The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Leven we in een hologram? Dit is het onvoorstelbare idee waarop Erik Verlinde zijn nieuwe theorie baseerde
Leven we in een hologram? Dit is het onvoorstelbare idee waarop Erik Verlinde zijn nieuwe theorie baseerde
Het klinkt als een idee dat rechtstreeks is weggewandeld uit sciencefictionfilm The Matrix: de wereld zoals wij die zien bestaat misschien niet echt. In plaats daarvan leven wij volgens sommige natuurkundigen in een hologram, een illusie.
De eerste die dit bizarre principe voorstelde was de Nederlandse Nobelprijswinnaar Gerard ’t Hooft. Hij haalde zijn inspiratie uit het natuurkundig gesteggel over de ware aard van zwarte gaten en de herschikking van de werkelijkheid in termen van informatie.
Informatie gaat onherroepelijk verloren
Voordat het holografisch principe ten tonele verscheen, hadden fysici al afgeleid dat twee dingen gebeuren wanneer een voorwerp in een zwart gat valt. Allereerst peuzelt het zwarte gat het voorwerp op, een proces waarbij alle gedetailleerde informatie over dat voorwerp onherroepelijk verloren zou gaan. Tegelijk wordt de horizon rond dat zwarte gat een heel klein beetje groter. De horizon van een zwart gat is de afstand vanaf waar het onmogelijk is nog aan zijn sterke aantrekkingskracht te ontsnappen.
Dat informatie in een zwart gat verloren lijkt te gaan, is in tegenspraak met de tweede hoofdwet van de thermodynamica. Die wet stelt dat de entropie, een maat voor de informatie van een systeem, altijd moet toenemen. Dat is echter onmogelijk wanneer het zwarte gat informatie genadeloos opslurpt en vernietigt. De oplossing schuilt in de groeiende horizon. Want als de entropie altijd toeneemt, en het oppervlak van de horizon van een zwart gat neemt ook altijd toe, dan zijn beiden voor een zwart gat misschien wel een en hetzelfde ding.
Fysici leidden zelfs heel nauwkeurig af hoeveel het oppervlak groeit. Voor elke bit aan informatie die in een zwart gat verdwijnt, blijkt het oppervlak van zo’n zwart gat met een zogeheten planckoppervlak te groeien. Zo’n planckoppervlak is gedefinieerd aan de hand van een van de onwrikbare natuurconstanten die ten grondslag liggen aan de werkelijkheid. Het is vermoedelijk het kleinst mogelijke oppervlak dat kan bestaan.
Binnenin een zwart gat
Dat het oppervlak van een zwart gat groter wordt wanneer je er een bit ingooit, betekent dat wanneer je weet hoe groot dat oppervlak is, je ook weet hoeveel informatie het zwarte gat bevat. Dat het oppervlak een maat is voor het aantal bits, wil natuurlijk niet direct zeggen dat die informatie ook daadwerkelijk op het oppervlak te vinden is. Toch is juist dat wat fysici met het holografisch principe aantoonden. Elke bit die in een zwart gat verdwijnt, blijkt na afloop terug te vinden aan het oppervlak. Dat betekent dat zelfs de meest complexe informatie die in een zwart gat valt nooit helemaal verdwijnt. Hoewel het daarna voor ons in praktische zin ‘onleesbaar’ is, gaat het niet verloren. Iemand die de machinerie van zwarte gaten nauwkeurig doorgrond heeft, kan de verloren informatie in theorie reconstrueren.
De realisatie dat de informatie van een zwart gat alleen aan het oppervlak zit en niet in zijn binnenste, is van doorslaggevend belang voor het holografisch principe. Om dat aannemelijk te maken, maak ik eerst een zijstapje en richt me op de vraag: hoeveel informatie kun je maximaal in een stukje ruimte kwijt? Het antwoord volgt uit het volgende gedachtenexperiment.
Boeken in een bol proppen
Stel je eens een bol om je heen voor met een diameter van, pak ‘m beet, 2 meter. Stel vervolgens dat we willen weten hoeveel informatie er in die bol past. Het boek waarin deze tekst staat, is minder dik dan de Dikke Van Dale, maar bevat toch best wel wat bits aan informatie. Dat boek kun je vasthouden en past in die bol. In onze bol van twee meter passen zelfs nog heel veel meer boeken.
Stel nu eens dat je die bol helemaal volpropt met boeken. Heb je dan de maximale hoeveelheid informatie in die bol gestopt? Het antwoord is: nee. Want het kan nog wel wat efficiënter. Je kunt in plaats van boeken immers ook allemaal USB-sticks of externe harde schijven in de bol proppen. Die bevatten veel meer informatie en nemen veel minder ruimte in. En als we straks een quantumcomputer ontwikkelen, past er misschien wel nog meer in.
Toch bestaat er wel een fundamentele limiet aan de hoeveelheid informatie die je in onze bol kunt proppen. Stel je eens voor dat we alsmaar meer USB-sticks in onze bol stoppen. We gaan door totdat ze allemaal vermorzeld worden. Totdat we zelf al lang en breed zijn stukgedrukt door een absurde stapel sticks, boeken en schijven. En zelfs dan houden we nog niet op. Op een gegeven moment zit die bol zo propvol dat de massa onder zijn eigen gewicht begint in te storten en ineens ontstaat een zwart gat. Pas dan, en niet eerder, past er met geen mogelijkheid meer informatie bij. Voeg je dan toch nog wat extra’s toe, dan groeit immers de horizon van het zwarte gat, zoals we net gezien hebben. En dan past dat zwarte gat dus niet meer in onze bol. Een zwart gat bevat, met andere woorden, de meest efficiënte opstapeling van informatie in de kosmos.
Meest efficiënte opstapeling van informatie
Nu we weten dat zwarte gaten de efficiëntste archiefkasten van de kosmos zijn, kunnen we het holografisch principe afleiden. We weten namelijk ook al dat voor elk zwart gat geldt dat al zijn informatie op de horizon rond dat zwarte gat zit. Maar, en hierin schuilt de crux: letterlijk elk stukje lege ruimte kan een zwart gat worden, zolang je er maar genoeg informatie inpropt. En als in de meest efficiënte opstapeling van informatie in een bepaald stuk ruimte alle informatie in een schil rond die ruimte zit, waarom zou de natuur dan in andere gevallen niet ook de informatie op die schil bewaren?
Dat was het schokkende inzicht dat Gerard ‘t Hooft met het holografisch principe lanceerde. Alle informatie in de kosmos zit volgens dat principe gevangen in een schil om de kosmos heen. Die schil zit op de grootst mogelijke afstand die denkbaar is, de denkbeeldige rand om het universum. Met andere woorden: de wereld om ons heen is niet echt, maar is het gevolg van een bizar spel van enen en nullen op een oppervlak dat miljarden lichtjaren van ons verwijderd is.
Dat betekent dat het heelal sterk lijkt op een hologram. Bij zo’n hologram zit alle informatie namelijk ook gevangen op een tweedimensionaal oppervlak. Het is – net als bij een zwart gat – wel een beetje verstrooid. Door naar dat oppervlak te kijken zie je niets dat duidt op hoe het hologram eruit gaat zien. Maar als je weet hoe het hologram werkt, en je schijnt er op de juiste manier met een licht op, dan ontstaat vanzelf een prachtig driedimensionaal beeld.
Holografisch principe
Dat is de reden dat de bekende Amerikaanse fysicus Leonard Susskind het idee van ’t Hooft de naam ‘holografisch principe’ meegaf. Susskind vertaalde het op zijn beurt naar de taal van de snaartheorie, een van de belangrijkste kandidaattheorieën in de poging tot unificatie van alle natuurkrachten. Later liet de Argentijnse fysicus Juan Maldecena zien hoe je het holografisch principe praktisch kon toepassen in een beschrijving van de kosmos. Daarna ontwikkelde het principe zich, hoe tegendraads en onvoorstelbaar het ook is, tot een in de moderne natuurkunde breed gedragen idee.
Daarbij bleef echter wel één probleem over. De snaartheorie beschrijft in de meeste varianten van die theorie namelijk helemaal niet de kosmos zoals wij die kennen. Het beschrijft een universum waarmee fysici ietsje makkelijker kunnen rekenen. Eentje waarbij de mysterieuze, onbegrepen donkere energie (zie ook het hoofdstukje kosmologische constante) zich niet gedraagt als een soort antizwaartekracht, zoals in onze kosmos, maar als een min of meer ‘gewone’ variant van de zwaartekracht.
Andere fysici proberen het holografisch principe daarom te vertalen naar de echte kosmos. Een van hen is Erik Verlinde. In tegenstelling tot de meesten, komt hij daarbij echter tot een compleet nieuwe conclusie. Waar de meesten het holografisch principe stevig in het zadel houden, concludeert Verlinde dat informatie helemaal niet uitsluitend gevangen zit op een tweedimensionale schil op de kosmologische horizon. Volgens hem klopt het holografisch principe inderdaad keurig voor de theoretische universa die de snaartheorie beschrijft, maar zit de informatie in ons ware heelal zowel op een tweedimensionale schil als in het driedimensionale binnenste van de kosmos.
Einstein afleiden
Dat idee kun je volgens Verlinde zelfs testen. Wie strikt het traditionele holografisch principe toepast op de beschrijving van de kosmos vindt, na flink wat rekenwerk, vanzelf de wetten van Einstein terug, exact zoals Einstein ze aan het begin van de vorige eeuw noteerde. Ga je echter uit van een universum waarin informatie wél deels driedimensionaal is, dan vind je wetten die er net ietsjes anders uit zien.
Voor kleine stukjes ruimte blijkt volgens Verlinde de invloed van de informatie op de tweedimensionale schil om dat stukje ruimte dominant. Je krijgt dan uitkomsten die overeenkomen met die van het holografisch principe en de wetten van Einstein. Maar wanneer je naar grotere gebieden gaat kijken, met steeds grotere volumes, gaat de bijdrage van de informatie in het driedimensionale binnenste een steeds belangrijkere rol spelen. Dat zorgt voor subtiele aanpassingen op de wetten van Einstein.
Dat inzicht verklaart, net als bijvoorbeeld MOND, waarom de draaisnelheid van de buitenste sterren in sterrenstelsels volgens een regelmatig patroon afwijkt van de voorspellingen van Einstein. Het verklaart zelfs waarom in het waarneembare universum, met zijn enorme volume, zoveel donker spul nodig is om tot een sluitend verhaal te komen. De aanpassing van Verlinde op het kosmologisch principe geeft daarom op natuurlijke wijze een antwoord op het raadsel waar 95 procent van het heelal verstopt zit.
Nieuwe theorie suggereert dat we in een hologram leven
Nieuwe theorie suggereert dat we in een hologram leven
Sommige natuurkundigen stellen dat de wereld zoals we die zien niet echt bestaat en dat we in een hologram leven.
De eerste de dit voorstelde was de Nederlandse Nobelprijswinnaar Gerard ’t Hooft. Volgens zijn holografisch principe zit alle informatie in de kosmos gevangen in een schil om de kosmos heen.
Die schil zit op de grootst mogelijk denkbare afstand, de denkbeeldige rand om het universum.
Met andere woorden: de wereld om ons heen is niet echt, maar het gevolg van een bizar spel van enen en nullen op een oppervlak dat miljarden lichtjaren van ons verwijderd is.
Dat betekent dat het heelal sterk lijkt op een hologram. Bij zo’n hologram zit alle informatie namelijk ook gevangen op een tweedimensionaal oppervlak.
Andere fysici proberen het holografisch principe te vertalen naar de echte kosmos. Eén van hen is Erik Verlinde.
Hij presenteerde onlangs een nieuwe theorie van de zwaartekracht, die mogelijk een alternatief biedt voor donkere materie.
In 2010 stelde Verlinde dat zwaartekracht geen fundamentele kracht is, maar een verschijnsel dat tevoorschijn komt uit een onderliggende theorie.
Vergelijk het met het begrip temperatuur, dat geen op zichzelf staand verschijnsel is, maar voortkomt uit de bewegingen van grote hoeveelheden microscopische deeltjes.
Verlinde geeft met zijn theorie een uitbreiding aan het holografisch principe. Hij laat zien dat niet álle informatie op de denkbeeldige schil rond het universum is af te beelden.
Een deel van de informatie, het deel dat de zogeheten donkere energie in ons heelal beschrijft, blijft daadwerkelijk over de hele ruimte verspreid.
Meetbaar effect
Verlinde toont aan dat deze extra informatie een meetbaar effect heeft op de materie in het heelal – het effect dat tot nu toe werd toegeschreven aan de donkere materie.
“Onze gangbare ideeën over ruimte, tijd en de zwaartekracht moeten hoognodig op de schop,” zegt Verlinde.
“We weten al heel lang dat Einsteins theorie van de zwaartekracht niet door één deur kan met de kwantummechanica. Ik denk dat we ons aan de vooravond van een wetenschappelijke revolutie bevinden.”
Aircraft being refueled on November 3, 2016 over Wichita, Kansas.
Filer’s Files #46 -2016 Vatican and UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: President Jimmy Carter Saw a UFO, We Have Lost Many Men and Planes Trying to Intercept UFOs, Time Travelers Allegedly Knew Trump Would be Elected, New President Elect will be Briefed on UFOs, The Ufologist, Vatican and UFOs, and Would You Baptize an Alien?
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, and Washington D.C.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon a sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cypress, Greece, France, Italy, Norway, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over one hundred UFOs reported each week represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over one hundred UFOs reported each week represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when I chased one over England while flying for the US Air Force. I’ve been investigating them ever since. The US Air Force under Project Blue Book investigated UFOs for more than twenty years, we continue this research. It is my belief that God has spread his kingdom of intelligent civilizations throughout the universe. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Projects
President Jimmy Carter Saw a UFO
“It was the darndest thing I’ve ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors, and it was about the size of the moon. A red and green glowing orb radiated as it hurtled across the southwestern Georgia skies. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing’s for sure: I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified flying objects in the sky.” It was just another fun night, on January 22, 1969,when suddenly from the sky a UFO at the Leary Lion’s Club for Jimmy Carter when he and friends spotted a UFO.
President Carter filed two formal reports when he was governor of Georgia describing his observation of an unidentified flying object to organizations that collect and promote UFO sightings as unexplained phenomena. (
We Have Lost Many Men and Planes Trying To Intercept UFOs
George Wolkind writes concerning the statements of General Benjamin Chidlaw, former commanding general of Air (later Aerospace) Defense Command told Robert C. Gardener (ex USAF) in 1953: “We have stack of reports of flying saucers. We take them seriously, when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.” George Wolkind writes, “The last time we checked the US lost 214 pilots and Soviets had 38 to possibly 48 dead pilots.” We lost nearly 200 Navy personnel in 1992, and destroyer ordered into the beam of a UFO establishing contact with cetaceans, only four survivors. Other countries such as Cuba and China have also lost aircraft and men.
Time Travelers Allegedly Knew Trump Would be Elected
Evidence DARPA-CIA time travel pre-identified Trump as future U.S. President U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama were also pre-identified by secret Presidential time travel preidentification program, according to Andrew D. Basiago, former chrononaut and 2016 Presidential candidate. Asked whether his statements are hearsay, Andrew D. Basiago responded, “My statement is not hearsay offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted that Trump will win the election. By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Wikileaks is Releasing UFO Information
The Wikileaks correspondence confirms military and aerospace authorities are involved in communications between John Podesta and
“Sekret Machines” author Tom Delonge about efforts to open up the US government files on UFOs and ETs, which have been suppressed since World War II.
Tom DeLonge is a musician and co-founder of Blink-182 band. He is also a “UFO researcher.” These days, he’s focused on Sekret Machines, his new UFO-centered “multimedia franchise,” which just put out a book where military and intelligence sources tell classified stories about paranormal contact.
DeLonge has always viewed his work on UFOs has extremely important. He feels the mysteries of life in space involve “religion and cosmology, and it has to do with politics and secrecy. As the Wikileaks e-mail dump earlier this month clarified. DeLonge interfaced with John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton campaign. The e-mails indicate that DeLonge interviewed Podesta last year about a potential documentary, and that he wanted to organize another meeting with “A-Level officials” from the government’s “most fragile divisions, as it relates to Classified Science and DOD topics.”
In a recent Instagram post, he writes that “Wikileaks really messed some important stuff up,” implying that he was upset that his private emails about “Classified Science and DOD topics” were released to the public. Also, however, he seems excited about the higher profile his research has gotten because of the release of the e-mails, stating “Project is still on… things just got bigger.”
John Podesta emails show he also wants disclosure. There are hints Obama and Hillary would release disclosure if she was elected. There is also another group, composed of NASA, CIA, possibly White House people who view the ET presence in a positive light, and seem to have a plan related to disclosure.
Grant Cameron, who produces the website is analyzing the ongoing hacked WikiLeaks email dump and expects more revelations based on insider information this week. Allegedly, “John Podesta still has a green light to open up UFO and ET files beginning in January 2017 after the Presidential Inauguration.”
The Wikileaks correspondence confirms military and aerospace authorities are involved in communications between John Podesta and “Sekret Machines”author Tom Delonge about efforts to open up the US government files on UFOs and ETs, which have been suppressed since World War II.
The leaked emails reveal that three of Delonge’s highly placed advisors are Major General William N. McCasland, Robert F. Weiss, Executive VP and General Manager of Skunk Works at Lockheed Martin Corporation, and USAF Major General Michael Carey, retired after serving as Special Assistant to the Commander of the USAF Space Command. To: Date: 2016-01-25 16:04 Subject: General McCasland
exa He mentioned he’s a “skeptic”, he’s not. I’ve been working with him for four months. I just got done giving him a four hour presentation on the entire project a few weeks ago. Trust me, the advice is already been happening on how to do all this. He just has to say that out loud, but he is very, very aware- as he was in charge of all of the stuff. When Roswell crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that exact laboratory up to a couple years ago. He not only knows what I’m trying to achieve, he helped assemble my advisory team. He’s a very important man. Best, Tom DeLonge.
TOM DELONGE | FOUNDER TOM@TOTHESTARSINC.COM | (760) 518-7801 | TO THE STARS MEDIA SAN DIEGO | 1053 S Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024
New President Elect will be Briefed on UFOs and Space
Republican president-elect Donald Trump delivers his acceptance speech during his election night event at the New York Hilton Midtown in the early morning hours of November 9, 2016 in New York City.
Credit:Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
The country has a new President elect, some are weeping and others are cheering. Hopefully, Trump can carry out his promises. Most of the conversations between President-elect Trump and Congress will probably involve immigration, health care, the economy, and other similarly high-profile issues. But the nation’s future in space will be perhaps the most important. There may be war in space between the technologically advanced nations or perhaps we will join together to fight an alien enemy. President Putin of Russia has indicated he wanted Trump to be President and implies the US and Russia can continue to work together in space.
In his first term, President Barack Obama canceled the space shuttle program and George W. Bush’s Mars moon-oriented Constellation program and instructed NASA to get astronauts to a near-Earth asteroid by 2025. Then head for Mars by the mid-2030s. To meet the first part of that directive, NASA devised the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM), which will pluck a boulder off a near-Earth asteroid using a robotic probe. This spacecraft will then haul the boulder to lunar orbit, where it will be visited by astronauts. But ARM has its share of detractors, and some of them occupy positions of power on Capitol Hill. For example, earlier this year, the House of Representatives’ Appropriations Committee proposed denying funding to the mission. “The Committee believes that neither a robotic nor a crewed mission to an asteroid appreciably contributes to the overarching mission to Mars,” committee members wrote in a report. “Instead, NASA is encouraged to develop plans to return to the moon to test capabilities that will be needed for Mars, including habitation modules, lunar prospecting and landing and ascent vehicles.”
And that brings up another issue, he added: Just how much international cooperation will there be on NASA’s journey to Mars. Who will the partners be? Could Russia and China be involved, even though U.S. law currently prohibits NASA from working with China to any significant degree? “That’s a very big civil-space public policy question that the next administration will most definitely be tackling,”
The George W. Bush and Obama administrations set NASA on a path that hands over many activities in low-Earth orbit (LEO) to private companies, theoretically freeing up the space agency to focus on more ambitious efforts, like getting people to Mars. For example, SpaceX and Orbital ATK currently fly robotic cargo missions to the International Space Station for NASA, and SpaceX and Boeing should start flying American astronauts to and from the orbiting lab in a year or two.
“That raises a bigger question about, Are there activities NASA has historically done that are perhaps better suited for the private sector to do?” There are other important space-policy questions that must be dealt with at some point, Weeden said. For example, which federal agency should regulate the moon and asteroid-mining industry?
Artist’s illustration of base on the surface of Mars.
Then there’s the national-security realm. Much of the United States’ military might is based on the nation’s dominance in space; for example, sharp-eyed spy satellites often give American war fighters a clearer view of the battlefield than their adversaries can get.
But other countries are increasingly contesting this dominance by developing their own advanced spacecraft and, in some cases, anti-satellite capabilities, experts have said. “There’s much more of a case that in future conflicts, there’s probably going to be a space element of the conflict,” Consultant Brian Weeden said. “How might the U.S. deter potential adversaries such as Russia and China from kinetic attacks on space [assets] in a future conflict? And then, how best to leverage commercial industries and allies in that mix of resilience and assurance?”
President-elect Trump and Congress will therefore have a lot to talk about when it comes to space. And they may have fewer arguments than we’re used to seeing, now that the presidency, House and Senate are all in Republican hands. Thanks to
Note: Can anyone seriously suggest that the press didn’t go all out in investigating every aspect of Trump’s life and career? The six major companies that control the news will continue to blame Trump for every conceivable problem. He has successfully built 500 companies, so hopefully he has the ability to rebuild American jobs. The Republican nominee pulled off the incredibly difficult feat of capturing Michigan and Pennsylvania. People are angry and frustrated at a political system that does little for them. The real unemployment figures are around 20%, since anyone who does not collect unemployment insurance is not counted. Most journalists who work for national news organizations are simply out of touch with those folks and failed them in many ways. They news never mentions the killing of thousands of Christians in the Middle East or even UFOs
UFOs Over Canada 1913
“These strange lights, in procession, reappeared on the night of February 9, 1913, over Canada when Professor Chant, of Toronto, made many observations of them. Here is a summary of his report in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (November 1913, page 141-142 of the Wilkins hardback: A strange spectacle was seen in Canada (Saskatchewan and Ontario), the U.S.A. (New York), at sea, and in Bermuda. A luminous body was seen, with a long tail attached to it. The body grew rapidly larger. Observers differ whether this body was single, or in three or four parts, with a tail to each. The group, or complex structure, moved with a peculiar, majestic deliberation. It disappeared in the distance, and another group emerged from its place of origin. Onward they moved, at the same deliberate pace, in twos, threes, or fours. As third group, or structure followed.” Some people, who observed these weird bodies, compared the singular spectacle to a fleet of airships – shall we say space ships?
others to naval battleships, attended by cruisers and destroyers.
One observer, cited in the scientific journal said” “There were probably 30 or 32 objects, and the peculiar was their moving in threes or fours, abreast of each other, and so perfect was their lining up that you would have thought it was an aerial naval fleet maneuvering after rigid drilling.” On that night, in 1913, a procession of unknown objects carrying lights passed in sky over Toronto, and was seen in Bermuda, and also in New York State. They took from five minutes to pass, and W. F. Denning, who said he had observed the skies since 1865, and had never seen anything like this phenomenon, “It looked like an express train lighted at night…. lights at the tail, one in front, one in the rear, then a succession of lights at the tail.” Sounds were heard from them, and they followed the curvature of the earth, at a relatively low velocity, as no meteorite would do. Chant said that unknown dark objects were seen over Toronto the next day.
“People even said they were airships cruising over the city. They passed from west to east in three groups, and then returned west in more scattered formation.” Thanks to Jim Klotz
“The Ufologist: The Haunting of John Ventre”
Book Review by Brian J. Allan
John Ventre is one of the very few Ufologists who successfully maintain an open mind on the nature of the UFO phenomenon and its possible causes. In this new book John presents a very plausible case based on personal experience that UFOs and their occupants are not necessarily from other worlds or galaxies, but could also have a distinctly occult and magical connection. He bases this on a series of all too close encounters with a number of entities that could sit comfortable in either camp. These are views shared by such noted luminaries as the late John Keel and Jacques Vallee and, as it happens, also with this reviewer.
The author also quotes other paranormal/UFO investigators such as Nick Redfern and mentions the shadowy, quasi-governmental CIA attached group called ‘The Collins Elite’, who came to a very similar conclusion, i.e. that ET’s were almost certainly demonic in nature. John elaborates on this by listing signs of demonic infestation and also lists the hierarchy of demons (and angels). Helpfully he also includes the rite of exorcism as well. The author also shares his timeline of personal haunting by a ghostly ‘something’ that may have had UFO connections and what he describes is truly alarming. This book may not appeal to the rigid mindset of the die-hard ETH Ufologist. This is a pity because in this field of study we need all the support we can get. However to anyone else with a genuinely enquiring outlook the book is truly enlightening and above all entertaining and well worth the purchase price. Brian J Allan is a Scottish paranormal expert, editor of Phenomena magazine and the author of numerous books.
Vatican and UFOs
Cristoforo Barbato an Italian independent UFO researcher and friend of Paola Harris as sent some interesting information that indicates serious Vatican interest in alien life. Barbato spoke at the Palazzo della Provincia of Pescara about the truth behind UFOs organized by the “Ufobserver” Cultural Association. During the conference he spoke about underground bases in the USA.
Barbato writes, “In the year 2000, I was working in Rome as an editor in the “Stargate” magazine and I wrote many articles about the Fatima Apparitions, their famous Third Secret and other Vatican State-related mysteries. After the publication of these articles I started to receive many e-mails from a person who qualified himself as a Vatican insider longing to know me for my researches about Fatima. From those e-mails rose up the story of a presumed Vatican Intelligence Agency named “S.I.V.” code from “Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano”. After one year of such kind of epistolary contacts (in the meantime that person had revealed to me he was a S.I.V. member from the Jesuit order working in structures of the Holy See and I could verify that these informations were true), we finally met in a public place in Rome and I could realize that he knew much more of what he had said in his letters.
Moreover, he sent to me some stuff including a video (shown during the Pescara Conference) regarding observations of something like a tenth planet approaching the Solar System. Such video had been presumably taped in 1995 from a space probe named Siloe and its images had been later sent to a secret radio-telescope hidden in a dismissed oil-refining plant in Alaska, totally managed by Jesuits.”
According to this person the reason to establish the S.I.V. was the meeting with an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field Base in February 1954 in presence of President Dwight Eisenhower and James Francis McIntyre, bishop of Los Angeles. After the incredible event McIntyre flew to Rome to refer everything to Pope Pius XII who decided to found the S.I.V with the aim to get every possible information about Aliens and how they did interact with the American Government. From then bishop McIntyre and Detroit Archbishop Edward Mooney became the main information coordinators between USA and the Vatican State.
Incredibly, later on there should have been some direct personal meetings between S.I.V. members and a Nordic-looking race of Aliens. These Aliens presumably warned humans against another alien race met by the Americans in the California Desert. These meetings between S.I.V and Aliens took place mainly in the USA territory but also (two times) in the Vatican State, precisely in Vatican Gardens at the Papal Academy of Sciences in presence of Pope Pius XII the same.
He also called “Secretum Omega” the highest secrecy level in S.I.V, equivalent to the NATO “Cosmic Top Secret”. The Vatican has also worked closely with various countries such as Canada and South American countries where sightings are rampant.
In the 18th century, the Papacy actively supported astronomy, establishing the Observatory of the Roman College in 1774. The Vatican built an Observatory is now headquartered in Castel Gandolfo, Italy and operates a telescope at the Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona in the United States. (above) Thanks to Cristoforo Barbato
Would You Baptize an Alien?
Brother Guy Consolmagno Director
Witty and thought provoking, two Vatican astronomers shed provocative light on some of the places where religion and science meet.
“Imagine if a Martian showed up, all big ears and big nose like a child’s drawing, and he asked to be baptized. How would you react?”µ
– Pope Francis, May, 2014
Pope Francis posed that question – without insisting on an answer! – To provoke deeper reflection about inclusiveness and diversity in the Church. But it’s not the first time that question has been asked.
Brother Guy Consolmagno and Father Paul Mueller hear questions like that all the time.
Did you know that the Vatican owned an observatory run by Jesuit scientists? Consolmagno, is an astronomer who studied at MIT, and Mueller, with a doctorate in the history and philosophy of science from the University of Chicago, are brilliant scientists and theologians, and they both possess a slightly irreverent and refreshing sense of humor. The authors attempt to highlight how the perceived conflict between religion and science is severely overblown. The discrepancies between the book of Genesis and the big bang theory is heady stuff for sure, but the casual writing style makes for an enjoyable learning experience. This is an excellent primer for anyone remotely interested in building a bridge between religious faith and scientific investigation. They’re scientists at the Vatican Observatory, the official astronomical research institute of the Catholic Church.
In Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?Theyexplore a variety of questions at the crossroads of faith and reason: How do you reconcile the Big Bang with Genesis? Was the Star of Bethlehem just a pious religious story or an actual description of astronomical events? What really went down between Galileo and the Catholic Church – and why do the effects of that confrontation still reverberate to this day? Will the Universe come to an end? And… could you really baptize an extraterrestrial?
With disarming humor, Brother Guy Consolmagno, and Father Paul explore these questions and more over the course of six days of dialogue. Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial will make you laugh, make you think, and make you reflect more deeply on science, faith, and the nature of the universe.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #46 -2016 Vatican and UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #46 -2016 Vatican and UFOs - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Object
Tucson— I was in my front yard and am always looking at the sky on November 4, 2016, and I saw a bright silver moving object. At first I didn’t know what it was but was thinking it was a missile, as it got closer than I know. The object was moving North West from Mexico towards some strange clouds. When I seen it my first thought was a missile but then I could make out a rounder image. I lost it in the clouds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
Edwards— We were driving east, passing Edwards Air Force Base and I noticed an object traveling very fast across the highway on November 4, 2016. It had a wobble to it because the suns reflection wasn’t constant and it couldn’t be seen unless it tilted. I happened to take two pictures of it while it was reflecting the sun with my Canon digital camera. I have raw images that can be examined further, but will only submit a jpeg at this time due to the size of the raw image. It was moving too fast to get a good focus. Raw image can be sent if you would like. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Lights
Higganum— My 18 year old son went out on my porch early before work at 5:40 am on October 31, 2016, and took a picture for his girlfriend. After taking the picture my son realized there was some type of craft in the picture that was invisible to his naked eyes. The lights were directly over the church steeple across the street from our house. He looked up at the sky and still saw nothing then came inside to show me the picture. He was pretty surprised at what was in the picture. He felt it was alien and this needed to be shared with others. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orb
Lakeland— About 2:45 pm, I had just existed off the ramp onto Kathleen Road from Interstate 4 when I noticed, an object while waiting for the light to change on September 10, 2014. As I began, to focus in on the object, it became evident that it wasn’t an aircraft rather, something entirely different. I then, used my camera phone to capture this beautiful object that was in the distance. It was there one second and gone the next. Fortunately, I was able to get at least one picture of this tiny object, before it disappeared entirely. It was a green object the first of many to be shared. The heavens are full of life. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Object
Johns Creek — About five weeks ago while walking our dog, we were noticing a bright flashing light in the sky on October 1, 2016. It was brighter than any star and flashing, but not moving. After three nights of seeing this in the same place, we decided to observe with our telescope. The object is round, and surrounded by bright lights. The lights seem to be in rows, lining the outer edges changing color – white, red, yellow, blue and green. The object moves slowly in a diagonal track for 30 minutes at the same time each night and disappears. We have attached a 35mm digital camera to our telescope and have been able to take pictures and video. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orb
Romeoville — I was standing outside smoking a cigarette with my friend when Ilooked up on October 17, 2016, and to the west I saw a green line with two pulsing red lights on each side standing still in the sky. After 20 minutes or so it slowly moved to the west and then back to the east very slowly and silently. The object was moving from side to side three times across the sky from east to west. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kansas Disc
Wichita— I was taking a photo of an awac aircraft being refueled a couple miles down range at about 9,000 feet in November 3, 2016.
When I got home and loaded film onto my computer I noticed the two objects. They were flying too high for birds. Five minutes before this an F-18 Super Hornet took off from the airport which was very weird. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Light
Brick — On Drump Point Road myself and two others were leaving work on October 24, 2016, the lady with me said, “OMG what’s that?” When I looked up I saw a fire ball, coming from roughly the NW area. First thought was a ufo. As I have seen many videos and documentaries about sightings. I immediately remembered seeing other videos about the same thing I’m witnessing. As it comes closer I grab my camera as is just above us. Watching on my phone while recording it looked more like a fiery plasma ball rotating and pulsating. The other guy came out and also saw the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Objects
Long Beach— This is a resubmission of my past posting with editing notes for clarification on November 5, 2016. I was informed by a Mufon investigator that he was unable to see the objects I described in my photos. Driving on the Meadowbrook Parkway I saw a white orb so I took a picture. I took other pictures in different locations at various times. My pictures include sightings form the Meadowbrook Parkway, Loop Parkway and Lido Blvd. My pictures however showed a lot more detail such as multiple orbs blue and white, a white triangle, and a white curved line and a purple rectangle. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Dakota Object
Fargo – I saw these objects on November 6, 2016 of six small orange points of light passing slowly overhead in triangular formation, crossing the night sky in about 60 seconds. Then few minutes later, two strings of 8 each travelling parallel flew back across sky at much higher rate of speed, passing over in the space of few seconds. Last night, I saw 16 flying objects in a close v formation at high altitude and at high rate of speed, crossing sky in four seconds, till they were out of sight. These craft did not hold tightly to their v formation as some on the outer edges of the formation spread apart. These craft emitted steady pale orange glow, and were about the size and brightness of an average star in the night sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Pill
Fairborn— I was at Maplewood Park with my girl friend on the swings. I looked up and saw a shiny, pill shaped UFO flying overhead. It was completely silent and really high floating across the sky. So I pulled out my cell and started recording. My girl friend and I just watched it and may have been a satellite or a blimp. I was only a couple miles away from Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I lost sight of the object when it flew away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Chemtrails
All I am saying is that I felt their presence and it’s possible. I did see the continuation of the chemtrails today (DSC00672A). A lot seemed to be flying into and around (unknowingly to them) what I am calling a cloaked mother ship (DSC05145A). Here’s what I wrote yesterday. “On Friday, I was at the Monroe Institute by the big crystal and I saw something similar to the photos you forwarded re: the Crystal Ship. I saw wispy clouds forming and within 5 minutes they dissipated. They would grow from nothing, and then grow a bit and eventually dissipated all within about 5 minutes. Before they did, 10 maybe more round white spheres would be left and then they dissipate like the clouds.” These white spheres looked very similar to the ones in the picture minus the huge alien spacecraft that suddenly appeared in the sky. This round anomaly showed up right next to the airplane.”I have a theory. Maybe the chemtrails are serving a purpose other than what the powers that were intended them to be. Maybe the chemtrails are a cloaking device that ETs use when there are no clouds. Maybe I did witness a huge mother ship today, and maybe the smaller ships were in the chemtrails where they can vacuum the chemtrails more readily.” Thanks to Dan Johnson
Washington Lights
Ellensburg — Taken by a friend I was video chatting with on Saturday night June 17, 2016, at 11:00 PM. My light was out and his was also on his side. My bathroom light was on, so I could see the computer. Whatever it is had to be right behind me. I have experienced some odd things, waking up to an old table with a 50 pound marble top moved, loud bangs, seeing shadows, and my daughter said, “She saw a tall man once in front of the fire place.” They investigated this and concluded that it was a grey. A roommate saw a couple of UFO’s three days ago sighted towards Mt. Rainer. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington DC Object
Fort Lincoln –I was aboard Amtrak from New York to Florida when I was taking pictures but I didn’t notice the object until after I got home months later while reviewing the pictures. The picture was taken in Fort Lincoln, Washington, DC on August 2nd, 2016 at 8:51 am. I had experienced some interference with my cell phone reception but at the time I ignored it. The images before and after do not show the object. I’m just curious as to what it is above the busy bridge?
Wisconsin Orb
Burlington — I was waiting in a store parking lot, leaning against my car and looking at the cirrus cloud whips on November 6, 2016. I noticed a bright pinpoint. It went behind the high cloud but was still faintly visible. When the cloud passed, it was still there and I spotted eight other stationary lights/reflections nearby, so I grabbed my phone to take a picture so I could zoom in. I goggled iridium flare, just to try to explain. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Objects
My partner and I were lying on the hood of the vehicle looking up at the stars in the middle of nowhere on November 6, 2016, I spotted a moving object. Showing my partner I told him it was moving way to quick to be a satellite. Then we spotted two more that changed direction. They moved in near the same area like it was a road for UFOs. After they disappeared with a flash we spotted flashes around one star forming a circle. They kept flashing randomly making a circle. It looked like a big flying object that I tried to film, but it was too dark to film. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Disc
Haroldo Westendorff 20 years ago spotted a UFO from his aircraft. One of the most extraordinary sightings of a pilot in Brazil took place in Rio Grande do Sul, on the Lagoa dos Patos.
Haroldo circled the giant UFO three times with his small plane
Wednesday is a special day for the Brazilian Ufology, celebrating twenty years of one of its most impressive cases. On 5 September 1996 the pilot gaucho Haroldo Westendorff, Brazilian bi-champion of acrobatics, flying a plane near the city of São José do Norte. At 10.30 AM on a sunny day 1,800 meters above sea level, Haroldo suddenly faced with a huge object slowly flying over the region.
The UFO had a pyramid shape and base was 100 meters and its height was 50 to 60 meters. Westendorff noted that the object had eight sides and each of these there were three protruding wedges. Noting that detail, he realized that the UFO slowly rotating around its axis. In addition, the top had an oval dome and immediately contacted Harold pellets Airport. An operator of the tower was also able to observe the UFO, but the military radar did not detect any traffic.
The pilot approached the UFO cautiously and began circling it while describing everything via the radio. Suddenly, the upper dome of the object opened and a smaller UFO in the shape of two superposed plates, emerged from there upright, leaned over and fired at extremely high speed, heading for the sea. Haroldo estimated his speed at Mach 10, or ten times the sound and described what came to consider: “I thought I’d take a dip with the plane of the opening of the ship to see what was inside, but gave up when that opening came a column of reddish and undulating rays that scared me so I moved 200 meters from the ship.”
A few moments later, the giant UFO shot vertically enormous speed, causing fear in the pilot, He did not notice any wind or noise. The operator of the Pelotas tower, Airton Mendes da Silva, stated, “I saw an object in the form of a gray triangle with rounded edges.” The Case Haroldo Westendorff is one of the most impressive and emblematic Brazilian ufology, The UFO shot away at high speed after releasing a column of red rays. Thanks to Google Translate and Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Objects
Don Mills— I was walking home from work on November 1, 2016, and noticed there were more stars than normal. At first, I thought it was the moon or a star changing into various colors but was not moving. I instantly froze and my body became cold. Then I ran pulled out my phone and began trying to get the clearest recording of it that I possibly could. The night before on my way home from work I also observed north of me that there was a huge black triangle with five lights shaped like an upside down Y. I also got really scared and ran inside. The flashing orb I saw the second time did not move but only kept changing colors. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Cypress Light
Pafos — While on holiday with my fiancée we spotted this in the sky on September25, 2016, l decided to capture a few shots to see if l could capture their emitting frequency and lights. l have zoomed into some of the pictures but have left the originals for your own experiment or perception. Although l am convinced as UFOs have followed me all my life as mufon stated in my last sighting. I look forward to your views. Hope this helps prove one more piece existence of life is not just earth and us. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Greece Sightings
Nea Moudani — My friends were going to drink coffee and having fun on October 20, 2016. It was 23:30 hours and my friends started taking selfies with their phones. I took a picture with my smart phone that look like two objects with orange lights that look like dots or missiles, also one object with three white lights that looks like a triangle shape.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Lights
Crumlin — I was on the phone in my backyard on October 13, 2016. I looked up to see a large black diamond/cone shaped object. It was about 5.30 PM, when I saw a wobbling object a few miles away. It suddenly changed direction and flew NW away from me into cloud cover which is when I managed to take a picture! It all happened so fast, suddenly it was gone. I live in the country near an airport so I’m use to seeing lights/objects in the sky. You see them all out here, 99.9% I can explain. This one I can’t. It seemed too big for a balloon and was oddly shaped for one. I saw a UFO instead of something that can be explained. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files. story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
L’ufologie aujourd’hui, professionnalisme et respect
L’ufologie aujourd’hui, professionnalisme et respect
Un article de Richard Hoffman, Directeur des Projets Stratégiques du Mufon, publié le 14 juin 2016 sur son site «« , par Alejandro Rojas, membre de l’Académie d’Ufologie.
Après avoir passé la majeure partie de ma vie en tant qu’ufologue, j’ai eu le plaisir de travailler avec beaucoup d’autres ufologues incroyables pendant cinq décennies. Mon admiration pour ces personnes, qui ont consacré une quantité extraordinaire de leur temps personnel, de finances et davantage pour le sujet OVNI, est sans fin. Plus encore, il y a beaucoup de gens qui font un travail difficile et pas reconnu. A ceux-là et aux autres, je dis un grand merci.
L’ufologie est une aventure très enrichissante. Non seulement elle peut vous propulser dans plusieurs directions que vous n’auriez pas décidé de choisir, mais ces aventures sont bouleversantes et créent une nouvelle réalité du monde autour de vous, que vous adoptez personnellement. Comme nous le savons tous, il y a beaucoup d’ufologues qui ne partagent pas les mêmes croyances et notions ni sur les ovnis ni sur leurs occupants, que beaucoup affirment avoir vus personnellement. Pour certains, un OVNI ou un événement connexe, les ont peut-être amenés dans ce type d’étude en priorité, alors que pour d’autres qui n’en ont jamais vu, soit ils y croient, soit ils n’y croient pas ou encore ils sont très sceptiques à propos des affirmations autour de ce sujet.
Personnellement, je suis attristé par les récentes tendances croissantes sur les médias sociaux d’y voir les parties intéressées créer des groupes dissidents qui ont des points de vues similaires mais qui contribuent à perpétuer les divisions au sein de l’ufologie. Je continue aussi de voir entrer en jeu plus de comportements agressifs tels que l’intimidation. Il semble que la colère actuelle mentionnée dans les affaires politiques surgit elle-même dans notre monde. Je vois aussi un manque de tolérance envers ceux qui expriment une réalité différente de la nôtre. Bien que, par exemple, je ne puisse pas croire facilement que des contactés communiquent avec des extraterrestres, je ne vois pas la nécessité de frapper ou intimider ceux qui affirment cela. Je peux exprimer ma conviction civilement, laquelle peut être différente de la leur.
Une grande tendance est d’étiqueter les gens. Récemment, j’ai constaté l’augmentation du besoin de déclarer les gens « debunkers » simplement parce qu’ils expriment soit une position différente de la vôtre soit des faits actuels qui remettent en question la vôtre. Tout simplement parce que vous pouvez avoir une formation ou une expérience sur le sujet, vous êtes un « debunker ». J’ai vu un objet en 2012, qui plus tard s’est avéré être un ballon secret Google et qui a été identifié comme tel (aka Project Loon), après avoir franchi plusieurs Etats et qu’il ait été vu et photographié par quelques dizaines de personnes. J’étais alors devenu un « debunker ».
Il y a besoin d’un mouvement ufologique plus unifiée. Un mouvement qui reconnaisse que le comportement courtois est important, que la diversité des opinions est une bonne chose. L’expérience de ce que l’un peut être différent de l’autre et que cela n’en fait pas une « mauvaise personne » ni un ennemi du groupe de réflexion que nous avons adopté sur Facebook ou d’autres forums de médias sociaux.
Récemment, j’ai fait une présentation à l’Université d’Alabama à Tuscaloosa. Le professeur m’a demandé de l’aider à enseigner la pensée critique aux étudiants. J’étais, à ce point de ma carrière, un directeur régional adjoint pour « l’American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) ». Nous avions réalisé une étude et avions constaté que la compétence diminue à un rythme alarmant dans nos jeunes générations et que si nous ne réagissions pas à cela, des problèmes pourraient bientôt survenir. Aujourd’hui, c’est toujours valable. Nous voyons beaucoup de gens qui prennent au pied de la lettre tout ce qui est publié sur Internet, à la télévision ou dans des actualités ici ou là. Il n’y a absolument pas de vérification de faite ni de renseignements demandés. C’est un fait. Nous constatons l’acceptation rapide qu’une vidéo YouTube montrant un vaisseau-mère au-dessus de la Maison Blanche est encore un événement que le gouvernement camoufle.
Si l’ufologie s’efforce de résoudre les nombreuses questions qui restent sans réponses à propos du phénomène ovni, elle doit se consolider grâce au comportement exemplaire approprié de ses dirigeants, c’est-à-dire que la discipline est nécessaire aux points que j’ai mentionnés ci-dessus. Combien d’entre nous voient les comportements inappropriés de nos propres sites? Combien d’entre nous divisent les gens? Combien d’entre nous sont sceptiques à l’excès et mènent les conversations dans un débat qui se termine par des divisions supplémentaires? et aussi combien d’entre nous sont inflexibles sur « c’est soit mon chemin, soit la porte » ?
C’est mon espoir avant de mourir, que l’ufologie devienne un mouvement respectable assis sur une base professionnelle. Je crois que davantage peut être réalisé et accompli lorsque les gens et les organisations travaillent ensemble. Il est temps d’enterrer les haches de guerre et certainement pas le moment de construire des murs. Je préfère les ponts, ce sont les gens qui les construisent et ils apprécient de passer dessus. Merci à tous de votre dévouement à l’ufologie, indépendamment de vos étiquettes, de vos croyances et de la réalité.
Richard Hoffman est un professionnel de l'informatique qui aétudié le phénomène OVNI depuis 1964, quand il avait huit ans.
Il est actuellement Directeur du Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) pour les États d'Alabama et du Mississippi, ainsi que Directeur des Projets Stratégiques.
Observer reported six blue coloured discs “about the size of a shirt button held at arm’s length” passing overhead giving him a feeling of static or magnetic feeling. When he first saw them overhead, they were circular, but as they sped away, they looked flattened like a disc. While in sight they were darting around each other though never crossing over each other’s path. There was always a gap between each disc. The point of reference in the sky was the Saucepan.
Additional Details: On this particular night, Craig was out in his front yard endeavouring to cool off after a 35 degrees plus hot day in the suburb of Fawkner in Melbourne. He noticed six disc shaped objects approaching from the northeast. These objects were travelling at first, in a tight circular pattern with an object of the same size in the centre.
As they passed overhead, Craig now saw clearly that each of the objects emitted an electric blue in colour though no sound could be heard. Given the clear viewing condition of that night, he could distinctly see that each of the objects was in fact darting in around, behind, and in front of each other. All were darting without actually breading the larger boundary of the group or formation. Craig, living in the flight path of Essendon and Melbourne Airports, is also quite familiar with virtually all types of low flying aircraft that fly over regularly each day at approximate heights of 2000 feet. Each of these objects to be the size of a small single engine plane.
The duration of the sighting lasted approximately seven seconds with the objects soon disappearing heading in a southwesterly direction. There were no particularly noticeable effects involved with this sighting except to say, and I quote, “It is without a doubt the most exciting thing I have ever witnessed or been apart of!”
Ermanno Borra thinks that aliens just may be winking at us from across the void—that they're trying to make contact using a method that even we primitive earthlings might grasp, and that they come (or perhaps will come, eventually) in peace.
The Université Laval astronomer realizes it's a bold claim, and will be rigorously challenged by his peers. But he's adamant that it's not a preposterous one.
"The search for extraterrestrial life is a very legitimate scientific endeavour," he says. "It's not something crazy."
In a peer-reviewed paper published in this month's Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Borra and grad student Eric Trottier wrote that an analysis of the spectra—the intensity of the light as a function of many wavelengths—of 2.5 million stars found minuscule but highly peculiar modulations from 234 of them. Like, really tiny: the separations detected were 10-9 to 10-15 seconds apart.
The pair examined the stars catalogued in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a 3D map of the universe that over the past 16 years catalogued over three million astronomical objects. They found that the 234 stars were also in the same spectral range as our Sun's (for the record, the F2 to K1 spectra range). With instrumental or calculation error and other possibilities accounted for and eliminated as possible sources of the readings, Borra and Trottier suggest that the signals may possibly have come from extraterrestrial intelligence trying to alert humans to their existence.
He speculates that it would be possible for an alien life form to shine a laser into outer space, superposing its light over that of its host star. The signal could be detected in the spectrum of the star, containing as it does the light of both the star and the laser.
The paper, excitingly titled "Discovery of Peculiar Periodic Spectral Modulations in a Small Fraction of Solar-type Stars," has already generated a lot of media coverage and controversy. It hasn't helped that overzealous and click-hungry headline writers use phrases like "probably from aliens" when discussing the work. An investigation debunked the "probably" part, making it clear neither scientist was willing to use the word in a formal academic paper—something that likely would have resulted in the pair being pilloried by their colleagues.
Several scientists involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) have been either cautious or dismissive of their claims. Snopes notes that Breakthrough Listen, a search venture funded by Russian entrepreneur Yuri Milner and backed by Stephen Hawking and Mark Zuckerberg, isn't popping champagne corks yet; neither is theSETI Research Center at UC Berkeley.
But Borra, a professor of physics at Laval who received his PhD from the University of Western Ontario, certainly doesn't come across as a charlatan or a fool. And he knows that he needs a whole lot more evidence to back up his hypothesis. The scientific method is built on testing hypotheses and poking holes in them, so he never makes the claim that the signals are definitively from aliens. He merely carefully suggested that it's possible that they are. He suspects that those who dismiss his paper outright probably didn't read it in detail. The same would apply to those who jump to conclusions that aliens are definitely reaching out to us, based on his curious finding.
"The ETI hypothesis is a strange one, so it's normal to be skeptical," he says. "But it's not something crazy. Again, it's a field of very legitimate scientific research."
One that doesn't come cheap: for instance, the SETI Institute-operated Allen Telescope Array in northern California has burned through $50 million in about a decade, half of which came from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. The Breakthrough Listen project's 10-year, $100 million funding is courtesy of Russian tycoon Yuri Milner. Even the Sloan Digital Sky Survey was mostly funded via the philanthropic Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. No government is seriously investing in the search for ETI (although President-elect Trump has said he will make space exploration great again, without offering any details). Still, there seems to be enough curiosity about our new frontiers and new life forms--whether they be in deep space or in the deep ocean—to spur individuals to generously fund scientific research alongside governments.
Borra says that if—and he admits it's a big if—his hypothesis is supported by enough solid evidence that it can be assumed that the source of these infinitesimal changes in the light pulses' intensity is indeed the result of extraterrestrial communication, he says it would be "one of the most important things ever done on Earth."
The method of communication is also flexible enough that the source—a hypothetical alien civilization—could also include vital information about themselves, including pictures.
This isn't the first time Borra has speculated that a specific kind of light pulse might have originated with ETI. A 2012 paper he authored predicted that the signals grad student Trottier found in the reams of data were consistent with what he believed an ETI signal would look like. Basically, light pulses are an easy way to send signals and have them seen by a distant recipient. The paper's abstract reads: "Theory, confirmed by published experiments, shows that periodic signals in spectra can be easily generated by sending light pulses separated by constant time intervals.... [T]echnology now available on Earth could be used to send signals having the required energy to be detected at a target located 1000 lt-yr away. Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI) could use these signals to make us aware of their existence."
Borra is the first to admit that more work—a lot more work—is needed before we can be sure that something out there is reaching out to us. But any civilization trying to make contact likely wouldn't be interested in Earth as a target for conquest, enslavement or nourishment. He believes any such species would "certainly have technology far more advanced than we do," and that they would very likely be peaceful.
The theory is, if aliens can get it together enough to be able to create technology that looks to life beyond their solar system, they have advanced enough as a species to put their primitive, warlike impulses behind them. They don't need to slaughter or enslave us. It's a nice thought, but unfortunately, wholly speculative.
He further suspects that spectral modulations may be just one method aliens are using to reach out across the galaxy. There may be others that are beyond our comprehension, using technologies we haven't yet grasped.
The pace at which our technology has advanced in just the last 50 or 60 years gives Borra some perspective on what is feasible in terms of communications. From postage-stamped letters to Skype, the leap has been immense. Borra doesn't know where or how it will ever stop advancing, and that, he says, is encouraging in the long run.
"Intuitively, I suspect that civilizations that are more advanced are peaceful," he says. "So anyone trying to contact us would be very nice people, for obvious reasons."
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Is Physical Law an Alien Intelligence?
Is Physical Law an Alien Intelligence?
Alien life could be so advanced it becomes indistinguishable from physics.
Perhaps Arthur C. Clarke was being uncharacteristically unambitious. He once pointed out that any sufficiently advanced technology is going to be indistinguishable from magic. If you dropped in on a bunch of Paleolithic farmers with your iPhone and a pair of sneakers, you’d undoubtedly seem pretty magical. But the contrast is only middling: The farmers would still recognize you as basically like them, and before long they’d be taking selfies. But what if life has moved so far on that it doesn’t just appear magical, but appears like physics?
After all, if the cosmos holds other life, and if some of that life has evolved beyond our own waypoints of complexity and technology, we should be considering some very extreme possibilities. Today’s futurists and believers in a machine “singularity” predict that life and its technological baggage might end up so beyond our ken that we wouldn’t even realize we were staring at it. That’s quite a claim, yet it would neatly explain why we have yet to see advanced intelligence in the cosmos around us, despite the sheer number of planets it could have arisen on—the so-called Fermi Paradox.
For example, if machines continue to grow exponentially in speed and sophistication, they will one day be able to decode the staggering complexity of the living world, from its atoms and molecules all the way up to entire planetary biomes. Presumably life doesn’t have to be made of atoms and molecules, but could be assembled from any set of building blocks with the requisite complexity. If so, a civilization could then transcribe itself and its entire physical realm into new forms. Indeed, perhaps our universe is one of the new forms into which some other civilization transcribed its world.
These possibilities might seem wholly untestable, because part of the conceit is that sufficiently advanced life will not just be unrecognizable as such, but will blend completely into the fabric of what we’ve thought of as nature. But viewed through the warped bottom of a beer glass, we can pick out a few cosmic phenomena that—at crazy as it sounds—might fit the requirements.
While some scientists search for extraterrestrial life by landing rovers on Mars, launching telescopes into space, and scanning the skies with giant radio dishes, geobiologist Joseph Kirschvink thinks that the first telltale signs of alien life may be sitting on...READ MORE
For example, only about 5 percent of the mass-energy of the universe consists of ordinary matter: the protons, neutrons, and electrons that we’re composed of. A much larger 27 percent is thought to be unseen, still mysterious stuff. Astronomical evidence for this dark, gravitating matter is convincing, albeit still not without question. Vast halos of dark matter seem to lurk around galaxies, providing mass that helps hold things together via gravity. On even larger scales, the web-like topography traced by luminous gas and stars also hints at unseen mass.
Cosmologists usually assume that dark matter has no microstructure. They think it consists of subatomic particles that interact only via gravity and the weak nuclear force and therefore slump into tenuous, featureless swathes. They have arguments to support this point of view, but of course we don’t really know for sure. Some astronomers, noting subtle mismatches between observations and models, have suggested that dark matter has a richer inner life. At least some component may comprise particles that interact with one another via long-range forces. It may seem dark to us, but have its own version of light that our eyes cannot see.
In that case, dark matter could contain real complexity, and perhaps it is where all technologically advanced life ends up or where most life has always been. What better way to escape the nasty vagaries of supernova and gamma-ray bursts than to adopt a form that is immune to electromagnetic radiation? Upload your world to the huge amount of real estate on the dark side and be done with it.
If you’re a civilization that has learned how to encode living systems in different substrates, all you need to do is build a normal-matter-to-dark-matter data-transfer system: a dark-matter 3D printer. Perhaps the mismatch of astronomical models and observations is evidence not just of self-interacting dark matter, but of dark matter that is being artificially manipulated.
Or to take this a step further, perhaps the behavior of normal cosmic matter that we attribute to dark matter is brought on by something else altogether: a living state that manipulates luminous matter for its own purposes. Consider that at present we have neither identified the dark-matter particles nor come up with a compelling alternative to our laws of physics that would account for the behavior of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Would an explanation in terms of life be any less plausible than a failure of established laws?
Part of the fabric of the universe is a product of intelligence.
The universe does other funky and unexpected stuff. Notably, it began to expand at an accelerated rate about 5 billion years ago. This acceleration is conventionally chalked up to dark energy. But cosmologists don’t know why the cosmic acceleration began when it did. In fact, one explanation with a modicum of traction is that the timing has to do with life—an anthropic argument. The dark energy didn’t become significant until enough time had gone by for life to take hold on Earth. For many cosmologists, that means our universe must be part of a vast multiverse where the strength of dark energy varies from place to place. We live in one of the places suitable for life like us. Elsewhere, dark energy is stronger and blows the universe apart too quickly for cosmic structures to form and life to take root.
But perhaps there is another reason for the timing coincidence: that dark energy is related to the activities of living things. After all, any very early life in the universe would have already experienced 8 billion years of evolutionary time by the time expansion began to accelerate. It’s a stretch, but maybe there’s something about life itself that affects the cosmos, or maybe those well-evolved denizens decided to tinker with the expansion.
There are even possible motivations for that action. Life absorbs low-entropy energy (such as visible light from the sun), does useful work with that energy, and dumps higher-entropy energy back into the universe as waste heat. But if the surrounding universe ever got too warm—too filled with thermal refuse—things would stagnate. Luckily we live in an expanding and constantly cooling cosmos. What better long-term investment by some hypothetical life 5 billion years ago than to get the universe to cool even faster? To be sure, it may come to rue its decision: Hundreds of billions of years later the accelerating expansion would dilute matter so quickly that civilizations would run out of fresh sources of energy. Also, an accelerating universe does not cool forever, but eventually approaches a floor in temperature.
One idea for the mechanism of an accelerating cosmic expansion is called quintessence, a relative of the Higgs field that permeates the cosmos. Perhaps some clever life 5 billion years ago figured out how to activate that field. How? Beats me, but it’s a thought-provoking idea, and it echoes some of the thinking of cosmologist Freeman Dyson’s famous 1979 paper “Time Without End,” where he looked at life’s ability in the far, far future to act on an astrophysical scale.
Once we start proposing that life could be part of the solution to cosmic mysteries, there’s no end to the fun possibilities. Although dark-matter life is a pretty exotic idea, it’s still conceivable that we might recognize what it is, even capturing it in our labs one day (or being captured by it). We can take a tumble down a different rabbit hole by considering that we don’t recognize advanced life because it forms an integral and unsuspicious part of what we’ve considered to be the natural world.
Life’s desire to avoid trouble points to some options. If it has a choice, life always looks for ways to lower its existential risk. You don’t build your nest on the weakest branch or produce trillions of single-celled clones unless you build in some variation and backup.
Maybe there’s something about life itself that affects the cosmos.
A species can mitigate risk by spreading, decentralizing, and seeding as much real estate as possible. In this context, hyper-advanced life is going to look for ways to get rid of physical locality and to maximize redundancy and flexibility. The quantum realm offers good options. The cosmos is already packed with electromagnetic energy. Today, at any instant, about 400 photons of cosmic microwave radiation are streaming through any cubic centimeter of free space. They collectively have less energy than ordinary particles such as protons and electrons, but vastly outnumber them. That’s a lot of potential data carriers. Furthermore, we could imagine that these photons are cleverly quantum-mechanically entangled to help with error control.
By storing its essential data in photons, life could give itself a distributed backup system. And it could go further, manipulating new photons emitted by stars to dictate how they interact with matter. Fronts of electromagnetic radiation could be reaching across the cosmos to set in motion chains of interstellar or planetary chemistry with exquisite timing, exploiting wave interference and excitation energies in atoms and molecules. The science-fiction writer Stanisław Lem put forward a similar idea, involving neutrinos rather than photons, in the novel His Master’s Voice.
That’s one way that life could disappear into ordinary physics. But even these ideas skirt the most disquieting extrapolations.
Toward the end of Carl Sagan’s 1985 science-fiction novel Contact, the protagonist follows the suggestion of an extraterrestrial to study transcendental numbers. After computing to 1020 places, she finds a clearly artificial message embedded in the digits of this fundamental number. In other words, part of the fabric of the universe is a product of intelligence or is perhaps even life itself.
It’s a great mind-bending twist for a book. Perhaps hyper-advanced life isn’t just external. Perhaps it’s already all around. It is embedded in what we perceive to be physics itself, from the root behavior of particles and fields to the phenomena of complexity and emergence.
In other words, life might not just be in the equations. It might be the equations.
Caleb Scharf is an astrophysicist, the Director of Astrobiology at Columbia University in New York, and a founder of, an institute that studies human and machine consciousness. His latest book is The Copernicus Complex: Our Cosmic Significance in a Universe of Planets and Probabilities.
This article was originally published on Nautilus Cosmos, in November 2016.
Wordt het heelal aangestuurd door een buitenaardse beschaving?
Wordt het heelal aangestuurd door een buitenaardse beschaving?
De mensheid zoekt in het heelal al eeuwenlang naar nieuwe sterrenstelsels en kijkt hierbij zo diep mogelijk in de ruimte.
We hebben een hoop ontdekt, maar alles wat we tot nog toe hebben gezien, beslaat slechts vijf procent van het heelal. Naar de rest zoekt men nog.
Een astrofysicus van de Columbia-universiteit heeft nu gezegd dat het universum mogelijk wordt aangestuurd door de intelligentie van een buitenaardse beschaving.
Overal om ons heen
Deze beschaving is zo hoogontwikkeld dat hij bestaat in het kwantumrijk en voor ons niet zichtbaar is, schrijft Caleb Scharf voor Nautilus.
Een intelligentie die niet te onderscheiden is van de structuur van het universum zou veel mysteries in één klap oplossen.
Het zou verklaren waarom er nog geen intelligente beschavingen buiten de aarde zijn ontdekt. “Misschien is hypergeavanceerd leven niet extern,” schrijft Scharf.
“Misschien bestaat het overal om ons heen,” vervolgt hij. “Verankerd in de natuurkunde zelf.”
Het is volgens Scharf ook mogelijk dat buitenaardse intelligentie zich verschuilt in donkere materie.
Dat onze astronomische modellen niet altijd overeenkomen met waarnemingen, komt misschien doordat donkere materie kunstmatig wordt gemanipuleerd, aldus Scharf.
Deze intelligentie kan ook het gedrag van normale kosmische materie beïnvloeden, legt hij uit.
Niet herkennen
De versnelde uitdijing van het heelal vijf miljard jaar geleden wordt in verband gebracht met donkere energie, maar volgens Scharf kan intelligent leven hier ook een rol bij hebben gespeeld.
“Voordat de uitdijing begon te versnellen had leven acht miljard jaar de tijd om zich te ontwikkelen,” schrijft hij.
“Misschien wordt de kosmos beïnvloedt door het leven zelf of besloten hoogontwikkelde aliens invloed uit te oefenen op de expansie,” vervolgt hij.
Het is zelfs mogelijk dat we geavanceerd leven niet herkennen omdat het een integraal onderdeel is van wat wij zien als de natuurlijke wereld, besluit de astrofysicus.
VIDEO: NASA schakelt livestream uit nadat ‘mysterieus ruimteschip’ verschijnt
VIDEO: NASA schakelt livestream uit nadat ‘mysterieus ruimteschip’ verschijnt
Bij het internationale ruimtestation ISS is een onbekend vliegend object vastgelegd op video. Vlak na de waarneming ging het beeld op zwart, meldt deDaily Mail.
Volgens complottheoretici houdt de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA bewust bewijzen van buitenaards leven achter.
Livebeelden van het ISS tonen een object dat razendsnel voorbij vliegt. Het ‘ruimteschip’ werd opgemerkt door YouTube-gebruiker ColdPyro.
Onder het tapijt
Vlak voordat het mysterieuze object uit beeld verdwijnt, schakelt NASA de livebeelden uit en verschijnt een mededeling dat er technische problemen zijn opgetreden.
Complottheoretici zien er bewijs in dat de NASA bewijs van buitenaards leven onder het tapijt veegt.
UFO-jagers zijn ervan overtuigd dat camera’s van het ISS voor het eerst een mysterieus ruimteschip hebben vastgelegd.
Blauw licht
In september en oktober werden ook al vreemde objecten bij het ruimtestation gespot. Afgelopen maand verscheen er een blauw licht bij het ISS.
In september werden in de buurt van een Progress-bevoorradingscapsule twee UFO’s vastgelegd op camera.
Chinese taikonauten terug op aarde na lange ruimtereis
Chinese taikonauten terug op aarde na lange ruimtereis
Tim Kraaijvanger
De Shenzhou-11 taikonauten Jing Haipeng en Chen Dong zijn terug op aarde. Dit meldt het Chinese staatsmedium Xinhua.
De capsule landde vanochtend om 07:15 uur Nederlandse tijd in het noorden van China in Binnen-Mongolië, een autonome regio grenzend aan Mongolië en Rusland. De landing van de SHenzhou-11 was live te volgen via Periscope. Voor China – een land waar veel achter gesloten deuren plaatsvindt – is dat zeer bijzonder.
Shenzhou-11 was de langste bemande Chinese ruimtevlucht ooit. Haipeng en Dong verbleven dertig dagen buiten de aardse atmosfeer in het ruimtelab Tiangong-2. “Als de plannen voor de Tiangong-2 succesvol zijn, komt China op het niveau dat alleen de VS en Rusland hebben bereikt: een bemand ruimtelaboratorium,” vertelt natuurkundige Merlin Kole aan Hij was in september aanwezig bij de lancering van de Tiangong-2. “Het bouwen van een eigen station betekent dat China qua ruimtevaart op hetzelfde niveau zit als de VS en Rusland en dat in een zeer korte tijd heeft weten te bereiken. Van daaruit zullen de Chinezen waarschijnlijk de hoge ambities doorzetten en wellicht de VS inhalen.” China hoopt in 2022 een permanent ruimtestation in een baan om de aarde te hebben, waardoor het land de rol van het ISS kan overnemen.
Hoe gaat het met de taikonauten? Het is nog onduidelijk hoe het met de taikonauten is. Op Twitter gaan geruchten rond dat er mogelijk iets aan de hand is met met taikonaut Chen Dong, maar het Chinese staatsmedium Xinhua meldt dat de astronauten er goed aan toe zijn. Toch is het opmerkelijk dat er nog geen citaat het wereldwijde web op is geslingerd, terwijl de taikonauten tijdens het verschijnen van dit artikel al drie uur op aarde zijn.
Wetenschappers hebben veel microfossielen aangetroffen in drie miljard jaar oude Australische stenen. De vondst van deze microfossielen laat zien dat leven in de bodem ouder is dan we denken.
“Je hebt een microscoop nodig om deze piepkleine fossielen te zien”, zegt paleontoloog Gregory Retallack van de universiteit van Oregon. 4,6 miljard jaar geleden is de aarde ontstaan in stofschijf rondom de zon. “Als we tweederde terug gaan in de geschiedenis van de aarde was er al volop leven aanwezig in de aardse bodem.”
Rijk microbioom De onderzoekers hebben een microbioom ontdekt met minimaal vijf verschillende microfossielen. Deze microfossielen verschillen onderling van elkaar als het gaat om grootte, vorm en isotopische samenstelling.
De grootste microfossielen zijn spindelvormige, holle structuren gevormd door schimmelachtige straalzwammen (Actinobacteria). Deze symbiotische bacteriën leven vandaag de dag bijvoorbeeld in de knolletjes aan de wortels van elzen. Zij zorgen ervoor dat deze loofboom voldoende stikstof krijgt. De karakteristieke aardse geur van tuingrond wordt ook veroorzaakt door deze straalzwam.
Daarnaast zijn er bolvormige fossielen aangetroffen die lijken op paarse zwavelbacteriën.
Geen verdwaalde cellen “Met een dichtheid van meer dan duizend cellen per kubieke millimeter vormden de microfossielen toentertijd al een goed functionerend ecosysteem”, vervolgt Retallack. “Het zijn dus niet een paar verdwaalde cellen.” Volgens de onderzoeker is er bewijs dat leven in de grond een belangrijke rol speelde in de cyclus van koolstof, fosfor, zwavel en stikstof.
Ging leven eerder van zee naar land? De vondst is belangrijk, omdat veel onderzoekers denken dat het leven 3,7 miljard jaar geleden ontstond in de vorm van cyanobacteriën. Zij zijn verantwoordelijk voor de vorming van stromatolieten. Eerder dit jaar werden op Groenland fossiele stromatolieten gevonden met een recordouderdom van 3,7 miljard jaar, waardoor de datum waarop het leven op aarde verscheen 200 miljoen jaar opschoof.
Onderzoekers denken dat het leven vanuit de zee naar het land verspreidde, maar dat dit wel lang duurde. “Oceanen waren broedplaatsen van leven, terwijl het op land nog een droge bedoening was”, schreef geobioloog Hope Jahren eerder dit jaar. “Er is namelijk geen duidelijk bewijs dat leven op het vasteland voorkwam.” Dit bewijs is er nu dan eindelijk, schrijven de onderzoekers van de universiteit van Oregon.
Buitenaards leven Opvallend genoeg lijken de zoutafzettingen en de microfossielen op structuren die Marsrover Curiosity op Mars heeft gevonden. Retallack: “Misschien kunnen we deze fossielen gebruiken om microscopisch leven op andere planeten te identificeren.”
Wetenschappers hebben veel microfossielen aangetroffen in drie miljard jaar oude Australische stenen. De vondst van deze microfossielen laat zien dat leven in de bodem ouder is dan we denken.
“Je hebt een microscoop nodig om deze piepkleine fossielen te zien”, zegt paleontoloog Gregory Retallack van de universiteit van Oregon. 4,6 miljard jaar geleden is de aarde ontstaan in stofschijf rondom de zon. “Als we tweederde terug gaan in de geschiedenis van de aarde was er al volop leven aanwezig in de aardse bodem.”
Rijk microbioom De onderzoekers hebben een microbioom ontdekt met minimaal vijf verschillende microfossielen. Deze microfossielen verschillen onderling van elkaar als het gaat om grootte, vorm en isotopische samenstelling.
De grootste microfossielen zijn spindelvormige, holle structuren gevormd door schimmelachtige straalzwammen (Actinobacteria). Deze symbiotische bacteriën leven vandaag de dag bijvoorbeeld in de knolletjes aan de wortels van elzen. Zij zorgen ervoor dat deze loofboom voldoende stikstof krijgt. De karakteristieke aardse geur van tuingrond wordt ook veroorzaakt door deze straalzwam.
Daarnaast zijn er bolvormige fossielen aangetroffen die lijken op paarse zwavelbacteriën.
Geen verdwaalde cellen “Met een dichtheid van meer dan duizend cellen per kubieke millimeter vormden de microfossielen toentertijd al een goed functionerend ecosysteem”, vervolgt Retallack. “Het zijn dus niet een paar verdwaalde cellen.” Volgens de onderzoeker is er bewijs dat leven in de grond een belangrijke rol speelde in de cyclus van koolstof, fosfor, zwavel en stikstof.
Ging leven eerder van zee naar land? De vondst is belangrijk, omdat veel onderzoekers denken dat het leven 3,7 miljard jaar geleden ontstond in de vorm van cyanobacteriën. Zij zijn verantwoordelijk voor de vorming van stromatolieten. Eerder dit jaar werden op Groenland fossiele stromatolieten gevonden met een recordouderdom van 3,7 miljard jaar, waardoor de datum waarop het leven op aarde verscheen 200 miljoen jaar opschoof.
Onderzoekers denken dat het leven vanuit de zee naar het land verspreidde, maar dat dit wel lang duurde. “Oceanen waren broedplaatsen van leven, terwijl het op land nog een droge bedoening was”, schreef geobioloog Hope Jahren eerder dit jaar. “Er is namelijk geen duidelijk bewijs dat leven op het vasteland voorkwam.” Dit bewijs is er nu dan eindelijk, schrijven de onderzoekers van de universiteit van Oregon.
Buitenaards leven Opvallend genoeg lijken de zoutafzettingen en de microfossielen op structuren die Marsrover Curiosity op Mars heeft gevonden. Retallack: “Misschien kunnen we deze fossielen gebruiken om microscopisch leven op andere planeten te identificeren.”
Prachtig bewaard gebleven mummie ontdekt in Egypte
Prachtig bewaard gebleven mummie ontdekt in Egypte
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De tand des tijds lijkt nauwelijks grip te hebben gekregen op deze mummie en de rijkversierde sarcofaag waarin deze ter ruste werd gelegd.
Spaanse archeologen ontdekten de tombe met daarin de mummie nabij een tempel die stamt uit de tijd van farao Toetmosis III. Deze farao regeerde tussen 1479 en 1425 voor Christus over Egypte. De tombe stamt niet uit de tijd van farao Toetmosis, maar is iets jonger. Onderzoekers schatten dat deze uit het begin van de Derde Tussenperiode (ongeveer 1070 tot 712 voor Christus) stamt.
In de tombe stuitten de onderzoekers op een prachtige, rijkversierde sarcofaag. En in die sarcofaag bevindt zich een mummie. Waarschijnlijk gaat het om de resten van een edelman – Amenrenef genaamd – die werkzaam was aan het koninklijk hof.
De sarcofaag.
Afbeelding: Egyptische Ministerie van Oudheden.
De mummie is versierd met allerlei symbolen die de edelman waarschijnlijk moesten beschermen. Zo staan de godinnen Isis en Nephthys en de vier zonen van Horus afgebeeld.
De mummie.
Afbeelding: Thutmosis III Temple Project.
Onderzoekers gaan de mummie en sarcofaag nader bestuderen. En uiteindelijk hopen ze zo meer zekerheid te krijgen over de identiteit van de overledene en de rituele gebruiken uit die tijd.
Why Martian Settlers Will Eat Potatoes, Insects, Algae and Mushrooms
Why Martian Settlers Will Eat Potatoes, Insects, Algae and Mushrooms
From the bottom of our gravity well on the Earth’s surface, getting anything into space is difficult and expensive, and that's even more true for travel to Mars.
On the International Space Station, for example, although some air and water is recycled, astronauts are ultimately reliant on Earth for everything. Given the challenges of distance, time, and energy required for the transit, this will have to change for Mars. 3D printing will provide some degree of self-sustenance (especially if we use local building materials where possible), but bulk consumables would have to be transported or generated in situ.
Luckily, Mars has both water in the form of ice, and a thin but useful atmosphere of carbon dioxide that can be processed into oxygen, and methane to power vehicles or rockets.
Being able to produce our own water and oxygen on Mars will be essential to sustaining human life there, but that's only about half the solution (and half the mass). We'd need to send around 2,000 pounds of food per Martian settler per year—and that assumes entirely freeze-dried food, which may not be the healthiest or most palatable option. A Martian settlement of six people would depend on a grocery run of more than fifteen Curiosity Rovers’ worth of dry food every 26-month Earth-to-Mars launch window.
Any food we can grow on Mars is food we don’t have to ship from Earth. Since we can get water there, we want to focus any Martian agricultural ventures on high-density bulk calories, high nutrition, or fresh morale-boosting foods that are easy to grow in a small space, while we continue to ship freeze-dried foods and vitamins from Earth.
Livestock is mostly out of the question, except perhaps if the animals are very small. Crickets are one of the best options. They eat discarded plant matter, are easy to raise in small spaces in a matter of weeks, and use hardly any water. They’re healthier than beef, with more protein, and include omega-3s, vitamins like iron and magnesium, and less fat.
Other small animals like snails could be on the menu. They may have been one of the first animals cultivated by humans for food. Aquaculture of mussels, crustaceans, and spirulina blue-green algae might round out a Martian diet.
What about plants and fungi? Mushrooms are packed with vitamins and grow without the need for light. As featured in The Martian, potatoes are also a good choice, and they’ve even been grown in simulated Martian soil in experiments in a greenhouse on Earth. They’re packed with vitamins, and contain some protein. You could live on them exclusively for a year or more, although you’d eventually suffer from a lack of fats, vitamins A and D, and B-12.
Even so, potatoes could contribute the bulk calories to a diet, as they have in many cultures on Earth throughout history. Sprinkle a few crickets on top of your potato pancakes and pop a vitamin pill and you’ve got a pretty balanced diet.
Or take a page from the 19th century Irish and combine potatoes with milk: in this case, dried milk shipped from Earth, preferably the full fat variety. By a strange quirk, potatoes and milk balance each other remarkably well, each providing the nutrients that the other lacks and forming about the best two-food diet a Martian settler could ask for.
Of course, ideally you’re rounding it out with at least a few other foods, if for nothing else than to avoid the monotony of endless cream of potato soup.
A Mars settlement will be dependent on Earth for the foreseeable future, but anything we can do to reduce the supplies we’d have to send brings it that much closer to reality. Changing the way we eat and learning how to grow our own food is going to be a big part of the solution.
Aerospace engineer Andrew Rader is a competitor in the Mars Generation’s annual Potato Challenge, held Thursday Nov. 17, to raise awareness and scholarship funding for the future of Science and Space Education. His latest kid’s science book, Mars Rover Rescue, is on Kickstarter at
If humanity ever wants to truly explore the outer reaches of our solar system or travel to other stars, we’re going to have to build a better engine for our spacecraft. In fact, this engine will have to be so good that it will be capable of generating thrust without consuming propellant. That’s right: If we ever want a four-hour trip to the moon or a two-month trip to Mars, we’re going to need a rocket engine that doesn’t need rocket fuel.
This is the idea behind the radio frequency resonant cavity thruster—otherwise known as EmDrive—a theoretical reactionless engine powered by turning electricity into microwaves and bouncing them around a closed metal funnel.
The EmDrive has been dismissed as “impossible” on more than one occasion because it appears to violate Newton’s Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. But if a leaked NASA paper posted online last Saturday is to be believed, then not only are NASA scientists pursuing an EmDrive, but they actually made one that works.
As detailed in the paper, a team of NASA physicists led by Harold “Sonny” White and Paul March—both leading figures in exotic propulsion systems—was able to generate thrust in a “tapered RF test article” (read: EmDrive prototype) during a series of tests at NASA’s Eagleworks Labs at Johnson Space Center in the fall of 2015.
In essence, the NASA EmDrive in the paper consists of a closed copper cone, the inside of which is being bombarded with microwaves. To test the EmDrive, the researchers powered it with 40, 60, and 80 watts and found that it generated up to 58, 128, and 119 micronewtons of thrust, respectively. Given that this “anomaly” was still observed by White and his colleagues after accounting for error, this suggests that the results of the experiment show an EmDrive is indeed possible.
Based on these results, the researchers estimated that their contraption would be capable of generating approximately 1.2 millinewtons of thrust per kilowatt were they to scale up the power input. To put this in perspective, the Hall thruster—one of the most powerful in development and powered by ejecting plasma—generates about 60 millinewtons of thrust per kilowatt.
The EmDrive described in the leaked NASA paper. Image: White, et al./NASA
“The issue involved here is whether the experiment is seeing something real or not,” Jim Woodward, a physicist at California State-Fullerton, told Motherboard. “I know Paul [March] does clean work and to be honest, I suspect there may really be something there. But the result they're seeing can't actually be explained in terms of the theory they're proposing. So the question is: what is causing it?”
Per Newton, if you want to propel a rocket through space, you’re going to have to eject some material in the opposite direction of the rocket’s travel. But an EmDrive appears to generate a reaction without any action—so what gives?
A number of theories have been floated attempting to explain this ostensible violation of the bedrock of physics. White has been a proponent of the quantum vacuum explanation, which posits that the EmDrive is able to generate thrust by acting on virtual particle pairs that are generated by fluctuations in the quantum vacuum (in this theory, these vacuum fluctuations are created by the electromagnetic field generated by the EmDrive). In essence, the microwaves would be ‘pushing off’ of these virtual particles within the EmDrive cavity to generate the thrust that has been observed by White and his colleagues in EmDrive experiments.
Another leading explanation is that the EmDrive’s thrust is generated by radiation pressure, a position held by its inventor Roger Shawyer. On this view, when the microwave radiation enters the copper cavity, the radiation pushes against the walls of the EmDrive and generates thrust.
Yet, according to Woodward, both of these theories are unlikely to be correct for a simple reason: Physics doesn’t allow them.
By way of example, Woodward likened explaining the results seen at NASA purely in terms of microwave pressure to arguing that you can accelerate a car by getting in the driver’s seat and pushing on the windshield.
“Can any disposition of microwaves inside the cavity produce thrust?” said Woodward. “There's a simple answer to that question: No, it cannot. Conservation of momentum dictates that any purely electromagnetic system that is enclosed cannot produce thrust. This is for both quantum theory and classical electrodynamics. It's physically impossible.”
This is what led White to his quantum-vacuum theory: If the microwaves can’t push against the inside walls in the copper cone to generate thrust, then they must be pushing off of something else within the cone—like virtual particle/anti-particle pairs that exist in the quantum vacuum. The problem is that while the existence of the quantum vacuum has been experimentally proven to exist, physicists are in pretty strong agreement that it can’t be used as a medium to generate thrust.
Although White’s quantum vacuum theory is referenced as the theoretical explanation of the thrust observed in both the recently leaked NASA paper and the first NASA EmDrive paper from 2014, it has been debunked time and time again by leading physicists within the community.
EmDrive inventor Roger Shawyer demonstrates why he thinks radiation pressure explains the EmDrive thrust
“A theoretical construct related to the quantum vacuum is nonsense,” said Woodward. “There is no experimental evidence that suggests anything remotely like [White’s theory] is a reasonable way to view the vacuum. It's something that no serious quantum field theorist takes seriously as far as I know.”
Instead, Woodward thinks that the results of NASA’s EmDrive experiments can be explained without having to overturn the basic laws of physics.
“The Mach effect is the only possible way to explain this,” said Woodward. “If they are looking at a real anomalous signal, and you want to try to explain it with physics that is not nonsense, then that seems to be the only way to approach this.”
As the first person to theorize about Mach effects in 1990, Woodward should know. According to Woodward’s Mach effect theory, when a body of mass is accelerated, some of the force applied to that body does not result in kinetic energy but is stored as potential energy in the body. While the acceleration is changing the internal energy of the body changes as well, which manifests itself as a change in the resting mass of that body.
The accelerating body is essentially being squished between the force being applied in the direction of its acceleration and the pushback from the rest of the material in the universe via a gravitational field. These two oppositional forces change the internal energy of the accelerating body and no physical laws are being broken: Momentum is conserved, but small amounts of it are being temporarily “stored” in the accelerating body.
According to Woodward, this mass fluctuation effect could account for the thrust observed at the NASA Eagleworks lab. If the microwaves propagating in the EmDrive cone are applying force to the material that the cone is made of, then you might explain the thrust generated this way by the Mach effect outlined by Woodward.
Woodward has spent the last two decades building devices which have successfully demonstrated the Mach effect, although his theory is still far from mainstream within the physics community. Still, it is gaining ground as more successful experiments confirm his theory. March, for one, has worked with Woodward on a number of successful Mach effect experiments over the last decade, and, at September’s Exotic Propulsion conference in Estes Park, Colorado, three physicists besides Woodward claimed to have experimentally reproduced Woodward’s Mach effect results.
“In my view, it’s the only physics that I know and trust to not involve wishful thinking and magical fields,” said Woodward.
For now, all we know is that the paper leaked on Saturday is in fact legitimate—it has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication in the AIAA’s Journal of Propulsion and Power, where it is slated to appear in the December issue. What is unclear is how much the peer-reviewed version will have changed from the early release version leaked online.
According to Woodward, who saw a copy of the paper shortly after it had been accepted for peer review, the main difference between the accepted copy and the leaked early release is that the latter has way more theory trying to explain the results. Supposedly the AIAA would only accept the paper if White and his colleagues ditched the quantum vacuum theory and just published the results of their research without trying to explain it.
What remains to be seen is whether others can use Woodward’s Mach effect theory to reproduce the results seen in the NASA Eagleworks lab and thereby offer a compelling explanation for what White and his colleagues observed.
“Absent a convincing physical explanation that doesn't fly in the face of well-known principles of physics, you should hold in abeyance any judgment as to whether or not [the NASA results are] real,” said Woodward. “This stuff is much harder to do and get right than almost anybody who has not actually been in the trenches doing it really appreciates. The odds against anything being real in this business are very high.”
Expert: Brandstofvrije EmDrive ‘is niet onmogelijk’, stelt voor raadsels
Expert: Brandstofvrije EmDrive ‘is niet onmogelijk’, stelt voor raadsels
Er is de laatste tijd veel te doen rond de EmDrive, een brandstofvrije motor die in strijd lijkt te zijn met de natuurkundige wetten.
Deze ‘onmogelijke’ motor zou mensen in slechts 10 weken tijd naar Mars kunnen brengen.
Hoewel velen twijfelen of de EmDrive echt kan werken, zeggen experts dat de motor niet onmogelijk is, al begrijpen ze niet goed hoe het apparaat precies werkt.
Het zou allemaal draaien om het Mach-effect, schrijft Motherboard. “Waar het hier om gaat is of er tijdens de experimenten echt iets gebeurt of niet,” zei natuurkundige Jim Woodward.
Iets op het spoor
“Ik ken Paul March [één van de mensen die onderzoek doet naar de EmDrive] en hij doet goed werk, dus ik denk dat ze echt iets op het spoor zijn,” vervolgde hij.
“De resultaten kunnen echter niet worden verklaard aan de hand van de theorie die ze hebben opgesteld,” legde hij uit. “De vraag is dus: wat veroorzaakt de aandrijving?”
Volgens Woodward kunnen microgolven in een vacuüm geen stuwkracht genereren. Dat is fysiek onmogelijk, aldus de natuurkundige.
Hij zegt dat de werking van de ogenschijnlijk onmogelijke EmDrive kan worden verklaard door het Mach-effect, zonder daarbij de natuurkundige wetten te overtreden.
Woodward theoretiseert dat een deel van de kracht die wordt uitgeoefend op een accelererende massa wordt opgeslagen als potentiële energie.
Hierdoor ontstaan fluctuaties in de rustende massa van het object en dit effect kan de stuwkracht genereren die tijdens experimenten is waargenomen.
Naar verluidt werken een aantal groepen momenteel met de technologie, waaronder de Eagleworks Laboratories van de NASA.
Omdat we de afgelopen dagen te maken hadden met een zogenaamde supermaan, waren er meer dan ooit telescopen die kant op gericht.
En daarom zijn er diverse mensen die zonder enige twijfel vreemde ruimteschepen boven het maanoppervlak hebben weten vast te leggen.
Dat er ruimteschepen op de maan waren, zoveel is zeker. Wat niet zeker is, is de oorsprong van deze UFO’s. Want dat zijn het tot op dit moment, aangezien niemand er nog in is geslaagd om de objecten te identificeren.
Er zijn verschillende opnames beschikbaar en hier volgt de eerste:
Interessante waarneming, beide ufo's draaien om hun eigen as, dit is iets wat bij andere serieuze waarnemingen ook het geval is.
Een nog mooiere opname:
Dan worden er vervolgens opnames gemaakt van wat waarschijnlijk dezelfde UFO is, maar dan net boven het maanoppervlak.
Je kunt zien dat het object over het oppervlak van de maan vliegt, omdat het ook een schaduw werpt en als je goed kijkt, dan is zelfs te zien dat er een soort driehoek bovenop de UFO zit.
Vergeleken met het maanoppervlak heeft deze UFO een grootte van ergens tussen de twee en vijf kilometer, dus geen kleine jongen.
Hier volgen de bewegende beelden van dit object:
Ongetwijfeld zal niemand in Den Haag het de moeite waard vinden om hier vragen over te stellen. Daar houden ze zich liever bezig met wat DENK nu weer niet allemaal heeft bedacht.
Taiwan School System Puts UFO Sightings Daily Into Their Textbooks, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Taiwan School System Puts UFO Sightings Daily Into Their Textbooks, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Now, this is getting a bit strange. I have taught Jerry English since he was 4 years old, and sadly when he hit junior high, his family moved back to south of Taiwan to be closer to other family. Today I received a text message from his mom with a photo (above) from his junior high textbook. The photo just blew my mind. To get into the educational systems textbooks is both odd and amazing. Its nice that the Taiwan Educational system included such important information into the textbooks, so that students can learn a diverse menu of subjects. I do have two degrees in education, BA in elementary education and a Masters in Counselling education, so it personally feels great to be taken seriously by the school system in my own country. Scott C. Waring
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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