The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Secret Space Programs and Vril Technology
Secret Space Programs and Vril Technology
What are the Occult Secrets of Vril?
Is mankind on the threshold of a new age of enlightenment? Or are we descending a dwindling spiral, doomed to repeat the lessons from history which we either forget or never seem to learn?
In pre-WWII Germany, the Vril Society used the swastika emblem to link Eastern and Western occultism. They advanced the idea of a subterranean matriarchal utopia ruled by a race of Aryan beings who had mastered a mysterious force called Vril.
This breakaway civilization had survived the antediluvian cataclysms which ended the ice age, and passed on their guarded occult knowledge through initiation into sacred mystery schools.
Vril was known to these mystics as a natural and abundant energy, having disseminated it's divine wisdom world wide under many names.
The Chinese referred to it as "chi", the Hindu as "prana", and the Japanese as "reiki". Albert Pike said: "There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world." Helena Blavatski, the foundress of the Theosophical Society, described this Vril energy as an aether stream that could be transformed into a physical force.
Ancient Technology: Could ancient cultures soften stone?
Ancient Technology: Could ancient cultures soften stone?
Is it possible that ancient cultures possessed thousands of years ago a now-lost technology that allowed them to soften stone? According to numerous researchers, the answer is YES.
Is it possible that the countless megalithic sites around the globe were built with the help of a now lost technology? What if in the distant past, thousands of years ago, ancient cultures from South America, Asia, Egypt and another part of the world, had in their possession an ancient method that allowed them to transport, cut and molded megalithic stones to their desire.
There are numerous inexplicable sites around the globe, and the most noteworthy to mention are Stonehenge, The Pyramids of Giza, Ollantaytambo, Puma Punku and Sacsayhuaman. At all of those places, ancient mankind managed to somehow perfectly place huge blocks of stone weighing hundreds of tons.
These marvelous stones are so heavy that modern-day machinery can be hardy move and put them into position.
This is why we ask: Is it possible that ancient cultures in Peru and Bolivia had a ‘technology’ that allowed them to modify stone and soften it? This would have allowed them to modify and construct huge structures without the need of modern-day tools.
According to a number of researchers like Jan Peter de Jong, Christopher Jordan Jesus Gamarra, some of the granite walls in Cuzco are the ultimate evidence that ancient cultures managed to heat at a very high-temperature different stones. This ‘unknown’ process vitrified the surface of the blocks turning them into giant glassy and smooth structures.
Based on these and other observations, Jong, Jordan and Gamarra conclude that ‘ ancient man possessed an advanced device which allowed them to melt stone blocks which were then placed into position and allowed to cool down next to hard, jigsaw-polygonal blocks that were already in place, forming an extraordinary puzzle that defies rational understanding today.
The end product –perfectly molded stone—would remain fixated against other stones in a nearly perfect manner, giving an impression as if these megaliths stones were melted into position. One fixated, these stones were so precisely placed that not a single sheet of paper could fit in between them.
All of this was achieved thousands of years ago.
However, researchers like Jong and Jordan believe that not only did cultures in ancient Peru and Bolivia possess the technology of melting stone; they believe that evidence of similar technology can be found all around the globe.
If the ancient did, in fact, have the ability to soften the stone, it would certainly explain the countless ancient structures belonging not only to Pore-Inca and Inca cultures but the Maya, Aztecs, and Olmecs that inhabited Central And South America.
Before disproving the theory that the ancient had in their possession sophisticated means by which they softened stone, consider that many of the ancient complexes in the Americas bear incredibly strange markings that could be explained by tooling the surface while it was still ‘soft.’
Some of the stones we are discussing are truly immense and are nearly impossible to maneuver into position using today’s technologies.
Also, it is important to consider that many ancient Inca sites have stones and walls that have up to 12 and 13 PERFECT angles on their visible surface. Below that and the hidden sections, these stones redefine the word perfect.
Better yet is the fact that even with today’s extremely advanced technology, it is impossible fro engineer and architects to replicate walls such as those found at Sacsayhuaman.
In the book Exploration Fawcett, Colonel Fawcett tells a story of how these incredible stones were softened:
And while many people believe that a plant’s liquid can melt stone is something ludicrous, modern scientists are still unable to explain how the megalithic stones of sites like Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo, and Puma Punku were built. Maybe, after all, three is an ancient technology that has been lost through time.
This world is more than meets the eyes, and I literally mean it. Our eyes can perceive only a small part of the light spectrum which means that many things remain hidden from us, or cannot be understood due to the limits set by our body.
It has been discovered recently that an entire world of UFOs coexists with our own. They have the capacity to appear into our dimension – when we can see them with the naked eye, but most of the time they remain hidden from us, and can only be observed with the help of special light filters.
The phenomenon is absolutely real, and it may involve actual alien crafts, artificial intelligence, plasmatic entities with the ability to fly, or even spirits who reside inside the Earth. Mostly referred to as “orb UFOs”, the spectacular appearances are performing bizarre rituals in the sky which are beyond our level of understanding.
Apart from the dynamic movement and the tremendous speeds at which they travel, the orb UFOs were also filmed while morphing, shooting at chem trails or even releasing other small orbs. They appear to be drawn by huge energy fluxes, with some of them appearing above or inside of massive thunderstorms, while others seem to like the energy released by big crowds of people (during music festivals, meditating sessions and so on).
After Jim Martin, a UFO enthusiast and analyst witnessed a peculiar UFO encounter, he decided to upgrade his gear and start chasing UFOs in order to better understand what is going on. With the help of a full spectrum camera and other special lens and filters, he succeeded in capturing numerous UFOs performing different tricks around his house. After a while, he decided to share all the knowledge he had gathered so far with the rest of the world, so he narrated a short but extremely informative video with this intensifying phenomenon.
The orb UFOs behavior vary from sighting to sighting, but they also keep common traits such as the pulsating light which expands and then quickly closes in, and also the dynamic of movement which is a fairly impressive feat as it cannot be achieved by any of our earthly crafts. Speaking of crafts, another interesting thing to note is that ground radars fail to detect all these strange UFOs, thus making the hypothesis of them being otherworldly beings or devices more viable.
The nature or origins of these things remains yet another topic of debate, but from what we have seen, they appear to return to the ground instead of disappearing out in space. Could they reside here on earth? Is it possible that secret alien bases are found on this planet? I believe that it is likely to be so if we think of all the unexplored and inaccessible places on Earth, also since society brought us close inside of industrialized cities, our daily exploration range extends close to nothing.
So how can we explain these playful UFOs? And what might their purpose on our planet be? Are these protective spirits? Or maybe organic beings who used to reside here on Earth long before humanity called this place home?
Whatever the case, since more and more people are attracted by this phenomenon, the truth might surface at some point, and hopefully we and the rest of the world will be prepared to embrace a new concept of life, while erasing and rewriting the current one.
Apparently, a former treaty was made with the Large Grey Aliens which requires FULL disclosure by 2016.
In an article titled “Secret Space War VIII: Alien Quantum Computing and the End of Secrecy?” on the Veterans Today website the author Dr. James Preston refers to a treaty that may have been created between the large Grey alien race and the Secret Shadow Government (SSG). The article describes several alleged treaties between several different alien races and various nations here on earth.
This alleged treaty states that the SSG must provide Complete Disclosure soon or the large alien Greys will allegedly make massive public displays of themselves and their anti-gravity crafts (AGCs) and disclose everything themselves directly to the American people, including the temporary use of the major mass media.
It has been claimed that a certain prior treaty with the large alien Greys requires complete disclosure of alien presence and technology by a certain date or these aliens will supposedly make large public landings in every major city of the world, guaranteeing a systematic but rapidly developing complete end to secrecy and especially the deep black and beyond black programs previously protected by immediate assassinations.
This article also suggests there is a split between the older members and the younger ones who want complete disclosure to be attained in logical steps done in a manner preventing public panic or out of control business changes from occurring too rapidly.
“Klaag me maar aan”: Onderzoeker daagt overheid uit terwijl hij geheime UFO-stukken vrijgeeft
“Klaag me maar aan”: Onderzoeker daagt overheid uit terwijl hij geheime UFO-stukken vrijgeeft
De Canadese UFO-onderzoeker Victor Viggiani heeft tijdens de eerste Canadese hoorzitting over UFO’s iets opmerkelijks gedaan. Hij daagde de Amerikaanse overheid uit hem aan te klagen nadat hij gevoelige stukken over UFO’s openbaar had gemaakt.
De 11 gevoelige documenten zijn afkomstig van NORAD, een militaire organisatie die waakt over het luchtruim van de VS en Canada, en gaan over radaropnames van ruim 1800 onbekende vliegende objecten.
Hoogste niveau
“De verspreiding van dit soort informatie vormt een bedreiging voor de nationale veiligheid en is in strijd met de Amerikaanse spionagewet,” zei Viggiani terwijl hij voorlas uit de stukken. Hij voegde toe dat wereldwijd op het hoogte politieke en militaire niveau is gesproken over dit onderwerp.
“Ik heb hier 11 documenten voor me die rechtstreeks afkomstig zijn van NORAD,” zei hij. In de stukken valt volgens hem te lezen over UFO’s die gevonden en onderschept zijn door het leger.
Zo wordt onder meer gesproken van twee CF-18’s van vliegbasis Comox in Canada die in 2001 drie UFO’s achtervolgden op 10.000 meter hoogte en daadwerkelijk contact wisten te leggen met de onbekende objecten.
Viggiani zei dat uit rapporten van de Amerikaanse en Canadese inlichtingencommissie blijkt dat de twee landen belangrijke informatie over UFO’s onder de pet houden. “Men heeft gedreigd mij te zullen aanklagen als ik deze documenten zou vrijgeven. Hierbij openbaar ik ze en daag ik de Amerikaanse overheid uit een aanklacht tegen mij in te dienen,” zei hij, waarna luid applaus volgde.
Binnenkort meer over de inhoud van de geheime stukken.
Het grootste deel van onze planeet ligt onder water. Het merendeel daarvan is nog niet verkend. Op de bodem van de Grote Oceaan ligt volgens een Marsonderzoeker een ‘perfecte piramide’ verscholen.
De Argentijnse onderzoeker Marcelo Irazusta ontdekte afgelopen maand met behulp van satellietbeelden een mysterieuze structuur met een lengte van ruim vijf kilometer. Even ten westen van Mexico stuitte hij op een vreemde gloed in de Grote Oceaan.
Irazusta meent zelf een ‘monumentale ontdekking’ te hebben gedaan, schrijft de Britse Daily Mail. De Google Earth-coördinaten van de structuur zijn 12° 8’1.49″N 119° 35’26.39″W. “Dit object is bijna 5,5 kilometer lang en doet qua vorm denken aan een enorm vliegtuig,” schrijft Irazusta onder de video. “Is dit bewijs voor een grote UFO in de oceaan?”
Volgens Scott C. Waring van UFO Sightings Daily is het een piramide en zou het bouwsel wel 13 tot 17 kilometer groot kunnen zijn. Hij voegde toe dat er mogelijk een verband is met de nabijgelegen piramides van de Azteken en de Maya’s in Mexico en andere Centraal-Amerikaanse landen.
Steeds vaker
Sceptici zijn van mening dat we hier te maken hebben met een geologische formatie. Google Earth wordt steeds vaker gebruikt om te speuren naar archeologische vindplaatsen. Onlangs dacht een Canadese tiener nog een verloren piramide van de Maya’s te hebben ontdekt op Google Earth.
En in 2012 zei de Amerikaanse archeologe Angela Micol via Google Earth twee nieuwe sets van piramides in Egypte te hebben ontdekt. Ze beweerde na 10 jaar nieuwe piramides te hebben gevonden in het noorden van het land, op ongeveer 145 kilometer van elkaar.
UFO Sightings 2016 UFO Footage | Best ufo footage ever recorded
UFO Sightings 2016 UFO Footage | Best ufo footage ever recorded
Click here to read the UFOs article : For the most amazing places: Best UFO 2016 UFO | UFO Sightings 2016 UFO Footage | best ufo footage ever recorded.
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INTENSE BIOLOGICAL UFO ENCOUNTER! STRANGEST UFO EVER WITNESSED Captured IN HD! 6/29/2016 Jack From the Ranch LIVE INTERVIEW WITH NEW UFO EVIDENCE #1 Most Viewed UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon Shares Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
Het is een bekend gegeven, dat wanneer er een UFO verschijnt de omgeving als gevolg daarvan te maken krijgt met stroomuitval.
Het lijkt erop dat dit op 21 juni jl ook is gebeurd in Diemen, want het antwoord op de grote stroomstoring aldaar verschijnt prominent in beeld bij niemand minder dan de NOS.
Voordat we naar de UFO en NOS gaan, even iets anders, maar ook belangrijk.
Je hebt van die mensen die hun leven wijden aan het onderzoek van vreemde en onverklaarbare zaken in ons luchtruim.
Eén van die mensen is Victor Viggiani, een onlangs gepensioneerd schoolhoofd uit Toronto in Canada.
Al meer dan 30 jaar houdt Viggiani zich bezig met onderzoek en analyse van vreemde gebeurtenissen in het luchtruim.
Enkele dagen geleden, op 25 juni 2016, was er een nationale vergadering (Canadian National Inquiry into UFOs) over UFO’s in Brantford, Ontario, in Canada.
Tijdens die vergadering presenteerde Viggiani een aantal geheime documenten afkomstig van NORAD. De North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is een militaire organisatie die waakt over het luchtruim van de Verenigde Staten en Canada.
Uit die documenten blijkt dat er talloze keren zijn geweest dat er contact is geweest tussen NORAD en onbekende objecten in het luchtruim, UFO’s.
Ook blijkt uit die documenten dat dit soort waarnemingen en contacten met buitenaardsen op het allerhoogste niveau binnen de overheid en militaire instanties wordt besproken.
Tijdens de vergadering geeft Viggiani aan dat hij is bedreigt en zal worden aangeklaagd voor het in gevaar brengen van de nationale veiligheid als hij die documenten openbaar maakt.
Iets dat deze dappere ex schoolmeester desondanks toch gewoon doet. Sterker nog, hij daagt de overheid uit om hem dan maar aan te pakken.
Dan terug naar Nederland, waar ook iets merkwaardigs plaatsvond.
AMSTERDAM (AT5) In een groot deel van Diemen en een deel van Amsterdam Zuidoost zitten flink wat huishoudens zonder stroom.
Dat meldt netbeheerder Liander. Het gaat om postcodes 1000, 1001, 1018, 1096, 1098 en 1102. Sommige getuigen melden dat heel Diemen en heel Zuidoost zonder stroom zitten, maar dat kan Liander niet bevestigen. Ook de trams hebben last van de storing: Tram 9 staat midden op de Kruislaan stil. Andere trams kunnen niet doorrijden.
Op Twitter worden veel liftopsluitingen gemeld. De brandweer is bezig om die mensen te helpen. De bestuurscommissie in Zuidoost moest de vergadering schorsen vanwege de stroomuitval.
De verwachte eindtijd van de storing is inmiddels ruim drie uur verschoven. Liander meldde eerst 22.10 uur, nu duurt de stroomstoring nog tot minstens 01.00 uur.
Tijdens de nieuwsuitzending van het journaal wordt ook melding gemaakt van deze stroomstoring.
Zoals waarschijnlijk bij velen bekend, worden UFO-waarnemingen dikwijls vergezeld van stroomstoringen. Dit kan zowel betrekking hebben op auto’s, batterijen, maar ook de normale stroomvoorziening.
Laat nu datzelfde journaal een beeld tonen van een UFO in de achtergrond, tijdens de stroomuitval in Diemen.
Wij ontvingen het volgende bericht van een lezer:
Vorige week dinsdag was er in Diemen een grote stroomuitval. Dit werd op het NOS Journal bekend gemaakt. Met op de achtergrond een foto van het gebied, was daar op de achtergrond een grote UFO te zien! Heb er foto van gemaakt en een uitvergroting.
This is a cool UFO, but no longer a UFO since of course, its been identified. Its a meteor and its landed right inside this ladies home. Many can be found for much more affordable price, click here to see them. Its value could be astronomical, not only because its from space, but because its landed on a home and was the only one retrieved in that area. This could go for hundreds of thousands of dollars. I also love how the outer shell is revealed from being broken. Its cool to see the melted outer shell of meteors...a sign of a true meteor if its a rocky type. Absolute amazing and beautiful. A piece of the universe came to her. Scott C. Waring
News states: PHITSANULOK - A mysterious rock, believed to be a meteorite, crashed through the roof of a house in Phitsanulok's Muang district on Tuesday. The suspected meteorite fell through the roof of a home in Plai Chumphon sub-district at 7.26am, hit a wall and then bounced to the floor, breaking into five pieces. “I was having breakfast when there was a loud bang, like a gunshot sound. I looked around and found a rock about the size of an egg and some fragments nearby.
I picked up the largest chunk and let go quickly as it was very hot,” 65-year-old home-owner Bualom Chalomprai said. Mrs Bualom believes the rock is from outer space and will bring her good luck. Mrs Bualom’s husband, Kittisak, 75, said he heard a sound of explosion in the sky at about 7am before the 300g rock fell through his roof. Media reports said residents in adjacent districts of Nakhon Thai and Chat Trakan also heard the "explosion". Scientists at Naresuan University’s department of physics later carried out an initial examination on a small fragment taken from the Chalomprai family home and concluded the object could very likely be a meteorite given its features and the circumstance under which it had been found. Department head Sarawut Tuantam said the rock’s crust was charcoal black, indicating it had been burned entering Earth's atmosphere at very high speeds. The test also found the chunk contained large amount of iron and was attracted by a magnet. Prof Sarawut added that the Chalomprais could keep the suspected space rock as it had safe radioactivity levels.
NORAD Secret Documents Show 75 UFOs Intercepts Each Year, June 2016, UFO Sightng News.
NORAD Secret Documents Show 75 UFOs Intercepts Each Year, June 2016, UFO Sightng News.
Date of video: June 2016 Maker of video: Earths Mysteries News.
Here is a cool testement to the UFOs recorded on radar by NORAD every year. Some documents were released to the public, but most are decades old. It seems the gov only releases old records, rather than the new more important ones. Scott C. Waring News states:
In a bold move of defiance to “dare the US government to charge me” Victor Viggiani, a leading Canadian advocate for #Disclosure made public several secret files from the Runic Archive of NORAD proving that the phenomenon of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon or UAPs have “been discussed, analyzed, assessed and sequestered at the highest levels of governance and military authority on the planet.” (ZNNews) Vigiani states that in reference to the NORAD documents in his possession he has been threatened with indictment if he releases this file. “Any distribution of kind of information” Viggiani quotes from the document, “threatens National Security in addition to the Espionage Act of the United States.” Viggiani then defiantly released these files to the members of the press attending the most significant event of its kind this year — the ET Disclosure Hearing — Canada’s first national inquiry into UFOs and Extraterrestrials held Saturday, June 25th, 2016 at the Alien Cosmic Expo in Brantford Ontario, Canada.
About 18,000 Mysterious Sightings Spotted On a World Map
About 18,000 Mysterious Sightings Spotted On a World Map
Many people are awakening to the fact that humans are not alone in the universe. For the past few years, there have been a dramatic increase of high-ranking political, military, and other figures coming forward to share their experiences. There was also official documentation released by governments worldwide. Unidentified flying objects, as they are fondly called, are the century’s most controversial and intriguing mysteries. According to a report, there are 70,000 UFO sightings worldwide. Whether or not it is credible, some people are confident that they’ve spotted something suspicious. To gain a massive understanding of what these encounters mean, Stepchild GPU has analyzed data from 18,000 sightings being reported. Programmed in 1991, Stepchild GPU is a highly innovated graphic processing unit from Silicon Valley.
The maps can visualize data according to green dots (sightings) and white dots (duration of sightings). In other words, the United States lights up compared to the rest of the world. Could these encounters be experimental weather balloons or government planes? Does America spotted more UFOs, or conduct Americans research out of reasons to see humans as the center of the universe? Whatever it is, one thing is apparent: If aliens are not fiction, they do not adore or value the Great Plains. To admire the impressive visualization, one is not forced to believe in aliens. Every light represents that someone is searching for. At the root of each haunting, green light is a mind searching for the dark. These are beacons rather than a data point overlaying on a map.
More today, hundreds of theologians, thinkers, and scientists have attempted to answer whether or not there are extraterrestrials. According to some, the speculation that these alien spaceships are from another world is a foolish and absurd proposal. Others assert that they are not only possible but may be technologically advanced who visit the Earth regularly. Are these saucers a product of our imagination? Or, are a genuine people love to dismiss due to fear? These are pertinent questions that an individual must address.
3Doodler' Pen Lets You Draw 3D-Printed Creations in Midair
3Doodler' Pen Lets You Draw 3D-Printed Creations in Midair
By Jaclyn Jansen, Live Science Contributor |
The 3Doodler is a standard 3D printer that has been transformed into a pen.
Credit: 3Doodler
It wasn't long ago that the idea of printing something in three dimensions sounded like science fiction. But over the past decade, 3D printers have become widespread and are now used to create everything from decorative baubles to robot parts to medical devices.
Still, using a 3D printer isn't always simple: The machine is frequently housed within a box the size of a microwave, and it requires technical software and, in some cases, a detailed knowledge of design. But now, a company called 3Doodler has transformed the standard 3D printer into a pen, allowing people to draw 3D creations freely in the air — without the need for a computer or any software.
In 2012, Maxwell Bogue and Peter Dilworth, co-founders of 3Doodler along with Daniel Cowen, were trying to come up with the next greatkids' toy. They said they frequently used 3D printers to craft prototypes of their designs, and one night, they spent 14 hours printing a dinosaur leg, only to find that the printer had missed a section, leaving a gap in the model. [Best Educational Toys & Games for Kids]
The two wished they "could just take the nozzle off the 3D printer and fill in the missing gap," Bogue, now CEO of the company, told Live Science. So, the inventors set out to design a product that could do just that.
Bogue and Dilworth took apart a 3D printer and added a computer chipto the nozzle so that they could control the device. When that rudimentary model worked as a proof of concept, the team set out to streamline the design to create a more user-friendly pen, they said.
The first prototypes came straight from a standard 3D printer. "We printed the shells and the casings and everything that's held together," Bogue said.
The inventors of the 3Doodler originally set out to make the next great kids' toy.
Credit: 3Doodler
When it was done, they pulled the hot nozzle off the printer and used it in their pen. Over about eight months, they refined the design, finally producing the first version of the product, Bogue said.
In a lot of ways, the 3Doodler works like a sophisticated hot-glue gun: A heating element melts plastic, and it is extruded out through a nozzle. But glue guns use a hand pump to push the plastic out of the tip, which can make it clump. The challenge with the 3Doodler was to find a way to make the plastic flow steadily and smoothly, so the inventors designed the pen with a motor to propel the plastic filament, they said.
The heater inside the 3Doodler runs about 355 degrees to 460 degrees Fahrenheit (180 to 240 degrees Celsius) to effectively melt the most common plastic filaments (known as PLA and ABS). But at that temperature, the plastic would take a long time to cool, making it impossible to draw in the air, Bogue said. As a result, Bogue and Dilworth added a cooling fan to the 3Doodler, which brings the temperature of the plastic down to about 280 degrees to 300 degrees F (140 to 150 degrees C) when it leaves the pen, and the plastic hardens within seconds, Bogue said. [The 10 Weirdest Things Created By 3D Printing]
The inventors ran a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign to raise money for the project, collecting more than $2.3 million from more than 26,000 backers. The pen is now in its third version, known as the 3Doodler Create, and it has been used for a variety of creations, including artwork, clothing and wallets.
But despite its early success, the initial iterations of the 3Doodler still didn't satisfy Bogue's original mission. "This would be an awesome kids' toy, but it's too hot," Bogue said.
The 3Doodler Create far exceeds the 127-degree F (53 degrees C) maximum temperature allowed for children's products, as set by the EU Toys Safety Directive. So the company teamed up with materials scientists to develop an entirely new type of plastic, and after three years, they created a biodegradable, food-safe plastic that melts at between 113 degrees and 122 degrees Fahrenheit (45 to 50 degrees C). This means that it is safe for kids and can even be used to draw directly on the skin without causing burns, according to the company.
The new pen, known as the 3Doodler Start, is designed for kids ages 8 and older. The rechargeable battery and 16 different colors of filaments make the pen ideal for not just recreational use but also classroom use, the inventors said. In particular, the company is hoping that the new pen will significantly enhance STEM education, Bogue added.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Robot Cars Tear Up Track to Test Hazard Response
Robot Cars Tear Up Track to Test Hazard Response
By Tom Metcalfe, Live Science Contributor
A one-fifth scale self-driving rally car at the Georgia Tech Autonomous Racing Facility. The work aims to help engineers understand how driverless vehicles can keep control on dangerous roads.
Credit: Rob Felt, Georgia Tech
Two robotic rally cars are tearing up a dirt track in Atlanta, in an effort by researchers to learn how self-driving vehicles can stay in control when they slide, spin or jump.
In addition to making self-driving cars safer in collisions and hazardous roadconditions, the work could be applied to other types of autonomous systems that may need to make decisions in rapidly changing or unstructured environments, the researchers said. These systems could include robots in human homes or workplaces.
Each of the two custom-designed robotic rally vehicles carries a quad-core computer equipped with a powerful graphics processor. This computer performs the heavy processing required by the software controlling the car. Forward-facing cameras, a GPS receiver, inertia sensors and wheel-speed sensors continuously monitor the location and trajectory of the vehicle. Each car measures about 3 feet (0.9 meters) long and can reach speeds of up to 90 mph (145 km/h). A reinforced aluminumframe protects the equipment from damage in rollovers. [Photos: The Robotic Evolution of Self-Driving Cars]
The researchers, from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in Atlanta, said the key to the project has been developing an algorithm that can quickly make control decisions with limited computing power, and very limited time.
Georgia Tech researchers with one of the autonomous rally vehicles at the track. From left: Georgia Tech students Sarah Selim, Brian Goldfain, Paul Drews, and Grady Williams.
Credit: Rob Felt, Georgia Tech
The algorithm, called "model predictive path integral control" (MPPI), uses the rally car's onboard graphics processor to analyze data from the sensors in real time and predict the trajectory of the vehicle up to 2.5 seconds in the future. It does so by comparing more than 2,500 possible trajectories in less than 1/60th of a second.
One of the lead researchers on the project, Panagiotis Tsiotras, a mechanical engineer at Georgia Tech's School of Aerospace Engineering, told Live Science that the researchers began by examining how expert human drivers control carsat the edges of the vehicles' handling limits, the moments just before cars lose their grip on the road.
"The interesting thing is that human expert drivers are really good at doing these types of maneuvers," Tsiotras said. "So we thought to ask for help from some expert rally drivers, trying to understand how the vehicles operate in those regimes. And if we understand how they operate, maybe we will be able to autonomously control the vehicle in a similar way to how these expert drivers control the vehicle."
Among the researchers' discoveries was a mathematical description of the equilibrium of forces that allow a vehicle to "power slide," or drift while maintaining a high speed. That research had been the subject of a thesis by one of the students involved with the research.
Some early work on the project was funded by the Ford Motor Company, which wanted to improve the active safety systems, such as anti-skid braking, on the company's passenger cars. For the last five years, the work has been sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Office, which is interested in autonomous vehicles that can operate off-road, Tsiotras said. "We call it 'aggressive mobility for autonomous vehicles’." [Self-Driving Cars: 5 Problems That Need Solutions]
"We're using this algorithm to predict in the very near future how the vehicle is going to behave, and this is not very different than the way human beings do such planning," Tsiotras said.
The research has applications for other autonomous and robotic systems, not just self-driving cars, he added.
"The driving application is interesting — people relate to it because there's a skill factor. But there are a lot of fundamental questions related to controlling autonomous systems in general," Tsiotras said. "Any time that you want to make a decision in terms of sensing, perception and control, that has to be made with limited resources and at very fast timescale. This is an example where these algorithms can be used."
The robotic rally research at Georgia Tech is led by Evangelos Theodorou, a robotics specialist at the School of Aerospace Engineering. The development of the MPPI control algorithm was led by machine-learning specialist Jim Rehg, a professor at Georgia Tech's School of Interactive Computing.
A paper describing the research was presented at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, which was held in Stockholm, Sweden, in May. The findings were published online in May by the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society.
A solid rocket booster for NASA's Space Launch System rocket fires during a ground test in Utah in March 2015.
Credit: NASA
NASA will test-fire a booster for the world's most powerful rocket Tuesday morning (June 28), and you can watch the explosive action live online.
A solid rocket booster for NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) megarocket — which the agency is developing to blast astronauts toward Mars and other deep-space destinations — will fire for 2 minutes Tuesday at a facility in Utah, beginning at 10:05 a.m. EDT (1405 GMT). You can watch it live here at, courtesy of NASA TV; coverage starts at 9:30 a.m. EDT (1330 GMT).
NASA will hold a press conference at 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT) Tuesday to discuss the results of the test. You can listen to audio of the press conference here at as well, courtesy of NASA.
Tuesday's test will be the second and final ground test for the SLS booster before the huge rocket lifts off on its first space mission in 2018, w hich will be an uncrewed trip around the moon known as Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1).
The first ground test, which NASA declared a complete success, occurred in March 2015. The SLS booster burned as planned for 2 minutes — the same amount of time it will fire during a launch — and generated 3.6 million lbs. (1.6 million kilograms) of thrust, space agency officials said at the time.
When it's ready to go in 2018, the SLS will consist of a core stage powered by four RS-25 engines (the same kind that NASA used for the now-retired space shuttle), along with two 177-foot-tall (54 meters) solid rocket boosters like the one being tested Tuesday.
SLS is designed to launch NASA's Orion crew capsule, which is also in development. The duo is currently scheduled to fly astronauts for the first time in the early 2020s.
Tuesday's test, like the March 2015 trial, will take place in Promontory, Utah, at a facility owned by aerospace company Orbital ATK, an SLS partner.
Opal-Studded Meteorite Hints at Origins of Earth's Water
Opal-Studded Meteorite Hints at Origins of Earth's Water
By Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor
Meteorite EET 83309 contains tiny fragments of opal, a material that requires water to form. In this backscattered electron image, a narrow opal rim surrounds a bright metallic mineral inclusion.
Credit: H. Downes
A gem of a meteorite found in Antarctica is studded with pieces of opal, a crystal that is associated with water. The discovery lends greater strength to the idea that meteorites brought water to asteroids and may also have seeded the Earth with the liquid necessary for life to evolve.
"This is more evidence that meteorites and asteroids can carry large amounts of water ice," lead author Hilary Downes said in a statement. Downes, a geochemist at the Birkbeck Institute of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of London, announced the results today (Monday, June 27) at the National Astronomy Meeting in Nottingham, England.
"Although we rightly worry about the consequences of the impact of large asteroids, billions of years ago they may have brought the water to the Earth and helped it become the world teeming with life that we live in today."
On Earth, opal is made up of silica — a common ingredient in sand — and water. As water runs across the planet, it picks up sand and other pieces of silica. When it evaporates, it leaves behind traces of that material that build up to form opals. Scientists have only found one other meteorite carrying the mineraloid — a rock that traveled from Mars. While the Red Planet has opal-like deposits on its surface, none have been found on asteroids.
Downes and her colleagues found that the meteorite EET 83309 is made up of thousands of broken-up rocks and minerals, suggesting that it came fromthe surface of an asteroid. Research on the meteorite by other scientists reveals that the rock was exposed to radiation from the sun, solar wind and other cosmic sources. Since an asteroid lacks an atmosphere to shield it from deadly radiation, its surface is constantly dosed with the deadly rays.
Bits and pieces of other asteroids were also embedded in the meteorite, suggesting that the parent asteroid was struck by numerous impacts. As a result of one of the many impacts, water could have been delivered to the surface of the asteroid, forming opal.
"The pieces of opal we have found are either broken fragments or they are replacing other minerals," Downes said.
If early meteorites carried water to asteroids, they could also have broughtwater to the Earth.
"Our evidence shows that the opal formed before the meteorite was blasted off from the surface of the parent asteroid and sent into space, eventually to land on Earth in Antarctica," Downes added.
Sometimes you’re a planet who’s been with a moon for few eons, and it all becomes a bit too…familiar.
Things started out with a hot and heavy crash, and the two of you get all tangled up with one another. But over time your surfaces cool, your orbits drift apart, and your differences became apparent. And though the living things who mostly hang out at your place do visit your moon once in a while, everyone knows they really want to go somewhere else entirely.
In a situation like that, you might be tempted to take up with a second moon. A small moon, farther away. One that orbits irregularly and most planets wouldn’t even notice.
That’s exactly what Earth did, it turns out.
NASA says asteroid 2016 HO3, which we first heard about via writer George Dvorsky at Gizmodo, is currently locked into “a little dance” with Earth.
The rock’s orbit is irregular, causing it to drift between 38 and 100 times the distance of our planet’s primary moon, and bob up and down across Earth’s orbital plane.
NASA says it’s larger than 120 feet across but no more than 300 feet wide, has likely orbited our world for about a century, and will stick around for many more centuries to come.
Researchers first noticed 2016 HO3 on April 27 with the Pan-STARRS 1 asteroid survey telescope on Haleakala, Hawaii. That telescope is funded by the thoroughly badass-sounding “Planetary Defence Coordination Office,” which tracks near-Earth objects
Watch a cool video by NASA that illustrates how the mini-moon orbits Earth, below.
It turns out that our moon isn’t alone out there, orbiting our planet on its own. Earth has a companion in space which has been orbiting our world for over a century, and NASA has only recently spotted it.
According to new reports from NASA, there is a quasi-moon orbiting around Earth for almost a century, and we have missed it all along.
The new moon isn’t as big as THE MOON is, but, it still keeps our original moon company while traveling across space.
The smaller quasi-moon orbits Earth with an extremely irregular path. Moon 2.0 is actually asteroid 2016 H03, which is locked into a dance with our planet, in fact, it has been dancing with our planet for almost a century and we have failed to notice it until recently. The quasi- moon’s orbit is extremely elliptical causing it to travel between 38 and 100 times the distance of our planet’s ‘original’ moon.
The ‘new’ moon is tilted at around 8° and travels around the sun for 365.93 days, which is a bit longer than our planets 365.24 day-long year.
The orbit of the new moon varies a lot. In fact, due to its tilted and elliptical orbit, 2016 H03 is sometimes closer to the sun and moves faster than our planet and in other times its located farther out and moves slowly. However, researcher shave found it never gets closer to about 14 million kilometers from Earth, nor does it stray off course over 40 million kilometers.
Earth new mini-moon is around 40 meters across and nearly 100 meters wide and will most likely remain as one of Earth’s smaller moon for coming centuries.
The new moon was discovered thanks to the Pan-STARRS 1 asteroid survey telescope in Haleakala, Hawaii.
“Since 2016 HO3 loops around our planet, but never ventures very far away as we both go around the sun, we refer to it as a quasi-satellite of Earth,” said Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object (NEO) Studies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. “One other asteroid — 2003 YN107 — followed a similar orbital pattern for a while over ten years ago, but it has since departed our vicinity. This new asteroid is much more locked onto us. Our calculations indicate 2016 HO3 has been a stable quasi-satellite of Earth for almost a century, and it will continue to follow this pattern as Earth’s companion for centuries to come.”
Open Your Third Eye, Like the Ancient Egyptians Did
Open Your Third Eye, Like the Ancient Egyptians Did
Few cultures were as preoccupied with the afterlife as the ancient Egyptians. Their society relied heavily on a mythos of rebirth and transformation through the attainment of higher levels of consciousness. This is especially true of the fortunate few that made up the ruling class, as evidenced standing the symbolism-heavy narrative they left behind etched in stone.
One of their most important symbols – the Eye of Horus- bears testimony to their search for the secrets of this life and, as it turns out, this ancient symbol might be a key to unlocking the perspective of a continued existence on higher planes of existence.
The Sky God Horus was the one of the ancient Egyptians’ most significant deities. The Eye of Horus, also known as Wedjat (sometimes Wadjet) was a symbol of protection and the royal power that the gods bestowed upon mankind. When used properly, it acted as a ward against evil and offered protection in the afterlife. Should it come as a surprise when we realize that this symbol of immense power is actually very similar to the structure in the brain at the center of which the pineal gland is found?
The pineal gland is found in the center of the human brain, between the two hemispheres. It resembles a pine cone (hence the name) and can be found in nearly all vertebrates. Biology tells us that its role in the human body is to secrete melatonin, a hormone that modulates sleep patterns. Some evolutionary biologists believe that the vertebrate pineal cells possess a common evolutionary ancestor with retinal cells. Structurally speaking, the pineal gland acts like it was once an eye.
The Egyptians weren’t the only ones to hold the pineal gland and its representations in such a high regard. This symbol can be found from the ruins of Babylon to the Christian scriptures and everywhere in between. The ancient Greeks considered it the seat of the soul, a notion that was later picked up by the Romans. In Hinduism, it plays an even greater role and is associated with the Ajna chakra, the part of the brain that signifies the conscience.
Throughout history, various cultures have identified the pineal gland as the Third Eye, the All-Seeing organ Plato so ceremoniously described in Republic:
“In every man there is an Eye of the soul which is far more precious than ten thousand bodily eyes, for by it alone is truth seen. The Eye of the soul is alone naturally adapted to be resuscitated and excited by the mathematical disciplines.”
Mathematical disciplines. Hmmm. Was Plato talking about Sacred Geometry, by any chance? Because the ancient Egyptians made heavy use of this concept, and it permeated many aspects of their culture. The Eye of Horus itself stands testament to this idea.
The ancient Egyptians’ architecture is further evidence of their special relationship with numerology. Many Egyptologists have dedicated their energy to uncovering the sacred knowledge the builders of the pyramids possessed.
One of them was French occultist René Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz, and in his book The Temple in Man, he describes the multiple instances of hidden symbolism present at the Temple of Luxor in Egypt. In 1935, Schwaller de Lubicz moved to Egypt with his wife and daughter and began the arduous process of mapping and measuring the entire temple. He would spend the next 15 years of his life trying and succeeding in finding clues regarding divine mathematics.
Built nerly 3,500 years ago, the Luxor Temple is a perfect example of the use of sacred geometry in architecture, as it reflects the exact proportions of the human body. Even more important, this masterpiece of symbolist teachings reveals the occult anatomy of man. Schwaller discovered that inside the Temple of Luxor, representations of the Eye of Horus abound in the southern secret sanctuaries. This means that the ancient Egyptians viewed the pineal gland as a doorway or a passage. It represented the symbolic entrance to man’s head, the seat of his intellect and his soul.
The ancient Egyptians relied heavily on symbolism and our knowledge of their culture was extracted from their figurative representations. But this process of deduction is far from being perfect and you can be sure that some of the intricacies of their beliefs were lost in translation.
Despite all this, one thing is abundantly obvious: they held the pineal gland in high regard and they knew it held the key to exploring the spiritual world. By subjecting it to the principles of sacred geometry, they acknowledged the Third Eye as a corridor to the outer cosmos that originated man.
There are reasons to suspect the Egyptian culture might be much older than modern science is willing to accept, pushing back the use of this divine symbol by millennia and giving birth to a legitimate question: did the Egyptians discover the role of the pineal gland on their own or did they receive this esoteric knowledge from a much older and wiser culture? The fact that symbolic representations of the All-Seeing Eye can be found throughout the globe in cultures spanning thousands of years seems to support the latter.
So what does this mean for us? Should we rely on what human anatomy tells us and further demystify the capabilities of this spiritual organ? Do we let it become calcified without attempting to investigate its life-changing powers that seem to transcend time and space? Do we rub sand in our own eyes?
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