The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
New Study Claims Life on Mars Discovered in 1976 by Viking 1
New Study Claims Life on Mars Discovered in 1976 by Viking 1
While most of the space world is waiting (as of this writing) for word whether the European Space Agency?s Schiaparelli EDM lander successfully landed on Mars, a new paper claims that the first probe to land on Mars way back in 1976 found conclusive evidence of life on the Red Planet. Is this a matter of technology finally catching up with the data or evidence of a cover-up?
On July 20, 1976, Viking 1 became the first spacecraft to land successfully on Mars. One of the tests conducted by Viking 1 was the Labeled Release (LR) experiment. A sample of Martian soil was mixed with a drop of very dilute aqueous nutrient solution whose nutrients were marked with a radioactive isotope of carbon. The air above the sample was monitored and tested positive for radioactive carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, which would indicate that microorganisms in the soil had metabolized the nutrients. The same experiment was conducted by the Viking 2 lander over 6,000 km away with the same result.
Soil near the Viking 1 lander
And yet ? there was no celebration or big announcement of life being discovered on Mars. Why? The other biological experiments on the Viking 1 lander gave negative results, causing project leaders to dismiss the LR results as errors ?most likely caused by a non-biological soil oxidant,?
Dr. Gilbert V. Levin and Dr. Patricia Ann Straat recently published an article in the Journal Astrobiology which questions that conclusion. With new evidence of liquid water, complex organic molecules and methane on Mars, they believe that Viking 1?s LR experiment was right. This would be a moral victory for them since Levin and Straat were the Viking 1 LR experiment leaders.
The Viking 1 experiments system (Wikipedia)
To prove the results were not in error, they conducted the LR experiment again using Earth soil similar to the Martian surface and let it sit for two months in a dark room. When they checked, they found the same results as Viking 1.
Is this conclusive evidence of life on Mars? Not quite, but it?s enough to prompt Levin and Straat to warn their successors planning missions to bring soil samples from Mars back to Earth.
Plans for any Mars sample return mission should also take into account that such a sample may contain viable, even if dormant, alien life. We cannot rule out the biological explanation. This has implications for plans for sample return from Mars and future human missions.
Were the original results of the Viking 1 LR experiment covered up? It?s hard to prove. Viking Project scientist Dr. Gerald Soffen is often cited as the one responsible for calling it an error, saying ?That?s the ball game. No organics on Mars, no life on Mars.? That dictated the direction of all future Mars missions away from looking for life and instead towards sending humans to the planet to bring back lifeless soil samples.
Oostenrijk in de ban van UFO’s: Vreemd object gespot boven Wenen, Graz en andere steden
Oostenrijk in de ban van UFO’s: Vreemd object gespot boven Wenen, Graz en andere steden
In Oostenrijk kreeg de politie vrijdag veel telefoontjes van bezorgde mensen over een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object in de lucht boven hoofdstad Wenen. Er werden ook filmpjes op internet geplaatst.
Lokale media kregen vele tientallen foto’s binnen van mensen die het vreemde vaartuig boven de stad hadden gezien en gefotografeerd, meldt The Local.
Het oplichtende object werd ook gesignaleerd boven andere steden in het land, waaronder de zuidelijke stad Graz.
Niet gereageerd
Volgens sommigen leek de UFO op een quadrocopter, een vliegtuigje dat wordt aangedreven door vier propellers.
De autoriteiten hebben nog niet gereageerd op de waarnemingen.
Het is niet voor het eerst dat een UFO-waarneming heeft geleid tot ophef in Oostenrijk. Tijdens nieuwjaarsnacht filmde student Marie Mela uit Neder-Oostenrijk een UFO die werd getroffen door de bliksem.
In het filmpje zijn dansende mensen te zien. Tussen het vuurwerk door verschijnt vervolgens een lichtbol in de lucht.
Het mysterie rond de waarneming is nooit opgehelderd, hoewel sommigen menen dat het in scène is gezet.
File image of an alleged UFO. Photo: Flickr/Dimapolo
VIDEO: ‘Verborgen’ bos in de vorm van enorm Keltisch kruis ontdekt in Ierland
VIDEO: ‘Verborgen’ bos in de vorm van enorm Keltisch kruis ontdekt in Ierland
In een bos in het noorden van Ierland is een enorm Keltisch kruis ontdekt, dat alleen vanuit de lucht te aanschouwen is.
Het bijna 100 meter lange en 70 meter brede kruis is gemaakt door een boswachter die de figuur creëerde door verschillende soorten bomen te planten.
De boswachter, Liam Emmery, overleed zes jaar geleden. “We waren eigenlijk al een beetje vergeten dat hij het kruis gemaakt had,” vertelde zijn vrouw Norma. “Maar hij zou het erg leuk hebben gevonden, al die aandacht die het nu krijgt.”
Het kruis in het Donegal-bos is in de herfst goed te zien omdat de bladeren van de bomen die de figuur vormen anders kleuren dan de omringende bomen.
Vanwege de extra droge herfst is het kleurverschil nog duidelijker te zien dan normaal. Het kruis werd opgemerkt door vliegtuigpassagiers die op weg waren naar het City of Derry Airport.
Al snel werd op social media druk gespeculeerd over de herkomst van het kruis, waarna een journalist van UTV Northern Ireland op onderzoek uitging, meldt ITV.
“Hij hield ervan als dingen perfect waren,” vertelde Norma aan de Irish Post. “En ik denk dat het kruis voor hem perfect was.”
Bekijk hieronder een filmpje van het Keltische kruis:
Nog steeds worden er op regelmatige basis op verschillende plaatsen op aarde vreemde, onverklaarbare en angstaanjagende geluiden gehoord.
Zo ook weer onlangs in Slovakije, maar dit keer is er misschien toch een concrete aanwijzing omtrent de oorzaak van dit alles.
De geluiden die worden gehoord, zijn ook niet altijd hetzelfde en dat geldt ook voor het hiernavolgende geluid dat onlangs is opgenomen in Slovakije.
Het is natuurlijk ook niet zeker of al die verschillende geluiden op alle mogelijke plaatsen dezelfde oorzaak hebben (zie daarvoor ook de video helemaal onderaan dit artikel).
Voor ons springen er twee concrete mogelijkheden uit en dat is enerzijds de nadering van het mini-zonnestelsel Nibiru en anderzijds zaken zoals HAARP, waarover straks meer.
Afgezien van de bizarre geluiden is er iets anders dat opvalt in Slovakije en dat is de lucht, die er allesbehalve uit ziet als een lucht zoals je op een doorsnee dag zou verwachten.
Tijdens het geluid zag de lucht er als volgt uit:
De vraag is dan ook of het toeval is dat het geluid zich voor doet op het moment dat de lucht eruit ziet zoals hierboven.
Dit is de video, met zowel beeld als geluid op 15 oktober 2016:
Een inwoner van Amerika denkt de oplossing te hebben:
It's nothing to worry about, just Hillary communicating with the devil about her plans for America, happens all the time.
Als we er vanuit gaan dat dit geluid daadwerkelijk zo is opgenomen, met die lucht, dan zou dat wel eens in de richting van HAARP kunnen wijzen.
Een lezer stuurt ons het volgende bericht (dank!):
Ik las op Facebook dat verschillende landen geteisterd worden door vreemde geluiden uit de lucht, dat het klinkt als een trompet geluid, en dat niemand met zekerheid kan zeggen waar het vandaan komt.
Volgens sommige onderzoekers komt het bij het H.A.A.R.P vandaan (het project dat zich bezig houdt met het het met op verscheidene frequenties beïnvloeden van de elektromagnetische beschermlaag rond de aarde).
Wellicht is HAARP de oorzaak.
Om daar meer over te weten te komen raden wij om het volgende fascinerende interview te bekijken/beluisteren wat Dark Journalist (DJ) enkele dagen geleden had met de auteur Elena Freeland.
Zij schreef het boek, “Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planeth Earth”, een boek wat door DJ het beste boek ooit over dit soort onderwerpen wordt genoemd.
Het werk is het resultaat van 20 jaar onderzoek van Freeland naar de verschillende geo-engineering programma’s.
Het doel van al die programma’s is om wat zij noemt het Global Information Grid (GIG) samen te voegen met een kunstmatig geïoniseerde atmosfeer en het biologische weefsel van mensen, dieren en de frequentie van een Artificial Intelligence (kunstmatige intelligentie) programma.
Het uiteindelijke doel is om volledige controle over en centralisatie van alle mensen en gegevens te krijgen, met voltooiingsdatum 2025.
Tijdens het maken van dit artikel kwamen we nog een interessante video tegen van iemand die probeert te ontrafelen wat deze geluiden veroorzaakt:
Are You An Alien Human Hybrid? Find Out Now. Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Are You An Alien Human Hybrid? Find Out Now. Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of video: Aug 13, 2015
Do you have knowledge that you can't explain where it came from, and yet its there? Can you feel this knowledge inside you, like it was in your DNA? Like an animal born with the knowledge of flying south for the winter, its in you...without any reason as to how you got it? Then you may be an alien hybrid. These hybrids were not made for aliens to mingle with humanity, they were made to raise the level of awareness of humanity. If you find yourself saying yes, then, have you put off that calling in side you, or have you strengthened it and made it grow...allowed it to become your passion. Like Mark you really think he just got lucky? Luck had nothing to do with it. Its about skill, focus and passion...which is still working well for him...and yet its also raising the awareness of humanity to the things around them. Scott C. Waring Video states: One of the most disturbing claims involving extraterrestrials the creation of human-alien hybrids. Abductees insist that Grays routinely extract human egg and sperm samples and combine them with alien genes in special breeding rooms. The resulting human-alien embryos are said to gestate in incubator-like trays until, some months later, they are "born." The delicate, beatific-looking hybrids crave the loving human touch, it is said, but can survive only in the protective cocoon of the alien ship.Virtually all UFO investigators contend that if hybrids exist, they do so only up there, on Gray vessels in the great beyond. But we at OMNI would like to propose another option: Perhaps the aliens have also created embryos that are, say, 25 percent alien and 75 percent human, and have gestated them not in an incubator, but in an actual earthbound human abductee. If so, this heartier, distinctly more human version of the hybrid might be among us. One of them might even be . . . YOU! Extraterrestrials known as Alien-Human Hybrids are created through processes and procedures that occur during and after the abduction of, and/or visits with, Humans by ETs and Advanced Intelligences. Many, but not all, Hybrid beings are a biological combination between Humans and what we believe to be Extraterrestrials and Advanced Intelligences.
Mysterious Star Pulses May Be Alien Signals, Study Claims
Mysterious Star Pulses May Be Alien Signals, Study Claims
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Strange pulses of cosmic light might be signals from hundreds of different alien civilizations — or just the latest false alarm in the tortuous search for ET.
This month, astrophysicists Ermanno Borra and Eric Trottier, both from Laval University in Quebec, announced that they had spotted mysterious light signals coming from 234 different stars in our Milky Way galaxy. These pulses match the profile of signals that Borra, in a 2012 paper, predicted intelligent aliens might use to get our attention, the authors wrote.
"We find that the detected signals have exactly the shape of an ETI [extraterrestrial intelligence] signal predicted in the previous publication and are therefore in agreement with this hypothesis," the duo wrote in the paper, which was published online Oct. 14 in the journal Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Aliens]
"The fact that they are only found in a very small fraction of stars within a narrow spectral range centered near the spectral type of the sun is also in agreement with the ETI hypothesis," the researchers added in the study. (Borra and Trottier looked at the spectra of 2.5 million stars studied by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which uses a telescope in New Mexico.)
But don't get too excited: Borra and Trottier said that additional observations are needed to confirm this hypothesis, and outside astronomers are even more emphatic on this point. Indeed, a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted, said Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California.
For example, it seems unlikely that 234 separate alien societies would be sending out such similar signals more or less simultaneously, Shostak said.
"It would be like expecting us to send the same signals as the Abyssinians — it doesn't make a whole lot of sense," he told "If I were a betting guy, I'd bet this is an artifact of the way they processed their data."
Shostak also said that he knew of six different reviewers who had recommended against publishing the paper, at least without significant revision. However, he did stress that Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific is a reputable journal.
The astronomers behind Breakthrough Listen, a $100 million project that's scanning the heavens for SETI signals over the next 10 years, also urged skepticism.
"The international SETI community has established a 0-to-10 scale for quantifying detections of phenomena that may indicate the existence of advanced life beyond the Earth called the 'Rio Scale,'" team members of Breakthrough Listen, whose science program is headquartered at the Berkeley SETI Research Center (BSRC) at the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement. "The BSRC team assesses the Borra-Trottier result to currently be a 0 or 1 (None/Insignificant) on this scale."
But skepticism is not the same thing as dismissal. Shostak thinks the stars singled out by Borra and Trottier are worthy of follow-up investigation, as does Breakthrough Listen. Indeed, the latter organization plans to study several of these stars using the 7.9-foot (2.4 meters) Automated Planet Finder optical telescope at Lick Observatory in California, team members said in the same statement.
The long history of SETI false alarms — including a detection that generated buzz this past August, but was soon traced to a Russian satellite — shouldn't deter scientists from checking out intriguing candidates, Shostak stressed.
"You can't get too cynical," he said. "You don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater."
Op woensdag 19 oktober na het avondgebed was er een luid geluid te horen in de hemel, gevolgd door het zien van een immens groot licht dat zich bewoog vanuit het westen van de hoofdstaf Riyad naar het oosten.
Inwoners zeiden dat het onbekende vliegende voorwerp niet op een meteoor leek. Het had een blauwe en een groene kleur en er schoten groen-achtige flitsen vanaf het object. Een 40-jarige man die zichzelf Khalid noemt zegt dat hij nog nooit zoiets heeft gezien.
De UFO veranderde diverse keren van koers en verdween uiteindelijk in de richting van de Jemen woestijn. Daar werd door een Houthi rebel met een 9K32 Strela-2 raket (een raket die vanaf de schouder wordt afgevuurd) de UFO naar beneden gehaald. Volgens Houthi bronnen was er slechts één schot nodig om dit voor elkaar te krijgen.
De exacte locatie waar dit object zou zijn neergekomen werd klaarblijkelijk onmiddellijk bekendgemaakt en zou in de buurt van de plaats Al Mukalla liggen. Een stad die in een gebied ligt waar hevig wordt gevochten.
Volgens de Santa Monica Observer is het bericht verder niet in westerse media gepubliceerd, maar zijn er zelfs mensen in Koeweit die iets hebben gezien. Lokale bewoners zeggen dat ze een explosie hebben gehoord en dat ze een geweldige schok voelden toen het object de grond raakte.
Van officiële zijde, de overheid van Saoedi Arabië, is geen bevestiging gekomen, maar wel zouden ze het gebied hebben afgezet. Bij het artikel plaatsen ze dan een foto die zo goed als zeker nep is, want hij lijkt afkomstig uit een nepvideo die al sinds de zomer de ronde doet (zie onder).
Het verhaal op zich kan natuurlijk best waar zijn en misschien is een deel daarvan schromelijk overdreven, maar hebben ze inderdaad wel wat gezien.
Het zou heel goed kunnen zijn dat wat ze gezien hebben een meteoriet is geweest:
Want, twee dagen later zien namelijk de bewoners van het Russische Baikal Meer ook een groenachtig/blauw licht dat op aarde lijkt neer te storten.
Daar was zonder twijfel sprake van een meteoriet die de dampkring binnenkwam, vervolgens verbrandde en dan dat soort kleuren kan veroorzaken.
Dus, wie weet hebben de inwoners in de Arabische landen ook iets dergelijks gezien en de rest erbij verzonnen. Of het verhaal is wel waar, maar dan moet de Santa Monica Observer er geen nepfoto’s bij plaatsen, want dat doet het verhaal geen goed.
Voor de liefhebbers van leuke digitale technieken volgt hier de nepvideo van een gecrashte UFO in de woestijn, waar de afbeelding van de Santa Monica Observer uit gehaald lijkt te zijn.
These UFOs are controlled by the Tall alien species given an allotment of land for an underground base behind the old shooting range of Nellis AFB. What we are seeing, is several Tall White UFOs going out to meet another incoming UFO and safely escort it in, an important Tall Whites ship entering the base. Much like a military escort of sorts, since the Tall Whites will always be a bit concerned about the safety of their children when near humans...and US military has the armaments to cause them a significant threat. Tall Whites are overly protective of their youth, which are probably on the ship that was coming in. How protective, take a Klingon from Star Trek and amplify its anger by 5X and you got a protective parent Tall White Alien, 3 meters tall. Tall Whites are about 2 meters tall until age 400 years, which is the moment they are considered an adult. Also for its reaction speed is 3X the speed of a human. Info from Charles Hall, employed to work with the Tall Whites for 2 years. Scott C. Waring News states: After a night like Tuesday night, a lot more people will be keeping their eye to the sky. The internet exploded with pictures, videos and claims of a UFO sighting over the East Valley. So what was it? A comet? Space junk? Airplanes? Give us your thoughts on our UFO poll. "With the air traffic patterns in the Valley, what we see are a lot of stacked aircraft that are coming into Sky Harbor," said Dr. Sky, a TV personality and radio host of a talk show that's syndicated across the country and in Canada. The topic of discussion on his show -- outer space and the universe. "[Airplanes are] a possibility," he said, adding it doesn't look quite right. "I'm 41 years old. I've seen a lot of things in the sky," said Christinna Herrmann. "This is nothing I've seen before." So, was it a UFO? "Anything that you, or people, saw that we call a UFO is simply accurate," said Dr. Sky, solely because we were not able to identify it. So, was it aliens? "Firmly I believe that we already know about alien visitation," Dr. Sky said, citing the Roswell incident from the 1940s. "We're going to continue to search for what [everyone] saw in the skies of Arizona."
Filer’s Files #44 -2016 Ancients Saw and Painted UFOs - PART I
Brisbane -- UFO Sighting of pill shaped red and white cylindrical object on October 16, 2016.
Filer’s Files #44 -2016 Ancients Saw and Painted UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Ancients Saw and Painted UFOs, and People of Earth” TV Coming.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Main, Massachusetts, Missouri, Oregon, Washington, and West Virginia.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, France, Germany, India, Portugal, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Ancients Saw and Painted UFOs
Lascaux Cave, France Hall of the Bulls with UFOs
Prehistoric cavemen frequently drew what appear to be UFOs in their cave art above the exact replicas of Bison, and deer. Aimé Michel did a study of cave art and reports at Las Chimeneas (Santander, Spain) is a cigar-cloud and its attendant discs. At Altimira, Niaux, and La Cullalvera caves discs are shown in flight.
Dr. Michael Rappenglueck of the University of Munich told BBC News Online that he has found star maps within the cave paintings of France and Spain. The objects discovered at Lascaux in central France, “painted over the shoulder of a bull show three bright stars known as the Summer Triangle representing the three present stars Vega, Deneb and Altair. These images form a map of the sky with the eyes of the bull, a bird-man and a bird on a stick.” Today this region of the sky forms part of the constellation of Taurus the bull, showing that identification of this part of the sky stretches back seventeen thousand years.” Another cluster of stars known as the Pleiades, or seven sisters has been identified in a cave in Spain.” ‘It is a map of the prehistoric cosmos indicating our ancestors knew the Zodiac 17,000 years ago, and were more sophisticated than many believe.” Dr. Rappenglueck. ‘It was their sky, full of animals and spirit guides.'”
Note: possible UFOs above the Bulls.
Ancient man and women had never been exposed to oral stories or paintings of spaceships or aliens so they had no preconceived stories from writers of science fiction. When creating paintings or pictures of activities on cave walls they were recording. The similarities to today’s UFO reports are not coincidental. Ancient cave dwellers witnessed the same type of craft as we witness today.
These images are from the cave of“Pech Merle” near “Le Cabrerets, France,” and were painted .17,000 – 15,000 BC. The scene depicts a landscape full of wildlife such as bison, and horses together with a number of saucer shaped objects. The objects seem totally out of context. The drawing suggests aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years or they have the ability to time travel.
Dropa Stones
Himalayan mountains — Chi Pu Tei, a professor of archaeology at Beijing University, was leading some of his students on an expedition to survey a series of interlinking caves in the Baian- Kara-Ula Mountains on the border that divides China and Tibet in 1938. They discovered artificially carved caves that included a complex system of tunnels and underground storerooms some caves that had been occupied by a primitive people long ago. The walls were squared and glazed, as if cut into the mountain with a source of extreme heat.
Inside the caves were several ancient, but neatly arranged burial sites, and in them the skeletal remains of a strange people. The skeletons, measuring a little more than four feet tall, were frail and spindly with large skulls. On the walls were carved pictograms of the heavens: the sun, the moon, the stars, and the Earth with lines of dots connecting them. Half-buried in the dirt floor of the cave was an odd stone disk, obviously fashioned by the hand of an intelligent creature. The disk was nine inches in diameter and three-quarters of an inch thick. In the exact center was a perfectly round, 3/4″ hole, and etched in its face was a fine groove spiraling out from the center to the rim, like a primitive DVD. These Dropa Stones are dated to be about 12,000 years old and 716 such plates were found. In the groove in the stones was a continuous line of strange carved unknown hieroglyphics – writing!
In 1962, Dr. Tsum Um Nui was able to decode the message of the stone plates – a message so incredible and earth-shattering that the Prehistory Department of the Beijing Academy prohibited its translation to be published. He discerned that the messages on the stones were written by a people who called themselves the Dropa, almost 12,000 ago and presented it to the University for Publication.
Two years later, Dr. Tsum Um Nui’s findings were released in a paper entitled, “The Grooved Script Concerning Spaceships on the Discs, Landed on Earth 12,000 Years Ago.” The disks tell the story of a spacecraft crewed by dwarfish beings, who told him that their ancestors had come from a planet of Sirius, that crash-landed in the Himalayas and its occupants called Dropas found refuge in the caves.
“The Dropa were unable to repair their disabled spacecraft and could not return to their home planet, and so were stranded on Earth. Despite their peaceful intentions, the Dropas were misunderstood by members of the Ham tribe who were occupying neighboring caves and who hunted down the aliens and even killed some.
Today, the isolated area is inhabited by two tribes of people who, in fact, call themselves the Dropa (shown) and the Han. Anthropologists have been unable to categorize either tribe into any other known race; they are neither Chinese nor Tibetan. Both tribes are of pygmy stature, adults measuring between 3-foot-6 and 4-foot-7 with an average height of 4-foot-2, and body weights of 38 to 52 pounds. They are yellow-skinned with thin bodies and disproportionately large heads, corresponding to the skeletal remains found in the caves in 1938. They have sparse hair on their bodies and have large eyes that are not Asian in aspect, but have pale blue irises.
In 1968, the Dropa stones came to the attention of W. Saitsew, a Russian scientist who conducted tests on the disks that revealed the granite stones contained high concentrations of cobalt and other metals -that would have made it difficult for the primitive people to carve the lettering, especially with such minute characters. When testing a disk, a surprising oscillation rhythm was recorded as if, they had once been electrically charged. Thanks to
Drawings of UFO Found in Pyramid!
Spaceship appeared over Egypt 3,000 years ago!
PARIS — A scientist claims to have found a drawing of a flying saucer on the wall of an Egyptian tomb! “This is it — this is the evidence we’ve been looking for,” Dr. Isadora Demazure told reporters in Paris. “Space aliens really did contact the ancient Egyptians.”This drawing proves it — once and for all.”
The expert refused to say exactly where the drawing is located, other than to say she found it in a 3,000-year-old tomb on the banks of the Nile. She acknowledged that some of her colleagues would like to inspect the tomb before declaring the drawing authentic.
But she insists that it is genuine — and claims her still photographs and videotapes prove it.
“The spaceship appears to be of classic UFO design,” Dr. Demazure said. “It rather looks like an upside-down dinner plate with a lip or a rib running around its lower edge.
“There is a cockpit or observation deck on top, covered with a clear dome. There is also a lighted dome underneath, but there are no visible life-forms.
“I have no doubt that this is a spaceship,” she added. “There is nothing else it could be.”
Fragments of an unusually strong and lightweight metal found in the tomb have so far defied analysis, said the expert.
“But there is a very real possibility that they are extraterrestrial in origin,” she continued. “They certainly aren’t familiar to us.”They are nothing like we have ever seen before.”
The expert is currently negotiating with a major European publisher who wants rights to the photos and videotape she shot inside the tomb and she’ll get at least $75,000 for the photo package, maybe more.
Queried by journalists, Egyptologist Andre Lafont called Dr. Demazure’s discovery “interesting, but anticlimactic.”
“UFO researchers and Egyptologists already know that extraterrestrials were in contact with the ancient Egyptians,” he said.”Space aliens gave them many aspects of their culture. They helped them build the pyramids.”
Their visits have often been interpreted in religious terms, but the data is essentially truthful and often the best we have. Biologists search for protoplasm in ancient primordial soup. Archaeologists seek man’s origin in the mud. I search with shining eyes for our home in the stars.The Dead Sea Scrolls found in a cave near Jerusalem revealed the Earth was visited with extra-terrestrial visitors. Most religions of the world agree in the concept of Sons of Light and Sons of Darkness, good angels and evil ones, good aliens and bad. My research has indicated there are various groups of aliens with different intentions, their motivations may be very different and they often appear to be fighting one another. “The Zadokite Document,” discovered fifty years ago in an old synagogue in Cairo, confirms Genesis and mentions the landing of Spacemen, their giant offspring and immorality. “Because they walked in the stubbornness of their hearts, the Watchers of heaven fell, yea, they were caught thereby because they kept not the Commandments of God. So too their Sons whose height was like the lofty cedars and whose bodies were as mountains.They also fell.” The Scriptures of the Dead Sea Sect by Theodore H. Gaster.
Ancient Civilizations such as Dogon Possessed Exceptional Knowledge
In recent years an increasing number of researchers in astronomy have come to the conclusion that most of the ancient civilizations possessed an exceptional astronomical knowledge. Advanced cultures across the globe determine the length of the solar year and developed reliable calendar systems, and were aware of the ‘Precession of the Equinox’.
While many of the famous archeological sites offer us solid evidence that ancient temple, pyramids and other buildings were designed and oriented towards the rising and culmination of certain constellations or specific stars like Sirius. Many cultures had a fascination with the stars and their cyclical motion. References to Sirius can be found in early Egyptian, Greek, Ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Indian, Chinese, and Mesoamerican records tell of visitors to Earth from other planets.
French Professor Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen starting in 1931 undertook an extensive field study of the Dogon tribe in West Africa. Dogon elders revealed secrets of their religion and extraordinary knowledge of the universe.
Later Robert Temple wrote the book “The Sirius Mystery” that truly popularized the knowledge of the Dogon tribe of Mali, Africa. A fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Temple earned a degree in Oriental studies and Sanskrit at the University of Pennsylvania. Temple claims civilization on earth resulted from contact with inhabitants of a planet in the Sirius star system prior to 3,000 B.C. Sumerians and several African tribes claim they were visited by extraterrestrials that came from a watery planet.
They were given great knowledge by visitors from a planet within Orion’s Belt near Sirius. The tribal cultures and most sacred traditions are based on special knowledge of the Sirius system is astounding in its accuracy and detail, including information only recently known to modern science. The Dogon legends about two companion to Sirius are claimed to originate before any terrestrial astronomer could have known of the existence of Sirius B, let alone its 50-year orbit or its nature as a tiny, condensed white dwarf star, all of which the Dogon allegedly knew.
The Dogon referred to a small and super-dense companion of Sirius, made of matter heavier than anything on Earth, and moving in a 50-year elliptical orbit around its parent star and a third outer orbiting star. The white dwarf companion of Sirius which answers to this description was not seen until 1862, when the American optician Alvan Graham Clark spotted it while testing a new telescope; the super dense nature of white dwarfs was not realized until the 1920s. A Dogon legend, similar to many other tales by primitive people of visits from the sky, speaks of an “ark” descending to the ground bringing an amphibious group of beings, known as the Nommo. “Nommo is the collective name for the great culture-hero and founder of civilization who came from the Sirius system to set up society on the Earth,” The Sumerians also claim they were visited by similar being called Oannes who brought writing, organization and education.
The Dogon’s legends explain the structure of the universe and the origin of life. It appears that long before empirical science established their facts, the Dogon already knew that “the sun turns on its own axis, as if propelled by a huge spiral spring. The Earth turns on its axis, around its center, and makes a great circle like a top its spinningand has long known that planets orbit the sun.The moon turns like a conical spiral around the Earth.”
The Dogon’s go as far as describing a third star in the Sirius system, called “Emme Ya” that, to date, has not been identified by astronomers. In addition to their knowledge of Sirius B, the Dogon mythology includes Saturn’s rings and Jupiter’s four major moons. They have four calendars, for the Sun, Moon, Sirius, and Venus,
The Dogon elders not only possess an accurate astronomical understanding of our solar system, but they also have an astonishing clear perception of mankind’s place in the universe, which centers around the invisible stars of the Sirius system.
The Dogon believe Amma is the supreme God, the creator of the universe. Amma means: to hold tight, embrace strongly and keep in the same place”. The Nommo Monitors are the “ancestors” of men, to whom Amma entrusted a part of the management of the universe. Genesis in the Bible tells a similar account of the Nephilim, “Those Who Have Come Down, from the Heaven to Earth.” The Dogon describe an arc landing and displacing a pile of dust raised by a whirlwind presumably a spaceship. The impact roughened the ground and the flame went out when it touched the earth. The ark moved to a hollow that was filled with water, whereupon the aliens emerged.
According to Berossus, a Babylonian historian the whole body of the alien was like a fish; and had under fish’s head another head, and also feet below, similar to a man, subjoined to the fish’s tail. His voice was articulate and provided advanced technology to the Babylonians, how to build cities and temples, develop laws and taught mathematics to create civilization. They also appear in Egyptian, Accadian, and Sumerian myths. The Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, is also linked with the star Sirius.
He was similar to the stories of mermen and mermaids. He jumped into the water at sunset. The Sirius Mystery is a pervasive argument for the ancient alien’s theory.
American Indians
These ufo petroglyphs were created thousands of years ago by ancient Indians in the American Southwest. According to Indian folklore, two objects collided high in the sky and one crash-landed in the region of Death Valley.
ome men arrived (presumably in another ship) and spent some time repairing the damaged craft and were observed by the local Indians. The two images below may possibly depict the ship (left) used by the men who came to repair the damaged craft. In comparing the two images, the one on the right seems to depict structural damage around the edges and the bottom. Could it be the one that allegedly crashed? The images are stills taken from an old TV series entitled “In search of…” hosted by Leonard Nimoy.
Ghostly Dirigible Light in the 1909 Skies
Wilmington, Delaware MORNING NEWS – 2 August 1909
MIDDLETOWN, NY August 1, 1909. — A mysterious airship which flies only at night is causing considerable excitement and keeping the people of Orange county residing between Goshen and Newburg up nights in their efforts to get a look at it. For the past month persons who have been out late at night have reported seeing an airship.
For a week or more the flying machine had not been seen, but at 11 o’clock last night it made its appearance near Goshen. It was flying high in the air and carried a light which attracted attention.
It flew very fast and was last seen traveling in the direction of Newburg. Those who have seen the machine say it is shaped like a balloon and has wings on each side and a cigar-shaped car underneath. The sound of a motor was distinctly heard by those who saw the machine. (Thanks to Carl Feindt)
“People of Earth” TV Coming
Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) will soon be gracing your cable menu with a new sitcom about “alien abduction.”
People of Earth will premier on TBS October 31 and on October 24. The good news for those who are dealing with ET contact in their own lives? You will have the opportunity to laugh at your circumstance if that will help. The bad news? Everyone else will have the opportunity to laugh at your circumstance. The show will apparently be a comedy with some truth.
Your Government’s policy of ridicule, denial and deception created a truth vacuum TBS could not resist filling. One might not know whether to laugh or cry, but then that also applies to the ongoing process to elect a president. The truth embargo is no longer wise policy in service to a cold war. It is a toxic poison making fools of us all. Enjoy if you can.
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Filer’s Files #44 -2016 Ancients Saw and Painted - UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #44 -2016 Ancients Saw and Painted - UFOs - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Orbs
Tucson— I have filmed Orbs since August 2008 through 2009 near Tucson Arizona.
I have 25,000 pictures and over 100 hours of video have been recorded.
I posted the video Tucson Orbs on You Tube, please search on that for a 67 minute video documenting my experiences.
Many Orbs are flying and landing near-by my property and following my camera. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
San Francisco— It was about 9 pm and we were taking pictures of the full moon on August 18, 2016.
We looked at the pictures later and noticed this strange shape that moved from picture 1 to the last picture.
It was very bright and seems to be changing directions.
We were thinking it could be lantern paper but the shape is very odd (check pictures). Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Saint Petersburg— This is my neighbor’s sighting on October 22, 2016, and she wants to remain anonymous. She was sitting outside and noticed many whitish objects in the sky over the west end of our street. She took a photo and watched them for a minute or so. They seemed to be moving all together, and then suddenly they vanished. I did not witness the event, but they all disappeared at the same time. I was a field investigator for many years ago after passing the test, but then I took a high-profile position and didn’t pursue investigations. My neighbor was questioning whether she was really seeing what she saw. She’s still shaken. I would take her as a reliable witness. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hawaii Disc
Waikane— I was taking pictures at Kaneoha Bay at lunch time of the mountains on October 23, 2016. I hold down the button of my camera then it continuously snaps photos with less than a second in between shots. I took multiple pictures of the mountains. When I looked back at my pictures one was not like the others. At first, I thought a wood chip was on my lens but I looked closer and I realized I had spotted a UFO! Now, I don’t really believe in stereotypical UFOs, but this bothered me out so much that I’m reporting it! The unidentified object I saw was a disk, football shape and it was yellow/orange with a dome on the top. As soon as I saw the picture and realized it wasn’t a football I got a very eerie feeling. It seems to be hovering over the mountain. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Green Orb
Wheeling — I hiked on a trail near our home with my husband in late afternoon on October 22, 2016. I took some pictures while hiking.
Later on, while reviewing the pictures I took, we found there are some weird green lights in the middle of two pictures.
Not sure if this related to any anomalies thing.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Disc
Turner— Took three photos of object on September 30, 2016, with gps on. This is the best photo of distant object.
Also I turned on video cam on moving try pod then craft went by real fast video pick up sound. The original video cigar shape craft up close. Craft comes in to view at around the 42 second mark. It goes by so fast there are only 5 frames with some sound suggesting close proximity. The overall velocity is greater than the shutter speed used in the capture. Its moving faster than the shutter speed used and there are no mechanical sounds, just the sound of an object passing through the air within vicinity of the microphone. It’s not at cloud level because they’re not disrupted. Jose Escamilla, taken general Turner Center Hill Rd. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Object
Fall River — I was outside taking pictures of the night sky on October 27, 2016, because it was beautiful.
The photos I took I saw a strange object in the sky on the photo and checked my camera to make sure there wasn’t anything on my lens and there was not. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Light
Kansas City — My wife and I go to this park all the time just to relax on October10, 2016. We watch the night sky from this park. We saw a large bright light just sitting there in the sky so bright it lit up the landscape for miles. This park is on 23rd and Topping and you can see all the way to the sports complex. The light was so bright it lit up the park from Raytown. We sit there and watch it for 5 minutes before I got my cell phone but the bright light went out but was still lit up enough to see. I have posted 4 videos on You Tube which you can look up under Willis Clark’s UFO VIDEO FILES. One where you can actually see one take off from the ground and on the same video. One flew right over us and we thought that one was an airplane because it made noise like a jet or something until it flew off in the distance and posted up in the sky and sit perfectly still. And that night there was a fleet of these craft all over different parts of the Kansas City sky. These were not airplanes or choppers. We were close enough to see very clearly size and shape of this craft and it look like nothing I’ve ever seen before. It accelerated super fast ahead of us at a tremendous speed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Orb
Lebanon— On October 14, 2016, several photos were taken of an orb with several bright lights. The orb was in a cloud and appeared to be surrounded by a green elliptical halo. The photos were taken in the direction of the sun, but the orb appears to be a real object and not a lens flare or reflection. The reason for this is that one of the photos shows the object partially hidden by the cloud. A reflection would not appear that way. It is not known if the orb was seen or later discovered in the photo. This question has been posed to the witness.
Witness Response to Questions:I thought I saw something reflected for a second. It wasn’t until I looked at the pictures when I got home that I saw the object. I have taken a lot of pictures of clouds for years and have never come across anything like this.
Note: This object could very well be real because one of the photos (enlargement) shows that the object is partially hidden by the clouds and also bright spots show up on the object. A lens flare would not look like this. Also the object appears to be too far away from the sun to be a lens flare or reflection. The enlarged photo above shows a green elliptical shaped halo surrounds the object. The witness also said that he used a Samsung Galaxy 6 cell phone to take the photos. (See comments below regarding photos taken with Samsung phones.) Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Washington Lights
Olympia – Note: The report below was extracted from the website The witness sent the link to his report posted on the “ufoholic” website.
An Orb UFO opened a portal and then materialized a shape-shifting entity. A man from Olympia became the observer of a unique episode that will undoubtedly remain with him for the rest of his life. Right above his home was a bright portal through which a shape-shifting entity manifested itself into our world. The objects were visible for a long period of time and the witness was able to capture both photographic and video evidence.
On the night of May 26th, at 10:59 PM the witness was sitting on the back porch of his house looked up at a luminous object spinning across the horizon. At first it looked like a star moving—at high speeds. With 24% battery on his phone, the witness started to document the incident.
“It displayed so many colors I immediately knew it wasn’t a plane. In my robe and barefooted I walked into the grassy field beside my backyard and started shooting video,” D.M. told UFOholic.
Overwhelmed by what he saw, the witness continued to track the unidentified flying object as it maneuvered across the night sky until it stopped moving and began pulsing. It took the shape of what the witness described as a “ring of fire” and after a few moments a second entity separated from the pulsating object. Right away, this second UFO began spinning like a top and exhibiting a strange, intelligent behavior.
“It was displaying images or manifesting something. It became every shape I’ve ever seen.”
The two UFOs were about 1,000 feet away from the witness who estimated the size of the portal-UFO was huge, approximately 100 feet in diameter. The other craft was smaller about 40 feet but what it lacked in size, it made up for in behavior. Both objects were completely silent, as evidenced in the video. The shape-shifting abilities of this craft or entity far surpass any known camouflage technology and this alone seems to suggest their origin is not from earth. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Glacier — I was with my uncle on September 23, 2016, exploring up on an old coal mining road. Having never been up there before, I took my cell phone with me and was snapping photos of the scenery around me. I was taking pictures of what I believe is Skyline Ridge, and I took several photos in a row.
Only one contained what I believe is to be a space ship of some sort over the mountain to the right. I did not see this ship with the naked eye–my camera caught the only image of it. Here are the photos taken by them on September 23, 2016. Thanks to Frank Chille
West Virginia Cloud
Fortsprings — I was driving home. And looked up and seen this floating purple light on October 25, 2016. It didn’t move from where it was at. It just floated. I didn’t know if it was something for Halloween or what. As I turned the curve i could see it better. The light just floated above the trees. I don’t know what it would have been. Not saying it was a UFO. I would just like to know what it could have been.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Cylinder
Sanctuary Point – On October 11, 2016, I was working in the yard, when I became aware of an object in the sky which was at great height, it was also star bright against the blue of a perfectly clear midday. It was floating with airy swoops, it was cylindrical. It then started to move west against the wind traveling end over end. I became aware that all of the birds (lorrikeets, wattlebirds, mudlarks etc) fell silent; just as they do in the presence of a predator; they had been raucous until a few moments before I sighted the cylinder. Twice it seemed to react to my thoughts. The first time I thought “Come this way you bugger, so that I can get a better look at you!” and to my surprise, it changed its direction from heading west and then raced toward me in the north east, again traveling end over end (almost like a boomerang) and then when it was directly overhead, I thought “Stop…so that I can see you better.” and to my surprise, it did. Still it was very high and it appeared to be being mobbed by white birds, small white dots were swooping in toward and then away from it. It remained stationary overhead. Then it tumbled away leaf like toward the eastern horizon. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brisbane — UFO Sighting of pill shaped red and white cylindrical object on October 16, 2016. It was recorded on unmanned time-lapse video and later discovered upon viewing of the digital images (12 sequential frames from 559 600 shots). Initially I assumed this to be an aircraft. Several lights appear during the time-lapse (total play time of 11 seconds).
NOTE: As has been the case previously when I recorded such footage – the camera (Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 bridge camera with Leica zoom lens) which was set to manual focus, mysteriously lost focus near the end of the recording. This object was descending on a steady flight path angle from left to right, as would an aircraft. My question over this being merely a commercial aircraft, is that it doesn’t appear to be a case of motion blur; rather an evenly halved red and white body. Also; if it was an aircraft heading from my left to my right towards Brisbane International airport, I would normally see from a conventional aircraft of wing-tip lights. I see it as a well lit, thick cylinder without cabin lights. There would be no red color on the full side of same to leave this image as an equally distributed red and white object, and certainly would not start and end as a rounded curved shape as it does.
I was a professional photographer for over 30 years and this not my first sighting. f/3.9, ISO-3200, Focal length 40mm Metering mode: Pattern Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Cylinder
I was in my residence watching the lunar eclipse. I decided to take some pictures on September 29, 2015, because my son is interested in the subject and he slept because of the schedule. The objects were not visible to the naked eye on, and I fixed the camera on a tripod not to move the camera. Only the next day I went to see the pictures on the computer, when I found strange white spots around and near the moon. I follow and am interested in UFO phenomena, but thought well before sending the photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Orb
Kanata– On October 10, 2016, I did not see the object in question it was only after I looked at my camera screen and saw the blur. I opened up the picture on my desktop to see what the blur was. There was nothing in the area around me (birds or any other airborne object) that could have made this. From the picture I can’t tell if it was nearby or far-away, or some other aberration that I’m not aware of. I thought I’d file/post this as maybe someone else may know what it is (it was taken with a high-end camera, and I took about another 30 or so shots of the exact same area over the next 5 minutes and did not ever see anything else like that on camera).
I did take pictures of the same area over the next few days (attached photos) and did catch some odd things in the same area (none that I saw with my eyes, only on camera). The 3rd photo was of an airplane at night (center frame) and I’m sure some of the dots are stars…but not sure what the other streaky light is.
Chile Disc
Santiago— The pictures were taken at 18:00 Chilean hour yesterday October 20, 2016, at Santiago City of Chile, at downtown Santiago Av Alameda.!
The UFO´S were detected after the review of the pictures and it was no intention the picture them on first instance.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Croatia Triangle
Between Poreč and Novigrad – End of July 18th and 29th, 2011, between 9 and 11 PM. I was just watching sunset but I sat on the beach for a long time. It was too late, the sky was dark when I looked a little bit more left and “that thing” was there. I wasn´t able to think about what was that. Triangular shape, three lighting points (yellow), weird moves from 9 – 11 p. m. I sat on the beach and for 15 or 20 minutes stared at that “thing” over the sea. Few minutes it was just “hanging´” on one place, then it started to move really weird way (and the speed of those moves was unbelievable), but still was the triangular shape. I don´t remember how it disappeared, I was like hypnotized… I looked around to see, if there´s anyone who see the same “thing” and when I looked back, “that thing” wasn´t there. There were many people on the beach, I´m sure, someone saw the same. I´m sorry I have no photos – like I said, I was like hypnotized and wasn´t think. Thanks to MUFON CMS
France Orb
Nugent — I write you because on October 23, 2016, I witnessed a strange phenomenon. It was around 2:00 am and we are four people to have seen that. I was with a friend and her parents. We saw two bright balls which followed each other, that quickly moved forward before disappearing in the sky. Then 8-10 seconds after another one appeared, according to the same way. Then 15 seconds later another one arrived, it was different. He looked like a transparent bubble. The night was clear, there were no clouds. Four UFO followed the same trajectory and disappeared in the sky. They were fast and there was no noise of engine. Or was very strange and it doesn’t look like a planes or others. Please find the attached pictures. Sorry for the bad quality. Hope you can do something with that. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UFO Sighting India
Siolim Goa — I and My Best Friend Askhay Kauthankar aka “Hunter” were at my relatives place in Siolim Bardez Goa India. At around 10.p.m on October 22, 2016, Hunter spotted 6 or 7 red UFO lights in the sky.
They were travelling at normal speed that looked like a fleet of glowing red round lights in the sky travelling in a straight line direction.
We could not believe it was our 3rd UFO Sighting this year. This was once again a very cool UFO Sighting. Thanks to Mandar Naik
Portugal Triangle
Lisbon — With a beautiful sunset I tested my HTC one m8 to compare with the Olympus sz31 mr (the clock of this one wasn’t right). I took photos changing cameras about in 5”, and went to the pc and noticed the screen was dirty. But not. I was wrong. It was not dirt, and when I zoom in on photos, I noticed photographed a Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit … or a UFO? So I send the photos to your analysis because you are the experts on these subjects and because I’m curious. I do not think a Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit fly the skies of Portugal…but it’s not impossible! Note: Craft is not a B-2.
Spain Red Globe
Malaga — Lying over Southern Spain my wife and I saw a huge red globe 35,000 feet in the sky on July 29, 2016. The globe was approx half a mile wide and I presume the pilot saw it and banked violently to the left until we were away from it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Flying Object
East Putney — I was walking down Oakhill Road SW18 on my way home from work when I noticed an unusual shaped object in the distance moving toward my general direction. There were a few low altitude planes in the sky during the observation on their usual predictable flight path into Heathrow. The object was high in the sky. It must have been quite large but smaller than the size of a 747, perhaps 7-12 meters wide. The sky was crisp and clear and the object was reflecting sunlight off a metallic object, but not heavy looking. The central top area was illuminated by itself or reflecting the most light. When I first saw it in the distance the entire craft was reflecting sunlight, brightly. When it was to my left it was the central area that was illuminated.
I watched for a minute and noticed it had no wings and no port/starboard lights and moved without making a noise as it was getting closer but still quite high. I took out my iPhone 4 and took some pictures as it moved over to my left. I even tried to zoom in but didn’t get a decent shot, only about 5 shots on the standard setting making it appear quite small in the frame, yet for me identifiable. The disc moved at an even pace quite slowly all through its trajectory. It appeared too slow for a fixed wing craft to sustain lift. It was not a helicopter, there was no noise at all, perfectly silent all the time with no flashing lights. I have seen orbs before and this was the first time I had seen a large domed disc, so I was happy to see it. The object moved out of sight over the trees. Note: Similar object that was photographed over France is shown. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.
Do you believe there is life out there in space? Sightings of UFOs happen all the time, but getting the government to admit the truth about what’s up there in the skies is easier said than done.
Do youlove a good conspiracy theory about the possibility of extraterrestrial life? Or do you already believe deep down that aliens are here living among us?
Robert Powell, Director of Research from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), shared with Eye Opener some of his case studies from the last few years.
1. Ontario, Canada - August 28, 2013 While on a hunting trip in a remote wilderness area of southern Ontario, Canada, three hunters observed for about five minutes a large barbell shaped craft that came within a distance of 400 feet of their location. The craft had no seams and had two disk shaped ends that had a large bar-like connection between them.
There was an indigo plasma that covered most of the craft. The craft rotated slowly around its center while emitting an electrical spark like shower. There was electrical interference with the operation of the witness's cell phone, video camera, and a field radio. The primary witness used his 9x gun scope to observe the craft.
He is a research scientist and his company has contracts with the Department of Defense. All witnesses want their identity protected.
2. Montgomery, NY - August 15, 2015 Two adults and two teenagers were observing heat lightning from their back porch. The 17-year-old decided to go through the woods into a pasture in order to get a better look at the lightning. He saw a disk shaped object in the pasture that made an indentation in the tall grass with a light beam. The grass had been compressed and Geiger counter readings of the affected area indicated radiation levels that were six times higher than the background radiation levels. Background radiation levels were .12 micro-seiverts while the affected areas read .78 micro-seiverts.
3. Aguadilla, Puerto Rico - April 25, 2013 On April 25, 2013, at about 9:20 pm local time, an unknown object at low altitude flew directly across the Rafael Hernandez airport runway at Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, causing a delayed departure of a commercial aircraft. There was no squawking transponder signal to alert the aircraft tower, nor was there any communication with the tower to prevent a dangerous situation with departing and arriving aircraft. Fortunately an airborne U.S. Customs and Border Protection aircraft captured the object on infrared video. This report is an analytical evaluation of that video as well as witness statements and radar data of the area.
Unknown targets are picked up on radar northwest of the airport just prior to contact with the US Customs aircraft, which visually identifies an object coming in over the ocean to the northwest of the airport. The object in the video moves at speeds of 80 to 100 mph at altitudes of only 30 to 40 feet without lights and through a residential area as well as crisscrossing the airport. The object returns to the ocean where it dives into the water with minimal splashing; moves through the water at speeds of 80 mph; leaves the water and then splits into two equal halves that are the same size as the original. Both of these halves eventually dive back into the water and do not return, at which point the video ends.
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We live in a world covered on a massive web of conspiracy regarding something called "the UFO phenomenon". There have been records since very ancient times of strange shaped objects usually coming from the sky. We can see it in paintings, murals, ancient cave drawings, etc.
There's no denying that something is definitely going on out there, and some big powerful people are trying to cover it up for reasons unknown. People have learned to accept that we are not alone in the universe, something big as alien visitations being announced in full scale would fascinate the mass, unless it was an iminent alien invasion which could cause uncontrollable panic.
We also know that recently NASA has been taking shutting down live streams in specific points, seconds after mysterious objects appear on screen.
But recent footage shows a strange fast moving craft without NASA intervening. People are scratching their heads to what's going on!
A Hawaiian witness at Waikane reported photographing a hovering, disc-shaped UFO near Kaneoha Bay, according to testimony in Case 79999 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness was taking photos near lunch time on October 23, 2016, using the “multiple photos” camera setting. The witness did not see the object while taking photos and only noticed it when reviewing images later.
Cropped and enlarged version of the witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
“I noticed one of them was not like the others,” the witness stated.“At first I thought a wood chip was on my lens, but I looked closer and I realized I had spotted a UFO. Now, I don’t really believe in stereotypical UFOs, but this creeped me out so much that I’m reporting it just in case it really is one. The unidentified object I saw was a disk, football shape and it was yellow/orange. When I zoom up on my camera, there seems to be a dome on thetop as well.”
Cropped and enlarged version of the witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
Hawaii MUFON State Director David McManus is investigating. Please be cautious of UFO photography and video, especially when the witness did not see the actual object. There are many camera-lens anomalies that must be ruled out during the investigation before a determination is made.
Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
A lot more people are now looking up in the sky after a strange night like Tuesday evening. The online world exploded with claims, pictures, and videos of a UFO sighting in the dark sky above East Valley.
Some suggest it is a comet; others say it is a space junk, or perhaps an airplane.
Dr. Sky, a television personality, and radio talk show host that’s syndicated across the U.S. and Canada, said that they saw a lot of stacked aircraft from Sky Harbor with the air traffic patterns in the Valley.
His show talks about the universe and the outer space.
Though he could not rule out airplanes, he said it did not look quite right.
Another witness, Christinna Herrmann, 41, said she had seen a lot of things in the sky at her age, but the UFO on Tuesday night is nothing she has seen in her life.
So, was the aerial thing a UFO?
According to Dr. Sky, anything people see that is considered as a UFO is simply accurate because they can’t identify it.
So, was the spectacle in the sky on Tuesday night alien?
Dr. Sky said that most people know about alien visitation, pointing out the Roswell incident that took place in the 1940s. He added that people are going to continue to get the bottom of what everyone saw in the Arizona skies.
UFO Crashes In Saudi Arabia After Being Hit With Surface To Air Missile
UFO Crashes In Saudi Arabia After Being Hit With Surface To Air Missile
A tremendous noise was heard in the sky on October 19, Wednesday, after evening prayers in Saudi Arabia. Then the sighting of an intense, large light followed. It was heading from the west over a region located in the east of Riyadh.
Residents did not think it was a meteor because it didn’t look like it. They said that it was a blue, green shooting out green flashes. A 40-year-old witness, who introduced himself as Khalid, stated that they were baffled as no one has ever seen anything like it.
Before going south toward the Yemeni desert, the UFO changed course multiple times. A rebel shot the UFO using a low altitude surface to air missile system with a passive infrared homing guidance and high explosive warhead. In contrast to the general idea of UFOs, which typically so advanced that any sophisticated weapons on Earth would find a hard time to take them down, this particular UFO was taken down with just a single shot.
The location of the crash site was immediately determined. A Saudi helicopter revealed an aerial photograph along with the story and embedded location. The location is a dessert located about 220 miles north and slightly east of Al Mukalla. However, it is not determined on what happen to the alien in the photo.
No report about the incident in the west, but it was witnessed as far as Kuwait. Residents in the region where the object was reportedly heading claimed they heard an explosion and felt a tremor as if something had crashed.
The Saudi government has allegedly sealed the area, which borders Yemen, but has not released information regarding the alleged crash site. Houthi rebels have been in rebellion against the Yemen government that started in 2015. Rebel sources claimed one of their men fired at the UFO using a shoulder type 9K-32 Strelka and brought down the unknown aerial thing.
Triangle UFO Caught On Video At Marysville in Washington
Triangle UFO Caught On Video At Marysville in Washington
A hovering triangle UFO with three lights was sighted at Marysville in Washington. According to the report of the witness, he was sitting in their backyard along with his wife at 3:45 p.m. on September 10, 2016, when the strange sighting happened.
The reporting witness just happened to look up the clear blue sky when a UFO appeared to his view. He first thought of it as a satellite but realized it had lights that were changing in colors and movement.
He then thought it might be an airplane approaching with its lights on. His wife also observed the object, and they managed to get a video of it. For ten minutes, the object stayed in one position in the sky. The pair’s sighting lasted for 15 minutes.
MUFON investigator Timothy Ward talked with the couple about their UFO sighting.
Ward said that the pair told him the same story. They saw a triangle object at about 60-degree angle with three golden lights from the horizon. The husband and wife saw it from the north and hovered for 10 minutes and recorded it on video. The UFO then moved off to the east.
Ward checked for satellites and ISS, but none found at the observation time in the area. Chief Investigator Maryanne Snyder confirmed that the video isn’t manipulated. The witness report is filed under case 79072 in the witness reporting database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
Grootste radiotelescoop ter wereld gericht op ‘buitenaardse megastructuur’
Grootste radiotelescoop ter wereld gericht op ‘buitenaardse megastructuur’
Het Breakthrough Listen-project gaat de komende 10 jaar 100 miljoen dollar investeren in de zoektocht naar signalen van buitenaardse beschavingen.
Tabby’s ster zal als eerste worden bestudeerd met de 100 meter grote Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, zo hebben leden van het team aangekondigd.
De komende twee maanden wordt de grootste radiotelescoop ter wereld drie nachten acht uur lang op de ster gericht. Woensdag zijn de eerste waarnemingen verricht.
Vreemde gedrag
Tabby’s ster, officiële naam KIC 8462852, bevindt zich op zo’n 1500 lichtjaar van de aarde. Uit waarnemingen met NASA’s Kepler-telescoop bleek dat de ster de afgelopen jaren diverse keren een stuk zwakker is geworden, soms tot wel 22 procent.
Deze periodieke helderheidsdipjes kunnen volgens astronomen niet worden verklaard door een planeet die om de ster draait.
Sommigen denken dat een onbekende structuur in de ruimte ergens tussen de aarde en Tabby’s ster verantwoordelijk is voor het vreemde gedrag van de ster.
Bizar ding
Het is ook mogelijk dat de helderheidsdipjes worden veroorzaakt door een buitenaardse megastructuur – bijvoorbeeld een enorme verzameling zonnepanelen.
Dat klinkt misschien vergezocht, maar teamleden van Breakthrough Listen willen het niet bij voorbaat uitsluiten.
“De kans is klein, misschien één op een miljard, maar we gaan de mogelijkheid toch onderzoeken,” zei hoofdwetenschapper van Berkeley SETI Dan Werthimer in een verklaring.
“Als ET wordt ontdekt zal het denk ik zoiets zijn; een bizar ding dat iemand bij toeval ontdekt, dat niemand verwacht,” vervolgde hij. “En als we dan beter kijken zien we dat het om een beschaving gaat.”
Mysterie rond dood UFO-expert Max Spiers groeit: Zwart braaksel en gewiste computer
Mysterie rond dood UFO-expert Max Spiers groeit: Zwart braaksel en gewiste computer
UFO-expert en aanhanger van complottheorieën Max Spiers zei vlak voor zijn dood tegen zijn moeder dat zij de zaak moest laten onderzoeken als er iets met hem zou gebeuren.
Enkele dagen later werd hij door zijn vriendin Monika Duval dood gevonden in Polen, waar hij was voor een lezing over samenzweringstheorieën. Hij spuugde ook een ‘zwarte vloeistof uit’.
Volgens de politie zou hij een natuurlijke dood zijn gestorven, maar zijn moeder zegt dat er meer aan de hand is.
Vanessa Bates laat weten dat de computer van de UFO-expert is gewist waardoor ze niet kan achterhalen waar Max zich in zijn laatste dagen mee bezighield.
David Icke
De Poolse politie staat op het punt de zaak te sluiten en zet het onderzoek alleen voort als Bates een betaling doet van 1000 pond. “Er zijn allerlei puzzelstukken die niet in elkaar passen en die een groot vraagteken vormen,” zei ze.
Toen Vanessa na haar scheiding naar Los Angeles verhuisde, begon Max vraagtekens te zetten bij de overheid.
“Hij werd beïnvloed door David Icke en ontmoette andere intelligente mensen die er soortgelijke gedachten op nahielden,” zei ze.
Max geloofde net als Icke dat sommige politici en beroemdheden deels reptiel zijn en dat een Nieuwe Wereldorde onder leiding van neonazi’s hordes ‘supersoldaten’ creëerde met behulp van mind control.
Hij stond over de hele wereld voor volle zalen. Max claimde in 2008 te zijn ‘ontwaakt’ uit de mind control. Hij begon overal vraagtekens bij te zetten, aldus Vanessa.
Max ontmoette Stewart Swerdlow, een in Amerika geboren spiritist die claimt dat de Amerikaanse overheid experimenten op hem uitvoerde.
Swerdlow nodigde Spiers uit voor zijn conferentie in Polen. “Max belde me op en zei ‘mam, ik zit in de problemen. Er zijn hier mensen die slecht zijn’. Hij zei dat ik de zaak moest onderzoeken als er iets met hem gebeurde,” zei Vanessa.
Twee dagen later kreeg Vanessa een sms’je van één van zijn contacten waarin alleen stond: ‘Max is dood’.
“Monika belde me op en zei dat hij die ochtend twee liter zwarte vloeistof had uitgespuugd,” voegde Bates toe. “Waarom ging ze niet met hem naar het ziekenhuis?”
Een Canadese wetenschapper die werkt voor een geheime Canadese organisatie stuurt een e-mail naar John Podesta, de campagneleider van Hillary Clinton. Hij werkt aan geheime projecten voor buitenaardsen en wil nu eindelijk wel eens weten voor wie of wat hij nu eigenlijk werkt.
Na de recente lading e-mails die via Wikileaks naar buiten zijn gekomen van John Podesta, zal het moeilijker en moeilijker voor overheden worden om buitenaards leven te ontkennen.
Tussen al die e-mails zit er ook één van een Canadese wetenschapper die zegt te weten dat wij niets anders zijn dan voedsel en werkkrachten voor buitenaardse meesters en dat het hoog tijd wordt dat Amerika nu eindelijk eens volledige openheid van zaken gaat geven.
De e-mail is vorig jaar november geschreven en verstuurd naar John Podesta en is te lezen op de Wikileaks website.
Voor de Nederlandse lezers hebben wij de inhoud van de e-mail vertaald en deze volgt hierna. Interessant daarin is ook dat de man spreekt over bewoners van Mars die hier zouden zijn geland.
Geachte mijnheer Podesta,
Mijn naam is Ken Coffin en ik ben een Canadees staatsburger die woont in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Als goede buur en bondgenoot van Amerika, was ik nieuwsgierig waarom NASA de Canadese spionage instanties verkeerde of misleidende informatie verschaft betreffende bepaalde afwijkende scenario’s die zich nu voor doen.
Onze inlichtingendiensten hebben hun beperkingen. We zijn afhankelijk van Amerikaans Canadese samenwerking om onze doelstellingen te behalen, die voor Amerika prachtige nieuwe werktuigen opleveren.
Waarom worden wij buiten- en afgesloten? Ik neem dat, zowel als Canadees staatsburger als lid van de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap, persoonlijk. We kunnen de ionenmotor niet verbeteren als we worden buitengesloten.
Als Amerika onze langdurige vriendschap niet wil voortzetten en alleen maar wil handelen uit eigenbelang, dan kunnen we charade van een NAFTA nu beëindigen.
We waren vanuit technologisch standpunt superieur aan Amerika. We hebben Amerika niet nodig en ik denk dat u het met mij eens zult zijn dat Amerika zonder onze inspanningen nooit uitgegroeid zou zijn tot wat het nu is.
Canadezen zijn eigenaar van Hollywood, Florida, de Stanley Cup en wij hebben recht op de Pennant (sportvlag) die van ons werd gestolen door een baseball staking.
Omdat we daar alle recht op hebben, eisen wij volledige disclosure van buitenaards contact en alle verdragen die Amerika heeft gesloten met buitenaardsen. We mogen dan geen sterke inlichtingendienst hebben, we hebben wel weten vast te stellen dat wij voedsel, werkkrachten en generatoren voor hulpmiddelen zijn voor buitenaardse Meesters.
Onze informatie is rechtstreeks afkomstig van jullie Ministerie van Defensie, informeel en niet officieel, door betrouwbare bronnen. Wat wij nu willen weten, is of wij mee kunnen spelen of dat we, net zoals de laatste keer, buitenspel gezet zullen worden.
Ik vertegenwoordig een organisatie in Canada die officieel niet bestaat, die eruit ziet als jullie DARPA, maar met de overheid samenwerkt om een positieve zakelijke groei te bewerkstelligen.
Ons belang ligt in een positieve bijdrage voor de groei van de mensheid. Wij denken dat we de wereld een betere plek kunnen maken, gelukkiger en met meer vrede. Maar, we kunnen dat niet doen als we op het punt staan een massale uitroeiing van de mensheid mee te maken.
Onze historische gegevens zijn fout en met alle informatie die wordt achtergehouden of waarover wordt gelogen, krijgen wij het gevoel dat Amerika ons in een val lokt. Als u ons alstublieft zou willen helpen, zou dat heel erg worden gewaardeerd.
We moeten gewoon weten met wie en wat we te maken hebben. Wat zijn hun bedoelingen? Zijn ze vijandig? Kunnen wij hen stoppen als het nodig is. Wat voor overeenkomsten zijn er gesloten? Als blijkt dat Amerika het vertrouwen van Canada heeft beschaamd of zichzelf naar voren heeft geschoven ten koste van Canada, dan kan ik u vertellen dat wij niet nog een Afghanistan zullen tolereren. Dat was tien jaar werk verspild.
We hoeven Amerika niet de cup te laten winnen of hen de Pennant laten veroveren en we hoeven zeker niet onze valuta kunstmatig laag te houden om het Amerikaanse ego te bevredigen.
Wij kunnen ook zelf overeenkomsten sluiten met deze buitenaardse bezoekers/Marsbewoners die zijn geland. Maar, wij zullen hen niet benaderen, tenzij Amerika ons geen toegang tot hen geeft en ons niet volledig informeert.
Mijn advies is om te zorgen dat wij ook aan tafel komen. Wij hebben meer informatie nodig, want onze gegevens zijn op dit moment niet up to date. Onze mislukte pogingen om te proberen UFO’s te vangen, laat zien hoe zwak wij waren. Dat is omdat wij geen idee hebben met wie we te maken hebben. We hebben meer gegevens nodig.
Daarnaast hebben we hulp nodig omdat de magnetische pool zich beweegt in de richting van de evenaar. We hebben hulp nodig. Als we bondgenoten vinden die ons kunnen helpen, dan zijn ze van harte welkom. Of anders zullen we in ieder geval over 20+ jaar allemaal dood zijn.
Het magnetisch noorden bevindt zich nu boven Siberië. In tien jaar tijd zal het zich boven de Zwarte Zee bevinden en over 20 jaar boven Indonesië. Als Amerika een overeenkomst kan bewerkstelligen, dan zou nu een goede tijd zijn om te beginnen met de “calling in of favors”. (Aankloppen bij mensen of buitenaardsen die bij jou in het krijt staan om iets terug te doen).
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.