universal
The search for extraterrestrial life crosses every boundary. It has surpassed the limit of where humans can travel and tested the limits of what we can see. The quest must pass through time as well as space.
Also: Congress.
A House committee convened on Wednesday to take up an abiding mystery of the universe: are we Earthlings alone? After about 90 minutes of testimony, committee chair Lamar Smith of Texas gaveled the hearing to an inconclusive close.
It was not, however, a fruitless outing. In impassioned testimony, witnesses fromNasa, MIT and the Library of Congress described a crossroads in the search for life out there and suggested scientists may be on the verge of a breakthrough.
“This is the first time in human history we have the technological reach to cross the threshold,” said Dr Sara Seager, an MIT professor and 2013 MacArthur “genius grant” recipient. Her work focuses on the detection of “biosignature” gases on distant planets, large volumes of which might indicate life, whether intelligent life or single-cell bacteria.
Seager testified that the James Webb space telescope, scheduled for launch in 2018, and other advances are changing the search for alien life forms. “If life really is everywhere, we actually have a shot at it,” she said.
Nasa announced last month that its Kepler mission had discovered 3,500 potential planets in the Milky Way galaxy, including 647 thought to be the right distance from stars to support inhabitants. The Hubble space telescope has detected water in the atmospheres of five planets outside the solar system,according to two studies released this week.
“The chance is very high” of life elsewhere in the universe, Seager said. “The question is: is there life near here, in our neighborhood of stars? We think the chances are good.”
The witnesses said that sustained funding was needed for scientific research in general and space research in particular. The latest White House budget calls for $17.7bn for Nasa, a slight decrease from 2012 after deeper cuts in the last decade.
“I know that funding is tough, but it’s the best thing that you can do,” said Dr Mary Voytek, senior scientist for astrobiology at Nasa.
“You’ve pretty much indicated [the discovery of] life on other planets is inevitable,” observed Bill Posey, Republican of Florida. “It’s just a matter of time and funding.”
Ook in Nederland verschijnen UFO's op dezelfde plaats.
Ook in Nederland verschijnen UFO's op dezelfde plaats.
Enkele dagen geleden schreven wij een artikel over een steeds wederkerende UFO boven een Belgisch dorp.
Uit de binnengekomen reacties blijkt dat iets dergelijks niet alleen bij onze zuiderburen gebeurt, maar ook in ons land.
Naar aanleiding van het geplaatste artikel kregen wij een aantal interessante reacties (dank!).
De volgende is bijzonder omdat het eigenlijk aantoont dat je als gewoon mens wel degelijk (telepathisch) met UFO’s kunt communiceren en dit dan ook weer ondersteunend bewijs kan kan zijn van waarom de één wel UFO’s ziet en de ander niet.
Wat het laat zien is dat UFO’s inderdaad regelmatig op dezelfde plek terugkeren.
Hier is een (deel) van het verhaal van de lezer: Ik ben beroepsfotograaf (bijna 55), jullie vroegen (vandaag, zondag) of profs kunnen beoordelen wat fake of niet fake is.
Das moeilijk ...zonder originele beelddragers en info. En zeker een “gewone fotograaf” zoals ik, zal waarschijnlijk nooit een prof. gemaakte fake kunnen herkennen.
Wat de oranje bollen betreft lijkt het me sterk dat mensen dit faken.
De filmpjes lijken me in de laatste video in jullie bericht echt. De Belgische bol danst wel erg boven de horizon op en neer. ik heb nog geen enkele bol op en neer zien vliegen.
Ik kan je ook een filmpje sturen ....maarrr ik heb zo’n klein film camera’tje, die wiebelige beelden maakt als je het ding niet goed stil houdt.
Dus, omdat het filmpje een heen en weer schietende (witte) bol bevat, stuur ik het maar niet.
Wel heb ik een printscreen gemaakt van een pauze moment.
En nu komt het... Al enkele jaren vliegt een witte bol praktisch iedere dag, rond ongeveer de zelfde tijd, tussen half elf en één uur s ’nachts, recht over het dak van het pand waar ik woon.
Okay, in de winter ga ik niet op m’n balkon zitten wachten tot ie komt dus ik weet niet of hij iedere dag vliegt. Zzoals nu, met lekker weer zit ik wél te wachten.
Gisternacht, een paar min. na half één, zag ik hem voor de 3e keer dit jaar aan komen vliegen. Vanaf het moment dat ik hem zie aankomen tot verdwijnpunt duurt het ongeveer 4 minuten.
Het is moeilijk te schatten hoe hoog hij vliegt omdat ik niet weet hoe groot de bal/orb/ufo is. Ik doe een gok tussen 150 en 300 m.
Hij vliegt altijd van west naar oost. min of meer exact de zelfde route. Nee, het is geen vliegtuig of whatever. Het is een bol wit licht, zo fel als de zon, het maakt geen geluid.
Vorig jaar heb ik de bol ook enige malen gefotografeerd.
En geloof het of niet..... de bol was op een dag vlakbij de dakrand, ik zei zachtjes: “Please stop even, dan kan ik nog een paar foto’s maken...”.
Hij stopte enkele seconden en vloog verder.
Ja, ik geloof er heilig in dat ze je kunnen horen of door middel van telepathie contact kunnen hebben. Ik kijk namenlijk nergens meer van op ...alles is mogelijk.
Zo heb ik een paar jaar geleden in een natuurgebied hier dichtbij een wolk in de lucht gezien in de vorm van een rechthoekige schoenendoos. Voor de eerste keer had ik toen m’n mini verrekijker meegenomen, ik dacht ..zie ik dat goed??
En ja, kijkend met de verrekijker naar de wolk zag ik plotseling een verticaal “olie vat” uit deze wolk komen vliegen (dus de vorm van een olie vat).
Ook heb ik exact dezelfde ufo als boven de tempel Dome in Israël gezien, gewoon vanaf m’n balkon een kleine 150 m verderop.
Ik zag hem het laatste stukje naar beneden komen, ter hoogte van of net boven de daken bleef hij hangen, een soort zwarte lampenkap waar aan de onderkant ontzettend fel licht uit kwam.
Ik rende naar binnen om het verrekijkertje te pakken, enkele sec. later terug op het balkon ...en verdwenen was hij. Het kan niet anders zijn dat deze ufo net zo omhoog geschoten is als die in Israël.
Wellicht merk je dat ik tamelijk gedreven vertel over m’n ufo ervaringen, ja ik ben bijna bezeten van het fenomeen ufo.
Met een jaar of 9 lag ik al ‘s avonds laat op het gras en zocht de ufo’s.
Ik heb jullie/je al een keer verteld over m’n close encounter met een black triangle. Deze ervaring is de meest bijzondere die ik ooit heb meegemaakt, alles andere valt in het niet bij dat wat ik heb gezien. De black triangle die zovelen over de hele wereld hebben gezien, heb ik van mega dichtbij gezien.
De laatste jaren krijg ik vaker de behoefte om deze ufo (na) te bouwen. maar ja, waar laat je zo’n groot kartonnen object ? ...ik dwaal af :)
Als je berichten van mensen krijgt die vertellen dat vliegende bollen regelmatig overvliegen, dan geloof ze maar.
Met een beetje geluk gaat het me dit jaar lukken om een goed filmpje te maken van de bol. ook ga ik proberen hem met (foto) camera gemonteerd op een telescoop te vangen. Dit is erg moeilijk, als hij op je af komt en vanwege het smalle blikveld van de telescoop. Zijwaarts vliegen is makkelijker te vangen. scherpstelling is dan vast, met een telescoop moet je vangen én handmatig scherpstellen als hij op je af vliegt, das lastig.
Als het lukt, dan ...zullen de foto’s net zo scherp worden als deze. (welke ik al reeds eerder gestuurd heb)
Van rechts naar links vliegende gele bol. deze bol heb ik 3x gezien, dit is de mooiste opname.
Three Pilots Sighting UFOs over the UK’s Scientology HQ
Three Pilots Sighting UFOs over the UK’s Scientology HQ
Within the vicinity of Gatwick Airport in London, the pilots of three separate passenger planes have reported catching sight of a pair of flat silver discs hovering near UK Headquarters. Some of them have reported seeing discs flying 100 feet, moving stationary or slowly. Air traffic controllers claimed that they catch six UFOs on radar and after its appearance, they rapidly vanished. These encounters were announced by an agency that investigates mid-air collisions. From the report last week, it failed to lay down an explanation in pilot sightings at 9 am last Dec. 30.
It described how the Boeing 777 pilot raised the alarm after recognizing “two flat silver discs” over the Scientology headquarters in East Grinstead minutes from touchdown at Gatwick at 8:53 a.m. Minutes later, an Airbus 319 and a Boeing 767 saw similar “saucer-like” object hovering about 1,000 feet above the ground. According to the 777 crew, they looked like a “man-made” object. Fortunately, Airprox Investigators considered their explanations that include objects were kites or balloons. The juxtaposition of Scientology and UFOs is not surprising. While some people think that the movement have the answers to the questions related to life, some others believe that aliens inhabit humans. Despite the fact that Scientologists insist that “Alien Descendent” theory is made by the Internet fringe out from scurrilous statements. Tom Cruise is the movement’s most celebrated follower.
Unfortunately, Pope believes that the alleged theories do not hold water. Even though the Airprox board has speculated that the objects were a form of toys, they still conclude that such objects remained untraced. In their report, the Airprox made no connection to the Church of Scientology because the headquarters in question are miles away from where the sightings took place. The Sun felt that Scientology is a connection with aliens was appropriate.
The encounter was experienced the day before the Scientologists carved messages to aliens in an “alien space cathedral” in Northeastern New Mexico’s hills.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.