The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
UFO roamed as it owned the place on the night of the super-moon, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.
UFO roamed as it owned the place on the night of the super-moon, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Guys, not only is this a UFO that is visible, but there is another UFO that is not visible in the same close up. I found it by adding contrast. Look below. The UFO is much larger that the small UFO. I think aliens wanted humans to see the small UFO, so that they could observe the humans and their reactions, as they sat comfortable and in the larger UFO. Also know, the cloaked UFO was much closer so they could observe. Scott C. Waring
News states: A sequence of photos taken in Brasilia (Brazil) shows an unidentified flying object near the super moon on Sunday afternoon (27). The images were taken at the Engenho das Lajes, in Mexico City, from 18 pm. According to civil engineer Viviane Taham, the object was bright and moving in different directions. "It appeared from the left, quickly rose diagonally, then it descended diagonally downward, and finally back toward the Moon, and then disappear." There were 21 photos in total - taken casually by his daughter, he wanted to capture with his cell the total lunar eclipse - the youngest was in the car with his father and two other people. All were impressed with what they saw. "My daughter called me at the time and said:" I saw a UFO, saw a UFO ", and I said no," he saw a light, and did not know what it was! "It seemed to have a strange movement," said Viviane. "I do not know whether to believe in extraterrestrials. Nunca thought of that possibility, and had never seen anything like it," concluded the engineer. The Brazilian Air Force were consulted about it, but have not received any official information so far. In Campo Grande (Brazil), George Tamaras, which was made one of the most impressive records. In his video, you can see the passage of a UFO during the event superluna. The ball of light was white and shone brightly. Movement without a defined position of the UFO, which proves that it was not a plane.
A witness to Buenos Aires (Argentina) also managed to film the amazing astronomical event can promptly grasp the precise moment when several objects identified were not on the scene. "Last night at the lunar eclipse across some objects and many people were following the event by TV reported seeing a shooting star. Clearly it is not a meteorite or anything similar, but elongated meteors, UFOs type of cigarettes. At least that is what shows my film ". The witness described.
White Disk UFO Seen Over Louisville, Kentucky For 20 Minutes, Oct 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
White Disk UFO Seen Over Louisville, Kentucky For 20 Minutes, Oct 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: October 7, 2015 Location of sighting: Louisville, Kentucky, USA This was caught by Devon Vanderbor of Youtube. We have gotten a several UFO reports over the last 30 days from Louisville so its good to hear they are sticking around over there. The shape of this UFO is the same as the last few reports seen. Long with disk, sometimes several at a time near the clouds. Excellent catch. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: I was following it for about 20 minutes, it was a lot closer and slower till I was able to get off the expressway and video tape it.
Giant Orb Chasing Jets At Air Show On Oct 3, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Giant Orb Chasing Jets At Air Show On Oct 3, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: October 3, 2015 Location of sighting: San Diego, California, USA Source: MUFON #71209 This fantastic catch has a drone orb that is investigating the jets at the air show. The orb is huge and is cloaked, but the angle of the sun and the camera person revealed it. The detail on the orb is incredible. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: ON 10/03/2015 WE WERE AT THE MIR MAR NAVAL AIR SHOW WATCHING ALL THE DIFFERENT AIRCRAFT. 3:53 PM THE FRENCH JET TEAM WAS PERFORMING THEIR STUNTS.MY SON WHO WAS WITH ME SAID WHAT IS THAT? HE GRABBED HIS CAMERA CELL PHONE AND TOOK THESE PICTURES.IT WAS HOT AND SUNNY SO WE DID NOT REALLY LOOK AT THE PICTURES UNTIL WE GOT TO OUR HOTEL ROOMS.IF YOU LOOK CLOSE,THE LIGHTS ON THE CYLINDER CASTS A SHADOW FROM THE SUN BELOW. IT SEEMS THE OBJECT EJECTS A CONTRAIL CENTER LEFT TOWARDS THE SUN ON THE BOTTOM.
10 redenen waarom de maanlandingen een hoax zouden kunnen zijn
10 redenen waarom de maanlandingen een hoax zouden kunnen zijn
Uit recente peilingen blijkt dat 20 procent van de Amerikanen gelooft dat de VS nooit op de maan is geland. Waarom is de mens na de Apollomissies niet teruggekeerd naar de maan? Alleen onder Richard Nixon is de mens op de maan geland, maar na het Watergateschandaal geloofden velen dat de maanlandingen in scène waren gezet om de ruimterace van de Sovjet-Unie te winnen.
Lijstjessite Listverse somt bewijspunten op waaruit zou blijken dat de maanlandingen hoaxes waren. Bij ieder punt wordt ook de uitleg van de NASA genoemd.
10. De wapperende vlag
De op het maanoppervlak geplaatste Amerikaanse vlag wapperde in de wind, terwijl de maan geen atmosfeer heeft. De NASA zei dat de vlag lijkt te golven doordat ze gevouwen was voor ze werd opgehangen.
9. Geen kraters
De maanlandingen veroorzaakten geen kraters op het maanoppervlak. NASA gaf als antwoord dat de dalingssnelheid van de landers gering was en dat de zwaartekracht van de maan maar één zesde van die op aarde bedraagt.
8. Meerdere lichtbronnen
Op de maan is maar één duidelijke lichtbron: de zon. Schaduwen zouden dus in dezelfde richting moeten vallen. Op foto’s en in video’s is echter duidelijk te zien dat schaduwen in verschillende richtingen vallen. Dit zou bewijzen dat de foto’s op een filmset zijn gemaakt. NASA gaf het grillige landschap de schuld van de vreemde schaduwen.
7. Van Allen-gordels
Volgens complottheoristen konden de astronauten de reis niet overleven door de straling in de Van Allen-gordels en de kosmische straling. NASA claimde dat de ruimtevaartuigen de Van Allen-gordels in slechts 30 minuten tijd doorkruisten en dat de route zo werd gekozen dat de astronauten aan zo weinig mogelijk straling werden blootgesteld.
6. Het onverklaarbare object
Nadat foto’s van de maanlandingen waren vrijgegeven, ontdekten de theoristen al snel de reflectie van een mysterieus object op de helm van één van de astronauten van Apollo 12. Het object lijkt aan een touw of draad te hangen en zou er niet moeten zijn. Volgens sommigen is het een spotlight die in filmstudio’s wordt gebruikt. Er is tot op heden geen verklaring voor het object.
5. Slow motion bewegingen en verborgen kabels
Als je de beelden van de maanlandingen 2,5 keer versnelt, bewegen de astronauten zich voort in het ritme van de zwaartekracht op aarde. Verborgen kabels en draden zouden verantwoordelijk zijn geweest voor de hoge sprongen die de astronauten konden maken. Op sommige foto’s zouden ‘onzichtbare’ kabels te zien zijn.
4. Geen sterren
Op de foto’s zijn geen sterren zichtbaar en de astronauten melden niet één keer dat er sterren zichtbaar zijn. Omdat er geen wolken rond de maan hangen is dat hoogst eigenaardig. Volgens NASA heeft het zwakke sterrenlicht geen kans om de film te belichten bij korte sluitertijden.
3. De letter C op een maansteen
Op een maansteen die op meerdere foto’s opduikt, is duidelijk de letter C te zien. Volgens critici is men in de filmstudio vergeten om de steen zo te draaien dat de letter uit beeld bleef. NASA zei dat iemand achteraf de letter C op de foto heeft gezet, of dat er een haartje is blijven hangen bij het ontwikkelen van de foto.
2. Kruisdraden
Op bepaalde foto’s lijken de kruisdraden achter de gefotografeerde objecten te liggen, in plaats van ervoor. Dat duidt er volgens de theoristen op dat er met de foto’s geknoeid is. Waarom de NASA kruisdraden gebruikte is een mysterie.
1. Identieke achtergronden
Op foto’s die vele kilometers van elkaar zijn genomen komen identieke achtergronden voor. Dit wijst volgens de theoristen op een filmset waarbij twee keer dezelfde achtergrondafbeelding is gebruikt. NASA reageerde dat de maan geen atmosfeer heeft, waardoor verafliggende voorwerpen ongewoon helder en minder veraf schijnen dan werkelijk het geval is.
NASA kondigt ‘verbluffende ontdekking’ op Pluto aan: “Deze wereld leeft!”
NASA kondigt ‘verbluffende ontdekking’ op Pluto aan: “Deze wereld leeft!”
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA staat opnieuw op het punt een ‘verbluffende ontdekking’ te doen. Deze keer staat dwergplaneet Pluto centraal.
Planetoloog Alan Stern, hoofdonderzoeker van de Plutomissie New Horizons, zei dat de NASA donderdag een ‘spectaculaire onthulling’ gaat doen. Voorlopig mag hij nog geen tipje van de sluier oplichten.
Wel zei hij dat hij de ontdekking nog maar amper kan bevatten. “Helaas kan ik nog niets zeggen over wat NASA zal vertellen,” zei hij. “Maar het is verbluffend.”
Levende organismen
“Deze wereld leeft!” zei Stern toen hij foto’s liet zien van Pluto en zijn grootste maan Charon. “De planeet heeft een weerpatroon, een actieve geologie en er zijn nevels in de atmosfeer. Elke keer val ik om van verbazing.”
De veronderstelling is dat een ondergrondse oceaan de oppervlakte zo gevormd heeft. En waar water is of was, stijgt de kans op levende organismen. Maar wat er dan precies leeft, zal later op de dag duidelijk worden.
“Er wordt geschiedenis geschreven”
Op foto’s die New Horizons heeft gemaakt zijn drie kilometer hoge bergen te zien. Beelden van Charon tonen onder meer bergen, ravijnen en kloven. Op dit moment is ongeveer 10 procent van alle gegevens van de ruimtesonde gedownload.
Pluto heeft naast Charon nog vier andere manen: Hydra, Nix, Kerberos en Styx. Het duurde meer dan negen jaar voordat New Horizons de dwergplaneet bereikte. “2015 is een jaar waarin geschiedenis wordt geschreven,” zei Stern nog.
Van grote moederschepen vermomd als wolk waaruit kleinere UFO’s tevoorschijn komen, wordt steeds vaker melding gemaakt.
Dat dit soort dingen werkelijk voorkomen bewijst ook het verhaal van een Braziliaanse piloot die zo’n moederschip tot op 40 meter naderde.
Er circuleren allerlei nepvideo’s en verhalen over UFO’s waardoor echte waarnemingen nogal eens verzanden in een moeras van ongeloofwaardige gebeurtenissen.
Daarom is het van belang de geloofwaardige getuigen niet te vergeten en zeker niet als het om bijzondere waarnemingen gaat zoals die van de Braziliaanse piloot Haraldo Westendorf.
Op 5 november 1996 kwam Westendorf met zijn vliegtuig dicht in de buurt van een groot onbekend vliegend object. Westendorf was toen 40 jaar oud, vader van drie kinderen en een succesvol zakenman. Daarnaast is hij gecertificeerd stuntvlieger die in dit jaar in het nieuws kwam omdat hij een ontmoeting had met een grote UFO.
Op die dag in november 1996 vertrok Westendorf met de Braziliaanse versie van een Piper Cherokee Archer II, een Embraer EMB-172, van het vliegveld van de stad Pelotas in het uiterste zuiden van Brazilië.
Het was een pleziervlucht zonder een vastgesteld vliegplan en hij was ongeveer een minuut of 12 in de lucht op een hoogte van 5.000 voet (ca 1,5 km) boven een meer ten zuidoosten van Pelotas toen hij een enorm object in de lucht waarnam.
Het was toen rond half elf in de ochtend en Westendorf stuurde een radiobericht naar de toren van Pelotas om te vragen of zij dit object vanaf de grond konden waarnemen. Zij bevestigden dat ze ook dit object konden zien en vroegen hem om er naartoe te vliegen en een gedetailleerd rapport uit te brengen.
Westendorf besloot om zo dicht mogelijk in de buurt van de UFO te komen. Hij geloofde tot op dat moment absoluut niet in UFO’s en dat was ook de reden dat hij niet aarzelde om op dit object af te vliegen.
Het kwam geen moment bij hem op dat hij zich mogelijk in een gevaarlijke situatie zou begeven. Toen hij dichterbij het object kwam, besefte hij dat in de 20 jaar dat hij al vloog hij nog nooit iets dergelijks had gezien.
Tijdens zijn opleiding tot stuntvlieger in zowel Noord Amerika als Europa had hij al heel wat vreemde objecten waargenomen, maar daardoor wist hij ook dat hij hier niet met een vliegtuig te maken had.
Op de volgende afbeelding zie je hoe de enorme UFO eruit zag die Haraldo waarnam vanuit de cockpit. Het zijn tekeningen die hij zelf heeft gemaakt en die laten zien hoe groot het object was in verhouding met het vliegtuig ernaast.
Het lijkt op een soort vliegende piramide met een platte onderkant bestaand uit een aantal verschillende panelen. Op ieder van die panelen zag Haraldo een drietal vreemde uitstulpingen. Het had wel iets weg van ramen, maar dat waren het niet. De kleur van zichtbare oppervlak van de ufo was bruin.
Volgens Westendorf had het object een hoogte van ongeveer 70 meter en een diameter van zo’n 100 meter. Wanneer dit object op aarde zou landen, dan zou het een compleet voetbalveld in beslag nemen.
Westendorf vloog ongeveer 12 tot 14 minuten dicht naast het object en probeerde in die tijd zoveel mogelijk te observeren.
Het vliegveld van Pelotas had geen radar, maar Westendorf is ervan overtuigd dat men de hele gebeurtenis heeft gevolgd op de radar van het verderop gelegen vliegveld van Curitiba. Daar heeft men officiëel ontkend dat er iets op de radar zichtbaar zou zijn geweest.
Het vreemde object draaide langzaam rond en bewoog zich in een zuidoostelijke richting naar de kust met een snelheid van ongeveer 100 kilometer per uur.
Westendorf slaagde erin om in totaal drie keer om het hele object heen te vliegen. Op een bepaald moment kwam hij zo dichtbij dat zijn vleugeltip niet meer dan 40 meter van de UFO was verwijderd.
Op een gegeven moment leek het alsof de ronde bovenkant van de UFO was verdwenen en er een soort opening verscheen. Daaruit kwam een kleiner object in de vorm van een, wat wij een retro UFO noemen, klassieke “vliegende schotel” vorm. Op het moment dat die vrij was van het moederschip schoot het met een enorme snelheid weg.
Westendorf zegt dat die kleine schotel ongeveer een keer zo groot was als zijn vliegtuig en hij schat de snelheid waarmee deze wegvloog op Mach 10. Tien keer de snelheid van het geluid. Uit niets bleek dat de kleine schotel zijn aanwezigheid had opgemerkt.
Toen de kleine schotel was verdwenen probeerde Westendorf over het moederschip heen te vliegen. Hij hoopte op die manier een blik naar binnen te kunnen werpen. Om meer hoogte te kunnen krijgen vloog hij een stuk van de UFO vandaan en begon rondjes te draaien om zo hoger te kunnen klimmen.
Hij zag toen dat het object steeds sneller begon te draaien. Plotseling schoten er felle stralen rood licht vanuit de bovenkant van het object richting hemel.
Dat was moment waarop Haraldo zijn plan om over het object te vliegen liet varen. Tot zijn stomme verbazing begon de UFO met enorme snelheid recht omhoog te stijgen.
Voor de eerste keer die dag werd Westendorf bang omdat hij dacht dat door de geweldige snelheid van het object deze een schokgolf kon produceren die zijn vliegtuig kon raken.
Dit is ook de reden dat na de start van grote vliegtuigen zoals een Boeing 747 daarop volgende vliegtuigen altijd een aantal minuten moeten wachten voordat ook zij mogen opstijgen. Omdat Westendorf inschatte dat dit object ongeveer drie keer zo groot was als een Boeing 747 was zijn vrees niet ongegrond.
Tot zijn grote verbazing merkte hij echter helemaal niets van turbulentie.
Bovenstaand is uiteraard een fascinerend verhaal van een man die niet in UFO’s gelooft en iemand die vanuit zijn vliegervaring echt wel het verschil weet tussen een vliegtuig en een onbekend object.
Wat Westendorf die dag observeerde, komt ook aardig overeen met de grote UFO’s die steeds vaker waargenomen worden en die zich vaak vermommen als wolken van waaruit ook kleinere ufo’s tevoorschijn komen.
Unidentified flying objects are the mystery of the sky. It is still a mystery if they exist or not. There are many reports on strange objects by competent observers which cannot be identified by the witness and remain unidentified after an investigation by competent investigators. These appearances and the flight behavior indicate that they were manufactured somewhere other than the Earth. Multiple witnesses confirmed many of these reports and corroborated by trace evidence such as photographs, radar, video and landing marks.
After claiming to have spotted a strange humanoid creature, Indian villagers were left stumped and feared. It was the agricultural workers in Kanagal village around 2 pm who saw the unknown figure. According to them, there was a red extraterrestrial craft that emerged from the clouds and came towards them. After landing, it allegedly took off in just one minute. During the occurrence, there were sparks and flashes around. According to Nigel Watson, the prominent UFO investigator, seeing a person flying in the sky was not a rare sighting as it occurred long before flying aliens and saucers. It is an expected fact that what these people saw is hard to imagine, but it made an impact on their existence. Indeed, it is something strange and usual. Since the sighting, people who are very much interested in aliens were among a trip to Kanagal to speak with these women, who happen to be a witness to said incident. They said the object came towards them from a red spacecraft that emerged from the clouds.
T A Manjunatha said that the women are claiming to have seen the spacecraft descended to 500 feet from them that they could spot humanoid creatures. When speaking about aliens, they did not hear about those things. This is why experts were assuming that these women were not lying. The alien enthusiast has the plan to bring the matter to the government for attention. While they seem to be under intelligent control, their source is a question of speculation. This indicates that there may be a technology involved that can manipulate time as we know it.
Ancient Aliens – Aliens B.C. History Channel, Season 8 Episode 1 24th July 2015
Enormous manmade caves… Unexplainable structures… And underwater discoveries that challenge everything we know about the past…Is it possible that an advanced civilization inhabited Earth thousands of years ago? And if so, were they human, or something out of this world? Modern archaeologists are continuously unearthing artifacts and sites that defy the conventional timeline of human history. Throughout the world we find megalithic stone monuments that are attributed to mysterious ancestors, strange humanoid figures that date to pre-historic times, and evidence of ancient underground shelters hewn out of solid rock. Could it be that a sophisticated culture existed on here Earth–thousands and even tens of thousands of years earlier than we believe? Could the stories of a time when gods and otherworldly beings inhabited the planet be more than just mythology?
A witness from Winchester, California submitted a report to Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) about her sighting involving an aircraft that is apparently chasing an unidentified flying object (UFO) on October 1, 2015. The reported sighting is filed in Case 71102 in MUFON witness reporting database.
The witness was in the kitchen of her home when she felt loud booms. She asked her husband about it, but he didn’t hear anything because the television was on. She went outside and for the first time she saw the bluest cloud she has ever known in her entire life in the east over the San Jacinto Mountains. The clouds were swirling, and it was breathtaking. However, she could still hear and feel the booming sound.
She then saw a dark object chasing a brilliant object. She noticed that the dark object had parts like a tail and a wing of a plane. Meanwhile, she saw no detail on the brightly-lit object and all she could make out was a cylindrical shape. She could not see wings or a tail from the luminous object. She likened the UFO to a fuselage of the jet, but only about half the size.
The witness ran back inside their house to get a pair of binoculars. When she returned to the scene, she noticed that the UFO was chasing the jet. It was right on its tail, and the jet seems moving a bit from left to right.
Then the witness went back inside their house to get a better pair of binoculars. However, she could no longer see them again. She waited for a few minutes, and she saw the jet again. She noted that they had been heading south from the east, but this time the jet was going back to the way it had come. It was moving in a giant arc or somewhat circling in the sky. Then she lost sight of it when it went behind the large trees.
Just a few minutes later, she saw another jet from the south flying in the nearly similar flight path of the first one. The rest of the day, she saw helicopters going back and forth. She waited for a couple of hours, hoping to see something strange again, but it never happened. She only saw a very long chemtrail straight into the clouds from the east to the south, which it disappeared. She never experienced this before seeing an object appearing and disappearing suddenly.
The witness continued hearing the “boom” sounds. She could feel it more than she could hear it because the sounds just went on all day and stronger than ever. She could see the water in the cooler vibrates many times every hour. It was a very unusual calm day. She had a plan of reporting it that day, but she was not sure if the UFO was just some type of another plane.
She only decided to report her sighting when she saw another report from Moreno Valley, which is around 7 miles north from her location. The witness from Moreno Valley reported seeing a bright, silvery object going south on the same day. According to that report, the witness saw two jets taking off from March Air Force Base going towards the direction of the mysterious object.
MUST SEE! UFO flying near blackhawk helicopters in Big Spring, Texas
MUST SEE! UFO flying near blackhawk helicopters in Big Spring, Texas
Check out this really shocking footage of an unidentified flying object flying over Big Spring, Texas. This was taken on 3rd October 2015.
What do you think about this sighting? Please leave your comments below!
Witness report:unknown object flying faster than the helicopters in slow motion I was recording with my iPhone some blackhawk helicopters flying over my house at t/p/o and was gust reviewing the video I realized it was in slow motion and saw an object move from the bottom right to the left a lot faster than the helicopters even though they were both in slow motion.Not sure if it could be a bird but you guys are the experts let me know what you think If I can’t figure out how to attach it to this form I will email seperatly I am a retired New York City Police Officer living in West Texas
A strange image from NASA photo discovered by an online UFO researcher has made rounds online. It was taken by Apollo 17 43 years ago, which was the final manned mission to the moon.
According to the online UFO site, the 1972 image from the lunar surface seems to show 3 unusual lights. When examined closely, it appears that the three lights were coming from a triangle UFO hovering in the distance.
More interestingly, it was not the first time a triangle UFO has been observed in an Apollo 17 image. Just last year, another online UFO hunter observed what he called a pattern of three lights rotating and flying across a moving image, which was captured on 16mm film of the Apollo lunar landing module.
The earlier video was posted by Look Now TV last November. The video shows rotating unidentified flying object spinning across from right to left in the screen.
Many have questioned if the UFO is real or an optical illusion of imperfection in the film. If this real, it could be the same as the source of the 3 lights observed with some difficulty in another NASA photo. This another photo from NASA also captured during the humanity’s last walk on the moon, either on December 12 or 13 in 1972.
In the original NASA photo, it’s hard to determine the triangle light pattern. This could be the reason it went 43 years without being discovered. featured and highlighted the appearance of the triangle UFO to make the image more evident.
Glowing Orbs Suddenly Appear In Colorado’s Early Evening Sky
Glowing Orbs Suddenly Appear In Colorado’s Early Evening Sky
A video with a man filming it serves as a commentator apparently shows one ball disappearing before another one appearing in a different section of the sky early in the evening.
A shining ball of light in the sky appears in the video. This luminous aerial object seems to get smaller and larger in the footage.
The video, which was recorded above the skies of Colorado, catches the stationary ball seemingly changing in color from red to yellow.
In total, around a dozen objects are appearing in the video, which has left online citizens divided.
Andrew of UFO Sightings Cape Town said that these orbs are coming from Antarctica region and often observed above the Cape Town area.
What do you think? Are these clearly UFOs? Or there must be another explanation?
Video Shows Moments before Car Crash Incident: UFO or Not?
Video Shows Moments before Car Crash Incident: UFO or Not?
From nearly day one of the modern eras, an Unidentified Flying Object has been associated and clouded with all sorts of conspiracy theories. Of course, these principles include official censorship and deliberate cover-ups of information and releases of disinformation (red herrings). However, is this car crash incident footage not included in the rule? In the footage that have gone viral, a 60-year-old man died after the incident where he collided with a motorist because of one mysterious object. No, the strange object did not kill them in a direct manner, but only distracts them, which made the two victims clashed. Following a road traffic accident in Izhevsk, Russia, the passengers were severely injured. This happened on 18th September 2015.
The dreadful occurrence captured the video of the car behind’s dash-cam. According to the prominent author named Nigel Watson, the odd object is causing this traffic catastrophe was a drone rather than an alien vessel from the outer space spaceship. Since they are incredibly distracting, the author was so surprised that drones do not cause the accidents. The Moon, stars or Venus is mistaken for extraterrestrial creatures by motorists since they follow your vehicle. They appear hiding and reappear from behind trees or buildings. On some occasions, the Moon seems to be a strange extraterrestrial object looking to land nearby the roadside.
Alien sightings are both rare and common. It is uncommon or rare in a sense that it is something not commonly seen in this world. To state it differently, people cannot identify them because they do not belong on the planet earth. They are common in a way that different sightings were being reported on a day to day basis. Whether aliens exist or not, this is a question of fact. What matters most, as of the moment, is the probable cause and circumstantial evidence.
‘It’s unidentified, flying and an object’ — UFO baffles experts
‘It’s unidentified, flying and an object’ — UFO baffles experts
A VIDEO of a bright ball of light flying through the air has even the experts baffled.
The video, snapped in the northern suburbs, appears to show a bright object drifting through the sunset.
The UFO has a thick and short tail, ruling out the possibility of a meteorite. Others speculated the item could have been space junk making a fiery re-entry.
A still of the UFO taken from a video shot by Quentin Theron from his Coconut Grove home. Picture: Quentin Theron
Quentin Theron, 40, said his two kids, Kylie, 14, and Georgia, 8, were in the pool at their Coconut Grove home when they yelled out they could see a shooting star about 6pm Monday.
“I said ‘that’s crazy. It’s too early and it’s too bright for a shooting star’,” he said.
“My son said it was a meteorite.
“I said I think it was a satellite that had had its life. We couldn’t decide what it was.”
Minas Kassiou shot this photo of the same UFO over Darwin. Picture: Minas Kassiou
Astronomer Geoff Carr said even he was baffled by the photo of the object.
“I can only suggest a high altitude military jet with its afterburner on,” he said.
“Other than that it looks too slow to be a piece of space junk re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere.
This is a still of a fast-moving UFO filmed by the Territory’s most well-known UFO spotted, Alan Ferguson, over Acacia Hills. Picture: Alan Ferguson
“It may be an Iridium Flare – which is a large, cube-shaped communication satellite.
“These appear to flare up sometimes extremely brightly if at the right angle to catch the sunlight.”
But Mr Carr – who has been an astronomer for more than 20 years and operates his own Star Safaris business – stopped short of claiming that the UFO was alien.
“It is unidentified, flying and an object, but I don’t think it is of alien origin,” he said.
“Other than that I have no idea – it’s certainly an interesting piece of footage.”
04-10-2015 om 23:11
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Twenty-two-year-old policeman Herbert Schirmer would have a bizarre experience on December 3, 1967. While making his normal patrol rounds in Ashland, Nebraska, he saw what appeared to be red lights atop a large truck. He had checked locations along Highway 6, and just hit the intersection of two highways, 6 and 63, when he saw the red lights. He would get a closer look. As he moved on down Highway 63, he came to a stop, and shined his headlights on the red-lighted object. Soon he realized it was no truck. The red beaming lights were coming through what Schirmer described as “portholes.” He could clearly see a disc-shaped, metallic UFO that was hovering about eight feet off the ground at a slight tilt.The polished, aluminum object had a type of catwalk around its circumference. He could also see what he thought were legs below the object. Then the object began to slowly ascend, making a siren kind of noise, and issuing a flame-like display from the underside. Sticking his head out the window, Sgt. Schirmer watched the UFO pass nearly overhead. Then suddenly it shot up and out of sight.
Schirmer sped back to the police station, making a note of the time as 3:00 AM. This shocked him, because he knew he had been on patrol much longer than the 10 minutes the present time indicated. Schirmer made the following entry into his log book: “Saw a flying saucer at the junction of highways 6 and 63. Schirmer began to experience some physical problems right after his sighting. He suffered from headaches, felt ill, and had a red welt on his neck. The Condon Commission, located at the University of Colorado, and at the time, investigating UFO sightings, heard of Schirmer’s sighting, and requested that he come to Boulder, Colorado. On February 13, 1968, Schirmer would undergo regressive hypnosis, administered by psychologist Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming.
Psychologist Dr. Leo Sprinkle: A link to Dr. Sprinkles interview below.
The regression sessions would bring out many new details that Schirmer had suppressed. As he neared the UFO, the engine in his police patroller failed, and his radio went dead. Some type of white object emerged from the UFO, and communicated with him telepathically. This object kept Schirmer from drawing his firearm. Other facts recalled by the patrolman were that the beings from the ship were friendly, they powered their UFO through the electric lines, and had a base of operation on the planet Venus.
The Condon Committee: The Condon Committee concluded that: “Evaluation of psychological assessment tests, the lack of any evidence, and interviews with the patrolman, left project staff with no confidence that the trooper’s reported UFO experience was physically real.” Psychologist Dr. Sprinkle, however, felt that Schirmer “believed in the reality of the events he described.”
A Secret Space Program Exists and Here’s How it Affects You
A Secret Space Program Exists and Here’s How it Affects You
by Mark Whittington
There is something about the military space program that excites the interest of conspiracy theorists. By its nature, much of what the military does in space is shrouded in secrecy. Hence, people with over-active imaginations and a hint of paranoia are often given to filling in the blanks.
Most people have heard stories of alien space technology being tested at Area 51 (1), a secret facility in Nevada.
The facility, never officially admitted to, is apparently used to develop and test experimental aircraft and weapons systems.
While no evidence exists that the military is reverse engineering alien technology, derived it is said from the UFO crash at Roswell, Area 51 has entered popular culture, particularly as part of the long-running TV series The X Files and the smash-hit film about alien invasions, Independence Day.
Even more lurid is the conspiracy theory that suggests that the military is conducting a secret space program (2), for purposes as yet unknown.
The scale of the alleged program seems to be on a greater scale than the public one, consisting of NASA’s International Space Station and robotic probes to the planets and moons of the solar system. Aliens could be involved. The purpose may be to get the elite off the planet before environmental catastrophe destroys it.
Real Space Program
The real military space program is concerned with mundane but vital support for war fighting on Earth. As Wired points out (3), the military and the NSA have a number of satellites designed to keep tabs on what is happening on Earth.
Lacrosse and Keyhole provide real-time images of what is going on upon the Earth’s surface. The things that the military are interested in keeping a watch on range from military deployments by foreign powers, the building of facilities in foreign countries that might prove to be a concern (for example, Iranian nuclear bomb facilities) and the location of terrorist leaders, such as the late Osama bin Laden and the current leadership of ISIS.
The NSA is interested in monitoring communications, presumably of terrorists and other threats to national security. This ability has caused concerns among civil libertarians, because the spy agency has the ability to monitor calls and emails to and from American citizens. Can the needs of national security be balanced by Constitutional protections? The argument is ongoing.
The military also uses the same global positioning system that your car uses for its own navigation needs. The system is even used to guide missiles and bombs precisely onto their targets, reducing the possibility of collateral damage.
The military does not currently have a crewed space program (4). It did at one time, during the 1960s, called the Manned Orbiting Laboratory (5). The idea was that a space station would be launched into polar orbit.
Military astronauts would ride to and from the facility in an enhanced version of the Gemini spacecraft and conduct real-time reconnaissance of the Earth’s surface. The program was cancelled in 1969 when it was judged that satellites had become advanced enough to perform Earth observation without human presence. Most of the military astronauts transferred to NASA and eventually flew on the space shuttle.
Space Shuttle Orbiter
Rumors aside, the military never had its own dedicated space shuttle orbiter. Plans existed at one time to launch a space shuttle from Vandenberg Air Force Base on a polar orbit missions.
A number of secret military payloads were launched on the space shuttle from Florida, but the practice was discontinued after the Challenger accident, and the military switched to expendable rockets.
One military space program that has excited interest is a reusable space plane called the X-37B (6). The X-37B has been launched into orbit several times on secret missions lasting for around a year.
The official story is that the space plane, which has no crew, is being used to run experiments from its own cargo bay. Some have speculated that the X-37B is a prototype of a vehicle that can quickly deploy satellites in the event of war as well as space-based weapons, either to attack enemy satellites or defend American satellites against enemy attack. Thus far, the military is neither confirming nor denying this speculation.
Aliens have deactivated Nuclear weapons from the US and UK
Aliens have deactivated Nuclear weapons from the US and UK
According to the statement of several military officials, aliens have deactivated Nuclear weapons from both the US and UK.
It seems that Aliens really hate nukes. According to US military Pilots, extraterrestrial beings have landed, infiltrated nuclear missile sites and DEACTIVATED the weapons.
Numerous highly ranked officials have claimed that since 1948, Alien beings have been visiting countries such as the US and the UK and deactivated Nuclear Missiles. According to a senior U.S. airmen, alien beings even landed in a British base.
Mysteriously, our governments have been working steadily to cover up this information in the best way possible.
Captain Robert Salas and other military personnel opened up about Aliens and UFO's saying: ‘We’re talking about unidentified flying objects, as simple as that. ‘They’re often known as UFOs, you could call them that.
Capt. Salas even witnessed a UFO sighting at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana first-hand when, on March 16, 1967, a mysterious UFO appeared in the sky.
Capt. Salas states: "I was on duty when an object came over and hovered directly over the site.
"The missiles shut down - 10 Minuteman missiles. And the same thing happened at another site a week later. There's a strong interest in our missiles by these objects, wherever they come from. I personally think they're not from planet Earth."
But UFOs have been seen at numerous others military bases around the world. The UK seems to be one of those hot-spots in Europe.
According to Col Charles Halt, over 30 years ago, he witnessed a UFO encounter at the former military base RAF Bentwaters, near Ipswich when a otherworldly vehicle fired "beams of light" into the base, At that moment radio chatter emerged where military personnel said that "aliens had landed inside the nuclear storage area."
Col Halt said: "I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted - both then and now - to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practised methods of disinformation."
Robert Hastigs a researchers who has commented and written on this peculiar subject states that these "otherworldly" beings are at the moment, interested in ‘mere surveillance’ but warns that Aliens might have gone a step further on some occasions.
He writes: ‘At long last, all of these witnesses are coming forward to say that, as unbelievable as it may seem to some, UFOs have long monitored and sometimes tampered with our nukes.’
Are Aliens keeping an eye out for us? Watching over us so we do not kill planet Earth and everything on it? Have humans gone a step to far when it comes to Nuclear weapons? And if so, can Aliens really stop is, that is, if they actually do exist?
These are just some of the questions that people around the world have asked, and so far, none of them have been answered by officials from the government.
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04-10-2015 om 22:07
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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