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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Alle planeten in ons zonnestelsel ondergaan klimaatvernaderingen ( Video )
Alle planeten in ons zonnestelsel ondergaan klimaatvernaderingen ( Video )
Er wordt ons overal verteld in de aanloop naar de nieuwe wereldregering dat de mens verantwoordelijk is voor de aardveranderingen.
Misschien wel de beste manier om dit soort fabeltjes te ontkrachten, is door te kijken naar de rest van ons zonnestelsel.
De wereld om ons heen wordt geprogrammeerd door de elite met de boodschap dat de mens zelf bepaalt hoeveel de temperaturen op aarde zullen stijgen.
Zo hadden we het toppunt van arrogantie toen de G-7 landen oordeelden dat ze de temperatuur op aarde niet verder zullen laten stijgen dan twee graden Celsius.
Het wordt nu hoog tijd dat mensen de oogkleppen af doen en beseffen dat wat er aan aardveranderingen waar te nemen is niets te maken heeft met wat de mens wel of niet uitspookt, afgezien van de geo-engineering die ze clandestien uitvoeren.
De aarde vormt onderdeel van een zonnestelsel waarbinnen de allesbepalende factor een en dezelfde zon is. Zonder dat zou er geen leven zijn op aarde (en op andere planeten) en wordt de activiteit ervan in een bepaalde periode wat minder dan daalt de temperatuur op aarde tijdelijk. Of, andersom, wanneer er veel zonneactiviteit is in de vorm van zonnevlekken dan hebben we hier te maken met een wat warmere periode.
Waar bijna niemand zich van bewust is, is dat niet alleen de aarde veranderingen meemaakt, maar ook de andere planeten in ons zonnestelsel. Dat betekent simpelweg dat er andere krachten aan het werk zijn die zorgen voor die veranderingen.
Onderzoeken hebben aangetoond dat er in hoog tempo veranderingen plaatsvinden, niet alleen op de Zon en op aarde, maar ook op alle andere planeten. De grootste veranderingen zien we in de respectievelijke atmosferen die hen omringen.
Het magnetisch veld van de zon is bijvoorbeeld in de afgelopen 100 jaar veranderd. Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat sinds 1901 dit met 230 procent is toegenomen.
De onderstaande video duurt tien minuten en geeft een prachtig overzicht van de veranderingen op en rond de planeten in ons zonnestelsel.
Zo zie je dat Mars te maken heeft met “global warming”, geweldige stormen en smeltende ijskappen en dat er op Mercurius poolijs is ontdekt.
Er vinden aanzienlijke atmosferische veranderingen plaats op Venus en zelfs onze Maan lijkt een atmosfeer te ontwikkelen.
De veranderingen op aarde zijn veel meer en omvangrijker dan alleen een klimaatverandering. Zo kan de mens moeilijk verantwoordelijk worden gesteld voor het toenemende aantal zware aardbevingen en vulkaanuitbarstingen. Zelfs de aardas is van positie verschoven. Wij zijn echt veel minder belangrijk in het grote (klimaat)geheel dan dat ons wordt voorgeschoteld en wat velen van ons geloven.
UFO Hunters Claim: Is the Pyramid on Mars PROOF of Red Planet Civilization?
UFO Hunters Claim: Is the Pyramid on Mars PROOF of Red Planet Civilization?
There is a part of the human mind to think whether or not aliens exist or a figment of imagination? The concept of alien is something that’s being poked by the researcher, cults and religious people all over the globe. It makes a great time move to be able to investigate the existence of a few mythical creatures. There are numerous colorful tales and ideas regarding the existence of aliens, and they need enough proof to be supported. Are the Claims of UFO hunters concerning the pyramid on Mars factual or just a myth? Find out the story below.
When a group of credible hunters discovered a strange ‘pyramid’ on the surface of Mars, they strengthen their beliefs that there is an existence of alien life. It was the paranormal YouTube channel who discovered the pyramid-shaped object, describing the image as an artificial object that replicates the Great Pyramids of Ancient Egypt. The whole thing was found buried in the video footage from the Curiosity rover by NASA, but the paranormal channel claim that NASA intentionally chose not to take more footage of its shape. Because of this, people wonder why they allow a single picture to go unchecked, and then hold back hundreds of others.
The Ceres ‘Pyramid.’
The strange object is incredibly fantastic, but it isn’t the first pyramid-shaped object discovered the planet. Currently, NASA’s Dawn Spacecraft is getting closer to the strange dwarf planet Ceres. While NASA is yet to reveal some information about the lights, it has also discovered a massive three-mile high pyramid on its surface.
Even though no one’s sure how the giant structure got there, it appears to be naturally made. For the next batch of images, which will come in the next days, Dawn is expected to get closer to the planet on the 30th day of June. Hopefully, it will reveal more information so that people will know more by then.
Air Force Officer UFO Sighting: Extraterrestrial Vessel Spotted At ET White House Base
Air Force Officer UFO Sighting: Extraterrestrial Vessel Spotted At ET White House Base
Unidentified flying objects have been a fascinating feature to most childhood fantasies. Aliens have always attracted people. But behind all these, there are things that are hard to explain. The case of Mr. Allen is not an exception to the rule. On July 20, 2010, in NW Washington, DC exactly at 3:18:07 AM, Mr. Allen imagined a slow moving Extraterrestrial, hyperdimensional spacecraft hovering in the sky. It occurred one mile southeast of the White House. Mr. Allen claimed to have seen a mysterious directed energy beam or strange ray of light within the White House’s vicinity.
As a former White House/Air Force Engineer and professional photographer, Will Allen claimed to have gathered photographs of extraterrestrial spacecraft coming in to land on the White House beneath the Potomac River. Mr. Allen grew up within the U.S military bases, and currently residing in Washington, DC. He recalled that at the age of five, there were about four to five grey extraterrestrials in silver spacesuits being implanted with a device. Throughout the years of his White House and military service, the implanted device went undetected. At the present, he is instructed to take photographs of the alien vessel, and the staff that enters P-56A restricted Capitol Hill through the hyperdimensional Star gates at high speeds, by giving him the signals to visit the locations in Washington, DC.
As a competent photographer, he believes that the photos are forensic in quality. Furthermore, it documents same intelligent hyperdimensional civilization behind July 16, 1952, and July 16, 2002, flyovers. On July 16, 2014, a live camera stream registered a beam of light directed to the building. Unfortunately, President Obama officially denies the proof. The public proximity and utter transparency of flying machine in the White House is a prima facie evidence of an “ET Disclosure” movement directed by the U.S. clandestine services and Rockefeller interests.
While the likelihood of life on other planets is compelling, the truth cannot be found through gatekeepers, be that in Hollywood, government, or elitist billionaires who documented ulterior motives.
Magische timelapse: zonnestorm zorgt voor lichtspektakel -
Magische timelapse: zonnestorm zorgt voor lichtspektakel -
video Een zware zonnestorm werd afgelopen nacht naar onze aarde geslingerd, waardoor er in de VS een waar lichtspektakel te zien was. Steve Baranski van de Minnesota Anstronomical Society maakte van het noorderlicht, ook bekend als aurora borealis, een magisch mooie timelapse. Volgens National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) gaat het om de grootste zonnestorm sinds maart van dit jaar en misschien zelfs sinds september 2005, meldt The Independent.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Adembenemende beelden van rood zuiderlicht -
Adembenemende beelden van rood zuiderlicht -
videoIedereen kent het noorderlicht, de aurora borealis. Maar wist je ook dat het zuidelijk halfrond een gelijkaardig fenomeen kent? Dat heet aurora australis of zuiderlicht en het levert ook adembenemende beelden op. Deze werden gekiekt in het zuiden van Australië.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Cuicuilco, the oldest pyramid in the world?
Cuicuilco, the oldest pyramid in the world?
As history goes on we seem to forget the enigmas surrounding our past, civilization and our origins.
Pyramids are present in every corner of the globe, we can find thousands of pyramids with different design and size, and there are thousands of undiscovered pyramids across the globe, waiting to be discovered. We are very familiar with the Giza Plateau and it pyramids, in Mexico, we have numerous pyramids predating the Aztecs and Maya, and in Asia we have huge pyramids that challenge mainstream archaeology. But there are other pyramids that are not so well-known. One of them is the Cuicuilco pyramid.
This pyramid is located on the outskirts of Mexico City and some researches believe that this pyramid, is the oldest pyramid on the planet. Cuicuilco was discovered in the 1920′s by archaeologist Manuel Gamio by noticing a strange formation on a natural hill. In 1922 researcher from the University of Arizona, Byron Cummings, began excavations, removing a thick layer of lava and other material to discover a circular pyramid, spread over four levels and built with uncut stones on flattened clay. According to measurements the Cuicuilco pyramid is around 18 meters high and measures 20 meters in diameter, while its original height is believed to have been around 27 meters.
The archaeological site of Cuicuilco is covered by a dense volcanic lava field known as “Pedegral de San Angel”. The lava field covers an area of approximately 80km2.
Researchers have also discovered a Stele near the pyramid of Cuicuilco which is considered as proof to point to the connection between the builders of Cuicuilco and the Olmec civilization, believed to be the mother culture of Mesoamerica.
Unlike other pyramids, like the Egyptian, the question is not how it was built, but when. To answer this mystery, researchers took into account the lava which covered the pyramid, suggesting that the Pyramid of Cuicuilco must have been completed before the eruption which covered it with lava. According to scholars, this eruption occurred 8000 years ago, challenging known history once again, since the oldest known American pyramid is believed to be 2000 years old.
Taking in count the timeframe we are speaking of, according to mainstream archaeology, humans were not capable of creating such constructions 8000 years ago.
Because archaeology cannot understand this timeframe, researchers suggest that the construction of the pyramid could have taken place more recently, suggesting that Cuicuilco is not 8000 years old but rather 2100 years. However, physical evidence found at the pyramid, the thick layer of lava and the period when the eruption occurred, places the pyramid around 8000 years ago.
In 1924 numerous female figures carved in stone were discovered at the pyramid. Strangely, these figures are very similar to those found in Europe dating back to the Paleolithic period. Among the figures, researchers have found mysterious looking sculptures depicting beings with helmets and strange-looking suits, resembling modern-day diving suits.
Most importantly, how much would the pyramid of Cuicuilco influence our understanding of history? Is it possible that humans existed on Earth thousands of years before mainstream scholars suggest? And that these ancient humans were technologically advanced? And not as primitive as some researchers suggest?
The fact that the pyramid of Cuicuilco is around 8000 years old, points to the fact that the original pyramid builders could have originated from the American Continent, expanding later in history to other lands.
Currently, the pyramid of Cuicuilco is not being researched, no matter how old or how important the discovery might be for history, scholars have decided to abandon research on the pyramid and its people. Perhaps researchers are afraid that, what they might find, could abruptly change history in many ways.
A group of individuals from other worlds have sent a message to Earth to warn us of the hidden Intervention occurring in our world. They represent our allies in the universe, who seek to preserve and foster freedom where it may exist. They call themselves the Allies of Humanity. Here they address the reality of abduction, the reason for it and what we can do to stop it.
1. Why are individuals and other beings being taken?
“Some have been taken against their will aboard craft–alien craft. It is a phenomenon that has only recently been discovered and researched, but it is a worldwide phenomenon. It is being done to breed a new leadership for humanity for the future. Should the Intervention prove to be successful, individuals will be in place, appearing to be humankind but dedicated and connected to the Intervention itself. Others are taken to be reconditioned, to be turned to support the Intervention and its plans and goals for humanity. It is one of the great dangers facing the human family at this, a great danger that very few people in the world are even aware of.”1
“Many biological elements have been taken from the world periodically to support the emergence of life elsewhere.” 2
“The Collectives seek a more permanent residence in this world. They seek it as a world that either they or their clients could own and govern from afar, with human assistance. That is why such great care has been taken to study human psychology, human physiology and your reproductive process, as well as the biological hazards that exist on Earth. That is one of the reasons that plant samples have been taken and the world has been observed for such a very long time.”3
2. What are the consequences of being abducted?
“For the vast majority of people in your world, the Intervention will be unknown and completely hidden. Yet for those who become aware of it, either because they have been taken, or because they have witnessed evidence of the Intervention in your world, these individuals will either be encouraged to believe and to support the Intervention or they will be cast aside and tormented by it. Already, there are individuals in your world, we understand, who have been cast aside and who are tormented, who have seen and felt and recognized things that they cannot incorporate into their understanding. Finding no compassion amongst their human fellows, they deteriorate into depression and into self-disassociation. Here the visitors attempt to either bond you to them or try to switch you off. Only one who is strong with Knowledge will be able to resist the inducement and to find insulation and freedom from torment. That is why learning The Way of Knowledge must be encouraged.”4
3. Is it possible to avoid being taken?
“The more you can become strong with Knowledge and aware of the visitors’ presence, the less you become a desirable subject for their study and manipulation. The more you use your encounters with them to gain insight into them, the more of a hazard you become. As we have said, they seek the path of least resistance. They want individuals who are compliant and yielding. They want those who cause them few problems and little concern. Yet as you become strong with Knowledge, you will be beyond their control because now they cannot capture your mind or your heart. And with time, you will have the power of perception to see into their minds, which they do not wish. You then become a danger to them, a challenge to them, and they will avoid you if they can.”5
4. What else can we do to protect ourselves?
“You have to speak out against the abduction of people against their will.“6
“The taking of people against their will must be exposed and denounced. It is for an insidious purpose. It can only weaken and divide the human family even further. You must recognize that competition now exists–competition from beyond the world. This competition must be recognized and must be exposed. Those who have believed that this presence is here for humanity’s good must see that this is not the case, that they have been deceived and that those who have been taken against their will believe in things that they were encouraged to believe.”7
“There are many … who have been taken by the visitors already but who have not yielded to them or to their persuasion.”5
Many of the communications from the Allies of Humanity are available free online at
Ceres' alien PYRAMID will 'unlock key to ancient ET race and origin of man', claim UFOers
Ceres' alien PYRAMID will 'unlock key to ancient ET race and origin of man', claim UFOers
UFO hunters claim the discovery by NASA of a massive "pyramid" on the dwarf planet Ceres could be one of the most significant signs of alien life ever found.
The pyramid to the right of the image of Ceres
ET researchers have been fascinated with the tiny planet since the US space agency's unmanned probe Dawn began getting close up images of its surface which revealed mysterious bright spots.
Now the discovery of a solitary "pyramid-shaped" peak on an otherwise flat part of Ceres has led to further speculation, with some claiming it could hold the key to the origins of mankind.
One UFO hunter posted online: "Ancient astronaut alert! More weird features have been spotted by NASA's Dawn spacecraft on Ceres."
NASA itself has estimated the object to be about three-miles high, which would make it around the height of Mount Blanc - the tallest mountain in the Alps.
A prolific paranormal YouTube channel posted videos about both.
In the Ceres film, the narrator said: "A possible ancient pyramid has been found on the Dwarf planet Ceres.
"Many researchers who have viewed the new pic have suggested it an ancient pyramid very similar to those found on Mars, the Moon and of course on Earth."
The narrator said it may confirm a "highly advanced" alien civilisation had left the monuments scattered through the cosmos.
They added: "I would theorise an ancient civilisation, possibly billions of years old, have purposely built these monuments for humans to find.
"Maybe the answer to man's quest for knowledge and meaning lies within these and ancient structures and maybe one day when the veil of secrecy is finally lifted we may actually find out just where in the Universe the human species originated from."
But NASA is convinced a more scientific answer will be found.
The "pyramid" close up
Paranormal Crucible compared it to ancient pyramids on Earth
A "pyramid" seen in NASA images of Mars as we reported
I would theorise an ancient civilisation, possibly billions of years old, have purposely built these monuments for humans to find.
Paranormal Crucible web site computer narration
Dr Carol Raymond, deputy principal investigator for the Dawn mission, based at Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said: "The surface of Ceres has revealed many interesting and unique features.
"For example, icy moons in the outer solar system have craters with central pits, but on Ceres central pits in large craters are much more common.
"These and other features will allow us to understand the inner structure of Ceres that we cannot sense directly."
The latest image was taken at 2,700 miles above the planet and is the latest of a number to be released by Dawn as it gets even nearer.
The clearest image so far of the mystery bright spots show one at around three miles long across.
Another appears as though the bright areas have been splashed across the surface from a crater following some sort of impact.
Ceres appears to be a 'pot marked" planet with created upon created of varying sizes across its surface.
NASA is still not certain what the bright spots are believing them to be ice, salt or even quartz, but no one is certain.
10 Insane UFO Conspiracy Theories That Might Actually Be True
10 Insane UFO Conspiracy Theories That Might Actually Be True
June 24, 2015 - Whether UFOs are actually alien crafts or not, they're extremely interesting to think about. No one knows exactly what they are (hence the name), but there sure are plenty of theories.
Theories like these range from believable, to terrifying, to laughably entertaining.
1. The Black Knight Satellite
Last week, we went in-depth into just what the Black Knight Satellite is (or what it could be). The short version is that the Black Knight is a large satellite that's believed to have been orbiting Earth for the last 300,000 years. No one knows how it got there, but it's been detected by NASA multiple times.
2. John F. Kennedy Killed By CIA
The only thing that conspiracy theorists love more than speculating about UFOs is speculating about JFK's assassination. According to some theorists, just ten days before he was killed in Dallas, President Kennedy demanded "full disclosure" from the CIA regarding their investigations into unidentified flying objects. He also ordered the agency to share all of their UFO data with NASA. To avoid having to disclose their alleged links to UFOs, the CIA had Kennedy killed.
3. The Hologram Plan
This one is weird. In 2009, a strange, blue light formed in the night sky over Norway. While the explanation is likely meteorological, conspiracy theorists declared it to be a failed attempt at implementing Project Blue Beam. The theory goes that the "New World Order" plans to show a holographic projection simulating an alien invasion as a means to seize power. Clearly, they are still working out the kinks in their plan.
4. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vs. UFO
Theories abound about the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. The most interesting one claims that it was abducted by a UFO. The proof that believers offer for this particular theory is that the Malaysian air force detected an unidentified flying object on their radar just before the plane disappeared. If that's true, this theory would account for the lack of physical debris usually found in the event of a plane crash.
5. America's Hidden Space Fleet
While the United States has one of the most sophisticated terrestrial militaries in the world, when it comes to space warfare, we're woefully unqualified. Or are we? According to some theorists, NASA's mission for space exploration is merely a front. Their real purpose is to build and maintain a fleet of interstellar war ships that are in orbit above Earth as we speak. The evidence offered for this supposed space fleet is a cryptic reference to something called the Solar Warden Program in a leaked document from the U.S. State Department.
6. 2012 Olympic Alien Invasion
The 2012 Olympic Games were a triumph of human achievement. However, if you were a UFO conspiracy theorist, it was anything but. According to these folks, the 2012 Olympic mascots somehow conveyed a hidden message about an impending alien invasion. Instead of rooting for their home teams, theorists were busy stocking their emergency bunkers. When the invasion didn't happen, it was, of course, classified as a conspiracy. This time, the perpetrators were the Free Masons.
7. Alien Jesus
One of the most widely circulated UFO conspiracy theories out there is that Jesus was actually an alien. This one falls into the Ancient Aliens category of conspiracies. While it seems far out, it would explain pretty much all of Jesus's miracles.
8. Nazi UFOs In Antarctica
In 1946, America mounted a large, unprecedented expedition to Antarctica. The official reason was to beat the Soviets there. However, Nazi supporters maintain that the expedition was mounted to destroy a secret Nazi UFO base located there. The theory continues, saying that the "attack force" was repelled by the superior Nazi technology. In reality, bad weather forced the expedition to make a hasty return.
9. General MacArthur vs. Aliens
During a 1955 speech, General MacArthur is said to have made a comment about Earth-wide war against aliens. He urged the world to unite because the next great war could be a battle for Earth's very survival. Conspiracy theorists believe this was a reference to some specific knowledge that MacArthur had about the existence of aliens.
10. NASA Sent Astronauts To Another Planet
While humans have only officially visited the moon, UFO theorists believe humanity has gone much farther. They claim that a dozen astronauts were sent to a planet 37 light-years away called Serpo during the Kennedy administration. They were part of an exchange program implemented by grateful aliens who were saved after their spacecraft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
Concerns were expressed in the wake of the Roswell Slides debacle about organizations such as the Mutual UFO Network continuing to promote those who supported and enabled the empty claims surrounding the alleged slides. Don Schmitt was quickly back in the spotlight at a recent MUFON PA event, for instance, and beWITNESS promoter Jaime Maussan was invited to speak at the upcoming 2015 MUFON Symposium. MUFON WI Assistant State Director and Chief Investigator Mark O'Connell subsequently urged the organization to remove Maussan from the list of speakers. He also requested MUFON ban Maussan and Schmitt from future events, along with their slides colleagues Tom Carey, Richard Dolan and Anthony Bragalia. It seems Adam Dew has relatively removed himself from ufology, at least as compared to his beWITNESS associates and for the time being. Further consideration reveals the challenges to be common and merely among the latest of what is relatively standard operating procedure concerning the low quality of speakers and information typically offered. MUFON and the North American UFO community in particular have systemic problems of credibility and poor quality of information circulated, as observable in not only the invitation extended to Jaime Maussan to speak at the annual MUFON conference, but the additional inclusion of such questionable figures as Paul Hellyer. Many people particularly object to the circumstances in light of the organization's claim to be dedicated to the scientific study of UFOs, an assertion now so widely taken for granted as false that it no longer even generates significant discussion.
The late alien abduction guru & MUFON frequent flyer Budd Hopkins, probably not bridging the gap between science and ufology during a meeting with an alleged alien abductee
Adding insult to injury is an upcoming MUFON PA event in which the keynote speaker is yet another dubious figure, Dr. David Jacobs, who, as of this blog post, quite questionably continues to claim to be a "strong advocate of strict scientific and ethical research methodology." Trouble is that if those claims were to be taken any more seriously than the underachieved MUFON mission statement, Jacobs has been repeatedly shown to fail miserably at actually implementing such purported advocacy into his own work. The retired historian's so-called investigations were conclusively demonstrated to be extremely ethically questionable and completely absent scientific merit. Nonetheless, MUFON is opting to roll out the red carpet and present him with a lifetime achievement award, as if it had no knowledge of either the actual definition of science or Jacobs' confirmed actions, detrimental to both his research subjects and the quality of the genre's collective body of information. Several members of the UFO community were recently contacted and asked to submit comment on the above circumstances for inclusion in this blog post. Following are their most appreciated contributions. Nigel Watson Writer and researcher Nigel Watson is the author of 'UFO Investigations Manual', 'UFOs of the First World War' and many more books and articles. He was recently a speaker at the Inhabited Sky Conference in Spain, where he presented research along with colleagues Theo Paijmans, Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck. Mr. Watson wrote in response to request for comment:
My first reaction is 'string them all up from the highest yardarm', let them never cast a shadow over ufology ever again.
We can see that the whole ‘Roswell’ slides saga was a publicity seeking enterprise that highlighted the gullibility of so-called UFO experts, and played on the wish-to-believe in the existence of aliens who are prone to crashing to the surface of our planet and end up being mummified and whisked away to Area 51.
Without years of expert analysis, the ‘alien’ looks like a mummy and is obviously in some type of exhibition case. Plus, you only have to use Google to see the person promoting it has been involved with lots of other UFO claims and ‘evidence’ that had no basis in fact.
The slides are genuine images of a museum exhibit that have been erroneously linked to Roswell and aliens. It is a shame this has tarnished the reputation of all the so-called experts who attended this event.
This must be considered the lowest point UFO research has ever descended to, but it won't stop UFO believers saying:
1. These images are of an alien and need further investigation before we dismiss it.
2. If a fake or hoax, it was deliberately staged and organised to undermine ufology.
It would be harsh to ban everyone involved with this episode or other equally dodgy cases, and they would easily find supporters and a platform elsewhere. Plus, some were passengers on this circus train whilst others were actively steering and driving it towards ufological obliteration.
What annoys me with this saga is that no opposing views or different viewpoints were considered or allowed. Even now some supporters of this sorry episode say we should consider 'all the evidence' before we write it off.
As ufologists we shouldn’t be close minded, we hear lots of very bizarre stories, but we should also have a sense of perspective and be aware when we are being taken for a ride.
William Grabowski William Grabowski maintains the blog 'The Night Run'and is the author of 'Black Light: Perspectives on Mysterious Phenomena', 'Traces of Oblivion' and other works. He explained:
When I first heard about the so-called Roswell Slides, my curiosity was piqued. Revisiting Kevin D. Randle's website (where I'd gotten the news), I soon learned many others had known about the (in)famous images for quite a while. As a full-time writer/editor, I have very little "spare" time to read for enjoyment, so I spend my lunch-hour perusing various 'sites—Randle's among them. Right away, as most following The UFO Trail know, Randle's 'site became a virtual battleground hosting Roswell Slides Skeptics, Believers, and Agnostics. I lurked around for several months, right up until the "reveal" on May 5th (three days before my birthday), curious as hell to find out exactly how many ufological casualties might result from the certain catastrophic failure...and wasn't disappointed.
"They benefited personally and financially, and ought to suffer the consequences of malpractice."
In the six weeks following, I have been mostly shocked by the statements and behavior of Maussan, Carey, Schmitt, Dolan, and Bragalia—even mystified. So have you. Mark O'Connell, MUFON Wisconsin Assistant State Director and Chief Investigator, calls for banning the Slides promoters from future MUFON events—I support this sanction, though with some empathy for the five in question. I take no pleasure seeing anyone in so-called ufology/anomalies investigation being pilloried for questionable activities and distortions (remember Philip Imbrogno?). I feel the same about David Jacobs, whose (literal) exploits can be examined on this very website. Regarding MUFON's apparent failure to respect and adhere to its Mission Statement by inviting Jacobs to events...this is why I'm not a joiner.
Like most everyone else who paid attention to this fustercluck, I sensed disaster in the making. Though genuinely tempted to chime in on Randle's website, I chose to stay out. What good would come of threading another voice into the tangle of comments?
In a nut, all those in question billed themselves as experts backed by integrity and truth. They benefited personally and financially, and ought to suffer the consequences of malpractice.
Richard Dolan, beWITNESS participant who inexplicably expressed in statements published May 6, "I know Jaime [Maussan] and have seen him at work first-hand. I know he cares about the truth."
Frank Warren Long time researcher/investigator and publisher of 'The UFO Chronicles' Frank Warren identified the proverbial elephant in the room as "the systemic failure of Ufology in general and MUFON specifically." He wrote:
The recent Roswell Slides fiasco which actually is still being pushed by and or living on, in the fanciful minds of some, is but a symptom of the disease endemic to TODAY’s Ufology.
Setting aside, for a moment, the apex or culmination of the Slides imbroglio which took place in Mexico City, on May 5th (2015), what we have is a substandard, maladroit exemplar of UFO research/investigation. The notion that this comedy of errors; connection of nonexistent dots and proclaiming speculation as fact—got as far as it did boggles the brain.
This of course leads us to the question of incompetence beyond measure or Machiavellian intent on some or perhaps all the Roswell Slide Promoters. No doubt—that debate will forever be melded in the annals of Ufology. The notion of fraud or ill intent wouldn’t be in play . . . that is, if money weren’t involved.
This brings us to the grand pay-per-view event and climax of the so-called investigation of the (then) Roswell Alien Slides; the really big show and smoking gun of extraterrestrial visitation and as billed by UFO showman, Jaime Maussan. Had this circus show not been part of the equation; if money wasn’t involved, then in my view we’re just left with ineptitude.
In the end, whether there was any malfeasance or no, what we have in the wake of the Roswell Slides Fiasco is the worst, self-inflicted damage done to Ufology in recent memory; it is our Piltdown Man and the irony is—no one seems to care! This in itself is a barometer of the sad-shape and disorder of TODAY’s Ufology.
"In the real world, participants in this hokum would have been run out of town on a rail and never heard from again..."
In the real world, participants in this hokum would have been run out of town on a rail and never heard from again; however, not unlike a defrocked televangelist, one merely has to wait a bit and open another church; the difference in TODAY’s Ufology is—there’s no waiting period!
The elephant in the room is the systemic failure of Ufology in general and MUFON specifically. The idea that the "scientific study of UFOs" is demonstrated seemingly, by self-aggrandizing ideologues, making unfounded, fallacious proclamations at carnival-like conferences where unvetted, fringe elements of all stripes are welcome is simply mind-bending! Not to mention corresponding, bunkum, promoting so-called docu-drama television shows. Mixing sober researchers with soothsayers, psychics, astrologers and other like ilk denigrates any notion of proper research and simply adds fuel to the giggle factor imposed on Ufology by the mainstream media and scientific community.
Ufology is broken and there is no fix in sight!
Dr. Michael S. Heiser Dr. Michael S. Heiser is a scholar in the fields of biblical studies and the ancient Near East. His diverse talents include authoring several books, conducting podcasts and maintaining multiple blogs on subjects ranging from objective examination of the topic of alleged ancient aliens to facilitating professional analysis of the infamous MJ-12 documents. Addressing the UFO research community, Dr. Heiser suggested something needs to be done to foster accountability, for the sake of both the subject matter and enthusiasts. He explained further:
In the wake of something as egregiously inept (and apparently, at least with respect to some parties, deliberately false) as the Roswell Slides, a ban merits some consideration. That said, I think the end goal of filtering out contrived, deceptive, and unscientific "contributions" to UFO research and public events could just as well be accomplished through a thoughtful and serious vetting process. That is, no speaker gets in because they have a name, a book, a blog, or a list of guest appearances on popular shows.
"The dirty little secret is that the best research in ufology happens on a handful of lesser-known blogs and podcasts."
For example, MUFON could select a panel of presentation reviewers for blind review of speaking proposals for at least national events, though the same process could be used for local chapters. This is the norm for academic conferences I attend. Review committees (usually created around content domains and manned by content experts) vet speaking proposals in a timely fashion. Given the propensity for lack of substance at UFO events, I personally think presenters ought to submit their entire presentation (outlines, slides, videos, notes, paper, etc.) for review. The purpose would be to detect unsubstantiated claims, shoddy use of evidence, and showmanship over substance—not whether reviewers agree with conclusions. It would also serve to filter out presenters with shady ethics. Reviewers should insist that a speaker's presentation focus on some topic to date—as opposed to providing a platform for teasing an audience. Ideally, preference should be given to those presentations that actually advance a discussion on some case or topic. If speakers swap in an alternative presentation after having a presentation proposal approved by a vetting process, they could be banned for a year from MUFON events as a penalty. If care was taken up front, MUFON could then publish volumes of the proceedings. Presenters should not be remunerated for such publications—conference volumes would be a means of generating some financial support for MUFON or defray event costs.
If MUFON is serious about its reason for being, then quality needs to trump popularity. You're either serious about the subject matter or you're okay with giving stage time to investigative parodies. I can already hear the objection that these suggestions would eliminate familiar, popular speakers. So be it. I'm not worried. The dirty little secret is that the best research in ufology happens on a handful of lesser-known blogs and podcasts. Maybe it's time to cultivate a new crop of presenters.
Dr. Tyler Kokjohn "Mark O’Connell has called for certain UFO researchers and personalities to be banned from MUFON events," Dr. Tyler Kokjohn observed. "I believe the only mistake Mr. O’Connell made was to place so few persons on his list." Dr. Kokjohn, a Professor of Microbiology, popular podcast guest and member of Project Core, continued:
Scientists develop hypotheses and subject them to rigorous testing to drive understanding forward where facts are in dispute or nonexistent. Hypotheses which cannot be confirmed through observation or experiment must be modified accordingly or abandoned. These activities constitute the heart of the scientific method. Sponsoring events that appear to be more about entertainment than meaningful scientific exchanges, MUFON groups feature and sometimes bestow honors on investigators producing work that clearly does not meet minimal scientific standards.
Nowhere is MUFON’s collective failure to act as a scientific gatekeeper more glaring than in the area of alien abductions. By consistently failing to challenge blatantly obscurantist methodology and remaining silent as uncorroborated hypotheses bloat to byzantine proportions, MUFON fosters the propagation of alien abduction myths masquerading as scientific investigations. Genetic analysis technologies, now routine in scientific research and medicine, have advanced to a point where some astonishing claims can be subjected to definitive tests. MUFON leaders should be well aware of the potential. Bill Chalker published an article in The MUFON UFO Journal describing an investigation using one of them years ago. The first investigator to secure genetic proof human-alien hybrids exist will probably claim a Nobel Prize and more. However, none of the abduction investigators have reported any genetic test results. Such disinterest in genetic testing is extraordinary given that one MUFON leader claimed on a Future Theater episode (aired live 18 May 2013) to have been used as a 'breeder' and would therefore seem to be an ideal source of material. Appearing with her on that show was the co-author of the book about her experiences they were promoting, a noted abduction researcher and also a MUFON leader as well. Any mainstream scientists that close to a possible Nobel Prize award would move heaven and Earth to complete the tests necessary to prove their hypotheses – quickly - fearing someone else might beat them to it. Over two years later and where do these leading investigators and the entire abduction field sit? Securely in the same safe refuge from scientific progress they have been permitted to occupy for decades. Apparently no one on the MUFON-Pa lifetime achievement award committee raised the issue. In my opinion, the MUFON organization has collectively nurtured pathological science. Indulging abduction researchers inside and outside the organization with the latitude to produce entertaining performances unencumbered by the evidentiary standards and practices of mainstream scientists, the organization provides a license to peddle hyped and unsubstantiated modern day fables in the guise of science. Will these special dispensations and awards be prelude to Nobel Prizes and stand as testament to the bold scientific astuteness of MUFON? Or will they come to represent systemic and self-inflicted disaster? The genetic data will expose all.
David Jacobs, who suggested during a 2012 interviewthat forensic evidence could not be obtained of ET-human hybrids allegedly regularly terrorizing "Elizabeth" due to curtains over the windows of her home
Jeff Ritzmann Jeff Ritzmann's long list of contributions to the UFO community include spearheading Project Core, conducting film analysis and publishing salient podcasts. Learn more about his latest undertakings at 'Paranormal Waypoint'. He wrote:
For decades now, UFO studies have been sorely lacking in a few things. Not the least of which is accountability. The recent debacle of the Roswell Slides offers a unique opportunity - the chance to finally make a real difference, not one towards the UFO issue directly, but that on which all work has always been balanced: the accountability of the people disseminating the 'data'.
UFO research has sadly degraded into a popularity contest. It's not what you say, it's about how well you can deliver it to an eager conference or radio audience. It's not about the real facts, it's about how one can weave half-truths and innuendo into a good narrative. It's become about believing, rather than working to know.
It's become about perpetuating the mystery - instead of asking better questions towards potential answers.
As a long time opponent of 'regression hypnotherapy' and trying to show its ill-conceived uses in the abduction field, I was shocked when one woman decided to speak out about blatant mistreatment by a prominent abduction researcher - not by what she related, but in the response from the public. Despite overwhelming evidence of her mistreatment, that same researcher is to present day, invited to speak on the topic in public outlets. He is due to be presented with a 'lifetime achievement award'.
Some members of the interested public resorted to personal attacks on the woman, even going so far as to make absurdly foolish and uneducated psychological 'diagnoses' to protect their UFOlogical hero, and their belief system built upon that hero's narrative.
As far as I know the 'researcher' is not a psychiatric professional, not a counselor, and for that matter not even a formally trained hypnotherapist. And this is who we consider 'researcher' when we look at the contact experience.
I have often said, you either care about this study or you don't. We all determine the value of work presented, and thereby who is considered worthy of our consideration. It's time we all care enough to send a clear message - to turn our collective backs to opportunists, who would sell us their 'truth'. To bring pressure to bear by refusing to attend functions that allow these people to have a platform. It's time to stop giving in to excuses and clever posturing after the fact. Stand strong on the self-evident truth and hold those accountable, or don't. This phenomena moves on with or without us.
Curtis Collins Long time UFO community member Curtis Collins maintains the blog 'Blue Blurry Lines' and participated in the Roswell Slides Research Group, which played a key role in bringing the reality of the fuzzy images into much sharper focus. He responded:
Richard Dolan has said that researchers should be allowed to make mistakes. I agree, and in his case, he’s faced facts and acknowledged the truth in light of better information. Don Schmitt seemed to have also done so, but later made statements that show he’s still standing with Tom Carey and Jaime Maussan in defending the presentation of the Slides as alien, or non-human in BeWitness.
The telltale placard
It’s baffling. The evidence for the slides was no more than circumstantial, and the placard shown within them undermined any claims of anything alien. Since then, there has been overwhelming evidence presented in additional National Park Service documents and additional photographs. Before this, my opinion was that yes, mistakes could be forgiven, and this incident should not reflect on their entire careers. Now this continuing failure of judgment causes me to reconsider that, and I’d suggest that their previous work be examined for similar flawed practices.
Ban them from conferences? Maybe, but the choice is up to the individual in what kind of ufology they want to support. I can’t see a good reason to attend one where any of the promoters are featured.
Robert Sheaffer Writer and researcher Robert Sheaffer has published numerous books and articles on UFOs and related issues, including his work as a columnist at 'The Skeptical Inquirer' for over 30 years. He maintains the blog 'Bad UFOs' and was a founding member of the UFO Subcommittee of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He invited consideration that perhaps MUFON should simply admit it provides people exciting UFO stories with minimal concern for whether those stories are true:
Beyond any doubt MUFON's credibility suffers when it sponsors lectures by people like Maussan, whose credibility, all serious researchers agree, is essentially zero. But given the success of MUFON's HANGAR 1, a preposterously bad TV show given to fantasy and even fabrication, it seems that when forced to choose between ratings and reputation, MUFON has decided not to worry about its reputation. Actually, HANGAR 1 was not the first time MUFON made such a decision in favor of sensationalism. Back in the 1980s, MUFON's Walt Andrus decided to strongly promote the ridiculous hoax UFO photos of Ed Walters in Gulf Breeze, even though many of his own top investigators proclaimed them bogus. Apparently the publicity and excitement of the Gulf Breeze circus brought more people into MUFON, so Andrus decided it was worth the cost in MUFON's reputation.
Besides, MUFON would be on a true slippery slope if they attempted to exclude people as speakers based on preposterous things they may have said in the past. Even some UFOlogists considered as 'serious' or 'moderate' have made preposterous claims, such as a "secret space program" (Richard Dolan) or an imminent 'alien invasion' (Nick Pope). And if MUFON were to exclude people like this for being too flaky, who would be left? Perhaps MUFON should simply admit that it is in the business of providing people with titillating and exciting UFO stories, without worrying about whether they are true.
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UFO Community Members Weigh in on Dubious MUFON Speakers - PART II
UFO Community Members Weigh in on Dubious MUFON Speakers - PART II
Lance Moody
Thanks for attempting to insert thoughtful discourse into this topic.
From all appearances, the train left the station long ago.
From my perspective, MUFON is what it is. It has nothing to do with scientific study of anything. And it probably never did.
The embarrassing and infantile missteps are perhaps becoming more frequent but the organization has always been the realm of amateur UFO enthusiasts whose unscientific religious belief in flying saucers clouds their judgement in a profound way.
When considering celebrated UFO cases, the slides debacle is only unusual in that the denouement was so definitive. Usually there is so little evidence available that the "investigator" can really go to town on offering his speculation about the case.
And there is no doubt that many (possibly most) UFO cases rest on the same kind of faulty foundation: narratives composed by inept experimenter bias, willful belief and a certain measure of prideful stupidity.
From my perspective, what UFO organizations do is pretend to be interested in scientific modes of inquiry while either not understanding such methodology, or actually abhorring it. And even worse they often erect a false veneer of sciencey double speak and ponderous but meaningless "data" that seems to wow the rubes.
But MUFON has now dropped so low in its search for splashy speakers and TV fame that the false scientific shell has possibly become only vestigial.
Unfortunately every UFO group does the same thing and it's hard to decide what's worse: promoting something obviously silly like Bigfoot's connection to UFOs or the pretend science in the white papers of organizations like NARCAP.
It all comes from the same place.
Sue Johnson
"Boundary work" is the name given by social scientists to activities scientists undertake to demarcate and defend what counts as science -- for example, establishing a credentialing system, presenting one’s ongoing research for collegial critique at lunchtime symposia, or in extreme cases calling for retractions of papers from journals. Since its beginnings in the US, ufology qua science has been intermixed with ufology qua spirituality, the paranormal, hoaxes, disinformation campaigns, popular culture and self-delusion. Ufology as a whole has never been successful in doing the boundary work necessary to distinguish between either good vs. poor science or science and non-science. Even major organizations like APRO and NICAP each adopted their own guidelines for what counted as legitimate UAP phenomena (occupants/no occupants, for example). The most salient boundaries when it comes to studying UAPs have been those imposed by outside, by government bodies and/or academic disdain for and impatience with such a chaotic field.
"If MUFON can’t do this, others will continue to open such conversations elsewhere and MUFON cannot legitimately claim to be the voice of science..."
Hence, it’s still possible for sideshow-style exhibits that almost everyone outside of ufology would recognize as such to be proffered by well-known UFO researchers as evidence in ufological claims-making.It’s true the high strange aspect of much UAP and related phenomena requires that the bizarre and quixotic not be automatically dismissed from consideration.However, the Roswell Slides had hoax, not high strange, written all over it just based on common sense considerations.
It seems incredible, then, that given its mission statement MUFON would continue to include the people involved in the Roswell Slides in its promotions and events.If an organization claiming to be a legitimate voice of ufology can’t make credible distinctions between scientific and non-scientific facets of its own history, how can it be trusted to make authoritative contributions to future science for the benefit of humanity?
In the case of the Roswell Slides, the appropriate boundary work was carried out in short course by an ad hoc group of knowledgeable and interested outsiders.This suggests that there are aspects of the MUFON approach to UFOs that actively work against doing the necessary scientific boundary work.The best thing MUFON could do is institutionalize a space in which difficult conversations about boundary work can take place.If MUFON can’t do this, others will continue to open such conversations elsewhere and MUFON cannot legitimately claim to be the voice of science when it comes to UFO/UAPs
James Carrion James Carrion authors the blogs 'Follow the Magic Thread' and 'The Rosetta Deception', and conducts extensive research into the relations between the Cold War era intelligence community and public perception of UFOs. As a former MUFON International Director, he can offer specific insight into the parade of low quality speakers. Mr. Carrion explained:
As a former International Director of MUFON, I can provide a unique perspective on the antithetical-to-its-mission-statement decision making for which MUFON is currently being criticized. It can be summed up in two words: Sex sells.
Since I resigned from MUFON in 2010, MUFON has been on a re-branding mission in an attempt to make itself a sexy alternative to the current public love affair with all things paranormal that includes ghost hunting, Bigfoot tracking, and ancient astronaut theorizing. There's a plethora of these shows on cable for a reason - the public loves them - and that means advertising dollars. Taking lessons from the oldest profession in the world - MUFON needs the money and sex sells - so mission statement be damned, the truth can wait. Here are some of the relevant facts which make this a no-brainer decision for MUFON:
Fact number one - MUFON is a nonprofit organization that survives on membership dues, donations, merchandise sales, annual Symposium attendance, and extraneous revenue streams like what it squeezes out of the History Channel.
Fact number two - MUFON is run by a Business Board of "believers" who pay lip service to scientific principles, from board member Clifford Clift who believes in alien bases on the moon to Jan Harzan whose personal UFO sighting as a child drives his willingness to believe.
Fact number three - MUFON is a data collector with no clear vision on how to convert that data into scientifically sound analysis. After over forty years of existence, MUFON can't even state what it knows to be true about the phenomenon.
When I was Director, the pressure to sell its image at any cost was a discussion at every board meeting - how do we get more members and sponsors, how do we sell more merchandise, how do we get more symposium attendees? Resisting the pressures to sacrifice truth for cold hard cash is what lead to my resignation.
Until MUFON decides to get off of its street corner turning tricks and into the lab doing real research, it will be justifiably criticized for its current ridiculous actions of promoting UFO myths on its Hangar1 show and for hosting known UFO hoaxers, myth makers, regurgitators and outright liars at its annual Symposium. I am not holding my breath that will happen anytime soon under its current leadership.
Vendors at UFO conferences typically offer such goods & services as stones alleged to have metaphysical properties, psychic readings and photographing you with your aura, even when the event is advertised as science-based
The contributions of all are most appreciated, as is the investment of valuable time and attention. Thank you. Relevant and interesting points were indeed addressed. There is no doubt that claims asserted by some ufology figures and endorsedby the organizations that promote them are extremely detrimental to compiling a body of accurate information. It is clearly a given that those claiming to be in positions to provide information do not always prioritize accuracy in their reporting or deserve the trust they are granted. Organizations, including the Mutual UFO Network, that provide publicity to dubious speakers, particularly while claiming to conduct scientific study, should be called on such misrepresentations. Perhaps the best way to hold them accountable is to simply not support them. We might choose to continue to withhold our attendance, membership and financial support from organizations and events which are poorly operated and do not serve the best interests of their patrons. Perhaps MUFON leadership generates enough revenue from television deals and similar sources to not care if the org has members or not. Either way, we have the ability to implement our own ban for all practical purposes and as matters of principle. Such a boycott certainly appears to be warranted, if not relatively forced upon us by the perpetrators. While refraining from supporting individuals and organizations that engage in false claims of promoting scientific study, we might simultaneously take a positive approach, making specific efforts to turn our attention to and endorse those we identify as worthy. Let writers and researchers you appreciate know it. Encourage them. Purchase their products, and morally and publicly support their websites and appearances. MUFON directors and conference organizers are indeed responsible for the poor shape of the org and the low quality of its events. We, as consumers, are responsible for what we choose to support or oppose. Let's keep demanding better quality, applying consequences when it is not provided, and granting support when it is, wherever that valuable support may best be offered.
Although Arrowhead UFOs are not the most common of UFO shapes sighted, this sighting was even more unusual because of its duration. The craft was seen by the entire crew of the Oil Tanker “British Grenadier” for exactly 3 days! The event occurred around April/May 1969 while the “British Grenadier” was sailing through the Gulf of Mexico. The UFO appeared directly above the ship at exactly noon on the first day. It just seemed to appear as nobody saw it arrive and it remained above the ship for the next 3 days. According to reports the craft was approximately 1 mile above the ship and dark blue in colour during the day. At night it appeared as a silvery light. The weather conditions were good at the time, with a clear sky and calm seas.
On the first day of its arrival (one minute after midnight), the ships engines suddenly stopped and only emergency lighting and steering were available. The crew managed to restart the engines, which took some time as all the pumps had to be shut down and restarted manually.
The second day saw all the food storage refrigerators closed down and no reason for this event could be found.
On the third day at 11.45 pm one of the crew noticed that the lights were out in the ships air conditioning room and a door leading to the crews accomodation was opened. The engineer passed through the door to investigate and spoke to two firemen. But the next day the same door was found welded shut! Apparently, the door had been welded before the ship left dock (because of a fault), but the door was definitely open for the engineer to have walked through it. A few minutes after this event the engines stopped again, leaving just emergency lighting and steering (again one minute after midnight!). They were restarted once more, but later it was discovered that the starter motor for the emergency diesel generator had been dismantled. All the parts of the generator were neatly placed by the machine as if someone had examined it. At exactly noon on the third day the craft vanished in the same manner as it had appeared.
Although all these events were recorded in the ships log, this is the first time (to our knowledge) that this event has been published. We would be interested in hearing from any of the crew that were aboard the BP Oil Tanker “British Grenadier” at this time, in order to obtain more information about this sighting.
This orb fleet was seen by a sky watcher in Peru last week and we see a line of UFOs, one after another pass by. The UFOs seem to have two lights on them. I do not believe the two lights are two separate UFOs, but rather just one single UFO. I tested the screenshots to see if there was a mountain in the background and that was not. Its only sky behind it. SCW
Publisher's Note:I came across this very interesting article on the Mirror.Co.UK website written by Kara O'Neill.
This article is entitled: Strange fleet of UFOs caught on camera by baffled eye-witness as they hover in early-morning sky. A strange fleet of unidentified flying objects have been caught on camera by a baffled man who spotted the lights hovering above his home.
Five 'double orbed' lights were seen dramatically changing position in the early-morning sky above Tarma, a central city in Peru on June 22.
According to the filmmaker, the video was captured at 5am, although other details about the footage remain unclear.
Strange: The lights were captured on camera by baffled onlookers who spotted them hovering in the sky about their house.
The baffling YouTube clip has since been shared by OVNI, a website which collects UFO videos and stories from all over the world.
OVNI,S en Flota Aparecen de madrugada en peru▬UFO Fleet appear at dawn in Peru edt 22/06/2015
Since the video was published on June 23, it has also attracted attention from social media users, with some viewers appearing very enthusiastic about the footage, convinced it is proof of alien life forms.
One commentator wrote: "What happens if you do signs with a flashlight or laser? Have you tried to? Do your legs not tremble?"
Strange: Do the mysterious lights prove there are alien life forms out there?
Another added: "Thank you. Amazing fleets of alien ships recorded all around Earth of late."
Volgens NASA personeel werden de destijds door de Mariner 7 gemaakte foto’s van Mars bewust weggehouden van het publiek.
De reden was simpel; op deze foto’s waren een groot aantal buitenaardse steden en gebouwen te zien.
Mariner 7 was een Amerikaanse onbemande ruimtevlucht naar Mars eind jaren '60. Doel was onderzoek te verrichten naar de atmosfeer en het oppervlak van de rode planeet.
De sonde voerde deze missie samen met de tegelijkertijd gelanceerde Mariner 6 uit. Daaropvolgende missies gebruikten de gegevens verzameld tijdens deze twee passages. Daarnaast testte NASA de vereiste technieken voor interplanetaire vluchten uit.
Volgens ufoloog Scott Waring werden de door de Mariner 7 gemaakte foto’s destijds bewust door NASA weggehouden van het publiek om de simpele reden dat ze teveel zaken zouden onthullen.
Zelfs nu is het niet gemakkelijk om ze te vinden en wanneer je er één hebt, is er een gerede kans dat een groot deel met opzet wazig is gemaakt.
Volgens NASA employees bevatten de Mariner 7 foto’s veel buitenaardse steden en gebouwen en dus mocht het publiek deze niet zien.
De foto waar het volgende vreemde cijfer van afkomstig is, is dan ook zo’n bewust wazig gemaakte foto. Dat betekent dat ongeveer 75 procent van de foto niet duidelijk is te zien.
Misschien dat er binnenkort software op de markt komt waarmee dit soort wazige filters verwijderd kunnen worden.
Ondertussen moeten we het doen met de dingen die wel te zien zijn, zoals het volgende cijfer 6 of 9. Scott Waring denkt dat het getal onderdeel vormt van een buitenaards gebouw of iets dergelijks.
Wie de originele foto wil bekijken, kan dat hier doen.
Mystery Investigator Owns the UFO Sighting Sketch of John Lennon
Mystery Investigator Owns the UFO Sighting Sketch of John Lennon
A rare sketch that John Lennon made to record his alien encounter is in the hands of a leading UFO researcher. Lennon allegedly had the strange encounter in America.
Known for his investigation of the 1974 UFO Berwyn Mountains incident, Russ Kellett said he bought Lennon’s sketch of an encounter with flying saucer in New York. Mr Kellett revealed that he got the controversial sketch a few months ago. Lennon’s alleged UFO encounter took place in the same year of the North Wales incident.
It has been a rumour that Lennon, whose first wife Cynthia just recently died and once lived in Ruthin, has made some drawings following the sighting.
According to the report, Lennon was standing on his apartment’s balcony with former girlfriend May Pang on August 23, 1974. The two claimed to have spotted a flying saucer floating silently over them.
Many suspected that the lyric of Nobody Told Me that says “There’s a UFO over New York, and I ain’t too surprised” refers to the incident.
Mr Kellett said that he loves to collect UFO materials and a Beatles fan too. When a friend told him that it was becoming available, he grabbed the opportunity to own the sketch. He said he bought it from a private collector.
Mr Kellett said that the sketch shows Lennon pointing into the sky at the UFO. However, the buyer remained tight lip over the amount he paid for the sketch.
NASA Head Says Extra-terrestrial Life and Area 51 Both Exist
NASA Head Says Extra-terrestrial Life and Area 51 Both Exist
Alien life does exist, but it’s not hidden in Area 51, according to NASA Administrator Major Charles Frank Bolden Jr. He told British schoolchildren that he was positive about finding life outside of Earth because there were so many planets that are Earth-like.
When Bolden asked by 10-year old Carmen Dearing if he believed in aliens, he said that he does think that we’ll someday discover other forms of life or a form of life, if not in our solar system, then some of the billions of other solar systems in the universe.
Major Bolden explained that there are literally thousands or millions of other planets, and many of which may be very Earth-like.
Major Bolden also admitted the existence of Area 51 but said the American government wasn’t hiding alien in the facility. He said that Area 51 is a regular research and development place. He told the schoolchildren that he never saw any alien or alien spaceship or anything related to it when he was there. He said that the secrecy of the aeronautics contributed the rumours about aliens being kept secret in Area 51.
The Area 51’s existence has been kept secret for many decades, and it has fuelled UFO theories. In 2013, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) released a series of documents as part of a Freedom of Information request and acknowledged the exact location of Area 51 in Nevada, near Groom Lake.
The documents reveal that the facility was used during the Second World War as an aerial gunnery for the Army Air Corp pilots.
President Dwight Eisenhower later approved the place as the Atomic Energy Commissions Nevada test site and training range. Area 51 later became the primary site for the development of the U-2 spy plane.
Major Bolden also said that the lack of adequate toilet facilities is one of the main reasons humans haven’t landed yet on the Red Planet. NASA is hoping to send finally humans to Mars in the 2030s, but Major Bolden said there were technological obstacles that still needed to be addressed.
He said that they’re going to do an orbital mission first on Mars, similar to what they did when they went to the Moon. According to Major Bolden, they’ve got to get the surface of the Mars ready for human habitation. They want to build habitats and houses using robots. He said they need better life support systems, and toilets are a big deal.
Mr Bolden answered questions for the children’s newspaper First News show “Hotseat,” which is broadcast on Sky News.
UFO Day - 6 encounters of the third kind in Lincolnshire
UFO Day - 6 encounters of the third kind in Lincolnshire
Keep your eyes peeled.
Be sure to keep your eyes peeled to the sky this July 2 as Earth prepares for World UFO Day.
Lincoln seems to have had its very own visitors over recent years and we thought this would be the perfect time to revisit some of them.
1. Last December, Retired airline captain Paul Howard appeared to have captured three UFOs on camera.
Paul commented: "I hadn't noticed anything strange when I took the photo but I was quite surprised to see three very interesting saucer-like shapes in the sky when I looked at the picture on my computer."
4. After seeing a bright light on the morning of January 4, 2009, local Conisholme residents speculated a UFO was responsible for severing a huge 72ft. blade off a wind turbine.
However, investigators later ruled out any aircraft, including UFOs, as the cause.
A statement from wind farm operator Ecotricity said: "Following several weeks of forensic examination of the turbine's components the manufacturer, Enercon, has ruled out 'collision' as a possible cause."
Bolts securing the blade to the hub were said to have failed due to 'material fatigue'.
5. Around 9:15pm on April 5, 2013 a man from North Hykeham spotted a dark, delta shaped object in the sky from his back garden.
Stephen Melusco had gone out to stargaze when he spotted the bizarre sight quickly travelling north east to west. The sighting only lasted for four or five seconds and then it was gone.
Stephen said: "I only saw it because there were some low clouds at that time with street lights from Lincoln Road or NK in the distance which made the object appear lighter. There were no on-board lights and no engine sounds."
6. Above the North Sea on October 5, 1996 police officers and a ship's crew witnessed rotating multi-coloured lights in the sky near the coast of Boston.
These sightings were document in a detailed investigation by the RAF, when air defence radars at RAF Neatishead in Norfolk detected an unidentified blip over Boston.
The later RAF report, released in February 2010, concluded that the radar imagery was caused by Boston Stump's spire.
However, they were no corroborating radar returns for the visual sightings.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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