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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Heeft Jezus echt bestaan?
25 december 2016
Heeft Jezus echt bestaan?
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Vandaag herdenken christenen wereldwijd de geboorte van Jezus. Maar heeft Jezus echt bestaan?
Wereldwijd komen christenen vandaag bij elkaar om de geboorte van Jezus te herdenken. De Bijbel vertelt dat Jezus – de Zoon van God – in een stal in Betlehem ter wereld kwam om de flink gehavende relatie tussen God en de mensen te herstellen. Een prachtig verhaal dat een interessante vraag oproept: heeft Jezus echt bestaan?
Consensus De relevantie van deze vraag overschrijdt de kerkmuren. De afgelopen eeuwen hebben historici wereldwijd zich over dit vraagstuk gebogen en er bibliotheken over vol geschreven. Het leidde gaandeweg tot een zekere consensus omtrent de historische Jezus, zo vertelt professor Robert Van Voorst, auteur van het in 2000 verschenen boek ‘Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence‘, aan “De meeste moderne wetenschappers zijn zo overtuigd van de historiciteit van Jezus dat ze het bespreken ervan onnodig of zelfs een verspilling van tijd vinden.”
De herders buigen zich, samen met Maria, over het pasgeboren kindje Jezus. Een schilderij uit de zeventiende eeuw van Gerard van Honthorst.
De bronnen Die consensus is gebaseerd op jarenlang onderzoek. Maar hoe doe je eigenlijk onderzoek naar het leven van een persoon die – naar verluidt – rond het begin van de jaartelling leefde? “Op dezelfde manier als een historicus onderzoek doet naar elke andere historische persoon,” vertelt professor Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, hoogleraar Nieuwe Testament aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, aan “Je gaat op zoek naar sporen die iemand heeft achtergelaten.” In het geval van Jezus gaat het dan om sporen in de literatuur. Het bekendst zijn natuurlijk de vier evangeliën – Mattheüs, Marcus, Lucas en Johannes – die in de eerste eeuw zijn geschreven en verslag doen van het leven van Jezus. Daarnaast zijn er echter ook verschillende niet-christelijke teksten uit de Oudheid die naar Jezus verwijzen. “Belangrijke Romeinse historici die aan het eind van de eerste eeuw werkten, zoals Tacitus en Suetonius, beschrijven Jezus als de oprichter van het christendom,” vertelt Van Voorst. “Ze stellen dat hij een beweging begon, gekruisigd werd en dat die beweging enigszins een bedreiging bleef vormen voor de Romeinse overheid.” Daarnaast zijn er verschillende Joodse bronnen die Jezus noemen.
Kritisch Er zijn al met al dus heel wat oude bronnen die melding maken van Jezus. Maar hoe betrouwbaar zijn ze? “Die teksten moeten we inderdaad heel kritisch bekijken,” vindt Lietaert Peerbolte. Als voorbeeld haalt hij het Testimonium Flavianum van de Joodse geschiedschrijver Josephus aan. In deze passage wordt Jezus meerdere malen genoemd. Maar er zijn sterke aanwijzingen dat er met de tekst geknoeid is: christelijke overschrijvers zouden het werk van Josephus hier en daar wat hebben aangepast. “Zo beschrijft Josephus Jezus als ‘een wijs mens, als we hem tenminste mens mogen noemen’. Dat laatste is er ongetwijfeld door christenen aan toegevoegd.” Net zo kritisch moeten we kijken naar Romeinse teksten en de evangeliën. “Je moet je continu afvragen: wat is historisch betrouwbaar?” En als we al die historisch betrouwbare materialen dan inventariseren, lijkt er geen twijfel mogelijk te zijn. “Het is hoogst onwaarschijnlijk dat al het materiaal dat Jezus noemt tot stand is gekomen op basis van een verzinsel,” concludeert Lietaert Peerbolte.
Ontkennen Er zijn dus tal van teksten uit de eerste eeuwen die Jezus noemen. Maar zijn er uit diezelfde periode ook teksten die het bestaan van Jezus in twijfel trekken? Het antwoord is verrassend. “Nee, er zijn geen documenten uit de Oudheid bekend die het bestaan van Jezus ontkennen.” Dat is frappant. Zeker als je bedenkt dat er in de Oudheid wél mensen zijn die fel tegen Jezus tekeergaan. De Griekse filosoof Celsus (hij leefde in de tweede eeuw) is er één van, zo weten we uit teksten van zijn collega-filosoof Origenes. In zijn Contra Celsum vat Origenes de anti-christelijke standpunten van Celsus samen om die vervolgens te weerleggen. Zo lezen we dat Celsus de maagdelijke ontvangenis onzin vond en de goddelijke krachten van Jezus degradeerde tot magie. Maar zelfs Celsus trekt het bestaan van Jezus geen moment in twijfel. Het suggereert dat het idee dat Jezus niet echt had bestaan op dat moment ook helemaal niet in omloop was, aldus Lietaert Peerbolte. Anders had Celsus het ongetwijfeld in de strijd gegooid.
Net als van Jezus zijn van Alexander de Grote geen rechtstreekse portretten bekend. Pas veel later zijn mensen over Alexander de Grote gaan schrijven. Sterker nog: de periode tussen het leven van Alexander en het moment waarop er voor het eerst over hem geschreven wordt is veel langer dan de periode tussen het leven van Jezus en het moment waarop er (buiten de Bijbel om) voor het eerst over Jezus wordt geschreven. “En toch is het voor niemand een vraag of Alexander de Grote heeft bestaan, maar ondertussen is het bestaan van Jezus wel een vraag. Dat is frappant,” vindt Lietaert Peerbolte.
De discussie Hoewel de meeste moderne wetenschappers er op basis van al die bronnen dus van overtuigd zijn dat Jezus echt heeft bestaan, zijn er nog altijd onderzoekers die de Jezusmythe aanhangen. En zo af en toe vlamt de discussie over de historiciteit van Jezus dan ook weer op. Dat gebeurde bijvoorbeeld vorig jaar nog toen predikant Edward van der Kaaij zijn boek ‘De ongemakkelijke waarheid van het christendom‘ presenteerde. Hij stelt in het boek dat de historische Jezus nooit heeft bestaan en het leven van Jezus zoals dat in de Bijbel beschreven wordt, gebaseerd is op elementen uit de Oud-Egyptische religie. Lietaert Peerbolte ziet het als een opleving van een discussie die in de negentiende eeuw ontstond. Die discussie begint met het in twijfel trekken van de wonderverhalen: de passages in het evangelie die melding maken van een wonder dat Jezus verricht. Men stelde dat die wonderverhalen niet echt gebeurd zijn, maar symbolisch bedoeld zijn. In dat scenario vallen de wonderen weg, maar blijven de ethische lessen van Jezus overeind. Tot Allard Pierson in 1878 zijn boek ‘De bergrede‘ publiceert. Hierin stelt hij dat de bergrede – een ethische onderwijzing – van Jezus een compositie is van de evangelist en dus niet door Jezus zelf is uitgesproken. Na de wonderen wordt nu dus ook de historische betrouwbaarheid van de prediking van Jezus onderuit geschoffeld. “Voortgaand op deze lijn komt hij (Pierson, red.) tot het inzicht dat niet alleen alle bewijsmateriaal over de historische Jezus twijfelachtig van aard is, maar dat het uiteindelijk het beste geïnterpreteerd kan worden vanuit het perspectief dat Jezus geen historische figuur was, maar een gehistoriseerde verdichting,” zo schrijft Lietaert Peerbolte hierover in het Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift. “Pierson stelt dus eigenlijk: we hebben geen betrouwbare informatie over Jezus en dus heeft hij niet geleefd,” legt Lietaert Peerbolte aan uit. “Als we diezelfde methode loslaten op Alexander de Grote (zie kader), moeten we ook concluderen dat hij niet geleefd heeft. Het is een hyperkritische benadering van complotdenkers die totaal niet wetenschappelijk verantwoord is. Ik spreek hierbij over complotdenkers omdat veel mensen met een hyperkritische houding het idee hebben dat een groepje losgeslagen Joden een mythe bedacht heeft over een godmens en die mythe vervolgens gepersonaliseerd heeft in Jezus. In dat scenario gaat de mythe dus vooraf aan het verhaal en het verhaal gaat weer vooraf aan de persoon. Dat is zo vergezocht. Dat kan ik onmogelijk serieus nemen.”
De Bijbel vertelt dat Jezus gekruisigd werd. Romeinse geschiedschrijvers bevestigen dat. “De kruisiging is een argument om te zeggen dat het bestaan van Jezus onmogelijk een verzinsel kan zijn. Het is namelijk zo’n ongelofelijk ongelukkig verhaal,” vindt Lietaert Peerbolte. “Het is de afgezant van God die aan het kruis hangt. Dat staat in schril contrast met de koninklijke gestalte die de Joden verwachtten en de machtige gestalte die volgens de Grieken de vloer aan zou vegen met zijn tegenstanders. De kruisiging kunnen de eerste christenen niet verzonnen hebben, want daar hadden ze geen baat bij en hebben ze eigenlijk alleen maar last van gehad.”
Relevant Dat de discussie over het bestaan van Jezus van tijd tot tijd oplaait, is geen wonder, vindt Van Voorst. “Het christendom is de grootste en meest wijdverspreide religie, dus de status van de belangrijkste figuur in deze religie – Jezus Christus – is belangrijk. Daarnaast is het christendom een op de geschiedenis gebaseerde religie waarin men – net als in het Jodendom – aanneemt dat God zich tijdens belangrijke historische gebeurtenissen liet zien. Dus of bepaalde mensen echt bestaan hebben en of bepaalde gebeurtenissen zich daadwerkelijk hebben afgespeeld, is belangrijk. Dit staat in schril contrast met andere religies zoals het boeddhisme of het taoïsme die gebaseerd zijn op onderwijzingen die hun oorsprong vinden in ongebruikelijke menselijke inzichten en niet gebaseerd zijn op personen of de geschiedenis. Als zou blijken dat Gautama Boeddha niet echt heeft bestaan, zou er in het Boeddhisme weinig veranderen. Als zou blijken dat Jezus niet echt heeft bestaan, zou het christendom zoals wij dat kennen ernstig beschadigd raken en misschien zelfs tot een einde komen.” Maar ook buiten de kerkmuren om is de vraag of Jezus echt bestaan heeft, relevant, vindt Lietaert Peerbolte. “Het maakt niet uit of je nu gelovig bent of niet: Jezus heeft een enorme invloed gehad op de wereld, zowel religieus als cultuur-historisch.”
Zullen we dan ooit nog met zekerheid vast kunnen stellen of Jezus echt heeft bestaan? “Dat is lastig,” denkt Lietaert Peerbolte. “Wat zou je daarvoor moeten vinden? Het graf van Jezus? Of zijn botten? Maar hoe kom je er dan achter dat het echt om resten van Jezus gaat? Je hebt geen DNA dat je kunt vergelijken. Misschien dat het ontdekken van een tekst van Jezus zou helpen? Maar weer geldt: hoe weet je dat die tekst echt van Jezus is?” Het is een probleem dat inherent is aan elk historisch onderzoek. “We kunnen niet verifiëren, alleen maar reconstrueren.” Van Voorst onderschrijft dat. “Zullen we ooit 100 procent zeker kunnen zijn van iets of iemand in het verre verleden? Ik betwijfel het. Maar we hebben meer zekerheid over het bestaan van Jezus dan over het bestaan van mensen zoals Laozi (de vermeende oprichter van het taoïsme), Zarathoestra of zelfs Gautama Boeddha of Mozes. En we hebben minstens net zoveel bewijs voor het bestaan van Jezus als voor het bestaan van andere oude figuren zoals Alexander de Grote of Julius Caesar.”
Interview met Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte Interview met Robert Van Voorst Interview met Lawrence Mykytiuk
Des apparitions d’ovnis triangulaires rendent actuellement perplexes de nombreux témoins et enquêteurs américains. Depuis le mardi 20 décembre on note un nombre croissant d’observations d'ovnis triangulaires, dont 21 signalés sur la période de Décembre.
Mercredi, il été rapporté comment deux personnes avaient observé quatre ovnis triangulaires volant à basse altitude au-dessus de maisons situées à Bucks County en Pennsylvanie. Les rapports reçus par le MUFON mettent en évidence des objets se déplaçant lentement et à des altitudes relativement basses, de grande taille et avec des lumières situées aux extrémités. Le rapport le plus récent date du mercredi 21 décembre à Chebba dans le Tennessee. Le témoin anonyme a déclaré dans un rapport au MUFON : « Nous étions debout dans la rue moi, mon père et mon voisin lorsque l’objet est apparu dans le ciel. »
« Il volait assez rapidement en ligne droite et mon cousin et moi étions les seuls à l’avoir observé. » Un autre témoin affirme avoir aussi vu un triangle volant à basse altitude à Elk Grove, en Californie.
As a special treat this holiday season, the very first trailer for Alien: Covenantwas released at midnight. So sit back and be filled with best feelings of the season: fear.
Also, sex in the shower looks terrifying.
Here’s the official synopsis from Fox:
Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created, with ALIEN: COVENANT, a new chapter in his groundbreaking ALIEN franchise. The crew of the colony ship Covenant, bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world. When they uncover a threat beyond their imagination, they must attempt a harrowing escape.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Scientific study claims: Human DNA carries a message from Extraterrestrials
Scientific study claims: Human DNA carries a message from Extraterrestrials
According to scientists from Kazakhstan, the human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an advanced ancient alien civilization in the distant past.
In a study called “The “Wow! signal” of the terrestrial genetic code“, researchers Vladimir I. shCherbak and Maxim A. Makukovfrom the a Department of Mathematics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan and the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan respectively believe in the existence of a “Biological SETI” as they are calling it, which is a mathematical code located within the human DNA, something that cannot be explained by the process of evolution as traditional theories claim.
And all of a sudden the Ancient Astronaut theory and the idea that humans are in fact an engineered species doesn’t sound as provocative as it did in the past. Ancient Texts mention how humans were created in the image of the “Gods”, now science is a step closer to proving it.
According to writing in the Journal Icarus, the duo states: “Once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known. Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent signature. Once the genome is appropriately rewritten the new code with a signature will stay frozen in the cell and its progeny, which might then be delivered through space and time.” The theory presented by the two scientists suggests the human DNA is structured so precisely that it reveals an “ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of symbolic language”.
The above mentioned study has led other researchers to suggest that humans were in fact engineered or designed outside of our solar system by our creators several billion years ago, a suggestions that goes hand to hand with numerous ancient texts that speak about the creation of mankind and the creator ‘gods’.7
However, this also supports the hypothesis that life on Earth is in fact the result of interstellar life being distributed across the cosmos by asteroids and comets, which act as transporting devices which seed life onto certain planets.
shCherbak and Makukov argue that their detailed analysis of the human genome shows a previously ignored precision-type orderliness in the mapping between the DNA’s nucleotides and amino acids.
In the study, shCherbak and Makukov state that: “Simple arrangements of the code reveal an ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of symbolic language.” They say this includes the use of decimal notation, logical transformations, and the use of the abstract symbol of zero. “Accurate and systematic, these underlying patterns appear as a product of precision logic and nontrivial computing,”
Two versions of the code
In the study shCherbak and Makukov state there are versions of the code: “The nearly symmetric code version with arithmetical patterns acts as the universal standard code. With this code at hand it is intuitively easy to infer the symmetric version with its ideography. Vice versa, if the symmetric version were the universal one, it would be hardly possible to infer the nearly symmetric code with all its arithmetical patterns. Therefore, with the standard version alone it is possible to “receive” both arithmetical and ideographical components of the signal, even if the symmetric version was not found in nature. There are two possible reasons why it is actually found in euplotid ciliates: either originally when Earth was seeded there were both versions of the code with one of them remaining currently in euplotid ciliates, or originally there was only the standard version, and later casual modification in euplotid lineage coincided with the symmetric version. What concerns other known rare versions of the code, they seem neither to have profound pattern ensembles, nor to be easily inferable from the standard code. As commonly accepted, they represent later casual deviations of the standard code caused by ambiguous intermediates or codon captures (Moura et al., 2010).” (source)
What theory sounds more plausible in this case? A Religious view, suggesting that a higher entity called God Created the universe and life as we know it on Earth, or that perhaps somewhere out there, in the distant corners of the universe, intelligent beings inhabit the cosmos, these beings manipulated our DNA and created mankind, perhaps in ‘their image’ as some ancient texts suggest?
While panspermia could have occurred naturally in the universe, seeding life on planets and moons, it is plausible to think about life on Earth and how it might have bee created by far more intelligent species with the ability to ‘create life’.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Alien worlds: most stars have planets in the habitable zone
Alien worlds: most stars have planets in the habitable zone
When Captain Cook sailed into Botany Bay in 1770, we did not know how many planets were in our solar system. We only knew about Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Based on the orbits of these planets, 18th century European astronomers invented what is now called the Titius-Bode relation. It’s a simple empirical relation that describes the relative distances between the planets and the sun. It predicted the orbit of another planet beyond Saturn and another planet in the gap between Mars and Jupiter.
In 1781, William Herschel found Uranus – without relying on the Titius-Bode relation – but he found it in the orbit beyond Saturn where the Titius-Bode relation said it would be.
After this success, astronomers started looking for a planet between Mars and Jupiter in the orbit predicted by the Titus-Bode relation.
In 1801, Giuseppi Piazzi found a planet in the predicted position and called it Ceres. The Titius-Bode relation was on a roll.
But when Neptune was found in 1846 it wasn’t exactly where the Titus-Bode relation predicted it would be. And over the years so many small bodies have been found in orbits between Mars and Jupiter that Ceres was plutoed – demoted to an “asteroid”.
And so the Titus-Bode relation lost its shine. And like an old horse, it was put out to pasture. It was only taken seriously by numerologists and cranks.
The search for extrasolar planets
But then along came NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope. Over the past few years Kepler has been able to detect thousands of exoplanets and hundreds of multi-exoplanet systems.
Along with my PhD student Tim Bovaird and Master’s student Steffen Jacobsen, we reasoned that if the TB relation had been such a useful (if somewhat imperfect) guide for predicting planets in our solar system, maybe it would be useful in predicting planets in the new exoplanetary systems detected by Kepler.
We checked the hundred or so systems where Kepler had found at least a few planets and we found that the majority of these exoplanetary systems adhered to the Titus-Bode relation even somewhat better than our solar system did.
Thus, we became convinced that the horse still had some miles left in her – that the semi-taboo Titus-Bode relation could provide useful hints about the periods of as-yet-undetected planets around other stars.
Last year we used a generalised Titus-Bode relation to analyse 68 multi-planet systems with four or more detected exoplanets. We made predictions for the existence of more planets in these systems, based on the Titus-Bode relation.
So far, 5% of our predictions have been confirmed. This may sound like a small percentage, but given the inability of the Kepler telescope to see Earth-sized planets or smaller, a 5% detection rate is what you would expect to see if all the predictions were true.
Almost all of the exoplanets detected by Kepler are larger than Earth and very close to their host stars. This is almost certainly aselection bias.
It is very difficult for the Kepler telescope to spot planets that are far enough away from their host stars to be in the habitable zone (where the temperatures are in the range where H2O will be liquid water).
Using the Titus-Bode relation is a controversial indirect technique, but I think it’s the best one we have if we are interested in answering the question: How many planets (on average) are in the habitable zones of stars?
How many potentially habitable planets?
Our answer to this question is 2 ± 1 and was published this weekin the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The figures (above and below) illustrate our result.
With about 300 billion stars in our galaxy, our result means there are 600 ± 300 billion planets in circumstellar habitable zones in our galaxy.
In the observable universe there are about 100 billion galaxies. Thus there are approximately 1022 stars in the observable universe and twice that many planets in circumstellar habitable zones in the universe.
That’s a lot of real estate for alien development. Not all of these habitable zone planets will be wet and rocky like the Earth, but a fair fraction (about 30%) should be. Now we need some zippy interstellar spaceships to colonise and over-populate all these worlds before the aliens do.
Scientists think they can finally explain the weirdness that is the ‘alien megastructure’ star
Scientists think they can finally explain the weirdness that is the ‘alien megastructure’ star
We all knew it was coming, and it might finally be here – scientists say they have a solution to the ‘alien megastructure’ star that doesn’t involve aliens, and unlike previous explanations, this one is extremely consistent with previous observations of the star’s activity.
The solution doesn’t involve dubious comet swarms or interstellar junk, but instead suggests that the star is undergoing an internal phase transition, which is causing powerful outbursts on the surface that are occasionally blocking the light emissions that our telescopes detect.
In other words, instead of something else getting in the way of the star and blocking its light from us, this new study suggests that internal conditions in the star itself are causing the dips in its brightness.
In case you have no idea what all this ‘alien megastructure’ business is, back in October 2015, scientists discovered a strange pattern of light surrounding a distant star called KIC 8462852, and it was like nothing we’d ever seen before.
When a planet orbits a star, the star’s brightness will periodically dip by around 1 percent, but KIC 8462852 has been experiencing erratic dips of up to 22 percent. This immediately got scientists speculating that something very, very big had been zooming past it.
A massive swarm of comets was thrown out there as an explanation, but that’s been more or less debunked. More recently, researchers have suggested that the bizarre dimming is the result of some kind of clutter in interstellar space.
The there was the now-notorious suggestion from Jason Wright, an astronomer from Penn State University, that the solution could be something from the realm of science fiction – a gigantic Dyson Sphere made of solar panels that completely encircles a star.
“Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilisation to build,” he told The Atlantic last year.
But no explanation – aliens or otherwise – has fit the data well enough to convince the scientific community to run with it, so the ‘alien megastructure’ star remained shrouded in mystery.
Until now, perhaps, because a team from the University of Illinois says we’ve been looking at the problem all wrong, and a different perspective could give us a pretty solid answer to KIC 8462852’s weirdness.
The researchers have been studying how the star’s large and small dips in brightness relate to each other, and when they applied a number of mathematical models to the data, they came up with patterns that also appear in what’s known as avalanche statistics.
Avalanche statistics have turned up in all kinds of natural phenomena, including solar flares, gamma-ray bursts, and neural activity in the brain, and while the maths is pretty complicated, in basic terms, it reveals patterns where small dips in the data occurring between the larger dips ultimately equate to even larger dips.
Avalanche statistics appear to be associated with things going through certain phase transitions – most commonly between solid, liquid, and gaseous states of matter, and in rare cases, plasma.
“Examples of such transitions are magnetic systems that are slowly driven with a magnetic field, or the slow deformation of somewhat brittle materials where there is often first little crackling that gets louder and louder until there is a big snap when the material breaks,” says one of the team, Karin Dahmen.
“The small events in our star analysis would be like the little crackles while the large events would be the analogue of the big snap.”
Phase transitions are thought to be associated with solar activity such as solar flares and solar storms, so it could be that KIC 8462852’s internal materials are transitioning, and the result is erratic outbursts that block its light.
“In other words, this could just be a star that’s intensely active in some poorly understood way, giving off periodic massive outbursts that cause a dimming of the light. And the fact that stars like this are rare is what’s been fooling us all along.”
Only time will tell if this is the right answer, but it’s fitting the existing data pretty nicely so far.
And even if KIC 8462852 doesn’t ultimately live up to its “Aliens!” hype, we still have a phenomenon on our hands that’s like nothing we’ve ever seen before, and that’s awesome.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (2 Stemmen) Categorie:NIEUWS VAN JAN ( NL)
How Realistic Is the Interstellar Ship from 'Passengers'?
How Realistic Is the Interstellar Ship from 'Passengers'?
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
The movie "Passengers," whichopened yesterday(Dec. 21), explores the fascinations and perils of interstellar travel, but could the kind of starship portrayed in the movie ever exist in real life?
The film begins on board the Starship Avalon, which is carrying more than 5,000 passengers to a distant, habitable planet known as Homestead II.
Travelling at half the speed of light, the crew and passengers are expected to hibernate for 120 years before arriving. That is, until somebody accidentally wakes up 90 years early. ['Passengers': An Interstellar Space Film in Pictures]
Is there anything remotely realistic about this spaceship? posed that question to several space travel experts, as well as Guy Hendrix Dyas, the film's production designer. Dyas looked at the history of movie spaceships (including the vehicles from the "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" universes) in his quest to come up with something unique for the new film.
The ship's design
The Avalon has three long, thin modules that wrap around a common center and spin (sort of like stripes on a barbershop pole). Dyas said he based that design on sycamore seeds. It appears that the spin also provides the ship with artificial gravity, similar to fictional ships in the movies "Interstellar" and "2001: A Space Odyssey." The ship is powered by eight nuclear fusion reactors, Dyas said, and can run autonomously, healing most systems even with the crew asleep (as seen in the film).
The ship's immense structure is about 1 kilometer (0.62 miles) in length, and Dyas said he imagines that it was assembled in space over decades. The film takes place at an indeterminate point in the future, Dyas said, but he assumed that by the time the ship was being built, humans would have the ability to mine some of the materials from nearby asteroids or the moon to save on transportation costs.
"My approach to the [ship] design was that I tried to go about it as though I was a cruise liner ship designer," Dyas told "I wanted to put myself in the shoes of somebody who had been designing a craft that had a portion of it dedicated to entertainment, and of course that led to the array of colors and textual changes in the ship."
This approach led Dyas to design the more functional areas (such as the mess hall) in stainless steel, while a classy passenger pub was decorated in rich oranges, golds and reds, for example.
Banks of hibernation pods occupy huge halls in the ship. The crew slumbers in separate quarters, inaccessible to the passengers. The pods are clustered into small groups, perhaps (Dyas suggests) so that if one group's cluster fails, at least the other 5,000 passengers are theoretically unaffected.
The hibernation procedure is not really described in the film, but what's clear to moviegoers is what happens afterward: passengers are soothed by a holographic figure explaining where they are. They are escorted to an elevator, then guided to their individual cabin, where they can relax for the last four months of the journey.
While "Passengers" shows people placed in a hibernation state for decades at a time, that kind of technology does not exist today. There are situations, however, where patients can be put into induced comas with cooled saline solutions for a few days to allow traumatic injuries to heal.
In 2015, a company called SpaceWorks received a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts grant to investigate the possibility of extending the timeframe of an induced stasis in humans even further than what is currently possible. Aerospace engineer John Bradford, the company's COO, told that induced stasis should be possible given that some mammals can hibernate for months. (NIAC grants are for early-stage work in far-off technologies.)
"We're not trying to extend the human lifetime," Bradford said, so the technology that SpaceWorks is pursuing is different from what is shown in "Passengers." But in other respects, the movie shows essentially the same thing his company strives for.
"We're trying to put people in a small container to minimize the mass and power requirements, and the consumables [during spaceflight]," he added, saying that during a long Mars journey of perhaps six months, putting astronauts into stasis would cut down on the amount of food required for the mission, not to mention the possibility of crew boredom.
And what about exercise? Bradford said it would be possible to keep up an astronaut's muscle mass using neuromuscular electric stimulation; there have been some positive results in comatose patients using that technique, he said.
Bradford said he had been lucky enough to see "Passengers" before its release, and that he was really pleased to see an emphasis on hibernation, and what happens in the moments after waking up, when the passengers are disoriented and extremely tired (since hibernation or stasis is not the same as sleep).
"That part of the storyline is usually jumped over," he said.
Interstellar propulsion
Nuclear fusion is a possible source of propulsion for interstellar ships, but the problem is the size of the reactors that would need to be assembled in space, or launched there, according to some scientists we talked to. So other methods are being considered to get spacecraft going at interstellar speeds.
One idea under consideration by Philip Lubin, a physics professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, uses lasers. Under another NIAC grant, he is developing a concept known as Directed Energy Propulsion for Interstellar Exploration, which would generate propulsion from laser photons reflected in a mirror. The long-term goal is to create a spacecraft that can, like in "Passengers," move at a significant fraction of the speed of light.
Antimatter engines are another possibility for fueling interstellar ships, said Andreas Tziolas, the co-founder and president of Icarus Interstellar. Antimatter particles are naturally occurring particles that are "opposites" to regular matter particles — so the positron is the antimatter equivalent to the electron; the particles have the same mass but are different in other ways, including electric charge (the electron is negative, the positron is positive). When matter and antimatter collide, they annihilate, and release energy.
"The energy [an antimatter engine] generates is very pure in that it generates a lot of photons when matter reacts with antimatter," he told "All of the matter is annihilated and it turns into pure photonic energy. However, the photons themselves are hard to capture."
Though it's not stated directly it the film, it's possible the "Passengers" ship is being fueled by the interstellar medium — the tenuous collection of hydrogen particles that populate much of the universe. This concept was proposed in a 1960 thought experiment by American physicist Robert Bussard, who argued it would allow a ship to travel without having to haul fuel along for the ride.
But there's a problem with that idea, according to Geoffrey Landis, a science fiction author and NASA physicist. Since 1960, scientists have discovered that the medium is too sparse to allow fusion to happen, Landis said.
"The idea was, if you don't carry your fuel with you, you might be able to avoid having a simply enormous fuel tank," he said. But with that theory debunked, the problem remains about how to get to such an incredible speed while still hauling fuel with you. [Does Humanity's Destiny Lie in Interstellar Space Travel? (Op-Ed)]
From a practical standpoint, Landis also agreed that a ship that size would likely have to be built largely in space, and that will probably require asteroid mining.
While asteroid mining is still in the future, there are a couple of companies that are getting started on prospecting. Both Deep Space Industries and Planetary Resources have plans to scout out nearby asteroids to learn about their composition, and the possibilities for getting spacecraft out there. Asteroid-mining technology is in an early stage, but both companies are generating other products (such as Earth observation) that have received some support from customers.
Building a business case would take some time, but Landis said it would be very possible to create a spacecraft from extraterrestrial resources.
"In the long term, if we're going to build these enormous habitats, we are going to have to build them from material in space," he said. "That's a very feasible idea. There's literally millions of asteroids out there from which we could harvest materials without having to drag it out of the gravity well of the Earth."
Ship design
Landis also seemed to think that the Avalon creates gravity by rotating.
"I'm getting a little tired of artificial gravity in 'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars,'" he said, referring to the ability of the ships in these long-standing franchises to generate gravity by more theoretical means.
Experts interviewed for the story agreed that, in general, the ship also appears to take into account human factors, which means designing an environment so that it can best accommodate how humans operate.
An example is how the environment is decorated. Even on the International Space Station, the sterile gray interior is populated with pictures, signs and other mementoes from past crews. Individual astronauts can decorate their quarters to their liking, so that they have family pictures to look at during their six-month missions. So the décor choices that Dyas made are important in real-world spaceflight as well.
Looking at previews for the movie, Tziolas said he thinks the Starship Avalon is similar to the concept that Icarus Interstellar has proposed for an spaceship. Called Project Hyperion, this craft also has cruise ship-like amenities, room for 5,000 passengers and a spinning design for artificial gravity.
Tziolas added that he is so pleased that Hollywood is getting more realistic with its ship designs in general.
So could the ship from Passengers really exist? Our experts seemed to agree that there are some aspects that reflect real-world science, but some key questions remain about how such a massive vessel would make an interstellar trek.
Here’s one interesting footage of an unidentified flying object flying in the orbit of Earth. This was filmed from an International Space Station and was taken on 18th December 2016.
China's military is working on its first-ever strategic stealth bomber, which is expected to feature a similar subsonic low-observable "flying wing" design as the U.S.'s B-2 Spirit.
Though it may take 10 years to develop, the H-20 would be a significant step forward on China's path to modernizing its military.
H-20 concept
As the latest move in the country’s ambitious military modernization program, China is in the process of developing its first-ever strategic stealth bomber. The aircraft, called the Xian H-20, is expected to be able to deploy long-range weapons — something their current Xian H-6 models aren’t capable of doing.
The Director of the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s (PLAN) Expert Consultation Committee, Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo, said that the H-20 will be on the same level as the U.S.’s Nothtrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, which was made operational in 1997. Expected similarities with the B-2 Spirit include a subsonic low-observable flying wing design.
Adm. Zhuo believes that all the pieces are in place for this project, as China has gained a working knowledge of stealth technology and heavy transport design, both of which will be useful in creating the H-20. He also revealed that all the weapons that will arm the new aircraft, like nuclear bombs and cruise missiles, are ready.
The Xian H-20 will be produced by Xi’an Aircraft Industrial Corporation, the same company that produces the H-6 models currently in use. Adm. Zhuo noted that the creation process could take a long time, so the bomber might not be in service until 2025.
China's military is working on its first-ever strategic stealth bomber, which is expected to feature a similar subsonic low-observable "flying wing" design as the U.S.'s B-2 Spirit.
Though it may take 10 years to develop, the H-20 would be a significant step forward on China's path to modernizing its military.
As the latest move in the country’s ambitious military modernization program, China is in the process of developing its first-ever strategic stealth bomber. The aircraft, called the Xian H-20, is expected to be able to deploy long-range weapons — something their current Xian H-6 models aren’t capable of doing.
The Director of the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s (PLAN) Expert Consultation Committee, Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo, said that the H-20 will be on the same level as the U.S.’s Nothtrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, which was made operational in 1997. Expected similarities with the B-2 Spirit include a subsonic low-observable flying wing design.
Adm. Zhuo believes that all the pieces are in place for this project, as China has gained a working knowledge of stealth technology and heavy transport design, both of which will be useful in creating the H-20. He also revealed that all the weapons that will arm the new aircraft, like nuclear bombs and cruise missiles, are ready.
The Xian H-20 will be produced by Xi’an Aircraft Industrial Corporation, the same company that produces the H-6 models currently in use. Adm. Zhuo noted that the creation process could take a long time, so the bomber might not be in service until 2025.
UFO Sightings 2016 Increase Worldwide, Year-end Witness To Many Of Them; Are Aliens For Real? [Video]
UFO Sightings 2016 Increase Worldwide, Year-end Witness To Many Of Them; Are Aliens For Real? [Video]
With 2016 is coming to a close, reports on UFO sightings abound. There are rumors that the increase in UFO sigthings is a sign that aliens are preparing for a possible invasion. Check out the latest UFO sightings.
Triangle UFO Over Ohio
Spotted at Springfield, Ohio, the eyewitness described the apparent UFO as "gigantic and enormous" that looks like cylinder at first but at a close look it looks like a triangular-shaped airplane with colors green white and red. The UFO sighting happened in November 29, 2016 at around 10:00 p.m. along highway 2-75. The report was filed at Ohio MUFON in Dec. 4 and is now being investigated by Chief Investigator Ron McGlone, Openminds reported.
Cropped and enlarged version of witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
Burning Fireball Caught On Camera
The strange blue fireball was reportedly spotted in South America including Colombia and Venezuela on Dec. 16 around 11:25 p.m. Many people believed that they have spotted another UFO though experts suggest that it is just a large meteor.
Residents captured the meteor on camera(Photo:
UFO Crash
An apparent UFO crashed creating a hole in the ground in Fugu County, North Eastern China, Peoples Daily Online reported.
UFOs Spotted in Turkey
Mysterious lights were spotted in Turkey and are believed to have come from an UFO.
Bolt of Lightning Spotted in Arizona
The light seems to be just like lightning or meteorite but it's going up and so theories came out that it may be an alien ship leaving the earth. According to Scott Waring, a UFO enthusiast from UFO Sightings Daily website, Arizona is a famous hotspot for Alien bases and UFOs and the recent incident is an evidence of their existence in the area. Although there were suggestions that the spotted bolt of lightning is a hoax, Waring said that it is an alien ship leaving the earth, Mirror reported.
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Don't Be Fooled by This Giant 'Mech' Robot
Don't Be Fooled by This Giant 'Mech' Robot
By Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor
New video clips purporting to show a 13-foot-tall (4 meters) humanoid robot piloted by a person in its torso look like something straight out of "Avatar" or "Transformers," but a Live Science investigation has revealed reasons to believe some skepticism might be in order.
The robot clips have been picked up by a variety of online news and technology outlets, including Kotaku and Wired UK. But the South Korean company that is supposedly developing the robot has virtually no online presence and was unfamiliar to robotics researchers contacted by Live Science.
Furthermore, the only source for the videos or any information about them is the Facebook and Instagram pages of a designer whose website mentions a conceptual art project about a "fictional robotics corporation that develops its products in a not-so-distant future."
The designer, Vitaly Bulgarov, told Live Science that the robot is real. However, he declined to share the names of scientists or engineers working on the project, and messages to the purported CEO of the company went unreturned. [Gallery: See Images of the Giant Humanoid Robot]
Mystery business
According to Bulgarov's Facebook page, the videos were taken in South Korea at a company called Korea Future Technology. Almost all references to this company online appear to be associated with Bulgarov's posts and the subsequent news pieces on the robot. Bulgarov said the company has been operating for several years.
The domain name of the supposed company, found on Bulgarov's file names,, meaning "South Korea Future," was registered in February to is Lim Hyun Kuk, the name of the person Bulgarov said was CEO of the company. There is no active website associated with the domain; Bulgarov said one is slated to go online next week.
"If you look at this from a Western point of view, then yeah, that might seem strange, but in that part of the world, the culture is a little different. The company wants to make something first before they advertise themselves," Bulgarov said of the inactive website. [Gallery: Disaster-Response Robots Face Off]
The person who answered the phone number associated with the domain registration said Lim worked at that address but was not available to talk. Lim did not return a message left at that number or emails sent to three addresses possibly associated with him.
Bulgarov told Live Science in an email that the release of the videos was intended for his circle of followers only, and that the company would do a "proper press release" when the robot is completed in 2017. He said a "Professor Park" was associated with the work but would not provide a given name or affiliation for that researcher. ("Park" is the third-most-common surname in Korea.) He also declined to answer questions about funding for the project.
"Frankly, right now, we don't even really care if people think this is legit because we didn't try to promote it," Bulgarov said.
Technical difficulties
The robot itself looks like one of the military robots in the movie "Avatar." A pilot inside the torso moves his arms to control the robot's upper limbs. (This kind of design is known as a "mech.") The robot is tethered by a power cable above, but walks several steps in the video clips. [The 6 Strangest Robots Ever Created]
The technology shown in the video is plausible, said Ronald Fearing, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, who has developed a jumping robot.
The robot looks a bit top-heavy, Fearing said, but its external power source could mean it would be light enough to function. The idea of developing robots steered by a person inside goes back to at least the 1960s, Fearing said. Several research teams are developing robotic exoskeletons to help people lift heavier loads or to allow paralyzed people to walk again.
Bipedal robots much more graceful than the one shown in the new video are already a reality. Robotics company Boston Dynamics has Atlas, an approximately human-sized bipedal automaton that can even navigate rough ground. And Georgia Tech's DURUS robot walks with a heel-to-toe gait, just like a human.
Fearing said the technology in the video would be a "nice piece of work." He estimated that something like it might cost $20 million and take a couple of years to make.
But there are also questions about the video. Though Bulgarov wrote on his Instagram page that the ground shakes as the giant robot walks, the camera and nearby objects appear steady. The lab itself is also remarkably sleek and futuristic compared to academic labs in the United States and even industry labs like those of Boston Dynamics.
"Robots are messy business," said Christian Hubicki, a postdoctoral robotics researcher at Georgia Tech who worked on the DURUS robot. "They get torn apart and put back together over and over, and transmission grease gets all over the place. Even the nice white floor is beautifully unscuffed [in these videos]. Never once during likely hundreds of hours of debugging the giant robot did it kick in a way that scratched it up?"
The people around the robot also appear to be too close for safety and are not following the standard practice of wearing safety goggles, Hubicki said.
Bulgarov said the company's CEO required that the lab be clean, and that the videos had been brightened in postproduction. Fearing said robotics labs in Asia can be relatively neat.
However, there's another problem: Hubicki told Live Science that the robot's leg joints look unusually smooth given the force that the step of a 1.5-ton robot would exert on the motors. [5 Reasons to Fear Robots]
"When I look at the bulk of the leg — say, above the ankle — it still stops its downward motion extremely quickly (I think within a frame of the video)," Hubicki wrote in an email. "[N]ot impossible, but if it is real, I'd be really curious about how the effects of that impact are being handled."
Bulgarov said dampers in the robot's feet make its motion smooth. He also said the robot wasn't built for use as is but as a platform to show off various technical feats, like the human-machine interface for moving the arms or the bipedal locomotion. Right now, he said the robot couldn't walk on an uneven surface but might be useful for industrial purposes, though there are no plans to use the robot in its current state. The cockpit and arms could be attached to a wheeled vehicle for rough terrain, Bulgarov said. The company is considering applications such as cleanup at the Fukushima power plant, which was damaged during the 2011 tsunami in Japan, Bulgarov said.
Some companies do make demonstration robots without many practical applications, Fearing and Hubicki said. However, building a 1.5-ton robot for this purpose would be a quite extreme, Hubicki added.
"To me, building a giant, walking mech to showcase your arm technology is a bit like building a rocket ship to demonstrate your cockpit technology," he said.
When asked directly if the robot was real, Bulgarov said, "It is real, and more footage is coming."
Fearing wondered if perhaps the company was intentionally obscuring its origins and goals to create more interest. There have also been situations where companies have exaggerated reality, he said.
"I don't know of this group, but unfortunately, I know other groups have mixed CAD [computer-aided design] images and reality to raise money and [have] not disclosed the mixture," Fearing said.
Hubicki urged skepticism. "As intriguing as the video is," he said, "at some point, you have to ask yourself, 'Did a secret company with no obvious ties to existing humanoid robotics groups actually develop a giant humanoid robot with likely unparalleled power and torque, and instead of sending out a press release, they unveil the robot by dribbling out low-resolution videos on Instagram via an affiliate who just so happens to be a visual effects artist?'"
Automation through robots and other artificial intelligence could affect nearly half of all US jobs, a report from the Obama administration has found. Education and job-training programs could prevent the sea change from destroying the American economy.
Scientists and economic advisers within the executive branch studied the potential effects of artificial intelligence on the US workforce and economy over the next 20 years, as well as ways to prevent the technological advances from automation from potentially destroying job opportunities for Americans ‒ which they said it could, for up to 47 percent of jobs. Rather, the authors sought to guide the government’s automation policy to create better economic opportunities for the country as a whole.
“These transformations will open up new opportunities for individuals, the economy, and society, but they have the potential to disrupt the current livelihoods of millions of Americans,” the 55-page report said. “Whether AI leads to unemployment and increases in inequality over the long-run depends not only on the technology itself but also on the institutions and policies that are in place.”
The authors compared use of AI to how the Industrial Revolution introduced mass production to the economy, which negatively affected the livelihoods of skilled craftsman, as well as to the rise of computers in the workplace, which benefited white-collar workers.
“Output per hour rose [in the 19th Century] while inequality declined, driving up average living standards, but the labor of some high-skill workers was no longer as valuable in the market,” they wrote. “The advent of computers and the Internet raised the relative productivity of higher-skilled workers.”
“Shifting demand towards more skilled labor raised the relative pay of this group, contributing to rising inequality,” they continued. “At the same time, a slowdown in the rate of improvement in education, and institutional changes such as the reduction in unionization and decline in the minimum wage, also contributed to inequality—underscoring that technological changes do not uniquely determine outcomes.”
Although the report cautioned that it’s difficult to predict exactly how robots and other AI might change the economy in the future because it’s “not a single technology, but rather a collection of technologies that are applied to specific tasks,” the authors noted that the trend has been similar to what happened with computerization that occurred at the end of the 20th and start of the 21st centuries. AI could affect as little as 9 percent of jobs over the next decade or two ‒ or it could threaten nearly half of all jobs.
A September report released by Forrester Research found that 6 percent of jobs could be taken by “early-stage intelligent agents,” as soon as 2021. In November, a brief from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) claimed that up to two-thirds of all jobs in the developing world could be replaced by automation. More than 1.3 million Brits could lost their jobs to computers by 2030, according to research by Oxford University and consultancy firm Deloitte.
Although “AI-driven automation has yet to have a quantitatively major impact on productivity growth,” the administration’s report said, industries such as transportation and fast food are already seeing the results of automation, thanks to self-driving cars and the use of kiosks and other automated ordering systems.
The authors offered three policy strategies to guide the technological changes in the economy to be “compatible with productivity, high levels of employment, and more broadly shared prosperity.” They then noted: “Most of these strategies would be important regardless of AI-driven automation, but all take on even greater importance to the degree that AI is making major changes to the economy.”
The US must invest in and develop AI in a way that responsibly maximizes its development, especially in the areas of cyber defense and the detection of fraudulent transactions and messages, the report said. In order to fill all the positions to “support and advance the field,” the government should prioritize diversity and inclusion in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Another important way to affect how AI develops is to foster competition from new and existing firms with “sound pro-competition policies.”
It will be important not just to educate and prepare young Americans for careers in AI, but to help current workers with transitioning into the field, including by expanding the availability of job-driven training and improved guidance on how to navigate job and field transitions. The authors recommended “providing all children with access to high-quality early education so that all families can prepare their students for continued education.”
To train the current workforce in AI, the authors called on policymakers to ensure rising wages by modernizing the social safety net and expanding healthcare access, and by introducing new programs such as wage insurance and emergency aid for families in crisis. Other ideas they proffered included strengthening worker bargaining power, modernizing tax policy, and pursuing strategies that prevent AI jobs from clustering in certain areas of the country, the way the automobile industry did in Michigan.
The report was produced by a team assembled by the Obama administration, including staff from the Council of Economic Advisers, Domestic Policy Council, National Economic Council, Office of Management and Budget, and Office of Science and Technology Policy.
From all the recent hand-wringing about “fake news,” you would think that the hand-wringers had never stood in a supermarket checkout line, surrounded by 72-point headlines about alien abductions and miracle cures. Fake news has been around as long as real news, as any historian of early modern Europe can tell you (Renaissance readers gobbled up stories about women giving birth to rabbits, and men from Africa with faces in their chests). Social media has certainly transformed how fake news circulates, speeding up its circulation and extending its reach and impact. The temptation to blame many of our current ills on it—and by extension, on Mark Zuckerberg—is understandable. But the hand-wringing has in fact distracted attention from a much more important problem involving the American media. That problem is not fake news but the continuing delegitimization of real news by American conservatives. This delegitimization has been taking place for a long time (as The Nation’s Eric Alterman has meticulously reported, and as even some conservative media figures have admitted), but during the past year it has taken a frightening new turn. If the mainstream American news media are to have any hope of avoiding potentially catastrophic results—both for themselves and for American democracy—they need to change how they report on American politics, and on the ideological apparatchiks they continue to describe, misleadingly, as “journalists.”
Anyone masochistic enough to tune into Rush Limbaugh regularly will soon recognize a strange pattern in his rants. Limbaugh has an extremely long list of enemies, all of whom he paints as mortal threats to the American republic. But there is one absolutely constant enemy, whom he mentions in every single broadcast, without fail. It is not Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama. It is not the “Democrat party.” It is not even the federal government. It is the mainstream news media, whom he accuses of extreme liberal bias and hatred of America. In every single show, contempt oozing out of his voice, he flagellates mainstream media such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, or the major broadcast networks. He collectively labels them “drive-bys,” comparing them to drive-by shooters. And his strategy has been followed by virtually the whole of the conservative media machine, from fellow radio hosts like Mark Levin and Michael Savage, to television personalities like Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, to pundits like Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham. If some hapless liberal caller to a conservative radio show, or some hapless liberal guest on a Fox News program, dares to support an argument by invoking a story from The New York Times, he or she is likely to be met with contemptuous laughter. In this milieu, the Times has no more credibility than The National Enquirer at a scientific conference on extraterrestrial life. A conservative radio talk-show host, Charlie Sykes, who opposed Trump in the election, puts it this way: “We have spent 20 years demonizing the liberal mainstream media…. At a certain point you wake up and you realize you have destroyed the credibility of any credible outlet out there.”
It is important to recognize that if the conservative media machine has delegitimized real news for their audiences, it is not in the service, at least not primarily, of peddling so-called “fake news.” There is a real dividing line between figures like Limbaugh and Hannity on the one hand, and conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, who describes the Sandy Hook massacre as a hoax, and claims that Barack Obama is literally a demon (yes, literally). Generally, the Limbaughs and Hannitys will not even come out and state forthrightly that Obama is a Muslim, although they hint at it, and their audiences almost certainly take this idea for granted. They do not accuse Hillary Clinton of abducting children to serve as sex slaves. Again, what is now being labeled “fake news” is not the real story.
What the conservative media machine does, in tandem with its delegitimization of real news, is much more dangerous. Its leaders take any story that, however glancingly or speculatively, throws doubt upon the patriotism, honesty, or competence of public figures they dislike, and immediately cast it as the greatest outrage in American history. They return to it as often as possible, greeting every new revelation, however tiny or questionable, as a smoking gun. Just for the Obama administration alone, the list of such scandals is almost endless: “Operation Fast and Furious”; the IRS auditing scandal; the supposed “ransom” paid to Iran as part of the nuclear deal; the loans made to the Solyndra solar panel company; alleged misdeed involving the Secret Service, the General Services Administration, and the EPA; Benghazi (Benghazi!); and of course Hillary Clinton’s e-mail. Anyone relying on The New York Times for news over the past eight years would have seen little of genuine importance in most of these stories, and little to challenge the conclusion that Barack Obama has presided, by historical standards, over a virtually entirely scandal-free administration. Anyone relying on Rush Limbaugh or Fox News would have seen in them a pattern of corruption and malevolence unmatched in American history, and one which the untrustworthy mainstream media deliberately covered up. This is not “fake news.” It is a blatantly ideological distortion of real news. But, as Charlie Sykes has noted, because of the delegitimization of real news sources, the machine’s audiences simply do not, for the most part, believe it when any mainstream media outlet seeks to correct the distortions.
The machine has been operating in this way for many years, as Alterman and others have detailed. But since the election, the delegitimization of real news has taken a new, dangerous twist. It has now become clear that faithful followers of Limbaugh, or Fox News, will not only immediately discount any mainstream-media story that reflects badly on politicians or policies they like, no matter how well sourced and substantiate; they will consider the story itself yet another reason to support those politicians and policies, and will quite possibly believe the opposite, simply as a matter of principle. Polling data suggests that even during the election, the revelations about Trump’s failure to pay federal income taxes, and then the Access Hollywood tape, failed to significantly affect his support within the Republican base. The stories were unquestionably true, but that was less important than the fact that they were reported in the mainstream media (broken, in fact, by The New York Times and The Washington Post, respectively). By definition the stories demonstrated the power and extent of the dark liberal conspiracy against America, making Trump’s victory even more important for the Republican base.
Even more striking are the reactions to the new revelations about Russian interference in the election. Limbaugh, with his usual keen instinct for turning his opponents’ tactics against them, has played off the recent mainstream media obsession and labeled the story “fake news.” Of course, from Limbaugh’s perspective, any story broken by The New York Timesshould be considered fake news until proven otherwise. Most other conservative media stars have reacted in the same way, and as a result, a distressingly large number, not just of Republican voters but of the Republican office-holders in thrall to them, have been entirely incapable of taking seriously even the possibility that a foreign power deliberately interfered—perhaps decisively—with an American election. Indeed, one poll has shown that since the election, Vladimir Putin has actually gained popularity among Republicans. The liberal hand-wringing about “fake news” has helped the conservative media machine, in this regard, because it has provided yet another useful, and widely used catch phrase with which to discredit the mainstream media.
The implications of this shift for the incoming Trump administration are frightening. Even entirely blatant corruption, and blatant violations of the Constitution are likely to be dismissed as “fake news” by the conservative media machine. Reports in the mainstream media will be denounced as part of a nefarious plot by liberals to destroy the administration (and, by extension, America), and could well intensify Trump’s support. Criticism by Democrats, and attempts to hold Trump accountable, will be treated as grievous attacks on American democracy, justifying extraordinary—and perhaps extra-constitutional—responses.
Unfortunately, up to now the mainstream media has shown absolutely atrocious instincts in responding to this phenomenon. Above all, they have simply failed to acknowledge and report adequately on the role that the conservative media machine now plays in American politics, and the way it has delegitimized real news. Consider the fact that in the month before the election, The New York Times mentioned Rush Limbaugh in eleven stories. Eight of these were opinion columns of one sort or another, and one was a magazine story on Hillary Clinton. Just two were news stories, neither of which focused on Limbaugh himself. But Limbaugh has about 13 million listeners. While his influence has waned somewhat over the past few years, conservative politicians still quail in fear of his disapproval. He has more influence on American politics than nearly all American elected officials. He played a non-negligible role in the presidential election—in large part because of his ability to convince his listeners to distrust any revelations about Donald Trump that appeared in The New York Times. Did he not deserve more coverage than the Times gave him?
Unfortunately, the mainstream media still tends to treat figures like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Coulter as “conservative commentators,” as if they were nothing more than slightly rabid versions of William Safire, or right-wing counterparts to Nicholas Kristof and Maureen Dowd. The term suggests a tidy equivalence between left and right, in which each side has its own flock of columnists, radio hosts, and television personalities. But Limbaugh and company are not “commentators,” who might have an ideological slant, but who can also be expected to think through each issue they tackle on its own terms, with due attention to verifiable facts. They are ideologues, who concoct their broadcasts and columns with the sole goal of advancing the fortunes of their own ideological camp in what they openly describe as an apocalyptic conflict to save America. They make no pretense of thoughtfully weighing the pros and cons of the issues they discuss, and never—ever—acknowledge that the other side could have a point.
It is long past time that the mainstream media acknowledge that whatever equivalency once existed in American political life between liberals and conservatives has long since disappeared. The point is not so much that the conservative movement has turned extreme, although of course it has. The point is that the conservative media machine, and a majority of Republican officeholders, up to and including the president-elect, now form part of a coherent, united ideological apparatus that has fought with enormous success to capture the principal levers of power in this country, and that attempts systematically to discredit and demonize anyone who opposes it. It has become an illiberal (in every sense of the word) political party of a sort the United States has never before known, one that bears striking similarities to fascist and communist parties that operated within democratic societies in the 20th century. And the members of it who work in broadcast studios and so-called newsrooms are not journalists. They are the party’s media arm, full stop. They should be treated as such.
The mainstream media today is unfortunately in a very weak position vis-à-vis this party. Nothing that appears in the Times or on CNN can now make much of an impact on the people who live within the party’s steel-walled ideological bubble—including a very large proportion of Trump voters. As noted, new revelations, however damning and sensational, are more likely to intensify their support for Trump than to weaken it. But reporting on this party as a party, as an ideological apparatus, can still have an effect. Figures like Limbaugh and Hannity benefit enormously from the perception among their listeners that they are just commentators. In a grotesque, and enormously effective, act of projection, they denounce liberals for being what they themselves actually are: a ruthless ideological movement that cares nothing for verifiable facts. This self-representation is not challenged nearly enough by the mainstream media, which continue to portray these figures as journalists and commentators, rather than as ideological apparatchiks—indeed, as members of a conservative Nomenklatura. At the very least, the mainstream media should be identifying them as such, and fighting back far more vigorously against the conservative media machine’s delegitimization of real news. It should be reporting on Limbaugh and Hannity, Savage and Levin, Ingraham and Coulter, as often as it reports on the Republican “Freedom Caucus,” and it should respond systematically to their delegitimization of real news. When so-called conservative “commentators” attack The New York Times, the gray lady should not act as if responding to them is beneath her dignity. This tactic has not worked, to say the least. The Times should be covering the charges as part of the ideological battle now being waged in America, and it should be responding to them. So should The Washington Post, and CNN, and the rest of the mainstream media. If they don’t, then in the end, they could be signing their own death warrants.
There has even been two more reported in the last two days, according to The Mutual UFO Network.
On Wednesday in Chebba, Tennessee, a witness said they saw a UFO in the sky.
This comes as bizarre footage of a spaceship appearing through a wormhole emerged online.
MYSTERY: The UFOs all appear in a triangle shape with lights
They said in a report to the network: "We were standing in the street me, my dad and my neighbour when it appeared in the sky.
"It was flying pretty fast in a straight line.
"Only me and my neighbour saw it.
"It felt crazy, I was the only one who felt like I was dragged into it.
"It looked like in the pictures I am going to send."
The network said there have been around a hundred reports about triangle UFOs this year.
They are all said to be huge, with bright lights and travelling at low altitude.
In another report posted yesterday to The Mutual UFO Network, a witness described seeing a low-flying triangle at Elk Grove, California, last week.
“I started freaking out, because of what I saw and how close it was to my house and family”
The report said: "I looked up and saw a triangular shape moving at a high rate of speed.
"It was highlighted by thin dim lines of the triangle with lights on the corners of the triangle with halos around them.
"The triangle went in a straight line and I lost sight of it behind my plum tree, I tried to follow it but it disappeared. I wasn't scared, I stayed out there for another ten minutes or so so I could see if I could see anything else. I didn't see anything else.
“When I went back inside I started freaking out, because of what I saw and how close it was to my house and family."
A CGI fake UFO from a YouTube video supplied to MUFON to show what a sighting Chebba looked like.
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) received two more reports in the last 48 hours, its database has revealed.
Since Tuesday has reported on the growing number of alleged triangle UFO sightings, with at least 21 now reported to US-based MUFON this December.
On Wednesday, we revealed how two people claimed to see four triangle UFOs tailed by a series of other objects flying low over homes in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
MUFON keeps a global at a base of UFO and alien sightings and has received hundreds of reports about so-called triangle UFOs.
The reports are often the same that they are seen at relatively low altitudes, of large size, with lights marking out the sides and slow silent travel.
However, there are variations such as in the latest sightings reported to MUFON yesterday which were said to travel at speed.
A CGI image of a triangle UFO reported to MUFON after being seen in Elk Grove, California.
"The triangle went in a straight line and I lost sight of it behind my plum tree, I tried to follow it but it disappeared. I wasn't scared, I stayed out there for another ten minutes or so so I could see if I could see anything else. I didn't see anything else. When I went back inside I started freaking out, because of what I saw and how close it was to my house and family."
He also provided a CGI mock up of what was seen, which is similar to many others received by MUFON.
But, Scott Brando, a forensic UFO investigator of website, believes there are no such thing as triangle UFOs.
He feels that every sighting has been a misidentified plane, military flares or Chinese lanterns.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Alien Russia. KGB.VIDEO.
Alien Russia. KGB.VIDEO.
According to information from Russia knows about extraterrestrial civilizations over several decades, so for many it is not surprising that such rumors are circulating for many years. Russia’s first contact with the gray aliens allegedly occurred in 1942. At that time, were planned series of diplomatic visits to discuss issues of mutual interest – by alleged Russian documents and agreements that have been created
According to the document, 072 / E at meeting the 1961 incident occurred that involved three entities for breach of contract officers army base, when they discovered that their arrival was filmed hidden devices without their consent. Based on the agreement were 23/04 confidential meetings and filming or taking pictures was not allowed.
According to the Truth KGB allegedly special unit designed to collect and monitor all kinds of information regarding the mysterious and unexplained phenomena that report back inside, and inside the Soviet Union.
It may be three billion light-years away from Earth, but this distant constellation could be trying to contact us.
Six bursts of radio waves have been detected from the constellation Auriga, each lasting just a few milliseconds.
While the source of the waves remains unknown, some suggest they mysterious bursts of energy could be a sign of alien life trying to contact us.
Scroll down for video
Six bursts of radio waves have been detected from the constellation Auriga, each lasting just a few milliseconds
(stock image)
Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, are radio emissions that appear temporarily and randomly, making them not only hard to find, but also hard to study.
The mystery stems from the fact it is not known what could produce such a short and sharp burst.
This has led some to speculate they could be anything from stars colliding to artificially created messages.
The first FRB was spotted, or rather 'heard' by radio telescopes, back in 2007.
But it was so temporary and seemingly random that it took years for astronomers to agree it wasn't a glitch in one of the telescope's instruments.
The waves were detected by researchers from McGill University in Montreal, using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, and at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.
In their paper, published in The Astrophysical Journal, the researchers, led by Paul Scholz, wrote: 'We have detected six additional radio bursts from this source: five with the Green Bank Telescope at 2 GHz, and one at 1.4 GHz with the Arecibo Observatory, for a total of 17 bursts from this source.'
The detection follows 11 previously recorded outbursts from the same location, called FRB 121102.
This is the only known repeater of fast radio bursts (FRBs) - radio emissions that appear temporarily and randomly.
Despite there being a number of FRBs from the site, the origin of the bursts is an ongoing puzzle to researchers.
But the researchers say that the repeated outbursts imply that whatever is causing the radio bursts is not a one-time event, such as an explosion or collision.
Instead, they say that flares from a young neutron star – the dense core left behind where a star explodes – are a promising candidate.
The researchers added: 'Whether FRB 121102 is a unique object in the currently known sample of FRBs, or all FRBs are capable of repeating, its characterisation is extremely important to understanding fast extragalactic radio transients.'
The waves were detected by researchers from McGill University in Montreal, using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia (pictured), and at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico
Previously when waves have been detected, astronomers have also asked Seti (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) to take a closer look at whether they could be a message from ET.
But it is unclear if the McGill researchers will ask Seti to help this time.
If there are any intelligent alien life forms out there, Stephen Hawking thinks we're playing a dangerous game by trying to contact them.
The physicist believes if aliens discovered Earth, they are likely to want to conquer and colonise our planet.
'If aliens visit us, the outcome could be much like when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans,' he said in an interview.
In the 2016 film, Arrival, a linguist is hired by the military to assist in translating alien communications. But if there are any intelligent alien life forms out there, Stephen Hawking thinks we're playing a dangerous game by trying to contact them
But co-founder and former director of the Seti Institute, Jill Tarter, doesn't think this will be the case.
She argues any aliens who have managed to travel across the universe will be sophisticated enough to be friendly and peaceful.
'The idea of a civilisation which has managed to survive far longer than we have...and the fact that that technology remains an aggressive one, to me, doesn't make sense,' she said.
If there are any intelligent alien life forms out there, Stephen Hawking thinks we're playing a dangerous game by trying to contact them.
The physicist believes if aliens discovered Earth, they are likely to want to conquer and colonise our planet.
'If aliens visit us, the outcome could be much like when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans,' he said in an interview.
But co-founder and former director of the Seti Institute, Jill Tarter, doesn't think this will be the case.
She argues any aliens who have managed to travel across the universe will be sophisticated enough to be friendly and peaceful.
'The idea of a civilisation which has managed to survive far longer than we have...and the fact that that technology remains an aggressive one, to me, doesn't make sense,' she said.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Zijn we alleen? Zes mysterieuze radiosignalen opgepikt uit de ruimte
Zijn we alleen? Zes mysterieuze radiosignalen opgepikt uit de ruimte
In maart detecteerden wetenschappers 10 krachtige radiosignalen die allemaal uit hetzelfde gebied in de ruimte kwamen.
Onderzoekers hebben nu nog eens zes radiosignalen opgepikt die uit dezelfde regio lijken te komen, ver buiten onze Melkweg.
Deze zogeheten snelle radioflitsen behoren tot de meest raadselachtige signalen die ooit zijn waargenomen.
Ze duren slechts enkele milliseconden, maar in die korte periode produceren ze net zoveel energie als de zon gedurende een hele dag.
Wetenschappers hebben nog altijd geen idee hoe ze ontstaan.
Tot maart dit jaar werd gedacht dat de flitsen afkomstig waren van willekeurige locaties. Er werd geen duidelijk patroon waargenomen.
Onderzoekers schatten dat iedere dag 2000 van deze snelle radioflitsen door het heelal schieten, maar omdat ze zo kort duren is het lastig om ze waar te nemen.
Herhalend patroon
In mei en juni 2015 werden 10 radioflitsen uit dezelfde regio opgevangen. Ze vormden bovendien een onbekend, zich herhalend patroon.
Toen het team door de gegevens spitte, werd een snelle radioflits uit 2012 ontdekt die uit dezelfde regio leek te komen.
Een onderzoeksteam van de McGill-universiteit in Canada heeft nu nog zes mysterieuze signalen gevonden, allemaal afkomstig van dezelfde plek.
Buiten de Melkweg
“We hebben nog eens zes radioflitsen gedetecteerd die afkomstig zijn van de bron FRB 121102,” schrijft het team in The Astrophysical Journal.
“Vijf met de Green Bank Telescope en één met de Arecibo-sterrenwacht. Daarmee komt het totale aantal van deze bron op 17,” klinkt het.
Het team kan niet precies bepalen waar FRB 121102 ligt, maar de bron bevindt zich in ieder geval ver buiten de Melkweg.
Astronomen denken dat snelle radioflitsen worden veroorzaakt door een botsing tussen neutronensterren, waardoor een zwart gat ontstaat.
Dat lijkt nu onmogelijk, gezien het feit dat de signalen een patroon vormen en dezelfde oorsprong hebben.
Sommigen suggereren dat de mysterieuze signalen zijn verstuurd door aliens die proberen contact te leggen.
De onderzoekers kunnen in ieder geval niet met zekerheid zeggen wat er precies aan de hand is.
Er moeten meer van deze radiosignalen worden gedetecteerd om voor eens en voor altijd te bepalen waar ze vandaan komen.
In 1976, the United States sent a pair of space probes, known as Viking 1 and Viking 2, to Mars. Viking 1 was launched on August 20th, 1975, and Viking 2 was launched in September of the same year. Both probes photographed the surface of Mars from orbit, and one studied the planet from the surface. The first one touched down on the surface of Mars on July 20th, 1976 and the second a couple of months later. The main objectives of the mission were to obtain high-resolution images of Mars, to look for any evidence of life, and to learn more about the structure and composition of the atmosphere.
As Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia. A pyramid structure was also seen. This will be the main topic of this article.
As a quick side note here, for years we’ve been made to believe that Mars is a dry and arid planet, completely devoid of life, but that’s just not the case. Mars actually used to be an Earth-like planet, with giant oceans and extensive greenery. The soil is moist and wet, and there is a very high likelihood that some type of life exists within the interior of Mars today. You can watch that full press conference HERE.
The question to ask here is, did NASA know this information from the Viking data in 1976? According to multiple insiders who have worked for the agency, NASA is not always honest, and we are only being told this now because they believe we are ready to process and accept these facts. For example, Bob Dean, a retired United States Army Command Sergeant Major who also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst, gave a lecture on footage and photos that had been erased and kept hidden for decades:
Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.
He is one of multiple people accusing NASA of doing this. The Russian government did the same last year. You can read more about that here.
The Giant Face and Pyramid on Mars
Above, you’ll see the original picture taken by Viking which, as you can imagine, created quite the buzz when the world got to see it. To the left, you can see a closeup of the face, as well as a pyramid in close proximity, taken by Viking. To the right, you will see the original picture taken by NASA, straight from their website in 1976. Above the picture to your left and right you will see three different images which, according to NASA, are clearer versions of the pictures taken with improved instruments. In their original caption of the picture, NASA described it as a “huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth.” The authors reasoned it would be a good way to “engage the public and attract attention to Mars.”
Well, according to multiple insiders with extensive backgrounds, this is not the case, and NASA lied about the images and data they collected, as well as fudged data and images. Based on these testimonies, among others, the photos released in 1998 and 2001 were meant to debunk rumours and put the issue to rest.
The Scientists
1. Dr.John BrandenburgThe picture above, which includes the pyramid, was taken from a lecture given by Dr. John Brandenburg (at the 26:46 mark). Any scientist who publicly shares information that challenges commonly held belief systems, as well as what’s been put out by mainstream media, will always come under public scrutiny and ridicule. But when you have worked on space plasma technologies, nuclear fusion, and advanced space propulsion, and invented the Microwave Electro-Thermal plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion, you deserve to be taken seriously.
This is the case with Dr. John Brandenburg. He has also worked for the government with top-secret security clearances on various projects. He worked on the Rocket Plume Regolith Interactions on the Moon and Mars, Vortex theory of Rocket engine design, and the combined Sakharov-Kaluza-Klein theory of Field Unification for purposes of space propulsion and Mars science.
Brandenburg was also the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)
He currently works as a consultant to Morningstar Applied Physics. Here is one of his latest research endeavours. Brandenburg also works as a part time instructor of astronomy, physics, and mathematics at Madison College, and other learning institutions in Madison, Wisconsin.
Here’s what he had to say:
“Someone complained to me, John, why do you have to bring Cydonia into this? And I said, because I can read a map. . . . Here’s what’s at Cydonia Mensa. There’s the face on Mars, there’s the D & M pyramid. . . . Here it is in a second shot, this was taken July 25th, this was taken 30 days later, the government was apparently doing a follow-up investigation. These two pictures (pictures above to your left) tell you everything you need to know about what’s at Cydonia Mensa (region of Mars). If you see on a planet that used to be Earth-like, a carved human face and a pyramid within 5 km of each other . . . it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what this all means, you can connect the dots. . . . I mean sometimes, and I can tell you as a scientist and I’ve seen other scientists do this, if you’re cornered, you’re just brazing it out, you hold up a picture of a buffalo and insist that it’s a dog.
You can watch his entire lecture, or read THIS article we recently published on it to get his main points.
2. Dr. Brain O’Leary
Dr. Brian O’Leary was a NASA astronaut, and a member of the sixth group of astronauts selected by NASA in 1967. After this, he was recruited by Carl Sagan to teach at Cornell University in the late 1960s, where he researched and lectured in the Department of Astronomy and Physics. After Cornell, he taught physics, astronomy, and science policy assessment at various academic institutions, including the University of California Berkeley, Hampshire College, and finishing off at Princeton University from 1976 to 1981. After that, he went on to Washington, where he would become an advisor to various political leaders, presidential candidates, and the United States Congress. O’Leary was also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as secretary of the American Geophysical Union’s Planetology Section. Furthermore, he was the team leader of the Asteroidal Resources Group for NASA’s Ames Summer Study on Space Settlements. He was a founding board member of the International Association for New Science as well as founding president of the New Energy Movement.
O’Leary was always skeptical about Mars, and there are several others within these circles who were as well. I will be focusing on three.
He had some interesting things to say during a live interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot (view full live interview here, read transcript of video here). O’Leary and Carl Sagan were close for a number of years, but had a falling out when O’Leary decided to leave Cornell.
In the interview, he remarked:
“It was… One very cold snowy day in May, I landed in Syracuse, and there was a horizontal blizzard — in May — and I said: That’s it for upstate New York. And Carl thought that was very frivolous. Because, of course, he was kind of an empire-builder kind of guy; and he also had a huge ego.”
After he left, O’Leary started to examine some of Carl’s work. He said that the famous “Face” in Cydonia on Mars — photographed by Viking in 1975, this enormous formation (about a mile across) resembled a human face and created a major buzz at the time — was tampered with by Sagan before being released to the public:
“It was very, very disappointing to me, because not only was Carl wrong, he also fudged data. He published a picture of the ‘Face’ in Parade Magazine, a popular article, saying that the ‘Face’ was just a natural formation, but he doctored the picture to make it not look like a face.”
At this time, Sagan and O’Leary were arguably the world’s two leading experts on Mars, and they entered into many disagreements over that face. This rift was made clear in O’Leary’s publication in 1998, “Carl Sagan & I: On Opposite Sides of Mars.” It can be found in The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
I began to realize, just directly from the scientific point of view, not only hearsay, that this man was colluding with NASA, that there might be more to this than before. . . . Carl was on a committee with a number of notable people. There was a report issued by the Brookings Institution in 1961 — and that’s about when I knew Carl, during those years; the ’60s mostly was when I worked closely with him — that he and this other group said: Well, if any ETs ever showed up on the Earth, it has to be covered up. That’s the only way we’re going to be able to manage this, because if we can’t, then it would be too much of a culture shock.
Quite a shocking statement from someone of Brian’s stature, isn’t it? In the interview, he goes on to say that Carl and his colleagues recommended that the governments cover up the UFO phenomenon, and that he believes this provided justification for the ongoing coverup.
When it comes to Mars, as mentioned earlier in the article, Sagan was a big debunker of the face, publishing multiple works stating that it was not a face, there were no pyramids, and that these are all the stuff of conspiracy theories.
What’s interesting here is that not only does O’Leary mention Sagan and his relationship with him, but so does Dr. John Brandenburg. In the lecture he gave, cited earlier in the article, Brandenburg also mentions that he was in contact with Sagan, that he sent Sagan the images of Mars with an analysis of the Face and Pyramids, and that it was clear that that’s what they were. The response from Sagan to Brandenburg? “I never received them.”
3. Dr. Norman Burgrun
A mechanical engineer, Dr. Bergrun has worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin. He then went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research. Obviously, he is another qualified individual with an impressive background. You can view some of his publications for NASA, where he worked for more than a decade, here.
In THIS interview, Bergrun accuses that agency of “garbling” photos and fudging data, as well as the face that was found in Mars in 1976.
What Does This Tell Us and Why Is It Important?
We live in an age where more and more people are waking up to the secrecy that plagues our planet. Ten years ago, if you were to mention that we are being ‘watched’ through various high tech means, it would have been unbelievable, but thanks to people like Edward Snowden, we know this to be true.
It’s unfortunate to realize that so many facts about our world are kept hidden from us, supposedly for the sake of ‘national security,’ but it’s quite evident that there are also special interests at stake, and secrecy is used to preserve and uphold these interests, whatever they may be.
Today we have many whistleblowers with verified credentials from various agencies and branches of government who are spilling the beans on several different topics, as well as other evidence to corroborate and back up what the say. Our website is full of examples; the ones presented in this article represent just a select few.
While witness testimony is not always deemed credible, when you have up to, arguably, more than one thousand qualified people coming forward, it becomes difficult to ignore.
Today, in 2016, it’s important to keep an open mind, because information will keep emerging that threatens the belief systems of many. Too often we completely shut down any chance of even entertaining this type of information, and that’s done out of fear. When we’ve been shielded from the truth for so long it can indeed be scary, and sometimes downright unbelievable, to wake up to the truth.
Secrecy is a great way for the establishment to keep us in line and prevent the human race from growing, expanding, and exploring, but our consciousness is shifting. We are becoming more aware, more curious, and more passionate about creating a better human experience for the entire race. We are constantly distracted with our own lives, trying to put food on the table and make it through another work week, having our minds, thoughts, and wants programmed into our brains through mass marketing, but many people are no longer resonating with this type of human experience.
It’s time to start asking the bigger questions. It’s time for the human race to leave its infancy and grow into adulthood, and transparency is the first step. Proper progress cannot be made if a civilization tries to move forward blindly, unconscious of the true nature of reality.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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