The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Spectaculaire NASA-foto's tonen maan die op een dag door de mens kan bewoond worden-
Spectaculaire NASA-foto's tonen maan die op een dag door de mens kan bewoond worden-
RuimtevaartEen paar weken geleden hebben wetenschappers verkondigd dat Enceladus, één van Saturnus' vele manen, een oceaan onder haar ijzig oppervlak heeft - wat betekent dat er leven mogellijk is. Nu is NASA erin geslaagd om beelden te schieten van het feeërieke landschap. Dat schrijft de Britse krant The Independent.
De komende weken zal Cassini meer beelden schieten
De Amerikaanse sonde Cassini is op 14 oktober langs Enceladus gepasseerd en heeft op een afstand van 1.600 kilometer foto's genomen. Op de foto's is te zien hoe een deel van het landschap met kraters bedekt is terwijl een ander deel dan weer vrij gaaf is.
Wat wetenschappers zo enthousiast maakt over deze maan is het feit dat ze al een oceaan heeft waardoor de kans op leven theoretisch stijgt. The Indepedent: "Laten we wel wezen, dit is geen ontdekking van het kaliber 'megastructuren opgezet door aliens', maar toch. Deze ontdekking helpt om de vele ruimtemysteries op te lossen."
De komende weken zal Cassini meer beelden schieten.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Wetenschappers hopen met Large Hadron Collider binnen enkele dagen contact te maken met parallel universum
Wetenschappers hopen met Large Hadron Collider binnen enkele dagen contact te maken met parallel universum
Wetenschappers gaan volgende week met de Large Hadron Collider, die tegen die tijd op volle toeren draait, op zoek naar het multiversum. Ze proberen de speciale relativiteitstheorie te verenigen met de kwantummechanica.
Kwantumverstrengeling maakt het mogelijk dat informatie direct kan worden uitgewisseld tussen twee punten die lichtjaren van elkaar zijn verwijderd en dat strookt niet met de relativiteitstheorie. Hoewel de theorie van Einstein uitgaat van vierdimensionale ruimtetijd, is het idee van een aantal moderne theorieën dat verschillende delen van het lichtspectrum de zwaartekracht anders ervaren.
Met de deeltjesversneller gaan CERN-wetenschappers kijken of en zo ja hoe zwaartekracht en licht weglekken naar andere dimensies. De experimenten, waarbij de volledige botsingsenergie wordt benut, zijn volgens de onderzoekers een natuurkundige gamechanger. Als het experiment succesvol verloopt zal er een compleet nieuw universum worden ontdekt.
Hogere dimensies
Natuurkundige Mir Faizal stelt dat de experimenten meer inzicht gaan verschaffen in parallelle universa in hogere dimensies. Hij hoopt minuscule zwarte gaten te gaan detecteren, die wijzen op het bestaan van parallelle universa.
“We voorspellen dat zwaartekracht weglekt naar andere dimensies. Als dat zo is, kunnen we minuscule zwarte gaten opwekken met de LHC,” zei Faizal. De LHC heeft tot nu toe steeds naar zwarte gaten gezocht door protonen op elkaar te laten botsen bij 5,3 TeV (biljoen elektronvolt), terwijl het model van Faizal voorspelt dat ze zich vormen bij 9,5 tot 11,9 TeV.
Donkere materie
De Large Hadron Collider ligt in een 26,6 kilometer lange tunnel op de grens tussen Zwitserland en Frankrijk. De bouw ervan heeft ongeveer 5 miljard euro gekost. In de tunnel worden protonen versneld tot bijna de snelheid van het licht en vervolgens met elkaar in botsing gebracht.
In 2012 vonden CERN-fysici met de grootste protonenbotser ter wereld het befaamde Higgsdeeltje, dat in theorie verklaart waarom deeltjes massa hebben. De komende jaren hopen onderzoekers ook het bestaan van donkere materie te bewijzen.
Zoektocht naar intelligente aliens bij bizarre ster begonnen
Zoektocht naar intelligente aliens bij bizarre ster begonnen
Astronomen zijn begonnen met het zoeken van tekenen van leven in een mysterieus zonnestelsel dat mogelijk een ‘buitenaardse megastructuur’ herbergt. Ze hebben de Allen Telescope Array (ATA) op KIC 8462852 gericht, een ster op 1500 lichtjaar van de aarde.
Bij de ster is er geen peil op te trekken wanneer de ster helder is en wanneer niet. En dat is bij álle andere sterren die we tot nu toe hebben ontdekt wel het geval. Het probleem bij KIC 8462852 is dat er geen enkel patroon te ontdekken is.
Wetenschappers kunnen geen eenduidige verklaring bedenken voor het vreemde gedrag van de ster en dus blijven alle opties open. De Kepler-telescoop heeft geregistreerd dat de ster zo nu en dan 22 procent in helderheid afneemt. Dat zou betekenen dat er iets gigantisch tussen de ster en Kepler hangt. Buitenaardse beschaving
De meeste wetenschappers vermoeden dat de dip kan worden verklaard door een zwerm kometen. Sommige astronomen zeggen dat het signaal dat Kepler oppikte wordt veroorzaakt door enorme structuren die zijn gebouwd door een buitenaardse beschaving.
Sterrenkundigen testen de theorie over aliens nu door radiogolven te meten rond de planeet. Als ze activiteit meten, kan dat duiden op buitenaards leven dat contact legt met elkaar. Monument
De methode die SETI hanteert is echter omstreden in de wetenschap. Als er geen radiogolven worden opgevangen, hoeft dat niet per se te betekenen dat er geen buitenaards leven is. Misschien communiceren die aliens namelijk wel op een hele andere manier. Of misschien is de beschaving inmiddels uitgestorven en is de vreemde megastructuur achtergebleven als een soort monument.
Tot er een verklaring is gevonden wordt de buitenaardse hypothese nog steeds overwogen, zelfs als de ATA en andere instrumenten geen signalen opvangen. Als er geen tekenen van leven worden gevonden, betekent dat niet automatisch dat KIC 8462852 een levenloos stelsel is.
Piramidevormig moederschip boven Sao Paulo, Brazillië ( VIDEO )
Piramidevormig moederschip boven Sao Paulo, Brazillië ( VIDEO )
Op een zondagmorgen in juni van dit jaar maakte iemand een bijzonder opname van een piramidevormige UFO boven de Braziliaanse stad Sao Paulo.
Dan blijkt later dat dit moederschip niet alleen is, maar omringd wordt door een aantal kleinere UFO’s.
Er is een interessante video-opname boven water gekomen die al in juni van dit jaar gemaakt is in de Braziliaanse stad Sao Paulo.
Het betreft een piramidevormige UFO die enigszins stationair boven de stad lijkt te hangen.
De UFO bleef die zondag rond half negen in de ochtend enige tijd hangen boven Mogi das Cuzes, een wijk van Sao Paula en om vervolgens weer te verdwijnen.
Deze UFO lijkt veel op het grote moederschip zoals dat van dichtbij werd gezien ook in Brazilië door de piloot Haraldo Westendorf en waar wij onlangs een artikel over schreven.
Hier volgt de video-opname zoals die door de getuige werd gemaakt:
Opmerkingen zoals dat het wel een ballon zal zijn of iets dergelijks, zullen wel volgen, maar dat daar sprake van zou zijn, lijkt in dit geval onwaarschijnlijk.
Wat in bovenstaande video maar door weinig mensen is opgemerkt, is dat er naast het piramidevormige moederschip een aantal kleinere UFO’s te zien zijn die heel snel wegschieten.
Wanneer je goed kijkt, kun je ze zien wegschieten bij 1.00 en bij 1.33 minuten. Daardoor lijkt het ons een moederschip, vergelijkbaar met die van Westendorf en ook nog eens in hetzelfde land. De volgende afbeelding is een screenshot van de video en links bovenin zie je twee kleine ronde UFO’s.
Waar het op lijkt, is dat de videomaker zo geconcentreerd was op het grotere object dat deze de kleinere UFO’s niet heeft opgemerkt.
Op internet circuleren nogal wat nepberichten van mensen die het grappig en lucratief vinden om hun medemens een rad voor ogen te draaien.
Iemand die dat met vrij grote zekerheid niet doet, is een Amerikaanse kolonel die net voor zijn sterven bekendmaakt dat hij een UFO heeft zien crashen met een bemanning die niet van deze aarde was.
Op 28 augustus 2015 overleed Robert Willingham, voormalig kolonel binnen de Amerikaanse luchtmacht.
Deze man had een bijzondere ervaring in het voorjaar van 1955. Een verhaal dat tot nu toe eigenlijk een beetje onbekend is gebleven.
De locatie is een plaatsje dat Laungree heet in de Amerikaanse staat Texas.
Op die bewuste dag vloog Kolonel Willingham in een F86 van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht toen hij een UFO zag neerstorten net over de Mexicaanse grens.
Het gebeurde toen hij samen met drie andere jets achter een Boeing B47 aan vloog vanwege een bombardementsoefening boven El Paso in Texas.
Volgens Willingham kregen ze een melding van de verkeersleiding dat er in Canada een vreemd object op de radar was gesignaleerd boven het noordwesten van Amerika dat met grote snelheid richting zuid oosten vloog.
Enkele minuten later zagen zij het object dat zo helder leek als een ster en met een fenomenale snelheid zich door het luchtruim verplaatste.
Plotseling veranderde de UFO 90 graden van koers en ging opeens richting zuid westen.
Terwijl kolonel Willingham nog bezig was met het vragen van toestemming om het object te volgen, zag hij dat het inmiddels was gecrasht net over de grens met Mexico. Aangezien hij verder niets kon doen is hij teruggekeerd naar de basis op Carswell.
Hij vroeg toestemming op opnieuw te mogen opstijgen en vloog terug naar het gebied met iemand die Jack Perkin heette en ze zagen dat het terrein was omringd door Mexicaanse militairen. Op een gegeven moment verschenen daar ook troepen van het Amerikaanse leger.
Volgens kolonel Willingham kon hij niet alleen het wrak zien van de UFO, maar ook de bemanning en deze was absoluut niet menselijk.
Ook hier zien we weer een bekend patroon. Mensen die echt vreemde dingen gezien en meegemaakt hebben houden hun mond dicht tot het moment dat ze bijna doodgaan en niets meer te verliezen hebben.
Een ding is zeker; een getuigenis van een voormalig piloot van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht net voor zijn dood is waardevol en laat zien dat wij inderdaad hier op aarde worden omringd door buitenaardsen.
Two UFOs Over Camp Hill, Pennsylvania On Oct 19, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Two UFOs Over Camp Hill, Pennsylvania On Oct 19, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Oct 19, 2015 Location of sighting: Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, USA Source: MUFON #71681
Eyewitness states: On Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 10/19/2015 6:30pm 270 degrees West a clear sky a strange cloud was observed (no other clouds in the sky), several photos taken and one video, but only a few photos came out video does not play. (Photos taken on Samsung Note 3) One of the photos had a strange object and the strange cloud. Minutes later the cloud disappears and a light appears, by the time I lift the phone for a photo the light is gone. During and after several jets were observed in the sky. Nothing else was observed.
Scientists and Academics Form A Group In Hopes To Offer Scientific Explanations On UFO Sightings
Scientists and Academics Form A Group In Hopes To Offer Scientific Explanations On UFO Sightings
A group of academics and scientists from different parts of the world has launched a new project called UFO Detection and Tracking (UFODATA) to apply rigorous scientific research to UFO study. It’s an all-volunteer, nonprofit effort of scientists from the U.S., U.K., Italy, Chile, and the Netherlands. They’re aiming to use scientific data and research methods to offer advanced details of the subject.
Scientific president and director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in Chicago, Mark Rodeghier, says that scientific data on UFO reports and sightings is needed to make progress in understanding the causes. Rodeghier, who is also now a UFODATA board member, explains that filling out the form and telling what they saw isn’t going to help in solving the problem, which is the frequent, incomprehensible sightings of aerial activity.
The team of around 15 professors, astronomers, engineers, scientists, and a journalist plan to set up a series of advanced surveillance stations equipped with scientific research tools at various UFO hotspots, such as in Hessdalen, Norway, and the western United States. These stations will be used to capture photographs of unidentified objects and analyze the light from them to learn more about their sources of energy. The same efforts have been done in the past, but not in coordinated and scientifically rigorous method.
The sensors will feature several high-resolution cameras with a spectrographic grating, which will be used to analyze the type of light the camera is capturing, and analyze the way that energy affects the atmosphere around the light source. Other equipment includes Geiger counter, weather station, and magnetometer (measures electromagnetic radiation).
Each one of these sensors will cost between $10,000 and $20,000, which the group is hoping to raise through crowdfunding and other donations. Members of the group also want to build one prototype station, test it, and prove the concept. Rodeghier says they plan to raise more funds next year when the project is better known, and more volunteers are in place.
Unknown object flying over Chesterfield, Missouri 19-Oct-2015
Unknown object flying over Chesterfield, Missouri 19-Oct-2015
Here’s the latest UFO sighting that was recorded yesterday (19th October 2015) in the sky above Chesterfield, Missouri.
Witness report:5 objects hovered for 40 minutes then one at a time flew away in the same direction I was walking a trail and noticed 5 objects hovering in the same spot. I watched as they stayed in the same formation for about 40 minutes. Then one at a time at a normal speed they flew west ward and disappeared in the horizon. I snapped a few pictures and videos with my phone.
A man from Sandy, Utah reported his UFO sighting to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). According to his testimony in Case 70772 of the American-based non-profit organization’s witness reporting database, he saw the blue glowing object and recorded it on video.
The witness first noticed the object at 9:30 p.m. on September 20, 2015. The object didn’t move at all and did appear very far in the distant sky. It had a blue glow color, the report said.
As the witness started to take photos, the UFO began to move across the sky, but he heard no noise coming from it. He also did not see a trail as the object moved. He noted that it was a clear night sky and stars in the sky were very visible. He said the blue object was different from a star.
Few minutes later, the witness saw the object above their house, maintaining a high altitude. It flew to the northwest sky and vanished. The witness could not locate it again. He managed to get still photos and a video of the mysterious aerial object.
MUFON closed the case as an unknown after Utah MUFON Assistant State Director Geoffrey Cox’s investigation.
Stunned eyewitnesses believed they had spotted a large circular object floated above them that looked like the craft from an alien movie.
One of the witnesses Lincoln Liba said that the massive disc surfaced from within a cloud and as a rainbow appeared. In one of theseveral pictures taken, one boy is seen pointing up at the object. Residents and students in Imphal, India claimed to have seen the UFO last week.
Local weather experts explain that it isn’t a UFO but a lenticular cloud, which is a formation of clouds that usually mistaken for UFOs in the past as it often appears in an almost oval-shaped structure.
But other witnesses argue that the thing appears solid.
An identical mothership-look emerged from the clouds in a photo that was allegedly taken from Brazil and uploaded two days ago. disc-shaped-ufo
Brazil flying saucer
Other pictures also featured the same image said to have taken in different parts of the world, including above a heavy traffic.
The same image was also found in pictures released by a news agency this week, which were apparently captured in Heilongtan Reservoir in Sichuan Province, China.
Other online viewers suggested that the UFO in the Indian images was created using digital editing software or a mobile phone app.
UFO crash mystery: Met Police report being called to crashed UFO on fire in road
UFO crash mystery: Met Police report being called to crashed UFO on fire in road POLICE have told of their shock at arriving at the scene of a suspected flying saucer crash in west London after a mystery blazing metal object was found in a road.
By Jon Austin
Police officers were shocked by what they saw at the sceneGETTY•TWITTER•METPOLICE Police officers were shocked by what they saw at the scene
Officers from Kingston Police thought they may have been called out to the UK's first ever Unidentified Flying Object Object crash site when an inexplicable object was seen on fire in the middle of a road at night.
Officers were so shocked they tweeted: "Have we been called to the first crash landing of a UFO in the UK?"
They also posted about the job on Facebook, stating: "Have Kingston Police recovered the first UFO?
"Last night at around midnight a concerned member of the public called us on 999 stating that there was an unknown item on fire in the middle of the road.
"Officers from Emergency Response Team A were dispatched along with the London Fire Brigade.
When they arrived on scene they couldn't believe their eyes! The officers that arrived on scene described the item as looking like a crash landed UFO!
Kingston Police
"When they arrived on scene they couldn't believe their eyes!
"The officers that arrived on scene described the item as looking like a crash landed UFO!"
They even asked readers to post suggestions of what it was.
London Fire Brigade officers also tweeted about the experience, saying: "We attended a 'UFO crash' on Sat night with @MPSKingston."
But they added that the "UFO turned out to be a pizza oven on fire in the road".
After establishing what it was the mystery continued and police do want to know how on Earth a pizza oven ended up on fire in the middle of the road on Saturday.
The Facebook post added: "However on a serious note, anyone with information about this item and how it ended up being there please do contact us on 101"
As you do: The mystery craft turned out to be a pizza oven abalze in the street
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Life on Earth may have begun 300m years earlier than previously thought
Life on Earth may have begun 300m years earlier than previously thought
Discovery, if confirmed, indicates that living organisms appeared on Earth 4.1 billion years ago, remarkably soon after its formation
Electron microscope images taken during the analysis of the graphite specks, which were trapped within immensely old zircon crystals. Electron microscope images taken during the analysis of the graphite specks, which were trapped within immensely old zircon crystals. Photograph: Bell et al, University of California, Los Angeles
Living organisms may have existed on Earth as long as 4.1bn years ago – 300m years earlier than was previously thought, new research has shown.
If confirmed, the discovery means life emerged a remarkably short time after the Earth was formed from a primordial disc of dust and gas surrounding the sun 4.6bn years ago. Scientists hope Venus will give up the secret of how life evolved on Earth Read more
Researchers discovered the evidence in specks of graphite trapped within immensely old zircon crystals from Jack Hills, Western Australia.
Atoms in the graphite, a crystalline form of carbon, bore the hallmark of biological origin. They were enriched with 12C, a “light” carbon isotope, or atomic strain, normally associated with living things.
It suggests that a terrestrial biosphere had emerged on Earth as early as 4.1bn years ago, said the scientists writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The US scientists, led by Dr Mark Harrison, from the University of California at Los Angeles, said the graphite was completely encased in zircon that was crack-free and could not have been contaminated despite the passing of aeons.
They wrote: “This study extends the terrestrial carbon isotope record around 300m years beyond the previously oldest-measured samples from south-west Greenland.”
Some non-biological processes could also produce the light form of carbon, notably meteorite impacts, said the researchers.
But the amount of extra-terrestrial carbon needed to account for the findings made meteorites an unlikely source.
“A biogenic origin seems at least as plausible,” the scientists added.
Confirming the connection with early life would represent “a potentially transformational scientific advance” they said.
The secret story of the man who invented a Spaceship in 1861
The secret story of the man who invented a Spaceship in 1861
Who do you think that invented the modern-day concept of the Spaceship?
Until recently it was believed that the scientific concept of a vehicle capable of flying outside Earth’s atmosphere propelled by ‘rockets’ was conceived by Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and his American colleague Robert Goddard in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. These two gentlemen were inspired by science fiction stories and the epic book "From the Earth to the Moon" written by Jules Verne. But is that the actual truth?
Well some of you would say that spaceflight as we know it was mentioned in India thousands of years ago...
Who invented the modern-day concept of a Spaceship? Ancient Sanskrit Writings: The Vimana
Ancient India’s greatest ancient texts are called the “Vedas” and these writings literally talk about “flying ships” that visited their continent over 6000 years ago. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. According to experts, the Vedas speak about two categories of flying objects that visited ancient India in the distant past. These mysterious objects are described in Sanskrit writing, where you can find incredible devices and technologies that were not supposed to be present on our planet for thousands of years. In the Mahabharata, the Puranas, and the Ramayanas, we find more descriptions of mysterious devices that surpass technological understanding of ancient man.
But can that be scientifically proven? I believe this question could open up an extensive debate in that matter.
According to a study published by space historian Robert Godwin, in 1861, three decades earlier than in previous studies suggest, William Leitch had already successfully applied scientific principles for spaceflight in an essay entitled "A Journey Through Space", which was later published in his book God's Glory in the Heavens (1862)
According to Godwin:
There is no doubt in my mind that Leitch deserves a place of honour in the history of spaceflight.
The fact that he was a scientist is the key to this story. He wasn't just making a wild guess. Not only did he understand Newton's law of action and reaction, he almost dismissively understood that a rocket would work more efficiently in the vacuum of space; a fact that still caused Goddard and others to be subjected to ridicule almost six decades later.
And whereas Goddard and Tsiolkovsky got their first inspiration from the science fiction of Wells and Verne, Leitch seems to have been inspired by the advances in powerful telescopes, and the newly spin-stabilised military projectiles being manufactured in London, and Isaac Newton...
Godwin states that Leitech not only understood the laws of action and reaction proposed by Newton, but he also proposed that a rocket would work more efficiently in the vacuum of space.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The secret story of the man who invented a Spaceship in 1861
The secret story of the man who invented a Spaceship in 1861
Who do you think that invented the modern-day concept of the Spaceship?
Until recently it was believed that the scientific concept of a vehicle capable of flying outside Earth’s atmosphere propelled by ‘rockets’ was conceived by Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and his American colleague Robert Goddard in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. These two gentlemen were inspired by science fiction stories and the epic book "From the Earth to the Moon" written by Jules Verne. But is that the actual truth?
Well some of you would say that spaceflight as we know it was mentioned in India thousands of years ago...
Who invented the modern-day concept of a Spaceship? Ancient Sanskrit Writings: The Vimana
Ancient India’s greatest ancient texts are called the “Vedas” and these writings literally talk about “flying ships” that visited their continent over 6000 years ago. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. According to experts, the Vedas speak about two categories of flying objects that visited ancient India in the distant past. These mysterious objects are described in Sanskrit writing, where you can find incredible devices and technologies that were not supposed to be present on our planet for thousands of years. In the Mahabharata, the Puranas, and the Ramayanas, we find more descriptions of mysterious devices that surpass technological understanding of ancient man.
But can that be scientifically proven? I believe this question could open up an extensive debate in that matter.
According to a study published by space historian Robert Godwin, in 1861, three decades earlier than in previous studies suggest, William Leitch had already successfully applied scientific principles for spaceflight in an essay entitled "A Journey Through Space", which was later published in his book God's Glory in the Heavens (1862)
According to Godwin:
There is no doubt in my mind that Leitch deserves a place of honour in the history of spaceflight.
The fact that he was a scientist is the key to this story. He wasn't just making a wild guess. Not only did he understand Newton's law of action and reaction, he almost dismissively understood that a rocket would work more efficiently in the vacuum of space; a fact that still caused Goddard and others to be subjected to ridicule almost six decades later.
And whereas Goddard and Tsiolkovsky got their first inspiration from the science fiction of Wells and Verne, Leitch seems to have been inspired by the advances in powerful telescopes, and the newly spin-stabilised military projectiles being manufactured in London, and Isaac Newton...
Godwin states that Leitech not only understood the laws of action and reaction proposed by Newton, but he also proposed that a rocket would work more efficiently in the vacuum of space.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Can These Sensors Scientifically Prove UFOs Exist?
Can These Sensors Scientifically Prove UFOs Exist?
This group of scientists seems to think so.
Star trails are seen in the sky over Naramata, British Columbia. Cultura/Zuma
A group of scientists and academics from around the world has launched a new effort called UFODATA, which stands for UFO Detection and Tracking, to apply some rigorous scientific research to the study of UFOs. This all-volunteer, nonprofit project that includes scientists from the United States, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Chile intends to use scientific data and research methods to advance an issue that has largely been confined to the margins (at best) of the traditional scientific community.
"It's abundantly clear that we're not going to make progress in understanding whatever is causing the unknown UFO reports and sightings without getting the type of data we want to collect," says Mark Rodeghier, scientific director and president of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in Chicago, and now a UFODATA board member. "More witness testimony, where they fill out a form and tell you what they saw, is not going to help us solve the problem," he says. The problem that Rodeghier is referring to is the frequent, inexplicable sightings of aerial phenomena.
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The group of about 15 scientists, engineers, astronomers, professors, and a journalist intend to install a series of automated surveillance stations loaded with scientific research tools at various locations in known UFO hotspots such as those in the western United States and in Hessdalen, Norway. The stations will be used to photograph unidentified objects and analyze the light coming from them in order to learn more about the sources of energy powering them. People have done this sort of thing in the past, but never before in such a coordinated and scientifically rigorous way.
The sensors that the group hopes to build will include several high-resolution cameras fitted with spectrographic grating, which is a method for analyzing the type of light the camera is seeing, and the ways that energy might be affecting the atmosphere around the light source. Here is a video explaining the process. Other equipment includes a magnetometer, used to measure electromagnetic radiation, as well as a Geiger counter and a weather station.
"In this area of science (physics, astronomy, etc.) the best way to learn about something is to get its spectra," Rodeghier says. He compares it to a rainbow, which is a "spectra" of the sun's light. "You can see the elements it's composed of, you can also tell things about its temperature and pressure. There are many, many things that you can learn from a spectra and associated data."
These sensors aren't cheap. Each one will cost between $10,000 and $20,000, the group says, which they're hoping to raise through crowdfunding and other donations.
"UFODATA will rely on crowd funding to finance the stations, allowing the millions of people who take UFOs seriously to be involved in the effort, independent of the scientific establishment," wrote Leslie Kean, an American journalist and the author of UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record. After covering the issue for years, she's also now a board member for UFODATA. Kean announced the project on her Huffington Post blog earlier this week.
The all-volunteer group hopes to raise enough money to build one prototype station, test it, and prove the concept. Next year they plan to raise additional funds, Rodeghier says, after the project is better known and a more robust volunteer staff is in place.
Rodeghier says more reliable and scientific data will not only advance understanding of UFOs, but might also serve to persuade the public at large that this issue merits more serious examination. Nonetheless, the organizers appreciate that "the UFO community and the UFO problem is something that is pretty much looked down upon by what I call the establishment," Rodeghier says. "That includes scientists, big media, and politicians, Washington. All those people—and I'm speaking broadly because there's always exceptions—think the UFO problem, they laugh at it, it's to be ridiculed, and certainly shouldn't be supported and funded. And so yes, this is part of an effort, is to say, 'This problem is serious. It's like any other scientific problem.'"
But even the new organization has had to grapple internally with the taboo of scientific discussion of UFOs. The initial UFODATA team includes four "silent advisors"—two full professors, an attorney, and an astronomer—who "are prepared to lend a hand, but because of the cultural stigma attached to UFOs—or because of a personal preference for anonymity—have chosen to keep their involvement private" according to the group's website.
MoD To Release Top Secret ‘British X-Files’ By 2016
MoD To Release Top Secret ‘British X-Files’ By 2016
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) are set to release top secret files known as the “British X-Files”.
UFO researchers and a peer from the House of Lords have campaigned for the release of 18 files about sightings that took place in the UK over 30 years ago and believe they could prove extraterrestrials have visited the UK.
The Government faced claims of a cover-up when their release was stalled at the end of 2013.
The government originally planned to declassify the files at the end of 2013, but their release was stalled due to “additional processing requirements,” prompting speculation about a possible cover-up.
After Lord Black of Brentwood pressed the matter in parliament, the MoD says the files will be released to the National Archives by March 2016.
Some UFO investigators claim the classified government files will shed light on reported sightings of unexplained lights in Rendlesham Forest on two separate occasions in December 1980.
US Army Personnel stationed in Suffolk witnessed seeing a “strange glowing” triangular metallic object, approximately two to three meters across the base and two meters high.
Lieutenant Colonel Halt described the strange events in a memo to the MoD: “It illuminated the entire forest with a white light. The object itself had a pulsing red light on top and a bank(s) of blue lights underneath. The object was hovering or on legs.”
“As the patrolmen approached the object, it maneuvered through the trees and disappeared. At this time the animals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy. The object was briefly sighted approximately an hour later near the back gate.”
The unexplained sighting in Rendlesham Forest is one of the most well-known cases of UFO claims in the UK and is often compared to the 1947 Roswell UFO incident in the United States.
Lord Black asked the government for an update on the release of the UFO files.
In a parliamentary question in March this year, he wrote: “In relation to the 18 Ministry of Defence files on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) that have yet to be released to the public, what is the originating division of the file reference M9/18; what is the remit of that division in relation to UAP; and what is their latest estimate of when the 18 files will be passed to the National Archives, and then released to the public?”
Minister of State for Defence Earl Howe replied: “The originating branch of file reference MO9/18 relates to ministers’ private offices. The latest estimate of when the 18 files will be delivered to the National Archives is before March 2016.”
UFO investigator Nick Pope doubts the top secret files will be a “Roswell-style UFO in a hangar cover-up.”
A former civil servant in the MoD, Pope was assigned to a section of the ministry investigating reports of UFO sightings in 1991 for a three-year period.
He told the Daily Express: “The suspicion will be that there’s a bombshell in these files and that the ministry does not know how to handle it.”
“Having worked on the MoD’s UFO project, I’m sorry to say that we don’t have any crashed spaceships hidden away in some RAF hangar, as some believe, but we do have some fascinating and unexplained cases in our files,” he added.
It's a make-out session on a cosmic scale: Two incredibly hot stars, spinning in a tight orbit around one another, appear to be "kissing." The stellar pair are so close together that their surfaces overlap, creating a bridge between them.
The smooching stars are two of the hottest and most massive overlapping double stars ever identified, according to new research. Catching two stars in this phase of life is "extremely rare," the European Southern Observatory (ESO) said in a statement, because the stars don't remain in this state for long. Check out this video from describing how the stars might meet their demise.
Known collectively as VFTS 352, the enormous stars provide a rare look at the mixing of material from two different stellar sources, said Leonardo Almeida, at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and lead author of a study that identified the unusual pair. "As such, it's a fascinating and important discovery," he said in a statement. [Supernova Photos: Great Images of Star Explosions]
Stellar kisses
When two double stars orbit one another close enough that they share their components, they are known as "overcontact binaries," according to the statement from the ESO. Only a handful of this unusual class of stars has been identified, primarily because they inhabit this step of evolution for a brief span of time in their overall lifetimes.
Of these, VFTS 352 is the earliest-type, hottest and most massive overcontact binary known, with a combined mass of about 57 times that of the sun and surface temperatures above 40,000 degrees Celsius (72,000 degrees Fahrenheit), according to the new research paper. The kissing stars were spotted using the European Space Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT).
Located about 160,000 light-years away from Earth, in the Tarantula Nebula, the two stars in VFTS 352 orbit each other in just over one Earth day. The stellar cores are only about 7.5 million miles (12 million kilometers) apart, so close that their surfaces overlap, forming a bridge between the two.
Unlike their cousins, "vampire binaries," which have one smaller star sucking material from its larger neighbor, VFTS 352 contains two stars of almost identical size. Instead of one star stealing material from the other, the pair may share as much as 30 percent of their components.
It remains uncertain what will happen to the unlikely pair, but their future will definitely be cataclysmic. In one scenario, the two stars may merge to create a single, rapidly rotating, highly magnetic, gigantic star. This merger, the researchers say, would produce an incredible cosmic fireworks show.
"If it keeps spinning rapidly, it might end its life in one of the most energetic explosions in the universe, known as a long-duration gamma-ray burst," Hugues Sana, of the University of Leuven in Belgium, said in the same statement. Sana was the lead scientist of the VLT FLAMES Tarantula Survey, which identified the exotic pair in the process of studying over 900 stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy located just outside the Milky Way (earning it the title of "satellite galaxy").
[Pin It] The location of VFTS 352 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Credit: ESO/M.-R. Cioni/VISTA Magellanic Cloud survey View full size image
In a second scenario, the two stars would "both remain compact, and the VFTS 352 system may avoid merging," said the team's lead theoretical astrophysicist Selma de Mink, of the University of Amsterdam. "This would lead the objects down a new evolutionary path that is completely different from classic stellar evolution predictions."
In this case, said de Mink, the stars would end their lives in supernova explosions, producing a pair of closely orbiting black holes. If scientists can catch this event as it is happening, it provide an observational breakthrough for stellar astrophysics, because it would likely produce gravitational waves. These ripples in space-time are generated by extreme variations of strong gravitational fields, and are predicted by Einstein's theory of gravity, but have never been directly observed.
The research was published online in the Astrophysical Journal.
Pyramid-Shaped UFO Over Sao Paulo, Brazil On June 14, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Pyramid-Shaped UFO Over Sao Paulo, Brazil On June 14, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: June 14, 2015 Location of sighting: Sao Paulo, Brazil
This shape of UFO has been recorded before in the past. For example, in Oct 5, 1996 a pilot over Pelotas, Brazil recorded a similar bronze pyramid shape in the sky and even flew around it as some smaller UFOs came out its top. (Click here to view the post). An older sighting, but one I have never seen before, so had to share it. Scott C. Waring
News states: The UFO Presented in the video is very similar to what we show in the saga of Star Gate. It was recorded in Mogi Das Cruzes . Mogi das Cruzes is a Brazilian municipality of the state of São Paulo , in the Greater São Paulo , a distance of approximately 45 km from the center of São Paulo. The information is known about the person who registered the Images, the UFO was recorded on Sunday June 14, 2015 around 8:40 and then disappeared . Which camera used was a Nikon P600 's zoom to 60 times.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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