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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Strange UFO Sighting and Experience in 1665: Fact or Myth?
Strange UFO Sighting and Experience in 1665: Fact or Myth?
There has always been a clash in what we see and what we believe. After all, it is about how people perceive it. People have heard of unidentified flying objects. In fact, a lot of people even claim to have seen such spaceships from the alien world, which some people have never seen. The important question is, do they exist? Or are they just a part of our imagination? Deep research revealed something that proved theexistence of the world. Around 2 pm on April 8, 1665, fishermen anchored near Barhöfft reported seeing mysterious ships in the sky,battling with each other. Once done, a dark object is seen hovering in the sky.
According to the witnesses, they saw a flatrounded plate that appears asan enormous hat of a man. The color is described as the darkening moon hovering over St. Nicolai’s church. Until the evening, it remained stationary. Worried and apprehensive, they didn’t want to look further. In the next days, they experiencedpain and trembling heads and limbs. Erasmus Francisci Francisci gathered several1665 news reports related to the event and concluded that lots of scholarly people have thought about that. But, the “scholarly people” could not distinguish the causes. TheEdgeScience magazine in the June 2015 edition, Martin Shough and Chris Aubeckdetail their investigations.
Was it a Mirage?
The 1665 incident was higher in the sky than a Fata Morgana. Furthermore, there is also no substantial proof that mirage would remain in the evening sinceitcannot remain stable for so long.
Was it a Flock of Birds?
Due to the large differences examined by Aubeck and Shough, a flock of birds cannot be associated with the dark object that stayed until nightfall. For the last question, is there a possibility of the existence of the two unusual phenomena occurred at once? Battling with each other on the first scene and producing mysterious object hovering in the sky?
After UFO Disclosure by UK, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil governments in last two years, now New Zealand government finally came forward and publish its own x-files.
Thousands of secret files on New Zealand’s UFO reports are set to be made public, nearly 32 years to the day after our most famous sighting.
The files include every witness account of unidentified flying objects reported to authorities since the early 1950s, including the 1978 Kaikoura mystery.
They had been held by Archives New Zealand, which was to make them available in February after requests from the public, but the Defence Force stepped in, saying it needed to remove personal identification to comply with the Privacy Act.
The Defence Force promised to release the files by the end of this year and is due to make them public this week.
More than 2000 pages of files will be issued in 12 volumes. Squadron Leader Kavae Tamariki said the Defence Force would not comment on the files’ content.
“We’ve just been a collection point for the information. We don’t investigate or make reports, we haven’t substantiated anything in them.”
The Defence Force did not have the resources to investigate UFO sightings, Squadron Leader Tamariki said.
The director of research group UFOCUS NZ, Suzanne Hansen, said she had been trying to get hold of the Defence Force files for nearly two years.
“I started lobbying, and at first they said there was no way in the foreseeable future they’d be released. It’s been a long time coming.”
In August last year The Press sought access to the files under the Official Information Act, and was told by the Defence Force the request “would require a substantial amount of collation, research and consultation to identify whether any of that information could be released”, and it was “not in a position to deploy staff to undertake that task”.
It said public files on UFO sightings were available from Archives NZ.
But when access to those files was requested from Archives NZ, it emerged they had been borrowed by the Defence Force.
Ms Hansen said she hoped the files would reveal more detail about some of New Zealand’s most famous cases, including the Kaikoura sighting on December 21, 1978.
Wellington man John Cordy, 77, was in the air traffic control tower on that night and still maintains there was no logical explanation for what happened.
He and his colleague witnessed inexplicable radar readings at a time when no aircraft were cleared to be in the area.
At the same time, crew on an Argosy cargo plane reported strange lights around their aircraft, which tracked them for more than 60 kilometres. Numerous theories were put forward, but Mr Cordy said none fitted the bill. Ad Feedback
“It wasn’t a squid boat, it wasn’t Jupiter, it wasn’t Venus, and it wasn’t harbour lights. What it was I do not know.”
Ms Hansen, who has investigated UFOs for more than 35 years, said she had witnessed numerous “sightings” in her life, the first when she was eight.
“I was living down in Gisborne in the late 70s, early 80s, around the time of the UFO flap — when there’s quite intense activity, a lot of sightings.
“It’s reasonably easy to tell whether something is an aircraft because in New Zealand, and worldwide, there are certain legal configurations of lights, so if they don’t have those characteristics, it’s not identifiable.
“Then you’re mainly looking at movement, whether it’s able to hover, whether it’s moving erratically.”
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Scientist In Hiding Declares: Dulce Base Is Run By ALIENS!
Scientist In Hiding Declares: Dulce Base Is Run By ALIENS!
Dulce, New Mexico – is a small quiet little town located about 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. The town is home to approximately about 900 people with only one major Hotel and just a few stores.
Dulce is not your typical resort town, far from it in fact and is in no way bustling with activity. However, this small sleepy town harbours a very dark deep, secret hidden way down below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. A secret so deep, that it apparently involves a joint US government-alien bio-genetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals (yes it does sound pretty sick doesn’t it!).
The Dulce Base is apparently believed to be the largest Reptilian and Grey Alien base in America where there are allegedly conducting experiments including: atomic manipulation, cloning, mind control, animal/human crossbreeding, chip implantation, abduction, and feeding off of humans…a charming place!?
What lies below!?
The video below is a very important watch which contains extraordinary notes taken by a scientist who was commissioned by the government to visit and provide evidence for alien crash sites and observe alien life (the scientist is now in hiding). In the video below the scientist reveals top secret information on the Dulce Base and its inner workings. Please note, that apparently we must warn you, the information is the video is top secret, and just by reading it, it puts a target on your back, people have been killed for sharing this knowledge. So please watch with caution….although I am pretty sure you will all be perfectly safe!
The pictures below were allegedly smuggled out of the base by a Dulce security officer at the time named, Thomas Costello. He and his family are missing & presumed dead by the public….it seems a common theme people vanishing nowadays!!?
Apparently a real image of Human Hybrids being developed
One of the many underground tunnels
Below is a couple of images showing the layout and position of the supposed Alien base at Dulce:
The document below is the alleged result of the actions of a few scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America……Basically ‘they’ cannot hide this from us!
U.I.P Summary
I would just like to confirm that U.I.P is now actively investigating Dulce and if possible get boots on the ground near the area so that we can record what kind of activity is going on in this part of the world!
There is definitely ‘something’ about this story as I have heard many stories about people getting arrested for getting too near to the cave areas of Dulce. Lets not forget how cruel humans are to other species, so it is very possible that we could (alongside with the Greys) be doing experiments on humans/animals in the underground base……I have also read that the Aliens are now also supposed to of taken over the base……
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Dirk Vander Ploeg, Ufo Digest Publisher, Passes Over On June 27th, 20015
Dirk Vander Ploeg, Ufo Digest Publisher, Passes Over On June 27th, 20015
A Personal Message from Robert D. Morningstar
Co-Editor, UFO Digest
New York City
June 28th, 2015
Ms. Anna Vander Ploeg has announced on Facebook that her father, Dirk Vander Ploeg, founder and publisher of UFO Digest, has passed away. Anna's statement announcing Dirk's passing over is linked below:
As a colleague and co-editor of UFO Digest with Dirk Vander Ploeg, I feel heartbroken to receive the news and regret to inform all friends of UFO Digest of Dirk's passing, peacefully in his sleep, on Friday night, June 26-27, Hamilton, Ontario
This is the saddest news that I have had in many years. Dirk and I worked together for more than 10 years, and I will miss him dearly.
Words cannot express my grief and deep sorrow. Dirk and I were looking forward to meeting in New York City right after July 4th. I shall surely miss greeting him n New York and showing him the beauties of “The Big Apple.”
My heartfelt condolences and deep sympathies go out to his wife, Caroline, his daughter, Anna, and the entire Vander Ploeg family. UFO Digest will go on, carrying on Dirk's legacy and the tradition of excellence that Dirk Vander Ploeg established and leaves behind for us to continue in UFO research.
Robert D. Morningstar
peter2011 :My condolences ho out to his wife and his family. I had a good contact with Dirk since years and we did cooperated in changing information about the UFO-phenomenom and his permission to publish The UFO Digest Newsletter on this blog. I lost a good colleague and friend too. R.I.P.
Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell was one of six key players involved in the release of a new 'smoking gun' image said to show one of the aliens that died in the crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
The picture is now widely believed to have been false or a hoax.
But despite the 'Be Witness' event last week not changing history in the quest for extra terrestrial life as it had suggested it would, Mr Mitchell remains adamant that more than one alien landed at Roswell nearly 70 years ago - and some of them were captured alive.
He said: "The truth about it is that it was real. I was there when the Roswell incident took place. I was on my way to college and had just graduated high school.
"One day, it was in the Roswell Daily Record, which was a newspaper in Roswell, about an alien spacecraft that had crashed, and the next day that it had been denied by the Air Force, saying that it was a weather balloon.
"I believed that and went off to college.
Edgar Mitchell in a 1971 NASA publicity shot
Roswell has an annual festival dedicated to UFOs where many turn up in alien costume
Edgar Mitchell exploring the Moon in 1971
Mitchell told conference he believed this image was of an alien and not a child mummy
"Many years later, after I had been to the moon and came back, I went out to Roswell to give lectures, talk and meet people I knew since I was a kid.
"Many of the people I knew, along with descendants of the people who had been involved in the Roswell incident, told me their stories.”
He said the descendants included the son of an undertaker who provided "coffins for the alien bodies" and the son of a sheriff who "kept traffic away from the crash site".
Mr Mitchell was meant to attend the 6,000-audience conference in Mexico, but actually appeared via video link, saying at 84 he was too old to travel.
He spoke of why the authorities have kept "alien visitations above top secret" during an interview with HighCountry News ahead of another UFO conference this month.
Speaking of the now panned 'alien' image, Mr Mitchell added: "They're certainly not human - looks like what the little greys look like."
Mr Mitchell also said that we don't know what beings are in the Universe because our planet is like a grain of sand on a huge beach.
He was the sixth man to walk on the moon as part of the Apollo 14 mission in 1971.
The former astronaut as he is now speaking about his belief in Roswell
Mitchell was the sixth astronaut to land on the Moon
This newspaper report first sparked Mitchell's interest in Many of the people I knew, along with descendants of the people who had been involved in the Roswell incident, told me their stories Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell
Mr Mitchell added: "A family friend who was a major in the United States Air Force told me it was all real.
"I got the stories from all of these various people into my head when I came back from the moon, and I then went to the Pentagon and told them my story about that and said, give me your opinion.
"The admiral who I spoke to said, 'I don’t know anything about it, but I’m going to find out.'
"He went out to New Mexico and checked all around, came back and told me, 'Your stories are quite correct and all real.'”
Mr Mitchell also claimed the US government found dead and live aliens on board the crashed craft.
However, they covered up the Roswell incident because they did not know if the 'visits' were hostile and also did not want Soviet Russia discovering about it.
This image on an 'alien autopsy' carried out at Roswell released in 1995 was later proved fake
Roswell now cashes in on its alien notoriety with tourist attractions and a museum
He told how governmental agencies did not know what to do with the alien crashed saucer and its "superior technology" for fear of it getting into Soviet hands.
He said: "The best course of action was to just lie about it, and keep it to themselves. They labeled it 'above top-secret,' and that created the long running iron curtain separating a secret group within the government, and the American public."
He also claimed to have been made aware of "many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA" with each covered up.
The ageing former astronaut is scheduled to lecture on the subject at the Contact in the Desert, a UFO-themed conference at the Joshua Tree Retreat Centre, in Joshua Tree, California, at the end of the month.
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The Truth is Back Out There! First Pics of The X-Files Revival
The Truth is Back Out There! First Pics of The X-Files Revival
Here's a nice little weekend gift for all of you X-Files fan: Fox has released the first preview pics of the long awaited TV six-part series revival, along with a few teasing details about the first episode, titled "My Struggle," in which Annet Mahendru (The Americans) is Sveta, a woman "who believes she’s regularly abducted by aliens."
Another new character is Joel McHale, who will play Tad O’Malley, "the anchor of a popular conservative Internet news network who becomes an unlikely ally for Mulder" --Conservative, huh? Biting already at the hand who feeds you, Mr. Carter?
As for the old characters we all loved, Mitch Pileggi and William B. Davis are returning as Walter Skinner and The Smoking Man, respectively. Which is a bit odd considering how he's supposed to have been killed in the last episode of the old series; so either the shadowy villain managed to escape, he'll be shown on playback scenes, or Chris Carter will once again play around with the concept of spirits appearing to the characters.
IMO it would've been nice to see Nicholas Lea return as Alex Krycek, too. Maybe on the next season --if there is one?
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How close to finding alien life?
How close to finding alien life?
The search for life beyond Earth has heated up. Here are some of the ways that scientists have been thinking and talking about it.
In recent years, astronomers have become increasingly certain that planets are common in our Milky Way galaxy. It’s possible that every single star we see at night has at least one planet. That would mean a hundred billion planets, at least, in our Milky Way alone. According to a recent study, it’s possible that most stars have planets in their habitable zones, an area around stars within which liquid water – and therefore life as we know it – can exist. How many of those worlds are inhabited by simple or complex life forms? And when will we on Earth discover alien life? Follow the links below to learn more:
Biologists recently measured chemical fingerprints for 137 different microorganism species, in hopes that astronomers will use the colors to recognize life on distant planets. Here are a few of the 137 microorganism samples used in the catalog. Read more about this study. Image via Hegde et al. / MPIA
Microbial life vs. little green men
It would be awesome if, like Jodie Foster’s character in the movie Contact, scientists involved in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) suddenly realized that incoming radio signals could have originated only from an intelligent alien civilization. That discovery would be world-shaking, to say the least.
But – since we have absolutely no idea when or if that discovery might occur – ongoing discussions of life beyond Earth among most astronomers today typically focus more simply. When you hear today’s astronomers speak of finding life on other worlds, they’re most often talking about microbial life.
Microbes are single-cell organisms. They’re so tiny that millions can fit into the eye of a needle. They’re Earth’s oldest form of life, dating back more than 3.5 billion years, hundreds of millions of years before the age of dinosaurs. Could there be microbial life on other worlds in our solar system, and if so how close are we to finding it?
It seems that – according to scientists – we’re pretty close.
Earlier this month (June 16, 2015), NASA and university scientists hosted a panel in Washington D.C. to discuss the latest advancements in the search for life, with the focus on habitable planets. Another similar discussion – focused on water in the universe – was held on April 7, 2015, also in Washington D.C. At the April discussion, NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan made a bold statement when she predicted that we would find “strong indications” of microbial life within a decade and “definite evidence” of it within 20 to 30 years.
At the same time, NASA also released an infographic outlining evidence for or indications of water on a number of worlds in our solar system. Those worlds with possible water include the dwarf planet Ceres, now being orbited by the Dawn spacecraft, a world with two mysterious bright spots that might be icy plumes. And NASA included Jupiter’s moon Europa on its new infographic. This month, NASA announced that it was moving forward with plans to send a spacecraft to study Europa, which was found recently to have salt water in the dark fractures on its surface. That salt water is presumably from the liquid ocean thought to lie below Europa’s frozen crust.
Remember, water is needed for life as we understand it, even microbial life.
On April 15, 2015, astrophysicist Mario Livio, writing in Nature, said:
The most intriguing question in astronomy is, in my view, whether life exists in our galaxy beyond the solar system. Thanks especially to the Kepler space telescope, we know that the galaxy is teeming with hundreds of millions of Earth-sized planets in the ‘habitable zones’ of their host stars that allow for liquid water on a rocky surface …
A more powerful telescope will be needed to place meaningful statistical constraints on how common or rare life in the galaxy is. One with a mirror at least 12 meters across and with a resolution 25 times that of Hubble’s would be able to image a planet next to its star and detect spectrally the presence of oxygen and other biosignatures in its atmosphere.
WFIRST/AFTA [Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope, a proposed space observatory selected by National Research Council committee as the top priority for the next decade of astronomy] should be able to detect a planet 1 billion times fainter than its star; a brightness contrast of 10 billion will be required to image an Earth analogue next to a sun-like host star …
A large sample of planets — around 50 — would have to be tested. Calculations show, for example, that if no biosignatures are detected in more than about three dozen Earth analogues, the probability of remotely detectable extrasolar life in our galactic neighborhood is less than about 10%.
Note Livio’s use of the word biosignatures. That’s an important new buzzword in the alien life search. A biosignature is any substance – any element, isotope, molecule, or phenomenon – that provides unmistakeable scientific evidence of past or present life on another world. Scientists who study extrasolar planets, aka exoplanets – planets orbiting distant stars – are increasingly optimistic that we will eventually find biosignatures on worlds far beyond our solar system, many light-years away.
In July, 2014, NASA representatives said at a public talk on extraterrestrial life that the agency would continue the search for life with the launch of at least three future space observatories. They are:
– The Transiting Exoplanet Surveying Satellite (TESS), scheduled for launch in 2017. It’ll search for exoplanets, using the same technique as the very successful Kepler Space Telescope. Thanks to Kepler, we now know 4,601 exoplanet candidates, with 1,021 planets confirmed, but only eight of Kepler’s discoveries are small planets like Earth in their stars’ habitable zones. TESS is Kepler’s successor. It will use an array of wide-field cameras in an all-sky survey, scanning nearby stars for exoplanets. With TESS data, astronomers will study masses, sizes, densities and orbits of exoplanets, including, NASA hopes, an increased number of rocky worlds in the habitable zones of their host stars. Will they look for biosignatures from these worlds? No, not with TESS. For that sort of study, you need to be able to split starlight into its component colors, or spectra, which is why some astronomers are looking to …
– The James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled for launch in 2018. Kepler and TESS (and a multitude of other searches) reveal exoplanets. But the search for biosignatures will be conducted via the powerful spectrographs of the largest ground-based telescopes and by the James Webb Telescope.
– The Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope WFIRST/AFTA, mentioned above), hopefully to be launched early in the coming decade.
As we mentioned at the top of this post, astronomers now believe that virtually every stars in our galaxy has at least one planet. It’s easy to see why we haven’t found microbial life on any of these worlds. We haven’t been to very many worlds – or returned samples from many worlds (although sometimes, as in the case of Martian meteorites, interesting samples of other worlds do sometimes come to us).
So we haven’t found microbial life yet because our technology hasn’t advanced far enough to let that happen. But it very probably will happen, and probably within the timeframe – 20 to 30 years – suggested by NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan in April.
Intelligent extraterrestial life is a different question. Hundreds of billions of planets in our galaxy alone? Surely some have intelligent life. If so, some of those intelligent aliens must have developed interstellar travel by now; we’re discussing how to do it, after all. If we can conceive of it, perhaps some have done it.
Physicists Enrico Fermi and Michael H. Hart thought of many of those same arguments in 1950. The sun is a typical star. There are billions of planets. Assuming Earth is typical, some planets should have intelligent life and should have developed interstellar travel. They added that:
Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the galaxy can be completely colonized in a few tens of millions of years.
And, of course, our galaxy is vastly older than that, some 13 billion years old.
Whatever you personally believe about visitations by aliens, Fermi saw no convincing evidence of it. He famously asked:
Where is everybody?
That question is known as Fermi’s Paradox, and while no one knows the answer to it for certain, there are some standard answers. For example, maybe interstellar travel simply uses too much energy, and hence it too costly to undertake. Or maybe we have been – or are being – visited, and, for some reason, alien intelligences have declined to make themselves known.
As it stands now, some astronomers – like those at the SETI Institute in California – will continue searching for intelligent life.
Many other astronomers, especially young astronomers just entering the field, will likely join in the search for biosignatures among the planets in our solar system and among the thousands of exoplanets discovered so far, orbiting distance stars.
Why search for life? At the June 16, 2015 NASA panel discussion, panelist John Grunsfeld – a physicist and former astronaut and Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. – said:
We’re trying with the science to answer some fundamental questions … where do we come from?
What’s the evolution, the path, by which the Earth was formed in such a way to allow life to form?
What’s the future of the Earth and solar system, and what’s our role in that future?
Are we alone? Is there any other life out there?
As always, there are more questions than answers, but it’s a safe assumption that – in the weeks and months and years ahead – we’re going to be hearing a lot more about this subject!
View larger. | Artist’s illustrations of 12 extrasolar planets, known to orbit in the habitable zones of their parent stars. These exoplanets have the right temperature for water to be a liquid on their surfaces, and so water-based life – like that on Earth – might be able to survive on them.
Bottom line: If you’re looking for a precise answer to the question “how close are we to finding alien life,” you can stop reading. No one knows the answer for certain. However, over the past year, the search for alien life has heated up in the scientific community. This post outlines some of the ways that scientists are thinking about, talking about and implementing the search for life beyond Earth.
SETI's attempt to make contact with other signs of life
SETI's attempt to make contact with other signs of life
The Allen Telescope Array in Hat Creek, Calif. (Image via SETI Institute)
Human beings have always wondered if they're alone in the Universe.
In 1960, a young astronomer named Frank Drake decided to find out. He pointed an 85-foot antenna at two distant stars and started listening for signs of life. In that moment, a new discipline was born: the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI.
The epicenter of this search is the SETI Institute, an unassuming office building in Mountain View, California—the heart of Silicon Valley.
Seth Shostak, director of the Center for SETI Research at the institute, says the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a lonely corner of science. "Worldwide, the total number of people doing this for a job, if you will, is maybe a dozen, maybe fifteen," he says. "Something like that. It's very small, terribly small."
When the SETI Institute was founded in 1984, its primary purpose was to look for intelligent life using the tools of radio astronomy. But since then, they've expanded into astrobiology, the study of all life in the Universe.
"So could there have been life on Mars, is there maybe life on Mars today, the moons of the outer solar system, how did life get started, things like that," explains Shostak.
Today, most of the researchers at the institute are astrobiologists, funded by outside grants. Oddly enough, only six people at the institute are looking for intelligence – the 'I' in SETI. Shostak leads that small team. He says they've come a long way since Frank Drake's experiment in 1960.
"Instead of having a single antenna listening to one spot on the radio dial at a time, now we can have multiple antennas listening to millions of spots on the dial at the same time."
They use the Allen Telescope Array, a sprawling field of 42 antennas at the Hat Creek Radio Observatory in Northern California. If the technology keeps improving, Shostak expects to make contact by about 2040.
What that contact will look like, we don't know. But Shostak is pretty sure: Hollywood has not prepared us for the real aliens.
"You know the ones on TV, they have big eyeballs and grey skin, no hair, never smile, don't tell any jokes, have no pets," Shostak says, if we want to know what aliens would really be like, he says, we should look at our own civilization.
In about a century, we've gone from inventing radio technology to nearly developing strong artificial intelligence—machines that can learn and think just like humans can. Considering that the Universe is about 13.8 billion years old, it is likely that any civilization we'd be hearing from is highly advanced; they've probably already gone through a similar chapter of history, a similar leap in technology.
"In other words, most of the intelligence in the Universe is probably artificial intelligence," says Shostak. "So if we pick up a signal, my guess is it's coming from a machine."
But so far, SETI hasn't found any intelligence, artificial or otherwise. Which begs the question, where is everybody?
This question was formalized—and immortalized—in 1950 by the physicist Enrico Fermi. As the story goes, he was working on the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory when it occurred to him that if the Universe is as big and old as we think it is, and it's full of intelligent civilizations, somebody probably would've colonized the Milky Way by now.
"If the galaxy has a lot of societies, and if only a few of them are interested in colonization, there's been more than enough time for them to have done that, to have colonized the entire galaxy," says Shostak. "We should see aliens everywhere, and we don't seem to."
The Fermi Paradox has led some to conclude that life is probably rare in the Universe. But Shostak doesn't buy it. In recent years, NASA's Kepler space telescope has surveyed thousands of star systems in the Milky Way, and about 1 in 5 of those stars is orbited by an Earthlike planet.
"That means there's tens of billions of earthlike worlds in the galaxy," says Shostak. "It's a big number."
The odds seem pretty good that there's some life out there. Besides, if we're totally alone, that could mean only one thing..."This place is a miracle," says Shostak. "And, as a scientist, it's very difficult to believe in miracles, because normally if you're believing in miracles you're only fooling yourself. Most things aren't miracles."
Brownlee and his co-author, paleontologist Peter Ward, argue that microbial life may be common in the Universe. But complex life—the kind we have on Earth—is, well, rare.
"There are a number of nice things the Earth has that's promoted the evolution of higher organisms," he says.
Things like environmental stability. We have plate tectonics that recycle carbon, acting like a thermostat to keep Earth liveable. Our large moon may also have an influence on the Earth's axial tilt, helping to regulate the climate as well.
"Also Jupiter, interestingly enough, plays a role," says Brownlee. It's possible that Jupiter has steered asteroids in Earth's direction over time. And without those asteroids, we wouldn't have water. (The role of Jupiter in the Earth's asteroid traffic is complex and contested—see more here.)
The point is, these and other factors have made life on Earth possible. And Brownlee says our planet seems to be the exception, not the rule. "The Universe is actually quite, quite hostile to life. It's either too hot, or too cold, or not enough pressure, no water..."
Some say the rare earth hypothesis relies on a limited definition of "life" that it doesn't take into account alien worlds with life forms we can't even imagine.
"We can speculate about silicon-based life and so forth, life that might live in liquid helium or molten lead, but we have no physical basis for that," says Brownlee. He thinks our theories should be based on the data we have. Which is why he believes SETI is important—because it's looking for data where no one else is. "I don't think it should be a national priority, but you know it's certainly a good thing to do."
Back at the institute, Shostak says SETI is far from a national priority. The SETI Institute used to be funded by NASA. But in 1993, when the Clinton Administration's top priority was dealing with the deficit, the search for ET was an easy target. SETI's biggest opponent was Richard Bryan, a senator from Nevada. He characterized the search as "foolish and wasteful," and successfully urged lawmakers to cut the program's annual budget of approximately $10 million. With the federal money dried up, the SETI Institute was reincarnated as a non-profit research organization, relying largely on donations.
"The money that funds our SETI research is due to people who just send us a check because they think this is an interesting thing to do," says Shostak.
The biggest donors have always been their neighbors in Silicon Valley. The founders of Intel, Microsoft, and Hewlett-Packard have all given money. Most recently, Franklin Antonio, co-founder of the wireless communications company Qualcom, gave $3.5 million. Still, Shostak and the team struggle to bring in just 1 or 2 million dollars a year—the bare minimum they need.
Even on a shoestring budget, one researcher is planning way, way ahead.
Doug Vakoch is the Director of Interstellar Message Composition. He spends a lot of his time brainstorming on the issue with linguists, anthropologists, and other experts who typically aren't involved in the SETI conversation. The goal? To develop the perfect message to send to the extraterrestrials.
After years of just listening, Vakoch thinks it's time to amp up the search, and send a message of our own. This idea is called "Active SETI." And some scientists think it's a really bad idea. "No less a person than Stephen Hawking has said, 'Whatever you do, don't transmit to the extraterrestrials. They may come and strip-mine our planet.'"
Those who oppose Active SETI say we don't know what's out there, so we shouldn't advertise ourselves. (Some experts have even circulated a petition protesting the idea.) But to Vakoch, that fear doesn't make sense.
"Even if another civilization can travel between the stars," says Vakoch, "if they're hostile, if they want to come here and eat us or simply destroy us...sad news is, it's too late."
Earth has been leaking radio and television transmissions into space for decades. Vakoch admits that a targeted broadcast would be more powerful than our unintentional cosmic noise pollution, but the fact is, if anyone's out there listening, they've probably already heard us. So Vakoch believes we might as well send a proper greeting.
"When we think about how to communicate with another civilization, we can't count on them knowing English or Swahili or Russian, so we have to come up with something universal."
If another civilization is receiving our message at all, that means they can build a radio telescope, which means they're engineers; they understand math and physics.
"They probably know at least 2+2=4. So that's a starting point," he says. From there, Vakoch says we might be able to tell them about something as abstract as altruism, perhaps using the language of genetics.
"Or consider music," Vakoch says. "Music captures something quintessential about what it is to be human, but if you think about it, the structure of music is very much a mathematical and physical thing. So once we can communicate something about mathematical ratios and notions of time and frequency and duration, we can start describing our music."
It'll be a difficult task, expressing human experience in truly universal terms. But even if we never make contact, Vakoch says thinking about what we might say is a worthwhile pursuit.
"The reality is, there may be no extraterrestrials out there," Vakoch shrugs. "I hope to god there are, but if at the end of the day, the only thing we have accomplished is learning more about ourselves by trying to make contact, the whole project will still have been worth it."
For now, SETI won't be sending any messages into space. But as long as they have the money, they'll keep doing what they've always done: exploring the Universe through the radio dial, listening for signs of life.
The ancient fortress site of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) in western Bolivia is still revealing secrets thousands of years after its peak as capital of an empire, and home to one of the most important civilizations prior to the Inca.
Archaeologists from the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center have discovered an underground pyramid at the site using ground-penetrating radar.
According to Fox News Latino, the Bolivian government has announced excavations are set to begin this summer on the new find at the Kantatallita area of Tiahuanaco, 71 kilometers (44 miles) west of La Paz.
Using ground-penetrating radar, researchers also have reportedly found “underground anomalies” which they suspect might be monoliths, but further analysis will be carried out before reaching official conclusions.
Ludwing Cayo, director of the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center told EFE News Agency that Tiahuanaco will be undergoing further investigations over the next five years. This is welcome news to some, as the site and stone monuments may have suffered from exposure weathering 4,000 meters above sea level.
AcercandoNaciones reports that some of the ruins of Tiahunaco have become dilapidated, and some researchers suggest these might benefit from the protection of an indoor museum.
Tiahuanaco has been a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site since 2000.
Ponce stela in the sunken courtyard of the Tiwanaku's Kalasasaya temple.
It was the capital of an empire that extended into present-day Peru and Chile, flourishing from 300 to 1000 A.D., and is believed to be one of the most important cities of ancient America.
Andean legends claim the area around Lake Titicaca was the cradle of the first humans on Earth.
According to the myths, Lord Viracocha, the creator of all things, chose Tiahuanaco as the place of creation. It is unknown how old these ruins are, but some researchers suggest that they date to 14,000 years B.C.
Fox News Latino writes that at its height, the Tiwanaku realm covered 600,000 square kilometers (231,000 square miles), and “left a legacy of impressive stone monuments such as Kalasasaya, the semi-underground Templete, sculptures of prominent figures, the Gate of the Sun and ruins of palaces.”
Closeup of carved stone tenon-head embedded in wall of Tiwanaku’s Semi-subterranean Temple.
Previous excavations at the site have revealed substantial portions of the Akapana Pyramid Mound.
Archaeology’s InteractiveDig writes that in the ancient past there is evidence that the established infrastructure was razed and rebuilt by the inhabitants, and the city was abandoned.
Researchers say there was a sudden shift in 700 A.D. Previous monuments were torn down, and the blocks were used to build the Akapana Pyramid. However, by the time the city was abandoned, the project had still not been completed, and laid unfinished.
The Akapana Pyramid Mound, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia. Franciso Javier Argel/Flickr
Results from the excavations at Tiahuanaco and the research into the newly detected buried pyramid are expected to be announced later this year.
Previous excavations: Robotic exploration of a tunnel in the Akapana pyramid, June 13, 2006. Wikimedia Commons
Hot on the wet heels of the recent discovery of blue pools on Mars comes images via Google Mars of what looks like a blue waterfall cascading over the edge of a Martian crater and down its sides. Before you say “it’s no Niagara,” it’s also not the first waterfall discovered on Mars, just the bluest.
Blue waterfall discovered on the surface of Mars
The waterfall was discovered by Argentine UFO researcher Marcelo Irazusta at the Google Mars coordinates: 7° 38’31.40″N 166°14’3.57″E. That location is the Zunil Crater, a 6.5 mile (10.4 km) wide crater named for a town in Guatemala. First spotted by the Viking 1 and Viking 2 Mars orbiters, the current images were taken by the Mars Global Surveyor’s Mars Orbiter Camera in 2000.
Sharp-eyed observer Irazusta is also know for finding a saucer-shaped object on the Martian surface at Google Mars coordinates: 79°52’20.16″N 166°55’34.16″W.
Saucer-shaped object on the surface of Mars
Images resembling waterfalls have been found on Mars in the past. This image from the Mars Global Surveyor was discovered in 2003 before the advent of Google Mars.
What appear to be waterfalls on Mars discovered in 2003
This image taken by the Mars Express in 2008 is of the Echus Chasma, a massive 100 km by 10 km area that appears to have been formed by either a waterfall or a lava flow or both, possibly forming the Kasei Valles.
Cliffs surrounding Echus Chasma on Mars that may have once been waterfalls
This 3-D enhanced image comes from a 2011 study which speculates that the water that may be flowing over these waterfall cliffs is a salty brine that warms quicker than pure water and could be thawing even in Mars’ freezing temperatures.
Enhanced image of a possible briny waterfall on Mars
What are we looking at in the image discovered by Marcelo Irazusta? Is it a true waterfall on Mars? A frozen one? Why is it blue? The “official” explanation for the recently-discovered blue pools is an optical illusion. Is it frozen brine? Something else?
Yet another anomaly from the surface for the Red Planet. Google Mars is a great tool. Keep looking!
John Kennedy assassiné "parce qu'il s'intéresse aux OVNIS":
John Kennedy assassiné "parce qu'il s'intéresse aux OVNIS":
D'innombrables fantaisies ont été écrites à propos de l'assassinat du président des Etats-Unis John Kennedy. Des thèses allant du fantasque au plus sérieux expliquent diversement les raisons de l'assassinat. Sont ainsi désignés comme instigateurs, la Mafia, Fidel Castro, le KGB, le complexe militaro-industriel Etats-Unien, la droite Etats-Unienne etc.
Dans le monde fou fou fou de l'ufologie conspirationniste, inévitablement, existent des textes sur le web, des courriels sur listes de discussions, des interventions sur des forums, expliquant l'assassinat du Président Kennedy comme ayant un rapport avec la question des OVNIS. Le plus généralement, la thèse est que le président Kennedy allait faire des révélations au sujet des OVNIS, révélations de ce que les Etats-Unis se seraient emparés de débris d'un engin extraterrestre et de ses occupants à Roswell en 1947, par exemple, ou autres révélations non précisées.
Voici le genre de choses qui se racontent, et ce que cela vaut.
1. Une note de la NSA indique que Kennedy voulait partager avec Kroutchev des informations sur les OVNIS.
Cette affirmation est généralement accompagnée d'un lien vers le document censé la prouver.
Mais le document ne provient pas d'une source officielle mais d'un site propageant des documents dits "Majestic 12". Cette histoire de "Majestic 12", démarrant en 1984, était une grosse mystification à base de documents faux censés exposer un programme secret mis en place suivant une récupération d'OVNI accidenté et de ses occupants.
Comme on le voit, l'affirmation est simplement mensongère. Il n'y est absolument pas question de collaboration entre Kennedy et Kroutchev au sujet d'OVNIS. Il y est question de collaboration en matière d'exploration spatiale, de collaboration en matière d'imagerie de la Lune.
Une interview de Sergeï Kroutchev, le fils de Nikita Kroutchev, confirmerait cette collaboration sur les OVNIS et Kennedy aurait donc été assassiné parce que cela ne "convenait pas à tout le monde."
"I walked with him, sometime in late October or November, and he told me about all these things. He told me that we have to think about this and maybe accept this idea. I asked why they would know everything, our secrets? He said it's not important. The Americans can design everything they want. It is a very well developed country, but we will have to save money. It's very expensive…. He thought also of the political achievement of all these things, that then they would begin to trust each other much more. After the Cuban missile crisis, his trust with President Kennedy was raised very high. He thought that it's possible to deal with this President, he didn't think that they could be friends, but he really wanted to avoid the war, so through this co-operation they could sojourn their thoughts on these achievements."
"J'ai marché avec lui, autrefois en octobre ou novembre, et il m'a parlé de toutes ces choses. Il m'a dit que nous devons penser à cela et peut-être accepter cette idée. J'ai demandé pourquoi ils sauraient tout, nos secrets? Il a dit que ce n'est pas important. Les Américains peuvent concevoir tout qu'ils veulent. C'est un pays très bien développé, mais nous devons économiser l'argent. C'est très cher... Il a pensé également à l'accomplissement politique de toutes ces choses, qu'alors ils commenceraient à se faire davantage confiance. Après la crise cubaine des missiles, sa confiance dans le Président Kennedy est devenue très haute. Il a pensé qu'il est possible d'avoir affaire avec ce président, il ne pensait pas qu'ils pourraient être amis, mais il a vraiment voulu éviter la guerre, ainsi par cette coopération ils pourraient partager leurs idées sur ces réalisations."
Cette fois encore, comme on le voit, il n'est absolument pas question d'OVNIS!
Kroutchev parlait simplement de la coopération en matière d'exploration spatiale que Kennedy lui avait proposée...
2. Une note privée indique que "l'Agence" s'inquiétait de demandes répétées de Kennedy pour obtenir des informations sur les OVNIS.
Il est affirmé qu'une note sauvée de la destruction d'archives privées de James Jesus Angleton, qui serait un grand nom du renseignement, mêlé de près aux OVNIS et à "Majestic 12" montrerait que "l'Agence" (laquelle? la CIA) s'inquiétait de ce que Kennedy demande de façon répétée à avoir accès aux informations sur les OVNIS, et que le Directeur de la CIA Allen Dulles voulait l'empêcher. Il y aurait dans le document une directive ordonnant de tuer tout politicien qui s'opposerait aux projets du "Majestic 12".
Outre que la page en question n'est pas le document allégué mais un article de Michael Salla (déjà X fois discrédité, soutien à "Eric Julien" et autres inventeurs d'histoires, affaire des prétendues réunions secrètes sur les OVNI à l'ONU etc. etc.), parus sur un site faisant de la publicité à la "Scientologie", outre que le lien n'est pas le bon car ceci apparaît sur une suite de l'article de Salla, tout ce que l'on trouve là est un paragraphe tapé par Salla disant:
"Draft - Directive Regarding Project Environment - When conditions become non-conducive for growth in our environment and Washington cannot be influenced any further, the weather is lacking any precipitation... it should be wet."
"Brouillon - Directive Concernant l'Environnement de Programme - Quand les conditions deviennent défavorables pour la croissance de notre environnement et Washington ne peut pas être influencé davantage, la météo ne connaît pas de pluie... il devrait faire humide."
Vous ne rêvez pas, c'est cela qui est interprété comme un ordre d'assassiner tout politicien qui voudrait mettre le nez dans des affaires d'OVNIS!
Quant au "document", il y a bien un lien vers un "", mais comme par hasard, je n'arrive pas à l'ouvrir.
Et bien évidemment, tout cela provient de nouveau non pas d'archives officielles, mais d'un site web publient moult documents "Majestic 12", lesquels ont été découverts faux il y a belle lurette, et sont douteux au mieux - bien évidemment le site "reçoit" régulièrement de "nouveaux" documents "Majestic 12". Seul quelques lunatiques Etats-Uniens comme Michael Salla prennent encore ces "documents" comme authentiques.
Dans un mémo du 12 novembre 1963 adressé au Directeur de la CIA, Kennedy demande une révision de la classification des "high threat cases" (les cas les plus menaçants). A côté de la signature mécanographiée, on peut lire l'ajout manuscrit suivant: "Response from Colby: Angleton has MJ directive 11/20/63" et cela signifie qu'Angleton doit répondre à Kennedy selon les directives du Majectic 12 c'est à dire en assassinant Kennedy.
Hélas, si cette fois le lien fonctionne, on voit tout de suite qu'il s'agit d'un memo concernant la sécurité des futurs programmes d'exploration de la lune et non des OVNIS.
Certes le mot "UFO" y apparaît, comme un poisson dans la soupe, totalement et curieusement hors sujet, mais il ne faut pas être grand clerc pour deviner qu'il a pu être surajouté à la place de "CIA"!
Quant au mot MJ-12 pour "Majestic 12", il n'y figure même pas, on n'y trouve que "MJ"!
Ce n'est pas la première fois que des documents ne comportant PAS "MJ-12" ou "Majestic 12" sont ainsi récupérés par le conspirationnisme. Un bel exemple est à:
On y trouve cette image de très mauvaise résolution et on affirme y lire "MJ 12", alors que de toute évidence ce n'est pas MJ 12":
3. Une autre référence montre c'est vraisemblablement Angleton, en tant que chef du contre-espionnage de la CIA, qui a introduit Oswald dans le scenario de l'assassinat "comme un arbre qui cacherait la forêt".
Cette autre référence est une même référence déjà donné. C'est encore simplement un article de Michael Salla:
Encore une fois, nous avons là un simple "jpg" comme n'importe quel conspirationniste faussaire peut en produire - comme cela a été le cas avec les prétendus "documents Majestic 12" - et non pas un document de source officielle, mais encore, il n'y est absolument pas question d'OVNI, pas question d'assassiner Kennedy non plus, et encore moins d'assassiner Kennedy parce qu'il aurait voulu des informations sur les OVNIS.
Il s'agit d'un rapport de la CIA au sujet de l'assassinat de Kennedy - qui a alors déjà eu lieu - et dans laquelle la CIA informe que le machiavélique directeur du FBI, Hoover, souhaite que l'on garde secret que Lee Harvey Oswald, assassin désigné de Kennedy, ait été employé par les services secrets Etats-Uniens, entraîné par la CIA, pour des missions d'espionnage à l'encontre de l'Union Soviétique.
Que Lee Harvey Oswald n'ait pas été un personnage ordinaire mais ait eu des activités d'espionnage et même d'agent double est hors de doute et n'est depuis longtemps plus qu'un secret de polichinelle. Mais ce qui est clair est que ce papier n'a strictement rien à voir avec les OVNIS, rien d'une preuve que Kennedy ait été assassiné pour des affaires d'OVNIS!
Et donc, ces "éléments" prétendant justifier la thèse que Kennedy a été assassiné pour des questions d'OVNIS sont totalement douteux, parfois de purs détournements, parfois de probables falsifications.
Je ne peux pas refaire ici toute l'histoire du canular qu'à été "les documents Majestic 12", un canular parmi bien d'autres comme le "projet Serpo" ou "les lettres Ummites". Je préfère utiliser mon temps à autre chose qu'à l'histoire déjà bien assez dite par des enquêteurs au fait comme Kevin Randle de ce qui n'est qu'une fraude qui ne passionne plus que certains milieux ufologiques crédules. Brièvement, l'affaire commence quand Bill Moore diffuse des "documents" venant d'une source inconnue. Le plus "fort" de ces documents aurait prouvé que les Etats-Unis ont récupéré quatre cadavres d'extraterrestres. Un autre prétendait que Jésus-Christ était un extraterrestre.
Les documents ont d'abord été démontré être des faux par l'analyse de leur aspect et de leur chronologie. On a ainsi trouvé que certains étaient tapés sur un modèle de machine à écrire qui n'existait pas encore à leur date prétendue de création. Le plus fort de ces documents a été montré être un faux lorsque Phillip Klass a découvert que la signature du Président au bas du document était exactement la même que sur un autre document, authentique celui-là, ce qui démontre une simple copie de signature car personne ne trace jamais deux signatures exactement identiques.
Enfin, le journaliste et ufologue Bob Pratt a révélé une conversation qu'il avait eu avec Bill Moore: avant de fournir ces documents "MJ-12", celui-ci lui avait raconté à Bob Pratt ses plans pour un livre de fiction qu'il envisageait d'écrire, mêlant les présidents Truman et Eisenhower à deux affaire de "crashes" d'OVNI. Pratt avait ainsi compris qui avait ensuite fabriqué les faux documents "MJ-12".
Les prétendus "Documents Majestic 12" de 1960 à 1969, à
La proposition de collaboration de Kennedy à l'URSS en matière d'exploration de la lune, à
La synthèse selon Wikipedia à
L'enquête sur la fraude "MJ-12" par l'ufologue Kevin Randle, dans son livre "Case MJ-12", (hélas non disponible en français), Harper & Collins éditeurs, USA, 2002.
Les informations de Bob Pratt, document du MUFON, à
With thousands of eyewitness accounts of The Loch Ness Monster, what are people really seeing? Is it tricks of light and water? Or are they really seeing a monster in and around the loch? You decide.
SpaceX Third Attempt At Reusable Falcon 9 Explodes In Flight - June 28, 2015
SpaceX Third Attempt At Reusable Falcon 9 Explodes In Flight - June 28, 2015
The third attempt by the private space company SpaceX to land a Falcon 9 rocket on a platform in the Atlantic Ocean has ended up exploding during the launch phase before even attempting to land on the platform. This is yet another setback for the SpaceX company but one that will not derail their future plans. NASA wasn't built in a day and by no means will any private space company be able to avoid setbacks. The International Space Station will have to wait a little bit longer for their new supplies.
YouTube User: WhatsUpInTheSky37
The third attempt by SpaceX to launch a reusable rocket exploded over the East Coast of the United States on Sunday June 28th 2015. SpaceX will continue on its mission to become one of the strongest private firms to shoot for space according to reports. Please let us know your comments below!
Answer to the article in the March 2015 issue of Astronomy Magazine entitled “Let’s cut the UFO crap”
Answer to the article in the March 2015 issue of Astronomy Magazine entitled “Let’s cut the UFO crap”
D. J. Eicher wrote an article in the March 2015 issue of Astronomy Magazine entitled “Let’s cut the UFO crap”. The title and footnote of this article are offensive and inaccurate. Answering Mr. Eicher’s letter is necessary, and perhaps will contribute to a constructive debate.
Similar to scientists and skeptics who dismiss and disparage the UFO topic, Mr. Eicher appears to be unaware of how complex and extensive the UFO phenomenon is, and seems to confuse the issue of extra-terrestrial intelligence with the issue of UFOs. Considering Mr. Eicher’s opinion, please also consider this quote from Stanford University Astrophysicist Emeritus Professor Dr. Peter Sturrock’s research: “One also finds that opinions (of members of the AAS – astronomer scientists) correlate strongly with time spent reading about the subject. The fraction of respondents who think that the subject certainly or probably deserves scientific study rises from 29%, among those who have spent less than one hour, to 68% among those who have spent more than 365 hours in such reading.” Perhaps Mr. Eicher should find himself among those who spend more time studying the relevant material before making sweeping statements as in his March 2015 column.
For example, Mr. Eicher is inaccurate when he writes: “…the claims of a businessman who said he spotted nine shiny ”flying saucers” moving at high velocities”. In fact, the witness told the reporters that he had observed during a trip in his own plane a chain of nine peculiar looking aircraft, flying in formation in two lines, and moving “like a saucer would do if you skipped it across the water”. It was the reporters who in their Associated Press dispatch erroneously transformed the description of the movement of the objects into a description of their shape, “saucer-like”.
Science does not require lock-step compliance with popular opinion. There isn’t anything in the principles of scientific endeavor that describes what one may or may not study. Mr. Eicher indicated “People see things in the sky they often don’t understand. That’s the conclusion.” For most scientists, a conclusion that states “something happened and I do not understand it” is hardly the point at which scientific inquiry should end. The nature of science is to study what we do not understand.
Despite the cosmic distance scale, it is not unscientific to consider the hypothesis that aliens have visited the planet versus the null hypothesis which states that they have not. The possibility of visitors operating spaceships in the form of UFOs is just one of several hypotheses to explain the UFO phenomenon.
There are well-documented observations made by many different trained, experienced observers that do warrant further study which, unfortunately, he has recommended against. The scientific problem with these reports is they often are not corroborated by instrument readings, and they cannot be replicated. These are problems to address, and are quite different from the problem that is stated in Mr. Eicher’s article.
Mr. Eicher’s article is puzzling, as its premises are not logically connected to the conclusion that the universe is big, Earth is special, and we should take care of it and our fellow human beings. It is not clear what these insights have to do with scientific study to understand aerial anomalies. Certainly psychologists could argue from sound evidence that if you really want to take care of other human beings, the first and most important step is to not exaggerate differences, deride open-minded curiosity, and demonize anyone who chooses to study that which you choose to discredit. Polemical arguments like the statement in the caption that ends the letter, and the article’s offensive title, are examples of what not to do. There are good scientific reasons to be skeptical about anomalous events in the sky, and even more reason to doubt alien visitation. However, those rational arguments do not justify demeaning and dismissing those who are inclined to study the possibility of alien visitation.
Unknown phenomena happening in the sky above is a call to scientific inquiry. That’s how we learn. Serious ufologists recognize the importance of monitoring unidentified anomalous phenomena in a rigorous and deterministic way. This is the reason new projects for networks of automatic stations for UFO monitoring are currently being defined. Identifying strategic sites and deploying appropriate instruments are crucial activities to enable mainstream scientists to acquire relevant data. Is it unscientific to collect data? We will keep Mr. Eicher informed about such coming endeavours.
I spend a lot of time at the Cabell County library going through old newspapers. Sometimes I'm looking for information on cases we're working on and sometimes I'm looking for information for my blog. Sometimes, I just stumble upon some really weird and awesome things! That's what happened to me last week, when I was doing some personal research on a family member who was involved in a murder.
The following article has been transcribed exactly how it appeared (weird spelling, grammar and all) in the January 13, 1914 edition of the Huntington Herald Dispatch. According to other articles from around the same time period, near this date a meteor was spotted by many over this area of the country. However, this was the only odd tale apparently associated with an otherwise normal event. Several boys who witnessed the meteor near the old C&O Hospital on Huntington's 6th avenue reported it did some pretty strange things! As an added bonus, this article goes on to discuss a haunted house that was located on 20th Street at the time! Note: If you enjoy this story, please check out The East End Pillow Miracle, another newspaper article I found about a bad omen discussed in a local Huntington newspaper.
Strange Story of Youngsters Living Near Chesapeake & Ohio Hospital Startles Their Parents—'Twas But Ordinary Shooting Star, Many Declare—Dark Tale of Haunted House in Same Vicinity Heard.
By R.S. Thornburgh
What many persons in the vicinity of the Chesapeake & Ohio hospital on upper Sixth avenue declared to have been a celestial portent of grave mien, but which others say was nothing more nor less than a huge brilliant meteor that swept the heavens shortly after dusk last night, was seen by several small boys while skating on a pond near the hospital who afterwards told a tale which is as wonderful and wierd as any of the dark mystery stories painted in classical literature.
The shadows had become long and disappeared in the gathering gloom as the youngsters played about an old field close to the hospital where there is a small sheet of ice. About as they were ready to start home one suddenly cried out to the others to behold a great falling star which was zizzagging its way down the heavens. One of them, according to his mother, Mrs. J.W. Terry of Nineteenth street and Buffington avenue, who afterwards related the story to a reporter, ran terrified to his home while the others waited in breathless fear to see what would happen.
This is the story they told to their parents:
The star became brighter and brighter, leaving in its path a tail of fire. Suddenly pausing over a lonely cottage in the vicinity, it spread into a great light.
As it hung like a fiery apparition over the home it silently burst into a flame of illumination.
So stunned by fear that they could scarcely move the boys saw written in letters of fire a strange name over the house. They said it was:
“Myrs. Vyrant.”
As they watched the letters faded and in their stead was the face of a woman, beautiful and pale. The blazing eyes of fire seemed turned upon them, they told their parents, as slowly the spirit-like form that had come down from the stars rose over the house and finally disappeared in the eastern heavens.
The youngsters, who sought out separately by persons in the neighborhood of the hospital told exactly the same story, are Charles and James Nash, the children of Mr. and Mrs. John Nash of Sixth avenue; Orben Davis, the son of Mrs. N.A. Davis, a nurse, of Sixth avenue, and Llewellyn Terry, the son of the Rev. and Mrs. J.W. Terry. The Rev. Mr. Terry is a traveling evangelist, now in the south. Orville Perry, a small colored boy, also saw the vision, according to his story.
The neighborhood on upper Sixth avenue was greatly excited last night by the story of the boys and credence was given to it by many. The boys were closely questioned by many persons, who expressed fear that the mysterious thing that blazed in the heavens was an omen of ill tidings, that death or deep suffering was to follow to someone. They said that it could not have been sent for nothing.
Strange tales were told there last night of a murder committed near where the wonderful sight was seen, in days long ago when the city was still young, and of a treasure buried by the murderer.
Hinging onto the story it was related that on Twentieth street, some distance away is a haunted house. Several persons have moved into the place and afterwards left because of wierd sounds that startle them from their sleep in the early hours of the morning.
These sounds, the tale goes, take the form of soft footsteps on the stairway and creakings of doors that never moved. None has explained these nocturnal disturbances nor why the sights that would make one's blood run cold have been there, said one woman last night, to whom the ghostly heavenly visitor that frightened the small boys brought to mind the haunted house.
It is the common talk in the vicinity that there is a treasure buried somewhere near this house and that back of this hord lies deep plot of intrigue as dark as any of the narrative of the operations of Kidd, the pirate, in the early days.
Writers of old times in their eastern mystery stories of strange happenings on wide deserts told of beings descended from the skies, of devils and genii risen from the depths of the region of fire, yet none dared conceive a more puzzling “yarn” than that told by the youngsters of what they thought they saw! All insisted that they were telling the truth and were apparently much frightened by what they could not understand.
Many persons in the city saw a flaming meteor just after dark last night. It was described as one of the most brilliant that has ever been witnessed in this part of the Ohio valley, forming a complete arc over the heavens before it finally disappeared in the western horizon.
Meteors, considered by the ancients as forerunners of disaster, famine or war, and almost as greatly feared as were comets, ever have had a romantic supernatural air about them, that leads to many a delightful tale.
However, at this season meteors are not unusual, astronomy tells us. This heavenly body is nothing more than a large shooting star which has become diverted from its course in the space beyond our atmosphere and is hurled through the air. The contact of the body with the air, because of its terrific speed causes the meteor to catch fire, therefore being visible to the eye. Most meteors and shooting stars burn themselves out before striking the earth, but occasionally one reads of one of these bodies reaching the ground with such force as to bury itself in the soil or even to damage property, in case of striking a building. Examination of such fallen stars by scientists have shown them composed of earth and various metals.
There are certain times of the year when falling stars are quite frequent, one of these periods being during the last of this month. At these times one may notice a large number of shooting stars if the nights are clear.
Het alternatieve scheppingsverhaal van de mensheid en de occulte wortels van het nazi-rijk
Het alternatieve scheppingsverhaal van de mensheid en de occulte wortels van het nazi-rijk
Hoog in de Himalaya leven volgens een oude Aziatische legende de ware vorsten van deze wereld. In het oud-Indische sanskriet worden zij de mahatma’s genoemd, de ‘grote zielen’. Ze zijn ontsnapt aan het samsara, het eeuwig draaiende wiel van dood en wedergeboorte. Ze zijn voorbij de limieten die de materie aan gewone stervelingen stelt.
Ze onderhouden volgens de legende interplanetaire contacten met de ruimtewezens die eens hun sporen nalieten op de aarde en aldus de keten van de mensheid in gang zetten, buiten de materie om, langs ‘astrale’ weg, als het ware opgelost in een wolk van losstaande atomen, regeren zij als de oude Griekse goden over de elementen en de mensheid.
Lang bleef de kennis die in Tibet geconcentreerd was, verborgen voor de buitenwereld. Pas in het midden van de 19e eeuw slaagde een westerling erin contact te leggen met twee van deze meesters. Het was de Russische theosofe Helena Anna Petrovna Blavatsky, die een geheel nieuwe zwaai zou moeten geven aan de geschiedenis van de mensheid.
Blavatsky, de oermoeder van de new age, werd in 1831 geboren in de stad Jekaterinoslav (Dnjepropetrovsk). Haar vader was de zoon van een prinses uit het Duitse groothertogdom Mecklenburg en van moederskant ging haar stamboom terug tot groothertog Roerik, de eerste heerser van Rusland.
Haar uitgangspunt was dat alle oude religies ieder op hun eigen manier dezelfde occulte en mystieke boodschappen doorgaven en dat er een goddelijk veld bestond dat via muziek, wijn, cannabis, dans of meditatie door mensen kon worden bereikt.
Dwars door alle religies heen regeerde een geheim verbond over de materie, bestaande uit onder meer de eerste kruisridders en mystiek-christelijke genootschappen als de Rozenkruisers en de vrijmetselaars. De moderne wetenschap was blind voor deze andere bestaansdimensies, waarvan ieder mens toch iets bevroedde.
Blavatsky stelde dat er een nieuwe tijd in aantocht was, het Aquariustijdperk, waarin alle onderlinge menselijke twisten zouden verdwijnen, evenals de dwingelandij van kerk en staat die zo kenmerkend was voor het Vissentijdperk waarin zij leefde. Ze zou als klein meisje zijn ‘bezocht’ door een soort geest, die in feite een heilige man uit de Himalaya was en die zij later ook in levenden lijve zou ontmoeten.
Zeven wortelrassen
In 1888 publiceerde Blavatsky een alternatief scheppingsverhaal van de mensheid. Dat bestond volgens haar uit zeven ‘wortelrassen’, gebonden aan even veel continenten. Het eerste ras traceerde ze miljoenen jaren terug op de Noordpool. Op die ijskorst vertoefden wezens zonder fysiek lichaam, geheel ‘etherisch’. Dit eerste wortelras kon sterven noch gewond raken.
Het tweede wortelras ontstond iets zuidelijker, op een continent dat zich zou hebben uitgestrekt van Groenland tot Kamtsjatka. Deze ‘hyperboreeërs’ waren de eerste pogingen van de materiële natuur om menselijke lichamen te scheppen.
Lemuria was de naam van het derde continent in de geschiedenis van de mensheid volgens Blavatsky. Het bestond zo’n 18 miljoen jaar geleden en reikte van de Indische Oceaan tot Australië. Dit was het eerste wortelras met echt menselijke trekken.
Nadat ook Lemuria was vergaan, vestigden de overlevenden zich in Atlantis. Dit was een half verzonken continent in de Atlantishe Oceaan, niet te verwarren met het verzonken rijk waar Plato vier eeuwen voor Christus over sprak. Dit was begiftigd met telepathische krachten, samengebald in een zogeheten ‘derde oog’. Hier ontstond voor het eerst een scheuring tussen goed en slecht, tussen rechtvaardigen en onrechtvaardigen.
Atlantis ging zo’n 850.000 jaar geleden aan aardbevingen en vloedgolven ten onder, waarna de lichtdragende tak van de stam zich via Scandinavië en Centraal Europa naar Azië begaf, met als middelpunt de toen nog uiterst vruchtbare Gobi-vlakte.
Zo ontstond het vijfde wortelras, dat van de Ariërs, waarmee Blavatsky was gearriveerd bij de huidige tijd. Nog twee wortelrassen zullen volgen eer de menselijke evolutie tot een harmonieus eindpunt zal komen.
Agartha en Shambhala
Tibet, India en Perzië waren volgens de theosofische leer de bakermat van het Arische ras, met als centra twee verborgen plekken in de Himalaya, te weten Agartha en Shambhala. Deze locaties werden aangeduid als aan elkaar tegengestelde bronnen van enorm telepathisch vermogen, direct gelieerd aan mysterieuze buitenaardse intelligenties.
Het symbool van Agartha was het rechtsdraaiende hakenkruis, in het sanskriet swastika, waarvan de vier armen naar links wijzen zodat het kruis denkbeeldig meedraait met de rotatie van de aarde. Shambhala had als symbool het linksdraaiende hakenkruis, waarvan de armen naar rechts wijzen en dus tegen de rotatie van de planeten indraait.
Het hakenkruis werd onder regie van tsarina Alexandra ingevoerd aan het hof van de laatste Russische tsaar Nicolaas II. Het oudste hakenkruis zou in Transsylvanië zijn gevonden en zou dateren uit het stenen tijdperk. Over de hele wereld treft men het in grotten of gekerfd in stenen aan. Het is gevonden in IJsland, Scandinavië en zelfs op de Waddeneilanden. In de vierde eeuw voor Christus dook het teken op in India, Perzië en Tibet en 800 jaar later verscheen het ook in China en Japan.
Ook Adolf Hitler was erg geïnteresseerd in het symbool en het occulte in het algemeen. De op 20 april 1889 in Braunau am Inn geboren zoon van douanier Alois Schicklgruber en diens nicht Klara Poelzl stamde uit een streek die al van oudsher was vergeven van mediums, zieners en andere mystici.
In The Spear of Destiny laat de Britse historicus Trevor Ravenscroft de Weense filosoof Walter Stein aan het woord, die beweerde de occulte carrière van Adolf Hitler vanaf het begin te hebben gevolgd. Stein was een gerenommeerd kenner van de esoterische traditie, die net voor de oorlog naar Engeland was gevlucht. Tijdens de oorlog was hij persoonlijk adviseur van Winston Churchill.
Volgens Stein zou Hitler zijn ingewijd in een occulte orde, direct gelieerd aan het besloten netwerk van de beruchte Russische magiër Gurdjieff, die zich nadrukkelijk liet voorstaan op buitenaardse contacten. Met dit inwijdingsproces waren zelfs experimenten met psychedelisch werkende paddenstoelen en andere drugs gemoeid, aldus ex-militair Ravenscroft.
Winston Churchill verbood dat deze materie aan de orde zou komen tijdens de Processen van Neurenberg tegen de oorlogsmisdadigers. Het publiek zou er nog niet klaar voor zijn.
Onder leiding van de Beierse grootmeester van de Orde der Germanen baron Rudolf von Sebotendorff werd het Thule-Gesellschaft opgericht. Thule, vernoemd naar de Germaanse naam voor het Atlantis van Blavatsky, tooide zich met een Shambhala-hakenkruis.
Eind 1918 telde het Thule-gezelschap 1500 leden, onder wie gezaghebbende aristocraten als prins Gustav Franz Maria von Thurn und Taxis. Verwant aan de Thule-ideeën was het streven van het eveneens in Berlijn gevestigde Genootschap van de Vril. Volgens dit genootschap was de controle over de geheime energie van de vril, een in de allerkleinste deeltjes van de materie verborgen superkracht, voorbehouden aan de Ariërs.
Een belangrijk lid van Thule en van het Vril-genootschap was de Beierse generaal Karl Haushofer, die lange tijd in Indië en het Verre Oosten was verbleven. Haushofer, de bedenker van de term Lebensraum, viel op door zijn mediamieke gaven: schijnbaar moeiteloos voorspelde hij het tijdstip van de inslag van granaten, de plaats van vijandelijke aanvallen en het uitbreken van stormen.
Haushofer, de jonge architect Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler en Dietriech Eckhart behoorden tot de zeven moderne Teutoonse ridders die in 1919 de NSDAP oprichtten, met het Shambhala-hakenkruis in de vlag.
De ontsnapping van Hitler
De Thule-doctrines werden, naarmate Hitlers machtsbasis verstevigde, steeds meer opgenomen in de nieuwe orde, inclusief de Arisch-wetenschappelijke doctrines als de theorie van de holle aarde van Hans Hörbiger. Het wetenschappelijke SS-bureau Ahnenerbe, voor onderzoek naar de nalatenschap der voorvaderen, werd het occulte studiecentrum van de nazi’s.
Het bureau beschikte over een groter budget dan het Amerikaanse team dat de atoombom ontwikkelde en had infiltranten in alle mogelijke vertakkingen van de internationale occulte en esoterische gezelschappen.
Na de laatste onthullingen uit de KGB-kokers over Operatie Mythos, het onderzoek dat Stalin liet uitvoeren naar Hitlers einde, is lang niet iedereen er meer van overtuigd dat de Führer op 30 april 1945 zelfmoord heeft gepleegd.
Honderd procent uitsluitsel dat het inderdaad de overblijfselen van Hitler waren die in de nacht van 4 op 5 april 1970 door enkele KGB-officieren in Magdenburg werd opgegraven, verbrand en in de wind verstrooid, zal er vrijwel nooit komen.
Wijlen Miguel Serrano, oud-ambassadeur van Chili in India, Joegoslavië en Oostenrijk en lid van tal van aan de VN-gelieerde organisaties, publiceerde in 1984 een 600 pagina’s tellende studie genaamd ‘Adolf Hitler, el Ultimo A vatara’. Volgens Serrano ontsnapte Hitler in 1945 in een vliegende schotel van Duitse makelij. Vanuit een ondergrondse centrale aan de Zuidpool zou hij verder hebben gewerkt aan zijn esoterische plannen.
De diplomaat verdedigde de stelling dat Hitler in het diepste van de aarde plannen maakte om met behulp van hoogontwikkelde nazi-UFO’s het Derde Rijk te voltooien. Serrano nam deel aan een wetenschappelijke missie van de Chileense regering naar Antarctica, om daar op zoek te gaan naar UFO-bases.
Nadat we het originele artikel hieronder hadden geplaatst, kregen wij van een aantal lezers de opmerking dat de door professor Ana Luisa Cid gemaakte opname van een UFO bij de Mexicaanse piramide in Teotihuacan niet echt zou zijn.
Naar aanleiding van het feit dat wanneer je de UFO op de afbeelding vergroot, het lijkt alsof deze er later in geplakt zou zijn.
Echter, mevrouw Cid blijft vasthouden aan het verhaal dat deze UFO wel degelijk echt is en heeft nu een video gepubliceerd (helaas in het Spaans) waarin ze verder op dit verhaal in gaat en ook spreekt met een tweetal werknemers die zo ongeveer iedere dag op die plek vertoeven:
Nu zijn er een aantal toeristen die bij diezelfde Piramide van de Zon ook een opname hebben gemaakt van een UFO.
Deze waarneming werd op 25 juni 2015 ingediend bij MUFON en de bovenstaande foto werd volgens de getuige op 4 mei 2015 genomen.
Zij vertelt verder dat haar vriendin tien seconden later eveneens een foto nam waarop niets te zien was.
Wanneer we wat verder inzoomen dan blijkt er niet één, maar twee UFO’s zichtbaar te zijn.
Bovenstaande verhaal wil natuurlijk niet zeggen dat nu ineens de opname van professor Anna Luisa Cid gegarandeerd echt zou zijn, maar het maakt het iets aannemelijker nu ongeveer een maand later door andere mensen een aantal vergelijkbare UFO’s worden gefotografeerd.
The Comeback of Unimpeachable UFO Witness 35 Years After
The Comeback of Unimpeachable UFO Witness 35 Years After
Colonel Charles Halt, the famous UFO saga comes back to Suffolk to tell the story. A former US air force commander, depicted as an “unimpeachable” witness recognized worldwide as the ‘Rendlesham UFO incident’, comes back to Suffolk 35 years after. Halt’s first sighting was in the early hours of December 26, in which Halt is not involved. In the first hours of December 28, 1980, second sighting of the Rendlesham Forest UFO was reported. He will be flying back to Suffolk next back to address the local public with regards to its happenings.
While serving as a Deputy Commander, he prepared a memorandum to the Ministry of Defense telling “unexplained lights”. He also recorded the Halt Tape, which is a documented investigation in the forest which Halt saw strange lights during that time, like those witnessed by John Burroughs and Jim Penniston two nights earlier. He signed an affidavit to claim his encounter as an extraterrestrial matter and had been covered up by the government in 2010. At Woodbridge Community Hall on July 11, a conference has been organized by Dawn Holloway and John Hanson, authors of UFO books entitled Haunted Skies.
According to Mr Hanson, the Rendlesham incident is the most controversial in history. In fact, all the people involved have created their versions. Being an unimpeachable UFO witness, he never came back to speak locally. Fortunately, the comeback was confirmed, and it is great news for everyone who want to know more about the incident. Nick Pope said that he met Colonel Halt many times. He described Colonel as a man of integrity and is an unimpeachable witness. The incident in Rendlesham Forest is the world’s most compelling sightings. The conference will be preceded from 5pm-7pm by a book fair, including a ‘meet and greet’ with Mrs Butler, Mr Hanson and David Bryant.
Hundreds of sightings, abductions and first-hand accounts have made it possible to distinguish several distinct alien species that have been in cahoots with military forces, deciding our future without ever consulting us. Below are the least obscure ones we could find.
1. The Sirians
Hailing from the Sirius B star system, the Sirians are as advanced as they are ancient. Throughout history, they have imparted their knowledge to human civilizations of their choosing. They gifted the ancient Egyptians with medical and astronomical information and the great pyramids and temples are said to have been built with their help.
The Mayans also had a special relationship with the Sirians, who shared information with this enigmatic South American civilization. The extraterrestrial originating from Sirius B are believed to have played a part in the disappearance of the Maya, but not before ensuring they left behind amazing artifacts such as the crystal skulls.
Another earthly civilization that benefited from the Sirian presence were the Atlanteans; it is believed that during the cataclysmic event that sunk Atlantis, the Sirians were instrumental in leading the rescue operations. Other civilizations have been influenced by the Sirians, the most notable case being that of the Dogon tribe of West Africa.
Although they were more involved during our planet’s past, nowadays the Sirians play a more subtle part: technology exchange programs. They are often mentioned in connection with covert or exotic weapons research as well as time travel experimentation.
2. The Short Grays
Also known as the Zeta Reticulums, the Grays are some of the most well-known aliens and commonly depicted throughout alien pop culture. They are the authors of most alien abductions.
According to most descriptions, they stand 3 to 5 feet tall, have bulbous heads and over-sized black eyes. Although they possess a mouth, they seldom speak, as most communication is carried out telepathically. The short Grays are said to be a genetically-engineered worker race that are controlled by their superiors, the Tall Grays. Their telepathic abilities allow them to constitute a type of hive mind consciousness.
Being genetically-designed to carried out scientific missions, the short Grays are emotionless and cruel. They are alo responsible for creating a human-gray hybrid race.
3. The Tall Grays
Standing 7 to 8 feet tall, the Gray Masters are the ambassadors of most meetings between human and alien forces. They are always present at any diplomatic agreements with the global shadow government. Sources claim they originate from a star system in the Orion constellation.
The Tall Grays supervise all abductions and human experiments but are seldom present during these events. They prefer to employ the services of their minions, the Short Grays. As it would seem, they are keen on developing a stable human-gray hybrid race, one worthy of inheriting Earth.
An advanced, self-centered race, they place little value on human life. They consider us their property.
4. The Alpha-Draconians
Corrupt and vicious, the Alpha-Draconians have infiltrated human society thousands of years ago. Although they came to Earth from their colonies on Alpha Draconis, their original home world is unknown.
A decidedly giant reptilian species, they measure anywhere from 14 to 22 feet tall. Weighing an estimated 1,800 pounds, their muscular bodies are covered in green or brown scaly skin. They are an intelligent race, with large heads and reptilian eyes. Some accounts describe them as having tails or even wings.
Contactee Alex Collier says he was allowed to share some details about these extraterrestrials:
The Draconians are the force behind the repression of human populations everywhere in this galaxy, instilling fear-based belief systems and restrictive hierarchies.
[…]they’re extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister.”
The Draconians view themselves as the first intelligent species to evolve in the Milky Way galaxy. Competitive and expansive, they have populated many worlds. Their immense egos allows them to see themselves as the rightful rulers of lesser evolved worlds such as Earth.
Their continuous exploitation of the human race proves they consider us an inferior species.
Reports say there are actually two types of Alpha-Draconians divided into two castes: the giant ones are part of a royal caste called the Ciakar while the smaller ones (8 feet tall) form a well-trained warrior class.
5. The Native Reptilians
Often confused with the warrior caste of the Alpha Draconians, these reptilians are said to be native to Earth. The little information available for this species states that they were originally left behind by the Alpha-Draconians to colonize Earth.
Their interaction with mankind goes back thousands of years, sometimes offering assistance but more often than not using us as a commodity. They have infiltrated almost all aspects of human life and hold positions of power. Reptilians manipulate our elites and rule our institutions and organizations. They built the financial system and influence all religions.
The underground reptilian race is also said to control the media and all corporations. They are behind most crimes against humanity.
6. The Anunnaki
An elite race of beings that originated in another galaxy they called Illyuwn. Their home world was a planet called Rizq. When Rizq was destroyed, they built an intergalactic vessel they named Nibiru.
Before heading to Earth, the Anunnaki colonized the planets in the Orion star system. They arrived on Earth almost a million years ago, in search of gold and other valuable minerals that were scarce in the universe, but abundant here.
In need of a workforce, they are said to have created mankind. Through genetic manipulation and in vitro fertilization, they upgraded the genus Homo to sapiens quality. Present on Earth since our inception, the Anunnaki have influenced every aspect of human life. We’ve inherited their patriarchal culture of violence and vengeance, it’s in our engineered DNA.
The Anunnaki are in direct competition with the Draconians for control over mankind.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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