The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Mars : étrange image avec silhouette ou paréidolie ?
Mars : étrange image avec silhouette ou paréidolie ?
On devine une petite silhouette de 3 à 4 cm de hauteur
Cette silhouette correspond bien à de petits personnages ou statuettes déjà observées auparavant, avec l'hypothèse d'une ancienne race de martien de très petite taille !
On peut deviner en zoomant à 500 une tête allongée, un thorax muni d'un vêtement, un bras et deux jambes avec bottes; les mains semblent être gantées.
A gauche de la silhouette on imagine un pont de pierre qui mène vers une allée sableuse longeant sur la gauche un mur de pierre en strates.
Astronomen hebben een staartloze komeet gevonden, dat bestaat uit het materiaal uit het binnenste deel van het zonnestelsel uit de tijd dat onze planeet ontstond. Deze ‘bouwsteen’ schuilt al miljarden jaren in de Oortwolk: de vrieskast van ons zonnestelsel.
De meeste planetoïden en asteroïden zijn overgebleven brokstukken uit de tijd dat er planeten ontstonden. Veel bouwstenen klonterden samen tot planeten, maar er bleef ook veel ruimtegruis over. Deze brokstukken treffen we vandaag de dag vooral aan tussen de banen van Mars en Jupiter.
Artistieke impressie van de staartloze komeet C/2014 S3 (PANSTARRS).
Wat maakt deze staartloze komeet nu uniek? Het grote verschil is dat deze komeet niet gebakken is door de zon. “Dit is de eerste ‘rauwe’ planetoïde die we zijn tegengekomen: hij komt uit de beste diepvries die er is”, zegt hoofdauteur Karen Meech van de universiteit van Hawaï.
Het object C/2014 S3 (PANSTARRS) is gevonden met de Pan-STARRS1-telescoop. Het object heeft een omlooptijd van ongeveer 860 jaar, wat betekent dat hij uit de Oortwolk komt. Vrij recentelijk is de weinig actieve komeet dichter naar de zon geduwd. De komeet heeft geen staart en is daarom vernoemd naarde staartloze kat, vandaar de koosnaam Manx-komeet.
De komeet heeft ruim vier miljard jaar doorgebracht in de Oortwolk.
Een foto van het object, gemaakt door de Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.
Het weerkaatste licht van de planetoïde is geanalyseerd door wetenschappers. Wat direct opviel was dat de Manx-komeet een bijzondere komeet is. Zo zijn kometen doorgaans gemaakt van ijs, maar dat geldt niet voor dit object. C/2014 S3 is rotsachtig. Astronomen concluderen nu dat het object bestaat uit vers materiaal uit het binnenste deel van het zonnestelsel. Het is al miljarden jaren opgeslagen in de ijskoude Oortwolk en om nu weer terug te gaan naar de geboorteplek.
“We hebben de eerste rotsachtige komeet ontdekt en zijn op zoek naar andere”, zegt onderzoeker Olivier Hainaut van ESO. Er zijn vijftig tot honderd van deze Manx-kometen nodig om te kijken of bestaande modellen over het ontstaan van het zonnestelsel kloppen. “Afhankelijk van hoeveel we er gaan vinden, zullen we weten of de reuzenplaneten door het zonnestelsel hebben gedanst toen ze jong waren, of dat ze rustig zijn opgegroeid, zonder al te veel van hun plek te komen.”
De resultaten van het onderzoek zijn te lezen in een paper in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Science Advances.
Tripje naar Mars duurt dankzij nieuwe aandrijving nog maar 30 minuten
Tripje naar Mars duurt dankzij nieuwe aandrijving nog maar 30 minuten
Caroline Kraaijvanger
In dertig minuten naar Mars. Het klinkt te mooi om waar te zijn. Maar wetenschappers achten het mogelijk. En wel met een nieuwe aandrijving waar momenteel hard aan wordt gewerkt.
Als mensheid hebben we de afgelopen decennia – want zolang doen we nog niet aan ruimtevaart tenslotte – best wat gepresteerd. Er rijden robots rond op Mars, mensen bezochten de maan, er draait een ruimtesonde rond komeet 67P/C-G en zo kunnen we nog wel een tijdje doorgaan. Maar als we puur kijken naar de afstanden die de mensheid heeft afgelegd, hebben we het helemaal niet zo ver geschopt. Volgens de laatste berichten zijn we er nog niet eens in geslaagd om ons eigen zonnestelsel te verlaten: hoewel ruimtesonde Voyager 1 al meer dan 45 jaar onderweg is, zou deze zich nog altijd niet in de interstellaire ruimte bevinden.
Grote afstanden Het verlangen om veel grotere afstanden af te leggen en veel verder gelegen bestemmingen te verkennen, is er. Maar de technologie om daar snel te komen, ontbreekt. Het heelal is groot en uitgestrekt. Om daar een goed beeld van te krijgen: een enkele reis naar Mars duurt met de huidige technologie al snel zo’n 250 dagen. En een reis naar de dichtstbijzijnde ster – die zo’n 4,2 lichtjaar van ons verwijderd is – zou met de huidige technologie duizenden jaren duren.
Bijna net zo snel als het licht Het moge duidelijk zijn: als we ooit werkelijk het heelal willen gaan verkennen, zullen we met een nieuwe aandrijving moeten komen die ons in staat stelt om in korte tijd heel grote afstanden af te leggen. Bij voorkeur een aandrijving die het mogelijk maakt om te reizen met een snelheid die enigszins in de buurt komt van de snelheid van het licht (sneller reizen dan het licht is volgens de speciale relativiteitstheorie sowieso onmogelijk). Het klinkt als sciencefiction. Maar dat is het dankzij een aantal nieuwe ontwikkelingen niet langer. De technologie om te reizen met een snelheid die ongeveer drie keer kleiner is dan de snelheid van het licht is reeds aanwezig en kan de ruimtevaart op z’n kop gaan zetten, zo stellen wetenschappers. “Tien jaar geleden was wat wij voorstellen nog pure fantasie,” zo schrijft Philip Lubin, verbonden aan de University of California, Santa Barbara in dit paper. “Het is niet langer fantasie.”
Een artistieke impressie van een door lasers aangedreven ruimtevaartuig. Afbeelding: Philip Lubin / A Roadmap to Interstellar Flight.
Zeilen en lasers Waar heeft hij het over? Over een aandrijving die mede mogelijk gemaakt wordt door licht, afkomstig van lasers. Hij duidt de aanpak aan als ‘photonic propulsion‘. Een ruimtevaartuig dat op deze manier wordt aangedreven, zal uitgerust worden met grote zeilen. Lasers vuren vervolgens – vanuit een baan rond de aarde – fotonen (lichtdeeltjes) op deze zeilen af. Deze lichtdeeltjes hebben geen massa, maar wel energie en impuls. Wanneer de lichtdeeltjes door het zeil gereflecteerd worden, staan ze een kleine hoeveelheid kinetische energie af. Het mooie aan de ruimte is dat het ruimtevaartuig helemaal geen weerstand ondervindt en als lichtdeeltjes het blijven trakteren op kinetische energie, kan het ruimtevaartuig heel geleidelijk uiteindelijk een snelheid bereiken die ongeveer net zo groot is als een derde van de snelheid van het licht.
Dertig minuten In theorie zou een klein ruimtevaartuig (dat ongeveer 100 kilo weegt) met behulp van deze aandrijving in drie dagen op Mars kunnen arriveren. In theorie kan elk ruimtevaartuig – ongeacht de massa – op deze manier worden aangedreven. Maar hoe groter (en zwaarder) een ruimtevaartuig is, hoe langer de reis duurt. In eerste instantie ziet Lubin – met het oog op interstellaire missies – dan ook het meest in wat kleinere ruimtevaartuigjes. Als het systeem helemaal doorontwikkeld is en de lasers maximaal kunnen worden benut, kunnen piepkleine ruimtevaartuigjes het absurd ver schoppen. “Een wafeldun ruimtevaartuig met een 1 meter groot zeil kan in 10 minuten tijd 26 procent van de snelheid van het licht bereiken, Mars in 30 minuten bereiken, Voyager 1 in minder dan drie dagen passeren (…) en Alpha Centauri in zo’n twintig jaar bereiken.”
Waar zit de rem? Overigens is deze aandrijving niet zo geschikt om een ruimtevaartuig in een baan rond bijvoorbeeld de dichtstbijzijnde ster te brengen. Er is namelijk één probleem: het ruimtevaartuig kan heel moeilijk tot stilstand worden gebracht. In eerste instantie zullen ruimtevaartuigen die op deze manier worden aangedreven dan ook enkel langs objecten in de ruimte kunnen scheren. Maar goed, dat mag de pret niet drukken. New Horizons scheerde ook alleen maar langs Pluto en kijk wat dat opgeleverd heeft!
Hoewel de technologie volgens Lubin voorhanden is, moet er nog wel wat werk verzet worden alvorens de eerste ruimtevaartuigen met behulp van lichtdeeltjes de interstellaire ruimte gaan verkennen. Maar Lubin lijkt vastberaden deze vorm van aandrijving werkelijkheid te laten worden. En ook NASA ziet wel iets in het idee. De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie gaf Lubin vorig jaar een beurs om nader onderzoek te doen. Zou het dan zomaar het begin zijn van een nieuw tijdperk in de ruimtevaart? Een tijdperk waarin we kleine ruimtevaartuigjes naar de hoeken van ons zonnestelsel en misschien zelfs wel naar plekken daarbuiten sturen? Als het aan Lubin ligt wel. “Het is tijd om te beginnen aan deze onvermijdelijke reis ver van huis.”
In de Kuipergordel bevinden zich meer dwergplaneten dan Pluto. Neem bijvoorbeeld de dwergplaneet Makemake, die in 2005 is ontdekt en een doorsnede heeft van circa 2.000 kilometer. Wetenschappers hebben nu ontdekt dat Makemake een maantje heeft.
Makemake is na Eris en Pluto het grootste bekende Kuipergordelobject. Toch is Makemake kleiner dan onze maan, die een doorsnede heeft van 3.474 kilometer. De aarde is nog een stukje groter: 12.742 kilometer. De naam Makemake is afgeleid van de mythologie van de Rapa Nui, de oorspronkelijke bewoners van Paaseiland. Voor hen was Makemake de schepper van de mensheid.
Hubble ontdekte het maantje tijdens observaties in april 2015. Deze ruimtetelescoop heeft een scherpe resolutie en kan zwakke objecten naast heldere objecten zien. Hierdoor De nieuwe maan heeft de nickname MK 2 gekregen en is 1.300 keer zwakker dan Makemake. De afstand tussen MK 2 en Makemake is 21.000 kilometer. Het nieuwe maantje heeft een diameter van 160 kilometer.
In tegenstelling tot Pluto heeft Makemake geen atmosfeer. “Dat er geen spoor van te bekennen is, laat zien hoe veel we nog over deze mysterieuze hemellichamen moeten leren,” concludeerden de onderzoekers in 2012.
“Waarschijnlijk zien we de baan van de maan vanaf de zijkant”, zegt onderzoeker Alex Parker, die verantwoordelijk was voor de analyse van de afbeeldingen. In vakjargon wordt dit ‘edge-on’ genoemd. “Het komt er op neer dat we de maan vaak niet zien, omdat het object dan schuilt in de gloed van Makemake.”
Belangrijke vondst voor de astronomie Dankzij de vondst van het maantje kunnen astronomen nu het totale gewicht van het systeem berekenen. Dit geeft inzicht in hoe de Kuipergordelobjecten zijn geëvolueerd. “Makemake is een zeldzaam Pluto-achtig object, dus de ontdekking van een begeleider is van groot belang”, concludeert Parker. “Nu kunnen we Makemake veel beter bestuderen.” Toen Pluto in 1930 werd ontdekt, werd het totale gewicht honderden keren te hoog geschat. Pas toen er in 1978 een maan werd aangetroffen – Charon – konden astronomen een goede berekening van het totale gewicht van het systeem maken en viel Pluto door de mand als planeet. “Zo’n grote impact kan de vondst van een satelliet dus hebben”, aldus Parker.
Er zijn nog meer observaties nodig om meer te weten te komen over het gedrag van MK 2. Het lijkt erop dat de maan een ronde (en dus geen ovale) baan om Makemake heeft. Het maantje doet er minstens twaalf dagen over om één rondje te voltooien.
De maan MK 2 is duidelijk zichtbaar op deze nieuwe Hubble-foto.
Warmer en donkerder dan Makemake De ontdekking van de begeleider lost wellicht een mysterie op. Eerder onderzoek wees uit dat Makemake’s oppervlak zo wit als sneeuw en zeer koud is. Toch zijn sommige plekken warmer dan andere plaatsen. Er is tot nu toe geen verklaring daarvoor gevonden. Het kan echter heel goed komen door MK 2. Deze maan bevond zich tijdens de metingen wellicht voor Makemake, waardoor de astronomen het oppervlak van de maan analyseerden.
Het is geen gek idee dat MK 2 donkerder en dus ook warmer is dan Makemake. MK 2 is zo klein, dat het object niet genoeg zwaartekracht heeft om een heldere ijskorst vast te houden. Daarom lijkt de maan waarschijnlijk meer op kometen en andere Kuipergordelobjecten, die bedekt zijn met donker materiaal.
Een artistieke impressie van Makemake met haar maan MK 2. De afstand tussen dit duo en de zon is vijftig keer groter dan de afstand tussen de aarde en de zon.
Wetenschappers overtuigd door nieuwe data: “Wij zijn niet de eerste geavanceerde beschaving” - Het Nieuwsblad
Wetenschappers overtuigd door nieuwe data: “Wij zijn niet de eerste geavanceerde beschaving” - Het Nieuwsblad
We zijn mogelijk dan toch niet de eerste geavanceerde beschaving in het universum. Dat is de conclusie die wetenschappers trekken uit nieuwe gegevens van de Kepler-satelliet van ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA. Al nemen lang niet alle wetenschappers de conclusie ernstig.
De Amerikaanse astronoom en astrofysicus Frank Drake stelde in 1961 een wiskundige formule op die een schatting moest maken van het aantal intelligente beschavingen in ons universum. Een groep wetenschappers van de universiteit van Rochester hebben die ‘Vergelijking van Drake’ na 55 jaar een update gekregen. Ze deden dat op basis van de nieuwe gegevens van de Kepler-satelliet van de NASA. Die data gaan (onder meer) over het aantal exoplaneten in ons Melkwegstelstel waar misschien leven mogelijk is.
De onderzoekers kwamen tot de conclusie dat de kans “bijzonder klein” is dat onze beschaving de eerste geavanceerde beschaving van het universum is. “Kleiner dan één op tien miljard, zelfs”, luidt het. “En uit de gegevens van Kepler kunnen we afleiden dat die kansen eigenlijk veel hoger dan dat liggen, wat het bijna zeker maakt dat onze beschaving niet de eerste is”, aldus hoofdonderzoeker Adam Frank.
Experts zijn het er echter onderling nog niet over eens hoeveel belang we moeten hechten aan de Vergelijking van Drake. Als er intelligent leven in het universum aanwezig was, waarom heeft dat zich dan nog niet kenbaar gemaakt aan ons, vraagt de Italiaans-Amerikaanse natuurkundige Enrico Fermi zich af in zijn Fermiparadox. Andere wetenschappers noemen het opzet van Drake ‘wishful thinking’ en zeggen dat de wetenschappelijke waard e van de formule nihil is.
Zijn wij alleen? Wetenschappers: “Wij zijn niet de eerste geavanceerde beschaving”
Zijn wij alleen? Wetenschappers: “Wij zijn niet de eerste geavanceerde beschaving”
Wetenschappers concluderen op basis van gegevens die met de Kepler-satelliet van NASA zijn verzameld dat we niet de eerste geavanceerde beschaving in het heelal zijn.
De Amerikaanse radioastronoom Frank Drake stelde in 1961 een wiskundige formule op die een schatting moest maken van het aantal intelligente beschavingen in ons heelal. Wetenschappers van deUniversiteit van Rochester hebben deze vergelijking van Drake na 55 jaar geupdate met nieuwe gegevens van de Kepler-satelliet.
Bijzonder klein
De gegevens hebben onder andere betrekking op het aantal exoplaneten in de Melkweg waarop misschien leven kan bestaan. De onderzoekers hebben geconcludeerd dat de kans bijzonder klein is dat onze beschaving de eerste geavanceerde beschaving van het universum is.
“Kleiner dan één op 10 miljard,” zei hoofdonderzoeker Adam Frank. “En op basis van de gegevens van Kepler kunnen we bijna met zekerheid zeggen dat onze beschaving niet de eerste is.”
Volgens sommige onderzoekers is de formule van Drake wensdenken en is de waarde eigenlijk nihil. “En als er intelligent leven in het heelal is, waarom heeft dat zich dan nog niet kenbaar gemaakt aan ons?” vraagt natuurkundige Enrico Fermi zich af in zijn Fermiparadox.
Het onderzoek is verschenen in het tijdschrift Astrobiology.
UFO Mothership 10+miles across In Low Earth Orbit, April 29, 2016, UFO Sighting News
UFO Mothership 10+miles across In Low Earth Orbit, April 29, 2016, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: April 29, 2016 Location of sighting: Orbiting Earth News source: This mothership was caught on camera from the Intenational Space Station as it made a low orbit. They are trying to call it a severe storm, but look closely at its lines. This cloud has a line all around its edges that are evenly spaced from end to end. There is something hiding inside of a cloud cloak. The Washington Post states, "The updraft is so strong in this case, it can actually punch through the tropopause and into the stratosphere. Overshooting tops can be anywhere from 40,000 feet to 60,000 feet high." Or in other words, this cloud is flying unusually higher than it should be. Yeah...because its a mothership. It will of course vanish over the ocean where it will submerge and go on its way to an underwater alien base. Scott C. Waring
Scientists State: Advanced Alien Civilizations DID Exist Before Us
Scientists State: Advanced Alien Civilizations DID Exist Before Us
It seems that after all, we may not bee the only intelligent civilization in the known universe.
In 1961, astrophysicist Frank Drake came up with an equation that calculates the number of advanced civilizations likely to exist in the Milky Way galaxy. Today, researchers have revolutionized this equation using new data from the Kepler satellite. The results are fascinating.
Scientists have concluded that human beings aren’t the only intelligent civilization in the universe after a recent revision of the famous Drake Equation of 1961, which estimates the number of potential intelligent civilizations in the universe.
Scientists adapted the Drake Equation adding data from NASA’s Kepler satellite on habitable planets in the cosmos. Researchers modified the Drake Equation from specifically detailing the number of extraterrestrial civilizations that exist now, to being about the chance of civilization, being the only one ever existed.
The new research indicates that unless the odds of intelligent lifeforms evolving on habitable planets are extremely low, then life on Earth is not the only one that evolved to an advanced stage.
Scientists explain that the chance of an advanced civilization developing would need to be less tan one in 10 billion trillion, for our civilization to be the only intelligent one in the known universe.
However, data obtained from Kepler changes everything placing the odds at a much higher percentage, meaning that technologically advanced civilizations are likely to have evolved at a certain point in the life of the universe.
A New Empirical Constraint on the Prevalence of Technological Species in the Universe
Researchers turned to the specific question, ‘‘Has even one other technological species ever existed in the observable Universe?’’
Adam Frank, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester and co-author of the paper stated that: ‘The question of whether advanced civilizations exist elsewhere in the universe has always been vexed with three significant uncertainties in the Drake equation.
‘We’ve known for a long time approximately how many stars exist.
‘We didn’t know how many of those stars had planets that could potentially harbor life, how often life might evolve and lead to intelligent beings, and how long any civilizations might last before becoming extinct.’
‘Thanks to Nasa’s Kepler satellite and other searches, we now know that roughly one-fifth of stars have planets in ‘habitable zones,’ where temperatures could support life as we know it.
‘So one of the three big uncertainties has now been constrained.’
However, a question that remains a puzzle is how long civilizations might have survived.
‘The fact that humans have had rudimentary technology for roughly ten thousand years doesn’t really tell us if other societies would last that long or perhaps much longer,’ he explained.
However, authors of the study Frank and Woodruff Sullivan of the astronomy department at the University of Washington discovered that they could eliminate that term altogether by simply expanding the question.
“Rather than asking how many civilizations may exist now, we ask ‘Are we the only technological species that has ever arisen?” said Sullivan. “This shifted focus eliminates the uncertainty of the civilization lifetime question and allows us to address what we call the ‘cosmic archeological question’—how often in the history of the universe has life evolved to an advanced state?” (source)
Frank and Sullivan mixed things up, refreshing the Drake equation. Instead of taking a guess at the odds of intelligent life developing, they calculated the change against it occurring for humanity to be the only known advanced civilization out there. Researchers calculated the chance between a universe where mankind has been the sole experiment in civilization and another one where other advanced civilizations might have developed before the rise of advanced lifeforms on earth.
“Of course, we have no idea how likely it is that an intelligent technological species will evolve on a given habitable planet,” says Frank. But using our method we can tell exactly how low that probability would have to be for us to be the ONLY civilization the Universe has produced. We call that the pessimism line. If the actual probability is greater than the pessimism line, then a technological species and civilization have likely happened before.” (source)
Sullivan and Frank calculated how unlikely would it be for advanced life to exist if there has never been another one developing somewhere in the ten billion trillion stars in the universe or even among our own galaxy’s hundred billion stars. This approach changed the way we look at the Drake equation and the likelihood we are alone in the universe.
“One in 10 billion trillion is incredibly small,” says Frank. “To me, this implies that other intelligent, technology producing species very likely have evolved before us. Think of it this way. Before our result, you’d be considered a pessimist if you imagined the probability of evolving a civilization on a habitable planet were, say, one in a trillion. But even that guess, one chance in a trillion, implies that what has happened here on Earth with humanity has in fact happened about a 10 billion other times over cosmic history!” (source)
However, on a smaller scale, the universe are less extreme. Researchers speculate that another technologically advanced species likely evolved on a habitable planet in our galaxy if the odds against it are better than one chance in 60 billion.
“The universe is more than 13 billion years old,” said Sullivan. “That means that even if there have been a thousand civilizations in our own galaxy if they live only as long as we have been around—roughly ten thousand years—then all of them are likely already extinct. And others won’t evolve until we are long gone. For us to have much chance of success in finding another “contemporary” active technological civilization, on average they must last much longer than our present lifetime.”
“Given the vast distances between stars and the fixed speed of light we might never really be able to have a conversation with another civilization anyway,” said Frank. “If they were 20,000 light years away, then every exchange would take 40,000 years to go back and forth.” (source)
Franck and Sullivan point out in their revolutionary study that even though there aren’t other advanced civilizations in the Milky way, the results of the study have a profound scientific and philosophical meaning.
Researchers map 8,000 Galaxies and make an Amazing Discovery
Researchers map 8,000 Galaxies and make an Amazing Discovery
Scientists have managed to map 8,000 Galaxies located near the Milky Way and have made a mind-boggling discovery.
Imagining where we are located in the universe is a really hard thing to do, mapping our place in the cosmos is perhaps even a greater challenge for scientists. While experts try and figure out the exact number of galaxies in the universe, the general consensus is that there are somewhere around 100 and 200 billion galaxies in the known universe. This figure, however, could be much larger speculate many researchers suggesting that everything we know about the universe is only a small fraction of what is out there in reality.
Imagine just how many galaxies are out there, and then try and think about the sheer number of stars in each galaxy, you will probably end up with a number in the trillions. Now add into all of the above mentioned, the possibility that at least one of those stars, has a planet similar to Earth and then ask yourself, just how likely is it, that we are the only species in the universe?
But let’s not travel too far. Let us take a glimpse at our galaxy the Milky Way, which measures approximately 120,000 light years across. Lets do some math: 1 Light Year equals to 5,878,625,373,183.607731 Miles! Consequently, 120,000 Light-Years are a staggering 7.054351e+17 miles!
ly -> mi
mi = ly * 5.878626e+12
mi = 120000 * 5.878626e+12
mi = 7.054351e+17
But anyway, let us forget math for a second here and try to imagine the incredible size of just one galaxy, the Milky way. Our galaxy alone contains some 400,000 billion stars, and the number of planets accompanying each one of those stars is just mindboggling.
However, we need to start from somewhere in order to understand our ‘physical’ place in the universe. We have to start mapping our cosmic neighbourhood, and a team of scientists has done just that, by gathering data for more than 8,000 galaxies that are in the vicinity of the Milky Way.
To get an idea of the cosmic map surrounding the milky way galaxy, researchers worked very hard in order to map the movement and position of each galaxy in space. They discovered that the Milky Way is in fact part of a breathtaking GIANT system that ‘holds’ together a number of different galaxies, referred to as a ‘Super Cluster’.
Perhaps an even greater discovery is the fact that ‘something’ in the universe is ‘pulling’ our galaxy, the Milky Way, and other galaxies towards IT at an incredible speed of 22 million kilometers per hour.
This unknown force which has been dubbed as “The Great Attractor” is pulling our galaxy and everything around it towards a particular point in space, located approximately 250 million light-years away. Basically, the Great Attractor is considered by researchers as a ‘gravitational anomaly’ located within the vicinity of the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster at the center of the Laniakea Supercluster.
Adding to the mystery is the fact that the ‘Great Attractor’ happens to lie in a direction in the sky referred to as the ‘Zone of Avoidance’. Towards that direction, there is so much dust and gas that our satellites and telescopes can’t see very far in the visible spectrum.
As you can see, the universe is incalculably large, and we are part of just one small system that moves through space at an incredibly fast speed.
The Palermo Stone –Evidence of Ancient Astronauts?
The Palermo Stone –Evidence of Ancient Astronauts?
The Palermo stone is one of the most important ancient Egyptian texts describing the Predynastic rulers of Ancient Egypt, who reigned over the land of the Pharaohs for hundreds of years before the arrival of the first ‘human’ Pharaoh Narmer (Menes).
People around the world have been fascinated with the idea that in the distant past, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations visited Earth and helped kick-start advanced life on our planet. This idea, however, is firmly rejected by many people who believe that no such thing ever happened, despite the fact that there are numerous discoveries that point to a very different human history, contradicting what mainstream scholars are suggesting.
Numerous ancient texts, depictions, and monuments have been interpreted as evidence supporting the Ancient Astronaut Theory. Moreover, millions of people have remained open-minded about the possibility that our civilization is not the first to call planet Earth their home.
Around the world, researchers have discovered numerous artifacts which point towards the possibility that history, as we have been told, is inaccurate, and that there are multiple parts of history which have been purposely distorted.
While this idea remains a controversial subject, and many people are against that notion, certain ancient texts, like the one, found written on the Palermo stone, could be the ultimate evidence we have been looking for all this time.
The Palermo stone, commonly known as the Royal Annals, is one of the most important sources for the study of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and its extensive history on Earth.
The stone obtained its name from the Palermo Archaeological Museum in Sicily where one of the largest fragments is housed. Other parts of this important piece of ancient Egyptian history can be found in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and the Petrie Museum in London. The stone its isn’t in perfect condition since only a few fragments have been recovered, and many are very damaged.
While the exact date of the creation of the Palermo stone remains a mystery for scholars, the most widely accepted date is believed to be the Old Kingdom, in the twenty-fifth century B.C.
What makes it so unique?
Well, among other similar ancient texts, the Palermo stone lists the predynastic Kings of ancient Egypt, and the Pharaohs that ruled over Egypt in the first five dynasties. The most controversial part of the Palermo stone are the Predynastic kings, which have been labeled as mythological beings by mainstream scholars. The document, in hieroglyphic writing, accounts for 120 predynastic kings who reigned before the ancient Egyptians officially existed as a civilization. Interestingly, the names of the mysterious “gods” and “demigods” appear in the Egyptian royal genealogies as well. The Similarities between the Palermo Stone, the Turin Royal Canon and the Sumerian King List are fascinating, since all three mention a time when ‘Gods’ lived on Earth and ruled for hundreds, and even thousands of years.
In addition to the above, the Royal Annals also list the most extensive information available on taxation in ancient Egypt, their religious ceremonies, levels of the River Nile and military campaigns among other important details. More importantly, it is considered as one of the primary sources from which Manetho, an Egyptian historian, and a priest from Sebennytos, compiled the most extensive history of ancient Egypt.
Manetho is well known for his work “Aegyptiaca” in which he divided the rulers of ancient Egypt into dynasties, eventually leading to the formation of the modern system used for the dating of the ancient Egyptian history.
The Palermo stone was written on black basalt and is believed to have had around two meters in height when it was complete. Regrettably, its importance was not immediately recognized to the point that the important piece of history was once used as a doorstep.
The Palermo stone has helped researchers come to the conclusion that ancient Egyptians developed superior technology in order to smelt copper, which ultimately allowed them to create incredible copper statues as early as the Second Dynasty. Interestingly, it also documents a time when forthy ancient Egyptian ships, brought wood and precious stones from an unknown region of Egypt, taking place during the reign of Sneferu.
The Palermo Stone also records the construction fo the first stone building during the reign of Neka, which predates the Step Pyramid of Djoser.
As you can see, there are several ancient texts that describe with great accuracy a time when beings, possibly misunderstood as Gods, came down from the heavens and ruled over mankind. Moreover, similar accounts of ‘Gods’ that came down from the heavens can be found in numerous ancient cultures all across the planet. This is why many might interpret the Palermo stone as one of the most incredible and important ancient texts, that document a time when ‘otherworldly’ beings ruled over the planet.
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The “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca is a Stargate and Declassified FBI documents prove it works?
The “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca is a Stargate and Declassified FBI documents prove it works?
This mysterious and enigmatic stone monument is evidence of the incredible skills of our ancestors who inhabited the region of what today is known as Peru. This huge ‘stargate’ is one of the most impressive monuments in the region, but the truth behind it could be far greater than any of us thought possible. The so-called Stargate was discovered by Jose Luis Delgado Mamanu, a local mountaineering guide who was exploring the area. While enjoying the view at the Hayu Marca mountain region located in southern Peru, he came across the giant door-like structure which was carved out of a huge rock that measures seven meters in height and seven meters in width, with a mysterious ‘door-like’ feature at its center.
According to some legends, the smaller ‘door’ represents the entrance for mortal souls, while the larger and more symmetrical ‘entrance’ accounts for the entrance used by deities to access our realm. Curiously, Mamani stated that he had long before dreamed about this structure and saw what appeared to be a door covered with pink marble with several figures located to the sides.
Local legends say that in the distant past, an Incan priest called Amaru Muru, from the temple of the seven rays fled from his temple with a sacred golden disk known as “the key to the gods of the seven rays.“ The priest hid in the mountains of Hayu Brand afraid that the Spanish might take the key from him.
Later the priest arrived at the “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca, where he showed the key to several priests and shamans of the area. After they performed a ritual, the door opened with a blue light emanating from it. The priest, Amaru Muru handed the golden disk to one of the shamans and entered the door, he was never seen again.
These visions are closely linked to the legends of the native Indians of the area that tell that this “door” was a “gateway to the land of the Gods.” Legends speak that in the distant past, great heroes crossed into the land of the gods, enjoying a prosperous and glorious immortal life.
But… is it just a theory?
Is it possible that mysterious places like the “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca are mysterious monuments that go far beyond our ‘rational’ understanding? Is it possible that like many other monuments, this too is part of the global network of ancient sites, with technology not understood by today’s generation?
The “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca resembles the Puerta Del Sol de Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) and five other archaeological sites in the vicinity. Mysteriously if we draw straight lines between the Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca, the Puerta del Sol de Tiwanaku and other archaeological sites, we get a strange cross that joins at the center at the plateau of Lake Titicaca, one of the most sacred places in the region.
Is it possible that there are “portals” located on Earth which are connected to other galaxies? Planets? Dimensions? And that one of those portals is the “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca? Is it possible that these ancient texts are more than just stories of the past? And that there is something genuine and unique about them? We look forward to finding out more about these mysterious locations and their hidden secrets.
If the Hayu Marca gate of the gods is, in fact, an ancient stargate, is it possible that others exist elsewhere on the planet? And if so… where do they lead?
Interestingly, I cannot help and make a connection between the gate of the gods at Hayu Marca and a document declassified by the FBI not long ago stating that Beings from OTHER dimensions visited Earth. The official link from the FBI vault can be found here:
According to reports and “Declassified” documents, we have been visited by numbs extraterrestrial species, some of these, are not only from other planets, but from other dimensions. Some of these beings originate from an ethereal plane coexistent with our physical universe. These “entities”, which could “materialize” on our planet appeared as giant translucent figures.
Is it possible that these beings sued Stargates like the one at Hayu Marca to travel between dimensions? And what if, all of this is more than just a theory, a theory that we have failed to understand due to our skepticism towards these subjects?
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Filer’s Files # 18 – 2016 Fire Officers UFO Guide - PART I
Alleged Structures on Venus
Filer’s Files # 18 – 2016 Fire Officers UFO Guide - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Venus Film Released, Fire Officers Guide to Disaster Control, and Gravitational Waves Found.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiama, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, and Virginia.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, India, Island of Punaauia, French Polynesia, Italy, and England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Venus Film Released
This person not only found these structures, but also made a CGI duplicate so we can see what it truly looks like. I am impressed with his video. Nice detail and it really highlights the structures on Venus well. Note, the entire surface of Venus is covered in structures. Val Valiant Thor said he lived there, but most inhabitants like him, live below the surface. Scott C. Waring Website
Tower om Venus
President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with Captain Val Valiant Thor From Venus – 2 Witness Speak Out!
Mundodesconocido of Youtube states: The Magellan spacecraft was the first planetary explorer to be launched by a space shuttle when it was carried aloft by the shuttle Atlantis. Although Venus has a dense atmosphere, the surface reveals no evidence of substantial wind erosion. Magellan collected radar images of 98 percent of the planet’s surface. Magellan collected radar images of 98 percent of the planet’s surface The Magellan probe sent to Venus that operated in the late 80s and 90s, collected an enormous amount of images that have finally been published by NASA in which huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements that seem to obey constructions appear intelligent effected by some kind of alien race that inhabited or colonized the second planet in our solar system, in the following video, we show those buildings that we have found and their interpretations in 3 Dimensions of them. Website
A Fire Officers Guide to Disaster Control
(2) The following is a manual for Fire Officers responding to UFO incidents. I am quoting this for information and education purposes only.
Chapter 13 – Disaster Control and UFOs
“The Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942.
Few residents of the United States, except for those in Hawaii, have experienced an enemy attack on their hometown in this century; some think they have. The Great Los Angeles Air Raid of February 26, 1942, began at 2:25 A.M. when the U.S. Army announced the approach of hostile aircraft and the cities air raid warning system went into effect for the first time in World War II. “Suddenly the night was rent by sirens. Searchlights began to sweep the sky. Minutes later gun crews at Army forts along the coastline began pumping the first of 1,433 rounds of ack-ack into the moonlight. Thousands of volunteer air raid wardens tumbled from their beds and grabbed their boots and helmets. Citizens awakened to the screech of sirens and, heedless of the blackout warning, began snapping on their lights . . . The din continued for two hours. Finally, the guns fell silent. The enemy, evidently, had been routed. Los Angeles began to taste the exhilaration of its first military victory.
In this chapter, we will now turn our attention to the very real threat posed by Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), whether they exist or not. The well-documented and highly publicized War of the Worlds radio drama by Orson Welles shows how even a perceived existence to alien creatures can cause very real disaster-like conditions and panic among a given populace. In addition, if the apparent visits by alien beings and their space vehicles should pose any type of threat, it will, as always, be the fire service that is called upon to provide the first line of life-saving defense and disaster mitigation.
On April 25,1991, radio station KSHE in St. Louis, Missouri. was fined $25,000 by the Federal Communications Commission for broadcasting a mock warning of a nuclear attack during the Persian Gulf War. The seriousness with which the FCC treated this case is indicative of the very real panic that can be created from even illusionary or fictional phenomena. Certainly if these unexplained events become more prevalent, the possibility of panic could be even greater; and again, the fire department will be the agency called upon to handle the situation. Hence, as we near the year 2000 and move beyond, any comprehensive disaster plan should address the potential for panic and other deleterious effects that might befall a populated area when unexplained phenomena occur. We will see, as we continue our discussion in this chapter, that widespread blackouts, communication disruptions, and other potentially disastrous conditions have been linked directly to UFO sightings.
Hence, fire service leaders who want to ensure that their disaster planning is complete will not neglect an appendix to outline those things that could be done in preparation for the occurrence of such phenomena. Throughout this book, many of the references to actual events are based on the experiences of both of the authors. However, in this area of UFOs and their potential, we are relying largely on the research and experiences of Charles Bahme. Chuck has made a considerable study of this subject and is acquiring many publications and VCR tapes to augment his library on this and related phenomena. His interest in UFOs was greatly heightened when Congress in 1969 adopted a law (14 CFR Ch. V Part 1211- Extraterrestrial Exposure) which gave the NASA Administrator the arbitrary discretion to quarantine under armed guard any object, person, or other form of life which has been extra terrestrially exposed.
The very fact that our congressmen believed there was a necessity for such drastic authority made Chuck wonder if they had only our astronauts in mind when they adopted it. Could it be applied to anyone who has had a UFO encounter? Whether it has or not is not likely to be a topic for public dissemination. UFO Discussion–Why Now? The subject of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) was not included in previous editions of this book. The first edition was the Handbook of Disaster Control, which Chuck personally published in 1952 following his release from active naval duty in the Korean War. Although his services in the conflict as Security Coordinator for the Chief of Naval Operations involved the creation of a worldwide disaster control organization for the protection of the physical properties of the Navy, it must be admitted that the directives approved for this new organization did not reflect any significant concern for a flying saucer threat to its shore establishment. That was in the 1950s. Now that we are in the 1990s, it is doubtful that our military security forces would brush off the UFO potential so lightly. This change of attitude was evidenced as far back as December 24, 1959, when the Inspector General of the Air Force issued the following Operations and Training Order: “Unidentified Flying Objects–sometimes treated lightly by the press and referred to as ‘Flying Saucers’–must be rapidly and accurately identified as serious Air Force business….”
There is no uncertainty about the reality of the war between nations on our planet and the disastrous effects of military actions. The 200 sorties flown every hour against Iraq in the Persian Gulf provided ample evidence of global war’s destructive power. On the other hand, there are many persons who may believe that a discussion of the theoretical harm that could be caused by a real or imaginary invasion of UFOs would be ‘far out!” But this is not so for the thousands of witnesses of unexplained aerial phenomena. To them it is also serious business. Chuck’s interest in UFOs commenced during the early morning hours of August 26, 1942, while he was roller-skating from his house to the nearest fire station a few blocks away; the wail of sirens had signaled his recall to fire duty, and with the stringent blackout orders in effect. Driving was not wise; besides, it was much more exciting to be out in the open where he could see the spectacular aerial “fireworks” that filled the heavens all around him. Few residents of the U.S. had ever experienced a real or imaginary invasion of UFOs like that which occurred in what has become known as “The Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942.” The Army announced the approach of hostile aircraft and the city’s air raid warning system went into effect for the first time in World War II. The defense to this “attack” is described in dramatic terms in the opening paragraph of this chapter.
But, what enemy had been routed? No one ever knew. All the fire fighters saw in the sky were the 15 or 20 moving “things” which seemed to change course at great speed apparently unaffected by the flak from bursting shells all around them. Rumors that one had been shot down were never verified, nor was the explanation that these zigzagging invaders were weather balloons ever taken seriously. In any event, for Chuck, that unforgettable episode aroused a continuing interest in UFOs, rivaling his professional fields of law and fire protection. The fact that he subsequently was a member of a group whose sighting of a flight of UFOs was then authenticated by airport radar helped to sustain that interest. UFO Background Information With no intention of trying to prove or disprove the authenticity of the numerous UFO encounters often related by very credible witnesses including airline and military pilots, astronauts, police officers, fire fighters, members of Congress, and even a U.S. President, the balance of this chapter will present a brief history and nature of UFOs and their alleged occupants; their widespread sightings over the globe since ancient times; their appearance, propulsion origin, and possible motives for continuing reconnaissance. A quick look at some of the classic accounts of encounters documented in numerous foreign and U.S. publications might help us judge the magnitude of their threat, if any, to social stability, and, if deemed desirable, propose a fire service plan for coping with some of the conceivable catastrophic effects that UFOs could produce on cities and densely populated areas. For readers who already have made up their minds that there is no such thing as a UFO notwithstanding the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it should be pointed out that there is circumstantial evidence that disastrous effects have already been attributed to UFO activity in more than one nation, including the United States.
UFOs–What Are They? William Shakespeare put a fitting observation in the mouth of Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark that went like this: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy.” Whether Hamlet was referring to those strange lights or objects that appear in the sky or near the ground and have no known cause, we will never know, but the World Book Encyclopedia defines such things as UFOs. Several theories have been propounded as to what they might be. Some scientists believe that they are of extraterrestrial origin–coming from other planets. Military officers conjecture that they might be alien aircraft. Some attribute them all to natural causes, such as meteors, comets, sundogs, light reflections, marsh gas, ball lightning, even though they must admit that scientists cannot explain all UFO reports in that manner. Still others are inclined to believe that they may be forms from other dimensions, which can materialize and dematerialize at will perhaps by making a wavelength or frequency transition so as to become invisible to humans. Some believe they are time travelers from the future.
UFO Classification System Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Northwestern University Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and an advisor to the Air Force’s Blue Book Project. Adopted a very simple classification system based solely upon the manner of observation: 1. Nocturnal lights two. Daylight disks three. Close encounters (day or night) four. Radar readings. He concluded that this system tells us nothing about the nature of the UFOs, but can suggest a means for gathering data. He found that while a large number of such reports were readily identifiable by trained investigators as misconceptions of known objects or events, a small residue (about 1.000) were not. These came from credible witnesses from such widely separated places as Canada. Australia. South America and Antarctica. He concludes with “Although I know of no hypothesis that adequately covers the mountainous evidence, this should not and must not deter us from following the advice of Schroedinger: to be curious, capable of being astonished, and eager to find out.” Dr. Hynek has an excellent, well-illustrated article on UFOs in a 1982 book, which gives a detailed history of the UFO sightings, together with the reports of some well-known people who made them, including President Jimmy Carter while governor of Georgia. Shapes of UFOs Witnesses have described the shapes of UFOs as anything varying from a sphere to a boomerang.
Some have resembled flying saucers with a lid; others a glowing tube; some as semi-spherical with colored apertures; some with reddish-orange glows, or fire-like or sparking discharges. Incredible speed and maneuverability’s not attainable by aircraft of any kind are commonly observed. Many of the books and articles in Appendix H have excellent photographs of these unexplained visitors–photos that have been checked by experts for their authenticity. History of UFOs: For hundreds of years mysterious objects in the sky and strange moving lights have been reported by many people, including the military pilots in World War II who called them foo fighters, (“Where there’s Foo, there’s Fire”). In the middle of the 1900s, flying saucers were increasingly observed in the United States and other countries. Scientists at the University of Colorado hired by the Air Force from 1966 to 1968 to study this type of aerial phenomena could explain most of the UFO reports as a star (Venus), meteor, planet, balloon, rocket, artificial satellite, etc.
Sometimes atmospheric conditions, aircraft exhaust trails, or unusual lighting conditions may produce optical illusions that observers thought were UFOs. After investigating more than 12,000 reports, the U.S. Air Force was unable to explain where the unexplained UFOs come from, but apparently concluded that they did not threaten the national security. The emphasis of the university’s team, headed by Edward U. Condon, seemed to be more concerned with the establishment of the emotional stability or instability of those who reported the sightings than with other evidence.
Psychiatrists have examined the witnesses who claimed to have encountered UFOs and even been taken aboard their craft, such as the two shipyard workers in Mississippi, and found that they are not unbalanced people. “They’re not crackpots. There was definitely something here that was not terrestrial.” Dr. J. Allen Hynek agreed, and added. “Where they are coming from and why they are here is a matter of conjecture. But the fact that they were here on this planet is beyond a reasonable doubt.”
The Air Force after 20 years of being deluged with UFO sightings and spending millions of dollars on their investigation, decided to drop the inquiry business and turned the project over to a Kensington, Maryland, group called NICAP (National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena). This left NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) with part of the task of trying to run UFO sighting reports, including many by its own Apollo and Skylab astronauts. By 1974 over a score of astronauts saw and photographed UFOs during their flights beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Early in the Apollo 11 mission, which culminated in the moon walk, astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins reported sightings of what seemed to be a UFO during the first half of their flight to the lunar surface. There were many more sightings by U.S. and Soviet Astronauts. On November 11, 1966, Gemini XII astronauts Jim Lovell and Edwin Aldrin said that they saw four UFOs linked together, and on October 12, 1964, three Russian astronauts aboard Voskod reported that they were surrounded by a “formation of fast-moving disc-shaped objects.”
UFO Organizations In addition to NICAP, some of the other organizations that study UFO phenomena are MUFON (Mutual UFO Networks), CAUS (Citizens Against UFO Secrecy), GSW (Ground Saucer Watch), CUFOS (the Center for UFO Studies), and APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization), an Arizona nonprofit scientific and educational organization, founded in 1952.
Why the Secrecy?
In their book UFOs Over America, authors Jim and Carol Lorenzo charge that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has been closely involved in the collection and suppression of UFO information. “Witnesses to the phenomena have been bribed, coerced, and threatened by the CIA, who wanted valuable evidence given to them alone.” One reason given is that military intelligence may view the UFOs as a tool of either a known or an unknown potential enemy. “If these vehicles prove evasive and surreptitious, all the more reason to suspect them…. the probability looms large that the minds behind these vehicles may well be gathering intelligence of their own.”
Another reason for secrecy may lie in the hope of obtaining knowledge relating to advanced propulsion methods and anti-gravity systems before other potential enemies on earth may acquire it. Hence, though many nations are secretly investigating UFOs, they are reluctant to share their findings. Robert Lofton, in his book Identified Flying Saucers, claims that the Air Force became the “goat” in the effort of the CIA to debunk many sightings by pilots, radar technicians, and reliable civilian observers. He thinks that the suppression of information about how dangerous UFOs can be is wrong. After citing a case where a child was burned over 50 to 60 percent of her body by a low flying UFO and then taken to an Air Force hospital, no one would explain why her clothes were not burned at the same time. He also describes another burn case in New Mexico and another man who recently received a sledgehammer like blow that knocked him unconscious by the force field of a 100-foot diameter UFO. “The public ought to be told the danger! Nothing helps rumors and panic more than ignorance.
” Major Donald Keyhoe describes in his book Aliens from Space, The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects the difficulties he had in 1957 in trying to get the truth from government agencies after he was director of NICAP, the world’s largest UFO research organization with over 30 subcommittees in the U.S. and abroad.
According to some UFOlogists the attempts at cover-up by the CIA extend to destruction of evidence that it could not confiscate. Apparently, some of our nation’s important leaders have been denied access to some UFO secrets in the possession of an agency of the United States, the very existence of which is classified above top secret. Unleashed by the policy of Glasnost (greater openness) the Soviet media felt free to include accounts of UFO sightings. A Tuss report of October 10, 1989, reported a large shiny ball or disk hovering over a Voronezh park; residents saw the UFO land and three creatures similar to human beings emerged, accompanied by a robot. Apparently, the Russians felt no need to suppress this report, which was poked fun at in Newsweek and Time magazines but not in U.S. News, and World Report:’’
“A scant few decades ago, both the U.S. government and the media treated flying objects as no laughing matter–which even Congress looked into. In 1966, Representative Ford responded to a rash of sightings in his home state of Michigan by calling for, and getting, a House hearing on UFOs.” UFO Missions Many reasons have been advanced for the purpose of the UFOs visits to our planet. Although some of the persons who apparently have been the subjects of genetic investigation, such as the family of Whitley Streiber (shown) may not agree, the majority of those who have studied possible UFO visitors feel that they are friendly.
Whitley Streiber
Mr. Streiber described his experience as terrifying, and believes that these “little figures with eyes that seem to stare into the deepest core of being are asking for something. Whatever it is, it is more than simple information. The goal does not seem to be a sort of clear and open exchange that we might expect; whatever may be surfacing, it wants far more than that. It seems to me that it seeks the very depth of soul; it seeks communion.” From the thousands of reports he has studied. William Spaulding, aerospace engineer and head of the Arizona-based Ground Saucer Watch, believes that a pattern indicates that UFOs are here on a surveillance mission: the fact that a majority of sightings occur around our military installations, research and development areas leads to the conclusion that a methodical study is being made of the earth and its defensive and offensive capabilities. “The phenomena is not unlike our own space explorations: scout ship survey: soil samples; landing.”
In his book Incident at Exeter, John Fuller discusses the seeming affinity of UFOs for electrical power lines in the northeastern part of the United States. In a later section of this chapter dealing with the effects of UFOs on our terrestrial activities, we will see how this affinity may have been responsible for causing 36 million people to lose power over an area of 8,000 square miles. Because of our recent adventures into space, there are some who speculate that UFOs are more concerned with what we will do there than in settling here. In any event, the Air Force’s official publication (issued by the Government Printing Office 1968) called Flying Objects says that ‘No UFO has been determined to represent a threat to our national security. ‘Thatconclusion, however, should not rule out less disastrous consequences than the overthrow of our government. ISBN-13: 978-0912212265 Website
Gravitational Waves Found
For decades, those who had contact with aliens, or contact with UFOs and how they work said that that the disks ride gravitational waves like a sailboat on water. That the disk three propulsion units allows it to ride these waves, and since the waves travel at or faster than the speed of light, time travel is possible. Just a few weeks ago, scientists also announced some new elements discovery. Element 115, if cut into a coin-size piece, can power a UFO for over 20 years nonstop, is now recognized by scientists to exist. It seems it is possible to build a light speed capable ship.
Physicists working with a powerful observatory on Earth announced Thursday that they have finally detected ripples in space and time created by two colliding black holes, confirming a prediction made by Albert Einstein 100 years ago. The merger of two massive black holes created these ripples in the fabric of space-time, called gravitational waves, 1.3 billion years ago. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) on Earth detected them on Sept. 14, 2015, and scientists evaluated their findings and put them through the peer review process before publicly disclosing the landmark discovery today.
While this finding potentially opens an up a new way to learn more about how the universe works, there’s one question in particular non-scientists seem to want answered: Can we finally travel through time now? First, it is not a bad question. Think about space-time as a fabric that stretches through the universe and is affected by matter like stars, black holes, planets and other cosmic objects. Massive bodies warp space-time around them, creating what we feel as gravity on Earth. It would follow that learning more about it could lead to some kind of understanding of how to manipulate space-time to somehow travel through time.. Scientists Announce Discovery Of Gravitational Waves, Paving Way To Light Speed Travel! Feb 2016, UFO Sighting News. Thanks to NASA.
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Filer’s Files # 18 – 2016 Fire Officers UFO Guide - PART II
Filer’s Files # 18 – 2016 Fire Officers UFO Guide - PART II
Sightings in the United States
Alaska Object
Anchorage— The object was traveling at approximate 500 mph, blue in color at less than 500 feet altitude and then came to an abrupt stop on April 21, 2016.
At which point it changed color to blue-white and ascended 45 degrees slowly while changing direction and dropping out of sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arizona Object
Phoenix — My wife and I saw very bright object in the north sky over Chandler) at 7:30 pm on April 21, 2016. We found a good vantage point and parked the car. We observed six very bright orbs. They would glow very bright and then stop and fade in and out, stop and glow. We went home and I saw 2-3 objects and got video and stills. On three occasions lights appeared in the same spot in the sky. It would glow white and light blue or solid white with a center halo and light. It always moved north horizontally and faded in and out until 11:30 pm. At that time, I went to bed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Objects
I was driving with a friend. I felt compelled to take pictures of the sunset, so, I pulled over. We were in an orange grove for ten minutes snapping off random pictures with our cell phones; we saw nothing unusual. When I transferred the photos to my computer, I was amazed and saw white light-orbs near my truck. Also of interest is the white fog creeping in over the orange trees. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orbs
Edinburg — Visitors were seen on April 14, 2016. This picture was taken this evening at 1:17 am. It’s just hard to believe that people around here don’t even notice the different objects in the sky.
I guess they’re not interested like I am. Take Care, Pam Stark
Indiana Light
Chennai — I was busy chatting with my friends and my brother noticed this weird glowing object moving in sky on December 9, 2015. He managed to record this with the Mobile camera for more than a minute. He called me up showing this weird glowing object. The object was moving from northwest in a straight direction and slowly it disappeared in the dark sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Light
Garden City— I am submitting this event for a person that confided in me because they didn’t know what to do about it on April 1, 2016. The subject was attempting to take a picture of the sunrise when looking through the phone viewing screen it was notched that another object was present, a large glowing object that was causing the clouds to turn red. The object was not visible unless viewed through the phone as it evidently can detect wavelengths of light outside normal human eye sensitivity. In reviewing the pictures, which were taken within 6 seconds of each other the object, moved in an upward direction. The object does not appear to be a reflection as the pictures can be aligned perfectly with the only movement being the object’s location. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Minnesota Orbs
Mounds View – On April 22, 2016, I took this photo of a large group of orbs flying overhead.
Thanks to MUFON CMS’
Missouri Cylinder
Richard-Gebaur Air Force Base — On or about March 29, 2003, I was driving from Dallas to Mankato, Minnesota. Staying off the toll roads I ended up on a road going around south of Richard-Gebaur AFB. Driving down an incline on West Markly Road. I saw a lake with white caps due to a hurricane in the south. I made a left turn on the road, crossed a small one-lane bridge, and saw a landed cigar shaped craft about 25 feet tall and unknown length since it was sitting in a canyon, I could only see three rows of portals. I tried to stop because my video camera was in the back seat. Note: A representation picture. CMS
New Mexico Orb
Farmington– My fiancée, children, best friend and I who were abducted with were driving to the four corners on March 29, 2016. We all felt incredible amounts of energy and shot pictures off at the clouds. We couldn’t see things with our naked eyes but the camera picked up a UFO in the clouds. There were unexplainable cloud formations that were running vertical that should have run horizontal. There were greenish florescent orbs, lightning bolts shooting down at structures that looked like Stone Henge. There was a white tubular UFO. These photos must be blown up; you will see multiple UFO’s in and out of the clouds! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Objects
Portsmouth — On April 16, 2016, they lights were in southern Ohio traveling northwest going fast. They stayed in formation except two in back would vary.
Note: The photo shows a formation of several lights. Chinese lanterns may not be a valid explanation given that the objects were seen to be moving rapidly. A check of winds aloft shows that winds were from the southeast at 15 MPH. This is indicative that the lights were moving with the wind. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
Virginia Lights
Virginia Beach — On the evening of March 9, 2015 around 8:50 PM upon leaving Brenneman Farms Marketplace, I filmed these pulsating red/orange orbs in the night sky.
As I walked to my car, I saw a number of pulsating orbs directly overhead. It took me a moment to get my phone camera rolling, at which point the largest group of orbs had faded out into the NE sky. At least ten orbs were in procession gaining altitude until they faded out. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UFOs Worldwide
Australia Flashing Light
Mackay— Every year Australians celebrate the ANZAC DAY dawn service on April 25, 2016. We gather to celebrate those service members lost at war. Today I was standing listening to the speeches when looking up to the horizon a very bright flashing light caught my eye. It was like a triple strobbing before it went out. After about 8-10 seconds, it lit up once more only this time it was not as bright and it looked like a lighthouse light. . The crowd around me then began to follow its path. It was an extremely solemn quiet occasion, the object gave no sound. We could see a dark sphere when the light was off and it moved slowly northwest across the sky. At one stage, it gave out another bright burst of light before we lost sight at 30,000 feet altitude without navigation lights.
I also have never seen a satellite this low. We should have seen the sun reflecting off it. The crowd around me was looking up and pointing in bewilderment. It looked like a black/charcoal sphere that seemed to fully light up before going dark again. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oshawa — On April 19, 2016 while at home I was admiring a relatively clear sky with a thick white trail. Then after about thirty seconds, I noticed a perfect white ring beside the trail. Having camera in hand I took three shots to capture the moment at 6:24 PM. After about ten seconds, it just started to disappear – like the jet’s trail. In all my time in sky watching even the jets that have heavy trails have never seen this before. I have seen something similar ‘after’ the entire trail starts to break up – there may be some ring like shapes. Yet this is not the case as illustrated while the trail is still whole. I do wonder what could have formed a perfect ring. This was strange to witness Thanks again for Filer’s Report. Enjoy Paul Shishis
Czech Republic
Prague– I was on a Segway tour with my friends at sunset, and I turned around and snapped this photo of a popular museum. Upon looking at the photo that night, I noticed the circular lights to the right above the museum. A pair of lights, then a single one, then another pair, and below it another two pairs. I then noticed a small, faint line of lights in a straight line on both sides of the museum. I returned to the museum the next evening, and saw no wires, and the lightening poles are much shorter than where the lights appear to be. I am not sure, if this is UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Egypt Fireballs
Red Sea – I saw three fireballs at one point in the sky, but it is odd to find three stars looking that way. But then they moved and disappeared into the horizon on April 22, 2016. Then two more lights came closer in the east, which is the point where they seemed to stop. One light would take off until it fades, the next light follows, until they are both gone. Two more lights show up three times that looked like fire flakes. CMS
France Rectangle
Rennes — I saw a light from my window white orbs moving, faster than an airplane on April 26, 2016. Then I saw above the building next to mine a UFO with three red colours flashing. It was descending behind the building so I couldn’t witness more.
Then others orbs, and 20 minutes later, a “flying saucer” with pulsing colored lights. I also saw something looking like a really big shooting star low in the sky! Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Lights
Goa — On March 17, 2016, my best friend (aka “Hunter”) and I were just relaxing on the Baga Creek Beach Area at around 10 PM. All of a sudden, “Hunter” spotted three red lights in the sky that were stationary not moving at all and it made no sound at all. We could not explain what it was, but it was a cool UFO Sighting.
Note: The lights show up when the witness zooms in with his camera. Thanks to William Puckett, DirectorWebsite
Island of Punaauia, French Polynesia
The above photo is only half of the ship, with the same half matched to it so that we can see the full view of the alien craft. Don’t confuse this with being a simple cloud. This is a 100% alien tech that can create a cloud to hide inside of. The cloud however may be only a hologram. Source:Website Website
Italy Light
Ponza — My brother in law sent the pictures a few minutes after the sightings on March 15, 2015. We had been talking about these strange events happening in Ponza all the time.
Family members claim these lights show up all the time a few miles out to sea.1 giant one that is visible, almost every evening appears in the eastern sky on Website
United Kingdom Lights
Liphook, Hampshire — Last night April 19, 2016, I was witnessing an orange glowing light that was moving strangely in the sky. The light appeared and disappeared three times in same place in very strange pattern movement. I saw it and tried to take picture with my mobile phone. It’s definitely a strange unexplained sighting of a very large light. Each of three sightings lasted about a half of a minute. This time there were three orbs, but my camera just focused on one of them, and when I zoomed it, it looks like two orbs in one orb. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
Scotland Triangle
Firth of Forth — Possibly dated in April 1991-92 in Kirkcaldy, Fife, I definitely saw whilst on top of a big wheel at the fairground two objects. Whilst looking over to Edinburgh and north over the Firth of Forth Fjord. I spotted a large dark triangular shaped craft stop dead in its tracks. Then it sped off fast west down the Forth. Another craft it shape and color followed exactly same trajectory. Craft descriptions are two triangular orange/red lights. The sighting lasted minutes as the big wheel was letting people off the ride.
Nothing I have seen since explains the fast speed of these craft or exact precision in flight. Both stopped in the same place then flew fast west. Best regards Lori Kozak
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help. A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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Many legends of various Native American tribes, from the Comanches in the north to the manteños in the south, speak of a mysterious race of giant white skin were wiped from the face of the earth.
Choctaw In his book "History of the Choctaw Indians, Chickasaw and Natchez" (1899), Horatio Bardwell Cushman writes: "The tradition of the Choctaw that has long been a race of giants inhabited what is now the State of Tennessee, beings with which their ancestors fought when migrated from the west ... its tradition states that nahullo had an impressive stature. " Cushman says that, over time, the term "Nahullo" became common to refer to all white people, but originally was specifically used to designate a race of white giants with which the Choctaws entered deadly contact after cross the Mississippi river
Comanche In 1857, the chief Ray Vibrante Comanche, a Native American tribe of the Great Plains, said the following about an ancient race of white giants "many moons a race of white men, 3 meters high ago, and much more prosperous and powerful than any pale face who now lives here lived a great part of the nation, extending from the place where the sun rises to where it sets. Its fortifications crowned the tops of mountains, protecting their cities in the intermediate valleys. They exceeded any other nation that has bloomed sooner or later.
It was a brave, proud and warlike race, for which white men today would be only pygmies. " The chief explained that when this race became too conceited and forgot about justice and mercy, the Great Spirit destroyed, leaving only a legacy of their society mounds are still visible in the North American plateaus. "It was a brave, proud and warlike race, for which white men today would be only pygmies." "It was a brave, proud and warlike race, for which white men today would be only pygmies."
This story was documented by Dr. Donald 'Panther' Yates, a researcher and author of books on Native American history. Navajo Yates also mentions beings known as "starnake" by the Navajo, "A majestic white race endowed mining technology giants that dominated western North America, enslaving inferior tribes. They died or returned to heaven. " Azteca In Aztec mythology, with the Legend of the Suns, is aware that humanity Quinametzin were created during the Sun of Rain. Its ruler, according to some versions of the myth, was the god Tlaloc, who corresponded him the sun shone during the third cosmogonic epoch, which ended when Quetzalcóatl made Quinametzin rained fire and burned to death. Men dragging a dead giant, Vatican Codex.
Men dragging a dead giant, Vatican Codex. At Quinametzin were believed to be the builders of the city of Teotihuacan and Tlachihualtepetl on the main temple rose to the Feathered Serpent in Cholula. The tlaxcaltecas recounted that, near the Spanish Conquest times, they themselves had fought the last Quinametzin. Manta In 1864, Pedro Cieza de Leon, a conqueror, but above all, chronicler and historian of the Andean world, wrote in his "Chronicle of Peru 'how manteña native culture (in what today would be the modern Ecuador) he described a legendary race of giants, "There are reports concerning giants in Peru, who have arrived at the coast at the point of Santa Elena.
The natives were dismayed to see a boat made of reeds reaching its shores with a cargo of creatures, so high that knee to the floor were as big as a man of great stature. His limbs were deformed in proportion to the size of their bodies, and their heads was something monstrous to do with hair hanging to his shoulders. His eyes were as large as small plates ".
In his chronicle, Leon said that the degenerate sexual habits giants proved repugnant to the natives, so "heaven" he will eventually exterminated. Paiute The Paiute, a native American tribe in the area of Nevada, has an oral tradition that reported the former white settlers on a race of red-headed giant that their ancestors were known as the "Si-Te-Cah" and who lived in a ancient cave.
This history was recorded by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, daughter of an Indian chief Paiute, in his book "Life among the Paiutes: Torts and Claims" (1882), which describes the "giants" assumptions as bloodthirsty creatures, hostile and cannibalistic. In this story, the Paiute tell a great battle, which occurred at the site now known as the Lovelock Cave, which led to the extermination of creatures. Lovelock skulls taken from the cave.
Lovelock skulls taken from the cave. Photo taken about 40 years ago by researcher Don Monroe. In the early twentieth century, archaeologists found thousands of objects inside the cave giving rise to a prolonged excavation and speculation about the possibility that the Paiute legend was real, because, among other surprising objects which would end largely in private- collections were unearthed bones with marks of cannibalism, sandals almost 40 cm, and skulls with red hair.
Army Chief of Staff warns of “hybrid armies” and “little green men"
Army Chief of Staff warns of “hybrid armies” and “little green men"
In a speech last week at Norwich University, General Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army, told the audience, many of whom were ROTC cadets, that in the future the cadets will be dealing with, among other things, “hybrid armies” and “little green men.” Some UFOers have assumed this to be an admission that armies of aliens and their alien/human hybrids are threatening the Earth. However, both of those are military terms that mean something entirely different.
Milley made the remarks at an event marking the 100th anniversary of the ROTC program. His speech emphasized the qualities that will be important for the cadets in the future, especially given the increasing complexity of world conflicts.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, speaks at Norwich University during its Reserve Officer Training Corps Centennial Symposium, April 21, 2016. (Photo: Staff Sgt. Chuck Burden/Army)
“If the world if (sic) 1916 was complex, or the world of 1945 was complex, the world of 2016 is intensely complex, and I can tell you that from personal experience,” he said. “You’ll be dealing with terrorists, you’ll be dealing with hybrid armies, you’ll be dealing with little green men, you’ll be dealing with tribes, you’re going to be dealing with it all, and you’re going to be dealing with it simultaneously.”
General Mark A. Milley, 39th Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army. (Credit: U.S. Army)
His statements appear to be shocking. He seems to be telling the cadets that he knows from experience they will be fighting aliens! And what about hybrid armies? What are those? They sound terrifying.
Those familiar with terminology used in the study of alleged alien abduction know hybrids to be beings that are half alien and half human. This has lead some websites to proclaim that the Army has admitted they are preparing for battle with aliens!
However, this is not the case. Both of these are terms that are being used by the military to mean something other than aliens. “Hybrid armies” is actually referring to the mix of conventional and non-conventional nature of many of our enemies. For instance, some of them are non-state combatants, or terrorists that do not belong to a recognized state, like ISIS.
These armies might also be using a mixture of tactics, such as an army that includes cyber warfare. It is a new term, but essentially represents the complex and non-traditional makeup of combat forces.
So what about the “little green men?” These are the forces that were seen in the Ukraine that the are believed to be Russian special forces. They are Russian forces deployed in Ukraine and Crimea, but they wear unmarked uniforms and drive unmarked vehicles. Russia has denied they have deployed these forces. It has been a strange case of everyone knowing who they really are, but their identities being officially denied.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley is not briefing cadets about an alien threat. He is actually talking to soldiers serving in Erbil, Iraq, Dec. 18. Milley was on a five day tour of the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. (Photo: Staff Sgt. Chuck Burden/Army)
So, Milley was not warning the cadets about aliens, but perhaps just as scary, he was warning them about the complex makeup of the enemies they will face. This includes terrorist, armies without states, cyber warfare, and unidentified armies working covertly.
If Milley is hiding a secret about the U.S. engaging in a secret battle with aliens, he hasn’t let it slip, yet. Either there is no such battle, or he figured he freaked out the cadets enough. He might have reckoned adding the aliens thing could have made them all go screaming out of the room.
Eyewitness states: I was browsing some live cams and stopped in at the Elk refuge, and this happened haha! In the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night at an Elk refuge near Yellowstone. It is probably a passing vehicle that caused the reflection, but I am sure some will think it is the handiwork of aliens and that the reflection is a tiny spaceship :)
This UFO is there now, click the link above before its gone. I have been watching this cam for several years now and this UFO has changed positions since them. This is a parked UFO, placed in the air over the aliens home so that no one will find it by accident. The UFO is invisible to the name eye, however we only see it because of the light below that has infrared light emanating from it. IR light reveals it to the security cam in the distance. Since the night cam is now in IR mode (night time) we can see it, up until just after sunset...its still there. Then its cloak works and it turns invisible, because the live cam turns off its IR mode and goes into normal color mode. Scott C. Waring
NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope discovered an Earth-like planet circling a nearby star within the Goldilocks zone of our galaxy. Kepler-186f is around 500 light-years from Earth in the Cygnus constellation. The habitable zone, also identified as the Goldilocks zone, is the area around a star within which planetary-mass objects with enough atmospheric pressure can sustain liquid water at their surfaces. While it has been projected that there are at least 40 billion Earth-sized planets circling in our Milky Way Galaxy, this specific finding is labelled the first Earth-sized planet to be discovered in the habitable zone of another star.
What does this mean?
In addition to Kepler-186f, there are 4 other planets that circle a nearby star within the Kepler-186f system. What this means is that if the neighbouring star to this planet is just like our Sun, then the likelihood of life on this planet exponentially increases.
“We know of only one planet where life survives – Earth. When we hunt for life outside our solar system, we emphasis on discovering planets with features that mimic that of Earth,” said Elisa Quintana, research scientist at the SETI Institute at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., and lead author of the paper issued on 27th January in the journal Science. “Discovering a habitable zone planet similar to Earth in size is a major breakthrough.”
The neighbouring star to Kepler-186f has half the mass and size as our solar system’s Sun and only gets one-third of the energy that we get from our Sun. Kepler-186f circles its star once every 130 days.
Delta Force agent claims they were 'abducted by UFO' in shock complaint to US military
Delta Force agent claims they were 'abducted by UFO' in shock complaint to US military
A SERVING US senior anti-terror special agent sensationally claimed her own commanders sent her insane by poisoning her with uranium and following her with drones, because she knew too much about a friendly fire incident.
The woman made the shocking allegations while still a serving commander with Delta Force
The woman even claimed to have been abducted by aliens in a UFO during her ordeal, can exclusively reveal.
Details of the Delta Force Afghanistan veteran commander's extraordinary allegations against the military and US Government emerged after the US Naval Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) released part-redacted documents following a probe it carried out into the claims of harassment.
The US Delta Force is a US Army unit similar to the UK SAS and used for hostage rescue, including the October 2015 release of 20 prisoners from an Islamic State (ISIS) prison near Hawija in Iraq, counterterrorism, and assassinations or surveillance of high-value targets.
The allegations bears startling similarities to the murder of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko, 43, who is believed to have been killed by the KGB on orders of the Kremlin and died from uranium poisoning in London in 2006.
It also resembles plots from US TV CBS series Homeland in which special agent Carrie Mathison played by Clare Danes has suffered a number of mental breakdowns, and Person of Interest whereby subjects of surveillance are followed by cameras.
The woman, whose name has been redacted from the report along with other personal details, made the complaint on September 5 2013 at NCISRA Camp Pendleton in California.
The released report said the woman: "Claimed upon her return from a deployment with the US Army Delta Force in Afghanistan she became ill.
"(She) stated she was infected with a nano-partical which was provided to her via food, vaccines, and through the air because she had knowledge of a friendly fire incident wherein a soldier was killed in action.
"(She) stated after an illness caused from (redacted) she was returning home from work in Los Angeles, california, to Burbank, when she noticed she was being followed.
"(She) claimed she was being followed by a US drone or unidentified flying object (UFO)."
Alexander Litvinenko was given uranium allegedly by order of the Kremlin
The woman, who rose to the rank of commander and held secret security clearance at the time of her complaints, claimed she photographed the "drone" but did not have them available when she was interviewed by investigators about her complaint.
Investigators reported a series of bizarre experiences she claimed to have had, which cast question marks over her sanity, after taking up mediation to "calm her ongoing illness and government tracking of her."
These included an out-of-body experience during meditation, when she claimed to ascend into a space craft, meeting an alien calked Ashtar who claimed "they war eloping for her," and being burnt on the legs by an "electro-magnetic pulse weapon."
she was infected with a nano-partical which was provided to her via food, vaccines, and through the air because she had knowledge of a friendly fire incident wherein a soldier was killed in action
NCIS report
The woman said in June 2013 she was travelling to be promoted from Lieutenant Commander to the rank of Commander when she went to Virginia Beach because it was the last place she saw her "soul mate," a US Navy Seal Team 6 member who was killed on duty in Iraq.
Members of that elite squad famously took out Osama bin Laden.
But she visited the Hampton Inn, had an alcoholic drink, then swam in the sea, where she had an out-of-body experience and removed all her clothes, it said.
Police arrested her for indecent exposure and she spent six days in a cell, it said.
She was then transferred to the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, Virginia.
A page from the NCIS report and (inset below) a section in close up
Investigators said they contacted the medical facility in question, which confirmed staff thought she was not taking medication.
The report said an unnamed person said the veteran "will be processed for separation from the US Navy."
But staff at NCISRA Camp Pendleton chose not to investigate further after interviewing her.
Instead, the report said two personnel informed her "due to the location these incidents have occurred," they had no jurisdiction, and she needed to report it to counterparts in those areas.
It is not clear from the report if the woman took her complaint elsewhere or what became of her.
'American Sniper' Chris Kyle
US Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, dubbed the ‘American Sniper’, was murdered on a gun range at Rough Creek Lodge in Texas on Saturday 2nd February 2013. Bradley Cooper starred as Chris Kyle in blockbuster American Sniper.
Navy SEAL Chris Kyle holds a 308 sniper rifle at his home on 6 April 2012
The report added she: "Claimed she was physically assaulted by members of (the medical centre) while she was admitted to the psychiatric ward."
After being discharged, she said she had another out-of-body experience while with an unnamed person in a restaurant in Burbank.
During this episode, she yelled at staff that the unnamed person with her was "a terrorist responsible for" the 9/11 terror strikes, before leaving and being arrested by police, then admitted to the Naval Medical Center in San Diego.
The report said she stopped taking prescribed medication after being released amid claims she was falsely diagnoses with mental health issues and "the US Navy was attempting to kick her out after 14 honourable years."
She chose to snub a book medical appointment on the day she made the complaint, claiming she did not need treatment.
But the release of the documents has caused a buzz on conspiracy their websites.
Jack Brewer said in an article on the UFO Trail blog site: "I very much appreciate Greenewald's efforts due to my interest in the activities of NCIS."
He pointed to the book Chameleo: A strange but True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland Security by Robert Guffey.
In the book Mr Guffey claimed the NCIS had used interrogation techniques that induced perceptions in the subjects which were like the experiences of so-called alien abductees.
Mr Brewer also points to the 2015 Hoffman report to the American Psychological Association which looked at national security interrogation and torture methods and said the NCIS had used "ethically very marginal" techniques on a "petty officer who was screened for hypnosis." has asked the NCIS to comment on the allegations and if the complain ever resurfaced and awaits a response.
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Nieuw boek over mensen die zeggen dat onze overheden samenwerken met aliens
Nieuw boek over mensen die zeggen dat onze overheden samenwerken met aliens
Bijna 41 jaar geleden werd een man uit Arizona op weg naar huis naar eigen zeggen ontvoerd door een UFO. Zijn naam is Travis Walton. Vijf dagen na de vermeende ontvoering, op 5 november 1975, dook hij weer op.
Zijn verhaal is opgenomen in het nieuwe fotoboek Phenomena van de Deense fotografen Peter Helles Eriksen, Sara Galbiata en Tobias Selnaes Markussen. “Het is een gedeelde interesse,” zei Galbiata over het onderwerp UFO’s en aliens tegen CNN.
De foto’s die in het boek staan zijn gemaakt in Arizona, New Mexico en Nevada, inclusief Area 51, de Amerikaanse legerbasis vlak bij het plaatsje Rachel. In Phoenix werden op 13 maart 1997 de beroemde Phoenix Lights gezien.
“In Denemarken of in Europa is het nog steeds een soort taboe: als je in UFO’s gelooft praat je daar verder niet over,” zei Galbiati. “De meeste mensen zullen denken dat je gek bent. In Amerika is dat anders.”
Galbiati, Eriksen en Markussen waren blij verrast over het aantal mensen dat mee wilde werken aan het boek. “Ik kan niet zeggen dat iemand die een verhaal over een ontvoering vertelt zit te liegen, omdat ik er niet bij was,” zei Galbiati. “Ik zal daar verder dan ook niet over oordelen.”
Professor Frank Kinbler van het New Mexico Military Institute verzamelt in zijn vrije tijd bewijs op de crashplek bij Roswell (Phenomena)
Tijdens een bijeenkomst over UFO’s en buitenaardse ervaringen was het voor het drietal alsof ze een andere wereld binnenstapten. Een wereld waar ze nog nooit van hadden gehoord.
Sommige mensen die ze ontmoetten geloven dat er 35 verschillende buitenaardse rassen zijn. Een aantal van hen zegt dat aliens hier op aarde zijn en samenwerken met onze overheden.
“Sommigen denken dat ze kwade bedoelingen hebben, terwijl anderen denken dat ze hier zijn om de aarde te beschermen of om ons tegen onszelf te beschermen omdat we een destructief ras zijn,” aldus Galbiati. “We hebben de atoombom gemaakt, we hebben dingen gemaakt waar we geen controle over hebben. Ze zijn dus bang dat we onze aarde en het universum zullen beschadigen.”
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.