The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Afgelopen zondagnacht werd de kust van het Australische Queensland opgeschrikt door een enorme lichtflits en huizen die trilden alsof er een zware aardbeving plaatsvond.
Later bleek dat het waarschijnlijk gaat om een meteoriet die net voor de kust is ingeslagen, maar hoelang duurt het voordat de bewoonde wereld wordt geraakt?
Ongeveer een week geleden schreven wij dat de aarde wederom aan een ramp was ontsnapt, omdat een aantal asteroïden rakelings langs de aarde scheerden.
En zo te zien is er nu weer iets dergelijks gebeurd, alleen dit keer kwam het brok ruimtepuin wél onze atmosfeer binnen en veroorzaakte totale paniek aan de Australische kust in Queensland.
Men weet op dit moment niet helemaal zeker wat er precies naar beneden kwam bij Turkey Beach in Queensland, maar het meest waarschijnlijke scenario is een meteoriet.
Het voorval vond plaats in de nacht van zaterdag op zondag en wat er gebeurde zag er uit zoals te zien op de volgende afbeelding:
De telefoonlijnen van de hulpdiensten waren overbelast vanwege ongeruste mensen die zeiden dat ze het gevoel hadden dat er een aardbeving plaatsvond omdat hun huizen op hun grondvesten stonden te trillen.
Honderden mensen rapporteerden ook een fel licht en volgens sommige berichten was er zelfs sprake van twee objecten en niet één.
Deze melding kwam van enkele mensen die in een boot aan het vissen waren en zeiden dat ze de drukgolf konden voelen in de boot waarin ze zaten.
De mensen die daar wonen hebben ontzettend veel geluk gehad, want volgens de berichten is de meteoriet in zee geland en heeft het geen verdere schade veroorzaakt.
Maar, niet alleen in Australië komen dit soort dingen voor want afgelopen vrijdag was er ook een dergelijke vuurbol bij ons te zien.
De volgende opname is gemaakt in het Engelse graafschap Kent.
Op het navolgende plaatje staan de meldingen zoals die zijn binnengekomen bij de American Meteor Society.
Meer dan 100 waarnemingen vanuit Duitsland, Nederland, België en Engeland.
Het gaat hier niet meer over incidenten, maar over een structurele toename van het aantal vuurbollen in de lucht.
Nogmaals de statistiek die we lieten zien in het eerdere artikel en daaruit blijkt dat er ieder jaar meer vuurbollen worden waargenomen.
In de afgelopen weken twee asteroïden die rakelings langs de aarde scheren zonder dat iemand deze heeft ontdekt en een meteoriet die inslaat net voor de kust van Australië.
Dat is in een periode van enkele weken drie keer dat de aarde aan een ramp is ontsnapt, dus wat is de kans dat dit zo blijft doorgaan en er niet vandaag of morgen een grote stad wordt geraakt? Dan kunnen ze de Russen daar de schuld weer van geven.
Light Entity Caught Over Slippery Rock, PA - September 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Light Entity Caught Over Slippery Rock, PA - September 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: Sept 18, 2016 Location of sighting: Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, USA News source: MUFON #79259 This is a light entity. They do not need ships to travel in and they move around very fast. In a blink of an eye they can make a 500 meter circle in the sky above you...yes, I have seen a a fleet of about 50 of them one night with my family, and yes, about 5 of them came back and did the circle thing above us for almost ten minutes. They see you faster than you will notice them. They think on a turbo charged level, meaning 10-50X our own speed and move equally with that, but their curiosity often gets them caught on camera. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Hello, my name is [Name removed]. I'm currently a student at slippery rock university double majoring in physics/mechanical engineering, and this is my ufo story. Let me start off by saying: I usually try to rationalize things before I come to conclusions, but I can tell you that this wasn't ball lighting, dust particles, or bugs. I was doing my statics homework at 10:20-10:27pm Saturday September 18th when suddenly I notoced a bright dot out of the corner of my eye followed by my neighbors dog barking like crazy.
Upon noticing these things, I then turned towards the window and saw a very bright, basketball sized, white/silver, beautifully uniquely shaped ufo (orb). This orb was like nothing ive ever seen or experienced before. The best way I can describe it is somewhat angelic. It's shape was mainly spherical, but looked Like it was a spherical shape hard to comprehend(like a 2 dimensional creature seeing a 3 dimensional sphere). It's almost like it came from a higher dimensional plane, managed to somehow project to our plane, gave off a feeling of power and love, and was accompanied by a light humming sound. I hypothesize that mathematically, this type of "dimensional projection" can be explained by mapping from a 4 dimensional vector plane(their reality) onto a 3 dimensional vector plane(our reality) (linear algebra transformations). This would allow an orb of possibly a higher dimension to travel to lower dimensions and be visible to us 3 dimensional creatures. The orb's travel path was linear, traveling from the woods (behind the back parking lot of my building) to a lamp post (in the back parking lot). While traveling, it was pulsating. Again, I was absolutely astonished by this object. The duration of time it took the orb to travel from the woods to the lamp post was approximately 1 minute. When the orb neared the light post, it caused the lights to dim initially.
When the lights brightened, the orb started to almost "dance" around them in some sort of way. The object appeared to be metallic and have some sort of electric and magnetic field around it. With that being said, It's almost like the orb was trying to "charge" itself by interacting it's magnetic field against the electric field emitted by the light (this is explained by the solinoid-coil experiment to create a charge). As the orb did this it started to brighten. After staring at this orb baffled, confused, and coming to the realization that I wasn't seeing things, I took out my phone and started recording it. After a couple seconds of recording I waved my hands to try to get it's attention. Upon seeing me, the orb started to zigzag from one point in space to another instantly (null geodesic) and then suddenly vanished instantly. Also, the object appears to disappear traveling to the left. I submitted the original unedited video I took below so if you want to see how the object actually takes off, slow down the time frames in the video at the time gap from 32s- 36s.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and watch the video. And as a junior physics and engineering student I ensure the accuracy of the theory and invite you to look into the physics/mathematical topics after watching the video to try to make sense of these ufos and their nature. Hope to hear back from you soon.
Bright Disk Seen Over New York On Sept 11, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News
Bright Disk Seen Over New York On Sept 11, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 11, 2016 Location of sighting: Colonie, New York, USA Source: MUFON #79390 UFOs are often seen around sunset due to the setting angle of the sun and the eyewitness to the event. Any cloak craft would become visible for a few minutes around this time, the orange from the craft is from the setting sun. Great catch, but wish we had video for the craft to show us how it moved and if it made any noise. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: On 9/11/2016 around 7:10pm I was with my sister driving by Central Avenue on Colonie NY on my way to Schenectady. My sister observed a brilliant light on the sky. When I looked the light was steady, didn't move for about 3 minutes. I quickly thought it was a ufo. It impacted us and my sister parked the car and I got my cell phone to take pictures, which are the ones attached. It look like a cigar type. Then the first ufo moved and then 2 more showed up and were steady for about a minute and then the 3 of them disappeared.
Some people would ask why aliens seem to don’t care about landing on the White House lawn. Many may be surprised to learn that UFOs created a panic in Washington, D.C. in 1952. Jets were scrambled when the Air Force noticed UFOs nearby, but jet pilots could not catch the unknown flying objects. These UFO incursions happened in multiple instances, and U.S. Air Force UFO investigators observed one of them from the control tower at Washington National Airport.
The U.S. Air Force investigation could be the most thorough examination of the UFO issue. They started their investigation in 1948, which was called Project Sign, then changed to Project Grudge, and finally called Project Blue Book.
As a result of these studies, the Air Force points three things:
(1) No UFOs has posed any threat to the national security;
(2) No technological developments or principles beyond the present-day scientific knowledge has been found from the sightings submitted to or discovered by the Air Force; and
(3) There has been no proof that sightings categorized as “unidentified” are extraterrestrial craft or vehicles.
However, it appears that not everyone involved in the investigations shared the same conclusions.
The head of Project Blue Book at the time stated that the July 1952 UFO sightings over Washington, D.C. had made headlines worldwide and confused the Air Force. The mysterious events lasted for several days that highlighted with many radar detections of unidentified flying objects, and many people from the ground witnessed some of the events. Jets were scrambled in many of the sightings and each of these incidents, the UFOs managed to outmaneuver the jets.
Various photos and videos about UFOs over Washington DC are all over the internet, but they are all either recreations or reflections of the incidents. No videos or pictures were captured, but the case remains unsolved.
Lead Air Force investigator Captain Edward Ruppelt, head of Project Blue Book from 1952 to 1953, explained the investigation of the events in Washington, D.C. in his book. Ruppelt wrote that many in the Air Force were convinced the UFOs were interplanetary spaceships.
Illinois: 5 floating orbs over Lake Michigan 27-Sep-2016
Illinois: 5 floating orbs over Lake Michigan 27-Sep-2016
Check out this amazing footage of a bright orbs hovering in the sky above Lake Michigan in US state Illinois. This was filmed yesterday (27th August 2016).
Witness report:
At 7:25 PM on 9-27-2016 I looked out my window to see 5 bright lights floating over Lake Michigan. Specifically in front of the South Street Beach area of Evanston,IL. They were initially in a linear formation and then moved to a T formation. Three of the orbs slowly broke away to form a triangle. After 30 minutes the orbs disappeared. A delivery driver coming to my home also saw the lights. There were planes flying past these lights. I have photos and video.
In 1900, the British physicist Lord Kelvin is said to have pronounced: "There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement." Within three decades, quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity had revolutionized the field. Today, no physicist would dare assert that our physical knowledge of the universe is near completion. To the contrary, each new discovery seems to unlock a Pandora's box of even bigger, even deeper physics questions. These are our picks for the most profound open questions of all.
Inside you’ll learn about parallel universes, why time seems to move in one direction only, and why we don’t understand chaos.
Editor’s Note: This list was originally published in 2012. It was updated in March, 2016 to include newer information and recent studies.
Credit: NASA
1. What is dark energy?
No matter how astrophysicists crunch the numbers, the universe simply doesn't add up. Even though gravity is pulling inward on space-time — the "fabric" of the cosmos — it keeps expanding outward faster and faster. To account for this, astrophysicists have proposed an invisible agent that counteracts gravity by pushing space-time apart. They call it dark energy. In the most widely accepted model of dark energy, it is a "cosmological constant": an inherent property of space itself, which has "negative pressure" driving space apart. As space expands, more space is created, and with it, more dark energy. Based on the observed rate of expansion, scientists know that the sum of all the dark energy must make up more than 70 percent of the total contents of the universe. But no one knows how to look for it. The best researchers have been able to do in recent years is narrow in a bit on where dark energy might be hiding, which was the topic of a study released in August 2015.
Credit: ESO/L. Calçada
2. What is dark matter?
Evidently, about 84 percent of the matter in the universe does not absorb or emit light. "Dark matter," as it is called, cannot be seen directly, and it hasn't yet been detected by indirect means, either. Instead, dark matter's existence and properties are inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, radiation and the structure of the universe. This shadowy substance is thought to pervade the outskirts of galaxies, and may be composed of "weakly interacting massive particles," or WIMPs. Worldwide, there are several detectors on the lookout for WIMPs, but so far, not one has been found. One recent study suggests dark mater might form long, fine-grained streams throughout the universe, and that such streams might radiate out from Earth like hairs. [Related: If Not Dark Matter, then What?]
Time moves forward because a property of the universe called "entropy," roughly defined as the level of disorder, only increases, and so there is no way to reverse a rise in entropy after it has occurred. The fact that entropy increases is a matter of logic: There are more disordered arrangements of particles than there are ordered arrangements, and so as things change, they tend to fall into disarray. But the underlying question here is, why was entropy so low in the past? Put differently, why was the universe so ordered at its beginning, when a huge amount of energy was crammed together in a small amount of space? [What's the Total Energy in the Universe?]
Astrophysical data suggests space-time might be "flat," rather than curved, and thus that it goes on forever. If so, then the region we can see (which we think of as "the universe") is just one patch in an infinitely large "quilted multiverse." At the same time, the laws of quantum mechanics dictate that there are only a finite number of possible particle configurations within each cosmic patch (10^10^122 distinct possibilities). So, with an infinite number of cosmic patches, the particle arrangements within them are forced to repeat — infinitely many times over. This means there are infinitely many parallel universes: cosmic patches exactly the same as ours (containing someone exactly like you), as well as patches that differ by just one particle's position, patches that differ by two particles' positions, and so on down to patches that are totally different from ours.
Is there something wrong with that logic, or is its bizarre outcome true? And if it is true, how might we ever detect the presence of parallel universes? Check out this excellentperspective from 2015 that looks into what "infinite universes" would mean.
The question of why there is so much more matter than its oppositely-charged and oppositely-spinning twin, antimatter, is actually a question of why anything exists at all. One assumes the universe would treat matter and antimatter symmetrically, and thus that, at the moment of the Big Bang, equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been produced. But if that had happened, there would have been a total annihilation of both: Protons would have canceled with antiprotons, electrons with anti-electrons (positrons), neutrons with antineutrons, and so on, leaving behind a dull sea of photons in a matterless expanse. For some reason, there was excess matter that didn't get annihilated, and here we are. For this, there is no accepted explanation. The most detailed test to date of the differences between matter and antimatter, announced in August 2015, confirm they are mirror images of each other, providing exactly zero new paths toward understanding the mystery of why matter is far more common.
The fate of the universe strongly depends on a factor of unknown value: Ω, a measure of the density of matter and energy throughout the cosmos. If Ω is greater than 1, then space-time would be "closed" like the surface of an enormous sphere. If there is no dark energy, such a universe would eventually stop expanding and would instead start contracting, eventually collapsing in on itself in an event dubbed the "Big Crunch." If the universe is closed but there is dark energy, the spherical universe would expand forever.
Alternatively, if Ω is less than 1, then the geometry of space would be "open" like the surface of a saddle. In this case, its ultimate fate is the "Big Freeze" followed by the "Big Rip": first, the universe's outward acceleration would tear galaxies and stars apart, leaving all matter frigid and alone. Next, the acceleration would grow so strong that it would overwhelm the effects of the forces that hold atoms together, and everything would be wrenched apart.
If Ω = 1, the universe would be flat, extending like an infinite plane in all directions. If there is no dark energy, such a planar universe would expand forever but at a continually decelerating rate, approaching a standstill. If there is dark energy, the flat universe ultimately would experience runaway expansion leading to the Big Rip. Regardless how it plays out, the universe is dying, a fact discussed in detail by astrophysicist Paul Sutter in the essay from December, 2015.
Que sera, sera.
Credit: John D. Norton
7. How do measurements collapse quantum wavefunctions?
In the strange realm of electrons, photons and the other fundamental particles, quantum mechanics is law. Particles don't behave like tiny balls, but rather like waves that are spread over a large area. Each particle is described by a "wavefunction," or probability distribution, which tells what its location, velocity, and other properties are more likely to be, but not what those properties are. The particle actually has a range of values for all the properties, until you experimentally measure one of them — its location, for example — at which point the particle's wavefunction "collapses" and it adopts just one location. [Newborn Babies Understand Quantum Mechanics]
But how and why does measuring a particle make its wavefunction collapse, producing the concrete reality that we perceive to exist? The issue, known as the measurement problem, may seem esoteric, but our understanding of what reality is, or if it exists at all, hinges upon the answer.
Credit: Creative Commons | Lunch
8. Is string theory correct?
When physicists assume all the elementary particles are actually one-dimensional loops, or "strings," each of which vibrates at a different frequency, physics gets much easier.String theory allows physicists to reconcile the laws governing particles, called quantum mechanics, with the laws governing space-time, called general relativity, and to unify the four fundamental forces of nature into a single framework. But the problem is, string theory can only work in a universe with 10 or 11 dimensions: three large spatial ones, six or seven compacted spatial ones, and a time dimension. The compacted spatial dimensions — as well as the vibrating strings themselves — are about a billionth of a trillionth of the size of an atomic nucleus. There's no conceivable way to detect anything that small, and so there's no known way to experimentally validate or invalidate string theory.
Physicists can't exactly solve the set of equations that describes the behavior of fluids, from water to air to all other liquids and gases. In fact, it isn't known whether a general solution of the so-called Navier-Stokes equations even exists, or, if there is a solution, whether it describes fluids everywhere, or contains inherently unknowable points called singularities. As a consequence, the nature of chaos is not well understood. Physicists and mathematicians wonder, is the weather merely difficult to predict, or inherently unpredictable? Does turbulence transcend mathematical description, or does it all make sense when you tackle it with the right math?
Moon Speck Captured in Stunning View of Saturn's Rings
Moon Speck Captured in Stunning View of Saturn's Rings
By Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Contributor
Saturn's rings part ways for the planet's moon Pan in this image taken July 2, 2016 by the Cassini spacecraft. The moon holds open the Encke Gap in Saturn's A ring, a 200-mile (325 kilometer) wide opening.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
A speck of a moon makes big waves in a new image of Saturn's rings taken by the Cassini spacecraft.
Captured July 2, 2016, the image shows Saturn's moon Pan inside the Encke gap, a 200-mile-wide (325 kilometers) space held open by the moon's orbit. Because the gravitational forces of Pan sweep most particles out of the gap, the moon is known as a "shepherd." The thin white lines seen in the gap are ringlets, mini-rings made of particles that Pan doesn't kick out of the gap, but does affect its orbit. [Latest Saturn Photos from Cassini's Orbiter]
Pan is only about 12 miles (20 kilometers) in diameter. Astronomers first inferred this tiny satellite's presence from gravitational disturbances captured by the Voyager program, which began in 1977, sending two spacecraft to the furthest reaches of the solar system. (Voyager has kept on chugging past that original mission: In 2013, NASA reported that the Voyager 1 spacecraft had become the first manmade object to make it tointersteller space, outside the bounds of the solar system.)
It wasn't until 1991, however, that scientists reported visual confirmation of Pan. Writing in the journal Nature, Mark Showalter, then of Stanford University, discovered that the moon was visible as a speck in images taken by the Voyager mission. Cassini's views are sharper: This image was taken by the spacecraft's narrow-angle camera in visible light when the spacecraft was about 840,000 miles (1.4 million km) from Saturn, according to NASA. Even so, Pan has been brightened by a factor of two so that it stands out against the dark of the Encke gap.
The Cassini mission is a partnership of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The spacecraft launched in 1997, carrying a probe called Huygens that landed on Titan, Saturn's largest satellite, in 2005. Cassini continues to orbit Saturn. Later this year, NASA plans to send the spacecraft into a set of orbits the agency is calling the Grand Finale, which will send Cassini circling the planet's poles just outside the outermost ring. The spacecraft will then shoot the gap between the innermost ring and the planet's atmosphere to measure Saturn's gravitational fields and even sample its outer atmosphere.
Best UFO Photo in the World Taken at Arenal, Costa Rica 45 Yrs Ago
Best UFO Photo in the World Taken at Arenal, Costa Rica 45 Yrs Ago
On September 4, 1971, the Costa Rican National Geographic Institute was taking aerial photos from 10,000 feet of Lake Cote, the small body of water that would later become the larger Lake Arenal, as part of preliminary studies for the future hydroelectric project, reported CRHoy recently.
The study was funded by the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) to determine water sources in the area for their planned hydroelectric project.
Photographer Sergio Loaiza, along with Costa Ricans Juan Bravo and Francisco Reyes, traveled on a twin-engine Canadian F680 with a special 100 lb map-making camera donated by the German government rigged onto the floor of the plane snapping a photo about every 13 seconds.
It was during this aerial inspection that what is considered to be the best photograph of a UFO in the world was taken.
As explained by
“When the photographs were developed, one of the frames (with the time of 8:25 a.m.) showed what seemed to be a metallic disc about 160ft in diameter, which had just left, or was on the point of entering, the lake. It was giving off light, and had made a sudden manoeuvre at the instant the photo was taken. The object showed up on neither the previous frame of film nor the one afterwards. Checks on the negative eliminated tricks of the light as an explanation.
What the geographers had seen was an extraordinary but little-known phenomenon – a USO. Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, have been reported for centuries. What few people realise is that USOs – Unidentified Submergible Objects – have been reported for almost as long. Sometimes, as in the mysterious incident at Lake Cote, a UFO can be seen transforming itself into a USO, or vice versa.”
Photographer Loaiza said that after the photographs were developed, and the object appearing in that one frame was discussed, he and his colleagues were forbidden from divulging any information about what the scientists on the ICE-Lake Arenal project considered to be a UFO.
In 1979, Ricardo Vilchez, one of the project team members, sent the photograph to an organization in the United States called Ground Saucer Watch (GSW) which analyzes these types of cases. GSW determined that the image was true and unadulterated, reported CRHoy.
After that, the photograph became public in the Costa Rican media.
“It’s one of the most compelling scientific confirmations that UFOs are real,” recounts Oscar Sierra, a UFO researcher based in Costa Rica.
Sierra said the photograph was analyzed in France and the United States by different organizations that studied the case, and all confirmed the object’s existence.
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Scientists To Uncover How Cosmic Dust Impacts Life on Earth
Scientists To Uncover How Cosmic Dust Impacts Life on Earth
A starry sky, with a bright column due to zodiacal light, illuminates the desert landscape around Cerro Paranal, home to ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT).
Scientists develop a new method to learn more about the composition of cosmic dust
The development will not only lead to a better understanding of the cosmos, but also has practical applications here on Earth.
Every year, as the Earth moves around the sun, it sweeps cosmic dust along its way. These dust particles are remnants left by passing comets and asteroids orbiting the sun. An estimated 5 to 300 metric tons (5.5 – 330 US tons) enter the Earth’s atmosphere each day.
Looking to further understand cosmic dust, atmospheric chemistry professor John Plane and a team of researchers from the University of Leeds in Great Britain developed a new experimental Meteoric Ablation Simulator (MASI).
“Only relatively recent advances in computing hardware and software have allowed us to address the precise timing and substantial computational requirements needed for MASI,” according to David Bones, one of the researcher’s in the team.
Current calculations of the evaporation of cosmic dust particles in the Earth’s atmosphere are largely theoretical, using evidence from field radar and optical observations. The model calculations developed in Leeds, however, were capable of simulating the evaporation of each elemental constituents of cosmic dust, such as silicon, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium.
The researchers designed the MASI to confirm these calculations, using particles with similar composition to those in cosmic dust.
“During a particle entry simulation that lasts about 12 seconds, we want to take 6,000 measurements while we are rapidly changing the temperature of the filament to flash-heat the particle with real-time feedback,” said Bones.
What they found was that their measurements for sodium and iron atmospheric evaporation or ablation confirmed the model, while the calcium ablation measurements did not. This could mean that ablation models need to account for other factors that happen when cosmic dust particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere.
Now, don’t imagine cosmic dust to be just useless floating particles forming dense clouds in space. Aside from giving us ideas about the atmosphere of other planets and their formation, cosmic dust particles affect radio communications, the climate, and even serve as phytoplankton fertilizers in the ocean.
Credits: ESO/Y. Beletsky
With tools like the MASI improving our knowledge of metallic ablation in cosmic dust, our understanding of the Earth’s upper atmosphere and the metal layers found there. The applications of this information include understanding the formation of planets and even more practical industrial use, such as particle heating in jet turbines.
“By better understanding the melting and ablation processes we can design ash-resistant jet engines that could fly without disruption through an ash cloud similar to that created when the volcano Eyjafjallajökull erupted in 2010,” Bones believes.
Police Thermal Cameras Reveal Invisible UFO Over UK
Police Thermal Cameras Reveal Invisible UFO Over UK
An unidentified flying object (UFO) that was invisible to the naked eye apparently capable of being seen in footage from a police helicopter.
Police officers piloting a chopper discovered the button-shaped aerial object zipping through the air over the Bristol Channel.
Details posted along with the video revealed that the air traffic control did not detect the mysterious shape, and it was only spotted on thermal cameras.
The cops dismissed obvious suggestions as to what it could be since the UFO had a heat signature and was traveling against the wind.
A police chopper based in St. Athan, a small village in South Wales, reportedly captured the footage, which was later uploaded to its Twitter account.
Information posted to its account revealed the strange craft was discovered flying around 1000 feet up at 9:30 pm on Saturday evening.
Multiple viewers said it was a balloon or Chinese lantern, but these explanations can be ruled out with the heat and movement of the UFO.
Without obvious answers as to what the chopper just recorded on video, many suggested it was aliens.
The police Twitter account indicated that it was not a lantern as it was going into the wind. It adds that they filmed it for over seven minutes, but it ‘s hard to judge the size.
The search for extraterrestrial life has so far assumed our cosmic neighbours are organic. What if we’re dealing with artificial intelligence?
By Richard Hollingham
For more than a century we have been broadcasting our presence to the cosmos. This year, the faintest signals from the world’s first major televised event – the Nazi-hosted 1936 Olympics – will have passed several potentially habitable planets. The first season of Game of Thrones has already reached the nearest star beyond our Solar System.
So why hasn’t ET called us back?
There are plenty of obvious answers. Maybe there are no intelligent space aliens in our immediate cosmic vicinity. Perhaps they have never evolved beyond unthinking microbial slime or – based on our transmissions – aliens have concluded it is safer to stay away. There is, however, another explanation: ET is nothing like us.
One theory is that the aliens that may have created intelligent algorithms are no longer with us
(Credit: iStock)
“If we do find a signal, we shouldn’t expect it’s going to be some sort of soft squishy protoplasmic alien behind the microphone at the other end,” says Seth Shostak, senior astronomer for alien-hunting organisation Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti).
Seti has been actively searching for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life for more than half a century. Despite tantalising signals (such as this recent one), it has so far drawn a blank. But Shostak believes we should consider looking to our own future to imagine what aliens will be like.
“Perhaps the most significant thing we’re doing is to develop our own successors,” says Shostak. “If we can develop artificial intelligence within a couple of hundred years of inventing radio, any aliens we are likely to hear from have very likely gone past that point.”
The big question is whether the AI goes on to become conscious and define its own goals and decide it doesn’t need the biological creatures that developed it – Stuart Clark
“In other words,” he says, “most of the intelligence in the cosmos, I would venture, is synthetic intelligence and that may disappoint movie goers who expect little grey guys with big eyeballs, no clothes, no hair or sense of humour.”
The argument assumes that the creatures who built the first AIs – grey guys, hyper- intelligent pan-dimensional beings, sentient trees or whatever – are no longer around.
“Well they might be,” Shostak concedes, “but once you develop artificial intelligence you can use that to develop the next generation of thinking thing and so on – within 50 years you not only have a machine that’s far smarter than all the previous machines but certainly smarter than all humans put together.”
Anyone expecting the grey-skinned aliens from sci-fi films may be disappointed
(Credit: iStock)
“The big question,” says astronomer and author of the Search for Earth’s Twin, Stuart Clark, “is whether the AI goes on to become conscious and define its own goals and decide it doesn’t need the biological creatures that developed it.”
From the self-aware death machines of the Berserker booksto the cyborgs of Battlestar Galactica or The Terminator, science fiction certainly has a rich seam of AIs taking over and wiping out their inferior biological creators. It is not, however, necessarily the inevitable path of any technological civilisation. Artificial Intelligence – truly thinking machines with synthetic super-brains – may not even be possible.
“It’s very unclear to me that this is inevitably going to happen,” says Clark. “But the key point is we are looking for something we imagine to be a bit like us and we’re limiting the search as a result.”
Seti could be looking for ET in the wrong place
Seti uses an array of radio telescope dishes in California to search for signals. The receivers are aimed at star systems where planets have been discovered by Earth or space telescopes such as Nasa’s Kepler observatory. These are planets which might have liquid oceans and life-supporting atmospheres – habitats that have made human evolution possible. But machine intelligences could live anywhere.
“That’s the whole problem,” says Shostak. “Not only could they be anywhere, it would make sense for them to go to places in the Universe where there were big sources of energy – if you’re going to do a lot of thinking, a lot of energy helps so maybe that’s the place to look.”
If this is the case, then Seti could be looking for ET in the wrong place. “Instead of having their own fields of radio telescopes,” says Clark, “maybe that money would be better spent equipping every observatory with piggyback equipment that looks at every signal that’s been received and look for repeating patterns.”
Should we be sending signals as well as listening for them?
(Credit: iStock)
Whether every observatory would agree to host a Seti sensor is a matter for debate. The technology might, however, reveal some other surprising astronomical discovery. We now know that pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars. When Jocelyn Bell discovered the first of these oscillating signals in 1967, only half-jokingly did the University of Cambridge team label it LGM1 for Little Green Men.
In the short term, Seti is likely to continue its search for life on Earth-like planets. “But,” says Shostak, “over the course of time if we can come up with some ideas of where you might find synthetic intelligence, I think they’ll be more and more experiments aimed at doing that.”
Another approach would be to broadcast messages from Earth to target regions of the cosmos. It is a controversial strategy that Stephen Hawking has warned could leave the Earth vulnerable to attack and exploitation. "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,” he warned in 2010.
So are we any closer to discovering whether we are the lone intelligence – AI or not – in the Universe?
“I don’t agree,” Shostak says. “But Seti has no broadcasting capability and the other thing about broadcasting is that even if you do it, it might be a very long time before you get a response – depending how close the aliens are.”
So are we any closer to discovering whether we are the lone intelligence – AI or not – in the Universe? “I don’t think you can ever say there’s nothing there, you can’t prove that negative,” Shostak says. “What you can say is that there’s something wrong with our approach so, for me, it’s very, very early days to think about giving up.”
Clark agrees. “I think Seti should generalise its search as much as possible,” he says. “An answer to ‘yes there’s intelligent life in the Universe’ has profound implications for us and that alone qualifies Seti to carry on.”
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VIDEO: Conventionele wapens blijken compleet nutteloos tegen UFO boven Peru
VIDEO: Conventionele wapens blijken compleet nutteloos tegen UFO boven Peru
Uit een recente peiling blijkt dat 80 procent van de Amerikanen gelooft dat de overheid informatie over het bestaan van buitenaards leven verborgen houdt. Waarom wordt er dan zo weinig aandacht besteed aan berichten over buitenaardse bezoekers? Waarom houden de media en de overheid deze informatie achter?
Mensen eisen dat de overheden geheime stukken over buitenaards leven vrijgeven. Langzaam maar zeker wordt hier gehoor aan gegeven. Tot dusver hebben 40 landen documenten geopenbaard, waaronder Canada, Frankrijk, Engeland en Japan. Zelfs Amerika heeft een aantal stukken vrijgegeven.
Er zijn al veel piloten geweest die geconfronteerd werden met een UFO. In alle gevallen was het onbekende object de piloot te snel af. Het komt ook vaak voor dat hun instrumenten en wapens worden uitgeschakeld, meldt het programma Unsealed Alien Files.
In april 1980 kreeg een piloot de opdracht om een UFO neer te schieten boven La Joya in Peru. Het object was opgepikt door de radar boven verboden gebied. Toen de piloot het vuur opende op de UFO, was het net alsof de kogels van zijn boordkannon werden geabsorbeerd, aldus Nick Pope, die van 1998 tot 2006 voor het Britse ministerie van Defensie werkte.
Het object explodeert niet, lijkt de kogels volledig te negeren en vliegt vervolgens met hoge snelheid weg. De wapens die de piloot tot zijn beschikking had, waren compleet nutteloos tegen de UFO. Twintig minuten lang spelen de twee een kat-en-muis spelletje, waarna er iets onverwachts gebeurt.
De piloot weet dichterbij te komen en ziet dat de UFO de vorm van een gloeilamp heeft en voorzien is van een crèmekleurige koepel. Het object heeft geen vleugels en geen ramen.
Het ministerie van Defensie concludeerde dat de piloot het vaartuig onderschepte en onder vuur nam, maar geen schade toebracht. Wat heeft de piloot gezien?
De bemanning van een Engelse politiehelikopter is in verwarring omdat ze een vreemd vliegend object filmen voor de kust van Wales.
Daarnaast is er een boek opgedoken uit 1716 met op de voorpagina een retro UFO, compleet met wolken en bliksem, net zoals wij vandaag de dag overal zien.
Soms komen er in onze geschiedenis verrassende dingen boven water zoals een boek uit 1716 geschreven in Latijn en waarvan de omslag er meer dan interessant uit ziet. Met een accreditatie van een inauguratierede/oratie getiteld: Het Goddelijk wiskundig principe.
Het boek ziet er origineel zo uit:
Wanneer je het plaatje wat uitvergroot, zie je het volgende:
Over het wat en hoe van de afbeelding is verder weinig bekend, maar dat het erg doet denken aan een zogenaamde klassieke retro UFO lijkt wel duidelijk. Wat ook opvalt is de tekst die lijkt te verwijzen naar een bijbelvers Psalm 84 vers 12: "Want God, de HEERE, is een Zon en Schild; de HEERE zal genade en eer geven; Hij zal het goede niet onthouden degenen, die in oprechtheid wandelen". En de tekst boven de rots die vrij vertaald lijkt te zeggen: verdedig het goede.
Ook het tweede aspect, de wolken en de bliksem, zijn dingen die we tegenwoordig iedere keer terug zien en waarbij de kunstmatige wolken enerzijds grotere moederschepen verbergen en anderzijds kunnen fungeren als een soortdimensieportalen.
Bovenstaand zijn enorm belangrijke ontdekkingen, want we hebben met dat boek niet te maken met een fantast op Youbube die wat in elkaar knutselt, maar iets wat iemand in die dagen heeft waargenomen.
De kans dat een dergelijke afbeelding wordt gemaakt met deze vorm UFO en de bliksem die erbij hoort, berust op toeval, is te verwaarlozen. En daarmee vormt dit boek weer een puzzelstukje in het zo langzamerhand overweldigende bewijs dat er buitenaardsen op deze planeet waren in het verleden en er ook nu nog steeds zijn.
Tegenwoordig moet je er altijd rekening mee houden dat een dergelijke UFO ook door mensen gemaakt kan zijn. In het jaar dat het boek uitkwam, in 1716, was daar geen sprake van en mag je aannemen dat die UFO op die afbeelding van buitenaardse oorsprong is.
Toen waren de mensen in verwarring als ze iets dergelijks observeerden en wat dat betreft is er tegenwoordig niet zo gek veel veranderd.
Een Engelse politiehelikopter vliegt enkele dagen geleden boven het Bristol Channel wanneer hun infraroodcamera een rond object waarneemt.
Het voorval vond plaats afgelopen zaterdagavond rond half tien en het object vloog op een hoogte van ongeveer 300 meter (heel laag dus).
Ze dachten in eerste instantie te maken te hebben met een soort Thaise lampion, maar bedachten later dat dit niet mogelijk was omdat het object tegen de wind in bewoog.
De bemanning heeft geen enkel idee waar ze mee te maken hadden en hebben het object 7 minuten lang kunnen volgen. Ze hebben geprobeerd over te schakelen naar een daglicht-camera, maar daar was niets op te zien.
Het object was er wel degelijk omdat het hitte afgaf en daardoor werd geregistreerd door de infraroodcamera.
Ufoloog Scott Waring is ervan overtuigd dat deze UFO afkomstig is uit de zee, vanuit een buitenaardse basis aldaar voor de kust en dat wanneer de helikopter hem wat langer had gevolgd, ze deze waarschijnlijk in de zee hadden kunnen zien verdwijnen.
Kirk Michaels “last night at 10:25 pm last night on the Napa Vallejo line I just couldn’t come up with an explanation as to why a plane would be flying at what seemed like 5 mph.. I’ve been on planes many times in the day and at night and it didn’t seem like a plane”
Mark Video taken of a white sphere hoovering on top of trees in the park ( Mark, Vancouver, BC, Canada). On September the 23rd 2016 around noon, I was having cigarette before I go to the university. While sitting on the balcony ( approximately 12pm, noon and cloudy, raining day). After few seconds I realized that I see something very bright hoovering over the tees in the park. I looked around and believe me or not coming to this space to have a cigarette five times a day I know where all city lights usually are. Especially it was day time, you know how strong that light have to be in order to shine this way. First, I thought maybe its one of the lights coming from the bridge we have far down an that area but after fog cleared I see that that was not the spot where the bridge is, plus we never have lights working day time only at night. Coming back to its shine power, seriously it was emitting light like small star but during the day ( imagine how bright that would be at night)?
Police Helicopter Films UFO With Infra Red Camera link
#1 Most Viewed UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon Shares Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
A Missouri witness at O’Fallon reported watching and photographing a sphere-shaped object that was hovering and slow moving overhead at an undetermined altitude, according to testimony in Case 79276 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness image 1.
(Credit: MUFON)
The reporting witness and his wife had a similar experience about one month ago, but were unable to capture the object with a camera. At 4:30 p.m. on September 19, 2016, a similar object appeared in the sky and the witness was able take photos.
“We were relaxing outside on our patio and I looked up,” the witness stated.“There was a white dot in the sky. It was pretty much stationary. I asked my wife to get my camera. It had not moved and I went back in to get my telephoto lens. A 55 to 300mm zoom. I took several pictures of the object.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image 2.
(Credit: MUFON)
Cropped and enlarged witness image 3.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness could not determine the object’s size or altitude.
“Not having anything for size reference I could not determine the altitude that it was at. The sky was perfectly clear and what struck me interesting was that there was no air traffic the whole time we were outside. We were outside for approximately 45 minutes. We went into the house to prepare dinner. I checked on it several times and it was still visible. So the entire time it was directly overhead was probably an hour. I stopped looking at that time.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image 4.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness described the object.
“It was silent and appeared to be stationary. It did move from the west to the east over the hour we watched it. If I were to estimate the distance it traveled in that timeframe, I would put it at one to two miles at the most. Our dogs were outside with us and showed no behavior change or even sensed what we were seeing. I used a Nikon 12 MP camera with the telephoto to take the pictures. I probably shot over 100. It was just so slow moving that I took several in hopes of getting some clear images. I thought it might have been a weather balloon. It moved so slowly that I felt it probably wasn’t a balloon. I am attaching several pictures for your review. Maybe it’s a balloon…maybe not.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image 5.
(Credit: MUFON)
O’Fallon is a city along Interstate 70 and Interstate 64 between Lake St. Louis and St. Peters in St. Charles County, Missouri, population 79,329. Missouri Chief Investigator Joe Palermo is investigating. The witness provided five images with the MUFON report, which was filed on September 19, 2016. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
A Missouri witness at O’Fallon reported watching and photographing a sphere-shaped object that was hovering and slow moving overhead at an undetermined altitude, according to testimony in Case 79276 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness image 1.
(Credit: MUFON)
The reporting witness and his wife had a similar experience about one month ago, but were unable to capture the object with a camera. At 4:30 p.m. on September 19, 2016, a similar object appeared in the sky and the witness was able take photos.
“We were relaxing outside on our patio and I looked up,” the witness stated.“There was a white dot in the sky. It was pretty much stationary. I asked my wife to get my camera. It had not moved and I went back in to get my telephoto lens. A 55 to 300mm zoom. I took several pictures of the object.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image 2.
(Credit: MUFON)
Cropped and enlarged witness image 3.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness could not determine the object’s size or altitude.
“Not having anything for size reference I could not determine the altitude that it was at. The sky was perfectly clear and what struck me interesting was that there was no air traffic the whole time we were outside. We were outside for approximately 45 minutes. We went into the house to prepare dinner. I checked on it several times and it was still visible. So the entire time it was directly overhead was probably an hour. I stopped looking at that time.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image 4.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness described the object.
“It was silent and appeared to be stationary. It did move from the west to the east over the hour we watched it. If I were to estimate the distance it traveled in that timeframe, I would put it at one to two miles at the most. Our dogs were outside with us and showed no behavior change or even sensed what we were seeing. I used a Nikon 12 MP camera with the telephoto to take the pictures. I probably shot over 100. It was just so slow moving that I took several in hopes of getting some clear images. I thought it might have been a weather balloon. It moved so slowly that I felt it probably wasn’t a balloon. I am attaching several pictures for your review. Maybe it’s a balloon…maybe not.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image 5.
(Credit: MUFON)
O’Fallon is a city along Interstate 70 and Interstate 64 between Lake St. Louis and St. Peters in St. Charles County, Missouri, population 79,329. Missouri Chief Investigator Joe Palermo is investigating. The witness provided five images with the MUFON report, which was filed on September 19, 2016. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
World Scientist Warns Alien UFO Threat Is Real! Get Ready Something Is Happening! 9/24/2016
World Scientist Warns Alien UFO Threat Is Real! Get Ready Something Is Happening! 9/24/2016
World Scientist Warns Alien Threat Is Real! Get Ready Something Is Happening! 9/24/2016 Is The MATRIX And HAWKING Theory Correct? Over 58% Of Scientist Think We Are Living In A Matrix!
#1 Most Viewed UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon Shares Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
Streetcap1 caught this light as it rides the edge of a giant disk hidden in the cloud. Hessdalen is a small valley in the central part of Norway. Ever since 1981 residents of the Valley have been concerned and alarmed about strange, unexplained lights that appeared at many locations in the sky. Since then, thousands of lights were observed, but the Norway Gov refuses to investigate, probably due to them having an agreement with the aliens. Hessdalen is home to an alien base 3-5km deep below the surface, and they are sometimes seen during their exit and entrance into this base. Scott C. Waring Streetcap1 states: I thought these were the Northern Lights at first, maybe they are, but we are looking West from the webcam. I checked about a half hour later and there were no lights, just clear sky. I will link this so you can check live for yourselves and maybe catch something interesting. Streetcap1.
New video of UFOs over Las Vegas, Nevada 25-Sep-2016
New video of UFOs over Las Vegas, Nevada 25-Sep-2016
Here’s a new footage of a bright unknown object flashing in the sky above Las Vegas in Nevada. This was filmed on 25th September 2016.
Witness report:
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of September 25, 2016. It was another clear night last night. Very unusual because earlier the local news weatherman said we were experiencing wind gusts between 40 and 50 miles per hour. The wind wasn’t much of a problem at all on my side of town. I trained the camera on one spot and allowed it to film until the battery ran dead and this is the result. If I had to guess it looks as if there was an object that remained stationary for more than an hour while other objects tended to it for reasons unknown.
Police Thermal Cameras Reveal Invisible UFO Over UK
Police Thermal Cameras Reveal Invisible UFO Over UK
An unidentified flying object (UFO) that was invisible to the naked eye apparently capable of being seen in footage from a police helicopter.
Police officers piloting a chopper discovered the button-shaped aerial object zipping through the air over the Bristol Channel.
Details posted along with the video revealed that the air traffic control did not detect the mysterious shape, and it was only spotted on thermal cameras.
The cops dismissed obvious suggestions as to what it could be since the UFO had a heat signature and was traveling against the wind.
A police chopper based in St. Athan, a small village in South Wales, reportedly captured the footage, which was later uploaded to its Twitter account.
Information posted to its account revealed the strange craft was discovered flying around 1000 feet up at 9:30 pm on Saturday evening.
Multiple viewers said it was a balloon or Chinese lantern, but these explanations can be ruled out with the heat and movement of the UFO.
Without obvious answers as to what the chopper just recorded on video, many suggested it was aliens.
The police Twitter account indicated that it was not a lantern as it was going into the wind. It adds that they filmed it for over seven minutes, but it ‘s hard to judge the size.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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