The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
In 1954, the race of aliens, known as the Tall Greys, who had been orbiting the equator, landed at Holloman Air Force Base. They stated that their DNA is unraveling at an accelerated rate to which they will meet their ultimate demise very soon if they don’t find a solution.
The Tall Greys wanted access to the human genome for genetic research and planned to create a new organism that was both human and Grey, which is now referred to as “hybrid”. These organisms would be vessels used as genetic templates for the continuance of their race. The Tall Greys stated that for purposes of genetic research, they wanted authorization to abduct humans. They promised that the humans would be returned to their place of abduction unharmed and with no memory of what occurred.
The Tall Greys stated that they wanted their presence on Earth to remain a secret and that needed the government to stay out of their affairs. In order to keep their presence a secret, underground bases would built. One underground base would be a joint government/military and ET base. This base is referred to as Dulce Base. In exchange for assisting the Tall Greys, the US government would receive their technology as well as further assistance with technological advancement. The Tall Grey’s would also stay out of human affairs. To make the deal official, a treaty was signed by President Dwight Eisenhower. The Greada Treaty was signed by then President Elect Dwight Eisenhower .
According to the testimonies examined so far, the February 20-21, 1954 meeting was not successful, and the extraterrestrials were spurned due to their refusal to enter into technology exchanges and insistence on nuclear disarmament by the US and presumably other major world powers.
Cooper describes the circumstances of a subsequent agreement that was reached after the failure of the first meeting. While Cooper has a different version of dates and times for the 1954 meetings, he agrees that there were two sets of meetings involving different extraterrestrials meeting with President Eisenhower and/or Eisenhower administration officials back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities.
MARSDe Marslander Spirit heeft mogelijk al jaren geleden het bewijs gevonden dat er ooit leven was op Mars. Wetenschappers keken daar toen echter over, suggereert een nieuw onderzoek.
De kwestie draait rond foto's uit 2007 van een vingerachtige rotsformatie op Mars, op het Home Plate-plateau in de Gusevkrater. Wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Arizona hebben die structuur nu bekeken en vergeleken met gelijkaardige formaties op Aarde. Ze vonden bijna identieke structuren in het Chileense El Tatio die ontstonden door een combinatie van warmwaterbronnen en... micro-organismen.
Het team koos El Tatio omdat de omstandigheden daar erg lijken op die op Mars. Het geiserveld ligt meer dan 4.300 meter boven zeeniveau en zelfs in de zomer zakt het kwik 's nachts vaak onder het vriespunt, terwijl overdag veel ultraviolet licht door de dunne, droge lucht priemt.
De formaties op Mars lijken op stromatolieten die we kennen op Aarde. Dat zijn structuren die worden gevormd wanneer microben kolonies vormen in vochtige omgevingen en sediment vasthouden op hun kleverige deklagen. Die afzettingen reageren uiteindelijk op het calciumcarbonaat in het water en vormt zo hobbelige lagen kalksteen.
Het onderzoek wees uit dat de omstandigheden in El Tatio afzettingen van silica(siliciumdioxide) produceren met kenmerken die van alle silica-afzettingen op Aarde het meeste op die van Mars lijken. Het feit dat microben een rol spelen bij de productie van de uitgesproken silicastructuren in El Tatio doet de mogelijkheid rijzen dat de silicastructuren op Mars werden gevormd op een vergelijkbare manier - met andere woorden, met de hulp van organismen die destijds leefden.
Echte zekerheid daarover is echter pas mogelijk wanneer stenen van Mars naar labo's op Aarde worden gebracht, schrijven de onderzoekers in Nature Communications. Astrofysicus Dan Brown van de Nottingham Trent University vraagt zich verder af of we niet botsen op de limieten van de Marslanders en -rovers, en of het niet nodig is om mensen naar Mars te sturen. "Aan de andere kant toont dit aan dat gegevens die werden verzameld tijdens missies 9 jaar geleden, nog altijd waardevolle resultaten kunnen opleveren."
Onderzoekers hopen op Mars bewijzen voor buitenaards leven te vinden omdat de rode planeet ooit stromend water en een atmosfeer had. In december 2014 nam de Marslander Curiosity ook methaan waar, een gas dat op Aarde voor 90 procent wordt geproduceerd door levende organismen.
Vergelijking: links zie je de bodem van Mars, rechts die van Chili
Een wiskundige van de universiteit van Barcelona heeft berekend dat het wel eens vroeger met de mensheid gedaan zou kunnen zijn dan gehoopt. Volgens dokter Fergus Simpson van het Institute of Cosmos Sciences is er een kans van 1 op 500 dat de mens het komende jaar uitsterft en een kans van 13 procent dat dit voor het einde van de eeuw gebeurt.
De berekening is gebaseerd op het zogenaamde Doomsday Argument, dat het toekomstige aantal mensen kan voorspellen op basis van het aantal dat tot nu toe werd geboren. Volgens Simpson is er elk jaar van de 21ste eeuw een kans van ruim 0,2 procent dat er een wereldwijde catastrofe gebeurt. Hij schreef zijn bevindingen in een paper 'Apocalypse Now? Reviving the Doomsday Argument'.
"In een tijd dat op zijn minst acht soevereine staten nucleaire wapens ter beschikking hebben, mogen we onze kop niet in het zand steken", aldus Simpson. "Misschien zullen we het onvermijdelijke niet kunnen afwenden, maar misschien kunnen we het wel uitstellen."
Klimaatopwarming Ook de klimaatopwarming kan een rol spelen. Nieuw onderzoek in het tijdschrift Science Advances waarschuwde er al voor dat als de mens fossiele brandstoffen blijft gebruiken, de temperatuur op aarde in één levensspanne tot zeven graden kan stijgen, met rampzalige gevolgen voor de mensheid.
Volgens een rapport van Living Planet zou tussen 1970 en 2020 de populatie aan gewervelde dieren overigens al ingekrompen zijn tot een derde van de soorten. Dat zou gelijk staan aan een graad van uitsterven die honderd keer sneller gaat dan normaal.
Positief En dat zijn nog positieve inschattingen. Volgens een boek dat de Britse astronoom Sir Martin Rees schreef in 2003 is er een kans van 50 procent dat de mensheid 2100 niet haalt.
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Medellín the new Roswell? Colombian city becomes new UFO hotspot of sorts
Medellín the new Roswell? Colombian city becomes new UFO hotspot of sorts
Some residents of the Colombian city of Medellín are reporting a close encounter with the third kind after video footage emerged online of unidentified flying objects – aka UFOs – hovering around the city and surrounding area.
While Medellín is unlikely to become the next Roswell, a recent string of spacey sightings have given credence to the “UFO hotspot” tag.
On video – shot on Nov. 16 and posted on YouTube on Dec. 5 – shows an almond-shaped object hovering over a forested area near Medellín. The silvery saucer looks very familiar to one spotted in South Wales in the United Kingdom on November 30, 2014.
Skeptics, however, don’t believe that the object filmed in Colombian – or South Wales for that matter – is an actual alien spacecraft but instead something with a much more commercial purpose.
"I think I know immediately what we are looking at," said Marc Dantonio of remote-control model company FX Models. "In my opinion, this is a public relations unmanned helium balloon that is tethered and is 18 feet in diameter. I know the dimensions because I know the balloon itself."
"Various companies sell and rent them for publicity. In one video, you are told it is flying near Atanasio Girardot Stadium right before a big final matchup soccer game. It stands to reason that flying it for a publicity stunt before a major match makes sense. It is a UFO shape and these have been sold and rented for several years now."
Both Dantonio and Ben Hansen, lead investigator on the Syfy Channel's former "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" series, say that all of Medellín’s paranormal sighting can be explained pretty easily – and don’t entail aliens checking out the up-and-coming Colombian city.
"It is Colombia and everyone probably lives near a soccer stadium, but if a match was going on, it might further support the idea that a balloon or blimp of some sort was involved in filming aerial shots or taking part in a promotion," Hansen said.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Medellin, Colombia UFO Sighting
Medellin, Colombia UFO Sighting
Location:over Envigado near Medellin,Colombia Date:November 6-2016 at 7:45 pm Submitted by
Witness report:
8 pulsing yelow V lights with a red at the center, no sound, moving very slow to the north. Two green lights at the end only detected in the PC after the sigtsing.
NASA Cut Off Video Again To Hide The Truth on UFOs, Conspiracy Theorists Claim
NASA Cut Off Video Again To Hide The Truth on UFOs, Conspiracy Theorists Claim
A UFO was observed hurtling across the International Space Station before the live feed was cut off. The video was captured by the High Definition Earth Viewing Experiment (HDEV) from the ISS. It shows an amazing shot of the earth from space.
It wasn’t the first time NASA cut off a live feed after an appearance of a mystery UFO as similar action was done multiple times.
The video, which was uploaded online by ColdPyro, shows an apparent faint, silver object flying across the screen. On an initial look, the UFO was an interesting dot that looked like it was accelerating. When the UFO moved out of the frame, the live feed went off suddenly that followed by the familiar message “Please stand by.” The message also informed the HDEV is either switching cameras, or a temporary loss of signal is being experienced with the International Space Station.
Conspiracy theorists say that it is NASA’s common practice every time a UFO appears on the screen. Because of the space agency’s repetitive action, speculations of a cover-up are on the rise against ISS and NASA.
The video was taken from the official ISS channel, according to ColdPyro, who posted it online.
The UFO can be seen for about 5 seconds to the left of center in the frame. Then the video suddenly went into a blank blue screen.
Ex-Chinese Government Official Confirms Aliens and UFOs Are Real
Ex-Chinese Government Official Confirms Aliens and UFOs Are Real
UFOs and aliens have been discussed in all walks of life for many decades. This year alone, there are hundreds of UFO sightings reported from different parts of the world, and some of them were from former government officials.
Now, a new claim has surfaced, this time from a former Chinese official who said some of UFO sightings could be real.
Shi-Li Sun, an ex-government diplomat in China, has created exciting news among alien UFO enthusiasts and researchers. The official shared some information during a disclosure hearing. He said that ET life and intelligent aliens are true.
He went on to say that government has substantial proof or evidence that aliens and UFOs have been here on Earth for many years. Shi-Li Sun’s disclosure took place at a recent Paradigm Research Group (PRG)’s UFO disclosure summit organized by Stephen Bassett.
The head of the World Chinese UFO Federation, Shi-Li Sun, claimed he, along with Chinese UFO scholars and researchers, has been studying all pieces of evidence for years. They concluded that UFOs and aliens are authentic.
According to reports, Shi-Li Sun has written various articles on the subject of UFOs and aliens, which have appeared in China’s Encyclopedia, edited by Shen Shituan, a prestigious Chinese scientist.
Shi-Li Sun once claimed that aliens have been here on Earth since many years ago and they are now living among humans. These aliens are difficult to recognize because they are disguised as humans, added Shi-Li.
According to an expert in the field, the two dark-coloured ships are shown in stark contrast against a bright white moon, seemingly flying side by side.
He wrote on his UFO Sightings Daily blog : “His editing software allows us to see its actual shape…a perfect saucer…two of them.
“There is no way these disks are satellites,” he adds, claiming that such manmade technology would not fly so close.
He added: “These are actual UFOs, flying in military style, because they are flying with a wingman to keep each other out of possible trouble."
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Life began on Earth when it 'collided with a planet similar to Mercury and ABSORBED it'
Life began on Earth when it 'collided with a planet similar to Mercury and ABSORBED it'
Scientists believe the core of that planet may have gone directly to the core of our planet, and the carbon-rich mantle mixed with Earth's mantle, providing the key to life
A huge collision 4.4billion years ago could be the key to life
(Photo: Getty)
A massive collision between Earth and a planet similar to Mercury 4.4 billion years ago may have provided the key to life, researchers believe.
Scientists have long been stumped about how carbon-based life developed on Earth when much of the element should have either boiled away or become stored in its core.
But researchers at Rice University, in Texas, USA, found the element's presence outside of Earth's core may have been influenced by an interplanetary collision.
Dr Yuan Li, the study's lead author, said: "One popular idea has been that volatile elements like carbon, sulphur, nitrogen and hydrogen were added after Earth's core finished forming.
"Any of those elements that fell to Earth in meteorites and comets more than about 100 million years after the solar system formed could have avoided the intense heat of the magma ocean that covered Earth up to that point.
"The problem with that idea is that while it can account for the abundance of many of these elements, there are no known meteorites that would produce the ratio of volatile elements in the silicate portion of our planet."
The study - published in Nature Geoscience - began in late 2013 when Dr Rajdeep Dasgupta and his team asked whether carbon, the basis of all life on earth, came from a neighbouring planet.
They mapped out relative concentrations of carbon that would arise under various levels of sulphur and silicon enrichment.
The experiments revealed carbon could be excluded from the planet's core, and relegated to a layer closer to the surface, if the iron alloys in the core were rich in either silicon or sulphur.
Dr Dasgupta said: "One scenario that explains the carbon-to-sulphur ratio and carbon abundance is that an embryonic planet like Mercury, which had already formed a silicon-rich core, collided with and was absorbed by Earth.
"Because it's a massive body, the dynamics could work in a way that the core of that planet would go directly to the core of our planet, and the carbon-rich mantle would mix with Earth's mantle.
"In this paper, we focused on carbon and sulphur.
"Much more work will need to be done to reconcile all of the volatile elements, but at least in terms of the carbon-sulphur abundances and the carbon-sulphur ratio, we find this scenario could explain Earth's present carbon and sulphur budgets."
This is the startling moment ahuge fireballripped across the sky in Florida.
Stunned residents caught the giant bright light on camera as it streaked through the night sky across the US state on Monday night.
The footage shows the moment the unidentified fireball approaches Earth and finally explodes in a flash.
The celestial spectacle spooked some local residents into calling the police amid fears ALIENS were invading.
Dashcam footage from Venice police officer Seth Kenny caught the first video of the meteor at 11.17pm.
The second video was recorded on the security camera of Largo residents Christopher and Laura Scruby.
Police cruisers in North Port, on the southwestern coast of Florida, also caught the fireball on video.
The flash was so bright the evening sky lit up as though it was daylight.
Poking fun at theories of alien invasion, the police department posted the clip with the closing caption: "At least we know that we come in peace."
The American Meteor Society (AMS) has received over 150 reports about the fireball that was mainly seen from Florida, but was also witnessed in Georgia and Alabama.
According to AMS, a fireball is an extremely bright meteor.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Many people around the world call it ‘The Hum,’ a phrase coined by the geoscientist David Deming of the University of Oklahoma to describe the ‘mysterious and untraceable sound that is heard in certain locations around the world by two to ten percent of the population.’ The noises might vary from roaring sounds in the middle of the night, to prolonged periods of noise which sound like intense industrial activity taking place in the sky (something which I have personally heard myself back in 2012 – MWV). Most unusually of all, ordinary people in cities such as York in England have claimed to hear trumpet horns coming from the sky playing chilling bars of ‘music’.
Now Slovakia has become the very latest location to hear these incredibly bizarre and completely inexplicable noises, which have been recorded on video.
Please check out the video below:
Check out the video below of the strange industrial type metallic which I witnessed myself back in 2012 – over a period of a month and over a distance of up to a 100 miles:
As of yet, not one person has been able to offer a completely coherent explanation for these mysterious sounds. Some have suggested that the chilling noises might be caused by changes in the Earth’s core which could eventually lead to a complete polar shift. However, aside from speculation, there is little evidence to suggest that this particular theory is true. According to Deming, they may well be caused by enormous amounts of collated feedback from telephone transmissions and aircraft which are operated by the United States Navy to communicate with submarines. However, this explanation is deemed to fall short as these noises became particularly apparent in 2011 and 2012 and if Deming is correct, there should have been previous indications of this feedback reaction before this period. It has also been suggested that these sounds are caused by solar flares hitting the earths atmosphere, also known as ‘sky quakes’?!
MANY people from around the world have even suggested that the noise could be being caused by projects such as the HAARP weapons program, which is believed to be dedicated to working on high-tech weather modification technology. If this particular explanation is correct, it could not explain not only the unusual noises but also why they are so often accompanied by a bizarre phenomenon in the sky, such as those which have been detected in Slovakia in recent months.
Please check out below some of the strange sights being witnessed in the sky around the world:
Please check out some more startlingly videos recorded from Slovakia of these yet UNKNOWN strange sounds in the sky!
The strange sounds in the sky, no matter what, are a VERY real/true story and something that I have witnessed myself back in 2012 (apparently when the world was supposed to end!?). There has NEVER been a straight answer to what is causing these unknown creepy sounds and it was causing that much tension throughout the planet that people were beginning to demand answers from their governments – who probably know the TRUTH but are not permitted or want to confirm exactly what they are!
It has even been suggested that these strange sounds in the sky are caused by Aliens and possibly cloaked crafts travelling above earth! No matter what these strange sounds are, they are very real and very much BACK!
Have you ever heard these strange sounds in the sky before?
“On the 10th of August of 1631 at the San Ignacio de Ipané reduction, something strange and luminous was seen to fly in the heavens. Between six and seven in the evening, a luminous globe of strange grandeur was seen to rise, flying unhurriedly and rather slowly, over the town, like a full moon. It gave off a large number of sparks toward the east, and upon reaching the western horizon, blazed with greater light, which was then diminished. In the time it takes to recite the Apostle’s Creed, it issued a tremendous report like thunder.”
A few kilometers away from this reduction there is a region belonging to the Chaco Province known as Campo del Cielo (due to the large number of meteorites that once fell in the area), making it possible to think that another meteor was involved, but when the document is analyzed word by word, as researcher Antonio Las Heras did in one of his excellent works on the subject, we have no choice but to allow some room for doubt, and the possibility that the object reported was not a meteorite.
The object traveled slowly. The words “it was seen to rise in the east” give the impression that it immediately “gained altitude”, thus making it one of the first eyewitness reports of a UFO takeoff in this region, which covers the province of Misiones, near the Brazil-Paraguay border. Without going into detail like this excellent Argentinean researcher has done, we believe that the document in question is a valuable one, providing evidence that we have been visited by the these flying objects over the ages, objects whose point of origin we are hesitant to define.
A Louisiana witness near Bossier City reported watching an “unknown, cylinder-shaped object” that appeared to be followed by a jet near Barksdale Air Force base, according to testimony in Case 66602 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was outside at a local Air Force base working as a civilian housekeeper and happened to look up at 7:53 p.m. on June 3, 2015. “I watched this cylinder-shaped object slowly cruise across the sky as if it was just gliding slowly,” the witness stated. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
But there was another object in the sky. “Right behind it was clearly a jet or an airplane I don’t know which but it had a con trail behind it. It was following the object at a steady pace, never getting too close. I put my phone away because we’re not supposed to have them.”
The witness watched as the object moved away. “As I watched for the next few minutes, the further the object got, it got smaller until it looked like a bright star and then it just vanished, leaving nothing there but the jet.” Later that evening, the witness said that there was heavy military traffic in the air. “Moments later as I stood there looking in amazement, a military patrol car passed by, so I went on with my work. I had been working there since April of this year but that evening there was heavy air traffic after the event. I couldn’t help but wonder if the two have something to do with each other because I had never seen that much air traffic over the base since I worked there.
Shortly after I was fired and told they didn’t have to give me a reason why they were letting me go.”
Veel meldingen van driehoekige UFO boven Nederland
Veel meldingen van driehoekige UFO boven Nederland
Bij het UFO Meldpunt Nederlandzijn de laatste dagen meerdere meldingen binnengekomen van driehoekige UFO’s boven ons land.
Op 18 november zijn driehoeken gezien boven Gilze. Enkele dagen later, op 24 november, werd een driehoekig object waargenomen boven Aarle-Rixtel.
Dit weekend werd een driehoekig object gespot boven Utrecht en Almelo. Ook boven Pijnacker-Nootdorp zijn deze objecten gesignaleerd, schrijft Telstar Online.
Veel mensen
Verslaggever Martijn Mastenbroek, die een radioprogramma presenteert over mysterieuze zaken, zag vrijdagavond rond kwart voor acht naar eigen zeggen een driehoekig object boven Nootdorp.
Veel mensen uit de regio hebben de UFO gezien, aldus de krant.
Dit doet enigszins denken aan de Belgische UFO-golf, een reeks van waarnemingen van driehoekige UFO’s in België van 1989 tot 1991.
In maart 1990 werden de onbekende voorwerpen gevolgd op de radar, gefotografeerd en waargenomen door bijna 14.000 mensen.
Na het incident bracht de Belgische luchtmacht een rapport uit over de gebeurtenissen.
Een lichtbol, in het Engels een light orb, is een optisch verschijnsel dat zich voordoet bij het maken van foto's, bestaande uit typische cirkelvormige witte, of doorzichtige vlekjes.
Meestal betreft het kleine stof-, water- of sneeuwdeeltjes die vrij door de lucht rondzweven en waarop het licht van de flitser weerkaatst. De kans is groot dat zij zich op een gegeven moment op een afstand van de lens bevinden die tot een vage afbeelding leidt. Die afbeelding wordt bolvorming doordat het deeltje dicht bij de lens is.
Omdat velen deze verklaring niet kennen, denken zij dat er een bovennatuurlijke reden voor het verschijnsel moet zijn. Er zijn mensen die menen een geest te hebben gefotografeerd. De neiging het paranormale erbij te halen, wordt versterkt door de verklaringen van sommige mediums rondom het optische verschijnsel.
Orbs zijn witte energiebollen, ook wel een geestbal genoemd. Entiteiten (geesten) kunnen zich in deze vorm laten zien, in de vorm van een witte energiebol. Deze bollen kunnen ook gefotografeerd worden.
Meestal zijn dit soort bollen zichtbaar op plekken waar veel energieën zitten. Op begraafplaatsen, kerken, in huizen en op plekken waar bijvoorbeeld veel is gebeurd. Iedereen kan zo'n orb op de foto krijgen, het liefste met flits.
Orbs kunnen ook gefilmd worden. Meestal gebeurd dit onverwachts, maar er zijn ook echter mensen die een camera neerzetten en orb op de film kunnen zien. Dit is heel mooi! Zelf heb ik ook een orb op de film, die behoorlijk snel door het beeld vliegt. Als je inzoomt op en orb kan het zijn dat je er diverse gezichten in kunt zien. Dit zijn de gezichten van de overleden persoo(ne)n. Er kunnen meerdere gezichten waargenomen worden in de energiebol.
Een lezer heeft een ervaring met deze orbs en stuurt ons het volgende (dank!):
Ik ben sinds kort verhuisd en op één of andere manier voel ik aanwezigheid in huis.
Omdat er al vele dierbaren van mij niet meer in aardse bestaan zijn, dacht ik laat mij eens kijken of ik de entiteiten (orbs) kan vastleggen op foto.
Ik stuur jullie twee filmpjes, ik dacht dat deze bijlage van de plant is, hierop zie je op de hoogte van de witte bloempot vanuit het groene gordijn ook nog iets meer aparts tevoorschijn komen dan alleen orbs, wat richting de dekenkist gaat maar ook daar verdwijnt.
Op het tweede filmpje wat ik met een andere email verstuur, zie je werkelijk een invasie aan orbs, niet meer te tellen. Deze zie ik niet met het blote oog.
Ook ik ben paranormaal met de gaves; Heldervoelend,-wetend,-horend,-ruikend maar ook maak ik astrale reizen mee zoals Nostradamus ze had.
Wanneer dit gebeurd, weet ik voortaan dat het kort daarop het wereld nieuws is en dat zijn niet de mooiste nieuwsberichten.
Ik krijg er helaas geen tijdstip en of werelddeel bij waar het gaat gebeuren maar mocht ik dat wel erbij krijgen,
Wie zou mij dan geloven...
Soms weet ik al iets van tevoren waar ik zelf nog niet eens weet van heb of kan hebben.
Ik heb jullie ook ooit aaangeschreven dat ik 21 oranjebollen tegenover mijn oude woning over de daken zag glijden met een gelijkwaardige snelheid.
Helaas heb ik daar geen filmpje van omdat ik toen nog niet in bezit was van een smartphone, een ouwe muts of laatbloeier daarin ;)
Dit was in Eindhoven, er waren wel twee getuigen. Eén bij in de woning aanwezig die ik lijkbleek zag wegtrekken maar ook een onbekende man voor mij die tegenover een winkel had die hij om 18.00 uur ging sluiten.
Ik heb deze man nog gesproken en die is zelfs nog naar het vliegveld gereden omdat hij dacht dat er vliegtuigen niet mochten landen, Zijn verhaal horende, was het voor hem of hij van onder af in iets heel groots ronds keek met allemaal lichten.
Ik had jullie eerder deze maand foto's gestuurd met het verhaal dat ik entiteiten wilde vastleggen maar iets anders tegen kwam, daar was iets uitvergroots(een soort ET) op te zien wat niet met het blote oog in huis te zien was.
Helaas namen jullie mij denk ik niet serieus maar ik was het wel.
Kijk maar of jullie de twee filmpjes willen delen met Niburu lezers, ik vond het interessant genoeg om ze naar jullie op te sturen.
Dit soort orbs kunnen zowel binnen als buiten worden waargenomen en misschien valt de volgende video wel in de categorie: orbs in de buitenlucht.
De opname is gemaakt in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag rond vier uur in de ochtend in het Noord Hollandse Heemskerk.
Alhoewel ereen helikopter te horen is in de achtergrond is het duidelijk dat dat in het beeld geen helikopter is. Formeel is het een UFO (unidentified flying object), maar zo te zien lijkt het op de orbs zoals we die ook in bovengenoemde opnames zien.
Rond 4.00 uur werd ik wakker door een rondcirkelende helikopter Toen ik ging kijken in de tuin zag ik iets stil hangen in de lucht De camera is slecht en het was koud dit zijn de beste beelden die ik heb gemaakt.
UFOs Hiding In Farmers Field Shut Down Recording Phone In England, Nov 25, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
UFOs Hiding In Farmers Field Shut Down Recording Phone In England, Nov 25, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Nov 25, 2016 Location of sighting: Leiteim, England Source: MUFON #80631 Here is an interesting sighting where a person was near a farmers field and witnessed UFO lights. UFOs often land in farmers fields because they can test the food we eat, and how its been genetically changed by humans. This genetic change can determine statistically how many more or less people on this planet will eat in the future.
Also the fact his phone died, drained of energy from the UFO is a typical phenomenon caused by actual alien craft. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan Eyewitness states:
Walking my dogs up a county road and suddenly witnessed bright lights in a local farmers field.. it seemed odd as I've walked that path many times and never seen anything like this! I took a picture and as i captured it the lights disappeared and my phone crashed.
A person recorded some glowing UFOs over Winnipeg yesterday and it scared the daylights out of the guy. The UFOs are real. I can confirm from this short news video. When I compare to photos and video from an old reports back in 1997 called the Phoenix Lights in Arizona, I see that the similarities are much more...its the same giant UFO. These lights are on one single giant dark UFO in the sky. It must have been very late at night if so few people witnessed it, but the just amazing.
For decades we’ve been listening out for a message from space. Organisations like Seti analyse unusual radio signals to catch potential transmissions from an intelligent alien civilisation. But what would happen if they really heard one?
Nearly 40 years ago, radio astronomer Jerry Ehman was scanning a part of the sky hoping to detect a signal from an alien civilisation. All of a sudden, he picked something up. The signal was incredibly short, just a burst, but it registered as a distinct spike – a sort of momentary broadcast. On a print-out, he circled the blip in red pen and wrote one word: “Wow!”.
The “Wow! signal”, as it became known, has never been explained, and nothing quite like it has ever been heard again. But an organisation called the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti) Institute has continued listening for signals that might be created by intelligent life forms out there in the galaxy and beyond.
What would happen if Seti heard such a signal? How would it confirm the broadcast really was sent to us by aliens? A new Science Channel documentary has explained how astronauts on the Apollo 10 mission heard strange “space music” in their earphones when orbiting the far side of the moon. Many scientists believe the cause to simply be radio interference. However, the episode has raised the question of how we are able to distinguish one space sound from another in our search for a sign of life.
It's possible to triangulate a radio signal from space by using two separate telescopes to analyse it
(Credit: Getty Images)
“Hearing something and discounting it is highly regular,” says Dr John Elliott at Leeds Beckett University in the UK. “Stuff that gets to the Post-detection Task Group is rare.”
Seti’s Post-detection Task Group is a small council of scientists primed to analyse interesting radio signals detected by radio telescopes around the world. Dr Elliott is a member – and he has spent a lot of time thinking about what would happen if we ever did hear an alien broadcast.
He’s been involved with the organisation since 1999, he says, and in that time the task group has only had to evaluate one signal every couple of years or so. There are many other detections daily, but they are quickly discounted as interference or man-made signals. Reports could come from anywhere. There is even a network of volunteers with their own receivers, called the Seti League, keeping an ear out for evidence.
It’s unlikely we’d know what aliens were actually saying to us immediately
“If there’s a repeating pattern in there, that would be of high interest,” explains Elliott. “We would ask, does that repeating pattern demonstrate a complexity that would be akin to someone sending me a language, or mathematics, or something with information in it.”
It’s unlikely we’d know what aliens were actually saying to us immediately – but we might be able to work out that they were saying something.
Seti keeps a list of “candidate signals” and there is even a system known as the Rio Scale for classifying the significance of any signal. The ranking is based on a signal’s characteristics, how it was detected and from where it originated.
The Apollo 10 astronauts kept the “space music” that they heard to themselves for many years. In fact, their experience was only made public very recently, in 2008, when recordings of the incident were released by Nasa.
The Wow! signal was highly unusual, and it has never yet been explained nor has a similar signal ever been detected
(Credit: Getty Images)
Any really interesting signals picked up by Seti would be made widely public – but not before a strict procedure of verification had been carried out. In fact, Seti has a special list of detection protocols for such an event. These involve disseminating data so that it can be analysed by third-parties. Dan Werthimer at the University of California, Berkeley – who is also a member of the Post-detection Task Group – points out that the team has to be wary of potential hoaxes.
“It might be a bug in our software or a grad student playing a prank on us so the goal is to get independent confirmation,” he says.
Interest in any potential alien signals would certainly be huge. In 2004, astronomers had to cool the hype over erroneous online reports that an “ET signal” had been discovered. And last year, Seti picked up more in a series of “fast radio burst” signals that have puzzled scientists for some time. There’s no known explanation, which has led many to wonder if the signals come from an alien civilisation.
There’s still divided opinion on what to do
– Dr John Elliott
How, then, could we ever be sure? One important thing to establish would be the distance the signal has travelled. Obviously, if it’s just bounced off a satellite or space debris orbiting Earth, then it won’t be an indicator of alien communications. To do the analysis, Seti would enlist a second telescope to take its own reading.
“When you have two telescopes looking at a signal you can triangulate on it and measure its distance to figure out if it’s something nearby,” says Werthimer.
Still, there’s never yet been an urgent case.
“We’ve never had anything that we’re so excited about that we call up the director of an observatory and say, ‘We’ve got to get on the telescope now’.”
Another lingering question that Elliott and many others have considered is what would we do in terms of responding to a signal that we really did think had been created by an alien civilisation. Would we want to respond at all?
Jodrell Bank is a famous radio telescope in Britain which, among other things, has studied pulsars - rotating stars which emit a radio signal
(Credit: Getty Images)
The Seti protocols state, “No response to a signal or other evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence should be sent until appropriate international consultations have taken place.”
“There’s still divided opinion on what to do – the two main camps being yes, you do respond and the other being no you don’t,” says Elliott, adding he believes that it would be a missed opportunity if we didn’t try to reply.
That, though, leaves yet another problem – how to communicate with no shared language? Elliott points out that we would have to try and establish signals for things in the universe common to both civilisations.
I think it’s going to be a while before we learn whether we’re alone or not
– Dan Werthimer
“We can point to phenomena that we would know they would be witness to and use that as a key to start our dialogue,” he says.
That could mean establishing a common signal that represents “star” or “galaxy” or counting astronomical bodies, for instance. But we’d have to take into account the delay in transmissions – the nearest star system with a planet is 10.5 light years away. That’s 21 Earth years to send a message and get a reply.
Dan Werthimer says that all “interesting” signals have so far turned out to either be inexplicable, like fast-radio bursts and the Wow! signal, or simply caused by natural phenomena like supernovae.
“I’m optimistic. I think the universe is probably teeming with life, but Earthlings are just getting in the game, we’re learning how to do this,” he says.
“I think it’s going to be a while before we learn whether we’re alone or not.”
Still, there are more than enough radio signals bouncing through space to keep a check on. Someone may be out there, trying to get in touch.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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