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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
The US Military's Secretive X-37B Space Plane: 6 Surprising Facts
The US Military's Secretive X-37B Space Plane: 6 Surprising Facts
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Credit: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
The U.S. Air Force's X-37B space plane has been zipping around Earth since May 2015 while it performs a number of hush-hush activities. The current mission is the fourth for the robotic X-37B, which is also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV). The other three OTV flights launched in April 2010, March 2011 and December 2012. Here are a few surprising facts about the military space plane.
Credit: Boeing
1. It's tiny
The X-37B looks a lot like NASA's iconic space shuttle, but the two types of vehicles don't resemble each other in size. The X-37B is just 29 feet (8.8 meters) long, with a wingspan of 15 feet (4.6 m). The now-retired space shuttle orbiters, by contrast, were 122 feet (37 m) long, and measured more than 78 feet (24 m) from wingtip to wingtip. Two X-37Bs could fit inside the shuttle's cavernous payload bay. Indeed, the X-37B's designers originally envisioned the shuttle carrying the smaller space plane to orbit but ultimately decided that launching the X-37B atop a rocket would be more economical. The X-37B currently rides to orbit aboard United Launch Alliance's Atlas V rocket. Like the space shuttle, the X-37B lands on a runway, plane-style, but does everything autonomously (in contrast to the piloted shuttle, which usually carried a crew of seven astronauts).
Credit: United Launch Alliance/Boeing
2. Its missions are classified
Although the Air Force has disclosed some of the payloads that have flown to orbit on the X-37B, most of the space plane's onboard gear is classified, as are the details of its orbital activities. This secrecy has led to some speculation that the vehicle is some sort of space weapon, perhaps one designed to take out or capture satellites. However, the Air Force has always denied this notion, insisting that the X-37B is just testing out technologies for future spacecraft, and carrying various experiments up to space and back. Some of these technologies being tested may be sensors and other equipment for future spy satellites, outside experts have said.
Credit: Boeing
3. It has NASA roots
The X-37 program started in 1999 with NASA, which initially planned to develop two separate vehicles: an Approach and Landing Test Vehicle (ALTV), and an Orbital Vehicle (OV). But NASA transferred X-37 development to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2004, at which point it became a classified program. In 2006, the Air Force announced it would develop its own X-37 vehicle, which it dubbed the X-37B, or OTV. The design of the space plane was based heavily on the original OV, which was never built. (DARPA did construct and test the ALTV, however.) Boeing has been the primary contractor for the X-37B program dating back to its inception in 1999. To date, the company has apparently built two X-37B space planes for the Air Force. (Two different vehicles have flown the program's four space missions.)
Credit: United Launch Alliance
4. The missions are incredibly long
The Air Force's X-37B fact sheet states that the space plane is designed to spend up to 270 days in orbit at a time. However, the vehicle has already zoomed past that limit multiple times. The first X-37B mission, known as OTV-1, stayed aloft for just 225 days. But OTV-2 and OTV-3 lasted 469 days and 674 days, respectively. OTV-4 has been circling Earth for more than 530 days, and when it will land is anybody's guess. This longevity may be a key part of the X-37B. After all, engineers testing technologies for future satellites want to see how this gear behaves in the space environment for long periods of time, experts have said.
Credit: Kevin Fetter
5. You can see it from the ground
Though the Air Force doesn't disclose the X-37B's precise orbit, keen-eyed amateur astronomers have managed to track the vehicle from the ground — and so can you, thanks to their efforts. Check out’s satellite tracker to see where the X-37B is overhead during a mission. The view won't be dramatic; the space plane usually looks like a star of middling brightness moving across the sky.
Credit: AIAA/Grantz/Boeing
6. Future versions might be coming
The current version of the X-37 may not be the last to reach space. In 2011, Boeing representatives announced that they were considering developing a larger variant called the X-37C, which could carry up to six astronauts to and from the International Space Station (ISS). In addition, an engineering team led by former NASA astronaut Stephen Johnson has proposed using a modified version of the X-37B as an ISS emergency-evacuation vehicle. But this is just a concept at the moment, and there's no indication that Boeing is investigating this "astronaut ambulance" variant.
Deze trechter op Mars: de plek om naar leven te zoeken?
Deze trechter op Mars: de plek om naar leven te zoeken?
Tim Kraaijvanger
Amerikaanse wetenschappers hebben een trechter op Mars gevonden. Het gaat om een depressie die is gevormd door een vulkaan onder een gletsjer. Is er ooit microscopisch leven ontstaan in deze warme omgeving?
De kans dat er nu nog microscopisch leven op Mars is, is klein, maar het is niet onmogelijk. Het oppervlak van de rode planeet is vele malen droger dan de droogste plekken op aarde. Maar miljarden jaren geleden was de planeet veel natter en warmer.
Sommige plekken op Mars zijn interessant om te onderzoeken als ‘hot spots’ van leven. Dit zijn plaatsen waar de ingrediënten voor leven ooit aanwezig waren, namelijk water, hitte en voedingsstoffen. Dit geldt voor een bijzondere depressie die lijkt op een trechter. De depressie is te vinden in een krater op de rand van het Hellas Bassin. Met een diameter van 2300 kilometer is het Hellas Bassin de grootste inslagstructuur op Mars. “We hebben verschillende scenario’s getest en denken dat de depressie is ontstaan door de interactie van lava en ijs”, concluderen de onderzoekers in het paper.
En dat is bijzonder, want als het gebied is ontstaan door een vulkaan onder een gletsjer, dan waren alle ingrediënten voor het ontstaan van leven aanwezig, inclusief vloeibaar water en chemische voedingsstoffen. Het is geen gek idee om een Marslander in dit gebied neer te zetten en om op zoek te gaan naar sporen van leven.
Stephen Hawking: "We moeten niet langer aliens proberen aan te roepen"
Stephen Hawking: "We moeten niet langer aliens proberen aan te roepen"
Tim Kraaijvanger
De beroemde fysicus Stephen Hawking vindt het niet verstandig dat wetenschappers signalen naar mogelijke buitenaardse beschavingen sturen, in de hoop dat zij contact met ons opnemen. Dit kan wel eens heel gevaarlijk zijn.
In een nieuwe video legt Hawking uit dat we als mensheid een flink risico nemen. Het ergste is dat we al decennia signalen uitzenden. Tachtig jaar, om precies te zijn. “Des te ouder ik word, des te meer overtuigd ik ben van het feit dat we niet alleen in het universum zijn”, vertelt Hawking. “Ooit ontvangen we misschien een signaal van een planeet als Gliese 832c, maar we moeten niet te snel antwoorden.”
Een buitenaardse beschaving is mogelijk veel geavanceerder dan de mensheid. Deze aliens zien ons misschien als zwak en inferieur. “Wellicht vinden zij ons net zo waardevol als dat wij bacteriën vinden”, concludeert de fysicus.
Het is riskant om contact op te nemen met een buitenaardse beschaving die qua technologische ontwikkelingen duizenden, miljoenen of miljarden jaren verder is dan de mensheid.
Kunstmatige intelligentie Overigens denkt Hawking hetzelfde over kunstmatige intelligentie. “Kunstmatige intelligentie is het beste of het slechtste wat de mensheid kan overkomen”, zei hij een paar weken geleden tijdens een lezing op de Universiteit van Cambridge. “Kunstmatige intelligentie kan zichzelf op hoge snelheid herontwerpen, terwijl wij mensen het moeten doen met langzame, biologische evolutie. We kunnen deze strijd niet winnen.”
Dit is ook de conclusie van het boek Superintelligentie van hoogleraar Nick Bostrom. “We moeten problemen oplossen voordat de intelligentie-explosie plaatsvindt”, zegt Bostrom. “We moeten niet in paniek raken of fanatici worden, omdat de intelligentie-explosie nog minimaal tientallen jaren weg is. Wat we wel moeten doen is al onze menselijke krachten gebruiken om een oplossing te vinden.”
Breakthrough Starshot Ondanks zijn respectabele leeftijd van 74 jaar zit Stephen Hawking niet stil. Op dit moment werkt hij samen met de Russische filantroop Yuri Milner aan een nieuw wetenschappelijk project: Breakthrough Starshot. Het duo wil een ruimtevaartuig naar een van de meest nabije buursterren sturen, namelijk Alpha Centauri. De afstand naar het Alpha Centauri-systeem bedraagt 4,37 lichtjaar en dat moet deze ruimtesonde in twintig jaar tijd overbruggen.
Het ruimtevaartuig reist op hoge snelheid naar Alpha Centauri.
Zoals het er nu naar uit ziet wordt het ruimtevaartuig binnen vijftien jaar gelanceerd. Misschien kiezen Hawking en Milner uiteindelijk niet voor Alpha Centauri, maar voor de meest nabije rode dwergster Proxima Centauri. Deze ster is slechts 4,2 lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd. Het mooie aan Proxima Centauri is dat er een aardachtige exoplaneet om deze ster draait, waar wellicht vloeibaar water op het oppervlak ligt. Zeer interessant, want waar vloeibaar water is, is wellicht leven.
Scientists Just Launched a Breakthrough Initiative to Find Intelligent Alien Life
Scientists Just Launched a Breakthrough Initiative to Find Intelligent Alien Life
The National Astronomical Observatories of China have partnered with Breakthrough Initiative to find alien life, bringing the largest radio telescope in the world with them — the 488 meter (1,600 foot) FAST telescope.
The FAST observatory will seek out extraterrestrial life with the world's other largest radio telescopes, including the Green Bank Telescope in the U.S. and the Parkes Observatory in Australia.
Ever since the invention of the telescope, we have looked at the stars and wondered, “Are we alone?” Well, we wondered about it long before then, but it was only since the advent of the telescope that we could look to the skies with any hope of actually finding an answer. Individuals, groups, and governments have since devoted time and resources to finding signs of alien life.
Now, China is joining the extraterrestrial hunt in a major way. The National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) has teamed up with Breakthrough Initiatives to bring the world’s largest radio telescope into the search.
Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking and Russian businessman Yuri Milner started Breakthrough Initiatives for the sole purpose of finding extraterrestrial life. It has three programs: Starshot, which will send nanocraft space robots to Alpha Centauri; Message, which will design the best platform to communicate with aliens; and Listen, which will use the world’s radio telescopes to catch any signals from alien civilizations.
Thanks to the new collaboration with NAOC, Breakthrough Initiatives will get to use the Five-Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) — a 488 meter (1,600 foot) long radio telescope that went online this September. To give you an idea: It’s longer than four American football fields.
The Chinese team from FAST will share data, methods, and observation plans with our planet’s other gargantuan telescopes, including the Green Bank Telescope in the U.S. and the Parkes Observatory in Australia.
This new collaboration underscores how mainstream the search for extraterrestrial life has become. You only have to consider how the thought of aliens was dismissed and laughed at only a generation ago.
Today, it’s not only thought there’s most likely life out there, but a great deal of resources are devoted to actively search for it. In fact, a current mission of astronomy is finding planets that may hold alien life.
“‘Are we alone?’ is a question that unites us as a planet,” Breakthrough Initiatives founder Yuri Milner said in a statement. “And the quest to answer it should take place at a planetary level too.”
But in truth, while there is much that weknow about our Pale Blue Dot and the cosmic abyss that exists just beyond our life giving atmosphere, there is a lot that we don’t know. But where does knowledge stop and uncertainty begin? How much do we really know, and what remains in question?
We asked for your most pressing questions, and they came pouring in: Could we ever travel to another star? Is warp drive really possible? How could we reverse the arrow of time? Here, Fraser Cain, the founder of Universe Today, dives into the answers—separating what we know from what we’ve yet to discover.
A large, unidentified metal object fell from the sky yesterday (Nov. 10) in the remote mountainous region of Myanmar.
The cylindrical object, which is about 12 feet (3.7 meters) long and 5 feet in diameter, blasted into the village of Lone Khin, near a jade mine. Villagers woke early in the morning to a loud boom and vibrations, when the object fell to the ground. Though no one was injured, the UFO ripped through a jade miner's tent, and afterwards, the smell of burning filled the air, according to The Myanmar Times.
"Initially, we thought it was a battle. The explosion made our houses shake. We saw the smoke from our village," Lone Khin villager Daw Ma Kyi told The Myanmar Times.
Aerial object
At first glance, the object looks like it may have come from an aircraft.
"I think it was an engine because I found a diode and many copper wires at the tail of the body," villager Ko Maung Myo told The Myanmar Times. "It also looks like a jet engine block."
However, government officials say that they haven't identified the object and are sending experts to examine it. One former government official with the Department of Aviation said that the image shown on Facebook of the metal "UFO" looked more like a rocket booster than part of a commercial plane.
Just yesterday China announced the successful launch of a Long March Rocket 11 into space, along with five satellites and an experimental X-ray pulsar navigation spacecraft, Spaceflight Insider reported. The XPNAV-1 (an acronym for Maichong Xing Shiyan Weixing), a 530-pound (240 kilograms) spacecraft fitted with solar arrays and two detectors that use X-ray emissions from pulsars to navigate, is meant to identify the locations of spacecraft in deep space.
Space debris is a regular part of satellite and rocket launches. Though the odds of any individual person getting struck by detritus is low, the odds that it hits one of the 7 billion people on Earth is surprisingly high: After the launch of a school bus-sized satellite in 2011, Mark Matney, a scientist in the Orbital Debris Program Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, previously told Live Science that the odds of anyone being hit by that debris immediately after the launch were approximately one in 3,200.
Space is littered with junk from past exploration. All told, there were at least 500,00 pieces of space junk marble-size or larger that are orbiting our planet in 2010, though most pieces are on the small side. Of that space junk, more than 20,000 pieces are larger than a softball, according to NASA. In 2012, Switzerland proposed building a kind of space janitor to clean up some of that debris.
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Officials decided that a medical situation at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station warrants returning a member of the station's winter crew to a Hospital.
The patient is seasonally employed through the Lockheed Martin Antarctic Support Contract (ASC), the prime contract for operations and research support contractor to NSF for the United States Antarctic Program (USAP).
Say that again please? Lockheed-Martin has a contract for scientific research in Antarctica? The same Lockheed-Martin renowned for advanced aerodynamics, the same Lochheed-Martin that is a key corporate defense contractor and player in the US military-industrial complex?
Now John Kerry is headed to Antarctica and it has nothing to do with the election results.
The United States has three research stations in the continent, which is one and a half times the size of the continental United States. The U.S. also has the most scientists and personnel of any country there.
Does anyone else find it strange that US's top diplomat, John Kerry, is going to Antarctica after Election Day?
Rosewell is probably one of the most notorious sites regarding the UFO phenomena on these modern times. It sparked countless conspiracy theories since then, but it's most probably the closest sighting of extraterrestrial life that civilian folk ever witnessed.
The eye witnesses spoke of a strange wrecked craft and military personal taking out bodies from inside the craft, which were then taken to Area 51. The next day it was dismissed as a crashed weather balloon.
But since then, the UFO phenomena didn't stop in that region. The 37th parallel which is known as the UFO road, has had many reports of UFO activity and bizarre animal mutilations.
On 2002, ufologist Chuck Zukowski was exploring the Rosewell crash site area and stumbled across a strange triangular piece of metal. Recently, he sent the piece of metal to be analyzed by laboratory of Bigelow Aerospace.
Could it be a piece of the 1947 crashed flying saucer?
Even before Pluto was demoted as a planet, there was often the joke that there was a tenth planet known as Planet X, but in reality, people laughed it off and would obviously not take such a comment seriously. Since Pluto was no longer deemed a planet, a planet known as Planet X has come to existence and is now in fact perceived as the ninth planet to replace what Pluto formally was.
The planet has often been referred to as Planet Nine and Nibiru. The planet has been a relative mystery, for the most part. However, one scientist believes that a sighting of the planet is expected to be seen within the next two years.
Astronomer, Mike Brown also stated that he expects that someone in the organization of NASA will, in fact, capture this hiding planet and learn much more about its existence and content. Brown has also indicated that 8-10 groups are already on the task of looking for the planet, which hints at a strong possibility that the sighting of Nibiru will be much sooner rather than later.
Reports indicate that Planet Nibiru is currently at or near aphelion, which is approximately 1,000 AU and measures in the sky of about 400 square degrees. In a simpler term, the moon covers about.5 of the sky, so this means that Nibiru is believed to be about four times bigger than the Earth, which also creates the likelihood to find this planet to be even stronger, given its unique and sheer mass for a planet. Scientists agree with this sentiment and say with their state-of-the-art telescopes the planet should be spotted in no time; it is just a matter of who spots the planet first.
This is also a big deal because a contest of who has better equipment to deal with space-related context is present again much like the United States and Russia decades back. China has apparently obtained an extremely powerful telescope that no one has even fathomed to exist, which leaves NASA reeling and trying to catch up to create something just as powerful if not stronger. NASA finding the planet first would also increase the possibility of receiving more funding towards better technology and projects overall.
This race is not as well-documented as the Sputnik satellite. However, there is some angst within NASA to try and get better. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in always trying to be number one.
Claudie André-Deshays Haigneré is at the center of an enormous mystery. In 2008, the talented and highly intelligent Frenchwoman issued a hysterical warning to the people of Earth after attempting to commit suicide. No one at the time knew what the warning meant and since Dr. Haigneré has recovered she has refused to clarify the matter.
Dr. Haigneré is an extraordinarily accomplished woman who has enjoyed a storied and multi-faceted career. She is a rheumatologist and has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and certificates in biology, sports medicine, aviation and space medicine. In 1993, she traveled to space for the first time and became the first European woman to visit the International Space Station along with her husband who is also an astronaut.
After her travels in space, Dr. Haigneré entered French politics and served as a minster for Research and New Technologies between 2002 and 2004. She was also the minister for European Affairs between 2004 and 2005. Despite her efforts, while she was in office the budget for scientific research in France were cut. Disillusioned, she cut her political career short and went to work in a biology lab at the prestigious Pasteur Institute.
Sources have reported that Dr. Haigneré’s work at the Pasteur Institute was of a rather esoteric nature. Some have even claimed that she was working on researching involving human and alien DNA. After several years at the Pasteur Institute, it was widely reported that Dr. Haigneré was taken to hospital after taking a huge overdose of sleeping pills. She was conscious upon arrival but had to be forcibly restrained as she fought against doctors, screaming “Earth must be warned!” Shortly after that, she lapsed into a coma.
Immediately after this extraordinary scene, it was reported that there was a mysterious fire which has never been properly explained by workers at the Pasteur Institute which has raised suspicions that Dr. Haigneré came across something groundbreaking and deeply disturbing in the course of her research. However, if this is the case, Dr. Haigneré is not willing to speak publicly about it anymore. She has blamed her suicide attempt on ‘burnout syndrome’ and has now moved on to the directorship of the largest science museum in Europe, the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie.
The book's secret alien races is one of the most controversial documents originating from the period when Russia was dominated by communism. The first edition of the book was published in 1946 and was designed to inform the secret agents of the various alien races who had visited our planet until that time. As long as the iron curtain Russia resisted valuable information in this book they were enshrined. The moment the Communist regime began to falter, book secret alien races came in the hands of a Russian diplomat, who chose to live in Portugal. His son, and a friend, found the book among several other top secret documents bearing the trade mark for the first time translated into English in 2004.
The book is fascinating because it has many kinds of alien species, their ships and place of origin. Each alien species, which is presented in the book, and has contributed in one way or another about human evolution on Earth. These aliens have been sighted in various places of our planet and interesting is that collaborated with various governments of those countries. Information about alleged meetings remained secret, however, the book is both a source of information but also a manual for learning how to communicate with various alien species. For example, Allgruulk are known in the Universe as creators or builders. They can live up to 230 years old and come from the constellation Plasterer. Another extraterrestrial species is the Messengers, which is the most enigmatic alien race. They visit Earth to a period of 300 years and not in direct contact with people. Rak is the alien species that mankind has not visited since 720. Perhaps they have lost interest in our adventure planet. Invizibilii are those who can not be seen with the naked eye, but both the Americans and the Russians have developed special technology to detect them. Jefok is the alien species originating from the constellation Indus and are known as pacifists. They met with JF Kennedy just three weeks before he was assassinated.
De komeet die wordt aangeduid met de codenaam P67 moet wel één van de meest merkwaardige kometen ooit zijn.
Een komeet die radiosignalen uitzendt en waar de Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA miljarden euro’s aan uitgeeft om die te onderzoeken.
Ogenschijnlijk kwam er enkele weken geleden een einde aan de Europese ruimtemissie naar de komeet 67P
Op 30 september 2016, om 12.38 uur crashte Rosetta gecontroleerd op de komeet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Om 13.20 uur (Nederlandse tijd), kwam de bevestiging binnen dat Rosetta gecrasht is. Deze vertraging werd veroorzaakt doordat het 40 minuten duurde voordat de data de aarde bereikte. De sonde werd in overeenstemming met internationale afspraken automatisch uitgezet vlak voor de landing, dit om te voorkomen dat de zender als een stoorzender in het zonnestelsel zou gaan werken en andere observaties zou gaan storen. De crash betekent het einde van de succesvolle missie van Rosetta.
Echter, de dag voordat Rosetta crashte, zijn er toch nog wel een paar interessante opnames gemaakt waaruit blijkt dat die komeet toch wel even iets meer is dan men ons wil laten geloven.
Zoals op de volgende opname te zien, hangt er een grote UFO boven de rotsmassa van komeet 67P.
De bekende videomaker op Youtube BP Earthwatch ontving een e-mail met het volgende nogal schokkende bericht:
Het bericht is afkomstig van iemand die werkt binnen ESA (European Space Agency). Deze zegt dat de belangstelling voor deze komeet zo’n twintig jaar geleden werd gewekt doordat NASA radiosignalen ontving, afkomstig van deze komeet.
Dat niet alleen, maar ergens in de afgelopen twintig jaar schijnt 67P ook van koers te zijn veranderd.
Veel wetenschappers hebben ook al hun verbazing uitgesproken over het uiterlijk van deze komeet omdat men een soort sneeuw en ijsklomp had verwacht. Iets waarbij in het geval van 67P absoluut geen sprake is.
Besloten werd volgens de klokkenluider om deze “komeet” met een bezoek te vereren. Om de aandacht af te leiden en dit zo geruisloos mogelijk te doen, werd een samenwerking aangegaan tussen NASA en ESA, waarbij de laatste een missie zou organiseren onder de noemer van onderzoek naar een komeet.
De klokkenluider zegt verder: "Jullie zijn toch niet zo gek om te geloven dat ze deze Rosetta missie die al in 2004 werd gelanceerd en miljarden Dollars kost, zomaar gaan doen om een stukje rots in de ruimte te onderzoeken? Nee, ze doen dit omdat er iets aan de hand is met 67P en omdat ze vandaar radiosignalen hebben opgevangen".
Wat 67P ook moge zijn, volgens de klokkenluider is het zeker dat het geen komeet is.
Dan, net voordat de Rosetta voor ons gewone mensen volledig uit beeld verdwijnt, een ruimteschip wat daar hangt wat minstens 100 meter lang is.
LEAKED! Vladimir Putin Trump Talk Of Planet X Nibiru Disclosure! UFO White House Secrets! 11/10/2016
LEAKED! Vladimir Putin Trump Talk Of Planet X Nibiru Disclosure! UFO White House Secrets! 11/10/2016
Russia Putin And Trump Planet X Nibiru Disclosure!! White HOUSE Secrets 11/10/2016 Leaked Top-Secret TRUMP Meeting Reveals Obama Warning Putin of Alien Invasion in September 2017?
#1 Most Viewed UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon Shares Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
An Arkansas witness at Bella Vista recalled a UFO incident from 2014 when a triangle UFO was seen hovering about 300 feet over a roadway, according to testimony in Case 79743 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness illustration.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness was driving to work at 7:30 a.m. on August 8, 2014, when a shadow was noticed on the roadway about a quarter-mile ahead.
“I looked up and saw the triangle or chevron-shaped craft hovering just east of the highway at about 250-300 feet AGL,” the witness stated.“It appeared to be about the size of an F-111 Aardvark.”
The object began to move as the witness approached.
The object was first noticed hovering over the highway. Pictured: Bella Vista, AR.
(Credit: Google)
“As I got closer it accelerated quickly to the south and I lost sight of it within a few seconds. The curious thing about the craft was that it had no definable color. Instead, it was slightly blurred out as if mimicking the background. The outline was fairly clear, but it was almost semi-transparent.”
The craft’s shadow bothered the witness.
“The thing that struck me was that the shadow of the craft was directly below it instead of where it should have been given the angle of the sun that early in the morning. I’ve included a sketch that I drew as soon as I got to work that morning that describes this phenomenon. I’m a former USAF Security Policeman and I’ve worked around nuclear weapons under the PRP. I’ve also been a civilian law enforcement officer, so my observational skills are pretty good. I was also wearing polarized prescription sunglasses that morning, which is why I may have been able to see it in the first place.”
The UFO quickly began to move away from the witness. Pictured: Bella Vista, AR.
(Credit: Google)
Bella Vista is a city in Benton County, Arkansas, population 16,582. MUFON Arkansas Assistant State Director Lynn Travis McCullough is investigating. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
UFO Becomes Visible During Sunset Over Madison, Wisconsin On Nov 1, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Becomes Visible During Sunset Over Madison, Wisconsin On Nov 1, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Nov 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Madison, Wisconsin, USA
News source: MUFON #80330
During sunset, the cloak on any UFO will be vulnerable to becoming visible to the naked eye from a few seconds to a few minutes. That is what we see here. It looks like a second sun, but its a UFO hiding in a clump of clouds. Even when I add contrast (above photo) the UFO only becomes more bright and visible. Its huge and its 100% there. Scientists still can't explain such sightings and some have adopted a farmers quote calling it a sun dog, but that doesn't explain what it truly is...a UFO.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
My husband and I were driving home (we live in downtown Madison) from the west side of Madison after shopping. I simply noticed the object because of how bright it was, and actually thought it was a tiny chunk of a rainbow forming, although there hadn't been any rain that day, until I noticed quickly hiw much light it was giving off on its own. It was just sort of hovering, colors changed a bit. I just remember feeling uncomfortable and worried about it. I didn't feel like it should be there, not sure it just made me very anxious I suppose. I'm not completely sure of its exact direction, as we were driving home in a curved pattern (the city is on an isthmus between two lakes). I just know when I first saw it we were in West Madison facing east, the brightness of the glow sort of had little spurts of being brighter and slightly less, and it gave off blue, orange, green, reddish colors, and about half an hoe later when we got home I saw it again but this time we had moved east 20 miles and I saw it when I faced about SW. I had been trying to take a picture the whole car ride and couldn't catch it with its moving directions, but this photo I did get was at the end of the event where I last saw it from a block outside my building. You can see the sun setting on the right, and the object glowing it's own light and some of the colors to the left.
'SOMETHING BIG COMING': Claim after NASA 'shut down ISS cameras when UFO appeared'
'SOMETHING BIG COMING': Claim after NASA 'shut down ISS cameras when UFO appeared'
SOMETHING big is about to break in the world of “alien visitations” according to ET hunters following claims of a NASA cover up after a UFO was allegedly filmed by the International Space station (ISS).
UFO conspiracy theorists allege the US space agency shut down a live stream video recording from the ISS, which is 250 miles above Earth, moments after the unidentified flying object was spotted.
In a video, uploaded to YouTube by prolific UFO chaser Streetcap1, a strange white light is seen with a glow around it appearing over the Earth's surface.
The footage then cuts to a blue screen, and it is seen no more.
Streetcap1 said: “NASA cut the camera feed so quickly even though this was very distant, but I still managed to get a couple of frames to enlarge.
“Who else is feeling that NASA and certain governments are getting prepared for something big?”
Glowing images such as this have been caught before by the ISS cameras that have later proved to be lens flares, which occurs when light refracts inside the lens and then appears on the image, or reflections of the ISS itself.
However, Streetcap1 tried to dismiss a lens flare as a possible cause of the latest anomoly.
The UFO caught on ISS camera and (inset) in close up.
Describing the object, he said: “Unidentified object is brighter on the left side due to the light from the sun – so not lens flare.”
Scott Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, who uploaded the footage, said: "It appears far away but it's not.
“It's actually very close to the space station, but higher up so it appears distant. Excellent find.”
Some viewers of the video believe the alleged cut to the space station’s live stream is further proof NASA is trying to cover-up the existence of aliens.
Eric de Perik said: "NASA is looking more foolish by the day."
Another user by the name of Rob, added: "Good old NASA covering up."
One viewer, Jen Grindle, believes she captured further proof something other wordly was happening with footage of an alleged UFO over Murrieta in California, USA, at the same time as Streetcap1's space station live stream recording.
This image was also said to be captured in California around the same time.
It initially said only select pieces of footage would be shown online, prompting one UFO enthusiast to say: "This only proves NASA is trying to hide something from us."
But, clarifying NASA's original statement, a spokesman said: "These change will not affect live video streams from the International Space Station.
"Viewers can continue to see live video as long as the ISS has signal."
The space agency also insists no UFOs have ever been recorded, and the anomalies are lens flares or reflections.
It says the camera goes to a blue screen, only when there is a loss of signal.
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Alien 'doorway' discovered on Mercury's surface by conspiracy theorists - but where does it lead to?
Alien hunter Tyler Glockner had his own theories about what the door found on satellite imagery might be - and whether it is still in use
Conspiracy theorists have found what they believe to be an 'alien doorway' on the surface of the planet Mercury.
The rectangular shaped object was first spotted on satellite imagery by Scott C. Waring of UFO Sightings Daily, who claimed it showed proof of an 'entrance' on the planet .
But the video footage was uploaded by alien hunter Tyler Glockner from Secure Team 10, who gave his own theory.
Talking over the clip, Tyler says: "Mercury has been rarely spoken about by the space agencies.
"There has been a question of whether there is a reason why planets like Mercury are rarely spoken about and that maybe that's because they don't want anyone's attention focusing on [them]."
Tyler points out that the rectangular shape appears to be out on its own with no similar shapes nearby.
But as he further examines the image, he offers an alternative theory to Waring's doorway idea.
"It became clear to me that this is not an entrance at all. In fact, it's something much more magnificent.
"This big, black rectangle? This is a shadow. So then you ask, where's the shadow coming from, and what is casting such a large, long shadow?
"And that my friends, is this large rectangular object, monolith-looking structure towering up above the surface."
The footage was uploaded to the Secure Team 10 YouTube channel on November 8 and has been viewed more than 238,000 times.
Viewers were divided over the video, with one writing: "It looks like an electrical discharge from something."
But another simply said: "That's a shadow on Mercury, not a doorway."
The incident has divided investigators, with explanations ranging from space debris to even an alien spaceship disguised as a meteor
A glowing green ball of light appeared in the sky in Japan this week, baffling expertsas to what it actually is.
The orb was captured hovering over Niigata, northern Japan, in the early hours of Monday morning.
This footage shows the green light shooting diagonally across the sky as sparks fly from the tail of it.
The incident has caught the attention of scientists, who have yet to determine what the UFO is.
One astronomer told NBC News that it was probably a bright meteor, known as a fireball.
But they did mention that it could be a piece of space debris that burnt up as it entered the atmosphere, such as a satellite.
It has divided opinion, as one UFO investigator claims it was actually aliens entering Earth's space.
Scott C Waring of UFO Sightings Daily claims the object is an alien space craft trying to disguise itself asa meteor.
He said that the glowing light was an alien, claiming that meteors don't glow green and that the curve of its flight was too straight to be a fireball.
The actual origins of the green ball of light haven't yet been identified.
According to an expert in the field, the two dark-coloured ships are shown in stark contrast against a bright white moon, seemingly flying side by side.
He wrote on his UFO Sightings Daily blog : “His editing software allows us to see its actual shape…a perfect saucer…two of them.
“There is no way these disks are satellites,” he adds, claiming that such manmade technology would not fly so close.
He added: “These are actual UFOs, flying in military style, because they are flying with a wingman to keep each other out of possible trouble."
Sheila Butt/Postmedia NewsResidents of Igloolik, Nunavut have thrown around many possible explanations for the strange sounds appearing to come from the sea bottom.
The theories range from UFOs operating under the ice to the release of methane gas to Russian or U.S. submarines lurking in Canadian waters.
But one possible explanation for the mysterious sounds seemingly coming from the ocean floor in Canada’s Arctic may be rather straightforward, suggests a U.S. scientist working on a project that generates low-frequency sound in the far North. It could be ice rubbing together.
Last week, acting on a request from the government of Nunavut, the Canadian military sent a CP-140 Aurora aircraft to conduct surveillance of Fury and Hecla Strait, northwest of the hamlet of Igloolik. Hunters in the area have reported hearing noises ranging from hums to pings to beeps. They say the noises are driving animals away.
“The sound that has been heard in the area seems to be emitted from the seabed and underwater,” Paul Quassa, a member of Nunavut’s legislative assembly, told lawmakers on Oct. 25.
According to Department of National Defence spokesman Dan Le Bouthillier, the Aurora’s crew conducted “various multi-sensor searches in the area, including an acoustic search for 1.5 hours, without detecting any acoustic anomalies. The crew did not detect any surface or subsurface contacts.”
The Aurora crew did observe two pods of whales and six walruses in the area of interest, Le Bouthillier added.
Residents have speculated about various theories for the sounds, including that a mining company may be conducting sonar surveys or that environmentalists may be using some kind of device to scare away animals so they can’t be hunted. Others have suggested the release of methane gases from the ocean floor or clandestine visits by Russian or U.S. submarines.
Google MapsFury and Hecla Strait
One of the more prominent theories focused on the claim the sounds were being emitted by a science project in the Arctic funded by the Office of Naval Research in the U.S.
That project, called the Canada Basin Acoustic Propagation Experiment, or CANAPE, uses low-frequency sound to determine how the ongoing changes in sea ice affect acoustics. The project could produce data for use in tracking submarines in the far North.
But Peter Worcester of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California said the sounds being generated by CANAPE are very low and too far away to be heard in the Fury and Hecla Strait.
“The signals transmitted for CANAPE are only expected to be above the background ocean noise level out to a range of at most a few hundred kilometres, which is much less than the distance to Fury and Hecla Strait,” said Worcester, who heads the project.
“Even if the signals were louder, any underwater sound generated north of Alaska would be blocked from reaching Fury and Hecla Strait by the many islands in the Canadian Archipelago.”
Worcester said he didn’t know what would cause the mystery sounds and is loath to speculate since he hasn’t heard them himself. But he noted much of the acoustic noise in the Arctic is caused by ice rubbing together, cracking, and moving. Early Arctic explorers called the noises the “Devil’s Symphony” with descriptions ranging from buzzing to wheezing and loud bangs.
“You can even get things where the ice hums, where you get sounds that resonate almost like an organ pipe,” Worcester explained. “There was a paper written about the notion there are various melodies associated with the sounds generated by sea ice.”
A spokesman with the DND said the department considers the issue of the mystery noises closed and there are no plans to send more aircraft to investigate.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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