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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Did a highly advanced ancient society once exist globally?
Did a highly advanced ancient society once exist globally?
July 26, 2015 - One such place is Puma Punku, Bolivia. High in the Andes mountains close to the shores of Lake Titicaca, the ruins of this once beautiful structure lies strewn across the countryside, destroyed from some unknown cataclysmic event. No evidence of a written language can be found amongst the ruins, and archeologists cannot identify the original purpose for this structure. The stones found at this site are mainly andesite, which is very hard with a high concentration of quartz.oday, we would have to use diamond-tipped, high-speed tools in order to recreate these kind of cuts. The cost for us today would be prohibitive because of the amount of time for all these inside cuts. How could they have created such an elaborate and intricately detailed structure without a written language? Most people in the construction business understands that a structure does not come together by accident. The more detailed the building, the more complex and detailed the plans. So, where are the plans to create Puma Punku, much less the Great Pyramid of Giza?
In spite of locations like Puma Punku, historians still insist that the cradle of humanity is in current day Iraq, once known as the land of Sumer. Ancient Sumerian texts tell a number of stories that appear very similar to passages in the Torah or Holy Bible. These Sumarian clay tablets are much older than the oldest known copies of the Torah, leading many agnostics to believe that mean the Hebrews and Christians incorporated these stories into their own scriptures. I don’t believe so. I believe that the original scriptures from the God of Israel simply have yet to be found. How many times in our past have the certainties that we understood be proven absolutely wrong? Is the Earth flat? No. Is the Earth the center of the universe and everything orbits around us? Again, no. So the search continues. Maybe the answers are all around us and we just don’t recognize it?
Historians have a general idea based on archeological finds on many of our ancestors back to about 4,000 years. However, they do not have a very complete picture of how they did things. Historians understanding of ancient technology has huge holes in it. The very thought that ancient Egyptians could have cut granite with copper chisels is laughable at best. I liken it to using a plastic knife to cut down a giant California redwood tree. What’s more, our understanding greatly diminishes as we go further back in time.
Moving from Sumer to the Giza plateau, we once again come across the Great Pyramid, aligned along the 31st Longitude line, and perfectly squared off with the four cardinal points of a compass that had not been created at the time the structure was built. Many people will immediately say “It was the aliens” without considering the fact that just maybe our HUMAN ancestors were far more advanced than we thought. The proof is all around us, but we must put our arrogance aside in order to accept that. But what’s more amazing is what else can be found on the 31st longitude line.
Deep in South Africa there are many sites made of stones with such a high quartz content that they are called bell stones. In the link below, Michael Tellinger demonstrates some that he has found:
One such site found on the 31st longitude line made of these bell stones is Adam’s Calendar. There are strange issues with GPS coordinates and cell phone connectivity inside the circle of stones. What energy forces are at work here? I have found no convincing proof just how old Adam’s calendar is, but some have said it is many thousands of years old… much older than historians believe that mankind has been on Earth. Some have said as far back as 75,000 years.
Here we must take caution. I like to think of timelines as practically useless whether for trying to predict the future based on prophetic writings, or to try and establish a timeline of the past. It always seems to make people look foolish when proven wrong, which happens frequently. For those who have faith and believe in God, why would you dare to try and place human constraints on an all powerful God who lives outside of time as we know it? I accept that things will happen in the time they are intended, and the past happened sometime prior to yesterday. I can accept that, and don’t care one way or another if it was 12,000 or 150,000 years ago.
But one thing is undeniable: the flood of Noah’s time is a widely accepted fact. So little is known about that time prior to the flood, both in the Bible and historically. But archeologically we can see evidence of a thriving society that once existed in the most surprising location: South Africa.
The picture below is accepted by main stream historians to be cattle “kraals” or pens used by the hunter gatherers that inhabited the area thousands of years ago in limited numbers. Most historians believe there were only 10,000 or so inhabitants, firmly discounting any thoughts that a thriving society once lived here. However, the ruins just don’t make sense with the narrative. First, there is no entrance to these pens. So how would you get the cattle in and out? Second, the walls range anywhere from 8 feet to 12 feet in height, though many appear now to be filled in with large amounts of sediment. Sounds like a massive flood to me. Lastly, there are thousands upon thousands of these ruins. There are also miles of terraces created on the mountainsides, assumably to plant crops. That’s lots of food capabilities for a few thousand people sparsely spread across the countryside.
Looking at the picture above, you can see the connecting lines of stones that branch out like a network. What is going on here? Why was it built and by who? It certainly does not make sense to be pens for livestock. There is nothing close to this today, but then again we have not really studied sound technology, have we? These kraals are also made of the bell stones that I talked about earlier. It is well known that quartz crystals has many properties. They can be used to store large amounts of data, and rocks with a high quartz content will also ring like a bell, and reverberate to outside sounds.
If you have a perfectly tuned guitar, when you strike the low E string, the high E string will reverberate on it’s own. So what effect would sound have on some of these ancient sites? This should be humanity’s next greatest endeavor is to discover how our ancestors harnessed sound, and its effect on these ancient locations. We have examples all over the internet of researchers using sound to levitate small items like ping pong balls. If you could harness massive amounts of sound energy could you levitate some of the massive stones used to build the pyramids? I believe if you controlled the frequency and provided enough amplitude you could indeed levitate stone. You have to wonder if Nikola Tesla and Edward Leedskalnin rediscovered ancient technologies.
The link below is to a presentation by Michael Tellinger on sound energy. The video is over an hour long, but if you forward to the last 15-20 minutes he shows a great many sites and shares the “Ah-Ha” moment how our ancestors built the public structures to channel sound to create energy, and today’s modern equivalent: computer circuit boards.
So what is the one thing that ties in all these locations? Stone structures built using massive stones with a high quartz content. They are found in Egypt, South Africa, South and Central America, China, India, Pakistan, Bosnia, France, Great Britain, Turkey, and even on remote Easter Island. Additionally, pyramid structures have been found on nearly every continent. How much more evidence do you need that a highly advanced society once existed on a global scale that would rival any of today’s? I’ve really only scratched the surface of this. Go do some digging for yourself … this will keep you up at night!
So where are the plans to build all these structures? How do we know they are not saved electronically in the very stone that was used to construct them? I wonder what other wonders we would find there? I would love to see the hackers all over the world spend their time on this, rather than the destructive things they do today. If you REALLY want to change the world, think how things would certainly change if you discovered free, limitless and wireless energy and GAVE it away. Wouldn’t this wreak havoc with the big energy corporations? How much easier would your life be if you didn’t have to pay for electricity for your home or fuel for your vehicles?
Here above we see an illuminated UFO (mothership made of energy only-light beings) caught by accident during the lightning storm. Its passengers may be energy beings, shooting off in all directions. The boys said they saw lights flying around the sky, like search lights but not. If I hadn’t seen something like this just a few months ago, I might be skeptical. But I did around midnight with my family here in Taiwan. I understand his description. These are energy beings, not usually interested in humans, but if you notice them, they may make a circle high up like they did for my family. The lights move fast, but sort of have a sense of…awareness about them. Cool sighting. SCW
Eyewitness states: Oak Lawn, IL looking west, around 91st & Ridgeland Ave. My son, 12 and another boy, 9, were outside of a family party. They saw (4) objects moving around in the stormy sky. He ran inside, and grabbed his phone. He said (3) took off with flight patterns never seen before. The way he described the objects, I thought they were searchlights from a “Grand Opening” or an event of some kind. However, at around 12-14 seconds, lighting illuminates the sky with the illuminated object obscured by the clouds, not light shining on the cloud. That’s no searchlight. Take a look, let me know what you think. Regards, John Oak Lawn IL
Date of sighting: July 23, 2015 Location of sighting: Nottingham, England
This ring UFO was spotted by a boy in England this week as it flew over his house. Although it could be a smoke ring, such ring UFOs have been recorded by the US military and they confirmed it was a UFO (Sept 1957 Ft. Belvoir). So, only a closed mind would say its 100% chance of being a smoke ring, however…there is a chance, just not that big. I believe this to be a ring UFO. A UFO that is a drone, but usually stays high up in the clouds and it can also form a cloud around in in under a minute. UFOs cause animals to act strangely…so did you notice the birds flying all around it? It clearly got their attention. This is a true sign of a UFO. Another is that it took place during sunset. Which is the #1 most common time to see UFOs. SCW
The video below shows several near mid-air collisions between UFOs and planes.
An unknown object crashed against an airplane from Aeromexico while it was flying near Cancun.
A Cesna airplane did a flight near Toluco. During the flight 5 objects approached the airplane. They were flying in the other direction and passed beside the plane.
A sphere passed near a Boeing 747 and a bright object was moving right towards another airplane. Another recording shows a UFO that was static in the sky while an airplane passing by.
The cases as mentioned above are just a few of the many near mid-air collisions which happen every year.
UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport Pilot reports near miss with ‘rugby ball-shaped
UFO’ near Heathrow Airport Passenger plane involved in near miss with UFO near Glasgow airport
UFO collided with Chinese Passenger Plane at 26,000 Ft.
In many cases the objects are Drones, flying through restricted airspace, such as airport control zones.
As a result of these dangerous situations, the British Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) launched a “Dronecode” of conduct on Wednesday that drone users must follow, or face “prosecution and a possible jail term or fine.”
The CAA’s press release also noted that Drone manufacturers had started to program drones with “geo-fencing,” which can be used to stop unmanned vehicles from flying above a certain height or into restricted areas, according to a cnbc news report.
Despite that often Drones are the cause of near mid-air collisions there are well known cases of near misses between objects and planes which cannot be explained.
The video below shows several near mid-air collisions between UFOs and planes.
An unknown object crashed against an airplane from Aeromexico while it was flying near Cancun.
A Cesna airplane did a flight near Toluco. During the flight 5 objects approached the airplane. They were flying in the other direction and passed beside the plane.
A sphere passed near a Boeing 747 and a bright object was moving right towards another airplane. Another recording shows a UFO that was static in the sky while an airplane passing by.
The cases as mentioned above are just a few of the many near mid-air collisions which happen every year.
UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport Pilot reports near miss with ‘rugby ball-shaped
UFO’ near Heathrow Airport Passenger plane involved in near miss with UFO near Glasgow airport
UFO collided with Chinese Passenger Plane at 26,000 Ft.
In many cases the objects are Drones, flying through restricted airspace, such as airport control zones.
As a result of these dangerous situations, the British Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) launched a “Dronecode” of conduct on Wednesday that drone users must follow, or face “prosecution and a possible jail term or fine.”
The CAA’s press release also noted that Drone manufacturers had started to program drones with “geo-fencing,” which can be used to stop unmanned vehicles from flying above a certain height or into restricted areas, according to a cnbc news report.
Despite that often Drones are the cause of near mid-air collisions there are well known cases of near misses between objects and planes which cannot be explained.
Who knew that a simple winter’s night snowmobile ride would result in the sighting of a black triangle UFO? Triangular-shaped UFOs have been in the media over the past 20 years or so. Numerous television shows have reported cases from different parts of the U.S. and western Europe. These craft are usually about the size of a football field, being about two stories thick. They typically are reported as having three major glowing orbs on the underside. They are usually a non-reflective black in color, but they’ve also been reported as glowing in orange or yellow. The strangest element is that most reports say that they are unnervingly silent. The CNY region is not without its reports of these triangle-shaped crafts.
Among the earliest known upstate reports of a black triangle UFO was in January of 1979 in Herkimer, NY. One winter’s night, a snowmobiler who lived in the country was going to visit a friend five miles away. He stated that suddenly it became quiet. He couldn’t hear his sled’s engine and the snowmobile’s light went out. He looked up and could make out the outline of a huge black triangle blocking out the stars. It had no lights and was silent. He said it took about two minutes for it to pass over head. It was perhaps 100 feet off the ground and when it passed under the high tension wires, arcs began jumping from the power lines to the top of the craft. He watched it move away over a hill and then out of sight. When he got home, nobody believed him. There was also a sighting a few years later in October of 1982 in Owasco, NY near Owasco Lake. In October 2010, a black triangle UFO was reported in Skaneateles that was observed by a number of people at a football game. In December 2011, near Sylvan Beach, NY, a family observed two of these crafts. Not to be left out, residents in the city of Syracuse observed several of these triangular crafts. One was seen over Hiawatha Lake moving northwest in June of 2012 in the early hours of the day. Notably, two years ago a small cluster of sightings of black triangle UFOs happened in May 2013 in the regional New York City area.
The most recent report was logged in Earlville, NY on July 15, 2013. A young woman was called outside by her excited boyfriend. She reported that he pointed up in the sky and some distance from them was a huge orange triangle. They watched it for a few minutes as it slowly moved away and disappeared. A curious aspect regarding these black triangles is the frequency of their sightings. When I examined the sighting data for the 20 years between 1979 through 2000, there were a total of 34 sighting reports for the entire state of New York. Yet from 2001 to 2015, the number of Black Triangle sightings has more than tripled.
VIDEO: Mysterieuze graancirkel verschijnt na precies 10 jaar in zelfde Russische weiland
VIDEO: Mysterieuze graancirkel verschijnt na precies 10 jaar in zelfde Russische weiland
Een drone heeft een mysterieuze graancirkel in Rusland vastgelegd. De onverklaarbare patronen, die naar verluidt zijn ontdekt door een lokale bewoner, zijn verschenen in een weiland in de buurt van de stad Toljatti.
De vreemde formatie bestaat uit vijf cirkels, die een doorsnee hebben van 18 tot 45 meter en zijn verbonden door middel van rechte lijnen. Exact 10 jaar geleden zouden dezelfde patronen op dezelfde plaats zijn verschenen. Dat wijst er volgens paranormale enthousiastelingen op dat de graancirkel niet is gemaakt door mensen.
De maker van de video, die de graancirkels met een drone heeft gefilmd, gelooft echter dat de persoon achter de patronen nooit naar voren zal komen en dat graancirkels worden gemaakt door mensen en niet door aliens.
In de afgelopen maanden zijn er vaker graancirkels verschenen in Rusland. In juni werden een aantal onverklaarbare patronen gevonden in een weiland in de autonome republiek Adygea. Ze bestonden uit zes ringen die met elkaar waren verbonden. De grootste ring had een doorsnee van 13 meter.
Report from TercerMilenio about UFO activity during the Cold war, including the reports made by Major George Filer, retired intelligence officer of the US Air Force.
The Rendlesham Forest Incident must be one of the most talked about, divisive subjects in the world of Ufology in the last 35 years.
When Charles Halt (Colonel USAF Retired) returned in July 2015 to talk about the incident for the first time in Suffolk in 35 years, the Rendlesham Forest Incident community flocked to hear him speak.
Colonel Halt returns to the UK to address a packed hall
The news of Colonel Halt’s return was a big deal. It doesn’t get much bigger than when a key military figure in a world renowned UFO incident returns to the place where it all happened. Colonel Halt was Deputy Base Commander at RAF Woodbridge in 1980 when ‘something’ happened in the woods adjacent to the USAF Airbase where he worked. RAF Woodbridge and its neighbouring twin base RAF Bentwaters were key US military installations during the long and hard-fought Cold War with Russia.
The Rendlesham Forest Incident is as big today as it was 35 years ago. In fact, some would say it is even bigger. The passage of time has allowed for more and more people to get on board the RFI train and for stories to grow ever more elaborate. The legion of RFI fans, Truth Seekers and ‘experts’ they look to for information has grown. Many of the newer fans are too young to remember the incident and some were not even born.
Much of the information that has been circulating for years relies on hearsay accounts from civilians who were not actually there. Perhaps some have a vested interest in keeping certain versions alive. When it was announced that Colonel Halt was coming back to speak, the UFO/paranormal/RFI community waited in eager anticipation of the revelations he would bring with him.
World famous – Rendlesham Forest looms on the edge of the old US airbase where Colonel Halt was stationed.
At this stage I should say I am not a part of the Rendlesham Forest Incident research community. I am a writer who has several friends within the RFI community. I do not have an RFI book to sell. As a few of the RFI key players live close by, I have been fortunate enough in the last year, to meet up with some of them and listen to their stories. The group I have started getting to know is made up of a few gentle souls who are at the heart of a community which spans the globe, thanks to the internet.
The Rendlesham Forest Incident Local Community
Brenda Butler – original local civilian Rendlesham Forest Incident investigator
Brenda Butler, along with Dot Street, is one of the original civilian Rendlesham Forest Incident researchers/investigators in Suffolk. She lives very close to the RFI site and has co-authored several books on the subject. Brenda is well-known as a speaker on the Rendlesham Forest Incident – she is recognised by many as being the voice of the British witnesses. She lives about 30 minutes away from me and along with her partner Bernie, she regularly visits mutual friend, Derek Savory. The three of them, along with a few other RFI fans occasionally work as unpaid volunteers to help facilitate local RFI events put on by a UK publisher. Brenda and her group of friends help make these events happen for the publisher, who is not local and may find it hard to stage events without local assistance.
Brenda and her friends are a very quiet group of people who enjoy the social side of being interested in UFOs and the paranormal. Rendlesham Forest Incident fans from all over the country often come to visit Brenda, Bernie, Derek and other local friends. They all enjoy exploring the forest and sharing ideas about what may have happened. The RFI is so much more to them than a vehicle for selling books; it has almost become a way of life that provides a community atmosphere.
One of the books co-authored by Brenda Butler
It is a way of life that connects them to others who share their interests. Some of the things they discuss when they get together would make some people’s hair stand on end. But the warmth and simplicity of their friendships is endearing in a world where many people are too busy to share simple evenings like this. Folklore and fantasy play a huge part in their interests and evenings with them are very entertaining. Through their contacts in the wider UFO research world, I have recently met two of the biggest names in the ongoing saga of the Rendlesham Forest Incident.
Meeting Rendlesham Forest Incident Participant – Larry Warren
In May this year, I met up with Larry Warren who is known and loved worldwide for speaking out about his RFI experience. I spent a few hours with him and recorded interviews. From that experience, I found Larry to be a hugely entertaining, warm, complex and interesting person. At the time of the RFI, he was a 19 year old Security Police Officer in the USAF based at Bentwaters, home of the 81st Tactical Fighter Wing during the Cold War. As someone who was there in 1980, Larry has a story to tell. His story cannot and should not, be taken away from him. For better or worse, it has had a profound effect on his life. And make no mistake, whatever anyone thinks of Larry Warren, he has a legion of fans across the world who will stick by him no matter what.
Larry Warren – Rendlesham Forest May 2015
Many people it seems are fiercely protective of Larry. Their loyalty should not be underestimated; this is a man who is loved by many. He is quick to point out he is probably disliked by just as many too – but that is Larry. In life, it is the easiest thing in the world to have an ill-informed opinion on absolutely anything. Talk after all, is cheap. However, having an informed opinion is a little harder because it requires work and research or better still – first-handexperience of the subject.
How many of the non-local people who claim to be authorities on the RFI or have strong opinions one way or the other were living in Suffolk at the time and have any genuine first-hand knowledge of it? I mean knowledge that has not come via someone else or from a book. Only a very few civilian RFI researchers come directly from the area and actually remember the events of December 1980. On the military side, Larry Warren was living and working smack bang in the middle of it all at the time and therefore has first-hand knowledge that other people coming into the saga years later do not have. Like it or not, he is an A list participant in certain aspects of the RFI.
Regardless of whether you believe him or whether you don’t, Larry Warren has something most other people do not have – that is, actual knowledge and experience of the RFI at the time it happened. In whatever capacity and on whatever day, Larry Warren was there. We should not forget that. Even if he stood up tomorrow and said he lied about any aspect of it – I suspect people would not care because it is Larry the man who people are drawn to, not Larry the RFI participant. There is a huge difference – many people like him for who he is and it goes far beyond the RFI. I do not pretend to know Larry beyond my first impressions on meeting him. However, I do know how much he is loved worldwide by many in the UFO community. So it may have been a bad idea for anyone to allow a character assassination of him to take place in public.
Meeting Rendlesham Forest Incident Personality – Charles Halt (Colonel USAF Retired)
On July 10th, I met up with Larry’s old ‘boss’ from 1980, Charles Halt (Colonel USAF Retired). An interview was arranged for me by the conference promoter through Brenda Butler, the day before Colonel Halt’s long awaited return to the RFI arena. He was here to take the stage and speak publicly about it in Suffolk for the first time in 35 years.
Charles Halt (Colonel USAF Retired) after our interview in Woodbridge
Colonel Halt was Deputy Base Commander at RAF Woodbridge at the time of the RFI; he then went on to become the Base Commander at a later date. We met at his hotel where I spent an hour recording our interview. Colonel Halt came across as a highly intelligent, witty, charismatic military man who seems deeply tired of the history he is inextricably linked to. That was the impression I was left with. After 35 years of the same questions from a never-ending stream of people with a ‘right’ to know ‘The Truth’, Colonel Halt, I believe, is bored out of his military brain with the whole saga.
He is, it appears, stuck in a no-win situation. Thirty-five years after the event, he is still expected to explain himself to new generations of ‘truth-seekers’. Throughout the interview, as he talked at length about what happened that night, the same phrase kept popping into my head – ‘loose lips sink ships’. There was a war on at the time. The twin bases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge were not holiday camps.
A reminder of the Cold War at local level – Dave Baynes of Lazy Co. Cold War US. Living History and Airsoft Group at a Bentwaters Cold War Museum event.
They were military installations engaged in a deadly Cold War with Russia. Detailed knowledge of the enemy’s capabilities and hardware were of paramount importance to international security. We only have to think of the Cuban Missile Crisis to remind ourselves exactly how serious the Cold War was. Highly top-secret ‘stuff’ went on. ‘Stuff’ no-one dare even breathe about at the time because, if Joe Public knew the state secrets regarding how vital intelligence was being collected, then so would the Russians. Loose lips really do sink ships or in this case, could have annihilated us all. I believe that Colonel Halt had an extremely challenging job to do in December 1980 when he was called out of a Christmas party on base. It is my belief that he may have come out to find his worst nightmare unfolding on the wrong side of the perimeter fence.
Perimeter fence at the old RAF Woodbridge Air Base in 2015
Perhaps the various levels of security clearance that are vital in wartime made Colonel Halt’s life extremely complicated that night and the nights that followed. Covert recovery of whatever came down in the woods on the wrong side of the military fence cannot have been easy to handle. Did a large proportion of the military workforce need to remain unaware of what they were dealing with for international security reasons? Was a cover story necessary to preserve secrets about how highly sensitive intelligence was being obtained? These are questions I ask myself after feeling that something is not quite right with the official story. Of course, it is just my opinion. But it is an opinion based on reading between the ‘official’ lines spoken by Colonel Halt during our interview and then again, when they were repeated almost word for word the following evening during his presentation to the public. The ‘official’ story was run off both times as if by rote. All the anecdotes, diversions and asides in the same places throughout.
There is an ordinary, friendly family man behind the robotic military figure who trots out the military line when asked about the RFI. When he finally took the stage on the night of the long awaited ‘Colonel Halt Briefing’, many people seemed deeply disappointed in the content of his talk. Although it isn’t clear what people were expecting him to say, it was very clear that most people were not expecting the attack on Larry Warren. Or for that matter on his book Left At East Gate (co-written with author Peter Robbins).
The Colonel speaks out
The way Colonel Halt delivered his diatribe against Larry Warren came across to me as a final snapping of patience. It was almost as if the Colonel could no longer stand the continued insubordination of a young airman to his superior ranks. However, this is 2015 and neither are in the military anymore.This just seemed like a parent losing his temper with a naughty child during a tantrum. But this was in the public arena after a ‘tantrum’ lasting 35 years. The curious thing was, Colonel Halt seemed not to be in the least bothered about potential repercussions. He was very confident about what he was saying. He knew he was being recorded. There was no provision made for rebuttal from Larry but no-one seemed to care.
The Rendlesham Forest Incident Has Damaged Lives
No one fought back on Larry’s behalf. Most people seemed stunned. The big question is, how does Larry feel now? The rumour is that he was asked to stay away from the event. Larry has since confirmed this and stated he was ‘categorically banned’ from attending by the organisers. However, he has seen the controversial film of the event made by Ben Emlyn-Jones. Ben’s film has now been removed from YouTube amid accusations of copyright infringement.
Has UK Copyright law been misused?
Larry is naturally very angry about the claims made by Colonel Halt and is considering legal action. He is also understandably upset that none of the many friends he had there stood up for him. Has Larry Warren suffered enough from a horrific experience he had 35 years ago? Did he really deserve further pain from it?
Larry’s crime, at the time of the incident, may have been to keep on asking questions that the top military brass did not want asked at the time of the RFI and could not, safely, answer. GIs are expected to carry out orders without asking awkward questions. That is the nature of being in the military. Loose lips do need to be silenced in wartime, even a Cold War and I am sure the military has ways of securing silence and creating deliberate confusion inside GI minds when needed. But what happens when you are just 19 years old and you get caught up in the middle of something that seems so terrifying you need to talk about it and get answers? What happens when ‘they’ mess with your head because ‘they’ don’t know how much you saw and who you might tell? What happens when espionage goes wrong and a bewildered young serviceman has no choice but to end his career and spend the next 35 years trying to make sense of what happened?
These are the questions that run through my mind when I consider some of the more scientific explanations for the Rendlesham Forest Incident. Whatever ‘The Truth’ is, there are no winners here. And how guilty are we, the public, for continuing to scratch at other people’s old wounds? How much more can Colonel Halt or Larry Warren say? Maybe it is time to leave them both alone with their very different accounts of December 1980 and accept that we just don’t know what happened and probably never will.
These are real people whose lives were deeply affected by whatever happened in the woods. I suspect that Larry’s hell has been vastly different to Colonel Halt’s as they were at opposite ends of the military command chain with vastly different security clearances. But still, it appears they have both suffered in their own ways for 35 years – as have many of the other key players in the RFI. How much more canany of them say?
The Rendlesham Forest Incident Controversy Says So Much About Human Beings
Since the ‘Colonel Halt Briefing’ event on July 11th a new ‘cold war’ has allegedly broken out with mature adults slinging mud and various accusations being made. Excuses are being made by people who did not stand up and challenge the Colonel. But the simple truth is, we are British and sadly we just don’t do that. We are too ‘polite’. I am told that ‘unfriendings’ have happened on Facebook and rifts have developed between various factions involved in the whole event. Apparently, this is the norm after a UFO event. I would find it all vaguely amusing if it were not so tragic that supposedly educated people can behave this way.
At the end of all this, I am left wondering why we have such an interest in looking outward from our planet to see if there is any intelligent life ‘out there’. As human beings, we don’t appear to have that much intelligent life on earth. We bicker, fight, jostle for limelight, lie, cheat, kill and make life generally unpleasant for each other in the most ridiculous situations, usually in the name of making money or scoring points. It is shameful. If there is any intelligent life out there they may well have visited us already. Some people claim they live among us. If they had any sense, they would get back in their spaceships and go as far away as possible from us. We are not ready to receive visitors from Outer Space. We can’t even get along with ‘aliens’ from other countries – never mind from other planets!
Rendlesham Forest 2015 – Normal stuff happens here too
Who are we to judge what ‘intelligent life’ is? As a species we are about as stupid as it gets because we are wrecking the beautiful planet we live on and killing each other in the process.
As for the interview I did with Colonel Halt, I will probably never publish it because I don’t want to scratch away at Larry Warren’s old scars. And as for my own film of the event, I will leave it up to Larry whether or not anyone sees it because he, after all, is the one who stands to hurt the most from what was said.
From my brief encounters with both, I liked Larry and I liked Colonel Halt. In my opinion, they experienced the same event from different angles and from different ranks. They will never agree. Maybe we should leave them both alone. The Cold War is long gone – let’s not keep this new one going.
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Kepler Mission Discovers a Near-Twin of Earth Orbiting Sunlike Star
Kepler Mission Discovers a Near-Twin of Earth Orbiting Sunlike Star
The planet, Kepler 452 b, is likely rocky and orbits in its star’s habitable zone where liquid water can exist
An artist's rendition of Kepler 452b. The newfound planet is estimated to be 60 percent larger than Earth, and resides in a year-long orbit in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star some 1,400 light-years away.
Credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle
Since rocketing into space in 2009, NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler space telescope has discovered more than 4,500 confirmed or candidate worlds, in the process reshaping our entire view of the prospects for life in the universe. Thanks to Kepler, we can now conjecture that planets circle essentially every star in the sky, perhaps 10 percent of those might be habitable, and our solar system’s familiar architecture of small inner worlds and outer giants is rather rare in the cosmos.
And yet despite all these revolutionary results, Kepler’s most sought-after quarry—a mirror Earth around another sunlike star—has proved elusive. At least, that is, until now. At a NASA press conference today that also unveiled more than 500 other new candidate planets, Kepler’s mission scientists announced they have finally found and confirmed what looks to be the mission’s long-sought holy grail, a near-twin of Earth called Kepler 452 b. The discovery is detailed in a paper to be published in The Astronomical Journal. “Yes, this is the first small, possibly rocky planet in the habitable zone of a sunlike star,” says lead author Jon Jenkins, an astronomer and 20-year veteran of the Kepler mission at the NASA Ames Research Center. Kepler 452 b is estimated to be 1.6 times the size of our own world, and resides in a clement, life-friendly orbit around a star in the constellation of Cygnus some 1,400 light-years away that is eerily similar to our own sun.
The discovery marks the end of a long road. Before reaching the launch pad, Kepler endured decades of developmental woes as its advocates struggled to convince NASA the mission would actually work as planned. After Kepler finally launched, the setbacks continued. Most of the sunlike stars it surveyed for planets proved to be far less placid than our own star, contaminating the spacecraft’s delicate datasets with astrophysical “noise” that would require years of extra observing time to overcome. Even worse, the reaction wheels used to point the spacecraft wore out earlier than planned, bringing the primary mission to a premature end in 2013.
Early in its mission, Kepler managed to find some tantalizing worlds, a handful of supersize cousins of Earth, most of them in clement orbits around smaller, cooler, quieter stars than the sun called M and K dwarfs, but all the setbacks made finding smaller Earth-sized planets around sun-like G stars a very tall order. “We thought perhaps that our hopes of finding small, rocky habitable worlds orbiting sunlike stars were dashed,” Jenkins recalls. But thanks to a host of ingenious analytic techniques and observation methods developed on the fly, with each new pass through Kepler’s data mission scientists have managed to wring out ever-smaller planets. And as those smaller, cooler planets pile up, astronomers are coming ever closer to pinning down the number of potentially habitable, potentially Earth-like planets in our galaxy, a value they call “eta-Earth.”
“We’re watching Kepler zero in on the Earth analogues in slow motion,” says study co-author Natalie Batalha, an astrophysicist at Ames who is also Kepler’s mission scientist. “The closer we get, the harder it gets. We’re tromping through the weeds, looking for the most precious stones…. Some said Kepler couldn’t find small habitable-zone planets orbiting G-type stars. Now that we have, I’m confident that Kepler will determine eta-Earth not just for K and M stars but also for G stars.” Knowing eta-Earth, Batalha says, will allow astronomers to estimate how nearby the closest Earth twins are and thus how large future space telescopes will have to be to image those planets and study them for signs of life.
After today’s data release, however, there will be only one more official Kepler release sometime next year. Although astronomers hope to wrest further discoveries from the mission’s archives for generations to come, the end is near for Kepler’s hunt for habitable worlds. “We are reaching the limit of what the Kepler project has to offer regarding the prevalence of potentially Earth-like planets,” says Kepler team member Joe Twicken, an astronomer and study co-author at the SETI Institute.
According to Kepler scientist Jeff Coughlin, also of SETI, today’s announcement still provides a preview of several “hidden gems” that may be fully revealed in next year’s final data release. In addition to Kepler 452 b, the team has discovered 11 yet-to-be-confirmed candidate planets that appear to be small, rocky and potentially suitable for life. One of them, presently known only as KOI-7235.01, looks to be only 15 percent larger than Earth, and orbits right in the middle of its star’s habitable zone. If confirmed, it would surpass even Kepler 452 b to become the most Earth-like world astronomers have ever found beyond our solar system.
The shaky status of Kepler’s finds, the confusing mixture of “candidates” and “confirmed” planets, comes from how it looks for worlds in the first place. Kepler detects planets through “transits,” watching for the telltale dips in starlight caused by the shadows of worlds that happen to periodically flit across the faces of their stars as seen from Earth. But many things besides transiting planets can cause stars to dim periodically, and to validate any candidate, Kepler’s scientists must rule out all of them. Once confirmed, a transit allows astronomers to confidently measure a planet’s orbital period—its year—as well as to estimate its size, by comparing the depth of its shadow with the estimated dimensions and luminosity of its star. Based on these scant data points, they then guess what the world’s composition and climate might be like.
In the case of Kepler 452 b, the team performed extensive simulations as well as ground-based observations of the star and its immediate surroundings to rule out the possibility of anything spoofing the planetary signal. Based on the planet’s estimated size, the researchers give it a better than even chance of being rocky like Earth. Depending on its exact composition, it could have a mass of anywhere between one to five times that of our own planet, which would powerfully influence its environment and fate.
Fittingly, Kepler 452 b may represent an end in more ways than one, being a denouement not only for the Kepler mission, but also for any biosphere the faraway world might harbor. The planet’s host star is estimated to be 1.5 billion years older than our sun, and the planet itself receives some 10 percent more starlight than our own world. Because sun-like stars gradually increase in luminosity as they age, this could mean that Kepler 452 b is a fading, geriatric world, once thriving with life but now withering beneath the slowly brightening light of its sun. If the planet is only one Earth mass, Jenkins says, any life there might be near its end; the world would be on the verge of a runaway greenhouse effect, with gravity too weak to prevent its life-giving water from boiling off into space due to rising surface temperatures.
Study co-author Douglas Caldwell, a SETI astronomer, says that Kepler 452 b is more likely to be about five times more massive than Earth, which could give it enough gravity to hold on to its water and maintain a flourishing biosphere. The planet “could have a thick atmosphere with lots of water, either in the atmosphere, in oceans or both,” Caldwell says. “Given the larger size and thus longer core-cooling time, we think there would likely still be volcanism.” All that put together would give any robust biosphere on the planet another 500 million years of life—about the same amount of time, it turns out, that our own planet may have before it begins losing its oceans to space, too.
“Given the concerns about our own environment and climate change, finding an exoplanet that might experience the runaway greenhouse much sooner than we will made us reflect on the Earth’s near- and long-term prospects for habitability,” Jenkins says. “It is bittersweet to see Kepler coming to a close,” he adds, “but we’ve managed to change the world’s view of our place in the universe. When I was a child, I used to lay in the grass on summer evenings wondering whether there were people on unseen worlds orbiting the stars I gazed up at. Now we know for certain that there are many small, rocky worlds in the habitable zones of sunlike stars and can move on to the next important steps in answering the question, ‘Are we alone?’ What a great way for this Kepler party to end!”
Linda Moulton Howe Animal Mutilations Crop Circles Videos Night Fright Show / Brent Holland
Linda Moulton Howe Animal Mutilations Crop Circles Videos Night Fright Show / Brent Holland
Linda Moulton Howe (Emmy Award-winning TV producer) joins us to discuss Unexplained Animal Mutilations & Crop Circles. The sheer number of cases is daunting, yet, Linda has dedicated her life to finding answers to the barbaric harvesting of animal organs. Linda clearly lays out the scientific proof that no known object cut out the organs with the precision and expertise that is evident in each mutilation. There is no blood, no scaring or other evidence that should be present if the mutation was done by animal or man. Alarmingly, the phenomena has now spread from rural areas and farm animals into urban cities as Linda explains how half-cats and half-dogs are now being found maliciously cut in half. Just exactly how much does the government know and just exactly how much are they keeping from us? And more importantly: Why?
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And I Thought They Were God's Sneezes...
And I Thought They Were God's Sneezes...
A new study shows where clouds come from—and what that means for climate research.
Photo: Christine/Flickr
The earth’s atmosphere contains more than 3,000 cubic miles of water, slightly more than the volume of Lake Superior. And all that H2O has complicated effects on the planet’s temperature.
On one hand, water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas, because it absorbs some of the heat trying to escape the atmosphere. On the other hand, water vapor is the primary ingredient in clouds, which can block incoming solar radiation and help to cool the planet. Understanding what transforms water vapor into clouds is therefore critical to building a reliable model of the future climate. A new study, released today in the journal Science Advances, takes a big step in that direction.
If you just want the basics on cloud formation, Google has you covered. Clouds form when invisible water vapor condenses onto airborne particles, aggregating into visible masses of water droplets. But you can go a lot deeper than that, especially when you look into the nature of those airborne particles, wich helps dictate the traits and behavior of clouds.
Scientists call these tiny airborne particles “aerosols.” When water droplets condense on them, that process is called nucleation. (Nucleation isn’t unique to water vapor. You may notice that the bubbles in your beer or soda always seem to form in the same spots—they’re nucleating on contaminants or imperfections in your glass.) Many different substances in the atmosphere can serve as substrates for the nucleation of water vapor, but they can be roughly separated into two categories: natural and manmade (i.e. air pollution).
Scientists who study clouds sometimes point out that no one really knows what the sky looked like 200 or more years ago, because the Industrial Revolution vastly increased the number of particles onto which atmospheric water vapor could nucleate. Soot from diesel fuel and fireplaces, particulate matter from coal-burning power plants, and the products of countless other human activities all contribute to cloud formation. A paper published last year in the journal Science posited that modern skies are far cloudier than the blue skies of our ancestors, but it’s still an open question.
Preindustrial skies weren’t completely cloudless, of course, because of the many natural sources of aerosols. This is where today’s study comes in. The researchers reviewed satellite images of the world’s southernmost waters, where there is very little manmade pollution. What they found is that areas with the greatest concentration of water droplets also happened to be the same places where the green from the sea’s phytoplankton shone brightest. The connection between the two was obvious.
Marine phytoplankton contribute to cloud formation in two ways. First, they produce dimethylsulfide, or DMS. You’re familiar with it, even if you don’t know it, because DMS is the primary component of that sea smell you pick up near the ocean. After some chemical changes, the predecessors to DMS are useful nucleation sites for water vapor. The second phytoplankton contribution comes from sea spray. When the ocean froths and bubbles, it ejects tiny bits of organic matter that come from phytoplankton. Those particles can also help water vapor to condense.
Illustrated by Daniel McCoy, University of Washington
The researchers found that these particles have a huge effect on the reflectivity of the clouds over the southern ocean.
“In the summer, we get about double the concentration of cloud droplets as we would if it were a biologically dead ocean,” says Daniel McCoy of the University of Washington, one of the study’s lead authors.
The implications for climate models are significant, because clouds account for a large portion of the variation in our predictions.
“Unfortunately, the climate system is very sensitive to little changes in the cloud,” Andreas Muhlbauer, a research scientist at the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean at the University of Washington, told Scientific American last year. “So being off by just a bit in a climate model can have a significant impact on the ability to predict."
The new study should help climatologists refine their estimates. “We’d like to consider how changes in ocean acidification and sea-surface temperature affect the phytoplankton and emissions of dimethyl sulfide,” says Susannah Burrows, another of the study’s lead authors, based at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. “This source of organic aerosol is not represented in most climate models.”
Climate change research has gone from a fringe interest to arguably the world’s most important scientific pursuit in just a couple of decades. We’re now at the stage where scientists are chasing the last bits of uncertainty out of the system—the role of ocean currents, the impact of dark land replacing white snow, and the effects of clouds, among others. Studies about phytoplankton and water-vapor nucleation may not (at first) sound fascinating, but they are critically important. If not to you, then they will be to your grandchildren.
The Fortean Slip News 76 This week Chris and Steve are joined by Matt Knapp as they discuss a UFO spotted over Chicago, a Bigfoot museum, the tree of 40 fruit and new findings that push back grain agriculture thousands of years. This webcast is uncensored. If you like this check out our other content at
Here are 5 strongest signs of Alien existence that are sure to get you thinking...... Are Aliens among us?
From CCTV footage of two believed men in black looking for UFO witnessers to the believed sighting of extraterrestrials on the moon and orbiting our planet. Here are 5 strongest signs of Alien existence that are sure to get you thinking...... Are Aliens among us?
25-07-2015 om 18:50
geschreven door peter
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New Photos of Pluto and Moon Surprise, Puzzle Scientists
New Photos of Pluto and Moon Surprise, Puzzle Scientists
Ice mountains about 11,000 feet (3,500 meters) high — but no obvious craters — are visible in this photo, which was captured by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft on July 14, 2015 from a distance of 47,800 miles (77,000 kilometers). Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
The first up-close images of Pluto and its biggest moon, Charon, are making scientists rethink the inner workings of these and other icy, far-flung worlds.
The new Pluto photos, which were captured by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft during its historic flyby on Tuesday (July 14), show that both the dwarf planet and Charon have been geologically active in the recent past.
Pluto harbors giant ice mountains, for example, while miles-deep chasms score Charon's surface. And craters are surprisingly scarce on both bodies, indicating that they've been resurfaced relatively recently. [Watch NASA Unveil New Pluto Photos (Video)]
"The most striking thing about this image is, we have not yet found a single impact crater on this region," John Spencer, of the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Boulder, Colorado, said during a news briefing Wednesday (July 15), referring to the newly released photo revealingPluto's ice mountains.
"Just eyeballing it, we think it has to be probably less than 100 million years old," added Spencer, the deputy leader of New Horizons' geology and geophysics investigation (GGI) team. "It might be active right now. With no craters, you just can't put a lower limit on how active it might be."
The NASA Shuttle has imaged a mysterious ancient bridge between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge was purportedly passable on foot until 1480 AD when a cyclone moved the sand around.
This recently-discovered bridge has been found to be made of a chain of limestone shoals. Its unique curvature and composition by age reveals that it is man made. The bridge currently named as Adam’s Bridge (most popularly known as Ram Setu) is about 18 miles (30 km) long.
This bridge starts as chain of shoals from the Dhanushkodi tip of India’s Pamban Island and ends at Sri Lanka’s Mannar Island. Water between India and Sri Lanka is only 3 to 30 feet (1 to 10 meter) deep. Owing to shallow waters, this bridge presents a problem in navigation as big ships cannot travel in the shallow waters of the Pamban channel.
This information is a crucial aspect for an insight into the mysterious legend called Ramayana, which was supposed to have taken place in tredha yuga (more than 1,700,000 years ago). Ages before modern civilization revolutionized this part of the globe.
In this epic, there is a mentioning about a bridge, which was built between Rameshwaram (India) and Srilankan coast under the supervision of a dynamic and invincible figure called Rama who is supposed to be the incarnation of the supreme.
This information may not be of much importance to the archeologists who are interested in exploring the origins of man, but it is sure to the spiritual gates of the people of the world to have come to know an ancient history linked to the Indian mythology.
According to Hindu Mythology, Rama had built this bridge in the ‘Treta Yuga’ (which dates back to 1.75 million years ago) to reach Sri Lanka, where his stunningly beautiful Queen ‘Sita’ was held captive by the notorious demon king, ‘Ravana’. Rama sought help from ‘Hanuman’, another extremely revered Indian mythological figure, considered to be the Indian monkey god, to rescue Sita. Hanuman, the commander-in-chief of the rescue operation, ordered his troops, consisting of thousands of monkey men, to carry out the task of building the bridge to create a path, which leads to the island nation of Sri Lanka.
A source on the internet, claims that the bridge was constructed after Hanuman consulted the duo ‘Nal’ and ‘Neel’, who belonged to the ‘Vanar Sena’ (Monkey Army) , and were apparently the world’s best architects of the time. Nal and Neel were said to be experts in making heavy objects float easily on the water surface.
An eminent Indian researcher, Mr. S KalyanaRaman , says that the nature of the stones used in the construction of the bridge have been mentioned in the Hindu mythological text, ’Ramayana’. He further adds that, from a geological perspective, the stones were formed after an accumulation of corals over a long period of time , like fossils.
The Indian government, in the year 2001, approved the construction of ‘The Sethusamudram canal Project’, to facilitate the creation of a ship channel across the water stretch between the two countries, by dredging the ocean floor.
However, Political leaders, belonging to different parties, in the past, have strongly expressed their opposition to the central government’s ambitious project, owing to religious taboo. In their opinion, the initiation of such a project would hurt the sentiments of thousands of Hindu believers.
While lot of research enthusiasts across the world have applauded NASA’s marvel for its remarkable feat, on the other hand, the discovery has also sparked exponentially growing criticism from many people across the world, for being an unnecessarily hyped hoax.
Prabir Purkayastha, an Indian writer, in his article, has stated that the whole story of the so called discovery originated from an ISKCON website called Vaishnava news network and was further propagated by other online forums belonging to Hindu fundamentalists.
It is said that the mutual understanding between ISKCON and various other Hindu radical outfits, has led to the creation of this fraudulent piece of information to prove their claims of the bridge’s existence according to ancient mythology. Purkayastha, also feels that the news was deliberately put across with an aim to garner the acceptance of thousands of modern, well-educated Indians located across the world who have outcast these religious groups over the years.
Many readers, across various online forums, where this news was shared, have strongly disagreed to the belief that the bridge was damaged by a cyclone in the year 1480 AD. One such surfer, on a discussion forum, had quoted that “if the earth is prone to natural disasters of varying severity levels, then it’s highly impossible for a bridge that has withstood various calamities over more than a million years, to not survive a cyclone”.
NASA, however, has rubbished claims of the people who termed the discovery a big hoax. The US based big Daddy of science, took a politically correct stand by saying that the pictures were photographed by their gadgets stationed in space and were not fabricated, thus not denying the Hinduism logic . NASA has also declared the structure to be man-made, winning the hearts of many Hindu fundamentalists.
Adam’s bridge has made lot of people go gaga over the years, and all we can say, is that this discovery has just added fuel to the fire.
by Paul Schroeder
God is responsible for the spiritual entities within our bodies, and more likely, aliens are the most likely candidates for the geniuses behind the amazing nanotech DNA which designs our life form physical bodies; there is no argument required.
There are many predominant planets whose entire intelligent life forms are spiritual entities who have no physical DNA required to house such a spirit being.
Our physical world is an anomaly, by virtue of the sheer numbers of many such noncorporeal worlds, by comparison.
Does human DNA reflect a computer code, an alien nanotech, and thus the not so hidden hidden fingerprint of a “Creator”?
Scientists have found that our genetic code has all of these key elements.
“The coding regions of DNA,” expostulates Dr. Stephen Meyer, “have exactly the same relevant properties as a computer code or language” (quoted by Strobel, p. 237, The Case for a Creator, 2004)
Whose mind or what entity could shrink and miniaturize such information and place our DNA’s enormous number of ‘letters’ in their correct sequence as a genetic building block instruction manual?
Could evolution in itself have progressively come up with a nanotech system like this?
It is difficult to fathom, but the quantum of information in our human DNA is roughly comparably equal to 12 sets of The Encyclopedia Britannica-an amazing 384 volumes worth of detailed data that would fill 48 feet long of required library shelves .
Yet in their precise size-only two millionths of a millimeter thick-a teaspoon of DNA, according to molecular biologist Michael Denton, has “all the information needed to build the proteins for all the species of organisms that have ever lived on the earth, and there would still be enough room left for all the information in every book ever written” (Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 1996, p.334)
God is responsible for spiritual entities within, aliens are the geniuses behind nanotech DNA which is our physical bodies. Most planetary intelligent spiritual entities need no physical DNA to house a being. .
Intelligent Design of our Human DNA
As scientists began to unravel and decode the human DNA molecule, they found something amazingly unexpected-a computer programmer’s exquisite ‘language’ composed of some 3 billion genetic letters.
“One of the most extraordinary discoveries of the twentieth century,” says Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Wash., “was that DNA actually stores information-the detailed instructions for assembling proteins-in the form of a four-character digital code” (quoted by Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator, 2004, p. 224).
As George Williams explains it: “The gene is a package of information, not an object. The pattern of base pairs in a DNA molecule specifies the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium, it’s not the message” (quoted by Johnson, p. 70).
Design from an intelligent source
To any discerning mind, this type of nanotech high-level information has been deduced to originate only from a seemingly intelligent source.
As Lee Strobel explains: “The data at the core of life is not disorganized, it’s not simply orderly like salt crystals, but it’s complex and specific information that can accomplish a bewildering task-the building of biological machines that far outstrip human technological capabilities” (p. 244).
For example, the precise nature of this genetic language is such that the average error that is not caught turns out to be one error per 10 billion letters.
If an error occurs in one of the most important parts of the code, in the genes, it causes diseases such as sickle-cell anemia. Yet even the best and most apt typist in the world couldn’t come close to making only one mistake per 10 billion letters-far from it.
Michael Behe, a biochemist and professor at Pennsylvania’s Lehigh University, explains that DNA genetic data is primarily an instruction manual.
He reasons: “Consider a step-by-step list of [genetic] instructions. A mutation is a change in one of the lines of instructions.
So instead of saying, “Take a 1/4-inch nut,” a mutation might say, “Take a 3/8-inch nut.” Or instead of “Place the round peg in the round hole,” we might get “Place the round peg in the square hole” . . .
What a mutation cannot do is change all the instructions in one step-say, [providing instructions] to build a fax machine instead of a radio” (Darwin’s Black Box, 1996, p. 41).
We therefore have in our human genetic code an huge complex instruction manual that appears to have been eloquently designed by a more highly intelligent source than mere human beings.
The God agnostic and recently deceased Francis Crick, one of the discoverers of DNA, after decades of work deciphering it, admitted that “an honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going” (Life Itself, 1981, p. 88, emphasis added).
Dean Kenyon, a biology professor who repudiated his earlier book on Darwinian evolution-because of discoveries of information found in DNA-states: “This new realm of molecular genetics (is) where we see the most compelling evidence of design on the Earth” (ibid., p. 221).
As well, one of the world’s most famous atheists, Professor Antony Flew, admitted that he couldn’t explain how DNA was created and developed through evolution.
He now sees the demanding need for an intelligent source to have been involved in the making of our human DNA code:
“What I think the DNA material has done is show that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinary diverse elements together,” he said (quoted by Richard Ostling, “Leading Atheist Now Believes in God,” Associated Press report, Dec. 9, 2004).
” I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made . .”
Written some thousands of years ago, King David’s words about our constructed human bodies seems most true. He wrote:
“For You formed my inward parts, You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made . . . My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought. . .” (Psalm 139:13-15, emphasis added).
Where does all this deposit the theory of evolution?
Michael Denton, an agnostic scientist, concludes: “Ultimately the Darwinian theory of evolution is no more nor less than the great cosmogenic myth of the twentieth century” (Denton, p. 358).
Thus we are left like a precipitate out of a solution with the astounding Creator notion that every life-form on Earth carries a genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin and that evolution is hardly what we deduce that it is it .
This discovery shall shake our roots of humanity and confirm or deny our beliefs, both in our concept of a Creator as well as in our own concept of our destiny.
Within this very paradigm, all forms of life farmed throughout the Universe may well be seen as an enormous molecular nanotech creation by a intelligent Creator using amino acid thoughts expressed mathematically.
Crick, DNA’s discoverer, perhaps, said it best:
“Life did not evolve first on Earth, a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence.
They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet.
It did, and that’s why we’re here.
The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe.
The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering. The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design.
Complex DNA coding would have been necessary for even the hypothetical first ‘so-called’ simple cell(s).
Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization.
They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore “teach” us about ourselves, and how to progress.
For life to form by chance is mathematically virtually impossible.”
Crop Circle in France June 11; Interpretation Involves September Events [video]
I haven’t checked in with Mr. Cati since he did an analysis on the new block inserted into the Georgia Guidestones, but he’s been watching these crop circles and applying his expertise to the symbolism and believes this June 11 circle in France involves the end of September when it appears much will be happening, including a visit from the Pope and possibly The Wave. ~ BP
Published on Jun 13, 2015
This in depth video report will show and discuss the coded elements contained in the June 11, 2015 Crop Circle, created at Rauwiller, nr Sarrebourg, Alsace Bossue, France.
This crop circle comes on the heels of other crop circles promoting 9-21, 9-23 and 9-24. The last two crop circles promoted the single date of 9-24 and the newest crop circle in France shows us not one single date or coded numbers to consider.
Instead, the France crop circle is an image that requires the viewer to mentally apply learned dates and numbers from the previous crop circles, which then have to be applied to the France crop circle for the message contained in the crop circle to be seen and understood.
The France crop circle is a most daunting and intelligently designed image, that when explained will convey the significance that I am certain will be seen, once completely decoded and discussed.
Pope Francis, CERN, the supercomputer, time manipulation and many other dated conspiratorial elements are included in this crop circle discussion.
Me my wife at the time now my ex, and our adopted daughter were camping overnight at Promised Land State Park in North East Central PA. We had seen some activity earlier in the night as small lights appearing and disappearing but we did not think much of it. We lived in the Norfolk Va area and saw this all the time. Me and my wife went to sleep in the back camper shell of the truck and our daughter in the front bench seat. We had a sliding window so we were in contact easily. About 2-3 am we were awoke and I was frightened and angered. I remember fighting off grey and some white beings. A
t first I thought it was a nightmare but, my wife had the same exact experience however she was unable to move and resist them. I jumped half naked out of the back of the truck to observe a bright light over the lake moving fast to the east and gaining altitude. It was being pursued by F-15 fighters about 3 of them. I recognized the sound of them and the silhouette since I had served in the US Navy. They were followed by a black helo that hovered over the area for a bit. Our daughter was not scared, she told us the little men told her it was ok they would not hurt us. I packed up fast and stopped at the ranger station on the way out. The rangers said it was normal recently but refused to open the door. They were not going to leave the station for any reason. Their voices showed great fear. We made our was to I 80 rest area and we stopped.
The rest area attendant asked where we had gotten the strange print on our windshield? I told him what we went thru and he offered to watch over us if we wanted to sleep a bit. The Print Small width, Long three fingered print with no thumb They were pointed. They had disappeared by the time we woke up. We never spoke of this again even after our divorce a year later.
New close-up images of a region near Pluto’s equator reveal a giant surprise: a range of youthful mountains rising as high as 11,000 feet (3,500 meters) above the surface of the icy body.
The mountains likely formed no more than 100 million years ago — mere youngsters relative to the 4.56-billion-year age of the solar system — and may still be in the process of building, says Geology, Geophysics and Imaging (GGI) team leader Jeff Moore of NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.. That suggests the close-up region, which covers less than one percent of Pluto’s surface, may still be geologically active today.
Moore and his colleagues base the youthful age estimate on the lack of craters in this scene. Like the rest of Pluto, this region would presumably have been pummeled by space debris for billions of years and would have once been heavily cratered — unless recent activity had given the region a facelift, erasing those pockmarks.
“This is one of the youngest surfaces we’ve ever seen in the solar system,” says Moore.
Unlike the icy moons of giant planets, Pluto cannot be heated by gravitational interactions with a much larger planetary body. Some other process must be generating the mountainous landscape.
“This may cause us to rethink what powers geological activity on many other icy worlds,” says GGI deputy team leader John Spencer of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo.
The mountains are probably composed of Pluto’s water-ice “bedrock.”
Although methane and nitrogen ice covers much of the surface of Pluto, these materials are not strong enough to build the mountains. Instead, a stiffer material, most likely water-ice, created the peaks. “At Pluto’s temperatures, water-ice behaves more like rock,” said deputy GGI lead Bill McKinnon of Washington University, St. Louis.
The close-up image was taken about 1.5 hours before New Horizons closest approach to Pluto, when the craft was 47,800 miles (77,000 kilometers) from the surface of the planet. The image easily resolves structures smaller than a mile across.
Story Source:
The above post is reprinted from materials provided by NASA. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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