The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Deze vreemde bolvormige wolk verscheen in de lucht boven Japan
na » Natuur en Milieu » Deze vreemde bolvormige wolk verscheen in de lucht boven Japan
Deze vreemde bolvormige wolk verscheen in de lucht boven Japan
In Japan zijn flinke discussies op sociale media ontstaan na de verschijning van een wolk in de vorm van een reusachtige sneeuwbal.
Sommige mensen stellen zelfs dat er een UFO was te zien.
De Japanse twitteraar Poppy maakte in de stad Fujisawa foto’s van het mysterieuze verschijnsel, waarna de discussie losbarstte.
Volgens Poppy begon de wolk te verdwijnen nadat de foto’s waren gemaakt. Daarna was het alsof er niets was gebeurd.
Meteoroloog Todd Lane van de Universiteit van Melbourne denkt dat Poppy een zogeheten rolwolk heeft vastgelegd.
Dat is een wolk in de vorm van een cilinder die ontstaat als koudere lucht die met een onweersbui meekomt vanaf enige hoogte in aanraking komt met veel warmere lucht aan het oppervlak.
De koude lucht drukt de warme lucht omhoog, waardoor de vochtige lucht condenseert en er een wolk ontstaat.
“Zo’n wolk lijkt op een bol wanneer je er vanaf een bepaalde kant tegenaan kijkt,” aldus Lane.
Soortgelijke wolk
Ene Hanabusa beweert rond dezelfde tijd als Poppy een foto te hebben gemaakt in de stad, waarop een langwerpige, cilindervormige wolk zichtbaar is.
Afgelopen jaar had Nico, een andere Japanse twitteraar, foto’s gemaakt van een soortgelijke wolk:
Eind november zagen talloze getuigen een vreemd naar licht door de lucht zweven waarvan men eerst dacht dat het een meteoriet was.
Dat bleek niet het geval en nu enkele weken later is er hetzelfde licht en duidelijk te zien hoe een UFO langzaam naar de grond daalt.
In de Australische staat Queensland gebeuren de laatste weken bijzondere dingen.
Op 29 november 2016 waren talloze mensen getuige van een soort vuurbol die langzaam door de lucht bewoog boven Newton in de buurt van de stad Toowoomba.
Wanneer je denkt aan een vuurbal in de lucht, dan is het meestal een meteoriet, alleen in dit geval is dat niet zo, omdat experts het met elkaar eens zijn dat dit object daarvoor veel te langzaam beweegt.
Het leek alsof het object op een gegeven moment afdaalde richting aarde.
Volgens astronomieprofessor Jonti Horner, is het inderdaad geen meteoriet, maar het Internationale Ruimtestation ISS die daar duidelijk zichtbaar door de nachtlucht vliegt.
Een paar weken later, op 14 december, is er weer eenzelfde soort object te zien in de lucht. Alleen nu is het op een gegeven moment zo ver afgedaald, dat het duidelijk is dat het geen ruimtestation kan zijn.
Ook hier is men het erover eens dat het geen meteoriet is wat daar naar beneden komt. Het lijkt meer op een bestuurd object dat met een gecontroleerde afdaling bezig is en misschien ergens is geland.
En zo gebeuren er onverklaarbare en vreemde dingen in de lucht boven een staat die al een reputatie heeft op het gebied van onbekende lichten in de lucht:
Het is niet nieuw, maar nog steeds een mysterie en iets wat sommige mensen grote schrik aanjaagt.
Al meer dan 100 jaar worden in het Australische Queensland de zogenaamde Min Min lichten waargenomen die door mensen worden omschreven als spookachtig en eng.
De soms dansende lichtbollen in de lucht worden al langere tijd waargenomen in het noorden van Australië en staan bekend als de Min Min lichten.
Volgens de oorspronkelijke bewoners, de Aboriginals, hebben we hier te maken met de geesten van de doden. Er wordt gezegd dat de lichten nietsvermoedende reizigers achtervolgen en volwassen mannen tot tranen kunnen brengen.
Er zijn talloze verhalen zoals die van Genevieve Hammond, die samen met haar man op een kampeertocht was in Channel Country, een deel van Queensland. Het was een heldere en koude nacht:
“Wij verbleven op een afgelegen boerderij. We waren daar aan het kamperen en wij zagen dit groenachtige ovaalvormig licht dat op een neer bewoog. Het was evenwijdig aan de horizon op ongeveer een kilometer afstand en het leek net boven de grond te zweven. Het bewoog langzaam naar links en kwam vervolgens weer terug naar de originele positie. De ging ongeveer een kwartier zo door. Het was doodstil en het voelde eng”.
“Het kan niets anders geweest dan het Min Min licht, er was daar niets anders en er is geen andere verklaring”.
Door de jaren heen is er getracht met verklaringen te komen voor dit fenomeen. Die variëren dan van UFO’s tot vuurvliegjes en moerasgas. En natuurlijk is er ook altijd een wetenschapper die met een verklaring komt, zoals Jack Pettigrew, een neurowetenschapper. Volgens hem hebben we hier te maken een variatie van de bekende Fata Morgana.
Een soort optische illusie waarbij het soms lijkt dat schepen op de oceaan boven de horizon drijven.
Een fata morgana (herkomst woord: Italiaans: "La fata Morgana") of luchtspiegeling is een optisch fenomeen dat het resultaat is van temperatuurinversie, een verschijnsel waarbij er grote temperatuurverschillen bestaan tussen verschillende luchtlagen.
Shelley Norton, de ambtenaar uit Boulia Shire die verantwoordelijk is voor het toerisme, zegt dat er de afgelopen vier jaar regelmatig berichten komen over bezoekers die het vreemde licht waarnamen.
“Ze komen bij mij binnen, vertellen het verhaal en weten niet wat ze hebben gezien, maar ik kan je verzekeren dat ze het Min Min licht hebben gezien.
Boulia schijnt het centrum te zijn voor mensen die op zoek zijn naar het Min Min licht. Er komen zelfs mensen speciaal naar de streek om dit fenomeen te kunnen waarnemen.
Shelley vertelt over een gebeurtenis, afgelopen september.
“Er was een gezin aan het kamperen. De man werd middenin de nacht wakker en ging naar buiten om te kijken naar wat hij dacht dat de maan was. Toen draaide hij zich om en zag de werkelijke maan. Het leek alsof er twee manen waren. Toen verdween de ene”.
“Soms is het een object dat alleen is en op dezelfde afstand blijft en soms lijkt het mensen te volgen. Soms splitst het zich in tweeën of drieën en danst het boven de boomtoppen. Het doet heel erg spookachtig aan en niemand weet wat het is”.
De eerste keer dat de lichten werden waargenomen was in 1918, bij een hotel dat op 100 kilometer afstand van Boulia ligt. De Aboriginals zullen het waarschijnlijk al veel eerder hebben waargenomen.
De volgende korte video laat een opname zien van een dergelijk licht. Het waren twee auto’s die achter elkaar reden door de nacht in Queensland. De man rijdt in de voorste auto, gevolgd door de tweede met zijn vrouw en dochter. Ze communiceren met elkaar via de CB radio. Na het voorval stopten ze de auto en was er niets te bekennen, ook geen ander verkeer.
Ondanks alle verklaringen blijven de Min Min lichten een mysterie en blijft het mensen vooralsnog schrik aanjagen.
A New Mexico witness at Roswell reported a late-night encounter with a silent, triangle-shaped UFO just 20 feet ahead while driving along a main road moving out of town, according to testimony in Case 80348 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was driving out of Roswell when the incident occurred. (Credit: Google)
The reporting witness stated that she and her husband were driving from Albuquerque to Carlsbad and had stopped in Roswell to grab a bite to eat before continuing their journey on October 24, 2016.
“After eating – well after sunset – we headed back on the main road out of town,” the witness stated.“Stopping at a red light, behind a couple cars, in our truck with vehicles all around us, we both noticed and said out loud that the object was coming straight towards us from the dark sky.”
The two had recently seen other strange lights.
“In the two week’s prior we had seen ‘lights’ in the sky around Albuquerque and thought this was going to be the same – nope.”
In comparison, this object was right in front of them.
The witness stopped in Roswell as part of a trip between Albuquerque and Carlsbad.
(Credit: Google)
“This one was huge in comparison to the far away sightings we had seen before and close. I didn’t have time to take out my camera or to think really because I didn’t want to miss what was happening.”
The witness described the object.
“The object had lights on all ends, the front(or back) was more triangular with bright, white lights; the back(or front), which was closest to us, was more rounded, but still triangular and had bright red, green and blue lights shining down. It was larger than our truck, appeared to be a solid object and appeared out of ‘nowhere’ and coming straight towards us.”
The witness was not sure what the object was.
“I didn’t know what I thought it was, and after speaking with my husband later, he described what he thought maybe an optical illusion, but then dismissed it right away because I was at a different view point and there was no mistaking it was an object of sorts, not just lights from reflections.”
The object’s first appearance was very close to the witness.
“So, we first noticed it being about no more than 20 feet in front of us at about eye level. It slowly, and at the same time quickly, moved right to us and then stopped/hovered right over top of our truck. I thought I would be able to look out the back window and continue to follow its motion, but it was nowhere in sight when I did, and at the same time the traffic light was turning green (husband was driving) and we started driving forward.”
The witness stopped in Roswell as part of a trip between Albuquerque and Carlsbad.
(Credit: Google)
The witness immediately felt unusual.
“I felt like numb, like did that really just happen and where did the thing go? Also, I didn’t have time to think in the moment, but later wondered, did the other cars see it too? They must have. My husband’s accounts of what occurred are right in line with everything that happened. I felt like it could have been a dream, but it was definitely real life. All this happened over the span of maybe 5-7 seconds and then everything was normal (ish) again.”
The witness has previously had unusual experiences.
“This was not the first experience I’ve had, but definitely the strangest and one worth reporting, I hope to have some light (no pun intended) shed on what happened that night. I must also say that on our trip home the following night we did see a black helicopter carrying something large underneath it – it was too far in the distance to fully capture and I was exhausted of thinking by that point. I don’t know where that was or what time and is not the original report, just had to mention. Thank you.”
Roswell is a city in New Mexico, and is the county seat of Chaves County, population 48,411. Arizona MUFON State Director Donald R. Burleson investigated this case and closed it as an Unknown.
“No conventional explanation for the nature of the described object comes readily to mind,” Burleson wrote in his report. “All things considered, the most prudent conclusion seems to be Unknown/UAV.”
Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Glowing UFO Below Chem Trail In Slovikia On Dec 16, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing UFO Below Chem Trail In Slovikia On Dec 16, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 16, 2016 Location of sighting: Slovikia This glowing UFO was seen this week over Europe and was scientifically analysing the substances that were in the trail behind the passenger jet. Chem trails carry a lot of substances, and some believe that the world governments put top secret substances into the fuel of jets so that it will rain down over the public making them more mentally controllable so the government can make more progress in its political agenda. Also these substances could be causing deceases, Zika, bird flue, cancer and many other problems of humanity, so the big medical companies can gain trillions every year from the meds that don't cure, do help the problem if meds are continuously taken. John Locke said, money creates power and power corrupts. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan Eyewitness states:
Often times witnesses report seeing brilliant white orbs flying through and around chemtrails! 16.12.2016 Many people still doubt the existence of a flying saucers, but I tell you, just wait until they appear in large quantity. Around the entire planet will demonstrate their ability to fly, their appearance and disappearance. In a way that confuses people into the large extent, that no one really understand what is happening. It has been written that the sky will "sign". This "sign" already seen a lot of people, but by the end of this age will see it every man of the earth and will be surprised.
Tweeling van de zon blijkt een planeteneter te zijn
Tweeling van de zon blijkt een planeteneter te zijn
Tim Kraaijvanger
Wetenschappers hebben een ster gevonden die erg op onze zon lijkt. Opvallend is de bijzondere samenstelling van deze ster. Mogelijk heeft de gasbol planeten ingeslikt.
“Dit betekent niet dat onze zon de aarde binnenkort verorbert”, zegt professor Jacob Bean van de universiteit van Chicago. “Maar dankzij deze ontdekking weten we wel dat het soms chaotisch kan zijn in een planetenstelsel.”
Sinds de eerste exoplaneet in 1995 is ontdekt zijn er al meer dan tweeduizend exemplaren gevonden. Toch zijn er nog weinig exoplaneten bij zonachtige sterren gevonden. De ster HIP68468 is 300 lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd en onthult hoe de toekomst van ons zonnestelsel gaat zijn.
Zon gaat Mercurius aanvallen De komende miljarden jaren zal de zon in omvang toenemen en oefent de ster meer zwaartekracht uit op de binnenplaneten. Mercurius zal over enkele jaren opgeslokt worden door de zon. “Dit onderzoek is een soort post mortem van een soortgelijk proces dat heeft plaatsgevonden bij een andere ster”, legt professor Debra Fischer van de Yale universiteit uit.
Lithiuminjectie De ster HIP68468 is circa zes miljard jaar oud. Dit betekent dat het object zo’n 1,5 miljard jaar ouder is dan onze zon. De ster bevat echter vier keer meer lithium dan verwacht en opvallend veel hittebestendige metalen. Deze metalen komen veel voor op rotsachtige planeten. Lithium wordt door sterren geconsumeerd, terwijl planeten lithium opslaan. Een planeet is immers niet warm genoeg om lithium te vernietigen. Als een ster een planeet opeet, dan krijgt de ster dus een flinke lithiuminjectie.
Astronomen schatten dat de ster net zoveel materiaal heeft opgeslokt als zes aardes bij elkaar. Dat kan dus één superaarde zijn, maar ook meerdere kleinere rotsplaneten.
Gele veren “Je kunt het vergelijken met een kat die naast een vogelkooi zit”, zegt Fischer. “We zien dat er gele veren uit de bek van de kat steken, dus dan is het eigenlijk wel duidelijk dat de kat de vogel heeft opgegeten.”
Rosetta's laatste woorden: "Er verschijnt een groot object in beeld"
Rosetta's laatste woorden: "Er verschijnt een groot object in beeld"
Tim Kraaijvanger
Op 30 september eindigde ESA’s Rosetta-ruimtesonde zijn missie. Het ruimtevaartuig crashte rond 12:40 uur op het oppervlak van de komeet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Wat waren zijn laatste woorden?
Het signaal van Rosetta verdween 13:19:37 uur. Vanaf toen was het muisstil op de schermen van ESA’s Mission Control. Een bevestiging dat het ruimtevaartuig circa veertig minuten eerder is neergestort op de komeet.
Laatste foto gemaakt door Rosetta. Twintig meter boven het oppervlak van komeet 67P.
Een reconstructie van de laatste afdaling laat zien dat Rosetta slechts 33 meter naast het doel is geland. De laatste foto – hiernaast te zien – is twintig meter boven de landingsplaats gemaakt. Rosetta vond zijn laatste rustplaats in Ma’at: een regio op de kop van het kosmische badeendje.
Tot het laatste moment ging Rosetta door met metingen. Zo bleek dat de komeet 67P op 27 september zo’n twee eetlepels water per seconde verliest. In vergelijking: toen de afstand tussen de komeet en de zon het kleinst was – in augustus 2015 – verdampte er iedere seconde honderden liters water. Zeg maar: zo’n twee badkuipen vol met water.
Omdat Rosetta geen mens is, zijn er geen laatste woorden gesproken. Maar wat is dan de laatste melding? Het navigatiesysteem meldde op het laatste moment dat er een ‘groot object’ in beeld verscheen. Logisch, want dat grote object was de komeet zelf. Na deze melding stopte de communicatie.
Dwergplaneet Ceres verstopt water in de duisterste hoekjes
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Onderzoek wijst uit dat naast de maan en Mercurius ook Ceres water herbergt in permanent beschaduwde kraters.
Dat schrijven onderzoekers in het blad Nature Astronomy. Ze baseren zich op foto’s gemaakt door ruimtesonde Dawn. De sonde cirkelt sinds maart 2015 om de dwergplaneet heen.
Heldere vlekken De onderzoekers bestudeerden 634 kraters op Ceres die nooit zonlicht zien. En in tien ervan troffen ze heldere vlekken aan. Van één van die heldere vlekken kunnen de onderzoekers met zekerheid zeggen dat het om waterijs gaat.
Weinig Wat echter opvalt, is dat er maar relatief weinig permanent in de schaduw gelegen kraters met daarin heldere vlekken zijn op Ceres. Het kan ons meer vertellen over de mate waarin water op Ceres beschikbaar is.
Cold trap Permanent in de schaduw gelegen kraters zijn dé plek om op zoek te gaan naar waterijs. Deze kraters kunnen namelijk dienst doen als ‘cold traps’: plekken waar waterijs zich verzamelt en stabiel blijft. Eerder stelden onderzoekers al dat Ceres voldoende massa heeft om watermoleculen vast te houden. Berekeningen wezen toen uit dat van elke 1000 watermoleculen die op het oppervlak van Ceres gegenereerd worden er per jaar (een jaar op Ceres duurt 1682 dagen) 1 in zo’n ‘cold trap’ belandt. Dat lijkt misschien niet zoveel, maar over een periode van tienduizenden jaren kan zo een dunne, maar voor Dawn detecteerbare laag waterijs ontstaan.
En nu is dus bewezen dat kraters op Ceres daadwerkelijk waterijs herbergen. Ceres is daarmee het derde hemellichaam dat deze ‘cold traps’ bezit. Eerder werden ze ook al op de maan en Mercurius gespot. “Deze detectie versterkt het bewijs dat permanent in de schaduw gelegen gebieden waterijs kunnen bevatten op planetaire lichamen zonder atmosfeer,” zo schrijven de onderzoekers.
ANASA scientist expressed a grim assessment of humanity’s ability to defend itself against an oncoming asteroid or comet crash, at a presentation on Monday. And he advocates building a defense system comprised on a rocket capable of intercepting one those sort of threatening space rocks in order to mitigate or possibly eliminate the ability for an asteroid or comet to wipe out our species.
During a presentation at the annual American Geophysical Union meeting,Joseph Nuth, a researcher at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center spoke about the grave dangers large asteroids and comets pose to life on Earth. While acknowledging the chances of a collision with a rock big enough to pose an existential threat are quite small, he opined that an extinction-level event was not unthinkable, especially given the history of the planet.
“Things like dinosaur killers, they’re 50 to 60 million years apart, essentially,” he told AGU attendees. “You could say, of course, we’re due.” The agency has found what it estimates to be 90 percent or more of near-Earth objects larger than a kilometer — big enough to cause significant devastation to life on Earth.
While most scientists are paying attention to a surprise asteroid that’d headed for Earth (hi there, Queen guitarist Brian May!) Nuth emphasizes we should also spend our energy and attention on looking at comets, which usually orbit the sun with on a set path but sometimes flyby Earth in an aberrant manner. Nuth cites two instances in 1996 and 2014 when comets nearly crashed into Jupiter and Mars, respectively.
“The biggest problem, basically, is there’s not a hell of a lot we can do about it at the moment,” he said.
NASA recently opened up a planetary defense office, and while its investing a lot of money and time into augmenting our ability to spot oncoming rocks that could pose a threat, we still have no way to actually stop a large asteroid or comet from hurtling right into the planet.
It sounds like a science fiction movie, but Nuth seriously recommends we build a interceptor rocket fitted with a nuclear bomb that could potentially stop an asteroid or comet, or at least reduce the damage it could induce. He also suggests we build an observer spacecraft that could be launched to conduct more in-depth study of a nearby that’s raising alarms. If the observer finds the treat credible, we can just fire off the interceptor in time to create a deflection.
Nuth stressed that this is just his suggestion, and that NASA certainly has no official opinion or thoughts on such a plan. “We’re talking a considerable amount of money,” he said. “The NASA request would probably be for several hundred million dollars to produce one of these spacecraft.”
That might be money well spent. We won’t always have Bruce Willis around to save our asses.
Two teams have advanced to the final round of the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE competition to create a medical tricorder inspired by the one in the "Star Trek" television series.
A handheld diagnostic device could improve healthcare tremendously, giving people instant access to information about their vital signs, illnesses, and more.
Credit: Paramount Television
Nonprofit organization XPRIZE aims to incentivize innovation through competition, and they recently teamed up with Qualcomm to host a contest inspired by one of the most beloved of all sci-fi universes, “Star Trek.”
The world was first introduced to the medical tricorder in the original “Star Trek” series, which debuted in 1966. The device was used by Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy, chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise, to quickly scan and diagnose medical conditions. XPRIZE is hoping to help bring that kind of futuristic technology to the present.
The competition has chosen two finalists to continue developing their tech. One, Dynamical Biomarkers Group (DBG), is composed of physicians, scientists and engineers out of Taiwan. The other, Final Frontier Medical Devices, is led by siblings Basil and George Harris, an ER doctor and a network engineer, respectively.
According to, the DBG group’s device employs an HTC smartphone they’ve modified and several sensors. Those sensors connect to the smartphone via Bluetooth, and all of the components fit into a box where they can be charged using just one USB cable. The Final Frontier Medical Devices’ tricoder prototype comes in a kit that includes multiple 3D-printed devices that are wirelessly paired with an iPad Mini for diagnoses.
Under the rules of the competition, each device must be able to detect or monitor three different sets of information: the Core Set, the Elective Set, and the Vital Signs Set.
In this final round, the devices must be able to test for all 13 of the conditions on the Core Set list, which includes anemia, diabetes, and stroke. It must also be able to test for any three items from the Elective Set list, which includes hypertension, food poisoning, strep throat, and HIV. Finally, the device must be able to continuously monitor five essential vital signs: blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation.
With just a little incentive, like $6 million, we can move the clock of technology forward centuries. “Star Trek” is set in 2265, but we have already surpassed a lot of the technology portrayed in the original series with devices like smartphones and software like Skype. Who knows? By the time even 2200 rolls along, we could be centuries ahead of those who first lived long and prospered.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
UFO conspiracy theorist who sent cryptic final text to mum 'vomited two litres of black fluid' before dying
UFO conspiracy theorist who sent cryptic final text to mum 'vomited two litres of black fluid' before dying
The family of UFO and government cover-up investigator Max Spiers, 39, believe he was murdered
A conspiracy theorist whose mum believes he was 'murdered by his enemies' vomited two litres of black fluid shortly before he died, an inquest heard.
Max Spiers, 39, sought to expose government cover-ups and visited Poland to speak at a conference before he died on a sofa 24 hours later.
Just days before his death, the dad-of-two had texted his mum Vanessa Bates the chilling message: "Your boy's in trouble. If anything happens, investigate."
Mr Spiers, a world-renowned conspiracy theorist from Canterbury, Kent, was said to have been probing into the lives of well-known figures in politics, business and entertainment.
He made a name for himself investigating UFO sightings and alleged cover-ups.
His mum, 63, said: "I think Max had been digging in some dark places and somebody wanted him dead."
Mr Spiers, who went to school with Orlando Bloom, had visited Poland after holidaying in Cyprus with a friend, who later discovered his body.
The inquest at Canterbury coroner's court into his death in Otwock on July 16 opened on Monday after his body was repatriated.
Polish authorities had initially dismissed his death as being down to natural causes, but a post-mortem examination at Margate Hospital, Kent, was unable to determine how he died.
In a statement, coroner's investigations officer Caroline O'Donnell said: "When they returned, Mr Spiers became ill with a high temperature and was weak.
"The following day, Mr Spiers vomited two litres of black fluid.
"The friend called a doctor who attempted resuscitation before pronouncing him dead."
Mr Spiers had lived in America for a few years, but had returned to Canterbury to stay with his mum before jetting off to Poland.
Vanessa, an English teacher who also buys into the theories, said: "He was making a name for himself in the world of conspiracy theorists and had been invited to speak at a conference in Poland in July.
"He was staying with a woman who he had not known for long and she told me how she found him dead on the sofa.
"But I think Max had been digging in some dark places and I fear that somebody wanted him dead.
"Max was a very fit man who was in good health and yet he apparently just died suddenly on a sofa.
"All I have is a death certificate from the Polish authorities that it was from natural causes, but no post-mortem was done so how can they tell that?
"They are also refusing to release any paperwork about it to me because, absurdly, I don't have his written permission."
Coroner Alan Blunsdon told the court he was still awaiting a report from Polish authorities.
He also hopes to secure funding to have Mr Spiers' laptop and mobile phone forensically analysed.
Fellow conspiracy theorists, UFO investigators and bloggers have claimed the circumstances of the death suspicious.
On one website, blogger Project Camelot wrote: "The entire circumstances are suspicious and I urge everyone to encourage the release of details about what really happened and call for an autopsy."
Another, Craig Hewlett, added: "If it wasn't true what he talks about then why would they kill him? Healthy people don't just get sick and die, they get poisoned."
His mum added: "It's been a long time coming, but I'm just relieved that at last something is happening and there is a proper investigation and inquest."
She previously spoke of her belief that her son was murdered: "These people (who Max was mixing with) appeared to be involved with some very dark and dangerous areas of the world.
"I was afraid that as he was gaining popularity and fame that perhaps someone would want him out of the way, i.e. not alive any longer. I believe somebody's killed him.
"He has a brother, Josh, and sister, Becky, who are both devastated, as are his two boys. We all want answers to this and I will continue to fight to get to the truth."
Mr Spiers was buried in Canterbury after his family had his body flown home a week after his death.
The bizarre object struck a mountain top with a massive bang in remote Zhangjiapan village, Shaanxi Province, China.
Residents who rushed to investigate found a burning crater and pieces of broken metal nearby, leading to speculate of a UFO or man-made space junk crashing to Earth.
The crater was just one metre by 50cms in size.
Metal parts, which police believe may have caused the crater were found by officers in three locations away from the crater.
This metal object was found nearby, but the crater itself was empty and flaming.
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Mysterious black helicopter appears to chase UFO in scenes straight out of the X-Files
Mysterious black helicopter appears to chase UFO in scenes straight out of the X-Files
Window cleaner Darren Cooper raced to get his camera after spotting a small dark object zooming across the evening sky
As it hovered above him for a few minutes he managed to capture it in the sky - before it flew off into the distance.
But just two minutes later, the dad-of-four was startled when a black helicopter swooped over his house in hot pursuit of the UFO.
Darren, who lives in Southampton, said: "As I went back into the house to look at the footage, within two minutes the helicopter was above the house so I ran back outside with the camcorder and the chopper was on the same path as the object in the sky.
"Notice in the video the helicopter is turning as if looking for something."
Black helicopters showing up after UFO sightings have been reported across the world since the 1960s but nobody has managed to film one.
They are said to be a covert military force engaged in a secret UFO monitoring program.
Declassified FBI files have revealed how ranchers in Colorado reported seeing the jet-black aircraft during a wave of cattle mutilation cases where animals had organs removed with surgical precision and were completely drained of blood.
Some investigators even claim to have been harassed by these 'phantom' helicopters, which sometimes fly silently and have no identification markings.
Darren, 39, who lives in Thornhill, doesn't think the UFO he filmed was a balloon or drone.
He said: "It's most certainly not a balloon because the wind would have made it act like a balloon and gave it more of a wobble or speed it up or made it move erratically but there was no movements like that at all.
"I thought it could have been a drone because there are so many of them about now but this thing continued to glide off into the distance.
"Before jumping to conclusions I ran back inside to grab my camcorder.
"It was a little higher in the sky when I first noticed the object but it seemed to change course and turn slightly around the houses while descending before eventually disappearing into the distance.
"Seconds later after I had gone back inside the house to take a closer look at the footage, I suddenly heard a helicopter overhead.
"So I grabbed the camcorder again and ran back outside to film the helicopter on the identical path of the UFO filmed just minutes beforehand."
Darren had the footage analysed and was startled to find out the UFO looked like a dark ring.
He added: "On closer inspection of the object on the PC I noticed that zooming into the object it looks like it has a hole in the centre.
"The same day a friend of mine told me he had also taken a closer look at the video and found even more strange things hiding in the clouds and other objects."
It is not the first time Darren has seen a UFO followed by helicopters.
Two years ago he claims he observed a 100ft V-shaped UFO with a friend.
Soon afterwards, a chopper flew over the building he was working in at the time.
Darren added: "The encounter in 2014 triggered my interest in UFOs and since then I seem to see all different shapes, sizes and colours.
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Max Spiers: Man 'investigating UFOs and alleged cover-ups' vomited black fluid before he died, inquest hears
Max Spiers: Man 'investigating UFOs and alleged cover-ups' vomited black fluid before he died, inquest hears
'Your boy's in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate,' said deceased's last message to his mother
Conspiracy theorist Max Spiers vomited two litres of black liquid before he died, an inquest has heard.
His death caused widespread suspicion among his friends and family, who said he had been investigating some “dark” things.
The 39-year-old, from Canterbury, was complaining of illness before he was found dead in Warsaw, Poland on 16 July. He had been due to speak at a conference.
Despite not performing a post mortem, an investigation by the Polish authorities found Mr Spiers died of natural causes – a verdict met with dismay by his family and colleagues in the conspiracy community.
In October, The Independent revealed that the Foreign Office would not be investigating the death. They said the procedure was the responsibility of the Polish authorities.
However, an inquest was opened in Canterbury after a British post mortem was unable to establish a cause of death.
“Mr Spiers became ill with a high temperature and was weak,” said coroner’s investigations officer Caroline O’Donnell, according to the Kentish Gazette.
'The following day, Mr Spiers vomited two litres of black fluid.”
Ms O’Donnell added that the friend he was staying with called a doctor who tried to revive him but later pronounced him dead.
The coroner, Alan Blunsdon, said he was awaiting a report from the Polish authorities and was hoping for funding to run forensic tests on Mr Spiers’ phone and computer.
His mother, Vanessa Bates, has been pushing for a thorough investigation into her son's death, and has reached out to another prominent conspiracy theorist, David Icke, for help.
Two days before he died, Max Spiers allegedly told her: "Your boy's in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate."
Ms Bates, 63, told the Daily Mail that when she was given her dead son's laptop computer, it had been wiped, adding to her suspicions.
Mr Spiers had made a career out of investigating UFOs and alleged cover-ups. Ms Bates said he had recently moved on to investigating politicians, business people, and celebrities.
The inquest was adjourned and will be continued in February 2017.
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UFO secrets revealed
UFO secrets revealed
By Paul Richardson
(Information for this article was obtained from recently declassified CIA documents.)
As secrets come and go, the truth is usually revealed over time. So is the case with many early UFO sightings dating back to the 1950’s and 60s. The CIA has finally confessed, they were the culprit behind more than half of the UFO sightings in all of the 1950s and early “60s. (What about the other half….?)
The CIA report was part of documents recently declassified that also admitted for the first time, the existence of Area 51 in Nevada.
The top secret organization admits to testing the U-2 spy plane at an altitude of 60,000 feet when such heights seemed impossible to reach, leading observers, especially seasoned airline pilots, to suspect sightings were not anything earthly.
In the 1950s, commercial aircraft flew below 20,000 feet while military flights were limited to 40,000 feet. Consequently, once U-2s started flying at 60,000 feet, air-traffic controllers began receiving an increasing number of UFO reports from pilots.
So this clears up many early UFO reports. But what about the others?
It was 1967 when the public accidently learned of an even more sophisticated flying machine, one that went higher, faster, and further, the grand and glorious SR-71 Blackbird, designed to fly at 100,000 feet and twice the speed of the U-2. Reports claim an SR-71 could leave California at daylight, fly over Russia and China and be home for supper. (At 2600 mph, the SR-71 is one of the fastest planes ever flown.)
There are also confirmed reports of over 1000 Surface to Air missiles were fired at the speedy craft, most by Russia, but not one scored a hit.
But even the fleet of Blackbirds have now been retired, many believe they were replaced by something called “Aurora.” (Google Aurora and see what pops up)
But with the advent of the spy satellite, most manned plane missions are now unnecessary. Even the way war is fought has changed. We now have a host of deadly, unmanned options that lower our causality count while vastly upping the enemy’s fatality count.
First and foremost on this list are airborne and submersible drones. But who knows what else is lurking in the shadows?
We’ve already talked about the Army’s new long range, laser sighted, Infantry rifle, the MXT-135, the Navy’s new high intensity laser weapon, and the “Laws” which fires nothing more than a beam of light, but is deadly and inescapable.
And the recently revealed military space drone that no one knows the purpose of. It resembles a miniature space shuttle, no windows and too small to carry a pilot, but can stay aloft for years with an unknown cargo, and can land itself when needed.
As extraordinary as it seems, I have read about a small Arial drone that can be programmed to kill a certain target and be field launched by a soldier. It has the photograph of the intended target downloaded and searches for that one and only individual. Once found and identified, the drone assassinates the target.
I have only found one obscure reference to this weapon, nothing really credible. But in addition to war-time applications, just think of the real-time possibilities for something that smart, such as finding lost children, locating criminals on the run, finding lost hikers, even searching for someone lost at sea. What could possibly be next?
The only way we may ever know is to wait for the next batch of declassified CIA documents someday.
There is no doubt such technology is available. It would be nice to see it put to good use for a change. to read past articles. Books are available at
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Are planets like those in 'Star Wars: Rogue One' really out there? NASA plans to find out
Are planets like those in 'Star Wars: Rogue One' really out there? NASA plans to find out
In the "Star Wars" universe, ice, ocean and desert planets burst from the darkness as your ship drops out of light speed. But these worlds might be more than just science fiction.
Some of the planets discovered around stars in our own galaxy could be very similar to arid Tatooine, watery Scarif and even frozen Hoth, according to NASA scientists. Sifting through data on the more than 3,400 confirmed alien worlds, scientists apply sophisticated computer modeling techniques to tease out the colors, light, sunrise and sunsets we might encounter if we could pay them a visit.
Some of these distant worlds are even stranger than those that populate the latest Star Wars film, "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." And others are eerily like the fictional planets from a galaxy far, far away.
Planets with double suns
A real planet in our galaxy reminded scientists so much of Luke Skywalker's home planet, they named it "Tatooine." Officially called Kepler-16b, the Saturn-sized planet is about 200 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. The reality of its two suns was so startling, George Lucas himself agreed to the astronomers' nickname for the planet.
"This was the first honest-to-goodness real planetary system where you would see the double sunset as two suns," said Laurance Doyle, an astrophysicist with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute and Director of the Institute for the Metaphysics of Physics, who discovered the planet using NASA's Kepler space telescope.
A person on Kepler-16b would have two shadows. In a storm, two rainbows would appear. Each sunset would be unique, because the stars are always changing their configuration. Building a sundial would require calculus.
Astronomers have discovered that about half of the stars in our Milky Way galaxy are pairs, rather than single stars like our sun. So while Kepler-16b aka Tatooine is probably too cold and gaseous to be home to life, or a hopeful desert farm boy, it's a good bet that there might be a habitable Tatooine "twin" out there somewhere.
Desert worlds
Jakku, Jedha
George Lucas has a fondness for desert planets, and at least one NASA scientist thinks he's on the righttrack.
"Desert planets are possible. We have one right here in our solar system in Mars. We think desert planets elsewhere could be even more habitable than Mars is," said Shawn Domagal-Goldman, an astrobiologist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
He likes Lucas' proliferation of arid worlds because he believes it might reflect the galaxy we live in.
"The recurring theme of desert worlds in 'Star Wars' is really interesting, because there is some research that shows that these would be likely habitable worlds to find," said Domagal-Goldman, who is, among other things, a climate scientist.
Desert worlds are not only a very real possibility, but they are probably very common, he said. They could be hot, like Tatooine and Jakku, or cold, like Mars and Jedha in "Rogue One."
"The lack of water on a desert planet might be what makes it more habitable. Water amplifies changes to climates and can cause planets to end up being really hot like Venus, or really cold like Europa," said Domagal-Goldman.
Ice planets
There is a world named Hoth in our galaxy—an icy super-Earth discovered in 2006. It reminded scientists so much of the frozen Rebel base they unofficially nicknamed it after the planet that appears in "The Empire Strikes Back." The planet's scientific designation is OGLE 2005-BLG-390L, after the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) that found it.
Our galaxy's Hoth is too cold to support life as we know it. But life may evolve under the ice of a different world, or a moon in our solar system. On Earth, it's been found inside volcanoes, deep ocean trenches, even the frozen soil of Antarctica.
NASA is currently designing a Europa mission to look for life under the crust of Jupiter's icy moon Europa. And Saturn's moon Enceladus also contains an underground ocean that could harbor alien life.
Ocean worlds
Kamino, Scarif
For the scientists who characterize exoplanets, the most important planet to study is Earth-the only known planet with life. And life on Earth began in the ocean.
"We need Earth climate science to help us understand planetary habitability and the potential diversity of life on exoplanets," said astrobiologist Nancy Kiang, a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. As an astrobiologist, her job is to model the kind of plant life that might exist on planets around other stars—also known as exoplanets.
We haven't confirmed the existence of ocean worlds like the perpetually rainy Kamino in "Attack of the Clones," or worlds with oceans, like the beachy Scarif from "Rogue One." But we have found frozen ocean worlds in our solar system, in the moons Europa and Enceladus.
We may even be able to glimpse an ocean on an exoplanet in the not-so-distant future.
"Ocean glint can be detected over large distances," said Victoria Meadows, a professor at the University of Washington and director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute's Virtual Planetary Laboratory.
Such a glint was first observed reflecting from the liquid methane seas on Titan, the largest moon of Saturn.
Forest worlds
Endor, Takodana
Both the forest moon of Endor, from "Return of the Jedi," and Takodana, the home of Han Solo's favorite cantina in "The Force Awakens," are green like our home planet. But astrobiologists think that plant life on other worlds could be red, black, or even rainbow-colored.
A few months ago, astronomers from the European Southern Observatory announced the discovery of Proxima Centauri b, a planet only 4 light-years away from Earth, which orbits a tiny red star.
"The star color would be peachy to the human eye," Meadows said. "And the planet would appear dark purple to light purple, looking at it from a spacecraft." From the surface of Proxima b, the sky would appear to be periwinkle.
The light from a red star, also known as an M dwarf, is dim and mostly in the infrared spectrum, as opposed to the visible spectrum we see with our sun. The planet also doesn't have sunrises or sunsets like Earth: one side always faces its sun.
"If you have photosynthetic organisms, they would always get fixed amounts of light all the time. It would be a permanent sunset around the planet. You would see a gradation of color," Kiang said.
Just as seaweed changes color from green to dark brown as you dive deeper into the ocean, plants on a red dwarf planet may brilliantly change color from the day side to the night side.
And that could mean rainbow plant life.
Inhabited worlds
Just about any 'Star Wars' planet
In the "Star Wars" universe, Lucas and company envision scores of worlds bustling with intelligent beings. In our galaxy, we know of only one such world so far-Earth. But NASA exoplanet scientist think we have a fighting chance of finding life beyond our solar system.
The next few years will see the launch of a new generation of spacecraft to search for planets around other stars. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will attempt to determine what's in the atmospheres of other planets. Then, in the next decade, the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) will bring us images of exoplanets around sun-like stars.
That's one step closer to finding life.
"The idea of life on other planets resonates with people on a very personal level," Doug Hudgins, NASA's program scientist for exoplanet exploration, said of the "Star Wars" films' enduring popularity. "They portray this image of a universe that is teeming with life."
"We are at our heart explorers," he said. "We want to know what's out there. Through the imaginings of George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry, we get to feel for a bit of time like we really can go out and explore the stars."
Overal ter wereld werd uitgekeken naar de magische datum van 21 december 2012, want toen zou het gebeuren.
Er gebeurde niets, maar dat wil nog niet zeggen dat de befaamde Maya kalender er volkomen naast zat.
Bovenstaande is de conclusie van Planet X oftewel Nibiru onderzoeker Marshall Masters. Zijn theorie is dat die kalender wel degelijk goed was, maar dat het punt dat werd aangegeven niet een bepaalde gebeurtenis was, maar de voorbode van iets dat wij als mensheid kunnen verwachten en waar ons op zouden moeten voorbereiden.
De machthebbers werden, zo zegt Masters, behoorlijk in de kaart gespeeld door deze hype en ze hielpen zelfs nog mee door het verder op te blazen met dure Hollywood films. Daarna was de meerderheid van de mensheid zo teleurgesteld dat er helemaal niets was gebeurd, dat ze maar gelijk helemaal de ogen sloten voor alles, zoals de machthebbers dat het liefste zagen.
Masters en de mensen om hem heen doen al jaren onderzoek en één ervan was om te kijken of die datum van 2012 inderdaad iets bijzonders was. Om dat te kunnen meten/vaststellen, gebruikten ze twee sets met gegevens. De ene had betrekking op aardbevingen en de andere op vuurbollen in de lucht.
En wanneer je begint met de aardbevingen dan zie je inderdaad na december 2012 een nogal spectaculaire toename.
Ook wanneer je kijkt naar de waarnemingen van het aantal vuurballen, zie je dat deze sedert eind 2012 sterk zijn toegenomen.
Je hebt natuurlijk vuurballen in alle soorten en maten, maar de voor de mens meest gevaarlijke zijn natuurlijk de wat grotere.
Een bekend voorbeeld daarvan is natuurlijk de gebeurtenis in Rusland in 2013.
Op 15 februari 2013 ontplofte een meteoroïde nabij Tsjeljabinsk in het Russische Oeralgebied. Rond 9.15 uur plaatselijke tijd werden aldaar verschillende explosies gehoord en werd er een vuurbal in de hemel waargenomen.
Meteoren kunnen eigenlijk worden ingedeeld in vier verschillende soorten: vallende sterren, vuurbollen, bolides en superbolides.
Vooral de laatste twee zijn gebeurtenissen die je niet wilt meemaken. Deze ontploffen in de lucht net zoals Tsjeljabinsk met een enorme knal en een bijbehorende lichtflits.
De energie die bij een dergelijke ontploffing zoals Tsjelnabinsk vrij komt, staat gelijk aan 30 keer die van de atoombom op Hiroshima en de lichtflits is 30 keer feller dan de zon. Bij die gebeurtenissen raakten dan ook 7.200 gebouwen beschadigd en 1.500 mensen gewond. Veel van die verwondingen hadden te maken met de gevolgen van rondvliegend glas of brandwonden.
In het algemeen kan je stellen dat hoe meer mensen een vuurbol waarnemen, des te groter en gevaarlijker zal deze blijken te zijn. Masters heeft dan ook als definitie van een enorme vuurbal genomen het criterium dat deze door minstens 100 verschillende mensen moet zijn gemeld.
Wanneer we voor dat soort gebeurtenissen wederom kijken naar een grafiek van wat er na die bewuste decembermaand is gebeurd, dan lijkt verder commentaar overbodig.
Als je kijkt naar de cijfers per maand, dan zie je dat het grootste aantal van dit soort gebeurtenissen zich heeft voorgedaan in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar. Ook Tsjelnabinsk gebeurde in de maand februari.
De conclusie van Masters is dan ook dat de Maya’s wel degelijk wisten dat er rond deze tijd iets bijzonders zou gebeuren en dat die datum een soort laatste waarschuwing was voor de mensheid om serieus voorbereidingen te treffen voor de dingen die gaan komen.
Bovenstaande en nog veel meer wordt door Marshall Masters in de volgende half uur durende video uitgelegd en toegelicht.
Neon Red UFO Seen At Space Station On Live Cam, Dec 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Neon Red UFO Seen At Space Station On Live Cam, Dec 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: December 14, 2016 Location of sighting: Earths orbit at Space Station One type of anomalies that have been seen around the space station almost daily is the rainbow colored objects that appear for a split second and then are gone. The move incredibly fast, and act like tiny fist sized drones that have AI. I say they have AI, because they move incredibly fast, yet often stop in front of the camera and then shoot away. Just as this one did. I have seen yellow, green, purple, blue and even pink and red. Each time the object has a definite shape, but is different in shape each time. Sometimes its egg shaped, other times is a square or rectangle shaped object. I have to agree with Streetcap1 who caught is a UFO and it acts alive...probably AI micro drones created by aliens to be less intrusive on the space station and the astronauts. They are so small and fast, astronauts wont even notice them. But they always glow a neon color on video. A few times, I saw them by the hundreds. Scott C. Waring
Neon Red UFO Seen At Space Station On Live Cam, Dec 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Neon Red UFO Seen At Space Station On Live Cam, Dec 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: December 14, 2016 Location of sighting: Earths orbit at Space Station One type of anomalies that have been seen around the space station almost daily is the rainbow colored objects that appear for a split second and then are gone. The move incredibly fast, and act like tiny fist sized drones that have AI. I say they have AI, because they move incredibly fast, yet often stop in front of the camera and then shoot away. Just as this one did. I have seen yellow, green, purple, blue and even pink and red. Each time the object has a definite shape, but is different in shape each time. Sometimes its egg shaped, other times is a square or rectangle shaped object. I have to agree with Streetcap1 who caught is a UFO and it acts alive...probably AI micro drones created by aliens to be less intrusive on the space station and the astronauts. They are so small and fast, astronauts wont even notice them. But they always glow a neon color on video. A few times, I saw them by the hundreds. Scott C. Waring
UFO Falls From Sky Over Queensland, Australia On Dec 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Falls From Sky Over Queensland, Australia On Dec 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 14, 2016 Location of sighting: Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia A UFO was caught this week on video over the town of Toowoomba and its clearly not a meteorite. The object has a controlled reentry, where a meteor would be moving 50X the speed of this UFO. At first, I thought this could be the Russian cargo ship sent to the space station that failed...crashing to Earth, however that took place on Dec 1, 2016. This object has a controlled fall, its slow, even for something thats crashing to earth. This does move and looks like a UFO. It looks like it didn't land to far away. An expedition to find out if its still there should be made. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
In Newtown, Toowoomba in Queensland, Australia, one could observe in the sky on 14.12.2016, as a very bright light, very slowly fallen to the ground. Astronomers say that it can not be a meteor or comet because the sink rate is too slow.
Interesting footage of Orbs flying over Ukranian city
Interesting footage of Orbs flying over Ukranian city
Here’s a new footage that was just submitted to me by a reader. It shows a bright objects making maneuvers in the sky. This was seen and recorded over Poltava in Ukraine on Tuesday, 13th December 2016.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.