The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Late on a Tuesday night at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport, an employee was taking trash to a Dumpster outside the air-traffic-control tower when a mysterious glow caught his attention. A massive V-shaped object was hovering off the ground, light emanating from the bottom. “The lights were what I noticed at first … It was very large as it passed beside me,” the witness stated. “I was in total disbelief that it was happening. It made no noise at all.” The reported sighting occurred about 9 p.m. on March 1 at Terminal 4, but was just recently investigated and reported by the Mutual UFO Network witness report database.
An article on the case first appeared on a UFO website. The airport employee described the object’s movement as it traveled over to the Sky Train Station, when he lost sight of the lights. Although he believed that it was otherworldly, he said he was not afraid. “I didn’t feel anything but shock as I pondered what had just taken place,” he reported, along with an illustration of what he saw. “This event lasted just about five minutes or so. I felt calm and no sense of danger or apprehension afterwards. Just a sense of wonder and amazement that something so huge could travel in the air and not make any noise.”
The airport sighting is just one of hundreds of reports of UFOs in Arizona, making the state one of the top places on the planet for purported alien activity, according to reports compiled by the Mutual UFO Network.
ARCHEOLOGIEIn de Nascawoestijn heeft een Japans onderzoeksteam een nieuwe geoglief ontdekt. De zandtekening van een dier dat zijn tong uitsteekt, is meer dan 2.000 jaar oud, zo meldt de website van National Geographic.
De figuur van ongeveer 30 meter lang werd ontdekt op de hoogvlaktes van Pampa de Majuelos, in het zuidwesten van Peru. De site ligt op 12 kilometer van de site met de bekendere Nascalijnen, die in 1994 door Unesco op de Werelderfgoedlijst werden geplaatst.
De nieuw ontdekte tekening lijkt een dier af te beelden, met aan de linkerkant het hoofd met een uitgestoken tong. Aan de rechterkant zit het lichaam met romp en ledematen.
Het zou niet om een echt bestaan dier gaan, zo vermoedt Masato Sakai van de Universiteit van Yamagata. "De tekening van het dier lijkt niet realistisch te zijn, maar lijkt eerder ingebeeld." De weterschapper schat dat de lijnen tussen 2.000 en 2.500 jaar oud zijn.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
OMG NEAR COLLISION UFO STOPS TURBINE WINDMILLS THEN PASSES THREW! CRAZY FOOTAGE 2016 Quote from Source ” The footage was send to me from eye witness. It was captured in Poland (east Europe) near the border with Ukraine. The object came from east direction, it was flying over the Majdan village about an hour. The recording was made at the last moments of object manifestation. You can use the recording if You want, I will appreciate If You will make a note about ours youtube channel. Thanks Have a nice day.” Source Link
Eén van de mogelijke gevolgen van de passage van de planeet Nibiru is het fysiek verplaatsen van de noord- en zuidpool van de aarde (pole shift).
Talloze voorspellingen en oude legenden wijzen in die richting, maar ook de waarnemingen van Inuit Eskimo’s en nu ook eindelijk de wetenschap.
Je kunt je voorstellen dat een mini-zonnestelsel met planeten vele malen groter dan de aarde voor de nodige verstoringen zal zorgen, wanneer deze dichterbij ons in de buurt komt.
Wat het bijvoorbeeld zou kunnen doen, is met zodanig grote krachten op de aarde inwerken dat deze fysiek van positie verandert. Dat wil zeggen, een beweging maakt over een bepaalde tijdsperiode wat ervoor zorgt dat wat nu de noord- en de zuidpool is, op hele andere plekken op aarde terechtkomen. Dit is dus niet hetzelfde als het bewegen van de magnetische polen.
We hebben de laatste jaren diverse keren verhalen kunnen lezen over hoe de magnetische polen van positie veranderen. Zodanig zelfs dat sommige vliegvelden hun landingsbanen moesten aanpassen, omdat de landingsbaanpositie ten opzichte van de magnetische pool zoals die op een landingsbaan wordt aangegeven, niet meer klopte.
Tot nu toe is er eigenlijk formeel nog nooit sprake geweest van een afwijking van de fysieke polen, tot begin deze maand toen National Geographic met een verhaal kwam dat de fysieke polen, dus niet de magnetische polen, aan het bewegen zijn. Dat niet alleen, dit betekent ook dat de aardas van positie veranderd.
Omdat toch hiervoor een verklaring gevonden moet worden, gooien we dat dan maar weer op de (hoax) door de mens veroorzaakte wereldwijde opwarming.
Wanneer je dan het artikel echter eens goed doorleest, volgen er zinnen zoals: “Maar, de fysica is zo gecompliceerd, dat natuurkundigen niet veel meer kunnen doen dan maar raden hoe het eigenlijk in de echte wereld werkt”.
Met andere woorden: We hebben geen flauw idee waarom de polen en de aardas van positie veranderen, dus raden we maar wat.
Wanneer we er echter vanuit gaan dat er geweldige krachten op de aarde inwerken die voor zorgen voor die toename in heftige aardveranderingen zoals aardbevingen en vulkaanuitbarstingen, massale dierensterfte, sinkholes, enorme toename vuurballen in de lucht enzovoort, dan wordt alles ineens logisch.
Als de aarde fysiek van positie verandert dan zal bijvoorbeeld de positie van het noordelijk poolijs ook veranderen en in warmere streken terechtkomen, waardoor dit zal gaan smelten. Andere gebieden waar het tot nu toe altijd warm was, zullen in koudere streken terechtkomen. Heeft helemaal niets te maken met door de mens veroorzaakte opwarming van de aarde.
Het wordt in Alaska steeds warmer en bij ons lijkt het steeds kouder te worden. Dit is dan weer niet zo vreemd wanneer je bedenkt dat de fysieke pool verschuift richting Engeland.
De Inuit eskimo’s hadden al veel langer in de gaten dat er wat aan de hand is, zoals wij al schreven in een artikel in 2011:
Na een lange periode van duisternis kwam de Zon begin dit jaar onder meer te vroeg op boven Noorwegen, Groenland en Alaska.
In deze tijd van aardeveranderingen komen de Inuit aan het woord over hun eigen veranderende leefomgeving. Zowel de positie van de Zon en de andere sterren als de windrichting zijn veranderd, zo zeggen zij.
Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis van het meest westelijke stadje van Groenland Ilulissat kwam op 13 januari jongstleden de Zon al op, twee dagen eerder dan normaal. Op 20 januari kwam de Zon op boven de noordelijke Noorse stad Tromsø, een dag vroeger dan andere jaren. De Zon kwam boven Barrow in Alaska vier dagen eerder op dan gebruikelijk.
De Inuit uit de regio Qikiqtaaluk in het territorium Nunavut in Canada merken dat hun gehele leefomgeving aan het veranderen is. Zo hadden ze voorheen exact één uur om op zeehondenjacht te gaan, terwijl het nu tot een uur langer licht blijft in het gebied.
De Inuit volgen de Zon hun hele leven. Ze merken dat de zonsopgang niet zozeer is veranderd, maar dat de Zon op een andere plaats ondergaat.
“De Zon ging altijd bij de hoogste bergtop onder, maar op een bepaald moment ging hij voorbij de bergtop pas onder,” zo zegt Elijah Nowdlak uit Pangnirtung.
Het verhaal van de Inuit klopt dus wel degelijk. De fysieke positie van de aarde is veranderd.
Omdat nu de wetenschap toegeeft dat de fysieke polen aan het veranderen zijn is een deel uit een eerder artikel uit 2013 interessant, over de mogelijke gevolgen van een fysieke poolomkering, de zogenaamde poleshift.
Eén ding is zeker; mochten ooit de polen op aarde omdraaien dan zullen er geweldige krachten op onze planeet losbarsten. Zó groot dat het genoeg is om land te doen zinken en nieuw te laten herrijzen.
Vorige week publiceerden wij de voorspellingen van Moeder Shipton, de Engelse heks en profete die sprak over mensen die naar hogergelegen gebieden zouden vluchten met de komst van Nibiru.
Zij was niet de enige:
Edgar Cayce, ook wel de slapende profeet genoemd, heeft de wereld verbaasd doen staan met de accuraatheid van zijn voorspellingen. Alhoewel ze (nog) niet allemaal lijken te zijn uitgekomen, is dit bij de meesten ervan wel het geval en bleken ze volkomen correct te zijn.
Een opmerkelijke voorspelling die hij deed was op 1 januari 1945. Op die dag voorspelde Cayce dat hij over vier dagen begraven zou worden. Op 3 januari 1945 overleed hij aan een hersenbloeding.
Ook voorspelde hij de dood van twee Amerikaanse presidenten correct, de crash van de aandelenbeurs in 1929, de val van de Sovjet Unie, de opkomst en ondergang van Adolf Hitler en de terugkeer van de Joden naar Israël.
Wat voor ons nu van belang is, is dat Edgar Cayce ook geweldige aardveranderingen heeft voorspeld. Hij voorspelde dat er een punt zou komen waarop de fysieke polen van de aarde zullen omkeren (pole shift).
De korst van de aarde zou in beweging komen onafhankelijk van de kern van de aarde, waardoor het aardoppervlak een totaal ander uiterlijk zal krijgen. Hij deed deze voorspellingen in de periode tussen 1920 en 1930. Hij gaf daarbij aan dat dit zou beginnen in de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw.
Zo zei hij letterlijk:
“De aarde zal op vele plaatsen worden (open)gebroken. In het eerste deel zal je een verandering zien in het fysieke uiterlijk van de Amerikaanse westkust. Er zullen open wateren verschijnen in de noordelijke delen van Groenland. Het grootste deel van Japan zal in de zee verdwijnen. Het noordelijk deel van Europa zal in een oogwenk veranderen. Er zal nieuw land verschijnen voor de oostkust van Amerika”.
Alhoewel Edgar Cayce wel een pole shift voorspelt, is uit deze voorspellingen niet op te maken waardoor dit wordt veroorzaakt. Hij geeft verder ook geen uitleg met betrekking tot al de heftige aardveranderingen.
Iemand die dat wel doet, is Nancy Lieder van Zetatalk. Ook zij voorspelt een pole shift, maar geeft daar ook een hele duidelijke oorzaak voor en wel de komst van de onbekende planeet Nibiru.
Ook voorspelt zij weinig goeds voor Europa als gevolg van deze poolomkering. Echter, in tegenstelling tot Cayce die zegt dat dit allemaal in een oogwenk zal gebeuren, heeft zij het over een geleidelijk onder water stromen van grote stukken van Europa. De delen die dan volgens haar worden getroffen zijn de roodgekleurde gebieden op onderstaand kaartje.
Het gevolg is enorme volksverhuizingen waarbij mensen met grote spoed op zoek gaan naar hogergelegen gebieden. Zo schijnt het dat Rusland, volgens Nancy Lieder, al heeft aangegeven dat ze hun grenzen zullen sluiten als dit gebeurt, omdat ze dan hun handen meer dan vol zullen hebben aan hun eigen bevolking.
Een nadere aanwijzing is misschien te vinden in het zogenaamde Derde Geheim van Fatima. Officiëel is de uitleg daarvan als volgt:
“Het derde geheim was lange tijd alleen bekend bij het Vaticaan. Dit geheim zou in 1960 openbaar gemaakt worden door de paus[1]. Pas in 2000 werd door Vaticaan-woordvoerder Joáquin Navarro-Valls bekendgemaakt. In het visioen figureert een in het wit geklede bisschop die wordt neergeschoten terwijl hij met het kruis tussen talloze gedode martelaren loopt. Dit visioen verklaart achteraf waarom het derde geheim een profetie was van de aanslag die Mehmet Ali Ağca in 1981 pleegde op paus Johannes Paulus II. Die aanslag vond eveneens plaats op 13 mei en de paus gelooft daarom dat het aan Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Fátima te danken was dat de kogel in zijn buik, en niet in zijn hoofd terechtgekomen was. Later werd de operatief verwijderde kogel verwerkt in de kroon van het beeld van Maria van Fátima”.
Er bestaat echter een gerede kans dat het Derde Geheim van Fatima een hele andere boodschap inhield. Zo zei Paus Paulus de Tweede in een vergadering met een groep Duitse bisschoppen toen hem naar het geheim van Fatima werd gevraagd in 1982:
“Wat voor zin heeft het om de wereld te alarmeren en te vertellen dat de oceanen hun bassin zullen verlaten en het vasteland zullen overspoelen waarbij ieder uur miljoenen zullen sterven?”. En dit was niet de enige keer dat deze paus een dergelijke boodschap gaf. In een eerder bespreking met Duitse bisschoppen in 1980 gaf hij een boodschap met ongeveer dezelfde strekking. “Het is volkomen zinloos de mensheid hiervoor te waarschuwen”.
Here is a cool post sent over from Christian Mace, a French UFO research atOvni Paranormal. This UFO is semi transparent and seems to change shape. I am surprised its staying in one place over his home for a long time, but this does prove its not a balloon. Very cool he had several people with him when he saw it. Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: UFO over Melbourne 26th of April 2016 recorded by Peter Maxwell Slattery on 3 camera's with witnesses.
A Swedish team of treasure hunters and deep sea explorers, Ocean X, believe they have discovered a Millennium Falcon alien space ship. They found the strange object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea in 2011 and claimed that the apparent alien craft caused unusual technology malfunctions whenever their boats were positioned over it.
Now, the team is desperate to find more funding to conduct more explorations in the area. The alleged mysterious cellular and radio wave activity has brought more interest to alien enthusiasts.
Back in 2012, Ocean X diver Stefan Hogerborn said that anything electric, including a satellite phone, stopped working when they were above the object. Everything just got back to normal when they were about 200 metres away. They tried to get back over the object, and it did not work again.
Extra-terrestrial believers have suggested the object, which measures 61-metre wide and 8-metre tall, looks similar to the fictional Star Wars Millennium Falcon.
However, the discovery on the Baltic Sea floor in 2011 could also be a Nazi battleship gun turret or perhaps an anti-submarine device.
Another suggestion from an expert is that the deep sea item is a glacial deposit that Ocean X found in a low-resolution sonar scan.
Dan Fornani, a seabed sonar scanning expert, said that the data lacks in resolution, detail, and quantification.
Moreover, the sonar image has many artefacts that make it challenging to interpret. Fornani explained that any interpretation of the image would not place too much confidence until a better processing is provided and details of the type of sonar and particulars are given.
Hubble Just Discovered A New Moon Hiding In Our Solar System
Hubble Just Discovered A New Moon Hiding In Our Solar System
With data from the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers discovered MK2, a hidden satellite orbiting the second brightest icy dwarf planet, Makemake.
Makemake, a dwarf planet located in the Kuiper Belt, is recognized as the only distant dwarf planet without a satellite…or so astronomers thought.
Recently, astronomer Alex Parker discovered that the tiny planet actually has a companion, thanks to data from the Hubble Space Telescope. The newly discovered moon is temporarily nicknamed MK2, the friendlier version of S/2015 (136472) 1.
MK2, a faint tiny dot now visible, next its host planet Makemake. Credit: Alex Parker, NASA
MK2’s host planet, Makemake, is the second brightest icy dwarf planet, and experts believe that it’s the reason why the moon has remained invisible, along with the sheer darkness of those parts of the Solar System. The tiny moon is estimated to be 161 km (100 miles) in diameter, orbiting Makemake at around 20,900 km (13,000 miles) away, and is 1,300 times fainter than the planet. In spite of all that, the tiny moon was able to reflect just a bit of light for Hubble to see.
Parker stated that MK2 will give more information about its host planet at greater detail, adding that Pluto’s mass wasn’t even known until astronomers discovered its moon, Charon.
A screen view from OnSight, a software tool developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in collaboration with Microsoft. OnSight uses real rover data to create a 3D simulation of the Martian environment. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
WASHINGTON— NASA is aiming to send astronauts to Mars sometime in the 2030s, but a new technology could help scientists explore the surface of the Red Planet — from its sprawling craters to its enormous volcanoes — from right here on Earth.
Researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, partnered with Microsoft to develop software that uses the tech giant's HoloLens headsets to allow scientists to virtually explore and conduct scientific research on Mars.
The software, called OnSight, uses real data collected by NASA's Curiosity rover on Mars to create a 3D holographic simulation of the Martian landscape. Scientists wearing the HoloLens headsets can virtually walk around on the Red Planet and interact with the environment.
"We may not be able to actually go to Mars yet, but we can go there virtually," said Parker Abercrombie, a software engineer at JPL who investigates different ways that software can enable augmented exploration.
And because the software was created using actual observations, researchers will be able to conduct valuable science, even while being more than 140 million miles (225 million kilometers) away. For instance, scientists could scale an escarpment to survey the view from that vantage point, or get on their hands and knees for a close-up view of the planet's rocky terrain.
"What's really exciting about this is [that] what we're looking at is a reconstruction of Mars from real data sent from the Curiosity rover," Abercrombie said. "This isn't an artist's conception of what Mars looks like. This is actually what Mars looks like."
Additionally, because Curiosity's mission is ongoing, JPL engineers will be able to make modifications based on the latest data.
"As the rover drives and takes more pictures, our reconstructions are constantly being updated and improved," Abercrombie said.
This holographic technology is also helping NASA build new spacecraft and rovers. At JPL, the HoloLens is being used to design the agency's next Mars rover, which is slated to launch in 2020. By projecting a virtual model of the rover in 3D space, engineers can get close-up views of how the various components fit together, add or move parts around easily, and even walk right through the model to see its inner workings. [Our sister site, Tom's Guide, put together a guide on the best VR headsets on the market right now.]
"It allows us to attain perspectives that are difficult, or even impossible, to attain with a physical model," Valderrama said. "It brings them out into the world so that our engineers can begin to reason and communicate about the models long before any physical artifact exists."
But perhaps the most important advantage of integrating NASA's work with augmented and virtual reality is that it helps make space more accessible to everyone, said Alexander Menzies, software lead for augmented and virtual reality development at NASA.
Now, when the agency sends rovers to the Red Planet — and eventually when human astronauts journey to Mars — technology like the HoloLens and virtual reality headsets will allow people all around the world to come along. These "telenauts," as Menzies dubbed them, will be humanity's virtual explorers of the future.
"A new era of space exploration has begun, and this time, we all get to go," Menzies said. "I look forward to seeing you on Mars."
Hubble Telescope Captures Sharpest Image Yet of Mysterious Red Rectangle
Hubble Telescope Captures Sharpest Image Yet of Mysterious Red Rectangle
by Kasandra Brabaw, Contributor
An image of star HD 44179, surrounded by an extraordinary structure known as the Red Rectangle. This image was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Credit: ESA/Hubble and NASA
A striking new image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope delivers a deep look into a mysterious cosmic object called the Red Rectangle Nebula.
The Red Rectangle, so named because of its bizarre shape and striking color, is a nebula — a cosmic cloud of gas and particles. In this case, the nebula is formed by the central star, HD 44179, which is reaching the end of its life and shedding most of its mass into space.
The source of the red light emitted by the Red Rectangle baffled scientists for more than 30 years. The same kind of red emission was seen throughout the Milky Way and in other galaxies, but scientists weren't sure what created it. The mystery was finally solved in 2007: The glow comes from strange activity at the molecular level inside clusters of dust.
This new image gives scientists the best understanding yet of the structure of the Red Rectangle, according to a statement from NASA. Instead of a rectangle, it appears that the nebula around the star is shaped like an "X," with ladder-like rungs of glowing gas connecting the four arms.
The star at the center of the Red Rectangle is similar to Earth's sun and is responsible for those evenly spaced lines as it releases gas and other material to create the nebula and its distinctive shape. NASA experts now believe the star is also a close binary (meaning it has a stellar partner), and is surrounded by a dense area of dust, according to the statement.
The star at the center of the Red Rectangle will eventually leave behind a hot white dwarf that will give off brilliant ultraviolet radiation that will cause the surrounding gas to glow.
Showers of high energy particles occur when energetic cosmic rays strike the top of the Earth's atmosphere. Most cosmic rays are atomic nuclei: most are hydrogen nuclei, some are helium nuclei, and the rest heavier elements. Although many of the low energy cosmic rays come from our Sun, the origins of the highest energy cosmic rays remains unknown and a topic of much research. This drawing illustrates air showers from very high energy cosmic rays.
Credit: Simon Swordy (U. Chicago), NASA
Cosmic rays are atom fragments that rain down on the Earth from outside of the solar system. They blaze at the speed of light and have been blamed for electronics problems in satellites and other machinery.
First discovered in 1912, many things about cosmic rays remain a mystery more than a century later. One prime example is exactly where they are coming from. Most scientists suspect their origins are related to supernovas (star explosions), but the challenge is that cosmic ray origins appear uniform when you look across the entire sky.
While cosmic rays were only discovered in the 1900s, scientists knew something mysterious was going on as early as the 1780s. That's when French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb — best known for having a unit of electrical charge named after him — observed an electrically charged sphere suddenly and mysteriously not being charged any more.
At the time, air was thought to be an insulator and not an electric conductor. With more work, however, scientists discovered that air can conduct electricity if its molecules are charged or ionized. This would most commonly happen when the molecules interact with charged particles or X-rays.
But where these charged particles came from was a mystery; even attempts to block the charge with large amounts of lead were coming up empty. On Aug. 7, 1912, physicist Victor Hess flew a high-altitude balloon to 17,400 feet (5,300 meters). He discovered three times more ionizing radiation there than on the ground, which meant the radiation had to be coming from outer space.
Among the products of these star explosions are gamma-ray photons, which (unlike cosmic rays) are not affected by magnetic fields. The gamma rays studied had the same energy signature as subatomic particles called neutral pions. Pions are produced when protons get stuck in a magnetic field inside the shockwave of the supernova and crash into each other.
In other words, the matching energy signatures showed that protons could move at fast enough speeds within supernovas to create cosmic rays.
Current science
We know today that galactic cosmic rays are atom fragments such as protons (positively charged particles), electrons (negatively charged particles) and atomic nuclei. While we know now they can be created in supernovas, there may be other sources available for cosmic ray creation. It also isn't clear exactly how supernovas are able to make these cosmic rays so fast.
Cosmic rays constantly rain down on Earth, and while the high-energy "primary" rays collide with atoms in the Earth's upper atmosphere and rarely make it through to the ground, "secondary" particles are ejected from this collision and do reach us on the ground.
But by the time these cosmic rays get to Earth, it's impossible to trace where they came from. That's because their path has been changed as they travelled through multiple magnetic fields (the galaxy's, the solar system's and Earth's itself.)
According to NASA, cosmic rays therefore come equally from all directions of the sky. So scientists are trying to trace back cosmic ray origins by looking at what the cosmic rays are made of. Scientists can figure this out by looking at the spectroscopic "signature" each nucleus gives off in radiation, and also by weighing the different isotopes (types) of elements that hit cosmic ray detectors.
The result, NASA adds, shows very common elements in the universe. Roughly 90 percent of cosmic ray nuclei are hydrogen (protons) and 9 percent are helium (alpha particles). Hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements in the universe and the origin point for stars, galaxies and other large structures. The remaining 1 percent are all elements, and it's from that 1 percent that scientists can best search for rare elements to make comparisons between different types of cosmic rays.
Scientists can also date the cosmic rays by looking at radioactive nuclei that decrease over time. Measuring the "half life" of each nuclei gives an estimate of how long the cosmic ray has been out there in space.
Space radiation concerns
Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere shields the planet from 99.9 percent of the radiation from space. However, for people outside the protection of Earth's magnetic field, space radiation becomes a serious hazard. An instrument aboard the Curiosity Mars rover during its 253-day cruise to Mars revealed that the radiation dose received by an astronaut on even the shortest Earth-Mars round trip would be about 0.66 sievert. This amount is like receiving a whole-body CT scan every five or six days.
A dose of 1 sievert is associated with a 5.5 percent increase in the risk of fatal cancers. The normal daily radiation dose received by the average person living on Earth is 10 microsieverts (0.00001 sievert).
The moon has no atmosphere and a very weak magnetic field. Astronauts living there would have to provide their own protection, for example by burying their habitat underground.
The planet Mars has no global magnetic field. Particles from the sun have stripped away most of Mars’ atmosphere, resulting in very poor protection against radiation at the surface. The highest air pressure on Mars is equal to that at an altitude of 22 miles (35 kilometers) above the Earth’s surface. At low altitudes, Mars’ atmosphere provides slightly better protection from space radiation.
Strange "haloed" craters can be seen on Pluto in these images of the dwarf planet from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft. Dozens of the strange craters are visible in the black-and-white view (top), while the lower view shows strange methane ice (in purple) around the craters, with water ice (in blue) inside and around them.
The discovery of strange halo-like craters on Pluto has raised a new mystery about how the odd scars formed on the icy world.
Pluto's "halo" craters are clearly visible in a new image from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, which made the first-ever flyby of the dwarf planet in July 2015. In the image, a black-and-white view reveals dozens of ringed craters (NASA describes these formations as "haloed") strewn across the dark landscape of Vega Terra, a region in the far western reaches of the hemisphere photographed by New Horizons during its flyby. The craters have bright walls and rims, making them stand out from their darker surroundings.
A glimpse at the craters provided by New Horizons' Ralph/Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array revealed a surprising connection between the bright halo features and the distribution of methane ice, NASA officials explained in an image description. This methane ice around the craters shows up as a deep purple in an inset view included in the new image. The crater floors and in-between regions, meanwhile, are colored blue to indicate water ice.
"Exactly why the bright methane ice settles on these crater rims and walls is a mystery; also puzzling is why this same effect doesn't occur broadly across Pluto," NASA officials wrote in the image description.
Pluto : How Well Do You Know the Dwarf Planet?
Pluto, the most famous dwarf planet in our solar system, underwent a well-publicized (and somewhat controversial) reclassification that took away its title as the ninth and most distant planet from the sun. So, how well do you know this fascinating world?
So that's yet another mystery for scientists to ponder as the images and data continue to beam back to Earth from New Horizon's Pluto flyby on July 14, 2015. Mission scientists have said the probe's data download should be complete by October or November.
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft launched in 2006 and is currently headed out into the Kuiper Belt, a region of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. Last week, mission scientists submitted a proposal for an extended mission that, if approved, would send the probe by the Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69 on Jan. 1, 2019.
In an astonishing new video from Brazil, a glowing ball of light appears next to a massive storm cloud and hovers amidst its lightning bolts before slowing disappearing.
According to the man who captured the footage, he and his friend saw the storm approaching during the daylight hours and had an eerie feeling about the oncoming weather.
Thirty minutes later, they spotted the odd ball of light near the storm and decided to film the anomaly.
The 'UFO' seems to float in one spot on the edge of the storm cloud for about three minutes and then simply vanishes.
Some have suggested that the phenomenon in the footage is ball lighting, but others argue against that possibility due to the object's stationary position and fairly long duration.
UFO researchers theorize that the scene is another indication of the phenomenon's interest in our planet's weather, noting similar incidents where object were seemingly caught observing storms.
That said, we also cannot rule out that these anomalies are natural byproducts of the storms that science has yet to fully understand because the phenomenon is so fleeting.
Check out the video and decide for yourself whether the object is an ET craft or merely something from here on Earth.
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Thousands of people sighted a mysterious bright green and orb-shaped light that streaked across the skies of Southern California on Tuesday night, April 26, 2016, between 9:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. The unexpected aerial display was reported by people living hundreds of miles apart in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties and as far as Bakersfield in Kern County.
Although experts said that the object was most likely a meteor, a UFO blogger claims controversially that based on his experience of similar incidents in the past while living in Needles, San Bernardino County, in California, he was forced to conclude that Tuesday’s “green light UFO” was an alien craft, or a reverse-engineered replica of an alien craft, that crashed while undergoing USAF flight testing as part of reverse-engineering R&D efforts.
Incredible Moment Shows Fireball (Meteor) caught on DashCamera in Southern California (April 26)
Residents in several cities and communities across Southern California were baffled about the sighting, and questions about the nature of the object sparked debates on social media, including Reddit.
Witnesses snapped pictures and took videos later uploaded online. Several witnesses contacted KTLA-TV, giving reports and submitting images and videos of the green fireball.
Dash cam footage of the mysterious green light was captured in Los Angeles, and it has gone viral online (see above). Many residents expressed astonishment at the size and brightness of the object and described the sight as “spectacular.”
A witness told the San Diego-Union Tribune that the fireball was “[v]ery large, very bright, fast moving vivid green ball followed by a shockingly orange/yellow fire tail.”
“I’ve never seen anything that large, that fast, or that close explode out of the sky,” the witness added. “We almost crashed while driving, we were in such disbelief.”
“Saw it from Point Loma. It was pretty big!”
“I also saw, can confirm, was spectacular.”
“Brightest and most consistent trail I’ve ever seen. ”
“The way the tail sparkled I thought it was really big fireworks.”
The San Diego-Union Tribune reports that the American Meteor Society received more than 60 reports of the fireball as it blazed over the city at about 9:39 p.m.
According to CBS Los Angeles, a spokesperson for the U.S. Strategic Command said the object did not correspond with any of the thousands of man-made space objects being tracked by the command, and thus, it was probably not a man-made object or space junk making re-entry into the atmosphere.
KTLA reports that Dr. Ed Krupp, the director of the Griffith Observatory, said the object was very likely a piece of “interplanetary debris” (that is, a space rock) that entered the Earth’s atmosphere and began glowing brightly after heating up due to friction in contact with the Earth’s dense atmosphere.
Green Light Seen Over Southern California Believed To Be Meteor
Green Light Seen Over Southern California Believed To Be Meteor
A green light that streaked across the night sky that was seen from the Mexican border to Central California was apparently a meteor or some other heavenly body falling to Earth.
He added that the object burned up completely in the air. He said that meteors burning up in the air after impact with the Earth’s atmosphere were not uncommon. They happen regularly, but most incidents go unnoticed.
Some suggested that the fireball was part of the Lyrid meteor shower that peaked last Friday. Gizmodo, for instance, pointed out that Lyrid meteor fireballs tend to be explosive. The color of light emitted by a meteor depends on the type of metal atoms the meteor is composed of. Meteors consisting mainly of magnesium atoms tend to emit a blue-green light, while those composed of sodium atoms emit orange-yellow light.
Mysterious Green Light Streaks Across Southern California Night Sky
A mysterious green light was seen by dozens of people in Southern California on Tuesday night. The phenomenon was reported around 9:30 p.m. by several viewers who contacted the KTLA newsroom. The o…
However, alien and UFO conspiracy theorists view the incident from a different and unique perspective. UFO Sightings Daily editor Scott C. Waring believes the mysterious green light was an alien craft crashing to Earth.
He claims that his take on Tuesday’s incident was based on past experience. According to Waring, while living in Needles, California, in 2008, residents witnessed a green, glowing, and oval UFO that crashed at a site near the town. Residents later saw government agents in black helicopters and two “Janet planes” rush to the crash site to retrieve the alien craft.
The term “Janet” refers to USAF passenger planes based at the McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, which are used to transport government employees and military officials to and from Area 51.
Waring claimed that Tuesday’s green UFO was the same type as the green and oval alien craft that residents of Needles witnessed crashing in May 2008. He claims that alien crafts and reverse-engineered replicas in the hands of the USAF sometimes crash while being tested as part of reverse-reengineering efforts.
A USAF Boeing 737 ‘Janet Plane’ departing from McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas [Image via Beer Root/Wikimedia/Public Domain]
According to Waring, “Janet planes” carrying scientists from Area 51 must have been rushed to an airstrip nearest to the crash site to retrieve the UFO before anyone saw it.
He said alien crafts in the hands of government agencies and the USAF often crash during attempts to fly them, probably because USAF scientists, engineers, and technicians are unfamiliar with alien propulsion technology.
Such crafts have to be retrieved hastily by military specialists in black helicopters, backed by teams of government scientists transported to an airstrip nearest to the crash site in “Janet planes,” according to the UFO blogger.
A couple driving through Nevada near the top secret Area 51 were shocked to see a huge plum of dark smoke that appeared to be in the shape of a mushroom cloud rising in the vicinity of the base.
Jimmy and Jackie were driving to the base the US government confirmed existed in 2013, and while approaching from Groom Road, they spotted the smoke.
In a video filmed of the incident that happened in 2012, but was just recently shared to YouTube, Jimmy can be heard saying: 'We are still driving down groom road here and we noticed that there is like weird smoke over here. What could be going on?'
Scroll down for video
A couple driving through Nevada near Area 51 were shocked to see a huge plum of dark smoke that appeared to be in the shape of a mushroom cloud rising in the vicinity of the base.
Jimmy and Jackie were driving to the base the US government confirmed existed in 2013 and while approaching from Groom Road they spotted the smoke. They filmed video of their drive that took place in 2012
Jimmy then states that he's not sure 'what's going on,' but says they're not going to stop and will keep driving.
'What the hell is that?' he asks. 'A fire?'
Jackie can be heard replying 'yeah,' as the video shows them traveling towards the mysterious smoke.
The couple, who is never pictured on camera, finally gets near the main gate, which has warning signs not to cross.
They noticed what appears to be a white security jeep that was parked on a hill reportedly monitoring them.
'They're watching us up there,' Jimmy says while aiming that camera at the parked white SUV.
The couple then approaches a group of four people who were also watching the dark smoke billowing.
Whent the couple gets near the main gate, they notice what appears to be a white security jeep (above) that was parked on a hill reportedly monitoring them
The main gate near Area 51 has warning signs (above) not 'to enter this area without permission of the Installation Commander'
The video then jumps ahead to the couple back in the car driving away from the base, as the camera is aimed at the 'big cloud' before concluding.
Earlier in April, Hillary Clinton promised to investigate and declassify government files on UFOs and make them available to the public.
'I would like to go into those files and, hopefully, make as much of that public as possible,' Clinton said Jimmy Kimmel Live!
'If there's nothing there, let's tell people there's nothing there. If there something there, unless it's a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.'
Apercevoir soucoupes volantes et aliens a constitué, pendant plusieurs décennies, une forme culturelle spontanée, sous-produit des récits de science-fiction, d’espionnage et de conquête spatiale, à l’existence fantomatique. Croyance populaire basée sur la rumeur, elle a toujours présenté les caractéristiques d’une sous-culture dépourvue d’autorité, illustrée notamment par l’extrême variabilité de ses manifestations.
Une des preuves de son statut illusoire est la nature de sa mobilisation au sein des productions culturelles. De la même façon que les représentations religieuses n’existent que dans des œuvres qui partagent ou véhiculent la croyance, la présence de soucoupes ou d’aliens n’est tolérée qu’au sein de récits thématiques précisément définis par cette spécialisation. En d’autres termes, il n’y a pas de soucoupes dans les romans policiers ou les histoires d’amour, mais seulement dans les sous-genres correspondants de la SF – une relégation qui limite leur existence aux marges de la fiction.
Du moins jusqu’à la seconde saison de Fargo (Noah Hawley), série télévisée américaine déclinée à partir du film des frères Coen, diffusée l’hiver dernier sur la chaîne FX, et disponible en France sur Netflix. Sombre histoire de guerre des gangs sur fond de Midwest enneigé, ce feuilleton de dix épisodes comprend en effet deux séquences où apparaissent des soucoupes volantes, dont la présence influe sur le cours des événements, ainsi que quelques autres allusions éparses.
Le caractère incongru de ce Deus ex machina et l’absence de toute explication ou de tout lien entre un contexte extraterrestre et une intrigue policière menée tambour battant a soulevé les interrogations des spectateurs et de la critique. Certains sont allés chercher dans la filmographie des frères Coen (en particulier The Man Who Wasn’t There) la motivation de cette mystérieuse irruption. Mais sa principale explication relève de la dimension contextuelle.
La série est supposée se dérouler en 1979, qui est l’année d’un témoignage célèbre de la vision d’une soucoupe par un policier, à la frontière du Minnesota et du Dakota du Nord, lieu de l’action. De façon plus générale, l’allusion extraterrestre participe de l’évocation d’une atmosphère typique, située quelques années après Rencontres du troisième type (1977) ou Star Wars (1977), dans un film aux reconstitutions particulièrement soignées.
Autrement dit, les soucoupes de Fargo sont pour la première fois mobilisées en-dehors du genre de la science-fiction, au titre de ce que Roland Barthes appelait l’«effet de réel1», le détail qui fait vrai, renvoyant à un contexte extérieur à l’intrigue. La croyance soucoupique faisant partie du décor du Midwest de la fin des années 1970, elle y apparaît au même titre qu’une Imperial LeBaron ou une Corvair d’époque, comme la marque d’une ambiance caractéristique. Il s’agit d’une des premières utilisations du motif extraterrestre en tant que référence culturelle ordinaire, témoignage de la revalorisation des formes de culture populaire par le prisme de la dimension historique.
Roland Barthes, « L’effet de réel« , Communications, 11-1, 1968, p. 84-89. []
An international team of scientists announced this week that they have discovered learning behaviors in colonies of single-celled organisms. The study, published in The Proceedings of Royal Society B, outlines how the slime mold Physarum polycephalum has been observed to change behaviors in response to stimuli and repeat those behaviors later.
Physarum polycephalum
For this experiment, researchers placed a small number of Physarum polycephalum cells in a petri dish across from a food source for the slime to move towards. Next, the researchers placed a small amount of a bitter substance such as quinine or caffeine across the middle of the dish. The slime reacted by moving around the bittering agent through a narrow path the researchers left for it. The next time food was placed opposite the slime, the organism took the same route through the narrow path it previously took to avoid the bittering agent.
The same slime mold has been observed in previous studies to solve simple computational problems or even find solutions to classic “minimal length” problems in mazes. A 2008 Japanese study even found that Physarum polycephalum has a very primitive form of memory, and can anticipate future stimuli. One of the researchers in that study, Toshiyuki Nakagaki, argues that the many-headed slime challenges many of our notions about single-celled organisms:
The organism is able to remember periodic changes that it has not experienced before. This indicates that the organism has a generalized capacity for learning
Physarum polycephalum is typically found growing on decaying leaves or tree trunks and has a yellowish, slimy appearance. Its name in Latin literally means “many-headed slime,” and the name might give some clues as to how the organism displays learning-like behaviors. While it is theorized that the individual cells within this slime mold might be able to share information about stimuli, the specific mechanism that enables these behaviors is still unknown.
Physarum polycephalum “navigating” a maze
The study of this slime mold sheds light on how information sharing works at the cellular level and could potentially lead to discoveries about how learning evolved into the forms of intelligence seen in higher order organisms. So, outdoorsmen and women, the next time you see slime growing up the side of a tree, remember to be courteous – it could be learning from you.
The developers of UFO Detector are currently working on making the software functional on a wide variety of platforms, including Raspberry Pi. (Photo : David McNew | Getty Images)
Many people are interested in what's really up there in the night sky, and now, new software promises to help people keep an eye out for the unknown. UFO Detector, as it's been named, is a computer software program designed to help individuals monitor the sky (day and night) for unidentified flying objects.
The idea is simple — if a UFO is detected, the software will automatically record video of the event in the best possible quality. Of course, users are encouraged to share the recorded video and discuss among other UFO enthusiasts. UFO Detector makes video sharing as easy as one click.
"UFOID provides a platform to share the recorded videos and have them analyzed by other people," states the UFO Detector website. "Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, your opinion matters and is used to identify the objects."
In an interview with, UFO Detector Developer Mark Lakum stated that the idea came about when he thought there had to be "a better way" to study UFO phenomenon. Although the software has been around for a while, Lakum only recently made it open-source. He created in conjunction with it, and the platform now exists for individuals to share their findings as a community.
UFO Detector works with a computer's webcam. The camera must be pointed in the direction of the sky (understandably) in order to capture potential UFO footage. The software allows users to choose which parts of their screen to monitor. It's also supposedly smart enough to rule out interference from objects, such as planes and birds, as long as the user tags them. The goal is to only record supposed UFOs, rather than eat up hard drive space with videos of inactive skies.
On the UFOID YouTube page, UFO Detector users have already posted videos caught with the software, depicting some unusual activity. Many of these videos have hundreds of views, hinting that UFO Detector may actually be achieving its goal of bringing the UFO community closer together.
The developers of UFO Detector are currently working on making the software functional on a wide variety of platforms, including Raspberry Pi. Additionally, a new feature will soon be introduced to prevent the tampering of captured video.
A streak of bright green light appeared above Southern California on Tuesday. What was it? It is being called space junk that just burned up in the atmosphere. What do you think?
A bright green flash has been seen by people hundreds of miles apart shooting across the Californian night sky on April 26, 2016.
U.S. Strategic Command told CBS that the mysterious object does not appear to be man-made, however it was not a tracked satellite in their database, the agency said.
The first video shows the sphere-like object, continued with a footage captured on the dash cam of a car in Los Angeles around that time, shows the object ( space junk fireball/meteor or something else?) falling through the night sky towards the ground.
Another witness on his way home caught the fireball on his dash cam too. Witness: “The camera doesn’t capture it very well but the fireball was sparking a lot and had a green light to it.”
This particular event which occurred in a desolate place from Canada during extreme-weather conditions forced the military to cover-up tracks once again.
This February, in Manitoba, Canada, on the Jackhead Reservation, rumors spread about a possible UFO crash landing into Lake Winnipeg.
Following this report, the Canadian military has quickly made their way to the highlighted area, blocking all access to unauthorized personnel.
During the military operation, nobody was permitted to enter or leave the reservation, while the residents of the area were visited by troops telling them that an emergency training excercise is ongoing and that they shouldn’t leave their homes until this ends.
This was a curious action because an extremely cold front was already being felt over Manitoba for a last couple of days, making time spent outdoors a dangerous activity.
A man stranded inside the Jackhead Reservation allegedly reported that:
Apparently a disc shaped craft was seen crashing through the ice on the lake, at least one person got photographic evidence but has since been detained by the Canadian military.
The military deployed a large number of troops and equipment, effectively suppressing all view of what crashed into the lake or what they were doing there. Fortunately, some brave citizens facing the harsh weather conditions managed to take a few pictures of the gear used by the military, highlighting the importance of this “exercise” in this eventless area of Canada.
Owned by the Aboriginal people, the Jackhead Reservation is governed by their own laws which do not allow for operations such as these to take place, making the Canadian military intruders under these circumstances.
A native by the name of Dakotah Traverse stated that no major event took place here until now and that UFOs are not a rare sight around these parts either:
My people have been seeing these kind of things for years now. It’s funny that the military has entered my reserve for training – which they have never before, and this sudden and with so much troops. My reserve has never seen this much attention before, especially by the military, but neither from anyplace else. I wouldn’t even call this place a blip on the map, it’s so small.
While people reported seeing military forces dragging a strange disc-shaped object using snowmobiles, the Canadian army officials stated that this was just one big training exercise teaching soldiers on how to deal with a plane crash in the Arctic and rescue maneuvers.
There’s no aliens, just my friends in the air force who are out there helping us on this exercise. I have the commander of that air force contingent sitting right beside me and you know, he assures us that there was not a UFO, but that was him.
It is rather unlikely that an actual training exercise took place because they refused to give in any data about the supposed event. No evidence has been released in order to assure us this was indeed a plane crash training operation.
Whatever the case may be, we have drawn the line, speculating in favor of a UFO landing in the lake that could either have ET origins or it could be a craft designed using the latest military technology (which we believe to be extremely advanced) that crashed as a result of really bad weather
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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