The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Strange UFO filmed by Norwegian expedition in Antarctica - January 2016 !!!
Strange UFO filmed by Norwegian expedition in Antarctica - January 2016 !!!
Strange UFO filmed by Norwegian expedition in Antarctica - January 2016 !!!
At the beginning of January 2016, a team of Norwegian scientists had the surprise to film a very special UFO sighting right in the Neumayer Area.
In 2013, proofs of alien base were found in Antarctica thanks to Google Earth. On these famous pictures, we could see two possible entrances to an alien base or at least an entrance to something, with a huge saucer shaped object buried in the ice... Few days later Google Earth mysteriously censored the location. Why ?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Deze rondvliegende bol zuigt objecten op en bezorgt ze elders
Deze rondvliegende bol zuigt objecten op en bezorgt ze elders
Vivian Lammerse
De toekomstige assistent is geen mens, maar een drone! Wetenschappers ontwikkelden een rondvliegende bol die voorwerpen ophaalt en wegbrengt.
Maak kennis met een nieuw soort drone: een grote, rondvliegende bol die zich autonoom in elke richting kan verplaatsen. Vervolgens kan de drone geheel zelfstandig een flesje water, appel, of ander voorwerp oppakken en verplaatsen naar de plek die jij wilt.
Vliegende assistent De drone bestaat uit een lichte ring waar acht propellers aan hangen. In het midden van de ring zit een roteerbare, helium bol met een geïntegreerd grijpelement. Hierdoor kan het systeem voorwerpen opzuigen en verplaatsen. Dit nieuwe staaltje technologie kan hele nieuwe mogelijkheden bieden voor toekomstige werkplekken. Zo zou de drone dienst kunnen gaan doen als rondvliegende assistent in bijvoorbeeld hele hoge gebouwen of in moeilijk toegankelijke ruimtes.
Zonder piloot Er is geen piloot of controleur nodig die het vliegende object bestuurt. De bol is voorzien van een GPS-systeem. Bovendien heeft de drone twee camera’s aan boord die de omgeving scherp in de smiezen houdt. Bij het opzuigen van objecten worden de twee camera’s ook gebruikt voor coördinatie.
De drone kan allerlei voorwerpen met verschillende vormen meenemen. Hij is zelfs in staat om meerdere objecten tegelijkertijd mee te nemen. Daarnaast is – in tegenstelling tot andere drones – contact met de bol niet gevaarlijk. Ook niet als je er per ongeluk een keer tegenaan botst.
De drone zou in hoge gebouwen goed dienst kunnen doen als assistent. Credits: Festo
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Kijk! Een gigantische spin op Pluto!
Kijk! Een gigantische spin op Pluto!
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De dwergplaneet blijft ons verrassen. Nu hebben onderzoekers weer een breukensysteem ontdekt dat lijkt op een gigantische spin.
“Het patroon dat deze breuken vormen hebben we nog nooit in de buitenste regionen van het zonnestelsel gezien en laat maar weer eens zien: waar we ook op Pluto kijken, elke keer zien we wat anders,” stelt Oliver White, lid van het onderzoeksteam dat zich op de observaties van ruimtesonde New Horizons stort.
Rood We zien zeker zes flinke breuken (op de foto hieronder worden ze met witte pijlen aangewezen) die op een centraal punt samenkomen. De langste breuk is meer dan 580 kilometer lang. Wat verder opvalt, is dat de breuken die van noord naar zuid lopen het langst zijn en de breuken van oost naar west aanzienlijk korter. Als je goed kijkt, zie je bovendien dat de breuken rode afzettingen onder het oppervlak van Pluto blootleggen.
De ‘spin’ op Pluto. Afbeelding: NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI.
Druk Er zijn al meer breuken op het oppervlak van Pluto gespot. De meeste lopen parallel aan elkaar en ontstaan waarschijnlijk door het uitzetten van Pluto’s waterijskorst. De ‘spin’ die nu op beelden van New Horizons is aangetroffen, is mogelijk ontstaan doordat er op een specifieke plek onder het oppervlak – de plek waar de breuken samenkomen – druk is uitgeoefend.
De spin doet een heel klein beetje denken aan novae op Venus (zie de afbeelding hieronder). En een beetje aan de troggen die op Mercurius die vanaf een centraal punt (de krater Apollodorus) naar alle kanten uitwaaieren.
Links zie je de nova op Venus en rechts zie je iets soortgelijks op Mercurius. Afbeeldingen: NASA / JPL / USGS (Venus) en NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington (Mercurius).
Wetenschap onthult hoe planeet X er mogelijk uitziet
Wetenschap onthult hoe planeet X er mogelijk uitziet
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De planeet zou een straal hebben die ongeveer 3,7 keer groter is dan de straal van de aarde. Ook is het er koud: -226 graden Celsius.
Wetenschappers van de universiteit van Bern trekken die conclusie nadat ze hun modellen die ze normaal gebruiken om de evolutie van jonge exoplaneten in kaart te brengen, op planeet X loslieten. De onderzoekers gaan ervan uit dat planeet X een kleinere versie van Uranus of Neptunus is. Dat betekent dat we met een kleine ijsreus te maken hebben die omringd wordt door waterstof en helium. Met behulp van hun modellen gingen de onderzoekers na hoe onder meer de straal en helderheid van de planeet door de tijd heen geëvolueerd is.
Straal en temperatuur Volgens de onderzoekers die in januari het bestaan van planeet X suggereerden, heeft de planeet een massa die tien keer groter is dan de massa van de aarde. Een planeet met zo’n massa zou volgens de Zwitserse onderzoekers vandaag de dag een straal moeten hebben die 3,7 keer groter is dan de straal van de aarde. De temperatuur van de planeet is ongeveer -226 graden Celsius.
Infrarood De lage temperatuur is niet heel verrassend; de planeet bevindt zich op grote afstand van de zon. De onderzoekers merken echter op dat de planeet – als we puur kijken naar de hoeveelheid zonlicht en -warmte die deze ontvangt – nog warmer is dan ze hadden verwacht. Het suggereert dat de planeet niet alleen wordt opgewarmd door de zon. Waar komt de overige warmte dan vandaan? Uit de kern van de planeet, zo vermoeden de onderzoekers. Deze kan nog jaren na het ontstaan van een planeet warmte afgeven. En die warmte kunnen we met infrarode telescopen wellicht spotten.
“Door ons onderzoek is kandidaat-planeet 9 nu meer dan een simpele massa, de planeet krijgt vorm nu we er fysieke eigenschappen aan toeschrijven,” stelt onderzoeker Christoph Mordasini. Maar ook na dit onderzoek geldt: het bestaan van planeet X blijft onbewezen. Toch kan dit onderzoek helpen om daar verandering in te brengen. Als we een beeld hebben van hoe de planeet eruitziet, wordt het wellicht gemakkelijker om een telescoop te kiezen die de planeet kan spotten. Zo wijst het onderzoek erop dat toekomstige telescopen zoals de Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (die momenteel in Chili wordt gebouwd) in staat moet zijn om de negende planeet waar te nemen. “Dat is een opwindend perspectief,” vindt Mordasini. Onderzoeker Mike Brown stelde eerder te verwachten dat planeet X – als deze bestaat –binnen vijf jaar wordt gespot.
Luke Skywalker eat your heart out! Wetenschappers hebben een planeet – een hete Jupiter – ontdekt die maar liefst drie zonnen heeft.
Wereldnieuws was het in 2011: astronomen hadden voor het eerst een planeet met twee zonnen ontdekt. Star Wars-fans wisten: science-fiction werd werkelijkheid! Want in Star Wars wordt het bestaan van dergelijke planeten al jarenlang voorspeld: Luke Skywalker himself woont immers op een planeet – Tatooine – met twee sterren. En nu bleken die planeten ook echt te bestaan.
Drie zonnen Inmiddels is het 2016 en weten we dat er ook planeten met drie zonnen bestaan. Tot voor kort waren ons slechts enkele van zulke systemen bekend. Maar nu hebben onderzoekers er weer eentje ontdekt, zo meldt het blad The Astronomical Journal.
Nog eentje! In het blad kondigen astronomen de ontdekking van KELT-4Ab aan: een planeet die deel uitmaakt van een systeem met daarin een dubbelster en een ‘enkele’ ster. De planeet draait om KELT-A en heeft ongeveer drie dagen nodig om een rondje rond die ster te voltooien. Op flinke afstand van KELT A en KELT 4Ab bevindt zich de dubbelster: deze twee sterren hebben 30 jaar nodig om een rondje rond elkaar te voltooien.
Hoe ziet dat eruit? Eerder kwamen wetenschappers al met mooie artistieke impressies op de proppen die lieten zien hoe het leven op een planeet met twee zonnen er ongeveer uit moest zien. Maar stel dat je op KELT 4Ab zou kunnen staan – wat heel lastig wordt, omdat het een gasplaneet is – hoe zou de hemel er dan uit zien? Ook vrij spectaculair. KELT A staat vrij dichtbij en zie je vanaf het oppervlak dus als een enorme ster aan de hemel staan. De andere twee sterren zijn ver weg, maar hebben vanaf het oppervlak van KELT-4Ab toch een helderheid die vergelijkbaar is met die van de maan.
Het is om meerdere redenen een bijzondere ontdekking. Ten eerste natuurlijk, omdat ons nog maar weinig planeten met drie zonnen bekend zijn. Ten tweede omdat de ster waar de planeet omheen cirkelt in vergelijking met de andere twee sterren heel helder is en het geheel vrij dicht bij de aarde staat (en dus ook heel geschikt is voor vervolgonderzoek).
Carbon Nanotube optical rectenna converts green laser light to electricity (Image Courtesy
When you listen to a radio, sometimes you have to adjust your antenna to improve the signal. An “Optical Rectenna” is an antenna that processes light energy from the sun, converting it to DC current. In a recent article in PHYS.ORG, “Rectenna Converts Light to DC Current,” researchers at Georgia Tech, studying for the past six years, have created nanoscale components that convert light to DC current.
Following is a video from Georgia Tech explaining and illustrating the “Optical Rectenna.”
Other Carbon Nanotube Applications
In a recent article published by MIT News, “Dispersion of carbon nanotubes in aluminum improves radiation resistance,” aluminum used in nuclear reactors and similarly harsh industrial environments, when infused uniformly throughout with carbon nanotubes, are stronger and more durable. Could carbon nanotubes make the nuclear energy industry safer?
Graphene, Fullerenes, nanodiamonds, and carbon nanotubes (CNT) are also being considered to modify certain materials and enhance their conductivity. According to the Materials Research Society (MRS), enhancing the capacity of charge storage devices can be carried out by the use of 2-D graphene or 1-D carbon nanotubes which increase the surface area exposed to electrolytes in these devices. According to researchers at MRS, just 1% graphene or CNTs is enough to significantly improve conductivity.
MIT-Durable-Steel (Image Courtesy
In the field of biotechnology, carbon nanotubes have been wrapped in more than 20 different polymers such as DNA, RNA, and polyethylene glycol (PEG) to increase the longevity of drugs introduced into the bloodstream. These new nanotube biosensors will be used for such things as gas sensing. In a recent pre-clinical study of mice, carbon nanotubes had a positive effect on behavioral and neurochemical addiction, decreasing cravings and relapses.
In another development, integrated circuit designers are now taking advantage of the exceptional electrical properties, thermal conductivity, high mechanical integrity, and large surface area of graphite and carbon nanotubes to create materials needed to make electromechanical and electrochemical sensors that respond faster, as well as tiny transistors for processors.
In the following video, Michio Kaku discusses “The Strongest Material Known to Man.”
David Russell Schilling
David enjoys research and writing about cutting edge technologies that hold the promise of improving conditions for all life on planet earth.
08-04-2016 om 19:23
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
The “Gremlins” Are Coming!—Meet DARPA’s New Air-Launched Drones
The “Gremlins” Are Coming!—Meet DARPA’s New Air-Launched Drones
Several companies will attempt to make the "Gremlins" program a reality. They now have the challenge of creating a system of reusable unmanned vehicles that can launch from bigger aircraft such as bombers or jets.
While drone technology has crept up to the civilian market, with multiple modifications made for the tech-savvy consumer, large scale drone research is still firmly in the hands of the military. DARPA is at the forefront of this, with multiple research programs into the military use of drones.
Now it’s at it again, developing another milestone for the boys in green.
DARPA has awarded Phase 1 contracts to several companies who will attempt to make the “Gremlins” program a reality. They now have the challenge of creating a system of reusable unmanned vehicles that can launch from bigger aircraft like bombers or jets.
In particular, four companies have been selected: Lockheed Martin, Dynetics of Alabama, Composite Engineering, and General Atomics Aeronautical Systems of California. The companies are tasked with using their technical genius to conjure up launch and retrieval techniques, low-cost airframe designs and develop the drones’ navigation system and digital flight controls.
Learn more about DARPA in the video below:
The Gremlins program, revealed last year, seeks to show the feasibility of conducting safe, reliable operations involving multiple air-launched, air-recoverable unmanned systems.
The goal of the program is to have bombers or transport aircraft launch groups or swarms of reusable unmanned vehicles called gremlins for intelligence and reconnaissance purposes. When the gremlins complete their mission, a C-130 transport aircraft would retrieve them in the air, and then return to base where ground crews would prepare them for their next use within 24 hours.
Gremlins are expected to last 20 uses, and may also launch from fighters and other small, fixed-wing platforms when bombers are out of range.
Such air-launched drones are primarily a cost-reducing program, bridging the gap between missiles that are one-use only, and reusable systems that are costly to maintain. The program aims to prove that such systems could provide significant cost advantages over expendable systems, spreading out payload and airframe costs over multiple uses instead of just one.
The Gremlins program is named for the imaginary, mischievous imps whom World War II airmen blamed for the frequent mechanical woes that beset their planes.
No word yet as to what happens if you feed them after midnight.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
‘Revolutie aanstaande': Hoogleraar gaat kosmologie overhoop gooien met alternatieve zwaartekrachttheorie
‘Revolutie aanstaande': Hoogleraar gaat kosmologie overhoop gooien met alternatieve zwaartekrachttheorie
In tegenstelling tot de overige fundamentele natuurkrachten, is de zwaartekracht nooit echt verklaard. Er zijn geen elementaire deeltjes gevonden die drager kunnen zijn van deze kracht. Hoogleraar Erik Verlinde van de Universiteit van Amsterdam zorgde enkele jaren geleden voor een doorbraak in het denken over de zwaartekracht.
Verlinde gaat één dezer dagen een alternatieve zwaartekrachttheorie publiceren. Hij werkt al jaren aan een echte verklaring voor zwaartekracht, die volgens hem geen fundamentele kracht is, maar samengesteld uit andere krachten. Astronomen en fysici volgen zijn werk met argusogen.
Zijn theorie beschrijft het heelal als een soort hologram, waarbij alle informatie over massa’s op de denkbeeldige rand van het universum is geschreven. Het veranderen van die informatie geeft een weerstand als twee massa’s uit elkaar worden gehaald.
Volgens Verlinde is de speurtocht naar donkere materie kansloos, omdat donkere materie, die geen licht maar wel zwaartekracht geeft, niet zou bestaan. Donkere materie is geen deeltje, maar extra energie die tevoorschijn komt bij het ontstaan van materie, aldus de fysicus.
Erik Verlinde (Commons)
De algemene relativiteitstheorie van Einstein, de theorie die kosmologen nog altijd gebruiken om het heelal op grote schaal te beschrijven, is volgens hem achterhaald. “De vergelijkingen van Einstein houden niet goed bij hoeveel informatie waar aanwezig is,” zegt hij.
Hij kijkt op een andere manier naar het universum en legt daarbij de nadruk op ‘mogelijkheden’. Elke mogelijkheid is een bepaalde manier om de hoeveelheid informatie in het universum te verdelen. “Al die mogelijkheden moeten in het universum behouden blijven,” zegt hij.
Aanstaande revolutie
“Ruimtetijd bestaat uit kwantummechanische mogelijkheden, uit kwantuminformatie,” stelt Verlinde. En die kwantuminformatie heeft van nature de neiging te verstrengelen, waarna het onmogelijk is om stukjes informatie nog los van elkaar te zien.
De Zuid-Afrikaanse natuurkundige Neil Turok ziet in het idee van Verlinde een voorloper van een aanstaande revolutie in de natuurkunde. Hij meent dat de deeltjesfysica inmiddels zo complex is geworden dat die op het punt staat onder haar eigen gewicht in te storten.
“Ik gooi een hoop dingen omver, dus ik wil dit goed kunnen onderbouwen,” zegt Verlinde, die in 2011 de Spinazopremie, de meest prestigieuze wetenschapsprijs van Nederland, won.
Oerknal verwerpen
Eerder trok hij de oerknaltheorie al in twijfel. “Als mijn theorie klopt, moeten we op een hele andere manier gaan kijken naar het ontstaan van het heelal,” zei Verlinde. “Misschien kunnen we dan wel zo ver gaan dat we de oerknal verwerpen.”
“Er zitten nog veel onzekere elementen in de wetten waarmee wij verklaren hoe sterren en sterrenstelsels bewegen,” ging hij verder. “We gebruiken mysterieuze termen als donkere materie en donkere energie. Dat is eigenlijk een manier om te zeggen dat we het allemaal nog niet zo goed begrijpen.”
Volgens Verlinde begrijpen we nog maar 4 procent van de energie in het heelal. Met zijn theorie hoopt hij meer duidelijkheid te scheppen over die nog onbegrepen energie en zo ook over het ontstaan van het heelal.
Multiple unidentified flying objects over Mesa, Arizona 6-Apr-2016
Multiple unidentified flying objects over Mesa, Arizona 6-Apr-2016
Check out this amazing video of a multiple UFOs hovering in the night sky above Mesa in Arizona. This happened on 6th April 2016.
Witness report:I walked into my bedroom to open my windows and saw a strange group of lights hovering low in the western sky. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I went into the kitchen and got my cellphone and went outside to try and film the event. I could see the lights out in the distance, but I have a block wall and the lights were low and close to the horizon. I climbed onto a chair to get a better view. My security lights were on and disturbed the darkness, but the lights were still clearly visible. I tried to hold my phone over my head to record the event. I watched the lights in a formation of sorts, but not really a rigid formation, there was some drifting. The lights seemed to be slowly headed away from me, towards the west. I observed an object cross the path of the lights and can’t tell if it was one of the lights or an airplane or helicopter. One light seemed to fade then came back to original brightness. I heard no sound, probably because of distance from me and I cannot estimate how far away they were. I called my daughter because the lights seemed to be in the direction of her house. She was driving at the time and did not see anything. The lights slowly faded in the distance and then were gone. I called the local FOX news station and asked if anyone else reported lights and was told no.
Ancient Advanced Technology, Self Activating Machines, Planetary Terraforming, and Anonymously Leaked Top Secret Documents, all this and more set the stage for a UFO mystery that began over 12,000 thousand years ago. Linda Moulton Howe traveled to Turkey to see first hand, dozens of 19 foot tall elegantly carved limestone pillars, erected in a series of circles, covering 30 acres, in a place called “Gobekli Tepe,” a few miles from the northern Syrian border. Carbon dating places the age of these finally crafted pillars at 12,000 years. Beginning in 1994, German Archaeologist Dr. Klaus Schmidt from the University of Heidelberg and the German Archaeological Institute, began slowly and carefully excavating the site which is dated at more than twice the age of Egypt, Sumeria and Stonehenge. Researchers are now speculating that “Gobekli Tepe,” Stonehenge and other erected stone circles, and pyramids, located around the world, could be self-activating machines left behind by non-human intelligence that have terraformed Earth for a millennia. In this program, Emmy Award-winning TV Producer, Investigative Journalist, and Author, Linda Moulton Howe, presents the latest research on “Gabekli Tepe” along with anonymously leaked document from an unknown American Scientist about commercial applications of research from extraterrestrial technology. This is one presentation you don’t want to miss.
This Friday (April 8), SpaceX is scheduled to launch a Dragon cargo spacecraft toward the International Space Station, carrying the first expandable habitat that will be occupied by humans in orbit.
The Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) will be folded up into the trunk of the Dragon spacecraft like a parachute that is ready to be unfurled. The station's robotic arm will remove BEAM from the trunk, attach it to the Tranquility Node, and it will expand to more than five times its total compressed size in about 45 minutes.
It doesn't take a spaceflight industry expert to start dreaming about what expandable habitats could mean for future space exploration. Why not put up a dozen space stations orbiting the Earth? Humans could use them to set up colonies on the moon or Mars. What's to stop an eccentric billionaire from starting a space hotel? Robert Bigelow, founder and head of the company that made BEAM, talked to about the company's goals for the next 20 years, and the issues that stand in the way of the company's efforts to achieve them. [Bigelow's Inflatable Space Station Idea in Photos]
Expandable is better
A central limiting factor to the possible size of space-based habitats or structures is the size of the payload bay on the spacecraft that carries it up to space. Many of the American pieces of the space station were sent up in the space shuttle's bay, which was roughly large enough to fit a school bus. (Russia also took the approach of building a new spacecraft that could withstand the trip to space, and then used the spacecraft itself as a module for the station).
"Bigelow habitats are lighter and take up substantially less rocket fairing space, and are far more affordable than traditional, rigid modules," according to Bigelow press release. And for anyone worried about the safety of something that expands like a balloon in an environment that is fairly hostile to life, the company says its habitats provide "enhanced protection against radiation and physical debris" compared to metallic structures.
BEAM is built out of a proprietary "soft-goods, expandable material." The load-bearing structure is made from something similar to Vectran, a manufactured fiber made from a liquid-crystal polymer that is used in some space suits, company representatives said in last week's telecom. BEAM is covered by a Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris protection layer, which is also proprietary to Bigelow Aerospace. Company representatives speaking during a NASA teleconference in April said their structures are up to the standards set for all ISS structures.
BEAM will only have one-fifth the livable space of the station's Harmony Module — but it also only has one-tenth of Harmony's mass. When packed, BEAM can be reduced to about half of its normal width and about three-quarters of its normal length. Thus, an expandable habitat that, when compressed, was the size of the Harmony module, could expand to be even larger, thus making it possible to get bigger space habitats into orbit without having to build bigger cargo carriers.
That's what Bigelow Aerospace is currently driving at. In March 2015, NASA announced that as part of its Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) project, the agency has a contract with Bigelow to develop "ambitious human spaceflight missions that leverage its innovative B330 space habitat." The B330 is an expandable habitat with 330 cubic meters of livable space — 20 times more than BEAM and 4.5 times more than Harmony. Bigelow said that by 2021, the company will be prepared to launch up to two of the B330s. Whether or not they launch will depend on whether or not the company has a customer who wants to use the habitat, and whether or not there is an affordable way to send people there. [Inflatable Space Station by Bigelow Aerospace (Infographic)]
A ticket to space
If inflatable space habitats are such a good idea, then why is Bigelow Aerospace the only company or agency that has made any significant progress toward making them?
"[Why is Bigelow the only company] that's foolish enough to do it?" Bigelow asked, finishing my question for me. He laughed, but then said, "In all seriousness, it is a leap of faith in a sense, because we have been so far out in front of everything."
Bigelow owns the hotel chain Budget Suites of America, and it was from that enterprise that he made enough money to start a company that would build expandable habitats. It was an idea that NASA had started investigating in the 1950s, according to Bigelow Aerospace's website, and it was work on expandables that led to the invention of Mylar. Ultimately, a lack of sufficiently strong, yet flexible materials stopped that line of research within the agency. Work on expandable habitats was briefly revived in the 1980s and again in the 1990s, but NASA wasn't able to keep the project alive.
Expandable space habitats are being discussed by people in both the public and the private spaceflight industry sectors — animations and artists' renditions like this one show expandable habitats playing a role in future space exploration endeavors. But, perhaps the reason no one has invested as heavily in actually building them is because a space destination is no good without a way to get there.
"Transportation has been our Achilles' heel in terms of getting into a business mode, ever since we started the company," Bigelow said.
The company struggled for years without success to get its first two in-space test habitats, Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, into orbit using U.S.-based launch options, and then spent years working to get past regulations that made it difficult to launch them via a Russian-based space travel provider. There are an increasing number of U.S.-based companies that will fly cargo into space, but Bigelow said his major concern is how humans will reach these space habitats.
Right now, the only way for humans to get to orbital space is on a Russian Soyuz capsule. NASA currently pays nearly $82 million per astronaut for space on the Soyuz.
"We would never attempt a business case based on the kind of pricing per seat that NASA is willing to pay," Bigelow said. "It wouldn't work."
"At this juncture, we are assuming that SpaceX is going to perfect its ability first, before other companies, to affordably move people to and from low-Earth orbit," Bigelow said. Affordability is "a key word," he said.
The commercial spaceflight industry is still at a tentative stage, said Jeff Greason, a co-founder of the spaceflight company XCOR, who spoke with at the SpaceCom Expo in Houston, in November 2015. He said the success and progress of transportation providers is moving forward, but "we have not yet reached the point where I think it's irreversible."
"The enterprise is much bigger than just the transportation segment. But it's all enabled by the transportation segment," Greason told "So, if the transportation's not there, then all of the other great things we can do, which make up much more of the business, can't happen. So transportation is key."
For its habitats to succeed, Bigelow's company needs transportation, but that need is a two-way street: Transportation providers need a place to take people and cargo. The topic of space destinations was also a discussion point among experts at the 2015 SpaceCom Expo. The spaceflight community is understandably concerned about NASA's plans for supporting the International Space Station after 2024, when the agency's current commitment to maintain its side of the station ends. Having an operating laboratory in low Earth orbit provides commercial space companies with a regular customer for sending cargo and (soon) humans. It also provides a platform for space-based science, and will provide a place where explorers can prepare for more trips to other space destinations.
If Bigelow's plans stay on track, and it attracts the right customers, his company could relieve that threat by providing new laboratories in low Earth orbit. Countries without space programs or without a stake in the ISS could send astronauts to space without having to build the infrastructure that NASA and other space agencies currently have.
Bigelow said the company has "had discussions with foreign countries who have their own space agencies … for a number of years," as well as with countries who do not have their own space agencies. Already, he said, there are countries interested in using BEAM to pursue commercial activities.
Bigelow said he envisions that between 2021 and 2031, the Bigelow B330s would be added on and expanded, creating "a large conglomerate of habitats" that could be owned by different customers, or jointly owned by multiple partners. If money can be generated from those LEO destinations, Bigelow said he'd like to see that put toward lunar settlements.
"We would transition some of the client menu that we would have in LEO to folks who would want to be involved in some kind of business activity on the moon. And I think that by 2031, that's practical," Bigelow said. "We would also like to be part of a conglomerate of folks. … I see our role as perfecting our art and being able to provide habitats for deployment in different environments in conjunction with other space or nonspace folks putting companies together to promote these kinds of activities. So I don't look at it as [if] we intend to do this alone." [Inflatable Habitats: From the Space Station to the Moon and Mars?]
Working with NASA
Eric Stallmer is president of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF), the "industry association of leading businesses and organizations working to make commercial human spaceflight a reality," according to the CSF website. Stallmer said he's an optimist about BEAM and Bigelow Aerospace's future plans for its expandable habitats. He's also a realist, and recognizes that there are still significant challenges facing the company.
"There's a lot of elements to this, and just because the BEAM is going up, doesn't mean, you know, we're going to have a lunar base next week," Stallmer said. "I think [Bigelow is] paving the way, I think they're pioneers. … They did something that traditionally only a government could do or only a sovereign nation could do. And they did it at a fraction of the cost. And if it succeeds, it will once again prove that space doesn't have to be prohibitively expensive."
BEAM will be on the space station for a minimum of two years, where Bigelow will monitor it in order to earn NASA's approval for further human use.
"NASA is essentially the Good Housekeeping seal of approval for habitats, at this point in time," Bigelow said. "It is the prime customer that you want to satisfy. … It has a very high standard."
Stallmer said that it may also look, from the outside, as if what Bigelow Aerospace has already accomplished were simple, or that creating the habitat technology was the company's greatest challenge. But Bigelow said the number one challenge facing the company is politics.
"You have to have political permission first. You have to have the money second. If you have those two, you can create whatever technology you need," Bigelow said, perhaps referencing the company's struggles to get its Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 habitats launched.
He said that refers to politics within NASA as well as the U.S. government, and "whether or not NASA is going to be an agent for this kind of change. Or is it going to be managed by an administration whose philosophy is to thwart commercialization?
"If NASA resists, and the philosophy of our politics, of our administration, is to continue to pursue NASA as an owner instead of a consumer, instead of a tenant, if you will, then a lot of delay will occur and it won't proceed like it could have," he said. "But if NASA's philosophy is to expand commercialization, to promote it and really facilitate it — then, oh my gosh, it'll be night and day."
Editor's Note: BEAM is flying to the space station on a SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft, not a Cygnus spacecraft as this article previously stated.
Is Mysterious 'Planet Nine' Tugging on NASA Saturn Probe?
Is Mysterious 'Planet Nine' Tugging on NASA Saturn Probe?
by Shannon Hall, ScientificAmerican
Artist's illustration of "Planet Nine," a hypothesized world about 10 times more massive than Earth that may orbit far beyond Pluto. Credit: Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)
The hunt is on to find "Planet Nine" — a large undiscovered world, perhaps 10 times as massive as Earth and four times its size — that scientists think could be lurking in the outer solar system. After Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown, two planetary scientists from the California Institute of Technology, presented evidence for its existence this January, other teams have searched for further proof by analyzing archived images and proposing new observations to find it with the world's largest telescopes.
Just this month, evidence from the Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn helped close in on the missing planet. Many experts suspect that within as little as a year someone will spot the unseen world, which would be a monumental discovery that changes the way we view our solar system and our place in the cosmos. "Evidence is mounting that something unusual is out there — there's a story that's hard to explain with just the standard picture," says David Gerdes, a cosmologist at the University of Michigan who never expected to find himself working on Planet Nine. He is just one of many scientists who leapt at the chance to prove — or disprove — the team's careful calculations.
Batygin and Brown made the case for Planet Nine's existence based on its gravitational effect on several Kuiper Belt objects — icy bodies that circle the sun beyond Neptune's orbit. Theoretically, though, its gravity should also tug slightly on the planets, moons and even any orbiting spacecraft. With this in mind, Agnès Fienga at the Côte d'Azur Observatory in France and her colleagues checked whether a theoretical model (one that they have been perfecting for over a decade) with the new addition of Planet Nine could better explain slight perturbations seen in Cassini's orbit. Without it, the eight planets in the solar system, 200 asteroids and five of the most massive Kuiper Belt objects cannot perfectly account for it. The missing puzzle piece might just be a ninth planet.
So Fienga and her colleagues compared the updated model, which placed Planet Nine at various points in its hypothetical orbit, with the data. They found a sweet spot—with Planet Nine 600 astronomical units (about 90 billion kilometers) away toward the constellation Cetus — that can explain Cassini's orbit quite well. Although Fienga is not yet convinced that she has found the culprit for the probe's odd movements, most outside experts are blown away. "It's a brilliant analysis," says Greg Laughlin, an astronomer at Lick Observatory, who was not involved in the study. "It's completely amazing that they were able to do that so quickly." Gerdes agrees: "That's a beautiful paper."
The good news does not end there. If Planet Nine is located toward the constellation Cetus, then it could be picked up by the Dark Energy Survey, a Southern Hemisphere observation project designed to probe the acceleration of the universe. "It turns out fortuitously that the favored region from Cassini is smack dab in the middle of our survey footprint," says Gerdes, who is working on the cosmology survey. "We could not have designed our survey any better." Although the survey was not planned to search for solar system objects, Gerdes has discovered some (including one of the icy objects that led Batygin and Brown to conclude Planet Nine exists in the first place).
Laughlin thinks this survey has the best immediate chance of success. He is also excited by the fact that Planet Nine could be so close. Although 600 AUs—roughly 15 times the average distance to Pluto—does sound far, Planet Nine could theoretically hide as far away as 1,200 AUs. "That makes it twice as easy to get to, twice as soon," Laughlin says. "And not just twice as bright but 16 times as bright."
And the Dark Energy Survey is not the only chance to catch the faint world. It should be possible to look for the millimeter-wavelength light the planet radiates from its own internal heat. Such a search wasproposed by Nicolas Cowan, an exoplanet astronomer at McGill University in Montreal, who thinks that Planet Nine might show up in surveys of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the pervasive afterglow of the big bang. "CMB experiments have historically used solar system giant planets to calibrate their instruments, so we know that current and planned CMB experiments are sensitive enough to measure the flux from Planet Nine if it is as bright as we think it is," Cowan says.
Already, cosmologists have started to comb through data from existing experiments, and astronomers with many different specialties have also joined in on the search. "I love that we can take this four-meter telescope and find a rock 100 kilometers in diameter that is a billion kilometers past Neptune with the same instrument that we are using to do extragalactic stuff and understand the acceleration of the universe," Gerdes says.
In the meantime Batygin and Brown are proposing a dedicated survey of their own. In a recent study they searched through various sky maps to determine where Planet Nine cannot be. "We dumpster-dived into the existing observational data to search for Planet Nine, and because we didn't find it we were able to rule out parts of the orbit," Batygin says. The zone where the planet makes its farthest swing from the sun as well as the small slice of sky where Fienga thinks the planet could be now, for example, have not been canvassed by previous observations. To search the unmapped zones, Batygin and Brown have asked for roughly 20 observing nights on the Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. "It's a pretty big request compared to what other people generally get on the telescope," Brown says. "We'll see if they bite." If they do, Brown is convinced he will have his planet within a year.
"I really want to see what it looks like," says Batygin, who adds that his aspiration drives him to search for the unseen world. But Laughlin takes it a step further: "I think [the discovery] would provide amazing inspiration for the next stage of planetary exploration," he says. We now have another opportunity to see one of the worlds of our own solar system for the first time. "If Planet Nine isn't out there, we won't have that experience again."
The option to see and study the patient’s skull through 3D printing before risky surgeries allows the team to properly prepare for complicated and delicate procedures.
Sometimes, a stuffy nose and a cold can’t be cured by taking your usual decongestant. In the case of Parker Turchan, these typical symptoms were the precursor to a more serious diagnosis—a rare tumor in his nose and sinuses that went through his skull and near his brain.
This type of tumor is uncommon—and in its late stage, combined with its location and size, physicians were challenged with the feasibility of removing the tumor using a minimally invasive approach. The procedure was risky and could lead to complications such as massive blood loss or damaged facial nerves.
In an attempt to find combat these challenges, the team decided to create a 3D replica of Parker’s skull made of polylactic acid. This would essentially allow the option to see and study the patient’s skull before such a risky surgery.
The model allowed the surgical team to properly prepare for the delicate procedure. It became a way for surgeons to touch the tumor with their hands, allowing them to learn the best approach to achieve their goal.
This method also allowed doctors to take the patient and family members through the procedure in detail, giving them a more in-depth look at what was going to happen during the surgery.
Now, according to his mother, 15-year-old Parker is “back to his old self again.”
This isn’t the first time the physicians at Mott have saved lives with the help of 3D printing. Groundbreaking 3-D printed splints made at U-M have helped save the lives of babies with severe tracheobronchomalacia, which causes the windpipe to periodically collapse and prevents normal breathing. Mott has also used 3-D printing on a fetus to plan for a potentially complicated birth.
“We are finding more and more uses for 3-D printing in medicine. It is proving to be a powerful tool that will allow for enhanced patient care,” says Mott pediatric head and neck surgeonDavid Zopf, M.D.
Doctors may soon be able to create a custom-made skin from your own stem cells. This could help tremendously with recuperating from injuries.
3D printing stem cells isn’t necessarily new—but being able to use the technology to custom-create cartilage in real time is particularly impressive.
The exact shape of a patient’s cartilage is unknown up until the moment that they are on the operating table and are cut open. Which means being able to print cartilage right then and there would be essential to creating custom-made joints using your own stem cells—which is exactly what the biopen can do.
It functions as a 3D printer that can create surgical scaffolds, which can then be permanently hardened using ultraviolet light. You can check out the process in this video below of the biopen’s early prototype—but note that the current version has been significantly improved, as discussed in the paper published in Biofabrication.
The device (made of medical grade plastic and titanium) was the result of a collaborative effort between scientists and clinicians—the latter to identify the problem and the former addressing it by proposing a solution.
There is no word yet on when the technology will be made available for consumer use, but once it does, it also has the potential to be used in other surgeries that require custom tissue regeneration.
On the scale of the "uncanny valley," the humanoid robot registers a positive response with humans just before the dip into repulsion. Its resemblance hovers between C-3PO and Wall-E, a familiar but distinctly non-human robot.
There’s a point on the Uncanny Valley when a humanoid robot turns from something “friendly” into something terrifying. An example of a robot that would naturally register as non-threatening would be Star Wars‘ C-3PO. We can still differentiate between computer and human at that level. It’s familiar to us, but we know for a fact that it’s non-human.
Even though we see these robots in such a way, is it possible that we could associate them with a deeper emotional response?
Jamy Li, Wendy Ju, and Byron Reeves from Stanford University took that to the test. They took an NAO robot and programmed it for their specific experiment. What they found was that touching a robot intimately created physiological arousal in participants.
All in all, the experiment consisted of instructions that were spoken by the robot to participants. This was followed by 26 trials. There were three steps that made up each trial. First, the robot asks the participant to touch it in a certain area of its body. Next, the participant touches that body part. Lastly, the robot teaches the participant about that particular body part in medical terms.
During the trials, participants were monitored via sensors for skin conductance, levels of physiological arousal, and reaction time between command and touch.
They were able to come to this conclusion due to the participants’ hesitance in touching certain body parts. When informed to touch a common part such as the hand or neck, there was little refrain. But when told to touch a part that’s not commonly touched, such as the eyes or buttocks, their response times were greater.
The field of communication shows that touch is a primitive behavior. It’s used as a “social glue” that binds people and communities together by building and influencing trust. “Our work shows that robots are a new form of media that is particularly powerful. It shows that people respond to robots in a primitive and social way,” stated Jamy Li.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Physicist Discusses UFO Propulsion System and Bending of Space and Time
Physicist Discusses UFO Propulsion System and Bending of Space and Time
Have you ever wondered how aliens travel through space or how they power their crafts? If so, there’s a detailed description of this otherworldly system that has been made public by the man who presumably worked for a secret government facility dealing with replicating alien tech.
You probably remember Bob Lazar, the man who claimed to had been employed as a physicist on project Galileo – a classified program ran by the government who dealt with mirroring alien technology to their own advantage. Lazar carried out his assignment in an out-of-reach base known as area S4 that was 10 miles south of Area 51.
After lazar decided to go public, he discussed in detail about the technology the aliens were using on their otherworldly crafts. In the following lines I’ll highlight the explanation given by Bob Lazar for the space-time manipulation used by ETs to travel across the universe:
“Assuming they’re in space, they will focus the three gravity generators on the point they want to go to.
Now, to give an analogy: If you take a thin rubber sheet, say, lay it on a table and put thumbtacks in each corner, then take a big stone and set it on one end of the rubber sheet and say that’s your spacecraft, you pick out a point that you want to go to – which could be anywhere on the rubber sheet – pinch that point with your fingers and pull it all the way up to the craft.
That’s how it focuses and pulls that point to it. When you then shut off the gravity generator[s], the stone (or spacecraft) follows that stretched rubber back to its point. There’s no linear travel through space; it actually bends space and time and follows space as it retracts.
In the first mode of travel – around the surface of a planet – they essentially balance on the gravitational field that the gravity generators put out, and they can ride a “wave”, like a cork does in the ocean. In that mode they’re very unstable and are affected by the weather.
In the other mode of travel – where they can travel vast distances – they can’t really do that in a strong gravitational field like Earth, because to do that, first of all, they need to tilt on their side, usually out in space, then they can focus on the point they need to with the gravity generators and move on.
If you can picture space as a fabric, and the speed of light is your limit, it’ll take you so long, even at the speed of light, to get from point A to point B. You can’t exceed it – not in this universe anyway. Should there be other parallel universes, maybe the laws are different, but anyone that’s here has to abide by those rules. “
The graphic below presents a part of the propulsion system. According to Lazar, the three divisions below the hull have a particular characteristic – they are curved. Other than this, each of these three sections have different spacing from the wave generators, meaning that the focal lengths are different, thus the shape of the generated wave will also be different after passing through the lenses.
For every different angle the waves pass through the hull, a distinctive effect of refraction will occur to the wave. If the craft then uses the two outer generators to combine their microwave-beams at a defined point in the distance, it would lock-in to that point and get carried out by the gravitational pull.
So, you may be wondering how this complex mechanism is powered, and here is the answer – Element 115, a super heavy element presumably found on other planets from binary star systems. According to Lazar, the alien craft uses 223 grams, cut to a triangular shape, within the reactor structure. He furtherly explains the powering process:
“Inside the reactor, Element 115 is bombarded with a proton which plugs into the nucleus of the 115 atom and becomes Element 116, which immediately decays and releases, or radiates, small amounts of antimatter.
The antimatter is released into a turned tube which keeps it from reacting with the matter that surrounds it. It is then directed towards a gaseous matter target at the end of the tube. The matter and antimatter collide and annihilate, totally converting to energy. The heat from this reaction is converted into electrical energy in a near 100% efficient thermoelectric generator…”
If Bob lazar is correct, the US government could already possess a replicated alien system that could bend time and allow for interstellar travel. However, the “alien element” needed to power the system is missing and can only be found in other parts of the universe. It’s speculated that continuous attempts to imitate element 115 are being made by the government, and the numerous space probes sent into space also have a secret mission to discover alien compounds that would ultimately lead to an era of “space conquering” by the human race.
If this plan will go in our favor we are yet to find out, but due to the recent gravitational wave discovery and other significant progress in science it’s likely that the hour of disclosure will come sooner rather than later. (source)
Phobos: The Ultimate Ancient Alien Outpost Beyond Earth
Phobos: The Ultimate Ancient Alien Outpost Beyond Earth
In 1960, Dr. S. Fred Singer, special advisor to President Eisenhower on space developments said: Phobos, generally accepted as a celestial body, actually may be an artificial satellite launched long ago by an advanced Martian race.
In our solar system, there are three moons that have caused quite a debate among researchers in the last couple of decades: Earth’s Moon, Mars’ moon Phobos and Jupiter’s Europa.
Earth’s moon has been heavily questioned in the last fifty years because of the numerous mysteries behind it. Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first president of NASA’s Commission of Lunar Exploration called the moon “the Rosetta Stone of the planets.” many people who firmly believe that Earth’s moon is actually a terraformed and engineer piece of hardware that has a 3-mile thick outer layer of dust and rocks. Beneath this layer, it is believed that the moon has a solid shell of around 20 miles made of highly resistant materials such as titanium, uranium 236, mica, neptunium 237. Definitely, elements that you would not expect to find “inside” the moon. Robin Brett, a scientist from NASA perhaps described the moon in the most accurate way possible when he said that: “It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence.”
Jupiter’s moon Europa is another mysterious one. According to researchers, the best place to look for extraterrestrial life is there. According to statements from Dr. Kevin Hand, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the search for alien life could prove to be fruitful in the next planned mission to Europa, one of Jupiter’s moon which could hold the ultimate evidence proving we are not alone in the universe.
During an event at the Royal Institution, Dr. Hand outlines that our understanding of Earth’s oceans has taken us a long way, teaching us how alien oceans on other planets or moon, could prove to be potentially habitable environments, and within our solar system, the best shot would be Jupiter’s moon Europa.
And while the previous two moons are really interesting, the most mysterious moon in our solar system is without a doubt Phobos, Mars’ anomalous companion. In fact, many scientists consider Phobos as an artificial satellite which simply put, should not be orbiting mars at all.
There are numerous things which are totally odd when we look at Phobos. First of all, the moon is hollow, it isn’t a solid celestial object like many scientists believed in the past. In fact, according to research performed by the European Space Agency, Phobos’ interior is filled with ‘cavernous, geometric rooms … right-angle walls … and floors — detectable via the semi-regular ‘structure of the returning, interior radar echoes …’ as they were impressed upon the reflected MARSIS signals …’” In other words, that isn’t the typical structure you would find in a moon. As a matter of a fact, the origin of Phobos still remains a mystery and many believe that this small Martian satellite was in fact placed into orbit by ‘someone’ in the distant past.
Phobos has remained a mystery ever since its discovery in 1877, and even today, we are still unsure what the moon is made of. Phobos is the closest moon to its planet in the entire solar system, orbiting Mars at a distance of just 6,000 kilometers above its surface, a fact that has caused numerous scientists to question its origin and purpose.
Last year, NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission made numerous close approaches to Phobos:
“Among the data returned were spectral images of Phobos in the ultraviolet,” NASA explained. “The images will allow MAVEN scientists to better assess the composition of this enigmatic object, whose origin is unknown.”
According to NASA, „Comparing MAVEN’s images and spectra of the surface of Phobos to data from asteroids and meteorites will help scientists understand whether the moon is “a captured asteroid” or was formed in orbit around Mars.“
Interestingly, previous studies found that there is evidence of organic molecules on the surface of Phobos, adding to the mystery of this mysterious Martian satellite.
Without adding anything else we have two very interesting details about Phobos: First of all, no other moon in the solar system is known to have a similar interior filled with ‘cavernous, geometric rooms … right-angle walls … and floors, and it is one of the first moons to show evidence of organic molecules on its surface.
But the mystery behind Phobos is far more enigmatic than anyone imagined. In fact, when the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft was mapping the small moon of Mars, Phobos, and sent its incredible images from the small, potato-shaped moon back to Earth satellite ufologists had a field day speaking about the mysterious structure that was clearly visible on the surface of Phobos. There in plain view, a large rectangular object undoubtedly resembling an artificial monolith stands alone. Nothing in the vicinity has a similar shape or size, so the question is, what is it? What is its purpose? And who placed it there?
Rumors about the object became so intense that famous “Buzz” entered into the debate. Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the surface of the moon, surprised many by saying, “We should visit the moon of Mars, there’s a monolith there, a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that revolves around Mars once every seven hours. When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well, the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there.’
Interestingly, the theory that Mars’ moon Phobos could, in fact, be an Ancient Alien Satellite was proposed over 50 years ago. In 1960, Dr. S. Fred Singer, special advisor to President Eisenhower on space developments made headlines when he commented Phobos saying: The Martian moon Phobos, generally accepted as a celestial body, actually may be an artificial satellite launched long ago by an advanced Martian race.
According to, Dr. Singer backed a claim first made by the Soviet astrophysicist Shklovsky. The Russian scientist’s announcement that Phobos was a hollow, artificial satellite, proving the existence of a Martian civilization, set off heated arguments among astronomers. Shklovsky based his decision on a long study of Phobos’ peculiar orbit, which other astronomers have noted. The Russian claim has calculations and those of earlier astronomers prove Phobos cannot possibly be an ordinary moon.
Three years after the incredible statement by Dr. Singer, Raymond H. Wilson Jr., Chief of Applied Mathematics at NASA stated that “Phobos might be a colossal base orbiting Mars.
NASA states we will discover Alien Lifeforms in the next 20 years
NASA states we will discover Alien Lifeforms in the next 20 years
According to statements from NASA, it’s very likely that we will discover Alien Lifeforms in the next 20 years. NASA firmly believes that there are literally 100 MILLION planets within our galaxy that could host life as we know it.
A team of American scientists from NASA has stated that its ‘increasingly likely that Alien life will be found in the next 20 years’. According to an article posted on NASA’s website, new research tools will show that ‘discovering Alien life is within reach’.
“I think in the next 20 years we will find out we are not alone in the universe,” NASA astronomer Kevin Hand said during a panel discussion at NASA’s headquarters in Washington, D.C.
But.. do researchers know something we don’t know? According to Hand, there is ‘growing evidence’ that indicates that at least some sort of Alien lifeforms may be found in our solar system with Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, being one of the most likely places due to its massive amounts of water, which could prove to be an ideal pool for life.
NASA is definitely stepping up it’s Alien search as they have announced plans to launch the Transiting Exoplanet Surveying Satellite and James Webb Space Telescope in 2017, new technologies that will work together with existing technology in the search for habitable, Earth-like planets located in our cosmic neighborhood, the Milky Way.
“Just imagine the moment, when we find potential signatures of life. Imagine the moment when the world wakes up and the human race realizes that its long loneliness in time and space may be over,” added Matt Mountain, director and Webb telescope scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.
But NASA.. do you know something we don’t?
Why is NASA so confident we will find Alien life in our own Galaxy?
“Sometime in the near future, people will be able to point to a star and say, ‘That star has a planet like Earth’,” said Sara Seager, professor of planetary science and physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “Astronomers think it is very likely that every single star in our Milky Way galaxy has, at least, one planet.”
Looking at these predictions, we see that NASA firmly believes that there are literally 100 MILLION planets within our galaxy that could host life, having the necessary conditions for life as we understand it. This, however, doesn’t take in count all other worlds which have completely different characteristics, and maybe in one of those countless worlds, life could develop opposite to what we think it needs to exist.
“What we didn’t know five years ago is that perhaps 10 to 20 percent of stars around us have Earth-size planets in the habitable zone,” Mountain said during the panel discussion. “It’s within our grasp to pull off a discovery that will change the world forever.”
In an interview to the Express, Dr. Hand said: “We may be able to discover if there are signs of organic or possible life on Europa.”
“Images show there could be possible life on Europa.”
Location:between Poreč and Novigrad, Croatia Date:end of july (not sure about the concrete day, maybe between 18th and 29th) 2011, between 9 and 11 p. m. Submitted by Mirka
Witness report: between Poreč and Novigrad – end of july (not sure about the concrete day, maybe between 18th and 29th) 2011, between 9 and 11 p. m.
Triangular shape, 3 ligthening points (yellow), weird moves. 9 – 11 p. m. I sat on the beach and for 15 or 20 minutes stared at that “thing” over the sea. Few minutes it was just “hangin” on one place, than it started to move really weird way, but still was the triangular shape. I don´t remember how it disappeared, I was like hypnotized… There were many people on the beach, I´m sure, someone saw the same…
I´m sorry I have no photos – like I said, I was like hypnotized and wasn´t thinkin´ about taking photos (and if I would, I´m sure it wouldn´t work – my cell phone in that time had very bad camera).
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