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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Stunning Cloud Maps Tell the Story of Life on Earth
Stunning Cloud Maps Tell the Story of Life on Earth
By Brian Kahn, Climate Central
Seasonal cloud concentration by month. Darker colors indicate less of a seasonal trend in cloudiness.
Credit: EarthEnv
Clouds might seem like a nuisance if you’re headed on a Sunday afternoon picnic. But put aside your personal biases for a second and consider this: clouds can also tell the story of life on earth.
That story has become a lot clearer thanks to new maps created by scientists that document a global year in the clouds in more intimate detail than ever before. The maps — a cloud atlas if you will — provide a fine-grained view of how clouds move around in our atmosphere and represent an important link between climate and ecological research. They’re also pretty easy on the eyes.
It turns out, England is indeed cloudy for most of the year while most of the Bay Area’s clouds show up in February. Adam Wilson, a researcher at the University of Buffalo who helped create the cloud atlas, joked that you could use the maps to settle bets between friends on who lives in the cloudiest place.
But beyond bets and bragging rights, Wilson said the maps also provide a tool for tracking life around the planet. It turns out that the different biomes of the world from deserts to mountains to cloud forests all have their own special patterns of clouds, patterns that can be instrumental to studying the patterns of life itself.
"I wasn’t expecting the signal of the biomes would stand out so stark globally," Wilson said. "The Mediterranean, southwest Africa, Australia, they all pop out as a totally different. That’s not scientifically amazing but seeing it for the first time in a map was just striking."
Spatial variation in cloud frequency.
Credit: EarthEnv
There have been other efforts to get fine-grained cloud data in the past, but they’ve been marred by being limited to the tropics or getting false positives of clouds in snowy areas. Wilson and colleagues at Yale created a new analysis of satellite data captured at a 1-kilometer resolution by NASA everyday for the past 15 years to shine a light on the cloudy skies.
The new data analysis helps bridge an big divide between the climate and ecology communities. Ecologists track plants and animals across the planet at very fine scale, sometimes looking at a few square feet of soil, but climate science often provides data at a much larger spatial scale. With the new dataset, ecologists' understanding of the climate factors that affect life has vastly expanded.
And because it’s satellite data, the majority of the globe is covered including places that might be lacking on-the-ground measurements like rainforests and deserts in developing countries. Those areas are also home to a number of threatened and endangered species that will face growing pressure from climate change.
“Having the best possible environmental data will lead to best species model distribution approach,” he said, noting that that modeling could in turn help inform management decisions.
Timing of peak cloudiness.
Credit: NASA Earth Observatory
Species distribution modeling incorporates a whole host of environmental data from climate to the type of soil on the ground to get a better view of where individual plants and animals live. Wilson and his colleagues recently authored a study that plugged the new cloud data into a model for two species and found it helped improved their range estimates.
“One thing that’s been a disconnect between the climate community and the ecological community is this gap in spatial resolution,” he said. “Using remote sensing like we’ve done that’s capable of directly observing cloud cover is how we can get down to fine spatial resolution.”
Climate change is expected to put more stress on plants and animals. That means decisions on how to manage them, what areas to conserve and whether and where to relocate threatened species will take on ever greater importance. The new data could help answer some of those pressing questions.
Because the data is publicly available, users beyond the ecological realm can also play around with it. Wilson told Vox there could be a whole host of applications in the solar industry, which perhaps not surprisingly has a lot invested in the sunny side equation.
Bolivia: Remembering the Tarija UFO Crash (6 May 1978)
Bolivia: Remembering the Tarija UFO Crash (6 May 1978)
Source: PLANETA UFO (Argentina) and El Deber (Bolivia) Date: 05.06.2016
Bolivia: Remembering the Tarija UFO Crash (6 May 1978)
38 Years Since Mysterious Object Fell at the Border An unidentified flying object fell to the ground at the border between Bolivia and Argentina. Eyewitnesses remember that moment. According to their stories, NASA was involved.
38 years after a metallic and incandescent object fell at the border between Bolivia and Argentina, there are enduring mysteries about what took place on May 6, 1978.
Elias Vacaflor, a witness to the events 38 years ago, says that NASA was on the scene and did not say a word about what was taken away after the UFO crash. According to the former congressman, letters were sent to the government - both to the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Relations, without replies having ever been received. They only agreed that it was a "subject that did not give rise to any concerns."
"I remember that the sky lit up in an unusual way due to the flying of an object resembling a cylinder flying for Northwest to Southeast," says Vacaflor.
Residents of Mecoya, Mecoyita, Sidras, La Merced and other communities surrounding the crash area also witnessed the object and heard the subsequent explosion. Residents of Argentina, the neighboring country, also felt it, and the press offered information on the extraordinary event. The Clarín newspaper ran the headline "UFO Found on the Border Between Argentina and Bolivia."
Journalist Juan Antonio Abarzúa, who worked for El Tribuno de Saltaat the time, said that NASA helicopters arrived at the crash site.
Abarzúa, who formed part of that newspaper's visit to the scene, coincided with another team headed by physicist Orlando Bravo. He says that upon reaching the crash site, they found a scene of total destruction: a mountain - Cerro El Salle - had been destroyed, leaving a furrowed crater measuring 1,500 meters long, 800 meters wide and 50 meters deep (4920 ft. x 2600 ft. x 160 ft.).
Residents of Mecoya had already told them that the "gringos had taken away" the remains of whatever had fallen there.
(Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to David Maygua of El Deber and Guillermo Giménez of Planeta UFO)
Whether we visualize aliens as ray gun-toting invaders or peace-loving geniuses, we are fascinated by whether they exist and how they might finally contact us. It seems that scientists are no different.
From alien megastructures to space tractors, here are some of the more bizarre ways scientists have theorized that aliens are likely to contact humans.
10. The Megastructure
The mysterious monolith in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey turned out to be an alien machine designed to observe species and trigger evolutionary behaviors. Some scientists have argued that alien megastructures could be acting as a giant beacon to other civilizations.
In fact, scientists have been closely watching the star KIC 8462852, whose luminescence has mysteriously varied over the past few years. Some argue that the star is surrounded by an alien megastructure that occasionally blocks light coming from the star. Other, less exciting explanations are a swarm of exoplanets or a planet-forming disc. Scientists have searched for brief laser pulses from the distant star, but have yet to find any.
“The hypothesis of an alien megastructure around KIC 8462852 is rapidly crumbling apart,” said Douglas Vakoch, president and author of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) International. He also stated, “We found no evidence of an advanced civilization beaming intentional laser signals toward Earth.”
9. Flashing A Billion Stars
Astrophysicist Ragbir Bhathal works with SETI to scan the skies for possible communications from extraterrestrial intelligence. Unlike most SETI facilities, which look for radio signals, Bhathal’s facility looks for laser pulses at his lab. The pulses sweep a nearby volume of space—within about 100 light-years—to find laser bursts that come in regular patterns. Scientists are now capable of detecting signals as faint as a single photon of light every few fractions of a second.
Lasers can, in principle, help transmit messages over extraordinary distances. While scientists have monitored a large number of stars looking for alien laser signals—like the facilities at Harvard and Princeton that scanned more than 10,000 Sun-like stars for several years—no evidence for any alien communication has been found.
8. Alien Probes
Perhaps alien signals aren’t traveling in electromagnetic waves at all. Instead, signs of intelligent life may be very small objects sent out to explore the universe. After all, we have sent out probes to planets such Mars, Saturn, and Venus. Mathematicians in Scotland have suggested that “self-replicating” alien probes could have already explored our solar system andmay still be here, but are undetectable to our inferior technologies.
The robotic probes could explore our galaxy and self-replicate themselves from interstellar dust and gas. Afterward, the parent and child probes would each set off for a different star, where they would look for signs of life and self-replicate themselves again. Doctors Nicholson and Forgan concluded that a fleet of these probes could explore the entire galaxy in the relatively short time of 10 million years.
Dr. Forgan said that the fact that we have not detected or seen any evidence of alien probes in the solar system suggests either that there have been no probe-building civilizations in our neighborhood in a few million years or that the probes are so hi-tech we are unable to observe them. Another possibility is that we are failing the aliens’ intelligence test by not detecting the probes.
7. Radio Waves From Far Away
For years, mysterious blasts of radio waves coming from billions of light-years away have stumped our scientists. Lasting only several thousandths of a second, the blasts, called fast radio bursts, have appeared randomly in the sky. Scientists haven’t been able to figure out what these blazing bright bursts actually are. Alternately, they have suggested that the culprits could be evaporating black holes, colliding dense objects, or flaring dead stars.
After studying how the incoming radio waves from a newly detected burst were twisted and scattered, a team of scientists have uncovered some crucial clues about the blast’s origin: It originated far away, in an area with dense, highly magnetized plasma, and it traveled through two gas clouds before colliding with the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia.
Now, astronomers suspect that flaring magnetars (magnetic stars) might also emit radio waves and could be the culprits behind fast radio bursts. “It’s very exciting,” says Duncan Lorimer, the astronomer at West Virginia University who discovered the first fast radio burst in 2007. “We are definitely moving further forward to solving the mystery.”
6. Junk Radiation
Not all aliens may be looking for other creatures in the universe. Theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson has argued that even shy aliens might develop technology to siphon energy from a nearby star using an orbiting object known as a Dyson sphere. If humans were to collect all of the Sun’s energy, we would probably use some form of Dyson sphere.
Freeman J. Dyson first explored this idea as a thought experiment in 1960. He proposed that searching for such structures might lead to the discovery of advanced civilizations elsewhere in the galaxy. These Dyson sphereswould throw off waste heat in the form of infrared radiation. Already, researchers at the Allen Telescope Array and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope are scouring the skies for signs of such waste radiation.
If it sounds like science fiction, Dyson did admit that he borrowed it from the 1937 science fiction novel Star Maker and used it as inspiration.
5. Space Tractors
Jaron Lanier suggested that it was time to start thinking about repositioning the Sun and other nearby stars in order to send signals to aliens. After that, we should begin to search for signs that suggest aliens might have done the same for us.
In fact, when neutron stars were discovered, scientists thought they might be messages from “little green men.” Lanier suggested sending a significant number of “tractor” spacecrafts over many years into the outer solar system. The spacecraft would be programmed to operate for hundreds of thousands of years, with their gravitational pull diverting solar objects.
The point of moving stars around is to guide them into orbital formations that would not have occurred naturally. A group of stars organized to present a sign in this way might be called a “graphstellation”—like a constellation, but also a form of writing. This message would say “Hey, we are here.”
4. Needle In A Haystack
Even if aliens are trying to make contact, there’s no guarantee we would receive their messages. The universe is 91 billion light-years across, and messages could come from anywhere. To narrow the search, some argue that aliens would be more likely to send messages our way if they knew where we were. A study published in February 2016 found that there are only 82 stars that we know of that have a direct line of sight to Earth.
Heller and his colleague, Ralph Pudritz at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, predicted that there might be up to 100,000 stars within this zone of the sky—some of which could have planets teeming with life orbiting them. One advantage of this approach is that this tiny slice of sky is relatively easy to search.
“You could just skim or scan the whole Earth transit zone over the course of maybe a few dozen nights or so, depending on how large the field of view of your radio telescope is,” Heller told Live Science. If these hidden exoplanets harbor life, they’d also be in the same galactic neighborhood . . . just a few hundred light-years away.
3. Destruction Of An Alien Planet
One of the ways we may be able to spot alien civilizations is through the destruction of their own planet, says Dr. Nathalie Cabrol, who is leading the hunt for alien life at the SETI Institute in California. “There is a window in time when you can expect a civilization to get to this disequilibrium as we are in now. During this time, you will find signatures in the atmosphere of a planet that shouldn’t be there.”
Cabrol’s views echo that of the former astronaut, John Grunsfeld, who earlier this year said, “If there is life out there, intelligent life, they’ll know we’re here.” He believes advanced alien civilizations may spot humans from afar due to the changes we’ve made to Earth’s environment. At the Astrobiology Science Conference in Chicago, he stated, “We put out atmospheric signatures that guarantee someone with a large telescope 20 light-years away could detect us.”
2. Wait A Few Billion Years
Researchers from NASA’s Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) used observations from telescopes, like the Hubble and Kepler, to calculate that Earth is only in the first 8 percent of all Earth-like planets that will ever form. The other 92 percent of Earth-like planets haven’t even been formed yet. Author Peter Behroozi said, “Compared to all the planets that will ever form in the universe, the Earth is actually quite early.”
Because it is so early, the researchers think it is highly unlikely that ours is the only planet that will ever develop intelligent life. In the paper, Behroozi and his co-author, Molly Peeples, wrote, “The Earth formed before 92 percent of similar planets that the universe will form. This implies an 8 percent chance that we are the only civilization the universe will ever have.” Those are pretty good odds to say that we aren’t alone. We might just need to wait a few billion years to make sure.
1. Find A Clone Of Our Sun
What if we could find a star that’s similar in temperature, size, and chemical composition to our Sun? Our Earth relies on the Sun’s energy to fuel life by using photosynthesis. If we could find a star that matches our Sun, then maybe there could also be a twin solar system.
In 2012, astronomers discovered HP 56948, the Sun’s “clone,” only 200 light-years away. The chemical composition of HP 56548 has unusual amounts of aluminum, calcium, magnesium, and silicon—the same ratio as our Sun. However, the system may not have an Earth-sized planet in its habitable zone. Even if there is one, it may not have the right chemical ingredients for life, such as water and carbon. And, even if there is a flourishing world with life forms, it may not have progressed to an intelligent species.
If it takes four billion years for intelligent beings to emerge, and if there is an Earth-like planet, then a civilization should be orbiting HP 56548 right now.
A long time ago in a Welsh aircraft hangar far away: Never-before-seen images reveal secret 1979 project to construct Star Wars' Millennium Falcon for classic films
A long time ago in a Welsh aircraft hangar far away: Never-before-seen images reveal secret 1979 project to construct Star Wars' Millennium Falcon for classic films
The only full-scale model of Han Solo's Millennium Falcon spaceship was built in a Welsh hangar in 1979
The life-size version of the spaceship was constructed for The Empire Strikes Back, the second film in the series
Workers at Pembroke Dock were sworn to secrecy over the project and it was nicknamed the 'Magic Roundabout'
The secret of how the legendary Star Wars spaceship the Millennium Falcon was built has been revealed - in a high-security project codenamed 'Magic Roundabout' in the Welsh countryside.
The only full-size model of Han Solo's iconic craft was constructed at an aircraft hangar in Pembroke Dock, west Wales, where workers were sworn to silence over what they were making.
Newly released photographs show dozens of joiners, welders and metal-platers at work during the three months they spent putting together the giant freighter flown by Harrison Ford in the famous science fiction series.
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Engineering foreman John Clark and two friends are pictured beside the life-size Millennium Falcon model in a newly released photo of the project
The distinctive shape of the Millennium Falcon is clearly recognisable in the second photo taken by Mr Clark
A group of workers go over the plans for the massive spaceship during its construction at Pembroke Dock
It was built inside an aircraft hangar with workers involved in the project sworn to secrecy
The huge prop was made inside an aircraft hangar which had been home to the Sunderland flying boats during the Second World War.
The giant steel doors were kept shut from morning until night to hide the construction - there were no unauthorised visits, photographs were banned and the workers were sworn to secrecy.
But one amateur photographer managed to get a snap of the 'fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy' as it was nearing completion.
The never before seen picture shows how the Millennium Falcon earned its wings in the town of Pembroke Dock.
John Evans, a historian in the town, said: 'Star Wars has a global following and this is yet another great reason for tourists to come here.
'Pembroke Dock is a military town and we have people coming from far and wide to follow family footsteps, be it Navy, Army or Air Force.
'But there is also this incredible link to Star Wars which is almost a cult thing and a 21st century concept.
'People can still see the very building where the Millennium Falcon was made.'
The photograph was taken by local man John Clark, a foreman with Marcon Fabrications, a heavy engineering firm that serviced the UK's petrochemical and oil industries.
Work on the model (pictured) finished in 1979 and it was transported to film studios in Hertfordshire
Mr Clark recalled: 'One of the directors was in cahoots with someone with the studios or someone associated with the Star Wars films.
'I was very surprised that we'd gone that type of work because we built stuff for the oil industry and the offshore industry, but we got the contract. It was just a reasonable size team of workers that built all the framework.
'I was foreman on the job at the time. When we built it - as you can see on the photographs - we had it on hover pads on the legs so that it could be moved as though it was going to take off and so forth.
'We tried to keep it as much a secret as possible because you didn't want everybody prying and coming round the hangar, but it got out. People were prying and trying to see what was going on but half of them didn't believe it, saying: "Building a spaceship? That's rubbish".'
He said the Millennium Falcon was then disassembled into pieces so it could be transported to the studios in Hertfordshire.
'The artists in the film industry, the craftsman, went to work on it and made it into what you see on The Empire Strikes Back.'
This rare photograph was taken during the top-secret project which was codenamed Magic Roundabout
Work on the spaceship finished in 1979 and the prop was then transported to Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire
The company had been asked by filmmakers to build a life-sized, moving prop for key scenes in the second Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back.
And Mr Clark used his pocket-sized 110 camera to get a colour photograph of himself and two friends standing next to the Millennium Falcon.
Work on the spaceship finished shortly after the picture was taken in 1979 and the prop was transported to Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire.
The film was released in 1980 and was a box office smash around the world. This was followed up by the third film in the trilogy, 1983's Return of the Jedi.
A permanent exhibition of Star Wars photographs, artefacts and memorabilia is being opened to celebrate Pembroke Dock's links with the iconic movie franchise.
Mr Evans added: 'This has been a huge thing for us.
'This is great for tourism and a very unique claim to fame for Pembroke Dock.'
Star Wars The Force Awakens Millennium Falcon Scene Reversed
Han Solo's much-loved Millennium Falcon (pictured) has taken a unique place in pop culture
In the 38 years since it first appeared on the big screen, the space ship piloted by Han Solo and his Wookiee assistant Chewbacca in the original Star Wars series has become an easily recognizable piece of pop culture.
Armed with laser cannons and the famed 'hyperdrive' technology, it featured in the first movie A New Hope and went on to become a regular setting throughout the series.
Such is the high esteem in which fans hold it, the exact specifications of the model, its weaponry, shielding systems and engines have all been meticulously documented.
The ship is technically a light freighter measuring 111ft in length by 82ft wide. While it is rounded and flat in shape, it measures 26ft high - inclusive of the attached exterior weaponry.
Its maximum speed is 1,050kmph. But this is vastly surpassed when it goes into 'hyperdrive' - a mode illustrated in the films when the stars surrounding it appear stretched or blurred as it travels through light years within the space of hours.
The ship is powered by five different engines - primarily a 'Quadrex power core' and four backup or emergency generators.
Its main weapons are 2G Quad Laster cannons and a hidden ground-defence blaster cannon, though many other improvised weapons make brief appearances in the films.
Capable of carrying six passengers, it is crewed by two people - those usually being Han Solo or Chewbacca - with provisions for two others to man guns during space battles.
The ship was piloted by Harrison Ford's character Han Solo (right). Here he pictured next to Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia and Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker
Peter Mayhew is dressed as Chewbacca during filming for the original Star Wars trilogy.
He is pictured centre alongside co-stars Luke Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford
'World on brink of being told aliens EXIST' after NASA 'hints at announcement'
'World on brink of being told aliens EXIST' after NASA 'hints at announcement'
THE world's population is being primed for an announcement that aliens have visited Earth after NASA hinted at new developments, conspiracy theorists have shockingly claimed.
“We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”
But, whereas the NASA chief was likely referring to signs of the earliest forms of life, such as single-celled organisms in space, the conspiracy community has taken the remarks a giant leap further.
In a posting on, the website argued: "Most people 'in the know' realise that NASA is just part of the military industrial complex, but a recent open admission on mainstream news that 'there are indications of alien life' is likely the beginning of a bid to get your undivided attention before full-forced disclosure ensues.
"It isn’t going to take that long if we open our eyes."
What we’re going to understand is that our 'secret' government has been hiding this fact for ages.
Conspiracy Club
The website report suggested that rather than being on the brink of an historic discovery, the world's leaders have been hiding the existence of aliens from us for years.
The post added: "What we’re going to understand is that our 'secret' government has been hiding this fact for ages.
"Our shadow government has been lying about off-planet corporate slavery rings, alien abductions, benevolent beings who can only do so much until our collective consciousness elevates, and much, much more.
"We will learn that aside from extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet and many different ET races tinkering with our DNA over millenia, there are ancient humanoid races that are more than 10million years old."
Conspiracy theorists claim that a global elite comprised of people more senior than the US President have been hiding evidence from the general population for years for fear of their reaction and the potential impact on religion, the rule of law, and civil disorder.
But sceptics claim much of these conspiracies are just myths that begin life as sic-fi novels and explode once someone puts them forward, before they are repeated online over and over.
But the website is convinced something is coming, but that NASA's talk of new announcements were just a "ruse."
It added: "Be sure to remember those who have been executed to try to prove this information to us decades ago, and to use discernment when the truth is finally revealed."
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“Wereld krijgt binnenkort te horen dat aliens bestaan”
“Wereld krijgt binnenkort te horen dat aliens bestaan”
De wereldbevolking wordt warm gemaakt voor buitenaards bezoek op aarde. Dat maken complottheoretici op uit uitspraken door NASA-wetenschappers, schrijft de Britse Daily Express.
Volgens hoofdwetenschapper van de NASA Ellen Stofan zullen we in de komende 10 jaar sterke tekenen van buitenaards leven hebben en in de komende 10 tot 20 jaar definitief bewijs ervan.
“We weten waar we moeten zoeken en hoe we moeten zoeken,” zei ze. “In de meeste gevallen hebben we daar ook de technologie al voor. De vraag is niet of we bewijs van buitenaards leven zullen vinden, de vraag is wanneer.”
Verborgen gehouden
Hoewel de hoofdwetenschapper waarschijnlijk microben bedoelde, gaan complottheoretici een stap verder. De website schrijft bijvoorbeeld: “De meeste ingewijden beseffen dat NASA onderdeel is van het militair-industrieel complex, maar de recente bekentenis in de media dat er ‘sterke aanwijzingen zijn voor buitenaards leven’ is waarschijnlijk een poging om je aandacht te trekken voordat de openbaarmaking plaatsvindt.”
“Het zal niet zo lang gaan duren als we onze ogen openen,” klinkt het nog.
De website suggereert dat de wereldleiders het bestaan van aliens al jaren voor ons verborgen houden. “Onze ‘geheime overheid’ verbergt dit al een eeuwigheid. Onze schaduwregering heeft gelogen over buitenaardse ontvoeringen, goedaardige wezens die weinig kunnen doen tot ons collectieve bewustzijn stijgt en nog veel meer.”
Met ons DNA geknoeid
“We zullen erachter komen dat buitenaardse wezens niet alleen onze planeet bezoeken, maar ook dat veel buitenaardse rassen door de jaren heen met ons DNA hebben geknoeid en dat er oude mensachtige rassen zijn die meer dan 10 miljoen jaar oud zijn.”
Complottheoretici claimen dat de wereldelite, bestaande uit mensen die boven de Amerikaanse president staan, al jaren bewijs verborgen houden voor het publiek uit angst voor de reactie en de impact op religie.
Sceptici beweren dat veel van deze complotten mythes zijn die gebaseerd zijn op sciencefictionboeken. De website is echter overtuigd dat er ‘iets’ aanstaande is, maar dat de aankondiging door de NASA slechts een zoethoudertje is.
Een voor velen bekend gegeven, is dat wanneer er een UFO in de buurt is er elektrische storingen optreden.
Talloze verhalen van ooggetuigen waarbij automotoren opeens niet meer werken en batterijen van mobiele telefoons zomaar ineens leeg zijn.
Het komt echter niet vaak voor dat je iets dergelijks in de praktijk kunt zien.
In de buurt van een klein Pools dorp, Majdan in de buurt van Lublin, gebeurde iets heel merkwaardigs.
In de onderstaande video zie je hoe een cirkelvormige ufo langzaam een windmolenpark nadert.
Dan gebeurt er iets wat je niet dagelijks zult zien; de windmolen stopt met draaien. Nadat de UFO is gepasseerd, beginnen de wieken weer gewoon te draaien alsof er niet is gebeurd.
UFO Orb Visits Wind Farm In Poland, Stops Propellers, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Orb Visits Wind Farm In Poland, Stops Propellers, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: April 17, 2016 Location of sighting: Majdanek, Lublin, Poland Here is an interesting catch from Poland. A UFO exlpores a wind farm and the propeller stops as the UFO comes closer to it. This kind of UFO is known well by NASA, because this metallic orb style UFO had a fleet of 3 or more following so close the the Shuttle Atlantis that they delayed landing for 24 hours. The orbs were similar to this. I will place the videos below to compare. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Film recorded April 17, 2016 near the small village of Majdan in the upper region of Lublin. According to witnesses, the object came flying from the east and flew over the area for about an hour. After the recording object disappeared.
Moon Of Saturn Is An Artificial Alien Construct, May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Moon Of Saturn Is An Artificial Alien Construct, May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: May 2016 Location of discovery: Moons in Earths Solar System Here is an interesting video by Youtube user Securityteam10 which discusses a few of the many pieces of evidence that moons in our solar system are not naturally made, but made and controlled by intelligent aliens. The evidence is mourning and in the next ten years, the tech necessary to confirm these moons are artificial, will be in the hands of the public. Scott C. Waring
Advanced Aliens Were Around BEFORE US: Confirms Exoplanet Scientists
Advanced Aliens Were Around BEFORE US: Confirms Exoplanet Scientists
It is becoming very clear that us humans may not be not the universe’s first advanced civilization.
This is the conclusion of a recent revision of the famous 1961 Drake Equation, which actually estimates the number of intelligent civilizations in the universe.
Their new equation includes recent data from Nasa’s Kepler satellite on the number of exoplanets that could harbour life.
Researchers also adapted the equation from being about the number of civilizations that exist now, to being about the probability of civilization being the only one that has ever existed!
We are FAR from alone
This important recent study shows that unless the odds of advanced life evolving on a habitable planet are astonishingly low, then humankind is not the only advanced civilization to have lived and there are probably far more advanced Beings out there in the greater Universe!
In fact, the odds of an advanced civilization developing need to be less than one in 10 billion trillion for humans to be the only intelligent life in the universe.
But Kepler data places those odds much higher, which means technologically advanced aliens are likely to have existed at some point.
Adam Frank, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester and co-author of the paper, went on to say:
‘The question of whether advanced civilizations exist elsewhere in the universe has always been vexed with three large uncertainties in the Drake equation,’
‘We’ve known for a long time approximately how many stars exist.
‘We didn’t know how many of those stars had planets that could potentially harbour life, how often life might evolve and lead to intelligent beings, and how long any civilizations might last before becoming extinct.’
‘Thanks to Nasa’s Kepler satellite and other searches, we now know that roughly one-fifth of stars have planets in ‘habitable zones,’ where temperatures could support life as we know it.
‘So one of the three big uncertainties has now been constrained.’ He said.
Frank went on to say that the third big question is. how long civilizations might survive – something which is as of yet still completely unknown.
‘The fact that humans have had rudimentary technology for roughly ten thousand years doesn’t really tell us if other societies would last that long or perhaps much longer,’ he explained.
The Drake equation (top row) has proven to be a durable framework for research. But it is impossible to do anything more than guess at variables such as L, the probably longevity of other advanced civilizations. In new research, Adam Frank and Woodruff Sullivan offer a new equation (bottom row)
But Frank and his co-author, Woodruff Sullivan of the astronomy department at the University of Washington, found they could eliminate that term altogether by simply expanding the question.
‘Rather than asking how many civilizations may exist now, we ask ‘are we the only technological species that has ever arisen?’ said Sullivan.
‘This shifted focus eliminates the uncertainty of the civilization lifetime question and allows us to address what we call the ‘cosmic archaeological question’ – how often in the history of the universe has life evolved to an advanced state?
Rather than guessing at the odds of advanced life developing, they calculate the odds against it occurring in order for humanity to be the only advanced civilization.
With that, Frank and Sullivan then calculated the line between a universe where humanity has been the sole experiment in civilization and one where others have come before us.
‘Of course, we have no idea how likely it is that an intelligent technological species will evolve on a given habitable planet,’ says Frank.
‘But using our method we can tell exactly how low that probability would have to be for us to be the only civilization the universe has produced.
‘We call that the pessimism line. If the actual probability is greater than the pessimism line, then a technological species and civilization has likely happened before.’
Using this interesting approach, Frank and Sullivan can now calculate how unlikely advanced life must be if there has never been another example among the universe’s ten billion trillion stars, or even among our own Milky Way galaxy’s hundred billion.
‘One in 10 billion trillion is incredibly small,’ says Frank. ‘To me, this implies that other intelligent, technology producing species very likely have evolved before us.
‘Think of it this way. Before our result you’d be considered a pessimist if you imagined the probability of evolving a civilization on a habitable planet were, say, one in a trillion
‘But even that guess, one chance in a trillion, implies that what has happened here on Earth with humanity has in fact happened about a 10 billion other times over cosmic history.’
For smaller volumes the numbers are less extreme.
For example, another technological species likely has evolved on a habitable planet in our own Milky Way galaxy if the odds against it are better than one chance in 60 billion.
But if those numbers seem to give ammunition to the ‘optimists’ about the existence of alien civilizations,
Sullivan points out that the full Drake equation – which calculates the odds that other civilizations are around today – may give solace to the pessimists.
‘The universe is more than 13 billion years old,’ said Sullivan.
‘That means that even if there have been a thousand civilizations in our own galaxy, if they live only as long as we have been around – roughly ten thousand years – then all of them are likely already extinct.
‘And others won’t evolve until we are long gone. For us to have much chance of success in finding another ‘contemporary’ active technological civilization, on average they must last much longer than our present lifetime.’
‘Given the vast distances between stars and the fixed speed of light we might never really be able to have a conversation with another civilization anyway,’ said Frank.
‘If they were 20,000 light years away then every exchange would take 40,000 years to go back and forth.’
But, as Frank and Sullivan point out, even if there aren’t other civilizations in our galaxy to communicate with now, the new result still has a profound scientific and philosophical importance.
‘From a fundamental perspective the question is ‘has it ever happened anywhere before?” said Frank.
Our result is the first time anyone has been able to set any empirical answer for that question and it is astonishingly likely that we are not the only time and place that an advance civilization has evolved.’
Their new equation includes recent data from Nasa’s Kepler satellite on the number of exoplanets that could harbour life. Pictured is an artist’s impression of the probe
Once upon a time leading Scientists wanted us all to believe that we are alone in the Universe – this has now been proven to be pretty much impossible. The Universe is infested with life out there, and we the Human Race are probably far less developed than many older/wiser advanced Alien species.
You will notice that these Scientists nearly always play down their investigations into Alien life, but we mustn’t be too harsh on them for this as they are scared about disclosing too much after so many leading Scientists have recently been killed off (so it appears).
Please check out some previous articles on this subject matter:
Lets not forget that NASA have PROMISED To discover aliens by 2015……!?
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Eerste complete topografische kaart van Mercurius is een feit!
Image Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington
Eerste complete topografische kaart van Mercurius is een feit!
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Topografisch gezien kent Mercurius nu weinig geheimen meer: alle hoogte- en dieptepunten van de planeet zijn ons nu bekend!
De nieuwe topografische kaart is gebaseerd op gegevens die ruimtesonde MESSENGER heeft verzameld. Eerder brachten onderzoekers al een kaart uit waarop de topografie van het noordelijke deel en het gebied rond de evenaar van Mercurius pronkte. Hoe het zuiden topografisch gezien in elkaar stak, bleef een raadsel. Tot nu.
De complete topografische kaart van Mercurius. Lagergelegen gebieden zijn blauw en paars, hogergelegen gebieden zijn oranje, bruin en rood. Klik voor een vergroting.
Afbeelding: USGS.
Hoog en laag Onderzoekers hebben zo’n 100.000 foto’s gebruikt om een topografisch model van geheel Mercurius te maken. Het nieuwe model onthult tal van interessante topografische kenmerken, waaronder het hoogste en diepste punt van Mercurius. Het hoogste punt op de binnenste planeet van ons zonnestelsel ligt zo’n 4,48 kilometer boven de gemiddelde hoogte van het oppervlak. Het laagste punt ligt daar zo’n 5,38 kilometer onder. Het hoogstgelegen punt vinden we net ten zuiden van de evenaar in één van de oudste gebieden die Mercurius rijk is. Het laagste punt vinden we in het Rachmaninoff-basin.
Nabij de noordpool Ook geeft de nieuwe kaart een prachtig beeld van het gebied nabij de noordpool van Mercurius. “MESSENGER heeft eerder ontdekt dat vulkanische activiteit in het verleden dit deel van de planeet met lava heeft ontdekt, op sommige plekken is de laag lava meer dan 1,6 kilometer dik,” vertelt onderzoeker Nancy Chabot. Het is in het verleden lastig gebleken om dit deel van Mercurius goed in beeld te krijgen. De zon staat hier altijd laag aan de horizon, waardoor lange schaduwen over het gebied vallen. En toch is het MESSENGER gelukt om een paar goede foto’s te maken en die leiden tot een prachtig topografisch kaartje (zie hieronder). “Dit is één van mijn favoriete kaarten van Mercurius,” stelt Chabot. “Nu de kaart beschikbaar is, kijk ik ernaar uit dat deze gebruikt wordt om deze epische vulkaanuitbarstingen die het oppervlak van Mercurius vormgaf te onderzoeken.”
De vulkanische vlakten nabij de noordpool van Mercurius.
Afbeelding: NASA / JHUAPL / Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Het is alweer een jaar geleden dat de missie van ruimtesonde MESSENGER tot een einde kwam. De sonde boorde zich in het oppervlak van Mercurius. En zo kwam een einde aan een missie die eigenlijk één jaar had moeten duren, maar uiteindelijk vier jaar in beslag nam en een schat aan informatie over Mercurius heeft opgeleverd.
Veel waterijs te vinden op het oppervlak van Pluto's maan Hydra
Veel waterijs te vinden op het oppervlak van Pluto's maan Hydra
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Dat blijkt uit nieuwe gegevens van ruimtesonde New Horizons. Het kan verklaren waarom Hydra zoveel licht reflecteert.
We wisten dat Pluto vijf manen telde, maar tot voor kort hadden we – zeker van de kleinere exemplaren – geen flauw idee hoe ze er in detail uit zagen. Ruimtesonde New Horizons heeft daar verandering in gebracht. De sonde scheerde vorig jaar juli langs Pluto en zijn manen en dat heeft prachtige gedetailleerde foto’s opgeleverd. Op die foto’s was onder meer te zien dat maantje Hydra – de maan die het verst van Pluto verwijderd is – bijzonder veel licht reflecteert. En nu weten onderzoekers – wederom dankzij New Horizons – hoe dat komt.
Waterijs Het oppervlak van de maan is voor een groot deel bedekt met vrijwel zuiver waterijs, zo laat NASA weten. Dat blijkt uit gegevens die New Horizons al op 14 juli verzamelde, maar die nu pas op aarde zijn gearriveerd.
Schoon Net als Charon – de grootste maan van Pluto – wordt het oppervlak van Hydra gedomineerd door waterijs. Maar het ijs op Hydra lijkt veel ‘schoner’. Zo is het waterijs op Charon ‘verontreinigd’ door donker materiaal dat zich door de tijd heen op de maan heeft verzameld. Hoe weet Hydra het oppervlak zo schoontjes te houden? Dat is nog onduidelijk. “Misschien wordt het oppervlak van Hydra continu ‘ververst’ door inslagen van kleine meteorieten die verontreinigingen verwijderen,” vertelt onderzoeker Simon Porter. “Dit proces zou op het veel grotere Charon niet effectief zijn, omdat Charons sterke zwaartekracht al het puin dat bij deze inslagen ontstaat, naar zich toe trekt.”
Hoewel het alweer bijna een jaar geleden is dat New Horizons langs Pluto scheerde, zijn nog lang niet alle gegevens die de sonde tijdens en kort na de scheervlucht verzamelde, binnen. Pas dit najaar is de download compleet. Tussen de gegevens waar astronomen nu nog op wachten, bevinden zich onder meer gegevens over de samenstelling van de andere manen van Pluto.
New compositional data from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft reveal a distinct water-ice signature on the surface of Pluto’s outermost moon, Hydra. Pluto’s largest moon Charon measures 752 miles (1,210 kilometers across), while Hydra is approximately 31 miles (50 kilometers) long.
"Pluto’s Icy Moon Hydra" - NASA De afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel is gemaakt door NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI.
Astronaut Tom Jones during one of his three spacewalks on Space Shuttle mission STS-98 in February 2001 which activated the U.S. Destiny Laboratory, the historic scientific centerpiece of the International Space Station.
Stories have been told for decades about American astronauts who supposedly have seen unexplained aerial phenomena (as Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton prefers to call UFOs).
But how many astronauts have really reported close encounters with objects that could be verified as actual unknowns? Vanishingly few, it turns out.
Veteran NASA astronaut Tom Jones said he wondered about UFOs long before he joined the space agency.
“I used to be a big UFO fan when I was a teenager, thinking that this was the next great frontier of exploration,” Jones said in a recent interview with The Huffington Post. “I dropped that opinion later on, after not seeing the evidence that I was looking for.”
In his Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine column, “Ask the Astronaut,” Jones answered a recent question about whether he or other astronauts had ever seen UFOs from orbit. He wrote:
Astronauts have not seen any evidence of alien life. Reports of unidentified flying objects in images returned from the shuttle or [space] station have turned out to be ice crystals, drifting orbital debris, lightning flashes, or meteors streaking through the dark atmosphere below. So far, our search for extraterrestrial life — and other civilizations in space — has turned up no proof of alien civilizations.
Jones told HuffPost how, during his 1996 space shuttle mission, there were reports that his crew saw UFOs:
I was on the shuttle Columbia — STS-80 — and even made a blog entry, ‘Did UFOs Visit The Shuttle Columbia?’ Because when we came back from that mission in 1996, NASA got several queries from people who were watching the video — NASA TV back then — and said, ‘Hey, we saw spaceships on the shuttle video. What’s NASA got to say about that?’
Public affairs referred them to me because I was one of the crew members, and I looked at the video and I said, ‘Oh, I know what this is — this is just ice crystals floating along beside the ship for the first couple of days of the flight.’ What looked to some people like a spaceship streaking across the star field, was — to us, looking out the windows — a complete non-event. And yet, it was very significant to people who were watching.
Jones flew on four space shuttle missions over 11 years, culminating with STS-98, in February 2001, as seen in the below video. On that mission, he led three spacewalks to install the U.S. Destiny Laboratory — the historic scientific centerpiece for the International Space Station.
Jones said no contemporary astronaut has ever told him of seeing something unexplained or inexplicable. “Certainly, nothing in the way of spaceships,” he added.
“Now, I’m aware that there have been a couple of astronauts in the past who’ve spoken out and said they know from other people that there’s evidence of UFOs and spaceships that have visited the Earth and that the government might be withholding it.
“They all seem to be secondhand, or they seem to be sightings of things that they’ve seen in orbit that, perhaps, they couldn’t explain at the time. And that’s where the story seems to peter out.”
One of those mentioned by Jones was the late Gordon Cooper, an original Mercury astronaut — one of the famous “Right Stuff” space voyagers. In 1975, Cooper told this writer how, in 1951 (before he became an astronaut), he and several other officers at an Air Force base in Germany witnessed groups of circular objects passing over the base.
“A weatherman spotted some strange objects flying at fairly high altitude and before long, the entire fighter group was out peering through binoculars at these groups of objects coming over in very strange patterns. But unlike fighters, they would almost stop in their forward velocity and change 90 degrees in their flight path. We never could get close enough to pin them down, but they were round in shape and very metallic-looking.
“I’d like to point out that most astronauts are very reluctant to even discuss UFOs due to the great numbers of people who have indiscriminately sold fake stories and forged documents abusing their names and reputations without hesitation,” Cooper said.
Jones said it’s important to be cautious about unusual aerial objects.
“Even from people that I respect, like a couple of very early and famous astronauts, I haven’t seen the proof that would satisfy me that there’s really something there,” he said. “And I think it’s far more likely that people who see unexplained things in the sky, there’s no proof that they’re actually intelligently guided or alien spaceships of any kind.
“Until all these people running around with cellphones and video cameras now can really produce something that’s really grabbing, I don’t think that I should change my mind about it.”
What is it ? Natural phenomenon, HAARP?The Apparitions?
Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet
Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP?
People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on? Can it affect a human evolution? What do you think about that?
The Universe Has Probably Hosted Many Alien Civilizations: Study
The Universe Has Probably Hosted Many Alien Civilizations: Study
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Artist's impression of intelligent aliens.
Credit: Albert Ziganshin /
Many other planets throughout the universe probably hosted intelligent life long before Earth did, a new study suggests.
The probability of a civilization developing on a potentially habitable alien planet would have to be less than one in 10 billion trillion — or one part in 10 to the 22nd power — for humanity to be the first technologically advanced species the cosmos has ever known, according to the study.
"To me, this implies that other intelligent, technology-producing species very likely have evolved before us," said lead author Adam Frank, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester in New York. [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Alien Life]
"Think of it this way: Before our result, you’d be considered a pessimist if you imagined the probability of evolving a civilization on a habitable planet was, say, one in a trillion," Frank said in a statement. "But even that guess — one chance in a trillion — implies that what has happened here on Earth with humanity has in fact happened about 10 billion other times over cosmic history."
Do you believe alien life exists elsewhere in the universe?
Yes - We may not have found them yet, but they're out there.65%(69614 votes)
No - Aliens are just part of science fiction.20%(20904 votes)
I'm not sure15%(15872 votes)
Total Votes: 106390
In 1961, astronomer Frank Drake devised a formula to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations that may exist today in the Milky Way.
Adam Frank and co-author Woodruff Sullivan of the University of Washington were interested in the odds that intelligent aliens have ever existed anywhere in the universe. So they tweaked the famous Drake equation, coming up with an "archaeological version" that doesn't take into account how long alien civilizations may last.
Frank and Sullivan also incorporated observations from NASA's Kepler space telescope and other instruments, which suggest that about 20 percent of all stars host planets in the life-friendly, "habitable zone," where liquid water could exist on a world's surface.
The Search for Intelligent Life Among the Stars: New Strategies
The researchers then calculated the probability that Earth was the universe's first-ever abode for intelligent life, after taking into account the number of stars in the observable universe (about 20 billion trillion, according to a recent estimate).
"From a fundamental perspective, the question is, 'Has it ever happened anywhere before?'" Frank said. "Our result is the first time anyone has been able to set any empirical answer+ for that question, and it is astonishingly likely that we are not the only time and place that an advanced civilization has evolved."
But this doesn't mean that there are lots of intelligent aliens out there, just waiting to be contacted, the researchers stressed.
"The universe is more than 13 billion years old," Sullivan said in the same statement. "That means that even if there have been 1,000 civilizations in our own galaxy, if they live only as long as we have been around — roughly 10,000 years — then all of them are likely already extinct. And others won’t evolve until we are long gone. For us to have much chance of success in finding another 'contemporary' active technological civilization, on average they must last much longer than our present lifetime."
(The 10,000-year figure cited by Sullivan refers to humanity's development of agriculture and other "rudimentary" technologies; mankind has been capable of sending radio waves and other electromagnetic signals out into the cosmos for just a century or so.)
If there’s a volcano, there’s bound to be UFO activity nearby and Mount Etna on the island of Sicily is no exception, with many UFO sightings reported there. Last week, a green cone-shaped UFO was spotted on thermal images entering an active vent of Mount Etna in the pre-dawn hours. Should locals pack their bags and head for the mainland?
Mount Etna is the tallest and most active volcano in Europe, with records and evidence of its eruptions dating back 500,000 years. Its latest period of heightened activity began in 2001.
On October 30th, an unnamed volcano watcher spotted a series of pictures on the Italian National Geology and Vulcanology (INGV) website showing thermal images of a green cone-shaped UFO descending into one of the volcano’s vents from 6:42 am to 6:54 am local time. By 7 am, the UFO was gone. Here’s the sequence (starting with the photo above):
This is only the latest of many UFO sightings at Mount Etna. This orb was seen over the volcano on April 27th, 2013.
This line of orbs appears to have been taken a few days later on May 1st, 2013.
This photo of a black triangle UFO over the volcano was taken on August 13th, 2014.
Those are just some of the more recent UFO sightings over Mount Etna. The one on October 30th is significant because it shows a UFO entering the active volcano. Is it trying to prevent an eruption?
That may not be a good thing, since some eruptions of Mount Etna had favorable consequences for the locals. In 396 BC, an Etna eruption may have stopped the Carthaginians from attacking Syracuse during the Second Sicilian War. In 122 BC, an eruption caused such heavy damage to Catania, the Roman government exempted the city from paying taxes for ten years.
Why did the green UFO enter Mount Etna this time? Is someone planning an invasion of Sicily? Should the locals plan for a tax break? If so, it won’t be long before American politicians copy it and start offering “lava tax breaks” … it’s the ultimate trickle down.
Scientists at Spain’s Valencian Infertility Institute, Spain’s first facility devoted to assisted reproduction, have created human sperm from skin cells. This medical breakthrough may one day lead to the treatment of fertility. About 15% of couples in the world have fertility issues. So far, their only options are donated eggs and sperm, surrogacy or adoption.
Medical Breakthroughs in the Lab
Carlos Simon, scientific director at Valencian along with researchers from Stanford University conducted and published this recent study. Simon says,
What to do when someone who wants to have a child lacks gametes (egg or sperm)? This is the problem we want to address: to be able to create gametes in people who do not have them.
The team was inspired by Nobel prize-winning scientists, Japan’s Shinya Yamanaka and Great Britain’s John Gordon. In 2012, they shared the Nobel for their discovery that adult cells can be transformed back into embryo-like stem cells. Now they wanted to take this research a step further.
The team added a “cocktail of genes” to skin cells, turning them into germ cells in about a month. The germ cells could eventually be developed into sperm or eggs. That was the desired outcome. However, the cells wouldn’t replicate themselves and died off.
Results of the recent scientific study turning skin cells into sperm.
The study states,
The reason for this is intriguing and we hypothesize that it may be due to the fact that cells within the clumps spontaneously enter into a metiotic cell cycle that results in the formation of hysploid cells that cannot be further maintained in vitro.
One reason why the cells failed to mature enough into full-fledged sperm cells may be that they cannot do this in a laboratory but may require that the germ cells be implanted into a living organism in order to develop into sperm. This may be what Chinese researchers announced this year when they had created mice from artificial sperm.
Simon explains,
This is a sperm but it needs a further maturation phase to become a gamete. This is just the beginning.
Other issues to be addressed include the legal constraints put upon such research. Some countries prohibit the creation of artificial embryos.
Simon says,
With the human species we must do much more testing because we are talking about the birth of a child. We are talking about a long process.
The study adds,
The knowledge obtained from this work can be used to create in vitro models to study gamete-related diseases in humans.
Knowledge about aliens might be as dangerous as the aliens themselves.
Imagine that you’ve lived your entire life in a small village deep within a continental wilderness. For centuries this community has been isolated from the rest of the world. One day you go out exploring, skirting the edges of known territory. Suddenly, and against all expectations, you stumble across a signpost embedded in the ground. The script is highly unusual, foreign, but the text is clear enough. It says, simply, “We Are Here.”
The question is: What happens next?
There might be happiness and celebration to mark the end of isolation, or the news might be met with a shrug. But human nature suggests it’s more probable that this discovery triggers a chain of events that lead to utter disaster.
Suddenly your safe haven is threatened by an unknown “them.” Your time-tested principles of governance and social order are put under pressure. Gossip, rumor, and conjecture will gnaw away at your stable home. Barricades and armed forces will be raised at enormous cost, crops and repairs will be forgotten. A community will lurch toward its own collapse. Yet there is little more than a half-realized idea represented by this impersonal signpost, a whispered implication that infects the world with its ambiguity.
This tale is not the opening sequence of a B-grade movie, but an allegorical version of what might, just possibly, happen after we solve one of the oldest scientific and philosophical puzzles—whether or not we have neighbors “out there” in the wilderness of the cosmos.
This September, a team of astronomers noticed that the light from a distant star is flickering in a highly irregular pattern.1 They considered the possibility that comets, debris, and impacts could account for their observations, but each of these explanations...READ MORE
Today, the prospects for finding evidence of life beyond the Earth fall into three well-known categories. First is our exploration of the solar system. Mars is arguably the prime target because it offers a planetary template that, while alien, best parallels certain terrestrial environments—and it is directly accessible. At this very moment we have robotic wheels on Martian regolith and sharp eyes in orbit. More Mars missions are lining up: NASA’s MAVEN should be entering orbit as you read this, as should India’s Mangalyaan craft. And plans are afoot for the InSight seismological probe, Europe’s ExoMars, a Mars 2020 rover, a sample return, as well as the ever-present speculations for sending a human contingent.
But Mars is not the only fruit. The icy moons Enceladus and Europa both exhibit hallmarks of subsurface liquid water. In the case of Europa, a dark ocean with twice the volume of all Earth’s surface oceans conceivably exists in contact with a rocky core—with potential for a deep hydrothermal oasis. Recently discovered geyser-like eruptions into space from both offer hope of a sampling mission to look for signs of life.
In the second category, vastly farther beyond, lie the exoplanets. We now know this population to be enormous—tens of billions of terrestrial-scaled planets ranging from geophysical youth to old age. Some of these worlds could be passable Earth-analogs. The chase is on to measure the atmospheric chemical composition of at least a few of the nearest such worlds, looking for the fingerprints of a biosphere. NASA’s 2018 James Webb Space Telescope and the next-generation of 30-meter diameter Earth-bound astronomical observatories possess the capabilities to make crude measurements of such components.
Third, there is the ongoing search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI. Scouring the celestial radio and optical spectrum for structured, artificial signals—this is the highest-risk, highest-reward effort of all. Success would not only mean that life exists somewhere else, but that there is recognizable technological intelligence other than ours in the universe.
As an information-obsessed, intensely social species, we’re particularly vulnerable to memes. And not all memes are innocuous.
But the knowledge being sought from all these efforts could change far more than just our scientific understanding. Like a sign in the wilderness, the potential exists for new information to infect our collective consciousness before we’ve realized what’s happening. It is capable of seeding our minds with ideas that take on their own form of life as competitive agents that question the status quo, seeping into our thoughts and behaviors. In fact we already have a label for these types of self-propagating, evolving packets of information—we call them memes.
In 1976, writing in his book The Selfish Gene, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins proposed the term meme to describe something that spreads within a culture; whether it’s a catchy phrase, chairs with four legs, a style of clothing, or an entire belief system. In this sense a meme is a mutating, replicating piece of human cultural evolution—a viral entity.
As an information-obsessed, intensely social species, we’re particularly vulnerable to memes. And not all memes are innocuous—some become toxic when they meet other established memes. Witness the clash between Western mores and conservative Islam.
What if we discovered that we are surrounded by chemically incompatible aliens, and learned that all that we thought was inevitable and optimal about our biology and evolution is merely a fluke? Such a discovery runs counter to our Copernican ideals and upends any tidy rationalization of the deep connections between life and the fundamental constituents of the cosmos.
Or what if we detected an extraterrestrial signal along the lines of “You Are All Going To Die?” Even if this was a translation error, or a misinterpretation of an alien effort at existential camaraderie, our species could be quickly sent into a tailspin, potentially wrecking our civilization as effectively as any physical weapon.
Shooting memes back and forth across the void is asking for trouble.
A message with a more straightforward intent could have equally ruinous effects. It could be a new scientific insight or technological blueprint sent as an item of interstellar trade or détente, but have a destabilizing effect on Earth’s economy. Or a message could contain a philosophical statement interpreted to have religious meaning, triggering conflict and disorder. Even “Is Anyone Out There?” would be problematic—the decision to answer or not could provoke more than just verbal conflict within our species.
We may also agree to reach out, to our own detriment. If we identify the chemical signatures of a biosphere on a nearby exoplanet there will be temptation to send a focused message—a long-shot effort at communication. In our impatience we have already made such attempts. In 1974, for example, the Arecibo radio observatory beamed a meme-laden message of 1,679 binary digits towards a distant globular star cluster. Its contents included a simple string of numbers, a basic blueprint describing DNA, a cartoon human figure, and the layout of our solar system. We’ve also spent decades blaring out our wideband analog radio and TV transmissions before downsizing to digital. With a real target we might even consider sending a probe, especially if we ever develop the means to traverse interstellar space at a substantial fraction of the speed of light.
But these behaviors are terribly dangerous for us if they prompt a response from our cosmic neighbors, as well as for any intelligent natives of these other worlds. Shooting memes back and forth across the void is asking for trouble.
What are we to do? We still want to know whether we’re alone or not. Scientific curiosity and logic surely demands this for any rational entity. It’s a central piece of the puzzle for trying to understand our own origins and nature, our place in the universe.
The answer may lie in building a planetary firewall, a kind of “meme armor” to shield us from damaging knowledge of extraterrestrial life, while still allowing us to learn about the cosmos. It would be an artificial and autonomous construct that would take over the job of SETI, and even the task of exoplanet-hunting astronomers. By providing an algorithmic or physical barrier to the rest of the universe, it would help sift and control the flow of information—rather like an Internet firewall that defends against viruses by scrutinizing the origin and intent of packets of data.
The armor might involve a unilateral ban of private telescopes or radio antenna with enough sensitivity to chance upon extraterrestrial signposts. It could be equipped with its own automated listening posts and telescopes—spoon-feeding sanitized results to its masters. Careful (and hopefully unhackable) firewall programming would sift and sanitize its sightings. The riskiest data could be stored in case of true existential disaster—when an extraterrestrial meme can do no worse damage than is already in progress—a library of last resort for a species, the ultimate example of “In Case Of Fire, Break Glass.”
We’d build a vast Dyson sphere and live on the inside facing our star, sealed away from the infectious cosmos.
Such armor could also present a camouflaged state to onlookers; blocking attempts to discern the presence or nature of life on Earth, much like the hidden host addresses used behind today’s computer firewalls. Or—in a far more sinister version—it could seek to actively infect other worlds with destructive memes in order to reduce potential threats to Earth.
Just as our highest security computer systems are physically isolated from the net, a more ambitious hardware-based armor could veil the Earth’s view of the universe. A giant high-tech Faraday cage made with pixel-like optical elements to control precisely what electromagnetic radiation gets through—an informational version of the air-filtration and containment of a biohazard lab. More drastic still would be to abandon our meme-vulnerable planet altogether. We’d build a vast Dyson sphere—that staple of futurology and sci-fi—and live on the inside facing our star, sealed away from the infectious cosmos.
These are obviously hugely speculative, if not fanciful ideas. Perhaps our form of intelligence actually has a degree of natural immunity to extraterrestrial meme infection. After all, since grasping the concept that we inhabit one microscopic piece of an immense universe with no physical center, our species has not actually self-destructed—at least not yet. Most importantly, I don’t think we should be dissuaded from seeking out the most fecund places in the cosmos, and we’re unlikely to want to ever shield ourselves from the glory of the celestial skies.
But, as the adage goes, we should be careful what we wish for.
Caleb Scharf is an astrophysicist and the Director of Astrobiology at Columbia University in New York. His latest book is The Copernicus Complex: Our Cosmic Significance in a Universe of Planets and Probabilities.
Swansea, Wales’ second largest city, is quite a UFO hotspot, with hundreds of sightings and alien encounters reported over the past 160 years, says Swansea UFO Network, an organization set up last year by two local UFO seekers.
Alleged sightings in and around the city, which is on the southern coast of Wales, range from a man in 1856 who claimed he was abducted by aliens, a jellyfish-like object floating over Langland Bay, a cigar-shaped object floating above a hospital, to a real alien seen in St Thomas.
These are just a few of the many UFO and alien experiences listed by the Swansea UFO Network, which was founded in February 2015 by Emlyn Williams and Steve Drewson.
In January 1978, Jeremy Davies and William Rees said they saw a bright light in the sky, which was pulsating with an incredibly powerful beam of light pointing towards a chemical plant across the bay. (Image: Swansea UFO Network Facebook)
“To educate, stimulate interest and debate, the subject of U.F.O.s and its many offshoots. To this end we hold regular public meetings, at which a varied programme of lectures and debates are presented.”
“Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings which are currently held at the Welcome Inn, Mynyddbach, Swansea at 8pm on the last Tuesday of every month. Weather permitting, we hold regular night Sky-Watches at various venues around the South Wales area.”
The Network has a team of specialists who investigate UFOs and related sightings in the Swansea area, both recent and historic.
In 1856, Ronald Rhys went missing for a week. On his way home from work he said he saw an eerie light that ‘made a whooshing sound’ in a nearby field. He went to have a look, and soon found he was floating. He recalled being physically examined by small, intelligent beings who took blood samples from him. (Image: Swansea UFO Network)
Members of the public are invited to inform its reporting centre of any local UFO sightings or alien contacts and abductions. It says reports can be made in the strictest confidence, if so requested.
“Our first monthly meeting was held in April 2015 at the Welcome Inn in Llangyfelach, Swansea, and was very well attended. Since then we have held monthly meetings and have had guests speakers from the Ufologycommuntity.”
“Many people who attend our meetings have had sightings and experiences to relate, sometimes for the first time, as their fear of ridicule in the past has kept them silent. Many witnesses have contacted us by telephone, email, or Facebook to report sightings.”
Over 350 UFO sightings or alien encounters
The Network’s database, which it says is rapidly growing, currently contains more than 350 cases – they have been sourced from Ministry of Defence reports, books, newspapers and first-hand witness testimony.
When the Network receives a report, either current or historical, its members first determine whether it can be explained by conventional means, including planets, meteors, aircraft, satellites, military activity, the International Space Station, balloons, etc.
In March 1977, Welsh artist John Petts of Llanstephan saw a luminous UFO over Ferryside. He drew a sketch of what he saw. Mr. Petts said: “I was amazed to see that the outline shape was clear and sharp … a clean-cut shape of a weaver’s shuttle, sharply pointed at each end.” (Image: Swansea UFO Network)
Mr. Williams explained:
“The behaviour and physical attributes of the object/s in each case usually tells us quickly what these could be. The cases where a ‘normal’ explanation cannot be applied are of most interest to us, and it seems that our initial geographical area of study has been filled with many ‘unexplained in conventional terms’ sightings.”
“We are currently expanding our study area to cover all of South and West Wales as many sightings of objects travelling across the area could be corroborated by witnesses further east or west.”
Cigar-shaped UFO – Swansea Bay
One night in 2010, at 1am, Paul, who lived in Evans Terrace in a flat, went to see his toddler son who had woken up crying.
He was intrigued by a strange object in the sky. Looking out south-east across the city centre past Kilvey Hill, he saw what looked like a large metallic grey, cigar-shaped object. One end of it was flat while the other was pointed.
The object was moving slowly across the sky on a level course. He tried to measure its distance and estimated that it was floating above Swansea Docks.
A view of the large office block taken from Paul’s flat, who claims he saw a cigar-shaped UFO at 1am in 2010. There is no UFO in this image – it is here to give you an idea of where he saw it.(Image: Swansea UFO Network Facebook)
It was a clear night, and a full Moon helped illuminate the UFO.
According to the Network:
“He [Paul] said it was big, displayed no lights and there were no windows or other features apparent. As it moved slowly from left to right it passed behind Alexandra House (from his perspective), the large office block at the top of High Street, so wasn’t high in the sky, but perhaps 100 to 200 feet above the sea, and because of Paul’s elevated position due to his flat being on the side of a hill, he was more or less looking across at it rather than upwards.”
The UFO was completely silent during his 5-minute view of it. He waited over five years to report it because he was worried about being ridiculed.
Semi-transparent UFO over Clase, Morriston – April 2016
On 20th April, a man and woman were walking their pet dog in Longview Road, Clase. They took pictures of dark chem trails in the sky when they saw an object fly past, heading southwards.
It was not until later, when they looked at the images, that they realised they had managed to capture the UFO.
This semi-transparent UFO was photographed by a couple while they walked their dog in Clase, Morriston. (Image: Swansea UFO Network Facebook)
They said the mysterious floating object made no sound.
As you can see in the photograph, the object appears to be transparent. Some UFO seekers wonder whether it may have partly materialized, i.e. it was coming into our dimension from another one, or its cloaking device was not fully switched on.
Swansea UFO Network has not yet interviewed the couple, but intend to do so soon.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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