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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Ils voient des OVNI partout
Ils voient des OVNI partout
Dans les années 50-60, le monde a les yeux tournés vers le ciel. Non seulement Russes et Américains se tirent la bourre dans l’espace, mais celui-ci est embouteillé par ce que l’on appelle des «objets volants non identifiés». Et plus d’un type assure avoir fait ce genre de rencontres.
En France en 1965, ET est plus fréquent que le téléphone. DR
La France des Trente Glorieuses n’a pas le téléphone facile, mais elle croise beaucoup d’ET. Les extraterrestres se baladent des États-Unis à la France, et l’Alsace ne saurait échapper à ce phénomène.
Le 31 juillet 1965, « L’Alsace » annonce la présence d’un « objet volant non identifié près de Turckheim ». Les sceptiques ont tout intérêt à savoir que « les témoignages se multiplient et concordent ». L’article aurait pu servir de départ au film de Spielberg « Rencontre du 3e type ». Un témoin raconte : « Arrivant en voiture de Wihr-au-Val, je venais de franchir le passage à niveau de Saint-Gilles, lorsque j’aperçus soudain une forme incandescente et oblongue immobile ». Un autre habitant de cette région, « homme que l’on prend au sérieux », était en compagnie de sa sœur quand ils ont vu « l’engin, jusque-là immobile, se déplacer alors très lentement, se rapprochant du sol. Il semblait également tourner sur son axe… Puis la forme se dirigea vers Turck-heim où elle disparut dans une nappe de brouillard qu’elle avait, peut-être, elle-même provoquée ».
Ces mystérieuses apparitions pourraient être les mêmes que celles décrites par « L’Alsace », quelques jours plus tôt sous le titre « Ellipsoïdes nocturnes et lumineux ». « Un Mulhousien qui rentrait de vacances, en direction de Roppe a aperçu une forme ovalisée qui planait au-dessus des champs ». En Alsacien qui connaît les fleurs, le témoin a identifi é « une lueur rouge, nuance géranium (qui) émanait de la chose ». La même nuit, entre Mulhouse et Zimmersheim, un témoin « anonyme pour ne pas sombrer dans le ridicule auprès de ses connaissances », raconte sa rencontre « avec un o bjet qui avait la forme d’un boîtier de montre-bracelet, mais un peu plus bombé, qui devait faire un peu plus de six mètres de diamètre ».
Toujours dans « L’Alsace » , cette observation d’un « cigare volant ». Il a été vu par une habitante de Carspach « le 15 courant ». Il s’agit d’un « objet clignotant, de couleur jaune-or, qui se déplaçait lentement en direction d’Altkirch ».
« Une espèce de nain »
Notre région n’est de loin pas la seule zone où les Ovni s’ébattent. Le « Comité national d’enquête » américain assure que « jamais, depuis 1957, on n’avait signalé autant de soucoupes volantes ou de cigares volants dans toutes les régions du monde ». L’Alsace cite quelques phénomènes étranges. Ainsi, « les pendules électromagnétiques de l’aéroport de Santa-Maria des Açores se sont arrêtées 10 minutes alors qu’un objet volant se déplaçait à 2000 mètres d’altitude ».
Le 3 juillet, « une soucoupe volante montée par une espèce de nain ayant forme humaine s’est posée sur ses quatre pattes dans un champ de Valensole, dans les Basses-Alpes » lit-on dans « L’Alsace », mais les gendarmes assurent que « c’est un simple hélicoptère ». Et patatras, une observation de l’engin Mariner IV lancé sur la planète Mars prouve le 16 juillet que « les Martiens, s’ils existent, ne connaissent pas la boussole ». Ovni soit qui mal y pense !
Stephen Hawking’s $100 Million Project Will Help Determine If Alien Life
Stephen Hawking’s $100 Million Project Will Help Determine If Alien Life
Equally, the signals emitted by the Breakthrough Listen project’s equipment could be picked up by alien civilisations.
The Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia, the largest steerable telescope on the planet, and the Parkes Observatory in New South Wales, are contracted to lead the unprecedented search that will start in January 2016.
This $100-million project is expected to last for ten years.
It should be noted that Yuri Milner recently announced that he is willing to fund Stephen Hawking’s project for the study of extraterrestrial life.
“In an infinite universe, there must be other cases of life”.
“Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps, intelligent life may be watching these lights of ours, aware of what they mean”, Hawking said, according to the BBC. Either way, there is no better question. The Breakthrough initiatives are making that commitment. “It is important to us to know if we are alone in the dark”, says Hawking.
The hunt is even made more exciting with every smartphone owners asked to get involved by downloading an app that would help find aliens if they do really exists. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. The odds of alien contact was initially considered it as a bit of a joke but, much to the delight of scientists and the discomfort of bookmakers, the eventuality that ET is real and the bookies will have to make something in the region of an “eight-figure payout” is looking more and more likely.
This project will also be set apart from the others in that it will focus most on listening for signs of life. Soon, we may have the answers.
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Expert: Beware of contact with aliens
Expert: Beware of contact with aliens
An Australian scientist who this week was given a $100 million boost to help search for extraterrestrial intelligence has warned of the dangers should aliens ever make contact with Earth.
Professor Matthew Bailes said humans must ‘think very carefully’ if aliens were ever to contact us, as anything from outer space that is intelligent enough to send a signal will most likely be smarter than us — and thus most probably more dangerous.
Earlier this week physicist Stephen Hawking teamed up with a Russian billionaire to launch a new quest to discover life on other planets.
The celebrated scientist gave his backing to Yuri Milner’s Breakthrough Initiatives project, which will provide $100 million over the next decade to those searching for extraterrestrial intelligence.
Mr Milner, an entrepreneur who made his fortune through investments in technology companies such as Facebook, said he will harness the innovation of Silicon Valley to scan the skies for signs of life, including searching the entire Milky Way and 100 nearby galaxies
The Breakthrough Listen branch of the project will use the world’s finest telescopes to carry out state-of-the-art radio and optical surveys.
Bailes, a Swinburne University academic was only told a few days earlier that he would lead the Australian team searching the skies.
Cue excitement. Could we make contact with a lovable alien like E.T?
Bailes urged caution if we discover a signal sent by aliens, evoking memories of the chaos depicted in the film Independence Day when extraterrestrials set out to destroy earth. “I think we should think very carefully before we reply to a signal received from outer space. The history of weak civilisations contacting more advanced civilisations is not a happy one.”
“The difficulty is to know what sort of signal we are looking for. There is no manual on how to find aliens. We’ll have to imagine the sort of transmissions an alien race might send, and a variety of strategies will have to be deployed ranging from looking for single bursts to signals that might be more encoded in other transmissions.
“The signal is likely to be quite feeble after coming vast distances. We’ll need to be looking for advanced civilisations that have significantly more transmission grunt than we are capable of on Earth.
“Hopefully they send a transmission pattern we can recognise such as prime numbers, or a mathematical construct at a frequency that might have some significance to us.”
“We could be really lucky and find something coming from tens of light years away, but it is far more likely to come from thousands of light years away.
“Even if we discovered one tomorrow we’d all be long dead and buried before we could reply and the aliens would get an answer,,” he said.
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U.S. Government Releases Document With Details Of Extraterrestrial Bodies, Craft & Home Planet
U.S. Government Releases Document With Details Of Extraterrestrial Bodies, Craft & Home Planet
With several governments around the world openly admitting to the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), the United States government has received a large push from its citizens to disclose the truth about their knowledge of this bizarre yet fascinating phenomenon.
As a result, in late 2014 Barack Obama’s right hand man, (Councillor) Jon Podesta, who was also the Chief of Staff under the Clinton administration, tweeted that one of his biggest regrets of 2014 was his inability to “secure the disclosure of UFO files” and that “the time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources, those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” (You can read more about Podesta and UFOs here.)
Despite these recent public omissions, the White House still maintains that it does not have any such information. The thing is, it’s probably true, as the secrecy surrounding this subject most likely goes far beyond the government, extending into the world of private contractors and a tightly knit group of powerful international elites who control what Eisenhower called, “the military industrial complex.” He warned that this area carried the potential for a “misplaced power” to “exist and persist,” and that this was a “disaster.” (source)
What we do know is that dozens of governments have declassified thousands of pages of “UFO” files which prove that they’ve had a keen interest in the subject for decades. Some of these documents are quite startling, you can see examples of what I am talking about in an article we published about what happens when the military tracks a “UFO” on radar. Read that HERE.
It’s not only international governments; the FBI, CIA, and NSA have all declassified some of the secret files, which again demonstrates a high level of interest in the phenomenon:
“Behind the scenes, high ranking air force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But throughofficial secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” – Former Head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
Although many pages of documents have been released, Podesta’s statement (a few paragraphs above) clearly indicates that they represent only the tip of the iceberg.
The Document & Why It’s Important
The document referred to in the title of this article can be found here (pages 21 & 22), in the FBI’s vault of declassified documents.
Although there are already many startling documents to consider (as shown in the article linked in the above paragraphs about military radar tracking of UFOs), the FBI always seems to brush off their importance, despite keeping detailed records and maintaining a high level of interest since their inception.
This particular document was addressed to “certain scientists of distinction,” to “aeronautical and military authorities,” and to “a number of public officials.”
The document is a letter that was sent to the director of FBI in Washington from the San Fransisco office, on a matter pertaining to UFOs & extraterrestrials:
“Lt. Colonel (name redacted) of G2 [G2 means army intelligence], San Francisco advised today he has no further information, and that our Seattle office is in possession of all information known by him and is handling the matter at Tacoma, Washington.”
The document goes on to provide a copy of a letter written by someone with “several university degrees” and a former “university department head.”
The memorandum also states that “the mere fact that the data herein were obtained by so-called ‘supernormal’ means is probably sufficient to insure its disregard by nearly all persons addressed.”
Key words above – the fact that they would like to “insure its disregard” by “nearly” everyone addressed.Does this mean that ‘some’ of the people addressed should not disregard it?
The letter goes on to outline and state that: (pages 21 & 22)
Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control.
Their mission is peaceful, the visitors contemplate settling on this planet.
These visitors are human-like but much larger in size.
They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world
The disks posses some type of radiant energy.
They do not come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter.
They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace.
The region they come from is NOT the astral plane, but corresponds to the Lakas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
Remember, this is just one document out of many others that are just as startling, many of which do not attempt to undermine the import of their own contents. Here is an example.
Why have these agencies maintained such a high level of interest in this phenomenon for decades? What else are they aware of? Is this document referring to one specific instance? Is there more than one race? Are some of them “physical?” Are some “extra dimensional?” Do you think these agencies have asked the same questions? Do you think they’ve been trying to find out?
I’ll leave you with some of the best quotes we have out there on the subject, quotes that compliment all the documents that have been released. This isn’t a movie, it’s the real thing, and it’s pretty important.
Maybe knowing that we are not alone will help us to remember who we are?
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source) (source) – Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects about which both Congress and the Commander in Chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.” (source)
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.” (source) – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
For more articles on this subject from CE please click HERE.
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3 Ways Intelligent Extraterrestrials Could Traverse The Universe In Seconds
3 Ways Intelligent Extraterrestrials Could Traverse The Universe In Seconds
“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes, or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re [extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.” (source)– Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska.
Thanks to the official disclosure of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) by dozens of countries which details encounters with UFOs, more questions are being asked. It seems logical, how are people supposed to respond to the fact that these objects are commonly tracked on radar by military agencies, visually confirmed by the pilots sent out to investigate them, and perform maneuvers that defy our current understanding of physics? You can find out more about that and view some of those documents here. You can find more of our articles on the subject by visiting the exopolitics section of our website here.
It wasn’t too long ago that the existence of ‘UFOs’ was considered nonsense, but now that their existence again, has been ‘officially’ verified in the ‘mainstream,’ the question is now shifting to, “What are they?” As you can see from the quote above, Dr. Jack Kasher believes ‘they’ are extraterrestrial craft, and he is joined by hundreds of other scientists, academicians, high ranking military people, and politicians who share the same opinion.
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time.” (source) – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
To view some more statements like the two above, click here.
Apart from wondering what and who exactly these beings are, people are also asking how they got here. Below are some possible explanations, but a civilization so advanced as to visit us probably has methods that we cannot yet comprehend.
The idea behind the Alcubierre Drive is to basically place a craft within a space that is moving faster than the speed of light. Therefore the craft itself does not have to travel at the speed of light from its own type of propulsion system. It’s easier to understand if you think in terms of a flat escalator in an airport. The escalator moves faster than you are walking! In this case, the space encompassing the ship would be moving faster than the ship could fly, keeping all the matter of the ship intact. Therefore, we can move faster than light in a massless cloud of space-time.
The Alcubierre Drive is based on Einstein’s field equations, and it suggests that a spacecraft could achieve faster-than-light travel. Rather than exceed the speed of light alone in a craft, a spacecraft would leap long distances by contracting space in front of it and expanding space behind it. This would result in faster than light travel (source). Physicist Miguel Alcubierre was the first (that we know of) to identify this possibility. He described it as remaining still on a flat piece of space-time inside a warp bubble that was made to move at “superluminal” (faster than light) velocity. We must not forget that space-time can be warped and distorted, it can be moved. But what about moving sections of space-time which are created by expanding space-time behind the ship, and by contracting space-time in front of the ship?
A similar concept was also recently illustrated by Mathematician James Hill and Barry Cox at the University of Adelaide. They published a paper in the journal proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (source).
“By creating a ‘warp bubble’ that expands space on one side of a spaceship and contracts it on the other, the spaceship will be pushed away from the Earth and pulled towards a distant star by space-time itself.” – Dr. Alcubierre (source)
Quantum Entanglement: All Points In Space Are Connected
You can view a visual demonstration/basic explanation of quantum entanglement here. Einstein himself could not wrap his head around it and referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.” The phenomenon was recently confirmed by the Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, you can read more about that story here.
Quantum entanglement suggests that space is just the construct that gives the illusion of seperation. As demonstrated in the vido linked above, if you take two particles and put one of them on the opposite side of the universe, the moment you do something to one of them the same reaction occurs instantaneously in the other one. This suggests that either the pieces of matter are “entangled” or connected, or that information is travelling much faster than the speed of light.
So, if all points in space are connected, perhaps this could provide some insight into travelling to what we perceive to be the far reaches of the universe.
Ben Rich, the second director of Lockheed Skunkwork’s from 1975-1991, also known as the Father of Stealth, made several shocking open statements about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials and how they are getting here.
“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it. There are two types of UFOs, ones that we build and ones that ‘they’ build.”
When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?”The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?”Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”
You can find the source for the above quotes in THIS article, and this information deals with what’s known as the “black budget.” You can read more about the black budget here.
Another hard hitting statement related to this topic:
“It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief know nothing about.” (source)– Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
Wormholes are passages through space-time that would allow one to create ‘shortcuts’ through space in order to travel long distances. They are predicted by the general Theory of Relativity, and as of now still lie within the realm of theoretical physics. In 1935, Einstein referred to these as “bridges” through space-time, again, connecting two different points in space-time to create a shortcut. It’s also important to mention that the existence of these wormholes has been mathematically predicted, but are still considered theoretical.
A paper that was recently published in the Annals of physics offers mathematical evidence that a massive black hole in our galaxy is actually a wormhole. If this is true, it should be possible for humans to navigate it.
“Our result is very important because it confirms the possible existence of wormholes in most of the spiral galaxies.” (source)
If we are being visited, perhaps wormholes are one of many possible means by which it’s happening.
It’s important to note that the human race is still in its adolescence, perhaps there are new discoveries to be made for “those who can remove some of truth’s protective layers.” – Niel Armstrong (source)
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‘British X-Files’ on UFOs to be released by 2016 – govt
‘British X-Files’ on UFOs to be released by 2016 – govt
UFO costume contest in Roswell (Reuters / ake / DIGITAL / Photo by J.) / Reuters
Top secret files dubbed “the British X-Files,” which UFO hunters believe could prove extraterrestrials have visited the UK, are to be released by the Ministry of Defence (MoD).
UFO researchers and a House of Lords peer have campaigned for the release of 18 files about sightings that took place in the UK more than 30 years ago.
The government originally planned to declassify the files at the end of 2013, but their release was stalled due to “additional processing requirements,” prompting speculation about a possible cover-up.
After Lord Black of Brentwood pressed the matter in parliament, the MoD says the files will be released to the National Archives by March 2016.
Some UFO investigators claim the classified government files will shed light on reported sightings of unexplained lights in Rendlesham Forest on two separate occasions in December 1980.
US Army Personnel stationed in Suffolk witnessed seeing a “strange glowing” triangular metallic object, approximately two to three meters across the base and two meters high.
Lieutenant Colonel Halt described the strange events in a memo to the MoD: “It illuminated the entire forest with a white light. The object itself had a pulsing red light on top and a bank(s) of blue lights underneath. The object was hovering or on legs.”
“As the patrolmen approached the object, it maneuvered through the trees and disappeared. At this time the animals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy. The object was briefly sighted approximately an hour later near the back gate.”
The unexplained sighting in Rendlesham Forest is one of the most well-known cases of UFO claims in the UK and is often compared to the 1947 Roswell UFO incident in the United States.
Lord Black asked the government for an update on the release of the UFO files.
In a parliamentary question in March this year, he wrote: “In relation to the 18 Ministry of Defence files on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) that have yet to be released to the public, what is the originating division of the file reference M9/18; what is the remit of that division in relation to UAP; and what is their latest estimate of when the 18 files will be passed to the National Archives, and then released to the public?”
Minister of State for Defence Earl Howe replied: “The originating branch of file reference MO9/18 relates to ministers’ private offices. The latest estimate of when the 18 files will be delivered to the National Archives is before March 2016.”
UFO investigator Nick Pope doubts the top secret files will be a “Roswell-style UFO in a hangar cover-up.”
A former civil servant in the MoD, Pope was assigned to a section of the ministry investigating reports of UFO sightings in 1991 for a three-year period.
He told the Daily Express: “The suspicion will be that there’s a bombshell in these files and that the ministry does not know how to handle it.”
“Having worked on the MoD’s UFO project, I’m sorry to say that we don’t have any crashed spaceships hidden away in some RAF hangar, as some believe, but we do have some fascinating and unexplained cases in our files,” he added.
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Ufo The Netherlands Compilation Best video's from HOLLAND
Ufo The Netherlands Compilation Best video's from HOLLAND
UFO 2015 - Amazing Dutch UFO Sighting
27-07-2015 om 22:51
geschreven door peter
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The Billion-Year Technology Gap: Could One Exist?
The Billion-Year Technology Gap: Could One Exist?
Are we the lone sentient life in the universe? So far, we have no evidence to the contrary, and yet the odds that not one single other planet has evolved intelligent life would appear, from a statistical standpoint, to be quite small. There are an estimated 250 billion (2.5 x 10¹¹ ) stars in the Milky Way alone, and over 70 sextillion (7 x 10²² ) in the visible universe, and many of them are surrounded by multiple planets.
Meanwhile, our 4.5 billion-year old Solar System exits in a universe that is estimated to be between 13.5 and 14 billion years old. Experts believe that there could be advanced civilizations out there that have existed for 1.8 gigayears (one gigayear = one billion years).
Fermi reasoned, if there are other advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, then why is there no evidence of such, like spacecraft or probes floating around the Milky Way. His question became famously known as the Fermi Paradox. The paradox is the contradiction between the high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and yet the lack of evidence for, or contact with, any such civilizations.
Given the extreme age of the universe, and its vast number of stars, if planets like Earth are at all typical, then there should be many advanced extraterrestrial civilizations out there, and at least a few in our own Milky Way. Another closely related question is the Great Silence, which poses the question: Even if space travel is too difficult, if life is out there, why don’t we at least detect some sign of civilization like radio transmissions?
Milan Cirkovic of the Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade, points out that the median age of terrestrial planets in the Milky Way is about 1.8 gigayears greater than the age of the Earth and the Solar System, which means that the median age of technological civilizations should be greater than the age of human civilization by the same amount. The vastness of this interval indicates that one or more processes must suppress observability of extraterrestrial communities.
Mike Treder of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies suggests that since there is, at this point, no direct and/or widely apparent evidence that extraterrestrial life exists, it likely means one of the following:
We are (A) the first intelligent beings ever to become capable of making our presence known, and leaving our planet. At this point, there are no other life forms out there as advanced as us. Or perhaps extraterrestrial life does exists, but for some reason extraterrestrial life is so very rare and so very far away we’ll never make contact anyway—making extraterrestrial life nonexistent in a practical sense at least.
Or is it (B) that many advanced civilizations have existed before us, but without exception, they have for some unknown reason, existed and/or expanded in such a way that they are completely undetectable by our instruments.
Or is it (C) There have been others, but they have all run into some sort of “cosmic roadblock” that eventually destroys them, or at least prevents their expansion beyond a small area.
Then ancients once believed that Earth was the center of the universe. We now know that Earth isn’t even at the center of the Solar System. The Solar System is not at the center of our galaxy, and our galaxy is not in any special position in contrast to the rest of the known universe. From a scientific viewpoint, there is no apparent reason to believe that Earth enjoys some privileged status.
Since Earth’s placement in space and time appears to be unremarkably random, proposition “A” seems fairly unlikely. Assuming humans evolved like other forms of life into our present state due to natural selection, then there’s really nothing all that mystical, special or remarkable about our development as a species either. Due to the shear numbers, there are almost certainly other planets capable of supporting at least some form of life. If that is so, then for Earthlings to be the very first species ever to make a noticeable mark on the universe, from a statistical perspective, is incredibly unlikely.
For proposition “B” to be correct would defy all logic. If potentially thousands, or even millions of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist in the known universe, then why would all of them, without exception, choose to expand or exist in such a way that they are completely undetectable? It’s conceivable that some might, or perhaps even the majority, but for all of them to be completely undetectable civilizations does not seem likely either.
> Proposition C, according to Treder, appears to be more likely than A or B. If “survival of the fittest” follows similar pathways on other worlds, then our own “civilized” nature could be somewhat typical of extraterrestrial civilizations that have, or do, exist. Somehow, we all get to the point where we end up killing ourselves in a natural course of technological development and thereby self-inflict our own “cosmic roadblock”.
“Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the Fermi Paradox is what it suggests for the future of our human civilization. Namely, that we have no future beyond earthly confinement and, quite possibly, extinction. Could advanced nanotechnology play a role in preventing that extinction? Or, more darkly, is it destined to be instrumental in carrying out humanity’s unavoidable death sentence?”wonders Mike Treder, executive director of the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN).
Treder believes that some of the little understood new technologies now being developed such as nanotech, and others, could well be either our salvation or just as likely end up causing our ultimate destruction.
“Whatever civilizations have come before us have been unable to surpass the cosmic roadblock. They are either destroyed or limited in such a way that absolutely precludes their expansion into the visible universe. If that is indeed the case—and it would seem to be the most logical explanation for Fermi’s Paradox—then there is some immutable law that we too must expect to encounter at some point. We are, effectively, sentenced to death or, at best, life in the prison of a near-space bubble,” suggests Treder. “Atomically-precise exponential manufacturing could enable such concentrations of unprecedented power as to result in either terminal warfare or permanent enslavement of the human race. Of course, that sounds terribly apocalyptic, but it is worth considering that the warnings we heard at the start of the nuclear arms race, and the very real risks we faced in the height of the Cold War, were but precursors to a much greater threat posed by an arms race involving nano-built weaponry and its accompanying tools of surveillance and control.”
When we consider the chronological history of life on Earth, humans have only existed for a small fragment of time and our existence has always been precarious. The entire time we’ve existed, we been banding into various groups and attempting to kill each other—or at least are constantly in the process of developing more effective ways of killing each other—just in case. The US government, for example, spends on “Defense” (including “preemptive” warfare) and Homeland Security, 8 times what it spends on educating the next generation. There is enough nuclear weaponry in storage around the world to kill every living creature on the planet several times over. Clearly, we’re a species with poor odds of surviving indefinitely.
Our self-destructive natures aside, curiosity may end up killing more than the cats. The faster technology is advancing, the more our “leap now, look later” nature appears to grow as well. If evolution on Earth serves as a somewhat typical template for evolution of other life forms, then becoming a truly advanced civilization must be a very daunting task indeed and a very rare, if not impossible, achievement.
In fact, Sir Martin Rees, Great Britain’s Astronomer Royal and respected professor of astrophysics at Cambridge University has estimated that humans have only a 50-50 shot of making it through the 21st century. If Rees is right, and our standing on the planet is as precarious as he and others believe it is, then we may be alone due to a built-in evolutionary self-destruct button. Others have come before and others will exist after, but the cosmic roadblock may be an innate, finite nature, which only allows sentient life forms to exist for a very small window of time—windows of life which may be too small for our civilization to match up with the small windows of other civilizations that have been before or will come after.
In a contrary point of view, Milan Cirkovic believes that highly efficient city-state type of advanced technological civilizations could easily pass unnoticed even by much more advanced SETI equipment, especially if located near the Milky Way rim or other remote locations.
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Independence Day alien visit? Lights over mountains can't be explained by UFO expert
Independence Day alien visit? Lights over mountains can't be explained by UFO expert
STRANGE images of "odd lights" in the skies above a remote mountain range have left experts stumped - after they appeared hundreds of miles away from any human activity.
Two men using night-vision cameras captured the bizarre sight at the base of the Catalina Mountains in Tucson, Arizona, in the US this month.
Amid claims they reveal a UFO and an alien visitation, the duo's images are now being looked at by paranormal researchers.
Tom Sanger and Gene Coleman were using separate pieces of camera equipment when they took the unexplained footage.
They described their sighting to researcher Alejandro Rojas, editor of Open Minds magazine and former spokesman of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
Mr Rojas explained how Mr Coleman's video showed "one giant light", because the strange illuminations were "too intense" for his camera to separate.
Nr Coleman had a Pulsar black and white night-vision camera while Mr Sanger was using Luna Optics colour night vision camera, which is capable of capturing footage at up to 20X magnification - but at that range focus can be lost.
Mr Rojas added of Mr Sanger's footage: "Due to 'tinkering' with his camera, sometimes the lights seemed to be one big light, but he says they were actually three lights, as can be seen in most of the video."
He said Mr Coleman's video showed "one giant light", because the illuminations were "too intense" for his camera to separate.
He added: "But the men say there were three lights.
Mr Sanger, who said they were filming at the Sabino Canyon car park at around 8.50pm when the lights appeared and hovered statically, also described a second event that involved "five white lights in a row with various flashes and lights showing up here and there".
He added that they heard no sound and that the lights appeared above radio towers.
The pair returned during daylight to investigate if any static lights could have been responsible, while they also looked at a map to estimate the probable direction of the lights.
The object appeared to change shape at certain points
Beyond the mountains is desert wilderness. I just looked at a map and there are absolutely no cities or towns anywhere in the direction the lights were seen for literally hundreds of miles. No airports or military bases at all
"UFO witness" Tom Sanger
Mr Sanger said: "Sabino Canyon leads right up into the Catalinas.
"Beyond the mountains is desert wilderness. I just looked at a map and there are absolutely no cities or towns anywhere in the direction the lights were seen for literally hundreds of miles. No airports or military bases at all.”
Mr Rojas has not suggested the video is conclusive of an alien visitation, but he has been unable to explain the footage and has appealed for help from anyone who can.
He added: "Tucson does have an airport and an Air Force Base, but they are both to the south of Sabino Canyon, and the men were purportedly shooting the video to the northeast.
"As [Mr] Sanger reported, there is nothing but desert past the Catalina Mountains in that direction.
"[Mr] Sanger took a video of the area in the daytime for comparison. His video show that there is nothing behind the peak he believes can be seen in the video."
Mr Rojas has also released previous footage he took of jets flying in the dark for comparison.
A daytime shot of the location, showing the radio towers to the right, but no other light source
He explored if "cars driving on the mountains" could have caused the effect.
He said: "They can be mistaken for something more mysterious. They usually go on and off as the cars pass behind trees.
"If [Mr] Sanger got the wrong peak, that could be the case. However, the daytime images he provided seem to support his claims."
He also considered drones, or fireworks, as the recording was made on July 4, as the US celebrated Independence Day.
He said: "Nearby Davis-Monthan Air Force Base is the home of remote drone operations and training. However, these objects did not appear to be cruising around like a drone.
"Of course, it was July 4th, so there is always the possibility they are fireworks."
Mr Sanger added: “These lights were way out above wilderness areas so were miles and miles from any fireworks displays.”
Both videos have incorrect dates and times but the pair claim they never set their cameras correctly.
New Evidence Claimed by Retired Air Force: Why Does it Lid Off Rendlesham Sighting
New Evidence Claimed by Retired Air Force: Why Does it Lid Off Rendlesham Sighting
Do aliens genuinely exist? If so, why are there no bodily evidences? For decades, mankind has been asking questions about additional terrestrial beings. At first, sightings ended up attributed to deities or angels and far more not too long ago as strange objects. It is not until the advent of present day technology and flight that people have started to name them as unidentified flying objects.
According to retired Air Force colonel, he obtained new evidence to give light on the most notorious extraterrestrial reports in history – the 1980 sighting in the UK. Col. Charles Halt has gathered sworn statements from controllers of air traffic at Bentwaters in 1980. He claimed to see a UFO on radar performing implausible aerial maneuvers. Unfortunately, they were afraid to talk about their sightings until they retired. There are also a lot of people trying to support his statement with the purpose of strengthening his extraterrestrial sighting.
However, Halt is disappointed towards the inaccurate information that spread about the Bentwaters incident. Among his disappointments are the key government files about the case. In the year 2011, the UK revealed thousands of previously strange or extraterrestrial sighting documents, but the Rendlesham Forest sighting strangely vanished. He further added that the result does not surprise him at all maybe they were taken anywhere. He believed that it is how it works.
The following piece from a 2007 documentary includes a recreation of that eye-shaped glowing item moving through the Rendlesham Forest as it appears to ooze molten material. Halt is asked if a cover-up policy is a wise decision, he answered negatively. According to him, people should know the truth because cover up will not make a difference. For instance, alien lands in Washington whenever, what difference does it make? People still have to pay the mortgage, go to work, unless dramatic will happen.
16 bewijzen voor het bestaan van buitenaards leven
16 bewijzen voor het bestaan van buitenaards leven
De Russische miljardair Yuri Milner werkt samen met de Britse wetenschapper Stephen Hawking met als doel buitenaards leven te ontdekken en benaderen. Het bestaan van aliens wordt al eeuwen besproken, maar nog niemand kwam met compleet waterdicht bewijs. Toch zijn er genoeg aanwijzingen te vinden voor het bestaan van leven buiten de aarde.
1. Napoleon's Microchip
Wetenschappers vonden een vreemd voorwerp in de schedel van de Franse heerser Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon zelf vertelde dat hij in 1794 door vreemde mannen was ontvoerd toen hij dagen verdween. Toeval? Misschien...
2. Egyptische hiërogliefen
Egyptische hiërogliefen die Ufo's afbeelden zijn meerdere malen gevonden. De mogelijkheid bestaat dat de oude Egyptenaren bezoek hebben gehad van buitenaardse wezens.
3. Bonnybridge, Schotland
Het kleine dorpje Bonnybridge staat bekend als de ufo hoofdstad van Schotland en dat is niet voor niets. Elk jaar worden er 300 ufo meldingen gemaakt. Foto: een ingevuld ufo rapport.
4. Alien oogst
Toen Britse wetenschappers in 2013 een ballon in de uiterste punten van de stratosfeer lieten rondvliegen, ontdekten ze bij terugkomst dat er kleine levende organismen op zaten. Ze waren ervan overtuigd dat deze wezentjes in de ruimte leven.
5. Jupiter's Maan Europa
Recent onderzoek wijst uit dat er mogelijk bacteriën op de bevroren maan Europa van Jupiter leven. De aanwezigheid van bacteriën zou kunnen wijzen op het bestaan van andere levensvormen.
6. Schorpioenen op Venus?
Na het zien van de foto's van de Venera-13 probe van Venus in 1982, beweerde de Russische wetenschapper Leonid Ksanfomaliti dat er een schorpioen-achtige soort op Venus leeft.
7. Alien fossielen
Onderzoekers in Antarctica vonden stenen met fossielen van bacteriën. Dit leidde tot speculatie dat stenen die miljarden jaren geleden naar de aarde kwamen verantwoordelijk zijn voor het leven dat we vandaag de dag leiden.
8. Het "Wow Signaal"
In 1977 ontvingen wetenschappers in Ohio State University signalen op die wel 200 miljoen lichtjaren reisden om ons te bereiken. De bron van de signalen is nog altijd niet achterhaald.
9. De Mars microbe
Recentelijk ontdekten de Russen een micro-organisme met een zeldzame overlevingsmogelijkheid die niet bestaat op aarde. Ze zijn er dan ook van overtuigd dat het organisme van Mars afkomstig is en dit onderstreept de theorie dat er buitenaards leven bestaat.
10. Menthaan in atmosfeer van Mars
Methaan wordt geproduceerd door levende organismen en er is veel van dit gas in de atmosfeer van mars gevonden, waardoor je zou kunnen denken dat er levende organismen op Mars zijn.
11. Alien ambassadeur
De Maleise wetenschapper Mazlan Othman is de directeur van de Verenigde Naties' office of outer space Affairs (UNOOSA) dat zich bezighoudt met de ruimte. Mazlan heeft de eer om buitenaardse bezoekers te begroeten en is de verantwoordelijke voor het contact tussen de aarde en andere planeten.
12. Bijna botsingen in de lucht
Piloten moeten tegenwoordig niet alleen alert zijn op andere toestellen met reizigers aan boord, maar ook met ufo's die langs kunnen komen. Een piloot zag recentelijk een object in de vorm van een delta op zijn vliegtuig afkomen en nog voordat hij kon reageren was het ook al weer verdwenen.
13. Drake Vergelijking
Onze Melkweg bestaat uit meer dan 400 miljard sterren en ongeveer de helft daarvan heeft volgens wetenschappers minstens één eigen planeet. De Amerikaanse astronoom Dr. Frank Drake maakte een aannemelijke vergelijking over de mogelijkheid dat er leven is op deze planeten.
14. Erie Morning News
Op 1 augustus 1966 meldde Erie Morning News dat er een ufo gezien was in Presque Isle State Park in Pennsylvania. Betty Klem zag een fel licht dat zo'n 600 meter van haar vandaan landde.
15. Apollo 11
Toen de Amerikanen op de maan landden tijdens de missie met de Apollo 11 werd er een niet geïdentificeerd object dichtbij hun locatie gezien. Eerst werd er gedacht dat het een deel was van de ontkoppelde SIV-B raket, maar later werd dit uitgesloten, omdat deze al bijna 10.000 kilometer verderop was. Wat het object wel was, is nog altijd een mysterie.
16. Radiosignalen
Astronomen proberen al decennia lang contact te krijgen met Mars door radiosignalen te sturen. In 2004 kwam er een niet herkend signaal terug dat steeds sterker werd. Wellicht waren het aliens die contact zochten met de aarde.
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The X-Files creator Chris Carter on government conspiracies and paranormal experiences
The X-Files creator Chris Carter on government conspiracies and paranormal experiences
The 'esprit de corps' has persuaded him to return to the much-loved series
It’s a broiling hot July morning in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and Chris Carter, creator of The X-Files, is patiently giving me an interview in the basement cafe at the Théâtre du Passage, the home of the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival. By rights, he shouldn’t be here at all. The Californian is midway through shooting a new six-part season of the show that originally ran from 1993 to 2002. He has left Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) back in Vancouver, where the team has recently finished the second episode, to come to Switzerland. He promised that he would attend the festival and is not the type to break his promise.
Carter confides that he has had only four hours’ sleep and that he is continuing to tweak scripts and to respond to notes from his colleagues in Vancouver, even as he attends to his duties at the festival. “We’ve just got our sea legs as it were,” Carter says of the resumption of The X-Files after such a long lay-off. The series has been customised for the Obama era and will feature plenty of references to Edward Snowden, WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.
The original series thrived on conspiracy theories and shadowy behaviour from the US security agencies. “You can imagine I was the least shocked person in the world,” Carter reflects on recent revelations about US government-sanctioned eavesdropping and cover-ups. “It is not surprising to me at all… those assertions and allegations are what I think The X-Files was built on.”
In the new series, Carter promises that he and his team will “monkey” with The X-Files mythology “and give you a spin and twist on that”. There will be a combination of what he calls mythology episodes and the stand-alone “so-called monster episodes”. Six episodes doesn’t seem that much of a stretch, given that the first season of The X-Files consisted of 25 episodes, shot over a year, and the second season was 24.
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Remembering The X-Files
“When you shoot six, you think it is going to be a piece of cake. That isn’t the case,” Carter sighs. “It will take eight months of our lives, so it is an enormous undertaking, even though it seems like only a slice of what we had previously done.”
Back in the show’s prime, it was Carter’s job to keep The X-Files “oiled and running” and to ensure that the bosses at Fox, from owner Rupert Murdoch downwards, were happy. Murdoch attended the screening of the pilot episode (“I’ve had very little contact with him, but the first thing he ever said to me was ‘I like your TV shows’”).
The stress factor was enormous. He was responsible for keeping the series “fresh” and delivering the ratings that Fox craved. The gratification came from knowing that massive audiences (30 million for one episode broadcast after the Super Bowl) were watching and enjoying his work. It is also a huge source of pride that The X-Files was deemed worthy of spoofing on The Simpsons. He still has a signed photograph from the Simpsons creator Matt Groening on his wall. “To make The Simpsons is to make the big time,” he declares, with surprising solemnity.
Carter seems a glutton for punishment. As he acknowledges, the old X-Files would demand his full commitment for 11-and-a-half months of the year. “It was as much work as you could possibly do. You worked from the moment you woke up until the moment you went to sleep. There was very little time even to stop to get a sense of how you were doing, or what you were doing.”
Why put himself through the grinder all over again? “The central reason is the esprit de corps. That is the reason to come back and do it again,” Carter says. “When you have a group of people working together, who all contribute to make it better, that is something. If you have never experienced it, that is somewhat miraculous. It is stepping into new shoes. That is not to say that the new shoes fit on arrival.”
In the years when The X-Files was off-screen, Carter would regularly read newspapers and spot stories that he felt were perfect material for the series. In the intervening years, he has developed various other dramas.
There was a show called Millennium, which was attacked by Scientologists who felt it was lampooning them, and last year a pilot for Amazon Studios called The After. To his disappointment, no series of The After was commissioned, in spite of the enthusiasm with which the pilot was greeted. The last outing for Mulder and Scully was the feature film, The X-Files: I Want To Believe (2008), which Carter directed. The critical response was muted and box-office receipts were disappointing, but Carter believes the new series can now once again capture the imaginations of a big, mainstream audience. If the new series is successful, there are likely to be further episodes.
The X-Files is celebrated as one of the first drama series of the internet age. Carter himself hasn’t embraced social media. “I do have an Instagram account, but that is for promotional reasons. I don’t communicate with anybody via social media otherwise,” he says. “It seems that people don’t value their privacy now, and I do value my privacy. I don’t know that anything I have to say [on social media] is all that interesting. I see its great value, but not for me personally.”
Carter is a tallish, good-looking, silver-haired Californian who used to edit a surfing magazine, but that doesn’t mean he is in the slightest bit relaxed. “I never thought of it as laid-back,” he says of the surfing subculture. “I was dealing with people who were the opposite of laid-back. These were, to use an Aussie expression, ‘aggro surfers’: people determined to change the surfing world.”
Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in the cult TV series (Rex Features)
When he worked for Surfing Magazine, the production schedule was almost an intense as the one he encountered later in television production. “It was where I learned about doing something serially,” he recalls. No, Carter wasn’t an especially accomplished surfer himself but he has chased “some of the best surf in the world”, and still speaks in awe of a wave he rode at Sunset Beach in Hawaii. “I couldn’t believe that my feet had touched the beach again. It felt death-defying at the time.”
At the time that Carter devised The X-Files, he stumbled across startling research from a Harvard scientist called John E Mack that revealed three per cent of the US population actually believed in alien abduction.
One guesses the figure would be far higher today, partly because of the series. Mack allowed him to sit in on “a regression hypnosis session” with an alien abductee, an experience he describes as powerful and disturbing.
Does he believe in aliens himself? More than 20 years on from the creation of The X-Files, Carter gives a typically balanced and equivocal answer, one that combines the scepticism of Gillian Anderson’s Scully with the fervent credulity of Duchovny’s Mulder.
“That ‘I Want To Believe’ poster states it so perfectly for me,” the X-Files guru muses. “I am looking for a paranormal experience. I am looking for a miracle, I am waiting for the supernatural. I am waiting to be confronted with something I can’t explain.”
The new series of ‘The X-Files’ will be broadcast early next year
Canadian UFO researchers and investigators were polled for their personal picks of the most remarkable Canadian cases of the past century (or so). They are, in chronological order:
Ottawa, Ontario February 15, 1915 A “phantom invasion” of unusual aerial objects caused enough panic throughout the National Capital Region that the lights on Parliament Hill were extinguished in order to prevent targeting by the “enemy.”
Gander, Newfoundland February 10, 1951 A US Navy Transport plane was reported to have nearly collided with a giant circular orange object that almost literally flew circles around the American aircraft as it flew between Iceland and Newfoundland.
Shirley’s Bay, Ontario August 8, 1954 Wilbert Smith, a Defence Department engineer, set up a “flying saucer detection station” at a government facility. On this date, his instruments recorded a large magnetic disturbance overhead, which Smith believed to be from an alien craft.
Fort Macleod, Alberta August 23, 1956 RCAF Squadron Leader Robert Childerhose and his flight lieutenant were attempting to set a cross-Canada speed record in their Sabre jet when they observed and photographed a bright oval object near their plane at an altitude of 36,000 feet.
Falcon Lake, Manitoba May 20, 1967 Weekend prospector Stefan Michalak was burned by a saucer-shaped object which had landed near him. Later radioactivity at the site was considered high enough to consider closing the Provincial park entirely. Despite investigations by American and Canadian officials, the case was listed as “unexplained” by the United States Air Force.
Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia October 4, 1967 Many witnesses, including RCMP constables, observed a bright object fall from the sky into the ocean. Later, a patch of luminous foam was found on the surface of the water where it was presumed to have sunk. Rumours that a US Navy recovery operation located and removed a mysterious object persist to this day.
Langenburg, Saskatchewan September 1, 1974 Farmer Edwin Fuhr was swathing when he came upon several metallic bowl-shaped objects spinning rapidly in a hayfield. The objects took off and left behind circular impressions which predated “crop circles” found years later in England.
Carman, Manitoba May 13, 1975 Hundreds of people observed a bobbing, bright reddish-orange light in the sky beginning about this date and continuing for several months. The object was seen so frequently, it was affectionately named “Charlie Redstar.”
Montreal, Quebec January 6, 1977 Ms Florida Malboeuf watched as a saucer-shaped object appeared to land on the roof of a building across from her home. Two spindly creatures in tight-fitting suits appeared on the edge of the roof and then disappeared before the object took off.
Duncan, British Columbia November, 1980 Granger Taylor was a teenager who was obsessed with aliens and UFOs to the point of building his own huge full-size model in his backyard. One day, following a series of UFO sightings in the area, he announced to his friends he was going to be taken away by aliens—and he was never seen again. Police eventually located his truck in a secluded area, along with evidence Granger committed suicide.
Although there are many, many more examples of Canadian UFO cases, these are among the most significantly unusual on record. Whether or not they are “real” is irrelevant. They each have helped fire the Canadian imagination and fascination with the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe.
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Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth
Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth
A team of Harvard scientists may have found an indication that a portion of an ancient Earth exists inside our planet’s mantle.
A study presented at the Goldschmidt conference in Sacramento, California, claims that the previously inexplicable isotope ratio from the depths of the Earth may be an “echo” of the ancient Earth that existed before the collision with another celestial body, which is estimated to have led to the formation of the Moon 4.5 billion years ago.
According to the authors of the study, the ratio may represent a signal from a material that existed prior to the moment of the collision.
Scientists of the Harvard University led by Associate Professor Sujoy Mukhopadhyay believe that only a portion of the Earth melted as a result of the collision, and that in the depths of our planet’s mantle there still exists a part of the ancient Earth.
Scientists have studied the isotope ratio of noble gases from the depths of the Earth’s mantle and compared it to the isotope ratio of the gases found closer to the surface. They found that the ratio of 3He to 22Ne from the surface layers of the mantle is much higher than the one of its deeper layers.
The analysis of the 129-Xenon and 130-Xenon ratio also confirms the hypothesis suggested by the researchers. Material which has been rendered to the surface from the deep mantle has a lower ratio than the one which is typically located near the surface.
Since the 129-Xenon is produced by the radioactive decay of 129-Iodine, these isotopes indicate that the ancient part of mantle was formed during the first 100 million years of the Earth’s evolution.
Scientists believe that this theory explains the differences between the isotope ratios of noble gases in different parts of the Earth.
As Professor Mukhopadhyay said: “The geochemistry indicates that there are differences between the noble gas isotope ratios in different parts of the Earth, and these need to be explained. The idea that a very disruptive collision of the Earth with another planet-sized body, the biggest event in Earth’s geological history, did not completely melt and homogenize the Earth challenges some of our notions on planet formation and the energetics of giant impacts. If the theory is proven correct, then we may be seeing echoes of the ancient Earth, from a time before the collision“.
La NASA a confirmé aujourd'hui le succès du survol rapproché de la mini planète Pluton et de sa collecte de données par sa sonde New Horizons, avant son grand saut vers l'inconnu que constitue la ceinture de Kuiper, un vaste amas de débris et de comètes au-delà de l’orbite de Neptune...
La sonde, qui a croisé à seulement 12 400 km la mystérieuse Pluton, après un voyage de neuf ans et de 5 milliards de kilomètres, a envoyé un message confirmant qu’elle avait réussi à frôler sans encombre la planète naine.
Pluton et son principal compagnon Charon (NASA, , JHUAPL, SwRI, fausses couleurs, reconstitution) - on distingue plusieurs cratères et failles ou canyons sur les deux astres, plusieurs sortes de minéraux et roches d'après les couleurs.
Il y avait eu une petite panne à l'approche de la mini planète et de ses satellites, et les techniciens de l’Agence spatiale américaine redoutaient un éventuel autre problème lors de ce passage très rapide. Mais, comme on peut le voir sur ces images relayées par AFP, ils ont reçu avec soulagement cette transmission de confirmation hier soir.
« Nous avons bien reçu la télémétrie envoyée par la sonde », a déclaré depuis le centre de commandes de Laurel (Maryland) Alice Bowman, la chef du projet, déclenchant une explosion de joie parmi ses collègues.
Il ne faut en effet pas oublier que la sonde New Horizons est l'engin le plus rapide envoyé par l’homme dans l’espace : elle a frôlé Pluton à plus de 49 000 km/h et à cette vitesse, une collision même avec un débris de la taille d’un grain de riz aurait pu s’avérer catastrophique et mettre un terme à la mission, sans même que l'on sache exactement pourquoi... on se rappellera que tant les américains que les russes ont ainsi perdu des sondes vers Mars ou d'autres planètes sans en connaître les réelles raisons.
Durant une fenêtre de survol de quelques heures, New Horizons a emmagasiné un maximum d’images et d’informations sur Pluton, dont on ne sait pour le moment pas grand chose, à part qu'un très grand cœur géologique se dessine sur son hémisphère nord. Un petit clin d'oeil de Dame Nature envers les humains qui le voient pour la première fois...
NASA (AFP) - étonnante géologie de Pluton avec le dessin d'un cœur bien reconnaissable, dont une grande partie de l'intérieur semble très plat et uniforme, alors qu'au sud (qui est l'équateur de la mini-planète car la sonde est passée au-dessus du "pôle nord") il y a des masses très sombres et que la droite du cœur est plus "marbré" et en relief... Plusieurs cratères d'impacts sont reconnaissables mais il y a des possibilités d'ancien volcanisme vers le sud...
Dans son discours explicatif, la NASA rappelle que la sonde était entièrement configurée pour effectuer cette collecte de données ces dernières heures et qu'elle ne pouvait pas communiquer en même temps avec les techniciens sur la Terre. Elle s’est seulement interrompue quelques minutes vers 16H30 (20H30 GMT) pour envoyer juste 15 minutes de données télémétriques pour confirmer la réussite de sa principale mission.
Plus de quatre heures ont été nécessaires pour que ces données envoyées par ondes depuis les confins de notre système solaire parviennent aux techniciens de la Nasa. Les premières données reçues ont montré que la sonde est encore en parfait état et qu’elle a donc normalement pu effectuer son abondante collecte de données ensuite.
Il va maintenant falloir à nouveau de la patience aux techniciens car la sonde va commencer à envoyer ces précieuses données qui permettront de répondre à de nombreuses questions sur Pluton à partir de mercredi. Il lui faudra au total 16 mois pour transmettre l’intégralité des données qu’elle a collectées durant son survol historique de la planète naine, en espérant qu'elle n'aura pas de problèmes durant ce temps et son voyages vers un nombre de débris de plus en plus importants, témoins de la création de notre système solaire, et qui orbitent dans les environs, car Pluton est considéré comme orbitant elle-même dans cette ceinture de Kuiper qui commence après l'orbite de la planète Neptune.
Charon (NASA) - le compagnon de Pluton est plus gros que Cérès, l'autre mini-planète de la ceinture d'astéroïdes entre Mars et Jupiter et aussi actuellement visitée par une sonde de la NASA... on voit nettement un territoire très sombre, probable cratère ou effondrement de forme assez carrée (voir plus haut en couleurs).
La NASA nous montre que Charon possède un Pôle nord très sombre et creusé, plusieurs cratères et canyons...
On se rappellera que Pluton est le plus gros astre d'un petit système de 6 astres tournant les uns autour des autres d'une façon compliquée : les deux plus gros (Pluton et Charon) tournent l'un autour de l'autre et autour d'un centre de gravité vide, à l'extérieur de Pluton (alors que la Lune par exemple tourne autour d'un centre de gravité situé à l'intérieur de la Terre) et que les quatre autres petits corps célestes dans les parages se nomment Hydre et Nix, découverts en 2005, Styx et Kerberos, découverts respectivement en 2011 et 2012, tournent de façon compliquée et changeante autour des deux plus gros... ce qui rend impossible de prédire les positions respectives des autres petites lunes. Ainsi la durée des jours et des nuits varie sans cesse sur ces petites planètes. De plus, ces quatre petites lunes ne sont pas des sphères comme les planètes ou mini-planètes, ou grosses lunes : ce sont des mini-ballons de rugby, les forces de cohésion interne de ces petits corps n'étant pas assez fortes pour résister à la déformation due à la rotation. En outre, sur les images transmises par le télescope spatial Hubble, Kerberos est surprenante : cette petite lune de quelques dizaines de kilomètres de diamètre a un "albedo" (pouvoir réfléchissant) très faible, entre 0,04 et 0,35, soit dix fois moins que ses compagnons. Autrement dit, l’astre a une surface très sombre. Kerberos serait donc couleur charbon, sans que les planétologues puissent en déterminer la raison... (possibilité de matière organique (masse de bactéries) ou de métal...)
L'astre Nix fait parti des 6 astres du système Pluton-Charon (NASA)
Voici une reconstitution des mouvements de Nix (et des trois autres petits corps identiques) en orbite autour du couple Pluton-Charon... (NASA)
Yves Herbo : c'est assez amusant car dans mon roman d'anticipation paru cet été 2015, et écrit entre 1971 et 1974, alors que j'étais très très jeune, "Quatre éternités pour une Rose Immortelle",je parle de Pluton et de ses satellites (quelques aventures y surviennent... et il y a une base extra-terrestre (Du "Conseil Galactique de la Fédération" dont je parle dans mon roman) qui est présente sur la planète... C'est amusant car en 1974, lorsque j'ai terminé ce roman (et je peux le prouver), Pluton était encore considérée comme une petite planète à part entière... et était alors considérée comme trop petite pour posséder des satellites ou des compagnons ! Mais je les avais inventés à l'époque (ou cela m'a été inspiré par une muse, comme à beaucoup d'auteurs !) car ça m'arrangeait pour mon histoire ! Et l'Histoire me donnait raison quelques années plus tard avec la découverte de Charon en premier lieu...
MAJ du 26-07-2015 : Entre ce survol historique et aujourd'hui, le robot-sonde New Horizons a transmis à la Terre plusieurs données et images, tout en s'éloignant vers la mystérieuse ceinture de Kuiper... :
Ce survol simulé des Montagnes Norgay de Pluton et de la Plaine Spoutnik a été créé d'après les images de l'approche de New Horizons. Les images ont été acquises le 14 juillet 2015 par la caméra LORRI (Long Range Reconnaissance Imager) à une distance de 77.000 kilomètres. Les plus petits pixels font 1 kilomètre et on ne peut parler de détails ici... d'ailleurs les images ont dû être largement retouchées car ce film ressemble tout à fait à une animation classique faite pour un jeu en 3D : difficile de faire la part des choses entre le virtuel et la réalité. Et la lumière solaire, la taille du Soleil lui-même, ne doit pas réellement optimiser la luminosité aussi loin : les images sont en effet composées de plusieurs filtres du spectre lumineux et reconstituées au mieux, avec des logiciels... - This simulated flyover of Pluto’s Norgay Montes (Norgay Mountains) and Sputnik Planum (Sputnik Plain) was created from New Horizons closest-approach images. Norgay Montes have been informally named for Tenzing Norgay, one of the first two humans to reach the summit of Mount Everest. Sputnik Planum is informally named for Earth’s first artificial satellite. The images were acquired by the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) on July 14 from a distance of 48,000 miles (77,000 kilometers). Features as small as a half-mile (1 kilometer) across are visible. Credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SWRI
Les nouvelles images reçues le vendredi 24 juillet, montrent des vapeurs dans l’atmosphère de Pluton et des signes de mouvements de glaces d’azote et de méthane à sa surface.
John Grunsfeld, le responsable des missions scientifiques de la NASA, est satisfait lors d’une conférence de presse : « Dix jours après le survol au plus près de Pluton nous pouvons dire que nos attentes ont été plus que surpassées. Avec des glaces mouvantes, une composition chimique originale de sa surface, ses chaînes montagneuses et ses brumes, Pluton révèle une diversité géologique vraiment excitante. »
Tout en s'éloignant, le robot a braqué l'un de ses instruments optiques sur la planète naine, ce qui a permis de saisir les rayons du Soleil passant à travers son atmosphère. Les images montrent des vapeurs atmosphériques s’élevant jusqu’à 130 kilomètres au-dessus de la surface. Une première analyse indique qu'il existe deux couches distinctes, une à environ 80 kilomètres d’altitude et l’autre à quelque 50 kilomètres.
« Ces vapeurs sont un élément-clé pour créer les composants complexes d’hydrocarbone qui donnent à la surface de Pluton sa couleur rougeâtre », a indiqué Michael Summers, un astronome de la mission.
Les dernières images transmises par New Horizons révèlent aussi des signes de mouvements de glace à la surface de Pluton, qui montrent une activité géologique récente d'à peine quelques dizaines de millions d’années sur la planète, ce qui a étonné ces scientifiques. Pluton est loin d'être l'astre complètement mort encore supposé il y a peu.
Dans le nord de la vaste plaine baptisée « Sputnik Planum », que l'on voit dans le petit film au-dessus, et qui fait environ la taille du Texas d'après le scientifique, ils ont vu des indices très nets de mouvements d’une plaque de glace de méthane, d’azote ou de monoxyde de carbone dont regorge cette zone. Ces mouvements pourraient même se produire actuellement, selon ces chercheurs, la glace est encore fracturée sur des kilomètres...
« De tels phénomènes sont très similaires à ceux observés sur la Terre avec les glaciers », a relevé Bill McKinnon, un autre scientifique de New Horizons :
« Dans la partie la plus au sud de la région en forme de cœur, adjacente à la zone équatoriale qui est sombre et apparemment plus ancienne avec de nombreux cratères, il semblerait que les dépôts de glace soient beaucoup plus récents. Toutes les activités observées sur Pluton tendent à indiquer que cette planète a un noyau dense entouré d’une épaisse couche de glace, ce qui accroît la possibilité de l’existence d’un océan liquide sous cette glace. »
Cette couche de glace plus récente pourrait-elle aussi dénoncer quelques pluies d'hydrocarbures issues de ces vapeurs atmosphériques ? Une météorologie plutonienne est envisageable également, en liaison avec cette atmosphère et cet éventuel océan liquide sous les glaces. On se rappellera que Pluton possède une orbite très excentrique qui la fait se rapprocher régulièrement du Soleil, mais aussi de Neptune parfois. Des fluctuations d'orbites engendrant probablement de l'énergie, donc de la chaleur, des conditions physiques légèrement différentes en tous les cas...
New Horizons doit, sauf mauvaise rencontre, continuer à transmettre ses données collectées jusqu’à la fin de 2016. Elle se trouve actuellement à 12,2 millions de kilomètres au-delà de Pluton et s’enfonce dans la ceinture de Kuiper qui devrait être de plus en plus dense, moins "vide" qu'un espace balayé par l'orbite d'un petit système planétaire comme Pluton-Charon...
Après plus de 9 années de voyage, la sonde spatiale New Horizon a survolé Pluton le 14 juillet 2015. Depuis, elle a envoyé plusieurs clichés de la planète naine et de son satellite Charon. Que nous disent ces images à propos de ce que l'on peut trouver en surface de l'astre ? Réponse avec François Forget, directeur de recherche au CNRS et membre de la mission New Horizons. Images : Olivier Clairouin - Donald Walther / Le - Dailymotion (Sources)
Who knew that a simple winter’s night snowmobile ride would result in the sighting of a black triangle UFO?
Triangular-shaped UFOs have been in the media over the past 20 years or so. Numerous television shows have reported cases from different parts of the U.S. and western Europe. These craft are usually about the size of a football field, being about two stories thick. They typically are reported as having three major glowing orbs on the underside. They are usually a non-reflective black in color, but they’ve also been reported as glowing in orange or yellow. The strangest element is that most reports say that they are unnervingly silent.
The CNY region is not without its reports of these triangle-shaped crafts. Among the earliest known upstate reports of a black triangle UFO was in January of 1979 in Herkimer, NY. One winter’s night, a snowmobiler who lived in the country was going to visit a friend five miles away. He stated that suddenly it became quiet. He couldn’t hear his sled’s engine and the snowmobile’s light went out. He looked up and could make out the outline of a huge black triangle blocking out the stars. It had no lights and was silent. He said it took about two minutes for it to pass over head. It was perhaps 100 feet off the ground and when it passed under the high tension wires, arcs began jumping from the power lines to the top of the craft. He watched it move away over a hill and then out of sight. When he got home, nobody believed him.
There was also a sighting a few years later in October of 1982 in Owasco, NY near Owasco Lake. In October 2010, a black triangle UFO was reported in Skaneateles that was observed by a number of people at a football game. In December 2011, near Sylvan Beach, NY, a family observed two of these crafts. Not to be left out, residents in the city of Syracuse observed several of these triangular crafts. One was seen over Hiawatha Lake moving northwest in June of 2012 in the early hours of the day. Notably, two years ago a small cluster of sightings of black triangle UFOs happened in May 2013 in the regional New York City area.
The most recent report was logged in Earlville, NY on July 15, 2013. A young woman was called outside by her excited boyfriend. She reported that he pointed up in the sky and some distance from them was a huge orange triangle. They watched it for a few minutes as it slowly moved away and disappeared.
A curious aspect regarding these black triangles is the frequency of their sightings. When I examined the sighting data for the 20 years between 1979 through 2000, there were a total of 34 sighting reports for the entire state of New York. Yet from 2001 to 2015, the number of Black Triangle sightings has more than tripled.
Pictured before their presentation at the Royal Society in London, venture capitalist Yuri Milner (left) and cosmologist Stephen Hawking (right) announced Milner's Breakthrough Listen initiative, a $100 million decadal program to reinvigorate the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
Stuart C. Wilson / Copyright: 2015 Getty Images
Is the cosmos filled with chatty alien civilizations or is Earth a lonely spark of life in a sterile universe? Russian billionaire Yuri Milner wants to know, and has committed to spending at least $100 million to support the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). Efforts to listen for interstellar messages date back to the 1960s but funding has often proved as elusive as the aliens themselves. NASA’s SETI efforts, which ran from the 1970s to the 1990s, consumed about $110 million across 20 years, according to the agency’s former chief historian, the astronomer Steven Dick, who calls today’s announcement a “sea change” in SETI funding.
Announced today at a press conference in London, Milner’s Breakthrough Listen initiative provides 10 years of funding for what promises to be the most exhaustive and far-seeing SETI program in history when it begins observations in 2016. Breakthrough Listen will be directed by an advisory committee of prominent scientists chaired by Sir Martin Rees, the U.K.’s Astronomer Royal. The program is accompanied by another related effort, Breakthrough Message, devoted to crafting crowdsourced messages from humanity that might someday be transmitted out into the cosmos. Both programs will operate through the new Breakthrough Initiatives division of Milner’s Breakthrough Prize Foundation, which awards the world’s most lavish scientific prizes. “There are absolutely no strings attached” to the funding, Milner said in an interview with Scientific American. “I am fully committed to this project. If we don’t find anything in 10 years, then we’ll just have to extend it for another 10 years—and then for another 20, if necessary. We will just keep going until we know the answer.”
Supercharging the search SETI efforts to detect radio messages from advanced cosmic civilizations have already been underway for more than a half century. In 1960 astronomer Frank Drake periodically pointed an 25-meter radio telescope at two nearby sunlike stars, Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridanus, hoping to tune in to any transmissions.
That search, like all others since, turned up little more than the sound of lifeless cosmic static, but it did inspire a meeting that would profoundly influence SETI’s future. In 1961 Drake met with astronomer Carl Sagan and other researchers to devise what came to be known as the “Drake equation,” a linked series of variables meant to estimate the prevalence of talkative technological civilizations in the Milky Way. Although recent findings from NASA’s Kepler space telescope and other planet-hunting projects have revealed that billions of potentially habitable worlds populate our galaxy, the actual answer to the Drake equation remains unknown. Drake’s long-held best guess, however, is that perhaps 10,000 alien civilizations presently exist in the Milky Way.
The challenge, SETI’s proponents say, is finding them. Even if advanced civilizations are all blasting electromagnetic messages between the stars via some vast pangalactic internet, there are practically endless permutations of possible wavelengths to survey and signaling protocols to consider. And the Milky Way is a very big place, a few hundred billion stars packed into a spiral disk a hundred thousand light-years wide. A signal could come from essentially any part of the sky at any time on any number of possible wavelengths. SETI efforts to date have only garnered a small, scattered amount of time on large radio telescopes, and they typically “piggyback” on other scientific observations, passively listening to whatever target other astronomers are investigating. If learning we are not alone is a cosmic jackpot, Drake has said, then for all its existence SETI has been only playing with a few tickets. To date, the quest for talkative aliens has been a bit like searching for fish in the ocean by scooping up a single glass of seawater. “Breakthrough Listen will be much more than a glass in the sea,” Milner said at the press conference. “We are bringing a completely different scale of technology to the problem.” His $100 million is buying an unprecedented amount of observing time on two of the largest radio telescopes in the world—the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the Parkes Telescope in Australia. Perched on opposite sides of the planet both telescopes will work in tandem to provide a view of practically the whole sky.
The project is also contracting with the University of California, Berkeley, to develop state-of-the-art instruments and digital-signal processing methods, and is buying time on the Automated Planet Finder (APF) at Lick Observatory in California to perform an optical search for messages sent on pulses of laser light. According to Geoff Marcy, an exoplanet hunter at U.C. Berkeley, who has performed optical SETI work at Lick and other telescopes, the APF will be capable of detecting laser transmissions as low in power as 100 watts from up to 50 light-years away. For perspective, that’s the same power as a standard incandescent lightbulb in your living room.
Collectively, the three telescopes will monitor a million stars in the Milky Way, its star-packed galactic plane, along with a hundred nearby galaxies. The effort will cover 10 times more of the sky than previous programs, scanning at least five times more of the spectrum a hundred times faster and with 50 times greater sensitivity than past efforts. “This means we can now do in an hour or a day what we used to do in a year,” says Berkeley’s Dan Werthimer, a veteran SETI astronomer and co-founder of SETI@home, a distributed computing service that sifts SETI data for candidate signals using idle processing power on personal computers. “It’s going to make the searches we did even 10 years ago kind of laughable because the technology has progressed so fast.” SETI capabilities are doubling every year, Werthimer says, as computers, telescopes and receivers improve. “That gives you a factor of a thousand improvement every 10 years, a factor of a million every 20. So something that we did 30 years ago will be a billion times worse than what we’ll be doing next year.”
Breakthrough Listen has partnered with SETI@home to allow citizen scientists to analyze its most tantalizing data sets and intends to freely release its gathered information. That data torrent (and the instruments developed to handle it) could be a windfall not only for alien hunters but also for all of radio astronomy—which, for a change, will be piggybacking on SETI.
Changing of the guard A decade after Drake’s first SETI search NASA began working on SETI programs of its own, but after 20 years of progress Congress killed those efforts in 1993. Today the agency has embraced the search for microbes on Mars and other planets but at least for now tends to avoid the far more controversial topic of looking for alien civilizations.
In the aftermath of NASA’s abandonment private organizations such as the nonprofit SETI Institute in California continued programs of their own, sustained by modest research grants and occasional philanthropic donations. In 2007, using some $25 million from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, the SETI Institute debuted the Allen Telescope Array (ATA), an assemblage of 42 small telescopes meant for dedicated SETI work. Alas, the money ran out, and plans for expanding the ATA to hundreds of dishes faltered. In recent years the array has been occasionally shuttered for lack of funds, and presently limps along on a shoestring budget, often via performing work with a less SETI-centric focus.
Although searching for alien civilizations may be one of the most publicly appealing topics in all of astronomy, it does not pay well, if at all, and attracting new researchers to the fold had been challenging. “There are very few opportunities for promising young scientists to pursue SETI research in graduate school and beyond,” saysAndrew Siemion, director of Berkeley’s SETI Research Center. “This funding helps to communicate to young scientists that a career path in the field is possible.” Siemion is in his 30s—a rare outlier in a rarefied field filled with senior researchers in all senses of the word.
Milner’s initiative is allowing older scientists to forge new career paths, too. Last year astronomer Pete Worden left his position as director of NASA’s Ames Research Center to “to pursue some long-held dreams in the private sector.” Today those dreams were revealed, when Worden was announced as the new chairman of Milner’s Breakthrough Prize Foundation. “I do believe we are on the verge of a new era in public-private partnerships,” Worden says. “This is the reason I left NASA—to help bring this partnership to fruition.” It was his exposure to Milner and other risk-embracing high-tech entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley, Worden says, that had motivated his departure as well as shifting priorities within the U.S. government. “The opportunity for these projects to use significant time on the world’s best scientific instruments is occurring in part because of the limitations in government funding for these facilities,” Worden says, noting that flat or shrinking NASA and National Science Foundation budgets for astronomy have left the Parkes and Green Bank radio telescopes—as well as many other observatories—scrambling for new sources of financial support. Today’s announcement of Breakthrough Listen is likely only the first of several projects that could soon fill the astronomical void left by governments. “There are other potential initiatives under discussion,” Worden acknowledges. “All are related to the question of life in the universe.”
An answer to life’s question In addition to Milner, today’s conference also featured the project’s most prominent collaborators—Rees, Drake and Marcy, along with Sagan’s widow, Ann Druyan, who has been instrumental in popularizing SETI via her co-authorship of both Cosmos television series. But the most special guest of all was undoubtedly the wheelchair-bound cosmologist Stephen Hawking, who spoke to the audience through prepared statements broadcast by his personalized computer-generated voice.
The revolutions in physics that laid bare the beautiful structure of the universe “can explain the light of stars, but not the lights that shine from planet Earth,” Hawking said. If life arose spontaneously on Earth, it must have done so an infinitude of times elsewhere in our seemingly infinite universe. “Somewhere in the cosmos perhaps intelligent life may be watching these lights of ours, aware of what they mean,” he noted. “Or do our lights wander a lifeless cosmos—unseen beacons announcing that here, on one rock, the universe discovered its existence? Either way, there is no bigger question…. A universe full of technological civilizations is a very different place from one with only us. Perhaps even different at astronomical scales. That makes astronomy's job to find out.”
But even though, as Marcy put it, the universe is chock-full of planets and “bulging at the seams” with ingredients for cellular biology, the chances of finding E.T. might be very low. “Who among us could doubt that basic single-celled life is common in the universe?” Marcy asked. “I would bet my house that among the nearest hundred star systems, single-celled organisms can be found and are flourishing. Or at least I’d bet Yuri’s house.”
The question of finding intelligent life, however, is a thornier one. Although life seems to have only taken 500 million years to arise on Earth, the move from simple bacteria to complex multicellular creatures took another 2.5 billion years, and technological intelligence has appeared on this planet only once. “It may be very rare,” Hawking said. “And when it does evolve, we only need to look in the mirror to know that it can be fragile and prone to self-destruction.”
Such “bottlenecks” between the origin of life, the evolution of intelligence and the development and sustainment of a technological civilization could prove problematic not only for the search for E.T. but also for our own future. If life proves common in the cosmos, but intelligence and technology are vanishingly rare, it may be that our own civilization does not have much time left on the cosmic stage. Finding signs of other cosmic cultures, many SETI researchers believe, would be a way for us to know that it is possible for a global civilization to navigate its unstable technological adolescence. “The stakes are very high, and that’s why I think we should never stop listening,” Milner says. “We should support this for 10, 20, 50, 100 years—as long as it takes.”
Asked how likely it was that Breakthrough Listen would find evidence of alien civilizations within a decade, Drake conceded that “we don’t have sufficient knowledge to answer the question.” The key uncertainty circles back to his classic equation, particularly one variable, L, which represents the average longevity of a cosmic culture. If civilizations on average only exist in their loud, radio-transmitting, high-technology phase for a few thousand years, they will be like flickering sparks among the stars, burning out before they can establish long-lasting beacons that can be seen across the cosmos. If, instead, they endure for longer durations, potentially millions or even billions of years, they could have populated much of the galaxy, and could be practically everywhere, waiting to be discovered and communed with—provided we know how to look for them.
Our own civilization has only had radio for about a century, and Drake noted our global culture is becoming less cosmically noisy due to technological innovations such as fiber-optic networks and digital television. But we should not necessarily extrapolate our experience to the stars. “We are the beginners, the inexperienced ones,” Drake said. “We don’t know what we will become. And as a result, we cannot use ourselves as an example for how long civilizations remain detectable…. We have to explore in the dark and hope there are people like Yuri Milner to keep us going for however long it takes to succeed.”
I was driving down my road around 10.30 pm; I was about halfway down when suddenly this UFO-craft with a wing span/s of nearly the width of the street, and so low it was just above the rooftops of the houses and was coming towards me! And then even more incredibly I saw there was another identical one just behind that appeared to be following it.
There was barely any if any noise and both were moving very slowly but seemed to be able to hover. I was transfixed as they were SO BIG; then I was the only car driving down the street and ‘it/they’ must have seen me. Then they both ‘glided’ off to the left over the houses at the top of local park. I couldn’t see any cabin or even the shape or body of plane, just the huge big white round lights, four altogether, two on each side of the wings.
Also it has smaller red lights (see drawing) underneath. It was awesome! It was freaky, did anyone see anything like it? Do you know what it could be? Afterwards I felt very physically and mentally energized which could have been the shock excitement of seeing them. Had I not been so transfixed I may have had time to take a photograph on my phone, but by the time I had gathered my thoughts they just glided off. They were huge. My instincts were this was military rather than ET because of the red lights, it seemed to be too uniform. I put it on facebook and it was picked up by the magazine ‘Cardiff Life.’ Interestingly a friend in Sudbury on Thames posted on Facebook that he had seen the same crafts.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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