The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Dr. Micheal Salla has indicated that there is a Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or MIEC, and that Earth is being assimilated by an alien agenda which also operates on Earth’s Moon.
The photo below is similar to many that I myself have seen. It appears that the Chinese who took the photo, have confirmed that aliens exist. The Chinese have probably been in contact with these aliens already.
That would explain why so many radio telescopes are searching for signals from aliens, and more being built as we speak, yet no reported signals from aliens were reported to the public.
The report stipulates:
“I was sent some pictures by a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang’e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moons surface. He also claims NASA has deliberately bombed important areas of the Moon in an effort to destroy ancient artefacts and facility’s. Pictures yet to be released clearly show nuclear impact craters and building debris caused by explosions in an effort by NASA to destroy the truth. China is moving toward full disclosure of the Extraterrestrial reality, if these images and future ones are verified genuine then NASA should be investigated for fraud and treason. China will be releasing all the data and images from the Chang’e-2 in the coming weeks and months, lets hope this is the beginning of a new era.”
Source:The Canadian
Have you ever wondered why we haven’t returned to the moon again? The truth is that NASA is hiding a very dark secret from us
Is there an “Alien Base” on the Moon? More and more people are coming forward with stories that might prove this is true. Rumors say that there is an Alien Moon Base on the far side of the moon, the side we never see from Earth.
Did you ever wonder why the Moon landings stopped and why we have not tried to build a Moon Base? It does seem like a better and easier idea than a floating space station with no access to any raw materials or supplies? According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon!
Sound far fetched? Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence Officer tells us that not only does the Alien Moon Base exist but the U.S. Naval Intelligence Community refers to the Alien Moon Base as “Luna,” that there is a huge mining operation going on there, and that is where the aliens keep their huge mother ships while the trips to Earth are made in smaller “flying saucers”.
LUNA: The Alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as mother ships exist there. - Milton Cooper
Date of sighting: June 20, 2015 Location of sighting: Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England
Eyewitness states: UFO Orange Orb Spotted at Spilsby, Lincolnshire , England 20th June 2015 9:50 pm to 10:10 pm “Spotted Last Night by Myself, Sorry for the quality of the Video & bad language also, I wanted it to come closer as I knew my mobile was crap at picking up the light as well as the quality, it is all I had to film it quickly though.. The UFO was seen Twice in the space of 30 mins, the first time rose into the air & Vanished, before coming back minutes later but much closer. The UFO then hovered into the air and became stationary, it then went into a cloud and slowly dimmed.. It Created a massive Lightning storm without thunder for 3 hours. Only The tops of the Clouds where the UFO had gone were lit up in powerful bursts of electrical lightning energy.. Very Weird Evening to say the least.”
What is this light jumping around in the clouds? This was filmed by during sunset, June 2015, in Greenwood, Indiana. One explanation for this are “ice particles high in the atmosphere gaining an electrical charge and shifting orientation”. Others think it’s HAARP.
Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy
No, the video is NOT all a seminar. You have no idea of how far ahead we’ve advanced when it comes to technology. How much more evidence does one need when incredible objects, that are extremely similar to each other, are filmed in the skies over earth, and in outer space, before the realities become evident to all? This video starts slow, but by the time you get to the end of it? You’ll know a lot more about life than you currently do. Made for content. Yes, there are certain particular clips that I’ve put into a few of my videos (short clips and very important for the public to know about aka nanobot technologies).
There are so many ancient artifacts from the past that still perplex us today. How did ancient civilizations create such intricate and advanced technologies? There are so many mysteries surrounding humanities past that we are finally becoming aware of. There seems to be a lot more going on than meets the eye…
1: The London Artifact - This artifact is speculated to be so extremely old that part of the wooden handle has turned to coal. Coal is known to take millions of years to form, so then how is this possible? How old could this strange artifact actually be?
2: The Fuente Magna Bowl - This is one of the most controversial artifacts in South America. It is a large stone bowl, similar to a container for making libations, baptisms or for purification ceremonies. Found by a villager near Lake Titicaca, the engraved writing lining the bowl is thought to be Sumerian!
3: The Hidden Character Stone - This stone is located in a scenic area in Zhangbu village, China. This incredible carving is thought to be a staggering 270 million years old?! There are different versions of the writing that essentially translates to “Communist Party of China”.
4: The Antikythera Mechanism - This is an incredible 2,000-year-old astronomical calculator built by ancient Greeks! This spectacular mechanism is far more advanced than anything that was built in the following ten thousand years or so. How did they have the knowledge to create something so intricate?
5: Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone-The stone’s age, purpose, and origin are unknown. It was found in the late 1800s by a few working men digging a fence post. The carvings on one side of the stone show an image of corn and several other unknown figures. The other side is more abstract, featuring pictures of arrows, a moon, some dots and a spiral. What do you think these mean?
6: The Voynich Manuscript - This artifact is astonishing because it’s origins and language are completely unknown and is said to be the handwritten diary of an alien! Packed full of plant life, strange symbolism and diagrams, it is covered in a mysterious language that can’t be traced back to any known civilization.
I suggest doing some more researching into this particular fascinating artifact. See what the images make you think of and maybe you could decode it’s meaning!
7: The Giant Dinosaur Eggs - These are crazy fossilized eggs that were found in Russia with an unknown exact origin. We think they date way back to an amazing 60 million years ago! Scientists suggest it was laid by a very large prehistoric reptile, but the exact species that laid the eggs still remains a mystery…
8: The Baghdad Batteries - Alright this is a good one. These 2,000 year old batteries were found in Khujut Rabu just outside Baghdad. People were creating batteries that long ago?! These artifacts show that our people of the past were so much smarter than we give them credit for. These batteries were able to create a low current electrical stream to power – what exactly?
9: The Piri Reis Map - This is a strange world map designed in 1513 by Piri Reis. It was created far before any kind of aerial viewing technology existed. The map shows parts of the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. How is this possible?! Hot air balloons? Remote viewing? You be the judge!
10: The Stone Spheres of Costa Rica - There is an assortment of over 3,000 perfectly carved rounded stones. There is no solid explanation as to why, how, or when they were placed there. How did these balls get carved so smoothly without the use of any advanced technology? There is so much more going on in our world than we are being taught.
This year has been a year of spectacular discoveries in archaeology, from 4,000-year-old sunken ships, to enormous megalithic stones, mysterious man-made ditches, the oldest known examples of cave art in the world, a monumental tomb in Greece, and even a newly revealed pharaoh of Egypt.
Advances in technology also enabled the discovery of hidden Maya temples in the jungles of Mexico, hundreds more structures in the Stonehenge landscape, and new understandings of the human genome.
It is almost impossible to narrow down one year of magnificent findings to ten, so we have chosen to feature ten discoveries of 2014 that revealed striking new information about our ancient past.
10. 4,000-year-old sunken ship found in Turkey is among oldest in the world
An excavation at the port of Urla underwater archaeological site in Turkey revealed a sunken ship that is believed to date back 4,000 years. The surprising discovery is the oldest known shipwreck ever found in the Mediterranean, and is also among the oldest known shipwrecks worldwide.
The port of Urla, which served the ancient Greek settlement of Klazomenai, sunk following a natural disaster, probably an earthquake, in the 8th century BC, making the area popular for underwater research.
Numerous sunken ships have already been found in Urla, ranging from the 2nd century BC to the Ottoman period. Uncovering a ship that is believed to date back to around 2,000 BC, is incredibly rare and significant and an important milestone for archaeology.
9. Newly dated Asian cave drawings rewrite history of human art
A study published in October 2014, in the journal Nature, revealed that more than 100 ancient paintings of hands and animals found within seven limestone caves on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, are as old as famous prehistoric art in Europe.
The research showed that humans were producing rock art by 40,000 years ago at opposite ends of the Pleistocene Eurasian world.
Maxime Aubert, study lead and archaeologist and geochemist of Australia’s Griffith University, explained that before this discovery, experts had a Europe-centric view of how, when, and where humans started making cave paintings and other forms of figurative art.
However, the fact that people in Sulawesi were also producing art at the same time suggests that either human creativity emerged independently at about the same time around the world, or when humans left Africa they already had the capacity and inclination for art.
A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences earlier this year revealed that a series of mysterious lines and geometric shapes carved into the Amazonian landscape were created thousands of years ago before the rainforest even existed.
The purpose of the massive earthworks and who created them remains unknown, and scientists are beginning to realise just how much there still is to learn about the prehistoric cultures of the Amazonand life before the arrival of Europeans.
The unusual earthworks, which include square, straight, and ring-like ditches, were first uncovered in 1999, after large areas of pristine forest was cleared for cattle grazing. Since then, hundreds of the earthen foundations have been found in a region more than 150 miles across, covering northern Bolivia and Brazil’s Amazonas state.
Until recently, it was believed that the earthworks dated back to around 200 AD. However, the latest study has revealed that they are, in fact, much older. Study author John Francis Carson, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, explained that sediment cores had been taken from two lakes near the major earthwork sites.
These sediment cores hold ancient pollen grains and charcoal from long-ago fires, and can reveal information about the climate and ecosystem that existed when the sediment was laid down as far back as 6,000 years ago.
The results revealed that the oldest sediments did not come from a rainforest ecosystem at all. Rather, they showed that the landscape, before about 2,000 to 3,000 years ago, looked more like the savannahs of Africa than today’s lush rainforest.
The earthworks predate the shift from savannah to rainforest, which reveals that the creators of these ditches carved them before the forest moved in around them.
7. Largest known megalithic block from antiquity revealed at Baalbek
A new analysis conducted by the German Archaeological Institute at the ancient stone quarry of Baalbek/Ancient Heliopolis, in Lebanon, calculated the size and weight of an enormous monolith, and concluded that it is the largest known stone block ever carved by human hands.
Located at an altitude of approximately 1,170 meters in the Beqaa valley, Baalbek is known to have been settled from at least 7,000 BC, with almost continual settlement of the Tell under the Temple of Jupiter, which was a temple since the pre-Hellenistic era.
During the period of Roman rule, Baalbek was known as Heliopolis (“City of the Sun”), and housed one of the largest and grandest sanctuaries in the empire. One of the most awe-inspiring features of Baalbek are the incredible megalithic foundations of the Temple of Jupiter.
The temple was built on platform of stones that are among the largest building blocks seen in the whole world. How they were cut so finely and moved into place has defied explanation, particularly considering the blocks are known to have weighed over 1000 tons.
The gigantic blocks used in the foundations of the Temple of Jupiter came from a nearby quarry located around 800 meters (2,600 ft) from the temple.
The limestone quarry houses two massive building blocks that never made it to the temple – one weighing about 1,240 tons, and the other, known as the “Hajjar al-Hibla,” or The Stone of the Pregnant Woman, weighs about 1000 tons.
But the German archaeological team found a third building block next to the Hajjar al-Hibla stone and underneath it. Still partially buried, the monolith measures measures 19.6 meters (64 feet) in length, 6 meters (19.6 feet) in width, and at least 5.5 meters (18 feet) in height. Its weight has been estimated at 1,650 tons, making it the largest known stone block from antiquity.
6. 500,000-year-old engraved shell challenges previous beliefs about human ancestors
Research conducted on a mollusk shell, dated to between 430,000 and 540,000 years, found over a century ago on the Indonesian island of Java, revealed that it contains the oldest engraving ever found and that it was almost certainly etched by a Homo erectus, an early human ancestor that emerged around 1.9 million years ago and became extinct around 150,000 years ago.
The discovery challenged preconceived notions about human ancestors, showing that, like Homo sapiens, they produced abstract design or perhaps even an early form of written communication.
Josephine Joordens, a post-doctoral researcher at Leiden University in the Netherlands, and colleagues, published a paper in December 2014 in the journal Nature, revealing that the discovery provides evidence for symbolic activity and shows that “engraving abstract patterns was in the realm of Asian Homo erectus cognition and neuromotor control.”
While to many this may seem unsurprising, the finding challenges conventional perspectives about the evolution of human behaviour.
5. Oldest-known Human genome sequence sheds light on interbreeding with Neanderthals
A study published in the journal Nature in October 2014 revealed the DNA results from a 45,000-year-old leg bone from Siberia, producing the oldest genome sequence ever carried out for Homo sapiens – nearly twice the age of the next-oldest known complete modern human genome.
The results have helped pinpoint when Homo sapiens first interbred with Neanderthals, and adds more pieces to the puzzle of ancient human migration across the world.
The ancient leg bone was found in 2008 on the left bank of the river Irtysh near the settlement of Ust’-Ishim in western Siberia. The human femur was sent to the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, where testing was conducted.
The results revealed that the DNA of the “Ust’-Ishim Man” contained 2% DNA from Neanderthals, roughly the same proportion that can be found in modern Europeans today. This reveals that interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans must have occurred prior to the age of the Ust’-Ishim Man.
While previous estimates suggested the interbreeding may have occurred as early as 36,000 years ago, scientists have now revised their estimates to between 50,000 and 60,000 years ago.
The research team also compared the genetic sequence of Ust’-Ishim man with the genomes of 50 different groups of modern humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. The results indicated that this man was equally closely related to present-day Asians and to early Europeans.
This suggests that the population to which Ust’-Ishim man belonged diverged from the ancestors of present-day Europeans and Asians before, or around the same time, that these two groups separated from each other.
4. New Pharaoh Discovered in Egypt – Introducing King Seneb Kay
In January, 2014, archaeologists in Egypt discovered the burial place and the remains of a previously unknown pharaoh who reigned more than 3600 years ago.
The skeleton of King Seneb kay (also written Senebkey) were uncovered at South Abydos in Sohag province, about 500 kilometres south of Cairo, by a University of Pennsylvania expedition working with the government.
Never before heard of in ancient Egyptian history, King Seneb kay’s name was found inscribed in hieroglyphics written inside a royal cartouche – an oval with a horizontal line at one end signalling a royal name. King Saneb kay was found in a wooden sarcophagus inside a badly damaged stone tomb with no roof.
He was originally mummified but his body was destroyed by ancient tomb robbers and only his skeleton remained. No funerary goods were found in the tomb, which confirms it had been looted in ancient times.
“This was the first time in history to discover the king,”said Ali Asfar, Head of Antiquities for the Egyptian government.
3. Archaeologists Discover Two Long Lost Ancient Maya Cities in Jungle of Mexico
In an amazing discovery in the jungles of Mexico, archaeologists uncovered two ancient Mayan cities, including ruined pyramid temples, palace remains, a monster mouth gateway, a ball court, altars, and other stone monuments. One of the cities had been found decades ago but all attempts to relocate it had failed.
The other city was previously unknown and is a brand new discovery, shedding new light on the ancient Mayan civilization. Expedition leader Ivan Sprajc, of the Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), explained that the finding was aided by aerial photographs of the tropical forest of central Yucatan in the state of Campeche, Mexico.
Some anomalies were noticed among the thick vegetation of the forest and so a team was sent in to investigate further. Archaeologists were stunned to discover an entire city in an area between the Rio Bec and Chenes regions, extending some 1,800 miles, which are characterised by their Classic architecture dating to around 600 to 1,000 AD.
Sprajc explained that both cities “open new questions about the diversity of Maya culture, the role of that largely unexplored area in the lowland Maya history, and its relations with other polities.”
2. Spectacular Macedonian tomb and human remains unearthed in Amphipolis, Greece
Archaeologists excavated a spectacular Macedonian tomb in Kasta Hill, Amphipolis, dating to the period of Alexander the Great (4th century BC), resulting in the discovery of human remains which are currently undergoing testing.
Kasta Hill lies in what was once the ancient city of Amphipolis, conquered by Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great, in 357 BC.
Experts have known about the existence of the burial mound in Amphipolis, located about 100km northeast of Thessaloniki, since the 1960s, but work only began in earnest there in 2012, when archaeologists discovered that Kasta Hill had been surrounded by a nearly 500-meter wall made from marble.
Several months ago, archaeologists discovered a path and 13 steps leading down from the surrounding wall. It was then that they uncovered a limestone wall protecting and concealing the entrance of the tomb of Amphipolis.
Behind the wall, archaeologists revealed two marble sphinxes, both headless and missing their wings, but these were recovered during excavations.
Bit by bit, the grand tomb began revealing the secrets that had lain hidden for 2,300 years, including two magnificent caryatid statues, a detailed mosaic depicting the Abduction of Persephone, and a secret vault containing a limestone sarcophagus with human remains. Archaeologists are due to announce the discovery of the tomb’s occupant in one month’s time.
1. Radar finds HUNDREDS more megalithic monuments, chapels, and shrines around Stonehenge
In a groundbreaking news release in September 2014, archaeologists revealed the results of a four-year-long project to map the hidden landscape beneath the surface of the Stonehenge environs, and what they found was nothing short of amazing.
Through their high-tech devices they could see a landscape teeming with burial mounds, chapels, shrines, pits, and other structures, which had never been seen before.
The biggest surprise was a 330 metre long line of up to 60 buried stone pillars, inside the bank of a large, bowl-shaped feature called Durrington Walls, Britain’s largest henge, which sits beside the River Avon.
The discovery dramatically alters the prevailing view of Stonehenge as the primary site in the landscape. Instead it presents the Salisbury Plain as a an active religious centre with more than 60 key locations where ancient peoples could carry out sacred rituals and fulfil their religious obligations.
“This is not just another find,” said Professor Vince Gaffney of the University of Birmingham. “It’s going to change how we understand Stonehenge.”
Het raadsel van de Black Eyes Kids duurt voort ( Video)
Het raadsel van de Black Eyes Kids duurt voort ( Video)
Sinds jaren schrijven wij over het vreemde fenomeen van de kinderen met pikzwarte ogen, de Black Eyed Kids (BEK’s).
Iedere keer zijn re toch weer verhalen van mensen die wél de deur opendoen wanneer er ’s avonds wordt geklopt.
We begonnen met het schrijven over Black Eyed Kids in de zomer van 2012:
Dit is het spookachtige verhaal van de Kinderen met de Zwarte Ogen, ook BEK genoemd (Black Eyed Kids). Overal ter wereld worden ze waargenomen, vreemde kinderen met roetzwarte ogen die aan je deur kloppen en vragen om binnengelaten te worden. Op het moment dat mensen in deze pikzwarte ogen van de kinderen staren bekruipt hen een heel vreemd gevoel; geen prettig gevoel.
Daarna een hele serie artikelen over BEK’s en tot op de dag vandaag hebben mensen nog steeds ontmoetingen met deze vreemde kinderen.
Mijn vriendin en ik waren nog laat op omdat we een film wilden kijken. Ons kind lag in bed te slapen. Het zal ongeveer rond middernacht geweest zijn, toen we een klop op het raam hoorden.
Ik keek naar mijn vriendin die het niet gemerkt scheen te hebben en ik nam aan dat het de hond was die het geluid had veroorzaakt op de laminaatvloer in de andere kamer.
Ongeveer 15 seconden later wordt er opnieuw geklopt. Ik vroeg mijn vriendin of ze het ook gehoord had ze zei ja. Ik kwam overeind om te kijken of het de hond was. De bank waarop we zaten bevindt zich onder het raam en ik moest ongeveer een meter of drie afleggen naar de andere kamer. Ik stond op en dacht dat ik buiten iets zag. Het komt ook voor dat de kat in de vensterbank klimt wanneer deze naar binnen wil.
Ik zei tegen mijn vriendin dat ik buiten iets of iemand zag en zij dacht dat het misschien een vriend was die thuis ruzie had gehad en de nacht op onze bank wilde doorbrengen. Zij stond ook op en schoof de vitrage opzij zodat ze beter naar buiten kon kijken. Ze zei dat er een paar kinderen stonden. Ik geloofde haar niet, maar toch was het zo. Ze pakte de sleutels en opende de deur.
Er stonden twee jochies, niet ouder dan een jaar of tien, één met blond haar en de ander met bruin haar. Ze zeiden niets totdat de deur was geopend.
Mijn vriendin vroeg of ze ok waren. De blonde voerde het woord en zei dat ze waren verdwaald en dat iemand hen had gevolgd. Mijn vriendin vroeg waar ze vandaan kwamen, maar daar wilden ze niet op antwoorden. Het enige dat ze kwijt wilden was, dat ze waren verdwaald en dat iemand hen had gevolgd. Ze hadden gezien dat er in ons huis nog licht brandde en besloten ons om hulp te vragen.
De kinderen keken ons niet echt aan, maar keken een beetje weg van ons. De donkerharige vroeg toen of ze binnen mochten komen. Ik begon mij een beetje ongemakkelijk te voelen over de hele situatie en vroeg hen of ze het telefoonnummer van hun ouders wisten. Hierop antwoordden ze bevestigend en vroegen of ze de telefoon mochten gebruiken.
Ik legde uit dat we geen telefoon hadden, en dat was ook zo, want de vorige week had de kat de gewone telefoon op de grond laten vallen. Deze was stuk en ik had hem nog niet vervangen.
De blonde keek mij aan en ik zweer bij God dat zijn ogen helemaal zwart waren. Zijn ogen zagen eruit alsof ze alleen uit een pupil bestonden. Hij kon zien dat ik was geschrokken en werd bood en eiste dat ik hem binnen liet. De donkerharige begon ook weer dat ze we hen binnen moesten laten omdat ze de telefoon wilden gebruiken.
Op dit punt werden zowel mijn vriendin als ik doodsbenauwd en ik sloot de deur. Ze bleven voor de deur staan en vroegen met gedempte stem om binnengelaten te worden.
Uiteindelijk zijn de twee kinderen vertrokken en is er later de politie bij gehaald. Deze dachten eerst dat ze in de maling werden genomen. Maar, omdat ze dit stel kennen als serieuze mensen hebben ze toch de buurt uitgekamd, maar niets kunnen vinden.
De man vertelt verder:
Ik kon een week lang niet slapen. Ik heb een veiligheidscamera geinstalleerd buiten en een licht dat door een sensor wordt geactiveerd.
Zoals ik zei zagen de twee jongens er niet ouder uit dan een jaar of tien, een blonde en een donkerharige. De blonde jongen droeg jeans, een paar afgetrapte trainers en een blauw t shirt. De donkerharige droeg donkere jeans met een wit t shirt met een logo er op.
Ze waren beiden blank, ze zagen er niet echt bleek uit, ze leken normale jongens. Hun ogen waren iets wat ik van mijn leven nog nooit heb gezien. Ik ben ook nog nooit in mijn leven zo bang geweest.
Initiëel kun je nog denken dat mensen zich wat inbeelden. Intussen zijn er zo ontzettend veel getuigenverklaringen van verschillende mensen dat dit geen optie meer is.
De kinderen zijn echt. Wat ze zijn, willen en waar ze vandaan komen?
VIDEO: Grote, mysterieuze gravering van gezicht ontdekt op afgelegen Canadees eiland
VIDEO: Grote, mysterieuze gravering van gezicht ontdekt op afgelegen Canadees eiland
Op een afgelegen Canadees eiland is een groot, mysterieus gezicht gegraveerd in de rotsen. De strandwachter van de Tseshaht-stam die eigenaar is van het land, Hank Gus, zocht al twee jaar naar het gezicht nadat het in 2008 voor het eerst werd ontdekt door een kajakker.
In de lente van 2008 zou het gezicht worden bestudeerd door archeoloog Denis St. Claire, maar door de ruige kliffen langs de kust was het niet mogelijk om dichterbij te komen.
Gus zei niet zeker te weten of het bijna twee meter grote gezicht een optische illusie is die gecreëerd is door moeder natuur, of dat het een boodschap is van zijn voorouders, meldt Ha-Shilth-Sa. Volgens Gus lijkt het mysterieuze gezicht op het eiland met zijn mond wind te blazen.
In de geschiedenis van de Tseshaht is niets te vinden over de gravering van een gezicht in de rotsen. Het verborgen gezicht, dat op één van de Broken Group-eilanden is ontdekt, vertoont veel gelijkenissen met een gravering van een windgeest op het moderne bestuursgebouw van de Tseshaht.
Maker van de gravering Gordon Dick zei dat het gezicht op het gebouw ‘de woorden van onze voorouders draagt; yu’i stuurt ons steun en liefde en roept ons op onze cultuur te behouden, die onze taal, muziek en identiteit verankert’.
Unknown lights flying over Wilton Manors, Florida 20-Jun-2015
Unknown lights flying over Wilton Manors, Florida 20-Jun-2015
New video of an unidentified flying objects flying across the night sky above Wilton Manors in Florida. This was taken on 20th June 2015.
Witness report: Walking down the street going, while back to a friends place in Wilton Manors. Someone else pointed the objects out. Wasn’t sure if it was a UFO or not. I am doubtful/skeptical… let the experts look at my video and deicide what it was. The objects disappeared into the clouds while flying on what appeared to be a straight line.
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Corner of Stakehill Road and Greenham Place, Karnup, Western Australia – 19/06/2015 I was driving home from work at approximately 6.20pm on Friday 19th of June 2015 and saw a red glowing ball of light in the sky north of my location in Karnup, Western Australia. By this time of night it was dark so the red ball was quite obvious in the sky. As it did not look like a plane or helicopter in the sky I pulled over to a side road and got out of my vehicle to get a better look. I looked up to the sky and the glowing red ball of light was still in the sky but was overhead by this time. I got my phone from my car to take a picture but as it is a phone it was not the best quality and by this time the object had disappeared into the clouds. I thought the object had disappeared and I would not be seen again, so I turned around to get back into my car and noticed another red glowing ball in the same area that the first sighting had come from, this object did the same as the previous one, flew from north to south over head of my car, so when this one disappeared into the distance behind the clouds again I had my camera rolling and another one was sighted doing the exact same flight path, this one I got on camera which is the first video I have attached. I apologise for the quality of the video, it was taken on my iPhone and the quality is very bad, any movement of the object is me moving with the camera as I had to keep an eye on the road where I was standing. After this video was stopped I tried to take more photos but they did not work out. After the third passing I started the video again and caught the fourth object coming from the north and passing over me, I have sent the video in 2 parts as my phone could not send the entire footage. After the object passed over me and disappeared into the distance I waited to see if any more objects were coming but they didn’t so I got in my car to drive home, as I was driving home I saw another glowing red object taking the same path as the previous 4. I did not manage to get this one on camera but it looked exactly like the previous 4. They all looked round, red glowing balls that were a distance up in the sky, lower in the north heading higher as they went south and then disappeared into the clouds in a southwards direction.
Lynn, Massachusetts – 6/19/15 low in the western sky me and my family have been seeing 2 very large star like objects. i thought they may be venus but they arent! i looked in the telescope and it had a black center and bright white lights around it. it kept moving every time i focused on it then it just disappeared. it will prob be there tonight also. maybee its a mother ship
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Las Vegas, NV – 6/15/2015 Multiple silver metallic spherical objects flying, all flying in haphazard fashion. When all but one disappeared, I was floating in mid air, blinking on and off. This lasted for almost 10 mins. Right in broad daylight, half a block of the Strip.
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tecumseh ontario 401 weigh station – June 13 2015 11:15 pm Green fireball
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Banning, CA – 06/12/2015 9:43pm PST. Standing outside talking on the phone. Slightly cloudy light breeze. Oval shape, greenish-yellowish, bluish object came out of the clouds. Looked like those spotlights used for movie premieres. Movement was repetitive going through the clouds in a circular formation. There were several series of lightning but no thunder in all compass positions from where I was standing. The object would disappear, there’d be lightning, then the object would reappear. After several minutes all activity stopped. Heard on Coast to Coast radio station that a person in Beaumont, CA, the next city over, had seen an object just before our sighting. After several more minutes, the lights appeared again. The colors can be described as similar to the Northern Lights. This activity continued approximately 20-30 minutes. Everyone in my family saw the lights at separate times within that time frame. I had been watching the skies the last couple of days hoping to see something. Well, I did!
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New York City – Central Park – Upper East – 2015 June 7 I was walking in Central Park by the Smithsonian Museum (Cooper Hewitt) and I began to see standing still white orbs. There were all types of flying birds and aircraft. These orbs were appearing and disappearing at different locations. When walking behind the MET by the Cleopatra’s Needle Obelisk happen to see the same orbs along a pyramid shape UFO. I was taking pictures in RAW format for more reliable evidence than just video. Wishing I could do both, but I had to choose to take pictures with Nikon 5500 or take video with JVC Envio. I’ve posted a video on YouTube for my Sunday June 7th, 2015 sighting.
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Bollington Cheshire England – 6.6.15
Taking some pictures in a very quiet area high up,saw this disc shape in frame low level, there’s a aircraft on top of frame clearly see wings and tail.
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Fort Lauderdale Beach, FL – 5/28/15
While taking storm pictures from our patio I was attempting to catch what looked like a waterspout. I took several pictures with my iPhone within seconds of each other. I did notice something flew by Very fast but dismissing it as a sea bird catching the strong wind. While reviewing if I caught a decent image of a forming waterspout I managed to capture something not expected. So, I guess it wasn’t a very fast bird.
Martin M
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S_SE London ONT – Thursday May 28 10:55 pm Fred and I saw strange lights coming out of S-SE sky over London traveling N-NW at 10:55pm May 28, I checked my watch. There were six bright orangish lights facing uswhich started to fade at about 50 degrees south of us and disappeared at about 15 degrees south. as I continued to look I saw nothing, meaning there were no red, green or white navigation lights to be seen. I waited awhile to listen for any sound and there was none.
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Britain – Mon.13.apr.2015 Location secret for now,1-10am.,alien Celestial Rainbow Starship no.4,filmed.See my vid.,on,youtube,my channel,Robert Newton.MP4.,or if censored scroll to url!I now have 268 vid’s.,on my channel,and have lot’s more!
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Lamezia Terme, Italy – 5 April 2015
The C.UFO.M. (Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo) has recently published three UFO sightings occurred in Lamezia Terme (Catanzaro), Italy. The video trailer about the three UFO files is available on youtube channel CUFOMTV at .
The latest sighting occurred on April 5, 2015. While driving his son to school, a man saw two brigth, white sphere-shaped UFOs. He and his son immediately got down of the car and took some pictures using two different cameras. The two witnesses then saw that the UFOs in the meantime had gone opposite the sun, and then had suddenly disappeared. Exactly one year before, on May 4, 2014, three UFOs were seen just over Lamezia Terme. It’s strange that in that occasion too father and son were among the witnesses. On 4 May 2014, 10 people saw three very low flying UFOs, moving in formation. The central UFO was silver-coloured on one side and bright white on the other one. It was escorted by two white and bright sphere-shaped UFOs. For a while they stood suspended, then they left at a very high speed and disappeared up in the sky. In this case also some photos were taken with two different cameras. Again in Lamezia Terme, on August 3, 2014, while returning home two persons saw, in the night sky, a luminous sphere. They suddenly took pictures. At seeing them they realized that the Ufo was shaped like a boomerang. The C.UFO.M investigated and confirmed the reliability of the cases. Witnesses interviewed seemed to be sincere and though some of them were skeptical about the UFO phenomenon, they got very curious about what they saw.
Filer’s Files #25 – 2015 – Admiral Fahrney Intelligence Directs UFOs - PART I
New York City -- Sitting by Bryant Park I took a photo of cylinder shaped object on June 13, 2015.
Filer’s Files #25 – 2015 – Admiral Fahrney Intelligence Directs UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Admiral Fahrney Intelligence Directs UFOs, Optical and Photographic Technical Component Awareness, Letter from Earth Guardian Susan Signal, Ceres Structures in Crater, and St. Paul of Tarsus, Abductee?
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, South Dakota, and Utah.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Mexico, Spain, and England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
WASHINGTON AP – Retired Rear Admiral Delmer S. Fahrney, once head of the Navy’s guided missile program, said Wednesday reliable reports indicate that “there are objects coming into our atmosphere at very high speeds. Fahrney told a news conference that “no agency in this country or Russia is able to duplicate at this time the speeds and accelerations which radar and observers indicate these flying objects are able to achieve. On January 16, 1957 – the day after NICAP’s Board of Governors met for the first time – Board Chairman Delmer S. Fahrney called a press conference. News media all over the country quoted his statements identifying him as one of the few “top brass” to speak out in defense of UFOs.
WASHINGTON AP – Retired Rear Adm. Delmer S. Fahrney said he has talked with a number of scientists and engineers who reported seeing strange flying objects. He added, “There are signs that intelligence directs such objects because of the way they fly. They are not entirely actuated by automatic equipment.” He said, “By the way they change position in formations and override each other would indicate that their motion involves a tremendous amount of technology of which we have no knowledge, and that their development must have taken a long period of time.” Thanks to NICAP
Optical and Photographic Technical Component Awareness
This Subject Applies to Telescopes, Binoculars, Cameras and Most Optical Equipment.
Chuck Reever MUFON’s International Director of Investigation writes, “There is a technical component to photographs and observations of which the investigator must be aware.” Most investigators should be aware that objects, when out of focus through optical aids can appear to be orb like or appear to contain “structure.” Digital “Still” and “Video” cameras are very susceptible to this behavior due to camera manufacturing and design. All modern Digital cameras are now manufactured so that the camera “hunts” for a best focus due to the electronic focusing system. (When possible all cameras should be “manually” adjusted to Focus on “infinity” when photographing an object in the sky.) Most objects in the sky are “Tiny” from a camera perspective.
When the camera is in “Automatic Focus Mode” it is searching for an object. When the camera misinterprets best focus, an image may be formed which may look like a bloated star or other strange object. Objects in the sky are very difficult for any digital camera due to the size of the camera Pixel array and perhaps a tiny object size in the sky. A photograph may show structure which is in fact an artifact of the camera lens and light source. This internal structure is called a “Diffraction or “Airy” disk pattern” which can be due to false optical, (focus) adjustment, (or poor optics). [Perfect optics also has a slightly different “Airy” disk not shown here.] The images directly below are just a small sample of the images you will observe depending on focus adjustment and “optical Figure.”
In focus, images will appear defined and stars will appear as a point-of-light. Out of focus stars on either side of focus of properly manufactured optics will have very concentric rings called an “Airy Disk”, (similar to the illustration shown in the bottom half of the illustration of the third picture to the right below.) (The one noted below is not perfect, as a perfect ring pattern, “Airy” disk, is slightly different.) Poorly manufactured optics will probably have an odd “Airy” disk pattern or appear “indistinct” or” squished,” such as the illustration on the left. The images illustrated (With the exception of the one described.) are all out of focus or a sample of “Airy” disk distortion which may occur due to poorly manufactured optics. (Again, a perfect “Airy” disk is somewhat different than those illustrated here.)
The illustrations show just a very few optical diffraction patterns out of hundreds of variations. Different “shapes” may be due to poor “Optical Figure” or manufacture, when viewing or photographing through a slightly out-of-focus camera or telescope or binoculars. Out-of-focus photographs may appear to be orb like, or be composed of some other strange configuration and may seem to contain some structure when in fact it is an artifact of the optical system. A properly focused camera or Binocular will not show any discernible diffraction pattern when in focus. Stars observed or photographed should be pin-point. Whenever possible, video should always be done with a tripod or other stabilizer system. Most video we receive is just not useable due to erratic camera motion and poor focus. Thanks to Chuck Reever
Letter from Earth Guardian Susan Signal
I receive a series of letters from people who claim they are walk-ins from other planets. They often hold important positions and one ran a multi-million dollar company using some of his off planet inventions. Susan has memories’ that might interest you.
Susan writes, “My experiences started back in 1966-67, when I was 6-7 years old. I was sleeping when I had this dream of flying a ship which entered the Earths’ solar system faster than the speed of light. We were in the third phase of reconversion from pure energy to solid form. As we entered the solar system, we bounced off of the planets gravitational fields of Neptune, Pluto and two other unnamed planets”.
As we flew passed the sun it looked like a solid rock due to our light speed. I was the navigator on far left hand side of the ship. As such, I was hyper sensitive to any subtle energy changes in the universe-even before they would occur. This was one of the mandatory requirements for navigation (svar-ari-erum) in our language. As we entered the Earths’ atmosphere, I was already awake and the rest of my “Nyindan-human” crew was still asleep. As we entered the atmosphere, a rift or black hole opened up.
Later on, in 1995 meeting of a local MUFON chapter, a Dr. Lee Sharguil of NASA gave a speech and spoke of a rift that opens up periodically over the 24-25 parallels and can engulf anything. This would explain our “black hole”. When this occurred, I yelled “Ectna, Ectna, shift the mass to the black hole-not away from it! Shift the mass to the black hole! Ectna, Ectna wake up!” As he woke, he didn’t hear me and shifted the mass away from the black hole. Before I could say “No you have to cancel the field vectors with the mass field, we’re still transient and can do this safely the black hole obliterated our ship. I woke up with a profuse sweat and my heart pounding my chest as I sat there actually cross legged staring at the closet. I knew what this meant-that I was an alien incarnate that actual flew those UFOs.”
Due to the very nature of my dream and its implications, I knew I couldn’t tell my mom like any other child tells their mom because of her not believing in ‘spaceships’. So, I was alone on this one and had to sort it out on my own. This was only the beginning of self re-discovery and a long bonding relationship with them. An odyssey that would enlighten me amidst the persecution I was to endure on a mental level from society for various other reasons, this being one of them. Thanks to Susan Signal,
Ceres Structures in Crater
I found a way to focus the structures on Ceres on June 11, 2015, I teach you how in the video and I seemed to bring out a lot of hidden detail. This is what NASA does not want the public or other governments to see. Alien structures made of highly reflective material.
I have seen such reflective structures before on the dark side of the moon in old NASA photos. I was never able to photograph them (with my camera pointed at computer screen) although this method of looking at a photo with a digital camera often will re-digitalize (auto correct) the blur. I saw a glass-like pyramid and a lit up face on the moon, but when photographed, the objects appear as a white mass of light only. So it was impossible to prove it exists.
There are several colors of structure that I have found over the years. Flat grey color…usually smaller structures. No reflective black color…these are so big that they often appear as mountains, but always have small grey structures near them. White ceramic structures are the fourth kind of reflective glass-like structures which cannot be photographed so easily. SCW: TIF IMAGE
St. Paul of Tarsus, Abductee?
Robert Spearing writes, In Star Trek V: The Undiscovered Country, the U.S.S. Enterprise has been commandeered by a religious zealot who has been purportedly asked by GOD to bring Him a Star-ship. Captain Kirk incredulously asks Spock the plot’s pivotal question “Why would GOD need a Star-ship?”
Likewise, I ask “Why would GOD need PAUL?”
If you accept the New Testament premise that Jesus is the Son of God, then he chose his twelve Apostles wisely. Twelve is an ancient mystical number corresponding to the Zodiac and this was not lost on Jesus. Judas served a purpose and was replaced by the drawing of lots where Mathias was chosen to restore order as the new 12th Apostle. I must admit that I am not the first person to suggest that Paul of Tarsus was an alien abductee but the available literature and theories are thin to say the least and no one has (to my knowledge) done an in- depth assessment of Paul’s case based on established criteria for commonalities among victims of the abduction phenomenon.
Several years after the death of Christ, Hebrew Paul (known as Saul at the time) is parading around Israel torturing and killing Christians with his band of religious zealots. Saul was a Roman Citizen and an important Hebrew leader. On the road to Damascus, Syria in the presence of witnesses in broad daylight, he is suddenly enveloped in a bright light and knocked from his horse. Acts 9 NIV states,
9 Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest 2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. 3 As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
5 “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.
“I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. 6 “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
7 The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. 8 Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. 9 For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.
10 In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, “Ananias!”
“Yes, Lord,” he answered.
11 The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.”
13 “Lord,” Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. 14 And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.”
15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”
17 Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 18 Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, 19 and after taking some food, he regained his strength.
20 And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God. Paul preaching atBerea,King James Bible Online
Paul’s Conversion is often considered the most important event in human history apart from the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. His writing and preaching is responsible for the spread of Christianity.
There are over 70 symptoms which an abductee may experience. In reviewing Paul’s case it is evident he has many of them. Let’s look at Paul’s story. What happened to Paul that day was nothing less than an epiphany not only for him but for the burgeoning faith called Christianity. It altered everything that developed into the world’s most numerous religion. In the 21st century we have institutionalized Paul’s experience in what is called a “Road to Damascus Experience” for those among us who have had a sudden enlightenment of any kind.
Paul is blinded by his experience and later scales or scabs fell from his eyes. He seems to be a victim of Klieg Conjunctivitis which occurs after exposure to severe ultraviolet radiation. UFOs often are associated with intense ultraviolet radiation. Was Paul’s flash of light the appearance of a UFO discharging ultraviolet radiation in its wake?
Was this divine interloping or was it a telepathic communication between two abductees? Ananias has all the earmarks of a fellow abductee. Why did God need Ananias to cure Paul? Why was Paul blinded at all? Ananias had to use his powers given to him by Jesus to cure Paul. Frequently, abductees have healing powers given to them.
David Halperin, a retired University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill religious studies professor, author and UFO Investigator, mentions in one of his blogs that Paul’s alluded to “thorn in his side” from 2nd Corinthians could be an alien implant. I agree but David doesn’t take the point far enough.
When Jesus was alive, he chose 12 apostles to carry on his ministry after his death and resurrection. If Jesus was the Son of God you would think his choice of apostles would be divinely inspired for the ages. Yet he converts Saul of Tarsus who apparently had been effective in stopping the spread of Christianity. A strange bald short cranky little man – and Jesus asks his assistance in spreading the good news! What was wrong with the twelve? Were they inferior or is someone or something else at play here interfering with things?
Paul was a powerful religious believer. If Saul had remained a Jewish rabbi, we would be missing thirteen of twenty-seven books of the New Testament and Christianity’s early major expansion to the world. People who are abducted frequently are fervently religious! He states, “For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers”. Galatians 1:13–14, NIV
Abductees have low self-esteem and are usually beset by physical ailments. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born. —1 Cor. 15:3–8, NIV
There were witnesses so it was a real event, not something internal to Paul. Additionally, the encounter was violent in that he was thrown from his horse and there was bodily injury. All physical signs of abduction.
Paul promptly changes his name from Saul to Paul and is baptized. He goes on to write one third of the Bible’s New Testament with some of the most inspired and eloquent theology themed letters concerning God, Jesus and love ever written.
Abductees frequently feel chosen and Paul feels chosen to carry the message of Christ. He is a totally changed man from murderous religious zealot to a powerful disciple and missionary!
Later Paul reveals, “I was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether I was in my body or out of my body, I don’t know–only God knows.” –2nd Corinthians 12:2 NIB
Abductees believe they possess special powers after their experience. Paul believed so firmly in his assignment that when he could not respond in person he touched relics and sent them along to heal people in his absence. Abductees believe they have been given special knowledge and a mission. Paul fully wrote one-third of the New Testament and founded the world’s most populous religion carrying out his mission. If God can turn the fiercest opponent of the Lord into his most willing servant, he has the ability to save anyone. Thanks to Robert Spearing, publisher of WorldUFOwatch
Ariel Phenomenon
On September 16, 1994, at the Ariel primary school in Zimbabwe, 60+ school children reported seeing a disc shaped craft land in the area beyond the playground, and two beings approach the group. There were also multiple reports of sightings of unusual phenomena by thousands of Zimbabweans during this same time period. This case was so sensational at the time that Dr. John Mack, a Pulitzer Prize winning Harvard psychiatrist, traveled to the school to interview the children. Initially covered by the BBC, Reuters and other world press, this sighting quickly disappeared from the public eye. Until now. American filmmaker Randall Nickerson recently traveled to Africa and around the world to locate and interview the now adult witnesses and others who were key participants in the event. “Ariel Phenomenon” documents the story of this incredible occurrence, then and now, and will show the impact that has lasted for over twenty years.
Join the filmmakers in completing this amazing film. Word of the “Ariel Phenomenon” film has gotten out and several new witnesses have come forward who will need to be interviewed in order to tell the story in its entirety. Help is needed in completing these last interviews and in the remaining post production necessary to complete this extraordinary film this year. An Indiegogo campaign is currently under way, until June 18, 2015. The production team is asking for help to complete these last crucial interviews. The Indiegogo campaign
A film trailer and more details about this historic event can be found at Film Trailer. You can also become part of the film’s team and follow its progress on Facebook at “Ariel School Documentary” and Twitter at “Ariel School Film”.
22-06-2015 om 01:11
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #25 – 2015 – Admiral Fahrney Intelligence Directs UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #25 – 2015 – Admiral Fahrney Intelligence Directs UFOs - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
California Lights
Santa Cruz — Out of the corner of my eye on June 1, 2015, I saw a shadow zip by not sure what it was some kind of craft.
Hovered changed direction circled change shape flew off at high speed.
Note: The object is not a UFO. The image has been modified or manipulated with some sort of editing software. The blurring makes it easier to hide the alterations. That object appears like it could be a rock of some sort, and/or maybe it was from a piece of jewelry like a New Age pendant, or amulet? The color of the object looks a lot like it could be hematite, or a black agate, which can be both colorful and reflective. This object {rock?} has four straight-cut edges, which tells us that it was probably {originally} cut with a rock saw to create that shape. Thanks to MUFON Photo Analyst and CMS
Moreno Valley – At 8:43 p.m., on June 1st, 2015,while in our backyard located 3-miles from an air force base and directly under the East to West commercial flight path, I saw and imaged what initially looked like landing lights moving west at 8:43. Something not understood took place, whereby the lights became much brighter and painted with two lines of variable thickness in apparent erratic movements like, but not camera shake. I continued to click the Nikon @200mm until it (they) disappeared. Please find 7 orbs associated with the bright form; of several colors, and not duplicated in pairs as the lines were. After examining the image I realized something extraordinary had happened. The 8:43. There was no air traffic. This is my sixth backyard, beginning in November 2014. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Light
Lake Toho— On June 8, 2015 at 9:40 pm, my daughter and I witnessed eight bright orange lights in the shape of a long rectangle. There were four lights and then a separation with four more lights. The lights were 2000 feet in the sky and stationary. They hovered for ten minutes when four lights went out. The night sky was crystal clear. The lights were extremely bright and appeared to be the size of navel orange. After a minute three lights appeared and the object appeared to have moved lower to the ground. These lights were fixed and bright in the sky. The Orlando Airport is located to the southeast and these objects hovered for 15 minutes in the south. We will attempt to upload our video. The objects were located south of Poinciana Florida. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Edinburg — It was very cloudy out. Storms were moving in. These two are always the first to arrive. Then a few others will appear over the house and out front of house. The ones over front of house (driveway) are always in a shape of a question mark. Sometimes there will be two more by the one that follows me that looks like a triangle. I don’t know what they want with me. Maybe it’s because I keep wishing for a vacation. They will sure give me one. Take care, Pam
Maryland Circular Objects
Aberdeen— We noticed several commercial aircraft making u-turns when eating dinner on our porch on May 27, 2015. I took some images of the contrails because that is something I don’t see where I live.
Later that evening as I looked over the images, I noticed the three circular objects. I did not see them at the time the image was taken. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Minnesota Light
Forest Lake– On May 23, 2015, I got up at 4 am, to take pictures of the sunrise and took a peek out the west bedroom window and noticed a bright object in the sky. This object was in triangle shape hovering with colored lights silently. I grabbed my Canon Rebel SL1 Camera and took pictures of hovering lights that were changing colors. The object slowly moved northwest away from me. After 45 minutes I realized it was likely a UFO. I took two more pictures at 5:15 am because the sky was getting a little brighter out. I remember feeling excited and shocked at the same time! I know this is a UFO because i can’t explain what the object was and never seen something that bright. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Lights Continue
Kansas City — A bright object with spinning bright multiple colors continues to be observed frequently since April of 2011 when sightings in the Blue Springs area began to be reported to MUFON. Assistant State Director Margie Kay and NUFORC reports dozens of witnesses have seen this strange object. Sometimes more than one light appears, but normally it is one object which appears to be a disk with multi-colored lights spinning in a clockwise direction.
The lights are red, green, white, and blue neon bright. The latest sighting was observed on May 3, by at least 10 witnesses in Gladstone looking south towards Kansas City, and then west for at least 20 minutes. MUFON investigators Margie Kay, Larry Jordan, and Corey Pearce have observed and filmed the object on numerous evenings, and flashed a 1 M candlepower flashlight at it, triggering returning flashes. This indicates that intelligence is operating the craft. One witness from Independence has been observing the object for three years. He has filmed a small UFO in his yard. On May 3, 2015 a larger craft with spinning lights were on his security camera. The large disk-shaped craft hovered over his trees, and then moved away. The witness believes that the large craft with the spinning lights on it is the object which is seen from far away.
Some YouTube videos show several lights in a formation similar to the Phoenix Lights in 1997, triggering the “Kansas City Lights”and “Blue Springs Lights” terms. The lights have appeared on and off at all times of the year for four years with no explanation. Inquiries to the FAA and Whiteman AFB have yielded no results. MUFON continues the investigation. Thanks to Margie Kay 816-833-1602
New York Cylinder
New York City— Sitting by the lawn of Bryant Park, facing South, when I took a photo of the Empire State Building jutting out among the buildings on 40th Street on June 13, 2015. I didn’t notice the object when taking the photo with y cell phone camera.
It wasn’t an advertisement banner dragged by an aircraft because it wasn’t there when I looked up the sky to take the photo. And I don’t think NYC allows banner-dragging aircraft over Manhattan.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Triangle
Milford — After zooming in I saw it was a triangle. The photo was taken Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 9:35 PM. The object was heading north with an orange plume above it that looked like the aurora borealis. My buddy and were at work when we saw an orange light flying across the skies very slowly.
It looked like that the top of it was on fire had an orange plume swaying back and forth with straight laser beam lights coming straight out the top of it. It was very strange.
Sioux Falls — On June 7th 2005, I noticed a change in the color outside and looked outside and saw this single cloud. It didn’t look right so my wife and I took pictures. Later i reviewed the pictures and noticed all these objects in a couple of them.
At the time they were not noticed by the naked eye. No sound or anything unusual except the cloud itself. There is just alot happening in a couple of pics. All were taken within seconds of each other. The cloud moved over slowly then was gone. No rain or wind was around at the time. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Triangle
Salt Lake City–My friend saw three ufo sittings on June 1, 2015, we were looking in the sky at the moon. We saw a bright light coming down going very slowly for about 15 minutes as it got very low in the sky. We saw a white V shaped glowing light. Then it started to go very fast northwest and was gone in a flash at 9:37 PM. At 10 PM, we were looking west over Salt Lake Airport to see a very large round light with about 30 white lights inside the object. It had a red light bouncing around inside it. It was not moving and a commercial airliner going north to the airport went right past it. Then the ufo moved up and down for ten minutes and flew west very fast and was gone. Ten minutes later we saw another white V shaped craft going very slow flying over the airport in a flash it flew west and was gone. Thanks to UFOinfo and Richard J.
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Disc
Oakey, Toowoomba region – On June 12, 2015, a triangle shaped object was photographed. UFOs often try to disguise themselves as clouds, because seeing a triangle cloud move as fast as or faster than a fighter jet is less startling than seeing a metallic craft with windows above you. It lowers the fright levels. Not that all species care about our feelings. Some just don’t and will fly uncloaked and close up taking their sweet time doing whatever they are doing. It differs from species to species. 56 space faring species on and near Earth known to exist says USAF to employees at Area S4. That’s only a few of them. SCW
The Chronicle states: An object the photographer believes to be a UFO was spotted flying over Oakey at 6.30 am this morning. Field Quip employee Greg Young decided to capture the beauty of the sunrise by taking a photo and it wasn’t until he zoomed in on his iPhone that he noticed the strange object. Mr. Young said he looked back up at the sky and noticed the triangular object flying through the clouds followed by a dark blue trail.
Looks like physical craft morphed into spirit beings and descended to earth.
So UFOs might be “demons” or other such extra-dimensional entities on April 24, 2015.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Disc
Oshawa — On Sunday, June 7, 2015, while outside my deck in facing west there was a plane constantly circling in the clear sky when l noticed something strange? There was a slow flashing white light over Whitby, Ontario heading east. It looked less than a quarter mile north heading towards my house. Of course being camera already started to snap still shots at 11:07 am.
As the flashing white light came near my house it changed direction heading north at a greater speed. That’s when I took a short video clip. This sighting lasted for about under two minutes. Thanks to Paul Shishis
India Jumping UFO
Kolkata — Sandip Roy writes, “I want to share my experience on June 9, 2015, regarding the incident when I boarded a train from Kolkata to Singrauli to visit a client at India Carbon Ltd.” I was awake around 1:15 am, when I was looking through the window I saw a plane flying parallel to our train so it suddenly caught my attention when I saw strange lights coming from it. They were green, yellow, red, orange, blue lights. All the colors were there, it was just amazing to watch, so I watched it for a while. I realized amazing and horrible things. The unusual craft was moving very fast jumping from one place to another place in seconds. First it was small and jumps from one end of the sky to another and then comes back to the same place again. Then again it flies right above our train, then to the right side of the train, and again to the left side. I came out to the door of the train to watch it clearly. The craft could cross the area in a blink of an eye, and the lights were really unusual. The incident happened after we passed Chetar Station where few days ago a train accident happened and there were lots of flood lights and the train slowed down. Thanks to Sandip Roy and UFOINFO
Mexico Object
Hermosillo — Watch as this ball of white light as it flies around during the daytime. It’s clearly an orb, and it moves incredibly fast. It’s nice that he pulled over the car to watch it some. I just wish the video was longer.
Eyewitness states, “This happened today June 10, 2015 at 7:20 pm at the ford of the river up to Villa Bonita, you can see what appears to be an unidentified flying object that wanders through the Hermosillo sky.” Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
Spain Webcam
Caha— I randomly accessed a public network Spanish Observatory camera on June 4, 2015, at 2 PM. The objects appeared to be ground to air and I observed three in this manner.
If you are familiar with sea life, these objects moved exactly like “Jellyfish” would move in their habitat.
Note:It appears that the anomaly may be something on the camera lens (e.g. bug) and not a real object. Thanks to William Puckett, Director UFOsnw
Turkey Oval
Bodrum– I was having dinner with two others beside the sea at Bodrum Castle, and took a photo of the bay at sunset at 7:19 PM, on June 13, 2015. I took a shot and observed the photo immediately of a distinct and almost shiny object in the sky that I hadn’t seen with my bare eye.
I immediately looked at the sky but saw nothing there. My acquaintances and I felt any bird or human aero would still be in eye shot. The speed of anything leaving eye shot would have to have been split second. The photo, upon zooming in, shows what appears to be a craft with a metallic shell. We heard nothing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Lights
Three Commercial Pilots Spot Alien Disc
East Grinstead — Within the vicinity of Gatwick Airport in London, the pilots of three separate passenger planes have reported catching sight of a pair of flat hovering silver discs at 9 am, on December 30, 2014. Some of them reported seeing discs flying at100 feet, moving slowly. Air traffic controllers claimed that they had six UFOs on their radar that rapidly vanished. These encounters were announced by an agency that investigates mid-air collisions. A Boeing 777 pilot raised the alarm after recognizing “two flat silver discs” over the Scientology Headquarters in East Grinstead minutes from touchdown at Gatwick Airport at 8:53 AM. Minutes later, an Airbus 319 and a Boeing 767 saw a “saucer-like” object hovering about 1,000 feet above the ground. According to the 777 crew, they looked like a “man-made” objects. NOTE: The above image is doubled. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ worldUFOphotos
Scottish Highlands
Lock Ness Lake –Tourists on holidaying next to Loch Ness have captured an extraordinary photo which they claim shows a mysterious creature flying over the lake – and it’s not Nessie. Alan Betts, 48, was on holiday with his wife, Anna, and her parents when his mother-in-law Tatiana captured this extraordinary image of two mysterious disc-shaped objects flying over the famous loch in the Scottish Highlands.
The family from York did not realize how unusual the picture was until they returned home and looked at pictures.
Photo Credit: Caters News. Mr. Betts, the director of a refrigeration company said he was usually ‘very skeptical’ about UFOs – but he cannot find a rational explanation for the strange picture. Also, our dog was strangely barking as the weather suddenly changed and my mother-in-law went outside to take this picture. I just can’t explain what it is. News Source
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Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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Archaeologists Have Made An Incredible Discovery At Stonehenge
Archaeologists Have Made An Incredible Discovery At Stonehenge
Using powerful ground-penetrating radar, investigators working around Stonehenge have detected a trove of previously unknown burial mounds, chapels, shrines, pits — and most remarkable of all — a massive megalithic monument made up of more than 50 giant stones buried along a 1,082-foot-long c-shaped enclosure.
This news is unreal — and it's resetting virtually everything we thought we knew about Stonehenge. Just a week after finding out that Stonehenge was once a complete circle, archaeologists from Birmingham and Bradford universities, and from the Ludwig Boltzman Institute in Vienna, have shattered the image of Stonehenge as a desolate and lonely place.
After four years of painstaking effort, and by using a magnetometer, a ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and a 3D laser scanner, archaeologists have shown that Stonehenge was once a sprawling complex that extended for miles.
And then there's the previously unknown "super henge," a monument located just two miles from Stonehenge. Scans suggest that each buried stone is about three meters (10 feet) long and 1.5 meters (5 feet) wide. The stones are positioned horizontally, not vertically, but it's conceivable that they originally stood upright like other standing stones. The archaeologists suspect they were brought to the site shortly before 2,500 BC.
The c-shaped enclosure – more than 330 metres wide and over 400 metres long – faced directly towards the River Avon. The monument was later converted from a c-shaped to a roughly circular enclosure, now known as Durrington Walls – Britain's largest pre-historic henge, roughly 12 times the size of Stonehenge itself.
As a religious complex, it would almost certainly have had a deeply spiritual and ritual connection with the river. But precisely why is a complete mystery, although it is possible that that particular stretch of water was regarded as a deity.
As for the other henge-like Neolithic and Bronze Age religious shrines, they range between 10 and 30 meters ( 32 to 100 feet) in diameter. Scans also revealed around 20 large ritual pits, each up to five meters (16 feet) in diameter. More than a half dozen Bronze Age burial mounds were discovered, along with four Iron Age shrines or tombs, and a half dozen Bronze Age and Iron Age domestic or livestock enclosures.
Under one of the mounds, the investigators identified a 33 meter (108 feet)-long timber building dated at about 6,000 years old. It was likely used for ritual burials and related practices.
"[The building] has three rows of roof-bearing posts. It is around 300 square metres and slightly trapezoidal, which is interesting because in the same period on the continent, about 100 to 200 years earlier, we also find this type of trapezoidal building related to megaliths [giant stones]," noted Wolfgang Neubauer of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in a BBC article.
The monuments and structures were not all built at the same time, so the entire complex was not conceived or planned as a whole. Further analysis will reveal exactly how the site evolved through the ages.
A two-part BBC Two documentary titled "Operation Stonehenge: What Lies Beneath" will be shown this coming Thursday evening and next Thursday. Many more details of the investigation's new discoveries are expected to be revealed.
Solar Warden: The Secret Space Program Built with Alien Technology
Solar Warden: The Secret Space Program Built with Alien Technology
We now have the technology to take ET home.”– Ben Rich, CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works, 1993
The story behind this quote is an interesting one. At a lecture held in 1993 at the UCLA alumni center, Ben Rich, the former CEO of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works held a speech about the advancements in space engineering during the previous 40 years. He concluded with the quote about taking ET home while the final image in his slide presentation showed a “black disk zipping out into outer space.”
Was this merely a joke or was he hinting at something?
Over the years, the Skunk Works division of Lockheed has designed and built a number of high-tech aircraft such as the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-22 Raptor and the F-117 Nighthawk. Taking this into account, some have drawn the conclusion that Rich alluded to advanced technology being secretly developed and it might be responsible for some of the flying disks we see today.
Seems too far-fetched? We’re on the same page but wait, it gets better.
In 2001, British systems administrator Gary McKinnon hacked his way into 97 U.S. military and NASA computers. He intended to find top-secret files regarding free energy but stumbled upon something bigger. McKinnon claimed to have uncovered a spreadsheet containing names and information about “non-terrestrial officers” and transfers between fleets. He cross referenced these names with a database of all U.S. Navy and military personnel but was unable to find any of the officers. McKinnon therefore concluded they were not of this world and labeled them as “Space Marines”.
In an interview with the BBC, he said he had been motivated by The Disclosure Project because “they are some very credible, relied-upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there’s anti-gravity, there’s free energy, and it’s extraterrestrial in origin and they’ve captured spacecraft and reverse engineered them.”
McKinnon was discovered just as he was examining the image of a UFO stored in a NASA computer in Johnson Space Center’s Building 8. Caught in 2002, he was facing up to 70 years in prison and several million dollars in fines. However, the U.K. never extradited him to the U.S. and McKinnon managed to avoid prison. Some say that he was able to do so because he had amassed sensitive information that he used as leverage.
He maintains his claim that extraterrestrial spacecraft have been captured and reverse-engineered and now the alien technology is being used by entities in our own figurative backyard.
This brings us to Solar Warden. According to conspiracy theorists, Solar Warden is an ultra-secret project that maintains a fleet (or several fleets) of spaceships that are operating within our solar system. Some say they’re defending us against alien threats. Others say they’re involved in the covert colonization of space.
Shh, nobody on Earth has to know!
Such a fleet would require technology way ahead of what we’ve currently got. In order to send manned missions into the far reaches of our solar system we’d need exotic materials and propulsion systems. But there are some who claim we already do.
I suspect that in the last 60 years or so, that there has been some back-engineering and the creation of this type of equipment, that is not nearly as sophisticated yet as what the apparent visitors have.” -Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the Moon
Even so, who would have the coin required to fund such a venture?
The United States’ black budget for 2014 amounted to some $52.6 billion and they plan on spending around $58.7 B this year. But even this astronomical sum isn’t enough to fund or maintain a secret space fleet. And that’s when conspiracy voices start mentioning the deep black budgets. Whether these programs are myth or reality is hard to tell.
As it turns out, there might be UFOs that were built on Earth, based on technology that originated elsewhere in the universe. And we might have a space fleet without knowing it. Leave a comment telling us what you think about this idea.
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Flying Saucers to Mind Control: 7 Declassified Military & CIA Secrets
Flying Saucers to Mind Control: 7 Declassified Military & CIA Secrets
Government and military secrets can range from terrifying to amusing to downright absurd, but most are nothing short of intriguing. From a secret U.S. Air Force project to build a supersonic flying saucer to a now-famous World War II-era research program that produced the first atomic bombs, here are seven declassified military or CIA secrets.
Project 1794
In late 2012, the U.S. Air Force declassified a trove of documents, including records of a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to shoot down Soviet bombers. The ambitious program, called Project 1794, was initiated in the 1950s, and a team of engineers was tasked with building a disc-shape vehicle capable of traveling at supersonic speeds at high altitudes.
The declassified documents reveal plans for the plane to reach a top speed of Mach 4 (four times the speed of sound), and reach an altitude of 100,000 feet (30,480 meters). The project’s estimated cost was more than $3 million, which in today’s dollars would be more than $26 million. Project 1794 was canceled in December 1961 after tests suggested the flying saucer design was aerodynamically unstable and would likely be uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds).
Project Iceworm
In the 1960s, the U.S. Army embarked on a secret mission to build a series of mobile nuclear missile launch sites under the Greenland ice sheet. The objective was to house medium-range missiles close enough to strike targets within the Soviet Union. The program was codenamed Project Iceworm, but to test its feasibility, the Army launched a cover research project called “Camp Century” in 1960. Under this guise, engineers built a network of underground buildings and tunnels, including living quarters, a kitchen, a recreation hall, infirmary, laboratories, supply rooms, a communications center and a nuclear power plant. The base, which was kept secret from the Danish government, operated for seven years. The program was canceled in 1966 after shifting ice created unstable conditions. Today, the crushed remains of Project Iceworm are buried beneath Arctic snow.
Project MK-ULTRA
During the Cold War, the CIA initiated Project MK-ULTRA, a secret and illegal human research program to investigate potential mind-control systems. The program’s operators examined the effects of hypnosis, biological agents and drugs, such as LSD and barbiturates, on human subjects. Some historians suggest the program was designed to develop a mind-control system that could be used to “program” the brains of potential assassins. In 1973, then-CIA director Richard Helms ordered that all documents from Project MK-ULTRA be destroyed, but a formal investigation into the program was launched several years later. The project became the basis for several movies, such as “The Manchurian Candidate” and “The Men Who Stare at Goats.”
Area 51
Almost no other site has garnered as much attention from conspiracy theorists and UFO-enthusiasts as Area 51, a remote desert tract near Groom Lake in Nevada, roughly 83 miles (134 kilometers) northwest of Las Vegas. The intense secrecy surrounding the base sparked peoples’ imaginations, and Area 51 was commonly linked to paranormal activities, including pervasive theories that suggested Area 51 hid aliens and UFOs.
In July 2013, declassified documents from the CIA acknowledged the existence of Area 51 for the first time, and confirmed that the top-secret site was used to test a variety of spy planes, including the well-known U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. While Area 51, which operates as a detachment of Edwards Air Force Base in neighboring California, has never been declared a covert base, the research and activities conducted there were some of the nation’s most closely guarded secrets.
Project Grudge
While Area 51 was not a top-secret base designed to study extraterrestrials, the U.S. Air Force did study the existenceof UFOs. Project Grudge was a short-lived program launched in 1949 to study unidentified flying objects. The mission followed an earlier program, known as Project Sign, which published a report in early 1949 stating that while some UFOs seemed to be actual aircraft, there was not enough data to determine their origins.
Critics of Project Grudge said the program solely set out to debunk UFO reports, and very little actual research was conducted. In his book on the topic, Edward J. Ruppelt, Air Force Captain and director of Project Grudge, wrote: “[I]t doesn’t take a great deal of study of the old UFO files to see that standard intelligence procedures were not being followed by Project Grudge. Everything was being evaluated on the premise that UFOs couldn’t exist. No matter what you see or hear, don’t believe it.”
Operation Paperclip
In September 1946, President Harry Truman authorized a program called Operation Paperclip, which aimed to lure scientists from Nazi Germany to the United States following World War II. Officials at the Office of Strategic Services (the predecessor to the CIA) recruited German scientists to America to aid the country’s postwar efforts, which would also ensure that valuable scientific knowledge would not end up in the hands of the Soviet Union or the divided East and West Germany.
Operation Paperclip’s most famous recruit was rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, who would go on to mastermind NASA’s Apollo moon missions.
Manhattan Project
One of the most well-known secret research programs is the Manhattan Project, which eventually produced the world’s first atomic bombs. The project began in 1939, and was cloaked in secrecy as physicists investigated the potential power of atomic weapons. From 1942 to 1946, Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers led the Manhattan Project. The first nuclear bomb was detonated at 5:30 a.m. on July 16, 1945, during the so-called Trinity test at the Alamogordo Air Base, 120 miles (193 km) south of Albuquerque, N.M. The explosion created a mushroom cloud that stretched 40,000 feet (12,200 m), and the bomb’s explosive power was equivalent to more than 15,000 tons of TNT. A month after the Trinity test, two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in the waning stages of World War II. To date, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain the only uses of nuclear weapons in war.
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Florida Unidentified
Florida Unidentified
Clearwater — I was walking my dog and was walking easy on May 30, 2015. She started acting very scared and tried to run for home. I looked around to see if something spooked her. I looked up and saw this object drop out of the sky and stopped dead, it didn’t slow down. It just stopped and hovered about 500 feet away from me, and about 700 feet from me, and hovering about 3 buildings from my home. I didn’t hear anything, smell anything, I did however feel a buzz like sensation. I honestly thought something was going to happen to me, my adrenaline was pumping hard and it took everything in me not to run and stand as still as possible. Which is not me, I am a very curious person and want to figure out any mystery that I come across. It has served me well mny of times, but has also been a disservice at times. I thought I was going to get abducted, hurt or God forbid killed. After a few (seemingly) seconds I remembered I had my phone on me and went to grab it. However, I noticed the phone (Moto G) was very, very slow (also not typical, I pride myself on keeping my computers and such in optimal running condition), after a few seconds I got the camera app running and snapped a few pictures after the he 4th or 5th the phone shut off and over heated. The vessle then out of no where shot west towards the gulf of Mexico. I didn’t see it after then. The dog calms down and looks at me like if she was saying (can we go the hell home now), and we run home. I get home and my wife asks me where have I been. She says I was gone for almost a half an hour. I don’t think I was abducted, I think I got so lost in the moment that I lost track of time. I tried to get my phone back on, but she wouldn’t boot. I opened the back up and the battery was hot as hell. The battery shorted out. (No i dont have it, lithium ion batteries can burn skin if thry rupture) I got a new battery and it booted up and saw the pictures.
I showed my wife and son and they both believe it was a unmanned drone. I don’t believe it is a drone. I am a huge fan of aircraft and know every make, model, shape and size of all human made craft. This was not in any category if craft that I know of. And on top of it. All human craft make noise because of the motors. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Abduction Experiencers’ Perceptions of the Alien Agenda by Kathleen Marden
Abduction Experiencers’ Perceptions of the Alien Agenda by Kathleen Marden
Gepubliceerd op 21 jun. 2015
Kathy examines the evidence and reveals what Experiencers have told her about the ET’s reasons for engaging human experimental subjects and their personal interactions with Grey, Reptilian, Nordic and Insectoid types.
Weapons of Giants: Huge Bronze Axes Discovered in Denmark
Weapons of Giants: Huge Bronze Axes Discovered in Denmark
A pine tree farmer in Denmark has made an astonishing discovery: five enormous Bronze Age axe heads buried in a field near Nørre Snede in Jutland, Denmark. Did these weapons belong to the legendary giants that are said to have inhabited the area?
Norse mythology is rife in stories about an ancient race of violent giants known as the Jötnar. Banished to Jötunheimr by the ruling divinities (the Æsir), these giants were oftentimes hostile to mankind.
But is there any historical backing to these tales? As a matter of fact, many believe the presence of giants in worldwide mythology was inspired by a race of flesh-and-bone humanoids of giant statures
The Bronze Age axes were discovered by farmer Esben Arildskov and his brother-in-law. Before planting a field with pine tree saplings, Arildskov used a metal detector to search for any buried artifacts. To their amazement, the two men uncovered two giant bronze axe heads. The team of archaeologists called on site found three more.
The axe heads measure 12 inches (30 centimeters) in length and each one weighs two pounds. Dating revealed they were made sometime during the 16th century BC, making them one of the oldest weapons of their kind discovered in Denmark. They are twice as heavy as axe heads usually are, suggesting that the men who wielded them must have been giant in stature.
The purity of the metal used to craft the weapons suggest advanced metalworking techniques were employed 3,600 years ago. In all truthfulness, the giants of old were known as master craftsmen.
Archaeologists believe this amazing find is unprecedented. All over Europe, only five other giant bronze axes were found, never so many in one single place.
I’m all electric,” said archaeologist Constanze Rassman, curator of Midtjylland Museum in Denmark. “Five such Bronze Age axes have been found in all Northern Europe to date, and then we go and find five more in one go. That’s fantastic!”
The axe heads are currently at the Midtjylland Museum, where archaeologists are studying and preserving them. After that, they will be placed on display at the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. And if the artifacts prove to controversial, they will probably disappear along the way, like so many others.
Neurologist Studies Brain Waves of Alien Abductees
Neurologist Studies Brain Waves of Alien Abductees
A man walks into a neurologist’s office and says, “Doc, I’ve been abducted by aliens who implanted something in my brain.” Does the doctor a) refer him to a psychiatrist; b) refer him to Area 51; or c) check to see if the man’s insurance covers it? If you’re Dr. Michael B. Russo, you hook him up to a special machine, map his brain waves, compare them to other abducted patients and publish the surprising results.
Dr. Russo has the only dense-array electroencephalography (DEEG) machine in Hawaii – a $200,000 device for mapping brain waves. The Big Island must be popular with aliens because Dr. Russo has had numerous patients claiming to be abducted and having transmitters implanted in their brains. He scanned each and compared the results. What Dr. Russo found was that the patients all showed abnormalities in their parietal lobe.
Russo explains what this might mean.
That’s the area that does visual and auditory integration into higher order thinking. The parietal areas process visual and auditory data, but they can intrinsically create it themselves and then send it to the pre-frontal region, where you become aware of it. … there’s something in the parietal areas that’s generating (the feeling that transmissions from aliens are being sent to the brain).
The electrical brain wave activity closely resembles that of patients who have experienced traumatic brain injury. Does this mean their brains may have been injured while receiving the implant? Unfortunately, the DEEG is not an X-ray machine. Russo tells the patients that he can give them medication to reduce the pain and the sounds and sensations of the transmissions, but he can’t remove the transmitter.
For that, they would need to see someone like Dr. Roger K. Leir, a podiatrist and author of “Casebook: Alien Implants” who performed surgeries on fifteen people claiming to be alien abductees and removed sixteen implanted objects from them. Unfortunately, Dr. Leir passed away in 2014.
This leaves some interesting questions which Dr. Russo may address when he presents his study at the upcoming meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping. Are alien abduction and implant stories just symptoms of a damaged brain? Was the damage caused by the implantation or something else? Should Dr. Russo get Dr. Leir’s book and attempt to find implants in his patients? Why are there so many of these cases in Hawaii?
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Alien State Of Mind – Brain Waves of Alien Abductees Analyzed
Alien State Of Mind – Brain Waves of Alien Abductees Analyzed
What is the seat in which experience sits? Where does trauma and passion sit in our neurology. How does our experiences translate into the physical. These are questions that have begun to be explored in the context of alien abductions.
A doctor of neurology Dr. Michael B. Russo has begun the long hard search for evidence of alien abductions in the most first person fashion. Dr. Russo is mapping the human brainwaves of alleged abductees.
Dr. Russo has the only dense-array electroencephalography (DEEG) machine in Hawaii – a $200,000 device for mapping brain waves. The Big Island must be popular with aliens because Dr. Russo has had numerous patients claiming to be abducted and having transmitters implanted in their brains. He scanned each and compared the results. What Dr. Russo found was that the patients all showed abnormalities in their parietal lobe.
Russo explains what this might mean.
That’s the area that does visual and auditory integration into higher order thinking. The parietal areas process visual and auditory data, but they can intrinsically create it themselves and then send it to the pre-frontal region, where you become aware of it. … there’s something in the parietal areas that’s generating (the feeling that transmissions from aliens are being sent to the brain).
The electrical brain wave activity closely resembles that of patients who have experienced traumatic brain injury. Does this mean their brains may have been injured while receiving the implant? Unfortunately, the DEEG is not an X-ray machine. Russo tells the patients that he can give them medication to reduce the pain and the sounds and sensations of the transmissions, but he can’t remove the transmitter.
For that, they would need to see someone like Dr. Roger K. Leir, a podiatrist and author of “Casebook: Alien Implants” who performed surgeries on fifteen people claiming to be alien abductees and removed sixteen implanted objects from them. Unfortunately, Dr. Leir passed away in 2014.
Are alien abduction and implant stories just symptoms of a damaged brain? Was the damage caused by the implantation or something else?
It is an Occam’s razor situation. The most likely scenario is that the alien abductees are simply brain damaged individuals. Reality sometimes in this writers opinion spits on Occam and does the arcane and macabre. It is this writers opinion that something tangible and as real is occurring. Just as real as the seat you are sitting on right now is. Too many people over too long a time have reported these kidnapping scenarios from the stars for it to be just flights of dark fantasy.
Doctor Russo is caught in the same trap as the people that claim that we have been genetically modified by extraterrestrials. To perform a comparison you must have a control subject to compare to. A known sample of what you are looking for. No one has ever seen alien DNA so we have no comparison and no logical way to know if our sequence of AGCT have been messed with or not.
Same type of logical trap when thinking of brain waves. No one knows what alien brain waves or human brain waves that are being manipulated looks like. Without a control sample in either case science needs to run exhausted statistical analysis. If we can find a important correlation of brain damaged individuals to alien abductees then a hypothesis can be made. It must be understood that correlation does not prove causation. Time and further expanded brain analysis is surly required to make even the simplest conclusion in this matter.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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